#i saw one with a purple interior and laughed out loud
ladyseidr · 6 months
makes both michael and william car guys ( to varying extents ) -> has to research cars
#☽—— ⸢ ooc ⸥#f n a f /#.tbd.#do i LOOK like i know anything abt cars <- person whose dad was a car guy and YET#anyway yeah this is abt the fic i supposedly didn't wanna write#so yeah i guess the car william passed down to mike was a 1983 el camino because it had to be flashy (william) but not TOO flashy (mike)#and also couldn't be made in 1987 which was SHOCKINGLY difficult to find like you'd be surprised#i wanted it to be p new tho and yeah i know haha 1983 but mike didn't get it THAT year#like we can make jokes abt 1983 1985 AND 1987 let's move on (i'm kidding i'm making the jokes too)#i had a v specific image of the style of the car in my head which def narrowed down options#now i have to deal with the fact that the damn el camino had a BED and not a TRUNK#which honestly william probably loved but why am i making michael tie shit down to essentially a truck bed#also i'm going to be blunt there's no backseat makeout session now HOWEVER. i do like truck beds. car beds? whatever.#am i going to have to write the words 'car bed' in this fic. will i have to describe that this car has a bed???? fucking HELP ME#william and his stupid ass taste and also the fact that michael loves this goddamn car#michael making them go in the most inconvenient fucking vehicle VS jeremy's perfectly fine functional (less cool) car#anyway on another note when i was looking up what the interior looked like for reference#i saw one with a purple interior and laughed out loud#i PROMISE i won't do that to mike. that's just going too far.#i'm already making him strap shit to the back of a car bed i promise he doesn't have to have a purple interior OR exterior#btw yes the whole tying shit down IS going to be a joke in the fic i assure you
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lyranova · 26 days
Mocha Dreams and Earl Grey Realities:
Chapter 3: Gullible Faces and Errors in Judgement
Hiya guys! I’m sorry this took a bit to get out, i wasn’t too sure where to go from the last chapter, but i finally found my way! In this chapter Zera and William finally meet, and Yuno and Neva have a bit of a…misunderstanding. I hope you all enjoy~!
Word Count: 4,123
Warnings: Anxiety and Stalking
One Week Later
It was a calm morning at the Blackbird Café. Secre, otherwise known as Nero, was just about to open for the day and the Butlers were coming in one by one to start their shifts. It was a pretty standard day.
Until it wasn’t. A storm was brewing outside despite the warm and sunny day that presented itself to them.
A storm named Zera Cassia.
Yami, otherwise known as Alexander, looked up as he suddenly heard the door to the café chime.
“ Sorry, but we’re not open-.” He began, but stopped as he noticed it wasn’t exactly a person standing before him, but instead…it was flowers.
A large vase full of flowers to be exact.
“ Uh, may I help you?” Yami asked with a confused tone,and suddenly the flowers began to move as though they were nodding.
“ Yes you can! I’m the Co-Owner of “The Flora and the Fae”, the teahouse and flower shop that just opened across the street,” The voice behind the flowers began cheerfully.
“ I thought I would get to know my neighbors, and give you guys a um…welcome gift? Or maybe a ‘hello’ gift?” The voice hummed in thought.
Yami frowned, the voice sounded familiar, but he couldn’t quite place where he had heard it before.
“ So…basically you’re trying to be a good neighbor, but you also want to make connections in order to get clients for your store.” Yami said, quickly deducing what the person was trying to do, and he saw the flowers nod again.
“ Exactly! I’m glad you understand!” The voice said with a laugh, making the man shake his head as he sighed.
As Yami looked at the flowers he noticed they matched the café’s decor quite well; the vases that contained the flowers matched the European aesthetic, and the colors of the flowers matched the exterior and interior walls beautifully.
Whoever created it was clearly talented…so perhaps it would be worth it to make a deal with this “Flora and Fae” place…
“ But then again, it isn’t my call,” Yami thought as his eyes scanned the flowers again. “ Nero is the one who gets the final say since this is her café.”
“ Right,” He said after a moment.
“ Here, I’ll take those, and then get the owner.” He quickly reached out to take the flowers from the person and as he took the vase of flowers he blinked in surprise as he recognized the person behind them.
“ Well if it isn't Ms. Zera Cassia, it’s been a while.”
The young woman blinked in surprise as well as she stared up at the taller man.
“ Well if it isn’t Yami Sukehiro, it has been a while.”
The two stared at each other for a moment, before two big grins appeared on their faces.
“ How ya doin’ kid? Your old man told me that you were opening your own shop, but he didn’t tell me it was going to be here!” He said to her with a loud laugh as he patted her head.
“ I’m doing alright,” Zera began as her grin widened.
“ My dad told me that you were on the straight and narrow path, and it looks like he was right!” Zera continued with a laugh. “ He also told me that you cleared him out during a game of poker yesterday?”
Yami shook his head.
“ Nah that wasn’t me, I was cleared out too. By him.” He told her as he jerked his thumb towards William’s, otherwise known Johnathan’s, direction.
Zera’s eyes narrowed as her gaze shifted towards the man Yami was pointing at.
She quickly looked the man up and down; he was average sized, had short white hair, purple eyes, a lean body…he wasn’t quite what she was expecting when her father had told her about the man that cleared him out and had taken his most prized possession. She was expecting someone like Yami or her brothers, not a regular guy!
“ Hey Johnathan, I got someone I’d like ya to meet!” Yami called out, making the young man turn in their direction.
Zera tilted her head as he walked towards them, even though he was pretty average he was quite handsome if she said so herself. A smirk suddenly appeared on her face.
A handsome man with a kind and gullible face? Oh this was going to be fun!
Was what she was planning on doing to him right? Probably not. But was it a way for her to get back at him for taking her fathers money and prized possession? Yes.
“ Johnathan, this is-.” Yami began to introduce, but Zera cut him off.
“ I’m Zera Cassia, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” She introduced herself with her hand outstretched and a charming smile on her face.
Johnathan, whose real name was William, looked at her hand for a moment before he hesitantly took it.
“ Johnathan, it’s a pleasure.” He said in a somewhat stiff and slightly confused tone as he shook her hand.
Cassia…why did that name sound familiar? He frowned as he tried to remember where he had heard it before…
“ So,” Zera began as she placed her hands on her hips. “ I hear you’re the one responsible for my father being broke.”
William blinked for a moment as his mind raced to try to figure out what she was talking about.
Her father, who was her father? And how was he responsible for him being broke? But suddenly, a look of realization appeared on his face; the man he and Yami were gambling with last night, his last name was Cassia…which meant he was her father.
“ Ms. Cassia, your father isn’t broke,” William began hesitantly. “ He just…doesn’t have as much pocket change as he normally would.” He added with a hesitant laugh.
Zera tilted her head.
“ I also heard that besides taking his ‘pocket change’, you also took his most prized possession. Did he happen to tell you what that was?” She asked curiously as she walked up to him with her arms crossed.
William frowned and shook his head.
“ He didn’t…” He answered hesitantly, his eyes glancing over at Yami, who just shrugged in response.
As she came to stand in front of ‘Johnathan’, she leaned forward with a wicked grin on her face
“ That prized possession…is me.”
William blinked a couple of times in surprise.
“ You…? Your father, bet with you?”
“ That’s right~! And since you won me in a game, that means I’m your responsibility now.” She announced proudly as she stood up straight and placed her hands on her hips.
William's head quickly snapped in Yami’s direction, his purple eyes wide. This…this couldn’t be true right? She was pulling his leg…surely that man wouldn’t have bet with his daughter's life…?
“ She’s right,” Yami said with a small shrug. “ She’s Rika’s most prized possession, and since you won her in a game, she’s your problem now.” Yami added with a solemn nod, making William’s face go pale.
As William looked away, Yami glanced at the short woman who was grinning mischievously as she stood in front of them; they both knew fully well that while Zera was Rika Cassia’s most prized possession, that wasn’t what he had bet with last night.
What he bet with last night was his second most prized possession; a charm bracelet.
“ M-My problem?!” William stammered as his brain began to suddenly work again.
“ Yep, Me and my twelve babies are your problem now,” Zera chirped happily as she clapped her hands. “ So I hope you’re ready for it.” She added with a wink and a wide smirk, and she watched as his face paled even more.
“ T-TWELVE BABIES?!” He shouted in disbelief, his eyes looking her up and down in shock.
“ Uh-huh, and they’re all under the age of ten!”
William blinked rapidly as he stared at her. Zera was so tiny…how on earth was she able to give birth to so many children in such little time?!
“ Yami…?” William muttered softly as he turned to look from Zera to his friend and co-worker, silently hoping that this was all some sort of trick this crazy woman was trying to play on him.
But when Yami only nodded, he felt his hopes died in the pit of his stomach.
“ It’s true. Congrats Goldie Guts, you’re now the proud papa of twelve babies.” Yami grinned as he patted his friend on the shoulder.
William sat there, looking between the two, completely bewildered.
How…how did this happen?!
“ What’s going on out here?” A calm and quiet voice suddenly asked, and everyone turned towards it to see Nero, the owner, standing there.
“ Nothing much, just chatting with our new neighbor,” Yami said as he crossed his arms.
Nero frowned a bit in confusion.
“ New neighbor?” She repeated, and watched as the ash-blonde haired woman walked up to her.
“ You must be the owner,” Zera said as she held out a hand towards the other woman. “ I’m Zera Cassia, I just opened the flower and tea shop across the street, and I wanted to come meet you!”
“ She also wanted to make a business deal with you,” Yami added, causing Zera and Nero to look at him.
“ A business deal?” Nero turned towards Zera. “ What kind of business deal?”
“ One that’s mutually beneficial for us,” Zera said before she took the vase of flowers out of Yami’s arms. “ Here, a peace offering!”
Nero eyed the arrangement with a critical eye and a hand under her chin.
After a moment of tense and nervous silence, the owner of the Black Bird lowered her hand and nodded.
“ Okay, let’s talk,” She agreed before turning to Yami and William. “ If you two don’t mind opening the café.”
The pair nodded and watched as the women went back into Nero’s office.
“ Yami,” William said as he watched the other man walk towards the store door. “ What on earth did you get me into?”
Yami smirked as he flipped the ‘closed’ sign to ‘open’.
“ I didn’t get you into anything,” He told him. “ You’re the one who decided to take Rika Cassia’s most prized possession.”
Yami walked up to William and patted his shoulder again.
“ Good luck, Goldie Guts, you’re going to need it.”
Later At Four Clover Academy
Neva stretched her arms above her head as she walked out of the school. Today had been like everyday before it; uneventful.
The classes were boring, the kids were annoying, it was just a typical day to her.
“ Except for that first day, that was the only one that was different…” She thought as she lowered her arms.
That day she had seen the other new kid at school, Yuno, have a panic attack.
She had been walking behind him towards the direction of the Black Bird when she suddenly witnessed him throw down his blazer and struggle to breathe.
Neva wasn’t sure what to do as she watched him, did she go up to him? Did she call someone? Or did she do nothing and watch him?
She went with the former, and decided to ask him if he was okay, and had been surprised when she saw a look of shock in his eyes.
But he had quickly regained his composure and told her that he was fine, which was clearly a lie.
However, before Neva could call him out on it, another student named Asta came and interrupted them.
“ I wonder how often he has panic attacks,” She thought as she walked down the steps of the school. “ Everyday? But if that were the case I would have seen him have another one since we always go home in the same direction…”
She had noticed that everyday after school the two would walk in the same direction until the third crosswalk; when they would arrive there Yuno would turn left, while Neva kept going straight to the Black Bird.
And everytime she would walk a few paces behind him, watching him without meaning to, silently hoping that he wouldn’t have another panic attack.
“ Maybe it was just first day jitters or something, at least, I hope it was.” She thought with a sigh before a small gasp escaped her.
She needed to text William and let him know she was on her way to the Black Bird!
That was another small rule he had for her; to text or call him when she left school so he would know she was on her way to the café.
Neva pulled out her phone, went to the messaging app, and began to type out a message.
“ Leaving school. Will be there soon!”
A few seconds later her phone went off, and it was a reply from William.
“ Alright, see you soon! Be careful, please!”
Neva sighed and shook her head before putting her phone back into her skirt pocket, he was always so overprotective of her.
As she began to walk her usual route to the café she noticed that Yuno and his friend, Asta, weren’t going the same way as her; instead, they were going in the opposite direction.
“ I guess they’re going somewhere else today? I did hear some of the other kids talking about a rec center, so maybe that’s where they’re going?” She thought as she watched them walk away.
The rec center, she tilted her head, I wonder what it’s like…
But as the clock on the school building chimed again, she realized she had been standing there too long and needed to hurry to the Black Bird, lest she get scolded by William.
Meanwhile, On the Other Side of the School
“ You realize we’re going the wrong way to get to the Black Bird, right?” Yuno asked his friend Asta as the two began to walk down the street.
Asta shook his head before turning to look at him.
“ We’re not going the wrong way,” He told him with a bright smile. “ We’re going the long way! The lilacs in the Heart District are in full bloom right now, so I thought we should go take a look at them while heading to work!”
“ Ah that’s right, I forgot it was lilac season,” Yuno thought as he glanced up at the tree’s above them. “ When was the last time I saw them in full bloom? Must’ve been years ago…”
“ No thanks,” He told the shorter boy as he began to turn around and walk away, but Asta grabbed his arm to stop him.
“ Aw c’mon, Yuno, a change of scenery isn’t going to kill you!” Asta argued as he held onto his friend. “ You used to love the lilacs when we were kids!”
Yuno sighed, there was a reason he didn’t want to see the lilacs…
But when he saw the firm look in Asta’s eyes he knew arguing would be futile.
“ Fine, let’s go see the lilacs,” Yuno began. “ But if we’re late, I’m telling Ms. Nero it’s all your fault.”
Asta gasped.
“ Hey, you can’t do that!” Asta shouted as Yuno smirked at him.
“ Wanna bet and find out?”
Asta growled but began to walk at a faster pace, making Yuno chuckle and shake his head.
The two walked along the street towards the Black Bird quietly with the occasional conversation about school assignments and work popping up here and there.
But then, a long pause fell between them as they walked through what was called “Lilac Lane” in the Heart District.
On either side of the wide, concrete path were dozens and dozens of lilac trees of various shades of purple and white.
Yuno’s eyes drifted up to the trees where he gazed at the beautiful, light purple blossoms that hung upon the branches and swayed gently in the wind.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath; the light, fragrant smell of wild berries and lavender filled his nose and swirled in his mind, causing a bunch of unpleasant memories to surface, which made him wince and close his eyes tighter.
The last time he had smelt these lilacs had been right before he and his mother had gone into witness protection, and because of that he grew to Hyd the scent of them; they brought up memories of a day, of a time, he would much rather forget…
“ So, why did you leave all of a sudden?” Asta suddenly asked, which made Yuno frown and slowly open his eyes.
“ What’re you talking about?” He asked in confusion, and his friend turned to look at him.
“ Back when we were kids, when you and your mom suddenly disappeared,” Asta said as he raised his arms behind his head. “ Since you’re back now I thought you’d want to tell me about it.”
Yuno’s gaze shifted to the ground as they continued to walk; he had always felt bad about that, disappearing without a word, but what could he do? He was only a child back then…
“ Not much to tell,” He said as his eyes slowly drifted back up. “ My mom and I moved here and there for her job, and that’s about it.”
Asta scoffed.
“ Aw c’mon, that can’t be it!” Asta said with a narrowed gaze. “ Where did you live? What was it like? Did you meet a lot of people and make new friends? Tell me!”
Yuno chuckled and shook his head; ever since he and Asta were young the two always dreamed and talked about leaving Clover City and going off on an adventure together, but only Yuno got to fulfill that dream…
Except it wasn’t by his own choice, and it most certainly wasn’t the adventure he dreamed of.
“ Not a chance.”
Asta gaped at his smirking friend.
“ Seriously?! That’s not fair!”
For the rest of the walk to the Black Bird the two laughed and Asta begged Yuno to tell him what his ‘adventure’ was like, but the dark haired boy just shook his head and refused.
It was a nice distraction from the smell of lilacs and the bad memories they brought.
Once at the café the two went in through the back door and walked straight to the changing area where they changed from their school uniforms to their work ones.
“ Hey Brandon,” David Swallow, otherwise known as Hector, began as he walked up to Yuno. “ Would you mind cleaning up table three for me? I’ve got to leave early!”
Yuno, otherwise known as ‘Brandon’, gave David a deadpan look.
“ No.”
David groaned.
“ Come on, please? If you do this, I’ll owe you one!” He pleaded with a small smile.
Yuno stared at the other busser for a moment before he sighed.
“ Fine-.” Before he could even finish his sentence David had already shoved a container full of dirty dishes into his arms.
“ Thanks Brandon, you’re the best!” He threw over his shoulder before he rushed out the back door.
Yuno quickly closed his eyes and took a deep, calming breath before slowly releasing it.
One of these days he was going to kill David…
But for now he would go out there and do his job as he normally did.
He quietly walked out of the back, giving quiet hello’s to the Butler’s and patrons as he walked over to messy, but empty tables.
Originally, Nero had offered him a position as a waiter due to his ‘princely looks’; but Yuno quickly refused, and asked if it was okay if he became a busser instead due to being shy and somewhat nervous around others.
Nero immediately understood and agreed to hire him as a busser so he wouldn’t have to interact with customers directly.
But that didn’t stop customers from talking about him or giving him their phone numbers…
“ Hey Brandon,” Leopold Vermillion, another busser who went by the alias ‘Wolfgang’, called from behind him. “ Would you mind helping me with this table?”
Yuno looked up in the direction of Leo and nodded, but just as he picked up his container of dirty dishes something to his left caught his eye and he glanced over to see what it was.
And seeing what it was made his eyes widen in shock.
Sitting in a booth eating some of Marx’s Assorted Tea Bites, was the girl from the other day, Neva…
“ What is she doing here?” Yuno thought as his heart began to race anxiously in his ears. “ Did…did she follow me here? She has been walking behind me everyday after school, could she have been doing that intentionally?”
Yuno’s anxiety began to rise more and more the longer he stared at her and the more his mind began to race; what if that one small interaction during their first day caused her to somehow imprint on him and now she’s stalking him?
“ No, surely not? It couldn’t have been that quick right?” He argued as he watched the girl lift her tea cup to her lips.
The articles and research papers online say it can, His anxiety argued back. They say even the most inconsequential thing can cause someone who’s ill to turn into a stalker.
“ Hey Brandon, ya coming?” Leopold’s loud voice snapped Yuno out of his anxious thoughts, and he quickly shook his head before nodding.
“ Yeah, I’m coming.” Yuno said before he gave Neva another glance and saw a slight surprised expression on her face.
Quickly glancing away, he continued to walk towards Leo and began to help clean off another table.
Tomorrow, when they both arrived at school, he decided he would confront her.
The Next Day at Four Leaf Academy
Yuno paced back and forth outside the school gates as he waited for Neva to arrive.
During his entire walk from his apartment complex to school he had been trying to figure out what to say and how he should confront her about it.
After a while he decided that direct would be best.
“ Why’re you stalking me?” Yuno asked as the platinum blonde haired girl finally came into view.
Though…he hadn’t meant to be that direct. His mouth just seemed to have a mind of its own.
Neva frowned in confusion as she stood in front of him.
“ What are you talking about?” She asked, and watched as his eyes narrowed.
“ Don’t play dumb, you know exactly what I’m talking about,” He continued as he walked up to her.
“ You’ve been following me everyday after school, and now you’re even following me to my job,” Yuno told her lowly, his voice serious and angry. “ Which qualifies as stalking to me, so, why are you doing it?”
Neva blinked before her own eyes narrowed.
“ I’m not stalking you,” She told him as she crossed her arms. “ I’m walking to the Black Bird because that’s where my guardian works. I had no idea you worked there until yesterday when I saw you there.”
Yuno scoffed.
“ You really expect me to believe that?” He asked with a raised brow.
“ Yeah, I do.”
“ And what, you expect me to believe you just happened to arrive there right after me?” He asked, and Neva nodded.
“ Yeah, want me to prove it?” She asked as she unfolded her arms and reached into her skirt pocket to pull out her cellphone, which she handed to him.
“ Here, my messages from yesterday and all the days before it.”
Yuno frowned but took her phone and began to read her messages.
“ Every time I leave school I text my guardian, William, and let him know that I’m on my way to the café so he doesn’t worry,” Neva began as she crossed her arms again. “ And as you can see I texted him at 3:30, and arrived at the Black Bird at 3:44 without incident.”
“ When did you arrive at the café?” Neva asked with a slightly raised brow.
Yuno looked at the timestamps on her messages, and she was right; she left school at 3:30 and arrived at 3:44.
He slowly looked up at her as he handed her phone back to her.
“ 3:54…I arrived at 3:54.”
Yuno looked away and rubbed the back of his neck as guilt and shame filled him.
“ Okay, you didn’t follow me like I thought…I’m sorry.” He apologized softly as he glanced back over at her, fully expecting to see anger in her eyes.
However that’s not what he saw when he looked at her; he saw annoyance, sure, but he also saw resignation, as though this was something she had gone through before…
“ It’s fine,” She began as she started walking past him. “ I don’t trust others either; so I get it.”
Yuno hummed in confusion as he turned around and watched her begin to walk up the steps towards the school.
She didn’t trust others either? What did she mean by that exactly?
Thank you all for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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sunny6677 · 2 years
A Colby Brock x Male! Reader
1. There will be no smut in this fanfiction.
2. This is a gift for the mlm folk who like Colby. I do not like Colby this way since I am a lesbian, but I decided to make this for the mlm peeps anyway.
3. This is also kinda just writing practice so don't take it too seriously--
4. I'm trying to start from the very beginning; so yes, this does mention Corey and Jake.
5. Just to clarify, Y/N is sort of replacing Aaron for this part of the book? I dont have anything against Aaron, I just think Y/N will fit into the story better this way.
Chapter 1: Arrival.
The harsh delicate night poured down in graceful waves, as the shuddering of cars zoomed past and roughly grazed the harsh road of deep gray below with their large wheels. Stars glared down at the city, sprinkled up into the sky as if they had been a patch of glitter. Inside the interior of a car sat Y/N, lazily staring at the zooming of the road.
Y/N had been tightly crammed into the backseat, with two other men sitting with him and two men sitting in the front seats. The men who he were with in question were the very men he had been filming with for the night; and what they were filming was a ghost investigation video.
The two men at the front were Sam and Colby. Colby was a tall, dark, handsome male who would usually wear black clothing to go along with his aesthetic. His eyes were light, bright, like the stars above whom stared lovingly down at the earthlings. His hair was dark, messy almost. If Y/N were being honest, someone could probably make a fur coat made of his hair.
Sam was a tall male as well, having blonde messy hair and beautiful blue eyes of sapphire. Unlike Colby, he'd usually wear lighter clothing-- he also had a girlfriend as well, whom he loved dearly and deeply. Colby was his best friend; they did everything together and smiled a lot more around eachother. But unfortunately, unlike Sam, Colby did not have a girlfriend.
The two men Y/N was sitting with were Corey and Jake-- Corey was a loud, talkative male about an average height. He would typically wear hoodies, and would commonly ask "Did you hear that?" as if it were his own catch phrase. Y/N was surprised he didn't have merch saying that yet.
Jake was about an average height too, and would typically wear whatever he was comfortable with. His hair was a pinkish-purple, beautiful and glowing like the milky way itself. He was the most chill out of the group, usually never freaking out and not taking really anything seriously.
The reason why Y/N was hanging out with these four men in a vehicle late at night to film a ghost video was unknown. Maybe he was bored, maybe he felt pressured, he didn't exactly know himself. He could hear the muffled sounds of the guys talking and laughing with one another, and only said nothing in response.
He saw in the corner of his eyes the shape of the Queen Mary Ship, and only just realized that they were at their destination for the video. He began to sit up as the guys began to cheer in response to seeing the ship in all its glory.
"Woooo! Queen Mary!" Colby cheered from the front seat. Y/N grinned at the euphoric atmosphere in the car and began to join in.
"Hell yeah, man." Y/N monotonely said, staring up at the ship from the peek of the window.
It's golden lights stared triumphantly as if to mock them with its old and great presence. Y/N smirked and joked; "Yay, the place we're all going to die.." IN response to this, the others only laughed.
"Yay! Our future gravesite!" Sam cheered in a mocking tone of voice, as if he were trying to imitate a woman. Colby wheezed in reply to his best friends joke, smiling as if he were a ball of sunshine glowing gently.
Y/N felt himself zoning out as the others speech became muffled again, and he found himself staring at the distant water.
His lips quivered, and he felt himself freeze.
"Whats up, guys! Its Sam and Colby!" Colby greeted, staring at the camera with a huge smile on his face.
"Todayy we are here with all our roommates back at the Queen Mary Haunted Ghost Ship!" Sam clapped his hands. Y/N only awkwardly smiled at the camera while waving.
Y/N stared at the distant murky waters that were below the Queen Mary Ship in the distance, and tried to keep his composure by smiling at the camera. A bead of sweat dripped down his face once more.
"Boom--" "But!" Sam clapped his hands once more, "Today we got permission to stay in the haunted room B340. Aka, the most haunted room in America."
"Yes, and if you guys don't remember what happened, this is what happened last time!" Colby clapped his hands with a smile, and waited for a few seconds while mumbling a few words to Sam-- before Sam continued on.
"We'll get into the details, but, multiple-- multiple people have died from unexplained heart attacks in the room that we are going to stay overnight in right now."
Sam explained. "Let's go show you guys the haunted room!" Sam clapped his hand over the camera, as Colby let out a high pitched "Woo!"
Y/N chucked lowly, still not taking his eyes off the water in the distance. "What in the hell was that?"
Jake smirked, "Dude, I think the dinosaurs came back to life for a moment there."
The group chuckled, before beginning their walking journey to the ship.
"You scared Corey?"
"Shut up, bro, obviously I'm scared. How many peoples died.. here?" Corey asked, slight fear twinkling in his eyes of chocolate brown.
"Uh, probably--" "Five--" "Over five."
"What are the odds of 5 people dying in one room that happens to be the most haunted room in the world too?" Said Corey as they continued walking along the path. Y/N chuckled in reply, not exactly paying any attention to what he was saying and just occasionally glancing at the water in the distance.
"From heart attacks--" "Dude, we're making jokes right now, but this place is no joke, I swear to god its-- terrifying." Colby said, cutting off Sam's reply to Corey's comment. Y/N nodded in slight agreement, glancing up at the ship.
"I heard at like-- 3 AM, you hear like a "Daddy!"" Jake said. "You heard that?" Asked Y/N, feeling a little more uneasy now. His voice was slightly shaky, but he managed to hide it with his facial expression just fine. "Yeah--" Jake replied.
"But like, in all honesty, guys; they have not opened this room to anybody in like years-- like they opened it back up just a month ago for us to film in and stuff like that, so it's truly haunt--" "Is it only limited to--" "Huh?" Sam asked, not hearing Jakes question.
"Is it only limited too, like they're closing it again?" Asked Jake, staring into Sam's eyes of sapphire blue. "Yeah, I don't think they'd-- they'd leave the most haunted room in the world available for that long." Y/N said, taking a look at the midnight sky. "Well, I mean, yeah, duh-- but are they, Sam?" Asked Jake.
"Yeah, they're closing it again very soon-- so we got in the one window of time." Answered Sam. "Yeah, and before the viewers crap on us because "OOH, SHANE DAWSON DID THIS! HABABABABA!" We know." Colby mockingly said. Y/N felt himself give out a laugh of amusement at this.
"Did Shane stay in this room?" Jake asked.
"No, Shane didn't stay in this room-- we're doing that first." Sam answered his question, making a gigantic hand motion towards the camera. As they continued walking along the path, and made conversation, Sam said; "They just opened it."
"Three?" Said Corey in disbelief. "Three weeks ago--" "Shut the fuck up, your so--" Corey cut him off with a nervous grin, but the grin was filled with a hint of playfulness as well. Y/N couldn't help but smile at the light banter between the two men.
"No like-- a hundred percent! Look on a website!" Sam told Corey, seemingly genuine. "Yeah dude, they just opened it. I think I saw something on-- I think I saw something on it." Y/N contributed to the conversation. "I didn't fucking know that! I didn't fucking know that!" "Yep, they-- they opened it dude, that exact few--" Colby chuckled at Corey's reply to Y/Ns contribution to the conversation.
"Its open for a limited time, bro, they're about to close it again!" Said Jake, making oddly open hand gestures as Corey only stared back horrifyingly. "Its only like two months that they're opening this haunted room up--" "So they open it every ten years so someone can die?" Cut off Corey.
"And-- and it's Friday the thirteenth." Said Jake, obviously lying. "No it's not.." Gently muttered Y/N as Corey checked the phone, and only stared back up in absolute shock. Sam chuckled harshly, the rest joining in on the laughter fuel.
As the five of them approached the elevator entrance, Y/N lightly smiled, but then stared out at the murky waters. For a moment, he stood still, only staring blankly into the black midnight sea. "Hey," Colbys hand clasped over his shoulder, "you okay?"
Y/N didn't reply for a moment before saying, "Oh, yeah-- yeah, I'm fine. Let's go."
The five then walked into the elevator, smiling and laughing, blissfully unaware of what would be happening to them that night. And blissfully unaware that it would change their perspective on ghosts forever.
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odysseywritings · 2 years
Interviewing the Sorceress
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She caught my eye with her colorful purple clothes, half her hair jet black and half white, and a collection of gold trinkets that had no obvious origin, such as a cyclops and a three headed alien. For privacy, her real name and location have been omitted, yet her van had an elaborate painting of a wizard surrounded by trees. She appears to be born in the 50s yet her energy is youthful and loose.
My dad fought in the Second World War, and he never shook that off, so I grew up a military brat. I went across the states but also Germany. And everywhere I went, I saw premonitions coming from anything at any time. I didn't think about them a lot until they came true. It started off small with what food would be in school or what buildings I'd see. You couldn't say this stuff out loud or you'd be labeled insane so I kept it inside like a good little patriot.
Then bombs showed up nearly every week, us being the "Duck and Cover" generation, and I had this growing anxiety that the world would end. It made me cold and violent toward anything and anyone, small or big. Why bother being good if the world would turn to fire and rubble before I could drive or get my first kiss?
My teenage years had me running away a lot, meeting outcasts, smoking, bussing with rock stars, joining protests, all that. I dabbled in tarot and psychedelics, but what I saw was different, more real. By the 70s, I'd go through these invisible doors that would open up.
When did you realize you were entering these doors?
They would be around corners: alleys, woods, interiors. I didn't feel anything change on my body, but I felt I was in a transient state. Like a caterpillar turning into mush in a chrysalis. Suddenly, I was no longer in my world. It was like being in an alien planet in those hokey B-movies. (laughs)
People looked the same, but the fashion was radical, people were teleporting in these phone booth things, and robots were much more life-like. And before I knew it, I'd flip back to the world of tie dye and an energy crisis.
Some people claim to be abducted by aliens. Do you think you experienced a similar fate?
Oh, goodness, no. I didn't see any little green or gray men. I always felt like I stayed on Earth. The free love movement and sexual revolution made the culture shock easier to absorb, but it was overwhelming at first. As the 80s went on, and progress was slowing down, I felt a longing to go back. I was so tired of people being cruel and dumb, getting obsessed with yuppie greed, settling down in unhappy marriages and jobs. Things were becoming hazy and I wondered if there was any optimism.
It took a few years before another door opened and I couldn't wait! Everything was even more futuristic. There was no smog, no poverty, no real divisions. People had magic, or some kind of advanced technology, where they could just create things out of thin air!
I spent so much time in that future, I left my old one for... I think, 8 years. In that time, I could feel the universe and grab all the atoms. They could be weaved and crafted like a sewing kit for any problem. Viruses, fuel shortages, broken bones, hunger, all gone. I didn't worry about survival like I used to, and I studied and traveled with all the time in the world. I even trained to be an astronaut!
I could see so much of the galaxy and beyond. Even in space, the most terrifying and lonely place, I felt secure knowing I was closer to knowing life in its entirety.
What made you decide to return here?
I didn't want to learn everything while I was still healthy. What else would I do besides get bored to death? I'm over 70 but I haven't felt this young before. All the regrets, shame, anger, confusion, and pessimism in my youth are so distant that they belong to someone who doesn't exist anymore.
What matters is that I keep doing new things, making the impossible happen, and delivering the truth to others. I know I seem like a crazy old lady, but you can find doors to enter if you turn your head around the corner, and discover a new way to live life when everything seems to drag you down.
Thank you for taking the time for this interview.
My pleasure, dear!
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harmonyhealinghub · 8 days
The Silent Town Shaina Tranquilino September 14, 2024
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The traveler came upon the town at dusk, just as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of deep orange and purple. He had been on the road for days, weary from his journey and looking for a place to rest. The town, nestled between two hills and surrounded by a forest, seemed like the perfect refuge. A thin mist clung to the cobblestone streets, softening the edges of the world, and the houses were old but well-kept, their windows dark and empty.
He wandered into the heart of the town, expecting the usual hum of activity—a shopkeeper sweeping the sidewalk, children laughing, the murmur of conversation. Instead, the town was silent.
The traveler frowned, feeling an unsettling stillness in the air. He saw people—dozens of them—standing in front of their homes or sitting on porches. They watched him with blank, almost expectant expressions, but no one greeted him. No one spoke. There were no footsteps, no whispers, not even the rustle of fabric as they moved. It was as if the town held its breath.
He approached an old woman sitting on a bench, her eyes fixed on him. "Excuse me," he said. "Can you tell me where I might find an inn?"
The woman only stared, her lips pressed into a tight line. The traveler waited, expecting her to speak, but she remained silent. He glanced around, noticing the other townsfolk had turned their heads toward him, all with the same vacant, unmoving expressions. A chill ran down his spine.
Something was wrong.
"Is there an inn?" he asked again, louder this time, hoping someone—anyone—would respond. But the silence was absolute.
His footsteps echoed unnaturally loud as he made his way deeper into the town. He spotted a faded sign swinging gently in the breeze that read, The Weary Traveler. Relieved, he pushed open the door and stepped inside.
The inn's common room was dimly lit, the fire in the hearth barely flickering. A tall man stood behind the counter, his face gaunt, his eyes sunken but alert. The traveler approached.
"I need a room for the night," he said, his voice tentative now.
The innkeeper didn’t speak, merely nodded and handed him a key, his hands trembling slightly. The traveler accepted it, watching the man closely. There was a strange sadness in his eyes, a weariness that seemed deeper than exhaustion.
"What is wrong with this town?" the traveler asked. "Why won't anyone speak?"
The innkeeper flinched, his face paling. His mouth opened as if he wanted to say something, but he quickly shut it, glancing nervously around the room. Without another word, he turned away, retreating into a back room.
The traveler felt a creeping unease. He climbed the stairs to his room, the silence thick around him. When he reached his door, he heard something—a faint whisper, barely audible, coming from behind him. He turned, but the hallway was empty. The sound wasn’t quite human. It was as though the air itself was whispering.
Inside the room, he locked the door and sat on the edge of the bed, trying to shake the growing sense of dread. There had to be an explanation. Perhaps a religious vow or a tradition he didn’t understand.
As he lay in the dark, sleep came slowly, interrupted by uneasy dreams of shadowy figures watching him with hollow eyes, their mouths open in silent screams.
The next morning, the traveler set out to find answers. He wandered through the quiet streets, the townspeople still watching him in silence. He tried to speak to several of them—children, shopkeepers, even a priest standing outside a small chapel—but none of them made a sound.
Finally, he found himself in front of the town’s only church, an old stone building with a tall, weathered bell tower. Something about it drew him in. He pushed open the heavy wooden doors and stepped inside.
The interior was dim, the only light coming from a few flickering candles. At the far end of the room, a single figure knelt before the altar—an elderly man dressed in a long, tattered robe. He didn’t turn as the traveler approached.
"Are you the priest?" the traveler asked, his voice echoing in the vast space. "Do you know why no one here will speak?"
The man didn’t answer, but he rose slowly to his feet. His movements were stiff, as though he hadn’t moved in years. He turned, revealing a face lined with age and sorrow. His eyes, like the innkeeper’s, held a deep sadness.
"They cannot speak," the priest said at last, his voice hoarse and barely above a whisper. "Not anymore."
The traveler’s heart quickened. "Why?"
The priest’s gaze drifted to the altar, where an ancient, worn book lay open. "A long time ago, this town made a pact. A bargain with something... not of this world. The harvests had failed. The children were sick. People were desperate. A creature came to them in the night, offering salvation."
The traveler felt a cold knot form in his stomach. "What did it ask in return?"
The priest’s voice trembled. "Their voices. Their words. The people would never speak again, but in exchange, the town would prosper. The crops grew rich, the sickness vanished, and the town thrived."
"But at what cost?" the traveler asked, his voice barely a whisper.
"The creature feeds on their silence. It lingers in the shadows, watching, waiting. If anyone breaks the silence—if they utter even a single word—the creature returns. It takes more than just their voice."
The traveler stepped back, horror dawning in his mind. "How do you speak, then?"
"I am the last who remembers," the priest said, his voice fading. "But my time is ending. Soon, I will be silent too."
The traveler turned to leave, but something stopped him. From the corner of his eye, he saw a shadow shift in the far corner of the room. It was darker than the rest of the room, a shape that didn’t belong, and as he looked at it, the air around him seemed to thicken.
The priest's voice was barely a whisper now. "You must leave. Before it knows you’ve heard."
But it was too late.
The shadow moved, stretching toward him with unnatural speed. The traveler ran, his heart pounding, the silent screams of the town echoing in his mind. He fled the church, down the cobblestone streets, and into the woods, not daring to look back.
Behind him, the town remained still and silent. Forever cursed, forever watched, bound to their pact with the darkness that thrived in their silence.
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erythrum · 3 years
𝑭𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓
𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘖𝘯𝘦
𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: 𝘙𝘢𝘧𝘦 𝘊𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘯 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜: 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨,𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧,𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯 𝘙𝘢𝘧𝘦,𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘴𝘦𝘹,𝘴𝘦𝘹𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘴,𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨
𝙖/𝙣: 𝘪𝘮 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺
𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩: 1.9𝘬 +
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘤𝘶𝘵 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘵 𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘨𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘺𝘢𝘳𝘥, 𝘺/𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘯 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘙𝘢𝘧𝘦
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The boneyard was a melting pot, pogues, tourons, and kooks unalike all gathering for one of the last kegger's of summer. This mash together of kids from all over Kildare and the mainland always ended in chaos, it was just a matter of time before shit went down tonight.
Rafe had his arm thrown around my shoulders as we walked down the path to the boneyard. I could faintly see Topper and Kelce downing the cups of pogue provided beer. Didn’t matter whether or not the kooks or pogues could get along, as long as it was on the cut and alcohol was provided, the teens could get along for a limited amount of time.
“Hey y/n! What are you doing here? I thought you were leaving for college this week?” It was Sarah who yelled out to me, running up to her brother and I in her floral printed dress. Rafe’s arm dropped to his side as she came with Topper not far behind.
“Oh I just couldn’t miss my last kegger before leaving, Duke can wait on me one more day.” The two of us embraced in one of those hugs that has you shifting your weight from side to side. I guess she didn’t realize I wouldn’t leave for college for another month, but I was sure she was already too drunk for me to explain it to her that she was not thinking of the right month.
As Sarah was hanging onto me probably a little too tight, Topper was giving Rafe one of those looks that said everything but also nothing at the same time. Like prior knowledge had to be known to understand the context. I of course did not, those two always had some stupid shit planned and I can almost guarantee it had to do with messing up the pogues’ little party.
The sun hung low on the horizon after I had finished my third cup, the colors illuminating the sky so brilliantly it felt like a fantasy. I stripped off my top and headed for the water, the pinks and purples of the sky reflected in its crashing waters. It was so cold, the temperature sent shivers up my body and a familiar rush in my energy. Almost waist deep now, I submerged my body completely under the water. It was always how I remembered it, calm and refreshing.
“C’mon Rafe! Don’t be a little bitch and get in there, I see the way you look at her,” Topper spewed, pushing his friend to have a little courage.
“Man what the fuck are you even talking about?” Deny everything Rafe thought.
“Oh come on dude, you’ve been making please love me eyes at her since the sixth grade, and please fuck me eyes at her since the tenth, when are you gonna do something about it for once? You’ve got a month to make a move, or regret it your entire life,” Topper continued his monologue as Rafe tuned him out, too distracted by the girl, his girl, staring out into the Atlantic like it was calling to her.
His heart was pounding as he made a B-line for the water, a light jog, but not so fast someone would think he’s crazy, or just madly in love. He swiftly pulled his polo over and off his head before plunging into the chilly water. Topper clearly knew whatever he'd said had worked.
I heard him before I saw him, Rafe approached and submerged himself just as I had a few minutes before.
“If we get hypothermia I'm sending you my hospital bills.” He laughed, wading around in the shallow water.
“Oh shock! Rafe Cameron threatening his medical bill payments? I never could’ve guessed!” We enjoyed our few minutes of peace before talking again.
“But it’s basically impossible anyways, you get use to it after awhile, maybe it’ll calm your hot-headed ass down,” I giggled and prepared for what always came next. Rafe pickup me up around my waist, lifting me over his shoulder before attempting to sprint as fast as he could deeper into the water. His hands had been wrapped around the back of my knees for a few moments until he threw himself and I down into the deeper water, both of us completely submerged beneath the surface.
The sun was dipping below the horizon now, and the deep blue of the sky was beginning to envelop the boneyard. We had come up for air, and I began splashing him with the water around us, payback for his antics. Theres no way in hell I’d be able to throw him down into the water too, this was the best I could come up with. The two of us were laughing before Rafe grabbed my arms and twisted me around so my back was flesh against his front. I gave up on trying to fight him off. Instead I just rested against him in an attempt to catch my breath.
“Hey Rafe, can we talk about something?” Oh fuck she knows, he thought. This was gonna be it, it’s going to fuck up his entire plan.
“Yeah, uh sure, like here?” He questioned.
“Maybe not here, I think we’ve got as audience,” he knew she was referring to Topper and Kelce, they were watching from the beach.
"The truck then?" I nodded my head, not at all prepared for the favor I needed to ask of him.
The sand stuck to my feet as we headed back to where his truck was, the chilly air wrapping around my body. Rafe opened the backseat door and pulled out a towel for me, always prepared. He pulled the passenger side door and I slid into the seat, the heat of his car pumping through the interior. My heart was pounding, but I wasn’t sure if his was too. We made it about halfway to tannyhill before speaking.
“Soooo,” he said.
“You’re going to think I’m absolutely crazy, Rafe," I laughed in an attempt to hide my nervousness.
"First of all, you're already crazy, and second of all, I'm pretty sure I know exactly what you're going to say," his hands were clenching the steering wheel harder now.
""Oh really? You already knew that I was going to ask you to take my virginity?" I don't know why, but I just blurted it out.
His car came to a screeching halt on the side of the road, lunging me forward as he stared in disbelief at the road infront of him.
"Im sorry, what did you just say?"
"That I want you to take my virginity? V-card? Cherry? Damn Rafe how else am I supposed to say it?"
"And," there was a pause in his voice like he didn't believe me, "your being serious, correct?"
“And, come again? I need to hear that one more time.”
“Jesus fuck Rafe, I’m being dead serious, I want you to take my virginity, what about that is so hard to explain?” It came out as more of a yell than a scream, he took a long sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. He was thinking long and hard, I knew because he always had something to say, and now he wasn’t saying anything at all. It felt like hours had past before he spoke again.
It was my turn for a long sigh.
“Well, I guess I’ve been thinking about it for awhile, and I want to do it, but whenever I think about it in my head the only person I can see doing it with is you. You’re the only person I trust enough with my own body, I mean shit,” I had to think for a long time before admitting what came next.
“Whenever someone, you know like Scarlet or whoever, asks about who I’m interested in or whatever it may be, not a single person ever comes to mind except you, it’s like all I see when I look at you is you, everything else is like blurred around you and whenever I think about who the love of my life will be, I always think of you, not some mystery guy that I haven’t met yet.” I didn’t plan for this to be a full confession on how I feel about him, but here I am spilling everything I’ve been holding in my heart for the last three years.
“And I know that sounds fucking stupid I know, I mean we’re still teenagers for crying out loud, but when I’m with you it always feels like I’m home.” I was nearly crying at this point, struggling to get the words out of my chest that had been waiting for so long. He was listening, deadly quiet, and I had no idea what he was thinking for once in my life.
“You know what? Just forget about it, can you take me home please?” I was definitely crying now, it felt like I’d ripped my own heart to shreds. Theres no way he could ever feel the same way about me, he protected me like I was his own blood, not like he was in love with me. My face was nestled into the sleeve of my hoodie as the tears came out. His hands had moved back to the steering wheel now, gripping onto it so tight I thought it might break. The muscles in his forearms almost looked like they were twitching, but he still had the car in park.
He wanted to just grab her and kiss her right now, the girl he'd been in love with since the sixth grade sitting in his passenger seat, her seat, confessing her feelings to him. Rafe knew it was alot for her to ask, but it meant even more to him everything that she had said after her original question. And there was no way in hell he was going to let her get away again.
Rafe reached his hand over to hold onto her tear stained cheek.
"y/n," The bother of them were breathing heavily.
"I'm in love with you," it slipped from my mouth and he leaned in to kiss me. It felt like I had a wave of electricity coursing through my body. His hand grasping onto my face as he leaned over the center console. My hand reaching for his chest, his lips on mine as we intertwined with one another. It felt like everything in my life was complete, and the tension has been released. His fingers tangled in my hair.
It was over before I realized it, and Rafe was driving me home. My breathing hadn't normalized in any way, it was like I needed to throw up my heart to get the knot out. I couldn't stop thinking about the way his had felt on me, the way his lips felt on mine, the way it felt for once in my life like I was loved.
"i'll think about it," his voice cracked.
I leapt out of his car as fast as I could with tears streaming down my face. Did he feel the same? Did he not? My brain was spinning so fast I barely made it inside my bedroom door before collapsing. I wrapped myself up in the thick comforter, a heart full of ache and a body exhauster with sleep.
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onouwu · 3 years
Witch Heart Hunter
From far away, the low din of celebration from the residential area made its way through the large windows of a bare loft, a typically empty unsold apartment. Sounds of people about to welcome the new year melded with the ringing of car alarms and the manufactured happiness of radio pop. A bright shaft of moonlight shone through the overhead skylight, illuminating the brick interior and pristine hardwood floor where a pale brunette trespasser lies in a revealing blue dress with her wide brim hat covering her face, waiting. Time seemed to stop as Daisy laid on her back absorbing the sounds and vibrations of the city around her. Her heart thrummed in anticipation. Goosebumps raised on her bare skin at the thought of what was to come.
“I’m ho~oome!” Crystal announced, always heard before she was seen. Short blue-silver haired with a devilish smile like a fallen angel. Her frame was lithe and frail compared to Daisy’s taller stature and defined curves.  She materialized through a portal that appeared by their front door, revealing a beast of endless glowing blue tendrils on the other side before fading away into shadow. Looking up from her position on the floor, Daisy lifted the brim of her hat and gave her hungry look.
“Do you hear that?” Daisy sat up and cocked her head towards the city lights.
“Yes!” Crystal said “It’s like they’re begging to be taken,”
“Mmmh, I hope some do, the willing are fun to play with” Daisy let out “It’s been so long since we last feasted. We’d best be careful not to get overwhelmed”
Crystal laughed it off “You know, the hungrier I get, the stronger I am. Just guard the outside while I take my half and leave you the others, okay?”
Daisy just smirked as she got up “I’ll be counting”
The new year party goers were surrounded on three sides by towering evergreens, and to the north of their clearing was a partially frozen lake. A group of eight sat by the lakeshore, drinking beers, and listening to the radio for the countdown. A loner stood away from them on the ice, looking up at the moon and hugging himself for warmth. On a wooden log next to a crackling campfire, a couple sat kissing passionately. Scarves, gloves, and a white brassiere hung from the branches next to them like exotic flowers in the moonlight.
Daisy perched on a branch in the treetops, Crystal sat next to her, her excitement radiating off her as she peered into the crowd. And so, the pair sat and watched, waiting for midnight to strike when the group would converge. It was then that the witches would feed. “Get ready to say hello to the new year, folks! It’s currently 11:59!” The group hollered in response to the jovial radio host. “If you’re listening right now, I wish you good health, happiness, and safe travels home. We’ll leave it to the city timepiece to count us down. We’re signing off for the holidays! As always, stay safe. Stay inside.” To this, several of the group scoffed.
Crystal elbowed Daisy in the rib, interrupting her observation. She looked beside her to see Crystal, thighs straddling the branch they were on and swinging her legs without a care in the world.
“Hey Daisy, make it snow will ‘ya?”
With a bit of a laugh Daisy’s eyes fell shut and her right hand waved in the air with a bright blue glow. High above the treetops, a cloud swirled and grew. Soon, snowflakes fell to the ground above the opening.
“Hey check it out!” The partygoers oohed and aahed, momentarily distracted by the sudden snowfall. No one seemed to notice that it was only in their clearing that snow fell. As if on cue, their heads shot to the side as the first of many fireworks exploded in the distance. “Ten! Nine! Eight—” The group gathered around the campfire, bottles in hand. “Seven! Six!” The lovers finally separated. “Five! Four!” The loner slowly made his way to the group, avoiding the couple. “Three!” The snow fell harder. “Two!” The fireworks came faster. “One!” Crystal and Daisy stood. “HAPPY NEW YEAR!”
A sound like an explosion rang in their ears. The snowfall had evolved into a storm. A wall of ice sprung up from the ground, blocking the city skyline with what looked like a jagged translucent glacier encircling them. They began to realize the trap they had fallen into much too late.
These walls were soon dotted with portals to another realm where slippery glowing tendrils shot out and grabbed their helpless victims.
“All this energy is going to feed us for days!” Crystal cried out.
Daisy couldn’t think. All she could hear was the sound of the humans wailing and the ecstasy of feeding. She was drawn into the uproar by its momentum. It was hard for her to resist immediately draining the life from these trapped humans, but she walked along the ice wall to scout the area for any alerted human forces. Sure enough, it didn’t take long before she saw a bespectacled woman with dark skin in camos and a black tank top. Her long curly hair a crimson red and her eyes display an unsettling calm when looking at the witch’s trap.
Daisy heeded caution, but she could see from the well-developed physique of this woman that there was a lot of life in her that shouldn’t go to waste. She quickly raised her hand and formed a snowy tornado around her that instantly hardened into a cone of solid frosty ice.
“Ohh what a catch” Daisy let out as she slid down the ice tower and began walking toward the woman who stood eerily still despite her situation. Daisy took the cue however and didn’t get too close before she froze the woman’s feet to the ground.
“You’re full of delicious energy. What’s your name, sweetie?” Daisy let out joyfully as she felt the intense energy radiating off this woman – more than any human she has ever seen.
“Name’s Hilda, dead witch… I want you to scream it loud before I crush your throat” The woman let out. In an incredible display of strength, Hilda slammed her fists against the wall of ice and smashed a hole into it within a second.
Daisy’s heart jumped from seeing such a superhuman display of power, reminiscent of the witch hunters of old. She decided to quickly end it, and summoned sharp spears of ice beneath the woman to skewer her. However, as the ice shot up like a rocket, the woman freed her feet and moved from over the forming pillar, using it as leverage to leap toward Daisy.
Terror filled Daisy’s hungry eyes as Hilda landed within a few feet of her. Daisy could only form a flat wall before her and flee while giving herself a moment to figure out how to handle this mysteriously strong person. Daisy quickly summoned a blizzard behind her as she ran to gain more distance, but all she could hear was the cracking of the ice as soon as it formed. Every step she took those behind her felt closer. Her poor lungs started to wheeze while her heart slammed in her throat, filling her ears with its frantic thrumming.
She turned around to summon another barrier but was met with a heart-stopping gaze inches from her face and a deep agonizing pain in the pit of her stomach. the woman’s fist had just buried itself into her core and robbed her of what little breath she had.
Daisy dropped to her knees, clutching at her chest with one hand, croaking hoarsely as she gasped for air and heaved. This was a blow like she had never felt before. As she lay on the forest floor weak and breathless, she felt utterly helpless. She could only wonder what the woman had in store for her after that.
In her winded state, Daisy managed to roll onto her burning and aching stomach. She desperately clawed at the frozen earth.
“You’re pathetic.” A boot harshly turned her over onto her back. Daisy could only see the sadism shining through this woman’s cold and heartless gaze before she stomped on the pale bare flesh of Daisy’s midsection.
Daisy tried to curl into the fetal position but Hilda shoved her boot in harder, crushing her organs under the hard thick rubber of her boot.
Hilda knelt down and Sat on Daisy’s hips, the relief of that shoe leaving her body wouldn’t hast long before she felt a calloused hand wrapping around her throat and squeezing mercilessly
“Haahkk- aahk—" Daisy let out in a desperate plea for air, grabbing and forming icy shackles around Hilda’s arm. A bright blue glow came from her hands and the ice pushed upward to lift the hand. Despite the intense cold, the determined soldier doubled down her grip. The ice cracking, shards falling on Daisy’s body as her efforts proved futile.
“I hope you all make it this easy. Just give up so I can cut your heart out and add it to my trophy wall” Hearing that makes Daisy’s heart slam against her ribs as if trying to escape its fate, but while Hilda’s hand cuts off the vital route of blood to her brain, its efforts only hastened the end of her precious oxygen supply. Her vision blurred as drool overflowed from her lips. The thick blue veins in her neck standing on end, her purple face and throat bulging, looking as if her head would pop like a grape while she struggled to free herself.
“You know what… I can’t wait for that.” Hilda pulled out a knife, Daisy squirmed beneath the woman with all her might at the sight of the glossy silver blade, but to no avail. The last-ditch effort only brought a smile to Hilda’s face in its futility as her cold steel pressed against Daisy’s breathlessly squirming chest.
Daisy’s gaze rested upon that vengeful piercing stare as her vision faded, feeling the knife bite her skin. Despite her efforts to cling to consciousness and her frantic pleas to her eldritch patron, her body quickly calmed and succumbed to its fate. She could only lie there breathlessly while the cold blade slowly descended into her chest and inched closer to her pounding heart.
“Daaaaaayyyseeee, it’s dinner time” Crystal called out.
Crystal waited for a few seconds before getting impatient. She decided to see for herself what was going on and leapt up to a tentacle which she sat on as it towered above the icy wall “Ugh, don’t tell me you’re not sharing the-“ Crystal watched in complete shock as she saw Someone sitting on Daisy’s unconscious body, continuing to strangle her while slipping a knife beneath her ribs. That shock turned to a hot rage quickly before she lifted her staff and summoned a portal behind the woman
THWACK- massive and slick tendril sent the woman flying a few feet away from Daisy.
The woman let out a “GAH” as she bounced off the ground once and rolled to a stop on her stomach. Ignoring this, she raised her head and looked back to where she stood a moment before. A translucent blue tentacle undulated, its base emerging from a portal near Daisy’s supine body and its tip stroking her neck, another wrapped around the blade which twitched to the beat of the frantic organ writhing against its tip.
“Tsk, tsk. Oh, Daisy. I thought I taught you to last longer than that? Disappointing.” Crystal let out while Hilda looked up at her.
“Hello there! Who might you be, and how did you manage to do that?” Crystal pointed at Daisy.
“You’ll see” Hilda replied
“My friend Daisy back there is a bit of a lightweight, I admit. But still, I’ve never met a non-magical person who could do such a thing.” Crystal planted her staff on the ground and put her crossed arms on top of it. She perched her chin atop a forearm as she leaned against her staff, looking at Hilda with a pixieish smile. “Comeon… What’s your deal? I’d love to know before I… well, you know.”
Hilda, now on her feet, shot a death glare at Crystal. “Oh, you’ll find out what my deal is. Firsthand.”
“Dangerous and snappy! I love it.” Crystal said
Hilda took off and charged the witch where she stood. Crystal ripped her staff from the ground and held it out to her side as Hilda closed the distance between them. The redhead’s fist cut through the air like a bullet, inches away from Crystal’s neck but stopped short as she fell to the ground. She looked back to see a large tendril gripping her leg and pulling her back to the portal from where it came.
“Keep going, show me what you got, sweetie!” Crystal said while more slithered out from the portal and grabbed the woman’s body, slick and wet as they coiled around her limbs and slid down to her wrists and ankles
“Ngh!” A grunt of effort escaped as she struggled against them until she calmed down and let the witch close in. Crystal stood up against the bound woman.
“Looks like you were about to take my friends heart. If you want a witch’s heart so much, here…” Crystal grabbed Hilda’s hand gently and pressed it to her own chest. Her excited heart pounding into Hilda’s palm.
“You have mine already.” Crystal smiled
Hilda ripped her hand from Crystal’s body as disgust filled her eyes. Crystal’s own expression filled with disappointment
“Come on, don’t be so cruel… to yourself! It’s your last moment, don’t you think you should let yourself enjoy it?” Crystal said as she wrapped her arms around Hilda in a tight hug, closing her eyes to feel the nonverbal exchange between their pounding hearts, Crystal’s excitement and Hilda’s rage fueling eachother in every exasperated beat. The life in this woman made her drool, a powerful energy she had never felt before, all hers for the taking. A treat that must be savored. Hilda’s muscular body squirmed against her and moves her delicate and flimsy body around like nothing, held back only by the power of her spell.
After about a minute the captive woman stopped resisting, to Crystal’s disappointment.
“Mmmm, time to-“ Crystal opened her eyes to see Hilda staring down at her with a wicked smile. As she reached for her staff she felt the woman’s hand holding it, the tendril that was binding her wrist ending in a fleshy pulp.
“hey, give me that” Crystal let out as she backed off from arm’s length. The tendrils left Hilda’s body to Crystal’s horror, showing just how faithful her demonic deity was to her as it obeyed its new vessel.
Crystal’s heart sank, her legs began to shake as she weighed her options and held her composure.
“You think I need that? We speak telepathically, and you can’t understand the language of ancient Gods”
“Your guard dog speaks just fine… Nothing’s going to be quite as satisfying as what I am about to do to you now” Hilda let out as she raised the staff above her head. Crystal’s composure dropped and she fell back reflexively, crawling up to run, only to be tripped by a familiar slimy appendage. She frantically pulled at it to no avail
“What are you doing, stop!” she said to the demonic being, though she was met with silence.
Hilda approached with a grin from ear to ear. Crystal couldn’t stop herself from struggling in vain, putting on a pathetic show for her assailant. As Hilda closed in, Crystal puts her hand in front of her face. Hilda grabbed her wrist roughly and pulled her up. The staff glowed in Hilda’s hand and Crystal felt a warmth on her chest.
“Come on, you wanted to have some fun didn’t you?” Hilda let out, stabbing the staff in the ground beside her and grabbing the top of Crystal’s blouse, ripping it open and baring her naked body. Confused, Crystal looked down, her eyes widened at the sight -- her chest covered in the runes of a small portal into her body. The space inside the circle disappeared and Hilda’s hand reached in.
“Ahhh! Wait, wait!” Crystal cried out as she felt an intense pressure in her chest, the thrumming in her ears and body ceased.
Hilda grinned “You wanted to give me this? What a pathetic thing, I don’t even want it… now go ahead, do something, your arms are free.” Hilda let out harshly, sending a new explosion of agony through Crystal’s chest, radiating outward into her weary body while the woman’s fingers sank into the meat of her helplessly squirming life. As her fate set in, she stopped short of giving Hilda the satisfaction of token resistance for as long as she can.
“What a great stress relief, crushing a wretched witch’s heart” Hilda says with a twisted sense of amusement. Crystal remained silent, looking up and spitting in Hilda’s face.
“Come on, bitch, do something fun” Intense waves of unbearable pressure consumed Crystal as Hilda harshly pumped her heart.
“AHK!! Please!” Crystal let out, caving easily as she flailed and tried digging her fingernails into the intruding arm with all her might -- a smile cracking the frustrated frown on Hilda’s face. Crystal’s vision grew blurry, her head feeling light, but the cruel woman’s torment was fueled by her helpless struggling.
“I’d love to keep going but I need to finish what I started with your fri-“
Hilda’s words ended abruptly as a ball of solid ice slammed into the side of her head. When Hilda lets go and fell over unconscious, Crystal saw Daisy behind her, holding her own chest and panting heavily while forming an icy prison Hilda’s body
“Crystal… we need to be more careful” Daisy let out, sitting beside her partner, pulling her to her lap, watching over her while she took shallow labored breaths
Crystal couldn’t speak to tell Daisy how grateful she was to see her. As the portal on her chest closed, every heartbeat sent shockwaves through her body.
“Wh…what about her” Crystal mustered
“We’re going to study her… painfully. And figure out what this new power is.”
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Sweet Pandemonium - Gally (The Maze Runner) Bonus Chapter 😉
Finally, the last last chapter. I never thought I’d say this, but I’m burnt out from Gally lmao. I think I’m just happy I’ll be able to focus on other things without having to worry about “what comes next” in this story. Anyway, prepare for some tooth rotting fluff and smut.
by the way, please don’t hate me for putting in a star wars reference in this chapter, i already hate myself enough for doing it lmao
(not my gif)
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Months later, after everything was over and done with, you only just started to feel comfortable in the Safe Haven. Having to risk your life almost everyday, always having to keep moving place to place, you didn’t have high hopes for the supposed haven.
You still had nightmares every single time you fell asleep.
You couldn’t sleep the first couple days at the Safe Haven until exhaustion finally took over. You eventually excepted that’s how it was going to be, that you were going to have these nightmares for the rest of your life. Then it was just learning how to live again; learning how to live with the guilt that weighed you down constantly; living with the fact that you could’ve saved Newt, saved Teresa. You might’ve died trying, but that wouldn’t have mattered to you.
Why did you live and they couldn’t? It was fucking fair.
You were thankful for Gally though. He was your beacon of light when the nights got too dark, when your guilt and pain was blinding. He helped you to the best of his ability, even though he knew that pain you carried would never go away. He made things bearable, and that was more than enough for you.
Looking out to the ocean, seeing the tide rush in with the sun slowly lowering on the horizon, painting the sky in an array of orange, pinks and purples; you wondered, wondered what would be left of the rest of the world after abandoning it.
You felt the sand beneath you, how it stuck to your skin, and you started to feel your eyebrows furrow in irritation. You didn’t like sand. It was rough, course, and it always got everywhere. Being in a Safe Haven, you would’ve thought it would be more comfortable to live in. But those were just bratty, selfish thoughts.
You looked up to see seagulls, hearing an occasional caw from their beaks. You let yourself smile, trying to find some happiness in the small things, or beings.
The loud crashing of the waved filled your ears, blocking out everything else around you almost like a trance, that you didn’t even realize the boy who just sat next to you.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?”
You’ve heard that voice so many times that you didn’t even flinch at the sudden sentence. “Yeah, it is.” You smirked. “Just wish sand wasn’t so irritating.” You huffed, wiping some flecks off your hands.
Gally chuckled. “You say that, yet you come sit out here almost every night.”
“I can handle sand for some peace and quiet, away from everyone else.” For a moment, Gally looked offended. “You’re the only exception, obviously.”
He grinned, taking a hold of your hand. “You used to do this in the Glade too.”
“Yeah, it’s not so different here. We obviously don’t have to worry about any Grievers. Just in the way everyone has communal housing, no privacy.” You frowned. “But, that’s just how it’s gotta be, I suppose.”
Gally nodded, directed his gaze back to the ocean, delicately rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. It could’ve put you to sleep, but he cleared his throat, gaining your attention. “Oh, I’ve got a surprise for you actually.” He smiled nervously.
You tilted your head in confusion, but chuckled anyway. “A surprise? Wha-?”
“Come on, I’ll show you.” Gally quickly stood up, bringing you with him and then leading you away.
“Wait, Gal, I don’t think we’re allowed to be far away from camp right now.” You said worryingly, looking back and forth between Gally and the camp on the beach that was slowly getting further and further away.
“Shh, don’t worry, it’s fine. Just come on!”
Never in your life have you seen this boy so excited. Must be one hell of a surprise if he looked like a kid on Christmas Eve. The trek was far into the woods, away from the beach, you couldn’t even hear the ocean waves anymore. “This is a long way.” You said, somewhat nervously.
“We’re almost there, close your eyes.”
You only went wide eyed. “What?!”
Gally chuckled softly at the outburst, coming up behind you and placing his hands over your eyes. “It’s part of the surprise.”
“I don’t think I like surprises...” You pouted.
Gally only placed a kiss on your cheek. “Trust me.” He said, starting to lead you blindly through the woods. Only the occasional root or hole in the ground made you trip, most of the time you were just tripping over your own feet out of nervousness.
“We’ve stopped. Are we here?” You asked.
“Yeah.” He said softly, removing his hands to allow you to see.
The sun had only just begun to set, so it was dim enough that you didn’t have to adjust to the light. But it was light enough to see what was in front of you.
You gasped softly when you saw a little hut in a small clearing of the forest. It was quite simple in structure, but just one look over and you could tell how delicate the process must’ve been. You knew that cause your Builder senses were tingling.
“Gally...” You awed, unsure how to react. “Did you...?”
“We never got to build your home in the Glade. So, I asked Vince if we could build away from the beach, and he agreed. It’s not my best work, but there’s always room for improvement.”
You threw yourself in Gally’s arms, and he immediately wrapped his arms around you. “Gally, it’s perfect.” You whispered, almost on the verge of tears.
“You haven’t even seen the inside.” Gally laughed.
“Then show me!” You giggled goofily, making Gally blush slightly.
“Of course, but first,” You squealed as Gally lifted you up in his arms bridal style, walking to the door of the hut. “Gotta walk you over the threshold, like in the movies.”
You blushed as you giggled, burying your face in his shoulder. “You don’t have to do this, Gal!”
There wasn’t a proper door in the frame, only a thick cloth. “There wasn’t enough time to fix up a door, but I’ll do it eventually.”
Gally finally set you down when you entered the hut, and you were in awe in a matter of seconds, seeing how beautiful the interior was. The floor was sanded down perfectly, a beautifully woven rug smack dab in the center of the room and a small table next to the right wall.
Gally grabbed your hand, quickly leading you into another section of the small building, not even giving you time to breathe as he was too excited to show you everything.
“The bedroom.” Gally smirked, quirking up an eyebrow suggestively.
You stifled a giggle as you surveyed the room. The medium sized bed lay in the corner of the room, a small makeshift window carved into the opposite wall, a bedside table with a wooden vase occupied by various colored flowers you assumed native to where you were.
“Gally...” You whispered.
“I know it’s not much, like I said, but we could always expand. Brenda helped a bit, she said that flowers would be a nice touch. I don’t know why, but she seemed genuine. But if you don’t-”
“Gally!” You interrupted him with a laugh, gently grabbing ahold of his face and placing your lips against his with a smile.
Gally chuckled breathlessly as you pulled away. “I guess that means I did good?”
“Gal, you did perfect. You’re perfect.” You said, knowing it would make him blush.
“You’re the one who’s perfect.” He countered, making you the one blushing.
“Stop.” You rolled your eyes.
“I’m serious.”
You huffed. “I’m not gonna argue with you.”
“Yeah, good, cause you’d lose.” You refrained from snapping back at Gally, knowing that he was right and the argument would go nowhere.
You shook your head with a smile, walking to the bed and plopping down rather ungracefully. “Oh my god...”
“This is so comfortable.”
Gally grinned and laid down beside you. “Oh yeah, better than those stupid hammocks we had to sleep on in the Glade.”
You tried to keep your eyes to the ceiling, realizing how close you two were. You two had slept beside each other obviously, but you quickly took notice of how needy you felt around him, and it made you nervous. It’s not like you were touch starved, but every time Gally put his hands on you in the simplest ways, you felt yourself wanting more than just hugs, handholds or kisses. You were pretty sure he felt the same way too. The way he’d reluctantly hold back during any make out sessions, or how he forced himself to look away from your body if you two were working together. He wasn’t making it that subtle.
Gally putting his hands on your waist got you riled up the most, even if it was to stop you from falling off or ladder or something similar, it was so frustrating. You wanted something to change, but you had no idea how to bring it up without feeling like an absolute moron.
Just the thought of Gally exploring your body with his big, warm hands that would give you chills down your spine and make you we- “Ugh.” You huffed loudly.
“What’s up with you?” Gally chuckled.
“Oh, uh, nothing. Nothing really.” You cleared your throat.
Gally smirked. “Well, ‘nothing’ is making you clench your fists.”
You forced yourself to unclench your fists as soon as he pointed it out, trying not to wince as you felt your nails removing themselves from being slightly imbedded into your skin. “Ugh, sorry...I was just thinking.”
“‘Bout what?”
You felt your cheeks increase in temperature, but you sat up and rubbed your hands over your face. Gally quickly sat up with a look of concern of his face, obviously not understanding why you felt frustrated. “Are you seriously okay? Do you feel sick or something?” He placed the back of his hand on your forehead. “You don’t have a fever or anything...”
You couldn’t help but smile, almost seeing him in an innocent light. “No, I’m not sick, Gal.” Gally furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, tilting his head slightly.
You saw Gally’s lips slightly parted, and you felt the sudden urges come forward again. You leaned in to place your lips on his feverishly, him immediately reciprocating, making you smile into the kiss. As soon as you snaked your hands up to tangle themselves in his hair, he pulled away. “I guess this must’ve been what you were thinking about, huh?” He chuckled breathlessly.
“I’m sorry.” You pulled your hands away, but Gally grabbed your hands.
“Hey, don’t be sorry.” He said softly. “Just took me by surprise, is all.”
“You don’t want to, do you?” You frowned.
“No, no, I do! I just...” He sighed. “I do. I really do. You have no idea much I want to. But, I also want you to be comfortable with it too. I would never want you to feel pressured or anything like that. I want you to be a hundred percent sure, Y/N.”
You grinned. “I’m sure, Gally. I want you.”
Gally grinned back, a light shade of red dusting his cheeks as he leaned back in to kiss you gently. He grabbed ahold of your waist, pulling you closer to him. “If for any reason you wanna stop, tell me and we can stop. Okay?”
You wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss as you felt Gally’s hand travel underneath your shirt, lifting it up over your head. You did the same, smirking as you felt his fit Builders torso. Gally leaned back in to kiss you more roughly after the removal of his shirt. The feeling of his tongue dancing delicately with yours elicited a satisfied hum from you.
You laughed as you awkwardly fiddled with Gally’s belt buckle, ultimately looking to him to undo it for you. “I’ll get the hang of it eventually.” You giggled.
Gally laid you on your back, him hovering over you as he undid your pant’s button with one hand and the other resting beside your head as he tenderly kissed and sucked on your neck. He smiled when he pulled back to see you gazing at him lovingly. “You are everything to me.” Gally whispered, kissing your cheek as he slowly pulled your pants off, trailing his hands up and down your thighs.
“I love you.” You whispered back with a grin.
“You’re so beautiful.” He said after he removed your bra, leaning down to kiss between the valley of your breasts, trailing kisses down your stomach and stopping just above the lining of your underwear. “Is this okay?”
“Yes, more than okay.” You nodded eagerly.
You exhaled a shaky breath as Gally gingerly removed your undergarment, looking back to make sure you were okay with his actions. You gripped onto the blankets tightly as you started to feel his hot breath wash over your sensitive flesh, placing kisses on the inside of your thighs, brushing over the spot you wanted him most.
You were aching with anticipation already, so when Gally finally ran his tongue up your folds, you gasped loudly and quickly become putty in his arms.
You tried not to squirm as Gally kept up a steady pace of licking up and down your lips, causing you to softly rut against him. You let out your first moan when he finally placed pressure on your aching clit, you could’ve sworn you saw stars. Never in your life had you experienced a pleasure so powerful. You didn’t even know if Gally was experienced himself, but fuck, he was doing such a good job.
“Are you okay?”
“God, yes, Gally! Please, keep going.” You whined, desperate to keep that friction against your bundle of nerves.
Gally had to hold you down as you kept involuntarily bucking your hips, keeping that delicious pressure on your clit with his tongue. You moaned loudly as he inserted a finger into your entrance slowly, the sting of him stretching you only adding to the warm pleasure on your clit. “You feel so good, Gal.” You panted, biting the skin of the back of your hand to try and stifle your loud moans.
Adding a second finger inside you and keeping up the pace with his tongue, you soon started to feel intense shocks course through you occasionally, it felt foreign but so amazing. Your moans got louder as the shocks got stronger, bringing your other hand down to hold on to Gally’s hand tightly. “Gal, I think I’m gonna-”
Your eyes closed tightly as you felt waves of electrifying pleasure run through your whole body, causing you to almost shake erratically, a mix of a grunt and moan escaping your throat.
You panted heavily as Gally smirked, coming back up to kiss you. You blushed furiously when you noticed the shine on his nose and chin. “Sorry.” You grinned sheepishly, bringing a hand up to wipe some of yourself off his face.
Gally shook his head with a smile, turning his head to kiss your hand. He gasped suddenly when you gently stroked him through his boxer briefs. “You know, you still don’t have to.” He said, holding in a groan.
“I want you to come too.” You said, your innocent sounding voice juxtaposing the not so innocent statement.
“You sure?” You answered by pulling his briefs down to his knees, giving him a soft kiss. “Okay then.” Gally smiled nervously, him pulling his briefs all the way off his body.
Gally soon lined himself up with your slick entrance. He wanted you to come first just in case you couldn’t handle his size and you had to stop, he wanted to give you the best first experience possible, even if he couldn’t have you. He wanted to give you everything, but he couldn’t bare the thought of hurting you. So, he asked one more time, “Is this okay?”
“I’ll be okay, Gally. I promise to tell you if I want to stop.” You kisses his cheek, assuring him this is what you wanted.
Gally nodded gently, slowly pushing himself in, carefully watching your facial expressions to see if you were in pain.
Your breath caught in your throat, the size of him surprising you and making you bite your lip to keep from crying out. He was big enough to the point it stung as he pushed himself in, but you knew you were strong enough to wait, so you stayed quiet about the slight ache.
Gally stopped, waiting for you to adjust. You started to grind against him, getting used to him before you nodded. “I’m okay.” You smiled. Gally started a slow pace, still scared of accidently hurting you, but you moaning in pleasure gave him the indication that you were enjoying yourself.
Gally buried his head in your shoulder as he thrusted at a faster pace, his lack of experience causing him to be close already. He groaned softly as he felt your nails dig into his back for support, but he was surprised at how nice the sting actually felt. You moaning his name is what eventually sent him over the edge, holding on tightly to your wrists as he thrusted faster. He pulled out of you, rubbing himself until he came onto your bare stomach with a loud moan.
Gally fell back down beside you with a heavy sigh, both of you sweaty panting messes. But you started giggling happily, causing Gally to giggle right along with you. “I didn’t know it would feel that good.” You said after catching your breath.
Gally grinned, pulling you close to him and laying a blanket over your naked bodies, still trying to stifle a few giggles due to the post coital high. “If jerking off gave me any indication, I had a feeling it would be even better.”
You rolled your eyes. “You have me for that now.” You joked.
“You are absolutely right.”
It felt like hours that you two just stayed there, laying there with your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat slowly calm down as he relaxed. You smiled sleepily as you thought about how you’d do anything for this boy, how you loved him more than anything in the whole world.
literally listening to Isabella’s Lullaby from The Promised Neverland on a 5 hour loop is how I managed to keep myself from writing rough smut lmao. Can you tell I have a boner for consent? Consent is so fucking sexy though like for real 🥵
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thatslikely · 4 years
Stowaways - G.W.
Stowaways- George Weasley x Fem!Reader (former Gryffindor)
Warnings: none! just tooth-rotting George fluff :)
Word Count: 5.7k
A/N: Sorry this took so long! This is my longest fic to date, and I’m so proud of it. I love Georgie so I’m glad to finally write for him. Hope you guys enjoy this one <3
Just a reminder: Y/N is Your Name and flashbacks/thoughts are in italics.
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93 Diagon Alley is a place of wonder, mystique, and above all else, joy. A place where all your best memories are enshrined, a place where you can be your best self, alongside your doting fiery-haired boyfriend, who wears his ginger mop of hair like a halo. Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes occupies most of the address, its orange and purple exterior lightening up Diagon Alley effortlessly.  
Its interior is just as magical, the multiple levels of the shop are engulfed with shelves stocked full of Fred and George’s mischievously ingenious products. Some threatened to transfigure you into an eye-popping xanthic canary, while others could spontaneously spawn a whole swamp in the blink of an eye.
Everything within its walls brings smiles to children of all ages, and it could be argued that George is still one of those kids too.
The store seems to make George truly come alive, even more than he was at Hogwarts just a year prior. The look in his eyes as he skillfully operates the store with Fred reminds you of the glow that your face used to hold as a child as you looked longingly through countless toy-store windows around December.
While the shop is the main source of his pride and joy, even its power couldn’t halt the toll of a busy workweek. Every day, new shipments had been zooming in and out of the store, sales at an all-time high. The new lot of Hogwarts students must have a mischievous streak, for student-sent owl orders in preparation for the school year were arriving daily by the barrel-load.
It was finally Friday evening, and George trudged up the back stairs to the flat, his eyelids droopy and back hunched. His lack of energy, however, couldn’t take away from the playfully handsome purple and brown ensemble he wore. He pitifully fiddled with the keys before finally turning the lock, entering the flat promptly, taking in the familiar home-y aroma.  
He promptly plopped down at the small breakfast table near the kitchen, a tired sigh escaping his lips. He pressed his elbow onto the surface of the table, his arm supporting the weight of his head that his neck couldn’t bear any longer.  
“How was your day?  You look absolutely exhausted,” you asked with concern. You already knew you would have to plan something to cheer poor George up.
“I am simply dying, Y/N,” he said, while pretending to go limp like a corpse, “there’s no hope for me. Tell Mum and Ginny I love ‘em.”
“Not even your own twin brother, huh?” you asked sarcastically. He could only respond with a zombie-esque groan.  
You sarcastically rolled your eyes at his dramatic display, glad to see his lack of energy didn’t affect his sense of humor. You walked over to your tired George, who had his head now resting on the back of his chair, eyes spaced out at the ceiling.
You calmly sat down next to the Titian-haired love of your life and laid your head on his strong shoulder, your arm slowly snaking up his back. The motion of your hand alternated between tracing soothing circles lightly on his strained back muscles and massaging his tense shoulder.
He turned his face to you, painted with a soft and grateful grin, glad to finally be home, especially with you. For a few serene minutes, comfortable silence filled the air.  
George had nearly drifted off before the both of you were disrupted by his stomach emitting a loud growl. “I take it you’re hungry, Georgie?”
“Apparently so,” your boyfriend responded, patting his stomach.  
He languidly started undoing his bright amaranthine purple tie when you asked, “Do you want icky leftovers or yummy takeout? I know what I’m voting for.”
“Such a tough decision…” George responded with a wink.
By the time dinner was over, the tired look in George’s eyes remained, but the delicious takeout helped remedy his splitting headache.  
The two of you quickly settled on the comfortable marmalade-hued couch to watch one of your favorite muggle movies (it was a comedy of course). George’s laugh never ceased to make your heart flutter, even after all these years. The way it used to echo so freely through the crimson Gryffindor common room, and now through you two’s cozy flat, couldn’t help but make you fall even more madly in love with him. 
George somehow brought out the kid in you that laid dormant for so many years. With him, the world seemed so vibrant; there was always a little adventure waiting for you both, even in mundane activities like laundry. He would bunch up the freshly-washed paisley and tessellated dress shirts that he wore down to the shop daily, pelting them at you like the snowballs that he enchanted to hit Quirrell all the way back in third year.  
You loved George with all your heart, as did he.
After a while of movie-watching, George drifted off into a light sleep. His hazy dream was filled with thoughts of the school he called home for so long. The smell of the burning logs and pumpkin that would drift through his nostrils every morning as he walked down the steps from his dorm; the sound of first years’ giggles as they messed with one of his pranks.
His brain then swam through the blurry memories to the first time he met you, the real you, drinking Firewhiskey and playing truth or dare in the back of the common room with the Golden Trio and crew after a victorious Quidditch game.  
He thought of your first date, your face scrunched with belly-aching laughter as you tried stuffing in as many sweets as you could on a snowy Saturday at Honeydukes. The way the twisted rainbow lollipops and chocolate frogs made your face uncontrollably grin cemented what he swore the moment he first saw you: he vowed to never stop making you smile.   
He couldn’t live a day without your joy-filled face; it enchanted him like the beautiful glow of fireworks against a smokey black sky, like the addicting feeling of adrenaline from breaking the rules.
“Georgie,” you whispered, “Georgie!”  
Your drowsy boyfriend slowly drifted back to reality after hearing your soft whisper, your hands lightly tapping his chest to an invisible rhythm.  
He released a yawn before asking, “What is it, angel?”  His eyes fluttered lazily, and his lips were quirked to the smallest of smiles.
“I just wanted to make sure you didn’t fall asleep on the couch for the night,” you said caringly, “I knew you’d be even sorer in the morning if you did.”
George’s heart warmed at your thoughtfulness. He quickly took in his surroundings, which starkly contrasted his dreamscape. The television softly droning cheap infomercials instead of the muggle movie he fell asleep to, the blinds closed to hide the velvety black sky, and bits of buttery popcorn strewn across his chest and lap.  
He sat up tiredly, swiping his hand carelessly through his vermillion-pigmented locks. He rubbed his umber eyes as you brushed loose kernels from his clothes to the carpet.  
George muttered, “I love you, Y/N,” quietly, thinking you wouldn’t be able to hear it.  
You did, however, and you reciprocated an “I love you, too” sweetly. You stood up from the couch, extending your hand to help droopy-eyed George up. He took your hand and he rose before walking towards the kitchen, drawn to the stark blue light of the refrigerator.  
The fridge doors popped open, revealing tupperware full of picked-at leftovers, a few odds and ends, and a half-drank bottle of Dragon Barrel Brandy. He groaned at the meager scraps of food occupying the fridge, shutting the door disappointedly. The crisp air that surrounded him with a chill dissipated within an instant.  
“Georgie, I think we should go off to bed. Tomorrow's Saturday, and I have a big surprise for you planned,” you said excitedly, coming up behind the man of your dreams, resting your hand steadily on his shoulder. He leaned into your touch as you guided the sleepy boy to the bedroom.
As the two of you laid down to go to sleep, facing one another, George asked in a tired, raspy voice, “What’s the surprise, darling? Or will I have to find out tomorrow?”
“You know I would never spoil a surprise. Don’t worry, you’ll love it.”
George awoke to the delectable scent of freshly-fried bacon and eggs wafting from the humble kitchen. The other half of the bed, he noticed, lay empty, the cozy handmade quilt blanket you usually dozed under laying askew. Sunlight poured through the windows, letting his linen covered body bask in golden morning rays.  
After minutes of continuing to peacefully lay under the covers, absorbing the pure morning ambiance, George finally decided to get up and follow the delicious aromas emitting from the kitchen like a bloodhound.  
As he entered, you were bent over the stove, guiding a spatula around in a lightly tarnished pan, appetizing pancakes browning within. You were still in your sleepwear, wearing oversized plaid pants that dragged across the tile and one of George’s shirts, which was huge on you and smelled strongly of his cologne.
He snuck up behind you quietly as a mouse, before unexpectedly poking the sides of your stomach. You let out a shocked, “George!” before bursting into laughter. Your chuckles blended with his effortlessly, creating a beautiful symphony.  
“Morning, darling. I see you’re making breakfast,” George said with a smirk as he surveyed the surrounding food-covered counters. He seemed in a much better state than he was yesterday, his tired eyes replaced with resplendent brown and gold-speckled ones, which were flooded full of energy reminiscent of his adolescence.  
“I am! And I made all your favorites, so get excited! The day’s only getting started.” You sent him a knowing wink, and he responded with a child-like grin. George giddily opened a cupboard, grabbing two shiny ceramic plates. He forked some already-cooked bacon and eggs onto each plate, shaping the food into two adorable smiley faces.  
“What did I ever do to deserve such an amazing girlfriend like you?” George asked after giving your cheek an affectionate peck.  
“The real question is, what didn’t you do? You’re perfect in my eyes, Georgie,” you heartfeltly admitted as you carried a small plate stacked with butter and syrup-coated warm pancakes coated to the table.  
George had beaten you to the breakfast table, waiting patiently until you finally sat down in the chair to his side. He eagerly stabbed a forkful of egg, stuffing it into his mouth. While Ron was usually credited as the biggest food-lover of the Weasleys, there was no way you could deny that George was runner up.  
He gulped down the rest of the meal quickly, sending breakfast-filled smiles in your direction after every bite. After both of your plates were squeaky-clean, you ventured to the bedroom to get ready for the busy day ahead of you. 
You instructed George to wear “something comfortable,” and he happily complied, throwing on a cream-colored, pin-striped short-sleeve oxford with a pair of worn jeans. You selected something equally as comfortable, and adorable.  
You were in the middle of packing a backpack full of snacks and water when George finally asked, “So… when do I get to know where we’re going?”
“We’re going to Hogwarts,” you said promptly with a knowing smile, greatly contrasting George’s look of perplexion.
“And how exactly are we going to manage that, love? Surely they wouldn’t allow an impromptu visit like this, even good ol’ McGonagall?”  
“Well, let’s just say Hogwarts doesn’t actually know we’ll be there.” 
Platform 9 ¾ could be seen bustling with life, the delicious taste of magic floating through the air. It sent you back to all of those years you spent before term, pushing a luggage-stacked trolley across the station.
The scarlet express heaved tufts of smoke from its chimney, a piercing shriek occasionally echoing from its whistle. The magical platform was coated with clumps of young witches and wizards and their parents; the brick floor could barely be seen under all the boots.  
You bid goodbye to your parents, ready to start a new (magical) chapter of your life. As you skipped gleefully to the entrance of the enchanted coach, you caught sight of a rufescent sea of wizards bickering and chuckling with each other. There were six carrot-topped wizards in total: a middle-aged and balding father, an equally middle-aged warm and caring mother, a short and freckle-ridden son who appeared to be the oldest, a tall and stuck-up boy with pretentious-looking glasses who was tightening the crimson tie around his neck, and two identical-looking boys who seemed to be first years as well.
One of them could be seen tieing the stuck-up boy’s shoelaces together, a mischievous smirk on his face as he did. The other was distracting the glasses-wearing brother, shooting the knotter an occasional sneaky glance.  
You smiled at the sight before stepping into the train, eager to make new friends. You felt a little less nervous upon seeing students chatting in their compartments; pure joy from students’ laughing and yelling filled the corridor.
You looked around in search of a promising compartment. Finally, after what felt like hours of looking, you settled on a compartment filled with three other first-years. There were two girls and a boy: one of the girls, Angelina, was animatedly recounting a story, the other, Alicia, sprinkled in witty comments, and a smitten-looking boy named Lee was blushing in the corner, listening intently.  
After a while of bonding with your new friends, the train slowly began to chug along the tracks,  rhythmic clanking creating some pleasant background ambiance. The train began to gain speed before your compartment door was slid open by none other than the vexatious redheaded twins.  
The twin who tied his brother’s shoelaces together, who you later learned was named Fred, confidently took a seat next to Lee. They quickly struck up a conversation, seemingly clicking almost instantly. The twin who served as the distraction for his poor older brother, George, sat down next to you timidly.  
At first, George was too shy to say anything other than a meek, “hello”, but as soon as the trolley stacked with sweets rolled around, he became quite talkative. He was very observant; he would enchant you with beautiful descriptions of the most minute details in the most mundane things.  
George was so observant, in fact, that he noticed you didn’t get anything from the trolley, despite the look on your face saying that it wasn’t by choice. He could only afford a single chocolate frog with the spare change his mother gave him, which he handed to you with a toothy grin.
You yanked on George’s long arm, pulling him behind one of the large brick pillars supporting the platform. “Okay, George, for this to work, we can’t be seen by anyone.” You unsheathed your wand from your pocket, preparing to cast a spell.
“I’m going to cast a disillusionment charm, okay? This should make us blend in with our surroundings so we can sneak onto the train.  If I do it correctly, we should be able to see each other just fine, though.”  
After receiving an accepting nod from George, you gave him a light tap on the shoulder with the tip of your wand. Camouflage slowly dripped down his body, as if someone poured some sort of invisibility paint above his head. Just as quickly as he faded into the pillar behind him, he returned back to normal colors. You hoped he was still invisible to everyone else.  
“Wicked,” he uttered, checking out his arms as they turned invisible and back.
You did the same to yourself without hesitation. George watched with curiosity as you blended seamlessly into the platform; he then admired you as your features slowly returned from invisibility. Every eyelash, every blemish, and every inch of your lips never failed to go unnoticed by him.
“What’s the next step of the plan, Captain?” George asked with a salute.
“So, without being seen, once all the students are off the platform and on the train, we need to sneak onto the caboose, where we should be able to ride safely. After that, it’s smooth sailing to Hogwarts!”
“That sounds easy enough… I think,” George said with his hand in his palm, thinking over the steps of the plan intently.  
“Oh trust me, it’ll be great! I mean, if you can set off fireworks during an exam guarded by Umbridge, you can sneak onto a bloody train.” You gave George a reassuring thumbs-up.
“Don’t even remind me of that soul-sucking bright pink nightmare!” George said with a sarcastic eye roll.
As students slowly started filtering into the train, your time to strike inched closer and closer. Finally, the clock struck eleven, and you and George were dashing across the platform to the back of the train with your hands intertwined with one another’s.
You and George leaped onto the back ledge of the train just in time, for the scarlet locomotive slowly started rolling along the tracks just as you latched onto the railing. The both of you broke into cheers of triumph the moment the train was out of the vicinity of the station.  
“Y/N, look at the window, there’s no reflection of us in it. We really are undetectable,” George mentioned, gesturing towards the window.   
It was unsettling to not see your usual features bouncing off the window, but you were thankful that your charm had worked.  
You moved to sit on the ledge of the train, which was small, only about a foot wide. You put your legs through the wide rails so that the soles of your sneakers nearly dragged on the tracks. George took a seat next to you, his lanky legs sitting crisscross.  
The scenery that the express heaved through was breathtaking; it was even better feeling the crisp air on your face. The rolling moss-tinted hills, vibrant green and yellow trees that dotted the horizon, and worn stone archways that cut through the landscape allowing the train to huff on. All of it reminded you of the impressionist paintings in museums.  
The sunlight bashfully peeked through the clouds like the small flashes of vibrant strawberries hiding under their large green leaves on a serene spring day. The air tasted sweet and refreshing; it felt like you hadn’t ever breathed until your lungs were filled with it.
You and George sat peacefully in silence, listening to the noises of the express and the faint chirping of birds, reflecting on the past. Eventually, he said softly, gaze pointed to the scenery, “I can still remember the moment I realized I was in love with you.”
He continued, “It was the start of fifth year, on this very train. The moment you sat down in the compartment next to me, I just knew.  Everything was different. There were so many things I never noticed until then; it was like my eyes were finally open.”
Silence filled the air. You couldn’t think of what to say, and even if you did, you wouldn’t know how to say it.  
“Everything about you looked so beautiful all of a sudden. The way you moved or swished your wand, the way your lips enunciated every heavenly word that fell from your tongue. All of it.”
George turned to you nervously. What if I messed it all up? What if that wasn’t the right thing to say? he thought. You stared down at the track, lost in the depths of your mind. 
Everything George had ever spoken to you danced through your brain like ballet; his words sounded like rich and eloquent poetry, even his simple cheers or quips at teachers. Your heart felt like it was beating a million times the speed of the chugging crimson engine.
You rapidly pivoted your head to him, his uncertain gaze immediately locking deeply with yours’. Your eyes were clouded with determination and passion, which reflected in the kiss that you swiftly pulled him into. His lips felt magical against yours’, still oozing with lively youthfulness as always.  
George tenderly tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, you wrapped one of your hands around the nape of his neck. The kiss softened, becoming something slow and loving. Your other hand intertwined delicately with his’, which lay softly on your thigh.  
After a while of sugary sweet kissing, George’s lips parted, uttering an “I love you,” lightly.
“I love you, too. Promise me you’ll marry me someday?” You asked, still heavily under the angelic ginger’s trance.  
“You know I couldn’t marry anyone but you, Y/N.”
The sun slowly retreated behind the horizon, painting the sky a brilliant and fiery orange, which nearly matched the hue of George’s wind-swept hair.  You languidly rested your head on his broad shoulder, staring out in the distance. Your face lingered with euphoria, courtesy of George’s amazing kisses which had just peppered every inch of it.  
The backpack stocked with snacks you perfectly packed was now filled only with empty food wrappers. Most of the various foodstuffs had found a new home safely in your boyfriend’s black hole of a stomach, leaving you with mere crumbs to chew.  
“Georgie… why’d you have to eat all the snacks?  I’m starving,” you asked dramatically, pretending to be skin-and-bones. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t save enough for you, darling. I would give you some but… y’know… they’re in my stomach.” George petted your hair caringly with a regretful smile, his strong fingers gently brushing through your strands, taking in the familiar scent of your shampoo.
As you sat, gaze towards the breathtaking sunset, George mechanically started braiding a small section of your hair. He had always been an expert at braids; Ginny taught him how to fourth year. His mind was elsewhere than your strands, however, for he was plotting something significantly more mischievous.  
George retracted his hands from your hair, the soothing touch of his fingers dissipating from your scalp. He stood up from the cozy spot beside you, turning to peer through the window of the coach. His eyes scanned the corridor like a hawk, his brain spindling abstract ideas into a devious plan reminiscent of the schemes he so often plotted back at Hogwarts. 
“Georgie, what are you doing?” you asked quizzically. 
After one final glance through the coach window (bearing no reflection), he said with a devilishly handsome and mischievous smirk, “I have a plan.”
Before you could interrogate him any further, in one calculated motion, he swung the emergency door open, leaping inside the train full of students.  
If anyone was skilled enough to pull off whatever he was set on doing, it was George. While Fred was often the instigator of the twins’ famous pranks, George was often pulling the weight of the trick.  
You just hoped the disillusionment charm hadn’t worn off yet.  
George silently crept through the corridors of each enchanted coach, elaborately dancing around stray students who occasionally ditched their compartments. His face was scrunched with determination as if he were a raider searching for the holy grail.  
It took all his self-control, and more, to resist sneaking into Malfoy’s compartment and giving him a slap across the head; it was even harder resisting giving Ron a friendly spook, along with the other members of the Golden Trio. He decided to stay on track of his mission, for you and you only.  
Every coach he passed through, he became increasingly more irritated and nervous. Now that he was an adult, there wouldn’t just be a simple ten points deducted from Gryffindor, no. Sneaking onto a train full of students and stealing candy from the poor old lady’s trolley of sweets would be a hefty fine. Molly would definitely not be pleased.  
Finally, in the coach closest to the engine (and unfortunately furthest from the back), laid the trolley, luckily unattended. It was practically overflowing with classic sweets that he used to enjoy so much: colorful Berties Botts Every Flavour Beans (he swears he got a booger flavored one once), towering stacks of frosted cauldron cakes, clear-as-glass sugar quills, and chocolate frogs.   
George, of course, knew your favorite anything and everything like the back of his hand. He swiftly grabbed a package of candy from the bottom rack of the trolley, a twinge of guilt hitting him in the heart. The kind old lady would be down one treat. His guilt was quickly alleviated when magically, another perfectly packaged sweet filled the empty space.  
The expedition back to the caboose was a decidedly more risky one; it’s a lot more obvious that someone is invisible when a piece of candy is levitating midair. Luckily, the darker it got outside, the more students opted for the comfort of their cozy compartments, which fostered the perfect environment for sleeping. After all, when he and Fred would pull pranks on the train, this was the hour they’d hit the hardest.  
He was nearly to the back coach when a now sixth year Neville Longbottom emerged from his cabin, a defeated look on his face. A harshly conquered game of wizard’s chess could be seen, Luna Lovegood sitting next to the board with a neutral smile resting on her lips.  
George had tried to dance around Neville, but Longbottom’s clumsiness was no match for him. Not even a second passed before Neville rammed headfirst into George’s chest, falling backward. He laid on the floor for a minute, dumbfounded, before cautiously getting up, reaching for the floating sweet that George grasped high above his head.
George couldn’t help but mutter a low ‘sorry’ to poor Neville before rapidly darting past him towards the door. Neville looked around suspiciously for a minute longer before accepting the fact that he had likely been the subject of another foul prank.  
Finally, unscathed, George returned to the rear of the train, where you lay half sprawled across the ledge sleepily. Your eyes were closed, your ears focused on the calming rhythmic rattling of the wheels on the track.
A small smile couldn’t help but creep onto George’s face at the sight of you asleep. He gently tapped you awake, a soft hum escaping his lips. Your eyes fluttered open, a loving look glazing them.  
“What is it, Georgie?” you asked, taking in your surroundings.  
“Just wanted to make sure that you didn’t fall asleep here. You’d be sore by the time we get to our destination if you did,” George said with a wink. 
He outstretched his hand like Prince Charming, helping you stand up from the floor. Your rubious-haired boyfriend inconspicuously held his other hand behind his back, concealing the candy in his large palm.   
“Where did you go, George? One moment you’re out here with me, next moment you’re off into the train packed full of people!” you questioned curiously, inspecting George from head to toe.
“Well, you said you were hungry, so naturally....” he said, “I had to get you something to eat.”
George held out a single chocolate frog in his hand like a proud little kid. He wore the exact same smile he sported first year: a look radiating innocence and kindness. You gingerly accepted the frog, slowly unwrapping the chocolate and stuffing the card in your pocket for Ron.  
“...just like first year,” you muttered, barely able to make a sound.
You were seated on the tail of the express once again, eyes pointed towards the inky black and star-blemished sky. George quickly mirrored your actions, comfortably sitting next to you. While you munched on your chocolate frog joyfully, George rested his head on your shoulder, even though he was very much taller than you. He momentarily began humming a lullaby he learned as a baby; the vibrations emitted from his voice box resonated comfortingly through your body.  
His angelic humming echoed lovingly through your brain all the way to Hogwarts.
The train screeched to a halt at the Hogwarts station behind the school. The soothing rattle of the train ceased, to your dismay, and exuberant students began to flood out of the express like a tidal wave. You and George trailed far behind the various cliques of students, cracking jokes at the expense of the new first years.  
“Look at that poor one!  He’s fixed to become the new Neville!” you said laughing, before getting a playful elbow from George.  
“McGonagall will have quite the handful with those two over there. Reckon they’ll be tricksters like us?” George asked with a nostalgic laugh, pointing at two boys who were sneakily distributing some sort of (surely hexed) candy to their gullible peers. They looked so much like Fred and George did in their first year, down to the very same expression.  
“No doubt about it,” you said confidently, darting your eyes comparatively from the boys to your boyfriend. “It really is quite uncanny.”
Soon enough, the towering main entrance to the castle was opened with a swish, and the distinctly familiar smell flooded your nostrils. You were finally home once again. Not much had changed since you left, besides the absence of all of Umbridge’s devious decrees, replaced with some friendly-looking paintings.  
“Looks the exact same, doesn’t it?” George whispered, careful to be unnoticed by the excited soon-to-be-sorted first years who were guided to the Great Hall. You nodded yes, clenching his hand harder with exhilaration.  
Instead of risking getting caught during the time-honored Sorting Ceremony, you and George walked aimlessly, enjoying the unique ambiance of the school. After a while of galavanting around the halls, you climbed the moving steps towards the Gryffindor tower.
“Open up, it's George,” he whispered to the portrait of the Fat Lady with a smirk, and surprisingly, she obliged with a pleasantly surprised smile. Your stare flickered from George to the portrait, mouth agape.  
“Let’s just say, me and the Fat Lady have a lot of… history. Oh, not like that!” George let out a laugh followed by an adorable wink.
You gravitated towards the comfortable crimson couches which sat by the large and inviting fireplace, dragging George’s hand behind you.  
Your body melted into the red plush of the couch, the soft material much more desirable than the stiff metal rails of the express. Your carrot-topped better half took a seat next to you, his body intertwining with yours.
Gryffindors threatened to flood into the common room any given moment, so you wasted no time pulling George’s soft shirt to your chest for a gentle and loving kiss.  
“Blimey! Get a room you two!” Ron said, walking towards the two of you from the portrait, gagging.
“I guess the charm’s worn off, Georgie.”
“Just in time, too,” he said with a slightly cocky smile.  
You turned to Ron, who reluctantly held his arms out for a hug. You ran to him with all your might, meeting the messy-haired ginger’s chest. “I’m so glad to see you again.  It’s felt like ages.”
“Glad to see you too, Y/N,” he said with a genuine smile.  
Harry and Hermione entered not long after, a matching perplexed expression on their faces.  “Y/N? George? How’d you get in here? Surely McGonagall wouldn’t permit a visit such as this?” Hermione asked, giving you a small but confused hug.  
“Well, the thing is, no one knows we’re actually here,” George said, a grin on his face.  
“How’d you do it? Sneak in here, I mean,” Harry asked, eager to learn a new way to sneak to the school.  
“Snuck onto the express. Brilliant idea and execution courtesy of my dear Y/N. She’s a genius in training. Learning from the best, of course,” George said sarcastically, his thumb pointing to his chest.  
“Very funny, Georgie.  This one was all me.  My magnum opus, some would say.”
The ensuing night was amazing. Laughter echoed through the cherry-tinted walls of the common room like a magnificent orchestra; classic games like spin the bottle and truth or dare were played religiously.  
By the time it struck midnight, your mind had nearly escaped to your hazy dreamscape too many times to count. It had been a long day; you started early with cooking a full breakfast, sneaking onto the Hogwarts Express, and partying for hours into the night with the Gryffindors, all with the love of your life. To say you were exhausted was a massive understatement. 
Harry had graciously offered his comfortable bed to you, Ron reluctantly sacrificing his to George. “You owe me one,” he repeatedly grumbled to his older brother, who plastered a sickly innocent smile on in response.  
George took quick notice of the unfathomable exhaustion plastered onto your face from his couch across from you, immediately announcing to the chatting group of friends, “I think it’s time for me and Y/N to turn in for the night. See you all in the morning.”  
‘Goodnights’ drifted in and out of your ears as George picked you up from the couch bridal-style, carrying you light-as-a feather up the steps to the boys’ dorms. He could envision a furious Head Boy Percy demanding, ‘Put her down, George!  Girls sleep in the girls’ dormitories, boys in the boys’!  They have that rule for a reason!’ 
He smiled as he creaked open the sixth year boys’ dorm’s door, laying you peacefully onto Harry’s scarlet four-poster bed. He grabbed some cozy knitted blankets, gently setting them over your body.
“There you are, angel, have a good nights’ sleep. I love you with all my heart,” George cooed.  He turned to Ron’s bed with a smile before you grasped his hand desperately.
“Before you go to bed Georgie, did you have fun today?  I know you super were stressed out yesterday and all,” your words came out slurred and tired, some borderline incoherent.  
“I have fun any time I’m with you, darling,” he said, smoothing your ruffled hair. “But yes, I had the time of my life with you today. Just being with you makes my day infinitely brighter. You’re like my little sunshine.”
“And will you actually marry me someday, Georgie?” you asked, your droopy eyes filled with an unfathomable and everlasting love. You were deep under the heavenly redhead’s spell once again.
“I always keep my word, darling.”
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mcnamawyer-is-canon · 2 years
March, 1998. Raven Brooks.
It was a rainy afternoon, and Maritza's plans had not gone as planned. At least long enough that, with frustrated tears in her tired eyes, she walks out of her house.
- Damn Enzo...
She murmured through her lips, her gaze full of discord. The drops of water wet her small backpack and at the same time her fuchsia cloth coat.
In the distance, she heard a voice eagerly calling out her name. She watched with dull eyes, until she noticed her identity and the stupid feeling returned. She felt butterflies in her stomach again.
- Trinity?
Yes. It was her. Her girlfriend, for some reason, was out on the street in the middle of the rain.
-Mari! How can you think of being here when it's cold?
-I am sorry.
She looked down at the same time the opposite. She noticed a small box in Trinity's hands. It was turned around, but you could tell it was covered in red paper.
"Don't you want me to keep it?"
-Nope! Just...can we go indoors? I was thinking of giving it to you at your house...
Maritza, taking her eyes off the box and leaving her gaze on the rainy sky, put her hands in her pockets.
-Does it bother you so much that I grab a box?-
-It's not that!
The girl with tanned skin and dyed hair raised an eyebrow, wiping away a tear that she still had in her eye and that would soon dry.
-It's our well-being...Silly! Just... Let's go to my house.
Trinity began to take steps in that direction and Maritza followed without a rumble. Street after street, her ways differed. For example, Trinity dodged puddles, and Maritza stepped on them lightly, so as not to soak her beloved more than she already was.
The short-haired girl was using one of the multiple hair dryers in the other's house, but it wasn't for her. She was drying the upturned box, which was lying on top of a rag.
Trinity, in the same room, was lying on a purple bean bag, as was part of her room, which was combined with cool colors.
-Can I open it now?
With an anxious and disappointed look, she responded to the girl's only word. The other just laughed.
- Nervous, right?
-Yes, I am, I admit it...
The reason why she couldn't open it was obvious. It was the risk of her ruining her insides from getting wet.
-Be a little more patient, Mari.
There was a long silence, one in which the sound of the dryer was loud and mind-numbing.
-I can now?
With a kind and charismatic smile, the older one got up from her bean bag, dragged him close to the young woman and made room for him to sit next to her. The other, noticing her action, turned off the dryer and sat down.
Without saying a word, she opened the box. There were some daisies in the most visible area of ​​its interior. If they were removed from sight, the presence of some photos of the two of them could be noticed. They were old photos, even from when they were in their childhood, researching who this Theodore was that they used to talk about so much.
The eyes of the teenager with dyed hair became teary, and more so when she saw the confused face of her beloved. She grabbed her jacket and without even thinking, she kissed her. She shed little tears of happiness and her heartbeat felt stronger.
She separated from her in a few seconds. In this kiss she didn't even find lust or anything like that from her. Just a sincere love of two teenagers being polar opposites.
-I love you! Oh my god! What's more, I'll shout it!
The black-haired girl arched an eyebrow in confusion, and the other girl got up from the bean bag, opening the room's musty window.
-I love my girlfriend Trinity, I love her!
-Close the window! The rain is entering the room!
-I am sorry.
Maritza stared out the window, and somensoft arms embraced her from behind her. Through the reflection of the glass, they saw each other's eyes, until they both burst out laughing, remembering what had recently happened.
At that moment, Trinity thought a few last words.
"Fuck, I love this girl so much."
I spent an hour just writing this stupid thing and then translating every word that the common translator couldn't.
Anyway, I'm in a stage that I call: Shipper phase
So get ready for a little wave of Maritza x Trinity.
Anyways, see ya (・o・)!
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mafia-nct · 4 years
For _____ Or Worse (Part 1)
Genre: Mafia!AU, Mafia Boss Taeyong, Fluff, Angst Warnings: Suggestive content, Swearing, Mentions of drugs and alcohol, Mentions of illegal racing and fighting. Word Count: 5.5.k Description: Who would’ve thought that a night with, what you thought was, a handsome stranger would change your life forever. 
Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3/ Epilogue
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Flashing lights, loud music and alcohol.
All of the variables needed for a perfect Friday night with your friends. After the week you had, a night to let loose was exactly what you craved. You could’ve settled for any club, as long as there was booze and music, but somehow your friends, and also roommates - Ki and Ru, convinced you that the only club that could fix your mood was the Night Night Club.
Night Night Club was famous for good - and for not so good reasons. It was rumoured to be managed by the country’s biggest mafia. The type that would skin you alive if you made a wrong move. Some said that it was the best club they’ve ever been to. Therefore, ruining every other club for them. Some said there was always something shady happening on the second floor in the VIP rooms. For some, the atmosphere was one of the best. Which is why they recommended Night Night to everyone they met. One of the biggest rumours was that the owner, a man who looked like an innocent child, would beat up random men behind the club for fun.  
However, since you’ve entered the club you’ve only experienced the good rumours. The club’s decor looked like it came out of an interior design tv show, the bartenders were diligent and the DJ didn’t suck. You and your friends were dancing like there was no tomorrow. Enjoying yourselves, laughing and drinking, when a tap on your shoulder made you turn around.
A man, around your age, stood there. He had dark red hair styled out of his forehead, big brown child-like eyes that contrasted with his eyebrow slit. He was handsome, stupidly handsome, the kind that belonged in Vogue.
“Sorry to disturb you,” he smirked, “I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you are and was wondering if you’d want to dance with me.”
He wasn’t the biggest guy. He was, actually, quite skinny. He didn’t look like much, but he had this aura. A powerful aura, like he owned the place.
“I would love to!” You answered with a smile. He offered you his hand and led you to the middle of the dance floor.
It was innocent really. His hands on your waist, yours on his shoulders swaying to the music. However, drinking always made you a little more daring. And as the alcohol kicked in, your hands wandered across his body as your dancing became sexier. Smirking the red haired man spun you around and pressed you against his chest. Your hands now in his hair tugging lightly as his head dipped in the crook of your neck to kiss, suck and bite every part of it. You couldn’t help but moan. You felt him smile as his hands roamed your body. Your thighs, your waist, your breasts: everywhere; his hands were everywhere.
As you grinded on him, you could feel him getting more and more bothered. It was intoxicating. His touch was like fire and you wanted more, so much more.
“Wanna get out of here?” He whispered in your ear before lightly biting your earlobe.
You turned your head and kissed his jaw. “I would love to.”
“Perfect, I’ll wait for you at the door.”
He slapped your butt making you turn fully towards him. He bit his lower lip and winked at you before leaving to, probably, find his friends. Something that you should also be doing.
Looking around, you found your friends exactly where you left them.
“Hey, having fun with red hair guy?” Asked Ki wiggling her eyebrows.
“Yes, and him and I are going to leave the club to have some more fun. So don’t worry about me.”
“Ok,” answered Ru putting her drink down on the table in front of her, “are you sure?”
“Oh yes.” You smiled grabbing your stuff. “A night with a guy as hot as he is happens once in a lifetime.”
Ki laughed. “Alright, have fun. Call us if there’s anything.”
You winked at them before leaving for the front door where tonight’s fun was waiting.
As soon as you entered his apartment, he slammed you against his front door pressing his lips to yours. Everything about him was addicting. His kisses left you wanting more and his touch had your legs feeling like jelly. He left your lips and traveled down your jaw to your neck. And when he found the spot that had you throwing your head back in pleasure, he stayed there sucking and biting while one of his hands raised your leg to his hips to press himself into you.
Once he was done with your neck, he raised his head gaining your attention. “Before we go any further, I need to know if you want this?” His breath was heavy as he whispered. Staring in his eyes, seeing care and honesty, your heart fluttered.
You placed a hand on his cheek. “Yes, I want it.”
His smile reached his eyes. “Alright, well let’s get this started baby girl.” He said before crashing his lips on yours leading you to his bedroom.
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Everything was so soft, way softer than what you remembered your bed to be. You slowly opened your eyes only to close them immediately, the sun piercing through the blinds giving you a headache. Did you really drink that much last night? You took a deep breath before opening your eyes again. They landed on the bedside table where a glass of water and a bottle of Advils were placed. You sat up finally getting a good look at your surroundings.
Not recognizing anything, you scratched your head. “Where the hell am I?”
That’s when it hit you, that’s when you remembered everything. You slept with that red haired guy. And from the look of his room not only was he handsome; he was, also, loaded. Silk sheets on a king size bed, a floor to ceiling window. In front of you, a little corridor that led to what looked like an en-suite bathroom and on each side of that corridor - two walk-in closets. Who was he?
Deciding that overthinking the situation was a bad idea, you went on a scavenger hunt for your clothes. Your underwear were next to the bed, your skirt at the entrance of one walk-in and your top by the door. Putting everything on, you felt uncomfortable your outfit was too revealing. It was nice for a night out, but for a walk in broad daylight it was too much. Sadly, the only option available was to steal, no not steal, borrow one of the red haired man’s shirts. Even though you were going to bring his shirt back, you needed something drab. Something he’ll never notice was missing from his wardrobe. Stepping inside one walk-in, your jaw dropped. Gucci, Valentino, Burberry, Versace, Tom Ford and so much more lined the walls. Suits, fancy jackets, shirts, pants, dress shoes and even a drawer full of expensive jewellery; this was definitely not the closet you needed.
“Alright,” you said taking a step back, “maybe the other walk-in.”
This time, you made sure to look inside before stepping in. T-shirts, jeans, cargo pants, hoodies; this was the closet for you. Going through his shirts, you were met with the same exact brands as the other walk-in. You let out a frustrated sigh. Did he not own anything that was under 500$? Crossing your arms over your chest, you looked around. If you were loaded, where would you put your normal people’s clothes? Bottom drawer. That’s where you’d hide them. You crouched down, opened the drawer and saw your saving grace; a grey shirt that, after thorough inspection, had no branding. You put it on, and felt much better.
Now, all you needed to do was leave this place and pray to every Gods that you wouldn’t cross anyone.
You opened the bedroom door, slowly, making sure to not make a single noise and tiptoed out of the room. You had your eyes on your feet to make sure you placed them softly on the mahogany floor. And hoped you were making your way towards, what you thought was, the front door.
“Alright, is everyone here? Stop moving I’ll count you.” 
You froze. You knew that voice. You heard it all night long.
You raised your head. The sight in front of you had your breath getting stuck in your throat. In the living room, were at least twelve men. Most of them were standing blocking you from seeing the red haired guy that you were sure had their attention. Most of them had tattoos on: the back of their necks; arms; shoulders; legs - but one of them stood out. He looked younger than the men surrounding him and had a bullet tattooed on the side of his neck. Who gets a tattoo on their neck? Especially a bullet tattoo.
You took a deep breath, none of them were looking in your direction. A small blessing. The front door was right there, a couple of feet away. You could do it. All you needed to do was cross the hallway in a perfect diagonal and you’d be out of there. Placing your feet on the floor slower than before and keeping your eyes on the group of men you made your way towards freedom.
In your mind, keeping your eyes on them was a foolproof idea. It allowed you to make sure their attention wasn’t on you while you escaped. What you failed to realize was, that people who walk without looking in front of them tend to bump into things. And that’s exactly what happened. Missing the threshold of the entryway by a couple of inches, you crashed, face first, into a wall. Instinctively, your hands went to your forehead.
“Are you ok?” Asked the one voice you didn’t want to hear.
Removing your hands from your face, you looked up. The sea of men parted, giving you a perfect view of the red haired man. He had an amused look on his face; obviously trying not to laugh. Peaking out of his shirt’s collar, blossomed the reds and purples of the marks you left behind. Your eyes scanned the room. They were way more than twelve.
“I am.” You answered embarrassment thick in your voice. You hesitated trying to find something somewhat intelligent to say. “I’ll just go” You pointed at the door for emphasis. “It was fun. Have a good life.” You didn’t wait for an answer. As soon as the words left your mouth, you rushed to the entryway to grab your shoes and bag, not even bothering to put them on, before leaving the red haired man’s apartment.
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The front door closed with a click.
“Hey boss, was she wearing your shirt?” Asked Johnny pointing at the front door where his night fun had just left.
“Yeah she was.” He answered, a smile on his lips.
“Was it expensive?” Continued Kun. “Like the other girl who left with an Yves Saint-Laurent shirt worth six hundred dollars.” Raising his voice to put emphasis on dollars.
Taeyong shook his head. “No, I bought it for ten bucks.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “Alright people, Friday nights are our biggest nights; debrief me.”
Taeil went first. “Races went well. Lucas and I won. The prize money is at the mansion.”
“Same thing for me,” continued Jeno, “the guy was so weak it only took one round and he was out.”
“Haechan and I made double than what we made last week!” Smiled Hendery despite the bags under his eyes. He high-fived Haechan.
Taeyong raised his eyebrows in confusion.
“The guy was an idiot and desperate.” Smirked Haechan. “Getting him to double the money wasn’t hard.”
Taeyong turned his head towards Jaehyun and Jungwoo. Being in charge of the brothel, bar and club, they’re usually the ones bringing the most money on Friday nights.
“Everything went well at the brothel.” Started Jaehyun passing his hand in his hair. Probably trying to fix the result of the two hours of sleep he got. “More people on Friday nights, bodyguards had to break a couple of fights and bouncer caught minors, but other than that normal.”
Taeyong nodded and looked at Jungwoo. He had bloodshot eyes and his hair was all over the place. He was still wearing the same clothes Taeyong remembered seeing him in at the club. It was clear that, contrary to the rest of the room, he didn’t get to sleep yet.
“First of all, I’m convinced that there’s more people when everyone,” he said pointing at the network, “is at the club.” He looked back at his boss. “I blew last week’s numbers last night.” Taeyong smiled. “I left Ten in charge of the bar and we agreed to have Yangyang, Renjun, Chenle and Jisung make drug runs in the bar and the club.”
Ten nodded in agreement. “The bar was full as always. Nothing out of the ordinary.” He looked at Yangyang and Renjun. Taeyong’s eyes followed his.
“We didn’t sell much.” Mumbled Renjun
“Mostly weed.” Completed Yangyang
The boss nodded. “And how did it go for you, Chen and Ji.” He said setting his eyes on the younger members who were sitting on the floor.
“We sold so much!” Exclaimed Jisung.
“Yeah,” continued Chenle, “and we sold everything from weed to ecstasy. People in clubs are desperate.”
“Alright,” Taeyong smiled clapping his hands together, “good job everyone. Keep up the good work and go to sleep. I expect you at the mansion by 2PM!”
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“You said what?!” Laughed Ki
You lowered your head looking at your feet. “I said: ‘Have a good life.’”
Ki feel of the sofa, laughing.
Ru bit her lower lip clearly trying not to laugh herself.
Your awkward escape had Ki crying of laughter since the moment you explained the entire thing to her and Ru.
“Let’s forget that part,” said Ru saving you from the embarrassment of explaining how you: bumped into a wall which ruined your escape only to tell your one-night stand to have a good life - for a third time. “And let’s get to the good details. Number one, was it good? Second, who is he?”
“From what I remember, yes he was good. He definitely knows what he’s doing. For the second point, fun fact, I didn’t ask for his name.”
Ki stopped laughing. She sat up and looked at you with a serious look on her face. “Wait, time out. You’re telling me that you slept with, what looks like, one of Asia’s crazy rich bachelors, took one of his shirts and didn’t even ask for his name!”
You awkwardly smiled at her.
“Did you, at least, leave your number?” Asked Ru.
You shook your head no.
“You’re an idiot!” Laughed Ki
“Hey!” You yelled back.
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Climbing the stairs to the entrance of the red haired man’s building, you looked up. The living complex was huge, way bigger than yours. It was so tall it merged with sky. And from what you remembered, it was pretty fancy too. Almost putting to shame the red haired man’s place. Almost. Throwing the glass door of the building open, you made your way towards the front desk.
“Hi, can I help you?” Asked the woman sitting at the front desk.
“Yes, I was wondering if there’s a way for me to give this,” you raised the shirt in front of you, “to a guy who lives here.”
The woman lifted her eyebrows. “Of course, but I’ll need a name. A lot of men live in this building.”
“Ok, well, I don’t know his name, but I can describe him.” You rambled; the woman nodded encouraging you to go on. “He has red hair like dark red. Kind of skinny, but not really. He has tattoos, although I’m not sure you’ve seen them. He kind of looks like he owns the place wherever he goes. Also,-”
“I hope you’re not talking about me.”
You jumped, the voice startling you. “Oh my god, don’t you know not to sneak up on people?” You turned around ready to scold whoever decided to scare you. Looking up at him, your eyes bulged out of your head. “You.”
The red haired man smirked. “Yeah, it’s me. Might I ask, why are you here?”
You handed him the shirt. “I came to give you this back. Sorry I took it without asking.”
He snorted taking the piece of clothing from you, his eyes not leaving it. “You’re not the first girl who leaves with one of my shirts. But, you’re the first one who brings it back. Thank you!”
As he looked back up to stare at you, you tried to avoid his eyes by looking around. This was already awkward; there was no need to make it worse by staring at each other in silence.
The lobby was more luxurious than you remembered. Black marble floors, white walls, leather chairs and sofas and gold accents everywhere.
The red haired man clapped his hands, gaining back your attention. “Are you doing anything for diner?”
“I don’t even know your name and you want to take me out?” You asked smirking back at him.
“Call me T.” He said extending his hand towards you. “And I’m taking out as a thank you for bringing back the shirt.”
You took his hand shaking it. “It’s nice to meet you T, I’m Y/N.”
“Glad to officially meet you Y/N, now where should we go? I’m starving.”
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He looked out of place. The atmosphere of the retro diner and his appearance were complete opposites. His black jacket suit contrasted with the colour of the walls and the music with his attitude. The only things that matched were his hair and the seats.
“I know it doesn’t look like much, but their burgers are to die for.” You said your leg trembling to distract your mind. Here you were - with the guy you had a one-night stand two days ago - eating at your favourite diner.
He nodded looking around probably judging the place for their lack of expensive decor.
“It’s different from what I’m used to,” here we go you thought. He was going to point out everything that was wrong with this place. You braced yourself for his judgement, “I like it!”
You looked at him questionably.
The waitress arrived placing the plates in front of you with a smile. You smiled back at her before looking back at T. He dipped a fry in ketchup and shoved it in his mouth.
“Oh this is good!” He exclaimed before taking his burger and biting into it.
“So T,” you started as he moaned from the taste of his burger, “what do you do for a living?”
“I’m a CEO.” He said covering his mouth as he finished chewing. “You?”
“I’m a secretary. I don’t like the company, but I like the paycheck.”
He nodded taking another bite and you did the same with your own burger.
“I’m going to be honest with you,” T started as he wiped his mouth with a napkin, “I’m not taking you out only to thank you for my shirt. I want to make you an offer.”
“That’s a real CEO move.”
He laughed. “What can I say? Once a CEO always a CEO. Anyway, I was wondering if you’ll be willing to have a friends with benefits kind of relationship with me.”
You choked on your fry. “I thought you were going to ask me to invest in your company.”
“Well you can also do that if you want.” He smirked. You leaned back in your seat, arms crossed over your chest. He leaned forward. “In all honesty, the sex we had was, without a doubt, the best sex I’ve had in a long time. I wanted to contact you, but I didn’t know your name and you didn’t leave your number. I thought I’d never see you again, so I got over it. But there you were, in my building’s lobby, right as I came back from work. I’m pretty sure this is a sign we should keep this going. So what do you say?”
T leaned back in his seat as he continued to shove fries in his mouth. You went over to pros and the cons. Pros: great sex, no strings attached, you could set rules, great way to experiment and gaining a new friend. Cons: pregnancy, STDs. The cons could easily be taken care of. So why not agree? You were tired of your boring life. Everything was the same day after day there was no excitement. And right now, what T was proposing was far from boring.
“Yeah,” you nodded, “let’s do this.”
T extended his hand towards you. “It’s not a real deal if you don’t shake on it.” You took his hand in yours without hesitation.
“We need to set rules though.”
“I’m all ears princess.” He smiled eating his last fry.
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Before it even started, Doyoung told him to get out of this deal. “It will come back to bite you in the ass.” Said Doyoung at the time. But Taeyong didn’t listen. It was his life he could do whatever he wanted. He was the boss, no one could stop him. If he wanted to have a fuck buddy, he was going to have a fuck buddy.
Sometimes it was at his place, and when your roommates weren’t there it was as yours. The relationship was great, maybe even too great. Because Doyoung was right, it came back to bite him in the ass.
Four months. He’d known you for four months and you changed his life. From not caring about anyone other than his crew, to making a special place for you in his heart, his life had changed.
Taeyong doesn’t know when he started falling for you. Maybe it was in the middle of one of your cuddle sessions, because, just like him, you loved to cuddle after sex. Maybe when you were hanging out. You always seemed to laugh at his jokes; your smile making his heart do somersaults. Maybe when, for some reason, you’d know what was going on with him just by looking in his eyes. Maybe when you weren’t afraid to disagree with him. Maybe when you’d trace patterns on his chest, your light touches stopping the storm in his mind. Maybe when he’d call you; your voice calming him down when he was about to go on a rampage. Maybe when you’d look in each other’s eyes when you were snuggling, your stare stealing his breath away every time. Taeyong doesn’t know when he started falling for you, but he knows one thing; he was screwed big time.  
He was head over heels. That’s probably why he decided to grab your wrist, as you were about to leave his bed. “Please,” he whispered, “stay.”
You sat back down. The hand he was holding rising to stroke his cheek. “T, what’s wrong?”
He sat up next to you looking at his hands on his lap. He’d been hiding his feelings for too long. It was unlike him. He was an honest man, and was even more honest with his feelings. So he took the first step, breathing heavily. “Ok, I like you. Way more than I planned, you make my days brighter and my nights better. I smile at the mere thought of you. I want to come home to you, take care of you and hold you in my arms until I die. You’re everything I’ve ever dreamed of and you’re downright beautiful.” He took a deep breath. “And it’s fine if you don’t feel the same, but I needed to tell you. I can’t hide how I feel anymore.”
He raised his head trying to read your expression. Although with the beating of his heart ringing in his ears he couldn’t make out anything. The more you looked at him, the more nervous he got.
Finally you grabbed his hand, intertwining your fingers. He stopped breathing.
“You’re not the only one who caught feelings.”
He felt a smile grow on his face as he leaned closer to you. “So,” he took a pause to look in your eyes, “want to try this?”
Foreheads finally touching, you spoke the words he’d been dreaming of hearing for the past four months. “Yes T, let’s try this!”
And this time, instead of shaking hands. You sealed the deal with a kiss.
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Waking up in the familiar silk sheets felt almost normal. The surroundings had become ordinary to you. Contrary to your first night at T’s place, nothing about his apartment impressed you anymore. Not even the fact that he lived in the top floor penthouse.
Remembering T’s confession last night, your whole body felt warm, your heart full and a smile grew on your lips
Falling for him was not an easy road: from denying your feelings - there was no way you liked him that way, to anger - how could you fall for him when you knew this was only sexual, to bargaining with yourself - maybe if you found somebody else you’d forget about T, to sadness - he’ll never like you that way, and finally to acceptance - you liked T way more than you planned.
But the worst part about falling for T, was knowing exactly what made you fall for him. How he cared about you; texting or calling you just to know how you were doing.  How he wasn’t afraid to express his feelings. How he held you in his arms. How he’d always make you feel safe. How he made you laugh every time you’d hang out. How he’d look at you. How he’d kiss you. Falling for T was hard, but in the end it was worth it.  
Stretching your limbs, you looked around the room and laughed thinking back at your first night in T’s bedroom. Remembering how your mind and heart raced. Quite the opposite to the peace you were feeling right now. You dug around for your clothes and put them on. Once done, you gathered your stuff and left the room; this time walking normally.
“Guys, calm down.” You heard T say as he clapped his hands. “We have a morning debriefing to do!”
You chuckled. The crew of men in T’s living room being the exact same as your first night at his place. Some were standing, others sitting, and some leaning on furniture. T whistled finally gaining the attention he wanted. And while everyone was focused on the CEO, you escaped making sure not to bump in a wall.
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Taeyong loved to have debriefings in his living room. Everyone was calmer and more relaxed. And after the type of nights they have, it was something everyone needed. Having the debriefings in his living room allowed everyone to go to sleep right after them. Living in the same building as everyone else had its advantages.
He was about to explain how he wanted this debriefing to go, when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He took it out, apologizing to his crew, and was greeted by a text from you.
Y/N💕: Didn’t want to disturb you, have a good day! Call me😘
He didn’t think as he jumped over the sofa, and over Yuta’s head in the process, sprinting to his front door.
“Boss what the hell?!” Screamed Yuta.
But Taeyong didn’t answer, if he was lucky enough, he’d be able to catch you.
He threw his front door open, not even bothering to close it. The elevator doors were in the middle of closing. He took the two steps between his porch and the elevator, grabbed the doors and pried them open.
You jumped, your hand flying to your chest. “God, T!”
“Hey!” He smiled
“You were going to leave without giving me a kiss?” He asked a faint smile on his lips
You giggled rolling your eyes. “You were in a meeting.”
“Not anymore.”
You approached him placing your hands on his chest and gave Taeyong what he wanted.
“Are you doing anything Wednesday night?”
“No, why?” You answered
“Good, I’m taking you out!”
“Are you asking me out on a date?” You teased
Taeyong took a step back, letting go of the door.“Can’t I take the girl I like on a date?”
You shook your head laughing. “Alright, text me.”
“I will.” He said as the elevator doors started closing again. He waited for them to completely close before turning on his heels.
On his porch, was his crew all piled up on one another.
Taeyong narrowed his eyes. “Don’t say anything.”
A few of his men snickered as they all went back to the living room.
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Walking towards the restaurant where T made reservation - phone in hand following the directions - you were thankful he chose a restaurant close to your apartment. Earlier today, he texted you that he’ll be unable to pick you up. So he sent you the address and the time without forgetting to add that he couldn’t wait to see you.
Raising your head, looking away from your phone, you finally saw the restaurant’s sign. You looked back down ready to text T that you were almost there.
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Forty minutes. He had been waiting for forty minutes and still no sign of you. Did you stood him up? No, there was no way. You wouldn’t be all lovey-dovey with him. It didn’t make sense.
He took his phone, clicked your contact name and brought his phone to his ear.
“Come on, answer.” He muttered to himself as the ring tone went on and on.
When he ended up on your voicemail, he called again signalling the waiter to bring him the bill for the bottle of wine.
As he was paying, he ended up on voicemail again. When he was done, he ran out of the restaurant calling you a third time.
He stood outside his heart racing, his throat tightening. He looked both ways before deciding to go in your apartment’s direction.
Voicemail again. He called back.
“Answer princess, please.” He breathed out.
He took big steps walking faster. He needed to get to you, needed to know you were ok, needed to know that he was freaking out for no reason.
Passing an alley, he heard a ringtone. He stopped dead in his tracks. Should he go check or should he continue? He hung up to hear the ringtone better, but it had stopped.
He called you back, the ringtone started again.
“No, no, no, no.” He muttered repeatedly stepping in the alley. “Please be a coincidence.”
He found the phone face down. He hung up, it stopped ringing. He crouched down, shoulders slumping, biting the inside of his cheek. Mentally praying that it wasn’t what he thought. He gently took the phone, flipping it around to press the home button.
A picture of him making a silly face and the notification: “5 missed calls from T💘” greeted him.
“Shit!” He yelled getting up and almost throwing your phone on the ground.
He kicked a trashcan that was nearby. He was sure someone was trying to get back at him and they had to use you. He had no idea where you were or who had you. It enraged him, he hated when people messed with the ones he loved.  
His phone rang, no caller ID. Swallowing his anger, he answered.
“Taeyong, it’s so nice to hear you!” Said the voice on the other end.
Taeyong’s jaw tightened, his fist clenched. He knew that voice all too well. A rival kingpin that went by the name X.
“What do you want?” Taeyong spat.
“That’s not polite of you.” his teasing tone made Taeyong angrier. “You should ask how I’ve been and stuff like that. Although, I understand how you could have no regards for politeness right now.” Taeyong didn’t say anything letting X explain what he meant. “You just lost your girlfriend after all.”
Taeyong hurt himself biting his cheeks and curling his fist so hard his nails started to dig in his skin.
“How the fuck do you know about that?” He barked
“Oh I didn’t tell you?” X laughed. “I’m the one who has her.”
Taeyong was fuming, his whole body tensed.
“So here’s how it’s going to work.” Explained X. “You give me everything I want and I give you your pretty little princess back. I’ll send you my demands soon, have a good night Taeyong.” And just like that X hung up.
Fingers shaking out of anger, Taeyong didn’t hesitate to scroll through his contacts to find the one person he needed right now.
“Johnny,” He said, dryness in his voice, when his underboss answered, “we have an emergency. Gather the crew, I want everyone in meeting room one in thirty minutes. I won’t tolerate anyone being late.”
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
Let's dive back in.
I'm excited to meet our Million In One man❤
Sanders Sides BEETLEJUICE AU Part 2!!!
We start with Patton working on the model town, especially their own funeral, as Thomas tries dusting around. It's been a few more weeks and they're bored.
Thomas gives up and sits down, asking why there's so much dust, as neither have a body, and why they can't just leave; France is supposed to be really nice this time of year. Patton shrugs, but wonders maybe this house is their heaven.
Thomas smiles at that, though still questions why heaven is so dusty.
Patton hides a smirk and keeps working; "...Reeeasons?"
The two share a laugh and Thomas asks what Patton read in the hand book.
Patton stops his work and passes to book to Thomas, saying he can barely understand it, but maybe Thomas will.
Thomas gives it a go, skimming through the pages, checking for a table of contents, and an index before starting back at page 1; "Like Medical Chemistry all over again."
Cut to Patton as he continues on the model, more specifically the cemetery. We don't hear what Patton's thinking, but we see it on his face; the cemetery isn't big enough, because he didn't plan it out fully, the wreathes for his and Thomas's graves aren't as funeral-esque as he'd like, and he didn't make a different model for Dice, who he's still annoyed with.
He snaps out of it when he hears an, "OH!" from Thomas and asks what's up.
Turns out people usually won't see or hear the dead and Thomas and Patton are TEMPORARILY stuck in the house, but the amount of time isn't specified.
They hear a pair of cars pull up and investigate to see Dice again, who's not in any fancy clothes, but is still in black, and is accompanied by a VERY fancy looking business man.
Our ghost friends wonder what's going on, and get a bad feeling when they see Dice nod and shake hands with the business man.
Patton, however, notices the watch he's wearing and finds a telescope he has, using it to gwt a closer look.
The watch has rubies on it.
Thomas, who's more far sighted, asks what a guy like that is doing in this part of Florida, and pauses when he sees the growing excitement and unease on Patton's face.
They watch the two leave, and see Dice give the house another look and take a flask out of his coat and drink from it before going to his own car.
Thomas continues to watch as Patton leaves the window, leaning the telescope back against the wall.
WHICH MATCH CUTS TO A MAN HANDING A WOMAN A NEWSPAPER. She stares at it and then races away. We're in a studio, specifically in the dressing room/makeup area, it's nothing but controlled chaos, and everyone is fussing, well most at least.
These calm souls are the people painting on and fussing over a man, who we see in quick cuts, one with LOVELY, fluffy, full of volume, red hair, tan, smooth skin, and a body carved by gods, long legs, a thin waist, and lean body, but still muscular(so he's fit, but not buff; he has muscles, but he's still got the body of a ballerina), lovely eyelashes, eyebrows that match his hair, soft lips, ears pierced with roses and ruby studs, and all in all, a painting brought to life.
This, dear fans, followers, and viewers, is Roman Scarlet- now Deetz- and is preparing for his photoshoot, one that requires him to look like a porcelain doll to match with the set.
The idea came from his adopted son, who isn't there.
While we're focused on Roman, we hear a man whistle and compliment him, saying he looks like he was painted in oil and pastels. Roman smirks up at him and reminds him that he knows, because he's already said it.
Remy Deetz, his husband, shares a smirk and almost kisses him, almost because he stops himself-much to Roman's confusion- and says he's not allowed to distract anyone while they work, including Roman.
Remy looks the same as he usually is, but his hair's darker, just saying that now.
Everyone stops as we see the well dressed man from before, being Roman's agent.
Roman greets him quite warmly and asks what brings him and how his excursion went.
The agent reveals it went well and he's got good news AND bad news, so which would Roman like to hear first? Roman would like the former, please and thank you.
Good news: the house he's interested in is up for grabs and, seeing as how he's placed the highest bid on it, is as good as his.
Roman rejoices at this excellent news, clapping his hands and being a happy boy, before askimg what the bad news is.
The girl we saw pushes her way in and hands Roman the newspaper as his agent also delivers the bad news.
The house is up for sale because the original owners are dead, having drowned in a car accident. And unless Roman wants rumors to arise of him killing the two for the house, he'd better wait for a little while.
Roman has the wind knocked out of him, and asks how long they died.
A month.
After a moment, and a glance to Remy, Roman asks if he can still put a down payment on the house.
He can, but, again, he can't move in for a while.
Roman accepts thise terms; it's lighter on his conscious and still lets him have the house.
They're asleep in bed, and we get a ghost gag of Patton hogging the blanket and revealing a floating Thomas, who wakes up and falls down with a yelp.
Patton wakes up, too, but it's because there was a loud BANG that happened just as Thomas hit the floor.
He asks how high Thomas was to fall that hard, as Thomas asks Patton if he heard that BANG, especially one that happens again.
They quickly leave their room and see moving men enter the living room, and haphazardly shove a couch on a roller until it hits the stair railing.
Remy races over and tells them to please try being a little more careful becasue this is country craftsmanship, not city hocus pocus.
Roman slinks in and takes in the house he'd wanted so much, admitting it wasn't what he'd expected, but one of the owners was a small interior designer, so what was he expecting in the first place?
Thomas, from his place next to Patton on the upper level, gapes at the comment, very much offended as Roman goes back outside to examine the exterior.
Thomas wonders if Dice had a point, but Patton squeals at the fact that Cardinal Rose is in their house. Thomas isn't as enthused, mainly because 1. They can't talk to him, 2. He can't see them, and 3. Dice SOLD this house to him after the two had just died.
Patton is discouraged, but still smiles with Thomas that there's a celebrity in their house.
Thomas smiles with him and they have a fanboy moment, holding hands, squealing and giggling, and jumping with excitement; happiness now, stress later.
Cut to Roman outside as he scrutinizes the area. There's no fence or no gate to keep any intruders out. Not even a garden to make it pretty, at least.
His looking brings him to his car, and looks inside, his look of, 'what can I fix about this?' becoming a mix of disappointment and frustration.
"We'll be here for a little while, the LEAST you could do is come out and look at it."
He sighs and walks away, but we focus on the car as the back passenger door opens and reveals a boy.
He's a petite little thing, a young teenager between 13 and 16, kind of cat-like, but has that 'angry cat' look to him. He's got bags under his eyes, a slight scowl on his face, and is dressed in black. His hair is extremely cleverly dyed, black on top, where everyone can see, but purple underneath, which we see as he runs his hands through his hair.
He stares at the house with a mix of sorrow and indifference, muttering that they're now the Addams Family, maybe a little worse.
Remy calls for the boy, our emo himself Virgil, and asks him to be a dear and take his luggage inside and look for a room he wants; there's five bedrooms and three and a half bathrooms, so there's a lot to pick.
Virgil remarks that he'll try not to invade the master bedroom, because that's undoubtedly going to be Remy's and Roman's room, and trudges toward the house, Remy ruffling his hair.
Remy watches Virgil before turning to Roman, who's standing and doing his best thinking face.
Remy wraps his arms around Roman from behind and asks for his opinion. Roman gives it to him flat: he wants to change the house. Remy gives him a withering look and Roman stipulates it will be just a few things, nothing major. Maybe take down a wall or two and put them somewhere else, maybe some paint, just things that will make this house their home.
Remy politely asks him not to, because this house belonged to someone else and shouldn't be torn up, but Roman reiterates: not the whole house. Just a couple things and then it can be hone. And he dares Remy to say the house is perfect as is, because it's not. He's just trying to make Roman and Virgil comfortable and he knows it.
Remy admits that he DOES want Roman and Virgil to feel at home and there are a few touch-ups that can be made, but this house wasn't even theirs to begin with, so they shouldn't change up too much.
Roman, quite solemnly, states that the house is theirs now and the owners aren't coming back, not when they're in a better place.
Comedic cut to Patton and Thomas as they sit and watch the moving madness unfold, right in their house. Virgil slips in, and catches Patton's attention.
Virgil looks around as Remy and Roman return.
Remy asks what the teen thinks of their new home. Virgil looks over at Roman, who's judging again, and murmurs that he(Roman) probably hates it. He spots a spider on the stairs railing, like between the rungs, and admits he could live here, letting the spider crawl onto his hand.
Remy walks over to an armchair and takes a seat, taking a breath and checking his watch. He doesn't know about Virgil and Roman, but it's only been twenty minutes and he already feels at home. Roman muses, "Good for you," and notices the kitchen, sighing at how that, at least, is acceptable and something he's probably not majorly changing, maybe he can even get into cooking, like he's been trying. As he walks up the stairs, Virgil calls about, quite bitterly, about how great it is that cooking is another thing Roman's good at.
Roman walks to the beginning of the stairs and dares Virgil to repeat that, though Remy calls for them both to leave each other alone; even though the comment was a little rude, Virgil's still nervous, and new to Roman's lifestyle, and needs time to adjust, and moving around a lot does not help with that. Roman counters that he's nervous too, but that doesn't mean he's going to be a sourpuss and snap at anyone who passes by.
Patton and Thomas try to ignore the argument, but are appalled by the fact that Dice gave their house to these people. Patton wonders why they even moved, if they hate it in this part of Florida. Thomas groans that they're probably from the city and probably want to use the land for making more condos and apartment buildings. Patton asks if Remy's a writer, though, and Thomas leans to his side until he falls to the floor, groaning how both their idols are selfish and insufferable. Patton rubs his arm as Virgil walks by.
The two catch a glimpse of each other, though it's in slow motion(nothing but TV perspective in this series), Patton giving a confused look as to why a teen would wear so much black in the Florida summer and Virgil having his own confusion be because he thought the house was empty before they moved in, the owners are dead, after all.
Before Roman and Remy can really go at it, someone walks through the door and muses that despite the change of scenery, Roman hasn't changed at all, being dramatic and lovely, as always. His entrance catches everyone's attention, though Virgil hightails it into room hunting.
Remy rolls his eyes as Roman squeals with joy as he hugs his friend, Janus, a golden blond who displays a tattoo on the side of his face to hide his scar, has gotten his ear on the same side cropped so it's sharp, and looks almost as impressive as Roman, though he slays in a plain black suit and yellow dress shirt.
The two hug and Roman barely contains his excitement at the fact his friend came all the way from the city to see him.
Janus returns the gesture and is glad to see Roman too, because this place, in its current state, will not do, and it's a good thing Remy's a best seller, because they're renovating big time.
Roman gives a glance to Remy and says that the house itself is fine, he just wants to make small-ish changes.
Thomas quickly sits up just as Virgil opens one of the bedroom doors, Thomas shouting and Virgil calling out, "Knocking down a wall and throwning paint on it is not a small change!"
Roman harshly shushes and gestures for Virgil to go away, but Janus shakes his head; guess Virgil hasn't changed either.
Patton pulls Thomas back and asks what they're going to do, because he can't tell if this is paradise or punishment.
Thomas shrugs and replies that he's not sure, but knows they can't stop them, seeing as how no one can see them, but that sets off a light bulb in both their heads and they turn to each other.
Both have been reading the handbook, and there's a word for thise in their situation, a word that makes them smile and foght to contain another hit of excitement:
With a laugh, forhead touch, and quick kiss, they get to work.
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sunny6677 · 2 months
It's Spooky Month! - Spooky Month: The Novellized Version - Book 1.
After eagerly waiting all day and night for the month of October to finally spring—a kid who calls himself Skid goes on wacky adventures with his friend who goes by the name of Pump! What sort of adventures will they get into? What sort of antics will arise? The answers are kind of unknown, because there's no predicting what can possibly happen when they're around!
PROLOGUE: It Is Spooky Month!
"Hahaha! I can't wait!"
Skid cheerfully beamed with a grin as he leaned foward, the artificial light washing over his dark purple hair. His bangs slightly brushed against his face as his small lips remained curled into a grin. He rocked back and forth—his eyes glimmering. The light from above lit up his pale brown skin. Today was a special day for the 8 year-old. And in all honesty, he had nearly stayed up the night before just thinking about it.
A woman—his mother—walked over to the table with a slight tilt of her head. Her purple baby bangs slightly bounced as her soft lips formed into a smile, and she gave a soft chuckle—lifting her hand, and placing a glass plate on the wooden surface. Skid's eyes lit up, taking in the faint scent of the bacon wafting in the direction of his nostrils, along with the addicting scent of scrambled eggs.
"Well, don't get yourself too happy about it—" She chuckled, " You might be out of energy by the time it finally comes."
Skid gave a giggle, leaning foward as he grabbed the metal fork that she has placed beside the plate. "Thanks, mom!"
"No problem, son! Be sure to eat all of it before we go, okay? I don't want you to be hungry when you get to school."
"Okay, mom!"
He gripped the fork tighter as she moved her own plate of food over to the surface of the table, her long hair that was currently tied up into a ponytail swaying behind her as she slipped into her usual seat. Skid drummed his free fingers against the table, poking his fork into the soft fluffy surface of the eggs, and lifting it up. He lifted the fork, and opened his mouth, letting it enter.
He felt an explosion of flavor as soon as he closed his mouth, and laughed just from the very taste. His mom—always such a good cook! He really didn't know what he'd do without her sometimes. As he swallowed it down—he looked to the clock that was on the wall. He.. wasn't that good at reading time yet, but—according to his guess, it must have been around 6:07 in the morning at least. Which would mean he'd have plenty of time to finish breakfast, and to get his stuff ready.
But.. that wasn't the only thing he was counting down the time for.
He only continued to eat, letting himself bathe in the morning euphoria he usually felt. He had to be prepared and full of energy like his mom said, but he doubted he would really need to worry about that.
After minutes of eating, the time read 6:19.
Skid hopped onto the steps of the bus, waving to his mom one last time before completely letting himself on. He heard the bus driver greet him as he shuffled inside, faces greeting him as the noise of loud chatter filled his ears. Yet—ahead, he saw a familiar face.
"Hi, Skid!"
A boy with poofy bright brown hair greeted with a grin as he sat on the plush gray seat of the bus. The damp interior washed over Skid as he smiled back, and scooted into the slot, hopping onto the seat entirely and placing his backpack on the ground.
He giggled, sweat clinging to his skin as he gave a grin. "Hi, Pump! Are you ready for the—"
Another kid nearby rudely hushed them, but Pump spoke anyway, making his already very high pitched voice softer as the sunlight frowm outside shimmered on his paler brown skin.
"Yeah! Yeah, I am!"
"Heheheh! This is gonna be so fun!"
The bus began to move, and their chatter turned to mindless conversation as the sun moved in the sky. Skid couldn't see it due to not having any sort of watch on him, but now, the time had read 6:44.
The hour was drawing nearer.
"Okay, can anyone tell me what this is?"
"Oh, oh!"
A kid answered, frantically waving their hand. Skid and Pump sat at the same round table as shimmering light filled the slightly overly warm class-room. The bright brown walls seemed oddly more saturates than usual due to the warmth outside. But.. even as the teacher spoke, Skid couldn't seem to pay any attention.
His eyes glanced from left to right, and he leaned foward. "Hey, Pump.. look!"
"Huh? What?"
Skids finger pointed in the direction of the nearby wall. And on the wall was a clock. Pump couldn't read time well either, but.. it was clearly around 9:00. And that meant that time was drawing even faster.
The two giggled, grinning at eachother as they shook their fists. Slowly, but surely, it would come.
The time read 12:07. And as of now, they were at lunch.
Rocking back and forth, Skid whipped out a frosted cookie from his lunch-box—white icing and black eyes drawn on it, along with a mouth that held a few jagged lines drawn across it. He glanced over at Pump, beaming.
"Hey, look! Look!"
"..oh!" Pump exclaimed. "Heheh.. its a spooky cookie!"
"Yeah, it is! What'd you get, Pump?"
Pump shuffled his hand into the interiors of his own slightly bigger box, and he whipped out what appeared to be.. a slightly boring old sandwich with pale brown bread.
Pump looked at it, and frowned. "..aww.. it's not spooky."
"Thats okay, Pump!" Skid grinned, scooting over as he lifted out the cookie, and broke it apart. "We can share it!"
"Oh—" Pump smiled again, "Okay!"
The two giggled, taking their own pieces of the cookie. Time was passing further, and further.
The two ran around in the fields of the playground, laughing happily as the sun flew over the pale blue sky. Skid stumbled a little, cheerfully making growling noises as he made grabbed motions with his hands. While Pump only laughed magically in response, wiggling his fingers as he ran in circles.
Other children ran around them, playing, blissful to the passing of the time. And they two were oblivious.
After a while, Pump stopped, and happily said, "Let's play haunted house!"
"Okay!" Skid nodded.
The two then ran over to the sandbox, euphoria filling their bodies.
"Bye-bye!" Skid waved as the bus drove by with a whir. Here he was, back on the driveway of his house again. It felt like time had passed.. almost too fast, in a way. But that didn't really matter. Skid ran along the grey sheet of concrete. His mother was already waiting in front of the door, a hand on her hip as she grinned.
Her dark brown skin glimmered in the sun, her dark lips curling into another smile as she leaned down and held her arms out. Skid ran foward, and wrapped his tiny arms around her the moment he hopped up the doorstep.
His mom laughed. "Hi, son!"
"Hi, mom!" Skid giggled with glee.
"You ready for dinner? I made you something spooky!"
"Woah, really?!"
"Yeah! Come on in, son! I have it waiting for you!" She said, releasing her slender arms off of him.
"Yay! Yipee!" Skid cheered—releasing himself out of her grasp, and dashing into the already open entrance of the house.
The clock ticked as Skid ate his dinner—which was a plate of chicken shaped to look like skeleton, along with some corn, and some soup with vegetables inside shaped to look like different monsters. He kicked his feet, letting his eyes glance over to the clock.
"You excited for tomorrow, son?" She asked.
"Yes!" Skid nodded.
"Well.. that's good! Hmm.. how about you go to sleep early then? Just because it'll be good for tomorrow!"
"Eheheh—okay!" Skid nodded, lifting his head in back and forth motions.
He continued to eat—scooping some of the warm soup into his mouth with a spoon as he heard the faint sound of the clock clicking. It would arrive soon. It would.
"You ready for bed, son?"
Lila asked from outside of the room.
"Yes, mom!"
Skid replied, fitting a black suit with white bones streaked across all of his limbs and body, from his legs to his arms. He held the circular white mask in his palms.
"I'm just gonna have some computer time first!"
"Well, okay! Don't stay on there too long, alright?"
"Okay, mom!"
..Skid snored, his eyes closed as his head rested against the keyboard of his computer. He hadn't thrown on his mask yet, and he wasn't even sure if it was time yet, but he was too tired to really care. He heard something muffled from outside, possibly his mom talking. Maybe she was coming to check on him? But even with that strange sound he heard outside, she didn't come in at all. Weird..
He let out a soft snore, and another—his body numbed with tiredness. He was about to just let himself pass out completely, but—
His clock began to let out a high pitched, beeping noise. Skid froze, his exhaustion slowly being numbed by the sheer euphoria that began to overwhelm him, and he lifted his head up—shoving his mask over his face.
"It is spooky month! Yay!"
He beamed—he could see his own reflection behind his mask, seeing his eyes in the dark circles of it. His mouth-piece had thin black lines streaked over it. He was a skeleton! A spooky skeleton! He didn't know why, and he honestly didn't care, but the costume honestly always brought him so much joy.
He spun around in his chair, grabbing his phone from his desk. Clicking it on, he went to the messengers app, and went to a certain contact he had in his phone. He pressed the phone to his ear after pressing a button, and heard the device begin to ring as it vibrated.
After a few seconds of ringing, a voice answered.
"Pump! It's the spooky month!" Skid whispered, trying not to be loud enough to wake his mom if she was asleep already.
"Yeah, I know! Eheheh.." Pump whispered back, possibly also trying to be quiet as not to wake whoever he was with.
"Oh, hold on!" Pump excitedly said, "Lemme send you something.."
Skid exited the call screen for a brief moment, a green button flashing to signal that he was still on the phone with Pump. For a few moments, there was nothing. And then—a video sent. It had a skeleton on its screen! Immediately, Skid let his hand dive foward, and rapidly pressed the video.
The skeleton in the video began to silently dance from side to side, throwing his hands in the same way they always did whenever they danced in celebration of this month. Skid barely flinched at all when a rough yell erupted from the device, a grotesque lady with green skin popping up on screen and yelling some gibberish noise.
Either way, it was spooky!
Skid exclaimed, "Wow! That's amazing! Hehehe—" He then said into the phone, "Let's go for ice-cream!"
"Okay! I'll.. eh.. I'll be over there! Bye-bye!"
The phone gave a click. As Skid hopped off of his plastic black seat, he could have sworn there was some other thing his mom told him to do.
Eh, it was probably nothing.
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dissident-vedder · 4 years
- the christmas miracle ( 𝐒.𝐆. )
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character a vows to do something nice for a stranger during christmas time. character b is that stranger.
A/N - layout by @adoresobs​!  prompt by @fanficy-prompts​
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tears pricked at the back of your eyes. here you were, two weeks away from christmas, and still no presents, no decorations, and very little food to even last this week. nina, your six-year-old daughter, kept asking about why christmas hasn’t come yet to your house, but how were you gonna tell her that you were struggling to buy food alone? it seemed like everyone in your apartment building knew of your financial status. they eyed you sadly as you walked down the hallways, making your way to work your one of two jobs, dark undereye bags staining the once skin-toned flesh, nina constantly wondering why you were working and no longer spending time with her as much as you used to. 
“i’m here to pick up nina,” you told him. “i’m her mom, mrs. gossard takes care of her in the afternoons.” 
“oh!” he smiles at you, “you’re ms. [y/l/n], right?”
“yes, i am!” you smile back. 
“come in, she got tired and is taking a nap in the living room,” he opens the door, stepping aside to let you walk in, taking in the pastel pink walls and white wicker furniture. “i’m stone, by the way. i’m mary’s son.”
“you’re the one she always talks about!” you brightly smile at him, causing him to blush lightly, sheepishly bowing his head. “she’s really proud of you, you know.” 
“she’s always like that with her children,” stone laughs lightly, scratching the back of his neck. the pale color of his skin complimented his eyes, making them appear brighter in the white light of his mother’s living room. 
“mama?” nina’s soft voice called from the couch. her small fist rubbed roughly against her eyelids, rubbing the sleep out of them as she pushed her upper body up to a sitting position. “hi,” you replied tenderly, making your way to her, her arms stretching out to allow you to pick her up easily. she wraps her arms around your neck and her legs around your waist, burying her head into the side of your neck, sighing gingerly, taking in the scent of the perfume you always wore. you turned back to stone, “is your mom home?” you pulled a small wad of money from your pocket, wanting to pay her for taking care of nina for however long she has been taking care of her for. “i’d like to give her this.” you pushed it towards stone, who gently put his hand over yours, pushing it back towards you.
“my mom won’t take your money,” he smiled delicately. “she understands, don’t worry about it.” 
“but -”
“no buts,” he shook his head, making his way into the kitchen, picking up the platter from the counter. “she also wanted me to give you this, if you came over while she was at her doctor’s appointment.” 
“thank you,” you freed one of your hands from nina, planning to take the glassware from him. 
“no,” he puts it back down on the counter again, hands outstretched to take nina. “i’ll help you take it home.” he smiles softly again. swapping nina for the pie plate, moving towards the door, eyeing nina as she rested her head on stone’s shoulder. her faint snores restarted, causing the man’s heart to slowly turn to mush as he rested his cheek on her head. your heart swelled, opening the door to his mom’s apartment. nina’s estranged father was never in the picture, and seeing a strange man cuddle her softly to his chest as he helped you really brought both sadness and want into your heart. 
you wanted nina to experience what having a father was like, but you barely had time for her, let alone another person. you walk to your apartment in silence, fearful that nina would wake up from her nap if you were too loud for her liking; she was always a light sleeper, something she gained from her dad, who was always sleeping with one eye open. you always wondered why, seeing that the neighborhood the two of you lived in was relatively safe.
most of seattle was. 
taking your key and unlocking your door, you lead stone to nina’s room, the princess themed bedspread thrown haphazardly across her bed, a few barbies and kens laying about the floor in front of her dresser. he gingerly placed her down, unbuckling her jeans and pulling them down her legs before moving the bedspread to cover her up to her chin. you smiled at the sight before going to the kitchen, placing down the pie plate on the counter next to your stove. the sound of heavy steps alerted you of his presence, “i have to go, it’s almost the end of my mom’s appointment and i had to drive her down there.” 
“alright,” you told him. “thank you for helping me with nina, i appreciate it.” 
“no problem, it was a nice break from the music business,” he beams, chuckling a little. “well, hopefully i’ll see you later!” he waves at you before walking away, opening the door to your apartment. 
“hopefully,” you hugged your arms around yourself. 
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you had noticed a piece of paper on nina’s nighttable, and upon closer inspection, you noticed that it was stone’s phone number with a messily scrawled, “call me :).” 
you did, the next day, and since then the two of you spoke and laughed at his jokes, him telling you stories of his childhood, his adventures across the world, the stress of being in a famous band. you feared telling him of your financial struggles and the struggle of trying to make enough money to get nina some presents. however, what you did not know, was that mary had told him of your problems and his plan to help you out with it. 
it was the night of christmas eve, and nina had fallen asleep after throwing a small crying fit, wondering how 1. santa was going to be able to come to your home since it was in an apartment building (this was an ongoing thing for the past three years) and 2. why the christmas tree still wasn’t up. “he’s not going to come here if he can’t see the tree!” she cried, letting you hold her close, rubbing the back of her head as you calmed her down.
sitting in your living room with a book on your lap, your heart continued to beat wildly against your chest. you bought her very few things, most of which were small and it would make her a little disappointed, and at the same time break you heart as she would go back to school and talk about how the other kids got bigger and better things. 
a small knock on your door caused you to freeze, eyes wide as you thought of what could happen. a burglar waiting for you to be dumb and open the door? mary coming over to bring some food? all bad thoughts crossed your mind until you heard, “it’s stone!” coming from the outside.
what was stone doing here at. . . you glanced at the clock in the kitchen, 4 in the morning? you put down the book, upside down as to keep your spot, and made your way to the door, still confused at why he was here. you unlocked the door and when you saw the christmas tree box - amongst other things - sitting at his feet, you gasped. “what is this, stone?” 
“it’s for you and nina,” he smiled. “now, come on, it’s cold.” the two of you laughed, taking the time to pick up the boxes and transferring them into the warmth of your apartment, and as each box came in, you noticed that a few were already wrapped and ready to be placed under the christmas tree, one of which was wrapped in a different paper than the others. stone noticed you looking at it. “it’s for you.” 
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it took the two of you half an hour to put up the tree and place the presents underneath, and once it was done, you were able to fall asleep peacefully, you and stone passing out on the cushions of your sofa. “mama!” nina’s cries pierced through the thick veils of sleep and woke you and stone up. “santa came!” you peered at her through your eyelashes, seeing her angelic face brighten up as she saw the many presents placed at the bottom of the lit tree. 
“open them,” you insisted, trying to sit up with some difficulty, soon noticing stone’s head resting against your stomach, arms wrapped lazily around your middle. you haven’t seen her this happy, you noted, hand making its way into stone’s hair, gently rubbing his scalp. he hums softly, watching the girl tear through the first box, a high-pitched squeal leaving her lips as she realizes it’s the victorian purple barbie house she’s been pestering you for months and something you complained to stone about. 
“nina,” you caught her attention, “can you give me that box, please? it has my name on it.” you caught the neatly scrawled [y/n] on the top. she snatches up from the floor, running over to you, placing it in your outstretched hand before going back to her own. “what is this, stone?”
“open it,” he nods to it. 
you tear the paper, letting the pieces drop to the floor, seeing a flat velvet box come into view. written on top of it was ‘gucci’. opening it, an aged gold butterfly necklace stares back at you from the confines of the white cardboard interior, and peaking from behind it, a gold-colored debit card sat. “it currently has a few thousand dollars in it,” stone informs you. “and it’s attached to my bank acount, as well, so now you and nina are dependents.”
“stone, i can’t take this,” you begin to protest.
“why not?” he picked himself up from your stomach, glacing at you from above. “it’s my money and i get to choose what i want to do with it. and i want to help you and nina. there’s only one condition.”
“and what’s that?”
taking a short glance towards your daughter, who was too busy tearing open the last few of her presents, he lowers himself against you, face turning towards yours before he presses his lips softly on yours. “just be my girlfriend. that’s all i ask.”
you nod. “always.”
@stateofloveandvedder @state-of-love-and-lust @honeysympathy
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toutallyahoe · 4 years
Flirt 2 ~ Shinsō Hitoshi (BNHA)
Requested By: --
A/N: i... this was supposed to be only around 1000 to 1500 words-- BUT SADLY THE GREMLINS IN MY MIND IS LIKE "1500 WORDS??? PFFT-- NAHHHHHH! HERE'S 2000!!!"
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Flirt | Flirt 2 | Flirt 3
The smell of sweet and freshly baked pastries mixed with the scent of newly brewed caffeine filled the air of the cafe. There was a jingle of bells as people come and go to the aswell as the chipper voice of the old yet sweet looking person behind the counter greeting everyone who entered a happy "welcome!"
The cafe was small. Not too small to feel cramped though, but rather small to feel all homey and relaxing, like those visits you go to your grandmother's home that were close to the countryside or seashore with their small, yet homey looking home that filled you up with warmness when you first entered. The nostalgia it gives off as you remember fond memories when you were younger in that place. CC Cafe was just like that. Small yet homey looking it was from its cream and brown that painted the interior of the walls of the cafe. Small trinkets and ornaments aswell as paintings here and there that decorated the walls of the cafe and it gave a rather unique look on it. Tables aligned each other perfectly and people occupied them with smiles.
There was a small area near the glass wall that you can see through to watch the streets that filled with people walking along. The area had a couples of cozy looking beanbags and two small tables with one bookshelf that were filled with books to pass the time. Two people currently occupied the area as they read a book they either brought or had taken off from the bookshelf, their orders on the small tables.
What really caught anyone's attention though was the animals walking around the cafe with no care in the world and even have the guest of the cafe have in their lap or next to their chair. Some even on top of the table which baffled [Name] if he had to be honest. The [Hair color] haired male never was one to come into these kinds of cafe frequently as it seemed to be a bit weird to visit a cat cafe when he already has a cat of his own. Yes, it was cute but kinda odd if he had to think about it. But when the [Hair color] haired looked at his companion, he couldn't help but throw his thoughts about the cafe away as a grin formed on his lips.
[Name] had brough Hitoshi to a cat cafe. A cafe where cats run around, both well behaved and either energetic to interact with guest or just lazing around on the seats that no one can really mind. It was a very cute and homey cafe and Hitoshi seemed to have forgiven him from being late earlier ago and also retracted his plans on making [Name] go broke by buying more expensive stuff to eat which the [Hair color] haired male and his wallet was thankful for.
The two young male's had already arrived at the cafe around thirty minutes ago and they had occupied themselves on a table near the windows. Their coats taken off and placed on the unoccupied chairs beside them as the cafe was rather warmer than outside. Their orders sitting on top of the table as neither of the two seemed to care to pick it up yet as the two were busy doing their own thing. [Name] couldn't help but feel proud for himself as he watched his indigo haired companion who sat on the opposite side of him was playing with a cute cat that has a lovely shade of white with brown spots in their body. From its collar that had a cute cat shaped pendant saying its name was Choco.
The atmosphere on the cafe was rather nice. There was mindless chatter from the other occupants and the sound of bells from the entrance of the cafe would jingle to notify people had come and go. The meowing of the cats and the giggles of young girls as they played with them. Every occupants enjoying the relazing atmosphere of the cafe. And Hitoshi and [Name] were no exemption from it.
"Woah!" [Name] let out in surprised as a cat had jumped into his lap and made itself comfortable and laid there. "You scared me there, little guy," [Name] mused. A small laugh leaving his lips as he adoringly pat the fat and orange tabby cat on his lap. [Name] looked at the collar of the cat on his lap as saw its name was Donut. "So, your name is Donut, huh?" The [Hair color] haired male said to himself as the cat let out a meow at him.
[Name] surprised yelp caused Hitoshi to spare him a glance to know what happened to have his friend to be noisy all of a sudden when he was uncharacteristically quiet, but then went back to the cat on his hand when he saw it was no big of a deal and just saw thay the [Hair color] haired male have a small cat problem.
It was nice and relaxing. After awhile of mindlessly petting the cat bamed Donut that made itself comfortable on his lap, [Name] decided to eat his orea cheesecake that he ordered. The [Hair color] haired male would occasionally spare a glance his indigo haired companion who was too busy to notice his glances. A soft and adoring smile on his lips as he watches Hitoshi be so relaxed and happy, not like his usual tired and brooding self. It made [Name] happy to know his friend was enjoying himself.
In a moment, [Name] felt something inside him burst as he saw Hitoshi just being all happy and adorable with the cat he was playing. Not a care in the world. No tiredness in his purple colored eyes but fondness as he played with Choco. [Name] paused at his eating just to admire his indigo haired companion. Hitoshi was his friend, yes, but Hitoshi was also someone who happened to capture his heart. [Name] liked Hitoshi. And he says that every single day.
"You seem to enjoy yourself, Hito-chan," [Name] commented as he watched Hitoshi paused on playing with the cat to give him a glance. There was a small smile on Hitoshi's lips as a soft taint of pink in his cheeks.
"Yeah... I am," Hitoshi had said as he looked back at the cat that purred when he patted its head. "Cats are... well... they are nice..."
[Name] couldn't help but smiled at how Hitoshi seemed to act so embarrassed and vulnerable. Cats were one of the indigo haired male's soft spot and he enjoys seeing his friend just be like this. Happy and nice. He was relaxed and wasn't thinking about how cruel the world is.
"Hito-chan is acting so cute today," [Name] had teased. "Well, Hito-chan is always cute, but today seemed to be more!" He continued as the indigo haired male flushed at his words for a moment then glared at the [Hair color] haired male.
"Shut up, weirdo," Hitoshi grumbled. "And stop calling me that!" He said as he went back to paying attention to Choco who meowed loudly from the lack of attention and not pay mind to his friend who let out a cry at his words. Hitoshi could only shake his head at his friend's overdramatic tendencies yet a small smile on his lips from amusement. No matter how many times he hangs out with the [Hair color] haired male, he still doesn't get why he was like this, overdramatic and had his heart on his sleeves. But nevertheless, the indigo haired male was rather thankful. [Name] was... a decent guy.
There was a comfortable silence between the two males. It was nice. Hitoshi continued to pay attention to Choco who purred at his affection and would occasionally take a drink from the drink he had ordered while [Name] had took out his phone awhile ago and seemed to by playing with it, yet he often looked at his indigo haired companion and smile on how cute and adorable Hitoshi was as he intercated with Choco. One hand patting the sleeping cat on his lap.
"Hey Hito-chan?" [Name] called out. Hitoshi hummed at [Name]'s call. Already tired on trying to correct the [Hair color] haired male to stop calling him on that ridiculous nickname. "You're purrfect," [Name] cheekily said as a grin formed on his lips when he saw Hitoshi froze for a second and then turned to look at him. A deadpanned look on the indigo haired male's face and it made the [Hair color] haired male burst up in laughter.
"What?" [Name] laughed. "Cat got your tongue?" He continued through his laughter and Hitoshi could only groan from the stupid puns his [Hair color] haired companion was throwing.
"Those were horrible," Hitoshi had grumbled as [Name] seemed to gather himself, still occasionally giggling like a mad man from his puns.
"Awe, come on, Hitoshi," [Name] pouted. The usage of his given name and not the stupid and ridiculous nickname made the indigo haired male perked up and looked at his [Hair color] haired friend. There was a smile on [Name]'s which was rather nice. It was that smile that gives you some warm feeling-- not that Hitoshi can really say as to him, that was the smile of a mischievous bastard because of the glint of mischief on those [Eye color] eyes of [Name]'s. "Don't be such a sourpuss, those were some paw-some jokes!"
Hitoshi regrets being [Name]'s friend. He regrets it so, so much.
The indigo haired male groaned at [Name] terrible jokes as the [Hair color] haired male laughed at his annoyance.
"You have got to be kitten me..." Hitoshi grumbled but then freezed in his place, eyes widening as his face flush in embarrassment. The indigo haired male let out a curse at himself as he wished the earth ate him whole right that moment when he heard [Name] laughed louder from his mistake. Due to the [Hair color] haired male's loudness, some patrons of the cafe turned to look at them which made Hitoshi flushed brighter in embarrassment.
"Oh my! H-hito-chan?!?" [Name] sputtered as he continued to laugh to his hearts continent. It took almost a whole five minutes to have the [Hair color] haired male gather himself back and shut up but the damage was already done. [Name] wiped some ears from his eyes as his stomach ache from laughing to hard. Donut, the cat that was sleeping on his lap had awakened and has hissed at him when he was laughing loudly but still stayed there.
"You gather your shit back now?" Hitoshi grumbled as he did not look [Name] in the eye and instead just focused on the cat on his lap.
"Oh, I'm fine," [Name] had chuckled. "I'm... feline fine," he said but then burst out laughing again which made the indigo haired male hissed at him.
"I swear, I'm going to leave you here," Hitoshi grumbled which made the [Hair color] haired male bit back his laughter and tried to composed himself. He just can't help himself. It made his day when Hitoshi unconsciously said a pun and he just... he found it adorable.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," [Name] chuckled as he shakes his head. "Sorry for laughing at you, Hito-chan," He apologized yet it seemed to be not sincere from his tone that seemed to be so carefree and happy.
"Whatever..." Hitoshi grumbled. The indigo haired male focused on Choco again as he didn't want to give himself further more embarrassment. [Name] already embarrassed him enough from earlier and now here in the cafe and he just want to slap the guy. Hitoshi decided to just buy more of that Chocolate Gateau which looked rather tasty and beautiful, perhaps more of the the Purin aswell as it looked rather mouthwatering. His [Hair color] did promised that he will pay for everything they will eat, so Hitoshi will make use of that opportunity. Nodding at his thoughts and pleased with his plan to make the poor [Hair color] haired bankrupt, Hitoshi did not see [Name] softly smiling at him.
There was a certain fondness on [Name]'s eyes color eyes as he watched Hitoshi looked rather pleased and happy, not knowing that the indigo haired male was planning for his wallet's demise but it seemed that it didn't matter for that moment when the [Hair color] haired male look at Hitoshi. The indigo haired male just made him feel things, Hitoshi didn't even have to do anything but just be himself. Chuckling at himself for thinking like a blushing school girl with her crush, [Name] really couldn't help himself.
"Hey Hito-chan?" He called to Hitoshi. The said male only hummed to his call. [Name] smiled and shakes his head at that. "I like you," the [Hair color] haired male confessed.
Hitoshi looked at [Name] and blinked. What did his friend just say? The indigo haired male raised a brow at his [Hair color] haired companion who gaved him a large grin. There was something inside the indigo haired male happen that he couldn't put his finger what but he knew for a certain that [Name] was just saying things. [Name], after all, always says things like these.
"Yeah... whatever," Hitoshi had brushed off the [Hair color] haired male's words as he rolled his eyes. The indigo haired male went back to paying attention to Choco and thinking of ordering some stuff again. Not seeing the falter of [Name]'s grin at his actions nor the flash of sadness on the [Eye color] eyes of his companion.
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nachohypno · 4 years
Nate and Dave Ch. 12
I feel like weekends are particularly exciting ever since Dave started hanging out with me, like a week or two ago. Is it bad that I already forgot how life was without a werewolf soulmate looking out for me? I feel like I’ve known him for my entire life, and he just moved to the town like two years ago.
Back to what I was saying. My ‘dates’ with Dave consisted of going to the forest and just having a good laugh, or staying at his/my room and cuddling a lot. At school, it was a bit more difficult, due to reasons you may already know.
But, we’re coming to terms with our relationship and veeeeery slowly, we’re opening up for the public.
That’s also what I had planned for today’s date. A good sunny Saturday noon, perfect for spending the day with the guy I love in a public place like the shopping street.
Besides, I’d like to resume my little investigation project. I already know about Dave’s behavior at school, he acts like he owns the place and he pretty much does. At the forest, he apparently feels at ‘his element’ with his inner wolf. In the bedroom, or more specifically, in the bed, he’s a king.
Out in the real world… He’s still good. Surprisingly, the guy was apparently born to be the best.
I didn’t put much effort on my looks. A plain purple shirt and some jeans would do the trick. When the time to leave had come, Dave waited for me in his car in front of my house. The jock ditched his varsity jacket in favor of a black tank top and sunglasses. He looked pumped up, so I wondered if he just left the gym or something.
“Ready to hit the forest? Pretty ready to fetch the stick today” He said, as I entered the car and sat down. He pulled me in for a kiss, before finishing with a swift “Or I could fetch your stick, bruh… If ya catch my drift.”
“Well, while that sounds interesting” I could see his smile growing a little. “… I thought about having a change of plans. Wanna go to the shopping street we got your collar at?”
“Uh… yeah… but I thought we were trying to avoid being together out in public?” The jock asked, confusion was pretty clear in his voice. “I mean, not that I care, just don’t want you to feel uncomfortable—”
“And I’m not! If anything, I don’t think I’ve been pretty fair with you by asking to keep our thing a secret. And we’re both adults so… there shouldn’t be a problem with us just… hanging out and doing goofy boyfriend stuff?” I replied. I wasn’t lying, I did feel bad sometimes when I thought about how I would feel if my boyfriend asked me to act like I didn't know him.
And luckily, Dave wasn’t going to complain. He took off the sunglasses and looked at me with his beautiful blue puppy eyes.
“I love doing goofy boyfriend stuff with you,” He said, the flirty tone returning. “and if anyone tries to hurt you, I’ll protect you. Nothing to worry ‘bout, it’ll be a perfect date!” Dave put on his glasses once again, before grabbing the wheel and starting to drive away from my house.
‘Okay, too late to go back now. I’m doing this for him!’ I thought, reassuring myself that it was the right thing to do. Of course, we could wait until high school is over in a few couple months, but I felt like Dave would love to have me around during his ‘king of the school’ years. Kinda sure he’ll take back that role at college, but maybe it’ll ease the ‘blow’ for everyone when we go to the prom together?
…Not like anyone will say anything though, the big guy has the whole place on his paw!
Geez, being the soulmate of the alpha jock in school is the best thing ever. I just love him so much!
We got around the shopping street quite fast. Dave is a good driver, and focuses on the driveway to avoid causing an incident. Every time we stop at a light, he likes to take a few moments to check on how I’m doing or to make some nice chit chat.
The jock parked once we arrived, and reached over to grab his stuff at the glove compartment (Taking the chance to steal a quick kiss from me before hopping out of the car).  I smiled, and followed him out of the car.
As any other normal Saturday, the shopping street was pretty crowded. Different girls and guys going around in couples or groups, some people handing out pamphlets or performing in the middle of the street. You could even see people dressed as famous cartoon characters and taking pictures with the children.
Dave intertwined his hand with mine. It gave me a bit of the chills, causing me to pull back and leave his hand there.
I couldn’t see Dave’s eyes due to the sunglasses, but he seemed to be sad and confused at my sudden change of mind. “I-I’m… sorry…” I said, before grabbing Dave’s hand again, and holding on to it.
“Everythin’ okay?” The werewolf asked, looking at me with concern. I nodded, slowly. “Yeah, just a reflex. Still haven’t gotten used to this, huh.”
We both sighed in relief, starting to walk towards the shops past the parking lot.
I wished I could see his eyes through the sunglasses though. Not gonna lie, his attire was pretty hot (Kind of inappropriate due to the incoming winter, but I assumed he wasn’t cold at all). And I feel like I could have done better myself…
“What’re we doing today, bruh?” He asked, as we walked away from the car.
I haven’t thought about that. Shit.
I looked around, quickly. I couldn’t come up with anything good, and just threw the first thing that clung to my mind. “I thought we could… buy some new clothes…?” It was lame and I wanted the earth to eat me.
But, Dave agreed with me. “Sure. Sounds like good fun.” I couldn’t tell if he was joking, but the jockboy just stared at me and waited for my reaction.
“Wait, you’re okay with it?”
He nodded, his smile growing bigger. “I mean, Lee used to drag me with her and make me hold her bags. I won’t mind if my soulmate wants to do the same, and I love spending time with you so… I think it’ll be fun, babe.”
Okay, I’m not a big ‘fashion fan’ or whoever it’s called. As you may have seen, I don’t pay much attention to my appearance besides the normal stuff to being seen as a respectable townie.
You’ll usually see me wearing nerdy tees with cartoons or jokes printed on them, paired with some jeans or shorts depending on the time of the year. I don’t have a body to show off, being pretty average with my not-really-big belly but not thin either.
Dave, on the other hand, looked good with anything. He does have the body to show off, and I assume that was helping his confidence quite a bit (Maybe besides the point that he can crack anyone’s skull if he gets mad enough at them).
We entered a men clothing store. The place was pumping some background music, but it wasn’t loud enough to be annoying and make me not hear my own thoughts.
The people behind the counter barely noticed us, until a woman that seemed to be in her thirties waved and said something like “Hey guys, looking for something in particular?”
“Not really, just gonna check around with my bruh” Dave answered, giving me a good smile before taking off his sunglasses and placing them at the tank top’s neck. Maybe he didn’t want to seem like an asshole who wears sunglasses at interiors? Who knows.
He stared at me for a bit longer, before moving to a few racks of tees and pants. I didn’t know what he was looking for, I was mildly paralyzed because I haven’t thought so far ahead. I took a long deep breath, before regaining my cool and walking over to Dave. “Saw something cool?”
The werewolf jock nodded, taking a green tee that seemed a bit fitted for my taste, and some leggings. “Wanna try these out? Bet ya look great on these.” Man, he seemed to be enjoying this shopping stuff more than I. Not gonna pop his bubble though.
“Uhm… sure, I’ll give them a try.” I answered, grabbing what he had picked for me and walking over to a few dressing stalls at another room, next to the bathrooms.
I felt a bit ridiculous, honestly. I undressed and left my regular clothes on a little bench, before putting on what Dave picked for me. ‘If he picked something for me, then I get to pick something for him, right?’ I thought to myself.
“Hey, Dave?” I called for him, but got no answer. Huh, maybe he’s a bit far? That doesn’t make sense though, he has heightened senses!
A minute or so later, the guy entered the dressing stall and looked at me. “Hey, lookin’ pretty good.” He said, almost whispering. I don’t know if they allow two people to be in the same stall, but we can just pass as two bros helping each other out, right?
“Huh, y’think so? Never used fitted tees before.” It didn’t look half as good as it would look on Dave. Never been too athletic, so I had nothing to show off, as mentioned before.
“I mean, you look great with everything, even better when you wear nothing, babe” That was a bit of a lame flirting attempt, but still, highly appreciated. I looked at myself in the mirror, and he took advantage of the moment to wrap his arms around me. “Should I leave or—”
“No, it’s cool. I like it here…” I tried to move my head to face him, but he surprised me with a mouth invasion. I loved everything about it. The taste, his smell, his movements, everything was great. “…I like you” I changed my words at the last second after the kiss was over.
“I love you, my soulmate. And hey, you look really good in those clothes.” A quick smooch on my cheek before letting go of me. “Mind if you pick something for me? Be fun about it if ya want, I’ll take whatever you choose.” Great! Just as I expected!
And he gave me an idea. One that would activate my dom vein. “Really? Huh… Wanna be a good puppy boy and zone out for me, then?”
It didn’t take any effort from my part.
Dave zoned out like he usually did, tongue lolling out and blankly looking forward. “Let’s see… drop the shirt and give me a good smile” I ordered, hoping that there wouldn’t be people at the other stalls or an employee next to us.
Of course, Dave did as told, revealing his sculpted body with short fuz (He likes to keep himself smooth, but being a werewolf can make that hard, apparently) as his tongue went back in. His face now showed a perfect dumb smile.
“What size of clothing do you wear, puppy boy?” I whispered.
“I wear L, bruh…” He mumbled his answer before his face became stiff once again. Walking out of the stall but making sure the curtain was well closed so no one would wander in and find the dazed werewolf, I went towards the clothing racks.
I wasn’t planning on playing the fashionista nor anything but… A red speedo was the first thing I grabbed. I don’t know if they’re good for using them as a normal underwear but Dave would look hot on them.
A bright yellow long sleeved shirt that seemed pretty fit, combined with some black jean shorts. He would look funny, probably. It was his request!
After grabbing the clothes, I walked back to the dressing stalls and entered Dave’s. Luckily, the shop’s employees seemed to be busy drinking coffee and gossiping at the counter.
Dave still looked perfect. And seeing him in his zoned out state always made my cock twitch for a bit. I smiled at the perfect view, and gave him a quick kiss.
“Now, strip naked, big guy” I ordered, still in whispers. He didn’t answer, but did as I said. Soon, he was showing off his body in all his naked glory. His cock was rock hard, of course. My puppy boy was always ready for action!
“Put this on” I handed him the red speedo, and he moved almost robotically, with lazy movements, as he got the speedo to cover his big junk.
…It was still completely visible though, so it wouldn’t do a good job without something on top of it. “Wait… let me pose you, got it?” Dave nodded. I grabbed his arms and made him flex, like some kind of statue or mannequin. He still had his dumb smile and blank stare, so he looked like some kind of beach boy.
“Good puppy boy,” I praised him, scratching the back of his ear. He didn’t react to it, but I guess he would appreciate the praise. “Now, these ones…” I handed him the shorts and shirt.
Okay, I have an awful fashion sense, but he still managed to look really hot. The shirt clung tightly to his body muscles, and the jeans managed to hide the big erection that escaped the speedo.
I grabbed his arms again, and made him pose like the “I had to do it to ‘em” meme, just for a good laugh.
“You can wake up now, puppy boy” I mumbled, and stared as he regained his senses.
“Whut… How’d it go?” Dave tried to ask, before looking at himself in the mirror. “Damn… Do I look hot?”
“You always do, big guy.”
“I know, but do I look hot to you? You’re the one that matters here.” Aww. I felt myself blushing a bit, before nodding.
“You look stunningly hot.” I replied. He leaned in for another long kiss, before we changed off the clothes. We still had to pay for them!
“Huh, never thought about a speedo,” He mumbled, before looking at me. “Now I wanna do a pool party or something like that, bruh.”
I chuckled, then finished changing into my old clothes. Dave grabbed my new clothes and quickly walked towards the counter. “I’ll pay for everything, don’t ya worry.” The jock said, before I could reject his offer.
He was already offering his card to the employees, so it was too late to stop him, right?
A few minutes later, he waited for me at the entrance with some bags. “Wanna get some lunch?” He asked, walking away from the store, a few bags on his hands.
 The jock sat in front of me, taking off his sunglasses and leaving them hanging from the tank top’s neck again. His plate had two big burgers, each one with three meats. “Werewolves are hungry all the time, or do you just love food?” Uh, that’s a horrible thing to ask anyone. “Not judging, just curious…” Saved it!
He gave me a smile. “Huh, never thought about it. I do love food, and my wolf metabolism lets me eat whatever I want with barely any consequence on my good physique. Bang!” He finished his explanation flexing both arms.
I chuckled, making a mental note. Dave reached out for his burger before adding a quick “Don’t get surprised if I eat too much, most of my family works like that, bruh.” And giving a bite to the burger.
I looked at my own burger, and started eating too.
Honestly, so far, being a werewolf sounds like a good thing. I don’t know if Dave’s hotheaded personality is tied to his alpha/werewolf status or it’s just who he is, though.
We barely spoke, due to our mouths being filled with delicious meat. I could tell that Dave enjoyed his meal, but he also looked very intently at me and tried to make funny faces every time our eyes crossed paths.
It made me laugh, not going to lie. I was having a good time, overall!
Well… until…
A young girl approached us, probably around our age? She looked like a student, but I don’t recall seeing her at the hallways. Maybe a sophomore or junior?
She was nervous, that was clear. “Heeeey, how’s the meal going?” The girl was cute. She had braided black hair and olive skin. Her accent made me think she was Latina, but I wasn’t sure.
Dave was the first one to answer, due to swallowing his burger faster than I. “Uh, pretty good”
I don’t want to be the jealous weirdo, but I was mildly afraid he may be checking her out. ‘You’re his soulmate’ I reassured myself. The girl was, of course, not interested in me at all, which added more salt to the wound.
“So, umm… This is awkward buuuut… may I get your number? My friends over there” She pointed to a table meters away from ours, a group of three girls staring at us “made a bet and… geez, I fucked up, right?”
‘Kinda, yeah.’ I thought, looking over at Dave and hoping he would take care of the situation.
Before giving out an answer, the big guy looked at me and his smile went down for a bit. “Look, I wouldn’t really mind but… I’m pretty much taken and we’re in the middle of something here.” I was screaming inside, feeling so proud of the puppy boy!
The girl’s face turned red, and quickly started to apologize as she slowly backed away. Dave didn’t stop looking at her until she was far enough. Then, he spoke.
“Your face is so easy to read, babe.” He threw at me, mockingly, after the girl was gone. “Don’t worry, not gonna ruin our special day, my love.”
“I know, I know. Couldn’t help but feel a bit… annoyed?” I shook my head “Anyway, not important. Where would you like to go now?”
“Babe, you’re important, the most important thing in my life,” Dave answered, reaching out to touch my hand and softly caress it. “And honestly? Kinda glad to see you worried about me. Makes me way more glad to have gotten you this!”
He reached down to his pocket and took a little package. “Bought this when you were trying out stuff. Thought it would be a neat detail, after you gifted me a puppy boy collar!”
I grabbed the little package and carefully opened it. Inside, two necklaces lied. A locket with a keyhole on the middle, and a key, both necklaces being held with each their own chains. “I tried to look for something with meaning, and which better thing than something that… uh…” The jockboy tried to explain a bit more, but I could tell that he was out of ‘smartsy words’ already.
“I own the key to your heart?” I asked, grabbing both pieces and handing him the locket part.
“Yeah! Oh, wait. Open it first, bruh.” He handed it back to me, and I proceeded to open the small locket.
Inside of the locket, a little note could be read. ‘My heart, body and mind belongs to my lovely soulmate Nate Hall —David Walker’. “The store’s clerk looked weirded out when I wrote that. Also, sorry for not being there when you called for me.” He finished, as I closed the locket again. Huh, so that’s where he was.
Needless to say, my face was red. Like, completely red. I’ve been hearing Dave the mean jock saying cheesy lines for the past few weeks, but he surpassed himself this time. He was the best boyfriend I could have ever asked for, no need to struggle against that now.
I’ve never been one to express many emotions, especially when around a crush or romantic interest. Never got the confidence to actually express them.
It was different now.
“I… I really like it. You’re the best!” I handed him his locket and placed the key necklace around my neck.
“Nah, your collar was a better gift, I think. I have a hard time picking gifts, but that one seemed like a good one.” He shrugged, probably trying to take importance from the fact that my lovely puppy boy seemed a softie. I loved when he acted like that, though. Dave is really sweet when he wants to be.
Dave placed the locket necklace around his neck. I don’t know if it would interfere with the bowser collar when we play in private, but I didn’t care. Dave always tried to do nice stuff for me, his soulmate, and I think I should start to reciprocate a bit more often.
“So, you get to pick where we go next,” I told him, trying to change the subject. I was out of words already, and I didn’t want to get too cheesy in the middle of the street. I was really thankful, though. “Any ideas?”
“While going out and shopping with you has been way better than what I thought…” I noticed he still had to get through his second burger. He gave it a huge bite before swallowing and finishing his sentence. “I think I’d prefer to head home now. My home, with you, and a pair of beers, by the pool. Sounds like a plan? I could even make good use of that amazing speedo you got me.”
The idea of an almost naked Dave wearing a speedo made me giggle a bit. I stole a fry from his plate and nodded. “Sounds like a plan” I don’t drink, but I could use some relaxation time with the best jock in the world.
Chapter 13 is already available in my Patreon!  And by pledging you also get access to other stories before they go public!
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