#i really exposed how after close to ten years one direction still own this pussy
21 Questions Tag
Tagged by @b1ngsu
1. Name: Victoria 
2. Nickname: Vivi 
3. Gender: Female 
4. Star sign: Cancer Sun 
5. Current time: 23:57 
6. Favorite artist(s): Block B, Monsta X, Chase Atlantic, 5 Seconds of Summer, Lana del Rey, EXO, One Direction, Rocket Punch, Tokio Hotel, 
7. Favorite song: “Freshmen” by The Verve Pipe
9. Last movie you saw: I shit you not, Calico Critters: The Treasure Of Calico Village which is like 30 minutes long because it’s made for four year olds but I don’t give a fuck but if you want like a true movie movie then it was Abzurdah for the twentieth time. 
10. Last thing you googled: ao3 soulmate au zayn malik/harry styles/niall horan (i was trying to an old fanfic that slapped harder than any piece of literary work should) 
11. Other blogs:@housewifekiki 
12. Main: The one you’re seeing this on 
13. Do you get asks?: Nah, I’m a boring bitch who’s always on her sideblog. 
14. Reason for your url: I was on a road trip in Québec and we stopped by route marker for Victoriaville and I thought it would be 
15. Average amount of sleep: 7-8 hours? Idk i’m a grandma and go to bed early and get up even earlier 
16. Lucky number: 9
17. Currently wearing: A gold ruby gemstone ring, gold heart shaped band ring, rose gold necklace with the letter ‘V’ in a heart, old ass Victoria’s Secret sleep shirt from their fashion show like four years ago, a tattered bathrobe that I got as a gift also ages ago, and giant pink headphones. 
18. Dream job: honestly not to humble brag but working in the wedding industry in some way, shape or form, has always been a childhood dream so the fact that I get to work with brides and bridesmaids and grooms and mothers of and flower girls and boys everyday...no matter how rough it gets I still have to pinch myself every time a bride sends an email thanking me for making her wedding the best day of her life and finding her the perfect dress and making her feel comfortable with her body I just lose it because it’s everything younger me could want. I also wouldn’t mind one day traditionally publishing a novel but shh that’s a pipe dream and a half 
19. Dream trips: Sedona, Arizona to see the crystal caves, Recife just to take a picture of me in front of the old fashioned houses, Basque country (although I probably wouldn’t leave if I finally went tbh), lowkey want to go to Straya but long flights tire me the fuck out that I would probably say fuck it and then just not go back home. IDK when it comes to trips I’m like not that picky but at the same time super picky??? It’s a mess..oooh wait Bremen I can’t forget the closest I ever got to getting a tattoo was the Weder Bremen symbol on my leg I have to go just to catch a game and support the best team in the Bundesliga 
20. Favorite foods: Two fried eggs served atop a piping hot bowl of white rice and mango chia seed pudding  topped with shredded coconut <3. 
21. Play any instruments: I played the violin for a long time but I forgot everything by now, I kill it on the tambourine tho 
If y’all followed me in any capacity you know that I’m terrible at tagging people so if you see this consider yourself tagged just please @ me so I can creep and read your answers 
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show-choir-gal · 4 years
“Pretty Boy” Oliver Wood Smut
Requested by: savannah117230 on wattpad "Can you do an Oliver Wood smut? They could be best friends since 3rd year but she is a Slytherin so they kept their friendship a secret but in their 5th year their friendship is exposed. You can make up the rest because I'm not that creative lol."
A/N: I really like this idea! I'm going to switch it up a bit but I still really enjoy this! I did a bunch of drinking towards the end of it so if there's anything wrong just lmk lmao.
Warnings: SMUT, cursing, a brief instance of sexual assault, oral (male and female receiving)
Word count: 7,473
Guide: Y/N: Your Name Y/L/N: Your Last Name Y/H/C: Your Hair Colour
I was the presumed heiress of Slytherin, both my parents were very prominent and well known Death Eaters. I was even sometimes called Slytherins "princess" just waiting for another noble Slytherin to come and sweep me off my feet. Marcus Flint, a boy in my year, was convinced he was my "knight in shining armour" and would try to get with me every chance he got. Typically, it always ended with me saying, "I'm sorry but who are you again?" But it never stopped, he was really persistent. It was kind of sad though, but I had to just deal with it. It was a big shock, to my fellow housemates, when I showed up at Quidditch trails. I walked out onto the pitch and just saw all these mouths agape. I looked at every single boy on that pitch with confusion. "We just weren't expecting to see you here Y/N." Our captain, Duncan Pucey said with almost as much as confusion drawn on his face like the rest of the boys standing there. "You boys seem to forget my father was a keeper his entire time here AND played for years on the Falmouth Falcons. Now, can we please stop gawking at me and start trials already?" I retaliated. It was no surprise when I made the team, but it was a surprise when I was placed as a chaser. I for sure thought I would be keeper just like my father. Duncan pulled me aside the last practice before games officially started, "I want you to know that you're brilliant in any position you play, but I need you as a chaser. There's a boy on the Gryffindor team, his name is Oliver...Wood? I think it's Oliver Wood and he knows Quidditch almost as well as you. I need you to keep the chasers on the best path to keeping us winning." He explained as he patted my back and then sent me off to the locker room. And that's exactly what I did. I was keeping the chasers in check, including Duncan. We made plays that no one dared to mess with and were almost impossible to beat. I wasn't entirely like my father, no no. My mother was the brightest witch of her time and it was clear I was following those footsteps as well. Best of both worlds one would assume. I wasn't some Slytherin who only did enough to pass class, I was going above and beyond each time and I quickly made it to top of my class.
The end of our second year wasn't super eventful, until Oliver and I were paired together for what seemed like the millionth time in Charms. Professor Flitwick rarely ever let us choose our own partners which would typically would be fine with me, but I was just continuously paired with Oliver Wood. Once I saw his usual grades, I immediately knew why. He was doing enough to pass, such a shame because he actually was brilliant. Our last class of charms before final exams came and went, but Professor Flitwick surprised me when he called Oliver and I up to his desk after class. "Is there something wrong Professor?" I questioned, shifting my bag behind my shoulders as I pulled my Y/H/C out from behind the bag. "Not per-say Miss Y/L/N. But I am concerned about Mr. Wood. He seems more concerned about Quidditch than his grades." "But I don't need good grades to get recruited for Quidditch." Oliver butt in, to which I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "But you need good grades to graduate Mr.Wood," Professor Flitwick turned to me, "Miss Y/L/N, could you be his study partner?" Professor Flitwick almost pleaded with me, but I didn't have the heart to turn down one of my favourite professors. I let out a long sigh, "I suppose." I replied as I crossed my arms across my chest and moved my weight onto my right leg and hip. Professor Flitwick beamed with delight, "Brilliant! 20 points to Slytherin. Now you two have a good rest of your day." He said as he started to clean up his classroom, Oliver and I made our way out of the classroom and toward the dining hall. Oliver opened his mouth but I responded quicker, "No, you are not getting any Quidditch secrets. Meet me in the library tonight at 7 or I will find you and drag you there myself." "Is that a threat or a promise?" He asked with a smirk. "Wipe that fucking smirk off your face before I decide to hex you instead." The smirk dropped off his face and we entered the dining hall and went our separate ways as I rolled my eyes, eager to let my friends in on the trauma of Oliver Wood I will endure for the foreseeable future.
Our third year came up a lot faster than expected, but I was still excited. I entered Platform 9 3/4 with my parents, and immediately we were met with stares and whispers. We quickly said our goodbyes, but not before my father handed me a broom. As he handed me the broom, he hugged my mother closer and smiles grew on their faces when they saw the excitement in my eyes. "A Transylvanian Barb! They're brand new! But why?" I asked, confused about the gift, but still excited nonetheless. "Our beautiful girl deserves only the best. Keep breaking records out there darling." My mother said before they pulled me in for one last hug and kiss before I boarded the train. I made my way to the back where the Slytherins were, but I couldn't help but notice all the stares and whispers now directed toward me. Directed solely toward me. I just hurried to the Slytherin car and I saw all my teammates waiting for me. We were all so excited for the new year because a new year meant new Quidditch plays. But a new term also meant that soon enough, you were Olivers study partner. It wasn't the ideal situation, but if it meant that the only person close to your skill was still on the pitch, and I was willing to make sure I had a worthy opponent. Soon enough, Oliver was asking for help in all our classes. I didn't mind, I got to keep him accountable, but it took up a lot more of my time. Eventually, it was nearing the time final game of the year. Gryffindor against Slytherin. Both of our teams were practicing as much as we could. I almost had no time to breathe, but this would all be over soon and everything would be a lot better and easier. I found myself in divination class, seated next to Marcus and Terence at our table. We were learning tessomancy, the divination form that requires you to read tea leaves. This class was meant to focus on soulmates and finding their initials in our leaves. Terence was struggling to figure his out, while Marcus just smirked at me. "It's your initial, looks like you really are my soulmate babe." Marcus said with a smirk. I shot him a disgusted look, "Mine is an 'M' BUT before you say anything it's the initial of the persons last name you git." I looked down at my cup and realised my mistake, my cup was upside down. That 'M', is actually a 'W'. I wasn't going to admit this to them though. "Fuck," I sighed, "Must be Malfoy." I played off how I really felt and what everything really meant. There were plenty of people in this school with last names beginning with 'W', but I didn't want to press it to much longer. I ended up helping the rest of the Slytherins and Trewlaney gave me 15 points for Slytherin. I immediately went to my usual spot in the library and just hoped and prayed to Merlin everything would go back to normal. Oliver arrived moments later and took his usual seat. We had two essays to write so we just created small talk every now and again to fill the air. I finished before Oliver, I did some studying before he finished. I proof read his essay, it was actually really good. "Oliver, this is great! I told you that if you a little more effort in you would be great! You might not need me much longer." I said with a playful chuckle. "I would hate to end these study sessions, working with you is actually quite fun and you help me keep on track. Who knew the princess of Slytherin had it all? Looks, smarts, and excellent quidditch skills." Oliver said with a smirk, which made me blush. "Alright pretty boy, I love my ego being stroked, but both of us have practice tonight. Mine is soon, yours is later. I'll see you tomorrow on the pitch Wood. Can't wait to kick your ass." I said as I sent a wink his way and walked away after all my stuff was packed away. I made my way down to the pitch where I got ready and headed over to Duncan to discuss what plays we need to make and so on. By the end of practice, we had a solid plan in place for the game against Gryffindor. We were all radiating positivity with how well practice went for us. We all changed but as soon as we left the locker room, Gryffindor was making their way onto the pitch. Marcus went right up to them and I followed, not wanting anything serious to happen. Marcus was about to say something but I grabbed his arm and pulled him away, "Marcus if you lay even a finger on them before the game tomorrow I will make sure you don't play and you're a sub next year. Step away from them or I will force you to back away." "Awe you're hot when you're angry. How about this, I don't do anything to these pussy's and when we win we celebrate in my dorm and you sleep with me?" Marcus asked in a condescending tone as we walked away. I stopped and immediately started to pretend to gag at the words that just came out of his mouth, "I would much rather sleep with Wood over there ten times over before I even thought about touching you." I practically yelled. All eyes were on us. "What does Wood have that I don't clearly I'm packing a lot more than him." He said as his right hand moved to touch his member through his pants and his left hand trailed around my waist and  squeezed my right butt cheek. That was all I needed to immediately cock my arm back and land a hard punch directly on his nose, which was now just gushing blood down his body. Marcus stumbled back and scrambled to his feet. Terence started to bring him off the pitch. I took my wand out and pointed it at him. I started to make my way towards him when Duncan and a few other of my teammates held me back with all their strength. "I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU FLINT. I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU THE NEXT CHANCE I GET. I SWEAR TO MERLIN. YOU WILL WISH YOU NEVER EXISTED YOU FILTHY PIECE OF SHIT EXCUSE FOR A WIZARD!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, I had tears streaming down my face at this point. Both from the experience and the pain my throat was in. Miles ran to get a professor as Duncan hugged me and apologised to the Gryffindor team. Duncan held onto me as we made our way to meet with Dumbledore, Snape, and McGonagall. I made eye contact with Oliver as I passed by and he looked broken just from witnessing the exchange. Duncan and I met with the Headmaster and our head of house in his office and explained everything that happened. It wasn't a long meeting but it wasn't a short meeting either. Duncan agreed with Snape and Dumbledore that Flint was going to be out for the last game of the year and sub for most of next year. We made our way to dinner and all eyes were on me, but I just ignored it and just put on my RBF and plotted revenge (and how I could possibly tell my parents). It was the day of the biggest game of the year to us. I got to the locker room extra early to clear my mind and go through last minute plays to make sure they were as clean and thought out as possible. Duncan followed not too long after me and I informed him of some errors I found and we worked through them. Once the rest of the team was in the locker room and changed we went over the game plan. After Duncan's speech, we entered the pitch to some cheers but mostly boo's. We were all on the pitch when we got into our positions and went up into the sky. Before we took our actual positions, Oliver sent a wink my way. I just shook my head and shoo'd him away to the posts. The game was going great, we were leading but not by much. We needed that snitch to win. Terence was so close to catching it, Charles wasn't making it too easy though. I paid as little attention as possible toward the seekers fighting for the snitch. Fred and George Weasley were towards the left of me but pretty far behind. I had just caught the quaffle and was heading towards the goals when all of a sudden, I was hit hard in the side and I let go of the quaffle as I flew off my broom from the force of the hit. I hit the corner of the Slytherin stand and just free fell to the ground. I was out cold before I hit the ground. Terence caught the snitch, but people were concerned with my limp body lying on the ground. I woke up later that day in the hospital wing, my team was surrounding me. They told me everything that happened. Fred and George performed a Dopplebeater Defence and the bludger went straight for me. It hit me hard enough to throw me to the corner of the stands like I was a muggle rag doll and I immediately fell hundreds of feet to the ground. I had several broken ribs and many more fractures. But I was more concerned about my broom and if we had won. Duncan chuckled, "We did win, Terence caught the snitch right as you hit the stands. And your broom is fine. I grabbed it before it plummeted to the ground." We were all caught up in conversation when there was a throat clear from behind my team surrounding my bed. "Leave her alone Weasley's, she doesn't need to be hurt anymore." Duncan said, in a voice so firm yet so angry. "We came to apologise." The twins said in unison. I chimed in before Duncan could, "It's fine. You guys can go. I'll be fine." I smiled and hurried them along. "We're so sorry Y/N," Fred started. "We didn't think it would curve and get you." George chimed in. "We promise, once you're better we'll get you all the sweets you want," I cut them off, "Guys it's okay. It's a game of quidditch. I'd be naive if I didn't believe I would never get hurt. I forgave you a long time ago. But I still appreciate the care you two have." I replied with a smile as they handed me a bouquet of wild flowers. They made their way out, I placed the flowers on the bedside table. I looked up and saw Oliver. "How are you feeling?" He asked as he took the seat next to me. "Besides just a blanket of pain, I'm pretty good now that you're here." I said with a smile. There was a thick silence that enveloped both of us, eventually Oliver broke that silence. "Are we friends?" He asked. "What do you mean?" "Like, you've really grown on me in our study sessions and I want to be friends with you but.." "I have an image to uphold Wood. But we can, if that's what you want. Just, we must keep the study sessions professional. Secret friendship, for now," I said, I saw the sorrow in his eyes "It's a secret for now. Until I can figure all this out. I promise Ollie." I said as I stuck out my pinky finger, he chuckled and hooked his pinky finger with mine. Oliver came down every day to help me with homework and our usual study sessions. But once everyone left we just chatted like old pals. It was so much easier once I could actually go back to classes and roaming the castle. Every day meshed together; I went to my classes, bickered back and forth with Oliver, had study sessions, and then snuck away to have alone time with Oliver and acted like normal friends behind closed and hidden doors. I hated it, but being the "heiress of Slytherin" I had an image to uphold. Hopefully our 5th or 6th year I can just be open about this, but right now is not the time. Especially because I don't know what they'd do to Oliver. It was more for his protection, and he figured that out the more we hung out and talked. The deeper our friendship grew, the more we learned about each other... and the more I started to feel something more for him. The end of the year came so fast, yet went by so slow. Saying goodbye to everyone hurt when the one person I didn't want to leave I couldn't even say goodbye to. No matter how bad I felt, Oliver and I still wrote to each other practically every day. Each new letter was a countdown to the first of September, a countdown to seeing my best friend. But with each letter also came stronger and stronger feelings I had never felt before. Was this love? Was this what love felt like? What is this feeling?
The first of September has come yet again, welcoming me to my fourth year at Hogwarts, but this time my family and I were accompanied by the Malfoy's. Mum and dad have always wanted me to marry Draco, keep the pureblood line going. I didn't hate Draco, he was very annoying for an 11 year old, but I didn't hate him. Neither of our families believed in arranged marriages, but they definitely mentioned a married between Draco and I often. Draco was definitely infatuated with me. Trying his best to flirt with me and to keep my attention on him. At the train, I hugged my parents goodbye and hugged Narcissa and shook Lucius' hand. Draco and I boarded the train together, "Now, I sit with all of the older years and first years aren't allowed, but after tonight you can always find me when you need me." I said as I sent Draco a smile. Draco took my hand and kissed it and went on his merry way to find someone to befriend. My eyes drifted from Draco to Oliver, who seemingly was watching the whole time. He shot a smile my way, causing me to blush. I walked passed him to the Slytherin cart and he slipped a piece of parchment into my hand. I kept walking and as I entered I sat in my usual seat, but only Terence and Miles were in their seats. I read the note, "I really missed you, more than ever. Meet me on the pitch at 8?" I let out a smile as I slyly slid the note into my right pocket. We continued our conversations of our summer holidays as more of our peers came through and sat down. I announced that I was the quidditch captain now that Duncan has graduated. We all enjoyed our time together once again, after all, it was just another year and another House Cup we were determined to win. It came to the sorting ceremony and I only was anticipating Draco and his sorting. He was sorted into Slytherin faster than I was, but he was proud and made his way over to me and kissed my cheek before sitting right next to me. My teammates just looked over at me, and then Draco, and looked more confused than when a professor calls on them and they're not paying attention. Draco happily chimed in, "I'm going to marry her. Join the Malfoy and Y/L/N pureblood names and have the greatest bond to ever occur in the wizarding world." He had a smile beaming from ear to ear. They all shifted their gazes onto me, questioning if it was real or in his imagination. "I'll explain later, don't worry guys." I said to calm them down, which it only helped slightly. The upperclassmen made their way to their perspective common rooms. I told my teammates how it wasn't fully a thing, arranged at least. It was encouraged but not forced, and to just let Draco believe whatever he wants to believe. They all finally understood and proceeded to start a whole new conversation. It was almost 8 and I decided to sneak away from my friends and down to the pitch. If someone finds me on my way there then I can just say I need to cleat my mind or something like that. I can always get myself out of trouble. As soon as I walked by the Gryffindor locker room, I heard a faint whisper and made my way to see inside. As soon as I cracked the door, an arm reached out and grabbed my forearm and yanked me inside. I practically fell onto whomever just pulled me in. I looked up and saw Olivers infamous smile and pulled him in for a tight hug. The hug seemed to go on forever, but eventually we let go, but not fully, his arms were still wrapped around my waist and my arms were wrapped around his neck. "Oh how I've missed you." He said with a smirk, but there was definitely something hiding behind it. I was studying his face like it was a written exam. And caught on and he guided me to the benches right behind us. "Obviously I wanted to say hi, but that's not the only thing I wanted to talk to you about," Oliver started as he sat beside me, "I've been having this thought and this feeling for a while now," I was confused, and the furrowed brows and now titled head made him keep going. "I know you like sleeping around and fucking whenever you can... NOT that it's a bad thing because I like that too. But... B-but I want to know what it's like to like, sleep with one person. And I just hope you've been feeling this sexual tension too, Y/N. Would you like, to like, maybe be friends with benefits?" He asked and he started to blush as he looked away. I knew it was too good to be true, he didn't feel the same way I think I feel about him. But if this was the closest to a relationship I could have with him, I was going to seize the moment. "I'm glad you felt the tension too, I was starting to grow exhausted just hiding it," I said as I inched a little closer to him as I unbuttoned the top buttons of my white blouse, "I was getting tired of hopping from dick to dick. Although the variety was nice, getting railed by the same cock over and over sounds so much better to me." I got even closer to him, I moved his hands to my bare thighs and my hands tugged at his shirt. Oliver crashed his lips into mine, the rough intensity of the kiss threw me off guard but I enjoyed every moment of it. I quickly deepened the kiss, feeling myself grow wetter and wetter as Oliver finished unbuttoning my blouse. I unhooked my black bra and he took off his turtleneck and we threw our articles of clothes onto the ground, just letting them land wherever they pleased. I took one look at his body and my mouth dropped. Toned but not overly defined, a perfect middle ground. Oliver took full advantage of the moment and placed his hands roughly on my bare sides, sending sparks throughout my body, and he pulled my into him and crashed his lips onto my bare neck as he sucked and bit every inch of my neck and collarbone. Oliver was still in a sitting position while I was standing over him, one leg on each side of the bench. As Oliver found my sweet spot, he started to pull my skirt down to my knees and I took it off and threw it wherever it decided to land. He started to leave hickies all over my upper body he kissed his way down to my breasts. He took my left breast into his mouth and sucked and kissed every inch of it. His right and trailed from my side down to my warm and wet pussy. He didn't even hesitate to move my panties out of the way and rubbed the folds of my dripping wet pussy. That feeling all on its own made me whimper and melt into him more than I was. His mouth moved to my right breast and give it the same attention my left breast received earlier. His left hand was free and moved to unbutton his pants and pull out his pulsating cock. As soon as I felt his cock touch my thigh, I positioned myself over his member. "I've waited all summer for this." He said right before he took his cock and rubbed the tip up and down my soaking wet folds. He stopped at my entrance but before he could say anything I lowered myself onto him, feeling his cock fill up all the empty space inside of me. No one has ever filled me so perfectly. I crashed my lips onto his as I rode his cock up and down and making sure he understands what he's getting. "If I didn't want this, I wouldn't be this wet for you... pretty boy." As those words left my mouth, Oliver held me close to him, picked me up and laid me down on the bench. He would alternate his thrusts between fast and slow, seemingly trying to pace himself so he can savour this moment. I felt my core start to contract and tighten and my pussy became more and more sensitive. In between my increasingly shallow breaths, I noticed that I was edging closer and closer to my climax. "Ol-Ol-Oliver," My breaths were becoming more and more shallow, "I-I'm g-g-g-getting cl-lose." Oliver was letting out low grunts of pleasure as he gripped my hips tighter than before, but with the words that seemingly dripped out of my mouth, Oliver thrusted harder and faster than he had previously in our little rendezvous. With each new thrust, a new grunt or groan came out of Olivers mouth, I could feel his cock twitch inside me and I knew he was ready to cum. I reluctantly brought my right hand down to my clit and started to stimulate myself while he thrusted into me. I started to feel myself become undone in Olivers grasp, my head was thrown back and my back arched as I let out a final pleasure filled moan. Oliver watched in awe and pleasure as I came undone on his cock. Once my high finished, I pushed Oliver back and got onto my knees in front of him. I took his hard cock into my hand started to pump before I placed my lips onto the tip of his dick. I pumped his shaft as I played with the tip of his cock with my tongue. I felt his cock twitch in my hand one final time before he let his cum release into my mouth. He was a mess of sweat and heavy breathing, I swallowed his seed as he sat on the bench we were just having our most amazing high on. I started to gather my clothes and get dressed, as I was putting my bra on I said, "That was-" I was cut off my Oliver, "Amazing." "That was amazing," He said as he slapped my ass, "I would love to do this again." He pulled me closer as he still hungrily looked me up and down. We both finished getting dressed but then he grabbed my hand and sat me down on the bench again, "We should probably figure out a game plan for this, like rules for us being friends with benefits." I nodded my head in agreement. "Alright, chime in any time you have something to say," I nodded at his statement and he continued, "Consent is the most important thing of all, we are still friends and I trust that both of us will let the other know if sex isn't in the cards for the night. We are friends above all. Secondly, we should probably stop when one of us gets into a relationship. Lastly, no catching feelings." He finished with a chuckle, but my face sort of flushed but I tried to keep my composure. "Couldn't agree more." I said behind a fake smile as I stuck my hand out for him to shake, and he returned the favour. I snuck out of the Gryffindor locker room and went into my own, grabbing my broom and waiting to see Oliver walk up to the castle. I went onto the pitch and just flew around, trying to sort through my own thoughts. I realised it was close to curfew and so I landed, but my broom back in its spot and headed back up to the castle. My team was waiting up for me, scared that something had happened to me but I assured them I was just at the pitch starting to get a game plan going and clearing my mind. As the boys trickled out of the common room, the only ones left were Terence and I but we had sat in silence for some time and I was just staring into the fire. "Is everything okay Y/N?" He asked, which slightly startled me enough to look him in the eyes. "Of course I am T, I just...have a lot on my mind." I said with a bit of a forced smile. He wasn't quite sure if he was buying it but then he said, "Okay, but I care a lot about you and I want you to know you can always talk to me." He placed his hand on my thigh in reassurance, I placed my hand over his and shot him a smile before standing up and heading to our dorm rooms. Maybe Terence could help take my mind off of Oliver only wanting to fuck me. And that's what started to happen. Several times a week, Oliver and I would meet up and either just have a grand ol' time or just to fuck but during the day, I was growing closer and closer to Terence. But Oliver still definitely had my heart, in more ways than one. Nothing I could do would make me feel differently. Oliver and I were both captains, which made fuck sessions and wagers even better than before. Slytherin won the first game of the year, so Oliver had to eat me out, and honestly he might've loved it more than I did. When Gryffindor won their first game, I gave him a blowjob and really whatever he wanted. The Quidditch house cup was quickly approaching and both of us were starting to have stress sex several times a week. He was my release of this stress and I was his. The day before the last game against Slytherin and Gryffindor, Oliver and I had just finished working on our DADA essays and I was cleaning up when Oliver just looked at me and said "Oh, I have a girlfriend now. So, no more funny business." He said with a smirk and a chuckle as he collected his things and went on his way. My heart sank to my feet as tears welled up in my eyes, but I just wiped whatever there was away and I marched my way down to the pitch to try to take my mind off of everything going on around me. I changed into my uniform and sat down thinking and rethinking plays as my leg bobbed up and down with stress. I had notes scribbled everywhere and I was struggling to keep my head on my shoulders. Terence, Miles, and Adrien walked in expecting them to be the first but were shocked to see me but even more shocked to see the chaos surrounding me. Terence asked the other two boys to give them a moment and he sat next to me and rubbed my back, trying to soothe me. "What's going on Y/N?" "A guy I thought really liked me doesn't and he has a girlfriend. We were doing a friends with benefits thing but I hoped it would turn into more." I replied and he pulled me closer. "Well clearly he's an absolute git for leaving you for someone else, even if all you two did was fuck. You deserve so much more than whoever that asshole is." "You're right, I deserve so much better than him. I shouldn't have let it go on this long." "I know this is quick, but we have been hanging out a lot more these past few months and I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend? No pressure, but the hogsmeade dates made me feel a type of way and I hope you feel the same." I smiled and cupped his face in my hands and kissed him, "I would love to. Thank you for showing me I deserve better." We both smiled and the team joined us in the locker room as I reworked plays with my newly cleared mind, well, not fully cleared. Practice went really well and I'm very pleased with what we have prepared for tomorrow. We came down from the sky and Gryffindor was awaiting us in the pitch. "Trying to calculate how much you're going to lose Gryffin-snore?" Adrien shot at them, unprovoked but no care in the world. "Save it for the game boys. See you on the pitch tomorrow, Wood." I said in a dark tone as I shoved passed him as Terrence and I interlocked fingers as we walked into the locker room. It was officially game day and the dining hall was buzzing with wagers and thoughts for the day. Terence and I walked into the dining hall hand in hand and I looked over at Oliver who was staring straight at me. I looked away as we made our way to the table where the rest of our team was sitting. We ate a hearty breakfast and headed to the pitch. Once we were in the locker room and all changed we went over the plays we needed and I finished with a speech, "[...] I know I never say this, so believe me I need you all to listen and take this to heart, play dirty. I will be giving commands but I trust you all know how to play dirty since most of you have been playing that way all year against my wishes... Yes Pucey, I'm talking to you. But you all better hope that if you get a foul on purpose, you better hope Merlin finds you before I even start to hunt you down. Go out and kick some Gryffindor ass." We all exited the room and made our way onto the pitch. Terence and I exchanged a quick peck right in front of Oliver right before we all took position on the pitch. Madam Hooch released the balls and I immediately got the Quaffle and headed toward the goal posts. Angelina and Katie from Gryffindor got on both sides of me but before they could successfully perform a Body Blow on me, I picked up speed and drifted in front of the goals as I threw the Quaffle in and scored. "Forty-three seconds and the first goal goes to Slytherin! The goal was made by Y/N Y/L/N and made a new school record for fast goal made in a match!" Lee Jordan announced. The game went on for ages but I was on fire. I was scoring and checking like no tomorrow, to say I was determined was an understatement. I was fighting for that win, I wanted to see Olivers face lose first hand. And almost as quick as the game started, Terence caught the snitch and Slytherin won! I briefly looked over at Oliver who looked heartbroken, but in more ways than one. I was broken from my chance when Terence came up and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. "And there is it folks, Slytherin's seeker Terence Higgs caught the snitch which landed Slytherin the win of the inter-house Cup! Oh, and by the looks of it he also scored the winning kiss with Slytherin's Captain, Y/N Y/L/N! Y/N won the game with brilliant plays and won Terence's heart!" Lee Jordan said before he said his usual Quidditch game closing announcements. The night was buzzing with drinks and games and cheer in the usually gloomy Slytherin common room. A few weeks passed and Oliver and I were studying for our History of Magic exam when he suddenly stopped and looked at me. "Oliver, are you okay?" He kept staring, I snapped my fingers a few times in front of his face which seemed to take him out of his trance. "Are you serious?" He asked sternly. "About what?" "Dating Terrence." "Well, yeah. That's why we hang out all the time. He treats me like I matter. Anywho, we shouldn't be discussing this because you are also in a relationship. Now keep studying so you don't fail." I left that night feeling uneasy but acted like everything was normal. The end of the year approached fast, but Terrence and I agreed that we just weren't meant for each other romantically and so we broke it off and remained friends. Finals were coming up and so Oliver and I were cramming like we had for countless exams prior. We were in the library very late each night, and this night was no different but something about the atmosphere was very different. "How are you and Terrence?" Oliver asked. "Oh, we broke up a while ago." I replied, keeping my head on my study guide. Olivers head shot up and he looked at me, "What? Why?" "Well," I started as I looked up, "Since you want to be nosy, we just were better off as friends. Simple really, nothing too extreme or anything. How are you and your girl?" "We actually broke up yesterday." "Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. Are you okay?" He pondered that question for a bit, before finally saying something that caught me off guard, "Yeah, but I miss our old nights together." He was waiting for my reaction, hell even I was waiting for my reaction. I missed them too but I didn't want to go through all those feelings all over again. "I miss them too Ollie, but I don't want we used to have. If I'm being honest," I looked around to make sure no one was still in the library, "I caught feelings for you and being friends with benefits hurt me and really messed me up emotionally. I can't put myself through that again." Olivers reaction went from shock, to confusion, to relief. I watched the gears in his mind turn every step of the way for him to process the information I just gave him. "Well that's a relief, I caught feelings for you as well." He said with his signature smirk. My brows furrowed, "Then why did you date another girl?" "To try to get you and your body out of my mind, but the Slytherin heiress has her way with men and I never forgot our endeavors and I just kept missing them. I didn't think you felt the same, so I suppressed my own feelings. I'm sorry, I should've said something sooner." There was an awkward silence between us for a few moments, before Oliver spoke up, "Is that why you destroyed us in the inter-house Cup?" I started to blush and nodded my head yes. His eyes widened and a smile formed on his face, "I hate to admit it but it was bloody brilliant. You're bloody brilliant...on and off the pitch... Can you be my girlfriend?" I blushed and just smiled at him, "Of course. But it's still a secret." The year finished and Oliver and I had successfully kept our relationship under the radar. I hated it but I had a plan, I think.
Fifth year rolled around and started off great. Nothing too exciting happend, except whenever Oliver and I were alone it was more cute and no sex. We mutually agreed to wait. A couple days before the inter-house cup, we snuck into an empty classroom and just talked and chilled together since tomorrow we were both going to be super busy. I was sat atop a desk and Oliver was standing in front of me and holding my hands. Oliver and I leaned in for a kiss when suddenly we heard the door open and a gasp fill the empty room. Both of us spun our head in the direction of the sound, and in the doorway was Lee Jordan. Lee immediately left but that little thing just knocked the wind out of you. "Fuck." I muttered under my breath, "Alright. Hopefully he doesn't go around blabbing about what he saw." "And if he does?" My eyes darted around the room in a moment of pondering, "If he does, then we'll have to make it official in front of everyone." "Is that okay for you?" "We deserve to be open about our relationship. I just need a day or two to get all my ducks in a row. You deserve to be in a public relationship." Oliver smiled at that statement and pulled me into a kiss. We both left the room and headed to our prospective common rooms. The next day started off with an early practice. Lee hadn't spilt the beans about what he saw, yet. I was a bit more nervous than ever before but I still led the team like tomorrow was the last day of their lives. We all left practice happily but I was a bit behind, cleaning the room and pondering my thoughts. I walked into the dining hall for dinner and all eyes were on me and whispers immediately started. I just strutted to my usual seat and just dug in. My teammates opened their mouths and I immediately shot back, "If sone of you says ONE THING I will make sure you don't play tomorrow. I finished eating and went straight to my dorm and fell asleep. I wanted nothing more than for things to be normal again. I woke up bright and early and headed to the pitch. I knew Olivers plays so well, so I was busying myself with coming up with new plays and how to implement them. Eventually the rest of my team joined me and we all got ready. I gave one of the best speeches of my career, but before I could step away from being the centre of attention Marcus asked, "Are you and Woods really dating?" I took a deep breath in, "Yes, yes we are. Now go on the pitch because I never want to hear another word about this. Got it?" We all entered the pitch a few minutes before Gryffindor did, one they came out I immediately looked for Oliver. We made our way over to each other and we looked into each others eyes. "I love you, pretty boy." "I love you too, princess." Oliver threw his broom onto the ground and grabbed my waist and pulled me into a deep and passionate kiss as the crowd roared behind us.
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wildflower-alex · 4 years
not my ordinary day 1/2
Looking from the other side of the street I could see the tram parking and awaiting for the people to get inside. I started to run, hoping I would still make it to the green light, missed a few puddles, the umbrella still open above my head. I got inside and realized the puddles weren’t really missed, because I had splashes of water all over my legs. I tried to calm myself and took a seat. It was a cold autumn day, the rain was covering all the buildings and a slow wind started to blow. You could sense the autumn was nearly over and winter was waiting in line. I thought I couldn’t wait for the snow to appear, for the days to be shorter and the streets to be emptier than usual. Because that was my thing, I never really enjoyed being around people, I never liked massive gatherings and people screaming, talking too loud, running around and so on. So winter was the perfect time for me to just look outside the window and see the nature taking it’s revenge and conquering back the streets. 
It took me about 20 minutes to arrive at the college. My friend awaited me outside, with two cups of coffee.
“What the fuck are you doing?” she asked. This was just the way we used to speak to each other. It was funny at that time.
“Nothing major, just wet myself trying to catch a tram. What about you? Pass me the coffee, please”
“Same, a little bit overworked, I tried to finish that essay last night and I got two more pages. I can’t wait for this day to end and go to sleep. Actually, I think I’m gonna sleep on the couch”
“Oh, common, it’s not that long of a day. We’re gonna get through this”
“Yeah, I know. You know, the professor told us just a few moments ago we are having a guest today”
“Really? Whats her name? Or his?”
“Dunno, that’s all I got. She left just a few seconds before you came”’
“Good thing, at least we’re gonna chill for today”
We took a few minutes to finish our coffees and then proceeded to the classroom. It was such a boring day that I wished I was home, in my bed, listening to some chill music and maybe reading a book. But little did I know what a turn will have.
I was on my phone, reading something, half an hour passed and then the door opened. I couldn’t be bothered, I wasn’t interested in another guest telling me how big of a deal he did last year and the projects he was working on and blah blah. 
“Y/N...” my friend said.
“What?” I said back, never taking my eyes off the screen.
“Hey” she said and poked me.
“Just a second, let me finish reading this” then I looked at her. It only lasted a few seconds, but she had a smirk on her face and she pointed in the direction of the professor. I never in a million, trillion years could have expected this. My heart started racing, shivers down to my spine and a sudden feeling of cold sweat in my hands. It was him. He was looking right at me, his blue eyes sparkling a sweet feeling. I think his lips formed a little smile, but I could never tell. Then his voice surrounded the room and I had a feeling of fainting, though I was sitting on a chair. My friend looked at me and I slowly said to her “I have no air”. She looked back and understood I wasn’t lying.
“Relax, it’s nothing, keep breathing. You got this”
“I got this” I said to myself.
I don’t know what he was talking about, my ears were filled with a tingling sound and the deep tones of his voice. 
“Why is he here?” I asked her. I could not believe it. It was a soap opera, it was a dream, it couldn’t been real.
“He’s talking about finances and the things he studies at his college. The professor wanted to help us with the future project she has for us” she replied.
“There are thousands of people attending that college or who attended it and he was the best match? Fuck it, I can’t believe it. Something’s sketchy” I said. 
He took a seat and responded to some questions, but never stopped looking at me. For me it seemed obvious where his eyes landed on and I expected everyone to see it. His body was positioned facing mine, his long legs stretching under the table. He looked at his watch and then at his phone. While answering a question one of my colleagues had, he texted something on his phone and then looked at the professor, talking something to her.
Then a text popped on my phone.
<< What were you reading?’>> and a new number.
I thought he was crazy if he still got my number. He was arrogant, I could sense that. He demanded me to me submissive. But I was not.
<<Tell me, was it more interesting than me?>> he added. I decided I would never respond to him, as if he got the wrong number. He wasn’t going to expose me again, I wasn’t going to allow that. But still, his lips moving, I wanted them to move on mine, I wanted his hands on my body, touching it, grabbing it, tasting it. I wanted my hands in his hair and my legs wrapped around his body, his bulge pushing on my skin. I wanted it so bad, but I could never have that. He was too arrogant, he wanted me docile and to listen to him. He knew I was weak, but my anxiousness kept me away from a deceiving relationship. 
So I decided to look him in the eyes, to kinda say “I am tired of your bullshit, move on”, even though I wasn’t and the inside of my crotch was slowly getting heated up. I felt my nipples harden just thinking about his length inside me. I stood there, trying to focus on the conversation they had. After ten minutes, I felt I wasn’t getting enough air. 
“I’m not feeling well” I said to my friend.
“Then go to the bathroom, go get some air. Your face is pale, go and relax a bit”
I looked at her, but not really hearing what she was saying. My vision started to blur and darkened. I then excused myself and left the classroom and headed straight to the hallway, getting myself another coffee. Good thing the cigarettes were still in my back pocket, so I went outside and lit one up. I finished it in a few minutes and then lit another one up. I was looking at the pavement beneath me. Little patches of grass were poking through the spaces between them, but they were slowly turning auburn. The rain partially stopped, only a few droplets touching the pavement. Strangely enough, a bird’s chirping could be heard from above the trees. It was a quiet day for a situation that awkward. I closed my eyes and tried to think about the quiet, ordinary life I had for the past few months. Then, slowly, the droplets started to hit the leafs.
“I love it when it rains”
My lucid dream was interrupted by his voice. He scared me, because I didn’t know for how long was he beside me and looking at me. He wasn’t the usual person, to just tell the things as they are, besides his arrogance, he had a strange way to keep a conversation with you. His usual phrases would mock you, make you feel stupid. I thought for a second he had a miserable personality and I hated him and myself for feeling attracted towards him. I never wanted it cheesy, but yet, here I had a cheesy story about a boy.
“Am I supposed to believe it is just a coincidence that you... I mean... YOU are here?” I asked him. Oh boy, how much I wanted to jump into his lap and kiss those juicy lips. As if he sensed my thought, he licked his bottom lip and looked at mine and then deepened his voice and quietly said:
“It was... or maybe not?”
His voice, his eyes... gosh, I really wasn’t feeling good. It was suddenly way too hot outside and my head was dizzy. But I had to be strong and resist him.
“How come you only appear when things settle down and I try to move on?” I would’ve added so much more, but I felt I was only embarrassing myself and he would’ve enjoyed it. 
“How come you are still so nervous around me? We’ve seen each other so many times, we talked, we flirted, we were drunk... I mean, we never did anything else, but still...”
“But still...” I repeated. And I lost myself. For a split second I had a whole conversation in front of me and it was clear, I had to get it out of my chest, or else I would still be struggling with it. “But still... “ I said again, “I probably am the only one between you and me who feels there’s something strange here. I feel we’re so into each other, but you never wanted more, you never thought just for a second that maybe we should try... something else” I said.
“You’re wrong. I said it back then, I wanted a relationship with you, I even said to you I felt you were the one. You really were. I never lied” he added.
I stumbled upon his words. I remembered he actually said it, or, at least, he wrote it. I looked at the pavement again and the grass seemed greener this time. Then, I looked back at him, his lips were plumped up and they kinda trembled to his heartbeat.
“Come with me” I said. I got up and started walking in the rain, trying to reach the secret spot between the trees. He followed me and caught my hand, trying to stop me from walking. “No” I said, “Come, now” and dragged him with me. The rain touched both of us, but I couldn’t care. Under the branches, where most of the trees were positioned, students almost caved a spot for sweethearts. I used to think it was silly and childish, they were grown up, they didn’t need a secret spot inside the college, they had their own rooms. But yet, here I am, with the man I craved so much.
“Y/N...” he tried to say
“Shut the fuck up. It’s time for you to shut the fuck up and listen to me. I’m only gonna say this once. Enough with the arrogance, enough with your games. From now on, I am the master and you’re gonna listen to me, copy that?” I furiously said. His eyes were wide open, sparkling a greenish tone in them. His jaw dropped, but then he smirked and put his hand on my throat and slowly choked me and said:
“Baby girl, you are fucking delicious right now and I’m gonna taste every bit of you, including that sweet pussy I know you got” and then he licked my ear. His other hand unzipped my jeans and slowly made it’s way to the core. His eyes never stopped to look into mine, but his lips were still apart from mine.
“Kiss me” I said. My heart was beating so hard, I had goosebumps and shivers down my spine. His hand never let go of my throat and it only made it harder for me to not feel extra aroused. I wanted it hard, I wanted to feel him inside me, pounding every bit of my body, touching, kissing, loving me.
“Oh, I will” he said back to me, “But not here” and he nodded to my face. He let go of my throat, put down my jeans and lifted my legs around his shoulders. He started to lick it and I started to tremble. It was so crazy just to think of where we were and what we were doing. He kept me suspended with my back resting on the trunk. Then I could feel his fingers slowly increasing the sensation, making me explode. It was so good, that I pushed his head further and with a smirk on his face he said “You fucking like it, don’t you?” then licked it a little bit more and added “Just as I said, juicy and sweet, you have the perfect pussy, babe” and continued to lick there. My breasts were swollen, my nipples were hard and I never wanted it to end. The sensation was too powerful, my heart was beating fast.
“H/N... fuck me. Please, just fuck me, now” I said.
“Yes, love” he responded and got up in his feet, unzipped his jeans and revealed his veiny bulge, pumped up and ready to be inside me. He started to stroke it and put his other hand on my throat, again. He looked at me and smirked again, showing his big, strong teeth and as he got inside me, he pressed his lips onto mine. My insides were exploding, the taste of his full lips was so sweet, his tongue exploring mine was so hot I almost melted right there. He pounded hard and I let go of my power. I couldn’t move anymore, he fucking me was so good I was speechless, I was a mere body enjoying getting fucked between the trees inside my college yard. My mind cleared up of everything, the thrusts were so powerful that my pussy was getting hotter and hotter. He fucked me like no one before. He parted our lips and looked down at his dick getting inside me, his face getting red and frowning at the sight of that. Even if I said I was in charge, he really was and I enjoyed him taking advantage of me. My body was his, I wanted it, I wanted to be explored by him, so I unbuttoned my shirt, leaving to his sight my breasts. Good thing I wasn’t wearing a bra that day, as if something beyond me knew I was gonna get fucked.
“Why are you doing this?” he asked. “Why are your tits so good looking?” and started to suck on them. That was it, my body was his now, I was complete and wanted to let myself go.
“H/N... I’m getting there” I said. I could no longer breath.
“Come on, baby girl, cum on my dick” he responded and started to thrust harder, while stroking my clit. His face was stuck on mine, he was so dedicated and really wanted me to cum, that I knew for sure. “Cum, baby, cum with that lovely pussy of yours, I wanna know how to please you, love”
“I...” and the thrusts were getting sweeter, hotter than ever. “I... fucking... love...it... H/N” I tried to say.
“Let go, Y/N, cum on me” and continued to thrust harder and harder. With his hand on my throat, he slowly started to choke me and a few moments later my crotch burst out. The shock was so big, I opened my eyes and looked straight at him and tried to catch something to hold onto. It lasted so long, I felt I was gonna give my last breath cumming right there. He never stopped to pound me, he actually smiled at me, pleased that I came on his dick and, in a few seconds his face got relaxed and I could feel his hot fluid inside me. He trusted a little bit more, my clit feeling numb from the sensation, then lift his head up and smiled at me and kissed my lips once again, letting go of himself and slowly stroking my cheek.
“Was it good, baby girl?”he asked me, but this time, his face got a little soft and I could sense he was really doubting himself.
“It was amazing, it really was” I said back to him.
Then he got out, looked at his length and smiled once again, then looked at me and said:
“I’m still hard, it never happened before”
I chuckled back at him and put the jeans back on.
“Do you wanna go on a date with me?” he asked.
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heroloverangel · 6 years
Stress Relief
i’ve spent more time thinking about Ingenium this past week than Horikoshi has during the entire series and he is way too cute to have so little screen time.
The microwave goes off with a loud beep and you groan, concentration shattered as your head flops back to rest against the bed behind you. Your textbook falls off your lap with a thud and your rub your eyes, exhausted. It’s the last weekend before your final exams. If all goes well, you’ll be graduating next week and starting your career as a pro hero. You’ve been studying all day, it’s well after midnight, and your mattress is beckoning you like a siren call. You’re almost startled when a steaming mug of tea appears in front of you. You look up to find your classmate-turned-boyfriend offering a faint smile, every bit as tired as you feel.
Tensei drops to the floor beside you and drapes one arm over your shoulders, eyes drifting around the small room you call your home. Your family lives several hours away and had insisted on renting you a tiny place of your own in the apartment buildings that catered to UA students. There wasn’t much space for more than a bed and a few smaller pieces of furniture, but it was enough room to study and sleep.
...At least it was until your third year, when you’d finally worked up the courage to confess your crush to your classmate and were pleasantly surprised to see your feelings returned. Your home proved to be a blessing in disguise the first time Tensei came over and the close quarters resulted in you curled up in his lap with half your clothes off. You’d learned to love your lack of floor space after that.
Tensei’s holding up the book, giving a valiant effort to understand the words before ultimately giving up with a shrug. “I think we’ve hit a wall tonight,” he surrenders and you lean your head into his side in agreement.
You look up at him with tired eyes. “Do you have to be home later?” Your fingers thread into his own as you breathe the clean laundry scent in his shirt.
“Nah,” he shakes his head. “My parents know I’m cramming for exams all weekend, they don’t expect me back until Monday.”
You flash him a small grin. As excited as you are to graduate, there’s the nagging fact that the two of you have been accepted to agencies in different cities. Studying for entire days isn’t exactly fun, but who knows when you’ll be able to spend this much time together again? You watch him rise off the floor to stretch and motion to your bed for a few hours of well-earned sleep, but you have other priorities to take care of first.
“Hey, Ten? Do you wanna have sex?” You’re blushing a bit, but you laugh as he goes bright red at the question. You’ve only been sleeping together for a few months now, you were each other’s first partner, and you’re still getting used to talking about it. After a moment he swallows and manages to nod his head, face still flushed pink at your bluntness. He offers you a hand to help you up and by the time you’re on the bed he’s smiling wide against your lips. Your motions aren’t quite seamless as you work to pull off each other’s clothes, but it’s almost cute the way he fumbles with your bra before stripping you to your panties.
Tensei presses you back into the pillows, taking care to keep his pipes out of the way as he cages your body between his toned arms. It’s a little unfair; his shirt and pants are yanked open but still on while you’re almost completely bare and honestly, it’s a bit of a turn on. You open your mouth for his tongue as his hand comes up to knead your breast, thumb teasing gently over your nipple. You break for air and you practically purr his name when he changes focus to your neck, trying not to leave marks that would show under your uniform later. You rake your fingers through his hair, guiding his attention downwards to your chest. He’s more than happy to assist, pressing kisses to your cleavage before taking a nipple in his mouth. It’s no secret how much you like this, the whines you make as he licks and sucks the peak to hardness are music to his ears. Your boyfriend releases you with a wet sound and makes sure to give the other side the same treatment, and you’re squirming underneath him in record time.
“You’re really pretty like this, you know?” The complement comes out with a warm smile as he gives you a moment to breathe. You take the opportunity to tug impatiently at his own clothes, Tensei assisting in pulling them off to reveal those athletic muscles you’ve admired for years. You palm him through his underwear, lightly squeezing the noticeable bulge you find there and earning a shudder from the man above you. “We’ll get there,” he promises, distracting you as a finger trails down your body to the  front of your panties. You watch him dip into your waistband and lift your hips to help as he pulls it off of you. Eventually you’ll stop feeling that initial rush of shyness whenever you’re naked, but for now you instinctively bite your lip and look away while his eyes travel appreciatively over your exposed body. “Alright?” he asks before going any further, the warmth of his hand dangerously close to your slit.
“Yeah,” you confirm with a grin, meeting his eyes with a reassuring nod. He wastes no more time, fingers spreading your lips to circle your clit and prod at your entrance. You recline back into the pillows as he repeats his actions, enjoying it more each time. You’re already wet, and you know from experience that he’ll keep touching you like this until you’re shivering and pleading for him. “Tenseiiii,” you moan when you feel one finger slide fully into your pussy. He pumps it in and out, coating it in your juices before adding a second one to spread you wider. Your voice comes out in a hum of pleasure, hips rolling into his hand for more stimulation. You don’t notice that he’s watching you intently and loving every second as you fuck yourself on his hand. He shifts directions, slipping back into you at a different angle-
And suddenly, something changes. Your thighs clamp down around his wrist, your spine goes rigid, and your voice nearly shoots up an entire octave. He stops immediately, horrified that he may have hurt you now of all times. You’ve been together plenty of times, and you’ve never reacted like this before. After a beat he finds his voice and asks, “Are you okay?”
Your eyes are wide and you lick your lips. “It feels...oh my god, Ten. Do that again.” Warily he does, and your breath comes out in a shaky whimper. Sure, you’ve never had any complaints about foreplay, and it always felt good enough to get you ready for sex, but this way beyond good enough. You’re trying to keep quiet, the walls are thin and you don’t want to disturb your neighbors, but the sensation is so intense and strong and you’re fighting a losing battle to control yourself. Tensei’s warming up to this new reaction, hypnotized by the way you writhe and moan and shudder at his attention. Purposefully he presses his thumb against your clit and rubs it firmly, and the combined attack is rapidly threatening to overwhelm you. “I’m gonna…Ten-wait, there. Right, right there. Ohh-” He kisses you deeply, swallowing the whimpers spilling out of your mouth as you come hard against his hand. When he pulls away you’re still trembling, eyes glassy and out of focus as your mind finds its way back to your body.
“Wow,” he says quietly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “That was...wow.”
You beam up at him from your position on the bed. All the stress of the weekend is magically gone and you’re in total comfort. You press your thighs together and find you’re soaked, and you know you should do something to return the favor. “Come here, I want you to feel good, too,” you offer as you begin to pull off his underwear that’s become much too tight over the past couple minutes. He grabs for the condoms you keep next to the bed and you stroke him a few times, relishing how much you feel him throbbing after that display you put on. He rolls it over himself and you take a second to admire his dick, how it curves just a little in a way that feels perfect when he’s filling you. Tensei settles between your thighs to line himself up, you’re so slick from before that your body gives no resistance as the tip of his cock slides deep inside you.
“You feel really, really good,” he breathes, withdrawing slightly to thrust further into you. Your arms wrap around his shoulders to pull him close. A little whine escapes your throat as he bottoms out inside you, grinding his hips against yours to let you feel all of him buried within your cunt. His pace is slow and deliberate, giving you both the chance to savor every movement together. With his pelvis providing constant pressure on your clit, it doesn’t take long to get you panting again.
“Tensei, go faster,” you whisper into his ear, drawing him close to pepper kisses along his cheeks and jaw. He speeds up for you, your nails press into his back as you feel the tension in his muscles when his hands skim over your sides to grab at your thighs. Your headboard smacks against the wall and all attempts at being quiet are forgotten, both of you groaning out each other’s names and words of praise and requests for more this, more that, just more. Tensei’s hair is a mess as he lowers his forehead down to yours, expression showing pure happiness and affection for you. His thrusts maintain the same intensity even as he slows down to deliver a kiss that makes you head spin, it’s so wonderfully intimate you wish you could stay this way forever. Your boyfriend alternates between the two, switching between slow and deep into quick and harsh strokes until you’re a breathless, hoarse mess.
Soon it’s too much, and you can sense that  tension running through his body finally snap. You hold him tightly, enjoying the shiver running down his spine as you feel him finish in the thin latex separating you. He stays buried inside you, fingers sliding back down to tease your clit and quickly sending you to the brink of another orgasm.
“Come with me,” he says as he watches you squirm underneath him. One last, lazy thrust is all you need and your climax is gentler this time, you can keep your wits about you and appreciate the look on his face, the warmth of his body against yours, how satisfied and comfortable you feel afterwards. Tensei pulls out and disposes of the condom before laying down beside you, arm wrapped around your waist to pull you close. “I needed that,” he admits with a yawn, more than ready for some rest now. You agree, your own eyes feeling heavy. You’ll focus on everything else in the morning: your exams, your future, how you’ll apologize to that exhausted kid with the scarf from the other class who lives downstairs and is no doubt furious about the noise. All of it can wait until you wake up in a few hours. You couldn’t stay awake another minute if you tried.
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67-chevy-baby · 6 years
Fixer Upper
Pairing - Mechanic!Jensen x Single Mom!Reader
Rating - 18+ Only!!!!
Tags - Angst, Anxiety, Fluff, SMUT (Ummm obviously), broke down car, walking alone on a deserted road, being a single mom, mentions of an ex, mentions of abuse, unprotected sex, slight dom/sub, reader on top, Jensen on top, and I think that’s it, but let me know if I need to add more to the tags.
Word Count -  2.4k
Beta - @winecatsandpizza
Fic Aesthetic - Yours truly
Written for - Smut Appreciation Day 2018
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You slammed the driver’s door to your car and kicked it for good measure. A new car was definitely a need, but who could afford one in this economy? Much less a tow truck and a mechanic. To top it all off, your AAA membership you had expired a month ago. Part of you wanted to just set the hunk of metal on fire, but that would make you feel better for all of five minutes before you’d really be shit out of luck.
The afternoon sun reflected off the hood as you reached for the release latch. As soon as you lifted it up, hot grey smoke poured out making you cough.
“Well, that’s just fuckin’ perfect. Icing on the damn cake.”
You put your hands on your hips and turned to look at the long stretch of highway that went in both directions. Not only was your car broke down on the side of the road, but the nearest town was at least twenty minutes in both directions. To make things even more annoying, your phone had died about ten minutes before your car did so it looked like the only thing left to do was to start walking.
Grabbing your keys and purse, you locked the car and started walking along the shoulder of the road. At least it was nice out, not a cloud in the sky and fairly warm. The faint feeling of a summer breeze blew strands of hair out behind you as your car became smaller and smaller in the distance. A fence came into view after about fifteen minutes of walking, and if you were being honest with yourself, it was pretty inviting.
You brushed one of the wooden planks off and plopped down on it with a sigh. Maybe your Mother was right, maybe you should have moved back in with her until you could get back on your feet. But no, you just had to be stubborn and prove to her that you could make it on your own as a single mother. Swallowing your pride wasn’t something that came easily for you. So, you’d do what you always do and find a way to fix whatever was broken.
Just as you were about to get up and start walking again, a red Chevy truck came into view. You had never thought about hitchhiking, but the thought of it driving past seemed worse than the former. Your hands waved to get the driver’s attention, and then gave him room to pull off on the shoulder of the road. What you weren’t expecting was the most gorgeous man you have ever seen get out and approach you.
“Everything okay ma’am?”
Your mind was still reeling in the fact that this man was talking to you when you realized he’d asked you a question.
“Umm yeah, I uh … my car broke down and my phone died so umm … I was just going to walk until I found civilization.”
A look of concern flashed across his face as he looked around.
“How long have you been out here walking? I don’t see a car anywhere.”
You shrugged like it was no big deal and gestured in the direction of your unreliable hunk of metal.
“Cars a ways that way. I’ve been walking maybe twenty minutes? I don’t know. I kinda lost track of time.”
The man shook his head and looked firmly down at you.
“Yeah, I’m not letting a pretty lady walk alone on this stretch of road. At least let me take you and your car back to my shop. You look like you could use a break.”
Did you die and go to Heaven? There is no way that you got this lucky. The one car you see on this deserted road turns out to be a mechanic and he’s this good looking? Yeah, no, things like this didn’t happen to you.
“Thank you, sir. I don’t have much money, but I can give you what I have for gas.”
He shook his head again and opened the passenger side door.
“Please, call me Jensen. I don’t want your money sweetheart. It sounds like you need it more than I do.”
“Thanks, and you can call me Y/N.”
You smiled at him and climbed into the cab of his truck. The ride to your car and back to his shop took less time than you anticipated. You quickly found yourself warming up to Jensen. He radiated kindness and you felt like you’d known him for years. You told him you were a single mother, and how your daughter was staying with your parents until you got yourself moved into your new apartment. Mentions of your ex came up, but you tried to avoid delving too much into your past life with Tanner. He’d been abusive, and you pushed those memories to the back of your mind at all costs.
Jensen pulled his truck into a big open yard and you noticed an arched sign that read Singer’s Auto stood high above the entrance. He lowered your car to the ground and unhooked it from the hitch before leading you inside.
“Can I get you something to drink? I’ve got water, coffee, sweet tea, whiskey, rum, and any type of soda you can imagine.”
For the first time all day, your smile met your eyes. This man was too good to be true. If only you could be in a relationship with something this amazing. Jensen had to be either gay or unavailable because there was no way he was single with a personality like this. Let alone his looks.
“I’d like some sweet tea, please. Thank you so much for doing all this. I’m sure you’ve got a family to get home too, and the last thing you probably wanted to do today was help a hitchhiker and her piece of shit car.”
The confused look he gave you made you instantly regret your words. Here was this man going out of his way to help you, and your brain to mouth filter probably just fucked everything up. You didn’t want him thinking that you didn’t appreciate everything.
“Don’t get me wrong, Jensen. I appreciate everything you’re doing for me, but I just have this mindset where I wait for the other shoe to fall. I’ve never really done well in the relationship department, and I’ve always been let down eventually. You’ve only just met me and you don’t need this kind of turmoil. I should probably go. I don’t want to cause any more trouble.”
It took a moment for Jensen to get his bearings, but once he did you felt his hand gently grab your wrist. He slowly spun you around to face him, and his eyes bore into yours with a fire you hadn’t seen on a man before.
“Whoa, whoa, sweetheart wait a minute. Can’t a guy just help a beautiful lady out without her thinking she’s being a burden? Y/N, listen, I’m not doing this because I feel like I have too. I’m doing this because I want to. There’s just something about you, something that draws me in, and I can’t seem to put a finger on it.”
For a few minutes, you both were silent. Staring into each other’s eyes with such intensity made you want to look away, but something stronger kept your gaze locked onto his. Ever so slowly, Jensen closed his eyes and leaned in to kiss you. His kiss ignited a fire in your core that had been dormant for as long as you could remember.
When he pulled away, his pupils were just as lust-blown as your own. Soon you were pushed against the nearest wall, his work uniform becoming disheveled along with your outfit.
“I don’t know what it is Jensen, but I have never wanted someone so much in my life. I only just met you, and the thoughts I’m having scare me, but at the same time it’s thrilling.”
Your hands came to rest on his muscular chest as his hands cupped your face.
“It scares the shit out of me too, Y/N, but I really want this,”
Jensen admitted as he continued to devour your body with his eyes.  
“Do you want this as much as I do? If you don’t, we can stop. I’ll fix your car and we can both be on our way.  If you’d let me, though, I’d love to show you what it’s like to have a real man, Y/N.”
Instead of answering him, you pressed your lips firmly against his. Immediately his arms traveled down your small frame and came to rest on the back of your thighs. Without breaking the kiss, you jumped and wrapped your legs around his waist. His clothed erection pressed against your pussy making a small moan escape your mouth.
Jensen began leaving a trail of kisses along your jaw and down your neck. He grabbed one of your breasts in each hand and began to massage them gingerly, his thumbs grazing over your nipples making them harden instantly.
“You have entirely too many clothes on Y/N.”
You smirked and stepped away, slowly unbuttoning your shirt. It sent heat straight to your core seeing the effect you had on Jensen. His eyes roamed your body like a starving man, and the arousal in his pants was hard to miss.
“You know, I’m no expert on lovemaking, but I’m pretty sure it’s easier to do when you’re naked, Jensen.”
A low growl escaped his throat as he stalked toward you like he was a predator. He picked you up and flung you over his shoulder making you squeal.
“Jensen! Put me down! Where are we going?!”
The one simple word held many promises as he climbed the stairs with ease. Seconds later you were placed gingerly on the comforter of his bed. He only left you for a moment to turn the light off and shut the door, and then he was on you again. His calloused hands pushed your shirt off your shoulders and slowly pulled it off each of your arms.
Even though he was undressing you agonizingly slow, you relished in the fact that a man was paying this much attention to you. Your ex was a wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am kind of guy who was only interested in getting off before going back to his video games. Your mind completely forgot about your ex as soon as Jensen pulled down your bra exposing your breasts, his lips closed over one of your hardened nipples greedily sucking into his mouth.
“Mmmm Jay … Fuck that feels so good”
He moved to the other nipple paying it as much attention before leaving a trail of kisses down to your navel.
“You’re so beautiful Y/N”
Jensen made quick work of the rest of your clothes before taking his off as well. If you thought he was gorgeous with clothes on, he was even more glorious without them. Perfect was the only description appropriate for the man that stood before you.
“C’mere Jensen. I won’t bite.”
You winked at him invitingly, and he let out this full body laugh that was contagious.
“Y/N I don’t know if I believe that.”
He climbed onto the bed and positioned his body over yours before pulling you in for another kiss. His tongue swept your lower lip asking for permission which you granted almost immediately. Your body arched up, his cock hard as a rock pressing against your leg.
“Please … need you.”
Jensen smirked against your pulse point, grinding himself along your slick folds.
“Gonna have to be a little more specific Princess. Where do you need me exactly?”
If you could form a coherent thought you’d make a smartass comment, but right now you barely knew your name. Much less able to speak in full sentences.
“Fuck me, Jay! Wanna feel your cock inside me. Please!”
Jensen lined himself up and slowly thrusted inside you, his cock filling you up inch by inch was almost enough to make you cum right then. It had been a while since you’d been with a man, and he hadn’t prepped you.
“Unnghh fuck … you’re so wet and tight for me, Y/N.”
Your nails dug into his biceps, his forehead resting on yours as you both got used to each other.
“Make love to me, Jay.”
Ever so slowly, he pulled almost all the way out before slamming back into you. His moans were barely heard over your cries of need. The steady rhythm of his cock hitting your sweet spot made the coil in your lower belly tighter and tighter. You wouldn’t last long with him like this, and you wanted desperately to make him cum with you.
“Let me ride you, Jensen.”
The look he gave you was almost primal. In a matter of seconds, he had flipped over onto his back and helped you sink down onto his throbbing length.
“Christ, Y/N, I’m not gonna last like this.”
Using the muscles in your thighs, you rose up off his cock and looked deeply into his eyes.
“Neither will I, Jay. Want you to cum with me.”
His hands held onto your sides as you began to ride him. His hips rose to meet yours, thrusting his cock deeper into your soaked cunt, and pretty soon he was completely in control again. Your cries echoed off the walls as your climax neared.
“J-Jay! I … I’m so close baby! Please … make me cum!”
One of his hands left your side and began rubbing circles around your clit.
“Your wish is my command, Princess.”
Seconds later, he felt your walls tighten around his cock, as you both fell over the edge together. Your chest heaved as you aid beside him on the bed. He covered you up before cradling your face and kissing you sweetly.
Jensen pulled away, his smile met his eyes as he looked at you with nothing but love.
“So, how about some sweet tea?”
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imagine-loki · 7 years
Taming the rage
TITLE: Taming the Rage
CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 61 AUTHOR: lokilover9
Original Imagine: Imagine Odin tells Loki that he has to marry and it’s you. You’ve hated him for years. Every time he sees you in the palace he smirks knowing all the duties you’ll have to perform as his princess, making you cringe. He isn’t exactly fond of you either, but can’t help looking forward to the challenge.
RATING: Mature
Erika did her best to brighten Loki’s spirits and after a few days, he felt better. However, they both noticed Erika was sleeping more and mentioned it to Eir when she came to examine their wounds. Erika was healing well and with nothing else negative to report, Eir reassured them it was stress.
“You’ve both been through a trauma and you’re bodies are now mentally and physically coming down from this. If they demand rest, let yourselves sleep.”
“It’s not me, it’s her. Why?” Asked Loki.
Eir smiled. “You’re a God, she isn’t. We all react to things differently Prince Loki.” She looked to Erika. “Come to me immediately child if anything else develops you’re concerned about.”
Loki was healing nicely as well. He’d be scarred, but only mildly being a God. Eir re bandaged them and left.
Later that afternoon, Erika had made her and Loki some tea and he was reading to her in the library. Finishing, she laid her head on his lap and faced him. “I love it when you do this.”
Loki smiled down at her. “Why?”
“It’s the sound of your voice.”
Already knowing he could use it against her, he smirked and turned the page. “What about it? Tell me?”
“It’s calming, soothing, velvety like.”
“I see.”
His hand ran up her thigh and over the shapely curve of her hip. “Like when I talk dirty to you Darling?”
Erika cackled at the sight of an erection forming before her eyes. “Only you could get a boner with partially mangled limbs.”
“It’s your fault.”
“I haven’t touched you.” She replied.
“It’s the thought of having your lips so close that created the problem. Unfortunately, I won’t be good at very much until I’m healed a little more.”
Erika sat up and took the book away. “I wouldn’t say that. You still have one good hand, don’t you? She kissed him and he entangled his long fingers amidst her curls. “Your mouth still works good too.”
Loki nibbled down the side of her neck, smiling when she shivered. “Does it?”
“Mm hm.”
“Tell me Erika.” He seductively whispered. “Does yours?”
She was about to answer when a knock came to the door.
“Shit.” Said Loki. “You get it.”
“Why me?” She teased.
“I’ve crutches and a boner, you’ll be faster.”
Erika laughed while walking away as he covered it with the book. Moments later, she and her Father stood in the doorway with odd looks on their faces.
“Hello son.”
“Good afternoon Jarles.”
“I’ve come to inform you your…” He caught his words before continuing. “Odin isn’t well.”
“He collapsed about an hour ago. Thor and your Mother are with him and Eir has concluded he’s fallen into the Odinsleep. They understand if you don’t wish to join them, but felt you should be informed.”
Loki was quiet at first and appeared confused. “Thank you. Will you tell them I’m available if needed and see to it I’m updated immediately of any changes in his condition?”
“I will.”
After hugging Erika, Jarles promptly left and she sat with Loki. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine.” He calmly replied. “Quite baffled, but completely fine.”
Loki understood the sleep could last days, weeks, or even months; no one could predict how long. What confused him, was that it was certain no one saw it coming. ~~~~~~ The next morning, it was close to eleven am when Erika sauntered downstairs. “Anything new?” She asked.
“No. Do you know you’ve been sleeping for nearly ten hours?”
“Eir did say I may need it. We should go Loki. I understand if not for Odin, but at least for your Mother and Thor?”
“I’ve thought of that.” He replied.
“Then let’s. I’m sure they’ll appreciate it.”
Ah hour later, they entered the main room where Jane was playing ball with Junior and the moment he saw Erika, he ran towards her giggling.
“Hi sweetie!”
Jane helped her lift him and they sandwiched him. “We’ve missed you.”
Loki felt a pang of guilt seeing the interaction. Especially how happy Junior looked in Erika’s arms. He kept smiling and after Erika kissed him, then looked at Loki and wriggled to the floor.
He walked to his uncle with his arms up and Loki’s heart melted. “Hello Buddy.” He lifted him above his head and as Junior squealed, Thor entered the room.
“Brother. Thank you for coming.”
“Sure.” Said Loki. He handed Junior back to Erika and joined Thor. “How’s Mother?”
Thor lead him to the room wear Odin was lying with a finger to his lips. “We were up most of the night, but she refuses to leave him. She’d fallen asleep by his side last I looked.” They peeked in to see Frigga was still sleeping and when Loki shook his head, they closed the door.
“Don’t disturb her on my account. How are you?”
“Good as possible I suppose.”
“What is Eir saying?” Asked Loki. “Didn’t she see this coming?”
“Even Mother said she didn’t. I fear Father did and it’s why he pushed my coronation forward.”
Loki didn’t care if Odin had or not. The longer he stayed asleep, the more peaceful Loki’s life would remain. “And Eir?”
“She’s uncertain at this point.” Said Thor. “He’s not ill, just sleeping, yet she’s reminded us of his age.”
“Will you tell Mother I was here?”
Thor agreed and shortly after, Loki and Erika left. ~~~~~~~ Early the next morning, Frigga visited Loki. “I’m sorry Mother. Are you alright?”
“Yes and thank you for coming by yesterday, it was kind of you. There have been no changes and you know what that means.”
Loki nodded. “I understand.”
“I wanted to be the one to inform you.” She stated. “I must return now.”
Frigga went to leave and Loki pulled her into a hug. “I’m here if you need me, alright?”
After she thanked him and hurried off, Loki felt oddly relieved. Thor was now acting King until Odin returned from the sleep and this meant he and Erika could roam within the palace at ease. After a late dinner that night, they went for a walk around the garden and halfway through it, Erika was yawning.
“You can’t be tired, you’ve only been awake eight hours. Maybe you should see Eir again?”
“I’m fine Loki. Eir said to see her for anything out of the ordinary and she’s busy with Odin now.”
Loki stopped, sat her on a bench and spoke sternly. “Listen to me. I don’t give a shit how busy she is with him. If something’s wrong, you’re going.”
“Okay, but there isn’t so I’m not. It’s most likely your fault I’m so tired anyway. Almost two hours of non stop sex tends to burn a person out.”
Loki smirked. “It’s never been an issue for me.”
“Very funny. You’re a God remember?”
“I was reminded quite well by all the times you called out my name.”
Erika rolled her eyes and he nudged his head in a certain direction.
“Look Darling. It’s that same tree from your dream. Wait until you see all the dirty things I have planned for you beneath it.”
“You’ll be doing nothing to me beneath that tree. There’s guards out here all the time.”
Loki leaned to her ear and whispered. “Your dress will be up around your waist, panties tightly holding your thighs in place with your delightful little pussy fully exposed to me.” He nibbled on her lobe, then softly sucked it. “I’ll whisper dirty things to you, teeeasing you long and slow until luring your climax to a peak. Mmmm…and all against your will while you struggle not to moan, then cry out in ecstasy.” He kissed the sweet spot on her neck and smirked when she shivered. “Oooh, you’re throbbing right now thinking about it aren’t you Darling?”
Erikas cheeks went scarlet. “Shut up Loki.”
He straightened and looked her in the eyes. “You’re much too cheeky for your own good you know. I’m going to spank you for saying that to me when you feel better. Panties at your ankles, ass in the over on my lap, wrists pinned…”
She stood suddenly. “That’s it. Time to go in now.”
Loki pinched her ass when she moved past him.
“And I’m cheeky?” ~~~~~~~ Another day passed and when some pressing political matters began demanding Thor’s attention, Frigga stepped in to help. She dealt with it fine, but when a second day passed and they weren’t close to being resolved, Thor knew she wanted to be elsewhere and turned to Loki.
It was after dinner when Thor went by to speak with him and Erika greeted him at the door. “How are you and Frigga doing?”
“Busier than busy I’m afraid, and you?” He asked.
“Good thank you.”
Loki appeared in the hall and Thor looked back to Erika. “Please excuse me, but I must return quickly to say goodnight to Junior. Might I speak with Loki alone?”
“Certainly.” She bid him goodnight and went upstairs.
Thor’s unusual request shocked Loki. “No sarcasm intended brother, but you as King are asking for ‘me’ to aid you in political matters?”
“I am. Mothers attentions, for obvious reasons, keep drifting elsewhere and I feel she’s dealt with enough recently.”
“I agree.” Said Loki. “Yet do you really think it wise? Should Odin waken and learn of this, wouldn’t he be enraged and your coronation jeopardized?”
Thor sighed. “I honestly don’t believe that will be for sometime. I’m King now and I’m requesting your help.”
“What makes you believe he won’t waken soon?”
“Just the manner in which he fell into this sleep. It was too sudden and unexpected and I think he’s overly exhausted. If you don’t wish to participate, I understand. I know you’ve been through much recently yourself.”
Loki looked him in the eyes. “Thor, if you need my help, I’ll be there.”
“Thank you. See you at eight in Mothers chambers then?”
“You will.” After Thor left, he found Erika in the bathroom changing her bandages.
“You look happy.” She commented.
“I guess you could say that. He’s asked for my help.”
Erikas face lit up. “Loki, that’s…that’s great!”
She hugged him and after explaining, he suggested she visit Jane. “You’re not to do any work Erika, understood?”
“You don’t mind?” She asked.
He picked up her bandages. “Erika, I don’t care if you visit, but no working again until you’re healed and feeling better.”
“Jane wouldn’t expect that Loki.”
“It’s not her that concerns me, I mean it Erika.”
When he was done, she loosened the tie on his lounge pants, slid her hands in and squeezed his ass. “Feel like turning in early?”
“If you don’t listen, you’ll risk your own ass being touched quite unkindly.”
Erika walked off, pouting. “And I was being so nice to yours.”
Loki snapped his fingers, then chuckled when she squealed. He’d rendered her naked and a clone had her laid out over his lap on the bed. Loki sauntered into the doorway and she glared up at him.
“Are you serious?”
“No working Erika.”
“Fine. Can he go now?”
“Hmm, not so fast, I’m liking you in this compromising position.”
“Don’t even think about it!” She sternly replied.
“Come now Darling, it is rather difficult not to.” Erika began squirming and he laughed, laying back on the bed. The clone then sat her on his face. “Shall I dismiss him now Darling?” She agreed and Loki ravished her until she couldn’t take his teasing anymore, then moved down tugging at his pants.
“Erika, I don’t want you doing this if you’re tired.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “Don’t even think about stopping me.” Rock hard, he wasn’t about to argue and magicked himself naked. Erika slid her slick pussy along his entire length, soaking it with her juices then lowered herself onto him, until her head fell back with a shiver.
“Erikaaa…fuuuck.” He growled.
She began moving and Loki brushed aside some of her hair, wallowing in her blissful expression. The softly furrowed brow, flushed cheeks, loose copper curls astray on her forehead, the soft mewls and breathless moans that spilled from her parted lips and the way her breasts swayed each time she slid back onto him. He reached down, teasing her pert nipples with his thumbs and she moaned his name.
“Does that feel good my little submissive, hmm?” A whimpered yes escaped her as she picked up speed and Loki kept talking. “Yeahhh…ride that cock like you own it baby. That’s my good girl.”
Erika did exactly that through two strong orgasms, taking him with her on the second, then collapsed in his arms.
“Shower?” He asked.
She murmured against his shoulder. “Do we have to?”
Loki gently lifted her off and pulled her close. “In the morning Darling, go to sleep.” ~~~~~~ The next day Loki left early and Erika made her way to Janes. After lunch, she was playing with Junior while Jane folded some laundry, but kept staring at her.
Erika finally looked up. “Okay, what?”
“Are you alright? You look a little pale.”
“I’m fine. What about you? Still vomitting every day?”
“Only sometimes.” Said Jane. “I’m still chronically exhausted though. Thor reminded me I slept quite a bit in the first trimester with him, but I can’t ‘now’ can I Bam Bam?” She made a funny face at Junior and he giggled.
“I’m sorry Jane.”
“Nooo Erika, don’t feel guilty. I know you’d be here if you could.”
“Still.” She replied. “I’m loving my time with Loki, but I miss you guys too.”
“We feel the same, but understand. Don’t stress about it. Was Loki happy about Thor’s request?”
“Very. I’m hoping it makes them closer, even if Thor only needs him for a short time. The more they learn to trust each other again, the better they’ll get along as time passes.”
Jane thought of how Erika hadn’t a clue the grave importance of that sentence. “Yes, I hope so too.”
As it turned out, the day ended up being much longer for Thor and Loki than they expected, but Erika and Jane had no issues spending it together. When a servant delivered a message saying it would run into early evening, Erika stayed for dinner, but was nodding off at the table.
“Erika, you look unusually tired and a little more pale than earlier. Are you sure you’re alright?”
“You’re getting as bad as Loki.” After explaining what Eir said, she continued eating.
“Maybe you should see her tomorrow.”
“She’s busy with Odin Jane. I’m fine, really.”
“How busy can she be with one who’s practically in a coma accept for periodically checking for any significant changes. I’m certain she can find some time for you.”
Erika caught the sharpness in her tone and went quiet.
“I’m sorry.” Said Jane. “I’m just so unimpressed with him right now. I’ll be glad when Thor is permanently King. None of us will have to walk on eggshells anymore.”
“I have my doubts that will apply to Loki, but believe me, I feel the same.” Said Erika.
After dinner, Erika offered to help give Junior a bath, but Jane wouldn’t have it. “Nope. You’re exhausted and going home.” Before sending her off, she made Erika promise if she wasn’t feeling better by the morning she’d visit Eir and she reluctantly agreed.
By the time Loki returned, it was almost ten pm and Erika was already in bed. He showered in Frigga’s bedroom so as not to disturb her, then gently crawled into bed.
She stirred and turned over, glanced at him through sleepy eyes then kissed him and nestled up close with her hand on his chest.
“I’m sorry Darling, I tried not to wake you.”
“But I wanted to say goodnight.” She sleepily replied. “How was your day?”
“Exhausting, yet worth it. And yours?”
She went quiet after a long, heavy sigh and Loki chuckled. “Sounds like it.” Still nothing. “Erika?”
“I’ve an early meeting with Thor and the council tomorrow. Why don’t you go visit Jane again?”
She went quiet again and Loki tried messing with her. “Darling, what do you say I tie you up and do terribly kinky things to you?”
A few seconds later. “K..tomorrow.”
He cackled then kissed the top of her head. “Goodnight my little submissive.”
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The Gristers by Unknown
New Post has been published on http://www.scarystorytime.com/creepypasta/the-gristers-by-unknown.html
The Gristers by Unknown
Okay /x/, or whatever creepy board this makes its way on to -I put it here because I thought it’d get to the most people to whom it was relevant. If you are one of those people who are inherently drawn to horror, you’re in real danger. I don’t know what it is exactly- I don’t pretend to know everything that’s going on, and in fact I, myself, used to be drawn to the more realistic, non-supernatural creepypastas. But… well, let me explain.
About a year ago, I was up at three in the morning, you know, that part of the night where you’re so deep into it it feels like it will never end. Anyway, I was up, clicking around, looking for a good creepypasta I hadn’t read before, really getting myself freaked out. You know the feeling, I’m sure. You LIKE the feeling. That’s the problem.
Anyway, I’m reading, and I hear a pattering sound coming from the kitchen. I had a cat, so I just assumed it was her. But then I glance on my bed, and my cat is there. Now I’ve been freaking myself out for a while here, so I was nearly trembling with fear as I opened my bedroom door. I live alone, in a single bedroom apartment, with just a bedroom, a kitchen, a living room, and a bathroom. My bedroom door opens up on to the kitchen. It was pitch black, the moonlight gleaming off the linoleum. I strained my ears and listened. I heard nothing.
I admonished myself for being such a fucking pussy. It was just random house noises, right? Or maybe a fucking mouse in the walls. I was about to turn around and head back into my room when I heard it again. And I saw something scatter across the linoleum in the kitchen, heading for the bathroom.
It was small, but it was definitely not a rat. The limbs were way, way too long. The torso was far too high off the ground. And the way it moved… it moved quickly, but so awkwardly. In any other circumstance I might have laughed at it. As it was I was scared shitless.
So, you know, I basically freeze for like ten minutes. It was the size of the thing that convinced me to move. No matter how weird, or fucked up it was, it was so much smaller than me. It couldn’t have been that dangerous, right?
So I pop open the bathroom door. Before I turn on the light, I do a quick scan. Nothing. I flick the switch. I look around. Still nothing. I look on the ceiling, even. I throw the shower cutrain open. Nothing still.
What could it have been? My mind started inventing explanations. It definitely had four limbs… maybe it was a big ass spider who had lost four of its legs somehow? That could explain the awkward movement. It was good enough for me. I was about to go back to bed when I thoungt, on a whim, to use my broom to poke behind the toilet, between the wall and the base of the seat.
When I did, I hit something solid, and it scurried out. It looked like a tiny human.
It was pale white, pale as a maggot, with dirty gray streaks running along its skin. It moved on all fours, with long, thin fingers that grasped the ground. Its skull was completely bald and it had no eyes and the skin looked like it had been torn away from the lower half of its face, leaving the exposed teeth and gums. It looked up at me… well, pointed its face in my general direction, anyway, and then scurried, quick as fuck, up the side of the bath and down into the drain. It moved in quick bursts, like a spider, and climbed straight up smooth surfaces like one too.
After it disappeared down the drain, I just stood there, frozen, broom handle still in my hand, for a good five minutes.
I was scared shitless. I slowly backed out of the bathroom, and closed the door, and then stuffed a blanket in the crack between the floor and the door, fearing that it might come out.
Then I sat in my bed and wondered what I could do. I mean, it wasn’t like I could call the police. Or even tell any of my friends. It’s not like they’d believe me.
So what did I do? I made a thread on /x/. This was quite a while ago, almost a year. You might even remember it. It wasn’t anything special, and it didn’t even get that many responses before falling of the boards. I guess people thought I was just joking, which really I would have thought the same thing- my thread, in retrospect, sounds exactly like the type of threads I hate. But besides from all the ‘OP is a fag’ and ‘SAGE’ responses, there was one other one.
“I’ve seen them too man email me”, along with an email address that I’m not going to give out here.
So I email this kid, right? Right away he responds and we start up a conversation in IRC. He introduces himself as Jon, and basically tells me a very similar story -one night a few months ago, reading creepypasta, heard a noise, got up, saw the small pale man. His was a bit bigger -he said it was the size of a cat- but he also told me one other thing.
That I’d be seeing more of them. He said that ever since he saw the first one, he’s been seeing more and more of them -out everywhere, even in the street, during the day. They were everywhere, he said and once you notice the first one, it got a lot easier to see all the other ones. He had no idea what the were, and he hadn’t figured out their behavior yet. He said that usually when he saw them or heard them in his own home, he was reading creepypasta, so they usually freaked him out something awful -but, he said again, he had never actually seen them do anything terrible, just scurry out of sight. But, he said, some got pretty big, and not all of them looked exactly the same.
I still didn’t sleep that night.
But over the next week, and those that followed, I found that I did get used to them. I did see more of them. I’d glimpse them out of the corner of my eye, or see the retreating rear end of one crawling into a gutterpipe, or see their tiny faces staring out at the street from the sewers.
Some, it seemed weren’t even trying to hide. I live in Providence, Rhode Island, which is a small city. On my way to work one day (I take the bus) I was looking out the window and saw a pretty large one, as large as a medium-sized dog, trotting along the sidewalk. People were just walking by it. Actually, I think that a lot of people saw it as a dog. One man stopped to scratch its head.
I’d always email Jon and tell him about all the appearances I saw. I even tried to catch some on camera, but they always heard the mechanical whirring and darted away before my camera could take a picture. I told myself I’d have to take a picture of one of the bigger, slower ones.
But either way, as the weeks wore on, I became more and more used to them. Sure, they were as creepy as shit, and I could never sit down on the toilet and enjoy a long crap anymore because I was paranoid as fuck they’d climb up into the bowl and bite me on the asshole. But they weren’t really doing anything harmful. They unnerved the fuck out of me, but so did big spiders. I could live with them. Jon called them the Gristers, because he said they reminded him of the Grister meme on /x/ for some reason. I’m pretty sure he meant the Grifter meme, but the name ‘Grister’ stuck.
I continued my exchanges with Jon, but I noticed that he was becoming more and more tense. It was hard to tell over the text, but really that was the only way to put it. I just figured that once the novelty of a shared experience had worn off, we didn’t really have much to talk about. Jon wasn’t really my type -he was a steroid-pumping body builder in southern florida who lived with his mother.
But we started discussing Grister behavior, and he said his were starting to act a bit more differently than the ones I saw. He’d wake up at night and they’d be perched at the end of his bed, staring at him with their eyeless faces. They wouldn’t scurry away anymore. He said he woke up one time because one of them had actually started touching his face.
That seemed unnerving. This whole time I had been putting out inquiries on the internet to see if anyone else had experienced this phenomenon -I couldn’t be the only one. But no one came forward. On /x/, most of my threads about the subject got saged, so eventually I stopped asking. But I have an inquisitive mind. I wanted to know what these things did, what exactly they were. I even wanted to capture one. I left out food and mouse traps, but none of these things ever went for it.
My cat would notice them, though. She’d hiss at them, and even chased them a couple of times. All those times I had seen her do that and assumed she was being a dumbass cat, chasing at nothing.
One night, I was walking home from work alone -I work at a call center for a police charity, and my house is about six miles away. I’d had to stay late, so there was no bus to come pick me up, and I didn’t really have all that many friends, so I had to walk. Anyway, I was walking past some old, abandoned brick houses -creepy shit, let me tell you- when I heard some weird, low groan.
That’s when I happened to notice that there were a lot more gristers than usual here. They were mostly ignoring me, but they were scurrying in and around one particular brick house. The groaning sound seemed to be coming from the alley beside it.
Now, a lot of gristers was creepy enough, even without that low groaning noise. What made me decide to investigate? I don’t know. Morbid curiosity. I’m always looking for some creepy/gore stuff to post on the boards. I thought that maybe that the groaning was some kind of wounded animal.
So I approached the side of the house, noting that the windows were boarded up. The groaning… I should have known then it was no animal. It was a low, creaking, gurgling sound. It didn’t sound like any fucking animal I knew.
So I snuck down the alley, and when I saw what was making the noise, I nearly pissed myself.
It was a fat, humongous grister -at least eight feet wide, completely unable to move, with rolls of fat hanging down over its leg. It had no neck, just fourteen chins leading up to its macabre exposed jaw. Dirty drool ran down its chin to cover its obscenely huge belly. Smaller gristers crawled in and out of the rolls of its fat. It rubbed itself with a pudgy claw, making that groaning, gurgling sound, which seemed almost sexual.
It was terrible. I know it doesn’t sound like it -and objectively, I can think that a fat, cooing grister rubbing itself might sound pretty funny, actually. But in the presence of the thing, all I felt was a sick revulsion and disgust. But -BUT- I kept in mind one thing: that I had been looking for a picture of these things. So I busted out my cameraphone and snapped a picture.
I wish I hadn’t. If I hadn’t, I think maybe I could have lasted a little longer.
The minute I snapped the picture, the thing stopped groaning and swiveled its head toward me. All the gristers did, in fact. They all started hissing and screaming at me -a horrible fucking sound, like rusty nails on a chalkboard. I was thoroughly freaked out. To put things mildly, I lost my shit. I ran out of there as fast as I could. Ran all the way home. Gristers didn’t seem so harmless to me, now. That noise they had made was straight out of hell.
I didn’t feel safe with the lights off anymore. I flipped all the lights on, scaring the shit out of my napping cat. I slammed the bathroom door shut and stuffed a blanket around the cracks again. Then I sat down on my bed and looked at the picture I had taken.
There it was. Clear as day. That huge Grister. Just looking at it made me feel sick.
Of course I was going to post it on /x/.
I loaded it onto my computer and sent an email to Jon, with the subject “WILL YOU LOOK AT THIS FAT FUCK” Then I immediately came to /x/ and began typing up my thread. Explaining myself, explaining the gristers. Explaining the photograph. I was just getting ready to post when Jon sent me a message.
“Yo don’t show this shit to ANYONE”
I stopped. I replied to Jon, asking him what he was talking about.
He told me. He said that he thought he had figured out what was making the gristers around him more hostile. He said that he thought that when they figured out that you could see them, they started getting more aggressive. He showed me scratches he had all down his arm from them clawing at him at night. He said that he’d seen a lot more of the bigger ones hanging around his house at night. They watched him through his windows. They knew. They knew he could see them. And they didn’t like it.
And now, I was pretty sure they knew I could see them too.
So what did I do? In the end, I didn’t post the picture. I wasn’t TOO intimidated, but it probably saved a lot of you. I didn’t want to trigger anyone else into being able to see these guys if it had dangerous consequences down the road.
I didn’t notice any behaviour change right away. For a while, in fact. For about two weeks, the gristers acted just the same way they had before. I was beginning to thing that Jon’s problem was his own thing, and that the gristers didn’t know or didn’t care that I could see them.
And then things started happening so fast.
I woke up one night and there were four of them, just perched around my bed, staring at me. I freaked the fuck out and swept them away, and they just hissed that terrible noise at me and ran away.
I emailed this to Jon, who I hadn’t talked to otherwise. He didn’t respond. We hadn’t talked since I told him about the picture, and even rarely before then. After two days -during which the gristers began touching me in my sleep- I got an answer.
Jon was dead. His brother had the password to his email and was letting all his internet acquaintances know. He had commited suicide. Sliced open his wrists in the bathtub.
Jon didn’t seem like the type to commit suicide to me. Had things with the gristers really gotten that bad that they drove him to that? We didn’t really know each other very well, but he hadn’t mentioned anything to me. His brother said he hadn’t left a note. I gave him my condolences.
Now I had no one to talk to about this. I started looking online for more references or anything. All the while, the gristers were getting more and more aggressive. I’d look over my shoulder and there would be one or two on the windowsill, just staring at me. One time I opened the door to my apartment -I live on the third floor- and there was one about the size of a large dog staggering around at the bottom of the stairwell, pale face flashing in and out of the darkness, baring its teeth in a growl at me, pale limbs flashing as it bounded up the stairs. I slammed the door shut. I didn’t go to work that day.
Then I saw it on the news.
The house that I had seen the fatass grister at. I would have skipped right past the news story had I not seen the picture of the house.
Apparently some sick fuck had been using the basement of one of those abandoned houses as a place to keep women prisoner and kill them when they felt like it. It was a terrible fucking story, but one of the things one of the survivors said really struck me.
“We were just so terrified all the time. We never knew when he was going to come in and decide to kill one of us. When he was going to really hurt us while raping us. We were just so terrified all the time.”
Terrified all the time. And gristers had been all over the place. And when I first saw one, I had been reading creepypasta, and pretty freaked out. Same for Jon. Were these things drawn to fear?
Then I read that two of the survivors were being sent to a mental hospital for ‘hallucinations.’
Did they see the gristers?
I stopped sleeping. I didn’t want to wake up to those things staring at me. I stopped eating too. Whenever I wasn’t at work -which was more and more often, as I called out many times when I saw gristers bigger than a cat sniffing around my building for me -I was locked in my room, trying to hunt for information on the internet about these things. I just couldn’t find anyone who has actually seen them.
The gristers were getting more violent. They were starting to scratch me and bite me in those few scant hours that I actually did nod off to sleep. I’d always freak out and sweep them away, and they’d just hiss at me.
After about a week of this, I came home from work and found my cat dead. They had peeled all the skin away from her skull, giving her a look of shock. I quit my job. I cried for days. /x/, I don’t have many friends, and I really loved that cat.
They’re not stupid /x/. They don’t talk, and they act differently from us, but they do have intelligence. I went out for food last week. It was the last time I will ever go out. I was sitting at the downtown bus station, shivering, looking all around me for gristers, when the bus approached. I got up to get on.
And out of nowhere a grister, the size of a normal human, just bent over and walking their weird, loping gait, slammed into the back of the woman next to me and threw her in front of the bus. She had no chance. I saw her slide under the wheels of the bus, I saw her blood and ruined organs squeezed out of her mouth like toothpaste. Everyone freaked out and panicked. As people rushed to her aid the grister turned toward me and grinned. I dropped my groceries and screamed, running back to my house, sobbing all the way.
They’re toying with me.
And that’s when I finally realized why there wasn’t anyone I could really talk to about gristers.
/x/, how many times, when people commit suicide, do you hear it reported that they were “suffering from hallucinations”? Read the reports of people who have been in terrible, frightening situations. Like that rape dungeon, or a war. how many of them “suffer from hallucinations”? Sure, a lot of them are actual hallucinations.
Some of them are the gristers.
And eventually, they figure out that you can see them. And they start fucking with you. And I don’t think everyone who they ‘kill’ is driven to suicide. I don’t think Jon commited suicide. I think they’re smart. I think they know how to make something look like a suicide. You’ll hear about it sometimes. You’ll read in a report about how someone commited suicide, but something just isn’t quite right about it. Like a man who went out and bought a new couch, and then cut his wrists on it.
And /x/, I’m convinced there was nothing special about Jon and me. I don’t think there’s anything special about anyone who sees these things. I think you’re just more likely to see them when you’re really scared, since that’s when they’re drawn to you.
I can hear them right now. It’s about three in the morning. It sounds like a really big one is outside of my apartment door. It sounds like it’s trying to gnaw its way through the wood. And so I’m taking the easy way out. I’d rather have a nice sharp knife slice my arms open than have my skin torn by those teeth.
So please. This is my warning to you. Stop reading creepypasta. I know you love it. I know you love frightening yourself. But you’ve got to stop. Every time you read it -every time you get that feeling of dread in your stomach- you’re drawing the gristers to you.
And if you don’t stop reading, at least, please. Never check out those sounds in the house when you do.
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