#i rose up from the queue
As someone with a high weight, people have fatshamed me a lot and I really hate it as a concept but somehow I still do it to others who are bigger than me to feel better about myself, e.g watching tiktok comps of wieiad of fat people not trying to lose weight.
It just makes me feel more disgusted with myself because I know how it feels to be judged and it's so hypocritical but I can't stop myself from being so judgemental.
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r0semultiverse · 1 month
Small indie artists in need of support for moving out by September!
💜 These lovely folks [@QuinsCurse (they/them) & @sswitchblade03 (xe/xem and he/him)] are part of a small queer-owned Youtube community I'm in. 💖
💖 If you could lend a helping hand by reblogging & queueing this post up until the start of September, I'd greatly appreciate it & I'm sure these fine folks would too! 💜
⚠️ Do not tag as d*nations or anything like that! ⚠️
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"Hi everyone! Requests are officially closed as I am opening emergency commissions! Please consider supporting me as we are getting kicked out and have managed to find a place that’s affordable but need to save up 5k by the end of the month! Anything helps! I also have a dontations page if you are willing to help do that! All the money received from commissions will be going to the deposit! https://ko-fi.com/quinscurse/commissions https://ko-fi.com/quinscurse/goal?g=32"
⚠️ Do not tag as d*nations or anything like that! ⚠️
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"https://ko-fi.com/sswitchblade03/commissions https://ko-fi.com/sswitchblade03/goal?g=0 EMERGENCY COMMISSIONS!! My roommate ‪@QuinsCurse‬and I are needing about $5000CAD for a down payment on a new place as we need to be out of our current place by September! Every bit counts! My goal is to be set to $3000CAD. I will draw anything (coloured and rendered) for $5 CAD each! If you are willing to give more it will be appreciated. Examples of my work below!"
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⚠️ Do not tag as d*nations or anything like that! ⚠️
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good-beanswrites · 1 year
I think it's So Funny that Fuuta canonically loves engaging in twitter discourse, has played fantasy/online games (and likely has touched on anime to some degree), and his whole shtick is he likes dishing out judgements on others from the comfort of his own home --
He would have fucking loved the Milgram Project...
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wosemi-sama · 8 months
nenekasa o'clock bc i love them and its valentines day also 🔥🔥🔥🔥
these chocolates made just for you
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Tsukasa walked up to the front porch, slightly trembling. The box of chocolates he was holding became slightly sweaty from keeping it in his grasp so tightly. The bouquet of flowers was barely holding on for the same reason. He took a deep breath in before knocking on the door.
He stood there for a moment. Silence. Finally, a click was heard and Nene opened the door.
"Hello..?" Nene seemed confused.
"Aha! Nene!" Tsukasa shouted, yet he seemed less confident than usual. "Happy Valentine's Day!" He said with a slightly shaky voice. Tsukasa gave Nene the box of chocolates and bouquet he was holding.
The box was heart shaped. It was red and had a brown bow neatly wrapped around it. The bouquet of flowers was wrapped in brown paper and a pink bow.
"I actually made them myself!"
Tsukasa had been looking into a gift for Nene since early January. Yesterday, he and Saki got together bright and early in the Tenma kitchen to make the chocolates. Saki was glad to help in any way she could.
"O-oh. Thank you... Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Tsukasa." Nene examined the bouquet of daffodils and white roses, unsure of what to say.
In all honesty, Nene had completely forgotten about the holiday. She was going to get a gift for Tsukasa, but it seemed it had completely slipped her mind. She also wasn't too sure what to get him, and thought that the actual act of giving him the gift would be really awkward and-
"Uhm, I got you a gift too. I'll be right back." Nene slammed the door and ran to her room.
She threw the boquet and box of chocolates on her bed before frantically looking around for anything that she could give Tsukasa.
Finally, she spotted something on the floor. It was an unfinished charm bracelet when she was making them with Emu yesterday. All she had to do was tie it together.
Within moments, the door slammed open. Tsukasa jumped a bit as Nene was struggling to hide the fact that she was out of breath.
"H-here it is...." Tripping over her words, Nene gave Tsukasa the bracelet.
"Ah, thank you, dearest Nene! I'll be sure to cherish it." Tsukasa finished his sentence before realizing what he said. He immediately covered his mouth with his arm and silently screamed into the sleeve of his cream colored sweater, face as red as the box of chocolates he gave her.
Dearest.... huh? Nene thought. She wasn't any less surprised and flustered as Tsukasa.
"U-uhm! I should get going. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY." Tsukasa shouted nervously. He immediately slammed Nene's front door shut.
Nene slightly jumped at the loud slam. She inhaled and exhaled to calm down before going back to her room.
Nene took a good look at the flowers chocolates. She was grinning from ear to ear. She put the gifts on her desk and flopped on her bed, sighing the most dramatic sigh ever.
Oh, to be idiots in love.
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𝐌𝐘 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐒 (1/?) | Stuck With You
by gallifreyslostson & larxenethefirefly
ᴍᴀʟᴄᴏʟᴍ ᴛᴜᴄᴋᴇʀ x ʀᴏꜱᴇ ᴛʏʟᴇʀ, ᴇ, 100ᴋ+
"What’s he for anyway? Why do you need him?"
"I’ll tell you why you need me, Rose Tyler," he sneers. "Because the media doesn’t have a thing on you for the last, what, twenty years? And now you’re suddenly priority person of interest as the mysterious Vitex heiress. For all they know, you’re a nutter who’s been locked away from the public till now!"
"I’m not a nutter!" she argues hotly, surging to her feet to stand toe to toe with him.
"No, you’ve just come from a parallel universe to play house with your parallel dad and not-so-parallel mum—who’s supposed to be fucking dead, I might add—because you were helping your space boyfriend and lost your grip when he opened a portal to hell. Yes, that’ll sell quite nicely!"
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mobianxcycle · 4 months
24. does your muse listen to music while falling asleep?
sleep-related headcanons!
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"Weeellll, since you're so curious, I guess I can let you in on a little secret." The pink hedgehog hummed out, moving her gaze up toward the ceiling. "If you're having trouble sleeping, put on some soft, light orchestra music. Surprisingly, the music people use for babies works pretty well too! I use it sometimes, but only on really difficult days to try and get to sleep a bit easier."
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"If you really think about it, of course I listen to music when I'm going to sleep. I'm always listening to music, and considering how much I love jamming out it shouldn't be any sort of a surprise." Tilting his head a little bit, he thought about it a little more. "I suppose you're wondering what sort of music I listen to when I fall asleep though, aren't you? It'd be a bit of a softer jazz, I suppose. The sort you'd hear in one of those really quiet, hole-in-the-wall cafes."
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carbondated · 9 months
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. Light poured in through the stained glass window, illuminating the paper suspended delicately between her hands. In the largest chamber of the highest tower, the lady of the house squinted at the first line of a letter, struggling to make sense of what she was seeing. One thing was obvious, by the slant of the handwriting and it's general illegibility, it was written out of fear. That didn't bode well.
My Lady, You must make haste! These knights of Mondas are like none that I have faced before. They carry no weapons, they have no need for they are weapons. Some witchcraft is afoot. I cannot explain what my eyes tell me I have seen. Please, I beg of you, send the reinforcements. Your champion, Sir Reeds.
No sooner had she deciphered the scrawl then came a knock at the door. Great, just when things were getting interesting. ❝... I am busy. ❞ River replied curtly. From the other side of the door she heard one of the servants stammer back, "M-my lady, I-i told him you were indisposed, but he-he insisted, says he brings word from the king." She sighed, setting down the letter upon her desk. No doubt it was that self important pompous oaf-of-a-Lord from the next estate over. There'd be no getting around him till he'd said his piece. Unfortunately. ❝... oh fine, see him in. ❞
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nodominion · 2 years
The Air Fryer
Completely inspired by this post by @desertfangs, Rose freaks out about her immortality and food tech.
The device seemed to mock her. Its very presence at Trinity was a steady reminder of her own immortality. Rose was now removed from humans, had been so for years, and yet this was the first thing that made her realize the choice she had made. Apparently it wasn’t new, but it was new to her here, in this place where she and Viktor were turned. Rose often enjoyed studying Trinity for little differences, seeing what had changed and what was new in Armand’s domain. Viktor and she often flitted in and out of Trinity on their way to and from California and France. Seth and Fareed enjoyed their compound and stayed there most of the time, which meant long trips broken up in segments to go and visit them. Rose never minded, she enjoyed planning new cities and towns to visit on the way. It was one of her goals to visit every state, and then every Canadian province, and then every Central American country, and then every European country. South America was a little out of the way between the castle and the main lab, but once their stamina was better with age she wanted to tackle those countries as well. 
But Trinity was easy for them to stop into. They were always welcome, or they hadn’t been turned away yet, and sometimes they were able to meet up with others who were also staying here for short times. Antoine seemed to split his time between the castle and Trinity, and Louis typically spent a few months of the year in New York. One time she and Viktor had the brownstones all to themselves, everyone else at the castle. Rose didn’t expect that to happen again, as at the very least Armand, Sybelle, and Benji were almost always here. Daniel most of the time too, but he’d told them once he liked to travel as well. 
Rose opened the door, sniffing warily inside. There was a neutral scent, clean, most likely the tray was shoved into a dishwasher. Though which vampire remembered to take it out and put it back here was not something she knew. Benji had roped Viktor into a series of competitions, and while it had been entertaining to watch for some time, there was only so much bravado she could handle in one night. Sybelle was playing, and though Rose often took that opportunity to sit with her, this contraption called to her. 
As she went to plug it in, an elder heartbeat echoed behind her. She turns to face Armand, sighing. 
“Tell me you’ve all used this thing before, and that I don’t need to find an instruction booklet that was most likely tossed to figure out how to use it.”
Armand said nothing, though his expression bordered on complete confusion. Rose was allowed in the Trinity kitchens whenever she wished. There was almost always a supply of blood, as well as some errant human food. Sybelle always had a bowl of citrus fruits on hand, though she destroyed them with her nails before they ever rotted. Rose hadn’t taken out any blood or food to attempt to cook, not her usual methodology when she tried to make blood foods. Armand knew that about her, and he stepped close to her, though did not touch her.
“If you require assistance, you are aware you only need to ask.”
“I know. I know! I…I just…this thing was invented after I was turned. You know? I don’t know what to do with it. It seems simple enough, and I can read so I do understand what the dials say and the buttons and the…I mean they’re all touch screen but you get it. Right?”
Before he could reply, Rose keeps at it, her voice raising in pitch, sounding more frenetic with each word.
“It’s just that this is new! It can apparently, supposedly, make food that is crispy without having to fry it in oil. How does it do that? I mean, I know how, logically, I looked it up, but it doesn’t make any sense! How can hot, circulated air turn a piece of breaded chicken into a delicious chicken strip!? It doesn’t make sense. And I never got to experience it and…and…how many more things are they going to come out with that we won’t get to experience because we’re dead?!”
She shivers, dropping down to sit on the hardwood floor, her knees curled to her chest, her thoughts far too wild to make sense of. Though she doesn’t notice, Armand looks away from her, as if cataloging how many times Lestat’s fledglings came to him to have their breakdowns. 
He joins her on the floor, petting her hair gently, as if to calm a frightened mare. 
“You and Viktor will be ten years in the blood this summer, yes? May I suggest you visit here when that date occurs. If these feelings arise at that time, you will be in a safe place. The place you both cast aside mortality for something more. That choice came with consequences, ones you were aware of. The world moves on without us in it. We are removed from their pettiness, and at times, their innovation. Humans are nothing if not resourceful.”
“But we…us…we’re stuck. We’re tied to when we were turned and…I didn’t expect to feel so disconnected, not yet. I still know how to use my phone and my laptop and things have evolved in technology but they haven’t changed in this way. Not like…that thing. It’s foreign to me! It’s like an alien brought it down and all the humans understand it and I can’t!”
“Times are different now than they were when most of us were turned. How many changes do you think Marius witnessed within ten years of his turning? Not the amount you have, simply because of the interconnectivity of the world now. He would not have been aware of Chinese inventions or Indian monuments or what peoples were living on the land we currently sit on. You are. My Sybelle and Benji have felt this as well, though it fades faster in them. Benji is committed not to let human inventions bypass his radar, and Sybelle is aware that music is always music, no matter the time.”
“No, you’re right, Armand, of course you are! I’m sorry. You’ve always been so good to us whenever we drop by and here I am taking advantage of your hospitality.”
“Nonsense. You need to mourn for experiences you shall never have. But you have blood. You can find any mortal and drink from them and understand their life in a clarity that they never will. Stalk a restaurant one night. Dine on the staff and the clientele. Shall we go hunting tonight?”
“No, I’m not…well we can always drink but I fed tonight. I wouldn’t enjoy it as much as I would after sunset.”
“Tomorrow then. Would you want company for this outing?”
“No, thanks. I…this is gonna sound really disrespectful, but can I destroy it? Like, smash it with a hammer? I’ll buy you back a better one, promise.”
“You’re asking my permission to cause damage? Rose de Lioncourt, you may be Lestat’s through and through, but don’t discredit the effect Louis has had on you.”
Finally feeling somewhat relieved of her mental anguish, Rose giggles, standing and helping him up. She pulls him into a hug, one he doesn’t initially respond to, but when he mentally senses she is only wanting to show her appreciation Armand pats her back warmly. 
Armand carries the air fryer to the garden on ground level, not wanting debris to fly from a higher floor. There is no need for safety gear as Rose takes a rock from the landscaping, pounding into the metal and glass, hardly blinking as it all shatters before her. She knew her strength, but it was so often used on humans that she was surprised by how quickly the device practically disintegrated. She is diligent, not wanting to be a messy house guest, cleaning it up herself, though Armand stays to supervise. When all that’s left of her planned tantrum is a garbage bag she sits on the grass, looking up to the sky.
“I don’t regret the choice I made. I know it must’ve seemed like it. But I wouldn’t trade this life to be a human again. You are right, they are petty and cruel and not worth our time. Not most of them, anyway. Do you think everyone in the tribe was destined to be turned?”
“What is destiny? Do you believe in such a thing?”
“No, I guess I don’t. Thank you, Armand. You’ve been a good friend tonight. One I needed.”
He joins her, looking up at the same spot she is. 
“Your thanks is not needed. Simply live. You are not dead. Death has not taken you from this world.”
“It sure tried to. I’ll try.”
Rose rests her head against Armand’s shoulder, grateful for him and his friendship. 
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ectoplasmer · 1 year
two years. Where do I even start with this
I'm not going to try to act like these characters have been with me through some super hard part of my life within the past two years, because they haven't. I've had a normal life with nothing too big happening that completely disrupts me from my day-to-day experiences in the last few years. But I'm not going to let that fact invalidate all the smaller and tinier stresses and spirals they've helped me through. And believe me, I have a lot of those.
They have been there for the mornings when I'd wake up too early and be unable to fall back asleep, the afternoons I spent poring over essays I could've started days ago, the nights I spent stubbornly staying up much too late. They've been there for each silly overthinking session I had, for each nervous ache I got, each stumbled and rushed phrase I spoke. They've been there for when I would be nervous to walk into some crowded aisle in the store, when I would pace around the room because something had gotten me worked up, when I would get so many emotions over something and tear up over it. Every new habit, every new interest, every little victory and small loss... they've been there with me through it for the past two years. And I really don't know how to voice how new and different this is for me.
I don't usually hold onto interests for this long. I'll get into something and it'll occupy my mind for maybe eight months until something else grabs my attention and I move on to the next thing. Any past f/os I had wouldn't stick around this long. Sure, I'd still love the character, I'd still see them as my favorite character from their series, but they wouldn't move on with me to the next interest. And while I will admit that I have loved all of my f/os, current and past, very deeply, none of them seem to really compare to the love I have for my boys now. I remember being so nervous to get into something new because I was worried that I'd lose interest, that the feelings I have for them would be replaced with something that feels lesser and less fulfilling. It sounds silly when I type it out, but it was genuinely something I was afraid of. I didn't think I could ever love anyone the way I love them, and to an extent, I still feel this way.
But, geez, if they were to follow that usual formula, they are a whole 16 months late. And guess what? I have gotten into other things, picked up other shows, other books, and they are still here. I still love them, they still occupy my mind all too much, I still think about them. This silly series still has me in a choke hold after two years and I genuinely don't think it's going away for a while yet. I was literally smiling like an idiot over some cards that reminded me of them earlier, got happy over seeing a picture of one of them unprompted the other day... I'm still so in love with them and I truly hope that doesn't end any time soon <3
It feels so nice to be able to get into things with all of them. It's nice having someone to watch and read things with and getting to imagine how they'd react over things, what things we could discuss and joke over, what specific things would interest them more than others... A lot of our time when we first got together was spent watching movies because I was overly aware of the fact most of them probably didn't get to experience the life I did. They didn't get the chance to have the childhood I had, be it because of the fact they're not even from this century, or because of the circumstances of how they were brought up. I make an effort to try and include them in everything I do, consciously or not, because I want them to be able to have the chance to experience as many things as possible. I even think about them being there with me during classes, as silly as that sounds, so it's been extra fun being able to genuinely get into things with them beside me without worrying about losing them or whatever.
I'm sure I've been over this before, but I've never been this involved with my f/os before. Like I said, I genuinely did love all of my past ones, but that love feels so much more indirect than the love I have for my current f/os. I don't think I've ever referred to a character as my "boyfriend" or my "partner" as casually as I do for my boys. I don't remember using the term "love of my life" for anyone else as often as I do for my boys. I don't even remember being caught up thinking about how much I want to marry a character as much as I have for my boys. This all feels so much more serious for me because of that. So much newer and unknown and just... baffling? In a way? It feels like so much more than anything else from before. As cliche and silly as it might be, I genuinely think they are the loves of my life. I don't know where I'd even be without them. I don't know who or what else could possibly take up this much space in my life, in my brain, in my heart. I just... I love them so much. And I've gotten to do that for two full years. And that's so insane to me.
I've loved getting to go to sleep at the end of my day and getting to imagine them holding me and sharing my bed with me, I've loved getting to go through whatever routines I have and imagining them going through their own beside me, I've loved getting to sit while doing my own thing and imagining them there with me. I've loved getting to have them in my life, I've loved getting to be all giddy and happy over them, and I've loved getting to love them. One year was insane enough for me, but two years is just so much more. I think with every year it'll just be as baffling as the last for me. And I'm not saying this with the usual sense of "if we make it another year", because by this point I'm not putting anything past them. I think I probably will be here again next year writing a post at an ungodly time of night just like I am now. That won't stop me from being so blown away each time.
so here’s to two years of me and these dorks. I’m already excited to see where the next one will take us <3
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void-botanist · 1 year
Repostober day 16: Professionals
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One of my favorite old pics of Christina and Horatio, from the weird liminal space where I'd updated her hair but neither made him human nor not a cop
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provenaence · 5 months
tag drop part two .
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92198) I don’t even have the desire for sex because I’m so disgusted by myself and hate the fact my fiancé gets to see me like this naked.
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gliideren · 2 years
ana sofía herrera tag dump !!
#「 ana sofía herrera⠀⠀:⠀⠀aesthetics 」⠀⠀…⠀⠀❛⠀⠀darling ﹐i'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream⠀⠀❜#「 ana sofía herrera⠀⠀:⠀⠀answered 」⠀⠀…⠀⠀❛⠀⠀and i could go on and on⠀⠀❜#「 ana sofía herrera⠀⠀:⠀⠀character study 」⠀⠀…⠀⠀❛⠀⠀all I do is try ﹐try ﹐try⠀⠀❜#「 ana sofía herrera⠀⠀:⠀⠀desires 」⠀⠀…⠀⠀❛⠀⠀i want auroras and sad prose⠀⠀❜#「 ana sofía herrera⠀⠀:⠀⠀headcanons 」⠀⠀…⠀⠀❛⠀⠀i'm so sick of running as fast as i can⠀⠀❜#「 ana sofía herrera⠀⠀:⠀⠀ic 」⠀⠀…⠀⠀❛⠀⠀honey ﹐ i rose up from the dead⠀⠀❜#「 ana sofía herrera⠀⠀:⠀⠀inspirations 」⠀⠀…⠀⠀❛⠀⠀now all you think about is me⠀⠀❜#「 ana sofía herrera⠀⠀:⠀⠀musings 」⠀⠀…⠀⠀❛⠀⠀i should not be left to my own devices⠀⠀❜#「 ana sofía herrera⠀⠀:⠀⠀playlist 」⠀⠀…⠀⠀❛⠀⠀put on your records and regret me⠀⠀❜#「 ana sofía herrera⠀⠀:⠀⠀portrait 」⠀⠀…⠀⠀❛⠀⠀they say looks can kill and i might try⠀⠀❜#「 ana sofía herrera⠀⠀:⠀⠀promo 」⠀⠀…⠀⠀❛⠀⠀here's a toast to my real friends⠀⠀❜#「 ana sofía herrera⠀⠀:⠀⠀prompts 」⠀⠀…⠀⠀❛⠀⠀i love the players and you love the game⠀⠀❜#「 ana sofía herrera⠀⠀:⠀⠀queue 」⠀⠀…⠀⠀❛⠀⠀a message in a bottle is all i can do⠀⠀❜#「 ana sofía herrera⠀⠀:⠀⠀replies 」⠀⠀…⠀⠀❛⠀⠀so here's the truth from my red lips⠀⠀❜#「 ana sofía herrera⠀⠀:⠀⠀starter 」⠀⠀…⠀⠀❛⠀⠀all i know is a simple name⠀⠀❜#「 ana sofía herrera⠀⠀:⠀⠀starter call 」⠀⠀…⠀⠀❛⠀⠀all eyes on me ﹐your illusionist⠀⠀❜#「 ana sofía herrera⠀⠀:⠀⠀wardrobe 」⠀⠀…⠀⠀❛⠀⠀lately i've been dressin' for revenge⠀⠀❜
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rafecameronssl4t · 2 months
Chasing Smoke || Rafe Cameron x fem!reader
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Summary: canon fic based off season 2 ep 4 where Rafe and Barry visit John B's house while they were all hiding
Warnings: gun use, swearing, drinking, if theres anything else lmk
Word count: 1,423
A/n: boy do i love writing canon fics hehehehe. I’m also compiling a bunch of fics in my queue because I’m going to be busy w school so pls put in your requests!!!!!
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divider by @yoonitos
You were sipping on your fruity drink as you conversed in conversations with a few of your girlfriends, Rafe standing just a few feet away animatedly chatting with his friends. “Bro, the kick on a Glock 17, man. You load it up, line it up, and it's like—" he mimed the motion enthusiastically. Before you could warn Rafe about the guy sitting close behind him, he had already backed into him. "It knocks you off your freakin' feet."
"Hey, excuse me," the guy interjected, his expression one of clear annoyance. "Yeah?" Rafe responded, completely unfazed. "Do you mind?" The man stared at Rafe in disbelief. "I'm so sor—" you began, trying to smooth things over, but Rafe cut you off. "Hey, hey, don't apologize. Let me handle it, yeah?"
Rafe turned his head around, leaning casually on the counter. "I'm sorry?" he asked with a hint of sarcasm. The man raised an eyebrow, his irritation clear. "I said, do you mind?" he repeated, his voice growing sharper.
Rafe took a moment before replying, "Yeah, I do mind, Bob." He smirked as the man scoffed in disbelief. "Take a shot with me, pussy," Rafe challenged, his voice dripping with mockery. You slapped his shoulder, "stop it," you hissed at him.
"Come on. Take a shot," Rafe continued, his voice steady as he poured his drink onto the man's hand. The man shot up from his seat, shoving Rafe hard. "Hey! What the hell are you doing?" he yelled, his voice loud enough to draw the attention of everyone around. Your eyes widened in alarm as heads turned.
In the corner of your eye, you caught sight of Kelce rushing towards you, his expression frantic and urgent. His footsteps echoed in the dimly lit bar as he approached, weaving through the tables and chairs.
"Take a seat. That's what you need to do," Rafe commanded firmly, his voice cutting through the tension as he pushed Bob back into his seat. The atmosphere was full of unease, the murmurs of other patrons now audible as they glanced over at the commotion.
“Whoa! Whoa!" Kelce interjected, his hands instinctively reaching out to grab Rafe's shoulders, attempting to calm him down. You exhaled a breath you didn't realise you were holding, grateful for Kelce's intervention. "Go get the manager. He's crazy!" Bob's voice rose above the murmurs.
"Eat shit," Rafe retorted sharply, his frustration palpable as he resisted Kelce's efforts to pull him away from the conflict. Kelce persisted, trying to redirect Rafe's attention. "Hey," he began, his tone soothing yet urgent. "What?" Rafe snapped, his gaze still locked on Bob with a mixture of defiance and irritation.
"Calm down, all right?" Kelce urged, his voice steadier now, trying to reason with his friend. Rafe rolled his eyes in exasperation, but the tension in his shoulders began to ease slightly. "I swear to God, 20 minutes ago, I just saw John B and your sister, bro."
Your eyes widened in disbelief, your lips parting as your mind struggles to process Kelce's words. "You're joking, right?" you managed to utter, searching Kelce's face. "I'm not kidding! They're alive," Kelce insisted.
Rafe and you exchanged a stunned glance. "Me and my girl are just tryin' to relax, and you're telling me this bullshit?" Rafe responded, disbelief and annoyance laced in his tone.
"I know you're trying to relax, bro, but I saw them buying beer at Geechie's!" Kelce pressed on. "That's bullshit," you interjected, not believing him. "Do you guys wanna go see for yourselves?" Kelce challenged, his eyes darting between you and Rafe. "I'm telling you, I saw them. Go sober up, man." Without waiting for a response, Kelce dragged both of you towards the exit. "Hey, put it on Cameron!" Rafe called out.
"I need to know who's over here at John B's spot," Barry's voice cuts through the tension in the car, his grip on the gun drawing your annoyance. "Barry, could you please not hold the gun like that? Seriously, I don't even know why I'm here!" you groan from the backseat, frustration evident in your voice.
Rafe turns around from the passenger seat, fixing you with a stern look. "You're here because I told you to be, alright? So just be quiet," he grumbles, turning back to Barry.
"Listen, I don't know if he's there, okay? I just know he's on the island," Rafe says, trying to reason with Barry. "That's a complete lack of discipline, man," Barry shakes his head, irritation coloring his tone.
"Then what's your suggestion? We're about two minutes from the fuckin’ place, alright?" Rafe snaps back. "We do some recon," Barry suggests firmly. "Why don't you just follow my lead for once and shut up? all right?" he adds, frustration clear in his eyes as he looks at Rafe.
"Recon, huh?" Rafe mutters under his breath, clearly not thrilled with Barry's suggestion. "This is ridiculous," you interject from the backseat. "Yeah, Princess here agrees. Why'd you bring your girl out here with us, Rafe?" Barry questions, prompting an eye-roll from Rafe. "She's here because I told her to be, alright? Just shut up and drive," Rafe retorts, his tone edged with impatience.
"Tranquillo. You feel me?" Barry says to Rafe as he pulls up just a few meters from John B's house. "Tranquillo?" Rafe repeats skeptically, his gaze fixed on the house ahead. "Tranquillo, baby," Barry reassures him as you roll your eyes at the two.
"Let's be smart," Barry advises as you all exit the car. "Rafe, just to be clear, the gun is just for show, right? You're not planning on shooting anyone," you whisper urgently to Rafe as he hums in affirmation, as you exchange a look with Barry.
You follow closely behind the two men, your senses heightened as you scan the surroundings. "Okay, check it," Rafe whispers as the three of you huddle behind some bins. "All right, I ain't see shit, what 'bout you?" Barry asks quietly.
"Nothing," you add nervously, your eyes darting around anxiously. "No. They can't be far though," Rafe whispers, his voice tense with anticipation. "Right, here's what we gon' do," Barry begins, and you lean in closer to hear him clearly. "I'm gonna go inside. I'm gonna flush them out if they're in there. I want you to flank left, meet me out there by the porch."
"And princess, well, you're gonna be with Rafe, aight'? Make sure he ain't gonna do something he'll go cry about later on to us," Barry instructs, loading his gun that you were unaware he was carrying. "You have a gun too?" you whisper sharply at him as Rafe quickly covers your mouth with his hand. "'Course I do. Now, let's go!" Barry commands, rising from the cover, and Rafe pulls you along with him.
You and Rafe step cautiously into the front yard, your hand gripping his arm for reassurance. You point silently to the recently extinguished fire pit, sharing a worried glance with him. Rafe clicks his tongue in frustration, muttering under his breath, "Where the hell are you?"
You flinch instinctively at the sharp sound of glass shattering nearby, turning with Rafe to see Barry angrily tossing aside a few bottles. "Yo!" Rafe calls out, his voice tense with frustration as Barry storms out of the house, slamming the door open. "Anything?" Rafe asks urgently.
Barry scoffs, his expression darkening. "No, ain't shit in there, bro," he replies curtly, rubbing his forehead in exasperation. Rafe closes his eyes briefly, disappointment evident on his face. "No? Nothing?" he presses, hoping for a different answer.
"No, nothing, Rafe," Barry responds firmly. "They were obviously just here though, judging by the smoke," Rafe points out, scanning the surroundings. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Great observation, boy scout!" Barry retorts mockingly, earning an eye-roll from you as you observe the banter between the two boys.
"They can't be far, you know?" Rafe continues, his voice tinged with determination. "Smokey the bear! Look at you, bro!" Barry laughs with sarcasm. "They gotta be around here somewhere," Rafe reassures himself, running a hand through his hair in frustration, while you sigh and settle onto a nearby log.
As the tension mounts, Rafe falls silent, his gaze shifting towards a massive tree nearby. Both you and Barry follow his gaze, noticing the initials carved into the bark. "P4L," Barry reads aloud with a chuckle, and Rafe joins in, shaking his head in disbelief. He makes eye contact with you as you stand up from your spot.
"So your sister's a pogue for life, huh, Rafe? Who would've thought?" you mutter under your breath, a hint of irony in your tone, prompting a laugh from Barry. Rafe remains quiet for a few seconds, shaking his head in frustration. You immediately regret your remark as his anger visibly simmers.
"Shit!" Rafe suddenly erupts in anger, causing you to flinch back instinctively. Barry moves swiftly to place a hand on your back, his expression shifting to concern. "Rafe, chill, man," he urges calmly, sensing Rafe's escalating temper. You gulp nervously, knowing Rafe was beyond furious right now.
Without warning, Rafe starts shooting his gun wildly at the tree, bullets whizzing dangerously close to you. The loud bangs echo in the quiet surroundings, and you instinctively cover your ears, fear gripping you. "Hey! Whoa! Hey, chill, bro! Rafe!" Barry intervenes, grabbing Rafe's shoulders in an attempt to restrain him.
Your hands tremble as you yank the gun out of Rafe's grip, your voice shaking with anger and fear. "What the fuck, Rafe! You're going to get us caught, you idiot!" you yell at him, adrenaline coursing through you.
Barry looks around anxiously, realizing the precariousness of the situation. "Let's bounce, let's bounce. Let's go!" he urges urgently, starting to move away quickly. You follow suit, grabbing Rafe's arm firmly. "Hurry up!" you plead, snapping him out of his daze, and together you rush back to the car.
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astraystayyh · 1 year
Your first date with seungmin, except he pretends he's confident when he's just as nervous as you.
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You quickly go down the stairs, trying your best to steady your racing heartbeat, but it only quickens as your gaze lands on Seungmin. He's wearing a black blouse, his hair slightly tousled as if he ran his fingers through it multiple times. His face lights up once his eyes set on you.
"Hey," he smiles as he walks up to you, a single red rose in his right hand.
"Hi," you smile back, a rush of butterflies erupting in your stomach, fluttering their wings all across your body.
"You're beautiful," he compliments, eyes tracing your face over and over, drinking in each one of your features. He didn't tell you that you looked beautiful, rather that you are beautiful. As if it doesn't matter what you wear, as long as it's you.
"Thank you," you reply, a wide grin spreading across your face. "You're beautiful too."
"I know," he smiles confidently, prompting a playful eye roll from you. "Right, let's go," he abruptly says, handing you the flower and grabbing your free hand into his. His fingers seamlessly intertwine with yours, and he doesn't look at you as he starts walking, as though this is second nature to both of you. As if your heart isn't on the brink of bursting from your chest, ready to spill its emotions at his feet.
Seungmin leads you to a hidden arcade, where the next two hours quickly go by as you take turns playing the various games- and competing in them. Your stomach aches from how hard you've been laughing; joy coming naturally to you when you're with Seungmin.
You're standing in front of a claw machine- your third attempt to retrieve a frog plushie. It's kind of weirdly sewed, and the color is neon rather than pastel, but you want it still.
"Still not giving up?" Seungmin smiles, as he leans against the machine's glass. "These are a scam, the odds of you winning are very slim."
"Keep your pragmatism to yourself," you reply, inserting another coin. The allotted fifty seconds go by in a blink of an eye, and you fail once again.
"Forget it," you pout. "I'm thirsty do you want something to drink?"
"Sure, just water. Can you order? I have to go to the toilet."
"Okay," you give him a thumbs-up before heading to the register. The queue is long, since apparently, everyone around is craving something too. Fifteen long minutes go by before you finally receive your coffee order. You bought an iced americano for Seungmin too, you know he can never say no to those.
"I'm back," Seungmin drapes his arm across your shoulder, drawing you closer to him. "Here," you bring the straw to his lips and be sips from his drink diligently.
"I thought you only wanted water," you chuckle and he scrunches his nose at you.
"Fine, keep your coffee and I suppose I'll keep this," he brings out the plushie you've been dying to win.
"You got it?" you ask incredulously, taking it from his hands excitedly.
"But I thought these machines were a scam," you repeat his earlier words and he shrugs. "I mean they still are. But you really wanted it."
"Thank you," you murmur, pulling him into a grateful hug, your chin resting on his shoulder blade.
"Anything for you," he mumbles into your hair, his arms blanketing you in a warm embrace.
You are walking hand in hand, stomachs full from the dinner Seungmin just treated you to. He insisted on paying, and you made a mental note to buy him coffee for the next following weeks.
"Look!" you point excitedly to a photobooth on the side of the road. "Should we go in?" you propose and he nods, pulling you in.
The booth is tiny, leaving room for only one stool at the center of it. Seungmin settles on the seat, before pulling you on top of his lap. You feel a crimson red blush bloom on your face, as Seungmin fixes up the camera's setting. He seems at ease by your close proximity, and you take in a deep breath as the timer starts counting down.
You plaster a smile on your face, Seungmin's hand wrapping around your waist as you both pose, flashing a peace sign. A giggle escapes you as he gently tickles your sides. "What should we do now?" he asks.
"Let's blow a kiss to the camera," you suggest, and he shakes his head slightly, an amused smile drawn on his lips.
You pucker your mouth, blowing a flying kiss as the camera snaps a photo of the two of you. But you soon realize Seungmin isn't staring ahead- he's looking at you.
"What?" you giggle nervously, and he tucks a strand of your hair behind your ears, eyes fixated on yours. "I really like you," he confesses in a hushed tone, leaving you overwhelmed by the warmth of his body, his velvety voice and the weight of his words.
"You make me very flustered."
"So do you," he giggles sheepishly and you raise a brow at him. "Really? you've been so sure of yourself this entire date."
"Can't you feel my hands shaking?" he asks softly and sure enough, slight tremors are cursing through them. Almost imperceptible, but it's there.
"You drive me insane. I think I almost died each time you smiled at me tonight."
"That's a lot of near-deaths."
"I know," he smiles at you, but it slips away slowly as his eyes land on your lips. "Can I kiss you?"
"Yes." Your reply comes out breathless, as his warm hand cradles your cheek, beckoning you closer to him. His mouth falls perfectly on top of yours, the camera's click a mere echo to you as you lose yourself into the kiss. His cheeks are heated up under your touch, a contented sigh leaving him as your lips meet once again. And again, and again, until you lose count.
You pull apart dazed, and Seungmin places a much sweeter kiss on your forehead. "I really like you. I'm afraid of messing this up."
"You won't. I really like you too."
Seungmin buries his head in the crook of your neck, as you rub your hands softly across his back.
"What is it?" you smile and he shakes his head. "I'm malfunctioning give me a minute."
"What happened to your confident self?" you tease and he chuckles lowly, the sound traveling in your body and carving its melodies into your heart.
"Got tired of pretending."
"You don't have to. I really like you, if I hadn't made it clear."
"Yeah I don't think I will make it through the night," he sighs and you laugh loudly, pressing a kiss to his cheek. It felt comforting to know you were both just as flustered by each other's existence.
You finally get out of the booth to find the picture printed out. You and Seungmin doing a peace sign. You blowing a kiss while Seungmin stares fondly at you. You and Seungmin looking at one another. You and Seungmin lost into the kiss.
"It turned out nice," you hum and he nods, throwing his arm over your shoulder once again. "It really did."
You keep the picture safely tucked in your wallet; only taking it out to frame it in your new house with Seungmin, five years down the road.
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peachsukii · 6 months
Hiii omg I love your writings so much!!
May i request texting katsuki while reader is drunk in a bar (maybe bc reader just broke up with her previous boyfriend or sth. It’s up to you but please make it spicy 🔥) (also 18+ please 🥹)
ohhhh the things swirling in my head about this!!! thank you for the request nonnie & hope it delivers! 💜
on the rocks
『 ♡ 』  k.bakugo x fem!reader ꒰ pro-hero au | age 24 | friends to fwb ꒱ ⇢ your week couldn’t get any worse. between a screw up at work and getting dumped out of the blue, you needed to desperately let off some steam. thank goodness the girls were more than happy to take you out for the night in the city and spoil you with a good time. everything’s fine until you receive a text that spirals into an unpredicted hookup.
꒰ tags & warnings ꒱ 18+ MDNI mentions of alcohol, mild/implied smut, suggestive texting, friends to friends with benefits, heavy flirting, sexually comfortable reader, reader went through a break-up, soft bakugo, fluffy ꒰ cross posted to ao3 | wc; ~2.6k ꒱ -`✧ katsuki bakugo masterlist
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The bartender hands you the drink you ordered, nodding a thanks when you smile at her. You’re not drunk, per se, but you’re definitely buzzed - that warm and fuzzy feeling dancing through your veins, letting you relax for the first time all week. Tonight's goal was to think about absolutely nothing, to let go of all the shit weighing on your shoulders. Even if it's just for one night, anything to shake away the pain you've been carrying.
But the alcohol seems to be betraying you, forcibly shoving those thoughts to the forefront of your mind instead of burying them.
Memories of your ex begin to haunt you as your mind wanders aimlessly, the dam bursting that was keeping it all at bay. You try and shake your head to rid yourself of the feelings, but they just wouldn’t go away.
God, fuck him and every false promise he made to you.
Some people would consider three months a short amount of time, but to you, it felt like an eternity. He seemed so sweet, caring and kind when you first met, but once he forcibly ripped off your rose-colored glasses? He was nothing but a walking pile of shit.
Suddenly, your phone dings on the bar, lighting up to show a text message notification.
'Who the fuck is texting me so late?'
You blink a few times, re-reading the contact name before it registers: Katsuki Bakugo.
That's rather...odd. He's notorious for going to bed by 9pm - it’s almost midnight. You two were friends, sure, but never the 'text you in the middle of the night' type of friends. Curious to know what he wanted, you open the text to reveal nothing but a picture. When you squint through your hazy vision, you realize just what you're looking at.
It's a picture of Bakugo from the neck down, laying on his bed in nothing but grey sweats that are tugged down and nestled at the bottom of his hip bones. The pose accentuates the delicious deep V below his abs and shows the blonde trail disappearing underneath the hem of his sweatpants. The shadows trace each well-earned muscle, perfectly outlining them in the dim light of his bedroom.
Was this meant for you? Did he send it to you by accident? Your mind goes blank, stopping your previous train of thought about your stupid ex.
…did he send it to you on purpose? Your core pulses at the thought, causing you to cross your legs defensively.
Right on queue, another text pops up, your phone vibrating in your hands.
[katsuki] fuck, sorry. that was an accident
That was a bold face fucking lie, and you knew it. Bakugo's not that stupid to send the wrong text by mistake, especially a selfie. There's no way in hell he would even take a picture like that for someone unless he wanted it to be seen.
Liquid courage does you a favor when you reply, loosely teasing him about it.
[you] damn, katsuki. who's the lucky girl?
You don't notice Mina approaching you with how intently you're staring at your phone screen, startling you when she taps your shoulder.
"What are ya doing over here?! Come dance with us!" she pleads, pulling on your arm. She notices how you're clutching your phone like a lifeline and the coral tint on your cheeks. She quirks an eyebrow at you. "Who are you texting?"
Oh god, find a lie - fast! She'll see right through your facade if you don't.
"No one, just a spam text."
Mina stares at you - shit, she knows you're lying.
"You're a shit liar, babe. Who is it?"
"I got a random text from Katsuki," you admit, the flush in your cheeks deepening at his name. Are you into him, or is it the alcohol in your system? It's no secret that he's attractive, he's always been effortlessly handsome. You'd be lying if you said you hadn't checked him out a few times, but never acted on it. The two of you were friends and you’d assumed he didn't think much else of you.
Mina grabs the phone from your hands, entering in your passcode (how did she know it?!) and reading the texts. Her eyes blow open, pinching the screen to zoom in on the photo. You scramble to grab the phone back to quit her oogling as she's squealing with glee.
"Holy shit!" she yells. "Accident my ass, Blasty. Damn, that's hot."
"Mina! Keep your voice down," you beg, locking the screen to prevent anyone else from seeing.
"No one is listening over this music," she squawks, punching you lightly in the arm. "Come back to us soon you minx!"
And with that, she leaves you at the bar, returning to the dance circle with the rest of your girlfriends. Your phone vibrates a few more times in your hand and recaptures your attention.
[katsuki] thought you'd like a distraction [katsuki] shit, if this is weird, just tell me and i'll fuck off [katsuki] i should've just asked instead
So it was on purpose. You swallow hard as you shakily type out your reply, trying to keep your cool.
[you] it's not weird, what made you think of me? [katsuki] mina wouldn't shut the fuck up about you earlier. sent me pictures of you in the dress you have on, couldn't get it outta my head
When the fuck did Mina do that?! You had thought she was taking pictures of herself earlier at your apartment. That sneaky bitch!
[you] goddammit mina, i'm sorry about her. why would she send them to you?
You see the typing indicator pop up and disappear a few times before his response arrives.
[katsuki] you know how she is, playing matchmaker and shit with everybody [katsuki] honestly? i'm not mad about it [you] oh? [you] so that's why you sent it to me. hell of a pickup line kats [katsuki] fuck off [katsuki] i can't deny that you're gorgeous [you] yeah? feelings mutual
Your face is burning hot, sitting at the bar in disbelief that Bakugo's flirting with you. And it was all because he was infatuated with what you're wearing? He couldn't get it out of his head?
You're still debating on whether you want to yell at or thank Mina for igniting this fire. [katsuki] where are you right now? [you] sitting at the bar, some club in the city
Another picture is delivered to you on screen and has your jaw dropping to the floor.
The picture is closer to his face this time, cut off at his cheekbones and barely illuminated as Bakugo's fingers are parted over his mouth. His tongue is lazily hanging above his bottom lip with a string of salvia attached to one of his fingers.
Your legs twitch as you bite your lip, imagining his face slotted between your thighs.
[you] holy shit, katsuki...fuck [katsuki] find a bathroom or some dark corner [katsuki] there's more where that came from. just say the word, princess
The pet name is doing things to you that you didn't think was possible. Your overloaded with a sudden rush of arousal, heat twisting in your belly at his promise. Grabbing your bag from the chair, you bolt to the nearest bathroom and lock the door behind you. Luckily, this club's on the nicer side, the bathroom not being as scummy as you thought it would be. You set your things on the counter and grab your phone, turning the camera on and pointing it in the mirror.
If that's how he wanted to play? You could play right back.
[you] that deserves a reward
The photo attached shows your breast pushed closed together, daring to spill out of the top of your dress and wearing the poutiest lip you could muster.
Bakugo’s response is immediate.
[katsuki] goddamn, your tits look amazing in that dress [you] would you believe me if i said they look better out of it?
You turn the camera back on and click the record button, sensually slipping the top of your dress down and letting your breasts loosely lay over the bust. Your nipples are pebbled from the rousing desire flowing through you, making them standing perfectly at attention. You give the camera a wink and squeeze one of your breasts playfully. Once you're happy with the video, you send it with no hesitation and readjust your dress. [katsuki] holy fuck [katsuki] you alone? That's not the response you expected, but you roll with it. [you] yeah, one person bathroom
- Incoming Call: Katsuki Bakugo -
You stare at the contact screen for a few seconds before picking up.
"Hey Kat," you greet, nervousness wracking your body, the thrill of the situation making your heart flutter.
"I wanted 'ta hear your voice instead," Bakugo groans, heavy breaths following his words. "I never thought you'd...want to do this with me."
You can't help but laugh under your breath. "Never thought you wanted to, either."
You're thankful that your not drunk off your ass after all - you want to remember this. You're tipsy, but coherent.
And turned on to high heaven.
Bakugo breaks the silence before you cut him off. "I know you're fresh outta-"
"Katsuki, he's not worth mentioning. I'm focused on you right now."
"Yeah? Tell me more."
"I'd love to see what you're hiding under those sweats, Dynamight. I'm practically a puddle just thinking about it. How do you think my lips would look wrapped around you?"
You can hear Bakugo exhale into the phone and groan. He tries to hide it, but fails miserably.
"Cat got your tongue, huh? Too forward?"
"N-no. It's fuckin' hot. Shit," he whispers with baited breath. "God, what club are you at again?"
"The one near Shibuya station. Crystal Crown, I think. Why?"
There's a pause before you hear various clicks and a beep or two from his side before he answers.
"Changed my mind, this ain't happenin' over the phone the first time. You're 15 minutes from my place, I'm comin' to get ya."
You can feel your panties soak from your excitement, clenching at the thought of him just ravaging you in his car and not being able to make it back to his apartment before touching you like a man starved.
"Coming to sweep me off my feet or to fuck my brains out?" The words spill from your lips before you can stop them, but you don’t regret it when you hear Bakugo moan in response - loudly.
"Fuckin’ - have you been stockpilin’ this shit ‘ta say to me?" He laughs. “You’re gonna kill me before I leave the damn apartment.”
“Didn’t think you’d be so easy to play with,” you joke playfully, twirling a piece of your hair in your fingers. “Better get here before I change my mind, find some other rebound in this stupid club.”
“I’ll be your fuckin’ rebound any day of the week, sweetheart. Ain’t no guy in that building better than me.”
His confidence makes it difficult to bite back the moan in your throat.
“Guess you need to prove it. Get your ass over here, I’ll be out front. You better be wearing those sweats.”
You’re about to hang up when you hear Bakugo say something quietly, too muted for you to make out right away.
He clears his throat before repeating himself, his voice soft and low. “You sure y’want this? I don’t wanna fuck anythin’ up or whatever.”
“You won’t fuck anything up, nothing wrong with friends fucking with no strings attached. I already flashed my tits at you, no turning back now.”
You subtly hear him let go of the breath he was holding and a hollow chuckle, sounding relieved at your answer.
“Good. See ya soon.”
The line ends with a click, leaving you with your thoughts while staring in the bathroom mirror. You didn’t realize how badly you’ve been shaking until you attempt to walk, unexpectedly stumbling like a baby deer on your heels. Once you gather yourself, you exit the bathroom and hurry over to the dance floor. Mina spots you, rolling her eyes and placing her hands on her hips when you approach the group.
“Where the hell have you been?!” She shouts over the music. “I was starting to think you died in there.”
“I’m heading home,” you say while waving your hand, brushing away her worries.
“Oh…oh my god. Is Bakugo coming to get you?!”
Jiro and Uraraka turn in your direction, yelling in unison. “Bakugo?!?!”
You palm your face, desperately attempting to hide your flared cheeks as the girls squeal and cheer for you.
“Stop it! We’re still just friends!”
Mina clicks her tongue. “Uh-huh. That’s what I said about Kiri a year ago, and now look at us!”
“You gotta let us know how it goes,” Uraraka winks, elbowing you in the rib. "Rumor has it he lives up to his hero name in bed."
Before the interrogation continues, you back away from the group with a smile and turn for the entrance. You slide through the doors and slip out onto the sidewalk and see Bakugo parked out front, smiling as his eyes spot you on the busy street.
Has he ever smiled at you like that before?
He gets out of the car and walks around to greet you.
“Hey Katsu-”
Before you can process what’s happening, Bakugo’s got one hand on your waist and the other on the back of your neck. He gently leans you against the car as he swoops down to place a featherlight kiss to your lips. You squeak before melting into him, wrapping your arms around his neck. Sparks are flying through your whole body - a sensation you haven’t felt for a long time. When the two of you part, his eyes are half-lidded, cheeks flushed and lips parted with shallow breaths.
“Ready to go?” He asks, removing the hand from your neck and stroking your cheek with his thumb. Your heart is in your throat, strangling any words you try to say, so instead, you just nod ‘yes.’ Bakugo walks you to the passenger side and opens the door for you, just like any other time you’ve hung out. When he shuts the door and goes to walk to the drivers side, you finally notice he’s wearing the damn grey sweatpants.
The entire drive back to his place, Bakugo’s hand doesn’t leave your thigh. His fingers danced over your skin, playing with the hem of your dress and gingerly squeezing the plush surface every so often. You return the favor, walking your fingers up the inside of his thigh a few times, stopping short of the growing tent in his sweats. Pulling up to his apartment complex seems to take the breath out of both of you. He turns the car off and you sit idly in silence, it's only a minute or two, but feels like a lifetime.
Bakugo gets out first, jogging over to your side to open your door. He takes your hand as you stand, closing the door behind you and swiftly sweeping you off your feet into his arms, bridal style.
"Wow, do all the girls you bring home get this treatment?" you tease, planting a kiss on his warm cheek.
"Never had the pleasure of bringin' a princess home, so no."
That shuts you up and makes you quiver in his hold.
"I'm honored, sir Dynamight. Take me to your castle!" You swoon, dramatically leaning back with a hand over your head.
Bakugo shakes his head and grins, starting to jog through the parking lot and up the stairs with you. You hold onto his shoulders while giggling uncontrollably, ecstatic to see where the night takes you.
One things for certain - you haven't thought about your ex once. And you look forward to keeping it that way.
tags; @slayfics @maddietries
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