#i mightve got a little carried away
slashsrealgf · 2 months
I'll take care of you
a/n: mightve projected a little in this one 🦈enjoy ★
warnings: i think this counts as fluff?depression, mentions of scars, showering together (no smut)
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You and Slash had been dating a while. It wasn't really casual, but it definitely wasn't serious either. Or at least you were both too afraid to admit you wanted a serious relationship. You both knew a lot about each other, but you found it far more meaningful that he knew so much about you than he did.
You had suffered with depression for a while, even before meeting Slash, and it was starting to get worse, and Slash noticed.
He noticed the more obvious things, like the scars on your body, and he noticed the less obvious things, like your growing lack of sleep. It had been a while since you had seen each other, and Slash noticed the change immediately. At first, he thought you just needed time alone, but the more time passed, the more worried he got.
It was 11PM and you weren't even sure what day it was. You had only checked the time because someone was banging on your front door. You got up after a while of hoping they would give up and go away.
You opened the door, and Slash's voice rang through your ears, "where the hell have you -" he cut himself off mid sentence when he saw just how awful you looked. "Baby..?"
You don't bother to look at him. You can't even bring yourself to be nice, "what do you want?" He looks hurt, but he reminds himself that you're sick and need help. He lets himself inside your apartment and closes the door behind him, "I've been so worried about you..."
You shrug. He sighs, "I haven't seen you in at least a month..." You stay quiet and he sighs again.
"When was the last time you ate?" You stay quiet. "Alright...when was the last time you got proper sleep?" You stay quiet still. He takes a step closer to you, "Baby, I'm really worried about you." You look down.
He wraps his arms around you and pulls you into a tight hug. For some reason, this makes you break down crying. He holds you tighter, "shhh...It's okay...I'm here," he says softly. He picks you up and carries you into your bathroom. "You think you can take a shower for me?" You sniffle and nod, even though in your head you were repeatedly saying no. He turns the shower on and starts taking off your clothes, making sure to be gentle.
When you're completely naked, he starts taking his own clothes off, knowing you might need some help. He walks you into the shower and lets your hair get wet.
He grabs the shampoo and starts scrubbing your hair with it, rinsing it, then repeating. "Close your eyes, okay? I don't want to get soap in your eyes," he says. You tilt your head back and close your eyes. Even though you had been putting off showering, it was nice having him do this for you. It made you realise just how much he cared about you.
Once he finishes rinsing the soap from your body, he grabs a big towel and wraps it around you, a smaller towel for himself and an even smaller towel for your hair. "Do you feel any better?" You nod, "a little," you mumble. He smiles and walks you into your bedroom. He sits you down on the bed and goes over to your dresser, grabbing clean underwear and a t-shirt (which happened to be one of his).
He helps you dry off and get dressed, then he grabs a brush and starts brushing your wet hair out. "Do you want me to dry it?" You shake your head. "Do you want to dry it?" You shake your hear again. He rests his chin on your shoulder, "are you sure? You could get sick..." You lean into him, "I do it all the time. I'll be fine," he kisses your cheek and looks at the clock. 12AM. "You need to get some sleep," he says softly.
You want to protest. You hadn't been able to sleep in so long. But you knew he wouldn't take no for an answer, and you also knew it would be easier with him there.
He helps you into bed and pulls the blanket up around you. He cleans up your room a little, then drys himself off and pulls on some clean sweatpants he found in your drawer. They were his. He chuckles softly and crawls into bed beside you.
He could tell you were starting to overthink, and he also knew that you were still struggling. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you close, "don't worry about anything right now, sweetheart," he whispers in your ear. You were slowly starting to fall asleep. You were right. It was easier in his arms. He made you feel loved, and he made you feel safe.
"Just get some rest, I'll take care of you."
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ogdegenerate · 1 month
Fuck it I cant sleep so here ya go
Werewolf x BAMF Human thingy prt1(?)
This will be very gay cuz fuck hetaronortivity and long cuz i’m a complex fucker
You are deceptively strong and durable on a supernatural level.
And by on all means you shouldn’t be, as far as you know you’re 100% human, it was just very easy to get strong to you.
You live alone in a cottage in the woods, traveling to a nearby town (which would take hours by vehicle but only a few minutes for you on foot) for groceries or any other supplies isn’t really an issue, you just enjoy the solitude.
While hunting for dinner, you find a black wolf who’s unconscious and heavily wounded. Maybe poachers nearby lost their score? They better pick a god and pray that they don’t run into you.
Because of your bleeding heart and to fuck over the dickwards who wanted to skin the pup, you decided to bring the wolf back home and nurse them back to health
In hindsight, the biggest red flag was that this certain wolf was bigger and heavier than the average lupine, then again it’s nothing you cant handle and there’s not much of a point to body shame a wild animal.
You bring the suspiciously-bigger-than-normal-wolf back to your humble cabin and nurse them back to health with the power of a first-aid kit and your know-how of animals.
The night goes by and you awoken to your fridge being ran through, the door wide open, and the wolf-who-was-way-too-big-to-be-a-normal-wolf no where to be seen.
You fear that the poachers mightve somehow found where you live and captured the wolf, but there’s no signs of a struggle anywhere.
This leads you to deduce that the fuckmothering wolf you decided to bring to your house and deemed safe to sleep under the same roof in WASN’T your run of the mill wolf and never was.
Atleast the fucker could leave a thank you note or something.
Few days go by where you have to go deeper into the woods due to the sudden raid of your consumables. You were chasing down a moose because why not? It’s been a week and it looked at you funny.
You only manage to loose sight of it for a few seconds before you come to see that your bounty got slain by a pair of huge brown wolfmen. One of them even spots you and gives you a snide grin.
Try as you back away, you bump into something hard (STOP IT) and fuzzy, and to your distain it was a gray werewolf -being accompanied by its blonde friend- blocking your path.
Ambushed and surrounded by a quartet of lycans, the one that smiled at you graciously informed you that you’re currently hunting within their turf. You apologized like the good man mother raised you to be and made it clear that you will make sure not to make the same mistake again as you try to move away from the wolves who towered over you by a foot or two.
The gray wolf clarified that a simple apology isn’t going to cut it and that they would be willing to forgive and forget if you “have some fun with them”
A small part of you is quite curious and maybe a bit excited of the “invitation”, but you ultimately give your answer by unrooting an entire tree with your bare hands.
Cue little red riding good by cupcakke as you chase down the small pack while carrying an entire tree over your head.
You don’t see those werewolves again for a while and you’re free to get some meat (SHUT UP) without any interruptions for about a week
Until one quiet night of stargazing, the same werewolves you terrorized way back when came back with some friends.
Geez guys atleast fight your own battles.
Good thing you got your trusty shotgun because if you’re going to taking on 14 or more werewolves, you’re not going down without a fight.
The blonde one you remember seeing pointed at you and shouted at something behind them about an intruder who threatened then
Ok they’re not wrong but it was all in self defense
The werewolves part way for whoever blondie was talking to, and you can’t believe to see the consequences of your own ignorance.
The ALPHA wolf (as the yellow one described him) is bigger and bulkier than the rest of the company. But this isn’t any random alpha werewolf. This werewolf was covered in black fur. Fucker still even has the bandages around his beefy arms.
As the alpha walks towards you, you decided to meet him there halfway, yelling at the wolf on how rude of a guest he was and that none of this would even be happening if he didn’t steal his meats.
As the wolf opens it maw, you cut them off that leaving them alive doesn’t count for shit and nobody here is entitled to anything of yours just because you’re big and scary and weirdly handsome
Before you can say another thing, the wolf discards something off their back and drops it in front of you, the huge and meaty thud breaking your train of thought.
You behold the object infront of you and see it’s a giant willdboar. Somehow even bigger than the moose from before.
In shock, you look back up to the black wolf who’s now kneeling down at eye level to you. His red eyes, unmistakably wolf like, still has a strange humanity to them. And yet they magically sparkle like jewels under the moonlight.
“Thank you for saving my life, I do hope this will make up for all of the trouble you went through”
His voice was deep, gruff, and manly and still so soft and calm. There was no hint of anger or malice in his voice compared to the others, actually, maybe there even was hint of guilt as well?
The black wolf stood back up to their full 8 foot majesty, adding on that he will personally talk to the lycans who made an attempt on your body personally and make sure that they wont bother you again.
The alpha began to walk away, but your voice stopped him in his tracks.
“Don’t be a stranger!”
The big black wolf turned to you with his ruby eyes wide at you, he looked surprised, confused even, it’s clear that he wasn’t expecting this to even happen and neither were you.
The alpha’s maw opened, but no words came out, not even a sound. All he could do was look to the side and give a nod.
As the werewolf walked away with his pact following suit, you couldn’t help but notice as his black tail sway side to side, dare you say it was… wagging?
No, it cant be. You must be very tired. It has been a long week
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saucyjothoughts · 1 month
🌼 i was literally just in your inbox talking about feminized kris but the nacekris got to me. bless you saucy its one of my favorite ships. i realise this is pretty long to drop in your ask box so i apologize if thats bad etiquette - i got carried away
i imagine theyre in the london apartment. kris thinks hes all alone putting his get up on. for all intents and purposes, hes supposed to be. nace just comes home earlier because he realises hes forgotten his metro card.
its a set he found in london, on his way back from his photoshoot with damon. he stopped at the mall just to pick up shampoo, he swears, but on the way to the pharmacy he passes the lingerie store.
he actually gasps seeing it in the window. its extremely pretty. innocent in the dirtiest way possible. pretty and pink, and mostly see through, a little bow with a pearl in the middle of the knot right above where his cock would sit in the panties. the bralette is a bandeau with no sponge padding but still the sort hed shove his pecs into and the way the elastic bands at the top and bottom would crowd them would turn them into small handfuls.
he stares as he passes it and is distracted through his entire pharmacy trip. he picks up the wrong shampoo and realises as hes queuing for the checkout, twice, and almost forgets to pick up the cough drops jure asked for. he tries to pay with the wrong card and lets out a string of colorful slovene as it declines and he has to pick out the correct one. he apologizes to the cashier for the inconveniece as he punches his pin in, and she makes a joke about him being distracted with valentines day coming up. he swears all of his blood leaves his brain and his legs and arms as he blushes scarlet and stutters something like an agreement, which just makes the cashier giggle more.
he does stop for the set. somewhere between the pharmacy and the store something in his brain breaks fundamentally, he guesses, and its like the dial on his self control is a level pushed so hard it cant be unstuck ever again. he walks in and gets help from a sales assistant. he tells her a pretty story about his girl named tina (conveniently leaving out how that comes from kristina), and their planned trip to his hometown for valentines day, and really he just wants to surprise her so bad with the set in the window she saw the other day.
he thinks the lever on his self control mightve unstuck when he gets to checking out, but he spots some almost entirely transparent stockings and it becomes apparent said lever might never become work normally again. but you dont understand, theyre so beautiful, theyd look like theres just a line down the back of his legs. thank fucking god he knows his measurements, he thinks not for the first time. a lifetime of getting pants tailored for his longs legs is good for just the one thing, he guesses.
he tucks the set and the stockings, in their packaging, in the very bottom of his backpack, under everything else and hopes he finds a place in his shared fucking room he can hide it well enough. fuck that broken lever, seriously.
the whole ordeal leaves his heart beating so hard he chainsmokes his last four cigarettes in the bus stop, hoping he gets home at least looking normal.
now, in his room, hes putting on the set, hoping he at least gets to look at himself in the mirror before everyone else comes home if nothing else. he's midway through putting on the bralette, trying to figure out how to do the closing mechanism in the back properly with how wide the bandeau is, when he hears the apartment door open and close.
fuck no shit no fuck fuck fuck fuck. hes trying to be quiet, searching for his pants, pretending to be alseep, hoping whoever entered isnt looking for him or anything in his room.
of course luck isnt on his side. of course he hears, "kris? are you up? i think my metro card fell out of my jeans in there last night."
right, of course, he and nace hung out until late last night in his room, until bojan kicked them both out to facetime jere in peace. he must be quiet for too long, because the door opens before he gets to say just a sec or anything similar and now hes there, lace panties on, pink roses all over his ass and god, the bow too, and hes holding the bralette in his hands and now naces there and hes so fucking mortified and-
"im sorry," nace says too quickly and closes the door, and his blushing face and dilated pupils is burned onto kris's retinas for ever and ever now, he thinks.
he hears the apartment door close and lock and thats that for now. christ on bikes.
sure, hes slept with nace before. hes slept with everyone in the band, and a few people in the crew. several times. but thats different. quickies in venue dressing rooms, and club bathrooms and one memorable time in the tour bus lounge area. thats different.
hes not even in the mood anymore. he changes and tucks the lingerie away and takes a cold shower that takes too long. is there something wrong with him? the store in the mall taught him that his self control is shot when it comes to pretty underwear but now hes really thinking its something else. like, psychologically. he thinks about texting damon to get his ass here, since there is no way in hell hell talk to anyone in the band about it and damon might be his best shot, but then decides to look up therapists near him when words like nymphomania and hypersexuality pass his mind. his questionable health insurance policy leaves him, however, thinking that would be better to consider when he returns to slovenia. he gets in bed despite it being barely late afternoon and tosses about and then sleeps until the next day.
nace doesnt say anything about it, but keeps giving kris these long looks when he thinks he isnt looking, which might be worse.
the situation does resolve itself, in the most satisfying twist of fate, when they end up alone in the house a week or so later.
jan is the last to leave and hes barely out of the door, throwing one last shifty look to kris and nace (because of course hed notice something is up), when nace pins him to the nearest wall in the living room. nace starts kissing and biting at his neck before kris can even gasp, and then starts speaking.
"god, you were so pretty. all lace and blush." and kris is so suprised, nace never initiates this aggressively, which has a thrill going through him at just the thought, and he lets out the most embarassing sound of his fucking life right then.
"cmon, baby," nace continues, and its so uncharacteristic and so rough and so erotic, kris is so hard he becomes light headed. "why dont you go put your pretty clothes on, huh?" kris barely manages to gulp and nod, and then theyre rushing to his room, naces hands all over his back and ass and waist on the way. its clear nace was as affected as kris is and he doesnt know what to do with himself, his brain getting fuzzy from arousal and embarassment.
in his room, he gets out the set nace got a glimpse of and sets about putting it on. he chooses not to examine how satisfying the whole ordeal is, from how the lace is laying against his ass to nace groaning and gripping himself through his pants. the groaning gets loder when he bends over to put on the stockings.
he turns back to face nace when its time for the bralette and puts on his most innocent face. nace, thankfully, gets it, and helps him do the back.
"what a pretty girl you make," he comments off handedly, and something breaks further is kris's brain. oh. nace catches on, of course, and grins in that dangerous way he does. "look at you, dressed up all nice for me. and so shy, never wouldve showed me. do you want to out anything else on? or can i have fun with you now?"
kris has not felt this out of his fucking mind since he got high for the first time, almost a decade prior. he barely gets to squeak out, "shoes. lipstick."
naces eyebrows hit his hairline when he processes what hes hearing and he hums, "where are the shoes, pretty girl? put your makeup on, ill get them," he says, all gently.
"under- in the closet, in the black box, under the jackets." nace kisses his forehead and turns to rifling through the closet.
kris's one and only lipstick, he bought on accident. he bought it in poland at a drug store, thinking it was a balm, which he still half thinks it is, except its extremely pigmented, a nudey pink, but impossible to miss. he puts it on in the full length mirror, which lets him see nace finding the shoes, and whistling when he opens the box.
theyre simple pink pumps he bought second hand weeks ago, which thinking back, is probably when he shouldve realized his self control was shot. he planned to donate them again or throw them away before moving back, depending on how shot they were by that time.
"cmon, sit down, ill help you." and he does. naces hands on his legs feel reverent, and kris feels the band on his panties lift with how turned on he is. nace looks him up and down, and when he finally gets to look at his face, he breathes hard.
kris never gets to walk around in the heels. nace pushes him down on the bed in the next second and kisses him hard, smearing make up all over his face. nace drags down the bralette and tortures his nipples with his teeth and hands until theyre puffy and red and erect. like a girls, kris's brain helpfully supplies.
one hes done with kris's nipples, nace lets his mouth run. he tells kris how pretty and sexy he is, how nice it is of him to surprise nace like this as he pushes the panties to the side, spitting on kris's hole a few times before he pushes a first finger in.
kris cant keep his noises in, moaning and whimpering and gasping. at one point, nace stops fingering him to push the bralette back up over his tits, and the lace rubbing iver his raw nipples almost has kris coming right then.
nace keeps his mouth running as he fucks kris, kris's pumps on his shoulders. its probably the most vocal kris has seen him during sex. moaning and groaning and praising and degrading kris all at one. calling him pretty, and a dirty girl all in one, and calling him perfect fucking slut for me, which shoots kris's brain up into flames.
when kris is close, nace jerks him off through the panties until he comes in them, ruining the lace, and then pulls out to jerk himself off and come over them, too. kris feels so dirty and so hot, and hes so in his head about it he doesnt feel when nace drags the panties down to his knees, and gasps loudly when nace begins licking at his wet cock to clean him up. nace continues long after hes clean, only stopping when kris is too over sensitive to take it anymore.
kris's mind is far away as nace takes off all the pieces of his set, and takes him to the bathroom to wash him off. nace kisses his neck and face and whispers praises as he washes kris's hair and body. he even changes the bed sheets, which kris is extremely thankful for, and puts the lingerie in the bag kris took it out of.
they cuddle for a long time, until kris can vocalize more that hnggggh, "do you figure i could get the panties dry cleaned? so we can mess them up again."
nace laughs with his entire chest, and runs his hair through kris's damp hair, "ill buy you a thousand pairs if you let me mess them up."
NaceKris nation, come get your breakfast!
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coruscqte · 2 months
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dear @lesbianbootheng + @sundays-wing-piercing ask and ye shall receive! i have some answers for you about xiayu under the cut :)
the astral express trio:
- xiayu’s parents! dan heng, stelle and march 7th are probably one of the longer passengers of the express, definitely spend a couple years (read: closer to a decade) still aboard the train with pom-pom, himeko and welt
- (crossing every finger on my hands himeko survives hsr)
- regardless of what happens towards endgame, the three of them are dating for quite a while before dan heng finally actually asks to mate with both of them. stelle and march (obviously) readily accepted. i think march made a bigger deal out of it than the other two intended it to be, but it was a cute little party with their friends to celebrate it.
- (perhaps the luofu races have mating ceremonies? headcanon i suppose)
- im not sure if marriage is a concept in hsr (as we still havent come across any married couples yet) but they have matching jewelry. necklaces, with jade pendants on the chain. for two people who use two handed weapons, rings were out of the question anyway.
-xiayu was wholeheartedly an entire accident. i dont think dan heng ever expected to be able to have children of his own for obvious reasons, it probably never really crossed stelle’s mind, but march mightve had some serious baby fever a few times in those ten years. just because they were cute, not so much because she wanted to raise one.
- but i also think all three of them were pretty okay not being parents because being a nameless is dangerous work. as many times as theyve come home to the express scratched and beaten to hell, it wasnt something they wanted to put onto a child.
- but again, xiayu. she’s an odd little bean. mostly because how she came into existence at all is a bit of an ongoing question even bailu's still stumped over decades later. vidyadhara shouldnt be able to reproduce, yet her running theory is that something about the stellaron + vidyadhara biology interacted and the three of them just got unreasonably lucky.
-(or unlucky, if you ask a very morning sick dan heng)
-i don't care to get into the nitty gritty or even just details of how one child came from three different people, im very handwavey in that sense. easy enough to say dh (for lack of better terms) incubated her egg, she stayed in said egg for another couple months after being “born”ish and pop goes the new vidyadhara baby lol
- egg! i hc xiayu came out of an egg just like any other vidyadhara, but she cracked out of it way earlier because she’s a brand new person. in that in between time thought, she was carried around by the three of them. one of them was always with her, whether on them or in the little nest she stayed in.
- march was no longer allowed to go shopping for xiayu somewhere around a month or so before she was born. himeko was required to go with her if she wanted to buy anything else for the baby — one kid only needed so many things, and march was not the best about staying on topic. or budget.
- stelle was also, naturally, excited. but mostly curious, after all the only vidyadhara child she’d met was bailu, so she was a little concerned itd be different from human children. still, shes the one that assembled the creche and such, as well as sitting w the egg most of the time. the stellaron helped keep it warm.
- i think dan heng was the most worried about xiayu. from the fact that he was the one who incubated her to another fact that theyd created a whole new person together, he was a bit of a nervous wreck. tried not to show it much, failed pretty miserably towards the end of that period.
- xiayu’s egg cracked while march and stelle were away on a trailblaze mission, terribly harrowing moment for everyone involved when dan heng called in a panic. thankfully, she waited to make her proper debut until her moms could be there but dan heng had never been more stressed
- i have a very clear vision in mind of their skin-to-skin session directly after xiayu cracked her egg. gently pulling the shards off their daughter, cleaning her up a little. pulled close to stelle’s chest, warm and so soft. all three of them absolutely in love. there were tears. lots of them.
- so, so small. even with the extra time in her egg she was still smaller than most vidyadhara “newborns”. certainly smaller than dan heng had been — had he ever been that small? as innocent as the little person staring up at him? he doesnt know.
- and a million and one photos taken by march afterwards. she documented all of her achievements and milestones with her trusty camera. she never wants to forget these moments, her first moments as a mom, her first moments with her daughter.
- stelle is so content with her baby. parenthood was something she’d been mostly neutral on the whole process, and yet it seemed like everything they did was worth it. healthy, cooing in her arms, these cute little fingers that all wrapped around one of her fingers with a surprisingly strong grip. oh yes, xiayu was her baby. she’d be up to bat soon enough.
about xiayu:
- xiayu was a terribly fussy baby. never wanted to be left alone, never really wanted to nap, cried probably excessively. but she also babbled plenty, was all too happy to spend some time on her parents hip or to see the stars outside the express. this is why welt coined the nickname nova for her. the way her little eyes would light up in the parlor car seeing space was just adorable.
- dan heng purrs. this is relevant because i think a content xiayu also purrs.
- floppy toddler. likes to scare her parents a little by just going limp whenever. contrary to stelle’s belief, this is not as funny as xiayu thinks it is to her other parents lol.
- stelle likes to toss xiayu in the air. dan heng is not as big of a fan. march im not sure minds, she just loves that xiayu is happy.
- stelle is more of a … hm, a mom who cares a lot but doesn’t smother. likes to let xiayu figure things out on her own, see the world for herself. of course, she always keeps an eye on her, ready to swoop in whenever.
- march is more of an emotional mum. she leads by her heart, as per usual, and xiayu usually goes to her for comfort naturally. ofc she goes to all of them, but if she just wants to be babied, its march she seeks out.
- march and dan heng are usually the ones dressing her, you can tell who did what rather easily.
- dan heng isnt … strict per se (he values xiayu’s autonomy and freedom just as much as he values his own) but he is more worrying than stelle or march. perhaps its because she’s the first new vidyadhara theyve had in literal centuries, or that a fear of the preceptors finding her scares him shitless, or just trying to keep his own fears in line, he keeps her safe the best he knows how — with his tail wrapped around her middle if she wanders too far away.
- (though, xiayu thinks this is hilarious and attempts to run away a lot. it was a curse for her to pick up toddling so quicky)
- she has a raccoon toy that goes with her everywhere lol. his name is caelus 😌
- infinite loop of “goes ask your mom” “go ask your mum” “go ask your dad”
- stelle is called mama, march is mummy, and dan heng is baba in the early years. as xiayu matures it becomes mom, mum and dad.
- auntie himeko and uncle welt! xiayu likes to see the maps and such that himeko works with, and welt usually has a different selection of books than dan heng has. it’s a treat when they visit.
- the four of them live on the luofu until xiayu is about twelve. it’s simply safer to have a baby in a more concrete location, and have a permanent home base. they disembark the astral express for a few years, but promise to return when she gets a little older.
- given they dont stay long. dan heng is far too paranoid about the preceptors doing something terrible to her, and xiayu isn’t well received by the wider vidyadhara community. people find out eventually that she’s a descendant of dan feng, and hell breaks loose. when she comes home crying one day from lessons that her playmates won’t play with her anymore, dan heng blames himself even if his partners tell him not to.
- jing yuan does enjoy her visits when they bring her around. after all, who could say no to such a cute face? (march concurs. dan heng is worried about the pair of them). a beloved baby under the watchful eye of the luofu’s general.
- bailu is just happy to have another baby vidyadhara around, though the concept is a bit foreign.
- xiayu doesnt call the luofu home, which opens up confusion when introducing herself. the express is her home, moreso than somewhere that didnt even truly accept her.
all about trailblazer xiayu:
- xiayu herself is a bright soul with a great deal of trailblazer branded curiosity about the world around her. she just loves to explore, and has a semi decent sense of direction — its rare that she gets truly lost
- if she were playable, she would be nihility / imaginary. five star, obviously.
- her tone is a little bit deeper than that of march’s , probably alongside the timbre of stelle’s.
- star carver was commissioned by dan heng for her, and march and stelle had some input on it as well. theres a three star motif on the hand grip and on the axe blades themselves. its her birthright and beloved axe, though she doesn’t use it much until she boards the astral express as a proper trailblazer when she’s about twenty.
- never a quiet moment with xiayu. she always has something to say or something to share. bit of a yapper depending on the parent shes with. she and march are usually the ones doing something together, while pompom has probably lost a vase or two in the observatory car to xiayu and stelle working w their weapons. she doesnt really do the whole silence thing well, but it is comfortable with her dad while they work on separate things in the archives.
- i do think dan heng tries his best to teach xiayu about her heritage. whether she dislikes the luofu or not, she does still need to know what his kin do. im not sure if shes terribly talented with cloudhymn magic though, considering shes only been to scalegorge a few times with her father.
- xiayu i dont think considers herself vidyadhara. only for her lifespan, but otherwise chooses not to identify with them first. i think the wider community is split on opinion, but most are just in awe of her existence.
- at twenty, xiayu is considered a full trailblazer, and begins accompanying the current passengers on missions. by this time, stelle and march are both around 50ish, so theyre not always in attendance (similar to welt) but when they can be, they are.
- i think her parents are, understandably, a bit protective of xiayu when out and about on missions. they compromise that she always keeps her phone on if she just Has to go wandering around, but otherwise theyre usually together.
- she is not allowed to touch the archive, even as an adult. only for entries not organization lol
- she does get her own room on the express! big window to space, little window rest for her to sit and more often, nap on.
- i think she takes after march the most, easily. but you can see dan heng in her mannerisms, her quiet thinking at times. its stelle you can see when shes in a fight, those swings are trailblazer brand lol. and perhaps, when she goes about collecting trinkets wherever the express has stopped — akin to stelle’s foraging.
- re: vidyadhara: vidyadhara usually live anywhere from 10 days to aeons know how long. for those aboard the xianzhou alliance, likely children remain a bit younger-minded for longer. xiayu has always considered herself an adult when her parents began treating her as one, so her experiences on the luofu are a bit skewed. to put it simply, she is not particularly happy about some things being age restricted to those a hundred years and over.
- primarily, sushang and bailu are usually the ones accompanying her out and about. this helps her get around these restrictions a lot of the time.
- now, all good things usually come to an end. by the time xiayu is barely forty, march and stelle are already in their 70s. its odd, watching your moms age and grow grey hairs and wrinkles while your father looks nearly the same as he has all forty years youve been alive.
- they return to their old home on the luofu for their twilight years, while xiayu remains on the astral express.
- stelle doesn’t live to see xiayu’s fiftieth birthday.
- (contingent on hsr not removing the stellaron from the trailblazer) the stellaron was already corrupting her since before xiayu was even conceived, and age catching up with her rapidly doesn’t help. she passes away relatively quietly in her sleep at 74.
- xiayu was with her, curled up on her side. she won’t ever forget that moment when her mom didnt wake with her.
- the rest of the family is, obviously, devastated. little spider cracks appear then and there in xiayu, trying to stay positive for her parents. arguably not dissimilar to march, but even she has to admit that things won’t quite ever be the same without stelle.
- march goes later. it’s quiet, when she goes. dan heng is the one to discover her this time. around when she’s eighty six. xiayu is barely fifty five.
- this is where i think xiayu’s brand of whimsy comes in. xiayu has always been between worlds, treated like a short lived person by her immediate family, treated like she’s live centuries by her peers. in that disconnect, xiayu’s mental cracks.
- she calls stelle and march as if they were still alive, just waiting on them to pick up their voicemails. she takes pictures for march, sending texts and just ignoring the error messages. after all the signal is probably just bad, right? she keeps stelle’s original jacket to wear and march’s hair clips, after all, theyll come back soon enough.
- dan heng tries his best to cope for the same reasons. hes known that he’d outlive his partners, but hadnt been really thinking about it until theyd moved back to the luofu. he tries to keep xiayu safe the best he can, to the point of occasionally overstepping. shes not allowed to leave into the mara struck areas without sushang or yanqing, shouldnt be away for too many days. even on the express he has her check in with him or with someone who can contact him.
- its a mess. they both love each other to pieces because theyre all the other has left, but dan heng hasn’t exactly helped much to cope with march and stelle being gone. if anything they just keep feeding into each other.
- but for about fifty years, it was truly joyful. after all, caelus still accompanies her on her travels.
edit: send in writing / art prompts for her if youd like! ill happily do even more brain rotting over her by request lol
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servicpop · 1 month
this man is probably in his like late 30s going to 40s and after many failed tries at relationships in his 20s he probably decided to dedicate his life to being a detective only using his hand for relief when it's really necessary ( he thinks lust is a distraction 😪) so when he was put on a case to catch you he stopped for like a few months till he caught you, sure yeah you were pretty and everyone was eyeing you like a piece of candy or wtv but dude just wanted to introgate you so they put you in a cell till they got their schedule free but you being the best criminal in the area breaks free👌👌 he tracks you down to a...motel??? at first he thought it was a trap till he dug around some more only to find that it was kid of a hideout spot for some criminals including you it also had a casino and strip club which made sense to him kinda? NOW THIS CAN GO BOTH WAYS
FIRST : You went there cus you had no cash n u needed some so what better way to do it then rob some money off of old nasty guys :3 so being the pretty little thing you are you work your ass off in a firly bunny outfit yk the classic leather one with the ears and clip on tail that barely hides anything, and like always you were a hit everyone loves you getting more than 1000 as tip from one guy, callahan walks in ready to bust your ass and some other criminals thinking you were some prevert like the other men here only to find that you in fact were not a watcher you were the whole show yourself and damn the second he saw you he forgot why he was doing this whole thing, of course you spotted him and walked out to him after the show he let you go this once only if you never utter a word to anyone about him not being able to move an inch after seeing ( and the tent in his pants as well )
SECOND OPTION : he tracks down your location to the hotel or motel wtv and goes to the lobby pointing a gun to the receptionist head asking which room were you in, they give him the room with the keys telling him which floor you're on, he goes to the room breaking the door down expecting you to have a gun or be armed he was ready for shooting anyways but you were no where to be found?? your stuff was there but you weren't, he was gonna go and yell at the receptionist before he heard soft humming from the bathroom, bingo, he breaks down the door (mans got an obsession with breaking down doors like a badass cop, cannon I was the door )
only to find you showing catching you (and him) off gaurd, all sounds stopped registering and you swear you sww him drooling, zoning out taking I every inch (sorry its a bit freaky :3) he only focused again when you stopped the water and approached him slowly with the classic "how about I help you out and you let me go this time ?" looking down at his not so obvious tent, you offer him a blow job and goddamn he saw white like pure white man couldn't even comprehend what was happening silently cursing him self for missing out on this much pleasure, he felt drunk but off of blow jobs?? he didn't even think that that was possible, he let you go ofc cuz he's a man of his word only after filling your throat for 20 times :] hands? what wandering hands? Well yeah maybe he did let his hand roam your body focusing here and there but hey that's only to hear your pretty noises while they try to come out but all they could heard as were muffled moans and sobs as you choke on him, sure he made you cum 3 times but taht wa sonly to see your reaction ! can you blame him? he did all that to help with the bj, hey you're the one that offered he's just adding little touches
take my job nonnie !! this is so delicious ... and yes this will probably be the plot of the next Callahan fic ( maybe after awhile cuz I have a Callahan domestic au drabble in the making and I wanna give Adrien some love again )
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thedawningofthehour · 10 months
so while I've been reading doth---and I'm sure this is mostly cuz I'm a sucker for good family dynamics---I've been all for draxum and galois and Casey getting to be a good healthy family unit, and have been righteously annoyed on the family for not being able to see that Donnie and galois are two separate people now and trying to treat gale like he's still they're brother when he's now functionally NOT, but then I got thinking about how, if when Donnie got new memories and became galois 'Donnie' continued existing as like a spirit or something, how he would feel about current events. And. I came up with this.
"Oh, no no no no, no no NO NO NO!!! HOW DARE YOU? How dare you care about him? How dare you comfort him? YOU DID THIS! You're the one who gave him those traumas! You don't get to pretend you didn't do anything! You don't get to erase what you did to me, like it didn't happen! How dare you erase my life, erase ME like I didn't matter. Like you can just make up this perfect son without having to deal with such silly inconveniences as the CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR OWN ACTIONS. Because the stupid thing is, you do might have won me over. Because you DO have a point. I really didn't know about all the bloody history, or the reality of life for yokai. And maybe I would've been willing to help you with a less crazy plan. But what kind of fucking conversation starter is chaining someone to a table? It's YOUR fault I wasn't willing to compromise. I can forgive you for having a cause. But I find it fucking HILARIOUS that you think it's reasonable to, after KIDNAPPING ME, make one (1) offer to let me choose to help you, WITHOUT REALLY GIVING ME A CHOICE, and when I said no just going, 'WELP, I TRIED. TIME TO FUNCTIONALLY MYRDER THIS TEENAGER.' BECAUSE THATS WHAT YOU DID!! You shattered me and shoved my broken pieces back together to make this perfect new person, caring so much that my 'personality' was intact, like you can just pick and chose parts of me that you like and get rid of the rest. How dare you? How DARE you reduce me to that?
You know it will destroy him, don't you? He's smart, just like I was. Eventually, he'll find a piece of evidence that you can't explain away, or my family will finally find a way to get through to him, and he'll finally put two and two together and realize what you did. Who he used to be. And when he does---when he finds out you've been lying the entire time, that all his memories aren't real---you know it'll destroy him, don't you? who he is and who he used to be will slam back together, and it'll be like a meteor crashing into a moon, and there will be no survivors. He'll break into pieces so small that you won't be able to build anyone new out of it this time. and then you'll have no one. And it's all you're fault. And there's no avoiding it now. It's inevitable. And I hope you know that by taking the short cut and cutting away the pieces of me you didn't like, my history and my loyalty and my love for my family, you've put a count down on his existence. you only have so long left with him, and there's no minimizing the damage. I hope you know. And I hope it eats you up inside.
and I can't wait for it to happen.For it to all come crashing down on you. I hope he gets dragged from your arms. And I don't care if we suffer in the process. I'd kill Galois just to make you feel his loss. I would have died to keep myself from you."
So I mightve gone a little overboard (and also a little out of character, but I like to think rage does things to a person), but long story short I'm not voting for them to be a happy family by the end of this anymore :/
Sorry that this is stupid long haha
Thanks for writing! I do really love your fic. It makes me think deeply
Donnie saying he would kill Gale is...interesting. Carry on.
Donnie and Galois don't really have separate consciousnesses or anything, but...yeah, this works.
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Fun silly headcanons post about how well I imagine my F/Os can cook<3 and I get a little carried away with some other related stuff as well :)
Going under a read more cause I list several F/Os and it gets a wee lengthy teehee
I think I've mentioned some of these a little bit before, particularly Finn and Francesco's, perhappsss maybe Axlerod's a little bit? But if you've been around here for a long time and maybe have a fair memory, you probably remember me talking about Francesco's a bit.
Whew. Big read. Did NOT intend for it to be this long, had no clue I had this much to say on it😅😅 was considering doing more F/Os but figured it was long enough as is for now :)
Lightning: I don't think he'd be an AWFUL cook per se, but I think he'd just have such little cooking experience that he'd be (respectfully)below a novice level. He probably got the usual treatment of his parents always cooking for him before he moved out(which absolutely isn't a bad thing one bit), but he probably never had a strong enough curiosity/interest to question what they're cooking or how they're making it or anything. He definitely gets less time to explore cooking with being on the road a lot for racing stuff, but that's probably a benefit if anything because he'd probably have far too little interest in doing it anyway. He practically runs off of whether something is stimulating him at the moment, and if he gets too bored with it or impatient, then it just becomes a pain for him. He probably hardly survives preheating the oven if there's no prep-work to pass the time or someone to help the time go by. Probably survived the off-season of racing via delivery food or going out to eat places.
Francesco: please please PLEASE don't let him in the kitchen, I'd barely even let him use a microwave. He'd probably mistake 6:00(minutes) for 60:00 and wouldn't realize until some fire alarm went off and he burnt and cracked a plate(+smokey smell). His mama was an excellent cook, truly a fantastic one, the definition of homemade comfort food that was basically a source of love, but that was inevitably his downfall as well, because he didn't have to ever be considered about making anything. Don't get me wrong, regaurdless of his age no matter how young or old he was, he absolutely was eager to help his mama out with things and that included cooking, but something about it just does not click for him, it simply isn't there. He probably gets too excited from all the smells and memories that anything and everything is just in one ear and out the other. He'd probably had to have a task repeated to him about three different times and I question if I'd let him do anything more challenging than chopping vegetables or cracking an egg. Don't get me wrong, if he offers to lend a hand I won't turn it down(he'd probably get a bit upset/offended if I did), but he's getting the busywork tasks whether he knows it or not. To sum it up simply, gotta handle him like he's the newbie on a construction site.
Finn: He can absolutely cook and he's astounding at it, too. I don't know if he just has an incredible knowledge of Every Recipe EverTM or if he just as some wonderful secret cookbook that has Every Recipe EverTM but wow, you ask him to make whatever you want and he is making it astoundingly, and if it's not to your taste he will tweak it until it's idealized just for your personal tastebuds. Only time I thought I mightve stumped him was when I asked him about making biscuits and gravy cause I love that stuff and was craving it but, yknow, not very much a UK thing... at all.. for a multitude of reasons. But some how some way he managed to make something that only a madman would doubt it wasn't his first time making it. Don't know how he does it, where he gets his recipes from, or if he just knows enough that he can make whatever he pleases with just a general knowledge, but there are no bounds that hold him. DOES not help that he insists on cooking my every meal and is such a big stickler for frozen meals and things, because now I have to be subjected to delicious homemade meals for the rest of my life, great. I do get some kicks of amusement from trying to watch the gears in his brain turn when I sometimes tell him I miss a certain frozen food or frozen food brand.
Axlerod: His cooking level is mostly just a combination of not really ever having any experience with it and not really having a great interest in much of it either. I mean, he's incredibly wealthy, and he doesn't have a very complex palate, so it's rather simple for him to just buy whatever he wants to eat. He also is in a fairly dense dense area, so walking to places to grab something isn't entirely out of the ballpark. I wouldn't say he's BAD at cooking, maybe mediocre, but that's just cause of his lack of interest in exploring it. But there's zero worry about him burning down the kitchen or anything. Can confirm that he does make good sandwiches though, if that accounts for anything. And box cake mix, can't forget that one, unironically very important.
Grem: eeehmm.... I mean... he makes pizza, right? So,, I definitely can't say he's BAD at cooking or anything. It's just, I mean, I've never really SEEN him cooking. Heck, The mental image of him cooking makes me giggle a little, if that's a testimony to anything! Though I think that might also partly be because it's such a domestic soft thing in my mind aaaanndd he is.... normally far more gruff. Pretty sure him and Acer thrive off of quick ready to eat things or things that can be thrown together verryyyy simply, like canned/frozen foods or packs of Ramen, microwave food, etc.. Pretty much your 'average' person I would assume when it comes to cooking stuff, give or take a few things. He probably knows a little extra advanced cooking stuff just for the small occasions where he has to make/get something special for Acer that they don't already have.
Acer: He's a bit of a selective eater, but lucky for him most his comfort/safe foods are things that can be thrown in microwaves and paired with fruitcups. Not very good at cooking, and I'd keep a close eye on him in the kitchen. I'd let him poor his own cereal and probably let him fix a thing a box pasta and canned sauce by himself(given someone was close by..just in case..), but anything too further complex I'm not so sure about. He just gets a little too hasty about it all and skips a few steps and it quickly takes a turn of the outcome. He means well though, he just gets so excited about doing something with someone he loves; I highly doubt you'll ever catch him cooking by himself very much, if at all.
Jackson: Abbbsolutetly not, you would have to bribe him to even cook anything that wasn't like instant cup of noodles or something. He's very selective about foods and different tastes/textures, so he normally gets his stuff from the same place over and over again, and this makes him want to cook less because he doesn't want to have to go through the understandably, to him, frustrating process of trying to make something and it being off and then he's got to dispose of it all now. Local pizza place is the only place he'll get pizza and such from, Cafe up the street is where he goes for sweets, it's all laid out in his mind. Heck, if you asked him, he'd probably argue if cooking was a necessity or not. Though, he is in a position where can afford practically living off of buying delivery. Believe it or not, but he normally leans towards getting more higher-end stuff as well. It's only once a month or more that he considered stopping by like a Wendy's or such for something to eat. It's honestly kinda intriguing that depending on what he wants to eat entirely changes where he's going to be getting it from, even the most minute seeming sort of things. That place he gets pizza from is now the ONLY place he will take it from, no where else will due. It starts to take a bit of a toll on him though when he has to be on the road for traveling and racing stuff, and he has to go to new places for foods and such.
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thetobiroppofan · 19 days
one piece rant #4 (i think): the tobiroppo and why i love tjem
one day im going to be famous and whether it be for murder or a simple delusion in my mind it WILL happen one day trust me on this those who read this post. anyways i talk like my business is everyone elses deal cause it IS i mean im posting this to STRANGERS!!! ON THE INTERNET!!! i dont CARE if im judged its the INTERNET. i am THE internet gremlin. ohmygod shoot me for that i change my mind.
anyways this isnt what this post is about (pro tip: if you think youre funny write a script and go animate something i estimate soon we'll be needing the next batch of funny animated youtubers soon like jaiden animations and does anyone remember that one guy with the demon horns?? i think his name was adam smth i used to watch his videos religiously)
I love the tobiroppo if you couldnt tell by my cool awesome username. the tobiroppo are AWESOME. BEST villain group in one piece i dont CARE what anyone says. NO!! I AM NOT INCLUDING KAIDO OR HIS ALL STARS IN THIS. JUST THE TOBIROPPO.
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one day im gonna travel to japan and find eiichiro oda and stalk him until he breaks down and i force him to tell me EVERYTHING about the tobiroppo from all their dynamics with the other members to their least favorite food!! (ALL JOKES!!! I AM NOT GOING TO STALK ODA!!!)
anyways if i had to rank my favorite members to least favorite itd go in an order like this: 1. ULTI MY GOAT!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. BLACK MARIA MY QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. SASAKI!!!!!!!!!! THE HOT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. The racist.
6. X-Drake. (i like him but not as a tobiroppo member he knows his place.)
who's who would be higher than 5 but i am a die hard jinbe fan (i say with the only piece of merch i have of him being a funko figure that holds my house keys) and that fishman racism was NOT!!!!!!!!!! cute.
sasaki shouldve gotten more screentime he was sooo fine i love you sasaki mwa
page one is LITERALLY!!!!!!!! me core (not really but let me be insane oh my GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) also i LOVE that one hc i saw one time where he has a special interest for dinosaurs like thats so real ily page one
black maria is THE cuntiest member of the tobiroppo. like have you SEEN her in the anime AUGH!!!!! THE THINGS ID DO FOR HER!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE IS THE GIRLBOSS!!! MOTHER IS MOTHERING!!!!!! CURNTY!!! SINJIN DROWNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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phew!! sorry gangalang (i say as a 15 year old white boy) i got carried away there. anyways when ulti dies so will i its me and her for LIFE.
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i know the tobiroppo members either died or got arrested but in my head theyre living the same reality as the baroque works agents did because im insane over the tobiroppo.
I actually dont even know when this obsession started??? it mightve been when i started one piece which was like a year ago during july '23 (which oh my god?? a year's passed already since last year?? what the FUCK????)
but when i saw the tobiroppo (More specifically, sasaki, he started my obsession) a neuron activated in my brain and ive been OBSESSED with the tobiroppo (and one piece 'by extension' i argue despite having two large one piece posters, like 4 figures, and a stupid ugly law plushie right where i lay my head to sleep. sigh. he terrifies me, the buttsnatcher.)
i think originally my favorite member was sasaki, since i found that greenhaired fishman IRRESTISITIBLE (idk how to spell that word im a bit stupid) and then like idk the rest i dont actually rank my favorites tbh which i really should do in retrospect but its stressful when i have mixed opinions
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i love the height differences between the members its so stupid and funny teehees
Also i need to be honest to you people of the internet but i cant be the only one who thinks page one's mask and hair and hat is like 2020 core
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it isnt BAD i think he pulls it off its just when i saw him for the first time i thought "girl 2020 called they want their get up back"
he looks cute though i think he works it yasssssssssssss queen erm give them that nonbinary 2020 dsmp core!!
(I support all lifestyles and I am trans myself, please do not cancel me.)
on another topic i think page one autism hcs are real since like one thing and one thing only: his sit
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I love him dont get me wrong, but it is hard to believe that hes any form of neurotypical with this sit. ankles crossed n everything. like my guy has GOT to get that autism diagnosis oh my god.
on another note there is a fly at the foot of my bed and i am going to have a mini heart attack i hate flies so much oh my god tumblr pleease send guns and cannons
i think id die to know the dynamics between ANY of the tobiroppo members outside of page one and ulti because i wonder if any of them were close friends. like
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i wonder if they were like some form of friends??? also does EVERY tobiroppo member have some form of tattoo on their torso??
also while writing that i thought "wait a minute"
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wake up babe new hc dropped: page one got inspired by who's who to have a chest tattoo of his name when he first joined.
ok thats it honestly i dont have anything else to say this was just a divulgence in my own taste tonight through yapping about nothing specific and just the tobiroppo in general. i really love the tobiroppo genuinely and after this i might make a list of my top 10 favorite one piece characters in general since itd be fun. ok bye gangalang
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this is THE tobiroppo fan getting off and remember: i am the tobiroppo's fan trust me on this i love the tobiroppo so much if you see someone claiming to be a bigger fan than me tell me ill follow them back to their house and violently mutilate them (joking! i love you my fellow tobiroppo fans!)
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jettorii · 1 year
Ooh any thoughts on the Ninjago movie?
(Also just found your blog and I love ur art so much sndhhdbanahhsndndndn)
IT WAS SO FUN!!! i have so many thiughts though so im going to. dump everything so spoilers under the cut :]
KAI. HES STILL SOOO in the movie i held my little kai plush w me the entire time i love him so much. him giving lloyd a hug at the beginning and carrying cole through the jungle.. i think about him so much his little faces throughout the movie had me jumping hes such a dork
i love lloyd even more omgg i like him so much more after watching the movie and his voice is really nice!!! liked it especially when he lost his shit with garmadon idfk why but that scene specifically holds me
i absolutely LOVED coles design holy shit and his music beats i felt like was such a fun concept and i wish they elaborated more w him he was so cool
JAY JAGRHAHH he was so cute i really liked his voice too :] I ALSO noticed how zane literally rolls and doesnt walk which was SO funny to me
and nya!!!! she!!!!! pretty. i wish she along w the others were shown more 😭😭😭
it was v good overall!!! call me biased but i wish they did give the others some more time to shine. BUT on the otherhand if they did do this, it mightve taken attention away from their main attention of lloyd and garmadons relationship so???? anyways i just wish i got to see more w the others and yeah :]
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katekaned · 4 years
i want your midnights
my @lgbtincomics​ secret gift exchange gift for @kaurwreck! 
“So… I heard you have a date for tonight’s party, Hel.” Dinah’s voice thrummed with barely contained glee, even over comms, as Black Canary and Huntress sped through the streets of Gotham toward that night’s (really, early morning - it was 2 am) target. 
Helena’s reply came tersely through Dinah’s earpiece, “It’s not a date.” 
“Well, I heard from Babs who heard from Steph who heard from Tim who heard from Kon who heard from Lois who heard from Maggie who heard from Kate… that a certain ex-detective Montoya will be accompanying you to the Clocktower festivities tonight. Sure sounds like a date to me.” 
“Can we try and keep our personal lives out of the field tonight?” Barbara broke in to reprimand them. 
Dinah cheerily responded, “Well, we never have before, so I don’t really see any point in starting now, O.” 
A deeply resigned sigh came over the comms to which Dinah cackled and Helena gave a begrudging smile under her motorcycle helmet. 
Barbara’s voice crackled across the comms again. “This is a simple mission, guys. Get in, make sure Seeber gets the message, then get out. Got it?”
“We’ve got it, O. After spending the past month taking down this dick’s trafficking business, tonight will be a breeze,” Helena replied. 
“It’s just too bad Zinda’s not with us - she could really put the fear of God in this bastard,” Dinah chimed in. 
“Canary, we agreed this was a two-woman job -  and besides, Zinda’s been hard at work decorating the Clocktower since midnight.”
“Only because you wouldn’t let me start any earlier!” Zinda’s brassy voice came through their earpieces loud and clear. “This clocktower will not become party ready all by itself!”
“Ooh that reminds me,” Dinah said in a sing-song tone. “Hel - you need to look like an absolute BABE for Renee tonight. Please let me take you shopping for a date outfit this afternoon?”
“Not! A! Date!”
Is tonight a date? 
Renee’s mind was always filled with a hundred different thoughts at any given moment - cases she was working on, what to have for dinner, various exercise regimens and dozens of other things, all competing for her full and undivided attention. Most days, she’s a consummate pro at multitasking but, this December 31, one thought returned again and again to the forefront of her mind.
She paced all around her apartment, careful to step over the piles of gear strewn haphazardly on the floor, as she pondered whether or not Helena Bertinelli, her occasional (though more and more frequent) partner in vigilantism, had invited her to a New Year’s Eve party tonight as a friend-date or … as a date-date. The party was being hosted by Helena’s crime-fighting team, the Birds of Prey, and, according to her, was going to be a relatively small affair attended by teammates and a few affiliated heroes. Which did little to assuage Renee’s anxiety. 
Renee Montoya is not typically one to worry about such silly and mundane things as whether the girl she (potentially) likes likes her back. Renee Montoya sleeps with women and breaks their hearts and she doesn’t do the whole dating thing. (Not anymore. Not after Daria. Not after Kate.) So to feel her heart jumping in her throat like she’s a damn schoolgirl again is not a familiar sensation and she doesn’t like it, not one bit. 
Outside her windows, the telltale early signs of a winter storm were taking place. The wind picked up, whistling sharply through the alley below and carrying white flurries along the way. Overhead, thick, gray storm clouds menaced the city of Gotham, giving no indication that they were going to dissipate any time before midnight. 
Just as Renee felt herself about to begin dissecting and analyzing every interaction she’d had with Helena since she asked her to attend the party with her, a sharp rap sounded from her door. Trying to ignore the sweat gathering under her armpits, she ran her hands through her hair one final time and went to open the door. 
“Hey, I know I didn’t buzz up, but your doorman recognized me, I think from when we had drinks a few nights ago, uh, and he just let me up, so, yeah…” Helena trailed off as she took in the funny expression on Renee’s face. “You feeling okay, Montoya?”  
Renee was not, in fact, doing okay. In fact, the very sight of Helena Bertinelli standing in her doorway, looking absolutely, drop-dead gorgeous had driven all the air out of her lungs and all coherent thought out of her brain. Helena’s dark curls were piled high on her head with a few stray curls framing her face and she wore a black cropped turtleneck with the tightest pair of leather pants Renee had quite possibly ever seen. Fortunately, at Helena’s confused expression, a few synapses in Renee’s brain began firing again and she managed to stop looking like she had recently been concussed. 
“Oh, um, I was just, uh, thinking … it’s kind of cold for, y’know, a turtleneck.”
Oh, God, now she knows you were looking at her abs! Say something different! Anything!
“Not that there’s, uh, anything wrong with that, you look great, I mean, you always look great. Um. D’you wanna come in and drink something?” 
Great save, Montoya. How are you the same suave lesbian who managed to bed a woman in Kahndaq of all places? 
As Renee held the door open for Helena to enter her apartment, she tried to keep her eyes from gazing too long at any ... particular part of her body and, in doing so, missed the shy smile on Helena’s lips at Renee’s flustered greeting. Helena sauntered into the kitchenette area and sat down on a barstool at the counter. 
“What do you have?” 
“I’ve got lemonade, OJ, water, of course, and some non-alcoholic eggnog that Kate and Mags brought over earlier this week!” 
Renee managed to find two clean glasses and turned to Helena, waiting for her response. She noticed an almost pensive furrow in her brow that definitely wasn’t there before. The playful light in her eyes also seemed to have vanished. 
“Just some water will be fine. I’ll need to be well-hydrated to withstand even one of Zinda’s drinks tonight.”
“Alright, then,” Renee shrugged and grabbed a pitcher from her fridge, filling the two glasses and handing one over to Helena. “Are Zinda’s drinks really that potent?”
“Oh, God,” Helena snorted in the middle of her first sip. “Just be grateful you don’t drink anymore because that shit could take down a fucking elephant.” 
Renee inhaled sharply through her nose as she drank deeply from her glass of water. 
Helena flushed deeply and shot an apologetic look across the counter. “Shit, Renee, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make light of -”
Renee cut her off, “It’s fine, really, Helena. We should be heading out now anyway.” 
She made her way briskly over to the entrance table where she kept her wallet and keys and shoved both into her jacket pockets. As she opened the door, she turned back to look at Helena, who was still looking rather like a kicked puppy, and gave her a sharp smile. 
“Come on, princesa, you’re the one who knows where the fuck where we’re going.” 
As Helena rushed out the door and started toward the stairs, Renee turned to lock the closed door behind her and took a slow, deep breath.
So not a date.
As soon as the elevator doors slid open, Renee and Helena were hit by a barrage of sound and lights from the loft space at the top of the Gotham Clocktower. Stepping out into the brightly lit, colorfully decorated and rambunctious party from the cold, damp and dark streets of Gotham was a jarring experience. Seeing the party already at full tilt, sent a fresh prickle of nerves through Renee, when she felt a cold hand slip into hers and squeeze it tight. 
She glanced up at Helena’s face. Much of the tension from the motorcycle ride over and the brief yet eternal ride up the elevator seemed to have disappeared upon their entrance into Helena’s second home. Helena smiled softly at Renee. 
“Don’t worry. I’ll show you around.” 
As Helena tugged her further into the celebration, Renee felt her heart give an involuntary skip. 
Stop it, she admonished internally. She’s just being friendly.
“This is the kiddie table!” Helena’s face looked almost completely different with the giant, shit-eating grin she sported as she gestured to six young girls grouped around a flat-screen television, all with video game controllers in their hands and surrounded by bowls of various snacks and bottles of soda.
“Just because you guys are ancient doesn’t make us kids,” fired back a tall, blonde girl in a purple sweater without even looking up from the TV screen. “Anyways, Cass and I are only here because Zinda promised to slip us one of her special cocktails at midnight.” 
Helena narrowed her eyes at the shorter, dark-haired girl sprawled out next to the blonde, who just smiled and gave a what-can-you-do shrug. 
“Not under my watch, she’s not. Unless we’re suddenly a year in the future and you both are 21, there will be no underage drinking tonight.”
“Can’t be watching us… when you’re busy watching her,” the dark-haired girl replied smugly. 
Helena sputtered violently at that and the entire group dissolved into giggles. Renee noted that all of them were teenagers with the somewhat incongruous exception of a nine-year old who was busy shoving handfuls of M&M’s into her mouth. Two of the girls were blonde, three, including the nine-year old, had black hair and one of them had bright red hair. 
Blushing furiously, Helena spoke loudly over their snickers, “ANYWAYS. These gremlins are Stephanie, Cass, Mia, Lori, Charlie and Sin and they are all little shits. Enjoy your video game, girls, Renee and I are going to go talk with the adults now.” She said the last part pointedly, giving a killer stink eye to the rambunctious group. Tilting her head, she signaled to Renee that it was time to move along. 
“If you don’t mind me asking, Helena…” Renee began talking as they weaved their way past countless obnoxious New Year’s themed decorations.
“What the hell are the Birds of Prey doing partying with a bunch of kids?” Helena flashed her signature sharp smile at Renee who felt her treacherous heart thump a little harder.
“Yeah, pretty much,” she’d only worked with the Birds a few times but she’d never seen any of those girls with them before. Although, a few of them did look awfully familiar.
“They’re family,” Helena replied. When Renee only looked more confused at her response, she explained further, “Steph and Cass are Spoiler and Batgirl. Cass is basically Babs’ daughter and where Cass goes, Steph goes. Mia is Speedy and like a surrogate daughter to Dinah and Sin is Dinah’s actual, adopted daughter. Lori and Charlie tried to get into the superhero business a while back and Babs basically took them in. She keeps them housed and fed and going to school and loves them like daughters, too. So, yeah, they’re family.” 
Renee and Helena had stopped walking at some point in their conversation and were now standing between a set of giant, glittery numbers spelling out the upcoming year and the largest, most elaborate display of cupcakes Renee had ever seen. While Helena talked, Renee tried her hardest not to stare at her exposed abdomen or her leather-clad legs and, in doing so, found herself watching her full, dark purple-painted lips move as they formed words that Renee was definitely supposed to be listening to. After they’d stopped moving for a few seconds, Renee’s gaze snapped up to Helena’s sparkling brown eyes and blushed at her knowing look.
“That’s … pretty awesome that you guys have, like, a superhero family,” Renee ended up saying.
“Yeah, it kind of is.” Helena’s hand brushed against Renee’s.
Renee stopped breathing for a second.
“HEY YOU LOVE BIRDS! Stop hiding over here and come join the par-tay!” 
Popping out from behind the giant, glittery 2 came Zinda Blake in all her obnoxiously loud and exuberantly happy glory. She was wearing the classic bartender outfit of slim, dark pants and black vest over a white shirt and her blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail. She had a devilish smirk on her face as she wiggled her eyebrows at Renee and Helena. 
“Zinda! We weren’t even-” Helena started to snap at her but Zinda just laughed and turned back the direction she came from. 
“I’m just bustin’ your chops, Hel. But you really should come say hi to some more people or they’ll start wondering what you two are up to.”
Zinda winked at the two of them then began walking toward another group of women, clearly expecting Helena and Renee to follow, which the two women did after only a brief glance at each other’s embarrassed face. 
In quick succession, Helena greeted and Renee was introduced to a Cindy, Kendra (who she was pretty sure was freaking Hawkgirl), Sonia, Kate (Spencer, not Kane) and Dawn. They were all friendly and welcoming (and evidently more than a little drunk) but Renee could have sworn as soon as Zinda led them away, they all started whispering and … did money exchange hands? 
Renee still wasn’t sure whether she’d made the right decision, deciding to come to this party with Helena. She obviously enjoyed spending time with her and the party wasn’t awful or anything, but she just felt … out of place among all these team members, who knew each other so well. She had turned down a quiet night at Kate and Maggie’s for this! And why? Because she thought, just maybe, Helena had invited her because she was interested in her as more than a friend? Renee felt stupid for even thinking that could be the case. Even if Helena did think she was attractive, she’d never once done anything to truly indicate that she felt something romantic for Renee. And after her comment back at Renee’s apartment … well, they didn’t talk much about Renee’s past struggles with addiction but Renee felt surer than ever that anyone who knew that about her would never be able to feel anything more than pity for her. 
Lost deeply in thought, Renee hadn’t even realized that they had reached the elaborate bar at the other end of the loft. Zinda slid behind the counter and started mixing, in Renee’s opinion, far too many liquids from different bottles together in an enormous mixer. Seated right by the bar was Barbara Gordon, Oracle herself, and Renee’s old boss’s daughter. She still couldn’t quite wrap her head around Jim Gordon’s little girl being the mysterious and all-knowing Oracle that every superhero and vigilante had asked for help from at least once. And sprawled across Barbara’s lap, her fish-net clad legs dangling over the arm of her wheelchair was Dinah Lance, the Black Canary. Even though Renee had met Dinah and even worked briefly with her before, she still felt a bit awe-struck in the presence of the stunning blonde. Her reverie was quickly ended, though, as Black Canary was, well, pretty damn plastered, if the empty glass in her hand and the glazed look in her eyes was any indication.
“Whatever was in this drink, Zind, is fucking magical,” she slurred in Zinda’s general direction while Barbara ran her hands through her sweaty, messy hair. “I feel unshtoppa- umshoppab-” 
Dinah frowned as she struggled to articulate the word, then shrugged, “I feel like dancing! Take me back to the dance floor, Babs!” She ordered imperiously while stumbling off of her lap and beginning to stagger back to where some of the others were dancing to some music that was undoubtedly selected by one of the teenagers. Now that Dinah was out of Barbara’s lap, Renee could see that the mighty Oracle was also wasted, though not nearly as much, and she watched as she wheeled off after Dinah. 
Helena had a funny look on her face as she also followed her two best friends progress across the room. After a minute, she realized she was staring and turned back to Renee, who was feeling and looking quite lost again.
She started to apologize, “I’m so sorry, Renee, I really didn’t think they’d be this drunk already. I know they’re the only other ones you really know here and I thought -” 
Renee cut her off. “It’s New Year’s Eve, people get drunk, it’s fine, Helena. It really doesn’t bother me.” 
Helena continued to look upset, though, so Renee turned to Zinda and asked, “Any chance you’ve got something non-alcoholic back there that’s not soda?” 
Zinda paused mid-shake. 
“On New Year’s Eve, lady? You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me! I’ll mix you up something so divine, you won’t even taste the alcohol-”
As Zinda spoke, three things occurred in quick succession. Helena attempted to leap over the bar, whether to slap a hand over Zinda’s unthinking mouth or strangle her, it’s impossible to know, because even Helena Bertinelli can only do so much while wearing the world’s tightest leather pants. Instead of cleanly soaring over the bar, she crashed into it, knocking bottles and glasses every which way. As everyone in the tower started to look toward the commotion, Renee Montoya took off toward the closest set of doors, which turned out to lead to a small balcony on the south-facing side of the tower. And, lastly, Zinda Blake’s brain caught up with that fast-shooting mouth of hers and she remembered that Helena had already told them that Renee abstained from drinking, and while she could be around alcohol, maybe don’t offer her any? 
“Hel, sweetie, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t even thinkin’,” Zinda said, as Helena peeled herself off of the bartop and ignoring Zinda’s apologies and the mess of glass and liquor, rushed to the very doors Renee had just gone through. 
Helena burst through the double doors out into the freezing, wintry air. She wasn’t sure what she expected to see out there but it almost certainly wasn’t Renee laughing her ass off, already covered in melting snowflakes and surrounded by an assortment of incongruously green plants. 
Pausing in confusion, Helena managed one word, “What-”
Renee caught sight of her disheveled and distraught appearance and just started laughing harder. 
“How are there … fucking tropical plants growing out here?” She wheezed. “It’s below fucking freezing.” 
Still baffled, Helena responded, “Um… during a mission, we, er, liberated some of Poison Ivy’s experiments and after Babs determined they weren’t dangerous or anything, she put them out here. Turns out they’re, like, immune to the weather or some shit.”
“That actually makes a lot of sense.” 
As Helena was talking, Renee slowly pulled herself together and grew more somber. Helena started to move toward her.
“I should’ve known this was a bad idea.”
“...what?” Helena stopped in her tracks at Renee’s words.
“Coming here. To a Birds of Prey New Year’s Eve party. I don’t belong here… I’m the Question not fucking Hawkgirl or Black Canary or whatever.” 
“I don’t have any special powers, either.” Helena frowned. “And you do belong here. Because I invited you.”
Renee shook her head and turned to look at the view from the balcony. “Kate said this was a bad idea. I should’ve just listened to her.” 
Helena’s frown grew bigger. “Of course, this is really about Kate Kane,” she muttered.
Renee whipped around. “What the fuck do you mean ‘of course it’s really about Kate Kane?” 
“I mean that you’re still in love with her! And you can’t let yourself be happy with anything or anyone that’s not her!” Helena’s eyes widened as the words left her lips and she slapped her hand over mouth, but it was too late.
Renee’s eyes narrowed. “You think I’m still in love with Kate? And so, what, you invited me to this party to try and protect me from her? Just like you’re trying to protect me from alcohol? I don’t need your fucking protection, Helena!” 
Helena reeled backwards at that. “No! I-I didn’t- I never-” She slowed. “You think I’m trying to protect you, Renee?”
“Well, yeah,” Renee answered. “That’s why you can’t act normal around me and alcohol and you freak out whenever I talk about Kate…” She trailed off at the look on Helena’s face.
“Renee… I don’t think I need to protect you. You’re just about the biggest badass in Gotham City, if not the entire planet!” Helena exclaimed.
“Bigger than Batman?”
“Easily bigger than Batman.” Helena started to move toward Renee again. “I - I was acting so weird tonight because I’m really fucking nervous, okay? And, I know I can be an inconsiderate bitch sometimes, and there’s so much alcohol on New Year’s Eve and I just didn’t want to act or say anything bitchy. And so I acted like a fucking idiot instead who thinks you can’t handle being around alcohol. I’m so stupid,” Helena spun and slammed her fist against the wall of the tower. 
In the span of just five minutes, Renee had gone from feeling completely and utterly foolish and desperate to this wild, electric buzzing under her skin as Helena explained her actions. She licked her dry lips. 
“And… the stuff with Kate…” 
Helena didn’t face her. Staring at the wall, she said quietly, “I act weird when you talk about Kate because I know you’re still in love with her and … I’m so in love with you it physically hurts me to hear you be in love with someone who doesn’t love you back.”
Renee tapped on Helena’s shoulder. As Helena turned around, slowly, to face her, Renee slid both her hands up Helena’s muscular arms and grabbed her face gently. 
“You idiot,” but she said it like she didn’t really think Helena was an idiot. At all. And she stretched up on her tiptoes and placed the lightest kiss on those stupid purple lips of hers.
Helena’s eyes fluttered shut and Renee couldn’t help admiring the way her long, dark lashes brushed against her cheekbones. 
“You’re … not in love with Kate?” Helena whispered, too scared to open her eyes or move a muscle, lest Renee vanish into the dark night.
“Kate… is my best friend. My first love. But she has Maggie, now, and I … I … have you. If you’ll have me?”
Helena smiled tearily and pressed her lips against Renee’s again. This time it was not light and it was not gentle.
And they stood like that, wrapped in each others arms, kissing in the snowy night air, until Zinda opened the doors, Dinah and Babs (both far more sober then they’d been earlier in the night) behind her. 
Simultaneously, the trio’s faces moved through showing concern, shock and, finally, happiness, entirely unnoticed by Renee and Helena. 
Dinah finally cleared her throat and spoke, “You guys okay out here? Well, midnight’s in ten minutes. if you were curious, but it, uh, seems like you’ve got this handled.” 
They so had it handled. 
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jiang-chengs-bitch · 3 years
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Rosastar BEAUTY AND THE BEAST AU. Like how you said that if Canon Alistar met Rosa he'd be redeemed? And how the beast learned to love??? HOW HE LITERALLY HAS A WHOLE CASTLE
We need a whole damn cast.
Eve is the talking closet. Ella is the teapot for some reason- making Isacc her little tea mug son
The clock is Alruna. The candle is Loreley (he has a fire head literally and so does she) and that would make the candle's lover Mia. The cleaning thing that looks like a bird and stuff (WHO'S THE PIANO THO???)
And Beast Alistar watching Rosalyn leave with THIS SONG RIGHT HERE
(Also the way Rosalyn is literally Alistar's ROSE. And Belle always asks for a rose from her father. AND THERE ARE LITERALLY ROSE PETALS FALLING INDICATING THE BEAST'S FATE OMG WHAT-)
I'm writing this.
I was the one who had it all I was the master of my fate I never needed anybody in my life I learned the truth too late
In a book, alistar Had it all. A prince, away from his abusive household, living with his best friend, in a castle. A master of his own fate ever since his father died.
As a child, he never needed anyone in his life. And that logic carried into his adulthood.
Now he stood, watching the love of his life walk out of the castlesge was to go back to her homeland, and she had told alistar that she wouldn't have the chance to come back.
The two had met only a few weeks ago. They had been hanging out at least twice a day. Alistar tried not to believe in love. But with her, something was different.
I'll never shake away the pain I close my eyes but she's still there I let her steal into my melancholy heart It's more than I can bear
As he watched her leave in the carriage she was in that was to transport her to the docks, he thought about his parents. They were never in love. In fact, his mother killed herself to get away from his father.
He could never shake away the pain that caused. He would always be fearful about how he and Rosalyn would end up.
He closed his eyes. Only to find a picture of her in his mind.
He opened his eyes again. She had walked into his melancholy life and stolen his heart.
And now...... he couldn't just watch her leave and do nothing.
Now I know she'll never leave me Even as she runs away She will still torment me Calm me, hurt me Move me, come what may Wasting in my lonely tower Waiting by an open door I'll fool myself, she'll walk right in And be with me for evermore
Alistar had enough. He let out a huff before grabbing his cloak and running out of his room, out of the castle.
Shed never leave him. Not if she was his.
He climbed onto his horse, borrowed from the stables, and chased after her carriage. The ship wasn't supposed to leave until midnight. He still had a few hours.
He knew rhat if he let her leave, the thought of her would torment him and hurt him, as well as move him and calm him.
He couldn't just waste away in the tower Ella gave him. He couldn't just wait by a door for a love like that to come back in. He'd fool himself to think she mightve come back.
I rage against the trials of love I curse the fading of the light Though she's already flown so far beyond my reach She's never out of sight
Alistar's horse breathed hard as it ran as fast as it could. The trials of love were obstacles that alistar could face another time. Right now, Rosalyn was all he needed.
The lights around the kingdom began flickering off and fading, blocking the road from his view. He cursed under his breath.
Rosalyn was almost gone. It was almost 11 o clock and alistar still had to find her in the crowd.
Now I know she'll never leave me Even as she fades from view She will still inspire me Be a part of everything I do Wasting in my lonely tower Waiting by an open door I'll fool myself, she'll walk right in And as the long, long nights begin I'll think of all that might have been Waiting here for evermore
alistar practically leaped off of his horse when he got to the docks. It took 3 hours to get from the kingdom to the docks. 3 hours that could've been spent with Rosalyn if he had just told her how he felt.
Instead, he let her leave.
alistar spotted the brown curly hair in the crowd.
"Rosalyn!" Alistar called, only to lose sight of her. "Rosalyn!" He called again to no avail.
She inspired him. That was definite. His betrayal to ella was horrible. But ella understood the manipulation he was put under and sge gave him a second chance. That chance being therapy.
He visited with eve twice every week. Two weeks ago, while he was walking to eve's shop, he bumped into Rosalyn. That was the start. He slowly began to fall in love with her.
He couldn't just waste away in his tower, waiting for love again, not when Rosalyn was everything he could ask for.
Alistar stopped. No Rosalyn. His mind went dark as he prepared for the long lonely nights without her as her boat sailed off.
"Rosa...." Alistar muttered, tears in his eyes.
"Alistar?" Came Rosalyn's voice.
Alistar turned around to see her standing there, the moonshine hining down on her.
"You didn't leave," he stated.
"I couldn't," Rosa replied.
The two stood there for a moment before alistar ran up to her and kissed her.
Her eyes closed as the world around them melted away.
They'll be together forevermore.
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Manager!Seijoh Part 9
a/n: hehehe this was inspired by that iconic picture in pinterest of akaashi turning into a child
summary: you signed up to take care of grown teenagers who are capable of taking care of themselves-not children
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
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so like,,,, you were at a complete loss
this was literally the last thing youd ever think of and you didnt even think it was possible for this to happen!
but before that
get in losers we’re going on a flashback
it was a wednesday so duh practice was normal after school
but you read on your weather app that it would be thunderstorming so you were worried on how the others would walk home and even texted oikawa if he could cancel the after-practice practice
but since the spring competitions were getting close, he wanted to get as much practice as possible, even sometimes doing monday practices, and the coaches were usually out the door once mandatory practice hours were over, letting the boys do more practice with no worry since you were there to handle it
the boys were in the gym practicing and stuff but you could hear the thunderstorms from the distance, the smell of rain already filling the gym
and you knew none of these boys owned or carried an umbrella with them so you were going to go and buy umbrellas for when they go home
‘you guys, ill be right back. im going to go to the store down the street, okay?’
the look you gave to iwa made him nod, knowing he was the one really in charged, since oikawa wasn’t really capable of handling everyone
‘i want to come’
kyo said but you stopped him, placing a comforting hand on his arm
‘ill be really quick so dont miss me too much’
‘come back soon, y/n-chan!’
‘be safe!’
iwa made sure you were bundled up with a raincoat and had your umbrella on hand before you went on your journey
ugh team moms have my heart
thankfully, the store had more than enough for the boys and you were trying to hurry because it was now raining heavily and you wanted to run back so they wouldnt worry
the cashier rang up your total and you were just giving her your card when a VERY BRIGHT LIGHTNING striked from the sky and a VERY LOUD thunderstorm rang in the distance
your heart thumped and it mightve just been your managerial instincts but you knew something was wrong
oh god oikawa must be freaking out right now since he absolutely hates thunderstorms
your worries were evident on your face so the cashier hurriedly handed you your bag full of umbrellas so you were able to sprint out of the door and too much in a hurry to even open your umbrella
the run to the school felt like it was a 10-mile run and when you finally ran towards the gym doors, you slowed to a speed-walk
but you froze
the lights were off and you could hear the screams of a child
well,,,,, more like, children
you entered the gym and fell on your butt in surprise
in front of you, were 9 toddlers who were thankfully covered by the now too-big clothing
they couldnt be over 3 and a half feet tall and looked like they were around 3 or 4 
you stuttered and reached a hand forward towards the baby with the black spiky hair but he cried louder, clutching on to the brunette baby
‘oh god’
you were finally starting to realize this situation
‘oh my god, what do i do’
you mumbled, standing up and panicked eyes wandering over each child
they were chibis
3 chibis were sleeping and you could tell each boy by their hairstyle
kunimi, yahaba, and mattsun were sleeping on top of the blue shirts and white shorts
kindaichi was hiccuping, seemingly done with his crying, while oikawa was bawling and screaming with iwaizumi holding on to his hand tightly, eyes also teary
makki was bleary-eyed and watari was just sitting there, eyes wide and lips parted but kyo, with hair turned to his original color yet the same sharp yellow eyes, looked on the verge of crying, hands reaching out to you
you immediately grabbed ahold of oikawa and you were thankful that their shirts were still over their tiny body
‘its okay, oikawa-san, its okay’
thunder rumbled again and this time, woke up the others in fright causing them to also start crying then the others started their own crying because everyone else was crying
you kept oikawa on your arms but ran to check on individual player
‘no,no,no! its okay! look! ball!’
you presented the stray volleyball next to iwaizumi and you guessed he was holding it before he transformed into this child form
kindaichi shouted while sobbing and his loud voice startled yahaba even more and got him to cry harder making the others follow suit as well
‘oh no’
you whined and was slowly going crazy by the crying noises
you dont have any siblings so you never got the experience of having to take care of be around a toddler
maybe you should calm each child individually
that would work, right?
you remembered the method you used on oikawa once during training camp and you were hoping that his child self would still use the same calming routine
the speed you had to find your headphones and plug them in to your phone then his ears and playing the ‘big bang theory’ theme song was A S T R O N O M I C A L
you placed him in front of you and wiped the tears that trailed down his chubby cheeks while his little hands held on to your shirt
his cries started to slow down until it was just whimpers and you placed a kiss on his forehead when he finally quieted down
but while you were taking care of their captain, kyo was yelling at yahaba and making him more upset and cry even harder
yahaba shouted and tried to hit kyotani but he hit him back
you pushed both children away and sat them down on their beehinds in front of you
‘no. we dont hit, yahaba-san, and we dont make fun, kyotani-san. time out for you two’
yahaba glared at the floor with tears pricking his eyes but one look from you made him hold it in and bite his lip
iwaizumi looked like he was finally getting ahold of himself as he was calmly sitting down with makki and mattsun by his side
you chortled when mattsun still possessed the same teasing smirk as he did when he was a teenager and his red eyes were now filled with mischief along with makki
iwa looked up at you with bright eyes, as if waiting for a reward or a compliment, and you swallowed your squeal before crouching across him and caressing his cheek
‘good job, iwa-san. iwa-san is a good boy’
he smiled, a smile youve never seen before, then snuggled closer to your palm
the only one really crying was kindaichi while kunimi and watari were also just sitting down
kindaichi’s sobs echoed throughout the gym and as you walked closer, you heard his stomach growl and you instantly knew how to calm him down
the sausage you picked up to feed the strays with kyo later was still in your bag so you peeled the wrapper about halfway and handed it to him
kindaichi stared at it and you had to guide it in his mouth to start eating just to ensure him it was safe and he could eat
the thunder seemed to have died down and all that remained was rain
the boys were starting to shiver from the cold and you were sure the heat in the gym was working before you left but now it wasnt because of the power shutting down
it wouldnt be good if they remained in this cold environemnt and you suddenly remembered that you were still soaked from the rain and was getting colder by the second
maybe it was the panic that shot up your adrenaline and didnt let you realize your own situation
each boy had their jackets thrown to the side but you quickly put it on them so you could bundle them up as best as you can
their shoes were too large for them so you ran to the storage room where there were plastic bags that you used to tie around their feet with their socks
iwa noticed your trembling body and he shakily stood up and ran over to you
you finished tying kindaichi’s bag when you noticed iwa standing there with his arms stretched towards you
he squeaked and you sniffled before wrapping him in your arms and holding him close to you
it seems iwa still possessed his protective instincts from before
by the time all the boys were ready, the rain thankfully reduced to simple sprinkles and you made everyone hold hands
the boys stood on a row in front of you and you seriously talked to them
‘no matter what, never let go of your friend, okay? even you yahaba, kyotani’
the two gave each other a glare but they still clenched each other’s hands
you grasped oikawa and iwa’s hands and the others formed a chain with mattsun holding iwa’s and makki holding oikawa’s and so forth
you figured you could just leave their bags in the gym so you were walking as fast as you could towards home where it would be warm and a safe place to figure out a plan
natsu has seen a lot in his years of living and from being in nekoma in general
but he has been shocked to see this
it was already late and your parents were both at some business trip and he knew you were supposed to be home already but you werent
he was about to call you when the doorbell rang and he figured it was just some person convincing him to be christian
he opened the door, exasperated and irritated
‘listen, im the biggest sinner that has ever-Y/N!’
he shouted in surprise 
there, you stood, shaking and red with a bunch of toddlers
what in the world
‘natsu. m-move’
you stuttered out and he couldnt help but do what you said and he made way for you and the little ducklings
the little boy from the back, the one with yellow eyes, glared at him as he walked past and natsu shook his head in disbelief
you ran to the temp screen button thing bro i dont know what it is but i have something like an echobee thats like that to turn up the temperature in the house
the boys were still excitedly babbling on about some movie and they were singing songs 
poor natsu just stood at the archway by the living room
‘oi, y/n. please tell me you didnt kidnap a bunch of kids’
there was no teasing tone, just pure confusion
you didnt look up from the temp thing and you configured it to rest at 75 degrees fahrenheit fyi
‘something happened. something weird and bad happened. it shouldnt even be possible but it did and im so confused and i dont know what to do’
you rambled and you turned to look at the kids
natsu noticed your frazzled form and he gently grabbed a blanket to drape over you so you could get warm and led you to sit on the couch
‘just tell me, babes. we’ll figure it out’
he reassured and you sighed
‘i-i,,, was g-going to the-the convience store to-uh-get some umbrelllas for the boys but,,, when i was there,, there was a big thunder and boomed and lightining and i knew,,,,i knew there was something wrong and something had happened so i ran back and then bam! i saw them as kids!’
natsu trailed over from your face to the boys and he started to piece together that yes, this was your team
the brunette boy he messed around with and the one with the adorable eyebrows
‘y/n,, babes,, did you dabble with voodoo? bad juju?’
he whispered and you almost cried
‘no! why would i?!’
‘what are we going to tell their parents?!’
‘that their kids turned to babies?!’
‘yea right! might as well tell them the earth is flat!’
you both went silent for a bit before natsu sighed then turned to you
‘babes, go and shower. go and get warm while i take care of the kids. youre soaked and youre freezing and you’ll get sick. besides, they shouldnt be that bad, right?’
not even caring to answer that question and completely not hearing it, you nodded and groggily went to go bath
the boys saw you leave and they looked at natsu with either wide scared eyes or glaring eyes
especially the boy with the yellow eyes
natsu smirked
‘i know you. what was it? dog? crazy dog?’
there was clear offense in kyo’s face and he easily jumped to natsu’s lap and grabbed his hair to tug on it
‘yey! play time!’
oikawa shrieked and everyone shouted in agreement before joining kyo
natsu screamed as they punched his stomach and pulled his hair
you were in the middle of rinsing your hair when you heard the screams and you thought it was the boys but you recognized them as natsu’s
you continued showering
the boys were having fun beating up your cousin and natsu seriously wondered if you were taking your sweet time just to let them have their fun
‘oi! if you dont stop! i wont let you play mario kart!’
the boy with a middle part stopped tugging his hair followed by the one with the spiky turnip looking hair
‘maiyo,,,, kat?’
natsu saw them both stop and he excitedly sat up
‘yea! mario kart! you want to play mario kart?! oh my! its so much more fun than playing with natsu-nii!’
he didnt care what they wanted to do as long as it didnt involve him being getting beaten up so he quickly assembled the console and they all rallied around natsu as he set up the game
‘okay. we can play with 4 players at a time. who’s going first?’
there was a bit of hostility among the children as they turned their former soft gazes to hard and competitive looks
‘i wanna!’
‘stop it kawa-chan!’
‘iwa-chan ow!’
there was great uproar while natsu sighed in relief and leaned against the back of the couch, watching in amusement
there were punches thrown, some shoves, but they ultimately decided on players
begrudgingly it was kyo, kindaichi, mattsun, and watari
the others stayed behind with a pout on their lips and sulked
but as soon as they started playing, those sad looks disappeared and they scooted closer to watch it with interest
the only one who wasn’t so in to it was the one with the spiky black hair and green eyes
‘hey, kid, what’s wrong?’
natsu asked and he didnt answer but just looked at him before turning to watch the tv silently
he was about to ask again when you appeared and the boys cheered at your arrival before turning back on the game
you were refreshed and you sat on the loveseat next to natsu’s place on the couch
‘they seem to be having fun’
you smiled but natsu crinkled his eyebrows then pointed to a figure behind the rest
‘the kid’s just been sitting there. i dont know if hes just like that or what but hes not really doing anything’
‘oh, thats just iwa-san. hes normally like that. look. iwa-san! can you please come here?’
at the call for his name, the boy perked up and he excitedly clambered over to sit on your lap
he leaned his back against your chest and you ran your fingers through his hair
‘why are you just sitting there, hm? do you not want to play?’
you spoke softly and he shook his head, eyes still on the match
‘friends are happy when playing. i like my friends. im okay’
despite the very child-like voice, there was a sense of maturity in there and you weren’t sure if they still carried the same memories as they had back when they were already teenagers
‘iwa-san, do you know me?’
you asked and he looked up to look at your face
then he shook his head
you blanched
and so did natsu
‘so let me get this straight, kid. you let some random stranger take you to their house?’
iwa shrugged
‘she help me and friends. she nice’
you almost squealed but held back and you tightened your arms around him
‘youre sweet, iwa-san’
‘y/n, you could literally be charged of kidnapping right now’
natsu ruined the moment and you glared at him
‘im just trying out a way to help them. and besides, they couldve screamed and cried and ran out but they didnt so i didnt take them against their will’
natsu rolled his eyes before standing up
‘well, im hungry. and these kids cant exactly have take-out. imma go see if we have any food left’
he left you alone with the kids and you encouraged the others to win by cheering for them and smiling at the way they were laughing
man, no matter what age, you still love them
natsu peaked his head out from the doorway
‘we got dino nugggets’
you nodded
‘those should be good’
natsu returned to his spot on the couch and you stared at him
‘what? im too scared to do anything to the oven. remember when i broke the other one?’
you sighed and shook your head
iwa noticed you needing to get up so he was about to move when you placed him on natsu’s lap
‘iwa-san, natsu-kun will take care of you for now, okay?’
iwa didnt object but he didnt like it either
you were pressing the timer on the oven and you opened it to change the racks when you noticed a small figure and hands and feet trying to climb in
in shock, you dropped the rack and grabbed kunimi’s small body
‘kunimi akira! what were you thinking?!’
the baby’s eyes were half-lidded and he looked really tired and the oven was radiating warmth and he thought he could climb in it and sleep
but you knew that he would literally DIE 
you ran him back to the living room and natsu was shocked to hear of what happened
‘yea. so try and make sure none of them does something dangerous’
you pleaded and he nodded before taking kunimi’s hand and urging the kid to sleep on his lap instead
you were finally cooking the nuggets and while it cooked, you were grabbing any leftovers for you and natsu to eat
there was little bit of rice and some tonkatsu left so you heated that up and continued to cook until everything was finished
‘boys! natsu! dinner!’
at the mention of food, the kids dropped the controllers and raced to go to the kitchen
natsu trailed behind with a half-asleep kunimi in his arms and iwa who held his hand
kindaichi and oikawa shrieked
you gave each boy their own portion of food and you gave natsu his dinner
‘to be honest, i was surprised we had enough nuggets’
natsu was surprised at the nuggets you still had in the freezer
you shrugged
‘at this point, im not even surprised at anything anymore. i think im just in a dream and im controlling it and somehow, the universe is bending itself to help me’
natsu stared at you as if you grew three heads before chuckling and returning to his food
there was no such thing as peaceful dinner with the boys
yahaba was crying that kyo took some of his nuggies
kunimi tried to have one bite of his chicken before toppling over to the side and falling asleep
mattsun was tricking makki by pointing somewhere and when the brownette turns, he would take a nugget
oikawa tried it and iwa almost fell for it but he caught his best friend in time resulting him to hit the choco-hair boy and making tooru cry from the booboo
you sighed, rubbing your temples
‘i swear. my head’
you whined and natsu patted your back before he disappeared somewhere, presumably his room, to get away from the madness
your temper was rising and with how exhausted youve been and the incoming cold you feel is making you irritated
of course they stopped as they got scared by your tone and if they were teenagers, they would have the same reaction because youve never used this tone on them
‘kindaichi, wake up kunimi. kyotani, matsukawa, eat your own nuggets. yahaba, oikawa, stop crying. kyotani apologize to yahaba for eating his nuggets and hug him. you too, iwaizumi apologize to tooru for hitting him and hug him’
the boys started but you shot them a look
they mumbled and they looked at you before going to give the other a hug
iwaizumi mumbled and tooru was about to cry but you scolded iwaizumi again
‘iwa, we don’t call people stupid’
he stared at you then turned away, an obvious pout on his lips and pushed his plate away to sulk
is parenting this hard?
watari calmly ate his food and you smiled
you scooped him in your arms and you held him close
‘come on, everyone. when youre done eating, how about we watch ponyo? hm?’
as if they werent just sulking, they all cheered and abandoned their food to go running to the living room where you put the movie on
halfway through the movie, someone wanted something sweet
you had iwa on your right, mattsun on your left, watari on your lap and oikawa by your feet so you werent exactly at the position to make something
‘nee-chan, i want choco’
makki asked and you sucked in a sharp breath to calm yourself from how cute he was
you gently asked the others to move so you could go but they held on to a part of you
mattsun and iwa with your arms, watari holding your shirt, oikawa holding your leg
‘come on, guys.do you want choco?’
oikawa blubbered
‘please dont go’
mattsun pleaded quietly
‘ill be back! i swear! please?’
begrudgingly, they let go and you stretched out your legs when you stood up then walked to the kitchen
as you opened the door, you were looking through something when you saw a reflection from the glass of a face
you shrieked and looked behind you, expecting some murderer but it was actually a line of the boys
it was like they followed you into the kitchen like ducklings following their mama duck
you wheezed, seeing it was his face that you saw with those beautiful eyes
‘we missed you, nee-chan’
kindaichi whined with a small voice
you noticed that kunimi wasnt with the group so you assumed he was asleep on the couch
‘you scared nee-chan, boys. but it’s okay’
their puppy eyes made you cry inside but you ushered them to go to the dining room so they could wait there for their drinks
you poured chocolate milk for everyone except for tooru as he was lactose intolerant so you gave him chocolate oat milk
they brought the glass to their lips as you drank coffee and they lit up at the delicious taste
they giggled and you chuckled before reaching over to wipe makki’s top lip
‘thank you nee-chan!’
oikawa grinned and they all agreed
‘youre welcome. nee-chan will take care of you when you need it’
by the time midnight struck, you were already in a cuddle pile with the boys
they all fell asleep and you were being laid on by the others
natsu came down for water and saw you being smothered by bodies but he thought it was cute so he took a picture for you to see in the morning
he found the remote and turned off the movie and tv before wishing a whisper of a good night then headed back to his room
the room was filled with snores and you were dead asleep
but you couldnt help but squeeze back the tiny hand that gripped yours
mrs l/n and mr. l/n groggily made their way up to the front door
‘god, its so late. im so tired. i want to sleep’
mrs l/n complained
mr l/n immediately fished out his keys and he turned the door to enter their home
it was very quiet and dark so they figured that both you and natsu already went to bed
they dumped their luggage at the entrance, bothering to unpack tomorrow and were making their way to the kitchen for a water 
mrs l/n was making her way to the bathroom when she heard a groan from the living room
her eyes shot wide open and she thought she was so tired that she was hallucinating
but nope
her eyes transfixed itself on a figure that was standing at the middle of the living room
with a shaking hand, she reached over to flicker the lights on and she shrieked at the sight of a naked man
tooru felt sleep immediately leave him at the sound of the woman’s shriek and his eyes fell on someone by the doorway and she was not staring at his face
down there
he followed her sight and my god
oikawa screamed
a/n: hehehe happy new years!!! well,, belated new years!! but we really starting the new year with a buck naked oikawa and a traumatized mom aren’t we? but i hope everyone had a great holiday and im so excited for the start of the new year and what it has in store for us!!! sending much love!!!
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gureishi · 3 years
i just got my second mini venus flytrap! a healthy one this time lol... hopefully i can keep it alive sjdbsjaj
my mom's more of a "growing plants" person and im more of an "admiring plants" person fjdvdjdn but!! this one is mine and i'm a weirdo-- i named the last plant, and i'm gonna name this one, too, lololol
and in general carnivorous plants fascinate me and if i did more research i can guarantee that i would ramble about them to anyone who would listen hehe
so basically! i'm just curious as to how you think saeyoung would view/respond to his MC being the same way? not really a plant grower, but finds them pretty and useful and neat -- and is fascinated by carnivorous plants, probably has 2 or 3 different types, each with names, etc. dkfbdkdbsk
(sorry if this is too specific LOL i just really like carnivorous plants--)
What have you named the little hungry planty friend?
This is such a specific headcanon and I’m obsessed with it and everything about the way you asked it.
Saeyoung responding to an MC who really really likes carnivorous plants
Saeyoung loves everything about you.
But one of the things he loves the very most is the look you get on your face when you talk about something that excites you: nothing in the whole world makes him happier than listening to you talk about the things that you’re passionate about.
So please, please tell this man about your plants!
His eyes will get all big and bright. He’ll bounce a little as he listens to you—he’ll nod and hum and prompt you. He’s a smart boy—he knows a thing or two about pretty much everything—and so he’ll ask you lots of good questions.
And he loves facts! Be specific! Tell him about the different species, and how they grow, and what they like to eat. He will look absolutely awestruck—captivated by you. He’d listen to you talk for hours; he will literally never get tired of the sound of your voice.
And you know who else likes plants?! The other person he loves most in the world!
He is thrilled to discover that you and Saeran have a shared interest. He will come up with strange and convoluted schemes to get the two of you talking about plants. He will make up “plant emergencies” for you to solve together—he will call you both outside to analyze a tree (doesn’t matter if you don’t really know anything about trees—he’s just excited that the two of you are becoming friends).
If this is SE Saeran—and I’m imagining that it is—he is puzzled and vaguely annoyed. But he does like you—more than perhaps anyone else he’s met. And he does like plants. He likes your carnivorous plants a lot, in fact: he thinks it’s fascinating to watch you feed them. He listens quietly when you talk about them. Sometimes, in fact, you’re telling Saeyoung about them—maybe sitting together in the living room—and you spot Saeran hovering in the doorway, almost out of sight. He’s not ready to join in with the conversation, necessarily...but he’s listening.
Ask Saeran about his plants, too. It’ll be the longest you’ll hear him talk. Saeyoung’s eyes will get wide—and later, when you’re alone, he’ll tell you he loves you over and over and over again.
Saeyoung will also get way too into being a plant parent. He will make elaborate name plates for them: engravings in metal, detailed and colorful. If they need a certain kind of light, he will design the BEST POSSIBLE lighting fixtures for them. He’ll make you timers and switches and dimmers. 
Will he make tiny little cat ears for the plants to wear? Maybe. If you tell him no, he’ll pout (but he’ll get over it).
When anyone comes over, they will be amused and puzzled (or delighted, depending on who they are) by your plants: prominently displayed with their pretty name tags and their fancy equipment. 
He will memorize everything you say—he does this anyway. He’ll start rambling about plants. He gets easily carried away: and listening to you is his favorite hobby.
Saeyoung thinks you are the most fascinating person in the universe. Your words, to him, are like magic spells. You, excited and passionate, telling him about something that’s important to you? It’s his greatest dream.
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ohbaby-obeyme · 3 years
Oh, i didnt realise how sensitive your nipples are, im sorry, here, ill gently kiss them to hopefully make any pain i mightve caused to dissipate. Youre so precious.
When you start fucking yourself into my fist, i almost laugh, you really are insatiable arent you? I let you indulge for a few moments and then pull away completely. Tsk tsk did you have permission to do that on your own, baby? Dont you think that was a bit rude of you? Not even a "please" or a "thank you"?
How about this, Ill forgive you and let you fuck yourself into my fist if you praise me. Tell me how good im making you feel and how grateful you are. If im satisfied, you can use my hand like a toy all you want, okay baby? -🌻
nnnn i’m sorry 🥺🥺 i couldn’t help it, i just feel so good. i’ll be better, i promise. please don’t be mad.
ah 💖 i’d love to praise you, but where do i start?? do i start yesterday, when you sent your first unsigned message offering to take care of me?? it’s pathetic how much comfort that little message gave me. the wave of reassurance just from the implication that someone out there saw my neediness and didn’t pass it off as just another lonely sub, but instead someone worth taking care of. that single message alone would have turned my mood around and set my whole day off on a good note.
but you didn’t end it there. i latched onto your first message like a starved leech, drawing every last ounce of affection from it that i could get, and you found it adorable. you weren’t put off by my desperation and my need to please. you encouraged me to take care of myself, and i did. i got more done yesterday than i’ve done in months. you offered me a reward (a kiss!!) and then when i asked for more, you didn’t chastise my greed. you acquiesced, and i swear, i could’ve cried from it.
and 💀💀 everything you’ve said today has been perfect. it’s difficult to pick out the parts i want to praise the most. i think my favorite is... how genuinely you accommodate my needs. it doesn’t feel like a hardship when i request something. i feel no shame. which is so impressive. i cannot stress that enough. i feel safe enough to ask for a grounding touch, to beg you not to let me cum, to tell you that my nipples are too sensitive for casual play. that is extraordinary.
because i know you’re not going to make me feel bad for it. you’ve pushed my limits, for sure, had me do things i’ve never done before, but you’ve done it so gently and lovingly, and i’ve absolutely thrived from it. and i know that if i asked for something else, told you that i couldn’t do something that you asked, that i was uncomfortable with anything at all, you would adjust without making me feel guilty or insisting upon continuing. you’re wonderful. thank you.
and... ah 🥵‼️ as for the more explicit parts of today... let’s just say, i’ll be using today as veritable spankbank material for the foreseeable future and leave it at that. my legs have given out on me, i’ve bitten my lip to bleeding, earlier i could hardly think to carry a conversation, and yet i’m still taking care of myself so as not to disappoint you. i’m so sore and overstimulated, and it’s the best anyone has ever made me feel sexually. i’d stay like this forever if i could.
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rosykims · 3 years
2, 7, 11 + on what, 18, 21, and 29 for miss gracie AND ! 3, 8, 9, 13, 18, and 30 for mr rhys !
THANKS BESTIE <3 <3 <3 <3
18. Kissing: tongue or no tongue?
heheh :) definitely tongue <3 I MEAN IT REALLY DEPENDS like gracie doesnt care much for pda unless its Tasteful, plus in her few relationships prior to ambrose i dont thik she wouldnt felt comfortable enough to let loose lmao, but with ambrose specifically, and in private? ya she’d definitely feel safe enough to get a lot more intense and like. hm. Win i suppose JKJDKJKDFJ 
21. What would it take for them to break up with someone? What would be the last straw?
hmmm more than anything i think she never wants to feel held back? so, in the nicest way possible, if someone consistently got in the way of her ambitions she would cut them loose. alternatively just people who dont Try, or ppl who make HER feel bad or stupid for trying !!!!
I FEEL BAD BC I KEEP THINKING OF MORE LAST STRAWS LOL shes a very high effort gorl !!!! but i also dont think she’s a fan of clinginess. it doesn’t irritate her so much as make her feel guilty and awkward bc she just shows her love in very different ways than that? i dont think she’d be able to handle a relationship without very clear boundaries and personal space (since she so desperately values both of those things)
29. What recurring dreams do they have?
tbh i dont think she remembers a lot of her dreams BUT i do have an Extremely Iconic headcanon ive never shared before where like. on occasion gracie and nick end up sharing the same dreams??? either because nick subconsciously reaches out to gracie in his sleep, or gracie’s thoughts are projected into his head - either way they sometimes wake up like 👀 girl we both need therapy So bad huh <3
and for rhys !
3. Ask them to describe their love interest.
“Describe de la Cruz?” Rhys glares at you suspiciously before his demeanor suddenly shifts. You watch him mull over the question with a frown and a dramatic sigh. “Let’s see . . . pale, six-two, bright red hair. Speaks with a distinguished Czechian accent. Partial to cashmere sweaters and flare jeans. The last I heard from her, she was boarding a cruise ship to Madrid. This is about the warrant for her arrest in Colorado, yes? The . . . the car incident?” He winces. “Because those charges are completely unfounded, for the record. Absurd. Ridiculous. The ones in Boston, too.”
(hi the joke is he’s talking to a cop or smth idk i finished writing this and realized it wasnt funny JKDFJKDFJKFDJ)
8. Do complex puzzles intrigue or frustrate them?
BOTH <3 rhys likes the ego boost of being the smartest person in the room and really enjoys Figuring Things Out for his own satisfaction but also. while he is v smart he’s also not a genius by a long shot, so his success rate is um. a little all over the place lmao. he’s the type of person who gets SO pissed off trying to figure something out/fix a problem and will become 100% consumed by the issue until its solved. v much the definition of IT MAKES NO DAMN SENSE >:( compels me tho :( only 6000000000000% more melodramatic
9. Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)?
hmmm he doesn’t assign them human traits or anything like that but he does get attatched to certain objects ! books and artifacts and antiques usually, plus his car! mostly it’s just to the meaning he personally derives from them though, or how they remind him of other people!
13. Name one thing their parents taught them.
I WAS GOING TO OPEN WITH A DARK DADDY ISSUES JOKE BUT IVE PUT HIM THROUGH ENOUGH LOL. so despite the rocky relationship with his father, he definitely got his talent for history/writing/reading from him.  whereas from his late mother, he inherited her sense of humour and introspection/sensitivity (which arguably arent skills to be taught but. yes they literally are so shush)
18. Kissing: tongue or no tongue?
both !!!!!!!!!!! like gracie it really depends on the circumstances, but rhys is a very Intense partner and tends to get a little carried away/lost in his feelings. he does prefer to take the other persons lead though so he wouldn’t go too overboard if the other person wasnt matching that same energy
What would they do if they knew it would be forgiven?
rhys, at least prior to meeting zelda, doesn’t care much about if people forgive him, so forgiveness doesn’t hold much value unless its someone he really loves (and hes certain loves him back) i think if anything he mightve told liam how he rly felt, which he never Actually did because it was (at the time) the one relationship he was afraid of screwing up :(  
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