#i read every chapter AT LEAST three times to completion AND have another human being look at it AND listen to it through text-to-speech
lalal-99 · 5 months
of being true {l.f.} | track 5
©June 2023, April 2024 by lalal-99
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Lee Felix x Jung Wooyoung | trope: strangers to lovers | word count: 9.2k
Synopsis: The one that's about Felix and other pretty people.
Check Chapter Overview for complete list of warnings
Smut tags: explicit content | porn with plot | first time with the same gender | oral (m. rec.) | body worshipping | teasing | anal sex | top/sub dynamics | top!felix | Felix is whipped | sex under the influence (they're not wasted but definitely tipsy) | soft sex | nothing too spicy, honestly, but so, sooo many emotions
Note: This is an interim chapter. You don't need to read this chapter to understand the rest of the main plot. But I advise you do, because it's just so beautiful. Truly one of the best things I have ever written. (Reposting, cause the first upload tanked...)
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Felix learned he was gay at the tender age of 7. That was if he were completely honest with himself.
It happened on a beautiful Sunday morning in his suburban Sydney home. He had just prepped himself a bowl of fruit loops, clad in his pyjamas with his favourite blanket in hand. That’s how he made himself a home on the sofa, turning on the TV with the volume on low so his parents wouldn’t wake. Switching through channels his parents had forbidden him to watch, he finally landed on Nickelodeon. And that’s when he saw him.
Phantom, if that wasn’t clear already.
All the kids at school had talked about the show for weeks, raving over who they thought Danny would end up with. Sam—the sarcastic best friend—or Jazz—the cutesy love interest. Pretty, beautiful and whitty were some of the words his friends referred to them as. Felix needed to see for himself and make up his mind. If not to admire their animated beauty, at least to determine who he preferred.
Needless to say, all intentions went out the window once he saw the underdog protagonist. His hair as black as the night and his eyes as blue as the ocean minutes away from Felix’s house. And that was only the human form of one Danny Fenton. No one could have prepared Felix for the incredible looks of his super-hero alter-ego. His icy grey hair and green eyes were truly something else, and Felix was soon captivated by the fictitious character. A fabricated figure drawn with pencil, but even so the hero of his childhood.
In hindsight, Felix should have known it right then and there.
While his friends argued the show’s female characters, he fantasised protecting Amity Park alongside his idol. Telling him his deepest secrets and hugging him in glee at the end of each episode.
As he was only a child, Felix didn’t think to investigate the intensity of his affection further. He pushed it to the back of his mind. Argued that he didn’t watch the show for its romantic aspects whenever someone asked him about his prefered love interest.
Despite ignoring the nagging thought for all his childhood—oblivious to a deeper meaning behind it—it caught up with him at some point. And that point came in the form of one Cassidy Miller.
Cassidy was one of Felix’s classmates in Year 8. Upon laying eyes on him on the first day of the year, she made it her main plot point to become his girlfriend. During lunch that first day, she chose the seat next to him in the cafeteria, sharing some of her homemade snacks. As a teenage boy amid a growth spurt, he accepted with not another word of persuasion. He didn’t even consider it to be an advance of sorts. Even when his friend high-fived him after the fact, Felix understood it as an act of kindness. Cassidy was trying to make some friends after moving to town weeks prior. Nothing out of the ordinary.
It took him about three weeks of shared snacks every day and a kiss on his cheek to recognise that, yes. A girl had a crush on him. And everything would have been fine. Hadn’t it been for the slight complication that he didn’t feel the same about her. Cassidy was sweet. He would even agree that she was cute with her bunny nose and blonde locks. Conventionally attractive features for a 14-year-old girl.
Before he could break the truth to her, though, she had already introduced him to her parents. Quick, but Felix didn’t get the chance to intervene. He didn’t even know she wanted to introduce them when she asked him to follow her to the parking lot. Let alone introduce him as her boyfriend, much to her father’s dismay.
So, at the fragile age of 14, Felix found himself in a heterosexual relationship with a girl he barely knew but didn’t have the heart to break up with. As though being an unknowing closeted teenager wasn’t enough already.
That relationship, as innocent as it was, lasted 6 months. At most, it consisted of hand-holding and handwritten notes passed during class. Still, it lasted long for a first relationship Felix had no intention of having in the first place.
When Cassidy revealed that her dad had been relocated for the umpteenth time, Felix was even a little sad. She left after only 7 months, thus ending the relationship as it had begun—completely out of his control.
One should think: A closeted gay teen who just came out of a heterosexual relationship he hadn’t intended having? Definitely won’t do that again in the near future.
And that thought was fair. But wrong.
It took around 2 months after Cassidy left when Emily Wilson came into Felix’s life.
Emily was different from Cassidy in many ways. She was one year Felix’s senior, held back a year for grade-related reasons. She had black hair and a sidecut. Eyelids always painted in a thick layer of dark eyeliner which made her look at least two years older than she was. She had a nose ring her parents hadn’t allowed her to get and wore combat boots like part of a religion. Every word leaving her lips was drenched in sarcasm, which drew Felix to her right from the beginning.
It didn’t take Felix more than a few weeks to accept it. If he were to ever have a relationship with another girl, it would be a girl like Emily.
Fortunately for him, she and Cassidy had one thing in common. They were both pretty much obsessed with him from the moment they first laid eyes on him.
Whatever was drawing them to him, Felix decided that what anyone in his position would do, was make a move on Emily. Everyone in his class was obsessing over who was with whom. All his friends went from relationship to relationship in weekly rhythms. So, getting a girlfriend himself was the logical thing to do.
The 1.5 years he spent with Emily were the most fun but excruciating months of his life. Being with someone that long was hard, as much as he loved getting to know every part of her life.
He liked Emily’s parents, and they thought he had a positive influence on their daughter. But they were uber controlling and burst into her room every few minutes to check on them and what they were doing.
He adored Emily’s love for music and art. Every picture she drew for him and every mixtape she made proudly displayed in his room. But, she didn’t allow any opinions on the topics that didn’t correlate with her own. Felix’s love for Pop music? A slap in the face of a proud anti-capitalist. Felix’s one-year-anniversary plans to visit a special exhibition in the museum? Another penny in the pocket of the rich, making them even wealthier.
He fell apart at the touch of Emily’s hands and mouth. Losing his virginity to her left him breathless and in a sweaty sheen for hours. But, as much as he didn’t mind sleeping with her, he couldn’t shake the uncomfortable feeling. She always made the first move. And he was not only lying to himself but to her.
Their relationship was a constant back-and-forth. Liking her while not liking her enough to want a serious future. No matter how hard Felix tried, keeping up the facade became more agonising with every I love you. Eventually, Emily could tell something was eating at her boyfriend. And after 18 unforgettable months together, she finally had enough. She left him with usual harsh words and exhausted tears of relief in his eyes.
Even then, as the doubt and exhaustion finally reached the front lobe of his brain, it took him a couple more years and 3 more relationships to come to terms with reality.
Felix was gay and wouldn’t continue lying to everyone around him.
Well, except for his parents, who, despite living in a modern country, had different values. They weren’t particularly homophobic, though they approached the movement with ignorance. That’s other people. That would never happen to us.
Thankfully, by the time Felix realised he would never be content in a heterosexual relationship, he had already set his eyes on further education abroad. And once he finished High School, he was already packed and ready to head overseas to live as his true self.
Never in a million years had Felix expected to live that true self so early in this new chapter of his life. He had barely set foot onto campus when he bumped into a guy on his way out of the physiology building. Felix almost lost balance but the man grabbed his biceps, delicate fingers steadying him against himself. That’s when he met the guy’s gaze. Beautiful mahogany, surrounded by a sheen of gold eyeliner. Which only made them sparkle even further than Felix was sure they already did. His hair died in layers of blonde and black, ears adorned by so many earrings he couldn’t have counted them. And that cheeky smile on his lips made Felix want to taste him right then and there.
Instead, Felix pulled away, smoothing his t-shirt out as he hugged his bag closer to himself. It gave his hands something to do while hiding the semi he sported. From a short-lived, innocent physical contact, but nonetheless.
“You good?” the guy asked, and Felix nodded, eyes wide as though he had seen a ghost. The man swiped his thumb over his plumb bottom lip with a smirk and a wink as he brushed past Felix. “Next time, keep your eyes on what’s important. Alright, Pretty?”
Pretty. Felix subconsciously nodded at the words as the man rounded the corner with another look back. He remained still for approximately minutes before he shook himself to snap out of it.
And that could have been it. A short, embarrassing moment like he had had so many times before. But that wasn’t Felix’s luck.
God screamed You should see your face at Felix when he entered his Psychology 101 class days later. The same boy stood by the entrance, talking to another guy who looked a little too good in his pink hair.
Felix skimmed past him, feeling the man’s gaze trained on his back as he wordlessly sat between two girls. Anything so he wasn’t exposed to the man’s enticing presence. Making his heart race like that of an untouched virgin.
That’s when Felix diagnosed: He might not be as ready to live his true self as he had thought.
The decision to take his time exploring his identity was easily made. Yet, the pledge lasted only 4 days.
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“Hi, man! How’s it going?”
The first thing Felix noticed about the man in front of Jisung was the age difference.
Jisung might have been Felix’s age phsyically, but he usually carried himself with a heightened sense of maturity. His long-term girlfriend definitely was the cause for that, so much the countless dirty jokes had told Felix.
Jackson, on the contrary, had a sense of wiseness to him. He must have made many a experience that still awaited Felix and Jisung. What exactly made Felix feel like that, he couldn’t pinpoint. Although it likely wasn’t the baggy clothing or the Gucci snapback. Jackson must have come from money, was all Felix took away from them. And if it weren’t for Jackson’s clothing, the golden earrings and chain around his neck would have said as much.
“I’m alright. The workload already has me in a chokehold. But I’ll manage,” Jisung joked with his old friend before turning to Felix. “Jackson, this is my roommate, Felix. Felix, Jackson.”
“Nice to meet you!” Jackson greeted him as he pulled him into a bro-hug. The first of many, Felix was sure.
“So, already swimming in the workload? If it’s too much already, I wouldn’t advise picking Medicine as a Major. I was studying until the second the first guests arrived. And I will continue the moment the house is empty.”
A future doctor? Jackson? Definitely not what Felix had expected, but he didn’t know the guy. All he could go from was the first impression. He knew better than to judge from that alone.
“I’ll keep that in mind. You should tell Y/N before she suggests I also become a doctor.”
“She’s still not giving up on you picking a Major, huh?”
“I swear it’s everything she talked about the past two months.” Felix looked around the place, trying his hardest to ignore the words coming from his friend. It wasn’t like he knew everything about their relationship, nor was he picking sides in this debate. But hearing Jisung talk behind her back like that? It filled him with slight unease. “I love her, but it’s annoying.”
“You probably don’t want to hear it, but she has a point.”
Again, not what Felix had expected from Jackson. Taking Y/N’s side like that.
“There’s nothing wrong with taking a semester to figure things out, but you’ll have to pick one eventually.” Jackson could tell from Jisung’s expression that this wasn’t what he wanted to hear. “But...” Jackson opened three beer bottles from the sink before handing two of them over to Felix and Jisung. “That’s a conversation for tomorrow. Or next week. Right now, we party.”
“Hell, yeah!” Jisung agreed with a cheer before toasting the other two and downing half his bottle.
Felix took a sip, face scrunching at the bitter aftertaste of the liquid. He had never quite grown accustomed to the flavour of beer, his tastebuds preferring vodka or rum. Anything that mixed well with soft drinks.
While Jackson and Jisung chatted away like two estranged friends (which, for as much as Felix had understood, they were), Felix’s gaze wandered through the doorway into the living room. The house gradually filled with young students—some yet sober, some already intoxicated. Felix started appreciating Jisung by his side, so he didn’t have to approach this situation alone. Even if Jisung, right now, was ignoring his presence for his old friend.
Distracted by the loud music, Felix took a few steps out of the kitchen, when suddenly, he got knocked off his feet. Or at least almost.
He would have planted his face straight into the tiled flooring hadn’t it been for a set of delicate fingers coming to his biceps and steadying him. And if it weren’t already a complete recap of his encounter on the first day, Felix met the same mahogany eyes yet again.
Sweet, sweet irony.
The guy recognised him soon enough, a smirk appearing on his beautiful face. How he could be so enticing and cheeky without saying a word was beyond Felix.
“We have to stop meeting like this.”
Invisible strings drew Felix’s eyes to the man’s face, hanging on the way his lips moved whenever he spoke. He was in total awe of how someone could sound so sweet while having the fucking confidence of a... Well, if Felix had to name it, he would have called it fuckboy. Although, he didn’t want to judge a book by its cover. Even if this particular book was extremely easy on the eyes.
“You good?”
“I asked you if you were alright.”
“Oh, of course. Yes, I’m good.”
“Good.” And there it was again. That stupid smirk made Felix feel things he didn’t know he had the mental capacity to feel. Emotions he had prayed to feel for Cassidy, Emily, Tina and all the others, he instead felt for some stranger the second he laid eyes on him. Like a complete loser. “You’re Felix, right?”
Eyebrows raising at the sound of his name from the stranger’s mouth, Felix swallowed thickly. “Yes. How do you know?”
“We have Psychology 101 together.” The first non-flirtatious words coming from the man, though that didn’t last long. “And I always remember the pretty faces.”
Pretty. That word, again, made Felix’s stomach churn and his pants tighten. Internally, he scolded himself for being so new to this that the simple compliment could affect him like this.
“I’m—You—Erm—” Felix stumbled over his thoughts pathetically. The stranger’s eyes kept running over all Felix’s features and he was very aware of it. He must have thought Felix was an utter basket-case. If he wanted to keep the last bit of pride, he had to get it together. Quick. “What’s your name?”
“Ouch,” the guy said as he placed his hand over a heart in mock hurt. “And here I hoped you had paid as much attention to me as I did you.”
What now? He had paid attention to Felix? When? How long? And why? Was this all part of a play, or was he kidding? Felix didn’t know what to think.
“I—I’m sorry.”
“No worries. I’m messing with you.” A breath of relief escaped Felix’s lips as he hoped the guy didn’t notice. “I’m Wooyoung. Nice to make your acquaintance.”
“You, too,” Felix replied with the first smile in approximately hours.
“So, Felix. Now that I saved your life twice, what do you say we have a drink? It’s on me.”
Felix laughed at the joke as he pushed a strand of his blonde hair behind his ear.
“I already have one,” Felix explained, holding up the beer towards Wooyoung.
“Beer? You’re one of those guys?” Wooyoung asked with a sarcastic undertone, making Felix blush as he eyed the brown bottle.
“Actually, no. I never liked beer.” Placing the almost full bottle on the counter, he let Wooyoung guide him around the counter. A display of countless different liquors met them in a broad array.
“What’s your poison? Vodka? Gin?” Wooyoung questioned as he grabbed two red cups from the stack.
“Rum, actually.” The slight smile on Wooyoung flustered Felix as he hoped he hadn’t somehow made a fool of himself. Again. “What?”
“Nothing,” Wooyoung shrugged as he filled the two cups with a quarter rum before topping them off with coke. “I just know how to pick ‘em.” Felix didn’t know what he was hinting at, so he only smiled once Wooyoung handed him his drink. “To new acquaintances.”
“Yes. Acquaintances.”
With that, they toasted and took a sip each. The mixture of Captain Morgan and Coke gave Felix a sweet aftertaste. Much more comfortable than the beer had done, and he returned the smile Wooyoung sent him.
This whole situation was rather new to Felix. He had never been to a party like this. Single, that was. He never had the chance to meet someone on the go in a similar situation, and that reality filled him with unease. Despite having only met the guy, Felix wanted Wooyoung to like him. Whether that was a like in the we’ll become good friends sense or the give me all of you kinda way.
For a moment, Felix felt he was getting ahead of himself. He had met Wooyoung a few minutes ago. For all he knew, being flirtatious could have been engraved in his personality. Felix had arrived at campus mere days ago and even pledged to ease himself into this new, true identity. He definitely shouldn’t rush it.
As fast as he remembered that pledge he had taken, the memory evaporated. Wooyoung’s hand touched his hip, pulling him slightly closer, in front of everyone. Including his roommate and Jackson—two people he had no idea how they’d react to finding out his deepest secret. A secret he had never told anyone, on top of that.
“So, Felix—” Looking around the room, Felix soon realised that Jisung had left, and so had Jackson. A bunch of random people were running around, albeit ignoring the two guys in the corner, throwing googly eyes at each other. That realisation relaxed him almost entirely. “What’s your deal?”
Felix’s eyes met Wooyoung’s lips as he licked his own, a little nervous in the presence of someone so beautiful still. “What do you mean?”
“Are you, like, single? Hetero? Better tell me now before I fall for another straight guy.”
For someone so—unfamiliar, Felix felt himself drawn to anything Wooyoung did. Much more than he ever had with any of his ex-girlfriends. Sure, Felix was nervous around him, his hands shaking so heavily, he feared he’d spill his drink on the guy. At least some blame laid on his inexperience, blood rushing through his system like it was racing against itself. How was Wooyoung so self-assured and head-on anyways?
“I don’t know what to say.”
That was the truth. Felix had no idea how to answer such a straightforward question. Especially since he hadn’t said the words I am gay out loud, ever. Not even to himself. Expressing his personality to a stranger, out of all people, felt so out of place for him. Although he couldn’t deny the unmistakable magnetism pulling him towards Wooyoung.
“That’s okay. Because I know.”
The fingers at Felix’s hips dug into his flesh a little fiercer as Wooyoung closed in, breath hitting Felix’s cheek. Everything around him slowed in motion as his gaze switched from Wooyoung’s eyes to his lips, unsure of what to do or how to act. Would this be his first kiss with a man? With a stranger? In front of all these people? Tipsy from two unfinished drinks and Wooyoung’s presence alone?
“You do?” It took him a few seconds to finally reply, the tension becoming too much, too fast. “Maybe you can tell me. Because I have no fucking idea.”
Wooyoung laughed out loud at his words; a hearty laugh which sounded much like heaven to Felix. Some of the tension vanished as he took another deep breath and a long sip from his drink.
“And he’s funny, too. Damn, I really do know how to pick ‘em.”
The words made Felix blush as he averted his gaze towards the floor.
“I tell you what,” Wooyoung retracted his hands as his softening gaze met Felix’s anxious one. He must have noticed Felix’s unsure aura, torn between wanting to experience whatever Wooyoung had in mind and taking it slow. Felix had never been this happy about his expressional features. “How about you figure out what your deal is first? And when you do, come find me.”
As much as those words took the pressure off, Felix couldn’t deny the hint of disappointment pulling at his mood. He wanted to try and get him to close the proximity again, feeling cold after Wooyoung had pulled away. Sneakers screeching against the tiles soon captured their attention, rendering the moment gone. Felix recognised the owner as the same guy Wooyoung had been sitting next to in class. How could he have forgotten the bright pink hair and features as sharp as a fox’s?
“Dude, you gotta come watch this,” the guy exclaimed as he came over, dragging Wooyoung away by his hand. “Mingi is trying to do a keg-stand. It’s fucking hilarious. Like a giraffe trying to… well, do a kegstand.”
“No way!” With one last wink that made Felix’s knees weak, Wooyoung ran after his friend and out of Felix’s vision. It took him a few desperate moments to steady himself, hands still trembling from the adrenaline coursing through his veins.
Felix turned around, one, to tighten his grip around the counter and regain his balance, and two, conceal the boner which his pants did nothing to hide. His mind kept racing back to the proximity, the touches. The flirtatious words of a guy he barely knew but, at the same time, felt like he wanted to know everything about. The distance allowed him to realised how fast everything had played out. And while he feared it had happened all too fast, he couldn’t help but want to skip forward even further.
Perhaps, it was that he was desperate to finally get a taste of what he had denied himself for years. Crushes, love, passion. Everything his girlfriends had felt, but he never quite managed to. Making mistakes and gaining experience. Anything eventually leading him to alwaysness. With whomever that might be.
Although, right now, he wanted to have a sense of it with one particular person.
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Two excruciating hours later, Felix found himself in the living area of the frat house. He had thought back to the moment in the kitchen so many times he could hardly count them. Not to mention how often he had gotten semi-hard thinking about Wooyoung’s breath against his cheek. His hands on his hips. And his words in his ear.
How about you figure out what your deal is first? And when you do, come find me.
But what if there was nothing to figure out? What if Felix already knew what he wanted and what his deal was? What if the only thing keeping him from acting on it was his inexperience?
All those what if’s jogging through Felix’s brain didn’t change anything. All he wanted—truly wanted at the moment—was to drag Wooyoung into the nearest closet and make him feel good. Have Wooyoung make him feel good. Whatever the guy was up for, honestly. Felix had spent the better part of two decades pretending to be someone he wasn’t. Now that he had a fresh start, he desired to finally be his true self.
It took him not 20 minutes longer until he decided that enough was enough.
Y/N, Yuqi and Changbin had left a while ago to play Truth or Drink in the kitchen, leaving Felix with a group of random boys. Sure, it was a group of boys he considered his closest friends on campus, but right now, they appeared so boring. Especially with a much more intriguing person, throwing him suggestive winks from the other end of the room.
How he had even noticed Wooyoung in the sea of drunk students was beyond him. Though Felix had no brain capacity left for the whys and hows. Wooyoung was sipping on his drink, playing with the straw about as suggestively as Felix had seen anyone do. Biting at the short fingernail of his pinky, Felix already felt the excitement nagging at his gut. The combination of clothes, alcohol and arousal ran him so very hot.
Wooyoung’s pink-haired friend didn’t notice he wasn’t paying him the slightest hint of attention. How ever important their conversation was, Felix couldn’t bring himself to care. This whole back and forth went on for a few minutes when Felix finally couldn’t take it anymore.
Without a word to his friends he got up from his seat, eyes drawn to the beautiful tempter at the other side of the room. Once Wooyoung recognised the intention behind Felix’s approach, he left his friend for the stairs.
The sway in his hips had Felix’s whole attention as he followed him upstairs, always a few steps behind to not alert the surrounding couples. As though they weren’t completely immersed in their make-outs and other grindings.
Once at the upper end of the staircase, Felix looked around to find the hallway empty. Someone must have ensured the private rooms remained private, and usually, this would have been the end of his path. Though the confidence in Wooyoung’s step encouraged Felix to push that to the deepest part of his brain.
His movements stayed cautious until he reached the end of the hall, entering the last room on the left. Felix took a deep breath as he closed the door and turned around. Not a second went by until he noticed the man on one of the two beds, drink long forgotten on one of the desks.
“Hi.” With no hint of pressure in his voice, Wooyoung watched Felix fidgeting by the door.
Silence took over the room as Felix realised why Wooyoung wasn’t being his usual flirty self. Understanding how he had some reservations still, he left every decision up to Felix. It gave him a sense of security, understanding that if he didn’t want anything to happen, nothing would. Even if they were on their own in a small room, veiled in tension thick enough to cut with a spoon.
With that sense of total security in mind, Felix took a shaky step forward.
“So—” His voice broke as he regretted not bringing his drink. He felt the deep desire for something to cool his system, easing the lump in his throat. “I figured out what my deal is. And I’m coming to you, like you said.”
“Good.” The smile on Wooyoung’s face was as non-suggestive as he had ever seen, further soothing his tense body. “Do you mind sharing with me?”
“No. I will.” Taking another deep breath, Felix looked to the ceiling as he brought his hand to his stiff shoulders.
This was the moment. Felix would say the words out loud for the first time. Reality would hit, and there would be no escaping it anymore.
Fortunately, Felix didn’t want to run from it any longer.
“I’m single. And, I’m—”
Say it! He won’t judge. Just spit it out!
“I’m gay.”
Okay. Okay? Despite the simplicity of the word, pure relief overcame Felix, body slumping as exhaustion blurred his vision. He was gay, and it was okay.
The next breath through a watery veil of happiness and alleviation felt like the first one he had ever taken.
“Oh my God, did I say something wrong?” Wooyoung hurried over to Felix’s trembling body as he wrapped his protective arms around him. Felix’s hands clung to the man’s shirt, face pressed into the crook of his neck as he let himself be held. Nothing more. Just held and accepted.
“No. Nothing wrong.” The whispered words reached Wooyoung’s ear within milliseconds. “All the right words. But—”
He stopped, pondering for a few seconds whether to confide in someone he hardly knew. A man who had nothing but shamelessly flirted with him for all 20 minutes of aggregated conversation. But he was here right now. And Felix needed to let him know how much he had already done for him.
Also, he was bawling into the guy’s shirt. It could hardly get much more intimate than this, anyways.
“I never said it out loud.”
“Oh… Oh!”
The realisation hit Wooyoung like a bus as he further fastened his comforting grip on Felix. It all made sense to him now. The insecurity. The uncomfortable tension whenever he said anything below the belt. The silence following the question of what his deal was. And here Wooyoung was, thinking he was yet again barking up the wrong tree. As it turned out, he had finally found the right tree, though it hadn’t bloomed yet.
“Fuck. I’m sorry I came on so strong. It just… I thought you were cute, but then I wasn’t so sure if you felt the same way. I assumed you might be one of those straight guys who aren’t so straight after a few drinks. So, I went all in to skip all that will-they-won’t-they crap. Wouldn’t have been the first time I was utterly disappointed at the end of the day.”
He had only tried to feel Felix out and learn if he himself could get hurt. Evidently, neither of them was trying nor intending to play games with the other.
“You didn’t come on too strong. I mean, you kinda did. But I liked it.”
As they drew away from each other, light laughter filled the room. Wooyoung’s arms were still circled around Felix’s waist as they stared into each other’s eyes. Their smiles soon faded as they recognised their proximity. When Wooyoung’s hands reclaimed their position on his hip, Felix’s stomach erupted in sheer excitement. The sentimentality of the moment was ultimately broken by his arousal.
“You like this, too. I can feel it,” Wooyoung pointed out with a smile as he squeezed Felix’s sides once, making him jump a little. “Knew it.”
“Fine. I like it.”
“So, you never told anyone you’re gay. Does that mean you just found out yourself? Or did you always know on some level and try to fit into a pair of shoes that weren’t yours?”
“A little of both. Like, I used to crush on Danny Phantom so hard it surprises me my parents never caught on. But then again, I had many girlfriends in Middle and High School.”
Wooyoung explored Felix’s cheeks and nose where freckles decorated him in beautiful patterns.
“You’ve never been with a guy then?”
Felix shook his head as his gaze met Wooyoung’s inviting, plump lips. In his subconscious, he grazed his teeth against them, the intimacy of the moment turning the corners of his mouth upwards. The closer Felix got to him, the sexier he found him to be.
“But you want to be?”
This time, Felix nodded. Never had he been more sure than while looking at the most beautiful man he had ever seen. So close he could almost taste him. And if that wasn’t sign enough already, the prominent tent in his pants at the simple touch of his hips assured him.
He wanted Wooyoung, more than he had ever wanted anyone else.
“I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything more.”
“That’s good. I can work with that.”
Leaning in their eyes met as Felix took in what was happening. Like the romance novel moment he had always dreamed of, seconds turned minutes, and moments turned into a lifeline. And then, finally, after hours of distant pining, Wooyoung closed the gap between them.
Now, Felix had kissed many people before. Cassidy, at 14, under the old cherry tree in his backyard while reading his favourite anime. Emily at 15 in more places than he could remember. And many others since. Girls, exclusively.
Though right now, as he tasted Wooyoung for the first time it finally dawned on him. The sweetness of his scent, the rum on his lips and the coke in his breath. This was what a kiss should feel like. This was what desire was supposed to feel like.
They deepened the kiss, tongues brushing lips, and Felix reached for Wooyoung’s neck. He ran his hands through the man’s hair, mouths moving in unison as silent whimpers escaped his lips. When Wooyoung pulled away, it was to catch his breath while also searching for a hint of regret in Felix’s features. When he couldn’t find anything but lust, he smirked, reconnecting his lips to the other’s.
Hands clawed at and bodies moved against one another as desperate whines filled the room. Mainly Felix’s, but who could blame him? Every single one of Wooyoung’s movements was the perfect calculation. He knew through and through what he was doing. Wooyoung clawed at Felix, pulling him into his body and providing his aching erection with much-needed friction. Semi-aroused for the better part of the evening, finally, he got relief from the discomfort.
Pulling Felix’s hair and tipping his head back, Wooyoung’s lips moved to the side of his neck. All the while, Felix kept his hands in Wooyoung’s hair, pulling him even closer and not letting him go.
“Fuck…” Felix slurred when the other sucked at his skin, trying to mark him for later. In the past, he hated having hickeys on his neck. Others knowing he had made out with his girlfriend had always made him uncomfortable. With Wooyoung, he couldn’t deny that he loved the thought of people knowing he belonged to someone. Or at least had done so for a brief moment in time.
Wooyoung’s hands fisted Felix’s shirt as he inched it up before checking in with the blonde, “Is this okay?”
“Yes. Please, take it off already.”
“Getting hot?” Wooyoung asked with a smirk, getting his answer once Felix nodded with a thick swallow. “Good.”
Once the fabric landed on the floor, Wooyoung lingered to take in the view. He had expected many things from the closeted nerdy boy, but not this. Not a full-on six-pack, tensing as he let his fingertips wander over his hot skin.
“Damn. Who would have thought?” The thoughts leaving Wooyoung’s brain without a filter made Felix blush. It was one thing, hearing how well-built he was from someone else. But someone he deemed the hottest person he had ever laid eyes on? That did something to him alright. And when Wooyoung leaned down to let his perky tongue run over the bulges, that did a whole other thing to him.
“Fuck… More, please.”
“Patience. I have a lot more to give you,” Wooyoung told him with a smirk as he pushed Felix onto the mattress and sank to his knees. This view was heavenly, straight out of a porno, and Felix felt like he was dreaming again. The whole situation was surreal.
Looking up at the blond, Wooyoung pulled him down for another kiss before focusing on his pecs. He took his sweet time worshipping Felix’s chest, his nipples and abs. Electric shocks rushed straight through Felix’s spine towards the top of his head. Wooyoung couldn’t get enough, spending a few extra seconds kissing his abdominal muscles until a layer of spit and sweat covered them.
“Please…” The silent prayer escaped Felix like a mantra. He’d come in his pants if Wooyoung didn’t do something soon and that was definitely not how he wanted this first time to end. Bad enough his first first time (a few years ago with Emily in the backseat of his father’s Toyota) had ended that way. Another taste of that embarrassment would have been too much to overcome.
“You think you’re ready for this?”
“I was born ready. Just— do something, please.”
“Oh, I’ll be doing much more than just something.”
Wooyoung opened Felix’s pants, dragging them over his thighs and towards the floor. Once the jeans had gone, Felix noticed he was almost entirely naked while Wooyoung was far from it. Without a second thought, he pulled the man’s shirt up, and over his head. To even it out, if you will. Now, not only their bodies but their pure skin was connecting. No restraints, no barriers. Only the two of them.
“I’m gonna go slow, okay? Let me know if you want me to do something different.”
As sweet as Felix identified the assurance to be, it was much unneeded. The second Wooyoung pulled him out of his briefs—tip red and leaking—he licked a thick stripe up the underside. That’s when Felix knew this would be excruciating in the best way immaginable.
Wooyoung worked him with so much knowledge and understanding of the male anatomy. It felt like he was inside Felix’s body, metaphorically. He knew exactly where to lick, where to suck and how to work him so he would fall apart below him. Felix’s eyes stayed glued to the beauty, watching him suck on his length and take him down his throat. As though he had never done anything else.
The past blowjobs Felix had received—which there were quite a few, thanks to his charming personality and sweet looks—had been good. He couldn’t lie that he had enjoyed every one of them, though it had never been this mind-numbing. Wooyoung had a technique to his movements only someone with a dick could come up with. Someone who had experienced many a blowjob first-hand— Felix was sure of that.
Spit slid down his length as Wooyoung navigated him deeper with each thrust, hands pumping what he couldn’t fit. His eyes filled with utter and total lust, gazes meeting when he looked up at Felix with a blurriness to his vision. It was a sight Felix had never seen—so pretty and feral. Enough to make him burst on the spot.
However, he couldn’t let that happen.
Felix’s hand on Wooyoung’s cheek urged him to let him fall from his mouth, cock glistening in a beautiful glow. He leaned down and connected their mouths as he tasted himself on Wooyoung’s tongue. Never had he tasted so delicious.
“Good?” Wooyoung asked as though he hadn’t made Felix see stars. Right now, he wasn’t sure he could ever feel as good again.
“So, so good.”
They shared a short moment of silence while Felix scooted back on the bed until he reached the headboard. Wooyoung situated himself above Felix’s lap as they continued their heated make-out session.
Felix admired Wooyoung’s broad chest and sculptured pecs while he planted wet kisses against his jaw. With as much confidence as Wooyoung presented, Felix wasn’t surprised his beauty continued past his face. Although he was still in awe of the perfect piece of art that was Wooyoung’s body. So chiselled, so muscular, so masculine. A dream come true in the most literal sense.
Delicate fingers ran over Felix’s stomach and snapped him out of his daydream. His abs tightened when he felt Wooyoung reach back and wrap his digits around his length.
“Oh, God.” Wooyoung seemed to enjoy the teasing too much, a triumphant grin on his features at the heightened reactivity in Felix’s expression. “Please. I— God.”
The grunt leaving Felix was nothing short of animalistic as Wooyoung’s thumbed over the head.
“You were saying?”
“I need you. Please.”
Bringing his hands back to his front, Wooyoung ended every direct skin contact to Felix. The loss of the physical component refocused all their senses while the fog in their brains lifted a little.
“You sure you want your first time to be drunk at a frat party?”
Felix appreciated Wooyoung’s caution, heart swelling as he wondered how he had deserved someone so considerate. A stranger, yes, but the most respectful one. However, this was hardly his first time. His body count filled all of one five-fingered hand. And even though this felt different, he was well aware of the vulnerability he exposed himself to.
“First of all, I’m not that drunk. See?” Felix straightened up as he positioned his pointer fingers at the corners of his peripheral vision. Bringing them together to touch right before his nose, he proofed his hypothesis. Much to Wooyoung’s amusement, who giggled at the adorable action. “Second, this isn’t my first time. I’ve done this before. With girls, yes. But I know what I’m getting myself into. And third, I really fucking want you to fuck me. Like yesterday.”
Opening up to Wooyoung seemed so easy after he had literally sucked his cock mere moments earlier. The guy’s sweet personality made it much easier for Felix to voice his wishes. He was sure about this.
Apparently, Wooyoung understood so much.
“Okay. But only under one condition.” Wooyoung’s fingers ran between Felix’s pecs and down his adonis belt. “You are the one doing the fucking this time. I have nothing to prep you with, and you want your first time to be slow, believe me. Ergo, you’re topping.”
“Alright,” Felix gave in with a laugh. If that’s what Wooyoung wanted to do, then Felix was content with being the penetrator rather than the penetrated. He also couldn’t deny the skip of his heartbeat when Wooyoung suggested there would be a second time. “One more thing. What’s topping?”
Eyes widening in amusement, Wooyoung couldn’t help but giggle at the younger’s words. “God, you’re innocent. Good thing you have me to show you everything you need to know.”
Rolling off Felix’s body, Wooyoung rid himself of his remaining clothes— jeans and underwear landing on top of Felix’s pile. With his free hand, Wooyoung reached for the nightstand and rummaged through its content with a hopeful expression.
“Come on, San-ie. Don’t disappoint me right now.” After a few seconds, his face lit up while he pulled lube and a condom from the drawer. “Do I know my best friend or what?”
“San. Is that the pink-haired guy?”
“Yup. I dyed it myself. You like it?” Wooyoung asked as he handed Felix the condom.
“It suits him well.” He rolled the piece of latex over himself with vigour while Wooyoung opened the lube and began spreading it between his cheeks. “So, this is his room? He doesn’t mind us using his bed?”
“Oh, I’m counting on it. San used mine so often, with so many different women, he should be paying half of my rent.” Felix chuckle was dark, eyes focusing on Wooyoung once he was back on top of him. “But enough about him.”
Felix’s eyes ran down Wooyoung’s naked form as he felt himself twitch against thin air. For a few rose-coloured seconds, he let himself enjoy the view of a beautiful man on top of him. His hands roamed over the older’s thighs, feeling the texture of his smooth, sun-kissed skin. He could have spent hours exploring every crevice of Wooyoung’s body.
In the dim lightening of the room, Wooyoung looked ethereal, muscular statue and pretty face only further continued in the shape of his cock. In no porn had Felix ever seen someone so enchanting, mouth watering at the mere sight of his erection. As much as Wooyoung had focused on him within the previous moments, Felix couldn’t shake the need to do the same for him. His own arousal pushed past its limits by the thought of making Wooyoung feel good.
Hands wandering further up his thighs, Felix soon reached the base of his dick. With one questioning look followed by an agreeing hum, Felix finally touched him.
He went slow at first, testing the waters and Wooyoung’s reactions to figure out what he liked. It took him not a minute to do so. Working Wooyoung the same way he worked himself in moments of privacy did the trick. It almost came natural to him as he collected the guy’s pre-cum to smear it over his length, hand pumping from base to tip in short, rhythmic motions.
“Fuck. You’re so pretty.”
The words were as much unsolicited as they were unintentional, though Wooyoung enjoyed the compliment. A blush appeared on his cheeks as he closed the gap, pushing his hungry mouth against Felix’s.
“How about you fuck me and see how much prettier I can become.”
Felix, yet again, felt himself twitch at the crudeness of the words, proving to himself that, yes. He might have a thing for dirty talk. Though that realisation was for another day to explore. With his bottom lip between his teeth, Wooyoung shimmied down his body until he reached his lap. Squirting some of the lube onto his palm, Wooyoung lost no time to massage it into Felix’s length.
“God, yes.”
As Wooyoung sunk all the way to complete fullness, Felix realised that was a lie. He could have never prepared for the feeling of Wooyoung’s snug hole, so much tighter than anything he had ever felt around himself before. His hands flew to the older’s thighs as he moved up and down and steadied himself by clawing his nails into Felix’s skin.
“Fuck, you’re tight.”
“You have no idea how amazing you feel,” Wooyoung agreed with a moan, hands resting on Felix’s stomach for support. “You think you can move? Meet me in the middle?”
“I don’t even know if I can breathe right now.”
His words were met with a giggle, though despite his inability to think, Felix lifted his hip up to meet him. Moving against gravity was more demanding than he had anticipated, but the look of pure bliss on Wooyoung’s face made it worthwhile.
He definitely hadn’t lied when he said he’d become even prettier while fucked out.
They soon found a rhythm that was comfortable for either. Still, Felix knew he wouldn’t last much longer. Not when Wooyoung caressed all his senses so perfectly, eyes, ears, hands, mouth and mind filled with nothing but him. The world stood still around them, entirely immersed in the moment.
One particularly sharp thrust poked Felix’s attention, tip hitting a spot within Wooyoung that made him throw his head back with a whimper. His body trembled under Felix’s palms, abdominal muscles pulling Wooyoung forward and crouching over the younger. At first, Felix believed whatever he had done had hurt Wooyoung. Once the older opened his eyes—gaze veiled in animalistic hunger—Felix understood it wasn’t a grunt of pain.
“Was that…”
“My prostate? Fuck, yes.” Stilling on top of him, Wooyoung needed to rest for a second. Right when he took up his previous movements, Felix fell back into the same rhythm. Five thrusts in, the same thing happened again, though Wooyoung didn’t stop this time. To say that the sight was divine would have been a crude understatement. “Fuck… Touch me, baby. Please!”
The first time Wooyoung begged him for something—rather than the other way around—Felix identified another new kink. This was all new anyways, and Wooyoung still unleashed underlying desires Felix hadn’t even known existed.
Felix’s hands flew to Wooyoung’s dick, stroking it in unison with his thrusts. And like that, the older fell apart on top of him.
Felix had only ever seen a man cum through the screen of his laptop. It had seemed so fake, the whimpering and grunting way too excessive to be genuine. Or so he thought.
When Wooyoung hit his high, he completely slumped with a groan in Felix’s ear as he released onto his stomach. Hot spurts painted his abs in white, running between the crevices and towards his navel—and there was so much of it. Felix wasn’t quite sure if this was still considered healthy.
Despite being in a state of utter bliss, Wooyoung kept moving, dragging out his orgasm and urging Felix towards his own. The sight and noises would have gotten him there as was. The added pleasure of Wooyoung’s tired hole clenching and his intense eyes eventually launched him into his sweet, sweet release.
Panting beside each other, they tried catching their breaths for a few minutes. It could have been hours, for all Felix cared. He couldn’t have been trusted with anything right now, not even telling the time.
At some point, Felix cleaned himself before reclaiming his position under Wooyoung, with the older’s head propped on his chest.
“That was…”
Chuckling filled the room as their gazes fixated on the ceiling. Wooyoung pressed kisses against Felix’s chest on occasion, a sweet gesture that was much appreciated. The longer they remained entangled, listening to each other’s breathing, the faster Felix’s mind spun. The kissing, the tension, the desire. Everything was so fresh in his mind but, at the same time, felt so far away. He couldn’t deny that after finally figuring out why everyone was so obsessed with sex, he couldn’t wait to experience it again.
Wooyoung figured Felix’s mind out with one short look at his lap.
“You’re still hard.”
It wasn’t so much still as it was again, his body visibly not done yet despite having reached a peak minutes ago.
“Because you’re still pretty.”
The explanation forced Wooyoung’s cheeks into another blush as he kissed Felix, softer this time but just as passionate. Climbing back on top of him, Wooyoung nipped at Felix’s bruised neck, making him moan at the mix of pain and pleasure.
“That’s gonna be a bitch to cover up tomorrow,” Wooyoung recognised with a giggle as his gaze met Felix’s. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s alright. I like having a visual reminder for the next few days.”
“Well, if that’s so…”
Trailing off, Wooyoung leaned back down, sucking on Felix’s chest. A red bruise appeared within seconds of him biting and licking over the flesh, Felix holding him close by his hair to keep him going. Any direct skin contact Wooyoung gave him Felix couldn’t get enough of. He wanted to live in this moment for as long as possible.
The fire in his stomach reignited when the older licked over his nipples, swirling the buds between his lips. The shock waves coursing through Felix reached his cock, which twitched in excitement.
Yup, he definitely wasn’t done for today.
While Wooyoung kissed his way all over Felix’s chest, the younger reentered heaven. He couldn’t help but ponder what else there was he hadn’t tried yet. Like giving blowjobs. Or whatever the antonym of topping was. He couldn’t quite wait to figure it out, although some higher power forced patience on him.
Felix wanted to ask Wooyoung if he could taste him, but he didn’t get there. Before anything else could happen, the door to the room opened with a creek, and Felix’s head snapped up. His eyes darted to the entrance, shock written on his face as his gaze met the intruder’s.
He couldn’t quite tell whether you had recognised him. Although the lighting most likely wasn’t dark enough to shield his identity. You must have identified him. But he couldn’t react fast enough. As soon as you had appeared, you muttered a perplexed “I’m sorry” and pulled the door shut. Leaving Felix with only fear and a hard-on he wasn’t so sure would find any true relief for the rest of the night
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Sins of Knowledge Chapter 4 is up!
Chaptered fic (4/12?), WIP, posting every other week
More Than an Animal, Less Than a Man
Rated Explicit
CW/TW and tags: sex pollen/dubcon, ethical concerns, coercion, blackmail, human AU, university AU, more tags and notes at AO3, ****Tags have been updated for this chapter, and can also be found in the chapter 4 beginning notes under a spoiler tag -- please read one of those! Link to full work here.
Beta thanks once again to @cheeseplants and @gaiaseyes451! You two are amazing ❤️ also thanks to the @goodomensafterdark community as usual for being a talented, fabulous, and feral place!
Chapter Summary:
Aziraphale and Crowley mess around with a second potion, but the effects are somewhat delayed. Dinner, drinks, and regrets ensue, with a measure of fluff and pound cake (not that kind) to round things off.
Aziraphale waited impatiently for Crowley to settle up, and as they stepped out into the street his whole face came alight again. “Oh, there’s so much to do in Soho. I live here, you know, and yet it feels like I’ve only been inside a few of these mysterious doorways.”
He stumbled toward one such urine-stained mystery, and Crowley took his arm. Aziraphale immediately leaned into him, oblivious to Crowley’s stiffening. He was so expansive like this! It was like a glimpse into a secret room, one filled with warm light and soft furniture, good smells like tea and bread and greenery. Crowley wanted to sidle inside, stay awhile.
“With Ana and Newt, they’re at a lecture tonight, though. Hopefully it’ll turn onto a date night, or at least Ana hopes so.” Aziraphale led him to a side door alongside a shabby-looking bookshop. “It’s lovely here. So many first editions! Not to mention the erotica in the basement. They let you sit and read all day if you like, and there was a nice large three bedroom flat to let above and we’ve managed to keep it for two years now.”
“Do you need to go up?” Crowley would’ve welcomed the chance to slow things down a bit. Also he may have been a bit stuck on the image of Aziraphale reading from a stack of dusty smutty books. He wouldn’t mind watching that in real time. He wouldn’t mind watching Aziraphale watch paint dry in real time. Ugh. Why. He bit his lower lip.
“Oh, no no! Perfectly fine. I just – ah, wanted to show you.” Aziraphale frowned, and then lit up again. “Let’s go be wild and free in London, shall we? What about karaoke? I’ve never done karaoke.”
Crowley had to straight-up laugh at that. “What, never? That’s actually a beautiful thing, Aziraphale, you want to keep that streak going.” 
“Well then, dancing.”
Oh. Crowley had a brief moment to imagine being in a sticky Soho club with Aziraphale, all dark with a feeble laser show, on a dance floor packed with bumping, writhing bodies, forced closer and closer until they were sweating against each other, that glowing fluff of white hair his only guide in the dark — fuck, his mouth went dry at the image — and then Aziraphale hurried on, completely oblivious, “Oh, no, that won’t do. Ana would never forgive me. She’s made me promise to go dancing with her at the end of term. In celebration, she said.”
Crowley swallowed, but then Aziraphale took a hard left into another tiny doorway, and sighed in happiness. “Ah. Here we are.”
Read the rest at the AO3!
Or start from the beginning here
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sinning-23 · 1 year
Socket Wrench: Chapt. 1
OKAY I finally found a name so if you read the introduction to the DK x reader this is the official title lol I was drawing a blank for a minute. Anyway, here's Chapter 1! Enjoy!
Introduction found here
Chapter 2 found here
Chapter 1: Am I dead? Or is this just Ohio?
Floating doesn't even describe half of what you're doing right now. If anything you feel like you're being launched gently in an unknown direction by some unknown gravitational force in the middle of what looks like sky??? A galaxy maybe? Whatever it was it was so damn ominous, but nothing peaceful lasts forever. You find yourself speeding up and burning into another tunnel, hopefully, a means to an end. The tunnel hurls you forward, the feeling of what seemed like grass breaking your fall for the most part. 
You heave from the impact, searching for the brothers but failing to see anything but jungle and wilderness. The last thing you needed was for some animal to decide that your time was up and they were feeling kinda hungry. In a situation like this, you figured the best thing to do was to sit ya ass down and wait for help but once again you choose to not follow the voice in your head. Hauling ass in any direction, you jump as every slight rustle of leaves and twig break. Clearly, this shit was no joke. 
Maybe you were dreaming? 
You ruled both out when you pinch yourself and take a niceee deep breath. At least you weren't completely useless, you knew how to throw a mean punch when needed. You trudge forward, and what seemed like a temple door becomes visible through the thick shrubbery of the jungle. You sign, feeling stupid for what you were about to try. There was a 50% chance someone answered as well as an equal chance for no one to be here at all, leaving you stranded in….where the hell you were. Where was this anyway? Florida? Nahhhh. 
You hold the door's handle, using it to give three firm knocks, sounding more like the police than a friendly passerby looking for instruction. You roll your eyes, a heavy sigh escaping your throat but before you coil try and knock again or even turn away to accept your fate, or even devise some kind of plan to get back home, you’re greeted by what seemed like the world's largest gorilla, a roar of sorts making you scramble, hands put up in defense. 
“JESUSSSSSS!” You screech, feel trying their best to get you back standing but you're far too startled for that.
Is this mf wearing a jacket….He’s wearing clothes???? Someone's pet maybe? You gulp, trying to gather your thoughts and try to communicate at least a little bit. This was a completely different world from your own…at this point, the only way to get back home was trial and error and you'd be damned if you gave up before even trying first. 
“I-I need to get back home. I don't know where I am or who’s in charge here. But I need help finding my….friends and getting home.” You speak, a sense of false confidence rushing over you as you try and make yourself look tough as nails even though you were about to piss your pants about 2 seconds ago.
The gorilla steps forward, trying to see through any facade you had, doing so successfully before stepping away. And then it…speaks.
“Get in.” 
This was madness…..there's an entire civilization here…and it looks to be ONLY gorillas from what you could tell. Maybe you and the brothers were the only humans here… or maybe not? You were running off pure adrenaline at this point and even so, all questions you had were making themselves cozy in your mental filing cabinet The water is crystal clear as you travel by what seemed like a pretty modified Jeep. Your driver, the gorilla that SCREAMED IN YOUR DAMN FACE earlier, swerves and speeds like nothing down the wooden roadway, missing other cars by mere inches. It didn’t help that this thing didn’t have any seatbelts either, you felt that at any point in that crazy ass ride, you would have flown right out of your seat. You would give him props though because he got you to what looked like a palace temple in no time at all. Dusting yourself off you try and make yourself at least a little bit presentable to meet whoever was the ruler here. You had questions that needed answering effectively immediately. Hopefully, this ruler was merciful enough to not send you to a dungeon or some shit.
Pulling your braids to tighten your ponytail, you make it through an aisle of guards. Taking note of their attire, you're finally greeted by what looked like a smaller, older monkey sitting in the throne.
“Welcome to the Jungle Kingdom! Now what do you want,” His voice booms, as you raise a brow at the bluntness. 
“Just need some help, you just told me where I was so that's one question knocked out.” You explain, trying your best to be respectful seeing as apparently this was the ruler. You make a mental note to try and avoid conflict and get on his good side. 
“I came here through a pipe with two other people…my friends, well mentors? Or at least I think they came after me? I don't know. All I know is I came through a pipe and landed here. Your bouncer scared the shit out of me and now I'm here. I need to get back to them but I don’t know where they went.” You explain, realizing how unbothered this guy seemed at some random waltzing up to his Kingdom's front door and making it in.
“Sounds nice enough, what are you useful for? Anything you can offer in return for staying here?” He questions, most likely thinking of kicking you out to figure out this mess on your own. That was the last thing you needed. You had to try and convince this guy…
“I’m a mechanic? I noticed the cars you guys ride around in, I can help with that and you can help me. I scratch your back, you scratch mine?” You suggest, seeing him become slightly more interested in the fact that you knew your cars. 
“Well, they’re karts, and before I make any final decisions, where did you come from again?” He hums, stroking his beard. 
Was this mf not listening? You came from the magic pipe… well one in practically the asscrack of Brooklyn and now you’re here. 
“Brooklyn. And my name’s y/n” You explain as he waves you off as if to try and silence you. 
“Have my son take her to the garage. She can try her hand there, and in return, we help find her… associates.” You’re almost immediately accompanied by two guards keeping you in one direction and before you find yourself being shoved through the large double doors leading to the rest of the palace, the king speaks,
“And if she fails, put her back where she was found, I’m sure she can figure it out.” He chuckles, seeing the look of bewilderment on your face. 
The halls are long and quiet, only the sound of your shoes hitting the stones beneath your feet and metal armor clanking echo in the silence. This was only a means to an end, you would prove your worth and skill and then you'd be out here in no time! At least you hoped so. Maybe you'd even learn something for your own spot. Knowledge was power right? Who says interdimensional skills can be transferred?
“Soooooo, who’s his son? The prince right? That makes him a prince?” You try to fill the quiet with the conversation but the guards ain't budging. Their job was to simply transport you from one big ass room to the next. 
You huff, coming to a rather abrupt stop. The guard to your left knocks, awaiting an answer to wish there is none. 
“Sir, your father requests you take this woman to the garage.” 
“My name's y/n I promise it's not hard to remember.” You shoot back, hearing footsteps before the door swings wide open revealing who you could only assume was the king's son. The prince? 
This guy looks far too douchey to be a prince. The tie he’s wearing is loose and what you would assume was his initials on it was far more conceited than you’d imagine. He's eyeballing you like you're crazy and before either of you could ask any questions, the guards are long gone. 
“I don't like this any more than you do dude, I just got here okay?” You huff, putting your hands up in defense. 
“Yeah great. What did my dad need?” He's short with his response, whatever he was doing prior MUST have been far more important than this simple task his father requested. 
“Take me to the garage, see if I'm useful, if not kick me out and let me fend for myself.” You explain, arms folded. 
He shrugs, leading you through more halls now. At least it wasn't dead silent anymore, this one was far more chatty than the others you’d encountered thus far. 
“Soooo, this garage, whatcha got in there? I work on cars back where I'm from.” You ask, trying to catch up to him, then finally keeping pace at his side. 
He puffs out a bit of air before absolutely throttling you with information. He was awfully talkative, turning the conversation from that of the karts to him. Guess he reeeeally loved talking about himself. Typical prince behavior…sorta. 
“It's funny actually that I ended up here. I'm sure my odds elsewhere wouldn't have been in my favor. At least I can work.” You interrupt, more so talking to yourself now. 
“I’d just opened my own shop back home, gosh it was such a big deal and my dad doesn’t even think I can do it. I'm sure my services would be better off here anyway.” You chuckle bitterly. 
He was much taller than you, a stupid shit-eating grin splayed over his features, you're gazing upward at him, a slight tension building. 
“I'm sure you’ll be just fine. Seems like my dad and your dad have something in common.” The statement sounds a bit bitter but you don’t question it.
“Yeah… Hey, you’re chatty, bet the others just love you don’t they?” You joke, and he confirms this fact. Guess ‘ol boy was a bit of a celebrity. 
“That's cute, you like the attention?” You ask, trying to be somewhat flirty. He catches on and only leans toward you, making sure you knew how much bigger he was,his height, and just overall build make you shrink a bit. 
“Yeah, and I bet you prefer to keep to yourself? How cute.” He mimics, that stupid smile still splayed over his face. 
You'd hardly noticed how much time had passed talking to him but after wandering parts of the palace, you finally made it to the garage, the sound of work being done is exciting. You try to stop yourself from squealing in excitement but fail. The prince, who you decided to refer to by the initials on his tie, seemed somewhat intrigued. Your jaw almost drops when you walk in, the plethora of materials being used to build such intricate machines
“Please tell me I get to build a kart.” You whisper out, trying to take it all in.
“If you can figure out how you don't have to get kicked out. You look like a smart girl. I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out. Plus the mechanic stuff helps.” He chuckles, watching you look at the selection of cart items. 
“Teach me. Show me the basics, please? This is some other shit. We don’t have this in Brooklyn but I promise I’m a fast learner.” You hum, eyes wide at how easily some of the steps to building a kart had become with whatever system they were using. 
“No can do, lady, you gotta try your hand at it on your own. Don't worry, I know you just love my presence so I'll come to check on you in a while. Have fun.” He chuckles, leaving you to fend for yourself in the business of the garage, a series of glares practically burning into your back. 
“And my name’s not lady!” You call out, a smile creeping onto your face.
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hexenmond · 2 months
Webcomic Wednesday: Gunnerkrigg Court
Buckle up folks, this is going to be a long one. Not least because this comic has been running for years and years now (since 2005, even longer than I thought!). And it really has it all — I’m sure I could throw bits and bobs at you for longer than anyone would care to read and I still wouldn’t need to hit any spoilers. There’s just so MUCH!
Shortest summary I can do: It’s a coming of age story, following Antimony, a not very average girl in a decidedly fantasy-techy world, throughout her years at Gunnerkrigg Court, a school for the weird and paranormal.
Distinct art style
Well art is always a matter of taste, but in my humble opinion it started out unique and striking and a little bit quirky and only got better over the years. Have a few a whole bunch of samples, roughly from older to newer:
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(I actually own physical copies of the first three volumes, and both the vibrant and the more muted colours really set a mood on the black paper.)
Tons of multidimensional, juicy characters
Seriously, every single character is a fleshed out, complex person with believable capacity for genius and being likeable, but also for mediocrity and villainy (and in quite a few cases, I still really don‘t know what their deal is). I especially enjoy all the teenagers behaving like actual teenagers, making impulsive decisions and having no clue. But also I should say that there are many, many non-human characters, and they are really fun!
Let’s see, we have, in no particular order:
a selection of figures from myths and stories
some shadows
laser cows (I’d completely forgotten about those until my son read the comics and wouldn’t shut up about them for days)
some fairies
people who turn into animals
animals who turn into people
someone who looks like a human but isn’t
a person whose mind is in a cage most of the time
ghosts and spirits
and very importantly, ROBOTS
The most mind-blowing world building
Just imagine: this comic will be twenty years old next year. It has been plodding along at a steady pace of three pages a week, usually without much of a chapter break. And there are so many threads woven throughout this story that may or may not get picked up again - it might just go on for another twenty years, but then again it could also end in a gigantic big bang within a year. I really couldn’t say.
Now that I think about it, it reminds me a bit of The Sandman (disclaimer: it’s been at least a decade since I last read those comics), with all the many elements from different mythologies crisscrossing and interweaving to make this thick tapestry of stories within a story. (And I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that so far, the basis of that world seems rather more solid to me – Sandman’s “fundamental universal forces” that just happen to be seven in number, all conveniently starting with a D, have always bugged me a little bit).
Long story short, I’ve been reading this comic since 2009 or so, and I have yet to tire of it. It’s masterfully done, cohesive with a fair amount of plot twists, suitable for young teenagers (possibly younger depending on the kid), inclusive without being explicit about it, fantastical, techy, and it just feels so genuine to me.
Go take a look, but remember - we’re in chapter 95. Pace yourself. (I’m saying this as someone who has a hard time doing that usually…)
Start here: First page of Gunnerkrigg Court
Bonus: Parley being a badass!
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alien-hybreed · 5 months
OVERTIME - Part 5: Team-Building
Read Part One Here!
Previous Chapter Here!
Senior Sergeant Daisy Sofen has become the first of Laura's, thralls, a handmaiden of the Queen in the hive. Instilled with fanatical loyalty to her new species, the officer returns to the station to convert it into an outpost for Laura's hive.
Meanwhile, Rhiannon wrestles with the compulsion to lose herself in the euphoria of creating a hive of her own. She's the most confident and content she's ever been, but is it enough?
Laura watched intently as Daisy slept peacefully where she hung in the webs. It had been one thing to undergo the transformation herself, but it fascinated Laura to watch another woman having that experience. With the rise and fall of her chest, parts of Daisy's body would momentarily turn a bright blue green before reverting to her human skin just as quickly. On a particularly deep breath, her glassy exoskeleton would begin to emerge, only to slide back into her body. It had been about three hours since the drone had implanted Daisy with Laura's creation. Three hours of the former Sergeant fluctuating between her new form and her human self. The changes were gradually more significant each time. Laura remembered the process well and while it pained her to abstain from intimacy with her drones, she wanted to be here to give Daisy her full attention when she woke...
* * *
Rhiannon hissed as she felt her lover's cock twitch inside her, closing her eyes and letting out a happy sigh as she became keenly aware of his cum flowing into her. She was still her head around why and how that felt the way it did, understanding it was as much a biological need as much as it was an emotional one. Not just for reproduction, but to sustain her.
"Mmm... I told you that would be good" She mumbled, her voice echoing with a second low, monstrous voice that growled and rasped. Opening her eyes, she looked down to see the man was completely transformed now.
"So... good..." Replied her first Drone, Josh, who had been holding the man down for her. Rhiannon leaned forwards to kiss him, her outer mouth spreading out to clamp against his cheeks while their tongues danced around one another. Beneath them, Rhiannon's nipple tentacles slithered out from the mouth of the man she had been straddling.
"Good..." he rasped with a happy growl
He had been her neighbour Jacob, a short, round fellow with a helpful albeit naive nature. He'd always been quick to assist Rhiannon with handyman work around the apartment, so it hadn't taken much convincing to get him waddling over to her apartment in a hurry. Rhiannon had planned to practice her seductive techniques on him first, but she found herself feeling somewhat starved. She'd begun to uncontrollably shift to her new form and needed Josh to assist by restraining Jacob. It was the first time she'd had sex since converting Josh. Given how much more lively she felt after taking Jacob's cum, she was understanding now that her needs were an indication of genuine hunger as well as desire...
Clambering off the newly formed drone, she was impressed by how potent her transformative secretions must be. Physically, Jacob couldn't have been further  from Josh. As her drones, they were identical in every way, looking and sounding exactly the same. As much as she didn't want to, Rhiannon quickly shifted back to her human form, knowing that would allow her to conserve her energy. It was a little painful to feel all that muscle and bone being compressed back into her slender five foot ten frame. Her head in particular, throbbed with a dull ache.
It was sorely tempting to feed on her drones, to let both Jacob and Josh give her a hard fucking and empty themselves in her. But time was off the essence. She needed more drones as fast as her body would allow her to create them. With that in mind she slid free from Jacob and began wriggling back into her pvc shirts and tube top. There were at least two more neighbours and Ben on her floor. Based in how long it took to convert Jacob, she figured she'd be able to assimilate them before Ben came around. Creating five drones in a day would be a great start to her hive. Surely she could manage that...
* * *
Daisy dreamed vividly, tossing and turning as her mind flooded with surreal visions. She dreamed of cityscapes smothered in slimy webbing. Of forests that weren't trees, but flesh and bone instead, flexing like fingers as they reared up into a sky wracked by eerily green and pink thunderstorms. Giant structures throbbed like impossibly large organs as hundreds of drones writhed in the slime pooling around them. She felt a sharp stabbing pain that rapidly became erotic bliss. Looking down at her scaly, muscular body, Daisy gasped with pleasure as a giant cock-like tentacle throbbed between her thighs, slithering deeper into her pussy. Daisy felt triumphant as her belly began to swell when she suddenly woke with a start.
* * *
Laura smiled as Daisy woke with an inhuman shriek. Thrashing about, she ripped free of her webbing and crashed to the floor with a snarl. "What... am I... what... we..." She huffed between breaths. "You know, Daisy" purred Laura, reaching down to stroke Daisy's head gently. "Yes... yesss..." snarled Daisy "It's good isn't it?" Whispered Laura as she offered a hand to Daisy. Taking it, Laura pulled her to her feet. The two women stood close to one another in their human forms, Daisy was breathless as she admired Laura's body. It was as if she saw Laura in a whole new light, a beautiful and majestic creature contained within a perfect human specimen. A science fiction Aphrodite wrapped in a flawless human shroud. "Yes... yes... thank you. Thank you!" She whispered reverently, bowing her head. Laura drew closer, embracing her tightly as she pressed Daisy's face close to her own. Daisy felt her lips tremble as Laura tilted her head back and kissed her. Daisy groaned as her hips gently rocked and Laura's hands slid down her sides. Daisy could feel her insides squirm as she yearned for more, instinctively knowing her body would thrive on intimacy. Their kiss remained unbroken and Daisy began pushing back, her tongue throbbing as it coiled around Laura's. Daisy shuddered as her mind connected with Laura's and began to fill with everything that hadn't been passed on when she'd been converted. If anything she was grateful she'd been reborn with a great deal of Laura's knowledge already, otherwise this would have been too much to take in all at once. She relaxed into Laura's grip, basking in her queen's affection as she accepted the thoughts and feelings Laura imprinted onto her.
Daisy purred as she felt something warm pressing against her back. Breaking away from Laura's kiss, she looked over her shoulder to see a drone hugging her from behind. "I'm... hungry. God, I'm so hungry..." She murmured "You know what we need?" Whispered Laura. Daisy nodded, pushing her ass back against the drone's engorged cock, offering her entrance to it. Her pussy was already dripping wet as if it were salivating with anticipation. Another drone stepped out of the shadows to sidle up behind Laura. Daisy's heart was racing. The creatures that once terrified her were so enticing now. She was safe with them, they existed to nourish and adore her. Her breath caught in her throat for a moment ad the hard, pulsating rod slid into her, pushing up into her mutated insides. Her eyelids flickered as she felt her newly formed vaginal tentacles descend, curling around the drone's shaft and pulling it into her.
"Drink up, we've got a big day ahead of us..." crooned Laura as she took cock of the drone behind her, her body rapidly shifting to its alien state as she resumed kissing Daisy. Daisy moaned softly as her body bean to shift as well, much slower than Laura's but undeniably into an almost identical form. Albeit half a foot shorter and her scales a bright shade of turquoise. It pleased Laura to watch Daisy revel in her new form, enthusiastically riding the drone's cock and crying out with glee as it pumped its cum into her.
Yes, Daisy had a very big day ahead of her...
* * *
Rhiannon shrieked as she felt her new drone's cock spurting loads of cum into her. Her body shuddered as it eagerly took in every drop oof the fluid and rapidly began processing it. She was famished, starving. Perhaps she had overestimated the strain of converting drones as she clambered off the newest addition to  her hive.
Her legs shook as she stumbled forward towards her next conquest. Reece was a thin young man who'd barely put up a fight when Rhiannon's drones burst into his apartment to seize him. Now he was bound tightly in their webbing and hanging from Rhiannon's wall, clothes torn open around the waist and crotch to give Rhiannon easy access to his reproductive organs. She growled hungrily as she slid her hands up his thighs, her tongue slithering around his cock as she began the process of arousing him. Reece tried to scream, but the webs gagging his mouth muffled the sound completely. Rhiannon purred happily as his head tilted back and she felt his muscles begin to relax.
That's it. Good boy. Be mine. She thought to herself as she tasted the first delicious spurt of cum in her throat. Her external jaws quivering as her inner mouth released his cock with a wet plop. Slowly, she climbed the wall like a spider, her alien claws digging into the brickwork with casual ease. She stopped as her slit brushed against his cock. Mine. All mine.
Reece let out a soft moan as he felt his cock pulled into the moist warmth of the alien woman's pussy. Unable to control himself and much to his horror, he felt his hips begin to thrust...
* * *
Human-Laura looked flustered as she strode into her office. She was keenly aware her staff were staring at her while she was frantically trying to adjust her hair. She looked like she'd just got out of bed but her blushing and sweating made it seem like she obviously hadn't been sleeping. In truth, she was finding it harder to maintain her human disguise and not slip back into her alien form.
Caitlyn and Natalie, the two of her other full-time staff were gossiping in the office as Laura entered. The two girls immediately fell silent as Laura approached.
"Where... where's Rhi-Rhi?" Snapped Laura. Caitlyn wasn't meant to be here, tonight was Rhiannon's shift, Laura had planned on having her here. The two girls nervously shuffled before Natalie spoke up.
"We uh, we thought you knew..." murmured the young woman as she tried to avoid making eye contact with her boss. "Well clearly not?" Snapped Laura, inhaling sharply as she tried to calm herself. Rhiannon had been a nuisance, drawing far too much attention to Mike and Luke. By extension that could draw attention to Laura and her hive was nowhere near big enough to survive being exposed just yet. But if Rhiannon could be turned and imprinted like Daisy, Laura had nothing to worry about...
"Well um, Rhiannon didn't come in at all today so uh, well you weren't here and someone needed to be on close so Nat called me in" Offered Caitlyn in an attempt to take the heat off her co-worker.
Laura glared at Caitlyn, as if she were only just noticing how fit she was. That shouldnt be a surprise, used Laura. Outside of work, she played on the local woman's basketball team. Short black hair, tall, wiry and a little flat chested, there was certainly an appeal to her. She would have to do. Laura had two more drones she'd implanted a few days ago that seemed to be itching to unload Laura's spawn into worthy hosts. Anticipating having Rhiannon and Natalie with her tonight, Laura had already smuggled the two drones into the bin area at the back of the restaurant.
"Well girls, it's your lucky night..." purred Laura, slowly closing the office door behind her.
* * *
Sheriff Jasper Cornell barely looked up from his desk when he heard the office door creak open, he knew those light footsteps anywhere.
"Bout time you showed up Sofen, or didya happen to forget you have a job to come back to huh?" Growled the irritable Sheriff. The door to his office slowly shut with a soft click. "Well ah hope it was worth it. Hope ya enjoyed ya little trip through the countryside" he continued without once looking up from his computer. "While you've been gone, there are three more missin persons reported! Three! An ya know what you weren't here doin?" He continued.
"I wouldn't  worry about them" Replied Daisy, her voice sounding hollow and robotic as she approached Jasper's desk.
"Wouldn't worry!?" Spat the Sheriff as he finally looked up. His jaw dropped at the same time Daisy's blouse hit the floor. He couldn't help but stare, she was completely naked from the waist up. Her breasts swayed with each step, her stomach was supermodel flat and her pants were already unzipped, her clean-shaven pussy completely exposed. "What the fu-" started the Sheriff, cut off as she quickly dived over his desk, seizing him in a firm embrace as her lips locked with his. Jasper's lips and tongue tingled as Daisy plunged her tongue into his mouth her lips furiously pressing against his.
He shuddered when she finally pulled away, her forehead resting against his as they both gasped for air. Jasper was a creep who'd always enjoyed having Daisy around the office. The one thing he enjoyed more than seeing her in uniform was fantasising about taking her out of it. Now here she was, in his office, all to himself...
"Now, I'm about to make you happier than your wildest dreams" growled Daisy. "But first, I need you to do something for me" "S-s-sure, anything" Stammered Jasper as tried to lean in for another kiss, only to have Daisy gently push him back down. "Ah ah ah." She purred, running her hand down his neck and over his chest while the other hand began to unbutton his shirt. "First, you're going to take Kocheck off the roster. He doesn't work here anymore, quit this morning" She continued. Jasper was already on it, while his left hand rested on the wonderfully soft skin of Daisy's lower back, he was frantically trying to work the computer. "And then, take yourself off the roster boss. You're taking a vacation" At that, Daisy began to move down til her head was between Jasper's legs. "Do that and I'll be your vacation" She growled. Jasper gasped as he felt her mouth around his cock. His shaft tingled as her tongue pressed against it, expertly working up and down. He knew he shouldn't be doing this, but how could he say no to Daisy? Even without the strange compulsion to do as sh said, he'd have done it regardless if it meant getting in her pants.
"Hurry up" She moaned while he furiously typed in the passwords necessary to clear the requests he was making in the HR system. "You do want to take your vacation don't you?" Pouted Daisy. Jasper glanced down to see her squeezing his cock between her cleavage as she leaned down to lick it again. He strained not to cum right then and there. Finally the computer dinged. Changes saved.
"There! Fuck! Finally!" He gasped before reaching down to pull Daisy up. Daisy giggled as he pulled her up by her wrists until she was on her feet again. "Oh dear, whatever will I do?" She cooed as he pushed her back onto his desk, seizing her ankles and spreading her legs apart. "Shut... shut up and just..." stuttered the Sheriff as he plunged his cock into her, his voice trailing off as he buried his entire length in her sopping wet pussy. He nearly fell forwards as the tingling sensation engulfed his entire penis. Jasper groaned as he struggled to keep his eyes open and his hips began to thrust. Daisy reached up and pulled him down onto her, sloppily kissing his mouth and neck as she did. "Sorry, had that around the wrong way" She Panted in his ear as a thick tentacle began to slither through her vagina and around the Sheriff's cock. "You're mine now" she proclaimed with a lusty moan. Jasper bucked harder, his head swimming with the sensory overload she was subjecting him to. "Y-yes... fuuu... fuck... yes" he groaned as several spurts of cum emptied into her, yet he couldn't stop! Whatever Daisy was doing to him, he didn't want it to be over, thankfully neither of them showed any sign of slowing down. Slowly, Daisy pushed his face to her chest, grinning ferociously as she watched him stare longingly at her tits as they bounced. "Take it" She purred and obediently Jasper began to drag his tongue across her nipple. Daisy threw her head back and moaned. Jasper pulled her left tit into his mouth, sucking and licking as fast and intense as he could. He didn't see Daisy's jaw begin to split in half or the tentacles sprouting from the back of her head, but he felt the tentacle shoot out from her nipple and plunge down his front. Momentarily seeing through the lusty haze of her influence, he tried to pull away and scream. The nipple tentacle in his mouth muffled the sound while a second shot out from her right tit and snap around his neck.
"Miiiine" snarled the creature as she held Jasper in place, the Sheriff slowly resisting less as the tendril in his mouth began to pump globs of slime down his throat. His body already beginning to change, Jasper relaxed as his mind slowly went dark.
* * *
Ben was a little anxious as he approached the door. Rhiannon was very cute and he'd been looking forward to seeing her all day. Sure he was a little early... maybe a lot... but he figure if he got there ahead of her other guests it might give them time to talk before drinking, dancing and hopefully more...
Ben took a deep breath before knocking twice on the door to Rhiannon's apartment. Nothing. Was he too early perhaps? Not wanting to seem too impatient he paced a little before knocking a little harder. Nothing. He nearly walked away when he heard a loud shriek. That had been a woman's voice. Could Rhiannon be in danger? He couldn't just stand here and do nothing. Ben tried the door, surprisingly it opened. He wasted no time barrelling into Rhiannon's apartment, fists clenched - ready to heroically intervene. There was another shriek and Ben stopped dead in his tracks. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.
Stuck to the wall by a mass of webbing around his arms and legs was what almost looked like a man, specifically Simon from across the hall. He was completely naked and the majority of his body appeared to be changing. Most of his skin was now hot pink and scaly, while thick, glassy bones appeared to be sprouting from his body. His eyes looked dull and out of focus as if he were in a trance while his lips greedily sucked at a large, throbbing tentacle. Ben didn't need to look far to see the source of the tentacle. Clinging to Simon was what almost looked like an enormous woman. Bright pink scaly skin, almost nine feet tall, her long tube-like head sprouting dozens of tentacles that wriggled with a life of their own. Giant bird-like talons on her feet allowed her to grip the wall behind them. The dome of her head seemed translucent, made of glassy bone like Simon's exoskeleton, allowing Ben to see her brain pulsing inside.
The tentacle in Simon's mouth seemed to extend from her nipple and she shrieked again as it continued to throb, changing Simon more with each bulge that passed through it. Her powerful hips shuddered as she continued to gyrate against Simon and Ben could see his cock deep in the woman's pussy. Ben could also make out that there were tentacles wrapped around Simon's engorged cock that held it in place for his monstrous lover. Around her was more of what Simon must be becoming. All identical, in varying states of arousal as they stroked and kissed the woman. Some of them uncontrollably cumming, spraying globs of thick, teal cum across her before resuming their affectionate behaviour. Ben couldn't help but gasp aloud. At that, the inhuman orgy froze and all of them except Simon slowly turned to face Ben.
"B-Ben..?" Stammered the female, her chin splitting open to reveal a second mouth behind it as she spoke. Her voice was strange, as if two people were speaking at the same time. One was a deep, snarling tone. The other was... "Rhiannon..? Rhiannon is that you?" Exclaimed Ben, not with fear but rather excitement. "No no... not... not like this. Not supposed to see me yet..." She stuttered. Quickly, clambering off Simon who was now completely changed and ripping free of his webbing. Rhiannon motioned for her men to stay back and do nothing as she carefully advanced towards Ben, her body rapidly shrinking as her human features began to reappear. "You're early... not supposed to see that yet, not until... you see, I'm..." blurted the young woman as she tried to explain. Her appearance was almost completely human now. "Beautiful?" Finished Ben "Excuse me?" Replied Rhiannon with a nervous giggle, her cheeks blushing a little "You... you mean that? You're not afraid?" Ben shook his head and slowly shut the door behind him. "Is this your party?" He asked with a wry smile "were you uh, gonna do that to me too?" Rhiannon tried not to giggle again, she looked flustered as she tried to compose herself. "Well... yeah. That doesn't freak you out, not even a little?" She replied softly. Ben laughed. "No? Have you seen my art? Honestly this is incredible! You know you can like, change back? I'm uh... very about the uh, other you y'know" It was a sincere offer. Ben had been into monsters ever since he discovered HR Giger and started painting similar works of his own. Though he'd never have believed he'd ever see a real life monster, let alone one as sexy as Rhiannon. As far as he was concerned, this was the best day of his life.
"I uh... can't. At least not just yet, I don't think. I don't know. I'm still getting my head around... this" Sighed Rhiannon as her exhaustion caught up with her. "Well... maybe I can help you out?" Offered Ben. Rhiannon smiled weakly as she looked him up and down. "Maybe I'd really like that" She purred. Some of her males were already huddling up behind her, their cocks throbbing and ready to go again. "I'm so tired but first... I need to feed" continued Rhiannon as her eyes glazed over a little, her voice taking on a lusty moan. "I think... I think I need cum. You can stay... if you want?" She offered Ben "I'd love to help with that?" Replied Ben with a counter offer. Rhiannon smiled and pointed a the couch. Ben wasted no time wriggling out of his pants and taking a seat on the slime-soaked sofa. Rhiannon crawled to him on hands and knees and took his cock into her mouth. She closed her eyes and moaned as her tongue pressed to his shaft. She'd gone far too hard today, she needed every drop she could get. Ben gently stroked her face and ran his fingers through her hair while she bobbed up and down. While she sucked at him her drones would approach her from behind and one by one, begin fucking her from behind.
Ben marvelled at the physique of Rhiannon's mates as they massaged her back, squeezed her ass and eventually came, pouring torrents of cum into her before pulling out and letting the next one take their turn. All the while Rhiannon sucked at Ben's cock relentlessly. She must have had some sort of aphrodisiac effect on him because he came at least four or five times himself. Yet, at no point did his erection wane or falter. Every time he shot a load own her throat, he was instantly ready to go again. Finally Rhiannon let go of his cock to catch her breath. She was already looking far less tired than before.
"You know... when I make you mine... it's almost a shame you'll be just another of my drones" She snarled with a predatory grin. Again, to her surprise, Ben just laughed. "Well uh, I'm submissive as hell so that sounds pretty ideal to me" he whispered back before leaning down to kiss her on the lips. His mouth curled into a smile as he saw out of the corner of his eye that Rhiannon's skin was reverting to bright pink scales. "Fuck this is hot" She growled "I can't wait to make you mine" "I already am" moaned Ben as she clambered onto him. "Not yet" growled Rhiannon "not yet. But until then I'm taking whatever you can give me"
* * *
Natalie screamed almost as loud as Caitlyn. The two young women thrashed on the cold tile floor of the restaurant kitchen, the clothes completely torn apart and scattered around them. Caitlyn screamed again, not in fear but bliss. Her legs were wrapped around the waist of the monstrous blue scaled creature that was pounding its cock into her. Natalie was still struggling against the creature that was slamming its cock into her, but the smile tugging at her lips suggested she was starting to enjoy it. Laura sat between the two women gently stroking their faces. She had taken her clothes off and neatly folded them before coming to Join them. She loved watching her drones work. The transition from unwilling human to eager recipient was something she enjoyed seeing in her drones. But after Daisy earlier that day, Laura was finding even greater joy in seeing women become like her. Well, almost.
Like Daisy, Nat and Caitlyn were becoming her handmaidens. Slightly smaller forms of hive queen which were subservient to Laura. That was of course dependent on them being exposed to her early in their rebirth. Laua would use her saliva and bodily fluids to effectively stunt their growth and imprint them with the knowledge and behaviours se wanted them to have. Without that, their highly adaptive physiology would assume there was no queen and allow them to fulfil the role. Laura wasn't about to let that happen. She was Laura and she was in charge. Always.
Laura smiled as she watched Natalie and Caitlyn reach out to one another and hold hands. They looked at one another with gleeful expressions as their respective drones pumped a single, large pod into their bodies. The young women shrieked with orgasmic delight as the pods immediately hatched inside of them and Laura's offspring began bonding to them. Laura closed her eyes and sighed. Yes. Even if they weren't the handmaidens she'd hoped for, this was perfect.
Reluctantly letting go of the two women, Laura stood up and fetched her clothes. The two drones withdrew their cocks from the freshly implanted hosts and began to crawl towards Laura.
"Not yet" said Laura with a smile. She knew they only wanted what was best for her, she was hungry for more of their seed but she could wait. "Web them up. Bring them to the car, we need to get them home so they can rest" "Yes my queen" drawled the drones in perfect unison. "Good boys, and do be quick about it. Tomorrow's going to be a big day" She purred, blissfully unaware of the colossal understatement that would prove to be.
* * *
"And you're sure these missing persons cases match?" Asked the red headed woman. The lightning in the operations room was dim, save for the soft blue light of the TV screens and the bright red dot at the end of her companion's cigar.
"That is correct Sullivan. All the same m/o, all starting twenty four hours after we lost track of the meteor 50 clicks above the outskirts of Woodhurst" spoke the man before taking a long drag on his cigar.
"The one other constant in several of these cases is that they were all last seen with this woman" the man pressed a button on the keyboard beside him. Laura's face appeared on several of the screens.
"We believe this woman, Laura Carter, is at the heart of it"
"And you think the position of the meteor may have let her to have a close encounter with an extraterrestrial influence?" Replied the red-headed woman.
"You know damn well that's why you're on the case Agent Sullivan" Replied the man.
"You'll find the dossiers of everything we have are already uploaded to your laptop. Your plane leaves within the hour. Your ride and escort will meet you outside" said the man with several more puffs on his cigar.
"Don't worry Director. Whatever's going on in Woodhurst, I'll get to the bottom of it" Replied Sullivan before turning to leave the room, unaware she would never see this place or the Director, ever again.
Continued in Chapter Six - Restructure.
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hancydrewfan · 1 year
Reasons I Love SequinSmile-x, For Her Birthday
I occasionally can write a lil fic, but only when inspiration hits at exactly the right moment. So I have no gift fic for my bestie @sequinsmile-x. Instead, I offer a list of reasons I love her with my whole heart including several of my favourite fics of hers. (below the cut, because I got a lil carried away in her honour)
When Tomorrow Begins, the tragic and beautiful EPIC SAGA of one incredible AU with impeccable flashbacks. Vic had just posted chapter eight of the sequel, If Tomorrow Starts Without Me, when I discovered this series I think two years ago. It remains a favourite that I am always thinking about all the time, especially since its gutwrenching, tearjerking, perfect conclusion last year, and I have reread it at least twice.
Martha, the most perfect beautiful angel of a cat. I do not have a cat, but I have a collection of my friends’ cats that I consider my babies and I will one day meet Martha in person and officially give her all the pets she absolutely deserves.
Tequila Confessions, which I guess I accidentally gave some ideas for and then she kindly gifted it to me (the first of many, including two of three follow-ups to TC!). This fic never fails to make me laugh and cry from laughing and I cherish it for starting a long tradition of me being a doofus and Vic running with my doofusness to create magic. (Again, I apologize for Invasion. I was runnin’ my mouth, that’s on me.)
A shared love of Tim Hortons, despite us being located in different continents. I have had many text conversations with her while walking home from therapy with an iced cap or a french vanilla in my hands and Midnights playing in my ears. A truly comforting friend even though there are many thousands of miles between us. Also because she’s British she uses the beautiful U in favourite and colour and honour and it makes me SO HAPPY. (this entry is about Canada-UK relations lol)
Love You In The Dark, another iNcReDiBLe AU fic where our intrepid heroes find each other in 1963. I know she worked so hard to get the setting right, and it can be a challenge to nail the voice and actions of characters in an era so unlike their own, but she friggin’ nailed it with this one. And it was also completely terrorizing when chapters ended on horrific cliffhangers you absolute freak. Also the way she incorporates canon details in AU fics makes me weep every time!! AND when she makes little easter egg connections to her previous fics, omg. I love puzzles and consider myself to be the human embodiment of Nancy Drew, so these kind of connections and secrets thrill me to no end.
HAVE YOU SEEN HOW CREATIVE THIS GAL IS??????? Friggin. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve screamed at her for sending a header she’s designed for an upcoming fic. And the fake insta posts???? Like wtf. The way she captures their voices in FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA. Stop being so good at everything (please don’t stop you are my lifeblood).
The Way Home, which actually I can’t even speak about because I’m still upset about the last chapter, you evil little pillbug.
She is so fun and so funny and so kind and so giving to this little fandom! We have a rich collection of hotchniss reads thanks to an incredible amount of talented writers, but sorry this post is about Vic and she posts new chapters and one shots multiple times a week, totalling well over a million words on ao3, despite having like a job and friends and a life outside of the internet. I am in awe, always.
okay sorry i’ll stop embarrassing you. love you vic and happy birthday!!!!!!
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wabuup · 2 years
A Dime A Dozen, But Only One Nickel - Borrower Story, Chapter 1
hi, this is my first time posting to tumblr so im a bit nervous... i hope you enjoy...
Nickl was lucky. Sure, he was an orphan, parents disappearing when he was only two. And sure, nobody was willing to let him into their family, training him in the ways of borrowing but leaving him to fend for himself. But other than that, he had a relatively easy life, for a Borrower at least. The apartment building he lived in was full of humans but no pets. And most humans followed consistent schedules and were pretty oblivious to his borrowing. 
He was athletic and fast, never being seen and able to get whatever he wanted. And if things ever got tough, he could visit another floor for a bit, or trade with the other Borrowers for resources. Nickl had such an easy life, he often had lots of free time before he next had to scavenge. So he would spend this time doing things to make his life even easier, carving out his tunnels, cleaning, mastering sewing, and learning to read. 
But of course, there’s only so much he could do to ease his life. Eventually his tunnels didn't need to be carved out any more, having three or more well hidden entrances to every apartment he visited, each marked with Borrower symbols for any visitors. And he had mastered reading and writing quickly, even big words were no problem, but he never risked reading a human book, despite how badly he wanted to. Getting lost in one could get him caught. 
Tinkering always held his attention, but he already had everything he could ever need. So with nothing else to do, Nickl began to borrow more often. Both for the supplies, the excitement, and to hone his skills. Yet he never had an overabundance of supplies. In fact, he often ran low. 
At least two times a week, Nickl took his gathered supplies to the other Borrowers to trade. Sometimes he wouldn't even trade, he would just give his stuff away. He was receiving less than he gave with the trades anyways. Especially by trading away his inventions, like rope reels and flashlights. He hoped that his efforts would convince them to let him stay with them, but this never happened. They were thankful for the supplies, especially the gadgets Nickl made, but after the trade was over he was told to get out of their turf. As upsetting as it was Nickl understood. Their family was already big. Too many Borrowers in one place would lead to human attention. So after Nickl did his trade, he went right back to borrowing, preparing for the next exchange. He was fine on his own, after all.
But he still wanted to help. He wanted to be useful. So he took things a step farther. He wasn't sure when he started doing this, but he actually began to help his human hosts. Humans tended to drop and lose things, and that was good for borrowing. But sometimes they lose something valuable to them. And when that happened, they would find it back out in the open sometime later. It was the least Nickl could do for them. He relied on them for survival, and even though they were completely terrifying, he might as well thank them for their help.
Life went on like this for years and years. It was good, and Nickl was content.
And then it all came tumbling down.
It was a normal day for Nickl. He needed a few paperclips so he headed into apartment 6D to get some. The desk was really close to his entrance and he had made this trip a million times. He didn't bother bringing his bag, it wouldn't help him on this particular trip, just weigh him down. All he needed was his climbing hook and some extra thread to tie the paperclips to for easy transport.
The human that lived here, Ms Rose, had her daughter Abigail back for the summer. The younger human went to something called College and was gone for most of the year. Nickl remembered a few years ago this wasn't the case, but it made his life easier so he didn’t question the sudden change. The humans were at work and shouldn't be back for a few hours. Plenty of time for Nickl to get what he needed and get out.
Nickl scaled the desk and began looking for the paperclips. They were kept in a red box, but for some reason Nickl didn't see them. It took a moment, but eventually he spotted the box on the shelf above. Nickl sighed. He hated when things were misplaced, but there wasn't much he could do. 
Nickl threw his hook up, tugging the rope a few times to make sure it was secure, and began to climb up to the lower shelf. He had plenty of time to spare, he might as well play it safe, climbing one shelf at a time. Once he reached the top, he threw his hook to the upper shelf and soon was on top of it. He left his hook where it was, allowing him to easily get back down to the desk. He walked over to the paperclips and pried the box open.
As he examined his metal prizes, he heard the unmistakable sound of the front door opening. Panic raced through the Borrower as his head shot up. What?! He thought desperately. They- no one should be home yet! The footsteps were quickly approaching the room, and Nickl could hear Abigail’s voice getting closer and closer. Panicking, the Borrower scrambled behind a book.
“Yeah, the lady spelled my name as “Abbygale”, like a gale of wind. I'm not joking.” Abigail said as she walked into the room. Nickl flinched as the desk beneath him thudded and the chair at the desk creaked. He risked peaking out and inhaled sharply when he saw Abigail sitting at the desk, staring at her phone. God, he was so close to her, and his proximity to her reminded Nickl of how small and powerless he was compared to the human. The person on the phone said something which made Abigail slam her hand on the desk, laughing loudly. Nickl had to hold back a yelp of fear, feeling the shelf shake from the force. Humans were terrifying…
Suddenly, Abigail stopped laughing, expression becoming confused. “What's this?” she mumbled, reaching over to the shelf. Nickl ducked behind the book, heart beating a million times a second. But Abigail wasn't reaching for him. A small metal “tink” told Nickl what she had just picked up. He looked out to confirm his suspicions and his heart dropped. Abigail was holding his hook.
No no no! Nickl thought, eyes wide. His hook! How was he supposed to get down now?! His spare hook was in his bag, which he didn't have right now. He was trapped up here, with a human in the room. A human who might realize she wasn't alone at any second.
“Hey Peter, look.” Abigail said, pressing a button on her phone. Nickl quickly hid behind the book again. He knew from experience Abigail had flipped her phone’s camera. Which meant he was now in the view of two humans. “What’s that? Some kind of budget fishing line?” Peter laughed. “I don't know, but it was hanging on my shelf, like this.” Abigail said. Nickl watched her shadow as she placed the hook back on the shelf, showing Peter where it was. Leave it there. Leave it there. Nickl silently begged.
“Weird.” Peter said. “Yeah. My mom must have put it there… for some reason.” Abigail said, not sounding convinced. “Maybe it's her way of telling you she wants to go fishing with you again.” Peter said. “Maybe. It's a weird way of asking, but maybe.” Abigail shrugged. Nickl stifled a groan as Abigail removed the hook again. “I’ll keep it and ask her. It's a nice fishing hook.” She said, putting it in her jeans.
Nickl had no idea how long he had been up on the shelf. Time seemed to drone on and on as Abigail did the same. She wouldn't get off the phone, nor would she get up from the desk. Occasionally she would reach into her bag below the shelf to get something, but that was her only major movement. At least this gave Nickl an opportunity to formulate a plan of escape. He eyed the thread around his shoulder, the one he brought for the paperclips. He quickly unrolled it and measured it. It was 5 inches long, he wanted to make sure the paper clips were well secured and having extra was always a good idea. But was it long enough for a rope? 
Nickl couldn't scout out the room while the human was present, so he had to go by memory. 5 inches wasn't enough to get him down from the shelf and onto the desk. But perhaps it could get him onto the lower shelf. He still couldn't reach the desk this way, but it should be enough to lower his fall height so he wouldn't break his legs. Then, he could use the corner created from the desk and the wall to inch his way down to the floor. Then he was home free. Yes, this could work! All he needed was a paperclip to make a new hook. But to get that, he had to wait for Abigail to leave.
It took a while, but Abigail eventually stood up. “Right, I should probably get ready for the party at Kerry’s.” she said. “Oooh right!” Peter said. “I nearly forgot! It's at 6, right?” Abigail nodded at her screen. “You're coming, right?” Abigail asked as she walked out of the room. “Yeah, I might be a bit late though…” Peter’s voice faded as Abigail walked down the hallway. Nickl was ready to execute his plan, already eyeing the paper clips box. He just wanted to get out of here already. But he didn't dare move until he knew Abigail had left the house. 
Finally, after around 10 minutes of Abigail walking up and down the hallway, occasionally entering the room and leaving, Nickl heard the sound of the front door slamming closed. This house had a very loud door, which Nickl had never been more thankful for. After waiting for a minute to make sure she was actually gone, he shot up and ran to the paper clips box. He examined them closely but quickly. If the paperclip was going to be a hook it needed to be sturdy. He didn't want it snapping on him when he tried to climb down. 
The paper clips were piled on one another, making them tough to remove. If the paperclip even gave a tug of resistance, Nickl abandoned it. He couldn't waste any time. As he tugged at a paperclip, he noticed one pressed against the edge of the box. It looked sturdy and wasn't touching any other paperclips. Perfect. Nickl thought. He would have never been able to get this while Abigail was here. Reaching it put him on the edge of the shelf, in plain view. She would have noticed him in a second.
 As Nickl began pulling the paperclip out, there was suddenly a massive BANG. Nickl yelped and stumbled backwards, and found himself falling. Before he could cry out, he landed on something soft. Suddenly he was rolling, and then he was falling again. He only fell a short distance, but this time he landed on something hard. Nickl groaned as he sat up, rubbing his back. He froze when he heard footsteps rapidly approaching him. Nickl looked around frantically for a hiding place. He had fallen on the desk, he should be able to duck behind the stapler. Hopefully that would be enough to hide him. But when he looked around he saw he wasn't on the desk. Nickl’s blood became ice as he realized where he was. He was in Abigail’s bag.
Before he could react, the world around him shifted. “Gah!” Nickl couldn't stop himself from crying out in pain as he was slammed into the side of the bag. “I can't believe I forgot my bag!!” Abigail yelled, her deafeningly loud voice easily covering up Nickl’s. Nickl looked up in horror to see Abigail right above him, slipping her bag over her shoulder. Never before had Nickl been so close to a human. From this angle, she towered above him like a skyscraper. The Borrower had never been more terrified in his entire life. “I'm lucky the door is busted and only needs a good shove to open.” she laughed. “You really should get that fixed.” Peter sighed, making Abigail laugh again.
Abigail talked with Peter as she made her way down the stairs, her bag swinging back and forth on her shoulder. She was completely oblivious to the tiny person she had accidentally kidnapped. Said person was in hell. Each time the bag moved, Nickl was tossed around like a ragdoll. 
This can't be happening. Nickl thought as he scrambled to get a hold of something. He needed to get out of here. She could see him at any second. He needed to HIDE. But he wasn't the only thing being tossed around. Whenever he managed to grab something, the stuff in Abigail’s bag would hit him and make him lose his grip. Pennies, dimes, and ironically nickels, pelted him from every angle. A pencil slammed into his leg when he tried to stand, knocking him over just in time to avoid Abigail’s keys taking off his head.
As Abigail reached the bottom of the stairs, her bag swung once more. Nickl was tossed once again, and couldn't react in time to avoid the tube of lipstick twice his size that slammed into his chest. Nickl gasped for the air that had been knocked out of him. He tasted blood in his mouth and was worried he had broken something. He was barely able to register the humans talking above him. “Talk to you later, babe!” Peter’s voice said. “Love ya!” Abigail made a kiss noise as she wished him goodbye. She opened the bag and slipped her phone in. Nickl was barely able to scramble out of the way to avoid being crushed by the massive object.
Nickl attempted to rise to his feet and grab something before the world began to swing back and forth again, but unfortunately he couldn't even take a step before he was sent tumbling over the lipstick case. I'm going to die here, aren't I? Nickl realized as he was slammed into the floor of the bag again, tears in his eyes. He had always known he was going to die, this was a fate Borrowers could only avoid for so long. But he never thought it would end like this. Crushed and pelted by coins and makeup containers at the bottom of a dirty bag. What did he do to deserve this?
After what felt like hours of torment, he was given some relief when Abigail rested her hand on her bag to keep it steady. It still bounced up and down with her steps but the world became relatively still. Nickl felt like he was about to throw up. His head was spinning, making the world spin too, despite its newfound stillness. The Borrower sat up and dizzily removed himself from a hair tie that had wrapped around him in the chaos. He stumbled to the corner of the bag, collapsing against the fabric, breathing deeply and shaking like a leaf. Tears ran down his face, stinging the gash in his cheek, but Nickl didn't even notice. Nickl clutched his head tightly, trying to get the world to calm down.
After a few moments, Nickl had recovered enough to be able to think again. The first thing he did was grab the wall of the bag. He knew he wouldn't be able to hold on when the bag began its roller coaster ride again, but god dammit he was going to try. He was going to try even if his fingers broke before his grip did. As he gripped the fabric, he noticed his arms. They were badly bruised and even had a few small gashes that blood was trickling out of. Nickl just laughed, still unable to believe this was actually happening to him.
Suddenly light rushed into the bag and Nickl looked up to see Abigail’s hand reaching in. “Now where are they?” Abigail muttered, and Nickl felt like he couldn't breathe. Did she hear him laugh? Nickl let go of the bag in favor of pressing himself as far into the corner as possible. He could only watch helplessly as Abigail’s hand drew closer and closer, feeling around her bag. Feeling around for him. It wasn't long before Abigail’s hand was right next to him. Those towering fingers that were bigger than his entire body were only a single centimeter from his face. He wasn't even touching them but he could still feel the heat radiating off them. It's a good thing he wasn't breathing because Abigail would have most certainly felt his breath. Nickl wanted to scream, but his voice wasn’t working.
“Ah, there it is!” Abigail said. Nickl watched as the gigantic fingers curled tightly around the keys next to Nickl’s feet. Abigail pulled the keys out of her bag and as soon as her hand was gone, Nickl’s legs failed him. He crumpled to the ground, hyperventilating. He hugged his body tightly, trying to get his heart to slow down. Despite how fast it was beating, Nickl felt like his blood had stopped flowing. His tail squeezed so tightly around his leg that it was going numb. False alarm… it was just a false alarm… she wasnt after me… I’m ok…
Just as Nickl was starting to feel calmer, narrowly avoiding a panic attack, he felt the world shift again and he looked up to Abigail taking off her bag. Then she tossed it, Nickl just barely able to hold back his shocked yelp as he was thrown into Abigail's mascara case. He rubbed his shoulder in pain as he heard the sound of a door closing and keys rustling. Is she back home? Nickl hoped. Please. Please, I can't do this anymore…
There was suddenly a strange sound, sounding a bit like someone clearing their throat, but not human sounding at all. With a loud roar, the bag began to shake softly. Nickl waited for the shaking to stop but it didn't, neither did the constant humming noise coming from all around him. What was going on? He suddenly fell over backwards as the world lurched in the same direction. Nickl curled up in the corner of the bag and grabbed hold, waiting for the next lurch.
This time, Nickl was tossed to the right, or he would have been if he wasn't holding on for dear life. As Nickl waited for the next shift of the world, the bag lit up as music suddenly blared right next to him. “Agh!” Nickl was unable to stop himself from yelling in pain. His hearing was far more sensitive than a human’s, thanks to both his minuscule size and mouse-like ears, so the loud music was like someone had placed industrial speakers over his ears. He grabbed his ears but that did nothing to muffle the ear splitting music.
The music was coming from the phone, the word “Kerry” on the screen. Nickl held his breath as Abigail reached into the bag and pulled out her phone. “Hello?” Abigail said as Nickl collapsed with a sigh of relief, despite the blaring sound still echoing around his skull. “Hey Abby!” another voice said. “Hey Kerry!” Abigail said with an audible smile. “I just got into my car, and I'm on my way!” Wait- car?! Nickl knew what cars were, kinda. He was familiar with them, how could he not be? He lived in the city, and cars were on the road outside 24/7. Their honking sometimes kept him up at night, the humans inside frustrated for various reasons. But, was he really inside one?
Nickl could see Abigail was distracted with her phone. Although he was still shaking, bleeding, and could barely hear anything, he slowly climbed to the lip of the bag and peered out. He knew it was stupid and risky, but it was the only way to assess his surroundings. The bag, and by extension himself, was sitting on a cushioned chair. Abigail was sitting on another one of the chairs, towering over him, making his pulse quicken. She was holding her phone with one hand and a large hoop in the other. The hoop was connected to the wall of the room, and on top of that wall was a large window.
The scene outside the window was shocking to Nickl. Buildings, entire worlds in themselves for the Borrower, were flying past from how fast the car was moving. He had seen how fast cars were from watching them from the safety of the building. But being inside one was terrifying. Yet he couldn't help but be fascinated. He looked at Abigail, still talking on the phone. She’s controlling it, right? Nickl thought. how?
“Yeah, I'll be there in 30 minutes.” Abigail said. 30 minutes? Nickl thought. With how fast the car is going, she must be going somewhere pretty far away- Nickl’s eyes widened. I'M going somewhere pretty far away! Oh god, where are we going?!
The human turned the hoop in her hand, rotating it to the left. Nickl saw through the window as the car turned the same direction. But the force of the turn caused the bag to slide to the right, Borrower included. He lost his grip and tumbled back down into the bag. So that's how she’s controlling it… Nickl thought as he got to his feet. Thankfully, when the human wasn't turning the car, the only movement of the bag was the soft shaking and vibrating. It actually felt kinda nice.
Nickl shook his head. He couldn't get distracted by the wonder of the car. He needed to figure out what to do in this moment of peace. He needed to get out of the car before he became too far away from his home, if it wasn't too late already. Nickl shook that possibility from his mind. He refused to accept it. He climbed back up to the lip of the bag and looked around. Abigail was focused on both her driving and her conversation. Unless she looked over, which Nickl prayed she wouldn't, he was safe from the human.
The car, as Nickl was expecting, was an enclosed space. Nickl licked his finger and cautiously held it up, hoping Abigail wouldn't notice. He felt no wind, so there weren't any gaps around him. And even if there was an opening and he tried to jump out, the speed it was moving at meant he would die. 
“Sorry, I can't talk anymore. I'm about to get on the highway.” Abigail said. Knowing she was about to hang up, Nickl dropped back into the bag and hid under a mascara case. The bag shook as Abigail tossed her phone in. After a moment, Nickl left his cover and began to pace beside the device. What in the world was he supposed to do?
As Abigail got on the highway, she was still completely unaware of her passenger. She was also unaware of the approaching speed bump. She hit it, moving fast, and her head hit the ceiling. “Owww!!” she cried. But the Borrower had it way worse.
Nickl had no warning as suddenly the world jumped and he was flung backwards. The back of his head collided hard with Abigail’s phone and he crumpled beside the screen, groaning in pain. White spots filled his vision, which was becoming dark. Nickl tried to pull himself upright, but his arms felt limp. Nickl tried to stay conscious. He was already so vulnerable, he couldn't risk being any more so. But his efforts were in vain. As the world went black, Nickl had one final thought.
I'm going to die here…
Chapter 2 - https://www.tumblr.com/wabuup/714504077988560896/a-dime-a-dozen-but-only-one-nickel-borrower
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solaneceae · 2 years
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger (but it might leave emotional damage)
Chapter 9: eighteen
read on Ao3
tw: derealization, self-harm, mention of suicide
Jackie’s resolve lasts a while. He can’t give a clear answer as to how long exactly, because nothing down here lets him keep track of time: no clocks, no windows to see the sky… and nobody ever answers him the few times he asks. He tries to figure it out based on the rotation of scientists coming in to give him water and food, but it’s not that consistent. And do they come three times a day, twice? Only once? He has no idea.
The first few ‘days’ are the hardest on him, because that’s when he resists the most. Every second he can.
He antagonizes whoever happens to be in hearing range. He makes a ruckus, kicks and screams when they drag him out of his cell for another ‘session’ — that’s what they call it, when they pump him full of that liquid that burns and sears at every fiber of his body, leaving him sore and despondent for hours after it ends.
He tries to escape, twice. Doesn’t make it a few steps down the corridor before he’s sent thrashing on the floor, the electric bracelets shocking him relentlessly.
He demands to know what they’re doing to him, and why. He even, on one humiliating occasion, tries to appeal to their humanity. “Please,” he stares at one of the women strapping him down to the table with practiced ease. “I just want to know why. That’s all I want. At least tell me why you’re doing this.”
“Quiet, Eighteen.”
Nothing comes of it. Everyone here has either turned off their empathy completely, or they’re robots. But either way, this wouldn’t work.
He then tries refusing to feed himself, dumping the bland portions into the toilet instead. But it only ends with him being strapped to a chair and forcefully tube-fed, so he’s not trying that again.
Days and nights start to blur together. He misses the sun.
Time passes and nothing changes. Just this white room with the single bed and the ghost of his past. Walk in circles, eat, try to remember a book or a movie to stave off the boredom. Sleep, if he can. Get strapped to a table, pain. Wake up in his cell. Rinse and repeat.
He barely feels like a human being anymore. The scientists all look at him like he’s a mildly interesting critter, one to be taken apart to see how it ticks.
Over time, his will erodes. His energy wanes. His kicks grow weaker, his protests lose their bite. Jackie tires, faster than he expects.
The very first time he can’t muster the energy to talk or fight back during a session, it’s because he hasn’t slept in who knows how many days; the leftover aches from the injections keep him up, and his favorite songs and stories keep replaying in his mind over and over again, without rest. He wonders if the isolation and lack of new stimuli are making him go insane.
His body is on the verge of shutting down, and so is his sleep-deprived brain, and he just doesn’t want to bother today. His captors take it as a sign that he’s decided to ‘be good’, and so, Jackie gets his first taste of the sedative. He feels it enter his bloodstream, thick and pleasantly warm. It actually wakes him up a little, startled by the unfamiliar sensation. He feels a tingle along his arm, one that spreads quickly. “Count with me, Eighteen. Look at me. Three, two…”
O n  e…
And, bliss. Relief, so complete and instantaneous that he can’t suppress a sob. When the real injection begins, he doesn’t feel a thing — he’s gone, far, far away from his tortured body, where it’s warm and quiet and soft and he doesn’t have to feel all the bad things.
Glad to see you becoming reasonable, Eighteen.
Jackie knows it’s a basic carrot and stick trick: if he’s good, he gets the high. If he’s bad, he gets the pain. And the worst thing is, it works.
After that first time, it’s like his resolve has been broken. He stops talking back — stops fighting back. When too much time passes between two sessions, he gets jittery and anxious, and his body aches everywhere. He gets this feeling of want, of need for… something. It drives him up the wall, so much so that when he hears the sound of his door unlocking, he catches himself feeling a rush of excitement. He’s eager.
It takes him a while to understand that it’s withdrawal. He's become addicted to that sedative, to the high and the relief and the peace it grants him, for just a moment.
He’s disgusted with himself.
Come here. Sit. Good.
Everything is grey. Time is broken. He can’t remember what his old place looked like.
He thinks of his favorite comic. It’s probably gone now, along with all his stuff. Thrown out when the rent money stopped coming. He wishes it was here, with him.
Come here. Sit. Give me your arm.
Very good, Eighteen. See, isn’t it so much easier when you don’t struggle?
No-one will come for him. He knows that. He's a drifter, with no close friends or family. and even if someone were to report him missing, IRIS had made sure to never give him anything to take home — contracts, company pens, nothing. Even his pay had been in cash only. Nothing the cops could ever find would link him to this place.
No. He’s trapped here. He’s trapped, and his mind is slowly unraveling, trapped in a cycle of drugged-up sleep, pain hidden beneath honey-tar bliss, and the crash when he hates himself for enjoying it.
  “Greed has poisoned men’s souls, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical. Our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery we need humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost…”
He has a dream. He doesn’t get many of those, not when his waking moments are a living nightmare.
It’s a nice one, simple. He’s walking on a country road, the sun warming his back as the wheat fields stretching up to the horizon sway gently in the wind. He misses the sun.
  He cries when he wakes up. He cries out for his mom, the one that didn’t want him.
“Hold your ground. Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers. I see in your eyes the same fear. That would take the heart of me. A day may come when. The courage of men fails. When we for-forsake our friends… break all bonds of, f-fellowship. It is not this day. An hour of wolves and… shields… when the age of men comes crash, crashing down. But it is not today. Today… we fight. By all you love on this good Earth…”
One time, he comes to awareness with his teeth plunged deep into his wrist, and the sharp pain clears his mind a little. It’s red, it’s color in a sea of grey and white. It flows and moves, it’s alive, he’s alive.
It doesn’t last though, because people soon rush in to subdue him. After that, his arms are securely bound to his sides with a special jacket, and they only take it off so he can eat. It’s not like he did that on purpose, he thinks, he doesn’t know what happened. He hears them talk about him ‘attempting on his own life’, but that’s not true. He doesn’t want to die. Does he?
“Who’m I, someone that’s afraid to let go. Under all laws of aviation, I won’t fix I’d rather weep. You’re a sunflower, did you know, I bet he works for the government. Nobody wants you here. You know nothing. Somebody once told me the loveliest lies of all. Where did you come from? Where did you go? Nobody wants you here. Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. Forgotten. Nobody wants you here. When you’ll be dead I will be, still alive. Nobody wants you here. Nobody wants you here.”
He forgot his name today. Only briefly. But he couldn’t shake that feeling of abject horror when he kept coming up blank.
It’s honey-tar bliss and cotton candy dreams. “Names are lies, lies we tell ourselves to feel like we matter maybe.” It’s honey and tar, honey and tar, sticky, sickly sweet but bitter also. “I don’t like bitter. Never liked bitter.” Bitter coffee, honey and tar.
"Status report?" "The thirty recommended sessions have been completed. No damaging side effects, other than what’s expected for that high a dosage." "Good, very good. Warn the staff, we’re moving on to direct exposure. Tomorrow." "Sir? Are you certain? The subject’s mental state is—" "Page wants results. She’s getting impatient." "I’m aware, but the strain of that thing on a human brain is just…" "He’ll either make it or he won’t, and she’ll have her answer. Get it done."
"…Yes, sir."
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moonchild-things · 2 years
Chapter Three: Shun Kaido, AKA The Jet-Black Wings
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Summary: Being a psychic is not an ideal life, at least for Saiki Kusuo. Didn’t you read/watch The Disastrous Life of Saiki K to know that? Still, this isn’t about him, not really. Instead, let’s focus on his one and only friend, Akari Watanabe, who is also quite abnormal. You might not believe that Saiki would actually have a friend, but that’s what fanfictions are about, right?  
Word Count: 2515
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WALKING TO SCHOOL IN THE MORNING WAS a tad bit more annoying than usual which was due to the fact that a blue-haired, eighth grad minded boy had joined the pair of superpowered teens on their walk. Unfortunately, there was another weirdo who had latched themselves onto Kusuo and, by association, Akari. Unlike Nendo, Kaido Shun wasn't completely stupid which meant that Kusuo could read his thoughts, which he wished wasn't true. All Kaido ever thinks about is how he's the "Jet-Black Wings'' and about the Dark Reunion, an evil organization after him. It was extremely annoying.
Akari didn't mind Kaido all that much, as long as he didn't go on and on about his secret power and his destiny. He was tolerable to a degree. Though he was just like everyone else who never noticed her and mistook her for a shadow. However, she did find amusement from his reaction to when he did notice. She found it quite cute.
Now, Akari sat in her seat all the way in the back of the classroom, completely unseen by just about everyone, including the teacher. It was in the corner of the class almost completely in the shadows which Akari appreciated so much. No one bothered her when she wanted to take a nap in the back of the class or if she was annoyed. It was a little piece of paradise for her. Something that Kusuo envied quite a bit. 
"Hey did you hear the news?" An unnamed male student asked, grabbing Kaido's attention from across the room. "A poisonous snake is on the loose!"
Another student, a boy with boring brown hair gasped, "Seriously? That's so dangerous!"
"Are you sure it's loose?" Kaido walked up to them, as cool as he could with his school jacket around his shoulders like a cape. He had a faux sense of confidence around him that only ever comes out when he acts as his hero persona, Jet-Black Wings. His fantasy went as far as him wrapping up both of his arms every day in red bandages to "keep his powers from overtaking him" or something silly like that. The mind of an eighth-grader, I'm telling you. "Sounds like another Dark Reunion's lie. But they can't fool the Jet-Black Wings! Someone must have released that snake!"
"Wait a minute!" A third unnamed and unimportant student shouted, "You know who did this?"
"Did this Jet-Black Wings dude do it?" The other boy asked in confusion.
"No!" Kaido called out, "I'm the Jet-Black Wings! A secret society called the Dark Reunion is behind it! And this is the first step in their Human Sorting Plan!"
'Dark Reunion!' The other students thought to themselves in shock before rolling their eyes and walking away from the self-proclaimed superhero. 'Never heard of them. What a waste of time.'
Kaido just scoffed lightly at their dismissal of the dangerous secret society. He slides over to Kusuo with his arms crossed, trying to pretend like he wasn't upset at the other students ignoring him. "I guess it's up to us superheroes. Right, Saiki?"
'Whatever.' Kusuo rolled his eyes, 'Of course, he doesn't know I'm actually a psychic. It's all just part of his fantasy.'
'At least he can talk to you,' Akari huffed and pushed some of her hair out of her vibrant eyes while still sitting at her desk across the room. She gazed at the pair with a small bored uptick of her lips. 'He can barely even form a sentence when he does notice me.' Akari doesn't like having attention on her, though there are times that she would like to be treated as a normal person. A simple "hello" or "how are you?" from someone could go a long way. The only ones who do that are the Saikis, her own family, and Nendo, which is nice and all, but she would like to have someone other than them acknowledge her without her having to go out of her way to get them to see her. Though when Kaido does see her, he is unable to speak to girls and it is so painful at times. However, Akari found it entertaining and cute at times.
"Saiki, tell me what you think. I don't like this one bit. That snake, which I have named the Murder Dragoram Snake, is probably no ordinary snake!" Kaido said passionately, still going on about his fantasy narrative about him being a hero.
'That's quite the dramatic name.' Kusuo commented which caused Akari to giggle softly across the room.
Kaido continued, "This Murder Dragoram Snake is probably a dangerous monster created in a top-secret Dark Reunion lab."
'That's all speculation.'
"It's up to us." He said heroically, "We must save humanity from..."
Suddenly, another student burst through the door, cutting the "Jet-Black Wings" off, "Hey, they caught the snake!"
Kaido froze. A different student sighed in relief, "Thank goodness! Where was it?"
"In front of the gate. Apparently it was nearly dead," he explained.
'No way!' The Jet-Black Wings mentally gasped, 'Could there be others with powers like our own out there? Is my theory about Watanabe-chan true!'
Kusuo eyed him with agitation in his violet irises, 'You're what about Watanabe?' 
The students continued to discuss the now nearly dead snake. "Why was it almost dead?"
"They say some elementary school kids were messing with it."
Akari cringed at the mental image of a couple of young kids using the poor snake as a whip. A horrible and painful way to go, humiliating as well. Kusuo did the same with a raised eyebrow, 'Who knew the Murder Dragoram Snake was so weak?'
"Guess the Dark Reunion isn't a threat after all." A student called out to Kaido who seemed to be hurt that his fantasy had broken slightly.
"Careful, now!" A boy called out sarcastically, "This is a secret society we're talking about!"
A girl laughed along with the teasing, "Watch yourself or you will be sorted."
Kaido huffed and made sure that his eyes were hidden by his hair. Akari frowned at the sight. "Go ahead, laugh while you can. It's the calm before the storm. They're coming for us. I tried to warn you..." It was obvious that he was trying to keep the tears from coming out of his baby blue eyes. Sure, Kaido could be a bit much and quite childish, but there was no need to bully him over it, Akari thought. It was a harmless game that he liked to play with himself, he wasn't hurting anyone while doing it so Akari thought that he should be left alone. As much as she hated dealing with people and being noticed by them sometimes, she didn't like seeing their feelings hurt like this.
She finally stood up from her shadowy paradise and glided over to her psychic friend. Her small figure weaving through the desks and other students who shivered as a cold wind brushed over them. She crossed her arms and tilted her head. 'He's going to cry, isn't he.'
'Yup.' Kusuo simply answered.
Akari sighed with a small, sad breath, 'I almost feel bad for him... almost.'
Kusuo was then struck with a premonition and suddenly stood up abruptly from his desk. Akari watched as he started to walk out of the classroom with a raised eyebrow. 'We should go too.' He barely looked in Akari's direction but knew that she would come with him. She truly is a shadow the more you think about it. Always in the background sticking to places where someone could barely see her and hiding behind the pink-haired psychic like he was a wall and following him in nearly every step he took. Why couldn't he have been blessed with the amazing power that she had? The little to no effort that she put into being completely inconspicuous was a trait he envied.
'Huh? Why?' Akari mentally asked as she followed after her one and only friend like a lost puppy. They walked towards the bathrooms where Kusuo walked right in. Knowing that she couldn't be seen walking into the boy's bathroom, Akari turned herself into a shadow and slipped through the door completely unnoticed as she followed Kusuo into a stall. Now, she didn't usually do anything like this. So don't think she is some kind of pervert or anything! There was no way that she would ever abuse her powers to do something as idiotic and disgusting as this. The only reason she ever did this was when Kusuo told her to follow him in there which was not as often as you might think. Please, we all know that neither of them are like that perverted medium that has yet to show his stupid face in this fanfic.
So now, Kusuo sat on the toilet seat while Akari hovered in her shadowy form on one of the walls of the stall. Her glittering yellow eyes were the only real visible attribute to her which gave her quite a menacing appearance. In this form, her eyes seemed to sharpen in a seemingly dangerous way. The narrowed yellow eyes appeared to be those of a cat as they glowed through the waves of shadows that rolled off of her. If someone were to see her like this, they may think she was some kind of ghost or demon. The only one who didn't fear her like this was Kusuo. Though that was because he was far too overpowered to be frightened by a shadow manipulator who could barely cause anyone harm.
She gazed down at him as her form gracefully floated against the wall. Her sharp eyes watched as her friend crossed his eyes behind his glasses and used his clairvoyance to see what was happening in their classroom. The yellow-eyed shadow wasn't exactly sure what was going on in her classroom, though she suspected it was bad from the distant screams coming from down the hall. 
Kusuo watched as the students in their class screamed and freaked out about the snake that was now slithering around the floor. He couldn't help but feel a little bit of satisfaction at the fact that they were being tormented after bullying Kaidou. Kusuo didn't care all that much about how Kaidou was treated, however, he knew for a fact that Akari did. So he knew that he wouldn't hear her complain about this all that much after school. As much as he tolerated Akari, she became a tad bit more annoying when she was angered and complaining about something. 'I saw that whole thing coming thanks to my powers.'
'What's happening?' Akari mentally asked him as she stared at her silent friend. She had no idea what was currently happening and was quite curious.
Kusuo uncrossed his purple eyes and glanced quickly up at her, 'There's a snake in the classroom.'
'Oh, really?' She asked in surprise as her invisible eyebrow raised. 'Quite strange how there happened to be two snakes loose at school.'
Akari still had no idea what was happening and Kusuo had yet to narrate to her what was occurring. It was slightly frustrating, she should have just stayed in the classroom. Not like anyone would have noticed her anyway. The one thing she did notice was the sound of Kaido crying in the stall right next to them. If it was one thing that Akari hated the most, it was people crying. It was such an uncomfortable thing to witness someone crying, in her opinion. She never knew what to do in that situation. A few moments pass with nothing for Akari besides the fact that the horrid crying from Kaidou had stopped.
As far as she knew, chaos was still ensuing in their classroom. Though at the moment, Kaidou had just courageously stepped in front of one of his female classmates to protect her from the snake that had lunged at her. Akari watched as Kusuo's eyes flashed brightly, signifying that he was using his powers for something. For what, she didn't know. Once again, she was stuck in the dark in this situation, and this wasn't the kind of dark that she liked.
Kusuo eventually stood up and started to exit the stall to leave the bathroom. Akari followed after him with her figure flowing against the floor and walls. When they got back in the hall and made sure there was no one around, Akari reformed back into her physical form and looked up at her friend with wide eyes. 'You took care of it?'
The pink-haired psychic sighed. He already knew what she was thinking at the moment, he didn't even need his mind-reading for it. Just because he was forced to "help" people from time to time, didn't mean that he considered them friends in any regard. Akari herself was probably the only person that he could possibly consider a friend. Though even then he still wouldn't say it out loud. He glanced at her from the corner of his eye as they entered back into their classroom. The students were still celebrating the miraculous lighting-like powers that Kaidou may or may not have possessed to kill the snake. 'As far as everyone else knows the Jet-Black Wings took care of the snake.'
Akari knew that as much as Kusuo liked to say he didn't care, he always does something to contradict that. He usually ended up helping someone he deemed annoying in some way or another. He looked after people who he would say that aren't his friends. He's just too tsundere to admit that he has actual friends. 'Hmm, and for some reason, you say you don't care.'
'Care about an idiot like Kaidou?' Kusuo's eyebrow twitched at the notion she was trying to insinuate. 'Of course not.'
Akari just giggled. The hauntingly pleasant sound just ticked off Kusuo a little bit more already hearing her thoughts about how she doubted him. It didn't matter, because he doesn't care what happens to these people. They were just annoyances that he had to suffer through on a daily basis. He only looked out to make sure that they weren't harmed so that there weren't any problems that could arise from them getting hurt. There was no way that he did any of this because they were friends or because it upset Akari to a degree. It's not like he cared how she felt about things like this. Why would he?
Later in the day, in their next class, Kaido now sat lazily in his seat with a smug smirk on his face. He had already been causing a bit more trouble because of his new confidence in his "powers". Their teacher stood over the blue-haired boy with a scowl, "I'm not liking this new attitude of yours, Kaido."
"Watch your tone." Kaido said sassily, "Unless you wish to be hunted by the Judgment Knights of Thunder."
"Counselor's room, now." The teacher ordered him, to the poor boy's dismay.
'That guy is hopeless.' Akari and Kusuo thought in unison while shaking their heads at him.
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schmem14 · 2 years
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I posted 962 times in 2022
That's 923 more posts than 2021!
72 posts created (7%)
890 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 641 of my posts in 2022
Only 33% of my posts had no tags
#harry potter - 231 posts
#draco malfoy - 164 posts
#dramione - 126 posts
#drarry - 97 posts
#hermione granger - 89 posts
#dhr - 61 posts
#ao3 - 54 posts
#fanfic - 54 posts
#draco x hermione - 54 posts
#fanart - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#i read every chapter at least three times to completion and have another human being look at it and listen to it through text-to-speech
My Top Posts in 2022:
When Malfoy Met Granger...
Summary: “Wizards and witches can’t be friends, because sex always gets in the way.” Draco regarded her with a secret smile.
“I suppose it’s just as well, then, that we’ll never be friends.”
In 1998 Hermione and Draco share a contentious train ride back to Hogwarts for eighth year, during which they argue about whether men and women can have strictly platonic friendships. They part ways, but then find themselves meeting several times in the years after school, putting their theories from that first day to the ultimate test.
{Inspired by When Harry Met Sally}
Rating: M
Status: Ongoing, will be 30 K words when complete
Chapters 4,5 & 6 now available here on AO3!
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28 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
My top 5 LEAST popular fics
Thanks for the tag @the-francakes! I love this idea. taking a moment to highlight my 5 least popular fics, because they deserve just as much love as the rest of my works. Funnily enough, I like these 5 so much more than the top 5 most popular fics. Why is that?
From Sunset to Star Rise (7.5 k, OS): Ron x Harry. Ron and Harry move to New England to get away from the aftermath of war, buy a cozy cabin in the woods, and fall in love under the stars of an autumn sky. Rating: M
In for a Knut, In for a Galleon (30k, COMPLETE): Hermione is in trouble, and Draco has a wild idea that will keep them both safe. A murder, a marriage... and a happily ever after? Gossip columnist Watching Witch is on the case... Written for the “You Know You Love Me” Gossip Girl prompt fest 2022. Rating: M
Lost at Sea (4k, OS): Ron x Harry. Harry is helplessly in love with Ron Weasley, has to watch him marry Hermione and start a family with her, all while Harry spirals into madness, getting with the other Weasleys in order to dull the pain. Will Ron ever choose Harry? Rating: E
Inheritance (14k, OS): Draco Malfoy inherits 12 Grimmauld Place when Harry unexpectedly passes away, but there’s a catch; He has to let Hermione Granger stay. Rating: M
What the Portraits Saw (4k, OS):**Embedded with art by Hero//regretful-prince** Portraits are meant to be seen and not heard, or so you've been led to believe. Verity the Virgin is merely the portrait of a simple girl painted into an unimaginative pastoral scene. Her world is upended when she catches a mysterious thief trying to make off with some Malfoy family valuables. Written for the Double the Trouble Dramione Fest 2022. Rating: M
Tagging @sodamnradd, @pia-bartolini, @niffizzle, @peachpety, @wickermayne if you want to share some of your less-loved but no less deserving fics! No pressure to participate, but it’s there for the taking. 
33 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
When Malfoy Met Granger...
Summary: “Wizards and witches can’t be friends, because sex always gets in the way.” Draco regarded her with a secret smile.
“I suppose it’s just as well, then, that we’ll never be friends.”
In 1998 Hermione and Draco share a contentious train ride back to Hogwarts for eighth year, during which they argue about whether men and women can have strictly platonic friendships. They part ways, but then find themselves meeting several times in the years after school, putting their theories from that first day to the ultimate test.
{Inspired by When Harry Met Sally}
Rating: M
Word Count: 30,000
Status: Complete
You can read the completed story here on AO3
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40 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
Dear Hermione
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Read here on AO3
Summary: Hermione Granger was the one Draco felt he’d wronged the most, and his mind-healer reminded him weekly that a reconciliation with her may be the key to moving forward. Weeks passed, and although Draco kept returning to the scribbled on and scratched out lines of failed apologies, he couldn’t put to words the things he needed to say. So, he didn’t. But maybe he would try again tomorrow...
Hermione and Draco return to Hogwarts after the war and become friends, but the lack of apology weighs on both of them, and Draco finds himself falling in love even as he struggles with reconciliation.
Rating: T
Word Count: 18,740
Tags: Hogwarts Eighth Year, Head Girl Hermione, Head Boy Draco, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Letters, Apology, Potions partners, Mistletoe, Falling in love 
Publication date: Jan 21, 2022
46 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Master List of all works by Schmem14
Dramione Multi-chapter fics:
{Life’s Nothing But} Beautiful Catastrophes (115k, COMPLETE): Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger have a one-night-stand-turned pregnancy. Draco finds them again years later when his son is grown. Rating: E
The Flatshare: A Dramione Love Story (77k, COMPLETE): Loosely based on the plot for the Flatshare by Beth O’Leary. Down-and-out Draco needs a place to stay until he can get on his feet, and Hermione only needs her flat part-time, and is renting anonymously. Rating: E
When Malfoy Met Granger… (29k, COMPLETE): In 1998 Hermione and Draco share a contentious train ride back to Hogwarts for eighth year, during which they argue about whether men and women can have strictly platonic friendships. They part ways, but then find themselves meeting several times in the years after school, putting their theories from that first day to the ultimate test. Inspired by When Harry Met Sally. Rating: M
In for a Knut, In for a Galleon (30k, COMPLETE): Hermione is in trouble, and Draco has a wild idea that will keep them both safe. A murder, a marriage... and a happily ever after? Gossip columnist Watching Witch is on the case... Written for the “You Know You Love Me” Gossip Girl prompt fest 2022. Rating: M
Dramione One-Shots:
Short Stories from the Library of Hermione and Draco: Ongoing collection of short one-shots featuring Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger perpetually falling in love. **Chapter 1 is index of all works, relevant ratings, pairings and warnings included for each story.** Ratings vary by chapter
Inheritance (14k, OS): Draco Malfoy inherits 12 Grimmauld Place when Harry unexpectedly passes away, but there’s a catch; He has to let Hermione Granger stay. Rating: M
Dear Hermione (19k, OS): Hermione and Draco return to Hogwarts after the war and become friends, but the lack of apology weighs on both of them and Draco finds himself falling in love even as he struggles to say sorry. Rating: T
What the Portraits Saw (4k, OS):**Embedded with art by Hero//regretful-prince** Portraits are meant to be seen and not heard, or so you've been led to believe. Verity the Virgin is merely the portrait of a simple girl painted into an unimaginative pastoral scene. Her world is upended when she catches a mysterious thief trying to make off with some Malfoy family valuables. Written for the Double the Trouble Dramione Fest 2022. Rating: M
Hermione and Draco Prank Wars (9k, COMPLETE): A short series of one-shots of an established relationship Draco and Hermione pulling sex-related pranks on each other. Unapologetic smut. Rating: E
Pumpkin Spice Smorgasbord (7k, OS): Single mother Hermione Granger has been crushing on widower Draco Malfoy for far too long. Will fake dating Theo make Draco jealous enough to act? Dramione and Dratheomione included. Rating: E
Other HP Pairings/ Rare Pairs:
Heart in a Box (15k, COMPLETE): A cannon-divergent Luna x Harry fic that explores the possibility of things going differently during Slughorn’s Christmas Party in HBP, and how things progress for years after. Rating: M
Solace (9k OS): George x Harry fic where George finds solace in Harry’s arms when coping with the loss of Fred. Rating: E
All’s Fair in Love, and War, and Paintball (35k, COMPLETE): A multi-ship 8th year Hogwarts Fic that pays homage to TV series Community’s paint-ball episodes with a last-man-standing paintball competition that breaks out during the Halloween feast. Ships include and are not limited to: Dramione, Panville, NottPott, and Ron x Padma x Parvati. Rating: E
93 Diagon Alley (30k, COMPLETE): Harry and George are broken after the war. They find themselves moving in together. A slow-burn friend-to-lovers fic written for the QQQ Pride Fest 2022. Rating: M
Draco Malfoy and the Sparkly Green Boots (4k, OS): A Drarry fic. The tale of a serendipitous meeting between former classmates in the least-likely place imaginable; the strip club where Draco works. Draco’s luck is about to change for the better when Harry takes him home after. Muggle AU. Unapologetic smut piece written for the QQQ Pride Fest 2022. Rating: E
Lost at Sea (4k, OS): Ron x Harry. Harry is helplessly in love with Ron Weasley, has to watch him marry Hermione and start a family with her, all while Harry spirals into madness, getting with the other Weasleys in order to dull the pain. Will Ron ever choose Harry? Rating: E
From Sunset to Star Rise (7.5 k, OS): Ron x Harry. Ron and Harry move to New England to get away from the aftermath of war, buy a cozy cabin in the woods, and fall in love under the stars of an autumn sky. Rating: M
The Golden Trio is Mine (3.5k, OS): POLY Draco x Harry x Hermione x Ron. Three friends find themselves catering to Draco’s every need one night. Ron wears a crown, Harry crawls like a dog, and Hermione makes a lovely cock warmer. There may be an inappropriate use of the Firebolt. A crack fic featuring Dom Draco and lots of kinks. Rating: E
HP Cocktober 2022 Collection (24 k, COMPLETE): A collection of flash fics (1000 words or less) written for the HP Cocktober 2022 prompt series on Twitter. Featuring many different common and rare pairings listed in the tags. Rating: E
47 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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The pained piano
I am afraid of men. They scare me. When I meet a man on the sidewalk, when I look at him and he looks at me, I ask myself if he sees me as an object and if he maybe wants to hurt me or insult me. Multiple men are even worse. They don’t have to look intimidating. They don’t have to look frightening. They just have to be men. The age doesn’t matter. Not to me.
When I was younger, I was forcefully kissed, with tongue. By a man I trusted deeply at this time. Until this day I am not able to sit next to him and not be uncomfortable. I avoid his presence and I avoid being alone with him. His personality traits repulse me, and I hate him with every fibre of my heart. But I love him too because he has a part in making me who I am and even though right now I am not proud of who I am, I know one day I will.
Three years ago, a man asked me who I was. I didn’t know him. He was a stranger in a strange city, and he asked me how I was. Weeks after this incident I lied to everyone saying I didn’t answer him. I told him my name. And then I ran because he asked me if I wanted to go with him. Some time after that another man in my hometown started talking to me and I haven’t felt this hopeless and frightened since the last time I was spoken to by a stranger. I faked a phone call and ran away again. He seemed strange in every possible meaning of the word. He knew a lot of things and he had seen a lot of the world. I knew he wasn’t a bad man. Maybe he only wanted to talk to me. But I had made a bad experience and he, like every other male, seemed like a threat to me.
A friend once told me that I may attract strangers because I looked approachable. I never thought I looked approachable. To me I looked like I wanted the world to leave me alone. Even before the first stranger.
Today I talked with a former classmate about motorcycles and Harry Potter. He said that women are worse drivers than men. I agreed with him even though I knew it was complete bullshit. I just didn’t want to disagree and fight for my opinion. I am still ashamed of myself. If I lie when it comes to such unimportant things, what will I do if it actually matters one day? Hours after this conversation I read a post about a girl and how Athena gave her strength and courage to do the right thing even though she was afraid. I currently read a book about a woman who was raped when she was 16-17 years old. I had to stop reading after at least finishing the chapter. It’s not a book about rape. It’s about feminism and power and what is wrong in our society. This morning I was at the verge of a panic attack because I thought about the forced kiss. I reined my feelings in and ignored them like I usually did.
I feel helpless.
I don’t WANT to hate the world.
I don’t WANT to hate all men.
I don’t WANT to believe that the world is a bad and dangerous place like all humans are bad and dangerous.
I fucking WANT TO BELIEVE IN THE GOOD THINGS but the world is making it unbearably difficult for me
Thinking back it all started with my first not-first kiss. From this moment on I kept seeing him as a predator who had a nasty temper, even less fucks to give about my mental health and as a representative of the male kind. I dealt with his tantrums, learned to agree with him and I learned to listened to him when he explained things to me like I was stupid and when he treated me like I was stupid and thought he could teach how the world works while insulting my whole life and what I’ve worked for so far.
He was the beginning of my end and when I get away one day, and I will, then I pray to all the gods that maybe exist, that they will leave me be without his imprint on my soul. He does not deserve this.
Ironically, he is the only person I show my texts to. My most private thoughts and feelings.
I hate myself
Can someone help me not to hate myself anymore?
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insanitysilver · 2 years
starting a support group for ppl who proofread their chapters and still find typos years later after they've been posted
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katsum50 · 2 years
Warning- another rambling, self indulgent post.
So, I’ve been around a while and been a part of shipping in many different fandoms, and I’ve always been like ship what characters you want and be happy. We don’t all have to agree or convince each other.
I say this because I’m about to give my humble opinion on a few acotar ships, and if you are a g*ynriel who happens to come across this, go on and be happy with your ship. Write your fanfics, draw your art. I’m glad you’ve found a bit of joy and distraction from this crazy world.
Also I am open to all kinds of fun pairings. I mean I am writing an Elain x Rhys fanfic, and I desperately want to find time to write an Aida’s x Elain little fic in my mind. I like Gwyn and Tarquin though I have no reason to, and after reading Every Rose, Gwyn x Eris has made me raise my eyebrow. Elain/Mor, Gwyn/emerie, etc… there are all kinds of ships I could enjoy, but I like reading comprehension and good stories the best so….
This is the one ship I just cannot do. I don’t know if it’s the power dynamic between the two, or the fact she is described like an adolescent in the book (coltish and young) but the thought of her and Az is just not my thing. I like the character fine, though she is written a little suspicious.
If this happens, I can’t see it being some grand love story that spans a book. I think it would have to be in the background like Amren/Varian or a hint of it happening in the future. I could be wrong. This will never be my thing, and I have no interest in reading a story about them. I’m not going to cry or rage. I’ll just move on.
Honestly, I could see SJM making me like this fine. I like both characters, and I’m sure she could do some sort of forced proximity/ arranged marriage thing or something. But it would have to be an Elain/ Lucien POV book which means we wouldn’t get Azriel’s story. (It just feels like a book only about him would be out of place in this series)
If this happens, I’m open to it. It will never be my favorite but eh, I could see it being entertaining.
Yes! Please! I don’t know why, but I really want this. I want to learn more about Vassa and there is something about Lucien finding his place and falling in love with a human. I mean I know he will probably end up in Day, but being chosen is what he needs.
I went into acotar cold, completely unspoiled for the most part. I took it very much as it is read, and I just accepted Elain/Azriel were a thing. Then I started seeing the TikTok’s, reading the tweets, coming here, and I was like WTH.
I read the bonus chapter and what I got out of it was that Az and Elain want each other bad, snd Gwyn has some sus powers. That’s it.
When it comes down to it, some of the most beautiful writing/imagery in the book has to do with Elain/Az. And can we please have a friends to lovers, chosen, somewhat healthy relationship? Can we have a spy novel and learn more about the twins? I mean if they end up being mates, fine, but I want them to choose each other before knowing it.
There is just so much to do with them that would make a good story. Rhys telling Azriel to stay away, Elain’s powers, and her hints of being a spy, her being able to wield truth teller and killing the king by stepping out of a dang shadow, the court politics (you can’t tell me Beron wouldn’t want to find a way to get to Elain’s powers by declaring she is his son’s mate and belongs in Autumn) There is just to much more..
And honestly if this doesn’t happen in some form, none of their interactions, or that blasted bonus chapter will make sense. If it’s not at least addressed there will be so much left hanging that it will be ridiculous.
Also three “brothers” three sisters is not overdone, and it goes with the theme. It’s hinted so much not only in acotar but in CC2 as well, SJM might as well just came out and said it. The three most powerful Illyrians ever found each other and stumbled upon three Made sisters. Three stars, three mountains and this:
Two intersecting triangles. Male and female, dark and light, above and below … and the power that lies in the place where they meet.”
I mean come on…
But seriously ship who you want (well maybe not Elain/tamlin, please) but be kind.
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lynxgriffin · 3 years
DELTARUNE Chapter 2 Thoughts!!!
WOOO OKAY I stayed up WAY too late trying to finish Deltarune Chapter 2 last night!! It took me awhile because I suck at video games, but I finally did it!
While I normally type up commentary as I play first time, I didn’t get the chance to do that here, so I’ll get down all my general thoughts here!
Unspoilery thoughts: loved it, knew I would, will need to replay soon to see what all I missed, and am excited for whatever’s next!
SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 2 under the cut!!
(These are just as I think of them, not in any particular order!)
Okay overall I can see why this took two years and a much larger team to complete, the second chapter is SO much more expansive and heavy on scene-specific animations! It all looks SO GOOD
I already love Susie but now I love her even more, her expressions were SO GOOD
Susie has a (little nubby) tail confirmed?? That’s adorable
Okay this game is definitely reading the chapter 1 data, which I find interesting because I didn’t obtain it through Steam last time
But like, I gave the “Susie eats chalk” response to Noelle last time, and in chapter two she gave Susie the box of chalk, so awwww!
Also I missed Onionsan in my initial computer playthrough, so they didn’t show up this time, just got a moment of Susie and Kris sitting by the river together!
I find it REALLY interesting that while Ralsei is a Darkner, apparently he can jump around to other Dark Worlds whereas other Darkners like Lancer and Rouxls can’t so much…hmmm!
It was so nice to see everyone filling out the town now, though!
Noooo Susie probably doesn’t have her own room at home, awwww
Kris just casually jumping up to the classroom and bringing everyone back tho, perfect
Was right on there being multiple dark worlds in other locations, but honestly that part’s the least surprising to me, that always seemed like a pretty standard path to take!
The werewires were creepy and great; difficult to battle tho
I’m so glad that I didn’t really go anywhere with Jevil’s line about the Queen in PT; nothing I came up with could’ve topped Queen being an absolute acid trip of an antagonist in this chapter
Her lil’ robot disguise! Her being afraid of mice at first!
I kinda wish we could have had her in the party more? She was super useful as a party member, honestly!
But sadly I guess we’re not gonna get more than the three-person party, awww
I cannot believe Berdly basically became incel Falco but also had a sympathetic backstory
Like I laughed a lot at all of Berdly’s expressions and dialogue while also going BERDLY YOU ARE THE WORST
Noelle’s WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? part = A+
I feel like Queen’s relationship with Noelle definitely had some uncomfy parallels with probably how she is dealing with her real mom
I somehow missed the part where Susie is wearing Ralsei’s glasses??? Where is this
Also in general there was a LOT of puzzles and gameplay in the overworld map, which I was bad at but was also very cool
The dolphin pop-up ads…
Apparently he’s also the secret boss for this chapter?? That’s at least if the soundtrack is anything to go by. Maybe I’ll go back and try it on another playthrough, but aaaaagggghhhg
The whole deal with the ferris wheel conversation and just awwwwuuuuuuh
Needs more Susiezilla now too (I picked the “something romantic” option because of course)
Also I cannot believe Susie has (at least) two people crushing on her and is just totally oblivious to it
There’s SO Many interesting HMM moments with Kris and that definitely included the entire acid tunnel of love scene with Kris and Ralsei
Interrupted of course by an appropriately silly Rouxls battle
But man the more we see (or often DON’T see) of Ralsei the more intriguing it gets
I just knew going back to get that chest without Noelle would be something dumb
OKAY I ended up dying a lot to 1) the Mauswheel, and 2) the color-changing butlers?? So I ended up having to do the whole sequence with annoying dog blasting through everything in his path multiple times
I DID feel bad for Berdly during that boss battle where he was werewired; that was nice and body horror-ish
The giant mecha boss battle absolutely kicked my ass, though
Like it WAS badass but that took me a LOT of tries to get through
My thrash machine was very GUN’S
Overall the difficulty curve was definitely stepped up from chapter 1!
And lots of talk about Noelle being pretty important to it, too!
I’m glad I got to bring Susie on the walkaround this time around town!
King and Queen’s entire conversation was so hilarious
King just slides over to suck on that sweet, sweet giant hamster water bottle
Aww the pizzeria is not a creepy mascot Chuck-E-Cheese’s style, tho
Confirmation that Gerson was Alvin’s father! And I feel like there’s a lot we’re missing there, too
Still not allowed to see Papyrus…
Catti’s parents…
I wasn’t expecting this at all, but it feels like they may be introducing way more Lightners to the Dark World with each chapter, since both Noelle and Berdly ended up there?
And if that’s the case, I feel like it’s hinting that Catti and/or Jockington may be next
Like I dunno the whole scenario somehow managed to be both REALLY sinister and very funny at once??
Susie and Toriel are busy laughing and making a pie together, meanwhile Kris just sneaks the hell out and slashes Toriel’s tires because it’s KNIVES OUT TIME
Please let Susie watch more giant monster (and giant human) movies with her friends, she needs this
Which like…is in fact making SOME KIND OF SENSE in my head overall, but I definitely need more context to see how exactly
Considering Ralsei’s reaction to Noelle and Berdly trying to make a new fountain, this definitely seems to be setting up some kind of future confrontation between Kris and Ralsei, which! HMMMM
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Green is My Favorite Color Ch. 20
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Pairings: Dean x Fem!OFC
Explicit 18 +/Warnings: Smut. Unprotected sex. P in V. Very gentle lovemaking, nothing that's overly explicit. Fluff. Just a smidge of angst, but nearly all fluff.
Word Count: 4,515
Series Summary: Dean has been her hero from childhood, can she ever get him to be more?
|| Series Masterlist ||
Chapter Summary: What awaits Dean and Julie on the other side of Purgatory.
A/N:  The twentieth chapter in a longer series. As I’m writing, the story is stretching out a little and I’m thinking it’s going to be at least 20 chapters. Sorry! 😬 It’s what I’ll call cannon adjacent. It will follow the general storylines through the seasons, but I’m creating my own offshoots. 😊
A/N 2: Well, this is it! I can't believe I've finished this series. This is, without a doubt, the longest thing I've ever written, and it's the first long fic I've ever finished completely. I have loved every minute of writing Dean and Julie's story and I'm so incredibly grateful to EVERYONE who has read it and reblogged it, liked it and commented on it. I'm so grateful for your support and love!
The beautiful divider at the end was created by @talesmaniac89. 💗
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April 2012
Walking through the portal out of Purgatory felt almost the same as travelling into Purgatory - the same white light, the same pressure on Julie's lungs, the heat, the wind - all of it was the same. The big difference was, it was over almost instantly. It was simply a matter of taking two or three steps and they were through.
As soon as they were on the other side, Sam and Julie fell to their knees, as the pressure in their chests gave way and they could breathe normally again.
Cas set Dean down on the ground and knelt beside him. Julie crawled over to where Dean lay in the leaves and dirt of the forest floor and panicked at his extremely labored breathing and pain-wracked expression.
Seconds later, though, Cas was pressing his hand against the deep gash in Dean's side, his grace glowing beneath his palm as he knitted together Dean's insides.
Dean grimaced and a small grunt of pain fell from his lips as Cas healed him, but then the angel pulled back and Dean let go of the breath he'd been holding and his eyes popped open. He sat up and looked around at everyone.
A wide smile spread across his face as the color rushed back into his cheeks. Then he looked at Julie and grabbed hold of her face, pulling her mouth down to his in a wild, ecstatic kiss. They were both laughing into the kiss, and it was a mess of teeth and tongues. Julie was crying too, adding her tears into the mix.
She pulled out of the kiss to hop up and throw her arms tightly around Cas' neck. The angel was at a complete loss and stood looking at Sam and Dean for direction.
Sam made a circle with his arms by way of demonstration. "Just hug back."
Cas awkwardly and loosely wrapped his arms around Julie and she giggled tearily. She pulled back and wiped away her tears. "Sorry, but just..." She stood on tiptoe and kissed the angel's cheek. "Thank you, thank you so much."
She turned to Sam and hugged him next. When she pulled away, Dean was hugging Cas who looked like he'd had all the human emotion he could handle for the time being.
As the Winchester brothers gripped each other tight and pounded one another on the back, Julie shook her head.
"I can't believe you guys got there when you did. It's like a miracle."
Sam scoffed as he pulled away from his brother with a final pat to the side of his neck. "Yeah, a miracle that took ten months to happen. We've done nothing but search for you guys for nearly a year. Took us long enough to figure out that you'd been sucked into Purgatory, and then when we knew where you were, we had to try and figure out a way in."
Sam paused and ran a hand through his hair. "It was ten months here, how long was it in Purgatory?" His voice was anxious, but Dean was quick to put his mind at ease.
"It was about the same for us, Sammy. And even though it was no garden spot, it wasn't the same as hell, and we were together, and we had Benny."
Julie pulled up the sleeve of her filthy jacket. "Speaking of, I'd like to drop Mr. Lafitte off soon. It's not very comfortable for either one of us."
Her arm glowed red and Sam shook his head. "Yeah, what is up with that? Your letting a vamp out of Purgatory?" He looked at Dean, incredulous. "You?"
Dean nodded. "Hell yeah. Sam, we wouldn't have survived without him. And he said that even before he got his head chopped, he was on donated blood."
He smacked a hand against Sam's upper arm. "He's one of the good ones, Sammy, I promise."
Sam shrugged. "If you say so, but we should probably keep in contact with him, make sure he's staying on the straight and narrow now that he's topside."
Dean nodded. "I intend to. Benny's a good friend."
Sam took a deep breath and smiled. "Okay."
Dean looked at Cas. "Well, buddy, we've gotta get Benny back to his bones in..." He squinted, trying to recall the name of the town where Benny's bones were planted. He snapped his fingers as it came to him. "Clayton, Louisiana. Think you could zap us all there?"
Julie stepped under the spray of the shower and couldn't stop the long groan of ecstasy that escaped her. The water was hot and just the perfect pressure against her skin as it washed away months and months of dirt, blood, sweat and general griminess.
She checked on the wound she'd received from the ghoul and saw that it was healing. It seemed insane to Julie that that had only been three or four days ago. Standing in the motel shower with the plastic curtain beside her and the electric lights glowing dimly on the other side, it felt like Purgatory was a lifetime ago.
Yet, over this exceedingly long day, she'd also had moments where she felt panicked that she was going to wake up and be back there. She knew Dean was experiencing something similar. He'd had a look about him throughout the day as though everything was just a little too loud and a little too bright.
It was hard to readjust.
After dropping off Benny and watching him come back to life through his bones and a bit of magic, they'd parted ways with hugs and promises to meet up again soon. Their departure felt strange, like there wasn't enough the three of them could say to each other in parting. How could they sum up that experience, how could they convey their gratitude to one another and their sadness in saying goodbye.
But finally Benny had walked off toward his new vampire life and Cas had zapped them all back to the motel he and Sam were staying in.
The four of them had sat around for an hour or so, drinking beers and catching up with each other about the time they were apart. As they sat at the table, Julie saw Dean flinch a couple times, as a car alarm went off, or a dog started barking nearby.
It was as though he was waiting for the next attack to come and she understood the feeling. It was extremely odd after all those months of near constant fighting and barely surviving to now just be sitting on a plastic chair, chatting pleasantly and peacefully.
Sam and Cas had paid for another room and left Julie and Dean to clean up and get some rest. Dean had showered first, and now it was her turn. They'd joked that they'd clog the shower if they tried to take one together, with the amount of mud caked on the both of them.
She was in the shower over half an hour, and only came out because the water was almost ice cold. She'd washed her hair three times before it finally felt clean. She climbed out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her.
She'd picked up a little bottle of lotion from the corner store across the street from the motel and she grabbed it as she went to sit on the bed beside Dean.
He was leaning up against the headboard in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. Earlier Sam had pulled Dean's green duffel bag out of the trunk of the Impala and tossed it to him.
"Kept your clothes clean and waitin' for when you got back."
A moment of unspoken love and tenderness passed between the brothers, and Julie shook her head at their silent communication. That connection between them was always so beautiful and one reason Julie loved them both so much.
Now she sat with her back to the foot of the bed so she could face Dean. He leaned his head back against the wall and he kept his eyes closed as he smiled at her.
"Mmm..." he groaned. "God, you smell good."
Julie grinned. "I think we both smell a hell of a lot better than we have in a very long time. I may have scrubbed my skin off in the shower getting rid of all the grime."
She popped open the top of the lotion bottle and squirted some into her palm. She lifted her leg and began to spread the lotion all over her skin, relishing the return of moisture to her dry flesh.
She continued applying the lotion, rubbing her skin in circles and enjoying this very simple pleasure. As she ran the lotion up her arms and over her shoulders she looked over at Dean. She swallowed hard at the intense heat she saw in his expression.
He quirked up the corner of his mouth. "I was wondering when you were gonna notice you were killing me slowly."
"Sorry." Julie grinned impishly and held the lotion out towards him. "Could you do my back?"
She'd mostly been teasing him, but couldn't deny she was thrilled when he took the lotion from her and sat up.
He crooked his finger at her. "Gotta come closer, sweetheart."
She held her towel in place as she turned her back to him and scooted closer. He warmed the lotion up between his palms before he placed his hands on her shoulder blades and began to rub it in. If she thought putting the lotion on herself felt good, Dean's hands spreading the lavender smelling concoction across her skin was absolute heaven.
When he moved down her back and got to her towel, he simply reached around to the front of her and gave it a tug, untucking it and letting it fall away.
He pushed gently on her shoulders and whispered into her ear. "Lay down on your stomach."
Julie shivered but happily stretched out, pillowing her cheek on her folded arms. For the next twenty minutes Dean massaged every inch of her body, the lotion allowing his hands to glide sinuously along her skin, making it come alive beneath his fingers.
By the time he was finished, Julie was desperate for him and she turned over and pulled his lips down to hers. He covered her mouth with his, sipping gently at her lips and pressing close-mouthed kisses across her cheeks. When she whined, and tugged on his hair, trying to get him to kiss her properly he grinned against her lips.
"Ah-ah, sweetheart. I've had nothing but rushed and desperate tastes of you for a very long time. Not that I'm complaining, but tonight..." He dragged this tip of his tongue along the soft curve of her jawline, and nibbled lightly on the hinge of her jaw.
He pressed his sinful mouth to her ear and whispered low and hot. "Tonight, I intend to savor you."
Julie let out a soft sigh. She pushed her hands up under his t-shirt. "Then I wanna savor too. Take it off."
He grinned. "Fair's fair."
He reached behind his head to pull on the collar of his t-shirt and yank it off over his head, revealing his beautiful, toned torso. He quickly shed his sweats and underwear too, so that they were both naked and pressed together.
He leaned forward and caged her in between his arms, hands pressing into the mattress as though he was doing a push up over her.
Julie let her hands travel across his warm skin, eventually running up and down his well-muscled arms as he braced himself above her. She reached up to trail her finger across his bottom lip and shook her head.
"You are the most beautiful man I've ever known, did you know that?"
He scoffed lightly and pressed a soft kiss to her pulse point. "Just tryin' to keep up with you, sweetheart."
She let out a breathless laugh as he trailed his mouth down her throat and across her collarbone. True to his word Dean savored every inch of Julie's skin. Across her stomach his touch was featherlight and he teased her flesh with the lightest, most fleeting kisses. But when he raised his mouth to her breast, he opened wide and pulled a mouthful of her flesh between his lips and devoured her.
They spent a long time simply enjoying each other's bodies, each of them searching out and touching the spots they thought would bring on the most heat, and then relishing the sound of the other's moans and faltering breaths when they found them.
With no sense of urgency, only a languid kind of pleasure, Dean sat up and pulled Julie up with him. He sat comfortably on the bed and then settled Julie onto his lap.
In this new position, Julie reached between their bodies and took hold of Dean's cock, pumping him slowly. Dean threw his head back and Julie leaned forward to scrape her teeth along the column of his throat.
She rose up onto her knees. Keeping hold of his dick, she rubbed the head through her slick folds several times and then spread the wetness over his whole cock, continuing to pump him until he was rock hard in her hand.
She shifted so that he was positioned at her entrance and then slowly sank onto his length, taking him one excruciatingly slow inch at a time.
As she was sinking onto him, Dean pulled her mouth to his and ravaged it, plunging his tongue as deep into her as he could reach, moaning harshly.
When she was fully seated on him, she leaned forward to rest her head on his chest and they stayed joined like that for a few minutes without moving, simply savoring the feeling of being one entity, joined together in pleasure and love.
When they did start to move, it was unhurried, simply rocking against one another. Julie swiveled her hips, finding the exact movement pattern that had his cock brushing against her sweet spot. Then she teased herself by moving against him so his cock would press on it and then she'd pull back.
Dean bent his head and began alternating back and forth between her right and left breast, sucking and pulling on them, causing bolts of pleasure to shoot towards the place where their bodies were joined.
He held her breast in his left hand and feasted on it, while he pushed the fingers of his right hand against her clit, tapping and rubbing it.
The pressure built slowly but intensely between them, until they were both panting into each others mouths, their lips occasionally brushing, tongues sometimes licking up into the other's mouth.
Their arms were wrapped around each other as they ground their hips together with increasing speed.
"Open your eyes. Look at me." Dean's breath was ragged and his voice was hoarse with need as he spoke.
Julie obeyed and immediately lost her soul in the depths of his bright emerald eyes.
They stared into each other as Julie felt the coil in her lower belly finally spring free. A wave of pleasure rolled across her whole body, bringing shudders and shivers and lasting all through Dean's deep groan and his own shaking release.
They sat joined together for a long time after, breathing slowly returning to normal while they ran their fingers through each other's hair and across sweat-soaked skin. Julie laid her cheek against Dean's broad chest again and just relished the peace that washed over her.
When they became sleepy sitting there, they merely shifted a little so they could cover themselves with the blanket before they fell asleep still wrapped around each other, their two hearts beating in sync.
"Jules. Jules, wake up."
Julie grunted softly. "What?" She asked, groggy with sleep.
"Wanna go for a ride?"
Julie cracked one eye open and looked at the man she loved, sitting fully dressed on the side of the bed and jangling car keys in front of her face.
According to the alarm clock beside the bed, it was only five o'clock in the morning, so a million confused questions popped into her head, but she pushed them all away and grinned.
Within minutes, Julie was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt and Dean had told Cas, who wasn't sleeping anyway, of course, that they were going for a ride. They hopped into Baby and were on their way.
They drove for about a half hour, singing along to a fifteen year old mixed tape of Dean's own making, before he pulled off the highway and down a side road.
"Are you ever going to let me know where we're going?" Julie asked with a laugh, not actually caring about the destination.
Dean pulled up to a clearing at the end of the dirt road and parked at the top of a hill that overlooked a wide vista of open sky, a distant lake spreading out in front of them.
Dean looked across the seat at her and then grabbed her hand. "Come on." He said, bobbing his head sideways towards his door. He dragged her towards him as he opened his door and climbed out. Julie laughed as he pulled her across the leather seat and she bumped the horn as she tried to scramble out after him.
"Sheesh! Wouldn't it have been easier for me to just get out of my side?" Julie asked, shaking her head.
"But then I would have had to let go of your hand." He kissed their entwined fingers.
He walked them around to the front of the Impala and then grabbed Julie's waist to lift her up onto the hood before he hopped up beside her. They watched the sunrise slowly over the distant hills.
"Wow." Julie breathed. "This is so beautiful."
"Yeah, it is. But it isn't why I brought you here." Dean said, turning to face her.
Julie tucked her left knee up under her and rested her right foot on the front bumper so she could face him too.
"Okay." She said with a soft smile. "Then why did you wake me up at this ungodly hour, if not to watch the sun rise?"
Dean smiled slow and beautiful and Julie was blown away by his continued ability to make her heart sing with just one simple action.
"I wanted to tell you..." He ducked his head and the shy gesture was so at odds with his usual cocksure attitude that Julie was intrigued.
He looked up and took a deep breath. "I wanted to tell you that I meant everything I said when I was...when I thought I wasn't going to see you again."
He lifted his hand and held her chin between his thumb and forefinger. "You are...I'm..." He shook his head and tried again. "When I'm with you...I...I'm a..."
He dropped her chin and threw his head back with a growl of frustration. "Dammit. I suck at this."
Julie laughed softly with tears in her eyes. "You're better than you think you are."
Dean looked at her again and he shrugged. "There are a million things I wanna say, but I just don't know how to say them." He ran a hand through his hair. "So, let me just say this. I need you in my life, always. I need you."
He closed his eyes. "And fuck, does that scare the shit outta me."
Julie ran her fingers over his brow bone trying to wipe away the worry there. He opened his eyes and Julie shook her head. "Don't be scared, Dean. Whatever tomorrow brings, we'll face it together."
He nodded and smiled. "You may have just answered my next question."
Julie tilted her head quizzically. "And what question is that?"
Dean lifted up her left hand and stared down at it as he trailed his fingertip down the fourth finger. "Well, I don't have a ring yet, but I was wondering if maybe you'd still consider agreeing to marry me."
He looked up as Julie gasped. "Am I an idiot for asking without a ring?"
"No!" Julie yelled as she launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and almost knocking them both off the car.
As she blubbered into his shoulder, Dean frowned, and then pulled her back so he could see her face. "Wait, was that no, to the marrying me part, or...?"
Julie's laugh was choked by tears, but she shook her head. "No, it's yes. I mean, yes, god, of course I'll marry you. I meant no, you're not an idiot for asking without a ring. I don't give a damn about rings."
She captured his mouth in a very teary kiss.
"Thank God." Dean said when she pulled back. "I meant to be so much smoother and cooler about this. I wanted to tell you how much you mean to me, how many times you've saved my life, sometimes even without knowing it. I wanted you to know that I love you. I love you for every scrap of who you are; I even love the things I don't like, like how you refuse to let me get away with anything, how you call me on my bullshit."
He paused and shook his head. "I guess I did manage to tell you all those things after all."
Julie was crying outright now, tears flowing freely and Dean cupped her cheeks and thumbed them away.
"I know I'm probably gonna be a crap husband, but when I'm being an asshole, just remember this moment and how much I love you and how much I want you. And then even if you wanna walk away, please swear you won't. Kiss me instead and tell me I'm being an asshole and I'll do my best to stop. I promise."
Julie laughed and kissed him again. When she pulled back she ran her hands over his scruffy cheeks and swallowed hard. "I swear I'll never walk away from you. I promise to love you when you're being a stubborn bastard if you promise to love me even when I make you wanna scream and throttle me. Deal?"
She reached out her right hand for him to shake and Dean chuckled low and shook it.
"Deal. Hey, I think we just wrote our vows."
They laughed together as Dean covered her mouth with his and kissed her slowly.
He pulled her down to lay beside on the hood, giving her his chest as a pillow and squeezing her tight into his side.
After a few minutes of watching the sun climb higher over the hills, Dean looked down at Julie as she turned her face up to his.
"I do promise I'm gonna get you a great ring. Something with a big diamond." He told her with a grin.
But Julie shook her head, her nose scrunched up. "No, not diamonds." She reached up and ran her fingers across his mouth as she stared into his bright green eyes. "Get me something with, emeralds. After all, green is my favorite color, you know."
9 months later (February 2013)
"Sammy, I think we found the Batcave."
Dean's voice was awash in awe and wonder as the three of them stood looking around the massive bunker they'd just found. Sam and Julie nodded, agreeing that after years of being stomped on by life, it seemed as if they'd finally caught a break.
It took barely a day for them to move into the bunker completely. Dean's choice of decorating style for their bedroom wasn't Julie's favorite, weapons on the wall not really being her idea of décor.
But she loved the record player and all the vinyl and as the weeks turned into months in the bunker, she began to put her own touches here and there; fresh flowers on the desk, pictures of the two of them everywhere. Most of the pictures showed her beaming and Dean smiling good-naturedly at having to pose for yet another picture.
But there were also pictures of the three of them too, the brothers flanking her like giant bookends. There were a few great ones of Benny and Cas as well. Benny was always happy to smile for the picture, but Cas never really understood the concept, and usually just looked perplexed.
But she wanted mementos of their lives everywhere, the good parts of their lives, she wanted to fill the bunker with happiness and love, so that when they came home after a hunt, it really felt like coming home, like a soft place to land, somewhere to heal.
Less than a week after they'd found the place she'd added her first piece of decoration to the room.
Dean wandered in as she was on her knees on their bed, hammering a nail into the wall above the headboard. He got there just in time to hear the meaty sound of the hammer smashing her thumb and her curse.
"Son of a bitch!"
Dean rushed over to her as she turned to him, her thumb stuck in her mouth. He pulled it out and looked at it. Seeing that there was no permanent damage he gave it a kiss and shook his head.
"What are you doing, kid? Tryna break your thumb?"
Julie scowled at him. "Yes. That was my goal all along."
Dean chuckled at her grumpiness and kissed her thumb again before scooping her up in his arms and pulling her into his lap as he sat down.
"What picture are you hanging up now? Please tell me it's a naked one of you!" Dean waggled his eyebrows at her and she rolled her eyes, laughing.
"Well, that would be one way to make sure Sam never accidentally walks in on us!" She shook her head. "No, I'm not hanging a picture at all. I'm hanging this."
From inside her jeans pocket she pulled out the little talisman he'd given her all those years before. It had been held and rubbed and clasped tightly so often, that the embossed trinity knot on the front of the disc had started to be worn smooth.
"Now that we're here, together, we don't have to trade it back and forth." She climbed out of Dean's lap and hooked the ribbon over the nail she'd just hammered into the wall. "We can share it."
She slipped back into Dean's lap and snuggled into him. Dean tilted her chin up with the tip of his finger and nodded before he placed a soft kiss on her lips.
"That's right. Now we can share everything."
They shared another kiss with each other, that led to another and then several more.
Julie sighed as she settled herself against Dean's chest. It felt like such a gift that they were here together, after everything they'd been through. She wrapped her arms around Dean's waist, determined to cherish every safe and happy moment with him.
And when tomorrow came, they would face it together.
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boulevardk · 3 years
Show You The Ropes (m). Part One.
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- pairings: Jeno x Jaehyun x reader (f)
- genre: poly!NCT / frat!NCT / non-idol!NCT / boyfriend!Taeyong x Jaehyun / switch & virgin!Jeno / smut
- word count: 9.6k (lord help me)
- summary: It didn’t take a genius to figure out that Jeno was… inexperienced for a lack of better words. With all the time he had dedicated to getting into his dream university with a full-ride scholarship, he never had the chance to experience any of his firsts- never had a first time, a first girlfriend...hell, he hadn’t even had his first kiss yet, and he was already in his 20s. Even if he had the time to pursue a relationship, his studies and his unwillingness to trust reduced his chances of a love life to a laughable dream. Jeno had all but accepted that he wasn’t relationship material and that the only action he would get would be from his hand… until you came along. From the moment Jeno saw you, he knew he was a goner. He couldn’t explain it, but he felt drawn to you in ways he’d never felt. There’s just two one problem...you have a boyfriend- two of them, in fact. However, unbeknownst to Jeno, Taeyong and Jaehyun are more than willing to share. After all, someone’s gotta show Jeno the ropes.
- warnings: explicit language, smut: body worship themes, oral (male/female receiving), handjobs, MxM, dirty talk, name-calling, degradation/praise (giving and receiving), hair pulling, panty sniffing (omg), dom/sub themes, overstimulation, unprotected sex (be careful,,, pls), creampie, purity/innocence corruption kink, fingering, masturbation (m), edging, voyeurism, bondage, cum play, a bit of dubcon..?
(upcoming parts will have other specific warnings and tags respectively)
- author note: Jeno’s a milf hunter pass it on. Thank you so much for waiting for me on this one. If you follow me, maybe you’ve seen my hesitancy to post or even keep writing in general. I know there’s a lot of stigma towards fics written about real people… but honestly i enjoy writing and i hope you enjoy reading, and i truly don’t want to stop. Anyways, thank you for your patience. maybe you had even unfollowed bc you thought i had deactivated; and honestly, i understand that. i had originally intended for this to just be one fic, but after getting to 8k and being like only ⅓ completed with the fic, I decided to break it down into three separate chapters. Thank you again, and I hope you enjoy it.
- jay
Jeno knew what he was doing was wrong…. maybe he just didn’t want to admit it to himself.
In the back of his mind, he knew what he was doing was certainly going to earn him a one-way ticket to hell once he died, but another part of him couldn’t care less. As long as he got to spend his time on Earth feeling as good as he did now, it didn’t matter what happened to him once his time ran out.
As Jeno scrolled through your social media, he might as well have had heart eyes.
He swore he was obsessed, and yet he couldn’t stop himself. Any and all thoughts of guilt in his mind were negated by the drool Jeno swore was about to fall from his lips.
As Jeno stroked his cock, he bit his lip in a pathetic attempt to silence the moans threatening to emit. On one hand, Jeno’s eyes threatened to clench due to the sheer amount of pleasure he felt as he jacked off… On the other hand, however, Jeno couldn’t take his eyes off the pictures on his phone even if he wanted to.
As he grew closer to his release, he stared even harder at the picture with even deeper intensity. The picture in question being one of you during a recent vacation in a revealing swimsuit that left... very little to the imagination to say the least.
Jeno cursed under his breath as his eyes took in every curve of your body. From the hills of your breasts to the curve of your ass, Jeno swore you were a goddess walking among humanity. Jeno would hardly consider himself religious, yet he’d drop to his knees every night to pray to you.
At that thought, he imagined eating you out as you stood above him. As his mind began to grow fuzzy as his climax approached, he wondered what types of sounds you would make as he got you off on his tongue. He couldn’t help but groan at the thought of you throwing one of your perfect legs over his shoulder and grinding yourself onto his tongue.
The thought alone pushed Jeno over the edge.
“Fuck,” Jeno groaned as his cum shot onto his toned stomach. He held the base of his cock in a tight grip to extend the pleasure of his climax and dug his teeth into his lip so hard, he could taste the faint hints of the iron from his blood. He threw his head back onto the pillow below him and stared up at the ceiling as he panted. It wasn’t until he came down from his high did he truly realize how fucked up he was.
He had just gotten off to pictures of you...
What’s worse was that this wasn’t even the first time this had happened. In fact, this might as well have become somewhat of a weekly occurrence… Okay, maybe more than weekly, if Jeno was truly being honest.
To make matters even more fucked up, you were very much taken. Much to Jeno’s dismay, you were in a serious relationship that had started long before Jeno had met you and had no end in sight… not that Jeno would be confident to approach you anyway. But Jeno could dream, couldn’t he?
However, above all else, the very worst part of this whole situation was that you had, not one, but two boyfriends- Jaehyun and Taeyong. Both of whom shared the room beside Jeno in the frat house they lived in together. And, again, both of whom were his seniors and some of the most popular students in their university. Taeyong was one of the most talented and admired dancers in the entire school and had led the school’s dance team to multiple national championships. Jaehyun, on the other hand, was a star soccer player who had been offered a full-ride scholarship to play for one of the highest-ranked collegiate soccer teams in the country.
Of course, Jeno had also been offered a full-ride scholarship, but it certainly wasn’t because he was some athletic god that everyone was tripping over themselves for.
Ironically enough, Jeno used to be an athletic ace. It wasn't until the earlier parts of high school that years of video games and time behind a screen had finally caught up to him and turned his once clear eyesight to garbage. The experience was good while it lasted, though.
Jeno had practically begged his mom to let him get Lasik eye surgery to improve his sight. Much to Jeno’s dismay, his mom disapproved, saying something along the lines of him being too young to receive such treatment.
Naturally, only after Jeno graduated high school did his mom finally relent and allow him to get the long-awaited eye procedure, but by then the damage was done. Not that Jeno was holding any grudges or anything….
In any case, Jaehyun and Taeyong were the epitomai of legendary. Everyone knew their names, and a majority of the student body either worshipped the ground they walked on or bitterly wished they could achieve the same level of success the two handsome men had attained so effortlessly.
And you weren’t any different. Captain of the school’s cheerleading team going on two years running, you belonged to an elite group of cheerleaders who had been elected captain of the squad in your incoming freshman year of college. It was also acknowledged that you were one of the prettiest, most desirable girls in the whole school. Jeno had always thought you were the prettiest by far, but it’s not like he’d share that information in the fear of embarrassing himself in front of you, getting teased by his frat brothers, getting his ass kicked by Jaehyun and Taeyong, or all of the above. Regardless, you practically had the school wrapped around your delicate, little finger, and that was just the unspoken hierarchy that practically everyone acknowledged.
You, Jaehyun, and Taeyong were like celebrities among commoners. Everyone in the school, faculty included, knew you three were destined for fame, stardom, and success. It was just common sense.
As he had acknowledged many times before, Jeno knew what he was feeling was wrong. His attraction to you was seriously misplaced, and he was fucked in the head for thinking about you the way he did. He would be lying if he hadn’t wished circumstances were different. He wished you were single and not in some strange, atypical polyamorous relationship that Jeno still didn’t fully understand. He wished he was assertive enough to tell you how he really felt. And above all else, he wished he had met you before Jaehyun and Taeyong had claimed your heart.
Jeno let out a sigh and let his hands flop to his side. Honestly, it’s no surprise that Jeno’s turned out the way he has. Jeno being a virgin was information perhaps as obvious as the sky is blue. People could practically read him like an open book, and despite his good looks and toned body, his awkward and antisocial behavior was a dead giveaway for his lack of relationships- platonic, romantic, and sexual.
One of his frat brothers had jokingly asked Jeno if he was gay because he had never seen Jeno talk to a girl. And although he often caught himself staring at pretty boys perhaps longer than deemed necessary, Jeno had blushed profusely and shook his head. Jeno wasn't at all offended by the insinuation (Jeno often pondered why people believed that being gay would ever be considered a bad thing), but he was just embarrassed because even the people around him had so easily picked up on his lack of a love life.
In the back of his mind, Jeno knew that with his poor luck, he'd have a better chance of winning the lottery than ending up with a girlfriend like you. Jeno knew his feelings towards you were probably as foolish and unrealistic as a fairy tale, but he couldn’t help himself. Something about you made him feel like he had a shaken-up bottle of soda in his stomach… Not to mention the mere thought of you fucking his face had him cumming in an embarrassingly short amount of time.
Letting out a sigh of disappointment, Jeno propped himself up on his elbows and leaned over to his nightstand to collect some tissues to clean up his mess.
He was startled when he heard a rapping against the door, “Hey, Jeno! Are you done jacking off? I need to get my headphones!” his roommate, Jaemin, yelled for practically all the house to hear.
Jeno felt his face burn with embarrassment as he just let out a yelp and yanked the covers over his head, wishing he could sink into the mattress.
Jeno leaned back in his chair at the kitchen table, twiddling his pencil between his fingers. The day was proceeding like any other: Jeno was studying tirelessly to keep his grades up and maintain his scholarship and just about everyone in the frat house had clowned him for it. As easily embarrassed as Jeno got, he had grown so used to the teasing about his study habits that he was hardly fazed by it.
However, what he wasn't unfazed by, let alone remotely prepared for, was the sound of the front door opening, followed by a mixture of laughter that Jeno deduced was the infamous trio that had occupied too much of his thoughts than he felt comfortable admitting. Jeno wracked his mind for reasons you, Jaehyun, and Taeyong could be home at this hour.
It was Friday, wasn't it? Friday was your trio’s designated date night, with no exceptions like dance, cheer, or soccer practice. Not that Jeno had been keeping track of your group’s schedules or anything...
Jeno’s eyes widened in shock and, like a deer in headlights, he frantically contemplated his next move.
Should he stay there and be awkwardly silent in front of you? Or would it be better to gather his things as quickly as humanly possible and race up the stairs before he locked eyes with the girl of his dreams? Jeno’s body tensed as his mind froze, trying to pick the better of the two lousy options.
Before Jeno could even make up his mind, you and your two boyfriends were walking into the kitchen linked arm in arm with you in between the two irrationally handsome men. When he saw what you were wearing, he tried his hardest not to let his jaw drop in awe.
It was like you had walked right out of Jeno’s...less than appropriate fantasies. You were dressed in a tightly-fitted white crop top that only accentuated and drew more attention to your chest. To match the simplicity of your top, you sported a baby blue, mid-thigh pleated skirt that showed off your killer legs. Peeking through the neckline of your top, Jeno got a glimpse of a lacy bralette that Jeno noticed was the same color as your skirt.
Jeno felt his mouth go dry immediately.
You stopped mid-sentence when your eyes met Jeno’s, and you visibly perked up, “Hey there, Jeno! It’s been so long since I’ve seen you! How are you?”
You had always been so sweet to him. Jeno was never quite able to determine why considering how he had only ever been quiet and distant when you were around. Jeno appreciated it nonetheless, and it made him happy perhaps a bit beyond reason.
You seemed genuinely interested in his answer and were waiting, looking at him expectantly, and nodding your head towards him slightly to encourage his answer.
“I-um- I've been really,” Jeno felt his heartbeat quicken and his palms grow sweaty as his brain worked in overdrive to come up with an answer that didn’t paint him out to be such a colossal nerd, “uh-”
“I think he’s just a bit stressed with how much work he’s been doing. Isn’t that right, Jeno?” Taeyong cut him off, effectively putting Jeno out of his misery of nervous rambling.
Jeno nods quickly, eager to take the attention off him.
You pout and your eyes soften whilst looking at Jeno, “Aw, poor baby. You just need to relax, right? How about you take the rest of the night off and spend some time with us?”
Jeno felt blood rush to his cheeks at the pet name you had called him so casually in front of your two boyfriends. Jeno always knew you were easily approachable and openly affectionate, but it always caught him off guard when you would direct that sweet disposition towards him.
Jeno swallows thickly and frantically searches his brain for a valid reason not to stay with you and your boyfriends- a reason that wouldn't offend you or hurt your feelings because God knows that’s the last thing Jeno wanted to do.
Although maybe the answer was just that: he genuinely didn't want to stay with you and your boyfriends. He didn’t want to intrude, first and foremost. But he also felt like he was always on thin ice around you, and he never knew what to say or do because he didn’t want to make a fool of himself. You were like fire to Jeno; he wanted to be close to you because you made him feel warm… but he knew how easily he would burn if he got too close. And that was a chance Jeno couldn't take.
Jeno shook his head as politely as he could possibly muster, “Oh- uh- no, thank you. I don’t want to intrude-”
“Oh, nonsense!” you wave your hand, dismissing his comment whilst walking towards him and behind his chair, “I hardly see you anymore, and it’s time we catch up. Plus, Taeyong’s right. Your stress is practically rolling off you in waves.”
Jeno nearly jumps out of his skin when your soft hands start massaging his tensed shoulders, “Feel that? The tension is unbelievable…”
Jeno almost chokes on the irony. Surely you had to know the effect you had over him…. right?
Your hands only massage deeper when Jeno doesn't respond, “We won't force you into doing anything you don’t wanna do, silly. I just think it could be a good way for you to relax, you know? We could order pizza, watch a movie… you can even help me bake cookies with the supplies we just picked up.”
As if to support your suggestion, Jaehyun smiled and held up what Jeno assumed was freshly purchased ingredients in a reusable grocery bag.
“Taking the night off won’t hurt, right? You’re so smart anyway, I know you’ll do well even if you didn't study. You overwork yourself,” you said the last sentence a bit quieter for only Jeno.
Jeno practically fights the urge to giggle of all things. It’s as if he has no control over his emotions when he’s around you, and he’s reduced to a blushing, bumbling mess. And as soothing as your hands on his shoulders should be, in a way, it just makes him even more stressed.
Every bone in his body is telling him to decline politely, apologize profusely, and retreat to his room immediately where he can hibernate for 2-5 days and thoroughly recall and dissect this evening's events with an immense amount of regret and embarrassment.
Your hands remain on his tensed muscles while you peer around him and look into his eyes with the softest, most angelic appearance painted on any face he had ever seen. An adorable pout graced your lips, and Jeno swore he saw your eyes twinkle.
“Please?” you asked softly, “for me?”
Jeno feels an uncontrollable shiver run through his body, and he worries he might melt into a gigantic puddle on the floor. How could he say no to that… How could he say no to you?
Jeno had to physically restrain himself from blurting out his agreement immediately. He swallowed again and hesitated for what he deemed was a reasonable amount of time like he was pretending to think over the offer- as if Jeno could ever turn you down after you had just asked so sweetly… or turn you down at all.
“Uh, yeah, I guess I can take a break…” Jeno replied, careful not to make himself sound too eager or too disinterested.
Your eyes lit up and your smile made Jeno feel like he’d struck gold. You clap your hands in joy and grab Jeno’s arm to pull him further into the kitchen towards the oven where you’d be baking.
“C’mon, then! These cookies won’t bake themselves!” you exclaim.
Now Jeno only had to maintain his composure, not make a fool of himself in front of you, and hope his heart wasn’t hammering in his chest loud enough for you to hear. Easy enough….
Jeno knew he was in for a long night.
Unsurprisingly, Jeno’s task (as simple as it should have been) was nowhere near easy.
Jeno already had to will himself not to look too closely at your body in the fear he would grow hard in his sweats, but even that seemed like an impossible task. The sweating boy tried to focus on rolling out the cookie dough you made from scratch, but Jeno’s mind was anywhere other than the kitchen he was currently standing in. If his heartbeat wasn’t thumping so loud in his ears, he’d be able to hear Taeyong’s faint laugh echo through the house as he and Jaehyun played some video game in the living room.
You hummed a soft tune besides Jeno as you added the cookies to a pan and prepared to put them in the oven. In an attempt to fill some of the silence, Jeno offered, “Do you bake often?”
Because Jeno was infatuated with you and checked your social media religiously, he already knew you liked baking. In fact, he practically had a heart attack once when he was stalking your Instagram and accidentally liking an older picture of you decorating a homemade cake.
“Yeah, my team always hosts bake sales to raise money for new cheer equipment,” you reply as you use a napkin to collect some of the scattered flour that had spilled onto the counter, “Although, I try not to eat many of the things I bake because I’m supposed to be on a diet.”
Jeno practically snaps his head towards you with widened eyes and nearly drops the rolling pin in his hands in shock, “Diet? Why do you need to be on a diet? You’re beautiful just the way you are.”
You turn to him with a smile on your face and a playful look in your eyes, “Oh, is that so? You think I’m beautiful?”
Realizing what he just blurted out, Jeno begins to stumble over his words, “Well- well I mean- yeah. But I just-”
Your melodious laugh cuts off the poor boy’s rambling, “I’m just teasing you, Jeno. I was just talking about diets for cheer season to stay at my physical best for the team. No fasting or anything, just a healthy balance of proteins and fresh produce…. But thank you for the compliment, Jeno.”
He turns back to face the cookie dough in front of him as a bashful smile grows on his face. However, he nearly yelps in shock when your hand lands on his arm, “You’re one to talk though, Jeno. You’re handsome, of course,” your fingers can’t even reach around his bicep as you tighten your grip, “But don’t think I don’t know that under all those sweatshirts you wear that your body isn’t sculpted just as beautifully as you say mine is.”
Ever so slowly, you run your hand up to his bicep and proceed to drag it down his chest towards his abdomen. Jeno swears he’s stopped breathing.
Your fingers linger at his abdomen as you look into his eyes, and Jeno feels like it’s a clip straight out of a movie. He’s on cloud nine, drowning underwater, and frozen in place all at the same time. He parts his lips like he’s about to speak as if he wasn’t entirely tongue-tied.
Before he can even will his mind to not race a mile per minute, your hand is removed from his abs, and you go back to cleaning off the counter. Jeno lets out a breath he didn’t even realize he was holding and feels a bit dazed after the whole situation, his mind clouded and his brain frazzled.
A chime from the oven draws your attention away from the counter, “Oh! Time to put these cookies in,” you chirp as you pick up the tray of uncooked treats.
Jeno barely comes to his senses to witness the scene unfolding before his eyes.
Standing before him, you bend over to put the cookies in the heated oven, and Jeno swears he’s burning as hot as the kitchen appliance. Jeno’s bulging eyes are met with the sight of your lifted skirt and white lace panties that cling tightly to your ass.
His jaw drops to the floor, and he feels his sweats tighten at the lewd sight. Immediately, Jeno imagines how different this moment would be if you were single and your boyfriends weren’t in the very next room.
Jeno’s mind is flooded with images of your naked body draped over the counter as Jeno licks sugar off your body before he buries his head between your thighs. He can practically hear your whimpers and moans as he gets you off on his tongue. He can picture your hands reaching for and tugging on his hair as you cry out his name. His cock begs to be touched as he imagines fucking you into oblivion.
As quickly as the imaginations appeared in his head, he snapped back to reality as you wave a hand in front of his face, “Jeno…?”
He blinks his eyes rapidly and shakes his head a few times before answering you with a hum, worried his voice may reveal the lust that plagues his mind.
You chuckle at his behavior, “I said the cookies will be done in about 15 minutes. How about we go pick out what movie to watch while we wait?”
Jeno nods mindlessly at your offer, and his throat constricts once again when you grab his hand and lead him to the living room.
Upon entering the living room, Jeno was already worried about how he acted in front of you, and the night had barely begun. Jeno’s nervousness began with his indecision over which movie to pick. Something Jeno hadn’t initially factored into his worries about how the night would progress was how he should interact with Jaehyun and Taeyong. Not only did he feel the uncontrollable need to impress you...but he also worried about impressing your intimidating boyfriends as well. Not to mention Jeno didn’t want to intrude on the trio’s date night much less expose himself to either of the two men how hopelessly infatuated he was with their long-time girlfriend.
After what felt like ages in Jeno’s mind (but in actuality was probably no more than five minutes), he finally picked out a movie for the group of four to watch... with your gentle suggestions of course.
Jeno felt like he was losing his mind when he struggled with the internal conflict of deciding where in the living room to sit. He couldn’t even do the simplest of tasks...How the hell was he going to make it through the rest of the night?
After several minutes of pondering where in the room he should sit (quickly contemplating which seat would make the trio most comfortable as well as make him appear the least awkward), Jeno finally settled on the loveseat nearest the kitchen and comfortably far enough away from where Jaehyun sat on the sofa.
As soon as Jeno felt like his nerves were finally about to settle, his heart leaped into his throat when your voice asked from beside him, “Is this seat taken?”
Jeno snapped his neck as quickly as humanly possible over to where you stood, a couple of bags of snacks in your arms as you awaited his answer.
He cleared his throat and shook his head immediately after recovering from his initial shock before stuttering out, “N-no, not at all.”
You smiled softly at Jeno’s shyness and tossed a snack bag to Jaehyun’s open hand across from where you two would be sitting. After gathering a blanket and ensuring you had what you needed before the movie began, you took a seat next to Jeno. The boy knew in all truthfulness that you had probably left a reasonable amount of space between you two, but Jeno still felt his skin grow warm at the thought of being in such close proximity to the girl of his dreams.
Taeyong walks into the room with bottled water and slips his phone back into his pocket, informing the group, “Alright, the pizza’s been ordered, and it should be here in about 20 minutes.
You and Jaehyun both hum in approval, and Jeno just nods in fear that his voice will shake if he speaks. As if Jeno thought his nerves couldn’t get any worse, your next action sets him even closer to the edge. You toss part of the blanket over Jeno, scoot over closer to him to the point where your thighs touch and you rest your head on his shoulder. Jeno swears he might stop breathing altogether.
“You don’t mind, right? It’s just so cold in here,” you say casually.
Jeno, unable to shake his head now that you were comfortably situated on his shoulder, was forced to audibly speak a shaky ‘no’.
You hummed in delight and snuggled even closer to Jeno, seemingly having no idea how much influence you had over the near trembling boy.
Little did Jeno know that you knew exactly what you were doing. In fact, you had made it your mission to tease Jeno as much as he was willing to handle.
In any other circumstances, your boyfriends would have probably kicked the ass of whoever was getting too close to you for their liking… Well, Jaehyun would have, anyway; Taeyong was much more easy-going and self-reassured.
Jeno had become somewhat of a regular topic of conversation among you and your boyfriends. It had started a couple of weeks ago when Jaehyun was fucking you into next week and a gagged Taeyong was sat tied to the chair beside the bed with a cock ring buzzing loudly around his throbbing member.
“Fuck, Jaehyun, just like that,” you sputtered, drunk off of Jaehyun’s fat cock buried deep inside you whilst Taeyong sat and watched helplessly as muffled whines escaped from his lips.
Jaehyun just groaned and manhandled you until your arms were pinned behind your back, your face was shoved into the pillow, and your ass was up for Jaehyun to plunge into your dripping pussy again.
You managed to crane your neck to look at your other boyfriend, and the sight of him turned you on more than you had thought possible.
Your mind was growing hazy as Jaehyun fucked you from behind and you took in the visual of Taeyong with tears streaming down his cheeks as he desperately ground his hips against nothing and fisted the restraints keeping his hands to the arms of the chair.
You let out a yelp as Jaehyun shoved his hand into your scalp and pulled your head up by your hair. He slowed his pace momentarily to speak in your ear, “Does this feel good, baby?”
Managing to nod in response to his question, you squeal when Jaehyun harshly brings his hand down against your ass, emitting a slapping sound throughout the room.
Jaehyun leans impossibly close to your ear and whispers, “You know we talked about using your words, baby. When I ask you a question…” Jaehyun trails off.
“-I answer with words,” you reply, finding it difficult to swallow in this position.
Jaehyun coos, wiping the sweat away from your forehead with his free hand, “That’s right, baby. You’re such a good girl when you pull your head out of the clouds and remember our rules.”
You preen as he praises you, and you lean your head back further into his grasp. With his free hand, he grabs your chin and gently directs your gaze towards your other boyfriend who’s losing his mind at the scene before him.
“Look at how crazy you make him, baby. He’s just a pathetic slut for you, and he can’t help himself,” Taeyong groans at his words and Jaehyun continues, “It feels good to have that much power over him, right?
About to nod again, you remember your rules and speak, “Yes, yes it feels so good to know that, Jaehyun. I love the effect I have on him.”
Jaehyun just hums and tilts his head in faux contemplation, “Kind of like how you enjoy the effect you have on Jeno, right?”
“Yes, I-” you stop yourself mid-sentence and widen your eyes in shock. You begin to backtrack and correct your statement, desperate to explain yourself.
“Ah ah ah,” Jaehyun tsks now turning your own head towards him, “You know what we discussed about lying. I expect honesty from you, baby. Good girls don’t lie… and bad girls get punished for it.”
You feel your body tense, unsure of how to answer Jaehyun’s question. You knew you shouldn’t lie to him; it was one of your group’s shared rules after all. Although, you were nervous about how Jaehyun would react to your confession. You didn’t have a choice though, considering how Jaehyun would see through your facade if you pretended you didn’t clench your thighs every time you teased Jeno.
“It’s okay, baby, I’m not mad,” Jaehyun teases with fake sweetness, “I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t hot to see your effect on other boys. I’m sure Taeyong feels the same way. I mean look at how turned on he is seeing me fuck your brains out, huh?”
You glance over at Taeyong and see his hooded eyes roll back at the pleasure he felt from the stimulating hum of the ring around his cock, precum leaking onto his stomach and thighs.
“Oh,” Jaehyun pretends to gasp in surprise, “He’s getting close to cumming… We can’t have that now, can we?”
Leaning over to reach a remote next to him on the bed, Jaehyun promptly turns down the power of the vibrations of the cock ring, and Taeyong lets out a muffled yell in frustration after having chased his release for nearly an hour still without any release.
“Ah, that’s better,” Jaehyun smiles sadistically, dismissing Taeyong’s desperate whines as he tosses the remote back onto the bed, “Hush, kitty.”
Jaehyun turns his attention back to you, “Now, where were we?”
You swallow nervously and mumble, “Yes, I like the effect I have over Jeno.”
He arches an eyebrow and fakes confusion, “What was that, baby? You need to speak up.”
Deeming your response as having taken too long, Jaehyun spanks your ass once more, causing you to let out yet another moan, “Yes! Yes, I love teasing him. I love getting him riled up and hard when I tease him.”
Humming again, Jaehyun nods as if he didn’t know he was right all along, “That’s what I thought, baby. See? That wasn't so hard to admit, was it?”
“No, Jaehyun, it wasn't hard,” you let out, sighing at the mixture of pleasure and pain caused by Jaehyun’s grip on your hair.
“And yet you tried to deny it. How disappointing…” Jaehyun tsks, “Tell me why I should even let you cum when you’ve broken our rules not once, but twice?”
You wrack your brain for compelling reasons to convince Jaehyun, but your mind turns to mush when Jaehyun pulls out from your heat and starts rubbing his cock against your clit. Letting out a whine, you clench your eyes shut in a feeble attempt to clear your head.
“Aw, would you look at that, Tae?” Jaehyun mocks, “Our dumb, little baby can’t even get the words out. How could our baby ever remember to follow the rules when she can’t think straight with cock in and out of her soaking pussy?”
Taeyong lets out a strained moan, and when you open your eyes and look over to him briefly, you see the beads of sweat sliding down his forehead. He has a sort of rabid look in his eyes, and if Jaehyun hadn’t tied his restraints well enough, you wouldn’t doubt that Taeyong could probably break free from his confines.
Jaehyun lets out a sigh of disappointment and harshly directs your chin and sight away from the other man, “I’m talking to you, baby, not Taeyong. You want me to let you cum, and yet you can’t even answer my simple question. You’re not making a very compelling case, baby…”
As Jaehyun’s voice trails off, you know you’re not helping your own case with your actions, so you straighten your back as much as you can muster with your hair still in Jaehyun’s hand and shake your head in the hope it’ll help you focus, “Please let me cum, Jaehyun. I’m sorry I disobeyed, but it won’t happen again. Please use me like your little toy,” you whine out.
Jaehyun pretends to ponder the thought for a moment before looking over to Taeyong whose legs are shaking in need, “What do you think, kitty? Has she been good enough?”
Taeyong lets out a sound similar to a groan, and Jaehyun smiles with a dangerous glint in his eyes and responds, “I was thinking the same thing.”
As quickly as he’s made up his mind, Jaehyun grabs the remote to the ring around Taeyong’s angry red cock and proceeds to turn it to the highest possible volume, and Taeyong’s body mimics the vibrations of the ring. As Taeyong’s body shakes with pleasure, you feel drool begin to slip from your lips at the desperate sounds coming from your other boyfriend’s mouth. Taeyong shudders as he reaches his high, and before you know it, Jaehyun slams his cock back inside you with a rough thrust that has your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Jaehyun yanks your hair once more, bringing your head closer to his own.
“‘Use me like your little toy’... Those were your words, right?” Jaehyun asks through groans as he fucks you deeply, “I think I like the sound of that, baby.”
As soon as he’s finished speaking, he shoves your face back into the pillows below, releases your hair, and opts for pinning one of your arms behind your back as he fucks you from behind. You could hardly see straight at this point, the pleasure felt so good. Both you and Taeyong had been waiting to cum for what seemed like hours, and in the back of your mind, you feared Jaehyun would continue to dangle your release above you.
Jaehyun laughs almost cruelly, “I know what’s going on in that little head, baby,” he rasps as he speeds up his already fast pace, “No more teasing. You can cum as soon as Taeyong does.”
You immediately look up and snap your gaze over to Taeyong, and you feel a wave of relief pass over you when you notice he’s mere seconds away from reaching his climax. You and Taeyong both grow louder as you approach your high, and you can tell the man pounding into you from behind isn’t too far behind.
Taeyong lets out a strangled yell, and you practically feel a dam break inside of you. You moan loudly and clench around Jaehyun as you finally cum after ages of teasing. Jaehyun curses at your tightness around him, and he empties his cum inside of you. You gasp and smile at the sensation of feeling full, and you look over at Taeyong who’s enjoying his release as well. Taeyong’s cock had shot several ribbons of cum onto his stomach and thighs, and his cheeks were an adorable shade of pink as the haziness in his brain began to subside after being teased for so long.
Unfortunately, however, Taeyong’s relief from finally getting to cum was short-lived when the ring around his cock still continued to buzz loudly once he had already released. His eyes shot open wide and whines began to escape his mouth. Even with the gag in his mouth, you could tell from the sounds he was making that he was wordlessly pleading with Jaehyun to turn off the ring.
Before you could ask Jaehyun what he was doing, he pulled out of you and watched in an almost sick fascination as his cum spilled out of you and trickled down your pussy. You closed your eyes and sighed, relishing the feeling. Almost immediately after he had pulled out, he promptly turned you over onto your back and hiked your legs over his shoulders. Your eyes widened as your back was now arched off the bed and the backs of your knees rested on his shoulder.
You open your mouth to question him, and Jaehyun just cuts you off, “You said you wanted to be my toy, didn’t you?” Jaehyun cocks an eyebrow, “Well, I’m in the mood to play.”
Jaehyun licks a stripe up your heat and you almost flinch away from the sensitivity.
“What’s the matter, baby? Is it too much?” Jaehyun taunts, “Well, that’s too bad, because I’m going to play with my toy for as long as I want, and I’m not stopping unless I hear the safeword. Is that clear?”
You know his question is entirely rhetorical but you moan out a yes either way as he continues to kiss along your thighs beside his face, “As for Taeyong,” Jaehyun jerks his head over in the direction of the trembling man, “he’s going to keep you company while I make you cum until you cry.”
Although Jaehyun’s words are daunting, you feel yourself growing even wetter at his words. Gulping, you mentally prepare yourself for the night ahead of you.
Finally landing a kiss on your clit, you whine while Jaehyun looks up at you, “Now tell me, baby. How many nights have you gotten yourself off on your fingers while thinking about Jeno?”
You practically shudder as you recall that night. You always anticipated how weak your legs would be the following nights where Jaehyun rearranged your guts.
When it came to the dynamics in your relationship with the two handsome men, things were always kept exciting. Typically, Jaehyun was dominant while you and Taeyong were on the submissive side, although your trio was always open to trying new things. As long as everyone was consenting and on the same page, your group liked to try whatever piqued your interest.
Let’s just say Jeno was the group’s newly found interest.
As you nuzzle your head against Jeno’s shoulder and rearrange you get yourself into a more comfortable position, you feel his hair brush against your cheek. You lift your head up and bring your hand to the back of his neck as you run your fingers through his hair, “Your hair is so soft,” you hum, “This style really suits you, Jeno.”
Jeno means to chuckle (albeit nervously), but it gets caught in his throat and comes across as a cough, “T-thank you.”
The anxious boy makes sure to answer politely enough to convey his appreciation for the comment while not speaking too much and exposing his wavering voice.
You fought the urge to smile as you rested your head against his shoulder once more. You could feel his tensed muscles and shallow breathing. As much as Jeno wanted to take deep breaths to calm his racing heartbeat and provide oxygen to his frazzled brain, he was finding it hard to will his lungs to cooperate.
“Hm,” you nearly moan, “You’re so warm, Jeno… Girls must love sleeping with you.”
Jeno all but chokes, and in the commotion of the flustered boy desperately trying to catch his breath, you see Taeyong chuckle under his breath and Jaehyun cracks a smile as he begins the movie.
Mustering a giggle yourself, you pat Jeno’s back, “Are you alright, Jeno?”
He sputters and nods his head frantically, finally catching his breath after what feels like an eternity, “Y-yeah! I’m all good!” he hits his palm against his chest a few times, “Don’t worry about me. I think I’m just going to go get some water from the kitchen. No need to pause the movie though,” the boy gets up in a hurry and rushes to the kitchen.
You smile at his cute antics and get comfortable on the sofa again in Jeno’s absence. The comfort is short-lived, however, because your ears perk when you hear the audible ding from the oven just as the movie begins.
“I’ll be right back, boys,” you smile at your boyfriends as they give you a knowing look.
Jaehyun shakes his head slightly with a smirk on his face, and Taeyong runs a hand through his hair and laughs lightly. While Taeyong felt a bit guilty about torturing Jeno like this (although Taeyong knew Jeno was enjoying the opportunity to ogle you), Jaehyun liked to witness the power you had over the awkward boy. Jaehyun also appreciated how effortlessly you could tease the boy. Because you were typically such a good girl for Jaehyun and Taeyong, both men had forgotten how much of a brat you could be.
You practically skipped into the kitchen, gleeful that you would get another opportunity to tease the poor boy your mind had been occupied with. To you, Jeno was like a new puppy your boyfriends had gifted you. And you practically had to restrain yourself from devoting all your time to the cute, rambling mess the boy became whenever you were around.
Jeno, full glass of water in a trembling hand, was in the midst of taking deep breaths in front of the kitchen sink as you silently drew closer like a predator hunting its prey. With all the stealth you can muster, you slink closer to the boy and lean near his ear, “Feeling better, baby boy?”
He flinches so badly it almost pains you, and in the midst of him turning around in shock, he spills his glass of water on your chest. You let out a small gasp in response as Jeno just stares at you in a manner you can only describe as mortified. He had been terrified enough when you appeared right beside him, then he proceeded to panic when he acknowledged the pet name you had called him, and now he was in the process of mentally shutting down after he took in the sight of your now soaked top.
“Oh-oh my God. I’m so, so sorry. Oh my God,” Jeno rambled as he frantically reached for the paper towel roll on the kitchen counter beside him, “I’m so sorry, I really didn’t mean to-”
Without thinking, he began to pat dry your shirt as you felt it stick uncomfortably to your body. Perhaps it was the overdrive of his brain that kept him from realizing his actions, but he immediately froze when he realized his hands were quite literally on your boobs. His eyes widened in shock and he immediately retracted his hands as if he had been burned by you.
To make matters worse, your once white top was now very much see-through, and Jeno felt his willpower to look away from your chest grow weaker and weaker as your wet top began to grow more transparent and your baby blue bralette showed more clearly.
Your eyes follow his gaze downwards and notice the exposure of your skin. You just internally smiled as a thought crossed your mind, “Oh, it’s okay, Jeno.”
Grabbing his near trembling hands still clutching paper towels, you brought them to your chest once more and began to move them around your breasts under the guise of trying to dry your shirt. You even go as far as to squeeze your hands around his, in turn making his hands grasp your breasts more firmly as you softly speak, “I shouldn’t have surprised you anyways. I was just coming into the kitchen to take the cookies out from the oven.”
Jeno’s so far past the point of feeling tongue-tied. Rather, he feels as if his tongue has been plucked from his mouth and slapped across his face, and now he’s left feeling dazed and shell-shocked.
Chuckling inwardly, you finally remove Jeno’s hands from your chest and gather your hair into a ponytail. Once your hair is securely tied back, you bring your fingers to the hem of your shirt where the fabric meets your stomach, and swiftly pull the wet fabric over your head. Now shirtless, you smile at the starstruck boy and hand him your top, “Hold this, please?” you ask sweetly.
He just gulps and nods wordlessly. You turn around and walk towards the oven, pulling an oven mitt on while doing so. Leaning down to open the oven door, you pull out the tray of freshly baked cookies and set them on top of the stove to cool. Inhaling deeply through your nose, you let out a soft moan, purposely trying to drive Jeno wild, “They smell so good. I bet they taste even better,” you state.
“Uh,” Jeno coughs as his voice cracks, “Yeah, they probably do-”
You cut Jeno off by taking one of the warm cookies and gently placing it between his lips, and his eyes widen in shock once more. Nodding to him as an encouragement to continue eating, he slowly munches on the treat, his body still frozen in place.
Jeno’s finding it difficult to chew much less swallow without choking, and all he can focus on is the look on your face as you stare up at him in anticipation. He finally finishes chewing and opens his mouth to stutter, “Y-yeah, yeah it does taste really good.”
Nodding in approval, you notice a bit of melted chocolate from the cookie that lingers on Jeno’s pink lips. Quirking your head to the side, you reach out and collect the chocolate on your thumb before bringing it back to your own lips and sucking the sweetness from the digit. You close your eyes and let out a sigh of bliss, “Hm, it really does taste good.”
Jeno doesn’t even know how to explain how he feels. Although he’s as still as a statue, his mind is running a mile a minute, and he’s nearly certain he’ll have brain damage if he sticks around any longer.
Effectively cutting off Jeno's train of thought, Taeyong calls out from the other room, "The pizza's here!"
“I- uh,” Jeno attempts to collect himself, “I just remembered I have an essay due tomorrow. I really should get going.”
Pouting your lips, you sigh once more- this time in disappointment, “Fair enough; the last thing I want is to be the reason you’re distracted.”
If he hadn’t felt like he was being suffocated at this very moment, Jeno might have laughed at the irony.
As quickly as Jeno felt the blood rush to his cock, he was out of the kitchen and up the stairs to his bedroom as fast as humanly possible. You covered your mouth to conceal your laughter until you were certain Jeno was out of earshot. Once you heard the sound of a door upstairs being hurriedly thrown open and shut, you finally let yourself laugh openly.
Who would have guessed that being the obsession of your boyfriends’ housemate would be so much fun?
Washing your hands of the butter from the freshly baked cookies, you return to the living room once more where you see your two boyfriends curled up together on the couch while casually watching the screen. Both of their necks turn to you when they hear your footsteps, and Taeyong leans over to pick up the remote and turn down the volume of the movie.
“So…?,” Jaehyun asks with a smirk, “How did he take it? I’m guessing it went well considering the fact that you’re shirtless.”
You roll your eyes and laugh whilst walking towards the couch to join them, “Let’s just say that Jeno will have plenty of instances to think about while he jacks off to the thought of me.”
Jaehyun smiles again now with an arm over you and Taeyong leaning against each of his sides, “That’s our girl.”
Taeyong frowns a bit, “Are you sure we should be doing this? I mean… I’m not denying that it’s hot, but are you sure it’s okay with Jeno?”
“I’m sure it’s fine,” Jaehyun responds, letting a hand run through the hair at the base of Taeyong’s neck, “I mean have you seen the way he looks at her? It’s a miracle he didn’t cum in his pants the second we walked through the front door.”
“Yeah,” you reassure Taeyong, “I mean if we offer him the chance to join us and he says no, then we just leave it at that. We’d never force him to do something he wasn’t okay with.”
Taeyong shakes his head and leans forward a bit away from the comfort of Jaehyun’s shoulder, “Well, yeah, obviously. I’m just wondering if you’re taking it a bit too far.”
You tilt your head to the side and ponder the thought for a moment. Were you overdoing it? Maybe you should lay off a bit and see how Jeno responds.
Nodding after a moment of contemplation, you respond, “Okay, I guess you’re right. I'll tone it down a notch.”
Smiling a bit in relief, Taeyong returns his head to Jaehyun’s shoulder.
“I gotta say though, baby,” Jaehyun begins, running a hand “Seeing you tease Jeno today was driving me wild, and I wasn’t even your intended target.”
You quirk an eyebrow at him, “Oh, really?”
Taeyong shifts a bit uncomfortably next to your other boyfriend, and Jaehyun turns to the older boy, “Well, would you look at that,” Jaehyun now has a hand on each one of his partners’ thighs, “I’m not the only one who was hard as a rock this entire night.”
Jaehyun grips him through his jeans, and Taeyong hisses at the feeling. Chuckling at the reaction he caused, Jaehyun turns his head towards you and reaches up your skirt with an expression of faux surprise when he reaches your soaked core.
“No, don’t tell me,” Jaehyun’s eyes widened teasingly, “You’re dripping, baby. If you two were so turned on, why didn’t you say something sooner?”
Running a finger up your slit and rubbing Taeyong’s bulge, Jaehyun bites his lip to conceal his own groans, “If you need me to take care of you… all you have to do is ask.”
At that, Jaehyun begins to unbuckle Taeyong’s belt, and Jaehyun lifts up your skirt as the older boy shimmies off his pants. Pushing your panties to the side, Jaehyun’s fingers finally make contact with where you need him most.
“Fuck,” you groan and clench your eyes at the feeling.
You open your eyes at the sound of Taeyong’s whines and see Jaehyun’s hand wrapped around the older boy’s cock. You practically drool at the sight of Taeyong fucking his way up into Jaehyun’s hand.
How did you ever get so lucky?
Taking Jaehyun’s chin in your hand, you turn his head towards you and catch his lips in a rough kiss. His tongue explores your mouth as you moan into the kiss. When you break free from the kiss, you reach your spare hand over to Jaehyun’s crotch and look up at him, “I wanna take care of you too.”
He curses at the sight of you looking up at him innocently as if you’re not asking to have his cock, “Fuck, take me in your mouth, baby.”
Undoing his pants as well, you pull out his cock and marvel at the sight. You’d been with your boyfriends for over a year, yet you never failed to be amazed by their beauty. It was no secret that your two boyfriends were ridiculously attractive… but only you got to see them in their entirety. And you made sure to worship them whenever you had the chance.
Eager to please him, you quickly took Jaehyun’s cock into your mouth and began to suck the tip. Jaehyun’s hands found their way to your scalp, held back your hair, and watched in awe as you sucked him off.
In the meantime, Jaehyun’s other hand was busy around Taeyong’s cock. Turning his gaze from you to the desperate boy beside him, Jaehyun pulled Taeyong into a kiss as well. Both men moaned as their lips met, and as you looked up towards them, you felt yourself growing even wetter.
You gasped when you felt Jaehyun’s hand release your hair and reach for your ass. You moaned around his cock as he began to finger you, and Jaehyun fucked up into your mouth at the feeling.
Although you were glad the frat house was empty (most boys either out partying or celebrating the arrival of the weekend), you wouldn’t have cared much even if the house was busier while your trio was getting each other off on the living room couch. After all, it had been agreed upon earlier on in your relationship that all of you were into public or semi-public sex. Not to mention, your group was also turned on by voyeurism.
You suppose it was fitting that you didn’t mind an audience considering how you saw a certain boy peek around the corner and gaze at your trio.
Watching Jeno from your place around Jaehyun’s cock was convenient because you could watch the boy without him noticing your gaze. You focused your attention back to sucking Jaehyun’s cock, although never letting your eyes fully stray from Jeno’s figure.
Jeno’s watching only made you hornier, and as your eyes dropped to his lower half, you could see his pants lowered and his cock being grasped in his hand. Unable to smirk with your boyfriend’s cock in your mouth, you still felt a wave of cockiness roll over you. You began to suck harder and take Jaehyun deeper as if to put on an even better show for Jeno.
“Oh, God,” Taeyong whined as Jaehyun’s hand picked up its pace around his cock, “I’m so close.”
Jaehyun grits his teeth in response to Taeyong, “I’m not typically selfish, kitty, but neither one of you can cum until I do.”
Taeyong curses at that and tries his hardest to behave. Although you can tell his willpower to hold off his release is waning with each jerk of Jaehyun’s hand.
“Please,” Taeyong nearly cries as he faces you, “Please get him off, I don’t know how much longer I can hold it.”
Sensing your own climax nearing, you pick up your pace around Jaehyun’s cock and push yourself deeper until he hits the back of your throat. You begin to choke, but you hold yourself in place. Bringing your hand to Jaehyung’s crotch, you begin to play with his balls as you suck him off.
“Fucking hell,” Jaehyun throws his head back as he begins to reach his high, “so fucking good.”
You gag as Jaehyun thrusts into your mouth thrice more before cumming down your throat. You pull your mouth from him and let some of the mixtures of drool and cum drip onto his abdomen. You whine when you feel Jaehyun’s fingers pull out of you, but Jaehyun just smiles and collects some of his cum on his finger before stuffing you full again.
Gasping, you grip Jaehyun’s thighs for support as he begins to finger you roughly. Looking over towards Taeyong, you see his hazy eyes and know he’s on the brink of cumming as well. You also gaze over at Jeno subtly and notice his eyes clenched and lip in between his teeth to conceal his moans. Your core is already sopping wet and you’re on the very brink of your climax, but you know you’d be done for if you heard Jeno’s desperate cries.
“Please, please, please,” Taeyong sobs, “Please let us cum.”
“Well,” Jaehyun laughs darkly, “Since you asked so nicely.”
Jaehyun simultaneously increases his pace in your pussy and around Taeyong’s cock, and you all moan at the feeling. You gasp and Taeyong whines, and you look over at Jeno again to see him stroking his cock almost violently.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you scream, knowing that your boyfriend as well as your audience are close to their high.
You see Jeno’s grip tighten around his cock before he gasps quietly and cums in his hand, thighs shaking from the pleasure. He leans his forehead against the wall as the climax rolls over him.
Before you know it, Taeyong yelps before spilling all over his crotch as well as Jaehyun’s hand, and you follow suit by clenching around Jaehyun’s fingers and crying out both of your boyfriends’ names before nearly collapsing onto both men’s laps in a combination of exhaustion and contentment.
Your trio rearranges themselves; Jaehyun and Taeyong both putting their cocks away before zipping up their pants and you pulling your skirt back down and fixing your hair. After you’ve all collected yourselves, you and Taeyong resume your positions of lying against Jaehyun as if you had been watching the movie all along.
“Well,” Taeyong chirps, “Just another successful date night.”
You all laugh, and you look over once more towards where you saw Jeno last. You notice that he’s gone, but you smile to yourself at the fact that he saw the scene that had unfolded before him.
You just smirked to yourself.
Oh, yeah, he’ll definitely be jerking off to that.
a/n: I hoped everyone enjoyed part one! like i said earlier, this is going to be a three-part series. the plan for now on is to release teasers on sundays @ 8pm PST and the full fics on the tuesdays @ 8pm PST directly afterward. when my college term starts, schedules for posts may change, but this will be the schedule for now. thanks for reading and look out for the part two teaser next sunday!
taglist: @redirect-min, @seungmoomin
message me if you'd like to be added to tag lists in the future!
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