#i need an adult to make this decision for me
valiantstarlights · 9 hours
[Loving You is Cherry Pie] How It Started
Featuring doting father Alpha!Hob (43) and his son, recently presented Omega!Dream (20).
Not me looking for something appropriate(?) to post on Father's Day and finding this in my notes. 👀
The title is from the song, "Paparazzi" by Lady Gaga. While it could mean that loving someone sweet is as easy and enjoyable as eating cherry pie, knowing that Lady Gaga is allergic to cherries changes the meaning of the lyric drastically.
CWs: Aside from the dead-dove-ness of the premise, there's also toxic family dynamics (Dream's mother and her side of the family) and all the unfun stuff that goes with it, like verbal abuse, gaslighting, etc.
Important: This is (hopefully) going to be a series of non-linear oneshots. Maybe even a series of 'what if' oneshots. Who knows what I'll do? Certainly not me. 😂 Oh, and because this is an omegaverse fic, it's going to be on AO3 for public consumption. Anyway, Happy Father's Day, everybody! 😉
The Missus
"Talk to your son, Robert."
"And a very good morning to you as well, Nyx. May I ask what happened?"
"I merely requested, very reasonably, I might add, for him to call you 'Father' instead of his childish nickname for you, and he slammed the door in my face and called me a bitch."
"I see nothing wrong with Dream calling me 'Papa,' though?"
"You see nothing wrong with it. But everyone else is telling me how they think Dream is a spoiled, immature--"
"Everyone else, huh?"
"Yes! Look, I'm just concerned because the boy's birthday is coming up, and everyone on my side will be at the party, and--"
"Wait. A party? Nyx, you know Dream hates parties. And--"
"(scoff) That's your argument? 'Dream hates parties?' (laugh) And so what if he does? It's a family tradition--"
"Be reasonable. Dream is going to be presenting on his birthday, and he's overwhelmed enough with crowds. What more when--"
"Destiny is an introvert as well, and he did admirably at his presentation party. And besides, we both know Dream is just being dramatic, so you need to stop encouraging him. He's almost of age, Robert! He needs--"
"You're right. He's almost of age, and I think it's high time for you to start treating him like he's an adult who can make his own decisions. Have you even asked him what he wants to do on his birthday?"
"(scoff) Lock himself up in his dorm room and read his silly books, no doubt."
"So let him do that."
"Not a chance in hell. The party will be good for him. And besides, when was the last time he interacted with the right sort of people? Ever since he started at that no-name university you stupidly let him attend, he has been meeting all the wrong sorts! No wonder his attitude is becoming worse. He should spend more time with his cousins, especially the twins, who always ask when they'll see him next."
"Ha. Right."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Are you kidding? You know Desire and Despair are only asking when they'll see Dream next so they would know when they'd be able to bully him again."
"Bully-- How dare you! The twins are absolute angels!"
"Yeah. Because knocking Dream unconscious and locking him up in a closet in the attic for almost an entire day when he was nine years old is absolute angelic behavior. If I hadn't found him--"
"My god, when are you going to let that go? It's been…what, a decade? And the twins have already apologized. You were there. You saw that Dream has already forgiven them."
"Okay, one, the twins did not apologize. You made Dream apologize to them, and he only did so because you threatened to throw all his books out of the house."
"That is not--"
"No. You know what? I'm not going to argue about this with you anymore. Dream is going to decide what he wants to do for his birthday--"
"He is going to alpha the fuck up and go to his own presentation party that MY family is so graciously throwing for him--"
"--and you can decide whether or not you want to support his decision. Goodbye. (hangs up)"
"Hey, baby. How are you?"
"Everything okay? How'd you do on your paper? That was due this morning, right?"
"…I am not calling you 'Father,' Papa."
"(sigh) I never said you had to, baby. But you can see where you went wrong, yeah?"
"You called your mother a bitch."
"She is a bitch. And a hundred other worse things. She's lucky I stopped at bitch."
"Fine. I will apologize to her. For you."
"Good boy. And speaking of, your birthday is coming up."
"I already know what I want."
"If it's hardbound volumes of the complete works of Shakespeare--"
"(laugh) I know you hate him, Papa, so I won't torture you and make you buy things related to him for me."
"Well, that's a relief. Because I was just about to say that I was talking to your mother, and I told her that you're old enough to decide what you want to do for your birthday. So…you know, if you just want to have a pizza party with your closest friends at that gaming cafe you all go to--"
"Oh, Papa, really?"
"I know you hate the Endless's unnecessarily lavish parties, baby. So yeah, really. Consider it an additional birthday gift from me to you. If you want it, that is."
"I…Yes. I would love that. And you will be there as well, right?"
"It's your call, Dream. If you'd rather just celebrate with your friends, I could just pay the gaming cafe in advance and leave you young people--"
"No! I…I would love for you to be there. And you're not that old, Papa. But if you're busy on that day…"
"Me? Busy on my son's birthday? Never gonna happen. I would move heaven and earth and all my meetings so I can share with you all my hard-earned wisdom via dad jokes--"
"--and now all your friends shall suffer the same fete!"
"Get it? Fate and fete?"
"Regretting inviting me yet?"
"…Never. I was just--oh, Jessamy just arrived with our food. Hey, Jess."
"Take-out again?"
"This will be the first time this month. (muffled) Yes, it's Papa."
"Well, just be sure to limit eating take-out meals. I bought you all sorts of kitchen stuff for your dorm so you two could use it for cooking, not for decoration."
"Yes, Papa."
"Don't roll your eyes at me, baby."
"How did you--"
"Ah, hold on. (muffled) Yes, a moment, please. I have to go, baby. But enjoy your dinner and say hi to Jessamy for me."
"Yes, Papa. I'll send you a picture of our food in a bit so you may suffer for your fete joke while you're in your meeting."
"(laugh) Evil. I like it. Well, send away, baby. I'll talk to you later. Love you!"
"I love you too, Papa."
"Hypothetically speaking, if the house is in my name and Nyx barely resides here, can I charge her with trespassing and destruction of property?"
"Jesus Christ. What has the bitch done now?"
"(sighs) Just…we had an argument--"
"Surprise, surprise."
"--and after Dream told her he wouldn't be attending her family's presentation party for him, she has been…"
"A fucking psycho? As usual?"
"How's my cute nephew, anyway?"
"Thriving at university and making friends with equally brilliant people. He was home this weekend, telling me all the updates on his group's DND campaign when Nyx burst in and…well. You know."
"Yeah. And how many times have I told you to divorce her?"
"About as many times as when you pranked me when we were kids. But--"
"No. Dream is almost an adult, and he fucking hates her. There is literally no need for you to suffer her and her crazy family anymore."
"You know I'm right."
"You almost always are. So…what, do I need to lawyer up or something?"
"I mean, I already have a list of lawyers for you to choose from, if you're not fucking around anymore."
"(laugh) Hold on to that, then. I'll talk to Dream first and see what he thinks."
"What he-- Hobs, who the hell do you think gave me the list of lawyers?"
"Dream did?"
"…You know, sometimes I wonder if I actually did hit you too hard with that plastic shovel on the head when we were five and you lost all your brain cells that day."
"Alright, that's enough. I think I'm losing more brain cells just by talking to you."
"You can't lose more if you already have none, stupid. But yeah. Think about it. Divorcing Nyx, I mean."
"Been thinking about it more and more, to be honest. But keep that list ready, yeah? Just in case."
"Yep. Bye, Hobs. Tell Dream his favorite aunt says hello to her paleo mushroom bean."
"I still don't fucking understand why you call him that, and why he doesn't mind you calling him that, but yeah, sure. Bye, Jo."
"Happy birthday, baby! I'll see you in a bit. Just gotta get your super secret birthday gift from my super secret lair--"
"Take your time, Papa. And leave the dad jokes at home, please?"
"…That does not bode well."
Papa? (Missed call.) (Missed call.) (Missed call.) Papa, please pick up. I need you.
"Hey, Dream."
"Dream, I--"
"I'm so sorry, Papa. I suspected, but I didn't really know for sure. I… Do you hate me now?"
"I just need some time to process this. But I'm okay. And no, I don't hate you. This is very much not your fault."
"But…you're not mad at me? I love you."
"…I love you too, baby. I'm just…I needed to breathe for a bit. Sorry for suddenly walking out. How did the rest of the party go?"
"(wet sniffle) It was okay. Matthew ate most of the cake, and I think Lucienne won the most games so she got the chicken dinner crown."
"What do you mean, 'I think?'"
"I wasn't really paying much attention to what was happening after you left. Sorry."
"Oh, baby."
"I just…(quiet sob) I missed my Papa."
"Fuck. I'm so sorry, Dream. I promise I'll make it up to you. We could…I don't know, rewatch your favorite series over an unlimited amount of pizza, or see a Shakespearean play at the Globe Theatre--"
"(wet laugh) But Papa, you hate Shakespeare."
"Yeah, but…I love you more. And I'm willing to put up with that bastard's--ah, hold on. Jo's calling."
"You should take Aunt Jo's call, Papa. I'll be okay."
"You sure?"
"Yes. Jessamy's here. We're rewatching Legally Blonde. Say hi, Jess."
"(muffled) Hi, Mr. G!"
"She says hi."
"Yeah, baby, I heard. So you're sure you're okay over there?"
"Yes, Papa."
"And you don't need anything else? Pizza? Blankets? My secret hot chocolate recipe?"
"No, Papa. All I needed was for you to call me."
"Oh, baby."
"I'm really sorry."
"Dream. You have nothing to be sorry for. And I'm not mad, nor do I hate you. I just…(sigh) It was…and still is, honestly, a bit of a shock. But I will always be your Papa, even if we're not blood-related. Okay?"
"Yes, Papa."
"Alright. I'll talk to you soon."
"Okay. …And Papa?"
"Can I still…(deep breath) Am I still welcome to go back home?"
"Of course, baby. You're welcome to come back home any time."
"And…And you promise you don't hate me?"
"I promise. I can never hate you."
"Okay. I love you, Papa."
"…I love you, too, baby."
"Shit. Sorry, Hobs. Jet just landed. Why the fuck were you calling me 27 thousand times? Are you okay? Is Dream okay? What's--"
"Dream isn't my biological son."
"You heard me. I just found out when he presented as an omega and I reacted to his scent."
"You reacted-- Oh, fuck."
"I had to get the hell away from him as soon as I caught his scent. Calmed myself down a bit. A lot."
"Shit. You're compatible with him?"
"Jesus fucking Christ, Hobs."
"Fucking tell me about it."
"Have you talked to him yet?"
"Yeah. Just now, actually."
"How is he?"
"Worried that I hate him. Or if I'm mad at him. He wanted to know if he could still come home, Jo."
"Why the fuck would you be mad at him or hate him?"
"That's what I thought as well. Because right now? He is the last person on this earth who I will ever be mad at. But that's not what I was calling you about."
"Oh? Dream not being your bio son isn't the reason why you were calling me repeatedly like a fucking lunatic?"
"Yeah. I need you to give me that list of lawyers, Jo."
"Oh, hell yeah. Let's destroy this bitch."
The Missus Nyx Endless
We're over.
Excuse me? (Missed call.) Pick up the phone, Robert. (Missed call.) (Missed call.) (Missed call.) (Missed call.) You're acting like a child. (Missed call.) (Missed call.)
Stop calling me. Can't you read? We're over. Done.
And do I get to know why you're so callously filing to annul our marriage a day after our son's birthday, when he didn't even have the decency to show up to his own presentation party?
Yeah, okay.
Well? Go on.
Imagine this, Nyx. Imagine my shock and mortification when Dream, MY son, presents as an omega, and I, his supposed biological father, react to his scent. You know, in hindsight, I can see why you so desperately want him to present as an alpha. Why, if Dream did the 'proper' thing for once and became the alpha you always wanted him to be, then I would never know of your infidelity. In fact, I seem to remember a couple of nurses remarking that Dream looks healthy for supposedly being born premature. But was he really? Or was he born right on schedule? I mean, did you even pay attention in your required Secondary Gender classes? Because an alpha reacting to an omega's scent means that they're not related by blood to them. So yeah. We're over.
(Missed call.) Look, can you just pick up your phone so we can talk like actual adults instead of you suddenly accusing me of infidelity, as if you're some faultless saint who has never lusted after loose omega whores?
Funny. I'll have my lawyers contact you.
(Missed call.) (Missed call.) (Missed call.) (Missed call.)
Yeah, I'm still not gonna pick up and let you scream and gaslight me like you always do. I can fill in the blanks well enough by myself. All those work trips before our wedding? Not exactly rocket science. All I need from you right now is for you to sign the goddamn documents my lawyers are going to send.
And if I don't?
Gee, I don't know. I mean, it's not like my family owns an entire media company and has a lot of connections. Surely I wouldn't destroy you and your family's image, right? Because you've been such a good wife to me and a good mother to Dream, and you have never, not once, cheated on me with another alpha. Kronos, was it? What? Nothing to say? Fucking thought so.
"Aunt Jo?"
"Yeah, Bean?"
"Thank you for earlier."
"Nah. I should've fucking decked the cunt years ago. Glad I got to do it now. Seriously, don't mention it. It was my pleasure. How's your cheek?"
"Papa put an ice pack on it as soon as he could. Mother didn't draw blood, but Papa hasn't calmed down yet. He's calling even more people as we speak."
"Good. Keep that ice pack on your cheek. I'm coming over in a bit. Just gotta finish up here. You want anything?"
"Maybe vanilla ice cream for me and fish and chips from Cain and Abel's for Papa?"
"You got it."
CEO of Gadling Corporation Annuls Marriage to Estranged Wife
Robert Gadling, 43, annuls marriage to wife, Nyx Gadling (nee Endless) on grounds of infidelity prior to their marriage. (more on page 6.)
"Hey. I just heard the news. You okay?"
"I'm fine."
"I don't like that I have to go by Dream Endless now. But I'm glad I don't have to see anyone from that side of the family anymore. I don't like that people whisper about me everywhere I go. But Papa doesn't hate me and I'm welcome to stay with him for as long as I want. It's a mixed bag, but I actually prefer this to how it was before."
"I mean, obviously. I met your mom once and all I could think of was hitting her with a chair. No offense."
"None taken. I wish you had. That would have definitely made last year's Halloween party more exciting."
"Alas. I was too worried about getting arrested in my Uhura costume. You were dressed as Morticia Addams, right?"
"I was. Mother was supposed to be Morticia, but she claims her costume shrank in the dryer and so foisted the costume on me. She went as the Bride of Frankenstein instead. Something about being the wife of a monster."
"Yikes. Thank god your dad had a late meeting and didn't arrive until after she had passed out from drinking most of the alcohol in the bar."
"It's nothing, Lucienne. I just remembered I have a paper due on Monday that I have yet to do, what with all the...drama."
"Oh! Yeah, of course. Sorry for suddenly going off on a tangent. I really just wanted to see if you were okay."
"And I appreciate you calling to check up on me. Truly."
"Yeah, yeah. I'll leave you to the tender mercies of your academics then, Dream Gadling."
"Thank you. I much prefer that name over the one I have right now."
"Hello? Papa?"
"Hey, baby. Is everything alright? It's one in the morning."
"Yes. I'm safe in my dorm. I was just thinking…Can I still call you 'Papa?' Or do you want me to call you something else now?"
"'Papa' is fine, baby. I mean… (pause) Yeah, I think it would be strange if you suddenly called me 'Robert' or something."
"You don't have to sound so disgusted with your own name, Papa. I think 'Robert' is a perfectly lovely name."
"Aww, thank you, Dream. (paper rustling)"
"Are you still working, Papa?"
"Ha. I wish. No, baby, I'm looking through profiles right now."
"Of employees?"
"(sigh) Of omegas."
"You there?"
"What do you mean, 'why?' For marriage, of course."
"(sigh) Yes, Dream. Marriage."
"You and Mother just got your marriage annulled barely a fortnight ago."
"Yeah, well, your Papa's not getting any younger, and the Board is breathing down my neck trying to get me to get married again."
"What do they care?"
"Well, baby, it turns out that I don't have an heir yet."
"What do you mean? Am I not your heir? Did you not raise me to run the company competently one day? I'm good at the job, Papa. You know I am."
"You are. And I said the exact same thing to the Board. But they still want me to have a biological child to inherit the company someday. You know. Far into the future."
"So you have to marry again. And have a biological child with your new omega spouse. Children."
"Look, Dream, it's not like I'm having the time of my life right now."
"And me? Am I…Am I expected to just step aside for this new family of yours?"
"Baby, no. You're still my heir. Even the Board acknowledges how brilliant you are. But--"
"But once I have outlived my usefulness, I will be replaced by someone who shares your blood."
"I'm suddenly feeling drowsy, Papa. Good night. (hangs up)"
No one will ever be able to take your place, Dream. You are my son, no matter who your biological father is, and I will always love you. (Missed call.) (Missed call.) (Missed call.) Can you please at least let me know if you're safe? I'm getting worried.
I'm safe.
Okay. That's good, baby. Thank you for letting me know.
Jessamy (Dream's roommate)
Jessamy? Is Dream alright?
Hey, Mr. G! I mean, yeah? He's quieter than usual, but he's going to classes and eating and sleeping normally. Is everything okay?
Not sure, actually. Look, can you please keep an eye on him?
Yup, sure thing! Anything in particular you want me to look out for?
Just strange behavior, I suppose. The two of you have been roommates for a couple of years now, so in a way, you know better than I do what to look out for.
"I'm sorry. I don't know what has gotten into him."
"Hey, it's okay. It's totally understandable that he'd be very protective of you."
"It's just… I've never seen him act like that before. He's usually so well-mannered."
"Seriously, Robert, it's fine. Sure, he glared at me the entire night and interrogated me like I'm a criminal, but given what you both have been through, I get it. If I were in his shoes, I would totally do the same thing."
"I don't think you would 'accidentally' spill a glass of red wine over another person's clothes, though."
"Pssh, please. I have 'accidentally' spilled many an alcoholic drink when I was in uni as well. Granted, I spilled them mostly on handsy alphas."
"I'm really sorry."
"And I really don't mind. It's a dress, Robert. I can get it dry cleaned. If anything, Dream has provided me with the perfect excuse to go shopping."
"You don't have to be so understanding about this. He was a right little hellion tonight."
"Trust me, I've dealt with worse. Oh, hold on. (muffled) Oh, thank you, Chris. I just got home."
"Good. Great. I'll see you soon?"
"(laugh) I'll see you during our business lunch on Monday, Robert. And don't worry, it will take more than a glass of 'accidentally' spilled red wine on my dress to scare me off."
"(relieved sigh) Thanks, Eleanor."
"Ellie. You've dabbed enough napkins on my person to call me Eleanor."
"Ellie, then. Good night."
"Good night, Robert."
"Dream. Care to explain your behavior tonight?"
"Not really."
"…Okay, I'm going to give you time to calm down, but I still expect that explanation from you. And an apology to Eleanor."
"(hangs up)"
Jessamy (Dream's roommate)
Um, Mr. G? Dream came back yesterday at around 3AM, and he was really hungover this morning. Please don't tell him I told you.
Alright. Thank you, Jessamy.
"I said no, Corinthian."
"Anything you need to tell me, baby?"
"Nothing that concerns you."
"Well, I just called to tell you I won't be home this weekend."
"Understood. I am to let no one in, and all exterior doors must be locked at all times. Should an intruder somehow get past security, I am to hide in the safe room first and call you and/or Aunt Jo second."
"(sigh) Dream…"
"Is there anything else?"
"I miss you."
"We've barely talked since I started meeting with potential omega partners, and when we do talk, I get the sense that you'd rather do anything else than talk to me. What do I have to do? I feel like I'm suddenly doing everything wrong where you're concerned."
"If I ask you to stop meeting with other omegas, would you do it?"
"Baby…I have to."
"Then there's nothing left to talk about."
"You know you're one of the most, if not THE most important person in my life. I want you to be a part of this decision too. Anyone I choose must also have your approval."
"And if I choose no one?"
"(sigh) Baby…"
"You say I'm important to you. But--"
"Hold on. (muffled) What? Now? Goddammit. (sigh) Listen, baby. I have to go. But I'll call you later, okay? Just before my plane leaves, as always. I hope you answer. I don't like leaving on a plane without talking to you beforehand. You're my good luck charm, you know?"
"Fine. What time shall I expect your call?"
"(muffled) Yes, it's Dream. Just one more second, Ellie. What was that, baby?"
"Nothing. I said I'll pick up when you call. Is that Eleanor?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah. We're both attending the same international conference, so I invited her to just fly with me on the jet."
"...I see. I have to go to class now."
"Oh, of course. Sorry for keeping you. Have a good day at school, baby. Love you."
"(hangs up)"
Ppa help In eed you Ith urts
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 days
For @silvrash-797’s baby shower! :D Congratulations, girl!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Have some Ganondorf + kids, paired with Link + his daughter, paired with bedtime stories and yeah. Anyway, hope you enjoy! ❤️
Ganondorf truly had found that of all his quests and grand plans, the most difficult missions in his life had been to reel in his children.
He loved them dearly, truly. But by the goddesses, they could push him to his limits. Having just tracked down his daughter, who was most certainly the troublemaker of his twin children, he had finally dragged her and her boyfriend back to the capital, keeping his temper evident but silent as he practically deposited them on the ground. Link’s coughing brought him no sympathy from the Gerudo king, though he clearly wasn’t looking for any. Hemisi was completely unapologetic, and it was immediately apparent that the pair’s disappearance had been her idea.
Of course it had. The girl was a menace; she had her father’s tenacity and fiery temper paired with her mother’s mischievousness. The girl was a spitfire and Ganondorf adored her for it.
Except when she snuck off to forbidden places with someone who needed to be resting. Honestly, getting Link to understand the meaning of self preservation was proving to be difficult enough, but pairing it with Hemisi’s seeming lack of concern for either of their well-beings made Ganondorf wonder what the heck he’d done wrong in raising his daughter.
Why did teenagers think they were indestructible? It was beyond frustrating.
Hemisi decided to try and test the waters. “Come on, Father. We’re fine, and it wasn’t even that bad!”
He didn’t have time for this. He couldn’t exactly punish Hemisi too severely since tomorrow’s plans were being set in motion by Nabooru right now, and he needed Hemisi for it. Instead, he just glowered at the girl before directing his ire at Link. The boy looked reasonably apologetic, but offered no feeble words to excuse himself, which was frankly a little surprising as he was the polite, placating one usually.
“Get in bed,” Ganondorf grumbled to the boy. “And stay there this time. I expected more obedience from you. Not to mention you’re risking Hemisi’s health by being near her.”
The way the teenager wilted gave Ganondorf a little satisfaction, but Hemisi immediately jumped to his defense. “Oh, stop it, Dad! He’s not going to get me sick too; he’s feeling better! You should’ve seen him fighting the monsters down there, he’s fine!”
Ganondorf briefly entertained the curiosity in his mind that wanted to see Link fight – he’d seen glimpses of it in sparring matches, but that wasn’t the same. Orik had managed to defeat Merovar in every fight, and he and Hemisi were equals. To see him in a real fight would be interesting. Nevertheless, the boy had sand fever, and though he was doing far better now than he had been the other day, there was still always a risk that he could get sicker again or worse, give it to Hemisi. “I don’t care for your excuses, Hemisi. I expected you to know better. You wish to be treated as an adult, yet you still make decisions like a child.”
Hemisi puffed out her chest, getting riled up. Link dragged himself into bed with some effort to try and appease the situation, and Hemisi hopped on the mattress just beside where he’d settled.
“No,” Ganondorf immediately ordered. “You, daughter, are sleeping in your own room.”
“I will,” she scoffed, rolling her eyes before her anger seemed to settle into something else. “But can’t we all just hang out a bit? Maybe you could tell us a story? We’ll exchange stories! I can tell you about what we saw down there.”
“You disobey my orders and think you can regale your disobedience to me like it’s a tale of legend?” Ganondorf snapped. “You are pushing my patience, Hemisi.”
“Father.” Now she was trying pleading, petitioning to his soft spot for her with her tone. “We were simply curious. And Link was going stir crazy.”
“Link is sick. He needs to rest.”
“With all due respect, my lord—“
“No.” Ganondorf interrupted the boy. “Be silent and go to sleep.”
Link’s mouth snapped shut, and he practically deflated, sinking into the pillows.
“Come on, Dad,” Hemisi petitioned more gently, something genuine in her tone this time. “We… we never get to all really just… hang out anymore, you know? The Festival of Colors has been so nice because we’ve all been together just having fun. Can’t you just tell us a story? I’ll even grab Merovar.”
“You know your brother isn’t interested in my stories anymore,” Ganondorf noted, far less annoyed and perhaps a little… he didn’t know. His chest felt tight at her words. Of course they hadn’t had much time – he’d had planning to do. The Triforce would soon be theirs, and then they’d have all the time in the world for each other. And he wasn’t at all upset in the slightest at Merovar outgrowing such moments like this. He wasn’t.
“That’s because he’s stupid,” Hemisi fired back dully, eliciting a laugh from her father. “Link and I will listen. You haven’t told me any stories in a while, and you’ve never told Link any.”
Ganondorf sighed a little, glancing at Link halfheartedly. He didn’t mind indulging Hemisi, but Link… well, there was little point in not doing so. Life was about to change a great deal for this child as well, and Ganondorf knew he would be lying if he said he didn’t care about him at this point. “Do you care for stories, boy?”
Link’s red eyes sparkled a little, curious. “If… you don’t mind.”
“Dad’s an amazing storyteller,” Hemisi noted supportively, elbowing Link and smiling at her father. Ganondorf felt his chest warm and swell with pride at it, and he finally sighed, letting himself smile a little.
This girl, honestly. He couldn’t stay angry at her. “Very well. I’ll tell you about the Dragon Huntress.”
Hemisi’s eyes widened as she gasped in delight. “Oh, I love this one! Get comfortable, Link, it takes eighty years for him to tell—”
“You just complimented my storytelling abilities.”
“I didn’t say it was bad, it’s just long! And that’s not a bad thing! We can sleep through some of it.”
Ganondorf didn’t bother hiding his unimpressed expression. Children always made for the most difficult audience, but he’d thought it would improve with teenagers. To his credit, Link still seemed eager and interested, so Ganondorf sighed heavily and settled on the edge of the bed.
“Very well. Long ago, in the distant past, there was a fearsome dragon. It dominated the skies, elusive and powerful, with teeth that could snap bones and a mouth that could swallow cities whole. There was a Gerudo warrior at the time who swore to hunt down the dragon and destroy it after it took her parents from her. But the challenge was that she was of the desert, and the beast of the sky – how could she possibly hunt down such a monster and destroy it?
“The challenge was a formidable one, but the warrior decided she would fulfill it. She had to leave the protection and familiarity of her homeland, moving from the oasis into the great sand sea to the south, where the dragon often roamed. At first, it was a long, grueling walk. The sun scorched her during the day, drying her throat so much it felt as if she were swallowing the sand itself. With every step she took she could feel the heat pulling away her energy. But with every dune she crossed, she grew more determined, for she would not let the desert conquer her before she could reach her target.
“After several days’ journey, the warrior crossed yet another dune to find a new curiosity. The desert was different here, with patches of different colors like paint droplets on a canvas. Just to the left was blue, filled with water like an oasis but surrounded by pink and yellow flowers. To the right was green, grass waving in the breeze only to be choked out by more sand just beyond its little borders. Everywhere she looked there was patchwork of nature, magic sparkling in the air like fireflies.
“‘What is this land,’ she wondered curiously, ‘where Farore can piece together every fabric of the world into one place like a quilt?’
“The warrior stepped from one patch to another, one moment feeling a cool evening breeze on her face, relieving her of the dry, hot breath of the desert, and the next, dipping her toes in mud, sloshing in marshland and getting a bitter chill. As she moved forward, she heard a small cry, and she saw a curious-looking little creature. Its tiny paws were dark as the night sky, but its coat was the color of sand, tail small and ears large. It was stomping into the earth with gusto, echoing a phrase over in frustration as it moved, scratching here, pouncing there.
“‘What is the matter?’ The warrior asked the creature.
“‘Why, I lost my marbles!’ The magical fox replied.”
Here, his story was interrupted with an amused snort from Hemisi, who giggled as if she hadn’t heard this tale before, giving Link seeming permission to chuckle a little as well. It had admittedly been a while since he had regaled anyone with the story of the Dragon Huntress, and it was… a nice reprieve to have this moment.
Ganondorf spoke on, telling the pair of the warrior’s journey with the creature to retrieve little magical stones that held pieces of the world within them. With each stone was a new adventure, with each recovery was a new discovery. For one stone, she had to traverse a land of fire, helping Mr. Salamander retrieve his stolen eggs from a local demon who had taken them, including the magical stone the warrior needed. In another adventure, the warrior had to learn how to breathe underwater, in another she sang so beautifully she moved a tree spirit’s weary, heavy heart and it revealed where one of the stones were. This particular tale was so long because it was showing how the warrior lost her way, how she spent so much time getting involved in retrieving these magical stones, and all the misadventures and creatures she had to assist in doing so diverted her from her main goal. The story never really had a true ending – when the warrior finally retrieved all twelve marbles, she simply… stayed with her fox friend in the magical land she’d discovered. It was a cautionary tale, in Ganondorf’s mind, to never lose sight of one’s goal.
He planned to not make the same mistake as the ancient warrior.
Surprisingly, Link stayed awake for the entirety of the folktale, while Hemisi steadily fell asleep on his shoulder. The boy’s body was sagging steadily in exhaustion, but he hung on to every word, a captive audience caught in the wonders of the descriptions Ganondorf was giving him. He smiled and laughed softly in certain parts, looked worried in others, but never interrupted, never faltered despite looking utterly spent from his adventures earlier in the day. When Ganondorf reached the conclusion of the tale, he picked Hemisi up (he knew the girl would wake up from the movement, but she didn’t protest being held on rare occasions) and tucked Link in.
“So she… never got to the dragon?” Link asked quietly.
Ganondorf paused in the doorway, considering it. “I’d like to think she did, someday. When she came to her senses.”
The world changed a few days later. Golden grace split into three, the fires of war scorched the land, and their lives changed forever.
But many years later, the King Consort of Hyrule sat in the nursery, his sweet little princess on his lap and held in his gentle embrace. He’d only just started talking again recently, but he wanted Sonia to hear him speak more, as she’d almost lost her voice due to his own silence. As such, he figured he could tell her stories at night, to help her settle to sleep. He’d gone through a couple Sheikah tales that he knew, but he admittedly didn’t have much repertoire in storytelling.
And then he remembered a Gerudo story from long ago. He remembered the cool desert night, huddled up against Hemisi, body aching from illness and exertion but heart full of peace and joy. He remembered Ganondorf, deep voice low and gentle instead of menacing and terrifying, face soft and eyes welcoming instead of harsh and threatening. He remembered his story of the warrior who hunted a dragon and lost her way in all the little quests to help others.
At first, he didn’t even want to tell this fable. It felt like the words would poison his mouth, like spreading something around that that monster had told him would somehow bring him back. His heart ached at even thinking of a time when he and Hemisi had been together, when he’d almost had a family. But there… there was no harm in regaling his daughter with images of Gerudo folklore. He couldn’t let the past keep hurting him so much. And he had a family now, right here, right in front of him. He wouldn’t let Ganondorf ruin that for him, for his daughter, for anyone. So he started in on the tale of the Dragon Huntress, and oh how Sonia loved it, how she excitedly emphasized points she enjoyed and how she giggled, how she grew peaceful with the rumble of Link’s quiet voice, how she settled in her father’s loving arms.
And as Link told the story to his daughter, he pondered over the message it relayed, how Ganondorf had insisted that it was a cautionary tale about keeping focus on one’s goal. But as Link spoke to Sonia of each new adventure the warrior went on, and all the people she helped, and all the friends she made, and all the new things she discovered, he started to realize the legend’s true meaning. It wasn’t until he got to the adventure of the graveyard of fireflies, where the warrior had to help her newest friend, who was grieving, that it truly struck him.
It had never been about losing one’s way. It had been about closure and learning to live again. The warrior had been risking her life on the chance of revenge, on eliminating a beast that had taken everything from her, but through her quest to retrieve the magical little marbles for her new friend, she’d discovered peace.
Link felt his own eyes sting as he finished up the tale, Sonia sleeping peacefully in his arms.
Years later, the little princess had grown into a young woman, with a family of her own. And she told the tale to her children, just as her father had told her.
Millennia later, in the ruins of a village in the desert, Ganondorf gazed at the fire, the new Hero of Hyrule sitting across from him. The other Gerudo had passed the time telling stories, and it seemed it was now Link’s turn.
“Well, I’m afraid I don’t know much,” the young captain started. “But Zelda had one story she loved a lot. I don’t remember all the details, but I remember the overall plot.”
“Let’s hear it, then,” one of the women prompted.
“It’s called the Dragon Huntress,” Link started, and oh how Ganondorf’s gaze snapped to him. Link didn’t seem to notice, wrapped in the blanket he shared with Lana; he’d captured his audience’s attention and that was all he cared about. It was strange, really, how different he was from…
Ganondorf bit his tongue, pushing away the overwhelming, nauseating pain in his heart.
“Long ago, a Gerudo warrior tried to hunt down a dragon that had taken her parents from her.”
Goddesses, how did the boy know this story? How did he know a Gerudo tale in a land where the Gerudo were seemingly forgotten? And he’d heard it from the queen?
Had… had that child… after everything…
“On her journey, she met a magical fox. He’d lost little stones, magical marbles, and she promised to help him find them. But each stone was in a different place, and each one required a different problem to solve. I remember a few, like the one where she had to sail across a giant river with an otter who captained a ship, and another one with fireflies, I think? But anyway, the point was that she spent all her time going on these adventures and making new friends, and she realized that she had been obsessing over something that was never going to bring her parents back. So she learned to be happy with what she had, and she learned to move on.”
She… but that wasn’t how the story…
“So she… never got the dragon?”
Goddesses, he hadn’t heard that boy’s voice in so long. He could still feel the weight of his precious daughter resting in his arms, could still see the tired, quiet curiosity in young Link’s eyes.
It had been so long, yet this story lived on. And it had lived on because Link had decided to tell it to his children.
She learned to be happy with what she had, and she learned to move on.
Ganondorf’s gaze drifted upward, following the sparks from the fire until they blended into the stars of the sky. He breathed in slowly, feeling his chest tighten, feeling his eyes sting, and then he let go with a deep, shuddering exhale.
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hanjesungs · 2 years
hello srs question........ should i gif han jisung........
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buglaur · 11 months
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i'm making a character page
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quotidian-oblivion · 5 months
I think my brain's broken.
Anyone have a band-aid?
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sydmarch · 1 year
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anyway this is what i was actually trying to find. fucking thinking about this.
#NEED to know about their young adulthood. acele is described as 'late teens to early twenties' & we have no fucking clue how old evrart#is beyond 'around the same age as harry' which could mean anything when klaasje thinks hes 44 & kim thinks hes 56#but i imagine they ARE actuslly very close in age bcus it'd just make sense wrt the timing of the revolution & all & yknow the parallels#so like they definitely could have been somewhere in their mid or late 20s when they came into power? & this 'at her age' as just a handful#of years before that? (choosing to just believe this line rather than taking it as him only trying to 'kids will be kids'ing away the drug#lab thing & making something up. so i can totally just like imagine lots of anger. at the state of things. about powerlessness. what do we#DO about it? probably getting into trouble & getting in fights for a long time. like leo says they ALWAYS came to help it wasn't just a one#off thing where they defended him it was just that one incident where the bullying stopped. bcus they beat him until he NEEDED STITCHES#like god i can just imagine their childhood & then the adolescent & young adult frustration & all of that coalescing into ok we WILL do#something to make things better. whatever it takes even. coming to the decision it's worth killing for#'your honor it's fine that my little meow meow had someone assassinated he had a bad childhood you see'#im chewing through concrete im throwing up im pacing my enclosure#anyway. me when i'm normal about the video game men#texticles#de#disco elysium#evrart
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ipwarn · 6 months
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Happy New Year!
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they call me the griever because halfway through a thing I enjoy I’m already sad that it’s closer to being over
#blue chatter#trying to work on not doing this#and just enjoying the thing in the moment#this happens to me a lot with school breaks and such#like ‘oh I love being on spring break but I’m sad bc I’m already 3 days in’#‘oh I love summer vacation so far it’s too bad it’s already a month over’#and I’m like NO!!!!! blue!!!!!!!! you’re missing the point!!!!!!!!#you have the joy *right now* and you are SPOILING IT bc you’re too busy looking ahead to when it will be gone!!!!!!!!!#it happens with friend visits a lot. it’s less bad now but it still happens.#like. the first time I visited friends over spring break I woke up in the early morning of the last morning and just cried#because I only had a few hours left before I had to get on the plane home#and I start hurriedly stuffing seconds and minutes into my mouth and refusing to swallow#because maybe if I just cling extra hard then the time won’t pass-#but it does pass. and that’s okay. and I know that’s okay because life had more joyful things after that moment#had I stayed there on that day I would have been frozen as a much more miserable person#my friends themselves would have been very different people#I mean. fuck. between then and now two of us figured out our genders. both of them got married. they moved somewhere else now.#there’s a lot of little joys that got left behind there. a church they loved. a local park. mountains and windy streets.#but I wouldn’t hold ourselves there. which I try to remind myself when I start crying about lost time again#because yeah. this will end someday. human lifespans aren’t infinite.#but the future is full of life I still have to live. there’s no saying that I can’t have good things again.#and this period of my life is rapidly rushing towards a much more uncertain future and I know that and it’s scary#I know I have about 11 months to make several very adult decisions that will determine a lot of my future#but no matter what I choose this period of my life is not wasted#and I don’t need to hurriedly optimize every second and mourn losing them#and I know that. and I still feel sad and mourny. but that might be more indicative that I’m hungry or smth.
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seventh-district · 4 months
#it is 5 hrs past my bedtime and i am awake listening to Two Hearts by Dermot Kennedy on loop and crying over Rotating Shifts. again.#i couldn’t resist the urge to read the latest chapter any longer but i knew when i did i’d get like this#so Why did i wait for my period to roll around. i have made. a silly decision lmaooo#i’ve complained abt it before but i’m conflicted about how much more sensitive it makes me#my nightmares usually don’t make me cry but oh i was a Wreck this morning#so why i picked tonight to read the fic that always makes me cry is beyond me#i have never met a fic before that had me in such an intense emotional grip#and it’s fucking hilarious bc it’s not that intense of a story!! like yeah there’s been devastating parts but i’m out here having to-#-take a break every single chapter bc i’ll read one line that hits my inner child like a truck and i have to take a minute to recover#but the whiplash this fic gives me is so fucking funny and the range in the storytelling from comedy to tragedy is just.. *scream-cries*#it has my favorite characterization of Sun and Moon that i have ever seen#this chapter wasn’t even that sad i’m just Making myself sad about it#but on another level it also makes me sad in the sense that i don’t think i’ll ever be able to write something that good..#all that i want out of my writing endeavors is to make one (1) person feel as strongly and as much as RS makes me feel#and i don’t know if i can do that. i don’t know if my writing has what it takes bc i can’t even describe exactly what it is#i don’t think it’s a science that can be replicated. things either connect with someone or they don’t#the way Sun goes from worryingly innocent ‘wdym we can’t invite strangers to live with us?’ ‘wdym we can’t adopt an adult that needs help?’#to fucking. tearing an animatronic in half in a fit of protective rage and blocking access to all dating apps to prevent you from-#-finding anyone else bc he’s your Special Friend and he can’t have his Daydream falling for anyone else!! no no!!#it’s not a new concept but i eat it tf up when Sun is actually the one you should fear the most#like no i don’t think he’d hurt Reader but i dread to think of the things he would do For them#the back and forth between childlike innocence and terrifying intelligence possessiveness and physical capability is just mmmmm 100/10#and don’t even get me started on Moon. or i Will start crying again#he’s ​like yeah dumbass of course i’m gonna save you every time some POS man tries to **** you. of course i will you fucking crater-head#but i will complain at you about it the Entire way home and then i will steal your fucking toilet paper and pack you a raw egg for lunch#because i hate you 🖤 but Sun loves you and we would both kill for you 🖤 also i drank all of your chocolate milk 🖤 also i hate you :)#anyways i am paraphrasing obviously and dear god i hope no one who actually reads RS sees this bc i do not want my 2am ramblings taken as-#-any kind of Official Thoughtful Analysis of the story ok pls pls pls let me be insane abt my favorite fic without having to be articulate#i just have so many fucking FEELINGS about them. i am unwell.#i’m not even tagging this i’m just hitting post and going to sleep goodnight
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guinevereslancelot · 7 days
so proud of myself for putting a big part of my last paycheck in my savings like an adult but now im gonna spend all my savings like an idiot 😵‍💫
#i mean i am paying cash for my first vehicle which is like...adulting pro level but....at what cost (the price) 😭#also its a very cheap rusty old car tbh but i need a truck for the farm basically#so even tho i could keep driving my dad's car to work since he works from home it makes sense#especially bc its three people sharing that car with me and my brother#and my little brother is a full time student w no job so im the full time employed one so i should be the one to get a car#but i was determined to not take out a loan so its not a super nice car#but i'm buying it from a friend of my mom at a steal basically#like who sells a decent working car for 1500 anymore#but thats literally my entire savings so.... 😬#no car payment tho which will be nice but aaaaaaaaa#and im worried its kind of a junky car and will need tons of repaira all the time and not be reliable#but my commute is really short and i never drive anywhere besides work which is good for an unreliable car#im not convinced its a great investment to put all my savings into an unreliable vehicle but my parents told me its a good investment so#😬👍#adulting yayyyyy#i am getting paid this friday tho so my savings wont be so alarmingly empty for long#but i have other big expenses so im stressed#however it is a nice christmassy red pickup truck which is good for a christmas tree farm#but last payday i was like why do i have so little money in my savings thats dumb and not very grown up im gonna put as much as i can spare#then a week later withdrew almost all of it for the car 🤡#possibly a stupid decision#but maybe a great one idk#and it saves my parents having to buy a trailer for my mom's car for farm stuff so they're gifting me $300 towards it#and it will be satisfying to buy it outright and have no debt on it#but oof it hurts so much to make big purchases#i've never spent this much money except on tuition#i dont know that its specially unreliable i just know its got rust and duct tape and they're selling it bc they'd rather have a car payment#bc they put more money into it than its worth#but its got new tires and brakes and passed inspection somehow with the rust sooo? maybe its not as bad as it looks 😂
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planetamarte · 3 months
the thought of going on hrt has been so fucking prevalent in my mind recently like i need testosterone like a lover
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dormont · 3 months
man. i wasn't expecting to relate to super as much anymore because of it being a coming of age story and i'm older now compared to when i first played it at age 15 (as opposed to gates' story, which only gets more relatable the older i get), but as someone who felt like i was never really allowed to make my own decisions and learn on my own and instead had to have everything be decided for me because the people around me didn't have faith that i could make my own choices (because of autistic reasons), and was only recently given that freedom at the age of 23 after having to really fight for it, this stuff with the adults in serene village thinking hero and partner are just being foolish children for wanting to leave the village but later supporting their dreams and the opportunity to grow is hitting especially hard on this playthrough
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you shouldn’t be riding motorcycles, it’s dangerous. at BEST you look cool on a bike, at worst you die horribly in a crash. how is that worth it? aren’t you like only 18
with all due respect, its my life and i can do what i want with it!
its a hobby that i enjoy, its not just 'to look cool'. yes you can die, but you can die in about a billion other different ways.
good day!
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kingdumkum · 1 year
I totally agree with your concept of love!! Too many people rely on the feeling of love instead of choosing to love someone, and they don't realize love takes work. You know?
tee my darlin, we're on the exact same page. I've been ruminating on this for a bit, trying to figure out the best way to say this without being Annoying, but it always comes back to this: love, the kind that lasts a lifetime, is a choice.
i know i got into it a bit here, but like. if you don't expect any other emotion to last forever, why is there a belief that love will? media is beautiful in the sense that we get to have some of the most amazing adventures, but it's also so damaging in how it twists the perception of what a healthy relationship looks like, or what real standards of love are. I could whip out a dozen examples, but they all boil down to how setting an unrealistic expectation for a very impressionable audience negatively influences their idea of what love, romantic or otherwise, is--particularly the young adults that haven't experienced love yet or don't have a healthy example to look up to. love, whether you're on the receiving or giving side, is not an excuse for bad behavior, and nor is it as eternal as media claims.
in my experience, as someone happily engaged and who's been spending a lot of time talking to Older Folks about what's made their marriages last (or end), the longest love is two-sided and it takes work. anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or has found someone willing to sacrifice everything in order to keep their partner happy.
love is not sacrifice, but it requires compromise; love is not pain, but it requires the memory of happiness in order to continue. love is born from an emotion, but it continues with the conscious decision to make it so. if you're not happy, sad, angry, anxious, etc. 100% of the time, how can you expect love, as an emotion, to exist 100% of the time?
don't get me wrong, love is certainly something you feel, and if you don't feel it, you can not force it--but if you're looking for the kind of love that lasts a lifetime, you've got to be willing to make it a choice, too.
(interestingly, and for another tangent, is how so many continuations/time skips focus on how the original love interests separated after Some Time and are either (1) finding a new love story or (2) rekindling their love... almost like Hollywood is admitting they care more about telling how two people FALL in love and less about what someone has to do in order to make it last a lifetime... but I digress).
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dandeyrain · 8 months
we GOTTA stop repackaging outright gender essentialism and misogyny as cute '''''''''feminist'''''''''' jokes!
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chradi · 6 months
I’m extremely excited to start 2024! The potential of getting a new job doing something I love and getting my motivation back after like an entire year of being in and emotional roller coaster. By god.
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