#i never do these just because i’m lazy but you’d obviously get one <3
incohorace · 1 year
☆ — put this star in the inbox of your favorite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity! 🌷
Ty for being awesome Pip <33
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preciadosbass · 2 months
28/7/14 [draft from yesterday]
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woke up at 11:47 to my parents in my doorway. mum started putting stuff on my bed but i though it was just stuff of mine that id left around the house but it turned out she’d bought me some stuff which is really nice. she got me socks [because i only have one non-fluffy pair], slippers [because our dogs hair is everywhere and my pyjamas end up getting the hair all over the house, even after the place has been hoovered], and purple trainers [because beforehand i only had my converse + knee high converse, and they were both getting muddy and causing me blisters when i go on walks.] i feel extra bad about the argument we had last night now.
i was super tired and my eyes still felt like they were glued shut but i decided not to go back to sleep. i got a little anxious when i saw my ex bestfriend was sad so i sent him a message telling him that i’m here for him and stuff. i still care about him so much, even if we don’t talk anymore. i watched a mikey way complication and listened to a podcast with the way brothers on up until 1:20 when i had a nap [im lazy, i know]
i should mention, i had the weirdest dream. so excuse how bad this explanation is going to be. me and kellin [quinn] were both teens and we were at a restaurant. he had tacky plastic skates on and started doing backflips in them? and running on the spot and joking about being chased? it was such a strange dream to have, especially because i haven’t had one in ages. also, my dad was there for some reason lmaoo
i woke up at around 2 and stayed with boris until 3:20 before i had something to eat and started researching a few crime cases. id been thinking about reading a bit of my sylvia plath book but i got in another argument with my parents [not really with my dad] and practically went into sensory overload so i went in my room and scrolled through ed related things on reddit. although i just wanted to have a conversation with them.
my dad lets things go easier, but mum tends to start saying ‘maybe you’d be happy if i’m not here’ and stuff like that, which i have never and would never imply to her. it just makes me feel like shit, she acts like i’m not allowed to be mad. and i feel absolutely terrible writing this, especially because of the whole gift thing from earlier, and i know shes probably just stressed, and i love her, but nobody acknowledges that i am too. they never do, whatever i do seems to anger my mum. anyway, i spiralled writing this and i don’t wanna turn it into a complete vent post, so let’s carry on.
i carried on scrolling through reddit until like 8 where i went on a walk with all of my family [which we haven’t done in at least a year]. didn’t get off to a good start because the second i walked outside my sister dropped her phone on our rock driveway and smashed her phone to pieces.
she was arguing about paying for the damage up until we got to the park when she went back home with my dad. me and my mum carried on walking while we did would you rather because anything else was starting an argument. we ended up doing so right before we got home but at least i walked for an hour today, i wish it’d been more though. also at one point she asked me if i was questioning my gender like WHAT?? why didn’t i take the opportunity to tell her ffs.. when i got home i obviously said hi to boris and then scrolled on twitter for a bit.
one of my acquaintance’s [i call anyone my age that i know that, because i know people, but they’re not nice to me whatsoever, we don’t hang out, they bully me, i don’t consider them a friend etc] was being their usual self again. i try everything i can to politely escape them/avoid them but i just don’t know how. id feel bad cutting contact with no explanation but if i told them all the disgusting things they do they’d deny it. but i know i have to at some point, they’re such a bad person and i’m tired of putting up with them.
anyway, i feel like i seem like a bitch for not liking them, and the problem in every scenario i’ve written about today so let me know if anyone actually reads this and wants to know what makes her such a bad person. after seeing that i listened to some evanescence and i was just about to put on my fight club dvd i got from a bootsale a while ago when my dad said he was ready for me to ask questions about boris soon so i went up to their room.
we actually didn’t argue tonight because i was able to get on with it quite quickly so i did my teeth and said goodnight to boris around 3. he again started purring before id even started stroking him, he’s so precious. also went over my cals by like 60 today so that sucks
have a good day/night -_<
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prrism · 2 years
First Winter
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part ?
We’re jumping a little ways ahead in the timeline for this one but I wanted to make a sorta winter special. Hope you guys enjoy 😊
Summary: Winter, a time of year when everything gets a lot colder. You were perfectly used to this, Techno on the other hand…
Characters: Techno x Reader
Relationship: platonic/parental
Pronouns: unspecified/kept neutral
“Hey.” You roll away from the child nudging you, this encourages him to nudge harder. “Wake up.” You let out a small groan, why was he bothering you now? “(Y/n)?… (Yy/nn)?… Sensei! Wake up, wake up, wake up!” You slowly crack your eyes open to find it’s still very dark in your room, your pink haired child staring at you intently through the darkness.
“Techno, it’s not even sunrise yet…” Your voice drawls out a little.
“I know, but… something weird is happening, outside.” He says pointing to the window.
“Weird?” You stare at him confused. “What do you mean weird?” Your only response is a shrug as he tries tugging you out of bed. “Alright, alright. I’m coming to have a look.” You push yourself out of bed, instantly feeling a chill run down your spine. Normally you’d be more awake and alert but again, it wasn’t even sunrise yet and Techno didn’t sound too panicked when he woke you so you weren’t on the defence either.
“Come on! See.” He rushes up to the window, pointing to whatever it was he wanted you to see. You rub some of the sleep from your eyes as you stare out the window at the gentle snowfall through the glass, a soft chuckle leaves you. “You’re laughing. I show you something weird, and you’re laughing.” Techno huffs, making you chuckle a bit more.
“Sorry, it’s just… there isn’t actually anything weird about this.” He tilts his head at you confused, you take a breath, trying to figure out how to explain this to him. “Remember when some of the trees leaves started changing colours and falling off.”
“Obviously, it wasn’t that long ago. You said this is a biome that can change… seasons?”
“That’s correct, glad you remembered. But also, it’s way too early for your snark mister.” You give him a small boop on the nose making him scrunch up his face while he playfully tries to swat your hand away. “Anyways, what’s happening now is another change in the season.”
“Can we go see?” He asks, looking to you curiously. You take a second to think about it, watching the snow slowly turn the terrain outside white.
“Are you sure? It’s still pretty early, even for us.” You figured you’d give him the choice, and internally groan when he gives an eager nod. You go to grab your cloak, pausing when the sound of the front door opening is heard. Did Techno seriously just run outside without warmer attire? You don’t concern yourself too much, after all the first snow isn’t usually the coldest so it should be fine… then again, Techno’s never experienced snow before and was more accustomed to heat. You hurriedly grab everything you need and make your way out the door, it doesn’t take long for you to spot Techno in the snow, although since he shifted to his piglin form it was pretty easy to spot the pink ball of fur. To your pleasant surprise he seemed to be handling the cold just fine, again probably because of all the fur.
“Sensei! What took you so long? Am I finally getting faster then you.” He playfully teases.
“In your dreams, kid.” You retaliate with a lazy smirk. “Unlike you I can’t just shift forms and make my own winter coat.” He looks at you confused a second before looking at himself, a small look of surprise on his face.
“Oh. I didn’t mean to.” He shifts back and instantly starts to shiver. “Wh-why is is it sssooo co-old?” He asks through chattering teeth.
“That’s winter for ya. Just be lucky we don’t live in the tundra, it’s like this all the time throughout the year.” You shrug, he looks at you like you were crazy.
“Th-that soundsss awf-ful, who’d want t-t-to live the-ere?” He was shaking like a leaf, and the fact he wasn’t changing to a piglin for some form of warmth was starting to concern you.
“Well… you’d be surprised. Now I think we should head inside, you’re going to get sick if you stay like this.” You try to usher him back to the house but of course now of all times is when he wants to play stubborn.
“No, I-I’m f-fine. I c-ca-can do th-this.” You sigh, wonder just what was going on in his head that prompted him to want to stay outside when he was clearly freezing. Did he think this was supposed to be a form of training? You look at the cloak you had made for him for when the winter months finally arrived, walking up to him and throwing it around his shoulders. “He-eh!”
“Hold still.” You interrupt before he can say anything else, clasping the cloak properly so it won’t slide off. Already he was shivering less. “There we go. Now I get that you want to adjust yourself to the ever changing weather, but that doesn’t mean you need to freeze yourself into an ice cube to do so.” He shifts his gaze away from you, hiding a bit in the fluffy collar, you couldn’t tell if the red on his cheeks was from the cold or embarrassment. “There’s no need for that look. I mean, look at me, I need to wear a cloak to keep warm too. Not to mention they’re very efficient for movement and are quite stylish.” You strike a pose to prove your point, earning a quiet laugh from Techno that he tries to hide. “Hey, don’t hide that smile. I know I saw it.” You ruffle his hair, making him playfully swat at you.
“Thanks Sensei.” You just catch him whisper.
“For what?” You look at him curiously.
“For… everything, I guess? I don’t know, I’m not very good at this.” He shrugs awkwardly. You kneel down and place a hand on his shoulder.
“We’ll then. You’re welcome. For everything… I guess.” You lightly joke, he gives you a soft punch to the arm. “Oh. My arm. You’ve broken it, you absolute brute. How can I ever go on.” You flop back into the snow dramatically.
“And I’ll break the other one too.” Techno smirks, playing along and delivering another, slightly harder punch to your other arm.
“Oh no! I’m armless, but I still have my legs!?” You proceed to kick your legs into the air.
“Not for long!” Techno chuckles, hurrying to “break” your legs.
“I have been beaten.” You say while laying limply as the snow falls around you. “Now you gotta carry me back.”
“Heh!? I’m not carrying you. You’re too heavy!” He stares down at you unimpressed.
“Oh! Ah! Right in the heart. How dare you, now you really have to carry me.” You smirk back.
“Nah, you’ll be fine. I’ll just leave you here.” He waves you off and walks away. You wait a few seconds to see if he’d come back to at least help you off the ground. When look over and see he’s not going to you quickly push yourself back onto your feet.
“Okay, I see how it is.” You charge after him. He lets out a squeal and tries to dart away from you, you quickly and easily catch up, grabbing him by the collar and holding him aloft. “So that’s it, huh? I’m laying in the snow and you’re going to leave me? Such betrayal!” You pull him closer and give him a noogie.
“Noooo! Stop! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it. I wouldn’t actually leave you, promise.” You pause and look down at him triumphantly.
“Good, because if you did I’d make sure to haunt you and make all your hot coco ice cold.” You “threaten”.
“Nooooooooo! Not the cocooooo!” He cries dramatically, you both sharing a laugh together.
“Alright,” you start once you both have calmed down, “let’s get back inside. I’ll make us some breakfast and then we go out again, if you want to.” You suggest getting an eager nod in response. You carry Techno back to the house, where he asks you one last question.
“So umm, why make it red?” You hum in confusion. “My cloak, it’s not that I don’t, I do. But why red? It doesn’t blend in.” He asks again.
“Oh, easy, it’s not supposed to. Red is known to represent things like courage, strength and security as well as aggression and it is one of the easiest colours to see spot from far distances. So, when the day comes where your enemies try to stand against you they’ll see is as a warning, or if you’re ever in trouble I’ll be able to find you.” You explain with a pleased smile.
“Cool. I like it.” He breaths, leaning a little more into you. You rub small circles into his back and as you finally make your way inside the house you notice that you’d put him back to sleep. Deciding to let him rest a bit longer while you get everything ready for a proper start to the day.
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poisonsage808 · 2 years
ModernAU!Sandor Clegane x Reader
A/N: i had this idea but not enough for a full fic so here ya go! inspired by coffee and rory mcccann in a beanie
warnings: maybe ooc sandor, sorry about that. swearing just cause. tried to keep reader gender neutral and loosely described but with longish hair & over 21
•Across the street from where Sandor went to the gym was a coffee shop, opened way before the sun was awake
•He preferred to go to the gym at this time, less people to interact with. Bonus that should anyone else be up at this ungodsly hour, they didn’t want to be talked to anyways
•One hand held his phone, checking a missed call, the other held a disposable coffee cup with his name spelled wrong
•”Crap!” He heard in the distance, harsh footsteps coming closer. Habit alone made Sandor aware of you out of the corner of his eye but you were busy searching your wrists and pockets for something
•Hair a damp mess, shirt wrinkled and jeans ripped on the left knee- the blood that weeped from your now ruined skin made it evident the rip wasn’t intentional… A threat to yourself perhaps but definitely not him
•”Morning, hi, sorry, do you have an extra hair tie?”
•This close, Sandor realizes he actually knew you, you worked mornings in this very cafe just a few steps behind you both
•Obviously, you were late for work and the cause for your coworkers poor attitude this morning
•”Just the one.” He replies, not at all remorseful, “Less y’want fleas.”
•Sandor was joking but didn’t expect to hear you laugh
•”I’d take bugs over a write up. But you don’t look like you have fleas so I’ll take my chances if you’re serious.” You’re smiling up at him
•You must be desperate or mad to risk that
•Still, Sandor pockets his phone to free his hair. He actually feels more comfortable to be able to poorly conceal his scar again as if you weren’t just staring at it
•You weren’t, your eyes were on the coffee cup in his hand
•”Genna spelled your name wrong,” You snickered, “She must be really tired today.”
•”Aye.” Sandor ignored the way his heartbeat skipped a beat. So fucking what you knew his name and how to spell it?
•He dropped the hair tie into your palm. True to your word, you wasted no time lazily pulling it away from your face and off your neck in a lazy bun
“Pissed too. I think her coworker’s a no show.” He smirked when your eyes went wide
•You swore for a second time and bolted away without a thank you
•The next morning he could see you were opening the cafe by yourself, the lights were dim and the music off
•You notice him approaching through the window and wave him in, “we’re open!” You sang while pressing buttons to various machines
•”Don’t look it” Sandor raises a brow
•”Good then my plan is working, I’m tricking everyone else” You scribble onto a cup while you speak, a mischievous smile on your lips
•”What is, losing your boss' business?”
•You pointedly, and playfully, glare at Sandor, “That and framing him for murder. You look like you’d go down easy”
•That, he laughs at. He doesn’t know how he let you go through the details of your “evil plan”, as you kept calling it, until you’re pushing a coffee cup towards him and he realizes he never even ordered
•You notice the suspicious expression on his face, like he thinks you poisoned his drink or something
•”You come in a lot,“ You cross your arms with a smile, “If I got your order wrong, I’ll quit right now”
•”Then you know it’s $3.“
•”Pretty sure it’s free”
•”Plan on adding robbery to that little plan of yers?”
•You laugh again, shaking your head genuinely, gesturing for Sandor to prove you wrong
•Of course it was right and when Sandor checks the spelling of his name, so was that. Also written below was ‘thank you :)’
•”Gonna get fired over this?” He raises a brow, “One used hair tie ain’t $3”
•It must have come off more concerned than he meant it to because you roll your eyes and feign a sigh, “Alright, alright! You caught me, I gave you my discount. We get one free drink a day and I don’t like coffee so—“
•”You don’t like coffee?”
•”Not the taste” You shrug
•Sandor laughs a second time since walking through the doors, not that he’s counting or anything, “Ya don’t drink it for taste, ya drink it to get through the bloody day.”
•You thought Sandor was flirting the mornings he came in but maybe you’d misread the situation?
•He went from a handsome, aloof stranger to a surprisingly funny and playful regular. Maybe teasing is just part of his personality
•Sometimes he lingers in the cafe. If it’s slow, and if you’ll feel bold, you sit next to him. At first Sandor loudly voiced how you might/should get fired for being lazy
•Before the conversation can go anywhere serious, you’re reminded you’re at work and have to get back to the other side of the counter
•Genna’s tired of your moping and convinces you to ask Sandor out the next time he comes in
•He hears your voice over the blenders, chatter and steaming coffee the moment he walks through the door
•You’re so happy, giving every approaching person a genuine smile and a compliment
•Seemingly more when your posture straightened instantly upon seeing Sandor hop into your line, the smile you wore could crack your face if it widened anymore
•The man in front of him was frustrated you were doing your job to get through the his order, the most attention you gave him was asking his name
•”Lose your holiday spirit, love? Where’s that gift of giving? If ya gave me your number, I could buy you dinner”
•Sandor’s bristling at the idea of you going out with this cunt. The thought of you wearing something aside from your uniform, smiling at crappy jokes and going home with— Seven hells, his heart races
•”$5.67,” You force a strained smile for the bald man, “Cash or card, Oliver?”
•”It’s Polliver”
•It took everything in him not to throw his head back and laugh
•Sandor doesn’t get a word in when he approaches, you surprise him with a compliment
•”I like your tattoo. Cerberus, right?”
•You have a pretty blush on your cheeks when you look up at him
•He lifts his right arm a bit when he notices your gaze to it when he doesn’t answer
•”It suits you! Never noticed that before”
•There’s a reason for that, Sandor was planning on doing laundry today and opted for a loose, black tank top, something he doesn’t normally wear especially not before the sun comes out
•You’re shamelessly staring now because.. holy fucking crap
•First word that comes to mind: hairy. You never thought you’d like a bear but here you are. You really like what you see
•You thought he looked strong before, with more revealed you can see it may not be all hard muscle but everything about Sandor screams powerful
•His left arm has a completed sleeve, various words and drawings while t—
•”(Y/N), stop drooling and get back to work!” Genna calls out teasingly
•Sandor can’t get your face out of his head after that, how bad your blush worsened and you refused to meet his eyes for longer than a moment
•He’s too good at reading people to deny your embarrassed from being caught
•Genna leaves you to pass Sandor his drink
•You linger with your hand on the cup “Hey I have to jet in five minutes. If you’re not in a rush, would you mind walking out with me? I might’ve pissed off Balliver. He looks like he’s waiting to dump his coffee on me or something”
•Your joke isn’t appreciated
•Sandor looks out of the corner of his eye. Sure enough ‘Balliver’ (get it, you asked when he didn’t laugh, ‘cause he's bald?) was glaring at you every time he lifted his cup to his lips
•”Aye. I’ll be over there when you’re ready”
•Bag over your shoulder, you approach Sandor after clocking out
•He reaches past and opens the door for you with one hand, missing the way your eyes widen as you follow his bicep down to his knuckles, because he turns and pointedly glares at the bald man
•”Yer friend gonna be ok?”
•”Oh yeah, she’s trained in martial arts”
•”Har-har, I meant with you cutting out.” He rolls his eyes as he walks beside you
•You smirk, “I am not ‘cutting out’! I have a valid excuse to leave my job early. I’m going to bury a body”
•Sandor chuckles, “Yer not supposed to tell people that”
•”You’re my alibi, I’m allowed to tell you. Yoou’re not allowed to tell anyone or I’ll be making you coffee from jail” You poke a finger in his direction and suddenly wonder if you’re allowed to touch him, even playfully like that
•”Where’s this body getting buried?”
•You like that Sandor keeps the ongoing joke alive through conversations
•”At the dentist.” You skip over to the bus stop and turn around as he follows over, looking behind you at the yellow sign with a raised brow
•”Too green for a car or can’t afford one with a barista salary?”
•”Scared to drive actually” You glare with a smile
•”You’re shittin’ me”
•He changes the subject by asking what time your appointments at and what time the bus arrives
•He waits with you after you tell him, opting to lean on the post while you stand on the bench to see if you come close to his height
•You barely do but when Sandor stands up straight, you still have to look up
•That pretty blush comes back when he dares to take a step closer. You don’t avoid his eyes this time but he can tell you’re growing nervous.
• Nervousness bothers him but you’re.. cute? Is that the right word?
•”You don’t have work today, do you? I should’ve asked, I’d hate to keep you if you—“
•”Off today,” Sandor assures you gruffly yet gently
•”Oh nice.. Do you wanna get linner?”
“The fuck’s linner?”
•You stare at him like he’s mad for never hearing the phrase before
•”It’s lunch and dinner combined”
•”..You’re going to the dentist” He reminds you like you’ve forgotten
•”Yeah,” You laugh and shake your head, “I meant after o-or a different day? Unless you don’t eat because I’ve never seen you get food in the mornings. It could be drinks—“
•If it was anyone else rambling, Sandor would’ve shut them up the minute they started to lose their point. But it was you and he never saw you nervous around him. A very new feeling sparked in his chest
•Yes, he decides, you’re cute
•You hold out your hand and make a grabbing gesture, “Gimme your phone. I’ll just give you my number and we can figure it out.”
♡[I], [II], [III]
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windfighter · 9 months
Promises for tomorrow
Was thinking about what kind of new years resolutions the Frontier-crew would make but came to no conclusion at all. So instead I wrote this thing which takes place in 2013, when Izumi, Takuya and Junpei have moved to Italy and Kouichi and Kouji are visiting for the holidays :3 (Tomoki doesn't get to visit because I'm lazy)
(Time is a social construct and as a fanwriter I can bend it to my will)
New year was only hours away. Takuya, Kouji, Junpei, Izumi and Kouichi were gathered for a party, Takuya foregoing his usual shenanigans out on the town to celebrate with his partner and his friends. A few too many drinks had already been had, but the food was good and the drinks expensive and for one night everything was as it should be.
”Anyone doing new year’s resolutions?” Takuya asked.
Poured himself another drink. Kouji held his glass harder, swirled the whiskey around. Junpei grinned.
”I’m going to sing at La Scala”, he said. ”I haven’t figured out how yet, but I’m going to do it!”
”I would like to go BASE jumping at Angel Falls, but it’s a whole process”, Izumi said. ”I’ve applied to a culinary school though, so my new year’s resolution is going to be focus on my studies.”
”Never figured you for a cook”, Takuya laughed.
”Because you never have time to come over for dinner”, Izumi answered with a laugh and gave him a shove. ”Stop by tomorrow, bring Kouji. I’ll make you the best food you’ve ever tried!”
Kouji leaned against the armrest of the couch. Takuya glanced at him, unsure what he was thinking about. His eyes were locked on something at the wall.
”I also need to step it up with the studies”, Kouichi said, ”but as new year’s resolution I’m just going to eat as many of Izumi’s meals as I can.”
”You’d be able to eat more if you moved over here already", Izumi said.
Wrapped an arm around Kouichi’s shoulders and kissed his cheek. Takuya put his own arm over Kouji’s shoulders to do the same, but Kouji was stiff and he didn’t.
”How about you?” Junpei asked. ”What does the famous Takuya plan for the new year?”
”Obviously I’m going to win the world cup”, Takuya grinned. ”Also, try lobsters.”
”Turning into a real rich boy”, Izumi said.
Shook her head, but laughed. Takuya smiled as well, took a sip from his drink. Squeezed Kouji’s shoulder.
”How about you? New year’s resolutions?”
Kouji blinked. Looked at Takuya and then the whiskey.
”Might go to Mali. They’ve been fighting for their independence for a year, maybe I could help.”
Everyone looked at him. The carefree feel of the room disappeared.
”What?” Takuya asked.
Kouji blinked again.
”What what?”
”New year’s resolutions are supposed to be fun”, Takuya said.
”Oh… OH! I thought you said revolutions. Yeah, sorry, my bad.”
Takuya laughed, pulled Kouji closer and kissed his temple.
”I love you. You’re an idiot and I love you.”
”Takuya is morosexual”, Izumi giggled.
”Takuya is everysexual”, Junpei corrected.
Takuya didn’t protest, just nudged Kouji again.
”Alright then. Any actual resolutions?”
”I don’t like making plans”, Kouji said. ”They never work out. I guess I could promise to take Izumi to the Angel Falls.”
”I’d love that”, Izumi said. ”But you don’t need to go out of your way for me.”
”It’d be fun to see anyway”, Kouji said. ”Lots of things I could take pictures of over there. Maybe I’ll even jump with you.”
”The two of you are insane”, Junpei laughed. ”As long as I don’t have to jump.”
The carefree feeling filled the room again and Takuya leaned against the back of the couch, relaxed. He just needed to find away to keep Kouji from joining any revolutions.
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alwritey-aphrodite · 1 year
hiiiii congrats on 900 followers ❤️💖✨
second we have the same title I absolutely love love love love love hits different it’s my fav song off midnights because it has the very smart evermore folklore speak now red style writing and it zooms in on specific moments and makes them feel so universal which I love and it’d an absolute banger
anyways congrats on 900 followers again and for the sleepover 🛳🛳🛳🛳🛳
I’m obviously a huuuge Swiftie for one, I love it when people title their fics with her songs cause then I’ll just scream the lyrics in the comments
I’m definitely a lululemon girly girl and I’m also very lazy and I procrastinate a lot and I’m also a Pisces so I’m kind of emotional I love doing my makeup hate doing my hair so it kinda just stays down all the time plus I’m delusional as fuuuuck
I should not be doing any sort of physical activity whatsoever I used to be that one scared of balls girl in elementary school I’ve been playing piano since first grade I love music before Taylor was my absolute queen sza was tbh I’m mostly a very rnb girly I love Beyoncé, rihanna, summer walker, Monica, The Weeknd, Mariah Carey, Muni Long, and Ciara
plus I overdose on sarcasm 90 percent of the time and i love watching trashy shows like the kardashians and I’m a huge Trixie Mattel STAN love Margot Robbie she’s my fav actress
Ahhhh yay Hits Different!! And thank you so much <3
I think you’d be perfect for Santiago Garcia! He’s also sarcastic as all hell 90% of the time, so having a similar sense of humor is essential to him, and even though he’d never admit it, he also loves trashy reality TV, they’re just the perfect way to turn off his brain and he loves cuddling up with you and talking over all the crazy drama. He’d love listening to you play piano, and even though he’s not quite a Swiftie, he definitely appreciates her music and knows most her songs - thanks to you. As someone who’s constantly moving, having a partner who knows how to relax and do nothing is essential for him, because god knows he’d never sit down if you weren’t there to tempt him with TV and cuddles and snacks. He’d definitely love watching you do your makeup, finding it mesmerizing how skillful you are and how quickly you can get through your routine despite your precision. Being so closed off, he needs someone with an emotional side to remind him it’s ok to share and show his feelings, regardless of if they’re good or bad. All in all, the two of you balance each other out perfectly.
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ericdingthesis · 2 years
Building out the Pitchvisualization, the Learning Arc
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So production for the pitchvis for my thesis officially began last week, and in the ensuing seven days I’ve spent whatever free time I have not doing schoolwork trying to get progress building it out.
One or two of my peers believed that since I had no script or creative idea but had the understanding of what I wanted to demonstrate with technical skills, I had no project, and I agree with that.
So the next day I built out a storyboard when I had a bit of free time by drawing with my mouse.
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It was a terrible start of course, as I wanted it to be short but demonstrate my ability to create these environments and utilize motion capture all in one.
In the meantime my comp sci major roommate suggested that I build a Gant Chart to track my progress for my thesis project. So I did.
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I know I’m a storyteller and so far this isn’t amazing and compelling storytelling to showcase my progress, but sometimes breaking storytelling norms is in itself a form of storytelling, so yeah, I’m not lazy I’m just breaking norms.
Anyways afterwards I realized my script sucked, so I listened to some music. And I realized that I kind of liked creating narratives for the music as I listened to it, and I know I’m not quirky or unique for doing that but it kind of gave me an idea for a script. So I wrote one.
Also don’t zoom in on the image just read it here if you’re genuinely curious: Link
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Anyways now that I had a script, it’s time to build out the short film, normally you’d think the first thing I do is make some cool environments and materials since that’s literally what my technical demonstration was supposed to be about right?
Well since I wrote that question out obviously no, I went to get motion capture first. Not because that was the first thing I wanted to put in (but also yes I wanted to first build out a rough frame), but also because I have VERY LITTLE experience using Motive (the software that links up with the Optitrack cameras and captures the motion) and I’ve never even touched Autodesk Motionbuilder in my life. 
So I went with my girlfriend and we (just me) spent four hours trying to learn the entire pipeline from Motive to Motionbuilder (to clean up mocap and attach it to the model skeleton) to Unreal Engine. 
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Also I built out the first few scenes of my new script, this time drawing with an actual proper drawing tablet that I got in 2019 as a high school graduation gift. 
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You can see how much more detail and care was put into the drawings (kinda not joking). Unfortunately we didn’t get much motion capture done since the previous user of the mocap gloves didn’t charge them and also I spent 3 hours learning the pipeline of bringing the motion capture to Unreal, but now that I got that down the rest of production should go pretty smoothly. 
Right now I have two levels of completion I’m prepared to aim for because I’m not 100% sure how much I can do in a week. Level one is just motion capture and basic cubes, lighting, and camera moves. Level two is replace cubes with actual buildings and props. 
Anyways if you’re here just to look at my 100day unreal render challenge here ya go. There’s 6 cuz I posted 8 last time (mon - mon), this time is (tues - sun)
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obislittleone · 2 years
House Of Memories (55/?)
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader
Warnings: a little steam ig idk
Summary: You and Anakin retrieve Echo from Skako Minor, then return home to Coruscant for your first wave of training for the Jedi trials of the temple.
A/n: i got lazy on the last part and used an obi-wan request to fill in the gap… whoops. Anyways, next chapter begins the events of Episode 3, who's ready?
also y'all if you like the story, maybe consider buying me a coffee :)
Words: 3.4k
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The ship flew past the canyons of Anaxes, and boy was it a contrast from the last few days on Skako Minor. You were glad to be back. The mission was tiring, and having received word that the victories were returning to the men of the republic, you smiled.
Echo, the lost clone trooper, was sat beside you, shivering in a blanket that they had given him to keep warm in. It didn’t seem to be doing him much good. Once the adrenaline of the fights had worn off, he had been rendered very badly damaged, although he was much better off than he had been about a day ago. You hated to see what the separatists had done to him. A human being, as a prisoner of war. It was hard to think of everything he must have gone through. He wasn’t one to complain, but you’d bet he had some stories to tell. Things about when they first captured him, before they forced him int submission. It seemed awful, and you could hardly think about having to undergo those terrors yourself.
You placed a hand on his shoulder, getting his attention gently, and watching as he turned to you with a curious expression.
“If you’re still cold, I might be able to help,” you suggested. He was a soldier, and a good one. He didn’t want anyone to know when he was struggling, but given the circumstances, and with his weakened immune system, he figured he could cut himself a break.
“Well, I’ve been warmer.”
You chuckled, scooting closer and placing both hands on each shoulder, focusing your energy to make his blood run faster, warming up his body temperature enough to keep him tied over until you reached the heated spaces of the clone barracks, where he would be well rested.
“Thank you,” he said, giving you a kind smile, and unwrapping himself from the blanket. “I feel much better now.”
“I’m glad I could help. I’m just sorry we hadn’t known about you all this time, perhaps it all could have been prevented,” you weren’t even there when he was thought to be dead, but you’d heard about the way he supposedly went down, and it was hard. Now knowing that he’d been tortured by the opposing side of this war, you felt some sort of guilt for it. You couldn’t have done anything to stop it, and yet you felt guilty. It was a rather annoying trait of yours, feeling responsible for anything and everything. You thought that perhaps it was implanted in you by years of abuse from the council… which did place the blame for everything on you. No matter, it stuck with you, and it was pouring out now.
“Unlikely, but I appreciate the sentiment.”
You nodded, patting him on the back once more and preparing to stand, as you sensed it was near landing time.
“It’s good to have you back with us, trooper,” you saluted to him, and he did the same before you turned and walked to the cockpit, sitting beside Anakin as he began to slowly bring the ship down.
You saw Obi-Wan’s ship being fueled on the tarmac, along with yours and Anakin’s, and you grinned wide. That meant you were going home.
You weren’t fond of many planets, though you liked to visit, it was simply that and nothing more. You never let yourself form attachments to any planets, except for perhaps Naboo, but the one Planet you would always look forward to returning to, the one you’’d made your home, was Coruscant. Obviously, home wasn’t necessarily a place, but a person, Obi-Wan. You supposed you’d grown to love Coruscant so much because you associated it with him, with his love and yours, together.
“Anaxes is the republic’s,” you spoke out loud, and Anakin nodded. He couldn’t wait to get back to Coruscant, as he hadn’t seen Padme in quite some time. When you’d seen her last, he was jealous of the time you got to spend, although happy for the moments you got to spend with Obi-Wan as well.
Anakin couldn’t explain it, and neither could Obi-Wan, but they seemed to be drifting apart. Of course, when one would run into the other, it was as if nothing ever happened, but the times it happened were becoming far and few between. He loved the man like he was his brother, Anakin did. You knew that Obi-Wan would aways love Anakin just the same, no matter the distance or time between them, he would always love the boy that he trained into a Jedi Knight, the same as he trained you. You understood why obi-Wan was so protective of you, so attached. He was in love with you, as you were with him, but that wasn’t the only reason. It was because he no longer had Anakin to hold onto, to protect and keep under his wing. It was because of this that he became so cautious about your being.
“We can finally get off of this skug hole,” he joked, looking at you to see that you were only slightly amused by his humor. You didn’t think this planet to be so bad, honestly. You even met some new friends, although it took you quite a bit of time to get to the friendship stage. You were barely even welcoming of the accomplice stage only yesterday.
“Your senator will be happy to see you. She’s been missing you, Anakin.”
He looked at you, his gaze almost sorrowful, and you couldn’t help for feel bad for bringing it up.
“It’s been getting harder,” he said, putting the ship on the ground and beginning to wrap up protocols. “I don’t see her as often, and when I do, it’s never alone.”
“I wish there was something I could do to help. I feel useless now that I can’t fix any of your problems anymore,” you remembered the old days, the ones where you would stay up late into the night, enduring nightmares so that Anakin wouldn’t have to. You were happy to carry that for him, but now his problems were bigger, and you couldn’t take that weight on your shoulders.
“Even if you could, I wouldn’t want you to. You’ve already done so much for me, I hardly think it’s fair.”
You chuckled, recalling the endless amounts of times when he either saved, or helped to save your life. You’d say it broke even.
“The point is, I’m sorry you’re going through this. I feel lucky to have the situation I have when I think about you and Padme. Given, my circumstances aren’t ideal, but I know it could be much worse. If you ever need a favor, or someone to use as an alibi, I’m here,” you stood from your seat, exiting the cockpit and following him to the back ramp.
“I don’t know how I ever got along without you,” he said, ruffling your hair as a fond gesture before leaving the ship.
“You didn’t.”
Coruscant was a buzz with chatter. There had been a set time for the trials to take place. Five months time, which was the council’s prediction of what could hopefully be the end of the war. You’d be leaving again for some more mild missions, just to give you a break from the last one, but in between, all Padawans were brought back to the temple for a week of intense training before being shipped off again.
The Masters of every Padawan took turns with the lot of them, giving their devout attention to making sure every preparation was made by the end of the week. Only the most capable would be taking the trials, and you were proud to finally join the others. You hadn’t exactly been slacking off on training the last few days, as you’d passed every test, but you were a little lazy in your technique until today. Today Obi-Wan was leading the training exercises, and you were ready to show off a bit more than you had been doing as of lately.
“The trials will be intricately designed to test every strength and weakness you possess, and in order to conquer the challenges, you must be willing to let go, of both those strengths and weaknesses. You are a vessel of the force, and as long as you let it guide you, you will never fail,” Obi-Wan paced up and down the line of you, looking upon each member of the small group and making his predictions. He knew not the judge a book by it’s cover, and he never did, but it was always nice to have an assumption on what he could expect.
He stood in front of a chamber, surrounded by glass and made of a strong steal. It looked like a garbage chute, but for people. You wondered if it ha anything to do with his ‘scheming’ that was going on the the sitting room of your apartment the night before. You had tried sitting with him, pretending to be sleepy and lay on his shoulder when really you were just trying to take a peek at what he was organizing on his holo-pad. He’d kissed your head and sent you to bed, not even giving you a glimpse of what was to come.
“Each of you will enter this chamber, one at a time. The ground will drop from beneath you, and you will fall into a practice arena, much like the one you will face at the trials. There are several obstacles, both physical and mental. Once you have all entered, you may begin the course. The first to the end will get to forgo sparring today,” he spoke, and immediately everyone was becoming more competitive. The funny thing was, he already knew who was going to win, and his prize to the others was actually something you didn’t mind, and would probably end up ignoring anyway. It was his perfect win/win situation. “Who wants to go first?”
Every hand shot up into the air except yours, and he chuckled. Always so eager you were, but not when it came to training you’d done a thousand times. Sure, you would do it and give it your best because you strived to make him proud, but it wasn’t something you necessarily needed to do. You were ready for the trials when you were fifteen.
“Alright, we’ll go down the line.”
The one standing at the front was Zule Xiss, a talented Jedi and a promising consular. You’d worked with her once, along with her Master Glaive. It was to provide assistance on Naboo not long after the battle of Geonosis. She was strong, and you knew she had the heart to pass the trials. She entered the chute, and waited for the chamber to close around her, before the floor came out from beneath her, and she gasped as though she wasn’t expecting it.
When the chamber reset, there was now a screen, showing where she’d landed, in a dark arena, unlit until everyone was there.
The next in line was Tae Diath, who was the apprentice of his uncle, Nico Diath. He was a valiant fighter, a very serious person that you’d not had many dealings with, but even still, he had the makings of a great Jedi. He was a rule follower by nature, so it wasn’t hard for him to follow the right pathways. He stepped in the chamber, taking in a breath as it closed around him. He saw this as not just practice, but the real thing. If he could pass this, he was confident he could complete the real challenges. He dropped down into the arena, and could now be seen standing next to Zule.
Mak Lotor, the infamous boy that had a secret. He was good to keep it for a long time, and Obi-Wan was beginning to think that perhaps he wasn’t so bad after all. He had strength, not like you of course, but he was practical, and had what it took to finish his career as a padawan, to enter knighthood along with it’s responsibilities. He seemed almost excited to step into the chute, letting the glass close around him. He gave a teasing salute to you, and you rolled your eyes, watching as he fell through the floor and onto the grounds that could be seen on the screen.
Kass Tod, the Zabrak girl with long black hair. She was the definition of determination if there ever was one. She too was a consular, and thought herself to perhaps be your equal. You knew she only thought that way because she could also best her Master in combat as could you. The thing is, though, her master was far from the likes of General and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. She was arrogant, but not to a fault. It was more of a quiet superiority, one you didn’t let yourself mind, though you could sense it on her through the radiation of the air around her. She entered the chamber, and kept her face stern as she fell through to the arena below, giving you one last look before she was gone. You shuddered. You obviously weren’t intimidated by her, but she did sort of bother you to some degree. You could have sworn that she hated you.
There was no one left beside you, and you had become the only one remaining. You stepped into the chamber, but before Obi-Wan let it close around you, he leaned inside and gave you a smile.
“I know you’re going to beat them, but for the sake of their ego, make it close,” he said, only half joking as he knew you wouldn’t lose on purpose, but you certainly would meet him in the middle in at least making it seem like it could have been anyone’s game.
“How close?” You narrowed your eyes, tilting your head and crossing your arms as to convey the tone.
“Close enough that I won’t be called out for picking favorites.”
“But I am your favorite,” you reasoned.
“They don’t need to know that,” he said, leaning forward to nuzzle his nose with yours, before he stepped back, giving you one last once over. “Let the force guide you, little one. I’ll be watching from the end.”
You laid your head against the back of the chamber, waiting for the floor to drop, and when it did, there was a split second of adrenaline rush through your body until you hit the ground feet first.
You looked to the others, who seemed slightly annoyed that they still couldn’t see anything, but then the lights came on, the your course was shown. Tests of strength, wisdom, and overall wellness for a Jedi. You were astounded by the things you saw, as they looked, for lack of a better word, challenging.
You were excited, and as you saw a a hologram at the top of the arena light up, beginning a count down, you took your mark, focusing in on the course ahead of you. I am one with the force, and the force is with me.
Your back hit the training mat, hard. Since he had some time off, and Padme was busy in the senate, Anakin decided to stop by and aid Obi-Wan in his efforts to train you for the trials. You winced as you looked up at his mischievous smirk standing above you. Oh how foolish of you to think that this would be easy.
“That’s eleven for me, care to make it twelve?” He teased, holding a hand out to aid you. You couldn’t place it, the reason why you lost to Anakin. If Obi-Wan was able to defeat him so many times, surely you would have been able to do it at least once by now, but you never did.
“I don’t think my spine could handle twelve,” you said, stretching your back and twisting your body side to side to help alleviate the pressure.
“If its any consolation, you almost had me that time.”
“Sure I did,” you said sarcastically, knowing he was only trying to make you feel better.
Obi-Wan was watching from the corner, arms crossed as he also tried to place the thing that made you lose. He was so sloppy, it should have been impossible. Perhaps he was your only weakness, and you couldn’t defeat him. It was a good thing you’d never have to face him for real, otherwise you’d be dead to the worlds.
“Are you done wreaking havoc on my padawan?” He asked, trading places with Anakin and waiting for him to find something else to do. Honestly, he was tired of winning, or so he told himself.
“Eh, she’s fine,” Anakin waved his hand at the comment, but before he turned to leave, he gave you a nod, and you smiled, letting him know you weren’t actually hurt. “I’ll see you both tomorrow, right now I am needed at the senate.”
Once he was out of the room, Obi-Wan had an idea for training. He’d been thinking about it since the day you told him about your spat with the bad batch, the way you proved them all to be horrendously presumptuous by blindfolding yourself on the battlefield. The way you described your senses to him sounded like an exercise his Master once taught him to use.
He tied a piece of fabric over your eyes, waiting to feel your signatures intertwining before he grabbed his saber from his hip, activating it as a sign that he was ready to begin.
Just the two of you, alone in the sparring room, you stood straight, your lightsaber in one hand as you prepared to feel your opponent through the force.
Obi-Wan snuck up on you from your left side, and you swung your arm around to block his movement, beginning the duel. The sounds of sabers clashing, and heavy breathing could be heard in the echoes of the training room, and your fight was getting sloppy, but so was his. You were tired and beaten from your losses against Anakin, and it was ruining your technique. If there was one person that always tired him out while sparring, it was you. You managed to hit his saber out of his hands, thinking you'd won, but you got cocky, and soon he used the force to bring you forward, and your saber too went flying away from your grasp.
"Hand to hand can still save you in a time of need," he said, but you were already tired, and getting weaker with every round the two of you had gone.
You felt his presence approach you with an oncoming attack, and ducked beneath his swing, but missed his next move, as he swept you while you were still down, bringing you to your back on the ground beneath him. You were about to get up, but your slow speed did not aid you well. He straddled your hips and held your arms down on either side of your head, watching you pant underneath him.
"I surrender," you smirked, your chest heaving up and down with every breath you took. You felt ragged, and sweaty, but Obi-Wan looked down beneath him and saw a masterpiece.
"Good, but I can't let you go just yet."
He laced your fingers with his, pressing your hands further into the ground as he leaned forward and kissed you once, teasingly at first, and brining himself back up, but before he could move away, you were using the force, pulling him back down again and kissing him deeper.
“Obi, someone could see.”
“No one is here, little one.”
He wasted no time in letting his lips ravish yours once more. No one could ever kiss you like Obi-Wan Kenobi. You knew that since you'd only ever kissed him that perhaps the range of knowledge was primary to him, but you didn't really desire anyone else's lips but his own. You loved the way he tasted as he licked into your mouth, creating sensations in your body that were more than welcome.
It was only when you sensed he was enjoying himself thoroughly that you turned your head, breaking away and teasing him like you always did.
"I believe we have training to accomplish, Master Obi-Wan," you rolled him underneath you, taking off your blindfold and giving a most innocent smile to him before you got up.
He was a mess on the floor, still, and you reveled in the power you had over him, however little it may be. He was so gone for you, it was insane.
"I'd say you have made enough progress for today."
@spencerrxids @sawendel @fandomstanner24 @i-shall-abide @officialjellydoughnut @whatshxrname @darkened-writer @superavengerpotter @cutiepoo16 @hypnoash @softlymellow @howlerwolfmax @mephistominion @honestlywtfisgoingon @anakinskywalkerog @mandiiellen @je--a-n @guyinachair27 @avenger5-a55emble @amelia-song-pond @kaminanii @the-abyss-of-fandoms @queenofnightdreamland @world-dominating-kitty @mandowhatnow @ella-error505 @annahalo @infinity-witch @beetlejuice-stuff @liueski @solarbxby @sirianisrock @lxdyred @endless-warrior-always-fighter @iloveinej @msjb2002 @shoochi @itsilvermorny @gingerrosecosplay @sebschicken @loversjoy @argentinemango @1-800-vader @house-of-kolchek @marierg @graciexmarvel @ttzamara @truly-madly-nerdy @molieux @majahu @dyzlks @pancakefancake
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soft-boi-eli · 3 years
Hello Hello!
I just wanted to say I love your fics!
Could I request a CC!SBI X Gn! Insomniac Reader! Where the reader is an insomniac (Obviously-) but is somehow a pro at MC!
Like they are basically god at the game! They also REALLY enjoy horror games! They don’t get scared easily and LOVE horror movies! They basically love anything horror/creepy-
The reader lives off of ramen and Monster energy drinks (For fun-)! They have a Twitch (Which has about 18 mil followers and 14 mil subs!) and a YouTube channel (Which has 20 mil followers!)
They mainly play horror games (Obviously-) and MC!
You can do headcanons or scenarios/images with the SBI! Maybe like playing a horror game together or MC? OR! Maybe some things they do together? Or when they meet up? Or-to many ideas Nightmare-
I don’t really care! And don’t worry about taking too long on it!
Maybe we could be friends? Only if you want too!
Remember to eat, drink, and get enough sleep!
Yes. I lovesthese ideas and I'm gonna choose headcannons due to they are a bit easierfor me to write.
And yes I'm perfectly fine with being your friend! I'm actually happy to make friends on this app so yeah!
Tw: cussing. Insomia, mentions of horror movies. Mention of horror games. Fluff.
SBI with a horror streamer friend head cannons.
*Ahem* tommy wanted to paly a game with you so you choose a game that didn't look like horror until the middle. He screamed at the jump scare and it made both of your chats so happy.
When phil decides to play with you there is literally a silence after a jump scare. Everyone thought he had a heart attack and honestly so did you until he spoke up about accidently hitting his mute button when he jumped.
Wilbur. He's a bit better then tommy but more scared then phil would be. Any little noise won't get him but when it starts to get noticeable the noiseless to him. The jump scare, he'd fall out of his seat and stay on the ground for a bit. You ask if he's good and he literally doesn't answer. He's dead. You killed him. Congrats.
Techno. He'd handle them a bit better then everyone else. Not as good as you but heisnt very paranoid. He literally runs at the noises trying to get jumpscared. While you run after him telling him to stop because if he doesn't then you'd lose and die. And technoblade never dies.
If you all play together both tommy and wilbur pussy out. Techno last the longest and phil the second longest. While you remain the ruler of horror games.
Now how you all met was dream invited you to the dream smp to add to the chaos. Needless to say it got extremely chaotic due to you being on almost 24 hours. You first ran into techno. He seemed confused and skeptical.
You both found eachothers love for potatoes. You set up camp quote close to techno but not too close.
Phil popped in when he needed something for a build and noticed a new name. Talked to you in chat and asked to join your VC. You both found each other talking for a bit.
Wilbur was next. Wilbur got curious over the new person and just hoppedinto the same VC as you techno and phil. He was quick to realize that you were a famous youtuber. Mainly for your horror videos and your extreme Parkcore skills.
In minecraft that is.
Tommy noticing that all of you were in the same VC joined in with shouting. He was low key jealous that everyone was obsessed with you. Then he saw why.
You literally cracked jokes at his shouting.
"Is that an angry pomeranian? Nah nah. It's an angry child. Even better an angry blonde!" - you.
He was shocked and immediately started joking and laughing with you. He wasn't fully angry for long.
Now about your diet. When they heard that you had only eaten ramen and drank angry drinks they were concerned. You lived quite close to techno so when you guys met up he was shocked that you looked as healthy as you did.
He hated the fact that you literally didn't eat anything else.
You told him occasionally you have something other then ramen but you were just too lazy to really cook anything and that you didn't feel like burning the house down.
One month phil, tommy, wilbur, and techno decided to organize a month long sleep over so that they could celebrate your birthday. Phil being quote the father figure cooked different, but easy dinners every night just so you didn't eat only ramen that day.
When they actually arrived though you got a text from Phil asking about your address in your dms. Not think much of it you just sent him your location.
You were going to take a small nap. Just to bost your energy before you went and streamed later that night.
As you were sleeping there was a car heading to your house.
Phil, wilbur, tommy, and techno were all just existing in the car. And when they arrived to your house they didn't expect to actually see a clean house.
You woke to a loud knock.
When you opened the door in your half dazed state you expected a package. But to see four people standing on your porch.
You nearly jumped out of your skin.
You were stuck there blinking at them.
Finally snapping out of it you let them in. Confused on why in the ever loving fuck they were here.
Phil explained they were here to celebrate your 21st birthday and they were here for a month.
You stared at them for a while. Confused on what to do since you haven't had people over in almost 2 years.
But you got use to it.
So when you got done streaming and smelled something other then ramen you were thrown off guard. Like what was that. I haven't smelled that in years.
But after the second day you got use to it too.
For your birthday phil literally made a feast.
Like he found your favorite food other then ramen and cooked it. With that he prepared everything you could dream of.
Your sleeping habits. Let's dig into those.
I'm in no place to talk as right now it's 3:05 in the morning. And here I am.
But when they are over they don't let you stay up till no 3-4 in the morning. They all know the importance of sleep.
But there are those nights where no once can sleep and it results in a late night stream. And streaming for hours none the less.
The amount of accidental all nighters everyone has pulled was immense. But that's what happens with jet lag, adhd, and insomnia.
Literally you get tired randomly. Sleep for only 3 hours. Wake up. Drink coffee, energy drinks, highly caffeinated tea. And don't sleep till late at night.
Pillow forts.
It's a must and it happens. Horror movies, pillow forts, and snacks. Like you all are in this massive fort, watching horror movies, one by one you all are falling asleep. You and techno were the last up due to technos active mind and your body not letting you sleep.
You two literally just vide there, changing the movies from horror to some silly animated movies, like how to train your dragon, frozen, Luca, and many others.
You two pull an all nighter and it's actually a bet to see how long anyone else takes to notice.
You bet an hour. Techno says all day.
You won. Philza notices the worse eye bags under both you and technos eyes and immediately starts scolding.
He is papa bird and he won't let anyone of his children neglect their needs.
"Did you even drink water at all? You guys should of been sleeping not binge watching horror movies all night!" -philza
You could only offer a smirk, along with a laugh.
"I think we did I just can't fully remember. Also we were watching animated films. Not horror. Surprised you didn't wake up to let it go." - you.
You turn to techno.
"You owe me 15 bucks pig boy!"-you again.
Handing you the money he rolls his eyes. "Yeha yeah. Rub it in." -techno.
Ah yeah they found a horror game that you were scared of surprisingly. It was actually surprisingly you hadn't played it yet.
You had been holding off that game until you finished your other one but here you were. Bored out of your mind.
So you decided fuck it.
That game teriffed the shit out of you. It was so good though.
When you screamed they all came rushing up due to the fact that you never scream.
They say you out of your chair, on the floor, blinking. They thought you were hurt.
But you sat up and looked at your computer.
"Damn. That was actually really good." When you looked behind you and found the boys all staring you smiled and waved.
"You need something?"-you
"You screamed. We heard a thud. We thought you fuckin died!" -tommy.
"No I'm alive. My soul almost divorced my body but it's still quite here."-you
That day made highlights.
The popular y/n actually got jump scared. The one person who never screamed at horror games screamed.
When they left you were sad yes but they were still your best friends. Ready to talk when ever you want.
Sometimes I think that you guys talk all through out the night. Them forgetting that you were actually in a different time zone.
Sometimes they pop into your streams, be it MC, horror, you just talking to your fans, or even the once in the blue moon, cheerful games.
They just pop in and start talking to you. And you talk back like they were there since the beginning.
Phil is now one of your moderators too. Along with tommy, wilbur, and techno. When they pop in they make sure no one picks on you.
And since you are now close to the SBI. You are now part of it.
You didn't choose the fans did. But they are your new family. No matter what.
Even if they disagree with your eating habit.
Or energy drink addiction.
Or insomnia.
Or you mainly playing horror games.
Or you basically living in your streaming room.
Or even the nearly 24 hour streams.
I could go on but I'm not gonna.
I'm tired. But I can sleep. 2 days and I get to have a tour of my new school.
And it took so long to finally get into it.
We have been going through a huge hassle even before school started to get me enrolled.
And then we had to get me into this program.
But now on Monday I get to go in. Get a tour. Then start either Tuesday or Wednesday.
Anyway hope you liked. It's now 3:50 and it's no proof read I'm sorry
816 notes · View notes
mypoisonedvine · 3 years
𝖙𝖜𝖎𝖈𝖊 II || professor!helmut zemo x reader
{𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 I} 
𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞 : your illicit relationship with your (former) professor forces both of you to consider if the risk is worth the reward.
𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙 : 9k (jeeeesus)
𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 : smut (oral f and m receiving, rough sex, creampie, massive amount of dirty talk), zemo being super cocky, smoking (just zemo, not the reader), alcohol consumption (zemo and reader although the latter is moreso implied), angst (not a ton but yeah), strip chess (does this require a warning?), zemo’s friends being sorta sleazy, one mention of/implied anal, brief violence? (one punch)
part 3 coming asap!
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                              You watched his eyes slowly scan the board, darting from his pieces to yours and back again.
“You’re stalling,” you accused, breaking the silence.
“I’m thinking,” he mumbled back right away, never looking away from the board as he rested his chin in his hand.
“Think faster,” you instructed with a groan, leaning back in your chair and looking out the window instead.  When you saw movement in the corner of your eye, you looked back again, but he just sighed and moved his hand back into his lap without doing anything.  “Oh my god!” you exclaimed, rolling your eyes.
“Wait, wait, I’ve got it,” he grinned, finally grabbing his knight and moving it forward.  “Check.”
You looked around the board to confirm he was right, and he cleared his throat expectantly.
“I said, ‘check’,” he reminded you.  “Stand up.”
“You’re really going to make me do this?” you pressed with a raised eyebrow.
“No, I’m not going to make you,” he smirked, “but you’re going to do it because your only alternative is to forfeit.”
With a sigh and a little smile of your own, you stood up and unbuttoned your shorts, sliding them down your legs and stepping out of them quickly.  His face was irritatingly neutral as he watched you strip, only your bra and underwear left now, but his eyes gave everything away as they examined you with even more care than they had the chess board.  
“You know, this whole ‘strip chess’ idea isn’t exactly going according to plan,” you frowned, sitting back down in the chair and crossing your legs.
“What do you mean?  Of course it is,” he grinned.  “Oh, you mean, your plan… yes, I hope my suit coat is keeping your entire outfit good company over there in the pile.”
You scoffed defensively.  “If you wanted to get me naked, you could’ve just asked.”
“I know, darling.  This was just to get you to slow down for once.”
You coughed a little, shocked by his brutal honesty.  “Damn, shots fired,” you mumbled to yourself, and he laughed.  
“Now, it’s your turn to see if you can get this tie off,” he smirked.  “And do hurry it up, so I can show you what happens when I get a checkmate.”
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His apartment was, unshockingly, so much nicer than your dorm; so it wasn’t so odd that you spent most nights here each week.  Well, perhaps it was a little odd since you had practically moved in and you’d only been seeing him for a few months… but you were happy, and he was happy, and you were trying desperately not to overthink it.
Your schedule was carefully crafted so as not to include any Friday classes, but obviously as a professor his itinerary was a much more traditional 8-to-5 no matter the day of the week.  As a result, it was typical for you to lay around his place through most of the day, working on your laptop or occasionally mooching off of his HBO Max account.
You were doing just that when you heard the key in the front door, and you scrambled to turn the TV off so he wouldn’t think you were being lazy… but when he entered, you were still laying on the couch wrapped up in a blanket, so you didn’t exactly look productive either.
“Hey,” you greeted, sitting up and resting your arms on the back of the couch as he took his bag off his shoulder and hung up his jacket.
“Hey,” he mumbled in return, sounding a bit distracted and not even looking back at you.  You furrowed your brow as he sat down on the couch beside you, letting out a heavy breath and staring up at the ceiling.
“What’s on your mind?” you asked, pouting as you moved closer to straddle his lap and run your hands over his chest through his button-up.
“Well, the thing is,” he sighed, taking off his glasses with one hand to rub his eyes with the other, “tomorrow is my birthday.”
“Wh— that’s a good thing!” you scoffed.  “Let’s do something!”
“My fortieth birthday,” he clarified.  “Tomorrow, I will officially be twice your age.”
You sighed a bit.  “That really bothers you, doesn’t it…”
“Does it not bother you?  It should,” he snapped, deflating you instantly, and his tone softened.  “I’m sorry.  That was harsh… I just feel guilty, sometimes.  I wouldn’t want to take advantage—”
“I’m a grown adult, Helmut, I know I’m younger than you but I’m not a child and I can make my own choices.”
He nodded.  “You’re right.”
“So then what’s the problem?”
“I…” he paused for a moment, chewing his lip slightly as he gathered his thoughts.  “I would just hate to see you regret this.  And I think, when you’re older, you will.”
“Let me worry about that,” you frowned.  “The future can be dealt with later, we should enjoy the present while we can.”
He laughed softly.  “I think I have an idea of what you consider ‘enjoying the present’...”
You smiled as you leaned in closer, holding his face to press your lips against his.  It was pretty innocent at first, until his hands began to rest at your waist and you sighed slightly, feeling your hips shift above him.  He grinned, teeth gently nipping at your bottom lip.
“What do you know?  I was right,” he whispered.  “You’re turned on already.”
It made your cheeks burn when he called you out like that, like he was mocking you for how easily he could make you desperate, and you looked away in embarrassment.  “I can’t help it!” you defended in a pout.
“I know,” he cooed, kissing your cheek and neck softly.  “I think it’s sweet, really.”
That made your cheeks burn even more, and you looked back at him again to find his brown eyes sparkling.  “Really?”
You trailed your fingers over his cheeks, scratching his beard a little bit which made him scrunch up his nose.  “Well, I think you’re sweet,” you giggled.  “And you know something else?”
He raised an eyebrow and you leaned in to speak closer to his ear.
“I think it’s sexy that you’re twice my age,” you whispered.  “Well, that tomorrow you’ll be twice my age.”
“Yeah?” he pressed, fingers just barely grazing over your skin as they trailed down your legs.
“Yeah,” you nodded, moving your hands to his chest where you started to slowly unbutton his shirt as he sighed.
“That explains why you can’t seem to keep your hands off of me,” he chuckled, looking down to watch your fingers brush over the patch of hair on his chest and toy briefly with the necklace he wore.  
“Well, that’s more just because I know how good you can fuck me, and I’ll never be satisfied by anything else,” you admitted, biting your lip.
“Darling, I don’t think you’re even satisfied by me… I already made you come this morning, don’t you remember?”
“Yeah, but that was different,” you pouted, “that was your fingers and it was right before you had to leave and I was still half-asleep…”
“Whatever it is that you want, draga, just say it,” he ordered in a whisper, holding the back of your neck and pulling you closer so you had to look back at him.
It was a lot harder to say with him staring right at you, but you swallowed and did your best.  “Need you to fuck me.  Wanna feel you inside me, please.”
His only answer was a quick nod before he kissed you, rough and dominating, letting you cling onto him while he stood up and carried you to the bedroom, falling with you onto the mattress.
He made a big show of kissing his way down your body, tearing your clothes out of the way on his path, eventually leaving you in only your panties which he examined with a grin as he held your legs open.
A shiver ran up your spine when he caught the lace in his teeth and used only a playful bite to pull them down your legs.  
Once the panties were off your ankles and he had tossed them aside with a flick of his head, he held your thighs as he dove right in, lapping at you hungrily while you moaned and your back arched.
He purred against you when your fingers wove into his hair and tugged slightly, but you honestly didn’t even mean to do it: you just needed to hold onto something to keep yourself from falling back into oblivion, and it seemed like a more attractive option than the bedsheets.
His lips attaching onto you and sucking your clit hard was already overwhelming in its own rite, but then two thick fingers began to push into you and it was impossible not to cry out, your bottom lip falling from where it had been caught between your teeth.
“Fuck!” you yelped, hips shaking and trying to rock up against his face as he curled the tips of his fingers against your spot right away.
“Close already, draga?” he cooed, words muffled since he didn’t fully pull his mouth away from your body before he spoke.  “I’ve only just started.”
You could only nod and feel your face heat up even more; at this point you had no right to be embarrassed by how sensitive you were when he’d already proven to you over and over that he could bring you to the edge in minutes.  But still, apparently some little shred of shame was still left in you, and you could tell by the look in his eyes that he was determined to train it out of you.
“If you’re close then now would be the time to start begging,” he reminded you as he moved his fingers faster and teased your clit with the tip of his tongue.
"Please, Helmut," you sobbed as you writhed uncontrollably, "I'm so close— fuck me, please, I want your cock."
"So you don't want to come on my fingers, then?  You don't want me to make you come with my mouth?"
"No, I want you to fuck me, please… you know I need to come around you."
Not one to let you down when you pleaded like that, he pulled his fingers out and suddenly flipped you onto your hands and knees, chuckling when you gasped.
“This is how you want it, isn’t it?” he presumed as you heard him finishing the undressing process behind you until you finally felt the head of his cock pressing against your soaking entrance.
“Yes,” you breathed, “just fuck me, please—”
You cut yourself off with a high-pitched noise when he shoved into you, this angle giving you no relief from how deep he was filling you.  One of his hands was beside yours, keeping him balanced upright above you, and you watched it tighten into a fist while the other slid up to hold your neck in a way that was simultaneously intimidating and soothing.
When he started to move, each stroke rubbed against your swollen spot and you struggled not to fall apart right there and then.
“So perfect,” he breathed right against your ear, almost like he was saying it to himself more than you, “you feel so fucking perfect, draga.”
Of course that would make your back arch even more, pushing him deeper into you in search of not only more friction within you but more of his praise whispered to you.
Soon it was you pushing back against him more than him fucking into you, and you felt his proud smile press against the curve of your neck.  “You need it that badly, darling?”
“Need you,” you whined back, not really capable of a full sentence at this point. 
“I know,” he whispered, soothing you with kisses all over your cheek and neck and shoulder.  “I know, poor thing, you just need to come, yes?”
Your mouth fell slack as you nodded, rocking back into him faster and more desperately than ever.
“You need me to make you come?”
“Yes, fuck, please!” you cried, hoping he wouldn’t get irritated with you becoming so demanding, but thankfully he obliged and held your body tight as he really fucked you then, hard and fast and completely unforgiving— exactly how you needed it.
Every part of your body seemed to tense up in time with each other: your toes curled, your hands gripped the sheets beneath you in fists, your walls fluttered and tightened around him.  
When you opened your mouth to speak, you genuinely didn’t know if you should expect a scream or a whisper.  What came out was somewhere in the middle, slightly choked and completely fucked-out.  “Please, don’t stop…”
“Couldn’t if I wanted to, draga,” he groaned, his fingers rubbing your clit roughly as he fucked you even harder, slamming into the deepest parts of you until you were choking on your own sobs.
"I— hng, Helmut, I'm—" you tried to warn him, but you couldn't even put a few words together.
"I know, darling," he cooed, "shh, just come, go ahead and come for me."
He sucked hard on your pulse as your legs quivered and your body gave out; if it weren’t for him holding you tight against him, you would’ve fallen on your face onto the bed (and you may not have even noticed if you did, since you were suddenly going numb and tingly everywhere).
Just past the ringing in your ears you could hear him muttering curses against your skin, in a few languages you didn’t speak, before switching back to English to praise you in a growl.  “I love feeling you come around me, draga, keep going— you’re squeezing me so tight that I can barely keep it together.”
Tears streamed down your cheeks from the force of it, and his hand reached up to wipe them away— a gesture much too tender considering the way he was pounding into you like he was out for revenge.
"Fuck, I'm close, so close," he breathed, grunting with every thrust into you.
"Come in me, I want it so bad, I need it…"
His teeth sunk into your neck, his lips sealing and sucking on the delicate skin, as he let out a muffled moan and began to fill you.  The warmth of it was always indescribable, but perfect; a heavy exhale of relief sunk from your chest out your lips.
You were able to stay like that for a long moment before he let you go and you inevitably fell limply onto the bed, just barely beginning to catch your breath and come back down to reality.
“Fuck, that’ll leave a mark,” you groaned as you rubbed where he’d bitten you, but you were smiling, too.
You watched him get up and stretch briefly; you were pretty impressed he was still energetic enough to do anything but collapse onto the bed beside you, though you certainly didn’t mind the view as he walked to the window and acquired a cigarette and his lighter.
“Isn’t smoking after sex a little stereotypical?” you chuckled softly.
He smirked back at you as he placed the end between his lips.  “It’s the only time I smoke, so I’m going to blame you for how many packs I’ve been going through,” he countered, words slightly muffled from holding the cigarette.  He struck his lighter and carefully lit the end, taking a slow inhale before letting the smoke out through his nose.
“Believe it or not, I didn’t have such an… appetite, before you,” you admitted.
“You’d never had anything worth craving before,” he shrugged; how dare he be so casually cocky like that?  How dare he be so accurate?
Deciding you definitely needed a shower (though you would’ve loved to lay there catatonic for a while longer), you managed to sit up and get off the bed.  The only problem was that you severely overestimated the awakeness of your legs, and when you tried to stand on them, they buckled right away.
He dashed across the room to catch you, concerned at first but then smirking around his cigarette as he looked down at you in his arms.  "Are you alright, darling?"
"Yeah, I'm good," you nodded breathlessly, balancing on his arms as you found your footing.  "Thanks."
“You don’t need my help in the shower?” he pressed.
You rolled your eyes as you laughed, letting go of his hands.  “We both know your ‘help’ isn’t going to get me clean.”
“You’ve got me there,” he admitted, raising his hands in relent as he returned to the window while you finished your delicate trek to the bathroom and reached into the shower to turn on the stream of hot water.
Though the shower thankfully did get the sweat off of you and (most of) the come out of you, it could never wash away the feeling of his touch, the little bruises in the shape of his lips or fingertips, and thank god that it couldn’t— your heart might break if they ever faded.
Of course, that made you start wondering which made you start overthinking (a common shower pastime for you) and suddenly a pang of fearful guilt started to throb in your gut as you wondered if your feelings were becoming too strong.  
You pushed the thought away and finished up your shower, deciding now was not the time to worry where this affair was going.  Didn’t you deserve to do something fun and crazy and a little bit dangerous for once?  At least you weren’t in his class anymore so what you were doing was less ‘wrong’ and more just ‘probably a bad idea.’
But this bad idea had been going on for a few months now and sometimes it felt like you were barreling towards an inevitable breaking point.  Could any relationship that began in the way yours had find longevity?  Is that even what you wanted?
Okay, so maybe you didn’t really manage to successfully stop worrying about it, and you sighed absent-mindedly as you dried off with a borrowed towel.  If anything could soothe your racing mind, it was coming back to the bedroom to find Helmut in bed, his cigarette finished and replaced with a book and his reading glasses.
The way he smiled when he saw you was infectious, and he extended his arm out in invitation for you to join him and, well, that offer was irresistible.
You beamed as you jumped onto the mattress, which had settled from its bouncing by the time you found a comfortable spot on his shoulder and lifted your leg to drape over his.  
Your head found a place on his chest while your fingers traced over it, trailing down at one point to his stomach where you delicately traced over the scars there— the ones you’d been too afraid to ask about before now.
“What happened?” you asked softly.  “The scars…”
“A dog mauled me when I was little,” he remembered flatly as he turned a page in his book.  
“Oh no!”
“Not as bad as it sounds, I can’t even remember it now,” he shrugged.
“Anything interesting?” you asked, motioning to the book and looking up at his profile as he returned to his thoughtful reading.
“Something horrifically boring,” he answered flatly, looking over at the bedside table when his phone vibrated on top of it.  Setting the book down and grabbing the phone instead, he squinted as he looked at the bright screen.
“What is it?” you asked after a brief struggle not to be nosy.
"Another professor in the department is offering to take me out for drinks, for my birthday," he explained as he examined the message.
"That's sweet of him," you smiled.  "You should go!"
"Well, actually it's a 'her,'" he corrected.
Oh no, there it was, stirring in your stomach: jealousy, for no good reason, with no right to start stirring in your chest.  Of course in your mind, this female professor was sexy and sophisticated in a way you couldn't be, someone who could keep up with his discussions about history and politics that you barely understood, someone who could do all those things you couldn’t do. 
Including, you know, going to bars… like the one she was inviting him to now, on the night of his birthday.
“Well that’s… nice,” you mumbled.  “Is it just you and her, or…?”
He paused as he processed the question, before suddenly smirking and setting his phone down to stare back at you.  “Do you think she’s asking me on a date?”
You couldn’t parse at first if he was asking you because he thought you were being ridiculous for thinking it, or because he genuinely wanted your perspective— as if he would be happy if she was.  It made a lump form in your throat that you couldn’t quite swallow down.  “I… I don’t know, maybe?” you shrugged.  “How old is she?” you, morbid curiosity getting the better of you.
“I don’t know, 30-something?  Like I will be for the next—” he paused to puff his cheeks with a sigh and glance at his watch— “5 hours or so.”
You tried to hide your disappointment that he didn’t give a number like 60 or more.  “I don’t think you’re allowed to say 30 ‘something’ when the ‘something’ is 9,” you snorted.
“Okay, she’s in her late 30s then,” he decided.
“Well, that’s…” you trailed off. 
“What?” he pressed.
“I guess it’s probably a date, then,” you decided.
“It’s definitely not,” he shook his head.
“Does she know that?” you shot back, regretting it once you said it.
“Seriously?” he laughed.  “Do you think something is going to… happen between her and I, at this bar?”
“Well, maybe not at the bar, she’ll probably drive you to her place in her BMW or whatever,” you scoffed.
“Draga, she’s a history professor, she can’t afford a BMW,” he smirked, kissing your forehead.  
“Okay, but she has a car, and an apartment, and a job— you know, maybe she’s more ‘in your league’,” you proposed.
He laughed again.  “Yes, maybe she is.  And maybe you’re out of my league.  So I think we’ve established that it would be entirely uneconomic for me to be with her instead of you.”
You noticed the way he said ‘being with’ and not ‘date’ in reference to this.  Because you two weren’t, technically, dating, even if he did take you on what could be considered dates by most of the population.  “People do uneconomic things all the time,” you mumbled back, and he let out a little sigh as he looked down at you.
“Darling, I am entirely disinterested in pursuing another woman… as well as physically incapable.  I can barely keep up with you, how do you expect me to entertain somebody else?”
You swallowed, feeling a bit guilty for bringing it up at all.  “I’m sorry, it’s really none of my business,” you sighed, “I didn’t mean to ask you for anything, you can make your own decisions and I know we said this wasn’t—”
“Shh,” he interrupted to hug you tighter, “you’re overthinking again.  I’m not going to sleep with someone else—”
“But I’m saying you could, if you wanted to, I’d just want you to tell me since we aren’t using condoms and we would probably just call it off—”
“Baby,” he smiled, making you look up at him as he reached down to hold your face in his hand, “I just want you.”
You choked on nothing in particular, feeling so vulnerable so suddenly.  “O-okay…”
He held your head close to his chest and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, while you were still reeling from that statement; you didn’t know exactly what it meant— it certainly implied exclusivity, but not necessarily any romantic contexts, right?  To ‘want’ someone can mean a lot of things… sexual, mainly, which is what you assumed he was referring to.
And you were definitely not disappointed if he only wanted you in only that way, but you couldn’t swallow down the longing stirring inside you, the unforgettable knowledge that you wanted him in every way that could be meant.  Best of all, you wanted him all to yourself, but you were too self-conscious to bring up the exclusivity talk and you were too happy now to risk messing it all up with pesky emotions.  It was just amazing sex, between two people who thankfully managed to get along well outside the bedroom as well, and there was absolutely wrong with that.
If nothing else, you knew a lot more about history than you did a few months ago, so if it all ended tomorrow, at least you would have some fun facts about Sokovia to show for it.
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When your friend Kacey told you there was a house party this weekend, you were originally going to say no… but the house in question was actually just down the block from Helmut’s apartment, so you knew if you hated it you could leave easily.  Maybe getting out would do you some good, and it was the same night that Helmut was going out with his friends for his birthday so the timing was convenient.  He encouraged you not to wait for him alone and bored all night; this seemed like the perfect way to avoid that.
And maybe if you were getting dressed up all sexy to go out to a party at the same time he was supposed to leave for the bar, you could convince him to ditch them and spend his birthday fucking you senseless.
When he caught a glimpse of you while he walked past the bathroom, he stopped suddenly and you grinned as you turned to face him.  "Whaddya think?" you asked proudly, letting him get an eyeful of your outfit.
“You look…” he trailed off, scanning the skin-tight dress with wide eyes.  “Do you always dress this way for parties?”
You shrugged.  “Most of the time, yeah.”
“Remind me to take you out more,” he nodded.  “Or never let you go out without me again.”
“You don’t think it’s too revealing, do you?” you teased, stepping closer.
“Oh no, don’t play that game with me,” he laughed.  “Don’t try to make me jealous just so I’ll get rough with you.”
You frowned, crossing your arms.  
“Does that tactic usually work on whatever boys you were seeing before me?” he smirked, and something about the way he called them boys made you feel all tingly and suddenly you were not the one in control anymore.  You nodded shyly and he stepped up to you, pulling you into a soft kiss.  You tried to deepen it but he moved back too soon, leaving you wanting more like he could do so effortlessly.  “I’ll see you tonight, have fun at your party.”
He left you with one more kiss, to your forehead this time, and you were almost more impressed than irritated at how he managed to make sure you’d be thinking only of him all night long.
Not too much later after he’d driven off, you left on foot for the party— though you definitely considered cancelling last minute and just moping around his apartment, staring forlornly out the window wondering when your husband former professor turned not-exactly boyfriend would return from the war bar.
But you had a point to prove to yourself, as well as Helmut and Kacey, and so you finished primping and found the walk rather pleasant in terms of scenery (if irritating in terms of fashion).
As far as house parties go, it wasn't quite a rager but not exactly a casual hangout either; you could hear the music from across the block, though faintly, as bass reverberated through the ground and into your platforms while your friend waved you down from the porch, calling your name.
She met you at the sidewalk just in front of the house, pulling you into a tight hug; you had been worried at first that you were overdressed (or, in a certain sense, underdressed), but her outfit was significantly more revealing than yours; a two-piece with her stomach and belly button piercing exposed.  
“You look hot,” Kacey beamed when she pulled back from the hug.
“You think so?  I’m a bit out of practice,” you admitted.
“Glad you could dust off the heels and join us,” she winked.
She glanced back towards the house.  “Yeah, Pia’s here— somewhere…”
Another junior in your major; as the most social girls in the computer science undergraduate stratosphere, the three of you were sort of forced to be friends, but thankfully it wasn’t for naught and you got along well.  Sometimes Kacey could be a bit… effervescent for your taste, in the sense that she was one of those bubbly outgoing types and had more energy than you knew what to do with.  Pia was more reserved but acquiescent, which meant she ended up pulled along on whatever adventures Kacey got herself into you.  And then there was you, who had been blowing them off every weekend with a list of increasingly-absurd excuses: sick dog, sick cousin, sick self (both migraines and menstrual cramps), heavy homework load— you know, the usual suspects— all in the name of hanging out with Helmut.
You considered yourself lucky that they still wanted to hang out with you, after you’d been AWOL this long, and you feared that they would understandably want an explanation.
Following Kacey inside the house, you tried not to wince at the volume of the music— a live band, it turns out, and not a very good one— and grabbed a stray drink from a table on your way to wherever you were being guided.
Pia was sitting on the arm of a couch, listening to a very stoned young man talk about the meaning of life and the universe, but she smiled when she saw you and Kacey, getting up to greet you.
“Hey, I haven’t seen you in forever!” she frowned playfully, hugging you quickly.
“Yeah, sorry about that,” you mumbled.  
“We should catch up!  How have you been?” she pressed, tilting her head.
“You’re sure you don’t wanna miss this TED talk?” you snorted, glancing over at the guy who had changed topics slightly and seemed to have confused string beans with string theory.
“I’ve heard better philosophy from the back of cereal boxes,” she laughed, but right as she said it the band finished their song and everyone glanced in your direction, including the heartbroken hippy himself.  “Uh, sorry,” she winced, and Kacey laughed as she guided the three of you away.
“I’m gonna get us some drinks, wait here,” Kacey decided once she found a new corner to lounge in, but Pia abandoned you soon afterward in search of a bathroom, leaving you to do what you did best at parties: stand around and avoid everyone’s attention.
You were surprised to hear your name from behind you, and when you whipped your head around you saw a tall guy with a wide smile looking down at you.
“Professor Zemo, right?” he asked with a raised eyebrow, and you nearly choked on your drink.
“Wh— what about him?” you stammered out.
“We had his class together,” he explained.  “I sat behind you.”
“Oh!” you smiled, relieved.  “Right, um, yeah…”
“Trey,” he finished for you.
“Trey!” you repeated, nodding.  “I knew that… hi, Trey, good to see you.”
“How’s life been treating you since you set the curve in that class?” he grinned.
“I don’t think he even graded on a curve,” you mumbled.  “But, um, good.  Just… livin’ it up,” you decided, cringing internally at your own wording.
“Yeah?  I haven’t seen you in any other history classes,” he noticed.
“Oh, I’m not a history major,” you explained quickly.  “Computer science.”
He chuckled incredulously, wrinkling his eyebrows.  “What were you doing in a history seminar?”
Fucking the professor.  “Elective,” you shrugged.  
“So you’re just a hobby history buff then?” he presumed.
“No, I actually kinda hate history, I prefer to live in the present,” you decided, “but, y’know, underwater basket-weaving didn’t have any seats left…”
He snorted out a laugh, a little too hard for the quality of the joke, and you realized this was probably flirting.  You’d never really seen it up this close, so you couldn’t be sure… and considering how he looked in his jeans with the shirt half-unbuttoned, you weren’t exactly mad about it…
But it made you feel sort of sick to your stomach.  It made you feel guilty, on behalf of Helmut but even moreso for Trey who was totally sweet and smart and deserved to be spending this energy on somebody who could appreciate it.
“Want another drink?  Looks like yours is almost empty,” he motioned to your red plastic cup.  
“Oh, um, I would but… I think my friends are coming over here,” you dismissed, hoping he would take the hint without taking it too hard.  He seemed to understand, giving you a nod and a wave before he disappeared into the crowd right as Pia grabbed your arm.
“Who was that?” she asked right away, giving you a look that you chose to ignore.
“Trey, he sat behind me in my history class last semester.”
“He’s cute,” Pia winked, leaning against the wall beside you.  “And definitely into you.”
“Well, that’s… good for him, I suppose,” you stammered.
“Are you gonna go for it?  Get his number?” she pressed.
“Uh, probably not,” you decided, “I’m gonna get another drink—”
Before you could walk away, she grabbed your wrist and pulled you back.  “Hey, what’s the deal?  You seem kinda out of it.”
“Oh, well, I just— I guess I’m not as much into the party scene as I used to be.”
“I’m using my psychology major mind-reading powers,” she warned, waving her fingers at you like she was casting some mystical spell while you leaned back and squinted.
“Um, that’s definitely not how that works—”
“You’re acting weird becaaauuuusee… you’re totally hung up on somebody else and feel guilty flirting with guys here even though you know you shouldn’t,” she announced, crossing her arms proudly when your dumbfounded expression gave away her accuracy.
“How did you—?”
“Lucky guess.  So who is it?!” she grinned.
Kacey, summoned by the smell of gossip, seemed to appear from thin air at your other side.  “Who is who?” she smirked.
You glanced around at the crowded room of students and decided this was definitely not the place to talk about such an illicit affair, taking them by the hand and dragging them into a more private room of the house.  Finding a seat on a chair as the girls gathered around you (oddly reminiscent of a childhood storytime, except this story was going to be a lot more mature than those), you prepared to answer as many of their questions as you could.
As a European, Zemo was quite well-practiced at going out to bars with friends, but in America it was a very different experience.  It took him twice the alcohol to get half as drunk as his colleagues, meaning by the time he was feeling a decent buzz, everyone else had foolishly tried to keep up and ended up totally sloshed.
The person who had initially suggested this event (as well as the one you had foolishly felt some sort of jealousy for), Dr. Josten, had actually respected her own limits and left first while she was still good to drive, meaning Zemo was left only with men who couldn’t hold their liquor or their tongues.
Case in point, a bunch of his fellow professors were now trying to convince him to go up to the bar and flirt with a woman in a red dress.
“No, no way,” Zemo shook his head, “I’m not doing that.”
“You could totally take her home, just tell her it’s your birthday!” Professor Bram, from the English department, suggested with an elbow digging a bit too hard into Zemo’s side.
“Does that normally work?” he asked bewilderedly.
"I mean, not for me… but it could work for you!  Ladies love an accent."
“You’ve been teaching stateside for over a year now, Zemo, it’s time for you to experience American women,” one of them laughed.
“Who says I haven’t?” he mumbled to himself before another sip of his vodka, but unfortunately some of the others heard him as well and he got a playful punch to the shoulder.
“I can’t believe you didn’t say anything!  Was it just a hook-up or what?”
“No, I… well, I’m seeing someone, I suppose is the way to put it,” he clarified.
“How long?” Kacey asked you first, right away, as she leaned in excitedly.
“Um, a few months now,” you realized.
“No, I mean how long,” she smirked, gesturing with her hands to indicate length, and you snorted.
“Jesus, I’m not telling you that!”
“Buzzkill,” she rolled her eyes.
“Plenty long enough, that’s all I’ll say,” you laughed.
“How’d you meet her?” Professor Carpenter (another history department veteran) asked.  “I mean, you’re never anywhere but work… is it someone you work with?”
“In a sense…” Zemo trailed off.
“So, is he in one of your classes?” Pia wondered aloud.
“Um, he was, last semester,” you agreed.  It wasn’t false, by any means, but definitely not the entire truth, either.
"So, another lecturer,” Professor Chen (Zemo was about 80% sure he was in the political science department) nodded thoughtfully.  
“Gotta be somebody from the Women’s Studies department,” Bram smirked proudly, despite it not being a statement to be proud of at all.
“Or is it that woman here on the visiting scholar program, the temporary lecturer in neurology?” Carpenter jumped in.
“No, he said she was American, c’mon, keep up,” Bram frowned as he slapped Carpenter on the padded shoulder.
“Delta or Sigma?” Kacey squinted, like it was an interrogation.
“Not a frat guy, some of us have standards Kace,” you scoffed.
“Hey!” Pia gasped, offended on Kacey’s behalf.
“Nah, she’s right,” Kacey soothed.
“She’s not a lecturer, okay?” Zemo hissed, tired of having basically every department of the university listed to him (including some he didn’t realize existed).  “She’s not faculty.”
“...staff?” Chen posited.
“What, you mean like the janitor?  No, not staff,” Zemo rolled his eyes.  “I shouldn’t have said anything.  It’s none of your business.”
“It doesn’t matter!  What’s with the secrecy?”
“I haven’t told anyone about it yet, and I don’t think I’ve had enough alcohol to start now,” he frowned.
“Which of your classes was he in, then?” Pia asked, shifting her line of questioning (and unfortunately looking in the right direction).
“Um, that history thing I took last semester,” you answered.
“That guy from before was in your history class!  Should we just ask him who it is?” Pia grinned mischievously.
You cursed yourself for giving away too much.
“I’ll go find him and see if he’s going to give us more to work with you than you,” Kacey decided, already standing up to walk out of the room.
“No, wait!” you yelped, pulling her back; you didn’t want to tell them anymore, but you couldn’t afford if someone like Trey found out.  Telling Kacey and Pia wasn’t ideal, but at least they could be trusted with a secret.  “I’ll tell you, okay?  Fuck, I don’t even know how to say this…”
Chen tossed up his hands in defeat.  “Alright, the only reason you could be so weird about this is if it’s somebody totally forbidden—”
Zemo’s chest tightened as he worried they would figure it out.
“Like, I don’t know, an adjunct or something.”
“An adjunct?  Are you out of your mind?” Zemo spat.
“Hey, no judgment in brainstorming,” Carpenter defended.
“You think I would be this protective about it if it was an adjunct?” Zemo continued.
“Listen, we’re not gonna think less of you, whatever it is— and we’re not gonna tattle on you,” Bram assured.  “Just get it off your chest while the liquor’s flowing, half of us aren’t even gonna remember it tomorrow anyways.”
“I’m dating a professor,” you blurted out.
“She’s a student,” he finally interjected, the entire table suddenly going dead silent.
“...a grad student?” one of them pressed, making Zemo swallow uncomfortably.
“Um, no… she’s actually… twenty,” he admitted.
“Holy shit,” Pia gasped.  “You actually did it…”
“We bow to your hoe powers,” Kacey spoke reverently, clasping her hands as if in prayer.  “We’ve all dreamed of bagging a hot professor and now you made it a reality.  Please, O Queen, teach us in your ways.”
“It’s not like that,” you defended.
“Is she at least getting a better grade out of you for it?” Carpenter joked.
“No, it’s not like that,” he dismissed, “she passed my class with flying colors quite some time ago.”
“Okay, but was that before or after you slept with her?”
“It was irrelevant to the fact that I slept with her.”
“So, after,” Chen assumed with a smirk.
“Yes, after,” Zemo finally admitted, “but she’s not my student anymore.”
“Is she your girlfriend then?”
You gnawed on the inside of your cheek.  “We… haven’t really had that conversation yet.  I keep meaning to, but then… one thing always seems to lead to another…”
“Oh really?” Pia grinned.  “So what’s he like?”
“Sensitive…” you mumbled right away, “patient, weirdly funny though I don’t think he realizes it.”
“I know I’m going to sound like every creep who ever preyed on young women, but she’s very mature for her age,” Zemo explained.  “Incredibly thoughtful.  Wise beyond her years.”
“No, no,” Johnston shook his head, “what’s she like.”
"It's nothing like how it is with guys our age,” you gushed, clutching your blanket tighter to your chest.  “He's so attentive, and sensual, and he can go for hours," you explained as your teeth sunk into your bottom lip at the memories playing on repeat in your mind.
"You must understand that she's nothing like women our age, at least not any that I've met," he nodded as his friends set down their drinks to lean in close.  He was sure this was more attention than he'd ever gotten for one of his lectures.  "She's… insatiable.  She wants to go again and again and I'm just trying to keep her from getting injured or something, poor thing."
"So she likes it rough?" one of them presumed with a toothy grin.
"She's so inexperienced she doesn't really know what she likes yet.  She's learning with me.  So we try everything."
"Everything?" one of the girls repeated as she widened her eyes.
Your face warmed up as you cleared your throat.  "I mean… yeah…"
"So, anal?"
You choked on nothing, which said more than any answer could.
"I shouldn’t talk about this with you,” he decided, shaking his head.
“Come on, you don’t have to tell us everything, just give us something to work with here,” Carpenter pleaded.  
“I don’t want to know what you mean by work with,” Zemo shuddered.
“At least tell us how you got her to sleep with you,” Chen compromised.
“Or let us do a guest lecture in your class so we can try to find our own undersexed sorority girls,” Bram added.
“Jesus, how many times do I have to say it’s not like that?” you frowned.  “I’m not turning this into some fucked up teacher-student dating service.”
“You keep saying what it isn’t like but you won’t tell us what it is,” Kacey noted.  “I mean, is it serious?”
“All I can say for sure is that I feel pretty serious about it,” Zemo tried to explain.  
“...are you in love with her?”
He cleared his throat, suddenly deciding now was the perfect time to finish his drink.
“Love?” you repeated, voice cracking.  “I don’t… know about that,” you stammered.
But the really upsetting thing was that you did know, and you hadn’t let yourself think about it until now.  It hadn’t been long enough to justify feelings like that, and the last thing you wanted to be was the naïve girl who caught feelings when all the guy was looking for was sex.
“It’s not just sex,” he announced.  “It’s something really real.   I didn’t know that I could—”
He stopped himself.
“I haven’t felt this way since—” he began, but stopped again.  “I don’t know.  Just, be careful how you talk about her.”
“Oh, you’re really whipped,” Bram chuckled.
“She’s incredible; you’d understand if you met her.”
“Then let us meet her!”
For a moment, he actually considered it; he wasn’t sure if you thought that you were at the ‘meeting friends’ stage, and considering the cultural difference it was going to be a unique one for sure.  Would you ask him to hang out with your friends?  He didn’t even know what that would look like.
“She seems like someone worth getting to know,” Bram agreed, and Zemo grimaced at the predatory look in his eyes.
“Fuck off,” he sneered, and Chen patted him on the back.
“Good move.  I’d be keeping her to myself, too… otherwise she might end up upgrading to a tenured professor like myself,” he beamed.
“Better watch out before Chen here steals your girl, Zemo,” Carpenter warned.
“She can’t be stolen,” Zemo assured.
“Yeah, you say that now…” Bram trailed off.
“Care to finish that sentence?” Zemo snarled.
“Well, think of it this way.  Most students wouldn’t fuck their professor,” Bram explained.  “But those that would, usually wouldn’t only fuck one.”
He didn’t punch him in the face because it was crude.  Sure, that was a factor, but it wasn’t the real reason.  He punched him in the face because it sounded like it actually made sense.
He punched him in the face because he couldn’t understand why it made him so angry; so what if he was just one of your exploits?  What difference did it make?  After all, you’d just said the night before that he was free to pursue others, and he couldn’t quite appreciate yet why that didn’t feel like freedom at all.
From a certain point of view, he knew he should just appreciate that you were with him at all, irrelevant to whoever else you might be with or would potentially be with in the future.  But from another, and much more salient, point of view, he wanted you all to himself.  And he hated that.
Like all good anger, his anger in that moment was born of fear, and he’d never been so afraid that he was just the lucky target of your promiscuous phase.  As selfish as it was, he wanted to think of himself as more than that.
And now that he was getting thrown out of a bar on his own birthday, contemplating the paperwork he would have to fill out tomorrow after punching a coworker tonight, he’d never thought of himself as less.
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Much to your delight, he returned relatively early for a guy coming back from a bar on his birthday— 11:57 p.m., specifically— but it made sense for him being a responsible professor and all.
Well, mostly responsible.  After all, he still had his former student waiting for him when he got back, perched on the couch expectantly.  As fun as the third degree had been with Kacey and Pia, you wanted to be here when he got back— and now that they finally understood the real reason you were leaving early, they were more than supportive (perhaps a little too supportive, with their rather graphic suggestions and… hand gestures).
You didn’t stay on his couch for long, though; you got up and met him at the door as he slipped off his coat and hung it up nearby.
“How was your night out?” you asked softly, reaching up to rub his chest through his shirt.
“Um, it was good,” he nodded, “I missed you though.”
“I missed you, too,” you sighed.  “I was here all by myself thinking about the present I want to give you.”
“I told you not to get anything for me,” he remembered, gasping slightly when you pushed him back against the door.
“Just be gracious and accept your gift, okay?” you whispered, starting to kneel down and open his belt.
“O-oh,” he breathed.
You palmed his cock through his trousers, biting your lip as you felt it swelling already.  “I didn’t wrap this gift… and I forgot to get you a card to go with it.”
“Somehow I think I’ll find it in my heart to forgive you,” he chuckled, though his smile dropped when you pulled his cock out and stroked it slowly.  You had meant to tease him a bit but you found yourself sucking on the head already, too desperate for even your own plans; not that he had any issue with it, you could hear his breathing quicken as you bobbed your head slowly and stroked what your lips couldn’t reach.
He was still getting harder and the feeling of it on your tongue was so hot it was almost distracting, it made you want to reach down under your dress but you knew you were going to need your full attention on him if you were going to do this properly.
Closing your eyes, you kept taking him deeper and deeper until your lips met the base of his cock while his tip was lodged deep down your throat.
“Fffuck,” he hissed, “where did you learn how to do that?”
You pulled back and took a breath, stroking his cock as you responded.  “I’ve been practicing, all for you.”
It made his cock flex in your hand to imagine you gagging on your fingers or a toy in hopes of learning how to deepthroat him, let alone to know that it worked.
You took him in your mouth again, swirling your tongue around his slit until he reached down to grab your hair— not hard enough to guide your movements, he was still letting you set your own pace, but hard enough to tug at the roots and make you moan around him.  Slowly, you sunk down again, humming and swallowing around him, and he sucked in a sharp breath.
“You’re too fucking perfect,” he sighed, watching closely as you pulled off of him even slower, running your lips and tongue over every part of him.  “You— fuck, you really don’t need to do this.”
“I want to,” you breathed, darting your tongue out to give a wide lick to his head.  “I’m already so wet just from this, Helmut… I want you to fuck my face.”
“Shit,” he cursed, gripping your hair tighter.  “You’re sure?”
You smiled and nodded.
“Then open your mouth."
Never one to turn down an instruction like that, you let your mouth fall slack and hummed a bit as he pushed his cock forward past your waiting lips.  After that it was just a matter of letting your throat relax and focusing on your limited chances to breath as he held your head and guided you.  
Whatever discomfort came from having your throat filled so deep was heavily outweighed by the incredible feeling of being used— it sounds debasing, but the way he stammered out praises made you feel anything but degraded.
“So good,” he grunted, “look up at me, darling, show me how good you look choking on me— fuck, you’re so beautiful.”
You were trying to be sexy, here on your knees in this tight dress and heels, but he had you feeling small and delicate saying things like that.
“Such a good girl,” he breathed; you had to shut your eyes then because you couldn’t hear that and look up at him or you were going to end up having to throw these panties out.
The volume of his moans was one thing, but the desperation in them was another; and both of them made it clear he was close, and you wanted to finish him off like this more than anything.
“Fuck— I’ll come,” he warned, “is that what you want?  To swallow it?”
You hummed in appreciation, hoping that would get your message across well; and it certainly seemed to, considering he bucked up into your throat more erratically than ever, moaning loudly with each thrust.
Hot come painted the back of your throat, so deep you never really got a chance to consider the taste although you imagined a night of drinking wouldn’t have done him any favors there.  Not that you minded; it was him and that was enough to make you moan with delight as he filled your mouth.
“Fuck,” he sighed, pumps of come slowing down to a stop as he relaxed against the door and caught his breath.  The moment of calm didn’t last as you started to gently suckle on his softening cock, making him tense up and suck in a sharp breath through his teeth.  “Nonono,” he chuckled breathlessly, pulling you off of him as you smiled mischievously, “it’d be a shame if I died on my birthday.”
“But what a way to go, hm?” you laughed as he helped you up from the floor.  “Not your birthday anymore anyways,” you noted, tapping on his watch, “it’s 12:02.”
“I hope you don’t think that means the party’s over,” he smirked, picking you up suddenly, making you laugh in surprise as he started to carry you to the bedroom.  “I’m officially a man in his forties with something to prove, so we’ll be going all night, draga.”
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queen-haq · 3 years
Fic: A Woman Scorned - Part 13
Fic: A Woman Scorned - Part 13
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
Rating: R for language and smut.
Words: ~3000 words.
Summary: You’ve been sleeping with Billy Russo for a few months now. Knowing his aversion to emotional commitments, you’re satisfied with your clandestine arrangement until you catch him having dinner with Dinah Madani one night. Then it finally dawns on you. It’s not that he doesn’t want to commit, he just doesn’t want to commit to *you*.
Billy may think he knows you, but he has no idea what he’s just lost...
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9  
Part 10   Part 11   Part 12
gif credit: @bilyrusso
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Part 13
It was 8 in the evening and you were still in the office. You hadn’t accomplished much work today, your mind mostly focused on Billy. You were surprised by how quickly he’d been able to make the funeral arrangements for his mother. Yesterday you had driven over to the nursing home and by the time you reached there, Carla Russo’s body had already been picked up. You’d signed a few papers for Billy and picked up the remainder of Carla’s things before you returned home. Everything of hers was packed into a small suitcase and sitting in your living room. You wanted to call him, ask him how he was and offer your support, but he seemed determined to do everything on his own when you’d talked to him last and you didn’t want to intrude.
You gave yourself a mental shake, reminding yourself to concentrate. This workday had been a wash. When you weren’t distracted by thoughts of Billy, you were putting out fires in your team. At least the personnel conflicts have been temporarily resolved, but now you needed to work on a slide deck that you’d been tasked with presenting to the executive leadership committee later in the week.
An hour later you were halfway done with your presentation when your phone rang. You glanced down at your screen to find Billy’s name on the screen. “Hi.”
“Hey.” He sounded exhausted. “You still at work?”
“Yeah. How did you know?”
There was a pause. “You give off the workaholic vibe.”
You smiled to yourself; at least he was okay enough to crack jokes. “How are you?”
“You mean am I grieving over a goddamn dead woman who preferred meth to her own fucking son?” He sighed. “No big loss. I’m fine.”
Anger and hurt saturated his voice despite his attempts to sound unaffected. Your heart hurt for him, you wished there was something you could do. “Do you need anything?”
“The funeral service is tomorrow.” A beat of silence followed. “Do you want to come?”
“Sure. What time?”
“I’ll take the day off. Do you need my help with anything? Maybe I can call some of her friends?”
“When I found her she was living on the streets, barely alive but still hooked on meth. I doubt she’s got any friends.”
“What about the people in the nursing home? Maybe they want to come?”
“No, I don’t want anyone else there. Just you.”
Not liking the warmth that spread through you upon hearing his words, you reminded yourself he was probably feeling unusually vulnerable. This wasn’t typical of him.
“Do you want to come over?” he asked.
You exhaled a heavy sigh. “I would but I have so much work to do. I’ll be here for another hour at least.”
“Come over after you’re done.”
“It’ll be really late.”
“That’s fine. I can wait.”
“I can stop by my place to pick up your mom’s-.”
“No, it’s okay.”
You realized he wasn’t quite ready to go through Carla’s belongings yet.
“Bring your stuff with you.”
“Overnight bag, clothes for tomorrow, whatever.”
“Oh. You want me to stay over?”
“Yeah, might as well. We can drive over together for the service tomorrow.”
Despite the conversation coming to a natural end, he wasn’t hanging up. It seemed as if he was reluctant to be alone, probably because that meant dealing with the complicated emotions for his mother. You knew exactly how that felt. “If you want, I can leave now. I can work from your apartment instead of the office.”
“You’re not worried I’ll be tempted to spy on Valiant stuff?” he teased.
You smiled. “As if I’d let you see what I’m working on.”
“Guess no corporate espionage for me tonight.”
“Still going to keep you away from my laptop.”
He chuckled. “Just get here. I promise not to bug you while you work.”
“Okay. I’m leaving now.”
“See you soon.”
After you hung up, you started gathering your things together.
An hour later, you were at his place. When he opened the door, you immediately grew concerned at how tired he looked. Traveling back and forth from Vegas plus dealing with the news about Carla’s death within the last few hours meant he was absolutely exhausted.
“Hey,” he greeted you, smiling as he took the overnight bag from your hands.
You removed your heels while he took your bag inside his room and then made your way to his living room. While his penthouse suite was much bigger than yours, you actually didn’t like it very much. Despite the high-end finishes and the beautiful interiors - Billy had obviously hired a designer to make the place look good - it always felt very cool and inhospitable to you. It was too perfect and you always felt out of place inside the suite.
“You hungry?” he asked, coming up behind you. “I ordered dinner for you.” Arms encircling your waist, he dropped a kiss on the back of your head as he maneuvered you to the kitchen. He’d laid out the food for you on the dining table, and from the take-out containers you knew it was from one of your favourite Indian restaurants. The thoughtful gesture surprised you, you weren’t used to that from him. Noting that he’d only set the table for one, you turned around to look at him. “You’re not going to eat with me?”
“I ate already. I was starving. Sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry.” You cradled his face with one hand, your eyes roving over his beautiful face as he placed a kiss on the fleshy part of your palm. “You look exhausted. Did you even sleep?”
“No” He leaned back against the kitchen counter, weary. For a moment he closed his eyes, simply holding still, and you found yourself wrapping your arms around him in a hug. You didn’t understand why you’d even initiated the embrace – hugs were never your thing – but seeing him so beaten-down you were desperate to comfort him. He leaned into you, his body flushed against yours, and you held him tight. Stroking the nape of his neck, you placed a soft kiss on the center of his forehead. “Why don’t you take a nap while I work?”
“You don’t mind?”
You smiled up at him, running your fingers through his hair. “At least I don’t have to worry about you stealing my company secrets while you sleep.”
He smirked. “You’ll be here when I wake up?”
“Yup. Probably still working away.”
Billy grazed your temple softly before dropping a tender kiss on the tip of your nose. “Okay, but eat first.”
You nodded your head, watching after him as he sauntered out of the kitchen and disappeared down the hallway.
Sighing, you went to the sink to wash your hands before eating.
It was after midnight and you were still working on your slide deck when you heard Billy puttering around in the bathroom. Soon he slowly made his way towards you, dressed in a t-shirt and black boxers, his hair all messy. He yawned lazily, falling onto the other end of the couch.
“I thought you’d sleep through the night,” you remarked.
“Are you still working?” he asked.
“Almost done.” You saved the file and shut off the laptop before slipping it back inside your bag.
Suddenly he pulled you closer and you found yourself tucked underneath him on the couch as he glanced down at you from above. “You work too hard.”
You smiled up at him. “They don’t pay me the big bucks to sit there and look pretty.”
A slow, incandescent smile curved his lips. “I would. If I ran Valiant, you’d be my personal stress relief. You’d be in my office the entire time and do nothing but look pretty and service me.”
“That’s sexual harassment.”
Billy shrugged his shoulders. “Whatever. I’d make it worth your while.”
You laughed, angling up to kiss him. “Your breath is all minty fresh.”
“I brushed my teeth for you.”
“Wow. Be still my heart.”
A warm grin covered his face as he shifted down your body to nuzzle your neck. His weight was heavy as he rested atop you, but you liked the solid feel of him on you, the way you felt all safe and warm. You stroked his hair while he drew lazy circles on your chest, the silence between you two comforting.
“No one knows about her. Not Frank, not Curtis, no one.”
Those names were familiar to you because Billy had mentioned them in passing a few times. Of course he’d never shared any other info, but you being you, you’d dug around and found out more about them. You knew they’d served with Billy and he considered them his closest friends.
“When I found her three years ago, I put her in that home and forgot all about her.”
“You visited her every week,” you reminded him.
“Because I wanted her to regret abandoning me. I wanted her to see how far I’d come, I wanted to throw her mistakes in her face. But I don’t think she regretted safe-havening me, not even a bit.”
The bitter pain in his voice made your heart hurt for him.
“Maybe I should be happy she’s finally dead, or maybe I’m supposed to be sad or something.”
“How do you actually feel?”
“Nothing. I feel nothing.”
“Billy, I think that’s normal. There’s no right or wrong in this. All of your feelings are valid.”
“Even if her dying made me absolutely ecstatic? You wouldn’t think I was a fucking psychopath?”
“You are a psychopath but not because you have conflicting emotions about your terrible mother dying. You have the right to feel how you feel about her, whatever that might be.”
Eyes blazing with emotion, he hovered about you to meet your gaze. “Then what makes me a psychopath?”
You quirked your eyebrow. “The fact you want to torture my dates.”
“Not just torture, I want to kill them.” Eyes darkened, voice velvety-smooth, he covered your mouth with his and ravaged you with a kiss that left you thrumming and breathless.
“Only you’re allowed to touch me?” you asked through labored breaths.
“Yes.” His voice was a lustful rasp, his mouth leaving a heated trail as he sucked on the oh-so-sensitive corner of where your neck and shoulder intersected. Sparks of electricity ran down your spine. “Only me.”
You took his hand and guided it down your body, parting your thighs for him.
Like always, you were soon completely lost in the erotic pleasure of his mouth on you. Your legs hooked over his shoulders, your hands grabbed the back of the couch for support as he fucked you with his hands and mouth, sucking you, licking you, his tongue flicking over your clit until you were keening under him. Body arching off the couch, you moaned his name louder and louder until he drove you completely over the edge.
Then you felt a light slap on your cunt which immediately brought you back to reality. Opening your eyes, you found Billy perched between your legs, gracing you with the most wicked smile. “That’s one.” He slapped your pussy again, this time his long, lean fingers ever so slightly grazing your clit and your hips bucked, wanting more. “As promised.” His eyebrow quirked up. “Punishment.”
“Not fair,” you protested. “I’ll date who I want.”
He slapped you again, a little harder this time, but then he leaned down to place comforting kisses on the very spots he assaulted and you moaned with pleasure.
“All of you.” His tongue lapped over your clit, eyes locked with yours. “Belongs to me. I own you.”
“You don’t!” You squealed when he flipped you over unexpectedly, grabbing you by the hips so your ass was lifted of the couch. And then he squeezed your butt cheeks, biting them lightly before he started rimming you.
After sharing a shower the two of you were laying in his bed, your back pressed against his chest as you both stared up at the ceiling. His one hand was intertwined with yours, the other arm circled around your hips. The two of you didn’t have sex but you didn’t mind. You were both fatigued.
“I smell like you now,” you murmured, realizing the soap in his shower had left its scent on you.
“I know. I like it.” He squeezed your fingers. “I have a present for you.”
“I hope it’s not earrings again.”
He chuckled. “No, not earrings.”
“What is it then?”
You turned back to look at him. “What? Like a necklace?”
“Something like that. Except I’m the only one who’ll see you wearing it.”
“Ah. And where is this gift?”
He kissed the top of your head. “Not here yet.”
You smiled to yourself. “People usually wait until they have the gift in hand before telling others about it.”
“I couldn’t wait. I’m excited to see you wear it.”
He stroked your hair, and your eyes grew heavy. Soon you started falling into deep slumber, feeling calm, comforted by Billy’s arms around you.
“What happened with your family?”
Your eyes flew open. Like always, any mention of your family unfurled anxiety within you. You didn’t like thinking about them letting alone discussing them. “They passed away.”
“They’re dead?”
“Both of them?”
He pulled you up so you were facing him now, his intoxicating gaze completely focused on you. “That day when I asked you about the pictures, you said you weren’t close to your family.”
“I meant my extended family. I don’t keep in touch with them,” you replied smoothly.
“What were your parents like?”
Irritation surged through you at his obtrusive questions but you had to remind yourself he just lost his mother. He was feeling out-of-sorts, working through his grief – even if he didn’t think so – and he was reaching out to the only person in his life that knew about his mother. “Normal.”
He simply stared at you for a long time, studying you, saying nothing. “Normal,” he repeated, finally breaking the strained silence.
You shrugged your shoulders, dropping your gaze to the base of his throat so you didn’t have to hold his piercing stare. “Yup.”
“How did they die?”
“Car accident.”
“You miss them?”
“Of course,” you lied.
He reached out to cup your face, his thumb stroking your cheek. “So you grew up with great parents, white picket fence and all that bullshit? Sounds like you had a fairytale childhood.”
“Can we talk about this tomorrow? I’m really tired.”
“Sure. I’ll add this to the list of all the other shit we’ll talk about someday.”
He sounded almost angry with you and you weren’t sure why. Before you could question him, however, he pulled you close so you were snuggled against his chest and the warmth of his body was enough to silence your brain and lull you to sleep.
It was a cold, crisp autumn day in New York. The outdoor service, attended by only you and Billy, was short and quick. Throughout it, he’d gripped your hand even though he’d been outwardly calm and collected. Even now as he stood a few feet away from you, impeccably dressed in a black suit, his dark eyes hidden behind a pair of aviator sunglasses as he stared out at the pond, you sensed he was a complete mess inside. You didn’t know what to say to him so you simply sat on the bench, both of you in an isolated corner of the garden. Eventually he came to sit beside you, taking your hand in his.
“I’d have given her the whole world.” His voice was filled with pain and longing as he removed his sunglasses and tucked them in the upper pocket of his suit. “I would have given her anything she ever wanted.” Billy’s eyes met yours. “If she’d just wanted me.”
You scooted closer to wrap your arms around him, breathing him in as he sunk into you. His hands caressed your back, his grip on you so tight you almost couldn’t breathe. After a while he rested his forehead against yours, his eyes holding you prisoner in front of him.
“Swear to me you’ll never leave.”
“Promise me!”
“I can’t.”
“It wasn’t a fucking request, Y/N.”
You tried to pull away from him but he fisted the back of your hair, holding you in place.
The raw urgency in his voice played havoc with your emotions. If you closed your eyes, just for a moment, you could shut out all the doubts in your head and simply believe him - but you could only live the fantasy for a short moment before reality forced its way back in. “You don’t mean those words, Billy.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Because you don’t feel that strongly about me.”
His eyes narrowed, glaring at you with hostility. “You’re gonna tell me how I feel?”
“I’m not what you want.”
“And what do you think I want?”
You gave him a sad smile. “The best of everything. Best car, best clothes, the most beautiful women in your arms. You want all that because you need others to want what you have.”
“Is that so wrong?”
You shook your head. “No, there’s nothing wrong with that – except I don’t fit into any of those categories. You want a woman like Dinah Madani. I’m not her. So eventually this thing between us will end.”
His jaw was set in a grim line, eyes burning bright with rage. “So you have me all figured out, huh?”
“Don’t get mad. You know it’s the truth.”
He yanked you closer, crushing you against him. “It’s been me against the world for as long as I can remember. But when I look at you.” His eyes softened, mouth parting as his dark gaze roamed over your face. “I don’t feel alone anymore.”
Your heart melted. The tenuous handle you had on your self-control disintegrated completely. You closed your mouth over his, kissing him frantically as he picked you up and straddled you across his lap.
He pulled back to look at you. “You’re my home. You’re all I need.”
Part 14
A/N - As always, all of your feedback, comments, asks, likes and reblogs are deeply appreciated. They truly inspire me to keep writing, so thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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burntmcnuggies · 4 years
Jealous Bird (Smut)
Jealous! Hawks x Reader
Warnings: sexual themes, strong language, feral Hawks, rut, unprotected sex, and a jealous birb, 18+ only please! :D
If you’d like the fluff version and not the smut, you can go here! ➪ Fluff <3
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“Mornin’ chicken wing. What’re we doin’ for breakfast? I paid last time so this is allll on you.” Hawks sent a playful wink towards you as he landed beside you from his previous place in the air, holding his hand up and rubbing his index and thumb together as a sign he wanted you to pay. You rolled your eyes and rose your hand, mocking him. “Don’t forget who spent hours doing YOUR paperwork because a certain birdbrain was too lazy to do it.” Hawks held up his hands in defeat and slumped over, sticking out his bottom lip, over exaggerating his facial expressions. He whined and let his wings droop. “C’mon just one more time? Pretty please with your favorite pretty bird on top?”
“Stop dragging your wings, you’re gonna get them dirty.” You scolded and pat his back, slightly feeling how tense his shoulder were. You were about to offer to give him a massage later, not wanting your friend to have to sleep tonight with stiff muscles until you noticed something. His wings were almost glowing a whole new shade now. Such a vibrant and beautiful color. It was then realizing how close you were that you could hear a faint cooing bubbling from his throat. “...? The fuck are you doing Hawks?” He looked over confused and tilted his head. You grumbled at his lack of knowing exactly what he was doing. “Do you even have complete control over your body? You don’t even realize you’re whistling and cooing like some pigeon.”
You completely missed the pissed off look that crossed his face at your comment. He plastered on a cheeky smile and put his hands behind his back, picking his wings off the ground and tucking them firmly behind his back. “Nah, sometimes my bird-side comes out, especially during spring. God I go fuckin’ crazy. Sometimes it’s early and I have to take a whole week off a work!” You looked up to a couple trees you both passed while you were walking to your usual breakfast place, KFC —Although you always debate you want to go somewhere else. It was late winter, very close to spring, about March. You never kept up with the date. “Why do you take a whole week off?”
“People with animal quirks like me would understand. Just like Mirko! Haha, I’m sure she’s the worst right now bein’ it’s early March!” He laughed and put his hands out, his hands snaking into his pockets to firmly stick there. You pouted, wanting to know exactly what Hawks was talking about. You told Hawks everything, but he didn’t give you the same treatment. “I’ll just ask Mirko later then if you refuse to tell me.” Hawks quickly wagged his finger side to side in front of your face, his other hand being placed on his hip now. You were familiar with his body language and how much he loved using his hands. “Nah ah, chicken wing. You do that and she’s gonna pounce on you. You won’t see light for days!”
“Mirko has accidentally jumped on me before, it’s not like we haven’t sparred before! I can withstand some punches and kicks!” Hawks sulked again, his hands digging back into his pockets, displaying his annoyance that you weren’t listening to him. He just looked away and shrugged his shoulders back. “Just trust me, kiddo. It’d be for the best you didn’ see Mirko, especially at a time like this. I know how she feels.” You were starting to get irritated at his lack of response to your question, only dodging it and making you sit in suspense. Finally you gave up and decided to bring it back up later. “I’m just gonna stop asking, you’re obviously not gonna answer me are you?”
“Haha! Nope! You know me too well, (Y/N).” You both arrived at KFC, immediately greeted by the manager and many of Hawks’ fans who knew he came there a lot. Many asked for his autograph or a selfie, but he refused politely. “I’ll do some after I get some chicken! I’m starved!” Super fans offered to even pay for his food, to which he declined, saying that you were kind enough to have already offered to pay for his food. A total fat lie! He begged you to pay! You sent him a glare and proceeded just to order both your meals while Hawks spoke with his fans. “Well, guess I can start now! Who’s first?” After he saw you were paying and ordering, he began to sign autographs and take selfies that would no doubt be on social media in minutes.
“Man! I sure do have a lot of supportive and loyal fans! Must suck never bein’ noticed.” Hawks passively insulted your rank as a pro hero by taking a jab at your ranking. You were somewhere in the mid thirties. Not popular at all, especially in this part of Japan where Hawks was born. “At least I have fans who aren’t thirsty for me! Getting all wet and horny at night thinking of their hero Hawks taking them from behind~” You smirked and rose your hands shrugging your shoulders, before hugging yourself. You bit your lip, closing your eyes and squirming with a dreamy smile, mocking his thirsty fan girls. “Oh Hawks! Please I’ll do anything for you! Take me! Oh please fuck my sopping pussy with your big fat cock til I can’t move anymore! Mm! Cum inside me! Let me bare your kids!
You didn’t notice the way his wings trembled and his face reddened, his avian eyes widening as he watched you speak so lewdly. He shook it off quickly before he got out of control and leaned forward towards you smirking. “At least I have fans thirstin’ for my cock~ haven’t heard of anyone wantin’ your boring ass!” He gave a closed eye smile and brought his hands up to give you a big fat thumbs down. Your eye twitched and you remained silent, not having a comment. That was until you remembered a villain hitting on you not too long ago. “Well at least I’ve had a villain fawn over me! I can still remember it clearly! ‘Oh fuck, I would turn good to get a piece of that ass!’”
This time you noticed how his brows furrowed, and his wings fluffed up, almost as if he just had a whole shiver rake through his body. “When was this?” He asked, his head now resting in his right hand, staring intently. You thought about it for a minute, before taking a wild guess. “Ehh, about like a couple months ago.” This only put him in a more sour mood. You didn’t understand why he was acting so strange. Maybe it was what you talked about? Obviously you’d never talked about anything sexual with Hawks, but on the topic of thirty fans aching for him, you wanted to make jokes since he was always mocking you and making sly insults. “Sorry... I didn’t mean to make things awkward.”
“Nah, it’s fine. It’s not your fault. Well... it kinda is.” He admitted afterwards and smirked at you teasingly as if you would already know it was your fault. You frowned, about to open your mouth again before they called your number to get your food. You sighed and stood from your seat, walking over to the counter and retrieving the food, however, you were stopped by a man. He was young, about nineteen or twenty, quite handsome. “Excuse me miss, this may sound really straightforward and all but, you’re really pretty, and I was wondering if I could get your number?” You blushed a bit and looked away. You were a bit weary, but decided anyways. “I-I don’t know... I guess so. You seem nice. It’s-“
“Hey there, you gotta hobby of stealin’ other people’s things?” A gloved band came in contact with your shoulder, and a large shadow cast over you and the man in front of you. The man gasped in amazement at seeing the number two pro hero standing before him, it would’ve been a better experience if Hawks wasn’t threatening him with his looks and smart-ass remarks. “Huh? Oh! S-Sorry I didn’t-“ Hawks rudely interrupted the man, his gloved hand squeezing harder. His smile was obviously forced, and his feathers were starting to fluff up every second that past he stood in front of this guy. “Eh don’t worry about, you didn’ know. Now that ya do, don’t come near her again, Kay?”
And in the blink of an eye, Hawks pulled you away and out of the fast food restaurant. He aggressively pulled out the food and shoved yours against your chest, unwrapping his quickly and munching on it. “What the hell Hawks?! That was a bit much! He was being nice! It’s not like we’re dating or anything...” You trailed off, watching his wings twitch and fluff. You had noticed his strange behavior for a couple days now. His feathers would fluff up every now and again —you had no idea why— especially near men. “You should be thankin’ me chicken wing. I just saved you from a world of heartbreak.”
“That’s not your place to decide, Hawks. I don’t intervene when women ask for your phone number.” You crossed yours arms and turned your nose up at his childish behavior. He didn’t respond, finishing his breakfast and throwing away his trash in a nearby can. His hands slipping back into his pockets, displaying that he was closing himself off from you now. Of course, you began to become irritated at his lack of voice, but you decided to let it go and not pressure him further. “You’ve been acting weird lately ya know? I’m getting worried...”
“Don’t worry about it, I’m fine.” Oh how you hated his emotionless voice, so bland and robotic, it honestly pained you. His eyes were sharp, quick to notice your saddened expression. Hawks sighed heavily and stuck his bottom lip out, wrapping his arm around your arms and pulling you close to him. “I’m one of the top five pros, you don’ gotta worry about me, chicken wing. Cheer up.” You smiled and shoved him off, only a bit happy his cocky and arrogant behavior had returned. The Hawks you knew and cherished. “You know, I hate you sometimes, but I can’t help but love you at the same time.”
“Who doesn’t love me? The sexiest bird-man around.” He smirked and gave you a flirtatious look, a small sound bubbling from his throat similar to a whistle. You returned his smirk with a teasing smile. You were almost immune to his flirty charm, key-word; almost. Hawks was definitely an attractive man. Those piercing eyes with dark markings around them, only making the color pop and glow. His messy hair swept back and disheveled. Let’s not forget about those bushy eyebrows of his, they almost look like feathers from his wings, only a beautiful ashy blonde color just like his hair. You could probably do without his egotistical attitude and vulgar tongue, but that was still all part of his charm. “Move!”
You were surprised by Hawks suddenly grabbing you and jerking you out of the way of an attack from a villain. You were right there in his chest, feeling his warmth, hearing the harsh thumping of his heart at the thought of almost losing you. Before he had a chance to say what he wanted. “Well there goes our leisurely patrol. And more paper work on our desks.” Hawks grunted in annoyance and took to the air. You finally regained your composure and got into your fighting stance. “Ready to kick some ass Hawks?! Whoever lands the final blow is treated to lunch!”
“Heh, you don’t stand a chance! Show me whatcha got!”
“Thanks Edgeshot... I totally owe you one.” You scratched their back of your neck with an awkward smile as you stood in front of the current number four hero. While Hawks was on the assault, eager to show off and boost his already high ego, you tried to get a sneak attack in, but the villain noticed you. They were about to attack you, before Edgeshot came and got you out of the way. Hawks didn’t take this too well. He became angry immediately and finished off the villain in a matter of seconds. “No thanks necessary, (H/N). I was just doing my job.” You hated being in debt to someone more than anything, so you quickly threw out an offer.
“Please! Let me take you out for drinks! Honestly! I’ve gotta do something! I-“ Suddenly a large shadow cast over you for the second time that day. You turned around and shrunk down noticing Hawks’ wings spread wide, fluffed to the brim and shaking in anger. His face was red and his eyes were narrowed at Edgeshot. He was angry at himself for not being able to protect you himself, and at Edgeshot for rescuing you and holding you close. That was supposed to be him. “H-Hawks? What’s wron-“ Edgeshot was the one who answered your main question earlier before Hawks could even get another word out. The answer shocked you to your core, finally understand why he was acting so weird.
“He’s showing his dominance, and in a public place no less, how careless.” You looked at the ninja hero confused before you turned your attention back to Hawks. Dominance? His wings were such a beautiful vibrant color now. A shade of red you’d never seen them before on him. A sudden flash captured your eyes, taking your attention away from his beautiful wings. The media was eating this up. Soon it would reach the Hero Public Safety Commission and the president would not like this one bit. “I’m sorry, (Y/N). But I’m impatient, I can’t wait any longer.” Your eyes widened as your attention was fully back on Hawks now. You opened your mouth about to ask what he meant, but something was preventing you from doing so.
Hawks’ lips were firmly placed upon your own, his bright red rings wrapping around the both of you to shield you from any watchful eyes wanting to take a peek at you. His lips were soft, his hands finding themselves on your waist, pulling you flush against his body. You were shocked, your eyes wide, heart hammering wildly out of your chest at the sudden action. Slowly, you began to kiss him back, falling victim to his charm and passionate ways. He was quickly heating up the kiss, but you placed your hands on his chest firmly, pushing him away just enough to separate your lips. He was chasing your lips, desperate to get another kiss. “Hawks what-“
“I’m tired of waiting. I can’t fucking hold it in any longer. I know I’m impatient, but you make it so fucking hard to hold back sometimes.” You opened your mouth about to question, but the only thing that came from your mouth was a terrified scream having Hawks launch you both into the air and fly quickly through the skies. You held onto him for dear life, screaming at him to put you down. You nearly hugged the ground when Hawks reached a luxury penthouse apartment. “What the hells the matter with y- mmm!” He forced his lips onto you quickly, roughly grabbing your body and pulling you against him. His wings still outstretched and flapping slightly.
His feathers went to open the sliding glass door, pushing you inside while still having your lips firmly connected. He was hungry, eating your mouth like it was the only thing he’d had in years. His tongue forced its way passed your lips, dominating the inside of your mouth with his fiery passion. Your hands clawed at his fluffy tan jacket, pulling him closer, your body now aching to be touched more by him. He was just so intoxicating. It was starting to get hard to breath after a while, and you tried to pull yourself away, but he moved with you, keeping your lips firmly together. He only parted away to growl out an order to you. “Breath through your nose.”
His hands were on you again, thick gloved hands trailing down your waist to grab a handful of your tasty ass. A squeak flew out of your lips, allowing him deeper access to your mouth than he already had. You couldn’t deny the dampness beginning to build down there. Your panties were now wet with your slick, making you slightly uncomfortable with the way the damp fabric rubbing against your folds. “God.” He breathed against your lips, not even giving you a second to catch your breath before he was on you again. His hands quickly got towork on getting your shirt off. “I can smell your fuckin’ arousal. Fuck it’s intoxicating. You drive me fucking crazy!”
“H-Hawks! W-Wait!” You voiced your want to stop and talk whatever he was feeling out, but just seeing that lustful passionate look in his eyes, it was a lost cause. His pupils were blown with lust, his breathing heavy and ragged, desperate to start touching you again. “It’s your fault... all your fuckin’ fault it came early. Now be a good baby bird and take responsibility.” You didn’t have time to refuse before he was on you again, his lips finding their way harshly to your neck, his teeth lightly biting. You jerked your head to the side, moaning softly at the feeling of his canines digging into your skin. Your heart was hammering harshly against your chest feeling his thick glove drift up your shirt, roughly grabbing your boobs, groaning at the squishy feeling in his hands. “I didn’ want you to see me like this... but after all the shit that’s happened today... I can’t hold back. Not anymore. That was out the door whenever you started mocking my thirty fans.”
He pulled your shirt over your head quickly, pushing you back into his couch while his hands grabbed your waist, his tongue sliding across the top of your breasts. A shiver raked through your body, low pants leaving your mouth as you watched his mouth move lower. In a flash of red, a feather came up and sliced your bra open, being the impatient man he is, he didn’t want to struggle with getting it off you just to see those perky nips of yours. You were quick to cover yourself, too embarrassed showing your best friend your body like that. It’s not like you would ever look at each other the same after this. A strong grip enclosed around your wrists, Hawks grabbing your wrists and pinning them by your sides.
“H-Hawks...” Your breathy whisper of his name drove him almost mad. He breathed onto one of your nipples, hot breath fanning over the entirety of your perky buds. You squirmed in discomfort and whimpered, your body betraying your mind, desperately wanting his mouth on you. “Hah... I knew you wanted me just as much as I fucking wanted you. How long, how long have you wanted me? Tell me. Tell me how much you crave me right now, ‘cause I can’t get enough!” He drew out the flat of his tongue, running it over your nipple, all while his golden eyes stared right at you expressions. Your legs clinched together tightly feeling a tingling sensation spread from his lick. “Hawks no, mmm~ you cant...”
“I can, and I will, you’re mine, and I’m not lettin’ you out of my apartment until I’ve marked you as mine, and you’ve got so much fucking cum inside you that you’ll already look pregnant.” Your eyes widened and you jerked away from him. Pregnant?! Was he out of his mind?! You weren’t even dating yet! Sure you’ve had feelings for him for a long time now but this was all moving too fast! “What did you expect? I’m gonna breed you so fuckin’ good. So fucking good. You won’t be able to think about anyone else but me.” Now it all clicked. What he said earlier, how he was acting now. Why hadn’t you noticed it sooner? He practically told you everything this morning, you were just too stupid to consider it.
Mating season.
That’s why his feathers had been brighter, the cooing and whistling coming from his throat. The displays of dominance to other men who you conversed with. Courting traits for a male trying to attract a female. You weren’t dumb, animals mated to do one thing, and one thing only. Reproduce. Their instinct immediately is to find a female and mate with them, reproduce and leave. However, this wasn’t always the case in some. “Fuck, you smell so damn good down here. Your pussy’s so wet for me already. And I haven’t even done anything, yet. Looks like you’ve become a thirsty fan, huh? Wanting my cum deep inside you and gettin’ wet while I manhandle you? Fuck, you’re so damn sexy.”
“Hawks m-more~” You were hesitant to ask him for more, worrying for your poor body and your sensitive heart. Only sensitive for him. You accepted your feelings for him, struggling to voice your new found notion to him. He growled lowly in response to your request, hands hastily pulling your pants off in one fell swoop. He was absolutely feral. “I wanna eat you out so fuckin’ bad. Your sweet pussy, sopping snd beggin’ to be stuffed, fuck.” He has a particularly vulgar tongue most of the time, but never like this. He always expressed how hard it was for him to hold back, but this was a completely different side of him you’d never seen. It was like he was feral. A complete animal. “Oh, I’m gonna tongue fuck the shit out of you. You’ll cum all over my tongue, just like how you’re gonna squirt all over my cock.”
He stood up quickly, his feathers dispersing to shrug his jacket off before he pulled his tight shirt over his head. Just like that his wings came back to life, flapping slightly as a readjustment. His gloves were removed as well, now you could feel his bare hands roaming over your exposed body. He dropped to his knees, spreading your legs and putting your inner thighs around his head, but not too tight. He approached your entrance, a damp spot clearly evident on your fabric panties. His fingertips dug into your thighs, pushing his face flush against your panties. He let out a breathy moan against your wet folds protected by your panties, subconsciously humping the couch for even the slightly bit of pressure against his hard cock.
“Hah, fuuuuck. I’m so horny, everything’s so hot. Let’s get these cute little panties off. Don’t wanna rip ‘em now. Need something to hold my cum inside your pretty pussy so you bare my kids.” Hawks grabbed your panties and pulled them down your legs and onto the floor. He kneeled on his knees in front of the couch, his head between your legs, your feet propped against the coffee table, and your hands gripping the couch anywhere you could, desperately wanting to grab his messy hair. “Oh god...” He moaned at the sight of your sopping pussy, your slick slowly dripping onto the couch much to your embarrassment.
“D-Don’t stare dumba- H-Hawks!” You cried out his name in surprise once he drove his face deep into your crotch. His nose firmly pressed against your sensitive clit, his tongue diving deep into your cunt without warning. Your hands dove straight to his hair, pulling at his blonde locks trying to keep yourself composed from his pleasure. “Oh fuck! Oh Hawks! Sh-Shit! Mmm baby yes~” Your head was spinning, his teeth lightly pressing against yours folds. It didn’t help anything with all of the lewd smacking and slurping of his tongue eating you out so damn good. “Ahh! N-No Wait! Your tongue! It’s so... Ngh! Deep!”
“Keep moaning for me, just like that. Moan for me and don’t you dare fuckin’ stop.” The vibrations of his lips against your sensitive pussy cause you to flinch and squirm against his sinful touch, fingers pulling at his hair harder. An unexpected groan escaped his lips as he went back to work, tongue swirling and digging around, searching for that one spot that would make your world come undone. You continued to moan and call out his name, instinctively pushing his head deeper. His movements were quick and sloppy, savoring every lick of your delicious fluids, groaning lewdly against your pussy’s lips once he found that spot. “Oh fuck! Right there! Mm~! More! Please a-again!”
He ruthlessly began to abuse that spot, pushing his tongue harshly against it and attempting to massage it. His fingers poked and prodded at your insides, pushing his fingers past and replacing his tongue with those long slim fingers of his. Your head was now thrown back against the couch, releasing his hair and clawing at the couch for dear life, desperately clinging to anything you could grab. You moaned at the foreign feeling, forgetting what if even felt like to have sex. You had a fleeting experience in your last year of high school, but that was it. One time thing. Now here you are doing it again, with your best friend no less, or were you even friends anymore? His fingers worked on making sure you were prepared for him. You were enjoying yourself, being pleasured by the man you’ve hidden your feelings from for years. Him however...
His cheeks were dusted pink, sweat trickling down his forehead with some of his curly blonde locks sticking to his face. His breathing was ragged, heavy and stuttered with a thick sense of desire behind it. His wings were quivering, the color so vibrant it could rival a neon sign. Now you didn’t know much about their nature, but you could tell just by looking at his wings that he was very excited and desperate. “Gotta get you nice and prepared for me right, chicken wing? Gotta get you ready to take my fat cock.” His lewd words made your world just so much hotter. You could feel your arousal leaking down your pussy to your puckered hole and down onto Hawks’ expensive couch. “Ahh! St-Stop! I’m-Im gonna cum! Oh god I’m gonna cum!”
He jerked his fingers out quickly, grunting in the process as he lustfully stared at his fingers coated in your juices. He breathed out a moan while he kicked away all your juices, growling lowly in possessiveness. “Sorry chicken wing but... I want you to cum on my cock. I want to feel you clampin’ down on me, cumming so hard you faint. Screaming my name at the top of your lungs so that everyone knows that you’re mine! All fuckin’ mine.” Your eyes widened seeing him sit up more, pushing his pants down the rest of the way before kicking them off, leaving him in only his red boxers. His arousal was definitively clear, noticing how the head of his cock peeked out from the waistband, leaking pre-cum, tip red and aching. The sight was undeniable steamy, your legs clenching together with your thighs slowly rubbing together. “That’s right baby. Already thirstin’ for my cock, aren’t you? Fuckin’ slut. My slut. Hah... fuck I gotta be inside you.”
He pushed his boxers down, revealing his aching hard-on. Balls lulling down, full of cum, ready to be emptied out inside of your tight pussy. Without thinking, you sat up slowly coming close to his erection. You could smell his heavily masculine and musky scent from where you were, but you needed more of him. You sadly didn’t get far before he grabbed your head and pushed you back. “Nah ah, baby. Not today. I’m too fuckin’ horny and desperate to let you suck my cock today. Next time.” Next time? There was going to be a next time? Your heart hammered harshly knowing your long time friend and crush planned on doing all of this again with you. “Hang on tight, dove. It’s gonna be a long bumpy ride.”
“W-Wait!” You watched in worry as Hawks pinned you down, spreading your legs and positioning himself. You hadn’t taken him seriously, but now you regret it. “P-Protecti- Ahn~!” You couldn’t even protest once he pushed himself inside, moaning loudly at the sinful heat that engulfed his cock, heating up his entire body more than it already was. His wings flapped slowly, occasionally twitching as he impatiently waited for you to get used to his size. The cool breeze sorta calmed you down, taking your attention away from the pain nestled in your lower regions. “Fuck, can I move? Please, please let me move.”
Good god did he sound fucking hot begging.
“Yeah, y-you can- MMM! Fuck!” You threw your head back, pleasure spreading through your body. As soon as he heard the word “yeah” he immediately got to work on fucking your cunt until you were overflowing with his cum. You harshly bit your lip, holding in your embarrassing noises from his ears, however, he had no problem not hiding them from you. “Fuck, fuck, hah... don’t hide your moans from me. I wanna fuckin’ hear ‘em. Let everyone know who’s fucking you, who you belong to, and that you’re m-mine! Fuck!” He breathlessly moaned against your face, ramming himself into you repeatedly. Your hands were now on his back, clawing down his muscular back. He growled lowly into your ear, breathily cursing. “D-Damnit! Can’t... f-find it! Ahh... hah... fuck chicken wing, fuck yeah!”
His husky grunts were dangerously bordering animalistic. His pants were ragged, hips never faltering in movement, his wings flapping slightly and quivering every now and again. “Yeah baby? You like me fucking you? I’m gonna breed you so fuckin’ good. You’ll bare m-my clutch! You’re mine, ahhaahh! Fuck!” You were crying his name, clenching his back with your legs squeezing on either side of his waist. His cock was hammering against a bundle of nerves in your body you didn’t even know you had. “Hawks! Oh god! Please! Slow down-!” He pulled out quickly, leaving you a whimpered mess without that full feeling in your stomach. He flipped you over, hastily ramming himself back in you from behind, his wild thrusts getting harder. “Yeah, fuck yeah! There it is! Yeah! Gonna cum right in that womb if yours, you’re gonna be so round and pregnant with my kids! N-Nobody’ll ever come near you again! They’ll know you’re mine! My dove! My b-baby!”
His hot hands pushed your lower back, slamming you down against the couch and brutally fucking your tight pussy like no tomorrow, animalistic growls leaving his lips, teeth burying into your shoulder and neck. He was marking you as his. You were covered in his scent now, other men wouldn’t dare come near you now that you were filled with Hawks’ pheromones. “I’m gonna cum! Ahh! Hah! Hahn fuck I’m cumming Hawks! I’m cumming!” He rose his hand and smacked your ass harshly, the red tingling sensation spreading through your cheek. It felt so damn good. He grasped his hand over your stomach and pushed harshly. “You’re cumming, yeah? Gonna cum all over my cock? Gonna try and milk me are ya? Milk me, baby! Milk me so damn good and get every last drop of my fuckin’ cum in that ripe fertile womb of yours!”
“Hawks! Hah! Hah! Oh I’m cumming! Nhhh I’m c-cum...ming! Ahh!” You came harshly all over his still thrusting cock, your creamy juices spreading all over his cock and slipping down his balls full of his child baring cum. He didn’t stop yet, still bucking his hips through your orgasm even though you were still so sensitive. “Ohho! You’re such a good girl! So good! Fuck baby! Yeah, keep squeezin’ me! Keep fuckin’ squeezin’ meee! Agh!” He groaned deeply into your ear, desperately panting and grunting into your ear. You cried, physical tears running down your cheeks at the intensity of his brutal thrusts on your aching sore cunt. He slapped your ass again, squeezing it tightly afterwards with his nails creating crescents in your smooth skin. “F-Fuck I’m close! Yeah you want my cum? Tell me you want my cum deep inside you! C’mon baby, say it!”
“I want your cum Hawks! Mmm! Please! Please I want it! I wanna carry your kids! I want to be bred by you! Ah hahn! I can’t! Please!” You immediately regretted your words. His pace had become quicker, harsh pounds becoming desperate. You could feel his balls slapping against your inner thighs, a red itchy tingling bubbling up. His hands came around your neck, the other going to harshly rub your clit. You couldn’t contain the endless moans, cries, and screams of his name, his hero name to be precise. “Oh god! Oh my god! Feels so good! Mmm! Hawks, I-I’m gonna cum again!” He pants against your ear, snarling and growling about how good and round he’s gonna make you.
“Fuck I’m cumming! Hah, fuck!” He grunted loudly and released heavy shaky breathes, his raging hard on twitching inside your now gooey insides. You came harshly, your walls clamping down on him. He was fully embedded within you, balls pressed firmly against you, his scarlet wings twitching and flapping, stretching widely suddenly stiffening up. You could feel the warm spurts of his cum deep inside, forcing a low moan past your swollen lips. His wings happily drooped once he had finished, his head now hanging low, trying to catch his breath. “H-Hawks... I love you.” You finally admitted to him, watching intently to see his reaction to your words. He laughed huskily, his golden eyes raising back up to meet yours, still cloudy with lust. “You fuckin’ better. You’re my dove, now and forever, ya hear that? Now...”
“Let’s make sure you get pregnant.”
Pain was the first thing you were met with the morning after your undeniably passionate night with Hawks. Feathers were scattered all over the place, large blankets thrown everywhere, and some of his clothes were thrown over you. Incredibly confused, you sat up but quickly jolted back down as a searing hot pain shot through your body from your hips. “Woah there, chicken wing! Relax, you must be in a lot of pain. I don’t blame you after the harsh fucking I put you through last night.” The man who had put you in such pain walked into the room, shirtless and only in a pair of boxers. The bed dipped slowly as he sat on the bed, handing you a cool glass of water. You painfully sat up, gently taking the glass from his rough hands, thanking him quietly. “What the hell did you do while I was out?”
The pro hero looked around the room before coming to lay eyes on you again, scratching the back of his neck with a faint blush on his cheeks. “I uh, made a nest!” He answered bashfully. It was an incredibly rare sight to see him embarrassed. Uncomfortable sometimes, but never embarrassed. You looked around the mess and raised a brow. “Nest? Why the hell did you-“ You stopped once you remembered what had happened last night between the both of you and what you had realized. You blushed and threw the covers off yourself quickly, horrified at the sticky mess dripping from your insides, still. Just how many rounds had you gone with him last night? “Hah, Sorry. I just couldn’ hold myself back. My ruts are really bad, which is why I always take a week off.”
“You didn’t have to cum inside me this much Hawks...” You said and cringed at all the fluids dripping out of your abused cunt. You didn’t notice, but his wings shivered, ruffling up a bit at the sight of your leaky pussy, until they settled down again. “It’s your fault ya know? Makin’ me so damn jealous I had to claim you for myself. Claim you before someone else took you.” Your cheeks reddened slightly, and you looked to the side, your heart racing. Of course, he could feel your sensitive heart racing, and slowly leaned over, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. Your eyes widened in surprise, melting into his sweet kiss. There was no sexual intention behind the kiss, only a reassurance that you didn’t have to worry about speaking your true feelings, that he already knew you loved him. “You’re my baby bird now. You’ve upgraded chicken wing. Congrats.”
“How many levels are there with you?” You laughed, enjoying this sweet moment with your new lover. He laughed and hopped into bed beside you, pulling you close to him in your little nest. His hands ran over your flat stomach slowly, cooing and flapping his wings lightly. “A lot more, step up your game, baby. You good though? How do you feel knowin’ you have the most popular hero’s cum inside of you. Mixin’ with all your fertile eggs to make my fuckin’ kids.” He growled possessively and wrapped his wings around you protectively, kissing your head and over your face. You couldn’t help but turn red at his words, embarrassed by how blunt he is. “Do... do you really want to have kids Hawks? I mean... we just started... d-dating...”
“Who cares the order, as long as you’re mine and that little bundle of feathers inside you is all mine, order can go fuck itself.” You rolled your eyes, flicking his arm gently. His whistling and cooing got louder the more he cuddled you, his lips peppering your face with kisses. “Ya know they already have story’s about us? They got my whole ‘top bird’ thing on video.” He seemed quite happy with it. The president of the HPSC would not be happy about this once she found out. But knowing Hawks, he couldn’t have given two fucks about it. He raised your chin, smirking smugly. “I also tweeted that we’re dating and that you’re mine, and that we’re gonna have chicks, and that all those other guys better stay away or I’ll kill ‘em.”
You rolled your eyes. “You jealous bird...”
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levworship · 4 years
Okay but I just read what the other anon requested and that was so good?? I didn’t think I had a thing for receiving oral but wtf 😭🤚could I maybe request smth if you got time?? Could it be a reunion between volleyball teams from miyagi and tokyo? So nekoma, fukorodani, seijoh, Johzenji (terushima’s tongue piercing PLS), karasuno, itachiyama You were the old manager of nekoma and was friends with literally everyone, during the talk kuroo somehow mentioned that in the nekoma reunion like 2 years ago it somehow ended with the main guys all taking turns eating you out and that pisses off the rest of the guys because that was their fantasy?? This ends up with you (with consent ofc) being sat down on kuroo’s lap as the guys also take turns eating you out (inspired by the other anon because 😩) I understand if you obviously can’t mention everyone, but pls mention terurshima, sakusa (who would only let you make a mess on his face) and bokuto if you could <3 ALSO the idea of two people eating you out at the same time, maybe bokuto and terushima?? IM NASTY OKAY BUT PLS DO THAT
Ty in advanceeee
i’m usually pretty fast but this took me a whole two days to write smh i’m sorry anon. hope you enjoy tho <3 i wanted it to be a lil longer but i’m so tired and i rlly wanted to get this out for you.
cw: group sex (like.. big group), hella sub reader, also fem reader, anal lol, oral (fem reviving), kuroo is the ringleader, humiliation ig, reader kinda into it doe, dirty talk, degrading + praise, squirting, overstimulation
summary: basically everyone wants to eat out/fuck y/n. explicitly written in here is kuroo, oikawa, sakusa, bokuto, and terushima. the rest is implied.
word count: about 1.9k
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your face was buried into kenma’s stiff shoulder, your whole body feeling hot as your group of friends continued to talk about you as if you weren’t even there. but clearly they hadn’t forgotten about you too much considering the way their eyes burned holes into you from all around so indiscreetly that you couldn’t even sit your ass still.
you weren’t quite sure how the previous conversation had shifted so suddenly, but kuroo seemed more than happy with the subject change as his signature asshole smirk never left his features. “- yeah, ‘bout two years ago i’d say. she was a good fuck too. poor thing was so eager to make us feel good that she passed out.” kuroo continued to drag his story as if to intentionally provoke the others, and the staring at you only got worse. your nerves were shot.
you looked and felt like a precious bunny being stared down by a bunch of wolves. and honestly? it was hot as fuck.
which is why you didn’t bother to argue when you were practically dragged into the locker room of the old gym, daichi hurriedly locking the door behind all of you. you couldn’t help but feel bad for just a second. ‘didnt some of these guys have girlfriends? couldve sworn i saw terushima enter with some girl.’ but how could you possibly focus on that when your clothes were being literally ripped off of you and disregarded to who knows where?
your legs felt weak, both out of shock and nervousness from being handled so roughly. “bring her here, bo. sit her down on my lap.” bokuto (for perhaps the first time in his life) was silent as he dragged you over to the other ex-captain, setting you down in his lap on his spot on the bench just as he’d requested. kuroo snickered and raised a hand to cup your cheeks, squeezing them together like you were a little baby before releasing.
“ease up, will ya? so damn tense i can feel it from here. you know we’ll take good care of you.” he spoke so lowly and reassuringly that you couldn’t help but to nod like a fool as he turned you around in his lap to fit the others. he tapped your thigh once, twice, and you quickly picked up on the hint and opened your legs for their viewing pleasure. you tried to put your face down as you were smothered in shame from just how quickly you got wet from their rough handling, but kuroo gripped onto your face once again and forced you to look up.
“look up, baby. so many big strong men dying to make you cum so fucking hard. be a little more thankful, yeah? say it.” “thank you.” he shook his head with a small laugh before releasing your face, but not before lightly tapping your face twice with soft slaps. still, you remained out of it even as oikawa settled himself between your legs, looking up at you with the same lazy smile you frequently saw him wearing around you.
“smells so damn good. finally gonna let me get a taste, cutie?” he spoke lowly as if he were to himself before diving in and holy shit. you figured he’d be pretty experienced. the guy was a literal chick magnet. but damn, this exceeded your expectations by far. your body threatened to curl over itself if it hadn’t been for kuroo’s sturdy grip on your twitching thighs. the way he sucked vigorously at your clit while swiping his tongue along your folds to capture more of your essence had you drawing nothing but blanks up there.
“haven’t even cum yet for us and already going dumb?” kuroo teased, planting a kiss just behind your ear, a shocking contrast to the way oikawa’s tongue worked against you just right.
the air around you was so thick you felt as if it could be cut with a knife. some of the guys surrounding you couldn’t figure out what to do with themselves, nervously shuffling their feet without taking your eyes off of you. others had clearly overcome any former shame, already slowly pumping their cocks in their hands as they hoped and prayed that they would get a turn soon. the whole scene made you feel so dirty— so wanted. the desire that leaked from their looks on you had your orgasm approaching faster than ever.
oikawa seemed to have noticed this, using his thumbs to spread your folds apart to make sure you felt him deep, muttering a quick “cum on my fucking mouth, princess.” the simple phrase alone made your orgasm crash down on you finally. your fingers tangled in his soft hair, which was now messy and tossed thanks to you.
you nearly passed out right there when he continued to lick you clean even as you violently shook in kuroo’s grasp, the black haired boy having to shove the other away forcefully just to separate his mouth from you. “that’s enough of that. did he make you feel good baby?” your eyes are still shut as you cling onto the leftover bliss, only offering a quiet “mhm.” “good girl. think you can give us another?” the question was clearly rhetorical, which should’ve been clear by the was he was already gesturing someone else forward. but still, you shook your little fucked out head ‘no’ and prayed upon some god that he’d have mercy on your poor quivering cunt.
but you knew better than to expect mercy from kuroo of all people. especially when it came to your body, when he kept whispering to you about how you were such a “perfect little toy,” and his “favorite doll to use.” before you knew it sakusa was diving into your pussy quickly without giving you time to do so much as muster up the energy to open your eyes again. his mouth was quick and desperate to get you off, moving with a sense of urgency as his hands busied themselves palming at his covered dick. he wasn’t nearly as precise or experienced as oikawa was, but his eagerness made up for it as he ate you out like a starved man.
your hips threatened to buck against his face wildly, cries of “please, please, please” falling from your mouth even though you didn’t even know what you were begging for. all you knew was that you needed more than what he was giving you right now. the man above you seemed to have read you like an open book once again as he released one of your thoughts to reach a hand around to your sensitive bud, pressing down on it softly. “see this?” he murmured, only receiving a small “hm.” in acknowledgement as omi continued his assault on your little hole. greedy fuck. “try touching her here. she loves that shit.” you cried out for more again, clenching tightly at the way he spoke of your body as if you weren’t even there.
the second sakusa tore himself away from your folds to wrap his lips around your clit, you were a goner for sure. there was a distant scream that you didn’t even recognize as your own until kuroo muffled them with his hand, body twitching and jerking more than it had the previous time. the room fell to a sudden silence even as you came down from your high, causing you to let out a confused hum.
kuroo’s chuckle broke the quietness, his large hand slapping your wet overstimulated mound and making you yelp. “didn’t know you were a squirter, baby. how come you didn’t do this for us the first time hm?” another rhetorical question. his hand trailed down lower, collecting some of your juices before he began to prod a finger at your other hole. “fuck- gonna let me bury myself in here again? want both of your holes fucked out?” and you couldn’t help but cry out because fuck yes! you couldn’t think of anything you’d want more. you nodded your head and panted like a sex craved mutt, and perhaps you would’ve been as humiliated as you were before if you weren’t so damn thirsty for it. every inch of you was begging to be ravished and destroyed, and you couldn’t help but grow more and more impatient as the time passed.
kuroo didn’t take his eyes off of you as he nodded towards the crowd once again, sakusa taking the hint and reluctantly scurrying off to palm at himself through his sweatpants just as he previously had. kuroo’s command must’ve been unclear though, as both of you were pulled away from your eye contact at the sound of a comical bonk followed by two grunts of “ow.” perhaps you would’ve laughed if the two aforementioned fools weren’t kneeling in front of your drenched pussy, ready to service you eagerly just as the other two had.
a chill ran up your spine as you surveyed each of their features. while both of them shared the same underlying expressions of lust and desperation, you couldn’t help but note how bokuto’s face resembled one of an excited puppy dog that perhaps would’ve been adorable in another circumstance while terushima’s was much more primal. “look at that” kuroo’s voice in your ear dragged you back out of your own head as he slowly sunk another finger into your tight ass. just because he was going to treat you like a whore didn’t mean you didn’t deserve prep. “making a fool out of themselves, all because they’re so desperate to get a taste of that perfect pussy. doesn’t that make you feel filthy?”
kuroo couldn’t do anything but shake his head at your lack of response, finally releasing your thighs for a moment to grab at both of their napes, silently demanding for you to hold them open yourself. “well? since you’re both so impatient, think you two can work together as a team? if i hear her complain even one time, i’m not letting either of you touch again.”
the two of them nodded obediently, and your eyes nearly rolled back at how demanding kuroo was being right now. it was clear that everyone knew who was truly holding the ropes here, and yet no one was complaining about the arrangement. seemingly satisfied with their responses, kuroo released their necks and his hands smacked yours away so he could replace them and hold up your thighs himself once again. “think you’re ready to take my cock now in here, y/n?” he smirked as he lined himself up. “gonna let me fuck this ass while you let both of them eat that slutty pussy? such a dirty girl. so fuckin’ good for us” he continued to spew filth at you as he lined himself up at your entrance, allowing you to sink down slowly.
you hissed at the stretch, but of course didn’t have much time to focus on the sensation because bokuto and terushima had finally decided that they’d been waiting for long enough. they worked diligently, the cool metal of teru’s tongue piercing flicking against your bud while bokuto slurped on your juices so loudly that the sound filled the room in the most embarrassing way possible.
yeah. you were in for it tonight.
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sorry for mistakes or inconsistencie. requests for bnha and haikyuu are open.
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bastillewolf · 4 years
Hello idk if the requests are still going but if not then its okay ignore this and if they are please don't over work yourself and you don't need to do my request if you don't want to just stay healthy and eat well and drink lots of water we all live your work (and are simps for corpse-)
The ask : could I ask for a corpse husband x reader where they used to get shipped together before they even meet each other and when they meet each other corpse goes soft for reader and they play two rounds In among us together where they are imposters together and corpse is an imposter alone in the other round
Reader info : reader has a very soft voice and is a softie and the pronounce is she/her or they/them ( as you wish)
Again you don't gotta do it if you don't want to
Thanks so much for the ask, An. I was feeling like shit and this was a lot of fun to write. I’m sorry though, I completely read over the part where the reader was supposed to have a soft voice. I’ll see if I can make another one with this specification sometime. Also, I wrote this rather quickly because I’m watching Twilight for the first time and now my feelings are hurt.
#CorpseBride - Oneshot
Pairings: Corpse / Reader
Twitter wasn’t really your forte, but you knew how to get around. It’s just that you never really had the time to check it, let alone to see what’s on the trending page every single day. At the very least, you were capable of replying to your friends’ stuff and letting your viewers know when you were streaming or when a new video would be up. Again, you weren’t a pro, but you got by.
Until you didn’t.
“Hey, everyone,” you greeted, and immediately went to change your Among Us figure to its usual colour and outfit before someone else took it.
Everyone welcomed you, while it seemed Toast was still busy trying to get a last person to join.
“Whaddup, baby,” Corpse’s shot out from the rest of them. It was pure teasing, something he’d grown quite comfortable with ever since people had blatantly started simping for his voice. “Nothing much, honey. How’ve you been?” You cheekily replied. “Pretty good. Streaming still makes me nervous, though.” “You greeted me with ‘Whaddup, baby’ and then proceed to tell me you’re nervous? Don’t get upset when I say that I don’t believe you.” He chuckled at that.
5… 4… 3… 2… 1…
“Ha!” you called out, “I doubt this will soothe your nerves, Corpse. You’re teamed up with me now.” You sneaked in a glance at chat. “We are not an old married couple! If anything, he can be my bitch for this round. I’m just not gonna murder anyone.”
And that’s basically how it went. He managed to kill three people and still wasn’t being sussed. “Alright, I think I’ve tortured him enough,” you laughed, “I’ll even spare Sykkuno for the man.”
You managed to corner Toast and killed him in a corner where the water wheels were, before heading out into admin. You vented until you found Corpse in Labs and jumped out. It was right when Sykkuno walked in.
“Oh, god no. Please, Sykkuno.”
Your kill count still wasn’t down yet and he was obviously planning to run straight out the door to hit the emergency button, but he was stopped. Corpse had murdered him in an instant.
Your mouth was hanging open. “Did… Did he just kill Sykkuno for me?” Chat was going absolutely wild. “What the fuck just happened?” You decided to report the body anyway.
“I can’t fucking believe it,” Corpse growled, “Not my best friend, Sykkuno.”
You had to mute yourself to keep the laughter at bay. Corpse evidently vouched for you, saying you’d walked in on the body together. Felix was sussed and voted out.
“Corpse, you killed me!” Sykkuno cried out.
“I’m so sorry, Sykkuno! I wanted to spare you but you walked in at the wrong time!” You pleaded.
“Sacrifices had to be made,” Corpse merely responded.
“Wait, what happened?” Sean asked.
“I walked in on one of them venting and then Corpse killed me!”
“Collateral damage. You watched me get killed one time, too.”
“Blame me, Sykkuno. It was my fault,” but you were laughing as you said it.
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard such regret coming from an imposter,” Sean laughed along, “Also, why the fuck were you two being so slow? Three meetings in and you’d only killed three people.”
“Corpse was simping for me,” you replied.
“I was not.”
“Yes, you were. Otherwise you would’ve asked me what the hell I’d been doing that entire time.”
“Fuck off,” he laughed.
“Corpse is an UWU-boy!”
“Oh my god, you guys are already trending.”
“Wait, what?”
Your phone was being blasted off to space, getting tons of messages with the hashtag #CorpseBride. It was number 1 trending on Twitter.
“So… whaddup, baby?”
“Oh no, you better buy me a drink first.”
 You hadn’t thought he’d been serious in that moment, until he’d asked you to meet up after the game had ended. You hesitantly agreed, but reminded him that he absolutely did not have to participate in this just for the meme. “I’m not doing this for the meme,” he’d said, “I’ve been wanting to ask you out for a while, I just never knew how. It seemed like the perfect timing.”
You met him at his apartment, knowing how he was about going out in public, and feeling extremely nervous. You’d brought takeout, and because you hadn’t been sure what he wanted you’d ordered way too much. Upon opening the door, he looked at you, down at the bag, and said, “Shit, you got food?” Not really knowing what else to say, you simply replied, “Uh, yeah.”
“Well, I guess we’ll have lots of leftovers, then.”
He smiled, gave you a hug that ended way too fast and left you paralyzed for a minute, and then invited you in. It turned out he’d already ordered food, too. “Plenty to choose from,” he laughed awkwardly. “Uh… You got any neighbours who might want some?” you asked.
“I-I don’t really talk to anyone outside of my friend group.”
“Oh, of course. I could go around, if you’d like.”
“You’d do that for me?”
You furrowed your brows. “Of course I would. Why not?”
“Alright, but let me at least come with you. You just do the talking.”
Three knocks at three different doors later, and someone accepted the offer and took over some of the food. “Hang on a minute,” the elderly man said, clad in only his pyjamas and a bathrobe, managing to make the situation even more uncomfortable, “Aren’t you my neighbour? You always scurry off before I get the chance to talk to you!”
You looked at Corpse, and he back at you, and you turned back to the elderly man. “He, uh… He’s very people shy. He has anxiety. I’m trying to help him cope. Also, his vocal chords are damaged.” Nothing you’d said so far had been a lie, technically, but the man still remained sceptical. “Then why didn’t you just leave a note or something?”
“Uh…” you jumped at the small voice appearing from behind you. It’s just that his ‘small voice’ is still nothing close to small. “I know, I’m terribly sorry, sir. I also just wanted to let you know that if you ever need anything, I’m just a few doors away.”
This seemed to please the man enough.
“I can’t believe you made me do that.”
“I made you?!” You gasped, “I didn’t make you do anything, you filthy liar! You’re just as bad in real life as in Among Us, when you’re the impostor and I’m the innocent crewmate.”
“No comment.”
“I didn’t even ask you a question.”
“No comment.”
You both laughed. Corpse hesitated for just a moment, but decided to ask anyway, “Were you nervous when I opened the door?”
You chuckled awkwardly, admitting, “Yeah, I was. I always get anxious meeting people. Well, we’d met before, of course. But just, you know, in real life.”
“I get it.”
You stood there in silence for a moment, until you noticed the rest of the takeout in your hands was getting cold. “Come on, wife,” he joked, linking his pinkie finger with yours, “Let me get you that drink.”
If he hadn’t dragged you along then and there, you could’ve sworn your knees would’ve given out.
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People I wasn’t able to tag (please check your settings lovelies):
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buckmepapi · 2 years
I saw Doctor Strange and The Multiverse of Madness yesterday so spoiler warning, I’m gonna give my opinion below under the cut.
Like serious spoiler warning I’m going to be talking about specific things, so if you still moan after these warnings you can eat a bag of multidimensional hairy dicks
What the fuck was that ?
Honestly. I hate to say it because I’m a marvel ass-licker and I hate admitting anything my autistic special interest does is bad, and it wasn’t, but I’m kinda on the fence about whether I loved it or hated it - I’m gonna watch it again in a few days to really take it in properly the second time around.
But one thing I am annoyed about is how the fuck you can say you have The Illumanti and have pretty much all the OG members and not Namor ????? WHEREMST THE FUCK IS ME SWEET ANGSTY SUB MARINER BOI?!
That really annoyed me lol
I’ve never been a fan of Raimi’s spiderman films, like I think tobey is a great actor, but I think those films are objectively not good. Don’t get me wrong, I still like them, it’s nostalgic and it’s fun and silly, but from a movie watching point of view it’s cringe, shit acting, bad and lazy writing, poor cgi, and all around cheesy.
But I have a love / hate relationship with those moviee so it’s hard to give a definitive answer.
Raimi definitely channeled all that cheesy cringe action shots / scene transitions and cheesy lines into this movie but I guess it kinda made it great though because it captures how zany and cheesy and ridiculous doctor strange comics are (and the classic og marvel comics in general) ,,, so I do kind of hate it and love it in that regard also - it’s probably because I was not expecting that type of style for a marvel film so it’s just taken me aback. I think once I watch it again in a few days I’ll love it Lmao
Right so all that out of the way , those fucking horror scenes and all the other spooky elements *chef kiss* very scary and very unnerving and fucking badass very cool MWAH
Honest to god the horror elements and references were super cool and flowed nicely.
The unexpected deaths was fucking ace, I love when movies do that bc it’s so out of left field, it’s very Deadpool 2 x force-esque and I loved it.
Idk if y’all have ever read Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe but it gave me those vibes, if you read it you’ll know what I mean
Especially the scene where professor x is in Wanda’s mind, there was a moment where it looked like he was looking directly to the camera and I thought for a brief fleeting moment they were going to have him look into the camera, go wide eyed and say “oh” before having his brain completely melt - which is professor x’s death in the Deadpool comic I mentioned, it just really reminded me of it and with Xavier being in Wanda’s mind at the time I thought maybe reading her mind or seeing how self aware she was would cause his brain to implode with the knowledge that none of his world was real a La Deadpool kills the mcu
This film though did feel disappointing. I don’t think this will be the last of the multiverse concept in marvel obviously, but it felt wrong to have the first introduction into different universes and their hero’s variants be only 2 hours long, it felt like it should have been more of a Zack Snyder feature length film
There was no mention of loki and kang and their timeline issues - which you’d think would have been in the film
You’d also have thought with multiverses and such opening up that all 3 spidey boys would be back as well but nah - so that was weird too
Kang is literally related to Reed Richards so he is one of the most intelligent human beings there is, he is one of the biggest threats to the timeline the mcu has but I guess the mf must have been on vacation
Also are you telling me that one of the universes most intelligent men, the man responsible for creating the COUNCIL OF REEDS was fucking dumb enough to say oh yeah black bolt can kill you by opening his mouth , like bro why did you not just shut the fuck up HAHA
But then again the death scenes were so fucking awesome
I guess the film is a 7/7.5 out of 10
I think the horror sequences bumped up those scores for me tho. I deffo have more to say but I’m probably forgetting a lot of stuff so I’ll be back with more to say once I’ve watched it again 😎
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thesolferino · 4 years
Pretty Girl
⤷ georgenotfound x f!reader.
⤷ genre: fluff literal pure disgusting fluff
⤷ word count: 2k
⤷ requested: yes, by this lovely anon
⤷ note: happy valentine’s, everyone <3
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— summary: you decide to spend valentine’s day the best way you can think of - watching cheesy romcoms and sleeping on your boyfriend’s lap.
If George is anything in this world, he’s a homebody. Your homebody, you’d always correct him, whenever he started defending himself for rather laying on your bed and rocking from side to side like a lazy cat, scrolling through his phone while you made dinner and shouted at him for not helping from the kitchen instead of going out for movies or to the mall - your homebody, but a homebody nonetheless.
Luckily for him, you didn’t mind - crowds weren’t really your thing, and living in London made it impossible to avoid those, so you happily agreed to stay inside with him, as long as he agreed to washing the dishes. True to his homebody status, the two of you agreed to spend Valentines together at your place, watching shitty romcoms and cuddling, because doing cheesy couple activities gets a little boring after 17, and you’re more than fine hanging off your boyfriend and sleeping on him like a sloth in the warmth of your home compared to the cold wind that brutally swept aside everything in its way outside. 
That’s why you jumped from your place on the couch when you heard the doorbell ring, fixing your hair a little when you passed by the mirror before opening the door, George’s smiling face greeting you, half covered by a thick scarf that he seemed to try and wrap around his whole head and his hair covered with a woolen beanie too. He held a box of chocolates in one, and a far-too-large bouquet of flowers in another glove-covered hand, ready to step in. 
You immediately stepped aside, letting him in. 
“Happy Valentine’s, baby.” he said, offering you the gifts which you gladly accepted with a loud “aww”, unwrapping the scarf around his neck so you could press a soft, thankful kiss to his lips while he took the beanie off as well. You walked over to the living room to set the gifts down as he took off his boots and jacket. 
“It’s actually so cold outside, like, this is crazy. It’s not snowing but it should be, I almost got blown away!” you heard him shout from the entrance, making his way to the living room where you sat on the couch, Netflix already pulled up, scrolling through the movies section. You chuckled at his complaints, side eyeing him as he walked into the room.
“If you got blown away I’d never forgive you for ditching me on Valentine’s.” you said, gaze returning to the TV as he plopped down on your couch with a loud exhale, basking in the warmth of the gracious heating inside your house, a stark difference from the cold he stomped through. 
“What do you mean you wouldn’t forgive me? How would that be my fault?” he complained, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and you leaned into him, head lightly resting on his right shoulder as you continued scrolling.
“That would mean you just didn’t try hard enough for me.” you argued, and you heard a chuckle escape him at your absurd claim, seeing him shake his head.
“Well, I’m here, aren’t I? That means I tried more than hard enough.” he said, fingers lightly rubbing up and down your shoulder. You nodded, stifling a giggle.
“You wanna watch the Titanic?” you asked, finger hovering over the OK button on your remote, waiting for him to read the description of the movie that played next to the trailer, even though both of you knew well enough what the movie was about.
“Didn’t you say you find it boring, though?” he said, gaze flickering between you and the screen.
“Yeah, but it’s cheesy, stupid and romantic. Perfect for Valentine’s, eh?” 
“Just like you.” he murmured under his breath, a grin stretching out on his face at the dumb joke, carefully watching you to check if you heard. And you, of course, heard and immediately looked up at him with an offended look.
“Excuse you?!” 
“I’m joking, I’m joking!” he laughed, pulling you in closer, hoping you’d forgive him as you continued glaring up at him the longer he laughed.
“I know you think you look very scary and mad right now, but you just look like a… cute puppy, or something, trying very, very hard to look angry and intimidating.” he said, and your facade deflated, now looking just mildly irritated as you huffed and turned your gaze back to the TV screen.
“This is so not fair.”
“I’m sorry love, but you’re too cute to be scary in the slightest.”
“I’m not! Tremble before my wrath!” you shouted, hearing him giggle in response.
“Oh, you’re right, I’m so scared, please spare me!” he played along and you laughed, pressing your face into his shoulder right before pressing play and adjusting yourself on the couch, ready to fall asleep somewhere in the middle, considering the movie was three and a half hours long and there was no way in hell you were making it through the whole thing.
Barely five minutes had passed when you were already shifting in your seat, inspecting the box of chocolates he bought thoroughly. You decided to reach out and busy yourself with reading the packaging and maybe opening it, instead of following the rather slow pace of the movie. 
Only when you grabbed the box had you actually realised it was painted gold, the Ferrero Rocher logo printed on it and you shook it, as if expecting for there not to be any chocolates inside. 
“Damn, Ferrero Rocher? Alright, rich boy, goddamn!” you said and he laughed loudly in response, gaze switching from the TV over to you.
“Gotta spend all the YouTube money on something.” he replied.
“Maybe your Minecraft obsession is good for something after all.” you muttered, carefully opening the box and you heard a whine of protest come from him.
You ripped the box open, inspecting the gold wrapped candies before carefully picking up one of them, slowly unwrapping it and then holding it up to George’s mouth, expectantly looking up at him from below his shoulder. He opened his mouth and you plopped it inside, and he immediately started chewing, almost pleasantly surprised noises rumbling from his chest. 
“This is actually really good, I forgot how good these were.” he mumbled while he still chewed, nodding his head as he searched for your eyes, almost as if looking for confirmation.
“What, you were gonna get me shitty candy on purpose?” you said, unwrapping another candy for yourself and munching down on it, tossing the wrapper to the other side of the couch, assuring yourself that you’d just clean it up tomorrow.
“How do you manage to spin everything I say into something bad?” he complained again while you giggled, knowing exactly how to get him annoyed. “I obviously knew they were good, that’s why I got you the crazy expensive ones!”
“I know, I’m just playing, Georgie.” you weakly hit his arm, and then continue, much quieter: “Thanks for getting me this stuff - I love you, you know that?” 
You see the corners of his mouth lift upwards and he pulls you in closer, hand snaking up from your shoulder into your hair, tucking a strand behind your ear gently. “Yeah, I do. I love you too, baby.” 
The atmosphere quiets into a comfortable silence, and his fingers still lightly comb through your hair, his gentle touch paired with the quietness of the movie making your eyelids fall heavier and heavier. He notices when you let out quite a big yawn, and his fingers untangle themselves from your hair, hand pulling at your arm to push you away from his shoulder. You’re quite confused as to what he’s doing, but as soon as you’re off his shoulder, he pulls your head back down into his lap. You adjust your head on his thigh with a smile as he softly pulls a few strands of hair away from your face, his left hand now slowly scratching at your scalp instead of his right. 
As soon as you face the TV your eyes burn, and you’re forced to close them as exhaustion washes over you. You fought the sleep that crept up on you and harshly pulled you towards itself the best you could, and maybe you would’ve actually made it through the movie if George’s hands didn’t feel so nice and soft buried in your hair. 
One second you were watching Jack dine with Rose and her fiance in first class with tired, weary eyes and the other you were peeling your eyes open slowly, tiredly blinking away, trying to get your blurry vision to finally focus on something other than the ceiling. That something happened to be your boyfriend’s face that finally came into your line of sight, his warm, chocolate eyes peering down at yours, paired with one of the biggest lovesick grins you’d ever seen him wear. His hand still threaded itself through your hair carefully, wrapping tiny strands around his pointer finger before letting them go, going back to running it through and brushing over your scalp. You couldn’t help but shyly giggle at the way he stared at you, the light of the TV reflecting in his already shiny eyes.
“Hi.” you greeted, voice hoarser than expected. He laughed in response, eyes trailing over every inch of your face.
“Hi.” he repeated. A beat of silence passed with him still staring down at you, and you staring back, a blush creeping it’s way up your neck to your cheeks.
“What?” you whined, rocking your head side to side in his lap. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what?” he asked, playing dumb, grin only growing wider the more he spoke.
“Like… I dunno.” you responded, cheeks fiery. “Did you turn me around from the TV so you could stare while I slept, you creep?”
“No, you turned around in your sleep. I couldn’t help it. You look so pretty.” he said, head cocking to the side as if to get another look at your face from a different angle, and your hands shot up to cover your face, heating up even more than before. His free hand immediately flew to yours, trying to push them away gently.
“No, stop, I wanna see!” he argued, trying to push them down as you persisted, giggling, burying your face in his leg as he started laughing as well.
“Stop it, George!” you say, pulling your hands off just to try and slap his away, grinning up at him, cheeks flaming.
“See, that’s better.” he mused, looking at your uncovered face again. “You look so peaceful, and... pretty when you sleep, you know that?” 
“No I don’t, babe. I’m asleep, I can’t really see.” you roll your eyes and he laughs, hand darting back to your hair immediately as that lovesick look drowns his eyes again.
“Well then you’ll just have to trust me.” he responds. His gaze returns back to the TV and you switch places, now being your turn to stare up at his features while he pays attention to the movie.
“I can’t believe I still make you that flustered, even after all this time.” he laughs after a few seconds of silence, and you can’t help but laugh along.
“I can’t help it! You’re so- you’re so cheesy, like, I can’t…” you argue back, and he laughs, looking back at you again.
“You love it.” he says, then turns his head back to the TV. “Pretty girl.” 
You let out a surprised whine, hands shooting up to cup your cheeks again, and he lets out a loud laugh at your reaction. “Shut up George, I swear!”
“I’m telling the truth! Why are you attacking me for telling the truth?”
“Enough! I can’t take this, my heart is going to burst, and then you’ll be responsible for my heart attack.”
“That’s not how heart attacks work-”
“Oh yeah, smartass? Well, explain to me how-”
Safe to say, you definitely enjoyed your Valentine’s.
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