#i saw something and started crying and like. please don't give this person attention
saccharinemeat · 6 months
if you get hate OFF anon from a blog with an url starting with "b1tch" please just block them,they're posting animal gore and sending hate for attention
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spacexdrago · 3 months
Kill Me
OC: Velaryon wife! reader (your name is Anora or you can change it).
Summary: The death of Jaehaerys Targaryen
Author note: Helaena is not married to Aegon. Anora is the one married to him, making her queen, she is the mother of their children. And, I add one more child to her kids.
As the young mother, rock her youngest daughter, only 4 months old, she kept an eye on the twins, they were hard to put down while having to care for an baby.
she was rocking the baby back and forth, making the child doze off. Anora places her youngest daughter down in her cradle, she hears a creak, she turns but see nothing, so she turned her full attention on her baby, trying not to wake her with the movement.
Until she felt a cold, sharp, blade on her neck.
"Put the baby down" The very much rough tone say. he stank of ale. she wanted to say that but hold her tounge.
so she does as he says, putting her sleeping baby down.
when he started to turn her around another one came in, she thought it was a guard, and it was, but he had betrayed them.
"Who the fuck is she?"
The one who held her start to talk, "The queen, she is",he then proceed to add on, " A son for a son". Queen Anora eyes widened, understanding what they mean. they continued to talk until they didn't know which one was the boy.
"Which one is the boy?"
"No please, I have an necklace" Anora says, she was shocked they got in here.
"Do you want money, this necklace is worth a lot, is the person behind this offering money, I can give double the amount, just don't kill my son or any of my children" She offered and begged, not wanting her boy to die so young.
"Which one, or we will kill all of your children, the baby included." As the men behind her with the blade, pushes in into her skin, drawing a little blood.
Her eyes widened at this, she didn't want for this to happen, it was like she wasn't there as she pointed to her son.
The two men smiled at each other like they just win something, the one behind her let go of her, they both start walking to her son bed, as she starts muttering ' no, no, no, no, no'.
she start crying as she went to gather her two children going for her oldest daughter, Jaehaera, pushing her head in her neck so she want see her twin death and going to get her youngest, Hyacinth, out of the cradle.
she starts to walk out of the room, as she hears her sons bone be saw through with the dagger, she starts to walk down the stairs, not seeing no one to help her, until she remembers where her best friends chambers are
As she walk through the halls, she see's Helaena chambers, as she opens the door she see Helaena, lying in bed until she sit up hearing the doors open.
her eyes widened, Helaena was shocked to see Anora here so late, and with the children. Anora walked by Helaena's bed and sat down on her floors, with her children still in her arms, as she rock back and forth.
Helaena concern, ask, "What happened."
Anora, still heartbroken, answers in a whisper, "They killed my boy."
Hope you like it.
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justfonnsblog · 11 months
If anyone wanted some Iso Headcannons...
Or not. Here it is anyways. Hope you guys like it.
Warning; None. Only Iso in love.
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Iso when he cares about someone(you).
He would be the kind of guy to watch you from afar and make sure that everything is fine. You seem hungry? Don't worry you will find one of your snacks near by just as you realize you should probably eat something. Or you're feeling a bit sick? You will find some coughing pills or orange juice near around you.
If you guys end up on a mission together, he will always be looking out for you even from afar, sometimes saving you from getting shot. And sometimes you save this poor man that is so overly focused on keeping you safe that he didn't hear an enemy approach him to backstab. Which is something you never, ever see happening to Iso normally.
With him listening to so many songs, he definitely has either a playlist or one specific song dedicated to you. When it plays during a mission, he gets even more motivated and focused, he's at his best, you give him motivation to finish this asap so he can see you as quickly as possible.
Even though he isn't the most talkative person, when around you he will try to start small talks or something. He just wants to be near you and hear your sweet voice. If you approach him first, it makes his heart beat faster and he internally melts like how can you be so sweet especially to someone like him? He's just weak for your attention.
If you get hurt during a mission, he will wait till the end and approach you with some medkit he has, using some excuse to not look like he cares too much but be able to take care of your wound.
When he learns that you can speak some Mandarin (please stick with it), even if it's only elementary level, he will love you so much more and be interally ecstatic about it, having little butterflies in his stomach from knowing you know and are interested in his mother tongue. At any opportunity given he will try to teach you a word or two or something, especially if you ever ask him to.
He's not one used to feeling all kind of emotions of course, so when he first started liking you, he didn't know how to react and would try to be further away from you because he didn't know how to handle it. So when he stopped avoiding you, you were relieved because you thought you might have done something to insult him. Which is totally the opposite, he just didn't know what do to with himself and his heart beating faster everytime he saw or was near you....Not that it changed, he just got kind of used to it and knows how to hide it now.
If you guys are on your "days off" and you two end up being alone, with him it will either be chilling together while listening to music or going to a bobba store and drink it over there or back home if you two do not feel like being in public. I mean technically its more you, since Iso prefers to be alone than in public but for you he will do it.
He would also be the kind of person to when he's snacking, ask you if you want any...But if anyone else says they want some he will just stare at them and not want to give it. He will end up giving it if you suggest it, but he won't want to share it with other people than you...Especially if its Yoru, Jett or Pheonix that asks since they usually steal other's food just like that. He does not like the disrespect.
He wouldn't be the one to worry or show any emotions, but if you ever went on a mission without him and you guys were coming back late, or simply back with you in a critical state. His eyes would water and he might even silently cry as he stays by your side and tries to make you feel better asap if you got back hurt.
If you simply arrived late, he would swallow and take a deep breath to calm his heart down and check on you for any wounds. Asking about the mission only after making sure you're fine.
Also. Whenever you're in a mission with him, he will always try to be as badass as possible and get as most kills as possible to try and impress you. If he ever misses a shot and you saw it, he internally dies and will hide his flushed face in his jacket as he tries to act like you are not here.
In all honesty, if you bring him some snack or a bobba tea, his eyes will have a small sparkle to them as he will take it and thank you politely. Although inside he is so happy. He might cherish it a bit longer, like he usually drinks his bobba tea really quickly but will make sure to enjoy that one. That or if its a snack, he will eat some then keep the rest for later, looking at it in his dorm like it was some kind of treasure.
This of course, will get him fighting to protect the snack from the food stealers agents. Ahem.
If the agents ever made chatrooms, Iso will always glance at his phone when he gets a notification hoping that it is you, sighing when it is not, and quickly opening the chat when it is.
If you two normally texts in dms, he would be the kind to wait for your answers till he ends up falling asleep waiting for it...If you were training or busy.
100% more of a text kind of guy, but when/if you ever get with him, he will love to get calls from you. And sometimes he will even call you if he misses you. He can't get enough of your voice, his favorite sound, yes, more than his music.
He might also call or text you even when you both are in the same room. Either texting, asking if you two wanted to go somwhere else if there were people, or simply to get your attention if you were talking enthusiastically with Killjoy, Jett or Gekko and kind of “ignoring” him.
He lowkey wants your attention, all of it.
Of course, since he's not much of a man of words, he makes up for it in actions and spoiling you in his own little ways (snacks, drinks, matching clothes).
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faeble-drabbles · 2 months
Hello! If you don't mind, I'd like to ask for a few headcannons of Kite, Wing and the main four (aged up Killua and Gon) with a s/o who seems like they're very weak and mild, but are strong and intimidating af during battle. Fem!reader if you can please.
Thank you!! (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
Thank you for being the first requester!! <3 I will never not be in the mood to write some HxH <3 Even though this wont be spicy, all characters in this are/aged up to be 18+ (Also probably gonna leave out Kurapika and Leorio this time around, probably gonna keep my limit at four characters per post)
•°• KITE •°•
+ This man was HIGHLY against bringing you along on one of his little adventures. Weak or not, the places he went were highly dangerous and he would never forgive himself if something happened to you.
+ It took a lot of convincing but he eventually agreed. But you best believe he is gonna be glued to your side and watching your surroundings like a hawk.
+ Just in a brief moment of being distracted by talking with you, Kite was attacked by a poacher with powerful nen abilities. Kite was about to attack the man, but something flashed past him before he could react.
+ "How DARE you hurt Kite, you asshole!!" With that battle cry, you used your abilities to take down the poacher with ease. Which left a confused and awe-struck Kite, standing in silence. When did you become so powerful??
+ Kite snapped out of his daze when you returned back to him and started worrying over his injury. Kite just gave a smile and shook his head. Looks like he had absolutely nothing to worry about with you by his side. You had each others backs.
•°• WING •°•
+ You had been training for a while with Wing and during that process, eventually started to date as well. Unfortunately for you, this made Wing a bit more protective over you.
+ It also was starting to seem like Wing was slowing down your training a bit. When approached about it he would just give the same "I just want to make sure you are fully prepared and ready" talk.
+ You hated to go behind his back, but you had to prove him wrong. You signed yourself up against a powerful opponent at Heavens Arena, making sure the fight was as soon as possible so that Wing could not interject. + When Wing heard your fight announced, he was both furious and terrified, especially when he saw the other opponent. Did you really have to pick out the strongest looking fighter just to spite him? He wanted nothing more than to jump on that stage and stop it before it even could begin.
+ Right as Wing was considering taking action, the fight had already begun. As the fighter barreled towards you, Wing found himself clench his eyes shut tight. The sound of surprised cheers made him chance another look, just to find you beating the shit out of the other fighter. It was a complete shock to him watching his sweet s/o give such a brutal beatdown. But at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a swell of pride.
+ When Wing found you after the fight, he made sure to give you a earful of how your actions were very irresponsible and dangerous. But once he was done, his face soften to a smile. "...And I'm sorry for doubting your abilities. You are very powerful and I can not wait to see you grow even stronger"
•°• GON •°•
+ Gon was never really attracted to people for their strength, but their hearts is what caught his attention. So when he met you, he never viewed you as strong or weak, just a good person with a big heart. And that's what lead the two of you to dating.
+ Though finding out you had nen abilities alone excited him. Gon wanted to know everything about your techniques. What did it do? How does it work?? How did you train to perfect it??? He's just in awe.
+ Even knowing you possessed nen powers, he never really associated it with you being a fighter. He didn't exactly view you as weak but he also didn't really expect you to single handedly beat up a group of powerful hunters.
+ The group was causing problems with a local villager and right as Gon was about to give them a piece of his mind, you got there first. He wasn't sure what was more surprising, the profanities spilling from your mouth or the fact that you took on all these skilled hunters with such ease.
+ You best believe when the fight is over, he's going to be drowning you in praise and even more questions. "Wow!! You keep getting more amazing with each day!! You're so cool Y/N!!" If you have not already gotten your hunter license, he's definitely going to beg you to give it a shot.
•°• KILLUA •°•
+ Similar to Gon, Killua isn't attracted to people for power alone. Yes power can impress him, but he prefers to be around people who love and appreciate him for who he is, flaws and all.
+ Which you do. You know all about Killua and all the awful things he's gone through, as well as all the good times and friends he has met. Meanwhile, there is still something he had yet to discover about you.
+ Killua had needed to get something from his home, but did not want you to get involved in any of his families shenanigans (God forbid if his mother found out the girl he was dating was in reach). He instructed you to wait a bit of a distance away from the gate and he'd be back as fast as he could.
+ After a while though you started to get impatient and wondered if he ran into any trouble with his family again. Anxiety started getting the better of you, leading you to make a trek up to the gates.
+ Right as Killua was about to exit, he nearly jumped when the gates had opened before he had the chance to touch them. And to make it more surprising, it was the 6th door out of the 7. All of his family had been home, so who..?
+ You ran through the gate and gave him a hug. "Good! I was starting to get worried about you!" Killua couldn't even respond for a moment, he was still in shock that you had managed to open all those training gates without much effort. At the same time, he couldn't help but smile in knowing that his s/o he loved so much was secretly so powerful.
+ "So you want to tell me what sort of training you've been through to be so strong? I might have to get some tips from you, heh"
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milaisreading · 1 year
Your toddler sized Manager was a masterpiece 👌
But what about the blue lock boys turning into toddlers or one of them and The manager has to take care of him/them. The others would be so jealous in the second scenario!!!
Thx for reading.
Have a good day😘
Author: I saw smn request a similar thing so I hope the person who requested it will like this one! Thank u for the request and I hope u enjoy the story too🩷
Warnings ⚠️: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open.
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"Ahhhh!" (Y/n) yelled as as Bachira and Kunigami tried to shut her up.
It was around 8.15 in the morning and (Y/n) was told to wake up the guys, since they weren't responding to Ego's or Anri's calls. The girl didn't think much of it, thinking the boys might be tired and just overslept or went to sleep right after the first call. But as she approached the room, she wasn't so sure about her assumptions, since their room was getting louder and louder. The girl sighed, mentally preparing herself as she grabbed the handle.
'What happened now? Did someone steal Aryu's haircomb...did Bachira kick someone while waking up?'
The girl opened the door, revealing the whole team shouting at each other.
"(Y/n)?! Please go out!" Aryu yelled nervously, causing the arguing to stop and they all looked nervously at her.
"What is this mess? Ego-san will be mad that you aren't out of your room. What are you all even yelling about?"
There was a short silence as (Y/n) raised her eyebrow at Gagamaru, who was shielded by Baro oddly enough.
"Did you guys break something? Also-" The girl furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at everyone who was present in the room.
"Where is Niko? Did he already leave for breakfast?"
"That's kind of the thing..." Karasu laughed nervously.
"Niko is... he isn't himself right now." Reo said as he looked at Rin for some support.
"Yeah, he is... not quite there yet." The captain said.
"What?! Is he sick?! What even happened?" (Y/n) went into a panic mode, thinking he might be injured or something.
"Calm down, it's nothing serious... I think. It's just that he is a little off." Isagi explained.
"Then where is he? He might need medical attention or something." (Y/n) pressed on further as Chigiri butted in.
"It's nothing to worry about, just go and have breakfast. We will be there soon."
"You must be insane..." (Y/n) muttered. Kunigami sighed and got up from his bed.
"He isn't sick, he just changed a little. We will show you, but please don't panic." Kunigami said, ignoring Hiori's protests to the idea.
"Think of it as our secret!" Bachira said, now standing next to (Y/n).
"Ok?" She raised her eyebrow. Baro moved away reluctantly, revealing what Gagamaru was holding... or more like who! (Y/n)'s eyes widened and her jaw dropped at the sight of Niko. A small, toddler sized Niko was held by the goalkeeper. (Y/n) kept quiet as Gagamaru moved the boy closer, giving her a better look at him. Niko was a lot smaller now, looking at (Y/n) with big, blue eyes as his bangs were held back by a hair tie. The boy had a small blush on his face as the girl kept on staring at him, letting out incoherent words from time to time.
"Ahhhh!" (Y/n) yelled out as Bachira kept on shushing her and Kunigami closing the door.
"What happened?! Niko?!" The girl yelled as the boy said some more things.
"We found him like this... I don't know if he drank something off or what." Yukimiya explained as the others started adding in. (Y/n) zoned them out and kept on looking at Niko, who was staring at the girl in wonder.
'Those cheeks... and the eyes... He looks so adorable!' (Y/n) ran over to Gagamaru and took Niko out of his arms.
"(Y/n)? Is she crying?" Kurona panicked, noticing the tears in her eyes. Niko in that moment tilted his head, which sealed the deal for her.
"OH MY GOD! HE IS SO ADORABLE!" (Y/n) yelled, hugging to boy.
"What is this yelling about?!" Ego's voice was heard as his face appeared on the monitor.
"Oh great..." Aryu groaned.
Now, Nagi was never a huge fan of little kids, they cry, throw up, shit and half the time don't even know what is going on. But today, today he was pretty sure was his breaking point. After Ego heard what had happened, he assigned (Y/n) to take care of Niko while he would find a substitute for her as a manager. Now he had to suffer with (Y/n) dotting on Niko, who by the looks of it was having the time of his life.
'Lucky brat, gets to be fed, held and carried by (Y/n). What's next, sleep with her in the same bed?' Nagi shuddered at the thought, taking a bite from his food.
"Here comes the plane~" (Y/n) sang out as she fed Niko. Reo, annoyed at the grin the toddler had, spoke up.
"Hey, let me hold him for you. I am sure you are having a hard time feeding and holding him." Reo suggested, giving Niko a tight smile. The said boy shook his head and hugged (Y/n) tightly.
"It's fine, Reo. I don't really mind." (Y/n) said simply and continued feeding Niko.
"If you want, I can take care of Niko for the day. You can do your duties then." Hiori, who was sitting next to a sulking Nagi, offered. The blue-haired boy tried to hold back his frown at the scene. Niko shook his head at the idea.
"No worries, Hiori. I am glad you offered, but I can manage. You guys focus on football." (Y/n) answered as she wiped some of the food off of his face.
'That brat!' The trio thought.
"Peekaboo!" (Y/n) yelled, uncovering her face as Niko laughed and clapped his tiny hands.
'So adorable!' The girl smiled and wiped her tears away. She continued playing with the boy, not noticing Karasu, Bachira, Otoya and Chigiri glaring at the toddler.
"This is rediculous. Couldn't Teieri-san take care of him? (Y/n) has better things to do than taking care of Niko." Karasu groaned, flinching as he heard (Y/n) laugh again.
'I want to make her laugh too.'
"Yeah, the better things would be her admiring my great skills. How is Niko laughing at random shit better than me?" Otoya said as jealousy started killing him on the inside. Yesterday he came up with a trick he wanted to show (Y/n) today, but now he had to fight a toddler sized Niko for her attention.
"I wonder what it's like to be Niko right now." Bachira sighed.
"Being held, fed, washed and dotted by (Y/n)... must be a great life. I wish I had this experience." Bachira sighed. He was jealous, but more disappointed that it didn't happen to him. Chigiri sent the two a short glance and nodded his head.
"Lucky bastard, I wish that was me. Niko probably saved a whole country in his past life for this privilege." Chigiri stopped talking as the four saw Niko get a kiss on his forehead.
'Why not me?!' They thought.
Now Isagi, Rin, Aryu and Kurona decided to approach everything from a different angle. While they were jealous at the extra attention Niko was getting, they saw it as a great opportunity to show off how reliable they were.
Isagi would offer watching over Niko when (Y/n) needed a toilet break. Something that caused the toddler to huff about, not paying attention to whatever Isagi was saying.
'That little brat is lucky I want to be on (Y/n)'s good side.' Isagi thought with a tight smile.
Rin would offer himself to hold Niko while (Y/n) ate her lunch or dinner, but that ended up with Niko crying in Rin's hold, scared of the glare the captain had on his face. The glare ended up being just Rin's usual expression and (Y/n) decided to just take Niko and eat.
"Thanks for the help, Rin. But I think I can handle it." She said and the boy nodded his head slowly.
'And mom for real expects me to have kids?' He thought as he watched (Y/n) play with Niko's hair.
Aryu would be there to fix Niko's hair or clothes if it got messy during playtime. (Y/n) was at first grateful for the help, but quickly regretted agreeing when she saw Niko struggle in Aryu's hold. The boy groaned as Niko escaped his hold and ran to (Y/n).
"Thank you for the help... but it seems like Niko doesn't like this arrangement." (Y/n) chuckled nervously as she started fixing up his hair.
"I am sorry... seems like kids don't like me." Aryu chuckled, holding back a groan.
Kurona had the easiest time with Niko, as the boy was a little bit afraid of his shark-like teeth. Kurona would chime in from time to time, offering to give Niko his bottle or carry him around when (Y/n) was tired. It worked... for like an hour and then Niko would just distance himself slowly from Kurona.
'His luck that (Y/n) is here...' The boy thought, glaring at Niko as he gave him his bottle.
Kunigami, Baro, Gagamaru and Yukimiya had the easiest time of holding back their jealousy... I'd say that if I wanted to lie! Kunigami was sulking as (Y/n) kept on taking pictures of Niko, crying how cute he was.
'I am cute too...' Kunigami thought to himself as he sent a glare Niko's way.
Baro would rise his voice from time to time if Niko tried to fall asleep in her arms.
'You won't be cozying up around me.' Baro smirked as he felt Niko glare at him.
Gagamaru would try to be a baby too, which worked on (Y/n) for the most part. Asking her for headpats, asking for her opinions on his saves or new tricks, asking to eat with her and so on. All in all, Gagamaru's jealousy got him the furthest in getting (Y/n)'s attention, although Niko's whining would piss hin off sometimes.
Yukimiya meanwhile straight up glared at Niko, not caring if (Y/n) was in the room or not. The girl would scold him every 20 minutes for scaring the boy, but it's like it flew into one ear and out of the other.
All in all, the day was a success for (Y/n) as she did get a lot of Niko baby pictures. The boys were praying for Niko to be normal by tomorrow. And the boy himself just loved the undivided attention he got that day.
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coolbanana44 · 2 years
Attention to Detail - C.L
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AN: Hi guys! If anyone knows how to make a masterlist please message me because I don't know how to start one lol! I am also not so goo with ending stories so please forgive me!
Summary: You think Charles forgets something important!
You woke up from the usual 6am alarm. Usually you would just turn the other way as Charles gets up and ready for his morning workout, but today was your day. You weren’t a selfish person by any means but you absolutely loved your birthday. You loved getting the phone calls from relatives and friends, singing you happy birthday. Loved getting the presents from your parents, as they were always silly and something you would never think of getting. But most importantly you loved having Charles to yourself for the day. It wasn’t often that you got to spend a whole 24 hours with your boyfriend of 2 years, so a day like this was always special. 
As soon as you heard the annoying ring, you opened your eyes to the most beautiful sight. Charles' arm above his head, flexing as he fluttered open his hazy green eyes. His chest tanned and glowing from the sunrise peeking through the curtains. You started tracing your fingers across his exposed chest, not able to keep yourself from touching the beautiful man beside you.
“Good morning mon amour.” The raspiness of his morning voice sends shivers down your spine. 
“Good morning Cha.” You lean on your elbows to give your man a peck on his cute button nose. He smiles and moves his hands to rub your back. You two just stare at each other for a little bit, both thinking about how you are so lucky. 
“I have to get dressed before Andreas gets here.” You pout and give him your best puppy eyes. He just laughs and gives you a kiss before he moves to get out of bed and into the bathroom. 
You thought about how weird it was that he didn’t even say happy birthday to you, but you didn’t read too much into it as you began to think about what Charles has planned for you both today. Last year, he surprised you and flew you and your parents out to Paris and you guys had dinner in the Eiffel tower. You never been to Paris and you always expressed how badly you wanted to go to Charles. He was a hopeless romantic when it came to you. When you couldn’t make it to a race because of work, he always came back with flowers. If you were in the office he would often surprise you with lunch if he had time in between meetings. Your mind was running with all sorts of ideas of what could be the plans for the day. Maybe a picnic on the beach? A whole boat day? Maybe he is taking me out for a spa day, since I told him a couple of days ago that I wanted to go get massages with him!
Your creative mind came to a stop when you saw him walk out with the all black Puma workout attire. He smiles softly seeing you sitting up on the bed. He walks over to you to give you a kiss on the cheek. He grabs his socks from the drawer by the bedside, and starts putting his socks and shoes on. 
“After my workout I have a couple of meetings and then Carlos wants to have dinner together to discuss the upcoming season. You should call Isa and go out together today.” 
“Oh…. um okay.” You tried putting on your best fake smile, but how could he forget your birthday? You were angry but you didn’t want Charles to feel bad about forgetting so you had to suck it up. But even with your best fake smile on, Charles could see right through you.
“What's wrong mon ange?” He came up to you rubbing your arm. You sucked up all the tears threatening to fall, and muster a small smile. 
“Nothing Cha. I will call Isa, now go, you don’t want Andreas waiting too long.” 
“I mean how could he forget Isa? It’s not like my birthday changes every year!” You complain as you take a sip of wine. 
Isa came over about an hour ago and when you saw her walking through your apartment door you instantly started to cry thinking about your boyfriend's big screw up. Now you both were on the couch wrapped up in blankets drinking the overly expensive wine from your collection. 
“He is stupid Y/N……..Hey, I have an idea.” Isa wiggled her eyebrows and you knew that you were about to be in trouble. 
“You look absolutely gorgeous Y/N!” Isa somehow convinced you that you guys should go to a bar that you’ve been wanting to go to. So now you are standing in your bathroom mirror with Isa, putting the finishing touches on your makeup. 
When you took a good look at yourself, you had to agree with her. The short, strapless,  tight red dress showcased your curves to perfection, your tanned legs looked long and soft with your silver strappy heels. Your makeup highlighted the features on your face and your lips looked so kissable with the sultry clear gloss. 
“Are you ready to go?” You gave Isa a tight smile and nodded. You wanted to have fun tonight and forget about your boyfriend's forgetfulness. 
Since Isa drove here, she offered to drive to the bar. You have driven past the bar before in the past so you found it weird that she was taking the long way. You also noticed that she was looking at her phone every minute, but you didn’t say anything as you were just thinking about how she must've been lost. She finally pulled up to the parking lot of the beachside bar and when she parked the car, she looked at you and smiled.
“Let's have some fun Y/N.” Isa stepped out of the car and you followed. You noticed how quiet the place seemed to be from the inside even though there was a good amount of cars parked outside. When you reached the door Isa made you look at her, and she fixed a couple of pieces of hair that had fallen in your face. She then smiled at you and opened the door. 
“SURPRISE!” You whipped your head to see that inside the bar had been a bunch of family and friends crowded around balloons and streamers. You were in shock, you covered your chest with your hand, taken back by the grand gesture. You looked around at everyone and noticed that most of them were your friends from the states that you haven’t seen in months. You ran towards them, squealing with joy. They gave you a group hug as you all laughed and swayed back and forth. Your friends let you go out of their embrace, noticing someone special had made their way. 
“Happy birthday mon amour.” You let the tears fall as you turned around to see his beautiful green eyes. You threw your arms around him and he immediately reciprocated the action. 
“I thought you forgot.” You whispered in his ear. 
“I could never forget the most special day of the year.” You laughed at his cheesiness. He continued on.
“I remember a couple of weeks ago you mentioned you wish you could see your friends from the states for your birthday. So I flew them out here as a surprise.” You hugged him even tighter, scared that if you spoke you would break down into happy tears. You couldn’t believe how you found a man that remembers and notices the little things. He was the most amazing man you have ever met, so when you pulled away from the hug you grabbed his face and gave him a kiss. 
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝐒𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐋♡𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬: No Escape
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There's got to be a way to pull your head out of that noose you made for yourself. Too bad Jungkook seems to be everywhere now that the week has started- and he's determined to snatch a bite of your heart.
Tags/Warnings: Fuckboy!Jungkook, Fuckgirl?Reader, Angst, Misunderstandings, Friends/Enemies to lovers, Very suggestive, adult, hurt and comfort, angst, Flirt!Jungkook, he's out for blood
Length: bite-sized (>3k)
There is no taglist for this fic.
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"So what? You told him you had sex before and actually didn't." Yoongi shrugs, looking at you from the other side of the table in the coffee shop. "Just tell him you lied."
"Yeah well I.. didn't just lie about that." You mumble, before you squeeze out what the real problem is. "I might've.. told him a lot of like wild stories and made up a whole persona that's not me at all." You rush out.
"Now why would you do that?" Yoongi asks with a little disappointment, and you whine, face in your hands as your legs kick around underneath the table.
"I don't know- I wanted him to like me!" You complain. "I wanted to talk to him but we have nothing in common and so I made up stuff to get his attention."
"Doesn't that guy have hobbies?" Yoongi wonders, brow raising. "His life can't just consist of sex. There's got to be something else."
"Well, he works at a gym as a boxing coach.. and he likes music festivals?" You say, before Yoongi silently watches you with judgement in his eyes. "Yoongi please, help me!" You complain, and he shrugs.
"I can't." He denies. "You gotta tell him. If he's half as nice as you say he is he'll be totally cool with it."
"No, he's gonna thing I'm lame and prudish." You huff down to your empty plate, cake already devoured.
"What do you have to lose anyways? Thought you were leaving for Busan." He argues softly. "So what if he doesn't like you? You're not staying anyways." He says, and you look at the crumbs, before a teardrop falls onto them. "Oh come on now, he's just a guy." Yoongi sighs, reaching out to wipe your cheeks without causing damage to your makeup.
"He's not." You mumble stubbornly. "He's cool, and nice, and handsome, and I like him-" you complain, pouting towards your friend. "-he's not just a guy." You say quietly.
"..You're a lost cause." Yoongi sighs, watching you.
Unable to really help.
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"You know, I'm still trying to figure out why you need to leave." Jungkook says, as he toes off his shoes at your entrance, before he walks inside after you towards your small, open kitchenette.
"Maybe cause I want to?" You huff back, not looking at him as he puts the plastic bag down, taking some icecream out of it to put into your freezer. He knows your apartment well at this point- he's even stayed over once or twice, said he likes your place and the 'vibes' it gives. It's a tiny place, barely enough to accommodate a single person-
but he says it feels like a home.
"Why is nothing packed then?" He asks, and you groan, rolling your eyes as you pour yourself a cup of hot tea to maybe help your growing headache.
"Cause I'm lazy and haven't started yet." You excuse, and he chuckles.
"Or because you just don't want to start." He responds, leaning back against your small table. "Come on now, I'm worried about you."
"Why?" You ask, genuinely confused. "Just cause you're gonna have someplace else to crash after drinking all night with Mingyu?" You accuse with playful intentions- but his face stays rather stern, serious as he shakes it no.
"Jimin said he saw you yesterday with someone at a cafe." He says, and you have to turn around again to not give away any of your expression. "He said you were crying-"
"Yeah well maybe someone dumped me?" You joke, trying to avoid the topic.
"Really? Thought I was the only guy you liked." He asks back, and you freeze for a good moment, blood suddenly cooling down to an icy temperature as the clock keeps ticking for a good moment. "Alright, come on lets watch our series instead. I'm sorry if I was too pushy." He apologizes, turning on your oven to heat it up for the frozen pizza he bought. "Did you remember what episode we were at last time?" He asks as he unwraps the pizza, and you shrug.
"Don't know." You answer, attention caught by the messages currently being received on his phone.
[Mary]: 'Thanks! Yeah I'm still sore from last…'
[Jimin]: 'Have fun, don't break her bed my fr…'
[Unknown]: 'Why Not? Hana said you fucke…'
"Snooping around?" Jungkook teases lowly into your ear as he reaches over your shoulder to grab his phone out of your sight. "I was wondering if we wanted to go to the beach together, tomorrow." He hums as he replies to the texts you assume, and you just shrug.
"Nah, go get your dick wet, I gotta pack anyways just like you said." You deny, washing your hands before you dry them on a small towel nearby.
"Who said I had something else to do?" He wonders, clearly confused, phone placed in the pocket of his sweats. "I offered because I don't have something to do tomorrow. Neither for the rest of the week." He says.
"Yeah well, sucks to be you then. I've got stuff to do." You say, trying to walk out, when he grabs after your shirt, keeping you close. It's not like you can't escape- just a gentle tug and he'd let you go, for sure.
"Why're you so angry with me?" He asks, and you sigh.
"I have a headache and I don't feel well, and you're kind of annoying me right now." You complain, feeling horrible to lie to him like that. But maybe you could make him dislike you- maybe that'll make things easier when you leave.
Maybe if he hates you it'll get a bit lighter.
"You're being unnecessarily difficult right now, you know?" He sighs, crossing his arms after letting you go. "I mean, it's obvious what we could have, isn't it? You like me, I like you- I'm honestly not sure what the problem is." He asks.
"I'm leaving-" You try and justify.
"You didn't let me close when you weren't leaving either." He chuckles. "You can just come out and tell me you're not interested in me past friendship. That's fine. But don't lead me on."
"I'm not leading you on?" You scoff. "Go and catch some post-nut-clarity or something, you're talking bullshit right now." You say.
"Am I?" He questions, walking after you out the kitchen into the living room, where he sits next to you on the couch. "Tell me you're not interested in me." He says, turning towards you. "Friendzone me."
"Why?" You ask, and the serious look on his face scares you.
"Because I can't move on from you if you don't." He confesses easily. It's always been easy. He's not like you- he's upfront and honest, he doesn't mask anything or hold back his words.
The silence between you both speaks volumes for a good moment or two.
"I'm not sure what's making you so hesitant to just.. take me." He tells you, before he smiles- and you're now even more intimidated by the challenging fire behind his eyes. "But I'll figure it out." He says.
"I'll make you stay."
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You're trying to lift the bag of groceries when a familiarly inked up arm takes them from you, and a chuckle is head. "Are you stealing my groceries right now?" You accuse him, standing back to full height to look at him with crossed arms.
"I was attempting to be a gentleman, actually." He jokes, as he walks next to you for a moment before he nods towards the parking lot in front of the store. "I'll drive you. Come on." He offers- or more so decides- and you hate that you instantly jump onto that opportunity.
His car is nice. It's cozy, with a hint of luxury due to the LED's inside and the rather sporty interior of it. He'd told you once that he got it second hand from a friend, and you know it's a pretty fast car too- but he never drives recklessly, or at least he doesn't when you're in the passenger seat.
It's uniquely him. It has the potential to be something over the top and awfully dangerous- but it isn't. It just.. looks like it.
"Have you found a new apartment yet?" Jungkook asks as he exits the parking lot after putting your stuff in the trunk, hands easily moving the steering wheel as he drives you home.
You stay quiet. You don't want to talk about it at all.
"Jimin can help. He said a friend of has recently moved- that apartment is still up for grabs I think." He offers, stopping at a red light. "I can ask him if you could have it."
"Are you giving up?" You ask, and he looks over at you, shrugging innocently.
"No." He says. "But I also don't want you to be homeless. I'd like to at least make sure you're alright." He tells you.
"You're acting like my boyfriend." You joke, and he laughs, before he licks his bottom lip, a mischievous look in his eyes.
"I could do more than just act the part, you know?" He says, laughing when you fall silent. "Listen, I'm not stopping until you talk to me, princess. I told you-" He starts his sentence, letting some people cross the road in front of him with a wave from his hand, before he continues driving. "-just friendzone me, and I'll let you go."
You know that- but you can't.
It's like your body physically denies even just the thought of saying that to him- and it's frustrating. You do want him, but you also can't have him. And most likely, he's not even interested in you, but the made-up persona you created that likes everything he does and adapts to every mood he might feel in any given moment.
The moment he parks in front of your apartment building, he reaches out to hold your shoulder, car radio faintly playing some pop song, engine silent. "Hey, if you're in trouble here, I can help you." He offers, awfully serious. "We all fucked up sometimes, running away from it won't help."
"I'm fine, thank you." You deny, getting out the car to open the trunk and take your stuff out- before he closes the trunk after you got your bags out, looking down at you after.
"I mean it, you know?" He tells you, and you roll your eyes back, groaning. "Don't think I'll let you go even if you move." He laughs, and suddenly, you freeze up.
You didn't take that into account. And from the sudden reaction, the smirk on his lips, he's realizing something too- something you did not want him to know.
"So you really are running away from me." He says, and you scoff.
"Why would I be running away from you?" You try and bite back, but he just shrugs, pouts his lips almost innocently.
"I guess that's what I'm trying to find out!" He exclaims, clearly desperate to push you just a little further to finally find out why you're trying to escape him. "What did I do-"
"Nothing-" You start, but he groans, turns to the side for a second as the frustration boils up in his veins.
"Well it's gotta be something if you're moving across the fucking country!" he whines, opening his palms towards you in a pleading gesture. "Talk to me." he asks, but you don't.
"...Thanks for bringing me home." You rush out instead, before you practically run towards your apartment building, leaving him behind with even more questions than answers.
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imtrashraccoon · 2 months
I have a…. Request?
I dunno, what would your ideas be for a dragon nm, like he turns into a dragon and has horns and stuff.
Wow, I guess some of you really like dragons? I don't blame you cause I like them too lol. I assume you were asking in general and not necessarily about the recent Dragon AU for The Dark Fortress?
Dragon Nightmare Headcanons
Every couple of centuries, Nightmare gets bored of doing dragon things like pillaging the countryside, napping on his horde, fending off foolish adventurers, etc. When this happens, he likes to disguise himself and walk among mortals as one of them. Sometimes he looks like a human and other times he chooses to appear as a monster or beast.
Usually, he prefers forms that are regarded as conventionally attractive and where he can look important, such as a wealthy traveller. Although, he has on occasion decided to take on the form of an outcast from society, such as a beggar. Because of these experiences, he is well aware of the stark differences in how appearance plays into how people perceive you. He despises those who take advantage of their positions of power to step on the less fortunate, but he isn't one to go out of his way to call them out.
Well, that's what he likes to think.
On occasion, he's met a few individuals that stood out from the rest of the mortals. Maybe they were so persistent to be friends that he couldn't say no or maybe he found it in his cold, dark soul to help them. He does have a lot of gold after all and if that won't work, he's a powerful ancient dragon for crying out loud! So what if a pesky politician goes missing? They didn't deserve to live if they were going to treat people like that.
One of the issues with essentially being immortal is that he'll outlive everyone else. He tries not to get attached for this reason but sometimes he can't help falling for someone. He treasures the memory of each individual and he has a space in his horde dedicated to personal items from them. Most of the relationships he's had with mortals were platonic, although romantic relationships are possible if the person is extraordinarily special as he doesn't like letting people see his deepest emotions or secrets.
If you've been seeing the same mysterious stranger around town for a while, maybe show him some hospitality? Kindness is the easiest way into his soul, with possessing unusual skills a close second. He'd be rather touched if you made something specifically for him, especially if it took a long time to make like baked goods, although he also enjoys meat dishes.
You could also impress him with knowledge or proficiency with a weapon. If you're also a fan of riddles or manage to trick him, he would pay more attention to you. There isn't much that he doesn't know considering how long he's been alive but not every mortal knows about the obscure parts of history or how old weapons are best wielded.
You probably won't see his true form for a very long time as he doesn't want to ruin your friendship by scaring you. It's possible that you could witness him in his dragon form and not recognize him as the mysterious stranger. If he realized that you saw him, well, I suppose he's not going to finish raiding this town since he doesn't want you to get hurt.
When he trusts that you won't hate him or be terrified of his dragon form, he'll willingly show you what he really is. It certainly explains how he was able to give you expensive gifts! It probably also explains some of his more concerning behaviours...
He tends to act...possessive of you. People you thought were your friends start avoiding you and if anyone starts to pay attention to you, he gets irritated. If they're lucky, he'll just convince them to never talk to you again, but if not, well, he is a dragon...
He's only looking out for his favourite mortal. He doesn't want to upset you of course, but those people don't have your best interests at heart and he just wants you to be happy. If you notice that he's doing this behind your back and alienating you from your friends and family, it would be best to call him out on it. The last thing he wants to do is make you upset with him, so nipping these behaviours in the bud before they become a problem is a must.
He isn't above taking you away from your troubles after all.
On the topic of his true form, if you somehow find him cute or even attractive, he'll think you're joking at first. Although, once he realizes that you're being completely genuine, he's rather flustered. He's an ancient dragon who's laid waste to countless civilizations and killed thousands! His appearance alone has struck fear in the hearts of kings and yet you find him cute?! No! You may not "pet" him! He is not a mangy mutt nor is he soft!
If you insist on petting his head or back, he'll eventually relent, if just to prove his point and get you to shut up. Just don't touch his wings or his tail...and be careful around his eyes...
He didn't tell you to stop... No, it's not because he likes being pet. Your fingers are just a lot more nimble and are good at getting in the grooves of his scales that he can't reach, that's all...
You will end up in a cuddle pile later now that the barrier of touch has been breached and don't expect to be allowed to leave any time soon, especially because dragons are known to take long naps...
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hatakemrs · 1 year
When they realised they're in love with you:(!fem Reader)
Characters: Sano Shinichiro, Hatake Kakashi, Gojo Satoru.
Warnings: None
Sano Shinichiro:
We all know that he is a hopeless romantic.
And when you finally accepted his ass after the 20 rejections he faced. He was beyond happy.
First few weeks of dating he thought you were only dating him because of some stupid dare your friends gave you. And any moment you would shout "SIKE" to tell him it's all a joke.
Don't blame him though he's been through 20 rejections so he's a bit insecure.
Anyways his imagination never happened and he knew that you're with him cause you want to.
I think Shinichiro would fall in love rather quickly with you during your relationship.
Like it's only been 4 months you having been dating and you were chilling at his shop.
You were watching him work on bike. You loved watching him work. It made him hotter when he was concentrated on something.
You were interrupted by his 3 siblings entering his shop who were arguing among each other.
Both of your attention shifted to them and Shinichiro tried to calm them down but they we're paying heed to any of his words.
That's when you decided to step in and after a few moments all three of them were calm and were paying attention to you.
Shinichiro looked at you with his eyes full of love. He loved the way you interacted with his siblings. Sure you did interact with them previously but this time was different to him.
It amazed him how easily you sorted their argument which is something that Shinichiro fails at quite a decent amount of time.
That was when he knew he was in love with you. And that he will be damned if he ever let you go.
Hatake Kakashi
He has lost many people his his life. And that's why he's very hesitant to let people into his life.
But when you came into his life. He was ready to give life another chance. Another chance to prove itself wrong. Another chance to show him that love really exists.
You were paired with him for a long mission and in that time, he learned everything about you.
With you he felt that he could talk about anything, and he did. He told you about his father, Obito and Rin.
After the mission was over, both of you tried to meet up often instead of your busy schedule.
Then Akatsuki started to carry out their plan and you both became busy protecting your village.
When Pain attacked the village, you both were positioned at different locations to save people.
At some point you couldn't sense his chakra anymore, you wanted to cry, scream, tell him that you love him since the day you met and regretted not telling your true feelings to him.
After Naruto saved the village, you went to look for Kakashi and you saw him sprinting towards you.
"Kakashi-", he cut you off by giving hug.
" Y/n, I was scared, so scared, not because I was dying but because I couldn't tell you how much you mean to me. Before I died, I saw your smiling face and I realized I have loved you all this time."
You let out a sob, "I love you too, Kakashi. Please don't even leave me again."
Gojo Satoru:
Gojo has always liked you since your first year at Jujutsu tech.
You, Shoko, Gojo and Geto were best friends that was until Geto choose a different path.
All of you were devastated by his actions, especially Gojo. He started to spend more and more time alone.
With his best friend gone and Shoko busy with her medical practice, Gojo was left alone.
That's why you decided to step up, you started to spend more time with him, bringing him sweets from his favorite shops and helping him raise Megumi.
Gojo had gone on a long mission, so you went to his apartment to take care of Megumi.
As you were talking with the little boy, you didn't notice the six-eyed sorcerer was back at home.
"But why are you so worried about him? He always says, " I'm the strongest " ", Megumi impersonated Gojo's cocky voice.
You giggled and answered, " He might be the strongest but he's still a person with limits.", you paused for a second then continued, "And I care for him. He might not express it but I know he is all alone now and I want to help him."
"Anyways, why am I even saying this to a kid?", you said and Megumi pouted, " I'm not a kid".
Gojo's heart fluttered at your words, everyone always talked about how special he was how powerful he was but no one ever understood what he goes through everyday. No one but you.
Gojo thinks might be in love afterall.
.・゜-: ✧ :-  .・゜-: ✧ :-  .・゜-: ✧ :.・゜-: ✧
A/n: Not Proofread!
Hope you liked it and Take care<3
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thescarletnargacuga · 20 days
ehehhe- *COUGH* aha, okay-
A showtime one shot with good ol' DIGITAL HALLUCINATIONS! (I was wondering what Caine had meant by this in the pilot, and what if it wasn't just a cover up for the door?)
Pomni finds herself in an unknown part of the area/game, and- well, hallucinates! She re-experiences her worst memories, even seeing alternative scenarios that went bad.
Caine eventually finds her, but she can't tell if he's real or not.
Looks like you're stuck in the fog...
-Fowl Anon
A/N: poor Pomni...
WARNING: trauma, nightmare imagery, body horror, angst, hurt/comfort
Pomni wasn't looking for trouble. She was in her room tossing a ball against the wall when it collided weird with her bed and it violently catapulted her to places unknown. She fell hundreds of feet below the map, bracing for the all too familiar impact.
She laid face up, the wind knocked out of her. "....ow..." She wheezed. It took a minute for her to find her footing, but she eventually stood and looked around. She was out of bounds again. The blank, gridded walls went on for miles in every direction. She has no idea where she could go or even find game assets to use to get back up like last time, so she just started walking.
"Caine..? Hello? CAINE! ...for crying out loud. I wonder how long I'll be down here before he realizes I'm missing. Maybe I can find a void access point again. That seemed to get his attention in a hurry." She walked for what felt like hours, going deeper and deeper into the unseen bowels of the game. It was like a maze. At one point, she was convinced she was going in circles.
The longer she was down there alone, the more stressed she became. She started running to find something, anything that looked familiar. "Caine! Caine, please!" She called, but no one came.
She stopped in her tracks when something out of the corner of her eye moved around a corner. "HELLO!?" She panted and waited for a response.
Nothing. The out of bounds area was eerily quiet.
She ran after what she thought she saw. Rounding the corner, the gridded walls changed to brick. The vaulted ceiling became a night sky. A light post illuminated a rainy alley. Pmi spun around, the out of bounds was gone. "What the-!? Did I accidentally walk into a world Caine's made?"
Everything was so real. The rain, the damp alley smell, the sounds of cars beyond her line of sight. She stood in the flickering cone of the street light, unsure what to do, when a hooded figure with their hands in the large front pocket started aggressively walking right at her.
"Who are you? Hello? What's going on??" Pomni asked as she backed up, but the figure pulled a gun on her.
"Give me all your fucking money!!"
"I- What!? I don't-!?"
The mugger cocked the gun, pressing it to Pomni's head. "You think I'm playin'!? Give me the money, NOW!!"
Pomni backed up against the brick wall behind her, but it crumbled as she leaned her weight against it. She fell through. Suddenly, she was on the floor of a hospital room. No rain or brick walls or muggers. She got up quickly, seeing another unknown person in the bed in front of her.
"What is happening??" Pomni begging the person, but they seemed to be asleep. Pomni got a little closer. It was a middle aged woman, but she was sick beyond her years. Whatever she was in the hospital for, it was terminal. "Hello?"
The sick woman opened her eyes and smiled at Pomni. She opened her mouth to speak, but only coughed.
"Don't- don't stress yourself, uh...I can find help elsewhere." Pomni started to back up but the woman held her hand out pleadingly. "I'm sorry, I don't, uh.... Let me get someone for you."
The sick woman closed her sad eyes. The heart monitor she was connected to flatlined.
Pomni ran out of the room and down the hall. "This isn't real. None of this is real." She told herself over and over, and yet her heart hurt for a woman she didn't even recognize. It could've been an NPC for all she knew.
The hospital halls became a school hall. Dozens of eyes peered through the small windows on the classroom doors. Pomni kept running. The doors behind her opened one after another. A horse of children piled out and scampered across the floor and walls like hell-spawns, jeering and screaming at her.
Tears streaked down Pomni's face. Her conscious mind has no idea what was happening, but subconsciously she knew this place. The bullying, the loss, the fear, all of it was clawing at the back of her mind.
She got to the end of the hall and threw herself through the door. She slammed it behind her, and now she was in an area she recognized. An office. A very plain but uncanny liminal space. "CAAAAAINE! CAINE, HELP ME!!" She begged for him to hear her, but no one came.
After catching her breath, she kept going. Staying in one spot was never going to help. The offices repeated, feeling less and less real the further she went. Then she saw it. The computer. The headset.
Maybe that was the way back. She picked up the headset and looked into it. Blackness. She tried turning on the computer. Nothing. "Come on! What do I do!?"
"Useless girl."
Pomni just about jumpedout of her skin. She spun to see a man in business casual loom in the doorframe. He was so tall, he had to duck to step inside the office space. His limbs were unnaturally long. His hands were thin and gangly, with yellow unkept fingernails. The worst part, he has no face. Only a hole, lined with rows and rows of needle like teeth.
"YOU DON'T BELONG HERE!" The monster boomed and rushed Pomni.
Pomni did the only thing she could think of and jumped out the window. She fell and fell and fell down into darkness. Voices surrounded her. They screeched and screamed and called and laughed. She felt like she knew all of them, but could tell from where or when.
Circus music gradually drowned out the voices and she landed on top of a yellow and red striped tent. She rolled down the roof and landed hard on the ground. It was the digital circus tent but the grounds looked off. "CAINE! CAINE!!!" she screamed her voice hoarse, but no one came.
She was too scared to keep going. She didn't want to know how this nightmare could get worse, but it gave her no choice. The nightmare came to her. The entrance to the tent opened on its own and five familiar voices tried to call her inside. The distorted and echoing voices of Ragatha, Gangle, Zooble, Jax and Kinger became louder the more she ignored them. She had to cover her ears.
She could hear through her hands that the voices were getting closer to the entrance and she backed away. A massive glitching claw came out of the darkness and slammed into the ground in front of her. Then another. And another. The largest abstraction Pomni has ever seen emerged, carrying static features and voices of the entire circus cast.
"THIS YOUR FATE! THIS IS YOUR FATE! THIS IS YOUR FATE!" The abstraction repeated over and over as it got closer.
Pomni couldn't run no matter how hard she tried. It was like her feet were made of cement. She got only two steps in when the abstraction was upon her, it's digital body splitting open to consume her whole.
Pomni's broken voice couldn't scream as she felt something wrap around her middle. She kicked and flailed, but the hold was strong. Her digital body felt useless for fighting back.
"POMNI! POMNI, IT'S ME!! STOP- OW!" Caine held his eye that she just threw her elbow into.
Pomni hyperventilated against Caine. She death gripped his arms and blinked several times as she looked around in panic. She was still out of bounds, but everything was blank again. No monsters, no liminal spaces, no people with weapons.
"Pomni, you're okay. Everything is okay." Caine soothed. "What happened? How did you get back here?"
"Monsters." Pomni's voice was weak.
"Monsters? There are no monsters here. Well, none active, at least."
"I saw people. Real people. And places. And monsters. Everything wanted to hurt me."
"Real...? Oh no. Digital hallucinations-"
"I KNOW WHAT I SAW!!" Pomni screeched and coughed from the strain on her voice.
"I know, dear. You're not crazy. It's a real thing. This place has unforeseen effects on the human mind. It's why I don't let anyone back here. You go deep enough and you start...seeing things. People and places your mind knows, but you don't. I understand it's a very frightening experience." Caine gently pulled her close and ran a hand soothingly across her back. "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. Everything is okay. None of it was real. You aren't in any danger."
Pomni slowly calmed, loosening her grip and hugging Caine back. "I want to get out of here."
Caine teleported to Pomni's room. The bed is completely fine. The ball she'd been throwing was on her nightstand. Pomni was still trembling, refusing to let go of Caine.
He sat on the bed and cradled Pomni, her head resting on his shoulder. "You don't need to tell me what you saw. It must have been terrible to make you react like this."
Pomni could only give a pathetic whimper in response.
"You're safe now. I'll.... I'll figure out a way for you to contact my watch. I won't let this happen to you again. I promise."
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thejakeslayla · 10 months
After a long break after the breakup, we meet Sunghoon at the market. he still love us. We love him too, but it is impossible for us to get back together anymore because our relationship is hurting us.
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pairing exbf!sunghoon x gn!reader ୨୧ genre angst, breakup, both sides hurting, hurt no comfort, sad ending ୨୧
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the bustling market was alive with the vibrant colours of fresh produce, the melodic calls of vendors, and the rhythmic hum of daily life. it had been months since the breakup, and the wounds were still healing. as you strolled through the market, surrounded by the aroma of spices and the laughter of shoppers, you never expected to run into sunghoon.
sunghoon—your ex-boyfriend, the one who first introduced you to the beauty of love. too bad, that sometimes people don’t have time to continue on with their relationship. after few months of dating, you noticed that sunghoon barely spent time with you, always leaving your messages on ‘read’, ignoring your requests to hang out or go on a date.
you understood that his job required him to be present almost 24/7, but if other members of his group had time for friends, personal activities that had nothing to do with their job, why sunghoon couldn’t find even an hour of his time to spend it with you?
confrontation wasn’t easy, since it was hard to even talk to him. one day he found time for facetime and you felt awful to have this conversation over phone, but your friends reassured you that it wasn’t your fault.
“sunghoon, can you please go to your room? i want to talk about something personal,” you asked, noticing that your (then) boyfriend was sitting in his dorm’s kitchen while other members of group were talking in distance.
“sure, snowflake. give me a second,” his smooth, angelic voice – a momentary solace for your recent emotional wounds, surfacing as you came to the realisation that this relationship was on it’s finishing line.
a little bit of sounds of rustling and seeing only sunghoon’s forehead later, you saw him setting his phone on desk, finally in his room. “go on,” he said and maybe you were happy that he couldn’t see you in real life, as tears formed in your eyes. you blinked them away.
“sunghoon,” you started, raising suspicion in him, as you used his full name again and not a pet name. “i think we need to end this,” the words barely left your lips, as your heart started physically hurt.
“oh,” was the only thing he was able to say. it stung – the fact that his initial reaction wasn't to question why or argue that he could improve and fix this relationship. “okay.”
the more he spoke, the more it pained. which was quite ironic, because he hadn't spoken much.
“okay,” you repeated, not really knowing what to say. you just wanted to hang up on him, throw your phone away and cry while curling in ball on your bed.
"i'm going to hang up now," he stated, his gaze shifting away from the phone. a shaky exhale escaped his lips as he redirected his attention to the screen. "thank you, y/n. i appreciate everything," were his final words before he finally ended the call.
and now there he was, standing near a fruit stall, his eyes meeting yours with a mixture of surprise and nostalgia. time seemed to freeze for a moment, and the air was charged with unspoken emotions. after a long break from each other, the universe had decided to weave your paths together once more.
sunghoon's gaze lingered on you, and as you approached, the awkward silence was broken by a hesitant smile. the years of knowing each other and the couple months of being together flooded back, the memories playing like a bittersweet symphony in your mind. despite the pain of the past, there was a flicker of warmth in sunghoon's eyes, a silent confession that some feelings don't easily fade away.
"i didn't expect to see you here," sunghoon said, breaking the silence. his voice carried a mix of emotions, which you couldn’t distinguish.
caught off guard, you managed a polite smile. "it's been a while," you replied, a subtle acknowledgement of the time that had passed since your lives took separate paths.
in the midst of the market's vibrant chaos, you couldn't escape the heaviness of the unspoken words. eventually, sunghoon mustered the courage to broach the subject that lingered in the air.
"i still care about you," he confessed, his eyes revealing a vulnerability that mirrored your own.
you nodded, appreciating the honesty but wary of the emotional terrain. the scars of the past were still fresh, and reopening old wounds seemed full of dangerous risks.
"i care about you too," you admitted, the admission hanging in the air like a delicate secret.
the truth, however, was that the love you shared was entangled with pain. the relationship had become a source of hurt, and despite the residual affection, the practical realities of your situation couldn't be ignored. the path back to each other was blocked by the thorns of past mistakes and heartache.
a heavy sigh escaped sunghoon's lips, as if he, too, understood the complication of the moment. the market, once a backdrop for shared dreams and shared meals, now witnessed the sobering reality of two people who had grown apart.
"we can't go back, can we?" sunghoon whispered, a hint of resignation in his voice.
the unspoken truth lingered in the atmosphere, silently acknowledged. the love was there, but so was the pain. as you parted ways in the market, the realisation settled: some relationships are meant to be cherished in memories rather than resurrected in the present.
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requests: open © 2023 — all rights reserved to user thejakeslayla, please do not steal, plagiarise or translate any of my work !
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marksbear · 2 years
Ok hear me out, Simon “Ghost” Riley x flirty!reader where the readers just very jokey and flirty all the time and ghost can’t stand itttt (he’s denying his feelings👹)
Ghost is just like “you won’t be laughing/acting like that when you get shot out in the field” and the readers like “bet- watch me mf” and then gets injured and while Ghost is tending to him he’s STILL flirting and Ghost is just like “this man is gonna be the death of me💀”
Idk if you write for Ghost but if you do I’ll love you forever if you write this please and thank you xxx😽🫶
I'm on the job I hope you enjoy my friend And I love you too! C/n MEANS CODE NAME
WARNINGS- Headcanons, fluff with angst bottom, pinning,pda, gentle ghost, slapping, teasing, guns,violence.
The first thing you said to him was "I bet you wanna kiss me with the mask. I mean I don't mind."
You said it to him cause he was staring you down like you just murdered his family. So when you turned around to see who the hell was staring at you so hard it was a man in a mask. So without thinking you said it. After you realized you said that out loud you covered your mouth with a gasp and a sorry.
And that's when he knew. The C/n had to go. In full honestly he was gonna try to get you killed in missions whenever you spend too much time flirty with him or others.
He is so jealous whenever you flirt with other people. Like he'll feel betrayed even though you two aren't dating yet. So when you do it he'll get all snappy and send off the person that you were flirting with somewhere else so they can work without you being a distraction.
He never wants to be in a room alone with you. Because it's simple you tease and flirt with him too much. Always pin him to a wall or something hard. Even pinned him a weapon crate. Even if you're smaller or taller than him. If you're smaller you'll grab him by the jaw on his mask forcing him to look down at you while you push him on a flat surface. But when you're taller than him you push him by his shoulder,arms or waist trapping him under you. Both sizes end up getting your shit slapped the hell out of you by him.
When you flirt during missions like saying "Before we run to our deaths I want to make an announcement about how good ghosts look. Can I get an amen gentlemen?" With some soldiers saying amen and laughing and running away from ghosts together.
You saying "This for you love." before shooting an enemy and blowing a kiss at him. Anytime you have to go by yourself or with anyone else you ask him for a good luck kiss with a smile but just get told "Fuck off and die" as a answer and you respond saying "I love you to babe" before leaving him.
On a mission you were on with him and a couple of other soldiers. whispering and giggling jokes to one another and ghosts giving yall death glares specifically YOU whisper yelling to you "Shut up before you get us all killed! Then I bet ya you won't be laughin" He means every word of that he said with a bit of jealousy because he wants you to stop giving them so much of your attention and give it all to him .
You were still a headache. But this time you were his headache.
When you flirt with anyone besides him and get all pissy. He'll drag you away from the person by your shirt "Sorry mate but Mr C/n and I gotta work on something." He says to the person or he doesn't say anything at all just yanking you away from the person.
Anytime you two get separated from a mission and haven't seen each other in days or hours you two wouldn't care if anyone saw. But you two usually run into the others arms hugging and smiling ear to ear but for the days part Ghost picks you up in his arms you can be the top in the relationship or taller than him he'll still pick you up for a embrace. Or when one is you are badly hurt you or him would cry in the other arms saying "Don't leave me" "Im here." "Thank god you're alive." As an example
You switch guns sometimes and the gang always tease ghosts when they notice. Always picking at him playfully and calling him a loverboy or a lovesick puppy.
"That's my idiot for ya" He says to someone watching you try to do a trick shot after screaming on top of your lungs at him "This is for you BABE!"
Making out with him in the medbay. Or after you two clear a room after a fierce battle he pulls the mask up but only his lips are visible. And you two makeout with all the adrenaline pumping in yalls veins.
Always having each other back. Standing up for the other and maybe with the other is the complete wrong yall still stand up for them. When one of you messes up on a mission the other usually takes the blame and breaks out as a couple arguments as to who's lying or not. But ultimately saying both of you did it.
Anytime Ghost is in danger you'll stop anything and even risk everyone else's lives for his. Like leaving the group to find him. Or killing everyone in your path even the people you're not supposed to and not giving a shit. Only Ghost matters and yourself in your opinion.
Comforting one another when the other feels stressed from a mission or a task. Taking the others task or mission.
You die first in the relationship. You took some heavy bullets for him smiling at him while you die slowly. He probably doesn't cry about your death in the day but the next day ,months,YEARS. He'll most def gonna cry. "Here babe...wear these you'll look better than me when I wore it." You say smiling while blood comes out of your mouth. "It's a shame we can't get married... right now. Maybe in a different life just promise me you'll look for me." Ghost takes the dog tags out of your hand and sets your head in his lap. "I love you babe...promise me that you'll win this for me." You say raising up your hand pulling his mask off and him leaning down to kiss you.
"I love you Simon Riley l/n" You say on his lips still kissing him
"I love you too Y/n Riley L/n"
With the finale I love you some of your blood in Simon's mouth he places a hand on your head feeling it slow down and your body getting colder. He picks up your body taking it back to camp. Wearing your dog tags proudly on his neck.
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eveenstar · 10 months
Hey i saw that you take requests and one of the fandoms tgat you do is creepypasta, if you don't mind could you please make some realistic hc of laughibg jack with a S/O who is workibg currently in a circuss and does little tricks and is like a really talented person?
Sorry if you don't take any of these requests and even if you don't at least i just wanted to ask if everything is going well even if not exactly as you planed.
Fishy kisses from nemo. ;)
I love this request. I love circuses and I love clowns but I absolutely hate Laughing Jack, still, this request was too good to pass on so here it is. Sorry It's short! I ran out of ideas by the end. Hopefully it's still to your liking.
Hope you're doing well, Nemo :)
Laughing Jack with a circus worker!reader
-> You've always loved circuses and anything related to them. You loved the colours, the trinkets, the music, the talented people and most especially....the clowns. Oh, you've always loved clowns. They were your comfort, your safe place. No matter the colours or the height, clowns were simply perfect in your eyes.
->Henceforth, of course, you got a job at a circus. Truth be told, you've always been a particularly flexible person, and gymnastics always came easy to you, so in your mind, there was simply no other way out except working in the place you loved the most.
->The first few weeks had you completely enamored with the place. Your coworkers were great, the public was funny and always willing to be interacted with... Everything was perfect until you met him. The strange monochromatic clown that no one likes but for some reason hasn't left the circus yet.
->No one knows when Jack was hired or where he comes from, but everyone knows his stage name is Laughing Jack. The name always made you roll your eyes. He's an odd fella but the kids seem to like his antics...though most of them end up crying when he smiles.
->Unfortunately (maybe fortunately if you're into that), it seems that you've caught Jack's attention. Maybe it was the way you balance yourself on the rope, how you twirl around as if you're a flying ballerine, or the control you have over your facial expressions and dramatic antics always getting a loud gasp or laughter from the crowd. It's something Jack himself doesn't have.
-> But he wants it. Oh, he dearly wants it. And the only way he can have it is by having you. But you wouldn't figure that out for a long while. No, he needed to prepare you first, make sure you're perfect.
-> As time passes, you swear you begin to see Jack in the corner of your eye. Not only in the circus, but in the streets, in the market and then....at home. You'll never forget those terrifying seconds when you saw a black and white clown with a strange, distorted face peeking at you from around your bedroom door.
-> You avoid Jack for days after that, but that only fuels his obsession. He despises being ignored, absolutely hates it. You can't do this to him and he has to do something about it. Jack knows how to play nice, not for long periods of time, but he knows how to manipulate your little human mind to give itself to him. He's done that to children before, his little puppets, he can do that to you.
-> It all began when you started to notice Jack watching you on stage. Your jumps, your falls... And before you knew it, the monochromatic clown was calling you his "little assistant" - and to make things even worse, you had a wardrobe malfunction and your outfit came out black and white! It only fueled your annoyance even more. Yet, something...dark and unknown pulled you towards it. It all happens too fast.
-> You don't even know why, but you start to accompany Jack on stage. The public doesn't like him but they like you and we all know Jack lives for the twisted attention it gives him. More kids even come to meet the two of you and you try to assure them there's no reason to cry when around Jack because hey he's just an odd guy but that doesn't mean he's dangerous!
->Stupidiest thing you ever told yourself knowing it was a lie. Knowing that Jack was hiding something from you that you couldn't quite grasp but you feared it was your worse nightmare. You just hoped you could live in blissful ignorance for a little while longer, but you knew that wouldn't be the case. Not when there was a storm boiling inside your heart.
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haggamennon · 1 year
♡Light Shower♡
How He treats you and one of your dates:
Louis x Herbivore!GN!Reader (Romantic)
(The Shishigumi Lions just being goofy and giving moral support to Louis)
TW: Fluff, Angst, and other things.
(not that much scary but if you feel uncomfortable reading, please, don't read)
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Since you are a Herbivore, he would have maximum protection over you. He notice that tou were really shy near the other, he thought it was cute.
When the night comes, when everyone is sleeping, He spends hours talking to you on video call (even if you have been talking all day).
(he became more protective over you, and always keeps in touch with you, afraid of losing you).
To him, you are everything, he even told his dad that He won't need an arranged marriage because he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
If there's anyone bothering or even taking your attention away from him. He'd make sure to show the person that you're taken.
When there are any holidays or when it is weekend, you two decide to have a movie night. In my mind, I think he's a huge fan of cartoon (Since he lost half of his childhood with... you know what....My Poor Baby😭😭😭)
He would sit with you on his lap while watching it. If any climax happens, he'll start asking a thousand questions about it...
He even gave you a gift. Two necklaces, one with a padlock and the other with a key, they were really special for both of you.
He stayed with the padlock collar and you stayed with the key one. (He said it was because he only had eyes for you and wanted to show you that he would never leave or betray you, and he kept his promise)
TW: Mentions of Anxiety, Depression and fear.
When He got disappeared during the festival, you started getting anxious, you couldn't find him anywhere.
You texted and tried to call him with your phone, but nothing. After a some months that looked like years, He appears just to unenroll from school...
When He comes to your dorm, to give you one last goodbye kiss. But all He saw was you with red eyes and your cheeks fur all wet from crying. He just realized that he might have made a big mistake by leaving you behind, but He didn't have a choice...
For the past one hour, He spent it by hugging you and apologizing a lot in between the hug.
He kept the promise. He never took off the necklace, nor did you.
You were so sad and worried that you just were happy and relieved that he was safe. You cried during the hug, making the crook of his neck all wet from your tears.
He keep contact with you after he left. He promised to hangout with you during weekends.
He always spoil you with gifts and flowers (you dorm basically is a garden from how much He cares about you)
When He told you that he was the Boss of the Shishigumi, you almost freaked out. You knew they're a gang made of Lions and they eat meat.
You were waiting for an day to tell him about your number mark...
One of your dates:
It was Saturday, you have finished your homework and were leaving the bathroom after a nice bath, you notice there was a left message from your Boyfriend.
"Hey. Ready to go out for dinner and spend some time together?"
"Yep. I just left the bathroom, I'll put my clothes and meet you outside the school. Just 15 minutes and I'm there, See you there♡"
"Okay, I'll be waiting♡"
You put on a casual outfit and uses a perfume and other things just to look perfect to go out with him. You pick up a jacket, to keep your dorm keys and your School ID Card with you all the time. You headed outside the building and went to the gates of the school. When you exit the place, you saw an expensive car parked near the school, Louis was leaning against the car, waiting for you while he thought about something else.
"Hey Louis!" You make him jump a little, making him look in your direction and give a slight passionate smile. "Sorry for making you wait here, hehe..."
"That's alright. How are you doing, anything new at school?" He asked as he walks towards you and give you a soft kiss on your lips.
"Just the usual things... Oh, right, Els told me that a new member entered the Drama Club, she said he's a Dall Sheep. He's quite a teasing type of guy, most of the carnivores hate him already..." You giggle at the end of your sentence.
He let out a soft laugh. "Looks like they are already replacing me, that's good, to be honest." He opens the car door and waits for you to enter. "Shall we go? There are some people who have been wanting to meet you for a while."
"Should I be scared about it?" You make a joke about it as you enter the car and wait for him to enter the car, you notice that there's a Lion driving the car and you get a little more nervous but you wave it off. "Oh, by the way. Where did you want to bring me?" You look at Louis with a soft smile.
He gives a slight chuckle. "You will know when we arrive there~" He says in a teasing and excited tone as he closes the door and tells to the Lion to start driving to the destination. During the way, you two start talking about some things, about the school, about his business, and how each other looks beautiful on this night.
Once you two arrive, a Lion opens the door for both of you to exit the car, you look up at the building. "W-woah, this sure is a huge building."
"I know right" He chuckles. You two start heading inside and he leads you to a dining room, that is covered in decorations and the table only has meatless food, it seems that Louis ended up asking them not to show any kind of meat in front of you... " Welcome to our major criminal organization that controls the Black Market, The Shishigumi"
You notice some Lions walking into the dining room and they seem really excited to meet you. Louis gives them an angry look, maybe he has to maintain a serious and dominant posture to keep them in line. When they see the expression on his face, they seem to chicken out and leave, having left a few more dishes on the table.
"Let's start eating then, those Lions don't eat vegetables so we'll have to enjoy it while there's still time, haha." He sits near you and both of you starts eating.
When the two of you were done eating, some Lions came over and started clearing the plates from the table. You sit there and talk for a while. When it was already late, the two of you started walking towards the main hall.
When you were at the gates of the building. You started talking with him. "I really liked this date..."
"Did you? What was the best part of our date?" Both of you stop outside the building gates.
"I think the best part of this date was hanging out with you. Every time you're around, time seems to stop. What I mean is I enjoy every moment when I'm around you" You hug him, time seems to stop and neither of you wants to break the hug.
"Was that a declaration of your love for me?" He makes a joke and you laugh, he breaks the hug and now he's looking at you with a passionate look on his eyes.
"You can think of it that way if you want." You look at him with a smile. "I think it's a 'see you next Saturday'..." you start walking towards the car but you stop and turn towards him, you kiss him and start running towards the car. "See you some other day! I love you! Bye!"
Louis froze, not knowing how to react. In the background, inside the building, you can hear male voices celebrating, it seems that they were spying on you two from afar, haha.
His face become all red and he couldn't even say a word. He could only see you walking away, his heart started beating wildly, it felt like his heart was going to burst out of his chest.
As you entered the car, there was a Lion with a happy face. He starts driving to Cherryton then he breaks the silence "Haha, He sure loves you" He compliments your relationship. "I'm glad you make him feel happy, he seemed quite sad before unenroll from school..."
"Thank you, I really hope he isn't making so much trouble with you guys, ehe" You say to him, with a gentle voice. You keep looking outside the window, seeing some stores still open. As you arrive to your destination you say goodbye to the Driver and walk inside the school gates.
Once you arrived to your dorm room. There was just you there, probably your roommates went to a party... You go to the bathroom and take a nice shower again, and put a shorts and one of Louis T-shirt (that you stoled from him and now it is your pajama).
Once you lay down the bed, you check your phone and you see a message left from Louis.
"Did you arrive safe and sound?" He texted to you
"Yes, thanks for taking me on this date, I loved it^^" You sent it to him.
"Good. I'm happy you liked it, now take a rest. I love you ♡" He sends you a photo of him on his bed, smiling at the camera. "If you dare send this photo to someone else I will kill you😒"
You reply "You look cute on this one, I'll put it as my cell phone's wallpaper♡" You start to slightly laugh about it. "I love you too♡ Goodnight, Bambi"
"Night, Sweetie♡" He replies your message and you put your phone away to charge it.
You look up, staring at the ceiling with a passionate smile on your face. You start thinking about how lucky you are from having a wonderful boyfriend. You start to feel sleep consume you, you end up falling asleep with a small smile on your face.
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I hope it was nice enough to make your day a little better, took me 3 days to do it, cuz I'm lazy.... this was an Idea that I had, well then...
Byeee! 👋(Also, if you want any character, my door is always open for ideas, just ask me and I'll bring it to you all)
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queerprayers · 5 months
can you please pray for a teacher of mine who has been very very important in my life? they've been out of school for a couple of weeks and haven't said why, only that they're going through something personal and would appreciate prayers. i care deeply about them and i've been so worried. if you could pray for them, or maybe if you know any prayers i could say, it would mean the world.
i know it's probably a bit silly to send this considering my first ask was only like an hour ago and you probably haven't even seen it yet, but this is the person who asked for prayers for my teacher. i've been praying all night, sobbing on my floor, probably looking like a crazy person reaching out above for some comfort from god. after sending that ask i just grabbed my bible and started reading out of sheer desperation to find something or anything that might comfort me, and somehow the first verse i saw was the beginning of psalm 77. "I cried out to God for help;     I cried out to God to hear me. When I was in distress, I sought the Lord;     at night I stretched out untiring hands,     and I would not be comforted."
You've both been in my prayers, beloved. It hurts to feel helpless, but the psalms have a unique way of putting our desperation into words. They show us that crying out is holy, and is itself a form of prayer, that will be listened to and preserved through generations. You're not crazy--you're human, the same kind of human that we've all been for thousands of years, and the author of this psalm is with you.
I hope you kept reading. The psalmist asks whether the Lord will reject them forever--and then there's a turning point in verse 10: "Then I thought: To this I will appeal:" and then they remember God's miracles, list God's works, and specifically recall the liberation of the Israelites through the Red Sea. The psalmist doesn't say whether the specific reason for their crying is remedied, but that's not what the psalm is about. It's about honoring miracles in the face of hopelessness, reminding yourself what kind of God you worship, turning your attention to the ways in which the world has been saved.
It can be hard to pray when we don't know specifics--but as someone who prays for people and situations that I rarely know the details of on a regular basis, it is a beautiful form of prayer, and God does listen. God holds more than we will ever know, and knows what we do not. Your love for your teacher brings you to God, and God's love for your teacher fills all the unknowing.
My favorite intercessory prayer at night is this one:
Watch, dear Lord, with those who wake or watch or weep, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend the sick, rest the weary, bless the dying, soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted, shield the joyous, and all for your love's sake, Amen.
And here are a couple more from my prayer book:
Almighty and everlasting God, comfort of the sad and strength to those who suffer: Let the prayers of your children who are in any trouble rise to you. To everyone in distress grant mercy, grant relief, grant refreshment; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O merciful Father, look with pity on the sorrows of [name], your servant, for whom we pray. Remember [them], O Lord, in mercy. Strengthen [them] in patience, comfort [them] with the memory of your goodness, let your presence shine on [them], and give [them] peace through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
I pray for the things suffered that only those involved know about, the nights spent praying that feel like they will never dawn, the helplessness of knowing someone you love needs help, and the mercy of God present with us all. When all we can do is pray, we are doing everything by praying. I wish your heart the peace of God, and also honor the turmoil of caring for others. Both are held in our scriptures and our God.
<3 Johanna
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jae-bummer · 2 years
More Than You Wanted
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Request: HALLO MY DEAR! Welcome back to writing 💛 May I HUMBLY request either 7 or 9 (or both cause we all love that hurt comfort spice) with the one and only Mr. Kim Mingyu? He's moved into bias zone, I am ASHAMED /s
7) "Doesn't matter what happens...if you call me, I will always answer."
9) "I don't want them. I want you."
Prompt list can be found HERE.
Pairing: Seventeen Mingyu x Reader
Genre: Angst/Steamy
The carpet in your apartment building was disgusting. Covered in dirt (at least you hoped that's what the stains were) and always kind of moist, you avoided contact with it at all costs. But now, you were sitting on it. Slumped against the wall behind you with your head in your hands, you were sitting on the world's dirtiest carpet and crying.
It had been approximately two hours since you had contacted your building's repair man, and an hour since you talked to anyone in management. You had locked yourself out and were completely exhausted. All you wanted was to lay down and maybe binge watch your favorite drama. You hadn't signed up for enrichment time outside of your enclosure today.
Cringing as the idea came across your mind, you looked helplessly down at your phone. It would be just so easy to text your ex-boyfriend. The two of you had never met up to exchange each other's things, so he still had your key.
Taking a deep breath and blowing it out slowly, you lifted up your phone and scrutinized the battery life. It was running below 10% at this point, so if you were going to do it, you needed to suck it up. Scrolling almost to the bottom of your saved text messages, you found Mingyu's name and tapped.
you busy?
That was safe, right? You didn't want to make him worry and you certainly didn't want to inconvenience him. You had done enough of that in your past relationship.
You weren't surprised when you saw typing bubbles appear before you had even locked your phone. Of course, he was going to be hyper available during your crisis.
Depends. What's up?
What a terrible non-response.
i was wondering if you could stop by and drop off my key?
Want me to bring the rest of your stuff?
not if it's not already with you...
"Why would it already be with him?" you muttered. "Please use your one active brain cell before you hit send again."
i just really need my key
Contrary to what you may believe, I have no plans to break into your apartment. Can I drop it off at the end of the week?
You groaned, leaning back and lightly bonking your head repeatedly on the wall behind you.
Resisting the urge to reply with "that's fine" and leave your fate in the hands of your apartment complex, you quickly typed out a message.
i locked myself out of my apartment.
Give me 10 minutes.
Breathing a momentary sigh of relief, you commended yourself. Texting Mingyu had not been easy, but it was a necessary evil for your own mental well-being. Surely you could play nice for approximately 45 seconds while he handed you your key and walked back down the stairs. You had 45 seconds worth of gratitude in your system, didn't you?
Closing your eyes, you tried not to think too hard about seeing him again. Naturally, that had the opposite effect, and you began dragging out memories that you hadn't touched in weeks. Your relationship had started out innocently enough. You had been an English tutor for the entertainment company that Mingyu was signed to and tutored him weekly. After spending hours upon hours with each other, a natural closeness formed between the two of you. While yes, you had been close to all of the artists in one way or another, something with him was different. It was something warmer, something more incendiary.
You found yourself actually paying attention to how you dressed or how you styled your hair. Starting to become overly interested in your personal appearance likely should have been a red flag. You knew better than to start anything with an idol.
Against your better judgement, your sessions quickly turned into flirting for hours. Mingyu was incredibly smart, so it wasn't a surprise when he was ahead in his English lessons. With the spare time, you got to know each other. Finally, one day he asked you out for dinner.
With time, the two of you had become inseparable. That was until the company found out about the burgeoning relationship. It only took days for them to threaten Mingyu until he said he couldn't see you anymore. It came as no surprise that a few weeks later, they had alienated you so entirely that you put in your notice.
"Stupid," you muttered to yourself. "How could you have been so stupid."
"People forget their keys all the time, Y/N," you heard a familiar voice say above you. "Do you know how often I lock myself out of places?"
"But you have twelve other people to rely on," you sighed, opening your eyes. "And I have...well, you."
Mingyu looked down, a sad smile playing over his lips. God, why was he allowed to look so good? You could tell he had showered only minutes ago judging by his damp hair. He had thrown on a pair of fitted joggers and a t-shirt. It should be against the law to make casual wear look so expensive just by being hot.
Using the wall as leverage, you pulled yourself up to stand. "Thanks for doing this. I didn't mean to disrupt your whole afternoon."
"Don't" he said softly, shaking his head. "Doesn't matter what happens...if you call me, I will always answer."
He dug around in his pocket, producing the pink Hello Kitty key you gave him ages ago. It looked so small in the palm of his hand.
"Well anyhow," you said quietly, taking it. "Thanks."
He nodded, signaling the end of the conversation. You went to turn away from him but paused. He wasn't moving.
"Y/N, this whole thing" he motioned between the two of you. "When did this happen?"
"What do you mean?"
"When did we become strangers?" he sighed. "Because honestly it is hurts so bad."
An unknown feeling of annoyance bubbled up to the surface. "Mingyu, you broke up with me."
"You had to have known that it wasn't really me," he whispered, looking away. "I didn't have much of a choice at the time."
"Whether you did or not, we knew it wasn't going to work out in the long run."
"Don't say that!" he snapped. "I loved you...I still love you."
"Mingyu," you said quietly, deflated by his reaction. "You have millions of people out there wanting you. You're an idol. If your company discourages you dating noncelebrities, that is what it is."
"I don't want them. I want you," he said hoarsely. Stepping closer, he took your face in his hands.
You could feel tears beginning to gather at your lash line. "Mingyu-"
"Let me talk to them. The management team and everyone above and in between. Let me fight for us like I was too scared to do before," he whispered.
You tried to shake your head, but your face remained caught. Reaching up and placing your hands atop his, you sighed. "I wish it were that easy."
"It's not easy at all" he said, furrowing his brows. His eyes searched yours. "Nothing about love is easy. Nothing worth fighting for is easy."
"Mingyu," you whimpered, tears starting to fall. "I just wanted my key..."
"Yeah, well," he breathed. "You're getting more than you wanted for once."
Before you could clock his advancement, Mingyu's lips were on yours. You felt your tears falling even faster as you reached to grasp the fabric of his shirt. Because of you, the kisses were much wetter than normal, but it didn't stop his urgent need. He was manic with his movements; afraid you may slip away at any point. After every labored breath, his lips found yours again and again. Biting, licking, groaning against your mouth, you thought you would simply unravel in the dingy hallway.
Eventually the two of you had to take a break, all of the emotion was just too much. His hands sliding from your face and resting on your hips, he looked down at you, his expression hopeful.
"Why don't you come inside?" you asked nervously, unsure of what would happen moving forward. "We can talk."
"Sure," Mingyu nodded, a genuine smile spreading across his lips. "I'd like that very much."
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