#i seriously love all my wilson requests though keep em coming
lanawinterscigarettes · 4 months
Thoughts on how reader would fluster Wilson?
*rubs hands together evilly* oh, I have plenty of thoughts on this anon, believe me
How the reader would fluster James Wilson
Warnings: the reader is a massive flirt, Wilson's very easily flustered (which is a surprise to no one), very mild swearing, I'm pretty sure that's it
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Honestly it's not very difficult to get this man flustered at all. Yes he's a manwhore, but he can get a little shy at times, especially if it's with someone who's being incredibly forward with their advances
Something as simple as an innocent touch or a playful compliment will have him blushing enough as it is, but if you're actively trying to get him flustered then he'll be much less composed
Innocent touches on his back or arm end up lasting longer than they probably should, and playful compliments come across as a lot more pointed and sincere
Wilson won't protest much even if he does feel uncomfortable with a person's advances (*cough* because he's a massive people pleaser *cough*) but assuming he feels comfortable with you he'll most likely just brush it off as you being overly friendly and try to ignore the way his face heats up whenever you act flirtatious
Speaking of being flirtatious, please flirt with this man. There's a good 50/50 that he'll actually reciprocate with a flirty comment of his own, but even if he doesn't it's so fun to see him stammer over his words as he tries to come up with a response
Another surefire way to make his face turn red while getting him all tongue tied is to be physically affectionate. He's definitely touch starved, even after being married three different times (though to be fair he didn't really spend any time with his wives so that's probably one of the reasons why)
Give him random hugs, fiddle with his tie, mess with his hair, etc. After a while he gets used to it but that still won't stop a faint blush from rising on his cheeks when it happens
He might lightheartedly complain about it but if you offer to stop then he'll take it as a threat more than a suggestion and won't bring it up again, even if he'd rather you not wrap your arms around him while he's trying to speak with a patient
And if you happen to surprise him one day with a kiss? Oh boy. It could be as brief and casual as possible and he'll still stand there for several minutes afterwards trying to figure out what the hell just happened
Want to get him really flustered? Wear something revealing. If you're fem presenting, a short skirt and stockings will do the trick, and if you're masc presenting then a tight button up and rolled up sleeves will work perfectly. Even better if you do both or switch between the two
He'll try to pretend like he doesn't notice but it's obvious he does from the not-so-subtle looks he sends your way and how he quickly looks away if you notice he's staring. Don't even bother asking him about it, as he'll just play dumb and change the subject instead of giving you a real answer, not that you need one
Lord help him if you decide to "accidentally" drop something and have to bend down in order to pick it back up again. That's one of the few times he'll forget his manners completely and just watch you in awe. Asking if he "likes what he sees" directly afterwards is almost certain to give him a heart attack, but I suggest you do it anyway. You know, for fun
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End notes: I promise I'm working on my other Wilson requests you guys I didn't forget about them I swear
Likes < reblogs | comments are greatly appreciated | requests are currently open
Main masterlist | House MD masterlist | wanna be added to my taglist?
🏷 taglist: @pigeonmama
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grittyandglory · 1 year
Sladick RP Request!
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Hey there, names Moon! I'm 18+ and I go by she/her pronouns for those curious.
So, I've been on the hunt everywhere, but no luck finding the perfect partner for a good ol' Sladick roleplay. It's like the ship isn't everyone's cup of tea, which is cool, but I'm seriously all about that pairing. I've been on the lookout for someone to be the Slade Wilson to my Dick Grayson. I'm just super obsessed with these two, and honestly, I'm itching to dive into the pairing with anyone who's game! Now, I get that Slade and Dick's dynamic can be a bit messy, but that's honestly what draws me in – the non-stop clash, the drama, the fights… It's my favorite. If you're thinking, "Hey, I might want to give this pairing a shot with them," there are a few ground rules I gotta lay down, so make sure to give 'em a read! And trust me, I'll know if you didn't.
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I consider myself literate to advanced when it comes to my writing abilities. Typically, my replies span around 10-20 lines, though the length can be influenced by the content I have to work with and my current level of motivation. Generally, I tend to mirror my partner's responses most of the time. I'm not overly demanding when it comes to my partner's responses. As long as there's effort, I'm content and won't complain. However, I do require some of the basics, such as reasonable grammar, accurate spelling, and a firm no to one-liners.
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Darker themes tend to captivate me – there's an allure to unsettling roleplays that keeps me engaged. I'm into subjects like gaslighting, blackmail, stalking, stockholm syndrome, lima syndrome, kidnapping, taboo, conflict, love/hate relationships, and more. Usually, I prefer being the victim, but sometimes I can switch things around if asked. I'm really into genres like horror, mystery, fantasy, drama, dark fantasy, steampunk, LGBT+, cyberpunk, romance, and more.
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There's more I'd like to discuss, but I'd rather take that to DM's. If you've read far and you're still interested, feel free to shoot me a message or simply like this post and I'll reach out to you. I'll only be accepting strictly 18+ partners and this will likely take place on Discord!
Thanks for reading!
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lesbian-deadpool · 4 years
Roses In A Storm
Part Three: What A Time To Be Alive
Prelude | Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Words: 5,681
Warnings: Talks of alcoholism and recovery, family issues, Red-Skull (hes’s a Nazi, that’s a warning in its own lmao), heights, light angst, talks of self deprecation/hate, explosions, talks of abuse/violence/murder/death, space stuff, I thin that may just be it.
Request: Yes. Many times.
Summary: The end of the journey.
A/N: Welcome to the end of this story! I really hope you liked this fucked up ride. If you want someone to thank for making me writhe this fic, then you best go bother @missmonsters2​ lol! Hope this is what you wanted wifey!
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(Not My GIF)
That's all it takes.
A few words from Tony Stark and you're on the right path again.
As right as it can be.
The past few months had been long and gruelling.
There were times, too many than you wanted to admit, where you just wanted to give up. But you never did. And that was largely thanks to Tony and his family.
You would colour or play adventure with Morgan, cook with Pepper and Tony. Helped where you could with Tony and his inventions, but mainly you would just watch him, letting him distract you as he worked away, while you two conversed. You even became a "stand-in Assistant" when Pepper was rushed with mass amounts of work.
Whenever you were craving alcohol, Tony would always say the same thing:
"Sorry, Strange's orders."
"Since when did you take anyone's orders?"
"Since we could get Natasha back."
He was a real bastard, sometimes.
"Have you seen your parents yet?" he had asked, a little over a month into your recovery.
In your silence, Tony knew your answer.
"It's been seven months, Y/N-"
"I know how long it's been," you snapped. You rubbed at your forehead with a frustrated sigh. Trying to fight off the spinning in your head, "I can't see them like this, Tony. They were so proud of me and everything I've done- Did. Everything I did," you clarified, "And If I go to them now. What are they going to see? An alcoholic failure, who quit their job, is now a fucking hitman. And is in love with a woman- who is, apparently, inside of a fucking stone! What are they gonna say to that? Huh?"
"They still love you, Y/N."
You had tears in your eyes as you shook your head. He was right, you knew that, but you still couldn't see them. You knew you wouldn't be able to bear it if they saw you like this.
"Please, Y/N. Go home. See them. Tell them you love them," Tony practically begged you, "Trust me. You only get so long with them. You should know that you've lost people you love, too."
"I know..." you said weakly.
And that was the end of that conversation.
He really was a bastard, sometimes.
But now, five and a half months later, you felt better.
You felt so much better.
And you had finally seen your parents.
For the first time, in a year.
Your interaction with them had been just as Tony had said it would be. They welcomed you with open arms. Telling you how much they loved you. How proud of you they still were. They told you there was no reason for you to apologise.
Fuck Tony Stark and how right he was.
That bastard.
You felt like a stranger walking through these halls, but familiar to the surroundings at the same time. Almost like you were walking the halls of your old school.
It was... eerie?
Was that even the best term to use, to describe this feeling? You didn't know. But it felt right.
Agents, visitors, and trainees all the like, regarded you as you walked. All knew of who you were. Most knew what had happened the last time you had been at HQ, from either witnessing it themselves or through the grape-vine.
But it was their own fault when they jumped out of their skin, as you kicked open the door of your destination, as they should have known you hadn't lost your spunk.
"Right! Listen up, motherfuckers!" you yelled, making the people inside the room snapped their attention to you, shock rippling throughout their bodies, as you slammed the door shoot behind you. "I'm coming back to work!"
You could tell Fury was about to say something, from where he sat at the top of the table, in between Tony and Strange. With Maria stood to the side behind her boss. Her eyebrows raised at you, and a small -almost unnoticeable- smile on her face.
"Don't you dare, I'm not done yet!" You pointed at Fury, who leaned back in his seat and regarded you, allowing you to carry on with what you were saying. "I'm coming back, but I have some conditions-!"
"'Conditions'?" he asked.
"Yes. Conditions. Firstly, this is a one-time thing. I'm not taking my job back. I don't work for you. I'm working with you. For. This. Mission. Only. Okay?" No objections. You nodded your head once. "Secondly. I will do as you say, but I have a say on who is involved in this mission. If I don't want them here. They don't get to be. Because if I have to look at Clint's face- Even though I do know that Nat wasn't really his fault. I'm still gonna rip his throat out-"
"Now, Y/N. You have no-"
"Ah- Ah- Ah," You cut Fury off. "I'm still not done yet. Coming off of my second point. Wade gets to be there when I say so."
"Now that's definitely not happening!"
"I agree with Fury, Y/N. That is total insanity," Strange voiced up.
"Well, I guess that's tough tittys for you guys. Because those are my conditions. If you don't like it, then that's your problem."
Fury was about to speak when Tony cut him off.
"Just give 'em what they want. It's not like you were gonna involve anyone else. And so what if this Wade guy joins? It's another pair of hands."
"You don't know him."
"You'd like him," you said.
“Oh, now I want him to join more. If I'd like him, and these guys can't stand him."
"I agree with Stark, no matter how much it pains me," Maria spoke, gaining everyone's attention.
"Maria?" Fury asked almost, shocked, "You know what Wilson is like. You've read his files."
"I have." She nodded. "And although he is unorthodox, as the best way to put it... he gets things done. And if he cares for Y/N as much as he said he does. He will do well in helping us."
"Thank you, Maria!"
"Jesus Christ," Fury sighed.
"Wait," Tony said, "Who is Wade to you?"
You shrugged. "He's my best friend. Well, one of them."
"But I'm your best friend!"
"You're one of them!"
"Are you best friend cheating on me?!"
"Can we not do this here?" you asked him, knowing that when you arrived back at the cabin, you were in for a mass amount of questions, and would be forced to say who your best-best friend was.
You suddenly never wanted to leave the small, closed off, conference room.
"Fine," he huffed.
"Fury?" you asked. Cocky smile on your face. Knowing he was at a crossroads, and one direction was blocked.
"Okay," he said slowly.
"Pleasure doing business with you, Nick."
"Anyway..." Strange began, "Now that we've got everything settled-"
"I missed the whole meeting?" you pointed out.
"-I should be taking my leave now."
"Yeah, send me home too, Dumbledore," Tony "asked", standing up, too.
"Y/N. I'll be in touch." And with that, he and Tony walked through separate portals.
"Wow. So, I've gotta make my own way home? Nice."
Walking over to the door, you spoke your goodbyes. Pausing, only when you were out of the door to say one last condition, "Oh, and also. I get paid three times of what my yearly salary was."
"For this one mission?"
"Yes. For this journey, as Mr Wizardly would put it."
With his silence, was his agreement.
"Bye!" You took your exit.
"Where are we going, now?" you asked, strutting into the office at Tony's cabin. Which had become your "base of operations" so to say. Knoticing that the whole team was there.
Tony, Stephen, Fury, Wade, and Maria. Who usually stayed behind, being everyone's eyes and ears.
This must be an essential part of the mission.
You had spent the last three months under Strange's order. You, Tony, and hell even Fury running around collecting all out the things he needed. Mainly books. Sometimes Wade accompanied you on your missions. Keeping things more than entertaining.
"The final frontier," you whispered in a far off voice, the same look in your eyes. Tony, laughing at your overdramatics. "But seriously," you continued, words now sober from their previous humour, "Is this it? Are we going to finish this?"
"With any luck," Tony nodded.
"Our ride will be here soon," Fury informed you.
"Our ride?"
"The walking talking build a bear."
"That would be so cool to have," Wade gushed, gaining some weird looks in return.
"The raccoon?" you asked, but still smiling at your scarred friend.
"I believe his name was 'Rocket'."
"Rocket The Raccoon," you said, "D' ya think he got inspiration from The Beatles song 'Rocky Raccoon'?"
"That would be something, wouldn't it?" Maria asked not expecting a reply. But she did smile back at you when you threw her one.
Before anyone could say another word, a low rumbling shook the ground slightly, the sound of jets filling the air.
And that was everyone's queue to run out of the cabin, only to see the spaceship you assumed belonged to the raccoon and his crew, floating above the large lake next to Tony's property. The hatch slowly coming down to rest on the docks.
"Hey, losers!" The rough voiced raccoon called out, from the end of the ship, beginning to descend the hatch.
"Is that any way to talk to your friends?!" you called over.
"I don't know you! And yes!"
"Speaking of your friends, where are they?" you asked curiously, once he got close.
"I ditched em at a bar," Rocket shrugged. "They'll be fine. It's my ship anyway."
Everyone laughed at the exchange, soon rushing back inside to grab everything they needed, Tony saying bye to his family, before you all boarded the aircraft.
"Oh, yeah. He was in love with death."
Somehow, the conversation had spurred onto the subject of the purple titan, you loathed with your entire being.
"I'm sorry," you began, "What?"
"Thanos. He "killed" half of the universe to impress death," Wade explained.
"Oh! So that's the real reason he did it!" you yelled, beginning your rant, "He made up this whole bullshit story about overpopulation or something. Instead of just saying, "I'm doing this to impress a girl"! Wow. Good to know toxic masculinity exists in space too."
Thankfully the conversation soon changed to the mission back at hand, with small amounts of banter being thrown around, that always followed you guys around.
"Why couldn't you have just teleported us there?" you asked Strange, who was standing in front of you, a little off to the side, in the now space-born ship.
"Because I can only teleport on the same planet that I am on."
You paused, "Makes sense..." And then. "But, we're in space. Should that mean you're able to travel anywhere, then?
"That's not how it works."
"Sound's like bullshit, but okay."
Before Strange could voice his retort, Rocket spoke from the pilot's seat.
"Leave the idiot be. What's the worse that's happening here? You're having a day-trip, boo-hoo."
"Yeah. A "day-trip". To the place where the love of my life threw herself off of a cliff. Sacrificing herself for half of the universe. Great fucking day-trip."
"Okay, yeah. That's less good," he said.
The planet was truly beautiful, in a desolate way. Covered wholly in sand, and lakes. Everything taking on a purple hue from the sky and clouds surrounding it. A truly gigantic mountain stood strong before you. You didn't want to admit it, but you were considerably intimidated by the large mass. And to top it all off, there was a permanent solar-eclipsed sun sitting in the sky.
You would have loved experiencing a whole new planet. Even a seemingly empty one.
If you didn't hate this place that is.
Also, the fact that you had to. Climb. The Fucking. Mountain.
If someone would have told you there would be this much exercise involved, you would have convinced Colossus to come, just to carry you up there.
You arrived, panting, at the top of the mountain. Only to be greeted by a creepy floating man, with a red skull for a head.
Fury knew him. Quickly telling you that his name was Red-Skull -surprising- and that he was one of the most notorious Nazis from WWII.
You instantly despised him.
He told you each the name of one of your parents, then continued on with an obviously well-rehearsed speech about the Soul Stone, and yada, yada, yada.
Tony brushing past him, saying "We're not interested in what you're selling, shitty evil Ghostrider." With you all trailing after him, smiles on your faces.
And you never heard another pep from the self-proclaimed, "Guardian Of The Stone".
"Well, spank me and call me "daddy"!" Wade called, peering over the ledge of the cliff. "That's a long way down."
You joined him in looking over the edge. Your heart instantly dropping into your stomach.
You couldn't even see the bottom.
You can't imagine how terrified Natasha must have been dangling off of this thing. Only to kick herself off, and into the cloudy abyss.
"Fuck," was all you could breathe.
You only just noticed Tony standing beside you, when he asked FRIDAY to scan the height fo the cliff. Her voice coming out through his suit, so that everyone could hear.
"The cliff's height is approximately three thousand six hundred and ninety point nine hundred and forty-five feet, boss."
"Jesus Christ," you uttered, moving away from the edge, palm resting on your forehead. As thoughts of Natasha falling all that way down filled your mind.
You gave yourself a few moments to breath through your incoming panic attack. Luckily you were unable to see the worried, yet understanding glances everyone was throwing you, behind your closed eyes.
"So... how does this shit work?" you then asked, wanting to hurry with all of this.
You just wanted to get your girl back.
"Y/N," Strange said, beginning to get irritated by you already, "We literally talked about this a few weeks ago."
"Yeah? And I've slept since then," you remarked back.
After strang had done whatever the fuck he had done with his magic. You watched in complete awe, as the portal to the Soul World opened up.
But it wasn't any "normal" portal.
The eclipsed sun slowly started to be revealed, only this time if you looked at it, it didn't burn your eyes. You only saw what could be best described as an orange-yellow coloured black hole.
That was the fucking portal.
"Oh." You swallowed, turning to face Strange, "How the hell do we get up there?"
"We already are."
"What-?" you asked confused until you looked over your shoulder at your surroundings. Everything was bare and coated in a warm light, not even an inch of water below your feet. "What the fuck?!"
"Welcome to the soul world."
You were still eternally shocked as Tony began to speak.
"So. So, how does this work?"
"The Soul World only allows "visitation" to the last to be sacrificed. All we need to do is find her, and pull her out."
"Seems simple enough," Wade said, hands on his hips as he looked around, "You think I can get some grub in this place?"
"Don't be an idiot, Wilson," Fury told him, "Now let's go find our girl."
It didn't take long. Only a few minutes of walking until you spotted the structure upfront.
Quickening your pace, you walked up to what seemed to be an open planned coffee shop. Open planned with the outside. And not just any coffee shop. It was the one you and Natasha used to frequent often.
With a red-head, back turned to you, sitting at your usual table.
"Natasha?" you asked voice close to a whisper, the silence surrounding the world you were in amplifying your volume, ensuring she could hear you.
Red-blonde hair swished over shoulder, as Natasha hastily turned to see you.
"Y/N?" she asked you, voice identical to how yours was. The Russian didn't wait for your answer, the chair sloshing through the water, as she sprinted over to you. Throwing herself into your arms.
It was like a dam broke. The moment she touched you, tears poured down your face, like rivers. You held her close to your body, head buried into her soft, wavy hair.
Natasha was sobbing into your shoulder. Hugging you tightly enough for it to hurt.
You finally had her in your arms, just like you had dreamt of for over a year. Ever since you came back.
And yet, all you could think of was how disappointed in yourself you were.
You didn't deserve her. After all of the shit, you had done while she was gone. All of the mercenary jobs, the violence, the drinking and drugs. The hate that settled in your stomach, which caused you to lash out at the world and people who dared to cross you.
She deserved so much better.
However, all you could do was pull her closer, and repeat, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry," into her bright auburn locks.
"What are you sorry for."
"I." You swallowed your tears, looking into Natasha's wet emerald eyes. "I've done awful things while you were gone, Natasha. I became someone awful."
"Hey," Wade said behind you, slightly insulted. Which you ignored.
"I killed people. Some in cold blood. And all because they said bad things about you. I was lost. And you don't deserve that."
Natasha placed her hands on your wet cheeks, yours staying on her waist, knowing what you were about to say.
"You should find someone who deserves to be with you."
"You do deserve me," she begged you to understand, "I don't want anyone else but you! If there's anyone who doesn't deserve the other, it's me."
"Don't say that."
"Then don't say you don't deserve me. I only want you," she repeated, to get it through your head, "Only you. No one else. I don't care what you've done, or who you were while I was gone. You're still you. Right now, you're you. And that's all I want. It's all I need. You."
You sniffled harshly, realising how stupid you were with a shake of your head.
"I love you," you confessed, "I'm so in love with you, Natasha. It's crazy."
"Then let's be crazy together."
That was the last thing either of you said before she helped guide your lips to hers.
Finally sharing your first kiss.
At long last.
There wasn't the stereotypical fireworks that everyone spoke about when your lips met.
Only warmth.
Kissing Natasha didn't feel like an explosion. It felt like coming home after a long day. Being welcomed with the warm glow of a fire, and a spiced drink warming up your chest.
That's what kissing Natasha felt like.
You pulled back to the sounds of sniffles.
Eyebrows furrowed, you both looked over to the men behind you. Never once moving away from the other.
They were crying.
All of them.
Even Wade was under his mask.
"Are you guys crying?" you asked with a smile.
"No." Tony nodded, telling you that his words were false.
Strange wiped at the wetness under his eyes, while Wade openly sobbed, his shoulders shaking, pulling one of his guns to his chest as a form of comfort. Rocket was even using his tail to wipe at his eyes, turning away from you all.
"Even you fury?"
"I'm not crying," the Director, said with a slight wave in his voice.
"Really? Because I think that you are. Don't you, Natasha?"
The red-head nodded at you in confirmation.
"I'm not." Was all Fury said before he grabbed his eye patch and moved it to cover his leaking eye. "See."
Natasha let out a wet laugh, rushing over to bring Tony and Fury into a shared hug. All of them letting out a few more tears at the reunion.
Her knees splashing in the water as she pulled the still crying fur-ball into her arms.
Then going over to greet Strange with a hug of his own. And finally giving Wade the same treatment.
"I'm Wade," he introduced himself when she pulled back, "I'm Y/N's best, best friend. Because I'm better than the billionaire Sherlock over there."
"Is that so?" she chuckled.
"It absolutely is not!" Tony yelled.
Natasha shook her head with a smile, making her way over to you, and tucking herself into your side. Her head coming to rest on your shoulder, as she watched two of your best friends bicker at who was your "best, best friend".
"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner," you apologised.
"You came. And that's all that matters."
"C'mon guys," Tony said, his fingers now wiping under his eyes, "Don't make us cry again."
"I didn't stop," Wade informed you all, raising his hand.
You all chuckled at the man.
Before you decided you wanted out. You wanted to take your girl home.
"Right, now how do we get out of here?"
"We already are," Strange told you.
Looking around, you saw that you were now standing on the cliff's ledge, of Vormir. Natasha still nestled under your arm.
"How in the fuck do you do that?"
"I wizard never reveals his tricks," Tony said, "You know that, Y/N."
"The other stones are destroyed," Strange suddenly said, gaining everyone's attention. "We have to destroy the soul stone."
"But that will require a sacrifice," Natasha said, trying to keep the fear out of her voice, though you could hear hints of it.
"On it!" Wade yelled, making his way past you, and towards the edge of the cliff.
Only stopping when you fisted your hand into the arm of his suit, then pulling him back.
"No. None of us are dying today."
"But, Y/N. I'm immortal-
"No," you interrupted him, voice hardening as to get your point across. "It's a soul for a soul. You go off that cliff, you come back without a soul. And I'm not letting that happen."
"Then how in the fuck are we supposed to destroy the stone?!" Rocket gruffed.
At your prolonged silence, Tony asked, "What are you thinking?"
"This was built as a shrine for stone right?"
"That's what I've been told. Yes," Strange confirmed.
"You said before- Weeks ago. When we were talking about everything, that the word "tomb" would be better to describe it, than "shrine"."
"Yes..." he said slowly, watching as you pieced everything together.
"Tombs normally hold things."
"Oh my, God," Tony breathed in realisation.
"Rocket? How many explosives do you have on the ship?"
"What are you suggesting?" Natasha asked from where she was still tucked into your side.
"We blow the shrine off of the fucking rock."
"How do you know that will work?"
Not bothering to answer his question, you said, "Nick. Get Danvers down here. Once we blow the shrine to smithereens, she comes along and blasts it with all the power she has." You then turned to face him. "Only an infinity stone can destroy an infinity stone. Ergo, so can it's creations. I mean how do you explain Wanda?"
"Well, this seems to be settled then," Wade stated, "So, let's head back to the ship, call your friend Danvers, and get me some food to eat. Because I'm starving," he finished starting to make his way towards the many, many stairs. To where the ship was waiting for you down below.
"What about the creepy weirdo over here?" Rocket asked, moving his thumb towards Red-Skull.
"I heard my own stories about him... leave him. Nazi fucks like him deserve to rot in hell."
"Here, here!" Wade called, "Now, can we go?"
"But what if we accidentally blow up the planet?" Tony. Asking the sensible questions. And making, one of, your best friends groan at being made to stop his trek for food. "I mean. We don't know how resilient this place is."
"Who the fuck cares." Rocket said. His words meant to be a question. But he just didn't care for an answer.
"Well, I think the planets around would have something to say about that," Fury said.
You looked over your shoulder, as they continued to bicker, and right at Strange. Who stood silently between the two giant pillars. The look in his eye, telling you everything that you needed to know.
This was always what was meant to happen.
No more sacrifices.
Natasha would be the very last one to ever feel what that would be like.
No more would this place be one of death for the greed of power.
No more.
"It won't."
"And how can you be so sure of that?" Fury asked you.
With the hard look in your eyes when you meet his, he knew what you said to be right.
"It won't."
The ship was in the air. Facing the planet, you had grown to despise.
Every one of you looking out of the large window, that sat above the controls. Wade, finally munching on his much-needed food.
Well, with all the whining he made on your long way back to the ship, you sure fucking hoped he needed it, with the about of brain cells he killed.
Silently, Rocket moved to hand the detonator up to you. Ready to shoot the planet with all you had, missiles, C-4, and many other explosives with names that were unknown to you, that Rocket had stored away. Even Tony had hooked FRIDAY up to the detonator, his suit waiting outside the ship, and ready to fire.
Form what you knew of Rocket, you could tell he wasn't the type to just give away something destructive like this. So, you understood that what he was doing, showed that he cared.
With a nod to the raccoon in thanks, you moved to give the remote to Natasha.
"Ya like to do the honours?"
"I'd love too." Her smile saying "thank you" for her, as she took it from your grasp.
She never took her eyes off of you as she pressed the button, the small smile still on her face the whole time. That was until the explosions started. Drawing both of you attentions back to the planet.
The shrine lit up like a Christmas tree, it getting bombarded with blast upon blast.
The storm-looking, gas-clouds, that were once above you, that was seemingly attached to the planet, slowly started to morph into what looked to be a tornado of sorts. It only clearing when the bright orange gem, floated up. Being held only by the swaying ribbons of the cloud. Just ready for the taking.
Then at the speed of light, leaving a white trail behind her, as a shooting star would.
Carol Danvers flew in.
And blasted the fuck out of the fucking stone.
As quick as she came. She was off again. Intending to meet you back home.
All the destruction just stopped.
The cliff. The shrine. And everything about it. Was destroyed.
But, within a blink of an eye, the portal you once thought was a permanently eclipsed sun, sunk in on its self. And it didn't take a genius to know that that wasn't the best thing to be around.
Not even a second later. A bright light shone around the dark centre, it taking on a light blue hue with how light it was. Before it began spreading throughout the shrinking dark core, bursting suddenly. Rays of light firing off all around.
Your eyes widened when they saw this, your instant reaction to when you saw the bright rays speeding towards the ship, was to pull Natasha into your chest. Raising your arm to block the side of her face from the explosion. Her doing the same by bringing your head closer to hers, covering it with her own arm.
If this was your end.
Then you would go together.
The ship shook vigorously. But, luckily, not enough to make you fall onto the hard floor.
People swore at the collision.
Wade crying, "Ah! My taco!" When the shaking had caused him to drop it.
"Fuck your taco. Luckily I reinforced the ship, that blast could have easily killed us if not," Rocket said, offhandedly.
But that was all background noise to you, and everyone else on the spaceship.
Too busy looking out the window.
"Oh my, God," Natasha breathed, at the sight before her.
"It's beautiful." You finished in the same voice. Unable to tear your eyes away from the sky before you. Along with coloured, smokey, gas-clouds, swimming in the open space.
The "sun" was no longer there. And in its wake. Millions upon millions of stars lit up the sky, dancing to a tune you could not hear, but you felt almost as if they were thanking you.
Looking over at Natasha, you saw the many emotions shining in her eyes. Relief, gratitude, freedom, peace. But most of all, you saw pure love.
Unable to hold yourself back, it's not like you would even try to anyway, you pressed your lips against hers, in a celebratory kiss.
You would never get enough of this.
"There must be so many new galaxies out there," Tony said.
"Well, they were always there," Rocket said in his gruff voice, "We can just see them from here now."
"Not just that," Strange spoke.
"What?" The raccoon asked.
"The soul stone has caused so much destruction and death since it was first created," he began, "Now, with its own destruction. It has given life from what it has taken."
"English, Strange."
The wizard sighed at you. "There are more stars in the sky. Ones unknown and unnamed. New planets. Maybe even galaxies. It's safe to assume there's life to go along with them."
"You mean..."
"Yes." He nodded at the raccoon. "You have many more planets to visit."
"Maybe try not to steal from them," you said, "They were only born two minutes ago."
Everyone laughed as your furry little friend flipped you off.
"For all we know," Strange said.
"You couldn't let me just have one joke, could you?"
"Not at all."
"So, Strangey-Boy," you gained the man's attention once you were back on solid ground, stopping him from walking too far away. As Natasha ran over to envelop Carol, Maria, and Pepper in a bone-crushing hug, "Is this the end of the journey?"
He took a deep breath, looking around at the green scenery all around. Looking like a weight was lifted off of his shoulders. But then again. So did everyone. You sure felt like the weight of the world was finally off of yours.
Nodding, he said, "This one. Yes."
Strange held out a hand for you to shake, his cape flowing behind him.
"It was nice working with you, Y/L/N."
"You too," you said with sincerity, as you shook his offered hand. Surprising the greying man by pulling him in for a hug, only for you to whisper in his ear, "Thank you, you cryptic bastard."
You pulled away from the embrace, his laughs causing a chuckle to be brought out of you.
Looking over, you spotted Natasha there, waiting for you. A bright smile on her face. And Tony not too far behind her, arms wrapped around his wife. The slight twitch of her head, indicating her silent ask, for you to follow her.
"Seriously. Thank you. And thank your mysterious friend, too."
With a nod and a smile from Strange. You were off.
Following Natasha wherever she so wished to go.
Walking towards the start of your new life.
(Two years later)
The soft thumping of your heartbeat calmed Natasha into a relaxed state. Head on your chest, hand over your heart, and curled into your side. She couldn't think of a better way to spend a day, than with you.
You had been relaxing in bed for most of the day. Only leaving it when one of you needed the bathroom, or to get food and drinks.
"What are you thinking?" you asked, with your eye's blinking heavily as you watched some TV show play.
Natasha hummed, the hand that was laying on your chest, previously stroking her fingertips on your chest, splayed and rubbed the body under it. She blinked open her eyes, spotting the perfect ring upon her finger. The one you had given her over half a year ago. A smile tugging on her lips at the sight.
"I'm thinking about how lucky I am."
"What?" You smiled, looking down at your beautiful fiance. "For this day off?"
"No. For you, you idiot."
"Oh, wow. Is that any way to speak to your fiance? To the love of your life? Your soulmate?"
"Shut up!" Natasha giggled, slapping at your chest. Which only made you grab her hand, running your thumb over the top of her palm, " I love you so much," she continued. Voice warm and full of adoration, "I can't believe I actually get the chance to spend my life with you. It's all I've ever dreamed of, ever since the day I met you."
The smile on your face turned soft as she spoke, delivering a gentle, loving kiss to her lips, you said, "Gross."
"You're a dick."
"I love you, too."
"As you should, I'm pretty fucking great."
A laugh burst from your chest, thankful for the woman in your arms. Excitement resting in your chest. At the thought of getting to spend the rest of your lives together. Even with everything that happened for you to get to this point, you were thankful. And if it meant it. You would do it over and over again, in a heartbeat. Just to get to this point.
The journey hadn't ended, the day you got back from Vormir. It was only the beginning.
You finally had your soulmate back.
And you were never gonna let her go, again.
Roses In A Storm Tag List:
(Crossed out means I couldn’t tag)
@uglipotata72829, @enderman359, @thelastavenger-3000, @blackwidowromonoff
Permanent Tag List:
@imnotasuperhero, @veteranwerewolf95, @natasha-danvers, @marvelfansince08love, @higherfurther-romanova, @lesbian-x-blackwidow, @sestra-inestro
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