#i might have missed something or maybe some things i said you dont agree with and thats okay! this is just my view
myyoungroyalsblog · 2 years
Oof okay, here we go *cracks knuckles*
The way he introduced himself to Simon was very kind and sweet, and the converstation they had (although brief) was very friendly. He complimented his singing and even invited him out to karaoke.
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When Simon needed help to go and check on Sara, he helped him and understood his worry.
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At karaoke he introduced him to his friends and convinced him to sing and hyped him up. (it did seem a bit pushy to me, and the song choice wasn't "appropiate" in my opinion, but it did look like Simon had fun.)
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When Simon went to his house, Marcus told him how he feelt. And Simon listened.
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When Wilhelm and Felice went to the shooting range, he was friendly with both of them.
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When Simon didn't answer his texts, he went to his friends (Ayub and Rosh) to ask about him. (For me, this was an "orange" flag, because on the one hand it's nice that he cared about him, but on the other, I don't think someone who is sick would outright stop texting you, and if something was indeed wrong with him, you would hear about it from his friends or Sara, they would let you know. Also, it's no one elses business if Simon didn't answer your texts, he shouldn't have said that to his friends.)
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Now, here's where it gets interesting
Simon went to visit him at the stables to talk with him. Simon told him that he isn't ready for anything serious, he told him how he feels in that moment, but Marcus made it about them, how they are both not in a hurry, when that was not what Simon said or meant. He didn't listen.
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He then asked if this was about Wilhelm, and how he hasn't watched the video (gold star for being a decent person?), how he isn't like him, that he would never hurt him. That is something you cannot say with certainty.
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Again, Simon says that he never said that. How he thinks that he's great and kind and "perfect", but he's just isn't ready. He tells him how he feels, again, just like when Marcus did when Simon went to his house, and Simon listened. But now, Marcus doesn't listen.
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Simon is saying that he isn't ready right now.
But Marcus goes on
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You don't need role models for a healthy relationship, and you cannot compare an abusive relationship between Simon's parents and what Simon and Wilhelm had. That comment made no sense.
And if that wasn't enough, he then says this
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When did Simon ever say or indicate that he's like his dad? You do not bring that sort of thing up unless the other person voices those fears. He was way out of line.
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He then forces him into a hug (which reminded me of the hug Micke gave him in Episode 1 in the previous season, where Simon looked extremely uncomfortable), and says how he knows he doesn't want to destroy something this beautiful. Putting words in Simon's mouth. And how they will take it slow, which again, shows how he didn't listen to Simon. Because he just said that he isn't ready right now.
The next day he went to the rowing match to support him, which was sweet.
Moving foward, they are hanging out on a hill outside his car, eating pizza and chatting. Like a date, which again, sweet. Simon then asks him to go to the Masquerade Ball with him, but he says it's not really his thing.
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Simon was excited to take him, but he respects his decision (so do I).
It's the night of the Ball and he surprises him and wants to go with him, even disguses himself as a waiter which was a smart move.
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When approached my Wilhelm at the Ball, he is friendly when talking with him, even saying he is nice later to Simon.
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Now, the final conversation.
Simon goes to the stables to talk to him, again, and tries to explain. But Marcus is already on the defensive, saying that he isn't enough compared to a prince. But Wilhelm isn't a prince to Simon, he's just Wille. Simon tells him again how he told him he wasn't ready and he didn't listen.
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Then, he says that Simon plays the victim.
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It just shows how he doesn't know Simon at all, becasue he doesn't play the victim, he is the victim (of the video, the bullying,...) and drama is the last thing Simon wants, he just wants to put eveything that happened behind him, and it most certainly doesn't "turn him on".
It seemed to me that a fucking 16 year old (a minor!) is more mature than an 18 year old, so yeah, Marcus never stood a chance against Wilhelm and he can go suck it.
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miahxrrington-blog · 8 months
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I miss, you
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ ⋆ ˚。⋆
steve Harrington x henderson reader
warnings- angst (and un prof read work promise I’ll do it later I’m just really tired
also feel free to leave feed back this is my first time writing anything like this and feed back would be great fully appreciated practice makes perfect!
summary: steve and reader had broken up they now have to fight these supernatural beings together what happens when dustin confronts steve while y/n’s in the car and asks him about how he basically threw himself at nancy
I had broken up with steve a month ago its not that i didn’t love him still. it’s more that i knew he didn’t love me. his heart belonged to someone else. and i was foolish to think that someone was me.
because how could steve harrington ever love me. when he still not over his first love. at first I thought it was in my head. but i see the way they look at each other. the stolen glances here and there. and who was i to deny him the person he truly wants to be with.
so i had to let him go. because i loved him. and he loved her. he always has and always will.
it was the spring of 86 and once again we had gotten sucked into fighting the supernatural once again.
we had just been in the shed that eddie was staying in when we started hearing sirens with confused glances towards each other we look outside and see a bunch of police cruisers. we quickly tell eddie to hide under the tarp while we go investigate.
we all get in steve’s car and I get into the front seat while robin and the kids sit in the back. dustin and max look shaken up.
“hey it’s gonna be okay.” I console them turning around to look at them.
once we get to the scene, we quickly recognize a familiar face. nance. what was she doing there? I wondered. she gives steve a little wave and nods at him.
which steve returns.
we all make our way to the trailer park in which most of these events have taken place. we all sit at a picnic table I take a seat by steve being as thats the only seat that was left. I smile at him and then return to the conversation at hand. it doesn’t have to be awkward.
“so you’re saying this thing that killed fred and chrissy is from the upside down?” asks nancy
“if the shoe fits.” mentions steve
“our working theory is that he attacks with a spell or a curse. and whether or not he’s doing the bidding of the mindflayer or just love killing teens, we don’t know. ” dustin says trying his best to fill her in.
“all we know is that this is something different. something new” I mention.
“this doesn’t make any sense.” said a confused nancy
“it’s only a theory” reassures my brother
“no fred and chrissy don’t make sense. I mean why why them.” said nancy trying to figure out what the connection was.
“maybe they were just in the wrong place.” I answered
“they were both at the game”
“and near the trailer park” said dustin and max listing things on how this could all be related
“were at the trailer park. should we maybe not be here?” asks a concerned steve
“fred started acting weird the second we got here” said nancy
“acting weird as in??” asked robin
“scared, on edge, upset.”
“max said chrissy was upset too.” said my brother
“yea but not here. she was crying in the bathroom at school” adds max
“serial killers stalk there pray before they strike right? so maybe fred and chrissy say this vecman ” asks robin
“vecna” corrects my brother.
“i dont know about you guys but if I saw some freaky wizard monster, I would mention it to someone.” says steve I nodded agreeing with him
“maybe they did. I saw chrissy leaving ms. kelly’s office. if you saw a monster you wouldn’t go to the police they’d never believe you. but you might go to your.”
“your shrink” I said finishing max’s sentence
once we were all done talking we headed to steve’s car. nancy clearly taking a different direction. i started opening the car door when i heard a
concerned steve yell over at nance
“whoa. whoa, nance, nance! where you going.” he asks. ouch. i try not to let this affect me. I mean isn’t this what I wanted. and more importantly what he wanted. I ignore the pain in my chest.
“something I wanna check on first” she answers
“something you wanna share with us?” asks my brother
“I mean yea I thought we were all in this together.” I say
“I don’t wanna waste your time, it’s a real shot in the dark.”
“yea, okay are you out of your mind? flying solo with this vecna creep on the loose no it’s too dangerous, you need, you need some to” steve tried to think of something
robin stares at me and clearly sees my discomfort.
steve then tosses his keys to robin.
“here. I’ll stick with nance, you guys take the car, check out the shrink.” if only he was that persistent when we broke up. I thought rolling my eyes at his behavior.
“I don’t think u want me driving your car” says robin
“why?” asks steve
“I don’t have my license.”
“why don’t you have a liscense”
“because im poor.”
“I can drive” says max
“no, no, no never again. please. anybody but you no.” said steve persistently
“alright just give the keys to henderson.” my brother raises his eyebrows and reachers for the keys.
“no obviously not you dipshit your sister”
“I mean yea I could drive but I don’t necessarily have my license either. are you sure you want to trust me with your car?”
“you’ve driven my car plenty of times I trust you.” said steve reminiscing those times he would teach you how to drive when you were first considering getting your license.
robin then stares at me obviously noticing I didn’t want him to leave with her. robin didnt really understand steve and how so clearly he could’ve chosen you the girl he loves but he keeps doing stupid shit like this.
“alright this is stupid.” said robin grabbing dustins walkie to insure we have communication she smiles and winks at me.
“us ladies will stick together. unless you think we need you to protect us.” I snort which then causes steve to glare at me they both make there ways to nancys station wagon.
my heart aches.
“be careful.” steve yells
ouch. see I was okay with them being together but them rubbing it in my face like this hurt. and maybe it wasn’t intentional all I knew is I never wanted to see this again.
“your just gonna stand there and gawk harrington.” noticing the same thing i noticed
“shut up.” answers steve
I enter the front steve of the car while dustin and max head for the back. I roll my eyes.
“why don’t we go okay?”
“shut up and get in the car and wipe your feet.”
“on the outside not the inside.” says steve in a disappointed mom tone I laugh
steve eventually get in the car.
“always the babysitter. always goddamn babysitter!” he hits the steering wheel.
we arrive at ms. kellys house and we watch from the car as she goes inside
“okay. she’s in”
“we can see that. im missing collarbones not my eyes.”
“so…. dustin continues. we gonna talk about it?”
“im sorry talk about what?” asks steve
“your temporary insanity earlier today when you basically threw yourself at nance.”
i snort.
“that’s not what happened.” steve mutters
“pretty sure that’s what happened it was pretty public. there were a lot of witnesses including my sister.”
“don’t bring me into this.” I say
“are you implying I have a thing for nance?” asked steve
“no im not implying. im stating as it relates to your steadfast refusal to get back together with my sister it’s pretty much the only logical explanation.”
“no way your the one putting these ideas in your sisters head henderson? that im still into fucking nancy”
“I don’t know steve you tell me”
“why are we talking about this situation as if I’m not here.” You mention
“no because you and your brother seem have this stupid idea that im still in love with nancy when so clearly the only person i care for is u.”
“steve can we not do this while my brothers in the car. please.” you pleaded tears threatening to fall out of my eyes
“alright so get out and cover your ears henderson. the adults need to speak ” he rolled his eyes looking out the window
“steve i promise we’ll speak later can we just focus on max.” I asked he nodded and we continued on our journey.
later in the day we made to nancys house we all had to keep an eye on max after everything we had just found out.
once all the kids were sleeping and only me and steve were awake he dragged me to the bathroom and locked the door.
“ we’re talking and I swear to god if henderson is putting ideas into your head that I’m in love with nancy-“
“steve it’s not dustin it’s everyone, we all notice the way you look at her you never look at me that. ever.”
“I don’t want to be in the middle of that you deserve better.”
“baby…..” steve whispers holding my face as he sees the tears I push him off.
“no steve i can’t keep dating someone who is still in love with someone else. I mean look crazy you got back at the trailer park”
“because she’s a friend and I care about her. I don’t see a future with her y/n I see it with you.”
“steve you can’t say things like that.”
“y/n im serious I see you being mrs. harrington one day and carrying my babies. I don’t see that with nancy I see it with you. and im tired of fighting because I miss you. and im sorry if I haven’t been verbal about how much you mean to me y/n but your my entire world..” I stare at him letting him console my cheek while starring into my eyes
“not nancy. you henderson. and I’d kill my self before I’d ever let anything happen to you.”
“im sorry…”
“it’s okay baby it’s, okay just come here.” he says pulling me in for a hug.
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ingravinoveritas · 9 months
regarding MS and DT maybe having a "secret" poly relationship: never been in a poly relationship myself but the way they treat eachother is near identical to the way my mom (married to my dad) is with her bf (has a gf and kids) they arent open about it but the dont shy away from jokes on socials just like DT and MS. not only that but my dad makes the same exact jokes georgia makes regarding the relationship. just wanted to throw my experiences into this bc somethings definitely goin down
Ooh. Thank you for sharing this! I've previously heard from @radiantbaby about their experience/knowledge of polyam, so it's wonderful to hear from someone else who also has more direct experience with poly relationships than many of us here might have.
It's interesting, because I had a few people coming at me in the notes on this post for using the 'throuple' tag/referring to them having a poly relationship. How could I allude to such a thing, Georgia is "just joking," and so on. But I feel as thought the fans who get so outraged over such things are missing two key points: 1) That if you know a single thing about Michael, you know he's never been big on monogamy; and 2) The entire point is that Georgia is joking. Because there is no better way or place to disguise the truth than with a joke, especially when you know people will take it as a joke and not believe it could be real.
If Michael and David did hook up--either while filming season 1, or during the press tour, which Michael has previously said was when he and David got "very, very close"--it would make sense that Georgia wanted to avoid the potential narrative of David cheating, so decided to frame it as something she is fully aware of and agreeing to (and even encouraging). Which then also fits with the timeline I posted, as well as all the little "jokes" and things that have happened since, and how she started laying the groundwork almost two years ago (and was making allusions to a poly vibe between them even before then). So it's exactly like what you said--that balance between not being 100% open about it, but not shying away from alluding to it, either.
For me, though, it's also the little, subtle things that provide insight, almost more than the overt jokes. Like Georgia pinning an Insta story of a picture of Michael, David, and Ty (that she hashtagged #mumanddad) and making the title of the video #fam (circled in red):
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So given all of this, along with the parallels to your mom and dad's situation (though of course every situation is different), it would not be at all surprising if there is some sort of arrangement/poly relationship between Michael, David, and Georgia. Something they can't be open about because the world is still so hostile to non-monogamous/non-traditional relationships, not to mention what being open about it would mean for their kids in the eyes of the press, but that is still very much there. That makes room for the clear affection and attraction between Michael and David, in addition to David and Georgia. And that works for them.
It's certainly incredibly interesting to ponder, for sure. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and giving us all something to think about. Thanks for writing in! x
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effervescentdragon · 15 days
Bestie i was thinking of and hot take to disagree about but it's difficult we usually agree on literally everything!! I cannot come up with anything hahahahhaha. So i'll try to stay generic. If i exclude Lewis and Nando to me the strongest drivers are in this order:
Yuki (he desperately needs a chance nobody wants to give, it's frustrating)
George/Carlos equally
About oscar.... Well, for sure i expected something more.... Idk how to define it tbh
That said idk, do you agree or not? Hahahahha
Ana i fucking adore you this is SUCH a good ask! Okay okay i think i see what you mean and i do agree to some extent, however not with it all!
Id put max above charles on account that he still has 3 wdcs, however charles has never driven a reliable car at the same time max did. So i think two of them are more evenly matched because of max's experience in a reliable and unreliable cars both, plus i think you become more certain in yourself after you win. I dk think charles is the only guy who can actually challenge max, which i am hoping happens soon, so charlie boy's generational talent doesnt flicker away into nothingness.
Now. As for the rest. I agree with lando actually, out of the british ot3 aka 2019 rookies id say lando has the most chance to win a wdc. HOWEVER. idk what these long years in mclaren have done to him. Lando drives more instinctively imo, and has more raw talent, but george is really, really good at calculations. I think georgie might end up being better than lando if he just learned how not to fuck up the moments when he lets instinct overtake. Idk if that makes sense. Idk if this will make sense but to me, lando drives kinda like.lewis drove at the beginning and george drives like nico did. Ifs just the vibes i get from them, and its not a 1:1 comparison at all, but thats the closest i can come to explaining what i mean with a similar case.
Yuki is the only guy that deserves a no.1 red bull seat out of their whole lineup (excludong max obvs) and their whole academy. I will die on this hill and idgaf who says what. I used deserve on purpose (hehe) because i think he is the only one who has the determination, the talent, and the je-ne-sais-quoi (its the bastard. the bastard gene) to be rbrs no. 1 driver. I will gladly fight anyone who disagrees. He also needs a more reliable car to prove that and when he gets it, imma be decked out in proper rb merch w tsunoda on my back :)
Carlos... see, the thing is. He is good. He is really, really good. Reliable too. But i just genuinely dont believe hes wdc material. Not when hes going against max and charles and hell, even lando and george. Thats the tragic part for me. Hes been told his whole life hes good, and he really is, but.. these guys are just better. I hope he can prove me wrong, i hope its just a series of bad decisions to drive for "bad" teams, but idk. Lets see what he does in the future.
As for oscar.. im excited to see what he will do. He is INSANELY good, ive watched him in f2 and caught some f3 highlights too, and genuinely if it wasnt for lando's primary position in mclaren, i think oscar will still, despite that, give him a run for his money. Bcs i think he can only improve for here bcs from what ive seen... oh boy. Genuinely. Oooooh boy. I am super excited to see if he lives up to his potential. I think that might be what youre missing w oscar, this like, fight for being the 1st driver. Which i think isnt possible w how tightly lando is entwined w mclaren. Maybe? Idk.
So id accelt your sorting grid actually, because all of my adjustments are based on the best performance of all the boys. But there is some room for shuffling there. In the end i did agree w you. Damn. We did it again 🙈💜
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weixuldo · 2 years
Unconditionally// ch 5
anakin x reader
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(a/n: Basically Anakin doesn’t know how to process his feelings and ends up just being a dick... but dont worry! things will get better )
The morning after goes...well. But the next week, not so much
warnings: implied sexual activities, yelling, cursing, name-calling, asshole behavior. 
The next morning came by rather quickly, you woke up with one of Anakin’s arms draped over your waist. It was nice. You looked down to see both of your clothes were lazily discarded on the floor. Your face heated remembering what you did last night. You turned to face him in the bed and smiled when he cracked an eye open to look at you. 
You brushed a loose curl out of his face and rested your palm on his cheek. He sighed with contempt before leaning in to kiss you again. 
“Good morning, boss” you teased.
He scoffed and stretched his arms out. You looked down to see he woke half hard. You might have to do something about that. 
“Good morning to you too”
You were about to steal another kiss when you heard the downstairs door opening, accompanied by the twin’s voices.
“Daddy?? We're back!” you heard Leia shout.
You looked at Anakin with wide eyes. His eyes were wide too as he cursed under his breath. 
“Shit”, he grabbed his phone to see a missed call and a message from Ben,
“Ben: Get ready, we’re on the way over”
He huffed and quickly got out of bed and raced to find, at least, some pants. You heard the kid’s footsteps pattering up the staircase, followed by Ben’s worried voice.
“Maybe don’t go up there yet kids!” He definitely knew what happened last night. 
Anakin stood tall in a pair of sweatpants and quickly tossed you a sweater which you hastily put on. Just in time too, because the door busted open to reveal two, very awake kids. 
Leia and Luke ran to Anakin and each grabbed hold of one of his legs. 
“Hii Daddy!” Leia squealed
“Hey princess” he responded, the rasp of sleep still evident in his voice.
Luke was the first of the two to look over at the bed. 
“F/N!!!” he shouted running over to you.
“Heyy bud!” you smiled awkwardly, trying not to expose your lower half, which currently was bare. 
Leia gasped and ran to you too, “you had a sleepover?!”.
Last night was definitely more than a sleepover, your face reddened at the memory. 
“Yeahh” you said.
“No fair! Can we come to the next one?” the twins begged. 
You laughed awkwardly as Ben knocked on the outside of the door.
“You can come in,” Anakin sighed.
Ben slowly entered the room and gave a small chuckle. ‘I tried to keep them longer, but they wanted to come back”.
“It’s ok,” Anakin said, walking over to meet Ben. Your attention shifted back to the kids that were curiously asking about the “sleepover”.
“Did you guys play together?” Luke asked innocently.
We definitely played with each other.
“Kind of, we just had some dinner” you said trying to steer the conversation. Leia began to pull back the sheets covering your bottom half, “Can I get in with you?” she was saying.
Ben’s eyes widened and Anakin rushed over to pick Leia up from under her arms.
“Oookaay Princess, F/N is still kind of sleepy, why don't you guys go play and let her finish waking up, hmm?”.
The twins agreed and promptly left the room. You thanked Anakin and gave Ben a quick nod before he left the room. Once the door closed you flopped back onto the pillows. Phew. That was close. Anakin followed suit and laid beside you. 
You looked over at him and he looked at you. The two of you began to laugh, what the hell. He helped you collect your clothes and got dressed himself. After you said your goodbyes to the twins, Anakin took you back home.
The rest of the week was surreal. You came to his house for the normal schedule, but instead of speaking to you, he acted more like how he did when you first started working there. He barely smiled and answered your questions shortly. You tried to understand what happened. Did you do something wrong? Did you say something?
Finally thursday you couldn’t take it anymore. After he got back, you put the kids to bed and went back downstairs to the kitchen to confront him.
“What’s your problem?!” you demanded
“Nothing.” he said, not even looking at you.
What the hell.
“Did I do something? Why are you-”
“Drop it.”
Your brows furrowed at his statement. “What?”.
“I said drop it,” he spat. 
You backed away from him. “Anakin I don't understand-”
“We should have never done that,” he hissed.
He was the one who asked you on the damn date in the first place. “I’m not the one who created that situation!” you tossed back. 
“You don’t know anything” he said, “You’re just a fucking college student”.
That comment hurt your feelings, he knew you were sensitive about your accomplishments. 
“I’m over a decade older than you, What was I thinking-” he said more to himself than to you. “I have a wife,” he muttered. Although his wife had been dead for seven years, he continued to lament as if he were cheating. 
“Why did we-” he started again
“Because you said you wanted it!” you shouted. He couldn’t be blaming you for his internal conflict. It wasn’t your fault. 
He shot his head towards you, “get out”.
“What? Are you gonna fire me now? Just because we -”
“Get the fuck out!” he yelled. 
You were about to protest again when a small voice interrupted you.
Leia and Luke stepped through into the kitchen, both rubbing sleep from their eyes. Leia was holding on to a stuffed cat and Luke had his blanket wrapped around him. 
You froze and glanced at Anakin. The color in his face drained, he looked guilty.
“Heyyy Princess”
“Bud” he nodded to Luke.
“Why are you yelling?” Leia asked.
“It’s nothing Baby, why don’t you and your brother go back to sleep” he offered.
You were still frozen in place, what were you supposed to do? You may have just lost your job.
Leia looked from her dad to you and tilted her head. 
“Were you yelling at Y/N?” she inferred. Anakin closed his eyes and sighed.
“It’s nothing Princess, go back to bed”.
Luke yawned and laid his head on his sister’s shoulder, “can you tuck us back up?”, he said pointing at you.
You looked cautiously at their father, who nodded in defeat. 
You stepped towards the kids, Luke climbed onto your back and you picked Leia up in your arms and started up the staircase, leaving Anakin alone in the kitchen.  
You gently laid each child in their respective bed. Luke went back to sleep almost immediately, but Leia on the other hand, knew something was wrong.
“I’m sorry daddy’s being mean to you” she said.
“Hmm?” You didn’t want her to think her dad was mean.
“He’s been mean to you since the sleepover” she said, getting situated under her blankets.
“I think he’s just stressed, it's ok” you said reassuringly.
“Please don't quit,” she whispered before falling asleep. 
You sadly smiled at the girl before you made your way back down stairs. Anakin was leaning against the counter, head hung. You debated talking to him again, but you decided it would be better if you just left.  
Once you were in your car the tears began to fall. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing you upset, but you couldn’’t help but be hurt by his harsh words. Once you reached your dorm you flopped onto the bed and cried yourself to sleep.
Sunday morning, as per usual, you got the routine “schedule” text. You debated whether you should even go, but then you remembered Leia’s request. You couldn’t quit on the kids. So Monday afternoon you hauled yourself over to the white mansion. 
When the twins saw you, relief washed over their faces. “F/N!!”
You smiled and hugged them. 
“You didn’t quit!” Leia exclaimed.
“How could I when I love you guys so much” you laughed, hugging them tighter. You rose from their height and looked up. Leaning against the door frame was a very casual Anakin. He was in a tightly fitting white shirt and gray sweats. His muscles prominently on display. You froze.
He uncrossed his arms and stood straight, “ok, why don't you run along now”. The kids nodded and patterned upstairs. 
You gripped the strap of your bookbag. He must have noticed your tension because he let out a heavy sigh. “Come on, put your stuff down” he said softly, almost as if he were worried he’d scare you off. 
You complied and placed it on the barstool at the counter and looked back up at him.
“I thought you had work today,” you said shortly.
“I did, we finished early.”
You stood there awkwardly as he observed you.
“Three weeks.” he said.
“Excuse me?”
“That’s all it took, three weeks for me to want you.”
“I don't understand”
“Yeah, me either” he scoffed.
Was he implying you weren’t worth the time? Or was he embarrassed he had been interested in you?
“Ok.. I can just leave-”
“You stress me out” he said
Great. Just what you wanted to hear on a Monday afternoon. 
“I haven’t felt this way about someone since…” he trailed off.
“Your wife” you completed his thought.
He nodded and you sighed, moving closer to him. You wanted to be mad at him, but this was probably really hard for him. But he definitely needed to learn how to manage his emotions. 
“I’m sorry… I panicked and lashed out, I-I shouldn’t have done that” he said, genuinely apologetic. 
You placed a hand on his shoulder, half expecting him to flinch away from you. Instead he only turned to look into your eyes.
“It’s ok” 
He offered you a somber smile.
“But since you’re here today, I’m going to go back home,” you added, you needed a moment to clear your head.
“Here, I can pay for your gas-” He said,  reaching for his wallet.
“No, it’s ok Anakin” you said as you grabbed your bag. 
“Please, let me-”
You shook your head, “I’ll see you tomorrow”.
You did indeed see him tomorrow. He was being civil with you and you were with him too, but you still felt distant. You knew the kids noticed, but they didn’t say anything else about the matter.
The rest of the week was similar to Tuesday, just acknowledging each other. You decided to try and talk with him, away from work, so you asked him if he would meet you in the park tonight. To your surprise, he agreed.
You caught an Uber to the park and continued down the path the two of you had walked all those nights ago. You came up to the bench you shared, to find him already seated. The cool fall air was in full swing now.
He was perched up on the bench sporting a black coat, you joined him. 
“Hello.” you said
“Hello,” he responded.
The two of you sat there in silence for a moment before he turned towards you.
“I’m truly sorry, I didn’t mean to lash out at you”
Without turning towards him you responded, “It’s ok, Anakin.”
He frowned and took one of his hands to tenderly turn your face towards him. “It’s not, It isn’t ok….I fucked up.”
You gave a light laugh, he really was sorry, huh?
“Well thank you for the apology, I know that must be hard for a man of your ego” you quipped.
He scoffed, but not in a mean way - it was more in an “I deserved that” way.
He cautiously placed a hand on your thigh, you didn’t back away. Instead you looked into his blue eyes, “I forgive you”.
With that he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He leaned in slowly and studied your face. His eyes flitted from your eyes to your lips. Before you knew it your noses were touching, “may I?” he whispered.
You closed your eyes, reveling in his warmth, “please”.
He captured you in a kiss, softer than another you had shared before. This one was apologetic and tender. You couldn’t help but lean into it. 
Things were going to be better. 
(A/N: so we all agree anakin is terrible w expressing emotion…. literally him in every prequel movie…. butttt he really doesn’t want this, right?)
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taglist: @katsukiswrld , @wtf-andys , @angeelcoree , @jetiikote , @khaleesihavilliard, @sxoulchvn, @sakura-amethyst , @dottodottoo , @simpforskyguy , @circuloctm
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lumineescente · 9 months
seungjin drabble (slowtober)
hii im doing a thing called slowtober (made by @/oeildesaturne on instagram, french speaking folks check it out!! although be aware of tw mental health and eds talks) and i'm posting on twitter a seungjin au per word
for the third word of this slowtober we got "mixture"
For this word i just HAD TO (no but yes) make a little hogwarts au... I genuinely tried to think about anything else but my dear hogwarts au it got longer than expected and TO BE HONEST I COULD GO ON!!!!!! i could write all this!! hogwarts au are my favorite
not betaed this is just for fun <3
and if you want to read a seungjin hogwarts au from me you can check this already posted fic!
AND if you enjoyed this challenge who is now over you can vote on this form for your favorite that I’ll be writing into a full fic on ao3! (“soumettre” is “submit” btw)
if you want to check all the drabbles you can go here
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"Did it work?" Seungmin pouts staring at the potion in front of him.
The mixture's liquid looks decent, the forms of the steam above it looks like the kind of description their teacher made during class earlier, but something is off. He looks back to the recipe, knowing very well he has not missed a step because he is always very diligent with his work and also because Hyunjin was checking after him, but still. He checks.
"I think it did," Hyunjin answers after getting close to the potion. His cheeks coloured in pink. Seungmin does not notice.
"You think or you're sure? Those are two different things." 
Seungmin smells the potion. This is what is wrong with it. It smells nothing. And the smell is surely the most important thing about this potion. It has to smell like things the person smelling loves. Seungmin expected to smell old books, something homey, maybe that pie Hogwarts serves during Halloween. But all he can smell is Hyunjin's perfume because the latter is so close to him right now, hovering over his shoulder. And to be honest they've spent so much time together lately, Seungmin feels like the perfume has penetrated his own skin.
One thing to know about Seungmin is that he hates not understanding. He will ask questions, make the researches, works the extra time if he has to. But he will get it. Whatever it might be. Usually it is school works, because ever since he has entered Hogwarts it had been his priority (obsession some might said). In exchange he keeps on being the best student, one of them at least, except in potions. Which makes no sense because potions surely is one of the most rational subject they have. Follow the instructions. Choose the right ingredients. Dont miss a step. And follow again the instructions.
The things Seungmin should be the best at! Not that he does not succeed. He just does not succeed enough. And Seungmin really wants to be a healer at St Mungo, he does not need to be good at potions. He needs to be excellent.
Except he is not and apparently books could only tell as much as they can - the disappointment he had felt upon noticing that is still indescribable - so he had gone to the only option left. Ask for help. Slytherin this year were no exception to the unspoken rule of them being the best in potions, in the person of Hwang Hyunjin who was mostly knows for his quidditch skills (Seungmin had had many opportunities to admire... notice those skills through the years).
Another thing about Seungmin is that he definitely lacks people skills, and because Ravenclaw do not share their potion class with Slytherin, he had no reason to ask Hyunjin for help. He knew from other shared times that Hyunjin is a very nice and approachable person, only has the looks of the mean cliché Slytherin but he's heard one day one of his friends telling him he could have been sorted at Hufflepuff and he agrees. Because when Seungmin suddenly showed up and ask for help to that boy he has barely talked to all their years, the boy smiled and said of course.
All that happened last year. When they were studying for their O.W.L.S and Seungmin wanted to make sure he got a O. And he got it because Hyunjin was a very good teacher, very patient, nice and funny. Even if he would often stumble on his words, somehow always made his point very clear. Plus he knew Hyunjin made space for him in his schedule which was already busy with quidditch practices, so for that Seungmin was grateful.
By the end of the year Seungmin knew he had made a friend. Which had not been the case since his first year. This plus the O.W.L.s results, his fifth year was a success. He really thought it would be the end of their lessons but it was Hyunjin who came back to him and asked him if he wanted to continue. He said yes because he genuinely enjoyed it and, if he was being honest with himself, he was scared he would have no reason to hang out with Hyunjin if not. And he really liked hanging out with Hyunjin.
This is how they ended up making amortentia from scratch on a Tuesday evening, because Seugmin completely failed making the mixture during his class in the morning.
"I'm sure it worked," Hyunjin insists, "everything seems fine."
"I cant smell anything," Seungmin tells him.
Hyunjin frowns, "get closer."
Seungmin does so, even if it is useless. He takes a deep breath it but once again all he can smell is Hyunjin's perfume. Floral, probably with lavender undertones, and a bit overwhelming at first but comforting. He shakes his head.
"Do you smell anything?" He asks his surrogate teacher.
This time he does notice the blush on Hyunjin's face.
"I do," he mutters.
Seungmin's never been a really into gossiping, he hates personal question about himself so he does not pry.
"Well, that does not make any sense," he mumbles almost to himself, "go away for a bit, please."
"What?" Hyunjin chokes up.
"I didnt mean it like that... just can you go to the other side of the room so I can focus."
If the request is odd to Hyunjin he does not protest it and do as told. Seungmin stares at the pretty forms the steam makes above the pearly mixture for a moment, deep into focusing on his senses. He closes his eyes to make sure of it. Hyunjin is not in his personal space anymore so there is no reason for his perfume to linger that much, at least he hopes so. He gets closer and closer to the potion but his nose only picks up the same scent over and over. When he opens his eyes back he is frustrated and it probably shows.
"What's going on?" Hyunjin asks him, worry in his voice tone.
"Its just all I can smell is your perfume and I dont get..."
He stops his sentence when he sees the look on Hyunjin's face, the way his blush expanded and his eyes were round. There is a moment of silence during which Seungmin is not really sure what switches in the air what kind of tension gets itself comfortable between them, nor why does it mean. Things in their relationship have always been very easy, even with Seungmin struggling in social interactions, even during the very first lesson Hyunjin had easily broken the glass between them and made Seungmin very comfortable. There is no overthinking when he is with him. It is so relaxing, so freeing.
"Seungmin," Hyunjin eventually says and it is obvious he is trying to suppress a smile on his lips, "you're the smartest person I know... but..."
Seungmin opens his mouth to protest whatever is coming after the "but".
Hyunjin shakes his head and comes back to his previous place, close, very close to Seungmin. It shuts him up because suddenly everything is different.
He sees the look in Hyunjin's eyes, the way their hands could brush against each other if they decided to, and Seungmin is paralyzed.
"I think the potion works very well because I can smell the scent of old books in the library and sugar quills."
This time Seungmin feels himself blushing. Hyunjin always buys for him sugar quills if he goes to honeydukes without him, because Seungmin likes them so much. They are basically just sugar but the way they taste and feel are very calming somehow. He has never really thought a lot about Hyunjin's actions, just categorized him as the nice kind of persons who care a lot about everything and remember little stuff. He never thought it was something special. Just something endearing about Hyunjin like so many things.
"Uh.." he clears his throat. He never is at loss of words, he knows so many words!
Hyunjin smirks and Seungmin tries to look away but Hyunjin is too close and he is everywhere in his personal space and field of vision. It is overwhelming but he does not not like it. He just does not know how to respond to it. And he is still not sure he understands it. While Hyunjin seems to understand everything. That is embarrassing.
"I really thought I was obvious and that you were acting like it was nothing because you were being polite and you didnt want to embarrass me..."
Hyunjin is slightly taller than him, he has noticed, just a few centimeters really nothing in their day to day life but right now as Hyunjin very carefully moves his head closer to Seungmin's, he feels so tiny.
"But you were just very oblivious !" Hyunjin concludes with a smile, "because you are so smart, I never thought it could be that."
"Book smart and emotions smart are different things," he breathes out.
Hyunjin laughs and it makes Seungmin's heart race. He always seems to manage to make Hyunjin laughs so brightly like that, when he has never been known to be a particularly funny person.
"That's right," Hyunjin tells him, "so I'm going to ask you then. Seungmin, do you, perhaps, like me more than just a friend?"
Seungmin knows very well that his entire face is red by now, "I never.. thought about it," he confesses.
Hyunjin smiles very gently, "I did. I actually thought about it so much I lost sleep over it because all I could think about was you and how much I like you."
Seungmin's ears are ringing and he can only hear the loud beating of his own heart, "you did..."
Hyunjin once again looks at him with those doe beautiful gentle eyes and smiles softly and Seungmin feels like he is both melting and burning.
"This might be a bit overwhelming, so..." Hyunjin says and his voice is a little less confident than before, "maybe you can think about it and I can take you out on a date this Saturday at hogsmeade... and if you dont like me then I'll never bother you again with my feelings."
"That's.... thats a very good idea."
The face Hyunjin makes is better than any academic success, Seungmin thinks.
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tokusaatsus · 2 years
Hello! that batch of confession hcs you did was so cute 🥺 hope you dont mind that Im asking for more! Midori and Tetora, please!
and maybe a little chiaki if someone hasnt already requested, as a treat
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Who confesses first: Chiaki!
How: during a tokusatsu movie!
As a way for you all to end the day with some much-needed R&R, you and the RYUSEITAI gang have a weekly routine of watching movies at the end of the week together. Or, at least, you used to.
The movie is supposed to be chosen on a weekly basis, since that makes it so that everyone gets to choose at least once, but you somehow manage to end up forfeiting your turn to Chiaki every time.
You can’t help it! His puppy dog eyes are so effective, it physically pains you to turn him down…
But the Ryusei kids decide to put their feet down after the fourth time you agree to watch another tokusatsu movie as per Chiaki’s pleading request.
They’ve had enough.
After that, you’re forcibly booted out of movie nights.
“Sorry, senpai. It’s for the greater good.”
Shinobu-kun looks apologetic, at the very least.
Of course, Chiaki can’t stand to see any injustice happen on his watch and instead offers to have a special movie night with just the two of you.
You’re not even torn up about it, but the hopeful look in Chiaki’s eyes and the way he seems to sparkle at the thought of being your hero, even for a day, makes you agree.
Chiaki asks you if you want to pick the movie, and you say no.
The kids are going to be so disappointed in you, you think despairingly, when Chiaki picks–big surprise–a tokusatsu movie.
All things considered, even though Mechanical Violator Hakaider isn’t too bad, it’s still not something you’d consider watching in your free time of your own volition. 
Though, Chiaki makes a rather nice snuggle buddy if you do say so yourself. He’s lithe yet muscular, supporting your body as you curl into his side, his arm around your shoulders, your face buried into him.
At the end of the movie, Chiaki turns to you with a somber expression and you wonder if you were that terrible a movie partner.
Instead, what he says next causes a blush to erupt furiously across your face.
“Is it…is it wrong of me to say that I’m…kind of happy that you were kicked out of RYUSEITAI movie night? Because I got to spend more time with you, alone… Sometimes I’m jealous that other people get to spend so much time with you… I love being your friend…so…is it bad that I want more? And I might be reading too much into this but…I think you want the same?”
You forget sometimes that Chiaki isn’t just the hero-obsessed meathead everyone likes to paint him as. That he’s actually pretty good at reading people.
You’re stammering, because he’s right, but it’s still really embarrassing to be found out like that!?
Chiaki frowns to himself. Was he wrong after all? Do you not like him the way he likes you?
Finally, you manage to choke out a simple, Y-yes, I like you too, and he’s all smiley again.
“Great ☆! So…can I kiss you, babe?”
Ooh, boy.
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Who confesses first: you!
How: after RYUSEITAI practice!
It’s the end of the day, and you’re ready to kick back and relax with your friend. Except you can’t, since said friend seems to be missing?
You know RYUSEITAI practice has ended, since you say Morisawa-senpai and Kanata-senpai a few corridors away, so it’s logical to assume that Tetora went back to his dorm. But you know better, so you keep going to the practice hall.
And lo and behold, what do you find but you find your friend sweating bullets as he runs through the choreography again and again.
As you watch, he stumbles over a particularly tricky piece of footwork, then curses loudly.
Why can’t he get anything right? He’ll never be a real man if he lets things like this overwhelm him. He needs to be better.
You call out to him and he looks up, a deer in headlights. What are you doing here?
You tell him you didn’t see him anywhere, so you came to check up on him.
Shame sinks in. He worried his precious friend and caused you to come all the way to the practice hall to make sure he was okay. He couldn’t even notify you that he was fine, or ask one of his senpai to do it for him… He’s a horrible friend, he doesn’t deserve you.
Of course, you notice right away that he’s feeling down, so you offer to stay and keep him company while he practices more.
Immediately refuses.
“No way! I couldn't bother you like that, you’ve been working so hard! You should rest! I’ll be fine.”
It’s because he doesn’t want to impose upon you he’s saying this, even though he’d rather you stay with him then leave him alone. But that’s being selfish, isn’t it?
You tell him outright he’s not a burden.
“Toracchi, I would do anything for you. I don’t mind worrying about you, because I love you.”
He blinks. You…love him?
You flush, realising too late what you said, but keep going. You love him and you want him to be happy, so if practising late makes him happy, you’re happy to just stay and watch.
Brightens immediately after you say this.
His energy levels have risen up! He is invigorated by your confession of love!
“I’ll do my best this time, for you!”
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Who confesses first: Midori!
How: by accident! Poor baby…
You’re selling some Valkyrie merch that you created yourself, and you’re proudly displaying your wares at a booth near the gardens. Mika, standing next to you, clutches your sleeve, a little embarrassed by the large sign he’s holding that proclaims, Come support Valkyrie, the most amazing unit ever ☆!
Most of the merchandise are pins, keychains and the like, but there are a few stuffed mascots you’ve painstakingly taken the time to create: a black kitten with two-toned eyes, a pink fox with a haughty expression, a smaller blond fox situated next to it, and a small white and pink bunny.
Midori stumbles accidentally upon your booth, but his attention is immediately grabbed by the adorable plushies seated primly in front of him.
Oh…so cute…
You notice where his eyes have drifted off to and smile brightly.
“Hi, Takamine! Do you want a plushie! I’ll give you a discount, 50% off for cute boys only ☆!”
He flushes a light pink and mumbles, sure, because you’re being unbearably nice to him and if you could turn that blinding smile away from him that would be great, thanks
You give him the pick of the pile, surprised when he goes for the bunny before anything else. He snuggles it close to his chest and a faint smile comes over his features.
Cuteeee, you think to yourself. +10000 damage to your heart!
That’ll be ¥500, you chirp. Thank you for your purchase, and be sure to support Valkyrie more in the future! because you can never resist the chance to promote your most favourite unit ever (though, RYUSEITAI is a close second!).
Midori means to say, thank you, I love it, and then hopefully leave so he never has to see your perfect smile directed at him again but his brain has turned to mush when he sees you run your fingers over the spines of the plushies like…you’re petting them…
So instead, what comes out is:
“Thank it, I love you.”
There’s a moment of intense silence, where your stubborn attempt to make eye contact after that bombshell clashes with Midori’s equally stubborn refusal to look up. Mika’s eyes swivel between the two of you like he’s watching an intense badminton tournament.
Kill me now, Midori thinks balefully. If the Gods have any mercy they will strike me down right this instant and let me rot in the hollows of the Earth.
The Gods, of course, do not respond. Stupid fucking Gods.
“Aw, thanks! I love you too!”
Midori cannot fucking believe his ears. Neither can Mika, if the wide-eyed look on his face is anything to go by.
Oh dear, this is too much. Midori nearly falls flat on his face as he runs out of the area as fast as he can. Love you, babe~☆, your voice trills out behind him, and he feels his heart race.
Hnnnggg. He buries his head into the plushie’s stomach. You were way more trouble than you’re worth.
Oshi-san’s not g’na be happy, y’re fraternisin’ with the enemy, Mika warns. You giggle.
“Don’t be silly, Mikkun. Takamine’s too cute to be the enemy. Now…Amagi on the other hand…”
WC: 1.4k words
kldsjfkdj hi anonnie! i hope this fits what u were looking for! midori’s part ended up being longer than expected (it’s even longer than chiaki’s!??!) but i had fun writing this ahahah. actually this is my first time writing teto ‘n midobean so sorry if they’re ooc qwq not me slipping in my subtle valkyrie agenda…but it is my duty as a valkP anyways, i hope u enjoy this! muah <3
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how in the world do you do it? i sent that ask yesterday and i'm still making my way through your masterpost kind of reeling- almost every moment i paused the show (s2 especially) and thought, that's weird, but couldn't put my finger on why, you've talked about, and expanded on, and it's all so well put. you're slowly curing the countless little ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ bouncing around in my head. it's so satisfying, too, to see all those asks with LWA disagreeing with popular fanon. i'd been thinking it was only me.
i'm curious about your interpretation of the bullet catch, specifically aziraphale's motives. i scrolled through a few of your tags and didn't find much about it, but i might have missed something.
i've seen people say it was retaliation for the holy water request (ooc?), or some deliberate test of crowley's willingness to go through with it (and so go through with their relationship, in spite of the danger, or something). then, of course, there's the generally accepted afaik "elaborate trust fall, general aziraphalean ridiculousness" version, but convincing somebody to nearly shoot you seems like a lot (understatement), even then.
it comes across to me as a bit cruel, if that makes sense. this isn't reliant on crowley not wanting to shoot him, or just doing well under pressure. if he's never even shot a gun before, this is almost entirely luck, and i don't buy that the only thing at stake is paperwork, however much they repeat it to themselves. crowley's hands wouldn't have been shaking so badly. if he messes up, he's gonna hurt aziraphale, or have to watch his human body die. it's so fucked.
maybe it could be said that, without their miracles working, they knew they were being watched, and had to continue, but i don't buy that either. aziraphale didn't act like he felt threatened afterwards until furfur showed up- was doing the complete opposite.
that's all i've got for now, but yeah. this blog is awesome and i'm so here for your sideburn theories. have a nice day pls
oh anon✨ you're so sweet!!! i really dk about all that, i just like chatting shit and trying to spot patterns/contradictory stuff/things that don't make sense beyond the script (if that makes sense), so whilst you all might not get Smart out of me you will at least get Passionate🤌
(also YES for LWA appreciation, they deserve it 💕 - still dont know why they do it but im just happy to be involved)
ooooh okay bullet catch. couple of thoughts from me:
aziraphale was happy to go on stage and try to ameliorate the situation between crowley and mrs h (my beloved), but reticent to scope out any Showy-Offy tricks from goldstones shop
crowley hyped aziraphale up enough to go into the shop and find a new trick to perform; hes the angel who fooled nefertiti and is performing on the West End Stage, after all!!!
aziraphale is taken in by the bullet catch trick upon seeing it, but was previously happy to consider another trick. he also, presumably, wasnt aware of the element of trusting a stooge until it was told to him
aziraphale persuades crowley to perform it, even when crowley is obviously uncomfortable, and crowley isn't truthful with him re: firearms experience
crowley agreed, providing that they make use of their miracles if it goes tits up
aziraphale doesnt inform crowley on any of the plan; crowley is notably caught unawares when called out in the audience
miracles don't work, neither of them stop the performance. crowley once again still very uncomfortable, literally shaking on stage, and yet seems to calm at aziraphale ploughing on ahead.
so okay, yeah, ive basically just recited the scene - but a few conclusions:
aziraphale doesn't want to let crowley down or embarrass him by backing out of the act, or indeed by messing it up
i think there's probably some element of aziraphale doing it for himself (self-esteem), but in a way that, post-Realisation, he is showing off a bit... it strikes me that crowley wasn't fully cognizant of this little hobby of his, and aziraphale is taking a moment to do something that (bless him, he thinks) he's good at, and wow crowley as a result
i don't think the holy water request came into his motivations at all, for the same reasons you said. however, it is an appropriate mirror to the holy water request narratively; i think it will come back up in s3, and i think the bullet catch will at least emotionally inform aziraphale on whether to give crowley the water or not
as for crowley's motivations in going along with it; i think to some extent he's paying back the favour, but mainly that it's truly just to make aziraphale happy. a step beyond that; to him, aziraphale is in need of something, and that is something aziraphale is only trusting crowley to deliver. crowley of course assumes miracles will be their safety net, so agrees to be aziraphale's knight in shining armour (*cough* playing hero)
when the miracles fail, aziraphale still has trust in crowley to do it properly. crowley however is left to trust in aziraphale's trust in kind. he still wants to do this for him, but the stakes are a bit higher in that he could shoot his best friend (?) in the face and not see him again on earth for any number of years (imo, it's never, ever been about the paperwork). but aziraphale isn't backing down; is crowley about to disappoint him? of course not.
tl;dr: they're both arseholes for their respective lacks of transparency with each other, deliberately put themselves in harm's way, and it was by sheer luck that they pulled it off. but it is a huge seismic shift in how they see each other, and i don't think we've been shown/suggested the full implications of the whole thing just yet.
thank you so much for your kind words, they honestly make my day!!! hope you have a lovely day too!!!✨💕
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coldvampire · 2 years
on nines' wiki for fic stuff, have some copy-paste of me going Feral about him and kat in discord
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crying thinking abt how genuinely kat will compliment her man & how inadvertantly Serious she gets bc she really does sincerely mean it & it would be easier to process if she was actually doing it to fluster him but no sometimes she just gets into a certain mood
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also the idea of her like hgjhkj absolutely backing him 100% when other barons push back on shit like this, knowing that her reputation is in a very strange place where too much will be seen as in poor form but not really caring bc she knows how to exude enough bad vibes to get people to shut up lmao. his coterie might feel the same as she does but they dont have the same effect on audiences, the ventrue aura of 'listen to me or Else' comes in handy and he gfhjk doesnt quite know how to feel abt it being used for him lmao
she does love how much he cares tho,,, its a very sexy quality its not smth shes used to. she might not completely Agree with him all the time but the way she completely trusts him overrides that so it doesnt actually Matter. & i think she also sort of uses that as a better moral compass than the one thats been trained into her, like inherently she sees herself as a semi-bad person bc of how shes able to detach from certain decisions and thats just not how he operates & she has a lot of respect for that (& probably also misses the fact that if we're comparing traumas hers are a lot more. uh. Direct lmfao.)
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also god love her but she is Not a Car Girl TM. she will sit there in the garage trying her hardest to follow along & ask questions but rly truly, she has no idea wtf he is saying to her. she recognizes that he is talking about parts and seems Excited & shes just glad it requires minimal thought on her end beyond very basic open ended questions. im pretty sure he thinks she understands a Lot more about mechanical stuff than she actually does bc shes very good at picking out important words and repeating them gfhjjfdgfhg shes not TRYING to bullshit interest she just doesnt have the heart to tell him she have 0 comprehension of anything he said just now. he is so stressed so much she wants him to be happy & relaxed whenever theres an opportunity for it :(
also he listens to her interests gfhgjh even if theyre significantly less technical lmao. she likes dissecting the manufactured drama & relationships of reality tv and stuff like that bc it reminds her of a Much lower stakes version of kindred politics & the pettiness is entertaining to her. he also gets to hold her while they watch on the couch or in bed while she goes & picks apart all of the 'fighting' and production tampering & he loves hearing her talk in general but its kind of fascinating to him how she can take something so shallow & dissect it, loves how Perceptive she is when it comes to people in particular. i think sometimes if she's maybe squirming a bit much or maybe if he just feels like it he'll offer to paint her nails. she's really on top of keeping up a manicure but doesnt always do acrylics & i think he would actually get fairly into the fact that 1. its essentially just Hand Holding for a reason and 2. it requires a decently steady hand & attention to detail so it doesnt get messed up and as someone who restores bikes with tiny intricate mechanical parts, hes surprisingly well suited to this. i bet he would do little designs too if he had the tools for it. it just feels good to do something for her :')
she knows jewellery even if she doesnt know fuck all about mechanics. firmly believe she just buys him stuff all the time & shes stupidly good at nailing what someone's preferred style is. like i dont think hes ever had someone who just casually gets so many things bc 'i saw this and thought of you' and again acts like its nbd??? because it is?? shes like yeah ofc why Wouldnt i? & tbh i dont even think that the gifts stop with him either once the rest of his coterie realizes shes cool and not a camarilla mole lmao they also start getting little things. jewellery keychains shirts Whatever, all usually just dropped into their hands mid-conversation with very little acknowledgment from her. if you mention youve had your eye on a bracelet or smth she'll just grab it without thinking. if Really pressed she'll probably brush it off as 'i wasnt spending my money anyway' (girl likes to take cash when she feeds from the wealthier Reverse Orphans TM especially if theyre also cheating gfhjhj) but rly. she just enjoys making people happy, which is also something her adores about her. its the casual way its just ingrained into her personality & how she doesnt make a huge deal about it, its just how she is.
ofc he always makes sure to take care of her back, she clearly expresses affection in gift giving and acts of service but she likes quality time & physical touch for herself. which is absolutely okay by his book, he was never even close to being as touch starved as she was at any point whereas she went literal Years without being touched in some way that wasnt negative or hurtful in some form. its overwhelming for her initially & she doesnt really know how to Ask for contact but by god she gets it through him. he's always loved holding her; she just seems to tuck in Perfectly into his arms. if she's maybe getting too overwhelmed with that then he's also good to switch gears to maybe just having a hand on her back or leg or holding her hand bc there's a period right when they first officially get together where she's still trying to level herself out after so much isolation. & he's such a constant reassuring presence, it almost doesn't feel real.
tbh if he wasn't as stable as he was im not sure she would have been able to heal properly after killing her sire, she had spent so long tethered to that man and shaping her life around running from him that she didnt quite know what to Do with herself when he was gone. nines didnt explicitly provide a 'purpose' for her life, he just gave her a place to rest and recuperate while she figured herself out and started to understand the fact that she was finally safe. & that's another thing, her sire might have been a genuine threat to the point she didnt want to risk his safety, but everything else? i doubt there would be any stopping his protection instincts. sometimes thats a concern to her, but again, she needed to be with someone who would be able to be that type of support & strength while she finally released literal decades of repressed trauma & a constant fight or flight state. he cant protect her from her own mind, but he can put a stop to any outside threats. she's never had that. he might have been abandoned by a ton of people in his life, but she would have taken that over the active harm/passive allowance of harm. understanding that, to him, she is someone worth protecting? its a wild learning curve.
im also sure theres some angst to be found in his history of being abandoned + her former commitment fear that evolved into the constant need to Be Around Him but also consider: the amount of comfort he would finally have knowing theres a 99% chance if theyre at home he just has to walk into the next room to see her (assuming she isnt already closer) & how she openly admits to wanting him on all levels, like shes not just gonna be someone else who walks out of his life. absolutely her favourite spot in the world is curls up beside him, like thats where she considers Home to be and ohh man. i think that just stirs smth up in him internally. ofc he cares about a lot of people and a lot of people care about him back but this is Different. in retrospect, knowing what she went through just to be able to sit here with him? even though there was a chance she would be rejected for not being transparent with her situation prior & never fully committing (even if she otherwise would have)? knowing he might be Too Hurt to let her back in and trying it anyway & letting him take the lead on the pacing and decide what it was He needed, that's insane. but she wanted to be with him so badly it was a risk she was willing to take on, which is telling bc her whole thing was caution to the point of being detrimental to herself.
it's like,,, he knows how it feels to have followers. but just like he did with her, she was able to peel back layers and layers of public-facing personality traits & see who he was in the privacy of his own home, and Still wanted him. imo even though he knows how to command a room, he's still not 100% positive what it is about Him Specifically that makes him so special to everyone else aside form being the guy who was in the right place at the right time to make a reputation for himself. but she's like. the one person where he actually feels like he maybe understand why she looks at him that way, & its still a nebulous feeling, but its more Concrete than what he gets from starry-eyed fledglings. kat is not and has never been someone who gives people more credit than they deserve or who blindly follows people. she's harsh and she has to have a Reason to do that.
if theres ever a situation where she has to drink blood outside of her restriction, you know he's gonna be the one to take care of her. she's not a fan of it, she's in pain and she feels gross and doesn't want him to Watch the whole episode, but why would he be put off by it? they both came from big families with plenty of kids, the threshold for being grossed out by that stuff is really goddamn high for them both lmao. also she looks completely Miserable curled up on the floor like that, if she needs someone to hold her hair and rub her back a bit then okay! she will have that its what she deserves! she's gonna resist a little at first bc she was always the one doing that for her sisters being the oldest with no mother/mother figure for most of their lives but like with a lot of stuff he does, she will relax and melt into the touch after a bit and start to physically decompress. if she's up for up she will also be carried to whichever soft surface she desires, no questions asked.
theyre so domestic it Hurts. fully believe the only actual regret she has about the relationship is missing the boat on them both being human & getting to live that normal suburban family life bc she know she would have completely abandoned her Rich Husband goals & it would have been fine in the end + her dad would have loved him. theres a very deep part of her psyche with a list of names that would have sounded fantastic for theoretical children like fdgfhgjh god. she is so far gone for him, 'vampires dont love' my ASS. not to be cheesy but he's It for her, even when theyre in a rough spot she literally cannot imagine being around anyone else or giving herself to someone so fully like that and trusting that they won't use that against her or shatter her heart in the process.
i just gfsfdhgfrwhgqsahxgfghgfejgwdshhjgrf theyre so in love. SO in love.
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jemmo · 11 months
hey so i read your "rant" about seonwoo and younghee and, if you dont mind i want to give my 2 cents on the matter (feel free to ignore this) but with seonwoo i think this insecurity about what other's might think, and his people pleaser nature shows in how much he cares about hyungjoon and minseong having a date. im not saying he is malicious, but this nature which he has said "that's how i am and im not going to change that" is betraying him. and will hurt ppl and himself: you can't keep everyone happy without someone's feelings getting hurt. (trust me this is coming from a people pleaser who went to therapy) i agree seonwoo needs to start prioritizing his OWN feelings, whichever they might be and start giving closure to those he can't see himself in. like you said, younghee could handle rejection. hell he has been rejecetd by seonwoo multiple times already. well maybe not rejected, but ignored and not being seonwoo's priority.
now yeonghee...his age betrays him. a lot. many times. he is adorable and he has won over everyone's hearts, like they all dote on him bc he is the youngest. and he, in kind, responds with more youthful reactions which are normal from a 21 y/o. like nobody bats an eye when in ep1 while junseong and seonwoo are bickering palyfully while washing dishes, he just paces around to watch over them. but if it was seonwoo people would have noticed in a heartbeat. these behaviours of a 2years removed teenager, again, are "normal" for his age, but should not be directed at someone who is 12 years older, and who sees said behaviours like they are: juvenile reactions of a guy with a crush.
i love your take about seonwoo seeing younghee as projection of himself, who couldn't live his life as a queer man in his 20s. bc whenever he is with younghee (i think of when they come back that lil twirl thing he does before opening the door), seonwoo just lets his younger self heal, but that is not romance. when seonwoo is with seongho he appears more reliable, friendlier, fonder. still, i can't call it romance on account that their age up is still 9 years.
anyway these are my observations, i don't know if i missed the mark on some aspects. so id love your take on them
have an amazing day!!
first off, apologies for taking so long to reply to this ask, but I find it rather interesting, and frustrating, that so much of what you said here still stands true for seonwoo and yonghee despite it being weeks later. and now that he’s removed from the sungho and junsung situation, I think it’s interesting that he acts so differently around people that are his friends vs people he still has some kind of romantic connection to, like he has made progress and moved forward in his relationship to both sungho and junsung with the help of hindsight and has managed to realise a lot of the places where he fell short in his actions. but bc he refuses to resolve the situation with yonghee, he can’t get to that point where hindsight helps him see how he’s made mistakes and his actions have caused hurt.
what I think these two need is to enter a relationship where they aren’t thinking about things so seriously. seonwoo needs a relationship where he can be at ease and have fun and feel secure and like he doesn’t have to please, he just needs to relax, and I don’t think yonghee can give him that bc he is being so serious with his feelings, with the strength and passion of them, that it puts seonwoo on this pedestal, and he would do anything for him, which means that he can’t see or won’t call out any of his flaws, which someone needs to do. despite how hard and emotional it was, look at how deeply it affected minsung for hyungjun to call him out on something. I think seonwoo needs that, someone strong enough and that cares enough to say something to him with kindness and clarity. just look at how effective and rewarding it was for him to learn something from sungho and see a different side of himself. he needs someone to see him, and not glorify him like yonghee does, and in turn yonghee needs someone that he can be calm around, someone that tells him to tone it down, that he doesn’t need to be actively trying to sell himself and show his good sides and change for a relationship, bc at his age that’s not something he should be taught as the correct thing to be doing. like he is enough, he is so enough, and changing himself to earn someone’s affection not only doesn’t work, but isn’t something he should feel like he needs to do. he has this incorrect notion that doing all this and trying so hard is romantic, and it can be when the other person sees and appreciates it, and when it doesn’t come at the cost of losing yourself, but by not saying anything against it, seonwoo just lets yonghee continue to believe that this is a romantic thing to do, when he needs to be told straight. and this thing he has with yonghee reminding him of his first love and more generally of being young and having those youthful, strong romantic feelings, it’s almost like he doesn’t want to crush that, he wants to hold onto this memory of him falling in love that strongly and not hurt that part of him he sees in yonghee that would have to be so strong and brave to behave this way, he doesn’t want to crush it.
I just think the relationship they have is so interesting bc I do think there are feelings there, but the strength of them and where they come from is so unequal, it doesn’t feel like they’re engaging with who each other actually are, instead they see these ideals of romance in each other that they want to chase and hold onto. and I think the kindest thing I can say about both of them is that they deserve to find someone that loves and values them for the people they actually are
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localvoidcat · 9 months
to add to the mischaracterization post (all just my opinion) 1. this has been spoken about enough but there is something to be said about this fandom and its push to fill in the blanks of characters who we dont know much about (jonah and cesar). it's frankly tiring to see people (for the lack of a better phrase) jump to conclusions about characters then get upset or suprised when that turns out to not be the canon case. 2. tying into the 1st point, i know most people joke about this so maybe i'm taking it too deep, but it's almost weird to me how some people will grieve characters who have little character detail. obviously people can do what they want, i don't care. but it's bizzare to watch jonah fans still grieve and plead for this character who isn't coming back and we barely know anything about. idk. loved what u had to say!
i think with a lot of characters, it's important to remember that there's a very big chance that we just. will never learn as much about them as we want to. i've got a lot of friends that are very big fans of said characters and i respect that so much because trying to figure out a character interpretation with the limited knowledge we have in canon + filtering out the common fanon interpretations has got to be so difficult i can't even imagine.
i absolutely think that theres an issue with people getting upset at canon proving fanon incorrect, which never makes sense ESPECIALLY when it's fleshing out something that was never really explored all too much. i'd say that adam and jonah or mark and cesar being revealed to not be healthy friends was one of these things (although i think adam and jonah were the main focus of this. at least in the circles i hang out in, mark and cesar's relationship and how it might have been a bad thing has been an interesting topic for everyone to discuss)
totally agree with the last part, it's very hard to grieve characters when we know nothing about them. for the longest time there was a very strong resistance to things like jonah's death which. never made sense to me, even as someone that was a jonah fan last year or so. it's understandable to miss a character but straight up denying their death never made sense to me. and that's coming from the guy who's had a dead favorite character for about 10 months now LMAO
overall i agree with you 100%, im glad some of my rantings weren't just me getting heated over nothing IJUHY
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timoswerner · 1 year
hello. i’ve been reading your thoughts about conte and i agree with some of your thoughts. i’m also reading comments from people and trying to get a better understanding about the situation. if you suggest we should sack him, who do you think would be a good replacement? considering that whoever the manager is, it’s still gonna be a challenge if the owners or the club keeps doing nothing to back the manager. as i understand it, this situation has become a cycle and it can’t be fixed by only changing managers (or do you think it actually could?) thank you! sorry if you have talked about this before and i probably missed it.
hello!! this ended up being really long so i'll put it under a read more
so to be completely honest i don't really have an answer on who i think should come in next. i know tuchel's name keeps getting thrown about and i did like what he did at chelsea (he's the only chelsea manager i've ever liked whilst they were managing them haha) but surely at some point we have to move away from the ex-chelsea manager thing lmao it is a little bit embarrassing us always going after their castoffs. i'm really torn on poch coming back because i think it might be too soon, but then at the same time, there's only really 5 players left from his time so there's plenty of new ears that would be listening to him and he would play better football than we've got now. i know a lot of people still think potter could do a job but i think he'd be out of his depth with us too, i've not seen a single thing from him at chelsea that makes me think actually yeah he'd be a good fit for us, and i wasnt overly impressed with him at swansea (cooper did better with a worse squad) so i personally dont want him anywhere near us. after poch i was actually like 'i'd settle for howe' and i think he's done great job at newcastle but unless they sack him for a big name or something, he's not leaving them for us. at this point in time though i really just feel like anyone but fucking conte, i shouldn't be physically at matches thinking if i closed my eyes i could easily fall asleep lmao. it's awful that my dad (and others) didn't go to the north london derby of all games because they just can't stand to watch us play right now.
i do agree that we shouldn't just keep sacking managers. the only club that's worked for is chelsea but they thrive from chaos lmao and we are not them. we have been better when we stuck with a manager. however, conte isn't showing me anything that makes me think 'yeah he just needs a bit of time to sort this out'. but whatever happens even if we don't sack conte now, he's not going to be here in the summer and i've said that since the start of this season. there's no point in backing a manager now if he's not going to be here in the summer because then you just end up with a new manager with a bunch of players that aren't his own and especially with the way conte loves older players.
i think the whole backing managers thing isn't necessarily black and white. personally i think conte was backed last january in a way that poch never was. conte was definitely back in the summer with the likes of richarlison - i'm still shocked we paid so much money for him (i like him but i'm not sure he's worth 60m to us - but maybe we'll get more out of him next season). we've also cleared out players under conte (okay some only on loan but they're not physically at the club) which we didn't seem willing to do before him. when you look at poch's last summer he was backed with the money we spent on ndombele, lo celso and sess and clarke - but firstly it was too late, and secondly especially with ndombele it wasn't money well spent. sess is the only one still at the club and bless his soul he's not having the best time. so i think there's an element of we actually are willing to back managers now, but we just don't seem to be spending the money well. paratici is now the one who is meant to be dealing with all this, and i think it's unfair that when it's a signing people like they praise him but when they don't like it they blame levy. i think paratici's signings have been a bit hit and miss, and i don't trust his taste in managers at all. i don't think he's the guy for us, and all the stuff with the investigations in to juve leave me a bit nervous tbh.
i think levy needs to accept these big superstar managers just aren't for us. we are never going to act like chelsea when it comes to spending money, so bringing someone in who complained that chelsea didn't spend enough money for him was never going to work. i think we need to take a step back, get someone in who is actually willing to work on a project and plays somewhat progressive football. i was willing to give mourinho a chance and move away from how i was used to watching us play in exchange for actually success with trophies, but after him and now conte (who is absolutely shite in cups lmao) not working i just want to go back to enjoying watching my team. if we're not going to win trophies i'd rather we play with some flair and excitement than not win trophies still and be absolutely horrific to watch. i also want my manager to feel like he is part of the club, and not someone who's just doing us a favour and we should all be so thankful because he was successful at other clubs, you know?
to sum it up - a change in manager to someone who is actually willing to coach and improve players does fix a lot of problems, but the club need to take a look at themselves. if you are not going to back a manager and spend the money like chelsea then don't bring in managers that can only work with that. go back to what we know works and is sustainable but just spend money more wisely when we do spend big, then we will be grand.
i know a lot of people found windy annoying for being very anti-mourinho but i think his little blog post here sums up how i feel quite well too
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gamora-borealis · 1 year
I don't know why the tweet got too deep for some people. I dont think Gunn is saying that Gamora doesnt consider Peter, Nebula, and the others something especial, this part might be a me thing but I think she considers them a family that loves her, she is just not in the same level as them but its fine cause she will make new experiences with them assuming the will work again in the future. She was running away from them the whole time but then she spend more time with them and saw how great they are, I think her arc consists of not being afraid to see why she loved them and why its not bad if she reconnects with a group of people who loved her and dont have expectations on her anymore. I am sure Gamora visits the guardians and Nebula above all, I mean why would Gunn not want that to be the case? He cares about the sisters and they still cared about each other. Did I miss something on why some people are saying they are not sisters anymore or why some people say that her going back to her real family according to Gunn means that she doesnt consider Nebula family despite that quote in the movie? Or why she is not a guardian or part of the guardians family despite understanding Groot? Or why do people think she is not coming ever to visit despite facing that fear she had and doesnt have anymore because she doesnt have a reason to avoid it and cut ties with them at this point?
Gunn is vague when it vomes to answers on his social media, he doesnt provide detail at all like in a script. Now when he does the directors commentary and the script is published we might get more insight on what he thinks.
Yeah I totally agree idk why people took it that way either, besides the people who were worried that maybe he was agreeing with or feeding the weird anti-Gamora/anti-Guardian!Gamora sentiment floating around (though I don't think he meant it like that). Maybe the MCU just attracts shallow fan interpretation (which like, GotG has always kinda been out of the MCUs league lol). Like James Gunn isn't perfect by any means, and he can't necessarily dictate anything outside of the movie itself. He probably could have worded it better, but like you said it wasn't an essay about it. I think the way some people interpreted that tweet probably shows that they misunderstand how he set up family dynamics in GotG in the first place, and they are using one vague tweet to justify some weird bias they have. Luckily I've avoided most of this negativity around Vol. 3 Gamora (besides the valid criticisms of how her and her arc were treated IW to now, which I've appreciated). I've mostly just seen commentary on this discourse from the people in my inbox and on my mutuals' blogs who are all rightly pro-Gamora and pro- her still being a part of the Guardian family (extended family, at the very least).
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Hi BPP! You seem kind if level headed about most things so thought you might have some advice. Since getting into bts I've mainly used twitter to keep up with things, but have long found it too stressful with the fanwars, the negativity to bts, some army loving dicourse too much and demands from some about streaming/voting (which I do anyway, but the guilt trip posts start to stress me out) etc plus reactions to anything seem amplified there. I've tried several times to curate my timeline, only follow official accounts and trusted update ones, but still a lot of nonsense ends up reaching me. I've even tried deleting the damn app, but always end up back because I've not found anywhere better for updates yet. Maybe its because I already suffer with anxiety that a lot of these things effect me more then they should, but with all the enlistment stuff I really think I need to find better places to spend my time. I used to use tumblr years ago (before I was into bts) and since blowing the cobwebs off my account and going through my old posts I remembered how much calmer being a fan on here felt, so I'm thinking this might be a good platform to try and spend my time on instead. My only concern is that I'll miss actual news and translations as twitter just seems a better platform for that real time. How do you manage your fandom experience? And are there any good blogs here you'd recommend? I just don't think I can handle each of their enlistment periods putting up with both kmedia nonsense and armys instant reaction to it like you said on one of your previous asks. I know it won't do me personally any good and if I'm just stressed all the time I'll start associating feeling stressed with the boys, which I dont want. Honestly finding your account where you actually discuss things in a calm manner has felt a blessing when I've been both over stressed by twitter and feeling a bit lost on tumblr so thank you.
Hi Anon,
I hear you on all this, but I think the way I 'manage my fandom experience' might not work for you because going by everything you wrote, I suspect we have very different personalities. Plus the way I stay updated is mostly from actually talking to people, friends in Korea and outside Korea, rather than checking in with update accounts and things like that. Like most of the time I'm online for k-pop, I'm online with friends on Daum... not Twitter or Tumblr. This is what I sort of organically developed over the years and during significantly crazier times in k-pop.
Occasionally I get asks wanting advice on navigating k-pop or fandom in general, and it kinda stumps me because fandom is just a microcosm of wider society so just do what works for you out there, in here. It's a process of trial and error, but eventually you'll create an environment you like staying in.
You're also doing all the right things already. You seem self-aware of your limits and how staying longer in an environment you find toxic could impact other things such as how you view the tannies + the fandom. You mentioned checking out different online platforms and I agree with you that Tumblr better allows you to isolate for what you actually want to see, way better than Twitter does. Tumblr, rather than Twitter, is the best platform to create an echo chamber which is essentially what you're asking Anon. I don't follow many accounts here and most of the accounts I do follow are pics accounts for the rapline and jikook, but one account I'd recommend that updates with current events for all BTS members very promptly, is @jung-koook.
On Twitter, I have notifications set on the official BTS accounts and usually add new events to my calendar right away (but this is also something I do generally for other events to stay organized). The people I follow on twitter outside of official accounts are friends who I've known for an average of 3 years (from all sorts of fandoms), as well as some producers and music magazine editors. I look out for people who seem genuinely interested in the music over anything else. I have a fairly big account on Twitter but I'm also a vintage twitter user (think circa 2007) and so I'm very comfortable navigating the madness happening on there daily. And this brings me to one big point: if you plan to spend any time in fandom, any fandom, you might have to work on your tolerance.
Basically, you can try to curate your online environment as much as you like, but so long as you're dealing with people or are anywhere you expect to interact with strangers, then you need a higher tolerance baseline. I answered another ask recently where I said fandom probably skews higher than the normal distribution of freaks in a population, so no matter the platform you're on, you're just going to have to expect to see weirdos. Like you might be surprised to learn that even with my apparent 'reasonable' approach with this blog open for less than a year on a 'calm' site like Tumblr, I've had my fair share of weirdos and manufactured drama. It's unfortunate, but also just par for the course.
The basics: block people you don't want to interact with, mute words you don't want to see or that add to your anxiety. You don't need to explain yourself, but also understand you'll still see things you don't like. With my personality it's easy for me unlook weird shit and focus on what makes sense to me, but for others I can understand if they need hard limits on that sort of nonsense.
Tumblr is better for creating echo chambers than Twitter. Tumblr is better for controlling what you want to see than Twitter is.
One account I'd recommend following here is @jung-koook who posts frequently and promptly for all the members.
On Twitter I have notifications set on the official BTS accounts. I mostly only interact with a handful of friends on Twitter though I have a fairly big account on there.
There's no shortcut to creating a space that works for you. It's trial and error but you seem to already be doing all the right things.
Develop a higher tolerance for weird. Fandom brings in all sorts of people, pay attention to things you like, block things you don't, and eventually you'll find your people. That's not a platitude, it actually generally works.
Goodluck Anon. 💜
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gayspock · 1 year
okdok (how my mam spells okie dokie; need to give her credit) some more bsg thoughts
okie btw i never properly said. i DO rlly love the themes of religion in the show. i have seen glimpses (i go through threads, bc im nosy, despite trying not 2 spoil myself) of ppl rlly rejecting it but sorryyyyy its just... yknow like- i loathe how patronising scifi can be of it sometimes, AND how bad fanbases can get. coming off of trek, well, youknow....
also completely . disavowing it .. is always soo silly 2 me bc... like im not religious myself, even, but i always find it one of the most interesting things to explore within fiction ^_^ esp esp with more scifi stuff, like... thats one of the best places to challenge and to play with it. smile. both with its relationdship between science but also how with its relationship between Humanity and how that might differ for different cultues.... and again its so disappointing the way its hanled so much of the time in many works, and by many Scifi enthusiasts. -_- bc its sooo reductive.
anyways i still sometimes feel like theres something missing from the show and i think thats just me im not sure why. like in terms of like... a certain incompleteness thats not JUST them pacing it out, or leaving things up for interpretation... but i cant uqite put my finger on it. its like i feel like maybe its just bc s1 was SO short for what it was and s2 has been very plot heavy. i think the show would have benefitted a bit more from some more establishing "filler" eps in terms of, like, worldbuilding, yknow? again- i really want to see more of the civillian side of things. i hope we get more of that ^_^ its deffo not like THE WORSTTT problem the show oculd have
BC LIKE OTHERWISE im rllyyyy loving the direction they took EVERYTHING in in season 2. omg. they set it all up so well and OUGHGHGHGG. i love how its testing everything theyve built from s1, wrt the command. absolutely crazy moves...
i was absolutely ITCHING for a presence like admiral cain and she delivered. part of me wishes it went a bit longer? just a bit. i dont think it was like... RUSHED... partially bc i do agree her takeover would have just been immediate, like it was, and i dont know what her role really could have been after they called off the assassinations. but idk- i wish we got to see a bit more of her, i guess! maybe even just an ep or so.
nonetheless she was still a really good contrast. her and the pegasus and how its run, versus galactica. and i do think.... i think i tlked before abt how sometimes i was unsatisfied with how, like, bsg kind of handled its own politics sometimes? like- specifically the roslin and zarek. i think thats moreso an issue with the latter, and again how... kind of lacking i find him, for what could be a really good and interesting opportunity to challenge roslin, who does have issues, unchecked, rather than just be kind of a minor antagonist ... & THATS EVEN MOREE the case with his presence back on kobol. like he was literally there just to cause conflict and idk like its FUNCTIONAL but its also like comeee on you can be more interesting with him! come on!
BUT here i do think with both cain and tigh's brief stint in command they did well to rlly explore it a bit more so im forgiving it. its not like that fixes that mess but this stuff was good enough for me to be like 👍uh huh, yaknow? b c it was soo good and argh im- SPEAKING OF, i am glad they did "remember" incidents like the gideon massacre, even after adama came back. again i do wanna see MORE of the civillians- but i think we're going to getthat soon, i hope? i feel it more in the air, with the introduction of that new number 6 and the cylon apologists which im rlly excited for... both bc theyre things i rlly wanted to see more from the show ^_^
anyway i feel like noneof this is that mad i just wanted to ramble in bc i haventttt properly eek and squeak i feel like i acc dont have much to say ^_6 despite rlly enjoying myself and the show LOL
sharon is still my favourite btw teehee smile
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thetaekookcloset · 2 years
A lot of people seem to think tae is the reckless one in the relationship, in terms of “exposing” them and really wanting people to know theyre an item but i disagree with that. I dont really think they want people to know theyre in a relationship for obvious reasons: lgbt is not accepted in korea, especially because they havent enlisted yet. There are LGBT koreans, but most of them come out after enlistment. I feel that tae is aware that the general public will be oblivious and wont suspect a thing until it explicitly comes from their mouth or that there is “undeniable proof”. I think what really triggers taehyung is the aspect of the company putting extreme and unnecessary restrictions on them. I also think the bad blood between tae and the company is not just because of taekook, but how they treated him early on. I would assume the reason why jungkook has ill feelings towards the company is for similar reasons. There has been many times when both parties slipped up, so to speak, and u can tell it was pretty unintentional too. There are plenty of instances where tae has an “oh shit” moment because he thinks he revealed too much. I think there is just so much closeting you can do to a person, which is why we see a lot of slips up between them.
I agree with a lot of what you've said here.  I don't really think they want people to know about them, per se, and I definitely don't think that anything either of them do is intended to reveal themselves or anything like that.  I think it's sort of nuanced.  Like you said, most people aren't going to assume anything.  A lot of people have blinders on when it comes to non-heteronormative relationships anyway.  So unless and until Taehyung and Jungkook were to come out and explicitly state that they're in a romantic relationship, the vast majority of people will never think that's the case.
I'm sure they know that, at least at this point, and while I think it's impossible for us to know how much that may or may not bother them, it has to be part of their understanding of their situation (if they are together -- or really, even if they're not; it's still something they would rely on for the protection of any relationships they might have outside the group too).
Being closeted is hard, though, and I think there's room for anyone to feel conflicting feelings about it.  You can rely on the benefits of secrecy and still resent the need for it, and sometimes those internal conflicts can result in actions or behaviors that don't always seem to line up with each other, motivation-wise.
I also do think there’s an element of openness to them and their relationship recently (as far back as 2020, but especially so these last few months -- maybe because they knew this break was coming up?) that’s new.  I think it’s possible that there’s a degree of feeling there that if people who are supportive put it together, it’s not a big deal, since that’s hardly the same thing as truly being out, you know?  And it’s seemed for a long time as though they like it when people like them together.
As far as tensions between Taekook and the company go, I definitely do think that the brunt of their resentment has come from their being separated a lot over the years.  I think that because we can see them reacting poorly to it in clips, the entire May 2020 V Live exists, and since they've been separated less over the last couple of years, they seem more at ease and happy.  If there are any conflicts between them and the company outside of that, though, I can't really see what they are.
Maybe I've missed some details, that's completely possible, especially since I confess that the BTS/HYBE relationship isn't particularly interesting to me, but if some of the slip-ups you're referring to are about the two of them expressing any kind of unhappiness with Big Hit, other than the separation issue, I'd be interested to hear about them.
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