#i never feel shy or nervous about posting my stories
borathae · 11 months
I kinda wanna post one of my drawings already but I'm so shy 🙈 hahahah istfg it's so scary to vendure out of your comfort zone FKAKDFS
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blackwidownat2814 · 1 month
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Pairing: Tyler Owens x female reader, Tyler Owens x shy!reader, Tyler Owens x insecure!reader
Word Count: 1408
Summary: You begin your new job as a Tornado Wrangler (remotely), and meet most of the team. It isn't until you suffer a little mishap that you meet the man himself.
A/N: Thank you all so much for the wonderful response to the Prologue!!! I didn't think it'd be that much of a hit, so I was surprised with all the love. After finishing this chapter, I feel like it could've been part of the Prologue, but oh well. It's been a while since I've written as well, so bear with me. As always, thanks to my awesome beta, @buckysdollforlife, for their help with this and for creating the header for this story (I LOVE IT!!!!) and bestie, @13braincellsonly, for allowing me the use of their son's name and personality when I needed to come up with a horse. **All descriptions of Ziggy the horse were approved by his momma.** And as always, I will be cross-posting this to AO3. If you see this story anywhere besides AO3 or Tumblr, it's stolen.
City Girl Knows Her Stuff
You became a Wrangler near the end of the season that first year.  Kate picked you up at the airport with two members of the team: Lily and Dani.  Lily immediately pulled you into a hug, chatting a mile a minute about how excited she was to have you on the team.  Dani (perhaps picking up on your shyness) offered a handshake and big smile, welcoming you to Oklahoma.  Kate was more than happy to let Dani and Lily talk your ear off on the drive to Sapulpa, where you’d be staying with Cathy until you found a place.  She knew it was somewhat difficult for you to make friends, so she was happy to see you enjoying a conversation with two new friends.
You got to meet Dexter when he came by in the van to pick up Lily and Dani.  You thought he was funny and enjoyed some very science-centric conversations with him.  Before they all left, Lily let you take her drone for a spin.  You enjoyed it so much that for your birthday later that year, she gifted you a smaller drone that wasn’t quite like hers, but it had a small camera and small, tinny sounding speaker.  She even had it painted in your favorite color.  That would become one of your absolute favorite gifts.  It made you cry.
Like most storm chasers, you had to have a job in the off season, so you got a remote data analyst job with the NOAA offices in Norman and moved out to a place just out of Sapulpa.  This would allow you to visit Cathy at the farm and work on data in the barn workshop the Wranglers had set up.  You even got yourself a cat.  Abandoned due to his looks and runt status (according to the shelter), you snatched him up the first time you saw him.  Black cats didn’t scare you.  Life with Roach (you’d spent quite a bit of time watching The Witcher) was idyllic and you were happy.
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By the time you met Boone, the Wranglers felt like family…and Boone felt like the brother you never had.  Like Boone, you were an only child and didn’t have much of an extended family and it was a bit lonely in the beginning.  The difference, however, was that Boone was an outgoing guy and it was easy for him to make friends and talk to people he didn’t know, whereas that scared you half to death most of the time.  You loved his boisterous way of being, but you also appreciated that he (like Dani) could tell when your social battery had run down and turned it down and would sometimes sit with you in a quiet environment.  Sometimes he’d sit and nap while you read or he’d pick up the latest meteorological article (or sometimes the latest comic he picked up at the shop).  He didn’t even make fun of your nickname like others had before, so you trusted him.
The day of Cathy’s pre-tornado season bbq, while cleaning some dishes, you confessed to Boone that you were nervous about meeting the head tornado wrangler himself, Tyler Owens.
“T’s a sweetheart B, you got nothin’ to worry about.  Why are ya nervous?”
“Boone!  He doesn’t know me, what if he doesn’t think I’m a right fit for the team?  What if he doesn’t like how I do work?  Y’all are famous ‘round here, what if he gets irked by the fact that big crowds make me nervous and it takes me forever to become comfortable with people?  You know it’s not easy for me to talk to people I’ve never talked to before”, you cried in exasperation.
“B, imma need you to take a breath, okay?” Boone reassured you as he placed his hands on your shoulders.  “If Ty thought any of those things, I would definitely not be workin’ with ‘em.”
You were so busy trying to get yourself to relax that you missed Kate wandering into the kitchen.
“B, are you freakin’ out about meetin’ Tyler again?” she asked.  You and Boone nodded.  “Well, you don’t have to worry.  He won’t be able to come today, said he had to drive down to Texas to see his parents.”
You breathed out a sigh of relief, sending some of your hair floating up.  “Good, I have time to relax about it.  Thanks Kate.”
“Thank Tyler’s parents.”
“Thank you, Mr. & Mrs. Owens!” you said to no one in particular and dried your hands, as you looked over at your friends.  “See you two out there!”
Kate and Boone followed, but stayed on the porch, both taking twin sips from their beers.
“You think either of them has any idea what’s about to happen to ‘em?” Boone asked.
“Meaning that Tyler is going to become enamored the second she opens her mouth?”
“And that she’s going to have the same thing happen to her the second she comes into contact with that cocky cowboy swagger that he exudes when you meet him the first time?”
“No, I don’t think either of ‘em knows what’s coming.”
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A few days before the chasing season began, you brought Roach down to Cathy’s, where he would be staying while you were out with the Wranglers for your first season on the road.  
While there, you asked Cathy if you could saddle up your favorite of her horses, Zig, nicknamed Ziggy.  He wasn’t the brightest of the bunch; he was the type of horse you’d see in a video because someone thought he was dead but in actuality, he was just sleeping.  You swore that his mother, a horse named KJ, rolled her horse eyes every time someone caught him playing dead.
Ziggy may not have been the sharpest pitchfork in the barn, and may not have enjoyed doing much of anything besides looking dead when he slept, but he enjoyed riding through fields with you.  He knew whenever he saw you approaching with a bowl that he was about to get one of his favorite snacks: ice cubes with apple bits in them.  You put Ziggy’s snack bucket down so he could munch while you brushed him and got him saddled and ready to go for a ride.
When Ziggy let you know that he was done with his snack, you popped in your earbuds and shuffled your favorite classical music playlist on Spotify.  You found it was one of your favorite ways to relax.  After you climbed on Ziggy’s back, and kicked him into gear, you took off for the open fields near the road leading up to the farm.
You’d been out there for a while when you started hearing the faint rumble of an engine, but ignored it because trucks passed near this area all the time.  You probably shouldn’t have ignored it though, because when that modified-to-withstand-tornadoes red Dodge Ram 3500 turned on to the road and took off towards the main house, Ziggy took off after it.  By now, you shouldn’t have been surprised that he recognized the truck or the person in it, but you were…and because you were so thrown off by it, your hands (stupidly) had not been holding the reins.  And because you had not held on, you went flying off Ziggy’s back while he just followed the familiar truck.  Lucky for you, the fall didn’t cause you to go unconscious, but it did knock the wind out of you after you landed hard on your back.
As you attempted to take deep breaths, you heard someone yelling and running towards you, so you tried to sit up.  The voice yelled for you to not move, so you listened and stayed on the ground, with your eyes shut.  You just lay there, waiting.
All of a sudden:
“Are you okay?” the voice asked.  You knew that you knew who the voice belonged to but you were so thrown by being thrown that your brain wasn’t focusing.  You blinked your eyes open, and your vision swam before focusing on the most beautiful face.
“Are you okay, darlin’?” he asked as he helped you sit up.
“Did you black out?”
“Do you know where you are?”
“Cathy’s farm, in Sapulpa.”
“Do you know your name?”  He smiled when you told him.  “Where’d you come in from?”
“New York City.”
“Why are you here?”
“I’m the new data analyst for the Wranglers.”
“Well…looks like we got another city girl that knows her stuff.”
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Tagging: @ladybirdbeetle7 @omgbrianab @itsdesiree86 @avengersfan25 @keyrani @thedonswife13 @lonelyghosts-stuff
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rumisgf · 4 months
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summary: kiri boyfriend hcs because he needs more love. also this has been in my drafts for too long but i finished it y’all, round of applause!
includes: fluff, female pronouns, black!reader cs duh, crack
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✧ and the best boyfriend award goes to
✧ before y’all even started dating he was always so sweet to you, opening doors for you whether it was at the food place or a car
✧ he has absolutely no shame making sure whenever he’s around, you never have to lift a finger
✧ he helps you up the stairs, buys you food whenever you’re hungry, even ties your shoes for you
✧ i mean he’s your boyfriend, it’s manly!!
✧ speaking of, one of the most attractive things about him is how good he is with kids
✧ if you have nieces/nephews or baby sibling/cousins they definitely adore him and it’s so sweet
✧ and when you get far enough into your relationship, he’s eager to express that he does wanna have kids one day
✧ if you let him pull out his list of baby names he will be so happy
✧ i think eijirou is one of the men very comfortable in his masculinity compared to all the other men he’s around
✧ not to say they aren’t, but he definitely has no issue doing things deemed as “feminine” in the slightest
✧ besides, manliness to him is about not always having to prove you’re manly. you’re simply just manly.
✧ kiri will let you do his makeup all the time and he’ll post pictures on his story after
✧ and he’ll love if you do things deemed as “masculine” with no shame
✧ no matter how it sounds out loud, he’ll be like “my gf is so manly i love her”
✧ yes, you wanted to pop him the first time you heard him saying but it’s truly just how he talks he can’t help it😭😭
✧ (one time he called mina manly as a compliment and she smacked him dead in his face, though, so he doesn’t say it often)
“wow babe, you’re so manly!”
“thank you eij— wait.”
✧ even though he’s willing to do it in a heartbeat for you, kirishima has a hard time letting you buy him things
✧ it’s one traditional standard he can’t seem to shake and even then he just feels bad for some reason
✧ but weirdly, he still likes when you ask even if he’s just gonna say no😭
✧ it makes him feel bubbly that you still wanna spoil him too and maybe he’ll let you a few times
✧ one thing kirishima loves is helping you do your hair
✧ he already dyes his hair himself so i feel like he’ll be very knowledgeable about hair care
✧ and he’d do his own research for you
✧ mans learned how to part hair, he oils your scalp for you, even washes your hair for you, and he learned how to braid
✧ in return he loves when you help him dye his hair whenever his roots grow in too dark
✧ this man can barely go to sleep without cuddling you it’s starting to concern his friends a lil
✧ it’s the one thing he looks forward to at night and he always hold you so tight
✧ which is completely fine because i feel like he’d also have warm skin
✧ he’s definitely the type of boyfriend to refer to you as his lady
✧ he definitely has clips floating the internet of him calling you that during interviews at hero galas
“oh, tonight i’m here with my lady!
“i’m sure she’s somewhere, she’s still a little camera shy.”
✧ if you’re the quiet type, he absolutely has no problem speaking up for you or just talking when you’re too nervous
✧ kirishima loves picking you up, you could be with friends and he’ll randomly just hoist you up into his arms
✧ when he works out, he begs you to do things like spot him or sit on his back while he does push ups
✧ or lay under him while he does them so he can give you kisses
✧ although one habit he does have is hugging up all on you while he’s still sweaty after he comes back from the gym
✧ i think he’d love a partner who does sports, so if the school has any college teams he’ll try to convince you to join even if you never did sports in high school
✧ he also thinks it would be fun for you and he always wants you to have fun
✧ in general, he loves being able to make you smile
✧ if you’re ever having a bad day, he’s the best at giving advice or just comforting you
✧ and not to mention, gives top tier hugs
✧ when you start crying about anything he literally drops everything and runs to you
✧ to the point where even your friends will text him whenever you do and he’ll be there in an instant
✧ eijirou absolutely loves giving you flowers
✧ he’ll seriously find any excuse to show up wherever you are with a bouquet in hand ready to give to you
✧ valentine’s days? flowers
✧ birthday? flowers.
✧ passed an exam? flowers.
✧ having a bad day? flowers.
✧ having a good day? flowers.
✧ just because he felt like it? flowers
“awww this is so sweet baby, but what’s the occasion?”
“don’t worry about it sweetheart, just pose with ‘em so i can take pictures of your pretty self.”
✧ in conclusion, he’s the man of your dreams
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@ rumisgf
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smoshyourheadin · 2 months
Hello!! I’d like to request Rebecca Welton x reader. Basically reader is just SUPER oblivious, like Rebecca’s trying everything. Giving flowers, taking reader on dates that reader thinks are just friendly, even the whole team and everyone knows except reader
Happy ending ofc! But maybe Rebecca gets annoyed with reader & thinks reader doesn’t like her in that way and readers super confused and shows up to her house or smth idk and then boom whole confession.
This was really long and all over the place I’m sorry😓
properly this time
pairing: rebecca welton x f! reader
a/n: STOP I ADORE THIS REQUEST and also first ted lasso req yay!! also also i’m SO sorry for the lack of posting!! i’ve been kinda burnt out as of recent BUT hopefully i should be back on a regular-ish basis soon :-) ily all 🫶🫶
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rebecca welton had never been one to shy away from challenges. as the owner of afc richmond, she tackled everything from skeptical board members to spirited fans. but there was one challenge that had her completely stumped: you.
you, with your bright smile and genuine kindness, had unknowingly captured rebecca's heart. she had tried everything to show her feelings, but you remained blissfully oblivious.
it started with flowers. rebecca sent you an elegant bouquet of your favorite flowers, along with a card that read, "thinking of you. - rebecca." you thanked her with a smile, saying how thoughtful she was and how much you loved having fresh flowers in your office. she hoped you might pick up on the hint, but you seemed to take it as a friendly gesture.
next, she invited you out for dinner. a candle-lit table at one of the finest restaurants in town, where the two of you shared an exquisite meal and deep conversation. as rebecca looked into your eyes, she felt sure that this would be the moment you realized her intentions. but when you hugged her goodbye and thanked her for the "great friendly evening," she knew her subtle hints were not getting through.
the team started to notice too. keeley pulled her aside one day and asked, "so, any progress with you-know-who?" to which rebecca sighed, shaking her head. even the players were catching on, often giving you knowing looks when you two were together. but you remained completely unaware of the undercurrent of affection in her gestures.
one day, after yet another failed attempt at getting through to you, rebecca finally reached her breaking point. she invited you to her house for dinner, hoping that a more intimate setting would help you understand her feelings. but when you arrived, you greeted her with the same cheerful smile, completely missing the nervous tension in her eyes.
as the evening progressed, she grew more frustrated. you chatted happily about your day, blissfully unaware of the turmoil she was experiencing. finally, rebecca couldn't take it anymore.
"do you like me?" she blurted out, interrupting your story about a funny incident at training with dani.
you blinked, taken aback by the sudden question. "of course, i do. you're one of my best friends."
"no," rebecca said, her voice shaking slightly. "i mean, do you like me more than that? romantically?"
the room fell silent as you processed her words. realization dawned on your face, and you felt a rush of emotions. how had you missed all the signs? the flowers, the dinners, the lingering touches - it all made sense now.
"oh my god, rebecca," you said, standing up and moving closer to her. "i had no idea. i'm so sorry i was so clueless."
rebecca looked at you, hope and vulnerability in her eyes. "so, what do you think? do you feel the same way?"
you reached out and took her hands in yours. "i do. i really do. i just didn't realize... i didn't see it."
rebecca let out a relieved laugh, pulling you into a tight hug. "you have no idea how happy that makes me," she whispered into your hair.
you pulled back slightly to look into her eyes. "can we start over? properly this time?"
rebecca smiled, leaning in to press a soft kiss to your lips. "i’d like that very much."
from that moment on, there was no more confusion. you and rebecca were finally on the same page, ready to embark on a new chapter together, hand in hand.
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anzulvr · 3 months
Karma with a s/o who can't hold eye contact 😋😋😋
Tysm if u do have a wonderful day 🫶🫶🫶🫶
♥︎ ʚɞ Karma Akabane x Reader who can’t hold eye contact
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— It's your shy demeanor that catches Karmas' attention the first time you meet him. He notices how around other people such as Rio or Nagisa you’re much more extroverted and you seem more authentic. Every time he tries talking to you, you can’t look him straight in the eyes, and your personality becomes a lot tamer. He assumes it’s because you’re not as comfortable around him, and that you'll open up in time.
 He couldn’t have been more wrong.
The more time you spent in End Class, the less you could look at him. He’s never had a lot of friends and that never bothered him before. Except now it seemed like you were comfortable with everyone else in class. Even Terasaka and Itona were able to pull some conversation out of you.
You’d get all nervous and trip on your words; you’d look at your hands or shoes, but never directly at him.
Most people, once they get to know him, are scared off by his “jokes” and slightly violent tendencies.
That’s why, instead of assuming you’re into him, he assumes you’re scared because of some rumor that spread around campus. Which one? He couldn’t say for sure. Students would often make up stories about him.
 “He keyed the principal's car and sliced his tires.” (Never happened, good idea though.) 
“He pushed Koyama down the stairs, that's why he sprung his ankle.” (He didn’t, but he wishes he did.) 
“He snuck into the broadcasting room and sold some of Teppei’s personal belongings.” (That one did happen.)
You were hanging out with Rio outside, and he came up to you two out of boredom.
Midway through the conversation, he notices you picking at the grass, a little while after that, you make up a lame excuse to go talk to Okano, who’s on the opposite side of the mountain.
You’re a really bad liar.
Once he’s alone with Rio, he half-heartedly says, “I wonder what rumor [Name] heard about me that has them afraid of me.” 
“Afraid? Why do you think that?”  
“You haven’t noticed? Always getting quiet when I’m around, leaving randomly—it’s pretty obvious.”
 Rio just laughed. "Wow, you’re dumb. [Names] like that ‘cause they like you.”
 He let that new bit of information get into his head. Her conclusion makes more sense.
Now he’s being extra annoying. The more annoying and insistent he gets, the more comfortable you get. 
You get to the stage where you talk to him with excitement, you don’t get tripped up on your words anymore and you’re constantly hanging out, but you still can’t look at him.
He decides (with a lot of encouragement from Korosensei and a little help from his classmates) that the only way things will move forward is if he makes the first move.
When he lays out his feelings for you, he makes sure your eyes are on him. He tilts your head back at himself when your vision starts to wander.
 Even after you officially get together, the nerves don’t completely go away. Whenever he does something nice for you or when he makes you laugh, you hide your face behind your hands or on his shoulder. 
He’s starting to look away from you too; if you noticed how flustered he can get around you, he wouldn’t live it down.
♡ PS sorry It’s been so much time since my last post!!
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luv4fushi · 1 year
jujutsu kaisen bf headcanons
jjk - gojo satoru, nanami kento, fushiguro megumi, itadori yuji, inumaki toge
content: just some of my delusions <3 fem!reader
warnings: word dump, other than that nothing else hehe
i started this account to write oneshots but they’re all like. 7k words…. and MORE. so now im posting this because i’ve been writing two different stories for 3 days now.
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gojo satoru
he’s such a menace. he looovessss being all gross in public to annoy people.
he doesn’t tell you when he’s upset and overcompensates to hide it (but you can always tell)
he likes when you play with his hair and when you tell him good things about himself. being the strongest means he’s used to having a lot of responsibility (everyone relies on him). he likes it when you tell him he’s doing a good job and that he can rely on you, too.
he doesn’t get jealous easily (he pretends he does, but it never actually bothers him) because he knows he’s the best and he’s confident in your love. he’ll pretend to be all pouty and sad but at the scene of the crime he finds it SO FUNNY. “babe… you did NOT have to reject him like that.”
he’s rich (duh) so he randomly comes home with the most EXTRAVAGANT GIFTS. you’ll be like “wtf???” and he’d just stand there with the hugest grin on his face and be like “i thought of you!!”
he pulls the “don’t you love me?” card WAY TOO OFTEN. it works every time.
he hates when you cry. he thinks he’s bad at comforting people so he’ll be all nervous and afraid that you’ll hate him, but he’s actually good at it. he pulls you into his arms and lets you nuzzle into his neck. “i’m right here. i’ve got you, baby.” AHHHH
nanami kento
he’s so daddy material. not even in a sexual way. he’s just very responsible and reliable. he’s the kind of bf where you don’t have worry about planning trips and events because he handles it. he’s the bf you’d trust with your passport.
he loves to get massages from you and home cooked meals.
he likes upbeat, bubbly people because he’s relatively calm. he likes to watch you do cute things with a fond smile on his face. when you force him to participate in things, he’ll only grin and let you have your way with him.
he overthinks EVERYTHING. he knows he’s a workaholic so he’ll say things like, “i’m so sorry i’m late. i didn’t want to be caught up at work, but things just happened to be that way today.” and if you pretend to be upset he’ll be at your feet. “i’m sorry, love. i swear i love coming home to see you and spend time with you. don’t be upset, hm?”
HE’S SO … he makes you feel protected. he’s very stern with others, but around you he’s a lot more soft and flexible. “you don’t need to force yourself. i can do it for you, baby.” HEHEH he’s so lovely i love him
he’s very attentive. he never makes you feel like he’s not listening to you. he will quite literally drop whatever he’s doing to listen to you.
fushiguro megumi
he’s so SHY!!! he blushes really easily too. you have to initiate most of the touching and talking at the beginning of your relationship with him.
he actually doesn’t mind pda. he feels kind of prideful that he’s able to call you his. he LOVES holding your hand and he does that little thing where he’ll squeeze it when he knows you’re nervous.
everybody makes fun of him for being super soft with you. at first, he’s not really good with expressing his emotions, but give it three months and he’s the cheesiest bf ever. he loves using pet names in private with you.
he’s on the quieter side so he’s able to observe you REALLY well. got a new haircut? “did you cut your hair? it looks nice.” wearing some new jewelry? “it’s pretty. you should’ve told me, i would’ve bought you some more.” always cold? “i wore another sweater because i knew you’d be cold.” got your nails done? “why didn’t you choose the color i picked?” he’s SO thoughtful.
he’s such a cuddler. loves being held. loves holding you. literally would rather spend all day in bed with you than do anything else. he’s so AGH !! “why don’t you just sleep here tonight? i don’t want you to go.”
itadori yuji
he is SHAMELESS omg. he loves to talk about you and brag about you to anyone that will listen. “my girlfriend can do that, too!” + “my girlfriend says that i can’t do that, sorry.” + “my girlfriend doesn’t like things like that…” + “my girlfriend thinks these are cute!” + “my girlfriend is so pretty.”
he adores you so much he’s so cute about it. he literally dies when he’s without you. he’s SUPER clingy and doesn’t even try to hide it. everyone else thinks it’s soooo annoying but he doesn’t care.
he loves receiving forehead kisses, but because he’s literally like … curse offspring (LOL) he’s taller than you so he has to bend down while you tiptoe to kiss him. he also loves to pinch your cheeks at random times.
he’s a lot more buff than you think he is (cue the scene where he’s sprinting while carrying nobara) so hugging him is literally like hugging a huge bear.
he gives you a kiss EVERY TIME HE SEES YOU. he gets so sad when you refuse one. “what do you mean ‘not right now’? i don’t see the problem. i literally your boyfriend :(“
inumaki toge
he’s also a menace but not as much as gojo. he’s SO PLAYFUL and you always pretend to be annoyed but he knows you aren’t.
he’ll pull up and randomly give you food. that’s his love language. he loves feeding you. he’ll literally pull you on to the seat next to him and give you food if you say you haven’t eaten.
he LOVES giving you his sweaters. once he hands them to you, prepare to never give them back because he smells really good. you always smell like him to everyone else (that’s his goal)
he makes those super corny playlists that spell out a sentence. but he also makes playlists with music he knows you like to listen to. he’ll name them really funny things like “me and bae’s locked-in playlist”
he’s so witty. he makes you laugh so hard and then he pretends like your laughter doesn’t make him swell with pride. he LOVES to pepper you with kisses to hear you giggle.
he’s super cheesy and hilarious over text. he uses every pet name imaginable. “baby can you come wake me up in an hour?” + “angel i need u to give me back one sweater. just one.” + “princess ur being unreasonable … AN OVERNIGHT TRIP? i’m gonna jump.”
that’s all hehehe i love jjk boys sm
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amirasainz · 4 months
Along the lines of Amira and Kim, could you do where the drivers and WAGs react to Amira being part of one of the Skims campaigns?
Enjoy reading, and let me know if you have some requests!!! I added a little Instagram part. Let me know what you think about it.
No part 2!
“Oh my god. Honey, you look absolutely amazing,” said Kim. As Amira walked out from the dressing room, everyone looked at her. It was clear that she truly looked breathtaking. “Really? I feel like I don’t do your fashion enough justice,” whispered Amira nervously.
It came as a quiet surprise to everyone, except Kim, when they saw how shy Amira was. Of course, it was never easy to walk 1000% confident in front of the camera when you’re wearing particularly revealing clothing. However, they thought that a breathtaking beauty like Amira wouldn’t be nervous to model in a room full of people.
“I don’t think I can do this, Kimi,” whispered Amira. “Amira, love, there is nothing to be nervous about. If it makes you feel better, I can send the people away so it’s just us two, the photographer, and your stylist in the room.” Amira nodded thankfully. After Amira sent everyone away, the four of them got to work.
At first, Amira was a bit stiff. However, after Kim continued to tell her some silly stories, she couldn’t help but loosen up. The tension left the room, and the other two couldn’t help but laugh along with Kim and Amira.
“Okay, I think it’s time for the couple photos,” said the photographer. Kim and Amira changed and went to the prepared bed in the middle of the studio.
"Relax, love" whispered Kim to her. "I don't really know what to do" admitted Amira. "Let's cuddle like always." Kim threw an arm over Amira and gently stroked her back. The photographer really captured the comfort and love between the two of them.
@skims, @kim kardashian &@amira sainz
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Liked by charleslecerlc, landonorris, oscarpiastri and 17 567 398 other people
SKIMS: Guess who's back? This time with our favourite girl, Amira Sainz. The new collection will be available on the 1st June.💕💕
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The internet erupted into chaos three days later when the pictures were posted on the official SKIMS page, Kim’s personal page, and Amira’s social media. Fans immediately started shipping Kim and Amira, and the hashtag #Kimira trended worldwide. In a matter of 20 minutes, the entire SKIMS collaboration was sold out.
As for the drivers, they were equally affected. The group chat, sans Carlos, went into a frenzy. Pictures were shared left and right. Kika and Lily each purchased three sets. Charles even changed his wallpaper from Amira with Alex to one featuring Amira in underwear. Kelly took Kim out of existing photos and added her own face. Lando, ever the enthusiast, printed out some of the pictures.
And Carlos? Rebecca did her best to shield him from the images for as long as possible. But after 40 minutes, her luck ran out. Carlos finally saw the pictures and promptly retreated to the bathtub, seeking refuge. He lied there for 4 hours in the dark, Charles piano music playing in the background…..
Bonus (+):
"Hey Oscar, there's a package to you from…SKIMS?" Zak looked at Oscar with a confused expression. Oscar slowly got up, took the package and left the room. "What the fuck…." whispered Zak to himself, starring at his empty hands.
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concreteangel92 · 8 months
Do you want to be a good girl for me?
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Noah Sebastian x fem!reader
TW: mentions of dom/sub relationships, getting turned on? Honestly nothing is too graphic here
A/N: So I had this idea in my head today after wondering how the conversation would go with Noah about him being a dom while you’re in the early dating stages.
This has definitely been inspired by watching him spanking the air during IDWT$ the other day which I have yet to recover from 🥵
I haven’t wrote any type of fanfiction in about 7/8 years! I used to write a lot when I was younger but stopped due to adult life haha so I do feel incredibly rusty but Noah and reading everyone else’s stories on here over the last few months has definitely inspired me but please be kind as it’s been so long 😂
I am half way through a smut filled Noah one shot atm so hopefully if this goes well then I’ll be posting that soon!
• So far you were on date number 3 with the Noah Sebastian Davis.
• Tonight was a home cooked dinner and movie night at yours
• Currently sitting together on the sofa, chatting after dinner
• You had both agreed to take things slow-ish to begin with so you could really get to know each other
• Noah being aware that you were a fan of the band prior to these dates
• The most you guys had done so far was holding hands, cuddling and a lot of kissing
• Now you know there is more to a relationship then sex but let’s be honest, it’s pretty important and it’s important to be compatible
• You hadn’t mentioned anything to Noah about the kinks or kind of relationships that you were into but it was definitely the time to see if things could progress
• “so I feel these dates have gone really well and that we appear to be really compatible”
• “so do I”
• “but there’s something I’ve been wanting to ask you…”
* Noah would definitely be more intrigued when he sees a small blush forming
• “ask away”
• Noah, as ever, would be very collected with a calm expression that you can’t read
• “Umm, well the thing is….I just wondered….”
• “Don’t be shy y/n, if the blush on your cheeks is anything to go by then I can only assume it’s more of a private question?”
• Noah’s eyes never leaving your face and of course he would have a small smirk on his lips
• “right ok….so obviously you know I’ve been a fan of the band for a while before this….so I’ve seen certain videos online of you performing….and….and seeing the way you present yourself or the way you do certain things…”
• “What things?”
• Noah interrupting with an even bigger smirk, clearly catching on to where the conversation was headed
• You would definitely be blushing a bright shade of red at this point and trying not to do your nervous laugh and you most certainly can’t look him in the eyes
• “The videos of you spanking the air and the way you come across….I just have to ask….are you really the dom that you appear to be?”
• That whole sentence would have been said extremely quickly
• You would feel the need to ‘shy away’ from him after being so bold, eyes looking down at your lap
• Until you feel his fingers brushing your hair off your shoulder
• “why? Do you want to be a good girl for me?”
• You would instantly feel your tummy do a flip and have an instant ache in between your legs
• The latter would have you squirming ever so slightly on the spot and clenching your thighs together
• Something Noah of course does not miss
• “ your reaction just then tells me everything I need to know about you”
• You’d look at him with big eyes, a knowing smile on your face
• “I just needed to make sure that we were compatible in that area, most guys I’ve met aren’t into what I am”
• Noah would be tracing small patterns on your neck, his intense gaze never leaving yours
• “We can discuss what we like or don’t like, make sure that there is a safe word or a colour system in place but I do think we are going to be more then compatible”
• The ache would start to become very prominent to you at this point
• “Just to warn you, I’m not always very well behaved”
• You stare into his eyes, heart rate accelerating and you most certainly had a wet spot on your underwear at this stage
• “Good. Because I love my subs to have a bit of bite to them”
• You would unconsciously move closer to him while his hand gently wraps around the back of your neck
• “Can we just skip the movie now please?”
• Noah also moving closer “please what?”
• “please sir”
• “there’s my good girl”
• The kiss that happens after this would be messy and desperate and a small indication of what was to come
• The film definitely being forgotten about for the rest of the evening
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morningstarwrites · 1 month
I realized the other day that OSAS is my hyper fiction and escapism
So thank you for creating the story! It never fails to make me smile immediately. It always make me happy. Thank you ❤️
you're so kind! thank you so much for being here!! I love writing OSAS and talking w/ everyone about radioapple 🤩
and I'm rly happy you like my art;;;; I was very shy and nervous about posting it tbh so I feel very much like this rn
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bunnyyamor · 2 years
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[ OCTOBER 17TH ] COCK WARMING - TOBIO KAGEYAMA x fem! reader (stalker au)
synopsis; tobio has been in love with you all this time, although you don't know this. he has been watching you, every step you take and now he has finally entered into your house. he sees you. wk; 2k
warnings; mdni, smut 18+, heavy smut, non-con, somnophilia, creampie, stalking, breaking and entering, unprotected sex, nicknames, tobio kinda a yandere in this, beta read!
notes; i thought this header kinda looked like tobio. scream kinda inspired this. hope you like it. remeber to change settings to unhide mature posts and remember to reblog, like and comment!
-nav : kinktober m.list : kinktober taglist
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you always felt like someone was watching you. whether it be in your house, in your bed, at school or at work. it felt like eyes were on you, stalking your every move. somehow some way, knowing everything about you yet then not knowing anything at all. 
you felt that feeling again today too. the shiver down your spine the moment you entered into the library. you felt it make its way up your skirt and rest at the bottom of your back. that feeling and bad energy, like something was coming out to get you. 
perhaps? maybe? no, it couldn’t be. you shook off the feeling the moment it made a profound statement. it was all in your head. 
you sat quietly in the library. subconsciously playing with your white leg warmers as you read upon romance, your favorite genre. it was dragging you in bit by bit. each word dripping with curiosity. you wore your headphones and tried to block out the world. 
all of a sudden a man came to sit in front of you. this irked you, out of all the seats available he had to pick the one ahead? you gave a fake smile, trying to get on with your day. the man pointed to his ears, signaling you to take off your headphones. 
“is it alright if i sit here?” he asked in a monotone voice. he looked odd. odd in a good way. he was a younger man, about your age. he had black hair and dark blue eyes. he look enchanting with his pale skin and bags under his eyes. you looked down at your book pages and then at him, he looked like one of the princes in your story. 
“yes, g-go on right ahead,” you gulped. feeling nervous that this handsome man wanted to sit in front of you. he wore a black hoodie and seemed mysterious. but you were a person afraid of others. you didn’t trust strangers and you had every right to feel this way. the world was bad as it was, you didn’t want none of that. 
you were about to put your headphones back in when you noticed he was glancing at your book. “do you want to read this?”
“n-no, no i was just…looking. it looks interesting.” you noticed he was shy. 
you pulled the book up to show the title. “it’s romance. if that’s your thing.” you chuckled. he also laughed and your heart fluttered seeing his smile. 
“i am not too keen on romance but if you recommend it, i’d give it a shot. so do you come here often?”
you nodded, “i try to come here almost every single day. it’s my me time, a place where i can zone out, you know. you?”
“here and there.”
“that’s funny. you’d think i’d recognize you. i can offer you some great recommendations on books. and no, not all of them are romance.”
the young man smiled and put his hand out to you, “tobio kageyama.”
you shook his hand, “my name is-”
“y/n...and i look forward to your recommendations.” he finished your sentence.
all the happy talk was flushed away. those butterflies were now replaced with a pit in your stomach. “h-how do you know my name?” your hands shook all of a sudden. your eyes widened in fear. 
“i think i saw it on a library list somewhere around here. it had your picture, it said you were the number one visitor or something.” his eyes never left yours and never blinked. that was something you noticed from the very beginning was how hard his stare was. it burned deep within you. never leaving your form. it was uncomfortable and creepy. he wore a tiny smirk, something evil and you knew this guy was bad news. 
you packed up all your items. “sorry to l-leave so early but i gotta go back home. i have classes tomorrow.” you quickly ran out of the library, thinking about that man.
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you calmed down after a bath and went to put a spooky movie on the tv. you craved popcorn so you put the tinfoiled cover pot on the stove and waited for the kernels to pop. even though you were relaxed, the back of your mind was still thinking about that guy. how did he know your name? 
your phone ringing knocked you out of your trance. you saw that it was your best friend yuu. “heyyyyy y/n. me and my buddies are going to a halloween party today? wanna come? i’ll pick you up.”
you honestly didn’t feel like going to a party at all especially after everything with your nerves. as you were about to answer you heard a bump coming from the entrance to your house. “um, yuu. i’m kinda busy now and i’m not really in a party mood. i, um, i got my period and yeah it’s bad like throwing up and stuff so how about next time.” you grabbed a pan and slowly tiptoed your way to the sound. your heart was in your throat, pumping from fear. 
“alright, i guess next time.” yuu hung up. you kind of wished he stayed on just in case something happened to you. your mind already went there. you jumped out from around the corner and low and behold. 
“nothing, jeesh what is the matter with you y/n?” you wanted to wack yourself. you were being ridiculous. 
you jumped when your phone rang again. harshly, you clicked the answer button and shouted, “yuu i said i don’t want to go to your stupid halloween party. get lost-”
“hello y/n,” the voice on the other end was deep and rough. 
“yuu, what the hell are you doing? are you trying to do a prank call? too bad it’s me. i know it’s you.”
the other line was breathing in and out. “i can see you.”
“oh really?” you put your finger in your nose. “what am i doing? huh? huh? what am i doing? hello? nice try yuu.” you giggled, loving that you caught him in the act. you hung up the phone and went with the rest of your day. not caring and not knowing that the phone call was indeed not your best friend. 
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you were sleeping soundly. cuddling with your blanket. leg dangling on the edge. what you didn’t know was there was someone watching you. 
tobio kageyama. a fellow student in your college. you didn’t know this but he was obsessed with you, he felt healthily. he knew every place you liked to go and so much about you. what you liked and disliked. your interests. he knew when and how much you went to the library because he was stalking you. he followed you everywhere you went and who you associated with. he finally had the courage to come talk to you in the library and he knows you might have been scared but if you got to know him you would love him. 
he managed to get into your house while you were on the phone and waited till you fell asleep. he was in your closet, watching you peacefully in rest. it made him feel so overjoyed with love for you. he truly loved you. and he couldn’t help but have a boner seeing you in nothing but panties. the way your breast moved up and down in tune with your breathing. and your perky nipples standing for attention. it all made him want to take you right then and there. he loved the way you smelled, the way you walked, talked, how you did your hair and how you dressed, how you did your makeup, how you conducted yourself, your personality, your love, you were his, he knew this. and if you didn’t know this, you will soon. 
tobio gulped as he nervously took his shirt off and pants, leaving him in only his briefs. he gently moved your sleeping body to the side and laid behind you. his cock tipping your cunt. he inhaled your hair and gently licked your neck. you moved in your sleep but you were extremely tired and a heavy sleeper. tobio placed his clothed dick in between your legs and moved in and out making him develop precum and soaking through his underwear. he bit his tongue to stifle his moans because your legs were so tightly held together that it was so delicious the feeling. the way his rough underwear dragged against his sensitive cock, it made him so horny. 
tobio pulled his briefs down to have his thick cock hanging out. it was touching his abdomen and swollen. he carefully lifted your leg causing you to whine. “shhh it’s okay baby. i got you. this is gonna feel so good, i promise to make you happy and feel the best. i love this beautiful pussy. i want this so bad.” he almost cried at the sensation of his cock finally being inside you. he waited so long for this. you were meant to be his. his dick dragged slowly in, popping inside you. “fuuuuuck,” tobio cried, hugging you so close to him so he can feel all of you, especially your heart rate quicken. he found it so cute to see your brow furrow in lust. “that’s it baby.” he almost cummed right then and there. your leg was bent before him holding it up. you were limp in his arms. he stayed right there. having his cock burrow inside you and call it home. the feeling was indescribable but also comfort to tobio. he loved how his dick was like a puzzle piece in your cunt. the missing piece. his thick, upright shaft stayed inside you. warming him up and oozing all over his veins and thick skin. it too everything out of him not to start moving but he wanted to enjoy this moment. wanted to enjoy being in bed with the love of his life. so he stayed there and laid beside you while his cock pressed inside. he almost was overtaken by sleep. he felt he was about to go crossed eyes at how good you fit with him. seeing stars the moment he entered into you. he wanted to feel this feeling forever. he could see himself being addicted to your pussy. it was like a drug to him, he couldn’t just have one hit. 
again he set the pace. slow and steady. he wanted to really feel you so he went in his pace. “fuckkk, that’s it. right there.” your pussy was so tight. he loved how you took him. squeezing him inside, your cum mixing with his. he loved seeing his stringy cum inside of you. you gathering it inside you as if in a dire situation. “fuck, you feel so good y/n. i’ll do anything for you. anything.” he vowed as he thrusted higher and harder in you. he pinned your body down and repeatedly pumped inside you. noticing how wet you were getting and your body was reacting to it. it was too much for him, at this point he couldn’t break free. your eyes were starting to flutter and sure enough then opened wide. 
“wh-what the?” you cried as tobio covered your mouth. needing to finish. 
“take it in, yes that’s a good girl,” he muttered in your ear as he didn’t stop pistoning. you were so overwhelmed with feeling. your eyes widened as you realized this was the man from the library. and the bump? was that him? even though you had so many questions and were scared you couldn't help but cry and moan as your pussy got wetter each second. you screamed at how sensitive you were and how much he was giving you. you had never had sex this way before. 
tobio didn’t leave your eyes, he decided to finish inside you. and so he did. his white cum drenched your walls. you barely knew who this guy was and yet he was fucking you so good. “right there,” you managed to cry out. your vision went hazy with his position. “y-you need to get out of my house…” sweat drenched your forehead. tobio was still inside you, coating your every crevice. 
he smiled a big smile, creepy and teethy, “no i’m not. i’m not finished…in fact. i’m just getting started.”
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marimayscarlett · 6 months
Hi! I absolutely love all of your detailed posts about Richard, they make my day when you post them, I was wondering if you could make a compilation of very wholesome moments with fans? I'm afraid that Rammstein will never come back to the US and I'll miss my chance of meeting him in person and I'd love to see some sweet fan interactions ❤️ Dankeschön ❤️❤️
Hi 🤍
Please excuse my late reply to this, but I love this ask! It's known that Richard can be very warmhearted towards fans and gives out bone-crushing hugs left and right - I found several accounts of fans who met him and will accumulate these in the following post 😊 (sources are linked at the end of the post.)
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First some stories of fans who shared their experiences on the internet:
One fan met him before a concert, he gave the fan a hug and they say that to this day, they haven't forgotten the feeling of this hug.
Here's an account of a fan who met Richard at a resort in Mexico: "Richard never acted like we were imposing on his time or being a hindrance, even though he was with a table of friends. As soon as we were in eye contact range, his entire demeanor changed. He lit up like a Christmas tree and stood to shake our hands, stood close to us to chat for a few minutes - five minutes, tops, and gave us hugs as we left before shaking our hands again."
After a concert: "The hug I got was bone crushing. I was right in front of him. Cried my way through Frühling [...]. He checked on me and asked me if I was ok. Said i was fine and even the amount of times I'd seen them play, i got so caught up in the emotion. Richard told me they were the most moving moments for him at least and pulled me into a huge hug that if i think about it, i can still feel. Sounds weird but when you get a hug like that you dont forget it."
Richard seems to be a bit camera-shy while being out and about (declining selfies most of the time), but offers/asks for hugs himself as a return, as told by a fan who met him at the Chicago Airport. The fan apologized after asking for a selfie, yet Richard immediately asked her to give him a hug afterwards.
At a concert at the Palace of Auburn Hills in Detroit back, May 2012: "For some reason, I thought of making a sign that said "Pick für mich, bitte". We were right at the barricade and I decided to flash the sign. I don't even know what I expected out of it. Well, Richard fucking Kruspe went to his mic stand, got a pick, went to the security guard in front of the railing and told him to give me the pick. The guard and I had chatted prior to their performance, so he looked at me with a "way to go, kid" look. People around me cheered. Best concert memory ever. Nothing but a class act."
Another fan reports him being quite talkative and attentive during parties - apparently really listening to the other person and showing real interest. He really likes to talk about music and guitars and seemingly likes hearing the opinions of fans.
Meeting the band in front of their hotel: "His hug was the tightest, and he smells SO GOOD, I wanted to ask what was his perfume. I told him I loved Emigrate, he gave me the biggest smile and thanked me."
Then we have voice from withing the fandom on here - the lovely and helpful @anwiel13 said this about meeting him at a Meet&Greet (thank you again for sharing this! 🤍):
"Once he entered the room, we immediately know it. Not that he did something, but he really has this big personality, in very good way. He was smiling all the time, unless taking photos, than we was all his gothic deep stare self. He was also super nice to two girls, who were absolutely nervous, telling him how much they love him. We all know he hear this all the time, but he really looked like he is listening them and make them feel not like crazy fangirls annoying him with their feelings. If that's make sense. He hugged one girl when she asked him and again, did not looked like she's annoying him with this. He left very quickly after taking photos and signed our things. Overall, he was very nice and caring. I heard somebody complain about him being all snobby and annoyed during some M&G, but he was nothing like this during the one in Prague."
Plus I have found two 'essay'-posts on here describing fan-experiences at Meet&Greets and afterparties:
Here Richard is described as really warmhearted, smiling and patient with the fans:
A very wholesome interaction (with a cute Paulchard momet) with a fan who brought selfmade fan art with her:
And since of course I found some experiences with other band members on my research-way, here are my favourites of some of the other guys 😊:
At an afterparty: "I spent a long time talking to Flake who is beautifully underappreciated. He's such a wise man with an incredibly dark sense of humour. [...] Flakes English isn't great but he seemed to really appreciate that someone would talk to him in German and happy to help me figure out words I wasn't familiar with and vice versa. I really appreciated it as he did slow down his natural German speaking speed to help me continue a conversation in German as native speaking speed was just a little too fast."
At a meet and greet: "Schneider gave me such Dom-Daddy vibes that I would have got on my knees if he asked. He was so friendly, asked about myself and I was able to give him a letter from my best friend who had spoken to him years before, and he was so happy to take it."
At an afterparty of Till's solo tour (London concert): "I went to see Lindemann in London and was invited to the after party and ended up trying to open a bottle of wine with a set of keys with Till and then ended up drinking vodka and chatting to him for a few hours. Such a humble human and one of my biggest role models in life - he made me want to become a fire performer and he said I looked great doing what I do."
"Did a meet & greet on the 2019 tour and a bunch of the after parties. Doom is an incredible dancer and Paul and Richard give the best hugs." (I've read several times that Schneider seemingly kills it on the dance floor 👀)
Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6
All in all, it's always amazing reading about fans having nice experiences with them - but let's not forget (since some people do exactly this), the band members are also just human beings like you and me, don't owe the fans smiles and good moods, and it's not a crime to have a bad day once in a while (with less enthusiastic interaction with fans) or just wanting some peace or being in a hurry, since they all do have private lives🤝🏼
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jo-harrington · 2 months
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Corroded Coffin Fest - Day 11 - Jeff
Summary: Jeff has big plans for the future.
Word Count: 987
Rating: T
Warnings/Themes: Nervous!Jeff, Friendship, Banter
Check Out the Main Post for @corrodedcoffinfest here! Even if you didn’t start on Day 1, you can still join!
Tagging: @the-unforgivenn at her request.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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Jeff was surrounded by optimists.
That glass-half-full mentality, the perpetual prospect of positivity, the constant confidence in the future.
You could say that he attracted them.
And he needed that sometimes, because he was decidedly not one.
He was worried, a little nervous, a planner more than a doer. His cousin Richie was much more impulsive and got him out of his shell, sometimes even by force, but even that was a little bit of a misconception.
Jeff wasn't nervous or shy--well, maybe nervous--he was just...thinking of the right things to say. Making sure that he didn't fumble his words or insult people or embarrass himself. Otherwise the world might just crumble around him.
It took becoming friends with Eddie Munson to help him loosen up a bit. Get used to failure, go with the flow, stop being so worried about making the wrong move because his friends were constantly making the wrong moves.
But it also helped Eddie and the others be a little more...structured. They did homework during their lunch periods and study halls more, actually had plans for band practice instead of just winging it.
Ronnie always said, from the moment Jeff joined them, that they needed him--that Eddie needed him--to bring them down to earth sometimes. Their harebrained schemes and dreams that were larger than life. It only got worse after the whole demo tape fiasco, and worse still once Ronnie and Doug graduated.
But it had always been a good feeling.
Being needed.
Being the one to look after everyone in some way.
Thats why it felt really weird and wrong to be the guy to let them all down.
Jeff stressed over it for weeks.
It felt great stepping out of the guidance office, a moment of surety and security, plans for the future locked in place.
Then he remembered that he'd need to tell everyone.
It haunted him during lunches and Hellfire, while they helped Dustin set up things for the science fair, during practices and gigs. All the way up to Spring Break.
"It'll be fine," his mom--an optimist--told him one night when she found him in the kitchen with what was essentially a script with all the ways he could break the news to his friends. "They won't be upset."
"Sure," he scoffed.
"You act like I've never met your friends before," she soothed. "Those boys would move heaven and earth for you."
And he knew they would...this was just different.
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Then the unexpected happened.
On the last day of class before Spring Break, Mr. Bergstrom passed out slips in homeroom that all the seniors needed to fill out.
"For the graduation programs," he explained. "If you've decided which colleges you're moving onto...trade schools...or other..."
"We definitely fall into the other category," Eddie snickered from beside him. "On our way to fame and fortune."
Jeff laughed nervously and then stared down at the slip, horrified.
When the bell rang, he bolted out of the classroom so fast, he barely heard Eddie calling after him.
Come lunch, Eddie stopped him right outside of the cafeteria.
"I wanna know what all of that was first period," Eddie demanded, no malice in his tone. More worried than anything.
"I, uh," Jeff shrugged. "I just wasn't feeling great this morning. I think the milk went bad. My stomach kind of hurt."
"Uh huh," Eddie scoffed. "Likely story. You're an expiration date snob; remember when I almost ate that expired Twinkie and you yanked it out of my mouth."
"Who knows how long it was in your van for!" Jeff argued.
"Twinkies don't expire!" Eddie shouted back, earning looks from their classmates passing by. "It doesn't matter. I think you're hiding something and I wanna know what it is."
His heart practically stopped in his chest.
"I know I've been kind of a hardass lately," Eddie continued softly. "At practice and...with Hellfire..."
And he felt sweat start to trickle down his forehead.
The longer Eddie talk, the more he felt the dread overtake him, until he blurted out,
"I signed up for summer classes at Tri-County Community College!"
Eddie stared at him like he'd grown a second head.
"And a few in the fall," he went on. "Gareth won't graduate til next year and we won't get big gigs until then. I want to take some classes and maybe...learn some business stuff to help us? Give us the best shot. Or maybe have something to fall back on if it really doesn't work out."
It was so silent, aside from his heaving breaths, that you could hear a pin drop.
"Thats..." Eddie struggled for words and Jeff closed his eyes and braced himself for the impact. "That's great!"
Jeff's eyes shot open again and saw the brightness in his friends eyes, the big shining smile.
"That's huge, I'm proud of you man," Eddie patted him on the shoulder again, gently this time. "Damn I don't even know what to say. You better keep Tuesdays and Fridays free."
"You're not mad?" Jeff questioned.
"Or sad..."
"Why the hell would I be mad? Or sad?"
"Because Ronnie went off to college too," Jeff explained.
"Ronnie went to NYU on a scholarship and I was proud of her too!" Eddie shook his head. "Got the hell out of dodge. Damn, if anything I was jealous."
Jeff listened as Eddie rambled on about futures and plans how Jeff was the brains of the operation.
"I just figured," he interrupted Eddie. "You might think I was leaving the dream behind. Our dream."
"Jeffy, if anything you're looking out for it. And even if you were second guessing the band...I'd wanna support you."
Eddie pulled him into a quick hug with another pat on the back.
"You're my best friend man."
And the only thought running through his head as he clapped Eddie's back with the same affection?
Maybe being an optimist wasn't so bad after all.
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morelikeravenbore · 3 months
is there going to be any smut in how to make a villain? 👀
🦋 Hahaha anon coming in with the important questions 👀
Sooo short answer is no, there won't be any smut in Villain, lolol. There's a number of reasons for this, and I might expand on my thoughts on smut etc in another post, but basically at the current point in the story, Aurélie hasn't even been kissed yet. She's also just not the typa girlie who'd be comfortable with having her sex life written about in explicit detail (I've tried and it's weird and I just feel like she'd never forgive me for it.)
You anon'd me at a great time because the writing event in my HL server this month was Forbidden Fruit, and what better way to explore the dynamic between my li'l reserved, modest, very nervous girl and her clingy, overly affectionate, touchy boyfie. So without further ado, I present to you:
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🦋 Content warnings: mature themes and sexual references, mostly fluff, pov character is a shy virgin, dry humping if you squint, of age post-Hogwarts. [1450 words] also on wattpad & AO3.
Noctilucent: luminous at night.
'Okay, now...' Aurélie took a deep, steadying breath. 'All you need to do is breathe,' she instructed in the most soothing voice she could manage.
Beneath her, sprawled out across the huge, squashy bed, his arms wide and his palms open to the ceiling, Sebastian let out an almighty snort of mirth.
'Breathe?' he laughed, immediately disrupting the state of perfect calm Aurélie had spent the last half hour cultivating. 'How can I breathe when you're sitting on me?'
Aurélie clapped her hand over his mouth.
'In through your nose,' she went on over the sound of his muffled laughter. 'Clear your mind of all distractio— eurgh!' She shrieked as something warm and wet pressed against her palm — his tongue. Horrified, she whipped her hand away from his mouth, wailing French invectives while he giggled beneath her.
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Freshly graduated from Hogwarts, practicing Muggle meditation wasn't exactly how Aurélie imagined she'd be spending her first few weeks of adult freedom, but between Sebastian's chronic insomnia and her inability to stay asleep for longer than a few hours at a time, her need for relief from the insomnious nights had driven her to unorthodox measures.
But cultivating calm was no easy feat when it came to Sebastian Sallow; he was, after all, the epitome of impatience, as restless as a babbling brook and twice as chatty — not to mention a complete and utter boy whose inability to fall asleep was only exacerbated by the fact he was sharing a bed with a girl every night. A girl who, despite her vestal reservations, had rather a hard time easing herself into a state of calm when the aforementioned boy was shirtless beneath her.
Wiping her spitty hand across his stomach — and pretending to be thoroughly annoyed — Aurélie allowed herself a little indulgent peek of the wide-eyed, sleep-deprived maniac she was straddling: toned stomach and Quidditch-defined shoulders; golden-warm skin bathed in blue light from the jar of bluebell flames she kept by the bed; a novae of new freckles enhanced by the summer sun — he was noctilucent beneath her, like something borne of a dream, surely too unreal to belong to her.
As she dared to trail her fingertips across his stomach, Sebastian's breath stilled, his eyes glazed and his lips parted in silent adoration. To think that she'd fought against this — against him — for as long as she had, that she'd been so afraid of enduring more loss that the idea of falling in love had been the most unendurable thing in the world... Little did she know then, it was also the easiest, and she'd slipped into it so quietly that even now she couldn't quite pinpoint the moment it happened.
Perhaps it had been that very first day.
Though barely a shiver betrayed the tension of Sebastian's infractible restraint, Aurélie could feel it coiling in his stomach, his arms, his shoulders, pulling tighter each time he met her tentative movements with gentle upward thrusts of his own — but when she leaned down to trace the veins that bulged in his arms, starting at his elbow before dancing down to his calloused, upturned palms, he sucked in a breath and bucked his hips so suddenly that she almost toppled backwards.
He lunged forward, steadying her by the waist with a startled laugh before sliding his hands down to squeeze her bottom.
'Enjoying the view?' he teased, his eyes as bright with mirth as they were dark with desire.
'Eh oh!' she yelped, slapping his hands away. 'You're supposed to be avoiding distractions!'
'You are the distraction.' He tugged her down so they were chest to chest, racing heart against racing heart. 'And I don't want to avoid a single moment of this.'
Having only recently experienced her first kiss, sharing a bed with someone as physically affectionate as Sebastian, who expressed his feelings by hugging, kissing, pinching, squashing, squirming, pulling, biting, petting, and, apparently, palm-licking — usually while shirtless — was a bit of an adjustment. Still, though her newfound companionship came at the cost of sleeping half-smooshed beneath the brown-eyed, wild-haired embodiment of neediness — who seemed to grow an inch taller for every day closer he drew to his twentieth birthday and slept on both sides of the bed at once — it was one she never wanted to live without. Not even if it meant waking from a restless sleep with all manner of hard body parts pressing against her.
It was nice to be desired, even if she was still getting used to the idea of how very badly — and how very often — Sebastian desired her.
Blushing, Aurélie shifted her weight atop him. 'I can feel that, you know.'
'Feel what?' The wicked gleam in his eyes matched the grin that split across his face.
Her blush warmed. 'Your — baguette!' she stammered.
'I'd be disappointed if you couldn't.'
'What? You're the one...kneading it!'
'Sebastian!' She rolled off him with an indignant squeak, but he only followed her, laughing madly as he flipped her onto her back and plonked his entire six-foot-something, half-naked body on top of her.
'It's hard to think of witty bread euphemisms when you're doing that!' he laughed, nuzzling the crook of her neck while she squirmed uselessly beneath him. 'Hard to think of anything, actually, except how cute you look when you're all flustered.'
Aurélie groaned, embarrassed by how responsive she was to his slightest touch, his softest breath, wishing she possessed at least an ounce of the seemingly boundless confidence that bolstered his every whim, to tell him what she wanted without blushing herself into oblivion.
'I like it when you touch me, you know.' Sebastian braced himself on his elbows and grinned down at her, his expression softening as he thumbed her hair away from her face. 'I'm not some forbidden fruit; you have my full and willing permission to touch me where ever you like.'
Aurélie made a sound like a moan and a snort rolled into one. 'Like here?' she teased, wiggling an arm free to squash his nose with her fingertip.
'Mmm...' he smirked. 'I was thinking a bit lower.'
She poked his chin.
'A lot lower.'
Laughing, he caught her finger and nibbled on it.
'Alright, alright, I'm sorry,' he said, mock-serious. 'What is it you want me to do?'
'Breathe!' she whined, kicking her feet against the mattress.
'Right. Breathe...' Fighting a smile, he dipped his head back to her neck and inhaled deeply, skimming his nose along her throat, her jaw, her chin, tickling all the sensitive spots he intuitively knew to kiss though she'd never had the nerve to ask.
She wished she had the nerve to ask now.
'And then?' he murmured, his lips brushing back and forth over her quickening pulse.
'B-breathe out.'
'Hmm.' His slow exhale was a warm caress across her face, gentle but persistent. 'If this is supposed to calm me down,' — he hummed against her throat, — 'it's definitely not working.'
'That's — because you're — doing it wrong.'
His eyes were endless when they lifted to meet hers again, entire galaxies reflected in the blue light; and there, glowing in the depths of them — brilliant and radiant and clear — was her.
'Then show me how to do it right,' he whispered, pressing her into the bed with his hips. 'Show me how to love you.'
A gentle nudge against his chest was all it took to reclaim her position on top of him; Sebastian rolled easily onto his back, his eager hands steadying her as he'd done before. But this time all his teasing humour was subdued beneath a reverent, half-lidded gaze, disturbed only by a flicker of amusement when she splayed her hands across his stomach and warned him not to fling her off again.
Taking her time now, she skimmed her fingers up his arm, from palm to elbow, elbow to shoulder, shoulder to face, summoning goosebumps over his skin as if by some unspoken command, a spell. Sebastian swallowed roughly, pushing his hips up to meet the downward pressure she applied, his throat bobbing, fists clutching the bedsheets. Aurélie felt the ripple of tension when she pressed down on him a little harder, the thrill of anticipation that hummed through his body into hers, tethering them both to a moment that felt universal in nature.
'Whatever you want, I'm yours,' Sebastian avowed, his voice thick. 'Just tell me what to do.'
Smiling demurely, Aurélie drew the blanket over them.
'Breathe in,' she instructed in the most alluring voice she could manage. 'And don't breathe out until I tell you to.'
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lambertdiary · 1 year
Can i request a Dalton fic where Chris tries to set him up for a date but he’s literally like “I have a gf” and points to a portrait on the wall of the reader but Chris doesn’t believe him bc reader is hot as hell and doesn’t go to their uni but eventually is super shocked when Dalton invites reader over to stay the weekend 🥹💜
A/N: Hey! FINALLY I have something to post. So I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it so please let me know what you think :) also sorry if the ending sucks, I never know how to end my fics so it always seems a little abrupt lol
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: Chris and Dalton argue a lot ig, but none
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I Have A Girlfriend
Halloween was coming and everyone on campus was getting ready, not for trick-and-treating or for the fun costumes, but for the massive parties everywhere. Every frat house tried their best to outshine the others, so they went really big.
Chris was especially excited for her first halloween there and the fact that she heard the craziest stories about these parties made it better. She already knew she was dragging Dalton with her but she thought it would be more fun if they got dates.
Halloween weekend was this week and with the first party happening on Friday, she was already working on their dates. She had been talking to one of the guys from her roommate’s class and that morning, she secured her date, but she still needed to do something about her friend, who she was sure would never get a date on his own. Not because he didn’t look the part, but because he was extremely shy and reserved. But luckily she had the perfect date for him: her own roommate. Dalton has met her before, several times actually and they always seemed to hit it off, so he wouldn’t have to go through that awkward situation of meeting her for the first time. It was perfect.
After class, she walked over to his dorm, excited to share the news. She knew Dalton wasn’t big on dates or relationships because since college started he has never made a move on anyone, as a matter of fact, he always appeared uncomfortable around anyone but her, but maybe this would work out. She really hoped it would.
Chris knocked on the door and Dalton yelled at her to let herself in. She entered the room and greeted him as he worked on something on his laptop, it didn’t look like he was gonna move so she decided to sit next to him on his bed “So Dalton, I have great news” 
Dalton looked up at her but immediately felt nervous as he recognized the look on her face and thought about what her concept of ‘great news’ was “What’s up?” He asked, not really wanting to know.
“I got you a date”
Dalton tilted his head quizzically “Why would I need a date?”
“For the halloween party! I told you, it will be more fun if we bring dates with us”
“When did I agree on that?”
“Just now” She paused and got a little irritated at Dalton’s annoyed expression “And I know you have a hard time with people so I took the liberty of setting you up with my roommate, so you’re welcome” Chris explained.
“I have a girlfriend” He stated, looking back at the screen on his lap.
“No you don’t” Chris furrowed her eyebrows as she tried to remember Dalton ever mentioning a girlfriend, but he never did. Just as she was about to say something Dalton pointed at the wall with a quick head motion, and her eyes widened when she spotted a girl “That’s your girlfriend?”
“Yep” He replied, eyes still focused on his laptop.
“Are you sure that’s not some random girl you decided to draw cause you thought she was pretty?” Chris examined the girl in the portrait, a really hot girl that looked like she would have anyone wrapped around her fingers.
He looked at her again, a little offended and in total disbelief “No, that’s my girlfriend. And I too think she’s pretty, thank you”
“How come I’ve never met her?”
“She goes to a different school”
Chris let out a laugh and mockingly repeated “She goes to a different school”
“Really? You’re gonna do that?”
“Show me some pictures” She demanded, but Dalton just rolled his eyes at her “Or texts or something”
“I’m not gonna do that” 
“Dalton, you don’t have to lie about having a girlfriend, just say you don’t wanna go out on a date with my roommate”
“Chris, I do have a girlfriend. But even if I didn’t, I don’t think I would go out with your roommate. It doesn’t seem fair to drag her with me to one of these creep parties just because you think it would be more fun”
“What do you mean drag her with you?”
“I’m pretty sure she doesn’t like me” Chris opened her mouth to speak again but Dalton interrupted her “Look, it doesn’t matter, I don’t need a date”
“Fine, it doesn’t have to be my roommate, we can find you someone else”
“No, I’m not gonna cheat on my girlfriend”
Chris sighed in frustration “And how come you’ve never mentioned her before?”
Dalton scoffed, he was getting a little sick of her aggressive questioning “Y/N? I have talked about her” 
She did remember him mentioning someone called Y/N, but then again Dalton had only ever mentioned about 3 women in total, including his mum and sister, so how was she supposed to know he had a girlfriend? “You never said she was your girlfriend”
“Why would I have to clarify that?”
“So I wouldn’t set you up on dates”
“Well now you know I have a girlfriend so you can stop insisting on the date”
Chris sighed again when she realised Dalton wasn’t giving up on this whole girlfriend thing, so instead of fighting him, she decided to join him “Well why don’t you invite your ‘girlfriend’ for halloween weekend” She asked him, making the quotation marks only obvious to herself.
Dalton was about to say no but he thought about it for a moment. It wasn’t a horrible idea, they haven’t seen each other since uni started and halloween together did seem fun “You know what? That’s a great idea, maybe I should”
Chris’ eyes widened in surprise as she watched Dalton grab his phone and type for a moment “Great, I’ll meet her this weekend then” She said, still suspicious but both impressed and confused as to why he would agree to something like that.
The days went by and Friday finally arrived. Chris and Dalton had seen each other every day but the girlfriend subject was never brought up again, he didn’t even tell her she was arriving earlier that day and that he planned on spending the entire weekend with her. 
Dalton was nervously waiting for her at the train station, holding a bouquet of her favourite flowers while scanning the people coming through the big gates. She saw him first, awkwardly standing and trying not to bump into anyone, but once he finally spotted her she smiled when she saw his eyes light up. She literally ran to him and gave him a big hug, whispering sweet nothings as they shared how much they missed each other before kissing.
“How was the trip?” Dalton asked her when they left the train station. “Can’t complain, my booth was empty so it was pretty comfortable”
“Did it suck to travel at night?” 
“Not at all, I managed to sleep most of the time” She shared happily.
They made their way to campus and Dalton was giving her a quick tour as they walked to his dorm. He was carrying her luggage and they talked about how lucky they were that Dalton didn’t have a roommate and she could easily stay in his dorm. 
Dalton decided to skip classes today so he could spend time with Y/N, it was their first time together in months anyway. He took her to all his favourite places on campus, showing her a little bit of his daily routine and where the art building was. He also had the opportunity to show her in person every piece he had been working on since uni started and a few future projects he was planning. She was blushing every time she recognized her own face, from the second they came in and she saw a portrait of her on Dalton’s wall. She was used to him drawing her but it still made her feel special. 
As far as their plans for the day, they decided to go to the halloween party opening night. Y/N loved halloween and dressing up, so she came prepared with two different costumes, making sure her boyfriend would match both of them.
They agreed on staying in his dorm for the rest of the day, they could easily order something for lunch and then start getting ready around 6 PM, leaving enough time for a nap in case she needed it, and Dalton kept insisting she did since she travelled all night to get there. 
He had not heard anything from Chris but he was sure she was planning on going to the party that night, so they would probably join her and her date for the party, just as she intended it.
“Food’s here, I’ll go get it” Dalton said leaving his bed. 
“Do you need help?” Y/N was ready to join him but Dalton stopped her. 
“No, don’t worry” He replied, giving her a soft smile “Why don’t you stay here and find something to watch? I’ll be right back” Y/N stayed there as she scrolled through the hundreds of movie options on Dalton’s laptop, not really finding anything interesting. She was so focused on the screen she jumped when she heard a knock on the door. She stood up quickly to open it, assuming Dalton’s full hands didn’t allow him to do it himself, but instead she was met with someone else. It was Chris. 
Y/N had no idea who that was, but Chris instantly recognized the girl standing in front of her, mixed emotions as she was surprised but still confused, wondering if Y/N was actually Dalton’s girlfriend. 
“Hey, I’m Chris” She said, extending her hand for a handshake.
“Chris!” Y/N exclaimed, giving a hug instead “I’ve heard a lot about you” She moved to the side as she allowed her to enter the room “I’m Y/N, Dalton’s girlfriend” 
“Oh” Chris whispered as she looked at the portrait on the wall and then back at her “It’s great to finally meet you”
“Same! I know you and Dalton are really good friends so I was really excited to meet you”
“Yeah, I’ve been looking forward to this moment as soon as he told me about you” Y/N blushed as she nervously sat back on the bed “So how did you two meet?”
“Oh, we met in high school and we have been together ever since”
“And Dalton tells me you go to a different school?”
“I do” She replied, looking sad for a moment “We talked about getting into the same college but the art program he wanted is here and I was lucky to get into my dream college, so we decided to give long distance shot, and so far so good”
Chris felt bad for not believing Dalton, Y/N was really nice and she was obviously really important to him. And now looking at her she realised it made total sense that they were together, Y/N was beautiful and Chris sometimes forgot how Dalton actually looked like “And for how long-” She began, but the door opening interrupted her.
“Sorry I took so long, the delivery guy went to the wrong building and I had to walk there” Y/N quickly approached him to help with the food and Dalton smiled at Chris once he saw her “Oh, I see you two finally met” Dalton said, crossing his arms once the food was on his desk.
The two girls nodded and smiled at each other “Yeah, we were just catching up” Y/N said “Uh- I’m just gonna go wash my hands really quick, I’ll be back in a moment”
They watched as Y/N left the room and Dalton immediately turned to Chris, giving her an ‘I told you so’ look “I guess I owe you an apology” She admitted.
“Yes you do”
“In my defence you never mentioned having a girlfriend until I tried to get you a date, so it did sound like an excuse”
“Yeah, maybe don’t mention setting me up on dates in front of her”
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pimosworld · 1 year
The story of us chapter 5
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Triple frontier boys x f!reader
Summary- Set before you and the boys are officially together and how you came to be.
Chapter summary- Frankie takes you flying and your relationship to new heights.
CW- 18+,MDNI, to avoid spoilers I will be posting a link for warnings. Link
Notes- See story Masterlist for full chapter notes. This chapter was so fun to write, my first time writing a solo Frankie. He starts off shy but quickly gains his confidence.
Not beta read
[Series Masterlist] [Main Masterlist]
Chapter V Flying without Falling
11:54 pm
  Frankie can’t sleep as he lies awake staring at the ceiling fan. Every creak and noise the house makes has him on edge. He shouldn’t care this much but it’s starting to get under his skin and root itself deep somewhere he dare not explore. Before he can fully run away with his intrusive thoughts he hears the front door open and close. He breathes a sigh of relief knowing Benny actually came home after your date. 
  Maybe Santi was right,he shouldn’t be this jealous of his best friends going on a date. But jealousy doesn’t seem like the right word either, he wants to be included, he couldn’t possibly go on as a spectator if you decided to have a relationship. It’s entirely too late for all these thoughts and he’s getting way ahead of himself.
  He would call you normally when his thoughts ran wild. Why would now be any different? The only difference now is that he knows you’ll pick up. Over the last several months that certainly wasn’t the case. Before he can second guess himself he picks up his phone and calls you. 
You’re seated on your couch staring at the blank screen of the tv replaying the night in your head. You really should go wash your face and get some sleep but you can’t stop thinking about that kiss. You can’t stop thinking about everything he did for you. The feeling was so alien being treated as if you were a Disney princess. Ben was always sweet but this was a side of him you’ve never seen. You could definitely get used to it. 
  Incoming call Francisco
  “Hey Frankie, is everything okay?” Your voice is laced with concern at this late hour he’s calling.
  “Ugh…ya I’m sorry I called so late.” I just wanted to hear your voice. “I just needed to talk to you about something.”
  “Okay.” At midnight? You wait patiently for his response. 
  “So how was your date?” Jesus Francisco you just couldn’t help yourself. He thinks you're silent for a little too long, maybe he can just hang up and pretend this never happened.
  “It was really nice actually, but is that why you called?” You don’t want to give too many details, it just seems odd to talk about with him right now. 
  “No…I guess I should just spit it out. I got my license back and I start in a few days but I’m nervous.” He has to hold the phone away from his ear before he goes deaf at your excited squeal. 
  “Frankie, that's amazing, how come you didn’t tell us yesterday?” You can hear indistinct rustling on the other end. 
  “I didn’t think it was appropriate with everything going on…last night didn’t exactly scream tell everyone your good news.”
  “That’s sweet of you but I would’ve genuinely been excited with all the drama that went on. Life doesn’t revolve around me and my shitty dating life.” It kind of pains you that he put off such a happy announcement to not take attention off you. You know how hard he’s been working to get his license back and this means everything to him. Losing his license was like stripping his identity from him.
  “Listen hermosa, I know it’s last minute but I remember you saying you have tomorrow off…would you be willing to be my first passenger. I don’t want to be rusty in front of the clients on my first day.” He knows you know he’s full of shit. He is the most competent pilot and there’s no way he’s rusty. You’ve seen him in the deadliest situations somehow be cool, calm and collected. 
  “Of course Frankie, I would love to.” You’re certain he doesn’t need any practice but you decide to play along, it’s adorable when he’s nervous. 
  “Meet me at our house around noon and I’ll drive us to the site.” 
  “That sounds like a plan…you should get some sleep if you’re gonna be flying us safely tomorrow.” A little teasing goes a long way with him and you just can’t help yourself. 
  “Very funny, I’ll see you tomorrow Honey good night.” 
  “Goodnight Francisco.” 
  Sleep would not come easily for either of you that night. 
  Frankie’s not sure how much sleep he got last night, tossing and turning thinking about you. Trying not to think about how his life ended up the way it did. It was hard not to be in his head about his setbacks and inadequacies. He’s a grown man living with his two best friends. He should be able to afford a place on his own and be more independent, but he managed to fuck that up with this coke charge and losing his license.
  He really needed to relax and not let his thoughts run away with him. It wouldn’t be any help today. 
  He rolls out of bed suddenly more aware of every ache and pain in his body, it’s hard to say when he noticed himself getting older. He’s been ready for some time to settle down but had all but given up on finding something worthwhile.
  He pads down the hallway already hearing  the clanking of dishes and the strong smell of coffee.
He enters the kitchen to see the two fit shirtless blondes, one more thing to be insecure about. 
   “Mornin’ Fish.” Will looks up at him from his seat at the table. Frankie gives him a half smile as he slides into the seat across from him. 
  “Rough night?” You could say that 
  “Ya, didn’t sleep much. I was up worried about today.” 
  “What’s happening today?” Benny joins at the table sliding a cup of coffee to him. He scrubs a hand behind his neck deciding what approach to take with the news. 
  “Well I’m flying today. I got my license back.” Will looks up from his phone wide eyed as Benny jumps up nearly knocking the table over.
  “Holy shit man that’s amazing, why didn’t you say anything?” 
  “I was afraid it might not happen so I wanted to wait…I found out Friday and ugh Saturday didn’t seem like the right time to mention it.” Ben and Will exchange glances, neither of them needing to say why.
  “So you start today,what’s your schedule like?” Will stands from the table to refill his coffee.
  “No…I start tomorrow. I’m taking Honey up today to practice.” Lies 
  “Bullshit.” Ben leans back in his chair crossing his arms as Will tries to contain his laughter. Frankie mimics Ben's posture as he stares him down. 
  “You and I both know you don’t need practice.I do have to admit though, a helicopter is a nice move.”
  Frankie relaxes a little at the teasing Ben gives him. The younger man is obviously not bothered by it, he almost seems happy for him. 
  “We’ll Benjamin we can’t all have rock hard abs, some of us have to pull out other means of flattery.” 
  “Well Fish I’m happy for you and I hope you enjoy your date.” There’s no tone of sarcasm or anything to suggest that he’s lying.
  Will stands there in awe and shock at the absurdity of it all. How could they possibly be this chill about dating the same woman let alone you?
  “Speaking of dates, how was yours?” He raises an eyebrow at him playfully. 
  “I know you’ve been dying to ask. It was great, we saw a movie and went to the diner for burgers and shakes and then I dropped her off at home.” He’s not sure if he should include the last part. The conversations have been going well so far. 
  “What a modern day romance and you even had her home by curfew.” Ben flips him off as he stands from the table. 
  “I was gonna let you off easy but since you want to tease, I did get a good night kiss.” Will grabs his chest in fake shock. 
  “Good for you bud.” Frankie pays him on the shoulder as he stands. He can’t help but grin thinking about what he heard when you were in the shower. A sudden burst of confidence flows through his veins. 
  “As much as I’d love to watch this sad pissing contest, we need to get to the gym Ben.” 
  “Alright coach.” He pulls Frankie into a hug before heading down the hallway. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” He calls out from over his shoulder. 
  Will just rolls his eyes as Frankie retreats back to his room on the opposite end of the house. 
  Maybe this could work out after all. 
  Here you are again, tossing clothes about your room undecided on what to wear. This is supposed to be a casual day with Frankie and you can’t seem to get your head on straight. Let’s not add to the fact that you can’t be late. 
  It’s a beautiful sunny day in Florida so you decide to throw on some jean shorts, your army tank top and some black slip on vans. There’s no time to overthink this as you run out to the door to head to their house. You left yourself enough time to stop and grab something for Frankie, you were technically celebrating getting his license back and you wanted to surprise him.
  You pull up to the pristine suburban home they all share, you know Will had every attention to detail to keep the Miller family home in great condition. You have a slight panic when you see that Ben's truck is still in the driveway, you weren’t quite ready to confront what it is you were doing. To be honest you weren’t entirely sure if you knew yourself. 
  Frankie sees you pull up, he’s been pacing around the living room unable to relax. The excited nervous energy coursing through his veins at the thought of flying again and seeing you. 
  You can see Frankie leaning in the doorway with his arms crossed, he has a well fitted black shirt and blue jeans with his signature cap on. He’s just smiling at you as you make your way up the path to their house. 
  “I’m not that late am I?” You’re swinging the small gift bag back and forth on your finger as you hold it out to him. 
  “No but I saw you pull up and got excited.” He’s practically beaming at you. The happiest you’ve seen him in a long time. “I hope whatever’s in that bag is not for me.”
  “You’ll just have to open it and find out.” He grabs the bag from you slowly peeking inside, a medium size black box reveals some brand new aviator sunglasses. 
  “You didn’t have to do this.” You can hear the slight quiver in his voice and you’re so happy with your choice. 
  “I’m getting a free tour in the sky, it’s the least I could do.” He pulls you into a tight hug and you inhale his fresh woodsy scent, you recognize it as the body wash you bought him because you insisted he stop using the 3in1 crap that Ben used. 
  You’re standing in the doorway, neither of you wanting to break the hug, you lightly scratch your nails as you rub his back and a low growl emits from his chest on your cheek. 
  “We need to go before I change my mind.” He grabs your hand and places a kiss on your fingers before turning around to lock up. 
  Ben must not be home, thankfully you can deal with that later and just enjoy your afternoon with the old Frankie who seems to be making an appearance. 
  Frankie jogs ahead of you when you head towards his truck to open the door, he already has his sunglasses on and you curse under your breath a little at the sight. You’ve inadvertently made this day even harder for yourself now that you have to try not to ogle him, but the way his muscles flex in his shirt and the way his jeans are fitting you find your resolve breaking little by little. 
  You hop in the front seat and just before he closes the door he stops and stares at you. “I forgot to tell you how good you look today.” Fuck you’re not gonna make it. 
  The ride to the airfield is mostly spent in comfortable silence as you both trade glances at each other, it was so easy with him to just be. No expectations or insecurities. You often wondered how women didn’t realize what a catch he was, you’re glad in this moment no one has stuck around long enough to see what a massive failure it was to let this man go. 
  You were making it so hard for him to focus as you made your way to the chopper he was using for the day. The army tank top and short shorts doing nothing to hide your curves. 
  He could tell you were carrying yourself differently than the other day. A part of him was grateful for your date with Benny that seemed to bring some peace to your otherwise chaotic weekend. 
  A helicopter used to bring the sight of hell for the both of you, going on missions unsure if you would make it out alive, but now the way you turn and smile at him, practically bouncing with excited energy he thinks it may be heaven. 
  “We’ll see if I remember how to fly one of these.” You can almost see the faint wink behind his aviators as he holds the door open for you and you climb into the comfy leather seat. He buckles you in tugging on the straps to make sure they’re secure. He’s desperately trying to keep this as professional as possible but he sees the way you’re looking at him and he just wants to lean in and kiss you. He tears himself away closing the door behind him before he loses all form of concentration. 
  You wanted him too, and he almost did but you know he needs to focus. Even though he’s flown much larger aircrafts than this countless times, he still doesn’t want to jeopardize his second chance at life. And if you’re correct about your assumption there would be plenty of time for that. 
  “You know I have strapped myself in a few times.” He’s focused on the task at hand but you can see him smirking as he flips to switches and waits for the all clear to take off. 
  “I know you have hermosa but I’m supposed to be practicing so just pretend you’re a passenger. 
  What is it with these boys and pretending? You’ll play along since it worked out in your benefit the last time.
  He hands you a headset before doing a final once over and you can feel that familiar drop in your stomach as you lift up. The thrum of the blades all you can hear at the moment. He always made it look so easy and he’s all but confirmed how little practice he actually needed. 
  Something about finally being in the sky again has his confidence soaring. He can feel it in his bones, the man he used to be trying to make an appearance. He’s trying to focus but he can’t stop looking at the way you smile when you see something you like. He misses seeing you like this, happy to be in the air. Although he doesn’t miss the reasons why you used to be in a helicopter.
  You’re trying to take in the sights, but you can’t help but stare at Frankie. The way he’s controlling this massive machine with ease. You can see it in the way he relaxes. His shoulders seem less tense. That smile you loved so much has returned without the slight underlying sadness. It’s intoxicating seeing him like this.
  “I missed seeing you in that seat next to me.” He glances over in enough time to notice you smile to yourself.
  You fly for a while just taking in the sight below, this was a version of your city you’ve never seen before and it’s truly mesmerizing. It breaks your heart knowing what he had to go through to get back to this place. Everyone has dealt with their demons in their own way. His demons almost took the most important things in his life away from him. 
  He doesn’t think he’s been this happy flying, seeing your face light up when you spot something you recognize or the fact that you so willingly agreed to come with him and make this day as special as possible. 
  “You’re pretty good with your hands Mr. Morales.” He raises an eyebrow at you wondering if the altitude has gone to your head. He needs to be safely on the ground if you’re going to call him that again.
  “I’m a pretend passenger, remember.”
  “My real passenger is an 80 year old man, I hope he doesn’t comment on how good I am with my hands.” You snort into the headset before erupting into full blown laughter and there it is again, that laugh that would bring any man to his knees.
  “You mean to tell me you’ve never flirted with a passenger?” He glances at you nervously playing with your straps over your chest as you look out below.
  “There was one time.” 
  “Well I hope it ended well for you.” You can see you’re almost back to the airfield and your heart drops a little at the day coming to an end.
  Let’s hope it does end well for me. 
  “So,what are your plans for the rest of the day?” He didn’t want to assume as he awaits your answer, suddenly so focused on the road as you make your way back to their house. 
  “I don’t have anything planned, I wasn’t sure if you had things you needed to take care of for tomorrow?” He looks a little confused and you can’t help but laugh at the deep crease in his brow. 
  “You know your first day back at work.” 
  “Oh, everything is all squared away. Although I was hoping you might want to stay a little while, I can make us lunch.” He sounds a little timid again but when you grab his hand not placed on the steering wheel and kiss his palm all his worries are washed away. 
  “I would say these hands have done enough today but I would be stupid if I said no to anything you cook.” He has other plans for you and his hands but he needs to focus on one thing at a time first lunch. 
  He already had a full plan for lunch that would’ve turned into Will and Bennys dinner if you decided not to stay. The conversation flowed easy as you both enjoyed grilled shrimp tacos and homemade ceviche. You hadn’t spent this much time together in months, it seemed you had a lot to catch up on. 
  You both confided in each other, it was so easy to talk about life and issues without being judged. The more Mike pulled you away left a gaping hole in both of your lives. You couldn’t possibly go back to that again. 
  Frankie’s washing the dishes, your plates having been completely cleared and has to stop what he’s doing at the sound of your obscenely loud yawn. He can’t help but laugh at your wide eyed expression, you obviously just as surprised by it as he was. 
  “I’m sorry, I’m just so content after that meal and honestly I got no sleep last night.” He dries his hands and makes his way over to you seated at the kitchen island. A mischievous glint in his eye. 
  “I have a bizarre request and you can say no if you want to. Seeing as though we both got zero sleep last night, do you want to take a nap?”
  “Yes!” You groan internally at your enthusiastic response. 
  He had a surge of confidence at your response as he got impossibly closer, stepping between your legs as he rubbed his hands up and down your thighs in a soothing motion. He leans in and you close your eyes bracing yourself for a kiss when you suddenly feel his lips brush your ear. 
  “Bed or couch?” You’re not certain you can breathe with the way his voice drops to a low register. His hands are like fire on your exposed thighs so close to where you want him to touch you. 
  “Couch?” It comes out in a breathy whisper as you attempt to clear your throat. “I think the couch is safer.” 
  He hasn’t so much as moved an inch and with his close proximity you’re afraid he can hear your heart beating out of your chest. 
  “Couch it is, but I’m not sure if it’s safer.” He takes your hand and guides you off the stool and it feels like you’re floating as you make your way to the living room. He sits in the corner, defaulting to his favorite spot despite having a choice of anywhere. He practically pulls you down with him as you settle in facing him with your head resting on his extended arm. Many a movie night you’ve fallen asleep in this exact position, but this feels different. 
  He pulls the blanket off the back of the couch to cover you as sleep already threatens to claim you. The sound of his steady heartbeat and the smell that you could only describe as him lulling you to sleep. 
  He doesn’t even think you realize you’re rubbing his back as you muzzle deeper into his chest, the feeling so domestic it makes his chest hurt a little. It’s like a knot that’s formed over time trying to loosen itself the further into sleep he goes. He only remembers the smell of your shampoo and your slow breaths before exhaustion takes him under. 
  The house is quiet…so quiet that he knows Ben and Will definitely aren’t home yet. The sun is still up but casting the orange hue that tells him it’s late in the afternoon. He doesn’t want to move too much because you’re still sleeping so peacefully. He is aware however that you have moved in your sleep, draping your leg over him like he’s a human body pillow. 
  Perhaps it’s a wicked Pavlovian response that his body betrays him in the moment as you're pinned against him. He’s growing harder in his jeans and every attempt to move you only causes you to stir further, involuntarily grinding your hips into him in a steady slow motion. 
  You’re having that dream again but this time it feels so real, too real as you feel the hard press of Frankie’s cock against your core. This time when you wake it’s not like a bucket of cold water being thrown on you. It’s softer, more intentional. 
  “Honey….honey?” It’s a little disorienting, but you can still smell him and see the light coming through the windows. You must not have slept for very long. You can feel his thumb tracing lines across your cheek and slowly register him saying your name. The sensation you were feeling in your dream hasn’t dissipated and you don’t dare look down as your haze begins to lift. 
  “I think you were having a dream.” His sleepy voice barely above a whisper. “You kept saying my name.” It seems you’re both in a predicament, him more so than you since he’s not actually in your head and you can feel evidently what’s pressed against you. 
  You hope maybe a change in subject will make him drop it or at the very least get the hint. It didn’t seem like the appropriate time to tell him that you can’t stop having sex dreams about your best friends. 
  “You know…you didn’t seem like you needed any practice today.” You shift on the couch to look up at him.
  “Maybe I told a little white lie.” He’s staring at you, a question hanging in the air of do you want this? He hasn’t moved his hand from your face as he slowly tilts it up further and leans in for a tender kiss. He’s been waiting all day, resisting the urge to kiss you the moment he opened his gift. 
  He’s waiting for you to pull away or say you don’t want this but that moment never comes as the soft kiss turns into a fight to get impossibly closer. His patience wore thin at the way you were saying his name in your sleep. Your hands are in his hair as he deepens this kiss, both of you trading moans in between breathing. He grips the thigh that’s slung over his hip as he pins you beneath him, the heavy comfortable weight of him grinding you into the couch. 
  You hate your brain for making you aware of your dry humping session being in the shared residence of the man you were also dating?
  “Wait…wait, I have a confession.” He stops suddenly hoping he hadn’t totally fucked this up by going to far. The moment feels like an eternity as he lets you catch your breath. 
  “I kissed Benny.” You’re bracing yourself for the moment he rolls off you and asks you to leave but he drops his head to your shoulder as he chuckles in your ear. 
  “Well just consider it even, since I’ve kissed Benny too.” Oh now he wants to make jokes. 
  “Yes I’m aware but it wasn’t less than 24 hours ago.” He raises an eyebrow at you and you silently curse yourself for assuming. “Unless it was…”
  “I’m just kidding, I had to mess with you a little.” You swat his chest playfully and breathe a sigh of relief. “Let’s just say Benny and I have come to a friendly agreement. 
  You’re not entirely sure what that means but you couldn’t care less as long as they know what’s going on even if you didn’t. 
  You try to pull him towards you again but he braces his right arm beside your head to stay upright, his left hand not having left your thigh throughout the interaction. 
  “I suppose if we’re being honest…I have a confession.” His tongue peeks out on his bottom lip as he mulls over how to approach, he has no idea how tempting it looks. 
  “I was going to wake you up yesterday but you were already in the shower.” Your throat is suddenly dry and your shoulders tense. “ I thought you were crying so I hesitated and then…I heard you say my name.” 
  There was no playing this off, not like your dream where he knew you were sleeping. This was perhaps the most mortified you’ve ever been. You wish you were anywhere but pinned under his literal and figurative gaze. 
  “I can explain.” No you can’t 
  “Tell me.” You try to move out from underneath him but he doesn’t budge. 
  “Frankie this isn’t fair.” 
  “No hermosa, you know what’s not fair.” His hand is slowly making its way up your thigh and your breathing is ragged. 
  “You had to take care of yourself when the hands you wanted to touch you were just on the other side of the door.” You don’t know when you lost control of the situation but here you are, stuck under him. He’s waiting for you to tell him to stop but your body has other plans and your lips won’t move.
  “Now tell me.” It’s not a question and this side of him has you faltering. 
  “Tell you what?” He leans down to kiss your lips but pulls away just as fast. 
  “What you were doing when you said my name.” He can’t be serious
  He’s searching your eyes for any sign you want this to stop but all he finds are your lust blown pupils. He decides upon seeing your excitement to try a different approach. 
  “Show me.” He waits to see if he made the right choice and you slowly move your hand from around his neck. No one has ever made you this nervous and excited at the same time. His confidence awakened something in you that you didn’t know existed. You slowly start to unbutton your shorts, never breaking eye contact. You can see his chest rising and falling, his resolve breaking a little spurring you on. 
  You dip your hand under the waistband of your lace panties, thanking yourself for being a little too optimistic about where the afternoon might lead. His eyes trail down your front as he battles with watching your face and watching where your hand has disappeared. He shifts to the side to give you room as you  slowly circle your clit with your middle finger. A small whimper escapes your lips and any embarrassment has been replaced with chasing this high. 
  You drag your finger through your slit as you dip a finger in trying to reach that spot at this awkward angle, you whine in frustration because your fingers aren’t enough with the way he’s been subtly working you up all afternoon. 
  He grabs your wrist and gently pulls your hand out of your shorts, you're wrapped in his every movement as he brings your fingers to his mouth to lick and suck every last drop from them. 
  “Let me show you.” His hands seem so much larger than yours as they make their way down your breast and across your abdomen, his trail painstakingly slow but you wouldn’t dare rush this moment. 
  He dips his hand into your shorts, dragging his fingers across your soft lace panties. “Frankie please…” You're hanging on by a thread and you need him to stop teasing you. 
  “You’re so sensitive, I’ve barely touched you.” You’re having deja because he’s said that before…or was that your dream. He dips one finger into your entrance as you arch your back. It’s too much and not enough as if he senses your frustration he plunges a second finger in slowly pumping in and out. 
  You drop your head onto the pillow as you softly moan his name. You can feel his cock grinding into your hip as he picks up the pace. He swallows your moans with his lips on yours. His name has never sounded sweeter than it does now as you chant his name. You’re ratcheted too tight as you feel the coil build, his fingers press down on the soft bundle of nerves and your toes curl in a blinding orgasm. You’re not sure when you gripped his hair like a lifeline as you slowly untangle your fingers while you come down from your high. 
  “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the way you said my name.” He’s placing soft kisses on your neck as he removes his hand, you’re suddenly feeling a little bold as you can feel how patient he was being. You palm his bulge through his jeans and he bucks his hip, groaning your name. 
  The sound of car doors slamming have you both looking at each other wide eyed. He grabs your hand and places it around his waist. “I need you to pretend to be asleep.” You open your mouth to speak but he shushes you with a kiss as he flings the blanket back over you both. Your pants are still unbuckled and he’s still very hard but right now as the keys jingle in the door you figure you can deal with it later. 
  The front door opens and you bury your face into his chest to hide your laughter at having to pretend once again. Ben’s yelling about something per usual as you hear Will shush him. 
  “Awww they look so peaceful.” You can feel Frankie squeeze your hip and it’s taking everything to calm your breathing. His chest is rising and falling steadily as he squeaks out a fake snore. He may seem peaceful but you can feel his rapid heartbeat against your cheek. 
  You hear footsteps getting further away and voices trailing as they make their way to the kitchen. Frankie can hear the fridge open and close and the sound of the water in the sink running. 
  “Can you button your shorts without moving too much?” He whispers into your temple. You nod your head as you slowly move your hand down to button them again, you try your best to avoid his problem that seems to be less obvious. When you’re finally decent you sit up peeking over the back of the couch. You signal for him to sit up and he hears footsteps approaching. He raises his arms above his head dramatically, stretching as you do your best-I just woke up eyes. It’s all ridiculously hilarious 
  “Good evening sleepyheads.” Ben plops down next to you on the couch and you sit up fully now in the middle of both men. 
  “Do you ugh…want some water?” Frankie’s standing to stretch now, his little belly exposed as his shirt lifts and you notice he’s still got a slight bulge but nothing that couldn’t be explained by how close you were sleeping. 
  “Yes please.” Your voice is a little hoarse from your nap or moaning Frankie’s name for too long. 
  He leaves you two on the couch and heads to the kitchen as Benny pulls you into his side and places a kiss on your temple. This has to be a record for times getting deja vu in one day. 
  “How was your date?” So they must’ve come to an agreement like Frankie said because he just called it a date without any malice in his tone. Just genuine curiosity and care. 
  “It was great actually.” Frankie returns with your water and sits back down next to you on the opposite side. He doesn’t seem bothered at all by you cuddling up with Ben and it’s bizarre territory you’re wading into. 
  “Well I hope you showed our girl a good time.” You’re sputtering your water as Frankie hides his amused face behind his hand. Ben is patting your back as Will enters the living room with beers in hand. 
  “Are you okay?” He hands the beers around as he tries to offer you one but you wave him off. 
  “I’m fine…but I really should be going. I have work early tomorrow and I really should get some sleep.” You all stand from the couch unsure of how to say goodbye. 
  Frankie pulls you into a hug and places a kiss on your forehead. “At least you got a nap today.” He winks at you and you pinch his side knowing he can’t make a sound. 
  “Don’t hog her, she was with you all day.” Ben picks you up as you yelp, he couldn’t resist that sound. He carefully sets you down and leans in to kiss your cheek. 
  You turn to see Will in the loveseat sipping his beer with an amused smirk on his face. “I swear to god Will.” He holds his hands up in mock surrender as both men are snickering beside you. 
  “I didn’t say anything sweetheart.” You make your way towards the door to grab your bag off the hook and you can feel all eyes on you. “ I’ll see you Friday to fix that hole in your wall.” 
  “Don’t argue with him, it'll only make your life harder.” Ben knows his brother all too well so you decide to take his advice and drop it. 
  “Fine, I’ll call you later.”
  “Okay.” They all say in unison and erupt in laughter. 
  As you close the door behind you still hearing the faint sounds of your boys you realize how completely and utterly fucked you truly are.
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated  
@luciferiorbxtch @alwaysdjarin @meveispunk @casa-boiardi @evyiione @littlenosoul @quijana5702 @shesa-riott @the-fox-den @saturn-rings-writes @romanarose @spngingerbread21 @spookyxsam @summer-may @imonmykneessir
Tagged a few extra who might be interested.
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inlovewithsaturn · 4 months
I posted my second ever fanfic!! I just needed to get these feelings about these boys out.
It's Where I Belong (Down at the Pink Pony Club)
In which Tommy takes Buck to a gay bar for the first time and Buck has a lot of feelings about it.
The tears catch him off guard.
He thinks maybe he should have known, thinks he should have guessed that the sense of pure rightness and warmth that settled behind his ribs the first time Tommy kissed him would find him again, here and now.
Pink lights shine above them like beacons, glowing warm and just soft enough that it almost feels like an alternate world from the sidewalk they just stepped in from. It's been almost two months since the night Tommy showed up at his door, two months since their lips pressed together and the ache in his chest that he'd been trying to fill for as long as he could remember finally dissipated, finally letting him breathe. So he doesn't expect it, not really, when the warm glow of belonging that had tucked itself into his chest burns brighter and stronger at the rainbow flags proudly on display above the bar catch his eye. Doesn't expect the tears that well up at just how many people are happy and dancing and swaying together even though it's only 7pm on a Thursday.
He feels complete. Feels safe.
It's not the same acceptance and love he's come to find in his group at the firehouse, though he treasures that just the same, it's just. Well. He doesn't feel like there's any part of him he needs to hide here. Doesn't feel nervous when Tommy presses a hand to the small of his back (and god does he love how Tommy's hand spans over nearly his whole waist), doesn't feel the press of eyes on him when he tucks himself closer into Tommy's side as the older man gently leads them toward the bar.
He knows, generally speaking, that LA is safe for him. Knows that those feelings he has when he and Tommy are out together are more to do with him than with any real threats. He didn't understand at first, didn’t understand the fear that had settled low in his stomach on that first disaster of a date when he felt like every eye in the restaurant was on them. On him. He and Tommy have talked about it some now, about Tommy's own story, his own journey through that fear that never will truly go away. He knows now that it's different now that he's more than an ally, just like his very wise sister had said all those weeks ago.
But he doesn't feel that here. Here, under the pink lights, he feels free.
They reach the bar and Tommy slides behind him, arm around his waist and his broad chest a solid line of heat against Buck's back. Two beers are ordered, Buck doesn't catch what kind, too busy taking in every detail around them. He only knows that's it's the bartender winking at him, the glitter on their cheeks almost glowing in the light, that makes the tears finally fall. Or maybe it's just the blush that colors his cheeks as it happens that does it, the fact that his first instinct isn't to shy away from the attention or to stamp down the urge to drag his eyes over the very muscular arms of the person in front of him. He wants to look. He's allowing himself to look.
The wetness hits his cheeks just as Tommy spins him around, chest to chest, and he watches his boyfriend’s (his boyfriend's!!!!) face go from happy to concerned in a second, the hands at his waist moving quickly to cup his face instead.
“Ev, hey, whats-” Buck lets out a wet laugh and wraps his own arms tighter around Tommy's waist, shakes his head as much as he can when it's enveloped by Tommy's palms.
“I'm good, I promise,” He turns his head just a touch, presses a kiss to Tommy's wrist. The happy giggle he lets out finally smooths the lines of concern between his boyfriend’s eyes. “It's just,” he takes a breath, tries to put all the thoughts and feelings currently wrapping around his mind into some semblance of order.
Tommy just smiles softly, wipes at the skin beneath Buck's eyes, and waits. He always waits.
“It's like,” Buck says, the grin on his face not dropping even to speak, “You remember what I told you about how it felt after you kissed me? Like there was this weight on my chest my whole life, this ache, and I never knew why? Never could figure out what was so wrong with me? And then you kissed me,” he pauses to suck in an excited breath and squeezes even tighter around the other man. “And I could breathe. That there this big piece of who I am was missing all my life and then you kissed me and I could finally take a breath?” Tommy nods, lets his hands slide down to rest around Buck's shoulders in a warm embrace.
He looks around again, takes in the music and the people and the fucking beautiful rainbow flags and he wants to sob at how happy and right it feels.
“I've never felt free like this ya know?.” He looks back at the man in front of him and there is no question in his mind that Tommy does know. That he does understand.
“Yeah sweetheart, I know what you mean.” Tommy murmurs softly, always soft with him, and Buck thinks their smiles are probably matched in brightness now.
When Buck lets out another happy laugh and releases his hold on Tommy so he can wipe at the remaining tears on his cheeks Tommy laughs a little too, a bright happy sound that Buck adores.
He doesn't feel anything but joy when Tommy gently pulls him closer with his arms still around his shoulders, only feels warmth when Tommy presses him against the dark wood bar under the sparkling pink lights. And when Tommy pulls away, reaches behind him for their forgotten beers and asks if he wants to dance, no part of Buck hesitates to say yes.
Evan Buckley is finally free.
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