#i need to wrap him around my wrist like one of those slap bracelets
dalkyum · 8 months
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blueberrypossum · 3 years
A Date Down Under (GN Reader x Leo)
If you guys are wondering where I’ve been I write more on A03 with two original fanfics in the making! But, my tumblr account deserves some love too! This fanfic has been siting in my file for a long while and I originally wanted to post it when I was deep in the ROTTMNT fandom (still love it and miss it man). So, I decided to take out my oc in it and make it a reader fanfic so everyone can enjoy!  @bootyyy-shaker9000 ​ I know how much you love Leo so have some of the wonderful boy in blue!!
When Leo asked you if you wanted to celebrate your Friend Anniversary in the Lost City, you couldn’t refuse. 
 The feelings for the turtle though were getting tougher and tougher to maintain. Leo was always the flirt, and you tried to not let him play with your heartstrings, but now a blush would creep around your face whenever he would fire a one-liner or when he would push the physical contact to the extreme. 
You weren't used to so much affection, nor letting the addiction of being touched take over you like a drug. 
But you have seen the way Leo fake flirts with others, and just believed that he was just doing the same thing to you, because you were just friends, right? 
You were brushing your comb through your hair when your phone started to vibrate on your desk. You brought it up to your ear as you got comfortable in your seat.
“Knock knock.”
“Who’s there?”
There were a few knocks on your bedroom window.
You giggled and walked over to the window and pulled back the blinds to see the one and only Leonardo Hamato, a sly grin on his face as he hung up on the phone. You placed your phone into your pocket and unlocked the window to reveal yourself to him. 
The blue bandana turtle looked a little taken aback as he took in the sight of his best friend. With the season turning colder, you wore something that suited the chilly wind yet sunny season, the cloth clinging to you gently. What caught him off guard the most was the dazzling smile you presented to him, the pure excitement of seeing him causing his bandana to feel tight around his head. 
Leo almost lost his balance as he hopped into your room, sweat growing on him as he tried to find anything else to look at other than you.
“Hey, how's your fever?” He asked, his voice drowned with no confidence, his heart still pounding as he finally glanced over. 
You were picking up your bag and you frowned at the question.
“Hum? What fever?” 
“Oh, yeah, you just look hot to me,” he replied, pressing a confident smile on his lips as he hoped that you didn’t catch him almost slipping up. 
Your cheeks went pink and you playfully slapped his arm.
“Oh hush up and let’s go, we’re burning daylight.”
“That’s not the only thing that’s burning.”
“Oh my gosh, get going, Red Kamon.”
The tall turtle chuckled and pulled out his sword, swiping it around the room until a portal was created. Leo moved to the side and bowed his head towards you. 
“After you,” he purred and you rolled your eyes at him and took a step into the portal and was led right at the center of the Hidden City. The colorful and mysterious city was weird to say the least, nothing but weird creations and magic lingered in the air as yokai walked past you. Leo stepped through the portal and was at your side as you both walked over to the city map. 
Leo used your shoulder as a rest while you gazed over at the map.
“Where do you want to go, shorty?” He asked as your eyes scanned the different areas and pointed towards the Witch Town.
Your mind seemed clouded from the close contact and you pointed to the spa.
“What about here? Sounds interesting.”
“Can’t do. My idiot and less attractive twin got us turtles banned there,” Leo commented and soon his arm snaked around your neck and was completely over your shoulders, bringing you close enough that you could feel his breath over your cheek. 
“What about here?”
“Nope. They banned me there.”
“How did you get banned from a spa?”
“My dashing good looks were just too much for them.”
You let out a gust of air and knew the real reason, Donnie told you the whole funny scenario of Leo needing hair to get into the spa, totally backfired and threw him in jail. 
“What places are you not banned from, blue?” You asked, turning over to him with your arms crossed. 
He gave you his signature smile and leaned down till you were face to face, his beak just a few inches from your nose. 
“Here, just those two places. Your heart? Never.”
“Then what about the Pirate Bazaar?” You mumbled, your heart almost leaping out of your chest as Leo’s eyes widened with excitement.
“Ohhh, I’ve been there! But only for a little bit, let’s go!” He squealed and took your hand and led you through the crowd of animals and other subjects of yokai. His three-fingered hand was cold against your warm one, and you knew Leo and his brothers like closeness to you and April since you were the only warm-blooded creatures; Splinter was too but hugs were hard to get from him. Still, the hand holding made others look over and gush at you two, as if you were a couple. 
If only.
He didn’t let go as he took you into lesser crowds, bringing you closer till your arms were touching. You then realized he wasn’t wearing an outfit, but then remembered most of the yokai’s were clothesless as well. His muscles bounced as he walked and you had to do everything to not wrap your fingers around the growing muscle. 
His thumb started to brush against yours as he turned to you and you swore you saw a red dash against his cheeks, and it wasn’t his stripes.
“You’ve been friends with me for a whole year! Please, do tell how great it must’ve been to be called my best friend,” he said slyly, wiggling his non-existent eyebrows, causing you to laugh. The joyous melody made Leo weak in the knees.
“You mean, me always having to save your shell from dangerous bad guys, having to endure all your jokes, and then the constant-CONSTANT- marathons of Jipiter Jim and Lou Jitsu to the point all I could do was speak quotes from the movies.”
“Oh yeah, may I remind you that you would text me excited about every movie date? Didn’t someone make their signature hot chocolate just for me when I showed this specific someone their now favorite movie? Ring any bells?” He replied back.
“Pffts, you know what? Your one-liners stink.”
The sword yielding turtle let out a gasp and grasped where his heart would be over his plaston as if he had been shot as he looked down at you. 
“My one-liners stink like Raph’s victory stink!”
You laughed and took back his hand and Leo felt his heart flew as your warm hand was gripping onto his cold one. You took the lead and finally made it to the entrance of the pirate grounds. There were booths of stuff that were related to the pirate theme of the area and some were just random selections of things to sell. The smell of seafood and other fried foods drifted into your nose and you led Leo to the entrance. 
After getting Lost City Cash at a money machine, you both took a selfie at the front entrance, Leo bringing you close and him having to lean down due to your height.  
There was a goblin looking woman in the booth at the entrance and the woman took your money and gave each of you a bracelet to get on rides and such. 
“For an extra 20 dollars, you can have a custom pirate outfit that you can switch on and off with ease,” she explained and you and Leo shared the same look, giving the worker a simple nod. She pointed to where single bathrooms were after she got the money.
“Last one there is a rotten turtle egg!”You challenged out as you raced over to the bathroom stalls, the mutant turtle schoffing and charging after you.
With a little bit of magic, you were able to think up your very own pirate outfit with a second band around your wrist so that you could switch it off and on with ease. Leo picked the same outfit he had when he first came to the pirate utopia with Hueso, but didn’t pick an eyepatch this time since he didn’t want to trip in front of you. 
You quickly raced out of the changing room after saying thank you to the worker who helped you and looked around, your eyes trying to find the mutant turtle in the crowd. You spotted the long strands of his bandana and felt yourself shudder at how good he looked in a pirate outfit, how the white shirt clung to him and how he had his sword hung against his side instead of over his back. You swallowed the saliva that was swimming in your mouth and quickly dashed over to him, clearing your throat before you spoke in the worst pirate accent. 
“My, my, isn’t ye the best booty I’ve ever seen in these vast oceans!”
The red slider turtle quickly turned around but you moved out in front of him.
“Aye, wanna shiver me timbers?” You laughed, throwing another one-liner at him and he turned, his eyes going wide as he almost told you that if you were a pirate, you would be the most beautiful treasure that no man or woman could handle or capture. If you were a pirate he could definitely walk the plank. 
“Those jokes are so lame, that they need a peg leg,” he replied, almost hating himself fully for using one of Huesos jokes instead of his own. But you flashed him a smile anyway and motioned him to follow as you made your way through the crowd. 
The teenage turtle felt his heart leap after you and gave chase as you made it to the center of the pirate theme park. 
Once in the middle, you pulled out the map the woman at the booth gave you and started to read over the activities that you could do. 
Leo leaned down close, still a little out of breath, but his confidence had awoken him as he said: “Ya certainly put a shiver in my timber!” he said in a deep pirate accent. You booped his beak away from your face and he blew a raspberry on the index finger.
“So, there is a treasure adventure we can go on, a booth section of stuff to buy, a pirate show of a reenactment of pirate history-Oh! They have timed dances throughout the area! And you can join in!” 
“Are you going to join in?”
“Maybe. I could finally dance with someone who doesn’t only do fortnite dances and dabs.”
“Hey, my moves are almost like a work of a pirate ship.”
“Old and needs remodeling?”
“What?! No! Unique and cool.”
You rolled your eyes and wrapped your arm around Leo’s and led him to the show since it was the closest. 
You stood on the pier as ships and flying creatures dashed by, the glowing lights of the underworld turning into a creamy orange to signify that the day was coming to an end. You leaned your arms over the railing as you scrolled through the photos that had been taken throughout the day. You couldn’t help but smile at seeing your goofy pictures and would scroll past the ones you took specifically of Leo without him knowing. 
Speaking of the turtle, he leaned in close to your shoulder as he noticed that your attention was not on him.
“Whatcha lookin at?” He asked, his head slowly getting closer. You felt your body grow warm and quickly turned your phone. 
“Bruh,” you giggled and he gave a quiet chuckle and tried to snatch the phone. 
“If you’re looking at something, then as your best friend I have a right to see.”
“Fine, hang on.”
You quickly saved the single photos of him into a secret file and moved the phone between them, his head still on your shoulder as he scrolled through the photos, both of you laughing at the one where you fought the pirates and failed. 
“What about you? I know you took photos of today for your social,” you commented as you placed your phone into your bag. 
Leo took out his phone and hid it out of sight since his home screen was a picture of them together at an abandoned skatepark and he had you in a piggyback ride and he just had to capture the moment. He handed his phone without thinking and started to go through your bag due to boredom.
You scrolled through the photos until you stopped at a specific one. You didn’t remember him telling you to pose for this photo; it was when you had stopped to eat dinner and you happened to watch one of the kids getting a fake pirate hook from a vendor. Your head was supported by your hand as a breeze caused your hair to ripple around your face in an alluring photo. A blush rushes to your face as if you had been hit and soon you started to scroll faster and found more photos of just you; of you waiting in line, in your pirate outfit, several were taken of you during the pirate treasure hunting, when you grabbed a candle from one of the booths in excitement, he even got a cliche photo of you holding his hand while you led him through the crowd. 
You felt your heart stop in your ribcage and looked over at the ninja turtle, who was still looking through your bag as if he was hunting for treasure. You didn’t want to snoop, but you couldn’t help but exit out of his camera roll and looked through his folders on the right side; there was a folder for comic books, shopping, epic moments, even a puns list, then found it at the bottom. It was labeled with a first letter of your name and a heart, and with twitching fingers, you opened it. It wasn’t many photos but enough to where you almost dropped his phone into the water below. There were pictures of you whenever you both hung out, and some he probably got from your social. 
Holy Hot Soup, he liked you.  
“Okay, now you really look like you have a fever,” Leo commented as he reached for his phone, causing you to swallow and quickly turned off the device and handed it back to him.
“But don’t worry, Doctor Neon Leon will help you get all better,” he said in a baby voice and wrapped his arm around you and brought you close. 
“Maybe you need some Vitamin ME,” he whispered and you laughed at yet another ridiculous one-liner made by him. He grinned at the sight of you laughing and rested himself against your side, taking in your scent and warmth. 
“Maybe I do, where do I get my prescription Aka Kamon?” You asked slyly, a shit eating grin on your face as Leo blushed. Whenever you could, you would fire back a one-liner and was overjoyed to see him be the one to get flustered and a stuttering mess. 
“ Oh, um, well,” he stuttered and mentally kicked himself as he couldn’t think of something to say back and then a question he always wanted an answer to.
“Are you ever going to tell me what those words mean?” He asked. 
“Are you ever going to open a book and find out for yourself.”
“Ha! Jokes on you, I don’t know how to read. And also, there are phones now, boomers.”
“Then look it up.”
“JuSt GiVe Me A hInT.”
You released a sigh and gave him a look while he returned to you his huge puppy dog eyes look and placed his hands together as his bottom lip wobbled as if he was trying to get out of trouble. 
“Finnnne, but only because it’s our best friend’s day.”
You poked the red stripe against his face and then pointed upward, a smirk growing on your face as he gave a confused one.
“A pretty good one in my opinion.”
The red slider turtle let out a large groan as he crossed his arms, his face growing tight as he tried to think of what the hint meant. 
“Are you just calling me stripes but in Japanese?” He said with a groan. 
“Leo you insult me, it would be kind of stupid to call you stripes in both English and Japanese.”
He mimicked your talking right as you finished and he received an eye roll as he continued on thinking.
 So, it wasn’t the stripes, maybe the color? Or the shape?
“Man, this is hurting my brain, this best friend day sucks.” He said as he stuck his tongue out at you.
“Okay, okay. The two words are a color and a shape. Is that better?”
“Yes. Yes it is.”
You continued to watch as Leo tried to put the pieces together and you wished you could get this on video, but it would be too obvious, so instead you painted it into your mind. 
“So, the color is totally red, but the shape I’m lost at. Why did you point at the sky? Is that a clue? Why did you make this so difficult?”
“Because I’m a difficult person.”
“I do like a challenge.”
“One more hint, it’s the shape of something in the sky.”
Leo looked up at the fake Lost City sky and squinted as the fake sun started to set and the moon would start to rise. 
“Red Moon?”
“Close. It’s Red Crest.”
The blue bandana turtle searched the horizon for an answer for why you called him that as you looked away due to embarrassment. 
“Why?” He simply asked as he looked over; he could always tell when you were nervous, your eyes would always dart around and your left foot would start to shake. You rose to a tallen stance though and looked over at his hands.
“I just find your marks...alluring. In Japanese culture, the red moon is respected due to its power. I just thought you deserved to have a nickname that represented you.”
Leo felt his face go completely red that it could put Raph’s mask to so much shame that it would go bland. All this time he thought you were just calling him something insulting in Japanese, but it was a nickname that you made up for him. Not like Raph’s, Donnie’s, Mikey’s or April’s, it was one you made up for him and only him. 
“Stop looking at me before I throw you off this dock so I can live the rest of my life without this embarrassment,” you laughed nervously as your fingers combed through your hair and let out a shaky breath. 
Leo started to get his little shakes as he let out a confused laugh. 
“All this time I thought you were calling me a stupid turtle or somethin in Japanese, whoa oh boy was I wrong.”
You both looked away from each other and the atmosphere became heavy. 
Maybe I shouldn’t have said that, I still don’t know, you thought, but then you felt his finger poke your elbow and looked over at him, and the soft expression on his face almost made you melt.
“But how can I stop looking at you?”
Your breathing immediately hitched.
“Are you blushing? It’s a good feeling to know that I do it.”
You could only cover your face as you leaned against the railing on your elbows and looked between your fingers at him. You hated being so flustered up, but with Leo dripping with confidence, it made you want to curl into a muttering mess. 
Leo watched you with amusement and went to touch you, but then fell back. He remembered how he started the physical touch between you two, holding your hand, always leaning on you, every movie night you would be his cushion. But you two couldn’t kiss, couldn’t cudde too close, he couldn’t tell you he loved you more than just a best friend.  
 He hated how the day went by so fast and now he wanted to do what he has wanted to do for months. But he couldn’t work up the courage, he had a ton of one-liners to ask you out, to ask if you returned the feelings, even though he was mutant turtle that lived in the sewer and fought enemies that could destroy the whole world and wholly Ōdachi he can’t ask you to be a part of that life. 
But, the way you would smile at him and how you always gave him credit for the growth into someone you wanted to be. How you saw something in him that he didn’t even see, and he wanted to keep being whatever you saw. 
He just wanted you.
So, he worked up the courage, tried to make the sweat stop rolling down his body, and looked at person he had fallen for
You tensed up, you had never heard Leo sound so serious in his life. 
“With this being.....I mean if I’m wrong. Would you consider this a date-date?” He spilled out, and he wanted to climb into his shell like Mikey and never come out. He let out a gust of air and didn’t look over at you, his fingers messing within each other. It was silent between you, the city life buzzing around them as yokai’s came and went. You wanted to scream out in joy and say yes a hundred times, but you also had to be careful, along with if Leo was being a bubbly mess, you wanted to take advantage of it as long as you could. 
Spotting a red and blue flower with a bright yellow center growing on the side of the deck, you wrapped your fingers around it and pulled it from its roots. To Leo’s surprise, you pushed your way under his arm until it was back over your shoulders. The blush on his face was noticeable and with being against his chest you noticed his uneven breaths. 
“I do. And I would like more of them, if you want to.” You answered and handed him the flower. He shakenly took the flower in his hand and his confidence came crashing back to him, knowing that the feeling was mutual. As quickly as you gave him the flower he leaned over and placed the flower over your ear. Your eyes widened with surprise and quickly averted them away, a nervous but sweet chuckle escaping your lips. But the Red-eared slider never averted his gaze away from you. 
“I would like that too,” he answered back. 
You both stood there for a while, your head curled into Leo’s chest as his own head rested on yours. You were used to being close, but this was different, this filled you up with knowing and it made the physical connection much more warmer and scarier. Little lights started to flicker around as the city started to get dark, even with no sun or moon. Leo brought you closer and buried his face into your hair, a long sigh escaping his lips in content, his mind slowing down for once and just taking in this moment.
 But the moment went quicker than expected as a low yawn escaped your mouth and the red slider turtle remembered that it was getting late. 
“Alright, sleepy head, I think it’s time to raise anchor and set sail for home,” he joked as he lifted himself off of you and then held out his hand. With a roll of your eyes, you gladly took it and let him lead you back to the entrance of the Pirate Bazaar. He could just use his sword, but he wanted to juice out every moment with you.
The hand hold was different in some way, you gripped his hand tighter and when he came to a stop you would use your other hand to lightly touch his biccup before continuing on. 
You gave the booth teller their costume bracelets back and walked a few feet ahead before Leo pulled out his sword and created a portal. 
He once again bowed his head as he moved to the side. 
“After you.”
Through tired eyes she gave him a smirk as she was halfway through the portal. 
“Thank you.” 
He followed you through the portal and took the step onto your apartment’s fire escape, the flashing lights of New York City spilling over your side as you opened your bedroom window;  throwing your bag inside before turning to Leo. You both turned to each other and then quickly averted eye-contact with each other. 
“I had a lot of fun today, Leo. Thanks for being a good fri-” you stopped yourself since you didn’t know if you two were still just friends, or more.
He let out a laugh and rubbed the back of his neck. 
“Yeah, chief, it was,” Leo said  and then let out a groan at the terrible execution.
 You knew that you had to make the first move now or else you both would accidentally place yourselves into the “friend zone”.
 “Leo, can you bend down a little bit?”
“Why? Tired of being the only short one?”
“You can say that.”
He bent down till he was on your level, a smug smile on his lips. You let out your form of a chuckle as you curved your fingers under his chin. The teenage turtle instantly felt weak in the knees and thought that his legs would give out from under him and became a stuttering mess as you both made eye-contact. 
“Um, haha, is it hot or did you know that, uhh,” he mumbled as you tilted his head to the side and placed a small kiss against his red stripe, instantly making his whole body, for once in his life, burning. 
Your lips were soft against his skin and he stood there as you leaned away and climbed back into your room. 
“Goodnight, Leo,”you mumbled, your hands shaking against the window. 
You closed the window and walked away while Leo stood there, his mind racing a hundred miles an hour. He got a kiss from you, from you. He never felt so much adrenaline rush through his body and all he wanted to do was go back in time so he could’ve moved his lips over. 
He took a step towards the window and then took that step back. What should he do? What could he do? Were you both dating now? Or were you two at the very edge of the line of a relationship?
He wanted to call his brothers or April for advice, especially since she would slap some sense into him. His shakes were coming back.
He let out a grunt and rubbed his eyes as he tried to decide what to do. He looked back at the window and saw that you had turned on your lights. He walked up to the window and knocked.
You had just gotten out of the bathroom when you heard the light tap against your window and your heart started to race faster than it already was. You were already shaken up by having enough courage to kiss him but if that was him then what if he didn’t want the kiss?
The knock came again and you took a few deep breaths before you moved the curtain aside and there he was, his face all flustered up as he gave a small wave as she opened the window. 
“Yes?” You questioned as you leaned your hands over the window seal. You hoped that the silky night of the sky hid your flustered face.
“I honestly didn’t think this far ahead,” he spilled out as he let out a nervous laugh as he leaned against the window. 
You looked up at him and Leo blinked several times in wonderment at the startled expression that crossed your face. Leo took a deep breath and gave you his signature shit-eating grin.
“Knock knock.”
“Wow, you’re doing jokes in the same place now are ya?”
“Just do the joke.”
You giggled and fluttered your eyes mockingly at him.
“Can I who?”
“Who’s there?
“Can I?”
“Can I...Can I kiss you?”
Even though it was a terrible joke, you felt like you could throw up all of your guts for how fast your heart rate was. Kissing him on the cheek was a challenge but at least you didn’t have to worry about his lips against yours. Do turtles have lips? Or beaks?
The word yes slipped out before you had a second thought. 
Before you knew it, Leo’s hands were slipping into your own, the tip of your fingers shaking but Leo reinsured you with a stroke of his thumb  You looked up at him and was taken aback at how handsome he was, how his stripes glowed in the moonlight and his blue bandana flew behind him as he leaned down. 
Oh you were glad he didn’t have his lips puckered or drool hanging out of his mouth like in the cartoons. 
Swallowing any other signs of panic that were trying to build in your body as you leaned in. 
The city of New York continued on around you both as the kiss ended; it was soft and sweet, not a full one, but it left both of you speechless. You felt as if your stomach was falling apart and Leo thought he could slip off the stairway. He was still holding your hands before you both departed, but with your free hands, you grabbed his face and brought him in once again. The red slider turtle’s eyes went wide as moons as this kiss much more, more than he could ever dream of. 
He wrapped his arms around your waist and slightly lifted you up, burying his face into yours under the moonlight. He tangled himself around you as your hands wrapped around his neck and Leo felt his stomach flip at the actions. Your shirt was warm against his chest and he tried to focus in on that instead of the worry of messing this up. He leaned more down as his hand slipped into the back of your neck. Due to the lack of experience, the kiss was sloppy and messy and anxiety swam between the connection between the two of you. 
But it was a tender memory of a kiss between the two of you, to remember as your first. 
You both finally separated, your chest heaving as you tried to get your feelings under control. His arms were still wrapped around you and your hands had slipped down onto his plaston, the hard material rising and falling under your fingers. Leo felt himself lean back, the shock setting in that he just had his first kiss and it was that deep and romantic and that….
The teen turtle felt his shell bump against the railing and you quickly latched onto him to stop him from falling, a horse laugh coming out of your mouth. 
“Guess you can say that you’re falling for me?” You asked, Leo knew now that he had to have a fever for how hot his face felt. He let out a few breathless laughs as he tried to calm himself down, longing and fear still lingering in his heart. 
All he could do was pull you into a hug and whisper out, “I just want to stay here and kiss and hold you and Y/N I can't feel my heart.”
He buried himself into your neck as he once again slightly picked you up, hoping that your warm body would calm him down, but the organ in his chest raced on as you hugged him back, your arms barely going around his shell. 
“Leo, will you be my boyfriend?”
My boyfriend. My boyfriend. My boyfriend. My boyfriend.
The words rang in his head like chimes as he slightly pulled away to look at her, the harsh blush on her face giving him an ego boost as he grinned at her. 
“Being called a boyfriend, eh? Neon Leon already has so many cool names, but boyfriend is probably the best name to be called, especially if it’s only you saying it.”
“Probably? I guess I should just give the boyfriend title to someone else, then.”
“What?! No, no, no. I already called it, I’m your boyfriend capiche? Now come here.” He pulled you into a tight hug and gave you a little spin, a laugh escaping your throat as you held on.
“Leo! We can fall, and my back cannot handle cement like yours!” 
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lazyalani · 3 years
| Sanzu Haruchiyo × [F!Reader]
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| Comfort
| angst, bonten, cursings, death, sanzu breaks down, koko and sanzu friendship? sanzu is traumatized :(
| Summary: Koko accidentally hits a sensitive nerve and everything comes crashing back down on Sanzu.
| Tokyo Revengers Masterlist
| Main Masterlist
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"What the hell is wrong with your necklace, Koko? BAHAHAHA! It looks like junk!" Sanzu bursted out laughing, pointing his finger at his co-worker's necklace.
"Real mature, pinky." Ran stated.
"Real original, Jose Rizal." Sanzu retorted.
"Who the fuck is that--"
Koko immediately changed moods from proudly showing off his necklace to wanting to bash the strawberry's head in Takeomi's dirty toilet.
"Oh yeah? What's wrong with your fucking bracelet, then? It looks trash--" Koko got cut off by Rindou's horrified yell.
Koko irritatedly looked at him. "What?!"
Ran and Takeomi instantly turned to look at Sanzu's reaction, hoping he wouldn't snap.
Sanzu's face that turned blank earlier suddenly formed a big smile as he just laughed and turned to walk away from them.
"You guys act as if he really would get offended, look at that bastard laughing!" Koko exclaimed.
"Can you hear him?! That little shit's really crazy--"
"Haru!" You called out to your boyfriend.
"Geez, I can hear you, you know? You need to stop screaming out of nowhere." He replied.
You just giggled and took his wrist, placing a certain item.
Sanzu blinked and inspected it. "A bracelet? Is there an ocassion? Did I forget it's my birthday again? But why a bracelet-- pink at that." He checked out the date on his phone.
You laughed at him. "No! Silly, is it bad that I just want to give you a present? And hey, pink suits you, okay? Just wear it for me everytime, alright?? It's a symbol of our love and loyalty!" You held out your pinky.
He sighed and wrapped his pinky around yours. "Alright, I promise. This is really cringey though."
"I love you too!"
"--HAHAHAhahaha..." His laughs slowly turned into sobs as he shut the door of his room.
"Ahh.... It hurts. Fuck." He slid down beside his bed, holding his head as tears fell down his face. He didn't know why. Or maybe he did.
"Why does it hurt? [Name]? make it stop, please." He looked at your picture on his bedside table. However, his heart ached more.
It was your picture afterall, your Funeral Picture.
He started slapping his own head, crying hysterically and stopped as he felt a hand on his shoulders. He looked up. It was Koko, staring down at him with a grim look on his face.
"Hey, Rindou told me.. about it, and I... I'm sorry, man." Sanzu just stared at him.
"I know it hurts, I do. The feeling of losing someone you love, it makes your heart bleed non-stop. You don't have to keep it all in, you know? It's better to let it all out. The emotions you keep deep inside you, it's better to let it free. I'm not saying you should forget her, rather, I'm saying to just accept what had happened and love her freely without keeping those negative thoughts and emotions away when you think of her. That way, instead of being in pain when thinking of her, you'll feel calmness and free. We might be criminals, but we care for each other you know? Even just a little. Afterall, we're the only ones who accept each other despite being sick fucks."
Sanzu teared up at his words and cried again. This time, with comfort from a friend. Koko let out a small, small smile but stayed beside Sanzu.
Koko's presence was enough comfort for Sanzu, knowing they both understood each other.
Maybe, just maybe, Sanzu could let someone in again.
A sad but warm and free whisper crossed through the air to a certain soul of a woman.
"I'll be fine now, darling. I love you, my angel, my savior, my soulmate, my Y/N. You can rest now." He smiles.
And you smile with him.
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agustdakasuga · 3 years
Reflection Of You | Chapter 16
Genre: Historical!AU, Timetraveller!AU/ Different Dimension, Romance
Pairing: SUGA x Reader, Yoongi x Reader
Characters: Normal!Reader, Idol!Suga, King!Yoongi, Guard!Seokjin, Guard!Jungkook, RoyalAdvisor!Namjoon, Servant!Jimin, Servant!Hoseok, Prince!Taehyung
Summary: Confirming you were dating the famous Min Suga of BTS, you knew you were bound to make some enemies. But what you didn’t expect was to be cursed, leading you to meet a cold-hearted, arrogant king that shares the same face as your rapper lover.  
Jimin tries his best to keep you away from Yoongi, not wanting you to see the ugly side of the king. 
Chapter warning(s): Mentions of blood, threats, slight violence. There are executions.
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“One day, I wanna cook for you.” You told Jimin as you dug into your lunch.
“I’ll pass on that meal.” Yoongi said from beside you. You whipped your head to him, sending him a glare.
“I don’t believe I was talking to you! Your name isn’t Jimin, now is it? And I wouldn’t want you eating my food anyway! Now stop eavesdropping.” You hissed, sticking your tongue out at Yoongi. He just made a mocking face at you to which you just gave him a dirty look.
“What do you cook, (y/n) nim?” Jimin asked.
“I definitely don’t know how to cook food like this. You can call it food from the future I guess. With migration and introduction of different cultures, we usually fuse flavours together.” You explained.
“That sounds-”
“Horrible. Destroying the exquisite tastes of Joseon by mixing it with other things.” Yoongi interrupted Jimin.
“Hey, Yoongi? I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this to you but you’re really annoying! Shut it!” You shouted. Jimin covered his mouth as he snickered, watching the both of you argue.
“I was going to say that sounds very nice, (y/n) nim. I look forward to it when the time comes.” Jimin smiled sweetly. You immediately melted, surprising Jimin with a big hug. Of course, you could count on him to be so kind and genuinely sweet with you. Jimin caught Yoongi looking at the both of you and gently pulled away.
“Finish your lunch, (y/n) nim. Then we can go find the gardener.” Jimin cleared his throat, redirecting your attention.
“Right, I better hurry then! Although, I wanna change out of this new hanbok. I wouldn’t want it to get dirtied.” You said, looking down at your dress. Jimin nodded his head with a bow.
“Yah, don’t choke on your food.” Yoongi said.
“What kind of flowers do you want in your garden, Yoongi? Like any particular kind or colour?” You asked, completely ignoring what he said.
“You can decide. A variety of colours would be good. It’s your garden as much as it is mine, (y/n).” Yoongi said nonchalantly. However, you were not expecting your heart to skip a beat at his words. You cleared your throat awkwardly, nodding your head with a hum.
“Done!” You shot up.
“Aish, you gave me a shock!” Yoongi frowned, putting a hand over his chest. Jimin giggled and held the tray of empty bowls.
“I’ll be back to escort you to your room to get changed, (y/n) nim.” Jimin said and you nodded excitedly. He bowed his head and left the throne room briefly. You walked up to Yoongi, plopping down beside him.
“Can I help you?” He asked, not looking away from his food.
“Nope.” You popped the ‘p’. You watched him eat, resting your chin on your hand, until you saw his exposed wrist pop out from his sleeve as he was getting food.
“You’re still wearing it.” You grabbed his hand suddenly.
“What are you talking about now?” He asked, snatching his hand back from your grip so he could continue eating.
“The bracelet that we got at the market last night.” You held up your matching bracelet with a sun charm. Yoongi stopped chewing, lifting his hand to see the similar bracelet on his wrist, just that he had a moon charm instead of a sun. It stood out amongst the other gold and jade jewellery he wore and yet, it was the one he favoured the most.
“Of course. Do you think I would just get rid of it?” Yoongi frowned, slightly offended by you.
“No. I just thought you would remove it during your court duty. You know, it’s not as extravagant or expensive as your other bracelets and bangles. Almost dull in comparison.” You shrugged.
“The price doesn’t matter, (y/n). If I like it, I’ll wear it. It doesn’t have to be gold or rare stone for me to favour it.” Yoongi said.
“I’m glad then.” You smiled softly.
“Jimin should be back soon. Better wait for him so you can go get changed. Be good and don’t cause the gardener any trouble.” He patted your head. You scoffed at his words.
“You make it sound like I’m always causing trouble.”
“Was I not obvious enough that I was implying exactly that?” Yoongi chuckled. You slapped his arm.
“You’re so mean, Min Yoongi.” You crossed your arms. Jimin came back and you grabbed his arm, storming off with him to your room. Yoongi watched you disappear down the pavement, dragging poor Jimin along with you, a small smile making its way to his face.
“Here, (y/n) nim.” Jimin changed you into a simpler outfit, which was a short sleeved wrap around top and some pants. It looked similar to what a farmer would wear. He secured the ribbon holding your top together.
“Thank you!”
“No worries. Ready to go?” Jimin asked. You nodded and he slipped your shoes onto your feet.
“Bye, Hayan.” You stroked the sleeping kitten’s head before leaving with Jimin. Before heading to the actual garden, Jimin took you to the kitchen’s garden, where the vegetables and fruits grew.
“Woah. There are so many different kinds of fruits and vegetables here.” You gasped at all the different plants.
“Here, try this.” Jimin picked a strawberry for you to eat. It was so sweet and refreshing that you let out sounds of happiness. After looking around a little more, you and Jimin headed to the main garden. The gardener was already there, watering some of the plants. When he saw you approaching, he immediately bowed to you.
“Good afternoon, agashi.” He bowed. You bowed your head back. You saw that he had a variety of potted plants and flowers that had already bloomed, ready to be planted into the ground.
“Are these all the options I can choose from?” You bent down in front of  the small pots to take a closer look.
“There are seeds too. But of course, that will take a while to grow and bloom. So I have some already bloomed flowers too.” He explained.
“Yoongi wanted a bigger variety of colours.” You conveyed. Standing back up, you looked around the garden to see the plants that were already there. There were a lot of warm toned colours.
“I like the blue hydrangeas.” You pointed.
“If you would like to match, these are seeds for purplish-blue Chinese bellflowers (aka balloon flowers).” The gardener showed.
“Perfect. What about this flower? It’s so pretty.” You gently touched one of the flowers that was in the pots. It was white flower with yellow in the middle.
“Ah, it’s a magnolia flower, agashi. Would you like it too?” He asked. You nodded your head. You looked through the other flowers, pointing out which ones you would like and even deciding where they would be planted. It was all coming together rather well.
“What do you think, Jimin?” You turned to him.
“Maybe we can add more hibiscuses? They have always been the royal family’s favourite flower.” He suggested.
Yes, you remember Yoongi telling you before that the Hibiscus syriacus (or Korean rose) was the national flower of Korea. And that it has been growing in the gardens of Korea for centuries unknown.
“There are different colours from white to dark pink.” The gardener explained.
“Let’s get a mixture then.” You decided. When all the plants were chosen, you insisted on helping to plant them in the soil.
“A-Are you sure, agashi?”
“Yes. That’s why I’m dressed as such. Don’t worry, just tell me what to do and I’ll try my best not to make a mistake. The same as what we did last time right?” You smiled. He nodded and you began digging into the soil to place those plants, that were already in pots, into the ground. You hummed as you covered the roots and patted the soil down.
“Let me, (y/n) nim.” Jimin helped you with the fertiliser while you moved on to the next. It was rather fun and you did learn a lot from the gardener.
“These need less water.” The gardener instructed.
“Does Namjoon like plants? Back at home, the only one who would talk to me about plants is him.” You giggled.
“Actually, yes. Advisor Namjoon is the one who assists me in watering the plants every morning before his court duties. And he comes to admire the garden every now and then.” The garden said.
“He’s the same then.” You smiled, remembering all the conversations you would have with Namjoon, as well as his little plum tree that he cares for.
“Namjoon back home has a little plum tree that he brings around. He takes really good care of it and loves it. It’s about this big only and blooms a pretty red once a year.” You showed the estimated size with your hands to Jimin and the gardener.
“Ah, a plum tree? Actually, that plum tree there is advisor Namjoon’s.” The gardener pointed to the big tree that was covered in flowers.
“Wow.” You stood in awe.
“It’s pretty. And advisor Namjoon harvests the plums once they’re ripe. They’re really sweet and we use the remaining to make plum wine.” Jimin said from beside you. You nodded your head.
You continued working hard, removing all the plants from the pots to plant into the soil. Then you planted all the seeds.
“Grow well!” You cheered as you watered the soil.
“Agashi, you remind me of jeonha’s mother. She loved this garden and was the only queen I’ve ever seen willing to get her hands into the dirt to plant everything.” The gardener said.
“Yes, that’s why this garden means a lot to jeonha. He doesn’t really like plants or has an interest in gardening but admiring the plants and making sure it’s maintained makes him happy. When I was a kid, I always saw him taking walks with his mother here. They were sit on that bench by the middle and just read for ages.” Jimin explained.
“That explains a lot then.” You smiled.
“I’ve worked here for many years, even when my father was the palace gardener. Only the former queen and you have voluntarily done this.” He chuckled.
“When the flowers bloom, it makes all the hard work worth it.” You laughed. When you removed your gloves, you took a seat to take a break.
“Here you go. Thank you for your hard work.” Jimin poured you a cup of cold tea. You received it with both hands and sipped.
“We should go show the new flowers to Yoongi.” You stood up once you finished your tea. Jimin’s eyes widened as he suddenly jumped in front of you, holding his hands out.
“W-We can’t!”
“Why not?” You tilted your head.
“Uh, we’re all covered in dirt. We should go wash up first before seeing jeonha or we’ll just be dragging mud with us everywhere.” Jimin said. You looked down at your mud covered shoes, Jimin was right. You nodded and bowed to the gardener before leaving with Jimin.
“We should get more strawberries to snack on.” He led you to walk by the back, where the kitchen was. You weren’t that dense that you couldn’t tell Jimin was acting weird but you would question him later.
“I’ll get a bowl to put them in.” Jimin said, running into the palace kitchen to get a bowl.
“Just put them here.” He handed you the metal bowl.
“Which ones should I pick?” You bent down. Jimin was beside you, guiding you on which ones looked good enough to harvest. It wasn’t long until you had a bowl full of strawberries.
“Are you sure we can pick so much?” You asked, laughing when you saw Jimin struggling to balance everything.
“Don’t worry. A lot more was already harvested prior.” Jimin assured. You held his hand and the both of you went back to your room. Jimin placed the bowl of strawberries down and assisted you with your bath. He ran the water, adding some boiled water so it wasn’t so cold while you undressed. There were water stains, plant pieces and dirt all over them.
“Thank you, Jimin ah.” You said, soaking in the tub.
“You’re welcome, (y/n) nim. Enjoy your bath.” Jimin bowed, collecting your soiled clothes before leaving the wash area.
“Ah.” The warm water was nice to soothe your aching knees and hips from having bent down so much. You sunk under and rose again, using your hands to push your wet hair back. 
“There are fresh towels here when you’re done, (y/n) nim.” Jimin’s voice sounded. 
“Maybe I should just stay here forever.” You replied. 
“Then you’ll be a prune.” Jimin giggled. You laughed along, starting to actually clean yourself. You made sure to wash and scrub all the dirt and sweat off your body, using the nice scented soaps. 
“I’m done.” You said to Jimin. He knocked before coming in with the towels. You helped you with drying yourself before applying a lotion on yourself. Even after Jimin dressed you back into a regular dress, he rubbed lotion into your hands, giving you a nice massage. 
“Ah, you don’t have to.” You shook your head. 
“That’s alright, you’ve worked hard today, (y/n) nim. I have to wait for your hair to dress anyway.” He smiled, continuing to massage your hands. 
“Jimin... you’re acting weird. Should I be concerned?” You asked with a tilt of your head. Jimin stopped for a mere second, looking up at your curious eyes with a clear of his throat. 
“There’s nothing wrong.” He said. 
“Liar. I know it has to do with Yoongi.” You scoffed. Jimin remained silent, standing up and heading to your vanity to get your hair brush. 
“Is it about his meeting now?” 
“It’s nothing really, (y/n) nim. It’s just... may not be a good idea to go visit him now. There are court trials today and they tend to make jeonha... very angry. Especially if there are executions.” Jimin tried to put it nicely. 
“I see, so he’s just deciding the fate of prisoners? Well, I mean if they did something really bad then they should be punished accordingly. But you’ve been here longer than I have and if you think seeing him now isn’t a good idea then we can just stay here. No big deal.” You smiled at him through the mirror as he brushed your hair. 
“Hayan.” You placed the kitten in your lap, the topic changing immediately. Jimin smiled at you, happy that you didn’t question him further. You didn’t need to see the horrors of execution day. 
“Here.” Jimin handed you the bowl of strawberries. He stayed by your side as you laid on your bed and munched on strawberries while playing with a very active Hayan. 
“I SAID GET OUT!” You heard Yoongi’s voice loudly, making you sit up. 
“I’m guessing that’s what you mean by angry?” You turned to Jimin. He nodded his head sheepishly. 
Yoongi looked at the scene before him emotionlessly. With one swing of his robe, he turned to head back to his throne. Hoseok was quick to run to his side as he removed his stained outer coat. He dropped it onto the ground while Hoseok scrambled to pick it up. 
“That’s all for today?” Yoongi turned to Namjoon. Namjoon nodded his head rather solemnly. But Yoongi didn’t really care. He waved for Jungkook and Seokjin to approach his throne.
“Get the cleaning crew then.” The king said. The advisor stood up and bowed, calmly walking out the door, narrowly avoiding the mess. 
“Shall I get-” 
“No.” Yoongi cut Hoseok off, picking up the robe that you had returned to him earlier. He slipped his arms through, casually tying a messy knot before sitting down onto his dragon throne. The robe had your faint scent. 
“Is she still in the garden?” 
“No, jeonha. She had returned to her room with her servant after finishing in the garden earlier.” Jungkook informed. 
“Hmm. I’ll dine with her in the dining room. I know this place won’t be cleaned in time. Useless.” Yoongi spat. Hoseok, Seokjin and Jungkook, unable to reply to that, just gave Yoongi a deep bow. The door opened and the palace maids entered to clean the place. Yoongi laid across his throne, legs swung over the leg rest like usual. 
“Seokjin, Jungkook, go ahead and clear the trash. These fools take forever. It’s a waste of time to wait for them.” Yoongi ordered. The two guards bowed and took the stack of boxes at the side, leaving the throne room immediately. 
“Excuse me, jeonha.” Hoseok approached Yoongi with a wet cloth. Yoongi grunted, closing his eyes.
“Make sure I’m spotless.” Yoongi said.
“Yes, jeonha.” Hoseok bowed his head, gently wiping the king’s face with the dampened cloth. Yoongi took this opportunity to rest for a short while since Hoseok was cleaning him. 
“J-Jeonha.” A new voice entered. Yoongi merely ignored the voice, staying completely still. All the palace staff knew not to disturb Yoongi during this time, it was an unspoken rule unless you wished for your own death. Even Namjoon was quiet and did what was told without any hesitation.
“Jeonha.” The voice called out to him repeatedly. 
“Hoseok. Stop.” Yoongi said and Hoseok immediately retracted from him. Yoongi dropped his head to the side, opening his eyes to stare at the figure that stood before him. 
“What? You want to share the same fate as them?” Yoongi asked, boredom laced in his voice. 
“Then get out. While I’m still letting you.” Yoongi said, turning back to close his eyes. He raised his hand for Hoseok to continue cleaning him. Hoseok gently wiped his hands clean, making sure not to miss a spot. 
“I SAID GET OUT!” Yoongi rose from his throne, anger burning in his eyes. He threw Hoseok aside harshly, not caring if the servant got hurt but Hoseok also knew better than to voice anything. Yoongi marched towards the lady, who was quick to back away. He grasped her neck, causing her to choke. He pulled her close until he was breathing on her.
“Let me tell you. No one crosses me. Nothing escapes me alive. Now let me ask again. Do you want to share the same fate your concubines did, Mrs Lee? Because I can gladly make that happen if that’s what you wish.” He growled. 
“N-No!” The older lady gasped. Yoongi released her, causing her to crumble to the ground, hand around her neck as she struggled to catch her breath. 
“You should consider yourself lucky that you at least still have one.” Yoongi stood over her. She scrambled to her knees, fully submitting to the king in front of her. Yoongi turned to sit back at his throne.
“Take this warning. If you want to continue walking, you better play by the rules of this palace.” He said.
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galahadwilder · 4 years
Future Perfect
This is my @mlsecretsanta fic for @crispypata! Crispy asked for DJWifi and Bunnyx, so I delivered.
It’s been a long week, and Alya is grateful for some alone time. While it’s always nice to have the others around, there’s an unstated pleasure in being the only one of her friends awake this early. Nino and Marinette are always asleep until very shortly before class, and Adrien may be awake, but his driver won’t be here for at least another twenty minutes. That’s a precious twenty minutes away from her sisters, away from anybody else. A precious twenty minutes of quiet.
Normally she’d spend this time updating the Ladyblog, moderating comments, writing posts, but after last night’s battle she just… she needs some time. Time to herself.
She’s shaking, just a little. She’s not even touching her phone. For the first time in a while, she’s actually reading a physical comic book—specifically, The Mighty Majestia Issue #48. Her first comic. A gift from her father when she was a little girl. It used to make her feel better when things were going bad. She needs that, a little bit, today. The feel of the paper under her fingertips.
It wasn’t her first near-death experience—she’s had a lot of those since Hawkmoth appeared in Paris. But Ladybug almost hadn’t made it last night. Alya had gone running after the Akuma, like usual, and…
A body flops down next to her on the bench. The warmth and weight of it—she glances to the side, and meets the familiar warm eyes of Nino.
“You okay?” he asks, laying his hand on top of the comic. “You haven’t read this since before we met.”
Alya nods. “Last night was bad,” she says.
Nino nods. “Yeah,” he responds. “Yeah it was.”
He doesn’t say anything else.
Alya is rarely the most perceptive person—more passionate than perceptive, honestly, though not for lack of trying (she tries really hard, it’s just… hard to tell what other people aren’t saying sometimes)—but she cares, and Nino is at school forty minutes before he’s usually awake and he seems unusually tense. She closes her comic. “Babe?”
Nino sighs, looking down as he picks at a hangnail on his thumb. “I can’t keep watching you die, Als.”
Alya’s heart judders. “You’re not okay, then.”
He shakes his head. “I mean Rena Rouge is one thing. I know you can protect yourself, and Ladybug is right there if things go bad. But every time I see you chase after a giant baby with no protection but that sexy plaid shirt...”
“I have a responsibility, Nino!” she says.
“I know,” Nino says quietly. “I can’t really ask you to stop, either.”
Alya swallows. “Are you... breaking up with me?”
Nino looks at her for a moment, then snorts. “Hell no.” He reaches up to Alya’s cheek, brushing her hair away from her ear. “You ain’t getting away from me that easy, girl.”
Alya relaxes, leaning into his palm. “Attaboy,” she says.
Nino grimaces. “I might… need a day or two to process, though.” He swallows. “I’m sorry.”
Alya’s heart falls. “You’re sure.” It’s not a question—Nino doesn’t make decisions half-cocked the way she does. He thinks, and considers, and once his choice is made, he sticks to it. That surety—that stability—is one of the reasons she loves him. Even if right now it’s hurting her.
“I’m sure,” he says. “Just… I need a few days after. You know.” He hangs his head. “Seeing you die again.”
Oh, God, Alya wants to slap him. And maybe a year ago she would have. But today-Alya is not last-year-Alya, and, instead, she just drops her head a little. “It was a bad one, wasn’t it,” she says.
Alya trudges out of class, dragging her feet. It’s been a difficult day, to say the least, and Marinette—bless her—may be trying to help, but there’s not all that much to do.
“We could go to my place and stuff ourselves with Beignets,” Marinette offers, with her characteristic hyperenergetic movement. “I know you love the Majestia movie?”
Alya shakes her head. “I relax a bit better when I move,” she says. She looks at the basketball hoops. “Can you stick around for…” She catches a hint of green out of the corner of her eye—a familiar shade, one that she’s seen quite a lot. She blinks. “For a few…” She turns her head, and there—staring down at her from the roof of the school—is Carapace. “Uh.”
Marinette follows her gaze. “What are you—”
Carapace’s head jerks as he seems to realize that he’s been spotted, and he leaps down out of sight.
“What is he doing?” Alya murmurs.
Marinette’s iron fingers wrap around her bicep. “Alya,” she hisses, “that’s not Carapace.”
“What do you mean?” Alya says, turning her head, just in time to catch a glimpse of Nino—as Nino, not as Carapace—walking out of the locker room on the opposite side of the school from where Carapace disappeared. It’s too soon, too fast—there’s no way he could’ve come around the school that quickly.
“Excuse me,” she says, bolting towards her boyfriend. She grabs his arm and yanks him away from Adrien.
“Babe... what?” he says, looking at her like she just grew a second head.
“I just saw Carapace on the roof,” she hisses.
His eyes widen behind his glasses.
They didn’t really discuss it, at least not verbally, but they both pretty easily came to the decision that whoever this is, stealing their identities is not something this person gets to get away with. They don’t even talk it through before they’ve agreed to chase this imposter down.
“You’re sure he went this way?” Nino asks as they charge off down the street toward where Alya had last seen the false Carapace.
“Yes, I’m—!” Alya starts to snap, before she catches herself and—stopping her headlong charge by pressing a palm into a nearby wall—breathes in. “Sorry, sorry.” She glances at him. “Pretty sure, yeah.”
“God, I wish I had my shield,” Nino mutters. He grabs her hand and meets her eyes with his characteristic Nino Soft Look. “If this ends up being a bad one, please take cover?”
Alya grimaces. “The Akuma is using your face, Babe,” she says.
“Please.” His voice is calm and soft.
Alya thinks about how distraught he was this morning, how little she wants to do that to him again. “I’ll—I’ll try.”
Nino smiles. “That’s really all I can ask, isn’t it.”
Alya smiles, tugging him along. “You knew I was crazy when I asked you out,” she says, building carefully building back up to a run.
Nino snorts, vaulting over a street barrier. “That I did.”
It takes barely a minute before they reach the spot where the false Carapace must’ve gone, leaving them looking down wide avenues packed with people—none of whom are wearing a green hood.
“We lost him,” Nino says, puffing.
“I mean,” Alya gasps, “duh.” She leans onto her knees. “He’s got—powers, and we—we have, what—about eight—months of parkour training?”
A familiar whizz-crack comes from above, as a spotted red figure drops down in front of them. “Alya!” Ladybug says, glancing confusedly at Nino. “Did you see where Carapace went?”
“Nope,” Alya says. She leans in toward Ladybug, carefully eyeing the other people who are watching the exchange. “Definitely an Akuma, then?” she whispers, quietly enough that nobody else is alarmed.
“Maybe?” Ladybug whispers back. “Or a Sentimonster, or. Well. One other thing.”
Alya’s eyebrows narrow. “What other thing?”
Ladybug shakes her head. “Probably not important,” she says. She straightens and backs away, whipping her yo-yo in rapid circles. “Everyone stay calm and quietly evacuate the area,” she says in a clear, authoritative voice. “Calmly, please! Everything is under control.”
There’s a growing undercurrent of panic in the crowd at Ladybug’s words, but there’s a force behind her last sentence, a reassurance, that passes calm through the crowd like a ripple. Much to Alya’s surprise, there’s no stampede, no rush to flee. Everyone actually listens, beginning to carefully file away, emptying out the street.
“Any chance we could get our Miraculi?” Nino asks. “I don’t like this.”
Ladybug glances over her shoulder at him. “Not until Chat gets here,” she says. “I can’t just leave the Akuma without anyone containing it.”
A black blur drops out of the sky, rolling and springing to his feet next to Ladybug. “Good thing I’m here, then!” Chat says, leaning his elbow onto her shoulder.
Ladybug rolls her eyes. “Always so dramatic,” she says, turning to her partner. “Can you hold down the fort for a few while I grab backup?”
Chat eyes Alya and Nino. “So long as the Ladyblogger doesn’t get herself killed, yes.”
There’s still been no sighting of the fake Carapace by the time Ladybug returns carrying the bracelet and the necklace. Chat has been running across the rooftops, spying into alleyways, but hasn’t seen scale nor shell of him.
“Alya Césaire and Nino Lahiffe,” Ladybug intones, holding the two Miraculi aloft. “I’m trusting you with the Miraculous of the Fox and Turtle.” She purses her lip. “I’m going to ask you to switch, though. I don’t want us mixing up our Carapi.”
Alya grimaces, but Nino just nods. “Makes sense,” he says, taking the necklace and draping it around his neck. It sparks, and a tiny fox spirals out from it. “Trixx, Let’s Pounce!” Nino calls.
He flashes orange, sparks running across his whole body, and suddenly Nino is gone, replaced by an orange-clad superhero. He still has Carapace’s hood, peaked down over his forehead, with ears poking through holes in the top. Leggings are tucked into combat boots, black gloves cuffed over white-and-orange sleeves. He looks down at his arms, twisting his hands to look at both sides. “Hmm,” he says. “Pretty cool.”
“What should we call you?” Ladybug says.
Nino meets Alya’s eyes. “What about… Reynard?” he says.
“Reynard it is,” Ladybug says. She turns to Alya, handing her the jade bracelet. “You ready?”
“Always,” Alya says, sliding the bracelet onto her wrist. “Wayzz, Shell On!”
She feels her hair lift into a high ponytail as her glasses meld to her face into a domino mask. Unlike the Rena Rouge transformation, which slims her down, she feels herself bulking up. Armor plates slam into place around her chest, shoulders, and thighs. Everything feels heavier, but also stronger, more stable.
Reynard whistles. “Damn, babe,” he says. “Green looks good on you.”
Tortue Verte grins. “You expected anything else?” she ask. She absently lifts the shield. “Damn, this thing is heavy,” she says, looking at Reynard. “How do you even lift it?”
“Practice,” Reynard says, twirling the flute. “This is really light!”
“It’s basically bamboo,” Tortue replies, slinging the shield onto her back. “You ready?”
Reynard sheathes the flute on his own back. “Let’s take this guy down.”
Tortue Verte’s super jump is a lot like Rena Rouge’s—though, given the balance between her being slightly stronger with the Turtle and also being heavier, it’s a little weird to balance. She gets more distance but less height with each jump, and since her brain keeps expecting Rena’s jump arc, she keeps misjudging where she’s landing.
She lands hard on the side of her foot, twisting her ankle and stumbling shoulder-first into a chimney with a yelp. Her ankle is struck by stabbing pain, and she immediately collapses onto her side. She lies there on the roof, huffing, feeling desperate and foolish. This is not what she was hoping for.
She carefully drags herself up the chimney into a sitting position, carefully pulling the shield from her back and dialing Reynard.
“Hey babe,” he says, his orange-hooded face filling the screen. “You good?”
She shakes her head. “Landed bad,” she says. “I think I twisted my ankle.”
Reynard’s eyes widen behind his goggles. “Where are you?” he says. “I’ll be there in a—”
“Babe!” she interrupts. “Akuma. I’ll be fine up here.”
“Are you sure?”
She nods. “I’m sure,” she says. “Give that fake hell.” She hangs up, then collapses backward against the chimney with a gasp.
“Sorry I didn’t catch you,” a voice—a familiar one, but one she can’t quite place—says from behind her. “I think you’d have broken a few of my bones.”
She whips her head around to see a red-haired woman dressed in blue and white, bunny ears sprouting from her head, leaning on an umbrella as if it were a cane. Tortue tries to leap to her feet, shield up, but pain spikes through her ankle the second her foot meets shingle. “Augh!”
The woman immediately drops the umbrella, and her arms are around Tortue’s body. “Careful,” she says. “Don’t want to put too much weight on that.”
“Don’t touch me,” Tortue growls.
The woman laughs. “Relax, Foxy. I’m not an Akuma.”
Tortue blinks. Foxy? She’s wearing the Turtle, not the Fox, which means… “You—you know who I am.”
The woman smirks and throws up a peace sign. “The name’s Bunnyx,” she says. “Wielder of the Miraculous of Time, from ten years in the future.”
“Prove it,” Tortue says. “What’s Ladybug’s real name?”
Bunnyx snorts. “You’re not getting it that easily… Alya,” she says. “Also, Nino’s sort of downplaying how worried about you he is. You really should start being more careful before you give him a heart attack.”
Tortue stares at Bunnyx, then blinks. “...Okay, you’re for real,” she says. “What are you doing here? Are you warning us about something?”
Bunnyx shakes her head. “I brought Carapace and Rena back from my time for one reason,” she says. “Future Hawkmoth has discovered Ladybug’s identity, which has put her daughter in danger.”
“Daughter?” Tortue says.
Bunnyx continues as if she hasn’t heard. “Ladybug asked me to bring her back in time to protect her from Future Hawkmoth, but I needed backup just in case she followed us. You and your boyfriend were the obvious choice.”
“Where is she?” Tortue says, trying to work her way to her feet. She hisses as pain lances through her ankle again.
“Jeez, stay down, Tortue!” Bunnyx says, carefully easing her back into a sitting position. “You need to be careful. We need you for this one.”
“Don’t bother,” says a voice that sounds like Tortue’s own as an older, taller Rena Rouge lands in a crouch. “I had absolutely no self-preservation at that age.”
Carapace lands next to her, softer, gentler. “You nearly killed me like eight times,” he says, cradling a baby in his arms. He looks down at Tortue. “Hey, babe.”
Rena rolls her eyes, gently punching Carapace’s shoulder. “Don’t flirt with young me, you butt,” she says.
Tortue stares at the baby, wide-eyed. “Is that…” she murmurs.
Rena nods. “Our god-daughter,” she says.
Carapace smiles. “Do you want to hold her?”
“She’s… mine?” Ladybug says, gazing down into her daughter’s emerald-green eyes.
The baby laughs, reaching up toward her mother’s face and pressing her chubby palm into Ladybug’s cheek.
“Who’s the father?” Chat says to Bunnyx, hope shining in his eyes. (Tortue admits to herself that she’s just as interested in finding out.)
Bunnyx smirks. “Oh, Kitty Noir, you know I can’t tell you.”
Chat looks crestfallen. “Not even a hint?”
“She’s so small,” Ladybug whispers, pointing a finger at her daughter’s face. The baby laughs again, gripping her mother’s finger in between her hands.
“You said she’s my—our god-daughter?” Tortue says.
Rena laughs. “My boyfriend has spent more time pampering this little terror than he has me lately,” she says. She turns and pokes Reynard in the chest. “You’ve got some growing to do, babe.”
Carapace rolls his eyes. “Please don’t flirt with the babies, babe,” he says with a smirk.
The laughter that follows seems to come from everywhere and nowhere, and Tortue looks around, unsettled.
“...Wasn’t that funny,” Carapace mutters.
Bunnyx walks toward the edge of the roof, looking down. “Missing the point again, Shelly?” she says, pointing down. “It’s starting.”
“What is?” Chat says.
“ATTENTION PARIS!” a booming, feminine voice echoes deeply through the sky as if it’s rebounding off the very atmosphere, followed by a sudden eruption of Wagnerian opera. “YOU HAVE BEEN SELECTED TO JOIN THE RANKS OF ODIN’S MIGHTY WARRIORS IN VALHALLA!”
“Ah,” Chat says, nodding. “Akuma time.”
“Bad one,” Bunnyx agrees, nodding. “We picked today for a reason. Two illusionists needed at minimum.”
Tortue gingerly attempts to stand, only for the pain in her ankle to spike like a jagged piece of bone. “Ah!” she yelps, collapsing backward.
Immediately, two sets of hands are holding her up—Reynard’s and Carapace’s. “You okay?” Reynard says, his eyes soft and concerned.
Carapace swallows. “I’m sorry, babe, but I—” He glances at Rena. “We are going to need you to stay out of this fight. You’re injured.”
“I can help!” Tortue protests.
Carapace shakes his head. “I know how much it means to you to be out there with us, but A—um, sweetie, I need you alive, okay?” He smiles, glancing back at Ladybug. “Besides, um. Someone needs to keep the baby safe.”
Reynard raises an eyebrow. “You are a braver man than I,” he says.
Rena laughs. “Oh, it’s just ‘cause she’s a baby,” she says. “He knows I’d rip his throat out if he tried that.”
“You are also much less suicidally reckless than she is,” Carapace shoots back.
Rena shrugs. “Fair point.”
Ladybug approaches, carefully laying the baby into Tortue’s arms with a look of regret. “Stay safe, okay?” she says. She looks down and presses a kiss to her daughter’s forehead. “And keep her safe.”
Tortue swallows, overwhelmed by the—the everything. The trust Ladybug is showing her, the softness of the moment, the sadness in the child’s eyes as her mother goes back off to battle… it’s too much.
“I’ll do my best,” she croaks, trying not to tear up.
Carapace had carried her away from the battle. Vilekyrie controlled the sky, making it difficult to keep the baby out of her reach, but he’d found her a little out-of-the-way cubbyhole that nobody would come looking in during the attack. Or, well. Not a cubbyhole, really. More of a luxury suite at the Hotel Gran Paris.
“How did you know nobody would be here?” Tortue had asked him.
He’d only smiled in reply. “Spoilers,” he’d said. “Love you forever, but I gotta get back there.”
“Good luck!”
Now, about forty minutes into the battle, she can hear the clash of swords, the clanking of armor, the screaming of horses as they flew past her shaded window. She’d looked outside earlier, caught a glimpse of the copies of Vilekyrie flashing across the sky—copies of her that kept growing by the moment—and the marching of ghostly Viking soldiers on the ground: the Einherjar she’d selected from Paris’ citizens, transformed into undying warrior spirits. It doesn’t seem to be going well, but then, she doesn’t really have the best vantage point.
The baby is fussy, fussier than she was when Ladybug was around—Tortue can only guess that it’s because she wants her mother. The room has been stocked with formula and fresh diapers, and, thanks to her experience with the twins, Tortue has plenty of experience with taking care of a baby, but the girl just won’t settle down.
There’s a quiet footfall on the balcony—not a Vilekyrie, and the Einherjar can’t seem to climb. Tortue turns around to see the balcony door creek open, followed by a pair of large orange ears. “Hey. Mini-me,” Rena says. “You hanging in there?”
Tortue smiles, rocking the baby gently in her arms. “You didn’t tell me her name,” she says. “Feel weird just calling her ‘baby’.”
Rena ducks around the door, shutting it behind her, then bends down, cooing over the child’s delighted face. “HellooOOOooo!” She tickles the baby’s nose with her finger, and the girl laughs.
Rena looks back up at Tortue with a sheepish smile. “Sorry,” she says. “No names. Spoilers.”
Tortue rolls her eyes. “Am I always this aggravating?”
Rena gently wraps her arms underneath the baby’s back, lifting her from Tortue’s arms. “Pretty much!” She turns back to the baby and blows a raspberry.
“What’s up?” Tortue says. “Why aren’t you with the others?” As if to punctuate her point, an explosion sounds in the distance, and Tortue raises an eyebrow.
“Needed to talk to you,” Rena says, sitting down on the plush velvet bedspread across from her. “Also, I told them you were planning on running into the combat zone, so…”
“I was not!” Tortue yelps, leaping from her desk chair. The baby immediately squeals in distress.
Rena grins. “I know,” she says, gently tickling the child’s nose. “But they believed me when I said it, and by the time they figure it out…”
Tortue sighs. Gods, her older self is annoying. “What do you want, Alya?”
The animation in Rena’s face slackens, and she looks down at her own stomach. “I… want to show you something.” Keeping one hand under the baby, she reaches behind her and unslings the flute, opening the space within. “Take a look.”
Tortue reaches inside the extradimensional storage space inside Rena’s weapon, confused—and then her fingers close around something small, round, and metal, and she understands. “You’re going to propose,” she says, fishing the ring out of the flute. She stares at it, entranced.
“Yep,” Rena agrees with a nod, gently bouncing the baby. “Bought the ring last week.”
Tortue doesn’t even know what to say in this situation. Is it… weird to congratulate herself? Some situations, there aren’t just good responses for.
Rena sees her face and laughs. “Don’t look so shocked, Mini-me,” she says. She carefully rocks Ladybug’s baby, staring into her green eyes. “I mean, you always knew we were gonna do this eventually.”
“Yeah, but… kinda young?” Tortue says, handing the ring back to Rena.
“Ladybug’s younger.” Rena absently places the ring back inside her flute, still bouncing the baby in her other arm. “About a year younger than you, actually.”
Tortue blinks. She’s—well, she figured out a while back that Ladybug wasn’t actually 5,000 years old, but she’d always assumed she was, maybe, Anansi’s age? The thought that Ladybug is younger than she is... “Yikes.”
“Yikes is right,” Rena says. “And she has anxiety. So every time you go running face-first into danger like you’re never gonna die…”
“Is this a lecture?” Tortue says.
“Little bit,” Rena responds.
Oh, great. The last thing she needs right now is a lecture from herself of all people.
Rena rolls her eyes. “Listen, Kit, sometimes—sometimes Ladybug isn’t gonna be there. She doesn’t always show up, you know.”
Tortue narrows her eyebrows. “Yes she does?” That’s, like, the big consistency. Aside from that one time where the Akuma and the Sentimonster were in different cities, Ladybug has shown up for every single Akuma battle.
Rena shakes her head. “She has a life, Alya. And, well, sometimes she needs Chat to cover for her.” She looks toward the curtained window, toward the sounds of the battle still filtering in from outside. “And sometimes, Chat and Viperion get taken out early, and the only person who can use the Ladybug is you.”
A chill runs down Tortue’s entire body. The responsibility of using the Ladybug Miraculous—it’s terrifying. It hadn’t even occurred to her that it might pass down to her, that—oh, no. This is… this is what Ladybug feels all the time, isn’t it?
“Listen, however you feel about Nino now?” Rena says. “It’s nothing compared to what it’s going to be. He and I, we’d do anything for each other.” She breathes in, stroking the baby’s head. “Which means that, well, you and I need to stay alive.”
“The Miraculous Cure—”
Rena shakes her head. “It’s good, but it’s not… 100% reliable. Sometimes, Ladybug can’t be there.”
Tortue’s mouth opens, closes. Opens again. “Oh.”
Rena stands and places a hand on her younger self’s shoulder. “Alya, someday, you’re gonna get hurt. You’re gonna get hurt in a way that Ladybug can’t fix, and you’re going to wonder if you even deserve this Miraculous. If you even deserve Nino.” She looks down at the baby with naked fondness in her eyes. “I’m telling you now—you deserve way more than you realize. But if you want to make it to see our wedding...” She trails off.
Tortue waits for her to finish, but Rena doesn’t say anything else. The implications in Rena’s words are disconcerting, and Tortue asks the question that’s burning inside her chest. “Am I going to die?”
“Of course you are,” Rena replies. “You’re going to die a lot. But some of them are going to be harder to come back from, and Alya.” Rena’s eyes bore into hers. “You need to come back. Okay?”
“Okay,” Tortue whispers.
“Miraculous LADYBUG!” Ladybug calls from outside, and pink insects swarm across the room. There’s a brief moment of pain as Tortue’s ankle snaps back into place, immediately replaced by cool relief as the pressure vanishes.
Rena puts a finger to her lips. “Don’t tell Reynard, okay?” she says. “About the ring.”
Tortue mimes zipping her lip.
Rena nods. “Thanks,” she says. “Oh, and one more thing—you’re also gonna need to be more careful if you want to get into a good journalism school. Nobody wants to be the professor that killed the Ladyblogger.”
Tortue blinks. She… hadn’t even thought of that. “That makes sense, I think?” she says.
The balcony door creaks open and Carapace peeks through. “Hey, guys,” he says. “How’s everything going in here?”
“Really great!” Tortue says. She eyes her older self. Rena is fidgeting, looking away from her boyfriend’s face, and Tortue realizes—if she doesn’t make the push, Rena isn’t going to do it. “I think Rena has something to tell you.”
Rena glares at Tortue. “Betrayal!” she hisses.
Tortue laughs. “You’ll thank me later.”
Carapace glanced between them, confusion written across his face. “Um, what’s going on?”
Rena takes a deep breath, then carefully hands the baby to Tortue. “Hold her for a moment?”
“Of course.”
Rena looks at her boyfriend, then drops to one knee, fishing the ring out of her flute. “Nino Lahiffe. Will—will you, um…”
Carapace gasps and covers his mouth with both hands, his eyes shining wetly. “Alya?” he whispers.
Both of them sit in shocked silence, staring at each other, frozen, and after a moment, Tortue gets fed up. “Babe,” she says. “Say yes.”
Carapace glances at her, then back and his girlfriend... then lifts his fiancée bodily into the air in a crushing, spinning hug.
“Yes, yes, yes!” he crows in delight.
The portal closes, leaving just the four of them behind.
Ladybug huffs in relief. “You know, I love Bunnyx, but… every time I see her, it’s a brand new disaster.”
Chat looks at her in confusion. “Every? Isn’t this only the second time?”
Reynard sidles up to Tortue Verte. “So, how was meeting your future self?” he says, as Ladybug and Chat quietly discuss something else off to the side. “Mine was a lot more confident than I expected.”
Tortue snorts. “Kind of a butt,” she says. “But then again, that’s not much of a surprise, is it.”
Reynard coughs. “I invoke my right to not incriminate myself,” he says.
Tortue smacks his shoulder. “You’re such a dork.”
Reynard smiles. “Your dork.” He looks at where the portal vanished. “For quite a while, apparently.” He turns back to Tortue. “She tell you anything interesting?”
Tortue smiles, thinking about the proposal, about how happy she and her Nino were. About all the advice her future self gave. She has a lot of work to do.
“Sorry, babe,” she says. “Spoilers.”
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awxward · 3 years
A3! Boys + My Stuffed Animals
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Spring Troupe:
Gabriel is a small elephant with big ears that constantly make him fall over. He has a pink bowtie that says 'I Love You'
Makes Saku feel safe and Gabriel is a reminder to himself that he's loved and appreciated by everyone at Mankai.
Named after a friend from theatre class :)
George Washington
George Washington is a tiger. He is small, but his arms are like those slap bracelets so you can wear him on your wrist (or let him hang on the side of shelf like I do).
So I got Georgy-Boy for easter 2020. i asked my friends for name ideas. They sent me stuff like 'Stripes'. I went offline for a few minutes and when I came back online I told my friends his name was George Washington.
Me: tiger has a name now
Friend: which name did you choose?
Me: his name is George Washington.
Friend: what the fuck. how'd you get George Washington?
Pretty sure he got the name bc I was listening to the Hamilton soundtrack.
Daniel is mostly pink but has other pastel colors that look like watercolors. He's a unicorn. And a ketchain. And he's one of those dream lites, so he lights up. (He's supposed too anyway, but he's never lit up since i got him like 7 years ago at a yard sale).
Named after Daniel Howell (formerly danisnotonfire) [YouTube]
Lucifer is a small panda pillow pet. Very easy to travel with bc he fits in most backpacks.
My mom told me she wanted me to have a stuffed animal with a biblical name, i picked him up, looked her in the eye and said "His name is Lucifer." My mom tried to protest. "You said a biblical name, Mom. Lucifer is in the bible."
Pao is a panda. They are also a phone holder thingy. Like it'll hold your phone if you're watching movies or whatever.
Like 5-ish years old. Got them from a friend. They have a tag with their name on it, but I read it once and then just called them "the panda" for some reason instead of their actual name and now the tag is too faded to read the name, but i am 38% sure it says Pao or something close to that.
Tsuki is a dinosaur. Tsuki is a sparkly dino. He's green rn, but if you brush your hand over him, the sparkles turn over and he becomes orange. I like green tho bc his tummy and the bottom of his feet are orange and so are his eyes.
Named after Tsukishima Kei (Haikyuu)
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Summer Troupe:
Hinata is a narwhal. A bright orange narwhal. Infact he is the same color as Tenma's hair.
Named after Hinata Shoyo (Haikyuu) [bc its the same color as his hair. there is a theme with this narwhal and the anime boys i associate with them]
Steve is a regular teddy bear, except he has a shirt that has pikachu on it. (the shirt was originally Tsuki's bc i got tsuki at a friends build a bear bday party, but it fits Steve better)
I just think Yuki would try new designs/color schemes/styles by making clothes for Steve to see how they look.
I got Steve from a claw machine (my bf at time won him for me just before we watched Endgame together.)
Named after Steve Rogers (Marvel)
Muku most definitely loves the Winnie the Pooh movies and I will fite for this hc. He gets my Eeyore. You know how Eeyore's tail is always going missing or falling off??? Eeyore's tail comes off (velcro) but its attached to his actual body with a string so it cant be misplaced.
Eeyore has a patch that says "official disney store" but i got him for $3 at a thrift store.
Sherlock is a polar bear. Sherlock is very huggable. He makes Misumi feel safe. He has a hat and scarf (that don't come off. they are sewn on him)
the hat has a pom pom on top and the scarf has a pom pom on each end. the hat and scarf and the bottom of his feet have a blue/white plaid pattern.
Victor is a puppy and the first big stuffed animal of mine on the list! He's all tan and abt maybe 3-4 ft long. Victor lays pretty flat so he's comfy to lay/sit on. I think Kazu would like sitting or laying on him when drawing. Probably has him on his bed so he's like a giant pillow.
Victor is from Toys R Us. I got him last August-ish from my Aunt and Uncle who found him at a thrift store and thought I'd like him.
Named after Victor Nikiforov (Yuri On Ice)
PJ is a small white tiger. He is also a ball. He can fit in one hand. When Kumon is thinking or stressed or bored (etc) he just lays on his back and tosses PJ up into the air.
When Kumon is laying on the floor tossing PJ, Misumi sits on the bed closest to where PJ is and tries to grab him (but only if Kumon is in a good mood and okay with it) It's a fun little game they made up they like to play.
Pretty sure he was named after KickthePJ (YouTube)
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liber pls give us a pic with all of autumn i am begging
Autumn Troupe:
Sammy is another one of my large stuffed animals. He is also a puppy, but unlike Victor he is sitting instead of laying. He's abt 2-3 ft tall. His fur is the same color as Banri's hair. Great to squeeze at anytime, but very therapeutic when you're in a bad mood. Has a heart on his ear.
i got him abt 7 years ago. I had just finished spn season 2 and was upset abt the finale and had no way to start season 3.
Named after Sam Winchester
Tiggs is a beanie baby tiger. Tiggs is a little larger than PJ (and not a ball). He's a regular orange tiger instead of a white tiger like PJ. He'd buy Kumon PJ so they could have matching stuffed animals. Small and very comforting to just hold/hug.
Benedict (Ben)
Benedict, also known as Ben, is a small koala. Just a little bigger than Tiggs. He has a heart on one of his feet (i think the right one). very soft. very fluffy.
Named after Benedict Cumberbatch (Actor)
Dean is my largest stuffed animal. He is a dark brown teddy bear that's abt 4-ish ft tall. He can be put in a corner and used as like a bean bag chair, or he can lay down flat and be a good pillow like Victor can.
It's very fun to just wrap around him and squeeze as tight as you can. Especially in when your in a bad mood. Very comforting to cry into.
I got him a couple years ago at a thrift store.
Named after Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Lev is a lion abt the size of a regular teddy bear (maybe slightly larger). I got him a thrift store so he's slightly worn out from age. He's mostly a pastel dark yellow-ish tan and his mane is dark brown. very huggable.
He's the stuffed animal I sleep with. Smells nice all the time, like the fabric softener.
Named after Lev Haiba (Haikyuu)
Emotional Support Iron Man
So Iron Man is small and he sparkles. He will hurt you/someone if thrown hard enough. Sakoda likes heroes bc they remind him of Sakyo they look cool. I'd hc that he got Iron Man from Sakyo when he was younger and its one of his most valued possessions and goes everywhere with him (or stays with Azamo or Sakyo at the dorm. Maybe Izumi or a couple others are on the list of who can watch over Iron Man.) Very protective of it.
Got the emotional support part of his name from a friend.
She saw Eddie Redmayne on a movie cover (think it was The Danish Girl) and started freaking out bc she loved him. I handed her the Iron Man and the next day she thanked me and said he was an Emotional Support Iron Man and the name stayed.
[Emotional Support] Spooder-Mon
Sakoda knew Azami as a kid. He most definitely got him the Spider-Man so they could have matching plushies.
Spider-Man is square and has little blob hands doing the web thingy. The tag said travel pillow, but he probably just chills by Azami's bed. When needed, Iron Man will be placed next to him if Sakoda can't take Iron Man with him.
I brought him to school one day and we had a bio test and all the people sitting around me passed him around and gave him a pat for good luck. We all got good grades and then he was dubbed as Emotional Support Spooder-Mon, but the Emotional Support title isnt part of his name (unlike the Iron Man).
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i wanted guy in the pic, but i also wanted tsumu and hiso in the pic so you get 2 pics for winter
Winter Troupe:
Phil is a zebra. He is a pillow pet zebra. Like Lucifer, Phil is also easy travel size. The bottom half of Phil is pink, so I refer to him as my pink zebra.
I just think it'd be cute to have Tsumugi with a pillow pet ok. I also thought he'd probably have has Phil for many years (since he was a kid) and Tasuku most definitely brings up things from when they were kids and shit.
Tasuku: you chose the pink zebra, and for what???
Tsumugi: its a very aesthetically pleasing pastel pink.
Tsumugi: dont talk bad abt Phil.
the rest of mankai: ????????
I got phil before I got Lucifer many years ago. He was old when i got him and he is very old now. I love him so much.
Named after Phil Lester (AmazingPhil) [YouTube]
Cap is a husky. He was won from a claw machine with Steve.
There's just something abt the grey and white that gave me Tasuku vibes. Also, Cap's eyes are abt the same shade of blue as Tsumugi's and Tasuku knows this bc they are in love. Very squishy when hugged and with the way he sits, you could make it look like he's guarding something.
Named after Captain America (Marvel)
Ushijima (Ushi)
Ushijima, also called Ushi, is the last of my giant stuffed animals. He is abt 2-3 ft tall (like Sammy) and has a tail abt the same length.
Ushi is a raccoon thats mostly hot pink. Ushi's eyes are also pink and just abt the same shade as Homare's hair, although Ushi's fur is brighter by a few shades.
Ushi hurts when thrown/swung hard enough. Very fun to hug bc he's filled with beans (like beanie babies) so unlike all my other giant animals, he doesn't have to be fixed/adjusted after everytime you squeeze him. The tail has cotton tho and makes a good pillow.
Homare would definitely just see a 3 ft tall hot pink raccoon and claim it with no explanation.
Named after Ushijima Wakatoshi (Haikyuu)
Vladmir Dracula the 3rd (Vlad, Drac)
Vladmir Dracula the 3rd, who has many other names but usually goes by Vlad or Drac, is a vampire (surprise).
Vlad is a squishmallow thingy, and their tags say something abt them being able to be used as pillows, and thats why Hisoka gets Vlad.
Vlad is triangular in shape, with triangle ears, and triangle fangs, so I thought abt Misumi, but i figured Hisoka bc it's a pillow.
He's like the perfect travel size and he has a cape and a bowtie.
Named after Vlad the Impaler, the real life inspiration behind Dracula (my brother thought he was named after Vladmir Putin and I wanted to punch him for that but I was too busy laughing.)
Also named after Dracula, who was a vampire.
Idk where 'the 3rd' came from, but it's part of his name for forever.
Sebastian is a dinosaur thats blue with a white tummy.
He's also a squishmallow, but he's bigger than Vlad by abt 2× as wide, so he'd be harder to carry around, which is why Hisoka got Vlad instead. Being a squishmallow means he looks more blob than dinosaur and i love it.
His tag said his name was Dominic or something, but I named him Sebastian before I actually checked the tag, so he's Sebastian.
Named after Sebastian (Black Butler) and Sebastian Stan (Actor)
Moriarty is my other polar bear. I got him with Sherlock and named him Moriarty bc Moriarty is Sherlock's nemesis.
He's just a plain white bear thats very huggable and adorable. I usually have a bowtie on him bc it makes him look fancy.
Guy would like him bc he's plain white and very fluffy.
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cora-vizsla · 3 years
The Broken Jedi
Just The Beginning
I tried to tell myself that I was just biding my time. I would escape and find Master Skywalker. He would welcome me back and tell me how he had been searching for me the entire time. He would understand why I gave in. Living strapped to the table was going to wear my body down. He would tell me I was doing the right thing by accepting an advantage. I wanted to believe that everything would go back to the way it needed to. The way that it should be. I could go back to being a Jedi. I would help restore order to the universe.
I couldn’t get myself to see it, though. Not really.
In truth I felt guilty for breaking. I had looked Snoke in the eyes and told him yes. I told him that I would obey Kylo Ren and do what he wished of me. And for what? A shower, a bed, and some clothes?
Master Skywalker would never want me back after that. I had traded my soul for basic comforts.
The Storm Troopers dragged me back to what I thought would be a dingy cell, but instead we entered a well-lit room. There was furniture as if it were a living space along with a huge bed in the back. They dropped me to the floor and tossed a pile of clothes in front of me.
“The refresher is connected to this room. The only way out is through the door we just dragged you through, and it will be locked. Take a shower and make yourself presentable for your meeting with Lord Ren.”
They both walked out, leaving me completely helpless. I reached out and pulled the clothes to my chest. The fabric felt soft, but I wasn’t sure if that was just me being unaccustomed to anything but the table straps.
I pulled myself up with a chair that was close to me, yelling out in pain in the process. I clutched the clothes to me, almost as if they could enable me to walk across the room. I attempted one step but crashed back to the ground. I looked around, suddenly afraid that Kylo Ren was on the other end of a hidden camera. I could just see him laughing at my pain.
Did he laugh? He barely spoke if I could remember correctly. General Hux I am sure would be much more amused by my pain. Such an arrogant little ginger prick. I laughed out at my description of him, startling myself. The sound was so foreign to me.
I looked back at the chair and contemplated pulling myself back up. I felt like it was useless, though. I was just wasting energy pulling myself up just to crash back down again. I groaned and rolled my eyes when I realized that I was going to have to crawl across the room.
I was naked, bloody and bruised. Then I would be crawling across the floor. With my clothes between my teeth. I could have blown up a planet with the amount of rage I was feeling.
Once I swallowed my pride and crawled across the room, I pulled myself up in the doorway. The refresher was small enough that I was able to maneuver around holding onto what was around me. I set the clothes on the counter and dragged myself into the shower.
I groaned as the hot water washed over my body. It hurt to have the pressure on the wounds, but the heat was doing wonders for my sore muscles. I looked down at the drain and saw all the dried blood and dirt whisking away. I let the water run through my hair as I tried to work my fingers through it. It was matted, but it was almost relaxing to make it lay flat again.
My white hair had always made me stand out. Even during the time when I was a slave. No matter the circumstance, I always was complimented on it and told I was beautiful. I knew that vanity was wrong in the Jedi code, but I never had the heart to cut it off.
I looked down at my body and frowned at all the cuts and bruises. I knew that I would be littered with scars by the time they healed. I finished cleaning myself up and climbed out of the shower. I wrapped a clean towel around myself before I realized that someone else was in the room. I jumped, almost falling, but was able to catch myself.
“You couldn’t knock?”
“I could have.”
I grit my teeth as he walked out, pissed that I hadn’t heard him come into the refresher. I quickly put the clothes on that had been tossed to me. They were a pair of long black pants that hugged my legs. The shirt was long sleeved and hugged my body but had an outer part that closed almost like the clothes I wore at the academy. The material still felt soft to me, but it was putting pressure on my cuts that made it hard to focus.
I quickly pulled my hair into a long braid before limping my way a few steps past the doorway. My steps were unsteady and weak, but I was at least on my feet. He picked his head up to look at me, I think, but he still had his helmet on. I stood still, unsure of what to do.
“You will kneel.”
I tried to slowly drop to one knee, but fell much quicker than I wanted to. I stifled a grunt in pain as I tried to hold myself in that position.
“You aren’t my apprentice. You are nothing but a slave. My slave. Drop.”
I felt the words sting me as he said them.
Don’t ever kneel like that Aurora. You aren’t a slave, anymore. You are a Jedi.
I pulled my leg so I could drop to both knees. It hurt my soul to do so, but I kept reminding myself that is what I needed to do to escape. I needed to play along so I kept my eyes on his feet as he stood up and walked towards me.
“Give me your hands.”
I raised them up, almost thinking that he was going to help me to my feet. He scoffed and slapped two metal bracelets on me. They were thin metal that fused together as soon as they met my wrists. They were tight, but not any tighter than the straps I was used to. Suddenly the force left me, leaving all my senses feeling as if they were snuffed out.
“These are to ensure you don’t try to use the force. You will only have what I give you.”
I dropped my wrists onto my lap. I hadn’t even considered that they would take away my ability to feel the force.
“This is where you say yes master.”
I grit my teeth, yet again feeling humiliated.
“Yes, master.”
“This is your room. You may not leave without me. I am the only one who can open the door. Food will be brought to you as I see fit. You will always look presentable here. There are more of those outfits in your dresser and things to do your hair in the refresher.”
He stood up taller in front of me, crossing his arms over his chest while he looked down at me on the floor.
“You would be wise to remember that you aren’t a Jedi anymore. Make sure you act like you know your place. You have been given a chance to live, which you should know isn’t given to many.”
The more he spoke, the more the anger deep in my chest bubbled.
“What about the others you took?”
I felt the force grip my throat as the anger radiated off him. I winced at the pain but tried to keep myself composed.
“Mind your mouth, Jedi scum.”
“You were once a Jedi too, Ben Solo.”
“Mind your mouth.”
Even with the metallic voice, I could hear the malice in his words.
“Why should I? Why won’t you just kill me already. Once less Jedi in the world. That’s what you want isn’t it? To rid the galaxy of anything light. Rid it of anything good. Destroy anything that could possibly remind you of who you are and-”
The force slammed me even harder, holding my whole body in place. He stalked forward and grabbed my braid, yanking it upwards. I gasped at the pain but was unable to move.
“I heard you thinking about your hair in the shower. It makes you feel beautiful. It reminds you of times when you were loved and appreciated.”
I felt a shiver run down my spine as he spoke.
“You haven’t been given permission to feel beauty. You haven’t earned the right to have anything that you want. You have been given the chance to live and yet here you are being an obstinate little brat.”
He yanked my hair harder, winding it around his hand. I let out a small sob as I heard his sabre ignite.
“Now is time for the first two lessons, Aurora. One; you have NOTHING unless I give it to you.”
He brought the sabre down, slicing my long hair off in one foul swoop. He tossed the braided hair on the ground in front of me as the force dropped me, letting me smash to the ground. My now short hair fell to the sides of my face as the tears rolled down my cheeks.
“Have you learned your first lesson?”
He knelt down in front of me and grabbed my chin roughly. He yanked my face up so I was looking at him as I continued to shake and try not to cry.
“Now learn the second. You will never feel love here. Your whole world is going to revolve around me and what I want. And I will never want to love a little slave like you.”
He roughly let go of my face as he stood back up. I wanted to curl up into a tiny ball, small enough that the universe wouldn’t even know I ever existed. He walked out of the room without a second glance.
My heart felt as if it were breaking. Master Skywalker wasn’t looking for me. I had even given into Snoke’s demands. The worst of it all; Ben was gone. He had been killed and taken over by whatever creature was wearing his skin. The man I had loved with all my heart was gone.
Eventually, I climbed across the floor and pulled myself into the bed. It was comfortable, and the blankets were warm. I knew that Snoke wanted me to feel comfort because he commanded it. I knew that I should try to resist. I even considered moving to the floor and sleeping down there. He wanted me to break, and I had.
I tried to remember the comforts I felt at the temple. I tried to remember the smiles and good times. I couldn’t though. Just the damn thing that cut off my hair and stripped my identity from me. He had ripped away anything good and light in my life, just to let the darkness surround me.
Tears stung my eyes, again, as sleep started to wash over me. I tried to will myself to get out of the bed and refuse their false hospitality. My eyes began to flutter as my body protested moving.
He had won.
I slept without dreaming for the first time in weeks. When I woke up, I felt even worse than the night before. I stayed curled up on my side, afraid to move. It felt like my entire body had been seized up in a tight grip. I tried thinking of something I needed to do, but other than breathe, I came up short. Life didn’t seem to have much meaning anymore.
Your whole world is going to revolve around me and what I want.
I shuttered at the memory of his words. I stared at my hand, trying to keep my mind off him. I had lost weight. Enough so that my hands looked sickly and frail. My nails were broken, at least those they hadn’t ripped off me. Those had almost grown back in. I ran my fingers across the sheet, almost wishing that it would hurt. I would at least know I was alive, then. I had gotten so lost in my own thoughts, that I didn’t hear anyone come in.
“I can sense that you’re awake.”
I pulled myself up, wincing in pain. Every fiber in my body was telling me to stay put, so I hesitated. He stalked forward and send me flying off the bed onto my knees. I hissed out in pain as I smashed to the floor.
“I told you to kneel.”
“I couldn’t get up.”
“You are in pain.” He sneered.
“I will be fine, Master Ren. Just not used to actually sleeping.” I snapped.
“Can you stand?”
I hesitated again. I wasn’t sure that I could, not without falling. I glanced over at the bed and gripped it with my left hand. I slowly pulled myself to my feet, leaning heavily on the bed still.
“Go in and take a shower. The heat will help.”
“I’m fine.”
“It wasn’t a request.”
“You don’t need to tell me when to bathe. I am perfectly capable of-“
I felt the force grip my throat, again. He had his hand extended as he visualized actually choking me.
“I don’t think that you actually learned your lessons last night, slave girl. Your world revolves around ME. You will do what pleases ME. Your entire existence hinges on my damn mood.”
He let go of his grip, allowing me to inhale deeply.
“You should have just killed me in the temple.”
“If it had been up to me, you would have been dead long ago.”
“You took me.”
“I’m not arguing with you, slave girl. Now go.”
I turned and head towards the shower, more out of self-preservation than anything else. I wanted to say that he didn’t scare me, but I knew that if provoked he would kill me without a second thought. I was broken, but I hadn’t completely given up yet.
After letting the hot water loosen up my muscles, I stepped out of the shower. I jumped when I realized he had followed me in. I shivered, but he acted as if he didn’t notice. He pulled one of his gloves off and ran his fingertips across the cut that ran the length of my upper chest, including my collar bone. When he touched it, I realized that it had been opened up again, so it was slightly bleeding. I winced in pain and tried to move away, but his other hand caught me, holding me in place.
“You’re weak. Standing here with cuts and bruises littering your body. Look how easy it is for me to hurt you.”
“And you don’t bleed, Master Ren.”
He stopped moving and his helmet turned towards my face.
He wiped the blood on my skin before putting his glove back on. He exited the room quickly and without another word. I used the towel to blot at the wound, hissing in pain as I did. I had no idea what he had in mind for me, other than to make me miserable, but I had a feeling that was just the beginning.
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wordynerdygurl · 5 years
Bruises and Baths
Author’s Note:  Hello everyone!  Something amazing happened over this last weekend.  While millions were watching the “Big Game” some of my mutuals came up with a wonderful way to honor the amazing, talented writers here on tumblr.  @authorspotlight​ is a blog for showcasing a weekly author, at random, just to promote their great work and keep the haters at bay!  Interested?  Follow that blog!  We’ve a great little community starting up and I would love, love, love to see you all there!! P.S. Comments, shares, reblogs are appreciated!!  I love the love!! P.P.S. shout out to the creator of this amazing gif!  >swoon< Summary/ Request:  This story came from a request by one of my sweet little followers.  After a wild night with Loki, you, dear reader are sore and tired.  What does aftercare look like from the God of Lies? Pairing:  Loki x Female Reader Warnings:  References bondage, rough SMUT, then just fluffy, lovey, romantic SMUT
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As the back of your thighs met the supple leather of the conference room chair you nearly cried out.  Memories from last night made your knees weak and your panties damp as a jolt of pain shot through you.  It had been like this all day, fraying your nerves and your patience.
Biting back a moan, grabbing onto the conference table's ledge, you willed your wayward body to relax.  One more meeting then back to your apartment upstairs, a cup of tea and a shower.  And Advil.  Lots of Advil.
"Everything alright darling?"  Loki's voice, honey hot, humming in your ear sent a shiver through your aching body.  He knew it wasn't alright.  Oh yes, he knew very well, but you weren't about to give him the satisfaction of needling you.
Trying to sound unaffected, "Me?  Yes.  I'm just fine, thank you."  
Refocusing on the paperwork in your hands, smoothing your skirt over your tender bottom, you gingerly sat for the afternoon meeting.  Perching on the very edge of your chair, back straight, you struggled to appear professional, giving Loki none of your attention.  Could Loki allow that?  Hardly!  
Sliding into the chair next to you, leaning into your space, "I do love your blouse.  High neck line, very demure."  Dropping his voice an octave, "Good for hiding behind, I suspect." 
Attempts to avoid the handsome God, who was so close that his amber scent was swallowing you, were heading out the window.  Loki managed to make your body, your physical being, react to him in ways you couldn't overlook.  
Playing with the chunky statement necklace that lay on top of your turtleneck, intent on ignoring the mischievous man at your side,"Go away Loki."  
Flashing out a silent warning, your eyes peered into his, almost daring him to continue.  With a searching glance Loki settled in beside you without another word.  Too tired and too sore to spar with him, you turned your attention to the presentation Steve Rogers was starting, almost grateful for the droning distraction.
Feeling your eyes drop closed, heavy from your active night and lack of sleep, you struggled to follow Steve's sonorous voice.  Right now it felt more like a lullaby than life saving information.  You realized that this was the most comfortable you had been all day and mentally decided to let sleep claim you.  Apologizing to Steve would be easier than staying awake just now.
Reaching past you for a water glass, Loki made sure to rub his arm across your chest, waking you fully.  A stuttering gasp left you because your nipples, bruised and abraded, were purposefully agitated by Loki's intentional fumbling.  "Fuck, Loki!"  Whispering for him alone, you glared at his smug smile, now awake and more than slightly aroused.
"What?  Is something wrong?"  His innocent act was almost as irritating as the rub of your clothes against your abused flesh. 
"You know damn well what's wrong."  Steve was staring at you, clearly aware that you and Loki had both checked out of his talk. But it was too late.  The meeting was over, as was the workday, and you couldn't have been more relieved.
Rising as quickly as your bruised knees allowed, you scooted out before you could be chastised by your leader, trying to outrun Loki too.  It didn't work.  
He caught you outside the elevator, gripping your wrists tight, pressing his normally delicate fingers against the bracelet of welts you sported today."Shit, Loki!  That hurts!"  
Instantly releasing you, Loki pressed the call button, a frown creasing his noble brow.  "Did you put the lotion on today?  The cream I left for you?"
Tugging at the hem of your skirt, hoping no one could see your purple marked thighs, you denied Loki eye contact.  "No.  I forgot alright?  But, ya know, this… this sucks."  
Arriving with a ding, you both boarded the elevator, the conversation on hold.  In the privacy of the lift, pushing you into the mirrored wall, Loki's mouth dropped to yours.  Denying him your lips, you turned away, pouting a little.
Chuckling darkly, "Hard to get, is that it pet?  Isn't this what got you into trouble last night?"
"Don't remind me about last night.  How could I possibly forget?  Every time I move, every step I take, I can feel it, Loki."  Your words are angry but your tone?  That's whiny.  Loki's just so close to you.  And your body, betraying, pushes your chest out craving more connection, even if it makes you bite back a whimper.
Missing nothing, Loki's voice full of sin, "Are you saying that it's my fault you can't sit properly?  Or... that I'm the reason you're covered from throat to wrist?"
"Um…"  That is exactly what you were saying, but with Loki nipping at your earlobe you were forgetting why.  
Humid breath husked across your throat carrying the scent of Loki's afternoon espresso.  Tracing your jawline with his talented tongue, Loki tisked at you, "Am I the reason you can't walk straight this morning?"  Uh oh.  This is exactly what he wanted.  Admission of submission.  
His hand slid under your skirt, lifting it higher as he nosed against your jaw.  "Because I loved sucking everyone of those hickeys on to your body while you were handcuffed to my bed, mewling with need."
"Loki…"  You felt your center blaze to liquid life.  Nuzzling into your covered neck, Loki's arms course over your own, raising them over your head.  Pinning you against the mirrored wall of the ascending elevator, "Those breasts of yours, so soft, so full, are covered in my fingerprints.  I can still taste your firm, tight nipples.  Licking them and biting them while you cried my name was so enticing, pet."
God, you remembered it all.  Each affliction, each sharp touch, roaring to life in your mind.  Recalling the sexual adventures of the night before was making you weak willed and warm. 
Stopping at your floor, the doors parted on a thankfully empty hallway.  Taking you by the hand, Loki pulled you toward the room you shared, causing you to stumble over your heels.  "Keep up kitten…"
Holding the door for you, Loki slapped your bottom as you passed by.  Somehow your legs kept you upright but you still yelped at the stinging smack.  Fresh hurt washing over the embers of yesterday's rough play set you whimpering.
Coming up behind you, wrapping you up in his iron banded arms, "Take off your clothes."
Without waiting for a reply, Loki crossed the floor, shutting the bathroom door after him.  Your mind wanted to resist his domineering demand.  The rebellious side of your nature needed to, but your body was already flush with want.  
Interest piqued by Loki's behavior, desire drawing your hands to act without direct input from your brain, you slipped off your shoes.  With a sigh, your sore shoulder stretching, you shrugged off your top, letting it drop to the floor.  It was shortly joined by your skirt.
Popping his dark head around the bathroom door, "Darling?"
Seeing you in your underclothes, looking more exposed than if you were fully bare, Loki licked over his bottom lip.  Sexy as hell, that's what you were, covered in the lavender and scarlet stains of his passion.  Although, if he was honest, maybe he had been too rough on you last night.  
Turning as he neared, you noticed his jacket was gone, shirt sleeves rolled up.  Those strong forearms, which could hold you down and force your pleasure from you, or gather you into a bone cracking hug, were on delicious display.  Loki was so impossibly masculine in moments like this, it was no wonder you let him talk you into realizing your wildest fantasies.
Reaching for the hooks on your bra, Loki saw you wince, and it softened him even more.  As happy as he had been to restrain you, taste you, tease you, Loki was now over eager to soothe away your hurts.  Good thing he already had a plan in motion.
"Come on, dove."  Threading his fingers through yours, you trailed Loki to your shared bathroom, the warm scents of vanilla and coconut filling the space.  Almost overflowing, the tub was loaded with creamy lather, tendrils of steam rising from the surface.  It called to your weary body.
Brushing his hands over your shoulders, Loki kissed along the nape of your neck, gathering your hair to one side.  From behind you, he circled your waist, hands slipping under the waist of your panties.  As they slide over your thighs, Loki follows, kneeling in order to help you out of them completely.
With his sturdy size for support you stepped into the scalding water, settling in slowly with a gentle groan.  Sitting outside your bath, Loki used the same hands that had spanked your bottom pink to swipe sudsy soap across your neck, releasing the tension you carried all day.  Following with a soaked washcloth, Loki began to wash you, worship you, with each soothing swipe.
Shifting slightly, you gave Loki full access to your bobbing breasts, hungry for his touch once more.  Dipping under the water, you felt him ghost over your legs, his hands quick, never lingering very long.  You were cooing quietly, Loki getting high on the soft sounds escaping you at each pass of his palms.
To him you sounded like a happy cat, purring in pleasure, unwound.  Eyes closed, leaning into the back wall of the deep tub, Loki could swear you were melting.  "May I… may I wash your hair?"
His request was whisper soft, just shy of timid, and so adorable that your heart fluttered at his sweetness.  Biting your bottom lip, nodding, you put yourself completely in Loki's capable hands.  "Keep your eyes shut, dove."
Pouring smoothly, Loki traced the flow of the water, separating your hair with his dexterous digits.  Heavily lidded eyes watched Loki, the God of Mischief, as he poured shampoo into his hands.  Once he was happy with the lather, Loki began working in slow circles, savoring the sensation of your scalp under his fingers.
"Tip you head back, sweetling."  Using a hand to keep soap from your eyes, just like a protective mother might, Loki emptied his pitcher over your head.  Shivering as the suds sluiced over your heaving chest, you were overcome by the erotic gentleness of your lover.
After rinsing your hair free of bubbles, Loki kissed your upturned forehead, then shifted so that his folded arms laid on the lip of the bathtub.  Watching you like that, resting his chin on one arm, the other playing in the cooling water, he was content.  
Reaching for his wet fingers, "I think you missed a spot, babe."
"Hmm… did I?"  Breaking through the scented suds, Loki's hand slid over your slippery skin, grazing your thigh.  Moaning gently, his light touch thrilling, you tipped your head back.  Enjoying Loki's quiet exploration of your body, his eyes never left your face, "Gods, you're gorgeous."
Smiling, "Aren't you the God of Lies?"
"I have no reason to lie to you, kitten.  And here, now, you are a beautiful water nymph.  Tempting and taunting me from your watery lair."
Laughing lowly, "I am no temptress, Loki."
"I beg to differ."  His fingers found your fluid folds, two entering you slowly, as Loki leaned in to kiss you deeply.  Skimming over your bottom lip, Loki's tongue licked into you, his free hand tangling in your clean hair.  Scented water splashed onto the floor as Loki curled his digits against your sweetest spot, soaking him, making you sing out.  
Gasping, you gripped the walls of the tub, letting Loki take care of you as your body shook through its release.  Safe in his care, cherished and clean, your body softened, satisfaction making you sag into the deep water.  When he withdrew, you sat forward, "Not yet, please?"
Using the ledge, Loki rose, chuckling as he lifted your chin. "Take a few more minutes.  I'll be back to dry you off in a bit.  Don't want you to get pruney, do we?"
"Hmm… no we don't want that!"  Sinking back into your warm, wet cocoon, you yawned and shut your eyes.
Too soon, it seemed, Loki was nudging you awake.  "Dove?  The water's cold now… come on, let's get you to bed."
Stirring, you saw Loki holding out a fluffy towel, ready to dry you off.  He helped you stand and made sure you carefully stepped out onto the wet tiled floor.  Wrapping you in the comfort of his big bath sheet, you giggled as Loki dried your tresses, then tucked the towel firmly around you.
Leading you to the best looking bed you had ever seen, Loki unwound your terry cloth covering, "Lay down, pet."
You did, happily collapsing into the comforter, laying on your tummy.  
"This might be a little cool at first…"  Loki's oil filled palms slipped over the sore muscles of your back.  Spending some quality time on your tenderized tush, Loki made sure to rub you in delicate circles, smoothing the liniment into your hot skin.
After sliding over the backs of your legs and each arm, "Very carefully roll over, alright?"
Muffled by the downy softness of your bedspread, "Yes, dear."
It took you a few moments to follow Loki's direction.  Your body was like melted butter.  Soft and pliant, all of the previous night's precious pains soothed away, you were a mushy marshmallow.
Fingers traced over the bites and bumps that marked you as his.  Stroking oil over your thighs, your belly, your bruised breasts, you let Loki work.  His magical hands anointing you with his attention.
Certain that you had drifted off during his massage, Loki kissed you lightly, gratified that you were comfortable and content.  Straightening, Loki stepped out of his trousers, eager to join you in bed.  When you felt the mattress dip to accommodate him, you turned towards Loki's warmth,"Thank you, babe.  I feel magnificent!"
Gathering you to his side, Loki curled an arm over your middle, his chest to your back.  "That pleases me, kitten."
Twisting around in order to face your mischievous man, "I mean it.  You take good care of me, Loki."
Twirling a lock of your damp hair in his fingers, "That was always the difference between Thor and myself.  I took care of my toys."
Pushing his shoulder, huffing, "I'm not a toy, Loki!"
"I know, I know, it's just I love playing with you so much… You are my favorite plaything.  My darling doll."
Pulling him closer, you pressed yourself to Loki, lip to lip and hip to hip.  You both let the kiss deepen, drawing you tighter together, when Loki tucked his forehead to yours.  "Sleep now, darling."
Nodding with a deep yawn, you let Loki wrap the thick blanket around you, snuggling into the security of his arms.  Arms that could bring you to ecstasy easily.  Arms that could rock you to sleep.  Arms that belonged to Loki... arms that belonged around you.  
To my Minxes:  @lots-of-loki @brokenthelovely @vodka-and-some-sass @iamverity @just-random-obsessions @archy3001 @jessiejunebug @nonsensicalobsessions @thefallenbibliophilequote @mizfit2 @alexakeyloveloki @rorybutnotgilmore @procrastinatinglikeabitch @peterman-spideyparker
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remmyswritings · 4 years
Knots for Nott// theodore “teddy” nott x reader
HELLO MY BEAUTIFUL PUFFS! I figured I’d share with you my first of two requests that I wrote/will be writing today. Thank you @booksmusicteaandanimals​ for the AMAZING IDEA!!! The main idea: Theo and the reader communicate through knots. Anyway, I hope y’all enjoy this!!!
tag list: @booksmusicteaandanimals​, @curious-curios​, @summer-writes​, @willowbleedsonpaper​, @strawberriesonsummer​, @jenniweaslee​, @cherrycolakxsses​, @peeves-a-legend​, @heart-of-tempered-steel​
*Not my image, found on Unsplash*
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Even after being with Theo for the past 7 years and having been engaged for the past year, you still couldn’t quite believe how it is that the two of you got together. You could still remember how you first caught Theo’s attention all those years ago.
It was already the middle of your 5th year and to help keep yourself calm with all the changes Umbridge was making you started tying different knots on small pieces of string and making braids with them. You had first started making them for yourself, but then your roommates saw them and asked if they could have some, which then led to other students (some who you didn’t even know) asking for you to make some as well. You couldn’t really say that you had created a business since you never made students pay but sometimes you were given something in return, whether it was notes, handmade items, even food (especially from Honeydukes… you had a HUGE sweet tooth). One day, however, you decided that you would share your special knots with even more students, you couldn’t help it with your Hufflepuff nature. And that, gals and guys, is how you meet Theodore Nott.
You had packaged up the knot which was all green and told the owl, “Send this knot to a Slytherin.”
Turns out, the owl hadn’t heard the word “knot” instead they heard the name Nott. At least that’s what you think occurred. Which resulted in Theodore Nott receiving a random package one Wednesday morning, with a little note attached, “I hope you enjoy this knot as much as I enjoyed making it! - The Knot Puff”
Theo pulled out the ivory green knot and couldn’t help but admire the design. You had made a simple knot, one typically used to start braids, and wrapped one string around the other in an infinity design until you close the design with a bowline knot. There was still some string left over, just enough for him to tie the design to his bag, which is exactly what he did. Then Theo went on his way, looking down at the way the green knot stood out against his caramel colored bag. For the next week or so, he waited hoping for another knot from you. He no longer cared if you had sent it to him by mistake, he just hoped that another package would somehow make its way to him.
Blaise, noticing the change in his behavior, tried to figure out why he cared so much about the post. That is, until he saw the design hanging off of his bag. Unlike Theo, Blaise had the chance to partner with you in class before and knew exactly who the knot belonged to. So as to bring more smiles to Theo’s face, Blaise decided to send you a letter… only he sent it to you under Theo’s name and not his own.
While he knew that you were rather smart and observant, he didn’t realize that you would recognize his handwriting. So he couldn’t help but be shocked by the response that you had sent Theo, along with another knot.
“Dear Blaise,
Yes! I know it’s you, don’t think that just because we were only partners for the first couple of months in Potions I wouldn’t recognize your handwriting when I saw it. I mean, honestly, I’m a bit disappointed you didn’t recognize a fellow observant person. And while I appreciate the sentiment of your letter, please don’t you ever do that again, because I swear to god I will stuff a quill up your ass and make sure it stays there. 
Now Theo, I’m happy knowing that you enjoyed my knot. And while I’m sad you never sent me a letter in response, I could understand why. I don’t typically share my identity with students who receive my surprise knots, but I will with you. My name is Y/N Y/L/N, I’m a fifth year Hufflepuff, and sadly enough I had to deal with your friend Zabini for the first half of the year in potions. I will happily make you more knots if you want, just send me a letter!
The Knot Puff”
Theo couldn’t help but slap Blaise on the back of his head lightly, “Why’d you have to go and write to her?”
“Please, I was doing you a favor,” Theo continued to glare at him, “Ok, it was more like I was doing myself a favor. You wouldn’t stop moping when you wouldn’t get a package so I figured I’d make sure that she’d send you one.”
Theo looked down at the small knot that you had sent him and couldn’t help but smile. This time it was a golden yellow, the color typically associated with your house. He went and tied it next to the first one he had received from you and couldn’t help but feel giddy at the fact that he’d be able to receive more from you.
He thought about it and decided to write to you straight away. The letter was rather simple, but then again so was he. All it said:
“Thank you for the yellow knot. It complements the green one I got very well. I was wondering if you had any light pink colors that you could use to make the next one. That was my mother’s favorite color. -Teddy Nott”
And that’s how your relationship started. It was slow but extremely sweet. You weren’t sure when, probably another time when Blaise pushed Theo, but it went from sending letters and knots to getting Butterbeer at The Three Broomsticks and teaching him how to actually make all your designs at night in either the Slytherin or Hufflepuff common room. There were times when the two of you would act, as Blaise called it, all “lovey-dovey” to the point where he would groan in frustration at the two of you. 
When that would happen, you would merely send him a look, “You know, if I remember correctly it was your idea to send me a letter in the first place so you can’t go around and complain about us being in a relationship now.”
You couldn’t wait to finally be able to call your Theo your husband. You fixed the knots that you had made for today, wrapping them around your wrists as bracelets. There were three: a yellow, a green, and a light pink. The best part was that Theo didn’t even know you were doing this, you got to surprise your love once again on your wedding day. 
As you stared at yourself in the mirror, you saw a head pop into the room through the reflection. It was the man who started this relationship in the first place.
“You ready to go darling,” Blaise stepped into the room with his black suit all prepared and a little pink rose sticking out of his suit.
You could only nod feeling a rush of emotions go through you as you realized that it was time for you to walk down the aisle.
Blaise saw straight through you, “Y/N I know you are probably feeling a lot right now, but I need you to hold those tears in till later because Theo would probably kill me if he saw you crying before you finished walking down the aisle.”
“Oh please,” you sniffled, “We’ll both be sobbing by the time we get to the altar, and besides I know for a fact you are going to shed a few tears yourself.” You smirked.
Blaise walked you out of the room you were in and down the stairs, leading you to the backyard of the house you were in. After everything that had happened, you and Theo had decided on a small wedding consisting of close friends and family. Your friends like Hermione, Ginny, and Luna had come alongside their partners and Theo’s friends like Draco and Daphne Greengrass had also come with their partners. If anyone had told you years ago that your two completely different friend groups would be all together in one venue, you would have laughed in their face. But the war and the pain that you all shared made you learn to move on and forgive one another for everything that happened. 
Just like you told Blaise, Theo and you had started sobbing before you had even finished walking down the aisle. Theo couldn’t help but cry harder at the knots that you had wrapped around your wrist. To him, they were so much more than just pretty designs, they were a symbol of how your relationship started and how much you loved one another, nothing could break the bond between the two of you. And in a way, it was all thanks to that fateful letter Blaise had sent that random Wednesday. 
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shaydeoffical · 4 years
I Could Get Behind That: Saeko Tanaka x Fem Reader
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Soulmate Au
: In a world where the name of your worst Enemy and Romantic soulmates appear on your wrist. You can't tell which is which for sure until all people cross paths. Then you can touch the soul mark on who you think is your romantic partner, and it will change to initials. 
Summary: (Y/n) has been hiding a secret from her best friend and childhood enemy, Sakeo Tanaka. While thinking about the past, she gathers up the courage to tell her the truth.
Author's Note: I will be starting some Haikyuu Oneshots and working on how I want to write each character. I will be posting My Hero stuff as well. I am just almost done with Bright as a Diamond and want to get my next series going. Thanks for reading!
Warnings: Thunderstorms, keepings a secret, Enemies to Friends to Lovers.
I Could Get Behind That
        "It's about to thunderstorm." I tapped the passenger side window chewing on my bottom lip. Saeko was buckling in, and fixing her gear before pulling onto the road.
"Huh, it's just a little rain, no need to worry. Besides, the reports said yesterday was the worst of it." Saeko shook my shoulder to loosen my body up.
   "You're not the one afraid of storms, Saeko." A smile tugged my lips up. There was more on my mind than the impending rain. This moment wasn't the right time to discuss it, though.
   "Well you don't have to worry when I'm around, I'll always protect you. In less, you still think I'm your mortal enemy." She feigned a serious tone, holding up her soul mark.  My name was scrolled in my handwriting, the bare spot on her other hand showed she had yet to meet her other' soulmate.'
   When we first met as kids, both of us were at each other's throats. We'd fight over who got to play with the blocks, who got better grades, and who got to sit on the outside seat of the bus on field trips. Everyone said we were enemies, and that it was better to meet them as a kid because if childish betrayals were the worst thing to happen, the rest of your life would be cake.
   Like so many child enemies, we grew close. We started to argue over who would walk the other home, who'd host the sleepover, who'd get to pay for snacks. Now that we were adults, it was easier to communicate our needs and divide up our favorite tasks. Saeko always picked me up from work, we'd go to her Taiko group then she'd drive me home. In hindsight, it seems I just gave in and let Saeko treat me most of the time…  
   While having her drive me around wasn't great for my life expectancy, she did make sure to at least try following the traffic rules when I was in the car. The first time she almost veered off the side of the road, I wouldn't get in a car with her behind the wheel for two months.  
        "Break check." Saeko shoved her hand out, stopping me from bouncing forward. The car slid to a halt. Gripping the handlebar and Saeko's thigh for deer life, we stopped short of the mass in the road.
   "Oh, it's a little duck." I swallowed my anger and let it fade into relief, seeing why she had to stop so fast. "Aww, it's little waddle is the cutest. Why'd you yell brake check?"
   "Aww, the duck is cute. But you're the cutest." Saeko nudged my shoulder, slowly driving by the duck so I could look a little longer. Of course, she was avoiding my question. Part of me knew it was a reflex for when she drove alone and would test the skills of driver's riding her ass.
   "No, you." I shot back, forgetting about the pit in my stomach. "I say she was just heading towards the trees to shelter for the storm."
        "Animals are smart like that." Saeko fiddled with the radio, not taking her eyes off the radio.
        "Too bad she didn't have a friend to shelter with." A pang of guilt washed over me, the weight of the bracelet on my hand heavier.  
   "Hey, your house is just ahead. Tell me if I'm wrong, but you want me to come in for a few drinks and a thunderstorm sleepover." Pulling into my driveway, I grabbed my purse nodding at her. "Come on and say it."
   "Don't make me beg, Saeko", I warned her, but I still hoovered with the door open so she couldn't drive off. The past two days she's stayed over due to the weather. And each time, I avoided telling her the truth, despite my promising myself I would.
   "I'll do it regardless, you just look so adorable when you beg. I could never leave my little duckling all on her own." The engine shut off, and she jumped out, tossing her coat into the back seat. "Since when have I left you in your time of need?" She slung her arm around my shoulders.
   "How about when I ripped my pants at the bar on main, so you went to get me a new pair, but you forgot which bar I was at." Entering my rental home, we kicked off our shoes and went straight to the bedroom. We'd formed a routine for nights like these.      
   "How many times can I apologies for that. You were the one that wouldn't stop taking shots." Saeko changed into a tank top and some cotton shorts. I pulled on my pajamas and started to work on fixing my hair. Dancing around each other, we gathered our things and tag-teamed with gathering the laundry.  
   "You were the one that challenged me to a competition. Which I only lost because your brother kept making those silly faces." It was nearly dark outside, her club meeting lasted longer today than normal, as they had a festival coming up soon. We wouldn't have long before it was time for bed.
   "So, being a lightweight had nothing to do with it?" Saeko tapped my forehead before pushing the tag of my shirt back inside my collar. "Hm," she grabbed my wrist, going to move the bangle over my soul mark. "Since when did you start covering your mark?"
   "Stop changing the subject, you know I would have won." I got back on topic, breaking free from her hold. The warmth of her hands still lingering. "Let's just make some dinner, and get ready for bed before the storm starts."
   The pit had returned to my tummy after dinner was over. We both showered and were sitting on my bed, watching a show about building motorcycles. It wasn't my favorite kind of program, but we had spent the night before watching anime, so I could be more flexible today. Besides, listening to her complain about the mechanic's technique was so cute. Her being this close was something I wanted more of in my life.
        We had retreated to the bedroom when the show was over. We brushed our teeth and got a glass of water for the night. Saeko had the extra step of showering before bed. She always worked up a sweat at her meetings.
        Waiting in bed for her to be done, I stretched out on top of the sheets, knowing if I got in a position to sleep, I'd pass out and hog the entire bed. Plus, it was more comfortable to sleep when she was beside me. Saeko wasn't particularly tall or strong from her appearance, but she packed a punch. When we were in high school, she made sure no one got away with so much as looking at me cross.  She was my rock.
   There was a crack in the sky. My heart jumping to my throat, I sat up looking towards the bathroom door.   Saeko skidded out of the bathroom than grabbed the duvet from the foot of the bed.  Wrapping it around herself, then jumping beside me. Cuddling up, she cocooned us in the blanket, tucking it under my back. "There we go, it's okay." She promised me, smushing my face into her chest. The hot air under the cover was more suffocating that my heavenly position. She was always so soft...
   "Thanks." I trembled against her coming to my sense; the shivers were slowly easing up. When the next round of thunder came, I was already in my safe spot and didn't have a heart attack.
   "Anything for you." She hummed, tracing shapes on my back. Her breath was lingering on my neck. "Let's think about other things, okay? This storm is supposed to pass by super fast."
   "Sounds good to me." I nodded, closing my eyes.
   "Do you remember the first time we did this?" Saeko rocked us gently, back and forth. The creek of the bedsprings overtaking the distant thunder.
   "It was on our school trip to Tokyo. We were still at the arguing stage, and we got so caught up in our fight over who could sprit the longest." A water droplet from her hair plopped onto my face.
   "Than the skies opened, and I looked behind me to see you were on the ground. I'd never seen you look so venerable." Her hand clenched my shoulder, kissing my shoulder.
   "I never thought I'd see the day, but you took me in your arms and got us under the trees for coverage. I thought for sure you'd carry me like a sack of potatoes, but you were strong even back that." I hummed, remembering how I felt. "I was so mad at myself for being in that position to start with. But I think that's the first time I saw you as more than my fated enemy."
   "Can I be honest?" Saeko scooted back to better see my face.
   "Always." I swallowed the lump in my throat.
   "I liked you the moment we meet. Of course, I've always been a little rebellious and headstrong, but I never really thought about you like that. Like an enemy." The rain and thunder stopped. "Being aggressive was just how I showed my love towards Ryu, so I just thought that' how it was supposed to be. When I saw you break down, that was when I realized I had been approaching you the wrong way."
   "That didn't change our arguments", I noted, scooting closer to her. "But you added in more soft moments, like this."
   "(Y/N)?" Saeko swallowed hard. "What happened at work Thursday, and why are you still shaking. The storms over baby doll."
   Blood running cold, I chewed on my bottom lip. "Please, don't be mad at me." Tears sprung from my eyes, I clenched fists full of her shirt.
   "Never." She kissed my forehead.
   "Remember the new boy I told you about the one that I trained last summer?" I asked, spitting up broken words. It was embarrassing, the whole situation was a slap in the face.
   "I'll take care of him, just tell me what happened." She rubbed my back, trying to soothe me.
   "He threw me under the bus, I was let go." Chewing my bottom lip, I squeezed my eyes tight.  
   "That bastard! I can't believe this, after all the work you did to teach him from the ground up. He doesn't even have a degree." I could hear her heart rate quickening, her holding me to her chest again.
   "While you dropped me off at the office this week, I've been job hunting across town."  pushing away again, I wiped my eyes.
   "I could have helped you looked. The shop's been busy, but I still have time for you." She pushed off the cocoon of a blanket and sat up. "I'm so sorry, why couldn't you tell me sooner? Why have you been so secretive? I've been waiting for you to tell me, but (Y/N), Im worried."
   "Remember when you said that you and I were romantic soulmates in high school? And I denied it because same-sex partners are so rare." I looked at my fingernails, trying to say it the right way.  
   "I remember." She swallowed, scooting back. Pushing aside the blanket, I took both of her hands in mine.
   "Saeko, his name appeared on my wrist", I whispered, paling. "You were right. I'm sorry for wasting so much time. The more I've thought about it, the more I realized…how, much I love you. How you were my romantic partner the entire time." I hung my head low, looking at the floor.
   "I have a confession too." She licked the tip of her thumb, rubbing the spot beside my name on her wrist. Holding her hand in the light, showing me her soul mark, I could see a boy's name.
   "That's the boy who-" My mouth fell open.
   "got you/me expelled in high school." We said together.
   "You've known since then?" I tried to wrap my head around it.
   "I didn't want to force you into picking me. After you brought up the same-sex thing, I was afraid that you were right. But now that you know who yours is, let's do it. We can know for sure.." Saeko tugged me forward, holding out her wrist. "This is also why I waited."
   "I love you so much." I kissed her palm, knowing everything would be okay. We touched our marks together, matching our breaths. I could feel the slight twinge as the symbols shifted around. Feeling brave, I leaned forward and was eagerly met with her lips.
   "I love you more." Saeko pulled our hands apart. "My last name it is." She smirked, seeing that my wrist had changed to her initials and her mine—both of our initials ending with 'T' now.
   "I can get behind being a Tanaka." I nodded, realizing that I had been given the gift of growing up alongside my soulmate. "I'm so lucky."
   "How about you try getting underneath a Tanaka first? I'll show you how lucky you are." She laughed, peppering my neck with kisses.
   "Don't be a perv." I pawed at her arms, the storm long gone from my mind.
   "Okay, okay, but just for tonight. I've been waiting for a million years. And I'd wait for a million more to see you smile like this." She tapped her finger against my nose and turned out the light. "Alright, let's get some rest. Tomorrow we can talk about possibly moving and finding you a job. Once you have steady work, I'll take a day off and make sure your soul enemy is taught a lesson."    
   "Saeko", I warned her, leaning on my elbows before she tugged me down to be the little spoon.
   "Fine, but I want to at least screw with his car when no ones watching." She sulked, rolling my hair around her fingers.
   "That's a decent compromise. Now let's get some sleep." I pushed myself deep into her hold and closed my eyes. The weight of my secret was gone, and now I was able to reap the rewards of my friendship turned into love.
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anna-justice · 4 years
Lost or Found - 7
Summary: As Jay, Hailey, Kim, Adam and Kevin start their junior year in the wake of a tragic summer, the past year of their lives comes back to haunt them. If you enjoyed Pretty Little Liars, this is for you! *UPSTEAD/BURZEK High School AU
7 - What Hurts the Most ...
Within seconds, a missing persons case turned to homicide, leaving Hailey sitting at her kitchen table in shock. “What?” She stuttered, her aunt and uncle gave her sympathetic looks. 
“We wanted you to hear it from us and not the news.” Trudy explained.
“She’s dead?” Hailey wasn’t sure where reality ended and her imagination began. She had been thinking of theories to explain her disappearance for weeks now, who could have done it, whether or not she was in hiding, even thinking that it was maybe her all along. But never during any of it did she think that Erin was actually dead. “How do they know?” Her voice was quiet, she didn’t recognize herself talking.
Randall sighed, “I don’t have all the information, but from what I heard, they said that the body had been decomposing for a while now. The only way they know it’s her is by an already existing fracture in her left wrist and the fact that the bracelet she was wearing said “Erin” on it.”
“We think you should stay home today, there is no telling who will try to talk to you about all of this.” Hailey nodded, her gaze never lifting above her hands. She wracked her brain for any alternate reality, that this was all a set up and Erin was making the biggest show of her life, but all she could find was worry. Jay. She needed to talk to Jay.
She excused herself from the table and mindlessly headed for the stairs. She pressed the contact and then the call button, he answered on the first ring. 
“Hi.” She said when she heard the line click.
“Can I come over?” She could hear the pain in his voice.
“Of course. I’ll see you in a few minutes.” He hung up without answering and a few minutes later Hailey was answering the front door.
She had never seen him like this. He was swearing sweats and a long sleeve t-shirt, his eyes were bloodshot and Hailey found herself wondering how he got there in one piece. When their gaze met he broke again and Hailey rushed out the door wrapped her arms tightly around him, holding on for dear life. 
It was raining, of course it was, the sound of raindrops hitting the awning above them was white noise. Jay had buried his face in her neck, which to all outside parties, looked extremely uncomfortable given the height difference, but Jay was the most relaxed he had been since he heard what had happened. 
Hailey eventually convinced him to come inside, earning sad looks from Trudy and Randall as she attempted to get him up the stairs. Unlike Hailey, they had known Jay since he was a little boy and watching him in this much pain along with their niece was heartbreaking. 
A little later, Jay sat on the edge of her bed, Erin’s phone in his hands. “She’s dead Hailey.” He said, saying his first words since he arrived. “What is all of this for if she’s dead?” 
Hailey took the phone from him gently, placing it on her night stand. She took a seat next to sit, “I honestly have no idea.” Hailey snuck a glance at him, looking for any signs of him falling apart again. “Are you going to be okay while I change my clothes?” 
Jay nodded slowly and Hailey jumped up to change, heading into her attached bathroom. She wiped a stray tear from her cheek. She couldn’t break down right now, she could do that later, right now he needed her. 
When she exited her bathroom in leggings and an oversized shirt, she found Jay sound asleep on top of her comforter. She sighed and grabbed the extra blanket she kept for cold nights, throwing it over him. Suddenly, Erin’s phone buzzed on her nightstand.
Blocked ID: Don’t believe everything you see on TV, real life is a lot more complicated.
Hailey turned the phone all the way off and put it in the drawer. They needed a stalker free day. She cautiously laid down next to Jay, keeping a safe distance and let sleep consume her once again.
Adam saw it on the morning news, and as soon as he did he bolted out his front door. He hadn’t heard from Kim yet and he was hoping he could beat the news there. He knocked frantically on the front door, only to be met with Mrs. Burgess’ sad eyes. 
She gave Adam a kind smile before nodding towards the stairs, giving him the okay to go find Kim. He could hear her sobs before he even made it to her room. He pushed the door open, “Baby?” Kim was sitting on her floor, back against her bed, hugging her knees to her chest. She didn’t even look up at him. Adam sprang into action, he sat down in front of her, placing his hand over hers. Kim cried harder, she had someone there to rely on. 
They stayed there for what seemed like forever, Kim wrapped in Adam’s arms, he even shed a few tears. When she had finally cried herself out, she reluctantly pulled away. “I thought we were going to get her back.” 
“I know.” Adam said.
Kim took in a shaky breath. “What do we do?”
Adam was usually the guy with all the answers, but at this moment he had no idea what to say. He didn’t know how to comfort his girlfriend, he didn’t know how to make it better or how to make it hurt less. It wasn’t a secret that he wasn’t the biggest fan of Erin, he thought she was controlling power hungry. Two of the most important people in his life let their entire world revolve around her. 
Sure, she had her moments, but the majority of the time she was guilting Jay about something or having Kim tag along on her torch trips. It was like Erin was a bright, massive star that was mistaken for the sun, but it wasn’t. So, instead of getting warmth and life, eventually she left you cold and dead inside. 
“I don’t know,” he said honestly. 
Somehow, he got her off the floor and onto her bed.  “Are we going to be okay?” 
Adam wanted to tell her what she wanted to hear, that it was all over and they were safe. But he couldn’t, because Erin was dead and whoever killed her was still out there, and they were coming after them next.
The next few days were absolute agony. There was a small service, burying a inhabited casket this time. They had all decided to stay home for a few days, none of them were feeling particularly studios. Hailey had reluctantly given Jay the phone back that night, and it had been silent ever since then.
The gang had decided to get together away from the prying eyes of their parents, which is why they found themselves sitting in the middle of an elementary school playground in the middle of the night. And unfortunately, without any alcohol. 
It had been a laid back night, there was no talk of any stalkers or murderers, and the only words spoken about Erin were fond memories. “I remember this one time freshman year, it was right after we started dating, she insisted that we go to one of those movies in the park, but it was like November so it was freezing!” Jay explained, a smile gracing everyone’s faces. “My mom drove us because she was afraid of Hank scaring me. And then later we were awkward cuddling watching some stupid movie and me getting cocky, I go in for the kiss and then someone coughs behind us. Of course it’s Hank, and I freeze, but do you know what she does? She kisses me!” They all laugh loudly, “I have never been so scared in my life.”
The harsh reality of the situation sets in too quickly, because she was gone and now, he had been way more terrified than he was that night. “I wish I could’ve gotten to know her longer.” Hailey says, breaking the silence. It was true, she and Erin were not that close, but they never really got the chance to be. This whole situation was really awkward for her, she had known Erin, so she felt the loss, but she wasn’t feeling it like any of them. 
“Me too,” Kim said, giving her a kind smile. 
The night proved to be too good to be true and not five minutes laters, Erin’s phone buzzed.
Blocked ID: Did you miss me? It’s the mystery’s turn to be a little less mysterious, spill the beans on why you really came here. It’s time to mourn Hailey’s secrets.  
Hailey’s eyes went wide. “Hailey, what do they mean?” Kim asked.
Hailey could feel her heart ready to leap out of her chest. This could not be happening, she never wanted any of them to know. “Um,” She stuttered, trying to formulate a lie. But it was pointless, she didn’t have a choice.
“Hailey?” She felt her eyes flood with tears, she couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze.
“I-I didn’t want to tell you guys this.” She rushed out, lifting her eyes and letting them shift over the four people in front of her. “Erin was the only one that knew.” A lone tear rolled down her cheek. “I didn’t move here for a change of pace.”
Kevin nodded, “I figured you would have left if you could have, after what happened.” 
Hailey sighed, she might as well start at the beginning. “My dad is not a good guy and after both of my brothers left he got way worse. He would hit my mom and then he started throwing me around to get a rise out of Andrew, he’s 21 now.” Jay sucked in a breath and Kim covered her mouth with her hand, Adam’s arm tightening around her. “After he left, Nick tried to fill his shoes and protect mom and I guess me, and it worked for a while but…” She swallowed hard, fighting back the tears. “He graduated and went off to college and I can’t blame him for wanting to get out of that hell hole. But it was like there was years of pent up aggression because of them and one night my dad just snapped.” She couldn’t hold it back anymore as she relived the worst time of her life. “For months it was just a slap every once and a while or screaming matches, but my dad got really drunk and came home convinced that my mom was cheating on him.” Hailey took a few deep breaths, completely oblivious to Jay’s jaw clenching so hard that it was threatening to break. “I jumped in front of her and he-he put me in the hospital.” She was sobbing, and Kim launched herself out of Adam’s embrace and pulled Hailey into her. 
“I’m so sorry Hailey.” She said into her ear as she cried.
Hailey pulled away, suddenly very aware that everyone was staring at her in disbelief. “Uh, after that, my mom sent me here to live with her sister.” 
“Did she press charges? Did you talk to the police?” Jay questioned, snapping out of his daze. He was angry, too angry for Hailey’s liking. 
Hailey stepped back into Kim. “N-No, she’s still with him.”
“What?” Jay yelled. 
Kevin placed a hand on his back, “Jay, man, chill, she’s okay--”
“No!” He spat, shrugging off his arm. “She’s not okay!” He gestured to Hailey, waving his arms mindlessly through the air. 
“Jay!” Adam shouted, trying to get his best friend’s attention. 
Hailey could feel her breathing speed up, she was panicking and she knew what that meant. “I-I’m sorry, I sh-shouldn’t have, I-I--” She took off running towards where they had parked their cars. 
“Hailey!” Kim called after her but she didn’t stop. 
It was hard to breathe and it wasn’t from the running. She bent over the hood of Adam’s car, praying to anything to make it all stop. Her lungs burned, her chest hurt and she could barely see through the wall of tears. She wanted to come here and never have to think about that night again, but now the few people that she never wanted to tell, knew. And they were already giving her the sad eyes and the pity looks and she wanted to erase all of it. 
A hand touched her shoulder and she shoved it away, screaming as she jumped back. When she recovered enough from the scare to look up she was met with Jay’s glossy eyes. He looked sad, hurt even, she had been afraid of him. She hadn’t flinched or screamed like that in months and his face gave away that he probably knew that. “Hailey, I’m sorry.” He said, his voice breaking off at the end. 
Hailey wiped her hands over her eyes and snifiled, trying to get herself together. “Kev, will you take me home please?” She asked, walking past him.
“Hailey.” Jay said again and the pain in his voice felt like a knife to the chest, but she couldn’t face him right now. 
She got in Kevin’s car without looking back, knowing that if she looked at him she would fall apart all over again. The ride home was silent and long, the only words they exchanged were a simple “goodnight,” as she got out. 
Hailey stood in her bathroom, staring at the shell of a girl looking back at her. She imagined the bruises that once stained her tan skin, the tears began to fall again, but this time she had no one to judge her. She slid down the wall behind her, burying her face in her knees and for the first time since Erin’s funeral, she felt completely alone.
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limeblood-exe · 4 years
A Singular, Bloody Mattress (part 2)
So much fluff, you guys, it’s tooth-rutting. And a lil bit of Raph angst, too because why not. Ok, but it’s also mainly fluff. Enjoy!
He can’t sleep. It’s three in the morning, and Raph lies completely awake, staring at the cracks in his bedroom ceiling.
Out of all of his brothers, Raph has no problem sleeping. Mikey might have the occasional bad dream or he might stay awake playing video games or doing art, but for the most part Mikey has taken to heart Raph’s lectures about needing to get a good amount of sleep each night. “It’s important for a growing, young turtle,” he had explained. However, he wishes that his other younger brothers would have taken that advice. 
Donnie and Leo are Raph’s headaches when it comes to making sure all of his brothers are taking care of themselves. Donnie has an even worse habit of staying up too late, but it’s mostly because he gets so absorbed with a new project that time passes without his knowing. It’s common for Raph to find Donnie either passed out on his worktable in his lab, or stumbling into the kitchen for a cup of coffee. But while his younger brother does stay up late occasionally, he enjoys sleep probably the most out of any of them, so it’s easy for Raph to convince his brother to sleep (convincing, as in Raph mentions the time to Donnie, who replies with “Wow, would you look at that,” and then promptly sleeps for the next twelve hours).
And Leo just doesn’t sleep sometimes. Honestly, just even knowing the fact that Leo has insomnia was actually discovered from pure luck. Raph didn’t even know his brother was having problems with sleep until he accidentally came across him on his way to the bathroom just hanging out in the family room, binging some Jupiter Jim films. 
He tried to talk to Leo about it, but every instance he brought it up his brother had an annoying ability of dodging the topic. Finally, with Raph having to resort to the “I’m gonna tell Splinter” card, he had admitted that sometimes he has issues falling asleep, but that it wasn’t anything to worry about, and he would let them know if it got worse. So Raph had agreed to let it go with that promise in mind. That didn’t stop him from staying up a couple of nights spying on his brother just to make sure the problem didn’t, in fact, get worse. He never saw Leo leave his room those nights, so he either must have gotten through his sleep drought or knew Raph was watching him and used his portals to secretly escape his big brother’s view.
He doesn’t know which one it was, to be honest.
And he feels he should have done more, Raph comes to realize, because this whole “not being able to sleep” thing is just awful. The stinging sensation in his eyes, the restlessness of both mind and body. He can’t understand how Leo would try to hide this instead of just asking them for help. He has no idea how long Leo might have been suffering from insomnia, but one night and already Raph feels like splitting his bed in half, despairing that sleep has slipped from his clutches.
But he's no fool, he knows the cause of why he is not currently sleeping. 
It's because of the fact that his aforementioned brother is currently holed up in their infirmary.
No matter what he tries, Raph can’t stop thinking about what had happened just a couple days prior. They had come so close, too close, to losing their brother. Not just when they were cornered by their enemies; as soon as they got back home, it was a fight to keep their brother alive, restoring his lost blood with blood donations from Mikey, who argued that he wanted to do it, he wanted to feel helpful, and stitching together torn skin and shell.
He was fine, though. Damned lucky, their father had said, but he managed to pull through.
And yeah, they cried when he opened his eyes for the first time since they got back home, but that doesn’t matter. What mattered was that their team had not been reduced to three.
Leo is gonna be fine, things are heading back to normal; so how come Raph can't stop thinking about how useless he felt during the entire ordeal?
Sitting up abruptly, Raph decides that staring at the ceiling isn't gonna help him get any sleep. 
He leaves his room quietly so as to not disturb any of his brothers, who desperately need the rest just as much as he does, and departs for the kitchen. He's thirsty, so it seems like a reasonable first destination. 
He walks mindlessly, his mind swallowed by too many thoughts.
Water sounds nice, maybe that’s what I need. A glass of cool water, and I’ll head back to bed, Raph thought to himself. 
Entering the room, he turns on the light, looking for the fridge hoping to find-
This is not the kitchen. An easy discovery, what with the lack of kitchen essentials and instead he sees humming machines, a curtain, an occupied bed-
Ah, he’s in the infirmary. Without thinking, his feet had unconsciously brought him here.
He immediately slaps the light switch off, worried he woke his brother from his needed rest. He hadn’t meant to come in here; he didn't want to be in here. Not right now. He’s supposed to be trying to keep his mind off things.
He can just go back, he didn’t hear his brother wake up; didn’t hear a groan or even a peep, so there would be no harm in him just walking away.
But he might as well check that Leo is asleep as he’s already here and all; he does have a track record of hiding any of his sleep issues.
Raph pads to the side of the bed, spotting his brother cocooned in a hill of blankets. The only parts of him he clearly can see are his head and his arm that sticks out, dangling over the edge of the bed. Raph lays his hand on Leo’s chest, feeling the rise and fall of his steady and constant breathing. Raph can't see them right now, but he's painfully aware of the large swath of bandages that cover his middle.
Content that his brother is indeed asleep, he grasps Leo's dangling arm (noting he has one of Donnie’s techy bracelets strapped to his wrist, most likely monitoring his vitals) in his gentle hold, and positions it back in his warm bundle. Tucking his brother in, he smiles softly before he makes his way to the kitchen to grab something to drink.
"Raph?" a soft voice mumbles before he even takes a single step, and he definitely did not give a little yell of surprise, no matter what Leo says.
"Leo! Sorry," Raph u-turns instantly and puts a hand on his brother's head, patting it gently like a parent would to a kid. "I didn’t wake you, did I?"
"You did," Leo gives a jaw-cracking yawn before he continues, talking into his pillow, Raph straining his ears to hear him, "but it’s fine. I feel like I’ve been asleep for too long anyway."
"That’s pretty normal, and you’re gonna have to get used to it. It’s going to be awhile before you’re back to normal, buddy," And the events of that night once again rush to the forefront of Raph's mind. He looks to the ground, unable to look his brother in the eye, afraid that Leo will see through his eyes and read his thoughts.
"Huh? What is it?" Leo looks more alert due to the seriousness his face had suddenly morphed to, struggling weakly in his blankets to lean up against his pillow.
“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
Leo squints up at him with a disapproving look. Like he’s gonna believe that for a second.
“Now, why don’t I believe that? Are you lying to me, bro?”
"No-it’s just-I’m not lying to you,” Deflating under Leo’s sharp glare, Raph nervously rubs his hand together, gathering the courage to speak. 
“…Back then, I couldn't do anything. I'm supposed to be the leader, Leo, and I did nothing." His face scrunches, and his hands clenching together in a show of anger. "And I'm… I'm sorry, Leo. I’m sorry that I couldn't protect you."
Raph would expect his brother to do many things after his revelation; make a joke to lighten the mood, ignore the apology altogether, saying something along the lines of “please don’t embarrass yourself by talking any longer”, etc. He did not expect for his brother to grab his wrist suddenly and pull him close to the edge of the bed, and with one large motion, wraps his arms around Raph’s neck. If he wasn’t too shocked, he would have admonished Leo for moving around so much, since he just got mortally wounded, but the hug feels so good at the moment that all he can do, all he wants to do, is hug his brother back.
“I don’t blame you Raph, you don’t have to ever apologize for something like this,” Leo comforts. His voice is gentle and kind and so unlike Leo’s usual carefree tone that Raph lays one of his hands on the back of Leo’s head checking for a fever.
Not finding one, he buries his face in his younger brother’s shoulder, and Raph has to choke down the sudden lump in his throat to softly mutter, “But I should’ve done, you know, more. I’m the eldest, it’s my job to protect you guys. And at that moment, I failed. And it’s not just that, I couldn’t come up with a plan. My mind felt so gooey and slow and I just-because of that I put you at serious risk, Leo. If you couldn’t-if you didn’t-”
“But I did. And stop putting all the blame on yourself,” Leo adds. “If you wanna play the blame-game, then I think I gotchu beat.”
“No, you don’t.”
“Yes, I do. We wouldn’t have even been in that situation in the first place had I never gotten hurt. I let my guard down, Raph, and I paid the price for it. And so did all of you.”
“That’s not fair, Leo. You couldn’t have known that those paper guys would have been any more dangerous than the ones we’ve already fought before,” Raph pulls apart their hug, going into his lecturing mode. “You can’t blame yourself for everything that happened.”
“But that’s what I’m saying. It was a sucky situation, so you can’t blame yourself as our leader when things go bad, because it’s not just on you. We’re a team, and we’ll fail together as a team.”
While bleak sounding, it sparks an understanding in Raph.
We’ll fail together as a team.
He understands where Leo is coming from. He always thought that the pressure of failing would be on his shoulders alone; he’s the leader, and a good leader takes responsibility. A good leader would know better than to lead their team to their deaths. 
But a good leader would also know that you can’t win every fight. Raph doesn’t want to accept that as a possibility, he might never be able to, but he can know where he stands when it does.
He’s lost this argument, so Raph just slowly nods. He still feels like he could’ve done better, and he knows it might take awhile before he accepts what Leo had to say, but he feels relieved, the burden of feeling so alone lifted from his shoulders.
Raph, thickly says, "Thank you, Leo."
"Anytime, brother." Leo replies. As Raph rubs at his eyes, clearing away beading tears, Leo adds, "Now, pay up."
"What? What do you mean?" Raph asks, confused. Leo sticks out his quivering lips, his eyes pouting upwards. Leo raises his arms towards Raph, his hands making a grabby motion in the air.
"Carry me."
"What? No! Why would I do that?"
“Because I’m bored! I’ve been lying here for, what has it been, three days?”
“Just two, actually.”
“My point being! I need a change of scenery.”
“Uhh, but you’ve been sleeping for the past couple of days? How can the scenery bother you when you're not awake to see it. Besides, you’re still recovering.”
"Oh, come on! That's not fair, and you know it. I'm healing just fine," Leo doesn't give up and increases his efforts to be held, mimicking a petulant child demanding attention. "Please, Raphie, I don't like the infirmary."
"Alright, fine!"
Leo laughs victoriously as Raph leans down to pick up his brother. Leo wraps his arms around Raph's broad neck, and his big brother puts his arms behind Leo's back and beneath his knees, making sure to do so around his blanket as well. He doesn’t want his brother getting cold, after all.
Straightening his back, Raph glares disapprovingly at Leo, who just smiles happily in return, snuggling his cheek against the dip between Raph's plastron and his neck.
"Where am I going exactly?"
"Anywhere is fine."
Raph is convinced that Leo made a big fuss just to be held, but who is he to deny his brothers want they want. After all, it wasn’t just Raph that went through a tough ordeal. If Leo wants to be held, it's the least Raph can do.
With the choice being left to Raph, he decides that the family room is the perfect spot and makes his way there.
Leo begins to doze in his hold, snuggling close to the heat of his brother.
Why would he need a change of scenery if he was just gonna fall asleep anyway.
Raph doesn't have it in him to wake him back up, so he sits cross-legged on the floor as soon as he arrives and holds his breathing brother close.
This was not how Raph thought his night was gonna go, with Leo asleep in his lap and the night continuing to tick by. Content regardless, Raph rests his chin on top Leo's head, appreciating the living movements of his brother: his breaths, his sleepy snorts, his leg twitches, they're all proof that he's alive.
Being up so late and having the comfort of his younger sibling close, Raph feels himself starting to doze off as well, imagining the swell of sleep that would finally overcome him. Ready for the bliss of sleep to take him, the thundering of distant footsteps startles him to full alert mode. With the frantic, but familiar, steps coming closer Raph looks to see none other than Donnie rounding the doorway, whipping his head around in search of something. Spotting the two of them on the floor, Donnie rushes forward.
"Is Leo ok?!" Donnie asks.
Taken aback by the urgency in Donnie’s voice, he says, "Uhh, yeah. He’s fine.” Looking down at his dozing brother as if to confirm his own statement, he looks back to Donnie as Leo sleepily mutters into his chest. “He's sleeping right now, so if you could be quiet, Donald." Raph slightly scolds Donnie for his loud shout. 
"Wha-excuse me!" Donnie, offended by his brother's admonishment, stares incredulously at his only older brother. "I just thought, you know, that something must've happened, Raphael, with my tech informing me that one of Leo's stats changed. I had gone to check on him when, to my surprise, he is nowhere to be found."
Oh. That would explain Donnie’s panic. The tech bracelet on Leo’s wrist was meant to monitor his well-being, so of course Donnie would have had any sort of change being directly messaged to his own wrist-band, alerting him if anything were to happen. That must have included his sleep cycle, and with Leo awake long enough to have a conversation with Raph, he was awake long enough for Donnie to be alerted.
"Oh, my bad... Sorry, Donnie, I didn't know."
Donnie breathes a deep sigh, the act calming himself and he regains a more collected composure.
"It's fine, I was just worried that he did something stupid again, like trying to use the bathroom on his own when he can't even stand properly." He takes in the sight of his two brothers cuddling on the floor together, fully registering what's before him. "Um, but might I ask what you two are doing?"
"I couldn't sleep, and I think Leo was getting bored of the infirmary." He slightly shrugs his shoulders. "So, here we are."
"Bored of the infirmary? Does he not understand the whole concept of 'I nearly died and I should take it easy?'" Donnie crosses his arms, "I swear, sometimes I wonder where his head can be. He be just as bad as Mikey sometimes-"
Donnie pauses, leering suspiciously at Raph.
"Wait, what did you mean you couldn't sleep?"
"It means that I couldn't sleep, Donnie." That was before his talk with Leo, and as much as he loves his heart-to-hearts with his brothers, he doesn't feel it in him to do one more for tonight. "And besides, that was way earlier. I'm better now."
His brother just mm-hm's to himself. Donnie then joins Raph on the floor, sitting next to his side with his legs sprawled out in front of him. A moment passes as Raph waits patiently for Donnie to speak first. 
"Do you still want to talk about it? I'm up now, you might as well take advantage of having me all to yourself. Not many get the privilege of that, dear Raphael."
Raph gives a good natured eye-roll, but before he can give his own snarky response, someone beats him to the chase.
"Wow, conceited much?"
"Shut up. Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" Donnie asks at the same time Raph mumbles to himself, "Are you ever asleep?"
Leo slowly morphs his face into a smirk, then replies simply with a cheery "Nope."
He continues to say, "And how can I? You guys keep waking me up. For once I have the chance to get a full night's rest, and you guys are ruining it."
His brothers have no argument to counter him with, so Leo counts that as a small victory.
“Well, speaking of sleep, I’m gonna go back to bed now that I know Leo's not gonna crack his head open on the toilet or something,” Donnie stands, stretching his arms above his head. “What are you gonna do?”
“Me and Leo are good here,” Raph says.
“You’re gonna stay like that? On the floor? Call me crazy, but that doesn't sound very comfortable, Raph.”
“Yeah, I know. But we’re already here, sooo.”
Donnie gives a thoughtful hmm, hand to his chin in a contemplating manner. After sometime, he raises a pointed finger to the ceiling, eyes bright with newfound determination.
“You know what, I actually have a brilliant idea. Hang tight, I’ll be right back.”
Curious as to what Donnie has planned, Raph complies with Donnie's order. He watches the descending back of his brother and wonders just what he has gotten himself into tonight. He grows impatient when minutes tick by, and even Leo starts to huff in annoyance, the waiting anticipation keeping him up.
Ten minutes later, Donnie reappears with a sleepy Mikey in tow, both loaded with pillows and blankets, which are so stacked it's nearly blocking their view.
"You didn't have to wake him up, Donnie."
Mikey just shakes his head, setting down his load by Raph’s feet.
"It's fine, Raph, no biggie. Dee told me we were gonna have a sleepover in the family room," Mikey smiles through an obnoxious yawn, laying out the blankets (some, Raph notices, are from his own room) to form a giant pile on the floor. "And I thought, ‘Oh, man! We haven’t had one in so long!’ It sounded nice, especially after everything that’s happened."
Now that Mikey mentioned it, they haven’t done this for a long time. They’ve been so busy dealing with the whole mutant outbreak that sleepovers kind of took a back-burner to their list of priorities.
Raph, with Leo in his arms, mumbling something he can't quite make out, moves to stand a distance away, making space for Donnie and Mikey as they prepare the rest of the room. 
Donnie and Mikey make quick work, busying themselves with preparing a blanket fort by using nearby objects to hold up the blankets, ranging from Splinter's recliner to using the projector as a tether for the fort's ceiling. And since this just so happens to be the genius and artist of the family, the fort they create is a mix of both their technical and artistic skills. 
The fort, while not only being huge, would put most other blanket forts to shame in just style alone.
Mikey suspends numerous low-lit strings of light on the ceiling, giving the fort a warm glow while Donnie works to construct the cushions and blankets on the floor to maximize their comfort. Throwing in a couple of stuffed animals along with some glow sticks they found in Raph's room, their blanket fort is complete.
Donnie grabs one end of a blanket, acting as a curtain for the entryway, while Mikey grabs the other and simultaneously they pull them back to reveal the inside of their new masterpiece with a bow. Raph “aah’s” at their display, entranced with the sight.  
Raph lays Leo in the middle of the fort, who sinks delightfully into the cottony bliss, exhaustion overtaking his body which has reached its limits for staying awake for so long. Mikey leaps into the fort and lands next to Leo, giving a mirthful shout as he immediately grabs one of the blankets covering his sleeping brother and bundles himself next to Leo, snuggling into his shoulder and wrapping his arms around one of his big brother’s.
“Be careful, Mikey,” Raph warns. Mikey would never intentionally hurt one of them, but Raph thinks it safe to at least warn his brother that Leo is still recovering from an injury.
“I know!"
Leo gives a little huff, turning his face towards Mikey and blowing a quick gust of air into his face. Mikey makes a face, grunting, "Ew, your breath stinks," while Leo replies with, "Some of us are trying to sleep, Miguel."
Mikey giggles into Leo's shoulder as he says, "Sorry," but he doesn't sound all that reproachful.
Raph is next to settle down, laying on Leo's other side, grabbing Donnie's wrist, who was distracted admiring his and Mikey’s handiwork, and pulling him down with him. Having lost his own snuggle buddy to Mikey, Donnie has become his next victim, squashed between Raph's massive arms. But he only gives minor complaints, so Raph doesn't feel all that bad.
The combination of soothing lights from the ceiling and the glow sticks and the cushions beneath them lull the turtles into a comfortable daze. Next to him, Raph can hear the sleeping forms of his youngest brothers, cuddled together with their limbs entangled. 
"You know, next time you have problems with sleeping, you can always come to one of us. You always help us when we can't sleep; of course, we'd want to do the same for you," Donnie gently mentions. Patting Raph on the arm, he adds for good measure, "You're our big brother, but we can still help you."
We're a team.
Surrounded by the warmth of his family, knowing that everything has finally gone back to normal, Raph smiles.
"Yeah, I know, Donnie."
Donnie hums, accepting his answer, and in a couple of minutes his own breathes become slow and even, deep in sleep.
His brothers, all of them, are right here, safe and sound. Raph still might have self-doubts as a leader and as a brother, but for now, he'll let go of his troubles and join his brothers in the blissful land of slumber.
In no time at all, Raph feels the dregs of sleep consume his mind, falling asleep with a peaceful smiling gracing his lips.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 5 years
Love Her (Part 6)
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Summary: An unexpected visit causes trouble and the reader and Dean’s relationship takes a serious hit, one they might not be able to recover from...
Pairing: Doctor!Dean x foster daughter!reader
Word Count: 2,900ish
Warnings: language, mentions of death, injury, angst
Three Weeks Later
“Square up your shoulders more,” said Dean. You threw a fist into the pad he was holding, Dean stepping back a foot. “Told you so.”
“You let me have that one,” you said, throwing another punch and another before you backed off and took a deep breath. “I think I’m good.”
“Alright,” he said, setting down the mat as you ripped off your gloves and started to unravel the tape on your hands. “Oh, hey. I got you a present.”
He reached into his shorts pocket and tossed you a roll of pink tape, laughing when you gave him a glare.
“Cute,” you said, putting it away with your gloves, Dean slapping his hands on your shoulders as you headed out.
“I’m glad we found our thing to bond over,” he said. “Plus now I know if you’re ever out on a date, you can slug the guy if he gets too handsy.”
“It’s definitely helped,” you said, pausing by the stairs. “I’m not so scared anymore.”
“You need to do things for you too, Y/N. You’ve spent so long looking out for thing one and thing two up there. You have the ability to do stuff you want to now, like how you enjoy boxing,” said Dean.
“I know. Speaking of which, can I get some bath bombs for Christmas? I heard those are super nice in the tub,” you said. Dean stared at you, looking over your head.
“You’re such a girl,” he groaned, shaking his head with a smile as he walked up.
“Please?” you asked as you followed him up.
“Yes, you can get some. If it stains the tub you’re cleaning it though,” he said. 
“Can that be my other present? You cleaning?” you asked.
“Fine,” he said, pretending to sulk. “I think I can come up with a little something you’ll enjoy.”
“Dad!” said Rae, nearly running into Dean when you both came up the stairs.
“No running near the stairs, cutie. What’s up?” he asked.
“Ryan stole my cookie!” she said.
“That sounds like a you problem,” you said, Dean ruffling your head before you went into your room and hopped in your shower. You washed your hair and spent some time drying it off before throwing it up in a messy bun, changing into some comfy clothes before you headed out of your room. “Hey Dean. Could we make some Christmas cookies after dinner?”
You didn’t see him around in the kitchen though and the twins were playing in the family room.
“Dad’s outside with Paula,” said Ryan, pointing at the front door.
“She’s probably stopping by for her check in,” you said, watching the front door open. 
Something was wrong though based on both their faces when they came inside. Dean had his arms crossed and was frowning at Paula. He glanced at you and you saw him close his eyes. Paula tilted her head towards your room and your scrunched up your face.
Then you saw the empty duffel bag in her hand.
“You son of a bitch,” you said, storming over to Dean. “You-”
“Y/N,” said Paula, shoving the bag at you. “Please go pack your things.”
“Liar,” you said, Dean dropping his arms.
“I never-”
“Are the twins coming or not?” you asked Paula, getting a head shake from her. “You’re keeping them and getting rid of me. Yeah. You’re not a liar.”
“Things beyond our control are happening and this is part of that. Pack up your things,” said Paula.
“Am I coming back?” you asked. Paula looked away and you threw up your hands. “Am I ever going to see them again?”
“You’re technically a minor. It’s not-”
“So you stole my brother and sister, just like I said you would,” you said, throwing a fist at Dean. He caught it though and put his hands on your arms.
“I didn’t do this. I promise, I didn’t. I’ll get you back. I promise. I’ll figure it out,” he said.
“You’re a piece of shit,” you said, stomping on his foot.
“Y/N. That’s enough,” said Paula. “Now pack.”
“No,” said the twins, still hanging onto you tight out in the driveway half an hour later.
“I’m sorry. I’m gonna come back and get you guys as soon as I’m old enough,” you said. “It’s gonna be a little while okay?”
Paula had to help you peel them off, Dean wrapping an arm around them each to keep them from running back. 
“I will be back for them. Count on it.”
Two Years Later
“Kid, the door,” said Ben when you heard it ring. “The door!”
“I’m going!” you shouted back as you left your room. You were ready to grab whatever takeout he’d ordered for himself and his friends and throw it in his face. 
You were practically growling when you ripped the door open, blinking a few times at the sight in front of you.
“Happy birthday,” said Dean, his face afraid almost as he held out a card to you. You narrowed your eyes and went to slam the door in his face when two heads poked out from behind him. “Can we talk?”
“Hey guys,” you said, immediately getting tackled with hugs from the twins. “Been a while.”
“Dad wants to talk to you and please listen,” said Ryan.
“Yeah, please. Dad wants you to come home and so do we,” she said.
“Alright guys. Can you wait in the car for me? Whatever happens, you guys can hang out with Y/N after I’m done, okay?” he said. 
They nodded and went back to the car as you stepped outside. Dean took a seat on the front step and you did the same, Dean glancing back behind himself.
“This place is kind of a shithole,” he said.
“I’ve noticed,” you said, Dean holding out the card again. “You realize I fucking hate you, right?”
“I understand,” he said softly. “I never stopped loving you though.”
He let his finger graze over your wrist and tug on the bracelet you still wore there.
“Jo was pregnant,” said Dean. You took the card and set it aside, Dean tracing his finger over the bracelet. “She had me make this stupid bracelet. She read some parenting article or something, about father’s and kids. She thought it would be cute if I passed on something of mine to my first kid. But I never got to give it to them. I never even knew what it was it was so early. Only nine weeks in. I wanted a little girl so bad. I waited years to give this to my first child. I already lost the one and I lost you for two years. It hurt even worse this time when you left. I understand if you hate me and blame me and never forgive me. You have every right to think I abandoned you. But I gave this to you because you’re my daughter and the fact you kept it gives me a little bit of hope that you’ll give me another chance.”
“I’m sorry about your family,” you said, picking up the card. He was quiet as he moved his hand back to his lap. “I haven’t heard from you since that night.”
“I know. You were a minor. It wasn’t allowed,” he said, rubbing the heel of his palm. 
“Why are you here, Dean?”
“You’re eighteen today. You’re legally an adult,” he said, turning his head towards you.
“And you can choose who you want to adopt you now,” he said. 
“You think I want to be adopted by you?” you scoffed. “You tell me your sob story so I’m what, more coercible?”
“I told you because you’re my child,” he said. “I want you to come home to us.”
“I don’t think that’s your-” you said before the front door opened.
“What the fuck are you doing, kid?” said Ben.
“Fuck off, Ben. Your damn pizza isn’t here,” you said, waving a hand back at him.
“Who the fuck are you? What the fuck are you doing hanging out with men half your age?” asked Ben, grabbing your arm and pulling you to your feet.
“We were just talking. I’m-” said Dean before Ben was pointing a finger in Dean’s face.
“Stay away from this little slut if you know what’s good for you,” said Ben. You winced when Ben dug in harder, Dean scoffing. “Jail bait buddy. Go find a whore at a bar.”
“Listen, buddy,” said Dean, getting in Ben’s face and giving you a front seat view. “I’d let her go if you know what’s good for you.”
“Dean, just drop it. Ben’s a dick,” you said. “He doesn’t know any better.”
“Inside,” said Ben, shoving you back through the open doorway, causing you to trip. You stood up after a second and saw Ben glare at you, Dean glaring at him with a look to kill. “If you’re gonna act like a bitch, I’ll treat you like one.”
“You’re her foster dad,” said Dean.
“She’s money every month. It don’t cost much to keep them going. Now listen. Go on down to Harry’s bar and find a slut there, okay? Pretty guy like you shouldn’t even have to pay,” said Ben.
“I’m calling Paula,” you said as you rubbed your arm, going for your room when Ben grabbed the back of your shirt collar. He moved to slam the front door in Dean’s face but Dean caught it and pushed it back open. He shoved Ben away hard and stood in front of you. 
“That’s my daughter, fuckface,” said Dean as he took your hand. “We’ll come back for your stuff later.”
“That’s called kidnapping,” said Ben as he got closer.
“She is eighteen. Today’s her birthday since you obviously don’t know that. She can choose to go wherever she wants to now,” said Dean, glancing back at you. “I’m really assuming you don’t want to stay-”
You saw Ben go for a cheap shot when Dean wasn’t looking and you pushed him out of the way.
Unfortunately with the way Dean was holding your hand, he pulled you with him and the next thing you knew, your face hurt and you fell back on the ground. You didn’t feel your head smack the tile floor and realized there was something kind of soft under it, Dean’s leg if you had to guess.
“What the fuck is wrong with you!” asked Dean to Ben as you sat up, Dean’s hands on your arms.
“My head hurts,” you said.
“You probably have a concussion,” said Dean. “Call the cops now, asshole.”
“I ain’t calling-” said Ben as Dean grumbled and pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Hey!”
“Buddy, she gets hurt, the cops are gonna be the least of your fucking problems.”
“Mild concussion,” said the doctor at the hospital an hour later. “We’ll keep her a few hours to monitor. You know the drill.”
“Yes, I do,” said Dean with a sigh. “Thanks, Cas.”
“I’ll get you guys some extra ice cream,” he said with a wink. “I wish it was under better circumstances but it’s good to see you again, Y/N.”
“Yeah,” you said, Cas leaving the room after a beat. You sighed and Dean took a seat on the edge of the bed, pushing up your sleeve to reveal the bruise Ben had left. 
“How long you been at Ben’s?” he asked.
“I went to a temporary place for a few weeks before I bounced around a lot. Only been a month,” you said, rubbing your arm. He lowered his head, raising it when Paula knocked and came inside.
“You said she was someplace safe,” said Dean.
“This is the first incident I’m aware of,” she said. “An incident you started by going to a foster child’s home.”
“She’s a fucking adult. She can have visitors,” he said. “I only went to talk to her.”
“About?” she asked.
“About adopting her,” he said. “No more of this. No more games. No more sack of shit in prison ruining her life. She is eighteen. I’ve been waiting for today for two years.”
“What are you talking about?” you said as you sat up.
“Your father-” said Dean.
“I don’t have a father,” you said.
“Your father’s hold over his parental rights was...complicated,” said Paula. “It was part of a deal he worked out to avoid a full blown murder charge. Part of that was he retained parental rights and that you were to be moved from foster homes every few months. I didn’t support it at all and tried to push back but he had information on other murder cases that was helpful so they were lenient with him.”
“The lawyers picked the cases over you. The moving around we guess was so that you’d be bitter and maybe reach other to your father. He claims now it was good when it was just you two. He only ever wanted to get rid of your mother and the twins apparently,” said Dean.
“Please leave. Both of you,” you said.
“I can’t,” said Dean. “I have to watch you. Concussion.”
“Whatever,” you said, turning on your side and staring at the wall. Paula left after a moment and you felt the bed dip some, Dean’s hand resting gently on your back.
“...His lawyer threatened to split up Rae and Ryan if we ever told you,” said Dean. 
“You adopted them, right?” you asked.
“Yeah. No one can take them away now,” he said and you nodded. “I wanted to tell you, sweetheart. Everyday I wanted to.”
You didn’t say anything, Dean pushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
“If you don’t want me anymore, I understand. But you can always see Rae and Ryan whenever you want. I will always come pick you up or you can go do things with them or you can stay with us. I don’t care if you never speak to me again. You can stay home, always,” he said.
“Stop talking, Dean,” you said.
He was silent after that, occasionally rubbing his hand up and down your back. You leaned into the touch and sighed.
“You still could have told me,” you said after a few minutes.
“I could have. Rae and Ryan’s adoption was dragged out until about last month. It was an incentive so we wouldn’t say anything,” said Dean.
“So my dad once again ruined my life so I would feel shitty enough to go see him and maybe have a relationship again. I hope someone kills him in there. I really hope someone does,” you said.
“He keeps hurting you. I don’t blame you for being angry,” said Dean, swallowing hard. “You eating enough? Getting enough sleep?”
“I guess,” you said quietly.
“How’s school?” he asked.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you said.
“Paula said you’re getting bullied.”
“My whole life I get bullied, why should school be any different?” you said.
“We can fix that. We can fix all of it,” he said. 
“I knew you for three months, if that,” you said. “I’m not the same person and neither are you. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad the twins have you. They’ll have a normal life. They were so little when they went to your house, they’ll never remember anything besides you. They’ll just remember a nice dad. But they’re too normal now and I’m too fucked up. I’m better off on my own, Dean.”
“I’m okay with starting over again,” he said. “I’ll start over as many times as we need to.”
You rolled to your back and looked up at him, Dean giving you a half-smile.
“I promised you that you’re always part of this family and I meant it,” he said. You sat up and stared at him, tears welling in your eyes. You glanced down at your bracelet and rubbed it, looking back at him. You gave him a small nod and he pulled you into a hug. 
You buried your face in his neck, Dean shushing you as you got his shirt wet.
“S’okay. You’ll be okay now, sweetheart. I promise.”
A/N: Read Part 7 here!
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lunacyxxx · 4 years
Hawks x Villain!Reader
Kinks: Exhibitionism, Dubcon, Asphyxiation, Grinding, Orgasm Denial.
You never had a good feeling about this new Hawks guy, there was something off and you needed to get to the bottom of it once and for all. You sat on the couch in the hideout listening to the meeting going on with the new member, he was way too happy and carefree. You mess with the bracelet on your arm that aides in keeping your quirk controlled, Shigaraki and Dabi did most of the talking and the meeting dined on with everyone chiming in here and there.
Soon the winged man left and you trailed behind him sticking to alleyways and semi lit areas before he took flight making you mentally curse before taking to the rooftops. Your e/c eyes looked over the area until there was a sudden stinging sensation on your cheek and a gloved hand snatched you by your throat slamming you against a rooftop entrance. The wind was momentarily knocked out of you and your eyes meet honey brown, "Well well, what do we have here hm? You're a nosy little thing aren't you my chickadee?"
You grip his wrist and growl, "Don't talk to me like you're not hiding something either hero. Whatever you're planning I'll Shigaraki and-" the blond leans in dragging his tongue up your cheek and over the cut with a snarl. "And what? I can easily kill you right now, I've read a lot about you, you can be quite useful to me. Before the sun comes up, I'll have you never wanting to leave my side. I'll have you craving me and only me." He grips your neck tighter, cutting off airflow this time and you claw at his arms.
He smashes his lips against yours, you refused his tongue entry before he slapped your thigh hard and pinched it making you cry out. His tongue slips into your mouth exploring your wet cavern, you struggle until he slaps your thigh again growling. His hand trails from your thigh to your covered sex and palms it roughly, "Awe you're so wet. I always knew there was a reason you stared at me."
Keigo gazes to your reddening face and grins as you desperately try to catch your breath, he kisses you softly this time moving his lips with yours while his fingers graze over your covered slit. A moan slips from your mouth when his middle and ring finger rubs circles over your clit, "That's a good girl. Give into me just like that," he coos against your mouth and his wings flutter hearing you moan again.
Your arms move on their own wrapping around his neck as he hoists you up pressing his hips flush against yours making you yelp. His mouth trails down your neck as he snarls digging his teeth into your neck before lapping and suckling on the bruising skin. "You know you've wanted this too, I couldn't get you out my mind the first time I saw your wanted picture on the news. You did all those crimes and now it's time for your punishment."
His hips eagerly ground his hips into yours as he captured your lips while both of his hands fondled your chest, your uniform was soon ripped revealing your bra. "That's my suit," you hit his shoulder and he chuckles pulling your bra and taking a nipple into his mouth sucking harshly. "I'll get you an even better suit now hush," he gave a sharp thrust and began leaving hickies over your chest while pinning at your erect buds.
Your mind was swirling and you were slowly giving into his words and actions, it was so wrong but he made you feel oh so good. Your hands rise from his shoulders to his blond locks tangling in them as he started undressing your both. There you both were, naked as the day you were born on a rooftop for anyone in the taller buildings to see. "You're so wet for me, such a naughty girl," his middle and ring fingers smeared your arousal around your lower lips before being pushed inside.
Your walls clamp down and you cry out his name, "Call me Keigo, or better yet Daddy." His fingers started move slowly but they reached areas you couldn't with your own. You let out a loud moan as his digits rub against you gspot and he opens his mouth groaning against yours like he was mocking you. He sped up and your juices began to pool in his palm, "Sneaky little vixens don't get to cum so don't think I'm gonna let you."
He let not of your legs down while he put the other over his shoulder pressing you up against the wall, "Look at how eager your pussy takes my fingers. Makes me realize I should have made you mine as soon as I saw you." You couldn't help but to moan and whine feeling yourself close to cumming, his fingers left your core and you sobbed pathetically at the loss of friction. Keigo chuckled and waiting until you relaxed before he started all over again.
Tears were streaming down your face and you were desperately holding onto him hiccuping between cries, "P-please I can't take it anymore. Make me y-yours Keigo, Daddy please!" A smirk graced his face and he moved so you were straddling him and he was leaning against the door now. "As you wish babygirl," he grips your hips making you rock your hips grinding your pussy on his cock before slamming you down on it. Hawks pulls you in to kiss him to muffle your pleasure filled scream, his room grip on your hips never falters as he makes you bounce to his own pace while he marks up your other breast.
Your body jolts when he spanks you, he bites the other side of your neck the same way he did previously, "Mmm. I'm so glad you're mine now, you're never getting away from me and if you do. Just know Daddy has it all figured out and he'll always find you." You we're pushed down and had your knees pressed you your chest as the hero plowed into you. He was relishing in your screams and cries of ecstasy, Hawks squeezes your thighs feeling himself come close to his end.
One hand moves to rub on your clit in quick circles, "You gonna cum on my cock? You gonna make a mess on it for me?" He chuckled as you stuttered in embarrassment at how lewd his words were. His thrusts became sloppy and he was grunting a bit louder than before, "Go on. Be a good girl and fucking cum." With a strangled moan you tighten up and cum all over his length, Hawks pushes his hips flush against yours filling you up with his hot cum.
The two of you stay in each other's holds panting and coming down from your respective highs, Keigo plants a kiss to your trembling lips and pulls out hissing softly. You stare at the night sky blissed out trying to process everything, Hawks gets dressed and pulls you up into his arms covering you with his jacket. Soon sleep starts to take over as he flaps his wings taking off with you in his arms.
Unbeknownst to either of you, blue and red eyes watched in pure rage at the departing hero.
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sierraraeck · 4 years
The Second Case (Pt.2)
BAU x OC Aundreya
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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(This is my gif so please give credit if used)
Summary: The second case with the team means revisiting Aundreya’s hometown of Chicago. It quickly becomes personal and requires her to use connections and skills she acquired on the streets. Story two.
Category: Just working a case with the team
Warnings: Normal CM gore. A case involving young teenage girls. Mentions of drugs. Cussing.
Word Count: 3.3k
A/N: Just a reminder that this is all 100% fiction and I don’t actually know how gangs work.
“Ben Brady, 30 years old, with a history of peeping and a restraining order from his ex-girlfriend,” Penelope informed us.
“He fits the description,” Aaron said, as we looked at him from behind the one way glass.
Derek stepped out of the interrogation room, the third to do so. “He’s not gonna talk.”
“We have to keep trying. He knows where they are,” Aaron said.
“I’m telling you, we have got to start looking for other leads, because I even offered him a deal, and he still wouldn’t budge,” Derek said with just an undertone of defeat.
“I could talk to him,” I suggested. If we had already broken the rules by having me out in the field, we might as well just break them all, right?
“No. I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Aaron told me.
“Have you even ever interrogated someone before?” Rossi asked.
“Sure? What does that mean?” Rossi pressed.
“It means that while I might not have FBI regulated training, I have interrogated people before. Plus, I think he might be a bit more accustomed to my methods,” I put out there.
“What makes you say that?”
“Oh, come on. I can smell the hood rat from here,” I said, scrunching my nose. Despite the fact that he looked like a middle class man that could have accidentally gotten involved with the wrong person, I could tell that wasn’t the case. Rossi’s eyebrows shot up. “What? Isn’t that what you hired me for?”
“I guess,” he replied.
“Hotch, isn’t this against protocol?” Derek asked.
“Yes, but I’m pretty sure letting a young girl die because the person who could be most useful in a situation like this isn’t allowed to talk to the guy in her field of expertise, is also against protocol,” I answered for him. When I received no protests, I went to my bag and pulled out a notepad and pen and set it on the table right outside the door.
“What’s that for?” Rossi asked me.
“We’ll need it later.” I hope. I continued to shuffle around in my bag until I found what else I was looking for. I put on the 6 chain bracelets and the two rings made up of small beaded links on my left wrist and pinky.
“How about those?” Derek asked.
“A means of persuasion.”
“Wait you’re not going to-”
“Calm down. I’m not going to beat him up or whatever crazy thing you think I’m going to do. These are just a form of identification,” I interrupted.
“Okay, but what are they,” Derek asked.
I turned to look at him and saw Reid approaching the group, and decided to let him explain, “Why don’t you ask Doctor Reid.” I turned and entered the interrogation room before anyone could stop me. I didn’t even have a file or pictures to show him, but I didn’t need them. I sat down across from Ben.
He looked up at me, “You’re a little bit young to be working for the FBI.”
“You’re a little bit old to be hanging out with 14 year old girls,” I retorted. He looked back down. I knew that he was probably part of the Angels before the Cloaks took them over, and that he probably left to either fend for himself, or join a different gang. I was hoping for the latter.
“Gaela,” I said. He shot me a quick glance. Good. He was from the Angels if he recognized the leader’s last name. Now I just had to throw out others to figure out if he was in a new gang or not.
“Dimitrov, Carden, Dominic,” I listed. No reaction.
“Novak.” Still nothing.
“Hoeye,” I said. There it was. The slight eye shift in my direction. “Ooh. I don’t think he’d be very happy if he knew that you and your buddy were going rogue.”
“I’m not going to talk to you,” he stated. I stared him down for a few moments before lifting my left arm so that he could process the jewelry covering it. His eyes went wide.
“Are those-”
“Yep,” I cut him off.
“And you have-”
“Which makes you-”
“Yep. In the flesh,” I said with a smirk. He immediately shifted in his seat, becoming exponentially more uncomfortable. “Now do you feel like talking?”
“Oh, uh. Um, no. What are you doing helping the FBI?” he said flustered, but trying to regain his ground.
“Does that sound like any of your business?” I hissed.
“No, but-”
“No. It’s not. And from where I’m sitting, you’ve got two options. Give me what I want, or maybe I’ll decide to pay your friend Hoeye a quick visit.”
“You can’t. The FBI’s probably got you under intense surveillance.”
“That could be true. But considering they’re probably going to spit me back out by the end of the week landing me back on the streets gives me all the flexibility I’d need,” I squinted my eyes at him. I could tell his confidence was starting to waver and he was beginning to give in to me. Just to fully sell it, I pushed my hair behind my left ear, turning my head to expose that part of my neck as I did. It revealed the tattoos that indicated I’d been to a supermax prison and that I’d escaped. “Your move.”
He swallowed hard and started shifting his eyes around as I moved my hair back to cover the tattoos. I couldn’t forget that there was a secondary audience. I leaned back in my chair. “So, Ben, if you’ve heard of me, you’ve probably heard of some of my pet-peeves, right? Do you remember what one of them was?” I asked rhetorically. “One of them, is that I absolutely cannot stand people who waste. My. Time. Does that ring a bell?”
He shifted in his chair and started rubbing his hands together. I was close. “Have you ever heard from one of those lucky people about the pleasant things that happen to them? Especially if they were to piss me off enough after, say, elaborately getting a young girl killed?”
Morgan was right, though. He was a tough one to crack. “She’s only 14,” I reminded him.
“Yeah, and you were only 14 when you landed here and you did fine for yourself,” he countered, but his voice was faltering.
“True. But one of us has a chance of getting out. Which one do you think that is?” I pointed out. He just sat there. I got up out of my chair and walked over to him. I placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned in so that he could practically feel each word falling from my lips. “Just remember this moment, when you had the choice of self preservation, the number one rule on the streets, and instead you chose blind loyalty. He’d turn you in in a heartbeat, and he’d be smart to do so. He’ll probably move up the ranks, and get the credit he deserves. I mean, that’s what I did. But you? You will just be added to the long list of disposable low-lives who died by my hand.”
I slowly started walking away, giving him the chance to stop me. I reached for the handle of the door when I got what I wanted. “Wait,” he said. I turned around and took my place across the table from him.
“Do you have paper and a pen?” he asked. I smirked at him and lifted my left hand up like I was a waitress at a restaurant. I hoped someone got the memo because it would only add to the power I held over Ben if it looked like I already had the FBI wrapped around my finger. Luckily, I heard the door click open and the pad and pen were placed in my hand. I could tell from the shoes in my peripheral and the scented cologne that it was Rossi who did so. He quickly vacated the room. Without breaking eye contact with Ben, I put the pad down on the table with a satisfying slap. I pushed it over to him with the pen.
“So you really earned all of these?” he asked, suddenly grabbing my wrist and turning it over to admire the number of beads. He was looking at them in wonder and it was disgusting. I yanked my wrist from his grasp.
“Just start writing,” I said, and he did. He wrote down the address and a full list of all the girls they had taken over the last few months. He shoved it toward me and, as expected, ‘Jayana Orion’ was scratched down at the bottom. It made me want to hit the guy in the face right there. I looked over the list but there was one thing he forgot to add.
“Do you think you’re smart or something? Don’t try to bullshit me!” I yelled, as I walked over to his side of the table.
“I honestly forgot-”
“No you didn’t. Not. Smart. Complete the list,” I demanded. He frantically wrote down the name of his accomplice. Accomplices? There were two of them? “There. That’s better.”
“What are you going to do now?” he asked, but the concern was obviously only for himself.
“I guess I’ll consider not telling Hoeye about our little chat. As long as this holds up,” I gestured to his list, quickly raising my eyebrows at him before exiting the room.
Everyone was staring at me. “What in the hell was that?” Derek asked, but he didn’t sound necessarily irritated. I answered by turning the notepad around so that they could all see the list of information scrawled across it. I took a few steps toward Derek and I pressed the pad against his chest, with just a little bit of added force. I looked up at him.
“That was me saving a little girl’s life.” I walked out of the hallway and back into the bullpen to sit down.
Everyone started rushing around me, getting their gear together and leaving to go off and save those girls. Everyone except for Emily.
“Hey,” she said, sitting down across from me.
“What are you still doing here? Don’t they need you in the field?”
“Usually. But they’ve got about a hundred officers and the rest of the team headed out there. I think they’ve got it.”
“Ah. I see. You got put on babysitting duty,” I said. “Do you guys draw names out of a hat or something?”
She gave a single laugh. “No, not this time. I volunteered.”
“Oh, wow. Didn’t realize you had a thing for S and M,” I teased.
She rolled her eyes at me. “Is that what you really think? That you are that unpleasant to be around?”
“Yeah, pretty much. That’s the general consensus.”
Not exactly knowing how to reply and not wanting to push me any farther, she changed the subject.
“So you really got all those links?”
I was confused for a moment until I remembered that I was still wearing my bracelets and rings. “Oh. Yeah. Did the Doctor tell you about them?”
“Yeah. He told us that it’s a way for guards and inmates to track each other kind of like a ranking system. The more you have, the worse you’ve been, and higher ranked you are. You receive one for each time you went to the infirmary, sent someone to the infirmary, and a certain number for each type of crime you’ve committed. He also told us that the most anyone had ever gotten was four bracelets and a ring. You have that beat by a lot,” she recited.
“I do. Lucky me,” I said, removing them and placing them back in my bag.
“How did you know that you were going to need a pen and paper before you even went in to interrogate?”
“It’s almost like an unspoken rule as far as gangs go. People could be wired, so you don’t want to have to say things out loud. If the place has surveillance, you can easily just shield the paper from the cameras and a lot of people can write in code much better than they can speak it. Plus, once he knew I was The Figure, he would know that I always ask for extensive lists.”
“How did you know Rossi would come in and deliver the stuff to you?” she asked, almost in wonder. Almost.
“To be honest, that was a shot in the dark. It would help me scare him if it looked like I had power even over the FBI and I was just hoping one of you back there would pick up on it.” We were silent for a while before she asked me her next question.
“Do I want to know what you whispered to him?”
“Probably not,” I stated matter-of-factly.
“Alright, then would you tell me about your tattoos?”
I looked up at her. No one had ever asked me that question before. I must have seemed so dumbfounded because she showed me a tattoo of her own. It was on her right hip bone and it was of Saturn. Just two simple circles but you could tell it was Saturn.
“When I was young, I was always traveling places with my mom. I never really felt like I had one home and things were changing constantly. Whenever I got nervous before a move or I just couldn’t handle the stress of constant change, she would always tell me wherever I was on planet Earth, no matter how much things were changing for me, all the planets were still orbiting the Sun. Things weren’t changing for them, and I could always count on them to be constant. It helped keep me grounded and I like the reminder every now and then.”
It was a sweet story, and I knew it was my turn. “Pretty much all of mine are just for street-related identification purposes. None that have quite as good of a backstory. This one,” I said, exposing my right collar bone, “is for the Cloaks. This one,” I showed the one on my left hip bone, “is for my underground ring. Then I’ve got these ones on my neck,” I said pulling my hair out of the way for the second time, “which shows that I’ve been to a supermax, and then escaped,” I concluded. I wasn’t willing to tell her about the others.
“What about the one on your pinky knuckle?” I was hoping she wouldn’t ask, having just removed the rings that covered it.
“That one…” I trailed off. I was saved by the bell when she got an incoming call. It was Aaron, letting her know that they’d got the guys and were bringing them in. They’d found Jayana Orion, three other girls, and many more photos of victims-to-be. The four of them were on their way to the hospital.
“Let’s go,” Prentiss said.
I was confused. “Go where?”
“The hospital. We are going to meet them there and give their families an update.” I wasn’t given time to protest as she grabbed my arm, practically yanking me to the car.
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
At the hospital, Prentiss and the rest of the team went to the families of the other three girls to tell them what had happened, and were showered with hugs and words of gratitude. I sat in the farthest corner trying to make myself as inconspicuous as possible, (which wasn’t that hard given my talent for it) dreading when Todd would show up. Prentiss waved me over to where the happy reunited families were, but I shook my head. Clearly that wasn’t the response she was looking for, because soon she was dragging me over to the group. I stood there awkwardly while the rest of them soaked in the glory of four saved girls.
“Just so you know, the FBI isn’t going to spit you back out onto the streets,” she whispered.
“Yeah, sure. I just convinced their best team to break the only rules set in place for me within the first two weeks, and I’m sure I’ll manage to find some other ways to screw things up,” I responded.
“Don’t worry about the rules. You helped save four young girls. Now, just focus on not screwing things up,” she said with a sly smile. I rolled my eyes.
“Easier said than done, but, thanks. Best pep-talk ever,” returning the same sly smile.
That’s when Todd walked in.
“Where is she? Where is my daughter?” he asked no one in particular.
Jayana was unconscious in her hospital bed, JJ explained, but she should be fine and waking up within the next day or so. He thanked her and the rest of the team for finding Jayana when his gaze landed on me. His mood immediately shifted. Anyone with eyes could see the pure hatred radiating off of him. I swallowed and turned away.
“Aundreya,” he spat my name like it physically hurt him to say it. It probably did.
“Todd,” I responded, flicking my eyes over to him. He sauntered toward me until I could feel his hot breath in my face.
“Why are you here? You need to stay away from my daughter, you hear me?”
“Sir, she’s here because-” JJ started.
“I don’t give a damn why she’s here. She’s already done enough damage to my family. I don’t want her anywhere near Jayana. Ever again,” Todd said, enunciating each word carefully. He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me towards him, so that he could whisper his next words in my ear. “If I ever see you again, or your existence causes any more problems for my family than it already has, I will hunt you down and kill you without hesitation.” He released my neck with force, practically throwing my head away from his. He opened the door leading to Jayana’s room, giving me one last fiery glance before shutting it behind him. I’d almost forgotten the rest of the team’s presence until I felt a hand on my back. I looked up into Emily’s eyes.
“See? I told you that was the general consensus.” I didn’t give her time to respond because I crossed my arms and forced myself to walk past JJ and Morgan and Hotch and Reid and Rossi to get to the exit. “I’ll meet you at the jet.”
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
I waited for about 20 minutes before the rest of the team arrived. I only had one bag of stuff that I kept with me at all times, so it wasn’t like I had to do any quick packing. They all arrived together.
“What the hell was that?” Derek asked as he quickly got out of the driver’s seat. That seemed to be the only thing he knew how to say to me.
“Back off,” Emily said.
“What? You're not the least bit curious as to why that guy hated her?”
“A lot of guys hate me,” I interjected.
Prentiss continued on like I hadn’t said anything. “Look, I just think that-”
“Both of you, stop it,” Rossi interrupted.
“All I’m saying is that I think we should get an answer,” Derek said, stubborn and persistent as always.
“You want an answer?” I offered, switching my focus to Prentiss. “The tattoo on my finger? It’s to symbolize that I’ve killed someone. Not only that, but I’ve killed high ranking, important people, and I’ve killed quite a few of them. I’ve caused plenty of trouble, and you’re profilers. You do the math,” I stated, somehow keeping control over my voice. I was shutting down and pushing them away like I did everyone else. It was easier that way. “So are we going to board the jet, or not?” They all looked at each other, mouths sewn shut, then slowly climbed the steps to the jet, closing the door behind them.
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prettyboy-parker · 5 years
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playing human 
starker; superior iron man x naive!peter
words: 2.3k
warnings: blow jobs, daddy kink, fem!peter, heavy feminization, manipulation, mind control
author’s note: sim is my absolute favorite comic series and I’ve always wanted to write it with starker. 
“Isn’t that just funny, Tony?”
The bleach blonde girl next to him places her perfectly manicured hand on his bicep. Her other friend, the brunette with decent sized boobs and a slim waist, laughs. He barely payed attention to their features, because he knows it’s all due to Extremis. He’s put up with their brainless babbling for what feels like the past hour, but now he’s done.
“I’m going to have to stop you right there, sweetheart.” Tony responds, putting his hand up to stop the blonde from talking.
“The thing is, we don’t really know each other. So ‘Tony’ is off the table. It’s ‘Mr. Stark’ to you.” He says grumpily, taking a sip of his Scotch.
The girls’ smiles fade, finally becoming self aware. Yet, the pair still won’t leave and Tony’s about to punch them in the throat when,
Tony grins as he spots his boy.
Peter is standing on the steps into the pool, clad in tiny blue swim shorts and a sheer white cover up. Miles of milky skin is on display and Tony could jack off right then and there on his pool float.
“C’mere!” Tony shouts from halfway across the rooftop pool, only to be met with a pout. Peter gets out of the water and scurries over to the concrete edge nearest to Tony.
“I don’t want to get my hair wet.” Peter tells him once he’s close enough, plopping down onto the edge. He dangles his feet in the water, kicking slightly.
“Daddy’s spoiled girl.” Tony grins wickedly, much to the disgust of the girls. They would never dare say anything about his boy, his princess, since Tony would dispose of them on the spot.
Peter just giggles and pushes his sunglasses further up his nose. Tony hops off his pool float, handing his glass to the brunette and wading to the edge of the pool. Peter squeals and kicks his feet happily as Tony runs his dripping hands over the boy’s smooth thighs.
“Hi, beautiful.”
Beautiful is truly the best word to describe Peter.
He wasn’t that surprised when he first found out Peter wasn’t on Extremis, as it is ridiculously expensive. What did surprise Tony was how he’s the epitome of perfection without it. His skin is always clear, has the perfect body, and rarely gets sick.
He always says his family has good genes.
Tony is ripped out of his thoughts by a tiny hand tilting his face upwards, incredibly soft lips pressing against his own. He groans happily and wraps his arms around Peter’s torso, the warm pool water rippling in his wake. His hands grip Tony’s damp hair slightly, one hand moving to squeeze the nape of his neck. Tony slips his right hand under Peter’s Neiman Marcus coverup and runs his thumb over the marks he left from this morning. Tony decides to take his lips off of Peter’s and move them to the spot just below his jaw, taking the soft skin between his teeth and sucking. Peter lets out a breathy ‘ah’ as Tony adds new marks to his skin. He can feel people staring, but nobody would dare say anything in fear of being launched off of the roof.
Tony groans in annoyance and removes his lips from Peter’s neck.
“Pepper! You want to hop in?” He exclaims, turning his head to face the fiery redhead.
She doesn’t smile.
“I don’t have my suit.” She sneers, arms crossed over her perfectly ironed blouse.
“It’s okay. We’re all friends here.” Tony quips, earning a little giggle from Peter.
He presses a chaste kiss to the boy’s temple as he rests his head on Tony’s shoulder.
“I’m not laughing. Get rid of your boy toy, we need to talk.”
Tony can feel Peter flinch against him. Pepper is not very fond of his boy (maybe because he took her place) but he can’t really say anything to her. She practically runs the company.
“I’ve got to go face the beast, baby.” He mumbles softly in Peter’s ear, pushing the boy off him.
He pouts as Tony hops out of the pool, someone immediately running over to hand him a towel.
“You’ll come back to swim, right?” Peter asks sadly, fiddling with his charm bracelet Tony bought him. He always does that when he’s nervous.
“Of course. Go keep those pretty ladies over there company.” He tells Peter as he stands up. The younger grabs his hand and presses a kiss to it.
“Okay! I love you, daddy.” He giggles, taking off his coverup and placing it next to him gently.
“Daddy loves you too.” Tony tells the boy as he walks towards Pepper, blowing a kiss. Pepper grabs his wrist tightly as Peter pretends to catch the kiss and hold it to his heart.
Peter is a vision lying on the pool float.
The girls have left him, leaving him alone as other people swim and mingle around him.
He’s gotten a nice tan from all the time in the sun. The sun has made his freckles darken, adding to his whole sun kissed look. The length of his shorts should be a sin, barely covering the plump swell of his ass.
Tony can’t tell if the boy is asleep or not, since his limited edition Ray Bans are covering those big brown eyes.
Peter’s head turns and he waves excitedly at the older man. Tony’s heart swells and he dives into the pool, heading to give his boy a big kiss. Peter accepts the wet kiss, laughing in happiness as Tony kisses his tummy.
“Daddy no!” He giggles, flipping over on the raft. It rocks a bit, so Tony reaches out to steady it. Peter stretches out like a cat, long legs shaking. Tony ghosts his hand over Peter’s ass, gently pressing against the plug resting inside.
The boy lets out a high pitched moan, raising his hips in search of more friction.
“You feeling okay?” Tony asks, snapping the waistband of Peter’s swim trunks.
He nods sheepishly, hiding his face in his arms.
Tony twists the plug through Peter’s trunks, earning a louder moan. A couple near them turn bright red and look away.
“Daddy, I need to take a shower.” Peter manages to whimper out.
Tony twists the plug again with a hum.
“Really? I guess I’ll have to join you.”
Peter nods vigorously.
“Let’s go baby boy.”
Tony swims to the side of the pool, hopping out as water floods over the side. Peter climbs out behind him and Tony notices a very obvious bulge. He snakes his arm around the boy’s waist, pulling him closer to his side. Peter giggles as they walk inside, heading straight for the elevator. It’s loud inside and the alcohol only amplifies the sound. Being the good girl she is, FRIDAY opens the elevator doors for them and brings them up to Tony’s personal floor.
“FRIDAY, start the shower.” Tony grunts, scooping Peter up bridal style. The boy squeals and nuzzles into his bare chest. Tony stumbles into the bedroom, carrying Peter to the master bathroom. He sets him down gently, small feet touching the marble floor. Tony notices a small silver bracelet around Peter’s left ankle.
“I like your ankle bracelet,” Tony hums, wrapping his arms around Peter’s torso and swaying him slightly.
“Thank you. I saw it when I was out shopping the other day.” Peter tells him.
Tony nods and kisses Peter’s shoulder gently. His calloused hands tug at the waistband of Peter’s swim trunks, pulling them down over his thighs. His small cock bobs, flushed a pretty pink and leaking.
“Daddy,” Peter whines, kicking off his trunks. Tony taps on his blue jeweled plug lightly.
“I’m going to take this out. Want you to be nice and tight for me tonight. Relax,” He coos, wrapping his rough fingers around the plug. Peter moans as it slips out with a squelch, come and lube dripping down his thighs slowly.
“Hop in.” Tony tells him with a slap to his ass. Peter giggles and climbs into the shower, closing his eyes as the hot water cascades down his body. Tony smiles as he takes off his own swim trunks, hard cock springing free. He sets the plug down on the counter. As he steps in the shower, Peter captures him in an eager kiss. The younger moans as his dick brushes against Tony’s thigh, due to the height difference.
“Let’s see what else that pretty little mouth can do.” Tony growls when they pull away, running his thumb over Peter’s slick bottom lip.
His boy grins eagerly and falls to his knees, giving his member a few strokes with his hand before wrapping his plump lips around the tip. Tony hisses in pleasure and grips the handle to the glass door, hot water spilling down his back. Peter immediately takes him down to the hilt, nose pressing against his now wet pubic hair. Tony silently thanks himself, because he’d never be able to keep up with the boy’s insatiable sex drive without Extremis. He knows he won’t be able to last long, he’s been horny since their morning round.
“Fuck Pete, daddy’s close,” He groans, grabbing a fistful of Peter’s drenched chestnut hair. The younger pulls off his dick with a pop, beginning to pump it with his beautifully manicured hands.
“Please daddy, want your come so bad,” Peter moans, sticking out his pink tongue.
The sight of his princess on his knees with his tongue out has Tony coming, painting Peter’s lips and tongue white with his release.
“Stand up, baby,” He groans once he finishes. Peter scrambles off of the tile, gripping onto Tony for dear life. Tony sucks on Peter’s neck as he reaches down to start stroking his cocklet. Peter lets out a high pitched moan and after about a dozen pumps of his cock he comes with a cry.
“So pretty for me,” Tony grumbles in his ear, kneading Peter’s soft cock as the younger twitches from overstimulation.
“Only for you, daddy. No one else,” He pants, gripping onto Tony’s forearms.
Tony grins wickedly.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, shall we?”
Tony’s boy is such a charmer.
The young woman next to him had been talking his ear off about her modeling career and he would usually just ignore her after a couple minutes, but Peter kept her entertained by asking lots of questions.
“Sweetheart, why don’t you go get daddy another bourbon?” He mumbles in Peter’s ear, squeezing his hips slightly.
Peter giggles and nods, scrambling off of Tony’s lap. He wonders how the boy does it, sitting for hours on his nanotech suit. Peter sways his hips as he walks to the bar, white jean shorts hugging his ass perfectly. He’ll have to find whoever made the shorts and give them a couple weeks of Extremis for free.
“He’s very lovely, Mr. Stark.” The woman says, watching Peter head over to the self serve bar.
“Isn’t he?” Tony grins and faces the girl.
“I see great things in his future.” She tells him, taking a sip of her white wine.
That’s not ominous at all.
Before he has a chance to respond, he picks up a very loud voice emerging from the crowd.
“He’s using you, Peter!”
Tony rolls his eyes when he sees who the voice belongs to.
Michelle Jones has been on his watch list for a while, her open hatred for Extremis, Stark Industries, and Tony himself earning her a spot. Peter sheepishly told him that they were best friends when her picture was on the news after she organized a peaceful protest against Extremis.
Tony had kissed his temple and said he’d love to meet her.
She never took up the offer.
“MJ, you’re making a scene.” Peter says quietly, bourbon in hand.
Tony notices the kid next to Michelle, an overweight boy named Ned. He seems to have been dragged along, since he’s not vocal about his feelings towards Extremis. Once Tony took Peter and the boy out for lunch. Ned is nice, very smart and charismatic.
Good for his boy.
“I don’t care! He’s evil and ruthless. He’s manipulating you!” She shouts, the crowd around her quieting down. Peter is flushed a bright red, not with pleasure, but with embarrassment. Tony stands up slowly, eyes darkening at the sight of someone causing humiliation to his boy.
“Michelle. It’s nice to finally meet you.” He sneers, placing a metal covered hand on the small of Peter’s back. Michelle shoots daggers at him, which would have most terrified, but not Tony. Peter wraps his arms around Tony’s suit, pressing his cheek to the cold metal.
“Hi Ned. Good to see you again.”
Ned waves nervously and Tony winks at him.
“You took our boy, Stark.” Michelle accuses, stepping closer to the man in armor. Tony raises his arm, gauntlet ready to fire.
“Take one more step. I dare you.” He spits, ready to launch this brat off the tower.
“Daddy!” Peter cries, stepping in front of his raised arm. In shock, Tony puts his arm down.
“If you want to hurt them,” Peter takes a shaky breath, “You have to hurt me.”
His boy is so brave.
Tony raises his hand to cup Peter’s cheek.
“Peter,” He coos, smooth and sensual. Peter’s eyes turn the color of his, icy blue. He may have lied about no Extremist being in the boy’s system. He’s slipped Peter a few doses over the months, enough to submit him to occasional mind control but not enough to change his appearance.
“You don’t know Michelle. You never have and you never will. I want you to go upstairs, fuck yourself open on your fingers, and get ready for Daddy’s cock.”
Tony lets go of Peter’s face, his eyes turning back to their normal honey brown.
“Okay daddy! I love you.” Peter giggles and kisses Tony’s rough cheek.
“Love you too, princess.” Tony replies as the boy saunters away.
“Now,” He growls as he turns to face Michelle. He grins sinisterly, eyes turning blood red. The arc reactor and accents on his suit do the same, casting a red glow throughout the room.
“Where were we?”
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