#i prefer a fresh scent? i don’t mind what it is. i like the cotton/sea salt; i like thunderstorm; i like wild strawberries
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
The other thing that’s happened is I got sent the wrong deodorant so now I either have to contact customer service, or spend three months smelling like apple and cinnamon (which I didn’t even know was a scent they offered)
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devilrainbunnie · 4 years
.- anthurium -.
shigaraki x reader
a/n: kind of an au, first piece! hope you guys like, i was feeling angsty. part two maybe?
CW: anxiety warning, cheating, manipulation, reader is depressed, sexual themes and description of sexual themes. minors DNI.
“for the millionth time, nothing is going on!” he snapped, rolling his eyes as he shuffled in his chair. fingers carefully laced around the hand held device. the vermillion eyes were full of fire, a fire that burned in agitation. towards you. he dared not to look into yours, for that would be almost like he was admitting to the accusations.
“then why do you smell like perfume that isn’t mine? why are you gone hours at a time without ever going to a meeting? why can’t you even do as little as look at me? why do you—“ your voice began to shake, feeling your fingers tremble with the hem of your shirt.
“you’re being paranoid, quit projecting your fucking insecurities on to me y/n. this conversation is over, now fuck off and let me relax.” he snarled, shifting his body away from your stance. he continued to play on his device, paying no mind to the girl with a river of tears pouring from her eyes.
you knew how it would end, and it always consisted of him leaving for the rest of the day. coming home the next morning, sometimes not even bothering to shower. you weren’t stupid. you could see the love bites on his scarred neck, his swollen lips, the way his sea foam colored locks were in a tangled bunch, he reeked of expensive perfume... you’d even found hair strands that weren’t either of yours. you knew, he knew that you knew, but he didn’t care that you knew.
it’s been going on since tomura was declared leader, king of this new group— the paranormal liberation front. since then, he’s put himself on such a high pedestal and his eyes began to wander. it wasn’t too noticeable at first, you thought you were just being insecure. because your boyfriend of over a year was beginning to spend less and less time with you. for the first time since you both got intimate, he stopped sleeping with you in your shared bed regularly. his often touch starved nature of wanting to be held and hold you constantly, began to stop. after a while, he wouldn’t so much as ruffle your hair anymore, or touch your back as he walked past. he stopped smiling at you.
he stopped loving you.
you noticed a specific girl with him from time to time, she was so different from you. outwardly sexy, confident, and most of all, she had him. she had beautiful emerald eyes, and dashing natural red hair. her figure was unbeatable. someone who would’ve been regularly out of his league, just due to her status, and often snobby nature. deep down, you knew that’s probably why he felt so enticed. she was unattainable. just like you had been to him once. he was always one to strive for the best, you guessed that meant lovers too.
you almost felt bad for him, considering the knowledge you had about her... she did this a lot. fucked around with higher ups as a way to gain better status, be placed in a higher rank, and get special privileges bother plf members wouldn’t originally receive. you’d heard this from dabi, she apparently tried to do the same thing to him, but he said, he “had better standards than that”.
you chuckled at dabi’s comment, you were the only one in the league he treated like a genuine friend. thankfully he could always make you crack a smile or two.
then like usual, the sadness came back.
there you were, alone in your shared apartment inside of the plf building. you sat at the edge of the windowsill in the living room, the lights were off. nothing but the distance sound of owls, wind, and branches to be heard. the moons glow to illuminate the scenery just a touch. your e/c eyes red, and glistened with the aftermath of an overbearing storm of a meltdown. your cheeks still burning, lips chapped and your hands doing anything else but standing still. since it got bad a few weeks ago with him, this is all you’ve been able to do. cry. let out your loud sobs all day, and whenever tomura was due to return, you’d go back to the way he preferred you. quiet, distant, and minding your business.
even with your quirk, your depression had led to all of the plants in each room to wilt. it’s almost poetic how accurate that displayed to your feelings— and of course, tomura didn’t even notice them.
anytime you did anything, it agitated him. there was no use in speaking, unless he was the one to initiate it. asking you what you made him for dinner, asking if you’ve seen a certain item of his, or asking you to do something for him, like stitch his tethered hoodie. sometimes telling you that he was annoyed with you being around dabi.
you began to nibble on your bottom lip again, trying to stop the fresh new wave of tears that threatened to spill. you promised yourself to not cry anymore, stop it. you stood from your spot, adjusting the simple outfit you wore. just usual long sleeve and leggings. using your sleeves to dry your face from the evidence of your overwhelming sadness. deciding that you should just take a shower, get ready for bed, and sleep. what else was there to do anyhow?
you soon felt refreshed, your heart still aches but the overwhelming pain subsided. you rested your head against the familiar scented cotton pillow case and grabbed his pillow. holding it close to your chest.
this is all i really have left of him now... wow.
the next day was seemingly uneventful. with a rare spotting of tomura coming in, showering, getting dressed, eating, and leaving once again. he paid you no mind the entire time. just simply glazing over your figure as you sat in different spots within the hour or two he was there. there were no words to he spoken. he didn’t even greet you when coming in. he just walked in the bedroom, rummaged around. looked at you as you were just waking up, and went about his business.
the pain settled in even more. every day it hit harder, and harder, but today, you were numb. the tears you held were all gone. you couldn’t cry, you couldn’t aimlessly sob. nothing. the core of you was empty.
“how much longer can i take of this...” you whispered to yourself tucking your knees to your chest. arms protectively wrapped around yourself.
you looked over to the once beautiful anthurium, it was completely wilted. the vibrant red petals were beginning to fall off. that plant was the one you connected the most with, it had a piece of your soul with it at this point. it would’ve been an easy fix to keep it from dying. one touch, and it would be right back to normal.
would the flower remember it’s neglect? the times you slacked on giving it water and proper daylight? would it simply forgive so easily just by your touch? can you forgive him, just by his touch?
“i don’t know.”
days had passed, he hadn’t come by since that night to your knowledge. sometimes you stepped out for a bit, just to clear your mind. you began to grow anxious, something was wrong. definitely wrong. you needed to know, to have some closure. every minute that passed seemed to crush you, it felt as if the world was ending.
against your better judgement, you got dressed. fixed your hair, and shakily tried to calm yourself down as you looked in the mirror. overanalyzing every single detail about your appearance, you looked like hell.
you were planning to go searching for tomura around the building. maybe even ask dabi if he had seen him. you stepped into your converse, taking deep breaths as you prepared yourself to find whatever might lie ahead. the feeling in your stomach didn’t stop churning.
one touch can’t fix it.
he won’t fix it.
he doesn’t want you.
you hugged the jacket tighter to your frame, feeling clammy and weak in the knees as you began to search around. he wasn’t anywhere you were looking, you checked everywhere you usually found him. you came across dabi before stepping into the elevator. he seemed concerned, he grabbed your shoulder before you walked away.
“y/n?” he quietly asked. his tone laced with anxiety.
“o-oh, hey.” your trembling form turned to face him. “long time no see.”
“what the fuck is going on?”
“it’s nothing, don’t worry about it—“
“don’t lie to me.” he cut you off, his voice laced with venom. he was always like a big brother figure to you, always protective and so easy to catch on. “what’s going on y/n? do i have to kill that creepy little fucking gremlin?” he snarled.
“n-no! no! it’s fine, really. i’m just uh, trying to find him that’s all.” you said sincerely. your voice wavering the entire way, stepping away from his hold on you.
“y/n don’t walk away from me, talk to me about this. you look like shit.” he called after you.
“i’m sorry.” you said in a voice so small he barely was able to grasp it. dabi just stared at you with disbelief, and anger.
then came the room you dreaded most. subconsciously you wanted to search it last, due to fear of what you might see.
you knew he was cheating, but you were in denial until you could see it.
you were about to give up and go back to your room before you heard a specific sound. coming from the office tomura used most often, but wasn’t always in. the way the table sounded against the wall and hardwood of the floors made your body tense, the breathless panting, the high pitched moaning... and worst of all, the sound of tomura groaning in pleasure. did your ears deceive you? bile threatened to shoot from your stomach. you eased open the office door, to a sight you wish you never saw. there was tomura, thrusting into the girl you feared and envied most. he was lost in lust, suckling, kissing, and grabbing every part of her flesh that was visible. like he used to do to you.
used to.
you stood there in horror, feeling like everything was crumbling before you. he didn’t even notice your peering eyes staring right into the depths of his soul, and hers. his groans got louder, he muttered something he hadn’t told you in such a long time. it made you want to scream so loud that your lungs bled.
“f-fuck, i— love you.”
you shakily slammed the door behind you. hard, and heavy breaths struggling to be let out, as you ran to the elevator. smashing the buttons to go back to your room. tears streaming down your face once again, you let out hushed cries, trying to regain your composure. as you ran to your room. it happened all in a daze, you loudly cried as you packed some of your things into a backpack, hating that things still smelled like him. you sobbed finding old polaroids if each other. deciding to throw the stack at the wall above the bed.
once you had everything ready, you realized something. you were still wearing a necklace he gave you a bit ago. it was a small anthurium made of ruby. you held the delicate item in your hands, debating what to do with it. the burden of owning it haunting you much more than letting it go, so that’s what you did. you placed the necklace on the counter. grabbing the notepad that was usually on the counter as well to write a quick note on top for him to find. your eyes flooded over the room, drinking it in as much as you could before leaving. all of the memories, decorating it with tomura, having sex for the first time on the bed, the first time he came home like he often did now... you felt a sob threatening to release again as you recounted the memory.
lastly you dropped the key next to the necklace, never to be seen again.
you exited the building with little hassle, tears still free falling across your face like usual. the hood of your jacket was up to conceal yourself, you wanted to leave without a trace. luckily it was late enough to do so, the only person who spotted you was spinner. for some reason he was alone by himself outside. he seemed concerned about your disheveled and unfamiliar appearance. but he didn’t utter a word to you, letting you walk out before him. you wondered what he thought of your pathetic sobbing form pacing out of the entrance.
you barely had a plan, a place to go for that matter. all that mattered now, was you.
you need to let go.
he can’t fix it this time.
don’t let him fix it this time, y/n.
tomura arrived to the apartment hours after you had left, he wasn’t expecting anything but a nice hot shower and a warm bed to sleep in. his body was sore from the steamy evening he spent with the red head. she really rocked his shit, he chuckled at the thought of her.
he didn’t bother to look around the main room, before heading straight into the bedroom. the light was on, which wasn’t that unusual. what was unusual though, was the mess around the room. the closets were wide open, pieces of film thrown all over the bed, and floor. at first he was mad, barging into the bathroom to yell at you. flipping on the light, to see nothing. you weren’t in the bathroom, or bedroom.
“y/n why did you leave everything such a mess? why did you throw pictures everywhere? what the fuck is going on?!” he called out to you. annoyed. like usual. he walked out of the bedroom, noticing finally, you weren’t here. “y/n.” he spoke sternly.
he walked cautiously around the space, looming over every detail, not able to make out your form anywhere. he remained calm but he was a bit worried, you were acting super unstable lately. though he’d never let you know that. he seemingly searched everywhere in depth, before he noticed some items on top of the island counter. switching on the light switch to get a better look. his heart sunk.
the necklace he gave you.
the beautiful ruby anthurium he gave you.
the one you wore every day since.
the one he gave to you as a promise to his love, the love he promised to be undying.
along with the key to the apartment.
the one you both shared.
he noticed the note, it was written in your handwriting.
‘i hope you love her as honestly as you once loved me. i left everything behind i never want to see again. i won’t be ratting you out and i won’t be returning to you.
good bye, thanks for the memories.
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fuckress · 5 years
I dare you to answer every single question in the "weird asks that say a lot" (tho you can decline the dare, or just answer one you really wanna answer)
me? declining a dare?? HELL NO! So buckle up, this is a long one!
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?–> coffee mugs
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?–> hmmmmm… chocolate bars.
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?–> neither really… there aren’t many stores where I can buy cotton candy just like that. So I guess bubblegum.
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?–> quiet, reserved, smart. I think that’s about it.
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?–> actually cans. But I’ll settle for bottles if I can’t get cans
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?–> hm… a mix between tomboy, sportswear and formal.
7. earbuds or headphones?–> both. earbuds while on my phone and headphones while on my computer.
8. movies or tv shows?–> tv shows. Keeps me occupied for longer and I don’t have to pay attention too much.
9. favorite smell in the summer?–> that fresh breeze when at sea or ocean. Or, the smell before a thunder storm.
10. game you were best at in p.e.?–> dodgeball, along with basketball and volleyball. which doesn’t mean I’m any good at either, those were just the ones I didn’t suck as much lol
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?–> usually, I skip breakfast and have lunch. But if I want something, it’s usually a sandwich with either avocado, fish or something else.
12. name of your favorite playlist?–> uhh.. don’t really have one.
13. lanyard or key ring?–> both ^^ key ring to keep all keys i need together and a lanyard to lock them to my pants or something.
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?–> popcorn. I’m not entirely sure tbh, I’m simply eating popcorn now so that’s why it came to my mind lol
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?–> ooh, good question. hm… catcher in the rye is up there… life of pie too… killing mr griffin…. hm. most books from my english classes it seems. the german ones sucked.
16. most comfortable position to sit in?–> sitting on one leg with the other angled. it’s kinda hard to explain, I guess.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?–> gray sneakers
18. ideal weather?–> sunshine, not too warm (maybe around 25°C), with a little breeze.
19. sleeping position?–> any position and every position
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?–> either computer or mobile phone
21. obsession from childhood?–> hm. I guess drawing might be one. Other than that, I don’t think I have an obsession from back then. Maybe anime and cartoons in general, but nothing specific.
22. role model?–> don’t have one
23. strange habits?–> can’t think of anything right now..
24. favorite crystal?–> opal
25. first song you remember hearing?–> I don’t know the song titles of those, sadly. I do remember the ketchup song
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?–> either taking a walk or sleeping in the sunshine. Not really much interested in activities.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?–> sleeping..
28. five songs to describe you?–> Alone in the room by asking alexandria, haze by tessa violet, choke by i don’t know how but they found me (the vibe of the song, not much of the lyrics), bones by emily finchum, dreamin by the score
29. best way to bond with you?–> oh, there are many ways tbh. either ask me about my obsessions and if they are similar to yours, let’s talk about those for hours. or just show up and talk bullshit, I’m always up for bullshit. or let’s rant about stuff that we both hate. just. yeah. I’m really not that hard to please, if you don’t treat me like shit, we’re good.
30. places that you find sacred?–> nothing comes to mind tbh. that doesn’t mean i don’t think places shouldn’t be treated without respect.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?–> jeans, sneakers, black tanktop and a blazer. or hoodie. things I’d usually wear as well. best to kick ass and take names while wearing what you like most, right?
32. top five favorite vines?–> “two bros, chilling in a hot tub, five feet apart cause they’re not gay.”“Say Colorado!” “I’M A GIRAFFE”“THIS BITCH EMPTY! YEET!”“Shit, duck!” “Oh, cause of the duck is it?” *gets hit by a flying duck*“Cabbage, cabbage, cabbage. LETTUCE, LETTUCE, LETTUCE!”
33. most used phrase in your phone?–> yaaaaaaf, yaaaaaaaas, rip, mood, aaaaaaaaaaargh, wtf, eyyyyyyyyyyyyy, oooh, fuck, ehehehehehehe (usually after a dirty joke), yay~, yehi wasn’t able to just pick one
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?–> none. thank goodness
35. average time you fall asleep?–> maybe.. 30min?
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?–> oooh boy, I don’t remember.
37. suitcase or duffel bag?–> suitcase. They’re easier to handle
38. lemonade or tea?–> tea
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?–> neither.. I don’t really like cakes or pies
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?–> there was a warning of a school shooting due to some internet posts. Nothing happened at our school, but people were scared. Other than that, constant firealarms due to bullshit reasons like cooking or dust. And being late for school due to flooding and casually walking in to class with zero fucks left to give.
41. last person you texted?–> a friend who sent me a cute pic.
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?–> BOTH AND BIG ENOUGH TO FIT MY PHONE IN PLEASE
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?–> Hoodie and leather jacket.
44. favorite scent for soap?–> something fresh like lemon grass or so. Or some herbs. Nothing too sweet and no nuts
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?–> I like a lot of superhero stuff, but fantasy is up there too.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?–> I’ll sleep in literally anything, depending on how tired and lazy I am to change.
47. favorite type of cheese?–> none
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?–> a pomegranate i think
49. what saying or quote do you live by?–> none really. More like a motto. Be the best you can be and enjoy yourself as much as possible.
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?–> pfft. tons of things. i can’t possibly pinpoint one
51. current stresses?–> New job starting soon where I’m not really sure how well I’ll be able to handle it, sleep scedule is fucked, being on my own entirely with no friends nearby.. ah well.
52. favorite font?–> don’t have one
53. what is the current state of your hands?–> slight lingering pain, a bit cold, no injuries
54. what did you learn from your first job?–> my first ever job was as a waitress/barkeeper at age 14 or something. What I learned there… some people expect too much of you without helping you. And it’s ok to go away from a bad envirenment. Your own well being is most important.
55. favorite fairy tale?–> It’s either the tale of Icarus or the tale of Kunegunda. Those are actually the first ones I ever heard.
56. favorite tradition?–> hm.. don’t have one
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?–> School, College, emotional breakdowns
58. four talents you’re proud of having?–> drawing, being able to view at problems rationally and finding solutions, reading people I know, my bullshit kind of humor
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?–> Let’s get this fucking party started!
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?–> slice of life. They’re the most wholesome with weird and funny friendship moments
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?–> The risk I took was calculated, but damn, am I bad at math.
62. seven characters you relate to?–> I’m too lazy to think of seven, so have one: Killua from Hunter x Hunter
63. five songs that would play in your club?–> see number 28.
64. favorite website from your childhood?–> YouTube. Well, not really childhood, but early teenage years.
65. any permanent scars?–> I have one on my forhead from an accident when I was a kid. Don’t know if other scars are permanent.
66. favorite flower(s)?–> forget-me-nots
67. good luck charms?–> a d20 dice
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?–> hm… I think I surpressed any bad memory like that. Can’t remember
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?–> brown eyes can be changed permanently blue due to some genes and pigments being linked together
70. left or right handed?–> I’m right handed
71. least favorite pattern?–> anything with huge contrasts and tons of messy lines. hurts my eyes and brain
72. worst subject?–> history. Never was good at remembering dates and years and that shit.
73. favorite weird flavor combo?–> I… don’t have any..
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?–> a 6, usually. Except if i need to do stuff or I’m trying to sleep. then a 4.
75. when did you lose your first tooth?–> I think, around the age of 9..
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?–> chips
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?–> a succulent always grew really well with me. Or cacti.
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?–> Never had coffee at a gas station. I did have sushi from the grocery story, but they were never any good.
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?–> driver’s licence photo
80. earth tones or jewel tones?–> jewel tones
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?–> wait… wat
82. pc or console?–> PC. Never had a console
83. writing or drawing?–> drawing
84. podcasts or talk radio?–> podcasts
84. barbie or polly pocket?–> I had both growing up. As a kid, barbie. later on, polly pocket.
85. fairy tales or mythology?–> why not both.
86. cookies or cupcakes?–> cookies
87. your greatest fear?–> complete darkness
88. your greatest wish?–> to manage well enough not to have to worry about anything
89. who would you put before everyone else?–> parents i guess
90. luckiest mistake?–> I bet there were so fucking many but I can’t remember right now
91. boxes or bags?–> depends. boxes for organizing stuff at home, bags for shopping and gathering things like bottles or clothes
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?–> lamps and overhead lights
93. nicknames?–> Chan
94. favorite season?–> fall
95. favorite app on your phone?–> telegram, messaging my friends and all
96. desktop background?–> a picture I made a while ago I called galaxy marbles
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?–> around 4 or so
98. favorite historical era?–> don’t have one, the all sucked
there. I did it. holy shit that was a lot.
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The Bonds We Forge - Ch11 Preview
Her mouth fell agape when the younger Salvatore brother was standing on the porch at her front doorstep, his shoulders perched and hands in both coat pockets.
"Stefan," she chimes with surprise. "Why are you here?!"
His calm stance was mixed with curiosity and concern. "Bonnie I heard you were back. I wanted to see if you were okay," he says.
"Better than ever," Bonnie says by default.
"Can I come in?" he offers kindly as he leans against the door's threshold. "Seems like you could use some company."
"I think I can manage just fine. Beside I don't think that's a good idea," she says, but her sulking body language is transparent.
"You really shouldn't be alone right now," Stefan was persistent and sure of himself.
"I don't know…It's kinda late," she says with skepticism. She was wearing a long sleeve shirt tapered off the shoulder and some cotton skin-tight grey leggings.
"Bon I know you well enough to know that when you say you're okay, you're not. And I really don't think you should be alone right now," Stefan rationalized with candor, being the perfect sympathetic friend.
Bonnie looks downward for a bit to contemplate. The night air had a chill, so she folds her arms tightly together. After a few seconds of debating, she nodded for him to come inside.
Stefan follows her into the living room where Bonnie again took her place on the couch, her legs folded beneath her as she sat.
"You have good taste in movies," he says, directing his attention to the television. Its soft light illuminated the dark living room.
Bonnie shrugs quietly. "Well it helps…I never took you for one to like romantic dramas."
Stefan smiles modestly, it makes him appear hellishly handsome and even she couldn't deny that. "Then you must not know me very well. I'm somewhat of a film junkie. I was once obsessed and enamored by the classical genre for quite some time," he offers with a sweet smile while taking off his coat, adorning a simply fitted t-shirt and dark jeans. He seated himself next her on the long couch.
"Funny, I always took you for an avid book reader instead," Bonnie lightly smiles back.
"You are correct on that one. I mean have you seen my study?! I can house three libraries," he went on with charm.
Bonnie chuckles lightly, "Maybe I can browse your library and you can let me borrow a few books one day. Elena and Caroline tease me because sometimes I prefer cozying up with a book and a cup of coffee on a Friday night rather than going out."
"That can be arranged. I'll have to make a few suggestions first. Pierre et Luce?" he says with a raised eyebrow.
"Not familiar with it," she replies.
"It's an excellent read if you're into old-style revolution…very poignant love story," he continues. "It's about two lovers in an organized French resistance against the regime during wartime."
Bonnie wistfully smiles, she's intrigued. She listens to him summarize the story and talk about some of his other favorite literature reads. She wonders why her and Stefan never spent as much time together when in fact they had much in common. More so than her relationship with the older snarky Salvatore brother who seemed to do nothing but grind her gears.
Stefan did wonders at distracting her mind with his mild conversation, mostly trivial things about himself which put her at ease. Although, it still was not enough to block out her troubling thoughts.
Their talk fell to a comfortable silence as his arm rested on the top of the couch's back. "Where is Kai?" Stefan finally asked, his voice changed to solid tone as he stared ahead without taking his eyes off the television.
Bonnie shook her head briefly. "I don't know. And I think I don't care," she says dryly.
Stefan's body turns to face her fully. "But I think you do care. It's okay to care Bonnie. You don't have to put on this tough facade all the time. You are human and it's okay to feel," his words of wisdom reach deep.
So deep that it made tears well up in her eyes, she sniffled to hold them back from falling. In seconds, she was unraveling before him and couldn't stop the inevitable.
"I don't know, I just..." her voice became shaky as her sadness surfaced in tenfold.
Immediately before she could break down, Stefan shooshed her lightly and reached out to pull Bonnie into his open arms. She willingly fell into his hard chest, then suddenly the tears flowed down her cheeks and she sobbed lightly with her head laid into the crock of his neck.
Stefan hushed her once again, his hold was strong, but not overbearing. The hug was just enough to make her feel secure and safe in the confines of his arms. His digits smoothed the back of her hair in the form of soft petting. "It's going to be okay. Shhhh," he whispers gently.
Bonnie's arms wrapped around his upper body, hands cupping his muscled back until her fingertips reached to grapple at his broad shoulders. She moaned lightly as Stefan's nose nuzzled into her washed, now dry hair. It smelled of fresh lavender. He told himself to just console her enough to divert her mind. If he could compel her to forget, he would do just that if she wasn't immune to his vampire powers. She didn't want to let go, imagining what it would feel like if Kai were to hold her like this.
She cried some more, her sobs lessen when Stefan took her chin into the fore fingers of his thumb and index finger, impetuously tilting her head upwards to make her eyes meet his gaze. His beautiful grey eyes were soft and sincere, pupils expanding. His deep voice firm with assurance reaching her core. It made her to feel like loose dough in his hearty hands.
No wonder Elena was so head over heels for the younger Salvatore. Bonnie thought Elena was a damn fool to let someone like him go to waste for the likes of Damon because Stefan was clearly the real thing, nothing short of being a man.
He edged her chin close to his face with his head levelled to match her position, he inclined forward to sweetly kiss the top of her forehead. She wasn't expecting this at all. The kiss was a gentle and warm gesture. One she hadn't experienced in a long time.
His thumb keenly rubs the bottom of her chin while his other arm wrapped around her back, his hand massaging the dip of her spine to soothe. Hardly romantic, but if she were not so emotionally invested in another man's heart, she'd easily mistaken Stefan's swooning ways for foreign terrain as a means of seduction. Bonnie swears this could easily turn to into something else real quick if she allowed it.
However, Stefan was the perfect gentleman. He was old fashioned and naturally protective. His strong morals would not sway him to take advantage of a down trodden woman at such a time when she was most vulnerable.
His caring gesture was like the time he consoled her after the death of Grams. No one but him comforted her like that. She could only think of Matt, who had a really good sensitive side and a mean cuddle.
"It's going to be okay," Stefan stays firmly, his head slowly nods at her with his words. "Okay?" he waits for her to discreetly nod back.
Bonnie pulls away to wipe her wet eyes clean, using the back of her white long sleeve shirt which stretched past her hands. She sniffles again, her voice rumbled. "Can you just hold me Stefan?" She asks innocently.
He nods accordingly in agreement. "Yes of course. Lay on me for as long as you need to," he commands in gentile tone.
"At least until I fall asleep. I want you here. Please," Bonnie pleads softly while wrapping her arms around him.
Stefan obliged as Bonnie moved even closer, legs now crossed and draped over his thighs. She laid her head into his hard chest while her hands cup his lower waist. His masculine scent reminded her of Kai, it made her pheromones ignite something wild. If only Kai were the one to hold her like that and not Stefan, she thought.
But she pushed the thought of the siphon out of her mind as Stefan languidly stroked the small hairs on the nape of her neck. It made her lull into the start of a peaceful sleep, his other hand rested to cup her thigh, but it didn't move. His neck massage did wonders to her achy body making all her muscles lose tension.
Bonnie listens to the sound of his soft breathing, the rise of his chest gave way as if she were motioning on a boat at calm sea.
This is still a Bonkai fic, but I’m weak for Stefonnie. See full chapter here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12428629/1/Beyond-Wicked-2 
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unicornmagic · 7 years
Untitled high school omegaverse
For @hannigram-a-b-o-library and SummertimeSlick, here’s a bit of the A/B/O AU where Will is sweet seventeen and goes into--you guessed it--surprise heat. Soshite Koi ga Hajimaru: Hannigram edition, basically.  
Assume this Hannibal is nice-ish, though exactly how nice is unclear. No sex, just age difference, heat, and bodily grossness. 
Edit: completed version now here on AO3.
Quiet in the hallways:  class in session.  The guidance counselor greeted Hannibal outside the nurse's office with a rueful smile.  
"Thanks for coming on short notice."
"Not at all," said Hannibal.  "How's the late bloomer?"
"Not happy," said Dr. Bloom.  "We haven't been able to reach his father—he's a contractor, does boat repairs.  Mom's not in the picture."
"'Not happy.'  Physical distress?"
"More emotional.  He thought of himself as a beta until today, and I think he felt secure in that identity.  It's a lot to process."
"It certainly can be," said Hannibal.  "A senior, you said?"
She nodded.  "Few months shy of eighteen.  He and his dad just moved here in August, before classes started.  There were some disciplinary issues at a previous school.  Nothing here.  Seems very bright, but he hasn't been very talkative."  Her smile grew self-deprecating.  "At least not with me."  
"Well, let's have a look and proceed from there."
Dr. Bloom ushered him into the office, to the door of a smaller room within it.  She knocked softly at the door.  "Will?  The doctor's here.  Can we come in?"
A hoarse okay from within.  Dr. Bloom opened the door.  The lights in the room were dimmed.  The walls were ugly cinderblock, institutional, grime-gray. There was a chair, a low cabinet, a narrow bed with a mattress covered in green vinyl.  A cotton blanket lay draped over the end of the bed, a nominal concession to some omegas' need to hide or nest.  
A young man sat on the bed with knees drawn up to his chest, ignoring the blanket, making himself small. 
His clothes were rumpled--gray shorts and plaid shirt, both of poor quality--but he was finely made, with startling features.  A nest of dark curls.  Pink ears protruding from them, darkened with a flush.   Eyes the color of an unruly sea.  They flickered up, then down as Hannibal entered the room.
The scent was delicate, unmistakable.  Nectar to a bee.  Hannibal took care not to audibly sniff.
Dr. Bloom stepped forward.  "Will, this is Dr. Lecter.  He can answer any questions you don't feel comfortable asking me.  I'll be right outside if you need me."
Will nodded.  He remained huddled on the narrow bed.  If anything, he seemed to shrink, flattening further against the wall.  He licked his lips.
"You're an alpha," he said, after Dr. Bloom had shut the door.  
"And a physician," said Hannibal.  "Between the two, I hope I may be of some use.  How are you feeling?"
"I think 'not right' sums it up."
"I'll have to ask you to be a little more specific.  Since you're presenting on the late end of what's considered the normal range, we want to be sure there's nothing amiss."
Will's look suggested that in his view there was plenty amiss, but he uncurled a little from his huddle against the wall.  "I feel feverish.  Overheated.  Like there's a film clinging to the surface of my brain.  When I woke up this morning I thought I must be coming down with something.  Then I got here and everything smelled all...high definition."  His lip curled.  "I'm also...leaking...from places that don't usually leak."
"Taking a suppressant will decrease the flow, but the effects won't be immediate.  Did the nurse or Dr. Bloom give you a hygienic pad?"
Will gave an awful grimace of a smile.  "I stuffed toilet paper down my shorts," he said.
"We'll get you something more suitable."  Hannibal opened his bag.  He took the boy's vitals, noting the slightly elevated temperature without alarm.  "Not unusual during the onset stage.  Feeling feverish and a bit hazy is also normal.  You may find yourself responding strongly to others' personal scents, particularly those of alphas."
"Like yours," said Will slowly.  "You smell--"  A long pause.  "You smell good."
Hannibal quashed his smile.  "Thank you."
Will blinked, then squinted.  The scrutiny seemed aimed chiefly at himself.  "Sorry, was that inappropriate?  Is being inappropriate a symptom?"
"A degree of lowered inhibition is typical.  If you continue to scent me, you may experience an increase in the flow of your natural lubrication--"
"No kidding," muttered Will, looking away.  "So it's like being on the rag, except I'll be leaking from a different orifice, and instead of cramps I'll have fits of lust?"  The back of Will's head met the cinderblock wall.  His throat worked visibly in an effort to swallow his fate.  "God.  How soon can I take drugs to make it stop?"  A thought seemed to strike him, and dawning horror with it.  "Do I have to wait for my dad?  Because I'm a minor?"
"Most non-emergency treatment would require parental consent," said Hannibal, "but there's an exception for 'family planning services.'  If you like, we can start you on suppressants immediately."  
Relief spread in Will's face, followed by a return of tension.  The mobile play of feeling was remarkable.  "How much are they?  I don't--we don't have insurance."
"Thanks to the pharmaceutical companies, I'm well supplied in the way of samples.  You can take your first dose now--" Hannibal reached into his bag and drew out a pill packet, "--but for a full supply, I'll need to stop at my office."  He paused.  "You're welcome to come with me.  There's a private room you can use to study or rest until your father can arrange to pick you up." He cast a meaningful glance around the room. "It may be more comfortable than this one."
"Can't imagine it'd be less," said Will.
The doctor's car was parked in one of the visitor spots, black and gleaming.  Will tossed down his book bag and slid into the passenger seat:  dark leather, immaculate.  Then the smell hit, and he nearly toppled sideways out of the car.
Dr. Lecter hovered, hand on the passenger door.  He'd opened it for Will, to Will's incredulity, like some kind of gentleman alpha relic from a previous century.  Will prayed no one in chem lab had been staring out the window to see it happen.  
Concern showed on the doctor's mild face.  "Would you prefer to have Dr. Bloom drive you?  I'm sure she'd be willing."
Will thought of Dr. Bloom, the stylish dress that clung to her figure, the tepid scent he'd never thought bland until today.  Her look of too-knowing sympathy as she'd handed him a hygienic pad.  She was a beta, but she knew what it was like to leak.  Will jerked his head in an emphatic no.
Dr. Lecter closed the door and came around to the driver's seat.  Will could barely hear the engine's purr when he turned the key. 
"Kind of car is this?" he asked, to distract himself from the scent, which was everywhere, dizzying, far more concentrated than it had been in the nurse's office.  His head tipped back on the leather headrest and lolled.  
"A Bentley."
Will peered at the dash as they pulled out of the lot.  "European?"
"British."  Dr. Lecter glanced sideways.  "Shall I open the window?"
At Will's unsteady nod, Dr. Lecter reached for the controls.  The passenger side window slid down.  The rush of clear, humid air from outside brought both relief and--from the just-wakened part of Will that appalled him--a twist of loss. He slumped toward the open window, this close to sticking his head through it to ride with his face in the wind like a dog.  It seemed a better choice than slumping the other way and plastering his nose to Dr. Lecter's sleeve.
His glance strayed sideways, to Dr. Lecter's hands on the wheel at eight and four.  Dexterous, confident in their grasp.  Will wondered how it would feel if they touched his neck, then tore his gaze away.
He wasn't gay, at least not if his previous attractions were anything to go by.  Insofar as he liked people, which wasn't much, he liked girls.  Alphas were mostly insufferable.  The idea of finding them sexy, if only under the influence of hormones--of slavering after their big alpha dicks--made Will want to claw his own face, or maybe the car's fancy leather interior.
Dr. Lecter kept his eyes on the road.  They were heading into the old part of town, the good part, all ponderous houses big enough to qualify as mansions in Will's mind, with broad porches and manicured yards and mature trees hung with moss.  
"Dr. Bloom tells me you're a recent arrival in town," Dr. Lecter said.  "How are you finding the school?"
"It's a school," said Will. 
"Are there many other omegas in your class?"
Will snorted.  "There's not even an AO students' union."  They were supposed to be five percent of the population, give or take, but he knew of only two omega seniors, both girls.  Families that could afford it didn't send their omega kids to shitty Louisiana public schools--coed schools, where they might get bullied or knocked up by randy teenage alphas.  He'd be the only male omega in his class.
Just when he'd thought maybe school would be endurable here, if he kept his head down and did his work.  A few more months, a few more credits and he'd be done, gone, off to basic training at Cape May.  Did the Coast Guard even let omegas serve on active duty?  He shut his eyes and pulled his arms close to his ribs.
At that moment a fresh spurt of wetness--slick, he thought, forcing himself to think it--oozed from his butthole, squishing up and down the crack of his ass.  Will stiffened.  He held himself rigid, praying it wouldn't soak through the pad, through his pants, stain the doctor's expensive leather seats.  
Even if it didn't, an alpha could probably smell it.  He should've asked to ride with Dr. Bloom, after all.  He turned his face miserably to the window's edge.  
"Sorry," rasped Will.
"There's no need for apology.  The changes in your body are--"
"If you say 'perfectly natural,'" said Will, voice cracking, "I will jump out of this moving car."
Dr. Lecter was silent for a moment.  "If you'd like to talk about what you're feeling, I'd be glad to lend an ear.  I'm no Dr. Bloom, but I've treated many young omegas.  Nothing you say will surprise me."
"What I'm feeling is that human biology is bullshit," said Will.
Dr. Lecter didn't smile.  "It may seem hard to believe at the moment, but in some cultures, presentation is an occasion to celebrate.  In Lithuania, omegas were considered blessed by Laima, goddess of birth and fate.  At first heat they were crowned with flower garlands and feasted, before and after."
"Lucky them," muttered Will.  He paused, considering the doctor's accent.  "Is that where you're from?"
"Originally, yes."  The car slowed.  "Here we are."
Will had expected an office building, but they'd pulled up to the curb in front of a stately double-gallery house, surrounded by other stately houses and a Catholic church.  A low fence of wrought iron lined the edge of the yard, too short to keep people out or dogs in.  Aside from that, it was a good yard: generous, green, shaded by a live oak that spread soft fingers of moss over the eaves. 
A sign along the sidewalk read, in neat gold lettering: H. Lecter, M.D.  Family Practice.
H. Lecter, M.D. rolled up the window and unbuckled his seatbelt.  As soon as the window sealed shut, the scent of him overtook Will again.  Will drew a shaky breath of it.  If he'd ever noticed how alphas smelled before, he'd found them off-putting, too musky, rank with masculine excess.   Dr. Lecter smelled intricate, with an edge of sweetness, like the trace of caramel in good bourbon. The kind you could get hammered on without regret.  When Will didn't budge in his seat, the doctor paused with one hand on the door.  
"Will you come in?" he asked.
Will turned his head.  He didn't want to move, and not just because he was afraid to see if he'd stained the seat.  Fucked up as it was, he didn't want to leave this small, dark, enclosed space that reeked of alpha.  Not for any place other than his own shitty bedroom in the shitty rental house.
The words welled up of their own volition, like slick.  "Could I maybe just...wait here, while you go in?"  He hated asking for things, and here he was, asking. His eyes met Dr. Lecter's.  He was pretty sure they reflected some portion of how pathetic he felt.  "Maybe I could get a ride home?"
Dr. Lecter's pupils dilated.  He hesitated for a second before he spoke.  "It would be best if someone remained near you, at least for the next several hours.  Adverse reactions to suppressants are uncommon, but not unheard of."  He looked conflicted, as if denying the request of a heat-stricken omega contradicted his principles.  "Is there someone who could stay with you at your home?"
Will looked away.  He could lie.  Invent a neighbor, a family friend, a local aunt.  Say they'd come over and keep an eye on him.  He shook his head.
"Not unless you want to.” He felt a dim disbelief at himself for saying it aloud.
"I'm more than flattered to be asked."  Dr. Lecter's voice grew gentle and low.  Will wanted to roll in it, and to yank back the part of him that wanted to roll by the scruff of its neck.  Yank it back and lock it up in a shed.  "I only wish it were appropriate.  Would you like to try again to reach your father?"
Reluctantly Will took out his phone.  The call rang, and rang, and went to voice mail, as it had when Dr. Bloom had tried before.  Will cut it off without leaving a message.  Dr. Lecter was watching, solemn-faced.
"He's not very good about checking his phone," said Will, hating that it sounded like an excuse.  "Forgets he turned the ringer off."
Dr. Lecter shifted toward him in the driver's seat, all earnest brown eyes and sandy brown hair that fringed over the side of his brow.  "I understand you'd prefer to be at home.  Let's at least see that there are no ill effects from the medication first.  If in a few hours all seems well, and there's still no word from your father, I'd be happy to drive you."
Will's shoulders sank.  It was hard to say no to an alpha, let alone one that sounded so goddamn rational and adult.  He nodded, silent.  He dragged his book bag onto his lap, then opened the door before Dr. Lecter could sweep around the car and do it for him.
As they walked up to the office, the doctor asked, "Are you hungry?"
"Not really."
"If not now, you may be soon.  Do you like profiteroles?"
Will squinted sideways.  "Why?" 
"Because I made some to share with my staff.  I'm afraid there's an excess."
Will shouldered his slumping book bag with a huff.  "For my presentation feast?"  They stepped onto the porch.  Through the front window Will could see an airy waiting room, a reception desk, a young woman behind it.  He sidled closer to Dr. Lecter without thinking.  "Do I get a flower crown, too?"
Dr. Lecter's arm came around Will, gently shepherding, as he held open the door.  "It would be my pleasure."
Continued on AO3
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toddrogersfl · 6 years
What to do…if you hate your perfume present? 7 tips to try before you cry!
Well firstly, ‘hate’ is a very strong word. If you’ve been landed with the favourite fragrance of your current partner’s ex, we’re not going to pretend to make you suddenly adore it, so maybe re-gift that one – see tip #7 – and treat yourself to one of our Discovery Boxes of fragrant delights, and perhaps a new partner, instead?
But there are things you can try before you completely ditch a scent – we can’t tell you how many fragrance experts (ourselves included!) and even perfumers have drastically changed their minds about a fragrance by trying some of these top tips…
#1 – Seasonal changes Did you know that the weather, your mood and even what you ate up to *two weeks ago* can dramatically alter how scent smells on your skin? Skin and climate temperature are vital to a perfume’s performance, so even your favourite fragrance will smell different based on the time of year. When perfumers test the scents they’re creating they often use climate-controlled booths to check how they smell in hot and colder conditions (depending what countries they’ll be selling in). Don’t re-gift until you’ve tried the perfume again later in the year, or even on holiday – you can easily decant some into one of the wonderful Travalo bottles we sell, just for this purpose!
– Similarly, strongly spiced foods can change how a perfume smells on your skin, and when testing fragrances under lab conditions, the ‘skin model’ volunteers they use are often specifically asked to refrain from eating such foods up to two weeks prior to testing, so the perfumers can smell a ‘true’ representation of the scent. Though sometimes the reverse is true: if a fragrance is to be mainly sold in a country where people eat lots of spicy foods, the ‘skin models’ are asked to replicate that diet to ensure the scent works efficiently.
– We now know that mood plays an important part in how we select a fragrance – try a scent when you’re feeling a particular way, and it colours how you feel about the fragrance itself. If you’re feeling stressed or upset, a bit under the weather or just overwhelmed, these are not ideal conditions for testing out something new. Wait until you’re feeling calmer, or simply have more time to really explore what you’re smelling. That’s when you can try to…
#2 – Improve your sense of smell Absolutely everyone can benefit from this – we’ve had people from normal perfume-lovers, complete novices to industry professionals telling us how trying these techniques have changed the way they smell for the better (for good). This doesn’t mean suddenly gaining the ability of being able to detect every single ingredient within a bottle of perfume, but rather learning to train your nose the way a perfumer does: by deeply exploring the emotions it makes you feel, colours, textures, places and people it reminds you of.
This is why we developed our so-popular How to Improve Your Sense of Smell Workshops, regularly held in London and, sometimes at independent perfumeries around the UK (let us know if you’d like one near you!) We’ll be adding new dates soon, but if you can’t make it to one of these fun and fascinating afternoons, here are a few simple tips to try every day:
– Spray a scent on a blotter, preferably (you can buy books of blotters in our shop, if you need), close your eyes and keep sniffing for several seconds, then take the blotter away, inhale deeply, and re-sniff the blotter again. Repeat this for a minute or so, and then begin writing a few words in a notebook. It doesn’t have to be a description, and it shouldn’t ‘list’ notes – try to use words that make you think of other things. For example…
– If this scent were a fabric, what would it be? What colour? If you made someone an outfit from that fabric, who would they be, where would they be going?
– If it were a piece of music, what instruments would be playing? Is it classical, rock music, pop, rap or jazz?
Really attempt to get past thinking ‘I don’t like this’ and focus instead on the mood it’s creating. Is it too deep or too fresh or floral for your personal taste? Give it time and then, if needed, move on to one of the tips, below…
#3 – Layer up! Layering fragrances used to be seen as a scent sin, but we’ve all gotten over ourselves a bit (well most of us have). You don’t have to do this to a perfume you already love on its own – why would you need to? – but there are brilliant ways of beefing-up a sadly flimsy fragrance, or adding a zing to something that’s a bit too dark or cloying on your skin. Give it a go, because, as we always say: perfume isn’t a tattoo – if you don’t like it, you can wash it off!
– Add power: ramp it up by adding more base notes like patchouli, labdanum, vetiver, woods or musk.
– Add freshness: look for citrus notes like bergamot, neroli, lemon, lime or ‘green’ notes such as galbanum, tomato or violet leaf, green tea, marine/aquatic accords (synthetic recreations of sea-like, watery smells) and aldehydes (often desribed as being like Champagne bubbles).
– Add beauty: find a scent too ‘harsh’ or clinical? Look to layer it with decadently velvety or lusciously fruity rose oils, the sunshine-bottled scent of orange flower, a heady glamour of tuberose or a luminescent jasmine; try an apricot-like osmanthus flower, the fluffiness of mimosa or the powdery elegance of iris/orris.
– Add sweetness: vanilla and tonka bean can ’round’ a perfume, making it swoon on your skin (and addictive to smell), as can touches of synthetic notes described as ‘caramel’ or ‘dulce de leche’, ripe fruits, chocolate or even candy floss. Try to add less than you think you need, as adding more is always easier than taking away, and a little of these can go a long way!
For layering any of these, you can either try layering over other fragrances you have in which the above notes dominate, with a single-fragranced ‘soliflore’ (one main note) fragrance oil or spray, or try layering the scent you don’t currently like over a differently perfumed body lotion or oil (see below or the added benefits of doing this…)
#4 – Boost the lasting-power If the reason you don’t like a perfume is because it just seems to ‘disappear’ on your skin, you’re not alone. We often find those with dry skin have this problem, and it’s even thought genetics and things like hair colour may play a part. Scientists are still finding this out, but while they do, there are ways you can make perfume last far longer:
– Try using a body oil, rich body balm or moisturising lotion before you put any fragrance on (and even afterwards, too), as scent takes longer to evaporate on nourished skin. This helps the fragrance ‘cling’ to your skin more easily, and so you get to actually smell if for more than a few minutes without frantically re-spraying.
– Spray pulse-points you might not usually think of. Behind your knees is a good example – it’s a warm spot that, once spritzed, will mean you leave a fragrant trail…
– Spritz the perfume at the nape of your neck, even into your hair and on clothes – BUT do check by spraying a tissue first that it isn’t going to mark your hair or fabric a strange colour, or leave an oily residue! We adore this way of wearing perfume, as hair and fabric are porous without heating up as much as your skin, allowing the perfume to stay all day.
Spraying a fragrance on to a scarf is a particularly good idea if you want…
#5 – A part-time perfume There are days we feel the need to try something completely different, but perhaps don’t want to be stuck with that scent all day, so what to do?
– Consider spraying a scarf (preferably not silk or a light colour, unless you’ve patch-tested it as above, first!) with this perfume you’re unsure of, that way if it gets a bit ‘too much’ or you want to wear something different, you can simply take the scarf off and you’re not stuck with it on your skin all day.
Nope? Tried all that and still struggling? All is not lost, don’t give up yet…
#6 – Scent up your life We all have certain scents or fragrant ingredients that, for one reason or another, we might not wish to wear but do like to smell if it’s scenting something else.
– Why not try spraying off-cuts of pretty wrapping paper or tissue paper, and using this to line your lingerie or sweater drawers?
– Or, how about being utterly fabulous by spraying your note paper and insides of envelopes (the fancy ones lined with tissue paper are particularly good for this), and writing a few actual letters or thank you cards to loved-ones you’ve not seen for a while. Everyone loves getting proper post!
– The truly decadent could try scenting table linen – again, PLEASE patch test, as above – for lavish dinner parties to rival Marie Antoinette – spraying on cotton wool and putting inside a deocrative ceramic or pottery vase, on wooden ornaments or ceramic discs you hang over radiators to scent the whole room as they heat.
We so hope you can find a way to try this poor perfume again and give it some love, but if all else fails and you still can’t bring yourself to use it, well at least you tried! Why not…
#7 – Have a perfume-swapping party / re-gift Um, remembering not to invite the one who gave you that particular perfume… otherwise, major awks. Or, if you’re looking to re-gift, have a look at our brilliant Fragrance Finder. Simply put the name of the fragrance into the search box, and it’ll suggest six scents that are similar in character and style, or share a number of significant notes – this way you can see if anyone you know already has one of these, and it means they’ll very likely love to receive this one from you. Genius!
Written by Suzy Nightingale
The post What to do…if you hate your perfume present? 7 tips to try before you cry! appeared first on The Perfume Society.
from The Perfume Society https://perfumesociety.org/what-to-do-if-you-hate-your-perfume-present-7-tips-to-try-before-you-cry/
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healthylifepage · 7 years
France has built many exquisite ‘Palace hotels’ over the past hundred years, but this article concerns the grande dame of them all; occupying the entire tip of the St-Jean Cap Ferrat peninsula, the Grand-Hotel du Cap-Ferrat (henceforth GHCF) was amongst the first of its kind, and is *the* destination to experience French health and vitality along this gleaming stretch of the coast. Designed by Gustave Eiffel, it stands peerless as an enduring icon of quiet French sophistication, unchanged by the passage of time and yet overflowing with contemporary relevance; the very expression of both heritage and modernity. Inside its pristine white walls can be found the standards by which world-class hospitality should be measured, with the Four Seasons group who now operate this treasure having sympathetically continued its traditions with their unique brand of attention to detail. GHCF is also the most glamorous, most beautiful, and most immersive venue for a wellness escape on this rarefied stretch of the Côte D’Azur – and I don’t bestow that title lightly, as they’re up against competition that’s been bringing their A-game to the Riviera for decades. I’ve visited here for the past 5 years, and never do I leave this sanctuary feeling anything less than supremely recharged, emotionally contented and totally compelled to return. I booked in this year with the express intention of unveiling the wellbeing treasures of this timeless institution on FitnessOnToast.com. Click MORE to discover them all…
As ever, I’ll attempt a piece-by-piece commentary on the experience as I encountered it, starting from the outside in!
The main mansion house itself is a work of masonry genius, sprinkled with Gustav Eiffel’s magic touch. Straddling the land with muscular and symmetrical poise, with wings extended as if to reach out and embrace the ocean that stands before it, the silhouette is a robust and confidence-inspiring structure.
But the immaculate exterior hides a calm, elegant and effortlessly sophisticated interior, with ornate cornicing complemented by modern allusions. The finish is characteristically perfect, with every meticulous detail unconsciously inspiring comfort and a pervasive sense of ease. The ‘Rotunda’ which I picture immediately below has a particularly special serenity to it, a type difficult to convey in words, and which barely translates via images. There is a gentle breeze carrying tranquility through its light and airy volumes, with a delicious 180-degree aspect over neatly trimmed pine-tops, proudly surveying the ocean horizon. It is a fabulous place for a reflective coffee, and is sure to spur some philosophical line of mindful thought!
We are of course, each entitled to our own quirky opinions, but I take comfort from the well-known Cap-Ferrat hotel guests, who’ve included Somerset Maugham, Charlie Chaplin, Winston Churchill, Aristotle Onassis and Elizabeth Taylor. Also, the Swimming Club’s legendary instructor, Pierre Gruneberg, has given lessons to Picasso, as well as the children of Kennedys, Frank Sinatra, Paul McCartney and Ralph Lauren. The heritage of popular culture is rich here, and I understand why.
On this fertile land, I’ve come to expect the freshest flavors of the Cote d’Azur – French and Mediterranean influenced cuisine, served in some breathtaking settings – by one of the world’s most beautiful swimming pools, under the canopy of the Aleppo Pine trees or Provençal cuisine at it’s finest and finally, or at the gastronomic restaurant La Cap (1* Michelin) which displays one of my favourite murals of an enchanting seascape.
Breakfast is a gentle treat under the aromatic canopy of the pines, with a sensation that you’re waking up with nature. This is always a big deal for me; it’s the kickoff for the hours to come, so it simply needs to be good. The choice on offer here is so strong, and the execution so good, that I have come to utterly relish my breakfasts on their terraces. The following pictures should allow you to feast your eyes on plenty of deliciousness…
This is the name of the dedicated swimming pool area, located closer to the water, and accessible either via a stunning ramble through Jean Mus’ gardens, or via their air-conditioned funicular cable car if you prefer! Eating down here is such a treat – you get to look out over what’s regularly hailed as the most beautiful pool in the world and certainly the Cote d’Azur.  Watching the two blues blend together is possibly my favorite pastime whilst enjoying fresh fish! Club Dauphin’s infinity pool was built in 1939, and is today filled with seawater and heated to a temperature of 28 degrees Celsius (82.4 degrees Fahrenheit) so that it’s always perfect to dispatch a few lengths and cool off.
The hotel’s one Michelin-starred fine dining restaurant is well celebrated on this coastline. You get the choice between indoor/outdoor seating (both are wonderful in my opinion) and are presented with a superb selection of French Mediterranean cuisine, enhanced by a vast wine collection if that’s your thing, with some serious cellar porn featuring over 600 varieties.
This feels somewhat of a casual and chic interlude, bridging your journey from the hotel proper to the Club Dauphin down by the waterside. From breakfast through dinner, it’s an elegant setting which delivers flavourful and fresh Provençal fare – one of my preferred styles of cuisine for its light and natural characteristics. The terrace is shaded by a canopy of 100-year-old Aleppo pine trees, and in the distance, vague ocean sounds are like an audible painting.
The 7 hectares of sweeping Mediterranean landscape are designed by world-renowned gardener Jean Mus. Here you’ll find a tranquil refuge for rare trees, exotic plants, and Provençal flora, manicured grass and wildflower fields. To go for a power walk or run here is exhilarating for all the senses. To reach the pool one can walk or take the sleekly designed, glass funicular down the hillside to the pool and Club Dauphin.
GHCF has perhaps the ultimate outdoor gym – open-walled, shaded, Technogym-equipped, and blessed with views of the gardens overlooking the sea – if that doesn’t motivate you I’m not sure what will! The indoor pool features a counter-current system which is ideal for swimming laps with gentle and functional resistance. There are countless classes to join including yoga, one on one personal training; Or, my favorite, take a run along the Chemin de La Carriere route which hugs the coastline. There are also two clay tennis courts on the property, which feels like a bit of treat too!
This is the ultimate chic French multi-award winning spa, where so many details make me smile. Of particular note are the heavenly toiletries, all Hermes ‘Jardin Sur Le Nil’. There’s a vast array of treatments including signature facial and body treatments – but what’s unique is the beautifully manicured Spa Garden with its sea-view and sun terraces; indoor is beautiful but this stretch of riviera is differentiated by its stunning natural beauty – outdoors is absolutely my preference!
After a workout, there’s the hydrotherapy pool to help relax your muscles, plus the tepidarium with scented-salt foot-wells. There are also separate men’s and women’s private steam rooms and saunas and a sensorial shower, a whirlpool bath and an ice fountain. Amenities include a tea bar serving herbal teas and fresh juices, with some light natural bites.
Whilst being an imposing structure, it’s a fairly intimate hotel, hosting 33 rooms and 16 suites. The rooms are light and bright using materials like white Calcutta Cremo marble or beige marble Persiano, wooden floors, white linen, natural silks and 100% cotton. The enormous, plush and perfectly made-up beds ensure you get the ultimate restorative sleep. I drink liberally from the fountain of ‘rest’ in these rooms! The details are beautifully appointed,
The rooms also feature works from celebrated artists, many of whom were local to the area or regular guests such as Picasso, Cocteau, Matisse, Chagall, Modigliani and Rodin.
GHCF is a rare and highly-polished treasure that defines the loftiest echelons of the hospitality industry. It’s renovation in 2009 to mark its centenary has set the standard for elegant and exquisite décor that promotes cognitive ease at every turn. A visit restores and refreshes, time both stands still and runs rampant, the senses are delighted by the finish, and whilst you might fear it too stuffy in your mind’s eye, there’s a casual Riviera poise that wafts through the airy corridors neutralising any semblance of pretension which can otherwise run amok in this part of the world. The price is high (because it is in this part of the world), but that cost buys you a concentrated infusion of both relaxation and vigorous aspirational energy, a purpose and directional drive which I’ve found I carry with me for weeks thereafter. I would rather take fewer days of higher quality time here, above several more days at almost any other destination. A visit comes highly recommended.
Faya x
The post WELLNESS ESCAPE: GRAND HOTEL DU CAP FERRAT appeared first on Fitness on Toast.
WELLNESS ESCAPE: GRAND HOTEL DU CAP FERRAT posted first on yummylooksbest.blogspot.com
0 notes
yolandadsims · 7 years
France has built many exquisite ‘Palace hotels’ over the past hundred years, but this article concerns the grande dame of them all; occupying the entire tip of the St-Jean Cap Ferrat peninsula, the Grand-Hotel du Cap-Ferrat (henceforth GHCF) was amongst the first of its kind, and is *the* destination to experience French health and vitality along this gleaming stretch of the coast. Designed by Gustave Eiffel, it stands peerless as an enduring icon of quiet French sophistication, unchanged by the passage of time and yet overflowing with contemporary relevance; the very expression of both heritage and modernity. Inside its pristine white walls can be found the standards by which world-class hospitality should be measured, with the Four Seasons group who now operate this treasure having sympathetically continued its traditions with their unique brand of attention to detail. GHCF is also the most glamorous, most beautiful, and most immersive venue for a wellness escape on this rarefied stretch of the Côte D’Azur – and I don’t bestow that title lightly, as they’re up against competition that’s been bringing their A-game to the Riviera for decades. I’ve visited here for the past 5 years, and never do I leave this sanctuary feeling anything less than supremely recharged, emotionally contented and totally compelled to return. I booked in this year with the express intention of unveiling the wellbeing treasures of this timeless institution on FitnessOnToast.com. Click MORE to discover them all…
As ever, I’ll attempt a piece-by-piece commentary on the experience as I encountered it, starting from the outside in!
The main mansion house itself is a work of masonry genius, sprinkled with Gustav Eiffel’s magic touch. Straddling the land with muscular and symmetrical poise, with wings extended as if to reach out and embrace the ocean that stands before it, the silhouette is a robust and confidence-inspiring structure.
But the immaculate exterior hides a calm, elegant and effortlessly sophisticated interior, with ornate cornicing complemented by modern allusions. The finish is characteristically perfect, with every meticulous detail unconsciously inspiring comfort and a pervasive sense of ease. The ‘Rotunda’ which I picture immediately below has a particularly special serenity to it, a type difficult to convey in words, and which barely translates via images. There is a gentle breeze carrying tranquility through its light and airy volumes, with a delicious 180-degree aspect over neatly trimmed pine-tops, proudly surveying the ocean horizon. It is a fabulous place for a reflective coffee, and is sure to spur some philosophical line of mindful thought!
We are of course, each entitled to our own quirky opinions, but I take comfort from the well-known Cap-Ferrat hotel guests, who’ve included Somerset Maugham, Charlie Chaplin, Winston Churchill, Aristotle Onassis and Elizabeth Taylor. Also, the Swimming Club’s legendary instructor, Pierre Gruneberg, has given lessons to Picasso, as well as the children of Kennedys, Frank Sinatra, Paul McCartney and Ralph Lauren. The heritage of popular culture is rich here, and I understand why.
On this fertile land, I’ve come to expect the freshest flavors of the Cote d’Azur – French and Mediterranean influenced cuisine, served in some breathtaking settings – by one of the world’s most beautiful swimming pools, under the canopy of the Aleppo Pine trees or Provençal cuisine at it’s finest and finally, or at the gastronomic restaurant La Cap (1* Michelin) which displays one of my favourite murals of an enchanting seascape.
Breakfast is a gentle treat under the aromatic canopy of the pines, with a sensation that you’re waking up with nature. This is always a big deal for me; it’s the kickoff for the hours to come, so it simply needs to be good. The choice on offer here is so strong, and the execution so good, that I have come to utterly relish my breakfasts on their terraces. The following pictures should allow you to feast your eyes on plenty of deliciousness…
This is the name of the dedicated swimming pool area, located closer to the water, and accessible either via a stunning ramble through Jean Mus’ gardens, or via their air-conditioned funicular cable car if you prefer! Eating down here is such a treat – you get to look out over what’s regularly hailed as the most beautiful pool in the world and certainly the Cote d’Azur.  Watching the two blues blend together is possibly my favorite pastime whilst enjoying fresh fish! Club Dauphin’s infinity pool was built in 1939, and is today filled with seawater and heated to a temperature of 28 degrees Celsius (82.4 degrees Fahrenheit) so that it’s always perfect to dispatch a few lengths and cool off.
The hotel’s one Michelin-starred fine dining restaurant is well celebrated on this coastline. You get the choice between indoor/outdoor seating (both are wonderful in my opinion) and are presented with a superb selection of French Mediterranean cuisine, enhanced by a vast wine collection if that’s your thing, with some serious cellar porn featuring over 600 varieties.
This feels somewhat of a casual and chic interlude, bridging your journey from the hotel proper to the Club Dauphin down by the waterside. From breakfast through dinner, it’s an elegant setting which delivers flavourful and fresh Provençal fare – one of my preferred styles of cuisine for its light and natural characteristics. The terrace is shaded by a canopy of 100-year-old Aleppo pine trees, and in the distance, vague ocean sounds are like an audible painting.
The 7 hectares of sweeping Mediterranean landscape are designed by world-renowned gardener Jean Mus. Here you’ll find a tranquil refuge for rare trees, exotic plants, and Provençal flora, manicured grass and wildflower fields. To go for a power walk or run here is exhilarating for all the senses. To reach the pool one can walk or take the sleekly designed, glass funicular down the hillside to the pool and Club Dauphin.
GHCF has perhaps the ultimate outdoor gym – open-walled, shaded, Technogym-equipped, and blessed with views of the gardens overlooking the sea – if that doesn’t motivate you I’m not sure what will! The indoor pool features a counter-current system which is ideal for swimming laps with gentle and functional resistance. There are countless classes to join including yoga, one on one personal training; Or, my favorite, take a run along the Chemin de La Carriere route which hugs the coastline. There are also two clay tennis courts on the property, which feels like a bit of treat too!
This is the ultimate chic French multi-award winning spa, where so many details make me smile. Of particular note are the heavenly toiletries, all Hermes ‘Jardin Sur Le Nil’. There’s a vast array of treatments including signature facial and body treatments – but what’s unique is the beautifully manicured Spa Garden with its sea-view and sun terraces; indoor is beautiful but this stretch of riviera is differentiated by its stunning natural beauty – outdoors is absolutely my preference!
After a workout, there’s the hydrotherapy pool to help relax your muscles, plus the tepidarium with scented-salt foot-wells. There are also separate men’s and women’s private steam rooms and saunas and a sensorial shower, a whirlpool bath and an ice fountain. Amenities include a tea bar serving herbal teas and fresh juices, with some light natural bites.
Whilst being an imposing structure, it’s a fairly intimate hotel, hosting 33 rooms and 16 suites. The rooms are light and bright using materials like white Calcutta Cremo marble or beige marble Persiano, wooden floors, white linen, natural silks and 100% cotton. The enormous, plush and perfectly made-up beds ensure you get the ultimate restorative sleep. I drink liberally from the fountain of ‘rest’ in these rooms! The details are beautifully appointed,
The rooms also feature works from celebrated artists, many of whom were local to the area or regular guests such as Picasso, Cocteau, Matisse, Chagall, Modigliani and Rodin.
GHCF is a rare and highly-polished treasure that defines the loftiest echelons of the hospitality industry. It’s renovation in 2009 to mark its centenary has set the standard for elegant and exquisite décor that promotes cognitive ease at every turn. A visit restores and refreshes, time both stands still and runs rampant, the senses are delighted by the finish, and whilst you might fear it too stuffy in your mind’s eye, there’s a casual Riviera poise that wafts through the airy corridors neutralising any semblance of pretension which can otherwise run amok in this part of the world. The price is high (because it is in this part of the world), but that cost buys you a concentrated infusion of both relaxation and vigorous aspirational energy, a purpose and directional drive which I’ve found I carry with me for weeks thereafter. I would rather take fewer days of higher quality time here, above several more days at almost any other destination. A visit comes highly recommended.
Faya x
The post WELLNESS ESCAPE: GRAND HOTEL DU CAP FERRAT appeared first on Fitness on Toast.
from Health And Fitness Updates http://fitnessontoast.com/2017/10/02/fitness-wellness-escape-grand-hotel-cap-ferrat-four-seasons-france/
0 notes
France has built many exquisite ‘Palace hotels’ over the past hundred years, but this article concerns the grande dame of them all; occupying the entire tip of the St-Jean Cap Ferrat peninsula, the Grand-Hotel du Cap-Ferrat (henceforth GHCF) was amongst the first of its kind, and is *the* destination to experience French health and vitality along this gleaming stretch of the coast. Designed by Gustave Eiffel, it stands peerless as an enduring icon of quiet French sophistication, unchanged by the passage of time and yet overflowing with contemporary relevance; the very expression of both heritage and modernity. Inside its pristine white walls can be found the standards by which world-class hospitality should be measured, with the Four Seasons group who now operate this treasure having sympathetically continued its traditions with their unique brand of attention to detail. GHCF is also the most glamorous, most beautiful, and most immersive venue for a wellness escape on this rarefied stretch of the Côte D’Azur – and I don’t bestow that title lightly, as they’re up against competition that’s been bringing their A-game to the Riviera for decades. I’ve visited here for the past 5 years, and never do I leave this sanctuary feeling anything less than supremely recharged, emotionally contented and totally compelled to return. I booked in this year with the express intention of unveiling the wellbeing treasures of this timeless institution on FitnessOnToast.com. Click MORE to discover them all…
As ever, I’ll attempt a piece-by-piece commentary on the experience as I encountered it, starting from the outside in!
The main mansion house itself is a work of masonry genius, sprinkled with Gustav Eiffel’s magic touch. Straddling the land with muscular and symmetrical poise, with wings extended as if to reach out and embrace the ocean that stands before it, the silhouette is a robust and confidence-inspiring structure.
But the immaculate exterior hides a calm, elegant and effortlessly sophisticated interior, with ornate cornicing complemented by modern allusions. The finish is characteristically perfect, with every meticulous detail unconsciously inspiring comfort and a pervasive sense of ease. The ‘Rotunda’ which I picture immediately below has a particularly special serenity to it, a type difficult to convey in words, and which barely translates via images. There is a gentle breeze carrying tranquility through its light and airy volumes, with a delicious 180-degree aspect over neatly trimmed pine-tops, proudly surveying the ocean horizon. It is a fabulous place for a reflective coffee, and is sure to spur some philosophical line of mindful thought!
We are of course, each entitled to our own quirky opinions, but I take comfort from the well-known Cap-Ferrat hotel guests, who’ve included Somerset Maugham, Charlie Chaplin, Winston Churchill, Aristotle Onassis and Elizabeth Taylor. Also, the Swimming Club’s legendary instructor, Pierre Gruneberg, has given lessons to Picasso, as well as the children of Kennedys, Frank Sinatra, Paul McCartney and Ralph Lauren. The heritage of popular culture is rich here, and I understand why.
On this fertile land, I’ve come to expect the freshest flavors of the Cote d’Azur – French and Mediterranean influenced cuisine, served in some breathtaking settings – by one of the world’s most beautiful swimming pools, under the canopy of the Aleppo Pine trees or Provençal cuisine at it’s finest and finally, or at the gastronomic restaurant La Cap (1* Michelin) which displays one of my favourite murals of an enchanting seascape.
Breakfast is a gentle treat under the aromatic canopy of the pines, with a sensation that you’re waking up with nature. This is always a big deal for me; it’s the kickoff for the hours to come, so it simply needs to be good. The choice on offer here is so strong, and the execution so good, that I have come to utterly relish my breakfasts on their terraces. The following pictures should allow you to feast your eyes on plenty of deliciousness…
This is the name of the dedicated swimming pool area, located closer to the water, and accessible either via a stunning ramble through Jean Mus’ gardens, or via their air-conditioned funicular cable car if you prefer! Eating down here is such a treat – you get to look out over what’s regularly hailed as the most beautiful pool in the world and certainly the Cote d’Azur.  Watching the two blues blend together is possibly my favorite pastime whilst enjoying fresh fish! Club Dauphin’s infinity pool was built in 1939, and is today filled with seawater and heated to a temperature of 28 degrees Celsius (82.4 degrees Fahrenheit) so that it’s always perfect to dispatch a few lengths and cool off.
The hotel’s one Michelin-starred fine dining restaurant is well celebrated on this coastline. You get the choice between indoor/outdoor seating (both are wonderful in my opinion) and are presented with a superb selection of French Mediterranean cuisine, enhanced by a vast wine collection if that’s your thing, with some serious cellar porn featuring over 600 varieties.
This feels somewhat of a casual and chic interlude, bridging your journey from the hotel proper to the Club Dauphin down by the waterside. From breakfast through dinner, it’s an elegant setting which delivers flavourful and fresh Provençal fare – one of my preferred styles of cuisine for its light and natural characteristics. The terrace is shaded by a canopy of 100-year-old Aleppo pine trees, and in the distance, vague ocean sounds are like an audible painting.
The 7 hectares of sweeping Mediterranean landscape are designed by world-renowned gardener Jean Mus. Here you’ll find a tranquil refuge for rare trees, exotic plants, and Provençal flora, manicured grass and wildflower fields. To go for a power walk or run here is exhilarating for all the senses. To reach the pool one can walk or take the sleekly designed, glass funicular down the hillside to the pool and Club Dauphin.
GHCF has perhaps the ultimate outdoor gym – open-walled, shaded, Technogym-equipped, and blessed with views of the gardens overlooking the sea – if that doesn’t motivate you I’m not sure what will! The indoor pool features a counter-current system which is ideal for swimming laps with gentle and functional resistance. There are countless classes to join including yoga, one on one personal training; Or, my favorite, take a run along the Chemin de La Carriere route which hugs the coastline. There are also two clay tennis courts on the property, which feels like a bit of treat too!
This is the ultimate chic French multi-award winning spa, where so many details make me smile. Of particular note are the heavenly toiletries, all Hermes ‘Jardin Sur Le Nil’. There’s a vast array of treatments including signature facial and body treatments – but what’s unique is the beautifully manicured Spa Garden with its sea-view and sun terraces; indoor is beautiful but this stretch of riviera is differentiated by its stunning natural beauty – outdoors is absolutely my preference!
After a workout, there’s the hydrotherapy pool to help relax your muscles, plus the tepidarium with scented-salt foot-wells. There are also separate men’s and women’s private steam rooms and saunas and a sensorial shower, a whirlpool bath and an ice fountain. Amenities include a tea bar serving herbal teas and fresh juices, with some light natural bites.
Whilst being an imposing structure, it’s a fairly intimate hotel, hosting 33 rooms and 16 suites. The rooms are light and bright using materials like white Calcutta Cremo marble or beige marble Persiano, wooden floors, white linen, natural silks and 100% cotton. The enormous, plush and perfectly made-up beds ensure you get the ultimate restorative sleep. I drink liberally from the fountain of ‘rest’ in these rooms! The details are beautifully appointed,
The rooms also feature works from celebrated artists, many of whom were local to the area or regular guests such as Picasso, Cocteau, Matisse, Chagall, Modigliani and Rodin.
GHCF is a rare and highly-polished treasure that defines the loftiest echelons of the hospitality industry. It’s renovation in 2009 to mark its centenary has set the standard for elegant and exquisite décor that promotes cognitive ease at every turn. A visit restores and refreshes, time both stands still and runs rampant, the senses are delighted by the finish, and whilst you might fear it too stuffy in your mind’s eye, there’s a casual Riviera poise that wafts through the airy corridors neutralising any semblance of pretension which can otherwise run amok in this part of the world. The price is high (because it is in this part of the world), but that cost buys you a concentrated infusion of both relaxation and vigorous aspirational energy, a purpose and directional drive which I’ve found I carry with me for weeks thereafter. I would rather take fewer days of higher quality time here, above several more days at almost any other destination. A visit comes highly recommended.
Faya x
The post WELLNESS ESCAPE: GRAND HOTEL DU CAP FERRAT appeared first on Fitness on Toast.
from Fitness on Toast http://ift.tt/2xJZb7e via IFTTT
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rebeccaflaneus · 7 years
France has built many exquisite ‘Palace hotels’ over the past hundred years, but this article concerns the grande dame of them all; occupying the entire tip of the St-Jean Cap Ferrat peninsula, the Grand-Hotel du Cap-Ferrat (henceforth GHCF) was amongst the first of its kind, and is *the* destination to experience French health and vitality along this gleaming stretch of the coast. Designed by Gustave Eiffel, it stands peerless as an enduring icon of quiet French sophistication, unchanged by the passage of time and yet overflowing with contemporary relevance; the very expression of both heritage and modernity. Inside its pristine white walls can be found the standards by which world-class hospitality should be measured, with the Four Seasons group who now operate this treasure having sympathetically continued its traditions with their unique brand of attention to detail. GHCF is also the most glamorous, most beautiful, and most immersive venue for a wellness escape on this rarefied stretch of the Côte D’Azur – and I don’t bestow that title lightly, as they’re up against competition that’s been bringing their A-game to the Riviera for decades. I’ve visited here for the past 5 years, and never do I leave this sanctuary feeling anything less than supremely recharged, emotionally contented and totally compelled to return. I booked in this year with the express intention of unveiling the wellbeing treasures of this timeless institution on FitnessOnToast.com. Click MORE to discover them all…
As ever, I’ll attempt a piece-by-piece commentary on the experience as I encountered it, starting from the outside in!
The main mansion house itself is a work of masonry genius, sprinkled with Gustav Eiffel’s magic touch. Straddling the land with muscular and symmetrical poise, with wings extended as if to reach out and embrace the ocean that stands before it, the silhouette is a robust and confidence-inspiring structure.
But the immaculate exterior hides a calm, elegant and effortlessly sophisticated interior, with ornate cornicing complemented by modern allusions. The finish is characteristically perfect, with every meticulous detail unconsciously inspiring comfort and a pervasive sense of ease. The ‘Rotunda’ which I picture immediately below has a particularly special serenity to it, a type difficult to convey in words, and which barely translates via images. There is a gentle breeze carrying tranquility through its light and airy volumes, with a delicious 180-degree aspect over neatly trimmed pine-tops, proudly surveying the ocean horizon. It is a fabulous place for a reflective coffee, and is sure to spur some philosophical line of mindful thought!
We are of course, each entitled to our own quirky opinions, but I take comfort from the well-known Cap-Ferrat hotel guests, who’ve included Somerset Maugham, Charlie Chaplin, Winston Churchill, Aristotle Onassis and Elizabeth Taylor. Also, the Swimming Club’s legendary instructor, Pierre Gruneberg, has given lessons to Picasso, as well as the children of Kennedys, Frank Sinatra, Paul McCartney and Ralph Lauren. The heritage of popular culture is rich here, and I understand why.
On this fertile land, I’ve come to expect the freshest flavors of the Cote d’Azur – French and Mediterranean influenced cuisine, served in some breathtaking settings – by one of the world’s most beautiful swimming pools, under the canopy of the Aleppo Pine trees or Provençal cuisine at it’s finest and finally, or at the gastronomic restaurant La Cap (1* Michelin) which displays one of my favourite murals of an enchanting seascape.
Breakfast is a gentle treat under the aromatic canopy of the pines, with a sensation that you’re waking up with nature. This is always a big deal for me; it’s the kickoff for the hours to come, so it simply needs to be good. The choice on offer here is so strong, and the execution so good, that I have come to utterly relish my breakfasts on their terraces. The following pictures should allow you to feast your eyes on plenty of deliciousness…
This is the name of the dedicated swimming pool area, located closer to the water, and accessible either via a stunning ramble through Jean Mus’ gardens, or via their air-conditioned funicular cable car if you prefer! Eating down here is such a treat – you get to look out over what’s regularly hailed as the most beautiful pool in the world and certainly the Cote d’Azur.  Watching the two blues blend together is possibly my favorite pastime whilst enjoying fresh fish! Club Dauphin’s infinity pool was built in 1939, and is today filled with seawater and heated to a temperature of 28 degrees Celsius (82.4 degrees Fahrenheit) so that it’s always perfect to dispatch a few lengths and cool off.
The hotel’s one Michelin-starred fine dining restaurant is well celebrated on this coastline. You get the choice between indoor/outdoor seating (both are wonderful in my opinion) and are presented with a superb selection of French Mediterranean cuisine, enhanced by a vast wine collection if that’s your thing, with some serious cellar porn featuring over 600 varieties.
This feels somewhat of a casual and chic interlude, bridging your journey from the hotel proper to the Club Dauphin down by the waterside. From breakfast through dinner, it’s an elegant setting which delivers flavourful and fresh Provençal fare – one of my preferred styles of cuisine for its light and natural characteristics. The terrace is shaded by a canopy of 100-year-old Aleppo pine trees, and in the distance, vague ocean sounds are like an audible painting.
The 7 hectares of sweeping Mediterranean landscape are designed by world-renowned gardener Jean Mus. Here you’ll find a tranquil refuge for rare trees, exotic plants, and Provençal flora, manicured grass and wildflower fields. To go for a power walk or run here is exhilarating for all the senses. To reach the pool one can walk or take the sleekly designed, glass funicular down the hillside to the pool and Club Dauphin.
GHCF has perhaps the ultimate outdoor gym – open-walled, shaded, Technogym-equipped, and blessed with views of the gardens overlooking the sea – if that doesn’t motivate you I’m not sure what will! The indoor pool features a counter-current system which is ideal for swimming laps with gentle and functional resistance. There are countless classes to join including yoga, one on one personal training; Or, my favorite, take a run along the Chemin de La Carriere route which hugs the coastline. There are also two clay tennis courts on the property, which feels like a bit of treat too!
This is the ultimate chic French multi-award winning spa, where so many details make me smile. Of particular note are the heavenly toiletries, all Hermes ‘Jardin Sur Le Nil’. There’s a vast array of treatments including signature facial and body treatments – but what’s unique is the beautifully manicured Spa Garden with its sea-view and sun terraces; indoor is beautiful but this stretch of riviera is differentiated by its stunning natural beauty – outdoors is absolutely my preference!
After a workout, there’s the hydrotherapy pool to help relax your muscles, plus the tepidarium with scented-salt foot-wells. There are also separate men’s and women’s private steam rooms and saunas and a sensorial shower, a whirlpool bath and an ice fountain. Amenities include a tea bar serving herbal teas and fresh juices, with some light natural bites.
Whilst being an imposing structure, it’s a fairly intimate hotel, hosting 33 rooms and 16 suites. The rooms are light and bright using materials like white Calcutta Cremo marble or beige marble Persiano, wooden floors, white linen, natural silks and 100% cotton. The enormous, plush and perfectly made-up beds ensure you get the ultimate restorative sleep. I drink liberally from the fountain of ‘rest’ in these rooms! The details are beautifully appointed,
The rooms also feature works from celebrated artists, many of whom were local to the area or regular guests such as Picasso, Cocteau, Matisse, Chagall, Modigliani and Rodin.
GHCF is a rare and highly-polished treasure that defines the loftiest echelons of the hospitality industry. It’s renovation in 2009 to mark its centenary has set the standard for elegant and exquisite décor that promotes cognitive ease at every turn. A visit restores and refreshes, time both stands still and runs rampant, the senses are delighted by the finish, and whilst you might fear it too stuffy in your mind’s eye, there’s a casual Riviera poise that wafts through the airy corridors neutralising any semblance of pretension which can otherwise run amok in this part of the world. The price is high (because it is in this part of the world), but that cost buys you a concentrated infusion of both relaxation and vigorous aspirational energy, a purpose and directional drive which I’ve found I carry with me for weeks thereafter. I would rather take fewer days of higher quality time here, above several more days at almost any other destination. A visit comes highly recommended.
Faya x
The post WELLNESS ESCAPE: GRAND HOTEL DU CAP FERRAT appeared first on Fitness on Toast.
from Donald Fitness Tips http://fitnessontoast.com/2017/10/02/fitness-wellness-escape-grand-hotel-cap-ferrat-four-seasons-france/
0 notes
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Eren smiled at him his eyes meet his without shying away the brunet was quite glad Levi took an interest in him even if it were a little bit.
“No I’m afraid not... it’s not like anyone was going to teach me how to snowboard much less skiing but, I do know how to surf on the sea. I don’t look it right now but, I’m excellent in the water especially when I catch a really good wave.”
He replied he finally broke contact to look at the pictures...
“To be honest I’ve always ended up getting into some type of trouble...the last person who tried to teach me. They kept touching me in funny places and at first I tried to ignore it and let it be accident touching.....but, it kept happening and at that point they were touching me in some places....I didn’t appreciate being touched at.”
Eren caress a picture with sands and sea shells and the ocean beautiful clear deep water....His lips were moving but, he realize their was no voice to his words so he cleared his throat before he started to talk again...
“You see....It was like that time when I was beginning to learn how to surf and the instructor at the time would always touch my thigh or fondle my ass a lot to the point it was starting to piss me off and when I felt his fully erect dick on my ass. And him telling me I looked different and I smelled good and I look like a woman and he wanted me to...get him off. I felt a really dark and violent emotion inside me when he grabbed my hips and practically grinded on me in the ocean that felt like a home to me. No matter how uncomfortable I got or told him no or told him to get off me he wouldn’t and at the moment....I thought I was going to lose it....”
Eren closed his eyes and bow deeper into himself as if he was going to hide from him but, he didn’t he just sat there slightly bowed.
“You see Armin saw me all the way out there at the time he was on the beach with me and a handsome guy. That other man was another blonde with deep set of blue eyes big too. Anyway what I am trying to say is that Armin knows when I get into trouble I swear he has a molester radar on him and comes charging into my direction....It made me so incredibly happy when he actually swam to me. I had the pleasure of seeing Armin fighting a giant in the ocean and saying more swear words then a trucker on a highway with their drunken buddies. To be honest I was happy I didn’t have to fight (’because I would have killed him’...he thought to himself) and it made me happy that Armin could notice I was uncomfortable and he comes swimming to where I am to open a can of whoop ass on my offender. From then on it was Armin who taught me how to surf and how to skate and so on and so forth whenever he was free. He also taught me how to dance and sing and coordinate my outfits. I was the happiest back then except I was missing something. And well....I started to think a long time ago that perhaps I didn’t need it and now well...it got complicated I wish I never even found it while another part of me wish to give it a try...if that makes any sense...” Eren sat up straighter and was going to change the subject when Levi spoke to when Eren finally look back to Levi awaiting judgement. The word he spoke wasn’t something he had been expecting.
Eren blinked normally he thought those words were directed to himself but, Levi clarified before he could develop a misunderstanding.
“I’m sorry something like that has ever happen to you, Eren...You must have been scared.” The touch of Levi bare hand with his fingers lightly sliding over soft skin of his bare cheek....was electrifying. It was this touch that had him wavering in his resolve and it was at that same moment Eren didn’t even realized he had slapped his hand away forcefully and the shock on Levi’s face was what register in Eren mind to start blurting out an apology.
“You-you surprised me...I’m sorry. It was so sudden and I....I’m so sorry. I’m not rejecting you so please believe me, I’m so sorry,I’m I’m sorry I’m sorry I didn’t mean to slap your hand away Umm...J-just....give me a heads up....or a warning....y-you see when I’m touched suddenly and I don’t see it coming I just react to.....I mean it’s not your fault or anything....I-”
Eren would have gotten on his knees to apologize but, it was Levi hand on his cheek that silenced him...
“Calm down, I’m not mad or offended. So breathe.”
Eren draw air into his lungs and pushed it out.....he was going to panic again because his hand were back on his cheek. He swallowed loudly....he was going to push him away when Levi dropped his hand.
“It’s my bad.”
Eren looked to his hands and then back to his face it could just be his imagination but, why does Levi remind him of a sad crestfallen dragon.... Eren set his album book on Levi’s lap and turned his back to him, He was digging around his backpack for a pair of gloves and when he found them he sat back up to rip the bag open just so he could put them on his hands. When they were covered he turned back around and reached up to grab both his cheeks in his hands.
Eren was staring directly in his eyes Eren even brought Levi face closer to his his hands were trembling so bad he tried to ignore it when he talked to him.
“I....don’t like being touched....I actually hate being touched.....and I don’t want to touch anyone either.... But, with you.....when you touch me....I don’t.....I don’t feel pain....I may get breathless..... but, it’s not painful....I don’t know why you’re different....so please believe me when I say....I’m sorry and that I don’t mind....I mean....if you could just give me a heads up or some type of warning when you decide to touch me I could...brace myself?”
It came out as a question....because he wasn’t sure if he could just brace himself when he knows a male....another being was about to touch him....Eren shook his head to get rid of his negative thinking....
“I mean....I’m not sure if I can brace it...I’m not even sure if I can just....get over it....about...you know....touching and being touched....Um....to be honest I haven’t even been that enthused to even get over my fear...I prefer the being left alone....um...even though it's you I might even try to run away from being touched....especially if I had the option to get out of the way..... But, I want to try....being touched by you....even if it’s a little......m-maybe if you could....wear gloves....it would be better.....Um...what I mean to say is....”
He didn’t have to fumble over his words when Levi stood up and smiled at him that was full of understanding. When he turned his back to him and went into the drawer to get a pair of fresh clean pair of cotton gloves....he came back to him and let his hand hover in front of him as if he would touch him now.
Eren looked at the glove hand then back to his face before looking at the out reached hand.... It doesn’t take a genius to know that Levi is willing to meet him halfway. Eren swallowed thickly before he did a tiny tip of touching the tip of Levi’s middle finger..
“Sorry....this is the best I can do....I mean....I just touched your face....and you touched mine....and....I want to wash my face.....I know that’s rude...but, still I.”
Levi chuckled a little and said he understand Levi was sweet to let him wash his face he even turned on the water and turning it off while letting him grab paper napkin from a fresh pack to dry his face. Eren mutter his thank you before they returned to Levi workplace.
Eren put his album back into his backpack for now he thought it was best to just get this over with so he could go home and shower like crazy until his cheek his red from being scrub raw. He was going to wear his comfort clothes and eat a whole tub of ice cream.....
Eren sat on the sofa and looked to Levi....
“If it’s okay with you I’d like to start....so should I just do a pose or do you have a pose in mind? If so what is it? Otherwise I’ll pick something. And....do I need....to um....s-strip?” He asked, “If you would just give me a minute I can take it off....but, you’ll have to turn your back....”
Levi chuckled again but, it was louder than before he even had to hunch his shoulder and bow slightly to contain it all. And to be pretty frank he looked so adorable trying to stifle his laugh. He should laugh more often because it caused Eren to giggle too.
“Sure, we can start Eren. You just need to pick a position that you’re comfortable with and we can do the stripping later. For now I want to build your trust with me. So we’ll keep the clothes you wearing now okay , Eren?”
Eren nodded and got on the sofa he turned around to push on the sofa cushion with his hands. He knows it’s weird but, he can’t break his habit now his feline side demand to find the good spot before he could settle down on his side. He stretched and let his lithe body loosen up any tension he had developed just being in the same room with another man. A gorgeous male at that who had this really appetizing scent about him. Eren found his spot he wish he had some soft pillows he could snuggle up too but, this was fine to as he rest his head on his forearm and looked up to Levi with a soft smile. It was small but, noticeable as he lowered his eyes just a little bit. His legs were slightly bent one was further back with his leg slightly up and hidden while his other leg showed his foot. His thigh were together though and his other arm was bent his fingers slid through his soft silky hair at the crown.
“Would this do?”
Eren asked him it felt natural to just get into a pose in fact he hasn’t posed like this in a long time. It made him oddly happy again as he stared at Levi who nodded his head and smiled at him.
“You’re perfect.”
Levi told him and that caused some heat to go into his cheeks because now Eren was blushing. Did Levi know he just dropped an octave lower when he told him that? Did Levi notice he had purred to him? It wasn’t like those human purr....the purr he released with the perfect was more....animalistic... He rolled his tongue due to the accent, but the hidden purr that came from his throat was unmistakeable. Because it had to be caused from the chest to get to the throat and release it from the mouth. It was....sexy...
Incredibly sexy....
“O-oh...okay...I’ll....I’ll just stay like this then..” Eren lowered his eyes and will his beating heart to settle down. Levi had taken his seat his pencil in hand moved to the blank canvas in front of him that was slightly moved to the side. Levi eyes were trained on him most of the time but, his hands were doing long and short strokes on the canvas. Eren pray he would be able to handle this session without any further incident.
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