#i might update this post once i think of more things to put ehhe
nana2009 · 1 year
Could I perhaps ask you to talk about your fankids some more if you have the time? I love their designs, especially the davekat fankids. Your art is super cute too!
Of course and always! (^v^) Get ready, this is gonna get loooong……
First i want to talk aboat their relationships with their parents/guardians, ranked from best to worst:
Harper: He is a good buoy! Very cheery and active, he's loyal to his mother, but also won't pass up on an opportunity to misbehave, hehe. He always acompanies her on her expeditions and (almsot) always obeys, unless it involves getting dirty. He loves splashing mud, ink and whatever eeeeeeeverywhere….
Beatrice: She really admires her mothers and aspires to be like them, following most of their hobbies and overall always interacting. Bea isn't afraid to speak up her mind with them aboat what she is thinking or what she is doing, because as long as she doesn't die, she's allowed to do whatever she wants lolz
Danny: He has a good relationship with his parents, but he also wishes they weren't so damn overprotective and nosey in his life! Especially Dave, who's always teasing him about his more cheesy interests like romance and emo bands. Like Beatrice, he really admires his parents and wants to be like them, even if he acts really bratty and spoiled, he genuinely enjoys their company.
Judy: Dearest Judy….Her relationship with her dad is….complicated. At least that's how she sees it. Because her dad is a prankster, she is almost always annoyed by him and his near-constant house traps. Poor girl can't even step into the hallway without getting a bucket-full of water in her head! John is not aware of her extreme distaste for his interests, he thinks it's just teen rebellion or somefin, he's trying his best with her.
Also, some extra info!
if Bea were to die, she would be capable of becoming a rainbow drinker.
Danny, to differentiate between parents, refers to Karkat as "crabdad"!
Harper refers to his mom as also his owner and master
Judy actually does care for her father....their personality just don't match up at all!
Unfortunately, due to his naive nature, Danny ends up more often than not being the butt of the joke, especially by Beatrice...
Typing Quirks:
both judy and harper use lowercase, but! harper's is more animated and haz m ore typing mistakses!!!!!, while judy is more LIKELY TO USE UPPERCASE TO THINGS SHE MIGHT WANT TO EMPHASIZE OR IS NOT PLEASED WITH. >:B
~Beatrice puts a tilde at the beginning of every paragraph. Her sentences are definitely not filled with lots of sarcasm and easy reading. When annoyed her sentences have less punctuation and more urgency to get her point across
DANNY TYPES IN THE TRADITIONAL VANTAS UPPERCASE, BUT HE MAY shift to lowercase if he's trying to impress someone new by appearing nonchalant, or when he's talking to his dads VERY OCCASIONAL USE OF PUNCTUATION. <-!!!!
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nanigma · 5 years
Leon Fanbook Translation: Special Interview
Link to the Takumi Fanbook
Famous Lines
Leon&Kamui + Words of Love
Daily Routine + Cooking Showdown
Fashion Check
Dream Change
Only two more updates to go. It’s hard to believe that I am almost finished with this. And it didn’t take me half as long as I feared to translate this. Probably because of a distinct lack of Odin speech..
Meanwhile I’ve finally gotten another part-time job, so that’s helped me feel better about my situation and I can focus on this project more than I did before. It’ll be a while before my first payment, so it would still be really nice if you could help me out a little until then. Here’s a link to my Ko-fi account. Thank you to the generous people who have helped me so far!
- All the photos on this post were taken by the lovely @zaziki7
My comments are in italics
I’ll be using Japanese names
Pages 36-37
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Special Interview/ Leon
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An interview sprung on the younger prince of Nohr! Listen to what this one young man keeps inside his heart!
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Anna: Good day to you, fans of Leon!! I am Anna, the traveling merchant! Today we've successfully gotten a hold of a Prince Leon from right after the conclusion of the „Invisible Kingdom“ Arc, and will now confront him with some rapid fire questions!! (In English) Don't miss it!!
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Topic 1 – About being Nohrian Royalty
Anna: Prince Leon, thank you for your time. It must be tough being recognized by everyone every single day. You do have a lot of fans after all.
Leon: A member of the Nohrian royal family must never embarass themselves, be firm of mind, and always remember to present themselves with grace. However, I sometimes end up wearing my clothes inside out for some reason. I really should be more careful... By the way, have we met somewhere before... ?
Topic 2 – About Kamui
Anna: So, what do you think of Kamui precisely? Also, if Kamui were below you in age, would you rather have them as a younger brother or sister?
Leon: They do have their talents, but I guess no matter how old they get, they are so unreliable it always makes me want to help them out. It seems I just can't leave them on their own. As for if Kamui were younger than me, I'd prefer to have them as a younger sister. A younger brother would likely mean more competition, you see.
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Topic 3 – About his siblings
Anna: I see... So you would prefer another little sister. Well, how do you feel about your older brother and sister?
Leon: In many ways, Marx is the strongest man in Nohr. It shows in how he embodies the ideal of the Nohrian crown prince, his skill with the sword...  how as an older brother, he shows a special kindness only to his siblings. However, there are ways in which he can be just too stubborn. Although we are currently amicable with each other, his unbending nature has caused us to quarrel in the past, to the point he even hit me once.
This refers to the Drama CDs
Anna: Ehh! Prince Marx might have just made himself the enemy of 50 million Leon fans around the whole world.
Leon: As you may know, in the whole kingdom of Nohr, Camilla's beauty and the depth of her affection is unmatched. The way she coldly dispatches of her enemies is also more than befitting of Nohrian royalty. Although it seems she doesn't pay much attention, she has actually been focusing on me quite a bit... Her offer to share a bath has been troubling for me though.
Leon, your siscon tendencies are showing.
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Anna: Mhm mhm... //Taking a bath with Camilla... Now that's some good material.// So how about your younger sister, Elise?
Leon: I'll just say this here, but I feel like she's a great help in a lot different ways. This isn't just me, all of us siblings have come to truly rely on her. I just wish she would stop tackling me with all her strength whenever we met. *laughs*  I also want her to stop drumming her fists against my back so relentlessly. It actually hurts a lot...
Topic 4 – About parent-child relations
Anna: You won't like this question, but what about your father, King Garon, and also... your mother?
Leon: My father used to be a kind man. I still remember him keeping me company during study time or letting me ride on his shoulders. Having him pat my head with his huge hand is something I used to love. He may have become an entirely different person since that incident in the past, but I would still like to meet and be able to talk to the father from my childhood just one more time.
Tagging @agoddamn here because we’ve recently discussed the extent of Leon’s memorys of the real Garon. Still a bit vague, but it seems he already had an education/training (the kanji could mean both) going before Garon died, though with his mom being so ambitious he may have started quite young still.
Leon: As far as my mother is concerned, I don't have any special memories. That woman only ever thought of me as a tool that would bind her to the king, so I couldn't bring myself to love her either. … Is that enough?
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Anna: Th- Thank you. A- Anyway, your son also seems to be rather... how to put this? Quirky... //Oh jeez! I brough up another topic he hates!!//
Leon: This is about Foleo, I see. At first I also mistook his intentions, but it turns out he is simply sticking to his own personal aesthetic. Just knowing about his convictions, I can honestly say I'm fine with it. Someday though he'll have to make a decision regarding the calling passed down through his blood, what it means to be Nohrian royalty at it’s core. … When the time comes, I hope his courage will help him make the right choice.
Not sure I like how “mistook his intentions” is phrased... What other intentions could Foleo have had that wouldn’t have been okay in Leon’s eyes? 
Topic 5- About himself
Anna: What do you think about being called cold-blooded? If you could give your own estimation of yourself, what would it be?
Leon: Although I'm not about to point out specific things I like about myself, I can say that I do have confidence in myself. Otherwise I wouldn't be fit to be royalty. That means even when I am sometimes insecure, I at least have to seem confident. My flaws are in those areas I don't have sufficent knowledge of. It's not that I ever neglect my studies, but I am fully aware it's still not entirely good enough.  
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Topic 6 – About taste in women
Anna: I am pretty sure I am asking this in the name of all your female fans, but could you share what you like in a girl? Let's give an example! You like, say, the open-minded type, or...
Leon: Well, I have never experienced a mother's love. But when it comes to choosing a partner, it's wrong to say I only long for someone to give me the love my mother never did, so I want to name a another criteria. Let's see, I'd say I like strength, but I mean that as being intelligent. Not just someone who is well-studied, but one who doesn't let their guard down around an enemy, who is able to accurately assess any given situation. That's the kind of intelligence I like.
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Takumi: Huh, it's strange seeing you two together.
Anna: Ah, it's the Prince who loves the Southern Islands! … Er, rather the Prince of Hoshido, Lord Takumi!
Leon: Prince Takumi? I thought you were staying in the southern islands right now.
Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I think this is the first time (or one of the few times) Leon has used the ending zo (ぞ) to a sentence in Japanese. Usually his style of speech is already pretty casual and „boyish“ in the anime-sense (it doesn't work exactly like that in real life), with him ending many sentences in „da“ (だ). It's makes it sound a bit harder.. ぞ can be seen as a step up in that, really „decisive“ sounding. It's something you would only use with friends or people of lower social standing, but we can guess which one he means here.~
Takumi: …? What are you two on about?
Leon: Speaking of, thank you for sending me that miso supply the other day. I am grateful for it.
Anna: Lord Leon actually ended up cooking the soup for himself. Suprisingly though...
Leon: That's right. I understand what I like best after all. This time I decided to try putting some tomatoes in it.
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Takumi: T- Tomatoes!? You put tomatoes in miso soup!?  Please stop joking. This is why you are Nohr's tomato prince...
Leon: Who are you calling tomato prince!? I think it's terrible how you Hoshidans always cling to your old traditions.
Anna: Uh.. Haha. Looks like I got between them~!
Again, sorry for the small images in places. I have tried finding a fix for it, but no luck. At least it’s not most pictures again like last time. Anyway, hope you enjoyed.
The next update will include all the poll results, and as you could see with the Takumi translation... that’s huge. I overestimated how long it would take me this time, but I can safely say the next one will be a long one. Hope you look forward to it.
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Do You Have the Time? Episode 007: Family
[March 26th, 2018, 11:53]
Madison stood outside of the main chemistry building with her headphones on and scrolled through various apps on her phone. She had tied her windbreaker around her waist because the weather decided to cooperate half-way through the morning. March was never a predictable month where she lived. Some days were freezing, others were windy, some snowed, and even more variants were sunny. Today was supposed to be freezing, but all patches of snow were gone by 10:00. A glare pierced her retina, and she shielded her face with her free hand. And look who decided to come out today. Luckily for Madison, the impossible-to-perceive changes made by the climate’s spring season often left her backpack riddled with useful things. Usually they were left unintentionally hidden somewhere on account of the sudden need for some other seasonal accessory in the past, but she wasn’t about to start doubting her convenient and forgetful way for coming through for her future self now.
Madison rifled through the various pockets and compartments of her bag for her pair of sunglasses. Within the minute, she found them stowed away in some place she has no recollection of putting them in. In that moment, she could feel the sun. She put her Ray-Bans on.
People complimented her on her sunglasses a lot, which surprised her when she bought them. At first, she was worried that she might look too much like Harry Potter because the lenses were circular; but she later decided that it didn’t matter. Harry Potter was freaking awesome and if someone said that she did in fact look like him, then it would have been the kindest words they could have given her. She wondered if Harry wore round sunglasses just like his regular prescription. So long as he had a separate pair of sunglasses that were prescription and he didn’t have those clip-on lenses that old people use. Maybe sixty-year-old HP would use them.
Madison hummed in her thoughts and chuckled. 
She wondered if Leopold wore those kinds of glasses. Immediately after, Madison remembered that Leopold did not wear prescription glasses to begin with, so the clip-ons would be pointless. The clip-ons did seem useful, though. If she could pull off regular, circular sunglasses, maybe she could sport some prescription glasses with sunglass clip-ons. She supposed the only conflict standing in her way was that she had 20/20 vision.
She opened her web browser on her phone and typed ‘how to damage your eyesight’. Something about her train of thought and actions caused her to erupt in laughter. Surprisingly, the first few search results are exactly what she was ‘looking for’. She rolled her eyes at the idea, chuckled and returned to her various phone apps. Jeremy was four minutes late. Maybe she would hassle him for his obvious inaccuracy. Her grin strengthened on her face as she considered the idea. A message appeared at the top of her screen while she was on her entertainment high. The last thing she wanted to see at the moment.
‘General Chemistry I: Grade Posted 11:54’.
Her smile wore away and she opened up the notification. Might as well get it over with as soon as she could. The reason that she was let out early, that she hid from the group chat, was because today was an exam day. Her third exam out of five. And she also happened to be blessed with a professor who is so eager to mark all of her wrong answers that he does so before the official end of the class period. Exam III: 71%, C-.
Madison sighed and shut off the phone’s screen. Stuffing it back into her pocket felt like the best course of action in response to that news. Just in time, Jeremy pulled up in front of the chemistry building for her. Eager to leave campus, she leapt down the stairs and threw herself into the passenger seat of the car. Jeremy quietly acknowledged her and set them on course for home.
“So, what happened with the lab?” Madison asked, expecting further explanation from the group chat..
“Leslie and I made some headway before actual work started, but once it did, Sophia came in and shut it all down,” he replied flatly.
“God, what did she do?”
“Found a way to ‘evacuate’ us because of some suspected gas leak.”
“Damn. Is it legit, do you think?”
“Not sure. We didn’t have enough time to really investigate it. We just took everything we could and left before they kicked us out,” he explained, “I had to take IO to stay in the robotics lab.”
“Oh, poor little guy. That sucks.”
“The robotics lab… that Sophia volunteers in,” he said uncomfortably.
“What?” Madison yelped and turned towards him, “Why would you do that?”
“What else could I have done, Madison?” he replied, sharply, “I have no other spaces to keep IO in. You know what happens if we keep him in the apartment.”
“I know, but Sophia? Really?”
“She’s not the only one that works there. And she’s a volunteer anyway. I’ll keep in touch with IO the whole time our lab is closed.”
“Well, good luck. Hope the poor thing is okay.”
“Yeah, me too.”
There was a silent lull for a few minutes. Madison tensely looked out the window while Jeremy drove without uttering a word. She brainstormed ways to break the awkward static before they arrived at their apartment.
“So you and Les spent some alone time together this morning then, huh?” She joked.
“Madison, please.”
“Okay, okay, sorry.”
Another awkward silence. So, he definitely didn’t think that was funny.
“Are you excited for the research-dinner party?” She asked.
“I suppose,” he answered, “It’ll be nice to update Leopold on what Leslie and I put together. I’d really like to get this preliminary stuff out of the way, and start testing our hypotheses.”
“I’m excited to see Leslie’s place!” She added, “She’s so organised, I bet it will be super clean and stuff.”
“Yeah, I’m sure it will be,” Jeremy said in a lighter tone, “What do you think you’ll do in the meantime before it’s time to leave?”
“Ehh… not sure. Maybe dick around online for a bit. I can only take so much of being aggressively average at chemistry before I decide to give it a rest and waste my time on the computer.”
“Okay. Well, I’ll let you know when it’s time to go,” Jeremy said as he pulled into their parking space outside of their apartment complex.
It didn’t take long for Jeremy to disappear into his room after they managed to make their way up the stairs and into their apartment. Madison entered her own room, slumped down into her bed and rested her body. She could feel her limbs get heavy as she stared up at her ceiling mobile decorated with different coloured leaves. She felt that adult mobiles were a far under-appreciated invention. 
Despite the tense silences that happened in the car, she felt that her conversation with Jeremy ended on a definitively neutral tone, rather than a hostile one. She’d take neutral over that any day. The only thing left for her to do, that she could think of, was brush up on all board games that Leslie may have, so that she could wipe the floor with her, Jeremy and Leopold at the party.
Jeremy let his backpack plummet to the floor and settled onto his bed, facedown on the mattress. He laid still for a few minutes, simply letting the tension out of his limbs. It hadn’t occurred to him how stiff he was throughout the day. From working with Leslie, getting frustrated with GraviTime, having an altercation with Leslie, having numerous confusing altercations with Sophia, and then talking to Madison on the way home. Though thankfully, their last conversation didn’t seem as difficult as their previous ones.
He rolled over to the side of his bed to inspect the papers in his bag. There was a large folder that he had almost forgotten about. It was filled with lab reports from the 1 credit hour undergraduate physics lab course that he was a teaching assistant for. He was grateful that the university offered him a contract to TA one of the lab courses for money in addition to giving him a stipend. Renting his room in the apartment would have been difficult without the deal. Despite the variety of kids he saw in an introductory course, it was actually a refreshing way to spend his time. Grading needed to be finished by the 28th.
Before surrendering to the pull to the bed, Jeremy sluggishly ambled off of his bed and knelt down in front of his ant farm sitting on a small stand near his door. It looked like the microcosm might need some water soon. He wondered how ants were so structured and coordinated. As did everyone with an ant farm, he supposed. If these ants could thrive and build with only the limited resources provided in their space, then surely he and everyone else could function a few days without the lab. Maybe he would work on an idea for an alternate location to do work like Leslie did with her dinner party.
[March 26th, 2018, 14:40]
Leslie shambled up the last flight of stairs with various reusable grocery bags filling her hands and hanging off her body. She struggled down the hallway, huffing and contorting her body to keep the bags from tipping and spilling her dinner ingredients. At last, apartment 4 on the third floor. She beamed in relief, but the expression quickly faded. She needed to unlock the door. A faint sigh escaped as she shuffled her purse around until she could access it. With just a few seconds to spare, Leslie managed to unlock her door, get inside and drop half the bags down on her dining room table. Another moment, and there may have been a messy disaster. She relieved herself of the burden from the bags slung over her shoulders, and slumped down into one of the chairs at the dinning room table, rubbing her arms.
Looking about her apartment, she immediately began picking apart the things that needed to be fixed before her guests arrived. Too many objects on her coffee table in front of the couch, all surfaces needed dusting, dishes needed to be done, groceries to be put away. The list of things was never ending. Leslie was having difficulty with her living room for one major reason. Her television sat close to her front door; in front of it was her coffee table, and then the couch. And she had her matching ottoman off in the corner, because there was not enough room for everything. Her issue was that she spent very little time watching TV; and what if there was not enough room for everybody to sit after dinner? The TV might be in the way, or one of them could have to sit close to the door, and they might be uncomfortable with that. She could already feel the party was going to be a mess. She should just take that spot herself to circumnavigate any other disaster.
Leslie shook herself out of her ceaseless train of thought and switched on her ambient sound generator sitting on the bar that bordered the kitchen. She preferred to have some sort of noise while she was home, and music and TV were both too distracting. Would they think her sound generator was weird or uncomfortable without any other noise? Maybe she should play music for them. Her favourite soundscape came on and played sounds of ocean waves and a crackling fire. Tones like those swept her away into a peaceful future, lacking the constant stress and demand for work. She could float away for a moment or two. Maybe one day she could let go of it all. It could be her and Leopold sharing in the beauty as lifetime friends. Jeremy and Madison could come too if they wanted. She was sure that they would find a way to be content. Her cell phone suddenly blared its ringer. Leslie jumped right out of her daydream. She leapt back to the dining room table and scrambled for her phone. It rested between her ear and her shoulder as she hauled bags of groceries to the kitchen counter.
“Hi mom,” she said in her cheery voice, excited to talk. Conversation usually kept her worries at bay. She unpacked the bags and searched for the ingredients’ rightful places.
“Good afternoon, darling. How are you?” her mother responded with a warm and firm tone.
“Good! Just got back from the store with some food. I’m having a little get-together tonight, so I wanted to make a good meal for everyone. What do you need?” She asked, ready to help.
Mrs. Goodchild disregarded Leslie’s question by refusing to acknowledge it. A trace of grief was left in her tone, as she responded to her daughter.
“Oh, a get-together, huh?” she asked with hesitation, “That sounds like fun. What is the occasion?”
“It’s for work.”
“Oh. Well, good for you, sweetie. I’m sure Dr. Looney will be as big of a fan of your cooking as your father and I,” she said. Leslie pulled out the eggplants that she bought and set them off to the side on the counter.
“Aww, thanks mom. I’m glad you and dad liked it all so much. Thankfully the internet was passionate about making tutorials for so many dishes. It was a convenient hobby to have to hold down the fort for you two!”
The line went quiet and Leslie was perplexed. Her mother took a deep breath and cleared her throat.
“Yeah, Leslie, speaking of that…” 
“Well, since you mentioned it… I’ve been thinking a lot about the way your father and I have been for a while. Our financial situation. And I wanted— uh, is now an okay time to talk, by the way?” 
“Yeah! Everything’s fine! I’m just cooking and cleaning, getting things ready for everyone later. I could use a bit of time away from the demands of science. What’s up?”
“I wanted to call and say that I’m sorry that we're still relying on you. I was thinking about how we still depend on you for things now, even though you moved out years ago. We shouldn’t have had to rely on you when you were just a little girl either, but we did. And I want to change that now. You were always a huge help to us both, and we we’re grateful for you stepping up, and being responsible and such a good sport. We still are! I’m just sorry that nothing has really changed, even though I said it would. I thought of something that I hope will make it up to you?” she said with uncertainty.
“I know that you’re sorry, mom, don’t worry. We’ve already talked it over before! It’s really okay, though. It was tough, and maybe I could have been doing other things in my spare time as a kid, but it was useful to me! Cooking and working aren’t such bad things. I like them enough to throw a party for my coworkers! And my house is always really clean because that’s what I did back home. It worked out for everyone!”
Milk in the fridge. Sauce in the fridge. Noodles go… they could go next to the eggplants.
Her mother sighed, and there was a moment of silence on the line.
“I understand, but. I just meant to call and say that it wasn’t fair for you. And maybe you can pursue some of the things you missed out on, now that you’re older and have the time,” she suggested, “My idea, if you wanted, is that you could move back to our house for a while to relax and not stress so much. We still have your room ready, and you wouldn’t be paying for rent in two different places, anymore…”
“It would be easier, but I do really like being out here, mom! I’m close to work and there’s more happening in the city. I’m happy to help you out!”
Bags get folded and placed in the cabinet furtherest from the dining room.
“Okay,” Mrs. Goodchild whispered, “Is there anything that dad or I could do for you?”
“No, I don’t think so!” Leslie said, absent-mindedly, “Is there anything I can do for you guys?”
“No, honey, thank you. You’ve done plenty for us.”
“Did you guys get my money transfer yet?” Leslie moved the conversation onward. She heard her mother shuffle some papers around and exhale.
“Yes, it’s right here. It’s a lot. You’re sure you won’t need at least some of this? It’s more than just the rent.”
“No, I’ll be fine! You guys need to fix one of the cars, right? You can put the rest towards that!”
“Your dad and I can handle those payments ourselves, Leslie.”
“Well, now you can handle them better! You’ll pay off the services faster.”
“Thank you, hun, that’s very sweet of you.”
“How has dad been?”
“Oh, you know your father. Still driving trucks for long hours. We’re hoping he gets a promotion soon, but… we’re not too sure. Time will tell, I suppose.”
“And you?” Leslie prodded.
“The restaurant hasn’t been getting as many customers as it did when we opened last year. I’ve been thinking about making a change, if things don’t look up soon.”
Leslie found the ground beef sitting out on the counter, and stuffed it in her fridge before she forgot again. She couldn’t remember how it got there.
“I’m sorry to hear that, mom. I hope things look up soon.”
“I hope so, too,” she said quietly.
“Maybe, to take your minds off of it, you can both make a trip out here and we’ll all spend the day together!” Leslie suggested with enthusiasm.
“That would be wonderful. Your father would be excited to do that.”
“Good! We should plan that soon!”
“Yes, we should. In the meantime though, I’ve got to start getting ready for work, okay?”
“It was nice to hear your voice again, honey. Have fun with dinner and everyone tonight, and be sure to say hi and thank you again to Dr. Looney for all of his help.”
“I will! I always do,” she said with a sunny smile, “It was nice to talk to you too, mom. Have a good day at work, and I can’t wait to see you two again. Don’t worry too much about me!”
Mrs. Goodchild let out a breathy laugh.
“I’ll do my best, sweetheart. Don’t work too hard.”
“Impossible!” Leslie joked.
“Talk soon, darling. I love you.”
“I love you too! Bye-bye!”
Leslie leaned against the counter with a smile. She loved hearing from her parents. Especially her mom because she was always looking out for her. It was probably where Leslie got her consistently concerned disposition, too. Although, her mother is concerned with a serious undertone. The cheeriness likely came from her father, ultimately to form Leslie’s core expressions. Cheerful, concerned and eager to help. She chuckled as she thought about what an odd combination of traits that was to exhibit in someone. She wondered if anybody was ever perplexed at her demeanour. It wouldn’t surprise her. Leslie’s smile faded away as she kept her mother in her thoughts. It was flattering to be so concerned with Leslie’s wellness, but sometimes, she wished that her mom could relax about it. The hardest part for her was that she could do nothing to change her mother.
Leslie put her thoughts to rest again and distracted herself with the housework. If the house-party was going to be a success, she would have to hurry. The seating arrangement problem had been solved, but everything still needed to be dusted, and all clutter had to be organised and tidied. Disinfecting all surfaces would be a plus, although her time could run out before that happened. She scurried down the one hallway in her apartment that led past her bathroom, bedroom, and finally terminated at a small storage closet housing her cleaning supplies. Quickly, she delved into the tiny room dragging out a vacuum, a duster, and a spray bottle of disinfectant. The vacuum slipped away from her and swung the floor in her haste. Before she bent to pick it back up, a peculiar colour caught her eye. Something orange stuck to the door facing the inside of the closet. A post-it note. Leslie furrowed her brow and slowly picked it off the door.
“Relax and slow down. Try classical. Remember to have fun!”
The handwriting was awfully… chicken-scratchy. She wondered how long it had been in there. Maybe she’d been a little too focused on work and her parents lately to remember. Her apartment did need a decent cleaning up, so it could have been there for quite some time. There was certainly something vaguely familiar. Was it the colour? Or the placement? An involuntary sigh sheepishly escaped from her mouth. She should be able to keep track of her own house, she’s an adult. She escorted the note down the hall and into her room, which also needed cleaning. Maybe she’d just close the door before they arrived. If she ran short on time, of course. Leslie precariously hid the note away in her nightstand drawer and returned to her storage closet mess with a foggy mind.
“Classical what?” she asked aloud and glanced back to her bedroom door, as if there would be a response. She shrugged and dragged her cleaning supplies to the living room. The most efficient order of tasks would be… clutter, clean the surfaces, dirty dishes, vacuum, then cooking. And closing her bedroom door. Cooking was the most important, because it is not a dinner party without dinner. Her computer and notes needed to be easily accessible, too. It wasn’t a research dinner party without the research.
The top priority was supposed to be work, after all. Briefing Leopold on the progress that she and Jeremy made that morning. She wondered if Jeremy felt comfortable coming to her house. Partly because of the end of their last personal conversation, and partly because he seemed slightly uncomfortable with everything in general. She chuckled to herself. Hopefully everything would go well. Leslie resolved to simply make the most of the night to the best of her ability. Cooking, cleaning, research, activities, whatever got done would get done.
As long as the four of them were happy, she could consider the party a good one.
[03–26–2018; 18:12_Research_Video_Log_002_START]
“Doo doo-doo doo-dooooooo,” Madison sang and pranced behind Jeremy on the way to their car. Their apartment complex’s parking lot was decently packed, and the sky was a deep blue. The sun would be setting in about thirty minutes. Jeremy looked back at her.
“What are you doing?”
“I feel like you guys should be taking advantage of this camcorder by doing more science vlogs.”
“They’re research video logs,” he said.
“Yeah, same thing, nerd. You guys could be on YouTube!”
“Madison, we’re a theoretical physics laboratory, not a make-up tutorial channel.”
Her jaw dropped in surprise, she averted her eyes and her cheeks warmed up. “How did you know I watched those…” she asked quietly.
“I didn’t, it was just an example,” he said and shrugged as he climbed into the driver seat of their car.
“Oh, come on, that’s not fair!” Madison exclaimed, following his motions into the passenger side.
“You brought it on yourself.”
“And you brought this on yourself,” she laughed and zoomed the camera up on Jeremy’s face so that it covered the whole viewing window.”
“Please don’t do that.”
“Sorry, I can’t control it.”
“Yes, you can,” he replied tiredly as he started up the car and pulled out of the parking lot, “You do know that you’re wasting a lot of memory, right?”
“That’s what happens when you make a time travel documentary, Jeremy!”
“It’s not a time travel documentary. It’s supposed to be for recording our experiments and results.”
“A documentary is way cooler, though.”
“Okay, just… if you transfer that footage to your computer fast enough that running out of memory won’t be a problem in the lab, then you can make your time travel documentary.”
“YES,” she yelled, “You mean our documentary.
Jeremy sighed and groaned while coming to the first red light of the drive. “If I say yes, will you please just stop.”
“Okay, alright, fine, sorry,” she mocked, “…Can I interview you for the documentary?”
“I don’t promise accurate answers to ridiculous questions.”
Green light.
“So, mister, doctor Jeremy—”
“I’m not a doctor.”
“––what is your favourite thing about your amazing, one-of-a-kind sister?”
“How much she talks.”
“Really?!” she said with a laugh.
“Oh,” she dismissed, “That’s lame!”
Jeremy kept his eyes on the road.
“Okay, how about this. What do you think Leslie is going to make for dinner?”
Jeremy furrowed his brow while he was thinking.
“Huh. I don’t know… maybe a family kind of dinner.”
“What? What even is that?” Madison asked.
He shrugged.
“I don’t know. Something families eat.”
“Wow, what an oddly vague and cryptic answer! As if family dinner food is somehow fundamentally different from everyone else's!”
“Whatever, Madison. I’m driving."
“Thank you for being here today mister, professor Jeremy—”
“Also not a professor.”
“��do you have any final words for the audience?”
“Not particularly,” he said.
“A man of few words, but eloquent, nonetheless.”
“Hey, look at the directions and tell me if that’s her apartment building,” Jeremy instructed, “I think it might be, but I want to be sure.”
“Oh, okay sure,” Madison said, as she distractedly pointed the view of the camera towards her lap to look at her phone.
[03–26–2018; 18:24_Research_Video_Log_002_END]
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First diary entry from my document (has swearing.. all of them do)
Ehh, it’ll say what date I wrote it, and this is a whole while ago. This one just puts you right into my feelings do I’m going to have the next one too
God fucking dammit, I made someone fucking sad again, why? Why does everyone believe me when I say I'm just tired. I'm happy but I need to vent but I know that when I vent people of quiet or sad or I can just see how their voice tells me that my problem isn't that bad, it could've been worse. They don't come with advice, they need advice, that's why I can't vent. If I kill myself, would they miss me or my advice? Would they be sad because they lost a friend or a therapist? I draw happy drawings to cheer people up, I do PvP even though I hate how it makes my heart go off. I support people, I'm an extra character in a game, I'm an NPC character in a game everyone plays, I'm left on the side, I have side quests and I am a helping character, am I needed for the game play or do I just have hints to solve some problems? Perhaps I should write something people will remember me by. A book? No, a text, something they can send to my friends online, something they can put online to make the older generations realize that perhaps kids aren't ok, that perhaps it's not a phase, perhaps we make all these suicide jokes so that we won't be as sad when it actually happens? I can't be sure of anything anymore, we insult each other because that way it hurts less when people try to actually make less of us. Gosh I'm rambling, what is my actual problem? Do I actually have a problem or is this in my head?  Is it because people get mad at me? Is it because I'm too fucking tired to think or even live? Can I please please please just kill myself? Mum and dad, if you're reading this it's either been years or I actually killed myself… I wish adults would just understand that it's not just a teenage phase and that we are depressed, most of us are. Some of us are suicidal, some of us cut, some of us just can't bother anymore. The condensing way adults talk to me, the looks they give me as I cry or as I complain. They say I'm a kid, they don't know the shit I'm going through every fucking day. Oh well.. If I do kill myself I have this… This is perhaps my legacy… A legacy heh… Planting seeds in a garden you don't even get to see, will there be a future to change? I don't know the answer to that. Everything is fucked up. Our generation wants to make the best of now because we don't know if we can change the future, we don't have faith in ourselves. In this text I just want to tell you all… You are worth all the love in the world.. I love you, even if I'm gone, I'll love you and everyone who needs it. Only very few people know I have friends online heh… I surround myself with friends so if I lose someone it won't hurt me as much… I'm Gorfelina and I want you to know that you're not alone, and no matter how hard everything feels you shouldn't give up like I did, be part of the butterfly project, don't start cutting. I know it's hard but by doing this I hope that you all can see that you are so much more than you think, you haven't given up yet. I love you, keep trying, for me?
Written 2018 on the eleventh of August.
Hi y’all, I’m back again, time for an update on my life, it’s the eleventh of September… I’ve survived this long… perhaps I’ll start writing in this document every month on the eleventh to see if I recover or I lose my fight. That’s what I’ll do, either this is my legacy or I’ll one day post this online to show people that things get better.. right now, if I do post this, this will be something like a diary of my life, you guys might get in on some secrets, oh well, I’ll take it. . I’m still together with Cosmic.. “who is Cosmic?” You might ask… well… He’s one of my many online friends, right now.. we’re dating, I didn’t mention him last month but we started dating a more than a month ago.. the reason I don’t tell you his real name is because I don’t want to accidentally reveal his identity. I’m actually going to do that with all of my online friends, even with my two real life best friends, only a few people will know who I’m talking about. Right now my life is a mess, school just started and I have my grades to worry about, I might even be developing feelings for another guy named Hachi… Everyone is so good looking, I must be cursed with bad looks, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m pansexual… Gosh, I get crushes far too easily, I get crushes over the internet, I fall in love with their personality, their voice and their laugh… Gosh, now I’m just rambling about my love for friends and people in general.. But I'mma ignore that and just ramble some more about my friends. Cosmic, he’s still kinda insecure about his voice (sorry for telling others) and I find that kinda adorable but really sad, he’s insecure because his voice is pretty high pitched for a guy his age, he’s asked me about if I think his voice is high pitched and I always dodge the question, I will tell him that his voice is high pitched one day. I find boys who have high pitched voices a whole lot cuter, even if it might be scientifically proven that women are attracted to guys who have low pitched voices which has happened to me, I talked to a guy whom’s voice was very low pitched which while making me kinda attracted I got embarrassed because he was flirty which kinda ruined the whole low pitched voice thing for me, I find that guys who have higher pitched voices are a whole lot easier to have long conversations with and they can also be adorable in ways that guys with low pitched voices can’t, although that’s just my opinion. Hachi is… well yeah, he’s not insecure about his voice even if he does have other insecurities (sorry, once again) although that’s for another time, he’s pretty talkative and so is Cosmic, he also has a quite high pitched voice although he’s younger than both me and Cosmic so he has reason to have it high pitched, so far I love his laugh and how nice he is. He’s kinda like Cosmic in a way but I’ve known Hachi for longer, maybe that’s why I’m starting to like him… I also have Biscuit, she’s really pretty and sweet and I love her so much, she’s very different from Emoji who’s just a friend.. I love most of the people in my life… The people I mention now are going to be the main cast for my life story for now… This is the character cast for my game of life. Cosmic, Hachi, Biscuit, Emoji, Kodo, Virtus, Darish, Yin, Kakashi, Stitch and Kraken, these are the people I’m probably gonna mention, there might be a few others that I mention but these are the ones online and they’re the ones I’m going to talk about most.
This was it for today, I’ll hopefully keep writing next month. If not and I killed myself.. I’m sorry, but that means I lost my fight, once again, stay strong, things will get better, I just wasn’t a strong enough to win my fight, I believe in you and I love you, stay strong, you can fight off the waves of temptation. Goodbye for now…
Just today I’m pretty good. Thanks for taking the time!
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