#i need to message you about plotting with these two omg
acid-ixx · 3 months
I hope you don’t mind but I need to ramble this to someone, neglected Wayne reader right? The fam would forget to bring them to social events and whatnot right? So there would be very few pictures, articles and interviews or even facts about them, meaning that reader Wayne is a rarity. Still following me? Reader Wayne with a small but devout fanbase.
I’m talking they are trading the latest pictures and sharing links to the rare interview with reader in it, following any social media they have that isn’t private, they are just fascinated by this micro celebrity that seems to always be forgotten. Okay but also imagine one of the heroes developing a para-social attachment to reader. My money is on Conner Kent, mainly bc he can project his own issues with his dads onto reader and he can Dolores ~Encanto~ reader with his super hearing and develop a even bigger parasocial obsession with them
I hope you enjoyed this ramble, I will leave you be now, see ya later alligator! 🐊
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omg another one of my asks that actually predicted a major plot point... this ask ties well with the last part written here. i'm thinking about having the reader get a love interest/s but i have already written an outline but one thing is for sure—
you have more than just your family interested in taking you.
major spoilers below the cut. — an excerpt from chapter xx
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(name) wayne may have been a name forcefully deleted off of the face of the internet, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have its conspiracies of its own. nobody knows who you are beyond the blurry, unsolicited pictures of you. it may have been a photograph of your back, or articles published in unknown websites and buried at the far end about a kid entering through the fancy gates of the wayne manor.
you are a product of a one-night-stand.
but they don't know who the mother is, don't know your age, or where you come from, and what business bruce has with the woman to guarantee your adoption at the instance she had disappeared without warning.
your existence was a mystery most would like to solve. after all, it was your picture that was plastered all over the newspapers and articles, it was your name that journalists whisper and it was a silhouette of your face that the underground knows by heart. every known information about you was shared discretely yet efficiently like some sort of virus.
you were a target for interest, a large sum of money if they will. and alfred had taken it in his hands to make sure there would never be a repeat of what had happened before.
it was a clumsy mistake, one that cost you your memories, and one he swears on his life he'll never make again.
the first course of action he needs to arrange, which may seem difficult for most; he needs to confront bruce.
after all, your freedom is your doom.
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maybe this is out of the picture, but id' like to imagine you and connor having a therapy session where one comes out absolutely obsessed with the other, and it's not you.
connor's character for me is so, so good for an angst potential. it's like his personal struggles is a way for him to show you how absolutely you two are meant to be. and he may have met you through bumping into you (false) or maybe... he has seen you stalking through the shadows back when he visits the manor. using his superhearing, he can hear your voice from the kitchen begging alfred to relay a message to bruce, sounding so absolutely desperate. it's the way you tell alfred how you wished your father actually spends time with you, or how nobody seems to notice you— that he kind of just makes a silent promise that he will talk to you soon, he needs to know why this family seems so keen on ignoring and how hypocritical tim is for literally doing the same thing to you when he's aware of kon's past.
if he (or anyone else) should be a love interest (though he is a minor character in the series unless you guys want him to be a major one), i can already imagine the absolute hell you have to suffer not only from your family but from your own lover. just imagine the stockholm syndrome or the delusions you convince yourself with because you're finally loved by someone but that love restricts you from the very freedom you tried to build.
the batfamily would be so conflicted because why are you choosing some stranger over them...? then you slap them in the face with, "well, this "stranger" wants to kidnap me and lock me up, sure! but at least they actually looked at me for more than five seconds!" and you can watch how the color drains off their face, their conflict giving you the perfect opportunity to run away from both your ex-family and your soon-to-be-kidnapper-lover who thinks your comeback is a funny way for you to propose.
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starlight-library · 7 months
IOU | OP81
pairing: ghostface!oscar x ghostface!reader
summary: reader & oscar are best friends but reader would love to get a shot with ghostface. what they don’t know is that their chances are closer than they think…
warnings: [DARK THEMES USED & SMUT] slightly descriptive murder, mention of stalking stalking, mention of blood, breath play, public sex, oral sex (m receiving), dry humping, dom!oscar, sub!reader, degradation, hair pulling (if you squint??), face fucking, deep throating
a/n: once again, dark themes used! please read the warnings above!!! i answered a asked on my main here and decided to make a oneshot of it (yes i quote J's ask cause it was too good). tbh didn't even plan for a plot but here we are! I know my answer and this are vastly different...i don't wanna talk about it. also ghostface!oscar series belongs to @piastrification so homie this one is for YOU!! Also happy belated Valentines day omg. Hope you enjoy 🫶🏽
word count: 4.5K
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This week has started out to be one of the worst weeks you’ve had in a very long time. Monday started off with your car breaking down on the way to campus and you completely missed your first class. When you got to campus an irritated Oscar was waiting asking why the hell you didn’t call him. “Even though I was in class, I would’ve left and gotten you,” he told you. You weren’t in the mood to argue so you just apologized and told him you’d call him next time which seemed to ease his irritation slightly. Seemed he also had a pretty shitty Monday.
Tuesday brought your shitty manager everyone hates at your job to end a relatively quiet day. It was the typical bullshit but still didn’t mean you had to enjoy it. You spent the whole drive home on the phone with Oscar screaming your head off about all the things your manager had done. The micro-managing of your work, the snarky remarks, the extra work so he can just fuck off in the back, god you could not stand this manager at all. Oscar listened like he always did. “You don’t deserve that,” you could hear the frown in his voice, “honestly he shouldn’t even be a manager. I could take care of him for you.” You laughed. You thanked Oscar for the offer but you had already decided that your manager would be your next victim. It would be tricky considering everyone in the store knew how much you two despised each other but it would get done.
You ended up with a stomach bug on Wednesday. You woke up around four in the morning with a jump and just made it to the bathroom before you got sick. You stayed in there for a good hour before there was nothing left in your system and you dragged yourself back to bed. You somehow coherently managed to message your professors you’d be missing class due to illness and texted Oscar that you’d be out sick today before promptly falling asleep. You woke to a knock on your front door and dragged yourself out of bed. You made a face seeing Oscar standing outside with a bag. “What are you doing?” You ask.
“Taking care of you. Can I come in?”
“What if you catch it? What about classes?”
You watch Oscar simply pull a KN95 mask out of his pocket. You narrowed your eyes as he slipped it on. You didn’t need to see his face to see the cheeky smile he was giving. His eyes twinkled slightly with humor as he gently turned you around and guided you back inside your place as he listed the things he brought over and how he can afford missing one day to make sure you eat and rest, a habit you tend to struggle with. He really was a good best friend.
Thursday is really when you hit your limit. Arriving on campus you and Oscar head to class though neither of you really paid attention. You two spent most of the time texting each other even though you guys were sitting right next to each other. When class ended the two of you headed to the closest campus cafeteria before parting ways. You got on the line to grab the food while Oscar secured you two seats since it was roughly lunch time and everyone would be out and about.
Carrying the two to-go containers after paying you make your way to the back left corner. It’s usually where you and Oscar sat and enjoyed just people watching and gossiping about other students but you slowed your walking. Oscar was looking up at someone. Fucking Brittany. One of the sororities girls. Sorority president actually. Brittany was in a nice blouse, a skirt, some fucking heeled boots. Her blonde hair was thrown up into a messy bun and she was leaning forward slightly while smiling wide at Oscar.
Jealousy hit you like a truck. You grip the to-go containers tighter while standing frozen in your spot watching them. You wanted to march over and tell her to fuck off. Grab your stupid bun and slam her head into the table until she’s bleeding out. Or maybe take the plastic forks that rested on top of the to-go containers and gauge her eyes out for having the audacity to even look at Oscar. Alas, you refrained from it all. Instead you just tilted your chin up and made your way over with a tight smile. “I’m back!” You announce to Oscar. The both turn to face you and Oscar visibly relaxes slightly but Brittany is giving you a once over clearly unimpressed. You turn and blink, feigning surprise. “Oh! Brittany. Hi,” you keep your tone light and friendly, “what brings you here?”
“Oh, I was just talking to Oscar,” Brittany smiles, “we’re partners for our history project.” You could give two shits less what it was as you spy Brittany’s hand moving to Oscar’s upper arm and resting there with ease. Something so subtle but could come off as flirty and you wanted to cut her hand off. How dare she think she can touch Oscar like that? “…and wanted to see if he wanted to come to the frat party Saturday night,” she concludes.
“Oh, isn’t that sweet of you. Can he bring a plus one?” You ask putting the containers down, sliding one over to Oscar.
“If he wants…” Brittany glances at Oscar with a smile then back at you, “but we need to know to make sure they’re on the list. Even then…it depends on the mood if everyone gets in.”
“Then it seems kinda stupid for a list, don’t you think so?” Oscar asks finally. Brittany laughs. It wasn’t even that funny. You realize now that she’s flirting with Oscar. Well. This just won’t do. Not like you care anyway. Oscar is your best friend. Sure you love him but it’s platonic -or so you tell yourself- so it shouldn’t bother you but it does. It does bother you because Brittany was the queen heartbreaker. She used guys until she got bored. Until they got attached and couldn’t offer anything else after giving her everything. You were not about to have Oscar be a pawn in her fucking game. You had missed the remark Brittany gave as you sat down, your heart pounding in your ears.
“…let me know!” Brittany calls out as she’s already walking away.
“Ugh. As if,” Oscar murmurs and turns his attention to you. “Hey,” he starts softly. Bring your gaze to him and you blink, “you okay?”
“Yeah,” you manage a smile, “I’m fine. Did you see the shoes she was wearing?” You ask to divert the subject as now you might have something fun to do this weekend.
* * *
Personally, you never understood the hype of sororities and managed to curb every single one who tried to recruit you. It was just a bunch of girls with money and tried to make it sound like it wasn’t a cult but it most certainly was if you got in. Moving into the house, what they expected you to wear, how to act in public, who can and cannot date, for fuck sakes they monitored your social media post and if they didn’t approve of something you posted they would either make you take it down or probably kick you out. You much preferred your freedom over dealing with that bullshit.
Luck had shined down on you when you heard some of the girls mention Brittany couldn’t go to the bar tonight because she was under the weather and just ‘had to get better for tomorrow in case her special guest came’. It was a miracle that you didn’t march over here and slaughter Brittany right then and there but you bide your time. You had to be careful.
Now, slipping the mask on, you give it a five minutes after everyone else leaves before slipping through the back door. Standing quietly, you listen to the water running and slowly making your way through the house. Climbing the stairs you follow the noise until you’re outside the bathroom. You hear Brittany singing and you silently open the door. Steam hits your face and it takes everything not to cough from the sudden heat. Stepping in you watch Brittany’s silhouette run her fingers through her hair. Gripping the hilt of your knife, you inch forward. When Brittany turns you stab the knife through the shower curtain and straight in her heart. Twisting, you step forward until Brittany is pinned against the wall as she weakly has a hold of your wrist trying to pull the knife out her screams being drowned out by the shower and her choking on her own blood. You pull out before stabbing again to ensure that there was no chance she would be able to survive. When her attempts falter, you pull the knife out. Cleaning the knife off, you slip out of the house the way you came smirking knowing the rest of them wouldn’t have hot water for a long time.
Carefully you pack everything into your backpack you left in the woods by the house before securely zipping it. Slinging a strap over your shoulder, you start to head back to your apartment. You emerge from the treeline right into an alleyway and into town which is bustling with college kids. Perks of living in a college town. You just turn left and make your way back to your apartment which is a bit further uptown and you notice as the people start to thin out.
You feel eyes burning into the back of your skull. Turning your head over your shoulder, you stop. At the end of the block you see a figure in all black and an identical mask standing there. Normal people would do anything but stare. Call out to the figure, turn away and walk, call the police, something except just stand there silently and face off with this killer. Copycat killer that is. You suppose you’d have fans, sick and twisted probably, but you didn’t expect you’d end up creating a copycat killer. Not that you minded, actually the gesture touched you actually. People had been too stupid to realize it was a copycat but not you.
After all, their first kill happened to be one of your best friends you recently dropped.
You can’t even remember why but you arrived to apologize and found her body on the floor, throat cut. It was a bit messy. The cut wasn’t as clean as you would’ve expected and there was blood everywhere. Even on the poor bitch’s hands. Then you realize that there’s a few stab wounds. Seemed she put up a fight before whoever did it got the kill. Then someone clears their throat and you raise your gaze.
There you saw him.
An identical ghostface mask, black long sleeve shirt, jeans, and sneakers. Personally you preferred boots but to each their own. As much as some little sane part in your head told you to stop judging this person’s choice in shoes and run, you stood there staring because god he was so *distracting*. Honestly, the tight fit long sleeve should be illegal for killers to wear. It clung to him defining each curve of his muscle and you couldn’t help but get turned on because well–they’re a well fit masked killer.
“Did you do this?”
The killer nodded. Silence fell upon the two of you before you finally asked, “why?”
“...Why?” The voice asked. A shiver ran down your spine hearing the low murmur. A voice modulator just like you. Smart and well fit? Shit, “that’s all you can ask? Why? Aren’t you supposed to be running and screaming?”
“Well I find that a bit stupid,” you retort, “you’re right here. Masked or not, you're taller. You have length compared to my short legs. I might have you in agility and you’re a bit messy with your killing. Shaky in the hands.” You tilt your head to the masked figure with a small smirk. You watch the figure tighten his grip on the hilt of the knife before he’s in front of you in about four steps. You gasp as your head is yanked back by your hair, knife against your throat.
“Are you asking to be killed right now?”
“I mean you gonna fuck me before you kill me?”
Ghostface reels their head back slightly. Stupidly, they loosen their grip from the shock. Taking your chance, you grab the first with the knife and twist it away from you. They shout out in pain as you get your hair free and release their wrist before kicking the figure harshly in the stomach. You step on the figure’s chest a bit harshly. Smirking down at him, “expect the unexpected sweetheart. But you never answered me. Why?”
You can hear something faintly. You cannot believe this guy is mumbling. Leaning down slightly, you turn your ear, “I can’t hear you,” you tease.
“I did it for you.”
Now you’re stunned. You lean back slightly, hand over your heart. You don’t dare move though. You expect it to be some sick joke but the laughter never came. You bite your bottom lip having half the mind to suck him off right then and there. You stay strong though. Instead, you move to stand over the figure and bend down and hook a finger under his mask. His hand flies to your wrist and you laugh.
“I’m not gonna take your mask off,” you explain, “Trust me. Right now I am getting extremely horny and I don’t think I can handle you being ugly under the mask. Would just completely kill the mood.” You laugh hearing the figure let out an offended noise, “but aren’t you sweet,” you tilt your finger up and the figure follows, lifting his chin, “don’t be a stranger, yeah? Now, you should get off so I can feign the heartbroken emotional ex- best friend.”
Ghostface is in front of you now. He’s got your chin between his thumb and finger staring down at you and you blink as you come out of your memory. He’s close and you can hear his soft breathing which forces your own breath to hitch. You curl and uncurl your fingers and you hear a small huff behind the mask accompanied by a smirk you assume. “My,” he murmurs softly, “what do we have here. You shouldn’t be walking alone at night like this little one. You never know what lurks in the dark.”
You take a deep breath to keep your voice even. Pressing your thighs together you try so hard to stop the heat that’s starting to spread through your body. You should not be getting this turned on but how could you not? You had a copycat killer who kept killing people that you had issues with somehow and someway. “I–” You start, biting your bottom lip trying to find the words but you’re cut off with a chuckle.
“You’re so worked up for me. I can see it in the clench of your legs, the flush on your cheeks, the way your pupils dilate and the way you bite your lip for me. You don’t even know who I am. I could be a total stranger, who followed you home one night and just never stopped, but I could also be your best friend, that you’ve known for years, who you think you know like the back of your hand. You don’t even know. But I know one thing for certain though- I’m sure your panties, if you’re even fucking wearing any, are already soaked.”
You hate the fact he’s right. Your breathing slightly heavy as your eyes widen as you listen. Shifting, you clench your thighs even tighter as one of your hands slips between your thighs slightly. You can’t see his eyes but you can feel his stare bruning into yours and you actually look away. This hasn’t happened before.
“Look. At. Me.”
Your eyes snap back and your mouth hangs open slightly. You can feel how wet you are every time you shift and by god do you need something here. “What do you want, love?”
“I would very much like to take you up on that offer and suck you off,” you nod your head in the direction of the alleyway.
“Excited, aren’t we?”
“We’ve been at this for months of fucking course I’m excited.”
He grips your jaw tightly, “I’d watch that tone if I were you. I can happily just walk away and leave you here alone.” Your eyes travel downwards and spy his half hard bulge against his jeans and then back up, “I can handle myself and sleep much more satisfied than you probably would with your fingers,” leaning close to your ear, “but I’d be a fool to leave you so desperate without giving you a taste.” Your eyes nearly roll into the back of your head but he lets go of your jaw and spins you around, smacking your ass. You startled with a yelp before quickly scurrying to the alleyway.
Any sane person, seeing the alleyway lead to the woods, probably would have taken the chance to run but not you. You were so desperate to finally fuck this copy cat that you spun around as he rounded the corner. You gasped as your back slams against the brick wall feeling pain through your shoulder for only a brief moment as your hands fly to Ghostface’s wrist as he holds you there by your throat. Oddly enough your calm even though he could easily choke you as your breathing becomes a bit more jaded. Lifting his mask slightly you stare at the slightly chapped but pink lips as you drop your bag. They look so familiar, why?
You can’t really think longer on it as he moves his hand up to your jaw tightly and his lips are on your neck as you gasp for air. He wedges his knee between your legs and immediately you roll your hips whining loudly. You let your eyes drift close as the figure litters your neck in kisses along with marks. You let the figure tilt your head so he can litter the otherside in matching marks. Your nails dig into his wrist earning a hiss against your neck. When he pulls back your eyes stare at his lips and you’re so tempted for a taste. You find yourself starting to lean in before he’s pushing you onto your knees. Blinking, you're now eye level with his obvious bulge and glance up at him fixing his mask.
Dropping your gaze, your hands get straight to work. Undoing his jeans you pull the zipper down before pulling his pants down just enough. You hold your breath seeing the outline of his cock because oh it looks so much bigger than you’ve had which…was very few. There was only one way to really find the truth. You let your fingers dance across the waistband of his boxers before you tug, cock basically popping free. You lean back with wide eyes because it is bigger than you’ve had. It’s actually the biggest you’ve ever had. The length was maybe just an inch or two over average which was impressive enough but it was the girth that really made your mouth water and the precum leaking out just makes you drool.
Gently wrapping a hand around his cock, the figure’s breath hitches as he bucks his hip. You give a few experimental tugs not really for a reaction but more so to get a feel of him in your hand. Big. Girthy. Heavy. God, how pent up was he? You feel fingers through your head as you continue to cautiously jerk him off before licking the tip. The reaction pulled out of the figure was a low satisfied groan and it encourages you to take the tip of his cock into your mouth. You swirl your tongue around the tip before sucking, alternating between the two before you finally you’re ready.
If you had known how big he was you would’ve been a bit more…prepared. You weren’t naive enough to think you could take all of him down your throat. God no. Maybe with some training and patience later if the figure would let you but you didn’t have either of those things or really time on your side. Still, you had to make sure to keep the figures interested in you- even if he’s killed for you already. Better safe than sorry, right?
Hollowing your cheeks out and flattening your tongue on the underside of his cock, you start to suck him off. Bobbing your head you can’t help but feel a bit of a rush go to your head as the figure above lets out another loud ground. You glance up to see the figure’s neck as his head is tilted back. You're absolutely drenched watching him and find yourself slipping a hand into your own pants and moan around him as you rub your clit. That catches his attention as his head snaps down to look at you.
“Naughty girl. You’re so turned on from sucking me off that you have to touch yourself?” It earns a strangled whine, “such a pathetic slut.”
You can’t help but moan at that. “Wow. You are so fucking pathetic it’s adorable.” The figure coos and grips your hair to stop you. Shifting, he puts one foot in front of you and smirks, “here why don’t you just hump my leg while you’re at it.” He taunts.
Funny enough you’ll take him up on that. The moment he frees your head you go back to bobbing your head on his cock humming in delight as you hug his leg, settling on his foot and grind your hips down. If your lips weren’t so occupied at the moment you would smirk at the shocked reaction you pull from the figure but you’re lost in your own world. The stretch of your jaw combined with the already dull ache lulls you into a peaceful trance. You completely ignore the spit that’s starting to wet your chin.
You feel the figure’s other hand gently grab your jaw trapping you in place suddenly. You stared up with doe eyes as the figure fucked your face before you felt him hit the back of your throat. You gagged and your hands flew to his thighs for some stability as he repeated the action. “So fucking good. Taking my cock,” the figure grunts out and tears prick your eyes when he stops moving and you gag because he’s so far down your throat. He pulls off just enough for you to gasp and get some air before he’s back in your mouth and fucking your face again. You’re prepared for it this time as you relax your throat and gag less.
Having lulled yourself into such a peaceful you nearly let your eyes slip close. Sliding your hands down, you wrap your arms around Ghostface’s leg as you continue to fuck yourself against his foot while he fucked your mouth. You ended up tuning everything else out except him and listening to him ramble was going to get you off alone. ‘Such a gorgeous cock drunk whore’, ‘you look so pathetic humping my leg while you let me fuck your mouth it should be illegal’, and ‘you’d look so beautiful being my personal cock drunk slut’. It’s the one you made out between all the groans and moans and curses. You felt his tug at your hair as a warning and you finally opened your eyes.
“Fuck–shit–I’m gonna–” He groaned but doesn’t stop his thrusting. He does the opposite as he picks the pace up. That’s all the encouragement you needed. You find your hips onto his foot even harder and faster as you. You feel the familiar coil in your abdomen and you’re trying so hard to reach it. He snaps his hips forward and forces himself down your throat. Your eyes go wide and you gag, choking on his cock as he spills into your throat. You hit his thighs and try to focus on breathing through your nose but even still the rough face fucking before forced deep throating was enough to send you over the edge. You groan and whine as you continue to hump his foot before he pulls you off his cock and slips his foot out from under you.
Sitting there, you gasp for air as your chest heaves. You look up at Ghostface and lick your lips slowly as you debate if you wanna turn over and let him fuck you right now. He would. For sure…probably and he taste good to. But that would be giving too much. You were the original after all. Finding your footing, you stand up and slide your pants down. There’s a choked sound from Ghostface and you glance over at the figure looking away.
“Seriously?” You raise a brow and giggle, “you just fucked my face but you get all bashful about seeing me in my panties.”
“I–well. I mean. No–” This one sucked at lying. Rolling your eyes, you look away as you take your pants off before sliding your panties off. “What are…” Ghostface’s voice trails off as you stuff your soiled panties into his front jeans pocket. “Consider it an IOU,” you say as you hurriedly put your pants back on. You’re grabbing your bag before the figure gets a chance, “this was fun but I have to run. My friend is coming over for a movie night and he’ll be pissed if I’m not there,” you sigh dreamily at the end of the alleyway, “he’s so caring like that. Anyway, bye!” You say before you’re slinging your back over as you take off. You get home and quickly change into some pajama panties (with new panties) and a sweatshirt before finding yourself settled on the couch while flipping through for a movie.
Hearing keys jingle you look up, you smile at your best friend walking in. You two are so close that he has his own copy. Oscar’s in a baggy grey hoodie with some black jeans on as he takes his shoes off before making his way to the back of the couch. He smiles slightly at you and offers dinner but you decline. As he turns for the kitchen, you spy something hanging out of Oscar’s pocket. It looks like a fabric of some sorts. Watching him in the kitchen, you decide to get some water. Quietly getting off the couch you stand in the doorway. Oscar continues to cook himself dinner and you wait until he’s focused on whatever is in the pan to strike. Passing behind him, your eyes drop down and your breathing stops. Black lacy panties with red roses on them. You look up at Oscar who’s glancing at you over his shoulder. His gaze follows yours and he smirks.
“Can I cash that IOU now, darling?”
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xomakara · 2 months
Craving You
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(re-posting from my old account seulrinnie-rinrin/xomakara-secondary)
SUMMARY | When you accidently send a nude of yourself to Jongho, he can't help but look and start to crave you. The only thing standing in his way: your friendship.
PAIRING | Jongho/Reader
GENRE | non-idol!Jongho, friends to lovers trope, smut with no plot, protected sex (wrap it up everyone!), fingering, vaginal sex,
RATING | Mature
LENGTH | 5066 words
AUTHOR’S NOTE | I’m such a sucker for the Friends to Lovers Trope lolol.
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Jongho didn't mean to look.
But that picture you sent him was just so… You were looking at the camera like you'd never seen it before. Your cheeks were flushed and your skin was glowing in the light, as if it had never been more alive. And the fact that your fingers were grazing the top of your panties…
If that wasn't enough to turn any man's head, then nothing ever would be. He hadn't meant for this to happen—hadn't even intended on seeing it when he took a quick glance at his phone while checking his messages—but there it was, staring back at him, tempting him, teasing him with those dark eyes, and suddenly, he couldn't help but want it.
More than anything, Jongho wanted to see your body moving beneath him. Wanted to know what color you tasted like. What it felt like to touch every inch of you, slowly working his way down from your lips until he found himself between your legs. Then, after giving you everything he had to give, he would do whatever it took to make sure that you never forgot this moment, no matter how hard you tried to push it away.
Forbidden, because you're both supposed to be friends, and also because he should never want to take something that doesn't belong to him. But when he realizes that all of these things are exactly why he wants you so much, it becomes impossible to deny his true feelings for you.
He dropped his phone on the bed beside him and leaned against the headboard, trying desperately to think of something else besides the thought of running his tongue over the hot spot where your clit sat, letting his teeth gently graze its sensitive edges. If he could just get some sleep, maybe by morning, the desire would be gone. Or at least, the temptation. But the second he closed his eyes, all he could see was you: face flushed, thighs spread, red lips parted as he licked his way up from your clit to your mouth. All he could hear was your moans as he pushed his fingers inside of you, pumping them deep into your pussy and moaning as he watched your muscles tighten around them. All he could feel was the warmth radiating off of your naked body as he buried his face between your breasts, inhaling your scent until he had finally made you cum.
This was wrong, so very, very wrong. So, so, wrong. It wouldn't be right for either one of you.
His phone vibrated and he saw a text message from you come through, and though he really shouldn't read it, Jongho had a feeling that if he ignored it, it might not go away. Not that he knew what he would say anyway; all he knew was that he needed to talk to you about this, and he needed to do it now.
So he picked up his phone again and opened the message:
You: OMG Jongho! That picture wasn't meant for you! I swear, I totally meant to send it to Yunho. Please delete?!
His jaw clenched and he closed his eyes tightly. Of course you would have sent it to Yunho. Why wouldn't you? After all, the two of you were hooking up with each other. You told Jongho that it was no strings attached relationship, that Yunho just wanted to be friends with benefits.
But Jongho knew you. He knew that you were crushing on Yunho and had been for a long time. He also knew that the two of you didn't just hook up once or twice. No, you had hooked up a lot. Way more times than he cared to count. The two of you might have been dating, for all Jongho cared. You were lying to yourself if you believed otherwise.
Not that he was mad. Well, actually, yes, he was mad. But not at you. Mostly at himself for getting sucked into this. For allowing himself to fall for someone who had been nothing but his friends for years. But he was tired of fighting this attraction. Tired of pretending that it didn't exist. So, he turned off his phone and tossed it across the room, cursing silently as it hit the wall and bounced onto the floor.
Tomorrow, he decided, he would just ignore it. Ignore you. See if that helped. He hated to admit it, but his feelings for you weren't going anywhere anytime soon. They were there in the pit of his stomach every time you smiled at him, the blush rising in your cheeks whenever he looked at you too long, the way your voice trailed off when he asked you questions, and the small sparkle in your eyes whenever you looked at him like he was the best thing that had ever happened to you. He liked being close to you.
He sighed and picked up his phone, opening his messages and typing out a quick response:
Jongho: Out of sight and out of mind. I deleted it. Don't worry about it.
Then, he turned his phone off and put it back on the nightstand. He tried to fall asleep but the thought of you naked was already ingrained in his brain.
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In your defense, you weren't entirely in your right mind when you sent Jongho that picture. You had meant to send it to Yunho but somehow managed to type in the wrong person's name, hitting send before you realized your mistake. It must have been the wine you drank earlier that day. Maybe it was the multiple glasses of wine that you had consumed throughout the night. Whatever the reason, by the time you figured out your error, the message was already sent. There was no taking it back.
And when you got Jongho's message saying that he deleted it, you felt a weight lift off of your shoulders. Just thinking about it made you sigh in relief, and when you woke up in the middle of the night with wet dreams about the two of you fucking, the guilt from sending that picture plagued you for hours.
"Ugh," you groaned, pulling the blankets over your head and ignoring the pounding in your head. "Just shut up."
Your head ached too much to care about your stupid hormones, so you rolled over and let yourself slip back into a restless slumber, hoping that when you woke up tomorrow, you would be able to forget about what you had done last night. Unfortunately, the thought that was playing on repeat in your mind refused to leave you alone, and soon, you were tossing and turning restlessly as images of you and Jongho romping together filled your thoughts.
"Shit!" you swore loudly as you sat up in bed, throwing your pillow to the ground. How could you think of your best friend in that way? You never had thoughts of Jongho that way before. Sure, you enjoyed hanging out with him, and there were days when you wished you could crawl into his lap and spend hours listening to him tell you stories or sing. You enjoyed teasing him mercilessly and getting to witness the smile on his face when you succeeded. But sexual fantasies involving him? Those were completely new territory.
"What the fuck is wrong with me?" you cried, covering your face with your hands. God, you needed to get a grip. Maybe it's the alcohol. Yeah, it had to be the alcohol. Maybe you should call up Yunho and have him just fuck you senseless so that you forget about those fantasies of Jongho. Get it out of your system. Make yourself forget. Surely that would work. Right?
No, that wasn't going to work. Although it was an accident that you sent that nude, you couldn't help but think of what Jongho thought. Did he like it? Did he enjoy the view? Could he imagine what you looked like naked? Were his dreams filled with the two of you, pleasuring each other? Was he jerking off right now thinking about what it would be like to have your pussy wrapped around his-
Nononono. You needed to get a grip. You headed towards the shower, determined to rinse your body clean and pretend that last night never happened.
After a shower and exhausted beyond belief, you went about your day. You met up with the guys, wishing that Jongho wasn't there because you didn't want to crawl into an embarrassing hole. When they suggested that you have a few drinks with them, you gladly agreed, deciding to keep it casual. This was probably a good idea. A little drink here and there would probably take the edge off of those bad thoughts about your best friend.
"Something happened between you two?" Hongjoong asked as he looked over at you and Jongho. The both of you were sitting on opposite ends of the table, avoiding each other's gazes.
"Ya'll acting weird." Mingi muttered, leaning forward on the table. "The best friends aren't even sitting next to each other. Something happened, didn't it?"
"What happened?" San asked next to you, putting an arm around your shoulder. "Are you okay?"
You hesitated for a minute and let out a sigh, leaning to whisper in his ear. "I accidently sent Jongho a nude photo last night."
San froze for a second before dropping his hand from your shoulder and shaking his head in laughter. "No way. You're serious?"
You eyed Jongho, realizing that he got up to use the restroom. "I didn't mean to send it to him. I accidentally typed his name instead of Yunho's."
Hongjoong laughed softly, nodding his head. "Well, damn girl. I guess we know why he was looking so depressed today."
"Hush." You muttered, the rest of the table going into fits of laughter. You hid your face behind your hands, waiting for the laughing to die down before you explained the situation to everyone. When they finished laughing, you spoke. "Listen, this is just an unfortunate accident. He's already deleted it. We just need to get through this week, okay? I'm sure things will calm down after that."
"Yeah, don't worry," Wooyoung said, wiping tears from his eyes. "Things always get better after this."
They nodded their heads and when Jongho returned to the table, he just sat down and resumed talking with the others without acknowledging you.
You knew it would be okay by next week. You always had random fights with Jongho and it was usually resolved by next week. That's what friends did. They argued. They fought. Then, they made up and everything was fine again.
Why couldn't you just give him the benefit of the doubt this time?
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Wiping his sweaty palms on his pants, Jongho leaned back in his chair as he watched you joke with the rest of the guys. Your hair was wet, curling slightly under the lights of the bar as you shook your head in amusement. He stared at you for a while, wondering what it would feel like to run his fingers through your hair. To kiss your forehead. To watch you sleep.
And then he snapped out of it.
Looking at you now, you appeared so happy and carefree, despite what had happened earlier. Jongho bit his lip as he stared at you, feeling his heart beat erratically against his chest. What the hell was happening to him? One minute, he had been angry at you and angry at himself for giving in to temptation and wanting you. Now, he couldn't stop staring at you and he didn't know how to act around you anymore.
"Are you going crazy?" Yunho asked him, as they both watched you in an animated conversation with Seonghwa and Yeosang.
"What?" Jongho blinked in surprise, having forgotten that Yunho was there. "No, I'm not going crazy."
"Sure you aren't." Yunho muttered. "Seeing any kind of nude of your best frien-"
"She was supposed to send it to you, you know?" Jongho cut in before his friend could say anything else. "She mixed up her names and sent it to me instead."
"It doesn't matter who she sent it to." Yunho shrugged his shoulders. "It's not like we're dating or anything. She could've sent it to anyone."
Wooyoung sighed. "Jongho, bro. Who cares who sent it to? Y/N isn't dating any of us. You ended up being the recipient. Things happen."
Hongjoong nodded, patting him on the back. "So who cares if you saw a nude picture of your best friend? Why does it bother you?"
"Because..." Jongho trailed off as he frowned, realizing that none of them really understood what he was going through. "I like her."
Hongjoong, Wooyoung and Yunho all exchanged glances before bursting into laughter.
"Well that changes everything." Hongjoong said, clapping his hands together. "So what are you gonna do?"
"About what?" Jongho shot him a confused glance, which caused the rest of them to burst into more laughter.
"Don't be dense," Yunho mumbled, holding his stomach as he wiped tears from his eyes. "Why don't you ask her out? Have a date with her? Show her how much you care?"
"I do care." Jongho replied softly. "A lot."
"But does she?" Wooyoung countered. "Does Y/N like you? Or does she only like you as a friend?"
Hongjoong slapped Wooyoung's arm. "Stop! Don't say that! We're trying to cheer Jongho up here, remember? Don't make it worse."
"Do you think I stand a chance?" Jongho whispered. "Will she actually agree to go out with me?"
Yunho smirked. "As long as you're willing to admit your feelings for her, I'm sure she'll agree to go out with you."
"Really?" Jongho asked hopefully.
Yunho gave him a nod. "I've seen how she looks at you. And hey, she talks about you all the time when we're together. Kind of made me jealous, if I'm being honest."
"I think I may have a shot." Jongho breathed out slowly, relieved.
"Go for it, man." Wooyoung added, smiling at him. "You deserve happiness. If Y/N makes you happy, you gotta grab it."
"We're rooting for you." Yunho smiled as he patted him on the back. "Remember, the worst thing that can happen is rejection."
Jongho nodded his head, understanding exactly what Yunho meant. While he desperately wanted Y/N to say yes, he also worried that she might turn him down. There was no way to prepare for such a thing, especially since they'd been best friends for so long. If Y/N turned him down, he'd hate himself for wanting her so badly, and he'd hate himself for doing something that would cause her pain.
No, he needed to stop worrying.
He glanced over at you again, watching you laugh with the rest of the group. Watching you made his heart flutter and the nerves that had settled in his stomach started to dissolve away. For some reason, seeing you smile and appear happy again made it easier for him to breathe.
Jongho took a deep breath and stood up, making his way over to where you were seated. Seeing you sitting with the rest of the guys, he wondered whether he should sit down or not. After what seemed like forever, Jongho took his seat across from you, his heart beating rapidly against his chest as he took in every detail about you, trying to memorize you.
"Jongho, you wouldn't believe this crazy story that Mingi was telling us." You exclaimed, taking a sip of your beer. "It sounds like something straight out of a soap opera."
"Oh yeah?" Jongho teased. "So, what's this ridiculous plot?"
"Hmm...well, basically..." Mingi began but Jongho drowned out his voice as he hesitantly reached for your hand. Taking your fingers in his own, he looked at you to see your reaction. After several seconds, you didn't pull away, allowing him to hold onto your hand. "The main character and the secondary characters meet and end up falling in love. It's full of drama and emotion and lots of crying and whining."
Jongho grinned, his entire body relaxing at the warmth radiating from your skin. "Is that how love stories normally go?"
"Pretty much." Mingi admitted. "I wish my love life could be like that though. No headaches or misunderstandings. Just love and happiness."
"Me too." Jongho breathed out, squeezing your hand gently.
Mingi, Yeosang, San, and Seonghwa couldn't help but notice the way Jongho was holding your hand. They all noticed the way his eyes kept wandering to yours and the way his expression was almost desperate. Even they couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. Was he thinking about asking you out?
After several minutes, they gathered into a conversation, leaving you and Jongho out of it. But when they left to get more drinks, leaving the two of you alone, you found yourself leaning towards him, hoping that he would lean in too.
"Jongho?" You whispered softly. He turned his head to stare at you, your gaze locking onto his. "Can I ask you something?"
Jongho swallowed hard, unable to take his eyes off of you. He wanted nothing more than to drag you close and kiss you senseless. So he nodded, trying to find the words to say to you.
"Did you...what were you thinking about...when I sent you that picture?" You looked at him, uncertainty in your eyes. He wished that you weren't looking at him with those sad eyes of yours. Those sad eyes made him want to make it all better.
"About what?" Jongho croaked out.
"Last night. When I sent you that picture by accident." You paused, placing your hand over his. "Were you thinking about me?"
Jongho looked down at your hand resting on his and then raised his gaze back up to your face. "Of course I was thinking about you. How could I not?" He placed his other hand over top of yours, intertwining your fingers together. "Why wouldn't I?"
"Because I..." You took a deep breath, as you waited for him to reply. "We're friends and friends don't think of each other like that. Right?"
"Do you still want to be friends?" Jongho asked you, squeezing your hands. "Because I don't want our friendship to change because of this. Not when I...I want more."
"More?" You repeated softly.
"Yeah." Jongho closed his eyes tightly, unsure if you were going to agree to go out with him. "I want us to become more than just friends. After seeing that picture, my mind has been flooded with thoughts of you. Thoughts that friends shouldn't have of each other. Thoughts of kissing you and touching you and..."
He never got to finish speaking once he felt your lips on his. His entire body tingled as your lips pressed against his, causing a fire to burn within him. Without warning, Jongho crushed his mouth against yours, forcing your lips apart and claiming your lips with his own. His heart was racing, his mind consumed by the need to kiss you again. To feel your soft lips against his own, to feel the warmth of your body pressed against his. To feel the sparks that he knew were running between you.
"Yeah..." You breathed out. "I've had those thoughts too...of kissing you and touching you and..." Your voice drifted off, as Jongho captured your lips with his again. Your hands ran up his arms, sending chills throughout his body.
"God, my eyes. My poor eyes!" You heard Wooyoung gasp behind you. "Go get a room already!"
"Shut up!" You laughed loudly, pulling away from Jongho. Jongho let out a laugh, pulling you up from your seat so he could wrap his arms around you.
"Should we...go to my place now?" He whispered into your ear.
"Yes." You gasped.
"Ohhhh." San let out a laugh. "I knew this was going to happen."
Yeosang nodded next to him. "Ahhhh, young love. Too cute."
"Have fun, stay safe and use protection." Hongjoong called out, earning another round of laughter.
"Just shut up and leave us alone." You yelled back, giving them all a wave.
"Bye!" Mingi shouted, raising his glass in the air. "See you later!"
They all waved goodbye as you and Jongho hurried out of the lounge, weaving your way through the crowd. As soon as the doors closed behind you, Jongho wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close. He kissed you one more time before leading you out of the parking lot, heading towards his apartment.
"Home sweet home." He sighed happily, leading you inside and closing the door behind him. He snaked his arm around your waist, pulling you close to him. "So where were we?"
"Kissing..." You breathed out, staring into his dark brown eyes.
Jongho chuckled, bringing his lips closer to yours. His entire body tingled at the mere thought of kissing you again. Of feeling your lips on his. Feeling the heat of your body pressed against his own. It was all he ever wanted. All he ever dreamed about. All he ever hoped for.
His lips brushed against yours lightly, barely grazing your mouth with his. He lingered there for several seconds before drawing back slightly.
"What thoughts did you have of me?" You ask him, breaking the silence.
Jongho smiled, reaching his free hand up to brush a strand of hair behind your ear. "Good ones." He whispered, trailing his finger along your cheek. "Thoughts of you lying naked in bed, letting me explore every inch of your body."
"And what else?" You purred, pushing your body against him.
"Ohhh..." Jongho moaned softly. "Those naughty thoughts of mine involve..."
He trailed off as you brought your hand up to his mouth, planting light kisses against his palm.
"Tell me." You breathed out, closing your eyes. "Please."
"I was thinking about what it would be like having you underneath me." He let out. "I was thinking about how good it would feel to feel your soft skin under my fingertips. How good it would feel to have you pressing against me, begging me to fill you with my cock. How hot and wet your pussy would be and how amazing it would feel to make you come."
"Yes." You moaned, grinding against him.
"Ohhh." Jongho groaned, pressing his lips against yours again. "I want you so bad."
You shivered, breaking away from his lips. "Me too. So much." You bit your lip. "I can't wait any longer."
Jongho nodded, moving towards his bedroom, leading you along the way. "Well, let's hurry up and do something about that." He murmured, pulling you closer to him as he pushed open the door.
As soon as you entered the bedroom, Jongho wrapped his arms around you, trapping you against the wall. Leaning forward, he brought his lips back to yours, crushing his mouth against yours roughly. Your knees buckled slightly as he pressed himself against you, wrapping his arms tightly around you. Jongho broke away from your kiss long enough to rip your shirt open, throwing it aside.
"I can't wait anymore either." He breathed out. "I need to touch you. Need to feel your body pressed against mine. Want to taste your lips again."
Jongho's lips trailed down your neck, his teeth grazing your skin before biting down gently. Your fingers dug into his shoulders as his mouth travelled downwards, nipping and sucking along your collarbone. His lips pressed harder against your skin, making your entire body tingle.
"God..." You moaned out. "Jongho..."
"Need to feel you underneath me." Jongho continued, bringing his hands up to cup your breasts. "God...you feel so fucking good against me."
"Don't stop." You breathed out.
He smiled as he reached his hands down to unhook your bra, throwing it aside. As soon as your breasts came into view, Jongho's lips immediately latched onto your nipple.
He sucked on your nipple gently, eliciting a moan from you. As he did this, he brought his hand up to caress your other breast. As he played with your nipples, you began to feel a familiar ache building within you. With a groan, you dug your nails into his shoulder blades.
"Are you okay?" Jongho asked you, worried about your reaction.
"Y-yeah." You answered quickly, biting your lip as your body became even more sensitive. "Just...just feels so good."
Jongho nodded, continuing to suckle on your breast while massaging your other one. His fingers moved across your chest, teasing the sides of your breast, slowly working their way up until they reached your chin. With a slight flick of his wrist, he tilted your head up towards him.
With one quick motion, he brought his lips to meet yours, his tongue darting past your lips to dance with yours. His fingers intertwined with yours, keeping them both locked in place as he began to trail his fingers down your body. One hand slid down to your stomach, tickling you softly.
The other hand found its way back up to your breast, pinching your nipple lightly as his thumb rolled it between his fingers. Your whole body tingled at the feeling of pleasure coursing through you.
Jongho pulled back slightly, taking a deep breath. "Do you want me to stop?" He asked you softly.
"No." You shook your head. "Don't stop."
He nodded, closing his eyes briefly before pulling his hand away. Reaching down, he slid your pants off your hips, allowing them to fall to the floor. "Like this?" He breathed out, leaning down to capture your lips with his once again.
You let out a moan as his fingers slipped between your legs, stroking you gently as his lips traveled down your neck. Once his lips met your chest, he nibbled on your skin lightly. You felt your body tighten slightly at the touch of his tongue as it traced your clavicle.
"God..." You breathed out, pushing yourself closer to him.
"Does it feel good?" He asked you, nibbling on your earlobe.
"Ohhh...so good." You moaned, running your fingers through his hair. "Fuck...please don't stop."
"Don't worry." Jongho promised, returning his attention to your neck. "This is just getting started."
With that said, Jongho slowly lifted his shirt over his head, tossing it aside. He then took his boxers off, leaving himself completely naked in front of you. He stood straight, facing you as you watched him intently. When he saw that you were looking at him, he placed his hands on your cheeks, tilting your face up towards his. His eyes bore into yours as he leaned down, capturing your lips with his once again. His fingers trailed down your cheek, cupping your jaw as he pulled you closer to him.
Once your lips parted, Jongho wasted no time deepening the kiss. Your fingers tangled themselves in his hair as he forced his tongue into your mouth. With each passing second, your passion grew, causing you to grab hold of his arms, gripping them tightly as he thrust his tongue against yours. Your entire body was now tingling with desire, begging for release.
Jongho broke away from the kiss, panting heavily as he looked into your eyes. He ran his hands down your thighs, parting them and then grabbing one of the condoms from his nightstand drawer. Opening the package, he sheathed himself with ease, preparing himself to enter you.
"Are you ready?" He breathed out.
"Mmm..." You breathed out. "Yes...please."
"Good." He replied before pressing his lips to yours once again.
With one final glance into your eyes, Jongho lowered himself down, positioning himself between your legs. He raised himself up slightly, pausing for a moment as he searched your eyes. Your fingers twined themselves into his hair as you waited patiently for him to move. After a few moments, he began to slide into you. Each thrust sent waves of pleasure throughout your body.
"Ahhh...." You moaned loudly, pressing your forehead against his shoulder.
Jongho hummed as he continued to thrust into you. Every movement caused a new wave of sensation to wash over you. You had never felt anything quite like it. You couldn't believe how incredible it felt. He brought his lips back to your ear, whispering softly.
"You feel so good." He moaned. "So damn good."
Your legs tightened around his hips as he began to speed up his movements. His lips grazed your ear, his warm breath brushing against your skin. "Feels good, doesn't it?" He whispered, causing you to moan again.
"Jongho...oh god..." You breathed out, digging your fingernails into his shoulders.
Jongho closed his eyes, feeling the heat radiating from your body. He knew how badly you needed him. He knew that you were dying to come. And he could tell by the noises escaping your throat that you were close to climaxing. All he had to do was continue to pump his hips, slowly increasing the pace. In a matter of seconds, he would drive you over the edge. That thought alone made him harder than ever.
In response to the sound of his name coming from your lips, Jongho picked up the pace even further, pressing his lips firmly against your ear.
"Come for me, baby." He growled out, pushing even deeper into you. "Come hard for me."
With those words, Jongho's hips began to slam into you faster and faster. Soon enough, he felt your walls clamp down around his cock, holding him there, preventing him from pulling out. With another moan, he exploded inside of you, filling the condom with his semen. Once he finished, he pulled out of you, breathing heavily. Your eyes remained fixed on him, watching him as he pulled the used condom off of his cock. He tossed it to the side before lowering himself to the mattress beside you.
You flipped him over, moving to straddle him as you kissed him deeply. As you did this, you could feel his hardening cock beneath you. You smirked, bringing your lips back to his ear.
"Guess we're not done yet." You whispered seductively. "I'll let you fuck me raw if you keep going."
With a grin, Jongho grabbed your ass, squeezing it tightly as he slid into you. "Whatever you want, baby. Anything you want."
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kittycatcomander · 1 year
AU where SBI are villains, and Kristin is the villain wrangler making sure all the kids who get counseling in her office get a chance to meet who ever they want, even if they’re wanted dead by the hero commission.
Cue meet-cute(?) between Kristin and Phil, where she spends weeks tracking down the infamous “ Crowfather, killer of heroes and hater of the system” because some little kid wanted see him, and she stands tall and totally not terrified (/s) on a rooftop waiting for him.
And Phil is faced with this woman who spent hours and hours researching his routines not to arrest him but to let a little kid meet him, and he just falls for her.
So they exchange numbers, and everytime from there on out when Kristin has a kid who wants to meet The Blade or Orpheus or Nemesis she just casually shoots THE TOP VILLAIN a message, internally screaming, while Phil is kicking his feet on the air like a stereotypical teenager everytime his phone dings with a personalized ringtone.
Hero!Dream: I have finally confronted you, doer of evil! Today, our fight will be legend-
Crowfather!Phil: wait pause mate- OMG ITS HER 🥰🥰
Hero!Dream: wait wha-
Technoblade: I’ll take it from here
And so begins her getting really casual about the fact she personally texts the top villain.
I’m imagining some side stuff where she meets Tommy, a sidekick in desperate need of help (which she’s happy to provide), and a few others who’s relationship evolves with her over time.
Kirstin when first meeting the Blade: hooooooly smokes this guy is Dangerous, but if the kid wants to meet him… I’ll be prepared
Techno: uhhhhhh (struggling to interact with the receptionist, holds kids and swings them around gently like planes, lets them win fake fights)
Kristin: ok wait he’s like seven shaking puppies built like a brick house
She and Phil talk more and more as the arrangement continues, about everything and eventually life, and things shift from there. The first time that a villain tries hurting one of the kids also shifts their relationship…. especially since Kristin handles it as efficiently as she does.
There’s more, but in this AU I imagine Kristin to have a super dangerous power of her own (unregistered because teehee) that motivated her to work with troubled youth in need of help and kids working with a limited lifespan. I want her to be OP but just friendly and downplaying her ability since she was never in a situation to use it to the full extant.
Also there’d obviously be a CrimeBoys plot and adoption of Tommy into the family (bye bye Dream) which leads to her getting invited over to like. Family dinners and stuff, where the interactions are all completely cute and normal but undercut by her perspective reminding her of crimes they’ve all committed. Like-
“Phil, who had the most beautiful eyes but hands stained with the blood of approximately 3,791 people, passed her the salad with a bright smile. His son(?) continued the story of how he met a new friend. Kristin wasn’t sure if the story was in or out of masks, and she was scared to ask at this point.”
I especially want her to and Phil to reflect the two main approaches to changing the world, where you could either completely destroy the system in place (villains, anarchy) and forcefully restart, or you could tackle an issue at its lowest (if the world is full of corrupt people, change the people from a young age)
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earthtoharlow · 11 months
previous chapter
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jackharlow just added to their story!
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liked by summerwalker, champagnepapi, thegirljt, chloebailey, saweetie, 1dessdior and 789,346 others
urbanwyatt: you know what it is. for the rest of our lives. Happy birthday @yourinsta
view all 6,789 comments
user: besties forever
user: happy birthday to her but why does she never have on clothes
user: oh that’s not…
user: smoke coming out Jack and Stacey ears rn
user: nothing makes me happier than the two of them being friends again
yourinsta: I love you best friend 🤞
user: can you tell Jack to leave her alone
user: why did Jack call her his future wife
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liked by urbanwyatt, NickiMinaj, cardib, andrealewis,taylorrocks,stormreid,SZA,summerwalker and 1,567,345 others
champagnepapi: More Life to the most genuine soul I know. I ain’t shit without you. You and our babygirl is the only people I’ll share this month with 🦉
view all 567 comments
celeb: family full of OVO babies
celeb: HBD PRETTY :*
celeb: Libra bae
celeb: baddest BM in the game
celeb: you need to wife her asap
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liked by 756,036 users
theshaderoom: Looks like we finally have some insight on Drake and Y/N Y/L breakup! For All The Dogs dropped this morning and on the opening track Virginia Beach which fans assumed would be a track dissing towards Pusha T, Drake actually raps about the ups and downs about his relationship with the rapper/model.
At the beginning of the song, Drake claims that Y/N asked him if he could’ve treated her better, he says no, that he thought he did an alright job!
Roomies, have you listened to the song? What’s your thoughts?
view all 12, 678 comments
user: “you put some pain in me” our girl heart our boy bad!!
user: I definitely think Y/N felt smothered by him
user: best song on the album
user: he was plotting on putting a baby in her
user: loved that he mentioned it’s on sight for Jack whenever 🤣
user: we have to get them back together omg
user: on repeat 🔂
user: lowkey feel like she was talking to drake while with Jack the second time
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liked 456,096 others
balleralert: Is wedding bells in order for Drake & Y/N!
At the last tour stop on Its All A Blur tour in his hometown of Toronto, Drake makes a speech reflecting on tour life and family. He ends the speech shouting out the mother of his daughter and “his wifey” Y/N Y/L who was in attendance as you can see from above, going on to say that he “couldn’t do this life shit” without her.
No one knows for sure if the two are actually married but Drake has been very vocal about not wanting to get married. Sources claim that Drake was simply just trolling Y/N ex Jack Harlow who called Y/N his future wife during his birthday post.
view all 3,567 comments
user: oh shit
user: if he actually wifed her he’s the greatest of all time
user: definitely trolling Jack & Stacey
user: he better not marry that slut
user: hope someone is keeping an eye on Jack Harlow
user: I’m going to crash the wedding
user: marrying someone who might still be in love with their ex is a choice
user: he’s probably joking
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jackharlow just added to their story!
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AN: smh Jack what happened to having shame
Y/n and drake 😳
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hils79 · 25 days
Hils Watches Tibetan Sea Flower - Ep 4
Now that I'm back at work I won't be able to watch as quickly as I did yesterday but I think after this week the release schedule is meant to slow down a bit. We'll see how we get on.
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Wait, how many years are we talking?
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Is this the first time we've seen Wu Yiqiong in a drama?
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Ah, we're back to new young Wu Xie again
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Ooh a new Wu Sanxing too
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So Wu Laolou says he must be cremated within 2 hours of his death, no one should be 30 meters or less away from the cremator and no one must look inside the cremator after he's been cremated. Did he...swallow something?
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Oh no I know exactly what this is. Fuck, I'm tearing up already
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For some extra knives in the novel Wu Xie runs to this statue when his life is in danget because he feels safer with Xiaoge nearby even if it's just a statue of him
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Of course everyone wants to marry Pangzi. And we all know he's doing to drop everything if Wu Xie needs him.
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And of course Wu Xie knows that Pangzi would drop everything for him so he pretends that everything is fine. I AM DEEP INTO MY PANGXIE FEELS ALREADY AND THEY HAVEN'T EVEN HAD SCREENTIME YET
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Honestly I'm amazed it's taken 4 episodes for Wu Xie to figure out this is a trap. And he didn't even figure it out, Pangzi did and he's not even there.
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I love Pangzi so much!
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Yep there we go. From 'I'm happy where I am because everyone wants to marry me' to 'stay put I'm coming to get you' in the space of 5 mins
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He's so happy that Pangzi is coming for him 🥺
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Of course Wu Xie has decided to try and befriend the one woman in this place who looks like she wants to kill him by stepping on him. He has a type and that type is women who could snap him like a twig.
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You can definitely tell this is towards the end of Sha Hai era Wu Xie from the way he's meticulously setting traps and cataloguing the fingerprints of suspects. This is a man who has worked hard to wipe out an entire clan to keep Xiaoge safe
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Man who frequently has hot women trying to kill him is surprised to learn that a hot woman is trying to kill him
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Has he seriously got an internet connection in a monestary at the top of a mountain?
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I recognise that voice. And that walk. OMG it's finally happening.
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CHEN MINGHAO MY BELOVED!!!! I legit just started crying because I am a huge loser. I HAVE MISSED HIM SO MUCH 😭
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LMAO Wu Xie's face! But...um...okay, there's a thing in the novel that I kind of assumed wouldn't make it into the drama but now I'm not so sure...
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Oh thank god! So, in the novel they first start off by communicating via Pangzi writing messages on the toilet stall wall in his own shit. When he talked about having diarrhoea I had a brief moment of terror that they were going to go there 😅 NPSS really does like to include gross stuff involving bodily fluids in his novels
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God look at him
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I'm such an idiot I know who this is and I still gasped when someone with Wu Xie's face showed up unexpectedly. I won't spoil it for those who haven't read the novel
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There we go! That's the Wu Xie I've been waiting to see!
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Now the two Wu Xies are bickering. Where's my popcorn?
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Still not used to this drama actually having a budget. Where are the wonky special effects?
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I hope the bickering continues for a while this is fun
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Human skin mask my beloved plot device
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explodingchantry · 7 days
hi sorry to come into your inbox for this but i just need. to gripe. every new bit of info we get about the new DA game is making me more and more preemptively tired lol. mostly the way it's looking like eeevery bit of lore that's been revealed has something to do with such and such book. or this comic over here. or this podcast from two years ago. or THIS podcast that is happening now that's a ~discord exclusive~. or this youtube series. or this random VA talk show. etc etc ad nauseam. i am so tired of videogames coming with HOMEWORK you're expected to do just to know what's going on
Please never apologise for sending messages!!
I think its honestly REALLY funny how bioware just doesn't know what it wants. On one hand they say that the new game is fine for newcomers, the way they did for dai, and use this as an excuse for how dumbed down some of the writing is - but then in the other hand the majority of the characters and plot beats have origins hidden behind pay walls.
It was already bad enough when, to understand each game properly you had to have paid for the previous one's dlc (want to know anders' past as a warden? Buy awakening! Want to know wtf is up with Morrigan and the eluvians? Buy witch hunt! Want to know who tf corypheus is and what hawke and varric even have to do with him? Buy legacy! Want to understand ANYTHING about veilguard? Play the descent AND trespasser, our epilogue that we hid behind a paywall!!!!!) and you know at least the dlcs were pretty good on their own so I could forgive it a little bit.
But there's so much extra media now omg I haven't touched a single one of the comics because I'm not rly into American comics, I've read almost all the books and some of them are genuinely fucking mid. And at least back in the day the books were more... Bonuses? You DONT need to read the stolen throne to understand anything on the games, but it's INTERESTING. it explores characters you mightve been curious about. I love that ! Or the last flight is really interesting, just, to see how the 4th blight was beaten, to get to know those legendary heroes, and know why griffons went extinct. A bit annoying because you do need to read it to also understand how the hell they're coming back - but it still feels a bit more like a bonus than a necessity.
But then we have asunder, which also in general just kinda sucks as a book, that is really really needed to understand the mage rebellion, Fiona, Cole, and the cure for tranquility. The characters will explain a lot of those things to you in game, but it leaves you with the certain feeling that you're missing something. It's a huge advertisement for asunder.
Similarly wicked eyes and wicked hearts is hollow if you haven't read the masked empire which is also my least favorite book because it's so damn fucking boring I literally never managed to finish it, but it's mostly because I hate Trick Weekes' writing lmfao. Gaider was wildly misogynistic but my god at least he was entertaining as a writer whenever he didn't butcher female characters.
That's two major plot beats in inquisition that require reading one of the books. And ofc it's major villain and another major plot beat that require having played the previous game's dlc to properly understand.
And since then we've had so much more. I don't know. It's just complicated because I *like* book characters showing up and the books having importance in the sense that, I like reading and I'm a lore nerd lol. But I think there's a lot of frustration to be had as to the sheer quantity of extra media you need to consume if you want to be invested in the story. Because you could say "well just don't buy them then" but I LIKE dragon age, it's story, and plot, but omg some of the books and comics are also so hard to find and so EXPENSIVE. I think tevinter nights costs like 20£ if you want it on paperback rather than Kindle, and don't get me started on the dozens of comics.
At least the podcasts and discord only content isn't nearly as offensive, imo, because they're free. But also there's another issue with all of this extra content - it's that it doesn't get fucking translated. Not often, anyway. Not in as many languages as the games do. That means there are many, many many many players and fans who are just not allowed to learn more about their favorite game series because they don't speak English, because theyre not rich enough to buy 10 books and 20 comics. It feels a bit wrong
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!!! your writing is soo adorable omg !!! if its not too much do you mind writing watching either horror or romance movies w/ dongha, kenta, and hajun !! tysm nd i appreciate your works sm !!
(this was a cute message thank u so much!! I'm glad you enjoy my writing dear~)
Dongha Yeon:
Dongha thinks love without stipulation is silly. He wanted to watch movies that just had romance as a background, or not at all, but since that’s not what you wanted he had to find at least something to satisfy you. He thinks some of the more upscale romances, ones where the characters aren’t throwing themselves at each other but slowly build up into the types of people who are so close they’ll undeniably support each other whether they’re dating or not, are more tolerable but they’re certainly not a preference.
He always enjoyed watching other people suffering more than him, but horror still isn’t a preference. He’d like films that had a little more ‘what ifs’ to them, mostly because it’s what’s expected of him, to like movies that made him use his brain. But Dongha wanted some thoughtless fun too, maybe something that was a silly little slasher so he could watch foolish teens without feeling guilty because they had it coming. You can see the quiet contemplation in his eyes when he watches horrors, how he winced when there were killers whose background consisted of an abusive family, but rather than bring it up you tried to soothingly stroke the back of his hand with your thumb, pretending you needed the comforting instead.
Hajun Yeon:
Hajun is a man with unfiltered opinions so you’re wary about bringing favorite movies of any kind in front of him. Romance seems to get the harsher of the two, especially when there are big betrayals that are tied up by the end; when they leave a trillion loose ends, Hajun can’t help but wonder aloud how they can truly trust each other after that. He also rather there be an exciting plot to surround the romance, nothing too ‘slice of life’ as it wasn’t interesting to watch the life he was living. You would take offense but you can tell when he makes certain comments he’s trying to get a rise out of you, but it’s not the only time he speaks up. He seemed to be paying close attention to the actions of the leads, seeing the kinds of things you liked and thought were cute to jot down for later.
Horror is a genre Hajun seemed to enjoy a little more. He might not say they were his favorite but you can see the amusement in his eyes at seeing stupid people suffering for their decisions, especially when the bad guy ultimately wins in the end. He tells you that it feels more realistic but when there were main characters who went through nothing but trauma, good people who confronted the bad things they had done, who end up winning in the end despite what the film might foreshadow… He’d breathe a notable sigh of relief. You don’t tease him for this but you do put your head on his shoulder, trying to keep yourself still so he can’t tell that you’re giggling at his investment.
Kenta Mikoshiba:
Some horror movies make Kenta a little jumpier than others. Living his life in a locked down home, or even just in his regular cell at the prison, made it so he felt at least safely contained. But watching a supernatural movie where steel bars won’t protect him, nor will his beefy roommates, makes him a little on edge. He acted tough and when there were movies with cool killers with a schtick he always got a laugh, but anything that digs deep beneath the surface makes him antsy. You think he’s cute when he inched a little closer to you when you watched them together, though he always pretended it was for your sake (and you let him, since you were still getting prime hand-holding time with him).
Romance movies make Kenta roll his eyes. He’s filled with all kinds of criticisms for every conflict that comes up, mentioning that love made people stupid and he couldn’t stand it (ignoring the irony of the situation since he was watching said moves with you). You didn’t take much of his opinions to heart because it was clear he held up a wall when you watched them together, and you wondered how he’d feel if he watched one when it was just him. You can see him getting invested when there’s a star-crossed lovers type of situation, and he looked even more miserable if the romance was one that included distance as the stories main obstacle to overcome.
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congratulations on hitting 600 darling! 💕🥹💋
for the event, i’d like to recommend two fics so you can pick whichever one sparks interest:
want by erea on ao3 (nsfw, love confession)
quiet realisations pt 1 by dxckgrxsonx on tumblr (pre-relationship, full of feelings)
have a wonderful rest of your weekend!
xoxo sunnie (@fic-over-cannon)
Hi, sunnie!! Thank you so much! I adore you! 💛😍🥰
I read Quiet Realizations by @dxckgrxsonx (but I'm setting aside the ao3 fic for my TBR because anything Sunnie recommends is going to be a treat!)
How have I missed this fic!? Omg, I'm obsessed, actually going crazy other this series. The writing, the plot line, their Jason!! I feel like I ate a full meal and licked the plate. I wrote my favorite parts under the cut!
"You've been close friends for a while now, you know in the back of your head this is the next logical step forwards.
But god fucking help you, it feels like you're offering your soul on a plate."
The pining!! It's dripping through my screen. Literally such a fantastic showing of want and anxiety and what if this goes wrong?
"The latch on your window remains slightly ajar..."
"Something about letting him know that he's always welcome. That if you close it, it sends him a certain message"
Oooo!!! Ooo, this is such good insight into Jason's character, and the fact that reader understands him as a person. I love that they're able to read him and understand what he needs. Just little things like this throughout the fic is fantastic world building.
"...curled up under you blanket– in your home– is making you a little dizzy."
The imagery, just wow. To know he feels safe enough to sleep in your apartment, what a rush. I'm smiling so wide, he deserves to rest.
"His thumb strokes gently over the curved bones and part of you feel like you're going to turn to liquid..."
Im turning to liquid reading that!! Ahh!! The casual intimacy is delicious!!
"Without missing a beat Jason bites your thumb, teeth sinking in hard enough to leave a perfect indent behind."
My face is sooo warm right now. Butterflies aside, the fact they feels comfortable enough to play around with you? That he knows you won't run even if he bites? It's such great storytelling. There's so much to their relationship and you can feel how special it is for both of them.
"Grabbing his wrist, you press your fingers against his pulse point..."
"...you watch as he swallows before letting his hand drop away.
Silently, you mourn the loss of his warmth."
Yes, yes, everything about this. More casual intimacy, reaffirming touches, the desire for more. I'm at the edge of my seat!
"Jason does a funny thing then, he reacher for you, than yanks himself back."
The yearning!! The unrequited yearning that is secretly requited!!
"He takes the key from your fingers and folds it tight into his fist, like he never wants to let go."
Oh. OH. He's precious and I am in tears. He deserves the world!
It's not a big deal.
But it is.
!!! Running to part two!!!!
Oh gosh, where do I start? Jason waiting for them outside work? Literally all the lines about Gotham and him carrying weapons I devoured so fast I forgot to type out quotes. Wow! Just, wow, great storytelling.
"It's not beautiful.
But a home never really is."
I. Am. Screaming.
"... there's something beautifully warm flaring awake in your stomach when you recall the things Jason has done. The way he fiercely protects those kids..."
Just another testament to how well op understands and writes Jason Todd's character. Just, ahh, such a good paragraph.
"... you catch his fingers in your peripheral as they twitch in your direction, like he wants to reach out."
The yearning! But he's afraid to cross the boundary!
Everything about the key revel was a stab in the heart and a warm hug. Dropping to my knees.
"It was real, you want to cry, it was real, and you were just a child."
I stare at my screen for three entire minutes, trying to figure out what to type. Ow. Ouch. Oh.
"I'm always worried about you."
Yes, how could they not be? Admiting that is a big step because, of course, he's your best friend, and obviously, you're going to worry. But is that going to he too much for him to hear out loud?
"Leaning down you press a kiss to the crown of his head.
Jason sighs like you've spread balm over an aching wound."
I melted at this line! I'm in awe at the authors writing, seriously. There's so much to be said about how tender the reader and Jason are to each other. I really, really loved reading this one.
Thank you so much, sunnie, for recommending!!!
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cupcakeshakesnake · 11 months
You have m o r e ?!?!? Omg they're amazing, I love them already and it's only been like 90 seconds (I've just been staring at them because. Wow.)
Wait but are you actually getting rid of them/ discontinuing their story? I mean, I saw that post about Sisyphus, but I would love it if we got to see more of these guys. I mean, no pressure if you weren't but I just wanted to let you know that I'm a really big fan of your work. I appreciate that, for your nonhuman characters, while their designs are very visually appealing in the artistic sense, you can tell that they're not at all supposed to be attractive in any modern human idealized sort of way (and what does it mean to Objectively Attractive anyway? Popular opinion is so hypocritcally subjective) but instead that each individual drawing, whether it's a character of your own creation or your take on a preexisting one, is crafted to serve their exact purpose on the page (whether it's Humor of Incongruity, expressing frustration, evoking the beauty in the imperfect, etc.), because you can see both the soul of that being and the way the Otherness of their design sets them apart as new and interesting yet accentuates the uniquely human part of their character (however buried and twisted that part may be, in some cases. Looking at you, Valek.)
. . . I was going somewhere further with this but I lost where I was. I'm sorry, it's late and I'm tired, but I just saw this and felt I had to say something (other than "cool monsters go brrr"). I know we're just strangers on the internet, and I'm not any sort of people person. We don't know anything substantial about each other, and we'll probably never meet. But I hope you know that, for whatever it's worth, there are people out there who see what you're doing. And that it's beautiful in all of it's imperfection, and beautiful *because* of it. And that, miniscule though my knowledge of you may be (because who can truly know anyone?), I can *see* the beauty of your soul shining through the crack of your art. And that I get a little bit of joy and inspiration every time I come across your work, so I hope this clumsily, hasty little message can give at least some of that joy back to you.
(P.S. I wrote this as a AtNC reblog, but by the time I finished writing this I figured it'd probably be better to send as an ask, so that you can decide what to do with it. You are in no way obligated to make any sort of response to this. From what I understand, you don't believe in a benevolent higher power, and that's okay, I'm still on the fence about whether I do or not, but I just... felt oddly compelled to write this. Like something was telling me I had to try to convey this to you, because you needed it. It's fine if you don't understand what I'm saying, I'm not sure even I do, but just hope that wherever you are, whatever you are doing, whatever you are going through, you know there's someone out there who cares for you, and that your existence is w o r t h something immeasurable.)
I hope you're okay. You are stronger than you know.
First of all, thank you. It took me a while to reply because I've been very busy with schoolwork, but I've reread this message at least several times a day and it has brought me such joy each time.
To answer your question, no, I'm not discontinuing or getting rid of anything - I assume this has to do with my monster OCs, and there are two major stories of them so far.
One is Walter, which I simply decided not to use for schoolwork after being told its plot is too boring. That's all. I will do what I want with it in my own time. The other is that one with the mutated office workers, which fortunately got the OK from the professor. Both are still very rough works in progress.
I'm very glad that you like the way I draw... er, things, for lack of a better wording. Things I draw for myself may turn out far from "conventionally attractive", but I like it that way. You made me think about an aspect of my art that I never really considered before, but you have a point; in a way, I could be trying to humanize characters not by giving them a more human face but by giving them their own ways to express humanity.
That being said, I don't know what an "AtNC" reblog is supposed to be, but I wouldn't have minded either way. Your kind words are appreciated all the same.
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seokgyuu · 2 years
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→ genre: smut, college au, crack  → pairing: Mingyu x Afab!Fem!Reader, Wonwoo x Afab!Fem!Reader, Jihoon x Afab!Fem!Reader 
→ synopsis: you have never been a person who turns down a challenge, but when your best friend challenges you to hook up with 13 boys in one semester you kind of wish you were.
→ warnings: blowjobs, dirty talk, usage of the word slut, kind of posessiveness??, cunnilingus, penetrative sex
→  word count: 8.1k (a long one with three (!!) smut scenes!!)
previous ; masterlist ; next
A/N: omg hi, I am SO SORRY it took me... I don’t even want to say it. WAY too long to upload this. To be honest, I had this halfway finished for months now and then I had two papers to write and work and I wasn’t doing well health wise so it just took way longer than I anticipated. But I am happy you are still here reading (or at least I hope so!). A lot of you are wondering about the plot itself, asking who y/n is gonna end up with and I must be honest with you, at this point I have no ending fully planned out, but some ideas, hehe. First and foremost the smut is of course at the centre and in this chapter you get three whole scenes, even with a “fan” favorite, lmao. I hope you enjoy and the next one doesn’t take ma 6 months... haha. Bye!
taglist: @ariachavez168, @amiga-qmilagraso, @learnthisfeeling @cersti-mo0 @nixtape-foryou @listxn @starlight-night0 @havetaeminforbreakfast @kwonranghae @haogyuslut @drama-1998-girl @lovercuffs @whyokoa @lovercheol @cosmicupoftea @minahoeshi @knucklesdeepmingi @wonusworldd
if you want to be added to the taglist shoot me a quick message or reply to any challenge me part <3
Maybe still having sex with Mingyu wasn’t exactly the best idea. Not because it wasn’t good but because it had reached a point of some kind of commitment. Sleeping with one person regularly meant that you had to keep them informed that you were sleeping with other people too. And this now translated into you telling Mingyu that you had slept with two other people in one week.
He was waiting for you at his door, smiling widely like a puppy when you reached him, instantly placing his hand on your waist and pulling you closer to him once you were close enough. His lips landed on yours and the door fell shut behind you two, letting him press you against it, his thigh slipping between your legs – and you already forgot what you had come here for.
 In the afterglow of mind-blowing sex, your head laid on Mingyu’s chest as he had his arm wrapped around you, sweat glistening on his forehead. He had started fucking you against the door and then carried you to the bedroom, leaving you two a mess in between the sheets. But now, that you had gotten down from your high the initial thought came back to you. Chewing on your bottom lip, you slowly sat up, making Mingyu look over at you, a smile on his pretty lips.
“Everything okay?” he asked, and you nodded not wanting to scare him. After all this wasn’t exclusive. You literally only met up to fuck and that was it. Yes, okay, maybe sometimes you stayed for dinner, or you watched a movie, at least when you were at your place since Mingyu had a roommate that you weren’t too keen on running into – but other than that it was totally just sex.
“Yeah, of course. I just, uh, I need to talk to you about something”, off to a good start. Mingyu now sat up too, a worried wrinkle showing up on his forehead. He didn’t say anything, though, and so you cleared your throat and just continued.
“We both know we’re just having sex, but I think having sex regularly comes with certain responsibilities. I would want to know if you were sleeping with other people and that is why I, uh, well, I am sleeping with other people beside you and I just thought you might want to know.”
Okay, that had not gone as smoothly as you had wished, but it got the message across. Mingyu’s wrinkles intensified into a frown and for a second you were worried he was going to be mad, but then his face relaxed and he nodded.
“Thank you for letting me know. I am currently not sleeping with anyone else, mostly because I am pretty busy with work and deadlines. I do appreciate you telling me, really,” he finally said, placing his hand on your cheek, slowly caressing it. You smiled at him, relief washing over you.
“I’m glad. I was a little scared to tell you, actually.”
“Why is that?”
“Well, I thought that maybe you…,”
Mingyu chuckled, his hand on your cheek moving down to your neck and then further down until he reached you thigh.
“That I would be jealous?” he finished your sentence, his hand moving up higher until it fully cupped your still naked core, making you gasp.
“I- I mean-,” you began, but Mingyu shook his head, moving his body so that he was now on top of you, hand still on your sex as he kissed your neck and jaw, his hand now moving so two fingers could easily slip inside of you, leaving you whimpering.
“Don’t you worry, baby. I know no one is gonna fuck you as good as I do”, he said as he mercilessly began to fuck you with his fingers, making you moan loudly, your head thrown back into the pillow underneath you. His lips now wandered down further to your breasts, taking one nipple into his mouth and sucking harshly.
“And I know that you know, too,” he whispered against your breast, before sitting up, reaching for the package of condoms he had ripped open before, now rolling on another. He grabbed your legs and shoved them apart, fingers had left your pussy vacant, yearning for more, squirming underneath him as you watched how he placed his big cock in front of your pussy, licking his lips before he sank in, causing you to moan again, hands desperately holding onto the bedsheets.
“Yeah, I see how much you like my cock, princess, I’m not scared anyone else will fill you up this good,” he began moving, his hands still holding up your legs as he thrusted his hips at rapid speed, making you roll your eyes back, your hips trying to match his pace.
Mingyu was panting, looking down at how his cock kept sliding in and out of you, biting his lip as he tried to fuck you even harder, putting your legs over his shoulders now, giving him an even better angle. He was making your head spin in the most amazing way, his hands gripping your thighs tightly as he drilled into you, turning you into a moaning mess, your eyes rolling back repeatedly before finally you just squeezed them shut, teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you let your hands lay above your head, Mingyu chuckling as he watched the way you enjoyed him completely destroying you. Your back arched and you let your head tip back into the pillows as Mingyu let his hands wander do your hips, fingers digging into your skin so harshly you were sure he was going to leave marks.
“Fuck, your pussy just takes me so fucking well, bet it doesn’t take anyone else’s cock that well, baby,” he growled almost, and you felt your head spin again, your eyes fluttering open, moaning at the sight of him staring down at you, his hair already glued to his forehead with sweat, his defined torso and shoulders looking so god damn perfect in the light of his room.
“Y-yeah, n-no one fucks me like you,” you somehow breathed out and a part of you knew it was a lie, while another was (at least in this moment) sure you were telling nothing but the truth. Mingyu moaned at your words then, picking up the pace from god knows where, his cock now so deep inside you felt like you were gonna burst any second, soon feeling his thumb on top of your clit, an almost scream rippling through your body. Mingyu threw his own head back now as he chased both your orgasms and then, finally he felt it and so did you. His cock kept on twitching, your pussy pulsating around him, clenching over and over – and that was when it rushed over you, when your head was almost buried into the mattress, your hips chasing his to the best of your abilities, mind shattering orgasm now in every nerve of your body, a loud and high pitched moan escaping you as he finally emptied into the condom as well, his eyes rolled back, saying your name over and over again.
After, you were back on his chest, head still spinning from your third climax of the day. Mingyu was grinning proudly at the ceiling, heartbeat still at double speed. He had shown you just how good he was, just how great your chemistry worked. It did hurt his pride that you were looking for other people to satisfy you, but he also knew it wasn’t his right to actually be mad.
“I’ll go use the bathroom”, you said after a while, kissing his cheek as you got up, grabbing his shirt from the floor and putting it on, before walking out of the door and to the bathroom across the hallway from Mingyu’s room. Once you had finished your business, you walked out, the door falling shut behind you, when you heard a startled sound.
“Y/N?” a voice said, and you looked at the person who had spoken – only for your eyes to grow bigger.
He really was standing there. Slightly sweaty, as if he had just come from the gym also in fitting clothes. His face looking as if his brain was still trying to connect the dots. Honestly, it wasn’t really hard to guess.
“Wait, you’re the girl Mingyu’s been hooking up with?” he asked, visibly irritated. Just great. You slowly nodded, trying to wrap your head around that Joshua did not only know Jun (and perhaps Minghao and Wonwoo) but also Mingyu. He lived with Mingyu. What the fuck was going on?
“Yeah, that… would be me,” you finally answered, tugging a strand of hair behind you ear, watching as the information reached Josh’s brain and he finally nodded, the irritation making space for an impressed grin.
“Well, I guess I can only congratulate you on your great taste in sex partners, y/n. Now, I need to go in there,” he pointed at the door behind you, and you quickly nodded, taking a step to the side as you watched him walking in, giving you one last wink before he closed the door.
 You were back at your own place about an hour later, the newly found information still fresh in your mind. Joshua was Mingyu’s roommate. Did Mingyu know that you and Joshua hooked up once? But then again, Joshua had turned out to be a dick, so… he probably had mentioned fucking someone but not whom. Or at least that’s what you hoped.
Falling down onto your couch, you nibbled on your lower lip, trying to sort your thoughts and all of the facts you knew about the boys you had slept with already. You looked to the side, spotting your staff ID for the university’s festival in two days. With all the drama of today, you had completely forgotten about this, a grin finding place on your lips as you grabbed it. Jiwoo had somehow managed the two of you working backstage with the fashion department (even though neither of you was in the fashion department). There would be a small fashion show and you two had been kind enough to agree to help out with make-up since two people had fallen sick on short notice.
Yes, your love life was complicated as it is and perhaps Jiwoo wouldn’t even be mad at you for giving up at this point. But then again that was it, the giving up part. You hated to give up, it just wasn’t in your nature. And why should you? Just because some of them coincidentally knew each other? It wasn’t your responsibility and what had been done had been done, it wasn’t like you could go and change it now.
So, no. You weren’t gonna give up. And if what you had in mind would play out, you were sure that Lee Jihoon wasn’t suddenly gonna know any of the guys you had hooked up with. He was famous, he didn’t even attend your university. How would he know any of them? As if on cue, your phone chimed with the notification that Woozi (Jihoon’s stage name) had posted on Instagram, the grin growing wider when you saw it was a picture of him in the study. He had also posted something in his story and you went on to open it, your mouth dropping slightly. The picture showed him in the gym, muscle tee on and shorts, all of it perfectly displaying his buff physique. His hair was wet if from sweat or the water bottle standing next to him, you weren’t sure, but you still licked your lips, wondering what it would feel like to touch them, to let your fingers run through them as you kissed him. Without really thinking about it, you pressed down on the bottom of the story, writing a message to him.
You: next time you need a gym partner, lmk ;)
You typed, even though you weren’t a gym rat per se. But then again, he didn’t need to know that. And why would he even answer, it wasn’t like he was gonna see the message any-
woo_zi: haha sure will
woo_zi: you go to snu?
Oh. Oh! You quickly sat up, staring at your screen. He had answered! Like right away. What the- clearing your throat, you shook your head, eyes still scanning the screen.
You: yeah I do
You: you’ll be at the festival tomorrow right?
woo_zi: yup
woo_zi: you too?
You: yeah I’ll be working backstage actually
You: maybe I’ll have the luck of running into you
woo_zi: if ur down we could hang before or after my performance
Your head felt dizzy. You hadn’t even done much and yet… he was so willing to meet you. Maybe it was your aura or the last few posts in which you just looked really good. Either way, you gladly welcomed it.
You: oh I am definitely down for hanging out just tell me when and where
woo_zi: cool I’ll message you the deets tomorrow
 When tomorrow came you and Jihoon had not stopped texting actually. You had switched from insta to kakao pretty soon, chatting the whole rest of the day and only stopped when Jihoon had to go to the studio. But even after that he messaged you again, and it became clear pretty soon that you both thought the other was hot. It was a bit embarrassing, how easy it had been for him to find out if you were dtf, but then again that had only been in your head. He had not once made you feel like you were acting stupid.
“Okay, so, this is what we’re working with,” the girl in front of you who had introduced herself as Soyeon was pointing at the different typed of make-up on the table next to you and Jiwoo, speaking loudly over the music that was blasting through the room, “the models will get in any second, the make-up looks are here, if you feel like something is too difficult… just try it anyways, yeah? Most people won’t be able to tell from afar and the pictures won’t go out unless I give them a go, alright?” You and Jiwoo shared a look but finally nodded, Soyeon giving the two of you a thumbs up.
“Great. If you have any questions ask the other girls around you, I’ll be at the front,” and with that she vanished, leaving the two of you alone for the time being.
“Well, that should be easy enough,” Jiwoo said, hands propped up on her hips, “at least they numbered them, so we don’t get too confused,” she nodded at the different pictured taped to the mirrors, all showing off different make-up looks you were supposed to put on the models. You nodded, nibbling on your bottom lip. You were wearing a black shirt and black jeans, hoping you could change later before you went to meet Jihoon. He had sent a really, really, really hot picture of him earlier, nothing but a towel around his waist in his still full of steam bathroom, captioning it with “wish I could fuck you against this mirror right now” and it had actually caught you off guard enough for you to actually blush and wonder if maybe you had turned into a bit of a sex addict, judging by how much this didn’t bother and instead excited you.
“We’ll be fine,” you said now, tugging a strand of hair behind your ear, your ears perking up when you heard commotion coming from the entrance behind you. About two handful of models now walked into the room accompanied by the other make-up artist you knew was friends with Jiwoo. She greeted you and you were just about to raise your hand to greet back when you almost stumbled over your chair.
“What the-“, you heard Jiwoo say and yeah you felt the same way, ready to just run away and hide because why the fuck was Mingyu walking in with none other than god damn Jun and Wonwoo?! Once again you wondered how on earth you could be this unlucky, how it was possible that out of all the places anyone could be it was right here right now.
“Alright, boys over there, girls to me, common!” the make-up artist now sent the boys you war (because of course she did), your heart racing when you saw the three men look at you at almost the same time, all of their eyebrows raising.
“Y/N?” they all said in unison and you could almost feel Jiwoo chuckle behind you, your jaw tightening as you watched them now look at each other before their eyes found you again.
“Hi there,” you finally croaked out, hand pulling through your hair, “fancy seeing you here.”
The three nodded, Mingyu the first one to come closer, sitting down on the chair you had earlier almost stumbled over. He was barefaced, his hair a pretty mess on top of his head and you bit your lip, knowing full well how it felt to claw your fingers into it as he was between your legs or on top of you. Quickly, you cleared your throat and smiled weakly, grabbing the moisturizer from the table.
“Do you have any product on your face right now?” you asked, your eyes finding his right then. He grinned slightly.
“Just washed it and put some toner on, like Lia told us to,” he explained, and you nodded again, noticing Jun sitting down with Jiwoo while Wonwoo stood behind Mingyu a little lost.
“Right, okay. I’ll get started then.”
You put the look designated for Mingyu on him perfectly, you yourself impressed as well as Jiwoo.
“Damn, maybe you picked the wrong major,” she grinned as she gave you a thumbs up and you chuckled, before looking down at Mingyu again who looked even prettier than usual with the soft gold around his eyes, the blush on his cheeks and nose, the small dark gemstones decorating his eyes. He smiled up at you, his hair now brushed out of his face, falling down in soft waves.
“God, you’re so pretty,” you said, sighing, before patting his head carefully, Mingyu chuckling before getting up.
“So are you, baby,” he whispered into your ear then and you felt a shiver running over your back before your eyes flew to Wonwoo, relieved when you saw that he was currently on his phone.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were doing this?” you then asked Mingyu watching how he looked at himself in the mirror, obviously satisfied.
“It was short notice, one of the male models had an emergency and Wonwoo hyung asked me if I had time,” he grinned then and you felt your cheeks heat up when his eyes met yours, “I would introduce you, but I’ve heard you’ve met quite a while back?” His tone wasn’t accusatory, nor did he seem angry or annoyed, no, he seemed amused. You now followed his movement, saw how he leaned forward a bit, so that only you were able to hear what he said.
“Hyung seems to really like you, baby. I couldn’t get myself to tell him I’ve been fucking you for weeks now,” he said and you felt your eyes widen, staring at him when he leaned back, winking at you.
“I-,” you began but he raised his hand, putting his index finger over his lips, before turning around to look at Wonwoo.
“Hyung, your turn,” you heard him say and then Wonwoo was suddenly seated right there in front of you, looking up at you with his hair pushed out of his face by a hairband and his specs discarded on the table. Shit, why was he so good looking? You bit down on your lip before grabbing the moisturizer again.
“So, you also washed your face and put toner on?” you then asked and Wonwoo nodded, his eyes never leaving your face.
“Yup,” he replied and you began applying the cream on his face, feeling your fingertips burn where you touched him. It really was something about him, the way he looked at you, the way he made you all wobbly in the knees. You tried to concentrate, tried not to notice how his eyes were lingering on your face, how hot you suddenly felt. This really wasn’t how you had predicted this event to go, in fact you hadn’t even thought about any of the guys you’ve hooked up with possibly showing up at this festival. But of course, whatever sick destiny was out there had made other plans for you. And so, you were here now, applying face cream on a man you had fucked twice, who apparently told everyone and their mothers that he liked you, completely oblivious to the fact that you were fucking half of them (minus their mothers). It was comedic in a way, ridiculous even, and it all made so much sense to you. You had taken on this challenge and now you had to face the consequences.
“Y/N…,” Wonwoo said after a while, when you had already started applying a bit of concealer underneath his eyes, stopping in your movement when you heard his voice. You let your eyes wander to his, saw the way he was looking at you and you felt your whole body reacting. His eyes looked exactly like they had back in the library, and you suddenly felt hot all over your own eyes widening before looking around, seeing that Lia had taken in the fourth male model you didn’t know. Apparently, she was a fucking machine because while you had only finished Mingyu and weren’t even halfway done with Wonwoo, she had finished two of the four girls already. The instructions had been clear, you and Jiwoo weren’t too touch the girls because their make-up was a bit more complicated and so, when you looked back down at Wonwoo, you thought that maybe, just maybe, it would be okay if you just…
“Wonwoo-yah, let me, shit, let me finish your make-up, alright?” you said, voice hoarse and Wonwoo nodded, his eyes still so full of fire it made your stomach turn in the best way possible.
The second you had declared Wonwoo as done, he stood up, towering over you now, his nostrils flaring as he wrapped his hand around your wrist. Hoping everyone was too busy with their own stuff, you followed him outside, your head full of cotton, wondering how this was gonna go.
And the second the door fell into its lock behind you, the second you were in the vacant hallway, you felt yourself get slammed against the wall, the air leaving your lungs the same second as his lips were on yours. For a good five second you kissed him back, hands on his shoulders, until you realised that you had just spent a good half an hour to put make-up on his face. Quickly, you used all your strength to turn you and him around, Wonwoo now being pushed against the wall, his eyes wide when you looked up at him.
“Not gonna ruin your make up,” you breathed out before dropping down and on your knees, seeing right what you had expected to. He was hard in his chinos, the bulge oh so visible.
“Y/N,” Wonwoo breathed out, eyes about to fall down as he stared down at you, while you were busy opening his pants, tongue darting over your lips.
“Wanted to suck you off ever since I saw you the first time, Wonwoo-yah. Think this might be the perfect timing,” you said lowly and Wonwoo swallowed hard, cock twitching desperately when your hand pressed against it, his head tipping back. Without wasting any more time, you pulled his pants and briefs down, cock springing right into your face, tongue out to meet his tip, the taste already spreading on your muscle.
“You’re so horny for me, Wonwoo-yah,” you breathed against his naked cock and Wonwoo nodded rapidly, eyes squeezed shut as his head was thrown back, his teeth sunken into his lower lip. You chuckled then, before finally taking the base of his cock into your hand, tongue now gliding over his tip again, teasing his slit, causing him to suck in a breath. You felt too good on him like that, much better than in his imagination. The way your hand began slowly jerking him off while you kept on licking at his tip, almost as if it was some kind of lollipop… it drove him insane. You moved on to wrap your lips around his head after a bit of teasing, sucking him into your mouth, his hips bucking in reflex, burying a bit more of him inside your mouth. You let your eyes fly up, seeing that he was looking at you too, and you grinned around his cock guiding it to your cheek then, beginning to bop your head in the rhythm of your hand his breath getting stuck in his throat.
“F-fuck,” he moaned, eyes rolling back at the feeling of his tip continuously hitting your cheek. He then let his one hand fly to the back of your head, fingers digging into your scalp as you quickened your pace, knowing full well you didn’t have much time. You bobbed your head a few more times before letting go off his cock, licking a bit of precum from your lips.
“Want you to fuck my throat, use me to get off, alright?” you said, eyes big looking up at him and you could see his dick twitch at your words, his head once again in a rapid nod as he watched you drop your mouth open.
“God, you’re so fucking hot,” he breathed before bringing his other hand down to your head too, his cock slipping into your mouth easily, as he pushed your head forward, first slow, wanting to let you adjust, but the more you took of him the greedier he got. His balls were tightening already, his head spinning like crazy and so he finally pushed all the way in, feeling you swallow around him as your nose was buried in his abdomen. He did his first thrust and you choked, thinking that maybe letting him fuck your throat in a hallway with an echo hadn’t been your best idea, but thankfully there was still loud music playing in the room you had been in earlier and so you hoped no one would notice.
“Sh-shit, so tight,” Wonwoo moaned as he continued, his pace getting picked up, his cock sliding in and out of your throat perfectly, your eyes squeezed shut as you simply enjoyed the way he felt down your throat, pressing your tongue against his cock whenever you could, swallowing him down deeper and causing him to groan. He was close already, having been so hard from the beginning and with every thrust down your perfect throat, he felt himself nearing his climax.
“G-gonna cum, b-baby, f-fuck,” he stuttered out only seconds before he pushed you harder against his abdomen, feeling yourself gag once more, your hands now desperately holding onto his thighs, feeling his hot cum spurting down your throat just seconds later. He moaned your name loudly, riding out his orgasm, soon letting his limpening cock drop from your lips, breathing hard. You looked up at him wiping over your mouth with the back of your hand, watching his dishevelled state with proud eyes. Then, you got up with your hands on his pants and briefs tugging them up with you, helping him to get dressed again.
“We should get back inside,” you then said, and Wonwoo nodded, his eyes still a bit glassy.
“We should maybe also talk… after this is over?” he said when you had already turned away, feeling his grip around your wrist again. You looked over your shoulder, feeling a pang of guilt in your stomach.
“Wonwoo-yah…,” you began, but he shook his head, pulling you into him again, his free hand now on your cheek.
“You can’t tell me you don’t feel it too, y/n. This… this pull. Every time I see you, I want to grab you and take you somewhere, I want to kiss you, I want to hold you. I want to be with you, fuck, I want to be with you in every way I can,” his words made your knees weak and your eyes wide because, damn, why did they hit you right where you didn’t think they could? You swallowed and then slowly shook your head.
“We need to get back inside, I- I can’t do this right now,” you mumbled, but before you could even move again, Wonwoo had pressed his lips against yours, your head going a million miles an hour.
This kiss felt different from all the ones before. He was soft and desperate at the same time, he told a whole story with this kiss, made you feel like you were in a different dimension, in a different time and place, somewhere where no bet was happening, where you weren’t sleeping with half of his friend group. He kissed you like you were precious, like with just one wrong move he could break you. It made you feel too many things at once when you just wanted to feel nothing. And so, you pushed him off, your face in a grimace you couldn’t even explain, and he couldn’t understand. Still, you didn’t want to give him any more room to talk and so you finally turned around and ran back to where you had come from.
 Thankfully, the fashion show went by without any problems, you just very aware of the eyes burning into your neck from time to time whenever Wonwoo came back from stage, changing into his next outfit. You tried your best to ignore him, to just take sips from your water whenever you felt the heat coming back, the heat that reminded you that he did have some kind of power over you that until now you had tried so hard to ignore, that you had succeeded to ignore. It had been easy enough as you hadn’t seen him around much (if you…exclude the library incident) and you were thankfully occupied with enough other stuff (other men) but now there was no denying it anymore. Wonwoo had some sort of special effect on you. Something like an invisible string that connected you and it did two things to you: one, it made you extremely anxious and two, it made you want to run away and never turn back. This was not the time for you to develop feelings, especially not for someone who’s friends you had fucked. Were still fucking. At least one of them.
“You okay?” you suddenly heard a voice next to you and you spun around, seeing Jun with a raised brow and a water bottle in his hand. You blinked at him.
“Why aren’t you on stage?” you asked, and Jun chuckled.
“We just did our last walk. Guess your head is somewhere else?” he proceeded to ruffle your hair and you shook your head, his hand dropping down. But he had been right, the stage was empty, the models were walking around getting dressed in their own clothes again. Wonwoo seemed to have left or at least he wasn’t close because his eyes weren’t boring into you. Quickly, you cleared your throat, eyes tearing from the stage back to Jun.
“Don’t you have anyone else to bother?” you mumbled, about to walk away, when you felt his hand wrap around your wrist. Apparently today everyone thought they could just do that with you.
“Y/N. What’s wrong, hm? Does it make you nervous that Mingyu, Wonwoo and I are at the same place?” now it was his eyes that were searing into yours and you bit your lip, before you let out a sigh.
“No. Well, maybe. I don’t know, Jun. I guess I’m still a little overwhelmed by the fact that you guys know each other,” it wasn’t a lie entirely, but it also wasn’t the whole truth. And since Jun apparently knew everything about you and Wonwoo anyways, you were pretty sure he would find out about the blowjob in the hallway sooner rather than later.
He nodded now, clicking his tongue.
“Well, coincidences can be crazy, y/n. And in this case, it’s really fucking crazy.”
It was then that he let his eyes wander to a point behind you, your head turning again, now finding Wonwoo standing on the other side of the room, talking to Mingyu as they both had already changed their clothes and were now holding a glass each. Neither of them had noticed you yet.
“How long does Mingyu know?” you suddenly asked, looking back at Jun, “that I slept with Wonwoo, I mean.”
Jun raised his brows.
“A few days? Mingyu doesn’t hang out with us as much as he used to, too busy with his like three jobs and deadlines. So, until like a few days ago I didn’t even know you and him are having sex.” You bit down on your lip and nodded, thinking back to two days ago when you had left Mingyu’s apartment. Had he known then already? God, this was so frustrating. And confusing. You were just about to say something again, when suddenly you felt your pocket vibrate, taking your phone out and checking, only to see that Jihoon had texted you. Fuck, with all of this happening you had completely forgotten about him.
Jihoon: Just arrived at the main stage
Jihoon: it’s fucking packed
Jihoon: are you here somewhere?
 Somehow you succeeded in leaving the fashion show behind, Jiwoo following you closely through the crowd of people outside. She was just as overwhelmed by the situation as you, her only words once you had told her everything that had happened in the last few hours being “oh fucking hell”, which you couldn’t even be mad about. This really felt like hell. Hell mixed with good sex, but still. Now, you held Jiwoo’s hand as you finally reached the entrance to the backstage area for the main stage, holding up your staff badges when a bulky guy asked you to, before walking inside. There was a lot going on, but it was definitely not as hectic as it had been at the side stage you had worked at before. The area was wider with at least three dressing rooms behind it in something like containers, Jihoon’s name placed on one of them. Your heart began to beat rapidly then, suddenly feeling like everything else didn’t matter. Yes, the whole thing was tricky and horrible and whatever was going on with Wonwoo and you would need further discussions with yourself and maybe even him. But right now, you would have to attend to person number 6, who you knew was down to fuck. It would be quick and hopefully good and then you could either enjoy the rest of the festival or leave, go home and cuddle up in your bed, trying to just forget all your insane worries for a while.
“I’ll go to the stage; I think the first act will play in a bit. See you later?” Jiwoo squeezed your hand and you looked at her, nodding with your lips pressed into a smile. She then pulled you into a hug, her hands patting you on your back.
“Go get him, tigress. And don’t think about anything else, alright? Have fun. Be you. It’s all gonna be alright, yeah?” the words should have probably made you feel a bit more at ease and perhaps they did, if just for a moment. When you two parted again, she gave you another reassuring smile and you returned it – if maybe not as enthusiastic as her. Then, you watched her walk towards the stage, your teeth sinking into you bottom lip as you heaved a breath and turned around, gathering all the confidence within you to finally step up to Jihoon’s door and knock on it.
It took around ten seconds until the door was pulled open and Lee Jihoon stood in front of you in all his stage outfit glory with perfect make-up and a low fitting muscle shirt and tight leather pants that almost made you foam at the mouth.
“There you are,” he smiled as he took a step to the side, knowing glint in his eyes. He definitely knew that you were affected by his looks. His hair was styled up, showing his handsome face in all his glory and you would have probably stared at him for the rest of the night, if only there weren’t other plans you two had made.
Once you stepped into the dressing room, you were surprised by how spacy it was, a couch standing on the right side and a table to the left adorned by three chairs. There was also a big mirror with a vanity opposite the door, big lightbulbs around it. You turned around to face him, the door behind him closed, his eyes sparkling in the dim light of the room, and you wondered if he had turned it down knowing you were on the way since this wasn’t exactly the perfect lighting for applying make-up.
“When do you go up on stage?” you heard yourself ask as you watched Jihoon come closer.
“Half an hour,” he responded then, coming to a halt when there were only mere centimetres between you. His hands found purchase on your hips, your heart skipping a beat and the heat between your legs suddenly so warm again. You licked your lips and nodded, eyes set on his, hands now carefully placed on his forearms, the lean muscle underneath your fingers feeling incredible.
“That’s… a good amount of time,” you just mumbled and before you knew it, his lips were crashing against yours, his arm wrapping around your waist fully now, while your nails dug into his skin. He kissed you with heat and impatience and it was perfect in its own way. Jihoon was definitely a good kisser, his lips soft and his tongue finding yours right away, leading the kiss, turning it even more passionate. You didn’t notice at first, but suddenly you felt your thighs being pressed against the table, his hands now wandering further down, picking you up with ease. Now, you were sat on the table, your eyes opening when he moved from your lips to your neck, kissing it harshly. Your fingers found his hair, tugging on it as a moan slipped out of your mouth just when he began sucking on your jugular, head tipping back in pleasure. Your other hand was now supporting you as you leaned back, watching as he kissed his way down, hands soon getting rid of your shirt, lips latching onto your boobs, your sensitive skin between his teeth soon enough, your eyes rolling back as you tried your hardest to stay quiet – even though it was so loud outside no one would probably hear you. With your arousal rising every second, you continued to watch Jihoon, how he now kneeled down in front of the table, his hands behind your knees, pulling you forward, before opening your jeans and slipping them down your legs with your help.
“Ever since we first started texting, I really wanted to taste you,” he murmured against your thigh, kisses being placed all over your skin. You shivered, clenching around nothing as you nodded, eyes glassy. Jihoon then proceeded to spread your legs wider, nimble fingers shoving your panties to the side, audibly sucking in air.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so wet for me already,” he whispered and leaned forward, lips meeting your core and you gasped, hands now both digging into his hair. Yes, you definitely were horny for him, no question, but you were sure that some of that wetness he felt was still from your… encounter with Wonwoo earlier. Not that you would tell him that.
Instead, you focused on the feeling of Jihoon’s tongue dancing through your lips, of his fingers coating themselves in your juices as he finally pushed one in, making you arch your back and a deep moan escape you. He flicked his tongue against your bud, finger moving inside of you slowly, before the pace wasn’t enough for either of you anymore. He quickened the movement of his fingers at the same time as he sucked your clit into his mouth, a breathy moan now erupting you as your nails dug deeper into his scalp. He managed to touch you right where you needed him to, succeeded in making you crave more and more, feeling the knot in your stomach grow tighter with each flick against you, with each thrust of his finger. And once he added a second one, his lips letting go of your clit, instead flattening his tongue and licking up and down your folds, finally pressing it against your bud – you felt like you were going to see stars any second. You clenched around his fingers repeatedly, your hips moving against his face, practically riding his tongue and fingers at this point, and Jihoon let his eyes wander up to you, watching your face as you were chasing your high. His cock was straining against his tight pants and he knew his stylist would hate him for taking off the pants she had so carefully put on him earlier, but he didn’t give a fuck. He couldn’t wait to free himself of them and fuck you into the table, to make you scream his name as you came on his cock. He gave his all now, scissoring his fingers inside you before curling them, hitting your sweet spot right on.
“F-fuck, Jihoon-ah!” you gasped now, hips moving harder against him and with two more hard thrust, you came, came hard and perfect, your whole body shivering as you couldn’t keep the moans down, your eyes squeezed shut tightly.
Jihoon let you ride out your orgasm, before sliding down your panties completely and standing up, his hands on your cheeks, tilting your head up to kiss you, your hands now wandering from his head to his shirt, letting your fingers glide over his skin, over his abs and chest, before they dipped down again and you took it off with his help. Your hands were all over him then, nails digging into his back as your legs wrapped around his waist, his hands now wandering down, opening your bra and letting it fall of your body, his hands devouring your tits, making you arch into his touch.
“God, you’re so fucking hot,” he breathed against your lips, before kissing you again, all tongue and teeth, his thumb and index twirling your nipple, making you squirm. Quickly, you went on to open his pants, Jihoon helping you shove them down enough for his briefs to be revealed, for you to get your hand in them and around his hard, aching cock.
“So hard for me,” you whispered, and Jihoon nodded rapidly, before kissing your neck, tongue lapping at your skin. Goosebumps engulfed you now and you bit your lip, beginning to jerk him off inside his underwear, before deciding you needed him out of it, shoving his briefs down to his pants, his dick and balls now set free. Coating your palm with his pre, you continued to jerk him off and Jihoon moaned against your neck, the sound making your bones shake and your core throb.
“Need you so bad,” you finally sighed, and Jihoon pressed another kiss onto your shoulder, before he nodded again, standing up straight before looking at the chair to your right, seeing a bag on it. He quickly grabbed it, fishing out a condom. After replacing your hand with his, he opened the condom and continued to roll it on, your eyes never leaving his cock. Letting your hands rest on his shoulders now, you leaned forward, kissing his cheek down to his jaw and neck, breathing out heavily when he pushed into you slowly. With every more of him buried inside of you, his hand on your waist dug deeper, his breath getting more and more heavy.
“Shit,” his voice was deep and almost like a groan when he bottomed out, his eyes meeting yours. For a second you stayed like this, both of your faces flushed, your pupils blown out, your chests heaving. But then he moved, his first thrust deep and wide and your head fell back as you whimpered, nails back to clawing into him. Jihoon set a fast pace then, fast and hard and you heard the table squeak underneath you with every one of his thrusts. His hands were on your waists, lips back to sucking on your skin, neck and shoulders, down to your cleavage. Your legs were tightly around him, hands now on his nape as you let the noises come out of you freely. With every single one of your clenches, Jihoon’s cock twitched, his own climax not far now. His pace quickened then, when your lips found each other again, your tongues desperately beginning to dance, your hands not staying on one place but moving up and down, you on his back, him on your front, fondling your boobs and finally wrapping one hand around your throat, leaving you breathless. Your eyes fluttered open, his dark gaze making you shiver again.
“Such a good slut,” he then said, and you swallowed hard, mouth dropping open. Fuck, his voice was so low, and his eyes seemed to bore into yours, seemed to tell you without words that you needed to continue looking at him if you didn’t want him to punish you. Jihoon licked over his lips, eyes continuing to scan yours, hips still moving rapidly, groans not able to stay inside. With every thrust, and every second that passed looking at each other, your climax came more and more into sight, Jihoon not doing any better. He finally moved to kiss you again, your arms wrapping around his neck as you kissed him back, arching your back when you felt his thumb press down onto your clit, when you felt him circle it with perfect pressure.
“A-am so close,” you moaned against him then and Jihoon nodded, free hand pushing your hair out of your face as he kissed you, biting down on your bottom lip before sucking on your tongue, your head spinning with the need to cum, with the need to feel him even deeper.
Losing all sense of control, Jihoon fucked into you had impeccable speed now, his own grunts becoming heavier, making you clench around him almost without break – his cock twitching dangerously as his balls tightened and finally, with one more deep thrust, he came, spilling his load into the condom, a deep growl leaving him, head buried into the crook of your neck, hips continuing to fuck himself through his orgasm, pulling you over the edge to, your legs twitching as you came on his cock, loud, high pitched moans now filling the room as your world was spinning around you, black dots in front of your vision.
Together, you came down from your highs, breath only slowly going back to normal. You let your legs drop from his waist, feeling him press another kiss to your shoulder, before he took a step back, his dick slipping from your core. You watched how he took of the condom and tied it, throwing it into the bin by the vanity. You jumped from the table now, legs still a bit shaky, and grabbed your jeans and panties from the floor, putting them back on. Jihoon had put his briefs back into place and you watched with amusement as he tried to get the tight pants completely up his legs again. After clasping your bra back on, you walked over to him, chuckling as you helped him, the two of you finally succeeding to close the pants.
“Thanks,” Jihoon grinned, looking at you for a moment.
“No problem,” you responded as you returned his look, a smile on your lips.
“Are you gonna watch the show?” he then continued, walking back to the table where he picked up his shirt and also handed you yours. Thanking him you nodded, slipping back into the shirt.
“Of course. My best friend is somewhere out there, I’ll watch it with her.” Jihoon nodded, clicking his tongue.
And that’s when you knew that this was it. You had done what you had come here for and now it was over. Right now, you couldn’t even put into words how thankful you were.
“Awesome. Then, have fun watching,” he gave you another kiss on the cheek, nothing too major and you nodded, wishing him good luck and to break a leg, before finally stepping out of the dressing room, feeling less heavy than before.
header credit: @playmetheclassics
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sparkle-d · 2 years
waiting game | daniel ricciardo
pairing: daniel ricciardo x you
summary: in which you switch your phone with daniel's without knowing
tags: falling in love; chatting and messages; kind of enemies to friends to lovers
warnings: insecure reader; f!reader; dumb people
chapter: 3/?
(you: blue/ daniel: orange)
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✧.* tag list: @bloodyvalentine93 @organasith @verstappens-hat @idkiwantchocolatee @landhoe @theplobnrgone @iamasimpingh0e @chiliwhore @buendiabebeta
chapter 3 - secret
You enter through your apartment‘s door and lean against it when you close it. You feel tired - more like drained - arriving home late at night. You had to use all of your social skills with these drivers that you usually aren’t close with. Max and Lando were one hundred per cent okay, but who kept messing out and annoying you was Daniel.
He noticed that you were a bit stiff around him, not really distressed about being in his presence, but he wanted to make you get used to being around him. Daniel made jokes with you, about you and your best friends, debated with you about the world's economy even though he didn’t say anything that made sense at all and you were sure he was describing the plot of Game of Thrones without noticing. He dared you to take some shots and you only did two and fooled him into thinking that you drank more than that. 
Daniel was drunk and at some point you got comfortable with him. He made you laugh when he wasn’t being a pain in the ass and discussing with you about which racing movie was the best. Cars was the only option for the spot in your opinion.
“Listen up, the soundtrack is amazing, McQueen character development is amazing, his friendship with Mater is wholesome and in Cars Two there’s Lewis Hamilton, what’s better than that?”
You sound as drunk as Daniel when you start to state your points. Maybe being around him makes you as silly as him. You even stopped being so concerned about your surroundings while talking to him.
“The lack of a character based on me is what doesn’t make Cars better than Speed Racer.” Daniel answers you with a grin.
“Why would they put such an annoying character in their movie?” You smile at him sarcastically when he looks offended, feeling like you’re winning the discussion “Okay, Speed Racer is a good movie, but the cartoon is better. There’s no discussion here.”
“Exactly!” He shouts jumping from the couch “Now we are speaking the same language, cupcake.”
Without noticing, he steals another genuine smile from your face, turning it into a giggle.
Only when you left Max’s apartment, it’s when you realize how out of energy you were. Daniel got all of your attention and you didn’t notice that your phone had completely died out of battery  too. You didn’t touch it during the whole night.
You groan as you head to your room, searching for your charger. You connect it to the energy and use your time to get ready to bed. It’s when you lay down that your phone lights up and comes back to life.
You watch the messages pop up on your screen and notice that your phone has been off for way too long. 
buttercup said: daniel is so drunk
buttercup said: do we need to save her from him?
bubbles said: if she needs help she would’ve texted us about it
bubbles said: she’s just fine i bet
buttercup said: he’s telling her about his monaco win he loves to brag about it
bubbles said: he talks so much omg
bubbles said: we should wait until their conversation is over so we can leave
bubbles said: max is so wasted too
buttercup said: yeah
buttercup said: when she’s finished with daniel we can go
You slap your face almost too hard, because they could’ve saved you from the misery of listening to drunk Daniel, about things you didn’t care about because you were already annoyed about Daniel himself. But no, they decided to wait for you to come ask for help, as if they weren’t your best friends since forever and didn’t know when you were struggling with something.
blossom said: yes fuck face, i didn’t send you a bottle with a rescue message inside of it because my cell phone ran out of battery
blossom said: but i was asking for help with my eyes for you to save me from daniel
blossom said: i hate you two
After letting a snort out and closing your group chat with Pierre and Charles you go through your older notifications. There’s a couple of messages from your mysterious boy, and as you read the notifications, your face warms instantly. Your cheeks are red and your ears are so hot they even feel sensible to the touch. 
You read again, making sure your eyes didn’t fool you.
hot stuff said: well
hot stuff said: i ahve a lingerie kink
hot stuff said: does thsi count as a screet?
Your phone is on top of your bed and you stare at it, your hands landing on your hips as you sit on the bed to take a breath. You try to think about what you would answer to hot stuff. You aren't very familiar with these kinds of things, but you probably have an idea of what a lingerie kink is, and just thinking about it makes your cheeks red again.
Hot stuff likes to see people in lingerie, right? Well, you don't understand it very much, but he probably doesn’t enjoy seeing EVERYONE in lingerie, only certain and specific people. People he has second intentions with. You can’t even think about this matter without almost bursting with only the thought of it.
You need to be very sure of yourself to agree to be only in lingeries in front of another person. It’s too vulnerable in your opinion.
You try to think about yourself showing a part of your body to someone else like that. Maybe your torso? Or your legs? Your chest? You couldn’t do it. No, no, no, no, no. Your body isn’t something you think others would like to see. Not even with beautiful lingerie on.
Would hot stuff be turned on if you showed up to him with lingerie?
Scratch that.
You shake your head, because your mind is going in a certain direction you don't want to think off. You shouldn’t think about it because hot stuff isn’t even a close friend of yours, why would you jump into something else like this?
But… you wonder what is hot stuff’s type.
You look good in dark blue…
Before you can continue on thinking about things you shouldn’t, your phone lights up with a new message. Your heart rate increases without noticing, it could be anyone, but from where you are, you can kind of see the “hot stuff” stamped on the notification.
You watch it for a few seconds, when another notification pops up, startling you. You decide you should answer it, at least show hot stuff you're there and didn’t disappear after he said something like that.
hot stuff said: well sorry for these messages skdjfng i think this was a very intimate secret for me to share
hot stuff said: i’m really ashamed right now that i’ve come back to my normal senses. i was a bit drunk and
hot stuff said: i-
You let a soft laugh escape, you could imagine hot stuff getting nervous from telling you about his kink out of nowhere. If he’s as anxious as you, he’s totally freaking out at that moment.
ma fraise said: no worries! i found it amusing that i think i can totally imagine it being your preferences 
You shake your head. Why would you imagine it being his preference? You don’t even think about these kinds of matters. You’re getting nervous too.
ma fraise said: but also it made me intrigued by it
ma fraise said: so that’s why i didn’t answer
ma fraise said: it had me thinking i guess
ma fraise said: are you still drunk?
You wait, but the answer doesn’t come very fast.
hot stuff said: what were you thinking exactly?
hot stuff said: no just took a shower and only embarrassment is left in my body
There’s two options here: you could simply end this conversation here and go to sleep, or you could answer hot stuff’s question. Even if you feel like this conversation is going in a different way than you imagined, you have nothing to lose here. It won’t hurt to chat a little with someone you enjoy the company of, after a horrible night.
ma fraise said: don’t worry we all get drunk sometimes xD
ma fraise said: well i was thinking about how different people are 
ma fraise said: i tried to think about what makes that your kink, and i think i figured it out, but that’s a very strange concept for me
hot stuff said: why is it strange? i think it’s a very common kink
hot stuff said: i mean…
ma fraise said: it’s not a very common thing for me about enjoying people using lingerie
ma fraise said: actually i wouldn’t know if i enjoy or not because i never thought of it
ma fraise said: what’s the basic criteria for your kink?
hot stuff said: be someone i have an attraction for like any other kink i guess
hot stuff said: i don’t crave on seeing everyone using lingerie - don’t get me wrong
hot stuff said: binotto for example i, not in a million year, will want to see him wearing lingerie you know
hot stuff said: he’s not my type
You have a small smile on your face, because he mentioned someone he’s almost sure you know since you let out by accident that you’re a Ferrari fan. Sometimes you think that hot stuff is very caring in your friendship and you feel like you’re growing more and more into trusting and enjoying having his company with you.
Maybe switching your phone with a stranger wasn’t the worst thing after all.
hot stuff said: but you i would be interested in seeing
hot stuff said: even tho i have no idea what you look like
And you throw your phone away from you.
(prev chap // next chap)
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according2thelore · 2 months
wait i have more to say. i saw someone else say that youre their favorite wincest writer and i just need to raise my hand and say ME TOO!!!!
i only VERY recently admitted to my best friend that i ship them and when i was reading house song i was going NUTS and i NEEDED to talk about it. so i ended up sending my friend a 10 minute long voice message going through the plot and how beautifully written it is and how its fucking me up!!!!!! im going crazy and shaking dean just SHOT HIS DAD!!!!!!!!! AND IT WAS BELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!! and my friend was like holy fuck that fic sounds crazy but in a good way and they dont ship it but i think they at least get it now lmfao because wow.
and deans guilt over the life he has given sam. an orphan living on a mattress with no money and just his fucked up older brother. goddamn. i want to hug dean. and sam thinking the worst that dean left him like dad. but then ultimately realizing there is literally NOTHING dean wouldnt do to reach him. its just so cathartic and OH THE FLASHBACK TO BABY SAM. ‘no boo boos?’ ARE YOU KIDDING ME? and then then the parallel because sam is covered in blood again and it ISNT HIS. NO BOO BOOS!!!!!!! but he is so so so hurt oh my goddddd
im sorry im so feral about you i just dont have the magical talent with words that you do. like deans admission and saying that the word falls out of his mouth like a dead body hits the ground????? how can i even attempt to match your beautiful fucking mind. ugh. i wont recover from this. your an inspiration for real. okay i will leave you alone now thank you for the brain worms
GUH the hits keep COMING!!!!!!
i am giggling and kicking my feet that you explained my fic to a FRIEND HOLY SHIT!!!!! oh to hear this voice message lol <3
i had to read this ask series out loud to charlotte, who was also giggling and kicking her feet on my behalf.
i am so glad you found it believable! that was one of the biggest struggles for me, and i liked the boys' characterization in this one, so i'm so sososo happy that you did too!!!!!
i've never done this before, but i thought since you like it, you might find the planning process interesting! i don't do outlines for all of my fics, just the really hefty ones (the heaven fic, this one, and a few others), and i've found this helps me a lot! you can see some things that i've cut or changed. charlotte and i usually plan these out over face time, lol, and she was mostly asleep through this entire planning one (in her defense, she had been working all day). i hope you find it interesting!
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i hope you don't think less of me now that you know i wrote that they "boink" 🙏 it was like two in the morning. also handwriting reveal? omg?
anon, i've said it before but i'll say it again--THANK YOU SO MUCH🥺🥺🥺🥺 uno reverse card as well bc folks like you encourage/inspire authors to keep writing!
i always love hearing which parts folks like best, and this fed me for months to come!!!!!!
and please feel welcome to come back and scream with me about these two any time the mood hits you, lol!
(house song, the fic in question for anyone curious!)
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cheetahsprints · 10 months
(If you don't like mentions of a slash ship featuring certain anthro hedgehogs just scroll past!!!! Quickly!!!)
TL;DR (You can skip this blurb if you want the full story)
I went from being like neutrally aware of the Sonic franchise characters' existence to totally obsessed practically overnight with Shadow and Sonadow. Went full speed ahead brainrot on them because of a freaking dream where cartoon (unspecified) Sonic & co accidentally entered the dimension of live action Sonic. Shenanigans ensued, most notably a dreambrain-hatched live action Shadow fighting his cartoon version because of his attitude toward Sonic & co.
(End of TL;DR)
[Text wall below for details]
A few nights ago I had a random as hell dream about Sonic the hedgehog and I am now here I have watched freaking Sonic Prime on Netflix because the mental images wouldn't leave me alone so I treated it like a weird message from the universe e send Help
My only previous interactions with sonic stuff was some person I followed on twitter for something else posting art of it (mega long time ago), watching the sonic live action movies why I have no idea (super long time ago), and that joke game that went surprisingly hard The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog which I completed even though the minigames to progress got hard AF for me (pretty long time ago) and like even before all that I knew of Sonic from ads, memes, and various posts on social medias. But I didn't fully engage with it.
Side note: the twitter posting was mostly sonadow and I would look it over like uh-huh ok the vibes check out and just keep scrolling like lsdfkjdskl but that is pretty much the main reason I knew Sonic/Shadow existed but at the time I didn't actively seek it out or try to learn more.
My brain is so so so weird and the dream was somewhat vivid like watching a movie omg where the live action sonic and pals met the cartoon versions of the characters?? even though I never watched any of the cartoons before??? as such it wasn't a specific series, I just knew it in the dream they were from a generalized cartoon universe
Specifically it was Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles in the movie group, while the cartoon group had Amy and Rouge instead of the other two alongside Sonic, who I only even really knew about because of the April Fool's game. And Shadow was also there in both groups because why not I guess and they (the Shadows) fought each other because the movie one thought the cartoon one was a jerk lmao idk? Yeah my subconscious decided it couldn't wait for Sonic 3 and made up its own version of movie Shadow.
Early in the dream there was also a little kid clone of Sonic who belonged with the cartoon group. There were some cute interactions but in nonsensical dream fashion that character just disappeared later like he was never there lol
…There was some plot about the cartoon group needing to get back to their dimension because Sonic accidentally got them blasted into the movie one somehow... after watching Sonic Prime I'm like my dream was so FREAKISHLY similar to that show's plot, but I SWEAR I knew nothing about the premise of SP before the dream. Although, in the dream they were like... multidimensional travellers doing hero stuff and had met other variants before, just this time it wasn't intentional and it messed something up.
Uh getting off track... (which the dream itself did a lot tbf)
Anyway, what I remember is the movie dimension made the cartoon group look in the more realistic style so at first Shadow thought the actual movie group were the ones from his dimension (Shadow & Amy got separated from Sonic & Rouge) and was rude to them because he was so ticked off blaming Sonic for being a dumbass and yelling at Tails for not preventing whatever happened or something, so actual movie Shadow appeared like. don't talk to my friends that way asshole and beat the absolute shit out of him. There was an explanation Tails gave that the movie Shadow was more powerful for some reason I don't remember and Amy told cartoon Shadow to stop trying to beat him. But yeah bro was so pissed movie Sonic had to step in and physically stop him because he wouldn't listen to and/or overpowered anyone else. He reminded Shadow that the other Shadow was still him, in a sense.
Cartoon Sonic and Rouge appeared and Sonic started bickering with cartoon Shadow. but the movie versions were best friends so they were watching them like wtf is wrong with y'all. Movie Shadow got fed up quickly and punched cartoon Shadow again and stood protectively in front of both Sonic versions bristling and wouldn't take his eyes off his counterpart. Cartoon Shadow was so goddamn confused by Shadow's protectiveness and asked how Sonic had made movie Shadow his loyal bodyguard (derogatory) Amy and Rouge like explained the backstory to the movie crew, which is fuzzy to me but it was something along the lines of, Shadow had been brainwashed to rival Sonic, tricked to think that Sonic was evil (unbeknownst to that Sonic who in his pov had this random edgy hedgehog start attacking him out of nowhere during a mission) and they had a lot of intense fighting before Shadow found out the truth. But the two of them never quite got over the misunderstanding. Listen I didn't know Shadow's backstory, literally none of it, but I have read the wiki since ok
Meanwhile movie Shadow, in the dream, was made and raised in a lab and similarly believed he was made as Sonic's rival/equal. Behind the scenes some government thing or whatever were afraid of Sonic's power and wanted a backup plan. But some evil guy stole and unleashed Shadow. At first it was basically just a duel, Shadow admired Sonic, but the evil guy had put a chip in his head that when activated made him try to kill Sonic. Eventually he was subdued and the chip deactivated- and despite everything Sonic insisted Shadow come with him to his home and the rest was history. This unfolded in like flashback style.
There was a funny part where Shadow questioned Sonic's home like "What kind of base of operations is this?" In a very unimpressed tone. Sonic said sarcastically "Oh, sorry if you were expecting my own Fortress of Solitude." And I guess Shadow was allowed to watch tv because he got the reference and shot back "Does that make me Lois Lane?" Didn't make a whole lot of sense sdlfkjds but movie Shadow delivered this line very confidently and flirtatious and just walked away leaving Sonic shocked LOL
And then later Shadow complained that the government people would always rewind and loop the villainy parts and he never got to see if Lois and Clark kissed (It's been too long since I watched any Superman movies so I couldn't tell you if this makes sense) and Knuckles teased him for being a romantic, and then the whole team binge watched every Superman movie.
In the "present" at some point movie Sonic and Shadow pulled their alternate versions aside and like told them off for being mean to each other lmao cartoon Sonic was kinda like uwu I didn't know Shadow had feelings he's like a lone wolf and like was surprised by his counterpart's vehemence. Movie Sonic told cartoon Sonic that Shadow can be a great friend if you give him a chance. I don't remember the Shadowses convo much but it was a lot more chill despite the fighting before (though still prickly) because Shadow's reasons were more valid and it was more of a pep talk from movie Shadow that if he opened up more it might give the others around him more opportunity to know and accept him.
I remember there was this one specific heavy emotional line in the dream that stuck with me when I woke up said by cartoon Shadow about Sonic, "He's my best friend but I'm obviously not his" DFKLJDSKJ
Additional small detail that movie Sonic and Shadow had known each other for over 2 years during dream events. And they were quite close and in sync. But still bantery
My brain basically conjured a LITERAL FANFICTION in my sleep and I have been thinking about it a lot What's hilarious is I knew next to fuck all about these characters my brain pulled the plot points of this dream out of its ass
Typed out, this dream probably sounds a lot longer than it was... the "scenes" just felt oddly detailed for how mashed together and quick passing they were.
But yeah I kept thinking about the dream and like daydreaming more scenes and it somehow turned even more into Sonadow (like, I imagined Cartoon Sonic & Shadow finding out in a very abrupt way that the movie versions were an item. <- to my delight I did find a fic with a premise very similar to this just not movie universe related. Also played with the idea of Sonic and/or Shadow accidentally kissing the wrong counterpart in their excitement at being reunited which Awakened Some Things for the receiver of the unexpected passion😂 )
The dream kinda acted as a base that inspired daydreams to spiral out from my brain without permission but I just... mentally jumped into it because ships sometimes grab you like that.
And Sonic Prime made my sprouting interest worse, basically fuel to the fire, so now I am obsessed with them... like what a fucking way to get into a ship
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I would like to know more about both your Star Trek Terror fic and your Crozier hates tinder fic please 🙏
omg okay so like, these are both a bit old, star trek terror fic is proper old, i think i wrote it in 2021, but im still hoping!! i had so much fun just working out the worldbuilding on that one and how the different characters slot into different roles, but then i ran up against my old nemesis The Actual Plot and was like 'hmm ok, i think i need to know a bit more about Star Trek TOS lore for this', aaaand that's where i stalled. it's fitzier, but like, eventually. very eventually. you'll see why from the snippet 😂
crozier hates tinder fic was me going 'why is there almost no modern au romcom rossier fic' and then having a very funny convo with some folks on discord about science nerds on tinder. that one mostly exists in vague outline form with a scene or two written out plus random details like 'james ross owns not one but several tacky early 2000s mugs from various places in the southern hemisphere, preferably with penguins on'.
snippets mostly below a cut because they got long (sorry about that)!
Star Trek Terror:
francis raised his brows, but said nothing. ignoring fitzjames' confused expression, he turned his attention back to the file in his hand. "i see from your service record that you've received several commendations for bravery in engagements with the romulans and the klingons." he looked up. "out of curiosity, do you speak klingon? or romulan?"
"ah, no, sir," fitzjames smiled apologetically. "i'm afraid i don't."
"i see. so your expertise lies primarily in firing at alien races, not communicating with them."
it wasn't a fair question, nor a fair conclusion. clearly taken aback, fitzjames blinked in open surprise. "sir," he began carefully, "i believe my qualifications -"
"your qualifications, commander fitzjames, are perfectly adequate. even impressive. for war." francis fixed him straight in the eye and held his gaze. "but don't let the repurposed nature of our ship fool you. we are a survey vessel. you will appreciate, no doubt, that the primary goal of any exploratory mission is to avoid bloodshed, not to excel at it." fitzjames drew breath to speak. francis ignored it. "put bluntly, commander, we don't particularly need a war hero. what we need is someone who knows how to calibrate a spectrometer correctly."
"with all due respect, sir," said fitzjames, once he was sure francis had finished speaking, "i think you'll find i have the requisite scientific training to apply for this post." he'd uncrossed his legs while francis was speaking and now sat ramrod straight. his mouth was pinched, his dark brows drawn together.
francis waved that away with a flick of his hand and a shake of his head. "this isn't a twelve-month patrol tour along the neutral zone, commander. we will be five years in deep space. sometimes uncharted space. in that situation, a man's merits on paper will matter far less than his personal qualities."
there was a pause in which fitzjames lowered his gaze to the floor, his jaw working. when he spoke again it was to a point just above francis' shoulder. the affable buoyancy had drained from his voice, leaving a gravel harshness which francis privately suspected was far more genuine. "i respectfully posit, sir," said fitzjames, "that you don't know my personal qualities, seeing as we've only just met."
francis' smile did not reach his eyes. "be that as it may. i'm afraid my decision is made, commander." he set his padd aside and folded his hands on the table. "thank you for your interest. and good morning."
Tinder fic:
“Well,” says Blanky flatly. “That's sexy.”
But as he reads over the message one more time, Francis’ heart is actually slowing down from its panicked gallop – his dread replaced with sheer relief at being given a topic of conversation he's fluent in.
“No, no, it's fine,” he says absently, staring at the words I'm thrilled we matched. “I don't mind.”
“Aye, you wouldn't, would you. What the hell are–” Thomas peers at the screen more closely. “Pinnipeds?”
“Seals. Well. Not just seals.” Francis looks up. “It's one of those things – all seals are pinnipeds but not all pinnipeds are seals. You know?”
Blanky regards him with the look of a man who absolutely does not. "Right."
After staring at his phone for a few moments longer, Francis opens the keyboard. 
Hi, he types out with deliberation. Thank you for – no. That comes off a bit pathetic, doesn’t it. Backspace. 
Thank you; likewise. Exclamation point? Does the full stop look dour? Cold? But he’s never been much of an exclamation point man. Likewise – I’ve always wanted to visit Antarctica. What
He stops typing, seized by a sudden fear. Hurriedly erasing the message draft, he looks up at Blanky. “Can people see me typing on this thing?”
“Fuck should I know, Francis? I’ve been married for twenty years. – Give us a minute, though.” Blanky pulls out his own phone and writes a text. Less than a minute later, his phone pings. “Hannah says aye. Also wants to know if I'm cheating on Esther.”
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 6 months
“yes, other writers who have smaller blogs would love to have more comments on their fics, but they too would feel annoyed if all the comments they were getting were 'Part 2???'”
OMG YES! i love it when people comment on my fics like so so much but a lot of the times there’s at least a few ‘part 2??’ type of comments. (also a lot of the time the asking for a part 2 is the only engagement they give) while im not opposed to the idea of writing a part two, i usually don’t have any ideas for a part two because most of the things i write are meant to be 1 parters and so if i can’t think of anything sometimes ill ask them what they’d like to see in a part 2 or if they want to send in a request for it but they never respond? i hope it doesn’t seem like i want them to basically come up with the idea for me but im just kinda confused on why people ask for a part 2 on something i wrote when it doesn’t seem like they’re really that serious about wanting to see more because it’s happened at least 3 times now.
anyways, i hope your day is going good (and if it isn’t i hope that changes soon :/ <3) and that those delusional obsessive weirdos learn to fuck off and stop making shit up
okay, idk if people have noticed this, but I have started putting disclaimers on my fics. I have literally had to put disclaimers at the end of my fics saying 'this is meant to be a oneshot, so please to not comment asking for a part 2' - and comments on my oneshots have gone down so much since I started doing this. I have gotten way less comments on my oneshots because of this. (because people don't want to talk about the actual fic, they just want to ask for more.)
because I couldn't handle the mental strain of getting a notification of a comment, getting excited about it, and then opening that comment to see 'part 2?' or 'omg you need to continue this' - when the ending was very purposeful and it was a oneshot for a reason. especially smut. like just because I don't include both partners having an orgasm and pillow talk, people demand that it's incomplete. people saying 'when are you gonna finish this fic' kills me. it is finished. (kill me, please. you need to kill me.)
and like sometimes I never think that I would ever write a second part to a fic, but positive comments encourage it. my Gleggie fic Hold Me Tight Or Don't - a fic where the main character fucking dies - is a very open and shut case for a fic without a sequel. because the main character IS DEAD. but someone in the comments made a joke about being in their 'Ellie Williams era' because they wanted to mentally deny the sad ending, and it sparked a whole idea for me where the reader character is immune and lives instead. and that fic is currently in my drafts and I am excited about finishing it in the future.
that is the power that engaging comments can have - it can spawn a whole new fic from a place where there was a dead end plot with absolutely 0 potential
but yeah, thank you for this message. I hope you're having a good day - my day is mid level, and I hope to have a better day tomorrow.
and for reference, to all fic readers/commenters out there - if you really like a fic and you are really excited about the idea of a possible sequel to it, here is how you go about asking for it:
go to the writer's ask box or their DMs - open up a line of communication that is separate from the comment section of that fic
tell them that you really loved that fic, and tell them a reason why - the writer will want to know that you are supporting their work, and that you're not just asking for more fanfiction because you're bored
politely ask if they would consider writing a sequel or a continuation to that work
and maybe, in the same message, pose some possible ideas or concepts for that follow up
so, something like "hey, I really loved Hold Me Tight Or Don't. I love the way you contrast the themes of sex and death. but I couldn't help but to wonder what would happen if the reader was immune and survived. would you ever consider writing a follow up or a sequel to it? if not, that's okay."
(fyi, even on works where I have said I do not want to make a sequel, I am open to these ^^ kind of messages if you are particularly interested in one of my works having a possible sequel. the circumstances for each of my works having a sequel is different in every case)
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