#i only drink coffee if I'm doing productive stuff. i drink coffee at the cafe where i do my work or i have a bottle of starbucks
learnhowtosway · 3 months
Ask meme for people in their 30s
What was the first piece of furniture you bought? Likely our sectional.
What proportion of your meals do you cook? A third of the time on a good week.
Foaming hand soap or normal hand soap? Normal.
Favorite chore? Vacuuming. Crumbs and hair on the floor? Not on my watch.
Least favorite chore? Cleaning the bathroom.
Most precious thing one of your pets has destroyed. Sadly, I'm not currently a pet owner.
Any groceries you've been getting into lately? Umm.. gold kiwi is so much better than green.
What cleaning product do you swear by? We have a massive tub of Pink Solution.
What's your emotional support craft? Wish I could say I have one at the moment, but I do want to diy clay magnets and charm necklaces.
Youtube, cable TV, or streaming? Streaming and youtube because it's imperative for me to imagine what life could look like in another city.
What's something you saved up for and then regretted buying?Nothing comes to mind.
How many cups can you see from where you're sitting? Three.
Which filter are you most likely to go "eh, it's probably fine" when you find out you need to change it? Dryer vent filter.
How often do you take baths?Now that it's summer, way more often because I sweat quite a bit. Hate it.
Do you go down each aisle when you grocery shop, or only the ones you know you need stuff from? The ones I need stuff from, but if it's a smaller, gourmet grocery store then I can do a full walk around.
Where do you go when you need to get out of the house but it's raining? Staying in when it's raining is elite, but likely the library across the street or a cafe.
What's a movie you saw recently that you liked? My last five star on Letterboxd was Perfect Days.
Pro or anti tchotchkes? Pro.
What's your go-to tape? Scotch tape brand.
What's in your freezer right now? Just emptied our freeze, so an ice cube tray and ice packs.
Last concert you attended?Noah Kahan.
Favorite grocery store? Farm Boy and Summerhill Market.
Paper bags, plastic bags, or reusable bags? Reusable bags. I have multiple Baggu bags and recently discovered Shupatto bags.
Do you get your government mandated 8 hours every night? Hahahahahah, No.
Favorite old person activity? Browsing real estate listings and developments and their floor plans. NYT games.
Would you rather sit on the porch drinking sweet tea or sit by the lake drinking beers? I've never had sweet tea; as in, american sweet tea because apparently it's not what non-americans think it is. So as a Great Lakes resident, I'll say by the lake drinking beers.
Do you prefer Board game Night, Build-Your-Own-Pizza Night, or Movie Night with your friends? Board game night. Have you guys played Top of Mind? I think it's so fun.
Be honest, do you like all of the pictures of their babies that your friends send you? Yes, if they're my close friends.
Go-to holiday card format. Physical cards from a local artist or small business on Etsy whenever possible.
How many pairs of scissors do you own? One kitchen, one from a toolbox. I would like to own herb scissors as well.
Do you still own your first car?I'm a virgin who doesn't drive/own a car.
How do you take your morning coffee/tea? Numi brand genmaicha. Whatever beans Don has on rotation for pour over, with a bit of milk and brown sugar.
What's something you collect? Physical media: books, cds, dvds, magazines, vinyl, etc. If I could afford it, I would love to own vintage pieces of things that interest me.
What's your commute like?However fast the TTC or GO Transit decides to move.
Aisle at the grocery store you never bother walking down? The pet/household section.
Do you keep a daily journal or agenda? Tumblr is my journal; although, I fall off of it sometimes and have to catch up. I haven't used an agenda for the past two years, but I always use my google calendar.
Do you still listen to the same music you listened to in high school? To this day! TO THIS DAY!
What's the last filter you changed? Condo maintenance changed our furnace filter recently.
What little treat do you always get when you run errands? Some sort of beverage: matcha, coffee, boba.
Grocery list or no grocery list?Grocery list.
What's the oldest thing you own? A gold ring from my childhood.
What's an unjustifiably expensive appliance that you really want? Zojirushi rice cooker, La Marzocco linea micra/mini or Anza espresso machine.
Favorite book you've read recently? Nothing recently, but I intend to read Prophet Song by Paul Lynch next, which seems right up my alley.
Honest feelings on Settlers of Catan? Never played it.
What's something you wish you had more time for? Time with my friends. Nothing prepares you for the distances that occur from getting older.
What kind of stuff do you keep on the door of your refrigerator? Hamilton tickets, Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss and La Grande Odalisque postcards from the Louvre, a couple of polaroids, Alo menu, a calavera magnet from my bff's bachelorette trip in Mexico, Buvette business card from our last NYC visit, and a few city magnets.
Lamps or overhead lighting?Lamps. There's this affordable and super cute one from Ikea.
If you could build your home from scratch, what outrageous feature would you want to build into it? A library, dining nook, heated bathroom floor and towel rack, an infrared sauna, solar panels/energy efficiency, multiple fireplaces, skylights. I could go on.
Do you bring a bag with you everywhere you go? Certified bag lady.
Pro or anti throw pillows? Pro.
How many blankets do you keep in your living room? Two.
Did your relationship with your parents get better when you stopped living with them? Yes and no, and that's way too much to unpack here.
What's worse, the DMV or the Social Security Office? I'm Canadian, so I'm not familiar with the horrors of these places.
Do you decorate your house for holidays? Which ones?Christmas, but I also like seasonal decor, especially in the fall.
Favorite high-effort meal that you make? I avoid high-effort meals, so most are at similar levels. Maybe tomato soup and grilled cheese simply for having to keep an eye on the sandwiches.
Favorite low-effort meal that you make? Indomie instant noodles.
Do you tend to bring an appetizer, entree, dessert, or drinks to a potluck? Dessert.
What kind of bag do you use for your bag full of bags? A tote bag.
If you died and your ghost was stuck in the outfit you're wearing right now for the rest of time, would you be happy with it? Snoopy pjs? Sure!
Do you have an opinion on your local weather reporter? Haven't had cable tv in several years. Pretty sure he's retired now, but I remember he also did gardening segments, so he was cool.
Do you have a favorite brunch spot? Most frequently visited are Mary Be Kitchen for the weekender breakfast and Gold Standard for the best breakfast sandwich.
Where are you on the minimalism-maximalism kinsey scale? Technically 0, but acceptably 3.
Opinion on Bath and Body Works? It's a rite of passage.
Last time you visited a farmer's market? Last month.
Anything you're procrastinating on right now? Renewing my passport.
Do you get your taxes in as soon as possible, at the last minute, or late? As soon as possible.
Do you keep any stuffed animals on your bed? A Pochacco stuffed toy. A couple of Palm Pals on the headboard ledge: a moon for me and a BLT sandwich for Don.
Are your garbage bags scented or unscented? Whichever is on sale when we run out.
What are you looking forward to next week? I put myself on a waitlist for a free yoga class at a local studio. Us thirty year olds love free shit.
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zebee-nyx · 10 months
CalmWriMo Day 25
WOOOOO! Less than a week left now! Had a wonderfully calm day where I could just sit around and not do much today. So that was nice. (^v^) Also had some ideas of stuff I'd like to do in the future. So that's exciting. I have a couple of secret projects that I've started that not just consumed, but exceeded my writing time. Still working out how they'll be exactly, but I'm excited and excited=motivation for me so d(^V^)b Is nice!
2 Hour Writing Goal: ✅ [smashed this one out of the park today lol (>v<)]
Blurb: [see below]
Self Care:
Food: ✅
Hydration: ✅
Sleep: ✅
Reading: ✅
Blurb: Winter Rose Cafe 482
Winter Rose Cafes are a popular franchise locations across Neocago and other remaining cities across the American northeast. They are famed for the creation of artificial substitute to caffeine that carried them from a single small street corner cafe to the massive corporation it is now. Generally any Winter Rose location serves drinks, light meals, and sweet deserts. Primarily focusing on coffee and tea imitation products. These cafes are known to be a relaxing environment overall with reasonable prices.
A particularly unassuming Winter Rose Cafe, store #482, is located roughly on the edge of the Midcity and Undercity. Normally this would be a tedious and nerve racking location for any franchise owner and their staff. Normally. Through a stroke of luck, 482 and roughly a block radius around it is actually one of the safest places across the Undercity. It so happens to be near the halfway point between a couple of clubs popular with runners, only a block away from a small security firm office, and directly on the border of two warring gangs. Each something that should by all means make this place horribly dangerous. If not for the fact that all these groups have an unspoken truce around the sacred grounds of 482. A truce that if anyone broke, would swiftly be met by an angered and ridiculously heavily armed coalition of caffeine starved vengeance. Naturally no one dares becoming that common enemy so 482 has never had any problems.
It probably helps that this is the only source of caffeine for quite some ways away...
Bonus character fun fact: This is the place that Doc would frequently bring Kori while she was recovering from the immediate effects from her backstory induced trauma. He brought her here because it is a safe place and typically free from the random sounds of gunfire in at least a block radius around the cafe. Also it's where Nat bought the birthday cupcake for Kori. So of course it's Kori's favorite place in general.
[This is mostly just a small location that I made awhile ago to be a common location between stories for characters visit. Also just find it to be a fun place in general, a little light in the dark, lol (^.^). Something about the "no body messes with the guy who pours the drinks" sort of trope is just nice as well. If I ever make a game it will totally be here. Anyways and always, hope you had a lovely day, peace (^.^)v]
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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Today was a good day. I am not as bone achingly exhausted. I am just mildly tired. So I am pretty pleased about that. Though I am still really excited to go to sleep.
I slept alright last night. I woke up and was just like if bleh. I stretched for a few minutes. And went to get ready for the day.
I liked my outfit. And my face. But my hair is still really bothering me. It is feeling really healthy and that's nice but it's just a little. Flat. And I only feel pretty when it's pulled up. Frustrating for sure. I can't wait for it to cool down so I can wear hats. Hats will make me feel a little better. I also just want my hair to be longer. I did trim it at work yesterday but mostly just my bangs. I don't want to take anything off the bottom. I got all the splits cut off already. So now we just focus on making it healthy and good.
James left for work and I took a few minutes to get myself together. My first stop was to go to the restaurant store. I was nervous but I would get there at 8am and it was neat! I liked looking around at stuff and seeing the large containers of things that are normally in smaller portions.
The guy at the desk was very helpful and I found the coffee percolator and paid for that and headed out. The nice cashier lady carried it outside for me but that wasn't necessary, it wasn't heavy, just a bit awkward in size.
It was a longer drive to work. But I would still beat everyone there getting there before 9.
I went to the lodge first to set up the coffee thing. I collected the old broken one and took it to the recycling shed.a s the. Spent some time talking to Bonnie and petting buddy the dog. It was a nice little way to start the day.
I would have a really productive day. But it was also full of different parts which I liked a lot.
When Heather got in she let me know it was Elizabeth's birthday! Happy birthday Elizabeth! And because it was her birthday we were going to go have breakfast at the filling station together. I was excited. I have never worked at a job where we could just stop and go have breakfast as a group?? That's so cool.
I wasn't even particularly hungry but it was fine. Once Elizabeth got there we would all get in Heather's car (well her daughter Sophie's car, Heather got a flat tire yesterday) and went to the cafe.
I've heard lots of good things from people at camp about the filling station. I was surprised that it was Mexican! I thought it was just a cafe. But I love Mexican and absolutely want to go back.
Me and Heather got savory bagels and Elizabeth got a sausage burrito. They also got lattes and I got an iced Mexican hot chocolate. Which was spicy and lovely. I don't often get to get special drinks because they are usually coffee so this was exciting.
We sat and talked and it was fun. I liked telling stories and hearing theirs. We talked work as well to make it a business expense. It was a beautiful day.
We would stop at the post office before going back to camp. I told them stories about when I worked for the insurance company and how much I loved it but how stressful it was. And how me leaving there lead me to meeting James. Everything happens for a reason.
I would get a lot done when we got back to camp. I worked on some more research. I worked on my lessons. It took a while but I got all my reference images on every project. All 46 pages of them. And added all the supplies for each. Eventually I would start adding Amazon links but I wouldn't get a lot of that done.
But I wasn't just doing one thing. When I would feel myself getting bored I went and did something else.
I would take my two packages up to the art building. It was my little caboodle boxes and now I'm going to be so organized with my supplies. I'm really pleased. I need to get more feathers but I think on Tuesday I'm going to investigate the Yukon basement to see if I can find any there first. And once I was done organizing I started going through my books to decide what ones might be useful for summer. I had to take out any that said they are only read in the winter and put those in a box labeled "winter stories". I also took out any that were written like a grandparent telling a story to a child. Didn't need that meta. Just direct stories please.
I would eventually wander over to homestead. Which I feel like is pretty embarrassing right now. Just a mess. I came up whole a whole list of things to be done to make it not a nonsense area. And would try to collect up some stuff that was left on the ground or in the pens. But it's to much for me to tackle on my own.
So I went back to the office and made a list and started pricing out my projects. When Heather came back from helping clean the pool with Elizabeth I talked to her about it and she thinks getting the boy scouts to help with this is the best course of action and she made me feel really good about my work. That I'm handling the programing and that while they have so much going on they are really happy to have me handling this stuff and following through. That made me feel really good. Really useful.
I would print all the journals I'll need for next week. And after I folded all 60 of those (while listening to a video on YouTube) I took a little break.
I would use my coupon and a sale at Ulta to get two of my lotions for the price of less then one. So that was exciting. I decided to order it for pick up. Something I've never done before. And it stressed me out when after the 2 hours (it was supposed to take) I wasn't sure it was going to be ready to be picked up. Jess said I should just go and it would be fine.
So as the day wound down, after I had made a few walks around camp, went and hung up the blanket I got for decoration in the pueblo, made sure the art building was locked, I headed out.
I went to Ulta in Towson. And they were wildly busy. But as I was waiting in line to ask I got the email that my order was ready so I was directed to the pick up table and they apologized for the delay but I was just happy to have my lotions.
I drove across the street to target next. Where I smelled all the deodorants. I got a jumpsuit for layering, which is something I have been on the lookout for so I was very excited about it. And I found some period underwear. Because on Wednesday I'm getting my IUD out. And I don't know what is going to happen but I am assuming I'll get my period for the first time since 2017. And I got two pairs because the sign said I'll get a $5 gift card.
But apparently I needed the app and the line was really long and once I was directed to guest services the guy was like. Oh you need the app. And I was like it's fine then don't worry about it. And he just quietly got me the gift card and when I told him he was so sweet he got the cutest smile. It's so nice when people are nice.
I got home at 530 and James was at the front door waiting for me. Which made me feel so happy. Because I was kind of emotionally exhausted. And needed to be frustrated and vent for a little. But they made me feel better.
I put on my new jumpsuit and they told me I looked great in it. I can't wait to wear it with sweaters.
James and me would hang up our Halloween decorations and I am thrilled. I love the paper bats on the mantle best. I am also just excited to have the Halloween stuffies out again.
James would walk to get us pizza. I took a shower while they were gone. I got a little upset and just watched videos on the couch and didn't feel my best.
Eating dinner helped a little. Having a little cry helped. I would pack up the bears for the market tomorrow. Talked to Jess about the highlights of our days. And eventually got in bed.
Which is where I am now. I'm going to go brush my teeth soon and try to just go to sleep because I have gotten more tired as I've been writing this. I have a very long day tomorrow. Market and then a break and then a wedding st the museum. I hope to get a little nap in between and that will help me. I hope it's a fun day.
Sleep good everyone. I hope you are taking csre of yourself. Goodnight!
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I Tried Maxwell House's Latte With Cold Foam
Not Good At What It Does Best
Quick Rating: 6/10. Bitter even compared to black instant coffee I've had before. When I finally got the foam to work the powder wasn't properly dissolved.
Apologies for the lack of photos. This was a spur-of-the-moment review, and I usually do video reviews, not written ones.
I'm someone who goes through coffee like crazy. I'm not the "pot a day" type, but I have the occasional day where it seems like just 2-3 cups isn't enough. A few days ago, I had one of those days. I made my meal shake very light on coffee (SlimFast powder can make a mean latte that doubles as a meal shake btw), and I had to wait for the bus after my trip to the gym... for fitness purposes of course. There was a Dunkin and a smoothie bar across from the strip mall my local gym was in, and a Starbucks across the road. However, I didn't have the money to spare, so I decided to suppress my coffee fix the best way I knew how: buying a coffee energy drink. My plans suddenly changed while I was walking through my local discount store, however, when I saw multiple companies' instant lattes with cold foam. Since they cost just as much discounted as an actual can of coffee (and were still in date for quite a few months), I decided to get one, and settled on the Maxwell House brand. Filling my empty water bottle at the gym before heading home, I successfully staved off my coffee craving long enough to make it home.
When I got home, I was excited to try the coffee. I'd bought a milk frother to make my own foam at home in the past, but I didn't always have time to make coffee and froth some milk and creamer. So, even if it wasn't going to be nearly as good as the real deal, I'm easy to please; just the concept of instant coffee that makes its own foam had me giddy like a kid, like when you'd go on a field trip to a museum or something and buy one of those science kits. And then came the disappointment. I decided to pour a packet into a bottle, shake it up, and there was no foam. I blamed myself, however; the package specifically says to stir, so I swallowed my pride, saved the foamless stuff for later, and stirred up a fresh cup. Much to my dismay, however, there was less than a centimeter of foam, and the rest of the drink wasn't foamy either. I checked the packets again in case they were out of date, and the best by date was in July like I remembered, over three months out. Frustrated, I tried the coffee anyways, and it was bitter. Very bitter. Worse yet, there were still undissolved clumps, so I stirred the drink again. Maybe it wasn't foaming because I'd undermixed it, but nope. Once all the powder was dissolved, all the foam was gone, and now the coffee tasted even more bitter. It wasn't incredibly offensive (like a terrible dark roast), but kind of like drinking pure concentrate. It wasn't strong in flavor like a batch made with a lot of extra coffee, but strong in that artificial sense.
Only today did I finally get the foam to work with two packets, shaken thoroughly in a bottle. However, the same thing happened as with the cup; dissolving all of the powder destroyed the foam. And despite having creamer, I had to take it with quite a bit of extra milk and cream. It's clear this product is just a gimmick, and if you really want foam with your latte, invest in a frother. If you make coffee like a barista, it's very useful for making pour-over foam. If you buy a handheld one, however, you can even use it for instant coffee, both to mix the coffee into water and to foam up the milk and/or creamer. I bought mine for about 12 bucks, and it's been quite helpful even outside of making coffee.
Or, if you can afford it, you can just go to a cafe.
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papercoffeandher · 1 year
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Cutting prints is therapeutic. Will stick some photos in my journal and some on a wall in my room.
Light focusing on the cutting board.
I'm not a great cutter, so practicing is good for me.
The size of the sipping hole changes the experience of coffee drastically. And visibility of coffee. Do you agree?
Straws, straw size, shapes, and material! Paper straws are always ready to melt, and make me feel like I must drink faster, metal straws get so cold and I can't play with them, fold or bite, plastic straws make such a familiar crackling sound, and when they are bending and have that spring thing, it's so fun! The other day, the cafe gave me such a thick straw and I was so tired sipping in that I couldn't enjoy the coffee at all.
Cup material: paper cups, ceramic cups, glass cups, texture, heaviness, cup handles, their size, the convenience of holding of course, the temperature of the coffee cup from the outside, tumblers that don't let the temperature change, sipper hole sizes, foam visibility, cream visibility, how much is visible? Is the utensil transparent?
Coffee looking dark and strong only makes me so happy.
Do you like the feeling of water condensing outside the cup? Do you care about the possibility of spillage, is it affected by the size of the cup?
Forget the coffee (I mean not really, just for the sake of this talk) - the taste of the coffee, the fragrance, hot or cold, chuck all that. And chuck the place, the company, the activities, the table, the mood, the time of day, and life. :P
What's visible and what's felt by the skin right there, affects the experience of the coffee so much!
I know I am not saying anything we don't already know, that's the whole point of all the designing products, packaging, experience stuff. I'm just acknowledging it and also kind of sharing little (verryy little) of my experience.
I removed and put back the cap of this tumbler a few times today, still trying to understand how I like it, it's still a new cup.
How do you like to hold your coffee? Which side do you keep on your table?
Coffee: (Experimented a bit so), Nescafe gold Coffee, sugar, Cadbury cocoa powder, and Monin hazelnut syrup!
Cold coffee.
Paper: Photo prints in the cutting process. Sitting on my brother's study table (Mentioning cause I wouldn't choose a red table).
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Got stuffffff to do today... I don't want to
#my to-do list is a mile long#starting with: Laundry. Text Aspen (friend i made at camp and got their number but ive forgotten to text yet)#car payment. gift for a friend that shouldve been finished months ago. part of a passion project. repair tears in my jeans.#get insurance. pay bill. donate shit to goodwill. emissions test. and new social security card#it gets more and more adult-y as you go#i dont want to do any of it tho... not even the shit thats easy like sending a text or my passion project#BUT heres a hack: laundry is magical#for me at least#laundry has a time limit. like 30-60 minutes. so i drop off my laundry whoch is easy. go home. now i have a deadline#'how many of my tasks can i complete before the wash is done? how many dishes can i wash? how many lines can i write?'#shit like that. gotta create a deadline for mg brain and that helps it get stuff done#its hard to gather my laundry and drive myself to the laundromat tho... thats all thats holding me back#like thats literally it. i could finish half my list if i could just get my laundry going#bad brain bad brain bad brain#mental health problems require wack solutions#'need to do stuff? just do laundry! itll give you a deadline to do stuff!' wack#i am so tired#i should dye my hair again#EDIT: another hack (for me) is to drink coffee#i only drink coffee if I'm doing productive stuff. i drink coffee at the cafe where i do my work or i have a bottle of starbucks#so if i want to work i buy a starbucks glass bottle coffee#it tastes like productivity#idk drinking anything makes it a little more fun to work but sipping a coffee while tapping away at my laptop is a vibe and it works#just find what works for you i guess
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Our world has a lot to offer. It gives us millions of reasons to live, to love, and treasure what we got in life. Being able to see its beauty is such a wondrous gift that we must be thankful of. Come on and ride with us as we share to you a glimpse of what Arayat, Pampanga has to offer in tourism.
There are countless of spots that you can visit once you come here. Below are some of the places that I've been to together with a good friend of mine.
•Palm Cabanas Resort
Recently, Palm Cabanas Resort opened its door to the mass. A week before the opening, we were invited to feature the resort to inform the public that a new vacation area/events place is about to be unfolded. The resort has its own cafeteria (Cafe Cabana) where the drinks are so refreshing especially their different tea and coffee blends, two function halls, and even its own restaurant (Kusina de Cabana) which offers various types of cuisines.
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The ambiance of the place made me feel like I am somewhere out of my town because of the serenity that you can feel. It has wide-open area with camera worthy sceneries which is good for picture taking. It was just a bit disappointing because it does not have that much trees, it is sunny, and sandy. If you don't want to be tanned, better if you will put plenty of sunblock into your skin or bring your hat or umbrella to cover your self from the heat of the sun. Nevertheless, it is a cool place to stay with any time you want to.
For more info about the resort click the links below.
•Bahay Antigo
Bahay Antigo is located at Paralaya Arayat, Pampanga. While we are entering the house I feel that there is something about this house that no can tell. Also, we were amazed because it's our first time to enter the house and to see it's beauty not totally inside but the outside of the house. The structure of the house looks like new but it also have some renovation . Like their make it somehow half modern and at the same time old style. As you enter the house you can see a small chapel there and it looks creepy and it makes me to have a goosebumps. After that there is like a fountain at the side of the house it looks beautiful and you can take as many photos you want or if you like some instragrammable photos just go there. We expected to go inside of the house but the housekeeper of the house won't let us in because of some issue and order by the real owners of the house. I was disappointed that I never got the chance to see some old stuff of house even Helena but I know someday I'm gonna see them not to today but in the future. There is no single history about the Bahay Antigo but Its oldness will serves us as the history. If you want to go here just have a permission and give a token for the house keeper.
•St. Catalina de Alexandria Parish Church
Another highlight of the Arayateños is the St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish Church in Poblacion Arayat, Pampanga. As we enter the church I expected that I'll be the one who will introduced everything about the church because Helena is an I.N.C and I'm the only one talaga . Also, It's a big Honor to introduce the church as a product of AHCEFI . Did you know that the Church was one of the oldest churches in Pampanga, it was founded by the Augustian Priest. The church has so many events that was happened long ago. Also, It was renovated inside and outside from the façade going to the sanctuary but the main altar is still original. The St. Alexendria Parish Church is open for everyone no matter who you are or what you are because God does not choose any person.
Did you know that our late President Manuel L. Quezon and his Wife Dona Aurora Quezon visited the St. 6Alexandria Church Parish in their times.
Baliti Dam is known as the Arayat's Fishing and Boating Hideaway. It has been the "go to" place of the tourists which leads the Mayor of Arayat to renovate this two-hectare dam not just to satisfy the people, but also to help the tourism in the city.
Baliti Dam is a perfect place for a perfect date with your lover, friend/s, family, or anyone that you wanna be with. You can enjoy feeding and catching fishes, or just ride the boat and think about why life is like this.
• Baliti Dam
A castle-like house structured by stone was once a tourist attraction then, but slowly faded because it does not given the attention anymore by the people through the previous years. It was made of stone because it's always burning and being circulated by termites due to the place where it is located, near the foot of the mountain. Bahay na Bato was used to be a mini resort but then eventually closed.
Fun fact!
GMA Channel 7 made this as their location for their fantasy series "Illumina" back then.
•Bahay na Bato
What a nice thing it is to have this dam which releases volumes of water to irrigate the 5.6 hectares of farms in Pampanga. Cong Dadong Dam plays a huge part to the community. Aside from it helps the people to have a source of income by means of fishing, it also helps the tourism. People come to this place to have and feel the calmness and peacefulness that they need.
Another fun fact!
Some of the clips from the movie "100 Tula Para Kay Stella" and the music video "Balisong" by The Juan's were taken here.
•Cong Dadong Dam
•Arayat National Park
A perfect place to bond with your love ones during summer is the Arayat National Park. It is one of the tourist spot that Arayateneos are proud of and the Park is an Eco-Friendly society. Every year the park gained a lot of tourist because of It's Beauty. It's not your usual kind of resort that you see because the water from the pools are coming from the mountain no chemicals added, the park is part of the mountain and you can do a lot of things because of the natures beauty. Don't ya worry the entrance price is just 50 to 75 pesos only that anyone can afford it. We all know that there's a lot of bad reviews about the resort but don't just look on bad side look on bright side. Aslo, there is this 100 steps going to a top and going to the Arayat tree House and this is a perfect view to look at.
One more tourist spot that the arayateños are proud of is the Tree House or also know " Bahay Kubo na nakatayo sa itaas ng puno". It is located at San. Juan Bano Arayat, Pampanga and its I near the park just hike it your there already. The park is perfect place for jogging and for some bikers also. As you enter the place you can see a lot of Nippa Hut and another instragramable things that you can take. The Arayatenos are accepting tourist you can go during Monday to Saturday from 5 am to 6 pm.
All in all, we had a good time together with new pips in our 10 enjoyable immersion days to see the hidden beauty of Arayat, Pampanga. Kapampangan is well know as Culinary Capital of the Philippines. We don't just serve yummy foods but we serve also a good nature of ours here in Pampanga. It depends on what your expectation are and what you want to get out during summer and etc. If you want your stress to relieve just go to Arayat, Pampanga a lot of hidden stuff you can find and the arayateños are waiting for you!
• Tree House
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reyesarwen · 5 years
Our world has a lot to offer. It gives us millions of reasons to live, to love, and treasure what we got in life. Being able to see its beauty is such a wondrous gift that we must be thankful of. Come on and ride with us as we share to you a glimpse of what Arayat, Pampanga has to offer in tourism.
There are countless of spots that you can visit once you come here. Below are some of the places that I've been to together with a good friend of mine.
•Palm Cabanas Resort
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Recently, Palm Cabanas Resort opened its door to the mass. A week before the opening, we were invited to feature the resort to inform the public that a new vacation area/events place is about to be unfolded. The resort has its own cafeteria (Cafe Cabana) where the drinks are so refreshing especially their different tea and coffee blends, two function halls, and even its own restaurant (Kusina de Cabana) which offers various types of cuisines.
The ambiance of the place made me feel like I am somewhere out of my town because of the serenity that you can feel. It has wide-open area with camera worthy sceneries which is good for picture taking. It was just a bit disappointing because it does not have that much trees, it is sunny, and sandy. If you don't want to be tanned, better if you will put plenty of sunblock into your skin or bring your hat or umbrella to cover your self from the heat of the sun. Nevertheless, it is a cool place to stay with any time you want to.
For more info about the Palm Cabanas Resort clik the link below.
•Bahay Antigo
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Bahay Antigo is located at Paralaya Arayat, Pampanga. While we are entering the house I feel that there is something about this house that no can tell. Also, we were amazed because it's our first time to enter the house and to see it's beauty not totally inside but the outside of the house. The structure of the house looks like new but it also have some renovation . Like their make it somehow half modern and at the same time old style. As you enter the house you can see a small chapel there and it looks creepy and it makes me to have a goosebumps. After that there is like a fountain at the side of the house it looks beautiful and you can take as many photos you want or if you like some instragrammable photos just go there. We expected to go inside of the house but the housekeeper of the house won't let us in because of some issue and order by the real owners of the house. I was disappointed that I never got the chance to see some old stuff of house even Helena but I know someday I'm gonna see them not to today but in the future. There is no single history about the Bahay Antigo but Its oldness will serves us as the history. If you want to go here just have a permission and give a token for the house keeper.
•St. Catalina de Alexandria Parish Church
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Another highlight of the Arayateños is the St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish Church in Poblacion Arayat, Pampanga. As we enter the church I expected that I'll be the one who will introduced everything about the church because Helena is an I.N.C and I'm the only one talaga . Also, It's a big Honor to introduce the church as a product of AHCEFI . Did you know that the Church was one of the oldest churches in Pampanga, it was founded by the Augustian Priest. The church has so many events that was happened long ago. Also, It was renovated inside and outside from the façade going to the sanctuary but the main altar is still original. The St. Alexendria Parish Church is open for everyone no matter who you are or what you are because God does not choose any person.
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Did you know that our late President Manuel L. Quezon and his Wife Dona Aurora Quezon visited the St. Alexandria Church Parish in their times.
• Baliti Dam
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Baliti Dam is known as the Arayat's Fishing and Boating Hideaway. It has been the "go to" place of the tourists which leads the Mayor of Arayat to renovate this two-hectare dam not just to satisfy the people, but also to help the tourism in the city.
Baliti Dam is a perfect place for a perfect date with your lover, friend/s, family, or anyone that you wanna be with. You can enjoy feeding and catching fishes, or just ride the boat and think about why life is like this.
•Bahay na Bato
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A castle-like house structured by stone was once a tourist attraction then, but slowly faded because it does not given the attention anymore by the people through the previous years. It was made of stone because it's always burning and being circulated by termites due to the place where it is located, near the foot of the mountain. Bahay na Bato was used to be a mini resort but then eventually closed.
Fun fact!
GMA Channel 7 made this as their location for their fantasy series "Illumina" back then.
•Cong Dadong Dam
What a nice thing it is to have this dam which releases volumes of water to irrigate the 5.6 hectares of farms in Pampanga. Cong Dadong Dam plays a huge part to the community. Aside from it helps the people to have a source of income by means of fishing, it also helps the tourism. People come to this place to have and feel the calmness and peacefulness that they need.
Another fun fact!
Some of the clips from the movie "100 Tula Para Kay Stella" and the music video "Balisong" by The Juan's were taken here.
•Arayat National Park
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A perfect place to bond with your love ones during summer is the Arayat National Park. It is one of the tourist spot that Arayateneos are proud of and the Park is an Eco-Friendly society. Every year the park gained a lot of tourist because of It's Beauty. It's not your usual kind of resort that you see because the water from the pools are coming from the mountain no chemicals added, the park is part of the mountain and you can do a lot of things because of the natures beauty. Don't ya worry the entrance price is just 50 to 75 pesos only that anyone can afford it. We all know that there's a lot of bad reviews about the resort but don't just look on bad side look on bright side. Aslo, there is this 100 steps going to a top and going to the Arayat tree House and this is a perfect view to look at.
• Tree House
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One more tourist spot that the arayateños are proud of is the Tree House or also know " Bahay Kubo na nakatayo sa itaas ng puno". It is located at San. Juan Bano Arayat, Pampanga and its I near the park just hike it your there already. The park is perfect place for jogging and for some bikers also. As you enter the place you can see a lot of Nippa Hut and another instragramable things that you can take. The Arayatenos are accepting tourist you can go during Monday to Saturday from 5 am to 6 pm.
All in all, we had a good time together with new pips in our 10 enjoyable immersion days to see the hidden beauty of Arayat, Pampanga. Kapampangan is well know as Culinary Capital of the Philippines. We don't just serve yummy foods but we serve also a good nature of ours here in Pampanga. It depends on what your expectation are and what you want to get out during summer and etc. If you want your stress to relieve just go to Arayat, Pampanga a lot of hidden stuff you can find and the arayateños are waiting for you!
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Public and aloneness, is it possible? I don't know.
It is also kind of a foodie hack it feels like. I have pre list place of normalcy alone places not for gram stuff.
Newks Cafe wow. Panera wow. Starbuck for how dire and how quickly to open time exactly they let people in, wow. These places for how wifi alone people get left.
Then local places wow. I do want to share them if I notice a cool anti trafficky about it. If it goes wholesome meal time good time fun time decorative food laughs. This coffee shop that people would think was super local. I wanted to be their stanner honestly at the presentation of just 7 times there maybe but even going beyond to try the pretty. I knew they were anti trafficking so I didn't stan them up.
If you've gotten the chance to meet an owner yet. Maybe then I'll drop it as a one time you know not two time example.
I did take a one purple and one green drink of two at one place in Alabama, The Avenue... but the woman in me wanted to take a full meal.
The Avenue Pub the food demonstration there and I would get one alcoholic. Omg it makes the night. My ex trying to be would get like turned off at how pretty they were and then you could get one the next time and you look forward to one single drink presentation usually around the meal. So if the bar is backed up it still just looks so cool. Sometimes I would think about taking a pic of those meals. Because it was so pretty.
I really did appreciate that about the avenue.
I did go work at chuys once. Because they gave me those passes I did try it once. The food there it can get so heavy. With the pass I really tried it once. This is the income the brand ambassador thing helped with. Then I would feel guilty at how much I was making. I did get some phone wifi at Barton Springs so even your alone time your still paying in with the free passes. Sometimes if it's as bold as Barton Springs and the wifi isn't gonna be good by really 10 minutes before it gets anxiety. Really wifi check 30 before. But yeah, super creepy and horrifyin when the wifi doesn't work at the close to job time. But then it is an Austin Java day. That was always the sweet realization of the fun anti trafficking daya to get away from campus not working side outside even the working side at parties or the not working side would run out sometimes by 2016 no police at all or word of them i has ran from some parties no police in 2015 and 2016 just from the party without police. I think with the amount of crowds that did this early at parties or were at food places during big party weekends instead. I didn't feel alone then I could get inside. I would just go home alone or get food. Since your trying to work that job thing it's like a life to not get trafficked with the anti trafficking brands alone. That job was a huge help and omg what they say about even the omelets being good. Maybe coffee or like I tried some weird foods. On that working path alone from asking the small coffee places what to try there after tipping well for what looked good. Platonic places this is fun.
Even though it was usually a 17 crowd who never saw police or there were more people getting tf out before police. But I could stay sober even on days out trying to go out.
Trying to explain the brand structure. It's so weird to say people would think it was cool interesting. Which is an outro to leave alone honestly. Truly lights out if the quality wasn't good when it showed up. But then it was so I did use the Today show for motivation to training wheels job the idea further than just me being attached to the structure idea and campaigns they ran around me saving to try to decide with the structure.
The one I found had hard to choose designs. Campsy study place not even bars I could just pitch the brand product supply line then people thought it was cool. Then it'd only study kind of e places that I'm dropping this at.
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