#i needed to draw ethan again
hyper-cryptic · 1 year
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hai @crumb-crumblet-s-crumbington 's warrior cat au would inevitably rot my brain
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willczek-art · 9 months
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The real nightmare of Nightmare Time is that there's so little of it
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gutmeats · 5 months
i was watching the escape room episode of game changer w my uncle and i dropped my tablet pen and it disappeared into the couch forever
so naturally im blaming Sam Reich for this
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murdrdocs · 2 years
plsss do fem!reader getting a call from ethan!ghostface 😩 could be smutty or maybe 16+!! also ur writing is so good wtf
ahhh thank you so so much i'm glad u enjoy it! i rlly liked this request :)) this is SUGGESTIVE 16+ but not smut
Sometimes, truly, if you sit in silence for long enough, you start to consider that maybe you aren’t the best person, morals wise. 
You have your good qualities: helping old ladies cross the street, dog sitting for your friends, helping out sick relatives, doing good deeds without having to be told so. 
But the one bad trait, the one you were currently indulging in, seemed to outweigh everything that was good about you. 
Allowing some sick joke between you and your boyfriend to continue. 
As soon as Ethan switched from his usual, saccharine sweet voice, to the raspy, demanding tone of Ghostface, you should’ve told him to knock it off. Seriously. Not with that light, airy tone in your voice that showed how easily persuaded you are. 
But you couldn’t help but let him convince you to continue. Plus, you could’ve pretended that you hated it. Instead…
“Isn’t your line supposed to be: ‘What’s your favorite scary movie’?” 
Ethan, or Ghostface, chuckled. 
“See, you know the rules, sweetheart. Now, what’s your favorite scary movie?” 
You took a second to think, fiddling with the half completed puzzle that you and your roommates have been working on at the coffee table for two weeks now. 
“Probably Get Out. Does that count?” 
“Is that the one by that comedian, Jordan Peele?” 
“Yeah. It’s not really that scary, which is why I like it, but the plot and storyline is horrifying enough.” 
Ghostface hums and you decide to take a leap. 
“My boyfriend likes those traditionally scary movies, with the jumpscares and excessive gore.” 
He takes the bait. “Boyfriend? You didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend.” 
“You didn’t ask.”
You take a seat on the couch, your eyes glancing over the window. Briefly, you considered drawing the curtains, but then Ghostface continued to speak. 
“Hm, maybe I should’ve. Does he treat a pretty girl like you right?” 
“Yeah, yeah, he does.” A beat. “How do you know I’m pretty?” 
“Because I’m looking at you, sweetheart.” 
Your breath hitched. You should have known as much, but just considering the possibility is one thing, having it confirmed is another. 
Attempting to play it cool, you stand to your feet and approach the window. “Really? Because I’m calling bullshit.” 
You pressed your face to the glass and used the hand that didn’t hold your phone to your ear to shield your view from the light inside of your apartment. You scanned the streets below, the windows across from yours, and anything else your eyes could reach, but you couldn’t see anything. It was late, there wasn’t much activity in your complex, and the streetlight that previously illuminated your section of the complex was still out. 
Ghostface chuckled condescendingly. “There’s no point in looking. You won’t find me.” 
Stepping away from the window, you surveyed the apartment. Nothing there, save for the organized mess left by yourself and your roommates. 
“But you can trust my word. I see how delicious you look in that little number. That tight shirt, those tiny shorts. Looking like a whore, begging to be fucked,” he spat the last bit as if the words were venomous. "maybe gutted," he toyed with the idea, “your boyfriend know you walk around like that?” 
Your eyes met the cameras in your apartment, the ones that your roommates decided were needed in this big city. You’d never been more thankful to have them. 
“He does,” you took a seat on the couch again, propping your feet up onto the coffee table and positioning yourself to where you could be seen by the camera. Your legs crossed, and you ran a hand along your thigh. “And he loves it. If he could see me right now I bet he would be cumming in his pants.” 
There was a hitch in his voice, barely noticeable, but there. 
You took his hesitation to spread your legs and trail a hand down to the waistband of your shorts. Your eyes flitted up to the camera, you smiled softly, lifted your hand in a wave, then stuck it into your shorts. 
“You said you’re watching me, right, Ghostface?”
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corpsebasil · 1 year
Karma Part 3
Ghostface is her protector, but maybe more than that.
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Your relationship had grown from tentative friendship leading into more, to full blown dating.
You’d never had so much fun as you did with Ethan. He liked to buy you flowers ‘just because’ which never failed to make you smile. When doing homework together he’d reach over and draw a tiny heart in your notebook, then pretend he didn’t know he’d done it. He was a terrible cook but, to your delight, he’d taken up baking rather quickly, and fumbled through the kitchen with you as you taught him the basics.
Just a few days ago you both had gotten drunk and played Just Dance. Rasputin was his go to and lord the man could move. You’d almost fell backwards onto the ground when you’d attempted the squat jump movement he easily copied, and you’d both laughed, collapsing onto the floor in a pile of giggles.
But then there were the more intimate moments.
The moments when he’d prop his head on your shoulder when you were with your friends, or when he’d hold your hand, almost constantly. And the kissing… You’d never gone farther than just that, although you wanted to. But you happily settled for the nights when he’d kiss you until you thought you’d pass out, the whispers between the two of you lost in the dark.
And the first time he told you he loved you, kissing you slowly on the couch, you felt so filled to the brim with emotion you almost embarrassed yourself by crying. You only ran your hands through his hair, murmuring the words back, and allowed him to run a hand up the bare skin of your thigh.
But then Ghostface called you.
You were in your room, playing Solitaire on your laptop, when your phone buzzed.
“Babe? That you?”
“It can be, if that’s what you want.” Ghostface teased, and you couldn’t help the slight smirk that pulled at your mouth.
“Very funny.” You told him, standing up to examine your apartment. “But I’m happily taken. If you’re here, though, maybe you can give me some knife lessons. I’d like to know how to defend myself.”
“As much fun as that would be,” the killer said, his tone amused. “I’m not there. But you need to listen to me.”
You paused, clutching the phone a bit tighter.
“What is it, Ghostie?”
“It’s—” you heard a male laugh and grinned. You didn’t want to admit it—would never admit it to anyone—but you’d found yourself waiting for him to come back. His jokes, his protectiveness…you could use that in a friend. Not that you would tell anyone that you found a serial killer worthy of friendship. “Ghostie? Really?”
You laughed and could almost feel him rolling his eyes.
“Sure, laugh away, pretty girl. I’m sure you’ll find it hilarious when I’m the one that has to save your ass once again.”
“Yeah, whatever.” You grumbled, ignoring the blush that rose on your face at his words. You had a boyfriend damnit. “So what do you want? I’m assuming this isn’t a pleasure call.”
“Gale Weathers is going to be carved up in about twenty minutes, by my guess.” He deadpanned, and you stilled. “My…cohort, if you will, is on their way. If you want to help her, like you’ve said you do, then go. I’ll meet you there.”
“Why would you help me?” You asked, eyebrows furrowing. “You’ve gone out of your way to save me multiple times now. Why?”
“Let’s call it an investment.” He said, and you bristled a bit. “Take it as a compliment, baby. I’m not letting you go just yet.”
“Oh please.” You scoffed, but your mind was racing back to Gale as you grabbed your purse and slid your shoes on. “I’m headed there. No fucking jump scares or I might hit you. My boyfriend’s been teaching me a bit of self defense.”
Your feet were loud on the stairs as you rushed out of the complex, headed to your car. You barely used the thing as you preferred walking, but today was an emergency.
“Boyfriend, huh?” Ghostface asked, his tone practically seductive as you drove out of the parking lot towards Gale’s place. “Ethan, is it?”
“Yes.” You purred. “How’d you know?”
“Tall, incredibly good looking? How could I not?”
You paused.
Your thoughts seemed to glitch at that response, your reply a bit too long for comfort. What in the—
“Yeah. I’m on my way I’ll—I’ll see you there.”
“Y/N, wait—”
You hung up, your breathing uneven as you glanced down momentarily at the blocked caller ID. The gears were turning in your brain, slowly, as you tried to think. There was something nagging you, something not right about Ghostface. Something familiar.
You blinked, shoving away any insane thoughts, and screeched into Gale’s parking lot minutes later.
You were terrified.
You’d never been so scared for your life, not when you’d been with Gale, urging the reporter to leave and call police. Not when Ghostface had thrown Gale’s boyfriend, dead, to the floor. You backed away, rushing to hide, but there was nowhere to go.
Gale was fighting—Gale was the main target here, not you. And the worst part was, you knew in your gut that this wasn’t your Ghostface. This person would gladly kill you, and would have no remorse.
You were paralyzed. Paralyzed as Gale stormed back into the living-room with a gun, her phone to her ear. You stared with wide eyes as she motioned for you to duck down behind the kitchen island, hiding yourself from sight. You felt your chest growing tight. It was just like before—just like before when you’d been cornered with nowhere else to go.
Gale hung up, putting the Ghostface on hold, of all things, and after a few seconds of tense silence you heard a phone ring. You covered your ears with your hands as shots fired, and then Gale was screaming, and you were shaking so bad you thought you might puke.
You didn’t know what to do. Didn’t want to be a coward, not now, not ever, so you stood, picking up a ceramic dinner plate and hurling it at Ghostface’s head. It slammed into them just before it could stab Gale again, and you threw another, then another. The last one missed and you ran, screaming as the Ghostface—god they were fast—chased you down.
You ran, but not fast enough, not when they slashed out at you and tore a gash through your arm. You shrieked, stumbling, and knocked a chair in their path as you searched for anywhere to hide.
And then there was only you, and the corner of the room, and no where to go.
“I’m going to enjoy this, bitch.” Ghostface snarled, flipping their knife in their hand.
You threw your hands up, as if that would stop it, when a loud cracking sound filled the space as the locked door banged open.
You knew who it was—could feel it in your gut as you saw him sprint for the person holding a knife towards you.
Ethan was Ghostface.
He was Ghostface. The one who’d been saving you this entire time. You’d wondered, absentmindedly, but knew for sure, right then, when he’d launched himself in front of the second Ghostface, tearing across the room to tackle whoever was behind the other mask.
You screamed as you cowered in the corner, watching as he and the other Ghostface rolled on the floor, he attempting to restrain them, them fighting back. They were yelling at each other, so loud you could barely make out what they were saying. But then the other Ghostface shoved him off and ran, sprinting out the door as fast as they could.
Ethan turned to you, breathing hard, the white of his mask catching the light. You moved forward, only a step; he was Ghostface. A killer. But you loved him. You loved him.
You stepped forward as your mouth wobbled, tears falling down your face as you moved to him. He was trembling, breathing hard, as you pulled his mask off and looked at him. His expression was one of agony and sorrow, shaking his head slowly at you as if to convey words he didn’t have.
He didn’t need to.
You kissed him, tugging him down to you by the black robes you’d grown used to, had grown to trust, and he let out a low, anguished noise into your mouth. Ethan was crying when you pulled away, his head dropping to your shoulder as he he clutched you to him.
“I’m sorry,” he gasped, squeezing you tighter when you looped your arms around his neck. “I’m sorry baby, I wanted to tell you.”
“It’s okay. It’s okay.” You swallowed roughly, the pain in your arm momentarily forgotten at the moment. “It’s okay. I trust you.”
“I tried to protect you. I wanted you safe I never should’ve asked you to come here—”
“Ethan, look at me.” He did, pulling his head back, and you grasped his face in your hands, resting your forehead against his own. “I love you, E. I trust you, okay? We’re gonna find a way to get you out of this—”
“Still bleeding over here.” Gale called out to you both, and you turned. You were surprised she’d survived. “As creepily touching as this is.”
“Ethan, call an ambulance.” You told him, pressing one last kiss to his mouth before whispering, “and get the Hell out of here. Fast.”
He nodded and bolted, already pulling out his phone, as you dropped beside Gale and helped put pressure on her wound.
The second you were cleared by the medics, a gauzy bandage wrapped around your arm, you got to your apartment as fast as you physically could. Ethan was already there, putting clothes and other objects of yours into a suitcase. You gaped at him and shut the front door, locking it behind him.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Getting you out of here.” He said, still focused on his work.
“Ethan what—what are you talking about?”
“The theater,” he looked up at you, eyes slightly crazed. “It’s a trap.” He gestured to the bag. “We’ll get you on a bus or a plane or something.”
“Ethan I am not leaving you.”
“Shit, Y/N.” He cursed, standing up and crossing the room. He placed a kiss to your forehead, then your cheek, then pulled back. “Please let me get you out. I won’t be able to live with myself if something happened to you.”
“And I’d rather die than see something happen to you.”
He pressed his forehead against yours, his brow furrowed as he sighed, holding you close. He ran a hand over your hair and pressed his lips your temple, and you could feel Ethan’s heart racing through the shirt he now wore.
“At least..at least put some things in my backpack. Just in case.” You could hear his uneven breathing and you slid your hands to his neck, holding him tighter. Then his chest heaved, and you felt a drop of wetness against your face. “I cant watch you die.”
“I’m not going to die. We’re both going to be fine.” You promised, and kissed him. “Ghostie.”
He held you tight as a half-hearted laugh left him, holding you so close you could feel almost every inch of him. And then he was lifting you, carrying you to your room, where he laid with you on the bed, kissing you and running his hands over your skin.
“I love you.” He murmured, lips soft on your own, and you held him tight, desperate to have him here with you for the little time you had left.
tag list:
@pagesfalling @taetae123094 @iloveneilperry @hopefulcandywitch
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wxshing-aep · 1 year
Hiii, I saw ur request post!! could you maybe
write some dating Ethan morales hcs??💖
Dating Ethan Morales Would Include
pairing: ethan morales x reader (all characters are 18+) AN: this will be dating college!ethan cause i thought it'd be more interesting, also didn't proofread this warnings: swearing, gets nsfw in the second half so 18+ (minors dni)
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you met ethan when you were assigned to tutor him cause he was failing calc. you originally found him to be pretty obnoxious and got tired of his overly nonchalant attitude which culminated in you yelling at him about how he needs to start trying or he's gonna get kicked out. he made no move to respond to your angry rant and just stared back at you with wide eyes and blown out pupils. "what?" you question. "sorry, you're kinda really fucking hot when you're mad"
one of your study sessions ended with him pulling you onto his lap while you made out and his hands roamed your body
he got a little nervous asking you out on a real date even though you've already made out multiple times. he was a bit worried that you'd reject him. he wasn't sure if you'd want a serious relationship with him since he's got a bit of a womanizer reputation. (spoiler alert: you said yes)
his grades got a lot better once he actually started trying because he loved seeing how excited you'd get for him when he showed you a good grade that he got on a test
ethan's love language is definitely physical touch. he needs his hands on you at all times, normally around your waist or resting on your thigh. he's constantly drawing little shapes on whatever part of your bare skin he has access to. most of the time he doesn't even realize he's doing it
you go on a lot of late night drives that may or may not end with the two of you in the backseat of ethan's car
he loves when you wear his clothes but still consistently accuses you of robbing him. "wearing my jacket again, you little thief" "oh, did you want it ba-" "no"
he is your own personal hype-man, there is no shortage of compliments coming from him
"see you later, gorgeous", "damn, my girl looks sexy", "my girlfriend is the most beautiful person on the planet"
he lets you braid his hair when you're bored
he'll match his nail color to yours but will never admit that he did it on purpose and always insist that it was a coincidence
he gets very jealous, but will deny it if you call him out. you were once at a party very innocently talking to a male friend from your psych seminar about how hard your recent test was before ethan walked over to your conversation.
"oh hey, jack, this is my boyfriend ethan" you introduce him, "ethan, this is-" "yea, don't care" ethan interrupts before pulling you by the waist into a searing kiss until jack had left. "there's no reason to be jealous you know? he's just a friend" "i'm not jealous, but that loser was definitely eye-fucking you" "he was not eye-" "let's go make out"
ethan is very distracting when you're trying to study or do any homework
"baaaaaabe, i'm bored", he whines. "m'sorry but I really have to do this research paper" you respond. "or", he starts, closing the book in your hands and tossing it to the side of your bed, "you can take a much needed break and do me instead"
his friends call him whipped bc of how obsessed with you he is and he doesn't give a fuck cause he is in fact obsessed with you
he lets you color in his tattoos
he definitely tries to teach you how to skateboard and holds both your hands if you're too scared to let go of him
he got you a necklace with his initial on it and has a ring with your initial on it
nsfw 18+
that man definitely knows what he's doing in the bedroom cause, let's face it, he was a bit of a whore in the past
you guys have a lot of sex, like a lot of sex to the point where you might have gotten a few noise complaint's from the people that live next to your dorm room
he's a capital M Munch. ethan loves eating pussy, like he definitely does it for his own enjoyment. he could spend hours in between your thighs and any moans or whimpers coming from you just egg him on even more
ethan was so turned on when you agreed to sit on his face
"your face is pretty", you complimented him. "yea? you should sit on it" oh. "like sit on it sit on it?" "sit. on. it." "but what if I like suffocate you or something" "you won't, and if you did i'd die happy" so you did and holy shit does that boy know how to use his mouth. he wouldn't stop till you came on his face multiple times and your legs are shaking around his head
he keeps his hair long cause he likes when you tug on it while he's eating you out. it turns him on so much that he has to actively try not to cum in his pants while he's going down on you
ethan is very vocal, he's not afraid to let you know that he's enjoying it. he whimpers for sure. while he's definitely a giver he loves when you have your mouth on him. his mind goes fuzzy when you're blowing him, moaning your name, shaking under you
he's a bit of a sub and loves when you boss him around. ethan absolutely loses his mind when you choke him while you're riding him. he just loves seeing you on top of him, telling him what to do, using him for your own pleasure. he'll beg, especially if you're edging him
"baby fuck please i need it, i'll be your good boy i promise"
jealous!ethan is definitely more dominant though. "right there baby? look how wet you are for me. he can't fuck you like i can hmm? want you to cum on my dick like a good girl"
this man cannot hide when he's horny. he immediately gets super handsy and will be whisking you off to the nearest bathroom
he loves your boobs. holding them, sucking on your nipples, cumming on them if you're cool with that. your chest is rarely not covered in hickies.
you're obsessed with ethan's hands and he knows it. he knows how to use them and has no problem sneaking them into you under the table on a date night, only to remove his hands from you right before you finish and make a point of sucking the fingers that had just been inside you clean while holding eye contact with you and letting a smug look take over his face
he has a praise kink and definitely responds with "yes ma'am" when you boss him around. he's gotten turned on when you guys are arguing before, there's just something about you yelling at him that goes straight to his dick
if you wear a sundress, oh it's over for him. he'll have you bent over the nearest surface in seconds and the dress stays on.
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 7 months
Hi omg i absolutely love your work so much!! Literally had to turn on notifications just for you🩷 i wanted to request an enemies to lovers trope with ethan (but kinda slowburn) where he is really nice and shy/dorky with the rest of the group & rude to y/n specifically because he feels like thats the only way to get her attention. He walks in on her changing but leaves quickly due to embarrassment & a few days later just confesses during an argument and it ends in smut. Lots of angst & tension pls pls thank you so much🥲
Hiii! I hope you like it!
Holding on to You - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
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This contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Summary: Ethan thinks he needs to be a jackass to get your attention. After months of dealing with his annoying ways, he confesses how he feels.
Contains: fluff, angst, use of pet names, mean!ethan, dry humping, riding, p in v sex. (If I missed anything, let me know!)
A/N: Apparently if I get stoned and listen to Twenty One Pilots, I write longer fics lmao. 3.7k words...jeez.
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When Chad and Ethan needed a new roommate, and you hated yours, you decided to take Chad up on his offer for you to move in. Yeah, living with two boys wasn’t easy, but it wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be. Well, Chad wasn’t as bad as you thought he would be. Ethan on the other hand, loved to do things to piss you off.
As you stood at the sink doing your own dishes, Ethan walked by and dropped a bowl in the sink.
“Seriously?” you asked, looking over at him.
“What? You’re already doing dishes.”
Chad walked in the room before you could say anything else to Ethan. He smirked at you as Chad started to speak.
“Hey dude, you want to go with me to get the pizza for tonight?” he asked. You were having your friends over, and you were happy to have an interaction with someone that wasn’t a guy.
“Yeah,” Ethan said, sitting a cup in the sink, too.
“I’m not doing all your dishes, Ethan!” you yelled, as he and Chad made their way to the door.
He turned around to look at you again, flashing a smile before walking out.
The way Ethan acted was infuriating sometimes. He was completely different in the presence of everyone else, but when it was just the two of you, he was so rude.
When your friends started to arrive after Chad and Ethan got back, you were grabbing plates out of the cabinet when Ethan walked up behind you.
“Let me take these. I wouldn’t want all of them to get shattered,” he said, reaching over you and grabbing the stack. You huffed as he sat them down on the counter.
“I wouldn’t have broken them,” you mumbled, looking up at him.
“You just broke one last week!”
“Well, if you didn’t stack so many plates on the top shelf so only you’re giraffe-looking ass was able to reach them, maybe it wouldn’t have happened,” you snapped, grabbing the plates off the counter and carrying them out to the living room.
“Thank you,” Chad said as you sat the plates down.
“Yeah, thank you,” Ethan said as he followed you out, the sweetness in his voice making you want to gag.
As you all sat around eating, Tara brought up needing help for one of her classes.
“I can help you,” Ethan said, “I took that class already.”
“Let me guess, you had the highest grade in the class?” Mindy asked, already knowing the answer.
“I can’t help that I have a photographic memory,” he said, taking a bite of his food. “But seriously, if you need my help, let me know.”
You were quiet as you focused on your phone, trying to distract yourself from Ethan. You hated that he could be so nice to everyone else but was a total dick to you. It was disappointing because at one point, you thought he was sweet. The kindness and the fact that he was tall and very attractive was starting to draw you in, but then his personality just flipped one day.
“Why are you being so quiet?” Tara asked you, as you scrolled through your phone.
“I got a text from my ex earlier. Still an asshole,” you sighed, “But he’s been liking all my Instagram photos that he unliked when we broke up.”
“Don’t give him another chance, please,” Mindy begged, “He treats you like shit.”
Your cheeks started to turn pink as you sat there. You didn’t want to directly tell them that you were considering it, but the knowing look on Chad’s face confirmed that you were doing a bad job at hiding it.
“Seriously? He’s going to be in here trying to square up with me and Ethan, because he’s an insecure idiot,” Chad said, his tone full of disappointment, “You know he’s not good for you.”
Ethan was really invested in the conversation happening in front of him. He’d always kind of hoped that you’d just tell him you were interested in him. The type of guys you normally went after was the reason he was being a jerk, after all. He’s always wanted your attention.
“That’s my type though, Chad,” you sighed sarcastically as he shook his head.
“Yeah, but you could go after a sweet guy, like my boy Ethan over here,” he said, gesturing to the curly-haired boy that started to blush. “He’s a snack, right?”
“That didn’t work when you pitched it to the cute girl at the Halloween Party, and it’s not going to work now,” you giggled, happy that you were able to make a little dig at Ethan since he always says rude things to you.
“That wasn’t nice. I think you’re a snack,” Chad said to Ethan, as Tara started to laugh at their bromance.
“At least someone does,” Ethan said, glancing over to you and looking down at his lap.
“I’m not saying you’re not attractive, Ethan,” you sighed, feeling guilty for being so mean, “I guess you are a snack.”
“Oh, am I sensing a love connection here?” Chad said in a horrible fake-British accent.
“I didn’t say that.”
As everyone started to leave for the night, you went in your room to change into your pajama shorts and a big t-shirt.
Just as you took off your jeans, shirt, and bra, the door to your room opened.
“Hey, you left your…” You grabbed your shirt you were about to change into and quickly covered yourself with it as Ethan stood there. “Fuck, I’m so sorry.”
When he turned around and pulled the door shut behind him, your cheeks turned bright red. The guy that loves be an ass to you had just seen you in nothing but your panties. You sighed as you pulled your shirt and shorts on and walked out to get some water.
You jumped when you saw a shadowy figure in the dark kitchen as you turned the corner.
“It’s just me,” Chad said, as you flipped the light switch.
“You scared the shit out of me!” you said, as he stood there eating some of the cold, leftover pizza. “Why are you eating in the dark?”
“Why are you so jumpy? That’s how Ethan was a minute ago when he walked in here,” he said, chewing his food. “He sat your phone on the counter, by the way.”
“Maybe we’re jumpy because you’re lurking in a dark kitchen,” you said, grabbing your phone.
“You’re probably right. Well, good night.”
As he walked back to his room, you pulled a cup out of the cabinet, getting some water. You couldn’t stop thinking about how awkward it was going to be to see Ethan again, which will happen eventually because he shares your living space.
That didn’t happen for several days, though. He intentionally avoided you, only coming out of his room if you weren’t home, or you were in your own room. It was starting to bother you, because even if he made you feel like shit before he walked in on you, he at least talked to you, and it was significantly less awkward.
When you walked out to the living room, you saw Chad and Ethan sitting on the couch watching tv. You flopped down a few cushions away from them, looking at the screen.
“Star Wars, huh? I wouldn’t expect anything less from you two dorks,” you joked, as Chad scoffed.
“You know, I used to think you were cool,” he said, throwing one of the decorative pillows at you.
You threw it back at him, hitting Ethan in the process.
“Hey!” he yelled, grabbing the pillow that eventually landed on Chad and threw it back at you.
“You know what we need? Snacks,” Chad said, standing up. He grabbed the remote to pause the movie. “Ethan, Cheetos?” he asked as Ethan nodded. “Do you want anything?” he asked you, walking towards the kitchen. “No, I’m good.”
“Suit yourself. Maybe if your nice, Ethan will share his snacks.”
You laughed at his comment as you looked over to Ethan. He wasn’t saying anything, but you could feel the tension in the air. The only thing that came to your mind was that he was probably dying inside from not saying anything shitty to you for the last several days.
“What are you looking at?” he snapped, glancing over to you.
“There it is. I thought you were never going to be mean to me again.”
“Believe it or not, I don’t feel like I should have to speak to you,” he said, as Chad walked back in, completely missing Ethan’s comment. “Thanks, man,” he said, after Chad handed him the Cheetos.
He pressed play on the movie again, as you tried to get interested in it.
“That thing is kind of cute,” you said, pointing at the character.
“Jar Jar Binks is cute? That explains your taste in men,” Chad said, as Ethan started to laugh.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you asked, staring both of the boys down.
“He’s one of, if not THE, most hated Star Wars characters,” Ethan said, looking over to you. “Just like how every single guy you date is completely unlikable.”
“You don’t have to call me out like that,” you sighed, standing up to grab the blanket that was on back of the couch behind Ethan. “Can you sit up a little bit so I can grab this,” you said, tugging on the fluffy material.
“No, I’m comfortable like this,” he said, his tone playful because Chad was beside him.
“Please, I’m cold,” you whined, as he rolled his eyes and sat up.
You grabbed the blanket and snuggled back up in your spot. Ethan kept looking over to you, trying to be as discreet as possible about it. You caught his gaze, giving him a ‘What’ look, before looking back at the tv.
When the movie was over, Chad stood up. “I think I’m going to Tara’s. You guys want to come?”
“Yeah, like I want to be there while you try to put moves on my friend,” you said, as he shrugged.
“She’s cute. I can’t help it. Ethan, you coming?”
“I don’t want to be a third wheel,” he sighed, “I have stuff to work on anyway.”
“Okay, I’ll be back later,” Chad said, pulling his hoodie on.
When Chad left, Ethan got up to walk to his room.
“Hey,” you said, as he stopped and turned a little to look at you, “If you hate me so much, why did you agree to me moving in?”
“Because you can pay the rent,” he said, “Is this conversation over?”
“No, it’s not,” you stood up, as he fully turned back around. “What the fuck happened? Because you used to be nice to me. Then you started to treat me like every other guy ever has.”
“Yeah? What was that jab a few nights ago where you made me feel like a loser in front of our friends?” he started to raise his voice at you, “Because that wasn’t very nice.”
“I wanted you to know what it feels like, Ethan! You treat me like I’m stupid! You know how many times I’ve gone to my room and cried over some of the things you’ve said to me?” you were yelling at this point, the anger in his face softening as he started to feel guilty. “You used to be so sweet and caring, I miss that Ethan.”
“I couldn’t be like that anymore,” he sighed, his eyes refusing to meet yours.
You were still mad, yelling “Why?” at him as he started to walk towards you.
“Because you aren’t interested in nice guys!” he yelled back, “You always go after people that don’t treat you right, when all I’ve wanted to do this whole time is to be what you want!”
“You really are dumb,” you started to laugh, shaking your head. “You had a fucking chance, Ethan! I was interested in you. It was weird for me, and I wasn’t sure how to act because you aren’t my normal type, but that’s what made me like you!”
“How was I supposed to know that?” he said, sighing as he sat back down on the couch. “I just wanted to be what you wanted.”
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there’s something wrong with my normal ‘type’,” you laughed, sitting beside him. “In some sick, twisted way, I think it’s sweet that you wanted my attention so bad.”
“So, it worked?” he asked, cocking his head to look at you.
“I’m not going to validate you being an asshole. I want you to be yourself, that’s the Ethan I like,” you smiled at him.
“I’m sorry for making you cry before, I feel awful about that,” he said, the guilt present on his face.
“Just don’t do it again.”
“I totally ruined everything, didn’t I?” he asked, “I remember you mentioned your ex the other night. Are you going to give him another chance?”
You started to laugh as you looked at him, “Why would I do that? I mean, unless you aren’t interested in me, and this is just some sick joke.”
“No, I’m interested,” he said, leaning in to kiss you.
The kiss was sweet at first, exactly what you expected from Ethan. He started to pull away, but your head moved with his, not wanting the kiss to end. His lips kept moving as you felt his tongue brush against your bottom lip. You started to straddle him as you let him deepen the kiss, his tongue dancing against yours. When you felt him get hard through his jeans, you pulled away to look at him. His eyes were dazed as he watched you, craving more.
“You okay?” you asked, your breathing heavy.
“Yeah, can we do that again?”
You leaned back in, his hands going to your hips as you kissed him. His grip tightened a little as he started to squirm underneath of you, desperate to get a little friction. His lips moved to your jaw, before kissing down your neck. You whimpered when he found your sweet spot, his mouth attacking it so you’d keep making that sound.
Your hands were resting against the hem of his shirt, so you started to lift it to graze your fingers over his toned stomach. He followed your lead, his hands rubbing against your sides underneath your shirt. Your breath hitched in your throat as his fingertips brushed against your ribs, the tickling feeling surprising you.
“You tensed up, are you okay with this?” he mumbled against your neck.
“Mhm,” you said, removing one of your hands from his abs and putting it under his chin. He lifted his head so your mouths could connect again, as you started to grind against him.
He started to groan into the kiss, his hips moving against yours. “Do you want to do this,” you asked pulling away a little. He nodded his head as you slid off of him to unbutton his jeans.
“Wait, are we about to fuck on the couch?” he asked, as you nodded.
“Stand up,” you said, grabbing his hands. You grabbed your blanket from the other side of the couch, spreading it across the cushions. “Now we don’t have to feel guilty whenever we see Chad sitting on the couch.”
He smiled as you slid his jeans down over his hips. “I think you should let me take something off of you.”
You smiled at him as you stepped back a little, your hands at your sides as you waited for him to make a move. His hands went to your shirt, lifting it over your head. He felt like his eyes were going to pop out off his skull when he realized you didn’t have a bra on.
“You’re even more perfect up close,” he said, leaning down to take one of your nipples in his mouth.
“How many times have you thought about me almost naked since the other night?” you asked, your fingers tangling in his hair as he moved his mouth.
“So many times,” he said as he pulled away and moved to the other one. He groaned a little at the feeling of your fingers tugging on his curls.
His hands reached down to the top of your jeans, slowly unbuttoning them, and sliding them down your hips. You shimmied out of them as you slid your feet out.
As you both stood there, he leaned in to kiss you again, the tent in his boxers pressing against you.
“Do you have a condom?” you asked, as he nodded.
“Good idea,” he said, running down the hall to his room. You took the opportunity to take off your panties as you waited for him to come back. His jaw dropped when he came back and saw you standing there, completely nude. “I can’t believe this is happening.”
“It can’t happen until these come off,” you said, grabbing the waistband of his boxers and sliding them down his thighs. After he stepped out of them, you pushed him back onto the couch.
He opened the condom as he sat there, rolling it on his hard cock. You really started to look at his size, nervous that it wouldn’t fit inside of you. His hands reached out, grabbing yours to pull you back on his lap. You kissed him as you grabbed his erection and lined it up with your soaked core.
“Oh fuck,” you whined, sinking down onto him. You sat in place as you kept kissing him, giving yourself enough time to adjust to the pressure as he stretched your walls.
When you started to roll your hips, his hands held onto them. “God, this feels amazing,” he said, loving the feeling of you around him. “You’re so tight.”
As you started to bounce on him, his thrusts started to meet yours. You kept making eye contact with him as his mouth started to fall open, faint moans slipping past his lips.
“That’s so hot,” you moaned, as he looked at you, trying to understand what you meant. “You can be as vocal as you want, baby. I love it.”
His heart melted as you called him ‘baby’, loving the sound of it. He started to get a little louder, letting you know exactly how good he was feeling.
“Rub my clit,” you whimpered, as your hands went to his shoulders to stabilize yourself so you could move faster.
His fingers started to rub circles against the sensitive bundle of nerves, the whines flying out of your mouth echoing off the walls. “Fuck, that feels so good.”
His fingers soon sped up as your moaning got higher. “Yes yes yes,” you cried out, that euphoric feeling so close to taking over your body, “I’m gonna cum.”
Your pussy started to flutter around him as your body started to tense up. He kept thrusting up into you, so close to his own orgasm. “Shit, gonna cum,” he groaned out, his hand leaving your clit and going back to your hip as he pounded into you. “Fuuuuck.”
He let out a long, shaky breath as he released into the condom. Your body relaxed against his as his hands rubbed your back. “You okay, baby?” he asked, as you nodded against his shoulder.
You laid there for a few more minutes, just enjoying his arms around you. “You want to take a shower?” you asked your fingers rubbing across his chest.
“I’d love to.”
When you were in the shower with Ethan, he was so sweet and caring. As he ran the soapy loofah across your back, you started to tear up a little. No one had ever done anything like this for you. Any other guy you’d showered with expected round two, but Ethan just wanted to take care of you.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said, as you stood under the water, the suds washing off your body.
“Stop. You keep saying stuff like that, you’re going to make me fall for you,” you laughed, as he laced his fingers with yours.
“You promise? Because you’re so amazing, and so perfect,” he said, and you knew he meant every word he was saying.
After the shower, you grabbed the blanket off the couch and threw it in the washer, before starting it. It would’ve made no sense to put the blanket down if you were just going to leave it there. Ethan walked up behind you, wrapping his hands around your waist. “You’re still naked.”
“You are, too,” you said, turning to face him. “I want to cuddle tonight. Your bed or mine?”
“Let’s grab your clothes and lay in mine. You have no idea how many times I’ve thought about you in my bed,” he said, leaning in to kiss you.
“Okay, let’s go before Chad comes home and sees us naked,” you giggled, pulling away from him to run down the hall.
The next morning, you woke up with your head on Ethan’s chest and his arms wrapped around you. You sat up a little, your tired eyes connecting with his as he opened them.
“You look so cute first thing in the morning,” he said, sitting up too.
“I’m starving,” you said, running your hand through your hair as you attempted to tame the bed head.
“I could take you out to breakfast, if you’d like to.”
“I’d like that,” you said softly, leaning in to peck his lips.
You bumped into Chad in the hallway as you both walked out of Ethan’s room.
“Uh…okay,” he said, as you started to laugh. “Was I right about the love connection?” His fake accent was back as you rolled your eyes.
“You’re so annoying,” you mumbled, walking into your room to change.
When your door closed, Chad whisper-yelled, “Yessss dude I’m so proud of you! You’ve been crushing on her forever.”
“It’s a long story, but I’m so excited that she’ll know how it feels to be treated right.”
Chad and Ethan started to do a little happy dance as you walked out of your room, both of them stopping as you smirked.
“You ready to go?” you asked, reaching out to grab Ethan’s hand.
“Yeah, I’m starving.”
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Hello, I wanted to ask you for a smut of Ethan Landry, that the reader discovers that he is a ghostface when they are about to fuck but she does not care and they do it anyway.
I have not posted for Scream in a while, my apologies
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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When Tara called you about the attack at the bodega, you felt a thrill of excitement.
You had seen pictures of past Ghostfaces online and some of them made you want to welcome them with open legs. Sam’s father was a total hottie when he committed the first murders in 1996. There was something about a man with a knife that made your panties dampen.
‘’Are you and Sam okay?’’
‘’Yeah. It was…brutal. And terrifying,’’ Tara said on the other side of the line, her voice still shaky. ‘’I’ve just gotten a normal life back, I don’t want to go through this again. And Sam—’’
A knock on your door stirred you from your phone call. ‘’Sorry, Tara. Eh, there’s someone at the door.’’ You glanced at the door and felt your heart race in your chest. ‘’I’m not expecting anyone though…’’
Tara’s breathing changed, getting traumatic flashes of her first attack. ‘’Don’t open! That’s how I was attacked last year.’’
The chances that she was right were slim, but not impossible. Since you were close friends with Tara, it made you part of the friend group…therefore a possible target. Ghostface could very well be standing on the other side.
You bit your tongue and held back from asking ‘who’s there?’, knowing it was a free ticket to your death. Instead, you check through the peep-hole.
‘’It’s Ethan,’’ you reassured Tara, seeing a curly haired awkward boy instead of the classic halloween mask. ‘’I’ll see you tomorrow before class, okay?’’
You hung up and unlocked your door, letting Ethan in.
‘’What are you doing here? I thought you had a late class tonight,’’ you said, drawing your eyebrows together. ‘’And why are you dressed like you’re going to a funeral?’’ You nodded your head at his unusual all black outfit.
‘’It finished twenty minutes ago.’’ Ethan slung off his backpack and put it down on the floor. It looked very full, how many books did he carry in there? ‘’My class. Not the funeral,’’ he felt the need to precise.
You chuckled, the soft sound echoing in the small apartment.
‘’I can’t stay long, I have an early class in the morning.’’
‘’Are we still having lunch together?’’
Ethan hummed and a rosy blush covered his cheeks as his eyes fell on your nightgown. He had spent the night over a few times, but very little clothes had been worn to bed. This satin number? He had never seen it before. Your breasts were free underneath and falling perfectly and your nipples were slightly poking through the thin fabric. It made his cock instantly swell.
‘’You sleep in that?’’ he asked, pointing at your nightgown.
‘’Yes, I sleep in that.’’
‘’Isn’t it a little dressed up for sleeping?’’
You rolled your eyes at his ‘men’ comment. ‘’Wearing nice pajamas is part of self-care.’’
‘’You wear that every night?’’ You nodded and Ethan fought a whine, jealously beaming at your bed attire. ‘’And the only pictures you send me are your face?’’
‘’If you want ‘goodnight’ nudes, you’re gonna have to earn them,’’ you challenged, crossing your arms over your chest and cocking an eyebrow. ‘’What’s your deal, Landry? I’m listening.’’
After a few propositions, you decided that getting railed into your mattress was a good enough deal...for one picture. Ethan’s dick was good, but you weren’t a fool. If he wants more nudes, he’ll have to offer more.
You tilted your head to the side as he kissed and nipped at your neck. No matter how many times you’ve been naked with him, it still shocked you how desperate Ethan was for you and your body. His hands slid up the backs of your thighs, right below the hem of your nightgown. A part of him wanted to tear it off your body, but the other wanted to fuck you with it on. 
You left him to his dilemma and reached for the back of his shirt, trying to yank it off, but Ethan hissed in pain when he lifted his shoulder. He tried to cover it with a cough, but you had already seen the bruise the size of a grapefruit on your boyfriend’s side.
Sitting up and pausing your activities, you looked at him in concern. ‘’How did that happen?’’ You ghosted your finger over the purple-y red skin. 
Did he get into a fight? Did he get jumped after a late class? Campus is not safe at night, which is why you always carry something to defend yourself. But Ethan's not small or weak, the muscles underneath his polos can fight back.
‘’I…’’ Ethan drew his eyebrows, trying to come up with an explanation. ‘’It's nothing. I got hurt doing something stupid at the gym with Chad.’’
Last week? His explanation not making sense. The timeline didn’t add up. 
‘’You didn't have it three days ago when we rudely got interrupted in your dorm.’’
‘’I did,’’ he insisted. ‘’You…you must not have noticed it.’’ 
‘’But it’s so dark. It looks recent.’’ 
Ethan moved so the bruise was out of your sight, then sighed. ‘’Can we go back to kissing? I don't want to talk about this.’’ 
Instead of calming your worries, his words flared them up. ‘’Did someone do this to you? Oh my god, did he attack you too?’’
 ‘’No. It's not Ghostface. I wasn't at the bodega.’’ He took your hands in his to reassure you, but there was a flaw in his statement. 
‘’What do you know about the bodega?’’ you asked cautiously, remembering Mindy's words to be cautious about the love interest. 
His backpack was in the living room. If you went and checked its content, would you find a black robe and a mask, or just books?
‘’Sam and Tara got attacked tonight after leaving the police office, right? You told me while I was in class.’’
You shook your head, slipping your hand from his. You never mentioned the bodega to Ethan.
‘’I did not. I was on the phone with Tara when you arrived here. She was telling me what happened.’’
Ethan's heart raced, realizing he had spoken too much. Panic surged through his veins, urging him to flee, to hide, to deny any involvement, but he knew deep down that it was futile. You knew. 
‘’Was...was it you at the bodega? Did you attack Sam and Tara?’’ 
Your questions were simple, but terrifying from Ethan's shoes. He had been caught, unmasked. There was no escaping the haunting truth. His world would never be the same again. You would never see him the same.
He grabbed his shirt, about to leave, but you pulled him back by his belt and looked up at him with pleading eyes. ‘’Please fuck me, Mr. Ghostface.’’
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf  @Eddiefrickenmunson @jasperr-the-friendly-ghost @ghostf4cee @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom @wandaswigglywoos @xjennyx2 @jennasslut @thatonesblog  @mikaelsonsstuff @icarly23 @tcddszn  @bt.oliana  @skyesthebomb @a1mzcruml3y @red1culous @iluurmom @popeheywardssecretgf
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889
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Eric and Ethan had always been inseparable, their bond forged through years of shared adventures, challenges, and when they got older a mutual passion for motorcycles. As identical twins, they shared striking features: piercing blue eyes, sharp jawlines, and an infectious smile. Yet, over the years, subtle differences had emerged between them.
Eric, the more athletic of the two, had spent countless hours at the gym, honing his physique to perfection. His muscles bulged beneath the sleek, black leather motorcycle racing gear he wore, a testament to his dedication and hard work. Ethan, on the other hand, had a softer frame, his body cushioned by a layer of pudge that he carried with a certain ease. He preferred the comfort of textile gear, appreciating its practicality over the aesthetic appeal of leather.
One sunny Saturday, the twins decided to take their motorcycles out for a long ride through the winding roads of the countryside. The day was perfect, the sky a brilliant blue, the air filled with the scent of blooming wildflowers. They rode side by side, the roar of their engines harmonizing like a symphony, a sound that never failed to bring a smile to their faces.
After hours of exhilarating speed and sharp turns, they pulled into a small roadside café for a break. They parked their bikes and stretched, the fatigue of the ride beginning to set in. As they sat down at a wooden picnic table, a young woman approached, her eyes drawn to Eric's impressive physique and the way his leather gear hugged his form.
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"Hey," she said, smiling brightly at Eric. "You look like you ride a lot. Can I get your number?"
Eric, always friendly and outgoing, smiled and obliged, exchanging pleasantries and his phone number. Ethan watched from the sidelines, his heart sinking as the scene unfolded.
A few minutes later, a man came over, similarly captivated by Eric. "Nice bike," he said, his gaze lingering on Eric's muscular frame. "Do you come here often? Can I get your number?"
Eric chuckled and exchanged numbers again, his charm and easy demeanor drawing the attention effortlessly. Ethan felt a pang of jealousy, but he kept his feelings hidden behind a forced smile.
Throughout their break, different people continued to approach Eric, each one seemingly oblivious to Ethan's presence. The constant attention Eric received only deepened Ethan's sense of invisibility. He tried to join the conversations, but his attempts were met with polite indifference. Each interaction chipped away at his self-esteem, leaving him feeling smaller and more insignificant.
After a while, they got back on their bikes and rode home in silence. Eric was in high spirits, the attention he received adding to his exuberance. Ethan, however, felt a storm brewing inside him. The jealousy and hurt festered, but he didn't want to burden his brother with his feelings. He acted completely normal, laughing at Eric's jokes and discussing their plans for the next ride as if nothing was amiss.
That night, as they parked their bikes in the garage, Ethan knew he needed space to sort out his emotions. He made an excuse about needing some time alone and left before Eric could ask any questions.
In the days that followed, Ethan ignored Eric's calls and messages. He needed distance to deal with the pain of feeling perpetually overshadowed. Eric's concern grew, but Ethan remained resolute in his silence, determined not to let his jealousy damage their bond further. Weeks turned into months, and then years, with Ethan maintaining his distance, his silence becoming a wall between them.
Eric continued to reach out, his calls and messages filled with worry and confusion.
Yet, Ethan couldn't bring himself to respond. The pain of that day had left a lasting scar, one that time alone couldn't heal.
Two years later, Eric still hoped for reconciliation, while Ethan struggled with his feelings, the memory of that fateful ride haunting him. Their bond, once unbreakable, now lay fractured, a casualty of unspoken hurt and unaddressed emotions. Eric had been riding his motorcycle alone through the countryside all day, the wind whipping past him, the roar of the engine drowning out his thoughts. The endless road stretched before him, a temporary escape from the loneliness and confusion that had plagued him ever since Ethan had disappeared from his life. The sky gradually darkened as evening approached, the day's heat lingering in the air.
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By the time he returned home, his body was soaked in sweat, trapped within the confines of his one-piece leather motorcycle racing suit and boots. He parked his bike in the garage and staggered inside, exhaustion etched into every muscle. His throat was parched, and he headed straight to the fridge, grabbing the milk and drinking straight from the carton, gulping down the cold liquid hastily.
With the milk nearly finished, he put the carton back and slumped onto a chair, beginning the laborious process of taking off his racing boots. He could feel the heat and moisture trapped inside, his feet aching from the long ride. As he worked on the second boot, a sudden wave of dizziness overcame him, and he collapsed to the floor. Panic surged through him as he found himself conscious but completely immobile, every muscle unresponsive.
As he lay there, helpless, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching. His heart pounded in his chest as he strained to see who it was. A shadow fell over him, and he saw a pair of gloved hands reach down and grab his boots. The figure then moved to his ankles and began dragging him towards the bedroom. Eric's mind raced with fear and confusion, his attempts to struggle futile against the paralysis.
He was pulled into the bedroom and unceremoniously lifted onto the bed. His eyes widened as he saw the figure looming over him, a muscular man whose face was hidden behind a black balaclava. The man's presence was imposing, his movements precise and controlled as he began to strip Eric out of his tight, warm, and sweaty gear.
The man started by removing Eric's gloves, sliding them off his hands with deliberate slowness. Next, he unzipped the one-piece leather suit, the zipper's sound a harsh rasp in the tense silence. The man had to peel the suit away from Eric's body, the leather clinging stubbornly to his sweat-drenched skin. The process was slow and meticulous, the suit coming off inch by inch, revealing Eric's glistening torso and legs. The cool air hit Eric's exposed skin, sending a shiver down his spine.
Once the suit was off, the man moved on to Eric's socks, pulling them off and exposing his damp feet. Then came the undershirt, which was stuck to Eric's torso from the day's perspiration. The man tugged it over Eric's head, leaving him in just his underpants, now visibly soaked with sweat.
Finally, the man reached for the underpants, pulling them down and off with a single motion, leaving Eric completely exposed and vulnerable. The man stepped back, surveying Eric's prone form. Then, without a word, he began to strip himself, removing his clothing piece by piece until he stood in nothing but the balaclava. His muscular body gleamed in the dim light, each muscle defined and powerful.
The man inspected his own body, flexing slightly, before turning his attention back to Eric. As Eric lay there, his breath coming in shallow gasps, he noticed the familiarity of the man's physique. It was as if he had seen this body somewhere before. The man moved closer, his eyes scanning Eric with an almost clinical detachment.
He began to feel Eric's body, running his hands over his chest, arms, and legs. Eric's mind raced with fear and confusion, his attempts to speak futile. Then, it struck him —the man's body was identical to his own. The same muscle definition, the same contours and lines. It was like looking into a mirror.
Eric's heart pounded as the realization settled in. Who was this man, and why did he have the exact same body? The man continued his inspection, his touch lingering on Eric's muscles, comparing them to his own. The surreal and terrifying experience left Eric's mind spinning, trying to grasp the reality of the situation.
The man picked up Eric's wet underpants and slowly pulled them up his own thighs, positioning everything into place with meticulous care. He then took the damp socks and pulled them over his calves. Next, the sweaty undershirt followed onto the man's torso, sticking slightly to his skin. He grabbed the leather racing suit and forced his body into it, the material fitting perfectly, just like it did on Eric.
Finally, he stepped into Eric's motorcycle racing boots, the warmth and moisture enveloping his feet. He zipped them up and stood there, reveling in the feeling of wearing Eric's sweaty gear.
The man, now dressed in Eric's leather motorcycle gear and boots, laid down next to Eric, feeling Eric's naked muscular body through the gloves. He began to thrust against Eric's body through the leather gear, his movements methodical and intense.
After what felt like an eternity, the man finally stood up, breathing heavily. He reached up and removed the balaclava, revealing his face. Eric's eyes widened in shock as he saw Ethan standing there, wearing Eric's gear. Now it all made sense— the body that looked so much like his own. Ethan had been gone for two years, and in that time, he had transformed himself to look exactly like Eric.
Ethan smirked, his eyes cold and calculating. "Surprised to see me?" he asked, his voice eerily calm. "I worked out every day for two years to become you. To take over your life."
Ethan then grabbed some rope and began tying up Eric's naked body, securing his wrists and ankles tightly. He stuffed a gag into Eric's mouth, muffling any attempts to speak or scream. Helpless and bound, Eric could only watch as Ethan felt himself up, savoring the sensation of wearing his brother's sweaty leathers.
Ethan picked up Eric's phone and held it up to his own face. The phone unlocked instantly through Face ID, confirming how identical they now were. Ethan grinned down at Eric, relishing his victory. "You see, brother," he said, his tone dripping with malice, "I've become you in every way that matters. Now, it's my turn to live your life."
The doorbell rang, and Ethan paused, looking towards the door. He left the room to answer it. Eric could hear the sound of Ethan's motorcycle boots echoing through the apartment, a familiar yet chilling sound. Moments later, Ethan returned, followed by two men. They looked at Eric's naked, tied-up body and grinned.
"This is him," Ethan said, his voice devoid of any warmth. "The pinnacle I promised your boss."
The men nodded approvingly. "He's perfect," one of them said. They moved swiftly, grabbing Eric and carrying him out of the house. He struggled weakly against his bonds, but it was no use. They shoved him into the back of a van and slammed the doors shut. The last thing Eric saw was Ethan standing in the doorway, a cold, triumphant smile on his face.
That was the last time Ethan saw Eric. From that day forward, Ethan lived his life as Eric. He wore Eric's clothes and motorcycle gear, slept in Eric's bed, and rode Eric's motorcycle. Ethan had become Eric in every way that mattered, and that is all he cared about.
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etfrin · 11 months
⤷❝NSFW Alphabets | Ethan Landry❞ ┈• ˎˊ-
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GF! Ethan Landry x fem! Reader
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masterlist | bc: @cafekitsune
A= Aftercare (what they’re like after the act)
— he is often too tired after the act so it's just cuddles, if the sex is hardcore or involves kinks (like knife play) then no matter what he will always makes sure you're clean by drawing you a bath and helping you and then cuddles with your ass the entire night while whispering praises about how good you are.
B= Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers)
— his favorite are his hands because he gets to hold you. He likes you in his arms. He is a hugger. His love language is acts of service and definitely physical touch.
For you though, definitely your hips and thighs.
He likes to keep a hand on your hips at all times in public letting people know subtly you're taken. And he absolutely loves how you crush his head with your thighs while he is eating you out. Definitely places a shit ton of hickeys on your inner thighs to make you even more wet and because you look so pretty with love bites.
C= Cum (anything that has to do with it)
— he likes to cum in you, he loves to watch his cum fall out of you. It's an obscene sight and it makes him hard. He goes feral about it, cumming in you again and again until you have a small bulge in your tummy. He doesn't even realize he's breeding you like a bitch in heat would.
D= Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory)
— ethan's dirty secret is how much he gets turned on by seeing you scared or crying. The man definitely dresses up as Ghostface and calls you to scare the shit out of you and then fucks you (as himself) reassuringly afterwards because he's gonna protect from everything bad, no one can ever hurt as long as he's there.
E= Experience (do they know what they’re doing)
— at first no, he was a virgin before you. But he actually researches (watching porn) for you and tries out new things. He is eager so he learns quickly enough.
F= Favorite position
— riding or missionary. Easy and quick explanation is that he likes to see you, your expressions and reactions. He has low self esteem so seeing you enjoying yourself helps heighten his confidence and his pleasure.
G= Goofy (how serious are they)
— at first he's so awkward. So fucking awkward. He has no clue what he is doing and everything he does is clumsy and unsure. So you get plenty of laughs out of teasing him and helping him learn but further along the line it's a bit more serious.
H= Hair (grooming habits)
— he makes sure to regularly trim and yes, the carpet definitely matches the drapes.
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)
— it definitely depends on the day. Most of the time he is sweet, gentle and caring. But if it's a bad day, if he had a shitty day, do not doubt. He will use you, forget the fact that you're his lover. You're a toy for him. He will manhandle you, give your body bruises and be so so fucking rough with his thrusts. At that moment he doesn't care about you, you're not even on his mind, he just needs to feel better by using you.
(After he calms down though, he starts crying because he thinks you'll leave him and you'll be like that's the best orgasm I ever had, Ethan STFU, it's me I am you)
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often)
— he won't ever try to force you if you're not in the mood so he does jack off a lot. Especially in the beginning of the relationship he would have screenshots of your Instagram posts and would definitely jack off to those and from listening to your voicemails. Sometimes if he got too desperate he would call you while jacking off just so your voice can send him over the edge and you don't even realize it.
A few months into the relationship, he still jacks off, usually it's now with phone sex and sexting and he steals your panties and buys new ones to make up.
K= Kink (kinks what they like possibly unusual)
— KNIFE PLAY, HE IS GHOSTFACE! Breeding kink, doesn't even realize it, just likes to cum in you as much as he can. Overstimulation, it goes hand in hand with breeding. Occasional breath play. He is a switch so likes receiving just as much as he likes giving. Blood play, so you're always satisfied even when you're having your period. Somnophilia, bondage and sometimes predator/prey (only after he reveals the fact he is Ghostface, that he brings this particular kink in, he loves the thrill of it, he gets off on it so bad. Occasional edging, poor boy doesn't wanna cum too soon.)
L= Location (where they like to get it on)
— bedroom. If he's too needy then sometimes he would call you in a closet or somewhere you can do something to quick, just to itch the need before you can have some time alone for a proper thorough fuck.
M= Motivation (things that makes them tick/turn ons)
— you breathing. No, honestly, anything you do would turn him on. Kissing his cheek. Wearing his clothes. Calling him yours. Yea, he is an easy one. What absolutely ruins him though is when you wear his clothes or when you're on his lap and when you're smiling at him so sweetly and when you're teasing him, you're being a bit mean he thinks but his dick definitely doesn't think the same.
N= No (turnoffs or absolutely won’t do)
— watersports. He is open to try several things with you, but anything with other body fluids except cum and blood, that's a straight no.
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
— he was made to eat cunt, HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE LIPS? He is so so good at it. He is a pussy drunk boy. If he could die while eating you out, he would die happy. He is so fucking filthy and messy while eating you out. It gives him pleasure, having your cum smeared all over his face. His tongue flickering and swirling along your folds, his mouth sucking on your clit. He makes sure to tongue fuck you as much as possible. He devours your pussy like it's his last meal before an execution. (just fucking makes out with it. he likes to kiss your pussy more than you. i said what i said.)
He can't control himself during a blowjob. His mind is too fuzzy with pleasure that he just has to make you take his cock deeper. He grips your hair, it's gentle at first, just to keep him grounded before he's like fuck, fuck, I can't control myself anymore and the grip gets tighter as he holds in place while he fucks your throat.
(he again apologies after cumming in your mouth, and for fucking your throat without a warning, he just can't control himself, he is sorry, not)
P= Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed)
— depends on the day. Most of the time it's slow and languid, he's making sure that you feel every inch of his cock. He's making sure his cock memorizes every pleasure spot of your inner walls.
However there are times he is a needy fuck, so he is humping you, pounding into your wet cunt without a care. And on the days when you're nothing more than a toy, the pace varies A LOT. It can be either incredibly slow or fast. There's no in between, this is one of those times he edges himself, taking hours before either of you cum.
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
— if you guys have time then he uses the time to its fullest but even when the time is less than he would still take his time, fuck whatever it doesn't matter. Morning classes? He'll burrow someone's note, fucking you is a much higher priority than anything. So there's rarely quickes happening in your relationship.
R= Risk (do they like to try new things)
— Yes, again, he's open to experimenting. Anything to make his partner happy.
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
— he is a serial killer so he has a killer stamina (that's such a cringe joke, i apologize) so multiple rounds definitely, and sometimes he's still fucking you until the sun rises (there are breaks between each round, a shower break, drinking, something to eat, but it doesn't take long before he just wants you again, he just needs you so much and sex is such an intimate way of being close to you.)
T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers)
— no, not often. He has his mouth, cock and fingers. He wouldn't show it but he would be offended if you ever bring toys in the bedroom. Use your vibrator when you're alone, the only thing you can cum on with when he's around is with his cock.
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
— he does take a lot of time in foreplay only because he loves to make sure your pussy is slick for him. He doesn't take well to teasing or likes to tease during sex.
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk)
— ethan is loud. I would fight people on this. Ethan whines, whimpers, groans and moans. Every single sound that is possible is made by this man. He loves to praise you, he gives you such compliments, (God, you're taking me so well, darling. I can't- shit, your pussy is so wet and warm ahh! Fuck, love), worships you with words. He just can't stop talking about how good it feels and how grateful he is that he has you. Even when he is rough he doesn't degrade you. He just can't :)
W= Wild card (random sincannon of any sort)
— would be into pegging. he's such a cute bottom too, he was so nervous the first time, only to beg if he could cum within minutes you started fucking his ass with your strap on.
X= X-ray (what’s down below in dem pants)
— average length, but thick. His cock stretches your walls out deliciously.
Y= Yearning (sexdrive level)
— high. He waited for years to lose his virginity. He has a lot of pent up need and now that he has you? He doesn't hold back at all.
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after)
— usually right after, unless the sex involved something hardcore or kinky then he would take a shower with you first to relax before going to sleep with you in his arms.
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was i over self indulgent? perhaps but it's all canon i swear <33
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hello! i’m love your post and arts so much! I look at your posts after a hard day and my mood immediately changes to excellent. can I ask a couple of questions?
which pairing with Ethan do you prefer?
and… can we get to know you better? a little biography?
Thank you for your time! I'll be waiting for new arts! (sorry if i made mistakes, my english is not so good. im russian)
i like basically every ship with ethan! it mostly depends on the mood im in, but if im being honest, mithan, winterfield, and wintersberg gets frustrating to think about because they all dont treat ethan well canonically... lethan is fun because they have never met and i can make my own assumptions!
i used to like wintersberg the most and i still do like it, i just have expanded my horizons to other ships as well...., its mostly like a punchline to me though. they have the funniest potential which is why a majority of their posts is just joke comics. i do not like how people try to erase how karl is arrogant and egotistical tho. thats like removing the flavor.... the way karl acts is just very funny to me, hes so lame in a good way and i like how everytime he talks to ethan it sounds like hes twirling his hair and kicking his feet. canonically speaking, karl was very much in the wrong for trying to use rose and not elaborating and i will die on this hill. ethan is not in the wrong for being disgusted and angry that karl would ever try and propose that in the deal. karl is very arrogant so when ethan says no to him it makes him mad and he tries to use fear to get ethan to take his deal (kicking his chair and warning him) i like karl, i like how messed up and arrogant he is but i dislike how people try to portray him as a nice guy. however, in a AU where everythings the same except he doesnt try to use rose i do enjoy the dynamic they could have, especially if the teamed up (not with the deal where they use rose. ethan wouldnt agree unless karl never involved rose in the first place). karl is just a very entertaining character and i like him a lot, hes funny and his personality can be extremely hilarious
mia and ethan is pretty tragic and thinking about it too much makes me a bit sad, imo in a reality where ethan survives re8, he needs to divorce mia. im not saying ethan needs to hate mia and never talk to her again i just dont think they should be so intimate together because of her behavior... please do not take this as anti mia. they loved each other dearly but it wasnt healthy. their relationship was kept afloat by lies and mia doesnt change even though she deals with the consequences of her own actions in re7. she actively tries to hide her past from ethan and is mostly focused on trying to move on and have a normal life even if ethan will have to live the rest of his life in the dark.
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she loves her family so much, shes very afraid of them leaving her so she hides all the bad things in the hopes that they wont leave. its selfish, its human, its real, her character is so amazing and i love her. she doesnt learn from re7 and hides important information from ethan again. i geniunly think they should have gotten divorced after re8 if ethan had survived. its tragic and its sad but they love each other so much. it sad because they both geniunly love rose so much but they themselves shouldnt be together. its just sad to think about it. whenever i draw them it usually takes place before re7. they should have divorced on good terms and shared custody of rose.........
ethan and chris is also frustrating to think about... chris is a major jerk in re8, whenever i draw it, its under a unspoken AU that chris did not behave the way he did in re8. his weird behavior in re8 is probably for a meta reason imo. capcom wanted to set up a twist villian so they make chris very vague and unesscarily cruel. while its frustrating that they turned chris into a jerk for the sake of a twist, it still happens in canon and i will forever roll my eyes whenever i see him on screen. he did what he thought was best but imo, execution matters more than the intentions. same applies to mia. they both did things that hurt ethan because they thought it would be the best but in the end they just hurt ethan.
all the ships ive discussed with people ethan has met canonically just makes it look like i dont even like the ships... LOL ... ethan just has horrible luck with the people he meets i guess... but i do enjoy the ships and drawing them, but again all of them come with the canon baggage that ends up making me sad because everyone treats ethan poorly whether they had good intentions or not
which is why leon and ethan is the most fun to draw without getting stressed... LOL... they have never met but just drawing what i think their dynamic would be like is very fun.
please dont take this post personally, this isnt a post declaring why ur fave ship sucks, this is just my own personal preferences and in the end i draw all of them anyways
if i had to rank the ships based on drawing silly comics it would be
wintersberg has the funniest potential just because of karl and mithan can be funny if u water it down to "i love my wife so much" and said wife comes home with suspicious amounts of hard cash
i enjoy making joke comics far to much
if i were to rank the ships based on how healthy they would actually be for ethan it would be
winterfield, mithan, wintersberg (no particular order)
sorry 😭
leon and ethan have literally never met but imo it would still be the healthiest because ethan gets to start new
the three other ships r all unhealthy in some way, at least canonically without changing much about the characters (i do like winterfield but just because of how chris behaved in re8 it knocked them down)
i cant even rank them on personal preference because my opinion changes so often 😭 it changes based on discussions i have with my friends or recent art i see that inspires me... me and my friends recently had a discussion about mia and ethans relationship which made me very frustrated and sad with mia so i defiently wouldnt be drawing them anytime soon... meanwhile i hvae been talking to a friend who really likes winterfield often so the conversations we have give me art ideas and i end up drawing it more. if a friend of mine really enjoyed wintersberg or lethan and talked to me about it often id probably start drawing it more, the joys of being a multishipper
it changes a lot based on how im feeling and if im in the mood to draw something funny or something serious
sorry u asked a really simple question and i responded with a essay
and a little bit about myself is that i go by crumb, i am 18 and i go by all pronouns and prefer it/its
im vietnamese and live in texas
i made this tumblr acc solely so i could post my ethan art and im a re7/re8 girly so if ur here waiting for me to draw the re1-re6 characters im sorry u should probably expect nothing
i also make personal animations sometimes which u can find here
thanks for the ask and sorry for the rant!
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messylustt · 1 year
ok heres my req!! don't worry sbt how long it takes darling writing is a hobby not a job <33
but i was think if an Ethan fic where maybe its sort of a 'who did this to you' vibe where the reader gets hurt. maybe he goes a lil apeshit who knows 🤷🏼‍♀️ and smut (because ethan smut is delicious and ur writing is scrumptious)
pls I need this in my life and thank you, my love ur so sweet <3
✫ ;: .. I’D KILL FOR YOU
ethan landry + fem!reader
18+ smut fingering; mention of abuse :( ; mention of injuries (cigarette burn marks, bruised eye); praise (it’s my thing)
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“What?” Ethan’s voice is lower than you’ve ever heard it before.
“But I’m fine.” You console with a small smile. But Ethan’s still moving closer, his gaze locked on your face.
Then his hand is reaching out and lightly brushing the bruise that sits just under your eye. You try not to flinch, but it seems even the softest of touches makes your body twitch.
Ethan’s jaw is clenched, his own mind practically turning red—figuratively—though at this point Ethan’s starting to want to see the colour in a more solid form. Maybe dripping out of your stepdad’s stomach.
You back away from him, shaking your head. “It’s fine. I’m fine.”
“No you’re fucking not.” Ethan growls, pulling you back to him, making you hiss in pain. Ethan quickly looks down to where his hand is holding your waist. And as he pulls your shirt up—ignoring your protests—he sees littered burn marks across your skin. Raw and cinched with black.
You slightly push him off you. “Ethan, it barely hurts.”
Ethan meets your gaze with disbelief. “How long?” He pulls you back to him, slightly pushing you against a table, as he draws your shirt back up, keeping you still by the pressure of his legs against your own.
“How. Long?” He meets your gaze, leaving no room for argument.
You narrow your eyes briefly, before looking away, clenching your jaw. “A few months.” You whisper.
Okay, now Ethan sees red. “A few months?” He reiterates, his teeth almost now visible at how much he snarled the words out. “And you didn’t think to tell anyone? You didn’t think to tell me?”
“What could I say?” You shift your gaze back to him, slightly shifting under his body weight. “That my stepdad beats me when he’s stressed?”
“Yes! Exactly that.” Ethan is breathing hard, as he has the urge to touch your face again.
“No.” You slightly hiss. “Because if I say something, my mum will find out. She can’t find out.”
“Why the hell not? The guys a living piece of shit.” Ethan lowly states, part—no, most of him wanting to get rid of the ‘living’ part. Your stepdad can remain a dead piece of shit for all he cares.
“Because she’s…she’s finally happy.” Your voice has grown quieter.
“Happy?” Ethan still looks in disbelief. “You can’t be serious. She’s happy with him?”
“Yes! She’s finally happy and I really don’t want to see that go.”
Ethan’s hand has moved to grip your shirt a fraction tighter. “How can she be happy with someone who beats—“
“He doesn’t beat her. He doesn’t…he’s never layed a hand on her. He wouldn’t.” You say, gnawing at the inside of your cheek.
“So, just you then?” Ethan asks, eyes still narrowed and practically gleaming with a want to kill. Though you can’t catch this in your worried state. “And you’re fine with that?”
“I’m sure it won’t continue—“
“I don’t give a fuck if you think it’ll continue or not. It’s happened.” He brings your shirt back up, revealing your burn marks. “Cigarettes burnt into your skin.” He grabs the back of your neck, redirecting your head to look at him. “His fist into your…” he tries to take a breath, because he’s slowly loosing it. “Into your face.”
He meets your gaze, tilting your head up, his fingers slightly sinking into your hair. Because he didn’t want to let go. He wouldn’t let go. No. For one, you were certainly not going back home. And two, Ethan needed to keep you close as some form of confirmation that your stepdad wasn’t going to lay a finger on you again. Ethan’s already made a promise to break every single one.
“Ethan, let me go…please.” You say, because he’s still your friend, and you know that he’s just concerned.
But Ethan just shakes his head. “You’re not going back home.”
“I have to—“
“No, y/n.” Ethan pointedly says. “You’re not going back home.” You can feel his heaving chest against your own—Ethan having brought you even closer, careful to avoid the wounds on your side.
“I appreciate your concern and everything…but you were never meant to know. It would have fizzled out and—“
“Stop making up excuses for your situation.” Ethan cuts in, his breath now over your face, making your own hitch a fraction. “Stop acting as though this is fine, just because you want your mum to be happy.”
You hold your breath as Ethan’s hand gently brushes your uninjured cheek. “What about your happiness?”
You gulp, shaking you head—the reason not really clear to you. Ethan just grabs your chin, leaning even closer, so that his breath now tickled your lips, making your entire body heat up. “Listen to me.” His gaze is darting.
“You are not going back home. You are not ever seeing him again.” You go to cut in but Ethan quickly continues. “And I don’t care if he’s good to your mum, because he’s not good to you. No one can treat you like that.”
Now he’s extremely close, making your heart thump, and pound in your ears, each of his words now hitting your open mouth, your lips wet with your own spit. Something Ethan instantly takes note of, as his eyes glance down, a second desire forming. Not just the one for blood, but now for you.
“And y/n, if I see another injury on you…” Ethan’s lips are almost touching yours. “I’ll kill him.” And Ethan meant every ounce of those words. Whether or not you did come back with more injuries Ethan was determined to kill him anyway. But you wouldn’t be ‘coming back’. Because you’d be staying here. With him.
Your eyes keep darting down to his lips, and just as your breathing stutters, Ethan can’t help but lean even closer. Now his lips are just barely brushing yours. Without much thought you lean forward, pressing your lips completely against his.
It’s as if a fire ignites in Ethan’s veins, as his hand at your neck tightens. And once you slightly lean back from your delicate kiss, Ethan’s mouth is swiftly reaching for yours. You slightly gasp at the intense switch.
Your kiss was hesitate and gentle, his now is determined, lust filled, and permanent. He wasn’t going anywhere. Your head knocks slightly back as Ethan laps at your tongue, exploring your mouth, as your head moves with his.
Then he’s lifting you onto the table, making sure your legs spread around him, as he doesn’t give you air, finding your lips a little more addicting than initially expected. “Eth—“
But your words are drowned out by Ethan’s mouth. Then he finally moves down your cheek, and jaw and neck. You’re entirely flushed, as Ethan pulls you even closer to him by your thighs. You can feel him entirely, as his hips slightly move a fraction, earning a small sound to spill from your lips, making Ethan grin against your skin.
“Mm…fuck, y/n…you taste good.” Ethan mutters out, almost unheard by how he just isn’t backing away from your skin. “So fucking good…”
Your head lolls back as your eyes have the urge to roll as Ethan leaves a lot more pleasurable bruises on your skin. “Only I can give you bruises…” he says, licking your neck. “No one else can, no one else can touch you.” He’d muttering anything and everything on his mind.
And then his hand is unzipping your pants, sinking past your panties as he finds your arousal. Your hips slightly jolt. “Shh, don’t move. I don’t want you to do anything. Just lay back for me…” Ethan is moving on top of you as he begins to draw circles over your throbbing clit. Your mouth is open in a pant, as Ethan coos at your expression.
“I knew you’d look good like this—fuck.” He continues to rub your pussy, as pleasure courses through you. “That feel good?” He breathes, and you partially nod, kinda out of it. “Good…, cause that’s all I want you to feel.” He’s now placing kisses by your jaw, as two of his fingers graze your dripping hole.
“Oh god, Ethan…” you whisper out, as you bite your lip. Ethan breathlessly chuckles as he begins to thrust his fingers in and out of you. “You’re gonna stay…right?” Ethan watches you closely as he finger fucks you.
Your nods are quick and mismatched making Ethan’s smile grow along with something else straining in his pants. “Yeah…you’ll stay right here…with me, you’ll be alright, you’ll be safe.” He breathes almost to himself, as he leans down to kiss you, finding your tongue quickly, as his thrusts quicken, feeling you clench around them.
“Are you gonna cum?” He speaks to your lips. “Yeah?…mm, that’s it…cum all over my fingers, I want to taste more of you.” He keeps kissing your swollen lips, as his thrusts pick up to a pace almost ungodly.
“Oh—Ethan—god.” You manage as your hands grip at his shirt, your body twitching with pleasure. And as your orgasm rides through you, your lips finding Ethan’s eagerly, his other hand has begun to soothe just by your burn marks.
“You’re so pretty.” He breathes, finally pulling his fingers out of you, as your eyes shut, savouring the feeling. “Let me help you feel even better…” Ethan kisses your cheek, as you open your eyes. You can hear the click of his belt as you feel your core heat up again.
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gracemarkss · 2 months
i really do think we lose out on a lot by cutting ethan from the pilot. so much of what we learn about scully in subsequent episodes and seasons - her relationships with her father, with jack, with daniel; her experiences in never again and how she describes her relationship to authority; the themes of normalcy and expectation, desire and fear, what you should want vs what you actually want, letting yourself want; about having a life and drawing lines and getting out of the car…once you learn about jack, ethan makes so much sense.
how much time passed between her time at the academy and dating jack and her assignment to the x files? months, a year at most maybe? with the revelations in lazarus, you start to wonder, what made her go from a superior decades older than her who’s intensity is his downfall to a regular run of the mill guy in her peer group? when she talks about other fathers in never again, taken with everything she’s said about wanting “a life”, it becomes a bit more clear - this was a course correction. it’s all the more clearly drawn in all things, another taboo relationship with a man she could never bring home. is it “normal” to date your teacher, have emotional affairs with married professors twice your age? is that what good catholic girls do? can you bring these men to sunday dinner with your parents’ pastor? so ethan is a conscious choice. an experiment in normalcy. an attempt at the clean cut boyfriend that you can bring home to dad, with an eye on the house in the suburbs, the picket fence, the 2.5 kids. she doesn’t not want it. she wants to want it. it’s what girls from her background are expected to do. missy certainly isn’t going to. so it’s up to her. and she’s already rebelled so much already, with her career choices. she can do this. she can want this. she can be a good daughter. she can make this work.
but then there’s the assignment. then there’s mulder. then there’s passion and intensity adventure and a fierce dedication to the truth, to helping people, to a dogged pursuit of justice (whatever form that might take). there’s the adrenaline rush over lost time beside empty graves in the rain. there’s this strange man you just met being so careful with your vulnerability, and handing his to you in kind. how can a weekend out of town with ethan compare to this? what’s the house and the fence and the sunday dinners compared to this?
so ethan is is out. the experiment in normalcy has failed. but the fear lingers. there are still expectations to meet. there are still parts of her that wants it. she could get it if she really tried. it’s something that she comes back to over and over again, fear vs desire, the contradictions in all the things she wants and needs, the heavy weight of expectation, both from others and her own. and i think it’s all communicated that much more clearly and powerfully when ethan’s presence is maintained in the pilot.
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alicealmost · 2 months
1 month of Jaiden Bunnydoll
Actually, it was yesterday, but I got distracted with Olympics (quick pause to congratulate Rebeca Andrade, for her golden medal in women's floor exercise🇧🇷) It has been one month since I created Jaiden, and I hope you guys like her as much as I do❤️💜
I also got a lot inspired by @raggstosketches more than lovely comic and here are some doodles:
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I wish I could shade it and draw more siblings, but I don't have time and my fingers are hurting (I need to get a digital tablet and a drawing pen ASAP lol)
Mopsy and Buster belong to @raggstosketches (thanks again for your comic) Jaiden loves them, especially Mopsy, her cool and caring big sis, who protects her from Buster awful pranks and sings to her until she falls asleep❤️💓💜
Abby belongs to @fizzyellouw Jaiden's beloved little sis.
Ellie, Ethan and Owyin belong to @livi-in-digital-circus , Jaiden prefers Ellie over the boy's, because Owyin sometimes ignores her and Ethan is just a Jax 2.0 sometimes
Look, @beanandberry , Jax is holding her -^-^-
Thank you guys for everything. May God bles our week.
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october-nightt · 1 year
please don't kill me Mr.Ghostface
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warnings: cussing, quick smut, blood, usage of the word rape and slut
it was the night of the Halloween party.
You have been looking forward to this night for months now, you weren't a big fan of Halloween it self given the fact that it was pretty hard for you to find a good costume as a black women.
you didn't wanna go as a nurse or something generic like that so you decided to be a "clovers cheerleader" from the movie bring it on.
you had hoped that tonight you could just drink and enjoy the party with your friends.
you had met tara on the first day of college which led to her introducing you to her other friends.
Mindy was your favorite, other than tara of course.
as you walked into the party you were immediately met with chad and Ethan. Ethan was dressed as some cardboard robot or something but you found it cute.
you've always thought Ethan was cute. after all you've always had a thing for men who looked as if they've never felt the touch of a women before.
"hey guys, have you seen tara around?" you asked loudly, hoping they could hear you over the loud music.
"she was at the table with the drinks, she's in a pirate costume" chad responded
"thanks" you smiled at Ethan which he happily returned.
you walked past the both of them and over to the drink table where they last seen tara.
she wasn't there but you were thirsty so you decided to grab a drink.
the bottles were empty.
you sighed and set the empty glass bottle back down in its previous spot.
"hey um, I've got more drinks in my room if you'd like?" a stranger says from behind you.
you turned around and nodded "sure why not"
the guy didn't look so bad and you really wanted a drink so what's the worst that could happen?
you started to follow the stranger up to his room before being stopped by chad.
"hey Y/N why don't you stay here with us, I can get you a drink"
Ethan was behind him, his eyes were filled with anger.
"no its okay chad, but thanks" you smiled at him reassuringly
"I don't think its a good idea to go upstairs with date r*pe Frankie"
what chad said obviously pissed the guy off because he grabbed your arm tightly and started to drag you upstairs.
"hey you're hurting me" you tried to pull away but he still had a harsh grip on your arm.
chad punched Frankie in the face and helped you up but when you looked to see if Ethan was there.
he was gone.
after what happened you just decided to go home.
your roommate wasn't back from her vacation so you were alone.
as you walked in you got a feeling as if something was wrong.
you grabbed your taser and made your way farther into the house. checking every room. they were all empty.
"rule number one of horror movies is to check the closet" a deep, raspy voice speaks.
you screamed and pulled out your taser but he was faster than you and knocked it out of your hand.
once you finally looked at the person you realized they were dressed as Ghostface. the guy tara has told you stories about. he tried to kill her and her sister and her friends.
"w-what do you want from me?" you asked.
hoping you could give him what he needed and he'd leave you alone.
"I want to play a game." the knife visibly in his hand, dripping of what looked like blood.
you were scared. "what game?"
Ethan... Ghostface ran his hand over your exposed thighs your skirt was pretty short and its been driving him crazy all night.
"Simon says" he replied before his hand reached under your skirt and pulled off your panties.
he stuck them in his pocket. (if the costume has one lmao)
you sucked in a breath as the air hit your dripping clit.
Ethan bit his lip hard, almost drawing blood, to stop himself from whining at the sight of you.
"Simon says lay back onto the counter"
you never agreed to play, but you were afraid of what would happen if you refused so you did as you were told.
once you were laid flat Ethan.....Ghostface lifted his mask just above his mouth
"Simon says close your eyes and spread you legs"
once again you obeyed him.
after what felt like 30 seconds you were shocked by Ethan's tonuge running one slow strip up your clit.
"oh fuck" you bit the back of your hand and he continued to devour your pussy
he didn't say a word except for occasionally whispering things like "good girl" or "such a pretty slut for me"
you felt that knot forming in your stomach.
"I'm gonna cum" you breathed out.
but before Ethan could answer you had already released all over his face.
"Simon didn't say you could cum" Ethan drew his knife and made a small cut on your thigh.
you were too busy coming down from your high to even process the pain.
Ethan touched the blood from your thighs before walking out of your apartment in silence.
leaving you there vulnerable and exposed.
after he left, you cleaned yourself up and processed what happened just an hour earlier.
you sat on your couch and turned on the tv to clear your mind, only to be shocked at the words that came out of the news reporters mouth.
"were standing here where a college student by the name of Frankie has been found stabbed to death in his own home. the only thing left at the scene......a mask from the famous stab movies"
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bordysbae · 1 year
could you please write a fanfic where y/n gets really sick, maybe she even passes out? and mark takes care of her until she feels better, like he makes her soup, cuddles, holds her hair back, and other fluffyness
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“i’ll kiss you even if you’re sick”
mark estapa x fem!reader
warning: vomit, cursing, not proof read
also i think i used this gif already but there’s like none of mark sooo
you stir awake, immediately noticing the empty space beside you in bed. you rub your eyes and begin to notice the familiar things in marks room, which slowly brings back memories from last night.
the boys all decided to have a hang out, and of course being one of the girlfriends, you were invited. you all went out to a new restaurant in ann arbor and afterwards went back to nolans place. at nolan’s you started to feel quite sick, so you told mark that you’d catch an uber back to your dorm but he immediately shut that down.
“babe no, you’re coming back to mine.” he said, as he grabbed his phone from off of the living room table and stood up. you sighed and stood up from the couch, following marks actions. he explained to the rest of the group why you guys were leaving so early, as you ordered an uber for you both. once you guys made it back you both crawled into bed and called it a night.
you don’t feel much better, if anything you feel worse. a sudden nauseating feeling rushes over you, and you bolt out of bed for the bathroom. you make it just in time to the toilet, where you begin to vomit, drawing the attention of ethan who’s leaving his bedroom.
“oh shit! you okay?” he asks as he quickly rushes over to the doorway of the bathroom.
“uh, yeah,” you manage to get out, still with your face in the toilet bowl.
“let me get mark,” he says as he scurries to find mark. mark comes rushing in and holds you hair back for you, while gently rubbing circles onto your lower back. you eventually feel a little better and mark helps you get cleaned up.
“babe you’re so pale! go back and lay in my bed, i’ll bring you some medicine,” he says, as he takes your hand in his, and leads your now weak self to his bed. you shuffle around gently, still uncomfortable due to the sick feeling in your system. you hear the bedroom door open and a shuffling noise coming towards you, and you open your eyes to see mark with water and pills. you smile up at him, appreciative of his kind gesture.
once you take the pills mark gets in his bed next to you and plays with your hair, meanwhile whispering sweet nothings in your ear. your eyes then begin to feel heavy, so you shut them allowing yourself to rest. when you wake up the next time, you’re awoken by the same nausea from earlier. you jump out of marks bed, accidentally waking him in the process. he instantly gets out of bed and follows you to the bathroom, only to see you in the same state as earlier. he sighs at the sight of his sick girlfriend, and holds your hair back for you again.
“babe, i think we need to go to urgent care,” he says, kissing the top of your head as you flush the toilet.
“what? no way! i’m fine babe,” you say, standing up way too quickly for your weak state. you suddenly get a rush in your head, and next thing you know mark’s holding your body in his arms, as he sits on the bathroom floor calling out for ethan.
“ethan help! she passed out!”
“well, looks like the only diagnosis we have for you is food poisoning,” the urgent care doctor says.
“is there anything you can prescribe her?” mark asks, standing next to you in the small room. he has your hand in his, and he’s rubbing his thumb atop yours.
“yes, we’ll give her antibiotics. she’ll need to take the medication twice a day for a week. if she’s not feeling at all better by then, definitely come back,” the doctor says, and you nod. the doctor leaves for a few minutes, leaving you and mark alone.
“thank you for taking so much care of me mark,” you smile up at him.
“of course, that’s my job!” he smiles back before leaning down to kiss your lips. you quickly turn your head to avoid his kiss, making him gasp.
“i threw up like an hour ago! no way am i letting you kiss me!”
“oh, y/n. i’ll kiss you even if you’re sick!”
“i’m not letting you. let me brush my teeth first,” you chuckle, making him groan.
“whatever, it’s your loss. you’re missing out on free kisses!”
“since when do i have to pay for kisses?”
“starting now, since you dodged mine,” he pouts jokingly, crossing his arms and huffing too.
“oh you’ll be fine estapa.”
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