#i only talk about Ciel because he's my son !!! :'(
ceoandslutler · 1 day
a short analysis on the theme of kindness in kuro, in defence of the morally reprehensible protagonists. pt2
focused character analysis: ciel phantomhive (ours)
before getting into this, i highly recommend reading my last post which received a great response from @plague-of-insomnia (very much appreciated additions that i will be referring to), i wanted to do a part two to my analysis and i will likely do a post of sebastian too but for now it's ciel who i want to focus on and how he is 'different' to other humans.
firstly i would like to follow up the points i made about the blue memory arc
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our ciel wants to open a toy shop because of his own condition of being stuck at home with limited activities, he wants to make indoor toys. his brother says "nobles don't sell toys" and in this chapter it is alluded multiple times that he, as the second son, should have either become a 'vicar' or 'doctor' as they are respectable jobs, unlike being a toy maker/seller. another point is that o!ciel establishes here that he knows he can't be like the other members of the phantomhive bloodline (see: pt1 talking about undertaker's quote "he is unlike his predecessors"). back to the second son point, we already know how frustrating it is to be a second son:
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but o!ciel has not once shown himself to be jealous of his brother, nor was he frustrated that he couldn't be earl. in fact he constantly reassures his brother in the blue memory arc that he is like their father and he'll make a great earl. he also makes it clear he does not desire the popularity that comes with being a vicar. (we see the vicar in their land is a manager of affairs with a lot of power/responsibility/direct access to nobility and when seb takes on the vicar disguise, ciel makes it clear that he is a "popular" person, akin to a "celebrity"). roles of religious importance are shown as vain in kuro.
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it's interesting because the chapter we see the real vicar rathbone is the same chapter o!ciel says he wants to make toys and r!ciel says nobles don't do that and the murder arc where sebs is disguised as an alternate vicar rathbone is the same arc we find that o!ciel reads working class magazines because the consumers of his toys/funtom products are "common folk", he even reads punch!
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..that's it for vicars, those are the only two instances we see them mentioned. the doctors we see are different. we have madame red who became a killer and used her skills to kill prostitutes out of spite (edit: as well as viscount druitt who does have a medical licence and we saw him doing human trafficking although i forgot about him, thank god plague-of-insomnia reminded me lmao) but we have two other doctors characters that are very important.
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this nasty piece of work ^^ in the circus arc, very selfish and inhuman, uses VERY unethical methods to create prosthetics, morally bankrupt doctor similar to madame red
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this stoker guy who is also a doctor. selfish, doesn't understand what medicine he's even using on people, just generally a egotistical awful guy.
in both these arcs, we see o!ciel show humanity
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he's going to the workhouse baron kelvin supported and is going to recommend it to a philanthropist. although there was no workhouse, those children were likely already the doctor's victims.
in the campania, he not only goes back for lizzy, he is very considerate of a servant who not only tried to kill him with his snakes but also doesn't even call him by a formal title (snake called him 'smile' until the end, ciel never took offence to it despite being a noble)
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he not only shows this amount of consideration, he also gives up his seat in the boats which plague-of-insomnia mentioned when they rb-ed pt1 of this analysis. i genuinely think the way o!ciel treats snake is extremely perplexing, he is too considerate... perhaps guilt? perhaps the empathy he feels as he too lived a lonely and alienated life as compared to the rest of his family? he felt like his family did not tell him anything and just died/disappeared, leaving him to have to wait for the killers to come back for him just so he can get his self-righteous revenge.
finally i would like to point out a little tidbit, o!ciel generally does not seem to care at all about society's expectations. his relationship with his tenants and servants is abnormally humane. i would also like to point out his confusion at elizabeth's sobbing about being the scary kind of woman he doesn't like (something r!ciel had implied)
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this boy has never shown that kind of expression towards femininity or women... even when it sounds like he's being sexist, it's usually a poorly done translation, i don't know japanese well but before anyone pulls this up, i found the japanese raw to check over it myself:
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he did not say "ladies don't come in such monstrous heights", he said something more along the lines of "it's impossible/i can't stand to dance with a tall/big lady in this way"(?)
[please correct me if i'm wrong, i don't know japanese well and my forte is indo european languages]
the point of this analysis is not to say ciel is solely "good" or 'pure cinnamon roll uwu' (i would never), but just to say he is capable of humanity... in a story about horrible humans, he as a one of the morally grey main characters is capable of being a force for good. he's also pointed out to be different to others and shown to not contain the same bad aspects of the other pathways he could've gone in life e.g. vain vicar or diabolical doctor. he is at his core, a character who shows humanity and compassion and that is why he is likeable even when he does heinous things. he is more than an innocent baby and more than an evil aristocrat with zero morals. although the head honcho of this story is sebs but i will get into him in another post, he's also a VERY interesting protagonist.
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chiharulen · 28 days
Let's talk about the OST of Black Butler
What really drew me to Kuroshitsuji was the music of the first two seasons. I remember so vividly listening to the music before watching the actual anime, and I remember how the OST made me feel. It was so sad, so raw and heart wrenching, even before knowing the story behind it. As a classical music fan and also musician, here are my favourites even though no one asked LOL :
I mean, with "Si deus me relinquint", I always want to cry. Clearly meant to be ciel's lament : "If God has forsaken me, Then I shall forsake God, too." The unusual spacing of each lyrics, as if the singer was panting her words with difficulties, as if too tired to continue. Then we can hear the gregorian/religious choir : "agnus dei qui tollis peccata mundi" : "Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us." Reminiscing of the cult, and the sacrifice that has been done. The second part of the music, makes me think of Sebastian, here to "save" ciel. (But is it really saving if he's just going to eat ciel's soul anyway. Giving no chance of eternal peace.)
An underrated OST : I've Come To The Lost World/Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen (you can find it here). The title is a nod to Malher's same title song. In this ost, there is no lyrics, however, in Malher's, here are some of the lyrics : "I am lost to the world With which I used to waste much time; It has for so long known nothing of me, It may well believe that I am dead. Nor am I at all concerned If it should think that I am dead. Nor can I deny it, For truly I am dead to the world." You can hear the composer of Black butler's ost passion for opera in a few titles (with "Cena d'amore" or even "Wie Schon") At the beginning, it sounds peaceful. But the plaintive melody of the erhu (I think) can be heard at 1:52. So melancholic, and lonely. How can life be peaceful even when you are "safe", when you know you're going to die soon by the hands of a devil. Recalling the original of Malher's lyrics : For truly I am dead to the world.
The danse macabre (here) is one of my favourites too ! So dark (literally the "dance of death"), and clearly inspired by Camille Saint Saens "danse macabre". According to the legend : "Midnight strikes. Satan is going to lead the dance. Death appears, tunes his violin, and the round begins, almost furtively at first, comes to life, seems to calm down and then starts up again with an increased rage that will only cease when the cock crows. The Sabbath dissolves with the dawn." This music was clearly inspired by Vivaldi "the storm". I just LOVE IT. So well composed. You can imagine Ciel and Sebastian in a frenzied dance. Ciel getting tired and not being able to keep up. Almost as if Sebastian were playing with his food. At least, that's how it makes me feel !
This OST named "Ciel" : Si deus Relinquit, but make it orchestral. Again, Ciel's lament.
And should I talk about the band KALAFINA ?????????????????? Made by the one and only Yuki Kajiura (amazing song writer, did plenty amazing music for us weebs lol). We were blessed with the song "Lacrimosa". "Broken and vanishing into the distance I want to love this dazzling world once more I hide my dreams within my eyes Until my tainted heart Receives falling tears A phantom carriage parts the darkness On its way to where there is light The trap known as dreams Lures us into the inferno" ( ༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ )
I heard the fanbase in japan had a CONCERT for the 15th anniversary of kuroshitsuji. How I pray for something like that in Paris one day lol. Here's a snippet : here Such a lengthy post and yet I could go on and on... Please let me know if you want more !!!!
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imviotrash · 1 month
🗡️Edward Midford and Autism coding 🗡️
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During my Hiatus from the Kuroshitsuji fandom, I got diagnosed with autism. It took me some time to come to terms with that and to figure myself out.
I returned to the Kuro fandom last summer, due to (what I now come to recognize as) my longtime special Interest finally getting an anime adaptation and upon rereading some of my favourite arcs, I came to the realisation that I see a lot of my (and my peers) autistic traits in Edward. What's interesting about this character is that he has a lot of autistic traits, that are not really touched upon in media. So lets get into it!
The gentleman extreme (and how everything is taken a bit too literal/seriously):
In his introduction in chapter 52 he is shown to uphold the same beliefs as his mother, scolding his sister for behaving in an unbecoming manner. He's shown to be very close to his family and strictly upholds their values of protection. At first one may assume he is just like his mother, but it is quickly revealed that he is far more ridiculous. His upholding of his gentleman status is often paired with anger, such as in chapter 58, where he scolds other men for not letting women and children go on the lifeboats first (king behaviour) and also being the one to later recommend to look for more survivors. He has a strong code of ethics and upholds it, even if it is seen as ridiculous or even dangerous.
When it comes to clothing, he also upholds strict values and instantly gets flustered and afraid when that standard is not upheld, to the point where he needs physical distance and shields his eyes.
From these tidbits already we can observe that he is ridiculously formal, upholding the social decorum to the very extreme. While autistic individuals are known for their non-conformity, they are also known to accidentally not conform by confirming too much and following instructions to every detail. I fall into both extremes, but I definitely stick to the latter when it comes to social interactions.
I think Edward definitely falls into that category, because he represents how ridiculous the Victorian code of ethics and etiquette can be if upheld at all times. I may dabble into headcannon territory again, but I strongly believe that knighthood and the chivalry connected to it is something like a special interest for him, which contributes to the way he acts.
Aggression and volume:
In his introduction he yells at his future brother in law. A complete overreaction and incredibly ironic considering his previous scolding regarding etiquette. This happens multiple times, especially when confronted with Ciel his gentlemanly behaviour suddenly turns into childish banter. He is usually soft spoken but can be louder if he is simply commanded to do so.
Volume control is something a lot of autistic people struggle with. For me it's especially when talking about special interests or talking to a person who interrupts me A LOT. I am quiet and do not speak often, so when I do I must make the most of it.
Based on cannon evidence, I believe that Edward may struggle with this too. He's loud to get his point across, because he believes that loudness will make others listen to him.
Spiky hair, in this economy?
So we all know Frances and her strict rules regarding men's hair, right? Everything has to be slicked back and she thinks Sebastians hair is atrocious (so do I). So why is it that her son is the only one allowed to run around with this type of hairstyle? Alexis has very nicely brushed back hair, Elizabeths is also nicely done. Isn't it strange that she makes an exception for ONE family member?
So here is where I dabble into headcannons, because I think the exception was made because he has sensory issues regarding his hair. He doesn't like it slicked back in any way and feels uncomfortable with any product in his hair.
Once again, heavily falling into headcannons, so take this one with a grain of salt.
Elizabeth and her influence:
Edward is incredibly attached to her sister. Mainly being protective of her and not trusting other men (especially his brother in law) to treat her with the respect she deserves. He knows and appreciates her skill and knows she's incredibly capable. So...why is he so attached?
Elizabeth is an important catalyst for his behaviour, because it shows the extremes of his gentleman code. His good manners instantly turn into ridiculous aggression as soon as he sees something that he views as a threat to her. Despite his behaviour towards Ciel, he does care about him, because he realises how important he is to his sister. Elizabeth is a person of comfort for Edward. He admires her talent and sees her as a valuable family member who has been through a lot of hurt.
Autistic individuals often have trouble with boundaries and attach themselves onto others quickly, which leads to them unintentionally treating them incorrectly. This is definitely the case here, since he gives little (social) agency to Elizabeth for the sake of her protection. He genuinely cares about her but is unable to set healthy boundaries, because his way of emphaphy differs from the social norm.
Masking and copying behaviour:
What is interesting about Edward is how he copies the behaviour of others. He has a role model and copies their behaviour because he desires to master it. So why does he do that?
My answer is masking. Edward genuinely admires these people, but is unsure of how to adapt their skills in his own way, so he copies them. This is something we can often see in masking. Behaviour that is seen as acceptable by society is often copied by autistic individuals to blend into society. I think for Edward it's a combination of masking and admiration. His strong upholding of the Gentleman code also fits well into this category.
Beyond that, the Blue cult arc also proves that he able to severely alter the way he behaves, if needed. Does he feel comfortable with that? Absolutely not. But he does have the great ability to do so if instructed, which proves to yet be another factor for him masking his behaviour.
Mediocrity in a Neurotypical society:
So Edward had this nice monologue about him being mediocre compared to his prodigy sister and I think it is exactly this scene, which makes me headcannon him as autistic. Because this is the exact trait I do not see often.
In media, many autistic individuals are represented as prodigies and amazingly intelligent and I can't help but hate that stereotype, because it puts unrealistic expectations on disabled individuals. I have prodigy friends who are autistic and I truly admire them, but I need people to understand that autism is a disability and not just "socially incompetent person who is going to revolutionise the world". As soon as one's interest is not deemed useful by society (which mainly includes "feminine" interests), they are not validated. Autism is only accepted by society if it proves to be impressive or useful. It is not seen as a disability, but as something to exploit.
I like Edwards monologue, because I relate and it rounds out his character really well. He accepts that he is not a prodigy, that he sucks in many regards, but that he still looks up to those who fit into the standard. His monologue is something that I've truly taken into heart, because you do not need to be a prodigy to be valid, you should not need to be extraordinary to be accepted as you are. You are allowed to be mediocre. You are allowed to treat your disability as a disability, because that's what it is.
Please remember that most of this is based on my personal expenses with autism. It is an incredibly diverse neuro divergency and manifests itself differently in all sorts of ways. Many of these traits may not apply to you or to anyone you know. This is just a personal observation based on my own and my companions experiences.
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vampirenigh · 10 months
i hope this isnt weird or too specific--- (ignore this if u dont wanna do it!!)
i was hoping you could write about ciel and alois (blck btlr) with a very dreamy s/o? like, dreamy in so many aspects. like they look like they jumped out of a painting in a museum, or they could look identical to some figures they've seen in paintings. and their voice would be very calming too, quiet but clear iygwim.... like s/o is basically angelic and all that and their presence feels surreal to the boys
gn! reader if that's fine:DD
You are my everything
Hey. No problem at all. It's totally fine and thank you for your ask. I like when people send me specific asks because it helps me understand better and not mess up. At first I didn't understand what you meant by dreamy but because of your explication I think I got it. I will try to do gn but I never tried so if something is not right don't hesitate to tell me. And if you have any more ideas don't hesitate to send an ask.😁
Summary: Ciel and Alois whit a dreamy reader.
Characters: Ciel Phantomhive, Alois Trancy.
Warnings: gn!reader, some posesiveness in Alois?
Ciel Phantomhive
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He first saw you in town. He was with Sebastian to take some things and investigate a new case given by the queen. But the care was totally forgotten when he saw you. You were the most beautiful person he has ever seen. He knew that you are from an aristocratic family from your clothes and your maid but didn't know which one.
So he puts Sebastian to do some research on you and he learns that you were Elisabeth's cousin. He couldn't believe it. Even more when he first talked to you at Elisabeth's birthday party. You were just so calm and welcoming that he felt safe in your presence. Your quiet but clear voice made him feel like he could tell you everything and you wouldn't judge him.
And because of that he broke the engagement with Lizzy and started to court you. Elizabeth's mother was a bit mad but couldn't stop Ciel because he loves him as her own son and he deserves to have happy memories.
So you two start to date after some time whit a new engagement made between Ciel's family and your's. He started to call you often at his mansion and talk to you. He could've sworn that you were an angel from heaven when you first comforted him after he had a nightmare and you stayed at his mansion overnight. You were so gentle with him like he was made of glass and would break at the slightest touch. It was such a different feeling that he felt he doesn't deserve it.
All this time he thought that the only thing that counts is to revenge his family and to reestablish his family name but now he starts to doubt it. The only thing that he can think of is that he doesn't want to lose you ever like he lost everyone else. He will protect you whit his life and will make sure that you are always comfortable.
God forgive anyone that hurts or embarrasses you because Sebastian will take care of him.
Ciel would often come to you to talk about what is bothering him and would be grateful for who you are that he sends you different dresses and jewelry that he knows will look good on you.
In conclusion he will love and cherish you till the day he dies and will always be grateful for your presence even in the darkest times.
Alois Trancy
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He saw you in a museum in the art section. He couldn't believe how much you looked alike whit a portrait of a very beautiful women that lived over 200 years ago. He couldn't take his eyes of you so he made a move. He came to you and introduced himself in the hope that you will see him as fascinating as he sees you. And you did. You introduced yourself and engaged in a conversation whit Alois.
Your voice and your looks made him not want to leave you alone at all. He feelt like he is talking to an angel who came to safe him. He learned that you are the grand grand granddaughter of the woman in the painting and that she was one of the most beautiful women that lived in that time and that you are happy that you could resemble her.
He started to court you and made the engagement whit your parents. He asks Hannah some things that you would like and if you don't he will punish her severely.
He will eventually tell you everything about his past and about Claude. He feels so safe with you that he couldn't bring himself to hide it. And the moment when you just tell him that it doesn't matter, it doesn't define him he swore he could die right then and there as a happy boy.
He would tell Claude to protect you and to kill anyone who comes too close to you whit bad intentions.
He would be very clingy. He doesn't like being away from you. He feels like you are his lifeline and can't leave you.
Do you remember the time when Alois was on his knees in front of Claude to prevent him of leaving? He would do that when you wanted to go have some tea time whit another girl. (What can I say he has abandonament issues.)
He feels that he is the luckiest boy on the planet because he can have such a beautiful and calm lover who sees him for who he is and not for his money.
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Snake, madam red, lau, agni, and Soma
With Ceil cousin ( the mom of his cousin, we need better name it's gets confusing), like how are they liked with a hard working mother who care for her only son ( care enough that they still trying to get out of the Phantomhive name liked that previous ask )
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Cousin Mother Reader | Yandere Blackbutler
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Madame Red
When she hears about you through the grapevine she’s interested
Further impressed with your literate ability and pride in your single-motherhood
She does have a nasty habit for killing people who don’t
“What confidence…I admire that about you dearest cousin.”
She’s plenty pleased that Ciel’s decided to keep you with him
Not only to have a valid excuse to bug you but to be the perfect one to help you ‘run’
“Society’s hard on us women, it’s best if we stick together. Right~?”
She enjoys the attention and needy face+ you give her when trying to scheme 
She doesn’t care all that much that Ciel is well aware of this
After all, he isn’t exactly privileged enough to be a shoulder you lean on 
“Sorry but I’m not going to stop! Us two are just two peas in a pod! We belong together!”
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“Ah~so Ciel has added another to the pack? How interesting!”
He really is intrigued especially when you outright scold him and Ran Mao 
“Have some dignity you two. There are children present!”
“Oh do we upset you mother dearest?”
“Don’t mock me. And if you’re going to smoke do it outside, scum.”
“Oh? Your twittering is so violent, why don’t you sing instead? It’d surely make you an even prettier prize.”
“Hey! Miss (Y/n) please don’t throw that at ‘m! Please don’t!”
He loves provoking you 
He thinks its hot
Most women he’s met are a lot more docile 
And with a child no less 
Oh what’d he give to have you straddle him like Ran Mao 
To have you beg him for his help 
But it seems your pride excludes him from your ventures
Too bad you don’t want to work with him an opium manufacturer
He’d love to take care of you both
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He admires your diligence 
And the way you smile when you talk to your baby boy
He wonders why you don’t treat Ciel the same way
“It must be nice to be able to travel as freely as you two do.”
“...I’m sure the prince wouldn’t mind, having you travel with us.”
“While I wish I could, the government won’t allow me to go so freely. Currently, the acting ‘man’ isn’t willing to let me go.”
“...What’s his name? Surely he wouldn’t refuse an honest marriage proposal.”
He’d wish you weren’t silenced from telling him
Otherwise, he might be tempted to go behind his prince’s back again
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“Marry me (Y/n)! Ciel can take care of your child and we can go back to–”
“Can’t and won’t. My child goes with me, no matter what.”
Because he acts like a child its a given you treat him like one
And man does it feed his mommy issues
When he decides he wants you he’ll have you 
He just has to keep asking nicely right?
If not he’ll just have Agni relocate you
That way he’d be the only baby that you have
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“Well that’s a strong mate if I ever sees one–says Wormsworth. And I agree.”
He’s used to being feared
not anyone with genuine knowledge of his reptilian compatriots
So already he holds a strong attraction to you 
He can’t believe Ciel intends to hurt you 
He doubted from the start
So he can’t be tricked to think he’s not protecting you and your kid
So he might sabotage your schemes or send a snake when its going too well
He wants you to love him he really does 
But if all he can do is protect you he’ll do just that
Besides if you left how else would he show you how good of a mate he is
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dilvuc · 29 days
╰┈ 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫, 𝐦𝐚𝐦𝐚
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“I apologize for the trouble. Please take care of Nova for me.” [Y] scratch the back of his head. “Nova won't be any trouble for you. Will you be ok here, Nova?”
“...Yes, papa.” The child nodded, clenching the book to his chest. The taller male smiled, ruffling Nova’s hair, “Ciel and Mr. Sebastian will take good care of you. Have fun.”
“Hm…” Nova nodded.
[Y] turned to the earl and butler, “Thanks again for your kindness. I'll be back in three days. Behave, ok.”
“Yes, papa…”
“Bye-bye, now.” The taller male waved as he stepped into the train. He sent Sebastian a soft glance. The butler smiled at the male while waving secretly behind Ciel. [Y] chuckled as the door closed. Nova watched in sadness as the train railed away.
“...Now that's settled. Let's go…” Ciel sighed. Nova grabbed Ciel's hand, catching him off guard.
“I say don't call me that…!” Ciel blushed.
The child sat in the library reading more books that Ciel recommended to him. Just as Ciel's command, Sebastian was ordered to watch over Nova. Since Nova is his husband's son, then maybe they could get to know each other—
“Are you papa’s lover?” Nova asked the butler. Sebastian hum in question, “Hm?”
“You and Papa seem really close. Papa was smiling at you and you smiled back.” Nova admitted.
“...Has your father never told you?” The raven haired butler tilted his head. Nova nodded, “He told me that he has a lover who used to work as his butler. So, I assume that it's you…”
“Ah. He really misses me, doesn't he?” Sebastian chuckled bashfully, happy to hear that he was talked about a lot. “He must be taking good care of you as a father.”
“Unlike my old mama, she never treats me like papa does. Papa isn't greedy like old mama.” Nova stated. The raven haired butler raised his eyebrows, “Sorry if this is personal, may I ask what your mother could've done?”
“...Mama abandoned me. Mama never wanted me after my old papa left for another woman. Mama…thought of me as a curse and tried to kill me but instead abandoned me…” the child explained.
Sebastian has never felt bad for a child before. Nova is lucky to have [Y] as his new father, but his mother, however…should he kill her? Perhaps…he could. Sebastian is a demon, he won't regret killing that woman for hurting his child. Yes, he says “his” child since Nova is [Y]’s child plus the demon and the human are married.
“You don't need to worry about that anymore. Now that you have a new home and family, you don't have to live a hellish life anymore.” the butler smiled gently. Nova perked up, “Really? Then…can you be my new mama?"
“Ah? Couldn't I be a father?” Sebastian tilted his head.
“But…I want a new mama. Can you…?” The child begged, giving the demon butler puppy eyes. Sebastian is a demon, he can resist cuteness except for cats. He's a demon he can resist. He can resist. He can re…sist…But, Nova looks like a kitten…The butler is trying to resist, but…fucking damnit! Nova is his baby and he can't say no!
“Very well. I'll be your mama.” Sebastian accepted in defeat. Nova beams before standing and rushing over to Sebastian, hugging his leg, “Thank you, mama!”
“Why? My heart is racing! Are children always this cute? No…Only Nova.” Sebastian clasped his hand over his mouth as the child continued to hug his leg.
“Mama, huh?” A voice snickered, catching Sebastian off guard. Ciel snorted, “So you're mama Sebastian, huh?”
“H…how much did you hear, master?” Sebastian blushed with embarrassment. Ciel smirked, “Since he asked if you could be your mama? Mind preparing me some tea and juice for us, mama Sebastian?”
“Damn you, master…!”
❝meanwhile w/ [y]❞
“Ah, I see~ Nova must've really loved you, mommy~” [Y] teased. Sebastian huffed from the phone, ❝Hmph! I'm only agreeing to be his mama because I couldn't say no to that face…❞
[Y] laughed heartily, “Hahaha! You're so cute!”
❝Have you arrived at your destination safely?❞ the demon asked his husband. It's cute to see the sneaky demon caring for a human like [Y].
“Unfortunately, the train stopped at a different destination because it unknowingly broke down…” the taller male sighed, “The train is being investigated and so are the passengers.”
❝I see. Where are you now?❞ the butler inquired.
“Hm…Ah, I think it's France. I have someone I know living in France. So I'm safe.” [Y] grinned. He could hear the sigh of relief coming from Sebastian, ❝Ah…I was getting worry. Eh? Someone you know? Who? Are you two close?❞
“Yeah. Real close~”
“Hm…? Close…?” Sebastian furrowed his eyebrows, feeling a little jealous. “How close…?”
❝We’re like two pea in a pod~ My favorite person in the world!❞ [Y] laughed.
The butler's face turned blank, is his husband stupid or what? His lover is right here on the phone, is Sebastian not his favorite person? He heard [Y] wince with realization, ❝Ah. Wait…That's not—❞
“Hm. If you want to be with someone closer then, have fun…” Sebastian deadpanned. Before [Y] could say anything, Sebastian hung up. “Favorite person in the world? Hmph! If he were to have an affair behind my back, I'm gonna— No, I shouldn't be mad or jealous. [Y] is an honest and loyal person I've met. He wouldn't do such a thing.”
“Someone's jealous~” Bard snickered after hearing Sebastian's conversation with his husband. The butler sighed, “Listening to my personal conversation is inappropriate. I would've pecked your eyes out or perhaps cut out your ears.”
“Oi! At least you're lucky to have a handsome husband with a kid!” The chef sweatdropped. Though, the chef is jealous that someone like Sebastian hasn't lost his loved ones.
“...You wouldn't know if our relationship will last forever. It's true that our love for each other is genuine.” Sebastian stated as he leaned against the wall. “But…we don't know for sure if one of us will one day lose trust in each other or maybe…lose each other…”
Awkward silence…Bard felt awkward cause he has never heard Sebastian’s voice sound so heartbreaking. Sebastian genuinely cares for his husband and he hopes that their bond will never be broken. Besides, [Y] was the first and only human that made Sebastian feel this way. And he can't bear to lose the only human he loves. Nova is another human who happens to make Sebastian feel this way. Nova is his and [Y]’s child and he will do anything to keep the child safe.
“Seeing you like this is unlike you. You're always so hard to understand. Smiling. I felt that some of them are fake.” Bard mumbled, leaning his elbow on the table. Sebastian sighed, “I should prepare the treats for master and lil’ Nova…”
“Damnit. Why didn't he let me finish…?” [Y] sweatdropped after Sebastian hung up on him abruptly. “I was going to say it's my sister…”
“Good~✨” Nova beamed after taking a bite of a cat-shaped sandwich. Sebastian chuckled, “I thought I could cut it up just for fun.”
“They're the best, mama!” The child grinned. Sebastian smiles genuinely, “How about some more?”
“Yes, please.”
Ciel wasn't convinced by the fact that it was shaped like a cat nor was he convinced by the fact that Sebastian is taking his role as a mother too seriously. Though, he's kinda suspicious of this. Why is Sebastian doting on a child? And he understands that the demon's smile was fake, but this smile is very much real. Odd…
“You must be loving this role as a mother, Sebastian.” Ciel narrowed his eyes at the butler, who's feeding Nova.
“Apologies, master. I couldn't resist it.” Sebastian smiled. Ciel raised his eyebrows as he took a sip of his tea “He's taking it too seriously…”
“Mama, can you marry papa?” Nova beamed, causing Ciel to spat out his tea while Sebastian blush. Is this child pretending that he didn't know that Sebastian and [Y] aren't married? Nova is a prodigy child after all. Surprise that he went to Weston College at such a young age.
“Pfft!” Ciel snorted, finding it hard to believe that Sebastian would marry a human. Plot twist: they're already married.
“A-ah…Such an unexpected question coming from you, young Nova.” Sebastian sweatdropped.
“You and Papa will make a great couple!” Nova grinned, this was enough to cause Ciel to burst out laughing. Sebastian twitches his eyebrows, “W-what’s so funny, master?”
“I…it’s just hard to imagine you marrying someone like Sire [L]...” Ciel snickered.
“Oh? Really…?” Sebastian twitches his eyebrow. Nova smiles, “By the way, today's Mother's Day. I drew you something last night.”
“Ah? You draw something for me? May I?” The butler asked. The child grabbed a folded paper from his pocket then unfolded it before handing it to Sebastian, “Happy Mother's Day~”
“...” The butler checks the drawings to see that it's a drawing of [Y], Nova, and himself as a big happy family. Ciel was already on the floor, laughing. Sebastian was holding it on the inside, “GAHHHH! WHY?! WHY IS THIS SO PRECIOUS?! 💕 💕 D-demons shouldn't be defeated by this…! Stay cool, Sebastian, stay cool!”
“It's lovely. Thank you for the gift.” Sebastian beamed.
╭      ⁞ ❏. facts
┊      ⁞ ❏. sometimes [y] isn't careful with his words
┊      ⁞ ❏. sebastian is mommy (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°)
╰┈ 𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬
➤ previous
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warmmilk-n-honey · 1 year
So I've been seeing a lot of dadbastian hate lately in the confessions-which is fine you are completely in your right to not like something I do. As a dadbastian scholar I just wanted to write out some of the reasons I and others love it because I will take any opportunity to talk about dadbastian lmao.
I think dadbastian is interesting because of the inherent angst of having a parent/child relationship that is inherently incompatible due to the difference in species between father and son, (this can also lead to funny/cute hijinks) more about that down below 👇
Let's talk about Coattails, the dadbastian fic. Part of the appeal of Coattails is seeing Sebastian transform from how he is characterized in the manga, to a loving parent, and having him grapple with the guilt of contributing to Ciel's trauma. There's catharsis in Sebastian beginning to feel the way we feel for Ciel when reading the manga. I can only speak for myself here but reading the manga feels like a thousand knives being stabbed into my heart knowing that Ciel will never get the help he desperately needs, thus Coattails provides a sort of remedy to this with Ciel's trauma being properly addressed. It's not that I don't like the dark story of the manga, but it can be nice to have a more comforting alternative with the characters I love. And while it is comforting, there is also a lot of angst that goes with that comfort. They say the worst thing a parent can go through is outliving their child, and that is inherent in Ciel and Sebastian's relationship because their species aren't compatible with one another. Sebastian also may not be the best person to parent Ciel, but he's all that Ciel has, he's doing his best but worries about failing the child. Manga Seb is a very static character, so giving him more human emotions and feelings uwu can make him more dynamic and interesting to write/read about. There are just endless things you can explore with the monster parent/human child dynamic, it is simply chef's kiss.
I also want to dispel that myth that dadbastian is inherently "wholesome," because it certainly doesn't have to be. You can explore abusive dynamics with dadbastian and explore Sebastian's demonic personality. My biggest issue with the way Yana characterizes Ciel and Sebastian's relationship is the psychosexual aspect to it that is not properly explored nor addressed. It is just there for gross fanservice reasons-I could write an entire essay on that in of itself. Dadbastian can provide a way to explore this abusive dynamic without the sexual undertones that can be quite triggering for some people. Also to say Yana doesn't purposely make their relationship parental on any level would just be false, it's just that she combines "the filial with the erotic" to quote that academic Black Butler essay written like a decade ago lol. Dadbastian simply takes out the erotic side that is not thoughtfully addressed within the manga to make it a more straight forward abusive parent type relationship.
TLDR; I think many of us are attracted to dadbastian because it makes Seb into a more interesting and dynamic character than he gets to be in the manga, cuts out some of the uncomfortable "undertones" in there relationship that are not properly explored/addressed in the manga, there is a lot of angst to their monster parent human child relationship, and having Sebastian be a loving parent can be cathartic for many because Ciel's whole personality is that he needs a mom. idk my brain is just filled with serotonin when Seb tucks his kid in or something-I can't explain it!!
Dadbastain is the best thing this fandom ever invented y'all are just mean
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bezierballad · 2 months
I know it’s been kind of a while since I posted about my Black Butler Dadbastian Maleficent AU (damn that’s a fucking mouthful lmao) so I’ve been brainstorming a little narrative that sets up the story events.
Here’s what I came up with (as I always say when making shit like this, bear with me lmao)
Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom (or some shit) there was a young peasant.
Vincent was a very poor young fellow, living alone in very poor conditions, spending what little money he has just to buy barely enough food for himself.
One fateful day however, he made a contract with a demon.
The demon called himself Sebastian (or maybe Vincent named him that idfk) and he made the offer of whatever Vincent wanted in exchange for his soul.
Vincent told him that he wanted a wealthy life where he’d have a high level of status and power.
It was established in the contract that when Vincent was at the peak of wealth and power, Sebastian would take his soul.
And so time passes, and eventually Vincent is king, with a castle and a wife and loyal servants and subjects
Now here’s where things kinda get shaky (both in-universe and out, like I’m kinda struggling to think how this story would play out properly)
Sebastian shows up looking for the soul Vincent promised.
Vincent is freaking out like, “No wait please let’s discuss this further” cause like he doesn’t wanna die, not now-
Sebastian’s like “Fine. You wanna live? I’ll give you an alternative” and he makes an offer.
Either Vincent let him have his soul now, or he offers the soul of his then-infant son, Ciel.
It would be stated that once Ciel turns thirteen, his soul would descend into Hell.
Vincent, not knowing what else to do, very hesitantly agrees to the latter.
Sebastian’s like “Very well, I look forward to that day” and disappears into nothingness (if anything he’s pissed off that he has to wait thirteen more fucking years to get a damn soul)
Vincent’s like “oh shit oh shit I fucked up BAD what do I do”
So goes to this fairy (or fairies I dunno) like “please help me”
So uh
You know how in the original Disney sleeping beauty film
The curse was originally “Aurora will die if she pricked her finger on the spinning wheel”
But one of the fairies sort of “waters down” the curse so Aurora would fall into a deep sleep instead of dying? (And she’d be awakened with true love’s kiss and shit)
A similar thing is happening here:
So like the fairy (let’s pretend that Tanaka’s in this role because why the fuck not) he’s like “Okay here’s what I can do”
Instead of descending into Hell, Ciel’s soul would only leave his body and maybe enter a state of limbo or something. (Ciel himself would enter a state of some sort of “suspended animation” one would say.)
As for how to fix it? “True love.”
(Audience note that he doesn’t say “True Love’s Kiss” just true love. Just a bit of foreshadowing that he's not actually talking about romantic love like the characters think)
Idk how logic would play into this shit just
It’s a fairytale world just go with it okay
So just like the film, Ciel is sent off with these three... fairies? Servants?
Okay I know I said the Phantomhive servants (Finny, Mey-Rin, and Baldroy) would play the role of the fairies and they still do
I just don’t know whether they’d be fairies or just Vincent’s castle servants that he trusted with his child
So the rest of the Maleficent plot plays out (Ciel grows up in the woods, Sebastian forms a father-son bond with him) I’d get into more of it but that’s for another time
Oh and uh btw I decided
Agni will be the role of Diaval (aka the crow character who turns human in the Maleficent movie)
We love us some Sebagni
Alright I think that’s about it okaybye-
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Abigailesque future for Demon!Ciel and Sebastian where because the contract is no longer valid, Sebastian needs to leave sometimes to make other contracts so he can eat. But he keeps returning to Ciel, and they pose as father and son.
But things are strained because their relationship has always been toxic and neither is the type to talk.
Sometimes, when Sebastian is away, Ciel gets bored, and he pretends to be the son of some rich guy. He arranges for enemies of his underworld empire to kidnap him, then he picks them off.
Cue Sebastian returning one day to Ciel telling one of the kidnappers, "The ransom won't work. My dad doesn't care enough. He thought he wanted a child, but now he's never around.
Sebastian: (sigh) Young master, you know very well that if you simply call, I would be here in a second.
Kidnapper: Who the fuck are you!? How did you get in here!?!
Ciel: Oh. You're home early.
Sebastian: And it's hardly kind to play with your food.
Longer backstory under cut.
From Ciel's pov, the one thing he could count on was that one day, Sebastian would take his soul and the pain would be over. Then he was forcibly changed into a demon. There's a lot of trauma from that. But he also thinks the only reason Sebastian stays is because the contract makes him. He feels somewhat guilty about it and thinks Sebastian resents him.
From Sebastian's pov, yes, he's bitter he worked for so long and can never get paid. But the contract is clearly no longer valid, something he doesn't understand how Ciel can't see. Still, he's more than willing to pretend otherwise because to admit the truth would invite awkard questions, like why he's still there. He feels guilty because he was supposed to protect Ciel, and he was unable to do so. And he's fond of the kid.
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lyranova · 28 days
hiii lyra! congratulations on 900 followers! um if youd LIKE,,, cielartemy (and maybe the kiddos if that is ok) for victorian au? you can say no obviously anyways congrats again byee
Hiya Tam, sorry this took so long! Thank you so much, and of course I would like to write for Ciel x Artemy 🥰! I hope you enjoy~!
Word Count: 1,232
Warnings: None
Ciel quietly leaned her head against the glass wall of her sunroom, the warmth of the sunlight hitting the glass giving her some form of comfort after a long, tiring day.
“ Rough morning?” A comforting voice asked as they placed a hand on her shoulder and placed a cup of tea underneath her nose.
The warm aroma of the ginger tea filled her nose, and a soft smile appeared on her face.
“ How did you know?” She asked softly as she gently took the cup from their hand. The person chuckled as they walked around to sit in the wicker chair across from her.
“ Because I’m your husband, and I know when you’ve had a rough morning.” Artemy, her husband, chuckled as he set his own cup of tea down onto the small table between them.
Ciel smiled, of course he knew how she was feeling without her saying anything. It was like he was an empath or something.
“ Wanna talk about it?”
She sighed softly and closed her eyes.
“ An inspector from Scotland yard came by,” She admitted, her voice soft and calm. “ They thought they had finally found the person that assassinated Loyce but…it wasn’t them.”
Artemy sighed and shook his head.
“ Dear, I’m so sor-.” He began, but Ciel cut him off.
“ I’m so sick of this,” She forcefully placed the tea cup onto the table as her eyes snapped open. “ I’m sick of constantly looking over my shoulder, waiting for the person that killed Loyce to come and kill me; or worse, kill you and our children.”
Artemy stood up and rushed to her side, where he knelt down beside her and held her hands.
“ Hey, it’s okay,” He told her comfortingly, his thumb rubbing circles on the top of her hand. “ Nothing’s going to happen-.”
“ How do you know? Loyce thought nothing would ever happen to him and look where he is now!” She told him, her tone panicked and full of worry.
“ That person could be out there right now watching us, waiting for the perfect time to strike,” She began, her voice still panicked. “ I won’t let them take another husband, or let them harm our children!”
Artemy leaned up, wrapped his arms around Ciel, and hugged her tightly.
“ Shh, it’s alright dear,” He consoled her softly as his hand gently rubbed her back. “ No one is going to take us from you, I promise.”
He continued to hold his wife as her body trembled slightly. He knew ever since her first husband's assassination she had been on edge, trying to keep herself and their son, Yuno, safe. He recalled how she was even on edge when they first met, keeping him at arm's length until she felt safe and comfortable around him.
Eventually she learned that he wasn’t a threat and let him get closer to her. They fell in love, and eventually had three children together.
But no matter how much time passed, she was still anxious; and it only got worse when Yuno decided to become an inspector like his father.
“ I know, because I won’t let them,” Ciel told Artemy seriously as she pulled away from him a bit. “ I’ll kill them first.”
He blinked in surprise for a moment before chuckling and shaking his head.
“ I don’t doubt it for a moment,” He said as he shook his head. She was a very protective person when it came to those she loved.
As the couple stared at each other adoringly they suddenly heard a bunch of footsteps rushing towards them.
“ Mama, look at the new dress Elise bought me!” Mila, their youngest daughter, announced happily as she stopped in the doorway and twirled in place.
“ My, don’t you look lovely,” Artemy said with a bright smile as he looked at her. “ Don’t you think dear?”
“ Yes,” Ciel began as she quickly composed herself and smiled warmly. “ You look very lovely Mila.”
“ I’m going to wear it to Yuno’s promotion ceremony this afternoon!”
Ciel blinked.
“ Wait, that’s today?” She asked as she looked back at her husband, who nodded.
“ Yeah, did you forget?” Jules, their middle child, asked as they walked into the sun room. Their brow raised in confusion.
Ciel blinked again before looking towards the clock; she had completely forgotten it was today, and now she only had a few minutes to get ready!
“ I need to hurry!” She exclaimed as she jumped out of her chair, making her husband jump up in surprise as well.
“ Don’t worry mom, I already have your dress and jewelry laid out for you,” Elise, their eldest daughter, said as she walked into the room. Ciel sighed in relief and gave her a grateful look.
“ Thank you dear, would you and Mila mind helping me get ready?” She asked, and the girls nodded before following their mother upstairs.
“ Dad,” Jules began softly as their mother and sisters disappeared up the staircase. “ Is mom alright? She looks a little…worried.”
“ She’ll be fine, she’s just having a rough day.” He told them.
“ Then, shouldn’t she stay home and rest? I’m sure Yuno would understand if she didn’t come to his promotion ceremony.” Jules suggested, but their father shook his head.
“ You know your mother; no matter rain or shine, sad or happy, healthy or sick, she’s going to be there for all your special moments.” Artemy said with a fond smile.
After a few moments Ciel, Elise, and Mila walked down the stairs dressed to the nines.
“ Oh my, don’t you all look so lovely!”
“ Really papa? You think so?” Mila asked brightly, and he nodded.
“ I do!”
“ I thought it would only be appropriate for the family of the newly promoted Inspector Yuno Grinberryall to dress like a million bucks!” Elise said with a grin before adding. “ Even though these outfits cost a lot less than that.”
“ Really? I wouldn’t have noticed had you not said anything,” Artemy said in disbelief. “ You all look lovely.”
“ And what about me? How do I look?” Ciel asked with a small smile as she placed a hand on her hip.
Her black dress was floor length, with buttons going from the waist band to her collar. On either side of her shoulder there were cobalt blue lace details that went down to the waistband like a pair of suspenders. The skirt was a bit more slim than their daughters' dresses were; the cobalt blue lace was etched all onto the black fabric of the skirt. To top off the dress she wore a matching coat, and a small black hat that slightly covered her now-updone hair.
“ You look…divine.” Artemy said breathlessly as his eyes went up, down, and up again. Ciel giggled as she walked up to him and gave him a sweet kiss.
“ You don’t look too bad yourself,” She said warmly as she noticed he had dressed up as well. “ Is the carriage ready? I don’t want us to be late because of me.”
“ It’ll be fine even if we are, Yuno will understand,” Artemy told her as he gave her another kiss. “ and yes our carriage is ready.”
He held his arm out to her.
“ Ready?”
Ciel took it and gave him a firm nod.
“ Ready.”
The family of five exited their residence, climbed into the carriage, and were on their way to see their eldest child and sibling get promoted at his job.
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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sparklingmusicofstars · 10 months
Black Butler : Theory about Ciel Phantomhive's twin real name
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Hi everyone, as a black butler's fan, I wanted to write a theory about what all the fans wonder : what's Ciel Phantomhive twin's true name ?
PS : In the texte, I will call him "the twin"
Ever since we found out that there was not one but two Phantomhive children, everyone has wanted to know the name of the character we've been following since the beginning of the story, if not 'Ciel Phantomhive'.
Most of us began to suspect that there were twins in the circus arc, in Baron Kelvin's flashbacks to his meeting with Vincent and "his" son.
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At the right ; the twin
But from Ciel's twin point of view
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The two are clearly visible.
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I don't understand why Vincent always mentions "his" child and not "his children".
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From chap 32 ; He mentions that it was "Ciel" who was ill, whereas it was his twin. Maybe he just got them mixed up. After all, the twin himself mentioned that they looked so much alike that even their parents confused them.
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I wonder if Baron Kelvin knew there were two of them... He mentioned three people, and I doubt he was talking about Claus, since he was mostly fascinated by the Phantomhives. And without wanting to offend anyone, I wouldn't rank the beauty of Claus on the same level as the Phantomhives. So I think he knew.
To be honest, it's almost as if no-one apart from those very close to Vincent knew he had twins.
In addition, there seem to be almost no photos of the two twins together. Pet seemed to have the only one, he even mentioned, in the same chapter, that it was the first time he saw them together in the same place. (the twins were still 7 years old !) Plus Pet seems to know Vincent well so I guess they've known each other for a long time. And of course, for the sake of the plot, no one says the twin's name. Usually they are together so people say "both of you" or "you two"
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Yet Vincent does not seem to hide it, the servants and the inhabitants of their county were all aware. Vincent even makes them go out together in their domain. What's more, they didn't have the same personnality at all. So if you know them, you can't confuse them anymore.
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This moment made me hate Elizabeth's mother a lot, she calls Ciel's twin "his spare" and not him as a person, so I feel like she cares more about the bloodline of the Phantomhives than Ciel's twin, as she claims. Which reinforced Ciel's twin's inferiority complex.
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From chap 132: Then came the time when they visited the pastor; Vincent said it was his wife who had named his children.
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The pastor replies that the two children have unusual names, for England anyway. So "Ciel" and ...
Vincent responds effectively that he was scolded for not having given them more traditional names but that they are perhaps more suited to a not so distant future. Vincent is such a mysterious person...
We will now move on to the subject that interests you: the name of the twin.
To make this theory I have long looked for clues in the manga, as well as for certain Japanese cultures. I also investigated the tastes and personality of Yana Toboso a little. (don't ask me about it). According to the arc of Sirius, the longest because it is not yet finished, the nickname of the real Ciel is "Sirius the blue star" I personally think that the name of the twin is French, like his brother, if I decompose; "Sirius" the blood group, "the star" (?) and "blue" a bit the color that symbolizes them and can also be their favorite color. I think there is a clue. We have "star" left, I don't think that's his name so I would put something like "Astre".
At one point, the real Ciel mentioned to Polaris that he was no longer Lord Sirius but his little brother. I have long wondered if there was a hidden meaning behind those words besides what he really meant.
I finally finished it !!!!!! I hope you liked it.
PS: None of them are my translations so the credits don't belong to me. You can read the chapters in mangafox.com.
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ceoandslutler · 4 days
a short analysis on the theme of kindness in kuro, in defence of the morally reprehensible protagonists.
i previously spoke about sebastian pulling a "not like other humans" line on ciel but the things he's actually saying in this chapter are crazy...
chapter no's and pages in alt text!!
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media illiterate (most kuro fandom antis') logic is that ^this guy's^ the big bad villain of kuro, there's so much to analyse about the theme of kindness and humanity in kuro but ultimately people are blind to it because sebaciel are not the kind, happy-go-lucky type of protags many people are used to and people struggle to purify them. there are so many people in this story "more innocent" than them and less morally grey which makes them look like worse people but the fact is that they are the "worse" in a world full of the "worst". they're there to show you how despicable humanity can be but they have their moments of 'good' (otherwise they'd be lacking in likability), especially moments like this can be quite odd in this story about corruption and evil because in those pages, these two do not seem like the deplorable, manipulative and conniving characters we often see them as. this moment reminds me of another very dear chapter to me which two volumes comes after this.
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this is such an interesting part of the manga (it's why the blue cult arc is my favourite arc of the manga despite all the popstar/idol shenanigans that threw a lot of people off). the way these two behave in this arc is not normal, they do not need to go above and beyond for these people. it is not necessary for sebastian to go this far for ciel AND his tenants (who it is important to note he has no contractual obligation to care for, especially not to the extent of giving them the "time of their lives") and it is certainly not normal the way ciel treats these people with zero contempt even when they 'disrespect' him as a noble. these two are genuinely weird for their time, blue cult arc also gives us an unforgettable seb moment (link).
this chapter also serves as part of the transition between the blue cult arc and the blue memory arc which is also...
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one of the most intriguing parts of the manga... what's interesting here is that ciel HAS kept his tenants happy as proven by the halloween chapter (the page below from this same chapter talks of infrastructure needs having to be met and we read that ciel has fixed the roads since becoming earl and even an old donkey can transport milk from across them- that's how good the quality of the roads are). however, what i want to focus on is undertaker previously saying ciel, despite having phantomhive blood is not like his predecessors. in fact, the flashback chapter shows he's not even like his own identical twin brother!
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i really wonder what exactly undertaker meant by saying that right as ciel saves joanne in the school arc and also what vincent was thinking about his sons in this flashback sequence. did vincent think o!ciel is different too? and what is it that makes him so odd? or rather, what makes him an exception in the phantomhive family? i look forward to whatever yana has in store for us and hope to see where these wonderful characters with such bizarre morality (or lack there of) end up.
i will talk about this theme more in the future but if anyone has something specific to add, please do. and even if it's not too detailed or you're unsure, feel free to tell me what you think about the use of 'good' and 'evil' for the main characters of kuro overall! some things to consider:
fundamentally why are ciel and sebastian the way they are? and more importantly, do you think yana intended either of them to be read as strictly "evil"? a lot of people make the case of the fandom purifying them but i never see that these days, usually it's only ciel that's sanitised of all sin and sebastian that is demonised (although occasionally both are demonised as solely "bad guys"). i joke about them being narcissistic and not the nicest people (which is something i genuinely believe) but i do not think they are the root of all evil; which is a take you can have without absolving them of any and all misdeed they may have committed. i think what i'm really getting at is that sebastian is not ""evil""? and he's not innocent either. but he's a force for "good" in the story. he works for the phantomhive estate and the people living on that land more devotedly than a demon with a 3-clause contract with the master of the land should and he shouldn't be excluded from the phantomfam and only seen as horrible/evil but nor should he be solely seen as a silly little cat loving parent. and you don't need to ship sebaciel to see him this way, just read the source material with your eyes peeled, really think about what sebastian does and says. he's so interesting and he's so much more than the fandom makes him out to be. but interpret him however you want, i guess.
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purpleandstarlight · 7 months
@hateweasel Another one!
-Me to my friend: Cameron and DaffyDuck should get together, at least then they'd stop annoying other people.
Me to my friend like 3 minutes later: ALOIS JUST READ MY MIND-
-End chapter 296: *totally wholesome cielois moment*
Dan, beginning of chapter 297: I bet they're fucking right now.
It was hilarious to me back then that he just randomly thought of this while trying to sleep but it's even funnier to me now when I remember that later on in the story Alois confirms to DaffyDuck that they were, indeed, fucking. Does Dan have a radar or smth???)
-Me: Sometimes the author reminds us that all of the 7 but Alois and Ciel are mortals and they can and will die at some point and Alois and Ciel will just have to move on without them. Wich...It makes me sad every time. I don't want these reminders-
-Me, talking about that one demon girl I could never stand (the one Audrey and then a train killed): So this demon tried to get with Ciel...wich- she obviously had no chance, because she wasn't blonde...
-Speaking of, remember when she tried to get with Ciel saying crap that sums up in "[Alois] is traumatized so he's obviously not someone you could/should love"? You probably don't, but I usually do. It always makes me extremely angry lmao
-Speaking of me being angry - remember those girls saying "Oh but boys can't be [I won't say it but you get it]"? I was also about to throw hands at that.
-So a chapter was named "La storia della demone famiglia" and I was confused for a second because I thought it was a bad Italian translation of the page (Sometimes Google translates sites randomly and you gotta set it back to the original lenguage manually) but then I saw only the chapter title wasn't in english and just moved on. I guess it was a more "ancient/classy" way of saying "of the demon family" that i dont know of ? Since the most usual way of saying it would normally be "della famiglia demone"
-Me at some point about Daniel (im genuinely using copy-paste on this): Can't believe I actually thought this man was straight
-I genuinely was really scared since Bailey said he wouldn't be working in the police anymore that the person in his place would be some corrupted jerk, but then I arrived a lot of chapters later to him saying the person taking his place was his son so I calmed down. Fact is - as someone who is a lot further than that now, I actually dont really like Bailery Junior? He's not corrupted, but I wasn't too fond of him and then I disliked how he treated Alois? Sorry he lost his hand though. Hope his father's not too angry at Alois. IS Gabriel angry at Alois?? Or does he understand the situation they were in?
-Fun fact: for a long time, I only called Integra "Hellsing" because I couldn't really remember her name? Then finally i realized it would be more comfortable to call her differently than the organization to my friend. So I just started...I think around when Ciel starts calling her that as well? Lol
-DLTD: Warwick Academy; Yes, I'm sure you're more than well aware by now about this fine school by now.
Me, literally at chapter 319: You don't say?
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barbiegirldream · 3 months
"Gon kind of the worst friend in the world though "
 I love him, he's my son but also yes!! ! I'll need to talk about it when you'll have finish the anime!! But yeaaah... I mean, he clearly loves his friend but being an adult and rewatching this show I ... I was like.... God I'm glad I watched it young AND a again while growing so I could be in the same mindset as them and clearly not seeing how Gon is fucked up (lol he's a child and so messy), then later realize more and more how my perspection of Gon's actions changed (and I love it)
"Gon losing his hand and it meaning nothing cause of Archangel's breath hmmmm "
 Me having multiples theories about the significant of this moment and especially how characters are responding to it but you can only understand when you finish the anime and think about Gon's whole personally
"...yep no meaning "
"Gon saying he wants to introduce Killua to Ging waahhh okay you can get out of the well "
... I love your reactions. Trust me, it's making my whole week.
I get the vibes Killua and Gon are too attached and neither of them have a clue what a good relationship looks like. They're both 12 but want to be adults. They latched onto each other for being the same age and never let go. Killua lacks direction as an ex assassin and now hunter. Gon's direction is to fucking crazy town (your dad doesn't want you pleaseeee he's not your identity. Though in the instance the theory about Ging having him with the baby pregnancy card there is an interesting 'clone' sort of thing to thing about if Gon is like a missing part of Ging and can do nothing but chase him. cause no other parent was mentioned as needed and there has to be some condition to 'have baby' but i digress)
Hey I will be excited to know there was consequences for getting a hand exploded and then having a video game card put it back.
Listen I am sometimes a disney movie adult I think those kids need to get back inside and learn their letters. And if they're annoying should be dropped down a well. I will say Gon endears to me a lot because even though he's not a great friend he does love his friends so much and is doing things a twelve year old (who can punch through mountains) would. Killua is going to be slightly more mature and level headed because he isn't just talented he was a trained professional killer who worked jobs. I have yet to find an anime character I thought deserved well time more than ciel and lizzie though so it'll be interesting if i do
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plague-of-insomnia · 1 year
never tell me i can send u asks about kuro ill abuse that power :)
anyway thoughts on the canon sebastian & tanaka relationship?? i kinda see it as like a halfway father/son thing bc of the mentor/mentee relationship & seb actually respecting him
maybe also bc of fortius quo fidelius by Idonquixote
Hey, anon. I’ll confess I hadn’t given too much thought to their relationship before I got this ask. I have not read Idonquixote’s Seb/Tanaka fics (yet), but I am a huge fan of their sebard series and have read it a few times.
But this ask did inspire me to incorporate Tanaka into my new sebagni story, Synchronize. It’s not canon, so not directly in response to this ask, but in that fic, Tanaka is definitely a father/grandfather figure to Seb. He raised him and cares for him like his own child. I really adore their relationship in that story. (I’ll be posting the first chapter on AO3 soon, either today or maybe after Valentine’s Day so it’s not lost in the deluge lol.)
As for canon, I do think Tanaka is a very interesting character who isn’t talked about much. I suspect he’s not entirely human himself (how many old men can cut a bullet in half or easily flip a grown man twice his size and half his age?). And I’ve always thought that he knows a lot more than it may seem.
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Like, I think he knew OC wasn’t “Ciel” and was truly glad to see he was alive, not bc he thought he was the heir but just bc he loved him and was relieved he had survived. I also think he knows that Sebastian isn’t just some butler. Whether he knows he’s not human or that he’s a demon, ofc I can’t say. But he definitely seems to have suspicions.
For example, when Seb comes back to life he doesn’t seem surprised, and even scoffs, “A Phantomhive butler dying before his master…unheard of” or something to that effect, but in a way that it’s like he was saying “yeah I know this whole thing was a setup.”
Even though I had not given it too much thought, I do think Sebastian does respect Tanaka as “the epitome of a butler” and as such has looked to him for advice and such. Even if he doesn’t always take it (like in the Green Witch arc), I think he acknowledges that Tanaka has served the Phantomhives well and loyally for years and that means something.
Since he’s a demon, I’m not sure if I could describe a relationship with anyone in familial terms bc I don’t think Seb would look at it that way. But I do think there aren’t many humans that have earned his respect, and I suspect Tanaka is one of them. I think part of why he knew he could be “dead” and unable to directly protect Ciel was because Tanaka would be there. Not only as protector but to keep the household running as well.
I think it’s also significant that Tanaka is the one who Seb will allow to do whatever while the other servants are always being yelled at.
Thanks for the ask, Anon. It was fun to think about. Im sorry I couldn’t respond sooner. At first it was bc I was genuinely taking time to process it and think and then bc life got in the way.
I don’t mind asks like this at all, so feel free to send any and I’ll respond when I can. (^_^)
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pain-in-the-butler · 2 years
modern!Sebastian as Chris Fleming’s Gayle part 2
Sebastian: That’s Agni, Ciel’s friend’s guardian. The friend visited our house once and Agni came to pick him up. I’ve wanted Agni bad ever since Agni: Morning, Sebastian! Staying out of trouble? Sebastian: Yep! Haha! Won’t be for long if you keep looking so damn fine Agni: What was that? Sebastian: Nothing! Have a good day!
Sebastian: I got some new cheese knives, because last weekend some criminals broke into the manor and I only had an old butterknife up my sleeve that took real effort to stab with Sebastian: The last thing I need is for anyone seeing me struggle to kill them. Talk about humiliating
Sebastian: I’ve been having a hard time trusting Claude Sebastian: I keep walking around in the middle of the night, thinking that he’s trying to take something from me, the only thing I love in this world: my eighty-four-pound son Sebastian: I know I’ve never told Claude about Ciel, but he knows. You think he’s going to be in the same neighborhood as that soul and just be oblivious? Dream on.
Bard: Some of your yogurt spilled in the fridge, do you want me to just throw it away? Sebastian: Son of a bitch! Bard, what the fuck happened here?! Bard: I was just going in the fridge looking for chicken tenders and I saw your yogurt was spilled Sebastian: That’s not just any yogurt, it’s Chobani! It’s a thick Greek yogurt!
Claude: So there was a fire in the animal shelter where Sebastian visits his favorite cats Claude: Well, Sebastian just burst into this blazing building, right past Scotland Yard. There was no stopping him Claude: All the animals were rescued, but unfortunately Sebastian never came out. And so, it is with inconceivable sorrow that I will announce today that I am now the guardian of Ci— Sebastian: *rams into Claude at mach speed* GET OUT OF HERE, CLAUDE! SCRAM! Sebastian: I’m fine. Got a little singed in there, but not the end of the world
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