#i might also add a magnetic button too if i ever find mine
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How to Download Marvel comics for free!
I’ve been thinking about writing this for a while especially since we’re all stick inside but last week Marvel made the shitty decision to transition various print titles to digital only, meaning they’re directly taking revenue away from local shops rather than delay the titles, so since Marvel thinks digital comics is such a cool idea I’m gonna show you how to download as many as you’d like! (oh also this is for windows only, idk how to do it if you own a mac but also you’re rich anyways so who cares buy the comics richie)
I don’t want to take money away from the people that need it, not the actual companies of Marvel and DC fuck them they’re dying and they deserve it, but for my own rationalizing I want to take a minute to plug the Hero Initiative, basically what it is an organization that provides for comic creators that are having hard times, comics are a rough industry and you don’t get into it to get rich, I won’t go into it too much you can read for yourself but it’s been endorsed by Stan Lee, Justin Ponsor, Mike Grell, Skottie Young, Rags Morales, a lot of big names, so I’d ask if you do follow this guide and download some comics for free please consider donating to the Hero Initiative (they also sell autographed prints and you can commission some really famous artists)
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anyways onto the good stuff! I’m going to be doing a fairly brief but easy to follow guide, there will be links at the bottom of the post so look for those, I’ll probably be making a few other posts with some more info so also check back for those if my blog is still here
What do I need?
You’re going to need 4 basic things if you want to do this as easily and safely as you can 
1) a good anti-virus
2) anonymous web browser (Tor)
4) a safe and reliable source for the comics
4) a torrent program to download the comics
Also optional: VPN
it’s good to remember when torrenting that no one is your friend, everyone is out to trick you and no one cares, honestly you should also have a good anti-virus though, I’m not really gonna tell you which one you should have but Norton 360 is pretty good but say that in a room of CS majors is the quickest way to start a fist fight, honestly just google it, you’re gonna have to do some research, but really you’re good as long as you don’t go with Avast or Kaspersky, I’m going to go over typical tricks and traps later to ensure safety, this is just basic overall security thing
Anonymous Web Browser (Tor)
next we’re gonna download Tor (you can do this before getting a VPN, like I said either one is going to put you on a list but using one to cover you getting the other at least mitigates it lol) Tor is a great open source project that allows for basically complete anonymous web browsing, it’s a project dedicated to privacy and disruption of corporations ability to control every aspect of our lives, also a friend of mine bought K off silk road with it once in highschool, really not too much you need to know about it before using it, just download it, let it configure and you’re good, also use Duck Duck go that it comes with, don’t switch it to chrome or anything, Duck Duck go is anonymous search service which better lends to Tor’s protection
Where to get the torrents
Now this is really important because you can have everything else set up but without a safe reliable source none of this is gonna do any good, but this is the dangerous part, torrent sites are notorious traps (I bricked more than on family PC on limewire) and this is why I said earlier to remember these people are not your friends and are out to hurt you, don’t click banner ads, don’t believe pop ups, make sure your virus protection is on and it’s a very good idea to have an adblocker on, also look out for another post I’ll be making on what download buttons to trust for different popular torrent sites
when talking comics (and remember specifically only Marvel comics) there’s no other name out there than Nemesis43, he is a god and he’s going to be your new best friend, there are groups and sites out there that do comic scans that you have to pay to join or like apply to join, that shit’s dumb as hell and I’ve never used them once and I’ve got more comic than I can read in my lifetime, you don’t need em and you especially don’t need to give them money, donate to the Hero Initiative instead
Nemesis has moved around a bit in the past (if you remember the WWT debacle) right now the main site for him is ettv (there will be a link at the end of the post) sites a bit barren but he’s there, he also has a reddit he gives updates on very rarely, generally if he moves he adds where his new home is in a text doc in his recent uploads, I fully trust him and his uploads, he’s been doing this for years and I’d never have a second thought downloading from him, also because he uploads so much he’s often very highly rated and verified on whatever site he’s on
The second place I’d recommend is getcomic (again there will be a link at the end), now this is very important, never donate to them, they kinda suck, basically they’re plugged into a bunch of different scanner groups and just steal those scans and put them up and then ask for donations, basically they’re just an aggregate (Nem kinda is too but he doesn’t ask for donations and stuff), they usually use browser downloads which are a complete pain so I’d really recommend Nemesis over them but they do have TheComicGuy on torrent galaxy for larger files but that updates a lot less frequently then the main site, again I trust these guys (as long as you’re on the actual site) but don’t trust any banner ads or pop ups, also for downloading they give multiple options, a lot are very sketchy, just use the main server
also there’s other sites like readcomics or newcomics, never used em, don’t like em, use at your own behest 
On sites like ettv you’re gonna want to use the magnet, someone years ago told me it was safer and I just believed them and have always used em, not sure if it’s true but it’s worked so whatever, really you shouldn’t be too worried about this stuff and if you follow this guide you’re going to be way over prepared to download comics, really no one cares about comic torrenting, movies, video games, tv shows that’s the stuff people really get caught on, this is just nerd shit
I’m going to be making another post showing how to use these sites, and other sites comic can be found on so look back at my blog for that
Torrent program
This is pretty basic, just get utorrent, it’s what I’ve always used, it works, whatever, definitely look this up with a VPN on or on Tor, it’s simple to use, I’ll be doing a short tutorial on how to make it even safer
Lastly this one is optional but a pretty good idea, for more than just this
VPN aka Virtual Privacy Network
honestly you can get the anonymous web browser (Tor) or the VPN first, their both going to help cover you downloading the other and honestly both are going to put you on a list for googling them (which is why I suggest looking for someone who just already has the .exes ((I always keep them on a thumbdrive for when I have to reset one of my computers)), I might try to make a google drive with em but also I might not bc that sounds like work and I’m already typing all this up), anyways I’m not really gonna explain what a VPN is, there’s a lot of resources that can explain it better than I can but basically it masks what you do on the internet, there’s a lot of choices when picking a VPN but the big thing I looked for when choosing mine was 1) non-US based so it’s harder for US investigation agencies to request stuff for them or get anything from them 2) one that doesn’t keep logs, honestly they all do even if they say they don’t, but you wanna look for one that hasn’t turned over many logs to US agencies and 3) unlimited peer 2 peer connections which is complicated but basically means you can torrent stuff anonymously and with decent speed. Like Anti-Virus there are a ton of different VPN’s out there, you really have to do research because there are actual accounts of FBI agencies crating VPN’s telling people they’re anonymous when really they had direct access to all the info, I haven’t done any research but NordVPN seems kinda like one of these, really the more they advertise the more suspicious I am, Just google “best vpn 2020″ and look at like 5 lists and read the the stuff, personally I use IPvanish which unfortunately is US based and while it gave over logs in 2016 even thought they said they didn’t keep any but now they’re owned by a new company that super double promises they don’t (again who cares they all do) but they’ve allow P2P and use 256-bit AES encryption
I wanna take a second to mention that this isn’t going to be free, this is the only place you’re going to be spending money (besides donating to Heroe Initative of course), a good VPN is about $100 a year which all in all isn’t terrible, technically you can just get by on the anonymous browser but this gives you an extra layer of security to pretty much ensure you won’t get caught and plus in the ever worsening internet hell world a VPN is becoming more and more important, I’m sure you can find articles about it but yea you don’t technically need a VPN but it’s useful for more than just this
How to work it all
Ok so this is gonna be a little stream of consciousness, as this all kinda has been, so sorry but I’m gonna try and explain it as best I can and also feel free to ask any questions on this blog, I’ll check back eventually I’m sure
So first thing first, make sure you’re virus protection is on and you’re connected on your VPN if you’re using it (you can google “what is my IP” to double check it’s working) then load up Tor, let it load and connect up and whatever, then go to https://www.ettvdl.com/user/Nemesis43 (I’m just gonna show this with Nemesis43, maybe I’ll make another one for getcomics but that’s pretty straight forward, also nem is better)
now remember we’re only here for Marvel comics, so scroll past all those thousands of other comics this would work exactly the same for, I’m gonna go for Ant-Man #4 which was released on the 13 as a digital only comic despite the first three issues being physical copies and now sit on my shelf forever unfinished making me look like a complete penis
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it may take a while but it’s going to look like this, click on the blue words, it’s gonna take you to a page that looks like this
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now from here we’re going to get the magnet link, right click and select copy link address, I like doing this because it limits my interactions with the page, note the advertisement at the top telling me I need a VPN despite thinking I’m in Guadalajara (which for legal reasons I am)
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just copy that and then go to utorrent and click the add link
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it’ll open a little box, it should add the link automatically, if it doesn’t just hit ctrl+V
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hit ok and it’ll load it up, it might need to download some metadata but after that it should be good, oh also it might bring up a window basically asking where you want to save it and what to name it, you can set all that up in preferences, I did so I just turned that window off and can’t be assed to turn it back on, just hit ok if you don’t wanna bother with that stuff, it’ll go into your downloads by default
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and that’s it really, it’s that easy, I might make another thing talking about how to make utorrent more anonymous or whatever so look for that, but stock it’s fine, also when it’s finished downloading it’s gonna start seeding (like uploading to someone else) I’ve always been a scumbag and I never seed but Nemesis seeds stuff so much you really don’t need to anyways, just select it and hit the stop button (the black square on the tool bar)
here are all the links I could think of
Hero Initiative
download Tor
here’s a guide for VPNs
download utorrent
song I found recently that I like
so yea that’s pretty much the basics, be smart, be safe, any viruses you get are on you but I hope you found this helpful and feel free to ask any questions
oh and also this is all parody and I’ve never actually torrented anything, I don’t even own a computer
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Tantric Flames: Chapter: 9
Tantric Flames
Nalu lovefest 2019 Prompts: Magic, Worship, Reckless , Forbidden and Cravings (All Implied)
Genres: Romance, Humor, New Adult Fanfiction
Pairing:Nalu (Natsu x Lucy)
Rating: M for language, steamy and mature adult sexual content (all consensual) in these and future chapters. Reader Direction is advised.(You've been warned!)
Summary: One look, one smouldering hooded gaze, one word, one fiery kiss, one magnetizing touch was all he needed for her to completely unravel at his mercy alone, succumbing to the sinful temptation of her inhibitions, his love, his feral passion, his raw, insatiable desires, his "Tantric Flames". Originally an Submission for Nalulovefest 2017 (on previous accounts) in which Natsu gives his mate a tantric massage-after much persuasion- she won't soon forget when it turns into so much more. Also previously featured in Nalu lovefest 2018 (on current accounts) , as well as Nalu Week 2017, Nalu Fluff Week and Nalu lovefest 2017 (as stated) with first three chapters on my previous celestialgeekmage accounts . Chapter 7 was also an entry for nalu week 2019 and Chapter 8 for Nalu Lovefest 2019. ( Nalu-centric) (Slight Au).
Chapter 9: Tempted by A Tantric Touch
A/N: Hey guys, it's your girl Millennial StarGazer! This time I'm returning with another long-awaited installment of Tantric Flames. Once again, a major thanks to and koodos to @bmarvels, @mannyegb, @animezing-fandoms/princess-starry-night, and @allie-and-her-fandoms for helping me edit and further develop this chapter! Now without further ado, here's the story-enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own Fairytail which belongs to the one and only Hiro-sensei instead!
(Note: Scroll down pas the keep reading button/ cut for the designated links, legend and actual chapter.  The tagging feature and keep reading button might not show up or fully work on the desktop site but should function just fine on the app and mobile version.
Read More of Tantric Flames and the rest of my writing on here and other plaftorms.
)Note: You may need to Copy and paste designated links into a new browser tab or window if reading on the desktop site)
1. Tantric Flames
A. Tumblr Version
(Previous Chapter:) (Click Here:)   (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/188352271948/tantric-flames-chapter-8-tantric-art-of)
Chapter: 9          (Next Chapter ) (Coming Soon)
B. Fanfiction (Click Here:) ( or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13114990/1/Tantric-Flames-reupload-from-cosmicdragonwizardaccounts)
C. A03 (Click Here:) ( or here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17063882/chapters/40123739)
2. Master  Post Of All My Writing (Click Here:)  ( or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179665258923/master-fic-rec-post)
Italic: Song Lyrics/Quotes (or flashback dialogue)
Bold: First Person Thoughts
Bolded Italics: Empathized Word(s)
Bolded Italics (Within and Outside Bracket) including for author's side notes also known as (A/N:) within brackets (though none for side-notes in this chapter ).
"You run your fingers over every part of my body and tease me with your touch".
(Source Unknown)
Oh God, those love bites. So many love bites that decorated the blonde's creamy skin like jewels; far too numerous to count that always sent a red-hot line fire rippling through her nerves with with every nip, every suck; each every and stroke of Natsu's velvet tongue. Plus, he's usually doing other things at the same time. Racy images of the couple's steamy moments together from the last soak flooded Lucy's mind.
The celestial mage's back arching of its own accord into Natsu's touch from robust hands cupping her breast; Blazing digits kneading the twin peaks in time with lips sucking along Lucy's pulse with so much skill that she couldn't help the heady moan that escaped her throat.
"Ya feel that, Luce?" Nastu growled in his princess's ear, the dark undercurrent of his territorial voice pulling a tingly shiver from her. "My marks all over that perfect body of yours— and not just the permanent one when you swore your heart to me . All of those are symbols of my essence, my claim, my love. That you belong to me and me alone. My mate and queen, forever and always. And those sounds you're makin'? Hot as hell."
Pretty sure, dude leaves marks on me as his way of announcing to the world I'm off limits as his mate. Explains why he's always quick to leave a fresh one in its place even after I cover them— not that I'm complaining. Plus, it's not only for his benefit but mine. It's great that he knows how much I love receiving hickeys and gets off from it.
Seriously, what more could I ask for?
Not to mention how lovely it always was to unwind with Natsu after each bath. The wizard was often keen in his offer to dry the blonde's damp hair with a towel or fire-magic-powered steam; from her perch on his lap or between his legs. 
Much more relaxing than using a hair dryer if you ask me.
 The dragonslayer would sometimes even hum or sing a familiar tune from days past in that appealing, gravelly baritone of his; would usually lull the already-zen mage into the world of dreams when combined with the sooth dual sensation of fingers combing through her hair, .
"I tell you, I tell you, the dragonborn comes ..."
Anyother guild member who might be eavesdropping, however, would often be quick to lightheartedly goad the blonde mage ( much to her chargin). Natsu no doubt would find this hilarious of course; which would serve for Lucy's cheeks to flush an even deeper shade of crimson than she already was.
"Say Luce, is that a blush I see?" he once crooned, a teasing edge to his words; though the affectionate mirth sparkling in his eyes warmed her heart just a little. "Aw, is my girl a little embarrassed? That's okay though— makes ya all the more adorable and endearing than you already are. You want me to make it all better? Cuz I can! Got plenty of kisses! Come on, you know you want some which I'm more than happy to give. God I love ya' so much, you know that?"
It's amazing really... Lucy ruminated in fond awe. How Natsu can switch between the different roles and sides to him with relative ease. From Romantic and tender to dominant, playful and affectionate; then back again on top of everything else all seemingly at the drop of a hat. All an innate part of his overall nature I guess— essentially what makes up who he is. Some people may find this a bit confusing to keep up with— but I don't. Just makes him all the more complex.
Though those people would also be right when they say that the dude still has a devious streak, she couldn't help but add with wry smirk. Even with me, though never with malicious intent. German suplex, non-stop tickling, dumping me in a tub of freezing cold water during one of our baths— too many pranks to count really. At least he's always quick to follow up with plenty of affection ever since we became an item— can't complain about that."
"You ready to get started Lucy?" Natsu's keen voice broke through Lucy's reverie.
"You know it!" The celestial mage chirped, unable to mask the pure enthusiasm in her voice; earning an amused chuckle from the dragon wizard . "Can't wait. I take it you'll be hoarding me for the rest of the afternoon?"
"Mhmm" Came his content hum in response." That really a bad thing, though?"
"No, definitely not."
"I figured. Why don't we get you up on that massage bed?"
"Sure thing!"
A buzz of anticipation was practically thrumming in Lucy's blood from such tantalizing implications of his words; the stunt Natsu pulled next , though— that was what really shot a thrilling jolt up her spine.
"Let's finish what we started later, yeah?"
The dragonslayer's proposal was punctuated by a light tap on the summoner's ass for good measure,; which resulted in a delighted squeal.
"O-okay!" was said female's response in the form of a breathy giggle.
"Let me get you that towel while I'm at it."
"Sure— thanks."
"My pleasure."
A Few Minutes Later
"Ugh...do me a huge favor and burn this towel. Will ya?"
Lucy couldn't help but let out an audible groan along with the heat rising in her cheeks. Good god was the particularly moist spot on the white towel a truly mortifying sight to behold. Basically tell-tale remnants of liquid arousal that had been wiped clean from her legs just moments before.
Mavis only knows what would happen if Levy or Cana noticed during laundry duty.
" Okay... why though?" Natsu questioned, brows drawing together in mild confusion. "As in why do you want me to?"
"Guild Laundry day" came Lucy's automatic reply."That's why."
"Not following ya.' Natsu blinked owlishly in uncomprehension.
"Levy…..and Cana….." Lucy supplied, a finger twirling an errant strand of blonde hair in :a self-conscious display." "I... uh.."
"Still don't know what you mean here, Luce."
"It's their turn to do laundry duty." She attempted to break down what was apparently such an abstract concept into simpler terms; not able to help the aggravation rising in the back of her mind.
"Yeah? So?"
"They'll probably see the moist stain on the towel." Lucy clarified, forcing her voice to remain level.
"I see— don't see the problem though."
"Think about who'll most likely be with them ."
"Gajeel and Laxus but…...ahh—"
Realization dawned on Natsu's face. "I get it now. What you're saying is that they'll probably catch a whiff of your arousal? "
"Well, the lingering remnants of the scent anyway. Seriously though?" he tacked on, lifting a questioning brow."That's what you're worried about?"
"Yeah... I am," Lucy admitted, nerves leaking into her voice. "Aren't you?"
"Not really, no." Natsu gave a shrug of his shoulders—seemingly unfazed.
"Why's that?" Lucy couldn't help but shoot him a puzzled glance. 
"Cuz it'll show everyone how much I rocked your world." Natsu replied, flashing his mate a cheeky grin. " And what's not to love about that?"
"Pervert — of course you'd say that!" Lucy screeched, skin flushing a deep shade of crimson.
"That's me!"
"Ugh, still don't know what to do about the moist spot— those four are never gonna let me live it down."
"You know if you're that worried, I could always use my tongue to clean ya up instead." Natsu drawled with a lazy smirk that set her heart all pit-patter .
"And of course, you'd suggest that," Lucy quipped with a slight roll of her eyes. "Did I mention how much of a horn dragon you are? "
"Yeah, but only for a certain gorgeous blonde of mine and she loves it."
"Oh, she does, huh?" Lucy raised a challenging brow.
"Yep. Don't bother trying to deny it, Luce".
"Ugh fine... you're right. I do. Seriously, you and your colossal ego though."
"Why, thank you! If you're impressed by that, you'd really should see my co—"
The rest of Natsu's words were cut off by Lucy's hand swatting him with a pillow which was met with a snicker.
"Pervert" Lucy deadpanned with another eye roll. "By way, you would've found yourself in the proverbial dog house if you actually meant the other kind of 'fighting earlier."
Only for Natsu's face to instantly fall in response to her statement.
"What?" Natsu objected, gaping at her with wide eyes. " And deprive me of the chance to wake up to your beautiful face each morning for that long?!"
"Yep." Lucy gave a nod by way of reply.
"But why? You know that's not the type of fightin' I met!"
"Well yeah, I know that now. But not earlier when you originally brought up. Just be glad that you didn't bail on our date earlier."
"I didn't though! And never would— honest Luce!" Natsu's voice lifted into a petulant whine.
"Hmm.. Okay, good to know. " Lucy responded, raising her hands to placate him. "Though you'll have to be without me for a few days anyway.
"Wait, seriously?" Natsu faltered , bewildered panic flashing in his eyes. . "Come on! What is it this time?"
"Camping retreat in the woods next week that Cana, Mira, Lisanna, and Erza are organizing— ladies only."
"W-ha?" Natsu continued to sputter, his poor brain no doubt short circuiting by now." But Elfman said that it was open to anyone who's free to go!"
"Really? Lucy mused in thoughtful interest. "That's not what I heard... huh."
"What am I supposed to do without you?"
"How about something fun with the guys? Should be nice, right?"
"Yeah, but so is spending time with you Lucy! It's always more fun when we're together like you said."
"And I don't disagree. Doesn't change anything though. The trip's still happening."
"Didn't say it wasn't but it'd still suck here without you! Natsu moaned, that desperate sense of longing bleeding into his voice. " I'd miss ya' too much! So would our little buddy! Can't we tag along? Maybe Even share an air mattress in a decent-sized tent? I'd gladly help set up and keep you cozy in my arms at night."
"What about Happy?" Lucy questioned, intrigued by his suggestion. His offer does sound really tempting.
"Obviously he'd share the tent with us but would have his own sleeping bag and could hang with Wendy and Carla whenever we wanted alone time. Plus there are all these cool spots I could take you to on nature hikes!."
"Sounds great."
"Course it is! So whaddya say? You onboard?" Natsu wheedled, flashing her what could only be described as the most flawless puppy eyes she'd ever seen.
"Aw that's really tempting and" Lucy gushed, heart contracting at the adorable pout he was throwing in too. Normally I'd say yes"— but it'll have to wait. Thank you though! I'd love to take you up on that offer another day."
"Oh come on— please I wanna go!" Natsu huffed,stamping his foot as if he were a child pitching a fit over being denied a coveted toy- quite an amusing display to say the least.
"Not this time I'm afraid. Sorry, them's the brakes."
"Lucyyyyyyyyy!" Natsu whined again, dragging the syllables of her name with such melodrama that she finally decided to let him off the hook
" Jeez.. enough with the dramatics already. " Lucy yielded with an exasperated groan, You can still come— the trip is for everyone. I was only kidding after all."
Said confession was met with a noise of stunned dimsay from from the pyro.
"Wait... so ya' mean to tell me that this was a joke?! he muttered, voice coming out with a small pinch of disbelief. "You were pulling my leg the entire time?"
"Yep— consider it payback for me making think you were gonna ditch earlier."
"That's why? That's not nice, Luce— not very nice at all." Natsu grumbled, though not with any real heat.
"Oh yeah, what are you gonna do about it?" Lucy baited, a daring lilt to her words.
" Oh —- wouldn't you like to know?" Natsu rumbled, eyes sparking in a such a calculating way that it sent a electrifying chill down Lucy's spine.
"I would— ngh! Nastuuuu!"
The rest of what Lucy was attempting to say Lucy's words were cut off by the lighting- fast sweep of Natsu's velvet tongue up her thighs . Not to mention that electric high-voltage jolt of ecstasy flooding her veins.
"There! that should show ya!" Natsu let out a cackle of glee. " Not to ever play dirty tricks on a dragon I mean. Guess you're not gonna need that towel after all, huh Lucy?"
"My God..."
"Yeah, I know . Just that amazing with my tongue, I guess. Natsu purred, voice laced with am indecorous promise "Plus, hearing ya' scream my name like that just gave me another hard-on that I'd love for you to see .. "
"Jeez … of course it'd would . and no real shocker that you would say something like that."
"Yep- you know me so well, Luce. and it's not like you're complain' anyway. Want me to prove it?"
" Maybe.. But God- you're such a pompous ass, you know that?"
"Yeah but all part of my charm, sweetheart."
A/N: And that's Chapter 9 folks! My apologies for the delay by the way! I originally wanted to post this much sooner but got hit with writer's block after getting a somewhat stumped on a particular segment of this chapter. I've also been with my other ongoing fanfics, WIPs and responsibilities among other things in my life . That all aside, at least this chapter was finally posted! Now please feel free to do me a solid and let me know what you think by leaving a comment/ review! Stay tuned for Chapter 10 too! Oh and please feel free to check out the rest of my writing which can be found above, on my profiles and in master post if reading this on tumblr. All right, that's pretty much all I have to say for now! Thanks to all my mutuals/friends, readers and followers for their continuous support over the years! (Corresponding links for the master of my writing and profiles can be found above, in the navigation bar of the desktop and bio if reading this on tumblr.) Until next time-take care!
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malecsecretsanta · 4 years
Merry Christmas, @leetje!
happy holidays leonie, have a wonderful time of love and celebration! i hope you enjoy your fic! x
Read on AO3
wherever you are is the place i belong
Of all the things Magnus expected to be doing an hour before midnight on Christmas Eve, trekking through inches of dense Hungarian snow was not one that had crossed his mind. It was all that rat bastard Lorenzo Rey’s fault for antagonizing the notoriously reclusive and anal-retentive High Warlock of Budapest.
Gergo Bartos had grown perilously distrustful through the centuries and his spellwork reflected that—but it didn’t keep Lorenzo from asserting the possibility that he purposefully sabotaged the warding of the archives in the Spiral Labyrinth, leading to a security breach. Bartos was livid, and sent word to the Clave and the Warlock Council that he refused to ever again be brought to a conference, summit, or any such engagement where he had to share space with Rey.
Naturally, the solution was to send the High Warlock of Alicante and the Inquisitor to Budapest on Christmas Eve to try to smooth things over.
“I’m going to strangle that man the next time I see him,” Magnus grumbled to himself, carefully avoiding a slick glaze of black ice.
Alec’s fingers pressing into Magnus’ forearm flexed as he looked down at the mounds of wet snow below his boots. “Lorenzo? I’ll back you.”
Looking over at him, with delicate little snowflakes trapped on his eyelashes and the soft ends of his hair, Magnus felt that familiar lurching feeling in his chest, like for a second his heart stopped just to take him in. The silvery moonlight reflected off the snow and formed a backlighting that gave his angel the halo he deserved, resting on the crown of his head. The high points of his cheeks were flushed pink from the cold, as was the tip of his nose.
Maybe this turn of events wasn’t totally unfortunate.
“Are you too cold?” Magnus asked, sending a pulse of warmth to the surface of his skin and letting it bleed out to Alec.
Alec shivered at the sharp contrast in temperature, then leaned in close to press his face to Magnus’ cheek. “Ugh, that feels so good. I didn’t know it got this cold here. It’s not as bad as New York but still…”
“Your nose is ice!”
Pressing his face more enthusiastically against Magnus’ with a deep, throaty chuckle, Alec peppered kisses with cold lips against the round of his cheek. “When we get home, can we take a hot bath? Maybe add a bath bomb or two, a couple mugs of tea, some eucalyptus candles, and a Sam Cooke vinyl playing.”
“I love when you talk dirty to me,” Magnus teased, catching the tip of his nose against Alec’s in an aborted Inuit kiss. “That sounds like absolute heaven. Did you know there are some divine thermal springs here in Budapest? The Széchenyi Baths are open all year round you know. Maybe we’ll find the time to indulge.”
“You know patience isn’t a virtue of mine when it comes to you, Mr. Lightwood-Bane.” Alec nipped at Magnus’ earlobe with his teeth, a gentle sting of pleasure. A soft sigh punctuated the wistful declaration and preceded the next words out of his mouth. “How much further?”
“Not far.”
“And we can’t portal because…?”
“We can’t portal in because Gergo has perfected the enchantment that surrounds his property; it doesn’t allow portals in or out within a certain distance of his home. This is as close as I could get us without potentially risking life and limb. Believe me, getting spliced would be the least of our worries if we tried.”
As the woods grew denser, clearly capable of making a lesser person claustrophobic, the strength of Bartos’ magic signature grew. Magnus could feel the hairs on the back of his neck standing up and goosebumps spread across his skin.
“Do you feel that?” Alec asked, stopping suddenly in his tracks and pulling an arrow from his glamoured quiver and nocking it in his bow.
Holding out a hand to keep Alec from making a sudden move, Magnus’s magic began to probe their surroundings for a trigger, a thread lying in wait to be pulled. “Wait.”
Like a flash of lightning, a bolt of raw energy shot through the trees, and Magnus only just stopped it in its tracks before it reached them. “Látom, hogy az idő még ébersé tette Önt, Gergo,” he called out evenly, keeping his eyes on it.
“Bane? Te vagy az?” a voice responded from somewhere unidentifiable in the distance.
“Az inkvizitátor Lightwood-Bane-nél vagyok.” The concentrated energy Magnus was holding at bay suddenly dissipated, and he lowered his arm back to his side. “We’re here as representative authorities on behalf of the Warlock Council and the Clave.”
From the darkness of the vast woods, a man suddenly appeared from a glimmering portal of opalescent magic. His hair was a darker shade of blond, and his eyes were a deep brown that almost looked black from where he stood. His physique was mostly hidden under the long black robes he wore and the loose button up shirt, but what was clear was that he was very tall with softer features. “This is about that rohadék, Lorenzo. I made it clear that I will not be cooperating with him any longer. I did nothing to sabotage our people’s haven and source of community. I would hope that is something you would know about me without a shadow of a doubt, Magnus.”
Shifting away from Alec to move towards Gergo, Magnus nodded and held out one hand in a peaceful gesture. “I do. I believed you from the beginning. We didn’t come here to accuse you of anything.”
“Is that so?” Gergo looked at him, and then at Alec, with stern eyes and a set jaw. Some of the ice in his expression had thawed, however, and he looked less guarded than when they began. “To what do I owe the visit, then?”
“We can prove your innocence,” Alec stated simply, speaking up for the first time.
“Color me curious.” With a wave of his hand, a pale blue sheet of magic appeared and formed a barrier that started just behind him. Slowly, it began to peel away, allowing Gergo to step through. “A more comfortable venue seems best to continue this.”
Magnus put his hand on Alec’s lower back, steering him gently. He also used the opportunity to his advantage, pressing faint traces of protective magic onto Alec with fingers teasing just under the fabric of his coat, sweater, and t-shirt to brush tenderly across his skin.
They walked towards an old-style mansion that had just dropped its glamour—it looked like the sister establishment to the Sacelláry Mansion. Its exterior was as immaculate and pristine as the day it was built, though it almost seemed to be existing in a place where time didn’t wear down what it touched. There were large columns that barred the front, balconies off every window from the second floor up to the attic. It was painted a crisp ivory color with minimal accents of chestnut brown, still perfectly preserved. The inside was mostly cold, sterile marble in white or black, save for the doors which were large oak double panels. The hallway seemed to stretch on forever, with numerous doors on either side, until Gergo stopped at one and opened in, gesturing for the two of them to go inside.
It was the apothecary, markedly different from Magnus’ own with its more chaotic atmosphere. Nearly every surface housed magical objects and items, numerous bookshelves stuffed full with tomes, journals, and volumes were pushed against the walls, and a massive cabinet of glass vials full of potions, tinctures, and salves of varying colors sat snugly in the space just inside the room beside the door. “I’m prepared to prove my innocence, no matter what effort it may require from me,” he stated bluntly, taking a thin stack of papers from the desk in the corner. “This is how I created the warding. Whoever was able to slip between the cracks would have to know even more than just how to find the back doors—they would need to understand the minutia of the mechanisms I applied.”
Magnus looked at the outstretched hand and its proffered notes written in hurried cursive. After a few moments of reading, it became clear that there were extensive adaptations in the spellwork that made it unique. Whoever had managed to hijack it would need some prior knowledge. But… “You put in a tripwire.”
“I did.”
“I haven’t been allowed access to the Spiral Labyrinth since the breach. So I don’t know.” Gergo walked around the desk to be opposite them and opened one of the drawers. “If it was triggered, this would detect it.” A small, round stone that was milky-white and appeared to encase something living inside that swirled in ceaseless, shapeless movements. “It acts like a magnet of sorts, attracting the energy source it touched.”
Alec came up behind Magnus, reaching into his coat pocket and pulling out a test tube of a navy blue substance. “One of the best forensic pathologists in our Institutes managed to isolate the energy signatures that were found within the warding and then reduced it down into a concentrated form. This might be able to give us an answer.” He pulled off the stopper and held it out towards Gergo.
As soon as the stone got within a few centimeters of the substance, the swirling insides became frantic and turned a dark gray.
All three men looked up at one another.
“We’ll take this to the Summit tomorrow,” Magnus declared. “The sample Isabelle provided, and the stone.”
For a moment, Gergo just observed him with narrowed eyes.
If Alec weren’t with him, Magnus thinks, maybe he would be more inclined to have faith that he could be trusted with the responsibility. Things had changed when Magnus became Alicante’s high warlock—rumors had circled that maybe his alliance was shifting, maybe he had lost himself in the dizzy daydreams of his shadowhunter lover. He’d had to choose between his love and his people before, and he hoped never to face it again because it nearly tore him apart. But he was loyal to the people it was job, both formally and informally, to protect.
“Swear a blood oath,” Gergo finally said.
Without skipping a beat, Alec, still at Magnus’ side, pulled an adamas blade from his boot. “I’ll go first.” He glanced over at Magnus with an understanding expression that made it clear that he had gauged the situation correctly. He pressed the sharp point to his palm just hard enough to draw blood, and then clenched his hand into a fist so it dripped down onto the stone still writhing inside. “Et sanguis meus, ut accipiat fidem meam. Si fractum ita et ego.”
Magnus clenched his fist tight enough that his nails dug into his skin to break it. “Et sanguis meus, ut accipiat fidem meam. Si fractum ita et ego.” His blood fell slow in droplets, mingling with Alec’s in a way that made something in his chest go tight.
When they left, bloodied hands clasped together, Magnus felt Alec’s pulse against his in the midst of the wet warmth.
“That could have gone worse,” Alec pointed out, speaking quietly among the ambient silence of the woods.
Magnus chuckled wryly, looking over at him. “Politics are rarely ever a situation in which anyone wins.”
The soft crunching of snow beneath their boots with each step was abnormally prevalent with how quiet the city had become. The snow was still falling at a steady pace and accumulating on the ground, making a pristine and untouched layer of soft white.
“Well my love, since we won’t be getting much sleep tonight anyway, how about that bath you tantalized me with earlier?” Magnus suggested as he brought them to a stop.
Alec grinned at him like the sun rose and fell at his command, and Magnus had to look away to keep from being completely incapacitated by it. “That sounds perfect.”
Before the portal home could be summoned though, the clock tower that loomed above them began to toll midnight.
“Merry Christmas, Alexander,” Magnus murmured, putting his hands tenderly on either side of Alec’s face to bring him in for a kiss. It was soft and warm and tasted like snow.
“Merry Christmas, Magnus.”
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straykidsuniversal · 5 years
The Phoenix and The Fallen Star⭐️
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Pairing: Seo Changbin x Lee Felix
Genre: Angst x Fluff
Warning: Swearing
A/N: Shoutout to my friend for the inspiration and guidance ⭐️
Summary: Lee Felix (20) is a student studying at Yonsei Law School. He is a very intelligent and independent student who works mornings during the week to pay off his massive amount of debt at a local dance studio teaching kids aged 5-10 years old how to dance. After an unexpected death of not only a co-worker he’s been working with for years, but also a close companion of his; he decides that he has to keep their memories alive so, he does something quite unconventional for a law student and gets a tattoo in his best friend’s honor. Seo Changbin (22) works at the most popular tattoo parlor in Seoul, Korea. (Seoul Ink Tattoo Studio) Changbin has one of the biggest names in the industry; everyone wants this talented tattoo artist to tat them up. His name gets thrown around like the L o v e word. Everybody knows his name, except for Lee Felix. Will the two cross paths? Keep reading to find out.
As Felix walks down the narrow streets of Seoul in a bit of a haze; he somehow manages to focus on an older man who is puffing a cigarette outside the gas station. Felix is the most anxious he’s ever been in his life. He’s getting his first tattoo today. What would his family think of their son who is studying law? Is he now rebelling against the system? Will he ever get a job in the work force? Felix snaps out of these negative thoughts and decides to walk over to this man. “E-excuse me sir” he stumbles over his words. “Would you happen to have an extra cigarette and a light?” He’s never even taking a sip of beer in his life and now all of a sudden he’s giving into the nicotine. The man doesn’t say more than one word. “Yeah.” He pulls out the box of Marlboro and hands the shaky boy a cigarette. Felix thanks him and places the cigarette between his quivering lips. The generous man lights it up for him and he’s on his way; he has somewhere to be after all. He inhales the strong smoke and starts coughing like crazy and watches as all the smoke leaves his mouth and into the crisp air. Felix comes across every store you could ever imagine before finally making it to his destination. Felix reads the sign in bright neon lights and big bold letters SEOUL INK TATTOO STUDIO. #1 TATTOO STUDIO IN SEOUL.
Felix puts out his first cigarette and takes a deep breath before opening the door and entering this foreign place. This is all for you. He thinks to himself as he looks around at all the pictures and tattoo designs on the wall. The blond haired boy listens in on the heavy guitar based music which sounded so unfamiliar from his classical pieces he’d listen to while studying. He notices the people around him aren’t dressed in a white button down shirt and a pastel pink cardigan like himself. They are drowning in black clothes from head to toe. Just when he thought his heart couldn’t beat through his chest any faster it could. Just when he thought his sweaty palms couldn’t get any sweater they did just that. Felix gulped as his eyes landed on the handsome man working behind the counter and his eyes went into full focus. One of the first things Felix noticed about the dark haired tattoo artist was his smile that sparkled like sunrays on fresh powdered snow to every single customer he spoke with. His eyes were like a magnetic force. Felix wanted to follow his chestnut brown eyes wherever they wandered. His soft and lush raven like hair went along with his whole e boy look. He had an eyebrow piercing, a lip piercing, and his ears pierced with diamond studs. His tattoo collection was pretty impressive as well. He had a whole sleeve complete and who knows what else.
“Next in line please” the tattoo artist calls to Felix who seems to be in his own dream world. “Hello” he waves his hands in front of his face. Felix snaps out of his thoughts and makes eye contact with the man realizing he’s first in line now. “O-oh sorry” he stumbles across his words and bites down on his knuckles. “How can I help you today? Are you looking to get a tattoo?” He says in an excitable tone assuming he’s a newbie to the tattoo world. There he goes again flashing that charming smile; perhaps his heart melted right there. “Yes, actually I have an idea for a tattoo that I want.. to put on my body.” Felix scrunches his nose as he cringes at his choice of words. “May I have a look?” Changbin asks politely as he looks at the cutie before him. He looks into Felix’s pure Bambi like eyes and his blond locks that fall near his eyes. He also notices his bright appearance in choice of clothing and the dark piercings in his ear. He tries not to giggle at the boy attempting to be darker than he truly is. “Ah yeah sure.” Felix pulls up a picture of two stars and shows it to the professional. “It’s Peter Pan inspired. Second star to the right.” He smiles and waits for the raven haired guy’s response. “Easy enough I can take you back right away. I’m Changbin by the way.” Changbin starts leading him to the back. “You can sit right here. Is this your first time getting inked?” Changbin points to the seat. Felix takes a seat in the chair and shyly responds, “yes, this will be my first tattoo ever.” He looks closely at all of changbin’s dope tattoos. “You have quite the collection.” Felix smiles up at the older who is busy sketching out the stars with a pencil and paper. “Tattoos are like a gateway drug to me once I got this one it was never enough and now here I am covered in tattoos.” Changbin giggles as he points to his first tattoo that’s only partially showing. It strikes interest in felix and he stirs up another question for the artist. “May I ask what it is and what exactly it means to you?” Changbin puts down the sketch briefly and rolls up his sleeve revealing a Phoenix. “This was my first ever tat. I’m really into Greek Mythology and I love the Phoenix and what it symbolizes. It was at a time in my life when I had a rebirth. I wanted to start again. I didn’t have the easiest upbringing. My mom had me at seventeen and prioritized the party life and drugs over me and my dad you know how that story goes.” Changbin looks down to the ground. Changbin has never opened up so much to a stranger in his life. What has gotten into him? Felix listens intently to everything Changbin says and admires his monumental tattoo along with his muscular biceps. “Wow, I love that. I’m so glad you turned something negative into something positive.” Felix shakes his head.
Changbin shrugs his shoulders, “I guess so. So what’s the Peter Pan Star inspired tattoo about?” He asks curiously as he finishes up the sketch. Felix freezes as he flashes back to the recent traumatic event. “The one star is for my grandmother who passed away a few years ago and the..” Felix pauses for a moment since it’s still a very touchy subject for him. “The second star is for a good friend of mine who recently passed away.” Felix’s voice breaks as he spills the words out. “Oh my gosh.. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to trigger you.” Changbin unconsciously places his hand on his arm to comfort him. “It’s alright. It’s not your fault. He was my best friend.” Felix can still hear his cries when he found out the news. “His name was Taemin. He had a seizure in his sleep and ah it killed him unexpectedly.” Changbin can see the pain in Felix’s eyes and caresses his arm. “Wow, this world can be so damn cruel! I’m so sorry for your loss. I know I’m just some random tattoo artist, but I’m here for you if you ever want to talk about it. What’s your name?” Changbin grabs some purple,blue, and yellow to add some color to the stars that mean the world to the Bambi eyed boy. “Thank you that really means a lot to me. So, overall the stars to me symbolize my siruis. They are the brightest stars in my night sky and they give me guidance when I feel alone and lost. Sorry I forgot to mention that my name is Felix” Felix smiles as he gets the words out. “Would you like to see what I’ve come up with?” Changbin sticks his tongue out slightly due to concentrating on final touches to the the beautiful sparkly purple, blue, and yellow stars he’s sketched out. Felix admires how cute the dark boy looks when he’s deep in thought and concentration. “I’d love to!” Felix claps his hands excitedly and tries to peek at the paper with the sketch on it not being able to contain his curiosity. Seo Changbin turns the paper around revealing his hard work to Felix. “What do ya think?” Changbin raises an eyebrow. Felix’s eyes water as soon as he sees what he imagined for himself come to life. “I-it’s absolutely beautiful. I love it. That’s exactly what I want.” Felix shakes his head and places his hand over his heart. “Really? I’m so glad that you love it.” Changbin feels euphoria overcoming him seeing how touched Felix was. “The next question is where would you like this tattoo? It could go on your hand, wrist, arm,leg wherever you desire.” Changbin brings the words to life by touching his hand gently; sliding his hand down his wrist onto his arm.
Felix feels butterflies in his tummy. What does this mean? He hasn’t felt butterflies in his stomach since Taemin. Does he really have a crush on some random tattoo artist he just met today? What’s not to like though? He’s one of the most handsome men he’s ever seen besides Taemin. He’s super sweet too for someone’s who attire could point to other darker directions. “Well, I was thinking in a place that’s kind of hidden.” He bites his lip nervously. “I’m a dance teacher I work with little kids.” Felix doesn’t want to reveal he’s a law student that might change changbin’s perspective of him completely. “Why not? What’s so bad about stars? You should show them off.” Changbin giggles. “But, if you really want to hide them.. I’d say your thigh or back.” Felix thinks for a moment. Yeah what’s so bad about a little tattoo for my grandmom and best friend. “Fuck it dude. L-let’s just do this. I want it on my left forearm.” Changbin is a bit shocked and his eyes widen. “Yes! I’m so excited to do this. You also must have done some research because your forearm is one of the least sensitive spots to get a tattoo, but it may still be a bit painful.” Changbin preps the area with things he will need and hands off his sketch for someone to put it onto a stencil transfer. He cleans the needles and rubs rubbing alcohol onto Felix’s forearm. “Are you nervous?” Changbin asks as he looks up to Felix. “Just a little bit.” Felix says only a little when in reality he’s actually extremely nervous. “You’ll be alright” Changbin takes the stencil transfer and places it in the middle of his left forearm. “Is this good? Where exactly do you want it?” Felix looks at the placement and approves, “that’s perfect.” He smiles as it sets in that it’s actually happening. He can’t believe he’s rebelling against his parents beliefs. Changbin places some soap on his arm. “This will help it to stick better to your skin and it will allow the image to appear a bit darker, so when I’m ready to actually come in with the tattoo gun I can trace it with ease.” Changbin explains thoroughly to the younger as he presses the stencil down. Felix listens in on every word, but can’t help to get distracted by how attractive he is. “Yeah? Okay.” Felix says with no emotion. “Are you sure you want to do this? You can still say no it’s not to late yet.” Changbin looks at Felix who seems uncertain. “Oh hell no. I want to do this.” Felix sounds determined this time around. Changbin grins as he pulls off the stencil transfer and places an ointment over the temporary like tattoo. He then gets his tattoo gun ready along with the ink and turns on the tattoo gun. “I’m now going to trace along these lines.” He gets closer to his skin. “Okay. I’m ready.” Felix closes his eyes and relaxes as he focuses on his breathing.”
Felix feels like he just closed his eyes when he hears the tattoo gun go silent and Changbin’s raspy voice. “It’s all done. It looks fantastic dude..You did great.” Changbin wipes off any remaining ink that wasn’t suppose to be there and smiles at Felix. Felix slowly opens up his eyes and looks down at the permanent ink on his forehead. It’s a masterpiece. Felix’s eyes become glossy at the sight. “Thank you thank you soooo much!! I love it.” Felix gets up and hugs Changbin carefully not to touch his tattoo. “You’re so welcome. It was my pleasure.” Changbin pats his back. “It has to be one of my favorite tattoos I’ve ever done.” Changbin tried not to get emotional himself. “Would you mind if I take a picture?” Changbin pulls out his phone. “I want to remember this one.”
“Of course, but ah first..” Felix bites his lip as he grows some confidence and takes Changbin’s phone and puts his phone number in. “Text me it.” Felix winks handing his phone back to Changbin. Changbin is a bit stocked by how bold his customer just was and tries not to reveal how flattered he is. “Ah sure no problem.” Changbin opens the camera and snaps a couple photos of Felix’s new tattoo. “Please, come back to me if you want more tattoos. It would be my honor to work with you again.” Changbin rings him up and Felix goes on about his day with a new crush and a brand new tattoo.
10:33 PM
Changbin got done his shift at 10:30 and hops in his car and curses to himself realizing he forgot to text Felix the pictures of his new tattoo from earlier. He searches for Felix’s name in his phone and texts him.
Changbin: Hey ✋ sorry I forgot to text you here’s that photo you wanted. *inserts photo of Felix’s stars tattoo* btw, I heard tonight is a full moon 🌕 you wanna come see it with me?
Felix notices his phone light up in his peripheral vision and groans into his massive law textbook. He opens the message and reads it knowing it’s changbin. He falls out of his chair and his classical music stops playing. Changbin wants to go out with me.. is this a date? No way. What do I say? Felix’s mind races. Changbin waits patiently and uses his steering wheel as his own custom made drum.
Felix: Thanks I really do love it. I think it would only be appropriate to see my Sirius in the night sky tonight along with the queen herself the full moon. 😁❤️ Pick me up at 0325 Daehangno Street. What are you wearing tonight? I have no clue what to wear.
Felix sends the text message and does a happy dance. Changbin receives the message and can’t wipe the smile off his face. Changbinnie puts the address into google maps.
Changbin: I’m only 15-20 minutes away from your apartment I’m leaving now. This is the outfit I’m wearing.
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15-20 minutes?! Felix starts panicking and looking through his roommates clothes for an edgier look like Changbin’s. He somehow manages to find something and snaps a selfie.
Felix: okay I’m ready and waiting outside. 😌 my look for tonight 🖤
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Changbin just about crashes the car when he sees Felix’s very attractive selfie and places his phone back down as he spots the edgy blond outside waiting for him. Felix looks in the car to make sure it’s Binnie before getting inside.
“You look quite ah” Felix tries to think of a word. “You look quite ravishing tonight.” Felix facepalms once again at his word choice. “Thanks that’s really sweet. I didn’t know you were a man who could pull off both a pastel pink cardigan cutesy look and a sexy dark look.” Changbin can’t hide his blush this time around and giggles. Felix immediately feels his ears burn up and his face turn a bright pink. “T-thank you for that compliment. I’m very unpredictable.” Felix notices the lion tattoo on Changbin’s hand. “Are you a Leo?” Felix asks out of no where. “Yeah how the hell did you know that? Are you a psychic or some shit?” Changbin glances over at him surprised. “Your tattoo.. it’s a lion which are Leos spirit animal.” Felix giggles at Changbin being clueless. “Oh yeah. I forgot I had that for a second. I also have the sun Leo’s ruling planet on my ankle. What’s your sign?” Changbin glances at him before pulling into an open field. “I’m a Virgo one with the bears. This is a really pretty spot.” Felix looks around him and hops out of the car before Changbin even has time to turn off the engine.
Felix immediately finds the perfect spot and lays down in the grass and looks up to the beautiful night sky. The stars looked like a mess in an art class; someone accidentally spilled a bottle of sparkles and glitter all over the table; except this beautiful mess was in the night sky. Nothing was one hundred percent perfect about the stars alignment, but that’s what made it so damn surreal. The moon was shimmering off in the distance letting everybody know that she’s still the starring role. Changbin looks up at the sky and takes in all it’s breathtaking features, but he gets completely lost in how stunning Felix looks in the moonlight. He lays down next to him. “Clearly, you know I’m a bad ass tattoo artist and I know that you teach dance to little kiddos. What is that like?” Changbin turns his body so he’s facing Felix. “I love dance and I love kids so putting those two things together is the best of both worlds. The kids are always so excited to learn something new and I’m always excited to teach them. It’s also where I met Taemin. He was one of the best dancers I had ever known in my life.” Felix glances over and notices changbin looking closely at him.
“I bet he was. I wish I could have met him. He sounds like he was a great guy. You gotta show me some of your moves sometime. I’d love to see your skills brought to life.” Felix looks back up to the stars. “Yeah, he really was one of a kind. The really crazy thing about all of this is that you remind me of him so much.” Changbin looks down at Felix’s shaking hand and holds it caressing it with his thumb. “Maybe it was destiny that we met. Every thing happens for a reason Lix and I strongly believe in my core that we met for a reason. I never ever talk about my past especially growing up parentless, but with you I felt so free.” Changbin squeezes Felix’s hand. “Yeah, I think you are right. I believe in destiny and I believe you’ve come to me at a point in my life I needed someone like you the most.” Felix caresses Changbin’s cheek having no clue on earth what in the hell has gotten into him. This boy does something to his heart and he can’t hold back anymore. He’s held back on so much in his life. It’s time for him to make a move. Changbin locks eyes with Felix in this moment. Felix finds himself briefly glancing down at Binnie’s kissable lips. Changbin wants this kiss just as bad. “How crazy would I be if I said I feel I’m destined to kiss you right now?” Felix inches himself closer to Changbin. “Just a little bit” Changbin plays with Felix’s fingers and leans in to Felix’s touch as he caresses his cheek. Felix takes this moment to go for what he wants and he leans in slowly and kisses Changbin’s lips gently like a delicate flower. The instant moment their lips touched they both envisioned fireworks going off like the Fourth of July. Sparks were flying. It was very magical to say the least. Felix pulled away remaining only a few inches from his face and leaned into Changbin’s cute nose and gave him an eskimo kiss before flopping down shyly into his chest. Changbin contently wrapped his arms around Felix and kissed his head.
“For the first time ever, I felt something when someone kissed me. You’re a special one Felix.” Changbin whispered softly as he played with Felix’s hair. “Only you and Taemin.” He replied and then covered his mouth realizing what he said. “No..no it’s cool I figured there was a romantic connection there. I’m honored that I can be on his level.” Changbin rubs his back. Felix looks at the time and realizes he has to wake up early tomorrow so he can study for an important test coming up. “Look, I really hate to cut this short, but I really have to get some sleep I have dance lessons early tomorrow morning.” Felix quickly sits up. “Ah okay it’s not a problem at all.” They arrive back outside of Felix’s apartment complex and they say their goodbyes and Changbin grabs Felix’s hand before he leaves. “Promise me that you will let me take you out on another date?” Changbin looks into his eyes sincerely. “I promise. I had so much fun.” Felix kisses his cheek before running off inside. “Goodnight Changbin.” Changbin mumbles, “Night” before taking off and heading home.
The next morning Felix dreads the sound of his alarm clock. “Shut up.. I know” he whines as he rolls out of bed and puts on his yellow hoodie and ripped blue jeans along with his vans and his glasses. He takes the fake earrings out and grabs his backpack with all his books to study and heads to the local coffee shop. Changbin gets up and goes about his daily routine and drives to the coffee shop to wake him up for his long shift at work. He spots Felix in the coffee shop and his eyes light up as he enters with confidence. “Oh hey! I didn’t know you like coffee and whatca reading there hmm?” changbin raises an eyebrow at Felix’s studious appearance. “Yeah yeah coffee is great” Felix slams his law book closed and stretches across the cover of the book letting out a big fake yawn. “Oh you know just a book about canines.” Changbin looks very confused at Felix’s odd behavior and notices the glasses and no piercings. “Nice earrings they suit you.” Changbin pinches Felix’s earlobe and walks up to order his coffee.
God damnit Lee Felix just tell him the truth. Do you really think he will care? Changbin walks back over and sits down. “I’m a law student at Yonsei Law School. I didn’t tell you because I thought you would lose interest in me because I’m some nerd and not this cool dude.” He spills it all out and looks down avoiding eye contact. “Felix, never and I repeat never ever change who you are for someone else. Stay true to who you are. I don’t give a shit that you are an intelligent individual who wants to have a successful career and that you are going to one of the top schools in Seoul. I think that’s awesome and I’m proud of you. You need to have more pride in who you are. You might be a nerd, but you’re a cool one. This doesn’t change the way I see you. I like you for you.” Changbin places his finger on Felix’s heart.
Felix shakes his head and wipes his tears. All his life his family never allowed him to truly express himself or show his true emotions. “T-thank you so much.” Felix hugged Changbin so tight in that coffee shop and for once in his life he didn’t give a shit who was looking or who the hell was judging him. This was who he was and no one would change him for a damn thing. This was Felix’s rebirth. It was the rise of the Phoenix and The rise of the Fallen Star.
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stimtoybox · 5 years
My Stim Toy Collection
Given that there’s a lot of people like me who don’t like buying online, I thought I might go over in more detail what I’ve gotten that HAS worked for me in the recent past as I find online shopping intensely overwhelming.
I live in Canada in the Fraser Valley, and have to get around by bus, so all of this is focusing on Canadian chain stores, as finding all the tiny corner-shops with niche items is almost impossible, even though I absolutely know they exist here. I’ll group the items as best I can by place, but this is still going to be a long post.
WALMART (Classic Fidgets):
Zuru Fidget Cube; I believe mine cost about 8.00 - 9.00 CAD, you can find it on Walmart.ca too right now for 8.77. It works quite well, the weight is nice and the plastic is that lovely texture. It has the silent and clicky buttons, and all the parts move quite smoothly (except possibly the joystick, but I might just find it inferior to actual game controller ones.) However, it mixes really poorly with my love-hate relationship with clicking and inability to NOT use those sides even when the noise is bothering me intensely.
Zuru Tangle Jr.; their website currently lists them for 24.00 CAD, but I found mine for I think 10.00 or 12.00 CAD in store when I went recently. I’d tried someone else’s recently and found in to be very engaging but horribly clicky; the one I bought is dead silent unless it brushes against itself. It moves like an absolute dream, and I love it to pieces. I am SO happy.
Kitty in My Pocket; these are a mystery grab bag item, for 3.47 CAD. The kitties are about the size of a large adult’s thumbnail, made of hard plastic, and absolutely adorable - they are also FLOCKED. It’s a lovely texture and I’m super happy I got one. Walmart (and Superstore) both have a ton of mystery package items right now and I had been wanting to try one out, and this was the first where I liked the potential results. If you love cats, I’d definitely suggest it.
PARTY CITY (Tiny fidgets):
Woolly Balls; singlets for 40 cents, or a pack of twelve for 5.00 CAD. These are like my ideal work fidget, as they’re small enough to go in a pocket discretely, they look fairly non-descript despite their colour, and can vanish into my palm or back into a pocket on a moment’s notice. I love rolling them across my palm for texture, or crushing two together for a different feel.
Puzzle Erasers; also singlets for 40 cents, I didn’t look for larger packs as this isn’t my favourite toy but I’m glad I tried it out. There was a lot of extra material from molding that I had to pick off but that wasn’t too much effort to do. I got a box that breaks down into six pieces and can be slot back together again, but I believe they may have had other things too.
Keychain Plush; “YooHoo and Friends” are fairly high quality tiny (smaller than my palm) minky plush, for 4.00 CAD. It’s stuffed very tightly, except for the arms and tail that are empty fabric. The keychain seems securely attached, but I pulled off one of the felt paws already while stimming. The seam seems undamaged by it, though, so while he only has three paws left it didn’t cause on-going flaw.
Mermaid sequin keychain; this was the last one of that particular style in-store at the location I went to, but they are still stocking online also 4.00 CAD. The backing is minky plush, which is what I’d wanted from a sequin keychain as the sequins themselves can be overstimulating for me. The plush part is kind of low, and the seams are a bit rough - enough I’m considering the relative risk of unpicking a seam to add either more plush or some poly pellets to increase the volume. The sequins however flip quite well.
Spiky Light up Ball: I actually bought mine at a local hardware store, but when I was trying to find things online to check prices, I found that Party City had packs of four for 4.00 CAD as well at least online. The one I got has a finicky light; sometimes it goes off sitting still in the wrong position, other times I can shake it three times and not get it to go. Still, the spikes feel great and the ball is pretty firm (although I can’t say I’d call it ‘bouncy’ as Party City does.)
TOYS R US (BABIES R US): (teethers)
IIRC Canada’s still supports A$, but I wasn’t aware of anywhere else to look for the kind of silicon baby toothbrush I needed for self-care.
Teethers: I got a Nuby round teether for I believe 3.00 - 5.00 CAD on sale; most were potentially on clearance when I went in last, so no idea if this is eve still an option. If its not, there’s a Canadian website for that that’s possibly a better option. However, if you’re like me and the thought of buying online makes you sick with anxiety, I’m not sure what other baby stores even exist? Either way I’m not the best judge, as both teethers I got don’t actually work well for me due to my sensitive gag reflex (a thing I suspected, given I was looking for a finger toothbrush for precisely that reason.)
Perhaps more relevant, I don’t think I saw anything super stimmy in Toys R Us that wasn’t also present for much the same price in Walmart or Superstore. The only thing that was significantly different was that I found a single-pack for the toothbrush (you could buy it with other stuff for slightly more money from Superstore, which I compulsively avoid waste) and teethers of any kind. If you don’t need either of those, you can happily stick with the other department stores.
SUPERSTORE: (Plush, slime, Playdough, Kinetic Sand, mojmoj squishies)
*Much of this is also at Walmart, but I currently work at Superstore with this stuff so I know their selection better. What I mentioned about Walmart is basically what I could not find at Superstore. I cannot review playdough for allergy reasons and I’m not interested in buying kinetic sand, but for people who want to know a retailer that has it in store, Superstore does.
Slime: Currently a seasonal item (IE it will no longer be stocked after Easter clearance is gone) but they have “Easter Putty” that is actually quite a nice slime. The marbled effect vanishes after some use, and the egg-shaped container is useless once opened, but it has a nice vibrate to it, it doesn’t melt so quickly you can’t keep up with it, and it cost 5.00 or less to try out if I like slime at all. It leaves a watery feelign residue that vanishes even if you don’t wash your hands immediately, and has no scent. Its prone to tearing if you’re not careful, but if you’ve been wondering if you’d even LIKE slime or not it might be worth checking it out.
Plush: Superstore store-brand plush are the absolute best so far, I stg. I own two of their seasonal plushies from Christmas - giant rotund cats - and they are SO soft and so well-stuffed and they were 15.00 CAD for plush 16" tall and 12" wide (approx. 40 cm by 30 cm). Currently their seasonal plush are rabbits, sheep, and llamas, plus others - the most expensive at the moment is a 34.00 CAD giant rabbit that’s 3-4 FEET tall. They have in the past carried mermaid sequin plushies too, but not for the current season. If you are a stimmer who collects plush, I’d highly recommend checking regularly to see what’s in stock - not in the toy aisle, but in the back corner seasonal stuff. There always seems to be some kind of stuffy offered.
If you want the most amazing plush blanket EVER, I’d go in the next two weeks for the faux rabbit fur blankets but they should be sold out before long too.
(I’d review the mojmoj squishies, but handling them as a retail employee who has to clean up after others is just. Heavily biased towards the “OMG dirt magnets” end of things. Do NOT drop your squishy in a department store??? There are, however, currently giant plush mojmoj puppies and unicorns, but as they are 34.00 CAD I will not be going more than “Cute looking” about them anytime soon.)
I found a decent spinner at Pharmasave, but they were all on sale so I don’t know if they’ll still be available anywhere else. I’ve seen decent plushies offered at Indigo Books recently, but haven’t been in of late to see what all they have. I heard that Odin Books in downtown Vancouver has Tangles as well, but that’s quite a long ways for me to go to see. The only other location I could suggest to people who want tiny shops in Greater Vancouver would be Commercial Drive or Kitsilano along 4th Avenue.
The above are things and places I’ve been in looking with stim toys in mind in the past couple of weeks, so hopefully the information should be more up to date and helpful to people.
This is an epic resource, and I am always here for posting about more offline resources outside of Australia. (There’s so many reasons why stimmers can’t purchase or easily purchase toys online, so conversations about alternatives are so important!). Thank you so very much, @tassledown, for all the time and effort you’ve put into such a fabulous post.
And yes: flocked toys are great little palm fidgets! I have a childhood Sylvanian Families (Calico Critters for US-based folks) collection, and I keep a few of the knock-off Lil Woodzeez figures just for stimming so I don’t wear the plush off my expensive (and vintage!) Sylvanian figures. I know there’s a surprise box set of Lil Woodzeez babies available in the US, which I’d love to own...
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momomomma2 · 6 years
Joseph and Rook 49?
Rook does stupid shit under the influence of Bliss. He knows this. His first hint was his brain going “Oh, okay, sure, why not!” when Faith asked him to jump off a fucking statue. He’s woken up after accidentally wandering through fields of Bliss in the strangest of places, usually missing something, feeling dehydrated and exhausted with some new scrapes and bruises he has to guess the cause behind.
He’s never, no matter how Blissed out he got, woken up in Joseph’s fucking chapel before.
Or naked.
So this is a day for new things and Rook would like to hit the rewind button. Or knock himself back into unconsciousness. Because it’s a bad thing to be here to begin with--how the fuck did he even get here, isn’t this thing guarded like Fort Knox?!--but it’s especially bad because he’s not alone.
Joseph is standing in front of the now closed doors of the church, looking down the aisle at where he’s sitting on top of the pulpit. Rook shifts, winces, hops down as quick as he can without twisting an ankle.
He’s pretty sure the reason he’s going to hell isn’t “parked his naked ass on a preacher’s podium” but it never hurts to be careful.
“Deputy Rook. Are you alright?”
“Well,” Rook puts his hands on his hips, too unsure if this is some strange Bliss dream or soul crushing reality to be concerned with things as trivial as self-consciousness. “This is awkward.”
Joseph moves towards him slowly, like he’s some startled animal that might bolt. There’s still too much Bliss in his head, in his blood, for Rook to go bolting anywhere. Even if he could figure out a way to get out of the church and the surrounding compound without new holes in his body, he’d have to eventually go get new clothes. Probably from Dutch.
Rook doesn’t want to add “was laughed at by a guardian/mentor” to his list of reasons why today is the worst day of his life.
“Have you come here for some particular reason?”
“Well, I’d sure like to answer that. But I can’t. Because I don’t remember or really know how I got here. I remember setting a Bliss field on fire and then--” Rook waves a hand at himself and then their surroundings, confident Joseph can fill in the blanks.
And he does. And Rook absolutely does not like the small smile that curves his mouth when he comes to a stop mere feet away from him.
“You were lost in the Bliss. Cleansed by it. And your heart led you here, led you to me.”
“I’m pretty sure I just wandered in whatever direction had the least resistance.”
“Of course.” Joseph tips his head, eyes glittering behind the yellow of his ever-present glasses. “And the least resistance somehow...involved no clothing?”
“Well, you know.” Rook answers lamely, resisting the urge to stomp his foot when Joseph cocks his head like he’s eager to hear what he’s supposed to know. “Stop fucking looking at me like that. I don’t know, okay! I don’t know why I’m here, I don’t know why I’m naked. It was a bad trip, nothing more.”
“Was it?” Joseph takes a step forwards, the space disappearing between them until Rook could lean forward and kiss him if he wanted.
Or headbutt him. Which is what he should be thinking about doing. What the fuck, brain?
No more Bliss for him. He’s going to find a gas mask and it’s going to be his new favorite accessory.
“You came here, came to me, at your weakest moment. When you had nothing but instinct to guide you. Nothing but God’s ever watchful eye and ever guiding hand. Your soul knows where it’s to make its home, Rook, even if your brain argues. It knows you are safe with me, that I will take care of you in your most vulnerable state.”
“Maybe my brain just wanted to get me laid.”
Joseph frowns, something like a scowl pulling at his mouth for a split second before it all smooths out. His voice is a bit deeper when he speaks, probably purposeful, and Rook tries to slowly slide his palms over his cock to cover what hearing it does to him.
Goddamn Bliss. He’s never gotten hard hearing Joseph’s stupid voice before.
He’s also never quite heard that rumble, that low snarl in it before, but that’s besides the point.
“To admit that is a possibility is to admit to your lust. I know this sin, I know it well. I share it with you. But it is not ours to bear, not when we are together. A bond spoke into existence by God is not a sin. Your lust for me is not a sin, just as mine for you is not.”
Alright. Well. Rook’s done now. He wants to go back home. Because he’s pretty sure, in all those fancy words, Joseph just admitted to wanting to fuck him. And that’s something he needs a lot less Bliss and a lot more liquor to think about.
“This is a dream.” Rook tells himself, tells Joseph, sternly. “This is some weird dream and I’m going to wake up in about six seconds in my bed, fully clothed, and anywhere but here.”
Joseph’s grin is a little bigger, a little wider.
“Do you often dream about your lust for me? Dream about being naked with me in my church?”
“I hate you.” Rook informs him.
Joseph sighs, shakes his head like he’s disappointed--like his day is the one that’s going to shit with all the speed and subtlety of a rock crashing down the side of a mountain. He glances over Rook’s shoulder, eyes calculating.
“You’re not ready yet. I have some clothing here. Night will fall in moments. You can dress and leave as we have our worship session. You and I will discuss this at a time when we are both better suited to the conversation.”
The “when you’re sober and I don’t want to punch you in the face” goes unspoken but Rook hears it loud and clear.
He is definitely not going to have that conversation with Joseph. He might think about it, when it’s just him and his hand and too much liquor because Joseph is magnetic in ways Rook doesn’t understand and he persists in running around like it’s spring break and shirts are optional. But he’s not going to talk about it.
He’ll take the out Joseph is offering, though, because his mama didn’t raise a fool. And he will deal with the knowledge that he now owes Joseph Seed when he’s sober and far away from the heat in blue eyes and the tilt of arrogance in a sharp smile.
Fucking Bliss.
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perfectirishgifts · 4 years
Everyday Carry Gift Guide - 10 Perfect EDC Stocking Stuffers
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/everyday-carry-gift-guide-10-perfect-edc-stocking-stuffers/
Everyday Carry Gift Guide - 10 Perfect EDC Stocking Stuffers
Dashing through the snow, but make it practical.
The great thing about everyday carry (EDC) gifts like wallets, watch straps, and keychains is that they’re small enough to fit in a stocking, so they don’t look like they’re a big deal, but at the same time they’re durable, stylish, and something you know that they’ll use on a daily basis. 
That means they’re perfect to get for those difficult individuals who refuse to tell you what they want or, even worse, tell you to get them nothing (because that’s ever a viable option).
I’ve come into contact with a lot of products over the past 12 months. Very few of them actually make it into my regular EDC rotation. These are the few that I find myself reaching for again and again.
The Ridge Wallet
Ridge Wallet – 18k Gold Plated
My favorite thing about the Ridge Wallet is all the varieties you can get. Want to get a titanium wallet to match your titanium Apple Card? Go for it. Is carbon fiber your thing? Ridge has that as well. Maybe you prefer gold because gold is best. There’s an 18k-plated version just for those who want as much bling as possible. I’m a big fan of the damascus steel version because it reminds me of the Beskar steel everyone pines after in The Mandalorian.
But the style on the outside is only part of the story. The Ridge Wallet blocks RFID, making it ideal for keeping your cards safe. The elastic is stainless-steel reinforced, so it’ll last as long as the wallet itself. And if you need to make room for more cards, you switch out the elastic for a larger band. The Ridge Wallet is durable, stylish, easy to use, and feels great in hand.
Ekster Aluminum Cardholder
Ekster Aluminum Cardholder
Ekster’s latest eschews the bull leather exterior of their previous wallets and offers up a slim, attractive, RFID-blocking aluminum cardholder that can hold from one to six cards. With the pull of a trigger, your cards pop up beautifully, ready to grab. The trigger is nicely integrated into the footprint of the wallet so it won’t snag or activate accidentally. 
The interior of the cardholder has rubber nibs on one side to keep your cards from sliding out. Though if you have a heavier card like the Apple Card, a hard shake can pop it out unexpectedly. Maybe put that in the elastic-attached backplate that gives you room for an additional nine cards, some cash, or maybe even their own Chipolo-powered wallet tracker. It comes in a number of attractive, understated colors that match really nicely with the latest iPhone 12 Pro line.
iPhone Leather Wallet
iPhone Leather Wallet with MagSafe – California Poppy
If you really want to minimize your EDC, then you’ll want to grab the MagSafe-enabled Apple iPhone Leather Wallet. It pops onto the back of your iPhone 12 (regular, mini, Pro, or Pro Max) seamlessly. There’s even a satisfying little “thunk” noise that plays and your iPhone screen displays an indicator for a successful attachment. It’s a surprisingly satisfying process. It even works if you have a MagSafe case on your iPhone (though Apple has warned that using the wallet with their leather cases can mar the leather of the case). 
The one thing to keep in mind is that this is exclusively for those that limit themselves to the slimmest of slim EDCs. The iPhone Leather Wallet is awesome if you want to minimize the amount of stuff in your pockets, but especially if you have a large heavy card like the Apple Card, you’re only going to be able to get three-to-four cards in the wallet before it’s packed too tightly to get cards out using the rear thumb cutout. Still, if you’re looking for a wallet that conveniently attaches to your iPhone and is color-coordinated with your phone or its case, there’s honestly no one else making a product like this.
Orbitkey Cactus Leather Organizer
Key Organiser Cactus
While digital car keys are quickly becoming a thing, chances are the majority of you still have a key fob that you need to carry around for your vehicle. But there’s no reason to be stuck with a boring, jangly keychain. Why not get something stylish and multi-functional? 
The Orbitkey organizer holds a few keys, plus an available multitool, and an available Chipolo tracker, all in an extremely grabbable loop made from a truly unusual material—cactus leather. This plant-based leather is, you guessed it, made from cactus leaves. The resultant material is more environmentally friendly than leather, sustainable, and feels just as nice as regular leather. Rotate the keys out of the loop when you need them, then rotate them back when you’re done. There’s no jingling, no keys scratching up your wallet or phone.
Orbitkey Clip v2
Orbitkey Clip v2
The Key Organizer is nice, but if you need regular access to your keys, something that lives in your pocket might not be the right choice. For you, there’s the Orbitkey Clip v2. This zinc-alloy carabiner clip has a magnetic attachment that allows you to quickly remove the D-shaped keyring from the clip. It’s a much more elegant solution than digging through your bag for a keyring that’s inevitably sunk to the bottom. 
The large keyring can easily accommodate the thick ring openings of vehicle key fobs and works with Orbitkey’s Key Organizer as well in case you’d like to use both.
Covid Carry
Sanikind Mini
Sanikind Mini
The pandemic being what it is, not many of us leave the house without sanitiser of some sort. That doesn’t mean it has to be some sad squeeze bottle or one-use disposable. The Sanikind Mini is an eco-friendly refillable spray sanitizer that does its job without looking like a reject from the local bath supply warehouse. 
Made from ocean-bound recycled plastic (i.e. plastic that’s been recovered within 50km of waterways and thus more likely to end up in the ocean), the Sanikind Mini comes in an array of stylish colors. It ships empty, but includes a funnel so that you can fill it up with Sanikind’s own liquid spray sanitizer (shipped in equally eco-friendly recyclable aluminum bottles) or whatever sanitizing liquid you prefer. The included carabiner makes it easy to clip onto a belt loop or bag strap for easy access. When you just can’t avoid contact with someone or something, it’s reassuring to have one of these stashed on your person. The Sanikind Mini holds 1 oz. of sanitizer, equivalent to around 460 sprays.
Leatherman Clean Contact Carabiner
Antimicrobial Brass Carabiner
Add this to the list of items that I never would have expected to need before 2020 but now can’t live without. The Leatherman Clean Contact Carabiner is a multitool made of microbial-resistant copper alloy. The hook is perfect for snagging door handles. The rounded tip is great for pushing buttons without damaging them (something store owners will appreciate). It can also be pressed into service as a table hook, letting you hang a bag from the carabiner without having to put it on the ground. And, of course, there’s a bottle opener. Because we all need bottle openers this year. 
The removable clip lets you attach it to your pocket, hang it on a lanyard, or stick it with your keys. Finally, no more staring at door handles, doing some quick theoretical math as to what part of the handle has most likely been touched by other people.
UA Sportsmask
Don’t  settle for a flimsy paper mask that sticks to your face or a cheap cloth mask that doesn’t fit right. The UA Sportsmask isn’t just a good mask for working out, it’s a great mask, period. Made with performance fabrics, it dries quickly and is extremely breathable. The best part might be how it has internal structure so that it doesn’t rest against your lips and mouth. Talk away without worrying about the mask getting stuck on your lips and slipping off your nose. 
The Sportsmaks is water resistant on the outside and built with UA’s cooling fabric on the inside. Less of an issue in the winter months, but something not to be dismissed for when it gets warmer. The middle layer of the mask is antimicrobial, so you don’t have to worry about constantly washing it to keep it fresh. Though, when you do wash it, it dries fairly quickly. Just make sure you measure carefully before choosing a size, as the fabric ear loops aren’t adjustable. It comes with a convenient storage bag, so you can stash it away when it isn’t in use. It comes in several attractive colors, from staid black to flashy red.
Watch Straps  
Nomad Sport Strap
Cases & Accessories
Nomad continues to make my favorite watch straps outside of Apple’s official straps. They’re durable, attractive, and stylish without being gaudy or staunch. They’re exactly the kind of strap you need to elevate the style of your Apple Watch. Their latest, the Sport Strap is a variation of another favorite of mine, the Rugged Strap. 
It’s made from ultra-high quality FKM rubber. It doesn’t break down under high heat, won’t be cracked or discolored by exposure to chemicals (like sunscreen), and is, of course, waterproof. Ventilation channels in the strap keep moisture from building underneath the strap, making it the perfect companion for whatever activity you’re engaging in this holiday season. It cleans up quickly, dries even quicker, and looks good enough to leave on your wrist all the time.
Nomad Modern Strap
Apple Watch Natural Leather Band, Modern Black Hardware
As much as I love the Sport Strap, I’ll admit that there are times when a rubber band, no matter how nice it looks, just can’t compare to a good leather watch strap. Nomad’s Modern Strap now comes in a stunning natural leather, giving you even more options to coordinate your strap and your outfit. 
The undyed Horween leather will develop a natural patina over time, making the strap as unique as the person who wears it. The stainless steel hardware will last for as long as you need it to, probably longer than you own your current Apple Watch.
From Consumer Tech in Perfectirishgifts
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thegloober · 6 years
A review of the most expensive hot shoe strobe in the world – the Profoto A1
The Profoto A1 is the new on-camera flash. And off-camera flash. And Air remote. You can use it any way you like. For me as a photographer (mainly portraits) working on-location a lot, this is the piece of equipment I have been waiting for a long time.
So, this might not be the most objective review you have read, but hopefully interesting in some way.
The Profoto A1 fits right in beside the Profoto B1 and B2. Or as a stand-alone camera mounted flash for events and simpler lighting (mostly). As soon as I have bought my A1, I will probably sell my old Nikon Speedlight.
I borrowed two A1 from Profoto and used them for testing before writing this review, together with accessories that will be sold separately.
What is Profoto A1?
In short, A1 is a hotshoe speedlight-type of flash that works in the Profoto universe. With a built-in remote.
It is the most lightweight of all lights from Profoto and has a built-in Air Remote TTL. If you want a flash for on-camera work as well as off-camera, I can’t really think of any better alternative. It is the cheapest flash in the Profoto system (although not what most people call really cheap).
I got two A1 from Profoto to test for a few days, and I mostly used them at home, but also on an assignment with an author and an illustrator.
There is still a lot to be learned for me, even if they are easy to use.
Unboxing the Profoto A1
Opening the box, you will find the A1, a smart bag, the battery and charger plus a bounce card with a holder. And, two “filters” that you can put in front of the light with smart magnetic connectors.
One is like the drag-out plastic panel on a Speedlight, it spreads the light wider. The other is more like a small dome and will diffuse the light. You can also stack them on top of each other, but I couldn’t really see much difference in the light when doing so.
The charger for the Profoto A1
About the same size as the battery charger for my Nikon D800 and D750, the usual stuff with cord and all. Will recharge a battery to full in about 80 minutes.
Even if a fully charged battery is good for many many full flashes, I will buy one extra battery per light. Just in case.
Front view of Profoto A1
It looks like this and you can see the detachable battery.
The head can be tilted and turned as you would expect from any on-camera flash. It has a built-in LED modelling light.
Rear view of Profoto A1
It looks very much like a Profoto Air TTL Remote, and maybe because that is what it is. Plus a light on top. Start it by pressing the white on/off button and then turn the dial a bit. The interface is very familiar if you have used the Air Remote or a D1/D2/B1 before.
Profoto A1, top view
A round fresnel lens covering the flash tube, with a magnetic ring when you want to attach things to it. The front ring can also be turned for “zooming” the light.
The diameter is a lot smaller than all the other Profoto heads, so don’t expect to put a Speedring with a softbox there.
Size: Profoto A1 vs Nikon Speedlight
These two flashes are roughly the same size. The Profoto A1 is maybe a tiny bit longer, but I would say that they are very similar holding them together.
The round front glass is maybe what makes A1 stand out among similar speedlight type lights.
Size comparison: Profoto A1, B1 and B2
Packing my bags for any assignment is always the hard question: should I take this, do I need this? A Profoto A1 in its bag is smaller than a B2 with a head, and also smaller than a B1.
If you have room for a B1, then you will have room for at least two A1. Probably more.
The Profoto A1 bag
This deserves mention, having small bags for all of my equipment makes my life a lot easier.
The A1 bag can be put inside a bigger bag or fastened outside my backpack with a cord. Inside the A1 bag there is a small space for the wideangle/diffusion accessories, both of them.
A bag that is easy to use
Even better, you don’t have to remove them to fit everything inside the bag as the small compartment for the diffusion has a flap that will fold away easily.
Not a big thing, but small things can make my work easier.
Small stand included
Also included is a small table-stand for the Profoto A1 (or maybe a floor stand, or just to have it standing on anything?). With a small pocket for this on the bag, you can always have it with you.
I have never use a Speedlight with a stand like this, but it is a lot smarter than just laying it on the ground.
A bigger bounce card
My Nikon Speedlight has a very small built-in bounce card, Profoto A1 has one too, but you will have to mount it by yourself with a small holder (also included).
Wide angle lens
You mount that and other things in front of the glass with these magnets. It might not be as sturdy as velcro, but I think it will work just fine. It is a lot faster to work with at least.
And very silent, compared to velcro.
The diffusion dome
The “dome” also has magnets you use to lock it in place with.
Hard filter gels for A1
If you want to colour your light, for correction or effects, Profoto has accessories for that too.
Buy a Gel Kit separately and you will get a few hard plastic filters (CTO, CTB etc) that you attach with a special magnetic holder. Very easy to work with, a more durable than soft plastic.
The box is round and small, compared to most things in my life. Fits perfectly in your back pocket, or anywhere.
The magnetic holder fits the hard plastic gels and takes no time to attach, and leaves no marks. Just click to attach or pull to detach.
I have not yet used the hard plastic colour gels, but just holding them in my hand makes me a little bit happy. And the round box. Won’t really miss the soft plastic alternative.
If they now could make something similar for Profoto B1 and B2, that would be great. Maybe with magnets as well. And maybe a cutout for the umbrella rod to use it on B2?
Overall feeling
With its round features, very familiar design and interface, it feels like something that is a very natural on-camera part of my lighting equipment. But that is of course because I have been using Profoto for many years. Users of other brands may disagree.
The best bonus
Apart from what I think is a great addition that completes my arsenal of lights working well together, I am in a way most happy about the bag.
The bag for my Nikon SB-910 feels a lot bigger than it needs to be.
The A1 bag is more like a skin. And packing equipment in a bigger backpack or rolling case is simpler and quicker if I can just throw it in after a shoot. Not needing to worry about things scratching and crushing each other.
Soft Bounce for Profoto A1
Another thing you can buy for your Profoto A1 is the Soft Bounce, a larger bounce card, quite a bit larger in fact.
It comes with a nice bag as well, and folds easily. Just unpack it and attach it to the front of your A1 with magnets and you will have a more diffused light source for events or fill light.
For my Speedlights, I have used a whole bunch of different diffusers over the years. The Gary Fong Lightsphere might have been the most extravagant one. And the one I used almost never.
This one I might buy, mostly for the ease of use and the simplicity of having the flat bag hanging on the outside of my backpack in case I need softer light.
Attaching the A1 everywhere
One of the new thing with having a small and lightweight flash that works perfect in my Profoto ecosystem is being able to use “new” attachment methods (again).
Many of the accessories I bought in Strobist fashion for my Speedlights before will be of use again. For instance, this small Gorillapod.
Maybe I will buy the larger version, but the small one actually works if I want to hang the Profoto A1 onto something, or just using it as a floor stand. A clamp with a hotshoe connector can also be very useful when attaching a light to a door or anything it can hold on to.
Using Manfrotto Nano stands more
Since Manfrotto release the Nano stand, I have had at least one in the bag for different purposes. Mostly using it to hold a reflector or sometimes my DIY black flag made of Molton fabric.
Now I can use them as my main lighting stands on smaller assignments. Just add a tilt connector for hotshoe and pack a small umbrella.
That should be enough to use the A1 with my DIY homemade ring flash adapter, I think.
This is the kind of transport tube architects and art students use for stuff, I bought mine in an art store just to try if it could be useful. Now it can.
The weight of this tube bag is nearly nothing, and you can expand it to fit a Profoto A1, a small umbrella and a Nano stand. Maybe the smallest lighting equipment I have ever had?
Profoto A1 – the zoom-able flash
Turning the front ring of the light, you can change the focus of the light through the fresnel lens. From wide (above) to narrow (below).
A small symbol on the top left corner of the display will change as you turn the ring.
With the wide angle filter on, the light cone will spread wider.
Adding the “diffusion dome” will make the shadows less sharp.
Will I buy a Profoto A1?
I have already ordered two Profoto A1 in fact.
This is the Profoto light that I have been waiting for a long time now. And finally, it is here. And it fits right into my lighting ecosystem perfectly.
If you have been reading my blog or followed me on Facebook and Instagram, you might have picked up that I love to find solutions that make my life as a photographer easier and the lighting quicker.
I did try the Strobist way quite hard before, but as soon as I had bought a used Profoto AcuteB 600R, there was no turning back. And then came the Profoto B1.
Maybe buying the B2 was more because I liked the idea of a lightweight head so much, not because I really needed it. But now I own one, and I use it quite a lot.
Not as much as my four Profoto B1, but it is not collecting dust. Buying two heads was a bit unnecessary though. One of them I never use.
What will I use it for?
Three things come to mind directly. One is replacing my Speedlights as the on-camera flash for events and stuff like that.
The other is for smaller editorial assignment when I want to travel with as little equipment as possible. Two Speedlight type lights will make lighting most editorial portrait something I can do quickly and painlessly.
The third, but not the least, is always having at least one A1 in the bag as an addition to a B1 or B2. Sometimes as fill light, but maybe more often as hair/rim light.
Will Profoto A1 replace my B1 or B2?
Not really.
The scenario that I find most probable is having a lot more lighting options but not necessarily a lot more lighting equipment in the bag. Adding just one A1 in my backpack takes up the same amount of volume as a normal zoom lens.
Maybe it will be enough to just bring two A1s to a quick assignment, but I will probably still use at least one B1/B2 for the wider range of lighting modifiers.
What is Profoto A1 not? This new product was unfortunately leaked on the internet, so before writing this review I have read a few comments about it. Comments that in many ways looked much like the comments when Profoto released the B2. Very much focus on Watt-seconds. And the price tag.
This is not a light you bring to a beach in the middle of a sunny day and place it ten meters away from a swimsuit model and hope to overpower the sun. For that purpose, I would rent a Pro-10. Or a B1 with a Magnum Reflector at least?
And this is not a light that will give you the best specification per dollar either. If you just want to save money, there are other brands that aim for that part of the market.
Sadly, this is not a light that will be compatible with all your OCF lighting modifiers. It might not be so hard to build an adapter to get the A1 to work with a Beauty Dish, just cut out a piece of foam with a hole in it.
Building a speedlight type of light restricts you a bit to the strength of the hotshoe, so it is probably wise not to put too much weight on that part of a camera or flash. But it would, of course, be nice if I could use this in the OCF system in some way.
Maybe this will be a revival for the Profoto Speedlight Speedring adapter/bracket? I bought one, many years ago, and never used it very much. It took forever just to attach the Speedlights in the right position with all the screws and brackets. But, with that on a stand, you could use a Profoto A1 together with any softbox you would like.
Why I might like the Profoto A1?
I am a portrait photographer in Stockholm, Sweden. Right now, there is sunlight enough to work most of the day. But, a large portion of the year, photographers here can’t rely on natural light. That would be crazy, and very restricting.
For me, to add one or two Profoto A1 to my lighting system makes a lot of sense. I like to pack enough equipment to manage most situations in portraits, from smaller group shots to editorial portraits on-location and individual portraits in a studio-like environment.
But, I really dislike carrying too much.
One large backpack and one Manfrotto padded bags for my lighting stands is more than enough. Maybe a third if I bring more than one Profoto B1.
I did just recently buy the ThinkTank Logistics Manager 30, and it is the perfect rolling bag for me. One or two Profoto B1 or B2 inside, together with cameras and lenses. Plus small or medium sized stands with a softbox or umbrella on the outside. With Profoto A1, I can easily add two more lights that can expand the choices in lighting I can work with a lot.
Event photography is something I do, and packing one B1 plus at least one A1 would make those assignments very much more fun. Place a B1 somewhere for a portrait setup, and have an A1 on the camera for everything else. Use the A1 as a remote and/or fill in the setup.
Profoto A1 for wedding photographers
I don’t do weddings anymore, but they are a bit like events. Therefore the A1 would be a perfect match for those who want a Speedlight but also an off-camera flash.
Profoto A1 for studio photographers
It might seem a very expensive small light, but on the other hand, why not buy a versatile flash that you easily can place almost anywhere? I am sure that I will use my A1’s in the studio, probably not as main lights but maybe as hair light sometimes? Or anything.
Profoto A1 for beginners
Buying a Profoto A1 as your first flash might seem a bit expensive, but it could be a really good investment. First, use it on-camera as you would with a Speedlight, and learn how it works. Buy a Remote or another Profoto flash to expand your possibilities. I could almost guarantee that starting with a Profoto light lets you explore portrait lighting quicker than with the complicated menus of a Speedlight.
The price
Yes, this is an expensive product.
But, for me, working full-time as a freelance photographer, it doesn’t really matter that much. I could, of course, buy at least two Godox AD200 (or maybe three, or four?) that at a glance should fulfil the same needs for a photographer.
If I would just need a small inexpensive light, a Godox would be more than ok. But I like parts in a system that works painlessly together, and mixing Profoto with Speedlights or other stuff is not painless.
I will probably use this product almost every day and on all assignments in the coming years. Having paid 300 or 995 dollars is not of much impact compared to the time and frustration I can save.
And it is really nothing compared to the total sum I have invested in cameras, lenses or lights over the years.
I have, as I said, already ordered two.
Profoto A1 Specifications
76 Watt seconds
9 stops of power adjustment
0.05-1.2 second recycle time
2.75? round tiltable, rotating, zoomable flash head
Auto-zoom from 32-150mm
Wide lens attachment for 14-24mm coverage
350 full power flashes on a single battery charge
Removable Lithium Ion Battery
80 minute charge time
Flash sync up to 1/250th of a second
High Speed Sync mode
Front & rear curtain sync modes
LED Modelling light
Will you buy one, or two? Or not?
About the Author
Stefan Tell is a commercial portrait photographer based in Stockholm, Sweden. You can find out more about Stefan on his website and follow him on Instagram or Facebook. This article was also published here and shared with permission.
Source: https://bloghyped.com/a-review-of-the-most-expensive-hot-shoe-strobe-in-the-world-the-profoto-a1/
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itswomanswork · 6 years
10 Skills An Email Marketing Manager Needs To Succeed [2018 Update]
A lot has been written about the importance of email marketing.
And that’s for good reason: if we look at the ROI, email is the best-performing channel, with much higher conversion and retention rates than social media.
Email marketing is like a headed cabbage. It might seem like a simple concept, but it has many layers. Anyone who wants to become great at email marketing has to understand multiple concepts and juggle many skills at a time.
In this post, I’ll walk you through 10 areas of expertise that are essential to email marketing, and give useful tips for each one.
I’ve also prepared a special bonus for over-achievers at the end of the post, so be sure to read all the way through to the end.
1. Deliverability
If your email doesn’t get delivered, it doesn’t get opened. If it doesn’t get opened… well, you know the rest.
Making sure your emails get to their final destination is the first essential step in email marketing.
There are many variables that affect deliverability of your emails, including ISPs, MTAs, throttling, bounces, bulking, spam issues, and the quality of your content.
Here are a few simple rules that will help you achieve 99.5%+ deliverability:
Avoid SPAM complaints
Don’t spam
Use double opt-in
Set expectations upfront, so subscribers know how often they’re going to hear from you
The new “hot” SPAM law is the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The law is designed to safeguard data privacy for EU citizens, and applies to any business with EU users or customers, regardless of whether the business is based in the European Union or not. The penalty for non-compliance is “up to €20 million, or 4% of the worldwide annual revenue of the prior financial year, whichever is higher.”
If you do email marketing, lead acquisition, or referrals, you should become very familiar with the GDPR.
Avoid hard bounces
Use double opt-in
If you don’t use double opt-in, verify validity of collected email addresses in some other way:
If you’re collecting emails in exchange for a freebie, send that freebie to their inbox vs. putting it on a thank-you page.
If you’re collecting emails in a giveaway, send your first email to participants from a different account, so the wave of unsubscribes and bounces doesn’t affect sender reputation of your main account.
Purge your list
Every 6 months or so, delete all your inactive subscribers. If they haven’t opened any of your last 20-50 campaigns, they probably won’t open the next 100. Such subscribers and you don’t need each other, so let them go.
Know how the Gmail Promotions tab works
The Gmail Promotions tab adds a new layer to email deliverability. If your email is delivered but ends up in the Promotions folder, the subscriber might only get to it much later, if ever.
The problem is that Gmail got pretty good at distinguishing personal emails from everything else, so whether you need to stress over the Promotions tab is debatable. However, it’s still good to know what can cause your emails to land there: bulky images, fancy styling, excessive links, different reply-to address and email header markup.
2. List building
Growing an email list is one of the most rewarding efforts you can take in your business. Good marketers should have a grip of different subscriber acquisition mechanisms available to them, such as:
Content marketing (i.e. blogging coupled with content upgrades)
Guest blogging
Lead magnets (steal a few ideas from the bonus at the end of this post)
Opt-in tools like popups, slide-in forms, and top of the page ribbons
Social media (see section below)
3. Social media integration
Social media is not only good for building your brand image and gaining exposure; it can also help you add subscribers to your email list.
The good news is that almost any social media channel can be leveraged to grow your email list.
Here are a few ideas:
Create a Twitter website card showcasing an irresistible lead magnet, and pin it to the top of your Twitter profile (check out mine here)
Have a sign-up button + sidebar apps on your Facebook page
Ask Instagram followers to leave their email address in the comments to receive something juicy (and relevant to your brand) — this works surprisingly well
Talk about your email list and the benefits of joining it in your Instagram stories
Give a sneak previews of (exciting) emails in Instagram stories
Drive traffic to the opt-in freebies in your blog through Pinterest
Collect leads in slide presentations on Slideshare
Essentially, plug your email list sign-up in all of the storytelling you’re already doing on social media.
4. Subscriber engagement
Everybody wants a big list, but few realize that it’s not a panacea for your business.
Even small lists can work magic if they are healthy and engaged. This is because engaged subscribers open more, click more, and buy more. Your top 1,000 customers can generate $8.6 million in revenue (if you’re Ramit Sethi).
The best part is that once you learn how to engage your email subscribers you can apply that to a list of any size to optimize its effectiveness.
The top rule of email list nurturing is “give more than you ask for”.
Especially in the first 2-4 weeks after someone subscribes to your list, make sure you surpass all expectations of being helpful and overdeliver on a regular basis.
Once you establish trust with your new subscribers, continue your communication keeping in mind why people join and stay on email lists: they love the feeling of being on the “inside” of a private club.
Cultivate that feeling by:
making them the first to hear new announcements;
sending them exclusive content that’s not available on your blog;
offering special deals to your subscribers.
Here are a few more tips on keeping your subscribers engaged:
Segment your list and send more relevant info to segments
Don’t lose your voice in automated emails
Find the right “send” frequency: be on their radar without being annoying
Make your emails feel like a continuous conversation (vs. a series of one-off emails)
5. Open rate
If you’ve ever sent an email campaign to a list of people, you might have engaged in the “open rate watching” behavior that looks at least somewhat like this:
Just 2 minutes after hitting “go” on my email campaign, I start refreshing my browser to watch the open rate stats roll in…
I know I’m not alone. We’ve all been there, right?
Email open rate is not just the subject line (although it’s important). It depends on a whole host of reasons, including:
“From” name
Preview text
Send time
Your list quality
Your content
The more people open an email, the more people click, the more people buy, so make sure you always optimize your emails for a higher open rate.
6. Click rate
Most marketing emails get sent to trigger some action, whether you want people to buy, share, or engage with your stuff.
Any action in an email is measured by the click on your CTA (call to action). That’s why click rate (along with the conversion rate) is the ultimate metric in email marketing.
The “big secret” of achieving a high click rate is making a truly valuable offer. If your end product is not good, no tactic will save you.
However, if your fundamental offer IS good, then there are a few tips for optimizing your click rate:
Make your CTA crystal clear
Readers must immediately recognize the call to action even if they simply skim through the email. The easiest way to make your CTA stand out is to use buttons.
PRO-tip: use HTML-based buttons for best results. They’ll get displayed even if subscriber’s email client blocks images.
Use one CTA per email
Too much choice can be demotivating. The fewer options your subscribers have, the more they are likely to act. Using just one call to action eliminates the paradox of choice.
There are lots of resources to back this. Whirlpool got a 42% click-through-rate increase by dropping the number of CTAs in its emails from 4 to 1. HelpScout increased click-through rate by 17% by keeping the number of CTAs in its emails to one.
Evoke powerful emotions in your copy
Marketing is based on psychological principles, and the most effective campaigns take advantage of such powerful emotions as:
Social proof
7. Analytics and data
Any email marketing manager has to feel comfortable in the analytics dashboard of their ESP (email service provider).
Email marketing stats like open and click rates, bounces, unsubscribes, list growth and conversion rate can give powerful insights at what’s working (and what’s not) in your email marketing strategy.
Looking at the numbers and seeing trends, and with that, opportunities for experiments (A/B tests) is a skill that distinguishes a successful email marketing manager from someone with stagnant results.
The first step to a more thoughtful email marketing strategy is determining exactly what you want to achieve — your number one goal. Based on that goal, decide what your primary and secondary metrics should be and track them meticulously.
8. Automation
Email marketing automation is growing fast and is no longer a novelty or an option. It is a must for any email marketing strategy.
And for good reason. Automated emails are timely, personalized and hyper-relevant to the reader. As a result, they drive open and click rates and positively affect subscriber engagement. The bottom line of all that — more revenue for your business.
Most ESPs these days have automation features, but you can also get sophisticated software to create advanced workflows. No matter what tools you’re using, you should be able to set up simple email workflows that get triggered in a number of different ways:
when a subscriber gets added to a list,
clicks a link in an email,
views a page on your blog,
clicks on one of your ads,
becomes a qualified lead,
downloads one of your lead magnets (freebies),
any combination of these and more.
9. Segmentation
Segmentation is a powerful mechanism that lets you subdivide your list based on a certain set of characteristics. You can then send highly targeted emails to subscriber groups within your list.
According to eMarketer,
39% of email marketers that practice list segmentation see better open rates;
28% see lower opt-out and unsubscribe rates;
24% see better email deliverability and greater revenue.
There are a number of ways you can segment your list simply based on campaign activity. Look at the following groups and see how you can serve them differently:
subscribers who open most of your emails but don’t click
subscribers who click but don’t convert (send them a new campaign with more reasons to purchase your product)
subscribers who didn’t open the last email (if it was an important email, re-send it with a new subject line after a few days)
subscribers who have consistently replied to your emails (they are your biggest fans, so treat them accordingly)
Skillful email marketers should also be able to segment based on past purchases, interest level, demographics, and much more.
I have included 7 smart ideas for list segmentation in the bonus at the end of this post.
10. Attribution
Attribution is one of the most advanced topics in digital marketing.
A good email marketing manager wants to know the exact payoff of each tactic they use. When you know how your marketing efforts covert, you are better informed to develop further strategy and allocate budget.
Although email marketing is highly trackable, email attribution is not a straight line. For many companies, a linear A-to-B-to-C email interaction is increasingly rare.
Today, consumer behavior looks more like this:
Someone hears an ad in a podcast and then googles the company. They are not ready to buy yet, but they sign up for the newsletter. At some point in the future they receive an email from the company and forward it to a colleague who is interested in the product. The colleague is then walking down the street and sees the product in a window. She remembers the email and goes into the shop to purchase.
It’s hard to attribute this conversion to any particular event, and the truth is that this might only get messier in the future. However, email marketers need to keep attribution in mind to continue making the right decisions when they analyze reports and develop strategies.
Want to become a better email marketer?
Woof, we’ve covered a lot here. Don’t get discouraged if you’re not an ace on all 10 of these topics – you can always improve.
To help you with that, I prepared a special bonus. It includes a few key resources for taking your email marketing to the next level:
A list of 15 lead magnet ideas to help you grow your email list faster;
7 smart ways you can segment your list to keep it healthy and engaged;
A video tutorial on how to delete inactive subscribers from your email list (to keep your open rates high).
To get access to the bonuses, sign up here (it’s completely free).
Guest Author: Kasey Luck runs Bold & Zesty, a free newsletter & blog about email marketing. Previously she did marketing at the most active venture fund in the world, 500 Startups, where she grew email list by 25,000 subscribers in one year. Say hi to Kasey here.
The post 10 Skills An Email Marketing Manager Needs To Succeed [2018 Update] appeared first on Jeffbullas’s Blog.
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