#i need to see ryan whoop ass instead of having his ass whooped
kanasn0w · 11 months
wii sports swap au where the champions were the beginners of their respective sport and vise versa
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cosmicbash · 3 years
it’s always jelus and insecure em!! i wanna see jelus and insecure kells!!!!
They're divorced. Twice.
It's public knowledge, and the majority of the sordid details behind their shitshow of two marriages are too.
And Marshall's his. The little sparkle of one of his own earrings reflecting from inside the older man's lobe and the heavy droop of his sweater on the smaller rapper's shoulder's only emphasizes that. The same way his presence here at a close family and friends holiday party does.
Marshall's his. His boyfriend, his lover, his partner. His. No one elses.
But. That sickly sour taste of insecurity is tickling the back of his tongue with each bitter bite the blonde finds himself taking of a gingerbread cookie. His eyes are locked across the room on Marshall's fluffy santa hat decorated head, the cute christmas centric outfit he was wearing no longer warming Colson's heart like it had only an hour prior. Marshall looks too good in it, all soft and dressed down from his usual monochrome track suits and that was exactly the problem. Colson hates how good he looks right now, knowing the man's ex also got to see it, up close and much too personal for his preference.
It wasn't like he had any real reason to worry. Kim was here because of the kids. Not because Marshall directly invited her. It was a pleasantry between exes, done solely to keep the peace and feign some level of normalcy to their children. Even long after all of them had grown up.
And the two weren't exactly on great terms. Marshall still cringed at the very mention of her and from the dirty look she shot the man's way the second they opened the front door she hinted it was mutual.
But, Colson also knows the rapper isn't against hate sex. Afterall, if Marshall was, him and Casie wouldn't have been scrambling to finish all these damn gingerbread men this afternoon. They'd be miles away in Cleveland or LA, celebrating their own christmas, never knowing Marshall's "secret recipe".
It's frustrating to say in the least.
"I see Kim's round for her bi-yearly intereference." A soft bump to his shoulder drags Colson's eyes away from the locked position he's held for over a half hour. Royce's smug smiling face replacing it as he turns.
Colson's still not sure if he can call himself and Ryan friends just yet, there's a past there between the rapper and Marshall as well that's he's only gleamed surface of, on top of the usual tension that comes from an overprotective friend meeting the new "boyfriend". But unlike Kim, Ryan will at least acknowledge his existence so that makes it a bit easier for him to handle. "Bi-yearly interference?"
"Yeah," The other rapper's smirk only seems to widen into a grin as he shakes his head and downs what's left of his drink. "That's the kindest word I can use with the girl's around." Ryan's motioning with his head to follow him around the countertop for some more and despite how much Colson appreciates his current vantage point he accepts the invitation if not for something better to do.
Better than getting called out for staring like a jealous tween girl at least.
"She does this every other year, or just any year Marsh manages to bring home a lady finally-" Ryan's ring clad fingers shake the bottle of spiked eggnog his way. Colson accepts that too with quick nod, letting the 'lady' dig sent his way pass without acknowledgement. "She shows up in that stupid baby blue dress, hair freshly dyed, face done up to the nines, all that shit she'd do back when her and Marsh were still together and she was his-" quick pause in pouring for signed quotation marks, Ryan's eye roll visible even through his shades. "Dime piece." The confirmation of something being up with her less than Christmassy themed outfit only stokes the fire in Colson's stomach though and makes his neck itch to twist back around but Ryan is continuing. "And then she flaunts their ex status like its some trophy whoever Marshall's seeing should be jealous of."
Even the quick toss of some eggnog into the back of his mouth doesn't smother his fire. If anything the weak liquor filled drink puffs like gasoline for Colson's nerves. "And what? She's gonna try and fuck him? Break us up?" Either of those things would happen over his dead body, or hers. He's not against slapping a bitch when it comes to his love life. "So much for him being the bitter yearning ex huh."
Ryan gives a little snort and nod before retopping up his drink. "Funny how that works aint it?"
Now Marshall's presence behind his back feels like a super magnet. Colson's eyes a set of steel balls trembling right before they're whipped back across the room to land on their target. He doesn't want to look just yet though, not now that he knows this jealous pit in his stomach is just further feeding into Kim's scheme. So he settles his eyes onto Ryan's shimmering gold chain instead. "Kinda dumb to compete with a dude by flaunting her old saggy tits and ass though." If Kim knew Marshall half as well as he does she'd know that neither of those can come close to competing with the huge cock hanging between his legs. "If he really needed to look at those there's at least 4 better pairs bouncing around the room right now."
Plus Colson had already taken a glimpse at Kim's flat ass on her way inside, the sad outline of a butt pad was clear as day to anyone within 20 feet of her.
"5 if you count his own." The honesty in Ryan's comment flashed a small strike of Colson's jealousy his way too. The clink of their glasses together in mutual agreement a little harder than needed. "I wouldn't waste your time worrying about it. Been like 6 or 7 years since she was actually successful with it."
"Yeah?" That still felt a little too soon for Colson's comfort. Even if he was only a sniveling brat in Marshall's mind back then.
"Yeah man, trust me, he ain't gonna risk shit with you for Cursed Kim over there." By now Colson's gaze has followed Ryan's, settling rather anxiously on the two with just as much intense focus as he had earlier. The small touch of Kim's fingers to Marshall's bicep tightening his own around the glass.
"For her sake he better not."
"Yeah?" Ryan's shoulder bumping his jostles his attention away again, this time the man is staying closer though. His warm breath felt on Colson's face when their eyes meet. The pretentious shades finally having slipped low enough to flash serious brown orbs. "He cheats and you gonna whoop HER ass? You that obsessed with Marsh?"
Colson can hear the disbelief, and see the close scrutiny he's suddenly being put under. But he doesn't back down from the look one bit. "If he fucks up that's on him, but he's still mine and I'm not gonna toss him over to her just because he acts like an idiot." Marshall cheating would hurt. Colson's already gone through that awful fear once before though, back when they had just started fucking and the question of monogamy came up. The mere thought of the other man touching someone else had almost killed him, and they weren't even dating yet. But it had also set Colson's mind that even if it did happen he wouldn't limp off to lick his wounds.
He's only going to dig his claws in deeper and stake his claim louder.
Marshall's his. Even if he fucks up and forgets that for a moment. He's his and Colson's never letting him go.
"He's mine."
Kim's manicure on his man's bicep is only temporary. Colson's gaze and quick feet will make sure of that.
"Damn, you might be worse than both of them, kid."
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He Likes Me, He Likes Me Not
Summary: You didn’t sneak out of your house for nothing, you went out to have some fun and live a little with the help of your wingman. Oh, and you promised Jin you would bring the drinks, there’s no way you could let him down after that. 
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Words: 2.1k
Pairing: Jin x OC! Reader
Genre: Smut, Crack
Warnings: Teen partying, Jin is a fuckboy, Reader has a crush on Jin, Unprotected Sex, oral stimulation (m & f receiving), 
“I’m gonna go make out with Ryan in the coat closet, bye bitch. Just call me if you need anything.” I roll my eyes as my “wingman” runs off within the first two minutes of us arriving at the party. 
My eyes hone in on Jin, looking like a fucking sex god. Even in his loose t-shirt and sweatpants and socks, he looks so fucking good. As I walk up to him, he gives me his best smile. I know I don’t really have a chance with him, since he only dates the hottest girls at school. But we’re both seniors this year and I feel like I might have grown on him a little, like fungus.
“Hey, so did you bring what I asked for?” I hold up the giant coke bottle in one hand and sprite in the other.
“Nice. So, Bora, I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go watch the stars together? There’s this little spot that I have out back and I’m not letting anyone go out there so it’ll be just us.” My eyes widen as he says this. Did the King Seokjin of school just ask me if we could be alone? Together? I guess tonight really is different.
“Yeah, I’d love to.” 
I stay and mingle with the guests, making eye contact with Seokjin every once in a while. “Oh my god, are you two eye-fucking each other? Ohmygod it finally happened!” Another friend of mine, Callie, giggles as I whack her shoulder.
“Not yet! But yeah, he asked me if we could watch the stars together.” I bite my lip as a sex song by ‘Somo’ blares on the speakers and as teens around us start grinding, I can’t help but get a little...hot.
“Hey.” I smirk as Jin turns around to face me.
“Hey.” He gives me a dreamy gaze, enough for me to start feeling a little lightheaded. Of course, I don’t back out, closing my eyes and listening to the lyrics slowly.
“Would you ride for a singer or nah?
Would you die for a singer or nah?
Would you lie to a singer or nah, or nah?” 
“Would you like to dance?”
When I open my eyes, I’m already dragging Jin out to the floor. I don’t know what came over me, as I wrap my fingers around his hair, inhaling his scent of fresh linen and expensive cologne as he dances with me.
Suddenly his lips are on mine, and I’m frozen. It takes a moment for me to react, biting his lip softly first before I brush my tongue against his lips, giggling at my own inexperience out of embarrassment.
“It’s okay. I’m not good at kissing either.” Jin chortles as he pulls me closer, and I can suddenly feel his thighs. His chest is also really warm. I feel a familiar warmth in my core, the same kind I feel whenever I’m turned on. And then it hits me—he’s horny too.
“Jin.” I open my mouth, but I can’t find the words. He looks perfect, and I feel really good too. As Jin lets his hands wander, I don’t stop him. I want him. I want this. I initiate the kiss this time, grabbing his head as he kisses back, our tongues dancing in our mouths as we make out on the dance floor in his living room.
I don’t let him take the victory, instead sucking his tongue so harshly that he has no choice but to give up as I let my tongue explore his mouth. It’s not gross, it was really hot when a string of saliva connected between our lips.
We quickly make a run for the bedroom, not giving as much as a glance back at all the people who were jeering and whooping noises at us. Jin continues kissing me as I tug at his sweatpants, palming him and cupping his cock as he moans into my mouth. We break apart for air, briefly as he pulls down his pants and I drop to my knees.
Fuck, he’s big. My first thought was: How is this thing gonna fit inside me?
As if he read my thoughts, he chuckles softly, looking down at me as I drool from seeing his dick, which is standing full erect.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you feel good,” There’s a pit of anxiety building in my stomach, but Jin’s voice calms me. My heart races as he strokes my hair, pulling me toward the bed with his hands still attached to my hair. Before I can say anything, he opens his mouth again. “You might know I have an infamous reputation for being rough around school. I want you to know that it’s true for the most part. Don’t worry, we won’t get into BDSM...unless you want to,” I scratch my cheek, feeling shy as Jin pumps his shaft between his fingers for a minute. “So, do you want to do this?”
To be honest, I felt like we were moving too fast. Yet, I’m also really horny. So, I decide to stop thinking altogether.
I suck up his entire 11 inch erect cock in one go, before bobbing my head up and down and thank god I don’t have a gag-reflex because I can feel him in my neck. Then, he lets out the sexiest moan I’ve ever heard a guy produce. I knew I was good with cock but I didn’t know I was this good.
“Shit, you’re really good at this.” As I lick his shaft, he shudders under me, obviously trying to hold back another aggressive moan. 
“I know.” I smirk as his eyes widen when I jerk his cock between my fingers, sliding him between my palms like a pro. I can tell that he’s close because I have never made a guy moan like this just from a handjob.
“Mmmm, Bora, get your sexy ass on the bed, I’m gonna return the favor.” As he recovers from his release, his cock twitches at the base of his stomach. After a few deep breaths, he’s back to normal. His cock hangs down, and I gawk at him as he crawls over me, caging me with his body as if I was a wounded animal and he was a fox.
“Jin, you really don’t have to-”
“-But I must. I insist. Since you gave me the best head of my life, I’m going to make sure you leave here with at least one orgasm. Or else that’ll break the streak of my reputation.” Of course it’s about his reputation, I should have known. Of course, once his luscious velvety lips touch my clit, I am at a loss for words. I mentally curse myself for being so weak. Whenever I get sensitive, I moan at the slightest brush of a nipple, or in this case, my clit.
He creates friction with his fingers to my drooling pussy, flicking a thumb in and out of my clenched hole. Even with the slightest movement, my body reacts. My lips form an ‘o’ shape as my heart races with a pounding steady beat. The scent of my arousal is poignant but Jin doesn’t seem to mind, as he buries his tongue in my cavern. My walls grip his tongue and as he lets go of my clit, a succulent “pop” resounds through the room.
His pink tongue peeks out every once in a while as he toys with my clit. While he does that, he also brings another hand up to cup my breasts. I close my eyes, drowning in the euphoric sensations of his lips, and with his hands twisting my nipples and roughly manhandling me to his gentle yet firm kisses on my labia, I am in absolute paradise.
“Jin, I’m close.” I manage to stutter out, moaning as he continues sucking my clit like there’s no tomorrow. Suddenly it’s really hot, the room is turning red from the heat. Before I could process what was happening, Jin was bringing me to a mind-numbing orgasm, my vision started blurring.
“It’s alright. If you’re tired, we can stop here.” Those eyes. When he looks at me with those eyes, I just can’t stop myself.
“Jin, I need you.” He doesn’t say another word as I climb over him, guiding his hands up my sides as I line up his cock at my entrance.
When he lowers me down, I gasp. It was the most pleasurable, intense feeling I have ever come across. I didn’t know it was possible to feel this way during sex. I’ve had sex before, but it was usually sloppy and quick. With the way Jin thrusts up into me and runs his hands down my body, I feel like I’m floating. He holds me steady as I adjust to his size, and eventually I’m riding him with full force, moving my hips in a way where his cock slides in with ease.
“Oh!” He moans, groaning as I push myself down on him, his dick diving deeper and deeper into my hole. “So tight, fuck, shit…” He looks up at me with pure lust in his eyes as he pulls me down for a kiss, and then we switch positions so he can fuck me instead of it being the other way around. It hurts at first, but luckily he kisses me in between and distracts me for a bit as I wrap my legs around his hips.
“Jin, it feels so good. Please, don’t stop.” I beg as his cock twitches inside of me, and we both shudder against each other as his chest rubs against mine, his nipples just as hard as mine as we lock eyes and props himself up with his arms.
“Cum with me, please.” He whispers hoarsely, unable to find the words as we move as one unit, our lips melding against one another in another heated kiss as he fucks me roughly. 
“Jin, I’m cumming, I’m cumming fuck!” I pant heavily as he pulls out, white streaks of cum dripping onto the bed from my inner thigh. I put a hand on my chest. “That was close.” I was one orgasm away from growing a mini-Jin inside of me.
“You’re fucking amazing.” He kisses me, in a way that tells me he doesn’t care what anyone thinks. So what if I’m not popular or cool in the same way that he is? So what if we aren’t the same race? People can’t judge us because they don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. At that moment, Jin and I were one, and with the way he kissed me so passionately, I knew that he felt the same way about me.
When I wake up, it’s bright outside. I look around to find my clothes neatly folded on the nightstand, and I decide to get dressed and grab my phone. I look to see that my parents have texted that they’ll be home in one hour. I yawn as I pull on my clothes, walking down the hall to the bathroom. I pray that I don’t have an STD or something from all that unprotected sex yesterday.
As I make my way downstairs, I run into a couple of sleeping teenagers. Everyone must have partied hard last night, especially since they were passed out on the floor and in random places around the house.
“Good morning.” As I grab a stool and sit at the island, Jin greets me with his first-class smile and gorgeous self. I still can’t believe I did nasty things with him last night but I can still look at him in the eyes and feel at ease around him. I know it’s too early to be in love, but I’m at least leaning more towards that.
“Morning.” I retort back, grabbing a piece of bacon he prepared for me. 
“Did you wash your mouth?” He asks teasingly, grabbing another slice for himself.
“Yep. Did you?” He nods.
“I had no choice.” I scratch my head as he extends an arm, putting a hand over mine.
“I hope you know that last night...I meant it. Did it mean as much to you as it did to me?” I bite my bottom lip, chewing slightly on the cracks as he stops me, grabbing my chin from the opposite end of the counter. “Stop that, you’ll hurt yourself.”
“Yes. I didn’t want to confess like this but I have a crush on you, in case you couldn’t tell already.” He just responds by lowering his lips to mine and kissing me fervently.
“Oh, I’m sorry we couldn’t see the stars yesterday.” I shake my head. “You don’t have to worry about that. We can watch the stars anytime, like on our first date?” He smiles as he lowers his forehead against mine.
“Bora Churchfield, will you go out with me?” How could I say no to that face? I kiss him back in response, wrapping my arms around him as he pulls me closer.
I guess I only have one more question: Where the hell is my wingman?
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harrysgloves · 4 years
Let Your Hair Down (chapter xv)
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Get caught up with the Let Your Hair Down Masterlist!
word count: 1,762
story summary: Harry gets more than he bargains for when he falls not only for you but your little girl as well.
chapter summary: plans change
warnings: laaaaanguage..
a/n: okay I desperately needed a happy MC and Harry in this one after the last chapter so excuse me while I go cry over how cute these two can be. okay that’s it. xx
You'd never walked home so fast in your life. Basically running with Thea in your arms towards your apartment building. You didn't want to be paranoid but you had no idea that Ryan knew where you worked. You wouldn't put it past him to know where you lived too.
Luckily, Thea had no problem being carried home from school. She hung onto your hip, arms around your neck, telling you all about her day at school. She didn't notice anything wrong with you besides the marks on your arm. You hated lying to her but you didn't want to involve her in any adult problems. Telling her you had an accident and she left the subject alone.
"Momma, can we call Harry?" Thea asked when you finally got into your apartment. You felt like you were finally able to breathe again when you locked all 3 of your door locks. A weight of anxiety being lifted off you, knowing Ryan couldn't break through 3 locks and your front door to get in.
"We'll call him in a minute." You said, walking with Thea to the kitchen. She sat her backpack on the table, pulling out her picture for Harry as you rummaged through your bare fridge to see if there was anything for you two to have for dinner tonight.
"Pizza?" You asked, shutting the fridge door once you saw it was a losing battle for dinner that night. You were too frazzled to even eat but you had to do something for Thea.
"Yes! I want extra cheese." Thea sang out her agreement, pulling out her folder of homework and getting started on it. You smiled, happy she actually liked school and you didn't have to fight with her the whole time to do her work.
"Alright, let me go order then we'll call Harry." You grabbed your phone, plopping on your couch, surprised you hadn't had any more texts from Ryan but considering it a blessing as you placed the usual order to your favorite pizza place.
Once you got off the phone you scrolled to Harry's contact. The picture of Thea and him from a little over a month ago shining bright, making you smile. So much had changed since then. You felt like you'd open yourself up so much to being happy again and now your past was sneaking up on you.
You sighed before clicking the facetime button. You knew you needed to tell someone about what happened with Ryan but you couldn't go there yet. You just wanted to forget it, pushing it to the back of your mind when Harry's wide smiling face appeared on your screen.
"Hey, I've missed ya love." His smile was contagious, making the bad day melt away from your thoughts. He had such a great way of making your anxieties fade just by being around.
"Missed you too, so much." You sighed, just wanting him to give you a hug. Long-distance sucked and it wasn't even 12 hours apart. You tried your best to not think about all of your doubts about your newly formed relationship but the look on your face must have been enough to concern him.
"Wat's wrong?"
"Nothing, just a rough day. I need a hug." You sighed again, sitting back further on the couch when you heard Thea running from the kitchen.
"Harry!" She yelled jumping on the couch to be able to see him on your phone. Her face inches away from the screen so you couldn't see his face anymore but could hear him laughing.
"Hey, sunshine. How was school?" He asked, your phone taken from your hands as Thea held it herself to talk to him.
"Good. Van asked me to be his girlfriend again but I think I'm going to ask Will if he'll be my boyfriend cause he shared his crayons with me today." She blurted out, making you laugh from beside her. Knowing the response to this was going to be priceless.
"Yer not allowed to date til yer 35." He huffed out, not finding it funny at all but making you crack up.
"Yeah no dating Thea!" You heard Mitch call out from a distance.
"Thea, stop giving Uncle Mitch and Harry blood pressure spikes. Go work on your homework." You rolled your lips when you saw her confused look on her face but she eventually agreed and handed you back the phone.
"Y'still coming Friday right?" He asked the second your face came back into view.
"Might come out tomorrow if that's okay. I got some time off and Thea doesn't have any tests this week or anything so…" you trailed off, not wanting to tell him the reason you wanted to come out sooner was because you were scared to stay alone or walk around the city by yourself.
"Really?" That stupid heartwarming dimpled smile back on his face, wider than ever. You nodded, trying your best to contain your excitement. You needed this vacation, time away from all the shit going on.
"I'll see ya tomorrow then, love."
It was probably the longest flight of your whole entire life. The whole time Thea was bouncing in her seat asking how much longer. Every time you answered with the time left she'd then lean over the poor guy beside you and look out the window. Then she'd play on her iPad for 2 seconds before repeating it all again… for 6 hours.
The guy beside you ran like a fire was lit under his ass to get off the plane and honestly you couldn't blame him. As cute as your kid could be she definitely had her moments when she was a bit much.
You understood her excitement though. You were so ready to ignore all your problems for a week, to reset and get away from everything. It was much needed. The thought of relaxing away from the stress of Ryan, who still hadn't bothered you since he showed up to your job, and the thousands of people now practically stalking you online was great.
Your mind filled with all the things you and Thea could do in California as you made your way through the airport. You repeatedly had to remind Thea that she had to hold your hand and not run off to stores as you two pushed through people to get to where Harry said he'd be waiting for you two.
You only managed to get lost once on the way there but the swarm of people eventually signalled where you guys needed to go. You sighed, pulling Thea close, debating if getting back on the plane was an option instead of dealing with all these people looking at you and Harry.
Thea on the other hand had no fear as she caught sight of Harry. She let go of your hand and charged towards him. The bodyguards you'd never had to be around before in New York perking up the second she started yelling for him and waving her hands.
"Harry! Harry!" She yelled, running full force to him causing the protective people around him to turn towards the sound.
You thought you were about to have to go a thousand shades of psycho on some bald asshole, racing after her, trying to get to her before someone touched your fucking kid and you'd have to whoop ass in front of all these cameras.
Harry's head snapped around to you guys as you got closer. Thea not listening at all to your demands to stop as she got closer to him and your protective mother mode kicked. Not only was everyone now looking at you but the fear of someone taking her or some asshole bodyguard touching her to get her away from Harry made your stomach turn.
"Whoa." Harry grabbed the guy standing beside him shoulder before he even had a chance to step in front of him. "She's mine, it's fine."
The sentence made him stop in your tracks. Did you hear him right? Did he really just say that?
You slowly walked the rest of the way toward him as Thea flung herself into his arms and giving him a hug like she hadn't seen him in a year. You smiled softly but was very aware of everyone still standing around you when you finally approached him.
"Hey." He said all laughs and smiles like he didn't just call your child his own a second ago. How the fuck were you supposed to be okay after that? You weren't sure how to feel about it but as you stood watching them together you couldn't help the tugging feeling in your heart that this was right.
"Hey." You smiled back finally giving him the hug you've needed. Thea still hanging onto him as his one arm pulled you in tightly to him.
"Let's get out 'f 'ere." He smiled down to you, dimple popping out when you nodded your head.
The three of you made your way out of the airport together. His free arm wrapped tightly around your shoulder as his other one kept Thea on his hip.
You sighed the second you got in the car and away from all the people staring at you. California felt like a different planet compared to New York. You weren't used to all the attention.
"Jus' ignore it. No one'll bother y'guys. It dies down sum jus' not used to me havin' two cuties with me." He kissed your cheek, causing Thea to snap her attention to you two.
Harry's eyes widened the second he realized he'd been caught. Your laughter erupted from you but Thea looked more confused than ever.
"Why'd you kiss momma?" She asked sitting up straighter in your seat. "Does this mean you're her boyfriend?"
His eyes looked like they were going to actually pop out of his head. You thought you could see him actually start to sweat. You had to give yourself a moment to stop laughing as Harry sat like a deer in headlights.
"Is that okay?" You asked, finally turning to her.
She just smiled brightly nodding her head. Dropping the subject completely when the car started moving.
"Holy shit. She's goin' t'give me a heart attack one 'f these days."
"You have to pay the curse jar!" She piped up again, not taking her eyes off the window.
You laughed sitting back in your seat leaning your head on Harry's shoulder as he grumbled under his breath. The smile not leaving your face as things finally felt good in your life.
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25. Part 3
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Sitting on the floor of my basketball court out of breath, these niggas are really working me today “you tired nigga?” Ryan dapped me as he sat next to me “a little” I laughed, I been playing basketball since we came back, I invited some of the boys over to do that instead of going back out. Clearly the police will be on high alert, I did nothing wrong so I just thought I would do this for the rest of the night. I mean it’s not late, it’s just turning about nine “I am going to get a drink” getting up from the floor “look at this nigga, as soon as he starts losing he sat on the floor” I laughed shaking my head, my hands on my hips as I left the court. Maybe I am getting unhealthy, but they are whooping my ass on the court right now, I think it’s me. My mind is on the fact I done nothing, I am ignoring the fact I have so much to do and I don’t know what to do. I am not sure, I think London is peaceful but like I got no niggas to do shit with, it’s like I am bound to stay with Robyn and her friends which are cool but like where is my little friends, like I don’t know. I do like it here when I am not high as fuck, out here having fun. I just don’t like Robyn cussing me out, like that is uncalled for. I don’t want to say anything to her, I respect Robyn with all my heart, she is my wife, so I am just letting her get on with it and give her space. Tomorrow I will do something, with my home anyways. I love this home too much to let it go, even if the shit has bad memories I worked so hard on it. Sinko’ head shot up looking at me “man, I am tired” I huffed out shaking my head laughing, opening the fridge door. Grabbing the bottle of Fanta, banging the frige door shut. Opening the bottle turning to him, Sinko looked up at me again all wide eyed “what?” drinking from the bottle “you dogging us out for Rihanna now? She is having your baby” Sinko turned his phone to me, seeing the picture of Robyn and I which made me spit my drink out “eew, what the fuck. My phone” my heart is in my mouth right now “where did you get that from!? That is photoshop” that is the first thing to come to mind “you fucking spat drink at me!?” slamming the bottle down “where is that from!?” Sinko is moving away from me, but I am beat his fucking ass “what the fuck, why are you chasing me!? This is from her page, oh my god” gripping his tee “give me your phone!” I shouted “here, man. What the hell, you been out here lying” grabbing his phone, this is the shade room. That is a lie, it’s photoshop. Nobody is supposed to know this, I know this is not photoshop because I was there for the picture, but I don’t know, I am in denial. Typing in Robyn’ name, tapping on her profile “see, I didn’t lie” my heart just dropped seeing that she posted it.
Placing Sinko’ phone down on the counter “why are you so upset?” he asked “because I am stuck here! With you niggas, I liked it when nobody knows. Now look!” I shouted; everyone is just staring at me. I am confused, Robyn wouldn’t just air this out, what the fuck. Walking by some of the boys walking back inside “what happened?” hearing someone say “check the blogs” Sinko laughed saying, jogging up the steps. I left my phone in my room because honestly, I just didn’t want to argue with Robyn, I didn’t like that she is swearing at me, I was just trying to be the better man, but this is not good for me. What about me, why didn’t she wait for me. I thought we was doing this together and now I am stuck here with the vultures, she dogged me out like this. Grabbing my phone from the bed “Oh my god” my phone is going off, the time difference. Robyn will not be awake it’s so early in the morning there, but I will try, ignoring my notifications and calling Robyn, she did call me but just the once and that is it. All I am getting is missed calls from everyone and I do not know what is happening “come on Robyn, come on” I said pacing my room “fuck!” I spat; I am angry because she dogged me out I don’t know what to do.
I decided to call Mel, she is in Barbados and she never sleeps. I don’t want to speak to anyone else, I need answers and people are coming at me “I got your text nigga, you know I don’t sleep. You barely let me read it, what the fuck is up?” Mel picked up “what the fuck is she doing Mel!? I have been playing basketball, Robyn and I have been in a disagreement, what!?” I shouted “calm down Chris, didn’t she tell you? This is actually your fault. So I got the notifications from these fans, sending me messages of is it true. Some neighbour took a video of Rihanna saying welcome to the neighbourhood and the video shows your Lamborghini. The fans worked it out which meant blogs would pick it up, I called Robyn as soon as I found out. She didn’t take it well and panicked, so this is your fault in a way because of your cars. So she asked me what to do, I said break it before they do, and she did just that. She is angry at you; she doesn’t need you now and that you let her down. I said run your own show, but the marriage part has not been told at all” I am in shock, sitting on the edge of the bed “but I never knew! Fuck, Mel what am I going to do? We were supposed to do this together. I am alone here” I don’t know what to do “so is Robyn, she had to do what she needed Chris. I know it’s the deep end but just don’t act out and go with the flow” I feel like crying “yeah, people will come for me. I get the abuse!” disconnecting the call.
I don’t even want to look at Instagram, I can’t even bring myself to do it because it’s me that gets it with everything. They will say I forced her to be pregnant, seeing my mom calling. She has been calling me since I have been on the phone with Mel so let me pick up this time “hey” answering the call “you do pick your women! You got Rihanna pregnant!? She has destroyed you Chris, I cried hearing that news, why!? Why did you do to yourself Chris, no wonder you have changed. Are you crazy, those people made sure to bring you down, you haven’t been the same since being with her” worse person to be talking “I don’t want to be rude because Robyn wouldn’t agree but as much as she did me over, I also did to her. We both destroyed each other. Those people are now my family friends” I don’t want to be rude to her, I really don’t want that that “you will never see that baby, she will make sure you are some pathetic man on the side” I clenched my jaw “I will have more say in this girl’ life then I did for Royalty and Aeko put together, I am going to London. Robyn and I will be living together, so I will hear every cry, every diaper change, every gurgle, every burp, every smile. And I won’t miss a thing, you destroyed me, you left me out. Don’t ever say Robyn’ name in vain” my mom laughed “reminds me of when you started dating her, I don’t hate her. I hate you together” shaking my head “well we are together mom and trust me I will be obeying by her rules. I am drug free” the phone disconnected, oh wow she put the phone down on me, oh fucking well.
I don’t know why but I feel emotional, like I want to cry maybe it’s the hurt I am feeling from Robyn because she is hurting so much. Just hearing those words back to myself, I will obey Robyn when I have upset her. I wish I never sent my cars there, but I do want to change, I want to move there. Looking to the side of me “yes” she is ringing me back “hello” answering the call “hi Chris” I groaned out, not Dennis “that was nice of you, this phone has woke me so many times but I saw you call so I called back “I guess you heard” he said, clearing my throat “where is she? Is she ok?” I hope she is “erm, yes. Robyn is ok. She is asleep, she gave me her phone and doesn’t wish to see the things being said so I am minding her phone. Making notes of the people she needs to contact back and whatever, minding her social media but it’s a mess. Can I give you some advice, I have been working with Robyn a few years now and she is a strong character, but she rarely asks for help, or looks to people for help and she has with you. It hurts to see her become vulnerable, where she has asked for help with you and you haven’t come, it’s hard to watch. She really wants you and needs you here. It’s happened now with the cars. And reading things, it’s rude. And I hurt for you both, you should be back” putting my head down “tell her to call me, please” I need to hear her “I will, think about it. You need someone to mind your social too” I don’t trust anyone to do that for me like that “yeah, tell her please” I can imagine Robyn not wanting to know and ignore this request, but I do feel so bad about this.
I didn’t want to go downstairs but I did, and it’s like nobody left even though I have been upstairs for a few hours, I want them gone “hey, y’all! I need y’all go to, something came up and I need to deal with something that came up” I sound like I am upset but they don’t know the half of it “congratulations, like you got the fucking crown nigga. You got Rihanna pregnant, like you won. You won in this, you fucking won” Ryan pointed at me “shit, I know every nigga wanted that, imagine being her baby daddy” licking my lips smiling “thank you but I do need y’all to go, everyone” they think I am joking “whatever you want boss” watching Sinko walk over to me “so that is it huh, London visits been for that?” nodding my head “it has” I mean it is out now “you really got the love of your life knocked up, I can’t even fucking write it. How?” Sinko is in disbelief “one night, like she said. It was just one night, it happened. I fainted when I found out, I just need to have some alone time. You know, it’s not easy and that. I am happy but it’s just politics” dapping Sinko “cool, I got you. I am just shocked man, you did the full thing” he doesn’t know that I am also married, I have already been a bad husband. I am taking Zeus and running, I need to run because shit is coming my way now, I am going to have a queue of people, I need to call my bodyguard too.
Feeling my phone ring out on my chest, I just closed my eyes too “oh god” Royalty is awake at this time, you got to be kidding me right. I am ignoring everyone but this is my daughter, answering the call clearing my throat “hello” I answered “you know damn well it ain’t Royalty, her ass is asleep” I closed my eyes hearing Nia’ voice “I knew you would pick up if it was her name calling, now what the hell is going on? I mean I called your mom, but she was no use to me. She said you ruined yourself and now she lost her son, Rihanna Chris? Really? I saw the post and the little devil herself smiled at me and didn’t say anything” I guess that was Royalty “I am also married” I blurted out “what!?” Nia shouted down my ear “hold up, Chris. What? Are you ok? I mean you aren’t drugged up right?” Nia said in shock “I took Royalty to Mexico and she was there for the day, I eloped with Rihanna. I am married Nia, I am not drugged. This is me, I stopped drugs since being with her” the phone fell silent, I just felt like saying it and I don’t know if it was a good or bad thing “I am literally getting emotional from the shock, oh my god. Wait, is that why. That child of mine knew” she said down the phone “you married your teenage love, awww Chris. Wow. That is shocking, I mean she didn’t put that on there” I swallowed hard “I know, that is us hiding away from the backlash, but yeah” I sound so sad “you don’t sound happy, I mean you married Rihanna!? Come on!” that made me laugh “I mess up things and it’s like I am losing things here, I don’t know” I am confused “fuck those things, like I don’t know. I mean we only share a daughter, that is amazing Chris. You stopped drugs? Wow, I am super happy for you. Like for my daughter too, but for you. Chris, this is really good” I literally made a mess, a mess Robyn is having to deal with alone “don’t tell anyone about the married thing, I need to go back to London. I didn’t manage to get Royalty’ gifts, tell her I am sorry”  I think I need to just go now “acting like you not going to speak to her, you can tell her that but I can always get it her, just tell me it. Wow, this is unreal. Married, but I won’t say anything. Just know that I am happy for you, I think also Royalty is happy for you, you know she is your biggest fan” that she is.
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For my own sanity I didn’t bother to be with my phone, but my own mind is just racing. Dennis bless his soul; he is taking it for me. And it is what it is now, I guess it’s out there now but not the way I wanted it too. It was rushed, no content behind it “are you awake?” Dennis said outside my door “come in!” I shouted, I heard him earlier come to ask if I was awake, but I didn’t want to know so he has come back around again “drama, drama, drama. I feel like your assistant. Tina is awake by the way, she is helping me too, so. How is Robyn, and baby Fenty” Dennis climbed onto the bed “we are stressed” rubbing my bump smiling “stop it, I turned off your comments. First time ever, I was done. Sorry” nodding my head “that is fine, what is the damage?” Dennis should quit photography and be my assistant because he is good at this “me and Tina was going back and forth, both Jay’ are after you, shock horror. Oh yeah. Chris called, he was in hysterics and emotionally not happy, I told him. I said Robyn is asleep or whatever, he asked for you to call him” I rolled my eyes “I called him, he didn’t pick up when I was going through it. Was he being emotional about it?” if he is then that means he will not let me be sad, I will have to console him “uh yes he was, Mel told me she called him because he called her. He was going around the houses, so he does know, she also said he was emotional about it. He said that he will be get the abuse about it, so what next? The picture is doing pretty well, it’s doing it’s rounds anyways, around the blogs and whatever” Dennis says what is next, but I didn’t prepare for this “ouch” I didn’t prepare for the pain right now either “ouch? Oh we not doing birth now are we?” shaking my head “no, I hope not anyways. Erm, so this is all getting pretty wild, I need to face both Jay’ I need to have my team on my side, I guess. This was all supposed to be clean sailing, I swear I had a fucking plan. So yes, tell Tina to prepare that for me. Was anyone happy for me?” I need to know “there was a few, but I think there was more shock emojis then anything. But they have really ran with Chris being searched by the police, you have a thug in your life. That is the words they used” rolling my eyes “nice” I sighed out “if you can just give me my phone, I will contact Chris. Thank you so much for taking care of that for me. I know, pregnancies are supposed to be magical and loving, but you know. People won’t allow that” Dennis shuffled off of the bed “I wouldn’t have it any other way” he is a sweetheart.
I’ve been feel the tightening on the lower abdomen, but it’s very random it will happen, but I think it’s me. I am stressing out, like I am happy. Let me just call Chris, I wonder if he will let me be sad with him. Tapping on his name, I didn’t bother to see anything else just speak to Chris and then get out of bed. Letting it ring out on speakerphone, if he doesn’t pick up then I am not trying again “Robyn?” he picked “hey” taking my phone off speaker and placing on my ear “Robyn, man. What the fuck? I am so sorry, I didn’t think that would cause an issue, I am literally wanting to move my things to you, that was it” he said “I know, I didn’t blame you. It happened now and it happened in a way I didn’t want it too. I did call you, but you didn’t pick up, were you sleeping?” he must have been because he is awake now and it’s eight hours behind there so now he is all wide awake “I was uhm” I already know, he is not saying it straight up “I was playing basketball, all you were doing is swearing at me, it was pointless Robyn. I missed it because of that I regret it, I am sorry” I sniggered “my fault then, I don’t ask much from you. That could have been a call about me being in labour and you missed it, you had a tantrum because I swore at you, now don’t you think I am even more fucking angry now!?” I spat “I am sorry, I was sick of hearing you cuss me out” I swear he gets on my nerves “I barely fucking cussed you out, I said you are useless when I ask what you did! How the fuck are you doing a mixtape when I am ready to give birth, you don’t fucking think. You think of stupid shit, you know what. Me, it’s my fault. I sent you to California with no guidance, I should know that you have no sense. God forbid you upset your fucking friends that need your vocals. I mean what is the third baby, you missed the rest” Chris put the phone down on me, I expected much when he said he is fed of me.
Looking up at the laptop “so are well in agreement?” Tina said, I have no idea what she said, “what did you say?” I have to ask “that you release another picture, with more words and just say how you kept it from the world. Jen agrees don’t you” my mind is elsewhere, maybe I should calm down with Chris “as for now, your publicist said to not do anything. Jay Brown wants you to stop what you are doing until then, but I say release something else, keep it going until they understand why you kept it away. Not a pity party but to also show you are happy. Because the post, when I read it. It was like oh shit, we got caught we are having a baby bye. So I think we need to make another post, equally goes to Chris whatever he is doing. He needs to show more, including the fact he is an active father, he also needs to shut up his baby mothers before we do” Jen said, she is half asleep speaking “I will say it to him, I will think on it. But ladies, be here for the meeting later I guess” I smiled at them “we will, oh my god. You are so adorable pregnant” Jen said “it’s been so long, and I am amazed” I cooed out, it has been so long since she has seen me.
I called him back since he put the phone down on me, I am doing it because I have been on his case and I am disappointed in him, but his emotions work differently, and I got to accept that. He gets side tracked and he just can’t help it, he’s the very kid that will go up to something if it’s shiny and not think of the bad. It’s me, I feel bad I should know him “hi” he picked up at least “hey, what are doing?” least like to know “sat in my yard smoking a blunt on my own, why?” he’s on his own, I expected his friends to be around “just wanted to know, I uhm. I am sorry, for what I said. When someone is wanting to be better, I can’t just throw that to them. I just want you to know I am sorry for that, when I release that it wasn’t because I wanted too but it was because I had too, I had no choice and I am not asking. I am telling you to come back now, you drop what you are doing because we are supposed to be doing this together” I think I have decided, to myself that is. That I may need to help Chris with himself, like I do forget and think he is ok so when he is sad and I am sad, his sadness is even worse then mine and I can’t be sad, I married him for him and I am just going to back off, try my best to not want to cuss him out anyways “I let you down, I fucked up. Like I shamed you already, I am so sorry. They all right I don’t deserve you” Chris is a wreck clearly “Chris, I want you back. Like now, get on the jet. Bring a bodyguard with you to escort you, don’t act stupid when you land here either. No weed either, listen to me Chris. Don’t read into anything or speak to anyone. Just come back, I am not angry with you, I need you” Chris is really crying “I feel alone though, like I don’t know what to do” chewing on my bottom lip watching my mom sit down “you do, you’re coming back here. I will call you again, I expect you to be making movements ok? I love you Chris”  trying to hear out for him, I can hear him sniffling “I love you too” he seems really hurt, I think maybe I didn’t help, disconnecting the call “doesn’t he want to come back?” my mom asked “he’s not taking it well, I have been at him you see” my emotions is very much in the air.
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squishydoesstuff · 4 years
Alright, surprise, this has been sitting for a few months... whoops. Alrighty, here’s a kinda bad boy Seoho (if you couldn’t already tell, I’m a little biased... I swear I’m actually funny in person) 
titled “This is going to kill my heart” in my drafts.
tags: @moonchild-saturn
word count: 2853
Warnings: Mentions of violence, someone gets punched and then kicked, mostly fluff, kinda bad boy au???
Esperanza woke to the sound of her alarm going off on her nightstand. How unlucky, I wasn’t miraculously transported to another dimension.  Sighing heavily, she reached over and shut the alarm off. She swung her legs off the bed with a long groan. “Why did I have to take an early shift? Why can’t I just say ‘no’ for once in my life?” As much as she may have loved working at the shelter, the early mornings were not always great.
Crossing the room, she pulled an outfit from her closet and started her daily routine. Checking her appearance, Esperanza fixed her flyaway hair. I don’t exactly want to have a rat’s nest for hair. Once satisfied, she returned to her bedroom. God, this is a mess, I’m going to need to clean later. Grabbing her backpack off the floor, she checked inside. Everything was still there, ready to go. Esperanza pulled her shoes on and grabbed her phone off the charger. Looking down, she noticed a text from her friend, Luna.
“Are you working today?” it read.
“Yeah, early shift.” Esperanza quickly replied before zipping her phone away. Leaving her apartment, she locked the door behind her. Starting her trek to the shelter, Esperanza pulled out her headphones. She really wasn’t looking forward to this morning. I swear if Ryan shows up today, I might actually tear my hair out.
Sighing softly, Esperanza stepped out on the sidewalk. The sun was barely over the horizon. She paused momentarily to watch and felt her mind calm. Continuing forward, she reached the shelter within minutes. Pulling her keys out, she unlocked the door. Stepping inside she closed the door behind her and flipped on the lobby lights. “Cindy, I’m here.”
An older woman called from the back, “Esperanza, I’m in the back.” Setting her bag down at the reception desk, Esperanza walked to the back. Opening the doors, she stepped into the kennel room. Almost immediately, she felt herself begin to sneeze. The ironic part of her working at an animal shelter, Esperanza was pretty allergic to cats. Not bad enough to be a real concern but she always sneezed around them. Cindy turned to the young woman as she entered, “we had a cat get picked up yesterday so I asked them to bring them here. I already put a file on your desk for him.” Stroking behind the cat’s ears, the older woman looked fondly at the small cat in her arms, “I think we should name this one Mochi. He’s very affectionate for being a stray.”
Esperanza nodded. “I’ll start putting-” she sneezed into her jacket. “Sorry, I’ll start putting his information into the system.” Opening the door, Esperanza exited quickly, rushing to find a tissue.
Arriving back at the reception desk, she pulled a tissue out before looking up. Are you kidding me? Fan-freaking-tastic. Coming down the sidewalk was the human incarnate of a headache to Esperanza, Ryan. Esperanza groaned as he pushed the shelter door open, before quickly covering it up as her blowing her nose. “Ryan, what a pleasant surprise.”
The male smirked at the woman as she moved to sit down. “It always is when I see you here. Best way to start the day.”
Esperanza rolled her eyes, “Ryan, we both know I work here, it’s not a surprise to see me here in the mornings.” Pulling the files over, she turned to the computer at her desk. Maybe if I ignore him, he’ll go away.
“Hey, you working at an animal shelter is bad for business. You’re cuter than any puppy here, I want to take you home instead.” Esperanza froze slightly, shifting uncomfortably. Leaning over the counter, Ryan grinned at the girl, and not in a pleasant way.  “You know,” Ryan began, “you never gave me an answer about me taking you on a date.” Just my luck, he doesn’t know when to stop. “And I think I see a blush, so you obviously like me.”
“Actually, I think her blushing is because she is uncomfortable. That is what’s obvious here.” A new voice spoke from the corner of the lobby. Esperanza looked up to see a man she didn’t recognize cross over to her and Ryan. Physically, he looked intimidating. He was taller than Ryan and the cut across his cheek didn’t exactly make him look like the most gentle person. “I suggest you leave the poor girl alone. Forcing her to interact with you makes you look desperate.”
Ryan stood there, mouth agape at the male who had seemed to challenge him. “Who do you think you are to tell me to leave her alone? You certainly aren’t her boyfriend, she would never go for someone like you,” Ryan snarled.
“My name is Seoho, and I am actually her boyfriend. What’s your name? Just so I know who’s ass I’m going to kick for tormenting my girlfriend. And probably dozens of other women.” Realizing this was a fight he wouldn’t win, Ryan spun and turned to leave.
“Thank you,” Esperanza spoke softly, “Seoho, right?” The man in front of her jumped at Esperanza speaking suddenly.
“Ah, yeah.” Seoho turned. “Does he come in here often,” he asked, pointing over his shoulder.
“Seems like almost every day I’m here, he somehow shows up. I swear he just watched the entrance to see when I come in.”
“What’s your name, I haven’t seen you here before?” Esperanza looked up.
“Esperanza,” she smiled. “Wait, what do you mean by you haven’t seen me here before?”
“I come in here every weekend to check on some of the dogs here. I would consider adopting but I don’t think I could afford that. Is Cindy here?”
“Yeah, I can go get her, she’s in the back.” Esperanza quickly stood up and ran to the back. Jesus, he is terrifying. And also incredibly attractive. Esperanza pinched her cheek with a squeak at her last thought. Stop, you don’t even know him! Knocking, Esperanza opened the kennel door a crack, “Cindy, there’s a ‘Seoho’ here. He asked if you were here?”
The older woman rushed to the door, “Tell him to come on back! I’ve already got Otis out for him.”
Esperanza stood shocked for a second, it was clear that Cindy was happy Seoho was here. Are we talking about the same Seoho here? Returning to the lobby, Esperanza spotted Seoho in the same place as when she left. Clearing her throat, she spoke as she sat back down, “Cindy said you can go back. She has Otis out for you.” The black-haired male thanked her quickly before leaving her alone.
She didn’t see him again before she clocked out.
Arriving home after her shift, Esperanza threw her shoes off at the door before dropping onto her couch. Pulling out her phone, she opened her messages. Luna is going to want to hear about this.
“I just got home. You’ll never guess who showed up today (that was sarcastic).” Esperanza hit send as she moved to get a water from her kitchen. Her phone dinged as she sat back down.
“Let me guess, Ryan?”
“Yeah, but there was this new guy as well. He stood up to Ryan when he started the usual flirting. I had never seen him at the shelter but it seems like Cindy knows him pretty well.”
“What’s his name? Wait, even better, was he cute?”
“His name was Seoho. I don’t know how to describe him really. He seemed kind of… like, bad boy. But not like the exaggerated type that is actually bad.”
“Last name?”
“Don’t know. Please don’t tell me you’re going to try to find his social media.”
“...not at all. But seriously, I want to see what this guy looks like.”
“Maybe someday. Want to meet up this weekend?”
Arriving at the restaurant, Esperanza looked for her friend outside. Spotting her, the smaller woman waved as she walked up. “How was your week?”
Luna shrugged as they walked into the restaurant. “Same as always. Work is boring. What about you? Have you seen Ryan, or that Seoho guy again?”
Esperanza laughed at her friend’s question. “I haven’t seen Ryan since the incident, by the way, that’s what I’m calling it now. Seoho’s come in a few times. He’s nice, but still kinda scares me.”
“Or maybe you’re scared that you’re starting to like him,” Luna teased, drawing out the last words. Esperanza shook her head at Luna’s comment.
“Come on, let’s eat. I’m starving.” The two sat down and continued talking. The evening was peaceful and it was clear the two were having fun.
Well that is, until they weren’t.
“Well well well, if it isn’t my favorite shelter girl. Where’s your boyfriend this time?” It was Ryan. How the hell does he constantly find me? Esperanza looked desperately at Luna.
“You��re Ryan, right? Esperanza’s told me a lot about you. Especially that you don’t know what boundaries are.” Esperanza placed enough cash on the table for the check and tip, they were getting ready to leave anyway, might as well hurry it up.
“Sorry, but we were just leaving.” Turning, Esperanza grabbed Luna’s arm. Gently tugging, Esperanza pulled her friend away from her tormentor. “Let’s not start a fight in a restaurant please.” The duo walked out, unaware of the male scurrying to follow after them.
Out on the sidewalk, the two paused. “Thanks for helping me out back there, he doesn’t really know when to stop.”
Luna shrugged, “No problem,” and they continued walking.
Esperanza felt a hand yank her wrist and she stopped to pull her hand out of the grasp of whoever grabbed her. Ryan.
“Please, just leave us alone tonight.” Esperanza pleaded to the man holding her.
“Leave you alone?” Ryan laughed, “don’t be ridiculous. You still haven’t answered me.” The male leaned forward, “Eventually, I’m going to lose my patience for asking nicely.” Esperanza leaned back away from the male, turning her face away from him.
Suddenly, Luna spoke up from her side. “Alright, that’s enough! Her answer is no, now leave her the fuck alone.” Ryan looked at Luna before his face fell into a frown. Standing back up, he looked Luna over up and down.
“So not only do you have your boyfriend mouthing off to me, your friend does too? You should learn to control them.” Luna’s temper snapped at his remark and she swung her fist hard, directly into his nose. Dropping Esperanza’s wrist, Ryan grabbed his nose with a groan. Glaring up at Luna through his hands, he took a step toward her.
“Woah, what’s going on here?” A low voice came from behind Luna. Taking the opportunity from the distraction, Esperanza shuffled away from Ryan before she glanced around her friend to see two men approaching them. The slightly shorter one looked familiar but Esperanza couldn’t quite place why.
That is until she saw his face. Looks like that someday Luna would meet Seoho is a lot closer than I thought. Recognition crossed Seoho’s face once he saw Esperanza’s face. Catching his eye, she quickly ducked her head to avoid his gaze.
Looking back at her friend, Esperanza realized Luna was still glaring harshly at Ryan. “Luna, I think that’s enough.”
“No, this asshole thinks it’s okay to harass you, and then says you should control me because I stand up for you. That’s not right.”
Realizing exactly what the situation was now, Seoho quickly stepped forward. Glancing at Esperanza, he whispered to her. “How is it I always somehow catch you in these situations?”
Turning over his shoulder, Seoho nodded his head at his friend pointing towards Luna. “Wow, I thought I made it clear last time that if I saw you harassing anyone, I would kick your ass.”
As Seoho spoke, the other dark haired male stepped forward before gently placing a hand on Luna’s shoulder. “I suggest you let Seoho handle this.”
Luna stepped back before whirling to the male next to her. “Wait, that’s Seoho?!” When the man next to her nodded, Luna turned to her friend, whispering viciously. “This is Seoho? This is the guy you’ve been seeing at the shelter?! You said he seemed like a bad boy, you didn’t mention he was cute! Or that he had friends that are hot!”
The smaller woman merely blushed at her friend’s comment as she watched Seoho tower over Ryan. “This is the last time I will say this before I make you. Leave. Her. Alone.”
Esperanza gasped as Ryan threw a punch toward Seoho. However, the taller man easily dodged it and hit Ryan across the face. “Alright, looks like I’ll have to make you.”
Seoho rolled his shoulders back before launching a kick into Ryan’s side, knocking him to the ground. “Stay away from Esperanza or any other woman until you learn how to be a decent human being.”
Turning around, he rejoined the trio who stood watching. Walking up to Luna, he held out his hand. “I don’t believe we have met before. I’m Seoho and my friend is Gunhak.”
“Luna. I’m Esperanza’s best friend.” Placing her hand in Seoho’s she shook it gently before dropping her hand back to her side. “I’ve heard some things about you. You visit the shelter pretty often it seems.”
“Uh, sorry to interrupt, but it’s getting late and we were on our way home. If you don’t mind, can we continue?” Esperanza uttered shyly.
“Ah, sure.” Seoho paused before looking at his friend, “Actually how about we walk you home? Make sure nothing else happens?”
“Okay!” Luna rushes before her friend could object. “Some company would be nice, come on.” The four of them walked down the sidewalk in relative silence.
Eventually reaching an intersection, the two women stopped. “This is where we go different directions. You guys can head on home now if you’d like. It’s not super far from here for either of us to get home.” Esperanza rambled as the two men looked at each other before shaking their heads.
“No, we can keep going. Seoho, you go with Esperanza, I’ll go with Luna. My place is this direction anyway.”
No it’s not, Seoho thought to himself, it’s the complete opposite direction. Gunhak caught his eye with a warning glance before he could say anything. Oh wait, he wants to walk with her. Seoho nodded in agreement with his friend, mouthing “get to know her. She’s your type”
The two of them watched as Esperanza and Luna said goodbye.
Esperanza nodded her head towards a turn off the sidewalk, “my apartment is this way.” Silently she led the way for a while before Seoho decided to speak up.
“I have a question for you.” When Esperanza nodded, he continued. “Why do you always seem so scared—or shy—around me?” The question made Esperanza freeze and she found herself almost colliding with Seoho’s chest.
Face flushing, the young woman tried to force a response out but no words came. She sighed softly before glancing at the ground. “Because I think I like you, and that terrifies me.” When Seoho didn’t respond, Esperanza looked up at his face to find a shocked expression. Shaking her head, she began to walk quickly. “Actually, let’s just forget I said anything.”
Seoho reached out and grabbed her wrist gently. “Wait,” he murmured, his tone soft. Pulling Esperanza back toward him, he smiled fondly down at her. “Why would I want to forget the girl I like telling me she likes me back?” Blushing hard, Esperanza turned and hid her face in her hands. Seoho slowly pulled her hands away from her face, taking them in one of his hands. With his free hand, Seoho gently brushed Esperanza’s hair out of her face, placing his hand on her cheek. He leaned forward, searching Esperanza’s face for any hesitation before kissing her. Pulling away after a moment, Seoho gazed down at Esperanza’s face before pulling her completely into his chest. Silence fell over the two for a minute before Seoho decided to break the quiet around them.
“Does this mean I can now officially be your boyfriend instead of being your pretend boyfriend?” This pulled a giggle from Esperanza as she slowly pulled herself away.
“Yes, you are now officially my boyfriend.” Intertwining her fingers with Seoho’s, she tugged him forward. “Come on, you’re supposed to be walking me home.”
Seoho whined softly at Esperanza’s comment, “Well, now I don’t want to walk you home because that means I have to say goodbye.” Esperanza turned to see him pouting as they walked.
“I have to go home at some point, and I’d prefer not to walk alone.” Sighing, the black-haired male tightened his grip in Esperanza’s hand before nodding. Looking to the young woman at his side, he saw her glancing up to the sky. “I miss being able to see the stars. You can't see them very well from the city.” The two continued to walk side by side, her looking up at the stars in the sky while he looked at the stars in her eyes
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alj4890 · 5 years
And Then I Met You
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Part 19
What happens when the one you thought you were meant for turns out to be meant for someone else?
A\N Choices Fan Fiction with characters from The Royal Romance, Red Carpet Diaries, and Perfect Match
@alleksa16 @penguininapinktuxedo @blackcoffee85 @stopforamoment @hopefulmoonobject   @krsnlove @littleblossom357   @annekebbphotography @gibbles82  @cora-nova @bella-ca  @hopelessromantic1352 . @sunflowergirl05 @desiree-0816 @greywitchyshots @lilyofchoices @emceesynonymroll
Part 19
"Are you enjoying your visit to Cordonia?" Ana De Luca asked.
"I always do." Ryan replied, smiling at the camera. "I vacation here every chance I get. Filming The Earl's Undoing in Cordonia is the dream work environment."
"This is my first time visiting and now I see why Ryan talks about it all the time. It's gorgeous and my wife is dropping some major hints to us buying a house here. I encourage everyone to see The Earl's Undoing so I can afford a down payment." Chris answered with a chuckle.
Ana turned to Lauren. "What do you think of Cordonia?"
Lauren coyly looked down. "It’s incredible. The people are so welcoming and I simply adore it. I have been so busy learning my lines that I have really only been out very late at night. I hope, once filming is completed, to see everything in the light of day."
Ryan and Chris shared a brief glance and kept their smiles in place. Holly stood off next to the cameraman and nearly broke her clipboard at Lauren's words. She didn't know if it was a good thing or not that Thomas and Amanda were off on their own for the week, touring the different locations for the movie.
The interview continued with more subtle hints of Lauren and Thomas being close to one another. Ryan oozed his charm to draw Ana's attention away from asking follow-up questions. Chris also worked in tandem to Ryan in an attempt to keep the interview strictly on the movie.
"Amanda hired Jax Matsuo of New York to teach Ryan and I how to fence. That man moves with a speed like no one else I have ever seen before. I'm pretty sure that if we had to really fight him with swords, we would be giving this interview through a seance." Chris joked.
Ryan laughed and added that Chris was jealous because he had learned faster. Lauren indulgently smiled at their good natured hazing. She shook her head at their teasing and leaned toward Ana. "With these two characters, I think I am forgiven for needing a mature distraction every now and then."
Everyone's heads jerked up at the loud crack. Holly mouthed sorry and hid the two pieces of her clipboard behind her. Ana quickly wrapped up the interview and told her camera man to erase the last part after Ryan's teasing.
Lauren glared at Holly before promising to give Ana another interview whenever she liked. "With Thomas away, my time is completely free."
Holly kept a business like tone. "Ms. Benefield exaggerates. Her time is filled with fittings and rehearsal. Thomas and Amanda left to scout out the filming locations." She winked suggestively at Ana. "Thomas made certain it was just the two of them."
Ana smiled warmly. "Lady Amanda does bring out a side in Thomas that I haven't seen before."
Addison joined them and gushed at that. "Holly and I were able to see firsthand their romance unfold." She sighed dramatically while placing the back of her hand on her forehead. "All the shy, longing looks and brush of hands was so cute. Ugh. I just wanted to tie them together and throw them in a candlelit room filled with rose petals."
Ana's interest piqued at the picture Addison painted. "I would love to get a rare exclusive of yours and Holly's perspective of their relationship. Not only would movie fans love it, but the people of Cordonia would very much like a peek into Lady Amanda's personal life. There have only been a few gentlemen to catch her eye in the past. Cordonians are in alt to see her not only married but so in love."
Lauren glared at the two who had turned her offering for scandal into some kind of love fest. She opened her mouth to only shut it when Ana said goodbye to everyone. "Don't forget Holly to set up a time for you and Addison to come by."
Once the reporter and crew were gone, Holly turned on Lauren. "You forgot to mention the title of the movie."
Lauren innocently covered her mouth. Her eyes widened. "Whoops. I will try and remember to do so the next time I am interviewed."
"Your contract specifically states you do so in every interview. Forget again, and I will inform Thomas." Holly warned.
"By all means," Lauren replied, her eyes narrowing. "Do tell Mr. Hunt. I believe he knows I am the only actress for the role. I'm sure whatever disciplinary actions he chooses will be the right ones."
She left without another word. Holly threw her broken clipboard down on the ground and stomped on it. "Aahhh! I HATE HER!"
Ryan knelt down and removed the sharp pieces embedded in her sandal. "You might need to go to our fencing session tonight and release your rage. The swords aren't nearly as dangerous as this."
Chris stepped back from the look on Holly's face. "I might develop food poisoning tonight and miss practice."
Ryan stood up and placed his hands on Holly's shoulders. "Hey, you've worked with horrible people before. Be grateful you don't have a passionate love scene with her like we do."
Chris checked to make sure they were actually alone. "Is there really no chance she could be replaced?"
"Not that we could find." Holly muttered.
Ryan slowly smiled. "We could if she voluntarily leaves."
Everyone stared at him. "What do you mean?" Addison asked. "The contracts are air tight."
Chris' eyes lit with excitment. "He's right! Thomas always has a clause that an actor has the right to leave with no penalty before filming begins."
Ryan nodded. "All we need is a more compelling reason for her to leave. And depending on how we time things, we might need to delay the start of filming by another week or two. I--" he looked down at Holly in surprise when she hugged him and kissed his cheek.
"You are officially my favorite actor now." She pulled her phone out. "Let me call in someone who I think can help us with this."
Half an hour later, Drake walked in. He was finishing a phone call and a wicked grin formed. "I've got Maxwell, Nadia, and Olivia coming. Liam is trying to finish a meeting so he shouldn't be too far behind. Tell me how we get rid of the problem."
Once the Cordonians and Hollywood group were assembled, Holly shared the situation they were currently in and the need to somehow get rid of Lauren.
Nadia spoke her confusion. "I understand why we want her gone, but I thought we needed her to stay because of the rumors. If she leaves, won't this reflect badly on Thomas and Amanda?"
"Not if she leaves for something she is excited and happy about." Holly explained. "She will then talk about it nonstop to the press. Once she does that and Thomas and Amanda continue to act happy and give statements how ridiculous the rumors are, everything will be solved."
Drake folded his arms and frowned. "What would make her happy? Other than offering her a box of kittens to torture, what would she want?"
The Hollywood group thought in silence for a few moments.
"She loves attention." Chris offered. "Is there something we could find that would give her more of it?"
Addison sat up, blue eyes sparkling with excitment. "She has been saying how much she wants to meet a noble who is proper and a good example to emulate. She also eyes Amanda's estate with envy. The last couple of fittings she has said that she was meant for the noble lifestyle. Is there a nobleman that could possibly not only meet her requirements but also sweep her off her feet? Someone who would demand she give all her time and attention to him."
Olivia snorted. "We know the perfect guy."
Drake looked up and an evil look came into his eyes. "If ever there were two people more perfect to torture each other..."
Maxwell's eyebrows lifted. "Do you think he would be willing to do it? He isn't exactly a fan of Amanda's and he had a tense moment before the Derby with Thomas."
Olivia smiled. "Leave it to me. I will have Lord Neville here tomorrow."
Drake chuckled. "I would give anything to see that pompous ass get what's coming to him."
Ryan leaned back in his chair. "Alright. That will hopefully turn out how you want. How are you going to postpone filming?"
The Cordonian group began to brainstorm together. Liam smiled, causing Addison to softly sigh and stare at him dreamily.
"The cabin." Liam suggested.
Drake nodded. "No WiFi."
"No cell service." Olivia muttered.
"No neighbors." Maxwell said with a grin.
"Blizzard like weather." Drake added. "I think that will do it. Ton of supplies in the basement so they will be fine for at least a month."
"What is the cabin?" Addison asked, still gazing at Liam.
"It is a place up in the mountians of Lythikos. Couples in the past would use it as a place to test their love for one another. I've kept it set up more as a place to escape from people when they annoy me."Olivia explained.
"How are you going to get Thomas and Amanda there?" Chris asked.
The duchess thought for a few seconds. "I never gave them a wedding gift. This will be a surprise for them. They are visiting Lythikos in a couple of days before the rest of the court arrives. I will get them there."
Maxwell shuddered at the cold, calculated expression on her face. "For the record, I am glad you are on our side and have this brilliant plan. But please, never prepare a surprise for me and Nadia."
Liam's brow furrowed with concern. "Wait a moment. If we are successful, we are then causing trouble for the movie. How do we keep production from coming to a complete halt?"
Addison grinned with her sudden idea. "I'll call Matt and have him come!"
Everyone looked at her in confusion. "Don't we need an actress to replace the role instead of an actor?" Maxwell asked.
"Yes we do. That is why I will have him bring his Tender Nothings costar. Holly thought she might be good for Elizabeth. Oh! And her coloring is very similar to Elizabeth's portrait." Addison pulled her phone out. "And sent." She grinned when her phone vibrated. "He's calling Jessica right now." Everyone watched her in fascination. "And they will be here by the end of the week."
Liam's smile of approval made her blush. "Brilliant work, Lady Addison. I feel better knowing we will not be adding additional work on Thomas."
The group broke apart with promises to meet the next day after Neville and Lauren's meeting. Ryan paused when he saw Drake pull Holly away to talk. He watched as she laughed and gently pushed him. After another nod, Drake left her smiling.
Ryan waited until she walked past. "Would you like to go grab some dinner with your favorite actor?"
Holly looked back with a smile. "Maybe another time, Ryan. I've got plans tonight."
"Oh." He followed her out and frowned when she yelled out goodbye and hurried off.
"This is incredible." Thomas turned around in the ruins of an ancient monastery. He took Amanda's hand and helped her over some rubble.
"This is where Elizabeth met with Arthur to tell him she was marrying Reginald." She reached out and gently touched one of the engravings on a half standing wall.
They walked through the parts of the stone building still intact. Amanda gave him a brief history of its construction in the 1600's. Thomas listened quietly, enjoying how expressive her face was and how she threw in interesting facts with the dry historical parts.
"Isn't this where Reginald and Arthur met to duel over her?" He asked.
"Yes. She was visiting her friend and confidant, the youngest daughter of the Duke of Castelsarreillan, when she learned of the duel. Lady Marija helped her sneak out and break up the fight." Amanda explained. She led him outside to an empty field that was framed by hills dotted with apple trees. "Here is where the duel was held. Elizabeth went into great detail in her journal about this. It was here she realized she was truly in love with Reginald. The love she had for Arthur had not lasted nor sustained her growing affection for Reginald. She also suspected that Marija might have feelings for Arthur."
"Was she the lady Arthur ended up marrying? The lady you said had the big dowry?"
"She was. Once they married, Marija and Elizabeth did not see each other as often as they used to. They would encounter each other at some of the court events and try to catch up. But from what Elizabeth hinted in her journals, it was hard on Marija having Arthur around the woman he had so passionately loved to the point of risking death and the Queen's anger again to be with her." Amanda sat down on one of rocks and tugged Thomas beside her.
His sharp, dark eyes took in the visual beauty that would come across perfectly on film and thought how amazing it was to stand in a spot where a piece of this story took place. His mind began to picture the duel with those from the portraits. What if Elizabeth had not stopped them in time? What if Reginald had been killed? What if Arthur had not relented in his pursuit? Or what if Elizabeth had not realized how much she loved Reginald? Fate seemed to make them meant for one another. He wrapped his arms around Amanda.
She rested her head on his shoulder while looking out at the rolling countryside. After a long silence only broken by the occasional chirping of birds, she tilted her face up toward his. "Well, what do you think?"
He looked down at her and softly smiled. "Beautiful."
"It really is. Do you think it’ll be good for filming?" She smiled when he kissed her. “Mr. Hunt! Are you taking advantage of having me alone?"
"I believe I am, Mrs. Hunt." His hands moved down her back while pulling her closer. "We've spent a couple of weeks surrounded by the upper echelons." His lips caressed hers as he spoke. "I think I will take advantage of every opportunity I find alone with you."
Her smile grew. "I could be very amenable to that." She surrenedered to the passionate kiss he started. A soft moan from her encourgaed him. His phone started vibrating with a call and he ignored it.
"Shouldn't you get that?" Amanda let out a surprised gasp when he lifted her on his lap.
He flashed a smile before kissing her neck. "I'm with the only one who's call I would stop anything over."
"Thomas." She kissed him for a long moment before getting up. "Come on. We still have another hour of driving before we get to the next spot."
He took her hand as they walked back to the car. Thomas leaned against her door and pulled her close. "What about tonight? How long until we will be at the hotel?"
Her cheeks turned pink at his heated stare and wandering hands. "We’re actually staying near the next scene location."
His lips curved before kissing her again. "Good." He pushed away from her door and opened it for her. As he walked to his side, he checked his phone and cleared it when he saw the missed call from Lauren. He wasn't going to give her the opportunity of ruining his trip through Cordonia with Amanda.
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yesokayiknow · 6 years
Hi I really like your writing! I actually hadn't read anything from doctor who before you and it's really great, I didn't think I could love thirteen even more but here we are. I was wondering what are your thoughts on 13 and her different relationships with her new companions? 🐸
!! hullo !! and thank you! i’m sorry i was the intro for you to dw fic bc the  fandom’s got some really good fics!! you should check some more out :D!
(sorry this got way longer than i thought it would whoops)
ok so my thoughts on thirteen are that i would die and kill for her i love her so goddamn much ok??? i love how soft and expressive she is and also that’s she’s an asshole but she pulls it off bc she’s so cute??? and i love how much of an engineer she is! she loves making things (tho lbr it’s probably 80% bc of the fact that she can blow stuff up) and she loves showing off and teaching people stuff (probably a bit of twelve showing up y/y?? i mean he spent like idk 100 years as a teacher so) though god i can’t wait to see her go full oncoming storm on some ass ok let her let her get proper angry already although she sure hasn’t dealt with twelve’s depression and suicidal idealisation yet has she so that’s fun ! 
rn i think that yaz has the BIGGEST crush on thirteen, who hasn’t actually. noticed yet. i have the feeling she’ll be be like uh what why when she finds out (or more likely when ryan points it out bc it’s not like she’ll notice w/o help) because wait what is she like?? good looking?????
thirteen: everyone kept saying my last face looked like a grumpy grandad and that the one before that looked like a twelve year old! i’m not used to people having crushes on me!!
missy, clara, and river’s data ghost: oh so we’re not people now
so yaz finds thirteen googling ‘how do i let someone down gently because theyre cute but also kind of young and i really like them but i dont know if its in that way yet because this is a new body and its emotions are a LOT louder and dizzying than my last one and im not sure whats what yet please help’ and yaz is like. google limits searches to 32 words
thirteen: sorry i’m just really bad with this kind of thing?? it’s at times like these i really miss my wife
yaz: sorry your WHAT now
thirteen: yeah. she’s dead. please don’t tell her i didn’t mention her she hates that
yaz: how do i even respond to that
thirteen: she’s a ghost in a library now. she likes to visit me when i’m with people so it looks like i’m making out with thin air
and after that she’s like still got a massive crush bc hello have you seen thirteen’s face especially when she’s being very smug and clever and yaz maybe swoons a little and ryan’s like do you need to sit down because he’s the worst but it’s more like crushing on a celebrity you know?? she knows it’s probably not gonna happen. instead she’s gonna follow her around and learn as much as she can and get better at helping people and stare at her face and sigh a lot whatever it’s fine she’s fine
tHIRTEEN IS RYAN’S SPACE DAD BC RYAN’S BIODAD WHOMST? WHEREMST?? sorry mr sinclair but he’s her kid now. ryan calls her mum once jokingly and she’s like hm. don’t like that because she’s never been a mum before and it feels weird so now he jokingly calls her dad and she rolls her eyes a lot but doesn’t correct him. he gets her a happy father’s day card but crosses out the father and puts weird space parent
ryan: do you like it
thirteen, through tears: it’s okay i guess
they build gadgets together even though he tries to point out that a) he knows nothing about what she makes and b) dyspraxia isn’t exactly a help with fine motor skills but does she listen??? of course not. eventually he realises that as clumsy as she can be, making stuff is kind of how she communicates?? she doesn’t ramble as much when she’s doing this and she seems much surer of herself and it’s just? great to watch?? and she wants him to help her????? to join in with her in the one place she feels properly completely at home??? yeah it’s. it’s good
one time ryan’s just doodling on some paper and the next day when he’s getting breakfast he realises that it’s been stuck to the fridge bc i’ve been watching some earth shows and this is a thing that earth dads do!!!!
ryan: i mean i think earth dads stick drawings to fridges with fridge magnets instead of like actually hammering in nails but 10/10 for effort
yaz: hey doctor earth dads also go to their kids’ sports days
thirteen: interesting. unrelated question: when and where exactly were your sports days
(she goes to one in disguise and cheers very loudly for ryan. and then when everyone looks at her weirdly she cheers very loudly for all the other kids too. which obviously makes it worse bc no one there knows her
yaz: wait so you’re the reason all our sports days had bouncers?????)
i’m like 100% sure that graham’s decided to adopt thirteen as his pseudo grandkid along w yaz (and ryan obvs) and he always carries biscuits around for her and he’s the first to jump to her defence (not that she really needs it but like she’s tiny and graham’s mum didn’t raise him to let someone get away w talking shit at women ok) and he likes to sit by her while she tinkers with the tardis and she gives him a running commentary and he has zero (0) idea of what she’s saying but he nods and mhms in all the right places
thirteen: hey so you realise that i’m like 2000 years older than you ᵍⁱᵛᵉ ᵒʳ ᵗᵃᵏᵉ ⁴ ᵇⁱˡˡⁱᵒⁿ ʸᵉᵃʳˢ
graham: i literally don’t care. i’m your grandad now and i love you 
thirteen: oh
graham: wait sorry what was that last bit
also they like to sit around and complain about modern trends and stuff and it’s a right laugh for the other two because they’ll watch those two complaining about like modern music and how much everything costs now and then like ten minutes later thirteen will just like get up and dab and graham’s like. why
also also sometimes she’ll land the tardis in a quiet place under the stars and they’ll sit and talk about their wives. they both agree that it’s probably a good thing that river and grace never met because there’s no way the universe would still be standing if they had
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rathockey · 6 years
The Fallout (1/?)
Summary: The Fake AH Crew are at the height of their career, lead by notorious crime boss Geoff Ramsey of the legendary Roosters, and they're about to pull off the heist of the century, the Strauss Museum heist. Everything is going exactly as planned until an explosion goes off too soon, just in time to kill Geoff. The Fakes are thrown, and the joy of the heist is cut short. The Fakes retreat to a safe house in the hills to deal with the fallout of the Kingpin's death. But can the Fakes keep it together without their leader?
The sun blazed down, baking the city of Los Santos. Heat rose from the pavement, the air hazy. Sirens blared as police cars raced through the streets, chasing a hideously coloured X80 proto. The orange and purple paint gleamed in the evening light, a sunset driving through the streets. The driver grinned, all smiles as he glanced over to the passenger window, where his buddy hung out the window, faced backwards towards the oncoming cars, his gleeful face hidden by his dark skull mask. The driver let out a loud whoop as the other man slid back into the car, leaning behind the seats. Sliding his mask on top of his head, he searched through the darkness. The driver steered them zig zag through the streets, weaving between cars, shoving the car through too-narrow alleys, before leading the police behind him on a long, straight stretch. His passenger, having found what he was looking for, sat himself on the edge of the car window, half standing as he faced down half the Los Santos police force. He pulled a long cylinder from the car and placed it over his shoulder. He didn’t bother to pull his mask down, giving the leading car a perfect view of his face, before he fired the rocket, blowing up the line of cars in a chain reaction
“In other news, the dynamic duo known as the ‘Battle Buddies’ consisting of notorious assassin, the Vagabond, and his partner, Rimmy Tim, wreaked havoc in downtown Los Santos today. Their motive is still unknown, as nothing has been reported stolen, and no civilians were harmed. It is still unclear how the incident even began. Here’s Detective Harrison to tell us what they know.” The TV clicked off, the remote pointed accusatorily at the screen. The man who held it had his other hand on his hip, his eyes wild.
“What were you guys thinking?” The man screeched, his handlebar moustache bristling as he waved the remote around. “You just had to lay low for one more day!” His voice got higher with every word and he threw the remote at the couch, looking less like the leader of the notorious Fake AH Crew, and more like an upset dad scolding two overgrown children, who didn’t look at all sorry.
“Ah Geoff, don’t worry about it! We were just having some fun.” The Vagabond pulled off his skull mask, grinning. “Yeah, we didn’t even really do anything other than blow up the cops.” Rimmy Tim nudged the Vagabond, smirking. “Ryan here just wanted to try out his new toy.”
“It doesn’t matter you morons! They’ll be watching us now, because your stupid faces are all over the TV!” Geoff screamed, his voice cracking. He put his head in his hands.
“Technically, Rimmy Tim’s face is all over the TV. Jeremy is a law-abiding citizen.” Jeremy tossed his orange and purple jacket on the couch before collapsing on top of it. “Don’t worry Geoff, everything’s going to be fine.” He slid his hands behind his head and leaned back against the couch, a satisfied smile on his face as Geoff emitted a series of annoyed noises before storming off to his room.
“Oh, don’t look at me like that Ryan, you like winding him up as much as I do.” Ryan rolled his eyes before moving to sit next to Jeremy on the couch.
“Okay, look. He doesn’t like me as much. It bothers him way more when you do it.” He reached for the remote, turning the TV on and flipping through the channels. “The poor man just wants you to like him.”
“I do like him! I’d never tell him that, but I do.” Jeremy insisted. “And if you tell him I’ll kick your ass.” Ryan smirked at this, looking Jeremy up and down, one eyebrow cocked.
“Yeah. Okay, short stack.” Jeremy huffed at this, whacking Ryan with a pillow before standing up and stomping off. “I’m kidding!” Ryan called after him, not moving from the couch. “Wouldn’t tell him anyway.” He said at the TV, settling on the Addam’s Family Values movie. He’d watched it after his infamous argument with Gavin, having still not believed that there was a kid named Pubert in the movie, and found that he’d enjoyed the movie. He enjoyed being wrong less, especially when being wrong meant that Gavin was right.
“But Michael, it’d be so cool Michael!” Speak of the devil. Ryan quickly switched the tv off, looking over his shoulder.
“Absolutely not.” Ryan recognized Michael’s voice, fake anger hiding amusement. “Where would we get the bikes?” Michael walked into the living room, a pleading Gavin at his heels, a poorly concealed grin on his face.
“Ah don’t worry about it!” Gavin waved his hand, dismissing the concern.
“I don’t know what you’re planning, but don’t! Low! Profile!” Geoff’s voice was muffled by the door. “I’ll kick somebody’s ass! I don’t care whose!” Michael rolled his eyes, flopping onto the couch next to Ryan.
“Man, this heist has sucked all the fun out of being criminals.” Gavin threw himself on top of Michael, promptly getting thrown to the floor with a not entirely unamused ‘get off!’.
“Speak for yourselves. It only takes the fun out if you actually listen to Geoff.” Ryan said. “The Battle Buddies had a mission this morning. A mission of fun!” As he grinned, Gavin shivered a bit. He often forgot just how unsettling Ryan’s smile could be. He stood up quickly, heading around the couch and into the kitchen.
“I’m getting a bloody beer.”
“Get me one!” Michael called after him. “And go get Jeremy, we’ll play Mario Party.” Ryan groaned and tried to stand up to leave, but Michael caught his arm and pulled him back down. “Man, Gavin, Ryan’s so excited about this! Hurry up and get Lil’ J so we can start!”
“Okay, alright, calm down.” Gavin’s voice receded.
“Why even bother playing, you always win.” Ryan crossed his arms and raised his shoulders to his ears, looking like an upset child. Michael rolled his eyes.
“You won the last two times Ryan, come on. Stop being a baby or I’ll call Geoff out here.” Michael said, grinning as Ryan’s frown deepened.
“Don’t start any games right now, we gotta make dinner.” Michael looked over the back of couch to see the Jack in the kitchen, unloading groceries.
“Aww man.” Michael slumped down on the couch. “Already told Gavin to get Jeremy.” He mumbled into his chest.
“Good, then you guys can make dinner. Gavin and I need to run out to take care of one last thing for the heist. It was supposed to be Gavin and Ryan, but someone decided to get themselves on the news, so now I have to leave dinner in the hands of you idiots.” Jack looked at Ryan, who looked back, eyes wide.
“Whatever do you mean? The only people on the news are Rimmy Tim and the Vagabond.”
“Just go get Geoff.” Ryan stood up and sauntered off towards Geoff’s room. “Michael, get over here and start chopping onions. We’re having soup and fish and chips.”
“Mario Party!” Gavin came running into the living room, launching himself towards the couch. Jeremy trailed behind him, scrolling through his phone.
“Nope!” Jack’s voice was cheery as he left Michael in the kitchen. “Come on Gavin, Team Trial and Error’s gotta make one last supply run before tomorrow.” Gavin’s head popped up over the couch.
“I thought it was supposed to be Rye-bread and me?”
“It was going to be, until this afternoon happened. Now it’s us. And we gotta take care of it before dinner so we can finalize the plan after dinner.” Jack grabbed Gavin’s jacket from the kitchen table and threw it at him. “Jeremy, you’re helping with dinner. Gavin, let’s go.” Jack walked out the door, Gavin by his side.
The streets were jampacked with rush hour traffic when Jack and Gavin stepped out of the skyscraper that was Geoff’s house. Jack nodded at the motorbike with far too many mirrors leaned haphazardly against the building. Gavin pulled his keys out, tossing them to Jack before wrestling the bike onto the street. Jack straddled the bike and Gavin slid on behind him, holding on to his waist, Jack’s shirt scrunched in his hands. He slid his sunglasses out of his pocket and onto his face, nodding at Jack, who took off, weaving Gavin’s horrendous bike between the cars. Cars honked angrily at them as they passed by, a little too close for comfort. Jack pulled the bike up in front of a small warehouse. Gavin hopped off, taking the keys from Jack and leaning the bike down on the ground. They made their way around the back of the building, to a reinforced steel door. The door swung open as Gavin knocked on it. They looked at each other, brows furrowed, hands reaching for their guns. Jack pulled his gun out, motioning for Gavin to follow him, and they crept through the door.
The warehouse was empty, save for three boxes stacked in the middle, a single light bulb hanging above them. Jack groaned a bit, letting his gun hang by his side. Gavin approached the boxes, sizing them up. There was no way they would be able to haul them back. The smallest box was half the size of Gavin, and the largest was bigger than Jack. Gavin ignored Jack’s groan, grinning at him instead, raising his eyebrows. Jack rolled his eyes, but his mouth betrayed him, and he smiled back at Gavin before leading him out of the warehouse. They ran across the street, into the Maze Bank. Jack glanced down at his watch before showing it to Gavin, who nodded. Jack headed for the elevator, and Gavin slipped into an unmarked door. Keeping an eye on his phone, Gavin made his way down a hall towards the security room. There was only one security guard inside, headphones in, sat at the desk in front of the wall of screens. He wasn’t even watching them. Gavin shook his head, smirking. He slipped inside, pulling his gun from his waistband and slamming the butt of it into the guard’s head. The guard crumpled under the force and slid from the chair onto the ground.
Gavin sat in the oversized chair in front of the monitors, pulling his phone out.
Guard down. Monitoring the cameras.
He looked back up at the screens, where he saw Jack slip into the stairwell, making his way up to the roof.
Hurry. Two minutes.
Jack hurried up the stairs before reaching a door. He bent down, pulling out a small wallet from his pocket. As Jack picked the lock to the roof, Gavin looped footage from earlier in the day, erasing their presence from the bank. When he looked back at the monitor, Jack had made it onto the roof, where a cargobob sat. Gavin watched as Jack knocked out the pilot and dumped him on the roof before flying across the street. Gavin finished looping the footage and made his way out of the bank and across the street. Gavin hauled the boxes out of the warehouse and attached them to the hovering cargobob.
All good. Meet you at home.
“Ryan threw my onion away!”
“We don’t need an onion, there’s no room for onions here!”
“I need a plate, someone get me a plate!”
“Geoff, there’s a plate right in front of you.”
“The pot’s hot I need a plate!”
“There’s one right in front of you! Geoff!”
“I wanted onion soup Ryan!”
“I’m a fish and chips man, take your onions elsewhere!”
“What the hell is going on here?” They all froze at the sound of Jack’s voice. Geoff had a steaming pot of soup, Ryan and Michael were halfway through starting a food fight, and Jeremy was shoving a plate at Geoff. Gavin peered around Jack at the others, a grin on his face. They all looked at each other before exploding into a wall of accusations and finger pointing.
“Alright, enough! Let’s just get dinner on the table.”
The kitchen was a whirl of activity as Jack took over, barking orders at the others. Dinner finally made it on the table, with only a few arguments, and the Fakes sat down, Geoff at the head of the table, and dug in.
“How was the supply run?”
“Geoff, it was right fun, Geoff.” Gavin said through a mouthful of chips. “Wish you’d told us it was so big, we took the Faggio.”
“The Faggio? That piece of shit?” Geoff rolled his eyes. “You can barely move yourselves on that thing. God.”
“Ay, that things reliable! It’s been with me since you hired me!” Gavin defended his bike. “Reminds me of home.”
“Wow your home must be real shit Gav.” Michael said, waving his fork around. “That bike is garbage.” Gav squawked at him, offended.
Ryan waved his hand at the two of them. “Guys, guys. We all know England’s shit. Let’s focus. We have a heist to pull off.” He grinned, rubbing his hands together and leaning forward in his seat. “Let’s clear this shit off and get to heistin’!”
The Fakes gathered around a table, blueprints, maps, file folders, and photos spread out in front of them, a jumbled mess to the untrained eye. Geoff pinned a map up to a corkboard behind him, alongside a slew of photos and a blueprint. The others stared intently at the map as Geoff traced routes on the map, marking the teams and their jobs, confirming that everyone was prepared. The restless excitement from the day had fizzed out, the seriousness of the heist settling on the Fake’s shoulders. Geoff tossed a file at each of them, before waving a hand, dismissing them. The crew dissipated, wandering off to various points of the penthouse. Geoff sat at the table, staring down at the plans. It was now, or never.
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son-of-a-duck · 7 years
July 10, 2017
I took notes today, so that's helpful.
This morning I slept in a little longer than I would have liked but I still got to work on time, and that's what matters.  The first thing I did when I got to work was print out more prize drawing tickets and cut them apart using the giant paper cutter in the basement.  I then pulled books for my two main displays this month as well as a few chess books to put on the table next to the chessboard.  And then I ran around trying to find props for the photo shoot this afternoon.
The PR lady called down this morning and started talking about the photo shoot for the magazine writing an article about our adulting series.  I had completely forgotten that was happening.  Whoops. Before I got on desk I ran around and looked for props that we could use.  I found a bunch of stuff in one of the small kitchens or whatever we call the tiny rooms with sinks and microwaves.  The PR lady also scrounged around for stuff and went to the store to buy vegetables.
And then I was on desk for a couple hours.  My friend stopped by with her boyfriend and his daughter so I talked to them for awhile.  The boyfriend and his daughter spent most of the time working on the jigsaw puzzle but came over near the end.  It's been awhile since I've seen my friend.  Two or three months at least I'm guessing.  And now they have moved even farther north, up to Michigan, so I will probably see her even more infrequently.  I need to make more local friends.
The photo shoot was at one o'clock, which was during my lunch break, but I bumped that back for the sake of publicity.  The photographer called an audible on the shooting location and we ended up doing it in one of our meeting rooms because it had really good natural light. The meeting room was currently being occupied, with a meeting of all things, but they were going to lunch, so we asked if we could use the room while they were gone.  They ended up bringing their lunch back to the room but we were done about five minutes or so after they got back and they were using the other half of the room.
I ended up being the “instructor”, which I didn't really want to be but the teen librarian wasn't there so I was the one representing the series.  Yay.  We pulled staff members from around the library that looked the right age, had them sit around the table, and then I cut vegetables and pretended to tell them things.  It was super awkward.  And kind of fun but mostly awkward.  Then we moved down to the computer classroom and I pretended to teach them about budgeting. That was a little less awkward.  We'll see how the pictures turn out.
After that I helped put everything back where we got it and then I went to lunch at 2:15PM.  I was so worked up about the photo shoot that I didn't even think about being hungry, so that was nice.  While I was at my Mom's house my new CPU was delivered, which was strange because I was pretty sure I had changed my address but apparently not.  But it worked out because I was able to take it with me instead of having to swing by after work.  It also didn't have to sit out on my porch all day in the 100+ degree weather.  I brought it into the library with me so it didn't have to sit in my 100+ degree car.  
The rest of the day was very uneventful.  At least what I can remember of it because I stopped taking notes before lunch.  I remember looking at ideas for the maker faire, which I have to go to in September.  I really want to do the large Jenga thing but my boss wants me to do something technology related.  We're thinking about doing something big-ish for International Games Day and maybe I can convince my boss that the Jenga thing could be used to promote that. We'll see.
When I got home I installed my new CPU.  It was actually a pretty quick process.  The hardest part was remembering how my liquid cooler is attached.  It's confusing.  But after I got that figured out, it was smooth sailing.  I applied a thermal paste cleaner to the liquid cooler, cleaned off all the thermal paste, and then applied something else that is supposed to get the surface ready for new thermal paste. I then installed the new CPU, applied a rice-sized bit of thermal paste, and reattached the liquid cooler.  After that I cleaned the thermal paste off the old CPU and put it in the new CPU box, along with the stock cooler.
I dinner when I was done with that, and then spent the rest of the nice cursing, because I am once again trying to set up my Vive, this time on my desktop.  It's a pain in the ass and if I had a swear jar I would have easily paid for an international plane ticket.  It was just one thing after another.  First the base stations wouldn't turn on, then the controllers wouldn't connect, then I got a cornucopia of different errors every time I tried to launch SteamVR, then Steam itself stopped working.  And now I'm back to it kind of working but the controllers won't show up again.  I never did get it working properly and it is now way too late because I spent way too much time trying to figure it out.
I think one of the big issues is that it can't run in Direct Mode, which it says in the best mode.  I think this means that the headset is seen as its own entity or something.  When that mode is disabled the headset shows up as another monitor.  This is the only way I can get it to work on my laptop because regardless of the mode there is a compositor error, whatever that is, and it can't be manually launched (or if it can there is no indication anything changes).  The only way to get around this is to disable Direct Mode so you can move your mouse off the side of your monitor, onto the “desktop” that is the headset, and click on it.  It's like bringing focus to the headset and making it the active window.  In Direct Mode you can't do this.  So I'm not sure about that.  It's all very confusing and it is discouraging when solving one issue just presents a different one. I'm having flashbacks to trying to set it up on my laptop.  I seem to be getting way more errors this time around.  I think it will be easier with my new computer because I'll be starting from scratch and won't have to worry about some random program causing a conflict or losing something important if I have to uninstall something.
VR is definitely a love hate relationship.
While I messed with all that stuff I finished watching Shooter. It was an alright show but I still really don't like Ryan Phillipe as someone named Bob Lee with an intermittent Southern accent.
And now I'm going to record my audio journal because midnight is creeping up and I have to open tomorrow.  Six o'clock is going to come way too early tomorrow morning.
0 notes
tessatechaitea · 7 years
Justice League of America #6
How are new readers going to know they should pick this up because Lobo is in it? This is a poor choice of covers.
Remember the good old days when every drop of Lobo's blood could regenerate into a full Lobo? How did that never become the explanation for Twat Lobo and Magenta Timeline Lobo? Seriously missed opportunity.
Meanwhile on some more pages without Lobo therefore they're wasted pages, Killer Frost saves some civilians by freezing a terrorist's arm off. The civilians are ungrateful wretches who can't see the humor in a terrorist who just threatened the lives of their children losing his arm. Killer Frost is all, "Um, whoops? Don't tell Batman?" The Ray refuses to tear out Lobo's heart for some reason. I bet it's because he's in loOoOoOoOove with Lobo! I mean, who isn't? But The Ray doesn't want to hurt the person he loves. I'm using "love" in the way all people who don't believe in love use it: to camouflage from romantic types that we're actually saying "Please give me oral pleasure until I humiliate myself in front of you with my satisfaction noises." The Ray does cut out Lobo's heart after Lobo yells at him the way his mother used to yell at him when he tried to peak out of his dark bedroom window. After reading so many DC Comics for so many years, I have to wonder why I don't have super powers! My mom was the most paranoid and manipulative person and my dad left when I was two to become a giant drunk absentee bastard! Where is the justice that I get all of the Mommy and Daddy Issues and none of the super powers and hot trim?! Lobo collapses because he doesn't have a heart anymore. It's not that he dies at that moment. It's just that he can't do much without any blood pumping oxygen to his brain. He just has to wait until his undying cells that can't die repair the damage and get the overall system back up and running. It's like a city that stops functioning because an earthquake destroyed most of the infrastructure. The people are still alive even though the city has come to a halt. They just have to get to work fixing it up again. Until Lobo regenerates, I guess I'll just have to suffer through a bout of being bored by this comic book. This story is called "The Heart of a Bastich." Is bastich Latin? Do you conjugate nouns in Latin? Bastich. Basteres. Bastard. Basteremus. Bastarent. Um, anyway, I don't think the title refers to Lobo referring to himself (because of the conjgation! Duh!). I bet it turns out to be Ryan Choi who shows himself to be a real bastich because he's the only one currently facing off against Aegeus. Everybody is probably thinking, "Oh no! The poor little grad student in the nerdy glasses can't stand up to a great big charismatic terrorist who probably has a huge, thick penis! He's going to die!" But instead, he's going to be all, "I'm gonna fuck you so hard Aegeus!" Then he'll grow really small and everybody will be all, "Where is he?" Then Aegeus will get a weird look on his face. Everybody will recognize that look as the one where you suddenly feel your asshole get itchy due to physical exertion, sweat, and a rancid dingleberry you hadn't know was stuck up in there. Then you contemplate how to deal with it. Do you unsatisfyingly scratch the itch through your clothing as people nearby make disgusted looks and judge as if they've never done that before. Or do you go all in and shove your hand down the back of your pants and stick a finger way up there so that it feels like you're scratching the inside of the front of your skin, after which you remove your hand and then stall for a few moments as you glance around at who might be watching before you casually pretend to scratch your nose so you can sniff your fingers. You know that look? That's the look Aegeus will have just before The Atom expands to full size and explodes Aegeus's colon all over the room. Oh. It doesn't happen that way. I can't say I'm disappointed though because Atom's life is rescued this way instead:
Yay Lobo! My penis rejoices at your renewed vigor!
Lobo and The Ray are merely a distraction so that The Atom can prove himself in battle. He turns tiny, avoids Aegeus's butthole, and turns big again, using the power of density or mass increasing or quantum hullabaloo to knock Aegeus out in one nerdy punch. Lobo instantly takes credit for Ryan's newfound ability to commit violent acts. Some people don't like Lobo but that's probably because they've read versions of Lobo written and drawn by people who either don't like Lobo or don't understand Lobo. Nobody would be surprised how many writers used Lobo in the 90s simply to get a boost in sales while hating themselves for using a character they despised. And it's less surprising than that even that they would treat him as a joke and make him look as idiotic as possible. But sometimes a writer gets the character and my heart sings. Other times, an artist really gets the character and a part of me that got me banned from all Popeye's restaurants sings.
Andy MacDonald, you make my anal sphincter sing!
You don't need to hear the story about my banishment from Popeye's. But if you want more details to help create the scenario in your imagination, here are a few keywords: spicy chicken, dare, Tubgirl reenactment. Let me say goodbye to a few followers of my blog right now since I won't get the chance after the next sentence. I'm not sure what Lobo is threatening to do to Aegeus at the end of the above scan but I know it doesn't have anything to do with rape because that would be wrong and never funny. Especially when Lobo knows the humiliation of being married and raped by a Gothamite pervert super hero. If Lobo learned the opposite lesson, you wouldn't know it because it's not like Lobo said in the panel before the scanned panels, "I got something ta finish up. Ya might want to avert yer eyes. Also, do we have a wedding dress and a camcorder?" I mean, he said some of that! But probably not all of it. After whatever just happened to Aegeus in the space between pages happens, his army's flying steeds turn back into salt. Without scary steeds, the army surrenders to the angry citizens of Penn City. The next day, Batman lets everybody know that "Aegeus' injuries are being treated." I would have said "Aegeus's injuries" but then I'm just smarter. Anyway, what could those injuries have been? Nobody goes into detail! Batman warned Lobo against maiming and Batman hasn't one-punched Lobo into being a better person yet, so I'm guessing Lobo just beat the guy with a tube sock stuffed with a bar of soap. Incidentally, that's the exact turn of phrase a person would use t describe a Czarnian penis. The citizens tell Batman, "You know, thanks for, like, stopping that jerk. But he was, you know, paying us money. So now were broke and shit. What are you going to do about that, asshole?" Before Batman can break the dick's jaw, Vixen pipes up. She's all, "I'll set up one of my non-profits here and you can all get jobs!" Then a bunch of the dumber and Republican residents are all, "How are we going to make money if it's a non-profit?! Get out of here with your communist bullshit! I'd rather starve!" But Vixen, undaunted, continues, "People notice my shit. More businesses will move in. Wealthy businesses! The totally for profit kind! The kind that probably has a big 'W' in the name, if Batman gets my fucking drift!" Then everybody cheers at the good news without realizing that they're just going to go back to making weapons in a few months when WayneTech moves in. Later, Lobo gets me all teary eyed because I'm a pusstich, I guess.
Forget the cutesy-wutesy bonding bullshit! What did Batman promise Lobo?! I bet Batman promised to build him a glory hole portal into a sexy dimension!
I hope nobody ever shows Lobo a copy of The Cove. Japan thought the ending of World War II was awful? Wait until Lobo tattoos Fat Man and Little Boy onto his left and right fist (respectively) and wades onto their shores. Xenos moves into The Sanctuary to help build weapons and polish Silver. That wasn't a typo; Silver is the name of Ray's penis. I'm so happy that this comic book currently exists! Steve Orlando seems to understand and love violent psychopathic characters as much as I do! I know Twat Lobo was last seen in Larfleeze's trophy case but I hope Real Deal Lobo gets a chance to murder the fuck out of him. Multiple times even!
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