#i rant a lot abt the decisions bts
metabolizemotions · 23 days
The creative choices on the show are as subjective as each of the viewer's interpretations.
I think a lot of why I personally feel deeply uncomfortable n resistant is the asymmetry.
I get the need for variety. The same thing may be expressed differently for different characters. A healing journey will differ from person to person. Each step is also taken on a personalized timeline.
But I can't help but think of the asymmetry of how the show dealt with Mason vs Beckett n even Dixon. They condemned Mason immediately at his worst but dug deep to show the sides of Beckett n Dixon that were still human despite it all.
The trigger shot scene with Beckett felt like 0 to 100 in his reconciliation with Maya. It felt like a 12-step program of which he skipped many steps when it came to Maya. From the get-go, we saw a sexist, incompetent captain who was demeaning to his team n constantly put them under stress n in danger, on top of endangering civilians n even equipment. For months, we saw this middle-aged man in a position of power, take perverse joy in bullying a younger female subordinate to appease his ego. That was workplace harassment. He also took out his unresolved trauma on the people around him, in this case, people he had authority over. Alcoholism was not the sole reason for all his bad behavior. Even if it was, it should not be used to excuse it.
The team, esp Maya, was trapped in this hostile work environment sanctioned by the female chief. This was a more common n insidious manifestation of toxic masculinity, one that was amplified by his position of power, n sometimes even supported by women, when their goals aligned in the power struggle.
Yet the show gave so much more grace n compassion to the bullies than the bullied. The team treated Beckett n Ross with more kindness n respect than they earned, n less kindness n more apathy towards Maya than she deserved.
Then he was given a long, carefully constructed redemption arc, while Mason, a rushed condemnation arc.
It felt like 100 to 0 with Mason. We saw Mason briefly in earlier seasons, mainly thru the eyes of Maya. We missed a lot of the in b/w. We caught him again at his worst. We only saw the side that was full of hate ideology, but not his side that was also human. We knew about his addiction n homelessness. But we didn’t see how as a young abused person w/o positive role models n a support system, he was vulnerable to these hate groups, which he clung to, when offered him just a semblance of belonging or respect. He had not learned to let go of his resentment of their parents n Maya but taught to transfer this unresolved hate to fill a meaning void.
The scene itself b/w Maya n Mason was great. It was an urgent n imperative story to tell. Maya's actions were right n necessary. But in the bigger scheme of things, it felt like a quick tie-up of loose ends, of a once-beloved brother, who came n went abruptly. Despite it being a logical narrative choice to wrap up the nature/nurture discussions of Marina n discovery that Maya's deepest fears about herself manifested in her bro instead. It's heartbreaking n yet disheartening that it was again about queer hate when it came to another main queer character on the show.
It is just jarring to juxtapose Mason with Beckett in 703 then 707. Also juxtaposing his empathy towards Maya with the lack thereof from the others, despite everyone having just been thru 706 n having witnessed Maya's breakdown. So, in a way, I see the actions of these characters as being designed with the goal to emphasize Beckett's empathetic side, in support of his arc.
When looking at a scene with 2 scene partners, what it is really about? Who it is really for? Would the scene be the same if one is replaced?
There are many different takes on this. For me, it was really about Maya, but choosing Beckett as the scene partner made the scene more for him. If it were for Maya, other scene partners would be more meaningful n realistic. Esp those who earned their right for her to be vulnerable with. Maya, who bottled her feelings, let alone spill her deeper emotions, to someone whom she never had a proper conversation with, not to mention a fraught shared history. To add, alone in a small enclosed space, while administering a shot that made her even more vulnerable.
For the realism argument, this was not more realistic to me than having Carina, for a show which took a lot of liberties. It was a choice to design the circumstances to make Carina n the others unavailable n combine 2 scenes together. Carina's also Maya's life partner n best friend. A more realistic choice for Maya to share this devastating heartbreak n grieving process with. It was a big aspect of their marriage. We saw many discussions b/w them yet when it finally came to the conclusion, it was with the least likely person, an almost stranger.
I see the trigger shot as part of Marina's baby journey I wish we get to see them undergoing together. It reminded me of 5b in that Marina's story about their own baby journey - again with someone of a fraught shared history, of a different nature - was more about him n to lead to his own bio family story. Marina's story was messy n got nowhere. And here we r, seasons later, rushing thru it.
It's not that Maya/ Carina or Marina should not have scenes with others. It's that it's usually more about the others even if it's their storyline. Or they r the backdrop for others' drama. They either isolate Marina or suddenly include them or one of them in an in-depth discussion of their private matters with others, usually something we hear about for the first time. I just don't remember something like that happening with other characters. Is it too much to ask to see a married w|w couple, with little screentime, share a meaningful conversation or moment first, also or exclusively? We so rarely see such a rep on TV. The show is not about Marina, but shouldn't their own story reasonably prioritize them?
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a-familiar-vent · 3 years
AAA (part 2)
#there’s this way that my brain pathologies it#when I say this people react this way#lean in push your lips out shift your feet in wider eyes gets the react that you want#and the rewards dopamine etc are nice and I know they bring me a temporary feeling of fuckkk ment#fulfillment* but the guilt afterward just ive chocked it up now to me having internalized the Catholic guilt mentality of thoughts of sin r#the same as committing the sin- which is another rant but in regards to feelings and love makes me question how much of what I’ve felt isthe#evaluations and decision- as an elementary schooler I changed my crush by school year. i had a different crush on a boy each year which I#decided at the start of the school year keeping up with all of the ‘u have a crush’ motions throughout the year which I had just copied from#Disney and TV movies and shows about How To Act like that’s not something somebody who’s experiencing romantic attraction acts and decides b#but is it comphet? because that makes this feel A Lot Like Comphet but I also wasn’t close to any of my female peers and I can’t say I had ‘#girlcrushes’ on any of the girls- like if I had to say my first Crush Crush in a girl was in middle school the girl in my gym class and I#wanted to be the futch that swept her off her feet- but at the same time the motivation wasn’t romantic it was seggsual in the New Feels Hug#huh* way- which I only started pursuing her through the romantic stuff bcs my brain was going that direction and that was the Way You Went A#bt that kinda thing- relationship first which still Isn’t The Same as wanting a romantic relationship w/ somebody#almost Every Crush I’ve had I decided I would have that crush and that’s how it happened or something endeared me a tiny bit. i thought abt#why somebody would make a good partner and then I Had A Crush cue reaction gay panic etc god what is my brain#but also everything abt the past four years feels contrary to this mentality#or even some people consider the fact that you choose to stay / love somebody /be in a situation to put urself in a relationship more real??#than like ‘spark’ attraction which is fine and I can see why#but Every Relationship?#uhshdjejfkckdkf BRAIIIIIIN#GO TO BED#THIS IS ONLY HAPPENING BCS UR STILL AWAKE AND ITS 3 AM
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jooheonies · 6 years
tag the mutuals you talk a lot with
tag your favorite mutals!
mutuals appreciation! write heart-felt messages to some of your favorite mutuals (or even ones you haven’t talked to yet!) and tag them, BUT don’t tell them which message is theirs, let them guess!
tag your closest mutuals!
jdfhkjsdhf i rarely actually,,,open my inbox nd i honestly frget to answer a lot of asks to i decided to !!! clean this all out today!!! nd these were all similar so im jst gna group em all into one ask! 
ill tag mutuals i talk to a lot nd mutuals i dont talk to that often bt i love seeign on my dash bc !!! i wanna group in a lot of love since im combinig 4 asks djfhskjdhfkj 
mmmyyyyy sweet babie,,i love u sm !!! ure always so warm nd loving nd i love ur entire chrt except fr th….rising.hhhh bt anyways!!!! talking to u is so fun i love telling u abt usher nd u telling me abt kakashi,,,,warm love!!! my gff i love u lots nd i wanna give u !!! the entire world!!!! 
hewwo!!! ure so funnie i rly love talking to u im always losing mymidn laughing!!! im glad both of us succumbed to the same capitalist corporation,,,,viva tortilla,,,,and that we both act rly Stupid when we talk!!! anyways when we both become full fledged goth legends we can combine the intense power nd channel it into getting those triscuts off my shelf once and for all!!! i love u !!!!
 hi fool this is me giving u that Attention u crave,,,the attention we both Crave,,,. ure honestlie trulie the only cancer id ever like so much its like. wild that i love u so muhc,,,,i tell u that ure gorges and beautifufl all the time and we even have each other as ,,,lockscreens,,,,,bt its still valid i love u and cherish u sosososoo much !!!! 
literally,,,the day after we started talking u called me a heathen fr thikning ushijima is hotter than hyunwoo and im NOT wrong,,,,hes so sexie,,,,,the sexiest man ive ever seen hes even hotter than the Rock,,,,anyways i love talkign anime w u ,,,even though ure in so deep,,,,,even more than i am,,,,kagehina posters and all the village headbands,,,,ill bite u to death,,,valid! anyways i lvoe knwoing a weeb out there whos further in than me,,,bismillah,,,,
nnnnn hewwoooo!!!!! i thkkn weve only spoken,,,,twice? once? before? who knwos,,,, either way ure rly fuckin funnie nd cute nd u like…..u have Good Vibes,,,,u dobt understand my angst works nd u see infidelity where there is None bt thats ok !!! bc i pestered u fr like a whole 10 mins to read that angst fic nd u still didnt block me :) anywa ys ure funny nd kind of dumb bt. endearign dumb :D
sup,,,fool,,,my favorite thign abt u is how,,,no matter how Dumb i act u literally jst go w it…me telling u abt my ushijima shrine and my expired jello and my tentacle!wonho stuff,,,,doesnt faze u!!!!! wild!!! thats such a fucking power move!!! anyways i hope we can always talk wheneeevr i drikn that fuckcing…..Demon Juice,,,,and write chaotic thigns,,,,changkyun moo,,,yeehaw,,,i love u!!
hi!!!! miss space!!!!! i loev talking to u a lot even though im very very bad at answering :/// most icnoic thing us talking abt space and clowning anyone who doesnt like it,,,whats wrong w u,,,also us tlaking abt what our fave gallilean moons and the trappist planets!!! god id literally unhinge my jaw and swallow ur textbook whole even though its a pdf!!!
hhhhewwwooo!! queen of making gfx!!! talking to u is so fucking,,,,FUNNIE DJKFHSKDJ URE SO FUNNY,,,,that time u sent me a screenshot of th thign that reminded u of me,,,,im the Bean,,,god that still sends me into a fucking FIT!!! THATS SO FUCKING FUNNY!!!! thabks fr being one of the few who liked my writing !!! legend of liking both my crack fics and my actual fics!!! 
nyaa!!! the last time we spoke i called u a scammer and the queen of fraud and highway robbery which i think is still applicable if im beign honest some ppl stil thikn that thing is true :/ bt anyways thanks fr listening to me,,i literally ranted abt k*ho being fr the Hets within like. 10 seconds of knowing u nd u were like Valid,,,,i felt so supported i thrive off of that,,,im never letting go of the fact that u thought i was intimidating,,,what the FUCK!!!! im a libra sun,,,,the only thing i can hurt is my own head when im trying to make decisions,,,anyways i lob talking to u !!!
queen of having the Most Chaotic Colors ive seen in my entire life,,,,not to be uhhhhhh dramatic but honestly ure the most chaotic person ive ever seen all those colors rly truly make me feel like i might Die!!! anywyas u judgedme fr being a bad babysitter bt thats not my Fault,,,cant help that the kids i babysit take my advice too literally and taking fucking plastic KNIVES to their school to confront bullies,,,anyways talking to u is fun bt also. Ovrewhelming . bc halfway thru telling u abt my manatee i adopted named flatulence ,,,, ure colors. are Chaos,,,,,in conclusion ure so fucking FUNNIE,,,,bt theres so many colors u give me a FUCKING headache,,,its the give and take of humor and pain
ure rly!!! une babie!!! ive loved watching u grow nd change over the past year weve known each other!!!! ur love fr sana ? probablie the cutest thign on this planet!!! anyways ure sweet nd lovable nd im rly so glad 2018 is treatuing u better!!!! i hope u get rid of all the negativity in ur life nd u can finally jst be th happiest person!!!
NNNNNNN MY GF MY WORLD MY ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!!! SAVED MY SOULMATE FOR LAST!!!!! MY LOVE MY EVERYTHING!!! U are one of the best friends I have ever had and I cant even express to u how much I love u!!! I LOVE U SOSOSOSO MUCH I ALWAYS SAY URE THE FIRST PERSON IVE EVER !! IMMEDIATELY!!! CLICKED W BT U RLY ARE!!! icb we talk so easily and my favorite thign abt us is even if we dont get to talk constantly,,,when we finally get some time its like so comfortable nd natural ,,,,my anime queen i love u more than anythign in the world ure my numero uno my ult bitch id 1111/10 die fr u!!! 
@dwaynewohnson @changhyuk @kissesana @jealousymv @bloodorangeki @hyuccwoo @toffee @babiewonho @minhyukt @museoul @ckyun @hyunwoo
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barbieomoviegeek · 5 years
the long post abt paving the way is honestly so well said, both armys and BTS are good but i feel like since BBMAs in 2017 armys get WAY too cocky with hyping BTS up and are crossing that fine line. I'm not saying everyone has to be 110% educated in kpop to listen to it, also fans can brag all they want, but it has to make sense. I used to be an army but i'm not anymore, mostly bc BTS' concept stopped being my thing but also bc of armys' attitude
thank u! i know a lot of people feel the same way, and it makes me sad for the boys because they are really very humble in their success and the boys themselves are being great representatives for the industry rn. but the fans are really polluting that, and hurting not just bts’ image, but the image of kpop and kpop fans as a whole (which let’s be real, has never been all that great to begin with). i agree, ofc u don’t have to be super educated in kpop to enjoy, it’s music, and fans should be proud of their favorite artists. im very proud of what bts has accomplished! but we have to be aware of where that success comes from, and it’s much more than 7 boys just trying their best.
jin’s comment should not be controversial. it’s true, it’s respectful, and it’s something idols say every day. but the reason it’s causing such rants to come from me is because the backlash over a comment so simple has really illustrated just how delusional things have gotten. apparently no one, not even bts themselves, can imply that they are anything less than infallible gods who singlehandedly spread kpop to the west.
as for army: while i do feel there has always been a bit of an imbalance with army, unfortunately the sad reality is that every fandom has some bad apples (often much more vocal than the good ones), and when u have a bigger fanbase, there will be even more of them. i think many armys are aware of how the fanbase as a whole are viewed and thus make the conscious decision to try harder to represent the fanbase as best they can, but many have decided it best they separate themselves from it (which is also perfectly valid), and the negative behavior leads to such a rift among fans.
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busaned-blog · 7 years
dude your tags on tht post abt hobi+jin not having any lines (+ the discrepancy in ppl's reaction to those awful distributions) is WHEW coldblooded but accurate. ive also seen it happen, ppl leaving bc they can't GET WORK in their own group, and beyond hating awful distributions for wht they are, theyre bad for group longevity esp w/jin whos getting his college degree, who i cld see walking away frm bts w/work+network options even outside of ent. industry. like, bight cherish wht u got rn, dang
Hello anon, thank you so much for your message! It’s nice to know some people actually read my tags I guess haha. I’m not gonna lie, at first when I read your message I was thinking of not replying… simply because we all know tumblr tags are messed up (especially on mobile) and I did not feel like people interpreting my response as hate towards Bangtan or to any of the members. But then I realized that for me in my heart I know my feelings about this whole situation are not based on hate towards either of those so I decided to respond anyways and I just hope that I will word everything correctly so that people reallize I am not a hater. It will be a long response, because as I said in my tags I have a lot of feelings about this, so I’m putting it under a read more :)
When I reblogged that post we’re talking about and put all those tags in, I was extremely angry. I can’t lie about that right now, because I was. Maybe it’s a petty response, but in a song that is 4 minutes and 34 seconds long you just cannot convince me there was no room for Hobi at all. That there was no room for him to get like four lines on his own or for Jin to have more than the two he did? Especially when some members take up like half the song? I just refuse to believe that I’m sorry… And especially to realize, if you look objectively, that the difference in ‘talent’, to put it as such, in Bangtan is not that big let’s be real. They are all extremely talented and no one is 1000 steps above the rest at all in my opinion.
I’ve been a fan since about July 2015, a little after the Dope era, so I have been around for four comebacks now (and a hell of a lot of other groups’ members leaving/groups disbanding) and I’ve said this before on twitter: I feel like the line distribution is getting worse in stead of better with Bangtan. Run was sort of okay for me, especially if you keep in mind the idea of main/lead vocals and sub-vocals, but after that it just got worse and worse imo. And apparently, judging by the response to Hobi having no lines in Spring Day and Jin having barely any solo lines in BST, people really don’t give a shit and want to disguise it under the ‘I love ot7 so let me reblog some posts complaining about the awful line distribution and be done with it’.
The outrage on my dash with the Hobi situation was pitiful, because (and maybe I follow the wrong people who knows) the only ones actually being mad were Hobi stans and some Jin/ot7 stans. The outrage for Jin was basically non existent and it still pisses me off till this day. And the biggest discourse was that people needed to just basically shut up and support Bangtan because otherwise, and wow guilt tripping much?, they would hurt Hobi in the process too. And I get that we all have our favorites, we all have our ranking of the members whatever, but how can you look at this situation and just not realize how damaging it could be in the long run? How damaging it could be for ot7. You don’t have to love and cry and yell about Hobi and Jin as much as you do your bias, but to stay mostly silent cause it doesn’t concern your fave? I just can’t relate…
I’m a Jimin stan, but that means to me I am realistic enough to realize I have nothing to worry about with him. That he will get his lines and his screentime and the attention from his fans. So why should I be blind towards the mistreatment of some of the others? Because I’m settled? Because Jimin is my bias so I have no worries? And I’m not trying to say people who don’t stan Hobi or Jin feel like this, but this is really how it comes across to me. And then everyone, and this annoys me the most, wants to hide behind one of two defenses, a) Bangtan love each other more than anything and they want to stay together forever so awul line distribution won’t break them up and b) Bangtan have a lot of creative control so they probably decided this was best for the song…
Which is funny, because in the same breath they want to oppose haters, which they should don’t get me wrong, by saying ‘don’t hate on *insert their bias here* because it’s not their fault, Big Hit makes the decisions not them’. Excuse me? But that is not how this works. You can’t want to claim they have full creative control and make the decisions themselves and then turn around and say it’s actually Big Hit. It’s either they make the decisions themselves and they are basically assholes for ignoring Hobi, and more specifically Jin in like every song, or they are all subjected to what Big Hit wants.
But to come to the actual point: whether people want to close their eyes to this situation or not, in the end this could be damaging for Bangtan. Do you really think Minzy from 2ne1 didn’t love her group and her members? Do you really believe that guy from Teen Top that wants to leave doesn’t love his group and his members? Do you really believe that someone like Minzy, to take her as an example, who was in one of the biggest girl groups in kpop, just casually decided to leave? Do you not think that she didn’t realize that if she left she will probably never have the income she had with 2ne1 again or that she most likely will never ever be as popular as she was when in the group? Yet she freaking decided to leave anyways, because as you said she got no work! And ofcourse she wanted some, even if that meant not living the live she did with 2ne1, but it would be at least some sort of a life. And this happens to idols all the time, and then they, shocking I know, leave… Awful line distribution, and awful equal promotion, will be the death of any group no matter how much they love each other and the fans or how successful they are.
And I just wish as a fandom we could collectively come together on these subjects a bit more. You don’t have to be a Hobi or Jin stan to be critical of Bangtan’s efforts and in this case their line distribution. And there is also nothing wrong with being a critical fan and trying to let them and Big Hit know that no fan is going to leave if they make everything a little bit more fair. I just don’t want it to come to Bangtan’s contract renewals in a few years and having one or two of them even contemplating leaving. As you said, Jin is graduating soon and many people in the industry have already said that he is a lovely person, easy to work with, funny, clever, hard working and on top of that a lot more multi-talented then people want to give him credit for. You really believe he has no chance of a career outside of Bangtan?
Let me say something positive though for once. If we move beyond the line distribution and take a look at the promo, Big Hit gives me a little bit of hope. 2016 has been a rather good year for all of them in my opinion. Yoongi had his mixtape, Jin had Law of the Jungle and some other variety shows, Tae had his acting, the Taejin OST (where they both proved even more that Bangtan’s line distribution is shit), some MC jobs for all of them on music shows, etc. I think that if you would write it down then their promotion seems to definitely be sort of equal, which gives me great hope that Big Hit will at least always try to promote them equally in that area. But it also seems to me they want them stuck in certain positions: Hobi being the dancer, Jin being the visual, Jungkook being the main vocalist etc. When they are so much more then that!
So what I’m trying to say is that I’m not trying to convince anyone that Hobi or Jin are going to want to leave over this whole thing, but please can we all for once as a fandom acknowledge Bangtan’s shortcomings and realize that if nothing changes (because this is not a one time thing with them), and if we don’t try to voice our concerns, it could come to a Minzy situation (or any other group member that has ever left their group due to disrespect basically). I just don’t want them in the future to break up or have some members leaving, and then have everyone cry their eyes out for a day when we could have done something about it now…
This became so much longer then I wanted to, and I probably didn’t even say everything I wanted to say, so I’m really sorry. And I mostly ranted about nothing you were talking about in your ask, but I needed to get this all of my chest. I always say this and I will say it again: I love Bangtan with all my heart, and I don’t plan on abandoning them anytime soon, but these comebacks just slowly become a little less enjoyable and I will keep hoping that next time will be better. That next time I won’t have to sit through the music video waiting for a glimpse of Hobi or Jin or anyone. I just want Bangtan to reach their full potential, because I really feel they haven’t yet, because I think they are 7 wonderful individuals who deserve nothing less.
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