#i really did this instead of working on my final projects go figure
emphistic · 2 months
If it’s okay with you, can I request modern day Sukuna comforting an overwhelmed reader who’s so stressed to the point of crying?
a/n: i, personally, am really bad at comforting others so i did a little self-projecting lmao — also, apologies to anyone who drowns in my sea of commas
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You down the rest of your energy drink before rubbing your eyes and checking the time on your phone. 10:47pm, you sighed.
This was going to be the third time in a row that you pull an all-nighter. But it was okay. Albeit thousands deep in student debt, after you get financially stable it would be okay. When you're able to sleep without worrying about loans, it would be okay. When you're able to think without another assignment getting in the way, it would be okay. When you're able to have a relaxing night to yourself, it would be okay. When the eyebags finally decide to go away, it would be okay.
It would be okay. It would be . . . okay.
Just okay?
You didn't need 'okay'.
Completely and utterly exasperated, you didn't even notice the tears beginning to slip down your cheeks. Quickly, you moved to wipe them away with your sleeve.
You didn't need 'okay'. You needed . . .
A hand — which you figured to be belonging to your pink-haired boyfriend, Sukuna — swiftly pushed the lid of your laptop down. "You need to learn how to take a break. Relax, kid. You haven't come to bed in days, much less: slept, even." I miss you, he wanted to say, but couldn't bring himself to.
"Heyy, I was using that. Sukunaaa," you turned to look at the man, jutting your bottom lip out into a pout.
"You should be thanking me, actually. You've been practically living off caffeine," Sukuna gingerly grabbed you be the arm and peeled you off of your chair.
"You stink, by the way," Sukuna remarked.
"I'm busy, 'Kuna. I have to get back to my work, the due date is—"
"Do you ever stop talking?" Sukuna guided — more like dragged — you to your shared bedroom, and then into your bathroom, forcing you to sit on the tiled floor whilst he drew you a bath.
Your head, and the rest of your body, leaned against the tub; your eyes kept threatening to close, but you didn't let them. Instead choosing to continue staring at Sukuna's bare back and his unruly bed-hair.
He must've awoken and climbed out of bed just to come fetch you. Your heart fluttered at the thought, but you pushed it aside, thinking it too unrealistic.
Unbeknownst to you, you were actually wrong — maybe not in the way you imagined, though. He didn't wake up to fetch you because. . . He was never sleeping in the first place. The absence of you in his arms had kept him awake, staring at the desolate ceiling, tossing and turning — until he couldn't take it anymore, which leads you here: to present time.
Sukuna stopped the flow of the water, breaking you out of your thoughts; he turned towards you and squatted down to help you remove all your clothes.
He slowly lifted you into his arms and placed you into the bathtub, before moving to step out of his sweats.
To this, you raised a brow. "Huh? What are you doing?"
"You're not the only one in the house who needs to regularly bathe, duh."
Sukuna entered the tub behind you, pulling your back to his chest. You attempted to start washing yourself but Sukuna grabbed your wrist, kissing your knuckles, adding, "Let me take care of you. Just sit still and look pretty f'me."
The amount of tenderness and compassion that Sukuna used while washing you made you hum in content. While the sloshing and splashing of the water nearly lulled you to sleep — (assignments successfully long forgotten).
When you stepped out of the tub, Sukuna had to hold on to your waist just to wrap your towel around your middle, as you continued to sway in your exhaustion. Your legs could barely hold you up. And that didn't change a bit whilst the pink-haired man also helped brush your teeth.
It did help that Sukuna had forced you to lay down while he massaged you, though. He got on his knees and massaged and rubbed your feet, your back, and the rest of your sore spots.
Sukuna had never gotten on his knees for anyone — excluding carnal activities — but he would do it for you in a heartbeat. So he did. He got on his knees, for you.
Moments later, he rolled you onto your back before crawling into bed next to you. You immediately curled into his side, his arm going to wrap around your waist.
He pressed a kiss to your forehead, breathing in the scent of your lemony shampoo and whispering into your hair, "Go to sleep."
"Noo," you snuggled impossibly closer to his chest, seeking his warmth — which you obviously received.
"Idiot. Your body is practically crying out to you at this point. If you don't close your eyes, I'm going to give you a reason to." Sukuna used his middle and index finger to push your eyelids shut. You relented, quickly entering slumber land, and dreamt.
When you woke, your pink-haired hunk of a boyfriend was nowhere to be seen. Seeing your chance, you immediately stretched, yawned, and hurried over to and opened your laptop. Planning to continue where you had left off, only to find that all of your assignments had already been done: written and submitted.
Riiiight, Sukuna was not only handsome, but he was also freakishly smart. Silly you, must've forgotten.
A/N: i usually write sukuna as being a dumb, typical bad boy, but lets switch things up just this once (maybe)
Taglist: @starlets-things @sad-darksoul @mochimoee @r0ckst4rjk @lillycore @deepchromatose @yinyinyinyinyinyin @fivehoneyharg @desihopelessromantic @lich1 @hannas16 @acroso
436 notes · View notes
samandcolbyownme · 6 months
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Summary: y/n is partnered with popular party boy, Sam, for a project and she hates it. Not a request
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, mentions of alcohol, slight angst, slight hatred towards each other, mainly reader towards Sam, mean comments, flirting, unprotected sex, biting, scratching, general filth
Word Count: 10.4k | not edited
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"I've been thinking about it.." your professor starts out, "..and instead of doing an actual test for the final, I'm going to have you guys do a project. On any historical event of your choosing."
"If we get to have partners, you're mine." Your friend nudges you. You look at her with a nod, "Oh of course."
"You will have a partner.." your professor continues and you look at y/f/n with a wide smile. But, that quickly gets ripped away, "But I will be assigning you your partners."
"Of fucking course." Y/f/n grumbles and you sigh, "Maybe he knows how well we work together. Maybe he'll assign us together."
She sighs, "I doubt that."
You knew she was right. You knew you'd probably get stuck with someone who would have you doing all the work anyway. Someone who has excuse after excuse as to why they can't get together and work on it.
Your leg bounced up and down as you wait for you and your friend's name to be called. Finally, towards the end, "Y/n y/l/n. You'll be partnered up with Sam Golbach."
You closed your eyes, completely shutting everything out as you sat in your anger, "Really?" You look at your friend, "Sam's hot. You just hate him because he's popular or whatever. I don't know. Some stupid reason that you just need to get over. You're lucky you didn't get stuck with Nevin."
"Is that who-"
You pout, "I'm sorry." You knew she was mad, but not at you. She was just taking it out on you, which isn't something new. But she was right, you did kinda hate Sam, but it wasn't stupid, well to you at least.
She rolls her eyes, "Uh huh." She stands up, grabbing her bag, "Gotta go meet my project partner." You sigh, "Yeah, gotta go find mi-"
"Hi." Sam is standing there with a toothy grin. You wanted to smack it off of him, "Yeah, hey." You roll your eyes as you grab your bag off the chair next to you.
"Hey, no need to be so hostile." Sam laughs and you stay silent, turning away from him. You start to walk away and he's right on your tail, saying hi to every girl that, god forbid gawks at him.
"Anything to fulfill your ego, right?" You mumble to yourself as you stare at the door ahead.
Sam jogs up next to you, "You say something?"
"Even if I did would it matter?" You pull your book closer to your chest and Sam laughs, "I mean, yeah. Kind of."
"Why?" You stop and look at him and he shrugs while shaking his head, "Because.. we're.. partners?"
You pause for a moment, "Yeah. Still wish that wasn't real."
"Why are you so negative about me? Is it because I haven't given you any attention?" He laughs and you gag, "no. I'm glad you haven't. And if we weren't partners, I would still be avoiding you."
"Avoiding me?" He furrows his brows and walks with you, "Am I that bad?"
You snort, "I mean, I just don't want to risk catching anything you may have gotten from the streets here at Silverston."
Before he can say anything else, you cut him off, "You don't need to explain yourself to me because I promise you.." you turn to look at him, "I'm not even going to risk it."
Sam's eyes move over your face as he pushes the door open, "Uh huh." He motions, "After you."
You roll your eyes walking out of the building, "So I figured we could just go to the coffee shop and start working on this final."
Sam sucks air between his teeth, "Actually.."
"I'm going to be doing all of this?" You sigh, "Good thing I already planned on it." You go to walk away but he stops you, "Actually, I have a date, but if you wanted to I can come over after."
You laugh, "No. thanks. I don't need you infesting my dorm with whatever you'll freshly be infected by whatever falls into your trap this time."
"How do I know you don't have anything? Sounds like you're projecting.. or something." Sam smirks and you roll your eyes, "While I am impressed you know what projecting in that sense means, I can actually show you my medical record."
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours." He winks and you fight back laughter, "In your dreams, Golbach. I'll text you when I figure out what I want to do the project on."
You turn and as you're walking away, Sam yells out to you, "You don't even have my number."
"I'm sure I can walk to the street corner and get it." You yell back and walk away laughing.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You lean back from your laptop, cracking your knuckles as your eyes scan over the page of notes that you took.
Your phone chimes, you don't think anything of it.
It chimes again. Still nothing.
Finally on the third, you sigh, "I'm fucking busy." You mumble as you pick up your phone. You laugh as you read over the texts from an unknown number.
I guess you didn't walk to the street corner to get my number.
Did you find an idea yet?
Date went awful. Text me your dorm info.
"Fucking. Sam." You clench your jaw as you think of something to say, but instead you don't. You just set your phone back down and decided that you'll tell him you fell asleep or something.
As you go back to taking notes, there's a knock on your door. You thought that maybe your roommate forgot her key again, so you get up, "Did you forget your key again, Lauren?"
You open the door, smile instantly vanishing as your eyes meet those blue ones, "What are you doing here?"
"We have a project to work on, remember?" Sam pushes the door open and walks in. You look around to make sure no one seen him walk in and you turn, "Yeah no shit, but I mean.. here. In my room."
"You weren't answering my texts. My date went bad, and-"
You cut him off, "Then you told me to text you my dorm info... so what I'm getting is that you still can't take a hint?"
He laughs and swings his backpack off his shoulder, "yeah, yeah. Let's just get start- oh. Shit." He looks from your progress then back at you, "You're really doing this thing aren't you."
"I need to pass Sam. With or without you." You walk back over to the couch, sitting down to pull your laptop on your lap.
"Oh, so you did read my texts." Sam sits down and you laugh, "Where have you been? We were already over this."
"Well fill me in. What did you pick?" He leans over to look at your screen, and you stay quiet as you take in how good he actually smells, but quickly snap out of it. You shake your head slightly as you clear your throat, "I picked the Battle of New Orleans."
"That's a good one. I was thinking that one, too." Sam nods and leans back. You raise your eyebrows, "Really?"
He goes into shaking his head, "No. not at all."
"Figures. You were only thinking about getting your dick wet." You mumble and focus back on the computer.
Sam laughs, "Think what you want, but with who showed up on that date, you wouldn't be surprised that I ditched."
"Who was it?"
He raises his eyebrows, "Do you really want to know or are you just nosey?"
You shrug and smirk, "Both."
He laughs, "Alright, well I had a date set with Candice, but her sister showed up instead."
You raise your brows again, "Well.. that's not really fair. Setting her sister up for failure like that."
"Yeah, I don't know." Sam shakes his head, "Her sister, isn't my type so."
"Of course you have a type." You roll your eyes and he tilts his head, "You have a type, too, y/n. We all do." You look up at him, "Oh yeah? What my type then?"
He smirks, "Tall. Handsome. Blue eyes. Dark hair."
"Is that why you dyed your hair?" Your eyes flick up to his messy brown hair, "I knew something was off about you."
"Ouch. That hurt." He lays a hand on his chest, "I'm not your type?"
"Not at all." You go back to looking at your computer and reach out to toss a notebook at him, "That's what I have down so far. I'm thinking we can just do a slideshow."
He grabs it, eyes scanning over as he nods, "What can I do?"
"Are you actually going to take this seriously?" You look up at him and he nods, "Yes."
"Okay. Good. So what you can do first, is get out of my dorm." You stare at him and he smirks, "You're so cute when you're mad."
"Ew. No. Get out." You close your lap top, "I need to go get dinner anyway."
"Let's go together. We can work on this while we eat."
Although the offer did sound tempting, you really didn't want to be seen with him, labeled as another notch in his belt, "I'd rather stick needles in my eyes and slam my head into the floor."
"You really don't like me do you?" Sam smirks and stares at you and you shake your head, "Not really, no."
"What did I ever do to you, huh? Seriously."
He knew you couldn't answer because there wasn't anything he personally did to you. It was more or less how and who he is as a person.
"You want an honest answer?" You sit up more and cross your legs as you look at him.
"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't." Sam shrugs and you sigh as you lean forward to set your laptop on the small table in front of you, "You're a fuck boy, first of all. Second of all, I really don't want to be seen with you because I'm not going to be labeled a whore who's seen with the guy who's been in everyone on campus."
"I haven't been in everyone on campus." He mocks you, "I know that for a fact because I haven't ever been in you."
His words make your cheeks heat up, "Get out."
"Im joking. Im joking. I'm sorry." He laughs, "I had to. I had to, y/n.Now come on." He readjusts his sitting position and motions to the notes, "what can I do, other than get out?"
You sigh, "Why do you have to be my partner?" You grumble as you open up a new note book. Sam sighs, "Yeah I ask myself that, too."
"What's that suppose to mean?" You look over at him and he looks at you a few seconds, "Oh! I thought we were just saying things that we didn't really mean or weren't true or something like that." He snickers, "If it means anything, I'm glad you're my partner."
You snort, "Why? Because I'm smart and I'd do all the work? Or because you think you can get under my skin and torment me into wanting you?"
"I don't have to do anything, y/n." Sam smirks, "But since you said it. I do have to agree with you. You are very smart."
"Yeah, I know." You look down at the notebook that's lying between you and Sam on the couch, "Okay."
You write down a few things for him to research, "Here." You rip out the page and fold it up, "Look these things up and write down what you think is important enough to put on the slides."
He reaches forward and takes the piece of folded up paper, fingers brushing against yours, "I'll get right on that."
You pull your hand away, "Uh huh. I'm sure."
"I'm serious. I bet you I can fill this paper by morning."
"And If you don't?" You raise a brow, intrigued by this deal that's in the motion of being made.
Sam thinks for a moment and snaps, "I'll do the whole project myself.."
"Um, no. I really don't want to fail." You laugh slightly and he sighs, "Fine. You do one half, I'll do the other. And if I actually follow through my half.. I'll..." he looks around and shrugs, "I don't know."
You secretly liked Sam, but you put a barrier between you and him because you were saving yourself from the heartache of being cheated on or something.
"Maybe stick to one girl for once in your life." You look up, shocked that you just said that out loud, "I-um. I didn't.. mean to say that."
He stares at you, "Alright. You're on."
"You're lying." You roll your eyes, "As soon as you leave here. You'll be going home with the first bitch you lay eyes on."
"So come home with me."
"What?!" Your head snaps towards him, "No. no fucking way."
"Why not? That way you'll be able to know if I break our deal, and since we don't have any classes until next week.. you can just stay at my place." Sam shrugs, a smug smirk resting on his lips, "Just a thought."
"I have a math final Wednesday."
"So go to it and come back?" He laughs, "Look. I'm just trying to prove to you that I take deals and bets very seriously."
A twinge of excitement snaps in your stomach and before you can even take a second to think about it, "Fine."
Sam smirks and stands up, "Gather your shit. You're moving in."
"No. No. I'm not moving in. I'm just- actually. I don't even know what I'm doing." You run a hand through your hair and Sam walks over to you, leaning down so his face is inches from yours, "You know exactly what you're doing."
You squint, "Do I?"
He nods, "I think you do."
"What is it that I'm doing, Golbach?" You tilt your head and he smirks, "I think you like me."
"Wrong." You instantly say, "You couldn't be any more wrong."
"Then tell me why you agreed?" He stands back up, placing his hands on his hips, "I'd love to hear it."
You search for a reason, "Well, because. You, Samuel Golbach, are a player who needs to realize women aren't toys that you can pick up and put down whenever you get bored of them."
He chuckles, "That's.. not what I do.. but go on."
"It's exactly what you do, Sam. You pick a new girl, every day. Every other day. Maybe if they're lucky, half a week tops. Then you ghost them. Immediately moving on to the next victim.. I mean.. girl."
He laughs, "Oh I can't wait to prove you wrong."
"I will believe it..." You stand up, "When I see it. But you're on."
You start getting your stuff around, packing your school supplies and any other things you need.
"Don't forget clothes." Sam smirks as you look at him, "Yeah, because I'd forget the most important thing." You roll your eyes as he chuckles as you throw a few shirts and other items of clothing into the bag, "Alright." You turn and sigh, "Ready to see you fail."
"You mean win." Sam says in a smug tone and you sigh, "Yeah, whatever. I'm tired and hungry so let's just go."
As you walk out of the dormitory, you stop, "Wait. Girls aren't allowed in the dorms after this time." Sam laughs, "Who said I have a dorm?"
"You don't stay in a dorm?" You laugh, "Of course not."
"Yeah I have my own apartment right outside of campus." Sam points and you raise your eyebrows, voice quiet, "Of course you do."
"Don't worry. You won't catch anything. I rarely take girls there. I usually just kick their roommates out until I'm done."
"You're disgusting." You roll your eyes, hoisting your bag onto your shoulder with a groan. He looks over, "Want me to carry that for you?"
You shake your head, "Nope. I got it."
The thought of why you were doing this to yourself gets you through the walk to his car, "Why did you have to park so fucking far away?"
He rubs the side of his Tesla, "I don't want anyone scratching my baby."
You laugh slightly, "mhm." You throw your bag into the back and get in the front passenger seat, "This is actually quite nice, Sam. I'm impressed."
"That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me." He smiles and you huff, "Way to ruin it."
He laughs and starts to drive. About a half hour of silently wondering what the fuck you're doing later, he pulls into the parking spot in front of a nice looking building.
"Well, mi casa es tu casa." Sam motions from you to the building and you tilt your head, "Wow, someone actually paid attention in Spanish."
"There it is." You shake your head and reach for the handle to get out but Sam stops you, "I actually just know that because my friend Colby says it every time I go over to his place."
"At least you're learning something." You raise your brows and go to get out by Sam stops you again, "hold on. One more thing.."
You turn your head and look at him and he sighs, "I just wanted to tell you that I'm happy you ga- I've actually been wanting to do better and I just.." his eyes scan over your face and you feel drawn to him, "I just wanted to say thank you for taking a chance on me."
You blink, breaking your stare from him before you can do anything you'll regret three seconds after, "I'm doing this to pass my class, Sam. Nothing more."
He nods, "Okay."
You turn to get out once more, and he mumbles a quiet, "Sure."
You close your eyes, fighting to give him the reaction he's fishing for, so you just get out. You shut the door before going back to get your bags.
Sam gets out and waits for you at the front of his car, he chuckles as you glare at him, "You act like you're the only one who hates this."
"Then why did you-" you stop, letting out a groan, "I'm walking back to my dorm." As you turn, you're pulled back by the sudden grip on your bag, "Sam!"
"I didn't mean it like that. I just.." he laughs, "the withdrawal, man."
"The with-" you laugh, "You are unbelievable."
"What? I'm just being honest. Isn't the first step to recovery admitting you have a problem?" He laughs slightly and you shake your head, "That wasn't you admitting you have a problem."
He shrugs and you huff, "Can we just go inside please?" He motions, "I wasn't stopping you in the first place."
"Actually. You wouldn't let me get out of the car." You walk past him and he sighs, "I wanted you to listen to me."  He walks ahead, opening the door for you and you nod walking in.
You look around as you follow him up the staircase. Your eyes move to the back of his head, quickly moving away from him as he looks back at you, "Do you want me to ta-"
"Alright. Don't say I didn't ask."
"I won't be saying anything. Trust me." You roll your eyes, stopping outside of his door as he unlocks it. He pushes it open and you walk in, honestly surprised that it's a nicely kept.
"Well, what do you think?" Sam shuts the door and you nod, "It's nice." Sam smirks, "Thank you."
You walk over to the couch, "So do you want to wor- really."
He looks up from his phone, "Yeah we can work on the project for a little bit."
You stare at him and he looks up, "Don't worry. I'm just texting Colby." You step towards him, "Um. What are you saying exactly."
"Nothing really, just that I have guest over."
"A guest." You roll your eyes, "More like hostage." He laughs and shakes his head, "Here. If you want to read them, go ahead." He tosses you his phone and you catch it, "Sam I do-"
"Read them." He walks over to his fridge, pulling out a beer, "You want one?"
You look up, shaking your head, "No, thanks." You go back to reading his messages between him and Colby and they're surprising not bad at all.
Sam is actually being nice, and not a jerk.
An unsaved number appears at the top and you laugh slightly, turning to him as you read it aloud in a higher pitched tone, "Hey Sam. It's Melina, was wondering if you'd like to take me out on a date yet."
Sam groans, "God she's annoying. Text her back something."
"Me? What do you want me to say." You stare at him and he takes a sip of his drink, "I don't really care, y/n. Just get her off my back."
You chew on the inside of your lip, debating on whether to ruin his life or not, "Okay." Your thumbs tap the screen and Sam walks over, "Whatcha sayin'?"
"Hey Melina, I don't think that's going to work considering I just tested positive for herpes."
His eyes go wide and his hands drop to his sides, "No the fuck you didn't." He leans in, sighing when he sees what you really typed, not going to happen. I'm done dating around. Have a good one.
He lets out a sigh of relief,  "She's going to know that that wasn't me." He looks at you and you shrug, "So what? You wanted her off your back right?"
He laughs and nods, "Yeah. I did. Well, looks like you're in charge of texting all the girls that text me."
You roll your eyes, "I have a project to work on."
"Hey, me too. Crazy isn't it?" Sam smiles and you shake your head with a slight laugh, "Yeah. Crazy."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Jesus Christ, Sam." You look up from his phone, "How fucking ma- actually. Don't answer that. I don't need to know."
He looks up from his laptop and shrugs, "Sorry."
You set his phone back down and go back to typing on your computer, "Okay.. so.. I have the date, the location, and who won all on the first three slides. I'll add in.." you look at your notes, "I'll add in the commanders and leaders.."
"I have the casualties and losses along with stuff about the battle itself." He looks up from his notes and you nod, "Sounds good. Maybe we can knock this out in one night and I can go home."
You laugh, but Sam doesn't. He just gives a slight puff of air and nods, "Yeah."
You didn't dwell on it, not really letting yourself because you knew that if you gave in to him in the slightest bit, you'd end up hurt no matter what, so you just went back to typing.
You must have fell asleep while typing because you woke up a few hours later with a blanket on you, and your laptop was on the coffee table.
You slowly sit up, looking around slightly confused because for a split second, you forgot where you were.
You stretch your arms above your head, letting out a yawn before standing up. You turn around and jump when you see Sam sitting at the kitchen table, "shit."
"Oh hey, sorry. I didn't want to wake you and I couldn't sit on my bed anymore. My back was killing me." Sam looks back down at the computer.
You walk to the fridge, grabbing a water. You walk back over standing behind him as you look at his work, "Those look good."
He turns his head slightly to look back at you, "You think?"
You nod, "Yeah. I like how you have the pictures to the sides of the words." You point to the screen, "Wait, how many did you do?"
"I did seven." He leans back in his chair, "is that alright with you?"
You look at him, "That some sort of smartass jab?"
He shrugs, "It wasn't but it can be." He smirks and you roll your eyes, "Yeah, that's fine." You walk back over to the couch, grabbing your bag as you dig for a shirt and shorts, "I'm going to go change."
He nods, eyes focused on his screen. You walk into the bathroom, looking at yourself in the mirror as you slip your shirt off over your head.
You change and exit the bathroom and Sam's eyes are immediately on you, "What? You never seen a girls legs before?" You laugh, "Oh wait."
"Yeah, yeah." He shakes his head with a smirk, "You're lucky you woke up. I forgot about our deal and I was getting ready to see what Felicity was doing."
You felt some sort of jealous twinge, and you honestly wanted to puke. You knew Sam wouldn't last. You just want to stick it out so you could prove him right.
"Nice." You sit back down, back facing him and you hear him get up, "Why are you being so short?"
You shrug, "Maybe because I just woke up. Not everything is about you Sam."
"When did I say it was?" He leans on the back of the couch, "I don't think I did."
You nod, "Right. Right." You turn back to face him slightly, "Good for you, Sam. I'm proud that you didn't text one of your hoes."
"I know that's sarcasm but I'll take it." He taps the back of the couch and walks back over to the table.
You could strangle him, but at the same time, being this close to him, you wanted to just fuck him. Just so you could say you could, but also at the same time, you didn't want to be one of the girls that you ridicule for falling for him.
But you are, you just couldn't admit to it.
"If you want to go back to sleep, you can go sleep in my bed. I'm fine out here." Sam offers and you deny, "I'm fine out here, too."
He chuckles, "Sheets are clean if that's what you're worried about, sweetheart."
"Not what I'm worried about but thanks." You mumble as you type, "Did you put in about- nevermind. Found it."
You can feel him watching you. His eyes are burning holes in the back of your head.
"You okay?" You ask, "I can tell you're staring at me and it's me making me very uncomfortable."
"I beg to differ." Sam shoots back.
You look back at him, "how so?"
He bites his lip and tilts his head, "If you weren't comfortable enough already, I think you would have worn sweats and maybe a sweatshirt.." he takes a deep breath, "Not those.. shorts."
"What's wrong with my shorts?"
He shakes his head, "N-nothing. I didnt- fucking forget it."
You smirk as you turn back around, biting your lip as you know you're now getting under his skin.
Maybe you'll get lucky and he'll just kick you out.
But you found that part of you really didn't want to leave.
"Okay. I think I'm done for the night." Sam closes his laptop and yawns, "I'm going to head to bed since you don't want to take it."
"I'll be fine." You mumble and Sam walks up behind you, "I mean, it is a king size bed so.. feel free to join."
You turn your head, not realizing he was that close. You jerk your head back, "I think I'll survive on the couch."
He shrugs and stands up, "suit yourself." He walks over to the door, turning to face you, "Offer still stands."
"Is this you going through your so called withdrawal? If so, it's incredibly pathetic." You look over at him and he shrugs, "Maybe. Or maybe I just like you. Maybe that was my plan all along."
You roll your eyes, "Mm. Sure it was."
"Oh and here." He tosses you his phone, "In case anyone tries to phone be for a late night booty call."
"Will it happen?"
He nods, "Probably. There's a frat party going on so I'm sure they'll try and summon me." He smirks, "Night."
You nod, "night." You set his phone down on the couch next to you and try to focus on your slides. Sam taking his shirt off catches your attention and you close your eyes, whispering to yourself, "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you."
You crack your fingers, sighing as you set your computer on the table, "Fuck." You get up, walking around to behind the couch so you can stretch your back.
Sam's phone dings and you try to ignore it.
It dings again.
And again.
And again.
Finally, with a sigh, you bend over the couch, picking it up to read whatever sexual message you'll see this time. They're messages from a Veronica,
Sammm babyyy. Where are you? The party is almost over!
"Yeah.. it's almost four am?" You mumble to yourself as you continue reading.
Sam!! Wake up. I need a ride.. back to your place..
"Desperate much?" You laugh quietly and smirk as your eyes read over the last message.
You're really just going to ignore me?
You bite your lip, glancing over at an already sleeping Sam in his room and back down to the phone. Your heart starts beating faster as your thumbs type the words, Sam's busy, honey. And to be honest, I wouldn't text him again.
You drop his phone down after not giving it another thought with pressing send, honestly slightly embarrassed, "I'll have to remember to delete those." You tell yourself, "Okay." You reach for your laptop, but his phone dings again.
At this point you're too nosey to let it go, and you were kind of having fun with it now. You pick up his phone, smirking when you see it's Veronica.
Who is this?
Seriously.. why are you with Sam? Who are you?
You roll your eyes, reminding yourself that you're to get these girls off his back. He wants to start over and since he worked hard on his half of the project, it's the least you could do, right?
But why?
Your eyes scan over the phone, rereading what you typed out, it doesn't matter who I am. Sam doesn't need you anymore.
You hit send and stare at the phone with the urge to go through it. You shrug, swiping out of the thread and looking at the messages. You're shocked when you see that Sam himself hasn't answered very many messages.
He's left them all on read.
You raise your brows as you take a quiet breath, the hidden folder in his phone will really show who he is. You click on it, surprised he doesn't have any passcode or anything.
You're even more surprised that there's nothing in there. Usually guys like him have nudes of multiple different girls, but Sam doesn't.
You continue to snoop, going through it all and if you didn't know Sam, you'd think that he was actually faithful because there's nothing in his phone.
You shake your head, realizing what you're doing and you swipe out of everything and set his phone down.
You close your lap top, setting it on the table before you lay back down, pretty much forcing yourself to fall back to sleep because the thought of liking Sam only made you mad.
When you wake up, there's a coffee and a bagel sitting next to your computer. You smile slightly and reach out, grabbing the coffee to take a sip.
You grab your phone, seeing you have a text from Sam, Went out for a run. Nothing more I promise.
You laugh slightly, typing back, okay.
You set your phone down, grabbing your computer and opening it. You look over the slide show and shake your head, you were actually surprised Sam is sticking to the deal.
You continue to work on your half, completely in your own little world until you remember you didn't delete those texts you sent back to that girl.
"Oh shit." You freeze, "Fuck." You lay a hand on your forehead, "No, no, no."
You hear the door open and you take a deep breath before turning around, "How was the run?"
Sam nods, "It was good actually. I ran without stopping to talk anyone, which was.. weird actually."
"I'm sure." You laugh slightly, sipping on your coffee. Sam walks over, his grey shirt damp from sweat, "How's the coffee?"
You glance over at him, nodding, "Good. Really good."
"That's good." He chuckles and sighs, "I'm going for a shower." He tosses you his phone down on the couch without another word and walks into the bathroom.
As soon as the door shuts, his phone is in your hands and lo and behold, the messages between you and Victoria are still there, probably very much read by Sam.
You curse yourself mentally, mainly because it makes you sound like you and Sam are together and that isn't what you want.
Then why make it sound like it?
You bite your lip, eyes scanning over the text threads. Your eyes go wide as soon as you see y/f/n, "what the fuck?"
You brace yourself as you go to click on the message thread but you hear the shower turn off and you set his phone down just as the bathroom door opens. You look over and he peaks his head out, "Can you grab me a towel? There's one in the basket in my room."
You nod, getting up and keeping your eyes on his room. You walk in, looking around as you find the basket. You pull the towel from the mound of clothes and walk over to the bathroom, "Here ya go."
He smiles and takes the towel, "Thank you very much."
"Welcome." You walk back over to the couch, pulling your laptop onto your lap and what you dreaded, starts to come to life.
"So.." Sam walks out, towel around his waist and hair dark and messy. You had to fight to keep your eyes off of him, "So." You shift around, clicking on a blank slide.
"I have to thank you."
You look over at him, "For what?"
"Helping me."
"With what?"
He chuckles and crosses his arms over his chest, "You know what.. do I really need to explain it to you?"
You tilt your head, smirking slightly, "Yeah, I think you may have to."
He places on hand on the back of the couch, leaning his weight onto it as he sighs, "I wanted to thank you for being so willing to help me."
"Help you with..." you motion your hand for him to keep going and he laughs, "Now you're pushing it." He turns and walk into his room, shutting the door behind him.
You glance down at his phone, shaking your head as you avoid looking through his and y/f/n's text thread.
The door opens back up and he walks out in a pair of shorts, "So did you study for that math final?"
You shake your head, "No I wasn't sure if I could leave or not.." you laugh slightly, "..but you leaving this morning told me I could so I'll probably meet y/f/n later or something."
"Mm." He nods as he walks over to get his coffee, "if that falls through, I'm pretty good with math so."
"Oh you'd help me?" You roll your eye, "I somehow.. don't believe that."
He leans against the counter, "Hit me."
You squint your eyes, "forty five times eight."
He smirks, "Three sixty."
You frown, "That was.. too easy." You sigh and shake your head, "Okay. Sixty six times... fourteen."
He pauses for a moment, closes his eyes as he thinks, "nine... twenty... four." He opens them and smiles at you, "I can do this all day."
"I gotta go." You stand up, grabbing your backpack..
"You're going to leave, wearing that?" Sam asks, eyes moving up and down your body. He chuckles, "Whatever suits your fancy, I guess."
You laugh to cover up how flustered you actually were, "I guess I'm just really worried about this test."
"I can help you. Be your study buddy."
You roll your eyes, digging out a pair of leggings and a t-shirt, "You're not my.. study buddy, Sam."
"Could be a whole lot more if you let me."
He said it quietly, so you didn't think you were supposed to hear, or did you?
"Did you say something?" You turn to look at him and he shakes his head, "No?" You nod, "Okay. Well I'm going to go change.." you point to the bathroom and slowly walk into it.
You close the door and shake your head, thinking to yourself why he would say something like that.
Probably just to get under your skin. Sam doesn't really want you. He's said it himself, he's been in everything but you.
Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration, but still.
Your phone dings and you look down, "Fuck." You sigh as your friend's message, telling you she can't make it to study.
You reply, alright. Thanks for letting me know.
You open the door after changing and walk out, "Soo.."
"She canceled didn't she?" Sam chuckles and shakes his head, "Should have just said yes in the beginning."
You roll your eyes, wanting to say he probably knew because he's secretly fucking her, but you but your tongue, "Yeah, I guess."
"If you don't want to study with me, you don't have to I lm ju-"
"No. I could use you." You didn't know how your words sounded until Sam makes his remark, "Yeah you could." He smirks and nods his head and you laugh slightly, "No, sa-" you sigh, accepting defeat, "Yeah, I walked right into that one."
"Sure did." He smiles and walks over, grabbing your math book, "What do you need to know?"
I need to know why you're talking to y/f/n, you think as you sit down, "I'm guessing I need to know everything."
"Good thing we have all day then, right?" Sam opens the book, "Okay. So anything from chapter one on?"
You nod, "Yep."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
After a few hours of answering the questions Sam comes up with, and catching a few glimpses of him staring at you, you let out a sigh, "Okay. I need to eat. I forgot to eat last night and that bagel, although it was good, it's not enough to hold me over."
Sam closes the book, sighing back, "I totally forgot I was hungry. I got so caught up in this book." He laughs and you smile, "I can't stand that book."
"More than me?" Sam smirks and you laugh, "You know what.. maybe a little bit more than you."
He lays a hand on his chest and sighs, "Wow. That's so nice."
"Shut up. You're working your way back." You laugh and stretch, "So. Late lunch?"
"You mean.." he looks around and back to you, "You want to be seen out in public with me?" He point to himself and you shrug, "I can just go myself and bring it back?"
He stands up, "Let me get a shirt. I'll drive."
You laugh as he gets up, and you grab your laptop, looking over your almost completed final.
"Looks good don't it?" Sam asks walking back out, "we did good."
You nod, "we sure did. I do have to say.. you shocked me, Golbach."
"Why's that?"
You shut your computer and look over at him, "I didn't think you'd do it."
"Have some faith in me, y/n. I know I have a bad reputation, but.." he shrugs, "I don't want to be the campus fuck boy anymore."
You stare at him, a million things running through your mind trying to slip off your tongue.
"What?" He asks, "You don't believe me do you?"
"I didn't say that."
"Then what?" He crosses his arms and you sigh, "Let's just go get food. I'm getting hangry."
"I can tell." He snickers and you push his shoulder as you walk by him. He lets out an, "Ouch!"
"Please. That didn't hurt." You laugh and look at him, "Do you want it to?"
He shrugs, "I don't know, I might like it." He winks and you shake your head slightly, "Do- no." You laugh and grab your bag, "Come on."
He follows you out the door and down the steps, "Where do you wanna go?"
"I kinda wanna go to McDonald's.. I've been wanting some nuggets." You look at him as you wait for him to unlock the car, "If that's okay with you."
You mentally smacked yourself, why do you suddenly care about what's okay with him and what's not?
"Whatever you want, sweetheart." He unlocks the car and gets in as you do, "I was actually going to say the same thing."
"Yeah?" You buckle up and look at him. He nods, "Yeah, actually." He starts driving and after a minutes, he laughs, "So. I have to ask.."
"Oh god, what?”
He rubs his chin and glances over at you, "How did you come up with the response to Veronica?"
"Oh.. god." You laugh and cover your face, "Can we not.. fuck, I forgot to delete them."
"No, no. Now why would you delete them?" He chuckles, "I thought it was a pretty solid response, y/n."
"It makes it sound like we're together." You roll your eyes and he shrugs, "So what?"
"So what?" You repeat, "I just-"
"You don't want to be labeled a whore. I know." He sounds annoyed and you sigh, "Sam. I didn't-"
"No. Actually, I'm glad I brought this up because I wanted to tell you. I've ever slept with four girls since being here." He looks at you and you chew on your lip, "Really?"
He nods, "you were just going off of what you heard other people talking about." He shrugs, "I'm good looking. People like me. I'm instantly labeled a fuck boy because I like to party and I'm always seen with girls."
"I'm sorry, Sam. I-"
He cuts you off, "Has it ever occurred to you that maybe.. there's someone I want, but they don't want me? Because I can assure you, that that is possible."
You stay quiet and he sighs, "Sorry.. I just.." he runs a hand through his hair and you hesitate but you lay a hand on his shoulder, "No you're fine."
He glances at your hand and sighs before he grabs it, interlocking his fingers with yours.
You're shocked at first, but you let it happen, "Did you sleep with y/f/n?"
He looks at you and laughs, "What?"
"When I was replying to the girls who- wait.. why did you hype yourself up like a fuck boy if you really aren't?"
"We can come back to that. Why do you think I'm sleeping with y/f/n?" He laughs slightly, "Did you not read the messages?"
You shake your head, "No, I didn't."
"Could have." He shrugs, "I was asking her about you."
"Me?" You raise your brows, "Why me?"
He smirks and lifts your hand in his, "This isn't enough of a clue?" He shakes his head, "Maybe I need to spell things out for you."
You smile and sigh, "I just.. I didn't want to do anything I wasn't sure you'd be okay with."
"You swore you hated me. Up and down, side to side. Called me, pretty much a man whore and told me I treat women like objects.. and I'm still here. I'm pretty sure you can hit me with a car and I'll come crawling back."
"Sam." You laugh and he laughs, "I'm serious. Since our sophomore year.. I just thought I'd let you get to know me yourself but.."
You cut him off, "I listened to the rumors in the wind, rather than.. yeah.. sorry."
He shrugs, "I know you don't trust me right off the bat.. I know it's hard but.. why do you think I gave you my whole ass phone."
"Okay.. I did go through it." You look at him and he pretends to be shocked. You laugh, "But that's when I hated you."
"What are you saying? You don't hate me anymore?" Sam smirks and you tilt your head, "Do I have any reason to?"
"Unless you're mad about the four girls, then no." He laughs and you shrug, "You did what you needed to do to get me off your mind."
He sucks air through his teeth, "Yeah, about that."
Your face drops and your heart picks up, oh god, you think, he lied about everything, "what about what?"
"Even when I knew you didn't want me.. I couldn't stop thinking about you."
"Shut up." You laugh slightly and shake your head. He squeezes your hand, "I'm serious y/n. You may be the boring girl who doesn't party and stays back at her dorm to study instead to some people, but to me.. you're the best kind of girl."
His words make your stomach flutter, "Oh." You laugh slightly, "I thought this was going to be a completely different conversation."
He smiles slightly, "I kept up the act because I wasn't sure how this was going to go and plus.. I like getting you going."
"Really?" You squint at him and shake your head, " I didn't notice."
"Really? Hmm. I gotta step up my game." He laughs and rolls the window down before he starts to order.
You tell him what you want and wait for him to finish.
"Thank you." Sam pulls around and lets go of your hand, "Don't go far." He smirks up at you as he reaches into his shorts to pull out his wallet.
"Do you want me to pay yo-"
"Nope." Sam cuts you off with a smirk and you smile, "Thank you." He nods, "Not a problem at all."
"So.." you pause as he pays, speaking back up when he pulls forward, "Question."
"Answer." He looks over at you and you laugh slightly, "the comment.. you made about rarely bringing girls back to your apartment.."
"Honestly. There was one girl there but she was a girl who came with Colby, so she wasn't even my guest, well I mean she was but she wasn't.. mine? I think." He laughs and you nod, "No, I get it."
He sighs, "Good. You make me nervous."
"I make you nervous?" You laugh slightly and he shrugs, "also why I kept up the show. I couldn't let you know you affect my badass exterior."
You roll your eyes, "Please. I always thought you were an asshole."
He laughs and thanks the person at the window before driving off, "Well, I can be."
"There you go. That's a start." You smirk and he rolls his eyes, "Whatever, let's just get you back so you can fill that pretty little head with knowledge for tomorrow."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·
As you wrap up the studying, you stretch your arms above your head, "I feel pretty good about tomorrow."
Sam nods, "Yeah?"
You nod, "Thank you for helping me."
"Does that mean I'm your official, study buddy?" He winks and you smirk, "Maybe. That depends."
"Depends on what?"
You bite your lip and smile, "On if you're going to make me sleep on this couch again."
Sam scoffs, "The offer to sleep in the bed has been there since yesterday." He stands up, "C'mon." You stand up, taking his hand in yours and follow him into the room.
"No funny business." You joke and he holds his hands up, "Not unless you want there to be." He smirks and you pull the blanket back, sitting out to swing your legs onto the bed, "What a gentleman."
He gets in next to you after slipping his shirt off, "what can I say?"
"You can say, Sam, you are such a good guy, I don't know why I ever listened to the rumors about you. You're also a very good looking guy too." He laughs and you sigh, "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say."
"I'll take it." He chuckles and lays on his back, arm behind his head as you lay on your side with your back facing him. Your eyes can the wall, mind racing about everything that's happened.
You bite your lip and roll over to face him. He lays on his side and brushes hair from your face, "What's up?"
"Why didn't you tell me anything sooner?" You look up at him and he shrugs, "Your friend told me to stay away because of the image you had against me."
"But she.." you sigh and shake your head, "Nothing.. goodnight." You go to turn away but his hand on your hip stops you, "What?"
You look back at him, "She told me that I needed to lose my imagine of you and at least I got stuck with you as a partner instead of Nevin."
"She didn't tell you that we texted a few times? Always about you, trust me. You can read them if y-"
You cut him off, "No it's okay. And no.. she didn't tell me."
Sam raises his brows, "Sounds like she's jealous."
"Jealous? Over what?"
"Over me, liking you and not her." Sam smirks, "oh, and because I can do this." He leans in, gently pressing his lips to yours and you freeze.
He pulls away, "Sorry.. too soon?"
You stare at him for a few seconds, "No." you lean back in, pressing your lips to his, "I've actually wanted to see what all the hype was about anyway."
"Doesn't live up to it?" Sam smirks and you sigh, "Yeah, I say it does.”
He smiles, "Alright." His eyes scan over your face and he sighs, "Go to bed."
"You go to bed." You shoot back and he chuckles, "I'll go to bed when you go to bed."
"Fine." You roll over, lying closer to him and he smiles, "Get over here." He lays his arm over your waist and pulls you to him, "you can take my car tomorrow."
"Really?" You bite your lip, "You trust me enough with that thing?" He laughs and nods, resting his chin on your shoulder, "I trust you."
The next morning, you wake up before Sam, anxious about your final. As you're sitting on the edge of the bed, going over problems in your head, you feel a hand gently drag down your back, "You're going to ace this test, y/n."
You look over your shoulder at a still half asleep Sam, "You think?"
"Mhm. I know you will because I helped you study." He smirks and you push him, "I'll thank you when I pass." You smile and get up, checking your phone, "Oh shit. I'm running late."
You quickly get around, pecking Sam on the lips before rushing out the door. You throw your stuff into the car and get in, taking off towards campus.
As soon as you park, you run towards the building and y/f/n stops you, "Whoa, hey y/n. Where the hell have you been?"
You stop and point, "we gotta go. We're going to be late."
She shakes her head, "Professor Fritz postponed it for a half hour. He's running late himself, didn't you check your email?"
You pull your phone out, "No I didn't." You click on the new email that was delivered twenty minutes ago, "Shit. Well. Okay." You sit down on the bench and she sits down next to you, "So you gonna answer my question?"
"About where I've been?" You look over at her and she nods, "uh yeah. That would be the question."
You laugh slightly, "I've been with Sam working on our project."
"You've been with Sam? What do you mean?" She tilts her head and you shrug, "I've been crashing on his couch so we can knock it out as soon as possible, what's the big deal?"
"I just.. the big deal is.. you couldn't stand him three days ago and now you're sleeping on his couch?" She scoffs, "You hate him, y/n."
"What happened to me needing to get over the stupid reason as to why I hate him? You were so hell bent on me being okay with Sam?" You stare at her and she shakes her head, "That's before I knew just how much of an asshole he actually is. You were right."
"Actually. I was wrong."
"What do you mean?"
"Why didn't you tell me that he texted you about me?" You watch as her face goes pale and you can visibly see her stumbling over finding what to say, "I-I don't know.. I don't know what you're talking about."
"I seen the texts, y/f/n, and Sam also told me about them. Why didn't you just tell me that he likes me?" You wait for her to answer, but she doesn't so you sigh, "Look.. I get it."
"Get what?" She snaps and you shrug, "You like Sam. Right?"
"Who wouldn't?" She laughs, "I mean.. yeah. I guess I do, or did. I was just jealous I guess? I don't know." She shakes her head and looks at you, "Wait."
You raise your brows and she points, "Isn't that Sam's car?" She looks from the car to you, "Why are you driving it?"
"He told me I could. He also helped me study when you bailed on me."
"Sorry about that." She sighs, "I'm sorry about not telling you about Sam.. I guess I just let my jealousy of him wanting you instead get to me."
You thought for a moment, debating on whether or not you felt her apology was genuine, "I just.. I wouldn't have done that to you."
"No I know. And I knew that I just.. I'm sorry."
You see the doors open up and you stand up, "I gotta go." You turn, walking towards the now open doors.
During the test, Sam was heavy on your mind.
How he looked while helping you study for these questions.
His smile when you got one right.
His eyes, how they watched you as you thought about your answers.
The way his hands felt on your body when he held you all night long.
You blinked, taking a deep breath as you went back to trying to focus on your test, but it was hard. The fact that Sam really wasn't the popular fuckboy you thought he was all because he was too scared to be rejected by you, makes you really want him more.
"Thirty minutes."
You sighed quietly at the professors warning and made yourself crack down on finishing this final.
Once time was up and tests were collected, the professor stands up from his desk, "You should all know whether you passed or failed within an hour. You're dismissed."
You grab your bag, digging out Sam's keys before getting up. Y/f/n stops in front of you, "Hey wait."
"I gotta get back. I still have to finish my other final." You look up at her and she sighs, "How can I make this up to you?"
You shrug, "When I think of it, I'll let you know."
And with that, you head out to the car, making your way back to Sam's apartment. You never thought y/f/n would do something like this.
It honestly felt like a stab in the back and you didn't know how to feel other than mad.
You make your way inside and open the door. Sam looks at you from the couch, "Hey. How'd it go?"
You smirk slightly as you shut the door, "The part where I tested or the part where I called y/f/n out on being a backstabbing friend?"
He switches the tv off and raises his eyebrows, "You really called her out?"
You nod, "She said that she was jealous over you wanting me instead."
"She wanted me?" He laughs slightly, "Ah. I see."
You walk over and sit down next to him, "Yeah. She said she let her jealous rage come between us. She apologized and then asked how she can make it up to me.."
"What did you say?" Sam reaches over and twirls a piece of your hair. You sigh, "I told her when I think of something I'd let her know and then I left."
He shakes his head, "She messed up."
You nod, "She sure did. I actually kinda like you."
"Kinda? Yikes, okay." Sam laughs and you smile, "you're not so bad after all. I just don't understand why she would tell me I need to get over it if she was keeping how you felt away from me." You shake your head, "I don't know. She should have known the truth was going to come out sooner or later."
"Glad it was sooner." Sam smiles and pulls you to him, "Gimme a kiss."
You peck his lips and he shakes his head, "Um no. I said a kiss." He smiles as you smile and you lay your hand on his cheek as your lips gently move with his.
You lean back, "How was that?"
He shrugs, "It was kinda alright." He smirks and you push his shoulder, "Rude."
He laughs and brushes your arm, "It was amazing."
You smile and look down as your phone goes off, "Oh. That's so early." You look up at Sam and reach for your laptop, "My test results are in."
You click into your email and take a deep breath, "Okay." You wait for it to load and Sam moves over next to you, watching at the circle spins around and around, "I hate that it takes forever."
You nod, "Yeah, me too." You nervously chew on your nail and shove your computer into Sam's lap, "I can't look."
"Okay. I gotcha. Hang on." He lays a hand on your knee, "Still loa- oh. Okay. Here we go." His eyes move down over the screen and you hold your breath, waiting for him to deliver the news.
He looks up at you and a slow smile grows on his face, "You passed."
"I-I.. passed?" You ask in disbelief. He turns the laptop around and nods, "You sure did."
Without any hesitation, you lean forward, crashing your lips into his.
And it's an instant heat.
He moves the laptop, pulling you onto his lap fully, "What are you doing?" He mumbles between kissing you. You lean back slightly, "i guess I just really want to know what you're like in bed."
He chuckles and nods, "Yeah?"
"Do you not want to?" You go to move off of him but he stops you, grinding his hips up and he watches as your lips part, "I didn't say I didn't want to."
His hand slides to the back of your neck and pulls you down, closing the space between you. He swings you over, laying you down as his body moves on top of yours.
Your legs wrap around his waist and your hand runs through his hair, "Please." You whimper quietly as he kisses down your neck, "Sam."
"Please Sam what, baby?" He leans up, smirking down at you. You pout, "You know what."
He leans up, biting his lip as he undoes your pants and your hips raise as he pulls them down, throwing them onto the floor before he takes off his own shirt and works his shorts down.
Your eyes scan up and down his body as he's a lot hotter than you thought.
"Like what you see?"
You blink a few times, breaking the stare from his torso as you look up at him with a slight laugh, "Yeah actually. I do."
You sit up, taking off your shirt before laying back. Sam's brow twitches and he sighs, "Yeah, I like what I'm seeing too."
He leans down, cock pushing against your panty covered pussy and you whine, "Sam.. please." You look at him, "Fuck me."
He hooks his fingers in the band of your panties and pulls them down, quickly discarding his boxers and his body is quick to hover above yours.
All of the hateful things you thought about Sam are gone, right in this moment.
It was just you and him.
He was all you needed.
He slowly pushes his cock into you and lets out a groan that mixes perfectly with your moan, “Sam.”
His hand grips your outer thigh as it wraps around his waist and he leans down to kiss you. You rest a hand on his cheek, “You feel so good.”
He smiles against your lips, “You feel even better.” He starts to slowly pull out and thrust back in, groaning as his pace builds up.
You clench around him, moaning and gasping as you feel so close to breaking, “S-so close.”
“You can do it, come on baby.” He kisses your neck, biting and nipping, “Cum for me.”
You wrap an arm around his neck, clinging to him as your body tenses and twitches, “Fuck. Fuck. F-fu-“ you moan loudly, digging your nails into his back and dragging up.
He groans as the pain from your nails almost sends him right along with you.
“Fucking hell, y/n.” He roughly kisses you as he fucks you through your high, “I-I’m go-“ he moans into your mouth, gasping as his thrusts grow sloppy, “Shit.”
He pulls out and you feel him spill over your stomach. You cup his cheeks, kissing him as he relaxes.
He leans up, looking down at his mess on you and he sighs, "You look so fucking hot like this." His hand drags down your thigh and you bite your lip, "I don't have any plans."
"I'm taking that as a challenge." He chuckles and you shrug, "Take it however just as long as we're naked in that bed."
"Come on." He grabs your hand and pulls you up, "Well clean up later." He winks and drags you into his bedroom, shutting the door with a slam.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
I just want to give a huge thank you for all the patience. December has NOT been easy for me whatsoever, but the constant support and nice messages mean the absolute world to me. So I thank each and every one of you for that. <3
Likes and reblogs are appreciated
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tojisbbg · 1 year
𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗺𝗲 𝗮𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗲, 𝗯𝗮𝗯𝘆!
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❝but, you’re my baby, and i love you so much!❞  
♡ rin itoshi ♡
a/n: i kept getting tiktoks on my fyp of this trend and i couldn’t help but think of him. 
content: rin itoshi x reader, established relationship, gentlelover!rin, reader is a little mean, very fluffy, kinda short, not grammatically checked. 
it was almost nine and you were stressed. 
every little thing in this entire world was pissing you off because you couldn’t finish this stupid fucking project your professor decided to assign you this morning. to make things even better, it’s due before the beginning of class the next morning and it’s group work. 
surprise, surprise! your group mates are shit and the responsibility of the entire project was now shoved up your ass. 
how beautiful. 
you were barely finished with the other assignments that you received from your other classes, which meant that you’d have to pull another all-nighter. 
who the absolute fuck told you that it got better in college? ‘cause right now you want to kill yourself. 
you were trying to reach over to grab your binder when suddenly your hand knocked over the cup of coffee you had on your side. you gasped as your eyes widened.
it spilled all over your laptop. 
“no, no, no!! fuck.” you panicked, quickly ripping a bunch of tissue to wipe the liquid away without getting it further into your device. and just because god loves you so much, your phone began to buzz. 
you groaned in annoyance, leaning over to swipe the decline button. you upsettingly sighed, seeing that your laptop was already starting to malfunction, which meant that you were screwed. 
“ugh, what the fuck, man. i’m gonna end my life, i swear.” you grumbled to yourself. your phone began to ring again and your face had a scowl painted on it as you roughly grabbed the small device, swiping green. 
“y/n?” the familiar voice on the other end called out as you received the call. 
“yes, yes, what is it rin? i’m really busy right now and your constant calling is wasting my time. couldn’t you have just texted me instead?” you snapped at him, making him become silent for a few seconds and he was trying to process what the hell was going on.  
“are you okay? you seem upset.” rin responded in a worry tone, making you roll your eyes.
“no, rin. i’m actually so happy right now that i can die. whatever, why did you call?” you decided to cut to the chase, figuring that it was no use of getting too distracted right now. 
“it’s fine, i’ll see you at home.” he shortly said before hanging up, leaving you with your mouth open. 
“then what the fuck was the reason for calling me?!” you yelled at your screen, which was pointless because your lover wasn’t on the other line. you angrily slammed your phone on the table before going back to your mission of trying to revive your laptop. 
about thirty minutes has passed and you gave up on your laptop, deciding to finish your paper assignments first and then try again later. you furiously scribbled writing on your assignments, your handwriting progressively getting sloppier and uglier as you bullshitted them. 
you no longer cared if your work was absolute doodoo, you just wanted to get it done and over with. so invested in your work, you didn’t even notice when rin slipped inside your shared apartment. 
he usually had soccer practice which ended later on the day during the weekdays. the 6′1 striker entered the kitchen, rummaging through some things before his footsteps came towards where you sat.  
“this shitty ass laptop still won’t work!” you whined, banging your fists on the keyboard in frustration as you felt like ripping your hair out. 
rin pulled the chair next to you out so that he could sit down and watch his very stressed and mad girlfriend work. 
“wanna talk about it, baby?” rin finally got the courage to break the thick silence that was fogging up the entire room. 
“no.” you sharply answered back, your tone nearly slicing his heart. 
“you sure? taking a small break wouldn’t hurt.” he softly suggested, bringing a hand up to stroke your hair. for some odd reason, his persistence was getting on your nerves and you would then do something that you knew you’d instantly regret if not now then later. 
you angrily shoved off his hand, making rin look at you with a shocked and confused face at your unusual behavior. 
“for fucks sake, leave me alone! can’t you see that i’m trying to finish my work? you don’t have to worry about college like i do because you have your entire future set by kicking a stupid ball. i don’t! so just fucking go, rin!” you yelled at him, watching his face fall as he stood up from his chair. suddenly, the words on your tongue died down, your throat becoming dry. 
you knew you messed up real bad, but the damage has already been done. rin let out a heavy sigh before looking down at you with sad eyes. 
“okay, i’ll stop bugging you. also, your laptop most likely won’t turn back on, so stop wasting your time on bringing something back after destroying it. just use mine, it’s in my duffle bag.” rin dryly spoke before turning his heels, walking towards your shared bedroom before you heard the slam of the door shutting, making you flinch. 
“fuck you professor, i hope your wife leaves your for another man.” you swore under your breath, closing the lid of your dead laptop. you walked towards the sofa where rin’s duffle bag was, opening it to pull out his laptop for your use. 
you walked back to your spot, turning on his device to begin working. it was almost midnight, so, if god was on your side then you could hopefully finish the project by two in the morning. 
as soon as the laptop turned on, the first thing you were met with was his wallpaper which was set as a collage of your photos. you couldn’t help but take in a few minutes to stare at it, and as each minute passed, your heart began to ache even more. 
you knew that rin didn’t deserve to hear those words, but you couldn’t stop yourself from saying those awful things to him in the heat of the moment. shaking your head to shoo those distracting thoughts away, you retracted your focus back onto your project. 
you finished typing the last word on the report and you could almost shed happy tears. you were finally done with this shit, your hands shaking and your eyes begging to close. without hesitation, you submitted the work. who cares about checking for grammar issues when your soft bed was calling out for your ass. 
“not bad, it’s only one-thirty. hm, i guess i should eat before going to sleep since i’m kinda hungry.” you talked to yourself, shutting off rin’s laptop as you lazily made your way to the kitchen to fix yourself up some instant ramen. 
your eyes fell on the white plastic bag on the kitchen counter, an eyebrow cocking upwards as you curiously opened the bag. you gasped as you realized that it was your favorite takeout. 
“oh my god, i’m such a piece of shit.” you whispered, head hanging low as you thanked the heavens for blessing your with such a loving and kind boyfriend whom you didn’t deserve at all 
you eagerly reheated up the food in the microwave before speed walking back to the dining table. you settled your food down on the table, allowing it to cool while your pack your bag and put rin’s laptop on charge so that he could use it for his classes tomorrow. 
after eating and cleaning up, you decided to skip your usual night routine since you were pretty tired. you quickly brushed your teeth and went straight to the bedroom. 
you quietly opened the door, noticing how the lights were off and the only source that was providing some form of light inside your room was the small lamp on the side. 
tiptoeing to your side of the bed, you slipped under the covers as you sat up, leaning against the headboard. you could hear rin’s soft snores coming from the side, the cute man sleeping on his back as he faced the ceiling. 
your eyes scanned his features, which every nook and cranny of your brain had memorized. he looked so cute while he slept and an overwhelming wave of sadness hit you like a tsunami as you recalled the way you treated him earlier on the night. 
tears began to sting your eyes as guilt washed on your face, the warm liquid streaming down your face. without thinking twice, you climbed onto him as you straddled rin’s waist before hugging his sleeping form, burying your teary face in the crook of his neck while you sobbed. 
feeling the wet and warm tears stain the flesh of his neck, rin began to squirm in his sleep as he groaned. 
“what the hell?” rin groggily said, opening his sleep filled eyes as he saw a lump on top of him shaking and crying. he wrapped an arm around you before carefully sitting up, leaning against the headboard as he rubbed your back. 
you decided to face him, even though you knew you looked hideous. you face was probably wet and red like a tomato. 
“oh my god, you look even cuter now!” you cried even harder after taking one look at him, leaving rin nothing but confused as fuck. you peppered his face with kisses before wrapping your arms tightly around his neck as you pulled him into a hug. you squeezed him closer to you until it was humanly not possible. 
“i’m so sorry, rinnie! i was such a jerk to you all night because i was so upset about my stupid project. it’s just everything was getting me so mad ‘cause my group mates ditched me and my dumbass spilled coffee on my laptop, a-and the-then i-” you were choking on your tears and words from crying and talking to fast. 
“shh, it’s okay baby. i’m not upset because you reacted that way, i know you were stressed. we’re okay, y/n.” rin’s words were gentle as it helped you calm down from your crying frenzy. you raised your face up to look back at his face, seeing a soft and warm smile painted on his lips as his gorgeous teal eyes sparkled with love. 
“i know but you’re my baby! and i love you so much! god, i was so mean, how could i even say those things? i’m so, so, sorry, rinnie. i shouldn’t have taken my anger out on you i’mtheworstgirlfriendeverohmygodwhydon’tyouhateme.” you ugly sobbed, your words weren’t even coherent as rin couldn’t help but chuckle. 
he knew that you didn’t mean those words and he also knew that this would happen as well. once again, your gentle boyfriend knew you like the back of his hand. 
“ahh, what a crybaby. hm, you can make it up to me by giving me a smile. i want to see my girlfriend smile before i go to sleep, not in tears.” he playfully said, as you lifted your head to meet his eyes once more. the sight of such a domestic scene made your stomach fill with swarming butterflies. 
fuck, you just wanted to marry him. 
“i’m gonna eat you up if you don’t stop looking at me like that.” you poked his chest, making him laugh as wiped away your tears with his fingers. 
“and exactly how am i looking at you?” rin asked and you mumbled. 
“like you wanna grow old with me until i die.” you bluntly responded, making his smile widen. 
“and what if told you that it’s exactly what i want?” he gave you a cheeky grin, making you blush as a giggle left your lips. 
“then what’s stopping you, idiot? marry me! i do, i do, i do!!” you exclaimed before crashing your lips with his. you placed your hands on the sides of his face, pulling him closer to you as both of your lips molded into each other’s. rin’s arms securely wrapped around your waist, following the rhythm of your lips. 
the kiss wasn’t intense, it was sweet and lasting with a touch of innocence. it was a kiss in which you both enjoyed each other as lovers. and you loved this feeling, the feeling of breathing, tasting and touching him. 
your sweet, kind and gentle lover, itoshi rin. 
pulling away, you looked at him with adoring eyes, swiping away the strands of hair that covered his eyes. rin looked at you like you were the most beautiful and important thing in his life. 
to which you were. 
“i’ll make you my wife and keep you in my heart forever. i love you so much, y/n.” his heart swelled with his love for you. your eyes nearly shape shifted into hearts upon hearing his words. 
“i love you more, rinnie.” you smiled, placing a smooch on his lips, purposely making noise as he chuckled. 
“come on, let’s go to sleep. you have class early in the morning, i don’t want you to fall sick.” rin said and you nodded, the both of you getting comfortable on the bed. you scooched closer to your boyfriend, wrapping all your limbs around him as you placed your head on his chest. your ear was right on top of his heart, hearing the thumping noises of his heart beating. 
it brought you peace to know such a perfect man existed, alive and in your hold right now. his pulse lulled you to sleep and soon enough, you were knocked out. 
rin glanced down to his chest and saw you fast asleep, his lips curling upwards as he bent his head down to place kisses on your lips and forehead. 
“oh, before i forget.” he leaned over to grab your phone, unlocking the device as he went to the submission box of your project assignment. he unsubmitted the report, going to the title page as he erased the names of your group members. a satisfied smirk was plastered over his face as he resubmitted the finished project that had just your name on it. 
“tch, not giving those fuckers any credit for what was all you, my love. sleep tight.” he said before ending his words to himself with a yawn, his own eyes feeling heavy. you were very warm and soft, which meant that rin would be out like a light soon as well. 
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moongothic · 1 year
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✨👁️✨ I AM SO COZY NOW ✨👁️✨
So I started working on this blanket around June of 2022. Got like, maybe half-way through the blanket and then the yarn I needed for the blanket went out of stock at my local yarn shop. Now I didn't know the yarn would be completely unavailable for like 6 months (until the stop closed permanently), so I just kept on waiting, hoping for it to come back in stock-- but it never did, so in January I finally looked online if I could find the yarn elsewhere and I did, I got the yarn I needed, and finished the blanket. So it kinda took me 6 months to make this blanket but also not
What made this blanket a truly exciting and fun project for me is that this has been the first blanket I actually made for myself and designed for myself. Like I've enjoyed every single blanket project I've had so far, but having a blanket that's Just For Me is just. It's nice
I originally planned the granny squares out digitally because I wanted to have a fun pattern of different granny squares, something that wouldn't be too busy looking and was carefully planned, and here's what I came up with
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I had two versions of the square pattern, one with moon phases right in the middle of it and another without them. I do like how the moon version looked and part of me kinda regrets not making that one, but I'm not sure the moons would have really gone well with the eyes... So I did go with the first version
(Sidenote, it's not on the pattern above but I added extra rows of just black squares at the top and bottom of the blanket, so there's two rows of black instead of just one)
(Sidenote 2, although I knew I wanted the blanket to be mostly black from the begining, I wasn't entirely sure what accent color I wanted to use, it really was depending on what colors the shop had available. Like I used yellow as kind of a default color since it worked nice with the stars and eyes, but I could've gone with some other color too. In the end, because I didn't like the color options for the yarn at the shop I ended up going with a yellow anyways) (Also I tested out a reverse color version with the pastel purple and white base and no eyes, just for funsies, it looks kinda neat)
But yeah, that's how the planning of the blanket went.
The blanket is made of 231 squares in total, 11x21 rows. 186 of the squares are plain black, the rest are patterned. The star squares were the worst to make because of how many strands of yarn I had to weave in, 0/10, would not reccommend.
I used the Cedro 100% wool yarn (reccomended hook size 5, 50g=100m), and it took me about 38 balls of yarn to finish the blanket (including crocheting all the squares together and doing a single round of double crochet around the blanket to finish it off)
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This is literally all the yarn I have left from this blanket; one untouched ball of black and three partially used balls.
I gotta admit.
I'm kind of shocked by the size of the blanket. Like I very carefully measured it to make it the exact size to fit my bed, and it fits perfectly. But I'm still kinda shocked how big it is. (Which is why I didn't make the border of the blanket any bigger, even though I could've with the yarn I have)
Like, of course it's heavy, it's 100% wool and thick, but MAN I didn't expect it lmao
But that kind of makes it perfect for cold winters especially, it's super warm and the weight makes it cozy- like who needs a weighted blanket when you can have one of these lmao
Now I just need to figure out how to protect the blanket from being covered in my white cat's hair...
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hgfictionwriter · 2 months
Handy - Part Two
Jessie Fleming x Reader
Summary: Jessie isn't done helping you with household projects. In fact, she helps you undertake your biggest one yet. But can she finally tell you how she feels? To be determined.
Warnings: None other than it's sickly sweet.
A/N: Thank you SO much for the response to the original post. I'm excited to share Part Two with you all. I hope you enjoy! Part One is here if you need it.
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"Good morning! How is your day going?"
"Morning Jessie :) My morning's going okay. It's still early, so not much to report yet lol. I have a couple of meetings later though. How is your morning going? Let me guess, even though you have the day off, you've been up since pretty much sunrise, you've probably fit in a run, a couple of chapters and had breakfast haha."
"Why do I feel like you're making fun of me? lol. And you may be right about all of those things."
"Not making fun - it's really more admiration. If I had the day off I'd still be fast asleep lol."
"There's nothing wrong with that either. For the record."
"I appreciate the sentiment lol. Very generous of you. So, what do you have planned for your day off?"
You leaned back in your chair and waited as the three dots faded in and out in sequence. A frown crossed your face as they disappeared. Before you could think too much about it they came up again. Another frown creased your forehead as they disappeared once more. You sat up. What was going on?
A few moments later the dots reappeared and shortly after a text mercifully came through from Jessie.
"I'm running some errands in the SW today. I probably won't be too far from your office. If you're not too busy or don't have plans already, maybe we could go for lunch?"
Another text came through a moment later.
"No pressure though."
You leaned back in your chair and smiled. She was really so cute.
It had been a couple of weeks since your impromptu night over at Jessie's. You'd seen each other since, including when Jessie did in fact come by your apartment to patch up the drywall.
That said, lunch together mid-week was something new.
"That sounds great. I'm in a meeting until 11:30, but can meet you after."
"Okay! You know the area, so you pick where and I'll meet you there."
The morning went by quickly and before you knew it you were walking into the restaurant and wordlessly searching the tables until you saw Jessie. If she saw you, she was making a point of not showing it. Instead, she leaned into the menu, studying it rather determinedly.
"Fancy seeing you here," you teased as you grabbed a seat. She looked up, eyebrows high in surprise and greeted you.
"Oh hey!"
You resisted the urge to blush as she - inadvertently or not - looked you up and down.
"I feel like I'm underdressed," she muttered, giving a nod to your business attire before leaning back in her chair and tucking her hands into her hoodie pocket. You gave her a look.
"Don't be silly. You look great." She gave you a dismissive frown and you went on, shrugging off your jacket and picking up the menu. "I hope you weren't waiting long."
"No, no," she dismissed readily as she began reviewing the menu once more. "Gave me time to figure out what I want."
"Okay, good. I always get the poke bowl," you told her and a wry smirk formed on her face as she looked at you over the menu.
"I knew it," she said in a very self-satisfied way.
"You know me so well." You rolled your eyes with a short laugh. "What kind of errands were you running in this part of town anyway?"
You frowned as she lifted her eyebrows high again, forehead creasing as she worked to respond. She didn't avert her eyes from the menu in her hands.
"Uh, just picking up something for the team," she relayed evenly.
"Oh. What was that?" You asked, curious and truthfully a bit skeptical.
The blush she'd been fending off broke through and her cheeks began to glow pink under your scrutiny. She shrugged her shoulders.
"Just some gear. Nothing exciting," she said with a laugh, her voice slightly higher than normal.
"Oh, I thought equipment staff would take care of things like that," you said lightly, immediately seeing her readying a rebuttal. You cut her off with a cheeky remark. "I would've said otherwise that if you just wanted to have lunch together you could simply ask."
Her face grew red and she subconsciously sunk into her chair a bit before righting herself and frowning at you.
"I know that." She nearly pouted before huffing exaggeratedly. She shot you a look and spoke pointedly. "Anyway, I have those new hinges for your cupboard. Does Friday still work for you?"
"It does, thank you," you said, allowing her some reprieve.
You enjoyed your lunch together, and although you wanted it to last longer, you had to be back at the office soon. You'd excused yourself to the washroom and when you came back Jessie was hunched over the table concentrating on something. When she heard the scraping of your chair on the floor she looked up.
"Good timing," she said with a quiet smile as she held out a small folded item for you. "His name is Bernard. He's for you."
The puzzled look on your face was quickly replaced with a wide smile as you realized what it was.
"An origami dinosaur!" You exclaimed excitedly as you looked it over. "The best use of a napkin I've seen yet."
Though Jessie wasn't outwardly beaming, the lift in her shoulders and the brightness in her eyes told you she was pleased by your reaction.
"He's awesome," you told her as you began to tuck him into your bag.
"Oh, I was just kidding, you don't have to keep him. I was just messing around," Jessie said, belated embarrassment now encompassing her. You stilled your movements and shot her a look.
"Throw Bernard away? And you kidding me?" You asked in mock offense. "He's mine now. For good."
Her cheeks were bright pink, but she laughed as she stood.
"So...Friday?" She asked again, a hint of nervousness sneaking back into her voice despite how nonchalant she was trying to make herself look. You nodded decisively.
"Alright. Well," Jessie stalled momentarily scratching her temple idly, her gaze focused elsewhere before she looked to you again with a small smile. "Thanks for having lunch with me. I hope your afternoon goes well."
"Thanks for meeting me. Let me know if you have to run anymore errands around here," you said with the faintest hint of teasing. It was enough to get Jessie to look away and blush once more.
"Yep. I will."
"Bye, Jess," you said easily as you stepped towards her and pulled her into a hug. Though her hold on you was still a bit tentative, like she didn't want to relax into it too much, it was still a far cry from how she'd been that first night.
When you pulled away, her hands went behind her back immediately and she went up onto her tiptoes. "I'll walk you to your car."
"What's this?"
You looked over with a frown. You cracked a smirk as Jessie stood there, looking at you accusingly as she held up a paint swatch as if it was a piece of evidence.
"A paint swatch," you replied slowly.
"I'm aware," she said in exaggeration before looking a bit disappointed. "Why didn't you tell me you were planning to paint?"
You shrugged, really more distracted by how cute and endearing she looked as she pouted.
"Um, I'm sorry?" You offered with lackluster earnest.
She rolled her eyes and walked over to your wall with the swatch. You watched her as she frowned in concentration, lifting her other hand up to rest on her chin as she studied the colours in front of her.
"I think-" she started before turning her head to you. "Wait - do you want my opinion?"
You laughed. "Of course I do. You're my resident handyperson. Personal reno expert. Whatever title you prefer."
Jessie's lips pulled into a tight, shy smile as her cheeks began to grow pink. She turned her attention back to the swatch.
"I like this third one. I think the one above it will just end up too washed out and the one below will make the space feel closed in and small."
"Well, we're in luck, because that's the one I was thinking of."
She gave you a nod of approval before walking back over to you. She folded her arms across her chest, planting her feet and exhaled briefly. She took a moment before looking at you.
"Well. You're going to need a lot of supplies. So, we could go together and get them," she trailed off, her gaze following before resetting. "And it'll take you ages to do this whole place on your own, so," she waved her hand aimlessly for a few seconds, "I can help."
"Jessie." You gave her a pointed look. "As much as I appreciate that, painting is a big ordeal. You've already done way too much for me."
She surprised you by looking nearly hurt by the sentiment.
"I don't mind. Seriously. I told you I was happy to help and I meant it. Mean it." She gave a listless shrug. "I like painting."
"A whole condo?" You scrutinized, arching an eyebrow at her.
She blushed a bit, the smallest of smiles sneaking out as she shrugged once more. "We make a good team."
It should've been no surprise to either of you that it didn't take much convincing for Jessie to get her way. The following week you were driving around town together picking up paint and accompanying supplies.
Again, you had to give yourself a reality check when you and Jessie were wandering the paint aisle of the hardware store together. It was too easy to think of yourselves as something more as you controlled the list (though curated mostly by Jessie...) and she pushed the cart and dutifully retrieved items.
It was pathetic, really, how you were fighting for your life, trying not to smile as you two were leaned in together as you compared and debated two types of paint brushes. You had to roll your eyes at yourself. You were in way too deep.
To make matters worse, Jessie - after bouncing her knee all through lunch and determinedly avoiding eye contract with you - offered to have you stay at her place while painting was under way.
"I'll take the couch again. You really can't stay here with the furniture all awry and tarped, and the fumes."
She was going to be the death of you.
"Okay, so everything's set - we've moved everything, things are tarped, supplies are laid out-"
"Meticulously so," you interjected with a teasing smirk. She shot you a mocking glare.
"We can get taping," she announced patiently.
You walked over wordlessly and removed her hat. You saw her swallow as she looked at you with wide, brown eyes.
"Not your nice hat," you told her as you tucked it away and retrieved a hat of your own. "I don't want you to get paint on it. Here, you can wear mine instead." You placed it on her head with a gentle smile, sure not to laugh at how her cheeks were now burning red.
She cleared her throat and adjusted the hat. "Okay, well, let's get started."
It was only a few minutes in when Jessie interjected.
"What are you doing?" She asked, clearly aghast and not hiding it particularly well.
You sat back on your heels and looked at her.
"Cutting in?"
"Freehand?" She said, her voice rising and narrowing her eyes in sheer disbelief. "That's what the tape-" Jessie's words trailed off as she examined your work. "Oh," sounding nearly deflated. "That's actually quite good."
You gave her a teasingly scrutinizing look as you did air quotes. "'Actually quite good.' Wow. The disrespect." She rolled her eyes at you with a laugh and nearly stamped her foot.
"Come on, you know what I mean."
You shook your head at her. "You're not the only one with skills here, Fleming."
You bit back a smile as her cheeks started to darken. She distracted by readjusting her hat, tucking her hand into her pocket and idly shifting her weight from one foot to the next.
"Is that so?" She asked.
"It is. I just haven't had my chance to shine," you continued cheekily as you stood up.
"Well, what I'm hearing is you don't need my services," she said, a glint now in her eyes.
"Jess." Her name came out like a pout and you gave her arm a gentle shove. She grinned before lifting her chin haughtily and giving a shrug.
"I mean, I can go."
"Jessie," you protested once more, jostling her a bit this time and pulling a wide smile out of her. You gave her a look of warning. "Don't make me beg you to stay."
That glint was still in her eyes as she leaned in and gave you a soft nudge with her shoulder. "Fine. I'll get back to work," she deadpanned.
You worked steadily for several hours, you and Jessie finding a good cadence and coordinating seamlessly early on. You nicked the baseboards and doorframes on a couple of occasions, but it was Jessie's fault. How could you be expected to remain steady and focused when you could see the muscles in her back flex and her calves pop as she maneuvered herself along the wall to paint. And her t-shirt sleeves rolled up onto her shoulders? A little too attractive. Never mind her biceps being on display.
The other close call was when you nearly dropped the roller when you felt her hand on your back as she shimmied past you and around the furniture at one point. The contact was feather-light, but it sent a shiver through you nonetheless.
Eventually, you both took a break, sitting flush against one another on the tarped floor, your backs against the couch that had been moved into the center of the room.
You were taking a sip of water when Jessie's phone began to buzz. You saw her look at it and you told her to take the call.
"Mm. It's just my sister. I'll call her back later." Shortly after the buzzing stopped, a text came through. Jessie read it quickly and sighed before calling her back.
You rose from your spot, aware of Jessie's eyes on you as you did so. You retreated to the other room to give her some space. However, you could still overhear Jessie despite how hushed she was trying to speak. You weren't intentionally trying to eavesdrop, but you'd be lying if you said you weren't curious.
"...I can't right now...I'm out..." A huff. "I'm...at a friend's...No...No...No." Then, in an even more hushed tone. "Y/N's..." Another exasperated huff. "I'll call you later. Yes! Okay. Bye!"
You gave it a few moments, but couldn't resist much longer and came back into the living room to see Jessie looking flustered and a blush lingering on her cheeks. She met your eyes before her gaze darted away.
"Hey," she nearly mumbled before standing up and brushing off her shorts needlessly. You, again, tried not to get distracted by her paint-covered hands. "Shall we continue?"
You worked late into the night finishing a first coat across the rooms before packing it up. Your body ached.
"I can't believe you have a game tomorrow. I'm so sorry," you told her, guilt creeping in.
"What for?" Jessie looked genuinely puzzled.
"Aren't you sore? My back is killing me," you asked incredulously.
"Oh, no, I'm feeling fine. It's good conditioning," she joked. "We'll get you a heat pack when we get back to my place."
You were going to need a hell of a lot more than a heat pack, but you gave her a grateful nod nonetheless. You bent to pick up your overnight bag, but her hand shot out and grabbed it before you could. She stood and swung it effortlessly over her shoulder.
A/N: You all have me so into this now that I couldn't fit everything I wanted into two parts. Third part is available here.
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judasgot-it · 3 months
String Me By My Sins, So I Can Be Clean
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Scenario: You found out. Yandere!Fyodor x Reader. Part 1 Word count: 1.2 K @ceramic-raven because you encouraged me to write a part 2. I hope you don't mind being tagged <3
Sitting in your small bathroom, you stared at a small patch that stared back at you.
21 mg. Nicotine. A beige-colored patch.
Just a minute ago, it had been adhered to your skin while you were sleeping, as if you had put it on yourself.
You don't smoke. You never smoked.
The only person you knew to smoke was Nikolai or Fukuchi, but you didn't know them to use patches. They only smoked socially, on good days when they could people watch or when Nikolai could show off vape tricks.
Fyodor had never dared to touch a cigarette, always claiming it as a hazard to his health. His lungs were probably as weak as the rest of his constitution, so you believed it.
So why the hell was it on your skin?
You wanted to ask him yourself, but he was sleeping.
Was it a good idea to wake him up?
You looked out into the darkness of your shared bed with Fyodor, looking at his sleeping form. His small frame was curled in a pile of blankets, curled against a feather pillow - like the princess and the pea, as you could see that he never looked truly comfortable.
The patch could be left for the morning.
He was smart. It must have had some sort of reasoning, shouldn't it?
Fyodor always found things out with almost no context needed. He could figure out the reason. You trusted him.
You had gone back to the bathroom. The patch was missing.
The trash, for once, taken out. In fact, it seemed the whole apartment had been meticulously cleaned.
You remembered that patch stared at you. The pain of removing it from your skin. How hard you had to pull it from your skin.
So where did it fucking go?
"Hey babe!"
You called for Fyodor, knowing that he was most likely working on the same projects that he always was. Whatever it was, he would be able to answer you, right?
There was no response from him this time though. You called again, but you were left with silence.
Padding towards his 'office space' you found that he had his headphones on. Was he busy today and hadn't bothered to tell you beforehand? Usually, he was rather meticulous about that.
Gently, you poked his shoulder, hoping to get his attention.
Fyodor only grunted, giving a sign of recognition. You tried again, hoping he would respond.
"Are you busy? I wanted to talk to you about something that happened last night."
Fyodor turned only slightly, his eyes still facing his screen - absorbed on whatever 'work' was on his screen. Code that you never bothered to learn to understand, that became a source of frustration as it seemed more important now.
"Yeah, what is it?"
Complete disinterest.
"I found like. A nicotine patch, last night. On me. Fyodor, that's weird, right?"
His eyes finally looked at you, although they were only glancing, at best.
"It is. You don't smoke, do you?"
You took a moment to look at him. What the hell was he implying by that? He knew you never did. You always rejected them, since he was so sensitive to smells.
"If you do, you can tell me. I won't judge you."
His voice was soft, unjudgemental at the implication of you even having an addiction. You tried to keep calm through you frustration.
"I don't smoke. You know I don't, asshole! It's really weird that it showed up on my body like that, isn't it?"
You hoped he would help you. But he didn't even seem to care about your predicament so far, instead lazily moving typing commands on his keyboard like a sort of wizard.
"It is weird. If neither of us smoke, then how did it get there, hm? Maybe someone is playing a prank on you. Do you have the patch? We can figure out more about it from there."
He had leaned back, as calm about this conversation as anyone could possibly be. You wanted to kill him.
"It was on the bathroom counter when I took it off last night. I can't find it though!"
You couldn't help raising your voice at the end. For some reason, your frustration was building up so easily it was nearly boiling over.
It wasn't fair to take it out on Fyodor. He gave you a look as well, because well, you knew that you were being emotional about this.
It was just weird. Why was this upsetting you so much? You weren't usually upset so quickly like this.
"Sorry. But I'm being serious Fyo."
Trying your best to calm down, you took a deep inhale. Your lungs filled with air, clearing your head, if only a little.
There was still a frustration coursing through your veins, making you want to pull at Fyodor's hair for being so...well, him. Just being himself, right now.
Is he doing it on fucking purpose? Is he trying to piss you off as much as possible?
He's the smartest man you know, this isn't any real detective work. Fyodor knows why you're feeling the way you are. He can clearly tell that this actually happened - that you aren't fucking crazy.
So why is he acting like you are?
"Of course you are. I believe you, sweetheart. But what's the real problem here?"
His tired eyes slowly blinked at you. There was an emotion lurking in there, but you really didn't know how to describe it.
It was gentle, but not kind.
"Well. It was put on me. That means someone is drugging me. It's violating."
"I can see why you feel that way, yes. But maybe it was just an accident? People on the street these days are rather crazy-looney."
Fyodor had the gall to laugh as he said that, finding humor in his own words as he didn't find your plight worth crying over. There was no fret - being drugged was an everyday occurance.
Tomorrow you could be stabbed with heroin and it would just be an everyday occurrence, right? Worse things could happen to you. Maybe you would accidentally inhale deadly amounts of cocaine since this was just normal.
"Oh I can't believe you."
You left the room. At that moment you just wanted to punch Fyodor.
Did he always look that punchable? With his stupid smirk and pale, dead-looking skin. His eyes seemed so dead, with no read smile attached to them.
It was hard to look at him without feeling enraged.
"And where do you think you're going, sunshine?"
"Anywhere! If I have to see you again, I would probably. Oh!"
You made a noise as you kicked the door, rushing to just get out and get away from the source of your anxiety.
It felt natural, running outside and walking - letting the adrenaline in your body take you as far as it would let you.
Where were you going?
A hand on your arm stopped you. You turned around, the calm face that matched the pale skin - his dead purple eyes were smiling, although it made you stop dead in your tracks.
Where were you going?
You didn't have anything besides Fyodor.
"Please. Just leave me alone."
"You're being irrational, my dear. It's embarrassing."
The hold he had on your arm was tight, some hidden strength he carried that you never knew existed. Pulled did nothing, and there were tears pushing against your face as you felt the feeling again -
"Please. Fucking just. Let me go."
Shaking his head, Fyodor pulled you in - his face rested against your forehead, but the pull his hand had on his scalp was anything but gentle.
He was mad. About what?
Why did it always end up this way?
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Honestly this can be stand alone, but YAY i finally finished this !!!! To the people who wanted this, I hope you enjoy this cuz this was kinda lot for me idk why.
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outerbankies · 3 months
“it’s late, come back to bed.”
PROMPT CELLY GO BRRRRRRRRR. thank u for requesting this one (forever ago) bestie!!!! 💓🤩👯‍♀️
new light: space and time
rafe x reader, part of the 2k prompt celly for new light (masterlist if ur not up on NL). we’re back in the present!
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A stubborn knot about the size of a fist had settled into place at the top of Rafe’s spine slowly over the last few weeks, right in between his often-taught shoulder blades.
He guesses it was during the late nights like these that it began to form, when he’s hunched over his sketching table in the garage lit only by the warm lightbulb in the work lamp over his head—drawing and erasing and scrapping to start over again and again. Or when he’s on his laptop tinkering with his website or any of the platforms he uses for invoicing and processing orders, easily his least favorite part of all of this, until his eyes are irritated and red.
Though it’s certainly not made better by the other half of his day, where he’s hunched over or crouching under his projects as he brings them to life, doubting himself the entire time, twisting himself into weird angles just to make sure everything holds and looks how he pictured it. But at least he likes that part.
A hand, holding a warmth that Rafe can feel through the cotton of his long-sleeve t-shirt, settles directly into place over that knot at the top of his spine, and he feels himself take a deep, steadying breath as he leans back into your touch.
“What’s this, baby, the built-ins?” you ask, your voice softer in these midnight hours.
“Yeah,” Rafe sighs, immediately rubbing his hands into his eyes, his knuckles turning his vision bleary momentarily. “For Beau’s friend.”
“Mmm,” you hum, slightly digging the heel of your palm into his back. Rafe lets out a groan. “There?”
“Right there,” he confirms, letting his head drop back gratefully, accepting a few sleepy kisses once he goes.
You place your other hand on his shoulder for some leverage, leaning over him to peer at his catastrophe of a workstation. “I thought you’d already gone over the sketches with them?”
“I did,” he says. “But they go in tomorrow.”
“Right,” you nod, scrutinizing them again, looking to see if they’d changed at all. “I remember.”
“So I’m just making sure—” Rafe stops momentarily, letting out a hiss. “Careful, baby.”
The pressure on his back eases immediately, and you take to rubbing your hand across the span of his shoulders instead. “Sorry. What were you saying?”
“I’m just making sure I have everything down,” he continues, leaning forward again. “I wanna know my stuff before I head in.”
“What if I quiz you? On measurements and colors and finishes and—”
“I appreciate the enthusiasm,” he interjects, his smile rivaling yours when you finally settle into his lap like he’d been angling for you to since he heard the garage door open and knew he’d be getting that reprieve from the mess inside his head. “But it doesn’t really work like that, sweetheart.”
You roll your eyes, snaking your arms around his neck anyway, the pads of your fingers rubbing circular motions into his trouble spot again. “Then how else can I get you to come back to bed?”
Guilt settles into Rafe’s stomach like a rock, the soreness in his back momentarily forgotten as he sees the plea in your eyes. “I swear I’ll be up soon.”
“Rafe, it’s late.”
“Coming from you,” he retorts, virtually no bite behind his words. Because as Rafe had left Beau’s company months ago and only since then become more entrenched in his new job, in starting his own business, you’d seamlessly settled in at your job at the publishing house, not overworking yourself nearly as much as the two of you used to argue about. Still more than Rafe would ever prefer, naturally, but he’s not sure he has room to talk anymore.
“We’re turning into perfect little Figure 8 capitalists right on schedule, aren’t we?” you say, wiggling around in his lap in a way he isn’t convinced isn’t a punishment for abandoning his side of the bed a few hours ago.
You lean forward, grabbing one of the pencils Rafe had discarded and tapping it on your chin while he checks his watch, feeling his eyes widen.
“God, I’m turning into my dad.”
“No you’re not,” you laugh, still leaning out of his reach as you seem to start writing something in one the margins. You pause, pointing the pencil at the long-cold cup of coffee next to his pencil cup. “Unless there’s secretly liquor in your decaf over there. You know decaf still has caffeine in it, right?”
At Rafe’s silence, you turn to him with your eyebrows raised, the pencil dropping out of your hand and clattering onto the table.
“Like… trace amounts, right?” he asks sheepishly.
“My sweet, sweet boy,” you sigh, running your fingers through the hair on top of Rafe’s head that’s really beginning to need a cut.
“Probably need it,” he shrugs. “I’ll only be up a little while longer though. Promise.”
“You’re really worried about this one, aren’t you?” you ask him softly, some of the mirth fading in your eyes as you trace a finger around the shell of his ear.
“It’s Beau’s friend, baby, I… these guys could have anyone working on their houses. And Beau was really good to me about quitting. I just wanna nail this one and be done with it,” Rafe admits.
He doesn’t tack on the bit about how this feels like one of his first big tests; his first custom, built-in piece period, outside of the ones he’s made for his most forgiving audience, his sisters and you. Because it’s one thing to make a piece for a friend of a friend of a friend, or even to sell one in a store where someone can see it and touch it and decide that they hate it before they have to commit. But it’s another to have someone counting on him to deliver exactly what they envision, let alone someone who could be Rafe’s foot in the door to a wealth of opportunities. He wants to be done with it at this point, sure, but he doesn’t want it to be the end of this road.
“Exactly,” you say, shrugging. “They could have anyone. And I love you, Rafe, but I mean literally anyone else. But your designs are good. Really good. And your craftsmanship is impeccable. They want you.”
He feels his cheeks heating up, and knows it’s showing based on the twinkle in your eye. “You’re an expert in furniture and carpentry now, are you?”
“I am, because I’ve now lived in two Pinterest-level apartments without ever having to hire a contractor. And I’m a picky bitch,” you say, laughing around the last bit.
“You are not,” Rafe laughs. “And half of that is your decorating. Maybe 70, 75%.”
“Your modestly will never not exhaust me,” you declare, smacking one last kiss onto his lips before standing up. “You’re gonna be fine tomorrow, alright? But you’ve got to get some sleep.”
“Ten minutes?” he pleads.
“I will generously give you ten seconds instead. It’s your lucky day,” you say, shuffling toward the doorway back into the house, where two curious dogs await your return.
“Thanks,” he answers sarcastically, before standing to check everything over one last time. These guys could have anyone, he tells himself. They chose him.
He’s gathering his pencils to deposit back into the cup, just about to reach over his head and turn off his work lamp for the night when he sees it, what you’d been scribbling into the margin on one of his designs: you got this RC. hurry home!
At just the same moment that he’s he’s tracing over your loopy “y” and the heart you’d finished your note off with, you call out his name from the doorway, his family waiting for him.
You give him a saccharine-sweet smile, your arms crossed over your chest. “I wasn’t asking.”
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
i think we could do it if we tried
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So I misread a prompt, and didn’t realize until halfway through the fic. This was the result and it ended up being weirdly personal? If you hate it or think it’s unrealistic, I know, it’s just wishful thinking, ok?😭
i think we could do it if we tried
You’re sure Jamie’s expression will be burned into your mind forever. After all, you’re the one who put it there. 
“I don’t know why I’m crying,” you say, tears streaming down your face, “I’m the one who’s breaking up with you.”
Jamie just laughs wetly. “Not your fault, though, is it?”
That just makes you cry harder. 
You and Jamie had been friends for a long time, and he’d been in love with you forever. You didn’t return the feeling until you turned eighteen. It was on your birthday, actually. He had insisted on wearing a birthday hat all day, despite that fact that he was at training and you were at home, so you didn’t see each other until the end of the day. Something about seeing the sparkly cone on his head did something to your heart, and there it was; you loved him. 
You suppose the love was always there, lying dormant, but now it had arisen. It took you a week to muster up the courage to tell him, but you did and now it felt like the world made sense. 
Now, a month later, you’re breaking up with him. 
Jamie had been playing football for a while now, and he was really, really good. You were beginning your studies as an undergrad and had your life mapped out until grad school. He was moving away soon and you were leaving tomorrow, but that wasn’t the reason you were breaking up. 
It’s because your parents didn’t approve. 
“I can’t make them understand,” you tell Jamie, willing yourself not to cry. “And… I know I’m eighteen, but they’re paying for university. They said they’d pay all the way through grad school, and I can’t afford it on my own.”
Jamie nods and wipes his eyes with the back of his hand. 
“God, it’s fuckin’ shitty, ain’t it?” he says. “Me ‘n you, finally figuring it out too late.”
You can only nod and sniff. Your parents told you that Jamie was a good friend, but nothing more. 
“You’re only projecting feelings onto him because you know he likes you,” your mum had said. “And besides, he plays football. Can’t support a family on that, can you?”
Any protests you made fell on deaf ears. Your parents never explicitly said they’d pull their financial support, but it was hinted. It hung in the air, poisoning the atmosphere in the house. Your mother’s displeasure saturated the building, affecting everyone inside. 
So here you are, standing in the dim light of Jamie’s mum’s porch, breaking up with him at 10pm. 
He knew it was coming, too. 
“Y’know I’d never want you to put your life on hold for me, yeah?” he’d said two days earlier. 
You just nodded.
“I’ve been thinking about quitting football,” he continued, “Get a real job, stay closer.”
You had protested vehemently. He loved football, and he was good, like really good, and how could you ask him to give it up?
So yeah, it wasn’t a total blindside. 
Still hurt, though. 
You stood there, a long time, without speaking. You were memorizing each other’s faces and the way it felt being together for the last time. 
There’s a light on in Georgie’s room, and you wonder if she’ll still love you despite the fact you broke her baby’s heart. 
Jamie finally breaks the silence. “You should go,” he says, “before your parents figure out you’re gone.”
You don’t trust yourself to speak, so you just reach out and squeeze his hand. He pulls you in for a hug, the tightest one you’ve ever received, and you never want to let go. But you do. 
You fight the urge to say I’ll wait for you. I’ll find you when I’m done with school. We’ll make it work. But you don’t want to give him false hope. You don’t want to hurt him more than you already have. 
So instead, you whisper “I love you, Jamie Tartt,” and force yourself to walk away. 
That was six years ago. You pushed yourself through school, got out with your BA in three and a half years, and scraped through your MA in two. There were times it felt a little like hell, but you persevered. 
You’re pretty sure the worst moment was during your third year, when your roommate, a football aficionado, started talking about Man City’s hotshot new player.  
“Oh my god, he’s like, so fucking sexy. The things he does on the pitch… he’s like, revolutionized the game.”
“Hm,” you say noncommittally, lost in a textbook. 
“Yeah, heard he’s a bit of a prick though. Grew up in Manchester, and he’s about our age. D’you reckon you knew him?”
“What?” you say, finally lifting your eyes from the page. “I didn’t grow up in Manchester, just lived there when I was a teenager.”
Your roommate shrugs. “Did you know a ‘Jamie Tartt?’ Dating Keeley Jones?”
And there it was. The worst moment of your whole university career. 
You turn back to your book in order to hide your face. “Doesn’t sound familiar,” you say, and your roommate doesn’t push it. She’s too busy telling you how Jamie and Keeley are the hottest, most perfect couple she’s ever seen. 
You’re past that now. It still feels like a stabbing pain every time you hear his name or see his face on a screen, but for the most part, you’ve shut down that part of your brain. 
You might have shut it down a little too successfully. 
In the last six years, you’ve been in exactly two relationships. Both short-lived, both leaving you with a sense of apathy. 
But, your parents approved of both of them. Didn’t matter that they were shallow, self-absorbed dickheads; “He’s cute and has a good job!” your mum had said, oblivious to the fact that she was replaying the exact same pitch to you from before. 
You had felt a rush of relief when the news hit that Jamie and Keeley had broken up. You hated hearing about all his escapades, and how much he hurt her. It made your heart ache, knowing he was burying himself in his prickish attitude the same way you were burying yourself in yours. 
Well, maybe that’s too harsh. You aren’t a prick per se, you’re just… cold. Emotionless. You felt very little this days, because every time you felt the tiniest bit of anything, everything threatened to overwhelm you. 
After school, you just… kept moving. No sense in going home, you loved your family but they made you feel like you were drowning. And you couldn’t make yourself go back to Manchester. 
Georgie called you from time to time, checking up on you. Turns out she didn’t hate you. She was actually rather worried. She never, ever mentioned Jamie. 
“You can’t just stop living life, love,” she had said one time. “That’s all it is: love and loss. You just keep moving forward.”
You took her advice literally, securing a good job that allowed you to work remotely. You moved to the east side of London, West Ham, but were never at your flat longer than a week. After all, you were hot and had a good job. Why not travel? You had no strings keeping you anywhere. 
Now you’re back in West Ham for two weeks, getting ready to go to Barcelona. A friend has a timeshare that she can’t make it to, so you volunteered to go. After all, it’s better to be apathetic in Barcelona than it is in West Ham, right?
Whatever the case, you’re here for much longer than you’d like to be, but you’re going to make the best of it. You have a friend from uni who lives near you, so you’re going out tonight. She wants to go to some upscale restaurant a couple minutes from your flat with a few other girls, and you decide that you’d rather not be alone tonight.
You don’t mention that it’s your birthday. You stopped celebrating them at nineteen.
Your hair and makeup are done, you’ve put together an appropriate fancy-dinner outfit, and you’d say you’re looking classy. You grab your bag and head out the door.
It’s only a ten-minute walk, and there are all kinds of people out. You wonder why, then remember it’s Saturday. That explains it. 
There’s an especially rowdy bunch of guys up ahead, seemingly corralled by a middle-aged man with a mustache. As you draw closer, you hear his accent. American, specifically mid-Western. You breeze by them, catching snatches of their conversations and a mix of accents.
Your ear tunes into someone saying, “…not what really happened,” with an accent that reminds you so much of Jamie’s, you find yourself rooted to your spot in the sidewalk, turning around to confirm that it is not, in fact, him.
You make eye contact with the middle-aged mustached man, who smiles at you and shrugs. “Footballers. What a rowdy bunch,” he says, “Wonder where their coach’s at?”
You surmise by his jocular tone that he’s their coach.
You give him a small smile and he comes over to you. Your feet still won’t move, because you haven’t confirmed that the voice was not Jamie. Or maybe because this man is a gaffer, and you want him to say something, anything about possibly knowing Jamie Tartt.
“I’m Ted,” he says, sticking out his hand.
You shake it and give him your name. At this point, his team have noticed that their coach is talking to someone new, and they descend like a flock of curious children.
There’s a chorus of hellos and one hola, but it’s all a little lost because all you can hear is one soft, “hey.”
“Hi,” you breathe. 
One look into Jamie Tartt’s blue eyes and you’re a goner, even after six years.
Ted looks from you to Jamie. “Oh, do y’all know each other? Jamie, why didn’t you say something?”
“Dunno,” Jamie says, keeping his eyes on you.
Ted, great man that he is, assesses the situation with alarming perception.
“Alright boys, why don’t we let Jamie catch up with his lady-friend, and we’ll just text him where we end up, sound good?” 
It does not sound good to them, because they can tell something interesting is about to happen, but Ted and another bearded American herd them away and down the street, leaving you and Jamie alone on the sidewalk.
“How you been?” he asks, looking awkward as you feel.
“I’ve been…” what word is there to describe how you’ve been? You settle for a shrug.
He nods and huffs out a single chuckle. “Yeah, that about sums it up, don’t it?”
“What about you?” you ask, reaching out to lightly tap his arm. “Heard you were some hotshot footballer.”
Jamie imitates your shrug. “Heard you were some hotshot something or the other.”
You crack a small smile at that. “Georgie tell you?”
“Yeah,” Jamie says, “Felt the need to keep me updated. Don’t fuckin’ know why though.”
That hurts a little bit. This is a mistake, you think. You begin to realize, perhaps for the first time, that your pining after him was pointless. And one-sided.
That is, until Jamie says so softly you almost miss it, “Happy birthday, by the way.”
There it is. 
You open your mouth to say, I love you, but what comes out instead is, “I’m sorry.”
“What for?” Jamie asks in surprise.
“I’m just… sorry. For everything. For walking away. I don’t know, I feel like I should have fought it or something… I think about you all the time. I wish that I would’ve done something different, I guess. I know I can’t change it, but…” you shrug helplessly. 
Jamie just looks at you, head tilted. 
You huff out an awkward laugh. “Anyway. I should probably go. Meeting a bunch of girls for drinks and dinner.”
“You hate that shit,” Jamie says, and it comes out the exact same way he would have said it six years ago. Like he’s comfortable with you, like he knows every single tick in your brain.
“I do,” you agree ruefully. “Just couldn’t get out of it, I guess. Didn’t have a good excuse.”
“Go out with me,” Jamie suggests, impulsively. But then, he was never one for forethought. 
Your mouth opens to decline, then shuts.
“You’re done with school, yeah?” Jamie continues, “Mum said you haven’t been home in ages. Said she knows more about you than your parents. What if… what if we gave it another go? We’re fuckin’ adults, ain’t we? Let’s just fucking try.”
He’s looking at you, so full of anxious hope that it makes you want to cry. You can feel a few tears fighting their way forward.
“Jamie,” you say, “Jamie I don’t know. I mean- I hurt you. I knew what I was doing would hurt you and I did it anyway. I could hurt you again.”
Jamie replies, “Weren’t your fault though, was it?” and you’re taken back so vividly to that front porch.
You look at him, really look at him for the first time in six years. He’s older, you realize, and you think that he must think something similar about you. He’s calmer, almost- gentler? Still the same Jamie though, with the blonde highlights and the slit in his eyebrow. Outrageous sense of fashion, one that is no longer dulled by the ominous presence of his father. He’s more sure of himself, you think, and you realize you’re more sure too.
There isn’t anything hanging over your head threatening to take your livelihood away.
It’s poetic, really. You, him, in the dim streetlight. Deciding to begin again exactly six years after it ended.
“Jamie,” you say again, because you love the way his name feels on your lips, “I didn’t ever stop loving you. I don’t ever want to stop loving you.”
He’s taken a step closer, and there’s mere centimeters between you. 
“Y’know I’d never want you to put your life on hold for me, right?” you whisper, “Been thinking about stopping traveling. Maybe settle down closer, focus on my job more.”
Jamie smiles. “Go out with me,” he says. “Skip your dinner. You’d have a shit time, anyway.”
You smile back and reach out for his hand. It still fits perfectly in yours. Maybe even better.
“I would love to.”
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Alright awesome, uh aHEM-
Y/N trying to comfort Theodore: “Listen man I’m really sorry about the divorce, you two really loved each other so it must’ve been really rough.. If you need any help or just want someone next to you then know I’ll be right here for you okay? And hey on the bright side, there are plenty of fish in the sea! I’m sure you’ll find your one and only eventually”
Meanwhile Theodore is internally flipping out cause: Oh my god the divorce was actually a blessing in disguise she’s finally gone and fuck I think I really love Y/N and they’re sitting here comforting me and touching me I want them so bad what do I do fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck-
Theodore never liked coffee. The bitterness clung to the roof of his mouth and caffeine gave him jitters til next week if he drank too much. With the kids and all his school work pilling up, he needed something to keep him awake and everything else he tried had no effect. He experimented with different creamers and sugars, and created the perfect mix to help it all go down. He figured it wouldn't be too much of a crime to ask his then girlfriend to pick up his drink of choice whenever she bought drinks for herself - only to be handed a black coffee everytime.
"Ta-da! One iced latte. They didn't have that toffee creamer you like so I raided your fridge. Once you're feeling better, we really need to get you out of this house, mister."
His blanket falls from his shoulders as he reaches out. "... thanks."
His voice was hoarse and scratchy; startling even him as it crawled from his throat. It sounded foreign to him, but that's exactly what that woman did. Somedays he couldn't look in the mirror without seeing a glimpse of the shy, awkward teen he used to be - and the stranger that person had because. He was a wreck. He hadn't slept. He only showered when he had to pick up the kids from their grandparents. He hadn't eaten anything in days... until you brought him food. Back in your highschool days you'd pay him with his favorite foods in favor of completing some project you forgotten about. While his tastes had changed a lot over the years, he gorged himself on everything you brought until he felt ill.
Theodore tears the lid of the cup and swallows the concoction, not stopping for a breath. Your hand flies to his back as he chokes. "Take it easy, Theo. Give me that."
You pry the cup from his hands as you sit beside him, weighting his palms against his lap until his shakes quiet. "It's going to be okay. You'll find someone when you're ready to look again and I'll always be here to support you."
You always have been. Years went when he forgot about his own birthday and it seemed like the entire world had to - and there you were, cake and a new book in hand. You were his rock through thick and thin; a vow he made with his ex. The guilty euphoria when people mistook you as his spouse instead of her. Beside what he did with his kids, Theodore had forgotten what it was like to enjoy another's company - reminded each time you came around. He couldn't make this about himself. He couldn't.
"The kids.... Erin's still so young. How am I going to tell them."
"Sometimes, a separated home is better than a dysfunction one. It won't be easy and they'll always come before anything, but right now you need to focus on yourself and what you want in life."
Your hands tighten around his. What does he want? He wants to go back to the night he took that cigarette from her. He wants to scream and hit his younger self for following her at that party. He wants to go back and stop the arrangement that kept his mind off the study partner that always came up with an excuse when it was time to hit the books, but there when he needed them most. He wants to tell them how they made him feel. He still does. He wants to love you - and now he finally.... finally can.
"Hold me.... Please, I just want...you to hold me."
His glasses fog up. You wipe the tears from behind his lenses as your arms envelope him. Eyes misty, all he feels is the pull of your warm embrace and he breaks. Theodore wraps the blanket around you and centers his hearing on the steady beat in your chest. It's the most beautiful thing in the world. If he has that to listen to every night, he won't need caffeine - or anything else for that matter. All he needed was you. All he ever needed was you.
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smartycvnt · 9 months
The Look
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Title: The Look
Pairing: Meredith Grey x Reader
Prompt: 10. Somebody taking an off-guard picture of you staring at each other, completely in love.
WC: 957
Whenever Y/n had walked into the hospital, everybody was talking and whispering about something. She was pretty sure that nothing was going on that day out of the ordinary. There weren't supposed to be any new faces, which was usually the only time whenever the hospital staff got like that. Something had to have happened with people who already work there. Y/n had been trying hard to be above the gossip, so she refrained from asking around about what was going on. Instead, she focused on her research project that she was working on with Dr. Grey. If there was one place where the gossip was unlikely to spread, it was the lab where everybody was focused and on their absolute best behavior. They had another grant proposal coming up and wanted that money to finish their project.
"Oh my god, they are so doing the thing," Amelia muttered. Y/n glanced over to where Amelia and a few of the other doctors on the project were looking over test results. Y/n's job was essentially to run the equipment and administer the tests. She didn't understand what everything on those result papers meant, but nobody else could really use the machine like she could. It balanced things out. Y/n was finally a valued member of a team instead of the doctor that they sent to do the easy work because of her specialty. It wasn't useful in most scenarios, but medical school had never really been Y/n's plan. She had always been a mechanics and engineering person.
"That look is so cute," one of the interns muttered. Amelia nodded in agreement, and Y/n tried to ignore them. Meredith was doing a much better job than Y/n was. Meredith wanted to know how to use the machine, so she spent most of her time in the lab leaning over Y/n's shoulder watching her work. Y/n liked the proximity of Meredith to her. There was something about Meredith that made Y/n feel calm. Y/n felt like she did her best work underneath Dr. Grey's watchful eye.
"They're chatty today," Meredith whispered as she pointed to the files that she wanted Y/n to open up for her. Y/n let Meredith look over the older results to compare them to the newer ones. There had been vast improvement with quite a few of the patients, something that made Y/n so proud of herself and everybody they worked with. They were on the verge of figuring out how to improve people's lives for the better. Deterioration of the mind would no longer be the horrid thing that it was for so many people in the world anymore.
"Everybody has been chatty, since I walked this morning. I wonder what's going on?"
"The pictures from the promotional shoots that Bailey and Webber decided to do arrived. I'm surprised nobody talked to you about it, apparently you're the most photogenic person here," Meredith said with a small smile. Y/n let out a little huff of air. She wanted to be better than to need to look at the stupid pictures, but now she was curious. Y/n glanced up at Meredith with her best puppy dog eyes and pout before she even started to ask Meredith if she could go to the website to look at the pictures. "Go ahead, I know there's some of me in there too. I need to make sure that I look good."
Y/n pulled up the hospital's website and looked at the new image gallery that had been added. All of the pictures looked good, and were mostly generic shots of things going on at the hospital. It wasn't until Y/n stumbled upon a picture of her staring at Meredith with the biggest set of heart eyes she had ever seen that she realized what all the gossip was about. Everybody had seen the way that Y/n looked at Meredith, her secret was out. She was about to become the laughing stock of the whole hospital because she had a big, stupid crush on Meredith Grey.
"I love this picture of you. You look so focused and passionate. I wish that everybody felt this way about the things they were working on. The world would be a much better place," Meredith said. She glanced down at Y/n and smiled, which did help to relax Y/n a little. "Do you remember what you were doing?"
"You were trying to explain to me what the first bunch of results meant. If I'm being honest, I don't think I was paying attention to a word that you said," Y/n admitted. Meredith blushed as she scrolled to the next picture. They were pretty run of the mill, until they got to a picture that had been taken in the lab while Meredith was watching over Y/n at the computer. Y/n looked a little wild as she explained what she was doing with the next set of tests, but it was Meredith that Y/n couldn't stop staring at. In that picture, Meredith was looking at Y/n just like Y/n had been looking at her earlier. "Do you spend all day staring at me back there?"
"Not all day, but I will admit that sometimes my eyes drift a little," Meredith said. Y/n's boldness ended there, but Meredith's had just begun to pick up. "I'd love to look at you some time outside of this room. This angle is nice and all, but I think you'd better sitting across from me at a candlelight dinner."
"Dr. Grey, you sure do know how to make a woman swoon."
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cardboardheartss · 2 months
Min Hee Jin vs HYBE Scandal Interview
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Q : How are you feeling today? (QoW rx)
A : Well… I’m pissed off to be honest. I don’t know if I should be paranoid or continue fighting. I am aware that I’m causing a major uproar on social media but what else can I do?
Q : How do you feel about your secrets all being revealed lately? (5oC, 4oS, AoS, Devil rx)
A : I’m actually quite disappointed, I really didn’t think my secrets would ever be revealed to the public. I feel like running away and hiding because I’m too overwhelmed at the moment. I truly do feel embarrassed but I’m also glad I could finally be free from this company.
Q : Why did you partake in all of this shady work? ( 3oW rx, 10oS)
A : I was too impatient… I wanted to make quick money and prove to other companies that my ideas were actually unique and wil bring me successful but unfortunately my impatience completely backfired on me.
Q : Do you feel betrayed by “That guy?” (Horizontal 7oS)
A : Well… it’s 50/50 to be honest. I could say i feel betrayed but not really. I already knew he was a bad person overall, people in the industry know this guy and how much of a thief he is. But once again… I just wanted the money and now he tipped off that company.😒
Q : Do you think the reason why you got exposed was all rooted from misogyny? (7oP & WoF)
A : No lol! People in the company are just jealous their concepts and groups weren’t gaining attention and success so they decided to sabotage me.
Q : What are your thoughts on HYBE CEO’s at this moment? (4oP, 2oS, QoP, 3oC)
A : Well… they are just a bunch of money hungry dudes who wanted to steal my creations… I did not want to give them my concepts at all and I honestly should’ve been more wary because look now… we all have caused major disruption.
Q : Any words to the NEWJEANS members? (Hermit, Empress, 3oS rx, PoP rx)
A : Umm… firstly, i truly believe we all might have to part ways and I would like to apologize to all of you. I should’ve thought smarter and found safer ways to create all of our successes. I was supposed to be your motherly figure, who’d be there for you guys and continue creating beautiful projects together but instead I was really self centered and money hungry. I really don’t want to go but I have no choice but to, I’m aware it’s going to be a bit of a struggle having to heal from all of this. So many things are going to be changing for better and worse because this industry is just… full of crap but once again I am truly sorry to all 5 of you… I truly should’ve used this darn brain and my heart too.
Q : Any words for the other HYBE groups? (Magician rx, Hanged Man rx, 4oW, 10oC rx, PoC rx, QoS, 9oW rx, Death rx, 4oC & 10oW rx)
A : Eh… y’all cool I guess. To be honest I really have no words to any of them. I’m just quite unhappy and critical as to how your CEO’s used my ideas for your concepts. And good luck with continuing to having disharmony amongst each other and having creative blocks as a whole.
Q : What are your plans once this situation has “calmed down?” (Emperor, KoC, KoS rx, AoS rx, 5oC)
A : Umm… right now, I’m thinking of the present. I’m still trying to take in all of this drama and even possibly thinking of walking away for good.
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carpisuns · 1 year
Summary: “Marinette. My bestie. My platonic soulmate. You are a kleptomaniac.”
In which Marinette is forced to confront her habit of thievery
Word count: 2k
Rating: G
A/N: Written for the pre-reveal, pre-relationship section of the @adrinettezine!
Marinette, Kleptomaniac
“Girl. You can’t be serious.”
“What?” Marinette asked defensively. She attempted to shield the open trunk from view, but this appeared to have no effect on Alya.
“All this junk is stuff you’ve taken from Adrien?”
“It’s not junk!” Marinette said. “They’re my treasures. My Adrien treasures.”
“Right. Your stolen treasures.”
Alya was giving her the “Bestie, this is simply not it” look—pursed lips, arched brows, arms folded in a very judgmental way that Marinette did not like.
“I didn’t— they’re not stolen,” she said. “They were gifts. Like… this! He gave it to me on the first day we met.”
Marinette pulled the black umbrella from the depths of the trunk. She ran a finger over the curved handle, remembering how Adrien’s hand had brushed hers, and couldn’t stop a dreamy little sigh from escaping her lips.
“Uh-huh. And what about this?” Alya wrinkled her nose as she held up a sock, pinching the cuff between her fingers. “You’re telling me Adrien gave you this as a gift?”
Marinette looked down, blushing. “Some of the gifts were… unintentional.”
“Where did you even get this? Did you sneak into his house and raid his laundry basket?”
“Of course not.” Marinette snatched the sock away. “It just fell out of his locker after fencing class one day. And I just, you know, happened to be passing by. And I figured— ”
“— ‘hey, Adrien probably left this stinky sock just for me! Because he saw me creeping around his locker and he was like, “Aw, there goes my Very Good Friend Marinette. I know how much she loves sweaty socks and other soiled clothing items. Maybe next time I’ll leave her my dirty underwear.”’”
Marinette’s face burned. “Alya!” she hissed. “You can’t talk about people’s… you-know-what.”
“Why? Because now you’re thinking of his cute little tushie?” Alya grinned. “Wonder if he’s a boxers guy or a briefs guy. Maybe you should ask him. When you return his stinky sock.”
Marinette opened her mouth, but she really couldn’t form a coherent thought once Adrien’s butt had entered the equation. She stared down at the sock instead.
“It’s not stinky,” she said finally. “I washed it.”
(At first she had decided that she wasn’t going to wash it, because how could she eliminate Adrien’s natural scent, which came from his own perfect skin? But it turned out that even Adrien’s perfect skin had working sweat glands, and soon she had no choice but to put the sock in the wash and douse the remaining contents of the treasure trunk in his new fragrance, Pure.)
“Oh my gosh. Is this… ?” Alya turned over a small box in her hands. “The constipation meds? Really? I thought you were going to burn them after how embarrassed you were about the whole thing.”
“Yeah, but— he got them for me!” Marinette said. “That’s kind of like a gift, right?”
“You have a very strange concept of gift giving.”
“What else do you have in here?” Alya started pulling item after item from the trunk—the jacket Adrien had left at her house after a group study session, the crumpled love note he had thrown in the trash on Valentine’s Day, a manga box set he had lent her after her enthusiastic response to his summary of Fruits Basket.
Alya inspected a small drawstring pouch. “What— ”
“No!” Marinette lunged for the pouch, but Alya had already opened it and peered inside.
“Marinette,” she said, “is this hair? Like, actual human hair?”
“It’s not real! I mean, it is real, but— ”
“What did you do? Just pluck it right off his head?”
Marinette bit her lip.
“Oh my gosh, you just plucked it right off his head.”
Marinette let out a huff. “Well, in my defense, I thought he was a wax statue at the time.”
Alya closed her eyes and let out a sigh, the way Papa did when she dropped a plate of pastries for the third time in one day. Marinette squirmed.
“Marinette. My bestie. My platonic soulmate. You are a kleptomaniac.”
“I am not!”
“Girl, listen to me.” Alya put her hands on Marinette’s shoulders. “You know I love you, right?”
Her lips slid into a pout. “Right.”
“You know that I think you are good and wonderful and smart and hot and totally worthy of any person you want to date, right?”
“And you know that I am the number one Adrinette shipper, right?”
Alya straightened. “Well, I regret to inform you that this is officially an intervention. No more stealing from Adrien Agreste.”
“But— ”
Alya held up a hand. “Nope. Everything in this treasure box has to be something Adrien actually gave you. On purpose. We’re gonna go through it right now, and anything that you shouldn’t have, you’re going to give back. You’re supposed to be stealing his heart, not his stuff. Okay?”
Marinette’s shoulders slumped. “Okay.”
It took them nearly an hour to go through the box (mostly because Alya insisted on hearing the backstory of every item). Finally, the trunk was empty, and the items were sorted into two piles—a “keep” pile and a “give back to Adrien” pile.
The “keep” pile was relatively small—the umbrella, her lucky charm, the empty constipation pill box, and various wrappers and scraps of paper that Alya deemed unworthy of returning, because “this is literally a piece of trash, Marinette.”
But the “back to Adrien” pile—well, that one was much bigger.
“I can’t give all this back!” Marinette wailed, draping herself dramatically over the edge of the chaise.
“We talked about this,” Alya said. “It’s not right for you to keep what was never given to you.”
“No, I mean, how am I supposed to give all of this back to him? It’s so much.” She tugged at her pigtails. “He’s gonna think I’m some sort of freak, or creep, or— ”
“— kleptomaniac?”
Marinette groaned, burying her face in her hands.
“Relax.” Alya slung an arm around her shoulder. “We’ll come up with a plan for you to return them one by one. We’ll keep it casual. He’ll never know about the junk hoard.”
Marinette shot her a glare.
“Treasure box,” Alya corrected. “Okay, so which of these items was stol— acquired most recently?”
Marinette looked over the pile. “Um, the pen.”
“Right. That’s the one he dropped in Mendeleiev’s class yesterday and it conveniently rolled directly under your chair.”
“It did!”
“Okay, okay.” Alya picked up the pen and handed it to Marinette. “Tomorrow morning, you walk up to him and say, ‘Hey, Adrien, is this yours? I think you dropped it.’ Say it with me.”
“Hey, Adrien, is this yours? I think you dropped it.”
“Good.” Alya grinned. “Let Operation Kleptomaniac commence.”
Marinette crouched behind the stairs with Alya, watching Adrien and Nino across the courtyard.
“Girl, get that out of your mouth,” Alya said. “It’s not even yours.”
Marinette jolted, slipping the pen out from between her teeth. She inspected the cap. There were a few telltale scratches and dents in it, but maybe that was because Adrien had the same bad pen-chewing habit that she did.
A blush crept over her face. If Adrien had chewed on this pen too, then her lips had touched the same spot as his. An indirect kiss, just like the one she had not-exactly-shared with him a few weeks ago at the movies when he accidentally took a sip of her drink. Alya had almost thrown away that straw, but after an impassioned speech from Marinette about the preservation of cherished memories (and the trace amounts of Adrien’s cellular tissue that come with them), Alya had sighed and agreed that she could keep it.
“What are we still waiting for? It’s time.” Alya yanked Marinette out from behind the stairs and dragged her toward Adrien and Nino. Marinette tried to tug away, but she tripped and tumbled forward.
She braced for impact, but it never came. Instead, she was met with something warm and soft that smelled just like her treasure box—clean linen and citrus.
“Whoa,” Adrien said. “You okay, Marinette?”
Her eyes snapped open, and she jumped out of his arms. “Yar! I mean, yeah! I’m— it’s— it’s all grood. Good.” A too-wide grin stretched across her face, her neck growing hot under her collar.
Adrien smiled. She fixed her gaze on his nose to avoid his unfairly beautiful eyes. Unfortunately, his nose was just as beautiful, and it was even closer to his lips, which made her heart hammer like that weird construction-themed akuma from last week (Bob le Builder, a name which she found both tacky and lazy, but which Chat Noir loved, of course).
“Um,” she said intelligently. What was she supposed to tell him again? Her mind had melted into goo. It was probably spilling out of her ears at this point. Oh no—what if Adrien saw her disgusting brain goo??
Alya was miming something behind Adrien’s back. Paper? Writing?
Oh. Right.
Marinette lifted the pen and let the well-rehearsed words spill out. “Adrien, is this yours? I think I’m in love with you.”
She froze. Adrien’s eyebrows shot up, perfect lips forming a tiny o of surprise. Behind him, Alya slapped her hand to her forehead.
“It!” Marinette blurted, much too loudly. “The pen. That’s what I’m in love with. It’s like a pencil, but more darker and, um, smeary-er. I mean, it has such a great… writing— smooth— ink… ness. W-where did you get it?”
Adrien blinked. Then a laugh bubbled out of him.
“It’s just a pen, Marinette. If you like it that much, you can keep it.”
“Of course! I’ve got a bunch more.” He smiled warmly, sending a golden shimmer all the way down to her toes.
“Well, how about a trade? You can have one of mine!” She shrugged off her backpack and pulled out her pack of pink gel pens. “Um, unless you don’t like pink?”
“How could I not like pink? It’s your signature color.” He grinned, taking one of the pens. “Thanks! And, by the way, you might want to disinfect that other pen. I have kind of a bad habit of chewing on the cap. Sorry. Would you rather have a new one? I’d be happy to—”
“No!” she said quickly. “No, that’s fine. Thanks.”
“Okay, then. See you in class!” Adrien waved, and then she watched him walk away with Nino, slipping the gel pen in his pocket.
“Well, that was… interesting,” Alya said. “But I guess it was technically a success. Nice work, klepto.”
Marinette smiled down at the pen in her hand.
Maybe Operation Kleptomaniac wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Adrien sat in his desk chair, rolling the pink gel pen between his fingers.
“Man, that Pigtails is so weird,” Plagg commented through a mouthful of cheese.
“She’s not weird,” Adrien said. “She’s just… ”
He paused. He didn’t quite have the words for what Marinette was. Smart, definitely. Kind. Funny. Passionate. Brave. Talented. A good person. A good friend.
“… she’s Marinette,” he finished.
Adrien pulled open his desk drawer and took out a little box. Inside were various items he’d collected since he started school. An old CD from Nino. A sparkly invitation to Rose’s birthday party. A spoon from an ice cream cone he’d shared with Kagami. The wrapper from the piece of gum Alya had offered him on his second day. The ticket stubs from the movies he’d seen with Marinette last month.
Now that he thought of it, most of the things in the box came from Marinette. There were ribbons from bags of homemade pastries, knicknacks she’d made for all her friends, a dozen handwritten notes (always signed “Your friend, Marinette”).
“I don’t get why you keep all this stuff,” Plagg said. “It’s just a bunch of junk.”
Adrien carefully placed the pink gel pen in the box, between his Kitty Section mask and the pair of fake glasses “Marino” had left behind.
“They’re not junk.” He smiled. “They’re treasures.”
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mariaace · 2 months
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Loving you was a loosing game...
Angst collab with @saelique ༊࿐
A/n:Hey lovesss!! This is my work for Cinna's angst collab with Reo Mikage<33 i hope you all enjoy and go check out her collab💜
Genre:angst/no comfort Pairing:Reo Mikage Type:one shot
Did you know what you were getting yourself into when you started dating Reo? Yes. Or at least that's what you thought. You knew about your boyfriend's love towards his best friend amd you didn't really mind it, well you didn't.
Him and Nagi were spending way much more time together, since they got interested in football. You again don't mind it that much, after all he is your boyfriend and you want him to be happy. But at the same time-it wasn't fair. You knew Reo longer than Nagi did and he most of time was somehow ignoring you. He didn't do it on purpose, right? No. He wouldn't do that.
Now you were sitting in class thinking about that, while Reo and Nagi were a seat ahead of you. Of course Nagi was sleeping. Your thoughts were interrupted by the bell ringing. You packed your things and started walking through the door. You thought about waiting for Reo, but he was already busy trying to wake up Nagi from his hibernation.
Days has been awfully quiet. Still pushing though aside you decided to meet with your boyfriend so things could get back to how they were. You texted him quickly to meet up tomorrow since it was a friday evening. He replied faster than usual and agreed. You smiled and put your phone away. Well, time for getting homework done for tomorrow.
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You're getting ready for the "date", well at least sort of a date. But it didn't matter it was finally time for you hang out with your boyfriend. You came to the location, patiently waiting for Reo. Waiting.. waiting..ughhhhh.... Okay, okay, calm down.. training might just hold him up right? Just wait a bit longer and check out your phon- ... Nagi, Nagi, Nagi.. enough. You went straight home after his not even bothering to text Reo. He didn't text you either so it's gonna be that way.
Instead of saying something you started being cold to him, not giving him the same attention. Did he noticed that? You can't really tell which explains a lot, but still. You loved Reo and you thought he loved you too, but seems like his best friend was more important. You couldn't continue lying yourself so you decided thar it's time.
Talk to him? How? When there is not time hm? Football, Nagi, Football, Nagi. In that moment your parents bursted into the room. Your father got a different job in another city so you're moving out of here. Well just perfect.
The next day you remembered your boyfriend had a training so you decided to go and wait for him 'till he finishes it and talk to him. On your way there though you saw no other than Nagi himself who was being late because he slept in. As you approached him an idea popped in your mind. You took out a pen and a paper and after writing on it you gave it to Nagi asking him to give it to Reo. He agreed and went to his training.
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There you are now. Sitting on your desk completely ignoring the topic the teacher is talking about. There is no one that you know in the desk in front you... You have blocked Reo's and number and all of his social medias, so you didn't know if he got the paper, but if he didn't he probably figured out what happened.
When break came you were on your phone, when you suddenly saw an article. "Blue lock project" amd there they were their names.
-Nagi Seishiro
-Reo Mikage
You smiled to yourself when you saw his name. Well at least now he have got the two things he loved the most in his live.
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© mariaace 2024 please do not steal, copy, translate or plagiarize. Thank you.
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seungkwansphd · 2 years
i think i need to shoot you
pairing: jeonghan x reader wordcount: 6.2k summary: so you’ve figured out how to get along with jeonghan. so what?! everyone at the office doesn’t need to know. it only gets in the way of life occasionally and it’s not that bad, right? genre/themes: fluff, smut, secret relationship at work, rivals to lovers (kinda), maybe some angst? basically i love jeonghan & yn and just want them to be kinda bickering but happy.
a/n: this is the pt2 to we get along infamously. i found it a little challenging to keep their tension, so i hope it was worth the wait and that y’all love it too :)
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    You chewed on the inside of your lip as you stared what you hoped looked like daggers at Jeonghan. He was wearing the black button down that you had gifted him last week and you were imagining how efficiently you could take it off of him, but you were also at the office so that was a nonstarter. Grumbling, you turned reluctantly to your monitor and tapped angrily at the keys.
“You okay?” your coworker, Vernon, looked at you with slight concern.
“I’m great,” you smiled at him with just your teeth and he shook his head at you, amused.
“I actually thought you and Jeonghan were getting along better lately, but I guess I was wrong,” Vernon mused.
“Vernon…I need you to know that I would never,” you placed your hand on your chest, acting aghast. “To my last breath I will curse his name.” You wondered if you were overdoing it, but Vernon didn’t seem the type to notice.
    Jeonghan looked down to hide his smile as he listened to you pretend to dislike him. It should probably bother him more, but you were going about it in such an obtuse way that he found it terribly endearing. He’d never let you know, though. No, it was much more fun to tease you about it later.
[redacted]: ‘are you hungry? should i grab you lunch while i’m out for my client meeting?’
[yn]: ‘plz & ty!! where are you going?’
[redacted]: ‘i’ll send you a link to the menu, just lmk’
    You did a little happy dance in your chair as you peered at the menu on your phone screen and made your choice. You eyed Jeonghan surreptitiously as he left for his meeting, you really had done a good job with the shirt.
“Should we grab lunch? I don’t have another call for an hour,” Vernon turned to you.
“Oh, I-, uh,” your brain stalled as you tried to think of a reasonable response. “I’m not hungry. My mom’s bringing me lunch,” you malfunctioned slightly. “I mean my stomach hurts so my mom is bringing me soup.”
“Oh…that’s nice of her,” he replied, but you could clearly tell he found your response odd. He didn’t press, though, and simply left to find some lunch for himself. Once he was out of sight, you rushed to text Jeonghan again.
[yn]: ‘nevermind, please bring me some soup instead’
“Clam chowder?” Vernon did a double take when he saw the soup container on your desk. “Is that helpful for your stomach?”
“Mhm,” you had to answer simply to prevent yourself from bursting out laughing. At this rate, Vernon was going to report you to HR for being unwell.
“How did your client meeting go?” you asked Jeonghan as you chopped up onions.
“Good! They said they’re happy with the progress and are considering bringing a second project to us too,” he smiled, pulling pork out of the fridge. He set it down for you and moved to boil noodles for the night’s jjajangmyeon.
“That’s so good, Hannie!” you beamed at him.
“Hn,” he nodded. “Did you enjoy your soup?”
“No,” you groaned, “I panicked when Vernon asked about lunch so I told him my mom was bringing me soup,” you laughed, still embarrassed at your inability to think on your feet.
Jeonghan burst out laughing as he finally made sense of your weird lunch order. “I see,” he nodded slowly, “I guess that’s the downside of people at work not knowing, huh?”
“Yeah,” you pursed your lips as you fried the black bean sauce in oil.
  Jeonghan watched as you thought, trying to read your expression. He was ready, at any time, to go to Minghao and find out what paperwork he needed to file. You weren’t quite there, but that was okay. He could be patient. You were worth the wait.
“Mm, I overheard something interesting today,” Jeonghan remarked as he helped carry dishes to the sink.
“What’s that?”
“This developer was telling Vernon how she would curse my name until her last breath or something like that?” he raised one eyebrow at you as he caged you in against the countertop with his arms.
“Oh th-that’s crazy,” you stuttered, flushing at his hungry gaze.
“Especially because I really haven’t given you anything to curse about,” he leaned forward, breath tickling your ear, “Not yet at least.”
“Oh?” you squeaked, “Please elaborate,” you tugged at his shirt eagerly.
“With pleasure,” he laughed, grasping you just under the jaw to pull you into a kiss before popping you up onto the kitchen countertop. “Just so you know, you’re in for a long night.”
“Well fuck,” you weren’t able to stop yourself from cursing.
  Jeonghan ran his fingers up your inner thigh, the material of your leggings dragging just slightly at his touch. He pressed two fingers against your clit as his other hand held you open to his firm and direct pressure.
“Jeonghan!” you gasped, head falling back, hair spreading across the kitchen countertop.
“That’s good, I want you to be loud tonight. If you’re going to curse my name, I want you to mean it,” his lips curled up as he worked his fingertips, pressing circles into you at a medium pace. He could feel you soaking through the fabric of your leggings, which always spurred him on.
“Hannie,” you squirmed against the countertop, simultaneously overwhelmed and wanting more. You clutched at his wrist, but he didn’t relent until you were frustratingly close.
“Stay put,” Jeonghan ordered before wandering off. You wondered what fresh hell this would be as you waited. “Is this okay?” he asked when he popped back in, a blindfold dangling off of his index finger.
“...yes,” you nodded after blinking a few times. Jeonghan asked you to get undressed before sliding the blindfold over your eyes gently.
“Okay?” his gentle voice asked, to which you nodded. “Good.”
    He guided you into the bedroom, laying you back gently on the bed. The cool air pebbled your nipples and the deprivation of sight made your pulse race. Jeonghan watched intently as your fingers spread across the covers, orienting yourself. He stepped out of the bedroom again as inspiration struck and you laid on the bed, listening to him shuffle around. He returned shortly and trailed the fingertips of his left hand across your skin. The pressure was quite light, almost ticklish, and made you squirm under him. If you could’ve seen him, you would’ve seen a look of pure adoration as he watched the way your muscles jumped and twitched at his touch. He almost felt bad when he lowered the ice cube against your nipple. Almost.
“Hannie!” you jolted, almost sitting upright as you registered the freezing sensation. “Fuck!” your whole body clenched, hands gripping the comforter. Jeonghan grinned, holding the ice against you for just a few more seconds before pulling back.
“Mm, you seem to like that,” Jeonghan’s brows raised, seeing the way you were glistening.
    You nodded, ears tuned in, trying to follow his movements around the room. Somehow knowing what he had at his disposal made the anticipation even more blissfully agonizing. You gulped audibly when you heard a now familiar buzzing kick on.
“Hannie, I’m sorry I said what I said!” you groaned, cursing your past self, knowing his penchant for torture.
“Are you tapping out?” Jeonghan asked, unable to read you properly with the blindfold on.
“...no,” you whispered sheepishly. It was a fine line between pain and pleasure and Jeonghan had such a skill at walking it.
“That’s my girl,” he patted your cheek condescendingly before he placed the vibrator just off-center, lengthwise against you. Your strangled cries and the way your hips hitched stroked his ego like nothing else he could even imagine. He continued, alternating between ice cube and vibrator, until you were begging desperately.
“Hannie, please,” you cried.
“Jeonghan, please!” you repeated yourself, eyes squeezed shut behind the blindfold.
“Go ahead,” he nodded, bringing the toy to sit squarely against your now swollen clit. You let out a loud sob as your body shuddered and an orgasm rolled through you. “Another,” he insisted, keeping the toy planted as you continued to squirm. “Han, Han, Hannie!” you gasped, clutching his forearm desperately as another and another rolled over you mercilessly.
“Louder. I don’t think we’re done until you run out of breath,” Jeonghan snickered at you. 
“Hannie, I can’t, no more!!” you eventually squealed, tapping insistently at his forearm with two fingers. Jeonghan nodded, recognizing your signal for release, and pulled away. He pulled off the blindfold and gathered you into his arms, spooning you from behind, and stroking your hair reassuringly.
“So good, so good. Thank you for indulging me,” he murmured appreciatively against the top of your head. You relaxed, melting into him and beaming under his praise. You adored the way he took such care of you.
“What about you?” you asked, turning your face towards him and rolling your hips gently against him.
“Are you sure you’re up for it?” he asked, knowing he had already asked for a lot.
“Mhm!” you nodded, “But maybe instead of fucking the living shit out of me, you could be a little gentler?”
“Of course. I’m multi talented after all,” he laughed. You rolled your eyes at him as he ground himself against you. He finished undressing and pulled your back against his chest before sliding into you.
“I don’t think anything beats having you inside of me,” you sighed dreamily, twining your fingers with his as you pushed back against him.
“You’re such an angel at times,” Jeonghan remarked at the way you were able to work him up so easily. With one arm wrapped around your waist, he stroked into you, deep but at a leisurely pace. The way you wrapped around him made his brain feel like a melted slushee in the best way. “Fucking christ,” he cursed, arm tightening around you.
“So good, so good,” you moaned appreciatively, “Will you cum in me?”
“I can indulge you in that,” Jeonghan chuckled, trying to stay composed, but his voice cracked slightly which ruined the effect just a bit.
“Fill me up,” you begged, “Deep inside of me,” you babbled, not really caring what kind of embarrassing shit came out of your mouth as long as you got what you wanted.
“You-, you’re-, fuck,” Jeonghan tried and failed to reprimand you before his hips bucked, shooting his load deep inside of you. You giggled, always proud when you were able to make him the one at a loss for words. He clicked his tongue at you weakly, more than spent.
    You blinked slowly, trying to mentally orient yourself as you woke up. That’s right, you had stayed the night with Jeonghan, which was why everything seemed out of place. Turning, you couldn’t help but grin as you saw him, still asleep to your side. He was drooling slightly, his hair was defying the laws of gravity, and you weren’t sure if he’d ever looked cuter than this. Glancing at the clock, you let him continue to sleep for as long as time would allow.
    The pair of you moved through the morning with ease. Brushing your teeth side by side in the mirror, making coffee, and helping him pick out a shirt. It was a good thing you liked him so much, otherwise it would’ve been sickening.
“You’re really not going to eat?” Jeonghan looked at you, almost horrified.
“I don’t usually get hungry until later!” you waved at him, sipping your coffee.
“You should eat,” he grumbled, but dropped the subject for now. Grabbing his plate, he sat down next to you, tugging your chair towards him. Grinning, you hooked your right leg over his left, enjoying the closeness. The morning had passed quickly, but you had to admit it was nice to start the day with Jeonghan.
“Do you want to go to happy hour?” Jeonghan asked you as you walked towards the office building together.
“I was planning to, unless you had other thoughts?” you nodded.
“No, just curious,” he shook his head, “Do you want me to fall back a bit so we can walk in separately?” he offered, eyes scanning the area for coworkers.
“That’s okay,” you shook your head , “We can say we ran into each other on the sidewalk.”
“Okay,” he smiled at you, maintaining a professional distance as you swiped in.
“Morning, dearly beloved!” Minghao greeted you happily when his eyes landed on you. His eyes flitted to Jeonghan before his brows lifted just slightly.
“Morning Hao,” Jeonghan waved to him before everyone piled into the elevator.
“Everyone coming to happy hour today?” Minghao asked, observing the two of you out of the side of his eye. You tolerated an atypically small distance between yourself and Jeonghan and hadn’t actively picked a fight yet. Interesting.
“Yes, you know Seungkwan will beat our asses if we don’t,” you laughed genuinely.
“This is true,” Hao nodded, “Ride over together?” he asked you as he stepped out of the elevator.
“Of course!” you nodded. You could feel Jeonghan’s eyes on you, but you resisted the instinct to turn to him as there were still others in the elevator and walked to your cubes in silence.
    A few hours into the day when you returned from a bathroom break, you spotted an out of place object on your desk. Cocking your head to the side, you realized it was an egg kimbap with a sticky note placed on it instructing you to ‘eat’.
“I’m-, are we late?” you turned to Hao with a confused expression as you walked in on an already drunk Seungkwan singing incredibly loudly.
“I-,” Hao stopped in his tracks, slightly surprised, “It’s only six thirty.”
“How long have you been here?” you turned to Hyemi.
“Since five thirty,” she flushed, “It’s been a lot.”
    Your eyes flitted to Jeonghan, who shrugged defeatedly. He sat on the couch nursing a beer while Jae and the interns talked at him about something or the other. You could tell he needed extraditing, but weren’t sure how to manage it. To top it all off, Seungkwan’s voice permeated your brain and made it even harder than normal to think through it.
“Narcissistic, my god I love it!~”
“Let’s get a drink and then figure out how to wrangle these cats,” you laughed with Minghao before searching out some soju.
“Did something happen? Or is he stressed? He is way more drunk than usual,” you whispered at Hyemi as she poured shots for you and Minghao.
“I think he’s fighting with Seyoon?” she guessed, already flushed high in her cheeks.
“Ah,” you nodded. That made a lot more sense. Sipping quietly, you took inventory of the room. Seungkwan had momentarily surrendered the mic to someone else, Jae still clung to Jeonghan like a moss to a tree, and Hyemi was…making eyes at Changkyun? From finance? “Um,” you turned to Minghao, jerking your head subtly at the pair.
“Interesting,” his eyes lit up, “Very interesting.”
    Jeonghan watched you watch the others. A big part of him wanted nothing more than to go home and take you with him, but he could already tell that you were committed to a night of being the mom friend. When your eyes finally met his briefly, his brows quirked up just slightly before anyone could notice and he delighted in the smile that lit up your face.
“Okay, everyone know how they’re getting home?” Minghao helped to herd the small crowd out of the establishment. A chorus of yeses rang out and he nodded, somewhat satisfied.
“Okay, subway gang follow me,” you announced and the interns fell in line behind you and Jeonghan like a group of ducklings. In lieu of holding hands, you hooked your pinky into his until he reached his stop.
“Yoon Jeonghan,” you held your left hand up in front of you, eyes wide and voice calm, as if you were negotiating a hostage situation. “Jeonghan, please,” you implored.
“I’m so sorry, but I think I have to shoot you,” Jeonghan grinned mischievously, his paintball gun trained carefully on you.
“I’ll make it worth your while if you don’t,” you stepped forward, tongue tracing your lips in a way that you knew your boyfriend found incredibly distracting. He didn’t shoot, so you took another step and grabbed him by the tactical vest, pulling him in. He couldn’t help it. Confused that you were doing this during work hours, his grip on his paintball gun slackened and his arm dropped, making him the perfect target for Hyemi to shoot in the back.
“You!” he pulled back, eyes narrowed accusingly at you as he touched the neon green paint dripping down his back, “Oh you’re done!” he pointed at you with a threatening chuckle before walking towards the bleachers where the other out players were.
    You laughed it off, running towards Hyemi for a victorious high-five before setting off to find your next target. You scanned the bleachers and noticed that Changkyun and Mingyu were still at large. Noted.
“How did you do that?!” Hyemi asked, high on the rush of taking down the Yoon Jeonghan. “I thought he would’ve shot you right away!”
“I have my ways,” you laughed, turning to her. “Shall we go get your man? I know you guys just recently started dating, so I don’t know if you have the stomach to betray him just yet.”
“Apparently my cat, Natto, prefers him to me, so Changkyun is dead to me as of now,” Hyemi turned to you. A laugh burst through your lips when you saw her deadly serious expression and you nodded firmly before setting off to find him.
“Okay, let’s go!” you pumped your fist, breaking into a jog through the obstacle course.
    Jeonghan fumed on the bleachers as you and Hyemi carried out your mission. He wasn’t actually mad, of course, but his competitive nature got the best of him at times. Even more than that, however, he was surprised at how attractive it was to find out that you could be just as ruthless as him when it came to games.
“Ya, Mingyu!” he gestured to one of the junior developers when he spotted him.
“Yeah?” the large man loped over.
“YN and Hyemi are going for Changkyun, so tail them. You should be able to take one or even both of them out while they’re focused on him.”
“I feel like I’m not allowed to take your tip since you’re out,” Mingyu hesitated.
“Don’t care. Do as I say,” Jeonghan waived off his concerns and pushed him towards the field.
    Mingyu shrugged and crept through the course, keeping an eye out for you and Hyemi. He ducked behind some netting when he spotted you cornering Changkyun, as Jeonghan had described. Taking aim, he fired off a shot, taking you out of the game. You shook your finger at your boyfriend as you approached him on the bleachers.
“Why do I feel like you had something to do with this?” you rounded upon him, suspicious.
“Whatever do you mean?” he asked, a picture of innocence, which more or less confirmed your original thought. You reached around him to grab a bottle of water. “I’m not gonna lie, that was kind of attractive,” he leaned over to whisper in your ear.
“You’re terrible,” you flushed, stepping away from him bashfully.
“Not yet, but I will be later,” he whispered under his breath, eyes full of dirty promises.
    Reminding yourself that you were at a work event, you turned away from him for fear of overheating.
“We were right not to let YN and Jeonghan be on the same team,” Vernon laughed as he grabbed a fresh water bottle. “Just separately, they’re both menaces. Can you imagine their combined powers unleashed upon us?”
“I actually think I rank YN higher on the menace list than Jeonghan right now,” another one of your teammates, Miseon responded proudly to Vernon. “She did manage to coordinate Jeonghan’s takedown, after all.”
“Yeah, how did you manage that, actually?” Vernon wondered aloud, fixing you with a confused stare. Jeonghan had been extremely well positioned before Hyemi had managed to hit him. It didn’t make a lot of sense.
“Keep underestimating me, Vern,” you crossed your arms as you looked on at the remaining players with interest, “That’s how I like it.”
“Hannie?” you called, realizing it had been a moment since you’d last had eyes on your boyfriend. Poking your head into a few rooms, you jumped slightly when Jeonghan appeared next to you, a finger gun pointed at you. You were a little confused, but played along.
“C’mere you traitor,” he ordered with a straight face.
“Traitor? We weren’t on the same team!”
“Traitor of my heart,” he pulled you against his chest, acting wounded.
“Tch,” you rolled your eyes, but allowed yourself to be folded into him.
“I didn’t realize you were so competitive,” he looked down at you, his expression surprisingly soft and full of admiration.
“You didn’t?” you narrowed your eyes at him in confusion, “A year and a half of working together hasn’t made you realize that I’m competitive as hell?”
“I meant more like in games,” he clarified.
“If I’m being honest,” you cocked your head to the side to try and organize your thoughts, “It’s really just something about you that brings it out of me. I’m generally quite easygoing.”
“Hn,” Jeonghan blinked. He supposed it made sense, he did seem privy to a much more difficult side of you than most others were. “I have an idea,” his eyes lit up.
    Your eyes widened at him, a bit surprised at how excited he seemed.
“What do you think about cockwarming me?”
“Oh?” you blinked rapidly as you considered it. One the one hand, yes. But on the other hand, no.
“I’m just curious which of us will cave first,” Jeonghan explained, knowing it would egg you on.
“Well it won’t be me,” you bluffed, “So sure!”
“You’re sure?” he smirked at you amusedly.
“More than,” you rolled your eyes at him. Jeonghan scoffed. His toxic trait was that he actually liked it when you acted like this.
    Moving to the bedroom, you and Jeonghan decided on a TV show before climbing into bed. It took a few tries, but ultimately you decided that spooning on your side was most conducive to the task at hand. Jeonghan pulled himself flush against you, sliding between your thighs and tugging the sheet up.
“Not fair!” you protested as he rolled his hips and his shaft grazed you, coating himself in your wetness.
“Sorry, you’re right,” he patted your head before sliding into you, bottoming out easily. You exhaled sharply as he filled you up. Maybe your confidence had been undeserved. “You haven’t watched any more of this without me, right?” he asked as he pressed ‘play’.
“No?” you tried to clear your head. You felt so full.
    Jeonghan’s arm was looped around your waist and fingers laced between yours. You were surprised at how still he was able to be as you watched most of an episode. Towards the end, you started to get a little bored. Ever so slightly, you started flexing around Jeonghan. You hoped to be almost imperceptible and you thought you were achieving that until the episode ended and he put it on pause.
“You’re misbehaving,” his voice was gravelly as you felt him twitch inside of you.
“Am I?” you wondered aloud. “Were there rules?”
“No, I guess not,” he shrugged, realizing you were right, and pulled you down against his hips, hard.
“Han!” you scowled at him.
“Hm?” he hummed lightly as he continued to drive into you without ever pulling out.
“Not fair,” you bemoaned as you realized your inner thighs were completely slick.
“I don’t really feel like playing fair,” he tsked at you, hand moving to tease the underside of your breasts. Your nipples puckered at his touch and your mouth hung open in disbelief. You’d fucked up, truly.
  You folded at the waist, as if it would provide you some relief, but it didn’t help even a little. Jeonghan continued to grind into you, stroking you deeply as little whimpers and cries escaped your lips.
“You could end this,” he goaded you, laughing cruelly, “Just be a good girl and cum for me.”
“No,” you frowned, even though you wanted nothing more than that. You were still holding onto your stubborn pride, but your grip on it was slipping.
“I can hear how wet you are. I can feel how close you are, baby,” Jeonghan continued to needle at you with his words. “Just cum.”
    Your eyes squeezed shut as the orgasm ripped through you. A mangled cry managed to escape your throat as you clenched hard, triggering his own orgasm. If you’d had the presence of mind, you would have heard him cry your name out, but you weren’t exactly all there.
“I really do hate you,” you grumbled, after pulling yourselves together.
“You’re just mad you lost,” he fixed you with a shit eating grin. It was big talk for a man whose bones felt like jelly.
“Hao, I genuinely need to file a formal complaint about all of these workplace bonding activities,” you griped to your favorite HR manager. Today was community service day, so a group of you were headed to a local food pantry in embarrassing, matching t-shirts.
“I am once again asking you to remember that that is above my pay grade.”
“What’s the point of being your friend if I can’t use it to get the things I want?” you leaned against him affectionately.
“Yeah, the ROI is dismal, isn’t it?” Minghao laughed.
“Oh! Actually that reminds me. I have something to ask you later, in private.”
    Minghao’s brows disappeared into his hairline, but he nodded. His curiosity burned, but the volunteer coordinator arrived to walk the group through the tasks for the day. It was a pretty straightforward boxing of groceries to be distributed later. You settled in between Seungkwan and Hao and were responsible for adding carrots. Jeonghan worked at the end of the line, next to Vernon, on the opposite side of the table.
“Hey y’all!” a new voice arrived in the room, “I’m Kim Yejun, the executive director here, and I wanted to stop in and thank you all for your time today! We really appreciate the extra help.”
    The group went through introductions around the table. You thought you were imagining it, but it seemed like Yejun’s eyes lingered on you just slightly longer than needed. You realized Seungkwan had picked up on it too when his head turned towards you, eyes like saucers.
“May I join you?” Yejun approached your table during the lunch break.
“Yes of course!” Seungkwan nodded furiously, pushing things away dramatically to make room for the executive director.
“Thanks,” Yejun laughed, taking a seat almost across from you. “How are you finding things today? Any questions about our organization?”
“It’s been great,” you nodded at him.
“I do have a question,” Seungkwan raised his hand, “How did you come to be in this line of work?”
“Me? Ah, well, actually when I was young, my family was not always food secure. We relied on food pantries, like this, and when I got older, I wanted to make sure I could give that positive experience to others as well.
“That’s so admirable!” Seungkwan fawned. “And do your family and children ever come to help out as well?”
“Ch-children? I’m not married, I don’t have any children,” Yejun blinked.
“Ah, I see,” Seungkwan nodded, clearly scheming.
“How about you all? Do you have families?” Yejun asked, eyes meeting yours with interest.
“Ah, well,” you stammered, not sure how to answer. You weren’t single or interested in this man, but no one at the table knew that and it wasn’t really the time for a big reveal.
“She’s single,” Seungkwan filled in the gap seamlessly.
“Ah,” Yejun nodded, not really listening as the others shared their marital statuses with him as well.
    Jeonghan eavesdropped on your table’s conversation, chewing angrily. He trusted you, but that didn’t make him wish that he could vaporize Kim Yejun any less.
“You okay, man?” Jae noticed Jeonghan’s sour mood.
“Yeah, just ready to be done with this,” Jeonghan grumbled.
“Same, this is so lame. We should go out afterwards and pick up chicks! I’m a great wingman,” Jae boasted, wanting to stay in Jeonghan’s good graces.
Jeonghan wanted to bang his head against the table. There was almost nothing he wanted less than that.
[yn]: ‘should I still come over?’
[🥰]: ‘please’
    You smiled, tucking the paperwork that you had gotten from Minghao into your bag. You were glad Jeonghan still wanted to see you, as he had seemed a little moody earlier. You couldn’t blame him though, Seungkwan really had been pushing the YN & Yejun agenda today.
    Jeonghan stewed as he waited for you to arrive. The day hadn’t been completely horrible, but it had certainly snapped things into perspective for him. He had genuinely been okay waiting for you to be ready to go public, but today had dislodged an ugly, jealous piece of him that he did not like at all. He wanted desperately to bring the topic up with you, but was also worried about pushing you too too far and too fast. What a dilemma.
“Hannie!” he heard you calling as you opened the door. For a split second, he forgot everything that had been bothering him as you ran over to him excitedly. “I brought you snacks!”
“Ooh!” his eyes creased into a smile as you climbed onto his lap , kissing his nose sweetly. His hands naturally found their way to your hips as you tossed off your bag and settled in.
“Sorry about today,” your lips drew into a straight line as you played with his hair.
“Sorry?” he cocked his head to the side at you.
“Seungkwan was on another level today. I don’t imagine it was fun for you to see him try to set me up with Director Kim?”
“No,” he shook his head, but the knot in his chest loosened and was replaced by relief.
“Actually, that’s why I was a little later than you today,” you held up a finger before reaching for your bag to rifle through it. You retrieved the handful of papers and started reading from them, “There shall be no policy prohibiting peer coworkers from dating, although HR must be notified via form 0526-15,” which you presented to Jeonghan with a flourish. “What do you think? I know we’ll have to give up our tough, intimidating personas, but-”
    Jeonghan cut you off with a kiss, before beaming at you. “You have no idea how ready I am to file that damn form,” he enthused, almost exhilarated.
“Oh!?” your eyes popped open, “Really?”
“Yes, you dunce,” he tapped you on the forehead impatiently, “You’re mine, I want people to know.”
“Oh,” you flushed. It wasn’t like it was a total surprise, but to hear him say it so simply made your heart swell.
“I also want Seungkwan to repent. He’s already a little scared of me.”
“You’re a big softy though,” you giggled, kissing across his jaw contentedly. You felt Jeonghan swallow as his hands tightened around your waist. 
“Oh yeah?” he queried, and you could already feel him hardening against you. You grimaced at his bad joke, but couldn’t help the way your body reacted so readily to him.
“I retract-, redact,” you tried to say, but his hands were guiding you along his length and you lost the ability to form thought. “Help,” you whimpered, clutching the front of his shirt as your clit throbbed.
    Jeonghan smiled. You were so responsive to him, it was one of the many things that he had come to adore about you over the past months.
“Princess can’t think straight anymore?” he teased, pulling your chin down to meet your eyes as he let you work your hips by yourself.
  You pouted, pupils dilating as your mouth fell open with little gasps and whimpers.
“My princess,” he corrected himself, grinning up at you. You were so pretty when you were speechless for him.
“Yours,” you nodded, loving this soft, possessive side of him.
“Take this off for me,” he tugged at your shirt lightly. You were more than happy to comply. “Mine, mine,” he repeated as he kissed each of your palms before threading his fingers into yours. His lips sought out the sensitive skin of your breasts and nipped gently, continuing this ‘mine’ mantra as your hands clutched his for support.
“My turn,” you decided, standing up and pulling him into the bedroom. You pushed him onto the bed and helped him undress. Settling between his legs, trailed gentle kisses from his knees to his upper thighs. You could see the sinews of his muscles tense as you moved close and closer to his cock. “Mine,” winked at him before closing your lips around the head, lapping your tongue against the underside.
“OooOoh,” Jeonghan’s voice wavered as you massaged him. You giggled around him as you manipulated your lips up and down leisurely. You watched intently as he gripped the sheets, a sure sign that he was unraveling quickly.
“You’re so cute, all worked up like that,” you pulled back, teasing him slightly.
“Shut up,” he glared at you weakly.
“Will you cum in my mouth?” you asked politely, hand stroking him as you waited for his answer.
“This time, yes,” he nodded.
  Your eyes creased into happy half-moons as you worked your mouth back around him, swallowing deep. You applied a gentle pressure as you milked him, knowing it wouldn’t be long.
“YN,” he warned, hand hitting the mattress as he tensed and unloaded. You showed him your tongue proudly before swallowing.
“You truly are filthy,” he shook his head appreciatively as he pulled you against his side. There was no use denying it, it was very true.
“You like it.”
“I love it,” he corrected you without thinking.
    You froze for a split second, surprised to hear him use that word. Did he? Did you? You weren’t sure, but the way it made you smile like a fool to hear that probably meant something, right?
“When do you want to file that paperwork?” Jeonghan asked, cutting off your mental spiral.
“Oh! Um, maybe tomorrow?”
    He smiled the brightest smile you thought you had ever seen on him. “I can’t wait until everyone knows that you’re mine.”
    Damn, if that didn’t make your heart swell and your pussy throb.
“Say more stuff like that,” you insisted, clambering on top of him. Jeonghan had to laugh, that might’ve been one of your most reasonable requests.
“Oh?” he drawled, “I can’t wait to show up to happy hour with you, hold your hand in front of everyone,” he nuzzled you as you played with his hair.
“Hold my hand? You’re gonna get us fired,” you teased him playfully. It really tickled you to hear that such seemingly small things were what he looked forward to most.
“I have lots of ideas that would actually result in that,” Jeonghan grinned impishly up at you, his erection pressing against your inner thigh.
“Of course you do,” you chuckled as you lowered yourself on him. You rode him lovingly, from hilt to tip, and observed him.
He looked up at you, adoringly, hands resting loosely at your hips allowing you to set the pace. 
“You feel so good and you look so pretty,” he pulled your forehead down to his and whispered. He looked directly into your eyes and his blown out pupils made your breath catch. You really did like him.
“Hannie,” you whined, hand tightening at the back of his neck.
“All yours, princess. Cum on my cock for me,” he whispered encouragement at you as his balls tightened.
“Cum with me?” you asked, doing your best to hold off.
    Jeonghan nodded, bucking his hips up into you just slightly as he complied, emptying himself into you as you came around him. You cupped his jaw and kissed him deeply before slumping over him, pulling him into an embrace.
“Minghao?” you knocked on the wall of his cube as Jeonghan stood behind you.
“Yes?” he turned, a little surprised to see the two of you there together.
“We have our form 0526-15.”
“Oh. Oh!” He did a double take. “I hate to have to tell you this, but we also need to follow policy. Seungkwan would be the person to process that. I can pass this along,” he offered.
    You and Jeonghan looked at each other for a moment before shrugging. You were ready.
    As you walked back towards the main staircase, you heard Seungkwan let out a strangled yelp after reading the paperwork.
part 3 is here, if you’re so inclined!
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envirae · 11 months
my very first love ! — 08: everybody shut the hell up!
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wc: 671
nothing could have prepared riki for the stress that would come mere hours before your study session.
he had hardly ever interacted with girls his age outside of school, and he even tried to avoid it. when his hyung's threw parties with girls, riki was rarely in attendance.
it wasn't even a real hangout; you weren't even visiting each other's houses or even a local cafe. it was a strictly school-related meeting in the school's library. that didn't stop riki from freaking out, though.
he knew couldn't ask his hyung's for help, that would practically be admitting that they were right and that he did have a crush on you. so instead, he stood in front of his closet, practically ripping his hair out trying to figure out what to wear.
by the time he had finally found an acceptable enough outfit, half of his closet was on the floor, and he was almost late. he made sure to try his absolute best to be on time, something that rarely happened for him.
he arrived promptly to school at 1 pm, and he saw you in the middle of the library with your earbuds in typing on your laptop. the library was mostly empty, since it was a saturday after all. when you finally saw him, you took your earbuds in and sent him a warm smile as you waved him over.
he took the seat across from you, and the two of you began brainstorming ideas for the project. you showed him the rough draft of ideas you had come up with in the time since being assigned the project, and he looked at you with a blank stare. "are you following me? or am i going to fast?"
"no i- i'm listening, i'm just...a little confused" he responded, and you could tell he was flustered.
it didn't take long for you to figure out that riki wasn't exactly the best at physics, and you'd likely have to do most of the work for the two of you to get a good grade.
not wanting to hurt his feelings, you eventually decided that you would do all of the research, and leave it to riki to put together the information and create the powerpoint.
"you probably think i'm an idiot, don't you?" he timidly asked, hiding his face in his hands from embarrassment.
"not at all! lots of people struggle with physics. hanni complains about it almost every day." you reassured, which slightly comforted riki.
it was a little awkward at first, but you felt riki starting to get more comfortable with you towards the end of your study session. he was even starting to laugh at your (quite pathetic) jokes, and although you'd never admit it, his smile made your heart skip a beat.
when he had to leave for his dance practice, both of you were a little upset that your time together ended so quickly.
you, on the other hand, had a few hours before their studio time ended and yours begun, so you just stayed in the library, pretending to be productive.
you headed towards the studio around 5:00, but you could hear loud screaming and shouting just from the outside.
that was undoubtedly soobin's voice. you immediately ran into the studio, to find all of your members engaged in a heated fight between enhypen's seniors and jungwon, with sunoo and riki trying desperately to get them to calm down.
you rushed to help them, but nobody seemed to be listening. they weren't even listening to each other, really. mostly just yelling and trying to prove to the other team that they were in the right. you didn't even know you could yell that loud, but the childish bickering was pissing you off so bad that you suddenly shouted,
current taglist (closed): @haknom @kjrcrz @lalalalawon @123-678h @k25vi@imhuh @yenqa @useraerin @wondering-out-loud @captivq @enhaz1 @luvistqrzzz @luvchungha @beomgyusonlywife @heart4hees @mrchweeee @heefys @hangecanweholdhands @jayujus @jaeyunsimswife @yumilovesloona @pagesofmiracles @eumppattv @fluerz @n0t-kc @darly6n @haechansbbg @kxr0mi @cakiedayy @gyuszie @latriii @neocockthotology @solstramaii @teddywonss @nishimurasgirl @yjwfav @yanagisprettygf @hyunsllvr @lunavixia @rosabella1009 @ddeonubaby @iea-tsand @cakeart12 @vssvvssv @haewho @meiiiwa @eloelooo @girlokarina @i-hwa @crookedlysupertimemachine @yannew @lynn555 @k1ttylvr 
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SYNOPSIS: though all of his hyung’s are notorious for being some of the biggest players at HYBE, nishimura riki has yet to even have his first girlfriend. when his interest is finally piqued by a girl from their rival dance team, his hyung’s will stop at nothing to make sure he gets her— but not before causing a little trouble.
reblogs are appreciated!
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ad0rechuu · 11 months
★ MILKY WAY. ━━ (047) if only she knew
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WARNINGS. just awkwardness ig
credits to @ari-shipping-stuff for being my beta reader / writer <33
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It sure is an effort, he thinks. It does feel like a whole task to not accidentally let his eyes wander back to his phone screen where she’s deeply focused on tuning her guitar.
“I’m sorry that took a while. I’m not exactly a pro in guitar.” Yn looked back up, adjusting her screen at the same time. “Thank you again, Hwa, I think I would’ve abandoned this project if it wasn’t for you.”
His nickname falling so effortlessly from her lips truly does things to him. It has his heart racing in a way he can get used to. Seonghwa looks away in an attempt to hide his odd-colored cheeks. He couldn't help but wonder if she actually noticed.
That’s the issue. He never knows what she does and doesn’t notice. He hopes she doesn’t notice that his eyes linger on her a beat longer than normally when she speaks and that his hands always want to reach out to help her, even through the screen.
“It’s really no problem, I’m just happy to help.” He replies back, cringing internally at his own voice.
She nods and taps something offscreen. “I’ll play the instrumental that I’ve come up with first and you can let me know what you think. Then when we’re writing, I’ll just play it acoustically, okay?”
While K-Pop companies were known for their exceptionally bad connection during lives and stuff, he could hear and see her just fine. The honeyed melody of the untitled song plays trough the speaker of his phone, and he can't help but marvel in the fact that she’d feel comfortable enough to share something as intimate as a song with him.
She soon meets his eyes, excitement for his reaction twinkling in her own.
Seonghwa feels himself melting at the sight, the agreement with his friends now far in the back of his mind. The only thing on his mind now was her.
The song ends, snapping him out of his thoughts.
“So what did you think?” Yn asks shyly. It's not a common look on her. While she definitely isn’t the loudest in her group, she was never one to be shy like this. At least, not what he knew.
The need to dote on her until he’s sure that she knows how great her work is is pushed back down. He doesn’t want to weird her out but he does want to let her know.
Instead, he furrows his thick brows, deep in thought. “It’s very pretty, it feels like— how do I explain it… it feels like a summer sunset. Like how it feels to look at those pretty colors up in the clouds with someone you care about.
“It sounds optimistic!” He stops, eyes softening up as he finally realizes the word he’s looking for. “Romantic! …It sounds romantic.”
Yn claps in excitement at his comments. “That’s exactly what I was going for, I was watching this drama really cute drama when I came up with it.”
She strings the first few notes of the chorus. “Okay, let’s start!”
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About an hour later, the pair works together like they have known nothing else for their whole lives. It just comes so easy to them.
Suddenly, Seonghwa hears a noise interrupting the peaceful atmosphere. He looks up from his notebook in surprise when he sees two of his younger friends stand at in front of his bedroom door, smiling while holding snacks.
Unsure of how to react, he gives the girl on the other side of the screen an apologetic smile. She heard the noise too and gives him back a curious look. Just as she’s about to ask, two figures have jumped on top of Seonghwa, toppling over his phone in the process.
San and Mingi scream greetings on the top of their lungs, so loud that Seonghwa worries that his neighbors are going to bring him noise complaints later. He just barely manages to utter out a few words from underneath them.
“Wait, phone— Yn!” He points in the general direction of phone.
“Yn?!” Mingi gets up quickly as he looks around for the fallen phone. When he grabs it, he’s met with the familiar face.
“Oh, hey, Mingi!” The sheer shock causes the bright-haired boy to lose his composure and drops it again.
As soon as San hears the voice he crawls off the bed to inspect himself, just barley in time to catch the device. Yn gets greeted by an open mouthed stare from him, making her laugh.
“And hello, San!”
“H-hi.” He replies quietly while Mingi freaks out, screaming without sound offscreen.
Seonghwa rolls his eyes at his friends' antics and snatches the phone out of San’s hand.
“I’m sorry about this, Yn, I had no idea they were coming over.” He explains apologetically.
After finally calming down Mingi’s sharp features come on the screen and covers his own face to also take a look at the girl.
“Hey Yn, how are you?” Mingi asks a little bit too loud for Seonghwa’s liking.
San copies Mingi’s actions, practically leaning over Seonghwa’s lap to get a glance. “Are you coming to Hanuelsan again soon?” He pouts.
“It’s okay, it’s a nice surprise.” Yn’s giggles don’t stop, warming all of the boys' hearts unintentionally. “Also, I’m good, thank you for asking Mingi. Hwa was helping me write lyrics. We just finished the chorus actually.
“And I’ll visit the cafe soon, San.” She promises. “What are you guys up to?”
Seonghwa nods furiously, trying to make sure he’s in frame too as he shoots an annoyed look at his friends. “No, really, why are you guys here? And how the hell did you even get inside?”
San smiles back, completely ignoring his hyung, his dimples showing as he does. “We were just bored so we decided to stop by.” He gives Seonghwa a quick shrug, the dreamy expression still on his face. “And we used a key, obviously.”
“How did they even get a key.” He mumbles to himself in confusion.
“Yunh—” San can’t finish his word before he gets cut off.
Suddenly Mingi stands up with an offended look on his face as a realization hits him. “You needed help with lyrics and you didn’t ask me? I’m literally a rapper.”
“I’m sorry, Princess, he offered.” Yn chuckles at his whining, while the other boys definitely don’t agree, it’s very cute to her. “I mean, you could help now if you want, since you’re there anyway. You too, San, the more the merrier!”
Both of the boys agree and after some squabbling, they are finally sat in a way that keeps all three of them pleased.
“So what’s the song called?” San asks as he reads over the neat notes Seonghwa took.
Yn thinks for a while but as she meets the eldest eyes an imaginary lightbulb goes off inside of her head. “I think I’ll call it Milky Way!”
Her hands find the guitar again as she plays the song for them, this time with part of the new lyrics.
Seonghwa doesn’t know if he’s supposed to feel proud or upset but he does know that the ugly green monster called jealousy is climbing in his chest as he watches the others. Deep in his heart, he knows he’s not the only one that carries these feelings for her.
An identical blush forms on their cheeks as they watch her lips move. Yn doesn’t know. She doesn't know that all three of them share the same thought as they look at her, the passion for music pouring out in the way she sings and the warmth she brings isn’t something that could be rivaled by the sun. They all know it.
Seonghwa, San, and Mingi also know for sure now that the situation they were in was a ticking time bomb, getting closer to explode every moment they spend with her.
If only she knew too.
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NOTES. i love them i really do LIKE REALLY do but i’m sorry for the future guys </3 and the last pic is yn posting the audio file for milky way on her priv btw also next chapter will have a slight time skip
TAGLIST. @bunnystrm @seongwin @aestheticsluut @meginthebuilding27 @gaebestie @stopeatread @pr1ncessm1ng1 @persphonesorchid @se0nghwaswife @seonghwasslytherin @leeknowsnothing @alixnsuperstxr @bluehwale-main @miriamxsworld @tocupid @rieuvie @sunoo-bby @jcngh0-hq @dudufodd @nikisbf @mrowwww @end0rchans @qtdenks @mintgki @dear-dreamie @leo-seonghwa @legohwas @evilsailorsenshi @seonghwaddict @choichaeyiul @iw4milf @yunstarz @cvberidiot @tubatu-wari-wari @not2daym8 @jaehunnyy @brrrkdslek @whippedforbeomgyu @amara-mars @crvzy-fujoshi
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