#i really love it and it's one of my faves but they truly cannot afford to make anyone hot
yandere-daydreams · 9 months
sup do ya have a ranking for your husbands and wives
the exact rankings are prone to change but you get the broad strokes. also separate lists bc the guys would get absolutely decimated if they were lumped together and i don't think my awful husbands deserve that kind of negativity.
5) grell sutcliff of black butler fame. i think about her at least once a day. particularly her monologue from the atlantic arc. it did things to me.
4) childe
3) mrs. yor forger my beloved,, i know i don't talk about her a lot but i am constant kicking my feet and giggling whenever she's on screen,,, if loid was not also a yor stan i would hate him with an unspeakable passion
2) ganyu <3 <3 <3 i'm so sorry to have betrayed her this way but she is still very dear to me T-T
1) FURINA FURINA FURINA FURINA F̵̛̘̔̀̽̌̒̔͐͗̈́̏̈͠Ȕ̶̡̧̡̦͎̖̬͇̜̠̹̼̂̃͗͛̎̉̈̐͒̏̔̉͊̏R̶͍̥̱̂͑̒Į̸̧̢̢̨͔͕̝̖̺̱̼͓̅͌N̷̥͇̹̺̟̮̠̩̹̮̊͒͂̊̃̒͛͊̋̈́̈͆͝A̵̻̹͍̪͍̺͍̩̮̤̩̗̿̀͐̈̾͜
5) gojo (*a crowd boos somewhere in the distance*). this wasn't supposed to happen but he's just SO annoying and SO pretty and i want to put him in a blender. sigh.
4) that one medicine vendor from mononoke. our time together was brief but he truly has such a stranglehold on my daily life it's actually sickening.
3) baizhubaizhubaizhubaizhu <3 <3 <3 <3 i honestly didn't like him that much when he first game out, but his story quest and his crop top won me over. medical malpractice once again reigns supreme.
2) illumi my beloved <3 <3 he gets points for having the sluttiest waist i've ever seen but loses them bc i think he'd kill me without hesitation but gains them back bc he seems especially breedable.
1) MR. BABYGIRL SUPREME GETO SUGURU HIMSELF!!! what can i say. he fathered so hard he mothered and i love a man with a creative outlet (or a cult, whatever). sorry about all the murders ig. god forbid a woman do anything in this world.
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tinamaetales · 6 months
You’re not sorry
“So you’re apologizing…..Ok, I don’t forgive you……No, I’m not gonna give you closure. You don’t get that. You have to live with the shitty thing you did for the rest of your life. You have to know that it’s never, ever going to be okay……I’m not gonna feel better and I’m not gonna be your prop so you can feel better” - Herb Kazaz, BoJack Horseman Ep. 8 Season 1 “The Telescope”
It has been five years since the last time I stepped foot inside my Psychiatrist's office and now looking back there's a part of me that screams I should have continued my therapy....but the thing is I really cannot afford it. And now, I have become messier than ever. My depression got worse and I'm just trying to survive each day. That's the keyword, trying. I used a lot of distractions though, good and bad. Good distractions are the music of my fave, iKON, and watching Miami Heat games. Bad distractions are spending an awful amount of time watching tiktoks of those who are as mentally ill as I am because instead of going to therapy we just rely on the internet to have some sense of belongingness especially when you feel like no one is really on your side. And I do feel that most of the time......I feel like no one truly understands and no one actually believes that I am struggling badly. I'm mentally unstable despite the fact that I do not have a proper diagnosis about my condition. I just know. Why? Because it's my mind and my body. I can feel it. For fuck's sake, I live with it.
What I noticed in our society is that it is easier to doubt someone who is vocal about their struggles instead of believing them and supporting them. It is easier for our society to gaslight someone into thinking that they are just allowing themselves to be weak instead of understanding them. And when someone decides to end their life, it's either people would finally get it and feel remorseful that they should have seen the signs or they would still say that the generation of today is just not mentally strong enough to handle life. And then there's another scenario, someone will be badly mentally fckd up that they end up being a horrible person then they will treat others horribly too. Hurt people will hurt people and so the cycle never ends.
As I mentioned earlier, I used a lot of distractions as I try to live each day. For someone like me who hates going outside and prefers to be alone, binge watching shows on streaming apps is a form of distraction. I’m not really picky when it comes to movies or series that I watch though, I just want the plot to make sense and not be over the top with so many plot twists and unnecessary “different” endings. One of the series I ended up loving is BoJack Horseman. 
BoJack Horseman is not an easy to watch show. Yes it started as a quirky show about a former lead star of a successful 90s sitcom but as it progressed, it showed the harsh reality of the entertainment industry and how not being held accountable for your fuckery can make you a monster. It's crazy because BoJack as the main character of this show is not likable at all (at least for me). Throughout the show you kinda cheer for him to get better and grow up but then he always ends up disappointing you. However, knowing his history, especially with the kind of family he has, you can't help but feel some empathy for him. I guess that's the thing about main characters, despite the flaws you still want them to become triumphant in the end because somehow you can see a version of yourself with them. But how long can a person tolerate one's behavior? I do not want to label myself as a good person because I know that I am far from that but there is a certain part of me that knows how to forgive especially if they are deserving. However, when someone refuses to be held accountable for their mistakes and refuses to see how toxic they are does it really make me the bad one here if I chose not to forgive?
The show has six seasons and 77 episodes but I did not feel that it was long because the execution of the episodes are great. There are a lot of episodes which make me feel uneasy about how close they hit home. But for this blog post I will be discussing two scenes from two different episodes because these two scenes are about the topics of accountability and forgiveness: The Telescopes from ep 8 of season 1 and It’s You from ep 10 of season 3. 
Have you ever met someone who is too full of himself? A person who obviously has issues in life but does not exert efforts in making himself become better and instead use their difficult past as an excuse for being a shitty person? A person who does not want to be held accountable for their mistakes and people around him tolerated him so he never learns? Well that’s my father. Also, that is who BoJack Horseman is. But if we are going to make this a competition about who is worse then my father is definitely winning this contest, unanimously. While watching the show, I cannot help but see parts of my father in BoJack Horseman especially in episodes “The Telescope” and “It’s You” Both of those episodes have confrontation scenes with a friend of BoJack (Herb in episode 8 season 1 and Todd in episode 10 season 3) who refused to accept his apology and want him to be held accountable for his actions. And I both agree with them.
For context, in the “The Telescopes” episode, Bojack apologized to his friend Herb for betraying him years ago. He chose to protect his career instead of standing with Herb. And he even further that betrayal when he did not contact him for so many years. Now that he learned that Herb has cancer, he decided to visit him and apologized and I like that Herb refused to accept such a self serving apology. The quote above was what Herb told BoJack after he apologized. I like the way he emphasized how BoJack is only apologizing now so he can have closure and to make himself feel better. Because horrible people do that. They will only apologize so that their guilt will not eat them up especially when their apology gets accepted. But the damage has been done, right? Just like what the famous saying states, the ax forgets but the tree remembers. What’s the point of accepting an apology if it does not make you feel better but will only make the jerk feel better coz “yey, finally!” their shitty actions were forgiven. Those kinds of apologies are self-serving. They ended up fighting and then Herb said this line (I really like this one, thank you writers!) “You know what your problem is? You wanna think of yourself as the good guy. Well I know you better than anyone and I can tell you that you’re not. In fact, you’d probably sleep a lot better at night if you just admitted to yourself that you’re a selfish goddamn coward who takes whatever he wants and doesn’t give a shit about who he hurts. That’s you. That’s BoJack Horseman” Now, that’s the kind of wake up call that someone like BoJack deserves to hear. He deserved those words because they are true, he’s a coward. He always blames others or the circumstances to make himself feel better instead of owning up to his mistakes. 
Another episode I mentioned here is the 10th episode from season 3 of the show and here is some context: Todd and BoJack had a confrontation. BoJack was mad that Todd did not want him to become a nominee for the Oscars and then Todd was mad that BoJack slept with Emily (the woman Todd dated). But honestly, I think it was really not the Emily thing that Todd was mad about but rather all the other things BoJack did, like when he sabotaged Todd’s opera, and they all piled up so Todd ended up bursting at that moment. BoJack said “I’m sorry, I screwed up” to which Todd replied with “You can’t keep doing this! You can’t keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay! You need to be better!” BoJack tried to reason out so Todd followed it up with “You are all the things that are wrong with you. It’s not the alcohol or the drugs or any of the shitty things that happened in your career, or when you were a kid. It’s you” This is another “calling out” that BoJack deserves because he just keeps on doing shitty things and then feels bad about it for himself but does not actually do things to make things right. At some point, as a friend you will just get tired of someone like him. And while there’s an argument about what led to this confrontation with Todd is not something that Todd himself should be mad about, I saw that scene as a way of having Todd as the “representative” of all the other people that BoJack treated badly. In that scene, he was being called out for a lot of things he did not just related specifically to Todd.
So now we start the discussion about my father. Actually every time I typed the words “my father” I felt disgusted. I hate being associated with him. I hate the fact that we share the same DNA. I just hate him. And before the moral police come here and yell “But he is still your father!” please hear me out first. A child will not resent or hate their own parent if the said parent was not horrible. And that’s my main issue. My father was a horrible person to us. Actually an entire year is not enough for me to tell the entire story of how horrible he was and why he’s the reason my mother, my sister and I are all fcked in the head now. He treated us horribly but always gave the reason that he’s older so he knows better. He always used the “parent” card and always used the “I provided you food, I sent you to school….” monologue as a justification to his behavior. He’s the kind of person that should have never become a parent and a husband in the first place. He’s a hurt person and he ended up hurting others too - he hurt us. His decisions in life always end up with the rest of the family suffering the most. He had this mantra that since he had it difficult growing up, his children should also not have it easy in life. The latest shitty thing he did is getting a housing loan that he cannot afford just so he can brag to his mother. And when he experienced a difficult time getting employment, I ended up using my bonuses and even acquired a loan just so we can pay for this house because he promised to pay me back once he gets another contract again (he’s a seaman). But then he never did. He was aware of this. He was aware that employment in his career would wither as he aged but he did not care. He still continued with that loan despite objections from us; hell, that jerk was even mad that we were telling him not to buy a house. And fast forward to today, I have no savings and I have a loan too. You might be wondering where he is? Back in his hometown, chilling. He can even sleep peacefully at night while snoring while me, on the other hand, is more mentally fcked up than ever. As I mentioned earlier, he did a lot of shitty things to us but that housing loan was just the most recent. So the “calling out” scenes from BoJack Horseman were some of my favorites from the show because those are also the things I wanted to tell him. I just wish I had the courage to do so.
My relatives are very much aware of this situation but they always tell me to just forgive him; easy to say when you’re not the one directly affected by his actions. They even have the nerve to give me lectures about how important it is to forgive and it makes me a bad person for treating my father this way. But am I really the wrong one here? He’s not even sorry. For years, he will do shitty things to us. Sometimes he apologizes but sometimes he does not. But in all those scenarios, he’s not sorry. I do not feel any sincerity on his part at all. But why is it that despite the fact that I’m the one who was wronged here, he’s the one who has people on his side while I’m the one being labeled as the bad one? I am conflicted because I cannot forgive. For a long time now, I tried so hard to find it in myself to learn to forgive not just him but also all the other people who wronged me but I really cannot do it. I cannot do it because I’m a tree that remembers every hit of the ax while the ax is living comfortably. Why am I the one who cannot have peace of mind when I’m the victim? I have been struggling with the concept of forgiveness for a long time but those confrontations from BoJack Horseman episodes are somewhat validating because it shows how I’m not the only one who cannot accept apologies. He’s not even genuinely sorry, so why would I extend the olive branch here?
PS, There are a lot of things from BoJack Horseman that I would like to discuss and hopefully I find the time to write about them. The show is good, I highly recommend it!
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musical-chick-13 · 1 year
I understand the need to complain, so 7 and 12 for that violence ask game!
Thank you for your solidarity, I appreciate it. :)
7. What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
I answered this here. But I'll talk about another one. Ava from LoT. Like the previous answer, she was originally just kind of there to me. But I felt like she kind of took over the show, and I wasn't really happy with the development regarding her relationship with Sara (and apparently they decided they had to destroy Sara's friendship with Rip to make this ship happen? or something?), but I liked the other characters enough to just go, "Eh, not for me" and move on.
And then there were just...too many things I saw that bothered me. People tended to act like anyone calling Ava out was inherently...bad? I never really even saw a specific reason for this, it just seemed like people didn't want to admit a character in their preferred ship could make mistakes or be wrong. There was such a horrific level of biphobia I saw regarding Sara, too (which, big surprise, eventually spread to other characters who people wanted to be confirmed as not being straight onscreen). And like I mentioned before, Sara and Rip's working relationship got caught in the crossfire, and the things I saw from too many stans of this character about how horrible Rip was for basically...daring to ever be traumatized? Or how little sympathy they had for the show killing off a grieving, deeply hurting man with a thinly-veiled death wish/suicidal ideation just...really created some not-great associations regarding this character in my brain.
12. The unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them?
So Idk if y'all know this but I REALLY love Cersei Lannister, yeah, shocking, I know. I've talked about her at length, but she's my Ultimate Fave so I can't NOT mention her here. Her interior emotional world is so rich and layered that I learn new things about her (and, very frequently, about my own relationship to my mental illness) every time I think about her. All of her choices make sense narratively in accordance to what we know about her, even if they aren't good ones. Her mental illness and trauma seen as a tragedy worthy of sympathy, and it is her refusal to constructively deal with them and her insistence of externalizing her pain that leads to her horrible behavior toward others, not the presence of the mental illness or trauma itself. And like...yeah, we weren't supposed to root for her (even though I did because I'm me, lol), but we were supposed to feel for her. And she was allowed to continue to exist in the narrative. For better or worse, her story still mattered and was still worth telling, and, Idk, it was the first time I'd ever seen that being afforded to a mentally ill character. She processes everything in a very ugly way, that's not societally-palatable, and I cannot begin to tell you how utterly refreshing that was. She's capable of great love, but that love is tinged with all the negative and deeply unhealthy things she's held onto. She's a villain, but she is so clearly still a hurting person under there, grieving for all the things that were denied to her. Everything she does can be tied back to an overwhelming, all-consuming desire to Avoid Being Hurt Again. She keeps going out of spite. Her paranoia is understandable, but she deal with it in increasingly unhelpfully hostile ways. She flips between being cold and angry and sad and impulsive and even, occasionally, soft, and unlike usual ""evil queen"" archetype characters, she feels so much. She thinks love is literally being as close to same person as someone else as humanly possible. SHE KILLED A WHOLE MASS OF PEOPLE WHO WANTED TO RUIN HER, GOOD FOR HER. She's fascinating.
In the interest of saying something that's NOT repeating myself for the billionth time: Martha Jones from Doctor Who. Truly the most competent companion The Doctor ever had. She didn't suffer nonsense, she was INCREDIBLY resourceful and intelligent, she extended compassion to everyone she met, even those who could (or did) easily pose a hostile threat. She was the only companion in all of RTD or Moffat-era DW to leave completely on her own terms and break away from a lifestyle that was hurting her. The characters I love don't generally tend to be people I'd want to be like irl, but as a teenager, I wanted to be her when I grew up, and I still do. (Sadly, people are racist. And they couldn't get over the fact that she wasn't her predecessor, who was half of a fan-favorite ship involving the conventionally attractive white man. I'm still mad, I'll always be mad.)
I Choose Violence asks
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1d1195 · 3 months
its totallyyyyyyy valid to be feeling that way because truth be told, all those things are super expensive. and when they’re just sucker punching you from all sides, one after the other ?? nuh uh😮‍💨 like how much can one person truly afford yk ?? especially when one of thems a little further away like you mentioned, because you’ve just got so much more to worry about than a local wedding (hotels, gas, food, etc.) so i think it’s good you’re not taking on that extra stress. there will always be more weddings and the ‘no’ option is there for a reason🫶
ahhhhhh let me just start off and say thank you so much for your kind words, they truly mean more than you know💖💖 (especially the math thing bc i am not a math girly so i may just take you up on that😭) i don’t think anyone’s really rooting for me on my end (family, friends, & whatnot) so reading your message was just the kindest thing in the world really💘
i always think the exact same thing with the ‘well someone has to do that’ when someone makes fun of certain classes or careers and i rlly hate that people say that to you ! no one needs me to remind them of this but teachers are literally so important and i 100% would want to be one i just have no patience and im actually terrible at explaining things🤣 but i cannot tell you how much teachers can actually change someone’s life, i still remember very specific moments of how kind some of my teachers were back in school and things like that really stick with you, you’re job is so important, arguably the most important, so if someone ever tries to say something like that again i will personally take them on in a fist fight (now, i might not win but ima get the message across dw💘☺️)
thursday was soooooooo good omg i felt soooo bad for our girl when she was just sitting there like …..👀 while harry was getting talked down to by hailey AND WHEN SHE WAS THINKING ABT ASKING HIM IF HE KNEW WHAT SHAMPOO SHE USED HAHAHHA SHES SO REAL FOR THAT. idea for a future blurb: they go out somewhere on a saturday (his favorite day mhmm…) and run into her ex ;) srry but im alwayyssss going to be a sucker for jealousrry 
YAY LOVE A NEW SONG ! no because i completely understand what you mean about the romantic/whimsy part of it because something abt the violins and the guitar together is just soooo 🌅🌻🍃🌊✨ idek if that make sense but ya😭 i love love love the melody
HAVE THE GREATEST DAY OF YOUR LIFEEEEE <33333 sending the warmest virtual hugs🫂🫂🫂
Not that it's like a competition or anything, but the wedding I'm not attending, the couple did not attend my sister's wedding so I feel less bad about not going 🤷‍♀️ however, I think my mom wants me to go because more than likely she needs someone with eyesight to go 🙃 so I bet I'll get roped into going even though I don't want to.
I'm so proud of you for doing what you want despite not having support! You always have my support and I'm happy to give you pep talks whenever needed!
I'm glad you liked Thursday, I feel so bad I really wasn't into it. I feel like it was super lackluster. I was going to put her ex in as well (because Jealousrry is a fan fave for sure) but I couldn't imagine writing another sentence for it 😭 I didn't want to force anything longer than I did! But i think her ex will make an appearance next time!
NO it makes so much sense! I just fell in love with it so quick! I thought it was so fun and it has really brightened up my commute over the last week of school!
I can't remember when you sent me your message regarding the wedding. You said it was a little over a week but idk if I answered the ask later than you sent it so I feel like it might be this weekend!? I hope you have fun if it is!
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kojinnie · 4 years
Why you should NOT date AOT boys... (2)
I advised you but you still didn’t listen just because your fave was not on the first part. So hereby I present to you, reasons why these boys will only give you headache, part two!
Enjoy my lovelies, and stop hurting yourself with these men!
Your ever-so-concerned friend, Kojin.
erwin - zeke - jean - connie
part one here (levi - eren - armin - reiner)
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This is not gonna be easy. You’re dealing with a man who has received multitude of achievements and recognition for being who he is and for doing things his own way, so obviously he is at that point in his life where he’s very comfortable in being who he already is. It’s all for a reason though, for Erwin oozes a certain kind of authority that is justified by his sharp thinking and years of experience. He is a self-made man and his success was the work of nobody but his own doing. So obviously, he has this uncanny self-assurance that is not easy to be dissuaded. He is ”The Man” character you hear about in pop songs and movies, and alike to dating Levi, the idea of being with Erwin gives you a sense of pride, you’ll be the most flattered whenever you hear people look at you with certain kind of acknowledgment, “Oh, that’s the one Erwin chooses.”
If you have problem with your self-esteem or you constantly doubt yourself, being with Erwin –especially when you have an established relationship— can really encourage you, to make you realize that there is a great thing in you, that even someone with the caliber of Erwin Smith can see. However, this may also lead to a bad thing because little by little, whether you realize it or not, your identity will be blurred with the constant presence of Erwin around you, simply because he has that magnificence in him that lures the limelight in, and your name will only be left as a prop to better dress the mannequin. This is a man who hardly ever hears “no” in his life, although he will never be violent or do things against your wish, it feels natural for him to always have a say in whatever you do. From the way you dress, your career trajectory, to decision for everyday chore. You would often feel as if you have no room to grow on your own because everything is decided by Erwin, where your opinion is dismissed. The most infuriating aspect of Erwin is that he will do all the aforementioned in such a sweet way. Caressing your cheek, patting your head softly before condescendingly says things like: “Honey, if you’ve seen what I’ve seen, you’ll understand. So for now, let’s just go with [insert his decision], okay?”
The ideal relationship for you and Erwin is if you have been with him since the get-go, before he made a name for himself. The good thing about Erwin is that he values nurture and he will show the utmost gratitude to whomever stood by him since day one. He will flaunt you, mention your name in every awarding speech, praise your perseverance for staying with him while actively making your own mark in your job. Basically, to survive a healthy and thriving romantic relationship with Erwin, you gotta see the quality in him before all the flashy titles, and you gotta be at similar degree of excellence with him. You gotta have his respect, you gotta make a name for yourself, only then he will listen to you and treat you as equal. So if you are still unsure about yourself, and you need constant reassurance about your role in this world, don’t go for Erwin, it will only exacerbate your self-doubt.
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Good god, this man. Where do I start? Okay, so you’re dealing with someone similar to Erwin, who enjoys a point in his life where his professional excellence has been widely established, he even has attained an almost mythical status. Remember how much the Warriors look up to him, saying things like “The enemies are no match to Zeke”? That’s basically his everyday life, and he has gotten so used to hearing that drilled into his ears for years.
For sure, he has a solid self-assurance; he knows what he wants, he knows how to get it, and anyone’s opinion holds very little value to him. But unlike Erwin, Zeke has grown sick of the compliment and has come to think that people are just licking his ass. This is because he made his success with little to no help from anyone else, and he has seen how differently people treated him back when he was just a nameless guy, compared to now, where he has made a name for himself. This experience, created a contradiction in his personality: One, the confident and self-assured Zeke, where he realizes that he’s smarter than most people, and; Two, the self-doubting Zeke, thinking that he is deemed as smart just because everyone comparable to him is stupid. He fears that it’s only until he meets someone smarter than him, before people finally realize that he’s a fraud. He’s the type to spew seemingly condescending remarks in a very casual way, like whenever someone comes to him in an awe and asks how does he do the things he does, he will just shrug it off and say, “I don’t know why everyone’s making a big deal out of that. It’s so easy.” When actually it’s just him, displaying his incomprehension on what make people think that he’s amazing when he hardly sees it.
Zeke leads a life where he thinks he can do whatever he wants, since he does not have a care in the world for anyone’s opinion and validation. This is because Zeke thinks either they are unworthy of his attention, or any person who has ever shown any interest towards him was only after something for themselves. In his early life, Zeke gets used a lot by people he trusted, and so this resulted in him not believing that someone would come to him and truly care for him with no pretense or hidden motives. The idea that he can be loved unconditionally is incredibly foreign, if not impossible to him. And this is the truth about him that he does not like to admit.
This is a person whose motto is to “enjoy things” because the enjoyment of things keeps him distracted from the disappointment he holds against people. So naturally, he does not like sentimental attachment, let alone committed relationship. What Zeke needs is just someone that he can ring up casually (and only occasionally because he’s always kept up with a lot of his professional endeavors), and spoil him with nearly childish affection. He likes to come home to someone who does not see him as this heroic figure that everybody sees, and rather just a careless kid who collects baseball cards with no active parent figure. He likes the cuddles, the kisses, the strokes, the lazy mornings where you pamper him like a demanding baby, because he never gets to experience such candid loving from his childhood, for he had to fend for himself since very young.
He likes to call you up late at night, with a sulk in his voice, “Baby can I come over…?” for you to act annoyed and reluctantly say yes to him. He likes that. He’s corny like that. But once he’s out the door, don’t expect him to text his whereabout or make your name known to the world, because he cannot afford such dire attachment. He’s as free as the bird, and after all, caging him into a committal relationship only justifies his belief that someone would only love him because they’re after something.
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Jean is tenacity personified. He wasn’t born talented or lucky enough to have special heritage runs in his blood, he is flawed with a lot of shortcomings, but what makes him stands out is his capability to persevere in the eyes of adversity. To keep on trying although he does not pass the initial mark, and that’s exactly what makes him special. In dating Jean, you will never run out of things to do or talk about, because Jean will always try to make the best out of every situation with his resourcefulness. It’s very nourishing to see someone make such a big effort for you, and if you lack assurance that someone would go extra miles for you, then seeing Jean breaks his back trying to catch your smile is such a sight that you will cherish for a long time.
However, deep inside, Jean is a very exhausted man. He often feels like he is at the end of his wit trying to make everything works. He is deeply wearied by having to be at his top game every minute to compete, and fears that if his grasp slips even just a little, he will quickly fall behind everyone. This will result in Jean being torn apart between work and you, for he always has the urge to put tenfold effort to match others’ casual effort. So expect a lot of calls unanswered and rescheduled date nights during the weekdays. Although he feels extremely regretful with this condition, he also believes that there is nothing he can do, for he thinks he was born unfortunate and this is the effort he has to make due in order to catch up with the others.
All this unhealthy sense of urgency from always having the need to compete often sends Jean into a state of paranoia. He fears that people may team up against him, or that he’s being left out. It’s really frustrating to see Jean having the need to reply to a stupid meme Eren sends at 4 AM while getting high, just because Jean fears that if he does not reply immediately, he will wake up the next day with people already talking about the things he missed. He is always on guard, and as much as he tries to give in to his relationship with you, sometimes you would feel like his mind is not at home. His mind is out there wondering whether he will ever make a name for himself without being compared to people who exerts considerably less effort than him.
Being with Jean, you gotta understand where his fear lies, and you gotta be very calm when dealing with all of his paranoid urges. Whenever he’s not home because he overworks himself, don’t bombard him with calls and text messages, just give him time and welcome him home with warmth and a sense of ease. Be the person where he puts his hair down after a whole day of gruesome work. Jean needs a lot of validation especially from the person he loves (and he feels guilty towards for seemingly neglecting you over work), all he needs to hear is just “You did well today”, and he would be more than thankful. Make time as well to give him little surprise, to make him realizes that you are the one place he does not need to compete with anyone else for you are his home. When it comes to Jean, it’s about give and take, he doesn’t do well with a diva who demands attention 24/7, nor he does well with someone who is seemingly way over his league, for it will worsen his insecurity.
Point is, Jean is an amazing man, guys, I couldn’t really point out why you should NOT date him, because in fact, you SHOULD date him. Being with him is a learning curve, not only for you but also for him, to understand that in a relationship not only that you gotta love, but also to compromise.
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Connie, oh Connie. We all love Connie, he’s the guy who would complete a picture, a party is a bore without the sight of him, we all just love us some Connie, but often to his expense. People love Connie because he is outgoing, humble, and has this salt-of-the-earth persona, but more often than not, people also use him as a comedic relief, and although at first, he enjoys it because he would like the idea that people look forward to him, sometimes it also takes a toll in him, it makes Connie wonder whether he will ever be fit for bigger purpose other than someone else’s humor.
Connie thrives in being helpful to other people, he believes being of service is his greatest merit and thus he never complains whenever someone asks him to do something, nor does he ever dislike doing things for other people. But often he wonders even after all the great services he has done to other people, why haven’t people seen him as more than just a comedic relief? Why can’t he be the hero of a story, instead of just the people’s favorite side character? This thought lingers a lot in his mind, and if he does not find a way to let it out somehow, this may grow into a bitterness for he feels used.
Make no mistake though, Connie does not yearn to have the limelight on his own, he is content with his position, all he needs is a bit of credit and affirmation that he is as important his other peers. That he is not overlooked nor that he is expendable. Without this, Connie might grow to become resentful of people as he thinks they will only use him to their advantages. He will get easily jealous or at high alert, just because you passingly joke about Jean being handsome with his new haircut. He may go into that rabbit hole of anxiety, waiting until the day when you finally leave him for being mediocre and opt for his more attractive friend.
When this side of him comes out, initially he will be overtly self-deprecating. Masking it as a joke just to fish a reaction from you. If you laugh along, not knowing that it was a test, he will be sure that you are just using him and it won’t be long until you depart for someone with more load than him. Once he sets his mind, he can be quite vindictive to you, casually assuming you of the worst while trying to pass it as a joke. When this side of Connie comes out, the last thing you should do is to get riled up. Connie is not being rational, so you gotta be the adult here unfortunately. You gotta shower him with a lot of affection in the form of services like he’s always do to people around him, and slowly work your way to the topic you are meaning to ask. Connie might be alluding the question for a while, until he finally comes clean that he was jealous and did not know how to properly address this feeling.
Being with Connie comes with the responsibility of making a home for him where finally he gets to be the center attention. He is not a narcissist, so he does not want everything to center around him. All he wanna be is to be seen, in which every effort he has made to the people he loves are being outwardly recognized and thanked for. Little things would really make Connie happy, like posting a lot of photos with him on your social media, or arranging surprise birthday party with his co-workers where he can finally experience what it feels like to be the likes of Eren or Jean.
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Thank you guys for all the likes, reblogs and comments - YOU ALL MAKE MY DAY. I was on the verge of being sure that no one would like things I write, but this.. This... (wails in telenovela style). I thank you and I wish you a great week ahead!
Guys for real if you still simp these guys even after this fair warning then I have no choice but to give you a personalized reason on why you should not date your fave AOT characters! 
> [CLOSED] Twisted Match-Up!  Send me three worst traits of yours + your AOT fave character and I’ll make you a short scenario on how shitty your relationship would be with them.  Fire away here!
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mikeshanlon · 3 years
i really enjoy the way young royals explores the theme of legacy and how detrimental it can be to have to live up to a legacy or be obsessed with reputation. (analysis and thoughts under the cut)
i think wilhelm resents the fact that he has to live up to the role of being in the royal family and yet is very afraid of ruining that legacy bc of all the pressure. before he was sent off to hillerska he went to a normal school and wanted normal people around him and was content with erik having to take on the responsibilities of crown prince. and when he does have to assume that role he says he can never be erik, that he’s always had to be compared to him and obviously doesn’t like that. but even before erik passed and he had to take on those duties he was afraid of fucking up the legacy of the crown, when he sees that sign in the hallway that says you are in charge of your own legacy after he holds hands with simon, his anxiety worsens. you can tell it’s been instilled in him for a long time that what is most important is the crown’s reputation rather than his own wants. in the scene where him and simon fight about alexander being caught, he obviously wants simon to stay, but he focuses on how him doing drugs will fuck up his family’s reputation if it gets leaked. as much as he cares for simon, his legacy and his duties are like this oppressive cloud hanging over him. 
i do think that wille cares for his family of course but to me it’s different that the sort of loyal unconditional care with simon and his sister/mom. erik and wille had unconditional love, erik understood how difficult being a prince in the public eye was, and wille obviously cared for him deeply and felt like he could to talk to him about issues. his relationship with the queen is much more strained, she wants a tailored, doctored representation of him in the media, he cannot be anxious and bite his nails, she makes all the decisions for him. family is important to wille partially because it has to be bc of how special his family is. he helps his family, he helps august pay his tuition, and then makes a point of disowning august after his betrayal as his new “brother”. but again, because of the royal status and expectations upon the family, that supersedes and colors all of their relationships with each other. it seems to be more a sense of “duty” than unconditional love. especially after erik’s death, wille always has to consider how the crown’s image will be impacted, even though he never wanted to have this responsibility, or even the responsibility of being the “regular” prince under erik. being a family unit that is under constant public scrutiny is going to strain relationships. the queen knows that the anxiety of fucking up his legacy will get to him, and she uses that to get wilhelm to back out of admitting it was him in the video and coming out. wilhelm has to choose between his own happiness and their reputation, is forced to think that denying it’s him in the video is the only way. he loves simon and wanted to live freely, but that pressure of legacy won out.
i don’t know if i think wille necessarily values the crown over his own personal happiness and relationships, like in the way maybe the queen does--i don’t think it comes from a place of “i’m lucky to be prince and owe my duty to the crown, so i do what i have to do to stay that way” (like how the queen said the crown is a privilege not a punishment), but from fear of destroying the legacy and his family. afterall, he still wanted to pursue a secret relationship with simon, i think if he fully valued the crown and uplifting legacy and fulfilling his duties he wouldn’t have tried that. he wouldn’t have made a point to tell simon he loves him. hopefully we get another season because i think with the iconic ending revolution rendition and him looking in the camera, which also parallels the shot of him being forced to apologize/go to hillerska, he is realizing that focusing on legacy is taking away what’s important to him, and he’s going to shake shit up.
august is definitely the most obsessed with legacy, wanting to carry on his father’s business, being persistent on befriending wilhelm and trying to social climb, wanting power and perfection with being prefect, rowing captain etcetera. he is so obsessed with perfection and reputation he gets addicted to drugs, he fucks with simon and makes him get stuff for parties he can’t afford because good parties will make him look better, he manipulates sara multiple times, he mostly wanted felice because of her nobility, he fucking films wilhelm and simon and OUTS him, his own cousin. he hates that wille has everything he wants but isn’t as interested in preserving and more importantly improving the legacy he’s inheriting. meanwhile august’s familial legacy is dwindling, and he holds on to the last bit of assets and names that he can.... v much sick and a weirdo that shows how harmful being obsessed with legacy is
the queen is of course v focused on legacy and it really breaks my heart and makes me angry that she doesn’t care about wilhelm’s happiness more than their reputation, and moreso doesn’t get august in trouble for literally leaking child p*rn of her kid for the sake of appearances?!?!?! like how is he even remotely trustworthy she is wrong for that! like i said earlier the obsession with legacy puts a strain on their mother/son relationship. she doesn’t even really say anything about wille’s sexuality or his relationship, and barely comforts him, mostly goes in with a plan she’s already concocted without him to fix everything. 
erik seemed to understand and accept his role as crown prince but obviously had issues with it as well, like when he makes the plan for him and wilhelm to run from the press, or when he tells wilhelm to enjoy himself while there aren’t so many eyes on him that care. erik shows someone who has more unconditional love and empathy but still has to focus on legacy and is much more inclined to continue his legacy, but we do see those glimpses over how even the most “ideal” attitude of preserving legacy causes issues.
felice is expected to live up to her mother’s legacy, of being an equestrian, of being the lucia, but she doesn’t want either of those things. her mother wants her to be thinner and straighten her hair, and find someone of nobility to be with. obviously she does find wilhelm attractive lol but i think the main reason she pursued him and definitely why she pursued august was because she was expected to social climb and have royal kids. felice feels the need to portray a false narrative of herself on social media to uphold a certain image of herself. it’s very fucked up that her mom wants those values instilled in her but i love that felice was putting up boundaries and pushing back against her mother and the narrative she’s supposed to live up to. her giving sara the role of lucia and focusing on supporting her friends more in the latter half of the season shows growth and i’m excited to see where her story goes. 
sara is interesting because she seems to want to reject the legacy of her family and being working class and to fit in with the elite of hillerska. sara hates micke, hates that simon contacted him because it’s bringing in this “shameful” and painful part of their past (which i mean is def fair). other than sara’s betrayal in 1.06, i think the scene where she tells her family that she wants to reside at hillerska really exemplifies where she’s at in her relation to legacy/class. after dining at hillerska and living amongst the elite she gets annoyed at eating around the TV, she blames her mother for not leaving micke sooner, she gets angry with simon for caring for her. she wants to lead her own life, be popular and wanted because people want her, not for pity (even though i think simon of course truly cares abt his sister she feels annoyed with his protection and care). felice says early on that she thinks sara doesn’t care what other’s think or having friends, and sara says she still wants friends though. i think sara’s biggest thing is she wants to belong, her and simon moved schools after she was bullied for being autistic so i think that definitely affected her even though she tries to act nonchalant about hillerska at first. we see sara’s longing to fit in in smaller ways at first, like her asking her mom for a better piece of her uniform because hers are “cheap” and already worn out. she gets annoyed at simon for chewing loudly, or her mother sitting casually at the table. as she gets closer to felice and madison and all the other students, the allure of the upper class and their lifestyle draws her in more. so much to the point where she gets very anxious and upset at the idea of her and simon leaving hillerska because he’s having his own crisis and doesn’t consider his pov. so much so that she effectively betrays simon and felice, the people she’s closest to, to make a deal (and make out lol) with august to room there and “be just like him”. personally i think sara’s attraction to august is mostly that allure of the elite and that he seemed to “desire” her when he kissed her because he was being a manipulative dickhead--again that want to fit in and be wanted. and  i think there is a really interesting angle of jealousy and competition in female friendships, even if it is really subtle or not intentionally insidious or anything, sara does slowly start to trying to assume all the roles/fashions/mannerisms of felice to live that life she wants. i do think felice and sara’s care for each other is genuine and one of my fave parts of the show, but i think a lot of people who experienced being a teen girl know how we are always pitted against each other even in our subconscious because of how society treats and values women.
simon seems to be the character that is least interested in upholding legacy and tradition or giving a fuck what anyone thinks (as omar said here lmao) and that makes him a really interesting foil to wilhelm. there could be something said about micke fearing that simon is following in his footsteps, but to me that plot more so reveals how the upper class (august) continually exploit the working class for their benefit, and the trappings of generational oppression. the other thing that can be said is simon signing up for private tutoring and rowing, but again i think that serves to further show that he is forced to “play” by the game of the elites because the school/society is corrupt, and also, that simon has further ambitions outside of where he’s at. he wants to get good grades because he wants to explore new places and avenues. to me simon’s biggest motivations are his passions, the things and people he loves--music, his family, wilhelm. he isn’t loyal to others just because he’s expected to be, or uphold a certain image but because he really cares. he doesn’t watch out for sara because that’s his expected role as her brother to do so, but because he cares. he wasn’t interested in knowing wilhelm because he’s a prince like everyone else, he makes it clear he thinks the royal family are privileged and exploitative, but he is interested because he saw the real wilhelm. he’s out and proud even though his elite classmates are more conservative, he doesn’t care about voicing his unpopular opinions, he has no problem walking away from august’s dickhead behavior or calling him out on his shit. simon doesn’t care if people don’t think of him in the best light. (the only exceptions ig are the drugs conflict and the video, though literally anyone would have a problem with that because it’s much deeper that public opinion and has ramifications and is deeply traumatic--but just adding that before someone is like “well actually!”) i also think it’s interesting that most of the songs simon sings has themes of pushing back against the societal norms, and being remembered in history, plus of course the revolution song motif, and how much those songs affect wilhelm, he seems to connect deeply, like he wishes he could do those things but simon is the one who gets to sing them and actually live them.
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whatqueen-wildcats · 4 years
Answer all the things!
📱 Show your phone lock screen and/or home screen
uh it wouldn't let me insert the pic here? see below lol
💕 Your two top fave fictional characters
I uhh, I honestly don't know how to pick... like I have a lot of favorite stories and I guess have some fave characters in each, but my brain doesn't really single out characters from the story/media itself? I guess this is probably why I've never gotten into fanfiction much? idk how to explain other than saying my favorite stuff often has more to do with the vibes than specific characters.
🕹 Video game you are currently playing
animal crossing new horizons non stop babyyyy
🌡 Fave season
late fall/early winter
🏫 Are you in school, what grade
nah, I'm old
 🎒 Are you in college, major area of study
not anymore, did study music
🏢 Your job (You don’t have to be specific) or dream job if you don’t work
I work on the outgoing correspondence team for a financial company
📷 Post the 12th photo from your phone’s gallery
dad and quincy, April 2020. See below.
📅 Your birthday
june 12
🎂 How old are you
📏 How tall are you
5'2 ish?
🔑 Key to your heart
haven't seen that thing in years, lemme know if you ever see it laying around somewhere!
📖 Fave book
pride and prejudice - see, like, could I have picked Elizabeth Bennett as one of my favorite fictional characters? sure, but this is my fave book more for nostalgia and comfort than for me thinking she's the best character ever or anything like that. It's about the Vibes.
📝 Fave quote
"A headline's not an article,
A tweet is not an article.
An update's just a particle
Of an in-depth, fleshed out fact-based, sourced-backed, here's what happened, read the whole thing, it's too much to fit in one blurb, catching eyeballs for your click count article.
A headline's not an article,
A tweet is not an article.
It's basically a farticle
Of a full-blown, pooped-out article."
- Craig Benzine
🌐 Languages you can speak and/or are learning. Which are you fluent in
Only English :( someday would love to learn a new language but I'm lazzyyy
💻 Desktop/Laptop/iPad/other
📔 Do you keep a traditional diary
not sure what this means by traditional? I do try to keep a journal/diary where I write out thoughts and feelings and whatever, but I'm not super consistent with it unfortunately
☠ Something that angers you
people constantly interrupting or telling me to stop talking or to calm down or acting like "I get it already" when I'm halfway through talking and they really don't get it they're just annoyed..... feels bad man
🐷 Junk food you can never get enough of
I could name a lot of things here lol
right now I'm really craving some salt and vinegar chips
🌼 Fave flower
📺 Fave anime
uh ive never really watched anime? never given it much of a try. probably the closest thing would be atla but i don't think that really counts? it is perhaps the best show ever made though.
🎥 Fave film
pride and prejudice (2005)
📻 Fave song currently
Hmm I've been enjoying It Might Be Time by Tame Impala quite a bit lately
🎙 Can you sing
not the greatest at it, but yeah! I'm really missing being part of a choir these days
🎁 Best gift you ever received and why
Right now I'm gonna say my nintedo switch, a graduation present given in December 2017, simply because it is the only thing keeping me sane in These Trying Times lolol
funny story, when they were giving it to me, my family made me open the gift with BOTW in it and acted like they'd only been able to afford the game but not the system, and hopefully I could get the switch for myself soon.... but the next box held the switch because they're absolute goons lolol
👾 Do you believe in aliens
not specifically, but I certainly believe they're possible.
👻 Do you believe in ghosts
i dont believe it as in the whole lingering soul of a dead person, but i do believe in spirits/demons/that some places are truly haunted, etc
⛪ What is your religion
🌎 What country do you live in
📸 Post a selfie
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I'm in a skype call for training at work and I cannot focus in the slightest
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entirebodyexercise · 5 years
11 Solutions for Your Common Weight Loss Challenges
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Helping people live healthier lives is my matter. Let's start with this: you're not fighting with the weight decrease battle. Numerous people share similar fights, as well as I'm right here for you! Below are 11 alternatives for the most constant weight decrease challenges.
Nothing is working.
You've tried everything. Your eating practices improved and you additionally function out usually. The important things that won't function is the scale. You're stuck in a weight loss plateau and you' ren't convinced the range will certainly descend.
OPTION: Alter that which you do, if what you do isn't functioning. Ok, I comprehend that's Captain Obvious, yet sometimes a pointer works. Alter your exercise. Then include toughness training, if all you do is cardio. Add a lot more relocate to your personal day along with regular workout. Stand. Go a lot more. Remember that you just cannot only work out the appropriate path to your own optimal weight, you should wed it. And see those sections. Piece monitoring is truly significant.
I don't like to exercise.
I laugh somewhat since there are a great deal of kinds of workout ... are you really claiming you appreciate NONE of these whenever I hear this? Actually?
OPTION: There need to be something you delight in. Dance? Swimming? Strolling? Nia? The treadmill? An organization fitness program? Cycling? Or exactly what regarding trying an exercise that is virtual? Give a month to attempting all kinds of exercise before you come down on one you love. Bonus offer hint: Periodically a songs playlist you adore may be only the important things you need to like your work out.
I don't have time.
Who does? I would such as to offer a significant hug to you. You constantly have the option to require not functioning out by using this preferred reason. First, provide to never stating this and also do this ...
OPTION: 2 words: Schedule it. Yep. You recognize the manner where you schedule your appointment in the dental expert? Scheduling it's the single methods to make it occur. You could be the Chief Executive Officer of your very own life, your day to get workout happen so straight. And here's the issue, as quickly as you get the inspiration of exercise going and also it's mosting likely to be pursuing you NOT to function out.
I have an injury that prevents me from doing certain sort of exercise.
Many individuals have back troubles and also knee issues together with other dilemmas that will forbid them from doing particular exercises, such as the jumping uncovered with plyometric exercises or the hammer from running. There are a whole lot of approaches to get motion in your day.
OPTION: First, look for suggestions from your doctor for exercises that are accepted. Walking is usually an exercise that the majority of individuals can do, although your injury kind will certainly establish that which you can or cannot do. Whole lots of individuals with knee troubles may profit of a stationary bicycle and also that I actually like doing board and yoga exercise workouts to aid with my back issues. Just keep in mind there's regularly a workaround hence do as you have actually got an injuryn't provide via to exercise.
I can't pay for a health club membership right now.
Here is the age of all points electronic which I truly obtain that, although not absolutely all gym economical. You just need to discover where to seem.
OPTION: Do not neglect that you merely may obtain cost effective work outs from me in case the gym near you looks such as the expense of a country club membership! Without leaving the house, bunches of steps you could do.
I overeat at parties.
Frequently, individuals go on a crash diet that is small past leading up thinking they have actually been conserving calories for afterwards. That's likely since you take place to be mosting likely to some bash having a ravenous tummy, the most awful thing you'll have the ability to do.
OPTION: Consume a protein snack prior to the celebration. Your excellent judgment shuffles. When you yourself have a couple of nuts before an event, your wish will possibly be satiated to the point at which you have the ability to make smart selections about not and also attempting your favorites feasting on 2 platefuls of event foods.
I really feel pressured to consume from my family.
Whether it's the favorite baker, your granny or your mom in your loved ones, there's continually a specific attempting to expose their love. It's sweet, yet however, it may not be easy to browse politely in case you intend to control merely just how much you really eat.
OPTION: Share the love with other participants of the family members and also pals, need to you be gifted with pleasant deals with. You also do not require secs and in the occasion you happen to be simply at a supper celebration, only be straight and also sort. Try a" Oh, it was not so bad and also I full, I only couldn't have another nibble." Recall and attempt most individuals so are just trying to enable you to obtain delighted with food and have terrific objectives. Read our post concerning food pushers must you decide to think a person is attempting to hinder all your effort.
I just don't have motivation.
You just don't get up having a fire or a spark to tear the health and fitness facility up. You see other individuals actually but it's merely not you. Just what do you actually do?
OPTION: That's a terrific start in case you don't have the motivation, however you have to reach the inspiration. Determine your biggest WHY. To be self positive? To delight in garments once more? To have dramatically extra power? Obtain clear by yourself number one objective to get healthy and balanced and also plaster it on a sheet of paper at which it's feasible to read it. When you start, it's not substantially extra hard to keep that mojo!
I consume great throughout the day then spoil my wonderful choices during the night with snacking.
Night includes a number of obstacles for the majority of US. When the TV comes on periodically, it's in addition to your base obtains on the couch. Allow's challenge it, it's fascinating to nosh and we are able to get starving at 9 PM, when we eat supper at 6. Just just how do we stay from the pantry?
OPTION: Do not think prior to going to sleep, you need to prevent eating for 4 hrs. Just choose a bite sensibly. Amongst my favorites is some nuts like almonds or walnuts as well as creamy Greek yogurt with a few frozen berries. It will completely control my cravings from noshing or taking another look at the pantry several times and's tasty.
I just like sugar too much.
I've one. When you on your own have trouble managing your pieces it might actually undermine your effort and time. You don't require to take place sugar.
OPTION: Normally, on the occasion that you want to slim down you've obtained to observe portions, however you do completely blow off your craving for sweets orn't need definitely to quit sugar. Make more healthy desserts. I have actually lots of even more healthy treats on my internet site Obtain Healthy and balanced U at no charge. Learn how you can make all your faves a little bit much more healthy.
Eating healthy is expensive.
Yes, maybe yet it doesn't need to be. There are plenty of workarounds!
OPTION: Eat foods which have remained in season. They could be a lot more budget-friendly when specific fruits as well as veggies have actually remained in season. If some fresh fruit and vegetables continuouslies be overly pricey, (like berries) choose for icy produce. It's healthy and balanced and less pricey. Lots of foods you can get in the store are much more affordable in the event you make them yourself appreciate power bars or kale chips.
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porchwood · 6 years
THG Reread: Interesting Tidbits from Ch 1
Disclaimer: I’ve never taken part in any official THG reread/discussion and I essentially read the book in isolation, so anything I say in these posts may well have been discussed and dismissed years ago.
When I wake up, the other side of the bed is cold. My fingers stretch out, seeking Prim’s warmth but finding only the rough canvas cover of the mattress. She must have had bad dreams and crawled in with our mother.
I find it interesting that Prim leaves Katniss to find comfort with their mother, especially since Katniss seems to see herself as Prim’s sole protector and provider. Are Prim and Mrs. Everdeen closer than Katniss realizes (having such an abrasive relationship with her mother as she does) or is it simply that Mom will always be Mom and in a moment of terror most children prefer the embrace of their mother over a sibling?
Also: sleeping directly on a rough canvas-covered mattress? Are bed sheets are that great a luxury in the Seam? :(
I swing my legs off the bed and slide into my hunting boots. Supple leather that has molded to my feet. I pull on trousers…
So she gets out of bed and puts on her boots, then her trousers... So...girl’s a firefighter, right? :D
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(Sorry for the crummy pics. Apparently the Tumblr presence of the Emergency! fandom is microscopic at best - I guess that happens with a ‘70s show :P - so these are screenshots I made from the S1 DVD, because yes, I’m that big of an Emergency! fangirl and you can never have too much Johnny Gage!)
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It gives “girl on fire” a whole new meaning!! ;D
All merriment aside, we know that fire was a constant danger in the Seam, with its “old wooden homes embedded with coal dust,” so it’s entirely possible that residents slept with trousers and boots in readiness at the bedside, to be stepped into at a moment’s notice for a rapid escape if needed.
I…tuck my long dark braid up into a cap…
This has been discussed in previous rereads so it really isn’t news, but I’d love to see more Katniss-in-a-cap popping up in fics and fanart. THG opens in summertime and she’s still wearing the cap, so it was definitely a staple of her wardrobe! (And it brings us a little closer to the girl-disguised-as-a-boy trope, which is one of my all-time faves! :D)
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(Behold this adorable @ghtlovesthg rendering!)
Our part of District 12, nicknamed the Seam, is usually crawling with coal miners heading out to the morning shift at this hour…
Somehow I had always (erroneously) assumed that there was just one twelve-hour shift that all the miners worked (ex. 6am-6pm). Since artificial light would be required inside the mines anyway, I suppose they could work around the clock with no regard to the sun and stars. Folks who live in/near coal mining communities: do they generally operate 24 hours a day or is there some arbitrary cut-off point in the evening? (I’m sorry I’m so ignorant about this!)
Most of the Peacekeepers turn a blind eye to the few of us who hunt…
Has anyone else figured out who these mysterious additional hunters are??
I watch as Gale pulls out his knife and slices the bread. He could be my brother. Straight black hair, olive skin, we even have the same gray eyes. But we’re not related, at least not closely.
First off: it truly befuddles me that Katniss’s hair color is stated on page 8 of THG (though, interestingly, never explicitly afterward) and yet it’s unusual - maybe even rare - to find fanart or even fics that depict her with black hair. Why is that? I was in love with her long black hair from moment one (truly black hair is unique, at least in my part of the world, and so striking to boot) so I probably belabor it a bit in my own writing, but it’s such an exquisite feature, why would you not?
Secondly: “He could be my brother.” That feels significant, and not merely in the “we look alike” sense. I’ve been working on a post about how Gale came into Katniss’s life in a very significant fashion after her beloved father’s death and she was drawn to him because of certain (I would venture to say striking) commonalities, but as I was wrapping it up last night (and sharing various details with my favorite sounding-board @ghtlovesthg), I realized there was a whole - vitally important - flipside to my theory that absolutely cannot be overlooked. So I might not get that finished till we’re on CF or even MJ. (No spoilers just in case someone pips me at the post - pun inadvertent ;) - but I think it’s pretty cool!)
And thirdly, because I can’t resist: I headcanon that Gale and Katniss are cousins through their great-great-grandfather (Galen Greenbrier, if anyone cares :D), who had two daughters (Aisling and Elspeth), who each had a daughter (Wren and Ashpet), who had Hazelle and Jack (Mr. Everdeen), who begat Gale and Katniss, respectively. Ergo: related but “not closely,” per canon. :)
With both of us hunting daily…
I’d always thought Gale and Katniss only hunted a few times a week, with Sundays being their largest haul/best trading day. (“Usually we devote all of Sunday to stocking up for the week.”) I know Twelve is an unusually permissive district at this point in time, but if two Seam kids were sneaking back and forth under the fence every single day and (forgive me) flaunting the fact by selling game in town (and when did they do this? before school, after, both?), surely, inevitably, the Peacekeepers would have been obliged to do something about it. Or were there some trips where Gale and Katniss only brought back enough for their own families, making their illegal activities not quite so blatant?
Cross-referencing with Catching Fire, I find Katniss saying, “Back when we were in school, we had time in the afternoons to check the lines and hunt and gather and still get back to town to trade” - exactly what time did they get out of school and how late were they doing these trades (not to mention, when did anyone get homework done)?? - but she also says it’s “an hour-and-a-half trek” just to check the snare line. I guess it isn’t impossible, but it seems a much more extensive (and time-consuming!) arrangement than I would have thought they could get by with, even in Twelve.
We easily trade six of the fish for good bread…
Like the rest of you, I’m trying to figure out who’s selling this “good bread” at the Hob. For some odd reason, at one point I thought maybe the bakery’s day-olds were sold there, à la:
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They could potentially sell said day-olds at less of a discount than merchant clientele would demand but the reduced prices would be low enough for some Seam clientele to afford, and of course, even day-old bakery bread would be superior to homemade tessera bread (and therefore: “good bread”). 
I’m not sure where I got the “bakery outlet” idea (I think it was all the early canonverse fics where Katniss ran into Peeta in the Hob, so I figured he was running a day-olds stall or something) but having been away from it for awhile, I actually kind of like it! :)
You become eligible for the reaping the day you turn twelve.
I’m going to wax exceedingly about reaping ages in another post, but for the moment: I presume this rule means that anyone who turns twelve between reaping days becomes eligible for the subsequent reaping, correct? So if we arbitrarily set the reaping at, say, June 1, someone whose birthday is on June 2 wouldn’t be eligible till the following year. (Which would be especially terrible for your 18-yr-old reaping: being a day away from 19 and freedom, of a sort, but still having to go through one last reaping.) Now I think of it, it’s possible Career districts took advantage of this. Highly invested parents in a Career district could have planned their pregnancies with the intent of a late summer birth (i.e., a month or two after reaping day) so the resulting children would have the advantage of extra months up on other tributes in their same age group.   
On the flipside of this: Prim, whose birthday is in late May, would be an especially young tribute, since she’s only just turned twelve (think school kids with summer birthdays who don’t turn the “right age” for their grade till 1-3 months after school is out), and similarly Katniss, whose birthday is May 8, would be on the young side of the group of sixteens. 
“Pretty dress,” says Gale.
Madge shoots him a look, trying to see if it’s a genuine compliment or if he’s just being ironic. It is a pretty dress, but she would never be wearing it ordinarily. She presses her lips together and then smiles. “Well, if I end up going to the Capitol, I want to look nice, don’t I?”
Now it’s Gale’s turn to be confused. Does she mean it? Or is she messing with him? I’m guessing the second.
Gaaah, so much going on here! I can’t decide if I want to make a proper Gadge post, so in the meantime, here’s some food for thought:
1) Why does Gale remark on her dress? Really - give me suggestions, because I’ve been turning it over in my head. If it’s meant to be ironic and she gives him sarcasm in reply (as seems to be the quintessential Gadge dynamic :D), it’s odd that he would be confused and not have a volley/riposte/etc of his own on deck. I mean, Katniss doesn’t seem to know (or at least, doesn’t clarify in her narration) whether or not it’s a compliment -
2) Which is interesting, because she guesses straightaway that Madge is “messing with him” in reply. ;)
3) Gale gives Madge what outwardly seems like a compliment and this is what ensues. One might surmise they’ve done this before... :D I mean, if there was no precedent, Madge would’ve just said “thank you” and exchanged money for berries. Since the mayor is such a valuable customer (being one of very few who can afford their asking price for strawberries), it’s interesting that Gale would antagonize Madge and risk losing the strawberry trade - not to mention bringing up the subject of tesserae at the mayor’s back door on reaping day! Does he take similar potshots at other merchants or is it just Madge? Is he irked (even threatened) by Katniss’s friendship with Madge? (I love that Katniss immediately defends Madge in the face of Gale’s tesserae rant. ♡) Does he feel like he can sound off at her (with impunity) because she’s Katniss’s friend? Or is he secretly crazy about her and resigned to the fact that he’ll never get her but the reminders of the impassable gap between them still incense him? Sorry, my hand slipped there for a sec. ;) 
Gale knows his anger at Madge is misdirected.
I didn’t recall this line from previous reading and it just makes me happy. :)
To my surprise, my mother has laid out one of her own lovely dresses for me. A soft blue thing with matching shoes. [...]  For a while I was so angry, I wouldn’t allow her to do anything for me. And this is something special. Her clothes from her past are very precious to her.
I’d never caught the “matching shoes” bit before! Do you suppose Katniss means dyed [blue] to match/covered with matching fabric (so that’s what they do at the shoe shop!) or simply that they go well with the dress? And if she means that the shoes literally match the dress: is this a particularly special dress (hence particularly special shoes) or is it customary for merchant girls to order shoes to match their dresses?
And further: why this year? It doesn’t sound like Mrs. Everdeen has offered one of her apothecary-era dresses before, which could have been due to Katniss’s repeated rebuffs, but still: why offer one of those very precious dresses this year? Did she have a feeling about this reaping? Or is she starting to see Katniss as a young woman, not just an angry, resourceful child? (Coupled with the fact that she subsequently puts Katniss’s hair up, the latter makes a lot of sense.) 
On a sidenote: Has anyone written meta on the significance/usage of braids in Twelve? (Notwithstanding WTM: Ch 13 and all that Mellark bridal braids/braid coils/engagement hairpin business.) Ex. Does a girl "graduate” from pigtails to a single braid around puberty and then to a crown braid as a young woman/wife, or does she/her mother simply style it however she feels on any given day? I’m just now realizing that I consistently picture reaping day!Prim in pigtails because of the film, but it doesn’t state in the text how her hair is styled, so it might be in a single braid or held back at the temples with a clip or even worn loose.
The square’s surrounded by shops, and on public market days, especially if there’s good weather, it has a holiday feel to it.
I’m really curious about “public market days,” since the Hob seems to be Twelve’s primary market - or at least, has become so in fanon - but Katniss makes a clear distinction between them (“Make only polite small talk in the public market. Discuss little more than trades at the Hob, which is the black market where I make most of my money”). Is this public market like a farmer’s market or a craft fair - or a bit of both? Is it simply the “merchant version” of the Hob? How often are they held? Who gets to sell at this market, and what sort of wares are we talking about? (Is it just merchants bringing their product outside, like a sidewalk sale?) Does the Capitol/Justice Building collect a fee from everyone wanting a stall/booth/table?
Edit: While looking up details for a different post, I found this passage:
Gale and I went to the market on the square so that I could buy dress materials [for Prim].
So apparently they sold fabric and notions in the public market? (Not at, say, a mercantile/general store?) I’m wholly confused now!
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What would u say are the best and worst book narrated by each character ?
I sat down to come up with my least favorite book by each narrator and had a pretty easy time of it — there’s an unfortunate dip in quality in the series around #39 - #43 that I can point to as definitely not my faves — and then ended up totally baffled by how to choose JUST ONE favorite book by each narrator, because such a task is almost impossible.  In conclusion, I really love Animorphs, as you probably never would have guessed from reading this blog.  So, with a little cheating, here goes:
Least favorite: #43, The Test
The plot of this book pretty much requires that all of the characters, but most notably Rachel and Jake, act in ways that really don’t fit with their behavior for the rest of the series.  My cynical hypothesis about What Was The Ghost Even Thinking rhymes with schmender schtereotyping, but even if I more kindly assume that everyone was just acting strange to jerk Taylor around, I can’t really enjoy this book.
Favorite: #49, The Diversion
Tobias’s point of view works so well for this book, because its plot draws attention to his status as a partial outsider not only for human society as a whole but also for his team.  He’s literally trapped in a liminal space that here actually gives him a lot of perspective on his friends’ families — and the importance of sticking close to his own.  (And by that I mean 93% Ax, 7% Loren.)
Other favorite: #23, The Pretender
Speaking of Tobias being sort of stuck between roles, this book is so good because it shows the strength of his position as both able to access and able to escape being human.  He moves flexibly between a ton of different roles in this book — a leader to the hork-bajir, a supporter to Jake, a parent to himself, a son to Elfangor, a quasi-hawk, a quasi-human, a quasi-andalite — and does so with astounding grace and aplomb.  Resting bitchface has never seemed like a cooler accidental superpower.
Another favorite: #33, The Illusion
This book is the brutal shadow-self to #23, instead shutting Tobias out of a whole bunch of different roles over the course of the plot.  It does however contain one of the series’s best villains (Taylor is terrifyingly sympathetic) and some of its best moments of heartwarming body horror in the final battle.
Least favorite: #8, The Alien
Honestly, there’s nothing really wrong with this book, but there’s nothing amazingly right about it either.  It has a few great moments (Jake’s naïve optimism at the kandron’s destruction giving way to fear for Tom, Ax having dinner with Cassie’s family, Tobias definitely not tattling on Ax) but overall the plot is just kind of inane and doesn’t do much to move the series forward.
Favorite: #38, The Arrival
Estrid et al. act as such a cool check-in for not only how much Ax has grown as a person through spending too much time around humans, but also how much the team as a whole has grown until they are actually more effective warriors than a group of battle-trained andalite assassins.  Every time I reread this book I end up making noises of triumph and fist-pumping the air, no matter how public my location is at the time.
Favorite favorite: #46, The Deception
This plot hinges on the stark contrast between Ax’s terrible and unavoidable awareness about the horror of open war and the Animorphs’ lack of standard of comparison beyond “hey, remember D-Day?”  MM3 and #28 both do important work to condemn humanity from the outside, but this book actually uses Ax’s perspective primarily for celebrating the whole human species from an outsider’s point of view.
Least favorite: #40, The Other
As I’ve mentioned here, at this book’s core is an interesting concept that very emphatically does not age well.  On top of the cringe-inducing attempt at an After School Special treatment of the idea that (*gasp*) queer men with AIDS are human too, it also has a largely nonsensical plot that strains both credulity and logic.
Favorite: #25, The Extreme
It’s a brilliant use of Marco’s perspective to comment on the constraints and terrifying outer reaches of Jake’s leadership, one that also contains a highly enjoyable mix of humor and horror.  Because Marco.  I could reread this one a thousand times and still find new aspects of the narration to delight in.
Also favorite: #15, The Escape
This book makes amazing use of Marco’s unreliable narration and lack of self-insight to contrast his willingness to imagine himself confronting sharks with his willingness to run from them upon a real encounter, along with his determination to kill his mom and his inability to stop himself from saving her.  Marco is at his most human in this book, and also his most lovable.
Also also favorite: #51, The Absolute
The governor of probably-California is one of my favorite minor characters in the series, and I absolutely love the dynamic between Marco-Tobias-Ax any time it occurs (this book, #46, #30, #49), meaning that this surprisingly fun aside acts as a much-needed breath of fresh air and comic relief in between the Animorphs losing the morphing cube (#50) and blowing up the Yeerk Pool (#52).  Plus, Marco + tank  = OTP.
Least favorite: #39, The Hidden
I’ve said most of this before, but this book is just… nonsensical.  And it’s not delightfully nonsensical like parts of #26 or #14, it’s mostly cringe-inducingly nonsensical.
Favorite: #29, The Sickness
Arguably this is the best Animorphs book, both IMHO and by fan consensus.  It’s got a simple but devlishly difficult plot, a ton of great characterization moments for all six kids, a handful of brilliant devices and settings that meld beautifully to Cassie’s overall character arc, and a wide-reaching perspective on the importance of overcoming difference that is a huge part of what makes these books so good.  It’s also funny, horrifying, edge-of-your-seat engaging, and tear-inducingly beautiful at the very end.
Also my favorite: #4, The Message
Whereas #29 is probably just hands-down the best book ever written, #4 holds a special place in my heart because it’s the first Animorphs book I ever read and the one that convinced me to go find the rest of the series.  This one is sweet and mystical, bleak with the dawning realization that these poor defenseless cinnamon rolls are in this war alone but also hopeful with the realization that these precious cinnamon rolls are in this war together.
Least favorite: #47, The Resistance
Although I’m of the opinion that #41 is more poorly-plotted, this book manages to be both poorly plotted and glaringly racist.  Its plot doesn’t make sense on several different levels, not the least that Visser Three knows how to find the hork-bajir valley in this book and then apparently forgets how to get there for the entire rest of the series.  And don’t get me started on Jake’s reprehensible behavior from the moment he casually declares Tom “as good as dead,” through to him trying to boss Toby about what’s best for Toby herself, all the way on to him being a jerk to Rachel and Marco. Blah.
Favorite: #31, The Conspiracy
Unlike #47, this book actually makes really good use of Jake’s character flaws to drive the plot forward — he’s bad at being vulnerable, and that ends up being a huge problem for his team.  It also leans hard on the irony of Jake being the only one with a “textbook” family (i.e. upper-middle class, heteronormative and monogamous, European-American, traditionally gendered, outwardly happy) and also being the only one under constant threat for his life any time he’s at home, thereby accomplishing one of the series’s better comments on the fact that children’s lives aren’t as simple as we’d like to think.
Favoriter: #53, The Answer
There are definitely flaws with RL implications in this book, but the plot is so freaking brilliant that I can still regard it as a Problematic Fave.  The final battle is so well-engineered and the Moral Event Horizon is so terrifying as it swings by that I assign this book to myself for rereading any time I’m struggling to write action or battle.  It’s a scary, awful book, but also a very fitting capstone to the series.
Favoritest: #26, The Attack
This setting is so cool.  This plot is so cosmic and yet so personal.  This use of the chee is so bitingly brilliant in its commentary on pacifism as a luxury not everyone can afford.  This story has so many moments that are either heartbreaking callbacks (the opening scene with Tom’s memories from #6) or bloodcurdling foreshadowing (Jake and Rachel’s casually absolute trust that each will be willing and able to kill the other if necessary).  This narration feels like a middle-aged and yet middle-school protagonist struggling to figure out who he wants to be — and defeating a cosmic power at its own game with the power of love.  I could gush forever.
Least favorite: #48, The Return
Again, there’s nothing truly wrong with this book; it’s just a silly and inconsequential aside into the main character’s maybe-dreams at a time when the plot outside her head is heating up to the boiling point.  It makes this whole thing come off kind of like Bilbo sleeping through the Battle of Five Armies.
Favorite: #27, The Exposed
I’m not normally a big one for romance, but this book makes me ship Rachel and Tobias so hard that my tiny bitter walnut of a heart grows two sizes every time I read it.  Rachel has such great self-awareness that she doesn’t like any situation she cannot control or at least do violent battle against, and yet she dives into the bottom of the ocean with both eyes open and her chin up because that’s what she has to do to protect the rest of her team.  Crayak has no idea what he’s talking about when it comes to asking her to turn on her loved ones.
Additional favorite: #32, The Separation
As I’ve said, I didn’t really get this book until I realized that it’s not so much about Rachel herself as it is about how the rest of her team views her, and how she defies their simple categorizations, both well-meaning (Cassie) and not (Jake), through simply being herself.  Rachel is both masculine and feminine, both tough and vulnerable, and she makes no apologies for any of it.
And another favorite: #37, The Weakness
This book has an important role for the rest of the series in that it shows how the Animorphs’ guerilla tactics can easily be taken too far, and also how Jake’s discernment of his teammates’ strengths and weaknesses keeps them all alive.  Rachel makes a fair number of logical-seeming decisions in this book that prove short-sighted, and of course it all leads to her and Jake’s brutal Checkovian epiphany at the end.
Added additional also favorite: #22, The Solution
A brutal but powerful read, this book focuses on the ugliest parts of Rachel’s personality (her sadism toward David) but also the most powerful ones (her compassion for Saddler and protectiveness toward both Jake and Jordan).  It also shows that her reckless taste for violence and her boundless desire to protect her families both biological and found are actually two sides of the same part of her personality.
Okay I have a lot of favorite Rachel books: #17, The Underground
It’s oat-freaking-meal.  Only it’s not just oat-freaking-meal, and I’m not talking about the extra-tasty maple and ginger flavoring.  It’s a biological weapon.  It’s a way to harm the enemy, but only through harming prisoners of war.  It’s a social dilemma the like of which we rarely see in children’s books.  It’s a lesson in decision making under uncertainty.  It’s a moral imperative, but no one is quite sure what that imperative is saying.  It’s a deconstruction of the implied assumption that it’s possible to write adventure stories in which no one gets hurt.  It’s awesome.  It’s hilarious.  It’s disturbing as fuck.  Welcome to Animorphs.
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ohsoethical · 7 years
Ethical fashion: ‘an approach to the design, sourcing and manufacture of clothing which maximises benefits to people and communities while minimising impact on the environment.’ Ethical Fashion Forum
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(Source: https://airrclothingblog.com/2015/03/06/brand-profile-beaumont-organic-available-at-airr-clothing/)
Wow. Where do I begin?
K lets begin.
 So I guess you could say I’ve been in/observing the ethical fashion scene for about 4/5 years now. During my first year of uni I realised I needed to go beyond complaining about the oppression of garment workers and start acting, and decided to create a blog called Oh So Ethical. My first thought was to create an ethical fashion blog where I styled outfits I’d made out of secondhand clothes, and raved about the latest ethical brands I loved (I cringely called this ‘Fridays Five Ethical Faves’ ffssssssss). After a while I stopped, but went back into it when my cousins and I realised we needed somewhere to share our opinions, ideas,and hopefully inspire others to think and act ethically- and so we rebranded Oh So Ethical and made it what it is today. 
At the beginning I tended to place a large emphasis on ethical brands that we liked and bought from. ‘Ethical is the new black’ was my favourite slogan. However, as the years have gone on, and with more interaction with activists, friends, random people I’ve met, and having witnessed the ongoing exploitation of garment workers continue year after year, I have become extremely cynical of the effectiveness of ethical brands, particularly ‘ethical fashion’.
Indeed, through learning from others and seriously thinking about ethical fashion, questioning whether it is an actual means of empowerment for workers,and if it will ACTUALLY dismantle the system of oppression, I have come to a conclusion:
It’s a resounding NO.
Here’s y.
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(Source: https://fashionindustrybroadcast.com/2017/06/12/sustainable-ethical-fashion-faux-has-never-looked-so-real-or-this-stylish/)
I recently read an amazing article in The Guardian by Martin Lukacs, which really helped me understand the underlying processes behind ethical fashion. To sum it up, we live in a neoliberal society, where we are taught to act and thrive individually. When it comes to activism, we are taught to focus on how we, as individuals, can change the situation, and are made to feel personally responsible and guilty for the world’s problems. Due to the guilt created by this individualism,we feel the need to relieve our guilt by acting in a way that makes us feel better, and as we are seen as consumers (as opposed to citizens) within neoliberal ideology, our means of creating change is through buying and consumption e.g. buying ethical clothing. 
While these individual actions are undoubtedly important, by placing such a great emphasis on individualistic activism, we are intentionally being steered away from focusing on the real perpetrators at large: CORPORATIONS- who are out here exploiting workers and the environment, and continue to get away with it. In turn, we are made to neglect the fact that we need to be targeting the root causes of exploitation, including the deregulation of state power that allows corporations to get away with murder, and the capitalist system that puts profits over people, encouraging exploitation and greed. By steering our attention away from such issues, corporations can continue making profits and getting away with their bullshit, while we discuss the pros and cons of bamboo leggings. (see more: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/true-north/2017/jul/17/neoliberalism-has-conned-us-into-fighting-climate-change-as-individuals)  
Author of Stitched Up: The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion’ Tansy Hoskins provides a similar discourse, adding that we are encouraged to trust in capitalism to make change and better the world; that companies can be made ethical through our consumer actions. However, the contradiction is that corporations have only become stronger and continue to exploit workers/resources, despite their greenwashing and attempts to come across as ‘green’ and ‘sustainable’. More shopping is not going to free workers from this system. By using consumerism as a sole means of empowering workers, we are utilising the very system that has led to the exploitation of workers in the Global South, namely capitalism, without even acknowledging or striving to challenge or dismantle it. (see more: https://oxfordleftreview.com/olr-issue-14/tansy-hoskins-neoliberalism-and-fashion/)
In an insightful article on White Saviour Complex and Fair Trade, Bani Amor delves into the colonial connotations of attempts to ‘save’ the world via ethical companies, which are argued to share parallels with the colonial activities of the West going into the Global South and attempting to civilise the ‘Other’ with its saviour tactics, thus ensuring domination over the GS and its resources, validating supremacy. I’m not saying ethical companies are going to these countries on colonial conquests, but we really do need to understand the historic relevance of colonialism in interactions between the Global North and South such as these. If you go to these countries, get products made, sell them in the name of ‘liberating workers’ while not giving them a say or listening to them, and continue to stay silent on the structural system that has resulted in your existence as an ethical brand, you are falling into dangerous territory.
The article also reviews research on cause-related marketing, which is basically when corporations and nonprofit charities combine to promote sales and causes simultaneously. By tying serious social causes such as poverty and exploitation to making profits, this results in the depoliticising and downplaying of such causes, and provides an undignified, extremely simplified solution to a complex, very dire situation. 
Finally, one pivotal point made is the fact that coloured women, through this process of ‘saviourism’ are made both “hypervisible, but also invisible- ‘seen but not known’”. Their existence is highlighted, but they are simultaneously being silenced, as workers are spoken over, dehumanised and patronised by brands and movements that are supposed to be ‘empowering’ them. (read more: https://www.bitchmedia.org/article/spend-save)
In general, the ethical fashion movement tends to solely focus on how we can individually change the industry and ‘save’ workers in a way that utilises and continues to prop up the very system that is screwing workers over in the first place, conflicting with its ‘empowering’ rhetoric.
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(Source: http://www.vqronline.org/reporting-articles/2014/04/ghosts-rana-plaza)
Okay so I know I’ve painted a very dull image of ethical fashion, and I know not all ethical brands are the same, etc etc. However, when the  industry constantly paints ethical fashion as a positive means to an end, neglecting the issues surrounding ethical fashion, alternative viewpoints are needed.
I get a lot of people asking me for advice e.g. about ethical brands, how to be more ethical etc. Ultimately we want our goods to be made by workers who were treated fairly. Personally, I stick to secondhand- it’s cheaper for me and helps reduce waste in landfill. I do like ethical clothing, and knowing where my clothes/jewellery has come from, but if I do buy ethically I will from now on be seeing what that brand is doing to support garment workers and in calling out corporations, so if you’re an ethical brand prepare for a QnA sesh with ur girl.
One thing I would advise is to not simply boycott the high street- this comes from trade unionists and garment worker activists in Bangladesh. They want to produce garments and a source of income, they just don’t want to be tortured in the process (obviously). At the same time, we cannot deny that our excessive consumption is part of the problem, so if you need a new jacket- please just buy your jacket and not a jacket, 5 tops and 6 dresses because they were half price- really think about your purchases. Being a ‘shopoholic’ is a cute insta aesthetic but its seriously impacting the environment and feeding the system of worker exloitation.
Also acknowledge that a lot of people simply cannot afford to buy ethically, and should not be made to feel guilty for going to primark to buy jeans. 
One thing I also really want to highlight, as you would have probably guessed from the blog, is that our activism is not limited to our purchasing. We need to be vocal, we need to be out there demanding change from corporations, calling them out, exposing them etc. Something as little as a tweet, an email, and insta post can go a long way guys. I know its not in fashion to support such movements (pardon the pun) but we really have to keep pushing- we cannot afford to wait for another Rana Plaza for us to take action.
This might piss people off. I’m sorry. But understand that a few years ago I was the same as the very organisations and brands I’m talking about, and it took criticism like this to understand that I needed to rethink my activism if I were to truly create change. Plus, you feel pretty helpless after hearing of a factory fire every other week, another worker protest because factory owners didn’t pay their workers that month, stories of sexual abuse of young females from management, refugees being exploited, masses of workers fainting simultaneously, and NO ONE CARING. Not even the very people who by default should be sharing and raising concerns about these issues. It’s surreal.
We have groups and regular discussions on twitter that enable ethical brands to get together, support each other and discuss how we can promote ethical brands and use them etc. It’s nice how such elaborate forms of unity can be created surrounding ethical branding but little is done to address the very problems that has led to the reason these ethical brands exist, and how to put an end to worker exploitation. Again, we are steering towards ‘solutions’ that aren’t actually solutions, but are utilising capitalism and perpetuating the neoliberal stance that we need to individually create the change.
Things are going to start changing.
We are not only going to change the world with our individual practices, we are going to change the garment industry in a way that emphasises our solidarity and support for garment workers, creating a mass solidarity movement. We are going to call out corporates when we clock their messy moves and let them know as consumers we don’t f*ck with them unless they treat their workers with dignity. We are not going to buy our way to change, we are going to collectively DEMAND it.
 We have no choice but to.
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(Source: http://thechronicleherald.ca/world/1126316-bangladeshi-garment-workers-protest-on-may-day)
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thelonglazyworm · 7 years
TKA Fan Radio Drama - Chaos On Weibo [with translated transcript]
Because I need something after the final episode of Season 1, here’s another with a quick and loosely translated transcript.
This one is my favourite fan radio drama for TKA!!! It is pure crack! A few of the voice actors are the same in the animation, such as Ye Xiu, Steam Bun and Wei Chen. It also has pretty pictures~
If you are only following the English fandom, there are some spoilers ahead and some characters that have yet to appear as of the latest novel translation. You’ve been warned!
Chaos On Weibo
(On Weibo)
Du Ming: Tang Rou! I like you! Please go out with me!
The Godly Youthful Wei: Hahaha! Kid, you’ve got guts!
Samsara Lu Boyuan: Dang! Du Ming, what little courage you’ve got! Don’t tell people you are with us Samsara!
One Autumn Leaf Sun Xiang: Che! What’s so good about women?
Glory Undefeated Shameless Ye (fan account): Pouncing on no. 2 Xiang! So Sun Xiang is actually not interested in women!!?
Zhou Zekai: Hehe!
Empty Waves Jiang Botao: Regarding this… We should have a discussion.
    Tang Rou: I am sorry. But the one I like is Ye Xiu.
  Support Glory Forever (fan account): WTH? What’s this situation?
Zhang Jiale: Say, Shameless Ye. You Happy people have such complicated relationships.
Mechanic Xiao Shiqin: Eh, should I stand in support of Su Mucheng? I’ve all along thought that that they are a couple.
Seemingly Mist Seemingly Rain Also Looks Like Cloud: Who says that our Mucheng likes Ye Xiu?
Tiny Herb Little Gao: Captain, what do you make of it?
Wang Jiexi: Wait and see.
Bai Shu: You guys are posting so fast, I can’t keep up in Chinese!
Huang Shaotian: WTFWTFWTFWTF What is going on Ye Xiu come on out and explain explain explain! Also, you bunch of people actually lost the first sofa to a random passerby your apm sucks even more handicap than my captain you should be ashamed to call yourselves pro. [note: first sofa= first to reply]
Yu Wenzhou: Oh?
    Ye Xiu: Hehe
  Huang Shaotian: Ye Xiu you fucker you fucker you fucker you fucker you fucker “hehe” you fucker you think you are Zhou Zekai what “hehe” pretending to be ignorant is it fun to toy with us is it fun is it fun is it fun you old man how old are you still seducing little girls aren’t you shameless!?
Support Glory Forever (fan account): Huang Shaotian don’t you dare piss on my God Ye! Also, support Ye/Cheng pair! Support and give birth to more!!!
Fang Minghua: Well, girl from Happy is pretty cute. No wonder Du Ming can’t get over her. But if the opponent is Ye Xiu… Du Ming, you should just give up!!!
Sun Zheping: Young people these days! What’s with all that? Someone from Team Happy should come out to give a proper explanation!
Huang Shaotian: That’s right someone should explain who is in charge of team happy’s official blog surely it’s not Ye Xiu what if he comes out and type “hehe” again how I really have enough of this guy someone anyone come and cut this person down cut him down, say Zhou Zekai, Sun Xiang, any interest in a 1 vs 3?
Zhou Zekai: ...No
Huang Shaotian: Hahahahahahahahahaha! I know it you have no guts! Must be the lingering side effects from being trashed by Ye Xiu are you now scared right? Right?! Hahahahahahaha!!!
Jiang Botao: Huang Shaotian, our captain meant that he had no time and isn’t in the mood either
Zhou Zekai: (agrees) Mm.
    Qiu Fei: Senior, is this true?
  Dai Yanqi: Captain, who is this?
Xiao Shiqin: From Excellent Era. The disciple that Ye Qiu personally trained up.
Dai Yanqi: I feel like I am onto something!
Sun Xiang: Huang Shaotian, do you still mean what you’ve previously said? 1 vs 3.
Huang Shaotian: Why are you replying to me here? Why, why? Are you excited to see your old teammate, right right? After all you had toiled in Excellent Era, you must still have feelings for it. Oh wait no no no it should be still have feelings for your old teammate. You must have felt empathy seeing such cute kids being bullied by old demon Ye don’t you, right? So do I so do I.
Lu Hanwen: Eh! Are you guys challenging Senior Ye Xiu? Count me in!
Ye Xiu: Little kids shouldn’t make a fuss.
    Master Fang Rui: Yo! And I see that the lead himself surfaced again. Does the No. 1 God of Glory want everyone in his arms?
  Zhang Jiale: Finally, another one from Happy appear. Everybody, hurry! Drag the truth out from him!
Lin Jingyan: Old Fang, just spill it. What is actually going on?
Master Fang Rui: Sigh, how can I reveal it?
Tyranny Zhang Xinjie: Don’t bother asking Fang Rui, he doesn’t know anything.
Yu Wenzhou: Don’t bother with Fang Rui, he doesn’t know.
Empty Waves Jiang Botao: Fang Rui has no idea.
Wang Jiexi: Don’t need to ask Fang Rui, he has no clue.
Fang Rui: Huh, you bunch of tactics players…
    Seemingly Mist Seemingly Rain Also Looks Like Cloud: What is Ye Xiu’s intention? This is much more interesting than a drama serial. Alright, I shall skip watching my drama today. Mucheng, give us an explanation.
  Zhang Jiale: Sis Yunxiu, I give you 32 likes
Seemingly Mist Seemingly Rain Also Looks Like Cloud: Yo! You’ve actually got the sofa? Must have had been hard being forever No.2!
Zhang Jiale: Get lost!
Misty Rain Little Shu: Bookmark.
Shu Kexin’s Older Sister: Looks very interesting.
The Godly Youth: Young people these days are camping on Weibo instead of practicing during New Year. Times have changed!
TKA Fans Everywhere (fan account): Actually, I think it’s great if Tang Rou gets together with Ye Xiu. Ever since One Autumn Leaf appears, Battle Mages are my fave!
Zhang Jiale: You above, do you know you are gathering fire? Tang Rou is going to be in trouble later when her fans and Su Mucheng’s start clashing.
Sun Zheping: Zhang Jiale, you are overthinking it…
    Su Mucheng: Hehe
  Random Ming (fan account): This is the aura of the legitimate wife! Goddess Mumu, let me get on my knees for you! Imposing!
Zombie Fan Big Jun (fan account): This is mutual understanding! Scoot off, Tang Rou!
Huang Shaotian: What the hell hell hell hell hell hell!!! I didn’t get the first sofa this time because I am in too much of a shock!!! Su Mucheng what do you mean?! Ye Xiu is definitely a bad influence for you! I truly think we need to save Tang Rou and the other little kids from the demonic claws of Ye Xiu!! Those teams who can afford it should do whatever you can to transfer those children to your teams and not let Ye Xiu have his claws in them anymore!!!!!!
Seemingly Mist Seemingly Rain Also Looks Like Cloud: Mucheng, PM me.
Zhou Zekai: Huh?
Zhang Jiale: Sis Su! That scum Ye Xiu is not worth your time! Come over to Tyranny!
Lin Jingyan: Hey hey hey! Don’t make it worse, you guys! Did no one realise that all those tactics people haven’t make any noise for quite a while?
    Han Wenqing: (posted an image of a lit candle)
  Huang Shaotian: Sofa sofa sofa! I say, Old Han, really? Even you are entering the fire? Or should I say create trouble! The situation is already so chaotic! Don’t! You! Create! More! Trouble! Quick, let Zhang Xinjie out to analyse the current situation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Master Fang Rui: Yo! Even Old Han got involved! Looks like this matter is snowballing! Speaking of which,all this started because of Samsara’s people. Why don’t you guys get Jiang Botao to analyse the situation?
Lonely Drink: Do you think we Samara are the same as you Happy, getting our pro-players to fight Boss for us in the game?
Blue River-ver-ver: Agree with above
Tyrannical Ambition - Tyranny Guild: Totally agree
Plantago Seed Is Not Grass: Agree +1
Chen Yehui: Agree +10086
Master Fang Rui: Chen Yehui? From Excellent Era? Eh, you guys still need to gather materials?
Qui Fei: Excellent Era is not down!
Master Fang Rui: Good kid! You’ve got ambition! That Ye Xiu might have a bad personality, but at least the disciple he trained up turn out pretty decent.
    Bao Rongxing: Boss! I also like you! I love you to death!!!
  Heaven’s No. 1 Fujoshi Mum (fan account): The God’s allure is really impossible to resist!
Zhang Jiale: Who is this? Official VIP account? Why don’t I have any impression of him?
Tiny Herb Liu Xiaobie: From Happy
Sun Zheping: Zhang Jiale you… He is Steam Bun Invasion!!! Haven’t I’ve been reminding you to be more aware of your surroundings?!!
Zhang Jiale: Hah? So he is Steam Bun Invasion! They kept calling him Steam Bun Steam Bun all the time!! I don’t remember his real name!!
Huang Shaotian: Zhang Jiale, you are definitely lucky huh? Not remember something so small, unlike me who remember it very clearly!! This steam bun steam bun steam bun damn this Steam Bun!!! He actually said he like Ye Xiu!!! He is a guy right, a guy!!! I remember his character is male!!! No, wait!!! He has long hair!!! Could he actually be a girl?!! Happy actually has THREE female players?!! Say, that’s such a waste!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zhang Jiale: Bastard! I also have long hair! Does that mean I am a girl?
Yu Wenzhou: Without a doubt, Steam Bun is a guy.
Huang Shaotian: Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck Ye Xiu you are truly a perverted lunatic going after not just girls but guys as well has the whole team happy been enchanted by you this shouldn’t be shouldn’t be shouldn’t be can someone from the alliance come out and maintain order chairman feng chairman feng chairman feng does he has a weibo does he!!!!???????
Zhou Zekai: @FengXianJun
    Mo Fan: @SuMucheng V♡
  Lu Hanwen: Erm… Seniors, Mo Fan is from Happy right?!!!
Huang Shaotian: No doubt about that but Hanwen you should go and train you shouldn’t be reading blogs at this timing foundation training is very important let me tell you that there is one thing you cannot ignore or else you won’t grow up to become a sword saint like me see see take a look at the alliance there are so many old gaffers who are about retire you should make yourself shine highlighting your skills and age and work hard work hard work harder to beat Shameless Ye!!!
Dai Yanqi CP16_HopingForSoldOut: Oh? Missed it just now, but it is now becoming more and more lively! Steam Bun Invasion likes Master Ye Xiu? That's courageous, but I still stand behind Captain Han, what should I do?
Mechanic Xiao Shiqin: I told you to read less doujinshi...
Dai Yanqi CP16_HopingForSoldOut: Not possible! Oh, right! New doujinshi is out, specializing in Ye/All and All/Xiao! Interested parties do be fast! Address: XXX-XX-XX-XXX
Mechanic Xiao Shiqin: Why is it All/Xiao?
Dai Yanqi CP16_HopingForSoldOut: Captain, are you sure you can top? ¯\_(︶︿︶)_/¯
Mechanic Xiao Shiqin: *cries* T_T
Lin Jingyan: Finally saw a tactics guy say a chunk of stuff. Question is, why is none of it constructive?
Zhang Jiale: Say, what is that Ye Xiu thinking? Is he really planning to be with both pretty ladies Su Mucheng and Tang Rou? Does he think that his harem is not big enough?
Dai Yanqi CP16_HopingForSoldOut: Wait… God Le, do explain what do you mean by “harem not big enough”? Could it be that you are reading our books?
Huang Shaotian: Zhang Jiale you’ve busted yourself hahahahahahahahaha~
Zhang Jiale: Flip table! (ノ`口´)ノ ┻━┻
    Team Happy: Thank you all for your concerns about internal Happy affairs.
  Zhang Jiale: Happy’s Lady Boss should be in charge of this account right?
Sun Zheping: Most probably.
Chang Xian (reporter): Lady Boss! Tell us more about it!
Cha Xiaoxia (blogger): Happy is starting to display traits of a strong team.
Huang Shaotian: Strong team my ass my ass my ass! They are just misleading people and playing with us the whole of Happy is so irritating! It’s definitely that demon Ye Xiu’s fault! Evil~ Evil~ Evil~ Why don’t you guys consider what does that OCD Zhang Xinjie think about it?!! This is so torturous!!!!!
    Tyranny Zhang Xinjie: How many BOSS have spawned in Heavenly Domain today?
  Huang Shaotian: ……………………………………..............
Zhang Jiale: …………………………………………….....
Plantago Seed Is Not Grass: Oh no! The dying BOSS has been snatched!!!
Red Flowers Green Willows: Quick! PM me your coordinates!
Tyrannical Ambition - Cold Night: Damn Ye Xiu that fucker!!! Our BOSS is also led away by Happy!!!!
Zhang Jiale: What?! Who? Where?
Tyrannical Ambition - Cold Night: It’s Tang Rou! It was still at 23, 177*, now heading south!!!
Plantago Seed Is Not Grass: Shit! Ours is headed there too!!!
Blue River-ver-ver: Our BOSS was stolen by Mo Fan…
Huang Shaotian: Mo Fan? Mo Fan! Mo Fan! Mo Fan! Fuck fuck fuck fuck ye xiu you fucker you shall die a horrible death!!!
Wang Jiexi: Team Tiny Herb, fall in! Stop Ye Xiu!
Zhou Zekai: Samsara…
Jiang Botao: Samsara log in swiftly and party up!
Mechanic Xiao Shiqin: @FangXueCai @DaiYanQi @LuYiNing, gather at Heavenly Domain 50, 144*
Huang Shaotian: Don’t wait for our Captain group quick hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry!!!!!!
  (One Hour Earlier)
  Chat Group: Happy Operations Command Centre
   Ye Xiu: Yo, there’s a bunch BOSS spawning recently! We are running out of materials. Let’s go and kill a few.
Bao Rongxin: I shall go where you are headed, boss, no complaints!!
Ye Xiu: But it’s New Year Holiday now, those guys are definitely going to get in the way.
Wei Chen: What about it? They like playing in the game these days?
Su Mucheng: Since season 10, they’ve discovered that in-game training yields good results.
Wei Chen: No wonder. I was wondering why were there so many people idling about, disrupting my view.
Chen Guo: OMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!! Samsara’s Du Ming just confessed to Tang Rou on weibo!!!
Wei Chen: Oh? So courageous? Let me take a look and give him my support!! Heh heh~
Su Mucheng: Pft! Hahaha. Tang Rou, aren’t you going to reply him?
Tang Rou: Du Ming? The name is somewhat familiar…
Ye Xiu: Hahahahaha! Great fellow! Tang Rou, think up something to blow this up. Though this will likely affect your popularity.
Tang Rou: Popularity? I don’t concern myself with something like that. Go on, what should I do?
Ye Xiu: Come up with a reply yourself. Would be best if it creates a big hoo-ha in the whole pro scene! A few guilds have started on the BOSS. Let me see, once their progress are roughly there, we shall steal these BOSS away to a single place and kill them all in one wave. (* ̄▽ ̄)Y
   (Tang Rou replied on weibo)
  Ye Xiu: WTF! Tang Rou, you are truly brutal!
Tang Rou: I feel that the results are good.
Wei Chen: Thank goodness Fang Rui isn’t around or else it’d be chaos.
Su Mucheng: Where did he go? He is even not on QQ.
Wei Chen: He went back home for a matchmaking session.
Chen Guo: He is so despicable, which girl would fall for him?
Wei Chen: Eh, you don’t say. Ever since that fight with Samsara, that guy’s popularity has been on the rise!
Su Mucheng: Oh no! Troubling Rain has appear!
Ye Xiu: One really can’t underestimate that guy. Blogging while fighting BOSS is no big deal for him. Let me fan the flames.
  (Ye Xiu: Hehe.)
  Chen Guo: Wow… The whole of weibo has erupted! We will probably be trending!
Ye Xiu: With me around, heh heh~~
  Su Mucheng: Qiu Fei must be sad. He has always liked you. You are now totally a Rubbish Seme, Ye Xiu!
Ye Xiu: =。= I told you to not mix with Dai Yanqi… What’s the HP of those BOSS?
Tang Rou: 60%
Ye Xiu: Ok, I have an idea, the rest of you need not report. What has all these guilds been eating, why are their attacks are so noob? Still need to attend to it myself!
  (Fang Rui surfaced on weibo)
   Qiao Yifan: Senior Fang Rui…
Ye Xiu: Good job! That’s Master Fang Rui for you! Long distance assist and it’s not even coordinated!!! Weeding out those playing tactics in a breath, this is great! That bunch of most shameless scoundrels are now far away from the BOSS battlefield!
  (Don’t ask Fang Rui, he doesn’t know a thing.)
   Su Mucheng: Yunxiu is asking me for an explanation.
Ye Xiu: Ignore her…
Su Mucheng: (´▽`)Too late, I’ve typed “Hehe”.
Ye Xiu: Hah! Not bad! Good play! Yo, Old Han also got involved? That means Tyranny won’t be of any trouble! How much is left?
Su Mucheng: 40%
Mo Fan: 36%
Ye Xiu: As expected, that Huang Shaotian has not fully disengage from the battle! Go, Steam Bun! Post something, anything! Heartfelt words are fine too!
Bao Rongxing: Yes! Boss!
  (Steam Bun’s declaration of love.)
  An Wenyi: Steam Bun… Your heartfelt words?
Luo Ji: ToT
Su Mucheng: Not bad, Steam Bun, I support you! (<ω<)✰
Ye Xiu: Don’t tease… Let me take a look, who else is left on the battlefield? Steam Bun, all you did was to lure out some slash fans, the impact’s not big enough. Mo Fan, go. Post saying you like Mucheng. I give you special permission.
Mo Fan: Not going.
Ye Xiu: ¯\_(︶▽︶)_/¯ Then you won’t be on the list for the next batch of sliver equipment upgrade.
Su Mucheng: Mo Fan, go on, I give you special permission too. o(>V<)o
Mo Fan: Ok
(@SuMucheng V♡)
  Chen Guo: Hahahahaha!!! They should all be weeded out now! Are there any pros still fighting BOSS?
Ye Xiu: The BOSS HP are kinda there. Boss [referring to Chen Guo], post some final words on the official team blog to distract them. I’ve already told Wu Cheng to lead the BOSS to 55, 144’ coordinates. Tang Rou, Mo Fan, Mucheng, speed!
Fang Rui: YeXiu YeXiu YeXiu YeXiu YeXiu!!!!! You guys you guys you guys you guys!!!!! Nobody informed me about such a big thing!!!
Ye Xiu: Party up, we’ve left some scraps for you. These BOSS are on their last breath. Definitely ours without a doubt~
 Ye Xiu: Thanks everyone for coordinating with us. Anyone wants level 70 materials? Collected too many. Selling cheap!
   Extra stuff:
 Blog titles/Signatures of some players’ weibo accounts
 Tang Rou - Team Happy Battlemage. PK Room 1101
Zhang Jiale - Tyranny’s Lucky Star
Xiao Shiqin - Thunderclap Deals With Big Matters
Chu Yunxiu - Team Misty Rain Best Girl
Gao Yingjie - Papa Loves Me Most
Wang Jiexi - Where Is The Future Of Tiny Herb
Bai Shu - Take Care Of Your Overseas Friend
Huang Shaotian - You Are A Handicap If You Judge Me Talkative      Ye Xiu You Asshole Come Out And PKPKPKPKPKP…..
Yu Wenzhou - Slow Is A Type Of Attitude
Fang Rui - Most Sincere Qi Master
Su Mucheng - I Like Cup Noodle Experts
Bao Rongxing - People Who Say I Am My Boss’ Groupie Don’t Understand My Love For Boss
Liu Xiaobie - Hand Speed Expert
Sun Zheping - Sleep A Moment More
Zhou Zekai - Man Of Few Words
Chen Guo/Team Happy - The Two Old Smokers Are So Irritating
Other Notes: In short, lighting a candle/joss stick in Chinese custom is along the lines of saying “may you rest in peace” to the dead.
Original bilibili link:
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musical-chick-13 · 4 years
Cersei Lannister for the character ask thing :)
• Did they live up to their potential? / In what ways was their potential unachieved?
-Um...YES. I’m going to focus on show here because...the books...aren’t finished...SO. Although I do wish the end of the show had focused more on the fallout of her history with Sansa and I do wish she had been afforded a more direct confrontation with Dany, I don’t think I could have ever asked for a better villain. I started watching the show because I was told there was a hot evil lady, and I could never have imagined the utter humanity Lena brought to her or the nuance and clearly-motivated yet realistic complexities afforded to Cersei’s character. I had waited my whole life for some female character any female character to be allowed to be fucked up. To do stupid things and make mistakes and feel ugly/extreme emotions and experience internalized misogyny and have terrible coping mechanisms and be mentally ill in an ugly (as in, not cute/romanticized) way. To keep going out of spite even though she thought there was nothing to keep going for. I saw little glimmers of that early season 1, and those only got better and better as Cersei only got more and more formidable as time went on. I truly am winning the most I love her so much.
• How they negatively and positively affected the story.
-The thing here is that without Cersei, there really is no overarching story. Her relationship with Jaime is what drives the entire plot and Ned’s uncovering of the court’s corruption. Her refusal to have Robert’s child on the throne (or give birth to his child in the first place) is what causes the succession crisis that even makes everyone else’s power plays a possibility. She spurs Sansa’s development from idealistic child to jaded young adult, which is lynchpin of the whole Northern Independence arc that ultimately ends in her being crowned there. And through all of this, she is both ruthless and sympathetic. She has understandable motivations: she is tired of being treated as less-than for being a woman. She feels like her life is meaningless in such a world if she cannot have power. Power is the only way to truly be safe. She wants to protect her children. She wants her father to understand her. She wants to break herself away from her womanhood but she can’t escape it. All of these things enrich the story because they make the watcher/reader ask, “What truly makes someone evil. Is what she’s doing that much worse than what anyone else in this show does? What course of defense does she have by not being an athletic woman who can physically fight? If love makes you do terrible things, is it always a force of good? What do we allow people to get by with in the name of protecting their family? At what point does self-preservation become irredeemably villainous? How do we talk about abuse of power when the people abused are also terrible people who do terrible things?” All of these questions deal with deconstructing the idea of black and white morality, which is, I would argue, the entire point of the series. So she serves that end quite nicely. :)
• What my favorite arc for them is.
Oooh, this is a tricky one. I’m a sucker for anything that allows Cersei to go absolutely feral and I love pain, so probably her fight against the Faith Militant. They try to take absolutely everything from her. She is so blinded by the threat  Margaery poses to her family’s and her stability, that she makes a not-too-well-thought-out decision. (You know, like a real person.) She loses her reputation, she gets thrown in prison, her main ally turns on her, and she goes through the Walk of Atonement, which is honestly probably the most painful thing I’ve ever fucking seen. She spends an entire season trying to pick up the pieces and it culminates in the most badass death-to-my-enemies scene I think I’ve ever seen. And to see a character pull themselves back up from the brink of complete ruin? Especially one who is severely depressed and “hysterical”? We love to see it.
• What I think of their ending.
Personal bias aside, Jaime and Cersei were always going to die together. Jaime was never truly “redeemed,” he just became more understood. (Feeling ashamed of being ostracized and generally agreeing some of your actions were bad =/= becoming a good person who breaks ties with every unhealthy or immoral behavior you engage in.) Jaime came back to Cersei because they understand each other. And Cersei recognizes that she is about to truly lose everything. Her family, her power, her empire, her life. But in the end, she realizes that there was one glimmer of good and that she doesn’t have to lose all of those things alone. It’s a humbling, miserable death, but in very many ways it comes the way she always knew it would: at the hands of another woman, and by the side of the man who is such a part of herself that that other woman in question ceases to matter. Her last moments might be because of Daenerys, but they aren’t about her, they’re about Jaime and Cersei. The only two people. Together. Just as they’d always predicted. And then the person responsible for her death doesn’t even get to enjoy it because it came at the price of a complete loss of conscience. My fave not brutally murdered onscreen via betrayal and whose demise is because of someone who ultimately doesn’t even gain that much from her death? Beautiful, I want 500.
Cersei is terrified (which. yeah of course she is.) but she went out knowing that everything she did in her life wasn’t completely meaningless, that her pursuit of safety and security at all costs ultimately ended in someone she loved trying to comfort her. She gains that sense of comfort and self-awareness she always wanted in chasing after power, but not in the way she had ever envisioned. Not because of any specific thing she did or any specific enemy she defeated, not because of a particularly intelligent power play or who her father was or which house she aligned herself with, but simply because she loved someone who loved her and that alone was enough. In her final moments, in a way completely at odds with everything she has ever tried to do, she finally finds acceptance. The tragedy is that she can’t enjoy it longer. What a poetically sad, cathartic, fitting end to her quest for self-preservation.
• When I wish they had died. / If I think they should’ve died.
She almost, almost makes it to the end. She outlasts the White Walkers (which I think is valid because she was nowhere near the battle, and, ultimately, her primary enemy is her own penchant for self-destruction, in a way most of the other characters’ aren’t). For years she hangs on out of spite, and no human can kill her though many have tried or wanted to. Ultimately, she can’t compete with dragon WMD’s and a crumbling city. She did sort of achieve her objective. No specific person killed her. It took nonhuman entities to succeed at that. Fits in nicely with the “So you got what you wanted but not quite” theme of the series. Obviously I wish that she and Jaime could escape to Pentos with their child and live peacefully forever, but a) they would be hiding forever to prevent the people they’ve harmed (so like...the whole realm) from coming after them which I just don’t think they’d have much patience for, and b) I really don’t think Cersei would ever give up her quest for power and ruling the world because she would never feel safe or like her existence was meaningful otherwise. In order for the story to have anything remotely resembling a peaceful or happy ending for Westeros at large, she has to die. Which makes me very sad because I LOVE HER, but narrative cohesion is also a thing.
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samedischoolblog · 5 years
GEMP 1 : my perspective so far
Before I begin. I would like to point out that I’m only starting my second semester now and cannot comment on the year as a whole. However, I will do a follow up piece at the end of the year on the entire GEMP 1 (third year) experience.
Now that that’s out of the way, we can talk about a few things :
1) What on earth is GEMP?
2) How do I get more information ?
3) Sign me up I’m ready to study medicine !!
Okay babes, get comfy, grab a snack, some scrap paper maybe and let’s talk about the unconventional /“back door” /long drai to being a doctor ...
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GEMP - the graduate entry medical program is an “extended” program of medicine offered at Wits. You start with obtaining a degree before applying to start the medical program in third year.
I’m not too sure about when the program began. However, it has produced many doctors and I think it is a stellar idea, especially for : people who couldn’t get into medicine after matric, people who want to change career paths and people who are uncertain about what they what to pursue fresh out of Matric.
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According to me, this program has been set out so meticulously that anyone who meets the requirements, for any degree background can make an excellent doctor. I believe that the program is split into three parts, unlike other medical degrees which are split into two.
The first two parts are first and second year where the “main streamers” begin with life science, maths, physics and chemistry. Alongside physiology, anatomy and molecular medicine amongst others. There after the GEMP program begins and I’ll call this part two. This part includes third and fourth year where we have the bulk of our theory components with a bit of clinical exposure. In this regard, you are not behind by the time you get into third year, even if you have no prior medical background. Year five and six are the clinical years and they involve hospital work.
Please note the applications for 2020 admission closed on the 30th of June. However, you can apply for 2021 admission in March next year.
The program has a few requirements :
1. A prior degree (undergrad or postgrad)
2. First year maths, physics,chemistry and life sciences(or equivalent) with minimum of 50% average
3. Matric level English with an average of 60% minimum
4. Pass the WAPT
- this is actually the most important part. You need to pass WAPT to be considered for selection. If you don’t pass, you’ll need to write again.
Thereafter, you will begin the second leg of the selection process. In this part, a weighting of the average marks from your last two years of study are used to calculate a cumulative index score. This will be used to rank you against other graduates. Depending on the number of spaces available in the following year, you will either be offered a place or not.
-I’ve left two links at the end of this piece for more information from faculty as well as a good friend of mines vlog for more information.-
Here’s a slight recall of the events that lead me to start medicine at the age of 23 instead of 19 like I had planned. Instead of entering medicine from first year in 2015, I registered for a bachelor of science majoring in environmental science and human physiology (weird combination I know, but I had to do what I had to do to get into medicine). Unfortunately, I didn’t make the cut after undergrad. I spoke about this in my post “the mental health perspective”- please do refer back for more juice.
Getting rejected was the part of my journey that turned out to be hardest and most mentally strenuous. In fact, it was a serious junction in my life and I had some thoughts of leaving medicine altogether and becoming a regional town planner 👩🏾‍⚕️❌->👩🏾‍💻. Fortunately though, I was accepted to do an honours degree in human physiology and that was the chance I needed to try again.
After passing WAPT in 2017, my only stress was to achieve good marks in honours and be eligible to be offered a place into medicine. Because this post is about GEMP I will reserve my honours experience for another post. For now though, I would like to brag a bit and talk about the bittersweet moment of being a two time graduate.
The first time I walked on stage to graduate, it was not the best moment for me. It still slapped that I wasn’t accepted into medicine, after trying so hard. Nonetheless, the honours graduation was so special to me , it came with a distinction and solidified my plight to get into medicine. Honours opened the door for me and I am so grateful for the opportunities that opened up after this degree.
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Although I was able to get an offer after honours, not getting in after honours is not a dead end. If you have been waiting for your offer to get into GEMP, do not allow rejection to stop you from pursuing your dream. If you are called to be a doctor, nothing, matters. I know this ! I felt it like waves in my veins ! I want to save lives and heal people, which is why I just couldn’t give up. Even after being rejected.
I’d like to encourage everyone who has always thought “what will I do, if not medicine”, “all I’ve ever wanted to be is a doctor”. I want to encourage you to hold onto your dream, no matter how scary or unrealistic it seems. You will make it , and it will be worth it !
I might be too optimistic and probably a permanent resident of utopia but I believe that everyone who has been called to be a healer will reach a time where the stars align and your calling is fulfilled. Being a doctor has many benefits: a well paying job, a title that demands respect and responsibility. But the truth is, it’s a labor of love and really requires your full commitment.
The fact that you are in charge of people’s lives, their families hopes and a communities is huge. And if you are called to face this, then rejection is a temporary fight that you just cannot afford to lose to. No matter how hard it is, the other side will make it all worthwhile. A lot of people say that you never really get over getting accepted after your third year, and I can believe them. It is July and I am still in awe of how I got accepted into medicine and I’m about to be a doctor soon. It’s honestly so humbling.
Anyway, enough of my ramblings, let’s get back on track.
GEMP is not restricted, you can enter after acquiring a range of degrees ranging from an undergrad, honors, masters or PhD. You can even come in after doing law or engineering, provided you fulfill the entry requirements AND PASS WAPT!!!
So my advice in all this would be never give up, keep the faith and don’t feel defeated after rejection because it is temporary. Passion and fulfillment are special treasures and once you attain them, you are counted as the blessed.
Nitty gritties done and dusted, we can now talk about the program so far...
We are three blocks in and we have done A LOT !!
First block was BCMH 1 (basic concepts of medicine) and it included tracks like pharmacology, public health, microbiology (my fave!), pathology( 🙃) and a bit of anatomy. It was not too hectic for me and the class actually did very well. The class average was a B which is excellent. It was a good way to bridge the gap between graduation and medicine.
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Our second block was BCMH 2 and was a continuation of block 1. This block did however, include more pharmacology, anatomy and pathology. We also had some clinical sciences and we had an extensive week covering rape, rape culture and the role of medical practitioners in treating victims of sexual abuse. The block over all was an eye opener and created a sense of sensitivity to my future role as a health care professional. This block was also our introductory block to HIV and our role as health care workers in treating people, educating and empowering people and finally dismantling stigma.
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Cape Town:09/04/16 Exit the true story a Book by Grizelda Grootboom Picture Ayanda Ndamane
In BCMH 2 we also had nursing visits. These visits introduced us to the hospital setting. In addition, these visits allowed us to experience health care from a nursing perspective. We were able to appreciate the huge role nurses play in patient care and this experience was invaluable.
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Block three was the dreaded and most feared haematology. Honestly I have never been as anxious as I was in this block. On the same note, I have never been as focused as I was in that block. One highlight was when the course co ordinator said “you’re clearly going to be a haematologist” when I asked her a question about some morphology. Those words will forever remain with me because they are the motivation I needed to work my butt off for that exam. I even saw an improvement in my marks which was more than what I wanted for haem. I just wanted to pass but by Gods grace I recieved more.
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Right now we are well within respiration and it is our second systems block for the year. So far it’s ... I think I’ll reserve my comments for now 😂💀🌝
All in all, it’s been a rollercoaster first semester. I go to class everyday excited for a new experience and a new day. I am forever grateful for this opportunity and it shows in how I don’t mind staying up late to do some school work. I believe that fulfilment is so rare. And if you believe that you will find it in medicine and through healing people, their families and communities then grab the opportunity with both hands. Don’t let anything deter you because it is truly a blessing to be fulfilled.
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kashilascorner · 5 years
10, 14, 37 (for the unusual asks thing) ✨
10 how would you describe your style?
Basic. But to be fair, I cannot afford the style I’d like to have lmao
14 if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
I actually quite like living in Spain, but I’d like to live in Canada for a while. Not entirely sure why Canada, but it’s been on my mind since I was like 14yo
37 do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?
I don’t read nearly as much as I’d like to and I’m lowkey slow at reading so I don’t really read that much? I mean it depends in what you consider a lot.
As for the other, I don’t have one favorite book, but here are a bunch of books that I have truly loved or that have left an impact in me somehow. Here comes a long list (this is why i love goodreads i love keeping track and making lists of the books I’ve read kdjfkdkljf):
Books I read long ago: The treasure island by R. L. Stevenson (I don’t remember it much, but it’s the book that got me into reading!) Percy Jackson saga by Rick Riordan (just the first series, not the following ones), The hunger games saga by Suzanne Collins,The perks of being a wallflower by Stephen Chbosky, Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov (this one is scary af)
Books that blew my mind when I was 17-18: A clockwork orange by Anthony Burgess, Coraline and American gods by Neil Gaiman, 1984 by George Orwell, Antony and Cleopatra by Shakespeare, Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert (this book is probably the reason why I’ll never be happy)
Books that I read right before college/in college: The song of Achilles by Madeline Miller, The Iliad by Homer (it’s been years and I still haven’t read the last 60 pages or so I know Hector dies but I really, really, don’t want to read it) Cien años de soledad by Gabriel García Marquez, Le petit prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery, White nights by Fyodor Dostoevsky, Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse (though it was an audiobook and now I don’t remember it very well, it blew my mind)
New faves (read 2018-2019): The secret history by Donna Tartt, The lake of dead languages by Carol Goodman, Antigone by Sophocles, Absolution by Ramona Meisel (you can get it @rmeisel​ ​ 😊), Convenience store woman by Sayaka Murata, The red tent by Anita Diamant and San Manuel Bueno, martir by Miguel de Unamuno
Thanks for the message!! ^.^
Ask me :)
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gleefail · 4 years
Glee Memories 1x3: Acafellas
A long, long time ago, as Glee was approaching graduation in Season 3, I found myself nostalgic with some rare free time on my hands. So I decided to rewatch the series from the beginning and jot down some memories, discrepancies that have arisen since, fave quotes, tally solos - all that good stuff, strictly for shits and giggles.
8 years later (eek!) and once more I find myself with an unexpected abundance of free time. With so many revisiting or being newly introduced to the show between binge watching during Quarantine and all the tragedy that has surrounded the show since it went off the air, I figured I’d finish what I started. And by finish, I mean go through the end of S3. Cause I truly cannot acknowledge what happened after that. Except for 5B.
Kicking this off by reposting the first 15 episodes I already went through. Enjoy!
1x3: Acafellas
Debra Monk and Victor Garber as Will’s parents!!!
It’s so unnerving going back now to see Santana letting Quinn be queen-bee.
”They say it takes more certainty than talent to be a star. I mean look at…um…look at John Stamos.” #oops
“There really is nothing sexier in a man than confidence” SamSeason3foreshadowing? ;)
”I can’t count higher than 30.”
The shop teacher cutting off his thumbs…and not being able to eat his own cake.
Sandy writes Desperate Housewives fanfiction
The Acafellas
“This is how we do it!”
“It was like she was tryin’ to make a twin”
This was when the theme of the ep started hitting us over the head – I’ve lost count of the number of times ‘guts’ or ‘confidence’ have been mentioned in this ep
“What’s a cliché? Is that a bad thing?” #BlessFinnsHeart
“Have you ever kissed anybody?” “Yes…if by ‘somebody’ you mean the tender crook of my elbow.”
Puck and Santana. How did I forget about your trysts?
Starting in this episode, my feelings on the Kurtcedes friendship went from crush to head over heels in love with. <3
Ken Tanaka raps in Poison. How did I forget this?
”We just sold all 17 copies of your cd!” “and I didn’t even have to show any of them my bosoms!”
hahaha, Figgins needs the PTA parents happy cause they found out they’ve been serving the kids prison food
“Who is Josh Groban? Kill yourself! He is an angel sent from Heaven to deliver platinum records unto us. And if he were here right now I would club you to death with his Critic’s Choice Award.”
”Come over – it’s Liza Minelli week on AMC”
wow. I cannot get over the difficulty level of these Vocal Adrenaline lifts. They’re inhuman. Kudos Zach.
So…Glee Club raised $8000 for Dakota Stanley…fired him…so where did that money go that they still couldn’t afford transportation to their competitions? #WTF
Finn bitching about how Glee’s bringing down his rep: take two
Santana broke up with Puck cause he had a terrible credit score. I’m preeeetty sure you don’t start being responsible for your credit until you’re 18…yes? No?  #oops
Finn is a terrible dancer. And we acknowledge it for the first time.
“It’s Kurt. He’s lady fabulous.”
“The way you use your mental illness to help these kids is really inspiring. I’m shocked you’re not married.”
Oh. HELL. YES. Bust Your Windows. This is when Amber Riley became mah hero.
It’s also the song that confirmed that that was Heather Morris, the girl I’d seen on Season 2 of So You Think You Can Dance.
Oh Dakota Stanley. You were too funny.
“Also you. You’s gots to go, Effie” Also, Amber Riley’s reaction to that. One of my fave Mercedes moments ever.
Frankenteen was just said for the first time. <3
“And I’m taller than you” – I still think that’s dumb and not at all funny
haha…”Josh Groban loves a blousy alcoholic”
Kurt just came out to Mercedes…the first person he ever told…and I fell in love with this friendship and maybe Glee in that precise moment.
“I’m going to ask you to smell your armpits. That’s the smell of failure. And it’s stinking up my office.”
”From the top!”
SOLOS: Acafellas (3), Vocal Adrenaline (1), Mercedes (1)
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