#i really wanted to do that for that one alhaitham fic but i felt it was too uh egotistical?? idk if that's the right word but basically yea
mrpenguinpants · 1 year
The way you write makes me feel like that one meme with Saoirse Ronan, where she goes "WOMEN-", like, THAT magnitude of emotions. When I read others' works, I can call them heartwarming/cool/etc, basically, most I feel is "aw, that was nice!", but your writing not only is "nice", it is really damn interesting; you're not just telling a story, you're making me crave more, and be like "oh oh oh OH WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!?" and it is such an intense internal response from me that has never been awakened in me before, i just had to let you know. I'm sorry if it came off weird, in my defense i am weird as a whole. Cheers!
This wasn't weird at all, it was actually really sweet (❤´艸`❤). I really like hearing other people's uh reactions? Reactions to what I write which lowkey sounds egotistical of me to say but it doesn't change the fact that it feels nice.
I totally get what you mean though, I look at my old word and think the same. It's not bad or anything, I'm not shaming my old work, but I can definitely see it as "wow that was nice.". I know I touched on it briefly but I feel like my writing has flipped where I'll make the scenario first and then put the character in. Not sure if that makes sense but I can't put my fics into a single-word headcanon like I could before.
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chastiefoul · 1 year
stood up pt. 2
characters: alhaitham & ayato
read part one here!
a/n: cannot thank u all of you enough for how well-received the first fic was, hope you can enjoy the second part just as much!! also i hope you can forgive my limited knowledge of flora (and the things i made up) on haitham's part!!
tags: comfort / summary: wallowed in guilt, how will they make it up to you?
“You look like shit,” Kaveh commented nonchalantly, as if currently watching some character on a show. “Shut it,” Alhaitham replied, having zero intention in dealing with his roomate. It has been a week since he finished his research, but relief didn’t wash over him at all, it was the same day as he had cruelly stood you up, making you wait for three whole hours before he finally came. There were a lot of upsetting feelings he’s been experiencing through for the past few days, but lately he felt giving his past self a good punch for forgetting such an important day. In a way too he had blamed the research that’s been occupying him. Although he quickly perished that thought, since it’d be too easy—blaming something other than himself. When in fact he is wholly at fault for forgetting the date.
Everyday Alhaitham had been coming to your house, wanting to talk to you but what always greet him was your roomate, telling him that you’re busy. Feeling like he had no right to push it further, he left it at that. With clenched fists and a pang on his chest everytime, he was forced to go home. Today he was at his wits’ end, he had no idea what to do and how would he make you to meet him even for a second. Other than forgiveness that he’s looking for, he missed you terribly. With all the times he could’ve spent with you taken by the damn research, he longed to embrace you, to see your smile, and listen to you rambling about what’s been happening in your life.
Alhaitham wasn’t really one to be experienced in ‘love’, he knew that, you knew that. That’s why he loved your patience in guiding him through this thing, but now the only person that would be able to tell him what to do was the very one person he couldn’t talk to. Alhaitham groaned, thinking if you were in his position you’d probably know to do—scratch that. If it’s you, Alhaitham was sure that you wouldn’t even allow yourself to do such a careless act.
“He’s here again,” your roomate claimed, seeing him from the window. “Just tell him the same thing,” you said, hugging your knees as you sat on the couch. It's true that Alhaitham looked horrible, but you weren’t any better. You’ve been crying yourself to sleep every night, it especially hurt, when you had to hold back the sobs over a pillow that your throat hurts; since you didn’t want to disturb your roomate. What happened that day was like a slap to the face, that you were forced to recognize a fact that perhaps you love Alhaitham way more that he loves you.
Your rommate just nodded to what you say and went to the door. Not long she came back bearing a message. “He said he’d wait for you outside until you feel like talking to him.”
“Just leave him be then, I’m sure he’d go back soon, it’s especially cold outside today.” You said, really having no idea just how stubborn the gray-haired male is going to act. “Well, just keep an eye out.” Your roomate went back to her room. Tell that to him. You thought. You turned the television on to distract yourself, but you couldn’t help but peek outside the window every few minutes, to see if he’s still there. And he always was.
And that went for more than an hour, until you felt like you couldn’t do it anymore. You were mad at him, but you’re not heartless. You couldn’t be. However you didn’t intend to forgive him so easily, you told yourself that you were only meeting him to send him home and to not come back everyday.
You approach the front door and opened it.
There he stood, with an hand behind his back. When he saw you, his eyes lit up, but it quickly turns into a look of concern and guilt mixes, seeing your swollen eyes.
“What do you want?” You curtly said, taking a good look of the man in front of you who’s in terrible shape. His complexion doesn’t look good, there are bags under his eyes, he hasn’t been taking care of himself at all. A part of your chest twinge at the fact that not being able to see you was the cause of all this. You weren’t used to seeing Alhaitham so all over the place, when he always showed a perfect picture of a man who got it all together.
“I’m sorry,” He quickly cut to the chase, afraid that you’ll be out of his sight yet again as he revealed a purple hyacinth, handing it to you. The flower that represented regret and remorse. Then he continued meekly, “Of course, I don’t expect you to forgive me with one lousy flower, but I hope you will believe me when I said I truly regret that I had forgotten about our date, it seethes me with terrible anger to remember that I let myself be so caught up in my business, resulting you had to stand in the snow for hours; hours of you thinking of the reason why I didn’t come, and hours of doubting my feelings towards you. It must’ve felt terrible, I am so sorry.” His voice was close to trembling, however he knew to hold it in, since the one who should be upset was you. “I understand if me being in your vision may infuriate you, but please, please don’t shut me out.” He pleaded, it’s the most vulnerable expression you’ve ever seen on him that it tugs on your heartstrings.
Of course the truth is you missed him as much as he does, but you had to be sure of his feelings towards you. And seeing him now yet again after many failed attempts of meeting you over the days with a flower you didn’t even know where it came from since every field should be covered in snow and a heartfelt all-over-the-place apology, you couldn’t help but soften up. You reached to take the flower. “Come in, let’s talk inside.”
You both sat on the couch, your right hand went to rub his cheek. It was incredibly cold. “What were you thinking, standing in the cold like that? What if I hadn’t come out?” You mumbled gently. “It was nothing compared to what I put you through, I would’ve wait even for days.” He frowned as you leaned in to your touch, putting his hand atop of yours. Oh how he missed this. However he didn’t indulge on the touch thinking it was forgiveness, it’s just because you were that kind.
“You really hurt me,” you started, as he listened. “I had been looking forward to the date for days and then seeing you late looking like you just barely woke up—it made think that maybe you didn’t love me as much.” Your voice sounded so small as you reached the end of your sentence. Alhaitham felt pricks on his heart at the confession, swiftly pulling you into a tight hug. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” He kissed your temple. “I’m sorry I made you feel that way. But I can assure you that was not the case. I was so caught up on my research that I mixed up the date of our meeting, though that’s not an excuse for such a careless act.” He paused.
“(y/n), I love you very much.”
Alhaitham was really having trouble telling you just how much he loves you. If you’d asked, he would wait on the cold for days until you’re ready to talk to him, even today he thought that it was okay if it was only a second, he had to see you, to know you’re doing fine and well, that was what he thought the most important thing. Just the way he kissed you so gently at the top of your head, you thought that you had a grasp as to how much he loves you. “Thank you for letting me see you,” he smiled, he cupped your face planting kisses on each of your swollen eyelids.
“Promise me you’ll make up for it, haitham,” you said softly. A chance. Alhaitham felt an unexplainable tingle feeling on his chest, “I promise.” He then said kissing you gently on the lips, as he made a mental note to always, always pick you up at your place for the dates that are more to come.
“The flowers? I.. went to Tighnari first thing in the morning, I asked him about the language of the flowers and what they meant. I came across it as I read a book, fortunately I could find the one I was looking for.” He explained, strangely bashful.
Flower picking? On this weather?
“But where did you even get it, isn’t everything either covered in snow or had withered already?” You asked genuinely curious. “Well Tighnari said there would be some on the cliffs of The Chasm, so I went there.” He said.
Cliff? The Chasm? That terribly dangerous place? Of course it’d be nothing for Alhaitham, you thought. But still, traveling that far and so quickly just for a flower.. you couldn’t help but smile.
“Thank you, I like it.” You smiled, the one where it made Alhaitham’s inside all tingly and warm. At this he felt like he really could do anything, as long as you were the one who asked for it. “Tell me what kind of flower you want on our next date, I’ll definitely bring it to you.” He took your hand, trailing little kisses along your fingertips to your wrist. Your stomach fluttered. You really do love him.
As if lesson was strictly learned, from that day forward Alhaitham had never once made you wait anywhere anymore at all. He's always ready in front of your door, sometimes with a flower, sometimes with something that you'd nonchalantly said the day before; for instance a food you were craving for, a necklace that you stared a second longer than the other that were on display, or even a stuffed toy you mentioned was cute even though you only said it to make a conversation.
Before, Alhaitham usually passive, most times always being the receiving end by your spoiling, but it was because he didn't want to take initiative, he just didn't understand how. Now, he understood just how delightful it was to see his loved one smile because of the things he did, and he only had you to thank for that.
“My lord?” Thoma’s voice snapped the blue-haired male train of thoughts. “Ah, yes just leave the tea there Thoma.” He said. “Did something happen, my lord? You’ve been pretty out of it all week.”
“I’m fine, you can return to your duty,” Ayato calmly said. The blond housekeeper only nodded and went out, understanding very well that it was futile to probe any further. Ayato looked blankly at the unattended pile of papers he needed to take care of, he hasn’t been working well—or even at all. Since everytime his mind would wander off to you, to your meek voice that day telling him that you were tired, with a tone so hurt his heart couldn’t help but ache. This regret, this remorse; he wondered if he even had any right to feel them? When even to this day he unconsciously stilll waited for you to barge in to the estate, wanted to see you smile happily while greeting him without a care in the world. But that didn’t happen, of course it didn’t.
Ayato shut his eyes with an unpleasant expression for the nth time that day, remembering the date he had forgotten. For how long you were waiting for him? What were you thinking while waiting for him on such a harsh weather? What was it that finally made you give up? All these questions swirled inside his mind as he couldn’t even imagine how terrible you must’ve felt that day. Ayato was a formidable man, he was responsible and someone with a strong conviction, it was what the political people said at least. But he knew you’d laugh, if you hear it. Responsible? That Ayato? Who made his lover wait for him out in the cold for hours?
He didn’t even realize he’s been clenching his fist until he saw the crinkled paper scattered across his desk. Why the hell did I forget such an important day? He fumed, gritting his teeth. But the truth was he had no excuse, he had simply forgotten, perhaps he could blame the endless meeting he had to go through, but even then he was the one who made the promise that he could come. The guilt overwhelmed him, he hoped it would just swallowed him alive, but it wouldn’t be fair to you. He considered calling one of his soldier to try and punch him in the face so he could feel a little free from the binding shame, but only to realize the person who even had the right to do that was none other than you. So Ayato was determined that he’d do anything to beg for your forgiveness.
But more than forgiveness, he’s been worried about your health. He thought that if you hadn’t forgiven him, at least you could be well and healthy, though it was extremely hypocritical to say since he was the one who made you sick in the first place. Ayato stood up, planning to go to your place yet again even though his work was piling up, there are meetings that are waiting to be attended. But at the moment it was clear to him that nothing else matters except seeing you.
This was truly the worst.
Lying down with a fever with nothing to do, surrounded with nothing but unpleasant thoughts roaming around your mind. You blinked the tears away once again as they keep coming occasionally, remembering that day.
You sighed, your head was throbbing and you couldn’t really sleep as you just woke up an hour ago.
As if on cue, a familiar voice called out from the door. “(y/n)?” Ayato called out. Another tired sigh escaped. Does this man not know how to take a hint? You’ve been driving him away for the past few days, his face was the one thing you couldn’t stand to see.
“Please (y/n) open the door, even just for a few second.” His voice was now strained, laced with desperation and plead. You got up all wobbly from the headache, body still feeling sluggish. “What?” You said, frowning.
Seeing your condition Ayato’s expression contorted into utter displeasure, as if you being this way had hurt him too. What a joke, you almost laughed out loud. He looked like he wanted to say something based of how he gaped and closed his mouth like a fish, still finding the right words to say.
“Your few seconds are up,” you said, already on your way to closing your door. “No, no, please.” He hold the door, and of course with your condition and his ridiculous strength, there’s no way you would win that one. “Can I come in?” He finally said. “Why?” You said, leaning on the doorframe intending to look intimidating as you crossed your arm, but really you needed the support to stand up straight on your currently weak body. This didn’t go unnoticed by the sword-wielder of course as the worried expression deepened across his face. “Please, sweetheart let’s talk inside, I’m worried you’ll faint any minute with your condition.” You let off his slip of a tongue, too tired to reprimand him on that. And honestly you wanted nothing more than to return to your bed but you still had something to say. “Worried?” You laughed mockingly, and Ayato had never felt smaller. “Yes.” Still, he managed to say. “Would’ve been nice if you were worried when I was waiting for you in the snow for hours.” That one stings, and Ayato knew he deserved that.
Too tired to chase him away, you just return to your bed and inside your blanket. Ayato just stood awkwardly near the bed. “Have you been taking medicine? How is your head? Would I be allowed to check your temperature? What do you want to-“
“Ayato.” Your tone was chilling, felt like a definite warning—Ayato knew, it was a warning. Right now he doesn’t have any right, there are other matters he should be groveling to take responsibility of, he thought.
“Will you be willing to listen to me?” He kneeled beside the bed, putting his hand on the edge of it, hesitating whether he should touch your hand or not. Your back was still facing him, but you were quiet. Assuming that it was a permission, Ayato continued to talk.
“First of all, I apologize. I couldn’t even begin to tell you how I regret my action, that you had to stand there alone waiting for me—who stupidly didn’t even remember, I apologize.” He whispered, his voice was weak. “No, even way before that the way you always come to the estate to visit me and stood by my side no matter how crazy my work got and how I never thought how it would take a toll on you, I truly truly apologize.” You felt a little part of your heart melted at how meek his voice was.
“I took your unconditional kindness and patience for granted,” he said. There was silence after that, “you did,” you finally said. “I’m sorry.” Ayato repeated once again. He then very hesitantly grabbed your hand, and as soon as he saw that you gave the okay he brought it to his face, kissing your palm very lovingly. You turned your head to him as you were lying down, he looked disheveled.
“Don’t go to the estate anymore.” The blue-haired male announced suddenly, your stomach dropped as he quickly continued.
“From now on I’ll come to you.”
You blinked. “I’ll make sure to be here every day, greeting you first thing in the morning.” Ayato smiled, determined. He was sure on his decision to do this. “As of now, I know very well I don’t deserve your kindness, so I’ll try hard to do better, to do my best, for you.”
Your heart softened at his words.
“Can you please give me this chance?” He was desperate. Your anger slowly dissipated, a warm light like a candle flickered inside your chest, a hope. “Okay.” Ayato was over the moon hearing the response, that he couldn’t help but kiss your temple. Your stomach fluttered, it knew you missed his touch. “For now can I ask you to eat and take medicine?” He asked while gently tucking your hair behind your ear. You nodded, as he got everything ready. He ended up beside you all day, taking care of your needs.
Since that day Ayato did not break his promise even once. Always coming in the morning, sometimes with gift on his hand, other times with breakfast all ready. Then he shared his schedule with you for the day, and even then he’d always be the one to visit you when he was free, showering you with such overwhelming love. It was clear that the man love you very very much, and now he didn’t let you forget that.
“Ayato, thank you.” You said, on a random night. He just looked at you, adoration was apparent on his expression. “Anything for you, love. I mean it, anything.” He kissed your lips gently, the nightfall continued comfortably.
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@sunsethw4 @ieathairs @96jnie @kipper-s @nambii @tigerpriestess @bearbae4 @wearetherealarmb @squishychongyun @jokerloverparis @katsudonnnnnni @dr3amyxiao @xiamuyi @luningningtala @fuyaa @goldenglow149 @xiaosmaskandspear @acheeseblock @fishsticksonballsacks @rokosbasalisk @stellakito @roguexmoriartea @sageseagrass @irisxiel @lowotad @trecedelabuenasuerte @the-dreaming-city @lilliansstuff @cinaiel @bunny-slvt @orginiallyann @chaotickio @n1tsumi @kunikuzushisbeloved @ilovemarvel99 @lunaizhere @optimisticalmondbananabiscuit @kurohoely @larisanam @chaotichearts-19 @illdoitagainbopbop @mzia642 @childesglove @justgiulia @celestialwinds @traumaramacenter @kazuhaprnt @fou56 @angelkazusstuff @itsyourgirlria @yamtwt @gel0517
i can't seem to tag some of you guys, perhaps it's something to do on the accoun't settings? regardless hope you can still find this fic and thank you all for the interest <3
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dustofthedailylife · 1 year
Little Endearing Things They Do
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Pairings: Alhaitham, Ayato, Zhongli, Heizou, Diluc, Xiao, Cyno, Thoma x (gn!) Reader (separate)
Summary: Little endearing gestures they do that make you fall for them anew every time - or how they show their love without words.
Tags: Pure Fluff, established relationships, headcanons with short scenario drabbles
A/N: First fic post of 2023! Hope this year will be a great one for you all ♥ May all your wishes both in Genshin and irl come true (my next wish is for Alhaitham to come home... I am down bad in the worst type of way.)
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Wordlessly offers his lap for you to lie down on whenever you come home from work and are exhausted.
He asks you if you want to talk about your day while brushing over your head or carding through your hair.
While you talk he keeps reading his book and continues to massage your head until you eventually find yourself falling asleep on his lap.
You let the door fall shut behind you as you throw your bag into the corner. A long sigh escaped your throat, causing Alhaitham to look up from the book he was currently reading on the sofa.
You dropped down next to him and leaned against his shoulder wordlessly. He lifted one of his arms and pulled your head down to comfortably rest on his lap. He always had the best intuition about what you needed.
“Exhausting day?”
“Mhm.”, you hum.
“Wanna talk about it?”
You pause looking up at him with a soft smile that always made his knees turn weak. And he knew what you were about to say. Instinctively he had already begun carding through your hair and massaging your scalp, knowing full well it was the fastest way to calm you down and make you feel better.
“Can you read me from your book?”, you ask with doe eyes.
“This is a book about advanced physics, I don’t think it will be interesting to you, love.”
“I just want to listen to your voice, I don’t care what it is you’re saying, Haitham.”, you say with a sleepy smile.
“Wait, does that mean you’re not listening to me?”, he asked with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.
“Oh shut up you doofus, I know you love it as much as I do. You just don’t want to admit it.”, you giggle. And you were absolutely right. And how could he ever deny your wish?
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Usually comes to bed really late.
You’re asleep most of the time he finally lays down and he hates it as much as you do. He’d love to go to bed and fall asleep with you together but most of the time it is outside of his ability to do so because of his work as the Yashiro Commissioner.
Yet every night when he comes to bed and sees your sleeping form he lies down next to you and cups your cheek with his palm. 
He softly brushes over it with his thumb with his lips curved into a fond smile.
Like most of the time, Ayato leaves his office when the rest of the estate has already fallen quiet. He sneaks down the hallway to your shared bedroom and slowly slides the door open.
You were already lying in bed and were fast asleep. Comfortably cozied up in the blankets and breathing shallowly and calm.
Ayato smiled to himself as soon as he spotted your sleeping form. He slipped into bed next to you and cupped your cheek with his palm. It felt warm underneath his hand and you smiled in your sleep as soon as you felt his familiar touch. If it wasn’t for his self-restraint and unwillingness to disturb your sleep he’d impulsively nuzzle into your chest.
He intertwined his long-slender fingers with yours, squeezing your hand with his, and just lay there for a while, taking in every single one of your features. Observing how your chest rose and fell slowly, how your eyes moved below your lids and how your lips formed into a faint smile whenever you felt his tender touch on your skin.
He smiled and slowly closed his eyes and felt himself drift off into slumber. Maybe he was rarely able to go to bed with you together, but all he needed was to have you by his side.
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Sometimes you don’t know what you did to deserve Zhongli in your life since he always makes you feel so unconditionally loved.
He is always showing you his love in more ways than one. There are just so many little endearing things he does that make you fall in love every day anew.
One of the many things he does is unpromptedly bring a cup of steaming, freshly-brewed tea to your desk while you are working.
The tea is always brewed with the utmost precision and care. Zhongli has perfectioned brewing your favorite blend down to a T.
You heard a faint knock on the door to your office before it was slowly opened. 
You half expected the person walking through the door already but it never failed to bring a smile to your face nonetheless. In his hand, Zhongli was holding a fresh cup of tea and it smelled divine. As usual.
He walked up to your desk and carefully put the cup with the golden liquid down in front of you.
“Thought I’d bring you something to destress.” He donned his handsome signature smile before brushing over your shoulders with one hand. Leaning down he tenderly pressed his lips to your temple.
The little gesture always made your heart flutter in your chest and hold onto the cup as if it was a gift from the gods themselves.
“Let me know if you need anything, my love. I’m just next door.”
“Mh-hm. Will do. Thank you, Li.”, you mused with a content smile
He made sure to press another kiss to your temple before wordlessly heading out of your office again in order to not disturb your workflow further.
As soon as you heard the door click shut you lifted the cup and took a sip from it. The warm liquid spread evenly across your tastebuds and not only did it warm your from the inside out but the thought of Zhongli always pouring his heart into a simple little gesture such as making tea for you made your heart swell as well.
You truly considered yourself the luckiest person in the entirety of Teyvat for being able to call him yours.
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He’s a total tease and that’s what you love so much about him! You never fully know what is going on behind those cheeky eyes.
Frequently sneaks up to you to tickle your sides before hugging you from behind
Honestly, it’s amazing how quiet he can be when he walks.
If you had to guess, both his anemo vision and his profession probably contribute to that.
You were standing in the garden of your home, gazing into the distance where you could make out the faint shoreline in the distance. There was a mild gush of wind blowing in your direction and you closed your eyes, surrendering your senses to the breeze.
Due to that, you missed how the little menace you called your boyfriend snuck up behind you. With a mischievous glint in his eyes and an up-to-no-good smirk plastered on his lips, he lifted his hands up to your waist. He let them hover there for a while before he finally clasped down on your waist and started tickling you with fervor.
Your reaction whenever he did it is what he lived for. You let out a loud squeak and tumbled backward against Heizou’s chest. Unable to control your laughter you felt breathless and tears soon started pooling in your eyes begging him to stop the tireless onslaught on your midriff.
“Hei-Heizou… haha, st-stop it, please. I ca-can’t breathe… hahaha!”
“Hmmm, what did you say, sweetheart? I don’t think I can understand what you’re saying when you’re gasping like that.”
“St-Stop please.”, you shriek. While laughing tears you hopelessly wriggle in his arms. You were desperately trying to get away from his hands until he suddenly stopped and slung both of his arms tightly around you for an embrace. Pressing his face in the crook of your neck and placing a soft kiss there with a mischievous smile. You could feel it despite not actually seeing his facial expression.
“Why didn’t you say so immediately?”, he teased.
“I will make you pay for this later!”
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Loves being near you and wordlessly lets you know that he is there for you.
At the same time, he doesn’t want to overburden you with his physical touch so it will just be fleeting touches throughout the day.
May it be a short brush with his hand along your waist as he walks past you, grabbing your hand in passing for a little squeeze, or simply pressing a quick kiss to your temple.
He also regularly hooks his pinky finger into your belt loop when you’re in a crowded place with him. Just to make sure you’re staying near so that he can keep you safe.
Today had been an exceptionally busy day at the Dawn Winery. If not the busiest of the entire year for Diluc. The Windblume festival was coming up so he had to take care of all sorts of goods, trading, and setting up a stand at the festival plaza.
You barely got to see him at all throughout the day, but of course, you didn’t mind. You knew he had a lot of things to do. Yet despite that every time he saw you, he let his hand linger on your hip for a while as he passed by you, pressed a quick kiss to your lips before heading out again, or simply gave your hand a little squeeze.
Now it was nearing the end of the day as you finally heard the familiar clink of the door and steps down the hall that you would recognize any time of the day.
“I’m home!”, Diluc yelled.
You promptly rushed towards the foyer and down the stairs and basically jumped straight into his arms. He slung his arms around your shoulders and placed a kiss on the crown of your head with a fond smile. Archons, he hasn’t even been away for a day and his heart already yearned to be close to you.
“I’m glad you’re finally home.”, you cheered, burying your face in his coat. His familiar scent filled your nostrils and made you nuzzle deeper into his chest.
“I’m glad I am, too. I hope I didn’t bother you today by just giving you attention in passing.”, he mumbled with his lips still half-pressed against your forehead.
“Nonsense. I appreciate it more than you can think.”
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Keeps looking at you full of love every now and then throughout the day.
Grabs your hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze every now and then as well.
A small fond smile forms on his lips and a sparkle appears in his eyes.
Whenever you catch him looking at you he always quickly averts his gaze and a blush starts to bloom across his cheeks.
Xiao and you sat together in silence, watching the sundown enwrap the surroundings of Liyue Harbor in a golden glow. He glanced over at you and watched how you basked in the setting sun with closed eyes and your signature smile painted on your lips. He once again found himself entranced by your beauty. He considered himself to be the luckiest man in the entire world to be able to enjoy such a sight.
Xiao smiled to himself while continuing to watch your sunkissed form beside him and he could feel his heart swell in his chest. He loved you like he never loved before and he wished he could be by your side like this forever.
Silently he scooted a little closer to you and carefully grabbed your hand. He gave it a reassuring squeeze and diverted his attention back to the sunset to prevent you from seeing his flustered expression.
It’s a habit he had formed. No matter if it was because he sensed danger because he sensed you were unwell, or simply because he wanted to be close to you. His hands now naturally found their way to yours. Interlocking your fingers and squeezing them lightly. It was his way of telling you he would always be there for you.
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You’re the first one he wants to tell his newest jokes to.
Cyno frequently comes up to you to crack another one and it always ends in the same manner.
Nonetheless, it always fills you with an incredible amount of joy… despite how bad they usually are.
You have to admit, the funniest part about his jokes is his reaction to your response to them and not the actual joke. But to be fair, you think that’s the special charm that made you fall for him in the first place.
“A biologist, a chemist, and a statistician are out hunting.”, Cyno recited proudly. His signature smirk was plastered on his face that let you know that he was putting forward a new joke again. “The biologist shoots at a deer and misses 5 feet to the left. The chemist takes a shot and misses 5 feet to the right. The statistician yells, ‘We got 'em!’”
You stare at him with a deadpan expression. The joke was so bad you didn’t even know how to respond and arguably, most people wouldn’t even understand it. 
He seemed to mistake your expression for not understanding the joke and began to explain it in lengthy detail.
“See this is funny because statisticians calculate averages and the average of minus five and plus five is zero and–”
“Cyno, stop! It’s already dead!”, you groaned with a giggle.
“No, actually the deer survived because that’s–”
“Honey…”, you interrupted with a half-sigh half-laugh. You walked up to him and put your palm on his chest. “I understood it the first time.”
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Regularly leaves already way before you wake up in the morning due to his work obligations.
But despite that, he always makes sure to prepare some breakfast for you.
He knows you often dawdle around in the mornings and forget to eat - not on his watch though.
Whenever you wake up you can be sure he left a little note on the fridge 
He also always draws smiley faces or hearts on them. 
You shuffled from the bedroom to the kitchen. Slightly cranky you rubbed your eyes and yawned before you sat down at the table. 
Out of your peripheral, you spotted a yellow sticky note on the fridge that immediately brought a smile to your face. Thoma may already be at work but he always made sure you felt loved by him. And if you were honest, his little notes always made the start to your day a little easier and happier.
You got up from your chair and peeled the little note off the fridge to read it.
“Good Morning, Angel. There is a little surprise for you today. Love you xoxo.”
In anticipation, you opened the fridge and wondered what breakfast would greet you today. Porridge? Fruit salad? Or maybe… his signature fluffy pancakes? 
But as soon as you opened the fridge you couldn’t help but feel disappointed. There was nothing in there. Of course, you knew he didn’t have to make you breakfast but you always looked forward to it. 
You couldn’t help but pout and were just about to turn around to get ready for the day in instead when you felt a pair of familiar arms sling around your waist.
“Disappointed?”, Thoma said from behind you with a teasing lilt in his voice.
“Thoma? I thought you were at work.”, you uttered in surprise and turned around in his arms to hug him tightly.
“I got today off. Now then… pancakes?”
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Do not repost, copy, translate or edit - © dustofthedailylife || reblogs, comments, and asks about Genshin or my fics are always greatly appreciated and motivate me! Maple dividers are mine - do not copy.
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blitzyn · 6 months
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alhaitham x m!reader
Request: well, since requests are open, perhaps I could request an alhaitham X male s/o where s/o has been really stressed lately with school and has been overworking himself. Because of this, alhaitham being the caring boyfriend he is comes to comfort and relax his beloved s/o with sex and aftercare. If possible, pls let alhaitham call his s/o a 'good boy' and just a praise kink in general, tysm!! 💕 — @ezraelo
a/n -> this mf reminds me of my dad so i kinda wrote what I think he'd say if i was in reader's situation tbh. NOT THE SEX THOUGH. anyways pgr fic first then hate sex w/childe next its been decades since I've done him (⁠。⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠。⁠) sigh sometimes i forget i don’t have to write so damn much
wc -> 3.6k
cw -> soft alhaitham (heart eyes pt2), anal fingering, anal sex, praise, not beta read
merry christmas and happy holidays!!
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To say you were tired was an understatement—you were exhausted. Stressed. Angry. It felt like everything that could go wrong did go wrong.
First, you accidentally woke up late, was scolded by your teacher when you arrived and made the "perfect" example on what a scholar from the Akademiya should not be. Then you had to study for several hours for a few of your upcoming exams and evaluations—all while having to take some more tests the following week.
And as if that wasn't e-fucking-nough, you had done horribly on one of your essays so now you had to redo it for a better score, on top of needing to start yet another one regarding... Something. You forgot what the prompt was. Honestly, you forgot to do a lot of things. Like eat. Or drink water. Which was something that really didn't help to improve your mood.
You stumbled through the door trying to pry your uniform off, haphazardly tossing your hat to the side. You felt like shit and wanted nothing more than to flop on your bed and stay in there for the rest of your miserable life. But, like the universe was trying to give you the biggest middle finger ever, one of the loops on your clothes got caught on the corner of a counter. While you'd normally just take it off and go on your merry way, you weren't having it today and just yanked yourself forward, tearing the loop and the fabric it was connected to.
Finally making it to your room, you flopped on the bed face-first, muffling the loud groan that came from you. You stayed like that for a moment longer before turning your head, remembering to breathe deeply.
Two knocks came from the door. "You okay?" Your boyfriend, Alhaitham, asked, leaning against the frame as he stared at you.
"You're smart. Figure it out yourself," you muttered bitterly, wincing at the accusatory tone in your voice. You sighed, deciding to face him. "Sorry."
He shrugged, walking to sit on the edge of your shared bed. "What's wrong?" He questioned, his expression unchanging even when he watched your brows furrow in irritation.
"It's just... Ugh," you grumbled, rolling your eyes childishly. "Just a bad week. It feels like everything's going against me." You rolled onto your back, arms and legs sprawled out like a starfish. "I don't think I can catch up."
"You're in the Akademiya," Alhaitham said, giving you a look that made it seem like he didn't know why you were complaining. "Obviously it's going to be hard for you."
"'For you,'" you repeated, glaring at nothing in particular, but it was getting increasingly evident that you were beginning to direct your anger towards him. "Of course you don't get it. You've been smart your whole life."
He was quiet for a moment, letting you try to calm yourself before speaking again. "Don't sell yourself short like that. It's unhealthy."
You huffed. "It's not selling myself short if it's actually true." You pressed your palms against your eyes until you saw faint fireworks coloring the darkness. "I have to redo an essay because apparently it didn't go with damn prompt. Then I have to do another one, and I don't even know where to start, and—" you listed off your problems, your voice getting higher in pitch until you were on the verge of shedding tears, overwhelmed with the sheer amount of work you accidentally accumulated.
"Hey," he interrupted you, leaning to place a hand on your thigh. "Calm down." He gave you an unimpressed look when you snapped your mouth open to retort, watching you begrudgingly close it in defeat. "Breathe. You're getting worked up over things you can change."
But when you could hardly focus on utilizing the breathing techniques he taught you, he decided to take a different approach. "Let's have sex, then."
"What? Why? 'Cause of the post-nut clarity?" You sighed, rubbing your temple to stave off the impending headache after staring at him incredulously. Damn. Sometimes you forget how straightforward he could be.
Alhaitham gave you a look. It was deadpan—because when was it not?—but you could still sense the slightest bit of confusion. "If that's how you want to word it, yes," he said, before elaborating. "Sex can also help you relax and improve your immune system."
He quickly looked you up and down, and despite not saying anything, you knew what he was trying to imply. You looked like a mess.
"It can also help improve your quality of sleep," he added, crossing his arms against his chest. "It has a few other benefits than just feeling good, you know." He watched you ponder his suggestion, chewing on your lip absentmindedly before giving in with a sigh.
"Fine. But you're doing all the work," you said, propping yourself up on your elbows to look at him better.
"That was the plan." The corners of his lips quirked up in a brief, subtle smirk as he leaned to place his hands on your shoulders to gently push you back down. "Just relax."
He continued when you nodded, running his hands along your body, gently caressing every curve and contour of your frame. An eyebrow raised in question when he felt the torn patch in your clothes but decided against mentioning it as he guided you out of your suffocating uniform with practiced ease. Already, you seemed a bit calmer than earlier, giving yourself a well-deserved stretch that made you remind him of a cat.
You felt the tension beginning to seep out of your body with every article of clothing that was carelessly tossed to the floor, reaching your hands out to tug him closer. He obliged without hesitation, sighing in satisfaction when he melded his lips with yours. His hands slid below your underclothes, snaking them upwards until they found your chest. He tweaked and pinched your nipples as he moved his way downwards, placing kisses along your jawline and neck.
You softly moaned, brushing your fingers through his hair that had him leaning into your hand. He removed your shirt, trailing appreciative kisses down your sternum. A hand made its way down your front toward your pants, slipping a hand inside to wrap his fingers around your flaccid dick. Your breath hitched, instinctively widening your legs to give him better access, much to his pleasure.
He was gentle; his hands were soft and careful, and neither of you were in a rush. You felt your eyes flutter shut as your lips parted with every quiet gasp and sigh that left you, and he couldn't help but stare.
It annoyed him how little you thought of yourself when he could clearly see you as something more. Sure, it irked him how you complained about things that could easily be changed if you put your effort into it, but you were also right. He always had it academically easy and often found it hard to connect with others or understand their problems on a level that wasn't with you. He was well aware of this issue, knowing that it often hindered his ability to comfort, and—for the first time in how long?—it frustrated him.
Even if he had no idea how to properly soften his words around you or to consistently change his facial expressions, he always showed he cared by spending time with you, teaching you new things, or helping you understand foreign concepts. But even then, he was willing to try to tell you that you were more than what those pompous Akademiya professors reduced you to, that you were better than what you said you were.
"Look at me," he said, his voice soft and smooth, coaxing your pretty eyes open. He slipped his hands out of your shirt and cupped your cheeks tenderly, ensuring your focus on him. "It doesn't matter what everyone says about you when they don't understand that you have strengths that rest beyond the traditional Akademiya expectations."
"But that doesn't—"
He gave you yet another stern look, to which you quieted down with a huff. "It's okay to struggle. Everyone does at some point. Even those professors found something difficult before they became what they are. But you know what they did?"
He paused, gauging your reaction. He was aware that what he was saying probably didn't make you feel better or make the most sense, but he hoped that you could feel the sincerity in his voice. "They took a step back, took a deep breath, and figured out what they were doing wrong. They didn't do that overnight or by working themselves to the bone. That's what you need to acknowledge."
"But all my other colleagues are doing fine, and I'm the only one struggling..." You appreciated his words, truly, but they did little to quell your worries.
"Are you? How do you know that for sure?" He countered, sliding his hands down to caress your hips. He watched you pursed your lips, squirming slightly under his gaze. "Point is, you shouldn't try to compare yourself to everyone around you and overwork yourself because that only leads to bad work and a bigger hole for you to climb out of. You have everything else to be proud of—not just your academic qualities. Understand? Besides, you made it into the Akademiya. That's something very few people can do in the first place."
You looked away with a frown, but you nodded softly. Even though it sucked knowing that you weren't the best, he did have a point. Wallowing in your own failure did nothing to better yourself, as much as you hated to admit it.
"Thanks," you muttered, sniffling a little. His thumbs swiped underneath your eyes, clearing away any of the tears that happened to escape you.
"Don't let them define you. Define yourself," he said finally, leaning back down to kiss you again. It was soft, tender, unhurried, like he wanted you to feel every ounce of affection he harbored for you. He pulled away slightly, resting his forehead against yours. "Do you still want to do this?"
You nodded again, giving him a quick peck to the lips before wrapping your arms around his shoulders. "Mhm. I really need those benefits." Plus, you didn't favor being horny and sad.
Your lips curved in a smug grin when you saw his own quirk upwards in amusement, but he didn't comment on it. He sat up to tug your pants and underwear down, revealing your semi-hard cock. You shivered instinctively but kept your focus on him, waiting in anticipation for him to continue.
He leaned over to grab a bottle of lube from your nightstand, squeezing a generous amount on his fingers before pressing one into your hole. You sighed, sinking your teeth into your lower lip. He only offered a few pumps of his hand before adding a second one in, gently spreading them apart in a scissoring motion.
He wrapped his free hand around your cock, slowly jerking you off. He rubbed his thumb over the tip to smear the precum across your skin as wet sounds gradually filled the room. You noticed his eyes locked on your face and the expressions you wore, committing them to memory. He added a third finger for good measure, feeling you tense reflexively before relaxing just as fast.
"You're doing so good, [Name]," he praised, his voice low. He curled his fingers, pressing them against your prostate. He could feel his cock twitch in his pants at the sound of your moan, straining against the fabric. "I'm almost done. Then we can start."
You nodded, inhaling sharply through your nose when he began targeting the sensitive spot inside you. You could practically feel every surge of heat shoot up and down your spine, ending at your fingertips. Alhaitham could feel it too, every time your cock throbbed in his hold.
Your body felt warm and tingly when he moved both hands away from your body, wiping them off using a few tissues atop your nightstand. He grabbed the lube again and poured some on his palm to coat his cock, using his free hand to spread one of your thighs a bit wider. He peered up through his lashes, subtly raising an eyebrow in question. He continued as soon as you nodded, slowly pushing himself inside you.
You both let out a satisfied groan as he filled you, grasping onto his wrists as he held onto your hips.
"Fuck," he hissed, pushing further until he bottomed out completely. "You're such a good boy. You're taking me in so well." He perked up in attention when he felt you tighten at his words, noting how your eyes fluttered shut like you were savoring them. He wasn't overly aware of this newfound information, but maybe you had accidentally brought it to his attention now that you're stressed?
Either way, he didn’t comment on it, instead deciding to continue. “You feel so good, [Name]," he praised, leaning down to press his lips against the skin underneath your earlobe. You could feel the low rumble of his voice vibrating in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. He let you take a moment to adjust to him before moving, gently thrusting his hips.
You noticed him moving away again as you opened your eyes, finding yourself enamored with the way his muscles flexed in every movement of his. Soft gasps and moans left your lips when you looked up, instantly noticing his gaze on you.
“Stop staring at me,” you mumbled shyly, squirming a bit. It wasn’t that you hated having him look at you—frankly, that’s all you longed for sometimes, it’s just that what you did hit you. Being as vulnerable as you were wasn’t something you preferred, even when Alhaitham didn’t berate you for it.
“You were staring at me, first,” he countered swiftly, and you could hear the rare undertone of his amusement in his voice. It was your favorite sound. “Besides, what’s the harm in looking at the most handsome man in Sumeru?” His monotony nearly made his words laughable, but you could see that he was genuinely trying. Knowing that sent butterflies in your stomach all over again.
You looked away, effectively flustered with all his attention. “It’s embarrassing…”
“Only because you make it embarrassing,” he said, sliding a hand upwards to toy with one of your nipples. He subtly shifted his hips, angling them so that his cock better pressed against your prostate. He watched you intently when you let out a throaty moan, feeling his dick throb inside you.
You reflexively clenched your thighs tighter against his hips, sinking your teeth into your lower lip. You snaked a hand down to your leaking cock, wrapping your fingers around the base to give it a squeeze. “You can go faster,” you muttered, looking down to watch the way he slid in and out of you.
He nodded with a quiet hum, adjusting his grip on your waist to shift the weight on his knees to sacrifice his slower, deeper thrusts for quick and shallow ones. Moaning, you jerked yourself off in time with his movements, unable to tear your gaze away from him, even for a moment. Your eyebrows furrowed in concentration as you brought your free hand up to bring him closer to you by the back of his head. You kissed him needily and fervently, letting out noises that mixed in with the wet sounds that came from your hole. Your body rocked gently, listening intently to the rustling of your bedsheets and Alhaitham’s deep, husky breaths.
Suddenly, he lifted a hand up to place over your abdomen, lightly pushing down on it just as he buried himself balls deep inside you. He paused for a moment, sighing as he watched you squirm at the sudden stop before continuing, feeling himself move in and out of you. You could feel the heat in your belly intensifying with every thrust to your prostate, back arching, legs tightening around his waist.
“Fuck, I’m…” you panted, clenching tighter around his cock. “I’m so close, ‘Haitham.”
“I know. I can feel you,” he said, gently moving your hand away from your leaking cock to wrap his fingers around it. Quiet slaps mixed in with your soft noises and his breathy grunts as he fucked you a bit harder, eyes fixated on the blissful expression on in your face. His dick throbbed inside you as he eagerly chased after his own orgasm, leaning down to press his lips to your jaw, kissing up towards your ear.
“C’mon, [Name], cum for me,” he whispered, sending yet another wave of heat shoot up and down your spine. You could hardly stop the stream of moans that spilled from your lips as he focused on the tip of your cock, rubbing his thumb on the sensitive spot just below it, as if trying to coax out your cum.
“Oh god,” your voice was strained as you felt the coil in your stomach tighten to an unbearable degree, trying to hold out just a little longer. “F—Fuck! Alhaitham!” You moaned in ecstasy when you finally came, squeezing your eyes tightly shut. You tensed and trembled as your dick spurt cum on your stomach and his fingers as he helped you ride out your high.
“You’re so beautiful when you orgasm,” he groaned, his thrusts beginning to lose rhythm as he neared his own climax. He dug his fingers into your waist tighter, muttering praises into your ear when you began squirming at the discomfort of your overstimulation. It didn’t take much longer for him to finish as he stilled, gritting his teeth when he quickly pulled out to stroke himself to completion. He sighed in satisfaction when his orgasm subsided, leaving your abdomen coated in ropes of his cum.
“Wh—Why did you pull out?” You panted, wiping a bead of sweat off of your forehead.
“Isn’t it annoying to clean up afterward? You're always complaining about it whenever we have sex,” he questioned after a moment, taking a second to bask in the afterglow before getting up to reach for a tissue to clean your skin. He put his pants back on, gathering your clothes to put them in a laundry basket.
You shrugged. “I mean, sometimes. But I’m gonna take a bath either way.” You blinked in confusion when you saw him quirk a brow, fidgeting a bit when he didn’t stop staring at you.
“No. You’re going to sit and wait here while I make you something to eat, first,” he instructed, leaving no room for negotiation. “Afterwards, you’re going to go to sleep. Then you can take a bath when you wake up.”
As if on cue, your stomach growled audibly, quickly reminding you that you haven't eaten anything since yesterday. "But then I'm gonna be all sticky and gross when I eat," you said, knowing how much he disliked having dirty bedsheets for too long. It surprised you when he shrugged, leaning against the doorframe as he waited for you to decide.
"If you want to take a bath first, then I'll help you," he offered. You swiftly nodded, wanting to eat clean and comfortably. He nodded and told you to wait for a moment as he prepared the water for you, leaving you by yourself for a while until he returned. The two of you walked into the bathroom where a bathtub of warm water awaited you. But just as you raised your leg to enter, a sudden wave of dizziness overcame you. Luckily, Alhaitham was there to keep you from falling with a firm hand on your arm, carefully helping you into the water.
"Are you okay?" He asked, his eyes darting across your face for any sign of distress. He relaxed upon seeing nothing but waited for your response for further confirmation.
"Yeah. It's just something that happens when I get too hungry, y'know?" You explained sheepishly, splashing some of the water onto your arms and back.
"No, I don't know." He ignored the way you rolled your eyes. "I'll be right back, then."
You hummed to yourself, not minding his absence as you savored the warmth surrounding you, resting your head against the edge of the tub. You nearly fell asleep in the time it took for Alhaitham to return, jumping in surprise at the sound of his voice.
"Hey," he spoke, returning to your side with a bowl in his hand. "Eat this for now."
He kneeled down, bringing the bowl close enough to let you reach in and take whatever was inside. They were fruits, you saw as you happily grabbed one, tossing it into your mouth. You had to stop yourself from grabbing a handful and eating it all in one go, forcing yourself to appreciate every bite. You noticed him shifting behind you, leaning forward instinctively when he began cleaning your back with a small, wet towel.
The two of you basked in the comforting silence for a while as you let him take care of you until you turned your head to face him. "I love you," you said with a little grin.
"I know," he replied, putting the bowl onto the floor.
"Say it back." You pouted, but you knew he was only teasing.
His mouth quirked up in a faint smile, leaning forward to give you a quick peck on your lips. "I love you too."
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scaredpigeons · 5 months
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More than you can chew. II: those damned flowers.
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Elirah (genshin impact OC) x 4ggravate (Alhaitham, Kaveh, Cyno & Tighnari)
Word count: 5.3k
WARNING: NSFW 18+ MDNI. This fic contains smut between literally all the characters, the only two who don’t really fuck is ‘Haitham and Cyno cuz they’re the only ones unaffected by the aphrodisiac lol. Dubcon only because of the aphrodisiac, but come on, they’d all fuck regardless, so it should be fiiine.
CW: aphrodisiacs, sex, oral sex, (m and f receiving) handjobs, pussyjob, Tighnari knots Elirah, creampies, talk of impregnating Eli, but it’s okay she’s on birth control cuz girl don’t play around like that, dirty talk, Alhaitham and Cyno banter (sexually charged banter) anal sex (Tighnari rec), haikaveh and Cynonari content, multiple orgasms, Tighnari bites Eli.
Authors Note: I figured I’d post this while y’all wait for the Neuvi smut. It’s coming along, but slowly. I had to take a break bc I run the risk of carpal tunnel at this point, so I gotta be careful lol. I know this isn’t x reader, but I’d really love it if y’all gave elirah some of your time, she means a lot to me. There’s plenty more where this came from, and im working on more smutty continuations of part 1 so keep an eye out! :)
Hot. Everything was hot. 
She gripped the edge of the reservoir, her vision darkening at the edges, fuzzy and strange. 
A wave of pure, nauseating need pulsed through her. She groaned, doubling over herself. 
“Eli!” Kaveh moved through the water towards her, resting a hand on the small of her back. “A-are you..?”
She moaned his name, the heat from his palm radiating through her clothes.
“Be careful, Kaveh,” Alhaitham said, still standing in the entrance, deathly still. “You might actually want to get out of the water, it affects women and Valuka Shuna more intensely than men.”
“I—“ Kaveh doubled over into himself a bit, clutching his abdomen while he instinctually moved closer to her. “All the more reason I shouldn’t leave them!”
Elirah turned, clutching to Kaveh’s front, pressing herself against him. 
“Hot,” she whimpered into his chest. “It’s so hot.”
“H-how do you…” Kaveh groaned, holding her closer as she rubbed against him. “How do you know s-so much about… hah.”
Elirah couldn’t control herself, everything in her screamed Kaveh, Kaveh, Kaveh. 
He was so warm, his skin felt so good. She ground her hips against him, seeking relief from the erection straining in his trousers. 
“Coolielust lotus was an extremely popular aphrodisiac in ancient societies.” Alhaitham said, almost hesitant as he watched Elirah push herself into Kaveh further, eyeing the way his knee ran between her thighs as she ground herself down on it. “It came up within my studies quite often at the akademiya, and if you read some decent historical texts every once in a while I’m sure you’d know of it too…”
Kaveh’s hands found the plush of Elirah’s ass as he helped her grind into him, his eyes rolling back.
Cyno stepped forward as if he meant to reach out to Tighnari, who was still clutching the edge of the reservoir as if he would otherwise float away from it. 
Alhaitham shot his arm out, blocking the smaller man from moving any closer. 
“Don’t.” He said. “They’re not in their right minds, Cyno.”
“But…” the general Mahamatra looked back and forth between his lover and Alhaitham, eyes pleading. 
Elirah whined, reaching out behind her at the forest watcher. “N-nari…” 
Tighnari moved faster than he should’ve been able to in the water, his hands latching onto Elirah’s waist as he ground himself into her from behind, pushing her further into Kaveh and causing all three of them to let out the most obscene moans. 
Tighnari’s teeth pulled at the high collar of Elirah’s bodysuit, and his mouth latched onto the soft skin on the side of her throat when it was exposed to him. 
“N-Nari.” She moaned. “C-cure?” She was surprised she could push the words from her lips, let alone think them. All she wanted was for this aching heat to be over. 
“Orgasms.” He growled into her skin. “So many fucking orgasms.” 
She moaned again, throwing her head back onto his shoulder as he and Kaveh moved in tandem against her, grinding themselves desperately into her back and front. 
Tighnari pushed her down further into Kavehs waiting thigh, moving her himself now as he ground against her ass. 
“Ah!” Elirah squealed, a sudden and unexpected high falling over her senses. “I’m gonna—!” 
“Cum.” Tighnari growled into her shoulder before licking his way up the side of her throat. “Cum all over him, ‘Lirah.” 
And she did, it blossomed from her aching clit throughout her whole body, somehow soaking the crotch of her shorts even further, despite the sloshing water still surrounding them. Her legs buckled as she cried out, body going limp as both Kaveh and Tighnari pushed and pulled at her body for their own pleasures. 
“This is…” Cyno shifted, hands coming to re-situate himself in the front of his shorts as his widened eyes watched his three friends writhe in the water below. “This is so wrong.”
Alhaitham wasn’t faring any better, but kept his mouth shut and his arms folded firmly across his chest. He was a grown man, a renowned scholar, and he prided himself on his impeccable self control. 
Kaveh unzipped the front of Elirahs bodysuit, pulling her breasts free as he leaned down to pop a pert, rosy nipple into his mouth— moaning and clutching her further into him. 
“Fuck…” Alhaitham groaned under his breath, feeling himself twitch against his thigh. It was unfortunate that the two people who tested his self control the most were two of the people in front of him, giving he and Cyno the show of a lifetime. 
“Off.” Tighnari growled, pulling at Elirahs remaining clothes. “Off, now.” 
Alhaitham watched with hesitant eyes as Tighnari and Kaveh worked to pull the back lacings of Elirahs corset before shucking it and her bodysuit down her body, throwing them on the bed of the water without a second thought.
 Elirah pulled at her gloves, flinging them away as she pulled at Kaveh’s clothes. 
“Need…” she gasped as Tighnari’s gloved hands pulled at her ribcage, growling posessively into the skin of her shoulder. “Need to touch.” 
“Alhaitham…” Cyno said hesitantly. “I don’t know if Kaveh being in there with them is a good idea…” 
Alhaitham struggled to pull his eyes away. “Why do you say that?”
“Tighnari… he can get possessive. I’ve only seen him act like this during his ruts… mating season can get… rough.” 
Alhaithams brow furrowed as he watched Tighnari’s hands get rougher and more persistent, and the low growls in the back of the fox’s throat grew deeper and louder as Kaveh continued sucking and pulling on Elirahs breasts. 
“Fuck.” Alhaitham cussed under his breath. “Fuck, fuck.”
He walked to the water's edge, holding his hand out to Kaveh. 
“Come on, out you get,”
Kaveh whined, pulling himself closer to Eli with no regard for the way Tighnari growled, the way he glared at him. 
“N-need,” Kaveh stuttered, pulling at the front of his pants. 
“I’ll take care of you, Kaveh, but you need to get out before Tighnari ends up hurting you, or even Elirah.”
Alhaitham couldn’t tell if the prospect of him being the one to take care of Kaveh was what made the man so eager, or the possibility of he or Eli being hurt, but either way his eyes widened as he quickly slipped from Eli’s grasp and out of the water. 
“He runs less of a risk of hurting her if there's no immediate threats to him, he should be…” Cyno trailed off as Alhaitham pulled a needy Kaveh from the water, who immediately jumped into the scribe's arms, locking himself to his lips and grinding incessantly where his legs wrapped around his waist. 
His eyes fluttered back to the pool as Elirah whined, only to watch as Tighnari pushed her against the edge, bending her over before roughly pulling at the front of his shorts, pulling them down and entering her in one swift motion. 
Alhaitham sat down, pulling Kaveh’s back to rest against his chest, facing the other two in the pool before them. He pulled at the architect's pants, freeing his leaking erection with firm hands. 
Kaveh writhed in his grip, gasping, hands grabbing whatever part of Alhaitham he could. 
“Shhh,” Alhaitham hushed him. “I’ll take care of you Kaveh, you’re fine.”  
His moral compass was skewed now, watching Tighnari thrust roughly into Elirah, watching her face twist in pure relief and pleasure as she white knuckled the rocky waters edge. 
Alhaitham kissed Kaveh’s neck, rough hand pulling at his cock as he brought his other hand to shove two fingers into Kavehs panting mouth. 
“That’s good,” Alhaitham murmured in his ear. “Suck on my fingers, I’ve got you.” 
Tighnari continued his rough pace, gloved hands gripping Elirahs pale skin as they both whined and cried out in the water. 
Cyno pulled his eyes away from the two on the ground, creeping forward slowly towards the water. 
Tighnari’s ears perked up, and he brought his teeth down onto the muscle connecting Elirahs neck and shoulder as he growled at Cyno. 
She cried out, body shaking as another orgasm ripped through her, Tighnari’s pace never faltering. 
“Nari, baby.” Cyno said, voice small and soothing. “I’m not gonna take her from you.” 
“Mine.” Tighnari growled, hips rutting harder, deeper. 
“Yours,” Cyno nodded. “Right Eli?” 
Her eyes were glazed over, but she managed to grasp a hand around Tighnari’s where it rested on her hip, squeezing it reassuringly. 
“Y-yours, Nari.” She moaned, eyes rolling back once more as the fox purred into her skin. “…’m all yours.” 
Cyno cautiously moved and sat at the edge of the pool, his hand hesitantly reaching out before brushing along Tighnari’s ear, making the fox growl, then whine out as he realized who was touching him. 
“Are you sure you wanna knot her, baby? You can always come out, I’ll take care of you.” Cyno said, slowly, without any pressure. 
Tighnari shook his head aggressively, mouthing at the bite mark on Elirahs shoulder. 
“No, no.” He whined low in his throat before it turned into a growl. “Gonna fill her up, give her my pups.” 
Cyno turned to Alhaitham, who was mouthing at Kaveh’s earlobe, still stroking the blond's cock as he writhed against him. 
Alhaitham must’ve been listening in over Kaveh’s whines. “She’s on birth control, it should be fine.” He murmured, eyes flitting between his hand stroking Kaveh and the scene before him. 
Cyno nodded, and continued to brush his fingers along Tighnari’s ears. 
“It’s gonna be a lot Elirah,” he said, though his eyes never left Tighnari, hoping to not spark up his possessive nature any more than it already was. “The first time taking a knot is… a lot. If you don’t think you can…” 
“No, I want it!” She cried out, meeting Tighnari’s thrusts. “Want your pups ‘Nari, please!”
“Wet,” Tighnari breathed. “So wet, warm. Perfect to take my knot. Perfect for my pups. Perfect.” 
Elirah had never felt so wet before, he was right. Slick seemed to pool from her in droves, coating his cock and dripping down their thighs as he pounded it into her, his thrusts losing rhythm. 
“Baby, I’m gonna help her through it, okay?” Cyno asked cautiously. 
“Take it,” Tighnari huffed, voice raising in pitch and hips stuttering. “Take it.”
Cyno cupped Elirahs face, thumbing the tears that started to form as Tighnari’s knot began to expand, and he pushed it through the tight ring of her entrance. 
Elirah clamped down on him, cumming with him as the first spurts of his seed painted her warmth in white. 
“Good, good girl.” Cyno cooed, wiping the saliva dribbling from her mouth. “Stay nice and still for him.” 
Tighnari grinded himself against her, knot locking his cock and cum deep inside her, moaning and gasping at how her walls twitched and pulled at him with every slow spurt of cum shot within. 
Kaveh keened, body vibrating as he watched with heavy lids.
“Look at him fill up our girl, Kaveh,” Alhaitham breathed. “Look at how pretty she looks while she cums.” 
And he did, he watched her, and suddenly Alhaithams hands became too much, his body burned where it touched his, and the cord inside him snapped, cumming all over Alhaitham’s hand in pretty white ropes. 
Alhaitham may have had some objections to getting involved in the recovery process before, but watching Cyno lean down to kiss Elirah sweetly on the lips before he pressed a kiss to Tighnari’s forehead only helped sway him in the opposite direction. 
The quicker they can get this out of their systems, the better. 
“More,” Kaveh whined in his grasp, cock still leaking and jumping in his hand. “Haitham… need more.” 
Alhaitham looked to Cyno. “How long does that usually last?” He watched as Elirah continued to flinch, her body vibrating at Tighnari’s cock jumped with more spurts of cum every few moments.  
“About 15 minutes, though sometimes longer.” Cyno eyed the pair in front of them. “It’s worse if he doesn’t relax.”
Alhaitham glared, suddenly feeling a spark of possession himself, wanting Elirah in his arms, wanting to be the one to take care of her. “Then make him relax.” 
Cyno seemed like he wanted to protest, but saw the way Tighnari still rutted his hips, shoulders tense and mouth still latched onto Elirah’s shoulder. 
He sighed, slipping into the water and moving behind Tighnari. 
The fox growled as Cyno pushed his shorts further down his legs, reaching to rub soothing circles on his thighs. 
Tighnari relaxed, but only enough to soothe the growl in the back of his throat. 
Cyno dipped his fingers between Tighnari’s legs, coating them in the loose mixture of arousals soaking Tighnari’s pelvis and thighs. 
He brought them back behind, circling a gentle finger on Tighnari’s rim, making the fox jump in pleasure. 
“Shh, baby.” Cyno pressed himself closer. “Relax for me, I’ll take care of you.”
Elirah moaned shakily, the knot inside her deflating ever so slightly, only enough for a rush of cum to flow out the space created, but still not enough for it to come out completely. 
“Won’t that just make it worse?” Alhaitham asked, attitude peaking through. 
“Once his knot is formed, it automatically starts the come down process, and it takes a decent while to be able to pump back up, only able to do so after it’s completely come down.” Cyno said, though he was focused on his fingers tracing and prodding at Tighnari’s ass. “The more relaxed he is, the quicker it deflates, and he loves this, loves having his ass played with, don’t you, pup.”
Tighnari whines, squirming a bit but otherwise still holding tightly to Elirah. 
“And he’s trained so well,” Cyno says, a bit condescending, not really speaking to Alhaitham anymore. “He knows to relax when I’m back here, otherwise I won’t be able to fit my cock in his pretty little hole.” 
Tighnari’s knot loses more mass, and a large rush of thick, pearly cum comes flowing out of Elirah, before she clenches down, inadvertently pushing Tighnari the rest of the way out with a wince and a whine at the stretch. 
His cock falls out, twitching and jumping as he watches his cum flow uncontrollably from Elirahs still clenching hole. 
He whines, reaching to shove his cock back inside, to keep the rest of his seed from falling out, wasted in the water; but Cyno grabs his arms and pulls him back, flush against his chest. 
“Nuh uh,” he tuts against Tighnari’s cheek. “You need to get out of this water, then we can keep going.” 
Tighnari whined and thrashed, but otherwise let Cyno pull him back, his more submissive nature being pulled from him by the General. 
“Alhaitham, come get her.” Cyno said, pulling Tighnari out of the water.
Elirah was still bent over the edge of the reservoir, the naturally smoothed stone rubbing deliciously against her aching nipples. She shook, feeling cum flow out of her still clenching hole, moaning at the warmth of it. 
“Sit tight, beautiful,” Alhaitham whispered just low enough for Kaveh to hear. “I’ll be right back.”
Alhaitham waded into the water behind Elirah, soothing warm hands up her spine. 
“How are you feeling?” He murmured, bringing a hand to cup some water before pouring it down the backs of her thighs, washing away the cum that had dripped down that far. 
“H-hot,” she stuttered, shivering as his hands moved higher to wash her leaking core. “It’s a burning f-feeling… inside…” she cried out as his fingers prodded at her entrance, pulling at what was left of the fox’s cum from within her. 
“Still?” He questioned. “Three wasn’t enough?” 
She shook her head, pushing back into his fingers as he cleaned her out. “More,” she moaned. 
Their attention snapped upwards as a low groan from Cyno rang throughout the cavern, and they watched as both Tighnari and Kaveh knelt at the general's feet, kissing and suckling at his jumping cock between them. 
“I thought I told you to stay where you were, Kaveh?” Alhaitham huffed. 
Cyno’s face burned a deep shade of red as he covered the lower half of it with his hands in shame. 
“Tighnari just… a-and then he…” he groaned, watching the fox and the blond make out over the crown of him, their tongues swirling against one another while slurping up the obscene amount of pre leaking from the tip. 
Alhaitham pulled Elirah from the water, laying his cloak out on the rock before putting her down on it. 
“You seem to have that plenty under control, General,” Alhaitham quipped, a light smirk forming across his lips as he watched Cyno struggle to remain standing with the attention he was receiving. “I’ll be just a moment.” 
He leaned down, pulling Elirah towards him by her hips before diving in between her legs to mouth at her core. 
She cried out, pulling at his hair and writhing in his grasp as he licked and sucked at her clit, moaning slightly at the slick that was still pooling from her. 
It didn’t particularly matter to him at the moment whether it was Tighnari’s, her own, or a mixture of both their fluids; all that really mattered to him in that moment was helping to ease the discomfort Elirah was feeling, and he knew the only way to do so was to fuck orgasm after orgasm out of her until the drug was out of her system. 
“Haitham,” she breathed, chest heavy with the weight of her impending high. “H-how are you so… good…” 
“I’m a quick learner, Elirah,” he murmured, slurping against her clit. “You knew this the other night when you let me crawl between your legs the first time.” His devious grin was infectious, and through the fog she threw her head back and smiled at the memory. 
“And the second time,” he flicked his tongue against her in steady strokes now. “And the third.” 
Her hands gripped his hair hard as she shattered in his mouth, back arching off the cloak covered stone as she came and came and came, seemingly never ending as he worked her through it. 
“AH!” She squealed, kicking her feet where they rested on her shoulders. “T-too much!” 
“Really?” He smirked, it was small and soaked in her juices. “Because to me, it’s never enough.” He whispered. 
He continued to lick at her until the air pushed from her lungs in a dry squeal, and then he pulled away, admiring his handiwork. 
Elirah’s exposed chest heaved with her breaths of recovery, still glistening with water, although he supposed it could be sweat as well, a common symptom of the drug was a rising body temperature. 
He felt a pull in the pit of his stomach to lean down and lick it from the valley between her breasts, and almost succeeded in denying it, but she whined, staring at him through heavy lids as if she still wasn’t done.
“Fucking hells…” he cussed, leaning in to drag his tongue flat across her perspirating skin. She tasted sweet, delicate and floral, and he didn’t have the heart to think his way around why exactly she tasted so good. He just knew he enjoyed it, so Alhaitham allowed himself to give a couple more licks before he stopped. 
“Fuck!” Cyno exclaimed, still dealing with Tighnari and Kaveh a few meters away. 
Kaveh was pantsless now, pulling at his own cock while he mouthed at Tighnari’s jawline. The fox was jerking the General off like a madman, holding out his tongue, waiting and drooling for Cynos release. 
The pair of them staring up at him like that must’ve been too much, because Cyno bit down on his knuckles and came hard, coating both Tighnari and Kaveh in long white ropes with every stutter of his hips. 
Tighnari swallowed what he’d managed to catch in his mouth and leaned to lick the remaining mess from Kaveh’s face and chest. Kaveh keened, his hand stroking himself faster as Tighnari nibbled over his nipples, and Elirah shuddered beneath Alhaitham as they watched Tighnari bite over the marks already lingering there. 
“You like watching him, don’t you?” Alhaitham whispered, sitting her up and putting her in his lap, just as he had with Kaveh moments earlier. 
She whined, nodding and watching the blond shiver and pull at his own cock more aggressively. 
“Cyno,” Kaveh begged. “Cyno, kiss me.” 
The general smiled, a little more calm now that his orgasm had faded, and leaned down to do just that. 
Kaveh moaned into his mouth, whining desperately as Tighnari continued to suck and nip at him, making more marks across his pretty chest. 
Elirah shuddered again as she watched the moment where Cyno bit at Kaveh’s lower lip, and the blond cried out, his hips jumping as he spilled into his hand and along Tighnari’s lap, who purred lavishly at the feeling of it, his cock still hard and throbbing, knot fully deflated. 
“Good boy, Kaveh.” Cyno petted his hair, running his fingers through it affectionately. “You did so good, but I think someone’s waiting for you.” 
Cyno’s eyes trailed behind him, and Kaveh turned and watched as Alhaitham hoisted Elirahs knees up to her chest, exposing her glistening core to the cavern. 
Kaveh nearly drooled as he scrambled over, brain foggy and cock still throbbing with need. 
Cyno busied himself with ridding Tighnari of his clothes, bending him over in the pile to work his fingers back into his ass as he watched the scene unfolding in front of him. 
Alhaitham hooked Elirah’s knees over his arms as he reached forward for Kaveh, grabbing his cock and dragging it through her folds, shivering at the way they both keened in his control. 
“Please,” Kaveh pushed at her core, and Alhaitham let go of his cock in favor of grabbing his hips to still them. 
“Do you think you deserve it?” Alhaitham teased, pushing and pulling at his hips, dragging his aching cock across Elirah, her juices only aiding in the slide. 
“I didn’t take you for a sadist, Alhaitham.” Cyno grinned, thrusting a third finger into Tighnari and watching darkly as the fox shuddered and squealed. 
“Really?” Alhaitham huffed, his own small grin forming once more. “Because I read you as a brat tamer from day one, yet yours seems to be rather spoiled.” 
“What can I say?” Cyno sighed, pulling his fingers from Tighnari. The fox whined, and then mewled as the General pressed the blunt head of his cock against his well prepared entrance. “He behaves more when he’s kept well fed.” 
Cyno pushes his cock into Tighnari in one stroke, and the fox cries out, eyes bulging in their sockets. The general sets a brutal pace right away, slamming into the forest watcher with reckless abandon. 
Alhaithams eyes watch darkly for a moment before he returns to his torturing of the two in his lap. He pulls at Kaveh faster, effectively forcing what he’s heard called a ‘pussyjob’ onto the blond. 
Elirah cries out in his hold, Kaveh’s blunt cockhead pressing against her clit, making it throb and building her next release with each stroke. 
“You're gonna make her cum again, Kaveh. How kind of you,” Alhaitham breathed, teasing the both of them. He was sure Elirah could feel his erection straining against his pants, but he could honestly care less about it, watching the two of them writhe in his hold was gratifying enough for now. 
Kaveh whined, and the slaps of skin and cries from Tighnari grew, pulling the blond’s attention away. 
Alhaitham moved a hand to grab Kaveh’s chin, pulling his gaze back in front of him. “You’ll look at her when she cums, Kaveh. Don’t be rude,” he demanded. 
“Ahh,” Kaveh groaned, watching the way his straining cock slid between her folds with sloppy, imprecise thrusts. 
“I’m…” Elirah whined. “I’m gonna…!”
Alhaitham watched as she jerked in his hold, his grip on Kaveh’s hips getting tighter as he stroked the blond through Elirahs orgasm, watching as he shuddered and his cock twitched and swelled. 
Just as Elirah’s hit her peak, bordering into overstimulation, he pulled Kaveh back and angled his hips just a bit lower, making him enter her in one fluid motion. 
They both squealed, and Elirah shuddered with a dull internal orgasm, her body so sensitive from the external orgasm she just went through. 
Alhaitham guided Kaveh’s hips to rock in and out of her, and the blond gasped as he too came upon entry, his straining cock jumping as he pumped her full of his seed. 
“Good,” Alhaitham breathed. “Keep going.”
They both whined, long and strained, but Kaveh’s hips began to rock on their own, and Elirah’s whine turned into a groan as their shared juices frothed in a messy ring at the base of Kaveh’s cock. 
Cyno continued battering poor Tighnari’s ass with powerful thrusts, and Alhaitham noticed the pool of cum on the pile of clothes beneath Tighnari’s knees, and his already deflating knot. 
He mentally noted Cynos impressive stamina, though he didn’t really want to think more on why he did that.
Cyno pulled Tighnari upright by the hair, and pressed his chest to the foxes back as he continued his pace. 
“I’ll make you cum so hard you won’t have a single drop of it left in your system, Nari.” 
The general reached around and squeezed at the remaining knot from Tighnari’s second orgasm, making the archer cry out pitifully. 
“I’ll milk you fucking dry and then carry you home when your legs refuse to carry you themselves.” Cyno growled. 
Kaveh shuddered in Alhaithams hold once more, his hips picking up their pace. 
“Oh?” Alhaitham gripped his hips harder, making the blond moan out. “You like hearing them, don’t you, Kaveh?” 
Alhaitham grinned over the blond’s shoulder at Cyno, who smiled and nipped at Tighnari’s jawline from behind. “Hear that Nari? Our audience loves to hear how much of a slut you are for me.” 
Elirah cried out as Kaveh’s cock jumped inside her, his hips stuttering as his pace grew more sloppy. 
“Kaveh’s just weak for anyone who talks filthy in his presence.” Alhaitham teased. “Doesn’t even have to be directed at him and he’s weak in the knees, aren’t you, sweetheart?” 
“Mhm,” Kaveh nodded frantically, “p-please— ‘haitham.”
“Oh?” Alhaitham hummed, teasing him more. “I thought it was Cyno’s words you were enjoying. Why don’t you beg him some more?”
Cyno laughed, picked up Tighnari and walked them to lay him down beside Elirah, who was still folded in half in Alhaithams lap, legs still draped over his arms as she took Kaveh’s thrusts with weak yet satisfied moans. 
Cyno pulled out of Tighnari, flipping him and laying him on his back on the rock, entering him with a smooth thrust once more. Tighnari mewled once more, reaching out and grabbing at Alhaithams thigh before his hand found Elirahs, squeezing it tightly as Cyno returned to his relentless pace. 
“C-Cyno…” Kaveh whined, looking embarrassed to even be speaking his name, even though he’d been sucking off the General but moments ago. 
Cyno continued his thrusts, keeping one hand on Tighnari’s hip but reaching the other out to tuck a strand of hair behind Kaveh’s ear. 
“You’re so fucking pretty like this Kaveh, you know that?” Cyno murmurs. 
A shiver racks through the architect, and he keens, hips sputtering into Elirah once more. 
Alhaitham grins wide now—a rare sight—watching it all with rapt attention, loving the way Kaveh melts into his grip, hips keeping in rhythm with his pushing and pulling. 
Tighnari continued to moan and clutch at Elirah’s hand as if his life depended on it. Cyno kept fucking him with deep, powerful strokes as he murmured filthy nothings at Kaveh. 
Kaveh cried out one final time, his hips stilling as he filled Eli once more, the feeling driving her towards another peak for herself. 
She writhed in Alhaitham’s grasp, weak cries pulled pitifully from her chest as she gushed. The sight of both her and Kaveh must’ve set Tighnari off, because he too cried out, a particularly deep thrust of Cyno’s causing him to spray a weak splattering of cum all over his pale chest. His knot swelled half heartedly, and his eyes rolled back in his head as he seemed to lose consciousness for a moment. 
Cyno groaned as he watched it all happen, and with a final deep thrust inside his partner he climaxed. He tried to bite back his sounds, but the deeply satisfied moans were still audible even through clenched teeth. 
Kaveh collapsed onto Elirah, who weakly groaned as his softening cock slipped from her and their combined fluids rushed out of her and down her skin. Alhaitham released his hold on her, and watched affectionately as they both relaxed, the tension easing from their bodies as well as it could while they were still naked on his lap and the cold rock.
“Does Tighnari still have that really quick carrier bird?” Alhaitham said, releasing a breath he didn’t know he was holding. 
Cyno looked at him inquisitively, but nodded nonetheless. 
Alhaitham nodded in satisfaction. “Good. I need to send a message.” 
The moon was just peeking over the horizon as Aether found the cave. The message on Tighnari’s carrier bird was hastily written and contained just enough information to get him concerned enough to come right away. 
He’d elected to leave Paimon behind at the inn, the letter seemed like some discretion was needed, and Paimon wasn’t exactly known for her closed mouth. 
He ducked his way into the cave, following the sound of soft voices and a dull pink light to guide him. 
The scene in front of him was… a lot, to say the least. 
Kaveh laid flat on his back with his arms spread wide, shirtless in seemingly damp pants, his hair completely disheveled and stuck up in odd places. 
Tighnari was curled up in a ball in the General Mahamatra’s lap, his shorts and undershirt clinging to his damp body as he shivered, yet seemed a lot more relaxed than Kaveh. 
What really surprised him though, was the sight of Elirah being held bridal style in Alhaitham’s lap, her corset, gloves and boots piled neatly beside them as he wrapped her in his cloak, petting her hair and speaking in low tones to her. Though her eyes were closed, she had a delicate smile on her face, and Aether thought she looked rather peaceful. 
Alhaitham noticed his presence at the mouth of the cavern, and nodded him over. Aether was surprised that he didn’t shove Elirah away in order to maintain their seemingly tumultuous relationship status from outsider eyes, but he supposed that something must have changed since the last time he saw them. 
“You have the ability to use those ancient teleport waypoints, correct?” Alhaitham asked softly, as if not to wake Elirah. Aether initially thought she was just relaxing, but the steady rise and fall of her chest and slow heart rate were clear indicators that she was out cold. 
“Yes, of course.” The traveler nodded. 
“Can you, with the utmost discretion, get us to where we need to be? I’ll compensate you fairly in the morning, we just really need to get these three back to my house.” 
Aether looked at the group again, and it wasn’t just Elirah who was asleep. Kaveh looked as though his life force had been drained from him, and his eyes rolled around as he stared up at the ceiling. Tighnari was out cold like Eli, purring softly in Cyno’s arms even as he shivered every few moments. 
“Can I… can I ask what happened?” Aether blinked in the pale glow of the flowers, looking to Alhaitham for an explanation. 
“You see those flowers?” Alhaitham pointed to the soft, glowing plants behind them. 
“Don’t ever touch them. Ever. If they happen to get you with their pollen, you find one of us, or someone else you’d trust with your life and dignity, yes?”
Aether scrunched his brow, but nodded. 
Alhaitham sighed. “I’ll explain more when we get to my house, but for now, we should really move.” 
“Alright.” Aether moved to hoist Kaveh up. “Let’s get moving then.”
197 notes · View notes
Helloooo! Its me again hehehehe! I just got some one question by the way, about thoma... Is he on the side of reader? Plus itto, nilou, yunjin and xinyan, chongyun, xinyan and xiangling. Sorry if i asked too much characters about on their sides, it just brought me so much curiosity. But by the way saw the jouno fic you did it really brought me chills! Always love your work that you made❤️
I am glad, that you enjoyed Jouno's fic. I am planning the next one. Still not sure, who will be the main character.
Either Fitzgerald (Ningguang and Pantalone), or Dazai and Fyodor, or Verlaine (Furina). Or someone else.
To your question.
She and Gouba are on Reader's side. Xiangling it's that kind of person, who will try to hurt innocent people.
She and Gouba found Reader after they were trying to leave Liyue on a boat and were attacked by Zhongli. Reader managed to escape and hide in an abandoned hilichurls' camp. Exhausted, Reader fall asleep, only to woke up to a smell of cooking, and Gouba, pocking their cheeks.
Xiangling gave Reader food and find the way to get Reader to a safer place.
She is on Reader's side. She doesn't like, that everyone is talking about Reader like they are some kind of monster. Most of the gossipers have never seen Reader before.
Xinyan wasn't far away from hilichurls' camp, Reader were hiding. She saw, how Xiangling helped you. She approached you three and offered her help.
It was her idea to hide Reader with Doctor Baizhu.
He is on Reader's side.
When he met Fake Creator, he was horrified. He felt the 'Tainted powers'. Sinful and dirty.
So, Chongyun didn't believe a word Fake Creator said. He stays silent. His family doesn't feel the tainted powers as clear as he.
Chongyun's yang energy also made Fake Creator feel pain, so, they try not to go near him.
Chongyun felt the echoes of 'pure powers' from Reader. That make him believe Reader. Chongyun would stay near Reader, to mask their powers' presence with his yang energy.
Xingqiu is on Reader's power, but he can't do much.
His family will be in danger, if someone knew about him helping Reader.
Yet, he was the one, who organized Reader's trip to escape to Inazuma. With some outside help.
She is on Reader's side. But, she also can't do much.
She is a public figure, so, it's hard for her to help Reader without public finding out.
But, Yunjin helped Reader leave Liyue.
She preformed in a port, destructing others, letting Xingqiu get Reader on the ship to Inazuma.
Thoma is on Reader's side. Technically.
He believes, that Fake Creator are Real Creator. But, he can't stand the thought of hunting a one single person. He can't do much, Kamisato siblings are on Fake Creator's side, and Thoma don't want to put himself or Kamisato siblings in danger. Still, he gave Reader food and helped them reach Chinju Forest, where Reader met Inazuma Saika, Matsuzaka and Iwao. They helped Reader get help from Yoimiya.
Itto and his gang are on Reader's side.
Itto was horrified, when Fake Creator ordered everyone to hunt Reader. He is up to the challenge. But, the thought of hurting a human made him sick. He faced enough prejudice from humans. He won't act as bloodthirsty oni everyone except him to be.
Itto and his gang helped Reader escape from Narukami Island and get to Watatsumi.
Nilou is on Reader's side.
But, she on a more tight spot, than Yunjin.
Nahida, before she and Aranaras were captured, managed to tell Nilou the truth about Fake Creator.
But, Nahida's imprisonment and her helping Reader means, that Sumeru will go over the top to prove, that they aren't sinners and obey Fake Creator.
Nilou and Zubayr Theatre took a big risk and managed to get Reader to Port Ormos, where Alhaitham and Kaveh took it upon themselves to get you to Fontaine.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters
153 notes · View notes
fallingdownhell · 1 year
Hellloo, I've been shamelessly reading your fics. Love your writing 😭💙 I hope you don't overwork yourself tho, 20+ asks are a lot and I kinda feel bad adding to that....
I wanted to ask for the sumeru boys (Kaveh, Alhaitham, Cyno, Tighnari) reaction to being kissed by the reader(best friend). She got fed up of little hints and decided to level it up 😊
Thank youuu 💙
Aww, thank you so much<3
Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm taking breaks often so I don't exhaust myself with writing all the time, but thanks<3
Characters Included: Cyno; Tighnari; Alhaitham; Kaveh
Content: female reader; getting together; the boys are oblivious; many fluff
Word count: 2,2k words
Hope you enjoy!
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God, he would be so oblivious to your advances
he prides himself on being the General Mahamatra and how perceptive one has to be for this line of work, to be as sufficient and successful as him
yet when it comes to romance, he has no clue about anything at all
you have fallen for the man long before you guys even became friends
you always found him interesting, yet his stoic and mysterious attire made it difficult for you to just simply approach him
the friendship started slowly, but it grew steadily. Your romantic feelings for him never once faultered, but you didn't want to risk the friendship you had with him, so you stayed silent
for a few years, you were happy just to be by his side and call him a friend
but as it tends to be, feelings only grow bigger the more you try to ignore them
You still didn't want to just outright tell him, so you started dropping little hints to him that you liked him
your shoulders brushed together more often then they should, touches lastet longer than usual, you tried subtly flirting with him
and yet, nothing seemed to work. Everyone around you figured out your hints pretty quickly, even Tighnari did and encouraged you to keep trying, but Cyno was just oblivious
he never noticed anything different, brushing your behaviour off as it just being yourself
after a few more weeks of trying, you finally got fed up with him and decided to do something a little more drastic
Cyno had been gone on a mission for the past week. He had returned today and you both have made plans to meet and catch up over dinner
While dinner was enjoyable to you as usual and you had a pretty good talk, he still didn't catch up to your hints
so, as he was walking you home, like he always insisted to do to make sure you got home safely, you decided that it was finally time
once you arrived at your front door, Cyno was already saying his goodbye and turning to leave, you quickly grabbed his wrist
he wanted to ask you what was wrong but before he could do so, his eyes widened in shock as he felt your lips on his
it was only a brief moment, the touch only lastet a few seconds, but it was enough to make him feel all flustered, his cheeks turning a different shade of red
he looked at you, completely frozen, his fingers reaching up to touch his lips, eyes still fixed on you
you try to smile at him, but giving his wordless reaction up until now, you grew nervous.. did you just mess up?
meanwhile, Cyno seemed to have a sudden moment of realization, thinking back to all the times before where he never understood your hints
now, he simply grabbed you by the waist and pulled you in for another kiss, surprising you, but you weren't about to reject him, anyways
this time, the kiss lasted longer, it was more than just a touching of lips together
"Sorry it took me so long to notice.", he whispered once you separated again, and you knew that you didn't make a mistake at all...
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Being friends with Tighnari can be difficult at first thanks to his personality standing in the way sometimes
he's a great leader to the forest rangers and people respect him, but his personality in private is not really different from that, so it can be a bit overwhelming for some people, choosing to only keep the relationship professional
not you though. You took a liking to him the first time you laid eyes on him. You knew instantly that you were attracted to him
So, you decided to just test your luck, dropping little hints here and there
Wether it be in conversations, trying to flirt with him when appropriate, or through actions, making him some snacks that he likes or offering your help with his reports
Though, much to your dismay, he never took it as anything else than a friendly gesture from you, thinking that you were just looking out for him in your own way
It frustrated you, but you also didn't have the courage to simply tell him right at the beginning of getting to know him
And that's actually a good thing, because thanks to getting to know him better, you got to learn so many different things about him, which only made you fall for him even more
And it also gave you more than enough time to mentally prepare yourself for the moment when you were going to make the desicive move, which you knew you would have to make at some point in time if you wanted to progress with him
And today, it seemed like it was the perfect opportunity. He had invited you to join him on a patrol through the forest, since his initial accompany got sick and couldn't go
You happily accepted the invite, keeping him company since you weren't a forest ranger yourself. You loved hearing him talk about all sorts of things and how happy he seemed to be about someone seriously listening to him
Currently, he was in the middle of telling you some fun facts about a glower you ran into. You stood closely to him as you kept looking between him and the plant
Once he was done with his explanation, he looked over at you for a reaction. And in that moment, you decided tontake a leap of faith and just be bold
"That's interesting.. you're really good at explaining stuff like that, Tighnari."
He blushed slightly from your compliment and wanted to say something, but the words were caught in his throat when he suddenly felt a pair of lips press against his cheek
His entire face exploded in a blush as he stared at you, his hand coming up to cup his cheek where you just kissed him. His expression was one of disbelieve.. like he didn't think what just happened was real
You giggled at his reaction then got up and started walking back in the direction of the village
"Huh? Wait, (Name)! What does this mean? Why did you..", he trailed of, not being able to say it out loud
"You're smart, right? I'm sure you can figure it out, fox boy!", you turn and say, smiling at him. Yet he noticed a faint blush on your cheeks as well
He then rushed to catch up to you, his mind running at a thousand miles per hour, thought rushing through his head
You couldn't possibly feel the same way as him...right??
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For someone so smart as him, it's actually surprising that he did not pick up at your attempts of flirting at all
He is clearly aware about the concept and, in theory, he knows what flirting looks like
He just never thought that he would ever be on the recieving end of it, since most people find his personality to be insufferable, so why would anyone be interested in a relationship with him?
And it's not like he was actively looking for one, either. He was happy with the life he had build for himself, no need to complicate things in any way
You, however, have beem attracted to the Grand Scribe of the Academiya for a few weeks now
What first started out as mere acquaintances meeting in the House of Daena from time to time grew into a mutual sort of friendship where you two would mostly talk about books youbwere reading and sometimes other aspects about your life
Well, it was just a friendship for him. For your part, you were hoping that you would be able to build up something off of that, but he was just way too oblivious for your advances
When you got out of your way to cook your lunch, you intentionally made a bit more, so you could give some of it to him
He took it, but didn't think anything else of it. Verbally flirting was also off the table, he just didn't pick up on any hints, and pick-up lines also didn't work on him
At some point, even Kaveh noticed your attempts at flirting. He offered you his pity but still wished you look on yojr endeavours
However, only few days after that encounter with his roommate did you finally loose your cool
You had yet again invited the Scribe to join you for dinner, which he accepted. While eating, he told you about his day and how he was approached by a female scholar today
As he told you about his encounter, you soon had a realization
"Alhaitham.. that poor girl was flirting with you..", you say to him after listenting to everything he told you. This made him think for a few seconds before answering
"I'm sorry, but I disagree. I do believe I would have noticed of she was flirting with me."
"Oh, you mean like how you noticed that I've been flirting with you?"
You didn't mean to say that, the words just slipped out before you could hold them back. But now it was said, and he was looking at you with a shocked expression
"What?", he asked, blinking at you like he just heard you wrong
You decided that now was as good a time as any other, so you just took the risk and leaned into him, placing a gentle, quick kiss to his lips
You pulled back quickly, but then suddenly, a hand in your neck pushed you back into him, entangling you in another kiss
You were surprised by this turn of events but quickly closed your eyes as you enjoyed the kiss
When he broke the kiss, he gently took your chin in his hand, making you look up at him
"I'm sorry for not noticing sooner."
"It's fine. At least you're aware now.", you smile and he also gently laughs at this
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Oh boy..
With how much of a social butterfly this man is, it's almost impossible to believe that he wouldn't pick up on any flirting attempts
Or, maybe it's better to say that he does pick up on them, but he never really takes them seriously
Mostly because usually, the people flirting with him are strangers, and the only thing strangers look for, are people's appearances
And he doesn't want to get with someone simply because of his looks. He wants the person to know him already, to want him for himself and his personality, not something so shallow
And yet, when you start dropping hints at him, flirting with him, he immediately shuts that idea down in his head, blocking out all the signs until he becomes literally blind to them
The reason? He doesn't belive himself to be worthy of someone like you. He thinks himself not deserving of your love and affection, so he annhialtes the idea before his heart can raise any false hopes
You also notice this change in behaviour from him, since he starts acting a bit more distant from you. You don't think too much of it though and continue to flirt with him, dropping subtle hints here and there
At some point, he starts hanging around you less and less, and you start thinking that maybe you made him uncomfortable with your advances
So, you give him some time and space since it didn't seem like he wanted to be around you
However, that set Kaveh off, thinking now that he did something wrong for you to stoo seeking him out like you usually do
It takes some time but eventually, you find back together and you start hanging out again, yet your feelings for him still keep hanging in the air between you two, always left unsaid
So, you decided that you had to play with open cards with him, or else nothing was ever going to happen. And you would rather just be honest with him than make him uncomfortable with your flirting again
So, one night while hanging out at your place, you decided that this was the time to make your move on him
While you were having a break from your previous conversation, you looked at him for a breath moment before getting up from your spot across from him and went to sit right next to him
You could tell that the gears in his head were turning, trying to figure out what you were doing
You didn't say anything as you slowly began to lean into him, analyzing his reaction
You saw Kaveh's eyes widening in realization, yet you kept calm. You continued to go slowly, giving him ample time to react if he didn't want this to happen
However, when he did nothing, you closed the last few inches and placed your lips on his in a sweet, gentle kiss
His eyes, as well as yours, were now closed, both of you enjoying this moment to the fullest
When you parted after a few more seconds, you were both blushing profusely, yet you held eye contact with him
He placed his hands on your cheeks, before speaking in a soft, almost trembling voice. "Are you sure about that? With me?"
You just smiled at him and pulled him into another kiss, giving him the answer he needed to know
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
what if kaveh adopted a child?
summary. kaveh adopts a random child.
trigger & content warnings. implied past trauma.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. comfort, found family. kaveh & child!reader. 0.6k words. they/them pronouns used for reader.
author's thoughts. hehe kaveh <3 this was written before the fontaine release, so i dont know how villainous focalors may or may not be but i implied her to be a lil bit villain-like. anyway i probably wont expand upon this one, this brainrot is just a silly little thought i had
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kaveh is a man with a heart much too big for his chest.
alhaitham can't really say he's surprised when kaveh tries to sneak in an orphaned, seemingly nonverbal child barely any older than six or seven. they're clinging to the blonde like a lifeline, face buried in his neck and little hands clutching the fabric of his shirt. given how frail they look...
"quit staring. they came from fontaine," kaveh scoffed, one of his hands absently toying with the tips of their knotted hair, "if you must know."
there's a little bit of surprise on alhaitham's face at that—a child that small ran all the way from fontaine to sumeru city? did they communicate that to kaveh, or did he just assume based on their attire?—but it washes away quickly as he turns back to his book. kaveh almost dares to think he'll get off easily at his roommate's brief silence. he should've known better. just as he starts to walk away... "you can't keep them."
what alhaitham doesn't know is that they avoided so, so many others in sumeru city but approached kaveh because they felt safer approaching him rather than anyone else.
it annoys him beyond belief that the scribe fails to understand how intuitive children are (he's far too petty to admit that maybe it's because alhaitham doesn't know what happened, that he wasn't there to witness such a sweet little one approaching him while flinching away from others). they approached kaveh because, in their mind, he felt safer than other people.
there's no way in hell he's abandoning them.
"it's not your choice to make."
"it's my house."
"what do you suggest i do, then?!" he snaps, quickly regaining his composure when the little one in his arms trembles. a sense of guilt weighs on his chest; the poor thing must be exhausted, hungry, and possibly even sick or injured. they don't need any more stress. as infuriating as alhaitham can be... the blonde is more concerned with the child. kaveh's voice lowers significantly as he continues, "i'm not going to just leave them on the streets in a foreign nation."
"oh, i don't know," alhaitham muses, "maybe head to fontaine and find their parents?"
both of the roommates fall silent at the little, meek voice. they peek upwards at kaveh.
a sense of calmness washes over them at the gentle, sympathetic expression on his face. he... looks like he could cry for them, actually. they don't have the capacity to completely understand the extent of the architect's empathy quite yet, and so, instead of trying to process why he looks so utterly bothered, they settle on laying their head back on his shoulder. he makes a very nice pillow.
"they're, um, gone," they repeat again, a little louder so the objectively scarier man could hear them with clarity. despite their sleepiness, they do their best to speak clearly and steadily. "l— lady focalors took them."
"...take them to gandharva ville."
kaveh doesn't reply to that, merely walking past his roommate and heading towards the bathroom to run a warm bath for them.
he knows he should. he's busy and won't be able to provide such a fragile thing with the care and attention they need to grow properly, not to mention his looming debt. he also knows that tighnari and collei and all the other forest rangers would take very good care of them until he rids himself of debt or until they're old enough to care for themselves. he knows, but... he just doesn't want to get rid of them. it pains kaveh to even think about doing something like that.
archons... he sincerely hopes that he can get rid of his debt and do it fast.
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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aimixx · 1 year
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Alhaitham x GN! Reader Synopsis: It is your birthday, and Alhaitham decided to give you 4 gifts to convey his feelings for you.
Taglist: @astranne @hakunonn @scarlet-kazuha @jackpotsadgirl69420 @yoizhi @baelloraa @itsyourgirlria @itsactuallylina @vinnie-w (wanna be tagged? fill out this form!) Words: 2682
ao3 link
"Did you see the Acting Grand Sage around?"
"No, he took a day off."
The greatest shock in the Akademiya, Alhaitham took a day off. He would always be in his office or the library, a day off is very rare.
Today is a special day for Alhaitham, it is your birthday.
From all the dates you two had together, he knows everything you like and what will make you happy. He prepared small gifts throughout the day, gifts that show how much he appreciates your existence in his life.
Morning: Acts of service
8 AM
Alhaitham woke up quietly so as to not wake you up. Although he doesn’t want to leave the bed at all. The sight of you sleeping peacefully in his arms, your peaceful sleeping face looking absolutely lovely as the soft rays of the sun caressed your skin. Every time he tried to move his arms you would move closer to him and breathe a soft sigh as you got closer to him, all of your sleepy actions are making him want to continue sleeping in your warmth.
But he has to get up, for your first gift.
After successfully getting out of bed without waking you up, he slowly made his way to the kitchen to prepare your morning gift. A nice breakfast in bed. With the help of books and some people he knows who are good at cooking, he made you a nice and healthy breakfast. Scrambled eggs with hash brown and cherry tomatoes with orange juice and a dessert of pancakes. 
“So, did you think about your books today?”
In an attempt to get Alhaitham out of the work mood, you decided to take him on a nice adventure in the magical forests of Varanara. With its unique trees, calm atmosphere where you won’t get ambushed by any wild fungi, the soft melodies of the Aranara that can be heard all over the forest. You knew that this place would make Alhaitham’s mind drift away from work, the books he read and anything related to the Akademiya.
From the start of the day, you and Alhaitham took a nice and safe walk to the mystical forest. The moment you entered, the two of you felt a sense of security and happiness dwell in you. Many people had similar experiences in the forest, you heard so many stories about this forest that made you really want to visit it and take Alhaitham with you.
As you two explored the forest, you told him about all the stories of the adventurers who explored this place. One adventurer was being chased by a group of hilichurls and he ran to Varanara, the moment he stepped in the forest the hilichurls stopped chasing him, as if something stopped them, and they ran back to their camp. Another adventurer got lost in the forest and was very hungry then heard some noise behind him. He looked and found a plate of freshly cooked Masala Cheese Balls, he said that this dish has saved his life and he believes that it's a gift from the Aranara.
Right now, you two are relaxing near the Tree of Dreams. Laying down on the soft grass around the tree, you two start to recall the adventure you had and the main reason why you two got out to Varanara in the first place.
“I didn’t. It’s nice to relax like this.” Alhaitham said, he enjoyed himself a lot on this trip, he tried many things he didn’t do before and he is so happy he did those things with you. It was a new experience that not only taught him about the nature and mysteries of the Aranara, but he also tried new experiences with you.
“Alhaitham,” You said, sitting up from the ground and looking at him, “It’s okay to relax and have a day where you explore a new place just for fun or have a lazy day at home.”
The sweet memory replayed in Alhaitham’s mind as he finished preparing your birthday breakfast. After putting everything nicely on the tray, he took the breakfast to the bedroom and was greeted by the sight of you just waking up.
“Happy birthday, love.” Alhaitham said, you slowly sat up and rubbed your eyes as he walked up to you. “For the first gift, I made you a nice breakfast for the day.”
“Alhaitham, thank you so much.” You said, taking the tray from him and admiring the breakfast he prepared for you. He sat down next to you, giving you a soft kiss on the forehead before you started eating your breakfast.
The day just started and you are loving it.
Noon: Words of affirmation
For your second gift of the day, you found yourself back in Varanara. But this time it is Alhaitham leading you into the forest.
You asked him many times where are you going but he kept avoiding your question, so you just gave up and followed wherever he took you. Which ended up being Varanara. He ended up taking you to a place where a lone house stands surrounded by water.
The sun was setting, the soft breeze made the giant leaves that acted like trees dance softly to the melody that was playing around the area. 
That was a new melody that you had never heard before. Before you questioned your lover, he turned around and held out his hand.
“I asked for some help from the traveler since they can see the Aranara and they were kind enough to prepare a special melody. Would you care for this dance?” He asked, putting a hand behind his back and holding out his hand like a male lead from those Isekai novels of Inazuma. 
“You know how to dance?”
“I do.”
You took his hand and he held you close, a hand on your hip as the other held your hand, the two of you then started dancing to the melody of the Aranara.
As the two of you danced, another memory played in Alhaitham’s mind as he gazed softly into your eyes.
He was finally alone in the house, for an entire day, and there’s no Kaveh that will wake him up in the middle of the night since he’s staying over at Gandhara Ville.
Finally, some peace and quiet. At least that’s what he thought. 
You decided to visit him today.
“I met Kaveh on the way and he told me that you’re all alone tonight so I’m staying over” You said, walking into his home and sitting on the couch. “C’mon, lay down a bit and relax. Let’s enjoy that time together.”
Alhaitham walked over to you and laid down like you said, his head resting on your lap. You proceeded to softly comb his hair with your fingers. He slowly felt himself relaxing into your soft touch. “So what do you want to do?” You asked. Alhaitham, who had his eyes closed, opened them and looked up at you.
“Can we stay like this for a while?” He asked, you noticed the exhaustion in his eyes, “I’m tired from all the work of the week and also brushing my hair is relaxing.” He finished his sentence and looked away from your eyes, a blush starting to appear on his cheeks. 
“I didn’t know the Acting Grand Sage could be like this.” You giggled and poked his flushed cheek, making him blush even more.
“I would never do this to anyone at all.” Alhaitham started, his eyes going back to look into yours. “I know how people will not hesitate to use anyone to their advantage, I know that these days no one has good intentions in wanting to be your friend. You are different from all of them.”
“How am I different?”
“You will know later.” Alhaitham said and closed his eyes and you two enjoyed the peaceful moment together.
“Remember what I told you a few days ago?” He said, twirling you around as the music played.
“About how I’m different?” You asked, he smiled as he pulled you back in his arms, his hands on your hips as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“I waited for today to tell you the answer.” Alhaitham started, “You are different (y/n), you are honest with me, you approached me with no ill intentions or wanting to use me. You love me for who I am, and I love you for who you are. I love everything about you, even the little things. I love you so much and I will say it again and again until the end of time.”
As you heard those words, you felt yourself tear up. No words came out of your mouth to reply to his confession, so you just leaned in and kissed him. 
A passionate kiss shared between the beautiful couple in the majestic forest of Varanara, surrounded by the Aranara who you two can’t see, but they are all singing for you.
Afternoon: Receiving Gifts
For the third gift of the day, it is something that Alhaitham personally made. Something you really wished for at the beginning of your friendship.
It was back in the time when you two were Akademiya students.
As always, Alhaitham is in the library, but this time he is not reading a book and actually is hiding from a group of students who won’t stop asking him questions. He hid in a secluded corner that he knows that no one will find him here.
When he went to that corner, he expected it to be empty but he found a student sleeping. A young student with books all over the table, it looked like they were studying and sleep took over them.
Alhaitham walked over to the student, looking over at their notes and the student got up. The young boy backed up a bit as the student sat up and looked at him.
“Thanks for waking me up.” They said, giving him a soft smile. “I’m (y/n).” 
“Alhaitham.” He replied, “why are you here?”
“I want to study in peace without people giving me Valentine’s day gifts.” They started, “I don’t mind it but sometimes it gets excessive and emotionally exhausts me. So I went here and did all of this to show that I’m studying.”
“How do you know I’m not one of the people who want to give you a gift too?” He asked, the student smiled and pointed at his hands.
“First of all, you’re not holding anything. Secondly, if you were one of them then you would’ve been kicked out of the library for making too much noise.” 
His interest piqued, making him pull a chair and sit down. “Mind if I join you? I’m also hiding from some students who won’t stop pestering me.”
“I don’t mind.”
“Hey,” You started after a few minutes of silence, “What is something you really want?”
Alhaitham thought for a while, he wanted many things. Graduation, the Akademiya to change its rules, a peaceful life. He wanted so many things, but he couldn’t say them all.
“I want to live in peace.” He replied. The young boy wants to have peace in everything, in life, in society. He wanted peace so that everyone can have the luxury of being safe.
“I want to have a flower crown made by my future lover.” You replied, Alhaitham stared at you and raised an eyebrow. “That’s it?”
“Yes. It’s nice. It feels like this person really loves you and won’t hesitate to get wild flowers from the forests of Sumeru and make a flower crown specifically for you.” 
Many years have passed, and he still remembers your wish. 
After your dance, he took you to Port Ormos to dine in a restaurant by the clear waters and try something new together. This was your first trip to Port Ormos together and he also booked a room in an Inn for you two to spend the night at the beautiful port of Sumeru.
After your meal together, you two took a walk around the port and sat down on a bench facing the sea. Alhaitham, knowing it is the perfect opportunity, pulled out a box from his bag and gave it to you.
“Here,” He said, putting the box in your hands. “ Your third gift of the day.”
“How many gifts did you prepare?” You asked, taking the box and looking at him.
“Four, now open the box.”
You nodded, removing the ribbon from the box and opening it. 
In the box, laid a flower crown made of red and pink tulips. Your eyes widened as you pulled it out of the box and stared at it in awe. You then looked at Alhaitham, who was giving you a soft smile as you admired the beautiful flower crown.
“Did you make this?”
“Yes. You always wanted a flower crown made by your future lover, so I made your wish come true.” 
After those words, he took the crown from your hands and placed it carefully on your head.
“Happy birthday dear, I love you so much.”
Evening: Quality Time
The sun is out, the moon is illuminating the sky with the stars decorating the night sky. You can still hear the hustle and bustle of the city but it is calmer than the morning. You and Alhaitham retired to your room in the Inn, sitting down in the chairs outside in the balcony of the room and admiring the view of the port.
“Honey, remember when we were talking about going to the beach together?” 
“That was a month ago.”
“Yeah, and you remembered. You remember everything I ever asked for throughout the time we knew each other, even before we started our relationship. How long did you like me?” You asked, Alhaitham turned his head to look at you and smiled.
“If I say after meeting you again I would be lying. I started liking you way back when we were students.”
It all started when I always met you every time I wanted to be alone. You were always there, as if you knew I didn’t want to be alone.
I thought you just wanted to use me like everyone else, I thought that you would leave me if I became your friend.
You still stayed, even when I ignored you, even when I turned down your friendship offer. You stayed.
You stayed and your presence was comforting, you knew what makes me annoyed and uncomfortable without me telling you about them. You understood me and stayed by my side.
You became my first friend in the Akademiya, I wanted to be a lot closer to you but I was scared. Scared that you will also leave if I ever admit that I love you.
After graduation, we all went our separate ways and I never saw you again for a long time. But then you appeared again.
Appeared again when I saved Lesser Lord Kusanali and wanted you by my side, cheering me on and telling me ‘you did it. You did it, Alhaitham. I am so proud of you’
And you did, you came and told me the exact same words I wanted to hear. 
“My love for you grew even more then, you are the most precious person in my life and I’m afraid to lose you.” 
After his words, you pulled him into a hug, making sure that his head was resting on your chest.
“Alhaitham, I am here for you, I won’t leave. I can’t leave, I love you so much that imagining a world without you is simply impossible.”
“We will be together until the end, I won’t leave you alone. I will give you a hug whenever you need one, I will hold your hand all the time, I will always be there for you. Thank you for this amazing day and the gifts too. I love you so much.”
Today, your birthday, was an unforgettable one. 
Because you spent it with the person you love the most.
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byizoyas · 9 months
Heya! I hope your having a good day/night!!
I saw your requests were open and I was hoping to request a fic with either alhaitham, childe or beidou with their workout! I’m just so in love with the three of them and if I ever saw them working out I think I’d pass out on the spot (//∇//)
Thank you so much and I hope this is an enjoyable request for you to write 💗💗💗
genshin impact ; requests
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2023/byizoyas. — pls do not plagiarize or repost and claim as yours ! thank you very much
✘ sfw. you witness his workout sessions ✘ alhaitham x gn!reader
a/n. - at first i rlly wanted to write all three of them but in the end i was so invested in alhaitham’s i figured id just post that short drabble w only him. i also took some freedom with the end lol; hope it’ll suit you and sorry for the late writing<3 (also i don’t have the exact vocabulary for working out so I did my best and hope it’ll still be understandable ckwkdj)
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you’ve been going at the gym for a while now. you were not the most regular person in this but you were trying real hard.
and at this point, you felt new every single time you stepped inside and saw them all greeting each other and training together while you, were all alone.
you only just understood how the treadmill was working after struggling for a while with all the buttons when you heard a friendly voice from behind you.
‘you’re back.’ he said calmly.
you turned around quite surprised that anyone would recognize you since you weren’t coming in here everyday and certainly not on the same time of the day.
‘um yeah’ you only said before realizing the man talking to you was one of the coaches in here.
alhaitham. his name was written on a small piece of paper sticked to his shirt that quite felt too tight for that muscular torso of his.
‘i saw you struggling with the machine and thought i could help you but it seems you got it now.’ he said, turning his back on you to go back to whatever business he probably had to deal with.
‘thanks ! i’ll ask for help directly next time.’ you added, waving goodbye despite him not going really far.
the room wasn’t the biggest so he was still in your eyesight. and as time passed you caught yourself looking in his direction several times.
he was indeed pretty attractive even when he was just standing nearby the door, organizing some files.
10pm the clock was displaying. the gym was closing around 11 pm but it was pretty rare to find people exercising that late at night.
perhaps he felt comfortable enough with so few people working out because he left the counter and put on his own headphones as he walked towards the rowing machine. and of course, it had to be right in front of you so you found it even harder to look away.
alhaitham was a professional, he probably trained everyday and was used to such basic exercises yet you, found it extremely fascinating how easy it was for him to drag the handle.
his arms muscles contracting now and then pretty quickly and the few sighs he subconsciously let out as he kept on pulling the handle towards him, working out both his legs and arms made the whole scene much more attractive.
you found it quite hard to focus on something else now but he quickly switched to another exercise, laying on the floor ready to do a few push ups.
one. two. three. you started to count them. he wasn’t fast but he was certainly feeling his own efforts as he gritted his teeth.
‘alhaitham. i’m leaving. you’re closing alone tonight. will it be okay ?’ someone asked; most likely his colleague that was already wearing casual clothes.
alhaitham got up, and took off his headphones. ‘sure. see you tomorrow.’ the man left and with that he took a glance at the clock and then at you.
he chuckled while walking towards you and only at the moment he stood in front of you, did you realize how you were the only one left in here. ‘staying pretty late tonight do you ?’ he gulped just as he was trying to regain his composure and control over his breathing.
‘i didn’t realize how late it was.’ you only found to say. of course you weren’t going to admit that you lost yourself while observing his every move for about 15 minutes.
little did you know, he noticed your insistent gaze but he did not say anything about it. he turned off the machine you were using. ‘well we’re both done for today.’
you headed towards the restroom to change to your clothes and put your sports pants on your bag.
‘oh!’ you shouted when bumping into alhaitham again right after coming out of the room. ‘you scared the shit out of me sorry for screaming’ you chuckled to yourself, finding yourself so silly.
but since there were only the two of you now alhaitham only apologized, stating how he should have been careful.
you both went towards the door, turning off all the lights behind you.
alhaitham closed the door and turned to you, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket. ‘will you come working out tomorrow ?’
you smiled before admitting how you were not so fond of working out. and before you gave a second thought to what you were about to say, it simply slipped out of your mouth.
‘but maybe if a pretty, good coach helps me i’ll like it more.’
right as you started to cringe at your own comment, alhaitham let out the most beautiful laugh you’ve ever heard.
‘i’ll work harder to convince you to drop by more often then.’
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mrpenguinpants · 1 year
Low Battery Warning - Touch Starved HCs
— If he goes too long without you by his side, he starts to get irritable and too frustrating for anyone to deal with. For the sake of everyone, please remember to recharge your battery before leaving for extended periods of time.
— Tartaglia, Kaveh, Ayato, Alhaitham, and Dottore
I JUST WANT TO WRITE WHIPPED MEN OKAY? What do you mean I have to write a part 2 for two different fics??? I'm honestly surprised I managed to finish this. Also, ALHAITHAM NATION REJOICE, YOUR BOY IS HERE AND I CAN FINALLY MAKE A BANNER. I wasn't going to write him (I'm a kaveh stan) but now that he's here...
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While Tartaglia is the most favored to work with compared to the other Harbingers, that's only by a very slim margin. The closest you'll get to death is when the man gets bored and randomly picks someone to fight, but they usually make it out alive. Maybe a couple weeks in the medical bay and a few broken bones but they aren't dead for the most part. He's also the youngest and therefore the most easy-going even if he's a bit childish. He's a soldier first so he knows the pain of listening to someone verbally beat you down and not having the power to do anything back. But he's still a person at the end of the day and after so many people messing up and delaying his work, he's starting to get irritated. First, it was someone spilling tea onto important documents that he just finished signing, then the Fatui agents stationed near Jueyun Karst being defeated by some no-named treasure hoarders, and then finally being held hostage in his own office because the Liyue Qixing wouldn't leave him alone. God, he slumps over his desk, he just wants to go home and see you!
By the time he finally stumbles through the door, you're already passed out on the couch. He can't blame you, it's very late into the night and he would probably be more upset if you forced yourself to stay awake just to welcome him home. But he can still pout that he was taken away from you for so long, he didn't even get to see you all day. That's borderline torture. But he supposes he can forgive you since you look so cute bundled up in his red shirt. If he happens to take a picture or two that's for his knowledge and eyes only. So he easily scoops you up into his arms, taking a couple seconds to just stand there as he basks in the comfortable weight before he takes you to bed. Just for tonight. This will be the last time work takes him away from home for so long.
It lasts for two weeks. Usually, Childe could hold himself together, he's been away for far longer, but the fact that you're right there and he can't hold you is driving him insane. By the 14th day, Childe is ready to snap his pen in half and hurl it at the next person that comes through that cursed door. He doesn't though because it's usually Ekaterina, the only one that has the balls to talk to him right now, and she deserves far more than she's paid to deal with. But he's touch-deprived and tired. Even Zhongli with his infinite amount of patience advises him to sort himself out before inviting him out to lunch next time. He tried to deal with it on his own, this isn't the first time he's felt claustrophobic, but after the fifth Hilichurl camp he doesn't feel any better which only makes his mood sour further. He might even beat Scaramouche in how short-tempered he is right now. There's heavy air wherever he goes and whatever carefree persona he usually has on is thrown out the window.
It's Zhongli who clues you into how bad Childe's demeanor has gotten, the rascal looks horrible both physically and mentally. Despite the consultant and Childe being on friendly terms, you don't really know the man that well. But he doesn't seem like the type of person to lie so you thank him for the information and make your way to the Northland Bank. To be honest, you've been feeling the effects of not seeing Childe as often as you usually do. You know his work can get so hectic that it keeps him cooped up in his office but it's been a while since you've even seen that fluff of ginger hair. He usually doesn't want you near his work considering how it might put you in danger, but if he isn't taking care of himself then what kind of partner would you be if you didn't help?
Even outside the building, you can feel the effects of what Zhongli talked about. All the agents look like they're on their last legs, there's a gloomy atmosphere surrounding the building even though the sun shines brightly across Liyue harbor, and you can vaguely hear an annoyed Harbinger scolding someone. As soon as you set foot into the building Ekaterina nearly tackles you off your feet. Desperately thanking you for coming and looking at you as if you're the Tsaritsa herself.
As soon as Ekaterina says your name, Childe whips his head around at such a speed that you're afraid his head might fling off as his eyes lock onto yours. You know Childe wouldn't hurt you, never you, but he's looking at you like he's about to devour you and you're suddenly very glad you've never been on the receiving end of his anger. He shoves the papers in his hands into the agent's chest he was probably reprimanding and marches over to where you are.
"C-Childe?" "S-Sir?"
Ekaterina mirrors the wary call of his name until he's finally in front of you and without a word, throws his arms around you. You stumble a bit under his weight but you quickly circle your arms around his back and hold on tight so you don't trip over your own feet. You can only imagine what it looks like for Ekaterina to see her stiff boss suddenly deflate in your arms. A pleased groan escapes from him as he basically lifts you off your feet just so he can hug you closer to him. You almost feel like a child's teddy bear with your legs dangling in the air trapped in a crushing hug. You know that your relationship with Childe isn't a secret but you both don't show any displays of affection, you don't even really interact in public in general, so this is pretty open for the two of you. Well, for you at least. You don't even think Childe is registering anything around him except that you're here.
"Are you okay милый?" you whisper into his ear, nuzzling into the side of his head that's nestled into your shoulder. Your snezhnaya is a little rough around the edges but from how he seems to purr you think he enjoys it nonetheless. "Although I'm happy to see you too, don't you think we should move so we aren't blocking the main entrance?"
He sleepily blinks awake and slowly starts to acknowledge that you're both very much standing at the bank's entrance with everyone shamelessly staring. He frankly looks like he doesn't care, people have working legs, they can walk around you both. But he also doesn't want anyone to find another reason to take him away when he's very comfortable.
"If you need me, don't," is the clipped order that rings out through the bank. You know he's heavily censoring what he actually wants to say but from how everyone cowers away, they can probably tell what would happen if they disobey him. They all give him a nod and a salute before he's picking you up, cradles you into your arms, and swiftly walks upstairs. With a kick of his boot, the door slams shut and he sinks into his chair, you seated pretty on his lap.
"Please never leave me, I think I might die," he groans, re-wrapping his arms tight around your waist. You can only sigh fondly as you gently run your fingers through his hair, rubbing small circles into his scalp and he melts into goo. As if you would want to leave.
You know Kaveh is a bit...eccentric to say the least. He always says what's on his mind and most of the time his thoughts are things he should keep to himself. Even you're not totally immune to his blunt honesty despite the fact he tries to watch how he phrases things when directed to you. He doesn't want to accidentally hurt your feelings, regardless if you know he means no harm. It's rather cute that for someone who doesn't care about what others think of him, he's a bit insecure around you. He likes you, really likes you, and he often finds himself plotting out what he's going to say hours before your lunch date with him. But as soon as you greet him with that charming smile and a brief hug, he turns into putty and whatever flowery language he conjured in his mind is swept away. The confident architect that graduated with honors is reduced to a red-faced mess of stumbling words. It doesn't help that you find it adorable enough to press a chaste kiss to his red cheek and he swears that he's going to pass out from a heat stroke.
He's both extremely glad and terribly conflicted that your love language seems to be touch. He loves it when you brush your fingers through his hair but it always lulls him into sleep so he doesn't get any work done. He loves it when you hug him tightly but then he never wants to leave so he doesn't get any work done. He loves it when you cup his cheeks and pull him into a kiss but then he goes in for seconds, then thirds, and so on that he doesn't get any work done. If he went into alchemy rather than architecture he would dedicate his life work to studying why you have the touch of an Archon that compels him so. But he didn't and now that he's drowning in debt, he really needs to concentrate and finish his work before the deadline.
So now he has the painful task of trying to find an extremely polite way of asking you to leave him alone without you taking offense and breaking up with him. He would be devastated if he couldn't see your loving gaze on him again. But the situation is dire because as soon as he sees you, all he wants to do is curl up in bed with you in his arms. Preferably forever but he'll cross that bridge when he gets there. But every time he tries to bring it up it only takes one look from you for him to stutter and wave off his words. He tries to pep talk himself and every single time he claims that this will be the day that he, very politely, pushes you off, it ends with him melting into goo and waking up the next day with all his untouched work judging him from the table.
It gets to the point that he begins to air his grievances to Alhaitham of all people. To be fair, he doesn't expect the scribe to listen to a word he says and if he did, it would only be because Kaveh needed to pay his share of the rent. But he's pleasantly surprised when you pop up with a guilty smile and that Alhaitham explained his circumstances to you. He tries to clear up the situation, he has no idea what Alhaitham said specifically but it must have been put in the worst way possible, but you take his hands and he shuts up immediately. You give him a light giggle that melts his heart and you tell him to call for you once he's completed his work.
It was the worst decision he's ever made. Second to moving in with Alhaitham. Maybe his judgment of you being an angel was a lie and you were secretly the devil from how often his thoughts were plagued by you. He could draw a circle and think of your eyes. He knows that he's smitten in your presence but he didn't expect that to double when he's suddenly alone. His only motivation is that as soon as he's finished, he'll be able to see you again. But his mind and his work bleed together and he ends up drawing your face instead of buildings and pipes.
He ends up locking himself in his studio and slowly deforming into slime with how awful he's taking care of himself. Alhaitham has to pry him from the table only for Kaveh to flop in his arms that the scribe gives up and hauls the corpse over his shoulder and makes his way to your home. Kaveh still needs to pay his share of the rent so he's not allowed to die before then.
When you opened the door you weren't expecting Alhaitham at your doorstep with Kaveh over his shoulder. He doesn't seem to want to be in this situation either because it looks like he's two seconds away from throwing your boyfriend across the room. But he manages to reign everything in front of you and quickly explains Kaveh's situation, dumping said man into your arms, and telling you to fix it. You shoot him an apologetic smile that he waves off, it's not like it's your fault, before turning around and making his way back to his own home.
"Kaveh?" you whisper gently against his ear to not startle him. It only takes him a second to register your voice before he's perking up and beaming at you. He easily shifts positions so you're in his arms instead. Twirling you around and using the momentum to tuck an arm under your knees and smoothly picking you up, somehow supporting your entire weight in one arm while the other closes the door. Sometimes you forget that Kaveh is really strong despite his lean stature. He is a claymore user after all.
"Darling! What are you doing here?" Kaveh questions while he makes himself at home. If only your living space was big enough for him to store all his work otherwise he would have moved in with you by now.
"Alhaitham mentioned that your recent commission was taking up all your time and you weren't taking care of yourself. Are you alright?" you ask, wrapping your arms around his neck to steady yourself while Kaveh takes his shoes and coat off. In these types of moments, no matter what you do or say he'll refuse to let you out of his arms. If he has to live with one arm then he'll gladly do so just so long as his other hand is wrapped around you.
"Never better," he replies with a smile. He's obviously lying given the dark circles under his pretty red eyes but the soft look he sends you is enough to tell you that right now, he's never been more comfortable. It makes you a bit flustered to have such an intense gaze on you but Kaveh is always forward with his affections and this isn't any different. With you in his arms, there's nowhere for you to run to when he tilts your chin down and brushes his lips against yours.
"Be still for me..." he whispers, the vibrations of his voice tingling against your skin as both of your eyes slowly close. Only for the moment to shatter by loud knocks on your door. You both jerk apart and turn to the disturbance with varying expressions. You're a flustered mess while Kaveh scowls as if the door offended his entire life's work. He finally sets you down on your feet and gives you a quick peck on the cheek. Before marching to the door, flinging it open, and telling the man on the other side to shoo before slamming the door in his face. Unless the world is ending, don't knock.
To say Ayato works hard is an understatement. There are several nights when he's glued to his desk rather than resting in bed. Such are the woes of him being forever dedicated to his duties as the Yashiro Commissioner. On days when there are big events and everything needs to be perfect, he's nearly inconsolable that Thoma weighs how much he can get away with if he knocks Ayato out with a frying pan. His pondering doesn't go far because even though Ayato looks like a corpse from the lack of sleep, he'd probably knock Thoma off his feet before the housekeeper could even raise his arms. Ayaka has better luck but she's only able to drag him away for a few minutes before he points in a random direction to divert her attention before disappearing as soon as she turns back. It's just something everyone is aware of and they try their best to support Lord Kamisato. But if it starts to look really bad, like Ayato might drop dead at any second, then you're called in. The last defense and their ace up the sleeve. Not to brag or anything but you have a spotless record and you intend to keep it that way.
It only takes one word from you to have the dignified and cunning Ayato turn into a scared rabbit. His name. None of the wary calls of Lord Kamisato, a dismissal of his titles, and certainly not your affectionate terms of endearment. It always brings the temperature of the room to zero and Ayaka has to double-check that her cyro vision didn't accidentally activate. Unlike Thoma and Ayaka, you're not soft on him and you set your foot down when it comes to his extremes. One of the many reasons he fell in love with you but it's coming back to bite him now. He hates seeing you unhappy, doing anything possible to wipe that frown off your face, but when it's him that's making you so displeased he can't help but look like a scolded puppy.
It doesn't take much for you to know that Ayato has overworked himself to the breaking point again. You understand his duties mean that he's going to be riddled with work but you're his partner first and foremost. You're there to care about Ayato, not the Yashiro Commissioner. And Ayato looks like he's falling apart at the seams. Heavy eye bags, pale complexion, and his body swaying back and forth before he catches himself from falling over. It pains your heart to see him like this and yet still push himself to keep going. So you take one, two, and three steps towards him to delicately take his hand in yours, rubbing soothing circles into his palm before intertwining your fingers together.
Unlike Thoma and Ayaka, he doesn't disappear as soon as you take your eyes off him. Just stands there and stares dopily at you while you issue orders to take over his work. God, you look so attractive when you're in control. It's been a while since he's seen anything but paper and ink but did you always look this beautiful? He's so glad he's going to marry you. Maybe he can force the elders to move the ceremony date up. Everyone in the room politely ignores the fact that Ayato is saying these thoughts out loud and how red your face has gotten.
He doesn't object when you pull him out of the room with you, blindly following you wherever you happen to lead him by the hand. As long as your hand is in his, he'll follow you to the ends of the earth if you'll allow it. It's a bit comical how the dignified Yashiro Commissioner recedes into himself and crumbles away into a love-sick man just by a simple touch. At much as it makes you feel a bit shy, it's nice to know that Ayato won't try and weasel his way out of your grasp and return to his work.
If anything he clings to you like an onikabuto on a tree. You have to waddle your way to the baths with an oversized blue-haired man refusing to let go and draping himself over your back. You know he's making this as hard as possible on purpose, just do you can dote and pamper him a bit longer before he succumbs to slumber and has to return to work. It dampens his mood thinking of the future but it's quickly ushered away by the warm water poured over his head. It's fitting that his vision is hydro because he fits himself into the space you provide as you begin to scrub his hair clean.
There's something meditative about having his hair washed by your hands that no one else can replicate. It's a luxury that he only receives when he works hard enough that his arms hang uselessly at his sides and his body slumps into itself. Soft and malleable, completely willing to bend and mold in whatever shape you wish. But your hands scrub through his hair gently, rubbing all the stress out of his body and never complaining. Right now there's nothing else that matters more than being here with you and you with him.
"I'm going to rinse your hair out. Close your eyes now," you softly say and he follows your instructions. The rush of warm water is soothing to his ears although it sparks something in his memory that momentarily takes him out of this romantic moment. He reaches blindly behind him to take your hand, rubbing circles into your palm to halt your actions.
"It's just occurred to me but aren't you supposed to be on a trip to Watatsumi island?" he opens his eyes to peer up at you, his long eyelashes tipped with water droplets reminding you of just how pretty Ayato is. It's almost a good enough distraction for you to forget why exactly you're here rather than speaking with Kokomi right now. Almost.
"I was but someone had to go and work himself to death again. You need to take better care of yourself Ayato. I don't want to see Thoma running across all of Inazuma just to drag me back because you can't seem to sit still for a few seconds," your frown deepens with each sentence. Your free hand that's not in his grasp is knocking against his forehead, albeit not hard enough to cause any actual pain. He only chuckles before pulling you into the water with him until you're sitting on the edge of the bathtub. His head lay comfortably against your thighs.
"Apologies." He's not sorry at all. "When you're not beside me I have to throw myself into my work or else I may go insane."
"Oh so now all of this is my fault," you huff exasperated but he can hear the undertones of how happy that sentence makes you. "Come on, you'll catch a cold if we stay here any longer."
"Mmm, indulge me," he mumbles into your skin, his eyes closing once again with a content smile on his face. He doesn't need to see to know that you have an equally fond expression.
"Oh, so now my lord wishes to relax?"
"Only because you're here."
You know that your relationship with Alhaitham is unusual to onlookers. You're both polar opposites and yet somehow stumbled into a rather healthy and committed relationship. To others, Alhaitham is a talented and intelligent man. The perfect bachelor if it wasn't for his "extraordinary sense of individualism" that he doesn't pay attention to people around him. He's notorious for being hard to get along with that not even his handsome face is enough for people to sit around for too long. Meanwhile, there's you. A wandering traveler who takes work whenever anyone needs an extra pair of hands. You're a bit well-known for accepting any job that pays well regardless of how dangerous or weird it might be. But unlike Alhaitham, you're more than happy to make conversation and you're often seen conversing with scholars from every one of the Six Darshans.
To everyone's knowledge, it's you that's the clingy one. You always have a hand around his arm or throw yourself at him shamelessly. Everyone assumes that Alhaitham tolerates it because he never pushes you off but he doesn't reciprocate affection to the degree that you do. If only those nosy scholars could see him now. Your newest job has you traveling to the Chasm to help collect and study the newly opened area. While the Chasm is close to Sumeru, a series of mysterious accidents led the entire mine to be closed. With the Liyue Qizing gradually reopening the area there's a lot of ground to cover. Alhaitham doesn't care much for the details except that this means you'll be away from him for a few years rather than a few weeks. As soon as you told him the expected date you'll return his face instantly soured. It was so cute that you couldn't help but press kisses to the corners of his mouth until they lifted. But one thing led to another and you're now trapped underneath his strong figure for the past couple of hours with no signs of him letting go. Every day you're gone equates to one minute he gets to keep you here.
No matter how much Alhaitham wishes to make you stay, even going so far as to bribe you, you eventually gather your things, press one last kiss to his lips, and leave him in his too-quiet house. He doesn't want to admit it but as soon as he closes the door he already feels lonely. But he'll learn to cope and continue with his life. He's been through more challenging obstacles and made it through. It's only two years, 3 months, 14 minutes, and 58 seconds. Alhaitham sighs and leans against the door. He's not going to make it.
Everyone else is content to whisper behind their hands about how the scribe seems to be more hostile. While Alhaitham doesn't have the most friendly personality, he's still somewhat polite until someone gives him a reason to exit the conversation. But now Alhaitham can barely get two sentences in before insulting someone. He doesn't even mean to do it on purpose, it just slips out. A girl who happens to share your eye color is met with a backhanded compliment that she should eat more fish. A man whose skin color is just a shade lighter than yours is met with an irritated scowl before he could even say anything. It's only now that people start to miss your presence because anything is better than a walking warning sign.
It only takes a few weeks for him to crack. He's not usually this starved of attention but the knowledge that he won't see you for another two years has him itching at his wrists. While on the outside there doesn't seem to be any changes, he's perfectly calm and collected, but his facade breaks when he starts making rash decisions. When he heard that his senior Kaveh needed a place to stay due to his financial situation, he offered to live with him much to everyone and his own surprise. Even Kaveh suspiciously asks why Alhaitham is being so generous. He doesn't dignify it with a proper answer, only that he better get his situation fixed within the next two years or the scribe is kicking him out.
As the second year rolls past, it's Kaveh who brings up Alhaitham's sudden mood change. He seems...excited. Kaveh chalks it up to Alhaitham being happy that Kaveh is finally moving out but that'd be kind of low even for someone like Alhaitham. As someone who cares about the arts and romance, there's a certain care in how Alhaitham cleans the house. Every systematic movement is laced with a longing gaze. His wrists are rubbed raw that Kaveh has to physically step in or he might rub so hard he reaches the bone. But above all the dangerous aura around Alhaitham is replaced with something Kaveh can only describe as restless patience.
"Honey, I'm home!" your happy voice is accompanied by the loud slam of the door crashing against the wall. Kaveh is startled by a random stranger entering their house but mostly at the term of endearment. Alhaitham only lowers his book at your voice before going back to reading. A bit rude in Kaveh's opinion but he can see the small smile that Alhaitham tries to hide behind the pages of his book. It's not like you aren't a bit devious yourself. So you retaliate by plucking the book out of his hands, taking a quick glance at his page number before placing it on the desk.
"Welcome back. I assume your job went well?" Alhaitham sighs as you kick his legs apart, plop yourself down into his lap, and rest your head against his chest. If you weren't so enthralled by the masterpiece that was Alhaitham's physique, you would have laughed at how the blond-haired man seemed to stare owlishly at the scene. His eyes almost fall out of their heads when Alhaitham doesn't push you off, doesn't throw you over his shoulder, or even make the slightest hint of being irritated or embarrassed. He just places his hands around your waist, rests his chin on your head, and sends an icy glare to which the blond-haired man scoffs before excusing himself. It's not anything different from what he usually does to onlookers although this is you and you can tell just how weary he is. How deeply he relaxes in your hold as the tension melts from his shoulders. How his eyes search over your body for any injuries that you might have gotten. It does look like you got a bit roughed up during your stay at the Chasm. Your hair is cut shorter than he remembers, you've put on some muscle, and there are a few nicks and cuts running along parts of your skin that are visible. But none of that matters because you're here. You're finally here.
"Aww, Haitham did you miss me?" you tease only to quickly eat your words when he manuever's you sideways so he can pin your back against the couch. You're hit with a sense of deja vu back to two years ago when you were about to leave for this trip.
"The next time you take a commission that lasts longer than two weeks, I'm coming with you or you're not going at all," he grumbles as he tucks himself into the crook of your neck with no signs of leaving. You laugh now but he's dead serious.
You aren't sure when it started but at some point, you've been labeled as "Dottore's Favourite". He always seems to be the slightest bit nicer if you happen to be there, his voice a smidge less aggressive, and a lot more touchy. He's a Doctor first so he doesn't want to be contaminated by whatever bacteria people have gathered. But with you, he always seems to have a hand on you. Either harshly pinching your cheeks like a child with a crazed grin whenever you mumble something he deems stupid or pulling your arm of out its socket as he yanks you through the hallways of his lab. You act almost as his shadow, permanently glued to his feet and forced to follow wherever he goes.
You wouldn't consider yourself exceptional at your job but you did know how to listen. Perhaps it was your blatant disregard for your lack of safety since your head was always in the clouds that let you do your job with a steady hand. You don't blame your college's, it's hard to work under so much stress. If you had to do quantum physics and whatever the hell smart people do with someone who could, and would, kill you on the spot if you couldn't tell him what 3567 x 438 was on the spot, you think you could have exploded and crumbled on the spot. But you were just the ditzy receptionist who twirled a pencil on her nose more than on a paper. The only thing you were required to do was make sure Dottore was never bothered and let him know if anyone important needed his attention.
You've seen the Regrator the most compared to the rest of the Harbingers. You don't know what a banker needs from a doctor but you're not about to ask. It's not your business and you aren't paid enough to care about what your boss does. Besides, for such a handsome face his presence creeps you out which is saying something considering there's a maniacal doctor that treats human lives like numbers on a stats page. But since you are his "receptionist" you have to make conversation with him. Most of your interaction extends to him asking if the Doctor is in and you politely saying that he's out. You both pointedly ignore the loud crashes and angry yelling from one of his segments behind the closed steel door.
Once again, you don't consider yourself exceptional at your job. You're just a lousy receptionist at a place that doesn't require it and who spends all their time spinning in the office chair than doing actual work. You're just as replaceable as any grunt in this hell hole. So when Tartaglia waltzes through the doors, blinking at you with his dead fish eyes, before nodding to himself and hauling you out of your chair you can only hope that Dottore manages to remember that he has a meeting with Pantalone at noon.
You're hardly gone for an hour. Tartaglia was just bored, bored enough to come to Dottore of all people, that he happened to spot you who looked equally as bored. He just roughed you up a little before he deemed you completely useless and a horrible fighter before sending you back on your way. Seriously, if he wanted a fight he should have just picked one of the skirmishers instead of a damn receptionist. Although you may have to reconsider your position because as soon as you walk back into the lab, a girl is throwing herself at you and demanding where you've been.
You don't get the chance to answer before she's hurriedly running down twisting hallways, down the stairs, and punching in codes so complicated it looked like she was trying to make music out of them. Whatever questions you have are ignored in favor of getting you somewhere as fast as possible. It begins to make sense when you're finally shoved into a room, the girl who dragged you all this way throwing herself onto her knees and begging for forgiveness for letting you wander off.
The lab is an absolute disaster. This isn't the organized chaos you're acquainted with but the aftermath of a manic episode you're familiar with. Glass shards dripping with fluorescent liquid, research notes torn apart that flutter around the room as faux snow, and one mad doctor in the middle.
"Where have you been?"
For someone who destroyed years worth of progress, he sounds oddly calm and collected. His deep voice is firm while he fiddles with a test tube of blue liquid, watching it slosh around before placing it onto a broken table. He barely pays any mind to the girl currently on her hands and knees, forehead pressed to the ground while she glares at you to say something.
"Out," is your reply. A casual shrug of your shoulders even though the Dottore's back is to you. He's not wearing his usual white coat. That's too bad, you think it looks kinda cool. Really goes with his bird aesthetic.
"Out...out you say. Out. Out. Out," he mumbles softly, each time he say's the word "out", he taps the test tube harder onto the table. The lull in conversation only makes the pressure of the room drop lower before the tension snaps and he hurls the test tube at the girl still on her knees. It's only thanks to your reflexes that you manage to grab the collar of her uniform and throw her back just as the test tube collides with the floor, the liquid melting away the concrete where her head was. You can only give her a nudge and a look towards the door for her to scramble to her feet and flee as far away as she can. The slam of the door behind her acting as the nail in the coffin as Dottore's body seems to slump in on itself.
"Where have you been?" he asks again, running a hand through his messy hair. He sounds and looks far more tired, his fingers twitching to reach out and hold you but his pride stopping him. So you push yourself and step forward into his space, reaching your hands out to cup his face and rubbing soothing circles into his porcelain skin. He doesn't lean into your touch but he doesn't push you away either.
"Getting tossed around by Tartaglia. He came by saying he was bored and I just so happened to be there," you say absentmindedly, twirling the long lock of blue hair that hangs off the sides of his mask. He responds by snatching your wrist, squeezing hard enough until your bones creak. "Were you worried? Did you think I ran away?"
He doesn't dignify your question with a response. Simply shrugging your hands off his face before he reaches up to pinch your cheeks, a familiar cackle vibrating from his chest.
"As if you would have anywhere to go."
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dustofthedailylife · 2 years
Rejecting you was my first mistake
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Summary: They harshly reject you before realizing later on that they had feelings for you all along... only that you have already turned over a new leaf.
Pairings: Ayato, Kaeya, Xiao, Alhaitham x (gn!) Reader - [separate]
Tags: Angst, Hurt/no comfort
A/N: Hi peeps! I'm back with a new fic. Perfect for the gloomy fall season I deliver you some angst that a nonnie requested. I also added Alhaitham despite not being in the request. This is my first time writing for him (and it's angst, haha! He'll also get some fluff soon, I promise!)
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You looked below yourself and started drawing circles in the sand on the beach you were sitting on with Ayato. Your heart painfully clenched in your chest as you were unsure whether or not now was the right time to pour your heart out to the man by your side. Would he feel the same or would it end up ruining the friendship you’ve had since your childhood days?
“What is troubling you?” There really was nothing you could hide from him, was there?
“Nothing.”, you attempted to reassure him but he didn't seem convinced and raised an eyebrow with worry flaring up in his lavender eyes. You sighed deeply, your mind and heart starting to race one hundred miles per hour, while trying to gather all your courage.
“Ayato, I… I think I have feelings for you.”
A small frown played around his lips that looked more like he was pitying you and you could feel how your heart shattered into a million pieces. A mind numbing silence followed your confession that almost drove you insane.
“Oh? That is all you have to say?”
“I’m sorry... I won’t be able to give you the reply you’re hoping for... I do not reciprocate your feelings, I see you more as a part of my family. I've actually been meaning to tell you today, that I’m going to be wed soon”
“... a wedding?”, you asked in disbelief with a quivering voice.
“It has not been officially announced yet, but she is from an allied clan and it was my father’s dying wish that I’d marry her.”
You turned your face away from him, not wanting him to see how his words had crushed even the last bit of hope you've ever had. You could feel tears stinging at the corners of your eyes and a painful lump forming in your throat. You got up from where you were sitting, kicking off the sand that stuck to your clothes and sighed silently in defeat.
“Do you love her?”, you asked with a shaky voice, waiting for his answer.
“I will.”, he replied after a short moment of hesitation, as if he was looking for the right words in order to not wound you more than he already had, oblivious to the fact that your heart was already broken beyond repair.
You nodded in acceptance before you started to walk away without looking back, feeling his pitying stare burn into the back of your head.
Weeks turned into months and months soon turned into years but he never saw you again since that day on the beach. You didn’t attend his wedding, that he had attempted to invite you to again via numerous letters, either. But every letter he sent to you or spontaneous visits to your home, stayed unanswered, until he ultimately decided to leave you alone to allow your broken heart to heal at its own pace. 
It wasn’t until he found a letter addressed to him on his desk one day, that made reality suddenly crash down on him.
Dear Lord Kamisato,
I am truly sorry that I did neither reach out for a long time nor that I could deliver this message to you in person. Shortly after our talk at the beach back then I realized that I needed to change something about my life and decided to leave Inazuma for good. By the time you will receive this letter I am already long gone.
I had realized that I needed to stop chasing impossible dreams and start focusing on my own goals in life and I knew that wouldn’t have been possible, if my feelings for you kept being an obstacle. It felt like I was drowning in a deep ocean, trying to reach the surface in order to be able to breathe again, but no matter how hard I struggled, it felt like it kept moving further and further away from me. Thus I took the next ship to Liyue and started to build a new life there. You’ll be happy to hear that I even met a lovely man that I married not too long ago.
I’m sorry I could not attend your wedding and I often miss the days where we hung out to talk or played chess together. I hope that things have gone well on your end and that you’re happy and doing well where you’re at now.
With Love,
Your old friend
He gingerly put the letter back on the table in front of him, tracing your penmanship with his finger as if he intended to feel your presence through it under his fingertips for one last time. He harshly bit his lip and felt a single tear rolling down his cheek. He wondered why your words caused him such intense grief all of a sudden.
It wasn’t until his eyes landed on the photo of him and his wife on his wedding day that he began to realize and a tidal wave of regret surged over him.
Back on that day on the beach he told you he would get married, he told you he would love her and he told you he doesn’t love you the same way you loved him. So why was it that only now he realized that it was you, that it had always been you, who he had been in love with all along? He had been a coward and pushed you away. Now you are gone, building a family of your own, far away from him, while he is trapped in a loveless marriage with a woman he has nothing in common with.
He had lied to himself all these years, convincing himself that he was happy with the way things were now - but the cold hard truth was, that he could not be happy if it wasn’t with you.
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“And I won, again!”, Kaeya snickered, throwing his playing cards on the table triumphantly before downing the rest of his wine in one sip. It had been a cheerful evening that you and him spent together at the Tavern after work and you’d feel great, if only it wasn’t for your crush on the Cavalry Captain, which increasingly pushed itself in the foreground on your mind.
“I give up, you beat me! Drinks are on me tonight”, you chuckled and lifted your hands up in defeat before going to order another round of drinks for you. 
Kaeya watched as you walked over to the bar, conversing with the familiar bard who seemed to be quite fond of the wine as well and often kept hanging around the Tavern. He watched as the young bard threw a quick glance over his way before leaning in closer to you and whispering something in your ear that seemed to fluster you quite a bit, making you shake your head quickly.
“Got a love confession from the little bard over there, sweetheart?”, Kaeya teased as you arrived back at the table with the drinks.
“No, no, nothing like that. Nothing important.”, you reassured him, but deep down you hoped that what Kaeya had just asked was a small sign that he was interested in you as well.
As the evening drew to a close, Kaeya and you walked home together until you stood in front of your door. The moment you took the doorknob in your hand you suddenly turned around again with newfound courage, determined to spill your hearts content out to Kaeya.
“Alright, here we are. See you tomorrow! We can–”
“Kaeya, wait…”, you interrupted him and grabbed his hand before he could leave. “Remember when the bard told me something earlier?”
“Yeah, I do. Need any love advice from yours truly?”, Kaeya teased.
“Kaeya, please. This is not about him… but about something he told me, or rather about something he told me to do.”
“Are you in trouble?”
“Tch, that’s one way to put it… Kaeya, listen, I think – no, I’ve realized you’re more to me than just a friend. I–I I have feelings for you.”
A long silence followed your confession. His expression remained unreadable until he eventually pulled his hand out of yours again, placing it over his stomach and starting to laugh. Your heart painfully clenched at the sound of his bellowing laughter echoing in your ears.
“Hahaha, sweetheart. I think you had a bit too much to drink tonight, hm?” He remarked and patted your cheek with an amused expression, wiping a tear out of the corner of his eye.
“I only drank grape juice, Kaeya!”, you exclaimed, slapping his hand away in frustration. “I meant what I said.”
“Oh.”, he paused, his amused expression replaced with one that essentially told you everything you needed to know. He did not feel the same way about you.
“You actually like me?”
“I do… quite ironic, huh? The first time I ever fall in love, it’s with the only person who doesn’t love me back.”, you directed your gaze at the ground, feeling tears prick at the corners of your eyes as you desperately tried to swallow them down.
“I-I guess I’ll leave you be… goodnight. See you tomorrow, maybe…” He turned around, quickly waving you goodbye and leaving you heartbroken.
In the following weeks he noticed that you were purposefully avoiding him but he couldn’t blame you for it. He tried to act as he normally would when he ran into you, in the hopes that things would go back to how they were before that night, but they never did. In fact the more he tried to act normal, the more he felt like you were pushing him away, until you ultimately came to his office, handing him your letter of resignation telling him that you couldn’t keep going as if nothing happened.
It wasn’t until he saw you walking around the Dawn Winery’s vineyard hand in hand with Diluc, when he was there for some official business on the Knights' behalf, that he felt something inside of him die. At first he shrugged it off as jealousy, until he wondered why he was jealous in the first place. He had told you he had no feelings for you, so why did he feel the way he did when he saw you so happy and in love with Diluc? Why was it only now that he realized that he was in love with you?
To shield himself, he had always been so used to lying and keeping his heart locked, even to the ones he loved, that he had become numb to its desires - running away from his own feelings, until it was too late.
In the end all he could do was ruin things and push people away. It’s what he was best at, it seems.
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Xiao and you had hung out at Wangshu Inn but as soon as you had gone home he found your backpack sitting on one of the chairs on the balcony. Surely you must’ve forgotten it.
He picked your backpack up before it slipped out of his grasp, spilling its contents on the floor. Among it was your diary, which flipped open and landed face down on the ground.
Xiao let out an annoyed sigh as he picked up the things scattered across the floor, until he picked up your diary and caught a glimpse of a page where you had stuck a picture of you and him together with some doodled hearts and a small note reading "One day I will tell him..." below it.
What did that have to mean?
As if prompted, out of the corner of his eyes he spotted how your familiar figure appeared at the entrance to the balcony again. You halted the minute you saw him stand there, backpack on the floor with all your things scattered around it and your diary in his hand - opened. You could feel panic well up inside of your chest and your heart dropped heavily.
“What are you doing there, Xiao?”, you asked with unease in your voice. Had he seen the picture with your notes?
“I wanted to bring you your backpack, you’ve forgotten it. I accidentally dropped it… what does this have to mean? What will you tell me one day?”
He turned around, stretching his arm out, showing you the opened book in his hand and your worst fears had become reality the moment you saw which page he had been looking at. 
“Xiao, I–, archons why did you have to see this… I like you Xiao – a lot actually.”
He eyed you cautiously with an indecipherable expression in his eyes. Was it confusion, was it anger or maybe even lack of understanding? You couldn’t tell and the silence that followed your confession made your heart painfully contract in your chest.
“What do you mean, why?” 
“Why would you want to tell me this? What made you think I’d ever feel the same way? I’m not capable of feeling this way towards you, or anyone.”
“It’s not like I chose to.” Your voice was nothing but a mere whisper at this point and the lump in your throat became more painful by the minute. You took your last bit of strength to rip your diary out of his hands and quickly gathered your things together, that were still lying on the ground and stuffed them into your backpack. You flung it over your shoulder and left the adeptus without looking back once. 
This was the last time Xiao talked to you. He convinced himself that he didn’t need anyone around anyway, he’d been alone for centuries already, he could do a couple more. That was until the Lantern Rite came around a year later.
He never had been the person to hang around big crowds and this year would be no different. He sat atop one of the buildings in the city, overlooking the harbor and watching the lanterns float into the night sky.
Suddenly his gaze found you in the large crowd at the pier and he watched you as you let your own lantern rise into the sky, but you weren’t alone. There was a man with you who kissed you tenderly as you stood there hand in hand, looking after your lantern with a big smile on your face.
Something inside of him stirred at the sight of you looking at another man with the same adoration you’ve had in your eyes for him back then. How often had you asked him if he had wanted to visit the Lantern Rite together with you as well and how often did you skip going because he refused to go?
The scene where you had left him on the balcony of Wangshu Inn, when he had found your diary, played in front of his inner eye again, evident hurt in your eyes, inflicted by his vicious words, when all you had ever shown and given to him was your time and love. He had yet again been too stubborn to realize what his heart wanted and fell back into old patterns of pushing anyone away who got too close to him. Maybe he had been scared of what it would mean if he had admitted he had felt the same for you – in fact, he still felt the same. But you no longer did.
He had pushed you away and you found happiness with someone else. Someone more deserving of your love and he had no one to blame but himself for that.
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The day you found out you and Alhaitham had been assigned to the same research trip for the Akademiya, you had felt your heart do a little jump for joy in your chest. Both of you had started studying together at the Haravatat and occasionally had been working on group projects.
The trip itself started well, you had been sent to research and gather information on some carvings found in one of the ruins of King Deshret in the desert. You had set up camp at the oasis nearby and working with him was going smoothly so far, as it always did.
On the second day you decided to venture deeper into the ruins together, to see if you'd find more inscriptions. As you took the lead, you suddenly felt one of the tiles below your feet sink down and before you could react you felt a strong arm snatch around your waist, pulling you to the side. Once you came to again you found yourself lying atop of Alhaitham, your back pressed against his chest and his arm still around your waist, in front of you a pile of rubble that had fallen down from the ceiling.
"Careful, there are traps here.", he rationally explained. Maybe a bit too rational considering you could have died. But you didn't give it too much thought, also because you were way too distracted by the pounding of your heart in your chest, and you knew it wasn't because of the triggered trap that it was beating so loudly.
"Right…", you huffed breathlessly, before slowly trying to wiggle out of his grasp again. Had the placement of his arm been intentional or did you interpret too much into it? As your thoughts spiraled off, you felt your cheeks heat up, looking down to the ground in an attempt to hide your flustered face from him.
"Are you hurt?"
"No. No, I'm fine. Thank you… for pulling me out of the way."
He looked at you with a stern expression, nodding in acknowledgement before brushing some sand off his clothes and returning to his studies wordlessly. He sat down on a huge stone in front of a mural, continuing to scribble notes in his notebook. 
"Alhaitham?", you rasped with evident nervousness in your voice, gathering all your courage for what you were planning to say.
“Hm?”, he hummed, just briefly flicking his gaze up to you. You deeply inhaled beginning to feel your heartbeat pulsate in your temples.
"I think you're really great and–"
"Do you intend to ask me for help with your paper?"
"N-no, no that's not what I was going to say… uhm, I've been meaning to say that I really really like you.", you stammered, gesturing about wildly with your hands.
"I like you too, you're a great research partner and have great academic potential."
Ouch. Either he was completely oblivious or playing dumb, no matter the case, the lump in your throat became so big it started to hurt and at that moment you wanted nothing more than to cry and run away. Your confession had backfired even worse than anything you had imagined.
"I-I don't mean academically… or even as a friend. I like you… romantically, Alhaitham.", you coaxed out, using up all your strength in order to not start crying.
He looked up from his notes and put his pencil down, eyes now fully trained on you while furrowing his eyebrows.
"What made you think I have feelings for you?", he asked with an annoyed undertone in his voice. He slightly shook his head and devoted himself to his notes again.
He did not speak to you for the entire rest of trip afterwards, outside of the strictly necessary communication. Practically acting as if you didn't exist. Leaving you even more embarassed and heartbroken than you had already been from his original rejection.
Back at the Akademiya you immediately enrolled to change subjects and joined the Amurta for a short while, before deciding to quit your academic career entirely to become a Forest Ranger in Avidya Forest.
Alhaitham would lie if he had said he immediately noticed that you had quit, it had only occurred to him several weeks after you had been gone. It had gotten rather quiet recently and while he usually didn't mind being on his own and studying alone, he did miss your input on certain matters.
It wasn't until one day where he was tasked to bring an important document to Tighnari in Avidya Forest on the Akademiya's behalf, that he realized his grave mistake. It was then he saw you again for the first time. You stood on the gravel path in front of Tighnari's hut, both your hands interlocked with his, pressing a fleeting kiss on his lips. A smile brighter than the sun gracing your beautiful features before waving Tighnari goodbye and heading for the forest, together with a girl with green hair and purple eyes.
At that moment Alhaitham felt a wave of emotions wash over him, ones he, at first, couldn't quite place. You had never smiled at him like this. Was what he witnessed, what he could have had with you? He tried to ignore the painful knot in his stomach but no matter how often he told himself that he didn’t care what you were doing with your life now and who you were with, he had to admit that in reality he wanted nothing more than to turn back time to tell you he felt the same for you. It finally dawned on him that he had been blind about his feelings for you the entire time.
Why did he only realize it now? Only Archons knew.
He had learned the hard way that academic success wasn’t everything that was desirable in life. A realization that unfortunately came too late - you had already found happiness in someone else.
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Do not repost, copy, translate or edit - © dustofthedailylife || reblogs, comments and asks about Genshin or my fics are always appreciated <3
Maple dividers are mine - do not copy.
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@irethepotato @euphierosyne @x-zho @stygianoir @polalcee
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jhuzen · 1 year
Hey hey heyyy! new fave author that's you! i'm not really sure if you're taking requests but the ask box is open but you can just delete this if you arent :")
sooooooo bear with me but i need to heal with your angst fic. you write so well and i think you can pull this off because idk if its just me but sometimes the reader is giving off dom vibes. so again if you're comfortable may i pls request for a reader that just makes our tall genshin men feel smol? that's all pls and thank you <3
the shivers [gn/m.reader]
big-brained anon. i will call you primordial anon for being the first one! i was just about to finish the inazuma ver. of workload and i’m vvvv happy that i got this! yes, i will take requests, but i have yet to make some rules, but trust me this one, i can definitely do and hopefully do some justice. i’m not sure which tall genshin men you wanted, so i played it safe and called upon all of the playable tall men ;-; i hope whoever you’re looking for is in here. gn/m reader as always (also it’s cute that you think the reader radiates dom energy wwwww)
dark and suggestive content so please be warned ehe. dom reader with tall playable men ft. diluc, kaeya, childe, zhongli, ayato, thoma, itto, and alhaitham. also pls excuse my manners on alhaitham’s, yours truly lost the 50/50 and i am taking it out on him 😔
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Agony. Pure agony gnawed somewhere within Alhaitham’s unbelievably still human heart. It throbbed with want and ached for your attention, but you simply weren’t a mind reader (or maybe you were, but somehow magically, you suddenly couldn’t read his pain at the moment). His eyes narrowed as you conversed with the juniors that sought you out from left to right — you were an alumni in Akademiya of course, a popular one at that and as the professors sang your praises, the scholars couldn’t help but take chance.
You were far more approachable than the current scribe after all. It’s only logical that the students would flock you and that alone could barely get a rise out of him. However, this one calls for a special circumstance — an outlier, if you will.
And as his gaze burned at the sight, he still couldn’t fathom how you couldn’t feel his silent wanting, he’d even dare as to say he was brooding at this point, deprived of your attention that you often promised he has.
All because of a previous classmate of yours.
You felt it alright, the uncomfortable heavy feeling at the back of your head. And you’re wont to the realization that it may have been your dearly beloved Alhaitham, him and his impatience growing by the second. And you could feel the exasperation that brewed inside him, boiling like a dormant magma suddenly growing active, but there was a little devil on your shoulder, urging you to be a little bit more mean to him, and continued to talk to Tighnari.
Your companion wasn’t any dumber, in fact, he was the first one to feel the heated stare directed in your direction. And while he expressed his adamance in leaving to cease the Akademiya lunatic’s jealousy, the knowing mirth in your eyes asked him to stay a little longer. To aid you in your little game.
“You ought to pay attention to him,” the forest ranger laughed a little, feeling the tiniest bit of pity towards the infamous coolheaded scribe, now left at your mercy. Tighnari, being one of your best mates in your years in Akademiya also had to succumb into your ruthlessness. Truly, you and Alhaitham were a match made in abyss for putting up with each other’s antics. “I could already feel my spine crawling with dread.”
“Indulge me with just a few more minutes, my good friend. I did truly miss you after all — what with my work often moving and you barely coming in the city when I am home,” you laughed a little and Tighnari only shot you a disapproving look at your stalling.
“Come and visit then. If I remember right, you promised Collei some trinkets from your trip in Mondstadt.”
“Yeah, yeah.” You waved at Tighnari as the hybrid finally left your clutches with an equally mediocre enthusiasm. And finally, you spun on your heel, excusing yourself for awhile from the scholars who were most likely hoping to hold an audience with you.
You walked back to the secluded area, far from the prying eyes (though you didn’t mind if there were onlookers, a little humiliation is always fun). Alhaitham’s eyes were trained back on the book, though you figured his attention was miles away from the texts and still is fixated on your presence.
Sliding the books out of Alhaitham’s way, you finally sat on the table and gently grabbed his chin, a soft gaze from you was all it took for the man to melt. He subtly leaned into your touch and you relished in the fact as he breathed in the scent of cologne that you would always dab on your wrist, inhaling your scent like a drug, “You needn’t be so jealous, love. I’m always here and I could never betray your trust. To simply do so would be the death of me.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh? Is that so? I must be projecting then. Perhaps because of that one little girl that thought you were up for grabs.” Your words had Alhaitham immediately stiffening under your touch as he finally abandoned the book, hands grabbing onto your thighs so tightly — a silent apology that he somehow forgot.
But you yearned for a verbal apology, you wanted to hear the remorse in his voice even if you had to pull it out of him in sobs and soft moans. Alas, you were much too impatient as your hand on his chin shifted, now grasping his cheeks and squishing them together.
Through his forced puckered lips, he mumbled out a muffled apology, “M’s’rry…”
A laugh tore away from your throat, “I know you are.” You leaned down, pressing a kiss to those soft lips of his before dauntingly sticking out your tongue and giving a rather carnal lick afterwards, effectively wetting his lips.
Your vice grip in his cheeks was nothing against his quiet whimper of plea as you devoured his still puckered lips with your fervent licks and mildly aggressive nips, uncaring whether or not the skin of his lips broke and bled. And even then, Alhaitham was sure you absolutely enjoyed the taste of the metallic iron as long as it was his. And nothing could get him going more knowing that despite the toying you did with him, the way you seemed mean at times and absolutely refused to acknowledge him, you were wrapped around his finger.
A soft groan left your lips when he squeezed your thighs with much force — and while that could have been a cue for something else entirely, you had enough awareness not to take him there and then and opted to pull away with a conniving grin.
Quiet pants left Alhaitham’s lightly swollen lips, completely red and absolutely drenched in your saliva. You only gave him one more smile before reaching out to wipe away the drooling mess you’ve made on your beloved scribe.
“Thank you for that quick snack break. I ought to entertain more research questions. The Amurta scholars these days are so jovial! It gets my heart pumping to see their cute eager faces. I’ll see you later, love.”
And this time, Alhaitham let you go with little to no protest, feeling that he himself was also fulfilled for the moment.
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Impatience flooded through Ayato’s system as he continued to keep up the facade in front of the other commissioners. He was far from an exquisite mood as he continued to listen to the ludicrous suggestions of his fellow politicians. He has seen children pitch better ideas on how to catch a tanuki when he walked the streets of Inazuma City with you a couple of days before.
And speaking of which, you were the love hidden behind closed doors. The darling jewel of the Kamisato clan — a nobleman from the faraway lands of your proud nation. Only Celestia knows how such an important figure such as yourself ended up in the doorstep of the Kamisato household. But only his sister and trusted keeper would know how a prolific man such as Ayato end up in your strong and caring arms.
The thought of you suddenly had Ayato feeling weak in the knees, doing who knows what — and he dreaded to see you lonely, and in desperate need of company. Ayaka was often out and about, handling the surface affairs, and Thoma was much too busy with the upkeep of the teashop when he’s not in duty as a housekeeper and your companion. He dreaded the thought of you emerging from the household and suddenly being seen by the rest without his approval — his secret love.
He bore through the absolutely god-awful meeting with the mere thought of you keeping him sane through this absolutely maddening (important) boredom.
While Ayato was preoccupied with unrestrained concern for your wellbeing, you weren’t all too bothered with being left in the deafening silence of the Kamisato household; as a matter of fact, you reveled in the tranquility your beloved’s home have offered you. You took care of everything like a good spouse, taking off some labor from Thoma and even learned a few hobbies you can teach Ayaka.
You were much too independent to be helpless. You liked to move and surprise people with the extent of your prowess. It was enticing to see their surprised reactions, throwing people off guard was a pastime you could never hope to give up.
Perhaps it was why you loved Ayato all the more. His reaction could never be beaten by any other person. Especially when it dawned on him that he too can be outsmarted and overpowered, to be underneath someone and to feel what it’s like to relinquish control. Not politically though, you could never take that from him. Otherwise, he’s all in your hands.
And none was all different when Ayato finally arrived home, a breathtaking yet cheeky smile plastered on his flawless face. His voice reverberated through the house as he entered, laced with eagerness as he stepped on the tatami floors as he made his way to where you are. And unsurprisingly, you were by the engawa, indulging the serenity of the place.
“Welcome home, lovely,” your voice already had him growing weak, almost missing a step as he sat behind you, arms already lacing around your sturdy shoulders. He inhaled your scent fresh and sweet, only fueling his intoxication. “How was work?”
“Long and tiring. I abhorred the time wasted not being with you,” you could feel Ayato‘s pout against the nape of your neck and laughed. You indulged him and his nuzzling against your skin, letting him go through all kinds of euphoria. You licked up every single attention he gave you and Ayato was no different as he continued to take advantage of what little control he has in this moment.
“It’s not all so bad. It‘s not like I’m going anywhere.” Your words quickly reeled Ayato in as desperation seeped through his veins — a desperation for you to make good on your promise and to never, ever break it. Hah. Like you were even foolish enough to do so. “I should hope that I can hold you on the same promise?”
Your tone made it out a suggestion but Ayato shivered at the thinly veiled threat — knowing that he can’t escape your grasp ever. That he’s shackled so lovingly within you; a promise of raw love that only you and him can enjoy and no one else. Of course, he wouldn’t have it any other way. He submitted into your touch as you turned around and swiftly pulled him into your lap.
“Absolutely ravishing,” Ayato’s breath hitched at your compliment. He’s heard people sing their praise to him in a hundred words, but all you had to do was speak and he’s already so, so weak, completely under your mercy. His hands made its way to your shoulders to gain some grounding, a footing in this world with all the haze your words injected into his mind.
Ayato’s smile was lazy, eyes half-lidded as he leaned in to steal a kiss you’ve been cruelly depriving him of since his arrival, and you were quick to reciprocate. He almost fell out of your lap when your hands gripped his hips tightly, oh so possessively, and he could only imagine the marks you’d leave if he wasn’t wearing his layered uniform at work.
Pulling away from the kiss, he left one more peck, “You’re doing my head in, y’know? Take some responsibility.”
You wouldn’t have been Ayato’s beloved if you did otherwise.
The wooden floorboards creaked as you shifted, rocking forward further with a hand on the back of Ayato’s head as you laid him down. Ayato had to stifle a quiet whine as your lips found themselves attached on his chin, considering that his clothes left so little room for an opening in his neck. He quivered as your lips moved further up, just on the side of his bottom lip where his beauty mark was. Archons, he’s never felt so defenseless as he did with you.
Alas, you were a tease and soon left him alone as you sat up, his legs immediately wrapping around your waist to pull you back in as he flashed you a sly grin, “What say we bless the stars tonight with a show?”
You scoffed with a smile, “No, thank you. I’d get jealous.”
The Yashiro commissioner was purring in delight.
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Reluctance was a feeling that Diluc should have expected and prepared for, only for him to do the exact opposite of it. Instead, he was blindsided and only has himself to blame. Though, quite frankly, he’d rather have you take responsibility instead.
He was never one for conversations and actively avoided them as much as possible unless it was a talk about business. Diluc could never find himself engage into a mindless chatter, and often kept to himself. Though, granted he has the traveler to thank for keeping him company and prying him open at times, but other than that, his interactions with people are limited to the staff of his winery and the tavern, sometimes with Kaeya, and on certain nights when he’s bartending, he’d make the effort to speak to kick out a drunkard bard out of the tavern.
All of that however boiled down into nothing in comparison to the hurricane that was you. None of his experiences (if one could even call it that) could have prepared him for the situations that you would put him in. They were so unbearable, and often times it leaves him completely exasperated at your antics.
But even so, he’s willing to bear it all if it meant he could be with you. Diluc would go through the most compromising positions you would put him in if it meant he could gain even an inkling of approval from you. And it may just be his brain trying to comfort him, but he does feel significantly more lax in the company of others ever since you became a part of his peaceful life.
All of a sudden, he’s holding up better in mundane talks and people noticed. The patrons of his tavern were all flabbergasted to see that the air around Diluc has cleared and that it doesn’t feel like a chore to him to even talk to them. Even the traveler and their emergency food noticed that there was a different feel to Diluc upon their return to Mondstadt to fulfill some commissions. Adelinde could not be any prouder for her master as he indulged those small talks.
If only she knew why.
Case in point — Diluc has gotten better in socializing because of you. Only because anything seems far easier than being subjected into your shameless cruelty.
A quiet wail left the Darknight hero’s quivering lips as his back collided against the walls of your shared bedroom. The hurricane that ruthlessly terrorized his otherwise peaceful and dull life was you — relentless and absolutely merciless. All logic from his mind slowly went down the drain as you ruthlessly devoured him, like a lion forced into fasting feeding on a gazelle; you went in for the kill.
Your lips left no room in his neck as you enjoyed your feast. Much like that ridiculously gruesome analogy, you were just as deprived, forced into being a good partner for your beloved Diluc as he went on with a week filled with nothing but conducting business for the winery as well as doing his duties as the protector of Mondstadt while its occupants fall into a collective slumber.
Not like you were any better though — you were also just as busy, collecting research samples for your investigative partner, Albedo. And all of that resulted into missed quality times, as you were often away before Diluc could wake up and you were already asleep before he could come home. It was ridiculous.
But freedom was a theme that Mondstadt upheld and suddenly, there was free time. A sliver of chance where Diluc came home earlier and you went home a little later, only crossing paths on the way to the winery. And all that eventually led to your ferocious and undeterred expression of love.
Diluc could already see the glimmering stars as he tilted his head up to leave more room in his neck, eyes screwed shut to keep his mind off of the embarrassing position he’s in — held up against the wall by you, barely supported by anything but the wall behind him and your hands that gripped on his thighs when you lifted his legs up.
“Have you any idea how much I’ve longed for a chance to even breathe you in?” Your harmless growl against the skin of his neck was enough to send him into a spiral of embarrassment and pride. He never had much chance to feel someone’s incredible want for him until the day you came along and Diluc soon found that this was a feeling he could never let go of.
Alas, your question, rhetoric or not, was left unanswered when all of the experience he’s had in conversing with others left his pretty little mind. Just the feeling of your possessive hands grip onto his skin so tightly had him forgetting the every alphabet in Teyvat’s language. Short ragged breathing left Diluc’s lips and he finally opened his eyes when he felt you pull away, granting his neck to see the light.
Vicious and angry marks are bound to decorate his skin by the looks of it and he was no better than you — completely drowned in excitement and thrill.
You could see the wanton need in his eyes, now completely glossed over with a haze that looks all too familiar, you could even say that the feeling’s an old friend of yours — what with you being completely insatiable. That is until Diluc came into your peripherals and suddenly you had the urge to drag him where you are; and ever the pliant gentleman this man is, he quickly caved, only to realize just how ruthless you are.
Even so, it’s not completely unwelcome. Diluc’s mind muses as you dove back in, this time with an urge to leave him breathless for a much different reason.
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Excitement was not so much of a stranger in the company of Itto. He was always so exuberant, even to the point of it placing him in trouble under the Tenryou commission. And while the gang cheered him on (other than the reliable and trustworthy Shinobu), it still is, at the end of the day, nothing but trouble.
However, beyond that, the only thing that Itto could get consumed in excitement without getting in trouble are his ramblings about you. To say that he was your biggest fan would be an understatement, and just when people have started to think that no one could be prouder of Arataki Itto than himself, the moment your name leaves his mouth, no one else is escaping the plethora of praises he has for you.
You were his pride and joy and to be able to have you as his was nothing short of a miracle — well, not so much, considering that surely no one can resist Itto’s irresistible charms. And as he boasted about you and how you were all over him, people can only accept the fate they subjected themselves into. The usual victims of his rambling could just as easily ace a test that was all about you. People knew of the things you favored and the ones that didn’t, the things that can get you to stop doing what you are doing just to indulge yourself.
And you let them. You figured there was no harm done in Itto blabbing away who you are. Really, people knew you but you rarely ever showed yourself around them, being one of the work types in contrast to your partner’s easy going life. And besides, it was nothing short of amusing to see people’s faces when they finally catch a glimpse of the Itto’s priceless jewel that is you and you’d often hear people comment offhandedly about Itto’s words not even doing you justice.
You enjoyed those moments — the praises that you hear from left to right were welcomed with a captivating and grateful smile from yours.
But all that pales in comparison to the feeling you get when you praise your beloved, watching him completely fall apart in your arms as your honeyed whispers filled with promises of love and sin get him going.
“And then I managed to pick the biggest onikabuto! And when I got to duel I almost won!” Itto faltered a little as the realization dawned on him that it was yet another loss in his books. Fortunately, he quickly recovered, “N-Not that I didn’t lose because I suck! I let those kids have a taste of victory!”
“Hoh? Like before?” You entertained Itto’s whims as you continued to cut slices into the apples that his gang had managed to procure on their adventuring in the outskirts of Inazuma. “How generous. I could only hope to see the glee in those children’s eyes.”
Itto jumped up from his seat and headed over to you, arms snaking around your hips with his chin resting on your shoulder. You picked up a slice and fed it to the oni, who so gladly obliged your little act of service. In any case, someone could mistake the dynamics of your relationship with someone if they were to see just how docile you are and how well-behaved Itto seems to be.
But much like your job, you liked to work behind closed doors and you were far more appreciative with your own work when it’s only seen by your own eyes.
You swiftly turned around, still encased with Itto’s strong arms with an apple in hand. But such an innocent gesture can only be deciphered as deceiving, especially with the way your eyes glinted. It was dangerous and sharp, on the prowl like a hungry predator, and in this case, Itto was always subjected into the role of a prey. Still, with Itto’s lack of awareness, he can only give you a beaming smile, so filled with sweet innocence and… stupidity. Something you can appreciate more as this man’s sole corruptor.
“Just hearing you being such a nice oni to those children…” your voice shifted and even with Itto’s constant naïveté, he can hear the seductive danger behind your words. “You must’ve been a very good boy, huh?”
He quickly perked up, unable to resist your words. He almost felt his knees buckle — and he would’ve given out had you not been holding him up well. Wait, since when were you the one in charge? He was the one who had a grip on you earlier.
Without even so much of an effort, you spun him around, now the one trapped between the kitchen counter and your body. It must’ve been the Inazuman summer heat that suddenly set him ablaze — you flashed him a small smile that he could never recover from, so approving yet so domineering; all Itto could think about now is how he can draw out more praises from your sweet lips.
Lucky for him, you feeling relatively charitable that day. You brought up the apple slice against his lips, prying them open and watched with amusement as he opened his mouth willingly, obedient and pliant, like a dog. You leaned in, attaching your lips to the apple halfway through his bite and gazed at him, sultry and still so collected. Itto could only swallow dryly at the proximity and— oh, since when did you have such a vice grip on his bare waist?
Itto could feel himself squirm a little and look away, and you followed, not even letting him get a breathing room. You nudged the apple slice into his mouth still with that small smile that hid a lot of harmless malice, taking delight in the oni’s sudden subservience.
“What a good oni you are,” you repeated and Itto could do nothing but absorb every praise you’d give. “My good boy.”
He’s been such a good boy, right? Rarely any jail time for him. Surely you can reward him with something more palpable?
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Remorse was something Kaeya thought he would feel the moment he kisses his bachelor life goodbye. Admittedly, the situation with getting in a relationship with was a very rocky path he took on. It was a mess and even Kaeya could not smooth talk his way out of that kind of argument. It was an unhealthy push and pull, he wanted you so bad was much too terrified. He has other commitments and he has a mission to carry on his back.
But ever the benevolent person you are, you managed to put up with the highs and the lows of the infamous cavalry captain, letting him off to disappear for days only to come back in your arms, looking like a kicked puppy. Somehow you knew that even with his emotional availability, his constant flirting with others, you knew that even without the promise of his commitment, he would always, always come back to you.
And each time, you would receive him happily in your arms.
The moment that finally, Kaeya was somehow able to comfort or gaslight himself into thinking that a commitment to the real thing was miles better than him having to spend time with strangers, pretending that it was you underneath him. And boy was it a treat.
What Kaeya thought would be something he would entirely regret, turned into something far better (or worse) for him. You were the epitome of the alcohol he would spend mora on, the intoxicating heat that gets him all too feverish. You kept up with him like you did back when he would push and pull against you. His teasings quickly shut down by your quick mouth and sharp wit.
But he didn’t expect the way you were instantly able to subvert his expectations the night he decided to finally bed you. You took him with the dominance that he was sure rifthounds would cower from and he had to risk a day of being late in his position for the very first time in his otherwise clean career.
Within the few months, you’ve managed to embed yourself into his life like a poison, further dragging him down into something he can only see getting close to what seems to be an obsession. He was, by all means, addicted to your touch, the way you leave him breathless, and the way that absolutely no one knows the things you can do behind that innocent smile. Because you were a homemaker, the kind of person parents would recommend their sons and daughters to get married to.
It really was always the quiet ones.
However, you did not come without any risk. Kaeya was an important figure in Mondstadt, and more or less, he worried about your safety. Though it was not the usual safety issues that he has to deal with. Homemaker or not, he knew you can hold on your own with your vision. Though it was more on the fact that he had to keep the relationship a secret that you were in danger — as far as everyone was concerned, you were not taken.
And people sure did show their interest the moment you headed out to the tavern. He was supposed to have a quiet drink with you and enjoy your presence outside your lovely home for once.
“Oh, you absolute charmer!” One of the women by your side laughed loudly. She gave you a playful shove, and as someone who has been the one to receive and give such a tactic, Kaeya already knew her intentions with you. “It’s honestly a miracle of sorts that you’re still unwed!”
Kaeya had to intervene before any of the you-deprived people made a move. He entered the space and everyone parted out of respect. You only gave him a beaming smile that left him invigorated, “Ah! Captain Kaeya! What an honor!”
“Hoho~ the fabled Mondstadt’s homemaker heading out for drinks? How fascinating. Care to have a drink with me? I have much to ask of you.” It was a silent plea behind his words, and you weren’t always so mean to him hence your obedience, letting him lead you up into the far less populated second floor.
“Have you learned that there’s a way to see how well someone can kiss?” You were quick to bring up and Kaeya just had to know. He pulled you in by the waist, knowing that he’s safe from the prying eyes (and even if there were, he wouldn’t mind them seeing).
“Oh is that so? Pray tell what that might be, hm?”
“Apparently if you can tie a cherry step into a knot, it means that you’re an expert at it! And,” you paused, a hand digging into your pocket as you showed Kaeya what seems to be knotted stem, “Looks like I passed the test?”
Kaeya and his teasing nature couldn’t help but prod further, “Hoh? But shouldn’t I be the judge of that? Not some stem. Matter of fact, did you just do that to prove yourself… or to impress others?”
A mischievous mirth lit up in your eyes that usually gleamed of innocence and Kaeya was over the moon at hitting the jackpot. You wasted no second as you bent down, one knee already pressing up against his lower region and he had to stifle a quiet groan at the sensation. Truly, the grip you had in him was absolutely maddening.
With a grin, you tilted his head up, adoring the way his eye closed in anticipation. And to his surprise, he could only feel something rub up against his closed eye, as you gave it a generous lick, like a dog oh so happy to see his owner. But Kaeya had to wonder… just who was the owner in this relationship… surely even with the way you’re acting you would know…
You gave him a peck on the lips and Kaeya almost lost it when he could smell his favorite wine on you, “I may have to control myself for now, dearest. While it thrills me so, I believe you have a reputation to uphold.”
Kaeya could care less now, with eyes clouded with lust, he could only tug into your trousers with a lazy smirk, “Are you certain about that?”
The look in your hungry eyes said no.
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Cruel — other than his loving family back in Snezhnaya, that was what people would initially regard him as if they were to know of his status as the eleventh harbinger of the Fatui. Should people look past his boyish charms and friendly smile, they would’ve known how utterly devious Childe could be. And that was something he took pride on, he loved the fear he instilled in his enemies and his time down in abyss only further exacerbated the carnal urge to come out on top.
He has his reasons though — considering that he was the youngest among the lineup of the Tsarita’s harbingers. He has to prove his spot, and if being merciless was the way to go through it all, then he would gladly do so with little to no complaints.
Alas, he was a competitive fellow too. Almost everything is a challenge to him; one he would take on with gusto and flawlessness; essentially what his trademark is meant to be. But even he was sure that he could not compare to the likes of you.
Especially in cruelty.
His very endeared partner, you, hailing from nowhere, you suddenly became a sought after figure under the Cryo Archon’s kingdom. Admiration could not even come close to Childe’s feelings whenever you would grant him a few seconds of your time to show up. But now that he has you as his beloved sweetheart, none could pry him away from you. And admittedly, he even became far more hesitant in heeding the Tsarita’s orders should he be parted from you on missions.
He says you’re his sweetheart, but even Childe knows better. It was you who turned him into a subservient sweetheart, pliant and soft under your mean gaze, almost begging to be around you for even just one second. And you were sure that he’d have gone mad in ecstasy if you starved him with only your blood to offer for his sustenance. Hence the ecstatic look on your beloved harbinger was nothing short of adorable when the Tsarita had let you accompany him to Liyue.
However, your cruelty knows no bounds; and Childe learned that the hard way.
Or perhaps, he was still learning as he watched you completely ignore him since your arrival in Liyue, opting to dote on his subordinates instead, which greatly infuriated him beyond reason. You promised! You promised that only he could have your attention within your stay, and that you would make up for the time he headed back home only to hear that you were in Fontaine, holding an audience with the Chief Justice of the nation. But you weren’t making good on it in the slightest bit.
If only he knew that your cruelty was a process to be had. That your cruelty in itself was a form of sickening kindness, a way for him to need you more, to realize that he can’t have it any better after you… not like there was ever a need to convince him anyway.
And as the night finally fell, a moody Childe faced you as soon as you returned home from your little outing with the Liyue Qixing (whom you’ve made a promise to have a deal with in the near future). There was a cute pout in his lovely face and you couldn’t help but huff out a laugh in amusement, watching his normally blank eyes emit such ferocious jealousy.
“Careful dear, any more of that and you’ll be having wrinkles.” Your laugh was quick to pull him out of his brooding, finding it hard to stay mad now that finally, you were talking to him.
Childe felt like a child deprived of any form of love as he made a mad dash towards you who barely left the doorway and engulfed you in a hug, tight and absolutely refused to let go. If he were only more aware, he would’ve seen the pleased devious smile on your face before prying him away from you, resorting into a disapproving frown from your partner.
“You owe me this much, y’know? You—” Not even before he could make his proper argument, Childe already found himself getting pulled back in, a grip around his waist with one arm while the other caressed his cheek.
“I owe you?” Your mirthless laugh sends shivers down his spine and as your gloved hands linger down from his cheek down to the skin of his neck, Childe could only whimper in a poorly concealed excitement. “Dear, I owe you absolutely nothing.” You spat and the harbinger took it with open arms.
He was quick to be reduced into a speechless man as your eyes switched from something loving to something far more dangerous and addicting. Childe could feel himself stiffen in anticipation as your fingers lingered around his neck, tracing his Adam’s apple with a thinly veiled threat.
“I owe you nothing, you lowly harbinger. In fact, I’d like to raise a complaint, yes?” His throat bobbed at your cruel look. “The one night we spent on the ship, it was in rather poor taste. Matter of fact, I despised it. You performed so poorly, I had to finish myself off with someone else.”
It was a lie you both knew, but the thought of you with someone else already had Childe gripping against the lapels of your suit, in complete desperation to prove himself once more. “N-No, wait, I can…”
Your sneer was thrilling as it was arousing for Childe, and the mere thought that this would be the determinant of his life with you that was hanging by a thread was enough to get him going. Childe wasted no time to press up against you, in need to do better than his less than stellar performance.
Your lips ghosted over his trembling ones with a smirk. You absolutely loved your little harbinger.
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Guilt flooded through Thoma’s heart as set his course on breaking another poor hopeful maiden’s heart. By all means, Thoma may be unassuming, but it was something already disproven by the many confessions he would receive on the daily. He was Inazuma’s fixer, and was quite popular around neighborhood, not only as the trusted keeper of the renonwed Kamisato siblings, but also as the reliable man that anyone could go to.
And who was anyone to argue? He really did know how to aid people, so much so that the prettiest maidens ought to take him for themselves, finding his abilities endearing, and that while he was no Kamisato, he still is one of the most attractive men in the nation. Often times he does find himself to be the butt of teasing from Ayato and the pitiful smiles that Ayaka would give him.
While one would think it shouldn’t even be that big of a deal, it was more of the fact that there was an existing reason for all of this turmoil. And that just happened to be his dearly beloved fiancé, you. Alas, Thoma never had the guts to tell most people about the love that you and him shared, but rest assured he was not trying to hide you. It’s more of the prejudiced notion of him being a mere housekeeper suddenly about to get married to an important figure like you in Teyvat.
People were conservative in their views, and rarely do they find it amusing when someone of high status hopes to get married to someone who is beneath them.
Thoma hated it so, but he was doing this more for you. He has heard of the extremes Ayato has to go through to keep the Kamisato name alive. And while you haven’t experienced the same thing, Thoma wasn’t going to be the first reason for you to suffer the same fate as his boss — hence his resignation to absolute secrecy.
You, however, did not mind. Sure, you were placed on a pedestal just because of your influence stretching across all nations, but even a small uproar about your marriage to Thoma was nothing in comparison to your gigantic business, in fact, your underground organization can quash any hushed whispers from every corner of this world. But you respected Thoma’s effort and found them quite endearing, him going through all those lengths just for your sake. Nothing could get you going more than an honest and loyal man like him.
What you didn’t appreciate however, was the scene before. You’ve officially arrived back home in Inazuma, dressed in your finest robes as you were hoping to surprise your beloved fiancé — only to be greeted with a less than pleasant sight of a woman nearly convulsing in embarrassment as she spilled her heart out to who was meant to be yours.
Thoma had to learn the hard way. You ought to teach him a lesson. And that was certainly a promise you would make good on.
Thoma’s house was nothing short of comfortable and cozy, far more humble than the grand castle that awaits him as soon as he marries you. And while the luxury it brought was absolutely divine, Thoma could only argue that his home is where you are. It didn’t matter where, as long as you were in it, Thoma can live in peace.
And nothing could justify the absolute happiness in Thoma’s once he saw you by the stove, cooking something. You… you were here! With him again! His home has finally returned.
Oh if only knew just how much guilt would pool in his little heart once you get on with the punishment.
Tiny gasps escaped from Thoma’s lips, quiet murmurs of pleas for you to slow down, to let him breathe and ask why the sudden aggression. He had never expected you to be so rough. Your presence could be intimidating (even to him in your first meet), but you were far more gentle than this beastly rendition of yourself.
Despite his begging, you heeded so little of his words and pursued even harder, fingers intertwining on the chain of his dog tag, where his engagement ring was. No wonder that woman didn’t take a hint.
“P-Please, dear— let me—!”
“Was this some kind of joke?” Thoma should be scared, he knows, but the way your lips pulled into a mean snarl had him squirming in a far more pleasurable way. He shrank under your gaze as you tugged into the ring. “You are my fiancé — and I was just about ready to forgive you for even entertaining that scag when I realized your ring wasn’t on your finger.”
Thoma’s eyes widened at your words. Never have you expressed such distaste and jealousy towards him before, sure, you were territorial, but at the very least you were not an unreasonably jealous partner. It only served as a surprise when he realized that he was barely fighting this side of you, finding himself pressing further into you, to appease you.
The sigh of disappointment that left your system was the straw that broke the camel’s back as he quickly threw his arms around your neck, pulling you close as he murmured his apologies. He couldn’t bear to see you like this and to see you so disappointed in him… he might as well leave this plane of existence.
However, you quickly dismissed his apologies, “Let me make it up to you dear,” you muttered against his neck, already ready to nip at his creamy skin. “I’ll make sure no one ever makes the mistake of approaching you ever.”
Needless to say, the angry bright red marks on his neck never left under your surveillance and vigorous reapplication until Thoma drills the fact that he was yours into his head for good.
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Submission is a concept that Zhongli as Morax could never hope to entertain. He was the domineering figure in Liyue, being its god and everything. His position towered over his fellow adepti and ruled over every being that stepped in his nation with an iron fist. Zhongli would even go as far as to admitting that he was a brute at times, resorting into bouts of possessiveness over what was his. Only that, he can blame on his dragon characteristics.
However among all the people that hailed him up until his death, there was one that he just couldn’t particularly figure out. That thing being you — a puzzle piece that he couldn’t figure out. You were the physical embodiment of the rock that trips any unfortunate mortal in their path.
There was just something with the way you held yourself with your decadent nature that was sure to allure people from left to right. You carried yourself so lightly with an air of innocence yet every move you made was no doubt calculated, precise, and hypnotically seductive, luring him in like a sweet poison.
And as the years went by, he had worked tirelessly to close the gap that you yourself have made him aware of. He found it utterly laughable — the fact that he, the one who lords over everyone, making a conscious effort to get close to you. In fact, he was even sure it was you that compelled him to do so, forcing him into your space like a vortex that only has the intention of drawing him in and swallowing him whole.
Truly, Morax was worth his salt — considering that he was correct about his assumptions.
Zhongli sat with you in the comfort of his favored restaurant, opening his eyes after relishing in the tea that was served only to see your unabashed staring. He lightly bristled, surprised at your undivided attention. Even with the times you and him have spent together, nothing could best that gaze of yours — something that Zhongli felt proud in holding the distinction of having. No one has ever seen you look at someone like the way you looked at him, and it was something that the former Geo Archon took pride in.
“Something on your mind, darling?” He asked, hoping to pry open those chaotic thoughts of yours.
Still with that cloying smile of yours that he so loved to look at you, reached a hand to thumb at the corner of his lips, “Just you.” You laughed as you felt him stiffen under your touch. Zhongli truly was a treat for you to indulge and one you can never let go of.
He was your precious little dragon, unknowingly obsessive and possessive and so painfully subservient under your touch. You so loved to toy with him most of the time, but even then, you couldn’t erase the fact that he has you wrapped around him just as much he does to you.
Zhongli could feel his breath hitch as your gentle hands slowly pried his mouth open, and he, without question abided. You were still an enigma to him, still completely unaware of how much you’ve trapped him within your hold, with no hopes of escaping (not like he has wanted to). And as your fingertips brushed against his soft lips, he was much too distracted when a carnal desire glinted through your eyes.
The former god had to thank the bustling busybodies of Liyue harbor for covering up the absolute debauchery you had subjected yourself and him into — by the small gap between shops, dark enough from the shadow in between, you had pushed Zhongli into it with a look of desire on your face.
It must’ve been because he sought you out and that he was used to being the one who has to keep up with you, but there was something so delicious in the way he always craved for your touch. You weren’t even so scarce with it either, as every time he demanded, you obliged. Oh how foolish he was to think that he was the one with control — unable to realize the mere fact that with every touch that leaves him breathless is a poison the continues to corrupt him from the inside out.
Suddenly, every touch of yours was not enough — that he needed so much more, and all of it can be proven with the way Zhongli had desperately pulled you into him. He was filled to the brim with the need and want and you did not withhold any of it.
He was left gasping as you fondled him through his work clothes, lips attached to his neck that left one too many marks.
“Darling, please…” his pleas came out in a form of a breathy whimper and you had to be cruel.
“Oh? Look at you, so absolutely ruined, my lord.” Your jabs went straight the heat that pooled into his stomach, suddenly taken aback by your sudden coyness. It was taking him back to all those centuries that past when you and him were young and stupid.
Zhongli gripped onto your shoulders, uncaring whether or not he too had wrinkled your suit. A pleading look flashed through his eyes, much to your elation. But you continued to toy with him, somehow after being spoiled rotten, even the wisest consultant of Liyue could not resist the feeling of impatience that painfully ate away at him.
“How do you think your other adepti friends would say at the sight of their dear old Morax… so pitifully in need of his beloved’s touch?” Your words sent shivers down to his spine. You just took away his demands for your touch and now you’re depriving him of the praises you would sing to him so sweetly every time? How cruel!
A whimper escaped from his trembling lips, “It’s not… it’s not pitiful…” He tries to fight and justify but even then he knew it was a futile attempt.
Your hands that gripped his waist tightened and he fought the urge to grant you that sweet delectable sound of pleasure out of revenge, “I find that very hard to believe.” You weren’t even trying as you drew out what you wanted from him with one more forceful squeeze against his supple flesh.
His head quickly fell into your shoulder and you can slowly see the disappearance of the feared warrior god as Zhongli begged for your touch, “Please… don’t deprive me of this… you’re all I need and have…”
A huff of amusement left your system as you tipped his head up by the chin, you leaned in, giving him one tiny peck that elicited yet another soft whine and licked his lips, watching them glisten with your saliva.
“Right you are dear… I’m all you have and that’s all you’ll ever need.”
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xiaoriae · 10 months
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— CONTENT ; alhaitham x gn!reader. modern au, bodyguard au and little angst. reader goes clubbing, alcohol consumption + slightly intoxicated reader, a suggestive comment from alhaitham (barely), profanities and pining. wc; 1.1k
— NOTES ; a repost from my old blog! p/s: please remind me to write this into a full fic later bcs i am definitely normal about bodyguard!alhaitham.
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you didn't quite remember how you ended up being pulled away from the club.
in your hazy state, the only thing you remembered was how strict your father was, practically banning you to enjoy the night life for once, but all he said was no and then you sneaked out of your house, aimlessly walking around until you headed to the infamous club nearby.
all you wanted was freedom from this shitty political life you never ever wanted, but by gods, your father was so delusional of your own safety that he hired a bodyguard for you.
it took you a whole solid 45 minutes just to get pass through the security of the whole mansion, but how could you forget that your own personal bodyguard was so efficient in his work? you must have hit your head for thinking that you succeeded in escaping his watch before you arrived at the club and downing mutiple small shots by yourself.
at the end of the day, it was easy for him to track you down.
alhaitham could only gaze at you from the corner, his stare was nothing more than a blank one as he watched you shut off some mere strangers' pitiful attempts at hitting you and your lonely figure by the counter.
you were definitely drunk, he concluded.
the moment you got up to hit the dance floor, alhaitham followed you from behind. his dark outift made everyone almost cowered with fear as he straight walked up to you, who on the other end, didn't even notice the stares everyone was giving.
and here you thought you were smart enough to live by your own when you couldn't even manage to read the room.
he stopped in his track when you turned around, somehow overlooked his broad figure in front of you as you searched for anyone, literally anyone to join you for the dance because as you perceived, where was the fun in dancing alone when you could get a companion?
you were definitely not in your right mind when you pulled alhaitham, pulling super embarassing stunts and then you were out of your trance as you heard an eerily familiar voice coming from above your head.
"having fun yet? or am i tempting enough that you want me?"
you flinched when you noticed it was alhaitham all along, in all his glory when you saw how lifeless his eyes were, and then you glared at him before rudely telling him to fuck off, to be back at his home instead of stalking you like a freak.
"do you really have to go all the way to report me back at your own boss?" you jabbed a finger onto his chest before alhaitham gripped your wrist to stop you, not even seemed to be affected by all your rude commentaries at him.
you knew better than anyone not to make alhaitham angry—after all, he was your personal bodyguard for a reason—but it was infutiating at this point that he was stuck by your side almost everyday for the rest of your life.
he was certainly not a fun person to be with. his loyalty was second to none at your own father. maybe they had history of some sorts during his contract agreement with your father that made him did a really good job in protecting you, but it was a rumour you didn't really find interesting enough.
he was emotionless. never even gave you some slack, and you hated his heartless persona.
"you are lucky that i do not tell my boss yet," he countered.
"fuck you," you spitted, yanking your wrist away before leaving him alone.
the liquid courage definitely got you now, as alhaitham could only observe you from afar. it was his job after all.
you were uncomfortable. knowing his presence was lingering all this time made you felt insecure under his watchful eyes somewhere in the dim glow of the area.
you didn't know what really get into your mind but when you shoved down more of the bitter drink into your throat and shamelessly flirting with this super cute guy behind the bar, you knew your action was ticking him off.
"enough," alhaitham interrupted you from taking in another glass. "you are going to get really sick next morning."
you heart somehow dropped at his last sentence.
"since when do you care about my well-being?" you snickered, feeling slightly horrible that you poured your frustration on alhaitham the moment he let go of your drink. your father was the one who unknowingly turned you into a rebellious kid, and alhaitham was just doing his job.
and then you remembered all those times alhaitham sided with your father. no, he was still a cold person, never even pitying you that you couldn't have enough self-expression in your life.
"before he finds you, you should go home," he indirectly broke your train of thoughts.
"couldn't i... stay here for a while? or go somewhere else? it is suffocating to be trapped," you were hanging to the last thread of hope, but it all snapped when alhaitham looked down at you sitting on the stool, his eyes already gave you the answer.
"no," he pulled you off from the chair, and your own body somehow complied although your mind was telling you to stay.
sure, you were strictly physically attracted at him, but you hated how easy it was for him to drag you out of the club and then got you into the car.
and it was surprisingly easy for him to push you inside and strap in the seatbelt without any interference from you.
you somehow got emotional when you realised how long you had been in the cycle—it was definitely the alcohol content that made you having all these mood swings—and how lonely you were despite having alhaitham being with you for the most part in your adulthood life.
and even if you broke down into tears for having your freedom to be stripped away from you by your own family, alhaitham could only focus on the road ahead although you couldn't contain the small cries.
it was hurting your from within, and it killed you to see that no single trace of emotions evident on alhaitham's face.
it was your fault for pining to someone who was known to have a cold heart, and it was definitely ripping your heart into pieces when the thought that how easy you fell for him won you over.
how easy it was when you did what your father wanted for alhaitham to secure his job. all this time, it was all for him. all for alhaitham's sake.
if only you could crack his heart open. if only.
if only you were brave enough to ask him to care for you, that you craved for his love since you were fifteen.
but alhaitham never saw you beyond that. and you blamed the alcohol in your system that you managed to find yourself under his grasp once again.
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all rights reserved © berrywoo 2023 strictly on tumblr only. any form of wrongdoings under the copyright law is strictly prohibited.
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catboyfics · 9 months
Curses [part I]
I have been so down bad for alhaitham like down bad enough that i can remember his voice and its so... but there aren't enough m!reader fics so here's some soup
You a student of the Akademia, and a good friend of Kaveh's. You go over to his house pretty often, but end up... intriguing Alhaitham.
𝑭𝑨𝑵𝑫𝑶𝑴: Genshin Impact
𝑷𝑨𝑰𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑮: Alhaitham x male reader
𝑮𝑬𝑵𝑹𝑬 & 𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺: fluff; male reader; idiots in love, pining, OOC Kaveh
𝑾𝑶𝑹𝑫𝑺: 2.4k
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It was a pretty standard day. You had just finished all of your classes with at the Akademia and were excited to get home when you felt your phone buzzing in your pocket. You reached in, grabbing it dejectedly until you saw who was calling you: Kaveh.
You pressed the little green button on the screen and held your phone up to your ear. You heard Kaveh's voice through the little device and smiled.
"Hey, do you wanna come over to my place to study for the test tomorrow?" He offered, shocking you. You had forgotten that you had a test tomorrow, and hadn't studied at all for it.
"Yeah... I actually forgot we had a test. Your 'genius' roommate might need to help me out..." you trailed off, rolling your eyes at the thought of Alhaitham. Admittedly, your opinion was probably pretty biased as Kaveh's friend, but the guy seemed like an asshole.
Kaveh sighed, and you could imagine him looking at you with that disappointed face of his. "Well, you should come over soon. I'll start making some snacks."
You nodded, before realizing he couldn't see that, voicing your agreement instead. His house was right on the way from the Akademia to your home, so you slowly made your way down the twisting stairs.
Finally, you reached the last platform and could see Kaveh's house. You smiled brightly, eager to get there. You walked the rest of the way and knocked on the door, grinning when Kaveh opened it.
"Kaveh! Thanks for inviting me, and for reminding me about the test. I would've been screwed." You joked as he welcomed you in. You walked to the living room before seeing Alhaitham and turning around. You really didn't want to deal with the Acting Grand Sage today. You didn't see it, but the man frowned slightly at your instant departure.
Instead, you made your way to Kaveh's room, dropping your heavy bag off before walking to the kitchen to help your friend out. You could see him pulling a tray of cookies out of the oven and felt your mouth watering.
"You spoil me." You tease, grabbing a cooling tray to put the cookies on. Kaveh grinned at you.
"Anything for you. We need to wait a bit to let these cool down, though." He said, joking right back at you. You nodded, grabbing a tool to move the cookies from the baking sheet to the cooling tray.
After a few minutes, everything was moved and you had poured yourself a glass of cold water. You and Kaveh nodded to each other, and started making your way to his room before you stopped.
"My room's not gonna be big enough for the two of us, it would be easier if we used the living room." The blonde said, frowning at the idea of Alhaitham being there.
"With your roommate?" You whispered back, trying to make sure the Acting Grand Sage didn't hear you. "You have to be the one to ask him to move, though."
Kaveh looked at you with betrayal, though the wrinkles at the sides of his eyes said otherwise. He sighed defeatedly, making his way to the living room with you in tow.
"Hey, Alhaitham. Me and (name) need to study here. Could you move somewhere else?" Kaveh asked, annoyance lacing through his voice. You expected his roommate to move with no issue but he decided to be even more of an asshole today.
"This is my house. Why don't you figure out somewhere else to study? Or at least put up with me in the living room." The man said, making you furrow your brows. You saw Kaveh grit his teeth in anger.
"We have a test tomorrow, is it so much to ask for some space?" He shouted, making you back away slightly.
"You're scaring your guest. Put up with me or go somewhere else." The Acting Grand Sage said coldly, making Kaveh look back at you with worry. You dismissed it, said it just surprised you. You didn't like it when people argued.
"What are you thinking?" Kaveh asked, looking between you and Alhaitham, who was still rudely staring at you two.
"I think we just bite the bullet and stay in the living room. I don't want him to feel like he's won." You whisper stubbornly, looking at Kaveh's roommate, and flinching as you see him looking right back.
He looked downright evil, and you wanted to wipe that smug look off his face.
Kaveh nodded, seeming to agree with you as you walked into the room and faked a dramatic sigh. Eventually, the Acting Grand Sage's gaze fell back to his book as he seemed to ignore your presence.
You and Kaveh made yourselves at home on the comfortable sofa's as you pulled your heavy books out of your bag. It wasn't long before you started studying, though Alhaitham didn't leave. For whatever reason, you didn't mind. It was surprisingly easy for him to study with him around.
You heaved out another sigh, it felt like that had been all you were doing so far. You were so screwed, there was no way you were gonna pass this test. Kaveh looked at you pitifully, sighing himself before pushing over his notebook and trying again to explain.
"God, I really should've studied." You whined, squinting you eyes shut and throwing your head back. From the corner of your eye, you saw Alhaitham looking at you amusedly and you glared at him. You saw him close his book and lean forward onto his elbows as he spoke.
"This is what you're getting wrong. You need to do this instead." He said in that deep voice of his. If he wasn't an asshole, you might even be into him.
"I don't need your help, Acting Grand Sage." You snarled coldly, glaring at the man. You could've sworn you saw a pang of hurt in his eyes, but that bastard didn't feel anything. You were probably just trying to empathize with him.
His lack of feeling was made obvious when he responded.
"Alright, then. Don't come crying when you fail the test." He spat back coldly. You furrowed your brows, confused why his words were so adversarial. Usually he spoke with an even, soulless tone, but he sounded angry, hurt. You shrugged it off. He was probably just trying to get into your head.
You sighed, dread swirling through your stomach. You weren't at all ready for this test. You fixed your eyes on your notes, pondering over what Alhaitham had pointed out earlier as the figurative lightbulb lit right above your head.
"Kaveh! I figured it out!" You yelled, smiling gleefully. You pumped your fists in the air as Kaveh looked at you happily, though he did look surprised.
"Have you finally got it?" He asked warily, though you could tell he was glad. You felt bad for making him basically tutor you. You would make something for him later to make up for it, you decided.
"Yeah. See, if you do this instead of that, then this happens and when that happens you can do this and then it's solved." You rambled on, explaining your reasoning. You felt eyes on the side of your head and looked at Alhaitham, but when you turned to him his eyes were still glued to his book. You decided to think nothing of it.
"Yeah, exactly." Kaveh said with relief, sighing as he leaned back on the sofa. "Oh, shit, we forgot about the cookies! They're definitely cool by now."
You eyes widened as you nodded frantically, getting up and speeding to the kitchen. As you rounded the corner, you almost slipped but Kaveh grabbed your waist, holding you to him to keep you upright. You felt heat spread across your face and hurried to get out of his grip. You had never been in such an intimate position with another boy, and you hadn't come out to Kaveh yet.
You turned back, trying to rid your face of the redness as you scratched the back of your neck. "Thanks for catching me, Kaveh." You said quietly, awkwardly before scampering off to the kitchen. You could hear him chuckle awkwardly before joining you in the kitchen.
You looked carefully at all the cookies in the tray, trying to find whichever was the biggest. You carefully plucked it from the middle of the tray and took a bite, eyes widening as the flavors swirled through your mouth.
You tried to speak with the food in your mouth, though it came out as more of a mumble. "'s really good, Kaveh!"
He smiled sweetly at you as you took another bite, taking a bite of his own cookie. As his lips wrapped around the cookie, crumbs fell to the floor and you laughed. Suddenly, you felt eyes bore into the back of your head and turned around, seeing Alhaitham staring at you. You had no idea what the guy was thinking.
"Kaveh," you muttered, noticeably quieter than before. "We should get back to studying."
Despite the surprised look on the other boy's face, he nodded, and stuffed the rest of the cookie into his mouth, making you laugh sweetly.
You soon made your way back to the living room, sitting down on the plush sofas as you grabbed your pencil. A sigh left your lips as you threw your head back. You were feeling a lot better about the test, but you still didn't like studying.
You heard a chuckle from your left before it came to an abrupt stop and you looked to Alhaitham with wide eyes. He laughed? You'd never heard him laugh, but it was a beautiful sound. You wished you could hear it again, but you realized that he was probably just mocking your incompetence. After your realization, you couldn't help but frown.
You shook your head, gritting your teeth and forcing your gaze back down to the heavy textbook sitting on the table. After a short time hyping yourself up, you started studying again.
You spent so much time studying that you didn't even realize dinner was approaching. You only noticed the time when Alhaitham stood up, looking down at Kaveh.
"I'm making dinner. You and your friend can clean up your own plates." He said coldly, making you scoff. It wasn't an unreasonable expectation, but he said it as if you wouldn't anyways. You watched his retreating form as he walked, seeing the muscles in his back ripple. You only just noticed that he wasn't wearing his cape.
Kaveh nodded, rolling his eyes before turning his attention back to your studying. Seeing your distraction, he placed his hand in front of your face and snapped his fingers, pulling your out of your admirations. You jolted, jumping slightly as you turned back to the blonde with a blush. You had just been caught ogling his roommate, after all.
He just smiled knowingly, chuckling slightly under his breath as both of your focus returned to the pages in front of you.
It wasn't long before you heard Alhaitham calling Kaveh's name, realizing soon that dinner was ready. You and Kaveh both made your way to the kitchen, grabbing the bowls Alhaitham had prepared for you. It looked mouthwateringly delicious, and it took a good amount of self control to wait until you were sitting down at the coffee table before eating.
He had made a sort of a pancake thing. You weren't entirely sure. 'Contemplation' was written on top of it, and you wondered if it was some wort of personal jab. You shook your head, sucking in a breath before breaking off a corner with your fork. When you put it in your mouth, the flavors swirled all around and you smiled.
It tasted like an altered version of Sabz meat stew, which wasn't usually your favorite, but with the way this dish was prepared, you were ready for it to become one of them.
It wasn't long before your plate was empty and you made your way back to the kitchen, grabbing the sponge next to the sink and scrubbing your plate clean. You propped it on the drying rack next to the sink and washed your hands for good measure before heading back, waiting for Kaveh to finish eating.
Kaveh seemed to be eating the slowest, because Alhaitham finished before him. He did the same as you did to your place before returning to the living room, but not sitting down. Instead, he addressed Kaveh.
"Kaveh, is it alright if I borrow your friend? Important Akademia matters." He asked matter-of-factly. Your eyes went wide, nervous that you had done something wrong, and you looked at Kaveh with anxiety as he finished chewing.
"Yeah, I'll finish soon. Take as much time as you need." He dismissed, winking at you teasingly as you face heated up with red. Son of a bitch. You sighed, standing up defeatedly as Alhaitham gestured you towards his room.
You furrowed your brows. You were going to his room, and not some sort of office? You didn't understand why, but there was very little that you understood of Alhaitham. The grey-haired man unlocked the door, opening it and welcoming you inside.
His room was... large. It was very big, and seemed like it had an ensuite bathroom and a walk-in wardrobe. In all honesty, it made you jealous. You stepped in the room, pulling the door shut behind you as Alhaitham stepped closer to you.
Pink dusted your cheeks as you could almost feel his breath on your face, his eyes staring earnestly into yours. This was a side of him that you hadn't seen before. It reminded you of the stories Kaveh told of Alhaitham being his cute junior.
You took a step back, feeling the wood of his door press against your back. You had just entered the room, and now you were basically pinned against a wall? How did that happen? Slowly, Alhaitham whispered something breathy.
"What have you done to me?" He asked suspiciously, a sharpness in his breathy voice. You furrowed his brows. You had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. You shook your head in turn.
"What are you talking about, Alhaitham? I've not done anything." You murmured, still looking the man honestly in the eyes.
Hearing your answer, he took a step back, carding a hand through his grey hair (looking at it now, it looked very soft). Huffing out a sigh with a furrow between his brows, he looked back at you with worry in his eyes.
"Then why do I care so much?"
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Hope you guys enjoyed this!! At the end, I'm thinking Alhaitham might be a little OOC, but I still quite like how I wrote him.
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scarafrisbee · 11 months
'wow, this is a pain i've never felt before!' -> alhaitham x (former) rival!reader
syn: ever since you and alhaitham got over your rivalry, you find yourself crying and laughing in his arms.
/ gn!reader, fluff, hurt to comfort?, lowercase intended, ooc alhaitham i think, reader crying, mentions of alcohol/being drunk, not proof read, implied that alhaitham is in reader's home, english is not my first language, first fic (?).
/ title and last sentence (the ones in quotes) are follow ups of each other. the sentences are very 'light work, no reaction' to 'woah... yeah, it's got a little kick...'
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you and alhaitham, to put it short, are similar in different ways. ways that annoyed you with one another before, now becomes the foundation of your silly little redemption arc.
you weren't the most sober.
that day, no, you weren't crying. just tired and drunk, stumbling out from the local tavern by the adventurers guild. who asks for forgiveness in the middle of the night, waddling home?
you, but not in the best state. after a sentence from alhaitham about your dumb 'rivalry', you vividly remember hugging him and saying 'i love you'. not that you're gonna say it any time soon, lest you and him get together.
maybe when you get over your stubbornness and sarcasm. which is happening, right... now.
"alhaitham," you muttered softly – "thank you, thank you, thank youu..."
alhaitham sits on your couch, having you huddled on his chest – sobbing for unknown reasons. saying things like 'i love you', or 'thank you' mindlessly isn't something alhaitham knows you opt to do.
he doesn't really know what to do; he's just there. patting your head and comforting you while you weep about something he doesn't know or understand.
"i love you," you continued, for the fourth time – as counted by alhaitham.
he's just trying to wrap his head around why or what you're crying about. nonetheless, alhaitham cradles you for as long as he can.
in your mind, everything is a blur. a dream or something you can't believe – did i really tell him 'i love you' that night?
you're confused. you hope he doesn't let go and leave you be in tears, hope he understands that you don't really know how to apologize.
"i'm sorry."
"i love you."
"thank you, alhaitham."
between your words is a small chuckle. are you happy that you love him? that he hasn't left?
his touch relieves you of your problems. temporarily, before you go back to quietly weeping.
maybe, just maybe you both can get used to this. together, holding one in their arms and conveying affection without words.
eventually, through alhaitham's few hums of attention and his comforting hold, you fall asleep with fresh tears.
the one person who you thought you'd black out in one punch is where you black out in tears, soon enough. he's happy you trust him, just stubborn about admitting it. you get that, but of course you'll say something about it.
alhaitham couldn't stop you from crying, but he's happy to return you to your bed and leave you a kiss to the forehead.
he also leaves a small sticky note on a book he'd lent you a few years back as students of the akademiya. yes, you didn't return it.
'[name], good morning or whatever time it is when you read this. i love you too, i'm also sorry, and i want to say thank you as well.
don't ask me to be sappy, you won't get anything out of me.
says the note, but when you walked by him this afternoon, alhaitham took you in for a hug mindlessly. just like how mindlessly you cried the evening before.
"...you said i wouldn't get anything sappy," you asked, arms around his torso as you process his embrace.
alhaitham scoffs slightly; "you didn't."
"infront of scholars?"
"that's what i thought."
you spent the day with alhaitham afterwards, definitely not doing pda. totally not.
it's weird. '–um, i didn't expect that.'
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/ hi me again. reblogs would be greatly appreciated !! :> ♡
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