#i need to get the point across that this happened at the exact same fucking time
xbuster · 8 months
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How did this happen?????
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worldlxvlys · 3 months
OMG PART 2 of “one of the girls” PLS OMG maybe a more angsty to fluff between them
deeper (one of the girls pt 2)
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fwb! chris x reader
warnings: angst, cursing, mentions of sex
a/n: you definitely asked for angst and fluff and i definitely only gave you angst
sorry 😬
but i swear on everything the next part will be fluffy, i just needed to lay the groundwork 🙏🏾
previous part
“look, it’s fine chris. you’re just shitty at aftercare.” she spoke from her spot across from me on her bed.
we somehow had managed to go from talking about how our days went to sex.
“what are you talking about?” i asked, confused.
“i mean, in what world is you fucking me and dipping to go fuck someone else considered taking care of me?” she pointed out.
my face dropped at her words, “i- i don’t do that every time though, it’s happened a few times, but-“ she cut me off with a scoff, “that’s the thing, you do it every time, without fail. you just- you finish, you make sure i finish, and you leave” she shrugged it off, but it obviously hurt her to say.
“i mean, what kind of a friend treats someone that way? it’s like, hey ok! i finished using you for what i needed, gotta go do the exact same thing to the next girl! you don’t see how fucked that is? you don’t get how that would completely fuck with my head ?” she asked.
“i mean at first, it wasn’t like that. i didn’t care, i thought maybe you’d stop at some point. but after months of you doing this shit, i can’t act like it doesn’t affect me anymore”
i blinked at her, only now realizing what i was doing to her.
“and it’s not like i caught feelings and am in love with you or something, you can be with other people, i don’t care. but- i mean, right after me? the second your dick gets soft you go somewhere else to get hard again? like, am i that bad, or…?”
no, no, no. there’s no way this is happening right now.
there’s no way i’ve managed to do this.
what the fuck was i thinking? what was wrong with me?
“hey, listen. this has nothing to do with you not being good enough, ok? i’m so sorry, i never meant to hurt you at all, i need you to know that. you deserve better than how i’ve treated you, i know. i guess i was just scared-”
“scared? scared of me?” she asked in a low voice, her face clearly showing how hurt she was.
my eyes widened at that, how the hell am i managing to make this worse?
“what?” i asked, desperately trying to think of how to calm her down.
“is this about the whole liking pain while we’re having sex thing? because if you can’t handle that-” i brought my hand up to her face to cup her cheek, making her stop talking and stare at me with wide eyes.
“it’s not that, ok? i told you i’d never judge you for that and i meant it. there’s nothing wrong with liking that stuff, i personally find it makes you even more attractive”
“so, if not that, then what? what are you running from?” she whispered to me.
my feelings for you.
the second i realized that i was beginning to care about her in a different way, i started seeing other people.
i tried desperately to distract myself from her, praying that being with someone else would help.
the first time, it worked. until the next time we had sex, and i remembered everything that i loved about her.
i was overwhelmed by her, everything about her drove me crazy.
her body, her soft skin, her scent, the way she tasted, the way she moaned and screamed under me.
my senses were filled with her.
i assumed it was just physical attraction, which is why i tried looking for someone who could replace that.
but who was i kidding? no one could replace her.
and even if they could, i realized that it was deeper than the sex as i was staring at her now.
it was that beautiful smile that i was missing now while i stared at the sad look that i put on her face.
it was that look she had on her face when she wanted to laugh, but was trying desperately to hold it in as i made faces at her from across the room.
it was the amount of passion and dedication she put into the things she cared at about.
it was the deep connection that we shared when i stared into her eyes, my fear of intimacy somehow leaving my body when it was with her.
it was her.
it was always her.
and me? i was royally fucked.
not too much on chris he’s about to eat in the next part (literally)
i may or may not have already written the next part to this 🌚
tag list: @lustfulslxt @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @cupidsword @imwetforyourmom @nickmillersn1gf @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo @blueeyedbesson @mxqdii @sturniolowhore @readerakayourname @defnotayonna @urmom2bitch @rootbeerworshiper @starsturniolo @hearts4chriss @theyluv-meee @carolinalikesthings @itzdarling @chrisstopherfilmed @judespoision @sstvrnioloo @littlebookworm803 @nicksdrpepper @chrisloyalgf @robins-scoop @fandomhopped @chr1sgirl4life @bbglmfao @55sturn @sturniolololover @meg-sturniolo @mattsnymphette @leah-loves-lilies @vanteguccir @ineedchriscock @junnniiieee07
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scekrex · 3 months
Im not sure if counts as an ask but. But hear me out.
Adam X Male Reader.
Adam is at meeting but forgot to take the ribs his newly wedded husband (AKA, The Reader) made for him. So being the good husband he is, Reader goes to the place where the meeting is being held at. To give Adam the Ribs.
He arrives and busts down the door. Because he got no fucks to give besides giving Adam the ribs.
When he does, he saw Adam looking back at him with a shocked expression along side Lute who's face mirrored Adam's. A usual site besides the shock.
But what surprises him is that on the side of the room is Lucifer and Lilith (perhaps Eve too if you want) But Reader quickly gets over it, he came here on mission after all.
So he walks to Adam gives the ribs then he proceeds to remove Adam's mask to french kiss him. Then proceeds to walk out the busted door.
But not before looking at Lucifer and Lilith and saying "Our daughter is better than yours." Pointing at Lute as he said this. Then he leaves.
Leaving everyone process what happened.
Also leaving Adam having to explain who that was to his most hated enemies while trying to figure out how to tell Lute, He and his Husband see her as a Daughter.
Omg it definitely counts as an ask and fuck it's a good one on top of it!! It's cracky and I love myself a crack fic
Part 2
I bring the ribs, I bring the drama
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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When you got a text from Adam that informed you he had just reached hell and was attending the meeting scheduled with Lucifer and then spotted the robs you had made for him as a snack still standing on the counter, you did the only logical thing as the husband of the first man. You grabbed the plate filled with ribs and went after him and his forgetful ass.
Reaching hell sure wasn’t as hard as Adam always made it out to be, it was simply a long elevator ride that came with it and knowing the brunette the way you did that alone was reason enough to usually pull his little holograph stunt. But once Sera had caught onto that, she had had a serious talk with Adam, explaining why he wasn’t allowed to continue attending the meetings that way, so he had been forced to physically appear at this exact meeting. Which meant you had als a long ass elevator ride ahead of you. Nothing that would stop you from bringing your husband his much desired food though, you knew from experience how grumpy Adam could get if Sera sent him down to hell without a snack. And you desperately wanted to avoid grumpy Adam coming home only to realize that he had forgotten the snack you had prepared for him beforehand.
When the elevator doors opened with a quiet ‘ding’, you stepped through them and headed to the two winged doors right across the small elevator. You carelessly kicked the doors open, the handles on the inside both hit the walls with a loud ‘thud’ that echoed through the room that had gone quiet the second the doors had opened to reveal you. The glowing yellow eyes on Adam’s mask widened in shock as he spotted you, right in front of you sat Lucifer, his back had been facing the doors but the king of hell had turned around to look at you, confusion was written visible in his eyes as he tried to remember if he knew you. By his side was his wife Lilith. Great. The fuck-up and the cheating whore, both in the same room with your sweet darling. Seems like your little mission of food delivery was more needed than you had first thought it might be. But you knew Lilith was a pain in the ass and so was her husband. Lute fluffed out her wings as she narrowed your eyes before her expression turned into shock just like Adam’s.
In silence you walked around the ridiculously large table that was taking up most of the space in this room, given that its purpose was meetings it seemed to make sense though. You placed the plate in front of Adam, eyeing Lucifer and Lilith, hatred lingered in your eyes and you let the king and queen feel and see how much you despised them. They had caused nothing but trouble, they had been responsible for hell to even open its gates in the first place. Fuck-up, cheating bitches. Then your attention shifted from the married couple across the room to your husband. Hands reached for Adam’s mask and due to the element of surprise you had on your side, he was still trying to process that you had just walked in on this meeting like it was the most casual thing you had ever done in your entire existence, which is why he didn’t stop you from removing his mask. You placed it in his lap, careful not to drop it, you knew how much it meant to Adam and you weren’t intending on leaving scratches on it.
The golden eyes of your beloved were filled with shock and confusion, yet in the far back you saw a glimpse of thankfulness spark in them as you gently reached for his chin and pulled him into a kiss, it was meant to be a quick peck on the lips, but when Adam’s hand shot forwards to grab your waist and keep you close, you kept moving your lips against his. The presence of the others that kept you company inside this meeting room were forgotten in an instant, all that you could focus on were Adam’s soft lips that met your gentle movements so well. You slightly tilted your head to deepen the kiss, by squeezing his jaw you forced the first man to part his lips for you, providing the entrance your tongue needed to explore his mouth from the inside. When the tip of your tongue brushed against his, inviting him to dance with yours, Adam found himself unable to hold back the quiet moan that bled into the soft kiss you had started. And his tongue caught up quicker than his brain did, dancing with yours in Adam’s mouth as you claimed it as yours yet again.
When you pulled back in order to breathe in some stinky hell air - yet it was air so you didn’t mind all that much - you looked into Adam’s wide eyes, this time it wasn’t shock that reflected in them, it was love paired with desire and a shimmer of lust lurked in the back, you knew what he would give for you to stay, to keep kissing him like that, to maybe even sit down on his lap like the pretty little lap prince both of you knew you could be if only you wanted, but that wasn’t part of your mission. Your mission had included the task of bringing your husband food and that you had done successfully so you wiggled out of Adam’s lazy grip and pulled away from the first man entirely.
As if nothing had happened you rounded the table yet again to make your way over to the large doors you had just kicked in, yet you couldn’t help but stop on Lucifer’s side of the table. You slammed your hand down on the blue-ish looking wood, leaned in close to the blonde one and loudly stated, “Our daughter is better than yours, suck dick old fucker,” while you pointed at Lute to clarify which daughter you were speaking about. Lute’s expression shifted from shocked to confused and you watched as Adam’s lieutenant eyed the first man with a mix of confusion and pride. Then you straightened your back and walked out óf the room, once outside in the hall, you raised your hand to snap your fingers which resulted in the doors falling shut behind you with an equally loud sound as they had been opened with. And with that, you left hell again.
Once the door had fallen shut behind you, Adam had been quick to put his mask back on in order to hide the blush that started to bloom on his cheeks, Lucifer must not know about the effects you had on the first man, not when the blonde little devil sitting across from him was his sworn enemy. “Who was that?” the blonde man asked and pointed with his thumb to the closed doors behind him, an eyebrow was raised at Adam and even Lilith seemed to be curious about Adam’s answer to the question her husband had just asked the first man. Adam just and casually answered, “My fucking husband, bitch.” Because while your visit had been surprising, he would not deny you in front of Lucifer. He loved you and he was quite proud to be calling you his husband, fuck Lucifer’s opinion on it. “Daughter?” Lute asked as soon as Adam had answered Lucifer’s question and stepped up to her boss and best friend. The first man avoided meeting her eyes, even if it was just through masks. “Yeah, daughter. His idea not mine, fucking deal with it bitch. It brings my man joy so fucking take it.”
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crystlizabeth · 1 year
I love your stories!! And I was wondering if you would do some George Weasley x Reader where the reader is good friends with Ron ( same age as him, so like 2 years younger than George ) but has always had a crush on George. then while staying at the burrow for the holidays there is all this sexual tension and one night they kinda stumble across each other ( like while up for a glass of water or something ) and FINALLY have sex.
Yeah! I haven’t written form him before so i hope this is good!
Best friends brother..
Paring: George Weasley x POCfem!reader
Warnings: smut, cursing, reader is 18+ oral(f receiving) (p in v) 
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The Weasley house was quiet as everyone slept, as for you, you couldn’t. You spent the last 20 minutes tossing and turning on the couch you couldn’t stay still nor clear your mind of your best friends brother, George to be exact. You knew Ron would have your head if you ever mentioned having a crush on his older brother.
But with coming over during the holidays you where bound to see him. Tension was building, how his eyes looked you up and down scanning you so shamelessly, the way his hand would ‘accidentally’ brush you wither it be your thigh when you sat next to him at the table, or the small of your back as he passed you. You could explode especially after to day. When you two stood alone in the kitchen helping make cookies, small talk going between each of you just the way he looking at you, how close his face was to yours. There was no fucking way he didn’t have a slight crush on you, his little brother’s best friend.
You snapped back after hearing foot steps come down the stairs you quickly move to your side closing your eyes pretending to be asleep. You could feel a presence lean over you then a hand touching your face creasing it lightly as of an intention not to disturb your ‘sleeping’ body.
“You’re so beautiful..” you heard Georges voices say, it soft and gentle as he looked down at you.
You could feel your face heat up at the complement “is the so..?” You said shyly.
His hand quickly moved from your face back to himself in a panic “oh- you’re awake, sorry! I didnt mean to wake you up!” His voice was panicked.
You turned your body looking at him, laughing at him. “Sorry i didnt mean to scare you.” You spoke sitting up.
“So you think I’m cute aye.” You smiled slightly tilting your head, looking at the red head that stood behind the couch.
He let out a ‘pff’ shoving his hand in his pockets, “yeah, yeah i do.” He said attempting to sound confident. A smile grew on your face watching him all embarrassed.
“Do you need some water I- I need some water.” He stumbled over his words pointing to the kitchen.
“You’re blushing a school girl, what happened to all the confidence from earlier getting all closed to me face like you where gonna kiss me but instead pulled away with a fat smirk as i stood there like an idiot.” You said teasing him as you got up walking to the kitchen. He didn’t say anything but he did fill up a cup with water turning to you as he took a slow drink of his water.
“Yeah, and?” He said plainly setting the cup down, his body leaned up against the counter.
The shirt he wore was a little small so it sat above is v line his pajama pants low on his waist. “Your eyes are wondering sweetheart..” your eyes shot back up to him seeing the smirk on his face.
“Common if you want me just say it.” He said, his cocky tone making you scoff.
He pushed himself off the counter walking towards you, you walked back finding yourself pinned against the counter. “Common baby use your words… i wanna hear you.” His voice was low and seductive.
“George..” you began, you watched his head tilt as he waited for you.
“kiss me, please kiss me.” You spoke, you couldn’t believe how fast all this had happen. How fast you folded. 
His lips connect with yours the kiss started soft and tamed, his hand wrapped around you his hands gripping your hips. A soft moan left your lips enjoying the moment, letting your hands over his shoulders going into his red hair.
His hands went down cupping your ass putting you on the counter. Georges lips disconnected from yours. He tilted your head up kissing your neck, his rosey lips kissed up and down finally finding the spot that made you squirm.
“George, oh merlin..” you moaned the heat between your legs building up yearning for contact.
“Dont be to loud you don’t want everyone hearing you now do we?” He said his hands wandering to the top of your shorts. “Is this okay?” He asked your permission to take your shorts off.
“Yes.” In one smooth motion he slipped the shorts off your body as you sat on the counter feeling the cool air hit your heat.
“No panties?” He smiled shamelessly. His fingers trailed up your thigh, you opened your legs to him more his long fingers faintly trailed up your heat coating his fingers in your slick.
“Fuck.. your so wet…” he spoke making eye contact with you as he stuck his fingers in his mouth tasting you on his tongue. You watched as his eyes rolled back in enjoyment the taste of you making him moan.
You watched as he lowered his head between your legs, his warm tongue sliding up between your folds a blissful moan escaping your mouth. Georges hands came up grabbing your tights pulling you in closer as he devoured you. One of his hands came up to your clit rubbing circles, his tongue moved in an erotic manner bring you closer to your orgasm.
“Fuck, just like that.” You moaned out, your hand slapped over you mouth to keep your pleads more quiet. The not in your stomach building up, your thighs presses themselves together not able to touch for the red head between your legs. “George..fuck im gonna cum” you warned your body jolting slightly having the wave of pleasure as he ate you to the end if your high.
He stood up straight leaning over your body that laid on to the counter. “You tase to good..” he said quietly licking is lips.
You cover your face at his words how four words rolled off his tongue so lewdly. “Common baby let ne see your face.” His hands wrapping around your wrist pulling them off your face, a teasing smile appearing on his face as he saw the state you where in.
“Hello beautiful its good to see your face again, not that i didn’t enjoy the view of earlier.” He chuckled, you smacked his chest only for him to let out a laugh.
“Stop. Oh my god.” You spoke to him a slight laugh could be heard from your tone.
“You loved every second of it..” he said his lips brushing over yours.
“Mmhm, i did.” You finished pulling him down to kiss you.
“I want you.” You said between kisses. You could feel his hard on rub against you as you made out.
“Please let me have you..” you begged moving your hips to make some sort of friction between you both.
He moved away pushing you back on the counter as he pulled his pants down a little bit taking himself out he lined himself up with you, he looked up at to to make sure you where okay with this just to check. You gave him a nod, in one swift motion he slid in to you. A soft whimper leaving his lips ad he felt your walls adjust around him.
He started to move the pleasure running over you made your head fall back a hushed moan coming from your lips as you felt his hips hit yours making sure he filled every inch of you. His hands gently began to massage your breast taking your nub into its mouth his wet tongue swirling around your harden nip. He continued to abuse your flesh leaving light hickeys on your darker complexion.
The kitchen was filled with the lewd sounds of skin slapping and soft moans and whimpers. George could feel himself coming to his end he moved up looking at your face as he fucked you. He watched how your mouth was slightly gaped your eyes squeeze shut. “Hey look at me, i wanna see you pretty little eyes as i make you cum again.”
You opened your eyes meeting his brown ones, his red hair falling in to his face. You felt that familiar not build up again but faster this time as he hit the right spot over and over. He sat up pushing your legs open giving him more access, he looked down watching himself as he fucked you. “Common sweet girl cum for me.” His voice was smooth.
Your hands gripped his forearms feeling yourself come undone. “Good girl just like that..” the praise left his lips as he thrusted a few more times carrying your through your orgasm. He pulled out letting his seed spill on your stomach a quiet moan of your name left his lips as the ropes of cum laced your stomach.
Heavy breathing came between you as you sat up he cleaned himself up as he got a wash rag to wipe himself off your stomach. “Sorry if its cold.” He apologized before wiping the cum of you. You two stood there quietly cleaning up yourselves the sound of a door opening putting you both in a panic as he threw your shorts at you your hurriedly put them on almost falling in the process.
You turned around to see Ron, he didn’t say anything just looked his tired eyes squinting as George leaned against the sink taking a drink if water. A quite scoff came from the younger red head he wasn’t awake enough to question anything and just walked back up the stairs.
“He’s gonna say something at breakfast whats the excuse?” You asked
“I just fucked you on The counter.” He shrugged his shoulders.
“I will break that water glass over your head.”
“I was just kidding,” he laughed “i came down to get water and woke you up on accident so we started talking.” He said a smile on his face.
You nodded, you didn’t know how you would explain this whole situation to Ron or if you even wanted to it all depends what happens after tonight. George walked over to you “i would invite you to come up to my bed but don’t want to get caught, so good night..” he said quietly giving you a kiss on your cheek then your lips his hand dragged along the small of your back as he walked towards the stairs.
“Sleep well.” Was the last thing he said before returning to his room.
How the fuck where you supposed to sleep after that. .
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lix-ables · 1 year
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⨳ ⁺ . ‧ chris has vibes of guy who riles you up and then leaves you horny and thinks it's funny but gets upset if you do the same to him lmfao ( anon )
‧₊ warnings — fem reader, teasing, edging, handjobs, fingering, chan is cocky tehehe
‧₊ note — this was supposed to be a drabble but its 1.3k sigh. but happy reading ‹33
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“baby, not here please,” chan smiles in your direction as he passes the dish on his side of the table along to jisung. his free hand finds your wrist that currently rested on his thigh. your fingers spread across the material of his pants while his fingers wrap around your skin tight enough to stop you from touching him anymore. to be honest, it was just his thigh.
you knew the consequences of touching him when he’s busy or when you’re around his friends. of course, you did, but that didn't stop you from doing it over and over.
"but i'm not doing anything," you sigh, rolling your eyes at him slightly, your face turned away from him so he can't see you. "roll your eyes once more, and see what happens," chan smiles, nodding at something jisung said.
now, you would roll your eyes for nothing, except if you felt bratty. today was that day. a few minutes passed and you felt bored at the table, so your hand found chan's thigh again – this time, your fingers trailed a bit higher than before, inching closer and closer to his crotch. you smile at him when he gives you the side eye, before palming him slowly which makes him shift in his seat a little.
"what did i tell you, hmm?"
"is that so?" chan sighs, moving your hand away and placing it on your own lap, before his fingers start to trail up your thigh. "remember the last time when you did the same thing? to me?" you hum, leaning closer to him. at this point, everyone at the table knew how into each other the both of you were that they decided to ignore your actions – including right now. intially when jisung had introduced the two of you, it was just shyness everywhere. until it turned into something more like the older people would say ‘sparks flying and fireworks.’
"maybe you need to remind me again what happened last time," chan mutters and his nose nuzzles your skin, while an arm moves to wrap its fingers around the chair to pull you close to him. "i need the exact details hm? from what i did, to what happened and how that night ended."
“uhm, right now? in front of everyone?” you clear your throat, your voice getting squeakier now. “nothing stopped you from grabbing my dick under the table, did it now?” chan had a point, you realised. from the moment you left your apartment, to the small quickie that you almost had at the parking lot of jisung’s place – you had been fantasizing. dreaming more likely – about how it felt just last week when chan pulled you into the bathroom of his friend’s house, to fuck your brains out. from the way his hands grabbed your hair and his hips thrusting into your face to the way the straps of your blue dress slipping from your shoulder exposing a bit of your chest, the way his eyes just stared right into your soul, because it felt like that. but by the time you were out of the bathroom, you were ready to go home – chan’s hands held you up while your fingers reached to wipe the little drool that still somehow managed to stay at the bottom of your chin. you looked a mess, and it was evident – but it didn't matter to you or him.
and the car ride back home? well, that ended with his hand grabbing your thigh, smiling every time you swatted his attention-seeking fingers away. his fingers trailed up, all the way to your crotch while hiking your dress up at the same time. chan runs his fingers up and down your bare thigh giving you shivers just as he reaches to run them over your underwear, right over your slit before pushing them to the side – this was enough to give him access to your clit. “stay still, sweetheart,” he had mumbled with one hand on the steering wheel and the other playing with the sensitive bundle of nerves which made your nails dig into the leather seats of the car.
whimpers and pleads leave your lips but chan showed no signs of stopping that night. you begged him to stop, but minutes later when you were close enough, you begged him to go faster, only for him to leave you high and dry – edging you to the point where you hit his arm away. your fingers reached to continue what he started and your legs spread as wide as they could in that tiny space of the passenger seat. “you’re not going to touch yourself,” chan started to say when he hears a broken whine leave your sore throat. “please, please … i just need to come,” you moan out your words, your free fingers reaching to hold onto chan’s wrist to bring them back to yourself, trying to replace your fingers with his own. “if you wait right now and don’t touch yourself, you’d know that i’ll let you come on my tongue,” chan clicks his tongue and then looks in your direction. his eyes stare at the way your fingers just brush lightly over your slit, wishing it were his hands instead.
but it was a game he always played with you – he thinks it’s funny, the way you’d just beg him to continue, the way your fingers would try to finish what he started and how you complained to him that it didn’t feel the same. the thoughts he was having about how he’d lay you down on the couch and start by leaving kisses all over, his fingers gripping onto your skin to hold you down enough to stop you from moving. how he’d let you grind your hips into his face and how he’d finish the night by eating you out like a man starved, only to leave you on the edge of coming just when you arch your back and grip onto the strands of his hair. he always thought about how funny it was – you, laying there helpless, begging for him to just finish the job. and when he told you it was funny, at the most random times, makes you come.
so tonight, it was your turn. your hands found his thigh and then his crotch from the moment you got into the car to head to jisung’s place. what he thought was just a simple touch, turned into something more at the dinner table. when your fingers move on their own accord to settle on his crotch, only to move up higher to undo the belt and zipper – just enough to allow you access to where you wanted to tease him the most. “you know what?” you reply while your fingers make actions of pulling out his dick, only to just rub your thumb to the tip. his leg hits the table, making everyone look at him, and he shakes off their question as he struggles to speak. “maybe i’ll just tell you at home. it seems fun, doesn’t it?” you smile at him once again and your thumb moves in faster circles on his tip, before your other fingers occasionally stroke the rest of his dick.
when one of chan’s other friends asks you if you wanted dessert, you nodded and at the same, remove your hand from his crotch just when you felt a little bit of precum on his tip. he stands up, grabbing you by your elbow to make you stand as well and adjusts his pants, mentioning how he had some work left over and you wanted to leave.
you show signs of protest but move in front of him to head to the bathroom, as he has his final conversation of that night with jisung. when you pass by him, he grabs you close, and grumbles “fuck you,” making you smile at the frown on his face. “aren’t you going to do that anyways when we get home? your poor dick must want to come so bad.”
he was upset that you left him like that at the table, but that’s okay. you thought it was funny as well.
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taglist. @hwajin @starlostseungmin @chrisbahng @comet-falls @niijo @chvnnie @lixhues @joonszn @cherryhanji @blueberry-chan @dnadoublefelixx @ethereallino @stuckwithaphobiaa @chewryy @bangchanbabygirlx @zizis-world12 @aimeexx @whatudowhennooneseesyou @nightlychans @americanokisses @katieraven @hwan-g @svintsandghosts @idek-at-this-point-lol @es-kay-zee @writerracha @bbujiikseu @lethallyprotected @lino-jagiyaa @zoiescastle @compersian @jilixcuddles @teaspeungmin @eulaenthusiast ( bold & orange = cant be tagged )
EXTRA NOTE. and suddenly this one became my baby, please be kind to it, and consider showing it some love if you can ‹3
©lix-ables 2022. do consider reblogging.
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tsilvy · 7 months
something about those little moments in s2ep3 with crowley alone in the bookshop while aziraphale is in scotland. I watched them all as a single sequence and it's just... SO MUCH.
look. the fact that crowley is cool as a cucumber when aziraphale is around, but when he isn't... well. there's the deep, deep breath he takes while he watches azi drive away, and i can't tell if he's more scared of being alone with gabriel or worried about azi going away alone. because as someone pointed out, aziraphale gets the car keys right after muriel arrives, and obviously it's safer for him to take the bentley which will hopefully keep him safe as it usually keeps crowley safe; but at the same time, crowley has to give up what's basically an extension of him, the one protection he has ready, to shield himself or to run away with, should anything happen while the guardian of the eastern gate aziraphale isn't there.
and then crowley is alone, without aziraphale, without his comfort car, stranded in his favorite place which has ceased being safe and has become instead somewhat inhospitable because his mortal enemy now lives here too. and the way he's wearing no jacket, no waistcoat, and he's just so thin, and snake-like, especially standing there near gabriel, who is built like a tank and you just know that if he's right, if by any chance gabriel became hostile, even in a non-magic fight crowley wouldn't stand a chance.
and yet, AND YET, he's quietly explaining gravity to him, then trying (and failing) to make Maggie and Nina vavoom and also explaining THAT to jim (azi didn't stop to hear his very romantic plan so at least maybe does jim? Can I hear a fucking wahoo?!), and you can't help but feel how badly he needs to talk to someone, anyone nonhuman around who isn't immediately outright hostile, without censoring himself, without complicated feelings in between.
and then, the exact moment later, the temporary peace is broken by gabriel himself remembering something ominous and ONE MOMENT LATER YET shax is outside, complete with background screaming chorus, and then crowley is desperately trying to convince her they don't know where the archangel is, still playing cool but swallowing like that, and then she says Hell will declare war and he's just thrown for a moment and says "to me?!" in THAT voice! but it's even worse than that, because they'll actually declare war not on him but on his friend, and he could maybe cope with hell wanting his scalp (again) but Aziraphale's?! And then STILL keeping that facade and telling her that anyway the angel is inside in the basement, because he knows that Aziraphale is safe while he's inside the bookshop, and therefore trying to keep her off Aziraphale's back while he's outside and alone? Which btw doesn't work because she somehow knows anyway and proceeds on harassing the angel in the bentley the very next time we see him?! AND at the same time he's trying to keep her from realizing he is all alone, here, in the bookshop?!?
And he's been flippant throughout, but the moment she leaves he's like, wreaked?! And his first instinct is of course to go back at being mad and threatening at Jim, but even that feels pointless, because the machine is already in motion, and it's always too late, it's "we're doomed" all over again, isn't it? and the fact that he's shaking all over as he comes to this conclusion?
and then we learn that he hasn't slept all night after this, and as soon as Aziraphale is finally back he's immediately out as if he'd been looking out the window all night waiting for him to be back home safe, and for his car to be available for him to finally feel safe into, and i've seen people wonder why he bolts the fuck out of there as soon as azi is back as if he didn't need a breather after all he's been through, AND THE FACT THAT LATER ON HE TELLS AZIRAPHALE CaN I WaTcH AS IF HE'S AT ALL INTERESTED IN HIM RUNNING ERRANDS ACROSS ALL OF SOHO AND NOT IN FACT UNABLE TO LEAVE AZIRAPHALE'S SIDE NOW THAT HE'S FINALLY BACK AFTER A FULL DAY AWAY DURING WHICH HELL IS APPARENTLY ABOUT TO DECLARE WAR TO HIM SPECIFICALLY WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK
anyway what i want to say is this sequence is the epitome of anxiety and claustrophoby for me, and it plays like a horror movie. It's just A Lot
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Ooo can I please request a Tangerine x innocent!civilian!fem!reader where Y/n is Tan’s wife, and besides Lemon, she’s the only person that can get a genuine smile and laugh out of Tangerine? Like he’s all Mr. Grumps and broody, huffing about a mission or someone that annoyed him or something, but then Y/n gives him a sweet smile, a sweet kiss, sits on his lap, and/or a cheesy joke/pun that definitely makes Tan lovingly roll his eyes. Y/n just generally being a really bubbly and goofy person, a contrast to Tangerine’s broody demeanor 😂 Also Y/n being pretty clumsy and Tan definitely joking that he needs to wrap her in bubble wrap lol… Also just imagine Ladybug or Lemon making the same exact cheesy joke as Y/n, but instead of an irritated response like he gives Ladybug or Lemon, he gets all heart eyes and laughs for Y/n😂😂🧡🧡🍊🍊
hii my sweet!! sorry I feel like it’s taken me ages to do this. hope this is how you envisioned. you have so many ideas that sometimes it actually baffles me😭 thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
grumpy x sunshine (tangerine x f!reader)
wc || 0.8k
warnings || none(?) swearing
masterlist + rules
Just finishing up some housework, you hear the front door open which shortly followed your husband who was muttering profanities under his breath. Walking over to greet him and help with the shopping bags.
“Hi, love.” He huffs.
“Hey, you alright?” You ask, sweetly kissing him.
“Some twat cut me up and fucked up the front my car.” He sighs.
“Did you get hurt?” You ask, clearly concerned.
“Actually, no… did you hurt them?” You ask with a laugh.
“No.” He chuckles. “Help me put this away, would ya?” Gesturing to the bags upon bags spread out on the floor.
Slinging as many handles as you could onto your arms, lugging it all into the kitchen. Bumping into a few things on the way, not realising how much extra space you took. Clattering into a couple of accent tables and paintings on the way.
“Sorry… sorry… I got it.” You puff out between waddles.
“Why did you take so much?” He laughs.
“Thought it would be easier.”
“Well, is it?”
“Not particularly.” You strain trying to lift the heavy bags onto the counter. Dropping them off and shaking your arms erratically. “How did you manage all them?” You exhaustedly puff.
“Did they give their insurance info?” You question, loading the fridge.
“Yeah… fucking BMW driving bastard.” He mumbles.
“Babe, you have a BMW in the garage.” You laugh, causing Tan to roll his eyes with a smile.
“Yeah… your point?” He shoves the empty bags onto the drawer.
“You look like you need a hug.”
“I don’t.”
“Yeah you do… come here.”
“You come here.”
“You are so stubborn…” extending your arms for him to make the move. “Can you see your brain?”
“All that eye rolling.” Shaking your arms to emphasise that you’re still waiting.
He just huffs, walking over to you and wrapping his arms around you, resting his chin on your head as you pull him tighter. You could feel the way he instantly relaxed. “See? Better?”
He doesn’t need to say anything for you to know he’s still making that face.
“How about I make us tea and you put something on the tv? Yeah?”
Separating, he kisses your forehead to make his way to the living room. Sinking into the sofa with a huff.
“You’re gonna turn into a dragon with all that huffing.” You call out, flicking the kettle on.
“Dragons don’t huff- wait, they’re not even real.”
“Anymore.” You shout over the noise of the boiling water.
“Shut up about dragons.” He lovingly jokes.
“Bitch.” You mumble.
“I heard that.”
“Not you. Ow, you fu-“ you groan running your hand under cold water.
Tan walks through to see you dramatically sprawled out across the counter with your hand in the sink.
“What happened?”
“My hand got thirsty.”
“Such a dick.” He jokes, collecting a bag of peas from the freezer. Wrapping a tea towel around the bag before placing it on your burnt hand.
“Am I gonna die?” Jokingly making a scared face.
“No, but we’re gonna have to chop it off.” He plays along, lightly karate chopping your wrist.
“You evil man.” You smile, hopping off the counter. “Shit the tea bags.”
“No you bellend, now they’re ruined.” He jests, stirring the mugs.
“Sorry, I was too busy with my melted hand.” Playfully waving it at him.
“Good, you should be.” He turns to look at you, concerned at the new noise you just made.
You were groaning and bending over to hug your knee.
“What’ve you done now?”
“Knocked my knee into that.” Gesturing to the counter door handle.
“I should wrap you in bubble wrap. You are a danger to yourself.”
“You might kneed to cut it off too.” You slyly smirk, waiting for him to get your joke.
Looking at you confused like you can see the gears working in his brain as he tries to figure it out.
His head tilts to the side, trying not to smile. “That was so stupid.”
“You found it funny.” Grinning triumphantly.
“Shut up.” Rolling his eyes as he picks up the mugs, and walking back into the living room.
You rummage through the draws, following after him with a pack of biscuits.
Making yourself comfortable on his lap, snuggling into him and kissing all over his face.
“You know there are six other places you could’ve sat, right?”
“I know.” You say short but sweet. “What you wanna watch?” You ask looking up at him.
His eyes instantly melt when you smile.
“I’m not fussed.”
“Hey look, it’s you.” You snicker, covering the ‘hob’ part of a pack of hobnobs.
He sarcastically laughs to hide his real one, looking away to smile. He eventually caves and cuddles into you while you flick through the tv to find something to watch.
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sl-ut · 1 year
reader fell first but college!abby fell harder ? ❤️‍🩹
more college!abby
no bc yes absolutely she fucking did.
as discussed in other parts, y/n and abby already ran in similar social circles, so they already sort of knew each other without really knowing each other. well, at least y/n knew abby.
when y/n joined the cheer team, abby was junior captain of the women's varsity lacrosse team and was extremely popular amongst the athletics department of their school. she saw her around a lot, and when they were both practicing at the same time, it was difficult not to take notice of abby as she charged through her teammates with supernatural speed.
she wasn't a big partier, but she always made an effort to go. she would show up, chat with her teammates, have one drink, and then leave before midnight every time. y/n would be at the same parties, eyeing her from across the room and doing her best not to drool over her as she tried to make friends, always wanting to go talk to her but never being drunk enough by midnight to actually do it.
hell, she would have had dozens of opportunities to just go up and talk to her, but abby anderson wasn't someone that you could just go up and talk to. she wasn't someone who seemed like they would be mean, nor did y/n expect her to be, but she was super intimidating and didn't seem to be the kind of person who was looking for anything at the moment.
abby's dating history was a mystery. she hadn't been in a serious relationship since her senior year of high school, and the few people who she had hooked up with since then have been few and far between; they were normally people that she knew from the gym or from class, but none have stuck around long enough to actually become anything. she was still trying to figure out her type, to be completely honest. her last partner had been owen, and since then, she had been back and forth about what kind of attraction she felt towards men. aside from that, she genuinely hadn't felt like she had met someone who offered exactly what she needed. she wasn't entirely sure what she needed either, to be fair.
so for about a year, y/n fluttered her eyelashes and twirled her hair from a distance as she fought to muster up the courage to talk to her. she was beginning to give up hope when she befriended her teammate, nora, who also happened to be good friends with abby. now at parties, y/n had an actual excuse to go over there, and got nora to introduce them officially.
abby thought y/n was very pretty, though she wasn't sure that she was entirely her type. she'd noticed her before, eyes always scanning the length of her legs beneath the short little skirts she was always wearing. like i mentioned, abby usually only went out with people who were more similar to her, and y/n was almost the exact opposite.
the next time she saw her was at the campus coffee shop, and abby was the kind of person who just couldn't walk by someone she knew without saying hi. she had to admit that she felt a bit self-conscious at how startled y/n looked when she started talking to her, but quickly melted at the sound of her voice. she was so much nicer than she had always thought she would be, and genuinely very funny as well.
y/n got a text that night from nora, informing her that abby had asked for her number. y/n quickly typed out a cool, calm, and collected response before throwing her phone across the room and screaming in excitement. by the time that she had picked up her phone again, she already had a text from an unknown number.
from this point on, y/n no longer needed to make an effort to talk to abby, because abby was already seeking her out in crowds. if her own practice ended before y/n's, she would sit and watch; at parties, she would offer to get her drinks or to drive her home afterwards; she would text her and ask to grab coffee after class or to join her at the library. abby was quickly becoming obsessed with y/n in the best way possible, and couldn't help but always want to be near her.
movie nights at her apartment would also become a regular thing. it was the only time where she could actually get her alone. abby quickly grew to hate y/n's dormmate, finding her all too nosy and all too in love with y/n for personal taste, so spending time there was a no-go. y/n would be snuggled into her side with her head on her shoulder, abby's bulging bicep draped across the back of the couch behind her while she struggled to keep her eyes on the screen. abby kissed her for the first time during one of these little dates, and that's when she knew that she was down bad.
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spinnysocks · 4 months
TLG Outlanders Jumanji AU that i have suddenly become obsessed with :) buckle up
i'm mainly basing this off of the 2017 movie, with elements of the 2019 one too
wema, tunu, dogo and kijana are playing when they find a hidden cave, they go in and they find lots of weird paintings on the wall and the floor. ever the inquisitive one, dogo steps into a circle in the middle and they all get sucked into... Jumanji?? or maybe in the TLG universe it's called Mchezo
the adults look for them. the leaders (plus kenge and sumu) and the idiots (plus mwoga, nne, tano and neema) go in two groups to search since the kids were missing for a while. the leaders find the hidden cave first as sumu noticed it in his small size. they get sucked in, and eventually the idiots find it after them
they turn into human versions upon entering the world. yeah they're pretty freaked out lmao
the premise is that they go through trials to "prove" themselves, at the risk of their 3 lives, to get to the final task of saving the kiddos. i'm thinking each of them get a task focused on their skills but all of them are at the will of it, aka any of them could lose a life in any trial
i think the Strengths & Weaknesses bit would be funny. kiburi has no weaknesses, he says smth like "I'm too good to be weak 😏" and then 'Pride' pops up hfgdhdh. tamka's weakness would be cake because i think it'd be funny. nduli's is picking up cool rocks. i would say goigoi's would be sleeping but he'd lose all 3 in an instant. the list goes on
reirei is mad because she gets the boring map-reader job lol, despite that she saves everyone's asses so
i imagine sumu is like Milo, he gives them the information in a really deadpan tone lmao. it's like "... Oh no..." "Spit it out, will you?!" "... Mandrills. We should go" and he just continues spilling knowledge while they're running for their lives lmao
you know how in the second movie Bethany/Milo is a horse? yeah nne and tano are straight up just themselves- they're hyenas but realistic, like they didn't change 💀 they're just there doing hyena laughs and absolutely savaging people in the fights
the ostrich scene from the second movie would be funny. maybe the hyenas are the drivers 👀 NONE of them trust their lives with janja, chungu or cheezi but somefuckinghow.. they don't die
in a trial where the leaders are really trapped, guess who sneaks in and saves them? Ushari!!! that was actually all of their reactions as soon as he spoke and they knew it was him. shupavu hugs him on impulse and then gets awkward about it lol, they're happy to see him
ushari explains how he didn't actually die when scar was destroyed but he escaped the volcano and happened across the hidden cave. he's been trapped ever since and obviously presumed dead. he's been stuck with 1 life because he needed the others to complete the rest of the trials :(
there's a dance fight where kiburi has to defeat the guards without being all guns blazing about it. literally the same as the scene with Martha. it's so funny at first bc he doesn't know what the fuck to do - i hc him as demi, he can't flirt with someone he doesn't know😭 - but when a song (prolly rap?) starts playing he beats their asses easy
little did they know the exact same thing was happening on the opposite side of the building, just with the idiots. tamka, nduli and neema also get their cool moment of beating people up, dance fight style! it's mainly tamka because he actually DOES have a strength in acting :)
the leaders and the idiots enter the building at the same time and it's an "Oh Shit!" spiderman pointing meme moment lmao. from this point on they do the trials together
the vultures fly the helicopters. you can imagine how well that goes. it's just like in the movie where something immediately breaks 😭 i think it'd be cool if kenge was the one to fix the helicopter, giving him a hero moment! imagine it
"Kenge, you did it! :D"
"Guess I did"
"Um... Oops"
"What Janja?"
"I dropped the jewel 😶"
"YOU WHAT?!?!"
janja loses a life in that scene from the rhinos 😭 do i wanna traumatise mzingo that much? idk. i just feel like that is such a janja thing to happen. fridge's character is janja-coded lmfao
that scene where fridge pushes spencer off a cliff? yeah that obviously happens. i'm thinking reirei and janja squabbling. would be funny if janja pushes reirei off impulsively and he just stands there, in shock, waiting to get yelled at when she respawns 😭
there's one of those Step On The Right Pieces trials. kiburi is being all cocky, steps on the wrong one and loses a life- bro gets absolutely humbled lmao. i think the skinks would be good at that trial for some reason
some random trial ideas: a "sleeping lions" type trial for goigoi. a "follow (copy) the leader" trial for mzingo. a food temptation one for the idiots??
jasiri definitely has a trial where she helps someone or shows that the "bad guy" NPCs can be good or somethin. that's probably the last trial before the finale
at the last trial they all work together to save the kiddos! it's really wholesome at the end because they saved the kids, they actually achieved something, they worked together, AND they got ushari back! :)
based on the second movie, i was considering a different version of this au where janja purposefully enters the game to prove himself and it's more of a lesson of how it's not just about his strength, but the strength of all of them
janja just thinks he ain't good enough, especially not being leader of his clan anymore, but it's through working together when the others come after him that he realises that ain't true. just an extra thought i had :)
might make a follow up post because i came up with this in an afternoon just for fun 😭
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abiiors · 4 months
feeling very much not body positive about myself and need a nice strong man (named ross) to comfort me 😭
i'm so sorry you're struggling a lil with your body rn :( i hope your day's a bit better today <3
cw: mentions of body insecurities, suggestive but no actual smut
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it first happens when you're supposed to go out for the evening--nothing fancy, just trying out a little food truck that caught his eye last week. it's as casual as it can get, and yet here you are, trying on outfits after outfits, trying to find the perfect combination. trying to nail the line between cute and casual.
except nothing fits!
the top you loved two weeks ago now makes your tits look saggy. the jeans you've always adored fits your butt weird. the skirt makes your thighs look huge. outfit after outfit that you toss away makes the pile of the bed grow bigger and yet nothing. looks. good.
and short of wishing for the giant pile of clothes to swallow you whole, there's not much you can think of right now.
until ross opens the bedroom door.
his eyebrows fly up into his hairline, his mouth parts and his face turns from confused to aghast. "you aren't ready yet?! babe! i'm fucking starving, i thought you'd be down fifteen minutes ago!"
he doesn't mean to sound so sharp, of course he doesn't but the tone of his voice makes matters worse. now on top of feeling ugly, you also feel useless. scolded like a child by your own boyfriend for being late. sudden tears sting your eyes, your throat feels tight and you turn away from him.
it's not that serious for fucks sake! of course he's right to be annoyed, he's probably been waiting for a while. but in the mirror you see his face turn back to confusion and then concern.
"love, you alright?"
"mm-hmm" it's sounds pathetically small coming from you as you try to swallow the tears and find a fucking thing to wear. anything would do at this point.
"hey, look at me," he says again, much gentler this time and that somehow makes it worse. you do the exact opposite though, trying to hide your face so he won't see the tears that are about to fall.
you pick up the white t-shirt from the floor, resisting the urge to sniffle or wipe your cheeks.
it's not that serious.
it's a fucking food truck.
"sorry, was just trying to find this t-shirt!" you try to keep your voice as bright as possible and cringe when it comes out mechanical and fake. it shouldn't be such a surprise really, everything's been wrong today--your clothes, your hair, your smile. fuck. your entire body is wrong.
that should be the only explanation.
there's some movement behind you and you feel his hand on your hip, the same hip you were busy frowning at in the mirror only minutes before--scrutinising the extra flesh, glowering at the not-quite-flat stomach. his touch makes you flinch, not because it's unwelcome. far from that actually. it's so he won't be able to feel your body the way you see it--out of shape and ugly.
ross staggers, utterly baffled. his mouth hangs open, like he's about to say something but can't quite get the words out. it's not what you wanted--to make him feel like he's done something wrong.
"sorry, sorry!" you mumble quickly, trying to navigate around the clothes on the floor. "sorry, i didn't mean-- i didn't--"
"baby," he says calmly, and god his eyes are so fucking kind that it snaps the last tether on your emotions. you can't help the tears welling up anymore, the quiver of your chin or your trembling lips. ross' face falls and your feel worse for it.
ross's expression softens as he takes a step closer, concern etched across his features. he wraps his arms around you gently, pulling you into a warm embrace. the tears you tried so hard to hold back now stream down your face, and you bury your head into his chest.
"hey, hey," he murmurs soothingly, rubbing your back in slow circles. "what's going on, love? you can tell me."
you sniffle, trying to compose yourself. "it's just... nothing fits right, and i feel so... i don't know, out of place, wrong, ugly--"
"stop." his voice is firm but gentle and his mouth is pressed in a thin line. "i wish you could see what i saw...
"i love you so much, sweet girl. i love your body and your face and your personality. i love your hips, i love grabbing them when you're on top of me. i love how you make me feel." you blush at his words remembering the number of times his hands have been on your hips, tightly gripping them, helping you move.
"i love your thighs and how they feel around me, i love kissing them and biting them and i love the sounds you make. and don't even get me started on your tits--"
"ross," you slap him lightly, giggling through the tears. it makes him smile too--his real gorgeous smile that shows his dimples and makes his eyes crinkle. the smile that makes you smile and swoon.
"no no, let me continue," he smiles cheekily, slapping your ass which makes you squeal.
"you're going to make me cry more!" you whisper, voice watery but there's a smile on your face now and that's all that matters to him.
"kiss?" he asks sweetly, leaning down and oh you need it so much more than you'd realised because you crash your lips against him instantly, holding on to him as he kisses you sweetly--long and sweet and languid. his arm is firm around you, holding you flush to his chest and you can practically feel his smile through the kiss. it's all-consuming, like nothing else matters when he's kissing you.
until his stomach growls out of nowhere and you pull away, giggling at him.
"fuck, i'm so sorry, love. we should just go, you're hungry."
ross clicks his tongue, pulling you into a hug. "let's just stay home and order pizza. i feel a bit lazy now anyway."
you consider it--the thought of getting dressed and going out right now feels astronomical anyway but he's been looking forward to this for so long. he's been--
"don't overthink it," he scolds gently. not that it should come as a surprise really that he knows you well enough to know every thought inside your mind.
"fine. let's stay home then," you pull back and smile at him. it's not exactly how you thought the evening would go but hey, it's not like you're complaining about it.
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stanningstanhd · 11 months
THIS is The Most Beautiful Bucky Smut scene I have EVER read in my life.
I’ll link it below for you guys, but stop what you are doing right now and read this.
There are fics that deserve more recognition and then there are stories like the one I just read. I wanted to spread the word to everyone about the most amazing, beautiful, raw, stunning, and alluring sex scene of any Bucky Barnes fanfiction I’ve ever read. Putting Nicholas Sparks, that one fic Possessed, to SHAME.
Like, seriously.
Stop what you are doing right now, and listen to this rant I’m about to go on. This is a well deserved rant.
I recently came across this fic called Take It Back by @allandoflimbo . The fic itself is probably the most underrated piece of art I’ve ever come across on here. To the point where after I read it it blew my mind that some cheaters only had a few hundreds likes, no comments, and some chapters not even in the hundreds, because when I tell you this story is BEAUTIFUL. I mean it with all my heart and soul.
You’ve probably get told a lot by other people go read this fic you’ll love it go read that one and you probably save them for later, but this is a story you do not save for later.
I am telling you right now, if you are reading this post, go goddamn read this heart wrenching and beautiful piece of art. DO IT!
Back to my purpose with this post…this story has a love scene in it. A smut scene. Sex scene, or what ever you prefer to call it. It’s in the core part of this book and so beautifully and perfectly placed. Even reading it alone is just…the amount of emotions, conviction, and goosebumps that will unravel over your body is insane. There are smut scenes in fics that make you hot and bothered, and this one does make you feel that way, but it also does something else to you. You break and heal at once. You cry and smile, you whimper and you have to take deep breaths.
I’m going to quote some of it here for you guys so you have a general idea of what I’m talking about.
The moment leading to the kiss.
There’s slow burns, and then there’s tension of unbelievable thickness, paced out so well that Alandoflimbo captures perfectly. You can tell she poured her heart into leading up to the kiss. That when it finally happens, you feel the same exact emotions they both feel when it happens.
First it’s the dialogue.
“You know why.”
Perfect. Three little words and the reader knows what’s going to happen.
It’s so quiet that the only thing you two can hear is the sound of his breathing, your tiny feet walking, and the distant hum of the refrigerator. You see the muscles in his back tense when you get closer to him, the silence in the room becomes unbearably quiet. It was screaming at you both, it was the answer you both needed in your own way. The silent scream was the phrase he had said moments ago that still lingered in the air like a damn siren. Because you loved him.
You stretch out your fingers flat against his back, making him sigh. The moonlight peeks in through his large window as your hand drags slowly up his back. His breath hitches audibly at the feel of it. His eyes close together again as his right-hand falls against his leg. He rubs his hand there on his jeans. trying to get rid of the nervous sweat that had gathered on the edge of his palm. He can’t breathe.
There’s more, and so much much more before they kiss. And when they do it’s perfect.
And the smut scene…by god. BY FUCKING GOD.
Ten thousand words that would put Nicholas Sparks to shame. That’s right, ten thousand words.
Like I said, I’m still surprised at how unknown this story is because I’m not exaggerating when I say it is the best BuckyxReader fic out there. Please, please read it. This gem deserves all the attention in the world.
If you’re interested in just the sex scene, it’s in Chapter 17 “Our First Dance”. But I would recommend reading the full thing from the beginning if you can. I believe the author also put out a BuckyxOC Version if that’s more your thing.
This story is beautiful. Magnificent. Bravo @allandoflimbo , bravo.
The link
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leclsrc · 1 year
prompt 35 with Charles????
everyone adores you – cl16
genre: fluff, drabble, 1k celebration
35: an awkward kiss given after a first date. title from this
Charles loves the story of your first date. He tells it often, over wine nights with the drivers or Secret Santa exchanges with friends. Over a glass of red or a fake Santa beard, he quells the room and goes: “Did I ever tell you guys the story of our first date?” And although everyone groans and lets out a bunch of affirmative answers, still he meets your eye from across the room, where you’re nursing white wine, or wearing an elf hat, and you smile, winking.
“Okay then!” He hollers, miming a shush motion. “No need to pressure me! I’ll tell it.”
And everyone groans again, a collective sigh, because Charles loves to pull out his best theatrics for your love story, and it means sitting through another living room one man play. Alex pretends to stand and get up, and Lily sloshes her wine or tugs her Santa hat off in her hurry to pull him beside her, because she loves the story so much. Max groans and slides onto the floor, spilling his vino or shedding his ugly fleece sweater.
You’re always silent when Charles insists on telling it because, although you fully understand the sarcastic disappointment, you also know that everyone loves the story deep down, loves your boyfriend’s goofy antics. And his storytelling aside, you’ll admit: your first date was the stuff of films.
Set up by Lewis (who continues to claim it was his worst mistake during gatherings like these), you’d met in London, where you were based for work at the time. Charles arranged the whole thing himself, with the pride of a six-year-old with a messy drawing, and looked up the best restaurants in the area. You met him outside the expensive-looking restaurant, and—
“—she goes, ‘I hope you’re paying for everything!’ and I go, ‘of course I will!’” Charles says energetically, the whole room watching him with amusement. He slides back and forth on your wooden floor, playing both you and himself, and then when it reaches that point of the story, the snooty French restaurant host: “He goes, ‘how may I help you, zir and madmwasel?’ and I go, ‘oh, I called you the other day—to reserve a table for two. Under Leclerc.’”
You looked expectantly at the host’s finger sliding through the seating chart, flipping a page, sliding through another, and then looking up with an unsmiling face. His expression said it all, and you were getting ready to leave when Charles began arguing, insisting he really did reserve a table, maybe you just can’t spell, I called your number, here it is.
“And the French host, he says, ‘zir, zis is not our number. Our number endz in 5-4-0, not 5-0-4.’” Charles pauses for dramatic effect even if everybody knows what happens next, holding his arms up. “You might be wondering, where did I reserve that table?”
“Nobody is wondering,” Pierre quips, wearing a Christmas tree sweater. Yuki swats him quiet, wearing the exact same one. 
“It was in a chicken shop down the street. So we ate there, she and I,” Charles says dramatically. “And I kept thinking, oh oh oh I’ve fucked it up, yes? No!” (A bit.) “We ate chicken and chips, and had soda, and I learned everything about her. We were probably expecting to eat steak and beef and drink wine”—he raises a glass—“but we made do. And I don’t regret it. But that’s not all!”
It isn’t. Your night had ended in front of your flat, still laughing over anecdotes shared in-between bites of chips and sips of Coke. Work awaited the both of you, so you made a flimsy excuse to go inside and thanked him for bringing you home. But you didn’t walk inside yet, like you were waiting for something.
“Something like a signature Charles kiss,” your boyfriend says proudly. “But nothing was good about the kiss. I leaned and she didn’t, and we were both stiff, and unprepared.” Everyone has a window to laugh despite themselves, because the way he describes you both is so unlike how you are now. It’s so unbelievable, it’s silly. And even you allow a laugh, hiding behind your giant glass of wine or pulling the elf hat over your shy eyes.
You’d kissed, stiff and cold, and pulled away fully aware of the stiffness and coldness of the kiss. You had smiled to try and play off the stiff cold kiss that still lingered, and then opened the door to your flat and shut it. In your head, you wondered if your chemistry seemed good in the chicken shop and then ultimately wilted when it came to everything else.
“So I stood there.” Charles says, sipping wine, hand on hip, like a middle-aged mom. “And I thought, no way am I going to let that beautiful girl go home without a proper kiss! So…”
You were still leaning against the door, not even toeing off your shoes, when it rattled thrice. You swung it open, and allowed him to kiss you then. This time it felt right somehow. Not stiff, not cold, not awkward. Turns out, you just needed to not think about it, and it became the most memorable first kiss you’d ever had.
He finishes the story, panting with the intensity of his acting. Scattered clapping meets the finale and you whoop, throwing your hat or a throw pillow to serve as a congratulatory rose. You’ve grown to realize that Charles’ stories of wins, victories, overlaps—they never go like this. He’s quieter, less excited. But for the story of your first date, he pulls out all the stops.
You wonder what comes next. Charles, though: he wonders if you’ve noticed the indent of the ring box in his jeans pocket, an introduction to a story for another day.
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lockdown-bard · 1 year
My thoughts on The Last of Us HBO:
The opening credits are fucking amazing and good thing they kept most of Santaolalla's work or hands would have been thrown.
Pedro fucking slaps as Joel Miller - Construction worker
I have seen Sarah die in game like ten times in my reruns at this point but god did I want to cry when I saw the scene in the series
I like that they showed us the first third of the episode from Sarah's POV, whoever has played the game or seen gameplays knows what's coming, but you need that extra info for the people who don't know anything, and what better way to make you feel attached to the character than to show everything through their eyes?
Some scenes are shot in the exact angle you get in the game, like the truck scene and Sarah's death. I look forward to seeing more of those details
Quarantine zone looking a lot like I'd imagine a real life one would look. Abandoned run-down buildings? Neat.
Tresspassers are now hung in public in the show, not executed in line on the streets like in the game, but it does drive the point across. We don't see how they execute infected people so far in the show.
I only wish we'd get to see more of the transport/sneaking/puzzle solving involved in the game. I know it's not practical, but I feel like Joel and Tess's chat with Marlene could have happened on the move like it did on the game.
Tess my beloved, I feel like at this rhythm next episode will be your last, but I love you
Marlene is the Marlene from the game, Merle Dandridge. Amazing detail.
Wish Tess and Joel would have killed Robert like in the game, they had beef with him and it showed.
Bella as Ellie fucking slaps, they are killing it so far and I'm really looking forward to seeing her Ellie grow as a character. Also, their Ellie snarkiness and sarcasm? On point.
Give me more moving terrain scenes please, sneaking through the guards when trying to escape the quarantine zone was one of my favourite parts in the game.
They kept the exact same music and sound effects from the games where it counted, like in the Sarah scene, the part where Joel and Ellie get back to Joel's place and wait until night to leave, etc. They kept some dialogue the same as well.
Neat thing, with the radio codes. I love the music as well, it'll be cool to see how that progresses later on! Looking forward to crying if I hear True Faith or Take on Me.
The effects look amazing, Clickers will probably make an appearance as enemies in the next episode and they are looking very good. Very much looking forward to the runners and the Bloater as well!!!
We'll now get more backstory for Bill, so I'm expecting that will be... Fun and sad at the same time. I liked him in the game, and now that we're getting more context... Well, I'll feel more for him.
Apparently this season will be 9 episodes long, so they'll either cover the whole first game in this one (which seems likely considering the pace so far) or maybe they'll split summer and autumn and then winter and spring in season 2? Who knows
The teaser for the whole season shows scenes from the winter chapter and also a shot that seems to be from the end of the game, when Joel is trying to rescue Ellie from the Fireflies' hospital, so perhaps they will adapt the whole game in a season.
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bloatedandalone04 · 1 year
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➪the one where you and max get bored while waiting for the sun to rise. (requested-ish)
Warnings: unprotected sex, car sex, public sex (kinda), swearing, kissing (omg), smut, the quarry related topics, oral (f receiving), over stimulation (if you squint with one eye and close the other)
Word Count: 3.5k
“We’re lost,” you say for the third time. 
  “We are not,” Max muttered, taking one hand off the wheel to reach beside you. He fumbled around, feeling for the map he stuffed in the panel earlier today.  He let out a frustrated groan as he gave up, motioning for you to get it instead. 
  “We are so,” you reply, stifling a laugh at his clear discomfort as you grab the map with ease. 
  “Yeah, yeah, whatever,” he said, nodding at the map. “You read, I drive, that was the plan, remember? So, if we are lost, you’re just as much to blame as me.”
  Shaking your head, you actually laugh this time and unfold the map, squinting to try and locate where you currently were. You hummed, tilting your head away from the flimsy paper, your ability to read it not being as strong as you thought. 
  “Well?” Max asked, taking his eyes off the road to glance at you. “Where does it say to go next?”
  You look over at him, a nervous smile on your lips as you shrug. “I don’t really know where we are, to be honest,” you say quietly. 
  “What?” He glanced over at you again. “What do you mean?”
  Placing the map down, you look out the window. “It’s really dark out, I can’t see any of the road signs,” you trail off. “Actually, now that I think about it, I haven’t seen a road sign in, like, half an hour now.”
  Max looked over at you and knew the look on your face right away. “Oh, no,” he said, keeping one hand on the wheel as he took the map from you. “Don’t start with your endless road fear, honey, not now okay? I need you to focus.”
  He was right. You watched too many movies and videos on youtube about a seemingly endless dirt road that just went on and on with no indication of a new turn off anywhere. No matter how far you go or if you turn around, the road is never ending. Every time you travel down a narrow and closed off road, your head immediately becomes filled with irrational thoughts like that. “Come to think of it,” you point at a tree as you pass by it. “I think I’ve seen that exact tree about three times now.”
  Max scoffed. “Oh, really?” He asked, using his hand to try and straighten out the map. “You can’t see any signs but can tell how many times you’ve seen a specific tree?”
  You laughed, the sound making Max look over at you, forgetting what he was supposed to be doing for a brief moment. At that second, someone or something ran across the road and your head turned in the direction of the movement. “Shit, lookout!”
  In an attempt to avoid whatever it was, Max made a sharp left and accidentally drove off a small drop off. His hand immediately moved to your chest, holding you back against the seat as the car came to a screeching stop. Your knee slammed into the underside of the dashboard, but besides that, you were unharmed. 
  “Fuck, holy fuck,” he muttered, moving his arm away from you and taking your hand. “Are you okay?”
  You let out a sigh of relief and nodded, using your free hand to unbuckle your seatbelt. “I’m fine,” you quietly reply, letting Max brush your hair behind your ear, most likely looking for any injuries, before you open the door. Taking out your phone, you tap the flashlight icon as you begin to inspect any damage that might have happened to the car. 
  Max does the same, meeting you at the hood once you are done. “It looks fine,”
  “Yeah,” you say, tucking your phone into your back pocket and wrapping your arm around his middle. “Are you okay?” 
  “Yeah,” he nodded, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, his free hand reaching up in hopes to find a signal. “Shit. No bars.”
  You sigh, bringing your other hand up to stuff in the pocket of your jacket. “Perfect,” you step away from him and lean against the hood of the car, tucking both your hands in your pockets. “What now? We’re lost and we have no reception.”
  Max put his phone away and moved so he was next to you, the back of his legs pressing against the front of the car. “We wait until morning, maybe someone will drive by and we can ask for directions,” he offered and you sighed once again, much quicker than last time. “That’s really all we can do. Both of us can’t read a map to save our lives.”
  At that, you laugh, moving closer to him when he extended his arm out to you. “Yeah, that’s true,” you leaned into him, taking in his body heat as your mind went back to a few minutes prior. Your brows furrowed as you asked, “What was that? That you almost hit?”
  Max looked in thought for a second before he shrugged. “I don’t know. A deer, or something,”
  You tense up a bit, looking at the trees that surrounded you. “That was a pretty big deer,” 
  Max looked around, too. “Yeah, well,” he trailed off. “Whatever it was, it’s long gone.”
  Nodding, you move one of your hands so it’s tightly gripping his shirt. “Let’s get back in the car,” you say. “I don’t feel comfortable being this close to the woods in the dark.” 
  “Okay,” he agreed, stepping away from you and walking around the car. You do the same, glancing between a few trees as you did so. 
  When you were back in the car, your hand immediately moved to lock the doors, your other finding your boyfriend’s as you stared out the window. 
  Beside you, Max laughed. “What’s got you so worked up?”
  “Nothing,” you answer. “I just don’t like the idea of being stranded and not knowing what’s around me. That’s all.”
  “That’s all?” Max sounded surprised. “Honey, you do realise that you signed up to be a counselor this summer, right? You’re going to be completely cut off from the rest of the world for months.”
  You look over at him, your eyes narrowing. “I know that,” you mutter. “But at least at Hackett’s Quarry there will be other people there. Not just two. Alone. And three feet from being in the woods.”
  “Hey, if I wasn’t such a good driver, we’d be in the woods, the bumper caved in by a tree,” you roll your eyes but he was right. “And about the ‘being alone in the woods’ thing, I’m right here and I’ll make sure nothing happens to you, I promise.”
  You nod, a shaky sigh leaving your lips as you try to convince yourself to believe his words.
  “Come here,” Max said, lifting up his arm so you could lean into him. You press yourself into his side, his steady heartbeat calming your nerves. 
  There really wasn’t much to do. You were left to wait until morning, when you could actually see the road, to start driving again. Despite it being summer, the chill that came with nightfall couldn’t be avoided. You repressed a shiver as you pressed yourself even closer to your boyfriend, your fingers scrunching his shirt. 
  “You still scared?” Max asked after he noticed how close you had gotten to him. 
  You shake your head, your eyes closing. “Not really,” you mumble. “Just cold.”
  He hummed, pressing his cheek to the top of your head. “I have a sweater in the back if you want,”
  “No,” you reply. “I just want to sit with you for a bit. You’re warm.” 
  Max didn’t say anything as you inched even closer to him. 
  You stay like that for a while, trying to fall asleep but failing miserably. “You know what I just realised?” Max asks after he notices your fingers tighten their hold on his shirt.
  You hummed in reply, lifting your head so your cheek rested against his shoulder. 
  “We probably won’t get a moment like this for the next three months,” 
  You smirk as you lift your head off him completely. “We almost die and you’re thinking about sex?”
  Max looked offended as you pushed yourself off him. “We did not almost die, thanks so much,” he said, his hands instinctively grabbing your waist as you moved to straddle him. “And I didn’t even say anything about sex, by the way.”
  You laugh, placing your hands on his shoulders and leaning down to press a chaste kiss to his lips. “You didn’t have to say anything,” you kiss him again. “We’ve been together, what, almost two years now? I know when you’re thinking about sex before you even know it yourself.”
  “I think you’re giving yourself too much credit,” Max says nonchalantly. 
  “Am I?” You ask, trailing one of your hands down his chest before resting it over the bulge that was quickly beginning to form. “So if I put my hand here, it doesn’t have an effect on you?” 
  You push your hand against him, feeling him tense under you. “Point taken,”
  “Thank you,” you say before connecting your lips once more. He kisses back, pressing into you and making you grin into the kiss. You pull away and move to the backseat, your fist tightly grabbing onto his jacket and pulling him with you. 
  “Are you sure about this?” He asks after he sits up, his back pressed to the seat.
  “Yes, why?” You move to straddle him again, your fingers slowly unzipping his jeans. 
  “What if someone sees us?” 
  “Like who? A deer?” You lean down to press a kiss to his jaw, making him withhold a groan. “Besides, you said it yourself, when will we get another chance to do this during the next three months?”
  Max gave up on being rational and turned his head just as you leaned down to kiss his jaw again, making your lips press to his instead. You smirked against his mouth as your hands moved to his jacket, sliding it off his shoulders and gripping his biceps as you brush your hips against his. “I’m guessing you’re not scared anymore?” He asked after he pulled away and watched you slip out of your own jacket, tugging your shirt off afterwards. 
  You shake your head, a teasing grin on your lips as you grip the hem of his shirt. “Nope,” 
  Once his shirt is discarded, you move off him and lay on the seat, pulling him by his shoulders so he is hovering over you. Your fingers tug on the waistband of his pants, making him press himself into you.
  You pull away with a quiet moan, pushing his jeans down enough for him to be able to free himself. You unbutton your shorts as his lips latch onto your neck, sucking a purple mark on your collar bone as you lift your hips, ridding yourself of your shorts and underwear. 
  Connecting your lips again, you slip your hand into his boxers, gently running your fingers over his length. He moaned when you began to rub your palm against him, pulling away from your mouth as his forehead pressed to yours. 
  Max trailed kisses down your neck, in between your breasts and down the length of your stomach, pausing just above your heat. As he moved down your body, your hand slipped from his boxers. Your fingers brushed against his shoulder as he licked a stripe up your folds before wrapping his lips around your clit.
  Your eyes closed as you let out a moan, your head pressing back into the seat as much as it could. 
  Fuck, you hoped you would be able to find the time to sneak away from the campers during the next three months, because you knew you’d drive yourself insane to see your boyfriend everyday but not be able to go further than a quick kiss. 
  Your hand moved from his shoulder and tangled in his hair, tugging it as he focused on sucking your bundle of nerves into his mouth. With your free hand, you blindly reached for one of his, grabbing onto it and lacing your fingers together. “Fuck, you’re so good at this,” you say breathlessly, opening your eyes to see the smirk form on his lips. 
  He continues to lick up your folds, his free hand holding one of your thighs when it tries to close around his head. “You taste so good, baby,” he mumbles, pressing a kiss to your inner thigh. “I don’t know how I’m gonna go a whole summer without going down on you. I don’t think I can do it.”
  His words leave you breathless, something you were sure he wanted as he smirked again and slipped his tongue past your folds. You tug on his hair harder, nearly making his head lift from in between your legs.
  Max laughed at how desperate you already were. You were always so responsive to him and that in itself was a major turn on. To be fair, you rarely had to touch him to put him in the mood. It was like he was constantly turned on whenever you were around, something that should probably concern him, but didn’t.
  Your quiet moans were like music to his ears. He felt like he could listen to your sounds of euphoria for hours on end, which he definitely has, and never get tired of hearing them. His tongue dipped in as far as it could go, fucking it into you slowly.
  Your eyes rolled back, removing your fingers from his hair and gripping the top of the backrest instead.
  This was the first time you had done this in a car, so the space was different and way too small, but neither of you could bring yourselves to care in the slightest. 
  Max had a tight hold on your thigh, allowing you to buck your hips up at his chosen pace. His tongue fucked into you a few more times before he went back to licking up your folds, his eyes flickered upwards to watch you. 
  Your stomach muscles flexed with every grind of your hips, your thighs beginning to shake when a familiar feeling slowly started filling you. 
  Taking his hand away from yours, he slides both of them up your body until they are placed firmly against your chest. His finger kneaded you through your bra, your hands wrapping around his wrists at the two pleasures combined. 
  Your moans increased in volume, your fingers tightening around him as Max wrapped his mouth around your clit once again. “So good,” you whisper, your voice breaking as another moan leaves your mouth. “Fuck.”
  Max grins against you, his teeth grazing your clit and making your hips jolt forward. His hands dip under your bra, his fingers teasing your nipples and pinching them, feeling as they harden under his touch.
  Fuck, you were always so responsive.
  His tongue slides down to push past your folds once more, his nose brushing against your bundle of nerves every time it enters you. As it fucks in and out of you, one of your hands tug on his hair again while the other reaches behind you to press against the door, the burning in your lower tummy intensifying.
  “Don’t stop, please,” you whined, unable to open your eyes as he picks up the pace. His tongue brushes against every wall, your sensitive clit throbbing as one of his hands slides back down to rub circles on it. “Fuck, I’m gonna come. Please.”
  His fingers quickened, stimulating your clit to the point where you were nearly yelling out in pleasure.
  Your eyes rolled back when his tongue reached as deep as it could go, your release taking you by surprise as it washes over you, taking control of your body completely. Your thighs shook and your head tilted back, your hand tugging harshly on Max’s hair as he continued to guide you through your climax. 
  When it was over, he moved his head away from you, his lips, chin and a bit of his nose glistening from your release. Your hands pressed flat against your face, deep breaths leaving your lips as he grins down at you. “That was pretty intense,” he teased. “You think you can do one more?”
  You rolled your eyes at his cocky tone, reaching up to grab his shoulders. You pull him down onto you, connecting your lips as he hovers over your body. Your hands slide down his chest, stopping at his jeans to tug him free from his boxers. 
  His arm hooked under yours, his hand cradling the back of your head as you guided him to your entrance. He easily slipped inside you, your folds greedily sucking him in. He stilled inside you for a second, both of you letting out moans at the much needed friction before he set a slow pace.
  His member was already covered in your juices, making it easy for him to fuck into you. Your fingers wrapped around one of your bra straps, pulling it down and exposing your chest to him. 
  Max groaned at the newly exposed skin, his head falling down to your neck. He sucks a dark purple mark on your collar bone, his fucked out head reminding him that you would be around a bunch of kids soon who definitely did not need to see the results of what you and he did when you got bored, so he couldn’t give you hickey’s in super noticeable spots.
  You, thankfully, were on the pill, so you didn’t have to worry about what could happen if he were to come inside you. This was not the first time you’ve done this, so you had already talked about the consequences of not using protection.
  Your legs wrapped tightly around his waist, your fingers tugging on the belt loops of his jeans and pulling him even closer to you. Moving your head, you meet his lips in a kiss when he pulls away from your neck. You moan against his mouth, your arms coming up to wrap around his neck when he picks up the pace.
  His hips hit yours roughly, and you could already feel the bruises forming. His hand that wasn’t under your head presses flat against the seat next to it, holding himself above you. 
  Your arms fall and your fingers press against his abdomen, feeling how it flexed with the movement of his hips. In your honest opinion, he never looked hotter than he did when he was like this. Hovering over you, in you, and lost in the feeling that your body gave him. 
  Yes, he looked hot all the time, but seeing him like this was unlike any sight you had ever seen.
  Your heels press into his lower back, making his body inch even closer to you and his length reaches the deepest part of you. His tip brushes against the most sensitive spot you had and you let out a broken moan, your lips attaching to his shoulder and sucking hard.
  A deep purple bruise is left when you pull away, your hands sliding up his back as he grinds his hips into yours. His pace doesn’t falter, even as you involuntarily clench around him. He groans then curses, the sound sending waves of pleasure down your whole body.
  Your hips lift upwards to meet his thrusts, your sensitivity bringing you closer to your second release much quicker. You bring his head down so it is close to yours and suck on the spot just below his ear, knowing very well what it did to him.
  He moans loudly, his hand reaching down to press firmly against your swollen clit. You nearly cry at the feeling, your mouth opening in a long and loud moan as you reach another climax. 
  The feeling of your juices sucking him in even deeper triggers Max’s climax, too, and he stills, his forehead pressed to yours. He fills you completely, your walls taking everything he gave you as they tightened around him. 
  He stays like that for a few seconds, coming down from his high as heavy and quick breaths leave his mouth. 
  Your fingers trace random shapes on his back, your face scrunching up when he pulls out of you. He stays on top of you, his head laying on your chest, his body tucked between your legs. Your arms were draped over his shoulders, a lazy grin on both your lips as you lay in silence. 
  You were officially exhausted, and you knew that morning would come even quicker now.
  Sleep felt like the next best thing to do.
  “Are you still cold?” He asked after a while.
  You smile, your hands tangling in his hair. Your bodies were sweaty, and that should be enough of an answer.
  “Nope,” you reply, tightening your hold on him as you close your eyes with a final kiss to the top of his head. “I love you.”
  Max grins, his arms wrapping around you. “I love you, too,” he says back. “I’ll wake you up when it’s time to start going again.”
  You hum in response, drifting off to sleep as you listen to his deep breaths.
  Summer camp wouldn’t be so bad, knowing you would have him there. Maybe not like this, but being around him would be enough. 
  You hoped. 
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noforkingclue · 7 months
Loyalties Chapter 13 (Tommy Shelby x reader x Alfie Solomons)
Loyalties tag list: @jk-acc, @eventhedarkestlightshines, @secretdiplomatspyknight, @myjumper, @liesandghosts, @ischysiaclark, @cnoute, @geeksareunique, @idiotlegs, @belenosblack, @deepsketchsupernaturalcowboy, @spaceybissh, @joan2914, @ttae-yong, @not-urct,   @writers-hes,   @shaddixlife,   @optimisticsandwichgladiator, @cookiez56-blog, @character---obsessed
Thomas Shelby tag list: @alreadybroken-ts, @darlingdevil, @lyrxbz, @watercolorskyy, @notyour-valentine
Peaky Blinders tag list: @stylesofloki, @ohshititsfenharel, @lenaskyler02, @elenavampire21, @swordofawriter, @zablife, @cillmequick, @polishcrazyone, @nataliewalker93
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary, @byebyebreezywrites,@spngingerbread21, @layazul, @lov3vivian, @simonsbluee
“And that’s it,” you shrugged, “nothing more to say.”
Alfie, who was relaxing on your sofa like he owned it, took a sip of his drink and raised his eyebrows.
“You sure?” he asked
You bit your lip and looked away. Alfie always seemed to know exactly what you were thinking and when you were hiding something. It was one of the things he shared with Harry. You heard Alfie put his glass down on a side table and you wrapped your arms tightly around yourself.
“What happened.” He said bluntly
You shouldn’t tell him. You shouldn’t tell him about the almost kiss that absolutely didn’t happen. Not when the exact same thing almost happened with Alfie.
“He knows.” You said
“Knows what?”
“About what I did.”
“You’re gonna need to be a bit more specific, love.”
“That I… killed someone.”
A heavy silence settled over the two of you. Alfie rested his elbows on his knees and you looked over your shoulder at him. He steepled his fingers as the two of you locked gazes.
“So,” you ran a hand over his face, “if he knows that then what else does he know.”
“What exactly did he say?”
“That he knew I killed someone.”
“And did you tell him?”
“What? Fuck no! He… guessed.”
Alfie sighed and patted the seat next to him. When you didn’t move he clicked his fingers and pointed at the seat. You sighed and sat down, knowing that he wouldn’t let it go. He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you against him. You rested your head on his chest and closed your eyes as you listened to the steady thump of his heart.
“I’d be surprised if he didn’t fucking know.” Alfie said
“You get to fucking know what to look for.”
“And you can see it in me?”
“Clear as fucking day. Could see it in Harry and I can fucking see it in you.”
You stood up and walked away. You closed your eyes tightly as you tried to drive away the unwelcome memories. You hadn’t thought about that day in a long time and-
You opened your eyes as Alfie tapped your shoulder with a glass. You took it with shaking hands and took a large gulp. You coughed as the liquor burned your throat and Alfie chuckled.
“Fucking losing your touch,” he said, “never knew you to be this much of a lightweight cunt.”
“Yeah well I haven’t been drinking as much,” you said, your cheeks hot, “wanted to keep a clear head when dealing with the Shelby’s.”
“Good. Now then,” Alfie’s tone turned serious and you knew you weren’t going to escape this conversation, “do you fucking regret it?”
He hands appeared on your shoulders and gave them a tight squeeze.
“Regret what?” you asked
“Don’t play these fucking games with me l/n.”
“I trained to be a nurse,” you said, “I trained to save lives.”
“But under those circumstances, no I don’t.”
“You’d do it again?”
“I don’t want to.”
You looked at Alfie over your shoulder. His nose brushed against yours and you felt his breath fan across you cheek. His gaze dropped to your lips before locking once against with your eyes.
“You might fucking have to.”
“Love,” Alfie practically growled out, “you might not have a choice.”
“Everyone has a choice.”
“Harry and I fucking didn’t when we were in France.”
“We’re not in a war now.”
“Aren’t we?”
Your eyes widened slightly and Alfie let out a dark chuckle. He pressed his forehead against yours, his lips grazing against yours. Aching close and yet not close enough. Your eyes fluttered shut and you leant into the familiar, warm embrace. However, Alfie pulled away with a teasing smile. You glared up at him and he raised a hand and stroked your cheek.
“You’re heading back to Birmingham tomorrow.” He said
“So soon.”
“Business, love.”
“I thought this was a war.”
“Same fucking thing. So, are you fucking ready to go back and destroy those cunts?”
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elthadriel · 3 months
hi im here to cause problems 😌
any of the ships in the terrible horrible no good polycule (echofivestupdogmaslick+)
Despite his best efforts Tup can’t quite manage to tear his eyes away from where Fives is trying to eat Echo’s face. He wrinkles his nose. It wasn’t every day that your dead partner came back to life, but did they have to celebrate so loudly?
“I think this might be good for us,” he says.
“Really?” Dogma asks hopefully.
“Really?” Slick is less optimistic.
“Really.” Across the landing bay Fives gropes clumsily at Echo’s ass. Tup can hear them moaning from here. Is Five that loud with him? He hopes not. “I met Echo before he died—”
“Before he went missing,” Dogma interrupts.
“Before he went missing. And Fives talked about him all the time. He seems sensible.” They could use another level head around here.
Echo pulls at Fives’ hair with his remaining hand. Their mouths are open so wide they might as well be licking each other.
Slick hums in a way that makes people want to punch him. “By ‘met’ do you mean drooled at him working out in his ARC gear across the gym?”
“No! I mean I had a conversation with him.” He’d also drooled at him across the gym, but who hadn’t?
“Look, kid,” Slick says, as though Tup hadn’t ended up serving longer than he had, even if he’d been decanted first.
“Don’t call him kid,” Dogma says. He doesn’t look at Slick either, eyes locked on the two ARCs. He’d been drooling right next to Tup.
Slick rolls his eyes, but bows to Dogma’s wishes in a way he refuses to for anyone else. “I just think we should all keep in mind that Echo and Fives were already members of the 501st when I was arrested.”
A sort of dread that is usually reserved for when Fives and Slick really get into it pools in Tup’s gut. And maybe a little lower. It wasn’t going to happen, but that didn’t mean that Slick and Fives fighting wasn’t hot. What would adding Echo to the mix even—
Tup needs to get laid. He has two actual partners and a sort of partner in the form of Slick. How is it he never seems to manage more than jerking off in the tiny shared fresher?
“Did he know you?” Dogma asks. “If he…” he trails off, eyes widening in an expression that Tup is familiar with. Sure enough, Fives has shoved up Fives shirt, showing off his broad back.
The landing bay is empty except for them, but there’s no guarantee it’ll stay that way. They’re supposed to be laying low. Fugitives of the Republic and all that.
How had Echo even found them? Tup files away the question for when Echo’s mouth isn’t occupied trying to deep throat Fives’ tongue.
Slick cocks his head at the display, but doesn’t lose focus. “Nah, I didn’t interact much with the 501st if I could help it. But I bet I got some of their little buddies killed.”
Fives wedges a leg between Echo’s and Echo’s civvies don’t hide enough to for Tup to even pretend that Echo isn’t humping it. Echo’s lost the built ARC that Tup jerked off to a couple of times before he died—it had felt morbid after—but he still holds himself with a straight-backed confidence that hits very nicely despite the circumstances.
So Echo won’t like Slick. Fine. What’s new?
“Yeah, but no one likes you, Slick,” Tup says.
“We do,” Dogma points out, which is only true on a technicality.
 Slick lounges back against their ship looking so very pleased with himself. “Yeah, I’m sure he and Dogma will be the very best of friends.”
Dogma pales. “Fives and I have moved on,” he says very quickly.
“Sure you have, kid.” Slick says. “But you arranged for a firing squad to shoot Echo’s favourite lay. How do you think he’s going to feel about you? Even if said lay has decided to stop bringing it up.”
Dogma’s face makes it very clear he’s come to the exact same conclusion as Tup. So much for getting to fuck two ARCs at once he supposes.
“He’ll probably like you,” Dogma says to Tup, dejected misery having fully consumed any optimism.
“Yeah, trooper. You’re just everyone’s favourite.” At least Slick sounds happy.
“Lucky me,” Tup mutters.
They lapse into several seconds of blissful silence, interrupted only by the wet activities happening across from them.
Slick straightens up. “Huh. Those limbs are more dexterous than I’d have imagined.”
“Okay!” Tup slaps Dogma and Slick on the shoulder. “We’re waiting inside the ship!”
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