#i might be able to skate by with the 2 documents that i was able to get before the printer pooped out on me
chaos-coming · 6 months
Fuuuuck i put off printing important documents for my appointment tomorrow morning until the last minute and now my printer ran out of ink and Everywhere is closed i am so royally fucked!!
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myobsessionsspace · 8 months
Looking at jikook's behaviour especially from the last 2-3 years, it's apparent that they are pretty inseparable. From spending a lot of time with each other during pandemic to ptd times and then flash forward - enlisting together.
Even when Jimin was busy for his album, it was very apparent that jungkook missed him, inviting him multiple times too.
Even though people think they didn't meet up in 2023, it soon became obvious that they did, because they can't just 'not be close ' and suddenly enlist together.
Whatever they are to each other, I'm seeing a pattern of a (almost extreme) dependency. Which makes me think that we might be seeing this behaviour from them even in future, after MS.
Please don't get me wrong, I don't claim them to be dating each other. Because who really knows? But this absolute dependency they have on each other makes me think how would they navigate if they ever have an official public relationship with different partners.
Now hypothetically, can you imagine Jungkook in the same room ( let's say a couch) with a gf and Jimin? We know his whole attention and physical body language changes around Jimin. How would a gf feel with a boyfriend who's more attentive to his guy friend than to her?
( I'm assuming gf because it's hard to come out with a same gender partner in S Korea)
Hello lovely!
Thank you for the ask, I’m gonna answer it in two parts, one about their ‘codependency’ and two about a hypothetical girlfriend being added to their dynamic.😉
Jikook Close Enough Orr Too Close?
Yes they’re close, the closest, the I am you, you are me duo. It’s insane those that believe them to be their favourites still deny this, from early days until now. They work together and play together 
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I’m so grateful they have each other to push each other, like when they stay after to practice together or like when one give the other vocal help.
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I’m also happy that they *like* each other, they like cooking together, watching movies together, going to concerts, ice skating, restaurants and escape rooms together. 
Like the rest of us we saw times in chapter two when one really missed the other, when one was worried about the other over working themselves, when one wanted to eat chicken, go live or box together. 
BUT they have also done well with all the constraints of idol life and being in THE biggest  global group with their hectic and publicised life to have cultivated a life outside of the group and of each other (well not completely).
Jikook have their own interests, hobbies, homes, family and friends. We’ve been able to spot Jimin travel the world with friends, go to shows with friends, relax at home alone etc.
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Jungkook, I find due to his introversion, has always been more of the homebody out of the two (I can always give example of his well documented introversion if asked 😉) however he’s actually come a long way in recent years. More than just staying in and gaming all of his free time away, in addition to with Jimin, he also has been spending more quality time with his friends, spending time on his hobbies, going on meat tours etc.
The two are able to not be around each other 24/7 and still have full lives, Jungkook is still deep down an introvert and if not out with a select few close friends would rather enjoy himself at home, one of the bonuses of that for us is that he can feel no issue with being on live whilst enjoying being with himself at home, over a decade of sharing his life on the camera with ARMY has allowed us that window. 
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Jikook like each other and like spending time with each other but they also show maturity in making sure they invest time into themselves, into their other friends, sometimes these friends even overlap, because who says they have to keep each other separate from other aspects of their lives?
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They compliment each other and are doing a good job of it. If we do see them as together, they work together AND see each other and after all these years still like each other?! They’ve got a balance that seems to work for them. They’re able to still dedicate time to the other members, even when it seems like they’re constantly in a Jikook bubble.
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Yes we may get more Jikook jikooking, but with the added public understanding that they went through 18 months of life changing, unforgettable, intense comrade bonding.
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But I’m not worried about them after their service, the days of 'unhinged, bold and reckless' fetus jikook are mostly gone, they know when to push the envelope and when not to. They’re not new to this, they’re true to this 💪
Jimin & Jungkook plus a ‘She’
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With this, I think of it as if either Jimin or Jungkook had a girlfriend, cos why just Jungkook with Jimin being the third wheel, hmmm👀? Jiminie has given us a lot of queer coding, he’s been literally painted the bisexual flag.
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Bi-erasure is real y'all 😪
Jimin could also be the one in this hypothetical scenario, as much or maybe even more than Jungkook, when it comes to a girlfriend in the mix. 
Before getting to the woman, It actually would say more to how f*ck*d up Jikook themselves would be as her boyfriend, getting involved with a woman and bringing them around the other to act like that around her. Those aren’t the type of men I could be fans of ☹️
It would actually say more about them as people to add an unsuspecting woman into the mix of a bond that allows for many questions as to the nature of it. Why would either one of them even do that to even have this scenario occur?? We know they aren’t heartless a**holes but even this fake scenario makes me upset for the third party 😭
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On the hypothetical girlfriend side…to be honest it is possible with the dynamic that Jikook have, for a girlfriend to join them and them still have their bond continue with some adjustments.
It would have to be a special sort of woman, confident in herself, in her differences to either of them. She wouldn’t be a carbon copy of Jimin or Jungkook, she would have to be someone who has qualities not found in Jimin or Jungkook, but compliment them either way. She would have to be someone that would also platonically fall in love with the best friend of her boyfriend. She would have to be someone firm to set boundaries with skinship etc but not controlling to allow their friendship to continue to thrive. She would  have to be a welcome addition to their friendship time, but also be confident enough to leave them to have their own time, someone the boyfriend would crave individual time with her also.
It’s more the type of character of the woman that would determine how she’d feel. If she was dating either, she would be confident enough to know that her man isn’t romantically involved with the other. She would be dating him and learning him and understanding his dynamics with his friends, family, co-workers etc.
If she was putting the time in when dating to learn her boyfriend m, it would work, if she was a self assured woman, it would work. If she believed her man not to be gay or not to be romantically interested in the other member then she’d last. 
She wouldn’t even make it to the label stage to be calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend if she couldn’t handle Jimin/Jungkook in her boyfriend’s life. if she couldn’t handle Jikook jikooking, minus skinship, the relationship would be over the first time seeing Jikook together.
It’s possible but it’s a special type of woman. This is all hypothetical and dependent on Jikook only having been nothing more than best friends, the closet duo and platonic soulmates.
If we were trying to insert a girlfriend in the mix for any other scenario then…I dunno love 🥴
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Thank you for your ask and thanks to any readers, likes and comments.
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aeoki · 6 months
Tri-Lights - Wheel of Fortune: Chapter 2
Location: NEW DIMENSION Office Characters: Sora, Natsume, Tsumugi & Madara
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Natsume: …………
Sora: Oh, Master~! Good morning!
You have a cloudy “colour” about you. Did something happen?
The “Wheel of Fortune” card…?
Ah, did you get a bad outcome again?
Natsume: No, it’s not thAT. I was just thinking about somethiNG.
AnywAY, did you come into the office to research some thinGS?
Sora: Yes! That’s what Sora is here for!
Natsume: HeheHE. What a coincidenCE. I’m also looking up sports-related things hoping they’ll be useful to our woRK.
Senpai was here a little while earlier but he just left to get documents from the compaNY.
Sora: Oh, I wanted to do some research for that too, but do you know why the “S” in “Switch” was supposed to stand for sports, Master~?
Natsume: ……? Senpai was the one who came up with that proposal so I wouldn’t knOW.
I asked him about it earlier and it seems he was embarrassed to sAY, mentioning that it was because “he was young and immature” or something like thAT.
I don’t think there’s an important reason behind iT.
Sora: Hmm. So Senpai was embarrassed and couldn’t give a proper answer. That’s troubling~
Sora thought it was something important related to why “Switch” was created.
Natsume: Who knoWS? We’re talking about Senpai heRE – He probably thoughtlessly went through with it because I had my plate full with gloomy feelings related to tHE “Five Oddballs”.
There’s the saying that “it's better to be rough and ready than slow and elaboraTE”, but that part of Senpai always lands him in troubLE.
Sora: It’s not an important reason…?
(...That’s true – Sora thinks Master is right.)
(One of the many images they came up with for the unit was a sports-based one and maybe that’s really all there is to it.)
(But something doesn’t feel right~)
(Sora thinks what Tsuka-chan said yesterday was also right.)
(Senpai likes prayers and “spells” so it wouldn’t be strange if there was an actual hidden reason.)
(Is Sora overthinking things and getting the wrong idea? Either way, Sora has to hear it from Senpai himself~)
(Sora has also prepared his trump card…)
Natsume: AnywAY, Sora, don’t just stand theRE – Sit here on the soFA.
I was reading a few interviews that might be helpfUL. Shall we split up the work and read through them togethER?
Sora: …Oh, sure, let’s do it!
Sora wants to find the answer quickly and make the job a success~
(Besides, Sora will be happy if Sora can find the thing Senpai was trying to incorporate into “Switch”.)
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< Two hours later. >
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Tsumugi: Natsume-kun, Sora-kun, I’ve just returned~♪
Thank goodness both of you were at the office when I sent a message on “Hallhands”. I can share the materials I received from the company with you two right away.
I think the answer we’re looking for can be found within these documents.
Sora: HaHa~ Thanks so much! Let’s get started right away then.
Tsumugi: Yes. Let’s take a look together ♪
Natsume: What’s thIS…? “Glistening Sweat on the Forehead. A Good Day with Friends”...
It’s not talking about clothes but is this rigHT?
Tsumugi: Yes. It seems it’s a lifestyle article like the ones you’d find in a fashion magazine.
The other projects are similar. Young people are smiling and enjoying their everyday lives while wearing a refreshing set of sporty and street clothes from the company…
Well, it doesn’t seem all that different from what we experienced yesterday. Would ice skating be too elegant?
Natsume: This isn’t goOD. We don’t have a lot of tiME. I don’t understand how this is different from what they’re asking of uS.
I thought we’d be able to find the answer but I suppose this was a let-doWN.
Have you found anything, SoRA? Any cluES?
Sora: Well…
Madara: That’s enough chit-chat!
Tsumugi & Natsume: ………!?
Sora: Woah, Sora’s being tied up…!
Madara: Hahaha. Sorry, Sora-san, I’ll be carrying you for a bit so be patient with me!
Natsume-san, Tsumugi-san, sorry, but I’m taking your precious junior!
Sora: Master, Senpai! Help Sora!
Natsume: Sora!
Tsumugi: W–Wait a minute. Why would you do such a thing!?
Madara: All worldly things are impermanent! Life is all about unexpected happenings!
You should follow me if you want to get Sora-san back…☆
Natsume: ArGH. We’re going after hIM, Senpai!
Tsumugi: R–Right!
But why did Mikejima-kun take Sora-kun? He was so cooperative yesterday…
Natsume: This is no time to stop and thiNK. Let’s get goiNG, Senpai.
I knew he’d be troubLE. He never intended on helping us out for frEE.
Oh, geEZ. Why is everything heading in a bad directiON…!?
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dzpenumbra · 2 years
Alright, I'm just gonna dive in head-first because I want to catch up on sleep and hopefully get up a bit earlier tomorrow. I had a very intense night terror last night. I haven't had one in a while. And I think a big reason I haven't had one is because I've been smoking. I could be doing that whole hypochondriac thing where I just want to blame things on biophysical reasons (I have a long distant history of doing so, nasty habit).
I think we all know that cannabis affects dreams, it's like... one of the biggest things about detoxing that everyone says, its one of the only withdrawal symptoms. "Your dreams get intense." I'm a little bit worried that I have been sleeping so well lately because my dreams have been suppressed. Which, for someone with C-PTSD or whatever you wanna call it, is a bit of a blessing. And I think the only way I've really been able to get away with that - because dreaming serves a crucially important function in cognitive processing - is because I've been really proactive about introspection and self-work.
But I also need to remember that my entire days are deep introspective soul work and detailed permanent ink artwork, there's really not a lot of time that's like... relaxing and enjoying life in there. It's work. I need to remember to laugh and play and goof around. To experience joy for the sake of joy, recreation for the sake of recreation. I don't know if it's my family, or my region, or my country, or the world as a whole right now - I have no idea how widespread this compulsion is right now - but it feels like everyone I've been meeting is like... obsessed with work, and being productive, and making more things faster. As many things as fast as possible for as much time as possible. And that 1. feels like a symptom of an extremely dysfunctional society, and 2. I feel like it hasn't always been like this. I remember times when it wasn't like this within my lifetime. So... maybe it was my social groups, my family or maybe my culture that shifted, but I just wanna really stress how important it is to like... live life. Enjoy life. Go just sit in nature and be around animals. Roll around in the grass. Play with your pet. Be a kid. Sing really loud and dance! It's not lame, it's fun. It's not productive, it's nurturing, it's enriching, it's CULTURE. So I'm very very blessed to be able to pursue my skills and my discipline, and I hope to gain the confidence to integrate myself into artistic communities again very soon. But I have to remember to not just produce creative things, but to consume them too, for my own enrichment. To nurture my soul.
I went to bed after my journal last night. I didn't smoke, I took the tincture instead. That might be part of it. I fell asleep pretty easily, kitty did migrate a bit but I fell asleep moderately quickly. I was awake about 2-3 hours later. With my heart pounding harder in my chest than any time I've skated this year. Like pounding so hard that you can almost feel it rattling off your sternum, like I felt if I listened hard enough I could hear it externally. I woke up and tried to breathe slowly and was on the verge of tears, then I actually glanced over to my nightstand and my eyes were drawn to one of my two dream journals, the one with a pen in it, ready for a vivid dream to be documented. And I remember saying "well, this is what all the practice was for, here we go." Something close to that. Because I trained different self-developed dream recall techniques for actual years. I got really good at it. I've been collecting very vivid dreams in journals since around 2017ish. I have a lot now, some really cool ones. I hope to get myself to turn them into mini graphic novels or animated shorts sometime. Maybe even music videos, that would be really cool. Someday... someday... When I don't have to worry about fucking "is this gonna make money" and I can actually make something fucking inspired and mystically beautiful for the simple sake that it is demanding to be made, because it is inspired, not because it might be "marketable". Someday.
I recorded the dream. The vivid parts that hurt me very deeply, that made me feel guilt and shame and despair and outrage and deep deep sadness and powerlessness. The parts that I remembered. And I left commentary after the dream recall - which I've never done before in that book. Sorta talking myself out of reliving the dream and narrating my mental process like I'm doing now. To help myself transition out of that really intense PTSD nightmare back into reality, into crying and purging emotions, adrenaline bursts in the chest, dreadful apocalypse feelings, tears. It was very good to get it out. I'm very glad I gave myself permission to cry.
I spent the entire day recovering. I worked through it a bit with my mom, bless her heart. We reminisced on better times when I was a child. I shared with her some astrology stuff that she found very interesting, which sorta surprised me a little and was a nice bonding moment that helped me feel seen and understood. It was good to bond after such deep pain, it was healing.
Throughout the rest of the night, I was alone with Max, who spent most of the night in the bedroom while I was in the studio. So... I spent it alone. I worked on the hoodie more, it's coming along, I started another mandala and it's mostly done. I made quick, easy frozen food that I got in case an emergency meal was needed. I watched a lot of skate videos by NKA Vids and singing analysis videos by A Charismatic Voice. And I kept periodically getting bursts of adrenaline throughout the night. I don't know if I was encountering mini-triggers? Or if it was just... overflow or something? Aftershocks? I don't know. But my emotions have just been bubbling throughout the day and unfortunately, not a lot of good ones have made it to the surface. It changes so quickly, from super optimistic and hopeful and confident and ready to take on the world! To mortified and childlike and wanting to curl up in a ball in a well lit cabin far away from society with some imaginary nurturing protective partner and not come out for months.
I remember saying to my mom, how deeply grateful I was that she has been supporting my artistic pursuits, because - and I said this with tears streaming down my cheeks - there's no way I'd be any use working a "real job" if this happened. I would 100% call out of work, and I would not lie to them, because I really fucking hate lying for no reason so much. And I guarantee I'd be fired if I called out because "I had a bad dream". Because people just really aren't there with PTSD. Or sensitive people. Some people just really aren't there yet. They go "well, why don't you just turn your feelings off?" "Have you tried not crying?" "What are you, a pussy? Suck it up, get over it, it's not real." Shit like that. And how these people end up in management, I really have no idea, but like all of my managers but one at every job I've worked was like that. And fuck those people. Please be kind. Not everyone allows themselves to be as callous and miserable as you, some of us still have hope and love in our hearts that we're trying to keep alive. And it's very hard to do that when you can't tend to that fire because Karen needs her toasted sesame bagel with tofu veggie cream cheese right the fuck now, and you aren't literally dying, so you better be there to get that for her. You want to pay your rent, don't you?
I'm venting. I do that a lot when I feel vulnerable, I think. I get outraged at people from like 10 years ago and shit. I bet if I got a cool job like... apprenticing with a lapidary artisan, or working in a tabletop game shop, or some weird occult new age store, or a rare antique restoration place... I bet I wouldn't have a shit boss. I bet the circumstances would be very different. And I'd probably make a good amount of money because I never fucking spend any. So... maybe I should chill a bit on the "everyone is an asshole and out to get me" thing, because it's been the subtle anxious fear-narrative all day lurking in the shadows. In the penumbra... hehehe... Obscured, hidden behind physical sensations and shit. Fear of Judgement, and Justice. And worse... Fear of Fear. Lots of Fear of Fear.
I have so much deep admiration for people with PTSD who don't have the support that I have, who somehow manage to make it through an entire workday just sneaking out by the dumpster to smoke a cigarette and bawl their eyes out and curl up in a ball and rock back and forth, then put out the cigarette, dry their eyes, fix their makeup if they're into that, and go back in with a goddamn smile on their face. All on 3 hours of sleep and a trauma flashback that is latched to their spine like some kind of parasite, like a lamprey or a leech or a tick. It really did feel like that most of the day.
So I canceled my plans to go to this new age shop I was really excited to go to, to get cordage and mineral supplies (for jewelry making) and find cool trinkets and weird new age books and stuff. And spent the day trying to heal. And I think I did okay, I'm still a bit jumpy and a bit primally scared of the dark, but I feel worlds better than when I woke up 20 hours ago. Accepting the feelings and working through them has been really hard, and I didn't do it completely, but I engaged in the moment and a few times throughout the day and worked through them and it was very worth it.
I even smoked tonight. A tiny bit, but enough to feel it, and I didn't freak out at all, not even slightly. And I'm really proud of myself for challenging myself like that, even if it was just dipping my toes in the pool.
I am going to try to go to bed now, while it's still dark out - first time in a while. Goodnight, Moon.
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briarpatch-kids · 2 years
hi! i'm sorry to bother you, but i have a question. i'm in a school programme that among other things requires you to do 50 hours of physical activity, and at least 5 different kinds over 2 years, otherwise you aren't allowed to do your final exams. the thing is, i am disabled. i need a cane if i'm walking for more than 15 minutes because otherwise my hip and knee joint pains get me. i also get tired very easily, and any regular exercise gets me out for the rest of the day. so far i could only come up with swimming and hiking (but even then not too much at a time because using the cane puts a bit of a strain on my arm), and from what i've googled, nobody else seemed to write about any ideas for disabled students like me. so do you have any ideas for that kinda activity that isn't too taxing for a disabled body? once again, sorry to bother you, but you're the most welcoming and understanding disabled blogger i know, and i thought you or your followers might know something :]
You're okay! You're not bothering anyone by asking. If you have access to a fitness center there's a couple different machines that are low impact and great for hurty bones.
One of them is a stationary bike, there's a few different kinds but they're all very low impact on your joints and bones and there's usually adjustable resistance. I like the recombinant style with a full seat!
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There's also elliptical machines, they're a little bit higher impact than a bike, but a different set of motions that might work better for you. It's sort of running, but in a smoother fluid motion without the same kind of jarring you can get from running.
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There's also things like biking, roller skating or using a scooter around town and there's multiple types of activities in the pool you can try beyond just swimming laps. A ton of pools have different water aerobics classes intended for conditions like arthritis and sport games. My local fitness center has dance classes and Tai chi.
Also remember that the 5 different kinds can be trying things too, so if you try out the elliptical and can only get a half hour before it hurts and you don't want to do it again? Well, you've knocked out trying a new activity and you've finished another half hour of exercise. You can also consider things like the walk to school exercise if that's something you do. Physical therapy is exercise too. Anything you can reasonably count as exercise is good exercise and should be logged.
If there's a write up or essay you need to write about it, I'd talk about your disabilities and how you struggled to come up with ideas for exercise and what worked for you. Your instructors might remember how you were able to get things done and use it to help out other disabled students in the future. And finally if you have documentation of your disability, you may be able to bring it up with school administrators and get a modified requirement especially if you've tried more than 5 activities and they're all causing a lot of pain and damage. Usually they're a lot more willing to work with you if you've given it a good go and still can't meet requirements.
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Fucks not Found
One, but not done [END]
Ch1 Ghosts | Ch2 Florence | Ch3 A Matter of Seconds | Ch4 I need a Backdoor | Ch5 Die Hard | Ch6 White Flag | Ch7 Haunt the Living | Ch 8 One, but not done [end]
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Seven sighed as One disappeared when it was time to pack everything "Is he always like that or is he just being purposefully annoying?”
“How the fuck would I know?!” Three slammed a crate on the ground, holding his back like an old man.
“Who?” you were all packing the mission’s gear in the Haunted House.
“Purposefully, no doubt!” you chuckled.
Later you knocked on his trailer door,
"Old man, we have to talk,"
"Let me guess, you want a bigger trailer so you and skater boy could go at it, not gonna happen,"
"Hum .. not exactly, look I know it's the first rule you told us about, and we broke it, actually 4 of us broke it. We're human One,"
He sighed "I just.. need you to be focus on the job."
"We are fo-.."
"Getting shot prove that you were focus," he threw his phone on the desk
"Alright you got a point,"
"These numbers are for your own safety," he stated angrily "but I guess now it's all fucked up."
"Not necessarily, I mean, now we all know each other better, we have better bonds,"
"Tell me about it," you smirked at his saying "... actually don't," he furrowed his eyebrows as you chuckled.
"Think about it," you pointed out as you were stepping out "this team, could do so much more,"
He nodded and something snapped.
"Hold on," he rummaged through a drawer to finally hand you a silver key, his eyes changed for a second “Might be cliché but he would have been proud.”
Smiling slightly at One, you left to open your brother's safe.
There were photographs, a few envelopes with the same cachet and a P/O box address on it.
One of the photographs, in black and white yellowed by the time showed your Mamma and Papa at your age in front of the Coliseum, looking happy as ever, the warmth of their smiled enveloping you instantly. Another one with your Mamma in swims wear gracefully sat on the sand, holding both of you. You were so tiny, wearing terrible hats and frowning at the sun. You found yourself laughing, a tear landing on the envelope’s corner behind the pictures.
Setting aside those pictures, you flicked the envelope open. Eyes scanning the document multiple times you were not sure what you were reading. Palm against your agape mouth, you read the main text.
 “Dear Anonymous donator,
We would like to thank you for all these years of generosity. Your help has given access healthcare to people in dread need of it. With the help of caring people such as yourself, we have been able to afford the construction of a new volunteer centre, which will provide a facility to help maximize the amount of lives we can save.
Your last donation in date had us all profoundly touch and grateful.
We will never not be thankful enough. We wish we had a name to put on the facility’s wall. But we respect your privacy and so we’ll stop asking from now on.
All proceeds of your donations advance our lifesaving mission.
Thank you, dear anonymous donator.“
The tears blurred your vision until you couldn't see through it. He had found his anchor.
You cried, not of sadness but of proudness. For you he was still the kid throwing stones on the neighbor’s roof, the one who couldn’t sleep on stormy nights, the teen who cried when his crush rejected him. He was your anchor for years.
One paid you much more than you needed to live. You assumed now your brother had donated the payment. And all these years when he worked multiple jobs... it all became clear.
"You were the better twin, baby brother!" You mumbled to yourself.
Weeks later the Donations continued yet the anonymous donator had a found an alias.
Passing by the pool you stopped once more before leaving the scorching desert until One would need you.
Weeks ago you brother was laughing at you on the other side of this very pool, these memories were gold now, they didn’t make you sad anymore, you grinned remembering him holding his chest while laughing on the ground, little fucker.
“Hey luv,”
“Hey,” he sat next to you on the edge of the empty pool
"So we're out?" His hand snaked around your waist bringing you closer.
"Not for now," you smiled thinking about this time spend with this weird squad, eager for a new operation.
“So where shall we go until next,”
“You're ready to stick with me? Are you mad?" He laughed as you touched his forehead for any kind of fever.
"Banged my head a few times yeah, but I'm pretty sure I'm mad...about you."
"God you spent to much time around One." He gently reached for your jaw turning your head to him, the blush creeping on your cheeks not helping to hide that you actually liked that he was ready to come with you anywhere, he leaned in for a quick kiss.
The warm air and sounds of busy streets of Italy passing through the ajar window woke you up. Looking at your watch on the bedside table you immediatly turn your back to it, snuggling back into Four's chest. Too early. The night was short.
"What do you say about Transylvania?" he mindlessly ran pattern on your back with his warm fingers.
"For what? Vampire retreat?"
"Hiking, but I can bite" feeling his teeth of soft spot on your neck you squirmed.
"Aouch, alright, we'll go to Transylvania tomorrow. I got to see my brother first."
He nodded, his smile sliding off.
"I'm...I'm not really comfortable with...mourning," he played with your fingers on his chest avoiding your look "I ..uh.."
"Calm down babe," you straddled him, the sheet sliding down your bare body "I'm not asking you to come with me." You chuckled at his concerned face, and his lost of attention at the sight of your naked body.
He sighed, "You know he was like a brother to me..." you tilted your head watching him
"That would be weird.." you removed your hands from his
"shit no not a brother," he caught your hands putting them right back on his chest" a .. a best friend,"
"Stop talking," you leaned in, enclosing his lips with yours. His hands immediatly reached your tighs, you felt a shiver ran his chest as your finger brushed his skin from his throat to his navel. A firm squeezed on your thighs made you giggled, he was so easy to trigger.
He sat up, one of his arm tightly set around your low back while the other snake to your back, his hand holding the back your neck. A lovely mess of tangled limbs in silk sheet was all you were. You pushed him back on the bed, holding his hands up his head.
You nibbled on his earlobe, and chuckled when he groaned at the ministrations trying to fight your hold on him. He could easily removed himself from your grip, guess he wouldn't this time.
Finding your way down his neck, chest, navel ... taking your sweet time until you reach the point of no return. He gasped, his head lolling back on the pillow "God I love Italy,"
“Ciao brother” cross seating at the grave of his fake death, there were flowers already with a cup of mochaccino beside it, you laughed, only One person could have done that. Glancing at your own grave, you shivered at your name engraved in the marble stone.
You recall the all mission as if your twin was there listening to you, “This one is for you, and the next, and the next.” You breathe in feeling tears coming up, “I kept your cross," you scoffed, "you can thank Four for that. As long as I have it, I’ll have you, mammà and papa with me promise.” kissing the cross you left a single tear rolled down your face.
One knew how to be a ghost, perfectly, no one could trace him, anyone but you. .... The gps tracker in his watch helped. If he knew, he’d probably wouldn’t be happy, but hey he is your cash source can’t lose an eye on him.
“So, that’s your secret!” looking at the little boy in the playground whom looked like the man beside you.
“Shit! He jumped
“Hey,” you grinned leaning on the grid, sliding your shades down.
“Aren’t you supposed to be OUT of Italy?” he groaned
“It’s my homeland One, what’d you expect?” you pointed at your wig and shades “Disguise,”
“It’s always better than Three’s in Vegas,” He joked “You’re kicked out, it’s immediate,” He stated, not even believing it himself.
“Yeaaaah, I don’t think so,” you nudged his shoulder. A ghost of a grin appeared knowingly.
"Do you follow everyone, or are you my private stalker?"
"You really wanna know!?" You shifted on your two feet, he got the idea that everyone had a stalker in the name of Eight.
"Cleavers," you used his own line
"Shut up," he answered tired of your shit, resulting in you laughing a bit too loud.
Regaining a sense of calm you felt he was still uneasy about you seeing his son. “Your secret is safe with me old man,” He nodded a tight smile on his lips, and somehow he knew he could trust you.
“Haunted house, in a week.”
“Noted.” Saluting with two-fingers you took a few steps back still eyeing him with fondness, proudness, maybe not just a cash source in the end. He flicked you off, a bright smile spread on your face.
“Where’s Four by the way?” he called out
“Somewhere on the roofs, he can’t help it.”
He lifted his head, you took this time to disappear around the corner.
Calling Four you stumble upon his voicemail “Skater boy, you better bring down your cute ass. We’re heading back to the Haunted House in a week. Mission 2 is coming. Love ya!”
A week later
"Please don't,"
"One, I only hugged her for a second," you rolled your eyes. Five was still holding your shoulders.
"Tell me you're not going to freak out everytime two of us are close,"
Two had a grin on, Five was being clingy on purpose. It had been a month since you've seen everyone, except Four and One. You had missed everyone, Five especially, after the parkour lessons, the incident on the yacht you had become close friends.
"Hey squad," Four let his skate rolled until it hit a wall. He reached you kissing your cheek, then sending you a wink as he took a seat next to Three. You eyed One, holding a laugh, Five carefully removed her hands from around your arm. Four looked dumbfounded as One sighed, staring at you. He then flung his arms in the air.
"Fucking Millennials!"
Thanks to everyone who read, liked, commented on Fucks not Found. It was fun to write, let me know what could be improved, I'm still working on my english that's why everything is not perfect and quite limited. Looking forward a new story. Thanks again.
A/N: don't forget to double tap if you liked it. 🙏
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pink-wisp · 5 years
Featuring Penny being an innocent robot and observing people, trying to understand what emotions and relationships are. For those that just want the rarepair Penny/Winter I’ll put it under the cut.
Can be read standalone. Summery of last chapter: Penny snuck out to met her faux teammates. ‘Aro’ Glade is one of them and the only friendly one. Hard of hearing, goat faunus, has prosthetic horns. She’s lil quirky like Entrapta.
Successful interpersonal action: Three people.
They spent half the day drilling her backstory. Penny was adopted from one of Dr. Pietro’s clients who lived in Atlas. They were board members of the Schnee Dust Company who… disappeared on a business trip to Vacuo. Dr. Pietro adopted Penny and changed her last name to hide her from White Fang extremist.
 The young women didn’t like it. It was… common and therefor believable. But it was sad. It placed blame on the innocent- but they weren’t really innocent and-
 “Darling? Something is bothering you again.” Dr. Pietro gently prodded. Penny was reluctant at first. It wasn't a problem that could be solved. The cover story solved many issues but…
 The more she thought about it the more her aura stirred and amplified her power unit to overwhelming capacity. "It's about lying," Penny blurted out. She squeezed her hands, almost tight enough to damage the artificial skin. She didn't know if admitting it stressed her out more or relieved the internal conflict. "It doesn't feel right."
 "That's because you’re a good person." Dr. Pietro said with a smile. His hands covered her and squeezed. The pressure reaffirmed his presence and was comforting. "How about you go for a walk, outside."
 "… Outside?” Penny repeated. She wouldn’t consider her trip to Aro’s apartment outside. She went from inside the facility to inside a transport, then inside a building. "Around Atlas?"
"We're still setting up your official documents but now probably the best time to explore as… as a normal girl, not a huntress-in-training or savior of the world," Dr. Pietro said. He was smiling, but like Aro last night it wasn't a real smile. His tone was soft, possibly sad? "The air might do you good."
 "But I am not impacted by air quality."
 Dr. Pietro chuckled, a hand cupped her cheek for a moment. "My dear girl, it's not just about taking care of your body. But also here," He tapped Penny's nose. She gasped and giggled. Her nose was various types of silicone and sensors, very sensitive ones apparently. "Go on, you're also supposed to learn, and you can only do that outside." Penny still squeezed her hands. And her father hummed in thought. "Oh I know, this would be the perfect time for you to meet Ms. Glade!"
 "Oh! Um…" Penny froze a little, panic written over her face. Luckily her father turned around, chair walking to another workbench. Xanthic had to sneak her out, so it is highly probable meeting her soon to be teammates was supposed to be a secret. That would explain the private communications network, or maybe Xanthic was just trouble. So many thoughts fired through her processers jumped a little when she found a box containing a pair golden horns in her hands.
 "These are Ms. Glade's new horns! I've made some modifications after all that testing we did with your artificial skin. She lost most of her hearing years ago and uses those horns to detect wavelengths as well as aura." Penny remembered the photo Xanthic altered. The Faunus ears on the sides of Aro's head must be the original traits she was born with, hopefully still flesh and blood. "Ms. Glade should be at Atlas Academy, helping with the weapons department."
 "Understood," Penny said with a smile. She closed the package and left for the Academy.
 Despite Dr. Pietro's encouraging words it was still difficult to actually leave the facility. The process involved using her scroll to open the door and moving her legs but they suddenly felt heavy. That instinct that caused her to throw herself into cover during her last trial suddenly pulling at the wires in her chest.
 “I’ll be fine…” Penny whispered to herself. She was in a room with a hacker and a mechanic, two people that could directly manipulate her software and hardware and turned out fine.
 The first few steps were terrifying. She made a note to research this strange feeling of being to protective of herself when logically there was no reason to be. She felt exposed, as if the artificial skin was peeled back and her metal chassis was open.
 Penny yelped, holding the box to her chest when a Faunus on skates zipped by, a rainbow trail following her. Then she looked over her shoulder again, turn around and did one ring around Penny. In turn Penny notice the Atlas Academy uniform. The Faunus grinned and gave a thumbs up as she skated away, "Brothers! You are adorable! Cute dress too."
 "Thank… Thank you! Your compliment is much appreciated!" Penny yelled back, hoping the pink Faunus could hear her.
 After that Penny was able to relax. She may not had faith in herself because of her lack of experience, so instead she trusted her father and Ironwood's judgement. They put her through those trials for a reason and it was to make sure she could pass in public.
 With some confidence restored she continued to the Academy. She allowed herself to wander from the most efficient path. Unlike Mantle, Atlas was a polished city. Buildings over twice as big as those on the ground, and hard-light displays everywhere. All sorts of amazing technologies walked the streets, from pets with prosthetic limbs to robots trimmed with gold and bright lights like Xanthic’s butler.
 As she got closer to the school the number of weaponshops, Schnee Dust Company distributors, and restaurants increased. Nearly everyone around her wore an Atlas student or military uniform. A few gave her a glance but never lingered long enough to make Penny feel uncomfortable.
 That changed once she entered the Academy.
 The cool and steady tone of Special Operative Winter Schnee called out to her. “Ma’am, all non-personal are required to state their business at the guest office and receive a pass.” She said. Unlike the recordings Penny saw her in she was dressed in a civilian suit, almost business but just high Atleasian fashion. “And unmarked packages are to be inspected. This is partially a military facility after all.”
 “Oh um…” Penny held the box to her chest. These were sensitive instruments. The horns connect directly to Aro’s brain and if the inspectors were to pry it open and damage it, it could cause neurological harm. “This is a delivery from Dr. Piertro to Aro.”
 Flicker of instant recognition passed over Winter's face. Then consideration. Xanthic did say Aro's reputation preceded her, but would Ironwood's second in command really make an exception for the Faunus?
 “Aro… You’re friends with Ms. Glade?” Winter asked leveled tone somehow flattening even more. She seemed resigned. An aggressive huff escaped her lips, “Of course she’d… Ugh. I will accompany you. State your name, civilian.”
 “Penny, ma’am!” She answered clicking her heels to attention. Winter didn’t seem satisfied, instead waiting a moment then just walking into the Academy. Penny half jogged to catch up.
 “Are you and Ms. Glade close?”
 “Oh, perhaps? I do not know how to gauge relationship depth.”
 “An accurate statement with that women,” Winter said. Then was silent for a few minutes. Penny didn’t encourage a conversation, she was too busy looking at the Academy. The hallways were so tall the new Paladins could fit but it wasn't wide enough for the mech to walk through. Winter noticed, “Would you like a tour?”
 “That would be lovely!” Penny said with a large smile. She would be attending this school soon and experiencing it would provide better information than just maps and recordings. “I would like to examine the hard-light technology in detail, the sustainability is quite efficient!”
 “It better be, for something so minuscule and unnecessary.” Winter said with a scoff. “Such dust is better in practical applications.”
 “Hmm… I don’t think that’s true.” Penny gently argued. Winter looked over her shoulder. Penny winced, expecting a glare like Xanthic but Winter merely raised a brow. The specialist stayed silent so Penny continued. “These everyday applications helps further our understanding of hard-light dust. Only those very skilled with aura can use create something that last more than a few hits.” Penny noted Aro's hard-light blades didn't break or flicker once.
 “That is a fair point.”
 “Though installing 20 hard-light lamps within a single hallway is excessive.” Penny finished. At that Winter gave a hum of approval. Penny couldn’t see it and Winter’s tone was still rather flat but some part of her detected a smile.
 Conversation lulled into hard-light application and the use of it in Argus. They both agreed that the barrier was brilliant but implementation needed much work. Winter thought sturdy walls like the one around Mantel with hard-light gates was the solution, though she conceded the opinion when Penny brought up ecological damage.
 Eventually the hallway began to change. They widened so even a Spider Droid could walk down the halls. Classrooms were no longer around but instead numbered and heavily armored doors lined the walls.
 “This is the combat section of the Academy,” Winter said, “We are approaching the workshop. It is open during training hours for student use, smiths such as Ms. Glade volunteer from time to time.” Winter pressed her scroll to a lock and the thick doors opened.
 The workshop was huge, nearly as big as a single floor of Aro’s apartment. There were several rows of benches, some taken by students and three being used by Aro and her companion. Weapons in various states were scattered around them, dust ammunition and crystals on another workbench. Aro and her friend seemed to be using the third as a conversation prop, the former leaning against it while the latter sat on it.
 Aro looked like a proper mechanic, jumpsuit in oil and grime. There was a little on her face until her friend pointed it out. Then it became a lot as Aro swiped at it with dirty hands. Penny quietly giggled. It reminded her of her father and brought a sense of comfort and familiarity. Apparently they pair was too focused on their own conversation to detect Penny and Winter, even as they advanced closer.
 Aro rolled her glowing blue eyes. “Marigold. My answer is no.” Her words were stern even if her smile was playful.
 “Me and Fiona will step in if anything goes wrong!” Marigold said.  Blue hair, gold eyes. She looked familiar but immediate facial scans didn't recognize her. It brought up a Huntress Marigold several times but it didn’t match. Penny overwrote the current scan as ??? 'Aro's friend' Marigold. “I’m telling you, you have a knack for this kind of stuff.” She continued, picking up a rag and grabbing Aro, "Stop you're making it worse. Don’t move."
 Aro made a displeased noise. A growl or perhaps a whine? She did comply and stayed still while Marigold cleaned her face. “It’s called Focus-“
 “It’s called illegal and reckless.” Winter barked, voice nearly echoing the room. Aro let out a small scream, jumping almost a foot into the air while her friend flinched and slid off the workbench. They both slowly turned to the new pair. "Marigold."
 The Huntress answered back in a tone just as cold, "Schnee-"
 "Penny!" Aro yelled. She vaulted over the table and crouched. The purple glow in her prosthetic legs changed to a fiery orange. Combustion dust cartridge locked in.
 "W-Wait!" Penny gasped holding the box above her, "These are sensitive equipment!" Just as the words left her mouth an explosion of purple and orange pushed Aro towards Penny. Winter had just enough time to take the box as the dense metal woman was lifted off the ground.
 Penny squeezed Aro's shoulders, trying not to follow her programming. Processors immediately list several maneuvers to escape, everything was saying this was an attack. But it couldn't have been because Aro was laughing. Aro wasn't dangerous, she was a kind civilian but that information wasn't registering to herself defense protocols.  Something else was off- her gyrostabilizer couldn't detect the ground.
 "I am unequipped for zero gravity! Down please!" Penny squeaked. Aro sneered the slow levitating twirl slowly changed back to a stable vertical. Before Aro turned off the gravity dust, she hoisted Penny onto her shoulder. Her sensors couldn't process what was happening, visual data conflicted with her sense of gravity, logically Aro shouldn't be able to lift Penny with ease. "Wai- Wait!"
 "Trust exercise!" Aro said with a grin and hearty laugh. Penny was tense, waiting for her density to pull them both to the ground. After several solid steps on metal tiles, it didn't happen. "See! Ease the grip, Penn."
 "Oh! Of… of course. I'm sorry." She said quickly letting go. She was thankful for the durable muscle there. If it was a normal civilian like Ciel there would be a bruise. Penny yelped as the walk turned into a light jog, hand holding down her dress with a tight grip. It was impossible for her to feel sick but her sensors was still scrambled after her first zero-gravity experience. It was a highly unpleasant sensation Penny did not want to experience again.
 "Penny! This May Marigold, my favorite Huntress and friend."
 May chuckled a little and patted Aro's head. Her father did it too, earlier. Penny noted it down as an affectionate gesture. "Sorry about this one. Aro gets a little too hyper at times. A pleasure to meet you." She finished ruffling Aro's hair to hold a hand out to the young women.
 "It's a pleasure to meet you too, May Marigold," Penny said shaking her hand, quickly updating the information in her recognition software. She was a little surprised at how hard May squeezed and also updated her pressure output for next time.
 "We have come with a delivery from Dr. Polendina," Winter announced set the box on the table.
 Aro set Penny to sit on the workbench but while she was up there she noticed glowing purple circuits on the horns, as well as a few cracks and other signs of wear. If these horns were the basis for Penny's artifical skin it would explain all the complications. It was made for neurological input, human input… Penny willed her processors to focus on the conversation around her. Instead of opening the box Aro looked at May who couldn't hold in a snort and brief laughter.
 "You came because you, and you," May glared at Aro who rolled her eyes. "Don't understand what a day off mean."
 "I understand it quite well. What I don't understand is why I need it."
 "I agree with the Schnee," Aro said with a shrug. "I'm still good! I don't need a break."
 "You've been working for nearly ten hours straight! When was the last time you ate?" May asked. Aro grinned. The mechanic pulled a candy bar from her pocket and slowly unwrapped it. Her smile grew, glowing blue eyes never leaving May's glaring gold ones even as May's expression grew frustrated.
 Penny tilted her head and watched them. From her experience with Xanthic and Ciel a few nights ago, frustration was a negative emotion, something to avoid. Between May and Aro it felt… teasing? Penny looked at Winter to confirm her suspicions. The women looked… indifferent. Humans express themselves quite differently and she hasn't been exposed to Winter's behavior to decipher it. Still Penny was confident that the lack of urgency was amusement. In Winter-language.
 At the last second May snatched the candy away. "Alright you assholes, we're going to dinner." She declared, ordering the General's second-in-command. Winter gave a tired roll of her eyes while Aro shrugged.
 "Nothing Minstral, I'm still working through the leftovers from a few nights ago. May if you would kindly…" Aro pulled her hair into a ponytail and turned the back of her head to the huntress. Penny leaned back to watch May's fingers trail over circuit on the back of Aro's skull before pushing a button. The gold horns shut down, color fading to a black glossy material and the glowing purple disappearing. Setting the fashionable aids aside, Penny saw a glimpse of complex wiring. The Faunus ears had no sign of cybernetics but they looked damaged.
 "I will have to decline," Winter quickly said as Aro opened the box and inspected her new horns. Aids, Penny reminded herself. Her father said she lost most of her hearing in the accident that took her legs but Penny did not know the extent of the damage. "I already have prior arrangements to show Penny around Atlas Academy."
 "You just can't stay away from work can you?" May sighed.
 Apparently the damage was enough that Aro could not understand a conversation in close proximity at average volume. Penny looked at the two huntresses a little confused. Was it not considered rude to have a conversation that left one party unable to communicate? Why would they not want Aro's input?
 "Do you really want me to interrupt your date?" Winter asked. Her tone was flat, mostly flat. The smile was hard to detect if without understanding micro expressions.
 May scoffed, a blush feint on her cheeks. Her voice was noticeably softer than Winter's. Soft tones were personal but this situation was different. The word secret popped into Penny's head but why wouldn't they want Aro to know? "We aren't… I hadn't-" A loud click interrupted them and they all looked at Aro who winced, a new aid plugged into her neural input.
 It signaled an end to the interesting conversation, much to Penny's disappointment. They displayed so many emotions and behaviors she never saw from her father or the General. May and Winter's body language quickly shifted back to normal, or as Penny saw it as, lightly guarded. She couldn't define the conversation as anything but teasing. Intimate was close but too personal. Friendly? Were they friends?
 "Argh, ouch," Aro held the second horn to the port and twisted it in. Another click and almost a whine. The pain was brief and she turned back to the group. "Sorry about that. What were you saying Schnee?"
 "Penny agreed to a small tour of the Academy but please have a lovely… " Winter said. There was definitely a small change in inflection, very subtle. The specialist paused looking at May who tried not to finch under those blue eyes. What did that mean? Penny hungrily observed all these small interactions. It was a puzzle she was slowly solving and still finding pieces too. Winter's eyes then cut back to Aro with a hard look, "Uneventful dinner."
 May scowled, crossing her arms. She was about to say something but Aro literally jumped between them, "Then how about we do something eventful?" She asked with a grin. The ears on her side of her head poked out of her hair, wiggling up and down as she nearly bounced in spot. Penny wanted to touch it. "The Military Robotics Event."
 "Aren't you banned?" May quickly asked.
 "From viewing unattended! But I'll have two of Atlas' best huntresses accompanying me! And honestly if you two can't keep me out of trouble, Goddess save the Brothers."
 May and Winter looked at each other both displeased and unyielding to Aro's pout until Penny spoke up. Aro was her soon to teammate, Penny could inspect the Faunus ears later, but this event sounded temporary, "I think attending the Military Show with friends would make for a most wonderful and eventful evening!"
 "Yeah!" Aro slid by Penny's side, ears wiggling up and down in excitement. This time Penny found her hands trying to touch them but Winter calmly pushed her hands down. In her excitement, Aro was oblivious to the attempt. This must be what May meant when she said too hyper. "Please May! I won't touch the bots this time!"
 May practically growled under her breath. Her face was a little red again. Penny knew blood rushes to the head when frustrated or flustered, but she did not understand enough about relationships to know which it was. Overall they seemed to be on positive terms so she hoped May was flustered- May suddenly grabbed onto Aro's ears and pulled them a little, making the Faunus squirm. It confirmed that they were still flesh and blood, but also resulted in an inconclusive assessment of May's emotion. Perhaps the flush was due to frustration? Both?
 "You better. Or I'll sick Fiona on you."
 "Yes, ma'am!" Aro said. As soon as May let go of her ears, Aro tried running but May quickly grabbed the back of her neck and picked her up. "Why- Seriously how are you all so strong?!"
 "It’s almost as if you have gravity dust all over you," May drawled with a new tone Penny hadn’t heard before. Her systems registered it as sarcasm, emphasized by May rolling her eyes. "I'll help Aro clean up. Meet you at the front, Schnee?"
 "An acceptable plan." Winter said, hands in their default position behind her back. She looked at Aro, the arms of her jumpsuit tied around her waist, sweat, grime and oil smeared across well-defined muscle or fat. Winter gave the first true expression Penny saw, a very tiny and sly smirk. "Good luck," She mouthed so Aro wouldn't hear.
 This time May did blush- due to being flustered, Penny finally decided- and she only acknowledged Winter's teasing with a middle finger behind her back. Out of sight from Aro, Penny observed but why? At the entrance to the workshop the group split into their respective pair. Penny could hear Aro’s playful struggle and banter a few halls down. She wasn’t sure how sensitive those new horns are so Penny waited a few minutes more until talking.
 "Schnee, ma'am-"
 "I suppose since I am off duty," The Specialist said the last words with dread and more emotion than Penny had seen yet. "Winter will suffice."
 "Winter…" Penny said slowly. She smiled and followed the huntress out of the Academy, "Are you and Marigold close?"
 Winter's long strides seemed to falter, slow even. "In a way, perhaps. The Schnees and Marigolds are on good social terms and it's not often one from Atlas’ Elite families peruse a hazardous lifestyle."
 Penny frowned. "I don't understand. Your similarities are enough to be friends?" If it was that easy wouldn't Ciel and Xanthic like each other? They were both serious.
 "If only," Winter sighed. She finally slowed down and matched Penny's strides to look at the young women she was conversing with. Penny smiled up at her, showing appreciation for the gesture. She noted the Huntress' silence stretch on a little too long, eyes a little studious. Did Penny do something wrong? "The situation with me and Marigold is similar to you and Aro. Not many people understand us, so we cherish the ones that do. Even if there are differences."
 Successful interpersonal action: Five people.
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arialerendeair · 5 years
Current In-Progress Malec Fics
(In an attempt to get my ass in gear to FINISH some of these...) 
Burn It Down - Finishing off the Love Letters series
Crazy Crossover AU - 37k and counting...
Figure Skating AU - More feelings than I can currently possess.  Routines mostly set
Harem Pants - Shameless smut I need to finish
Regency Era AU - Need to Start
BAMF!Magnus 5+1 - 2 of 6 finished, 3rd started
Strip Tease Consent is Sexy Talk (Oh god, the title of this document kills me every time I see it) - Idea is down, need to start
Not A Fool - Accidental end of 3B rewrite, 90% done
Alexander’s Underwear Adventures - Need to Start
Lawyer AU - Need to Start
Taking Care of You - Need to Start
I Do Like You In a Tux - Idea down, need to start
Don’t Flirt With Me...Or Do - Need to finish, post-series sparring round #2
Having It Out - Talking about all of 3B, 90% done
Dance With Me - Alec Panics over not being able to dance at his wedding 
Prompt Addition to Tumblr Ficlet - 40% done
Tumblr Ficlet #2, Slow Makeouts - 70% done
Phone Calls - Idea from @dc11961, not started
Surprising Friends - Idea from @thequeervet, not started
Queer Eye AU - Idea from @thequeervet, not started 
Oh god...I might...have a bit of a problem...
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chiyamabunny · 6 years
Tumblr media
MIYANO MAMORU 10th Anniversary Special Q&A10 (Ani-PASS #01) QUESTION 7/10
(t/n: please don’t repost, reblogs OK!)
■If you had walked a different life, what would you have liked to do over the past 10 years? "If I were to have 10 years then, a figure skater! I've never had such an option in my life though. Before this, I was able to do the narration for Nippon TV "NNN Document" of Athlete Hanyu Yuzuru, I was really just so impressed by Athlete Hanyu Yuzuru's emotional strength, I was nothing but moved. My skating experience though, in Elementary School, I went to Kawagoe Skating Rink with my older brother. I could skate but wasn’t able to stop at all and, thud! I fell over in the middle of the rink. And then my older brother came over to help me, calling out "Are you okay, Mamoru~!" But since my older brother also couldn't stop, just like that the front of his shoes came right at me and......!"
■Owwwowowowow! "It was about that level of pain (lol)"
■Well, within 10 years you might be able to do a jump……onto the 8th question.
10th Anniversary Special Q&A10: Question 1, Question 2, Question 3, Question 4, Question 5, Question 6, Question 7, Question 8, Question 9, Question 10
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biobibelti1970-blog · 6 years
Clearly they don Seriously I think this sub makes way too fucking big a deal about it. If it weren for that one Reddit post and this sub constant harping about it, I never know that could be dangerous. I bet most people have never seen that post or this sub. Not only that. They sent me two full size boxes of the coffee, the little spinning carousel to hold all the K Cups, and an insulated coffee pot (since it makes large cups of coffee). I was crazy blown away! Of course, i had to share it w/ all of my social media complete survey stuff. She was associated with maize that grew in multiples or were similarly strange. These strange plants were sometimes dressed as dolls of Mama Sara. She was also associated with willow trees.. As far as the process always always always get at least two different opinions. Don be shy about asking why are you doing X? If you go to two orthodontists and they don agree, go to a third. If one gives you a price a lot lower than another, look hard at their proposed treatment plan and see what they leaving out1. Not worth it. Learn from idiotic 16 year old me. 13 points submitted 2 years ago. I be honest. I like Philly. It got a lot of history, it got a good balance of grit, old school cool, and good bars/food. "The Little Ice Age brought bitterly cold winters 영월출장안마 to many parts of the world, but is most thoroughly documented in Europe and North America. In the mid 17th century, glaciers in the Swiss Alps advanced, gradually engulfing farms and crushing entire villages. The River Thames and the canals and rivers of the Netherlands often froze over during the winter, and people skated and even held frost fairs on the ice. I have been on the hunt for the best natural deodorant. It has been a long and daunting road. After trying endless brands, I finally found my top. After my new discovery, I brought all the little soaps with me home, and then proceeded to use them up by cleaning my brushes 영월출장안마 almost every day, just because it was so satisfying to see the leftover makeup just flow away with hardly any effort. When they were all used up, I went to my closest supermarket and bought a bulk pack of solid white soap, not the cheapest kind but almost. Like, $2.50 for four big soaps or something like that. " n n n nThe four women had underwent a DC CIK intravenous treatment, which was billed as a "platelet rich plasma, " at a DR Medical Beauty Group location on Wednesday, China Daily reported. They were taken to the hospital after complaining of deep headaches and diarrhea. n n n nIt was later determined that they were diagnosed with septic shock, a life threatening blood infection that causes extremely low blood pressure according to the National Institutes of Health. I do weekly water changes of about 30% sometimes more. I could remove either of the larger filters and get by to be honest but I like having overkill. Plus theres the convenience of being able to pull media from the aquaclear to quickly establish a new tank without risking my main tanks sustainability.. I will admit that the story felt a bit different from other genres and I might be biased here but the game did a good job of tying into other games within the same world. Monsters and characters and humanoids crossed over in the world to several other games that made the world feel more expansive when I started. This could make it feel worse as a standalone though.
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taylorj8771 · 6 years
The retirement fic that’s slowly getting to the action
Trust me, this thing speeds up a ton in the next update. It’s fun! Not.
On that note, does anyone whose been reading the story so far wanna message me about reading the next section? I’ve rewritten it about 100 times and it’s sort of the reason why I have stopped writing this story in the past. It’s doing it’s magic again. Just leave a comment or ask or message me and I’ll reply.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
Synia coaches him through all the paperwork he needs to fill out. There’s a ton of it, apparently. Sidney signs his name on more documents in the few hours he spends in her office than he ever did at any autograph signing. His hand starts cramping up with only a few papers left and they share a laugh over it.
He has a one-on-one phone call with Synia almost everyday while his papers are being processed. She gives him details about what to expect from the home-visit, asks him personal questions about how he'd raise a child or handle one that came into the system from a troubled home. He makes sure she's aware of his interest in a newborn baby. She tries to quell his heart by letting him know how slim the chances of getting a newborn are, but he keeps a sliver of hope that he’ll be bringing a baby home.
He's been spending so much time around the team that it doesn't even feel like he's retired. He participates in practices wearing track suits and grabs a lunch or dinner with the guys almost every day. He's not trying to keep the spotlight or get peoples hopes up that he’s returning. Part of him feels like his presence might be hindering the natural progression of leadership but hockey is all Sidney knows. And being in his normal routine has helped.
He replies to a picture message Geno sent him a solid three months ago — he's standing outside St Basil's in St Petersburg with a small army of children wearing "G71" shirts — with a simple, How were you able to do it?
They don't talk all that often anymore but Sidney still considers Geno to be one of his best friends. He remembers vividly Geno fucking off to Russia after his second ACL injury; avoiding everyone and everything related to Pittsburgh for a solid six months.
The thing is, he knows how Geno was able to retire. It was because he stayed away for as long as it took for the team and Pittsburgh to not feel like his home anymore. But Sidney can't do it that way.
Sidney’s always wondered what Geno did with all the spare time he had when he wasn’t returning calls and text messages. They’ve never really spoken about it but Sidney thinks that, that time is the only real thing that actually helped Geno through it.
Sidney's phone wakes him from sleep with a chirping sound when Geno texts back. They're both usually really good about texting only when they know the other will be awake but Sidney checks what time he sent his message and yep, Geno would've been sleeping. Leave it to him to get pay back with the same trick.
He reads Geno’s text just to see that it isn't urgent before he rolls over and quickly falls back to sleep. He reads it again after he wakes in the morning, still lying in bed and trying to get his brain ready for the day.
do what? it says.
Sidney gets a new message while he’s cracking open the eggs for his breakfast. (((
So he's no help.
Coach Robbie intercepts Sidney when he's coming into the rink for one of the team's last preseason practices. Sidney follows him into his office but it feels strange to see this new person on the other side of the desk.
“What’s up?” He asks when it seems like Coach Robbie is waiting for something.
Coach Robbie leans forward in his chair, his elbows on the desk. He steeples his hands and rests his face on the top of his pointer fingers. “I can’t tell you enough how wonderful it is to watch you skate, Sidney.” He bites at his lip, clearly thinking through what he’s going to say next. “But I do fear that you hanging around with the team so much is going to hinder the leadership progression.
“You’re not planning a comeback, are you?”
Sidney wipes a sweaty palm down the leg of his track suit. “Uh, no, I’m–I’m done.”
Coach Robbie sighs and leans back in his chair, both arms falling to rest by his side. “I’m planning to talk to Olli later but, if he accepts, he’s to be the new Captain. I don’t think he’s going to want to step into that role with you still being so… present.”
Sidney’s heart sinks to his feet.
“Do you understand what I’m getting at?”
He coughs to clear his throat, “Yeah, absolutely.”
“I think it’s great that you’re still keeping up out there but I don’t–“
“Really,” Sidney holds up a hand and leans forward in his seat, poised to stand. “You don’t have to say anything more. I’m sorry if I’ve been taking advantage of the situation. That was never my intention.”
“I would love to have you as a part of the staff, if you’re interested. I think you’d make a terrific coach. You’d still get to be around the guys and skate but the distinction would be helpful. It would really allow the team to start transitioning to my game plan.”
“I’ll think it over.” Sidney says and pushes himself to stand. “Thank you.” He reaches across the table and leaves his hand out for Coach Robbie to take.
He lets the drowning feeling lead his leadened feet to the front office. He combs through the jobs they've compiled for him. Full-time coach with the Little Penguins, coordinator of the program, etc. There's an odd number of hockey ops jobs: scouting, video coach, development coach and more. The front office really did their homework for him — all he’s ever known is the playing side of things. Each job title is accompanied by a brief explanation of the job as well as if it includes travel or if he’d be based permanently in Pittsburgh.
It’s all really helpful, too, and the brief description for Video Coach catches his eye. He's always loved reviewing film and it's not a full-time position. Most of his days would be his own and he would only need to travel with the team during the playoffs.
It would be really beneficial, too, Sidney thinks, in getting approved as an Adoption Family.
He decides to take a couple of days to think over all of the job options but Video Coach ultimately makes the most sense. It's the least amount of hours, extremely limited travel, and something he has always genuinely enjoyed doing.
He signs the paperwork on the first day of the regular season. His old team welcomes him with a chant of “Coach Sid” when he steps onto the ice for morning skate, lead by Olli with a C emblazoned on his chest.
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Victor Rushes to the hospital to learn Yuuri’s condition as the Gotei team begins their work.
Victor’s handsome face wore an intense look that seemed completely unlike him as he endured the seemingly endless flight back from Spain to Saint Petersburg. His finger tapped lightly against the earbud in his left ear as he listened to the news and watched the feed that played on the video screen in front of him. His heart ached at seeing images of Yuri’s smiling face and clips of his past performances.
“The skating world is in shock at the news that skater, Yuuri Katsuki, was attacked in a Saint Petersburg park near the home he shares with Victor Nikiforov. We go to our affiliate in Saint Petersburg, Russia, for the latest on this developing story. Jana?”
The image shifted to show a woman standing in a sea of other media personnel, in front of the hospital.
“I’m standing here, in front of the Saint Petersburg hospital where Yuuri Katsuki was said to have been brought for treatment last night, after a vicious attack that took place in a park near the home he shares with fiancé, coach and fellow skater, Victor Nikiforov. Hospital staff refused to release any information on Katsuki’s condition, other than to say that he is alive, and that competent medical personnel are remaining with him around the clock.
Worried friends, fellow skaters, supporters and family have rushed to the hospital, and hospital staff have secluded them to wait for news. We were able to capture, here, the arrival of friend, Yuri Plisetsky with fellow skater, Otabek Altin.
Victor’s eyes narrowed, studying the blonde youth’s face and spying instantly the little hints of anxiety that others would easily miss. His eyes softened and he gave a sympathetic sigh.
“Yurio, my Yuuri would be so touched to see you worry for him this way. You’ve grown a heart, my friend. Let’s hope that new heart is not broken, along with ours. Yuuri, please be all right. I don’t know what I would do…”
His worried eyes turned away from the video screen, but he couldn’t help seeing Yuuri’s smiling face reflected against the smooth windowpane.
His fingertip traced the lines of his fiancé’s lovely face and tears threatened.
Yuuri, please be all right.
As soon as the plane touched down, he hurried out and through the security checkpoint, then picked up his bags, his mind focused on one thing, and one thing only…to reach the side of his badly injured lover.
I felt it like a knife through my heart when you fell, Yuuri. But I shouldn’t be surprised it was like that. I’ve been feeling everything twice as much since becoming your coach and your lover.
Your fiancé.
You still owe me a gold medal to kiss, and a wedding when you win it. Yuuri, we are only at the beginning of our dreams. You wouldn’t dare to leave me now, would you?
He started to run towards a taxi, but skidded to a stop, looking around as a deep, male voice called out his name.
Relief flooded Victor’s face, and he hurried to meet his coach, where the man stood by a dark colored limousine.
“What are you doing here, Yakov?” Victor exclaimed, “I thought you were still abroad with Yurio.”
“We came back a day early to do a photo shoot,” the elder coach explained, “I was approached about you and Yuuri doing one as well. The government is promoting the skating arts aggressively in advance of the next Olympics.”
“Ah, right,” Victor acknowledged, “I suppose that’s a good thing. I’m sure Yuuri would agree, but have you heard anything? Anything at all? Are Yuuri’s parents here?”
“They arrived a short time ago. They are at the hospital with some friends of yours, who were competing locally. Come now.”
The two fell quiet as the driver quickly loaded Victor’s bags into the trunk, then sped out of the airport, and across town to the large, central hospital. The driver headed past the large crowd near the front doors and to a guarded entry.
“May I see your identification, please,” the guard on duty requested.
“This is Victor Nikiforov,” the driver explained, handing over the documents, “He is here to see Yuuri Katsuki. We’ve already been given permission to enter.”
“Go on, then,” the guard answered, studying the documents for a moment, then handing them back.
The driver guided the limousine into the parking area, where Victor opened the door and leapt out of the vehicle, as soon as the wheels stopped turning.
He ignored his coach and ran into the building, looking around frantically and finding the nearest staff member, a middle-aged nurse, who started to speak to him sternly, then froze in recognition.
“It’s you, Victor!” she exclaimed, “Come right this way. Yuuri’s family is about to hear from the doctor about his condition. He did poorly during the night and was taken into surgery this morning. He needed a transfusion, which he was luckily able to get. But there was additional damage and bleeding that the doctors needed to see to.”
“But he is alive?” Victor asked urgently, “My Yuuri is alive?”
“He is alive,” the nurse confirmed as she guided him into the private waiting area.
“Vic-chan!” Yuuri’s mother sobbed, running to hug him, “Thank you so much for coming back so quickly.”
“I would have been here faster,” Victor said, hugging her tightly, “but the only flight I could get had to make a couple of stops. I thought I’d never get here.”
“You’re here now, Vic-chan,” Yuuri’s mother said in a more collected voice, “Yuuri will be glad.”
Victor started to answer, then felt all of the air sucked out of his lungs as a doctor and nurse appeared in the doorway of the waiting room.
“Please, sir, how is my son?” Yuuri’s father asked as Victor held on to Yuuri’s mother, unable to make his voice sound.
The doctor gazed at them for a moment through tired, but relieved looking eyes.
“Yuuri’s body was subjected to a sudden shock that caused him significant blood loss,” he explained, “We were able to stop it, but struggled during the night when it began to bleed again, unexpectedly. We have not been able to divine exactly what happened, but something was affecting his body’s ability to heal itself. We struggled with that, and finally had to resort to additional transfusions and surgery, but we have him completely stabilized now, and his organs show every sign of continuing to be fully functional, despite the damage.”
The doctor paused, a little sadness coming into his eyes.
“I know that Yuuri is a competitive figure skater, and I must be honest with you. Even though there was no damage to his arms or legs and he will, most likely recover fully, it may be difficult for him to continue at the level he is used to performing.”
Victor’s already pale face went white.
“What are you saying?” he demanded, “You are saying that he will have to retire?”
“I am saying that I can’t be sure he can continue to do something that puts that level of stress on his body. Yuuri is still not out of the woods. We must wait for him to regain consciousness, and we must watch carefully for any signs of problems in his arms or legs that might result from the blood loss he suffered before.”
“I thought that you said he was going to make a full recovery!” Victor cried, tears threatening, “But, now you say that…that…”
“I am saying that it will take longer to know the full outcome,” the doctor said patiently, “Our staff will be with him around the clock to make sure he receives the best possible care, and we encourage you to sit with him, talk to him. It may help him to have you there.”
“Which way do I go?” Victor asked, placing a hand on the doctor’s arm, “Where is he?”
“He has been taken to the third floor, room 315. It is a private room, and three people may go in at a time to sit with him. I will be in to check his progress every few hours, and will come immediately if there are any problems.”
“Thank you,” Victor said breathlessly, turning and running out of the room.
He ran heedlessly to the elevator, then became too impatient and ran up the stairs instead.
Yuuri, you have fought hard to stay alive until I could reach you. It’ll be okay now that we will be together. Just…just don’t leave me!
He reached the third floor and dashed out of the stairwell, heading down the hallway and to a security checkpoint, where he panted out his name and was waved on. He closed the last few steps in a near panic, then slowed and stopped in the doorway, staring.
Yuuri laid on his back, slightly elevated and comfortably covered in a sheet and blanket. His face looked deathly pale and the only movement was the slow rise and fall of his breathing.
“Yuuri,” he said solemnly, “I am here.”
Echoing footsteps sounded in the precipice world as the four shinigamis assigned to Saint Petersburg headed quickly to their destination. Toshiro ran alongside Tetsuya as Byakuya and Kisuke led.
“What’s gotten into them?” Toshiro mused, “That hell butterfly Byakuya got must have been bad news.”
“A skater was injured,” Tetsuya panted softly, “and it was a highly ranked skater. A fourth division healer was in the area and infiltrated the surgery team. He was able to quietly rid the skater’s body of damaging reiatsu that was slowly killing him, but there was damage that requires a different type of healing. I think I will be asked to assist, using my waterforms.”
“Your waterforms?” Toshiro asked, blinking, “How will they…?”
He broke off as the group reached the exit point and Kisuke opened the doorway.
“Now remember,” Kisuke warned them, “an advance team has already used the adjustor to very slightly shift reality so that we’ll fit in. Byakuya, you are a former skater who was expected to become a world champion, but who was forced out of competition by injury. Instead, you now coach your cousin, Tetsuya, who has shown promise, but you have carefully protected as he developed. This will be Tetsuya’s first entrance into the men’s division. Toshiro is another promising student who you coach. You are on friendly terms with the family of the skater, whose name is Yuuri Katsuki.”
“He is Japanese?” Tetsuya noted.
“Yes, and you know each other because you have, on occasion, trained at the ice rink in Japan that he has used. Yuuri is engaged to another male skater, Victor Nikiforov, whom you also know as an inspiration for your own skating. We’ll be going to the hospital, and we should be on the hospital’s list of approved visitors. I am listed as a well-known consultant, who is friends with you, Byakuya, because I was the consulting doctor who helped when you suffered your injury. Just play it cool and let the devices I gave you feed you any information you need so that no one figures out who we really are.”
The group stepped out of the senkaimon and into a park, a short distance from the hospital, where they paused briefly to enter their gigais, before heading to the hospital. They hurried inside and were swiftly greeted and hurried through security.
“Yuuri’s family is taking turns visiting him,” the nurse guiding them informed them, “Doctor Urahara, I will take you to consult with Yuuri’s physician. Yuuri’s parents have asked for the other three of you to be brought to them. Victor is with Yuuri now, but you can go in to speak to him also, after you have spoken with Yuuri’s parents.”
“Very well,” Kisuke answered, waiting until the nurse had led the others to the little waiting area, then following her down the hall.
“Ah, Byakuya-san! Tetsuya-kun! Toshiro-kun! It’s so good you are here for Yuuri!” the skater’s mother greeted them, wiping her eyes.
“Thank you,” Yuuri’s father said, bowing, “Yuuri will be glad to know you are here. He is not awake yet, but soon.”
“We’ll be happy to show you to Yuuri’s room,” the skater’s mother offered, “Since Victor is not leaving him, two can go in at a time.”
Toshiro smiled and took the anxious woman’s hand.
“Why don’t you two go, and I will stay here and visit?” he offered.
Yuuri’s father led Byakuya and Tetsuya out of the waiting room and down the hallway.
“Tetsuya,” Byakuya said under his breath, “I want you to make physical contact with Yuuri and see if you can connect with him to better assess his exact needs.”
Their guide stopped outside one of the rooms and left them to enter. They walked into the room and found Yuuri sleeping peacefully in the bed and his tired looking fiancé sitting silently at his side.
“Byakuya, Tetsuya, it’s good to see you,” Victor said in a weary voice, “I heard that you’ve brought Kisuke Urahara to consult?”
“We have,” Byakuya assured him.
“I know that Doctor Urahara will be able to help Yuuri-san,” Tetsuya encouraged him.
“I hope so,” Victor said anxiously, “Yuuri has stabilized, but he is still unconscious. His body seems to be healing, but he just won’t wake for us.”
“That must be distressing for you,” Byakuya said, joining Victor on one side of Yuuri as Tetsuya took a place across from them.
Tetsuya slipped a hand into Yuuri’s, bowing his head as though praying silently. As Byakuya engaged Victor in conversation, Tetsuya loosed his reiatsu and carefully sought a connection with the unconscious man.
If I make a good enough connection with him, I should be able to enter his inner world to evaluate it. Hopefully, when I enter, I will find Yuuri awake and able to communicate with me.
He found he had to carefully focus for several long minutes, but eventually, he felt the opening of the connection and was drawn down into the injured skater’s spirit matrix.
Every sentient creature has an inner world. Most think, when they enter, that it is just a construct of the mind, a mental retreat that they go to for reflection and thought. But to the shinigami, the inner world is a place where one also connects with the source of his power. Yuuri is a talented figure skater. It is well documented that humans who excel in abilities related to the elements air, fire, earth and water do so because they possess related powers that will develop more fully when they pass over into Soul Society. Yuuri may well have an undiscovered ability to manipulate ice or water. This will be useful while I am trying to help him.
Tetsuya felt the presence of heavy, driving rain as he passed over, into the injured skater’s inner world.
I’m not surprised that there is rain. Storms in one’s inner world are often related to emotional or physical turmoil. The intensity of the storm reflects the level of challenge in bringing things back into a proper state of balance. I can feel that there has been a heavy shock to Yuuri’s body, and I also sense that something is not right here. I shall have to make contact with Yuuri and investigate.
Tetsuya’s blue eyes closed, and he focused on the place where Yuuri’s spirit resonated most strongly. He headed through a cluster of trees and emerged near a large, frozen lake, where he spotted the skater kneeling on the shore and struggling with strange looking vines of some kind that seemed to be coming from beneath the lake’s icy cover.
“Yuuri-san!” Tetsuya called out, hurrying to the kneeling man’s side and touching a hand to his.
“Tetsuya-kun?” Yuuri inquired anxiously, “Tetsuya-kun, what are you doing here? Am I dreaming this? What’s going on? What is this thing that tries to pull me under?”
“It’s all right,” Tetsuya said reassuringly, “I’m here to help you, Yuuri-san. Please, if you will just close your eyes for a moment. I will help you.”
Yuuri gave him a look of uncertainty, but then nodded and closed his eyes.
Tetsuya’s fingers touched the offending vines, and he instantly felt the source that laid beneath the surface of the frozen lake.
Ah, the healer was able to remove the reiatsu of the creature that injured Yuuri, but that creature left a transformative essence that grew into this extension of itself. It remains here, deep down, continuing to feed on Yuuri’s reiatsu.
Invoking his freezing power, Tetsuya gripped the tendril that had wrapped itself around Yuuri, and he breathed a soft command.
The ice covered tendril shattered instantly, setting of a chain reaction that rumbled through the area, cracking the surface of the lake and breaking apart the rest of the creature that had formed.
Behind Tetsuya, Yuuri opened his eyes and sucked in a surprised breath at seeing his acquaintance surrounded in blue light as Tetsuya’s power swept through the area, cleansing it thoroughly.
“What was that? What did you do?” Yuuri asked in a frightened voice, “If this really happening?
The skater looked down at himself, noticing for the first time, the glowing chain that extended out of his chest and off into the distance.
“What is this?” he asked, his voice shaking, “Tetsuya-kun?”
“It’s all right,” Tetsuya assured him, “Yuuri-san, please don’t be afraid. That is just your soul chain. It connects you with your body. And I am just a helpful reflection of someone you know, who is here to help you find your way back.”
“Find my way back?” Yuuri repeated in a haunted tone, “Where am I? Where is Victor?”
“Victor is right beside you,” Tetsuya promised, “You are unconscious, and your mind is just working to try to wake your body. I am here to help, Yuuri-san.”
Tetsuya focused on the broken ice of the lake in front of them. He first extended a hand, making the ice turn completely to water, then he froze the lake, making a sort of icy mirror that reflected the hospital, where the injured skater’s body laid.
“Victor!” Yuuri gasped, reaching out, only to have his fingers impeded by the ice.
The rain around the two fell harder as Tetsuya knelt beside the distraught skater and took his other hand.
“Victor!” Yuuri cried again, running his fingers along the reflection of his fiancé’s handsome face, “Why can’t I go back to him? Victor!”
“You will be able to go back,” Tetsuya said firmly, squeezing Yuuri’s hand, “but you see the rain that is falling? There is still a storm here, which means that something is still not right. You need to try to stay calm and let your body and spirit heal. I know you’re scared, but being calm will help to ease the storm.”
“But, why is there a storm?” Yuuri asked, “What caused it?”
“There was a great shock to your body and spirit when you were attacked,” Tetsuya explained, “The creature that attacked you…”
“It was awful!” Yuuri said shakily as he remembered, “I couldn’t see it until just after it slashed me. It was huge, with sharp fangs and claws, and it had a hole in its chest. It screeched so loud the sound rang in my ears! I couldn’t run. I couldn’t even move. I was sure it was going to finish me off.”
“It seems to have been distracted,” Tetsuya surmised, “Luckily, you were brought to the hospital quickly and you are healing. But it is a problem that you can’t wake. Yuuri-san, please trust me. You will wake up soon. And while you wait, I will do everything I can to protect and to help you!”
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yuri-on-nihongo · 6 years
Episode 1 (2/?)
 諸岡: いや、フリーも驚異的���強さで圧倒しました。グランプリファイナル5連覇、ロシアのリビングレジェンド、ヴィクトル・ニキフォロフ。ニキフォロフもう27歳。まあ、こんシーズンでもう引退も噂されていましたが、そんな噂を吹き飛ばすかのような圧巻の滑りでした。そして今回初のグランドプリファイナル出場を果たした勝生勇利につてはどうだったでしょう、本田さん?
本田: はい、今日はいつもの滑りができませんでしたね。
Morooka: Iya, furii mo kyouitekina tsuyo-sa de attou shimashita. Gurando puri fainaru go-renpa, roshia no ribingu rejendo, vikutoru nikiforofu. nikiforofu mou ni-juu-nana-sai. Maa, kon-shiizun de mou intai mo uwasa-sarete-imashita ga, sonna uwasa o fukitobasu kano youna akkan no suberideshita. Soshite, konkai-hatsu no gurando puri fainaru shutsujou o hatashita Katsuki Yuuri ni tsuite wa dou datta deshou, Honda-san?
Honda: Hai, kyou wa itsumo no suberi ga dekimasen deshita ne.
Morooka: Wow, free-also astounding strength by-means-of overwhelm-did. Grand Prix Final 5-consecutive-championship, Russia-possession-living-legend, Viktor Nikiforov. Nikiforov already 27 years-old. Hmm, this-season-in already retire-also rumor-doing (past tense) but, such rumor-object to-be-blown-away that-like(similar to)-masterpiece-descriptor-skating (past tense). And then, [this-time-first-descriptor Grand Prix Final participation-object achieved] Katsuki Yuri about-topic how-was-opinion, Honda mister?
Honda: Yes, today-topic usual-skating-this-one could not isn’t it?
Morooka: Wow, he also obliterated the free skate! The five-time Grand Prix Final champion, Russia’s living legend, Viktor Nikiforov! Nikiforov is now 27 years old. Hmm, there have been rumors this season that he’s retiring, but those have just been blown away by his masterful skating. So, Honda, what did you think about Yuri Katsuki, who made it to Grand Prix Final for the first time?
Honda: Yeah, his skating today wasn’t like usual, huh?
Morooka: He’s also crushed the free skating event! It will be the fifth consecutive Grand Prix Final victory for Russia’s legend, Victor Nikiforov. Nikiforov is now 27 years old. Some speculated that he might retire this season, but his masterful performance seems to lay such rumors to rest. As for Katsuki Yuri, who earned a spot in the Grand Prix Final for the first time, what do you think Honda-san?
Honda: Well, he didn’t perform like his usual self today.
i never want to transcribe commentators again wtf Morooka speaks so fast. ty to this transcription i found, otherwise i never would have been able to figure out what he was saying (https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTCdcITCYFnkpos2qzZJ_clvTcVrI2a6sucqGVWI3EW4MqVCf6iGsDPrt-SmCJ8z_KtGpqoc5eYDnJL/pub)
The subs make Morooka sound so cool and collected, but really he’s speaking fast with excitement and praises (see below, i’ve put some literal translations of what comes out of his mouth)
“Wow, the free was also overwhelmed by means of astounding strength.“
“such rumors were blown away by that masterpiece-like-skating.“
also in his second sentence, he’s listing some of victor’s titles and then announcing his name. kinda like how an announcer in boxing introduces the boxers. so it’s not like how the subs make it seem.
lots of japanese interjections/fillers in this one. I’ve translated “iya” as “wow” though it seems to be an interjection like “well” that you can use at the start of a sentence. “Maa” = “hmm” because it’s an interjection you use when you’re hesitating to express an opinion.
“suberu” literally means to slip or slide or glide, so i’ve translated it as skating or skate, but you can also use performance, i guess? 
two uses of “ga” here: (1) as “but”, at the end of a phrase and (2) as a particle that indicates that “this is the one, out of all the others, that i’m talking about”
“konkai-hatsu no gurando puri fainaru shutsujou o hatashita Katsuki Yuuri....”
that whole italicized part is a sentence that was turned into an adjective describing Yuri. you can do this by turning the sentence into casual form and sticking it in front of the noun you wanna modify. so just the italicized part would translate as “(he) achieved the first time grand prix final performance”
“...Katsuki Yuri ni tsuite wa dou datta deshou” = “what did you think about Katsuki Yuri?” “blabla ni tsuite wa dou desu ka” is the normal way to ask what someone else thinks about blabla. tsuite means “about, or concerning”. dou means “how”. “deshou” is what you can add to the end of sentences when you’re either talking about your opinion, or asking someone else about their opinion.
btw romanizing Yuuri as Yuri for several reasons: (1) that’s how he and everyone else spells it in the show (2) it looks nicer (3) when Japanese people romanize their names, they tend to leave out the extra vowels that just indicate elongation (4) the katakana version of yuri plisetsky is ユーリ・プリセツキー (yuuri purisetsukii). mainly for reason number 1 tho.
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