#i remember when the album came out i was like oh well i'm not that invested i'll listen to some of the songs that sound good or whatever
rhapsodynew · 3 days
The Beatles in India
Part 2📌
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The Maharishi had some quirks
In his book With the Beatles, Lewis Lapham talked about how the Guru organized a group photo shoot of his students, including the Beatles.
"He acted like a director on the set of a movie," Lapham wrote of the Maharishi.
In preparation for the photography, the Guru supervised the construction of a small podium and seating areas. He told the photographer:
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"Before you press the button, you have to shout '1, 2, 3'... You have to shout it before every flash." Then the Maharishi said to his disciples, "Now, come on, a universal smile... and we're all looking at the camera."
Lapham also wrote that the Maharishi seemed to like helicopters, and recalled how the Guru stared at the helicopter "like a child looking at a huge complicated toy." McCartney recalled how the Maharishi once took him with him to New Delhi. There was still room for one passenger, and Lennon accepted the invitation.
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Later I asked [John], 'Why did you want to fly with the Maharishi so much?' – said Paul in the Beatles Anthology. 'To tell you the truth,' he said, 'I thought he could slip me an answer unnoticed.' That's what John is all about!"
McCartney also recalled a conversation with the Guru when he asked which car to buy.
"We said, 'Well, Merce, Maharishi. Mercedes is a very good car.' – 'Practical? How long has he been serving? Is it working well?'– 'Yes.' "'Well, then we should get a Mercedes.'"
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George and John got really into meditation...
Of all the Beatles in the ashram, Harrison and Lennon devoted themselves the most to the science of meditation.
"I was in the room meditating for five days," Lennon said in the Beatles Anthology. – I've written hundreds of songs. I couldn't sleep, I had hallucinations like a madman, dreams in which there were smells. I've been meditating for a few hours, and then it knocks you out for three or four hours. It was just a way to achieve those amazing journeys [trip also means "(narcotic) arrival, high" - Approx.perev.]".
Cynthia Lennon told in the book Bob Spoke to The Beatles that nothing else mattered to John when it came to meditation, adding that
"John and George were [finally] in their element [at the ashram]. They threw themselves headlong into the teachings of the Maharishi, were happy, relaxed and, above all, found the part of their consciousness that had been denied to them for so long."
Harrison felt that both meditation and the Maharishi had an impact on his life.
"The thrill of meditation is incredible," he told Paul Saltzman. – I'm more addicted to drugs than I used to be. It's simple... and this is my way of connecting with God."
And Harrison took the group's goal at the ashram very seriously.
"He was pretty strict," McCartney later said of Harrison in the Beatles Anthology. "I remember talking about the next album, and he said, 'We're not here to talk about music, we're here to meditate.' Oh, yes, it's all right, Georgie, boy. Calm down. You need a sense of humor here, you know. Actually, I liked it there."
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...while Ringo was having a hard time
Ringo Starr later recalled his stay in India as fun and cool, but at that moment he had difficulty getting used to food and the environment. Since he was prone to allergies, he brought cans of Heinz canned beans with him. The drummer The Beatles also recalled how the cooks at the ashram offered him eggs, which were forbidden to everyone.
"Then I saw them burying the shell," Starr said in the Beatles Anthology. "It was the first of several cases that made me think that this was not what I had hoped for."
Other problems for him and his wife Maureen was turned on by pesky insects:
"I had to fight off scorpions and tarantulas in the bathtub,– he said. "After taking it and wiping yourself dry, you had to leave the bathroom because all the insects were coming back."
Also homesick for home and children, the Starrs decided to leave after 10 days, followed by McCartney and his girlfriend Jane Asher a few weeks later.
"Paul just didn't get the gist of it," Peter Brown wrote in The Love You Make. "The Maharishi's false seriousness and tedious meditations reminded him a lot of school."
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The Liverpool Four liked their Indian attire
In his message from the ashram, Lewis Lapham wrote:
"Like the other Beatles, Harrison was delighted with the costumes - embroidered overshirts, fancy brass pendants, cotton pajama trousers with wide bright stripes, clothes for all occasions. They looked like gypsies with their angular faces framed by long dark hair."
In the Beatles Anthology, Harrison said:
"If you go to India, you can't wear Western clothes. This is the most relish of what concerns India - all these cool clothes: big baggy shirts and pajama trousers. They also wear tight trousers that look like drainpipes."
Starr added:
"We bought a lot. They sewed Indian clothes for all of us, because it could be done right there: huge funny trousers with very tight legs and a big top that had to be tied up, collars a la Jawaharlal Nehru. That's what we put on."
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To be continued...
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maddy-ferguson · 5 months
i still haven't listened to midnights and i don't think i ever will (that sounds dramatic) but i see a lot of gifs and stuff with lyrics so i have imaginary versions of some parts of some songs in my head and the other day i heard 10 seconds of the chorus of maroon and i was like oh...is that what it actually sounds like...
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randomshyperson · 9 months
Wanda Maximoff x Reader - Pure Heroine Series Part Four - 400 lux
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Summary: You and Wanda have been friends for years, but now, you're grown up. Nothing stays as it was. | Album Inspired series "Pure Heroine" by Lorde.
Warnings: Mutual Pining, friends to lovers, fluff, some typical trope angst, high school to college, making out, drinking, substance abuse, fighting, implied compulsory heterosexuality | Words: 1.950k
General Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad | Pure Heroine Collection |
She's doing it again.
Wanda hates everything about it. The loud music, the sweaty, clinging bodies that prevent her from moving around calmly, the smell of alcohol and sex, and most of all, the lack of you.
She knew that her new choices would cost her your presence, but your absence also came with the numbing of all those unwanted feelings, and it was easier not to think about them with the help of beers or any other substance they offered her.
It was stupid and dangerous, and Wanda hated it. But again, the hangover didn't hurt as much as knowing that she had ruined everything with the person who mattered most to her.
This time, at least, it was a Saturday. It was the fifth party in the last three weeks that she had attended, and Wanda was almost surprised at how far she had gone this time. Her body trembled and broke out in a cold sweat, the taste of the colored pills that the third-year boys shared with her for free with the intention of getting her into bed still fresh on her tongue. Maybe Wanda would go with them this time; there were few times when casual sex, especially with some drunken young adult, really satisfied her, but it was better than no sex at all and nights and nights staring at the empty bed of her roommate with whom she wouldn't exchange more than four sentences for weeks. And counting.
Whatever she used, she had to admit that this time she had gone a little too far. And Pietro wasn't at the party, the so responsible athlete and future Olympic medalist, nor were her new friends, who had already found beds to sleep in for the night.
Her head spinning, she tried Monica's number, but to no avail. Then Natasha answered on the third ring, but it wasn't good news.
"I'm spending the weekend with my parents, Wanda. I told you that."
Well, fuck that, she probably did. Wanda doesn't remember, not now anyway, her head spinning like her stomach.
"Oh, yeah, shit, it's true." She mutters, her own intoxication showing in her voice. "Thanks anyway, Nat."
But the redhead spoke before she could hang up. "Why don't you call her? I'm sure she'd help-"
"I can't." Wanda cuts off, because now her eyes are full of tears, and the substances don't help to take the feeling out of focus. "I just can't. Good night, Nat."
"But, Wanda-"
She hangs up the phone and bends over to throw up in the bushes at the entrance to the frat house. The party continues uninterrupted, indifferent to her condition.
Wanda doesn't know how much time has passed before she hears chuckles behind her.
"Hey, baby, do you need any help in there?" The male voice sends a chill down her spine. She wipes her mouth, trying to balance herself against the wall. The man approaches, and his hands help her around the waist. 
"Don't touch me." She protests, pushing his hands away, and although he moves aside, he does so grinning.
She can't quite focus on his face, but she thinks she recognizes him from the team. "Relax, girl. Hey, I know you... You're Wanda, aren't you? I'm on your brother's team, I can take you to him."
It's the trap, clearly evident in the intentions hidden in his eyes. But Wanda is too drunk and nods. The boy smiles as if he's won something, and when he offers his arm for her to lean on, Wanda accepts it as a courtesy.
"My car's around the corner, let's go this way." He leads the way, and Wanda's feet move on their own.
They turn the corner, and she loses her balance again, the nausea returning. 
Something is screaming danger in the back of her mind. "The dormitory... is on the other side." She struggles, scratching at her eyes. The boy squeezes harder.
"Yeah, but I'm just going to get something from the car, it's quick, come on."
He starts pulling her by the waist again. Wanda doesn't even have time to be startled before he's the one who gets yanked off her this time.
It's too fast for her drunken brain to keep up: Your sudden appearance, dressed in pajamas covered by the leather jacket she bought you for your 17th birthday, the brutality with which you knock the boy to the ground and threaten him with a baseball bat with Bucky Barnes' signature on the end.
"Get out of here, asshole." You warn between teeth. The boy is so surprised and frightened that he crawls across the floor to stand up.
"What the fuck, are you insane?" He snaps in defense. "We're just talking."
But you adjust the bat in your hand as if you were going to attack him. "If you don't get out of here in the next two seconds, I’ll break your fucking arm."
He snorts angrily but takes two steps back. " Screw that, she's not even that hot."
He runs away, and when you turn to her again, Wanda wants to throw up for another reason.
"Hey, are you okay?" Wanda doesn't deserve the kindness and concern in your gaze. She doesn't deserve to be helped to her feet, to have her hair brushed out of her face or her cheeks caressed. "Wanda?"
Then she sobs, because it's been almost three months since she ruined everything and no amount of partying, drugs or casual sex has taken the feeling out of her chest.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry-" She cries and you sigh, hugging her for a moment. Wanda tries to control her tears, but you're stroking her hair and holding her, and she hates how much she doesn't deserve any of this. 
"Breathe, Wanda, it's okay." You try to calm her down, the baseball bat slack at your side, so that your other hand strokes the back of the girl clinging to you. "I'm taking you home, come on."
There's no resistance from her, and Wanda doesn't know it, but it's you who's nauseous with worry about her condition. Anyone could have dragged her into a corner, without any resistance, and the thought makes you grip the steering wheel tighter.
Despite the short journey from the Fraternity House to your dormitory, Wanda falls asleep on the seat. It's a bit of a struggle to wake her up and get her inside, but with some time and insistence, you manage to put her to bed.
Your room has hardly changed at all since you last looked for books here. Almost 14 weeks ago, when you argued with Wanda and she chose to pretend that your friendship was over the next day. How all attempts at conversation were ignored or aggressively denied, and how she started disappearing from classes while showing up at parties.
Darcy didn't mind sharing the apartment with you until the next room's swap application date, so that's who you're living with while Wanda pretends you were never friends.
You let her fall asleep on the bed, mumbling in her sleep, while you take your cell phone out of your pocket to reply to Natasha that you had found Wanda and that everything was fine.
There's a gentle tug on the hem of your jacket as you make a move to get out of bed.
"Don't go." Wanda asks in a hoarse sigh, and you swallow dry, hesitant. She doesn't loosen her grip. "Please. I don't wanna... be alone."
With a sigh, you nod, gently pulling your hand away just so you can take off your jacket and then your shoes. Wanda wastes no time in making room on the bed for you.
Even though you tense up immediately, she clings to you, hugging your body as if no time had passed, no quarrel had put an end to such an old friendship. She falls asleep on your chest, and you draw your initials with your fingertips on her skin until you finally falls asleep too.
When Wanda wakes up, the bed is empty. But the smell of your shampoo is everywhere on her pillow, and she gasps softly. She forces her face against it and inhales deeply, and the next sound that escapes her is less innocent.
Then the door opens, and Wanda jumps on the bed as if she had been caught.
You don't notice anything strange, distracted by the items in your hands.
"Oh, you're awake, good." You say with a small smile, approaching her bed to leave one of the cups on the nightstand. Now with a free hand, you take a carton of pills out of your pocket. "Aspirin, for the headache. And orange juice, for the hangover."
You clarify quickly and make a toast sign with your own cup, which from your habits that Wanda knows like the palm of her hand, is not too hard to deduce to be iced coffee. 
She can't even thank you - she's way too shocked that you're not a hallucination. You hesitate and understand her silence in the worst possible way. 
"Don't worry, I'm on my way. I won't get involved in your hangover or any of your business." The sad smile almost makes her choke with guilt.
You turn around, but Wanda calls out to you. "How did you find me yesterday?"
With a sigh, you retort: "Natasha called me."
"It was two in the morning."
You hesitate, shrugging. "I was awake."
But Wanda glares at you: " You were wearing pajamas." She insists, and you sigh in defeat.
" I had just got home, Wanda." You retort and look uncomfortable. You sigh and finally finish breaking her heart. "I had a date."
"Oh." And it's the only thing Wanda is able to say without crying. She clears her throat, to push the emotions away, and moves to reach for the pill and the orange juice. You stand there, shifting your feet and staring at the coffee in your hands. "Thanks for yesterday, and the juice is a kind gesture, but... I don't really need any of this. I can take care of myself."
Your sad smile returns, Wanda wants to slap herself. Maybe your stupid pretty face too.
"Right." It's your reply, laden with sarcasm, and instead of annoyance, Wanda gets angry.
" Is there anything you wanna say to me?"
You chuckle, incredulous. "Why? So you can explode at me again for no reason? Hard pass." You retort, and she clenches her jaw, watching you turn your ankles and walk away. "See you around, Maximoff."
But Wanda has replayed this scene a million times in her head. All the other times you've argued, and she's let you walk away in anger.
Nothing good came of it.
You hesitated on the doorknob, your trembling fingers covered by your body, not allowing her to see how affected you were.
Wanda's eyes blurred with her tears, and she sniffled softly. "Please." She insisted. "Just stay."
"Why?" And this time, you turn to her again, your gaze so confused and hurt that Wanda has to look away. "Wanda, answer me."
She sniffles. "I like it when you're around."
But you sigh impatiently. "That's not good enough, Wanda. Not after everything you've done." You retort more determinedly. "What do you want from me?"
She swallows dryly but raises her eyes again. "I want to make things right. Please. I just need a second chance to... fix it."
You sigh again, this time in defeat. You nod and touch the doorknob again.
"I'll buy our breakfast." And you offer her a small smile. "Go take a shower, you need it."
Wanda throws her pillow at you but misses it. Your giggle on your way out wakes all the butterflies in her stomach at once.
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jungle-angel · 2 months
A Cowboy By Any Other Name (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: Even in adulthood, Rhett still has the most adorable nickname you've ever heard
Warnings: Mentions of adoptions, plans to start a family etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @callmemana @attapullman @sebsxphia @bradleybeachbabe
It was one of those Sunday mornings in early spring where you and Rhett had slept deeply, exhausted from the night before and too tired to have switched into your pjs. Amy had crawled in between you, snuggled in the curve of Rhett's elbow with her little Tiger Lily ragdoll Wes and Nora had made for her. The sun had come streaming through the windows of your shared bedroom, shining right onto your faces as Rhett's eyes fluttered open.
He kissed Amy's head before tossing aside the covers to get up, coming over to kiss you before heading downstairs, drawn in by the smell of Cecelia making breakfast for everybody and the hot coffee percolating into the pot.
"Ah first one up I see," she chuckled.
"M'still fuckin tired Ma," Rhett groaned before kissing his mother on the cheek.
"Long night?"
"Like ya'll wouldn't believe," Rhett answered. "First classes and then a ride after."
"Tell me that was your last one."
"Last one, for good this time," Rhett told her. "I ain't gettin banged up anymore."
"Well, I'm glad ya'll did," Cecelia said, cracking a few eggs in the cast iron pan. "Amy needs you and so doesn't (y/n)."
Rhett knew she was right. Amy was still little and desperately needed him around and although you were fairly independent, you needed Rhett just as badly as he needed you. The last time he had gotten banged up from a bull ride had been the week before Amy was born, landing him in the hospital for a week only to return home with his arm in a sling and heavy duty meds for the days after. Thank God he had gotten the woodworking teacher job at the Amelia County Steiner School when he did. It had been a literal lifesaver.
Rhett poured himself some of the fresh steaming coffee into his mug with a little milk from the fridge before you had come downstairs, still heavy headed and groggy.
"Why don't ya'll go back to bed?" Rhett chuckled as you wrapped your arms around his waist.
"Didn't wanna sleep so late," you yawned.
"Sorry to tell you Grumpy," Cecelia said. "But it looks like ya'll are gonna be sharing that coffee."
"Grumpy?" you laughed.
"Rhett bit his lip. "My um.......my nickname."
"Oh my God!" you exclaimed. "That's adorable, how did that one stick?"
"When Rhett was a baby, he'd get all pouty and bore an odd resemblance to Grumpy in Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs," Cecelia explained.
"Aw c'mon Ma," Rhett groaned.
"Oh my God I need to see this!" you said excitedly.
"Oh hold on one sec honey," your mother-in-law laughed.
You and Cecelia went to the credenza in the dining room where she kept all the family photo albums, pulling out a picture of Rhett at three years old with a pouty look on his face.
"Ma what the hell?!" Rhett blurted out.
"Awww look at you and your cute little pouty face," you teased.
Rhett tried to swipe the picture out of your hand but to no avail. When his father came into the dining room, it got ten times worse.
"Hey sugar pea!" Royal called, "Ya'll seen my watch?"
"Fell off the nightstand again," Cecelia answered, holding it up for him.
"Thanks honey," Royal said before he kissed her. "Oh......oh hey now, got the pics?"
"Yeah and I found one of Grumpy with his little pouty face," Cecelia laughed.
"Oh look here's a good one," Royal said as a shit eating grin crawled across his face. "Remember this?"
A laugh escaped your throat as Rhett turned redder than a freshly pulled beet.
"Oh my God I remember that one!" Cecelia exclaimed. "Rhett couldn't have been more than a year old and he went runnin naked through the backyard sprinkler."
"Full moon too!" you blurted out. "You had the cutest lil baby butt ever!"
Royal quickly handed off the photo to you before you bolted up the stairs with Rhett hot at your heels, the two of you laughing as he chased you down, pinning you against the wall outside his parents' bedroom.
"You do know Amy's still asleep," you informed him.
"Then gimme the pics."
You two laughed and giggled before Rhett leaned in and pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. You wrapped your arms around him before kissing him again.
"Love you sweetheart," he mumbled.
"Love you too Grumpy," you chuckled.
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kxmikomrade · 1 year
Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I didn't know you didn't write for f!reader.
So, could I request headcanons of Isagi, Bachira, Rin, Reo, and Sae with a Gn! Reader who's a cheerleader?
🍁˖࿐ Cheerleader! S/O - Isagi, Bachira, Rin, Reo, Sae
╰┈➤Hcs of them with a Cheerleader! s/o! (not the stereotype i think? im guessing u meant the sport since i heard its hard) Genre: Fluff and crack? Gn!reader or Any gender Warnings: Swearing obviously, kinda short so theres that, not proof read Waiter's Notes: Hello lovely!! its alright dear :)) just make sure to read the req page/rules next time ^^ Kinda short since im forgetful, the only cheerleading movie ive watched was like over a year ago and too lazy to do research
Masterlists Req Page/Rules
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He has ALOT of respect for you in general but this? it just tenfolded bro
Tries to come to all your competitions!! and vise versa, unless your competition times overlap :'D
Comes to your practices too <3
Always makes sure to bring snacks and drinks for you
Keeps track of your diet if you have one, but ALWAYS makes sure that you arent pushing yourself too much
Coming to his games with your team/friends to cheer!
He would be SOOOOOOOOO flustered but cmon, he looks ADORABLE when he is <3333
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He stops by your practice and tries to do your routine, it ends up in a mess and your coach is scolding you both LMAO
But he only had good intentions!
He wanted to take your mind off things like the competition since he knows it makes you nervous, and nervous you is well- not the best you 😭😭
again, he BRAGS to anyone and EVERYONE. about you and how youre so cool doing all those tricks and things ykyk!!
He probably drags isagi to watch your competitions tbh
When you come to watch his matches and cheer, he has the BIGGEST smile ever!! 🥹🥹
Its basically like shoving 5kg of sugar into his mouth, hes so energetic and motivated now <3
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guys theres literally a reason why i didnt add him on the artist hcs and its bcs i genuinely think that he wont give a fuck 🧍
Like, you do cheerleading? okay cool👍
But for the sake of this hc then imma put all my brain juice into this one
Might come to your practices whenever he has spare time/he remembers and gives you either those nice energy drinks or some suspicious green fruit-vegetable shake 💀💀
But thats pretty rare
most of the time, you two meet up and do yoga/cool down together, maybe get icecream after bcs SCREW YOUR DIETS FOR ONCE ‼️‼️
If you come to his matches to cheer, then he would mostly be surprised because from the manga and light novel, no one really watched his matches
So he feels warmth blooming in his chest and subconciously works harder to score a goal
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Its hard to find out which one of you two is the cheerleader tbh
deadass cheers MORE than you when it comes to your competitions no SHIT
also, your outift fees? covered. transportation fees? no need, get on his limousine. Props being too expensive? Honey no, 'Expensive' doesnt exist anymore remember?
He basically covers for everything you spend 🧍🧍
Im gonna bet on everything that you have this room in the mikage corp thats specifically for your private practices, like the one reo used to practice soccer
Pays his teammates to go with him to cheer you on your competitions 😭😭😭😭
Come to his matches to cheer and this guy will MELT
his teammates tease him for giving you the googly eyes LMAOOO
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Unlike rin, this guy actually cares
well, more than rin, thats for sure <3
He's a busy guy so he mostly watches you on his phone
speaking of that, he has this album on his gallery thats just pics and vids and clips of you 😭
Hes dedicated so atleast theres that 🤷😭
When you come to his matches, he might not see you at first bcs theres literally tens of thousands of people but when he does?
He performs a small gesture with his arm/s from a small routine you both came up with <33
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(599 words)
im sorry dis is short, i literally dont know wat else to write 😭😭😭
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kanmom51 · 11 months
JK's live 30 June 2023 12:38 am KST
30.6.2023 12:38 or 00:38 KST
cr./to the creators of the media used in this post.
Before I start talking about the live itself and Seven, of course, let's look for just a second, again, for the fun of it, at the numbers.
12:38 or 00:38 is the time JK started the live.
Do you see what those 2 numbers give us? Side by side?
1 2 3 and 8 and then 3 and 8. Does that help?
Do I think he did this on purpose? The 123 yeah, I see that. But the other part, nah? Just a usual lovely stars aligning Jikook coincidence I guess, lol.
Oh, and we also have 12:38 that gives us a 2+8=10 and the 1 and 3 that give us the 13, so:
So, not too too much happened during the live. JK came, talked a little tiny bit about his upcoming single, working on an album and a little more too, worked out, was his own cute self and dipped.
That was that in a nutshell.
Now let's dive in a little deeper.
JK talked about Seven. Well, telling us it's coming out on the 14 July and that he's excited about it.
There is an album in the works, but not finalized just yet.
Oh, and the MV, it's a wrap, and was fun. Now I'm truly curious.
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I did talk about the song not being written by him in my previous post. He heard it with BPD and said he wants to do it a lot. His words.
He heard it, he liked it, he wanted to do it. Not personal, not a life story.
Doesn't mean the lyrics didn't 'speak' to him in a sense. Didn't mean something to him. You can feel connected to a song that isn't written by yourself. But it is something to keep in mind when we hear the song, watch the MV and see the lyrics, lol.
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Just side tracking here for a sec to this:
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CP says it's sooooo good. I'm gonna trust him on this.
Question I have right now is: Is JM becoming JK's spoiler king?
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JK misses Jin and Hobi.
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He got a new lip piercing.
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What I love about that man is that he's so aware. He knows there are those that do not approve (you know, those idiots that think they have ownership over him or a right to tell him what to do). And yet, he doesn't give a shit. He wanted it, he did it. If they want to accept it they will, if they don't sucks for them. And the thing is that when he says it, he does it so nicely and respectfully. I LOVE IT!!!
He told us he's taking English lessons.
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As a matter of fact, he had one just before starting the live.
Funny how both JK and JM seem to be studying English at night.
Remember this?
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You know, must be one of those Jikook coincidences.
Nah. Fuck that. They are studying English together. Period.
JK talks about doing intermittent dieting, so he bought snacks but can't eat them just yet.
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JK wanting to share but blanking out, lol.
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Well, he didn't give us a spoiler, but we did get the next best thing, lol.
We get full JK workout.
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Gotta love army edits (some at least, lol)
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Poor baby hurt himself.
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That was quite a workout.
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Well, working out can be alone or together. There are many forms of working out... Does he really want us to wonder all of that?
The duality of this man.
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And then.
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I absolutely adore that JK has no problem what so ever that we see him like this. No makeup, every hair possible out of place, tired, sleepy, drunk, sad, happy, just bare.
He trusts us to see him bare.
Writing those lines, that sentence, idk why, it brings tears to my eyes.
He's not afraid to be himself. Take it or leave it. Yes, he plays the part of the idol, but he isn't afraid to show us him, a real human being just like us (just way prettier and sexier and more talented and more intelligent and in better shape), as much as he can under the circumstances of being an idol and a celebrity.
How can we not LOVE this young man?
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JK ending the live.
So, not so much going on during this live.
I wrote this post based on the translations available. Of course I will watch the live translated and come back with corrections if be needed.
This to me felt more like a scheduled live for him, less one he just wanted to do, to keep connected with us or to convey a message that doesn't have to do with his own promotions (you get what I'm saying). And it makes sense it was pretty much scheduled, given the announcement of his single release. But who cares? We got us some cute ass JK. Just seeing him warms my heart. I assume it has the same effect on you.
I'll leave you with an amusing take on JK's live.
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i am finally home and i'm pretty knackered but aaaahhh what a weekend!! ✨✨ so much happened in such a short amount of time, i'm still processing i think (also some personal stuff, that i won't bore you with). but yeah, the shows were absolutely epic, they were such good crowds for london standards. very rowdy but overall the atmosphere was amazing, and tbh that's probably in part because miles just exudes such incredible energy himself, if you ask me
just a little snippet of don't forget who you are from yesterday (night two) to illustrate:
also, a few random things i'm remembering now (which i'll put under the cut because i apparently remembered more than i thought):
miles seemed really really into it both nights, and really centered somehow? he was clearly having a blast and had everyone eating out of the palm of his hand, he's just SUCH an incredible showman. that's nothing new of course, but I was once again struck by just how very special and awe inspiring and just incredibly fun it is to watch him do his thing on stage. no one does it like miles fucking kane, baby
also, there were so many men in the audience who were just really letting go during the show, hugging their mates and singing the lyrics at each other, even full on crying when miles played colour of the trap (not even kidding, actual tears streaming down their faces). i don't think i've ever seen that at another gig to that extent, really. miles and his music seem to have - for want of a better phrase - a sort of liberating effect on a lot of men that's really nice to witness
on night one miles slipped on a spilled drink on stage and took a little tumble, but he recovered like a king and honestly it just made him look even cooler somehow lol
his arms and shoulders......... are sooooooo...... 🔥🔥🔥 dear fucking lord. his shoulders are broader than ever and honestly it was very hard to concentrate on anything else 🫠
after the show, we were chatting to ben for a bit who was just the sweetest and again talked about how he was a fan first (of arctic monkeys and tlsp and miles) and then sort of organically came to be a part of the band, and has just been having the time of his life so far! we were still chatting to him when miles came out after night 1, and when everyone started whooping, ben started screaming 'aaaaaahhh miles!!!' really loudly as a joke, before starting an impromptu chorus of the don't forget who you are 'la la la' that everyone joined in on. it was pretty hilarious
liam was super sweet too, and when he learned that i was dutch he was like 'oh we're playing a show in holland next week!' so i was like 'i know, i'm going!' and then he offered to put me on the guestlist, which was very kind of him even though i already have tickets lmao. he and ben both were very excited for that show for some reason, which made me even more excited as well!!
after night two ben and liam shared a massive hug outside and they both seemed really emotional, which was very sweet to see 🥺
nathan is the loveliest man alive. he said this tour was definitely the best one yet because the energy's just been amazing! he also asked us what are favourite album and song of the night was (his own fave was never taking me alive) and when I mentioned i just loved the bassline in coup de grace so much, he said it was as fun to play as it sounds, and that on the album it was actually miles who played it (that's probably common knowledge, but i didn't know!)
he also said that the band really is very close and they're all equals, and miles always says "we", and that he really is as kind and lovely as he seems 🥺 i mean, we knew that, but it was still really lovely to hear!
and of course, miles was once again just the most wonderful, gracious man ever with his fans, chatting to as many people as he could and taking pics with them and cooing at turtle paraphernalia, all while looking and smelling absolutely diviiiiine. he did seemed pretty knackered though, especially after night two, but that makes sense i think. and yet he still came out! truly a hero
as for my own chat with him, i for some reason went up to him like 'hiiiiiiiiiiiii' with my hands held out to him (idk man), and he just reciprocated my enthusiasm and took my hands and then held them and looked me in the eye while i rambled at him about how incredible i thought the show and he himself were, and he was just completely lovely, as always 🥺 such an angel
oh and finally, maxie is apparently staying with miles's mum while miles is on tour 🥺
i'm sure i'm forgetting things but this is already long enough 🙈 going to catch some zzz's now, i need them after this weekend
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iiraluv · 8 months
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nostalgia radio ୨୧ — 태용 A FLOWERY KIND OF LOVE
wc: 0.77k pairing: fem!reader x ty warnings: none ! genre: secret-admirer to lovers smau
" in which y/n is oblivious to the very reason taeyong buys her favourite flowers every single time he visits her flower shop. "
♱ bookshop
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"so what are your favourite flowers?"
taeyong came in again, this time his cheeks were rosy from the frosty autumn morning, the sight made your heart flutter.
you were ready to take his order; your notepad and pen stationed in your hands.
"would you like to order the dahlias again, sir?" you asked in a chirpy voice. you felt your heart getting lighter and lighter as he came closer to the counter. the cute guy smiled softly and nodded.
"yes, sure," he replied and looked down in shyness. you wondered why he was still shy since you've known him as a customer for almost a year now. you beamed at this.
before you wrote down the number of flowers and the type, something felt missing.
what am I missing..?
"ah!" you exclaimed, took a quick glance at the wall calendar on your left and saw that it was the 19th of october, the day he usually buys a birthday card for his special person, you assumed.
he looked up suddenly, head tilted slightly in confusion, "what is it, y/n?" the way he said your name, the way no one has ever said your name, made you feel warm all over.
"you forgot to ask for a birthday card," you replied, already grabbing a card from the rack in front of you before he placed his gloved hand on yours gently.
"actually, uhm," he looked around for a second before placing his attention back on you, his adorable eyes sparkling like snowflakes, "I don't need it this time." you were confused. very confused.
he placed your hands in his, and held it there before letting a hand reach up carefully to your cheek. you were frozen in your spot, eyes locked on to his, your cheeks flared up and your insides were performing somersaults against your will. it felt surreal, this moment, something you would otherwise never expect to happen.
"would you like to go out with me, y/n?"
your brains didn't process his words very well and it was clearly visible on your face.
"I-i'm sorry, did you just ask me out?" your excitement was bubbling up to the surface.
he chuckled adorably, "yes, I guess I am. it took longer than expected... but yeah."
"wait, so those dahlias I received every day were from you?" your smile emerging on your face and you saw his eyes form cute crescents just like yours.
"I'm not very subtle, am I?"
"not really, no!"
you both laughed heartily; seeing him laugh was one of the things to keep safe in your memories. it was like seeing snow for the first time: the dreamy stares and feelings of admiration was exactly how you would describe that very moment.
"how do you manage to pay for 100 dahlias every day?"
"well, I have a budget set specifically for buying them ," he said, looking down again, still smiling, "plus you gave me additional discounts every time, remember?"
you buried your face in your thick scarf and he rubbed his neck, not knowing what else to say. but that was alright, the both of you thought, what matters was that the feelings were mutual, very clearly so.
"I'd love to go out with you, taeyong," you replied, face slightly risen above the scarf, hands cupping his face.
"oh wait, I just realised something" you suddenly remembered something. you hurried to the back of the employees room where packaged orders, stocks of seeds to plant the flowers and a special gift were.
it was a bouquet of fresh, pretty roses - his favourite. you remembered that he had released his new album recently and it was a major success. feeling too awkward to gift it to him without much context, you decided to keep it when the time was right and well, the time was just about right now.
"here," you handed him the bouquet, his eyes widened in surprise.
"woah! what's this for?!" he sniffed the flowers gently, taking in the refreshing scent of the petals.
"it's a gift from me to you, for your new album release and for all the flowers you've given me." you went around the counter and gave him a precious peck on the cheek, staining it red.
"oops sorry - " you giggled softly and attempted to wipe it off with your thumb. he was staring at you adoringly with a dumb-struck look on his face.
and just before you both could continue the conversation, another customer came in, snapping you back to reality.
"hello ma'am, how can I help you!"
you looked over the customer's shoulder and made a phone gesture to your ear and whispered 'call me' to him and he enthusiastically replied with a thumbs up and an 'okay'.
your heart dropped as he walked out, wishing that time really stood still for those in love.
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© iiraluv, all rights reserved - do not copy, translate or repost my works.
... a/n: I recommend listening to vincent blue's songs, especially this one while reading this because his songs really set the tone for the fluffiness 🩵
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🎇Please reblog!🎇
Notable bridges
(Under the cut)
1989 (Taylor’s Version)
Out of the woods
Remember when you hit the brakes too soon?
Twenty stitches in the hospital room
When you started crying, baby, I did too
But when the sun came up, I was looking at you
Remember when we couldn't take the heat?
I walked out, I said, "I'm setting you free"
But the monsters turned out to be just trees
When the sun came up, you were looking at me
You were looking at me, oh
You were looking at me
(Are we out of the woods yet? Are we out of the woods yet?)
(Are we out of the woods yet? Are we out of the woods?)
I remember
(Are we in the clear yet? Are we in the clear yet?)
(Are we in the clear yet, in the clear yet? Good)
Oh, I remember
Wildest Dreams
You'll see me in hindsight
Tangled up with you all night
Burnin' it down
Someday, when you leave me
I bet these memories
Follow you around
You'll see me in hindsight
Tangled up with you all night
Burnin' (Burnin') it (It) down (Down)
Someday, when you leave me
I bet these memories
Follow (Follow) you (You) around
(Follow you around)
Is It Over Now?
And did you think I didn't see you?
There were flashin' lights
At least I had the decency
To keep my nights out of sight
Only rumors 'bout my hips and thighs
And my whispered sighs
Oh, Lord, I think about jumpin'
Off of very tall somethings
Just to see you come runnin'
And say the one thing I've been wanting, but no
Ten months sober, I must admit
Just because you're clean, don't mean you don't miss it
Ten months older, I won't give in
Now that I'm clean, I'm never gonna risk it
The drought was the very worst, ah-ah, ah-ah
When the flowers that we'd grown together died of thirst (Oh)
I reached for you, but you were gone
I knew I had to go back home
You searched the world for somethin' else
To make you feel like what we had
And in the end, in Wonderland, we both went mad
Illicit affairs
And you wanna scream
Don't call me "kid," don't call me "baby"
Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me
You showed me colors you know I can't see with anyone else
Don't call me "kid," don't call me "baby"
Look at this idiotic fool that you made me
You taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else
the last great american dynasty
They say she was seen on occasion
Pacing the rocks, staring out at the midnight sea
And in a feud with her neighbor
She stole his dog and dyed it key lime green
Fifty years is a long time
Holiday House sat quietly on that beach
Free of women with madness, their men and bad habits
And then it was bought by me
You know I left a part of me back in New York
You knew the hero died so what's the movie for?
You knew it still hurts underneath my scars
From when they pulled me apart
You knew the password so I let you in the door
You knew you won so what's the point of keeping score?
You knew it still hurts underneath my scars
From when they pulled me apart
But what you did was just as dark
(Ah, ah, ah)
Darling, this was just as hard
As when they pulled me apart
my tears ricochet
And I can go anywhere I want
Anywhere I want, just not home
And you can aim for my heart, go for blood
But you would still miss me in your bones
And I still talk to you (When I'm screaming at the sky)
And when you can't sleep at night (You hear my stolen lullabies)
Back when we were still changin' for the better
Wanting was enough
For me, it was enough
To live for the hope of it all
Cancel plans just in case you'd call
And say, "Meet me behind the mall"
So much for summer love and saying "us"
'Cause you weren't mine to lose
You weren't mine to lose, no
champagne problems
Your Midas touch on the Chevy door
November flush and your flannel cure
"This dorm was once a madhouse"
I made a joke, "Well, it's made for me"
How evergreen, our group of friends
Don't think we'll say that word again
And soon they'll have the nerve to deck the halls
That we once walked through
One for the money, two for the show
I never was ready so I watch you go
Sometimes you just don't know the answer
'Til someone's on their knees and asks you
"She would've made such a lovely bride
What a shame she's f*cked in the head," they said
But you'll find the real thing instead
She'll patch up your tapestry that I shred
So yeah, it's a fire
It's a violent blaze in the dark
And you started it
You started it
So yeah, it's a war
It's the fiercest fight of my life
And you started it
You started it
tolerate it
While you were out buildin' other worlds, where was I?
Where's that man who'd throw blankets over my barbed wire?
I made you my temple, my mural, my sky
Now I'm beggin' for footnotes in the story of your life
Drawin' hearts in the byline
Always takin' up too much space or time
You assume I'm fine, but what would you do if I
The autumn chill that wakes me up
You loved the amber skies so much
Long limbs and frozen swims
You'd always go past where our feet could touch
And I complained the whole way there
The car ride back and up the stairs
I should've asked you questions
I should've asked you how to be
Asked you to write it down for me
Should've kept every grocery store receipt
'Cause every scrap of you would be taken from me
Watched as you signed your name Marjorie
All your closets of backlogged dreams
And how you left them all to me
Right where you left me
Did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen?
Time went on for everybody else, she won't know it
She's still twenty-three inside her fantasy
How it was supposed to be
Did you hear about the girl who lives in delusion?
Breakups happen every day, you don't have to lose it
She's still twenty-three inside her fantasy
And you're sitting in front of me
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tillthelandslide · 11 months
Go Get Your Man - Ross Macdonald One Shot
A/n: welcome to something that randomly got stuck in my head after watching that Livestream... Now I'm not going to talk about Finsbury too much because it hurts too much because I really wanted to be there but the tickets should out in like seconds.... Buttttt I wrote this (not to do with Finsbury but that show just had ideas boiling, mainly because I realised I love Matty but like NEEEED Ross). I mainly wrote this as it perfectly describes how I feel about Matty and Ross. Anyway rant over, enjoy or not. Love you regardless - L p.s I have not proofread this so heads up
The house is loud, far too loud for her liking and despite the demands from her friend for people to smoke outside, a cloud drifted through the room, smoke visible in the air. The music was still audible over the voices of everyone in the room.
She's sporting the same glass of champagne as when she arrived, constantly being pulled left right and centre by people who wanted to talk to her.
The party was thrown on her behalf by her good friend Amber. They were celebrating the release of her new album (which she found a bit silly considering Japanese house had just released their own album too).
She was insistent at first "why can't we celebrate you too amber?" She asks and she remembers the eye roll her friend gave her before she went on about how "you know id hate that... That's not me... Besides I want to celebrate you".
She was worried at first when she arrived, knowing a certain someone would be here. She wasn't worried about seeing him, more worried about what he would say, afraid of upsetting him or making him angry.
She felt overwhelmed at one point, excusing herself from the conversation and walking outside, lighting a cigarette as soon as she steps through the doors.
"Still smoking I see?" She hears behind her, recognising the voice and almost immediately turning around and seeing a tall man, hair tied back in a bun, adorning a pair of black slacks, a black button up shirt, of which the top two were undone and a jacket.
"Ross... You came" she says, smiling a huge wide smile. She drops her cigarette instantly, walking over to the tall man, wrapping her arms around him and sighing into his chest.
"Wouldn't miss celebrating you for the world" he says, smiling a wide one which matches his. He missed having her in his arms. Now I know what you're probably thinking, but they were not in fact together. She pulls back, smiling up at him before her face drops.
"Weren't you guys at Finsbury... Like literally yesterday... And then Sweden before that?" She asks and he nods down at her.
"You must be shattered..." He doesn't let go of her just yet, still holding her in his arms.
"As I said... Wouldn't miss celebrating you for the world" he says, making her heart flutter, her eyes glinting with sheer happiness.
"sorry I wasn't there yesterday... I wanted to be... To support you... And g... And Hann and amber and everyone... Just didn't know if I'd be welcomed you know?" She asks and Ross nods, understanding completely.
"He would've been fine y'know?" Ross asks, the pin finally dropping.
"Really? I haven't seen him... At all to be honest since everything went down" she says and Ross sighs.
"You didn't do anything wrong..." He says and she nods.
"I know... But... We broke up a long time ago but... I promised I'd still see him and then I didn't... And then I still saw you and G and the rest and .... I dunno, just kind felt like a bitch" she admits and Ross nods.
"Well he came tonight... So you can't be that much of a bitch" he says and she laughs.
"oh thanks" she jokes making him chuckle. They finally pull away from each other (much to his dismay).
Ross' hand presses against her lower back, leading her back into the room and she immediately spots him, his curls tamed by gel, dressed in black suit trousers and a white button down shirt, standing with their friends. George smiles and waves at her as she sees her, drawing Matty's attention to her too. She's surprised to see that he smiles widely too, the conversation the group were having, immediately halted.
"There's the woman we've all been waiting for" George says as she draws closer. Ross' hand drops and she feels sad that it does, it leaves a tingly sensation in it's wake and that alone makes her breath falter and her head turn to check he was still there.
"Hello G" she says as she turns back to the group, the tall man pulling her into a tight hug.
"Oh I missed you" he says, squeezing her, her face being squished into his chest. She mumbles a "missed you too" before they pull away.
Hann is next to hug her saying a simple "really good to see you. Missed you. Congrats on the album" before Carly hugs her and then Charli and then she's face to face with Matty.
"Hello stranger" he says, but she smiles when there's no sense of bitterness in his words. He pulls her towards him and the two hug tightly. She thought it would feel weird to be in his embrace again but she just feels comfortable.
"Missed you" he admits and she smiles, closing her eyes she breathes him in for the first time in years.
"Yeah... Missed you too" she admits. They pull away and she feels herself get teary.
"seriously guys you really didn't have to come... You must all be so tired" she says, referring to the events of the previous days.
"We wouldn't miss it" she hears Matty say and she smiles at him. The group then get talking, catching up on everything that had been going on in each other lives. Of course she knew about parts of it, having still been seeing the guys and their partners when she could.
She goes for another cigarette at some point, leaning against the balcony, she hears the door open behind her and once again Ross is at her side.
"You look beautiful tonight by the way" he says as he stands next to her, placing a hand at her lower back again. She turns her body slightly so she's open to him, her waist pressing against his side.
"Thank you Macdonald..." She adorns a black dress which has a criss cross back and a cowl neck front, she wears boots as always. His hand is pressed against the crosses, the warmth of it radiating her bare skin making her shiver, realising how cold she was. His hand disappears for a moment and he shrugs off his jacket, draping it over her shoulders. She leans her head into him, which with the height difference leaves her leaning against his arm.
"Really missed you, you know" he says and she lifts her head slightly, eyes finding his soft brown ones. She sees immediately that he's sincere.
During the time Matty and her dated, her and Ross became very close, the closest out of any of Matty's friends, which was saying something because they all adored her. Ross was her go to person when Matty was being a bit mean or withdrawn. Looking back everyone is aware of why that was but at the time no one quite understood.
Ross found himself often angry at his friend for treating her the way he did, he knew Matty was fighting his own demons but Ross believed she deserved better, better than even he could give her.
"I really missed you too... When was the last time we saw each other... Seems like ages ago now" she says, trying to think back to when it was.
"the week of the London show? We went for ice cream and looked in that hidden record shop" he says and she smiles at the memory.
"oh yeah, you bought my album... 4 months is an awfully long time to go without you macdonald" she says and he smiles down at her.
"Won't happen again, I promise" she feels hopeful at that.
They then begin talking about all sorts, laughing at old memories. She jokes with him and teases him about this and that.
"The ross girlies were going absolutely feral for you yesterday... Finally giving them what they wanted when you let that hair loose" she says, they had somehow gotten even closer, her back was against the railing of the balcony and he had his hands either side of her. Her hands were resting against his collar. They didn't know how they got themselves into this position and she wishes she could pull herself away from it, not because she wanted to but because she felt guilty. He was her ex boyfriend's best friend, but he was also more than that, he was her best friend too, her go to person, her safety net, her comfort blanket, the person who in recent years had been the reson her soul was alight and she secretly wanted him to become ever more.
"You're ridiculous" he laughs, shaking his head down at her.
"Dunno Ross... I'd have to agree with them on this one... You looked good" she admits and he smirks down at her, one hand leaving the balcony to rest against her waist. His eyes scan her features, a shit eating smile pulling at his lips, cheeks and eyes creasing and the dimple she had missed a little too much making an appearance.
"I'm interested in you" he admits, and her smile drops. She scans his features now, trying to make sure he was deadly serious. She thinks it's an odd way to word it but it's appropriate for the circumstances. Saying he liked her would be too obvious, saying he loved her (although the truth) would be telling too much too soon and he truly couldn't think of another way to say it.
"Ross... We can't" she says, hands dropping from his collar , her stomach and heart sinking.
"Matty knows...." He says, the words leaving his mouth before he even had time to process them.
"Know what exactly? What is there to know?" She asks and it was a genuine question. Sure they flirted, spoke for hours on end after shoes, shared things that couples shared but neither of them had made their intentions obvious or clear.
"That I like you... That I've always liked you" he admits and she opens her mouth at the confession,lost for words for a second.
"liked you before he did... Before you even got together" he says. Amber had known Matty for years and she had introduced her to the group several years ago, she then became friends with the group so this piece of news was particularly shocking for her.
Matty was always flirty but at the beginning they were just friends, she did actually fancy Ross but she didn't think he liked her back. Matty started showing interest and she found herself falling for him, one thing led to another and they started dating. Never did she know that Ross had a thing for her.
"And Matty knew that?" She asks and Ross nods.
"That prick" she chuckles, hands finding his shoulders again.
"Yeah what a prick..." Ross says making both of them laugh "Na I'm joking... Wouldn't have changed anything if he didn't try with you and would you have wanted it to?" He asks and she ponders his question.
"Na you're right... I loved him" she says, no sadness, no reminiscence to her words, just the truth.
"Exactly..." Ross says.
"I did fancy you though" she says and he laughs.
"Fuck off... As if" he says, pulling away slightly before she pulls him back.
"I did!" She says raising her eyebrows at him "ask Amber if you don't believe me"
"Na I don't need to... I believe you" he says and they stare at each other for a bit, neither knowing what to say or do.
"Always wondered why it didn't work out with Matty.... Don't get me wrong, it was amazing, I loved that man so much... something always felt off though" she admits and Ross nods.
"Matty said the same thing... Sorry if that's a dick thing to say" he says and she shakes her head.
"Na don't worry... He told me" she says and that makes Ross raise his eyebrows.
"He called me once, last year... Drunk... Said he was sorry that he couldn't love me the way I deserved back then but he did love me... Said that it never felt quite right and that I was meant for someone else" she explains and Ross nods.
"So Matty knows you like me huh?" She asks and Ross nods.
"How did that conversation come about?" She asks and Ross chuckles, sighs and then begins to speak.
"Remember that night you called me on tour... Think we were in... America? Somewhere in America. You called and you just started singing these lyrics and i was thinking... Why is she calling me and singing? And then I realised that you were running the lyrics by me and I thought... You know what? I always wanna be the person you run lyrics by" he admits and she smiles at that, heart fluttering.
"I got off the phone to you and we were about to go on stage and I had this huge smile on my face... And Matty knew we were still friends at this point but he asked me why I was smiling so much and for some reason I couldn't tell him" he sighs, her grip on his shoulders tightens slightly before she eases her hold.
"And then this really good mood was just ruined and I was in a shit mood the whole show and then the next day and I was being so grumpy and tetchy with everyone and Matty just sat me down at one point and was just like man what the fuck is up with you and I just... I spilled. Everything" he explains. She could listen to him talk for hours and often did. He'd call her on tour or she's call him on the road or in a studio somewhere and they'd talk for hours until eventually they'd have to go to bed.
"What did Matty say?" She asks, but as she does, the door is opening and Ambers face is peering round the corner.
"sorry to interrupt... We want you back in here if that's okay... Your manager wants to say a few words" she says, not before raising her eyebrows at the two of them. Ross peels himself away from her, entering to room, leaving amber and her on the balcony.
"You look good together" Amber says before she leaves too.
She sighs before following behind them, everyone in the room cheers as she enters and her manager does a speech, everyone raising their glasses.
"Thank you... And don't forget to stream the album" she says making everyone laugh.
She drinks with a few of her friends, eyes always managing to find Ross'. She's back on the balcony soon enough, this time the door opens and Matty is revealed.
"You've been out here a lot today" he observes as he comes to stand next to her and she nods.
"Feeling a bit overwhelmed?" He asks and she nods again, taking a puff of her cigarette.
"But also look at that view" she says, gesturing Infront of her. They can see most of London from where they stand, the lights twinkling as the sun sets, casting hewes of orange and pink over the skyline.
"You always loved a good view" he says and she smiles at him. After all this time, he still managed to see right through her.
"I did... I do, that hasn't changed" She says, looking back out over the skyline. His eyes hover over her features, her eyes, the beautiful green ones that used to make his heart flutter were glistening in the sunlight, her lips turned up into a smile, painted a nude colour, different from when they were together. Her hair was longer and was in loose curls, she had her nose pierced now, that was new. She had a fair new more tattoos, and he smiles as he slots her box tattoo, directly opposite his. He remembers the day the band begged her to get it. She had changed in some ways: she was more confident, happier. But in some ways she was exactly the same.
"You look lovely" he says and she smiles, not look at him.
"I'm really proud of you" he says, noticing that she's wearing Ross' jacket, something that makes him smile.
"Thank you matty... I'm proud of you too, you guys are smashing it still"
They're silent for a few moments, the both of them staring at the view.
"So Ross tells me he had a thing for me before you" she says, thinking it's better to just come out with it rather than tip toe around it.
"Yeah... Still feel awful for that... Didn't mean for it to happen... You kind of just captivated me" he admits and she can't help but blush. Matty always had a way with words and although they don't make her heart flutter anymore, she still feels privileged that they're directed towards her.
"Wouldn't change it though right?" She asks, properly looking at him now. His hair had sprouted some grey's and he looked more mature than when they were together but he was still the same old Matty.
"Never" he says and it makes her smile.
"Only thing I'd change is the way I treated you..." He says, fiddling with his thumbs.
"I wouldn't" she admits and it confuses him.
"You were an arsehole sometimes sure.... But you were also the best boyfriend I had ever had... I broke up with you not because of the way you treated me when you were going through hell but because it wasn't right... For either of us" she admits and he nods agreeing with her.
"Think Ross is right for you?" He asks and she shrugs.
"I don't know... But I want to see" she says "would you be alright with that? Won't hate me for it?" She asks, turning her body so she's fully facing him. She looks sad and scared she'll hurt him and it reminds him of the days when they used to fight.
"Of course not. Could never hate you' he says and he can't help but pull her towards him.
"I think he's right for you... That man will love you exactly the way you deserve that's for sure" he says as he hugs her. She pulls back to look at him and her hand finds his face. It doesn't tingle like it used to, electricity doesn't strike as she holds him, her hand is soft and instead he feels a dull buzz, not completely fizzled out (both of them knew it never fully would). He can't deny it feels nostalgic and comfortable though.
"Thank you Matty. Really... Thank you" she says and he smiles.
"I'll always love you. You know that right?" He asks and she nods. She would always love him too, not in the way they once did, but they'd always have a piece of there souls entertwined.
"Now go get your man" he says making her chuckle. They share a look and Matty leans down to place a gentle kiss against her lips. A farewell, a thank you, an "Ive missed you", a platonic kiss. They wouldn't ever be able to describe why they needed it, maybe it was years of not seeing each other, maybe it was closure.
She leaves him to finish his cigarette, a huge smile resting against her face as she finds Ross, who smiles down at her as she comes to stand next to him.
His hand finds her waist as she tugs him towards her, making him tumble into her hold.
"You okay?" He asks and she nods. The people who he was having a conversation with were looking at the pair of them, almost expecting something to happen.
"Kiss me" she says and he smirks down at her.
"Right here? In front of everyone?" He asks, looking around the room, but he knew as soon as she said, he'd be leaning down to her.
"right here" she confirms, sighing a blissful sigh when his strong hand grasps her jaw lightly, leaning down towards her slowly. His lips hover over hers and she closes the gap by standing on her tip toes ,lips now flush against each other. His were soft and full against hers, the kiss was firm but undeniably soft, she felt him against every fiber of her being. The whole room seemed to be silent and all she could focus on was him.
She didn't notice their friends cheering them on, or the fact Matty was smiling at the two of them. She just felt Ross pull her closer to him, his hand holding her face gently as his other hand hooked around her waist, practically pulling her off the ground. She notices the way his lips move against hers, taking in her bottom lip, tongue peeking out to run across it before he's fully pulling away, their foreheads touching.
"I've been wanting to do that ever since I met you" Ross says, pressing another peck against her mouth.
"Me too"
"What changed?" He asks and she pulls away, turning to find Matty. Ross sees him, sees the way he smiles at them, raising his glass towards them.
"Thank you" Ross mouths to him before she turns back to him and she's caught his attention again.
"What did he say?" Ross asks and she smiles.
"Nothing I didn't already know" she says, pulling him back to her, their lips meeting again in another passionate kiss.
Note: I'm well aware this will probably get 0 notes but I dunno... This fic makes my soul happy and I love it so please reblog if you love it too, it would mean the world to me.
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daceydeath · 2 years
A Working Proposal (Part 2)
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Pairing: Chan x Reader x Changbin
Word Count: 2.5K
Genre: Smut
Warnings: 18+, minors dni, unprotected sex (don't be dumb), creampie, oral sex (male receiving), vaginal fingering, swearing, threesome (MMF)
You had been working with Stray Kids for a while now and after a long day at work turns into a very unexpected but intriguing proposal. Will this change your world or end your career?
The next few days had flown with all the extra tasks that needed to be done to prepare for not only shooting the music video but the whole album intro teaser. You had organised four separate looks including hair make up and outfits, two dozen locations and organised for the whole process to be documented so that behinds the scenes footage could be ready to go. It had been exhausting and you had not had a moment to even think about the boys in terms of your contact with them, until that was Felix had asked you to come to the studio. You had remembered smiling when you got the text thinking that he was being sweet to worry until you remembered that it might be more than you initially thought. You dragged yourself to the dance studio pausing to try to pull yourself together before entering, hoping your smile was believable you opened the door and entered the room.
"Good you made it" Felix grinned happily getting up from where he was sitting on the floor with the others surrounded by food containers.
"Well you asked me to Felix" you blinked slightly confused about what was going in.
"And good thing too" Minho replied sternly "when did you eat last?"
"Umm... I definitely had breakfast at least I'm pretty sure I had breakfast" you answered slowly thinking hard, the last few days were busy remembering to eat didn't seem like the important information to retain.
"Exactly" Chan echoed as Felix dragged you to the loose circle they were sitting in making you sit "You need to take care of yourself"
"Says the man who doesn't sleep, eat proper meals or have the ability to stop working ever" you rolled your eyes at him watching him blush slightly at your words.
"Open up" Minho instructed and you did without question turning to him as he put a piece of meat in your mouth making you shy suddenly.
"How are we supposed to even start this thing if you are working yourself harder than us?" Changbin sighed teasingly your eyes widening suddenly before you could swallow your mouthful of food.
"Is that why I'm here? you think I'm working too hard for your comeback?" you quirked your eyebrow at him smiling.
"Well yeah a bit" Han admitted a light dusting of pink across his cheeks making you giggle "none of us like seeing you worked to exhaustion"
"It's kind of my real job to get everything sorted out so everything goes smoothly for you, then sit back and let you do all the heavy lifting" you smirked.
"That's not how I remember it" snickered Chan making your skin heat up instantly.
"I mean here Chan, not your bed" you rolled your eyes as Minho held out more food for you to eat, which you took without hesitation.
"Excuse me?" Hyunjin squeaked dramatically nearly causing you to inhale your food.
"A few nights ago she came round to deliver the contract" Chan shrugged seeming like he knew it was going to set them all off, a chorus of loud 'what's' and 'the fucks' did indeed follow as they all yelled over each other until they were almost too loud for you and you winched a little.
"Shit sorry kitten" Minho gasped dropping his chopsticks and covering your ears instantly.
"I'm ok, I'm mostly used to this by now anyway" you smiled at him as he lowered his hands from the side of your head to your shoulders smugly pulling you against him so he could feed you some more.
"Oh smooth" Hyunjin teased as you squeaked in surprise making you feel a little embarrassed all over again.
"Are you going to be at the shoot tomorrow?" Jeongin asked you diverting attention from where Minho's hand was on your hip.
"I can be there if you need me to be" you smiled softly "I don't usually need to be there unless there is an issue or things are still not fully organized"
"So if I request it you can be?" Chan smirked
"Yes, no one says no to you Chan and you know it" you sassed knowing they would all get the double meaning.
You arrived for the shoot before the kids did making it easier for you to check with the director and staff that everything was indeed ready for when they arrived. The process had run smoothly them arriving, hair and makeup and then the run through of what they would all be doing, the shoot had been expected to last three days but there was always room for issues so you were going to hang around that entire time, mainly at Chan's request. The members were to be shot in small groups leaving the rest with little else to do but hang around and tease each other while you tried your hardest to remain utterly professional.
You had been quite happy to just do your job remotely making sure anything that the kids needed was brought in all while aiming to look like you were watching them lustfully as the danced or acted in perfectly fitting clothes that accentuated every perfect part of them. Minho's pants clung perfectly to his strong thighs, Chan's shirt would rise to reveal his abs with every high energy dance move and Changbin's shoulders and chest straining the buttons on his shirt was going to kill you at some point you were sure. Flicking you eyes back to your work you continued to organize their next set of interviews.
After a while it became obvious to you that there was some sort of issue with Minho and Changbin, choreography you guessed since Minho had needed to adjust a few things in the days leading up to the shoot. Your eyes widened as the director stepped in saying they would change the filming order to make it easier for them which frustrated both the boys more and Changbin walked away to calm himself down. You decided to leave it for a moment Chan would come find you if he needed anything and you could finish your emails while you waited.
"Miss?" the AD smiled pulling your attention from your tablet "I have been asked to send you back to the dressing room there has been an issue"
"Of course thank you" you smiled politely excusing yourself and making your way to the dressing rooms the boys had been given. Walking in you found Changbin sitting on one of the couches looking annoyed but Chan was nowhere to be seen, until the door shut behind you and the lock clicked.
"Thank you for being to prompt baby" Chan whispered into the shell of your ear making you shiver as he kissed his way down to the nape of your neck "Binnie was wanting to borrow you for a little while and I thought I might stay and watch".
"If you don't mind" Changbin added standing up and stepping towards you with his hand outstretched, intertwining his fingers with yours he pulled you from Chan and into his own arms pressing a gentle kiss you your lips.
"I don't mind" you breathed against his lips, he smirked before kissing you again this time much more forcefully as his hands began roaming your body. Your hands mapped out his impressive chest and arms gasping as he slapped your arse sharply before grabbing it roughly.
Taking that as his cue he broke away from your lips spinning you suddenly so you were facing Chan who could help him self but sneak a kiss as Changbin began unbuttoning and pushing down your jeans.
"We don't have much time baby so forgive me for not giving you more" Changbin mumbled into your skin of your neck as you heard his own pants hit the floor "Chan get on the couch man" he directed which made Chan grin and do as he was asked his dark jeans straining against his erection making your eyes go wider.
Stepping out of his fallen jeans Changbin picked you up and placed you down behind the sofa he had been sitting on, pushing your head forward until you were bent over like he wanted, Chan perched just in front of your face his cock inches from your face. Spitting on his hand he reached down to you waiting pussy slipping his fingers between you wet folds smearing both his saliva and your juices between your clit and your entrance.
"Fuck baby, already wet for me and I haven't even touched you" Changbin grunted his fingers slowly circling your clit teasingly making you groan softly.
"You going to let Chan watch me fuck you baby, let him watch me fill up your pretty pussy" He asked smugly as your body continued to react to his fingers making you wetter and wetter.
"Fuck...yes, he can watch you fuck me" you whined pushing your arse towards him.
"Good girl, so ready for me already huh?" he grinned letting his fingers drop from your clit and instead rubbing his dick through you folds painfully slowly before lining himself up and slowly sinking into your waiting hole. You cried out softly your mouth falling open at the feeling of how deep he was inside you, how thick and hard he felt as he held you in place to stop you moving.
"You look so fucking cute taking his cock baby" Chan smirked leaning forward to kiss your lips again masking you clench around Changbin.
"Fuuck" Changbin moaned lowly slowly starting to pull back out of you before sinking back in painfully slowly. "I will cum so fucking fast if you keep that up baby" You sighed against Chan's lips as Changbin began pumping in and out of your cunt slowly increasing his speed rubbing your walls just right.
"She likes that man, gotten all fucked out for you" Chan chuckled looking at your hazy expression.
"Good girl, how about you suck Chan off while I fuck you huh? Be a good girl and show him you're grateful to have me fucking you" Changbin instructed grabbing your hair and pulling you head back to look as Chan, without answering you simple opened your mouth and waited for him to decide what he wanted.
"You sure baby?" Chan asked making you nod firmly as knelt infront of you and slipped himself from his jeans guiding himself between your waiting lips. "Your mouth is so good baby just like last time" Chan grunted matching Changbin's rhythm.
You let your jaw relax as Chan took the lead carefully fucking your throat as Changbin began pounding into you from behind, the sound of slapping skin and the squelch of your wet cunt the only noise in the room as the two boys desperately tried to keep themselves quiet, you could feel your orgasm closing in on you as the two of them used you for their own high you began mewling around Chan's dick each time Changbin pulled your hair forcing himself deeper and deeper into you with each thrust.
"Can I come in you baby?" Changbin panted his thrust getting sloppy as he chased his released, Chan pulled himself from your mouth to let you answer.
"Yes, please" you gasped seconds later feeling Changbin swell inside you before he came hard inside you pausing for a second before pulling out of you, a small amount of his semen trickling out of your used hole.
"My turn" Chan grinned climbing over the couch and pushing Changbin out of the way "You can admire he pretty pussy later"
Sliding inside you he began thrusting hard pushing you further forward onto the couch leaving you on your tiptoes as he pumped into you to chase the high he was already so close to before he had to pull himself from your mouth. Angling himself just right he began to pound against your g spot with each thrust making you thrust your hips back into him.
"Fuck Chan, I'm going to cum" you wailed softly still trying to keep quiet.
"Good Girl, cum on my cock baby, show me how much you love our cocks in you" Chan grunted through gritted teeth trying to hold off until you came.
"Oh god Chan" you gasped as your walls clamped down hard on him making him fuck you even harder. He came moments later filling you to the brim with his seed before carefully pulling himself from you and pulling you up against his chest.
"That was incredible baby" Chan kissed the side of your head leaning you against him as he pulled his jeans back into place. "Bin help me clean her up" he asked gently maneuvering you onto the couch.
"Here darling" Changbin cooed spreading your thighs and cleaning you up with a towel he had pulled from his bag, once he finished he helped you to pull you underwear and jeans back on as Chan got you some cool water to drink. "Thank you, you are incredible" he smiled sweetly kissing your cheek.
"Was that alright? I know I said we would start slow" Chan scratched the back of his neck shyly hoping they didn't already cross any lines.
"I'm totally ok with what happened Chan, I would have said no if I wasn't" you replied honestly "That was pretty good first threesome though" you joked hoping to make them see you were fine.
"First!" Changbin gaped "Holy shit we should have totally gone slower with you"
"I'm fine, I enjoyed that a lot" you chuckled embarrassed by your own admission "But we need to get back you need to get back to set before others notice" A few minutes later you were back in the same chair you had been in before you had casually let two of them fuck you. The AD the had fetched smiled as she walked passed you handing you a bottle of cold water.
"Mr Bang said you were feeling off, it is hot in here you need to keep your fluids up" She smiled innocently.
"Thank you so much, I really shouldn't have worn jeans but I didn't think it would be so hot on set" you replied casually hoping that she really didn't know what had just happened in the other room.
"Oh yes when we have groups with such intense choreography and concepts the lighting heats everything up a huge amount, but you will know that for tomorrow" She excused herself leaving you to continue trying to work even though you knew that was never going to happen after what you had just done. It was going to be a long rest of the shoot.
After a few more hours you were called back to the office where you were able to distance yourself a little bit more from what you had just done, you chastised yourself repeatedly at how reckless you had been letting them fuck you where anyone could have found you locked door or not. You made a note to talk to Chan about it to see if you could make that a condition that you wouldn't risk them by potentially being caught during work hours.
A/N: Thank you for reading all comments, reblogs and likes are deeply appreciated xx
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz, @symptoms-of-moonlight, @septicrebel, @ayoitschannie, @krishatumblernow, @tangerminie, @elizalabs3, @armystay89, @kpflyn,
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slavghoul · 1 year
Interview from Classic Rock Magazine #309
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What stands out in your memories of 2022?
TF: Going back to touring was a fantastic feeling! In the beginning it felt almost unreal; still with a bit of restriction, which was kind of unintuitive, but the last tour we did, in August/September, was as good as normal. We released the record when we said we would, we managed to back it up with seventy shows. We cancelled one show in total. That's a good result.
Impera has dark, historically rooted themes, but it's also music that makes the listener feel so many things - joy, aggression, excitement, sorrow... After such a turbulent couple of years there's something cathartic about that.
I am very happy about how the record came out, and that it seems to be well-received among our fans. That's a tremendous feeling. I feel like I managed to do a lot of things I set out to do. We're gonna continue next year, we still have a lot of things to do. But right now we're just recharging a little.
Kaisarion has been a hit live. For a song about the brutal murder of a female Roman philosopher, it really gets the party going.
Yeah, I'm still surprised that with a song that does what it does - and was so well received and opened up the shows - there's never been talk about turning it into a single. Which I don't understand. But at the end of the day it's a label decision, and people around that decide which ones will, quote-unquote, 'work best'. And I've realised that I'm not really capable of choosing. I remember Mary On A Cross was a B-side.
It's weird how that happens with some songs.
Yeah, I must say I feel very optimistic with regards to how that song is taking a life on its own. Even though it was technically a B-side on a fun additional thing [2019's Seven Inches Of Satanic Panic] - it was not our main single from a new album we have always played it ever since it came out, on every show. Maybe a few exceptions, but I've always pushed that song as something that I felt very good about.
On that subject, you're viral on TikTok now. What is it about that platform that appeals?
I hardly knew what it was until two months ago! I have two almost fourteen-year-old kids, so of course I'd heard the phenomenon mentioned. It's an insanely big thing among kids and teenagers. What happens is they create these short snippets, funny, sad or emotional clips, to which they often tag some sort of music or sound. And if you are a creator of sound or music, you might be tagged on to a clip that might go 'viral'. That way you hit a lot more people that you might never entertain, you know, aiming your guns at. So it's a bit of a crap-shoot as well. We are not a big mainstream act, so obviously there's going to be a mixed bag of reactions. Because people in general are kind of strange to a lot of these aesthetics of rock, and especially the darker aspects of it.
It has brought the band more attention.
But if all that attention is a good or a bad thing, we do not know yet. There have been people who might have come on to the track, and as soon as they see what the band is about - or what they perceive the band to be about - there's backlash, because it's like: "Oh my, God fearing hater!" "I don't like it!" "This is communist bullshit!" So there are two sides of the coin. But it's a great bonus if we can get new people, especially kids, into liking rock music or other things, or if it makes them feel in any way better-informed, if you will.
Do you think TikTok will be a bigger deal for musicians in the future?
I don't know. I think when you're a musician, and you're making records, you need to have a certain strategic mind. But your job at the end of the day is making records and playing live. That is the heart of the matter. If you sit around waiting for a viral thing to happen, you can wait a long fucking time.
Back in May, the identities of the Nameless Ghouls were confirmed on social media. How do you feel about them not being strictly nameless any more?
Well, they haven't really been for quite some time. So for me it was not an overnight sensation. As long as it doesn't in any way interfere with what we are doing, there's no desire that I have for people not to feel proud or happy about what they're doing.
You've lamented not being able to play more guitar. If you could be the guitarist for a day in any band, which would it be?
Good question. There's several bands. I would have loved to be what Mick Taylor was in 1969, coming into the Rolling Stones at their best era - but I would have stayed around! That would have been a great experience. Very fun music to play. Definitely within the limits of what I can play really well. I spent a lot of time as a kid learning how to play guitar. Otherwise I would love to play in the Red Hot Chilli Peppers; I love what John Frusciante does. Def Leppard might be a good fit too. Joe Elliott spoke very highly of Impera when it came out. That would have also been really cool. Also a fantastic band. In an alternative reality, in an alternative life, I would have wanted to do a lot of other things. But I did hear that [Joe said those things], and it was very heartwarming, of course. A very big honour.
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feelbokkie · 8 months
Love Risk | Epilogue
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**Feelbokkie's 2,000 Follower event post**
pairing: Hyunjin x fem reader; Changbin x fem reader
genre: smau, dating because of a bet, crack, angst, fluff, university au
pov: 1st/2nd person (depending on how you view it)
warnings:  swearing, mention of sex, mention of drinking, lots of talk about military service
summary: Hyunjin and Changbin make a bet to see who can make the reader fall in love with them first. Will one of them be able to succeed or will it all crash and burn before they do?
word count: 2,897
screenshot count: 5
©feelbokkie (2023) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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You walk into the practice room and set down your bag on the side counter. You walk over to the light switch, lightly stretching. You, Ae-Cha, and Min-Jun are meant to perform at the MAMAs in a few days and the choreography is the entire 8 years since you and Cerberus debuted. Not only is it the most physically demanding choreography that you have come up with, but it is also going to be the last time the three of you are going to be able to perform together for 2 years.
Being the only male in your group and recently turned 28, Min-Jun has to report to do his mandatory military service this year. It's hard for all three of you. You were a bit more together about it than Ae-Cha is. You went to Chan after Changbin left to do his service requirement earlier this year when you remembered that Changbin and Min-Jun were both born in the same year. Chan has already gone through this before with Lee Know after he left last year. You needed to know from a leader's perspective what to expect.
Since debuting, the three of you have only gotten closer. Ever since the three of you started living together, all of your time was spent together. When you weren't busy rehabilitating your knee or in your respective classes, you, Ae-Cha, and Min-Jun were working hard on new music and choreography. More often than not, you all fell asleep in the same room while working. After graduating from JYPU, your codependency only grew stronger as all of your free time was spent at the JYPE building getting ready for your first post-graduate comeback where you'd be able to devote all your time promoting your group and album. You're not sure after 8 years, how you and Ae-Cha are going to manage. Working on music alone was hard enough. You and Ae-Cha started working on your solo albums so you would have something to do once Min-Jun is gone.
"Oh for fuck's sake!" You groan when you turn the lights on in the practice room. Min-Jun and Ae-Cha sit on the floor in the middle of the room. Clothes disheveled, someone's lipstick smeared across both of their faces, both of them breathing heavily.
"Fuck," Ae-Cha groans.
"Damn it," Min-Jun whispers under his breath.
"One rule," You close the practice room door and walk back to the sound bar, "We have one fucking rule. And that is you two separate business and pleasure. The JYPE building is a no-no zone."
"Yeah, we know. And we came here to practice but one thing led to the other and--" Min-Jun tries to explain.
"I really do not need to hear the details of your sex life."
"Sorry, Y/n," Ae-Cha says, standing up and readjusting her clothes.
"No, I'm sorry. I'm just stressed. In less than a week we're heading to Tokyo for the MAMAs and we're still nowhere near perfect on this performance. This is the last performance Cerberus is going to have for a while and I want it to go well." You whine, leaning against the wall.
"It's fine. We shouldn't have been messing around in here. Here, Cha Cha and I will stay and practice with you until we're 100%. Even if it kills us." Min-Jin quickly stands up.
"Speak for your fucking self, Junnie," Ae-Cha says annoyed and disgusted, like she wasn't just making out with Min-Jun 2 minutes ago.
Ae-Cha and Min-Jun are dating. They started 3 years ago after they had spent quite a bit of time alone together while Min-Jun was trying to teach Ae-Cha how to work on her own music. They kept it a secret at first, not wanting to make things awkward with you. But when you came home one day and found them in a rather compromising position, everything came to light. You weren't mad, you were happy for them. You've watched for years as they secretly pined for each other and pretended they didn't like each other. You were just glad for that to be over. You did have to set up ground rules about their relationship staying away from work. Not that the scandal would be too big, but you didn't want it interfering with the group.
“Why are you acting like you weren’t two seconds away from jumping my bones earlier l?” He teases, brushing his long black hair out of his face. He started growing his hair out at the end of last year when he realized he would have to buzz it all off when he started. Even bleached it for a while to match Ae-Cha. He only recently dyed it back to his original color to get ready for when he has to leave next week.
"If you two are going to start bickering again, I can practice alone like I was planning to originally." You mutter as you pull the camera out of your bag. You're supposed to be vlogging everything for your part of the Cerberus YouTube channel. All of you are. You're making a mini-documentary about your last performance before Min-Jun has to leave. It was your manager's idea but you didn't oppose the idea. It'll be something you can look at when you want to remember this time in your career.
"Sorry, Y/n. I did my endurance training this morning. I was able to get through the entire performance while running on the treadmill and keeping my voice stable." Ae-Cha beams. With how physically strenuous the choreography is and the fact that you have to sing live with no backing track, the three of you have been doing endurance training by running on a treadmill for the entire duration of your song while singing. It's insane, but it's helping significantly.
"I'd like to think that I've played some part in that," Min-Jun smirks.
"You really are a pervert," You say before smacking him and turning on the camera. Min-Jun hides himself out of the shot and flips you off. You roll your eyes and hand him one of the mics that you use for practice. You go in your bag and get a set of mic headsets and hand one to Ae-Cha.
"I'll order us dinner since you guys are voluntarily here right now. Maybe even breakfast too depending on how long we're stuck here." You say as you grab the remote for the speaker and walk over to your first position.
"I hope we're not here that long, but with Junnie, we might be."
"Literally, what did I do to you?"
"Be born," Ae-Cha smirks, playing into their bickering siblings' act for the camera.
"That was more for you but okay,"
"Guys, let's focus." You say before pressing play on the remote.
If there is one thing you hate about your job, it's award shows. More specifically, you hated being nominated for awards. If anything, you wanted to just do your little performances without all the extra bells and whistles that came with the job. You didn't like the socializing aspect of it all. You had to network with other people in your industry. some were pleasant to talk to. Others were just full of themselves and wanted to intimidate you. You hated being nominated for awards because cameras were on you more often than not to try to get you in a compromising reaction. You also hated if you won awards. You can't prepare a speech because it looks like you were cocky enough to know you would win but you couldn't not prepare something because it would look unprofessional. It is hell.
All eyes are on Cerberus this year. Your group has been nominated for 4 awards: Yogibo worldwide icon of the year, Yogibo artist of the year, Yogibo album of the year, and Yogibo song of the year. Because of Min-Jun's impending departure for his military service, the three of you have been working harder than you ever have in your career. Even Min-Jun was nominated for best male artist after releasing his first solo album earlier this year as one of his bucket list goals. Luckily, you split up the duties. You'd speak if you won worldwide icon and artist of the year, Min-Jun would speak for album of the year, and Ae-Cha would speak for song of the year.
Luckily for you, your were sat at the same table with Stray Kids for the award show. You sat next to Felix, not caring if it would spark dating rumors yet again because he makes award shows fun. Sitting with Stray Kids at award shows in general is fun. But, with Lee Know and Changbin away doing their military service, they've been relatively calm and Chan a little bit less stressed.
"Are you going to Jackson seonbaenim's after-party tonight?" Felix asks, leaning over to whisper in your ear.
"Hm... maybe, we're supposed to be leaving first thing in the morning." You explain. You kick Ae-Cha's chair after catching her and Min-Jun holding hands under the table. They quickly separate, forgetting how many cameras are around.
"Why are you guys leaving early?" Jeongin asks, leaning over Seungmin to hear better.
"We have some things to take care of back home." You softly smile. Min-Jun wanted to keep his enlistment a secret until tonight when you'd all announce it during your performance. Even now, he's wearing a wig to hide his freshly buzzed hair until the big reveal. It's only a 3-hour flight from Tokyo to Seoul, but Min-Jun wants to spend his last official day with his family so the three of you would be flying back before any of the other artists so he could go home and you and Ae-Cha can send him off properly afterward.
"When you guys win, you'll be the honored guests. Nobody will care that we're winning this year's platinum award." Hyunjin adds not looking at you.
"If we win. We're up against so many other artists who have been in the industry longer than us. It'll be a miracle if we win." You mutter, leaning back in your chair.
"That's what Chan hyung said last year and look what happened." Seungmin laughs.
"Y/n said we shouldn't get our hopes up so if we don't win we don't have meme-worthy reactions," Ae-Cha adds.
"She's right. Your leader is smart, listen to her." Chan smiles.
"You say that like we don't listen to you." Jisung whines, playfully hitting Chan's arm.
"Do you listen to me? Like ever?" He turns to the younger boy.
"That's because you're an old man who is cramping our style. You're half 60 already, you can't hang with us." Seungmin chimes in, earning an annoyed look from Chan. This prompts Jisung, Jeongin, and Felix to dogpile old person comments towards Chan. Hyunjin, on the other hand, remains quiet, watching the Ateez performance going on.
Whenever you're around, in a group setting, Hyunjin shuts down. He gets quiet, only speaking when needed and hardly looks in your direction. Until he hears you laugh or something, then he's zeroing in on you, staring in a way that makes you self-conscious. There was a long while after you graduated, when Hyunjin would avoid you. You had to confront him about it. You two belonged to the same company, he couldn't just avoid all situations where you two might run into each other forever just because he was punishing himself for hurting you all those years ago.
Truth be told, you've never forgiven Hyunjin. You hate him, and you told him as much to his face when you confronted him about avoiding you. You hate him more than you hate Changbin. You hated him more for the simple fact that you loved him and you could never get over the fact that he played with your emotions for a measly $2,000. If you're being honest, Hyunjin broke your heart. Damaged it in a way you don't think can ever be repaired. It made you jealous of Ae-Cha and Min-Jun. How they were able to be in love with each other without their emotional baggage getting in the way. How they could love each other without fear that the other was using them for their own selfish gains.
You've tried dating after the disaster that was your situationships with Changbin and Hyunjin. You really did. But the second anything got real, you panicked and broke it all off. If anything, this experience is great for all the music that you're working on for your solo album.
"Y/n, they're about to announce artist of the year," Min-Jun whispers, taping your shoulder right before the cameras appear in your face. You plaster on a fake smile as the presenter goes through the nominees.
"I thought you hate me?" Hyunjin asks as he pulls his pants back on.
You fucked up. You're not sure if it's the alcohol coursing through your veins, this high from winning all of the awards, the depression from the realization that Min-Jun is leaving for 2 years in 72 hours, or a combination of the three, but you genuinely fucked up. In a moment of pure vulnerability, you ended up venting to Hyunjin during Jackson's after-party. All your friends disappeared almost immediately. Min-Jun and Ae-Cha probably snuck off to do a more respectable version of whatever the fuck just happened with Hyunjin. Chan went and followed Jeongin, who he didn't trust after the energy drink livestream incident. The rest of the Stray Kids' 00's line disappears to cause mischief like they usually do at parties before they get bored and hug the walls until the rest of the group is ready to leave.
"I do hate you, but I hate myself more apparently." You mutter, turning around to fix your makeup, most of which is staining Hyunjin's face.
You were fine. You didn't necessarily like parties, but they were tolerable networking events. But after tonight, everyone wanted to congratulate you on your wins or comment on your performance. A few people even went ahead and reassured you that you wouldn't become irrelevant while Min-Jun's gone. Where that energy came from? You have no idea. Some people in the industry are just vile. You had at least 5 different people come up to you and tell you that you only won album and song of the year because of Min-Jun. People even told you that you only won the other two awards because of your parents' influence, which doesn't make sense. You've never partnered with them and they've never once advertised that you are their child.
"That's exactly what I want to hear after we just finished fucking in the bathroom at a party." He mutters under his breath. You're not even sure how the two of you got to this point. One second you were talking to Hyunjin outside as you watched Jackson drunkenly do a backflip off the roof of the house he rented for the party into a pool, the next second you're in the bathroom getting railed by him. Truly a confusing timeline of events.
"Get over yourself Hyun," You groan readjusting your dress, "we both know this is a one-time thing."
"It doesn't have to be," He spins you around and closes the gap between you two, pressing his forehead against yours. Your heart starts beating quickly in your chest, you can feel it in your throat as you try to swallow.
"This isn't a good idea..." You whisper, barely audible over the bass of the music coming from outside the bathroom.
"I've never had a single good idea when it comes to you, you know that better than anyone else." He whispers, slowly closing the gap between your lips.
"Shh, let me talk while the alcohol is giving me the courage to do so. Then you can tell me to fuck off all you want and I will."
"I still don't forgive you,"
"That's fine. I still don't forgive myself. I hurt you, and I never wanted to. But it's been 8 years and I've changed. Let me show you how much I changed." His hand slips down under your dress, resting on your hip bone, thumbing the waistband of your underwear.
"People don't change. Hell, being here with you right now is proof of that. Things are going to shit and I'm self-destructing by sleeping with you." You laugh.
"Sometimes shit needs to blow up to make way for something beautiful."
"If your drunk ass can give me one good example of something beautiful coming from something blowing up, then I'll give you a point for that."
"The big bang. And I'm not talking about what we just did." He laughs, you can feel his breath on your lips.
"You were talking so sweet and actually winning me over but you just lost me with your fuck boy comment. See, people don't change."
"I promise you that I've changed."
"I'm not willing to risk my career or my sanity to find that out, Hyunjin."
"Love is all risk. If you don't take that risk, then you'll never know what you're missing out on."
"I'm not missing out if I don't risk anything in the first place."
"Let's have this conversation when we're both sober and not in a bathroom."
"It's a date," He smirks.
"It is not a date,"
Buy me a coffee?
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The Night We Met
pairing: jj maybank x fem!reader
warning: swearing.
A/N: based on season 1 of Outer Banks but differently. Do you guys want this as a part 2 please let me know in the comments!!
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My parents and I are going to Outer Banks for our vacation. We get to the hotel that we're staying at and it looks like there has been a hurricane went down last night. My mom and I go to the front desk to check in and asked questions about the hurricane. We get to our room and got settled in. We take naps because it's 1 PM and my parents were driving since 9 AM.
6:30 PM
My parents and I went out on the beach near us and I brought my camera so I can take pictures of whatever we see that was interesting. We see a party but my parents and I ignore it. I take pictures of the reminisce of the hurricane and the beach that we were at.
I see this cute boy that's with his friends, my parents notice me looking at them, and my dad nudges me to keep walking away. 'North Carolina boys are cute,' I thought. I keep taking pictures of my parents walking on the beach.
"Hey Y/N! We're going to walk around some more. When do you want to eat?" My mom gets my attention.
"Whenever you guys want to! Can I take more pictures?" I answer back.
"Yes, you can!" My dad yells back.
"Thank you!" I answer back again.
I take more pictures. The boy I noticed at the party is coming towards me. I look at him.
"Hi, I'm JJ." He gets his right hand out for me to shake it.
"I'm Y/N." I shake his hand.
"I noticed you looking at me."
"My friends told me and thought that you look beautiful."
I blush, I think he can see my cheeks turning red.
"You wanna come to meet my friends?" He points to his friends.
"Sure," I said.
I follow JJ and we talk a little until we go to a fire and his friends drink they look at me but they look confused.
"Guys, this is Y/N, Y/N, this is John B, Pope, and Kiara." JJ introduces me to his friends.
"Hi," I said.
"You like taking photos?" John B says.
"Yeah but my parents and I are on vacation so I'm taking pictures for our vacation photo album." I look at my camera and then at JJ's friends.
"Really? Is this your first day here?" John B questions me.
"It is," I answer.
"You wanna take pictures of us, you know, your new friends?" John B asks me again.
"Uh, sure." I look back to see if my parents are looking for me. They're looking for shells, I think.
JJ guides me to a seat next to him.
We talked about a lot of things like what we have in common.
"Were called the Pogues." JJ looks at me and says.
"What's that?" I question.
"That's what we're called and there's another name we call the rich side of Outerbanks," Pope said.
"What are they called?"
"Kooks." John B says.
"Oh like The Outsiders," I said.
"What's The Outsiders?" JJ questions.
"Really JJ? We read that book in 8th grade!" Kiara says to him.
I giggle.
"Does it look like I remember 8th grade, I still don't remember what I ate this morning." JJ jokingly says.
I look down and quietly giggle again.
"This what we do to each other," Pope tells me.
"You guys remind me of my friends back home."
"Well we’re your friends but in a different state.” Pope says.
“I’d like that.”
“Take pictures of us, it’ll last longer.” JJ said.
I take pictures of them. They made funny faces, I got a group picture of them and a picture of me with them. I felt like I’ve been friends with them for years even though, I just met them today. JJ wanted me to take more pictures of him so I did. I think I’m in love with him.
I get JJ’s, Kiara’s, John B’s, and Pope’s number and I finally go back to my parents so we can go get some dinner. When we came back to our hotel I downloaded the pictures I took on my computer and looked at the pictures. Every picture looked so good. I get to the pictures I took of my new friends, the four of them looked like they were having a good time. I look at JJ’s pictures, I couldn’t take my eyes off of him, he looked so cute I couldn’t take my eyes off of him.
The next day, my parents and I went around OBX and went to the attractions if they were open and they were. We learned about the history about the place and it was really cool. When my parents and I were going somewhere else I see my new friends on a boat joking around, I wave so get they’re attention and I got they’re attention. JJ looks at me, waves and smiles at me, I’ve never seen smile like that in long time.
“He’s really cute.” My mom leans back to me in her seat.
“Yeah.” I said nervously but I think she saw me blushing.
I’m in love with JJ. I know I just met him but he seems funny and sweet and the same time.
My parents and I go to the beach to swim and again I take my camera to take some pictures or get a family picture. When I get into the water, which the water felt so good and warm, my parents are talking to JJ, Kiara, John B, and Pope. I notice them talking so I got out of the water and went to where my parents were at.
“Hi Y/N/N!” Kiara smiles.
“Hi Kiara.” I smile back.
“Y/N, your new friends are so nice.” My dad said.
“I mean, I know.” I acted shy but it’s true.
“Can one of you guys take a picture of us in front of the beach?” My mom asks.
“I would.” Pope says taking my camera.
My parents and I faces the behind the beach and Pope gets the camera ready for our picture.
“Ready? 1.. 2.. 3.. Smile.” Pope says.
We all smile. I notice JJ looking at me but happy. I think he has a crush on me.
JJ invites me to a beach party and my parents were worried about what well happen to me but they put Find My iPhone on so they can track me and told to me to call them when I’m done being at the party.
JJ and I get to the party and there’s alcohol. Everywhere. I ask for water but I didn’t trust anyone so I didn’t drink at all. JJ and John B introduced me to some of their other friends and they were nice.
JJ and I went to a private area with palm trees and we talked a little bit more about ourselves.
"I like your hat there JJ." I bop his hat.
"Thanks, Y/N/N." He smiles.
I giggle.
"I never noticed it but you have the cutest laugh you know that?"
"You're the first person to say that." I smile.
"I'm glad that I'm the first one to notice."
We both chuckle.
"What happened to your face there?" I notice a cut on his face.
"Oh this, this is, my dad." He said nervously.
He looks hurt just by saying that. I give him a peck on the cuts on his face.
"That made me feel better actually." He smiles.
"I'm glad."
We look at each other, JJ leans into me and kisses me. I kiss back. We look at each other again we looked like two shy kids getting our first kiss.
"Y/N, I, I, I'm in love with you," JJ says nervously.
"I'm in love with you too." I smile.
We do nose-to-nose. It felt like we were the only people on Earth.
I hear something behind me and it's this group of boys with girls, I guess their girlfriends, shouting and cursing up a storm.
"Who are they?" I ask JJ while looking at the group.
"They are called the Kooks."
"Who are the Kooks?" I look back at JJ.
"They're basically the rich kids from the Outerbanks."
It's like The Outsiders but in the 21st Century.
"You know Kiara used to be a Kook."
"Really? Never thought that she was."
"She became our friend 2 years ago. John B, Pope, and I think that she got pissed at one of the Kooks, Sarah Cameron, which is that girl with the guy who looks like a douchebag."
I look at who he's talking about and I can see who's he talking about.
"We think Sarah pissed Kiara off so she became a Pogue."
"They look rich to me."
JJ giggles.
JJ looks at the group and some are coming our way.
"Y/N, do you want to go home, I think your parents are getting worried," JJ says to me frantically.
I look at the group, "Yeah let's go JJ."
JJ grabs me and we try to run until we hear someone scream 'JJ.' We look back it's a guy wearing a Hawaiian shirt.
"How's it goin' JJ?"
"It's all good Kelce we were about to leave actually, so goodbye," JJ says seriously but in a joking way.
"Who's this JJ? Oh, come on what's your name, Princess?" A guy says. Who looks creepy to me.
I try and make up a name and thought of it, "My name is Grace." I said.
JJ looks at me and went along with it.
"Yes, this is Grace, and Grace this is Topper, Kelce, Sarah, Rafe, and Wheezie," JJ says to me.
"I like your name," Wheezie says.
"Thank you." I smile at her.
"Why we haven't seen you here before?" Sarah says.
"Well, I-"
JJ interrupts me.
"She is actually from Dare County," JJ says.
"Really? So you're going to Manteo High School?" Topper says.
"Yes I am actually, I like the school," I answer.
I hope they bought it.
"I hope we beat your football team because they kinda suck," Kelce says.
These guys are assholes. I thought.
"Listen we gotta go but nice to meet you, Grace," Sarah says.
The Kooks leave to go to the party and JJ turns to me and I look at him.
"Y/N, I can't believe that you did that."
"I had to, I do not want them to know my actual name."
"Good call."
"And I'm glad that you went along with it." I smile.
"Imagine it went bad."
We both chuckle.
Eventually, JJ took me back to my hotel where my parents and I were staying and I told my parents everything that happened, except JJ and I kissing. I told them I didn't drink at all and I drank some water from our small refrigerator. My parents were proud of me and said they kept trank on me with the Find My iPhone app to make sure I was safe or not.
My parents and I are watching the news and it said on the weather there's going to be a huge storm where we were supposed to leave Outer Banks. So obviously we're staying and I can be with JJ and his friends more. But mostly be safe with my parents.
JJ texts me to come to John B's house.
"Hey Mom, Dad, can I go to John B's house, JJ says it's important."
My parents thought about it and said yes to me so my mom drove me to John B's house.
"Y/N, I'm going to stay here when you leave here okay?" My mom looks at me.
"Okay, um, Mom, can I tell you something." I look at her.
"JJ and I kissed."
"Why didn't you tell Dad and me?"
"I was afraid of that you guys might get mad.”
“You met the guy like 5 days ago.”
“I know but we got to know each other a lot better.”
“I’m glad honey. Well I’ll be here when you’re done being at John B’s house okay.”
I nod.
My mom and I kiss and I get out of our car and saw JJ and ran to him to hug him. JJ looks at my mom and waves at her. I look back to see her waving back. JJ takes me inside to see Sarah. Why’s she here? I thought she was with that Topper guy?
“Hi Grace.” Sarah says.
“Her name isn’t Grace, it’s Y/N.” Kiara says.
JJ and I look at each other. I get nervous and JJ can see my nervousness.
“What’s going on?” Pope says.
“My name is actually Y/N. I faked my name including where I live because those guys I met with you, I don’t trust people like that.”
“John B, did you know this?” Sarah tells John B.
“JJ told me.”
“But not the rest of us?” Kiara says.
“Can we not talk about this for a second and can we talk about why Sarah is here?” I say to everyone.
“I’m dating John B.” Sarah confessed.
“When did this start?” I question.
“Yeah, tell her Sarah.” Kiara says in a rude way.
“John B and I started dating since two days ago and Kiara here is pissed!”
“The reason why I’m pissed it’s because I fucking hate you!”
I can’t believe this is what I’m hearing. I mean JJ told me why Kie left to be a Kook but I never expected this to happen.
“I gotta say, I’m just a tad uncomfortable with all of this.” Pope says.
“Thank you.” Kiara says.
“I- I agree with Pope.” I said.
“Again thank you Y/N.”
I hold on to JJ’s arm and rest my head on his shoulder and continue to hear this bickering from everyone.
“When are you not uncomfortable?” John B questions Pope.
“I dunno, I rode here on the back of JJ’s bike pretty comfortably.”
“It’s true. Most relaxed I’ve ever seen him.” JJ looks at John B.
“That’s cute guys.” John B says.
“You know we were all extremely comfortable until you brought her.” Kie says in a snarky way.
“Stop talking about me like i’m not here!” Sarah yells.
“Then leave!”
Everyone stops and listen to Kiara and Sarah yell at each other’s throats.
“Listen I need to go because my mom is waiting for me in our rental car so I have to leave and Sarah it’s very nice to meet you and I hope everyone have a good day.” I said.
John B has been convicted for murder. Sarah texted me saying it wasn’t him, it was her brother Rafe. Outer Banks is a crazy place to be at.
Kiara texts me that John B is on a hit and run because the cops are looking for him. Even though Rafe did it.
The huge storm is coming and John B and Sarah are missing. All of us get nervous.
We get to small station where the cops are at and Deputy Shoupe tells us that they couldn’t find John B and Sarah. We don’t believe it.
“We, uh, lost them. Sorry.” Shoupe says.
“Lost them?” Pope says.
I start to quiver. This is not true.
“So they’re dead?” Kiara says.
“We don’t know.”
“You drove them into the storm man! Are you kidding me!” JJ yells at the cops and starts to fight with them.
“JJ stop!” Kie says.
“Stop it Jay!” I said.
Kiara and I start to cry. This can’t be happening!
We see our parents, except JJ’s dad comes into the station. My parents came in and I run to them. I sob into their arms. My dad sees JJ and my parents and I hug JJ.
“He didn’t make it mom.” Kie cries to her mom.
We hear something from the radio station.
“Ward Cameron, do you hear me?”
It’s John B!
“You killed my father, and you framed me for a murder I didn’t commit. You took everything from me! You took everything from me! But I’m still here. And I swear to God, Ward, I will come back one day and take what’s mine. So, you listen to me, all right? I’m comin’ for you. I’m coming for you.”
We all look at Ward who looks guilty, but I’m sure that he’s going to lie but everyone will believe him, but not the pogues.
My parents and I leaving Outer Banks. I haven’t told my friends bye yet. I see in the passenger rear view mirror it’s JJ, Kie, and Pope running to our car.
“Dad can I talk to them in a minute?” I said.
“Fine. In a minute.” My dad stops the car.
I get out of the car and hug JJ.
“I’m going to miss you.” JJ says to me.
“I’m going to miss you too.” I start to cry.
I look at JJ and he wipe the tears off my face.
“I wanna give something to you.” JJ gets something out of his pocket, it’s his shark tooth necklace.
“But it’s-“ I say.
“I know, but I want you to have it to remind you that I’m here with you.”
“Thank you Jay.”
I put my hair up so JJ can put his necklace on me. I hug him and kisses him.
“Y/N/N. I’m going to miss you.” Kiara approaches me and cries to me.
“Kie.” I hug her and cry again.
Kiara gives me a bracelet of hers and told me what JJ said but in different way.
Pope and I hug and he gives me one of his bracelets as well.
We all do a group hug. I hear a knock and it’s my mom motioning me to get back in the car but I told them 1 more minute. I said it’s okay.
“Y/N. I want you to have this as well. I know you love it when I’m wearing it but I think it looks good on you.” JJ hands me his most favorite hat.
I hug him again. I’m going to miss these guys so much it hurts.
“When you ever see John B and Sarah, please tell them I miss them.”
“We will Y/N.” Pope says.
“I love you JJ.” I said to him.
“I love you more.” He said to me.
We all hug again, I got in the car to leave and I look in the back window of the car and wave at them. They wave at me back. I turn back and went on my phone and see a text message from JJ.
I love you.
I text him back and I look at the picture I took of him when we first met. I’m going to miss him. I hope we see each other again. We will see each other again. And I know it.
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lovesongbracket · 1 year
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Reminder: Vote based on the song, not the artist or specific recording! The tracks referenced are the original artist, aside from a few rare cases where a cover is the most widely known.
Lyrics, videos, info, and notable covers under the cut. (Spotify playlist available in pinned post)
Your Song
Written By: Elton John & Bernie Taupin
Artist: Elton John
Released: 1970
Cover included: Ewan McGregor for Moulin Rouge!, 2001
The song was composed and performed by Elton John but the lyrics were written by Bernie Taupin. It originally appeared in his self titled and second album. Elton John hadn’t come out of the closet yet, but Bernie Taupin knew, which is part of the reason why the lyrics avoid using gendered pronouns. In a 2013 interview with Rolling Stone, Elton John said: “What can I say, it’s a perfect song. It gets better every time I sing it. I remember writing it at my parents' apartment in North London, and Bernie giving me the lyrics, sitting down at the piano and looking at it and going, ‘Oh, my God, this is such a great lyric, I can’t fuck this one up.’ It came out in about 20 minutes, and when I was done, I called him in and we both knew. I was 22, and he was 19, and it gave us so much confidence. ‘Empty Sky’ was lovely, but it was very naive. We went on to do more esoteric stuff like ‘Take Me to the Pilot,’ of course, but musically, this was a big step forward. And the older I get, the more I sing these lyrics, and the more they resonate with me.”
[Verse 1] It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside I'm not one of those who can easily hide I don't have much money, but boy if I did I'd buy a big house where we both could live [Verse 2] If I was a sculptor, heh, but then again, no Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show I know it's not much, but it's the best I can do My gift is my song and this one's for you [Chorus] And you can tell everybody this is your song It may be quite simple but now that it's done I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind That I put down in words How wonderful life is while you're in the world [Verse 3] I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss Well, a few of the verses, well, they've got me quite cross But the sun's been quite kind while I wrote this song It's for people like you that keep it turned on [Verse 4] So excuse me forgetting, but these things I do You see, I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue Anyway, the thing is, what I really mean Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen [Chorus] And you can tell everybody this is your song It may be quite simple but now that it's done I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind That I put down in words How wonderful life is while you're in the world [Outro] I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind That I put down in words How wonderful life is while you're in the world
Demolition Lovers
Written By: Matt Pelissier, Mikey Way, Ray Toro & Gerard Way
Artist: My Chemical Romance
Released: 2002
The Demolition Lovers are the couple seen on the cover for MCR’s next album, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge. This song, along with much of the album, is a prequel to the story of Three Cheers… in which a man makes a deal with the devil to get his dead lover back by killing 1,000 evil men and giving the devil their souls in exchange for her. This song is most likely where the lover dies. The two “Demolition Lovers” are featured on the cover of the album.
[Verse 1] Hand in mine, into your icy blues And then I'd say to you, "We could take to the highway With this trunk of ammunition, too" I'd end my days with you, in a hail of bullets [Chorus] I'm trying, I'm trying To let you know just how much you mean to me And after all the things We put each other through and [Verse 2] I would drive on to the end with you A liquor store or two keeps the gas tank full And I feel like there's nothing left to do But prove myself to you, and we'll keep it running [Chorus] But this time, I mean it I'll let you know just how much you mean to me As snow falls on desert sky Until the end of everything I'm trying, I'm trying To let you know how much you mean As days fade and nights grow And we grow cold [Post-Chorus] Until the end, until this pool of blood Until this, I mean this, I mean this, until the end of [Chorus] I'm trying, I'm trying To let you know how much you mean As days fade and nights grow And we grow cold But this time, we'll show them We'll show them all how much we mean As snow falls on desert sky Until the end of every… [Interlude] All we are, all we are is bullets, I mean this All we are, all we are is bullets, I mean this All we are, all we are is bullets, I mean this All we are, all we are is bullets, I mean this [Guitar Solo] [Bridge] As lead rains will pass on through Our phantoms forever, forever Like scarecrows that fuel this flame We're burning forever and ever Know how much I want to show you You're the only one Like a bed of roses There's a dozen reasons in this gun [Outro] And as we're falling down, and in this pool of blood And as we're touching hands, and as we're falling down And in this pool of blood, and as we're falling down I'll see your eyes, and in this pool of blood I'll meet your eyes, I mean this forever!
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 1 month
Having a #1 Song doesn't mean SHIT anymore! It doesn't mean the song is a hit.
Let's be so serious rn. Nobody knows any of her damn fault track that keep charting. I asked my mom to name one song of hers and she could name "Shake it off."
Smooth Criminal went #7 in the US.
Remember the Time went #3 in the US.
Heal the World went #27 in the US.
They don't care about us #30 in the US. But it still went viral on tiktok. A song that is almost 30 years old!!
Thriller the song also never went to number one, but ask people to name one Halloween song they gonna name that song.
And what is more impressive, having 1M EAS the first day or still selling 1M EAS 15 years after your passed and more than 20 years after you dropped an album. Longevity is quality. 1M first day sales she's gonna sell that much for years. Hell, she be lucky if she even sold 50k in a year in 30 years.
5 music videos of his that are made in the 80's and 90's are about to have 1 billion views this year.
Billie Jean still gets 1M daily streams on Spotify.
I'm sorry if you aren't an Mjfan and I bring him up but he's the best example I can give you also because Swifties keep comparing her to him.
If people don't like the song they won't keep listening to it. And if Taylors song just stay in her fanbase and they just massstream her shit. Nobody is gonna know this song in 20 years.
Because what is the last hit Taylor Swift had that was known to the general public? Anti Hero maybe? Cruel Summer?
And something that is also funny is that, Remember when her drunk self got on stage and snatched the grammy from Celine Dion and didn't even look at her.
And people were pissed and her team was quick on working getting a picture with her to mend the damage.
Celine Dion has 5 Grammys and Taylor Swift has 14.
But they knew that Celine Dion got more respect from the GP then Taylor will ever have. And that is something you cannot buy. And they know if someone wins out of pure talent or just because of favourism. And let's be real. Most people know these award shows are rigged and they don't care about it.
Like when RollingStone came out with that fuck ass best singers list that put Taylor at #102 and excluded Celine Dion. People were mad that Celine was included but Taylor was.
Or just recently they also called her the better Adele. Nobody from the GP was like oh yeah that is true.
I mean they can try to name her the Queen of Pop in one of the award shows alà Michael Jackson style, but it's not gonna work with her. When he got that name people actually agreed and they still do. Outside Taylors cult nobody will agree with that.
Taylor's Team is aggressive with the Marketing and pushing these numbers onto us because they know outside of it she has nothing to offer. Her talent isn't marketable. Her singing and dancing isn't that impressive. The most marketable things about her career are her wealth and business success. Have they ever talked about her performance while she is on tour. What is so impressive what she does on stage? No they just keep talking about the money she makes.
No I completely get why MJ is a relevant comparison here. Swifties do keep comparing TS to him and for that alone they need to collectively get their asses beat. But you used good examples and I just want to applaud you for that
& you’re right, I can’t name a single vault track. Every time I’m exposed to her its against my will through my recommended (and its usually so out of place too because i watch really weird video essays).
Charts truly don’t reflect cultural impact because Drunk in Love by Beyoncé never went #1 and neither did Toxic by Britney Spears but both are super well known. Anti Hero is probably the last single to go #1 but I genuinely felt harassed by that song 😭 its sooooooooo bad
Yes! The vocal trinity—Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, and Whitney Houston—have done SO MUCH for music and all have less than half of Taylor Swift’s amount of Grammys. Celine and Mariah each have 5 and Whitney has 6.
I didn’t watch the Grammys this year (forgot to) but I heard about the Celine Dion incident I was SHOCKED because the audacity of this woman! Her entitlement shows in everything she does and she’s really starting to believe her commercial success makes her a better artist.
THE ROLLING STONE LIST WAS BULLSHIT. THEY DIDN’T INCLUDE JENNIFER HUDSON EITHER! Their definition of a “singer” was soooooooo bullshit too like that magazine’s merit has gone down so much in the past 20 years it should be regarded with way less status and credibility. And who tf called TS better than ADELE?
You’re right, her moniker will be chosen by the general public (probably from a viral tweet/tiktok/etc).
And she needs aggressive marketing because she really is a below average musician in all respects! She has her songwriting but she should’ve just been a hit songwriter (like Estelle Dean) not a singer. What makes her marketable is very “ordinary” image—which makes her relatable to “every girl, like me and you” 🙄 her soft voice really creates an intimate atmosphere especially with her vulnerable (but superficial) lyrics. She has to be friends with her fans for her success to work. Because there is no way you can justify her being regarded as a “god” the way people do with Beyoncé and MJ otherwise.
🎯 with the Eras Tour coverage. No one ever references or cites a particular jaw dropping vocal performance or dance number. It’s always the amount of wealth she’s generating.
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