#seem like a rather minute thing to some after all but wanting to cook for someone to me shows a lot of love on their part and it is-
anthromimicry · 4 months
oh, but imagining the potential for warmth and also perhaps some humor in the scenario that misao decides she wants to try to cook something for someone she loves while they're over is currently making my heart happy. like i'm not going to lie — misao has honestly not cooked a day in her life since she just simply never had the need to, being a jorōgumo and all, but she would want to at least try to show she cares for them by attempting to cook their favorite dish or something whenever they're over at her home. and this would still apply to her even if she ended up completely failing at it at first because one of misao's love languages is acts of service. thus, of course she would want to provide them with something as integral as food. but GAHHH, picturing it from misao's loved ones perspective is also equally as sweet to me, because them guiding her on what to do while reassuring her that it's okay? and them eventually just deciding to cook together because misao may or may not get overwhelmed by the fact that she has such little knowledge about what to do because she wants everything to be perfect is... idk. it can be either incredibly romantic, or make for a very wholesome platonic moment between her and another character, which i LOVE
#ALL POWER DEMANDS PAIN AND SACRIFICE: musings.#NO SLEEP OF THE INNOCENT. NOT FOR YOU: character study.#i just had to post this once i thought of it because i feel as if all i've been posting on here is angst SO have this little wholesome-#character study / random drabble from me about how misao would try to do something that she has no idea how to do just to try to make-#any one of her loved ones happy. which honestly just mentioning that is making me go 🥺 because misao would absolutely be putting their-#needs above hers in this scenario and that is kind of what love is all about right? plusss her tendency to strive for perfection in-#pretty much everything she does being revealed like this to another muse / character is sort of intriguing to me to think about. cooking-#seem like a rather minute thing to some after all but wanting to cook for someone to me shows a lot of love on their part and it is-#intimate to sit down with someone and eat with them which as you all may know is exactly the kind of thing that misao is afraid of doing-#someone but the fact that she'd essentially getting out of her comfort zone here for them demonstrates that she is capable of growth-#and maybeee is getting less afraid of opening up to heart to people? idk but i think it just shows development on misao's part for her-#to willingly put herself in a spot like this where she is vulnerable around them bc she isn't good at cooking BUT she still wants to do it-#for them even if that requires help. so yeah. it's just kind of wholesome to think about the implications behind this happening and also-#just the event itself. like AHHH😩 the rare moments where misao just lets herself open up to people is most where she seems like she might-#not be entirely evil and more than just this man-eating yōkai y'know? and i honestly kind of love that for her
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hedgehog-moss · 24 days
(There is blood pictured at the end of this post) (well, 1 drop) (don't worry it's mine, not some innocent creature's)
I found a dormouse in my kitchen today, just chilling on the ceiling above my head, watching me cook. Maybe even judging my cooking technique like Ratatouille. I only noticed its presence because there's a bunch of dried herbs hanging from the ceiling above the stove and at one point I heard a rustling, then a crunching noise.
It was eating my herbs.
As if they were a little snack I'd placed here for my dormouse friends. None of my other animals can walk on the ceiling, therefore any food that's near the ceiling must be an offering to the dormice. (I admit, that's sound logic.)
A dormouse family has been living in my walls since before I moved here—I should probably call it a dormouse dynasty, by now. Here's the first post I wrote about them, in 2019 ! The cats eat a lot of them (especially Morille, she loves dormice) but apparently not enough to make the key decision makers in this dormouse community decide that living in my house is more trouble than it's worth.
Every year when they hibernate and go quiet for eight months I have the renewed hope that this time the cats got rid of all of them, but the next spring they wake up and start scratching inside my walls in the middle of the night again. (Not only that's creepy, but it's so loud.)
Anyway, this dormouse, let's call him Alfred. I saw immediately which hole between two stones he'd crawled out of and the first thing I did was to stuff a salt shaker in there to block his escape route. Step 2 was to call for backup—I summoned Morille, and she came down from the living-room 2 seconds later (the cats know it's always good news when I call them to the kitchen while cooking.)
Alfred was panicking.
I grabbed a broom and started threatening him with it like an angry old woman in a cartoon. He tried to flee towards the ladder, but Morille was there. He tried to flee towards the door, but Morille was also there. He tried to hide on top of the fridge, and Morille happily lay siege to it, like my fridge was a Gallic oppidum on top of a hill and Morille was Caesar and his entire army.
Morille was having the time of her life.
But my kitchen door was ajar, and Alfred managed a heroic jump from the top of the fridge to the lintel, like a flying squirrel. He scurried out then grabbed hold of the climbing rose right above the door. When I got out and took this photo, he looked fairly stressed and pessimistic.
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I didn't want him to climb the wall all the way to the eaves and go right back into my house, so I went back in to get my broom again, either to make him lose his grip and fall straight into Morille's gaping maw (sorry), or make him run away into the woods (inferior solution; they always find their way back, unless you take them very far away.)
(I used to trap dormice humanely then drive them 3km away to release them near the barn of a neighbour I disliked, but this neighbour has since moved. (Not because of my dormouse warfare, I swear.) There's also an abandoned house in the woods where I used to exile my prisoners, but after a while I started feeling silly driving around the countryside with dormice in the backseat, so I stopped trapping them (it really was a hassle) and just let the cats eat them.)
But Alfred is a combative and resourceful rodent. In the half-minute it took me to go back in and grab my broom, he laid a trap for me.
He ran along the stem of my climbing rose in such a way that his weight made it droop jussst enough to be now hanging at face level rather than above the door. So when I ran outside again with my broom, I was slapped in the face by a thorny rose plant. (For a minute I thought I was crying tears of blood, which seemed worrying, but it was just a scratch above my eye.) (I wish it could leave a tiny scar, so people will ask how I got it, and I will tell them about the mighty dormouse wielding a rose sword.)
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I sent these pics to my brother hoping to get some sympathy, and he cropped & desaturated the one with the blood teardrop then sent it back with the comment "you look like an Evanescence song"
By this point I decided Alfred had won this battle. (Not the war, because it's almost autumn aka hibernation time so he probably found another gap between two stones and went right back inside. The war continues.) But this humble dormouse set a Saw trap to poke my eyes out the second I stepped outside my house and I respect that. I admire the way he used his environment to his advantage, and teamed up with my climbing rose to level the playing field (since I had teamed up with my cat first.) He has won the right to spend another winter inside my walls, curled up in my cosy wool insulation, dreaming of dried herbs, thwarted cats, and heroic skydiving from fridgetops.
Well played.
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shadow4-1 · 5 months
I'm just imagining a "lazy day" with the 141, except, it's really just you getting them to finally wind down from their experiences.
Like, everyone's still a little beat up and tender from the last mission. No one really has the energy to do much of anything except quietly laze around in the recroom. It's not a tense silence, just a tired one.
Reports (both verbal and written) have been filed. There's just nothing to talk about. It's over, you won. The end, right? Except not really.
Everyone is still a bit twitchy and hypervigillant. The sound of footsteps make their ears perk, they give you quick once overs and check your face as they pass by. And, with bated breath, you watch as they check the shadows in the corners. You're so tired from treating their small wounds you just don't have it in you to be on edge too. So instead, you sit on the couch and one by one ask them to sit with you.
Soap is easy enough to pull back to reality. He leans against you and relaxes into just your presence. You seem to ground him. You run your fingers through his hair and after about thirty minutes he's purring jelly.
Gaz takes a little bit more work. He doesn't want to sit, and when he does he's bouncy, agitated and squirmy. You make him out his head in your lap and watch the cooking channel while you massage at the nape of his neck. It's takes a while, but eventually he falls asleep. When he wakes he's drowsy and stiff but it's almost like he's reset. He seems to function like normal after.
Price, is well...Price. You can't help him alone so you enlist the help of Soap and Gaz. You rope him into rather stupid, childish things to distract his mind. You make him watch you play video games or have him show you how it's done in a game of pool. With the three of you laughing and smiling at him it doesn't take long for the set of his shoulders to dip and lax. His tired eyes twinkle, and if you get him his favorite drink he's brand new once more.
Ghost is the hardest to bring back. After the worst missions he's sometimes irredeemable for a couple days. None of you can really stand his bloodshot, dead eyed glare or the heavy breaths muffled into his mask. He really is like a hungry wraith, always searching you every moment as if you're about to change from friend to foe. But, the way you find the easiest to pull him back, is to just be in his presence. It's always unnerving. You feel like a hen in a foxhole. But after a few hours of simply willing to exist in the same space as him, he softens. You're friend. Not foe. You're his team. You've gotten to the point where you can tell when you can offer him some tea. He never says thank you, but he finally seems to blink, and that's all the thanks you need.
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suzukiblu · 3 months
WIP excerpt for qwertynerd97 behind the cut; Billy adopts Conner and it actually goes pretty good! (( chrono || non-chrono ))
If Lynn wants to hug him later, that’ll be really great, but he just–he really doesn’t want to be one of those foster parents who always pushes. Pretends like they’re closer to a kid than they are or like that kid should be grateful for every little thing or give them everything they want or . . . whatever. 
Even if Lynn never wants a hug from him at all, at least then Lynn can know Billy’s not gonna punish him for it. Can feel–safe, knowing that. 
More than anything else, Billy really, really wants Lynn to feel safe with him. 
“Safe” is . . . 
It’s just harder to come by than a lot of people think it is, that’s all. 
Lynn . . . hesitates, again, and looks at the pillow Billy’s holding out of the corner of his eye for a moment, then gingerly wraps his arms around Tawky in awkward imitation of him. Billy beams at him, trying not to be weird about it or anything. Lynn kind of thinks like a teenager, obviously, but also he’s just a baby, so . . . well, it’s kinda hard to be sure how to balance that kind of thing. 
Billy just has to figure it out, though. He can do that. His dad would’ve, so–yeah. 
So he’s gonna do it too. 
“Yeah, like that,” he confirms, and Lynn looks embarrassed and looks away. “Tawky’s nice to hug, right?” 
“. . . sure,” Lynn says, still looking embarrassed. Billy isn’t sure if it’s the “thinking kind of like a teenager” thing or if he’s just feeling awkward about doing a new thing, but figures that’s Lynn’s business anyway. He sneaks a glance at Tawky while Lynn’s still looking at the wall and flashes him an encouraging thumbs up, and Tawky stays contentedly hugged in Lynn’s arms. Billy’s glad Lynn feels comfortable enough to hug him, at least. Sometimes being a stuffed animal is even more useful than being a superhero. 
He wishes he could hug Lynn right now too, but–well, like he said, he’d rather Lynn feel safe with him than anything else. 
The ten minutes is pretty much up by then, so after Lynn and Tawky have gotten in a little more hugging, they all walk to the library together. Lynn looks at the sky a lot and seems a little awkward carrying Tawky, like he’s still not sure what the best way to do it is, but Tawky’s obviously still content to just hang out quietly and people-watch a little on the walk. Billy points out where some stuff is in the neighborhood, and at the library Lynn looks totally overwhelmed, which, well . . . it’s not a very big library, honestly, but it’s still gotta be thousands of books and Lynn’s never been in one at all before, so Billy can’t blame him for it. 
The librarian helps “Rocky Morgan” sign up for a library card, since “Lynn Morgan” doesn’t have paperwork or anything yet and Billy’s not sure how that’d work and doesn’t wanna test it before Batman gives the all-clear, and then they walk through all the sections together one-by-one. Billy figures they can just pick out a book each from each of the main sections, and then there’ll be lots of different stuff for Lynn to try. 
They get a couple big art books and a couple mysteries, a couple romance novels, some sci-fi, fantasy, westerns, thrillers, history and autobiographies, some classics, and a few different picture books, though Billy figures they can skip the hard science stuff and self-help for right now. Though he does find a cool-looking astronomy book, and maybe Lynn’ll like that? He’s not actually an alien, obviously–Billy guesses he’d be more like . . . what, a second-generation immigrant or something?–but space is still cool. They also pick out a couple of cookbooks, because Billy figures it’ll help Lynn decide what to cook and help him remember the recipes without having to ask Lynn what he’s supposed to do every five minutes. 
It’s a lot of books, but they’ve got super-strength and also Billy doesn’t want Lynn to end up stuck reading things he doesn’t like just because there’s nothing else in the apartment; he wants to give him a lot of options to pick from and figure out what he likes from. Lynn’s a baby. He shouldn’t get stuck with just boring stuff to read. 
The library’s old and kind of fancy. Lynn looks out the high wrought-iron windows at the sky while the librarian checks them out, looking . . . confused, a little, or maybe just like he’s thinking. Billy doesn’t really know his expressions well enough to tell either way. The library’s bright, though, and there’s a lot of windows and a lot of places to sit and read with a lot of natural light in them, so if Lynn decides he likes to read, maybe they could come regularly? Like, once a week or every couple weeks, maybe, depending, Billy figures. He’s spent a lot of time in libraries to get out of the rain or cold or snow, personally, and it was . . . nice, sometimes. There was always stuff to read and somewhere to sit and the librarians were usually nice too, as long as he didn’t fall asleep anywhere too public. So–nice, sometimes. 
Nicer than hiding in a doorway or a stairwell or under the slide at the park or in a gazebo or–
Just–it was nicer. And safer. And sometimes he’d look at the archeology books and pretend Mom and Dad were just still on a dig, and they’d be coming to get him soon. Coming to–take him home, soon. 
. . . maybe Lynn could come to the library by himself, if he ever wants some alone time or something.
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insanermin · 7 months
Hey i just read your fanfic "and still i answer your call when she doesn't answer at all". and i loved it, i wonder if you could maybe make a part 2 if you have time, And if you want too. And ofcourse, you dont have to do it or rush it
hi! thank you sm <3 yes ofc i can, haven't written in a hot minute so;
and still i answer your call when she doesn't answer at all, part 2
pairing: ellie x fem!reader
warnings: toxic relationship, cheating, nsfw, curse words, soft?? ellie but highkey salty, not proofread yet again, lesbian sex <3, and also first time writing smut plsplspls have mercy on me, xoxo
word count: 3,9k
summary: you visit ellie again to thank her for comforting and taking care of you, but things take a different course when your 'girlfriend' texts you. or; ellie eats you out.
as warm tones start to set into the blue sky, february doesn't seem so cold anymore.
all your worries were washed away, all thanks to ellie. after you stormed to her place at the most vile hour, ellie took good care of you, the two of you watched your favourite movies until you fell asleep and she prepared you some breakfast before you had to leave for work. guilt resides in the pits of your gut, your gratefulness has never left the four walls of your mind, it is time you finally thank ellie for everything she has done for you these past few days.
you spent the whole day in bed, sulking away while thoughts of your girlfriend cross your mind. you reach for your phone, no message from her.
as you take steady steps to your closet you realise that there's no turning back now. you've made up your mind, it is over. but you needed good advice from a very good friend, surely ellie would have all the answers to your questions. flicking through all the clothes in your closet, memories of your girlfriend start to occupy your mind. the dress you wore on your first date, the hoodie she bought you on a rainy november day, the graphic tee you wore the first time she made you cry, and all the other clothes that witnessed you being miserable because of her. it had to end, now.
all dressed up now, you wash your face, washing the smudged mascara from yesterday's crying away. lately your emotions have been all over the place but you told yourself it is better to feel them rather than bottling everything up.
ready to leave, you text ellie a simple 'i'm gonna stop by your place' shortly regretting that you didn't text her earlier. but to your luck she replies almost immediately.
'sure, have you eaten?' the words circle your mind. you don't know whether you're impressed by the fact that she answered so quickly or that she potentially knew you haven't eaten a single thing yet.
'no' you reply, slipping your phone into your pocket while fishing out your keys that you mindlessly put in your pockets before locking the door.
you step outside and cold wind is blowing your way. the sky has already lost itself in complete darkness, but the clouds haven't shied away, surrounding the moons light.
ellie is just as nervous as the last time you were here, although now she had something to keep herself busy with: cooking.
keeping it simple, because she's too scared to mess up, but not too boring, ellie doesn't want you to think that she can't cook.
a dilemma she might never escape, because she knows you don't overthink any of your actions towards her. but should she really be thinking about this right now? ellie tries her best to feel somewhat content that you're coming over. however, knowing that she is one-sidedly overthinking her actions, caring for your needs and, well, liking you, she can't help but feel like burning this entire kitchen down instead of cooking a nice meal for the two of you.
"shit," ellie groans as she feels the blade digging into her fingertip. this for sure wasn't part of the cute scenarios she just made up nor was it part of her plan to burn this kitchen down. ellie rushes to find a plaster, a bandage, anything to put on her finger.
the door rings, ellie rushes to the door, heavy footsteps echo and bounce off the stairwell walls. the sound of you felt like a mixture of butterflies and sour lemons in her guts.
and there you stand, right in front of her. something in the fresh evening air must've altered your brain chemistry, because why do you feel her eyes linger? and why do you want them to? your emotional imbalance is surely to blame, you most definitely lack attentiveness and consideration. ellie lightly clearing her throat interrupts your almost driving you to insanity monologue, your eyes now drawn to her body.
has your friend's arms always looked this big? she's just wearing a plain white t-shirt, but you can't seem to stop yourself from tracing the strokes of her tattoo with your eyes. soft hello's were exchanged before ellie offered to take off your jacket. the outfit you picked out today and deemed too light for your own comfort suddenly became ridiculously warm.
"how have you been?" ellie asks, making her way to the kitchen as you awkwardly stand in the hallway trying to cool down.
"better? uh, do you mind if i change?" your voice breaks a little, you lightly chuckle to cover your discomfort.
ellie shakes her head, her whole attention directed towards the plates she's trying to decorate nicely with the food she has just made. truth is, she's trying her hardest not to think about you changing, about your bare, soft skin, about—
"oh my god," it emerges from ellie's bedroom, ripping ellie out of her mildly inappropriate thoughts. she was so sure that she cleaned her room well, even checked multiple times and every corner, what on earth did you find? she fiddles with her hands as she walks towards her bedroom, door slightly open. the auburn haired woman doesn't believe in god, but on this very day, she is making all kinds of prayers, hoping for the best. ellie opens the door and seeing you sit on her bed with your phone in your hand is surprisingly disappointing.
you watch her stand at the doorframe, her arms crossed, flexing her buff arms. you can't ignore her furrowed eyebrows, but when ellie notices the concern written all over your face she mouths a low 'what happened?'
you turn around your phone for ellie to read the text message your girlfriend just sent you.
'hey baby, can we talk? i'm really sorry' ellie reads in her head. she definitely prayed for all the wrong reasons, because this is exponentially worse than anything she feared just a minute ago.
"why are you showing me this?" she asks, her voice low. she's still standing in front of you, looking down on you. her gaze on you makes you feel things you haven't felt in a long time. but your girlfriend just texted you and is apologising for her actions, you need to focus. but something about the way her eyes are locking you in is making it a little harder to breathe.
you take a deep breath, you need oxygen to clear your head.
"well, i came here because i needed advice—" you carefully watch ellie approaching you slowly.
"—i wanted to end things with her but—" you thought you were attentive enough but you're taken aback by ellie's big hands resting on your thighs, her face dangerously close to yours. you steal a small glimpse at her tired eyes piercing you through before continuing. her being so close causes your breath to shorten, you're hoping your all that she can't see your chest lifting.
"—she apologised now, so we're good," you say. ellie's eyes widen in disbelief, slightly tilting her head.
"are you serious?" she scoffs, her eyes shut close before searching for answers in yours. you nod and watch ellie drop her head in disappointment, followed by several scoffs and sighs.
"no you're not," she says under her breath, disappointment slowly spiralling into exasperation. ellie can't tolerate this any longer. whether it is your dumb decisions or your inability to see your worth, she won't take this anymore. and it might be selfish to get angry at you for not seeing her more than just a friend, but she did decide on a whim while cooking that this is the day where she finally tells you. however the manner things are progressing for now seem to be reaching a dead end.
"i have to reply though," you mumble, but ellie's furrowed eyebrows insinuate you to feel insecure about your decision.
"you don't," ellie says, as an auburn hair strand looses itself from her split ponytail. her arm reaches for your phone, but you hold it up by reflex, you didn't expect her to grab for your phone. however, you forget that you're the one sitting and she'd just have to stand up straight to get your phone, so you rapidly throw your back onto the mattress, arms far away, she surely won't be able to get your phone now.
"fuck, you can't be—" ellie hesitates, and you smile triumphantly, until you feel something weighting you down. your eyes widen in realisation, did ellie just climb on top of you? your body's brush now and then against each other while she's trying to reach for your phone. you're about to turn to the side when you feel ellie's strong hands hold your wrist down, making it impossible for you to move. for a minute, you forget why you wanted to turn away as you loose yourself in her sage green eyes. and that's when realisation hits you, you're under her, at the mercy of her big, strong arms. ellie doesn't keep eye contact for long, her eyes are fixated on stealing your phone, your eyes are focused on her jaw line. you're being held down, her knees restricting your upper body from the sides, her chest alarmingly close to your face. your grip around your phone softens, your too distracted by her presence pressing and holding you down.
you hear ellie whisper a 'finally' before you're eye to eye again. ellie was too busy taking your phone away and only notices now how close the two of you are. your chests lightly brush against each other, ellie still pinning you down to the bed. her grip tightens around your wrist as she thinks about the way you're still so caught up with your girlfriend, but the fact that she has your full attention for once overrides all the anger she bottled up. you gulp down and break away from her gaze, looking to the side, where she's holding you down.
"what happened to your finger?" you finally break the silence, earning a low chuckle from ellie. she's breathing right onto your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
you watch ellie's lip move, form words, pressing against each other softly.
"you sure you wanna text your girlfriend?" the last words pull you out of the daze her lips put you in, she surely must've said something important. you need to focus. you have to ignore that your body is screaming to be held, to be touched.
the thought of ellie touching you has never crossed your mind until... now. this very thought makes you want to adjust your lower body, arching your back slightly.
ellie can't help but notice all the movement happening below her. she's never been this close to you. and knowing she has your undivided attention all to herself, she can't hold back any longer.
her chest bumps against yours as she slightly moves up, her hand reaching for your chin, holding it in between her thumb and bandaged index finger. you're forced to hold eye contact with her, her breath tickling your face. your chest doesn't even rise anymore, only falling lower and lower until the movement travels to your lower back.
it's hard to breathe and it's hard to think, you feel your eyes wander from her green eyes to her lips.
"do i have something on my lips?" ellie asks, while looking down on you.
"no?" you're confused, finally pulled out of trance. she tilts your head to the side, at which you sharply inhale.
"you're staring," ellie whispers into your neck, the sensation insinuates you to hold your breath. you see a smile creep up her face from the corner of your eye, your heartbeat must've dropped to your abdomen at this very sight. all your morals and values must have left you on this night, because you want nothing more than ellie. she always directs you to make the right decision, so you want to believe that she will stop you from pursuing your inappropriate thoughts. with your free hand you reach for the hem of ellie's t-shirt, holding onto it desperately.
"ellie," you say out of breath. something about the way you called for her name made her lose it all, the breathlessness, your voice, the feeling of your body under hers.
her narrowed eyes fill with desperation, hunger, and lust. the sight of you underneath her tingles on her fingertips, ready to roam your body.
ellie takes a deep breath, lifting your face by your chin. she observe your lips carefully as she traces the outlines with her thumb.
"can i?" ellie finally asks, her eyes nervously looking for a place to rest on. you look up to her through your lashes, your grip tightening on her t-shirt. she makes you feel so needed, so incredibly wanted. your mind tells you to put an end to this but the feeling growing in between your thighs can't be ignored any longer. you shut your eyes close, then take one more look at ellie.
her arms could hold you up without struggling, her hands look so sturdy, she could touch you just the way you need her to.
sharply inhaling, you nod, and a smile creeps up her face. and you still feel said smile as she presses her lips against yours.
you didn't know that such a gentle kiss left you eager for more, and you find your hands entangled in her hair, frantically holding onto ellie.
the way your hands speak for what's going on on your mind makes ellie's blood rush through her veins, the soft fabric of your top rubbing up against her arm drives her insane as your skin is exposed every now and then.
ellie's hands glide over your body as her lips devour you impatiently. the sensation of her fingertips linger and you can't keep up any longer. she wants more of you, sloppy kisses emphasise that her attention has shifted from your lips to your body.
you can't help but notice her t-shirt riding up every so often, abdomen exposed.
"fuck," ellie groans, your bottom lip tugged in between her teeth. her hands finally have found a place to rest, a little under your chest, cupping your breasts. her gentle eyes meet yours, pressing her lips to a thin line before speaking.
"can i take your shirt off?" ellie's voice is slightly raspy and it's just enough to worsen the pressure in between your thighs. you squeeze them tightly, earning raised eyebrows from ellie.
"only if you take yours off too," you shoot back, because you can't be doing the wrong thing one-sidedly. however, didn't you want to end things with your girlfriend? she was practically an ex by now, you would've told her soon enough.
ellie sits up, her inner thighs pressing against your waist.
"oh? then, take your bra off too," ellie says, as she trails kisses on your neck, hot, slow and wet. you slightly arch your neck while biting down a moan. this is getting too heated for your own comfort and you can see yourself making noises only a few instances away, this needs to stop.
but ellie keeps on sucking, biting and licking your neck, making it impossible to keep quiet. and to make matters worse, she pushes her thigh all the way up against your aching spot, resulting you to softly moan.
"shit, didn't know texting your girlfriend back included moaning for me," ellie spits, the bitter taste of her fury still hasn't left her tongue. you're taken aback by her words but the sensation on your neck is keeping you in a trance you can't break away from. ellie's had enough of waiting, so she switches position with you, making you sit on top of her lap. she lifts your t-shirt, every inch of exposed skin is followed by hungry kisses until the shirt is off of you. you don't necessarily like sitting on top, too many vulnerable spots to be explored. ellie's rough hands glide down the sides of your upper body until they comfortably rest above your hips. her fingers graze over your body making breathing impossible, you feel it all the way down your lower abdomen.
and as if her big sturdy hands roaming over your body wasn't enough, she reaches for your back, undoing your bra with one hand.
you watch her smirk cockily as the straps of your bra fall to the sides, exposing your shoulders, and more importantly your chest. ellie bites down her lip as she cups your breasts, giving them a good, firm squeeze before locking eyes with you.
"you're tits look so fucking perfect," she groans, letting the palm of her hand brush against your hard nipples while ellie feels your hips tilt to the back at the touch of your skin, back arched for a moment only. she then pinches them and teases you even more, so you try to stop her and you reach out for her hand. however, you mistakenly grab her tattooed forearm, grasping it firmly to push her away from you. ellie chuckles at your unfortunate attempt to break away from her.
"you want them inside of you?" she teases, while breathing hot air onto your nipples. your eyes widen in surprise, when have you implied that? you suddenly feel heat creep up your neck, panic written all over your face. in response, ellie points to the forearm you've been digging your nails into.
"oh," you say, rapidly drawing your hands in.
"no, it's fine," she says while putting your arms around her, lifting you slightly up to lay you on her bed. her fingers are hooked on your waistband while taking your pants off. you've never seen anyone look this hot taking pants off, loose hair strands covering her face, you can't tell her facial expression.
all you see is her muscular shoulders and arms flexing while she undresses you.
you realise that wearing grey underwear will be the death of you as you hear ellie laugh lowly. you sense her blowing hot air against your clit, oh god is she a tease, you think to yourself.
"so fucking wet and i haven't even touched you? would love to hear your girlfriend's opinion on this," ellie scoffs, while observing the hot mess you are.
"ellie, for fucks sake i'm—"
"you're what?" eyebrows raised, hands resting on your thighs. you take a deep breath. talking about this while you're about to do it is not just incredibly anticlimactic but also immensely nerve wrecking. her eyes are like a ticking bomb, the longer you keep her waiting the more the disappointment grows, her gentle eyes turning tired.
"i'm ending things with her," you finally say.
"you surely will after today," ellie responds, her fingertip firmly pressing on your clit, only fabric separating her from your skin.
you gasp and your stomach rises almost immediately at the pressure you feel, causing you to squeeze your thighs tightly together. however, ellie slips her rough hand in between them, mouthing an 'open' towards your direction which you deemed useless since ellie opened your legs forcibly on her own. she holds one of your thighs down while pulling your underwear to the side, exposing your throbbing, wet clit. she holds two fingers out, gliding them over you to moisturise them before sliding them inside of you. the sensation of her fingers inside of you causes you to arch your back, throw back your head and dig your nails into her scalp.
"easy, love," she whispers, her fingers curved inside of you. ellie starts off slow, with every thrust you exhale shortly, until they turn into soft moans. her unexpectedly breathing against your clit makes you go insane, you feel the sensation give you goosebumps all over you body.
your body leaves ellie mesmerised, the way you move at her touch worsens her need to keep you all to herself, to devour you. she never imagined you to be this gorgeous, this attractive. she wants more of you and desperately wants the taste of you on her tongue. and not a second later, ellie made up her mind, she adjusts herself and pulls your panties further to the side, having full view of you.
"gorgeous," she mutters before crashing onto your clit, letting her tongue slowly slide to the top before making her way back down again. you pull at her hair in reaction, your other hand gripping her bed sheets. ellie moves the tip of her tongue up and down before tugging your clit in between her lips softly, sucking it in.
your moans become shaky and her sucking becomes more intense. you feel your whole body tense up as she presses her parted lips lightly around you, her tongue slowly flicking your clit inside of her mouth. she then lets go of you, you hold your breath.
you're numbed by the sensation and can't tell what's going on, you either feel her fingers pump inside of you or her tongue absolutely devouring you. you can't keep up any longer and ellie doesn't even leave space for a moment to breathe or think, you only feel, and that deeply.
all you hear are the wet noises you make against ellie's tongue and her grunts that unexpectedly turn you on. nails digging into her hair, back arched to the ceiling and your mind so far gone that all your responses to ellie's teasing questions are mindless moans, you feel her push even harder inside of you, causing you to jolt. ellie grins onto your clit as she notices your throbbing take on a slow, rhythmic pace, your insides clasping around her fingers in said rhythm. your hips move in circles, you desperately want to come, you've never felt this good.
and ellie keeps her thrusts consistent, just as the movement of her tongue, only increasing the speed of it. the taste of you sends her to another dimension, she already knows that this will leave her hungry for more. and so your back shoots up, forcing your hip all the way down and clutching around ellie's fingers, a sharp, but loud moan escaping your mouth. content with her work, ellie plants a kiss on your clit, your body shuddering in response. she slowly removes her fingers, your body shivers once more.
you're still in a haze, but ellie hovering over you pulls you out of it, her glistening lips are mesmerising. you see her lose strands sticking to her forehead, a few pearls of sweat on her well built arms. ellie observes your eyes, the way you look so gorgeous in the dimmed light worries her that she might do more.
"good job," she whispers into your neck, goosebumps spreading across your skin. you mutter a 'thank you' which makes you realise you're thanking her for all the wrong reasons. she lays down beside you and holds her right arm out, suggesting you to rest your head on it. you scoot closer, watching her chest rise and fall as she breathes.
"thank you for... the past few days," you say quietly into her chest. ellie scoffs shortly, raises her right arm to the back of your head and pats you. only now you notice that she has taken her shirt off, you don't recall that happening but you surely don't mind the view. you then feel ellie reach out for something, your phone in her hand.
"now text your girlfriend back and make sure to let her know that i'm here."
a/n: hello sorry for taking so long to update, was busy with exams, i was on renee rapp's concert as well (she's so attractive oh god) and yes. enjoy my first attempt at smut :)
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a breakdown of tommy kinard’s past appearances
so. like many of you, i’ve been getting a little bit tired of seeing the same “wait wasn’t tommy a racist/homophobe? why do we like him now?” posts for the last few weeks. so i wanted to do a small breakdown of every time he has previously appeared on screen, along with his action and inaction regarding the casual bigotry of the 118 under captain gerrard.
this is gunna be a long one boys so, strap in lol
season 3 episode 12: chim begins
i’m going to go in chronological order here rather than episodic order just for character development’s sake
tommy’s first appearance in this episode is about 11 minutes in, after the first commercial break. the current 118 are sitting down to dinner when chim arrives. tommy spots him and asks, “hey eli, you forget to tip the delivery guy?” i would say this could be a genuine question based on the fact that chim’s in his civvies, but he’s got his go bag that says “FIREFIGHTER” on his shoulder so. seems like he’s just being a smartass.
(*edit: it’s been pointed out to me that considering they had ordered chinese food, this could have been an instance of casual racism, and i am inclined to agree)
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he’s not seen much during chim’s montage of just doin’ shit around the firehouse, until the point where the 118 come back covered in mud. tommy spots chim and asks him, “you still here?” again, just kind of general dickishness. not really anything to write home about.
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a small kind of background tommy moment we get after chim’s montage is right as the team is returning from a call, and chim tries to tell them about the older couple who he helped earlier in the day.
tommy: what about that burger place?
gerrard: tommy, you know i hate that place
chim: hey guys, weirdest thing happened today… *he is ignored*
gerrard: hey, wasn’t your girlfriend supposed to come and cook us dinner?
tommy: uh, next tuesday.
gerrard: promise?
tommy: uh— uh, yes. yeah, i will promise…
now. i’m going to leave that up to interpretation, however i have opinions regarding that bit going forward. but! that’s ultimately not what this post is about, so perhaps another time.
the next scene is a pretty major one. chim is getting ready in the locker room, and tries to strike up a conversation with tommy when he walks in to gather some things (deodorant, toothbrush, soap it seems like, none of these details matter i just think they’re fun).
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chim repeatedly tried to get tommy to open up to him about the things he likes, saying “tell me what your thing is and i’ll make it mine.” though, tommy just ignores him. we see a close up of him closing his eyes and sighing in exasperation.
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chim asks, “…you just really don’t like me much, do you?” and tommy, for the first time, responds to chim’s questions with, “if i thought about you at all, honestly, i probably wouldn’t.” and he leaves.
later, after eli recruits chim to be a paramedic, they have a conversation regarding what he witnessed in the locker room between chim and tommy. eli tells him that it’s not personal, and that “in this job, friends die. funerals are held. they’re not going to just give you their friendship until you earn their respect. they’re not just protecting you, they’re protecting themselves.” and this ultimately makes sense with what we saw in tommy in that earlier scene. he didn’t really seem annoyed or upset at chim’s insistence to get to know him, just apprehensive mostly. he wasn’t cruel to him, and he hasn’t been. just… kind of a dick.
in the fire truck, on the way to the barn burner, tommy is sitting next to him and looks over at chim, as chim seems to be exhibiting signs of nervousness (this is his first real call as a firefighter after all)
(however, this is a moment where chim’s reality and his past start to bleed into each other so i am not sure how accurate this is to the moment.)
we don’t get much in the next scene aside from tommy’s presence at kevin’s funeral. when chim is ringing the bell, tommy is behind him and briefly looks toward chim, likely noticing how chim is attempting to hold himself together.
the next major scene is the call at the shopping mall, where there was some sort of structural collapse. based on the symptoms of the people that were in the mall, chim assumes there is a gas leak, which gerrard waves off. he calls for tommy over the radio, and receives no response.
chim has a realization that they’re dealing with a methane leak, and runs inside the mall to retrieve tommy.
just as the building explodes, chim runs out with tommy over his shoulder. though in this scene “tommy” is clearly a dummy prop and it is so fucking funny once you notice how floppy it is.
then we get probably the greatest scene in all of 911 where chim is in the waiting room waiting for news on tommy and reality starts to bleed into the flashback while “exit music (for a film)” by radiohead plays . it has pretty much nothing to do with this post i just wanted to say how much i LOVE this scene. anyway.
the penultimate scene of the episode starts off with chim in the locker room tucking in his shirt. tommy walks in and, with no preamble, says, “love actually, monster trucks, craft beer.”
chim realizes that this is a response to their last locker room interaction. he asks tommy how his head is feeling, tommy replies, “still fat, but clearer. you saved my life. thank you.” and shakes chimney’s hand, before pulling him into a hug. this is where their friendship begins.
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in this episode, i didn’t notice anything that could really be construed as bigotry (see edit*), he was just kind of a dick at first and most of that can boil down to him being closed off and not wanting to open up before there’s a level of respect there.
(though, keep in mind i am white so there is a definite possibility that i could have missed something more racially motivated, however i didn't see anything glaring)
season 3 episode 9: hen begins
tommy’s first appearance (ever) is about 13 and a half minutes into the episode when captain gerrard introduces the team to their new “diversity hire” (after greeting her himself with a few blatantly misogynistic comments)
when tommy first sees hen, he smiles and asks “who’s this?”
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when gerrard calls her a “diversity hire,” the smile leaves tommy’s face and he looks back at gerrard with somewhat of a blank expression, contrasted with sal deluca’s disbelieving smirk and comment of “for real?”
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chimney then defends hen, gerrard walks away after saying they’re screwed. tommy once again looks between hen and gerrard before ultimately following him away from the railing.
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it is not clear what exactly his reaction to hen joining the team actually is at that moment, whether he wanted to speak up like chim or express disdain like sal, as he remained silent.
at dinner, tommy asks sal what he and his girlfriend did the night previous, where the movie “twilight” comes up. sal makes a comment about kristen stewart being hot, and hen joins in thinking she found something in common with these guys to talk about, but sal ignores her and she walks away. (i think the writers may have genuinely forgotten kstew was only 17 in that movie but that’s neither here nor there)
tommy chimes in saying he “doesn’t get that” and that she’s “too brooding” for him, to which sal responds, “maybe you’re more of a team jacob kind of guy.”
tommy says he has no idea what that means, and chim clarifies that sal is insinuating that he’s gay.
sal laughs at this and at tommy’s reaction, and tommy jokingly blows him a kiss, smiles, and goes back to his food.
(here is a gifset of the scene)
chim then invites hen into the conversation by asking where she’s from. when he tells her he assumed she was an east coaster and that it was a compliment, tommy replies with “new york bitchiness is a compliment?” (score 1 for the misogyny bucket)
chim calls him out, and he just kind of huffs and looks at gerrard, but ultimately moves on.
tommy doesn’t really say or do much else in this scene besides sit silently while gerrard is sexist towards hen and hen stands her ground. in the end, sal looks toward tommy and nods his head in the direction of the kitchen. they both get up and leave the table.
nothing of note happens in the mudslide scene with tommy, most of the conflict is between hen and gerrard. the scene where gerrard makes her man behind as well. tommy is in the background and sees this happen, but says nothing. though, i also need to add that in these moments, chim does not say anything either.
the next scene tommy is in is when hen makes her announcement to the team about how she is not going anywhere.
i once again want to point out the difference in tommy vs sal in this scene. sal has his hands on his hips and his lips tight in a somewhat annoyed looking fashion, and he looks to the side where tommy is to gauge his reaction.
whereas tommy, has his arms folded and is looking down at the floor at first, before looking up towards hen. and while gerrard and chim have their arms crossed as well, i want to point out that tommy is holding one arm while the other sits around his waist. he looks a bit sheepish if i’m being honest, like he knows they’re about to be scolded.
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when hen says for them to “see me as i see you, as a proud member of this department,” tommy turns to look behind him and makes eye contact with chim.
now, there’s not a whole lot i can glean from this interaction as is, but as we know from “chim begins,” tommy trusts chim so it’s possible he wants to get chim’s opinion. he seems to do this a lot i’ve noticed, looking between the people around him to gauge their reactions to what is going on.
nothing much of note for the car accident scene, HOWEVER. in the scene immediately after, sal and tommy address hen directly for the first time to give her some praise for her call on that scene. sal tells her “nice work yesterday,” and tommy tells her that they would have found the other car eventually, but eventually would have been too late.
hen states she “just got lucky,” to which sal responds, “screw that. you’re good,” and both he and tommy shake hen’s hand. tommy even gives her a light smack on the shoulder as he walks away and hen absolutely BEAMS.
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then of course, hen is told that gerrard was removed from his position because his conduct was reported and “more than a few of your fellow firefighters have your back.” we know chim is absolutely one of them, and i can infer that based on tommy and sal’s reactions to hen’s speech and their interaction with her just before this scene, it is very likely they are as well.
in this episode, there were definitely some more moments of blatant bigotry in this episode, but other than the “new york bitchiness” line, tommy doesn’t really directly contribute to any of it. he seems to be more of a follower, constantly gauging how others feel and just playing along. complicity is still an issue of it’s own, do not get me wrong, but considering i keep seeing people say he made racist/homophobic comments, i feel like its a reasonable thing to point out.
season 3 episode 16: bobby begins again
tommy’s final on screen appearance begins with hen taking bets on how long the new captain will last. tommy asks hen to put him down for 4 weeks on credit, and they (hen, tommy, sal, and chim) banter a little. they all seem to have a pretty good relationship with each other at this point.
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bobby pops out of the firetruck and places his own bet on himself, and tommy just kind of looks sheepish since they got called out.
to be real, tommy doesn’t do a whole lot in this episode either. most of the conflict is between bobby and sal. most of what we see is him in the background silently judging bobby’s lack of LA knowledge along with hen and chim. he does have some silly little moments during the chicken chase though.
(here's a great gifset of that scene)
bobby calls out to sal to talk to him after the restaurant fire, and sal keeps walking but tommy stops and waits, looking between bobby and sal.
sal says, “you’re a piece of work. you come in here with your nose in the air and your eyes looking down–” tommy interrupts sal and tells him to stop.
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sal keeps digging into bobby, and tommy in the background, looks to chim and hen and shakes his head, seemingly telling them not to get in the middle of it.
sal says he has the skill to lead the 118, bobby retorts with, “but not the temperament.” sal then drops his bag and stomps toward bobby so he can get in his face. tommy moves to go after him, but chim gets between sal and bobby before anything can happen.
bobby fires sal, and tommy is just standing there with the rest of his team wondering what the hell happened.
we then have the bar scene! chim, hen, and tommy hanging out at the bar before bobby ends up joining them.
they have a good time and show off their scars to each other. tommy quotes fight club, chim laughs, bobby leaves to solve the arson.
(again, here's another gifset)
at the end we see a bit more of the team together, bobby starting to cook for them, and finally the scene of chim and hen popping out of the ambulance with balloons and a cake for tommy as he transfers to the 217. they all seem to be fairly close at this point.
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(another gifset for good measure)
and other than chim calling on him for a water drop in 2x14, that’s about it until he returns in season 7.
in conclusion
to me, it seems like tommy is a bit of a follower and tends to just go along with what the people around him are doing, ESPECIALLY under gerrard. captain gerrard fostered a really toxic work environment and its no wonder others like sal were never really called out on their shit. and tommy mostly seemed to follow sal’s lead or stay quiet.
“chimney begins” takes place around 2006-ish, “hen begins” around 2008, and “bobby begins again” takes place around 2017 i believe. and between 2006 and 2024, based on what we see, its easy to see that tommy has indeed grown and changed many of his attitudes, especially when in a healthier work environment. now can we please stop acting like he’s this irredeemable piece of shit and see him for what he really is: a flawed person who grows and learns from others, like every other character on this show.
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deonsx · 1 year
If Bsd Men Become Father
Feat: Dazai, Chuuya, Ranpo, Fyodor, Nikolai
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Dazai Osamu
Two girls who look like princesses
Dazai Someone who really loves to play with them and kiss and smell them and wants to make the most of every minute of her time with them, "I love you" He smiled and kissed one and then looked at the other and said "I love you" and kissed again
Dazai took care of them best when you and them were by his side so now he has a real family, heaven was next to him, Your husband was very nervous at first, he had many doubts about what kind of father to be, but then everything worked out with your first daughter
One of your daughters would ride on osamu's shoulder at the time of going shopping, while the other would rather sit quietly on his lap, He likes to braid their hair, he likes to cook together, in fact, he only make some little things because he doesn't want to spoil the food, but he learned a little something with you
He cares more than anything about sleeping with you and taking care of you, and you are his most precious person in this world “you are my paradise”
Chuuya Nakahara
One boy one Girl is smart and beautiful at the same time
We all know he has the best dad potential he will truly see them as the only people in the world, He can do a lot of magic tricks on them with his power and make them fly "Daddy I want to fly!"
"No dad, fly me first!!" the two children were constantly begging their father to fly them "Okay okay my beautiful daughter and son" He flew them both with his strength and their laughter filled the room, "My love please be careful" You kissed your husband and said looking at the flying children "Mom! we're flying we're flying!!"
You laughed, "My love, I'm just doing a magic show" he smiled and kissed your neck, his orange hair shining with the morning light, They both shone with orange hair, one of them looked so much like his father that you thought it would be difficult to distinguish when he grew up
Your daughter, on the other hand, looked like you, her hair was the same as your husband chuuya, her eyes were like you, and her temperament was the same as you “My loves, I wouldn't change anything in this world for you”
Ranpo Edogawa
One daughter with the intelligence of her father
Ranpo was the kind of father who liked to take his daughter to work, he would take care of her while she was at work, he didn't even need to do his job, he would constantly train her in his own way so that his daughter could get the best education and develop her intelligence
After her daughter was born, she started to disrupt her work, you and she wanted to make a lot of new memories with her daughter, so she took you on vacations, she liked to play with her daughter, the two of them got along very well
Ranpo was determined to give his daughter the childhood he couldn't live, he liked to play games with her and introduce her to his friends "Look, the white-haired man you see over there is actually a lion." Ranpo, who introduced the agency to your daughter, was saying everything in particular, "Lion!? I want to see a lion" “There are so many memories I can't wait to share with you”
Fyodor Dostoyevski
One Purple-haired boy with purple eyes
Fyodor really wants his son to grow up with a disciplined and beautiful family unlike him, he has had a serious relationship with you for a long time and finally you and him wanted to have a child
He and his son were both really quiet, they like to play chess, you often catch them playing trivia games, They really seemed to understand each other a lot. But of course it was in warmer times. When you go shopping, Fyodor usually walks by holding his son hand, but sometimes you can see him on his lap and that's enough to make you smile
You often tell them to help you and as a result you start cooking together, and they both find it really childish, but they still agree just for you, You often tell them to help you and as a result you start cooking together, and they both find it really childish, but they still agree just for you
With his son by your side, Fyodor pulled you by the waist and placed a kiss on your forehead “I love my family” him whispered inside
Nikolai Gogol
One white-haired colored-eyed girl
A girl with the same hair color and acting just as crazy, nikolai, your husband, always puts on a show of her own to entertain her "Daddy! Please let's teleport once more!" You were watching them leaning against the door, two people in the house who were constantly shining and beaming
Eyes quickly turned to you, nikolai suddenly teleported to his side "I'm sure Mommy would like to teleport with us!" "Yeyyy Mommy!!” they took you in without letting you talk and your day was spent with smiles, combing him doing your daughter's hair getting her ready for school, you watching them lay in your bed
You slowly got up from your bed and looked at nikolai, who was combing and braiding your daughter's hair, his tired white hair and messy eyes focused on her braiding
After kissing your daughter, you covered your husband's hair and face with kisses, your daughter slowly approached you and hugged you "Ahhhhh you girls are my trouble, I'm in love with you"
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eilishalways · 10 months
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
all you wanna do is kiss me - pt 2
summary: a follow up to the first part 🤭
warnings: alcohol consumption & people being tipsy
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it was two nights after the grammys, and billie was fretting. you had given her your number at the end of the night, but billie was still too scared to text you. she lay in her bed, not knowing what to do. you were very nice about giving her your number - eager, almost, but billie was still too nervous? what if she said something weird? what if you didn’t want to talk to her? there were so many bad scenarios possible.
billie looked at the time. it was 5 to midnight. would you even be up? would you be asleep? were you talking to someone else? she was scared. very scared. she went downstairs and made herself some coffee, and sat at the breakfast table. she contemplated what to do. as she was scrolling through instagram, she saw you had made a new post. two images, both very risqué. the caption was just the telephone emoji. billie blushed, and took it as a sign to text you. so she did.
billie sent you a simple ‘hey’, not expecting you to reply till morning. but within five minutes you responded back with ‘who’s this?’. billie had forgotten that you had only given her your number, and you hadn’t exchanged them.
it’s billie
oh hey!! how are you?
i’m good, hbu?
the conversation continued well into the night. it was 4am when you finally said ‘look, i’ve gtg now. it’s really late.’ billie was sad but responded with ‘yeah it’s super late’. but before you went to sleep you asked her ‘would you like to come round to my house tomorrow? well, technically today.’ billie immediately typed back with ‘i’d love that’
sounds good. i’ll send you my address later. also - bring a swimsuit. we can get in my pool!
that sounds really nice! what time should i be there for?
uhhh, maybe at half 6 or 7? i’ll cook up a bit of dinner.
sounds great! see you then!
despite billie’s coolness over text, she was absolutely freaking out. dinner at your house??? getting in your pool???? she wasn’t able to sleep after that, too nervous to focus on anything else. thankfully she wasn’t doing anything that day, so she could try to figure out what to wear and should she bring anything.
fast forward to midday, billie was eating her lunch, still thinking over what she might wear? a tshirt and jeans? a dress? a jumper? the options were endless, but none seemed right. she couldn’t just ask you what to wear as well - that’d be weird. billie finished her lunch and went back up to her room to decide what to wear. as she opened her wardrobe, something caught her eye. a top she had worn from a concert she did in dublin, with marilyn monroe’s face as a pattern on it. she knew she’d wear it, but she had to find a swimsuit to wear first. she rifled through a drawer until she found a simple black one, nothing too special but nothing too drab either. she took off the pyjamas she was already wearing and stuck the swimsuit on. after that, she put on the top and paired it with some black shorts, nearly replicating the previous concert outfit.
five o’clock came quicker than billie thought, and soon after that she was on the way to your place. although you both lived in LA, you were pretty far from eachother. so billie decided to be safe rather than sorry & left early. when she got to the door, she hesitated to knock. your place was so big & modern that she was slightly intimidated by it. but after a minute of careful consideration, she knocked. you answered the door in seconds, dressed in a short dress. billie’s heart skipped a beat as you led her inside. she followed you to the kitchen, where she smelled the familiar aroma of her favourite noodle soup.
“i followed the recipe from your insta highlight,” you said, “so i hope it’s alright. i’m sure you make it better than i do.” billie thanked you for the meal as you both sat down at the table and began to eat. you talked about a lot of things… the grammys, the media, upcoming tours, etc. billie found herself falling more and more in love as the conversation went on. about 20 minutes later, billie finished her noodles at the same time you did, and again thanked you for it. you smiled and said it was no bother. “how do you fancy getting in the pool now?” you asked. “that sounds really good,” billie smiled, “i’ve got my swimsuit on under this, actually.” your smile lit up even further as you replied “i do too!”
you both got out of your clothes and hopped into the pool. “its so warm.” billie remarked. “yeah, i have heaters in it.” you said smiling. billie looked you up and down, in awe of your swimsuit that made you look like a goddess. you swam around together for a while before you left the pool, saying you’d be back in a minute. “ok, see ya in a minute.” billie replied, wondering what you were doing. billie was surprised when you came back with two wine glasses, and a bottle of a really expensive red wine. “wow,” billie said, “is this for us?” “well, who else would it be for?” you laughed. you poured the wine into the glasses, and handed billie one. she took a sip, and watched as you did the same. “it’s really good,” billie commented, “don’t think i’ve had this before.”
as the evening went on, you and billie drank more wine, and slowly got more tipsy. you smiled at billie as she told you about a song she was in the middle of recording, her face lighting up in excitement. “you’re so pretty.” you said abruptly without a warning. billie blushed. “so are you.” she responded, the alcohol making her more confident. “like- really pretty,” you went on, “super pretty.” billie didn’t know how to respond. being complimented by the woman she had a massive crush on? she was blushing like mad. “i could- i could just kiss you.” you said, a smirk on your face. billie didn’t respond as a shocked expression took over her face. you waited a few seconds before leaning in and kissing her. billie kissed back immediately, setting her glass on the side of the pool. you kissed her passionately, and she did the same. you continued like that for a while, until you were making out with eachother.
“wow.” was all billie said. “you’re a good kisser.” you remarked, a hand still on billie’s cheek. “i- i really liked that. like, really liked that.” billie confessed. “me too.” you smirked, before leaning in to kiss her again.
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insomniactic-daydream · 2 months
Comfortable- Bakugo X Reader
Bakugo x Support Course Shoto's Twin Sister Reader (Pt.4)
<- (Previous Pt.3)
Summary: Endeavor has a soft spot for his younger daughter. Y/n notices how Bakugo has gotten more comfortable (and annoying) around her. However, she doesn't seem to mind.
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The next morning came, and you began packing your bags of tools and as well as the gauntlets that were nearly completely. All that was really left were to adjust some things with Bakugo's arm measurements. Though, that's still required a large amount of your tools.
Sleeping last night was hard. Loving your family is hard. Everyone was raised differently besides Natsuo and Fuyumi, but even they see the situation differently. It was hard to be in agreement with each other regarding parents when all of you coped with trauma differently.
The sound of your phone ringing interrupted your thoughts as well as muted the noise of cooking pans in the kitchen for morning breakfast. You check the caller and roll your eyes before picking it up.
"You know it's barely 9 in the morning, right? Let me get some food in before slaving me away for your gauntlets. I'm pretty sure this is against child labor laws, Mr. Future Number One. " You say sarcastically, remembering all the time he's talked a earful of being the best during you making his support items.
For a man that says he can't be bothered to deal with 'extras', he sure likes taking up your space. But you label it as he only wants to learn and see how to modify his gauntlets whenever he needed to in the future.
"You're a dumbass. I was calling your forgetful ass to remind you. Make sure you ask your old man or someone before coming here. I don't need a stowaway." He grumbles. Although he didn't know an argument went on last night, you did text him pretty late. Sounding like a last minute plan rather than a though out one, which was 100% true.
"Don't get your peg leg in a twist, Captain. I was going to ask this morning. I'm confident they'll say yes, considering this is worth my grade." You retort back while placing your support informarion journal with your other things you'll be taking.
"Whatever loser, just don't keep me waiting for your ass too long." He says in a huff.
"Relax, you'll see me soon enough. God you're so obsessed with me." You say chuckling to yourself as you open the door out to your room.
"AS IF YOU LITTLE SH-" was all you heard before hanging up the phone. He knows better to call again just to cuss you out. You'll just ignore those calls too.
You walk into the kitchen seeing Fuyumi at work on the stove while your father and Shoto sit in uncomfortable silence.
"Good Morning Y/n, hope you had a good rest. I didn't see you at the table last night. Fuyumi said you were feeling tired, " Endeavor says to you. Fuyumi exchange glances with Shoto. Hiding the truth at what really went down.
"Morning, Dad. Apologies, I was feeling slumped last night." You lie before sitting down in the seat beside him.
Your dad is the Devil's incarnate, at least that's what most of your family says; and you happen to be his favorite child. Maybe in his mind, maybe treating you right would make up for giving up on Touya.
However, that makes situations like these difficult. You know that throwing your siblings under the bus for what really happened last night would result in just a bigger argument, with your father to your defense. Respecting your siblings' decisions and opinions whether you agree with it or not, you say nothing about the incident to your father.
After you all say thanks for the food and begin eating, you clear your throat to speak, gaining the attention of the table.
"So I'm going to a friend's house to finish their support item for class. I was wondering if I could have the chauffeur to take me if it's not too much of a hassle." You say already grabbing your plate to wash and put away.
"Very well. We can drop you off on the way to the agency. Prepare your things. We are leaving soon as finish." Endeavor asks.
"Yes, sir." You say before heading down the hall to go grab your things.
Soon after, you're out the door and enjoying a silent car ride to Bakugo's home.
"Try not to stay too long. Like the rest of us, Mr. Kurumada also has to go home at the end of the day. I wouldn't mind picking you up myself, but be mindful of others' time." Endeavor says before helping you gather your things.
"I know, Dad. I wouldn't want to overstay my welcome either. I'll try and keep the time in mind. Thank you for driving me here." You say kindly also giving a wave to your dad's driver too.
"Very well. I can help you carry your things to the door if yo-" your father says before you interupt him.
"I'm okay, Dad, no need to worry." You smile before picking up all your things and walking to Bakugo's door. He doesn't argue and heads back to the car.
Fragile. As if you might crack from the slightest touch. Touya death certainly did a number on how he treats you.
Tossing thoughts aside, you knock three times before the door opens. "Took you long enough, nerd."
"Shut up and help me. You're gauntlets weigh a ton." You say before shoving him his gear. And stepping inside the home.
"Wow this place is nice. Much more modern than where I live." You say putting your shoes down and trading them for house quest slippers. You observe all the family photos, taking in the faces of the annoying blondes parents.
You see a picture of him as a baby frowning up at his smiling parents. You'd imagined what it would be like to see such smiles on yours.
"My parents are designers. My old hag does clothes, my old man houses. Both of them got called in today, but they should be home later, " He grumbles as he lifts your stuff from the floor. His tone was much more relaxed than his voice at school.
"You'd think you would dress nicer considering your parents tatse." You smirk up at his carnelian eyes now rolling at your remark.
"I dress perfectly fine, you lump of coal. Now stop analyzing my house and let's get you to work." He says before grabbing your wrist and walking to the backyard. Still carrying your things with his other hand.
"Such a good host you are." You deadpan and drag your wieght behind him.
He sure has gotten comfortable grabbing and dragging you around, considering he recoiled at the thought of shaking your hand in the beginning.
You pay it no mind.
Although the fucker can be annoying at times, he can be fun to hang around when he isn't screaming.
He's not half bad.
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(Next Part 5) ->
Kind of another filler chapter about sharing the Y/n' s family dynamics.
But trust, there will be more Y/n and Bakugo romance next chapter 🫡
Tag List: @queenriki7 @bumblebeebutter @mochimommy2002 @s3mis3m1
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staycait · 2 years
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Morax's Type
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NSFW Warning, Minors DNI.
You've been introduced to Zhongli by the Traveler, and instantly became friends. You feel like you've seen him before, or whatever. But each day you got closer, you started to notice marks around his body. What could this possibly mean?
Fem!Reader x Yan!Morax.
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Getting to know Zhongli was overall a great experience, you both had some things you shared in common. And becoming close friends with him didn't seem like a problem at all. He was a nice, well-spoken and dressed man who had common sense and manners. You really liked this about him, and found yourself enjoying his company every time you had it.
Each second, minute, hour, day, week, seemed to have passed so fast whenever you were with him, he always had something to tell you, and always had a topic that always piques your interests. He never had the mora to, bring you into fancy restaurants and operas as such. But he is a kind man, you supposed that you'd let this slide.
You two have been close for a long while, and it felt like you always had an unbreakable bond whenever you two were around each other. While eating at a cheap restaurant you and him had always go to, you noticed, a bit of his glove was loose. And you saw his hand-- A Golden color that faded into black colored hand was under his glove, you weren't sure because you only saw a glimpse of it. You thought it was his sleeves, but his sleeves didn't look like the pattern you saw of his hand earlier, since you only saw a bit of it.
You didn't bother to ask him about what you saw, you had tried convinced yourself it was his sleeve. Even though it obviously wasn't. You really weren't, so you had to investigate it further. And you had to do that while he was napping. But it was still early afternoon, and you were too scared to ask what was under Zhongli's glove, what if he hurt you? Having these thoughts were scary but you knew he wouldn't do that to you. But you were still scared, so you let yourself stay curious until nightfall.
"May I stay over your place for this night? I suppose you wouldn't mind having me as a guest in your rather ravishing home, wouldn't you? And if I can.. I may tell you anything you need and/or want to know, as long as it does not require me to.. Break a contract." You were surprised by his statement, it was as if he just read your mind..
"Oh, Sure! It's always lovely to have you around." And you gave him a nice soft smile. Giving in return, his warm, fuzzy, reassuring smile.
"This is very much appreciated, my greatest thanks to you." He then put your hands above his, and planted in a kiss. You knew he was a gentleman but, this really surprised you. He has done this some other times and yet, it still shocks you, turning you into a mannequin every other time he will do this. Making you feel like you're in a fantasy, or in cloud 9. Maybe even in Celestia.
"Ah! No problem at all!"
After making sure your house was neat and presentable, you finally went and jumped on your comfy bed. Thinking about how you would finally satisfy your curiosity-- or even find something out for the worse, better, or for you to find out a bigger secret. But it was also a big mistake of you to.
A few minutes later, Zhongli finally arrived. He looked handsome as usual, and you complimented him on that. He smiled and said you looked much better than he did. And that got you smiling and blushing a bit. You showed him into the kitchen, as you had prepared food for the both of you.
"This is a very nice gesture, you truly are worthy of being my-- friend. You certainly know how to please people." Looking at the food on the dining table, "Ah! You made my favorite, Slow-Cooked Bamboo Shoot Soup. You would make a beautiful partner."
You blushed when he finished his sentence, "It's no big deal, I just wanted to be kind and cook some food." You tried to keep calm but, something in you wants to give in to temptation. He always had his way with you, physically or verbally, and it had you melting for him. You obviously didn't show him how you truly felt, it would make the relationship and tension between you two more awkward. And you hated awkwardness.
You two sat down and ate the food you had prepared. Thinking of ways on how you would try and see what was going on in his hand that you saw much earlier before. It didn't seem easy for you this time, you knew Zhongli, and Zhongli knew you. But you really needed to see what was going on. You could ask the Traveler for help, or do it yourself. And as this saying goes; "Go big or go home", you chose to go big. Asking the Traveler for this would make it seem like you were crazy. Same scenario but with Zhongli himself. You seemed too focused on dinner so obviously, Zhongli had noticed.
"Haha, are you trying to plan something? You seem like you are. Or are you simply just thinking about anything? Care to share?" You couldn't share this to him, no you really couldn't. He was too nice of a man, what if he was a monster, what if he hurts you, what if he's not really Zhongli? You were too focused on thoughts and trying to figure out how to take a look at his hand that you didn't realize Zhongli calling out for you.
"I-I am so sorry. That was improper of me, I.. Did you say anything? I'm sorry I didn't hear you.." You looked down at your food, it looked halfway through to being finished. "I am sure you know that it is impolite to not look at another person's eye in a conversation, but is there anything wrong?" Zhongli looked at you worried, still giving you that warm soft smile. You couldn't help but feel like you're.. In love with him. But you remembered his marks. So you felt scared again, all these emotions at the same time made you pass out.
You woke up in your bedroom, nicely tucked in while Zhongli was hugging your waist. You sat up carefully, trying to think about the current situation and what happened earlier. Then you remembered, Zhongli's hands! You wanted to know what was going on with it, you looked at him, then his gloved hand. You grabbed his hand and placed it on your palm, slowly, but surely taking off his gloves. Seeing his golden arm fade into ink black with golden striped hands that had a yellow gold diamond slowly reveal itself. You were breathing really hard and heavy, you were almost halfway there when Zhongli moved. You suddenly had the thought of him hurting you, hating you, or any worse case scenario you could think of, so you just went back to sleep with him.
The next day, you couldn't find Zhongli in your room. You went downstairs and still didn't find him, you went outside your house to find him, he also wasn't there. So he most definitely left your house, "Were you looking for me? I was just making breakfast in your kitchen, I hope you do not mind me using up some of your things and ingredients. Come on, come with me to the kitchen. I'll show you what I've made for the both of us."
Going to your kitchen, you smelled the aroma of delicious food that he made, most of them being your favorite food that did not involve seafood, you knew he hated seafood and you giggled at him. He was so cute and so gentlemanly.. You couldn't help but want to kiss him right here, like he was your husband living in the same house with you. As if you two were a happy married couple, living your lives to the fullest. Except this was only what you felt, you had no clue whether Zhongli wanted to those things with you, or if you're stuck in a one-sided love relationship.
You wanted to confront him about your feelings of love towards him, but being scared of rejection you never did. You let your dreams and hopes be hopes and dreams. You knew it would be too late if you already gained up the courage to confess about your feelings towards him. Being afraid, you let yourself get hurt and drown in the harsh waves of the sea of fear.
A few days has passed since, you wanted to forget about your feelings about him and try to discover who he truly was or it or whatever. You had been a hopeless romantic ever since your teenage years, seeking for simple validation and kind hearted peoples love. You found one, but you're not sure if he liked you back. You wanted to forget that you had feelings for him, you wanted to have a normal friendship with him, where you didn't have any lovey-dovey feelings for him whatsoever. You loved the thought of Zhongli and you together, sadly you thought the universe rejected for this to come true.
Overtime, your feelings for him grew more than less, you didn't realize it yourself. As when you did, you decided to finally confess to him. On the Liyue bridge as the sun is setting, that would be the perfect place to confess to him, and a huge heartbreak if he rejects you. You told him to meet you at the Liyue bridge by 4pm. Today was the day you were going to change your life, to find out if Zhongli liked you back or your biggest regret in life.
You saw him. You saw.. Who you thought was Zhongli.. In your dreams. He looked like him, he was carrying someone, and that someone looked like.. You. He was carrying you out of battle, almost looking like they were being protected. But you didn't know if that was your blood or if it was another's. The hands of the man was just like Zhongli's..Was this a sign that you shouldn't confess? Or just a coincidence? Could he be hiding something? Was it just another weird dream? Did you think about Zhongli too much? You wanted to ask the traveler. Maybe he knew something you didn't. Something you needed to know. Something anyone would die for to find out.
You went to the location in your dream. It was grassy and it looked like it was on a mountain. I mean-- of course, mountains are grassy. But this one had a particular specialty to it. Like, it felt as if the air was calm, and the atmosphere was soothing. You suddenly feel a familiar presence coming, so you hid in some bushes near where you were previously at. You were waiting anxiously. Preparing and bracing yourself for whatever danger is lying ahead.
But it was.. Zhongli? He was carrying something, or someone. You were startled. Zhongli wouldn't dare hurt anyone, he was such a gentleman, he isn't that type of man, no. You were watching him while trembling as to what was going to happen next. And then-- he saw you in the bushes, he smiled at you and started walking towards you dropping the trash bag that left a trail of a human's blood. You decided to run away but he was much faster than you and caught you in no time. He tied you up, but didn't do anything else.
"Out of all the people I've thought caught me, you were here.. I expected another person and had intended of killing them off to easily not get caught by the Millelith. But it was only you." He gave you an evil grin, you looked into his eyes, they looked lovesick and so desperate. You were petrified, you didn't know what to do, but he starts using a small knife to bring your chin up to make you look directly at him. It's sharp edge teasing the skin of your throat, looking so dull yet looking like it's been through millions of blood shed and baths. He then starts kissing you, making out actually. You couldn't find yourself in the position to pull out of the kiss because.. He was actually really good. Not just really good— Amazing. It felt so good but so wrong, you chose to just succumb into his lust filled actions.
"I have always known you were right on me, so close to finding out that I was the Geo Archon, I remember you pulling my sleeves up.. Oh darling, you're just as adorable as it gets."
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Biting your lower lip to silence down your lewd noises, having a strong grip on Morax's broad shoulder's. You went up and down on his cock for what felt like ages, he had a strong firm hold on your waist and was pushing you to ride him until you cum. Hung on to every English word you could remember and make out in between the sobs, you tried to keep telling him you couldn't do it anymore, that it was too tiring and too much work to do. How it was hard and you were unable to do such a thing.
He wanted you to top him, but you weren't doing a great job at it. This was your first time, and you had no experience. The only time you've had the chance to is when you read books that had a scene where 2 or 3 characters had sex. And you made up those scenarios in your mind thinking; This is easy, I can definitely do this!-- You were horribly wrong. You didn't have much of the strength to keep on the continuation of riding him, and even you doing all this hasn't made you cum yet. You feel frustrated at the thought.
Bouncing and bouncing on Morax, you wanted to stop riding him already, you were in no state to do such a thing. "Don't silence yourself, I want to hear every single moan that escapes from your mouth." With that, Morax pushes you down a bit until you felt his tip hit your g-spot. You immediately threw your head back and let out a really loud and lewd moan. Ignoring the dead body of the man who had insulted your hair 3 days ago.
You didn't know if you liked this or not, knowing that "Zhongli" was actually "Morax" turned you on a lot. Getting fucked by Liyue's Archon however.. Made you feel like what you were doing was wrong. But the other part of you said this was a once in a lifetime opportunity (not) and that you should just enjoy what was happening because you were fucking the Morax. And out of all the tens of thousands of people in Liyue Harbor, he chose you to ride him.
Your tongue lolled out and cunt wide open for him while his giant dick is currently inside of it penetrating your walls in the best possible ways ever that you know you probably won't feel again anymore, you suppose you do know what to feel about having sex with Morax.
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skrrts · 1 month
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Hey, are you busy right now? ft. YUNHO (drabble series)
✧ gn! reader x jeong yunho ✧ genre: non-idol, slice of life, fluff, dating, video call ✧ word count: 692
You tried your best, really, but after hours of studying, you can't read another page. Calling your boyfriend seems like a good idea for a small break: Yunho is always excited to see you, even if it is just for a few minutes and he always will make sure you know he appreciates your time, stopping whatever he is doing to talk to you, maybe admiring you a little.
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You were getting comfortable in your bed while the call was going through, snuggling in your pillow until the most handsome face appeared. 
“It’s my favorite person in the world,” Yunho greeted you softly, chuckling when he saw you were in your bed and before you could say anything, the camera went black for a moment and your boyfriend was doing the same.
“Calling the most amazing boyfriend,” you agreed. 
“Hi there, I miss you,” Yunho replied, sighing softly while his eyes were scanning his screen, taking in all of your little details like he had not seen you in a while although the two of you only went on another amazing date last night. 
His soft smile always made you melt, almost shy, the way how his hand was covering half of his face while his eyes were all shining for you.
“Did I make you speechless?” he teased.
“When you look at me like that, what am I to do?”
His soft laugh made you grin a little, half of your face now hidden behind a pillow on purpose, because you knew it would make him pout a little: “Hey, now I can’t see you.”
His features were soft, it was always so obvious how he was never mad at you. Your arms hugged the pillow tightly: “Do you think maybe… you could come over?”
Yes, the plan was to finish this study session but now when you were looking at your boyfriend all soft and comfortable in his bed, you’d rather have him here with you.
Yunho laughed: “Somebody is being needy today but knowing you, you’ve worked all day without a break again and likely skipped dinner.”
He really knew you too well, there was no way to deny it while you glanced over to your books.
“Maybe…? I promise, I made good progress and I definitely qualify for spoiled times with my most amazing boyfriend,” you rolled on your back, legs comfortably spread as you held the phone far above your head.
“I am proud of you,” Yunho whispered. “You give your best and you do not give up. That is more than many do, I will always be here to support you. Then, I might also brag, Mingi says I won’t leave him alone with just how amazing you are.”
Your cheeks were heating up, rubbing a hand over them: “What’s with that? Ah, now you have to come over, no excuses. I need your shoulder to hide my blushy cheeks against.”
Yunho was slowly getting up, you could see how the phone was moving when he was obviously starting to collect his things, he always had a few that were never missing, from his wallet to keys and most of the time, he also brought snacks for you. He really was incredibly mindful and even remembered all the little things you were great at forgetting.
“Well, we cannot let that happen, can we?” 
His happy laugh made your heart jump and you slowly sat up: “Should I prepare anything? Are you hungry? Ah, I will make some space and clean up a little.”
Yunho sighed, looking in the camera: “You relax and wait for me to come over to your place, understood? Studying is a lot of work, besides… your chaos is always cute. It suits you.”
Your rolled your eyes and chuckled: “All right Mister Jeong, I shall behave nicely and embrace my laziness.”
He winked: “Good, I will be over in about half an hour and then we can just see what we want to do. Cooking, cuddling, and watching a movie. Anything will work.”
“And all of it sounds very tempting, as long as I get your attention,” you agreed and closed your books. Yunho took a moment to look at you again.
“I love you, I am looking forward to seeing you soon.”
You two were bad at not seeing each other daily now, it had become a habit and as much as you tried, spending time with him just was the best way to stay encouraged and remind yourself that you wanted to make Yunho proud.
“I love you too.” 
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hypnoneghoul · 2 months
Say It One More Time
WC: 10k
Relationship: SwissAlps
Tags: Love Story, Friends To Lovers, Mutual Pining, Falling In Love, Soulmates, First Kiss, Miscommunication, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Mating, Insecurities, Suggestive, Fluff, Cuddles, Anxiety, Self-Esteem Issues, Referenced Panic Attacks, Retirement, Fear Of The Future, Jamming Sessions, Nightmares, Literal Sleeping Together, Cuddle Piles, Pack Dynamics, Building A Home, Cooking/Baking Date, Domestic Fluff (old married couple coded), Growing Old Together
The story of Swiss and Mountain. From the beginning to the end. (But not really.)
Notes: Commissioned by the amazing @jimothybarnes! Thank you for letting me basically ramble about my faves fgfhdsgf
Read under the cut or on AO3.
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Mountain joined the Ghost project in…trying times. So much chaos all around, there was not a moment of peace and the earth ghoul despised it. He thought he would be begging to get sent back to the Pit after one tour leg.
He did not.
Still, he never thought life like this was for him. He always doubted he would ever be really happy. Dewdrop’s elemental transition changed things; first it took away all hope, but then returned it double as he survived it and made full recovery—at least a physical one. That is when Mountain started seeing the human world a little differently.
He started wanting to have a life there, to settle, and that alone guaranteed him success already. Once his mind was set it did not take long for him to see it all changing in front of his eyes.
Or rather appearing in front of his eyes.
In the shape of a rather good looking multi ghoul.
Mountain has to admit he has found Swiss very attractive since the moment he stepped out from the summoning circle; even though he was slightly underweight and generally neglected when he did. The more time he is spending Topside, the more handsome he gets and, frankly, it is slowly getting out of hand, if you ask Mountain.
He is simply ridiculously gorgeous.
Over half a year since Swiss crawled out of the Pit Mountain has to admit that the amount of time he spends just…looking at him may be slightly concerning. So many times Dewdrop or Aether, who know him the best, had jabbed their elbows into his side teasingly and called him a creep. They never once told Mountain, though, how happy they are to see him thriving and blooming just like his element as he and Swiss get closer.
They are growing a friendship—a meaningful, deep connection.
Despite Swiss’ chaos contrasting Mountain’s calmness they found a common language in music and nature and soon enough it turned out the multi ghoul’s loudness is not all that he is, and the rest is easy to balance.
He and Mountain love working in the greenhouse or in the gardens together just as much as they enjoy jamming out in the rehearsal room with wide grins on both their faces. Swiss could not be happier, whatever it is they do together. Nobody has ever tried to get to know him, to overlook the complete mess that he seems to be at a first glance.
Mountain does and the multi ghoul doubts he is aware how important it is to him. Today the multi ghoul got an idea on how to show him. Or at least try to.
He pops his head into the greenhouse after lunch, knocking so as not to startle the earth ghoul; not so much asking for permission to come in.
“Hi, are–uhm, you busy?” he asks, getting startled himself instead, at the sight of Mountain shirtless. He turns and a small knowing smirk grows on face.
“No, not at all, just finished my work.” Mountain says and stretches. “What’s up?”
“I wanted to go for a walk and…” Swiss has some trouble remembering what he initially came there for as he struggles to rip his eyes away from the slight sheen of sweat on the earth ghoul’s chest, “uh, I was wondering if you’d go with me? I want to show you something.”
“Yeah, I’d love that! Give me just a minute, I’ll get this to the den and I’ll be right back.” Mountain points at a box filled with…something before picking it up. Swiss only nods and hangs his head to hopefully hide the blush on his face at least a little.
“Alright, I’ll wait here,” he mutters, hoping Mountain hears it as he has already walked out of the greenhouse. Swiss paces around the place waiting for the earth ghoul to return and takes a moment to appreciate all the work he does there. He is also happy to notice the plants he himself tended to and how they are flourishing. He smiles with pride.
Swiss is not used to anything thriving after it has been touched by him; that’s Mountain’s skill. His heart warms at the thought that the earth ghoul made him thrive just as he did the flora under his care and changed him; made it so he can bring good into the world, too. That is the greatest gift the earth ghoul could have ever given Swiss.
Soon enough he comes back and they set out into the woods.
“You probably know about it, it’s not like it’s super hidden,” Swiss says, “but I never heard anyone mention it and I just came across it one time and…I dunno, I just like it and wanted to take you there.”
Mountain nods with a smile; intrigued and charmed by the fact that Swiss has possibly found a place no one else knows about and he deemed the earth ghoul special enough to share said spot with him. 
They walk for some time—sometimes in silence, sometimes chatting away about various things—before Swiss stops. If not for Mountain's connection to the element they are currently surrounded in, he would be confused; there is nothing there at a first glance, but he can feel there is something.
Swiss takes one more step towards something that looks like a fallen tree resting against a hill and peels some of its branches away to reveal an entrance.
It’s a cave.
Mountain follows the other and they crawl through the tight space and into it. It’s huge and beautiful and the earth ghoul is enamored.
“Swiss, this is–woah, it’s gorgeous here,” he gasps and he is not overreacting. The cave really is something magical.
“So you didn’t know about it?” Swiss asks, slightly surprised. An earth ghoul not knowing every single inch of the local grounds?
“No,” he chuckles. “I heard from Ivy there were some caves around but I never went looking.”
Swiss does not answer, he only grins; proud of himself. He lets Mountain look around for as long as he wants to—the multi ghoul is already familiar with every single nook of the cave.
“There’s a raspberry bush over there,” Swiss says after a few moments, pointing at the other side of the cave where some light is coming from its top. “They’re really good.”
“Let’s see it,” the earth ghoul winks and follows Swiss to them. Before they get to the berries, Mountain crouches by the bush and places his hands where it pierces the ground. He closes his eyes and murmurs something under his breath. Swiss knows what he is doing; thanking the earth for such a gift.
It may just be Swiss’ imagination but the bush seems to brighten when Mountain stands back up.
“You have to teach me that sometime,” he says and the earth ghoul nods before picking up a raspberry and popping it into his mouth. He moans at the taste; they are good.
“Thank you for bringing me here.” He smiles at Swiss. “I really appreciate you.”
The multi ghoul returns the smile with a rosy blush dusting his cheek.
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One evening seemingly changes everything. In reality, it changes nothing.
Another tour leg, another city, another show, another venue, another bar to let off some steam. Everyone has a drink or two in their hands, holding onto their human disguises and having fun in pairs or small groups. The music is loud, the lights are bright and it absolutely reeks of sweat, but it doesn’t bother anyone too much.
It’s the charm of such places, really.
Even Mountain is fine with all that; even though he’s not a huge fan, he’s content sitting in a dark corner with a mocktail and watching his packmates.
He sighs. Who is he even trying to lie to? Himself? Lucifer?
He’s watching Swiss.
Beautiful Swiss, laughing and smiling so brightly Mountain thinks he missed his destination; he should have been an angel, not a demon. The earth ghoul zones out staring at him as he laughs amongst their pack, as he dances and sings and Mountain can not help but think Swiss is the most perfect thing in the world, and…
He’s in love with him
Mountain can’t look at him the same after that realization. He ran away from the bar and avoided everyone for as long as possible—a whole ten hours—not knowing what to do with himself. Now that he knows what that feeling warming up his heart every time Swiss smiles at him is, the earth ghoul only knows need.
He needs him so bad.
He needs to hold him, to kiss him, to be held by him, to be kissed by him. He needs to be devoured and to devour and it feels like the longer none of that happens, the more breath he loses, and it does not take long for Mountain to feel as if he is suffocating.
Little does Mountain know, that he is actually a fucking idiot.
Swiss feels the exact same way; burning for him.
He’s not even discreet about it—he’s painfully obvious, actually—but Mountain is so focused on the doomsday scenario of getting rejected that he’s blind to the signs Swiss is throwing his way. Right under his feet.
It’s another few months before any of them do something more direct than stare yearningly at the other, and it’s not even either of them's idea. It’s their pack that all but pushes them into a tight broom closet and threatens not to let them out until they kiss. Or fuck.
Metaphorically, of course.
What they actually do is a whole scheme of talking them into it. They play a little dirty, they have to admit; showing one of them the messages that were never supposed to see the light of day from the other one, and the other way around.
They just have to make them believe it isn’t one big joke; neither Swiss nor Mountain have enough faith in themselves to accept that someone they see as absolute perfection could even consider…loving them. Oh, how wrong they both are.
Favorite method of Aether’s became getting Swiss high and filling his head with the images of a beautiful future he and Mountain can share if he only stops being such a cunt. He does not even need his quintessence for that.
“Mount’s a romantic, you know?” Aether sighs—slurring a little on purpose, so he seems more high than he actually is after only taking a few hits and feeding the rest to Swiss. “He loves spoiling people he loves and he gets all into it.”
“Mhm,” Swiss hums, sprawled out like a starfish on the quintessence ghoul’s bed. “He’s real sweet.”
“Yeah, he really is,” Aether confirms. “He likes giving gifts. He makes a lot of stuff and then gives it to people. It’s one of the ways he shows affection.”
“I got a few things from him,” the multi ghoul notes. “He grew a flower for me.”
Aether wants to scream at how stupid they both are.
“That’s cute,” he says instead. “What kinda flower?”
“A rose, orange and red.”
Aether face-palms himself. “That’s really lovely.”
“Yeah…” Swiss sighs dreamily. “I’m not so good at…being sweet.”
“Bullshit. You just do it in a different way.”
“You help everyone,” Aether explains, trying to direct the conversation onto the multitude of times Swiss helped with or did something for Mountain. He also might pull up an article on love languages on his phone and force Swiss to read it, but that’s plan B. “I think that’s how you show affection.
“Huh…I guess it is.”
One evening it all comes to a climax. Swiss is returning from chores with Cirrus and the air ghoulette is laughing at how heart-eyes he gets the moment she so much as mentions Mountain.
When they get to the den they notice said earth ghoul resting in the common room on his own. Swiss tries to turn on his heel and run away—not in a state he would wish Mountain to see him—but Cirrus is done with them jumping around each other.
“Oh, no, you don’t, loverboy!”
She pushes Swiss into the room and Mountain notices him right away. Well, if he can’t run away, maybe he should just…go for it, like the air ghoulette advised him to.
Mountain is looking at him questioningly as he just stands there, contemplating, and he decides he can not make it worse. At least he hopes so.
Swiss walks up to the earth ghoul and plops down onto the couch next to him.
“Hey, can I ask you–” he starts, but Mountain speaks at the same time.
“Hi, I was actually–” 
“Oh, you first, but–”
“So I wanted to–”
“I was wondering if–”
They both pause this silly exchange—blushing bright red—and take deep breaths before speaking again.
“I want to kiss you so bad,” Swiss blurts out, tired of the thoughts that could not be let out jumping around in his head.
“Yeah…” Mountain sighs and giggles to himself before cupping the multi ghoul’s cheek and bending down to kiss him, indeed. Swiss melts into it and nothing else but the two of them exists anymore in this chaotic world.
If their pack that is looking out of the windows cheers as they watch, Swiss and Mountain will never know.
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Ghoulish nature is a curious thing.
There are many strange things about it—at least to humans—but it’s understandable considering they are quite literally demons from the pits of Hell. One thing that humans are always particularly amazed by is mating.
It’s not as common as it is sometimes believed. It’s unlike human marriage; that is something frail and all but an act—it does not influence one’s very core.
Mating does.
The spirits of ghouls that mate split and twist together and bind them with a bond unbreakable.
That is why some deem it too dangerous.
Swiss and Mountain, even if they are not aware of it, have both dreamed of committing such an act.
Swiss, who despite his confidence always feels out of place, wanting to experience the comfort of being someone’s, of belonging. Being owned, even.
Mountain, who despite his metaphorical wealth always feels like he’s lacking something, wanting to have someone to be there for him, to choose him.
For years they have both been scared of bringing it up, fearing the other would laugh in their face or push them away.
At the end of the day, neither of them bring it up, really.
“You stink!” Dewdrop announces one day as he storms into the common room where Swiss and Mountain are lounging comfortably on a sofa. “You’ve both been stinking up the place for days now and we all decided to keep our mouths shut because you’re cute, but I’m done with it! You know you should keep away for a while after mating! Besides, how are you just laying here and not fucking twenty-four seven!?”
The pair looks at the agitated ghoul with confusion.
“What the hell are you on?” Swiss snorts.
“We aren’t mated,” Mountain adds.
Dewdrop’s jaw drops as he realizes they really are clueless.
“Except you are, idiots!” the fire ghoul yells. “Last friday, did you fuck?”
“Dew, that’s–”
“Fucking Lucifer, yes, we did,” Swiss laughs. “So what?”
“Oh, let’s see! Whoever was topping, did you happen to knot and bite the other one?”
“Well…yes, but we’ve done that so many times before, and–” Mountain mutters, now calculating in his mind.
“SURPRISE, you’re mated! I don’t fucking know how you managed to do it by accident, but you did, so I wish you a happy mated life and now get the fuck out to the woods, I have to air the den out.”
Mountain is the first to stand up—or rather shoot up—but he does not wait for Swiss. No, he runs out of the common room, leaving the remaining two ghouls confused.
The multi ghoul swallows the growing lump in his throat as he follows, albeit way slower. As he leaves he can hear Dewdrop swearing under his breath as he slams the windows open. Swiss is about to cry. Did Mountain…he claimed him by accident and ran away when he was made aware. Does he regret it, does he not want him? Does he not love him?
The multi ghoul wraps his own arms around himself as he leaves the Abbey. He does not know where Mountain went to, but he is sure it’s not to the cave in the woods. Swiss hopes so, at least, wanting to have that space for himself.
Indeed, he does not find his mate there, but it does not make anything better. Swiss crumples to the floor with his claws digging into his sides as he sobs.
He thought he finally found home. He thought that after hundreds of years of loneliness and abuse he found love, but now…it seems it was all a lie. He spends the night curled up in one of the nooks of the cave; with stone digging into his cold body.
Mountain does not sleep.
He ran and ran until he ran out of breath and collapsed somewhere by the other edge of the forest. He cried, realizing how many mistakes he has managed to make.
He knows Swiss, knows his insecurities. He knows what the multi ghoul is now surely thinking.
That he hates him.
The truth is that Mountain panicked once it hit him that Dewdrop was right. Some instinct must have overtaken that last friday and the earth ghoul claimed Swiss without realizing. He did not run away because he regrets it, he–well, he does regret it, but only because he did it without Swiss’ consent.
They have never even talked about it and he just did it to him; Mountain feels like a monster. What if it’s something Swiss never ever wanted to do?
It doesn’t matter now; if he wanted it before, now he certainly wants nothing to do with the earth ghoul. Not only did he violate him, but he ran away like a coward after.
He has fucked up beyond measure.
It’s a few days before either Swiss or Mountain emerge from their hiding spots; though still not knowing what next step to take. They are both clueless that they’re getting closer and closer as they’re trying to return home; only realizing once they bump into each other.
“Fuck, sorry, ‘m sorry,” Swiss mutters and immediately turns on his heel to walk away.
“Please, don’t go,” Mountain begs, voice cracking. The multi ghoul snaps his head back with his brows furrowed in confusion.
“I’m an idiot, I–I panicked,” the earth ghoul whines, “I didn’t know what to do so I ran, I’m so sorry, my darling.”
“Why?” Swiss repeats.
“You never agreed to it.”
Swiss’ eyes widen.
“That’s…that’s it? You felt bad for claiming me because I didn’t say you could do it?”
“Yes, darling,” Mountain breathes out. “I know what you must’ve been thinking and I’m so, so sorry for making you think any of this was on you. I love you so much, Swiss. I always have and always will.”
The multi ghoul stares at the ground, swallowing thickly. Mountain is all but shaking with anxiety; not knowing whether he is about to be rejected for good or not.
It all dissipates when Swiss throws himself at Mountain, jumping up into his arms. The earth ghoul grabs him as he stumbles backwards and clings to him for dear life as their lips meet.
“I love you, too,” Swiss cries into his mouth. “I’ve always wanted to be yours.”
“Fuck, Swiss, can we–uh, can we pretend it isn’t done yet?” Mountain mutters. “I want to do it properly. Will you let me?”
“Yes, my love. Let’s do it properly.”
It is a few more days before they actually leave the woods.
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Swiss always complains when he and Mountain have to work not only separately, but also in the opposite sides of the Abbey. It’s cruel and, frankly, homophobic—as Aeon likes to joke, having picked the phrase up from Tik-Tok.
The multi ghoul would much rather work with Mountain, or not work at all, and he tried to use an argument that he’ll be much more productive with his mate by his side, but one time was enough for Sister Imperator to know it would make them both way less productive. Swiss will not agree, of course—at least not out loud—but he realizes that defiling something they were about to clean was not a great way to prove they could work together on a daily basis.
Anyway, knowing his mate is close enough keeps him as calm as he can be without being in his arms. Swiss can never wait for the work to be finished so he can fall right back into Mountain’s hold, of course, but at least he can survive the hours leading to it.
M: hi my heart, i finished my chores early so ill be in the practice room if you need me, see you soon <3
Swiss grumbles reading the text from his mate. How on earth does Mountain always manage to finish all his work hours before the others? It’s truly unfair, he thinks. It is definitely not caused by Mountain actually doing what he is supposed to instead of getting distracted with a multitude of other things as Swiss happens to.
S: alright, ill catch u when im done, love u
Groaning at having to be away from Mountain for another hour, at least, he gets back to work. Thankfully he’s been left alone in the room without many distractions. Still, an hour is way too long, so when Swiss shoots his next text, half an hour later, he may or may not have forgotten about some of the tasks yet to be done.
S: i’m done, my love, still practicing?
Lack of an answer is an answer enough for Swiss, so he bolts in the practice room’s general direction before someone can notice him ditching chores. He catches Mountain’s scent just before he gets to the sound-proofed door and takes a deep breath, inhaling the smell of fresh grass, blooming flowers and pine. He can not hold back the smile that grows on his face as he enters the room.
Mountain is—as usual—fully immersed in music, smiling to himself and moving his entire body to the rhythm as he plays. Swiss closes the door behind him and hangs by it, watching his mate all heart-eyed for the next few minutes. Only when the earth ghoul finishes up another song and pauses to check his phone does he look up and notice Swiss.
He chuckles, “How long have you been standing there?”
“A little bit.” The multi ghoul shrugs and makes his way over to the drum platform. “I like watching you play.”
“Creep,” Mountain teases before closing the remaining distance between him and his mate and wrapping his arms around him, sweat and all.  “Missed you.”
Swiss is immediately purring up a storm, nuzzling under Mountain’s cheek and breathing in the scent he loves so much. “Mhm, I missed you, too, my love.”
“Let’s get something to eat,” the earth ghoul proposes, “and then we can take a nap.”
“Okay, but…” Swiss sighs, “in a moment. Wanna stay like that just a minute more.”
“Of course, my heart.” Mountain smiles against his hair. “However long you need.”
Ideally, Swiss would never pull away. He would stay glued to his mate for eternity if he could. Alas, just standing there is neither comfortable nor really fun, so eventually he does. He grabs the earth ghoul’s hand instead and they go back to the den, talking about their day. Soon enough they reach the commons and head for the kitchen first.
“What do you want to eat, my love?” Swiss asks, already rummaging through some cabinets. Mountain hums as he trails a hand over the multi ghoul’s hip before he wraps his arms around his waist and glues himself to his back.
“You,” he rumbles, pressing a kiss under Swiss’ ear.
“Maybe later,” he laughs and turns in the other’s arms. “You can get a taste, though.”
Mountain would never deny, of course; he grabs Swiss’ chin and tips his head back gently to lick into his mouth with near reverence. The multi ghoul sighs into it, sagging in Mountain’s arms. He hooks his hands under Swiss’ thighs and picks him up to sit him on the counter before stepping in between his legs to get that much closer and kiss the breath out of his mate.
“So sweet,” he breathes between kisses, “could just–eat you up.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt it,” Swiss giggles, “but maybe some actual food first, hm?”
“Fine…” Mountain rolls his eyes as he pulls away, making his mate grin widely. The earth ghoul turns to the fridge and grabs a yogurt. “Want some, too?”
“Yeah, gimme.” He scoffs at Swiss’ grabby hands and pulls out another one before shutting the fridge. The multi ghoul is already waiting with two spoons.
They chat some more as they snack, spreading some Abbey gossip as two ghouls do. Soon enough the empty yogurt packets end up in the thrash and they move to the living room.
Mountain sits in a big armchair in the corner of the common room, sprawling himself out in the deep plush to get comfortable. Swiss plops himself in his mate’s lap once he gets the go-ahead and curls up against his chest, rubbing his nose up and down Mountain’s neck. 
“I love you,” He mutters. The earth ghoul kicks up a low, rumbly purr and wraps his arms around Swiss, holding him close.
“I love you, too.” Swiss starts his own purring and it is easy to fall asleep enveloped in the comfort of having each other so close.
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Mountain has learned how to fight his anxiety relatively well long ago. It’s not something that can just be cured or gotten rid of, of course, but he manages it as well as one can.
But if you can’t get rid of something permanently, it will resurface every now and then.
The earth ghoul has always struggled with low self-esteem. He used to lack any confidence, always preferring to hide behind his drum kit.
It changed a lot over the years.
Mountain’s pack and Swiss helped him a great deal; proving every single day how kind, smart, beautiful, and most importantly loved he is. It took him years, but he finally believes it all and now he knows his worth.
But doubts creep back into his brain, sometimes.
That he’s not good enough, that he’s worthless, that he’s useless, that he’s a burden, that he’s unlovable. All lies, of course, but it’s hard to ignore a nagging voice inside one’s head repeating it all over and over again.
Whenever it does speak up, Mountain goes to Swiss.
Today has just been…rough for the earth ghoul and he finds himself in a not-so-good headspace around dinnertime. He had seen Swiss barely half an hour ago but he feels like spiraling and he knows he should not wait until he’s down there.
But on the other hand…Swiss is probably busy now, he can’t just go and bother him and–
No. Swiss loves him, he won’t–
Mountain squeezes his eyes as if it can get him rid of these awful thoughts and goes to find his mate before they change his mind and force him to hide.
It’s happened before, many times. There were times when he would panic so hard he would run to the woods, blend in with his element and not emerge for days—convinced nobody had even noticed he was gone.
They always did and they always looked for him.
He gets to the den, unsure if Swiss is there at first, but he catches his scent quickly. It leads him to their shared bedroom and Mountain tries to compose himself a little bit before knocking on the door and entering. Swiss is doing something by the closet—probably taking care of the freshly washed clothes.
“Hi, my love,” the multi ghoul grins as he sees him. He is always an image of pure joy when he sees him.
“Hey,” Mountain responds quietly, dragging his feet as he comes closer.
“What’s wrong?” Swiss asks, having immediately picked up on the sadness in his voice, the sour edge in his scent, and the slump of his shoulders.
“Nothing, can I just…” Mountain sighs and drags a hand down his face as his voice cracks, “can I get a hug?”
“Oh, baby,” the multi ghoul coos with a sad pout on his face, already coming towards him with open arms—all but running to comfort him, “of course you can, come here.”
Mountain melts the moment these strong and warm arms wrap around him. He sags in Swiss’ hold and hides his face in his neck. He can not hold back a dry little sob that breaks its way free at the newfound comfort.
“I’ve got you, sweetheart,” Swiss mutters, “I’ve always got you.”
It doesn’t take long for the comfort of Swiss’ embrace to make Mountain’s tears fall. He lets out a choked sob and hides further in his mate’s neck.
They stand like that for a while; just being. The multi ghoul holds his mate close and sways them side to side a little, letting him cry out whatever it is that has been bothering him. He does not need to know, not if he can help without that knowledge.
“I’ve got you, sweetheart,” he repeats, rubbing his back. “You’re alright.”
Moments like these always make Swiss think about how he has seen Mountain when they first met. A huge ghoul with a stoic presence and yet a kind smile.
He thought his name was fitting not only because of his height. He thought the earth ghoul was unshakable, unmovable.
Swiss was pleased to find out Mountain is all but the definition of a gentle giant.
“Do you want to move to the nest?” Swiss asks once he deems his mate calm enough to move. He nods into his neck and the multi ghoul kisses his hair before gently maneuvering them over to their nest without untangling their limbs. It is not very easy and they end up having to pull away at least for a second.
“Sorry, I’m–I’m a mess,” the earth ghoul mutters, wiping tears and snot from his face as Swiss gets comfortable against the headboard. He opens his arms again once he is settled. Mountain falls right back into his embrace.
“You’re my mess, baby,” Swiss chuckles and kisses his forehead before poking his nose with a finger, making him giggle wetly. “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too.”
Mountain cuddles up to Swiss’ side with his head over his heart and their hands clasped together. Their tails wrap around each other, too; Swiss’ tapping lightly against the mattress as he purrs. It relaxes the earth ghoul and he can feel the tension leaving him as he gets heavier against him.
Mountain is half asleep when Swiss speaks again. He does that on purpose; knowing that as sleepy as he is, the earth ghoul will not argue.
“You’re the smartest, kindest, most beautiful person I’ve ever met,” Swiss tells him. Mountain can only listen and breathe softly into his neck. “You give my life meaning, I love you so much it hurts sometimes and I need you, my love. I’m a part of you and the best part of me is you, Mountain. I don’t know what your brain was telling you earlier, but whatever it is, you know it’s not true and I’ll spend years proving it to you, okay? Do you understand me, sweetheart?”
It may not be so easy to believe all that Swiss is saying right away, but the one thing Mountain will never dare doubt is the multi ghoul’s devotion to making him believe.
He nods weakly in agreement just before he falls asleep in his arms.
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Swiss always feared that retirement was going to bore him to death.
What would he do with his time? Stuck in the Abbey all year long with no opportunities to travel and have fun, really? How would he—a creature that lived on the adrenaline that playing shows all over the world provided—survive not touring? Sure, he would have his mate and his pack and they could play together in the rehearsal room as much as they wanted, but it would not be the same without both exhaustion and excitement of the real thing.
The multi ghoul could not see a point in living like this and he was scared.
He did not think he would be able to return to his old life after getting a taste of something bigger. He has spent countless nights worrying and coaxing himself into pointless panic attacks.
Now that the time to leave the Ghost project behind has come, Swiss realizes it may not be so bad.
Sure, it has only been a few months—no more than some breaks they had between touring—and he already feels a hole in his heart that is never fully going to get filled. But it is not so bad.
He thinks he has Mountain to thank for that.
When touring was the only thing for him, he used to think life would lose all meaning without it, but now it is Mountain that is Swiss’ life. He’s not scared anymore because he has his mate.
His life is full even though a big chunk of it was ripped away.
It’s slower now. They can sleep in every single day if they wish. They can go for week-long walks into the woods. They can do anything they want, really.
The only thing that matters is that Swiss and Mountain are together.
Mountain does not really miss touring—having had more than enough of it—but he doesn’t consider it all bad memories. Quite the opposite; all these years going around the world with his pack are the best of his long life. He misses the good moments, both on and off stage.
That is why he never declines when the pack asks him to join them in jamming out like the old times. It always feels good to climb his platform and sit behind his fancy drum kit again, to overlook the rest of the musicians as they run and jump around the stage.
Just like the old times.
They all still play a lot, but it is usually on their own, in their bedrooms. Each of them also spends a lot of time teaching both their instruments and elements to the new generation of ghouls summoned to continue the Ghost project.
Dewdrop—to everyone’s surprise—seems to have found his calling as a teacher; he loves it, and both he and his pupils are doing exceptionally well.
Aether and Aeon are switching between teaching the new quintessence ghoul guitar and quintessence, introducing them to the infirmary already.
Rain and the new water ghoul spend as much time in the lake as over their basses, just like Mountain with his pupil in the greenhouse and behind their drums.
The ghoulettes are—as always—rather secretive about their doings, but the old one’s voices can often be heard overlapping with the new trio’s.
Even Swiss has a pupil—a multi ghoul as chaotic and joyful as he is; perfect fit for replacing him.
But sometimes their pack meets in the rehearsal room purely for their own enjoyment.
Mountain turns to the right and relies solely on his muscle memory as he watches his mate on his platform—dancing and singing and laughing and playing. It hurts him sometimes, the fact that even if he does not, Swiss clearly misses it. Mountain would let him tour for decades if he only could, even if he would not go with him. He wishes he could give that to him.
Swiss looks at it differently now.
Yes, he misses touring terribly, but he does not regret being forced to retire. His life Topside until now was full of…everything, really, and now it’s time to tone it down, to go slower.
The rest of his life is for Mountain and he could not be happier about that.
They all get lost in the music again. All of them, Dewdrop, Rain, Aeon, Aether, Cirrus, Cumulus, Aurora, Sunshine, Swiss, and Mountain.
The ghoulettes are all dancing on two platforms, holding hands as they fill the room with the beautiful sound of their combined voices. Dewdrop keeps chucking picks at Aether. Aeon leans against Rain, nuzzling up to him like a car.
Swiss seems alone, but it could not be further from the truth. In that moment he feels less alone than ever.
Mountain can only smile and thank Lucifer for sending all these amazing ghouls his way when life was rough.
For sending Swiss his way when life was rough.
Their fun ends too soon, with the entire pack exhausted, but content. They slowly filter out of the room, thanking each other for the amazing time they had.
“Did you have fun, my love?” Swiss asks, coming up the platform behind his mate.
“I did,” Mountain sighs as the multi ghoul drapes himself over his back, not minding the sweat dripping off of him. “Did you?”
“You know it, baby,” he laughs. Mountain hums before turning on his stool and sweeps Swiss off of his feet. He yelps as he ends up in his mate’s lap with his arms around his neck. They both laugh like they are the happiest people in the entire universe.
They are the happiest people in the entire universe.
Mountain leans in to rest his forehead against Swiss’, knocking their horns together. They close their eyes and breathe the same air for a moment.
Despite all the little things they miss, their life could not be more perfect.
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Swiss does not think his nightmares will ever go away. They have become less frequent over the years since he has been summoned, but once in a while—when he least expects it—something will hit him again. The less often they happen, the more frightening they are, though, and sometimes it takes the multi ghoul as much as a week to recover.
He wakes up gasping and sweating bullets for the first time in a few months and his first instinct is to blindly pat around for Mountain. He finds him, of course, and lets out a shaky breath of relief as he grabs his limp hand, but the dream still leaves him unsettled. The earth ghoul shifts in his sleep after being smacked a few times, but does not wake up.
Swiss was all alone again. Alone and cold in the Pit, but not like it was before he got summoned. He was alone then, yes, but he was also clueless. This time he was left with memories, knowing he had a pack and a happy life that suddenly was gone. Lacking and missing something is so much worse when you know exactly what you have lost. He felt like he was never going to experience the warmth of being loved again and it was horrible.
But he is awake now. He is awake and Mountain is right there.
Swiss stares at his mate; watching his chest rise and fall rhythmically and his nose twitch. It’s completely dark in their room, but his water part allows him to see well anyway. Mountain looks so peaceful and the multi ghoul’s heart feels like it is about to burst with the amount of love he has for him in it.
At some point the earth ghoul turns onto his side and unconsciously reaches out for Swiss, flopping an arm over his lap. He chuckles wetly and lays back down to snuggle into Mountain’s chest, his face slotted right over his heart. The tears that have been lingering in his eyes fall when his mate’s warmth envelopes him; falling in cold drops onto Mountain’s skin. This and Swiss’ heart pounding against him wakes him up.
“S’iss…’r you okay?” he slurs, all syrupy with sleep as he nuzzles into his hair.
“Yeah, baby. You’re here, I’m okay.”
“Yeah,” Swiss sighs, cuddling up even closer. Mountain wraps his own arms tighter around him.
“I’m here,” he assures. The multi ghoul nods and tries to focus on his mate’s heartbeat and go back to sleep, but he can not quite shake off the fear that the dream has filled him with. 
What if it is his future? What if he will be sent back before others? What if they will be sent back together but won’t manage to find each other? What if it will all be different and everyone gets sent back but him? Being alone Topside would be as bad as being alone in the Pit.
The worst part of his dreams is always that they are not completely unrealistic.
He sits up again, thinking Mountain has managed to fall back asleep and intending to just stare at him for the rest of the night and assure his brain all is fine. The earth ghoul did not, though, and he rises with Swiss.
“Wanna talk about it or just…be?” he asks as he intertwines their fingers.
“I don’t know, I just–didn’t have that one in a while and it got me all messed up.”
“I understand, my heart.” Mountain kisses his forehead and adjusts them, all but manhandling Swiss so he is in his lap, curled up smaller than it should be possible considering his actual size. “It’s okay, I’m here. Everything’s okay.”
He is, but…their family is bigger than the two of them.
“Do you, uh–do you think we could go check on the others?” 
“Yeah,” the earth ghoul mutters, “yeah, of course.”
Swiss nods with gratitude and crawls out of their nest. He grips Mountain’s hand tightly as they leave their room and go down the corridor, intending to check their packmates’ bedrooms one by one. Mountain pauses before they can open Rain’s door, though, and his ear flicks.
“What is it?”
“Let’s go to the common room,” the earth ghoul says without actual explanation, but Swiss trusts him. He trusts him more than he trusts himself, so they do indeed go to the common room. Swiss looks with an anxious stare at each door they pass without checking, but Mountain just drags him along; albeit gently.
When they reach the commons Swiss understands.
Their whole pack is there, cuddled up in one big pile on the floor lined with tons of bedding. They are all snoring away, tangled in a way that makes it impossible to really notice where one ghoul ends and the other begins. Dewdrop is curled in a little ball on Aether’s chest; his face shoved between the other’s pecs. Rain is on his side, snuggled up to the two with his tail wrapped around the fire ghoul’s leg. Aeon is spooning Rain and drooling into his hair. Aurora is laying perpendicularly to him; her legs are thrown over the quintessence ghoul’s middle. Her head is resting on Cumulus’ stomach while Cirrus’ head is in the crook of her neck. Sunshine is sprawled half on top of them two.
The multi ghoul smiles and kisses Mountain in a way that expresses more than words ever could. He understands.
“Do you want to join them or get back to our room?” The earth ghoul asks.
“Here…” Swiss mutters, “but you don’t have to, your back will–”
“I’ll stay. I’ll always stay.”
Swiss doesn’t have it in himself to disagree; he nods and finds a spot where he and Mountain can lay down with the others. They slot in perfectly right next to Aether and the moment they get comfortable someone’s—most likely Dewdrop’s—tail drapes itself over them.
“You will never be alone again, my heart,” the earth ghoul whispers, kissing Swiss right below his ear. “No matter what happens, we will always be together.”
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A couple of years into their retirement, Mountain and Swiss start to fantasize about having a space that would really be their own. Moving out of the Abbey isn’t an option. Not because of the Clergy’s control or some binding magic. Well, not unless the bond between a pack is considered magic, but truth be told it’s as close as it gets.
They simply don’t want to leave their family.
They would hate being unable to see them at least every other day, being unable to have cuddle piles; they would miss them terribly, even if they would not travel far. They are older now, though—especially Mountain—and the chaos is sometimes too much. That is why they started thinking of their options.
The Ministry’s grounds are big.
Swiss and Mountain share not only the element of earth in their cores, but also deep love for it, and when they are offered by the Clergy—or rather Copia himself, always the one to spoil his ghouls—to be provided with supplies to build a house in the woods, they accept without a second thought.
They begin planning immediately.
They have to have a little patio to drink tea in the mornings and to lounge with a book or guitar on. They need a big kitchen to cook and bake together as much as their hearts might desire. There must be a speaker system all over so they can have music they so love surrounding them at all times. Their bed has to be big and sturdy for…obvious reasons.
Thankfully both Mountain and Swiss are good at drawing.
They spend hours online, looking for inspiration and appliances they are going to need. They plan and draw everything, spilling their shared dreams onto paper.
Once it is all done, they insist they can do it all by themselves, but Copia does not agree. Not because he does not trust them, but because he loves them so much he only wants the best for them—he hires an actual architect and construction team for them.
It does not dull their excitement to bring their drawings to life; only now they are sure their house will last years. And they still do participate in the process, of course, but while the professionals are working on their cabin, Swiss and Mounty focus more on its surroundings.
They must have a garden, too.
They divide the space around the house into three parts and surround it all with magical hedge to keep away animals that might want to steal some of the things they plan on growing. The middle part they leave empty—apart from some flowers just to keep it in their style—to later on equip with chairs, tables, a swing, and anything that they might come up with that would make it a place that one wants to spend time in.
The other two parts are divided into growing fruit, vegetables, and even some grain. Whatever is possible, and considering Mountain’s power it is a lot.
Swiss and Mountain are standing there one evening, holding each other in a place that will soon be their patio, after the construction team has already left. They watch the sunset; sky painted oranges and pinks just behind the house that is steadily growing. It is as if Lucifer is congratulating them on the peaceful life that is just around the corner.
“We should get a cat,” Swiss hums into the space below Mountain’s jaw.
“What?” the other laughs quietly, slightly surprised by the proposition.
“Yeah, like a little kitten. They’re so cute.”
Mountain thinks about it. Yes, they are cute and now that they are about to have their own little home it would be precious to have something—someone—to raise there. They can not have kits Topside, so a pet would be the next best thing.
“Yeah, we should,” he mutters after a moment. Swiss pulls away and looks up at his mate, beaming. “What? Were you joking?”
“No, I just didn’t think you’d agree,” he giggles and stands on his tiptoes to kiss the earth ghoul. “I want a little calico girl.”
“Whatever you want is yours, my heart,” Mountain whispers and brings his mate closer. Swiss purrs at his warmth and he knows the earth ghoul means it; Mountain would bring the stars down from the sky and rip out his own veins to wrap them in if that would be Swiss’ wish.
The building of their house takes just short of a year. The final step is, of course, furnishing and decorating it, and the pair invite their family to help with that. The younger ghouls may not be aware, but in the Pit there is a certain tradition regarding couples that mate and leave the pack to live on their own. The pack or packs that the ghouls come out of build shelter for them to live in as a sign of the claim they still have on them. Not a possessive, objectifying one, but an affectionate one. It is simply extending the whole pack’s protection over the ghoul’s mate and their potential future kits.
That tradition is not cultivated by ghouls that get summoned Topside, and it would be especially senseless considering how unusual Swiss and Mountain’s pack and life is. So they come up with their own version.
Each ghoul of their family has a part of their cabin to decorate as they see fit.
It ends up being a patchwork style that would absolutely horrify any professional designer, but Mountain and Swiss could not be happier with how it all turned out.
Once their house is ready to move into, they walk into the fresh space and stand in the middle of it with proud smiles. They did it and it is not only their house now; it is their home.
“I think we should…initiate it,” Swiss says after a moment of just taking it in.
“As in…baptize?”
“Well, yeah, but I wouldn’t say that’s the right word for what I have in mind.”
The little kitten held against Swiss’ chest seems to agree as she meows loudly.
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One of the things that have become a habit for Swiss and Mountain is their little kitchen dates—Mountain baking while Swiss cooks next to him.
They have them often, now that they have so much time to spare on their hands, and it never gets old or boring.
 They plan their whole day in advance, prepare their recipes and make a list of groceries they need to get. Most of the ingredients Swiss needs to make dinner can be found in their garden, and most of the ingredients Mountain needs to bake dessert can be found in the pantry they have worked years on supplying. For anything else they make a trip to a local grocery store, holding hands and mirroring the smiles older ladies send their way.
A spacious kitchen with a lot of working space was one of the priorities when they were planning their cabin; they needed space to be able to cook side by side comfortably. Besides, the two-in-one living room and kitchen turned out to be the place they spend most of their time, followed closely by their bedroom and the outside.
Both Swiss and Mountain are usually clean about their cooking and baking—that is until one of them starts a food fight. They each have their favored bowls and spoons and dishes and rags. They have a silent agreement about the division of the counter, too, but that one blurs more often than not.
The pair prepare everything; they wash the vegetables and eggs, measure the dry and wet ingredients separately, and pick out all the utensils they’ll need. The last step is putting on their matching aprons they got as a gift. They switch them sometimes, but usually Swiss wears the one saying big spoon, while Mountain’s says little spoon.
They always have music on put through the speakers scattered all over; the type depending on their mood. Sometimes it is quieter, sometimes they turn it into a full blown cooking party with the music loud and their dancing energetic.
Today, though, they are enjoying the peace of it; they are humming to the soft music Swiss put on, swaying their hips as they work. 
“How’s it going for you, my love?” Swiss asks, bumping his hip into Mountain. He looks over his arm into the bowl clutched between his hands and hums, unable to recognize what it is that his mate is working on.
“Alright,” Mountain says. “It’ll need a moment to rise before I bake it.”
“You won’t tell me what it is?” the multi ghoul whines jokingly, poking his mate’s arm with his horns.
“Nope,” he giggles, “you’ll see.”
“Fineee…” Swiss is not one to accept such mortifying defeat without a fight, though. He turns back to his own station and waits for Mountain to let down his guard before he strikes; shoving his fingers into one of the other bowls and pulling back with them covered in some kind of cream.
“Swiss!” Mountain throws his arms up; acting offended even though it’s a regular occurrence. “You menace!”
The multi ghoul only giggles as he skitters away to lick the cream off of his hand out of the other’s reach. It is sweet and kind of fluffy; that is probably what Mountain was beating the eggs for earlier. It’s delicious and Swiss tell his mate as much.
Mountain shakes his head and huffs as he goes right for Swiss’ own cooking and dips a finger in a warming up sauce in Swiss’ favorite green pan.
“Oh, you!” he laughs and walks up to him to wrap his arms around his waist from behind. The earth ghoul can not even pretend he is mad at him when Swiss kicks up a low purr and nuzzles his face against Mountain’s back. He can't help but set everything down and turn around to steal a kiss from his mate, too.
Thankfully nothing on the stove needs urgent attention; they can take their time loving on each other during their little break. They hear a little meow behind them and they pull away to look at someone who loves interrupting.
“Hi yourself,” Swiss laughs, turning to their cat Aira. He reaches out for her and she nuzzles her little fuzzy head into his palm. Mountain shakes his head but he can not deny their little lady is so adorable it is impossible to deny her affection. He comes closer, picks her up, and immediately brings her to his chest.
“Cat thief!” Swiss accuses. Mountain only shrugs; it can not be denied.
Aira is purring loudly all relaxed in the earth ghoul’s arms as he hops onto the clean end of the counter. Swiss mutters something about unfairness under his breath as he returns to his cooking, stirring something and poking a finger in to taste it.
He focuses on and gets lost in it all over again and Mountain watches him intently despite his attention seemingly being focused on the cat. He is not in a rush; his dough has to rest anyway. The earth ghoul is grinning at his mate by the time the alarm he set goes off and he has to put Aira down and get back to work.
In the evening they eat what they made, sitting on the opposite ends of a small table that’s just barely wide enough to fit their plates. They devour the meal so carefully and lovingly prepared by the multi ghoul; Mountain always praises the food and Swiss himself to the heavens. Not long after, Swiss does the same to Mountain and his dessert as he picks every single crumb from his plate and licks the cream off of his fingers.
Providing for each other is one of the love languages they share and love indulging and it fills them with more and more affection every single time; until they feel like they are about to burst with it. That is a part of the reason why every single one of their kitchen dates ends up the same—with them making love in a significantly different way than cooking for each other; kneading something else than pasta or cake dough.
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When you have someone you love by your side, time goes by simultaneously slow and fast. It is slow when you look into your beloved’s eyes and get lost in them, when you enjoy every single second spent with them. But at the same time no amount of time feels enough. No matter how many years you have spent with the one you love, it will never be enough—in that way it all moves too fast.
It is different for ghouls; for any being that is considered immortal. Nothing can really come to an end for them and while living forever may feel like a terrible sentence, it does not have to be.
Swiss and Mountain are not afraid of eternity.
For them it is a gift. Not many have the chance of never running out of time. So many humans do and it is something neither Mountain nor Swiss can even imagine experiencing.
The curse of humanity is a horrible one.
They know how lucky they are and even though the ghouls being demons are called the damned ones, it could not be more wrong a description when it comes to Swiss and Mountain.
They are the blessed ones.
They have lived a big, full life already and there is still so much waiting for them.
The bonds of their pack loosen a little over time, mates distancing themselves to focus on each other—it is a natural way of things, even for a pack as unusual as theirs. Most of them stay in the Abbey—they of course spend more time together—but those who don't, hear from each other every few weeks and meet ever less often.
It is a little sad, if you think about it, considering all that they have been through together over the years.
But again, it’s different for ghouls.
They aren’t tied to one lifetime; they have multiple, and they divide them fairly.
Ghouls do not die. When—and if—they or somebody else decides their life Topside must come to an end, they simply turn into ash. Their spirits, something we could call a soul, retire back to the Pits, to the very place they were summoned from. Down there it is as if they never left, but their minds and hearts know otherwise. They are filled with memories and affections of what was and with them they continue their endless existence in Hell. It is not torment, it is not eternal damnation.
Not if they can find the one they linked their soul to.
When the time comes—whether it be tens, hundreds or thousands of years—Swiss and Mountain will find each other again. One single day they will spend apart; not more, not less.
And maybe they will find others, too.
Rain and Dewdrop, who will have left earlier to rid the water ghoul of the pain tied to his mortal vessel. The ghoulettes, all four of them, who will have enjoyed what the human world has to offer for as long as it is enjoyable. Aether and Aeon, not mated, but linked by something as strong; a brotherly bond like no other.
Maybe they will find older ghouls also. Alpha and Omega, Zephyr and Ifrit, Mist and Delta, maybe even Chain himself. Maybe the Emeritus brothers will be there, too, if the old rumors of them being favored in such a way by Lucifer turn out to be true.
For now, it is all a mystery; a riddle that is not to be solved for centuries or millennia. There is only one certainty in all of it.
Swiss and Mountain will always be together.
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brooooswriting · 1 year
hey! could you write a sam carpenter x reader story where sam gets protective over a clumsy reader?
Oh honey,
Sam Carpenter x reader
A/n: sorry this is rather short
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You were nice, that’s the first thing Mindy noticed about you, the second thing was that standing seemed to be rather hard for you. She thought you were on some kind of substance when she first met you, you stood slightly to her right and suddenly you were sitting flat on your ass. Until this day she wasn’t sure how you fell, but when she walked down the hall next to you and you suddenly stubbed your toe on a locker, where is was nearly impossible to stub your toe she realized that you weren’t high. This was just you.
And sadly, it kept going on like that. She brought you to the carpenters apartment to meet the rest of the group and when they thought that Ethan was dorky and clumsy they surely haven’t met you. It started with you bumping into the doorframe, then nearly falling over a chair. While the rest found it funny and kind of cute, Sam was suspicious, sure of the fact that you might just do this to not seem like a possible attacker.
The older woman barely talked to you for the most time, she nodded as a greeting and a goodbye and if she had a good day she might ask you if you want anything to drink. That’s it and that’d be it. She was sure of it.
At least until one day she went shopping in a supermarket away from where she normally went, the other one was too full and she didn’t wanna wait in line forever. She was walking thru the isles when she recognized a voice, it was yours. Your words were spilling as you tried to apologize for knocking over a whole shelf with chips in it, and when you wanted to walk away from the embarrassing situation you smacked against the door of the refrigerated stuff. It was the first time she considered that you might just be clumsy.
As creepy as it may sound the woman followed you around for two days after that, watched you in the halls, in lectures, stores and cafes, with your other friends. It turned out that you were in fact just really clumsy. So she started to talk to you, which surprised you. She asked you about your day, offered you food and drinks at all times, she even took you with her to go get food when the rest of the group showed up way to late.
At some point, she herself wasn’t sure when, she fell for you and your clumsiness. She loved how you were so in your own head that you’d fall and trip over anything, how you got extremely embarrassed and then would start apologizing, your words spilling so hectically that nobody would be able to understand.
When she decided to tell you how she felt she planned this whole date that just screamed romantic and all that but she didn’t think about how clumsy you were while planning. Looking back, a hike was probably the worst decision. Not even five minutes into it, you’ve already fallen twice and actually hurt your left wirst. So, Sam didn’t confess her love to you on a mountain top during a sunset but in a hospital room late at night. It was still romantic somehow and really cute, she felt extremely guilty and she cared about your hurt wirst more than you did.
When your relationship started, you were even more embarrassed about your clumsiness but Sam told you everyday that it was fine. Sure, Cooking with you was a disaster, your driving was her biggest nightmare, the amount of times you fell out of bed weren’t even countable on her hands by now but somehow all of it made her love you even more.
At the same time you loved how caring, chill and protective Sam was over you. You were used to people being annoyed by your behavior, but Sam never was, she always took her time to help you which made you love her even more.
Even tough going out with you was always a bit of a risk Sam loved going out with you for normal things too. So she decided to go grocery shopping with you, in the supermarket she first really saw you. The brunette was getting some vegetables while you were off to get your cereals, but when you had been gone for about 10 minutes she decided to look for you. She was about two isles away from the one that was filled with cereal when she heard your voice. “I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to. I’m just really clumsy” you voice was shivering and small, giving Sam an uncomfortable feeling.
She sped up and walked into the isles to find a man towering over you, nearly pushing you into the isle behind you. The older woman could see some cereal spilled next to a basket that probably belonged to the man. “Has nobody ever told a stupid bitch like you how to behave?” He asked as he closed in on you.
Sam immediately jumped into action, coming up behind you, stretching herself as much as she could, chest puffed and one of her arms around your waist. She could feel you relax immediately. “Is there a problem?” She asked the tall man, carefully pushing you behind her and somehow you still stepped in her foot. It nearly made her laugh, but the way the man looked like he was about to beat you up made her redeem it.
“Yeah, she ran into me and made me spill my cereal. So she has to learn a lesson, not that it’s your business. Move” he told her, stepping closer to tower over her too but without any victory.
“Look man, you wanna fight then let’s go outside” her voice was raspy and low. You’d even call it dangerous.
“I’m not fighting you, she ran into me and I wouldn’t know why I should now fight you” the man said looking over sams shoulder to glare at you while you cowered behind her, trying to avoid the man.
“She’s my girlfriend so you trying to start shit on her is my thing. So, if you wanna fight, let’s go outside” she said again. There were butterflies erupting in your stomach, you weren’t quite at the point were you said girlfriend and stuff like that so the fact that she called you her girlfriend and that she defends you made you swoon. You carefully grabbed the hand that still held your waist and rubbed your finger over the back of her hand. You knew how dangerous a mad Sam could be.
But before the man could say anything an employee came into the isles, breaking the stare down that happened between the two. “Come on baby, let’s go” Sam said as she pulled you along to were your favorite cereal was.
While you were back in your own world while looking for cereal the man came towards you but Sam stepped in front of him, “one more step towards her and you won’t see the next day” the threat seemed to work as he turned and left, satisfying the older woman.
“Thank you” you mumbled as you turned around with the cereal box in hand, your other hand grabbed her neck and pulled her into a kiss. Her hand immediately landing on your waist causing you to whine. “You called me girlfriend” you grinned proudly which made her laugh and kiss you again.
No matter how clumsy you were, she’d always protect you.
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itsabouttimex2 · 7 months
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Saccharine Snacks
Platonic Yandere Sun Wukong Drabble
Something feels different about today. Not necessarily wrong… just a little off. Just a few seconds after you wake up, the feeling sinks in. Nothing is inherently off-putting or uncomfortable, but that gnawing pang persists. The air feels strangely thick, like it’s trying to restrict your movement. The brightness of the sun that streams in from the window feels almost artificial.
But nothing is different. Everywhere you look, and everywhere you check… it’s all the exact same as it’s always been. It almost feels like a challenge, your brain racing to find the reason for this feeling, searching for the smallest difference, some minute variation in your room that would justify the strange feeling plaguing you. Predictably, you turn up nothing.
There’s no new additions, nothing taken away without your notice.
Maybe you really are just being paranoid. Maybe the air is just off. Maybe it was something as simple as a bad dream throwing you off. Whatever it it, you can’t quite shake the feeling. Not even as you get dressed, grab your staff, and head out to meet your mentor to get started with your training.
As always, he greets you with a cheeky smile, waving you into the kitchen.
“It’s not often that I see you in here,” you very casually point out. Once, it had been a little strange to speak so openly to someone so revered and powerful. But it had been by his own request that you spoke to him as an equal and friend rather than a mentor. There was no need to be so serious, after all.
“Except when we’re training. Then you really do need to take me seriously, bud,” he had told you. “Cause what I’m teaching can be just a smidge… dangerous, you know? Don’t worry, don’t worry! Nothing that’ll kill a little mortal like you, I swear!”
Even his reassurances can be goofy and heartening, with the way he acts. Just another thing you’d gotten used to. He gestures for you to come into the kitchen, waving you to the chair across from him.
“Well, I wanted to try and make something special today! I was in a kinda… ‘cooking mood’, y’know?” He looks up at you, holding a knife awkwardly as he unevenly slices cores cherries into disks.
“That doesn’t look like cooking to me,” you lightheartedly point out. “And your knifework could use some practice.”
“Yeah? So could your staff-work,” he teases back, dumping the segmented cherries into a large bowl. He grabs a handful of strawberries and moves them to his cutting board, raising an eyebrow as he looks at you, only half-focused on his task. “And what would you call it, huh? Baking? Broiling? Grilling? C’mon, bud-“
“Preparing,” you somewhat smugly interrupt. “I’d call it preparing a salad.”
He chuckles at your semi-confident tone before sliding you a cutting board and knife.
“If you’ve got time to sass me, then you’ve got time to help me, bud. Take two of those peaches from the sack over there and slice ‘em up.”
The fruit is soft and plump, fitting snugly in the palm of your hand. With two in tow, you return to the cutting board and slice them lengthways, splitting them in half and prying out the pits.
“Those are good peaches,” he explains unprompted. “Took me a while to get ‘em, actually. So I wanted to share with you.”
Sun Wukong is a good friend. He likes to dote on you when he gets the chance, and always works his hardest to keep you in good mood. He’s taught you a lot about martial arts, and never seems to get impatient with your progress, even when you find it nearly impossible to keep up with him.
Sun Wukong is a good friend.
So you trust him without hesitation when he snatches up a chunk of peach and lifts it to your lips- he shares his food with you all the time. This is nothing new for either of you.
The peach is soft all the way through, fuzzy pink skin unblemished by marks or spots. The white flesh is perfectly saccharine.
“It’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted,” you say with a smile.
Your friend doesn’t answer. He’s too busy smiling. It’ll take you a while to figure out why, but there’s no need to worry.
You’ve got all the time in the world, now.
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This is... messy. and unorganised. and not to mention I've never written for Swerve before. I just randomly had this thought last night, and I already had a headcanon that Swerve has a thing for lingerie so...
take this garbage /lh
Word count: 1500
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Swerve's bar made significantly less shanix during off hours. Not to mention, he was bored during the day. He spent a lot of his off time exploring various forms of human media, as well as infodimping about them to any mech who'd sit and listen for more than 5 minutes. Once he started, he could go on for hours if he didn't keep himself in check.
The idea struck him when he was watching some animated human show. They called it a "maid cafe". The humans would dress in frilly dresses and serve customers various snacks and drinks. He wasn't sure if it was some strange human fetish, or just a custom he didn't understand, but he sure was intrigued. Something about the way the fabric on their little organic bodies moved just captivated him. Not to mention, it was an opportunity to make some extra money AND potentially get other mechs to actually like him more? Seemed like a win win situation for him.
Swerve was lucky he knew how to cook. Decently, at least. He poured his spark into making a few trays of energon treats. Jellies, candies, even a full multi-layer cake topped with iron filings. The ingredients cost him a bit more than he hoped, but if his calculations were correct he'd be making back at least double what he spent. Not to mention, he got to snack on some of the offcuts. And snack on them he did, until his protoform felt like it was going to burst through his plating.
With the help of some of the craftier bots on board, and the promise of a couple of free drinks, he had everything set up. Decorations and signs showing prices of items written in neat cursive were placed neatly around the bar. It had a totally different vibe, everything feeling... almost cute. Fliers had been pasted around, and given out to curious looking mechs. The pièce de résistance, a human saying he'd learned recently, was the full recreation of the dress one of the girls had been wearing in the show. The only difference was that was red and white, to match his plating, and it was strapless to fit him better. Frills and lace decorated the delicate, yet sturdy, fabric. It was tailored surprisingly perfectly, and fit him well. There was even a zip up the side to make it easier for him to get on without risk of the seams tearing because of his large arms. He didn't even want to try to get the outfit over his wheels, it'd snap immediately. Wearing such a light material over his frame for the first time was an odd experience. It somehow made him feel more exposed, even though he was technically more covered than usual. It made him feel warm and giddy inside, and he wasn't entirely sure why. Swerve wasn't a confident bot. He would go as far as to say he was incredibly self conscious most of the time. But he looked good.
From the moment he officially opened the bar, he was swamped. He was absolutely not expecting so many mechs to be interested. He supposed the promise of homemade sweets was hard to resist, by even the more gruff and serious of mechs. He was overwhelmed at first, but quickly realised just how patient everyone was being. The atmosphere was totally different to that of a bar, and he found himself enjoying it for the most part. The fabric of the skirt brushing against the plating of his thighs was a bit of a distraction at first, and it took him a good while to get used to it. Bots were chatting, eating and having an all around good time. A lot of them even laughed at his jokes! He was stoked.
After a while Swerve needed to take a break. The fabric had been brushing against his inner thighs and gently tickling the front of his panel. He was getting embarrassingly charged up. His cooling fans had long since turned on, which he luckily could rather easily explain away as his frame heating up from the extra layers. He excused himself to the storage room, and let his valve panel open underneath the frilly dress. He felt his inner fans start to spin even faster as the cool breeze washed over the puffy protomesh of his exposed valve and a shiver ran down his backstrut. No one could tell he was exposed. He could play it off. Not to mention, this was more authentic anyway, right? Humans didn't have metal plating to cover themselves up like Cybertronians did. If he wanted to really pay homage to human culture he had to do everything properly... right?
He took a moment to calm himself, and before he could regret it he went back out to the bustling makeshift cafe. He was shocked at just how many mechs were interested in the non-alcoholic beverages and snacks. He'd have to start offering them full time. Every step he took made him aware of the breezy feeling of his valve being exposed. He had to keep reminding himself that no one could tell. He was quickly getting aroused, and he could feel lubricants starting to make his valve feel squishy beneath his skirt.
He was starting to get worried that he was dripping and making a mess on the floor without realising. He was soaked. Even the slightest brush of fabric against his node was making him grit his denta. His vents were running hot, and he was almost worried he'd set fire to his dress. Things were starting to slow down, much to his relief. He'd made more shanix than he thought, sold out all of the treats he had made, nearly completely run out of drinks and mechs were starting to leave. Only a few stragglers remained. He smiled as politely as he could, keeping up the act. He tried to act like his normal chatty self, but he was getting impatient. As soon as the last mech left, he jumped up and locked the door to the bar. He had to... clean up. Clean up so the bar would be tidy and ready for when he opened it in a few hours. That's all he had to do.
His legs were spread wide, his valve on display under the layers of frills of the dress. He couldn't help but look at himself in a makeshift mirror he had set up (nothing more than a rather shiny piece of sheet metal), admiring how... cute he looked. His valve was puffy and fat, the blue bio-light of his node blinking steadily. He bit the fist of his servo, his fans kicking into overdrive as he reached down, spreading protomesh folds. Pearlescent pink lubricants all but gushed out of him, staining the floor of the storage room beneath him. His spike panel slid open with a click. He whined, before slipping one digit into himself, and then another. His servos were big, he knew that much, and his own digits filled himself nicely. He kept admiring himself as he self serviced, two digits deep in his valve and his other servo wrapped around his chubby spike. Lace and frills framed his array, and he couldn't stop thinking about just how good he looked. He'd never admired himself this much before, and he'd certainly never felt this good about himself before.
Charge was crackling from his array, his engine revving and his fans stuttering. His optics flickered beneath his visor, his intake hanging open slightly. He bit his derma hard, before shoving his digits as far into himself as he could, his thumb rubbing circles against his node. He all but sobbed as he overloaded, ropes of transfluid shooting out of his spike and lubricants squirting out of his valve into a messy puddle on the floor beneath him. He took a moment to calm himself, venting heavily as he laid back. Usually after self servicing, he'd feel guilty and pathetic. Like he'd done something wrong. But this time, he just felt tired. It was a nice change of pace from the usual feeling of self loathing that came with his post-overload clarity. He offlined his optics to rest just for a moment. Just... a quick moment.
He awoke from recharge about an hour later. His frame ached, and he felt incredibly sticky all over. His servos, thighs and the floor beneath him were coated in transfluids. He grimaced, wiping it onto the apron of the dress. Looks like he had a load of laundry to do. Not to mention he still had to clean the entirety of the bar before he could open. He sighed, closing his interface panel and reaching into his subspace for a cloth. As he cleaned himself off, his processor swarmed with images of how cute he'd look in different human clothing items and immediately his cooling fans clicked back on. This was going to be a long night.
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marlsswrites · 1 month
More books and idiots
Ice skating AU, part 9!!
August 11th - words: 696
First part Previous part
Once again, the store was almost empty. It was like this during the day - most people at work or simply wouldn’t waste their time in a bookstore. In Regulus’ opinion, it’s amazing way to spend your day, but according to his friends he’s a bit sad.
It’s not sad, leave him alone.
He likes the store like this, quiet. It finally gave him some time to sit and stew alone with his thoughts. On reflection, that necessarily isn’t a good thing. Once he gets lost in his thoughts, that’s when he starts spiralling, and when he starts spiralling - he literally crashes like a glitchy video game.
“Excuse me?” A sweet familiar voice came from behind him as he turned his head to face James. “What’s this book about?” He held up a paperback copy that Regulus couldn’t quite make out. Squinting his eyes, he snorted when he saw the title.
“Hi James.” Regulus took the book from James’ hands and pointed at the front cover as he crossed his arms. “That’s the bible.”
“Wait really?” He gaped, snatching the book back as their hands touched - it was only a second, shorter than anything really. It was rather pathetic how that one action made Regulus bite back a smile. “I just picked up a random one, I mean well I- oh it actually is. Shit.”
Regulus only started at him while he skipped over his words, a small smirk tucked away in the sweet corners of his lips. “Why did you just pick up a random book?” He queried.
A blank stare along with a hand running through his dark hair, it looked so messy - Regulus wanted to brush his hands through it and weave it through his fingers while he felt the softness at his touch.
“Do you want a re do?” Regulus laughed, failing to hide the smirk that was now present on his face.
James swiftly nodded and slotted the book back onto the shelf. “Uh-uh, yeah.” He snorted bit his bottom lip as his face blossomed into a smile that Regulus could drink up and survive on for the rest of his life.
“Hi, have you got any book recommendations?”
Again, failing to keep a straight face, Regulus looked down at the floor and brushed a black curl behind his ear with a chuckle and looked back at the man in front of him. “I do, what type of things do you like?” He started to walk away from the shelf he was leant on - they were in the cookings section and Regulus doubts that James is here for a cook book. James stayed in tow, following him around as he thought about the question for a moment.
“What do you like?” James asked after a minute.
“Like- what are your favourites?”
He let out a shocked breath. “Oh, literally so many- uh,”
“I have time.” James spoke with an innocent smile, as if they didn’t turn Regulus into a pathetic puddle on the floor - flushed cheeks and a heart beating so far out of his chest he wouldn’t be surprised if James could hear it.
“Alright.” He shrugged, hopefully looking nonchalant, but in his current state he’s not so sure. “So there’s…”
And that’s how they spent the next hour, talking about books and rifling through the shelves to find ones that he thinks James will love. Normally, people got bored after five minutes of Regulus talking about his interests, but James was the complete opposite. He followed around and seemed to absolutely absorbed in everything Regulus had to say, even offering Regulus more time to go on when he cut himself off.
He knew he could ramble quite a bit when he got into a conversation that he was actually enjoying for once, in most situations he just stops talking and apologies. But not with James, he only frowned and pushed him to carry on talking.
Oh god it is not fair of him to make Regulus feel like this, he wanted to scream, cry, smile, laugh and scream again all at the same time. If he keeps this shit up Regulus doesn’t know how he’s supposed to survive.
Next part
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