#i modded the heck out of my game and it's v cute
leeleelikestoart · 2 years
I took a break, but I think I've got my motivation back! I'm gonna try and get a new page up this week! 💪🏽
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
*kisses you* /p
As per my headcanon, Jekyll owns a garden. And I like to imagine that he experiments a bit on some of the plants, ranging from "more colors" "Stonger smell" To "This snapdragon could swallow you whole, but would rather eat raspberries out of your hand like some weird horse"
Jekyll should also own a horse, at the very least every stable in London should know him by name since hes probably too busy to actually take care of a horse 😔. I was about to ask what name Jekyll would give a horse but then I realized he would probably name it after some alchemy person
*slams hands on table* ZOMBIE HORSE. Or ohhhh! Skeleton horse >:3. What would a chuch grim horse look like? Like shadowmere from Skyrim? In fact if shadowmere wasn't made from Sithis Juice™ I'd bet he's a church grim. Theres a stong chance she still could be actually. Shadowmere my beloved <3 hey have you ever played Oblivion? The Khajiits look like the cheeto mascot and being a vampire sucks. But its v fun and I love destroying everyone with that one powerful staff
I think Jekyll would like spiders. They're v cute ::::)
Speaking of, moths are grand and I adore them. I think Luna moths and Comet moths should know each other
Do you like mushrooms/fungi? Do you have a favorite, I adore all mushrooms but I think the Barbie Pagoda, the "Toadstool" Mushroom, and whatever the heck the one that zombifies bugs is called, are my favorites
Favorite video game 🔫
Oh wow I'm really going to try to reply to all of this on my phone Huh.
Anyways! I love that HC and I accept it wholeheartedly, I feel like it would make a lot of sense for him to have a lot of plants bc so many of them can be used in alchemy. Plants are so lovely and I'd like to say that I have a lot but the plants my family have are all like 15 years old and also half dead BC all of us forgot to take care of them. I spontaneously bought a Bride orchid a few months back. It's very dead </3 I'd like to imagine that he has a sun/plantroom in his house and that he would have a lot in the society too, if not for the fact that he doesn't really have time to tend to them, but my version of Jekyll definitely has a lot of plants<3
He definitely should own a horse and that horse is a Clydesdale named Mayhem /j but I like the thought of him having horses. Specifically either those really ragged horses that only farmers use BC they have no better BC he thinks they deserve a good life (and very much will be offended if anyone dares to try to suggest he buys a new horse) or he would have those really, really fancy white purebreeds. Either way he would definitely be a horse girl and one of those that would be obsessed with buying accessories for them. All his horses, tended to by stable boys, hired or otherwise, would all be spoiled rotten <3 (new drinking game; take a shot everytime I use a <3)
I remember watching videos about commanding in skeleton and zombie horses into minecraft and i thought it was THE SHIT when I was a kid! Skeleton horses my beloved!! Henry can have a zombie horse, as a treat. You know Henry with Shadowmare would be absolutely terrifying and so cool... Although I will probably spoil your fun by saying that, at least in folklore, a church grim (of any race or species) would probably just be a black-coloured, ragged looking animal with a slightly ghostly... Vibe to it? Nothing completely demonic about them, they just have That Wrong Vibe and look like a stray/neglected most of the time, I think that’s v fun <3
I’m a fake Elder scrolls fan bc I have only played Skyrim, sadly. I have watched some videos about Oblivion but it was mostly “trying to beat Oblivion with only X” videos and stuff, but I HAVE Seen the khajiits from there and just... Im glad that I’m used to how they look in Skyrim XD
Jekyll would be someone to like spiders and his lab would probably be covered in spiderwebs, not bc he doesn’t clean but bc he would feel bad destroying the beautiful webs. Maybe he would try to genetically enhance a spider to be the size of a puppy? I feel like spiders would be much cuter if they were larger, at least the thicc hairy ones. The spinely ones still freaks me out tho XD
Moths are so fucking beautiful but they are dumb as bricks. A few months ago a moth accidentally came into my room, scared the shit out of me, and then got stuck in the blinds and went back and forth with the length of one of the... Blades of the blinds? Strips? Sounding like a fucking jet engine until my sister caught it and put it outside again. The most common moths I have seen are emperor moths and I think blood vein moths? Very cute when they don’t scare the shit out of me <3
I’m not an expert on them but I think they are cool, as long as I don’t have to touch them most of the time-- fungi, at least, actual edible mushrooms are fine tho. I remember when I was in like... First grade, my class went on a field trip with a lady who owned a funky bus that she used to teach kids about nature and shit, and she taught us a lot about mushrooms and the parts of mushrooms, I think she talked about toadstolls a lot and did the classic “don’t eat the red mushrooms, you will die” speech, and she also gave us speeches about how everything in Australia (which is fun, since we are on the other side of the world) is out to kill you. It was fun <3 ANyways I’m a basic bitch, so I’m going to say that chanterelles and champignon are my favourite mushrooms bc those are some of the only ones I know and they taste v good. I think we are entering chanterelle season here so I’m going to try to convince my parents to buy some to make a stew out off <3<3
It will come as no surprise when I say Skyrim, right? Skyrim and Assassin’s creed Origins/Syndicate. I absolutely love Skyrim and I love AC, I forced my sister to buy Origins bc it was the first AC game I got interested in bc I was in the middle of an Ancient Egypt phase and I fell in love with the franchise. I bought Syndicate premium edition (with all DLCs and extras) for 75sek/7$ bc it was on sale bc it’s such an old game and I absolutely love it, I have been so tempted to make a Syndicate / TGS crossover bc it is basically in the same time period and I would very much like Henry to be the frye twins secret poison supplier. My bff bought me Odyssey when it was on sale for my birthday but I haven’t gotten around to play it yet bc I’m still not finished with Syndicate, and my sister bought me Valhalla for my birthday last year but our computer is a potato and can’t run it. I ruined my Skyrim with too many mods and I haven’t had time to play a lot of games lately, sadly </3
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So we got tagged in the Twisted Tag game-
Note: This is Mod Tess’ answers. Mod Marzi has already been tagged on her main c:
Thank you @whateverfloatsinmybrain for the tag!
Rules: Answer the following questions to the best of your ability, then tag at least 3 other blogs you think would enjoy playing this game.
~Dire Crowley appears before you~
1. Welcome to Night Raven College! Did you enjoy the trip here?
I mean...I guess?? Pretty neat honestly!
2. Wonderful! All students here must choose one of the seven dormitories to reside in during the school year. Which one do you choose? Why?
I would’ve chosen Diasomnia but honestly, that dorm is like...for the “honor students” and that ain’t me. So, Heartslabyul it is! 
3. Now that you’re officially a student, what would you like to learn first?
Learning how to fly a broom would be hella cool. Then after that- potions.
4. I’ll leave you to settle in now. Before I go, do you have any questions about the college?
So how the heck do students earn money around here (other than working for the cafe- if Azul would even give you a paycheck, that is)?
~Crowley out~
5. Which dormitory leader are you excited to meet? Why?
Let me meet Idia first because this boy is in need of love and support goddamn it-
6. Azul offers you the chance to fulfill your heart’s desire. What is it, and do you accept?
….Uhhhhh….. Nope. Not worth making a deal.
7. Which of the boys are you friends with? Why?
Maybe Floyd since he gives out a fun vibe. Ortho is a baby and I would be such a mom towards him. Jack, cause I honestly like to fight for fun (even if I do get actually hurt. I do not fear death-)
8. C’mon, we all know everyone at the school is attractive. Is there someone (or more) you’re crushing on?
Am-... Am I allowed to say Divus?? Am I allowed to crush on the teacher??? Cuz I am- If not then I’ll just say Ace cuz not gonna lie he hella cute.
9. The hallways are a terrifying place to be after hours. Who’s the last person you wanna be out there with?
Mozus. Or Ashton. Maybe Riddle?? /shrugs
10. Would you rather listen to Jamil’s puns, work at the Mostro Cafe with Jade and Floyd, or clean the dungeons with Lilia?
Listen to Jamil’s puns cuz I actually love puns :v But I wouldn’t mind working at the cafe!
11. Everyone loves karaoke night at the Cafe! Do you sing? If so, which song would be your go-to?
I would sing and my go-to song is… maybe Closer by The Chainsmokers?? I don’t know :/
12. Riddle invites you to a tea party with the rest of Heartslabyul. Do you attend?
I’m in the Heartslabyul dorm- you think I have a choice to not attend?? 
13. Choose a champion!
Wait what?
14. Favorite headcanon(s)?
Touch-starved Malleus is so cute. A headcanon of mine is that Floyd is a chef in the cafe and his food is actually pretty frickin’ good. Another one would be Jack and Idia becoming flustered idiots after being complimented.
15. Unpopular opinion?
16. You forgot to send Malleus an invitation. Your survival plan?
I accept death because how dare I forget to send an invitation to Malleus?? If that happens, I’m practically asking to be killed.
17. Be honest, would you trust Rook to shoot an apple off your head?
Hell yeah, why not?
18. Lilia, Ace, and Kalim invite you to hang out with them. Do you go?
Yep! Stickin’ close to Ace though 
19. Where is your favorite place to chill on campus?
Under the shade of a large tree. A comfy place to take a nap.
20. Ortho asks if you’ll help him drag Idia out of his room so he won’t skip class. How does that work out?
You expect an introvert to drag out another introvert? Listen, I’d be willing to help cuz I’d go into Mom Friend Mode but like- /shrugs
21. Who would you rather train with, Jack, Sebek, or Ashton?
Jack honestly cuz I like fighting dirty. Sebek lowkey gives me dumbass energy and Ashton...Not into that. 😔
22. You’re locked up in Mr. S’s shoppe after-hours, who’s with you?
“Goddamn it, Ace.”
23. Leona fell asleep…again. This time on top of you. You have potions in 15 minutes; what do you do?
Hell nah am I missing Divus’ class- Sorry, Leona-
24. Would you rather go on a magic carpet ride with Kalim, let Vil give you the Pomefiore spa treatment, or play on Azul’s grand piano (with his supervision)?
Spa treatment with Vil because I desperately need the self-care. I’m afraid of heights and I can’t play the piano-
25. Grimm feels a little left out. Comfort him?
/petpat Would give a snack too
Tag: whoever hasn’t done it yet 😔
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parspicle · 5 years
Drabble #Bonus: Error and Ink playing Minecraft together. Survival mode, no Creative available
Word count: 1,681
Ink, in the middle of a fight, grabbed Error by the hood. He dragged the poor glitch into a portal while he struggled and shouted, “What the hell, Ink?!”
“Come on, let’s play Minecraft,” Ink shrugged.
“Minecraft! The fight’s getting boring.”
“You can’t just, you can’t just! What?!”
“Plus, Dream, Cross, and Pale are playing and I wanted to play, but you decided to, fuckin’, try to destroy shit. You owe me.”
“I don’t owe you shit!”
“Well, too bad, fuck you! Suffer!”
A couple of minutes later, Error was sitting next to Ink, very unhappily, with a laptop open with Minecraft on the screen.
“Why the hell did I agree to this?”
“It’s better than fighting the one and only love of your life?” 
“It’s worse!”
“Fuck you too!”
Error leaned over and kissed Ink’s cheek. Ink smiled and opened up the game on his own computer. He and Error joined Dream’s server.
Cats_Dont_Glitch joined the game.
AcePainter joined the game.
I got ruru to join X3
if you call me that ever again I’m getting a divorce
were not even married
ill divorce you from life
error what the fUCK is your name
awww it;s cute!!!
im on board for banning ink if he ever talks like that again :)
what noooo
I am
l e a v i n g
not allowed
Error pressed Escape. Ink caught his hand before he could press Save and Quit to Title. Ink begged, “Come on, please? It’ll be fun! I promise!”
Error stared. Ink stared back. 
Error broke, and sighed, “Fine.”
“Hell yes!”
hell yes 
.pvp false
don’t turn it off I’m begging yku
guys don’t bully him he’s gonna leave
it’s off
you would have killed him too
sorry I’ll stop bullying pale 
no promises for error
Cats_Dont_Glitch tried to swim in lava
paletheskeleton was pushed off a cliff by xX_cr055_Xx
Ink leaned back from his laptop and looked over at Error’s screen, muttering, “Oh my god,” as he saw it, which was filled with Cross chasing him with a sword.
Error whined, “I’m being bullied.” 
“I… can see that!” 
dream can you slap cross for me he’s bullying Error
love of my life
I’m a mod
I can see your messages to him.
what messages
you messaged error
and called him a bitch
did I
I think it was pale
was not
damnit take the hit for me ONCE
u did this to urself
i did not
error’s just a bitch
im leaving
error wait
I’m sorry about him 
Error’s cursor hovered over the exit button while Ink continued to beg him to not to leave.
“Please, Error, it’ll be fun! I promise Cross will stop bullying you. There are cats! I’ll help you build a castle with a bunch of cats in it if you stay, okay?”
Error stared at Ink. Ink widened his eyes, got tears to well up, and twisted his mouth into a frown. “Please…?”
Error stared at him. Ink gazed back, lip quivering. Error sighed and went back into the game.
i got guilt tripped into staying
heck yes!!!
i hate you
luv u too bb
Ink leaned over, back to smiling, and kissed Error on the cheek. Error rolled his eyes.
did he do the hewwo voice
that’s a good idea
but no
I just cried at him
hes v convincing
ha nice
“So… what do you do?”
“You sorta just… go around creating things! And, uh, surviving.”
oh shit boiz
baby’s nightfall
did you just call me a baby
dream says I have to say “no”
Error scowled.
Cross stop being a bitchass motherfuck
Ink rolled his eyes. “He’s such an asshole sometimes. I’m not sure how Dream is dating both him and Pale.”
Error shrugged, “Maybe he sees stoic, emotionless ‘bitchass motherfucks’, as you so eloquently put it, and goes, ‘oh shit. I gotta fuck that’.”
Ink couldn’t control his laughter. He laughed and laughed, and his head ended up between Error’s chin and shoulder. He smiled and looked up at the love of his life. “You really live up to the nickname of ‘the universe destroying manbaby’.”
“I’m sorry, the nickname of what.”
Ink wove his hand back and forth- “Nothing! Forget I said anything!”
“What? No! The hell is that nickname?!”
Ink shrugged. 
ink just called me a universe destroying manbaby.
cross. Explain.
no idea what you’re talking about.
you better watch your fucking back
I thought we agreed we weren’t going tell him that
I slipped up :( 
you weren’t going to tell me??
the hell babe >:(
look can we please just forget this so we can play?? 
I just wanna play minceraft and be gay :(
Error sighed, “I really hate you sometimes.”
“I love you, too!”
After around two hours of Error and Ink making fun of each other, they managed to go out into the world and build a dirt house.
hru two doin
good, i think
can I come see
dont be a fuck
y o u dont be a fuck >:( 
k im going over
pale says yes
stop bullying error!!
im not
im bullying ink
wait no 
go back to bullying error
can we see y o u r house first?
Ink went over to see where Dream, Cross and Pale had set up their base. What met him was the three, along with their complicated, towering tree house, stuck up in a jungle tree. Birds were on the fences, there were cats on the beds, and flower pots on the tables.
holy shIT 
it was mostly pale!!
and u
awwww that’s v sweet
it’s wrong! But sweet
I don’t think I want you guys to see my house now.
error you might wanna see this
im good
id rather hang out with these cats.
Understandable! Can you tame one and then bring them back??
y’all can like. Go to our house soon if you want :)
Cross ran over, Dream following closely behind. The pair stared at the tiny house the two had made. It was around 4-6 blocks tall, 10 blocks wide, and 10 blocks long. Error’s cats were in the house, along with two basic beds, and nothing else.
you’ve done
only this
in two hours
this is my first time playing minecraft with ink
oh awww
were you two too busy kissing to focus ;)
Error smiled to himself. Ink freaked out at the sight of Error’s genuine smile and started typing. 
error can’t SMILE
ykw fuck you all
also ink stfu
>:( I don’t sMILE
I bet your smile’s wonderful, error :) 
you do and its cute
I do NOT
accept it
you’re adorable
shtu up
Ink went to type something, and then stopped. He looked over at Error, whose amount of glitches were heightened. He stopped typing. He blinked.
“Hey, you okay?”
Error shook his head.
“Want me to stop?”
Error nodded his head.
hey were gonna log off for a bit
we’re just gonna walk
ok!! I hope you two have fun with that!!
Cats_Dont_Glitch has left the game.
AcePainter has left the game.
Error took a deep breath. He took in the deep, sparkling stars, calming himself down.
Ink managed to find the words for, “I’m sorry I freaked you out.”
“It’s fine.”
“No, it’s not. You asked me to stop and I didn’t stop. I know better than that.” 
Error turned to face Ink. He smiled. “It’s fine because you know what you did wrong. And you apologized for it. And I love you.”
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pokemagines · 6 years
takumi, gaius, henry, robin, & soren + summoner using their confession lines
anon asked: “I absolutely love this blog I'm so glad I found it!!! If at all possible can I have a summoner that has played the games using a characters confession line against them? Like with Takumi, Gaius, Henry, and any others that you like? Oh and what if the summoner creates ones for the characters who don’t have one like Grima/Robin, Alphonse, Corrin, Ect.”
a/n: y’all i am So Tired.... work is really Like That huh? OH and i got a kitten too recently!! we names her loki bc she’s v mischievous lmao --mod touko
also: i was rereading takumi’s confession line for this and i SCREAMED the japanese version he literally calls u sister i’m!!!! that is NOT okay sdkjhgfkfgjls
you’ve known about his crush on you for the longest time, as it’s not really subtle. he always gets flustered whenever you get near him, yelling something about you distracting him in order to try and get you to not be so close to him. (it’s embarrassing to him for you to see him all flustered).
so, you decide to confess to him first, but, not knowing what to say, you decide to tease him a bit and use words you know he’s said to corrin in another lifetime. you grab both his hands, making him look you in the eyes while you say it.    + “if you were aiming for my heart, you’ve struck true... this was meant to be...”
takumi is quiet for a moment, before laughing. you’re confused, wondering if this is him rejecting you (even though you were sure he liked you... could you have been wrong?)     + “i’m sorry but that was kind of cheesy!” he says inbetween laughs, “is this how people confess in your world?” you just kind of... blank out and don’t have the heart to tell him that that is in fact his own line.       “you’re such a jerk takumi!” you jest, lightly punching him in the ribs. he ruffles your your hair, smirking down at you.      “yeah, but i’m your jerk.”      “oh c’mon that was worse than y- i mean, my line!”
gaius aka “i have the cheesiest confession line ever” took a while to warm up to you (he’s very skeptical about forging bonds with people). he’s not the best in battle, but he is good at sneaking behind enemy lines and collecting intel for you, which is how the two of you became close. he even gave you a nickname -- “honey” because of your love of the sweet candies he makes. (it’s been misinterpreted by people many times).
one day, the two of you are talking about the worst romantic experiences you’ve ever had -- gaius’s was where he once thought frederick was into him because he wouldn’t stop following him around and staring at him, turns out the knight just thought he was going to break into the royal treasury.     + “well, once this guy confessed his love to me by saying “baby you’re a river of chocolate in an ocean of cream... i’m going to steal your heart on a daily basis.”      “...what’s wrong with that? it’s kind of sweet, i guess?”      “gaius what the heck that’s literally the cheesiest line in the entire world... seriously, you couldn’t have thought up anything... sweeter than that?”      “wait, what do you mean by “you”... did i say that when i was drunk or something???”
after you let that slip and explain to gaius that fire emblem is a game in your world he promises to write you up something 100x better than game gaius could ever think of. you highly doubt it. 
henry seems to have taken a liking to you as you both quickly bonded over the sharing of very fatalistic humor (which some of the other heroes found very odd but they were too afraid of henry to point it out). the two of you had a mutual crush on each other, and you thought of no better way to confess than using his own words -- plus, it’d be funny to see his reaction.
you have the perfect opportunity when you see henry outside by himself, talking to a group of ravens. the raven stare menacingly at you as you get closer to the white-haired boy, but you don’t feel unnerved until he actual stands up and smiles at you, then you know what you have to do.    + “henry... i’ve been meaning to tell you something all day.” you nervously shift your weight from left to right. taking a deep breath, you swallow your pride and grab his hands, forcing yourself to look into his deep brown eyes. “i’ll love you with every ounce of my blood until i die...” silence. then you hear henry make a tut noise.       “aw rats! i was going to say that exact thing to you!” you see him pout, but you doubt he means it. “are you a psychic or something? c’mon tell me! if we’re gonna be together til death do us part, i’ve gotta know all your secrets... even the gross ones!”       “yes henry. i can read your mind. everyone in my world has a superpower, you know.” you joke, knowing he’ll take the bait.      “no way!! that is so cool! alright can you read my mind now?”      “you’re thinking that if you could have a superpower it would be necromancy, am i right?” he looks at you in awe.      “no way! no way! ooh, can we go read other people’s minds now! we can find out all their dark secrets... you’re really something special, babe!”
robin always offered to help you out with tactics. even when she was first summoned, she’d be by your side, helping you draw up routes and giving you advice on how to win the battle while also keeping everyone alive. 
it didn’t take long for you to fall for her, hard. she was the full package: smart, sassy, gorgeous beyond belief... everything about her drew you in more, until one day you couldn’t take bottling up your feelings anymore, and you decide to tell her.     + “ah! summoner, just the girl/guy i wanted to see! i was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch with me? there’s this really pretty grove of flowers i saw outside and i was wondering if you wanted to see them with me?” she’s not wearing her thick tactician cloak and you can see just how beautiful she really is, dark skin, freckles littered all over her shoulders... she’s breathtaking. you feel your head start to spin. “...if you don’t want to do that we could always--”      “no! i-i’d love too! i just have to tell you something first...” she nods, insisting for you to go on, and you take a deep breath: “hm... it seems i’ve found myself in a situation where i must admit defeat. very well, my heart is yours.” robin flushes a bit at your odd confession, before laughing quietly to herself.      “i’m sorry, for a moment there i thought you were another version of me!” she puts a hand on your shoulder, “not the way i saw this going, but it was cute!” she leans up and pecks you on the cheek. “so, you want to get some lunch with me, dear?” the way she says the word makes you melt, and you can only answer with a quiet.      “mhm.”
soren and you have a rivalry of sorts, that started from the moment alfonse chose your plan over his. he sees you as a much inferior tactician, as he’s been studying his whole life and you’ve been studying for... well, as long as you’ve been in askr. he sees you as a hack running off luck.
it’s not until he goes to return a book late at night and sees you studying, eyes bloodshot and hardly able to stay awake that he realizes how hard you’re trying. he swallows his pride and sits down, asking about how you manage to come up with strategies despite having little to no knowledge on how the battlefield works. you perk up (as best as you can) and tell him how you come up with your strategies. he listens, and finds you not as insufferable as he once thought... maybe...
you know he has feelings for you. it’s evident how he sticks by your side, despite saying biting words towards you at times, he slowly but surely starts opening up to you. even ike (dense as he can be) seems to take notice, and teases his strategist about it.
of course, you know he won’t be the first one to confess because of how much of a tsundere he can be, so you take it into your own hands to tell him how you feel.    + “if you’ve come to pester me again, i’m busy.” he says curtly, but still moves over to where there was enough room for you to sit down. soren doesn’t look at you, but you can see a slight blush creep up on his cheeks.       “riiiiiight. so i’m guessing these week-old maps are keeping you busy? wait, is that a drawing of me in the corner?” he flusters immediately, ripping up the maps into little pieces. you chuckle, and he hisses, glaring at you as if to dare you to mention it again. you sit beside him on his work bench. “i came for a much different reason, i have to tell you how i feel--”      “why should i care about your feelings?      “because i like you. a lot.”      “just as you have to like everyone in the army. if that is all you can go now.” you would never have feelings for him, right?      “no, gods soren... do you want me to put it in words you can understand?” you put on your best impression of soren’s voice. “how did you do it? you’ve somehow... sorry, i should try and be nice since i-- i like you, okay? don’t make me say it again.” you giggle, “that’s how i think you would confess to someone, anyways.” you look at soren who’s completely flushed. he’s never had someone who liked him romantically before, heck, he’s only had one friend his whole life! what was he supposed to say?      “i guess the feeling is mutual.” he pouts, composing himself, “but that impression of me was gods-awful.”      “now that we’re dating, get used to hearing bad impressions alllllll day.” you link your pinky in his, and wink at him.      “now wait a minute!”
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