#i realize this isn't quite what u asked but i took the opportunity to say it
ghelgheli · 5 months
🔥 unpopular fruit/food opinions
people are, of course, free to have whatever affective responses they may to (concepts of) foods. it isn't blameworthy to feel disgust at a particular food. but i think it is a very common move to then endorse this disgust as containing a truth about the food, to move from the observation "i feel disgust at this food" to "this food is disgusting" (including when they attempt to express the former and come out with the latter). and i think this demonstrates a failure of imagination. in general, people tend to eat things because they think they are worth eating; in general, a food cannot be essentially disgusting and commonly eaten by a group at the same time. considering how much disgust is bound up with class, race, etc. a lot of people are way too quick to commit to their food-icks as something beyond the personal. you are free to feel disgust at something i eat but if you start declaring that disgust as though it is a fact about the world i will find you tedious.
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sky-high-standards · 1 year
Yandere!!! Millionaire!! x Fem!!Reader
(thanks for 400 followers edited thanks for 1000 love y'all)You were in a very poor family but somehow you caught the attention of a crazy Millionaire.
You were working at a local coffee shop to feed your family when a man with jet black hair wearing a expensive looking suit came in, he was undeniably attractive but his cold black eyes made you feel a chill run down your spine.
Then he made eye contact with you before smirking, he then came up to ask for your name and number but when you refused he tried to take you by force but you managed to escape and run into the break room.
He kept coming day after day yet somehow you managed to weasel your way out of talking to him but your luck soon ran out when you were suddenly cornered and pinned by your wrists, you looked up to see him with a smug smirk on his face.
"I know you've been avoiding me sweetheart."
"What's wrong with you? What do you want from me?!'
"Don't you get it? I want you~"
"You dot even know me!!!"
"Oh I know everything about you Y/n"
you gasped and tried to escape for the hundredth time but his grip was too strong.
"I know that your family is starving and are soon going to get evicted, I know that you work overtime just to feed your family and I know that you need a miracle to save them and I'm that miracle Darling~ Just do as I say and make it easier for everyone Sweetheart."
"No you're just a spoiled brat who gets everything he wants and you're not gonna get me!!!"
you said in anger and stormed off while he just stood there and smirked.
"Okay my dear let the games begin"
A few weeks after that encounter you stopped seeing him and genuinely thought he lost interest and left you alone but you felt something much worse was coming and you were right. As you came to work the next day your boss came and fired you on the spot you were shocked of course since you've been employee of the month for the past 6 months and your boss seemed terrified as he spoke to you almost like he was scared to say the wrong thing and constantly looked to the side as if some monster was here in the shadows and as soon as he fired you he ran inside.
This was terrible for you because without a job how could you feed your family but when you looked for new jobs the manager would fire you shortly after with the same look of fear as your former boss but when you finally found a job that paid well you immediately took it you were hired as an assistant for a wealthy business owner, you came to work the next morning in your best clothes and started working but as you went to your bosses office who were horrified to see the same creep from the coffee shop you stood there with your jaw dropped as he smirked and caressed your cheek.
"Well isn't it my lovely new assistant its nice to see you again y/n~"
All you could do was grit your teeth and greet him since he was your family's only hope now and you couldn't afford to get fired not again.
As worked days past he became far more touchy and would take any opportunity to touch you in any way possible this was tolerable until you came to work on day to find your seat was gone and he offered you to sit on his lap which sounded more like an order than an offer so you begrudgingly agreed while gritting your teeth and giving him a forced smile. He smirked back satisfied at how powerless you were with him now.
"Good girl~"
He said and you could here the satisfaction in his voice as you dug your fingernails into your palms in rage.
Though you constantly got harassed by your boss the job wasn't so bad due to the many friends you made and because your family was happy and healthy but good things don't last. One day after you came back from your break which u spent with your friends you boss went crazy and fired everyone that was with you because "they were only bringing you down." and "they made you loose sight of what was important" (which was him) and when you attempted to quit realized what he was capable of.
Sir I quit I'll clear out my desk now.
He then grabs you by the wrist and pins you to the wall where you're caged by his muscular arms and he whispered in your ear where you could feel his hot breath fanning your lips.
"You know you cant do that Dear you don't know what I'm capable of that sweet little family of yours wont be around much longer is you disobey me dear."
You gasped in fear and shock but he smiled at your reaction.
"Now be a good girl and do as I say"
He said as he pulled away and went back to his usual demeanor. Every time you found someone new they would go missing so you isolated yourself not wanting anyone else to get hurt but when your brother got really sick and you had to take care him for a few days but your boss didn't like that.
You came home to find the read stains? No it was blood but not just anyone's blood this was the blood of your family leading the way to their lifeless bodies the moment you saw that sight it was permenantly burned into your mind you still see that horrendous sight when you close your eyes...you broke down in tears and got on your knees devastated but you then got picked up by a pair of firm strong arms and felt a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"I know you loved them Dear, but they kept you away from me and besides we'll have our own family soon enough~♥
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eeulysian · 7 months
ha. ha. ha. since ur requests are open.. I'll be requesting a fic for my beloved, chelsea from path to nowhere. writer!reader who makes novels and chelsea is interested in reader's works hehejwheueh.. he.. heh.. ok neways ^_^ chelsea then gives reader an opportunity to make their works more popular!!!.. if tjat makes sense idk but!!! in exchange, chelsea gets to have reader for herself! then reader is tempted but they'll make money from it so.. yah. in other words, this is kind of like idk prostitution— but i promise if u word it in a different way, it's ok... this happened to me in a dream btw
(heh.. nsfw.. if that's ok.. idk im kinda down bad for chelsea since shes my gf)
summary: all in the request above!
cw: afab!reader, developing smut, oral and fingering (f!receiving), dom/sub dynamics, chelsea is a flirt, did i make it too long... chelsea is a squirter change my mind
a/n: i wouldn't call it prostitution? maybe compensation is a better word!! and i'm sorry if this isn't good enough, its my first time making smut 😞 and i think i went overboard and made it too long... soz i was too into it 💔💔
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WRITING used to be a hobby for you, you used to be that wattpad kid that would make those alpha vampire boyfriend and the sheltered white girl kind of fics. but as you grew older, you began to take your hobby seriously, and it became a dream for you to become a novelist. so of course, you were able to get yourself into a publishing house, making yourself an official author. the only problem is, the publishing house is really unknown, so none of your works were able to make it big. you only had about like what — 50 or so fans/readers? yeah, even though you were grateful that they read your works, a part of you still wishes for the numbers to magically increase by the coming days.
you thought there was no hope for you, your works and your dreams, so you decide to drown yourself in alcohol, hoping to forget all your worries. so you went to a bar to get yourself a drink. then a second. then a third. then a fourth. then a fifth.
when is this going to end?
oh you were soooo depressed, no matter how many shots you took, your worries couldn't get out of your head. "i'm about to lose it," you think. not until a sultry voice called out to you from your right. "hey cutie, you seem to be stressed. what's the matter?"
you hastily turn to your right to find the source of the silky voice, and your (e/c) orbs meets with ones that are as red as wine. not to mention, her hair was pink. oh fuck. pink. pink hair??? you had a thing for pink haired girls. and this girl made you weak to the knees. it's probably because you're a little tipsy, but right there at that moment you wished you could kiss her oh so annoyingly, attractive red lips. this woman was downright beautiful and it's amazing how only her voice made you forget your worries.
she waves her hand infront of your face, trying to get your attention "hello? earth to... what's your name?" she chuckles, and at that moment you realized you've been too lost in your thoughts so you look like you've been staring at her for quite some time now... how embarrassing. "oh, m'sorry i think i'm just a little tipsy right now hahaaa... i'm y/n. andddddd you? beautiful lady?" what the fuck y/n why did you say that you're WAY too drunk to be flirting with gorgeous ladies right now you could trip and laugh it off like it's nothing in this state what is wrong —
your thoughts were cut off by her honey voice yet again once you hear her laugh ring in your ears. she laughs at your attempt to flirt even in such a state, but she replies nonetheless. "just call me chelsea. so tell me, what has made you so stressed, that you have to take about 5 or more shots of alcohol at once? are you a divorcee or a widow? work problems?", she asks you, curious to see if she's able to help you. what a kind beautiful lady. "the last one you just said", you managed to let out, and averted eye contact to not look at her. "i'm a failed novelist... ugh. i can't even get any of my works to be a hit. it's always just a 2-digit-amount of people reading them. i'm not saying i'm ungrateful, i just wish it was more popular." you sounded so exhausted, so worn out, and so stressed. chelsea felt bad, and she was trying to think of a way to console you.
then an idea came in. "how about this", you turn your head around to look at her again once she said that. "i'm quite rich, and i have a big social media platform as well. i could promote your works for you so your works can do numbers", your eyes lit up at that sentence, "but in exchange, i get you." then your eyes widened. confused on what she meant. "you get me in exchange...?" you were baffled. "yes, meaning i get to have a one night stand with you... or you can even just be mine straight away~" she smirks, looking at you dead in the eye. at that moment you noticed her eyes are filled with lust and desire.
oh that sentence, that smirk, the way those eyes look at you, you were sobered up. the bustling sound of chatting and laughing of other bar customers goes deaf in your ears, you're only focused on this pink haired woman and the loud beating of your heart. why is your heart beating so fast do you have arrhythmia? "so, what do you say?", she asks you again, and all the thoughts are running in your head. this might be a bad idea... but your co workers don't have to know, right? i mean, you're tempted. tempted to make your works a hit, and tempted to spend a night with this beautiful, enchanting woman.
at last, you decided to go with the latter, and accept her offer. "... okay. i'll accept that exchange." you hesitantly said, and all you see is a wolf-like smile infront of you. you can't deny that the way she looks at you is kinda... turning you on. "good girl." you flushed at that sentence. you look like the equivalent of a tomato right now. she called you a good girl? oh fuck you could even get on your knees for this woman.
"give me a copy of one of your best works, and i'll read it when i'm home. after that, i'll tell you if i like it and promote it for you. but you'll have to give me your number first so i can let you know how it goes," she winks, she is a woman of her word indeed. "if it turns out to be successful, then i can give you my address and you can come over... after all, our exchange can't be one sided, right? ♡" you were still blushing, but i mean... popular works? money? pretty girlfriend? you were more than happy to comply. you two exchanged numbers, and luckily you coincidentally brought your best work in your bag to read it when you get home, so you gave her your book, which was about a highschool slowburn romance, the characters are too happy so expect them to be doomed by the narrative because you're evil just like that lmao. you told her she didn't have to worry, as this is just a copy and you have all your original works at home.
she took the book, and you said "i'll be waiting for the results then, tell me if you like it and if you're able to promote it", you laugh sheepishly, kind of embarrassed how a beautiful woman is helping you and not you helping the beautiful woman instead. "of course, i'll read it in my free time and tell you how it goes~," she says in a sultry, flirtatious tone. you could only laugh nervously. "get home safely now," she leans in close to you to give you a peck on the cheek, and it left a faint red lipstick stain. you couldn't even talk at all, you were left shocked, baffled, flustered, shy, embarrassed, confused. girlfailure moment
almost 2 weeks have passed, and you were procrastinating in your room because it was your day off. you were playing games, reading books and eating. at this moment you're watching a show of your choice on netflix on your laptop, but alas your peaceful moment was disturbed by a loud buzzing from your phone. "who the hell is calling me?", you said, clearly annoyed because whoever is calling you just ruined your netflix and chill time. probably your best friend or a co worker ready to bother you.
but the name you see on your phone is "chelsea", so you just had to pause your show because you just knew it was about your novel. you hesitantly answered the phone, and the first thing you hear is "hey cutie, i just finished reading your book", she says through the phone, and you swallow, scared of how she thinks of it. "... and i have to say, your writing is quite impressive, the way you organize the storyline and give your characters so much personality," you smile at the compliment, though she can't see it, so you say "really?", hoping she hears how happy you are.
"yes, so it's safe to say i can promote your name and your work on my social media. but even so if i ended up not liking it, my interest for you would have not gone away anyways." she says, followed with an attractive giggle that has your heart going crazy. but you're very ecstatic nonetheless, because you know your works are about to get popular after she promotes it. yes bitch get that bag
"thank you for helping me, i really appreciate it. i'm sorry i had to trouble you over my own work problems." you answer her, apologetic for dragging her into your personal matters. "don't worry about it baby, i'm happy to help. but please do remember..."
"that if you want to pay me back, then you'd have to pay back with you, and only you."
you remembered the exchange you had with her. and you become red, whether it's about the pet name, or the agreement you guys had. "oh, right... uhm, what do you want me to do then? come over?", you asked. "yes. that's exactly what i want. i'll text you my address. i'll be waiting, hot stuff~", and that's where you know you're going to have the time of your life. whew
you finally arrived at her house. damn it was a nice house. 2 storey, clean, shiny and modern, and you can tell theres a pool in the backyard. you check your phone, it's 8:32 PM right now. you knocked on the door 3 times, no answer. you knocked again, another 3 times. then the door swings open, and you're met with those red wine eyes and luscious pink hair again. and you notice that she's wearing one of those... dress-type lingeries. you were sure you were at your last percentage of sanity because of it.
"hey, it's been a while." she gives you a silent giggle. "it certainly has been. well uhm, how have you been? did you post anything about my works?", you asked her, i mean you were eager to know if your work is gonna do numbers and hoping you'll wake up to your works getting sold out by tomorrow. "oh, straight to the point... is your work more important than me?", she answers, clearly sarcastic with the way she immediately laughs right after. you panic slightly, but before you could protest, she talks once again. "don't worry, my post about your book is already going viral, so expect all your works to get sold out tomorrow and your publishing house flourishing overall~"
once you heard that, you were glad you met this woman by a miracle. but oh, you shouldn't forget the deal you made with her. "thank you so much, really. i appreciate it. but so um, about the deal...", you say weakly, heart beginning to pound fast in your chest and you try to avert eye contact with her. but yet again, she always manages to catch your attention, and she pulls your face closer to hers, making you look into her eyes.
"mhm, and you remember what you have to pay with, right?~", she says with her red blood pupils looking right into your (e/c) ones, by now it's obvious how eager she is to devour you whole. you swallow, sweat falling down your neck, and you look flushed. "yes... i guess i shouldn't make our exchange to be one sided."
and with that, she pulls you inside her house, shutting the door and crashes her lips onto yours. she pulls you slowly to her kitchen while sloppily making out with you, and you feel like you're on fire. you want to please this woman, and make her feel so good. you start taking the lead for a bit and push her onto a counter, continuing to make out tongue to tongue with her. she wraps her hand around your shoulders and hair, moaning in between your kisses and grinding on your thigh... and that was when you can tell that she's quite... damp.
"mmhh hah~", she pulls away from the kiss to look at you with hazy eyes, "i want you to... go down on your knees, and eat me out." she manages to let out breathlessly, "i want you to please me, and be a good pet for me." you could only nod quietly. even if it means getting on your knees and barking like a dog just to marry this woman, you would do it anyways.
you slowly get down on your knees while she sits still on top of the counter, spreading her legs to give you easier access. you reach out for the hem of her pantie lingerie, slowly pulling it down. by the moment her pantie reaches her thigh, her pussy juices made a thin bridge with the inside of her pantie, which was an erotic sight for you and turned you on even more. that thin bridge was cut off the moment you pulled her pantie down completely and threw it onto the floor. gripping her thighs and spreading them a little wider, you lean it to give her aching clit a kiss. you earn a shocked gasp from the pink haired woman above you, shuddering the moment you made contact with her pussy.
you lick her slit, going down then up to her clit again and start flicking your tongue on it at a pace that's not too fast, but fast enough to make her throw her head back. she takes ahold of your hair and grips it slightly and whimpering your name, letting you know how good you're making her feel. you decide to push your tongue inside her tight velvety walls, and she almost puts you into a headlock with her milky thighs all because it was too sudden. you thrust your tongue into her in and out, constantly hitting her g spot. "ahmm...! ughmnggh... y-you're doing so good, hah! keep goinggghhngg..", she manages to blurt out weakly, mindlessly grinding her hips to meet your tongue, you can tell she was close from the way her moans started sounding more louder, the grip on your hair tightened and her walls started spasming a lot more than earlier. but you only ended up pulling your tongue out last minute and you were greeted with a disappointed whine. "why did you do that?", she looks at you, face so fucked out, but she's still a little angry even in a state like this.
you smirked at her, and went back down to kiss her clit and flick your tongue on it. she went back to moaning and whimpering, but what she didn't expect is you shoving a finger inside her and slowly thrusting it in and out, receiving a choked moan from her. you added another finger inside, and curled them. chelsea lets out a loud cry and her breathing starts getting more ragged and unstable, her thighs starting to shake uncontrollably. "ah! mmpleaseeee pleasepleasepleaseplease— fasterrrrhngmnhhh...", and the constant chanting of your name was all you could hear until she started squirting all over, onto your face and to the floor. at this point, the countertop was dripping wet with her juices, and it's slippery. one wrong move, she could accidentally fall down and injure herself. you wait for her to calm down from her high, getting up and holding her by the waist to stable her.
leaning into her neck and giving her kisses, relishing in the her rose scented perfume, mixed along with the smell of sweat and sex. she snakes her hand up to your neck, and kisses you, soft and chaste. pulling back, she could only say "i didn't know you were skilled like that... you really did good, cutie ♡", and you give her a promising smile, one that made her heart flutter and look at you with hearts in her eyes.
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© 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸𝘀 𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗲𝗲𝘂𝗹𝘆𝘀𝗶𝗮𝗻. 𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗹, 𝗿𝗲𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁.
another a/n: finally i'm done!! one of my longest fics yet... let me know if i made any mistakes or my writing was too long, sloppy or rushed. once again it's my first time making smut, sorry if i disappointed you! :( i'll do better next time ❤
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minhio22 · 3 months
for the flower ask thingie: hibiscus + nayuta.
Hibiscus - the realization of a friendship becoming something more
Its shorter than id like it to be but i hoped u enjoyed it skvsjsbdk
You were waiting for the cozmez twins on the sidewalk. The three of you had agreed to meet up and go to watch the fireworks together. You had somehow become quite good friends with the twins. At first the only tolerated your presence but now they do occasionally ask you to come hang out together.
Especially Nayuta. He seemed reluctant to become friends with you at first but gradually he opened up. Even now he sometimes lets you tag along with him and Shiki’s outings.
While you were lost in thought, the twins had already arrived at the meetup spot and noticed you staring off into the distance. It wasn't uncommon for them to see you like that. Nayuta was the one who shook you out of your daydreams.
“If you're gonna keep staring off into the darkness while standing alone, people passing by might think you're some kind of psychopath.” Nayuta flicked your forehead, successfully bringing you back.
“Ouch!” You rubbed your forehead. Not going to lie, you thought it was weird that the twins wanted to go to a fireworks viewing but you didn't think too much of it. “Oh you guys are here.”
The three of you started walking to a suitable place where apparently Kanata had scouted out first. It was on top of a hill and it would give you a sufficient view of the fireworks. Heck you even think the place would be a nice spot to just go stargazing or even watch meteor showers.
Nayuta was walking a bit in front of the two of you. You took this moment to ask Kanata something. “Say Kanata? Why is it that you two invited me to come watch fireworks with you guys? I mean it's not like I'm not grateful but you twins watching fireworks seems… random? It doesn't really seem like something you would do for fun.”
“Hah?? Don't ask me that, ask Nayuta.” Kanata jerked his thumb to his younger twin in front. “He's the one who said to come and do this.” Kanata had a faint idea what was going through his brother's head but he didn't point it out.
“Nayuta? Really? I wonder why…”
Kanata knows why but he suspects his own brother doesn't know why he's acting the way he is. Call it being in denial.
“Over here. There's a nice clearing here.” Nayuta waved to you two. He seemed excited about this.
“Uwahhhh!!” You could see the city from up here. The blinking lights from the high-rise makes it all more enchanting. The clear night sky up above not concealed by any clouds nor buildings. It definitely was ideal. “Nayuta, you really can see everything from up here!”
Nayuta just smiled at you and nodded. Kanata who was standing behind the both of you as you two were looking off the hill sighed as he crossed his arm thinking about how dense each of you are. But i think he's also dense too
The three of you sat down on the ground not bothering with laying down something or whatnot. Kanata, Nayuta and then you in that sequence. You waited until the fireworks started.
There was a slight breeze at the top. It ruffled your hair a bit to which you tried straightening it back again. Without noticing Nayuta was staring at you as you did that. He thought your hair looked quite soft. Kanata noticed and he just sighed.
“Hmm? What's wrong? Is it my hair?” You asked, still straightening your hair.
“No it's nothing..” Nayuta seemed fixated on you though.
“Re-” the fireworks started there and then.
Colourful, bright and loud fireworks illuminated the night sky. You snapped your head to look at them in awe. You never really did have the opportunity to watch the fireworks with an unobstructed view.
“Isn't it beautiful Nayuta?” You asked your mouth slightly agape as you watched the colourful explosive polluting light up the sky.
Nayuta did glance at the fireworks but his gaze was fixated on you. The way the lights bounced off of you and the gentle breeze messing your hair up slightly made him think that you were a sight to behold. “Yeah… Pretty…”
Nayuta’s heart was beating abnormally fast. He felt like his stomach was churning but not because he was sick or something but because he might have just realised his feelings for you. He didn't say anything to you though at that moment deciding to keep it to himself for the time being.
Before you managed to catch him staring he looked back at the fireworks finally admiring them in all its blazing glory. Everything was nice and fine even when his hand covered yours that was laid on the ground next to you.
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rosietrace · 2 years
One step closer
Pairing: Cater Diamond x Frisk De La Rose
Character(s): Frisk De La Rose, Freyah De La Rose, Riddle Rosehearts, Trey Clover(Mentioned)
Category: Romance oneshot
Warning(s): Probably bad characterization (Specifically in Cater's case)
Summary: Frisk couldn't sleep, and ended up stumbling upon Cater sitting by the fireplace when she was going to get a glass of milk.
Author's note: I somewhat based the premise off of Can't sleep, I'll help but with a different context this time. I also listened to A thousand years by Christina Perri so there's probably a reference to the song lyrics in here!
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She tossed and turned, her eyes shut as she made an honest attempt at falling fast asleep.
But there was no point. She couldn't.
With a quiet sigh, Frisk sat up and looked at her surroundings. Her monochrome bedroom with its chess themed decor, the photos of her with her sister and cousin on the wall, and the hands that clutched the sheets when she lowered her head.
It's no use…. I can't sleep. Frisk admitted, slightly frustrated with her lips pursed.
".... I should drink some milk. Hopefully it'll be enough…" Frisk muttered, her voice feeling like a croak because of the lack of speaking for the past two hours.
Gently closing the door, Frisk slowly walked down the tops and turns of heartslabyul's staircase in order to reach the common room that led to the dorm's kitchen.
It felt exhausting in her current state, with the feeling of anxiousness and tiredness. To Frisk, it felt like she could collapse any moment.
It didn't help that the lights were off and it was hard to see with the current condition of her vision.
When she finally reached the common room, Frisk breathed out a sigh of relief. Before she went to the kitchen, she noticed someone sitting by the fireplace.
Huh?... Who would be up at this hour? Frisk questioned before carefully approaching the figure. She felt nervous about what was to happen, but her curiosity would end up getting the best of her.
As she got closer Frisk's eyebrows raised at the realization of who the figure was.
It was Cater Diamond. Her crush.
Frisk noted that he didn't have his phone with him and that he was wearing a white shirt and dark colored pajama pants. Not to mention his hair was down… And she couldn't help but find it suited him very well.
"Um…. Cater?" She called out, anxiously walking closer to him. Hearing his name being called, Cater turned around and smiled drowsily.
"Hi Frisk.." He greeted, resting his arm on his knee while he was looking up at her.
Frisk smiled awkwardly, not knowing how to properly continue the conversation."U-Um…. Why are you awake at this hour?" She asked gently.
Cater chuckled and sent her a wink."I should be asking you the same thing, Frisky~" He teased, amused at seeing her flustered little face.
She fiddled with her hands, that same awkward smile remaining plastered on her face."Hehe, right…. Well, I couldn't sleep earlier.. I thought it would quicken the process if I just drank some milk." She explained to him.
Cater hummed, nodding in response."I see. I guess I could say the same for me, but I just took a glass of water. Not exactly fond of sweets, y'know?" The tip of Frisk's ears tinted red, blending quite well with her hair while she realized that Cater wasn't quite fond of sugary sweets to begin with.
"O-Oh…. Okay… I-I'm gonna go get my milk.. Do you mind waiting for me a bit?"
Cater smiled and shook his head. Knowing his confirmation, Frisk hummed and walked over to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of hot milk.
To her, this experience was rather unique even if it didn't seem like it. It's quite the opportunity for Frisk since she has a chance to get closer to her crush, and she also happens to be thankful that Trey isn't awake at the moment. She's pretty aware of his obsession with dental hygiene and all.
After pouring herself a glass, Frisk smiled to herself and put back the carton before walking back to the common room. She couldn't begin to think about how relieved she was when she saw that Cater was still there.
Noticing her presence this time, Cater waved happily as Frisk made her way towards him and sat down next to him.
"Hehe, seems like you're quite fond of the fire, Frisky."
"Well… I find it a little comforting, if I'm being honest."
Cater's eyebrows furrowed in silent confusion."How so?" He inquired curiously. Frisk giggled a bit before her eyes met his.
Quickly looking away to hide her flustered state, Frisk smiled a little wider."It's just… Whenever I'm around the fire… It feels like there are a dozen colors and promises I've made, comforting me as my heartbeat slowly starts getting quicker." Cater didn't know it yet…
…. But Frisk was using the fire as a metaphor for him.
Cater hummed, letting her continue. Frisk inhaled and took a sip of her milk."The fire always felt comforting to me…. Like I'm one step closer… To become fully confident in myself." He couldn't help but blush a bit at managing to catch her soft smile as she said that.
"Is…. Is the fire truly so comforting to you?"
…. You've always been comforting to me Cater. But… I don't know if I should tell you that yet. Frisk thought, hiding that thought in the back of her mind.
".... I guess." The way she looked when she smiled so warmly, the way the fire illuminated her hair, and how soft… And how gentle her eyes appeared to him.
Cater's smile softened up, sitting closer to Frisk."Hopefully I'll be able to make you feel that way." He joked, a genuine smile crossing his face.
Frisk flinched a bit. Cater smiled a lot, but there were plenty of times where she couldn't tell if they were genuine. But seeing that smile she saw at that moment?
That…. She was sure that it was a genuine one.
As they continued to change the topics of their conversation, Frisk took one final sip of her milk before yawning.
Cater snickered."I guess it's time to doze off for you, huh?" He teased, gently patting her head, messing up her hair a bit.
Frisk blushed and nodded hesitantly. She felt her body grow heavier and heavier with each second, and yawned again.
"G… Goodnight, Cater.." She managed to mutter before falling asleep on his lap. Cater was startled, especially since he could already hear her snoring.
"Sleep well… Frisky."
Cater eventually fell asleep too, with Frisk laying on top of him as the fireplace was the only form of ambience the two had.
Riddle went downstairs to check if anyone was in the kitchen, since Frisk left the lights open. Then he noticed his cousin and upperclassman sleeping by the fireplace.
Stunned, Riddle straightened up a bit. But… Then he saw how intertwined they looked. So at peace.
Sighing, Riddle tiptoed to the kitchen to drink a bit of water and was about to go back to his room.
He looked back at the two of them and smiled.
"... Sleep well, you two."
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levisgirll · 3 years
hello! if it's okay can i please request a little levi comfort one shot or headcanons? basically where he helps his s/o through a point in her life where she feels like she isn't good enough for levi or anyone and is just a crying mess in her room? lots of fluff please! thank u so much <3
𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 (𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬) ♡
text: wow thank you so much sweet anon for your request!!💕💕 i took my time to write this because i wanted it to be special and tried my best so i hope u enjoy this :,) pls send another request if you want to later in the future! ( i like ur ideas-). also sorry this was super late, i was busy with personal things and it got really hard for me to handle which took long ;c
synopsis: you were going through a really hard phase in your life right now. thinking you are not good enough to anyone, and not just anyone but especially your boyfriend, levi. he knows you well, too well, and he knows something is definitely up with you. once he finds out the reason he becomes devastated and comforts you in his own way which you realize it was quite unique and rare.
okay but big warning this is super fluff which will warm your heart (i promise!), and a lil bit of angst I guess🥺💕 enjoy!
He started to pick this up when you did not say ‘love’ back to him and when you started to avoid him, and talk less with him.
He tries to go closer to you and I find Levi trying to find the the right words what to say to you and he struggles to get the chance to hold your hand.
This actually made him upset and I find Levi a guy who later goes back and reflects everything he might have done to upset his girlfriend.
And this is canon, because Isayama stated the scene with rod, when Eren stopped as soon as he said that ‘comment’ when Levi was behind him, this made Levi think that had to mean this is how Eren and probably the others sees him. So when you slowly started to avoid him or not reply to him, this made him sad and he HAD to find out how to comfort u! sure he got upset but he wont sit down and do nothing.
It hurts his heart, because you are his lover.
But one day, he entered your bedroom and saw you crying your eyes out. Holding on to yourself as you sat down on the edge of your bedroom, sobbing. This shocked him, and his eyes would be wide open.
Since he shows a lot with actions, when he sees you crying, he goes and sits next to you and starts to rub from the nape of your neck and going down to your back slowly, showing that he is trying to calm down your sobbings and that he is here for you. “Let it out love, you have been strong for too long so don't hold back your tears.” Levi would say as you started to calm down. His heart would hurt and be in pain as he sees his lover cry, he wanted to help but he knew that it was always good to let it out first and wait till you are ready.
He then would mention all the times you were so nice, great and the many things you have done for him and others (just to cheer you up a bit) that y/n never even acknowledged. “D-Did I do that? I can’t seem to remember...” You would say as you wipe your tears with your fingers, Levi would sigh and give you a small smile, “You cant be forgetting that? that's why you mean a lot to me.” as he ruffled your hair.
He would go on and say that if you had close friends, family, etc and then including himself, there were people who care and love you. “And, you know I am always rooting for you to pull though whatever phase you are going through. I want you...to feel happy again, Y/N.” He would say quietly and softly rub your hands while looking at your E/C eyes, he was also clearly blushing and he tried his best not to stutter (cause that's how he is when he has a heart to heart conversation with you and he wants you to feel his warmth and love through his words)
“Whenever your ready to tell me either tomorrow or in a couple of days, that is fine but just know...I'm here.” Levi would say and hug your chest so lovely, you finally calmed down and decided to tell him what was bothering you.
Y/N: “It’s just....I feel like am”
Levi: “Like?”
Levi would patiently wait for your response and still looking at your eyes waiting for your answer as he was holding your face with both of this hands. “Like I’m not enough for....you” you looked away and pulled your face away from his face.
He was looking at you with a hurtful look on his face. Levi feels bad actually that you been thinking like this around him this whole time. “I thought I made u feel somehow special, cause you make me feel like that.”
He moved away and was by your side, he touched your hand and was pulling your fingers that was on the bed. “I’m sorry you were feeling like this. But, what is enough to begin with? Isn’t just being who you are...the good, kind, badass and lovely person you are is enough instead? To be good is enough, and I value that about you..”
“Levi….Love.” You say as you hiccup from your tears. That signaled him to go near you, so he got a chair and brought that in front of you as you were sitting on the edge of the bed and he held your hands softly and carefully while brining his handkerchief to wipe your tears that was running down your cheeks. “You know…I don’t think there was a day I did not think of you or did not love you. I cant even think of a day where I wasn't....and instead the days you weren’t by my side my mind was just filled with you.”
He does small affections and talks from the bottom of his heart while looking at you filled with love, and it was only to you and that meant a lot. He wouldn’t even do this to anyone as he doesn’t let anyone see this side of him but y/n, he cherishes this relationship so much.
He starts to take this opportunity to compliment you when he was longing to do that but, never knew how and when cause he was really nervous. He starts to talk how pretty your eyes, scars, hair, lips, body and so on is.
As he is complimenting you, go would go near you and towards your shoulders to leave some kisses there while he would brush your hair with his slender fingers smoothly “Is this okay?”. He wants to know if what he is doing is making you feel calm so he would continue if you nodded. He then whispers to your ear as he closes his eyes, “do you feel my love?”
He will encourage your self-care and confidence, because he really wants the best for you and realize how amazing you are!
“You know, I would be a fool to leave you alone tonight. I promised you that I will do everything in my power to help you once we got together to make us happy, Hm? So let me remind you tonight how special and enough you are to me..”
He would hold each of your finger one by one and stating every reason how much you mean to him “...even your fingers cant match up to the many reasons why you mean a lot to me.” Levi said with a soft chuckle and you started to blush.
After you and Levi spent a long time together, you both laid down on your bed and y/n slept first which gave Levi the chance to stare at your beautiful face this whole night. He loves it when you sleep next to him as he held you with his strong muscular arms, because this makes him at ease and at peace, he loved your presence it was magical to him.
After that long evening, he doesn't stop to show you his love and how much he thinks of you so he leaves you flowers on your bed whenever he goes out on a mission or even to wall sina/rose and you find that so pure. I see Levi actually doing this for his s/o as he tries to make up for his lack of words(cause he is kind of awkward with romantic words but that is only because he loves u deeply!!) he leaves u these flowers and you collect them all in a vase and that makes him wanna get you more.
Your presence meant the world to him, and Levi does not just pick ‘anyone’ to be his significant other and he felt such a lucky man to find you instead. This guy really loved his girlfriend, y/n.
Levi starts to interlock your pinky, he took this chance to finally overcome his awkwardness and shyness and he would do it anywhere.
Whenever you guys go out to buy something Levi would not let you leave the shop until you pick something. “Go on then, pick what you like.”
If you ask him literally ANYTHING, he is more than happy to try his best to help you and if he might not be able to, he will get others that will help you. In the end of the day you are gonna get that help.
When you both clean and you are both alone while the others went off to clean the other places, he would go behind you and hug you tightly around your waist and breathe in “you smell nice love, and you look nice.” And he would give you a long and soft kiss on the nape of your neck. No one would even believe you if you tell them that he is now recently doing this, but that just shows how special, important and enough you are to him and not anyone can see this side but you ❤️
He actually goes out and look for you one evening and he takes you to a nice spot in the cliff and u guys star gaze together?? I really see Levi doing this to cheer up his significant other and he would make his move later on by putting his hand around your waist and would give you kisses on your cheek under the moonlight. “Wow, it’s a beautiful night sky” his girlfriend would say looking up with finally a smile on her, this made Levi extremely happy inside. “It sure is, love.” Looking at you instead of the night sky with his soft smile that warmed your heart. It made your mind race. You were the only one who made him feel like this and even smile. You were more than enough to him.
Y/N: “Can we stay a little bit longer?”
Levi: “Little? Tch, I don't mind all night for you.” He would say while looking away to hide his face cause he was being nervous and he knew his face was red now!
He likes to watch your face reactions and expressions to any of his tea he would make for you or some snacks he would buy for you, and he finds it so cute. It was another of many ways to show his affection towards you.
Things happen for a reason right? and this made you see more of Levi and your bond with him was now stronger than ever.
Now, whenever you feel sad or want to cry, you now realize you have a shoulder to cry on and it was your amazing boyfriend, Levi.
He is literally more than ready to drop everything and give you one big embrace. “Darling, just know I am deeply in love with you. And I’m here to help, I mean what are partners for, Hm?” 
Like how he is always here to save you, have your back, support you, he will surely do anything else for you.
i hope you liked this anon and you are able to see this post c: <3 and if anyone else perhaps enjoyed it please leave a like or a reblog! I would appreciate it a lot <3 thanks again everyone :,)
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viridwns · 3 years
Can't help but fall in love with you.
Time: present
Paring: Chuuya x f!reader
Characters: Chuuya nakahara, Dazai osamu, Mori ōgai, Fukuzawa yukichi from BSD
Warnings: none ig.
Request from: @trixiegalaxy . I hope you are happy with this!
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You were just looking for a job. A simple job.
You really went from being a secretary with mountains of paperwork your boss left you to being in the middle of a truce meeting.
"No illusions this time fukuzawa?"
"It's a truce meeting right? I don't see the use of using my members ability."
You really didn't want to be here. What were you even thinking! The job that you were offered after just moving into this city was to perfect to be true. You knew something was up, but you still accepted it anyway.
When you were asked to come to an important meeting by Dazai, you didn't think any of it. I mean maybe you had to take notes or something. So ofcourse being the good subordinate you were, you said yes.
Curse this handsome looking man. If only you had listened to your guts when he asked you to join him for a double suicide.
You tugged at Dazai's arm wanting to know why in the hell he brought you here. "What the actual fuck Dazai" you whispered at him a frown setteling upon your face. He looked at you with a grin and winked. Wanting nothing more to bash his head in a voice interrupted your thoughts.
"I can see you brought someone new. I've never seen her face here before."
You looked at the mafia boss. He was smiling at you.
Gulping down the lump in your throat you tried to look as brave as possible. Standing up straight with your chin up.
"She's our new secretary. Thought i'd bring her with us for some experience." You heard Dazai say.
Only Dazai, fukuzawa and you were here. On the other side you could see the mafia boss, a man with no eyebrows? And a short, but intimidating man with a fedora.
Yeah you didn't want to get caught up into this.
"I'm gonna quit the next opportunity i get" you muttered. Regretting not listening to your mother to stay in the little village and not moving to the city.
"Knowing you Dazai, she isn't just a secretary. Just tell us what her ability is."
Wait what?
"Hah?" You said without realizing.
First of all how did Dazai know about your ability. Second of all how could it be of any use here?
"Ah you caught me. She indeed has an ability. Up to you to figure it out."
Dazai said, his famous grin plastered on his face.
"Cut the crap mackerel. This is a truce meeting. Stop this shitty act and just tell us why she's here." The man with the fedora stept forward. His gloved hand pointing at you.
Honestly you don't even know anymore why you were here.
"Can we just set our agreement. My schedule is busy and the only way we can stop (bad guy name) is if we work together."
Your boss spoke up. Looking tired as usual.
"Sorry, but it seems like your hiding something from us. Are you going to attack us when we turn around hm?"
The mafia boss looked at him with an amusing smile.
"Stop this nonsense Mori. Just agree to the plan. You know it's the best thing to do."
"Fine. Tomorrow at midnight i'll send Chuuya and you'll send Dazai. Deal?"
Why the fuck.
That chuuya guy and Dazai were supposed to be going on a mission together.
so why in the hell were you here waiting infront of a shed at 12 AM with Dazai at your side.
Simple answer: you fell for his tricks again.
"Isn't the sky pretty y/n."
"Say one more word and i'll make you regret using me for my ability."
An angry scowl was placed on your features as Dazai pouted.
"Ah come one y/n-kun don't be so mean."
You snapped your head to the right to face him.
"Oh i'm mean? You literally send me here to join you for a suicide mission. I'm only going to be dead weight anyway!"
He chuckled
"Oh don't worry, you're going to be a great help for this mission."
Giving him a confused look, you were about to say something when a voice interrupted you.
"And can i ask why she is here?"
You looked to the left to see Chuuya standing there with a hand on his hip.
"Why is everyone so irritated this night. Well i wouldn't expect less from Chuuya, but you are never irritated y/n."
"For everything there's a first time." You said with a sigh.
This was going to be a long night.
"Just shut up you mackerel. I'm not in the mood for your shit."
Chuuya walked closer to the two of you. He was intimidating as ever, but gosh did he have anger issues.
Dazai tried to open his mouth, but knowing him and his passion for annoying people you interrupted him.
"If we go left from here, we'll eventually see the base of the enemy. There's a way in from the left side of the building without being seen. It's our best shot to sneak in."
You finished looking at the two men.
You could see Chuuya staring at you with a certain look in his eyes.
"Is there something on my face?" You asked, your hands wiping your face.
It looked like you suprised him by the sudden startled look on his face.
"N-no Let's just go. The sooner we start, the faster we finish."
Chuuya walked past the two of you. Cursing something under his breath. You could swear you saw a light pink covering his cheeks.
"Where the fuck did that maniac go?!"
You sat on the ground covering your ears with your hands. Not wanting to listen to Chuuya's whines anymore.
It all happenend so fast. The three of you broke into the enemy's base and found a good hiding spot, but somehow the three of you got caught. Chuuya and you ran, thinking Dazai was right behind you two, but when you locked yourselves into a lab, he was gone.
Looking at the furious ginger you tried to calm him down.
"It's Dazai we're talking about. C'mon have some faith in your partner."
You smiled lightly, but it soon faded as you were met with an angry scowl.
"He was my partner. I can't even believe he brought you."
He pinched the bridge of his nose.
You didn't know either why he brought you, but he could be atleast a bit nicer about it.
"Well i'm sorry for being here, but thanks to me we could break into this place. Also can you just calm your tits. Your behavior isn't helping the situation."
You stood up to look him in his eyes. Your smile being replaced with a more serious look.
"I-." He tried to say something, but instead moved to the other side of the room.
"You're such a nausionce."
Knowing if you would pick a fight with him now nothing good would come out of it.
"I know, now let's find a way out."
Looking around the room, you could only find some medical suplies and some samples of God knows what.
Chuuya began helping you after sulking for a bit in the corner. He checked all the cabinets and only found food and more medical supplies.
"I found nothing, you?"
You asked the man while sitting down on the large dental like chair in the middle of the room.
"Nothing useful no."
Chuuya leaned at the wall infront of you.
"Going outside is also not an option. There are cameras outside the door. So they'll know our location immediately."
You let out a frustrated sigh. Massaging your temples.
"God i'm so stupid. I should've paid more attention to our location."
The man infront of you scoffed.
"Not going to disagree with you on the first thing, but you couldn't have known where we were and we were all in a state of panic. It makes you forget things."
Being a little shocked that he also could be nice, i mean he did call you stupid indirectly, but the words he said did make you feel better.
"Thanks Chuuya. That means allot to me." You said to him smiling.
"Yeah yeah whatever." The pink hue could be seen again on his cheeks as he looked away.
Giggling softly at his flustered state.
"What are you laughing at brat?!"
Ah there was the angry chihuahua again.
"Nothing, just you."
"You bi-."
Chuuya was cut off by voices on the other side of the door. You jumped of your chair looking at Chuuya with a panicked expression.
He motioned to the closet and you nodded your head. Quickly moving over to the closet, you and Chuuya squeezed yourselves in.
The space was cramped, but it was the only solution for now. Knowing that Chuuya's ability would make to much of a commotion.
Feeling Chuuya's warm breath on your lips, you now noticed how short he actually was. His head not coming above your nose. It was adorable really.
He also smelled like wine, but it wasn't smelly or something. It was quite a pleasant smell and not to mention very attractive.
Blushing at your thoughts you looked up.
'Omg why am i thinking this now. He's so attractive- NO Y/N FOCUSE.' you internally screamed.
"This door is locked kiri, maybe the intruders are in here."
A soft rattling noise was heard and the door knob moved a little.
"Damn i don't got the keys. Let me go get them."
You heart footsteps leave the door, but you knew someone else was waiting infront of it.
Suddenly you could feel a light bulb just pop above your head. You had a plan, but you didn't know if it would work.
"Shit what do we do." You could hear Chuuya mutter.
"I might have an idea." You whispered.
"Are you crazy?! You can't just do that y/n!" Chuuya whisper yelled.
You were putting on one of the labcoats hanging in the closet. Your other clothes were in Chuuya's hands.
You were wearing your hair loose with a skintight labcoat flaunting every curve of your body.
"It's the only plan right now. And with my ability it is almost guaranteed it will work." You whispered back. You hated this plan as much as he did, but it was your only chance. And you felt sexy as fuck right now.
"I got them!." You heard a man's voice say. Footsteps getting closer. "Took you long enough, now open the door."
"Jeez okay fine."
"There is no time Chuuya." You said closing the closet doors. You could see Chuuya trying to protest, but he gave up.
Scurrying over to one of the counters pretending you were organizing something the door opened.
You heart starting to beat faster and your hands shaking. 'Calm down y/n. You got this you sexy motherfucker'. Your breathing slowed a little and a voice was heard from the doorway.
"Hey you! Put your hands up!"
You looked up to see two men in trenchcoats with guns pointing at you.
"What's this commotion all about gentleman? I'm just trying to do my job here."
You raised your hands and slowly walked over to the men.
"Stay still! Tell me your name."
Stopping your movements you bit your lip.
"My name is..." should you tell them you're real name? Or just make one up.
"Go on woman, we don't have all night."
Slightly annoyed by his tone, you decided to use your own name.
"L/n, y/n l/n." You said
"Never heard of you. Have you?" The man turned to his colleague.
"No, take her in custody."
Panicking internally, you needed to come up with a lie right now! Your ability won't work unless the men touch you.
"I uhmm. I was waiting for one of the men. He hired me for some private time. If you know what i mean." You winked at the two men. Hoping they would buy your lie.
You could see them blushing slightly.
"Who hired you?"
"Dunno. We do these things anonymous."
You walked over to the chair and slowly crawled on it. Trying to nonegelantly show your ass.
"Hey i said don't move!"
The second man said. Coming closer to you.
"Okay, okay calm down." You sat down and put your hands infront of you.
"I'm just here, because he still got 30 minutes left. Rules from my boss. Can't go away till the time is up." You shrugged and flipped your hair. Leaning on your knee with the other hand.
You really had to stop yourself from cringing.
"Well i got to ask you to leave ma'am." The first guys said, putting his gun down and walking over to you.
"Fine, but if you get a call from my boss, don't blame me."
"Ofcourse. You are just doing you're job." The second guy said with a blush on his face.
'Ugh men.'
"You have to lead me the way tho. The other guy insisted on blind folding me." You seductively bite your lip and winked again.
"Of- ofcourse come with us please."
The second guy cleared his throat and offered his hand. Smiling you took his hand and hopped of the chair.
'Now the other guy.'
'Accidentally' stumbling you fell into the first dudes arms, causing him to catch you.
"Oh shit. Clumsy me. Can't even walk properly."
You gave out a short laugh and the guy brushed his jacket.
"It's okay. Now come o-."
Not being able to finish his sentence, he fell to the ground. His partner following him.
"Yeah that's right you two go to sleep. I'll find my way out from here."
Chuckling at your own humor you snatched their guns.
"Wait how-."
Chuuya stepped out of the closet a blush on his cheeks and a confused expression.
Standing up straight you walked over to him and picked up your clothes from his hands.
"It's my ability  'sweet dreams'. If i touch the person and whisper 'sweet dreams' in the next 5 minutes. The person or persons will fall into a coma. They'll wake up when i fall asleep or when i forget i put them to sleep. So i have to keep thinking about them."
You finished off with a smile. Putting your own shirt on again.
"I can see now why Dazai brought you." He said with a slight smirk on his face.
"It isn't all that fancy and i never really used it before."
"Why come you never joined the port mafia or hell even the ADA."
You sighed a little.
"Well it could be a useful ability, but i don't want to be a hero or villian or other shit. I'm happy as i am now."
Chuuya looks at you with a soft expression.
"That's a shame. Would've loved to see you in action more. Or hell even fight against you."
He looked away from you. His hand behind his head. You laughed a little.
"I would absolutely demolish your ass." You said, crossing your arms with a triumph look on your face.
"Hah you wish princess. You won't be able to even come near me!"
You blushed at the sudden nickname. Your hands falling to your side.
"W-we'll see." You cursed yourself for stuttering.
He walked passed you to the door. Whispering something in you ear.
"I wouldn't mind seeing you try to seduce me like the two men you seduced just now."
Your ears felt hot and you were sure you looked like a tomato right now. Chuuya walked out the door and you just stood there. Coming out of your shocked state you ran out the door to slap him. "Come here you asshole." You whisper yelled. Chuuya almost dying from laughter shushed you. "We don't want the enemy to find us now. Do we. Otherwise you have to put on that outfit again."
Smacking him on the back of his head. You couldn't wait to get this mission done.
"Ah what a night. Good thing you guys saved me back there. They were cruel!"
The brunette man was stretching his limbs.
It was 5 in the morning and Chuuya and you were finally able to take the boss out (well Chuuya did that part while you freed Dazai.)
"Oh shut up you damn piece of shit. Thanks to you it took us the whole night to finish this job and most of all you brought y/n in unnecessary danger."
"Hey it's okay. I'm fine. Luckily we all are. Let's just head home go to sleep and go back to enemies in the morning." You quickly said walking inbetween the two men.
Dazai yawned.
"Sounds like a great plan y/n! Altough i thought you were gonna quit the job."
You put your hands around Dazais arm.
"Nah can't do that after such an adventure now can i?"
You and Dazai chuckled while Chuuya just sighed.
"Get a room jeez." He said annoyed.
"Ah c'mon Chuuya. We make a great team! I can't wait for the next truce." You said rather excited for this hour.
Coming at the end of the forest you knew you had to say your goodbye's to the men.
"Well y/n i wish you a pleasant night and i'll see you at work again. Chuuya i hope you get hit by a car."
Dazai smiled and turned around to walk away.
You laughed and waved him goodbye.
"That fucker." Chuuya muttered holding up his middle finger.
"Ah come on Chuuya. He may not show it, but i know he sees you as a friend."
"Pff sure in your dreams."
Sighing you face palmed yourself.
"Well i guess this is it then. Goodnight Chuuya."
You knew it was wrong. He was your enemy and you had to put your feelings aside, but you couldn't stop yourself. You never had so much fun in your whole life and to be frank, you didn't want the night to end here yet.
You kissed him on the cheek and turned around.
"Thank you for this wonderful, but crazy ass night." You gave a sad smile. Although he couldn't see it.
Suddenly you felt someone grab you wrist. Spinning you around. You were met with a flustered Chuuya his eyes fixated on the ground.
Standing there in an awkward silence for a few seconds, he finally spoke up.
"Look. I worked with many people before, but i never had so much fun with someone. And-" he became quiet for a bit. Taking a deep breath he continued: " and i never felt like this before. You give me this warm feeling and i hate it, but i can't get enought of it. When i first saw you at the meeting i just knew you were different. So please let's not end this night just yet."
He tilted his head to look at you a serious expression on his face.
Your voice was cut of when a pair of warm lips crashed your own. They were rough, but soft at the same time. Being a little stunned you forgot to kiss back. Chuuya pulled away again taking a step back.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know what came over me."
This time you shushed him and kissed him back. His arms finding a way on your hips and your arms grabbing his hair to deepen the kiss.
After a few seconds you both pulled away, out of breath. Your fourheads touching eachother and your noses brushing eachother.
"That was- wow."
You said with a small smile.
Chuuya chuckled lightly.
"I won't go easy on you now if we meet again y/n."
"Oh i'm counting on it."
You grinned. Wanting to make this night last longer. He pulled you in for a kiss again and you let him. Nothing making you happier as you are right now.
Little did you two forbidden lovers know that a brunette man was staring contently as his assumptions were right.
Sorry it took so long :,)
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