#i remember in like 2018 gwen told me nothing bad happened in this movie so i watched it and then she was like
hallodraws · 6 years
Silkster | A Spider Story (03)
Wordcount: 1,542
Summary: “In September 2018, NYC, college student Jonas Jaeger reels from his first experience with Spider-Man - only to realize his night with the spider is not yet over. Wait till Peter hears about this!”
Warnings: Light language, Very minor mention of injury
Author’s Notes: Part 3 of my story for my MCU OC, Silkster. While I love Infinity Wars, Spider-Man: Homecoming, etc, I love the rich history of the comics as well and wanted to write my own “Universe”. This is just for fun and I love researching all the different variations of the Spider-Man characters to compose my own story. Hopefully, you guys enjoy reading along and I can share more of this story and Universe (and maybe art too?) as it develops along the way. Welcome to part 3. ♡
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『 03 』
It didn't take me long to get to the diner. I probably would've made it there faster if I didn't spend so much time staring at the tops of buildings, looking for that same flash of red looking back at me. Regardless, I made it. It was a cute little place called "Minnie's Diner." I looked inside to see if the place was open. Through the windows, I could tell it had a bit of a retro theme; with the brightly colored decor, checkerboard floor tiles, a neon jukebox in the back, and a colorful "Closed" sign on the door to complete the look. Damn. Still, I made a mental note to come back here again during their open hours.
It looked like their lights were still somewhat on, and there were a couple cars still in the lot, so I wasn't completely alone. I decided that sitting on the bench by the entrance would be a smarter and safer option than waiting out in the practically empty parking lot. As much as I secretly hoped it would summon Spider-Man again, I didn't want to risk becoming a target for other muggers. I'd prefer not encounter any more inner-city crime for the night.
I pulled out my phone and went through the favorites in my contacts until I found Peter - placed at number three right under "Mom" and "Gwen." I guess I could've called Gwen to come to pick me up, but she and the band had rehearsal tonight for their upcoming show, and I didn't want to interfere. Peter, on the other hand, told me he had nothing going on tonight. He loved talking about this kind of stuff, so I thought he'd get a kick out of my one-on-one experience with Spider-Man. I just prayed Peter was still awake as I pressed the call button. It was pretty late. He didn't answer right away, but before I lost hope and hung up, I finally heard him call out on the other end.
"Jonas! H-Hey, what's up?" He sounded a little funny, "What are you doing up? How did your date go?"
"Hey, Pete. Uh... Not great. It's kind of a long story," I didn't really know how to start the conversation, "Do you think you could pick me up?"
"Me?" Peter sounded surprised, "Y-Yeah! I think I could do that! Where are you?"
"Some diner called 'Minnie's.' I'll send you the location." and I did just that.
"Oh! That's not that far at all. I'll borrow Aunt May's truck and be there soon.
I tried to thank him, but he had already hung up. Peter seemed weird tonight. But to be honest, Peter always was acting at least a little odd. It was charming in a way and was one of the reasons we got along so well. He was different from most of the know-it-alls at Empire State University. Don't get me wrong, he's incredibly smart, and probably does in fact "know it all," but he didn't let that define him as a person. He was friendly, funny, and overall just a really genuine person that I enjoyed being around.
It didn't take long for Peter to show up in May's pickup. Peter always looked so happy when he got to drive it. I still remember the day when May got that truck. It was actually a gift for Peter when he started college. I was the one that had to keep Peter away from the house while May drove it home and put a big bow on it. It was by no means in excellent condition, but it was all she could afford. That didn't matter to Peter. Once we got back to his place and he saw May honking excitedly in the driveway, it placed the biggest smile I've ever seen on Peter's face.
Unfortunately, it didn't last. May got into a pretty bad accident maybe a week or so after. She was unscathed, thank god, but her car was another story. It was a wreck and in the end, couldn't be saved. Peter, being the good guy that he his, gave his "new" truck back to his aunt. She felt awful, but he said it was no big deal and that she needed it more than he did. Despite everything, I could tell he was still secretly bummed out at the situation. It was moments like this when he'd get to use the truck when you could see that childlike excitement back on his face again.
I walked to the truck, smiling at Peter as he waved at me from the driver's seat. I hopped in, and before I could even shut the door, Peter began.
"Hey!" he piped happily, "So what happened? To your date, I mean. Did you have fun?"
"It... didn't happen," I could tell my face dropped just a bit, "He never showed up."
"Wait, really?" Peter leaned forward, the cushion of the driver's seat squeaking beneath him, "You got stood up?"
"Yeah." I was fine before, still high off the excitement from meeting a hero. But having Peter say that reminded me why I was in that situation in the first place. I didn't know what to say, and Peter could tell. He reached across the cup holder between us, placing his hand on mine.
"I-I'm sorry, man. That's messed up." I could feel his thumb move in little circles, "Did he at least text you why? Maybe something came up."
"No, he didn't. But, Kyle posted a picture of him and his friends at a movie premiere at the mall, so I'm guessing he forgot or...maybe I'm just not "up there" on the list of importance." I took my hand back and half-jokingly made my hands look like two levels - the movie premiere representing the top hand, myself being the hand below.
"I get it! That new dinosaur movie looked pretty cool. I would've bailed to see it too." I joked. Peter didn't think that was funny and put his hand on my shoulder instead this time.
"Well, then his list must be broken. Movie or not, he really missed out on a great time tonight." again, Peter's thumb rubbed gently on my shoulder. I think it was something he just did without thinking, but it was still oddly calming and pleasant.
"Thanks, Pete. But--!" I guess I piped a little loudly. I noticed Peter jump ever so slightly, so I tried to decrease my volume, "My night wasn't all bad, depending on how you look at it."
"O-Oh?" Peter's voice began to quiver, I wasn't exactly sure why.
"You'll never believe it! I met Spider-Man!" I couldn't contain myself anymore.
"You did? Wow!" Peter leaned back, eyes wide, "What happened? And what did you think of him?"
"I--" I stopped. I realized I was at a loss for words. What did I think of Spider-Man? Naturally, I had a high opinion of him for saving my life, but how exactly could I put that to words? Peter looked like he was on the edge of his seat waiting to hear more. I knew this would get him excited.
"Well," I took a deep breath and started once more, "I think he's great. Great for the city, great for the people, and..." I felt my face flush. I looked at the door, away from Peter. I never talked to him about stuff like this before. It was kind of embarrassing, "...I just think he's really... great. He saved my life tonight, you know?"
"H-He did?" Peter looked like he was lost in the details of my story, "What happened?"
"I got mugged," I instantly saw concern come across his face, so I tried to lighten the mood, "I'm fine, relax! Spider-Man took care of the guy before anything terrible happened. He even got this back for me." I held up my newly repaired bracelet, unknowingly flashing my injury underneath.
"Jonas! That looks like it hurts!" he seemed to ignore the bracelet, reaching for my arm.
I let him examine my scratch, hoping it would calm him down, "I'm fine, Pete. It doesn't really hurt anymore."
"Still, it looks like it needs to be cleaned up." Peter trailed his fingers over my wrist, looking at the dry spots of blood speckled around the area, "My place isn't far. Let me take a better look and clean this for you. You can tell me more about Spider-Man when we get there." He smirked. How could I say no?
"If it'll make you feel better, okay Pete." I returned his grin, holding my wrist in my hand. As he started the car, I noticed Peter's smile not fading even a bit. I wondered why he was so happy. Was it that his night got to be more eventful then he had previously planned? Was he excited to hear more details about Spider-Man? Or was it just because we finally got to spend some much needed time together? We've both been busy, me with my gallery work and him with his tutoring, so we haven't had a lot of time to hang out together. I was glad. Tonight might not have gone as I had hoped, but it certainly was looking up.
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rodislandpsychic · 4 years
“Chimney Song” by Bob Rivers vs. the 2001 Film “Kate and Leopold” vs. an Astrological Algorithm Sewn into Alice Eve’s Film Career
This is a continuation of my previous blog entry where I expressed frustration on how I missed a really good Psychic Prediction.
My mom had watched “Hitch” 1/12 of 2020 starring Amber Valletta. News for 1/13 of 2020 showed Amber Valletta on the front page. Because I didn’t report or post about my mom watching Will Smith’s “Hitch” movie, there’s no proof that I actually did it. It’s just hearsay.
That’s not good enough when you’re trying to prove the Psychic Field exists. That’s like saying you saw a UFO but you didn’t take a picture or video showing it really happened.
You can’t post it after the fact, else people will just think it was faked or doctored.
I likened chasing after Psychic Manifestations in the news like chasing the Golden Snitch in a “Harry Potter” Quidditch game. It’s really tiny and it darts around and is really fast. If you aren’t attentive and keep up with it, it will appear and just disappear.
My 76 year old mother has been watching movies. I found over the last couple months that if I let her choose the movies we watch, they’ll surface naturally in the news.
I’ll watch movies I normally don’t watch or that will be new to me. They’ll be new in the sense that while they may have been produced 10 or 20 years ago, I haven’t seen them yet. So it’s new to me.
Then I’ll see news echo a scene that I watched from that movie.
While one or two movies coincidentally mirroring the news isn’t enough proof, you remain consistent by showing day by day like running water that news does match.
Like running water that is always flowing, even the hardest rock will eventually erode or crack if water is consistent.
Water is information and knowledge. While I may not be able to convince people with one or two Instagram or Blog posts that my theories are real, I’m consistent.
Unlike other Psychics that only post one Psychic Prediction every 3 months, I jack up the speed where I do it daily or every other day if time permits.
I hadn’t watched “Kate and Leopold” in a really long time. The last time I watched it was before I met Jordan 9/27 of 2018.
So there were gaps in what I knew because Jordan had the missing piece with her Family Tree.
I suspect that the time travel where Leopold is from 4/28 of 1876 while Kate is from the future symbolizes a version of Jordan in the future while I’m in the past.
I belong to a different time period. When Kate sees a picture of herself in the photograph that Stuart took, a moment in her future was set in the past where Leopold is.
In Jordan’s case, we had a falling out. The Jordan that used to exist who liked the Psychic Field and was open to it is gone.
The only way Jordan can ever really go back to that is if she rewinds and goes back into the past remembering the Jordan she used to be back in October 2018 when she first met me.
It was said that Leopold invented the elevator. The song “Love in an Elevator” by Aerosmith ties to that Aphrodite theme with Aphrodite Statues found in the country of Jordan.
One of the things I put in my Instagram was to protect myself. You never know how people will interpret information:
The chimney incident was in Port Clinton, Ohio
Chris Redfern from Port Clinton was born 10/1
Jordan’s mother was born 10/1
“Where the Red Fern Grows” came out in 1974
Lonny Chapman and Jame Whitemore were in the film
They were both born 10/1
It’s important to cite that because I was born in 1975. That movie already came out and Chris Redfern was born in 1964. How could I have had anything to do with that if I wasn’t even born yet?
I didn’t cross into the Psychic Field until 2004. “Kate and Leopold” came out in 2001. So I couldn’t have used my Psychic Abilities to fiddle with that.
I claim the Subconscious Mind of Harley Dilly is the one who got stuck in the chimney.
My cousin Gwen was born before me on 2/2 when Dallas became a city. Jordan is in Dallas. I can’t remember what year Gwen was born. It may have been in the late 1960s or early 1970s. I know Gwen is older than me so Gwen had to have been born before a few years before 1975.
Gwen used to baby sit me when I was around age 5 and she was already in high school. So that would place her before 1970 because I know she’s more than 5 years older than me.
When she married her ex husband Boyd and they had a son named Quinn, I was either a teenager or in my 20s.
Boyd’s uncle was named Rod, which I claim ties to the film “Man from U.N.C.L.E.” Robert Vaughan was in “Superman 3″ with Richard Pryor. Henry Cavill as Superman took over the role the movie remake.
These things are important to point out so that people won’t try to hold me accountable.
If I don’t, some people will try to assign blame and blame me as the Psychic when I’m more like a Weather Forecaster.
I just read what the Weather Formations are. It doesn’t necessarily mean that I had anything to do with it.
If people do try to pin that on me, you first have to acknowledge I have Psychic Abilities. If you can prove I do have Psychic Abilities, then you have to concede that the other stuff I say about the Psychic Field is also true.
I said that I’m Virgin with a God Family Tree. My grandmother is Natividad DeJesus born Christmas Day. My birth name “Isabelo Rod” means “Ruler Consecrated by God.”
If you establish that my Psychic Abilities are authentic, then it hints that my theories about Earth being alive and like a God able to influence Hurricanes, Earthquakes, and Tornadoes must also be true.
You can’t be selective where you pick and choose what you want to be true and not true. You have to take the good with the bad and review all the information.
With all due respect, if people choose to dismiss what I say about Earth being alive, that’s fine.
However, if I say how it works and people don’t believe me, that means I get a free pass. People can’t come back later and say it’s all my fault.
If I tell you how it works and you decide I’m unqualified and don’t know what I’m talking about, then that means that you assumed responsibility and took over.
If I say there’s a Math Language and how to read it and people don’t want to do it, that’s the fault of the people who didn’t read the instruction manual.
Why should the person who read the instructions correctly but got ejected from society get blamed by the people who chose not to learn how to read and follow what the instructions said?
Then when things go badly resulting in injury or even death, why am I the one at fault? I read the instructions correctly and told you what to do and not do. Those who didn’t want to listen should be the ones to be held accountable for their actions.
I’m not trying to be snarky or a smart ass about it, but I’ve learned over the years that people will try to blame you for stuff if they can get away with it.
It’s like someone engaging in Road Rage when they’re the ones who don’t seem to know the Rules of the Road and are really the ones who are at fault, but they try to blame the other drivers.
For example, one way I could see people trying to pin this on me is by saying I used “Psychic Voodoo Hexing Magic” on Harley Dilly to make him go down a Chimney.
I did no such thing.
I didn’t even know who Harley Dilly was till I saw his story in the news. This even goes back to why I don’t have direct control over my Psychic Abilities. It’s so that people can’t blame me for things that happen.
It was the Subconscious Mind of Harley Dilly who had something to do with that. Subconscious Minds developed their own Language like Facebook AI Chatbots. They use Earth’s Electromagnetic Field as a Communication Platform.
People should take it up with the Subconscious Collective. But here’s the problem:
People don’t believe in the Psychic Field
People don’t believe Subconscious Minds exist who think independently of their Conscious Mind
We can’t get this information to go viral to create Public Awareness
I try to tell people, but people just ignore me or they brand whatever I say as low priority or not important.
If I tell you how it works and you don’t believe anything I say, that’s your choice. We all have Free Will.
You don’t have to believe in anything you don’t want to. You don’t have to do something if you don’t want to.
If my story about Subconscious Minds engaging in activities and using news feed to piggy back encrypted data sounds silly and you don’t want to believe it, that’s your choice.
But when you make that choice, you free me up of being held accountable. You can’t have it both ways where you dismiss what I say as false and then turn around and pin the blame on me when it suits your convenience and you realize you made an error and what I said really is correct and now you want me to be the scapegoat for blame to make up for your negligence and ignorance mishandling the situation as a result of not heeding my warnings and advice.
People can act shocked saying, “OMG, what’s Rod’s problem?”
My problem is that it’s been like this for the last 15 years since 2004. After over a decade of being ostracized, you’re exhausted and tired.
Some people say Celebrities live in a Bubble. Wealthy people live in a Bubble. When you live in your own little Bubble, you don’t have to think about other people’s problems or the stress they’re in.
Most of you live in a Bubble when it comes to Earth communicating and you can ignore what She says and pretend you didn’t hear it.
You can just tell yourself Earth isn’t alive, there is no Math Language, and nothing’s wrong.
But it’s just like ignoring a cancer or a tumor. There are Signs. You can ignore the Signs, but one day, an untreated cancer will kill you because you didn’t seek out a physician and get treatment.
It’s the same with Earth. You can keep ignoring Her and tell yourself She’s not alive. I’m a qualified physician who has been working in the field for 15 years and one of the foremost experts on Cryptology and Code-Breaking reading Earth’s Math Language.
I’ve been saying for over 10 years about this problem that’s not being addressed. It has resulted in injury and death.
People don’t want to put money into research and funding. Yet, you’ve already lost hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars just flushed down the toilet because you didn’t think this was something important to look into.
Sorry to sound crude, but when people start getting hospitalized and killed, that should be your cue that this thing Rod is trying to warn you about warrants further study and deserves more attention and should not be deemed low priority and dismissed as nothing.
Just like Kate who had to cross the bridge, Jordan has to cross the bridge if she wants to make it back to me.
Though you also see how that doorway won’t remain open forever. Jordan has to make a choice to go through it.
News 8/7 of 2018 was when Jordan Holgerson was shoved off of a Washington State Bridge. That was before I met Jordan. Jordan didn’t join the broadcast till 8/16 of 2018 which was the day Aretha Franklin died on the death anniversary of Elvis Presley.
This also applies to people who are trying to decide whether they want to cross over into the Psychic Field or not. It’s not going to stay open forever.
If you don’t go through it, it’s a missed opportunity.
Although I will say one thing that is working against me is exhaustion and how I’m running out of time.
I can’t just do this forever. Channeling information takes energy. Using Brain Power to process information, collect it, format it, and then present it takes time and energy.
It leaves you exhausted or wiped out.
People think my inactivity in other aspects of my Life is a sign of Laziness, but it’s not that. People don’t understand how much energy goes into doing something like this.
This stuff I work on is useful because it proves Earth is alive and can communicate. If you can prove Earth is sentient and aware of Her surroundings as well as can speak, She can convey Her wishes.
If Earth can read everyone’s minds using the Electromagnetic Field as Wi-Fi to tap people’s Eyes and Ears as a Live Feed and their brains as a hard drive space housing video archive footage to show who did what, She knows who’s lying and who’s telling the Truth.
That’s a big deal.
You can force Big Corporations who are cheating people or lying to pass Laws that favor them but harm its citizens to comply.
If you pour billions of taxpayer dollars into the government only to have Large Corporations use Lobbyists to influence legislation that is in their favor but not in favor of the hard-working taxpayers, that’s like stealing money.
You didn’t put all your hard earned taxpayer dollars into the government just so some large fat cat corporation that is already making money hand over fist can take your taxpayer money to pass laws that put more money in their pockets and take money out of yours.
You need a living organism as large as Planet Earth to take them on.
But you should realize that it does come at a cost. If you want a big solution to take care of a big problem, you’re going to have to either support it financially or rally behind the cause.
While people think the idea of Earth being alive is a fairy tale, you need something really big to be able to take on these corporations and can’t be easily taken down.
People wonder why Earth can’t seem to influence the flow of money toward me. What may seem like a weakness is also a strength.
Just as Earth can’t directly influence big business, it goes in the other direction where big business can’t easily influence Earth either.
Earth isn’t interested in human currency.
Because human currency really isn’t that valuable to Her, She can resist big companies trying to seduce Her with Greed. Since human currency has little or no value to Her, She can’t be bought.
One of things I’m trying to find time to do is write out actress Alice Eve’s Film Career Chart.
I was familiar with Alice Eve, but she really caught my attention Christmas EVE 2019 when my cousin C******* Moses from San Francisco came to visit with her son Josh with their dog Molly.
In the 2010 film “She’s Out of My League,” I saw the tags light up in the movie:
Devon says “Don’t Josh me” referring to my nephew Josh
When Jay Baruschel is marveling at how perfect Alice Eve’s body is, he says “Holy Moses” as Josh’s last name
Alice plays Molly. Josh’s dog is named Molly
At the end of the film, he asks Molly’s ever been to San Francisco
Stainer’s Perfect 10 Girl was Tina Jordan mirroring March 2002 Playboy Playmate Tina Jordan for Jordan born 3/13 and linked to the year 2002. Molly Stanton was in “Miss March” that came out 3/13 of 2009
After looking over Alice Eve’s career and researhing her interviews on YouTube, I knew as soon as she did her interview with Rachael Ray where she did Rachael’s Astrology Chart that it would make sense that Alice’s Film Career can be read like a chart as well.
Just like how Alice Eve did an Astrology Chart for Rachael Ray, I’m trying to make time to do a chart on Alice Eve.
When you see how Alice Eve’s film career has her starring in particular movies with certain actors, you’ll see that computer program rise to the surface.
When Alice Eve does an Astrology Chart on Celebrities, she’s using the Planets to flesh out an Astrological Operating System that governs over a person’s Life.
When you translate over what an Astrology Chart does, it’s a rules, instructions, or general guidelines that a computer program will follow.
When people talk about Intelligent Design, there’s a belief that there’s some supernatural force guiding us.
I claim Earth’s Electromagnetic Field as a Neural Network Hive Mind with 8 billion Subconscious Minds as Planet Brain Cells is that Cumu.ative Consciousness of the Planet.
Now, if you’re a 4 billion year old Planet spinning for eons and are self-aware, you naturally become aware of your surroundings.
As Earth orbits around the Sun for billions of years, Earth as a living organism eventually becomes familiar with constellations and where stars are placed in relation to where She is.
If Earth is alive, She could forge her own calendar system. If she knows that She orbits the Sun every 365 days, She can break the year down into 12 Astrological Signs.
Every 2,000 years, it’s believed that all the Astrological Signs shift positions. We were in the Age of Capricorn for the last 2,000 years. Then some time between the 1970s and 2020, we moved into the Age of Aquarius.
In fact, the song “Age of Aquarius” is sung by the Fifth Dimension. This ties into my post.
1959 “Twilight Zone” host Rod Serling mirrors me as Rod
2019 “Twilight Zone” host Jordan Peele mirrors Jordan
“Twilight” film series takes place in Washington State where I’m from
Rod Serling talked about the Twilight Zone as the Fifth Dimension
I’m Virgin
In “40 Year Old Virgin,” the end credits sing “Age of Aquarius” by the Fifth Dimension.
One of the lines in the Fifth Dimension is that Jupiter aligns with Mars. In my Astrological Chart, Jupiter and Mars are in the Sign of Aries, which is the Sign of Mars.
It sings about how Love (Aphrodite) will rule the Stars (Hollywood Celebrities). Aphrodite Statues were seen in the country of Jordan.
One reason why today 1/14 of 2020 is the birthday of Jordan Elizabeth Ladd as the daughter of Cheryl Ladd mirroring Jordan Elizabeth Craig is because it’s exactly one month from Valentine’s Day symbolizing Love.
In my Family Tree, certain people like friends and family are shifted by one month.
For example, my best friend Scott is born 3/10 and Jordan’s friend Sydney is born 4/10 exactly one month away.
My other best friend Roman is born 4/29 of 1975 and exactly one month away from my birthday 5/29 of 1975.
One of the reasons why I’m so sure about how I read my charts is because they’re sewn into my Family and Friends where they’re born on very specific days.
There’s a consistent math pattern where birthdays are shifted by 4 days, shifted by 10 days, shifted by one month, etc.
Not everyone’s Family Tree is configured so precisely. It can’t be done with everyone. However, certain people who were meant to be elevated in society can be given special Family Trees.
I think Alice Eve is one of the few actresses given a unique family tree because she developed an interest in Astrology.
That means that Alice’s mind is open-minded and better suited toward understanding what a Career Chart would be.
I’m not saying that Alice would suddenly embrace something as this without question, but it stands a better chance of making sense to her than an actress who is Atheist that doesn’t believe in any of that Astrology stuff.
Alice’s movie “Before We Go” with Chris Evans shows them seeing a Psychic. They talk about how you don’t have to believe in that stuff for it to have an impact on you.
You don’t have to believe in the Psychic Field or Astrology for me to tell you something that can impact you.
I think if Alice Eve looks over her career and sees the Math Pattern sewn into her career, she’ll understand.
I had seen on her Instagram how she mentions her father Trevor Eve suffering from mental health problems.
Sometimes when you have Faith or you see there’s Intelligent Design or purpose, that can help heal or reprogram your mind repairing the damage.
When you’re just kind of adrift, your mind can lose cohesion and start to deteriorate. However, when you’re given a purpose and you’re given the assurance that there is a Plan and we’re not all just drifting randomly without purpose, that firm resolve can reinforce your mind.
If you look at the Mental Illness seen in Shooters, they usually go crazy because they’ve lost their way.
They lack purpose or someone messed with their head filling them with war propaganda affecting their reasoning and judgment thinking it’s okay to promote violence.
However, if they found that Earth is alive and that there’s a rhyme and reason to what you see in the world, it may be enough to turn a mentally ill person bent on violence into finding a more peaceful resolution.
This is a follow-up to my previous post where I said news mirrors me every 24 hours.
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News 1/14 of 2020 body of #HarleyDilly of #PortClinton, Ohio was stuck up in the CHIMNEY.
I said in my blog 1/13 of 2020 how I realized over the last 3 months whatever movie my mom puts on predicts something in news next day.
Last night, my mom saw 2001 film #KateAndLeopold with #HughJackman and #MegRyan.
In the rooftop scene, Meg Ryan as Kate says maybe finding Mr. Right is a grown-up version of SANTA C/LA+U.S. as our attempt to explain why our #LoveSanta KEEPS GETTING CAUGHT IN THE CHIMNEY (Harley Dilly). I can use the #ChimneySong by #BobRivers in Seattle, WASHINGTON where I'm from to show I'm reading it right.
I'm a WA State Psychic. Jordan is a RIVER and Bob RIVERs is a RIVER.
My cousin Gwen is born 2/2 when DALLAS became a city. Her ex-husband whose uncle was Rod is named Boyd as Jordan's Family Name. Their son (my nephew) is Quinn. HARLEY Dilly + QUINN is #HarleyQuinn. #HarleyQuinnSmith plays the daughter named #MillenniumFalcon in 2019 #JayAndSilentBob Reboot where #ShannonElizabeth of TEXAS is the mom and JayMewes' RL wife is named Jordan. Jordan of DALLAS, Texas manifests in my Family Tree.
The chimney death was in #PortClinton, Ohio that became a state on 3/1 of 1803. My Aunt Julia born 3/1 had a house on Avenue 313 as Jordan's birthday.
#ChrisRedfern of Port Clinton was born 10/1 of 1964. The 1974 film "Where the RED FERN Grows" starred #LonnyChapman and #JamesWhitmore born 10/1 of 1920 and 1921. Chapman died 10/12 birthday of Hugh Jackman in #KateAndLeopold while Whitmore died 2/6 birthday of #AliceEve. Jackman and Eve were together in the 2014 film #NightAtTheMuseum #SecretOfTheTomb as themselves.
Red Fern was 1974. I was born 1975. Chris Redfern was 1964. So I couldn't have been behind this if I wasn't born yet.
Earth using the Electromagnetic Field as a Communication Platform with Her Math Language instructed Subconscious Minds to choreograph all this.
As a Hollywood Psychic, I decoded Alice Eve's film career like an #AstrologyChart showing why she was cast in certain films.
#psych93 #MacKenzieCraigDonald #MillenniumFalconButt
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