#i might make this into a fic someday owo
postalollie · 1 year
What are ur favorite things about pdude :) any of them and what do think dating one would be like 😳
In general I love the fact hes a morally grey character that in general doesnt seems to care for what other think of him! (except if hes wearing a gimp suit obviously lol) and his smugness as well, for postal 2 dude I love his colors! theyre more dull which for me fits his character really well and I try to do that in my art of him as well (though Ive been slacking more on that aspect lol) his design in general is just so nice to look and memorable too, its simple but effective, peak character design right there and I dont even mean it as a joke I genuinely think his design is super good, and most importantly THE GLASSES!! I like drawing him with his eyes showing but when he has the sunglasses is where the fun is at, because it kinda brings a surprise factor to him, his colors are more died down but then you see his eyes and BAM!! green! of course theyre not too bright as to match with his other colors but still bright enough for him to have some contrast and bring some surprise to the player!
Now for p1 dude, I once again love his color scheme, I love red so its fun to look at him, even with just his limited model on the original postal you can see a lot of stuff in his design which is very impressive! I love his fingerless gloves and his sweater vest as well/shirt he wears on the gone postal cover, also...long hair...pretty.. ALSO his design with the red coat and green vest! I dont usually see it being drawn (I personally do prefer to draw the red and black version because I prefer that color scheme but the other is still quite good and I wanna draw it someday!) idk his design is just once again very cool to me
NOW FOR THE DATING PART OwO (sorry if these are hard to understand im very bad with writing and most of my fantasies rarely follow a story or a very strict personality to them lol)
for p2 I imagine it would be more difficult for him to "open up" I guess, he would start pretty closed off like he is in the game, even when hes interested in you hes still kinda closed off, with stuff like flirty interactions the thing he can do best because hes more in control, show that man some genuine affection and he wouldnt know how to take it (show that man love no one in paradise apreciates him >:( ) he would probably blue screen a bit from affection, however slowly he would start getting used it and start showing a bit more as well, you would just need to be a bit patient with him, he would however still care for you and be a bit possesive, not in the unhealthy way I mean would get jealous about you and if anyone tried to do anything he would kick their ass, in general his love language is a mix of physical contact and acts of service, he also calls you darling and dearie :)
NOW FOR P1 oh p1
tbh I think he would a bit more possesive compared to p2 by a bit, finding a not sick person would be a miracle to him, he would be a bit more emotional as well, confiding in you and being the only one he would trust, to me he would profess his love to you in a way more I guess poetic way?? idk how to call it but yeah! man is down bad for you essentialy, dont get me wrong though hes still postal dude of course, just ya know with more problems
now for the massacre part.. I feel it COULD be possible to be able to stop him from doing everything like people generally write p1 x reader fics but honestly to me, idk I feel like no matter what something would make him snap, the thing is would you join him or not... my self insert does but really I think that changes from person from person, I imagine that during the very small breaks from the killing he would be all over you, you're the thing that calms him down, also if he went to the asylum he would be saved by you, together till the end no matter what
AGAIN I know the whole joining in with him might seem bad! its just that for me its not any postal dude, especially postal 1 dude wihout some violence ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
ALSO i headcanon all the dudes with the exception of corkscrew for obvious reason that theyre all part brazilian and portuguese is their first language! (self projection wee hoo) so they would call you pet names or say how much they love in the language! I feel they would say amor a lot and the variations of it (amorzinho, meu amor, mo, also that basically means my love in different ways in english) p3 would say xuxu or xuxuzin for sure though (idk how to translate this but like, imagine it as like saying doll or darling but in a more joking manner)
In any way, all of them would be protective of you, wouldnt want to hurt you no matter what and if anyone tried they're dead
(also bonus p3, he would be the most smug out of all of them, he KNOWS you love him and he loves you too and oh boy is he gonna have fun with it, also both him and p2 would probably fight for you a bit in paradise lost lol)
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ackerfics · 3 years
Hi Rory! Random question here lmao. What do you think a relationship between Levi and his shy and reserved SO would look like?
Hope you're having a nice day ❤️
hey hey hey, darling <33 i hope you have an amazing day as well owo
levi with shy and reserved s/o will bring out the former's more affable nature. how you two came to be in a relationship was a complete mystery to others but levi knows it was him who approached you first. it wasn't even a meet-cute moment because neither of you took the chance to talk, having paired with each other for an university orientation activity, with levi waiting for any chance to start a conversation (which is rare even for him) while you were trying so hard not to fidget too much. it's been two years since that happened and here you are, living with him in a cozy apartment.
being in a relationship with you allows levi to freely show his softer side to the public. though they may not be noticeable to others, you know through these little actions that he's willing to take baby steps with you. if the two of you hang out with the rest of your friends, levi will never leave your side. if he sees you wanting to join in on the conversation because hange and isabel are talking about a band that you're listening to, levi will make a comment to engage you to talk, like "love, you listen to them, right? you told me their third album is your favorite one time" and that will spur hange and isabel to pull you in with their bright dispositions. the entire time you're hanging out with the friend group, levi's body is facing you despite you sitting just beside him. he'll sometimes let you lean closer to him, his head lightly dipping for you to whisper in his ear. he doesn't care if others tease him for it, as long as you're comfortable, it's perfectly fine for him.
levi will never cross a line when it comes to physical contact. he knows that with the smallest brush of his lips on your cheek, you'll immediately tense even if the sensation is affectionate. with that, levi carefully asks you if it's okay to kiss you or hold your hand --- your heart swells every time he does so. he'll slowly lean forward, gauging your reaction before he places his lips on yours. he doesn't deepen the kiss even though you're kissing him back because it might overwhelm you. he associates you with a kitten every time you kiss back because you make the tiniest movements against his lips that it makes his heart clench at how adorable you are. he has this habit of brushing the tip of his nose against yours after every kiss, his voice dropping in a whisper, "was that too much?" the relief he feels when you answer no makes him smile, letting you bury your face in the crook of his neck when you're becoming too flustered, his low laughs echoing against your temple.
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cal-cium-the-nerd · 4 years
fanfic ideas for mol 2
update i guess? part 1
Zach brings a dragon egg home after one of his Escapades (he tends to go out ‘incognito’ to fight monsters every once in a while to de-stress) and Zorian and him end up raising it. 
a fic about Alanic and Lukav’s younger days. i have a few notes for this one but i don’t know whether to give details since it’s one of those fics i’d like to write someday (someday...) (although i’d really love to see what other people come up with)
an AU/Canon Divergence where ‘souls have colours and are more easily seen by those with soul sight’, and after Zach and Zorian’s soul-meshing accident, their souls turned out to be… somewhat curious, to the casual onlooker. Something like, if Zach’s soul was red and Zorian’s soul was blue, then now their souls are sort of purple?? like Zach would still be a bit more red than purple and same with Zorian, but when they’re standing side by side anyone with soul sight would be able to tell something’s up and think that maybe they’re lovers who figured out a soulbonding ritual without the drawbacks?? because they’re not linked but their souls are.. compatible? they kind of just fit with each other. basically they become the very first (and only) soulmates ever. Quatach-Ichl, Alanic, Silverlake- They’re all convinced at first glance that these two are Inseparable and A Set (also we don’t technically know if soul sight doesn’t work like this so it could be canon).
on the soulmate AU thingy (i’m never gonna let it rest am I? jfc. i really should write this damn fic so i can get it out of my head), what if they’re the first-words kind of soulmates, but their words are the ones they first say to each other in Zorian’s first loop (i dunno if the original zorian would have the words for this one, so uhh maybe). They’re both very confused by it (since technically they’ve known each other for 2 years and those aren’t the first words they say to each other) but Zach kind of figures it out before the month ends? because he knows about the time loop and stuff. maybe he invites Zorian to the ball and tries to be all charming because he thinks Zorian will stop being his soulmate at the end of the month (i don’t know how soulmates work okay? neither does zach) (they’d still end up fighting QI and all). Zorian hates Zach a lot because he’s stuck with ‘Hot, isn’t she?’ and honestly what a dumbass. Zach’s also mad because ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about’ is so fucking vague. 
A crossover fic/series?? (i literally have this one under the name ‘EVIL PLOT’ because it started as me thinking of fics that could bring more people into mol/mostly crossovers) Basically ZZ obtain immortality (eventually) and then keep learning dimensionalism. After many years they figure out how to breach a passage to other dimensions. Then, in a very Ikosian manner, they try to visit all magical dimensions to steal learn their magic. Maybe a few funny shenanigans about ZZ being all scandalized by the way less rigorous magic systems work (stuff like ‘you just... picture it in your head and it happens?’ ‘you say this phrase and magic happens? like, perfectly??? in the first try???? what have i been practicing shaping exercises for centuries for’). 
There are many settings they could visit, but wouldn’t it be really amusing for them to visit Hogwarts?? They’d be like owo magic academy teach us your skills or we’ll attack you for knowledge and dumbledore or whoever insists that they have to learn the proper way so they have to get sorted and attend class with 11 year olds (here there are two possibilities: possibility 1- ZZ are grown ups learning alongside 11 year old children OR possibility 2- ZZ got to immortality a tiny bit late and they ended up making a youth potion. They... might have miscalculated things a little bit, and they end up as 15 year olds for ETERNITY).
ALSO Zach would clearly be a Gryffindor, but I’m not really sure whether Zorian would be a Ravenclaw or a Slytherin??? Like he fits Ravenclaw a little bit better, but it’d be hilarious for Zach to hear people say that ‘slytherins are evil and dangerous’ and being all like ‘well he’s dangerous, sure, but I wouldn’t go as far as to call him evil, y’know?’ and them being adorable interhouse husbands (immortal husbands shenanigans immortal husbands shenanigans immortal husbands shenanigans immortal husbands shenanigans immortal husb-).
(ps: do not talk to me about she-who-must-not-be-named, i am currently pretending the harry potter books just came into existance by spontaneous generation one day).
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erenaeoth · 4 years
17. 3. 8. for the meta writing meme owo
17. Do you think readers perceive your work - or you - differently to you? What do you think would surprise your readers about your writing or your motivations?
Hm. I’m not too sure how readers perceive me or my fiction. I guess it might surprise to some that I came to fanfiction fairly late. I picked it up as an exercise to help improve my writing. I wrote low fantasy and science fiction before this, and I started writing fanfiction as a way to discipline my writing skills and make everything less florid. Writing for an audience has hugely helped me cut down on self-indulgent waffle. I also used to be pretty genre-unaware, rarely wrote fight scenes, and almost all my energy went on drawing A3 maps, inventing languages, and years of world-building. Which I guess might be surprising if you only know me for Hong Kong gangster Mortal Kombat fics or Tekken stories.
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
I think everything I’m really inspired to write, I just write. If I can’t be bothered with the set up and context, I’ll just write the scene I want to and polish it to make it a little short story. I used to think out scenes at length when I was younger and say - someday I’ll get to that bit. But it’s just not worth it: when you do get there you’ve forgotten the good stuff. Now I just write what I like, and if it never gets any context, at least I have a little scene I can read back over myself and enjoy.
8. Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
In a way. In so far as I like both reading and writing character dramas. I like plots that centre around the transformation of characters and their struggles through life. I read a fair amount of fiction, but I haven’t been enjoying modern fiction too much for the last couple of years. I always like returning to a Dostoyevsky novel though, and no matter which it is, it never fails to move me. I like to think I take a little bit of Dostoyevskian angst with me when I go write sci-fi or fantasy, or Tekken fanfiction or whatever.
Thanks for the asks :)
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nom-the-skel · 5 years
[fatal vore] Prison Rations
Looks like I forgot to post any fics here for a while owo;
Wolf!Red and Fox!Sans have been captured by humans. Everyone is sad and almost everyone dies.
2.9k words [on AO3]
Sans raised his skull at the thump that announced new arrivals, his triangular ears seeking the sound involuntarily. There were two skeleton hybrid monsters, a bunny and a mouse. The bunny was picking himself up off the floor. “Stay back!” he said, snatching up the mouse protectively. It was completely unnecessary. Sans wasn’t going to pounce on them. But of course they couldn’t be expected to know that. “Relax, pal,” he advised. “None of it’ll make any difference in the end.” The bunny stepped backward, putting some distance between himself and the fox, but immediately came up against the dingy concrete wall. He had round blue eyelights that could have imparted a measure of cheer to any place but this, one flickering and sparking as he tried in vain to defend himself. “Argh, why can’t I use any magic?” “Don’t you know? The humans won’t let anyone use magic.” There was no point explaining it to him but it wasn’t like Sans had anything better to do. “They’ve blocked it somehow. Or else I wouldn’t be in here waiting for you.” “Waiting?” The bunny pressed himself closer against the wall. “What’re you gonna do to me?” “Nothin’.” Sans shrugged. He was hungry, sure, but he wasn’t that desperate. The mouse lay curled up in the bunny’s hands, he noted with little real interest. It may well have given up. His tongue formed in anticipation, and he didn’t bother fighting it. Sans heard motion behind him. “Well. It was nice meetin’ ya, bunny.” Although they’d only exchanged a few words, he felt like under better circumstances they could have been good friends. But it didn’t help to dwell on the maybes. “What?” The bunny was unnerved by the implied goodbye and, unable to back away further, took a few cautious steps parallel to the wall. “Ooh. A bunny,” Red rumbled as he came up behind Sans. “Only one?” “There’s a mouse too,” Sans informed him, and turned away. He’d seen this too many times. The fact that it didn’t really horrify him anymore was horrifying in itself. “Oh, you’ve got the mousy there, huh? Lemme see ‘im. How’s he doin’?” “No! Leave us alone!” “Relax, I’m not gonna hurt ‘im.” “No! Let go!” There was a brief scuffle as Red overpowered the bunny. “You okay, mousy?” he addressed the mouse. “He seems pretty despondent.” That was for Sans’s benefit, but the fox refused to turn around. “All right. Let’s get on with it. C’mere.” Sans was startled as something pulled on his tail, and finally turned to see the bunny standing there. Sans took a step back, to make sure he wouldn’t latch onto his tail again. “You’ve gotta help me. The wolf, I think he’s gonna—” His plea was cut off as Red snatched him up by the ears. “Nope. You take this one.” The larger skeleton dropped the mouse into Sans’s hands. It was curled up tight and shivering. Sans hid it in his pocket; unlike the new arrivals, he and Red had been allowed to keep their clothes, although he couldn’t imagine what his brother would say if he saw how long they’d gone without washing. Red lifted the bunny over his skull, and the smaller monster began to panic in earnest at the sight of the open jaws below him. Sans let his eyelights drift toward the nondescript floor, but his ears naturally tracked the sound of the bunny’s shrieks and protests, as Red lowered him in. The wolf took his time, not dragging out the bunny’s torment, but not rushing either. By the time he’d gathered his prey’s legs and pelvis into his mouth and started to swallow, the bunny had broken into tears. It was enough for Sans, and he turned his skull away. Even with his ears folded in distaste, he could hear the bunny’s sobs muffled as Red closed his jaws, and finally silenced with the wolf’s last gulp. Sans stood where he was. He thought he might need a minute to compose himself before he faced Red, but he found himself indifferent. Nothing would change their situation. Neither he nor Red could have changed the bunny’s fate if they’d tried. He wasn’t avoiding looking at Red; he just didn’t have the motivation. “Sans,” Red called softly. He was resting on his belly with his arms folded under his skull, considerately disguising any sign of the bunny’s final struggles. Sans was glad for the hundredth time that the humans hadn’t denied them clothes, or he would’ve been able to see everything. “Don’t keep him waiting. Your mouse.” Sans pulled the mouse out of his pocket. It looked up at him, tiny bones clattering, hugging its knees to its rib cage. He grimaced. “It’ll be worse if you don’t,” Red reminded him. Of course, he hadn’t become a cannibal from day one. But their human captors were either unable or unwilling to provide them with monster food—they’d experimented at first, and in desperation he and Red had attempted to eat whatever they were given, but it wasn’t magic and they couldn’t absorb it. When the humans had first dropped skeleton mice in with them, they’d naturally assumed the mice were fellow prisoners, and companionably starved, until the mice dusted, never having been provided any food, and were replaced with new mice. It was only after Sans had succumbed to his latent vulpine instincts that they realized the mice were probably intended as food. And they were the first thing the humans had given the two monsters that they could actually eat. Sans was horrified and refused to repeat the act when the next pair of mice appeared. Red was desperately hungry by then and ate them immediately, justifying his actions by arguing that the mice were only going to starve to death slowly if he didn’t. The arrival of the fourth pair of mice some time later created an awkward situation. Sans wasn’t willing to deliberately eat a mouse, and Red was of the opinion that the doomed mice should be put out of their misery sooner rather than later. In the end, the mice huddled miserably in the corner for several days before Red took it upon himself to eat them. By the time the fifth pair of mice were introduced, Sans was dangerously hungry and allowed himself to be convinced that the more unresisting of the pair was better off eaten than left to Fall Down, and that became their system. Sans would only eat the mice that were already too far gone to protest, and Red took the rest. It didn’t bother him, he said; he was a wolf, after all. When the humans began to give them bunnies as well, Sans wouldn’t touch them. The mice were small enough that he could pretend just for a moment that he was eating something else, not a fellow monster, but the rabbits were too big, reminded him too much of himself, or worse, his brother. “I know,” Sans answered, ears pressed back in misery. He tossed the mouse onto his tongue and swallowed as quickly as he could. It was a bit like a monster candy—if candy had legs and fingers and gasped in shock when you ate it. He sat down and leaned against Red for comfort and to distract himself from the memory of the mouse in his mouth. The silence stretched out; they had nothing but time. “Why do they do it?” Sans said at last. “Hell if I know,” said Red. He probably didn’t want to rehash the same question they’d discussed so many times already. “I think they just like seeing monsters reduced to this … uncivilized behavior. They’re forcing us to do this in order to prove their superiority.” “Maybe. Maybe they just never did figure out monster food, and figured, well—they’re predatory monsters, so throw some prey monsters in and see what happens.” “You’ve got a lot of sympathy for humans all of a sudden.” “Nah. It just doesn’t bother me as much.” “’Cause you’re a wolf?” Sans didn’t really see the difference between a wolf and a fox in that respect. “’Cause I used to catch rabbits on my own now and then, before the whole thing with the humans.” Sans stopped breathing. “It’s natural,” Red said to defend himself. “Like I said. I’m a wolf.” “I guess,” Sans conceded. He hoped that blue-eyed bunny was finished suffering by now. *** “They’re gonna feed us again any day now,” said Sans. “Mm,” Red agreed, not even opening his eyes. The two spent a lot of time conserving energy. Sans reasoned that they didn’t want to encourage the humans to feed them any more often than they did. “We’re never gonna get out of here, are we?” Red was silent for a long time and Sans thought he wasn’t going to answer, but then: “They gotta run out of mice someday.” “Do they?” Sans wasn’t convinced. And besides, they might well just let them starve if they ran out of food, rather than set them free. Red really didn’t answer this time, and Sans let the silence stretch out. “There’s only one way out of here, really,” he said at last. “What’s that?” Red was curious but not hopeful. “The way all the bunnies go.” Red looked at him sharply. “I can’t keep doing this, Red.” “What are you saying? You know what happens if you try and starve yourself. You’ll just feel worse in the end.” “You must be pretty hungry by now, right?” “No. Don’t even think about it.” “It doesn’t bother you so much. You’re a wolf.” “You’re not a bunny.” “What’s the difference?” Sans sat up and started to shrug off his hoodie. “You’re not food.” “I’m made of magic, just like them.” Red scooted away from the fox, but Sans followed him. “You’re not even tempted?” he asked, as if it were hurtful. “Think about this, Sans.” The wolf was cornered against the wall now. “I have.” “Well I haven’t. Gimme some time.” “I’ll lose my nerve.” “That’s the idea.” “Please, Red, before they feed us again.” Sans pressed against the larger skeleton’s chest. At first Red turned his skull away toward the ceiling but gradually wore down and looked at Sans. The fox gave him an encouraging smile. Red pushed him off and for a moment Sans was disappointed. Then Red pushed him onto the floor, leaning over him as if to pin him down, and reached for Sans’s shorts. Of course, food didn’t wear clothes. That was how you knew it was food. Sans squirmed out of his remaining clothes. Red leaned in and licked his face. “I lied, you know. About the bunnies.” Of course. Red wouldn’t have hunted and eaten bunnies of his own free will; he’d just said that so that Sans wouldn’t feel so bad about shirking his share of the dirty work. Sans stared back at him, wondering if that changed everything or nothing. A moment passed and he felt the beginnings of relief and rejection, but then Red pushed forward and enveloped the fox’s skull in his jaws. Sans pushed upward, the wolf’s teeth scraping against his ears, the magic of his tongue soft against Sans’s skull, until he hit the back and had to wait for Red to swallow. Red grumbled and the sound seemed to come from all around him; he hoped it meant Red liked his taste. *** Not that much had changed, Red told himself. He still spent his days in captivity lying around, conserving energy, waiting to see how long it took him to Fall Down and whether or not anything would break his routine before that happened. Maybe the humans were using him to farm LV and would eventually kill him for the EXP, he thought, but had no one to tell about his theory. Sans’s hoodie was nicer to lie on but not as good company to curl up against as it had been with Sans in it. And the humans gave him the occasional skeleton fox instead of a bunny or mouse. He thought of them as larger, longer-tailed rabbits. Then one day there were two foxes, the taller one wrapped protectively around the shorter one, who shoved him off after they landed in order to get to his feet. The little one spotted Red immediately and took a defensive stance. Both foxes were ragged and battered, but he had a set of rather striking parallel scars across his eye socket, as if claws had gouged the bone. “Whoa, calm down.” Red ambled toward them. “How come there’s two of ya?” They glanced at each other, uncomprehending. Most likely the humans hadn’t told them why they were here. He had to assume they’d been recently captured, but it was hard to imagine; his own life before the humans’ cage seemed lost in the distant past. “Don’t come any closer!” the smaller fox snarled, ears pinned back aggressively. The other was more passive, but poised to act if necessary. Not that there was anything they could do; if they’d had magic they might have had a chance against Red, two-against-one. “Relax. I only need one of you.” This did not make them relax. The smaller one stepped back, and the taller one stepped closer to him, protectively. “Any volunteers?” Red asked. There weren’t, but the taller fox subtly tried to herd the smaller one away from the wolf. That was good enough for Red. He looked more filling, anyway. “No!” the smaller one shrieked as Red grabbed the other fox by the arm, and leapt at him. Red caught him by the front of his rib cage and pressed him down into the floor. He was a bit smaller than Sans had been. Red kept him pinned down as he pulled the taller fox close and readjusted his grip. The fox yelped as Red unceremoniously shoved his skull into his mouth. “How dare you! Stop! You’ll regret this!” the little one threatened, but Red ignored him, gulping his prey deeper even as the fox braced his feet against the floor to resist, eventually losing his grip as Red swallowed enough of his torso to lift him off the floor. The smaller one cursed and snarled as Red unhurriedly drew the tail and legs into his mouth. Only when he was finished did he lift his hand off the smaller fox and look at him, taking in the rage and tears and helplessness. “What’s your name, fox?” he asked. “You killed him!” the fox accused, making no move to stand up. “Well. Not yet.” Red smirked. “I’ll tear you to shreds. If I had my magic I’d—” “Yeah? And who should I beg for mercy when you’re making good on that promise?” “I have no name to give to a murdering cannibal like you.” “Huh. Makes sense.” Red stood and lumbered away. “But since you’re stuck here, you may as well have this.” He tossed Sans’s hoodie at the fox. The fox caught it and sat up to glare at him. “I’ll kill you in your sleep.” “You’re welcome to try.” Red curled up around his full belly on the hard floor. If the fox managed to kill him in spite of his size and LV, good for him. He could take a turn being the humans’ project. Either way, he would soon be no better than Red. *** “I don’t wanna talk about that part too much. But then one day the hatch in the ceiling opened and instead o’ humans there was my brother and half the Royal Guard. You should probably ask him to tell you about it.” “I’ve heard all his war stories a million times,” said the bunny. It was one of the neighbors’ kids; they had quite a litter, and Red hadn’t learned all their names. At least it wasn’t a skeleton monster. “How long were you captured for? Were you all alone?” “I couldn’t tell how long it was. There was no daylight in there.” “Weren’t you bored?” “Bored outta my mind.” “All by yourself?” “No,” Red admitted reluctantly. “You know Razz? He was there too, toward the end.” “I’ll ask him about it then! Since you won’t tell me.” “No, don’t bother him with that.” Red crouched down to whisper conspiratorially. “He lost someone in the war, you know. You don’t wanna bring up those memories.” “Oh.” The bunny considered this seriously, then looked up at him with wide innocent eyes. “Did you lose anyone?” For a moment Red was back in the room with Edge and an assortment of formidable canine monsters and one very battle-scarred fish, trying to remember enough details to identify all the monsters he could confirm were dead. He waited a few seconds to see if he could get out of answering, but the bunny just stared. “Yeah. I did too.” The bunny opened its mouth to ask another question and Red flinched, but thankfully they were interrupted. “What are you doing in here, Cinnamon?” Edge collected the bunny and herded it away. “I don’t know why you want to pester my brother. Even if he put any effort into storytelling, there’s no way to make sitting in a room for months on end sound interesting! Why don’t I tell you about how I tracked down the location of the facility where the humans were holding him? That’s much more exciting!” Red breathed a sigh of relief as the voices grew distant.
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charmspoint · 3 years
2 and 3 for the ask game? owo and happy birthday!
Thank you <3<3<3
2. What are your future writing projects?
Oh boy there's a lot there. Let's group them!
Currently this is what I'm most focused on since u kno deadlines. College doesn't leave me much time to work on anything else so I make do where I can. Since they are events I'll keep them vague with just the key elements:
JJK secret santa - Itafushi and hospitals
Satosugu winter exchange - Reincarnation and art
BNHA ace exchange - just got the prompt today so not sure yet
Zine i can't name yet - piece I can't talk about yet
Super secret Peters bday project -super secret Peters bday project :3c
One day it will be their turn...most of these are place holder names until i think of something better or just give up and leave them as is
Starfanged - Satosugu vampire!Satoru vampire hunter! Suguru AU, just a super simple lil obvious plot, Megumi n Tsumiki are also there, Satoru has to haul ass from a hunter with two babies cuz life sometimes sucks like that
7 Days Before You Left - covering the week before Suguru left the school, I kinda got halfway through this n then decided i could do better so hhjvhvh we'll see if i get to rewriting it, my brain is marinating
Pick up - Dazai sure doesn't pick up his phone a lot for someone that is constantly threatening suicide and it's Stressing Chuuya Out. Basically just what it says on the box
Lord help them I'll probably only get to them like next year cuz of college murdering me in cold blood
Dance with the Devil - Satoru's prequel for Rabid Dreams. Originally this was going to be a oneshot but....currently it sits at 30k and that's just not an amount I'm comfortable with presenting as one lone piece. I know some people have longer one shots but I like my pieces to still be relatively digestible in one sitting so yeeeeah this baby getting chaptered. It's like 80% done but i paused working on it to finish curse au and then i decided to turn it into a chaptered fic and that might need some work because i feel like some sections that worked fine in a fast paced one shot simply wont work in a multchap. Currently too busy to work on it but this is my baby, it's edgy and dark and stupid and i love it so much, i take a hammer to Satoru's head and I don't let up so <3 look forward to that
(Gang au has at least two maybe three other fics in plan but i havent started writing them yet so i wont talk about them, yeah this one kinda cracked my head open)
How to be a teen dad while navigating your emotional trauma, a guide by Satoru Gojo - Found family time with Satoru and fushiguro kids (and sometimes shoko), this has been sitting in my wips for A While cuz i ended up prioritizing other projects but I'm not giving up on it!! Family fluff, angst, Satoru being a wreck, Megumi transing his gender, Tsumiki having things to do and Shoko is there to film it all and laugh at it later, simple things
North Star - Satosugu circus AU. They are married in this :) they are miserable in so many of my fics here they just get to be That annoyingly cute couple, they earned it. Basic plot: A year ago Suguru fell off of trapeze and hadn't gotten back to it yet. Satoru tries to help him get over his trauma by being a stupid idiot. They are in love. This is just sappy romantic shit for my soul, 90% of its soundtrack is tns dance songs and of course 10 years, don't look at me i deserve this
Last time i made a list like this of my upcoming projects I think i ended up abandoning like 80% of them, but to be fair that was right before my shift from BNHA to JJK, so these might stand more of a chance uhhhh I hope there's something ppl will be excited about!
There's also Assigned Lesbian which I Am planning to continue and I Have written like half of the next chapter but.......eheheheh sorry nana fans following me you'll get your day someday
3. Are you trying anything new with your writing (style, genre, etc.)?
Uhhhh nothing particular style or genre vise but I have one major and one minor goal.
1. Get better at writing fight scenes - i fucking hate fight scenes, i really do. It's really hard for me to visualize movement and choreography like that so when I'm writing fight scenes it always just feels like everyone's flailing about. But I'm not giving up! A year ago I wasn't good with dialog either and now it's one of the things I found the most fun to write. It might be hard and not my thing but I still want to practice so I can do a decent job when I do need to insert a fight scene
2. Get better at writing sex scenes in plot fics - this is a minor goal because I don't really like to include sex in my plot cuz idk its just not my thing, i find it distracting and not the part i want to tell. But sometimes it is important for the story!! The sequel to Rabid Dreams has at least one (maybe two) sex scene that has major stakes in characters emotions, trauma and understanding and trust in each other. Just like with fight scenes, I'm not very good at them, I don't really like writing them, but when I need to use them I want them to be good!!
Hopefully I can accomplish those uwu
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miwagashi · 7 years
Fanfic Writer Appreciation <3
It’s Fanfiction Writer Appreciation Day~!
I’m not usually one for text posts but this is a special occasion so I’m going to spill my guts here and essentially write a love letter to all the fantastic writers out there. (fair warning this might get a tad very long)
Having read fanfiction since my early teenage years, the medium has always and will always have a special place in my heart. Truthfully, it was something I took for granted back then and I never really thought about the ‘face behind the writing’. But the last three years marked fanfic consumption like I’ve never seen before and it struck me one day there was someone out there, somewhere in the world, writing these amazing works and that blew my mind, even though it was something so obvious. 
The time you put into weaving stories that pull readers in and sharing them without asking for more than a kudo or a comment. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Please continue to share your amazing talent so I can fawn over you and know that you are appreciated and endlessly loved. 
Over the course of the day (and beyond!), please drop your favourite authors a kudo or comment to show your love and support. 
Whether we’ve talked or not, whatever fandom your from, you’re all precious and I hope you know that <3 
(shoutouts under the cut)
Some of us have talked and some I lurk and fawn over in excitement (but would like to work up the courage to talk to someday!), but here are some writers that never fail to make my day and inspire me <3 (to those I’ve never spoken to... I really hope this doesn’t come across awkwardly ^^;;)
@chubbyhippo Vii~ What would I do without you. My dearest friend, we’ve been on this fanfic journey together almost from the very beginning. Your writing is so beautiful and eloquent, every word carefully chosen (or run through a thesaurus ;)) to deliver an emotion-filled piece every time. Thank you for dragging me into writing and I hope to see your WIPs in the near future!
@chom-raaa My first fandom friend! You have such an amazing way of conveying emotion and my heart is always swimming with feels after reading one of your fics <3 I hope you’ll continue to write more and thank you for never failing to bring a smile to my face when you comment!
@kurapls Back in the day when I read every soukoku fic that came out as they came out, To Ruination was one of the ones I found myself eagerly waiting for an update and giggling/sobbing under the covers over the amazing writing every chapter. Your world building and character development is truly mind-blowing and I have such respect for your ability to create such rich and magical worlds. Thank you for, well, everything! 
@likeshining Star, star, star. I’ve spilled my love to you already but there’s never enough so here’s some more. I envy your ability to throw me right into the middle of a universe or scene and immediately have me engrossed in the story. Thank you for the amazing dead Chuuyas and angst and for talking with me about the randomest things <3 
@catsbythegreat You have such a way with words that I honestly cannot explain. Your writing is filled with such unspoken emotion that I often find myself sitting there contemplating what I’ve just read. Thank you for your amazing contribution to the fandom!
@blackandorange To this day FLAR still pops into my head randomly and whispers feels to me. The raw emotion spills out from every word and it’s amazing. I can’t wait to read the prequel and sequel and experience the roller coaster that is sure to come along with it! Thank you so much~
@shizuos I’m not sure what to say because you are one of the writers I look up to so much. I found you through your skk drabbles and let me tell you that are all golden and I didn’t know something so short could make me feel so many things before finding your works. Thank you for your amazing writing and I hope we’ll see more soukoku from you? owo I’m not ready to dive into Iwaoi hell (or back into Shizaya hell) just yet but know that when I am, april 23th and tongue tied are the first things on my list to read! 
@firecrotchette So uh... I read ‘all was golden in the sky’ early this morning and... I’m ready to binge Fair Ankles and The Yielding Air in one go as soon as I find the time. This universe is stunning and the I’m so excited to read an amazing Gods and Goddesses AU for BSD. The dynamic and emotions between Akutagawa and Atsushi were so vivid and real I can’t wait to really dive into that world! Thank you for such an amazing piece of writing!
@rimacchii found you through A Eulogy of Tragedies and slowly died/am dying from it and then discover you also write for BSD! I can’t wait to sink myself in your BSD fic, I’ve been resisting for fear of my sanity if the burn is like that of eulogy ovo;; but I fear I may succumb to the temptation soon. Thank you so much for the amazing writing!
AnonLearnsToWrite has the most amazing ideas and executes them so beautifully. And seredemia sunk me right into Gureshin hell with no hope of return. Thank you both so much. And also thank you to all the writers of sarumi, gureshin, soukoku, and other fandoms I’ve read but have unfortunately forgotten ;w;  If you’ve made it this far, yay! I basically just word-vomitted everything that came to mind and the extent of my vocabulary (of lack thereof) is astounding me (how many times did I use ‘amazing’...?) Please check these authors out if you get the chance and spread the love and appreciation! <3
*crawls back into my shell in embarrassment* =w=
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Diakko fan fic with a hint of charoix
Class time just ended and lotte, sucy, and akko head out to their rooms, as they walk in the halls trying to get to their room they encounter professor Ursula/chariot
She had a huge smile on her face, so naturally akko asked her what had happened that got proffesor all giddy and happy, so she joyfully asked proffesor with a smile “whats the huge smile for proffesor? ” Ursula had replied with a huge grin on her “Croix is coming back!!”
Akko: “Thats lovely proffesor! When will she be arriving? ”
Prof. Ursula: “actually she didnt exactly tell me when, haha… But she did tell me sometime around this week so thats good! ”
Akko: “thats amazing proffesor! Did she find the cure for wagandea too hmmm?? *wink wink*”
A look of embarrassment filled proffesors face looking as red as ever then after some time to calm down she took a deep breath and she replied with:
“If she d-does then that would be g-great.. Haha.. ”
“Ok well I.. Uh gotta go akko I will see you around haha.. ”
Proffesor speeds off trying to keep her chill but just cannot possibly hide the embarrassment that filled her face
Looking confused akko says “ah eh OK!!?? ”
Then the following day after class akko went up to proffesor ursulas room to have her private lesson. Today they were gonna practice how to move liquid objects. However today they god distracted for the first couple of minutes that akko entered as soon as they entered they had this exact conversation.
Akko: “hey proffesor!! ”
Ursula: “ah akko good to see you! ”
Akko: “you too proffesor! ”
Ursula: “shall we start? Do you have all of your equipment?”
Akko: “ yep right here! ” *pulls out wand and liquids in bottles that she borrowed from such which she had to beg amd plead for, also making sure that its safe she asked lotte to inspect it and surprisingly it was! I guess such has something else evil planned in that mind of hers but who knows*
Ursula: “perfect now let me set it up here akko will you pls hand me the liquids” *she says as she puts her hand out indicating that she is waiting for akko to hand her the bottles of liquids*
Akko: “ sure! ” *wasting absolutely no time at all grabs it out from her little sack that she had brought with her to put the bottles in* “Here you go proffesor! ”
Ursula: “ how lovely thank you akko” *she says as she sets up*
Akko: “so proffesor have you talked to proffesor Croix ”*winks*
Ursula: “a-ah yes over video chat” *she says as she turns extremely red and is still setting up
Akko: “y'know I kinda wish I had your love life its so perfect a girl that literally loves and care for you with all your heart” she says with a soft warm smile
Ursula: “w-well dont you have Diana? You know you guys have been getting really close lately sometimes I dont even see you talking to sucy, lotte, Amanda, jansminka, or constanze you just hang out with Diana and I see you guys make each other laugh which is kinda absurd seeing Diana laugh and smile like that” *she says as she finishes up and sits down in front of akko*
Akko: “o-oh a-ah u-uh me and d-diana?? We’re just friends I mean whats wrong with that right??… ” *akko responds nervously*
Ursula: “haha hm I dont know about that by the way two act, you sure do seem like you like eachother… I mean that’s how I felt about Croix when we were younger even though then I did not admit it”
Akko: “ Hahahhahaha…… ” *sweats nervously as silence fills the room*
Ursula: “ ya know someday you’ll have to own up to her, and maybe you never know she might feel the same way”
Akko: “ y-you think so? I-I mean I dont know what you are talking about proffesor” *sweats nervously even more"
Ursula: “ dont worry akko your secrets safe with me”
Akko: “ OK… ” *Blushes immensely*
Ursula: “does lotte or sucy know?”
Akko: “nope no one knows”
Ursula: “ you know I could talk to dia-”
Akko: “EEP n-no thank you proffesor! ”
Ursula: “ haha.. Ok akko I understand do not fear dear mother chariot is here”
the two both laugh loudely, then comes a knock at proffesor Ursulas door the two didnt here it at first but since akko was closer to the door she heard the knocks first the knocks sounded very urgent as if it were an emergency. Akko notifies proffesor about the knocking, so proffesor gets up and walks over to the door and opening it. Shocked Ursula finds Diana at the door
Diana: “ proffesor Ursula I must speak to you about akko! This instant *looks over to find akko sitting on a chair there, panicking now she makes up a quick excuse* oh uh I meant I must speak to you about ah toy.. Yeah.. Anyways we could talk later when you are free will you be free this evening?
Akko: ” uh hi Diana! “ *she says as she blushes*
Diana: "uh h-hey akko” “blushing surprisingly more than akko
Ursula: *obviously trying to break the awkwardness she says* ” yes I will be free this evening, however would like to join us? I am teaching akko so-“
Diana: "u-uh no thanks proffesor I should get going now I have to attend to something.. ”
Ursula: “ and what may that be miss cavendish? ” *clearly testing her if its fake or not and how badly she needs to leave so things dont get too awkward with her and akko*
Diana: “I need to get this.. Thing.. To.. Uh head mistress! ”
Ursula: “which is…? ”
Diana: “ its secret!”
Ursula: “ oh really miss cavendish? So where is this…. thing? If you were to give it to head mistress you should’ve brought it with you to make your trip much shorter. ”
Diana: “ u-uh” *owo*
Ursula: “ haha.. Fear not miss cavendish I was only joking”
Diana: “ a-ah OK.. I should really be leaving now bye proffesor! Bye a-akko!
Ursula/akko: ” bye! “ *akko death stares proffesor and proffesor just giggles*
Akko: ” W H Y “
Ursula: "mwhahahahahhaaaa” —————————————
Personal notes: is this a good fan fic this is my first one so I don’t know what to say I’m posting part 2 soon tho
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ackerfics · 3 years
studious levi who takes his studying very seriously and his s/o who doesn't study but is somehow one of the top students in the class
this is the perfect combination ??? 😳 we have levi who's so meticulous when it comes to studying and the reader who's just pure genius at this point (not pure genius but they just absorb information differently than others — for instance auditory or visual learning is their way of things). levi and his s/o are both known for being honors students every semester but even if this has always been the situation for as long as they stepped foot in the same institution, levi still finds himself surprised when you just pass the exams with flying marks when you didn't study that much. sure, the both of you reviewed together but as levi memorizes, you are just listening to him mumble things while listing concepts off in your mind. it's not that he's slightly jealous but levi wishes to be like you since you have it easy — he can't help but think of that since you effortlessly maneuver every subject like it's second nature to you. you sometimes debunk this mentality of his and help him study instead of doing your work, that way it's a win-win situation — the both of you will study at the same time spend some time together 🥰
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ackerfics · 3 years
Hello! how do you think Levi would react to a reader who likes to initiate tickle fights?❤️
i think i read somewhere that it's canon that levi is ticklish nfkejdj this fits so perfectly 🤩 (why did this emoji make me look like i want to torture someone with tickle fights? hhhhh n e ways)
the first time you initiated a random tickle fight, levi's surprised that he jumped in his seat the moment your fingers brushed over his ticklish spots. he stayed ramrod straight and narrowed his eyes at you (think of a cat who's just prowling in your home, judging you with those soulless eyes — yeah, he looks like that). however, you never expected him to give you a taste of your own medicine minutes after he regained his bearings. now, these tickle fights elicit his laughs — booming and coloring your shared home in the brightest colors imaginable. he'll still jump when you start them without warning him but he'll quickly turn to you and tickle you as well. it's like a reflex for levi at this point. he has this sixth sense reserved for you that when you tip-toe behind him to tickle him, he knows you're up to no good and he will make sure you get tickled as well. all of these tickle fights will end up with you two cuddling on the bed or the couch because you can't deny that being tickled is kinda tiring :>>> i like to think that this brings out levi's playful side — he can shed that rbf people see on him and let loose whenever he does things that involves you and it feels so liberating for him. he's thankful that you initiate these little tickle fights — he secretly loves it deep down 🥰
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