#i rewatched the one episode of Fionna and cake with Simon and Betty and I got feelings
yesyourstalker · 1 year
Neta: ikkan.... You still awake?
Ikkan: mmmmm I am now
Neta: Oh I'm sorry. I'll tell you when we get home
Ikkan: I'm already awake now. You can just tell me...... Is something wrong? You've been fidgety this whole day
Neta: No there's nothing wrong I just I just have stuff in my mind.. is all
Ikkan: mmm............ Come here......
Neta: ok.......*sigh* this is nice.... You should get a chest tattoo. Maybe something that It goes with your scars. Maybe like vines or something plant related. You've been really good with your plants lately it's impressive
Ikkan: That's something to think about. What's on your mind?
Neta: I've been thinking do we get married after you graduate and we move or do we get married before so we don't have to plan anything and just settle down and adjust?
Ikkan:................................................................. um I don't know. I didn't really think about that........ I didn't really think about marriage. Haven't thought about that since we .........hm... Did my mom say something to you?
Neta: yeah she did.......I do want to get married. Do sill you want to get married?
Ikkan:........... Yeah. I do want to be married, but right now I think we should just focus on our lives. You deal with your store and me, with everything going on. I think we can put wedding planning on hold for now but I do. I do think we should renew our engagement.
Neta: that's good. I'd thought you'd say no
Ikkan: why would you think I would say no?
Neta: I don't know. I just get into my own head sometimes. I remembered moments when I was a lot to deal with. I don't think you'd want to deal with that the rest of your life.....not with me
Ikkan: That's not true. I would gladly live with you, be with you and love you through every moment of your life. Including the bad moments.... [Kiss].... Besides, I have bad moments too and you deal with me...... Remember when I couldn't find my guitar pick and just completely melted down... and I didn't speak for two days.......you stayed, most people wouldn't stay when I'm like that.... A lot people didn't
Neta: that's different.... Those are one time things and it could be preventable most of the time..... You just had a bad day.... When I have a bad day that extends to a week and then a month and so on............ That doesn't sound like a good life to share with someone. It doesn't seem like it's worth it. {Taka: it's not worth it... You're not worth it}
Ikkan: It is... It is worth it. You're kind, you're generous, you're attentive, you're nurturing, funny, smart........ You have pretty eyes.....[kiss]..... It's a good life...... You're giving me the best life Neta and I'm happy that I'm living this life with you.... You've change so much.
Neta: yeah like physically... Mostly just looks
Ikkan: no.... well yes,... But your physical changes also came along with a lot of other changes......More mature in a way. More vulnerable and affectionate. You're more calm, less angry when frustrated. Not on edge like you used to.....*sigh*....You let your guard down a little that a good thing..... You weren't like that when we met.... Or when we were first engaged..... I think at that time it wasn't the right time. I don't think you were ready. Honestly neither was I...... I think this time.... This time right now I think we're both ready for this kind of commitment
Neta: so It's a yes... Ikkan... Will you marry me?
Ikkan: hehehehe.. yes... I will marry you.... hehehe
Neta: yesss.... [Kiss] [kiss]... We're back...... [Kisskissksskiss]
Ikkan: Neta! Heheheheh stop! Hehehe
Neta: hehehe.....*sigh*...... Maybe I should have waited...
Ikkan: why?
Neta: I have this whole thing planned.... Where I was going to give you back your bass and tell you that I didn't want it anymore and you were going to ask why and I was going to explain that I didn't need it anymore because I played it when you were away.... and when I started to miss you but now that you're back in my life and it was this whole thing-
Ikkan: why don't we just forget that we had this conversation.... We go home and you get to do your little planned out proposal... Okay?
Neta: yeah..... That's a good idea....*yawn*..... We need to go to sleep........ Our flight is in the morning.........*snoring*
Ikkan: hehe how do you fall asleep so fast?... [Kiss]...
Next day
Mahi: you think it's weird that we're still at his place?... Maybe we should have went home.
Warabi: why? our whole side of the city including The mall's power is out... The hottest day of the year no less.... I'm telling you that zapfish is on its last leg..... That thing has been powering our city before it even was a city. When my grandfather was my age That's pretty old.
Mahi: yeah.... They live quite a long time and it's only 100 and what 5 years old? I'm pretty sure it can like live for maybe another 100 years
Warabi: their life span is 200 something. That's half of their lifespan gone. They're also powering underground life too. the war is over everyone has free power source. It's not just surface dwellers anymore.....
Mahi: They're going to have to get another one.. maybe a younger one..
Warabi: I'm not not one for making predictions, but I feel like this might be the first time inkling and the octarian military are going to have to work together and-oh shit hide hide hide
Mahi: *oof*
Neta: home at last! my own food and my own bed..........*gurgle*....... And my own toilet..... Brb baby.
Ikkan: where's my Nibbles! Nibbles! You miss Daddy??..... nibbles! what did I tell you about jumping on the counter! Come here!
Warabi:......... Shhhhhhh.... crawl to the bedroom when Neta leaves
Mahi: ok....... They left the front door unlocked
Ikkan:.. .. Babe did you eat my walnut shrimp!? That's been in there for a week before we even left!! ....... See this is why you're in the bathroom now. You just eat shit you shouldn't and then you pay the con-.......hehehe what are you doing?
Neta: I'm giving you back your bass... I don't need it anymore
Ikkan:...... heheh... Why I thought you wanted my bass.
Neta: I did. I used to play it all the time when you weren't here when I started to miss you. It was during a time when It was a lot harder for us to be in each other's lives.... When I played it I realize that I didn't want you to just be a little glimpse in my life. I want you to be a part of it . I want to be a part of yours...... I love you..... I-I don't really have words to describe my feelings for you. I just know that when I'm around you.... I feel safe and secure and wanted....... I didn't want to cry... *Sniff*.....I never thought I would get to this point......... where I'm actually happy..... Truly happy and I don't think I would have gotten there if I didn't meet you....... That's why I want you to have your bass back....... I don't need to keep with me all the time, it'll always be there when I need it like you. if willing?
Ikkan: if willing what?
Neta: if you're willing to marry. Ikkan......... Will you marry me?
Warabi: *gasp*
Mahi: *silent screaming*
Ikkan: hehehehe...... yes .... I will marry you
Neta: hahahaha yes! Nailed it! Hahahah [kisskissksskiss]
Ikkan: hehehe Neta!..... Cut it out! Hehe...............
Ikkan and Neta: [kiss]
Warabi: aw....so sweet
Warabi: oh.... uhh
Mahi: we need to go NOW. They're not looking go.. gogogogogogo..... Before it gets worse..... Gogogo
Warabi:........ Oh my Cod........ Can't believe they didn't notice this!
Mahi:.......... Hahahahahahaha!
Warabi:....... hahahahahahaha!
Mahi: let's go. This was...... Wow!
Warabi: you think that the new rice place is open?... I heard it's good.
Mahi: let's just hope. The power is on over there...... You ate two week old shrimp by the way.
Warabi: but it tasted like one week...
Mahi put together with rubber bands and silly putty by @fish-at-fish-fish-resort
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loverofpiggies · 2 months
Oh, you watched Fiona and Cake, great!
I am curious, what were your thoughts about like Winter King or first opening? Or like about overall more mature stuff than in og adventure time
So now that I'm doing a huge rewatch of the OG Adventure Time, I will say I adore both in their own ways.
It was really cool seeing the more mature stuff in Fionna and Cake, sort of like the show 'grew up' with the audience, you know? And do NOT get me started on how much my heart was destroyed by Simons entire plight through.
See I never managed to finish the first show, mostly just got distracted, but on my rewatch I can tell I at least got through six seasons. I like how spaced out the original show is, and it makes the really sad shit with like the Ice King hit like a ton of bricks when it happens. It really feels like you're watching all these wacky people live their lives, and occasionally the horror of the Mushroom War reminds you of its effect, through Marceline, and the Ice King, and every character who was forced to live through it. I don't know, it's really nice!
Okay I'm gonna ramble so I'm putting a read more!
I was wondering if on a rewatch I'd get frustrated the way later seasons of Steven Universe made me get frustrated, but it never felt like that at all. It's just been... fun. It's just Finn and Jake on adventures, occasionally having to set down their fun and recognize the horror of things around them, and it's just. DAMN it's just done so well.
I just got to the episode where Finn meets Prismo and makes the wish, and accidentally ends up wielding the power of the crown, and all it did was break my heart. Like I was sitting there, and for a split second I was like 'wow that crown corrupted him really fast!' and then I remembered.... he was like 13 when he got the crown. He was still a child, and when Simon got the crown, he was what, in his 40s? He was just a kid, and couldn't possibly be able to handle or combat the crowns power. It just punched me in the gut.
So I very much enjoy how spaced out and silly the original Adventure Time is, because its such a unique world I love seeing more of it, and I feel like it makes the heavy scenes hit so much harder. With Fionna and Cake, I love how tight the story is and how structured things are. They're both SUCH good shows, with different ways of writing and different vibes and I adore them equally at this point.
ALSO THE WINTER KING, holy shit don't get me started, but I will rant about this mofo
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(These are keychain designs but I decided to put them together on a little canvas)
Firstly, I fucking LOVE the Winter King, and I'm really sad we didn't get more of him. I do wonder if the fact that Fionna's universe wasn't 'canon' during all the universe hopping, that if somehow the multiverse will reverse some things and 'repair' the damage. I'm not even saying that because I want to see the Winter King again, it just absolutely sounds like something that could happen in Adventure Time. Hell, look how they made Fionna and Cake just-- real! Thanks Prismo you're a cool guy.
But in terms of the Winter King as a character, and in terms of his universe? I want SO much more detail. Where is Finn, where is Jake? Marceline either left the Winter King or got killed, so I'm curious there too. The juxtaposition of genuine confidence and whimsy, and the mans incapacity to feel remorse or even real deep sadness (him saying 'Oh! The dead one?' when Simon asked about Betty was... holy shit) he was just an EXTREMELY interesting character, and I so badly want to see more of him.
Also dude was just funny. The fact he straight up admitted he thought about kissing his alternative universe self was so fucking funny, and plays heavily into his narcissistic behavior and tendencies.
On TOP of that, the idea of how he ended up cursing Bubblegum specifically would be so interesting. I read online people assuming when the Ice King did his spell, it was more like "I want Princess Bubblegum to love me, so I'll do a spell so she can understand what I'm feeling and then she'll marry me!" but then the 'understand what I'm feeling' is actually just... "Hey, I feel absolute madness, here, take it off my hands!' and might have just been a huge accident. We certainly can't trust Winter King's words about it.
I don't know. He was so fascinating, and the way he put feelers out to see if Simon would feel the way he does (Specifically talking about making an Ice Betty, then realizing Simon was disturbed so he shrugged it off with a laugh, being like 'no thats immoral obviously haha') and the fact that he was so cautious and smart about avoiding telling Simon how he conquered the crown? Like he would be glad to help and teach Simon how to keep his sanity AND his power... but obviously would have never spoken his secret the more he realized Simon would morally object to it.
I dunno. This character was in the show for 20 minutes and he was so fucking interesting I almost feel robbed. I hope maybe we can get some Adventure Time comics about the guy at the VERY least!
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gary-prince · 1 year
Persephone/Pomegranate theory!
I will get more into writing a fleshed out version of this later, but… I believe that Fionna and cake has strong ties to the myth of Persephone/Mythology in general.
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I believe that this is a pomegranate tree, with ties to the myth of the pomegranate tree and the underworld!
(more under the cut :P)
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(Pictured above, a pomegranate sapling without leaves and one with both leaves and fruit.)
The myth deals with persephone travelling between two realms, the way that might happen in this show, which i think could be representative of ooo and the 'regular' world as it were.
"Inconsolable at the loss of her daughter, the corn goddess Demeter prevented the earth from bearing fruit unless she saw her daughter again. Zeus intervened and worked out a compromise: Persephone should live with Hades for one third of the year and the other two thirds with Demeter. Persephone's return from the underworld each year is marked by the arrival of Spring."
Simon is pretty inconsolable at the loss of betty and it seems like someone will be travelling between worlds, so it feels like a crackhead theory, but this, amongst other details, I feel has a strong significance.
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This statue that has little Betty glasses on Simon's desk, is a statue of persephone!
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Anywho! I will flesh this out alot better and add more to it as episodes come out, (as well as rewatch the two episodes to get more cuz i did pick on a few more things,) but I wanted to share this with you nice and fresh!
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shepherdbarks · 1 year
Fionna and Cake Final Episode Thoughts
Or Alternatively, How A Series Full of Women Managed To Fumble A Story In a Misogynistic Way
Hello everyone, I just got done watching the last few episodes of Fionna and Cake. I haven’t had a chance to rewatch the final 2 episodes out of pure shock, but I have reanalyzed every other episode and have discussed + concluded how/why the finale flopped in the way it did.
Do not get me wrong, I enjoyed a bits and pieces of Fionna and Cake and this is by no means a hate post. But as someone who grew up as an avid fan of both Betty and Simon’s story, I was left unsatisfied by their conclusion. It wasn’t necessarily because they went their separate ways in the end or anything of that nature.
Instead this post will attempt to address the contrasting facets of their relationship in the original series v. Fionna and Cake, the implications of their writing, and how narratively it does not fit in with the rest of the characters or the narrative as a whole. I ask that this is read with nuance + through the perspective as someone who has presented as feminine throughout their life and consider why this story misinterpreted woman characters as a whole.
In addition, I also want to articulate how this series misrepresented Simon as both a character, and how this misinterpretation perpetuates toxic behavior in men across society.
Also, it’s 5 am and I am extremely tired, so I apologize if I gloss over some other things! Feel free to add your own thoughts.
Foremost, the first thing I want to address is how Fionna acts in relation to Simon throughout the beginning of Fionna and Cake.
In many instances, she is shown to be quite apathetic towards Simon’s situation.
Granted, she doesn’t know him. Her first impressions of him are…do not showcase his best qualities either.
Which is fine! It’s quite obvious that it would make narratively more sense for Fionna to feel more empathetic towards Simon as they proceed on their journey together.
Most notably, this line right here foreshadowns the most character growth.
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Except…the contrast of this point falls flat in comparison to the tons of other terrible things that Ice King has done as a character.
1. Has comparatively more depressive/manic episodes than this
2. Acts comparatively more selfish AND dangerous at other points throughout the series
3. Was a genuine threat to others at one point, especially women
Although the attempt to frame Ice King’s delirious breakdown as the catalyst to Fionna’s sympathy tried to play…
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the writers missed an incredible opportunity to showcase just how bad Simon could be as Ice King. Instead.
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Instead, it frames him as embarrassing at most.
I’m not a huge Fionna fan by any means, but I think she would have had way more emotional depth if she had been showcased really empathizing with Simon when he was at his worst. It would have made 1. Their relationship more meaningful 2. It would have been nice to see her reflect on how poorly she treated Simon at the beginning of the series. There was a lot of room for emotional growth there.
Which brings me to another point.
I know that as a fandom the general consensus is that Simon is a sad wet cat, and many people hc him as anything other than cishet. But ultimately at the end of the day the writers are trying to portray him as a cisgender heterosexual male.
Which is a big issue when it comes to both him and Betty’s relationship throughout the series.
It’s important to note here: Within the original series, it is well established that Simon is an incredibly selfless man who is equally passionate and obsessed with Betty. Enough to create a time portal see her again, enough to capture princesses as a manifestation of his love for her.
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Their relationship is framed in such a way that contradicts any of these established traits of their characters.
Simon is incredibly selfish towards Betty. Not only in his actions, but in his words. Which is INCREDIBLY contradicting to his character, as he is shown to be quite selfless throughout the series.
Not only this, but they are BOTH incredibly dismissive throughout the finale!
Why isn’t Betty allowed to get angry at Simon? She not only gave up her life for him, but her agency as well. Not only this! But she infantilized the fuck out of him! She had to literally place him in the shoes of a child for him to understand how much she devoted herself for him.
And this is not her fault as a character! This is a deliberate choice by writers! They chose to write her character this way.
Also despite the fact that Simon is just as passionate as Betty throughout the original series, she is somehow framed as the obsessive one. Even though Simon’s obsession with Betty LITERALLY MANIFESTED IN HIM CAPTURING AND TRYING TO MARRY WOMEN.
And of course the implications of these scenes also makes the exchange between Winter King and Simon about Betty even more fucked up!
The fact that that line about Betty being the “dead one” was never fleshed out sort of implies that the writers only seen Betty as a way to propel Simon’s character development forward.
And it’s done in the most lukewarm way possible. The way that this series was building up, the fact that Betty sacrificed everything, it would have made sense for her to be pissed.
Instead she just lets him go.
And this wouldn’t make me so angry. Except….
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Gary sacrificed his entire career to support Marshall. And this is framed in a positive light.
But when a woman does the same exact thing she is punished for it…
It’s not fair.
Now that we’ve established this can we stop pretending that it’s okay for male characters in fiction to get away with acting like children? I’ve said this before, but Simon’s development throughout Fionna and Cake feels on par with Adam Sandler’s Click. Except, to quote @tezzaa “Click actually made me cry”.
Which is incredibly sad, because I love Simon as a character. But it’s clear to me that Simon was not written with an ounce of nuance towards women, even though the majority of the cast is largely female.
It’s sad to see what has been done to this character.
Anyways. Those are my thoughts. I’m sorry if you disagree. I don’t want to debate this, I just wanted to point out how these characters are treated from a feminist’s standpoint. Thank you.
edit: i want to note that i do realize that betty and simon are toxic as a couple, i just don’t think that their writing reflected their toxic tendencies in an accurate way in accordance with their characters
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ot3 · 1 year
finishing up fionna and cake... overall it was a fun ride but i really don't think it worked structurally. 6/10 show. i didnt think this was gonna be a long post but apparently i've got some thoughts. sticking below the cut
this last episode is kind of underwhelming... theres a couple of parts in this ep where they just sit and explain to the camera how simon realized betty was constantly sacrificing her own desires for simon and how simon wanted to put on the crown because he thought he didn't deserve to live. and it's not like those are bad realization for the show to come to but the show has very clearly established that it's intended for a more adult audience than the original adventure time, and so this kind of writing just feels really condescending when not directed at literal children. like yeah we could have figured this out from the writing, but. you didn't have to just tell us
i also didn't vibe with scarab as a villain, he felt super arbitrary to me. like they needed Something to be forcing them to move between dimensions, but i feel like scarab was an extremely meh choice for that. he wasn't particularly funny or interesting enough as a character to get to be one of the only people who showed up in every episode. i honestly think it would have been better if the existential threat these characters were facing was more of a force than a character, because it was already running so tight on time anyway it didn't really have the space to develop a good villain.
gary and marshall's screentime was another thing that i felt like is a huge waste of space. them doing their whole meet cute bakery au romance is something that's funny on paper but it's not compelling on its own and the only slight interest it has comes from our pre-existing investment in marceline and bubblegum's much more interesting dynamic. it didn't add anything to the overall arc of the show and took up time that could have been used to deliver more solidly on the core premise.
fionna and cake themselves were really cute but i don't feel like fionna's arc was as strong as it could have been. like ohhh yay shes come to love her normal world with all its imperfections.... obviously thats where it was going the whole time and once again. its not like i mind that ending. i just feel like they didn't do anything interesting with it. her character doesn't get to learn and progress as much as she's just marching down a straight path that we all already knows where it leads. i wish they would have just called the show 'Simon' so i wouldn't have to feel so disappointed in this.
adventure time has always been on the cutting edge of bizarre stuff in animation so the biggest let down overall with this show is how much when you strip away the Adventure Time coating of surrealist visuals on top of it it just feels like any other middling adventure cartoon. it didn't lean enough into the episodic structure to benefit from that the way the original show did, and it was too beholden on the episodic structure to linger on any of the parts that were actually compelling.
overall, the show feels like pandering to the adventure time fanbase, but in kind of a lazy way. Compare this to the distant land specials which I think were pandering in an excellent way. im not anti pandering by any means. The whirlwind tour through universes and characters that lifetime adventure time fans will recognize tries to come off as a love letter to the series, but instead just comes off as the adventure time version of that 'rejected ready player one theme song' video. remember farmworld? remember prismo? remember the vampire king? remember shermy and beth? remember Up a Tree? like. yeah. i do remember. thanks. do you have anything to say about any of this stuff or - oh. no. just showing me. got it.
its not someting i think i'll ever rewatch but at just ten eps definitely worth one watch through. theres some really good fun to be had in it and the art is gorgeous all the way through, it just fails to come together into a successful complete work.
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okay I've watched Fionna and Cake and WOW I enjoyed it a LOT more than I originally thought I would.
I had to sit with the last episode for a while. Trying to decide my feelings on it, you know? My first reaction to how they painted Simon and Betty's relationship was that they did that so the audience could better cope with Simon's choice to move on. Thought about it more and yeah, I was wrong. It just removed the rose-colored glasses. I think the one thing I didn't like was Beth spelling the whole thing out, like yeah I got it. The chose your own adventure allegory worked! I got it. I like the last episode! The part when GolBetty was still protecting Simon when Scarab kept trying to fuck with him got me emotional
Winter King was the biggest tumblrsexyman bait I have EVER seen- selfcest bait and all! Pretty funny, I respect it.
Loved both what Gary and Marshall Lee were doing and what was happening with the main characters. I wasn't sure if I would be too interested in them, but fucking. I got invested in the baking!
BRO THE THEME SONG!?!?! I had only seen the one for the first episode beforehand, so the real intro was a surprise to me! I love it!
Trying to organize my thoughts is hard uuhh just I liked it and will probably rewatch it :]
1. ok the thing about the choose your own adventure allegory isn’t that it’s just that. I thought it was the one weak aspect at first too but in the ending sequence there’s a reveal that totally recontextualizes it
remember the little girl who wanted to be a writer because of ice king’s fionna and cake books? she sketches casper and nova during that sequence. casper and nova isn’t just some random allegory they pulled in — it’s HER BOOK. those are her ocs based off of the stories simon told her about him and betty, and ultimately it was that girl’s portrayal of them, not beth’s explanation, that made him realize what was going on
re: beth, I think it was at least a very interesting dynamic. simon is usually paired with characters either much younger than him or just less worldly than him, and he’s very book/world smart, so I think people tend to forget how immature he can be. ice king was just simon to the extreme after all, not to mention the way simon acts in the earlier episodes (him refusing to run from scarab because he just doesn’t feel like it is a great example). he’s a very smart guy but sometimes he gets so caught up in that that he doesn’t step back to consider anything except surface level logic. pair that with him going slightly mad with worry and I fully understand why beth thought he was shermy doing a bit
simon isn’t childish per se, but there’s a lot of things he doesn’t know because he doesn’t ever really look outside his own perspective, and I like how casper and nova illustrated that. simon has always been this sort of fatherly figure that everyone else admires but nobody else sees the worth in, he’s always trying to shoulder so much for no reason. there’s been this imagery the whole season of simon caring for people younger than him (baby finn, normal finn, fionna, astrid, etc) but he never actually lets himself be cared for. so it makes sense that him being given the grace that a kid would be given and ultimately realizing his wrongdoing after seeing himself through the eyes of a child would be a thing that happens
2. you’re so right about gumlee me too man. the scene where they kissed while pb n marcy were hurtling to their toxic codependent yuri deaths was crazy. holy shit
3. I honestly think there’s a LOT to winter king I have a couple posts worth of analysis on it. I think the idea of simon doing something so wildly unethical is very fascinating I loved watching him spiral into madness. slay
4. the biggest surprise for me I think was cake’s arc? like looking back I totally should’ve seen it coming but it was I think my favorite ongoing plotline from the show. her wishes being at odds with fionna’s presented this really interesting dynamic that finn and jake never had and the way she was a narrative foil to simon was like. ohhhh that was fucking evil of the writers . simon desperately wanting to destroy his mind and cake desperately wanting to keep hers. the way that translates into their dynamic with each other. the terrifying dawning realization that fionna might prefer her non sentient. of course it isn’t true, but it would’ve felt that way, no?
also just fucking. “everybody dies. they should get to die as themselves.” “fionna, I am myself. like this.” what if I spontaneously combusted killing everyone in a 3 mile radius. what then
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boypussydilf · 1 year
retching. i feel like i need a rewatch of the whole series of f&c in one go to fully cement my opinion without the weeks worth of 'over' hype and theorizing for the finale eps but at the same time the ending soured me so much do i. do i want to? but also i dont /want/ to dislike this thihng i enjoyed so dearly up to this point. man its so sad. a part of me knew that there's no way the finale could satisfyingly wrap things up in two eps but given how the series had gone on so far, 1/2
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i gladly accept my inbox’s position as “support group for people frustrated and unsatisfied with the f&c finale”
Yeah like………. i could tell they were struggling a Little with pacing and being able to fit all the important parts of the story in. ep7 especially like, was a great episode but also some of the plot beats felt like they weren’t built up to properly, or they didn’t linger long Enough on important stuff - like, we only dedicate 2 seconds to the thing abt the star beinf like that bc shes a marceline who didnt have simon…… But i could forgive all that, bc they had a LOT of stuff to fit just into that one episode, and they still hit all the beats they needed to and told a sensible story.
So I thought….. even if they don’t have time to execute the ending perfectly, they can still get their idea across and have everything happen that needs to!
But then they decided to. Like. To some extent tell the wrong story. And DEFINITELY told it badly. There’s good things about the finale episodes, and some of the plot points are What Should Have Happened, but there’s …. just……… Fundamentally they failed to continue telling the same story they had been telling the entire show!!!!!!!!! fionna and cake writers sweeping the subject of simons mental health off the table at the last second to tell a story exclusively about 1 specific aspect of his relationship w betty as if the Life Lesson He’s Learning here has aaaaaaany fucking thing to do with what his story has been about SO far in the series
uuuuuggghhhhh yeah the ending just. soured the whole fucking thing for me. at the same time i still love the first 8 episodes theyre great but theyre better if you don’t know that THAT was what theyre building to. emotionally i dont want to rewatch eps 9&10 in full ever bc the concept of them makes me so upset but also it would be good to revisit the series and look at it from the perspective of knowing what they’re intending to do. i still definitely will never agree with most of the things they did. but i can at least look at it more analytically when im not seeing it for the very first time and dont know where its going. not yet though im still pissed LMAO
ifeel you man. i feel you. so much. we are in this together
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semyas-ii · 1 year
Finally getting the chance to rewatch episodes 9 and 10 and take proper notes. Dunno how many peeps are still around but I'm sure there's some. I'm gonna put a cut here in case someone's still avoiding spoilers.
-Cake wants to eat Cake? Is that also self-shipping? xD
-The thing on the Lich's skeleton. I first thought maybe it's a VHS tape, like one of Simon's or something. But maybe it's over where the heart would be so could it be like a pacemaker? I doubt the Lich would get one for himself (though who knows, maybe before he got super evil) but that's actually Billy's skeleton. Maybe Billy had one?
-I saw someone say that the Shermy and Beth we see aren't our Shermy and Beth cause there's some changes to the designs (maybe, I haven't checked, but sometimes designs change a bit so maybe, maybe not) and because the Pup city is an authoritarian dictatorship ruled by Gibbon (they probably missed it but that was already the case) and Shermy and Beth are trying to overthrow it (but I think either we just didn't see that part or they started doing that later)
-"Betty why did you send me here? And in this body? Why, why, why!" "Shermy, are you going through puberty?" pfft. Love it.
-"If Simon knows that Marshall and I are supposed to be together", mate, he is aware. Fionna, tell them.
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-I love the library. So I guess it became a whole Kingdom then at some point? Ruled by Turtle Princess? Her offspring or other relatives? Like the skull design. Looks like maybe it was floating as well, like the human city.
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-Turtle Princess cameo. She died doing what she loved.
-What does that text say on the book cover (the part in code)? Anyone know?
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-Fionna's a dungeon master! -Cake: I gave him my phone Fionna: that's my phone! Can I borrow this? *takes Gary's phone* Gary: the passcode is-- Fionna: shh, I know -Simon: I know how to read, I have degrees vs Betty, much earlier: I know how to flip pages, I'm a graduate student
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gumclones · 1 year
my spouse and I are doing a rewatch of the series and last night covered Slumber Party Panic through The Enchiridion! some thoughts:
I’ve never been sure if that scene with Starchy exploding was supposed to be actually happening or if it was just supposed to illustrate that candy people explode when they get scared 😅 either way, it’s very funny how he talks loudly about having his defenses lowered
the “you broke your royal promise” scene is very… weird. there’s the time stop effect, the way the gumball guardians’ heads explode, the sudden shift to “daytime,” and the way Finn and Bubblegum teleport back into Bubblegum’s lab… my guess is that if you wanted to spin up an explanation beyond “early installment weirdness” you could say the “trial by fire math problems” scene happens in Bubblegum’s VR equipment?
Manfried! I’d actually managed to forget he was about to show up. honestly his lines are 500 times funnier if you read them as him knowing fully what’s going on and nonzero saying things on purpose to stress Finn out/tease him, especially since we see second story windows that don’t get Blockado-ed which he could easily see through and since we don’t see him put on a blindfold
I think Trouble in Lumpy Space takes place very shortly after Finn and Jake meet LSP — they don’t seem to know each other very well and Lumpy Space Princess really doesn’t grasp the severity of Jake potentially being stuck as a lumpy space person forever! her behavior makes a lot more sense if you read her as thinking that Finn wants to get his hands on the antidote about as much as he wants to go to a particular restaurant to get dinner
on a similar note, it’s interesting how here and in Tree Trunks Finn apologizes for getting mad when… he really shouldn’t! in both cases, he had perfectly understandable reasons to be frustrated with their behavior
the Ice King was always extremely entertaining, but especially after watching through Fionna and Cake and getting more of a sense of who Simon is! I definitely recommend rewatching Prisoners of Love and imagining Simon in the Ice King’s place
there’s a bit where the Ice King explains to Jake that marriage is a very serious and permanent commitment that you don’t want to rush into. I almost wonder if he feels on some level that he rushed into a relationship with Betty?
Tree Trunks is so suspicious in her introductory episode! I actually noticed a fair bit of it the first time I watched, but it’s particularly stark when you know her history
The Enchiridion! is such a fantastic episode and I wanna make at least two longer posts about it! one about Bubblegum’s behavior and one about all the trials Finn goes through and what they say about his character arc
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sailormew4 · 6 years
Adventure Time Rewatch List
So, I'm going to do something stupidly nostalgic. Since Adventure Time is ending (crying in the corner) I'm doing a rewatch. But no way in heck am I watching 279 episodes before the Finale so if you're like me and want to rewatch or catch up quickly. Here are the must watch episodes.
Season 1
"Trouble in Lumpy Space" 1x02
"Prisoners of Love" 1x03
"Tree Trunks" 1x04
"The Enchiridion!" 1x05
"Ricardio the Heart Guy" 1x07
"My Two Favorite People" 1x09
"Memories of Boom Boom Mountain" 1x10
"Evicted!" 1x12
"What Is Life?" 1x15
"Ocean of Fear" 1x16
"Freak City" 1x20
"Henchman" 1x22
"What Have You Done?" 1x24
"His Hero" 1x25
Season 2
"It Came from the Nightosphere" 2x01
"Crystals Have Power" 2x08
"To Cut a Woman's Hair" 2x10
"Chamber of the Frozen Blades" 2x11
"Her Parents" 2x12
"The Silent King" 2x14
"The Real You" 2x15
"Death in Bloom" 2x17
"Susan Strong" 2x18
"Mystery Train" 2x19
"Go with Me" 2x20
"The Limit" 2x22
"Mortal Folly" 2x24
"Mortal Recoil" 2x25
"Heat Signature" 2x26
Season 3
"Memory of a Memory" 3x03
"Hitman" 3x04
"Too Young" 3x05
"Wizard Battle" 3x08
"Fionna and Cake" 3x09
"What Was Missing" 3x10
"Apple Thief" 3x11
"The Creeps" 3x12
"Beautopia" 3x14
"Jake vs. Me-Mow" 3x16
"The New Frontier" 3x18
"Holly Jolly Secrets" 3x19 and 3x20
"Marceline's Closet" 3x21
"Dad's Dungeon" 3x25
"Incendium" 3x26
Season 4
"Hot to the Touch" 4x01
"Dream of Love" 4x04
"Return to the Nightosphere" 4x05
"Daddy's Little Monster" 4x06
"In Your Footsteps" 4x07
"Goliad" 4x12
"Sons of Mars" 4x15
"Burning Low" 4x16
"King Worm" 4x18
"Lady & Peebles" 4x19
"You Made Me" 4x20
"Ignition Point" 4x22
"Reign of Gunters" 4x24
"I Remember You" 4x25
"The Lich" 4x26
Season 5
"Finn the Human" 5x01
"Jake the Dog" 5x02
"Jake the Dad" 5x06
"All Your Fault" 5x09
"Bad Little Boy" 5x11
"Vault of Bones" 5x12
"Simon & Marcy" 5x14
"One Last Job" 5x23
"Wizards Only, Fools" 5x26
"Jake Suit" 5x27
"Be More" 5x28
"Sky Witch" 5x29
"Frost & Fire" 5x30
"Too Old" 5x31
"Earth & Water" 5x32
"The Vault" 5x34
"Red Starved" 5x38
"Play Date" 5x40
"The Pit" 5x41
"Apple Wedding" 5x44
"Blade of Grass" 5x45
"Rattleballs" 5x46
"The Red Throne" 5x47
"Betty" 5x48
"Lemonhope" 5x50 and 5x51
"Billy's Bucket List" 5x52
Season 6
"Wake Up" 6x01
"Escape From the Citadel" 6x02
"The Tower" 6x04
"Breezy" 6x06
"Something Big" 6x10
"Ocarina" 6x12
"Nemesis" 6x15
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