#i need to be put down right this moment
gebura with dong-hwan's key page giving me strains of covid unknown to man
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fujii-draws · 2 months
OKAY! Chatot rant in tags below! Read at your own discretion.
#okay starting from the beginning of where ppl usually dislike him. apple woods chapter.#he doesn’t give hero/partner the CHANCE to explain themselves despite them being relatively good recruits up until that point.#and that legit might be my only gripe with that chapter bc!!! stories need conflict! I LIKE the conflict in apple woods!!!#hero and partner being punished so something they didn’t do!#the misunderstanding! how team skull (Skuntank) actually outplays the main duo with a clever yet rotten trick. I LOVE that it segways into-#one of the more sweeter scenes of guild members looking out for eachother. I LIKE APPLE WOODS CONFLICT.#but chatot just. not giving them a chance. is so dumb.#I’d personally fix this by having a lil montage of hero/partner fucking up on jobs. A LOT. and chatot giving them a pass every time.#and let the perfect apple incident BE the one where he puts his foot down and doesn’t listen to them. bc he’d given them loads of chances.#and doesn’t want to hear any excuse.#but yeah. I legit dont mind him during that chapter except for that really stupid and frustrating moment.#NOW. CHAPTER 17.#UGGGGHHH WHERE DO I BEGIN#Him not believing hero and Partner about Grovyle and the future being in ruin? FINE. ACTUALLY GOOD. BC CHATOT WOULD BE SKEPTIC.#IT FITS HIS CHARACTER!!#BUT WHAT DOES SUCK. IS HIM GOING ‘Dusknoir isn’t the bad guy. he didn’t do anything wrong’#WHEN HE LITERALLY KIDNAPPED HERO AND PARTNER RIGHT I N F R O N T OF HIM.#(​NO LITERALLY. HIS CHARACTER IS IN THE FRONT ROW WHEN IT HAPPENED.)#and him. having the GALL to tell hero and partner they must’ve been ‘seeing things’ and downplaying the HELL they went through.#despite them being missing for hours/days. his own guild recruits. and his angry sprite showing up.#like. I think that’s when I genuinely despised him.#that and him going ‘OH I BELIEVED YOU THE WHOLE TIME HEEHOO :)’ shit was so fucking annoying.#just playing it off as a joke the second the guild started to believe hero and partner.#IMAGINE IF HE W A S ACTUALLY TESTING THE GUILD’S TRUST. SHOWCASING HIM AS THE MORE RESPONSIBLE AND RESPECTFUL RIGHT HAND OF THE GUILD.#and yes. Brine cave he saves hero and partner. but at that point I just didn’t care anymore.#he fucked those two over so much. that I didn’t care what ‘valiant’ sacrifice he had.#and he grills Team Skull for what they did OFF SCREEN. they couldn’t even give us THAT.#<<< THAT or him outright saying sorry would’ve been nice. IKIK his ‘actions’ or whatever but.#eughh again this is all imo. I’m not trying to make people hate him or change their mind.#I’ll get into positives in the second post cause I’m running out of tags
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bluastro-yellow · 8 months
I thought Kim's portrait looking a little like the Rising Moon Hanafuda card was just a neat coincidence but I actually like the idea of Kim symbolising a moonrise instead of a sunrise. the Sun is the brightest star in the sky and when it's gone the Moon keeps reflecting its light. what if (if you play him as a huge communard) Harry dies just like Mazov and Kim becomes the "echo maker", the one who spreads his message
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clawfootcoffin · 1 month
loved hearing lena put her foot down in the newest ep….. gwen and her are quite literally an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object and it is So entertaining to watch.
can’t wait to see how their rivalry concludes (it will almost certainly end with one or both of them Dead)
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m1d-45 · 9 months
You know, that would be ANGSTY COMICAL if we mixed that in the aftermath of the reveal of who is the real creator, since it could be taken as the creator REPLACING characters who hurt them.
that was the intent!
i think diluc would have it easiest. red is from a hateful part of his past, and he knows that he’s grown beyond that stage. if it weren’t for red’s temperament, he’d want to try and connect, if only to gain his trust. it still hurts, knowing that even after all this time he still failed to be what you needed, but it burns him the least.
fischl would be worse. night is everything she tried so badly to be, down to her own oz. to make it worse, night couldn’t care less about fischl, ignoring her monologues about who’s the real princess. the only one she needs the approval of is you, and she’d gotten that the second she was first summoned. she does fischl the mercy of letting her keep her name, but even that is mostly at your discretion. ‘fischl,’ ‘night,’ whatever. she just needs to protect you where amy failed.
and kaeya… my poor beloved. if night is what fischl wanted to be, shade is what kaeya has to be. night is a persona that fischl copied, shade is the very mask kaeya had put on for all his life. he’d entirely remade himself, down to the name he used and the way he treated his fellow knights, and it still wasn’t enough. all of his effort was poured into making himself something that could be accepted, that could be good enough. he’d thought he’d done a good job when he was first marked as a vessel, but now in the hunt it’s clear that his palatability only ran skin deep. shade is what you need, shade is what you want, and he’s genuine about it. shade’s entire life is yours, and he was rewarded for that devotion with your affection, earning a place at your side. and kaeya had devoted himself to the hunt instead, was so blinded by his own desires that he’d ignored the resistance of his vision. diluc may hate his past and fischl may hate night, but kaeya can only really hate himself.
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egglygreg · 9 months
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Ok, so I had this dream last night right? And it was mostly nonsensical and weird and silly, but there was this moment...
#I was the winged fairy girl at this point during a big battle#someone sliced me right down the front through my corset and dress#it was inspired I think by that fight in Zorro between Zorra and Elena#except NOT flirty dude was trying to kill me and sliced a wound down my chest#not super deep but still#and then this other guy#the one in the drawing#defected from the enemy side killed the other dude and very distressed tried to help me#which involved a very funny moment of him pulling my hands back to see the wound and realising my corset had been cut clean through#and us both getting extremely embarrassed and him pulling the corset back together and telling me to keep pressure on it#literally the most YA romantic comedy moment I've ever experienced#I think the main influences of this dream were that I recently watched a youtube reaction vid of someone watching Zorro for the first time#A drawing someone I follow did of that popular YA fae novel that I've never read#and looking at tangled concept art#and actually definitely the first aid course I did this week#because I remember them talking about how you need to cut clothing off someone to put the defib pads on their chest#and I was uncomfortable with the thought of someone having to do that to me#AND the fact I was paired with a cute guy I'd never met and we had to practice putting each other in the recovery position#which was SUPER awkward#so clearly my brain was like You know what would be fun? an even MORE awkward and painful scenario!#but make it fantasy!#ellennart
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aibidil · 1 year
Current situation where I live in a “great” school district in the US of A in 2023:
School cannot hire bus drivers. No one will take the job. (Honestly GOOD FOR HER!) (Pay a living wage!)
Whenever a bus driver calls out sick, a busload of kids isn’t getting to/from school on time. I know someone whose kid’s school ended at 2:30 and they got home at 5, hours late. This kid is like 7.
School district hired a consulting firm to come up with ideas about out how to solve this problem. (Pay a living wage.)
Now they’re all “Here are our options. We can make half the schools start early so that the buses can make two trips.” (This option would put the bus arrival time before 6am for some kids.) “We could require all teaching assistants to obtain a commercial driving license before we will hire them.” (?!?!?!?) “We could allow people as young as 18 to drive the school bus.” “We could stop driving some kids (magnet schools and expanded walk zones) to school.”
Pay bus drivers a living wage.
Ask a fucking toddler on the street and they will say PAY THEM MORE. Raise the taxes, pay them more.
I just—
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disappears off the face of the earth and reappears just to say hey have you guys seen this show?
#you guys should watch this show#lidia poët on netflix it's so delightful#usually like faux feminist historical shows really grate on my nerves but this one was genuinely a good time#maybe because it's funny#or the relationships are all really delightful between the eponymous lidia poët and everyone around her#or maybe im just gay#i wont deny it plays a role#the OUTFITS#also i think theres this like needle to thread is that the idiom when you make a story about like a real life woman who faced sexism#bc like you need conflict to have a story but sometimes that leads to the woman in question just constantly being beaten down#you know what i mean?#sometimes it feels like that#but i think this one does it well#i think bc like lidia faces all the sexism every time she steps out of the house#and also inside the house from her brother and sister in law#but she also has people - men - who love and support her..........disobedience#i think thats well balanced i think thats why it works#also shes just great#funny and obstinate but also kind#theres one moment i wanted to put in the video but couldnt find the right place for#actually two#one where shes talking abt a client to her brother and shes like 'shes an anarchist and a bit of a bitch but shes also innocent' fghjkgh#another time shes talking to her niece abt her crush lorenzo and shes like 'you can tell me. as a lawyer i offer confidentiality'#and her niece is like 'technically youre not a lawyer anymore'#and lidia is like '......bitch. theres nothing wrong with liking him you know'#it's just really cute hgkghh i love the relationships she has with literally everyone in her life#if you wanna watch it for like the lawyer thing you can skip it theres no lawyering being done really#because shes not allowed in court rip#shes more like a bit of a sherlock holmes#you know like the american one with the female watson whats it called.........elementary
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st4rstudent · 5 months
I think every social media website should have an effective tagging system, just my thoughts
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dawnpours · 1 year
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Some of you guys were really nice about my Ez art so I decided to go ahead and post these! Some are very sketchy and/or only make sense in the context of our game, sorry about that! I'll put a few explanations in the tags for fun
Also can you believe that last one is the only in-game canon kiss? That said, play a drinking game with Zone of Truth activated, 11/10 best way to get npc lore and/or try to uncover if your cleric is indeed a werewolf.
#the first one was right after the rest of the party yelled at her for always rushing in and endangering herself#and she was trying to explain to them that that was how she kept them safe#because she knew she was the only one able to take the hits and the others needed the range#but she had gone down a few times at that point and they were concerned and a bit aggressive#and Ez basically took her side and defended her a bit before asking her to still be careful#the hug one is wishful thinking#the third one is when they had a bit of downtime to read a certain book and they were having basically sleepovers for a week#and that's when Rainer realized that this was more than a crush#the kiss one I don't really need to explain but the other girl is Savra#who is Rainer's ex in our game#the comic is right after Rainer was exposed as a warforged#she had her arm almost ripped off by a wolf and wasn't sure she could put it in water#that one is very old and the art is eh but it's still a precious moment#especially since it was the beginning of Ez' comments slowly reshaping Rainer's perception of her own body#then it's just my obsession with drawing people in braids#there is a reason it's Rainer's love language and that reason is I want to draw all the braids#then I just wanted to draw her happy and free after we got part of her backstory#the one where she's from the back is right after Rainer almost got mauled by wolves#i got too excited because I had just gotten Haste and got to 1hp ahahaha#she panicked and got Rainer back up#got beat up herself and then refused healing#saying she was okay#Rainer didn't listen and Lay-on-hands-ed her in passing#this was her reaction and to this day I'm half convinced this was part of her hating that they were starting to care for eachother#and then the last one is her kissing Dhakil (our cleric and the love of my life)#during a truth or dare (with alcohol and zone of truth) where she was dared to kiss someone in the party by our warlock#Dhakil 'touch-averse' Virkas straight up said 'yeah don't be shy'#so she kissed him instead and immediately came out as gay afterwards. a queen.#ezmerelda d'avenir#curse of strahd
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
During the 2020 shut-in era, I basically only listened to Coldplay and god the amnt of emotional nostalgia I get from listening to their music is so
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#the first 3 albums only btw 🥰🥰#theres some songs i rly like from their other albums#but nothing has the gut punch of their first 3 for me#and i listened to them a lot while developing my main oc ship#so listening to these im like SOB SOB ECLIPOIR SOB SOB SOB#i even drew art of them w the lyrics....#but now these songs are my go-to ship coded songs#so ofc listening to them now my brain is subconsciously trying to apply them to vettonso....#tho something i think is very funny is how this music is pretty basic right? not a bad thing!!! but like very well known normal music#but of course when i listen to it im making these over dramatic animatics in my head to them#and once i looked at the lyrics explanation for a song cause i was curious#and the reasoning was something super boring related to chris martin's marriage and it ruined the song for a bit LMFAO#i cant be thinking abt them in that context okay 😭😭 theyre the songs thsy form the tapestry for basically every ship i have#blah blah blah typical catie moment of 'i dont listen to these songs in the NORMAL way' calm down...#anyways getting emo as always over this music sob sob sob#I just love that music can instantly transport you back to a specific time in your life or a specific thing#i think I also was into rainbow six when i listened to this music mainly 😭😭 so now ofc theyre popping into my head#also my god: Spies would be such a good Bond song and i refuse to believe they didnt write it w that in mind ;;;;;#maybe i should put more thought into what songs of theirs i could apply to vettonso...#i really need to make a playlist for them sometime :D#catie.rambling.txt
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jewishcissiekj · 5 days
incidentally came across a Mike Chen tweet and decided to search up Asajj tweets on his twitter. which was a mistake because that man is doing nothing but pissing me off and his Asajj takes are infuriating and I most of all despise his take on Tartakovsky Clone Wars Asajj and Anakin Yavin 4 fight
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is he like. stupid. did he even watch the show. I don't get it
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sapsolais · 9 days
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non-un-topo · 11 months
The irony of trying to start a "pain journal" but being too fatigued and having too much brain fog from said pain to start one
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anthromimicry · 1 month
oh, but imagining the potential for warmth and also perhaps some humor in the scenario that misao decides she wants to try to cook something for someone she loves while they're over is currently making my heart happy. like i'm not going to lie — misao has honestly not cooked a day in her life since she just simply never had the need to, being a jorōgumo and all, but she would want to at least try to show she cares for them by attempting to cook their favorite dish or something whenever they're over at her home. and this would still apply to her even if she ended up completely failing at it at first because one of misao's love languages is acts of service. thus, of course she would want to provide them with something as integral as food. but GAHHH, picturing it from misao's loved ones perspective is also equally as sweet to me, because them guiding her on what to do while reassuring her that it's okay? and them eventually just deciding to cook together because misao may or may not get overwhelmed by the fact that she has such little knowledge about what to do because she wants everything to be perfect is... idk. it can be either incredibly romantic, or make for a very wholesome platonic moment between her and another character, which i LOVE
#ALL POWER DEMANDS PAIN AND SACRIFICE: musings.#NO SLEEP OF THE INNOCENT. NOT FOR YOU: character study.#i just had to post this once i thought of it because i feel as if all i've been posting on here is angst SO have this little wholesome-#character study / random drabble from me about how misao would try to do something that she has no idea how to do just to try to make-#any one of her loved ones happy. which honestly just mentioning that is making me go 🥺 because misao would absolutely be putting their-#needs above hers in this scenario and that is kind of what love is all about right? plusss her tendency to strive for perfection in-#pretty much everything she does being revealed like this to another muse / character is sort of intriguing to me to think about. cooking-#seem like a rather minute thing to some after all but wanting to cook for someone to me shows a lot of love on their part and it is-#intimate to sit down with someone and eat with them which as you all may know is exactly the kind of thing that misao is afraid of doing-#someone but the fact that she'd essentially getting out of her comfort zone here for them demonstrates that she is capable of growth-#and maybeee is getting less afraid of opening up to heart to people? idk but i think it just shows development on misao's part for her-#to willingly put herself in a spot like this where she is vulnerable around them bc she isn't good at cooking BUT she still wants to do it-#for them even if that requires help. so yeah. it's just kind of wholesome to think about the implications behind this happening and also-#just the event itself. like AHHH😩 the rare moments where misao just lets herself open up to people is most where she seems like she might-#not be entirely evil and more than just this man-eating yōkai y'know? and i honestly kind of love that for her
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jesterguy · 5 months
One of those days where I have to pause and take a deep breath before I can do even the most minor tasks
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