#viewers have opinions
metabolizemotions · 23 days
The creative choices on the show are as subjective as each of the viewer's interpretations.
I think a lot of why I personally feel deeply uncomfortable n resistant is the asymmetry.
I get the need for variety. The same thing may be expressed differently for different characters. A healing journey will differ from person to person. Each step is also taken on a personalized timeline.
But I can't help but think of the asymmetry of how the show dealt with Mason vs Beckett n even Dixon. They condemned Mason immediately at his worst but dug deep to show the sides of Beckett n Dixon that were still human despite it all.
The trigger shot scene with Beckett felt like 0 to 100 in his reconciliation with Maya. It felt like a 12-step program of which he skipped many steps when it came to Maya. From the get-go, we saw a sexist, incompetent captain who was demeaning to his team n constantly put them under stress n in danger, on top of endangering civilians n even equipment. For months, we saw this middle-aged man in a position of power, take perverse joy in bullying a younger female subordinate to appease his ego. That was workplace harassment. He also took out his unresolved trauma on the people around him, in this case, people he had authority over. Alcoholism was not the sole reason for all his bad behavior. Even if it was, it should not be used to excuse it.
The team, esp Maya, was trapped in this hostile work environment sanctioned by the female chief. This was a more common n insidious manifestation of toxic masculinity, one that was amplified by his position of power, n sometimes even supported by women, when their goals aligned in the power struggle.
Yet the show gave so much more grace n compassion to the bullies than the bullied. The team treated Beckett n Ross with more kindness n respect than they earned, n less kindness n more apathy towards Maya than she deserved.
Then he was given a long, carefully constructed redemption arc, while Mason, a rushed condemnation arc.
It felt like 100 to 0 with Mason. We saw Mason briefly in earlier seasons, mainly thru the eyes of Maya. We missed a lot of the in b/w. We caught him again at his worst. We only saw the side that was full of hate ideology, but not his side that was also human. We knew about his addiction n homelessness. But we didn’t see how as a young abused person w/o positive role models n a support system, he was vulnerable to these hate groups, which he clung to, when offered him just a semblance of belonging or respect. He had not learned to let go of his resentment of their parents n Maya but taught to transfer this unresolved hate to fill a meaning void.
The scene itself b/w Maya n Mason was great. It was an urgent n imperative story to tell. Maya's actions were right n necessary. But in the bigger scheme of things, it felt like a quick tie-up of loose ends, of a once-beloved brother, who came n went abruptly. Despite it being a logical narrative choice to wrap up the nature/nurture discussions of Marina n discovery that Maya's deepest fears about herself manifested in her bro instead. It's heartbreaking n yet disheartening that it was again about queer hate when it came to another main queer character on the show.
It is just jarring to juxtapose Mason with Beckett in 703 then 707. Also juxtaposing his empathy towards Maya with the lack thereof from the others, despite everyone having just been thru 706 n having witnessed Maya's breakdown. So, in a way, I see the actions of these characters as being designed with the goal to emphasize Beckett's empathetic side, in support of his arc.
When looking at a scene with 2 scene partners, what it is really about? Who it is really for? Would the scene be the same if one is replaced?
There are many different takes on this. For me, it was really about Maya, but choosing Beckett as the scene partner made the scene more for him. If it were for Maya, other scene partners would be more meaningful n realistic. Esp those who earned their right for her to be vulnerable with. Maya, who bottled her feelings, let alone spill her deeper emotions, to someone whom she never had a proper conversation with, not to mention a fraught shared history. To add, alone in a small enclosed space, while administering a shot that made her even more vulnerable.
For the realism argument, this was not more realistic to me than having Carina, for a show which took a lot of liberties. It was a choice to design the circumstances to make Carina n the others unavailable n combine 2 scenes together. Carina's also Maya's life partner n best friend. A more realistic choice for Maya to share this devastating heartbreak n grieving process with. It was a big aspect of their marriage. We saw many discussions b/w them yet when it finally came to the conclusion, it was with the least likely person, an almost stranger.
I see the trigger shot as part of Marina's baby journey I wish we get to see them undergoing together. It reminded me of 5b in that Marina's story about their own baby journey - again with someone of a fraught shared history, of a different nature - was more about him n to lead to his own bio family story. Marina's story was messy n got nowhere. And here we r, seasons later, rushing thru it.
It's not that Maya/ Carina or Marina should not have scenes with others. It's that it's usually more about the others even if it's their storyline. Or they r the backdrop for others' drama. They either isolate Marina or suddenly include them or one of them in an in-depth discussion of their private matters with others, usually something we hear about for the first time. I just don't remember something like that happening with other characters. Is it too much to ask to see a married w|w couple, with little screentime, share a meaningful conversation or moment first, also or exclusively? We so rarely see such a rep on TV. The show is not about Marina, but shouldn't their own story reasonably prioritize them?
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newttxt · 9 months
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this is opla!zoro, to me 🙂
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b0tster · 4 months
subtext is an avenue for plausible deniability to worm its way into your art imo
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smultronviol · 2 months
Ppl going "waaahh unpopular opinion but Alice is kind of annoying and obnoxious and I don't think I'd like be her friend irl" is so funny to me bc like.
God forbid a cast of characters be multifaceted and have actual flaws and unpleasant aspects other than "grr angsty hero" and "whoops i'm so clumsy". Sometimes character dynamics and arcs need to be prioritized above "who would i personally be niceys with irl"
2. bro just WAIT until you hear about season 1 jon lol
#the magnus protocol#tmagp#season 1 jon was obnoxious and sometimes a straight up ASSHOLE and you were supposed to find him kinda grating!!!#yes alice IS a bit annoying and too much sometimes (esp in the first episodes) and i love that <3#like. its p obvious that she uses the over the top-thing as a shield (to push ppl away/as a defense mechanism/to avoid being vulnerable)#we see her drop the act sometimes w ppl like teddy and sam who she actually feels comfortable around (and who know and understand her)#but like. she's stuck in a job she hates and is kind of afraid of (she KNOWS smth abt the horrors and is keeping her head down to survive)#(shes obviously afraid of sam going to far bc she KNOWS its dangerous)#so yes her act gets too much sometimes and yes sometimes she crosses the line into straight up mean (esp against gwen)#(but their dynamic is a whole other can of worms)#but like. i'm pretty sure its supposed to be seen that way. the audience isnt supposed to just find her kooky funny#the facade is supposed to be dismantled by the viewer etc etc#kind of like SEASON 1 JON the obnoxious bastard!!!!!!!#like. if you ever think alice is too mean towards gwen pls listen to s1 jon again and how he speaks abt martin??#from a position as his boss no less? ngl i wanted to throttle him sometimes#you kinda forget abt it in the later seasons and if you only engage w fandom content. but like. go back and listen to the shit#he actually says. jesus christ man. i remember kinda hating him in the beginning#and to be clear i love jon! i think hes a great character!#and like. its almost as if his early season personality and facade was an important setup for his character development#and relationships with the other characters???#but anyway 'alice is kind of annoying' is not an unpopular opinion its literally the FUCKING POINT#and both her and jon are my sweet baby angels <3#alice dyer#jon sims#(and obviouslyyy you're still allowed to dislike a character ppl can have their own opinions etc etc etc. i just personally find it funny)
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keefechambers · 10 months
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Kelvin Gemstone's Big Gay Emotional Journey
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froganni · 2 months
Maybe a little overly serious approach to the situation, but y'all have GOT to be more respectful towards the creators you watch and consume content for. fWhip's message about getting a lot of hate is honestly abysmal.
Like, don't get me wrong, I love lore-related series! I think they're a lot of fun and I love watching them.But give non-lore series a chance! They're also a lot of fun!
These creators are all responsible adults who are very capable of creating boundaries for themselves and deciding amongst themselves what rules they want to follow when joining a project.
Obviously, there are many viewers and community members who this isn't directed at. :D
Please don't send hate to anyone, it's not helpful. If you don't like something, don't engage with it. Just leave it at that. Show respect to the community you're apart of, and to the creators that head it.
(It's fine to be annoyed with something and talk about it, but don't force a creator to see that negativity. It's not benefiting anyone.) The more hate a creator gets, the less they engage with and organize fun things for the community. Please remember to be kind.
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smalltimidbean · 6 months
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About a month ago someone asked if there would be a clone based on the secrets, and I have - once again - overthought the idea and ended up with too many kgklfd
So have some concepts while I try to finalise them! They will be just one character, but I might recycle unused concepts later
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markantonys · 8 months
i can't believe there's now discourse on whether it's Problematic to ship cauthor. love it here!
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one thing i don't get is when people equate skipping nine to skipping classic who.
saying stuff like "but I skipped all of classic who so why do you have a problem with me skipping nine?" or "it's a bit of a double standard that everyone cares if you skip nine but nobody scares if you skip classic"
there is a big difference between series 1 and classic who
Series 1 is, other than having nine instead of ten, the exact same as all of ten's era. Series 1 was written very intentionally as somewhere you can start the show; it was written with the aim of getting new viewers into the show since it was seen as an ancient relic.
Classic who is extremely different to nuwho. Not in any way that makes it inherently inferior or superior, just different. Television in the 1960s has a lot less in common with television in the 2000s than the latter has in common with modern television. Watching classic who requires you to be familiar with the format of old television.
The average person on the street wouldn't want to watch hundreds of slow-paced black and white episodes that are often missing so are animated or a telesnap reconstruction. Whereas, the average person on the street would probably watch a television show from the 2000s.
Classic who is an amazing part of the show but it's firstly not required viewing to watch nuwho (unlike series 1 is) and secondly is a completely different format to nuwho (unlike series 1)
Series 2 opens with the expectation that you have seen series 1 but you probably haven't seen classic who. You should decide the order to watch the show in accordingly.
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I hate that I’ve now seen multiple “well I hated season 2 so whatever I don’t care that it was cancelled” posts on my feed. Hey! Hey this isn’t about you right now! No one wants to hear your little whiny negativity! Let us grieve and mourn and be in pain in peace without feeling the need to needle in your opinion
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adhd-merlin · 1 year
unpopular opinion but I think they should've let Gwen cheat out of her own free will
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nethergreatrack · 11 months
QSMP Elections
(Disclaimer, I am a Slimecicle main for the most part, I do watch other povs)
It’s interesting seeing everyone argue about what is the best policy but calling q!BBH, Gegg and q!Baghera naive for believing in revolution as opposed to fixing the system from the inside is failing to consider recent ideology promoted in leftist circles of the US about Law Enforcement. From a US perspective the idea of fixing the system from the inside could seem naive. If everyone in the federation is corrupt how could a single person fix the damage in a more effective way than a council? Also, it is very easy to point out the lack of official policies planned by Gegg, q!Baghera and q!BBH but this fails to account for the fact they (at least q!Baghera and q!BBH) only want things that people agree on. Say there was a mod they wanted to add but someone else doesn’t, they don’t know that until the council is assembled so that everyone can voice their concerns hence they can only say things they might do if agreed by the council, not what they definitely will do. For example, invisible armour (I don’t know what exact mod q!Cellbit is suggesting) might not be supported by people who enjoy duels like the q!Quackity and q!Slime one at the funeral as it gives a greater opportunity to cheat during these kind of duels. However it is the job of the candidates to make these kind of points during the debates to prevent any confusion so them not explaining a reason for not promoting a lot of their own ideas is a flaw.
Opinions on the candidates more specifically below:
Gegg/q!Slime has said that he thinks the election is rigged, which is likely a factor in him campaigning for revolution. He is also, from a meta perspective, highly likely to die and has expressed a desire to be a martyr. So him promoting this ideology allows him to continue lore if he dies too early in the electoral process. I love him as a funny little guy; even if he will likely die before the voting. Also, his stuff about burning everything is actually suspicious and I hope if he is elected he immediately becomes corrupt. If he doesn’t die and I can vote. I will probably vote for him.
I genuinely love the duo of q!Cellbit and q!Forever and I think they have a lot of great ideas, q!Cellbit acting as a shield for q!Forever is a genius strategy and they both care so much about this server and the people and eggs on it. But I don’t know why they necessarily think this is a good idea since q!Cellbit and q!Felps got close to the Federation and ended up kidnapped. Although, from a Meta perspective q!Forever is for sure a great choice. He greatly cares about the people on the server, he does so much for the community and is overall a great guy. But he also someone I don’t want anything bad to happen to. Richas has been through way too much at this point.
When thinking about q!BBH he is a great guy and friend to most of the server. I support the sharing of power. But there is one thing that worries me, this is probably a trap and q!Bad is a single parent. If this goes wrong, it is very much a concern for Dapper. But this would also be very angsty and I do like angst in moderation.
On q!Baghera, I think she is a great pick and would be a good choice. The council seems like a good idea and, much like Forever, Cellbit and BBH, she is on the server a lot and does a lot of RP. Something bad happening to her would be very angsty and there are other parents who can take care of Pomme if she ends up taken. I do think she needs to ask more people what they want if she hasn’t already due to her campaign being rooted in being a voice for the people.
I think q!Mike would also be a great choice from a Meta perspective and a lore perspective. Tazercraft having an increased access to things they might want to add to improve the server and make new events is genuinely great. It would be interesting to see how q!Mike would implement Communist ideology as well. His roleplaying is funny and I think if they went with a corruption arc he would be quite good at it. (I know I used the argument that Richas has been through enough, but I think q!Mike is more likely to be a corruption arc and do think what the Federation does with the winner will depend of which candidate wins, probably)
I think, taking into account that this whole thing is likely some kind of trap and/or rigged, q!Etoiles might actually be a good choice. He is strong and has a great desire to protect others. If this was some kind of trap then it would be greatly dramatic to have one of the strongest players be taken out or impressive to see him fight to escape. He also cares deeply about the other players and I do think he would give other players a voice while also, as president, being a target. I do think that whoever the president is (if not ElQuackity) will be a target for something.
When it comes to q!Foolish, I think he is the best choice if you want a revolution. He seems to be vaguely corrupt already and even tried to assassinate Gegg. It would be an interesting and funny arc but there would be the looming threat of q!Vegetta so the actual damage this could do might be higher than we might expect. He is also silly and already likes the Federation (or at least pretends too); so we might get funny Federation employee and q!Foolish interactions.
I don’t know a lot about q!Felps and his policies outside of the power of pasta (if I am remembering correctly) because he didn’t really get to speak much and my Wifi is pretty bad. I would love to hear more about him though and I think it would be funny if he won. I do really love pasta.
I do not want ElQuackity to win. It would probably be interesting lore wise. It would also likely lead to a revolution arc but he has less allies in terms of server members so it would be less conflict than if a revolution occurred under another candidate. Although, he is the closest to a guaranteed one if a revolution is a must.
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penguinofspades · 1 month
This is probably an unpopular opinion I have but here goes:
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“Who would Jesus’ favorite DSMP character be?”
The Great Chat Debate of August 8th, 2022: Part 1  | (Part 2)
Context: Philza was roasting some Televangelists who were using religion to excuse their greed, chat joined in and cited parts of the bible to emphasize their hypocrisy, then this dono sent us on a half-hour tangent.
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 4 months
im only about an hour into this playthrough but im going to be honest... it really feels like style over substance rn with the cutscenes. except the style is apparently also kind of goofy
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keepthetension · 4 months
been wondering this for ages but i kept forgetting to actually ask:
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