#i see how bad it is for the vampy rights movement
safyresky · 1 year
So I've started watching True Blood bc my work girlies love it and were like WE'RE DOING TRUE BLOOD NIGHTS and my GOD. It's wild?????? We've gotten to season two and I'm like WHAT. This show reads like a crazy fanfic and watching it is like, feels like it should be cringe??? And it is but like. DELIGHTFULLY SO. I think watching it with a group is adding to the experience. ANYWAY. Jason Stackhouse is the dumbest bitch alive, I LOVE Lafayette and my GOD I hope he gets to be a slutty, slutty vampire tbh
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dajeong · 4 months
First of all I want to clarify that English is not my primary language. Leaving that aside, this is my first fic in another language and a bit of dictionaries helped me, I feel like I could have better phrases or words, but I hope to be able to express what I felt while I was writing. 
I want to thank @fangswbenefits  @spacebarbarianweird @atsadi-shenanigans who were my greatest inspiration, and many more that I don't remember at this moment. 
If you see errors, don't hesitate to say them, I feel like I jumps between many topics, but I hope you like it. I am very nervous...
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“You and Astarion share a bed” 
6480 words. 
“Darling,” Astarion hums, “don’t tell me you’re nervous?” 
He’d managed to convince you to save money by only paying for one room. Astarion had said he was sure they’d be two beds knowing there wouldn’t be. He’ll have more access to your pretty little neck this way. 
“Come,” he says, patting the spot next to him. The mattress is uncomfortable, but he ignores it. At least he’s not stuck on a bedroll tonight. 
"Of course not," he said, rolling his eyes but still not approaching him, he leaned at the window looking out. 
He made sure the curtains were thick enough so that the sun wouldn't get through them, and then he turned his gaze to him. 
Astarion smiles, the look that only a predator gives its prey as he watches you. “What are you waiting for, darling?” He purrs, extending his clawed fingers towards you. 
“Don’t tell me you’re afraid of the big, bad vampi-“ 
He stops mid sentence, glancing outside himself, before frowning slightly. How did he not notice until now that you’d closed the curtains? 
"You are not a bad vampire, in any case, you are much more than that and I am not afraid of you" your gaze lowers to the ground for a moment to look at him again. 
"I'm just wondering what happened to the other bed you promised, remember? Two beds?" 
The smile returns to Astarion’s lips as he laughs, waving his hand mockingly in the direction of the single bed. 
“Ah, yes. Well, my apologies, love. It seems they’ve made quite the mistake. But,” he says, his tone becoming more sly. 
“It seems a waste to pay so much money for two beds when one will suffice. Wouldn’t you agree?” 
"I say this more for you than for me, you meditate and my sleeping habits are really bad," you laugh as you pass your light armor over your head. 
Leaving you in just a thin shirt. You folded your clothes over a nearby chair. 
Astarion’s red eyes followed your movement as you took your armour off and laid it aside, taking his time admiring your figure. 
He’d become much less reserved about looking at you these past few weeks. He seemed more sure of himself lately, as though he had finally accepted the tadpole in his head. His eyes flicked back up to your face as you turned back around to look back at him, only for him to quickly look away. 
“Well, just do your best not to move around too much, then. I’m a light sleeper, you know.” 
"Of course I do," you laughed, taking off your pants and leaving them with the rest of your clothes. 
Things were a little strange since they talked about not having intimacy, you weren't sure what his limits were and you preferred him to tell you when he was ready. 
You were okay with that, but you didn't know how much it was deceitful. Was a hug okay? Just kisses? Just touching each other on the waist? Tarering the song made you feel uncomfortable and you thought it would be uncomfortable for him too so you chose to wait and see what happens. 
You clung to the bed that seemed smaller than ever, and then jumped up. 
"Astarion... Would you brush my hair?" That should be fine, right? You came back running with a brush in your hands clutching it in your hands. 
Astarion blinked in surprise as though he were startled out of a trance. He'd been admiring your legs. 
His eyes flicked up to your own as he raised an eyebrow. “Darling…” he teased. 
“Are you asking me to brush your…” 
He hesitated for a moment, almost surprised by how eager he suddenly was to accept your request. 
“Of course. Here, hand me the brush.” 
He motioned to the space beside him on the bed like the proper gentleman he certainly wasn't. 
You turned your back giving him the brush, then you saw two legs, one on each side and his body very close to yours, he was behind you. 
Your heart beat fast and hard, I knew he could hear it clearly but you couldn't do anything to shut him up, you clenched your hands on your knees. 
Silence, too much of him, you needed to talk, whatever. Say something. 
"How does meditating work for elves?" You asked the first thing that came to mind. 
Astarion laughed, taking the brush from your hand. He moved closer until his legs were pressed against your hips and his chest was nearly touching your back. He felt you tense up as he touched your hair with his free hand, almost petting you. You tensed up, and he could hear your heart beat faster like a mouse caught in a trap. 
He smirked as you suddenly started talking, clearly trying to cover up your reaction. 
“The same as it works for any other race, I imagine. We clear our minds, close our eyes, and… meditate…” 
You tried to focus on what he said and not on his cold hands going over your head, brushing part of your neck in ways you knew weren't necessary, sending chills all over your body. 
"Then you don't dream while you meditate?" It seemed something interesting, I knew little about elves and this was a good time to satiate your curiosity. 
Astarion let out another amused chuckle as he pulled long strands of your hair between his fingers, separating them almost gently. “No, darling, we don’t dream while we meditate. It’s not the same thing at all.”   
He paused for a moment, just running his fingers through your hair with no care for using the brush for it’s intended purpose at all at this point, but he didn’t care. He just enjoyed touching you while you let him. 
"Doesn't it bother you if I ask you more things about elves?" You turned your face a little to see his reaction, the last thing you wanted was to bother him or make him uncomfortable with the subject. 
"I want to know more about you," you said more quietly, not so sure now to ask. 
Astarion raised an eyebrow, seemingly surprised, but not displeased, to hear you say that.  
“You can ask, darling, it doesn’t hurt to learn a thing or two about me, no?”  
He pulled you slightly backwards until you were leaning completely against his chest, the brush still in his hand forgotten. “Ask away then, my dear. I’ll see how much you can guess about me simply from a good brush and chat.” 
Astarion raised an eyebrow, seemingly surprised, but not displeased, to hear you say that.  
“You can ask, darling, it doesn’t hurt to learn a thing or two about me, no?”  
He pulled you slightly backwards until you were leaning completely against his chest, the brush still in his hand forgotten. “Ask away then, my dear. I’ll see how much you can guess about me simply from a good brush and chat.” 
You leaned back on his chest and took the brush from his hand to push it aside, with your hands you took his and began to draw imaginary lines in caresses by his hand and fingers. 
"I heard they can live more than a thousand years" but then you shut your mouth, he's a vampire now, immortal. These questions could be in bad taste. 
Reincarnation? Could he no longer, fly the eyes of certain elves? He could no longer even remember his original color. You were starting to panic so you just let out "ears?" 
Astarion hummed, taking in the comforting gesture as you traced your fingers over his own while you tried to figure out what to ask. He wasn’t exactly going to help you along. He found your curiosity endearing. 
When you finally asked whatever question that came to mind, Astarion snickered softly at your choice. “My... ears?”  
“Darling, you couldn’t possibly think I haven’t also heard of that old rumour, no?” His red eyes sparkled with amusement. 
You turned unimmediately red as an apple, almost out of bed in the process. 
"Not me, I didn't mean," you tried to explain yourself hurriedly while he held you with one hand from being upside down on the ground. 
Astarion laughed loudly, grabbing at your hips to keep your from falling off the bed and pulling you back against him. Holding you on his lap, he wrapped an arm around your middle and grinned at you. 
“Relax, I’m just jesting. But tell me, what did you mean by that?” He inquired, clearly enjoying your embarrassed state. 
"I... I meant how well you can hear." Your voice was small, full of shame. 
Now you'd rather have a meteorite fall over you and end it all. 
You could feel your face and ears warm and the worst of all was that you couldn't stop thinking now if the rumor about whether the elves' ears were sensitive and almost oregenic areas were real or not. 
As you buried your face in your hands, still leaning back against his chest, Astarion tilted his head and gave you a sly smile. “Oh, my hearing?”  
He could hear just fine, and he could hear your heart pounding frantically.  
He leaned in and lowered his voice to a whisper. “I can hear everything, my dear. Every breath, every beating of your heart. Every…”  
He paused, waiting just long enough for you to think you were safe before giving your ear a light bite and a gentle kiss. 
You stood up in surprise with your hand over your ear and your face burning. 
"Astarion!"  You could already hear your heart yourself and you felt it coming out of your mouth. 
He laughed again, clearly enjoying himself at your expense. “What? I couldn’t help it - you look so cute flustered like this.”  
He reached one hand up to touch your cheek, pulling your face around to look at him so he could see the full extent of your blushing. “Especially since you still haven’t answered my question from before. What exactly were you asking about my ears for? Did you hear something you liked?” 
"I.…" What could you say? You were curious about many other things if they were about him.  
You didn't know why you were so nervous now, they had slept together before, they saw each other without clothes and touched and tasted until they were tired. 
But since they confessed their feelings and had to take things slower, without sex, everything seemed different and new. 
You swallowed your bravery "okay, yes, I heard some girls talking about it while you were asking for the room" you sighed running a hand through your hair.  
 "So.... is it true?" 
Astarion raised an eyebrow at you, clearly amused by your embarrassment. He’d only started teasing you lightly, and you’d already fallen apart.  
His grin widened as you confessed what you’d heard, before he nodded. “Oh, it absolutely is. Sensitive things, our ears.”  
He ran a hand along the length of your ear as he spoke, watching your reactions. “And they’re not wrong, elf ears have… quite a few nerves in them. And I’d have thought you’d prefer to find out for yourself, darling?” 
Your gaze did not hesitate to travel over the tip of his ears that protruded from his silver curls, when you noticed what you were doing you immediately looked away. 
It was when he asked the question, you don't remember touching his ears before or at least not intentionally. 
One day you would lose your hand for wanting to touch everything, but you were human and your life was a blink compared to other races, you wanted to try everything so you climbed back into bed and sat on your lap in front of Astarion. 
"Can I?" You asked by slowly raising and bringing your hand closer giving it a chance to retract. 
Astarion stared up at you as you positioned yourself over him, looking down at him with a small, cocky grin as he tilted his head to allow you to reach his ears more easily.  
“Go ahead, love. Don’t be shy.” There was an amused teasing in his voice, but he was certainly curious as to what you were going to do. He’d never given much thought to it before, but now he rather wanted to find out. 
You hesitated for a moment "can you always say no, you know" You took his face with your hands looking him in the eyes. You sought doubt in his gaze or if he did it out of habit of not knowing how to reject anything. But you found his determined and clear gaze, so you smiled and kissed his forehead. 
"Are you sure? Will you tell me if you don't like it or it's uncomfortable?" You asked worriedly. For you he would always be a priority 
Astarion’s smile softened then, turning less amused and more affectionate as he realized exactly just how tenderly you were handling him, how worried you were about whether he was alright with you doing this. It almost made his heart warm.  
He smiled gently and took hold of your hand in one of his own, lifting it to his face and placing a light kiss on the back of your hand before looking back up at you.  
“You don’t have to be this careful with me. I told you it’s fine.” 
"Ok" touching yourself never provides the same feeling as someone else touching you and I wasn't sure if anyone went to the trouble with Astarion before given his life history and abuse. 
So you were almost sure that this was as new to you as it was to him. 
You touched the tip with a finger, it was cold and now that you looked closer, the color was a little purple clear that it no longer belonged to the world of the living. 
You traced the tone with your index finger and saw it shiver. 
"All good?" You asked while stopping 
His ears twitched in response to your touch, his eyes drifting closed involuntarily. 
Astarion let out a breathy exhale, almost sounding like a moan. “Yeah… yeah that felt… interesting. Go on, darling.”  
His eyes closed and he shivered slightly again as you continued your gentle tracing of his ears. He’d never imagined his ears were so sensitive before, and while it did feel a little strange, he rather liked how it felt. 
You ran your fingers in soft caresses light as feathers and you saw him shudder by closing his eyes, you couldn't even imagine how that could feel. 
Then I gave it a slight squeeze with two fingers to the tip. 
Astarion’s eyes opened abruptly as he let out a slight gasp before quickly biting his lip to muffle the noises that almost slipped through.  
“Ah! Oh…” he panted, his hands suddenly tightening on the blankets under him as he desperately fought the urge to move from the overwhelming sensation.  
He hadn’t known it was possible to feel so much just from having your ears touched. He found himself desperate for you to touch them again, but also just a little afraid of the sensations your touch would ignite. 
You noticed in his eyes that he looked confused, you could tell that he liked it but it seemed that he did not expect that kind of feeling. 
You ran one hand over his cheek and the other ran your fingers over his pointed ear again. 
"Is that okay?" You asked as you went up from the base to the tip. 
Despite trying to reign it in, Astarion couldn’t help but close his eyes again as you ran your hands over his ears, letting out another one of those breathy moans. 
“Nnngh…” he gasped out. “Yes. That’s… yes. That’s… perfect.”  
He was having a hard time thinking straight as you continued to touch him so gently and make him feel such overwhelming things with such an innocent touch. 
You leaned to his ear a little and whispered "so the myth is true?" Your breath gently pinking his ear. 
Astarion moaned again at the feeling of your breath on his ear, tilting his head slightly. “Yes, I suppose it’s… mmm…” he trailed off before he could finish his sentence, his eyes shutting again.  
He didn’t know if it was an elf thing, a him thing, something about the way you touched his ears, or something else entirely, but this felt… incredible. It made his heart pound and his skin tingle. He could hardly keep still. 
Then you moved your hand to his hair letting it rest from such a stumulation. 
You ran your hand over his silver curls that were as soft as they looked, massaging the scalp. 
"I'll keep that in mind then," you said, trying not to laugh when you saw how unconsciously he followed your hand in search of more caresses. 
He hummed contently as you moved your hand to his hair, leaning into your touch. His expression had relaxed again now that you’d stopped touching his ears, allowing him to finally calm his racing heart.  
He opened his eyes as he heard you speak and flashed a grin at you again. “Ah, well. You certainly do learn something new every day.” He chuckled. “Although I don’t know how much this information will help me in battle…” 
"Oh, but it can help you in battles," you replied with a chuckle. 
"Only they'd be a lot less bloody," you paused, "though that could be fixed."  
You saw him overgo, much more relaxed, you continued to run your hands slowly over his scalp. 
Astarion chuckled at your mention of ‘less bloody battles’, still leaning into your touch with his eyes closed. He just wanted to keep resting here and let you soothe him with your touch.  
After a moment he spoke again, voice low and smooth as he continued to bask in the feeling of your hands against his skin. “You know, I really could get used to this… just lying here while you touch me. It’s rather relaxing…” 
"It's in the top 5 things I wouldn't miss for nothing in the world," you guided his forehead to your shoulder so that he had a support. 
Now making circles on the inner part of his head and nape, his hands closed at your waist holding them both, you were comfortable on his legs and although the position could suggest much more, you were both having a relaxing moment. 
He let his head rest against your shoulder, burying his face in the crook of your neck so he could nuzzle against you. His fingers tightened against your sides, pulling you closer against him. He continued to hum quietly, making a soft noise of contentment.  
You could feel the rhythmic thumping of his heart against your chest, a little faster than normal still, but more and more calm by the moment. As you continued to soothe him with your touch his hands relaxed around you, gently rubbing small circles into your skin. 
"Wow, I think I'll leave you speechless if you didn't ask what my top 5 is" you laughed out loud now as you felt it growl a little. It seems that he didn't like that you moved from where he was so comfortable. 
Astarion raised his head from your shoulder and raised an eyebrow at you.  
“Well, now that you mention it, I am curious. What’s this top five, then?” 
He tightened his grip on you slightly again, keeping you firmly in his lap. After having you hold him like this and soothe him so well, he rather wanted you to stay right where you were. 
You combed his hair with your fingers the way he likes it. 
"Well... At number 5 we have having you like this, relaxed next to me" You smiled tenderly looking into his eyes. 
Astarion hummed quietly, clearly enjoying the feeling of your fingers running through his hair. When he spoke his expression was warm and fond as he said simply, “That one is a very good pick.”  
He tilted his head, leaning into your touch as his own hands continued to run light circles on your sides in small, soothing motions. His eyes had darkened slightly as he gazed up at you, watching you with a reverent expression even as he hummed in contentment. 
You lowered your hands towards his face, past his neck, finally resting them on his shoulders. 
"In number 4 it is to see you, to see you confident and present" 
You could feel the muscles in his shoulders relaxing under your hands as you touched him, a small shiver running through him as your hands skimmed over his skin.  
He raised an eyebrow at your response, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth as he said quietly, "I wasn't aware that you liked staring at me so much. If I'd realized before I would have made sure to put on a show for you, love.” 
"But you do," you replied, moving a strand of hair from his forehead. 
"With the way you look at me, like I'm the most wonderful thing in the world," you kissed his nose. 
"And that's number three" 
Astarion felt his heart flutter a little as you called him out on his affectionate staring, his gaze shifting sheepishly to one side as he fought the urge to blush. He found himself unable to hold back a small, tender smile at your compliment, his eyes closing as he felt your soft kiss on the tip of his nose, before opening again as you leaned back.  
He let out a soft huff of laughter at your last comment. He knew full well exactly how he looked at you, and the fact that you picked up on it… only made him want to stare even more. 
"That brings us to number two of things I wouldn't miss for anything in the world," you crossed your hands behind his neck. 
"Any idea what it could be?" You smiled watching the gears start moving. 
Astarion raised an eyebrow at your question, a puzzled expression on his face. He tried thinking back through his memories for some hint at what you might be talking about, but could come up with nothing specific.  
He tilted his head to one side, looking up you with a curious expression as he said, “Hmm… no idea. I have a few guesses but nothing specific. Care to give me a hint?” 
His expression remained fond and amused, though there was a hint of uncertainty at not being able to figure it out already. 
"Well, you could certainly have ideas, but I don't think you'd ever guess," you laughed. 
"At number two of things I wouldn't miss for anything in the world is a draw," you saw him frown. 
"First would be your hugs, it is one of the things that I adore and I would not get lost for anything in the world" you were watching his expression. 
"Any idea of which one can be the other?" 
With that last hint, Astarion quickly realized what the other part of the answer was. He already knew your response to the first, so the second had to be kisses. He hadn’t known it at first, but those little kisses you gave him were quickly becoming something very precious to him.  
His eyes flickered from confusion to confusion, then understanding, then affection, before he spoke again. “Ah, I think I’ve got…” he trailed off for a brief moment before speaking softly, “I’m guessing it’s the kisses, love.” 
You laugh out loud, of course he would know. 
"I can't keep the mystery going, apparently," you approached and stole a quick kiss. 
"You're the best kiss I've ever had" 
Astarion closed his eyes as your kissed him, making a soft noise of contentment as you gave him another of those affectionate kisses he'd quickly become addicted to.  
As you pulled back, he replied in a whisper, smiling up at you, "and you are the very best kisser that I've ever met."  
His expression turned mischievous as he added, "and that's from someone who's met *many* people. So you should take that as quite the compliment, love." 
You rolled your eyes at the last comment but laughed anyway, not that it was a lie and it didn't bother you to know that he already had centuries of practice. 
"Yes, it seems that I will have to moderate my praise. They do harm to your ego" 
Astarion simply chuckled again, a smug look on his face. "What can I say? You *do* have wonderful lips."  
He raised an eyebrow, a teasing expression on his face. "Now, come on. I want to hear the rest of that list, darling." 
"Well, well, then in the big and number one, of things that I wouldn't miss for anything in the world, if kisses and hugs are in the two... that could be on the big pedestar of number one?" You asked, looking him straight in the eye with a smile on your face. 
As you laid out the hints he'd already guessed at, Astarion couldn't help but be even more intrigued. If the kiss and embrace were number two, what could possibly be number one?  
"Well, based on the hints… I'd have to guess it's our intimate moments together?" He answered with an amused look. "After all, what else could be above that?" 
You laughed when you heard his answer, his thought was more than obvious. 
"Although I don't want to make you feel bad about it, and let me clarify, it's wonderful, I could live without those 'intimate' moments."  
You took his face with both hands to stare at him, hoping that what you wanted to say could be expressed correctly. 
Astarion's expression changed from teasing and amused to serious, a slight frown of confusion on his face as you said that.  
He took one of your hands in one of his own, intertwining your fingers as he looked up at you, tilting his head in question. "I.… don't quite know what you mean, love. What do you mean you could live without it?" A pause, before a look of realization lit up his expression. "... Are you saying you'd be fine not having that with me? Ever again?" 
"Your company is enough for me, I can wait as long as necessary, but that would never be a reason to leave you," you clarified. 
You loved him and you loved everything about him, you loved more than his body and what he could give you and you wanted to make it clear. 
Astarion's expression softened with each word, feeling a tender warmth rise inside him until he was simply gazing up at you with an expression of pure adoration.  
He lifted your hand to his lips, gently kissing your knuckles before saying slowly in a soft whisper, "Oh, love... that's the most perfect thing you could have said. The most *beautiful* thing that anyone has ever said to me, and… coming from you, it's even more precious. I-" he faltered and gave a small laugh, before continuing, "I adore you. I adore everything about you." 
You smiled at his words. 
"That brings me to number one, of things I wouldn't miss for anything in the world..." you caressed his face again. 
You smiled at him and he smiled back at you, not those half-smiles or the fake ones, a real one, one that seemed to light up the place. 
"See you happy... It's something I wouldn't change for anything in the world" 
Astarion’s heart gave a little flutter of affection at the sight of your smile, feeling his stomach churn pleasantly as he tried to put what you’d said into words.  
He brought both his hands up, gently holding your face as he stared at you for a long moment, then finally spoke in a quiet whisper.  
“I wouldn’t have expected that from you. To hear you say something like that… is the most wonderful thing I’ve ever heard. I…” he gave another soft laugh, a bewildered expression on his face. “I don’t know how to respond to that.” 
"You don't have to," you whispered, bringing your forehead together with his. 
Both of us there, in a narrow bed traveling together, free, there was no better place I wanted to be. 
For any external eye many things could be missing, for her that time and place was everything, and it was perfect. 
Astarion shut his eyes, leaning his forehead against yours with a hum of contentment as he let himself simply bask in the moment.  
He felt more at peace in your arms than he could recall ever feeling before, simply enjoying your presence. He wanted to stay like this forever, just relishing the feeling of you against him as the two of you enjoyed the brief tranquility that the night afforded you. 
You lay there for awhile, simply enjoying each other's presence and holding each other close, before Astarion spoke again, the warm tones of his voice gently reverberating through both of you as you lay there. 
“You know…” he began, “you are so warm. It’s quite lovely, sitting here like this in your arms… I could fall asleep like this, you know.” 
"I thought elves didn't sleep," you replied annoying, returning to the topic forgotten hours ago. 
Astarion gave a quiet huff of laughter, opening his eyes and gazing up at you.  
The soft affection in his eyes quickly turned amused, and he raised an eyebrow as he shot back, “You’re quite a cheeky one, aren’t you? I don’t technically *need* to sleep, but it doesn’t mean that I never do.” 
"Mmh now I want to know about your dreams, what kind are they? Are they memories? Are they color like in real life? Or are they with more vivid colors" at the moment he started, he couldn't stop asking. 
"I'm sorry, I... I get sidetracked, I'm sorry" when something interested him he tended to talk about it and Astarion always provided a lot of questions with his very existence. 
Astarion gave a small chuckle, waving away your apology. You sounded so eager and curious, it was endearing. “It’s all right, love, I don’t mind.” 
He hummed thoughtfully before speaking, gathering his thoughts. “For the most part, my dreams are just memories. Sometimes I see things I’ve seen before, sometimes things from my past…” 
He gave a soft sigh. “The rest of them, however…” 
You looked at him excitedly so that he could finish the frace, even raising your eyebrows. 
He noticed the gesture, giving a short laugh as he added, “You’re going to give yourself wrinkles if you scrunch your eyebrows up like that, love.”  
“Anyway…” he trailed off for another moment, thinking. “Most of the time, the rest of my dreams are… nightmares. Things that frighten me, or things…” he grimaced at the thought, “things that really *did* happen to me. Things that I would prefer to forget… but can’t.” 
You immediately hated to have asked, you and your damn curiosity, now you understand why you hate sleeping and prefer short meditations. 
You only witnessed one of his nightmares once and he immediately pushed you away not wanting to talk about it. 
You frowned at your tactless bringing up the subject having ruined the atmosphere. 
Astarion didn’t miss the look of guilt on your face. He gave a small chuckle. “Love, it’s alright. You don’t have to worry about it.” 
He reached up, gently cupping your cheek as he tried to reassure you. “You can’t help being curious. That’s part of what you are, and I wouldn’t ask you to change it.”  
He gave a reassuring smile as he added, “Besides, at least it means you’re taking an interest in me, right?” 
Astarion, that conceited * who always knew what to say, always knew how to change the environment and make you feel better, how could you love him more at every moment? 
"Do you think I have little interest in you?" You asked thankfully for leaving the topic uncomfortable. 
Astarion chuckled, a smile on his face. “No, you’re right, that came out badly. How about… it’s good to know that you’re still interested in learning more about me?” 
He reached up, gently tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear as he added, “After all, if you ever stopped asking me questions about myself, it would mean you ran out of things you wanted to know. And I’m pretty sure you’re too curious to run out of questions that easily.” 
"It seems like you know me too well " you touched his nose with the tip of your finger. 
"Will I have to start being more mysterious?" 
“You, more mysterious?” Astarion said with a laugh. “That would certainly be the day. I don’t think you could ever be mysterious, love.” 
“Besides,” he added with a smirk, “there’s really not much that I don’t already know about you. We’ve been together for quite a while now, after all. I think I should be pretty familiar by this point.” 
You raised an eyebrow at his commentary. 
"Yes? So you know me very well? What can you say about me then?" You folded your arms waiting for his answer. 
Astarion chuckled. You certainly did like to test him, didn’t you? Still, he supposed he should have expected as much by now.  
“Well, lets see…” he started, a smirk on his face. “Your favorite weapon is a bow, you like your meat well-done…” 
He held up three fingers as he listed each item off, enjoying the way you were looking at him as he named your preferences. 
“… your favorite color is gold, and…” he added a fourth finger with this, “you definitely prefer being on top.” 
Your face turned totally red at his last sentence, trying to stand up as if that refuted what he was saying, but your legs were half asleep and you went forward, being immediately caught by him. 
Astarion chuckled, wrapping his arms around you as you stumbled into him.  
“So I was right about that one, hm?” he teased, looking up at you with an amused expression on his face. “Not going to deny it, love?” 
Your hands went straight to his mouth to try to silence him while you felt his smile through your palm. The very unfortunate man loved to see you lose control with his words.  
"Ok, enough, you know me too well, you win," you slowly removed your hands and saw a full smile. 
Now that he lay on his back and you were on him you put your ear on his chest. You were still surprised to hear their heartbeats, slow and faint but there they were. 
Astarion laughed again as you tried to put a hand over his mouth, making a soft noise of protest at the gesture. However, when you gave up the game and laid your head down on his chest, he immediately shut up, putting his arms around you again with a soft smile. 
He began to gently stroke your hair, humming contentedly. He couldn’t lie, he loved to see that he could have such an effect on you with just a few teasing words. 
Your eyes began to close with that distant melody of a beating heart, you relaxed totally on it, your warmth was now that of both of you. 
Astarion was always room temperature, perhaps a little colder than a living person, but when they shared hugs of this type or fed well their body temperature returned, especially on spring and summer days. 
"I love you...." You whispered in her chest, wanting deep down to get in there and never have to come out. 
Astarion smiled, running his fingers through your hair. He always loved hearing you say that. No matter how many times you said it, it never lost its meaning to him. Every time you said it, his heart gave a little flutter of contentment and he felt a rush of warmth and affection run through him. 
He moved one hand down to your back, running it gently over it as he spoke quietly in return.  
“I love you too...” he said softly, “so, so much.” and then he closed his eyes. 
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sunflowervolvimp3 · 2 years
Wait I know we always talk about how protective vampy would be when bb got sick but what would nialls reaction be to her getting sick? I feel like Harry would mention it in the groupchat so Niall would rush over and H would be like “what are you doing go home” and hes like “ok but......shes not gonna die right?” And Harry’s like “....should we call Mitch” and bb would yell from His bed “I LITERALLY JUST HAVE A COLD CALM DOWN” then h would be like “…do you think we should take her to the ER just in case?”
the way they would make each other's anxiety worse PLS
It's not that Harry didn't know Niall was fond of Y/N.
He'd spent months running interference between the two, trying to squash Niall's every attempt of establishing contact with the mortal girl before Harry was ready. He'd stopped multiple attempts to crash dates, suffered through his phone being stolen four times, and lost three fingernails in a battle to prevent Niall from adding Y/N to their group chat affectionately titled "The Fang Gang." Once Harry did start allowing contact between his mortal lover and immortal friends, Harry could see the playful relationships bloom immediately. He was glad for it, even— it was much easier to have a relationship with Y/N once the two sides of his life began to merge. And he knew there was a certain degree of protectiveness that went along with that. He'd appreciated his friends understanding his need to make sure she was safe, that he sometimes had to leave a hangout early to make sure Y/N had a ride home when working a closing shift. He'd been thankful for it during certain nights in certain clubs. He knew there was affection there.
He just didn't expect that affection to bring Niall to his door thirty-two seconds after texting in the group chat that he and Y/N would have to miss dinner on account of her having a cold.
The Irishman looks at Harry with an expression he hasn't seen on the carefree vampire's face in years, peering anxiously over Harry's shoulder as if expecting to see the sick girl there. "Is Y/N okay?"
Harry blinks at him. "Is she— what?"
"Is Y/N okay?" Niall repeats the question, his eyes focusing back on Harry's face. "You said she was sick, and that's— humans are fragile. Getting sick means—"
"It means she has a cold, Niall," Harry's own brow furrows in confusion as he looks his friend up and down. "Just a cold. She just needs some rest."
Niall steps into the apartment, and the unease rolling off the vampire in waves convinces Harry to let it happen. He's never seen Niall go so long without smiling, or cracking a joke in greeting.
"You know people die of colds, Harry," Anxiety is threaded through Niall's voice as he speaks. "All it takes is one big cough, and suddenly your lungs are on the outside of your body! Human's don't do well with lungs on the outside of their body! That's literally the opposite of where they're supposed to be!"
"I really don't think that's how coughing works, mate," Harry touches Niall's shoulder with a measured movement. "Calm down. She's fine. Just a bit congested, has a small cough and a headache. Mostly she just needs sleep."
"What if she can't breathe? Congestion means—"
"It means she has a stuffy nose! That's it!"
Niall pulls out his phone. "Have you checked her temperature?"
"Five minutes ago. It's only 38.1 degrees—"
"Google says that's a fever! You know what happens when humans have fevers?"
Harry sighs. "They die?"
"They die, Harry! Fevers are bad! Fevers mean infection!"
"It's a cold!"
And yet.
Harry feels his stomach twist within his abdomen as he snatches Niall's phone from his hands and reads through the Google search results about fevers.
"Mitch doesn't seem concerned," Harry says the words almost as a comfort for himself.
Niall makes a noise of mocking in the back of his throat. "Mitch barely batted an eye when Sarah wound up in a body bag. Should we use him as the gauge for how concerned we should be?"
Harry can identify two faults to that argument right away, the first being that Mitch was distraught for days when Sarah met her untimely mortal end, and the second being that if anyone shouldn't be the gauge for concern, it's Niall, who's prone to overexcitement and overreacting. But then he hears Y/N coughing upstairs, and pictures her fragile body shivering beneath the blanket's he's layered on top of her, and all his counterarguments go out the window.
"I'll go get Y/N while you bring the car around, alright? You think I can bribe the ER staff with a Gucci watch?"
"I think you better try."
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silveraccent · 4 years
‘Lil Vampy || Grace & Mina
TIMING: Pre-Full Moon PARTIES: @silveraccent @drowningisinevitable​ SUMMARY: Grace goes to campus to give a book to Blanche, but runs into a ‘vampire’ instead. Mina’s got the badge that saves them. CONTENT: Blood.
White Crest, despite all of its mysteries, always seemed to try and operate as normal. Despite the number of situations that Grace had found herself in, she was now wandering across a college campus to deliver a forgotten book to Blanche. Only recently had Grace found leaving her apartment not nearly as big of an inconvenience as she usually had. It had taken some time to find the courage, but once she had, she found herself settling into her apartment less and less, and instead, opting out for a park bench and her sketchbook. The stress of going back to work, as well as having to dish out her hard earned cash for her hospital stay were both looming, but if she refused to acknowledge them for a while longer, maybe it’d be easier to pretend that neither of those things existed. Grace crossed the short distance between the building that Blanche had told her she’d be waiting for her in, and waited outside, unable to gain access to the building without a badge. Grace frowned and leaned against the wall, sending Blanche a quick text, letting her know that she was outside. While she waited, she caught sight of a girl who was clearly struggling with her books. Hesitating, she peeled herself away from the wall and hurried over, “are you okay?” Grace asked her, leaning down to pick up one of the books that had dropped. 
Perhaps, in an effort to stay busy and distracted by everything going on in her life, Mina had bitten off a bit more than she could chew. She was behind in her own classes, the classes that she taught, and the classes that she tutored in after having to deal with the death of her father, and, while professors were understanding, she’d been trying to get a handle on it before it, and she was! But getting a handle on her schoolwork meant she’d have to deal with her own problems, and she couldn’t do that right now, so she’d been looking for extra work. Which is how she ended up walking across campus with too many books, trying to get back to the cramped little office that she shared with her fellow maths masters students. When one fell, she huffed out a sigh, frustration and stress making a headache start to form behind her eyes. She needed to relax, soon, or else she was going to get a nosebleed. Just as she was about to try to bend down, a girl had already picked up her book for her. “Thank you!” Mina said, more than a little relieved. “Oh, I’m just… Books. Too many, yes?”
“Too many, I think.” Grace smiled at the girl before she looked down at the book in her hands. It looked identical to the one that Blanche had forgotten. She looked up from the book to the girl standing in front of her. “Do you need any help? I can get the door for you?” She offered, holding onto the book. She turned back towards it, then remembered she didn’t have the badge to gain entry. “I don’t… have a key, I don’t actually go here.” She gave the girl a small smile. She guessed luck was on her side. She could’ve waited for Blanche to arrive, but the longer she was on campus, the more she felt the anxiety from students who were prepping for exams and for homework that was obviously late. 
“Serves me right, I suppose,” Mina said, laughing a bit. Too many books, too much work, too little time to think about things that caused her chest to ache. It wasn’t anything that she couldn’t handle, hadn’t handled before. “I’d appreciate it, truly. One second.” Adjusting as many of her books to one hand, Mina was able to fish her ID out of her bag before handing it to the girl gingerly. “Seriously, thank you. The scanner should be near the door.” She let the other girl scan them into the building. They seemed to be about the same age, and the girl didn’t give Mina the same prickling sensation she got when she was around other Fae, which already filled Mina with a sense of relief and guilt. “I’m Mina, by the way. Mina Fitzroy. What brings you to campus? Are you looking into taking classes?”
Grace took the badge and slapped it against the small device on the wall. When the light lit up, she grabbed the door and wrenched it back, stepping to the side so that her company could walk through. She stepped inside shortly after. “No, thank you!” Grace smiled at her, shifting her weight to her other foot, twisting slightly so that she could hear the girl better when she began to introduce herself. She hadn’t realized how many of her mannerisms she would have to change with the sudden loss-- it had made her acutely aware of her positioning, sometimes annoyingly so. “Mina? I’m Grace, it’s nice to meet you.” She smiled at Mina before lifting her hands up, palms facing the girl, “Oh, no. I’m just here to drop off a book for a friend. She forgot it.” Grace turned her attention towards the hallway, stopping cold at the sound of a loud shriek. 
“Nice to meet you, too, Grace,” Mina said with a smile, though it was a bit tired. But it was nice to meet Grace, and she was grateful for the help with her books. She hadn’t even thought about the near impossibility opening the door by herself would have been, especially since she was dropping books without having to worry about the impossibility of opening a door. “Well, you’re a very good friend for coming all the way onto campus just to deliver a book.” She couldn’t think of many people who would do that. “That’s really sweet of--” The shrieking cut Mina off, and she turned to watch as a girl was being chased by another, one in a cape and with blood dripping down her face. Both of them were headed towards Mina and Grace. The girl in the cape… Mina squinted at her before her eyes widened. It was Jo, a girl from her beginner level statistics class. Jo, who had fangs and blood dripping from her mouth but… Jo wasn’t a vampire. Mina knew she wasn’t a vampire, had seen Jo out and about in broad daylight. The only thing vampiric about Jo was her love of cheesy vampire novels and her desire to dress up as one for Halloween. But… 
“Vampire! Vampire!” the girl being chased screamed out, blood dripping from her neck. Mina looked at Grace, eyes wide. This wasn’t good.
Grace’s eyes grew large at the sight of the girl running, and she felt her breath catch in her throat at the sight of the individual who was running after her, her red cape billowing behind her. There was blood everywhere, or what Grace thought was blood. It had to be a joke-- a Halloween prank. There was no way that an actual vampire would dress like that, would it? Grace tried to reason with the fact that vampires weren’t--- weren’t what? She didn’t know all that White Crest harbored, didn’t know the extent of what lived underneath its soil. Grace grabbed Mina’s hand and dragged her backwards, towards the door that they had come through. “Go, we have to go.” She wasn’t sure when she had adopted her flight response over the voice of reason to investigate what was happening, and maybe it was all that Grace had been through already, she wasn’t sure. The girl turned towards them, suddenly transfixed by their movements. “Oh no.” Grace felt her breath leave her. 
A bit shocked by Grace grabbing her hand and pulling her away, Mina dropped her books, but, really, that was the least of their problems. “Running, alright. We can-- Yes, running is good.” She looked for the path of least resistance, anyway to get Grace and then herself away from harm. It was only when she noticed Jo’s startlingly red eyes watching them that she stilled for just a moment, her heart pounding, before she stood in front of Grace and put on a smile. “Jo? Jo, it’s Mina, from statistics? I just finished grading your homework, Jo. You did really good!” She took a step back, pushing against Grace to get her to do the same. She’d get Grace to safety, and then it might be best for her to cut herself and lead the vampire away. Her dad always told her that Fae blood was supposed to be sweet to them. Mina felt jittery, and she was shaking a little, but she was resolute in her decision that no one else was going to get hurt by Jo. What even happened? Had some vampire turned her because her costume offended them? It wasn’t that bad… Okay, it was bad, but still. “Have you started looking at the next lesson? Have you been looking over random variables.” Another step back. The vampire was just cocking her head at them. Mina prepared in case she decided to charge.
“What--” Grace spun around as Mina came to a half. Was she talking to them? Grace wasn’t sure why her first thought wasn’t a student lead haunted house, because that’s certainly where her mind would have gone, had she not been so used to the way White Crest mixed and mingled with odds that were, for the most part, unreal. Her jaw went slack as she took a step back, her eyes on the vampire, whose name was apparently Jo. How did Mina know a vampire? Or maybe this was all fake, maybe this was a part of it. Grace swallowed thickly, her heart hammering in her chest. It was loud in her ears, too. Mina’s words were lost on her-- she had no input on this quiz, so she stayed quiet, allowing Mina to try and lure out whoever Jo was, maybe to try and drag her out of whatever bloodlust she had found herself in. Grace took another careful step backwards, and apparently that was the wrong move. Jo leapt towards them, a scream leaving her throat as she did so. 
For just a moment, Mina thought that she had a handle on Jo, thought that she was making the other girl see reason, before one misstep ruined it. She didn’t even have time to react as Jo managed to push past her towards Grace. Mina stumbled a bit over her own feet before she whipped around to see the “vampire” (she couldn’t be a vampire; she just couldn’t) on top of Grace. “Hey, no! Get off!” She attempted to pry Jo off of Grace, but whatever made her look like a vampire seemed to have given her the strength of one as well. This wasn’t possible. Jo had been in class just that morning, perfectly fine and human. There wasn’t-- She couldn’t have been changed that fast? Mina certainly didn’t think so. Vampire transformations usually took long hours if not days to come to fruition. She didn’t understand. Mina dug a few claws into the palm of her hand and wrapped her arms around Jo’s neck before smearing her sweet scented blood on her nose, close to where her mouth was on Grace. Grace’s blood touched Mina in a few places, causing her skin to sting where the iron hit and burned. But Jo seemed thoroughly distracted by Mina, by that point.
Grace had no time to react. She was hitting the ground, Jo on top of her. Before she knew what was happening, Jo was sinking her teeth into her arm. Grace let out a scream and attempted to push her off with her free hand, her fingers digging into the fabric of the girl’s shirt. “Get off of me!” Grace echoed Mina, struggling to get free from underneath Jo. Grace knew nothing about vampires, nothing past the Hollywood movies that had graced the magazines and movie theatres. Grace didn’t have time to think about the implications of what was happening, or what it meant when Jo bit her. Instead, Mina was above them now, Jo entirely distracted by the newcomer. Grace rolled from underneath of the two and quickly got off of the ground. Holding her arm against her, she stared wide-eyed at the two as Jo began to wrestle with Mina. Without knowing what to do, Grace picked up a book and chucked it at Jo’s head to dislodge her. “We’ve got to go!” Grace yelled at Mina, approaching her to drag her off of the ground, back towards the door. 
Wrestling with Jo on the ground in an attempt to get the upper hand, it was all Mina could do to not bare sharp teeth and slash at the vampire with sharp claws. She couldn’t expose herself here, and she refused to fight. As soon as Jo reacted to the book that Grace threw, Mina knew she’d have to think clearly before the vampire attacked the other girl again. But Mina couldn’t hurt Jo, not when the girl was one of her students, not when she didn’t have a bloody idea about what was going on. As Grace pulled her up, Mina made a split second decision; she took Jo’s cape and wrapped it around Jo’s face, getting her tangled inside it. Then, she began to drag Grace through the building. “Go! Go! Get up the stairs! I’m going to--” As they ran, she began shoving racks of magazines and chairs and little tables, anything that wasn’t bolted to the floor, behind them, making it harder for the vampire to follow. “Turn left!” she told Grace, not even looking at where they were going. She knew this building like the back of her hand. The little office she occasionally worked out of when she wasn’t at the tutoring center was close. If they could get there, they might be home free.
“Wha-” Grace watched Mina work quickly. She was smart, she had to admit that. Grace followed Mina’s instructions and ran up the stairs. The building was a maze, especially because Grace hadn’t ever stepped foot in it before. The thuds behind her had Grace turning ever so slightly to watch as Mina created an obstacle course for Jo. She ran as fast as she could, her chest already beginning to burn. When Mina yelled to turn left, Grace obliged. She skidded into another hallway, reminiscent of The Breakfast Club and ran as fast as she could towards the double doors. She shoved her shoulder into the door and it didn’t budge. “Shit, shit, shit!” Grace struggled with the door again, then looked to the keycard placed on the side. “Your badge, where is your badge?” Grace yelled loudly, shoving against the door again, pressing her forehead against the glass. The sound of footsteps were loud behind them. If they didn’t get out now, there was no telling what they might have to do to Jo. The dark thought crossing Grace’s mind sent a shiver down her spine as she watched Mina in desperation. 
Bloody hell, where was Mina’s badge? She stumbled towards Grace to the door searching around in her pockets and ohnodidshedropitpleasepleasepleasedon’tsayshedroppedit. Jo was getting close, and Mina still couldn’t find her badge, so she did the only thing she knew how to; she put herself between Grace and her student who had somehow become a monster. She had to. Where the fuck was her badge?! Mina had never taken down a vampire before, couldn’t possibly take down one that was her student, of all people, but she could certainly use herself as a way to ensure that others didn’t get hurt. That was as easy of a decision as she’d ever had. She would just need to be careful, would have to be strategic in making sure that she didn’t get hurt. After all, healing in the lake was out of the equation. Her bathtub only helped so much. She’d have to be-- She found her key in her jacket pocket, yanked it out and slammed it against the card scanner. “Get in!” she yelled at Grace, pulling the door open as she turned around to see Jo clambering through the last of the obstacles in her way.
Grace slammed her shoulder against the door again. She wasn’t sure why she continued to do so, it wasn’t budging. There was nobody else coming. It was just her and Mina, her and Mina alone, to what-- die? Grace felt her pulse in her throat, and it wasn’t until Mina was slapping her keycard against the wall that the door finally opened. She threw herself forward in an attempt to get through faster, her chin coming into contact with the floor. “Shit!” Grace rolled to her side and cradled her chin. “She can’t get in here can she?” Grace asked, wincing as she got to her feet. She was sure both her chin and shoulder would be bruised. She approached the door slowly, able to see through the glass as Jo thrashed against the door, just as she had. “Is she--” Grace stared in horror. Jo was a vampire. Vampires existed. “What kind of-- what kind of vampire dresses like Dracula?” Grace let out a harsh laugh, staring at the cape and slicked back hair. 
As the door clicked shut behind her, Mina set about piling things in front of it to ensure it stayed shut, only half listening to Grace. “She shouldn’t. She shouldn’t.” She pushed a filing cabinet in front of the door as Jo slammed her weight against the glass. “She shouldn’t!” Mina was breathing heavy, trying very clearly not to panic, but she was panicking, and she had a bit of a headache, and, please, she didn’t need to add a nosebleed on top of this. Deep breaths. They were safe now. She looked at Grace, making sure that she was, mostly, physically unharmed. “I don’t… I don’t quite know what’s going on. She wasn’t like this in class, earlier, and now… well.” Mina let out a high, shaky laugh of her own. “I suppose it’s a rather convincing costume, isn’t it?” She groaned and Jo’s attentions on the door seemed to die down a bit. With luck, she’d leave them be, soon. Looking back at Grace, she said, “Well, welcome to UMWC’s maths department. Apparently, we have vampires.”
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andrea-lyn · 5 years
Yay birthday prompts! How about a vampire slayer fusion? Pick your poison-- Liz, Isobel, Maria or Jenna as the Slayer, with Michael or Alex as her Watcher, and the other as a vampire-- and if the Watcher and the vampire happened to fall in love, well, wouldn't THAT be interesting?
“Hello?”Liz wanders into the library with her books in hand, wondering why there’s nonoise. Most days, Guerin’s in here with his books, bent over one of them withhis tortoise-shelled glasses, lecturing Liz on the latest slayer lessons orwhatever else the thirty-seven-year-old Watcher thinks she needs to learnabout. He’s also typically bickering and bitching at her friends for clutteringup his library and making it noisy.Today, there’s nothing. It’s almost like Guerin’s ideal library state, onlyhe’s not here to see it.Maria gives her a shake of her head, peering from behind Liz’s shoulder. “Thisscreams murder scene,” she says.“If he’s been offed, who’re they gonna replace him with? Another stuffygenius?” Kyle snorts. She doesn’t pay attention to their bickering and sniping, moving deeper insidethe library. Liz catches movement out of the corner of her eye, sleek andsmooth. “Hello?” she calls out, not sure who else is in the library. Herattention slides back to Maria and Kyle, digging out her stake and approachingcautiously.The shadow moves swiftly, the pages of books fluttering as her warning, and Lizspins, stake raised and poised to strike.It’s only her incredible reflexes that stops her from killing an ally – even ifit the strangest ally she’s ever had. “Slayer,” Alex comments evenly.
Liz rolls her eyes. Alex Manes might be a vampire, but after he’d been turnedby his father, his mother had instantly ensured that his soul had been put backin. In over eighty years, she’s fairly sure the worst he’s ever done is ruin acouple of Michael’s ties with his teeth – and no, she really doesn’t want tothink about the weird part where her Watcher is dating a vampire.“Alex,” Liz replies, eyeing him. He was turned in his mid-twenties, but hisgeneral aura of youth means he can come and go as he pleases at the high schoolwithout anyone thinking it’s weird. “Where’s Guerin?”The dark look on Alex’s face should be scary, but she knows him. She’s seen himfeel bad about draining a rabbit for its blood, because the thing was so cute. “That’s what I came here to ask you about. Why the hell is my husband actinglike his fool seventeen-year-old self?”Liz gapes at him.There’s a few things there to process. “Husband?” Maria blurts out nearby.“Dude, you were with him at seventeen?” is Kyle.Liz focuses on the more problematic part of all this. “How do you know Michael’sacting strangely?”That’s how they get dragged to the Wild Pony, where a local band is playingtonight. The floor is packed with adults making out, grinding, and wearingridiculous clothes. Liz stops for a moment to try and forget the image of theirprincipal doing body shots off the mayor’s assistant, wondering what the helldrug everyone is on.Alex keeps walking through the crowd to get to the back of the club, whereGuerin has been cuffed. Or, he was, because now he’s sprawled on the couch witha pair of unlocked handcuffs attached to his wrist, a bobby pin sticking out ofhis teeth, and him wearing a mischievous smirk. Gone are the glasses, his curlsare wild, and he’s eyeing Alex with intent.“You’re not supposed to leave me after you get me locked up,” Guerin says.“Guerin,” Alex says calmly. “Your slayer is here.”“Hey sweetheart,” Guerin says instead of paying attention to Liz, patting thespace beside him. “C’mere and do a shot with me.” He grins as he tips his headto the side, curls falling with the movement as he eyes Alex with intent.“Remember how much you like it when you drink me after I’ve had some tequila?”Liz shoots Alex a disbelieving look, like she can’t believe that at any point,he’d been charmed by this. From the long-suffering look on Alex’s face, itseems like he doesn’t need the ball-busting. She also gets the feeling that ifhe could blush, he would be.“What the hell is going on here?” Maria asks.“That’s what I want to know,” Alex says sharply, leaning down to grab somethingfrom out of Michael’s hand. “Guerin,” he says evenly.“Manes,” Guerin replies cheekily, tangling their fingers together and yankinghim into a straddle in his lap. Liz instantly tries to avert her eyes becauseno, no, no, no, that’s her Watcher, that’s not someone she wants to think of asbeing sexually active in any way, especially not with a vampire, nope. “Comeon, sweetheart, just drink a little.”“Do not do that,” Liz snaps. “One look at his face in vampy form and he’ll bedead, Guerin.”“Spoilsport,” he mutters.Liz shakes her head, deciding there and then that she’s never going to complainwhen Guerin gives her an assignment or loads too much responsibility on hershoulders. The thing in Guerin’s hand looks like a chocolate bar, of all things,which Alex sniffs, recoiling before he puts down the chocolate, as if it’sburned him. “Someone’s enchanted this,” he says, a look of disgust on his face.“Whatever it is, it’s clearly making the adults of Roswell act like thesimpering idiot children they are.” He looks down at Guerin, shaking his head.“I was a fool when I was younger.”“You were my fool,” Guerin says sweetly. “And I was the luckiest teen in theworld when you kissed me inside the museum and gave me a home for the firsttime.”Whatever qualms Alex might be having about Guerin’s personality reversion, thatclearly pierces through. Suddenly, Alex doesn’t have any resistance as heslides down into Michael’s lap, straddling him as he wraps his arms around hisneck, making out right in the middle of the Pony.“Ugh,” says Liz.“I don’t know,” Maria replies, “I think it’s sweet.”Liz doesn’t want to even think about Guerin as anything remotely close to asexual being, which is why she can’t bear to look at this. It’s lucky thatsomething distracts them almost instantly. “I recognize that wrapper.”Liz could kiss Kyle for the way he distracts her from watching her Watcher makeout with a vampire (it’s like a car crash, she can’t look away). She seizes onhis comment, looking at him picking up a wrapper from the ground. “What? Whatis it?”“It’s the candy from the fundraiser the football team was having,” he says. “Ijust sold all mine to Guerin, because he said he’d buy it all if I shut upabout the football team’s stats and got back to research.”“So we need to figure out where it came from!” Liz is so happy for a lead thatshe could cry. She looks back, trying to decide if she should try and split upGuerin from Alex, but they’ve progressed to dry humping, and Liz is starting towonder if Alex didn’t eat some of the candy after all.The sooner they fix this, the sooner that’s fixed.Though, if they’re married, she has to wonder how much of this happens behindclosed doors and they’re just normally mature enough to know better than to dothis in public.She decides she’s not going to bother dwelling. “Come on, let’s go.”Once they get into their research, it doesn’t take long to turn over a fewstones with the few adults left. Isobel had sniffed with annoyance when theyturned up to her place and asked if she’d eaten any of the chocolate.“If I’m going to break my diet and eat chocolate, it’s for good stuff, notthat,” she says, flicking the candy bar, but squinting at it. “I think thiscompany just bought the warehouse outside of town, though,” she says. “Youmight want to start there. It’s definitely witchcraft,” she guarantees. “I’llbrief the other Watchers and see what we can do about containing Michael.”“Thank you,” Liz says emphatically. “Seriously, thank you.”Once they get to the warehouse, the rest falls into place after some old-schoolspying and eavesdropping. It turns out that a witch with a grudge against theWatchers in Roswell had enchanted the candy, intending to turn her and all herfellow adults into irresponsible idiots while he worked his magic and tried tomake a power grab.Noah Bracken hadn’t been too happy when Liz broke up the coven in the middle ofa spell to amp up the power of the chocolates.“You made me see my Watcher’s nipples,” is her annoyed snap, when Noah asks whyshe won’t let him get away with it. She grabs the bust of Janus that thewitches have been channelling the spell into, smashing it to the floor in athousand little bits that shatters the spell just as quickly. She’s not sure what to do with a witch, but she doesn’t get a chance to figureit out.  Noah and his coven flee in thechaos before she can call Guerin and ask for help. Given the derision on Noah’sface when she’d mentioned Watchers, Liz suspects that it won’t be the last theysee of him. Maybe next time, Liz won’t be so traumatized as a result of his revenge scheme.*The next morning, Guerin’s back in the library. He’s wearing a turtleneck and apair of sunglasses, scowling like the crotchety old Watcher Liz knows andloves. “Had a fun night, Mikey?” she asks sweetly, teasing him with a name thatshe knows he despises. She leans over to flick at the turtleneck a little.“Maybe a little nibble or two got you on the neck?”“How much do I have to pay you to never mention what happened again?”Liz shakes her head. “Trust me. After today, if we never talk about it, I’ll bethe happiest slayer around. Now, can we please go back to killing things thatgo bump in the night instead of you bumping them in your Chevy?”That is the absolute last she’ll say about it, she swears.Or maybe it comes up once more, because when Alex turns up to talk about thethreat of the coven in the town, he’s not wearing a scarf, which meansshe sees all the marks on his neck. “I didn’t know vampires could bruise from ahickey,” she blurts out, forgetting the whole ‘moving on’ part.Alex stares her down, unflinchingly. “My husband has very determined teeth andI’d like to never talk about it again.”“Next time, wear a scarf,” Kyle complains from where he’s buried his face in abook. Guerin smiles at Liz as he wraps his arms around Alex’s neck from behind,nuzzling one of the marks as he whispers something against the cool skin thatshe suspects might just be, I love you, I’ll take care of you, I’ll make itall up to you.Just this once, she’ll let him have it without teasing him relentlessly. Tomorrow’s a new day, though, and there’s plenty more to tease him about then.
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mountxinmama · 3 years
She lied there with a young woman fast asleep against her chest. She was curled up close while Mary Ellen was laying beside her, an arm tucked underneath her head. There wasn’t much said between them as they played their ‘little game’ and there was little to no foreplay. She took the young woman hastily and sloppily, but she wasn’t selfish. Her prowess was a lot less graceful than usual. After all, she did this for a living. Even while she was pissy drunk, her way around the room never changed.
There should have been some shame there. But there was none. She hadn't felt shame in years. She never did anything she would regret. This was one of those situations where she felt no shame, no regrets.
Her manicured fingers played with the opposite woman’s hair, a tilt of her head was present. It was bad that she wanted to sleep with a taken woman. But when that married woman belonged to her former boule et chaîne, it made it all the better. She’d make sure she’d leave a lasting impression.
 Tatiana was a beautiful woman. She wasn’t particularly fond of judging the women her ex-husband stuck his dick in after her. It was more intimate than she wanted. But this one was going to be apart of her family. The stepmother of her children and the step grandmother of her grandchildren. It was more of a test to see if she could handle being apart of this.
 “What big daddy gives you, I lack, obviously… but I’m sure I can make it up to you in other ways.”
 Her hand then flicked her long brunette hair from Tatiana’s shoulder. Then diamond clad fingers play with the hem of Tati’s crop top before pulling it off and discarding it. She was pleasantly surprised to find her chest exposed to the cool nights air. Her hands cupped her breasts, thumbs brushing against her hardened nipples. That earned her a soft moan, which caused Mary Ellen to smirk off to herself.
“Is he good?”
 Her voice was almost a purr as Mary moved her hand down the younger woman’s stomach. Tati’s long lashed eyes widened at her question. A question she wasn’t expecting and didn’t know how to answer right away. Tati mustered up a small nod,
 “Y-Yeah, he is. He’s very good… w-was he good to you?”
Mary leaned up and started to pepper soft kisses onto her neck, laying her back against the bed. A mixture of familiar and new scents mingled into her senses. Traces of her lipstick was left behind on her delicate skin.
 “You don’t know what you got, little girl… or it could be the other way around. I’ve always had more appreciation for the women. I guess we’ll find out, won’t we? Darlin’?”
 The brunette’s typical brassy tone was replaced with a voice more commanding. Tatiana knew right away that she was in for something. Her large brown eyes were filled with obedience, she had noticed that the older woman didn’t take off her clothes. Her blouse, but that was it. A black lace bra and matching mini skirt, black garters lined her long legs. It gave her a headmistress look. Her style always intrigued Tati. She was always ‘vampy’ and her makeup was always done dark, complementing her pale skin.
 “Aren’t you overdressed? I… I want to see you.”
 Her hand slithered up her skirt and against a quivering thigh, setting it apart so she could position herself between Tati’s legs. She could tell the younger woman was an obvious pillow princess. Just by the way she let Mary position her anyway she wanted. Mary’s specialty. She took off her skirt at her request, shifting it off onto the bed. Now she was left in her underwear as she leaned down to press open mouthed kisses down Tatiana’s stomach.
 Her lips parted, her stomach dipping the lower older woman kissed down on her torso.  They moved lower… lower… until she reached the crook of her thigh. Their eyes locked,
 “Vous apprécierez cela, croyez-moi.”
 Her pointer finger looped the light blue thong and slowly pulled it down until the other woman was exposed to her gaze. She hummed deeply and dipped her head down between Tati’s legs, licking a small stripe up her clit to test the waters. It was pleasing to hear her gasp out a gentle ‘Mary’. Her tongue flicked out again this time a bit more forceful as her lips wrapped around the sensitive peak of flesh.
 “Oh Mary!”
 She moaned out and buried her fingers into her hair. Here Tatiana was drunk with her husband’s ex-wife between her legs. It was known that they were swingers. Damien had mellowed out and never asked her to partake in any such activities. His jealousy was too strong to let her, however, she could tell her big daddy was intrigued at the thought of his old woman eating out his new one. He agreed and was more than willing to humor them both. They took each others partners and went onto have their ‘fifteen minutes of heaven’. And was it just that. The more she lapped at her, the harder her hands forced Mary’s face deeper between her legs by handfuls of brown curls.
 Her hands took her thighs and hooked them onto her shoulders and went to work, alternating between sucking and licking on the sensitive bundle of nerves. The intensity of her movements increased the more Tati reacted underneath her mouth. She didn’t want to make quick work of her, but it was quite easy when her mind was under the influence. Her fingers gently glide against her wet slit until they slipped into her with ease. Mary’s lips part as she pushed her fingers deeper into her pussy. Her digits relished in her warmth, milking her of pleasure.
 “So wet for me, chérie…”
 She moaned out against her core and started to thrust her fingers in and out Tatiana, twisting them as she did so. Her cries only got louder and her hips were starting to shake. The domme’s two fingers started to brush up against her g-spot teasingly coercing loud mewls from the younger woman. Her back was arched and her eyes closed with a face of pure pleasure. She had to admit, she was beautiful like this. Stretched out and pleased how her body was being licked and caressed on.
 “It feels so good! M-Mary, oh my god, yes!”
 Her face was pulled deeper into the mess she had created and Mary indulged. Humming a deep chuckle as her skilled tongue and fingers continued their vigorous movements. Her walls were hugging onto her long fingers. She was almost there. That’s when she replaced her tongue with her thumb and rubbed her clit in firm circular motions. She was determined to bring Tati to her climax, encouraging her to fuck herself on the two fingers that were inside of her heat.
 She went to cry out but only choked on a loud moan, pulling at the woman’s hair as her climax blinded her with pleasure. Her hands forced Mary’s face back into her heat as she rode out her orgasm against the older woman’s mouth. Her eyes opened slowly and bit down on her lip, grabbing her wrists to pull her up from between her thighs for a lust filled kiss. They both fell onto the bed, wrapped within each other. Tongue and limbs wrestling until the older woman got the upper hand. They then started to settle, their lustful kisses soon replaced with gentle pecks.
 “You know… I’ve watched a few of your films before.. I can last longer, I’m just drunk.”
 Mary’s eyebrow raised as she glanced down at the woman on her chest.
 “Yeah? I figured you have. It’s not a secret that I used to do some wild things. Even for a housewife, I had my share of fun. Though I never would have thought I’d still be having this kind of fun at my age.”
 She felt a hand cup her cheek and peeked over to the woman who rolled her eyes.
 “You and Damien have this horrible habit of talking like you’re over a hundred years old. You both look good and you have more fun to be had.”
 She couldn’t help the smile that spread on her lips.
 “I’m sorry. I’ll stop. But we are pretty close if you look at it in technical terms.”
 Tati pinched Mary’s side, to which the older woman squirmed with a tipsy laugh.
 “Technical hell… kinda makes me wish we would have recorded… this. I’d like to look back on it.”
 Mary snorted and looked down at her,
 “What makes you think this is our last time together? We’re a strange little group. Anythin’ can happen. Especially with moonshine.”
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sippin-on-red-wine · 7 years
Ruby Sessions, Part II | A One-Shot
Title: Ruby Sessions, Part II Author: @sippin-on-red-wine Rating: SUPER MATURE Word Count:  7,428 Author’s Note: This is pure smut, and may not be everyone’s cup of tea.
But I was surprised by how much great feedback I got on Part I of this series. I worried that it was a little too risque, but y’all proved me wrong.
Well, challenge accepted. I present to you, Part II.
Ed punched in the passcode on the keypad that he had installed on the door to our Ruby Room. The little indicator light turned green and you heard a click. Ed swung the heavy door forward.
He was ahead of you, letting you walk a few feet into the room before he spun around to face you.
“On your knees, love,” He commanded softly.
As if the lead-up to this hadn’t been torturous enough, seeing him switch ‘into character’ has got your inner sex kitten purring, begging to be petted.
You do as he says, slowly lowering yourself to the floor, your knees sinking into the plush carpeting.
He’s standing in front of you, looking sexy as hell in his fitted black dress pants, shiny black shoes, and crisp white button-up/black satin vest combo. You’re physically dripping at the sight of him. He’s looking down at you, one hand scratching through his scruffy beard.
You reach out for his belt buckle, wanting him in your mouth, like, NOW. But he swats your hand away with a tsk, “I don’t recall you asking for that.” He undoes the little buttons at each of his wrists, folding his shirt cuffs and pushing his sleeves up to his elbows.
He steps back to take in the sight of you; barely clothed, after he had unzipped and removed your dress next to the front door. All that’s left is your black lace push-up bra and matching thigh-high stockings, a shiny black bow adorning the thick lace band at the tops, on the back of your thighs.
You’re on your knees before him, hands crossed at your wrists behind your back. Ed’s fitted pants are visibly tented at this point, and he teaches down for his own belt buckle, making short work of it. He unclasps the belt, unzips his fly and is pushing his pants down just far enough so that he can reach in and pull out his cock.
What a sight to behold; his thick, pink cock standing at full attention just for you. He’s gripping it, giving it a couple of long, slow strokes. He’s wide-eyed; no longer the chuckling, loud-mouthed life of the party from earlier in the night.
“Tell me what you want.” He growls out, still palming his cock.
You hesitate, just for a moment, trying to decide which words will be the most impactful. You can tell he is already super into this little game you’re playing, hesitant though he was at first when you brought it up casually as a “someday” idea. But you’re not sure if he knows how much you love your role in the game, too, his very own bad girl.
“I want you to fuck my mouth, Teddy.” It falls from your lips before you’ve even fully decided to say it, and it warrants a visible reaction from the gorgeously sexy man in front of you. His cock twitches and you can see the shiny wetness forming at his slit, even from the couple of feet away.
He closes the distance between you, reaching down to run his fingers through your hair, which is now free and flowing down, no longer captured in the elegant twist up-do you had worn to the award ceremony.
He’s holding his cock, brushing the head of it across your lips, dragging over the vampy red lipstick you wore.
“Spit on it, for me, love,” He’s whispering, his voice no longer as strong and solid as it was just a moment ago. You wonder if he thinks he may be crossing a line, and he’s absolutely not. You are so sure of him, his goodness, his values – this is just a character he’s playing, at your request.
You want to show him that you approve, and so you really go for it. You close your crimson lips over just the head of his pretty penis, lubing it up with all the saliva that’s in your mouth, swirling your tongue over the tip, letting all of that lubrication from your mouth roll onto the smooth skin of his dick. Your hands are crossed behind your back, still, and you enjoy the restraint you’ve set for yourself. Usually by now you would have both of your hands on him, pumping up and down, running your thumb over that thick vein on the underside of his cock…. But it’s sort of sexy this way, Ed grasping himself, wiggling the head of his dick around your mouth, thin strands of saliva pulling away, landing back on your chin.
You look up to see his reaction and he’s chewing the hell out of his bottom lip, his ocean-blue eyes wide.
You take him into your mouth properly, now, his cock gliding easily over your lips. Ed’s got one hand in your hair, his fingers laced through your long luscious locks. You’re taking your time with him, flattening your tongue and licking slowly up the underside, feeling that thick vein you were just thinking about.
You let your hands fall from behind your back and tentatively reach them up to his hips, hooking your pinky into the loop of his dress pants which are still, for the most part, on. Your fingers are splayed out over his exposed parts and you use the leverage to start taking him further into your mouth, a little deeper on each pass.
You remember what it was like when you two had first become intimate, blow jobs were rather difficult for you, given his size. But you had been determined to get more comfortable with it, and Ed had been a more-than-willing test subject. You were super proud that you had trained your gag reflexes to stand down, and take his entire length inside your mouth, when you wanted to.
You let the head of his cock brush up against the ridges of the roof of your mouth, ignoring the tickly sensation, and moans are spilling out of Ed’s lips, another reaction you had already anticipated.
He’s got both hands in your hair now, gathering it up into a bunch and holding it away from your face.
“Look at me,” he says, the sexy confidence back in his voice now. So you do, you gaze up at him and lock eyes as you bob up and down on his rigid length. “Your pretty little mouth looks so good wrapped around my cock, baby…” he trails off and you can’t help but clamp your eyes shut because fuck, he knows what that does to you when he talks dirty like that.
He’s rocking his pelvis toward you now, small and soft strokes into your mouth. But you meant what you said earlier, you want him to fuck your mouth. So you slow down your own movements until he realizes what’s happening, gets really excited, and starts thrusting a little harder into your mouth.
He drops your hair and just holds his hands at the back of your head - not pushing, just holding it steady. You look up at him again and of course, his eyes are locked on your mouth, the pink skin of his shaft wet with your saliva as he fucks in and out of your red lips.
The whole scene is such a fucking turn-on, and your core is aching with need, so you slip one hand off of his hips and snake it down to your own slit, parting your lips slightly and swirling in the wetness that’s gathered there. You bring your fingertips up to your clit and start to rub big, sloppy circles over it as you focus on keeping your mouth still for Ed.
Your little bundle of nerves is positively singing at the light stimulation of your own fingers. You can’t help but moan, the vibrations of it filling your mouth. It’s right then that Ed sees where your other hand has gone. He watches for a moment, in a trance, then suddenly snaps out of it.
“Nuh-uh, kitten, did I say you could play with yourself? Hands behind your back, please.”
Holy fuck. You are both incredibly turned on and incredibly disappointed, craving release. His words make you feel like the bottom of your stomach has just dropped out, it’s so bad and exciting and you absolutely love where this is going.
You obey him, crossing your wrists behind the small of your back once again, his thick cock still pumping in and out of your mouth.
“Good girl,” he mutters breathlessly. You can see him starting to tense up right before your eyes, he’s definitely close to coming. “Do you know what good girls get when they follow instructions, baby?” He asks, his voice sultry and breathy at the same time.
You look up at him, almost imperceptibly shaking your head 'no’.
He removes his right hand from behind your head and grips the base of his cock, pulling it out of your mouth. He’s leaned back, stroking himself right in front of you, quick, long, steady strokes.
“Open up for me, love,” he mutters and your brain fucking lights up, realizing what he wants to do.
You’re knelt before him, ankles and wrists both crossed behind you. You tilt your head up, making direct eye contact with him, and open your mouth, flattening your tongue like you would if the doctor had asked you to open wide and say Ahh.
He’s biting his bottom lip again, his whole core wrought with tension, stroking his cock in his hand over and over and finally - he’s over the edge, groaning, and he leans in to your mouth as his seed starts to spurt forward, landing mostly on your flattened tongue but some of the warm, salty fluid hits the back of your throat, too.
You maintain eye contact the entire time, and when he’s finished he pulls back and watches as you close your mouth and swallow every last drop, his eyes trained on your neck as you do.
Ed is literally panting in front of you, he’s got this wild look in his eye like he’s not sure how or what the fuck just happened.
He’s reaching down for you, helping you up off the floor. He leans forward and picks you up, plucking you up from the carpet as he puts you in a fireman’s hold, slung over his shoulder, he’s got just one strong arm barred over the back of your thighs, right above the bows. He carries you across the room, up the platform and deposits you onto the enormous bed.
You absolutely love the way he picks you up and flings you around like it’s nothing.
He’s standing at the edge of the bed, unbuttoning his vest, flinging it off to the side. He unbuttons the crisp white shirt, but it gets to stay on, just casually hanging open. He zips and buttons his pants back up, but pulls the belt through the loops and drops it onto the platform, the metal buckle making a loud noise on the impact.
You’re lying on your back, legs partially parted, your arms thrown above your head. Ed’s at your feet, climbing over you, his body weight suspended above yours. He’s nipping and tugging at your earlobe when he breathes, “That was so good, baby. What shall I reward you with?” He reaches down to run a finger casually through your slit. “Hmm. Why don’t I let you choose which hole I fill next….”
You can hardly breathe, let alone speak, you are so turned on.
“Well, love? What should I take next, your pussy or your pretty little arse?”
Your mind is racing. You & Ed have explored a little with assplay, but it’s not something you indulge in very often. It feels naughty and a bit taboo, which is perhaps what makes it so hot to you.
“My…ass.” You whisper.
“Good girl. Turn over for me, darling.”
You’re on the bed, on all fours, your backside facing out to the edge of the bed. Your hear a drawer opening and closing followed by the noise of fliptop of what you assume is a bottle of lube, it opens and momentarily clicks back shut.
Ed is up close and personal with your little back hole, his breath hot & heavy there. You moan as his tongue is suddenly on you, flat at first covering the entire surface area, but then Ed switches to a probing motion and holy shit he’s fucking your ass with his tongue.
And before you even fully understand what’s happening, he’s stopped. A fingertip has replaced tongue and you can feel that Ed is rimming your asshole with the lube. A beat passes and you feel something pressing up against the entrance and at this point you are so fucking geared up, so incredibly horny and turned on, you’ve never been more desperate for release. Apparently you’re having a hard time relaxing yourself enough to let Ed push the little toy in.
“Relax, love, I’ve got you….” Ed reassures you, using his normal, hushed tone. For a minute you forget about the dirty little game you’re playing and it’s just you & Ed, and you trust him more than anything in the world, you’re so comfortable with each other’s bodies, so fully in love, and you know that, while this may be a stunning visual for him, he’s ultimately doing it because he knows how good it’s going to be for you.
So you focus, exhale, relax your muscles back there. Ed is totally in tune with your body and he reacts accordingly, gently pressing in the conical shape. It’s wet back there and so the tip slides in fairly easily, all those sensitive nerve endings already coming to life.
The plug slips all the way in and you revel in the dirty-hot feeling of fullness there. You feel Ed move off the bed, he whispers “Stay right there.” And so you do, you’re up on your knees, leaning forward on your forearms, ass on display. You hear Ed rummaging through the nightstand drawer and the soft pat, pat, pats of his dress shoes on the wooden platform as he come back behind you.
A loud Click! and a flash of light, you realize he had grabbed the Polaroid camera that you kept down here in your secret room.
You hear Ed shaking the photograph back and forth and the seconds feel like minutes, feel like hours, your pussy is so wet, your clit aching for touch and now your ass is wanting, too.
He creeps up on the bed next to you, laying the Polaroid out in front of you. The butt plug is jeweled, an icy blue color in the shape of a heart. You can’t help but admire the way you look, all black stockings and rounded ass on display, your sweet peach peeking through between your thighs, a discreet little blue jewel tucked into such a naughty place…
“Does it feel good, love?” Ed asks as he reaches back and taps on the plug, sending shivers up your spine.
“Yes, Teddy.” You say, breathlessly. He continues his little tapping assault, driving you wild in your already heightened state. You drop your jaw and moan while your hips just naturally start undulating. If only you could reach down to your clit, you could get there in no time, you’re sure of it. You glance up at Ed, he’s eye level with you but his eyes are trained on your ass as it sways gently back and forth.
It’s not even a question, really, you need to climax so badly and so you go for it. Ed is to your left and you quietly reach back with your right hand, your middle and ring finger tips finding your clit right away, it’s swollen with need.
But he catches you right away.
“No, kitten.” His voice is gruff as he gently pushes you over, rolling you onto your back. He swings a leg over and straddles your hips, pinning your arms down above your head. “What am I going to do with you?” He breathes in your ear, quickly following it with a little bite on your lower lobe.
“Teddy, I need you, please….”
“Shhh,” he presses a finger to your lips. “What you need is a lesson in patience, my love…”
“Noooooo,” you whined.
“Don’t back-talk me, love. Now, stay right here for me, please.”
You’re seriously starting to consider using your 'safe word’ - not that you aren’t okay with all of this, his gruff voice saying filthy things to you, denying you the orgasm you so desperately needed… it’s hot. But you physically ache from how turned on you are and you don’t know when he’s finally going to let you come.
But fuck, is it going to feel good when he does.
Ed is across the room, opening the top drawers of the bureau and gathering up an assortment of items. Jesus Christ this might kill me.
He’s striding across the thick, luxurious carpet now, a little silk-lined basket in tow. He stops short of the platform and shrugs off his white button-down shirt. His chest is glistening with a sheer layer of sweat, the colored ink on his skin looking that much more vibrant because of it. You watch his biceps closely, seeing the strong muscles shift as he reaches down and unties his shoes, removing those next.
You didn’t think it was even possible, but you feel your core growing wetter at the sight of him finally removing his clothing. But you maintain your position, splayed out on the bed with your hands above your head. You don’t want to risk any further delays…
He’s shucking off his tight black dress pants now, but leaves the fitted black briefs on. Boo, you mentally pout.
His eyes are trained on you the entire time he undresses and, though you’re in a vulnerable position, you’ve never felt more empowered.
He creeps up on the bed toward you, basket of goodies in tow. Once you’re within reach, his hand dips down to your dripping slit and drags one fingertip up, bottom to top, barely even inside of you. Just one swipe, and he stops. The sensation rolls up your body in waves, your neck stretching out, up, toward the twinkly fairy-lights swathed in fabric that make up the ceiling of the bed. He moves up your body, reaching around to the back of your ribcage and finally frees your breasts of the black lace bra you had been wearing.
Ed reaches into the basket and extracts a beautiful pearl-white silk scarf. He makes quick work of your wrists, tying them together and then to the headboard. He slides a finger under the makeshift cuff, making sure it isn’t too tight on your delicate wrists. He gives the scarf a good tug, testing to make sure it won’t break free. You watch as he leans back over to the nightstand and picks up the Polaroid camera again. He snaps a quick photo of you from between your legs, Your hair is mussed, black eyeliner a little smudgy. Still wearing the sheer black stockings. You make a mental note to make sure these photos go directly into your safe, the little hidden one that only you & Ed can access.
“Stunning….” he whispers, shaking the Polaroid back and forth. “You are mine, beautiful girl.”
Ed discards the Polaroid and his attention is solely on your body. He’s sat back on his heels, your legs spread on either side of him. You watch as Ed reaches over into the little basket and pulls out a vibrator. It’s one of those wand ones, with the soft-touch ball head that can be bent at different angles. You’ve never seen it before, meaning Ed had, at some point in time, bought it… perhaps with this in mind. The fact that he wanted to either watch you use it on yourself or use it on you HIMSELF is just sooo sexy and you’ve got a fresh batch of butterflies floating in your belly.
You want to reach out, twist your fingers through the curls that fluff out behind his ears, pull him into a soft kiss. But when your arms try to go forward, you’re quickly reminded that you are bound to the headboard.
You struggle against the bind just a bit, your tits bouncing with the effort. Ed reaches up, his hand flattened, and runs his palm from the base of your throat all the way down your sternum, between your breasts, slowly dragging his rough hands over your belly, and finally draws to a close at the top of your mound.
He licks his lips as his eyes flit up to yours. Your mouth is open, panting, as you watch him slowly drag just his thumb to your little pink bud, brushing lightly over the top. The sensation is barely-there but you practically jump out of your skin. The combination of your desperate need and your hands being restricted has every single one of your senses heightened.
“A little on edge, aren’t we?” He asks, grinning devilishly. Fucker.
You hear the vibrator switch on and your juices are flowing in anticipation. By the time Ed touches the head of the vibe to your clit, you swear you won’t last more than 30 seconds.
But he’s anticipated that, and he lifts and raises the vibrator from your little bundle of nerves after only a few seconds of contact. He repeats this cruel trick a few times, his eyes transfixed on your pussy.
Your ab muscles are practically convulsing as your back arches, you wriggle and squirm, Ed uses his free hand to pin your hip down to the bed.
“P-please, baby,” you manage to gasp out as he continues his little game, the tiny moments of pleasure when the vibrator is on your skin, followed by the gutting sense of him pulling it away.
“Please, what?”
“I want…I need…fuck, Ed,.. I’m sooo close baby,” you rasp out, breathless, each word punctuated by the brief sanctuary that is Ed touching the vibrator to the top of your slit.
“Just because I let you come does not mean I am done with you,” he growls out. And with that, he’s everywhere, he’s pressing the ball-head of the vibrator down directly over your clit and at the same time he reaches down to the little jeweled plug in your ass and twists it, and it’s only seconds later and you’ve fallen over the edge, your blood on fire as you buck your pelvis up, up, up, your toes curled, thighs squeezing Ed as you cry out, pulling against your restraints.
The waves haven’t even faded, but you already feel depleted, exhausted, and Ed has thrown the vibrator to the side and leans forward to untie the knot of the white silk scarf. He makes short work of it, freeing your hands and you reach for him as soon as you can.
He’s pulling you up into his lap, his hand snaking down to his boxers, freeing his cock. His hands are trembling with a sense of urgency as he pulls out his cock and lines it up with your entrance. He shifts your hips up and forward and enters you in one stroke.
It’s zero to sixty, he never fills you up that fast and coupled with the fullness of the plug in your ass, you’re honestly surprised that you feel no discomfort. It’s exactly what you’ve been craving all night, before Ed even led you down to this room, all evening at the ceremony you had been wanting his rigid length inside of you.
He’s holding one ass cheek in each hand, sat back on his heels still. Your legs are wrapped around his waist but you have no leverage, so Ed’s thrusting in and out of you as your walls are still contracting in waves from your orgasm.
He nuzzles into your neck and nibbles your skin there, “I fucking love you so much, baby, God you feel so fucking tight,” his stoic, authoritative tone is gone and now it’s just you and Ed, the familiar passion, the i-can’t-get-enough-of-you fucking. You realize you haven’t kissed his mouth since you walked in the front door and he peeled off the long, sequin gown you had worn.
You grab the back of his head, pulling it into your mouth, and this first kiss is wet, messy, forceful. You didn’t realize how much you missed his lips on your lips until they were there again. He’s pulling you into him over and over again, grunting with the effort. Your clit is grinding up against the soft, lightly copper hairs that adorn his pelvis, the rhythm perfect as always. He’s always on beat, on tempo, he knows exactly how to get you to the finish line with a perfect steady rhythm. The angle of his penetration is new, you’ve never fucked like this, in his lap. The way he’s thrusting up into you has that little jeweled plug continuously thudding against your sensitive walls and overall, the effect of this position is a lot of delicious pressure in all the right places. You’re kissing wildly, messily, with desperation.
“Gonna – come – love,” he warns, his voice breathy.
“No, wait,” you pant. “I’m close again, baby,”
Ed rasps out at your throat, “Fuck, yes, come with me, fuckin’ just soak me, baby,” and clinches it with a bite, teeth sinking into that delicate spot on your neck just below your jawline, a sharp twinge flying down your nerves and it’s all over. You’re coming, HARD, and as soon as your walls start to contract around Ed, his own hips are stuttering up into you and he calls out, “FUCK,” and he’s filling you up with his sticky fluids and you grasp at each other, trying to touch every square inch of skin, and you feel like you never want to come apart. You could just stay here, in his lap, that perfect cock buried to the hilt inside you.
And for a while, you do. You’re both covered in a light layer of glistening sweat, breathing heavily. To be honest, your senses are kind of overwhelmed, having been heightened for so long.
Ed rolls you both over, reaching up and grabbing a pillow to stuff under your heads. He draws you into his chest. “Sorry, love, kind of broke character there at the end. Is it what you wanted?”
“Oh, Teddy, yes - you were perfect.” You press a sweet kiss to his chin, thinking of that cute little dimple that’s buried there, under the wiry beard hairs.
“D’you think… could we, try that again sometime?”
“YES…but only if you wear a full suit next time,” you say with a wink.
“No, love, I meant… maybe the other way around?”
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