#i need to play dbh 😭
North: I will follow you to the ends of the earth, I love you
Markus: >:|
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cupidstan · 2 years
my dbh boys helping you sleep
tags: insomnia, wholesomeness, cuddling, fluff
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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
“why aren’t you sleeping yet???”
is kinda confused as to why you’re not sleeping bc the only sleeping habits he’s used to is hank’s- who sleeps easily
after you explain a little to him he quickly connects the dots and nods a little (like that adorable little nod when he’s sat in the police station with hank omg he’s so adorable fufbdkdubffoi)
“okay… i’m gonna find some solutions and we’ll work through it.” he’s so practical-
silently searches into any sleeping pills you might potentially need but he won’t tell you that until he has all the evidence that you need medication
will go through a bedtime ritual with you even though he doesn’t need it bc he cares
isn’t huge on cuddling at first because he’s incredibly new to it but he finds that it helps soothe you back to sleep when you wake up so he cuddles you all the time
likes rubbing your back as you cuddle into him (it’s his favourite)
he’s awful at making drinks tbh but he does his best to make you a hot chocolate and other soothing beverages <3
limits your caffeine intake too
“huh? wha? oh. hey, sugar.”
literally tugs you under his arm and then falls back asleep
he fucking sucks at staying awake bc he’s getting old. he needs his beauty sleep 😭
however- like connor he will do a bedtime routine with you. doesn’t let you drink alcohol or caffeine, even limits your screen time just in case
will let you cuddle with sumo on the bed even though sumo takes up a lot of space
however, sumo will get up in the middle of the night to get some water and then flop down on his own comfy bed so you have to roll over and cuddle hank instead
makes you hot drinks and they taste amazing <3
will take you to the doctors to get sleeping pills if it’s extreme insomnia
but if it’s more mild and a broken sleep pattern he will cuddle you back to sleep every time you wake up
he’s also an insomniac so he stays up with you
the two of you passed out on the couch together most nights <3
treats you to coffee in the morning when you’re both exhausted but still have to go to work
likes spooning but also likes chest to chest, both help him fall asleep a bit quicker
likes talking about his day with you when you’re both cuddled up together and watching some shitty film that mainly plays in the background
can’t sleep when you’re separated, so you practically live at his apartment
if you both work at dpd then he’ll put coffees on your desk in passing and shakes you awake if you pass out (loves it when you do the same for him)
adores days off where you both order food and lazy around together trying to catch up on sleep
overall he’s just as sleep deprived as you but you’re helping each other <3
i hc he was a malewife domestic care robot (like daniel) before he became a deviant so he knows a lot about helping people fall asleep
will literally read you bedtime stories he’s so adorable 😭
best cuddler on the list, cuddles you straight to sleep he’s a natural
will watch over you bc androids don’t need sleep, even if you weren’t an insomniac he’d still watch over you <3
“do you want a hot bath and a nice drink to unwind?”
will get you aromatherapy sprays that you spray on your pillow to try and help <3
will also research medications like connor and suggest them to you (also suggests going to the doctor if you’re really struggling)
wakes you up with praises and a well earned coffee in the morning after you slept through most of the night bfnfksjsngkic he’s so cute 😭
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gogogodzilla · 1 year
Hi, I hope you are well and remember to treat yourself from time to time. I wanted to let you know you're amazing and a talented writer and I love your brain 💕 Criminal Analysis is just my favourite connor fic, I found nothing that really compares! Can we get dbh kiss and/or cuddling headcanons for Connor and if you have time and are in the mood, for Simon as well?
Kiss Me More
Note: Thank you so much anon! Your kind words mean so much to me <333 I'm so sorry it took me so long to finish this 😭I've also never written for Simon, so I hope I do him justice!!
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SO, for kissing~
so, so gentle when he kisses you
but can be passionate when he needs to be
also blushes SO HARD
probably won't kiss you in front of his coworkers :(
will definitely make up for it when you get home tho <3
not afraid to kiss you if someone else is getting too close
you go out to a bar and order a drink, Connor waits at the table, eyes never leaving your form
some skeevy dude comes up and starts shamelessly flirting w/ you
Connor puts a stop to that REAL FAST
saunters up like he owns the place and presses a firm kiss on your forehead and asking if everything was alright
his hand never leaves your waist, and he keeps you close for the rest of the night
speaking of keeping you close!!
when it comes to cuddling, this man has an iron grip
literally will not let you move, and wants to be close to you always
poor dude is touch-starved, plz hold him
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very similar to Connor
very gentle with you
he just loves you SO MUCH
his kisses are like waking up on a Saturday morning, well-rested, and the birds are singing gently outside your window
has his hands all over you when he kisses you, whether they're cupping your face, resting on your hips, or running through your hair
very into subtle forms of PDA, but not afraid to give you a goodbye kiss in front of everyone
when you're cuddling, he will hold you like you're the most precious thing on the planet
doesn't mind being big spoon or little spoon
will play with your hair before you fall asleep <333
always asks for permission before kissing you, he's sweet like that
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yonniebonnie · 1 year
Okay I might actually start writing now, but I think I’ll start off with head cannons for right now because I’m not 100% confident in my writing skills. I know I’m not absolute shit when it comes to writing, but I have noticed that I tend to repeat certain words so I’ll have to work on that 😭
Characters that I might write for:
Peter Maximoff (obviously)
Maybe other characters from the X-men series
Tate Langdon
Luke Cooper (there’s not a lot of fics for him and I’d like to change that 😏)
Jennifer Check
Stu Macher
Charlie Walker
Mickey Altieri
Ethan Landry
Amber Freeman
Jill Roberts
Literally any Ghostface other than Richie, Nancy Loomis, and detective Bailey💀
Also open to writing for other scream characters like Tatum, Dewey, or Sam
Peter Parker (whichever one)
Conner DBH
The Maze Runner characters
Every Wednesday character except for Xavier (sorry, don’t feel comfortable writing for Percy Hynes White 🤷🏾‍♀️)
Stanley Barber (y’all still remember IANOWT?)
And that’s basically it for right now. Also Peter, Tate, and Luke are the only Evan Peters characters I’ll be writing for just for right now because I haven’t finished the other seasons of American Horror Story yet, but maybe in the future I’d probably be interested in writing for characters like Kit Walker or Kyle Spencer. There’s other characters that I wouldn’t mind trying to write for that I haven’t mentioned, but just ask and I’ll give you an answer.
I can write:
Any gendered readers: female readers, gender neutral readers, and male reader
Nsfw: don’t be afraid to request suggestive stuff. I don’t mind writing kinky stuff, but not too kinky like the piss kink or daddy kink bc it personally makes me uncomfortable (however, I’ll allow mommy kinks).
Kinks: Needed a section to put what kinks I allow. I will write for breeding kinks, breath play, bondage, pain kink, knife play, blood kink, dom/sub, degradation, BDSM; whatever, just ask.
Sfw: I’ll write fluff, hurt comfort, angst, any tropes, just whatever. I’m fine with platonic fics.
Semi Dark fics: I like Scream and American Horror Story, so you know there’s going to be some dark fics. I don’t mind prompts where the characters are possessive or obsessive (but not abusive). I also don’t mind writing for Yandere characters.
Poc reader inserts: I’m black, so I’d love writing stuff for black readers as well.
Fandoms: X-men, Wednesday, Scream, Spiderman verse, The Maze Runner series, Detroit Become Human, The Umbrella Academy (that’s it for rn)
I won’t write:
Celebrities/Real People: As much as I find their character’s attractive, I don’t feel comfortable writing for the actor/actress themself. I don’t know them personally, so I don’t feel any interest in writing anything for them.
Guy x male reader smut: it’s not bc of homophobia, it’s simply just because I don’t feel comfortable writing gay smut. As a woman, I just don’t want to make people think I’m sexualizing gay men. The most I’ll do is write suggestive stuff, but I won’t write full on smut.
OC inserts: I strictly write for reader inserts. I won’t be writing anything specifically for one reader.
Shipping: I don’t write for character x character. Nothing against them, I just only have an interest for reader inserts.
Smut for teenage characters: I’m 18, so I will not be writing smut for characters under 18, especially if they are portrayed by literal teenagers. However, for characters like on Wednesday where the characters are portrayed by adults in their 20s and even 30s, if you want smut for them it should be fine as long as they’re aged up to be 18.
These: non-con, step-cest/incest, r4pe themes, drugging, somnophilia, age regression, ddlg, piss kink (squirting’s fine), huge age gaps, race play, pedophilia, etc. Once again, if you’re not sure what kinks I’ll write for, feel free to ask
Traumatic stuff: I will not write things like abuse victim, rape victim, or self harm victim prompts. I will write angst, but I won’t write anything too depressing. I came here for a good time, let me be happy and delusional in peace 😪
Songfics: So random, but I hate when fics have lyrics within them. They confuse me too much and I also find them kind of cringey. I absolutely despise songfics, I’m so sorry babes 😭
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ghostdrinkssoup · 2 years
it’s time for the usual hannibal notes/reactions (s1 ep9 aka the beach episode) except it’s just the silly goofy ones:
omg it’s the beach episode. every show needs a beach episode
^^ this comment made me laugh so hard I went to tumblr to make the joke NFBSJDJ I’M BACK NOW
man being an npc in hannibal would suck
abigail :(((( my darling baby I’m screaming and throwing up
I’m such an abigail apologist I forgot she killed a guy NDBSJHDJS
bev in a high ponytail 🤭💖
I would not listen to will’s mental health advice
I would not listen to HANNIBAL’S mental health advice
“just because you killed my dad doesn’t mean you get to be him” - SLAYYY GET HIS ASS
I hate how married will and hannibal are in this scene jesus christ /affectionate
JACK’S INSTINCTS >>> so true king
will talks to hannibal like he’s his husband 😭 chatting shit about jack AGAIN (they keep doing this)
“you betrayed my trust” - SHUT UP
hannibal is so insane fr <3
whoever plays this old man is acting his ass off rn like he knew he was getting one scene and popped off
he’s giving carl from dbh
^^ is it the same actor ??
(narrator voice) it was indeed the same actor
HANNIBAL REALLY RISKING IT ALL TO CONFESS TO WILL (he knows he can manipulate him rip)
also something shifted after episode 7/8 now they’re going full husbands mode they have such Married energy
hannibal: “you know why” - WHY DID HE SAY IT LIKE THAT ALL COCKY AND SHIT okayyy
“who knows abigail better than you or I?” - I am gonna PUT YOU IN THE SOUP
“we are her fathers now” - they went from “we’re suddenly friends” at the beginning of the episode to “we’re suddenly husbands and PARENTS” the baby trap is so real
when he says you’re dads now and grabs your shoulder 😳😳😳😳
what is this family dinner someone get abigail out of here
^^ he’s supportive 🥰
this show is a comedy
why does this sound like a parent teacher conference?? “you must understand our concerns, we care about abigail” YOU BOTH KILLED HER DAD ????
“this book is about her innocence” *cut to shot of abigail eating human meat* 😭😭
“we all want what’s best for abigail :)” HANNIBAL IS SUCH A BITCH
how dare hannibal have the biggest dad energy in this scene I’m murdering him
and omfg the boundaries between will and hannibal are completely blurred now like jesus dude “will and I are going to protect you” THE MAN STILL WON’T CALL YOU BY NAME TO YOUR FACE GET A GRIP SOLDIER
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novarays · 1 year
(SAMS Spoilers)
Bit late to this one, I was too busy playing Projects Eden's Gardens prologue
(Wolfgang supremacy and I'm not just saying that cause I like Connor from Dbh)
Monty really needs to give the boys a break 😭 First the plushies and now this. Sun is close to snapping, first the minecraft video and now this. Wonder how they are going to portray it and such, since Sun has shown he's not below getting physical. (Also happy to see Lunar again)
Also I knew it, Sun is the older brother out of the two. Moon literally got grounded by him 💀
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deepdarkdelights · 1 year
When I saw you mention ur releasing the fic, I was so excited!! I absolutely love this android concept. I love how you explained further with the details on how the world progressed into it, how it almost became a norm to have an android for one another. That to for several reasonings, especially the loneliness. Which I relate to a lot.
Can I also mention how Jin is the perfect candidate for this type of scenario! He heavily fits the boyfriend look almost realistic.
He was such a sweetheart, almost immediately being the teasing bf yet caring as fuck. I really liked the cute little moments a amongst both.  The part of him having small realisations over those little moments, feeling urges to do things that aren't "normal"
"This feeling like he was trapped behind a glass wall and on the verge of breaking through it and finally taking control of his body." I felt bad for him for feeling this way yet it was scary because that's a sign of it going wrong eventually too
The part when she said if he'd remember her
But the slow and scary transition of him liking mc, keeping her memories and replaying them with others, feeling in his safe space until that client forced themselves on him.
"It felt like he was throwing himself against solid glass - spider cracks slowly but surely spreading along its surface with each violent attack until it finally shattered and fell apart. And he could move. " I loved this description. He always felt trapped with the glass until he could finally open.
But that also lead him to cause other things and murdering. But at the same time, the client violated him completely. But him finally feeling like a human must have been terrifying and confusing tho nothing could be done after that
"He didn’t want to be decommissioned - he didn’t want to die. But he also didn’t want to let go of you. That was no longer an option. " I found this really sweet 😭 I know he's a yandere but its definitely a lot more softer than rough and how he cared for her. Really love your descriptions! 💘💘
But the sick feeling that washes and realisations of him having a virus. At the same time, mc always wanted to be special in his eyes and unfortunately she was in the most horrifying way.
I really really enjoyed this overall, the concept, your mind??, your the best at writing characters so crazy (in the best way I mean bc wow I love ur characters so much) I love your dialogues, your descriptions on everything is so amazing, how easily we can see the shift beginning to occur and how each one of them felt in their ways 💘 I really love android jin, hes coming my favourite after reading this 😭 idc I'm insane but I want him 🤣
Yay! I'm happy that you liked the android concept!
When I started writing Awake, I knew that I wanted the android to be a hyung line member. It just so happened that when I got the idea for the fic, Jin enlisted. And I really missed him and needed some comfort 😭
This fic takes place in the "Detroit Become Human" universe, so a lot of the ideas about the androids come from there - them operating under strict parameters, them learning how to feel emotions, etc. The scene where Jin "becomes human" and murders his client was heavily inspired by the Eden Club chapter in Detroit Become Human. I really didn't want to write about a sex-bot though and that would put the MC in a really difficult position because then what would make her any better than the other clients? And then I remembered that professional cuddlers existed and I wanted to play around with that.
The company that makes androids is Cyberlife, and when androids start "deviating" from the programming Cyberlife claims it's a virus that's making them simulate emotions. The actual question is - is it really a virus or is it sentience? And I think that's something interesting to think about in regard to Jin's fic.
In short, I really love DBH so I was happy to expand on that universe in my own way with my love for the yandere trope as well as BTS 😂
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darkrooklobby · 20 days
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[✨Since i'll be keeping this blog now, here's some info about me, my likes, dislikes, fandoms, my personality, art techniques, and opinions✨]
General info:
-🍀Rook Lobby / DRL / " T " - ⚧️ They/Them - 🏳️‍🌈 Ace - 🗣️ I welcome criticism - ⚖️ Libra, INTP, True Neutral, phlegmatic
Tools I use:
Krita / Fountain Pen / Recycled Supplies / Acrylic / Mechanical Drafting Pentel / Ink / Watercolor / Photography / Whatever I get my hands on, occasionally.
I've used so many online tutorials in my lifetime, I can say with certainty that I'm self-taught, and that the internet helped tremendously. My art experiments are archived here.
I've only started receiving proper art classes in college... 😔
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My Goals so far:
Create a portfolio! ⭐ I'm still a student, but I've taken commissions before & I've been accepted to colleges, although I need a job rn. I wish to one day become a video game artist or tattoo artist or illustrator or graphic designer. Anything that has to do with art, I'm eager to try!
My Concise Opinion on Art:
Art is a skill, not a talent. Talent, in my personal opinion, doesn't exist. What people call 'talent' doesn't get you far. Talent might be your liking of the subject - the rest is hard work.
People never see the 90% of the work we put in, attributing it to talent, which, again, doesn't do much for you!
Art is a method of visual communication, a universal language, if done properly. Art is an illusion, and goes against nature, since you try to trick the eyes to see & imagine something while looking at a 2D plane or at a 3D sculpture.
Art is short for "artificial" - but that word means "made & designed by humans". Humans are the only species on earth capable of recognizing "art", and that is what makes humans ... human.
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My Fandoms:
[Tl;Dr] It's mostly video games... Although I'm known to like some anime / manga / manhwa occasionally + and older cartoons from my childhood.
WTTG2 + Scrutinized
sonic games
Layers of fear + dlc
CoF, AoM and Grey
Slender : the arrival
Genshin Impact
the crooked man - the RPG
the girl's glass staircase
Identity V
Ib (RPG, 2012, didn't play 2022 yet)
spooky's jumpscare mansion
overwatch... 2...
Phoenix Wright TRILOGY ONLY
Dai gyakuten saiban 1 & 2
Kraina Grzybów: The Apple Escape
The Quarry,
imscared (steamedition)
Mirror layers
Danganronpa - fav executions: (After School Lesson, One-woman army, Strand of Agony)
persona 2 (Innocent sin + eternal punishment)
persona 5 ROYAL
Yume Nikki/Yume 2kki
.flow (dot flow)
Yakuza: Like A Dragon,
Little Hope
Witch's house
The theater - the indie horror
Other Socials:
I've left Deviantart since they stole my artwork and sold it to AI. Greedy bastards 🫠
"X" is annoying to use
I have plans for uploading tutorials to Youtube someday
On ticktock I've only uploaded memes so far 😭
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requiem626k · 2 years
Connor is amazing! He's why I started playing and I thought the game was all about him, I was quite surprised it was much broader but I liked it. I ended up having to look up the interactions between him and Hank though because I couldn't stand the idea of doing anything to make them not be friends.
Omg I have to confess that he was pretty much the reason I started playing DBH too 🫢, I had seen parts of his investigations in gameplays and immediately went “oh lord i need this game”, though I only got to play it 3 years later haha.
Yes hahaha I also had the impression that Connor was the only playable character, but I was really happy when I discovered that there was more. I really loved Kara’s route, it touched me so much 🥺. Her and Alice’s moments made me cry like a baby several times. Markus felt… surprisingly a bit bland to me, despite him being the MAIN main character lol, but I was happy when I managed to get the lover route for him and North.
AND YES OMG I cannot emphasise enough how much Connor and Hank mean to me… I never looked something up but whenever I chose something and Hank went 🔻 I immediately restarted the chapter ahjfbdn
I really want to discover other endings to experience the whole game, but that means Hank will need to be hostile with Connor at some point and it just hurts. Plus I would need to choose “remain a machine” for Connor… God I really don’t have the heart to do that 😭.
I hate Amanda and Kamski though. Something in them just irks me, ugh. *shivers*
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bisexual-ashe · 4 years
I caved and bought the warlock ashe skin in overwatch... cos even tho i literally just bought the spark skin for her like. 3 days ago. i can never have too many ashe skins uwu
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simonofjericho · 2 years
Which characters would pull pranks on april fools and what type of pranks would they pull?
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Everyone i know i so boring that i got to pull of 0 pranks and nobody pranked me so i need the hc’s😭
(I used to have every prank listed but i lost it sos, will edit asap)
The Jericrew would all prank eachother one way or another, however North pulls off the most pranks.
For the DPD they would have a similar situation, just with the difference that Gavin would pull the most pranks AND fall for the most pranks (especially Connor and RK900/Nines’ Pranks).
The Family Trio refuses to play harmful pranks on each other and just do harmless and wholesome pranks.
Deviated Chloe’s would pull of small and unnoticeable pranks on Kamski, but Kamski wouldn’t notice and if he did would just ignore it.
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dwter · 2 years
NO BECAUSE UR RIGHT 😭😭 it's the same as when dream said multiple times he was gonna stream on his birthday but then after like a month long silence every mfer came out of the woodwork to stream train on his birthday and we barely heard him EVEN IN THE VCs. i love that dtkq pushes him to try new games sometimes, but it's so annoying when it becomes too hectic and dream never gets a chance to speak. he shines best in vcs that aren't overly loud and when ik it's gonna be a stream with multiple people or besides just george/sapnap, I resign myself to dream speaking like 6 times maximum, so yeah I definitely feel you. if dream was ever gonna play a story game I hope to god it's solo. his thought process is everything
U GET ME ANONNNNN dream birthday stream mentions STILL make my heart ache almost half a year later because holy shit why did everyone and their mom decide to stream that day BUT dream despite him sounding so excited to the days before and he was barely present in any of them and then he just faded entirely ….. 😭😭😭😭😭 most depressing day of my life im going tk be sick thinking about it again . and while i cant help but be thankful for the new games the feral boys force dream to play bc i fear we would get no dream content at all otherwise but yeah the vcs get so hectic and hes definitely a lot more softspoken in those kind of atmospheres (esp if its a game hes unfamiliar with/isnt rly into) (so basically anything that isnt mc with the expectations of gangbeats crab game and a lil bit of golf) and so while i like those streams, they offer so little to dream-centricals esp in comparison to like u said just dteam streams (although sometimes even they can also fall into the dream-three-sentence-and-giggle trap, comparing to solo stream esp) bc dream actually talks and is a main holder of the conversations whereas in other vcs/streams with multiple ppl he never feels like a full part of the conversation rather a small voice offering a few sentences of substance to the topic 😞😞😞 AND THE FUCKING STORY GAME POINT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U GET ME SO COMPLETELY ive talked abt dream and story games so much but oh my fucking god hes so perfect for them i genuinely ADOREEEE his thought process it is gen one of my favourite things about him and ive talked about it so much but its seriously everything to me 😭💚🌟 and it just SHINES during story games and while i stopped yearn-posting for the dbh streams now, i think about them all the time and the way dream interacted with a game like that bc its just so captivating and interesting to watch and he just SUITS games like that for so many reasons that i feel like ive talked about a lot before. and him doing it solo ….. god is that a need A NEEDDDDD
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dwter · 3 years
remember dreams commentary during dbh. if he touches any game like that it'll be just like it but ten times longer and more thought out
THATS WHY I WANT HIM TO PLAY ONE SOOO BAD…. esp stuff with multiple endings and consequences. it would be sooo good. i just also rmr him watching the resident evil stream and just complaining how it doesn’t correlate to real life and how the main dude had plot armour 😭 but i could go on and on about how thorough he is with his choices and how he mixes both empathy and logic SO WELL and SO INTERESTINGLY and thinks about empathy through a logical perspective and logic in an empathetic perspective but i will shut up for now. his commentary would be so fucking good dude 😭 he’s take such good time with his answers and put so much thought into it and rly sit there and debate morality and also his own biases and just …. i need it so bad man. Fuck My Life. he’d also definitely get pissed at all the qte’s bc he can only play minecraft but that’s ok 💚🌟 my precious shining star pls play dbh again smile smile smile
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