#and how that almost certainly means she will Die and Soon
clawfootcoffin · 4 months
loved hearing lena put her foot down in the newest ep….. gwen and her are quite literally an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object and it is So entertaining to watch.
can’t wait to see how their rivalry concludes (it will almost certainly end with one or both of them Dead)
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paladinncleric · 7 months
Kitchen Capers.
Pairing(s): Jenna Ortega x fem!reader
Summary: Jenna and R's attempt at 'cooking'
Warning(s): fluff
Words: 1k+
A/N: Not a big fan of this, but kinda enjoyed writing it. Hope you like it!
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"Babe." Jenna poked my cheek as I concentrated on beating my highest score on Flappy Bird.
"What?" I said giving her a quarter of my attention.
"Babe." She poked my cheek again.
"Babeeeee" She said as she repeatedly poked my cheek.
I groaned as I stared at the 'Game Over' on my screen just a few points away from my top score. I looked at her sitting beside me on the couch giving me her best innocent smile as I glared at her.
"Now what exactly do you need me for, Your Highness?"
She climbed up on my lap, straddling me, as she squished my cheeks together causing me to look like a duck, she repeatedly pecked my squished-up lips as I sat there with my arms crossed, which I eventually melted into cause who could resist her kisses? Certainly not me.
"Stop being cute and tell me what you want." I said as I caressed both her thighs exposed from her shorts while she caressed my neck, still in my lap.
"I was thinking we could make pasta to take to my mom's tonight."
"Okay...that sounds easy enough?"
"It's not."
"It's not?"
"I was thinking of making it from scratch..." Said Jenna trailing off absentmindedly playing with my shirt.
"Oh like not the store-bought kind?" I asked and she nodded.
"Well...can you?"
See, after recently moving in together we realized neither of us are all that big into cooking, with me lacking the skill and Jenna's career keeping her away most of the time. So, I've taken up some cooking classes to at least be able to feed both of us. But it's only been like a week so my skills are nowhere near good enough, I don't wanna accidentally poison someone. That's why we've been striving off of takeouts and dinners in her parent's place every once in a while.
Which is also why we've been invited to her family's house tonight for dinner, and Jenna being Jenna was determined to show them that she's capable of living alone without their help.
"Of course I can, I've watched my mom make it a hundred times." She said as she looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.
I chuckled and said to her, "Babe I'm sure you're aware that there's a difference between watching someone make it and making it yourself."
She stared at me annoyed, "Obviously, but how hard can it be right? I'm pretty sure I know all the stuff that goes in there."
"Are you actually sure? Cause we can call your mom an-"
"No! I want to do it all by myself and without her help for once."
I sighed at her stubbornness and said with my eyes narrowed "If I die tonight because of your food, I'm haunting you for the rest of your life."
"Wouldn't want it any other way, baby." She said with a chuckle and a quick kiss to my cheek and got up from my lap already on her way to the kitchen.
I sighed as I fall back on the couch and I pulled out my phone again to try and beat my score for the 5th time, but as soon as I got comfortable Jenna's voice boomed through the house.
I groaned as I got up and made my way to the kitchen with slumped shoulders and mumbled a quiet "Yes mom."
Jenna immediately turned towards me again and asked with a glare "What was that?" Making it clear she heard me.
"Nothing." I said avoiding eye contact with her.
"That's what I thought. Now, get to work." She said then went back to taking out all the ingredients, which I followed to do after dramatically groaning.
"Uh babe are you sure we added the right things?" I said as I looked at her trying to massage the watery dough.
"I mean, yeah, I'm pretty sure." She said with furrowed eyebrows and flour covering almost every inch of her face. I chuckled as I took a towel and turned her face towards me as I gently cleaned her face. After I was done, I gave her a kiss on her nose as she smiled at me softly and I smiled back.
"Thanks." She whispered.
I caressed her cheek with my hands as I replied, "You're welcome, gorgeous." She kissed my chin then went back to her work.
I watched her struggle for 10 more minutes as I say, " Uh we can check google if you want?"
"No! Nope! I said I'm not taking any help tonight. I'll figure it out myself." Jenna's stubborn ass said.
I sighed as I leaned back against the counter knowing it's gonna take a while. I would try and help her normally, but in these situations I'm even worse than her.
I watched her for a while, now with an hour and a half till we need to leave. When finally, she groaned and pushed away from the dough. She turned around almost into tears. I open my arms for her as she stumbles into it, her holding the back my shirt as I rub her back while trying not to instinctually move away from the wet dough smearing on my shirt from her hands.
"I really thought *sniffle* I could do this."
"Hey it's ok babe, don't be sad. I can totally become the perfect housewife/trophy wife for you after I'm done with my course. I mean, c'mon, at that point I'll almost be a professional chef."
"Shut up." She said with a giggle as she backed away from the hug and wiped under her eyes with her dough hands as she froze.
I saw her analyzing everything with wide eyes, to my dough-covered shirt, to her dough covered clothes from vigorous stirring of the dough, to her face now filled with dough to her hair and the kitchen floor covered in flour. Then finally, her eyes landed on the clock above my head which read exactly an hour left to leave.
"Shit!" She exclaimed as she ran for the bathroom.
"Hey! I need to shower too!" I yelled after her.
"Join me!"
I smirked at that and was about to respond, when she said, "Without your unholy thoughts!"
I laughed to myself, as I quickly cleaned the floor and threw the dough away while trying not to touch it. After about 10 minutes I was done, as I stripped my clothes along the way to the bathroom and threw it on the floor of the laundry room.
I finally got in the shower, as I saw Jenna washing her hair butt naked. I smirked and went to slide my hands around her waist, when she abruptly turned around and said with narrowed eyes.
"Don't even think about it."
I threw my hands up in surrender as I exaggeratedly looked her up and down with a teasing smile on my face. She groaned and went back to showering as I joined her under the water.
After showering, I wear some slightly baggy jeans with a button-up and my converse, while Jenna wears something similar too.
We both nod at each other with an approving smile, as we run towards the door with us already being 15 minutes late.
We enter their house with Nat standing and pointing at her watch at the entrance. We both sheepishly smile as I give her a quick hug and Jenna gives her a kiss on the cheek as we both move on to greet the rest of the family.
"So, how's everything going back home? Settling well?" Jenna's dad, Ed asked us after we all finally settled on the table for dinner.
"I'm sure they are, was probably too busy 'unpacking' to get here on time." Aliyah said while quoting 'unpacking' with her fingers.
I coughed as I picked up my glass to drink my water so I didn't have to reply, while Jenna subtly kicked her under the table. I saw Aliyah wince as I struggled to hold my chuckle in.
"Everything's going great Dad." Jenna clarified.
"Except." I said as Jenna's head snapped towards me as she threatened me with her eyes.
"Don't you dare."
"Her attempt at spaghetti ended up failing so bad, it was hard to distinguish the edible part."
Aliyah and her parents burst out laughing, Jenna glared at me and smacked my shoulder with her hand as I stuck my tongue out at her.
"You could have asked for my help mija.”
I saw Jenna’s shoulder slump and she pouted at the table.
“I know but I wanted to prove a point.” She grumbled as she shoved bread in her mouth.
“Yea you proved it very well.” Aliyah said sarcastically.
“I’m still proud of you for trying at least, God help me I don’t wanna step foot in a kitchen anytime soon.” I said exasperatedly.
“You ever plan on cooking?” Asked Aliyah.
“Of course but only when I have the assurance I can cook something decent and won’t burn the house down.”
“Take all the time you need, Y/N. At least in this way I get to see my daughter more often.” Said Ed taunting Jenna.
“Daaaaaad.” Whined Jenna
“What?” Said Ed laughing at his daughter as she sat pouting again.
“Okay that’s enough, let the poor girl eat.” Said Natalie as she shook her head smiling.
I unlocked the door as Jenna stomped in and went straight to our room as I sighed at her child-like antics. How can a person be so poise and yet childish? Fuck if I know. I locked the door behind me as I approached our bedroom slowly dreading what I’d have to face. I get in the room to see her getting ready to wipe her makeup already in her sleeping clothes. I stood there staring at her through the reflection of the mirror. Her eyes caught mine as she raised her eyebrows at me as I squinted my eyes at her.
“Do you have something to say?” She asked.
“Uh no…do you?” I replied as I stared at her confused.
“Oh okay great!” I brightened up significantly as I thought she had forgiven me.
I happily walked to the bathroom. Did all the necessary things, emptied my stomach, changed clothes, brushed. I happily trudged back into my room to see Jenna taking up the whole bed and my pillow nowhere to be seen.
Uh oh.
“So uh dumb question but where’s my pillow?”
“Oh they’re on the couch.”
Well, shit.
“My I ask why…?”
She just stared at me blankly as she faced away from me. I sighed and groaned as I flopped on the bed, half on her and half on the bed.
“I’m sorryyyy, we just always joke about your culinary skills and I thought you wouldn’t mind.”
“I told you I was trying to prove my independency to them, but you saying that proved the opposite.”
“Jen I’m pretty sure they know you’re independent, you literally travel country from country shooting films, most of the time alone.” I said as I looked at her quizzically.
“Well…yea but they were still reluctant with me moving in with you.” She countered back.
I laughed as I pull my head up to look at her and say “That’s because you’re their little girl and of course they’re gonna be sad and kinda worried about you moving out of their home for the first time.”
Jenna groaned as she put a pillow on top of her face and said “I knowww it’s just them being so, I don’t know, over-protective this way makes me feel like they don’t trust me with taking care of myself.”
“At the end of the day, they still let you right? focus on that. I think they let you ‘cause they know I’ll be here.” I said with a smug smile as Jenna rolled her eyes at the bullshit I just spewed.
“Also I think you’re parents think we’re like, some sort of, sex crazed people...oh my god is this why they were reluctant?” I said as I made a ‘mind blown’ face.
“No, of course not why would they think that?” Jenna said as she looked at me confused.
“Well with the way your mom makes sure we have weekly check-ups and your dad’s The, by the way very terrifying, ‘Talk’ he gave me I’m pretty sure they do.”
“Oh my god, shut up you’re being ridiculous.” Jenna said laughing as I smiled finally hearing it.
We laid there for a while, me half on her and half on the bed as she stroked my hair. After a while, she stops and says.
“I’m still mad at you though.”
“Oh please, woman you’re not fooling anyone.” I say as I get up to get my pillow back.
“Ugh you’re lucky you’re cute." She said and I responded with a 'duh' face.
"The lower half of my body is numb because of you asshole.” Jenna said as she wiggles her toes in my face as I stand in the doorway of our bedroom and smack her feet away.
“This is what it feels like being the bigger spoon most of the time, except it's the upper half, so now YOU deal with it.” I say as I quickly stick my tongue out and move out of the way as a pillow comes straight to the door. I stuck my head in again as I look at the pillow and her on the bed with deadpan eyes and say.
“Hahaha you miss-“ a pillow smacks against my face.
“Now go get your pillow and hurry up I’m tired.” Jenna said as she situated herself on the bed again.
“Yes ma’am.”
“Does it actually feel bad to be the bigger spoon?”
“No, it doesn’t.”
“But you just said.”
“I like it as long as you’re my little spoon.”
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mrsshabana · 23 days
This request can go on the back burner, but an idea struck me with the force of a ton of bricks when I say your post about incel Gyutaro.
What about a little story where Gyutaro is trying to join a fraternity, to impress girls, and it's hazing time~ They make the pledges strip down to their boxers and wear blindfolds. The frat guys got a bunch of pretty girls together to write on their bodies with washable markers. Compliments or insults. The one with the most compliments from different girls joins tonight, and the one with the least has to walk home in his underwear. The others just get their clothes back and can stay at the party.
Reader is heartbroken by the amount of insults on Gyutaro's body with no compliments. So she puts on red lipstick and kisses all of his birthmarks! And writes in the lipstick. He's still losing, but he definitely won't mind as much anymore. Also, I feel like this is a mouthful if you don't wanna post my ask, itself, that's fine.
𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐥 𝐆𝐲𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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꒦꒷‧₊ Summary Gyutaro thinks joining a fraternity will help him impress girls, but it results in him getting hazed and utterly humiliated. Though you end up making it all worth it. Maybe it did help him impress girls after all. ꒦꒷‧₊ Content Gyutaro x female!reader, smut, MDNI, incel Gyutaro, college au, angst, humiliation, hazing, vaginal sex, creampie, premature ejaculation ꒦꒷‧₊ Note 2.6k words. THIS MIGHT BE THE BEST ASK I'VE SEEN ALL YEAR. I KID YOU NOT - AS SOON AS I SAW THIS I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT IT EVERY MOMENT SINCE. This ended up being some of my best writing, thank you so much for this request ♡
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You've seen some crazy shit since you've joined a sorority but nothing quite like this. It's nothing new that the fraternity guys on Greek row like holding strange events and wild parties. But you never thought they'd invite you and some of your fellow sorority members over to haze some rookies.
A line of almost naked men stand before you, blindfolded and in nothing but their boxers. You and the other girls are tasked with writing comments about their appearance on their bodies with a marker. Compliments or insults, both are encouraged.
Most of them just look like your everyday frat boy, with lots of them having abs and large muscles. The only one that stands out is the guy at the end. You can already tell he doesn't belong in this crowd by how pale he is. Not spending the summer drinking beers at the lake and getting a nice tan? Who the hell is this guy? He looks like the type that stays inside all day playing video games and watching hentai.
And that's not all - his body stands out in many other ways as well. He's really skinny and his hip bones protrude in an unnatural way. Not to mention the large ink-like birthmarks that are scattered across his body.
However, even though he looks different, you don't have a negative impression of him. All you thought when you first saw him was, "Huh, that guy doesn't look like the kind of guy to join a frat."
As you go down the line you write nice comments on each man's body, not having the heart to write anything negative and possibly hurt someone's feelings. You always felt bad for the guys that get hazed so you could never bring yourself to make it worse for them. However, when you get to the skinny guy, you are utterly shocked by what you see.
Littered all over his body are mean and cruel insults. You felt sick to your stomach as you read them.
One girl even wrote, "Ew, why are you even here?" while another wrote, "I rather die than sleep with you lol."
You understand that he has an unconventional appearance but it certainly does not warrant all of these hateful comments. It breaks your heart to see that not even a single girl has said something nice about him.
You can't even imagine the amount of courage it must have taken him to stand up here like this. Only to get shot down and made fun of? You won't stand for it.
He flinches as he feels your delicate, manicured hands touch his chest. Then he feels something creamy and soft glide along his body, it feels different from the markers he's felt so far.
You decide to write some nice comments in your favorite red lipstick.
"So hot!"
"Cutie ;)"
But you feel like it isn't enough so you put a layer of the vibrant shade on your lips, then begin to kiss the birthmarks on his body.
His breath hitches and his face turns red when he feels you kiss him. Starting with his cheek and going all the way down to the mark on his hip. Everyone stares at you with confused faces as they watch you adore the "ugliest" guy in the lineup. But honestly, you don't care, you think he's hot as hell.
However, you feel like it's not enough so you write, "CALL ME!" in large letters on his chest followed by your phone number.
As all of the girls finish up leaving their comments for the guys, they are finally allowed to take off their blindfolds and read the messages on their bodies.
When he removes his blindfold you can't help but smile seeing how cute he is, and not to mention those beautiful blue eyes.
The self-proclaimed leader of the hazing committee, Tengen Uzui, reads the comments out loud.
Of course, the insults on Gyutaro's body sting. Especially since they are so harsh and he received a lot more than everyone else. But the bright red compliments are what's keeping him afloat. Almost making him not give a fuck about what any of the other girls had to say. Of course, there is a part of him that thinks this could be a cruel trick to get his hopes up. But honestly, after going so many years without a girl even looking in his direction, he can't help but get excited. After all, this is the first time he's ever gotten a girl's phone number.
He looks around the room, trying to see who the culprit could be. There are a few girls wearing red lipstick so he's not entirely sure who it could be.
"Looks like you'll be walking home, Gyutaro!" Tengen announced loudly, "And I'll be keeping these!" He laughs as he snatches Gyutaro's clothes - forcing him to walk home shamefully in nothing but his boxers.
He feels a wave of embarrassment wash over him as everyone stares and laughs. Just wanting to get out of there as quickly as possible, he nods and walks towards the door.
"Wait!" You shout as you run towards him, taking off your shirt and jeans. Once you're down to your bra and panties you say, "Let's go together."
His eyes widen as he looks you up and down, his face as red as a tomato. The party goes completely silent, the girls stare at you with confusion and a hint of disgust. While the guys stare at Gyutaro with envy, wishing that they were in his place.
"Well, come on," you say, breaking the silence.
Gyutaro gives you a shaky nod and opens the door for you, following you out.
Once outside the frat house, he really doesn't know what to say, at a complete loss for words. A half-naked girl is walking home with him right now, and not just any girl, you're a solid ten.
His perverted self may be too focused on your appearance right now, but a part of him does recognize how nice it was of you to do that for him so he didn't feel so embarrassed. You literally took off your clothes so you could endure his hazing punishment with him. No one's ever been so kind to him before - especially not a woman.
He keeps looking at your tits, trying not to be obvious about it but he can't help himself. He loves boobs!! He always has and he's never been so close to them before. Honestly, it's a miracle he isn't sporting a massive hard-on right now. The cold breeze hitting his exposed skin is the only thing keeping it at bay.
"Um... thanks," he rasps quietly, barely mustering the courage to speak to you at all, "What's your name?"
"Oh, my name's Y/N. And don't mention it," you smile, "No one deserves to be treated that way."
"... so you did it out of pity?" he frowns.
"Not at all! I-I didn't mean it like that!"
"Then what did you mean?"
"Well... I think you're really cute. Nerdy shy guys like you have always been my type," you express your feelings with a hint of embarrassment, "And just because you don't look like the other guys doesn't mean that warrants bullying."
Gyutaro blushes deeply, too shy and flattered to respond. So you continue.
"Don't join the frat, Gyutaro. You won't be happy there, they'll just make you an outcast because you're different. I really hope you change your mind about it." You hope your words won't offend him, but it's the honest truth. A guy like him doesn't belong in a frat and deep down he knows that.
Gyutaro hates everyone in that frat, he finds them annoying and idiotic. He only wanted to join in the first place because he's so desperate to get laid and he knows those types of guys pull chicks left and right.
"Alright, I won't join. But only if you have sex with me," he states with a confidence he hasn't had all night.
"Wh-what?!" You gasp, almost certain you must not have heard him correctly.
"I only wanted to join that stupid fraternity to get laid. You're the first girl that's ever been interested in me. So if you sleep with me then I'll know I can get laid without needing the frat."
At a loss for words, you stare at him with wide eyes as the two of you stand outside of his dorm building.
You're no saint, so sex isn't something you aren't used to. But you also wouldn't consider yourself the type to sleep with a guy you barely know either. This is still weird for you. But is it too weird for you?
Obviously not because you feel butterflies form in your stomach and a moistness develop in your panties as you think about it. He is really cute, and he does have a point. If you sleep with him maybe it will boost his confidence. And who knows, maybe after tonight you could get closer to him. Being a virgin and all, he doesn't seem like the type to just dip and skip.
"Ok, you have a deal," you smile shyly and take his hand, "This is your dorm building right?"
His jaw drops, not expecting you to have agreed. "Y-Yeah," he stutters.
"Let's hurry before anyone catches us!" Dragging him inside, the two of you sneak up to his room without being noticed.
Once inside you get clear confirmation that Gyutaro is the exact kind of guy you thought he was. Clothes and empty energy drink cans were strewn about his room. The air smells like a mix of body odor and G Fuel. On his desk is a nice looking PC gaming setup. Equip with neon lights and an RTX 3090. And you aren't surprised to see a bottle of lotion on his desk. And beside it is an nsfw figurine of some anime character that looks vaguely similar to you. Maybe you are his type after all.
Gyutaro doesn't bother cleaning up or even apologizing for the mess, it's like he doesn't even care. He just turns on some colored lights and sits on the bed. Now that he's out of the cold and inside the comfort of his own dorm, you can see his erection quickly growing under his boxers.
"Well? Don't tell me you're gonna chicken out now," he scowls.
"No! I'm not chickening out! I'm actually really excited..." you sit beside him and caress his thigh.
Immediately you can see his member twitch beneath the thin fabric of his boxers. He had this nonchalant act going on, but now it's crumbling down and he's a complete mess.
"C-Can I touch them?" he mutters as he stares down at your chest.
"Sure, let me help you," you say as you unhook your bra and throw it to the side. His eyes widen and he has to stop himself from drooling.
Like instinct, his hands go to your breasts and he starts feeling and playing with them. It's obvious he's never done this before because his hands are shaky and he's handling them roughly. But he's just so excited!
"Woah," he says in awe, "These are awesome..."
Even though he's a bit rough and inexperienced, it still feels good. The way his bony fingers squeeze and prod, along with how he runs his fingers over your nipples with curiosity.
"Gyutaro..." you whisper as you caress his cheek and pull him closer, "Come here." Pulling him into a heated kiss, it's obvious he doesn't know what to do. But you try your best to guide him.
He whimpers into the kiss as you slide your tongue into his mouth. He tries to reciprocate but he's quite sloppy.
Despite that, it still sends him to cloud nine. Not only is this his first kiss but he also gets to touch tits at the same time. It's so overwhelming for him that he feels like he's already going to cum.
Hastily shoving his hand down his boxers, he grabs the base of his cock and squeezes tightly - desperately trying to stop himself from cumming. He pulls away from the kiss and says, "T-Take off your panties, I-I wanna fuck you already."
With a devious smirk, you spread your legs as you remove your panties, showing him how wet you are. Gyutaro gulps, staring at you like a starving animal.
"I'm ready for you, Gyu," you coo as you lay on your back, completely submitting to him.
"Wait um... can we try doggy style?"
You're kind of surprised by his request but you don't mind so you flip over and get on your hands and knees.
Gyutaro would actually love to watch your face contort as he fucks you, but he chose doggy style because he doesn't want you to see him while he does it. Even after everything you've said to him his insecurities are still there. And a part of him fears that if you see his dick then you'll change your mind about this. He's not the biggest, but he definitely isn't small either. The size is actually really nice, but he's so insecure that he can't see that. But the worst part is the birthmarks, he feels like his dick looks like he has some type of venereal disease even though he doesn't. So he figures it'd be best if you just didn't see it at all.
Once you're in the doggy position he feels comfortable enough to pull down his boxers. You feel the sticky, leaking tip nudge against you as he positions himself.
His brows furrow in frustration as he tries to find the right spot, his inexperience showing.
"Here, let me help you," you say in a sweet tone as to not upset him or sound judgmental. Though he's still a bit embarrassed anyway.
Reaching between your legs, you grasp his shaft and gently guide him inside of you. Once he's an inch or two inside, he gets too excited and fully thrusts forward. Jolting his needy cock into your gummy walls. You yelp in response while Gyutaro moans loudly.
"F-Fuck... ngh Y/N, you feel so goddamn good," he groans in pleasure as he tightens his grasp on your hips.
After a moment of stillness, he starts thrusting when he feels like he won't cum immediately. But it's not long before that sensation comes back.
Only after a few thrusts, do you feel a warmth spread inside of you as you feel Gyutaro's thighs begin to shake.
"Did you- did you cum?" Surprised, you look back at him to see the blissful expression on his face.
But your words quickly snap him out of it, "Shit... m'sorry," he pants, obviously feeling ashamed and embarrassed, "I-I didn't mean to cum so fast."
He quickly shoves his dick back in his boxers, trying to hide his shame as he hangs his head and refuses to look you in the eye. The only chance he got to have sex, he ruined it by cumming too fast like the incel that everyone says he is. He looks down at the writing on his body, starting to feel like all of those insults from earlier are justified.
Seeing the shift in his mood, you quickly put your panties back on and hug him. "Hey it's ok, it was your first time. That just means we'll have to do it more so you can get used to it."
"R-Really? You don't think I'm pathetic...?" he whimpers in disbelief.
"Of course not, I still had a lot of fun," you smile and kiss his cheek, "Maybe I can stay the night and we can try again in the morning."
"I'd fucking love that."
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vemuabhi · 10 months
What Sanji is like when Falling in Love
- Ft. Chubby Reader
Hey People! After a long time, I'm here with a Sanji Fic. Please show me your love and support by reblogs.
The part-2 is here people. Please check it out!
What Sanji is like when falling in love
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Pairing : Sanji X Fem! Chubby! Reader
Prompts taken from : Bas-writes (4 ; 6 ; 21 ; 30)
Warnings : A bit suggestive but non really. Mostly Fluffy ; Thick Thighs Save lives ; Stretch marks ; Making food for Reader ; Loving Touches
Word count : 1.7K
copyright © vemuabhi
Though Likes are cute and all, Please Reblog me if you like my writings.
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Lazy afternoons
The travelling on the sea has been fun because of the crew and their liveliness but there are some days when everything is very quiet like, sometimes Luffy and co. are so serious and trying to fish, sometimes they are all playing some random game which is just not at all understandable. Only Luffy, Ussop and Chopper could understand and play it. No one else can even understand it. Except for Robin who denies she understood to avoid playing. Nami doesn’t care and doesn’t wish to know what they are doing. Now today, the trio fell asleep post lunch leaving the crew to calm down and rest for the time.
Leaving you and Sanji near the Tangerine trees on the back of sunny. Both of you were tired after cleaning up the plates and kitchen. The empty glasses of orange juice were on the table. It was too hot and luckily Sanji got you the juice to cool you down. You both sat on the bench which had the umbrella to protect you from the sun. Sanji had dark circles under his eyes and his eyes kept drooping.
“Do you wanna sleep”, your question made him to turn towards you and smile. He glanced towards his shoes and nodded.
“Yesterday’s night watch is making me like this Y/N”, he said as his tired blue orbs met yours.
“You are tired. Lay down. Ill make sure no one disturbs you for a while”, you said as you took the book which was on your lap and placed it beside you. Sanji’s cheeks reddened as he noticed your action.
“Am I… Supposed to-”
“Yeah, you can. I mean no force ofco-”
“I’ll. I’ll take up the offer”, he said while you took your kerchief and wiped the blood from his nose making the latter gulp.
Sanji slowly placed his legs on the bench and leaned down on your lap. The moment he felt your soft thighs on his cheek, he almost got a nosebleed again but he tried his best to not die. Noticing his nervousness, you ran your fingers in his hair making him flinch at the touch but he soon accepted your touch. Your soothing touch and the soft thighs made him to calm down. The sound of the waves relaxed him to the core. A yawn escaped his mouth. He closed his eyes and within seconds he fell asleep. His soft snores indicated how tired he was after making so much food for the rowdy crew.
After sleeping peacefully for a while, he woke up to the sky turning orange and the soft cushion wasn’t a cushion. Upon careful inspection he noticed that it was your thighs and his eyes widened at how long he had slept on your divine lap till now. He got up and apologised at his behaviour which you chuckled.
“Don’t have to be sorry Sanji. I’m happy that you to sleep till now”, you smiled at him making his heart skip a beat. As he was about to say something, the captain yelled for Sanji asking for food as he noticed the blond was awake now. That made you to giggle.
“They cant live without you”, you said suggesting him to go to feed them which he obliged. Sanji’s new fetish unlocked. Your thighs. Your soft plump thighs.
Needless to say, after that day you found Sanji come to you whenever he was tired and sleepy. He wanted to feel your touch in his golden locks. He wanted his cheeks to be met with the best pillow in the world, your thighs. Of course, he wasn’t vocal about all that but anyone could understand his actions at that point. You certainly allowed the cook to rest on your lap whenever he approached you. Sanji, was not the guy who would show his vulnerable side to women. But he started to slowly show that to you.
Sometimes he would just lay down on your lap and face you while you both talked about nothings. He would talk about the general topics which ranged from the news he had read that day to talking about the songs which he heard recently. Sometimes he made jokes which weren’t that funny but that’s what made them funny. You never not laughed at his jokes. Never knew Sanji was so talkative, usually he would always listen but when someone is listening to him, he opened up more and more. The heart eyes of Sanji never appeared during these times and he stayed calm. His eyes showed… adoration.
Little treats for the little deeds
After you had let him sleep on your lap, he never once missed to give you a special dessert or a special dish in gratitude. His way of showing you thankyou was it. While you guys were at the dinner table, he always… always made sure to slip a little treat near your plate making you smile at him while you nibbled on it.
“Ah! Not fair! Even I want that whatever Y/N is having”, Luffy cooed being yelled by the cook to shut up and eat his share of meat. His blue eyes looked into your direction while you still continued to smile at him. He had to avert his gaze from yours to stop his spreading blush more obvious to the rest of the members.
Sanji, being so precise while he selected ingredients for cooking, he made sure to especially be careful while he worked on yours. Some times when he would just be engrossed in his cooking book to a point where he wouldn’t even notice you coming into the kitchen. You would just sit across from him and continued to read your book. The silence with Sanji was also what you fancied soon enough. His presence was just… that calming.
When he finally had noticed you, he would gasp making your gaze turn towards him. His porcelain skin turned red as he smiled and walked towards you. He sat on the table and talk about the recipe that he was going to prepare.
“Everyone would be so amazed by this, I’m telling you”, he said as he gently took your hand in his and rubbed his thumb gently. “So, I feel like, I’ll be needing… somebodies help to make it”, he then looked at you with a slight pout.
“Haha, so tell me mister cook, what should be done?”, his smile grew, he pulled your hand and lead you to the counter to prepare the food. Sanji could easily make it on his own. He didn’t require anyone’s help. He could just have you sitting there being pretty while he cooked, but he didn’t want you to leave. And what way to keep you around than to ask your “help” because he “can’t” do it on his own.
Lets just say that cooking never felt this fun before. It felt refreshing to be cooking along side Sanji. He just knew… just knew how to make it right. The little intimacy moments you had shared were what made it so important to you both.
Tender Touches
Sanji had never been in a relationship. Not once his fate aligned with his pursue of love. Now that the stars had listened, he had a chance with you. But he didn’t want to get too cocky.
Then you could expect how thrilled he was when you asked him if he wanted to help you apply sunscreen. He almost crashed while approaching you. You laid down on the lawn chair with your back facing the sun. Sanji almost had a nosebleed when he touched your back. Just as he thought, you were so soft. He thought of your thighs as a reference when he imagined how soft you would be over all.
He applied the sunscreen on your back, while he lingered a bit too long holding the softness of your love handles. He gulped after the task was completed. You held his tie and pulled him closer to you and placed a kiss on his cheek making him to fall to his knees while he still gazed at you. That resulted you to again wipe the blood from his nose.
“You’ll have to get used to that, Sanji kun”, you ruffled his silky hair while he just chuckled. He blinked slowly as his gaze fixed on you. The crew could literally feel butterflies in their stomach when they watched you two. Like how Sanji’s wishes came true. That made him to lean into you to place a kiss on your soft plump cheek. His sudden action made you to chuckle, while he raised on eyebrow, “You sure you can handle it Y/N”. Maybe he could get cocky after all.
Silver marks
Night watch was especially given to one member and Luffy, chopper were exception from it. Sometimes when he was on night watch, there were you, leaning your back on the ship rail while his arms were on wither sides of you. He smelled really good. As if he took a shower just then. There were little to no space between you two. He used to get flustered and shy in the beginning but, as time went on, he was getting more and more confident on initiating kisses.
Tilting your head to right by placing his fingers under your chin, and closing the gap between you two. Your arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him even closer while deepening the kiss. Your fingers gently laced in his golden locks. His hands travelled to your thighs and pulled them up, aligning them on his waist while his slender, but damn strong arms carried you to place you on the bench.
Sanji pulled away from the kiss to look at your body beneath him. His gaze shifted towards your top, which was ridden almost past your stomach. Now for the first time, he almost had a full view of your torso. His fingertips traced along the silver lines on your body. You could see the love and lust glimmer in his blue eyes because of the moon. His white cheeks were turning pink, and his breathing was getting heavy because of the stretch marks on you. New kink unlocked. Stretch marks. Your Silver marks.
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copyright © vemuabhi
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astrumark · 1 year
PAIRING: aemond targaryen x female reader.
SUMMARY: aemond needs your assistance after a battle, in more ways than one.
WARNINGS: blood, curse words, smut with plot, use of coconut oil as lube, hand-job, p in v, tits sucking, multiple orgasms, creampie, a hint of sub aemond? oops? :3
WC: 5.3K
NOTES: obviously this is my take on what happened after rook's rest. the show's approach next year will definitely be different. but it's fun working with the book's events and its lack of minor details (you can fill it in however you wish!).
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Your eyes flutter open with a jump, a firm hand gripping your shoulder. You didn't remember when you had fallen asleep, or what hour it was, but certainly wasn't the time for your shift yet. It takes a few seconds for your cloudy vision to focus on where you were, now noticing the older servant in front of you, and you look at her dazedly.
"The prince has just arrived, and requests your presence," Annabel explains.
Aemond. Immediate relief washes over you as your face softens. "Very well."
You leave the servants' quarters as fast as you can after fixing your appearance, and as you walk through the halls, you notice the castle is way too agitated. Tension and seriousness ripple in the air, and you start to feel uneasy as well, mind fumbling with numberless possibilities.
It's one of the gold cloaks that finally speaks a little louder, talking fervently about the victory of the greens at the battle of Rook's Rest. It had been quite a few days since their army had marched, and news was often shared about their progression. Usually, you tend to avoid it, since most of it makes you feel sick in your stomach.
Besides the armored man, there is no more commemoration or sense of victory. Not on this side of the castle, at least. Lords were probably planning on throwing banquets, but people like you are too aware of the damages of the war, and how at the end of the day the smallfolk suffer the most. Countless common people would die in the name of greedy royalty that know no limits to their ambition, families ruined beyond repair, a ravaging hunger was plaguing the poorest, and the coffers would soon be emptied, money being spent on battles other than improving the realm and making life easier. It's obvious how no good could ever come regardless of the result of the war.
You find Annabel again, shouting order after order, the middle-aged woman was the one in charge of the servants for a good while now and was a reliable source of information.
"What happened?" You approach her.
"A lot happened, child." Her tone is somber.
"Did someone die?" What a foolish question. Not just someone, but hundreds.
"The queen who never was and her dragon."
You grimace, reminiscing about the princess back when she was visiting the Red Keep. Although such casualties are expected during the war, it is still difficult to grasp that the imposing woman is dead. It's fearful how one's life could be ripped from them so suddenly. A paralyzing concern floods you. Aemond being back does not mean he is unharmed.
"Has the prince been hurt?" Your voice falters, your heart pounding with fear.
Annabel's gaze flickers to your face, and you could see her disapproval, almost making you wish to recoil. But she would never say a thing about your unusual closeness with the prince, being unlike her to intrude in personal affairs. You are aware she doesn't like Aemond or any of the royals, but then again very few did. You have grown to understand it was not only because of his eye, or lack thereof, but because he simply did not inspire sympathy. Aemond is stoic, defensive, and difficult to relate to. You were only one of the very few lucky enough to know better.
"The prince is fine," Annabel says and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. "However, it is said the king is in critical condition, it is not known if he will recover, and his dragon is unable to fly, one of his wings was damaged during the fight."
You gasp, in your slumber you have forgotten about the man, not being concerned about him in the slightest. Anyhow, you feel your mind almost melting as you process the shocking news and the aftermath of it. If the king were to perish, that means Aemond would be regent until his nephew is of ideal age. Seven. "Poor Sunfyre."
Annabel tries to scold you, but the amusement behind her blue eyes is hard to conceal. "You are pitying the dragon, not the king?"
"Well, people have the free will of choice, and are aware of the consequences their actions might have… a dragon can only obey their rider's command, isn't it right?"
"We cannot say. These magical creatures are beyond our comprehension."
You ponder. "That is true."
After the quick conversation, you make your way to one of the huge kitchens, assuming the prince would probably fancy a bath. Warming up buckets of water, you carry them to Maegor's Holdfast with the help of three other servants.
A strong smell of blood and smoke fills your nose as you enter his quarters, and your eyes widen. The expensive rug is stained and marked by large boots, and even more astounding is the prince's appearance.
Aemond is lounging on a chair close to his study table. His face and hair are covered by blood, ash, and dirt, and splatters of dried blood stains his black and gold armor. His braids are loose, and you can even notice some twigs tangled in his silver strands. However, the prince's hands are the most distressing, gloves discarded at some point and almost fully covered by the red liquid. With a frown, you deduce it must be from his brother's injury. He looks haunting, almighty, and ruthless. There's a scowl on his face, though his eyes seem perturbed.
You notice how the servants' hands seem to tremble slightly as they pour the water into the bathtub in the next room, their eyes never daring to look up while adding some essential oils and chamomile herbs to the water as well, however, you cannot share their fear. All you wish to do is reach out and comfort him. Leaving one of the buckets outside the bathroom, you can see from the corner of your eyes the one-eyed man dismissing the other servants with a wave of a hand, and they seem eager to oblige. You kneel in front of him.
"I am glad you are well," You squeeze his knees. "And tremendously sorry for your brother."
Aemond does not respond, and his gaze is piercing as he stares at you as if memorizing each detail of your face. You don't look away either, a comfortable but powerful silence pairing between the two of you. His fingers slowly graze your cheek, and you do not mind the blood, eyes closing with the delicate caress.
"Help me undress, will you?"
You nod, aware he was never one to talk in deep about his emotions and thoughts, to allow himself to be vulnerable. Nonetheless, you've been noticing this quietness getting worse ever since Storm's End, and although concerned, you would not push him. Especially because you weren't even aware of the extent of your relationship. That he has a certain tenderness for you is clear, but the amount of liberties you could take with the royal is not as much.
Carefully undoing his heavy armor, the pieces fall to the ground with a whump, and the clothes underneath are a lot easier to deal with. His defined body slowly comes into view, a few goosebumps arising on his bare skin with the sudden lack of materials. Aemond's nakedness is of no surprise to you, though you could never help but admire him. Grabbing a cloth you wet it in the bucket nearby and start to clean his face first, hoping to get rid of the thicker layers of dirt before starting the bath.
Your touch is light, afraid to harshly rub any scratches, big or small. "Are you hurt in any way?"
Aemond shakes his head. "None of the blood is mine," He says. "It's from the princess and my brother, and their dragons. I believe some from Lord Staunton and his garrison as well."
You shudder with discomfort and drift your attention to cleaning his hands, the cloth immediately being painted red, you discard it for another as you move to the other hand. You've always enjoyed tending to him.
His hair comes next, and you take off his eyepatch. Undoing the braids is quick, long accustomed to it, though his strands are now sticking and smelling terribly, like a pan that spent too much time on fire, simply nose scrunching and suffocating. Aemond moves his head side to side with a growl after you are done, the bones of his neck cracking.
The prince sighs pleasantly as he enters the tub, and you grab a bowl to wet his hair. The silver strands get soaped quickly as you massage his scalp with both hands, his good eye close, and the sapphire twinkles.
After washing it, you fetch another soap bar, one that the merchant guaranteed you was special, something about adding more oils while making it. There was no harm in trying, and you were surprised by how such a thing made his hair healthier, not as dry which means fewer cuts, and more tamed and lustrous. His strands instantly become more emollient as you run the soap along the length.
Aemond seems completely unbothered as you get to scrub his body, the fine hairs covering his arms and legs so light it's barely visible. It's, in fact, a moment of relaxation and customariness, a routine for both of you. But the water is already dirty and gray by now, and you cannot help but recall it's not only ashes and dirt but also the mixed blood of people and beasts alike. Some perished.
You do not notice the silver-haired staring at you until he speaks. "You do not seem very pleased."
You raise your eyebrows. "Is there something to be pleased about?"
"Is there not?" He squints his eye. "We have just won a battle."
"Your sincerity is appreciated." His voice is dripping with sarcasm. "You know you can speak freely with me." He studies your face.
You bite your lips, focusing on the task at hand and adding more soap to the scrubber. The prince would never understand your point, so you would rather avoid a useless discussion. Especially today.
Unfortunately, he doesn't give up, cocking his head. "What is restraining you from doing so? Are you disgusted? Would you prefer me to not have killed all those cunty traitors?" His voice is low, dangerous. "Would you prefer to have that whore sitting on the throne? Is that the reason for your unpleasantness? Do you believe she's more suitable than my brother? Than me?"
You look at him sternly, the scrubber falling to the water with a splash. His face is now a lot closer to yours, but he does not intimidate you, never did, and probably never will. But he hits a nerve, and your mouth moves even before you could notice you were speaking.
"I would prefer your family to resolve the succession issue in another way other than submitting the kingdom to a devastating war with horrendous consequences, for all of you certainly, as proved by your nephew's death and older brother's injury now, but mostly, innocent people that have nothing to do with your schemes." Your voice holds a cold rage. "That is my opinion if it's of any importance to you, but I highly doubt it."
Aemond scoffs, shaking his head and averting his eye for a minute. His finger rests on top of his mouth, and there's still blood underneath his nails. He inhales to control his annoyance. He looks like he's going to say something, but then changes his mind, closing his lips and opting for another choice of words.
"You would not understand it, as a commoner." He looks at you up and down, not with the usual desire, but with a hint of superiority now, clear in how the corner of his lips twitches upward dismissively.
You are quick to respond. "Nor would you, as a prince."
Deafening silence. You have a good point, the drastic difference in your backgrounds would never let you completely understand one another's views and priorities. Aemond sighs.
"You are lucky I am fond of you." A truce.
You chuckle. "And I do not dislike you entirely."
The prince smiles, tight-lipped, but it is lovely, showing off his beautiful dimples. The rest of the bath goes calmly as you resume the chore. You wrap his hair in a cotton towel, and his body in a linen one. You leave the prince to dry himself while you make your way to the bedchamber, gathering loose mud green trousers and some shea butter.
The one-eyed stands in his full glory as you spread the product all over his lean body. Back, arms, chest, and stomach, then his legs. When you get up from your kneeling position, his hand wraps around your neck swiftly, bringing your body forward and kissing you.
You return it immediately, deep and eager. However, it's also contemplative and cozy, almost lazy as you taste one another. Your hand rests on his forearm, the softness and warmth of his lips never failing to get you weak on the knees, and he smells great now, fresh. Your eyes seem unable to open as you get lost in the small kisses and teases.
"Do not resent me, beauty." He says as you part.
You smile against his mouth, you thought it was precious when he got like this, clingy in his way. It was only on these rare occasions that he let his pride and loftiness aside, and would do everything to prevent you from being upset with him. Seeking your comfort in such an intense manner it was flattering.
A verbal answer doesn't leave your lips, you just kiss him again, and it's enough. "Get dressed and sit down." You motion to the dressing table, throwing the trousers at him.
You comb his hair delicately, adding some sunflower oil to his scalp before braiding his damp hair, he prefers it this way, claiming it was the only way it wouldn't get tangled up in the morning. You start from his very root, sectioning small amounts of silver hair and crossing them over in between your fingers, slowly but surely creating a beautiful and tight pattern. It's not a fast process, but you delight in it and you suspect so does the man in front of you, almost purring as you work. Tying the end of it, you rub his shoulders affectionately, his skin always warm beneath your palms.
"I am sore," Aemond complains. "A massage would be great."
You grin, pecking his cheek from behind. "As you wish, my Prince."
He is truly very tense, and you cannot fathom how distressing all that he witnessed is. You suppose it was a life-changing experience, in the worst way possible. It was clear how his eye hardened considerably in a short time. You would have surely run to the hills in his place, but he doesn't. He breathes and keeps his composure, hiding away all his fright, pretending to be indifferent, that he accepts his duty and the price of it gladly. But nobody would, less they lacked emotions.
Aemond lays down on his stomach, folding his arms above his head. Grabbing a bottle of coconut oil from the table, you take off your shoes and raise your dress to your knees before crawling on the bed to sit on top of his butt.
His body jolts as you drip a generous amount of oil on his large back, his muscles flexing. His body is so magnificent you could easily imagine a greater force meticulously creating each detail of it. Aemond moans the moment your hands start to caress his lower back. Your first touches are gentle, tracing circles up and down with your fingertips, mapping where you can feel some knots. Your hands move from his sides, to his shoulders, and up to the back of his neck, pinching it slightly.
"Fuck," Aemond grunts, voice muffled by the mattress. "This feels nice."
You add more pressure, stroking his back up and down, and after a few minutes back to tracing firm circles, this time with the heel of your hand. The prince is unable to contain noises of pleasure. Laying one of your hands on top of the other, you start the process of pushing his spine, once again beginning down and going up. A few cracks are heard.
Then, you add gentle pressure with your thumbs on his knots, his grunts are now a little bit more uncomfortable, but it's necessary. After you are done, you softly knead his back up and down, and then start switching between circling and stroking.
Aemond's moans along with the feel of his skin start to alight a desire in you, your lower stomach tingling in a known and annoying manner, womanhood pulsating with each new sound. It doesn't help how your filthy encounters had been becoming less frequent, the prince growing too busy with the war, and often you would feel bothered and insatiable.
It's unconscious the way you start rubbing on him, trying to relieve the ache you feel, and you do not realize what you are doing until he grips your thigh, halting your tentative movements at once.
"Stop teasing." He warns.
You stammer, a bit embarrassed. "I'm not, I–"
Suddenly you are pinned down by the prince, your positions switched as you utter your confusion by the suddenness. You should've been used to his strength and fast reflexes by now. "Do you deem your behavior acceptable?"
You swallow, trying not to smile, and feign innocence. "I have no clue what you are talking about."
"Oh, yes? You are unaware you were rubbing yourself on me like a bitch in heat?"
"I would never do that, my Prince."
"You would never…?" He chuckles, feeling amused.
"During my work? No." You shake your head in denial.
"So, if I touch your cunt right now, you would not be wet?" He cocks his head.
You bite your lips. "Not at all."
"Forgive me for not believing your words, but I shall need proof." Aemond's hand sneaks under your dress, fingers moving slowly from your shin to your thigh, his eye never leaving yours, daring.
You giggle when his finger parts your folds, rubbing the dampness between your legs. You buck your hips, in need of more friction.
"Liar." Aemond disregards with a click of his tongue, his pupil blown out as he circles your bud.
"Aemond." You gasp, eyes closing.
"Do you think you deserve it?"
"Yes, I've been taking care of you so well..." You try to negotiate.
"But I deserve so much more attention, don't you agree?" He kisses and licks your collarbone, finger never faltering, teasing.
"More?" Your breath is labored, and your voice is weak. His hand leaves your heat.
"I have killed a whole other dragon. It is not frequently one can say it. Yes, I believe I am due special treatment." He faces you again.
"I see," You grin. "You want me to do all the work?" Your lips brush his. "Such an idle prince." You provoke.
"Watch your mouth," He warns, pecking you. "I am merely tired. It's been eventful."
"Conveniently for you, I am feeling generous today." Your hands trail his bare waist.
"You are?" He smirks, nose touching yours.
"Uh-huh, and very happy you are unscathed."
"Show me, then," Aemond kisses your jaw. "Just how grateful you are."
The kiss you share is lecherous, wet, and rushed. Aemond does not fight you as you flip your bodies over and climb onto his lap, an evident bulge in the thin trousers that contours all of his cock tantalizingly. Even the clothed friction makes you both shudder, and you gather all of your strength to not start instantly grinding on his shaft.
You pull his trousers down, and his manhood springs free. Big, thick, veiny. Dripping coconut oil on your hands, you rub them together. Aemond wets his lips in anticipation.
Your hand slides through his length with no difficulty with the help of the oil, and the smell of it is delicious. You start jerking him off, and the prince hums in satisfaction.
Aemond wasn't the most vocal in bed, you realized it soon into your affair, but with time you had discovered the exceptions, the things that would make him forget all about his inhibitions and scream in pleasure.
After stroking him for a while, you cup one of your hands, very slowly circling his tip with the palm of your oily hand, fingertips dragging up and down his length while you do so. Aemond breathes sharply, his stomach twitching.
"Seven hells, love." He mutters with a tight hold on the sheets due to his sensitivity. You smile.
You focus on your fingertips, running them up and down his shaft lightly. Aemond adored the delicacy of the movement, the gentle yet torturous pressure, promising and unforgiving, kind and cruel. Then you circle his head again, again, and again. Careful to not hurt him. Aemond grunts, his eyebrows pinching together and face completely flushed as he bites his lips harshly, trying to hold back his moans, but you know it won't last long.
"Stop, it 's too much." He whines, but the delighted sound that escapes his mouth tells you to do anything but, his body trembling.
"Aw," You coo mockingly. "We know you can take it, my Prince."
You add more oil to your hands, holding his length and rotating your wrist as your palm rubs over his tip and shaft over and over. He completely let go as he closes his eye, his grunts being replaced by enchanting high-pitched and broken moans. It's quite pathetic the sight of him, the mighty and fearsome prince so supple on your hands, forehead glistening with sweat and breath erratic. Anyone outside could hear him.
"My love, please." He begs in the middle of whimpers, all of his body hair stirred up.
"Please what, my dear?" You ask innocently.
Aemond squirms. "I need to come," He gasps. "Please, please, please."
"Since you asked so nicely…"
You change the movement, keeping it only on his sensitive head, your other hand squeezing his balls. His voice gets louder, face twisted in pleasure as a tear falls down his gorgeous face, violet iris shining bright. You can feel your cunt soaked and throbbing achingly with the view.
He comes in a silent scream, hips bucking as hot loads of his spend fall into your hand and his shaft. You spread some of it around his length, still jerking him off as you help him ride out of his peak, the prince's body spasming.
"That's it," You praise him. "Good boy."
Aemond's breath is heavy as you find his lips, and he struggles to follow your pace, but he tries anyway, messy and urging. "Now you are going to be even nicer and let me use your cock, won't you?" You whisper.
His eye is lidded as he stares at you and nods, and you cannot resist the urge to press two sticky fingers to his curved lips, Aemond opens his mouth with no resistance, licking your hand clean. He's so compliant, somehow still lost in the void between the extraordinary bliss and the present moment.
"Anything for you." He mutters.
You grin. "That is what I like to hear."
Even if not necessarily frequent, happening mostly when he was worn-out or glum, it was rather obvious how letting someone of your position have control over him in bed, one of the very few situations in which you could be so blunt and disrespectful to a high-born, aroused the prince more than he would ever admit, a time in which he could forget about his obligations and just be good to you.
It doesn't take long into your kissing until you can feel him growing hard again, hands eagerly grabbing the hem of your dark red dress and pulling it up around your waist.
"Stupid dress." He complains in between lustful kisses, struggling to get rid of the clothing.
You laugh and help him take it off, throwing your apron and the dress somewhere around his quarters. Aemond instantly latches onto your right breast once you are fully naked, tongue hot and wet twirling around your nipple, and making you shiver and mewl as he sucks it into his mouth as if he is starved, your hand pulling at his braided hair.
Too impatient and greedy, you push him back on the mattress, positioning his member on your wet and tight entrance before lowering yourself down on it. You both moan at the stretch. It is spellbinding the way he watches you on top of him, making you feel like the most desired person in existence, his hands on your hips tightly.
You feel so full and excited you could almost see stars, the position has always been one of your favorites, his cock being able to reach just the right spots in this way.
"Seven, you feel perfect inside me." You gasp, grinding back and forward, your lungs clenching with the sudden and powerful wave of pleasure, so strong it is maddening.
Aemond growls, his body jolting with the motion. "You are a fucking witch, woman."
"For knowing exactly how to deal with you? I might as well be." You grin viciously, your hands resting on his chest.
Your eyes close as you rock your hips slowly and sensually, strained moans already leaving your mouth, and your bud brushing over his pubic bone makes you tremble. It's doubtless the best sensation you have ever felt, his cock dragging against your walls marvelously.
"Fuck, you fit me so well," You say out of breath, fastening your grinding. "Always so good for me, aren't you?"
You lean over slightly, pressing yourself more to him as you begin to bounce on his cock restlessly, the sinful noises echoing in the chamber only increasing your pleasure.
Aemond whimpers, both by the change of the movement and your words. "Always good for you, my love." He repeats, choking out.
Aemond's hands come to grip your ass desperately, certainly to leave bruises later, but now it's nothing but motivating for you.
He suddenly sits you both up, mouth finding one of your breasts again, saliva coating it as he plays with your nipple with tongue and teeth with no care. The sensitivity makes your eyes roll to the back of your head. Delightful yet torturous whimpers on your lips as you continue to ride him mercilessly.
Sweat covers almost all of your body, and you feel as if you were burning from the inside out, the prince not looking any different, his cheeks and nose terribly reddened. You don't even care about the slight throbbing of your legs getting tired, or for the man you were fucking anymore, simply focused on the building of that rapture that feels so close yet so far. Your hold on his shoulders is firm beyond pleasant, but you assume his mind is elsewhere, and not in how your nails are breaking his pale skin.
You needed this badly and you knew you wouldn't last long. The knot inside you tightens hazardously, and you furrow your eyebrows, your bouncing getting even more frenetic. However, as good as it feels, you are growing overwhelmed as you ache for a release that's taking too long to come, somewhat stuck in a sadic joy. You whine out of glee and anticipation, too fucking eager.
"Don't stop, love," Aemond says with a groan, letting go of your breast with a pop to give attention to the other, his sucking sloppy as you pull at his hair harshly. You moan.
Not even in a thousand years you would dare to. When the long-awaited white-hot pleasure slams your body, you feel like ascending to the seven heavens itself. It's astoundingly overpowering at first and then diminishes in ripples as your heart drums painfully inside your chest, cunt fluttering around his member.
Your breath is heavy as you slow down, shivering and a little weary. Aemond moans while watching you come on his cock, and fortunately, he seems disposed to help you as he lays down again, bringing your body flush against his. He seems very roused as he impales you with his cock from beneath, growling into your ears while his hands squeeze your ass possessively.
You whine due to overstimulation, his thrusts are relentless, and the squelching sounds more prominent with how much you soaked his cock not too long ago. You are unsure if you want him to finish already or just keep using your cunt as he wishes regardless of your comfort, and the sheer thought of it inflames you.
It's surprising how fast it comes back, that burning and expectation in your lower stomach, apparently even stronger now. All that was not him and his cock in your womanhood is long forgotten. Blood rushes hot in your veins, high-pitched mewls and low grunts blending.
"By the Seven, Aemond." You hide your face in the crook of his neck, drool dripping from the corner of your mouth.
"Can you give me another one?" Aemond pounds into you harder, the smell of the shea butter and coconut oil from earlier consuming you. "I want to give you another one, beauty. I want to make you feel exceptionally good, yes?"
You try to respond to him but you just babble, teeth biting into the conjecture of his neck and shoulder, painting it red and purple, too dumbfounded to think or to measure your strength. But it seems your bites only incite the silver-haired more, his shoves faster and his groans broken.
One of his hands circles your waist securely to lock you in place, no falter in his thrusts. The wave of elation that suddenly crashes down over you is potent, numbing all your senses for a few seconds, but you are certain you must be screaming as you squirm. Your legs shake tremendously and your eyelids feel heavier.
Your second peak and the clenching of your cunt send Aemond over the edge. He bucks his hips, stilling inside you as he comes with a prolonged and deep grunt, head tilted back and lips parted. You didn't know what good action guaranteed you the privilege to see such a beautiful thing. Getting off him as he tries to regain his breath, a good amount of his warm seed drips in between your thighs, walls spinning as you feel quite faint.
Your back hits the fluffy mattress, your heart pounding in your ears and black dots cover your vision, which is slightly blurry. Shutting your eyes, you could not say how much time has passed as you recompose yourself and wait for your skin to cool down, but when you do, you are shocked to see the prince already soundly asleep next to you, mouth hung open as exhaustion had finally caught up to him after the latest events and your passionate indulgence.
Chuckling, you roll to your side as you watch him, his expression for once serene and breath even. You trace your finger gently across his straight eyebrow while appreciating the details of his face. The concern comes back to torment you as you wonder what the future has reserved for him, but you try to brush it off. You could only pray for his safety.
You recall the first time you saw him sleeping, it was quite unnerving, only the sapphire shining brightly while his good eye rested, but now the gemstone staring back at you was not only usual but comforting, a unique and enchanting charm in your opinion.
After getting up, you grab a cloth to clean the two of you, and although with a drowsy complaint from him, you manage to tuck the one-eyed in warm sheets. You put on your servant robes again and organize the mess you could deal with at the moment, gathering his armor as quietly as you can to be cleaned later. Pecking his pinkish lips slowly, you exit his quarters, feeling completely satisfied.
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TAGS: @godrakin @m1ndbrand ♡⋆˙
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
... right so who wants to hear my deranged theory about Yuri Tokyo Debunker with no evidence backing it up I believe only as a joke.
The mutual mommy issues and classical music interest made me think that Yuri and Jin could be related. A lot of Yuri's... yuri-ness screams second child syndrome, I couldn't find where or if it was even said but Yuri seems to indicate he was raised to be a doctor. We know Jin's dad is the head of the entire institute, the institute also has a medical branch. Based on what we know about Jin's dad he seems like the old school political dynasty sort, if he had two sons raising one to take over the Institute and the other to oversee its medical branch makes a lot of sense. It would also make sense for Yuri, as the baby of the family, to maybe be closer to their mother than Jin was. If Jin was expected to take over for their father, it makes sense for his dad to monopolize his time and not allow him to spend as much of it with his mom. Yuri could have spent almost all of his time with her, and if Mama Kamurai was particularly sickly (or cursed) Yuri's interest in becoming a doctor becomes extremely significant. It is clear both Yuri and Jin love their mothers, whoever they are, but if she was the same woman their hatred for each other can be explained by a sibling rivalry. Jin resenting Yuri for being mommy's "favorite" and h Yuri hates that Jin is daddy's favorite and gets all the money to do whatever he wants with while he's stuck writing expense reports for his vital research. Jin could even be blaming Yuri for being unable to save their mom, it certainly seems like Yuri is blaming himself already.
If this was the case, I think whatever injury Jin has sustained probably was the breaking point between the two. Yuri probably doesn't want to lose his brother, he seems like the sort who would really desperately want big brother's approval. If Jin turned his help away in disgust then of course that would nuke the relationship between the two dorms. If Yuri really was just Jin's younger brother (oh how phrasing it like that would irritate him) then of course everyone else would see his behavior as a temper tantrum and not a concern. He's just mad daddy doesn't love him, give it a rest. Yuri will get over this soon enough, he's a grown adult... right?
This would also mean that Yuri didn't need to ever have been placed in Frostheim. He always could have been in Mortranken, he just associated with Frostheim because he is the younger brother of the King. And why he hates Darkwick General so much and is so insistent on doing his own thing: he wants to prove he is more than his family name. That he can cure people, that he isn't his father's puppet. This would probably further drive the wedge between him and Jin, that's something Jin wants to do himself but can't on account of being the oldest son. He sees his little brother as privileged in the same way his little brother thinks he is.
Counter Arguments/Rebuttals:
They do not look much alike. Zenji and Jiro + Hyde and Sho do, so the game making them look different is my biggest reason I think this could be wrong. They don't need to be related for their dislike for each other to make sense, it would just be deeply tragic. And could potentially set up an arc where Zenji chews Jin out for being a shitty older brother, he loves Jiro so much he would die (and probably did) defending him. Why is Jin ignoring his brother? Has he no heart? (not to mention why Yuri is so attached to Jiro, little brothers need to stick together)
Different last names. I think this could be explained by Yuri using his mother's maiden name to separate himself from his family, which would further irritate Jin because how fucking dare he use their mom's name like that?
Like I said, this doesn't need to be the explanation for why Yuri and Jin hate each other. He very easily could have just been a student there and failed to help Jin through his injury. It makes just as much if not more sense. My one real reason for holding onto brother theory when that one works is that... fuck that's a lot of students transferring out of Frostheim. Almost too many to make sense if you go with Haku having originally been there too. It almost feels like it makes more sense if Yuri has always been in Mortranken... but not by much when you take into account everything else you need to believe in order for brother theory to be true.
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colddelusionsheep · 11 months
And we are back with the second part! Not going to lie, I started working on a DND campaign right after this. So writing progress is slow. Still writing at ungodly hours of the night tho, and as always, no one under 18.
1st Part
The start
As the other tribute said good by to his family. You could see how they cried for him. How they weeped for the fact that he would not be returning.
The other tribute was a boy that you had seem around the district. Flint Overhill. You never had any interaction with him, but each time you saw him you could tell he didn't like you.
He had dark black hair that was just above his shoulders. His eyes were such a dark blue that they almost looked black in the right light. If you remember correctly, last reaping the girl he was sweet on got picked.
She was a nice girl, quiet and kept to herself. She died as soon as the games started, didn't even stand a chance. Just like you.
The peacekeepers led his family out, and you could hear them weeping even after the door was closed and locked. Flint finally looked at you. The disgust in his eyes was plain to see.
"Looks like your luck has finally ran out. How does it feel to get what you deserve?" His words hit deep. They hit a place you thought had long sense gone cold.
"It wasn't my fault you know. My name was in there same as hers."
"Don't you dare speak of her." You could tell he was holding back. "With how many times you have put your name in, it should of been you."
"I-" before you could even respond. A patronizing voice spoke up.
"Oh my tributes, I certainly do have my hands full, don't I? Let's try not to kill each other just yet. You want to save that for the games!" Nodding his head, you could see all the pins that were in place to hold his wig on. "It makes a great show, oh yes indeed, but what's the point in a show with no cameras."
Both you and Flint were speechless. The complete disregard he had was unlike anything either of you had seen.
"Now, my name is Marius. I will be taking care of you two for the next couple of days. I hope I don't have trouble in the future with you two." As he spoke, he gave you and Flint a small wink. Then he started to usher the two of you into the train.
Before you know it, it felt like you stepped into a whole new world. Finery unlike anything you could've ever thought of existed was right here in front of your eyes.
"For the few days you are with us, you two shall be treated like royalty. Only the finest of things shall be able to touch my tributes' skin." As he went on, you mind stated to wonder along with your eyes.
You could see Flint role his eyes at Marius. Finding whatever you had just tuned out to be incredibly boring. You ran your hands along the wooded walls. It's smoothness brought back a far away memory to you.
It was blurry, but you could see the fine wood above you. Along with a man's voice....a voice that sounded so familiar. Before you could get lost into it more.
You felt a pinch on your arm. Snapping your head up. You could see the unapproving face of Marius. "Now, we will have to work on those manners. They are absolutely deplorable. No matter, we shall tackle that problem in the morning. You two get some rest. You will meet your mentor in the morning as well. So those manners better be improved."
At the last sentence, he gave you an especially harsh glare.
Flint brushed past you, giving your shoulder a mean jab as he did it.
You silently followed where they were showing you two your rooms. Stepping into your quarters. You were in awe of the luxury that was in it. Sitting on the bed felt like you would sleeping in the arms of an angel. Even the smell was wonderous. It was a mix of vanilla and rose.
But, before you could fully enjoy all the things around you. You suddenly remembered at what cost this is all for. Tears start to fall down in violent choked sobs.
You didn't want them to know, you didn't want them to know just how hopeless you are. How you were doomed to die in that arena just like they all wanted.
Yet, as you sat the crying your soul out. You were unaware of the camera watching your every move.
"I want those mutts done by tomorrow."
"Yes, Sir."
As her lower confirmed. She went back watching the live feed. She has to give you credit, you were a pretty cryer. At least in her eyes.
This year was going to be a fun one.
There we go! I hope y'all like it. Also, small little note, I do not do taglists. They can get pretty chaotic and I write on my phone so they can get really annoying to do.
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by-nina · 4 months
Second Glance
AO3 | FFN Royai Week 2024 | Day 1 – Curiosity Rating: K+ (mentions of drinking) Genre: Fluff Word Count: 1,480
A/N: Happy Royai Week, my darlings! Special thanks to @kangdae95draws for making this fic possible, from ideation to fine-tuning to keeping me on schedule with your beautiful art! 🫶🏻
Her eyes are the color of deep honey, almost incandescent in the warm light of the street lamp just next to him. Soft beneath her expression. So different from how he expected them to look up close that he doesn’t notice himself leaning in curiously to see them better.
“Your eyes... they're brown,” Roy whispers before he can stop himself.
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Art by @kangdae95draws
It’s only ten o’clock in the evening—far too early for the laughter and conversations to die down, or for the music to turn slow, or for anyone to leave the Hugheses’ housewarming party—but by this time, Roy hasn’t had more than a glass of wine, and he has already bid good night to Maes and Gracia, apologized for being unable to stay as long as he’d wanted to, and made his way to the phone in their foyer to call for a cab that will take him home.
Roy is aware of a handful of stares that follow him as he takes his coat from a hook by the door, the same earnest stares that have tried to meet his all night before he decided that he would rather they didn’t. It isn’t as if he didn’t try his best. Madame Christmas had encouraged him to head out and socialize in his free time instead of keeping to himself. Maes had hoped—firmly suggested, really—that he might meet someone he could connect with. It certainly explains the presence of Maes’ attractive cousin and Gracia’s bubbly former classmate, who heavily hinted at being single several times throughout the night.
And Roy knows that Madame Christmas, Maes, and Gracia all mean well, and that the women he met tonight truly wanted to get to know him, besides being pleasing to the eye. He wishes he could have returned their interest, pushed down the discomfort and anxiety that keep him from feigning it as well as he knows he could have. He’s never not wanted to, and just as well, he’s never been able to—not since coming home from the war, not since throwing himself into his work and coming to believe that to think of anything else would be selfish and purposeless.
So he says goodbye to no one else, exits the Hugheses’ apartment quietly, and waits on a park bench just a few paces down the road. Here, he has no one for company, nothing except the flickering street lamps and the chirping of crickets. He exhales, and in his solitude, a tension he hadn’t noticed building in his chest throughout the party dissipates almost immediately, like his misty breath into the chilly night air.
Lieutenant Hawkeye has found him. The sounds from the party and the smell of liquor seem to have followed her from the party and out through the front door of the apartment building, but Roy is thankful that it’s she and not any of the other guests who came looking.
“It’s freezing out here, Hawkeye,” Roy says, rising from the bench. “You ought to go back inside.”
She descends the steps to the sidewalk and joins him at the bench. “I wouldn’t mind staying out for some fresh air until you’re ready to rejoin the party.”
“I don’t think I’ll be returning to the party. I’ve told Hughes I’m heading home. He and Gracia were kind about it.”
Lieutenant Hawkeye tilts her head slightly and blinks. “So soon, Sir?”
“Let’s just say I’m not currently at my most sociable, and I wouldn’t want to spoil their evening because of it.” Roy shrugs with a small smile. “I’m sure they won’t miss me too badly.”
“I see.” A pause. “Will you be fine on your own?”
“I will. There’s no need to worry. And I wouldn’t want you to miss the party just to keep me company out here.”
“I actually meant to offer you a ride home, Sir.”
Roy frowns slightly at Lieutenant Hawkeye, and it’s only then that he realizes she is seemingly standing at attention. Sternly, but with a small laugh, he says, “We’re not at work, Hawkeye. I don’t expect you to attend to me. I’ll escort you back inside before you catch a cold.”
“But if we’re not at work, then it’s not an order, is it?”
First, Roy is taken aback, then he suppresses his laughter with a snort. He can’t say that he didn’t expect this kind of response from her, but her sharper jibes are rare enough that he finds himself giving them a second thought when they come. Now he finds himself looking right at her, reading the thinly veiled look of amused self-satisfaction in the slight upward curl of her lips, the barely noticeable arch of her eyebrows, and her eyes—
Her eyes are the color of deep honey, almost incandescent in the warm light of the street lamp just next to him. Soft beneath her expression. So different from how he expected them to look up close that he doesn’t notice himself leaning in curiously to see them better.
“Your eyes... they're brown,” Roy whispers before he can stop himself.
The question that floats to the front of his mind is even stupider—Have her eyes always been this brown?—but it’s a dangerous one as well. All at once, Roy wonders why he hadn’t stopped and noticed it before, what he expected her eye color to be, and most crucially, why it even matters—why, when all this time, she had only ever been his right hand, a capable and dependable soldier, never just a woman.
Now, he’s fixated only on how beautiful her eyes are.
He’s close enough to see the subtlest change in her expression, the nervous twitch in her nose when she says, “Are you drunk, Sir?”
He’s close enough to hear the slight quiver in her voice that suggests apprehension as well as controlled bewilderment, all underneath genuine concern. Then, he notices the flush in her cheeks, the heat radiating from her body—her pale blue dress is lovely on her, and he thinks she should dress like this more often—and, for the quickest moment, her slight wobble when she steps back an inch from him.
Roy frowns. “Hawkeye, I think you’re drunk.”
“I’m perfectly fine,” she says a little too loudly. Roy jumps back slightly. She holds her shoulders rigidly and struggles to meet his gaze and now Roy can tell that what he took for shy self-consciousness is actually her attempt—no, her insistence to appear sober. At the back of his mind, he recognizes something he’s sure he’s always known about her. A self-sacrificing stubbornness that always keeps her from leaning on anyone else. He sighs.
“Lieutenant Hawkeye, I’m driving you home.”
“But I—”
“I can’t let you offer me a ride or stay here to look after yourself in this state. My conscience won’t let me.” Roy drops his voice to a gentle near whisper. “It’s all right. Let’s get your coat and keys.”
Maes is right by the door when Roy and Lieutenant Hawkeye briefly return to the party to gather her things. Roy explains the situation while ignoring the interested, almost knowing expression that slowly creeps into Maes’ face as he looks over Roy’s shoulder at Lieutenant Hawkeye. She says good night, apologizes profusely for having to leave early, then asks him to thank Gracia for her cooking. When they leave, Roy walks closer to Lieutenant Hawkeye than he often does, preparing to catch her in case she loses her footing.
It’s the first time that Roy is driving Lieutenant Hawkeye’s car. He’s more careful than usual, but it doesn’t keep his mind from wandering back to her. He notices her silence, coming from an iron will to appear put together. (He wishes she could relax for once.) He notices the faint scent of lemon and vanilla in the car, which he soon realizes is actually her perfume rather than the car freshener. Out of nowhere, he wonders if he can call her by her first name when they’re alone together like this.
The question never leaves his lips. It disappears into his chest and lodges itself in his steadily quickening heartbeat. Roy tries his best to ignore it, but it makes itself felt when he looks up through the windshield and wonders, were the stars over Central always this bright? Was the city this peaceful at night even during the war? Have any of the lovers still walking down the street at this hour known each other as long as he and Lieutenant Hawkeye have?
And when Riza—when Lieutenant Hawkeye wakes up in the morning, will she be all right? Will she have the same tea that she has always had since they were growing up together in her hometown? Will she read the paper; will she head to the market?
Roy catches a smile growing on his lips, the kind he’s sure Madame Christmas and Maes and Gracia have all been hoping to see on him since heaven knows when. But at this very moment, on the drive back to East City, he can’t afford to think of them or all the reasons they have been worrying about his solitude. Instead, he straightens his face to focus on the road. There are miles yet ahead of them.
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prof-ramses · 7 months
Hollow Sorrows Trailer Breakdown LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO
Obviously, if you don't want spoilers, scroll away. If you've already seen the trailer, LET'S GO!!!
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So when we first see possessed Patty, she looks mostly normal, you can't even see her demon teeth through the mask yet. John and Jack probably only came in since they heard a scream and/or struggle coming from the morgue.
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So we get a shot of the boys being too chaotic, something Gregor points out and what will likely cause the "bad character development" Pelo ahs mentioned.
Also, since it's 100% what Pelo would do, Costume Bob is the guy in the HF suit. Mark my words.
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The scene with the hatz is really interesting to me, since Skid and Pump just annoys Roy for a moment and leave. I think this might be all we get of the hatzgang this time, similar to how Frank only had a brief Appearance in Tender Treats. If my theory that episode 7 will focus on Roy is true, this little scene will be very interesting to dissect when the full episode drops.
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We actually get out first proper glimpse at a new character and I think this old man is the very last character in the line up teaser
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And there's also a pretty good chance he Roy's grandfather and given the way he reacts to the boys antics here, I can definitely see him being a another reasons Roy's the way he is.
If he actually is Roy's grandpa, then @crossover-enthusiast and I's Roy discussions are going to get really fun pretty soon.
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Here, Skid is clearly holding a framed photo, meaning this will almost certainly be the first time his father is brought up directly.
Also, yeah, with Pump's line about "hangover spooky month", it seems my theory about Lila in this episode was at least half right.
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Yet more proof that the boys' absent parents will be more of a focus. The trailer as a whole gives me some ideas regarding the Wonder parents, but I feel they're best saved for another time.
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The boys get into trouble with the cops and I have 2 theories regarding when, either Gregor tries to get them sent home before going to the hospital, but they talk their way out of it, or they actually do get sent home at the end of the episode.
John's expression here immediately makes we think that something Skid or Pump said reminded him of his daughter. Another plot thread that has yet to be directly acknowledged.
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Ignacio watches Gregor lead the boys away, maybe he lives down the street from Skid and Lila to keep an eye on them for the cult?
Either way, I'm surprised his appearance won't take place in the hospital as I previously predicted.
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"I will be your guide. And I know your parents would be proud of you."
There's something undeniably sinister about this line, but how sinister hinges on whether Gregor is a cultist or ex-cultist. Whatever the case may be, he definitely knows more about or sees more in the boys than he lets on.
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A great title card, and thought the blood everywhere is definitely concerning, I don't think there's anything to really say here, just wanted to get a screenshot of it.
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And it would appear the character I've referred to as the cat lady will have the unenviable role of a hapless victim to the episode's villain. But honestly, I'm more surprised by her being at the hospital in the first place and why that never occurred to me before.
The actual progression of Patty's possession confirms to she's possessed by something other than Moloch. And what seals it for me is, fittingly, the eyes. The white of her eyes becomes a more vivid yellow, yet her pupil snot only don't form Moloch's typical spirals, but they're a more vivid shade of baby blue, a color that has never had any significance in the series before. Moloch will mostly be trapped in Dexter before eventually possessing Gregor, I will die on this hill.
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Alright, that's all, only a month now. We're so back!
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unfinishedslurs · 2 years
stobin kidnapped- no upsidedown
Robin doesn’t know why she comes out to Steve Harrington of all people. 
It could be the drugs. It could be the way he’s been pretty good-natured about her ribbing all summer. It could be the fact that they’ve bonded, painfully and irreversibly, in the last 24 hours in a way she never has with anyone else and hopefully never will. It could be that she’s almost certainly going to die in this tiny, awful basement, and Steve fucking Harrington’s shitty homophobic spiel won’t matter because they’ll be dead. 
Tammy Thompson won’t matter, either. She’ll never, ever look at Robin now. Probably won’t even think about her as she cries over Steve Harrington’s tragic fate. 
“Have you ever been in love?”
They’re pressed back to back next to the hole that serves as their toilet, even if they’re not tied together that way anymore. Something about being able to see from all angles is comforting. No surprises. 
It also means she doesn’t have to see Steve’s face when he tells her how amazing this new girl is.
“Robin?” He asks when she doesn’t respond. “You OD on me?”
“I’m alive,” she confirms. Unfortunately. 
Nope, too soon to be making jokes about wishing she were dead when there’s a high possibility she ends up dead before she gets out of here. 
Steve’s presence leaves her back, and she almost panics before she realizes he’s scooting backwards until he can meet her eye. She scoots back until her back hits the wall, and he does the same. 
“This floor’s disgusting.” 
“Yeah, well, I’ve already got a bunch of blood and puke on my shirt, so…” he points out. “What do you think?”
“This girl.” Why are his eyes so big? Is it the drugs in her system making her hallucinate again? Some great, cosmic consequence for being the kind of girl who can’t fall in love with this apparently amazing guy who protected her the best he could? She feels like she’s going to vomit again.
Eventually their singing dies down, and they exist in comfortable silence for a moment. 
It’s Steve who breaks it. “You know Jonathan Byers?”
“Didn’t he punch you and steal your girl?”
“Yeah,” he says. “I lied.”
“About what?”
“Only ever having been in love with Nancy.”
She blinks at him, squinting in concentration until he shifts uncomfortably and she gasps. “No,” she says. 
“‘No’ what?”
“You were not in love with Jonathan Byers.”
“Okay, yeah, I wasn’t in love with him,” he protests, squirming. “But, like, he’s cool, right?”
“No!” She exclaims. “No, he’s not cool, Steve. I can’t believe you made fun of me for Tammy, at least she didn’t give me a concussion!” 
“I deserved that concussion,” he protests. “Besides, it was a tiny one! That was, like, nothing compared to what Billy gave me.” Or the one he probably has right now, but neither of them point that out. 
“He stole your girlfriend.”
“Why do you keep saying that? There was no stealing anything. Nancy’s a human being, with, like, agency and shit.”
“Didn’t he take naked pictures of you guys?”
“What?” He sounds alarmed. “Is that what you heard?”
“Did he not?”
She laughs, disbelieving. 
“He apologized!” He says. “And he’ll never do it again, and I broke his camera for it anyway, so I kind of got retribution. Maybe too much retribution. I cannot overstate how much I deserved that beat down, I was an asshole to him.”
“God, you are not helping your case at all,” she giggles. He pouts at her, until he starts giggling too, and then they’re both laughing their asses off on the shitty basement floor until they lose their breath. 
They get lucky, she’s told while they’re in the hospital for smoke inhalation and a dozen other things. They were only in that basement for 24 hours until the police (re: Dustin and Erica) found them. It felt like a lifetime. 
She gets to sign out after six hours. Steve has to stay for two days. 
The nurses have to practically boot her out the door before she’ll leave his side. 
“I’m fine, Rob,” he says, rolling his eyes. “I’ve had worse.”
“I sure hope not!” The nurse exclaims as she’s checking over the monitor. “Young man, you are suffering from a Grade 3 concussion, bruised and broken ribs, smoke inhalation, multiple lacerations—“
“Jesus, okay, we get it!”
She gives him a scathing look before sweeping out of the room. Robin raises her eyebrows. “You’re fine, huh?”
The look he gives her could kill a lesser man. “Go home, Robin.”
“I’m staying the night.”
“You’re definitely not doing that.”
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xeno828 · 1 year
Okay, I'm an idiot!!! (Trollhunters Ending Revelation)
So, someone pointed this out to me recently and I just want to cry!! HERE ME OUT.............the ending to Rise of the Titans is actually better than you think cus there were some details I think were meant to be more obvious than they came across.
FIRST - We're all peeved that going back in time erased everyone's memories and therefore relationships and character development. However, when they go back Tobey is suddenly able to climb the rope in gym class and Claire seems to be paying attention more to Jim than last time. Especially when he is giving his speech at the audition, having a rewatch made me realize as soon as he starts speaking she has a look of recognition, almost like she thinks she's heard this speech somewhere before. Not only that but Barbara and Stickler got along incredibly quickly for 2 people who had only just met. These imply they have some sort of subconscious memory of the last timeline, WHICH considering Nari said time is NOT linear makes sense, cus if it was liner everything would be exactly the same as the first time without these subtle changes. Also, Nari said the ninth configuration is the key, the amulet would only work after they figured this out, if that's the case maybe Nari knew the amulet would to some degree protect them from complete amnesia, they just need to be 'woken up' so to speak. (Also since Merlin and Nari will be alive again they might actually be able to help with this too, especially Nari, she's the demi-god that gave them this advice for goodness sake!!!)
SECOND - The new amulet is 'For the good of all' which does tie directly into going back in time to save EVERYONE.
THIRD - Jim went back in time using the new Akiridion amulet, that means HE STILL HAS IT!!!! The message of the entire movie with Jim is that he now doesn't need the original amulet to be the Trollhunter, he always has been and always will be. Thats why the original amulet chose Toby instead of Jim the second time, it knows Jim doesn't need it anymore and can continue fighting as he is, he will ALWAYS be the Trollhunter with or without it. Jim also knows if he sticks to the original time things will end up the same and his friends that had died will still die, he's urging Toby to be the new Trollhunter to protect him in the coming fights.
There were a couple more points and details but honestly it's 3am and my ADHD brain has forgotten the rest and lost the TikTok I watched 😅
Overall tbh I'm still not happy with the ending, BUT having these pointed out has given me a different less hostile viewpoint on it. I certainly think it's plausible that this was intended but didn't come across very clearly to audiences (myself very much included). Either way, however you wanna interpret it I'm sticking with this as cannon cus if fills me with a lot more hope for the ending than how I originally felt and I don't know about you but I like feeling happy! 🤣
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Risky Business: Final Part
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Summary: The repercussions of being in prison finally take a toll on you. You're yelling at everyone, short and curt, and you're in a constant state of wanting to cry. Will this bitter cycle ever end?
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Season Five Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them.
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As soon as he is done at the hospital, the police station is exactly where Chris ends up at. You, Derek, and Spencer are talking to him in a private room but he isn't saying anything. He's nervously playing with his fingers which is enough to paint a pretty picture for you. The picture is of his dad with his hands around Chris' throat.
His dad's been hurting him. There's a reason why you don't like him.
"Christopher, we know you've been going through a lot since your mother died," Derek starts. "When bad things happen to us, we get frustrated, kid. Sometimes we act out and do things we're not proud of."
He's not engaging in the conversation. He can barely look at either one of you. It's almost Friday and you're not a single step closer to finding out who made the website. If he doesn't talk, people will play it and die. Hotch seems to think that as long as he's here, he can't post.
You have a sick feeling he's not the one monitoring that website.
Penelope immediately did a search for Chris and his family. It's not a shocker that he's a loner but it's a shock that he's moved three times since his mother died. His father cut off his peer support. Three new schools in two years. That's a lot of adjustment for one kid to have to make.
"I want you to know that we're going to be confiscating your computer," Spencer says. "Our analyst is going through all of it so we can uncover the truth."
"Sure you will," Chris scoffs. "Truth."
As you're talking to him, Penelope is trying to get into his computer but can't. He's got a segmented hard drive, serious firewalls, and major-league encryption. There is no reason for all that protection unless he is hiding something. That's why Chris isn't worried. He knows Pen can't get into it.
You look at the clock and see it's 12:01 AM. One minute into Friday, and the videos start piling into the website. Kids are still playing this game despite the warnings you gave. Chris isn't going to give anything up so the two men leave but you still stay seated across from him. He looks at you nervously and you cross one leg over the other.
"How long has your dad been choking you?" He leans back in his seat from shock. How the hell did you know that? He stutters out a response but it's nothing you can understand. "Has he always been this way? What about with your mom?"
If he wasn't going to answer questions before, he's certainly not going to answer them now. You get up and leave the room. Hotch wants Penelope to go in and try because if anyone will get him to talk, it's her.
"Hotch, his dad is choking him. He's hurting him. I saw it."
"Hi, I'm Penelope. Can I sit down?"
"You're the cop," he says sarcastically.
"Do I look like a cop to you?" she chuckles and sits.
"Yeah. What, you aren't?"
"No. FBI tech analyst. I just have some administrative cyber crud to go over with you. Just a geekette."
"Cool," he nods.
"You are glum. Time is a great healer."
"You have no idea how I feel."
"I lost my mom and my dad when I was about your age. I don't know. I think I have a pretty good idea of how you feel, and I felt totally alone. Till I found the netizens."
That means been there, done that.
"Hey, I'm not lying to you. It'll totally get better. BTW, I like your nails," she smiles.
"Thanks. You into goth?" he asks.
"You know, I don't think I'm supposed to be anymore, but the love is still there."
"So, you're FBI?"
"Yeah, I know. It's crazy, but I love it. I enjoy your earring, too. Where did you score that?"
"Ebay. It's supposed to be Johnny D.'s from that pirate movie."
"Most awesome," she smiles.
"She's good," Rossi says. "She established rapport when Morgan, Reid, and Y/N couldn't."
"We should bring her out all the time," Hotch chuckles.
"Okay, your whole PGP disc encryption system is like crazy impressive."
"Yeah, I'm into that kind of stuff," he smiles.
"Stuff? Dude, you do not understand. I am jealous. That is state-of-the-art technology the feeb does not have."
"Whatever," he waves her off but is smiling.
"Okay, how did you get your anonymizing service?"
"I got it from some link from some dude online. What do you care?"
"I just think it's uber cool how you set your whole system up. Like how you use an e-shredder to obliterate your net activity and a window wiper as your secondary trash eraser. Who does that?"
"Everybody does that."
You turn when you hear someone coming in angrily. Chris' father is here and he isn't happy you're talking to him without him. He demands to have his son back and Hotch is forced to give him back since you're not arresting his son. Plus, he's a minor. His father has every right to take him away from here.
"The interview's over. His father invoked," Hotch says to Penelope.
"I'm getting you a lawyer. I screwed up and failed you when your mother died. Not this time. Unless you people have something to charge him with, we're leaving."
Will takes his son away and you look at Hotch in disbelief. 
"You heard what I said and you're still letting them leave? He's hurting his child!"
"There's no evidence of that."
Anger flares in your chest but before you can say or do something stupid, you back away.
"Sir, I'm sorry, I tried," Penelope says.
"If he invokes, he invokes. Concentrate on cracking the encryption."
Everyone is sure Chris is the culprit so they dive deeper into his life while Penelope works on his computer.
"Judging by sheer volume, Christopher's mother was sick quite a bit. His father brought her into the ER repeatedly. She's described as being violently ill each time. She spends a couple of days in the ICU and makes a miraculous recovery only to be repeated time and again. No diagnosis, no discernable cause."
"There's another video going up," JJ announces.
"That's four kids playing in half an hour."
"How many kids go to this school?"
"Its catchment is the whole county. It's almost two thousand. Garcia, we really need to gain administrative access to the website. I've written down a number of things Christopher may have used as the password. I've already eliminated birthdays, holidays, pet names, and pop culture icons," Spencer says.
"No, there was something pathetic about him, not criminal. When he was leaving, he said he missed his mom. What's his mother's name?"
"Cynthia Summers."
Penelope tries her name and it gives her access.
"That's it. Alright, I'm logging in as an administrator and shutting down the main source, but kids are still posting videos through independent servers."
"Pull up the website history and see if you can learn anything from historical posts," Spencer says.
"Christopher's ER eval shows his bruises were caused by manual and ligature strangulation over time," Emily reads over his medical file. "He's also shown to have layered bruising on his sternum."
"It looks like a CPR artifact but there's no record of resuscitations."
"Wait, all these transmissions are transcripts of the same administrator?" Spencer asks Penelope.
"Yeah, there's only one handle."
"This is weird. In the posts, his voice changes. At times he's using more articles and more precise verbiage like he's trying to throw us off. That's pretty sophisticated behavior for a kid. A writer can disguise his own writing style to make himself appear younger or less educated."
"Yeah, but it's virtually impossible to pull off making yourself appear older and more educated than you actually are," Derek says.
"There are actually two distinct writing styles. Two writers using the same screen name--one teen and one adult. Christopher was being manipulated by an adult."
Hmm. I wonder who that can be. You roll your eyes and sit back in your chair while they come to the same conclusion you did half an hour ago.
"The mother's death is a textbook case of Munchausen by proxy. The kid has been choked and revived on multiple occasions."
"You said the father worked for the fire department, right?" Spencer asks Rhonda.
"Yeah, for a couple of months now.
"In what capacity?"
"As an EMT."
"That's our unsub. It's Chris' dad. He's been hurting his own son."
Everyone looks at you. You can choose to make some snarky comment about how they didn't listen to you again, or you can choose to be quiet. You choose the latter.
"So, the father poses as a classmate and invites local kids to join the game. He bumps up the stakes and encourages them to use their riskiest methods."
"He works on Friday nights," Rhonda says."
"Which means he gets called out to do the rescues. He's not just collecting video tapes. His Munchausen has evolved," Spencer says.
"I'll put out an APB for his truck."
"He'll have to find a place to download the videotapes. They're his trophies. After that, he'll clean up his mess."
"Christopher's the only witness against him."
Your team heads to Chris' house but of course, he and his father aren't there. After a quick search, you end up finding piles upon piles of discs from where Will saved every child that has died because of the game he created.
"There are dozens of discs here."
"I was right here. I never even looked around," Rhonda sighs guiltily.
"We only had consent for the laptop and he knew it was encrypted. We didn't have probable cause for a warrant. Mr. Summers didn't have a chance to come back and get his trophies. He'll definitely try to download the videos tonight."
"This kid was doing everything he could just to survive. The extreme abuse conditioned him to shield his father. When his father came into the room, he seemed genuinely relieved like his burden had been lifted. He was elated when his father rescued him. We need to rethink everything. Now, let's focus on the behavior. What's the pattern?" Hotch asks.
"Christopher knows his father's pattern. In his mind, it will never end unless Chris decides to end it."
You take out your phone, call Penelope, and put her on speakerphone.
"Pen, when you were talking to Chris, did he say anything to you to suggest that he was giving up?"
"Giving up?"
"Like he was trying to say goodbye."
"I don't understand."
"Did he give you anything?"
"Yeah. How did you know that?"
"What did he give you?"
"When we were talking, he gave me this pirate's earring."
"He's made up his mind. Suicide is the only victory over his sadistic father. He may also see it as reuniting with his mother. The father's going to want to download those videos from somewhere, Pen, and we have to stop that process."
"I'm already on that. I replaced the website with a phishing site. I'm downloading it to the servers now. When he logs onto that website, he's going to be rerouted to our server, and we can capture his information."
"Stay on that site, Garcia. It will buy us some time," Hotch says.
"Where are they headed?" Emily asks before the lightbulb goes off in her head. "Wait. What about the mother? It's all about the mother. Garcia, where is Cynthia buried?"
"Oaklawn Cemetery, halfway between here and Glenrock."
"Chris would willingly go there with his father thinking it's some sort of refugee, but Will still needs to download the videos. He needs a power source."
"There's a chapel," Rhonda says. "They use it for burials."
"Let's go. Garcia, we'll call you from the car," Hotch says.
You drive to the cemetery and spot Will's car right outside the place.
"Sir, Mr. Summers just logged on. He's caught in the phishing site."
"Is he downloading the files?"
"He's trying to but all he's gonna get is snow," Pen smirks.
You head into the chapel with the team with guns raised only to see Will with hands around his son's throat. It's safe to say that he doesn't get very far but Chris needs to be hospitalized after what his father did to him.
Without the distraction of a case, everyone is forced to think about you and how you've been behaving since getting out of prison. You never wanted to be the one to treat them badly. You're such a loving and kind soul that it kills you to hurt the ones you love.
"I'm sorry," you announce to everyone. "I'm sorry for what I said before." Two tears fall down your cheeks. "I'm not okay, and I'm trying but it's so hard. I didn't mean any of it." You look at Penelope who looks like she is about to cry with you. "I love how happy you are because I see such darkness every day. You are light." You look at Derek. "I appreciate your tough love because it helps me be a better person." You move on to Emily. "I love how you try so hard because that shows you care. I don't ever want to lose someone like you." You look at Rossi. "It's because of your experience that helps me. I'm going to make mistakes but I can always count on you to make things right. Prison did something to my mind. I want to be here for this team. I want to do my best..."
You can't even finish your sentence. Spencer reaches over and grabs your hand and you look at him with tears in your eyes.
"We're here for you just like you've always been here for us," JJ says.
"I'm trying, guys. I'm sorry."
"We know. You're doing your best and that's all we ever ask of you," Rossi says.
You're honestly so lucky to have people as amazing as the ones on your team. You don't know if you're going to be okay but you do know you have people to fall back on if you're not.
"Experience is a brutal teacher, but you learn. My god, do you learn." C.S. Lewis.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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extinctspino · 2 years
Secret admirer
Part 2
Part 1
Pairing: Wednesday x Gorgon!GNreader
She held the soaked hat between her delicate fingers and placed it somewhere it could dry up a bit.
She had been getting flowers every single night for 2 weeks without a fail. It was about time she found out who kept delivering her specifically these flowers. 
She considered burning them at first but decided against it. This said person must have a good reason to be dropping them off at the balcony. 
She tried to wait for this mysterious person to appear, but just like elves they never show themselves when you’re watching.
Now that she has some sort of lead she can easily find out about who you are. She inspected the hat closely and discovered 2 things.
One, you were definitely part of the gardening club. On the back in big capital letters is read ‘GARDENING CLUB’. That was obvious.
Two, there’s a high chance you were a Gorgon. Gorgons typically wear hats like that to cover their statue-making snakes. 
This was like a little game for her. It’s as if you were testing her.
Did you finally want to reveal yourself by dropping your hat on purpose? A possibility.
Or were you just not careful enough and dropped your hat by mistake. Another possibility.
Whichever one it was, she was going to find out by paying a little visit to the said club. She laid down in her usual sleeping position - which made her look like she was laying in a coffin - and drifted off to nightmare land.
The next morning she skipped breakfast and immediately went to the gardening area. She had an amazing night, dreaming about torturing the people that deserved it most. 
You on the other hand... You were stoned the most of it. After a couple of hours spent being a literal statue, the stone started to crack. You were finally freed from your temporary self inflicted-prison.
You couldn’t sleep after that. You needed some movement to loosen your muscles a little. Being stoned for so long felt suffocating for you.
You went to your favorite place in school and walked around, watering the plants that needed to be watered, fed the carnivore plants some worms, and made sure everything was how it was supposed to be.
After finishing all your daily tasks you started wondering through all the different kinds of flowers. You were trying to pick out a new flower to drop by tonight. “Hmm, this one’s cool, but just not it.” 
You often talked to yourself. It became a habit after you started your whole flower franchise. 
“That one is perfect.”
“HOLY FLOWER.” Even the snakes on your head hissed at the sudden voice jump scaring you. 
You snapped your neck toward the voice and almost flinched when you saw who it was. “Wha- what are you doing here?” You asked her with wide eyes, she wasn’t supposed to be this close to you!
“Am I not allowed to be here? I was simply helping you pick out a flower for me.” You backed away from her, “Uhh, I- I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“So this doesn’t belong to you then?” You wished one of the meat-eating plants would just swallow you whole right this moment. 
In her hand was your one and only club member hat. You gulped audibly before reaching out your hand to take it from her.
“I thought you didn’t know what I was talking about? I can’t just let you steal this person’s lost hat.” Her blank face and murderous voice might as well just kill you because you were certainly going to die of embarrassment soon.
“Okay okay! You caught me. There’s a 99.99% chance that that’s my hat.” 
“No, no. Uhm I mean, 100%. Yes 100% sure that’s my hat that you’re holding there... in your hands.”
You were just incoherently blabbering about the stupid hat that literally no one cares about.
Wednesday couldn’t help but feel a little pinch in her heart when she saw you so flustered, so... cute. She deleted that thought from her mind the moment she even thought of that. 
But what she wasn’t able to delete was the feeling that was created by you and only you.
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everythingpeaches · 3 months
In which Remus has needs and Sirius is eager to earn his forgiveness.
The issue with forgiveness is that as soon as it enters the mind as a possibility, it is almost impossible not to act upon it.
Remus wants to be stoic. He wants to draw it out, treat the issue with the severity it deserves and wait for forgiveness to be earned. Remus also has needs.
He still isn't really talking to Sirius, not properly. They all sit together now, the marauders reunited, and they have conversations which include all four of them without Sirius and Remus having to actually talk to one another directly.
Sirius is too grateful for this half-peace that he dare not overstep, dare not push for more. He is quiet and appeasing, rolling over and showing his belly whenever Remus looks his way.
Remus is cold, a little cruel with his words and withholding of emotion. He takes a sort of pleasure in it, like sinking nails into Sirius' skin. It's not healthy for either of them, but it's better than before.
With Sirius present again in his life, Remus is having a hard time with his feelings. His emotional feelings, certainly, but more dangerous still are the more physical desires that are resurfacing after weeks apart, because Sirius is beautiful and even if Remus hates him he also loves him, and he's hormonal and very, very horny.
It's becoming a problem.
Remus isn't sure he even fancied Sirius this much back before they started dating, when it was all longing looks and imagination. He's finding it very difficult to concentrate on anything.
He should really be focusing on his OWL studies, the exams are approaching with alarming speed, but instead he finds himself watching Sirius.
He watches him over the table at meal times, laughing and throwing his head back so that his long pale neck is stretched and exposed. He watched him at quidditch practice, thighs tight around his broom. Worse still is in their dormitory, topless and wet haired. It's driving him insane.
'I've lost my mind,' he says to Lily one day. They're in the library, Remus is supposed to be studying for defence against the dark arts but he can't get past the first sentence in the chapter of his book.
'Perhaps,' Lily says, not looking up from her notes, 'You need to get it out of your system.'
'What do you mean?'
'Well, you two have always been a bit... intense. I know it's still tricky between you, but who knows maybe a bit of rough and ready is what you both need.'
'Lily!' Remus exclaims, heat flushing up his neck. The red head laughs, looking up from her papers with a wicked smile.
'I'm just saying,' she says, going back to scratching away with her quill, 'Sometimes it's easier to talk without words.'
Remus isn't one to ignore good advise, nor is he one to deny himself something he wants for long.
Opportunity arrises earlier than he expected, that very same night when he and Sirius both find themselves alone, hiding in a 2nd floor broom cupboard from Filch. Peter is somewhere under the floorboards, scurrying away on four tiny paws, and James is under the cloak so has no need for a hiding place.
Remus had grabbed Sirius and dragged him into the confined space without really thinking. Now the door was shut, and he was suddenly very aware of how close the other boy was to him.
'Erm,' Sirius says, shifting a little awkwardly, 'I think I'm stood in a bucket.' He shakes his foot and there's a sound like a rattling suit of armer.
'Sh!' Remus hisses, heat crawling up his neck.
'Sorry,' the other boy whispers. 'Are you alright? You're breathing funny.'
'I'm fine,' Remus says quickly. He is trying to focus on anything other than the feel of Sirius' breath on his cheek, or the way the other boy's leg keeps bumping against his own.
'Are you sure, it's just- oh.' Sirius cuts off, leg bumping against something else of Remus'. 'Oh.'
'Shut up,' Remus says. He wants to die.
'I didn't say anything,' Sirius replies, his voice taking on a new tone. 'I can help you with that, if you like?'
He's standing closer than is necessary, even in these very cramped conditions.
'Stop it. I'm still very cross with you.'
'Well then,' Sirius says, voice dark and dangerous, 'Let me earn your forgiveness.'
Remus already knows he is going to give in. He has appalling self control, and Sirius' fingers have started dancing across his hip bone in a way that makes it hard to think.
'This doesn't mean I forgive you.'
'I know.'
He's kissing Remus' neck now.
'I mean... I'm really...' He's not sure what he is trying to say, thought leaving his brain entirely as Sirius' lips come in contact with the soft skin beneath his ear.
'Let me show you how sorry I am,' Sirius says.
'Okay,' Remus replies.
When Lily sees Remus next in the common room, she takes one look at him and bursts out laughing.
'See, I always give the best advice,' she says with a wicked grin.
Remus blushes, but secretly he quite agrees.
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zahri-melitor · 3 months
Full reaction to Richard Dragon, Kung-Fu Fighter: I get what Dennis O'Neil was trying for, but definitely has a giant Of Its Time stamp across it.
It's a very interesting series, in the context of riding the 1970s fascination for Asian martial arts craze. Because it certainly attempts to be progressive and fails in interesting ways.
The first thing I have to note is that three (3!) separate women, framed to be love interests, die in this 18 issue comic, and all of them are women of colour: Carolyn Woosan, Sun Ling Po, and Janey Lewis. If you want to talk about fridging, then the fact that Shiva makes it out alive from this comic is a minor miracle.
Ben Turner also manages to spend at least half this comic off panel unable to fight, despite technically being the main support character, between getting shot in the leg, ending up on crutches, getting poisoned and landing in hospital, and then being brainwashed by the League of Assassins. It's quite noticeable when he finally gets to turn back up and be on panel for a whole story rather than getting injured and relegated AGAIN.
One thing that really struck me though is that comparing what's on page in this and where Richard, Ben and Shiva end up, you find the narrative almost mythologised in later writings, both those from O'Neil and from people like Dixon and Rucka. Richard and Ben are the best students of the O-Sensei, but there isn't really the implication that they're the Best Martial Artists On The Planet. Shiva's here to avenge Carolyn's death and keeps turning up to help Richard because she gets bored easily and thinks violence and danger is fun, not because she's yet reached the level of boredom that has her challenging every 'serious' martial artist on the planet for a challenge to kill.
It's also very interesting in that most of the heroes and villains we meet are South East Asian characters - in fact they're all based in Japan for a while - however our protagonist in Richard is a white American (and Ben is a black American). It's just a very 1970s approach to progressive storytelling (and uh there are definitely a bunch of stereotypes still floating around).
I found it a very quick read, with less comic silliness than you might expect (nuclear missiles fired into volcanoes and removed by giant magnets aside), but I think unless you're interested in the histories of the characters, the understanding you get of all three simply from their later appearances and how this period is referenced is sufficient.
I will say the odd, almost wandering way I've read various Ben Turner appearances (the main ones being this, Suicide Squad 1987, parts of Justice League: Task Force, his couple of appearances in Batgirl 2000, Manhunter 2004, etc) means that I get pretty irritated any time anyone wants to pitch him as an assassin or particularly a member of the League of Assassins. He was brainwashed into doing stuff for the LOA and broke out of it pretty soon afterwards. He's not an assassin, he's an extremely skilled martial artist who can and does kill and just happens to have a bunch of connections with the independent martial artist communities of DC, all of whom are getting progressively subsumed into factions of the League of Assassins by DC writers who seem unaware of their complexities and differences.
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samble-movedd · 6 months
thinking about pmmm again and how fucked the setting is.
it's a tragedy when children die. and contracting with kyubey (a creature that almost exclusively contracts with young teenage girls, if not younger) means you almost certainly will – especially seeing as "veterans" in pmmm seem to be referring to girls who survived only a couple years as magical girls (mami, kyoko, homura) and the oldest living magical girls we see in magireco haven't even hit twenty.
contracting means you will get your wish (if it isn't twisted, and you were direct enough with what you truly wanted), but will almost certainly die soon after. if a girl contracts as a high school freshman, she likely won't live until her senior year. and they aren't even told this. the most kyubey seems to offer normally is "i will grant your wish if you fight witches", which doesn't relay the danger in that, or that the same witches they fight were once magical girls like them. or that in the struggle to fight for grief seeds, the girls could witch out just from not finding any, meaning life and fate worse than death can be determined solely by if you can get one before your magic runs out.
the magical girl system is (inadvertently?) designed to stress them out too, which worsens the state of their soul gems. besides the magical girl infighting over scarce resources, they have to sneak around to fight witches and transform, and often lose sleep and worry those around them as seen in the anime. seeing as he contracts with children and not adults makes it worse — an adult may be able to change their schedule around to accommodate, someone still in middle/high school can't exactly just not go to school daily because they were up all night trying to find witches to fight.
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