#i should be shocked that it was february but im not
formallyuninformed · 1 year
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Hilda art?? On my blog??
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moonlight-sonata99 · 1 year
Walk the line
Trigger warnings: domestic fights,talk about addiction, suicide mentions. Loss. Alot of cussing.
Carmy Berzatto x reader
A/n: I love carmy bro - but yea, this is uh..a passion project, honestly. I haven't wrote in a hot minute. But..I feel confident. Btw. This story will focus alot on addiction, not the Reader specifically, though. But her dad.
Slow burn/angst/comedy
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The sounds of furniture falling and glass breaking behind the door as it Slams open and her face is red and her chest rises up and down quickly as the man behind her on the floor his cheek red from the hit he received from his daughter as his wife stands beside shocked, unable to move the only sound was them getting their stuff and leaving before making their way out the door they looks back and points their finger at the man who's cheeks are red his left a bit bloody
"Dont fucking talk to me unless you've been sober for a year. you hear me?" They breathe out as their mom calls out to them as they turn their back to their parents and rush away. Only leaving the cries of their mother and their father left on the floor as the sound of the ambulance gets closer and closer. 
That was a while ago.
Since then, i think i've done well. Maybe. Got a job at some restaurant,the boss is cool. The coolest boss I might have had Honestly. Micheal Berzatto, AKA… Mikey, I've known him about… maybe a few months now? It's been a while since I've been "away" from home, anyways yea. Been working at this cool joint called the beef. Everyone feels like one big friend group. Yeah, it's really nice. I got a nice apartment, too. Well, " nice" is better than any other house that deadbeat ever got us.
 Anyways, yeah. I hope you've been well ma. I sent you money with this. Don't try to send it back. And don't let that asshole see you with it.
I'm doing good, So don't worry.
With much love. 
"Hey,speaking of assholes, what's the big deal with this brother?" You ask, looking down at the piece of onion you were cutting as mikey cooked behind you. 
"Asshole? Ooh you mean my brother carmy? " He replies, keeping his gaze on the meat. 
"Well there's a lot to say about him " he breathes out but a smile can obviously be detected in his voice 
"Well then tell me about him genius" 
"hes not your type " Tina chimes in as the rest laugh,
"Thats not- Okay, maybe that's why i asked. But if you really say so, " you reply, shrugging and putting the knife down and leaving the onions to grilI as - you turned to look at him. But he kept his back to you as he began to speak.
"no yeah- Carm… little brother Carmen. he's a chef in some fancy restaurant, nice right? " He admitted, watching the knife gliding through the meat smoothly.
"for real?" you gasped out looking at his back,
"for fucking real."
Remembering when that had happened. Mikey had a smile on his face when he spoke about his brother. Later on, you learned the two weren't on speaking terms. A part of you cursed yourself out of even having the gall to ask about a slightly  sensitive topic, but another part of yourself felt...good to know at least he didn't hate his brother, Who'd want to hate their own siblings? 
You knew better than to intervene.
It was february 21st, as you gathered your sweater, in the corner of your eye, you noticed Michael sitting in his office looking at a small white envelope. 
"Hey, mikey," you guy, as you knocked lightly before entering his office, and he looked up his eyes, meeting yours.
" hey- " he coughed  " hey whats up? " he said, rubbing his nose with the tips of his fingers. 
" I should be asking you that '' you reply, putting on your bag.' You okay ? You've been… out of it these past few days. '' You say, tilting your head slightly.
"Im good" he mumbles out his hand over his mouth as he nods. 
" Okay … if you ever need anything, just call me. Okay?" 
" Gotcha," he says as you nod and make your way outside.
"hey uh be careful " he yells out as you heal out the door and the leans against his office door frame as you turn your head back to look at him.
" Yeah you too mikey" 
Hey ma, me again. It's been a hot  minute since I sent you a message. in terms of like… talking. i just wanted to check up on you. Make sure everything is okay, y'know? i'll be honest. I haven't been doing so well. if were being honest…  I lost a friend. a good friend. Mikey, he Uh… Comitted  suicide. and i don't know how to feel. Well,I feel sad. I spent… all week crying. 
Yea i have brothers, but Mikey felt like the brother I never had.
due to moving so much as a kid, i didn't have any friends.
no girlfriends, boyfriends.
i didn't want any if i'm honest.
but Mikey changed that.In terms of friendship I mean.
i remember when i first met him, i was about to blow him off because he was pestering me about his  restaurant. i mean, i was working for Petes sake. But he was loud,
and i gave in.
after that he let me into his family, albeit made of people working in a restaurant.
you know that thing when Companies say their employees are family and it's usually bullshit??
Yea,Mikey always meant that shit. 
Ritchie told me his brothers were coming to take over. I'm not sure how to feel about it . The asshole didn't even come his funeral. Anyway, yeah, that what has been up with me. Sorry for suddenly dumping all of this on you.
i lost a good friend. 
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A/n: I really like writing for this series, honestly. Please tell me if you guys want more :]
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bitchinbarzal · 1 year
little slice of heaven | life with otis
summary; today of all days, they know he’s their little piece of heaven.
warnings; this talks about parental death, more specifically Brock’s dad, Duke. If that makes you uncomfortable please don’t read.
This year was a write off, you’d decided.
It was horrible from the off set and throughout. To go from last off season getting married and buying your first home to this one, spent by your father in law’s bedside. You’d spent the first half of the year facing issue after issue with your house build and receiving time after time, negative pregnancy tests.
You weren’t even in Minnesota when it happened. You were in Vancouver closing on your house sale, Brock told you he wanted to be at home in case.
He didn’t say anything on the phone, he just cried.
“I’m coming baby, just hold tight”
The day of the funeral was quiet, nobody spoke much and you didn’t blame them.
Getting back to the house where it was just family felt nice, everyone in there was grieving the same.
You’d been feeling off all day, dizzy and sick.
“How’re you feeling my love?” You mumble, kissing his shoulder and sitting down next to him.
“Numb I guess, Petey called”
“Yeah he asked me how you were, said he’s sorry he couldn’t come on time” you smile, holding his hand “Im sometimes worried he’s more of your wife than I am”
He chuckles, the first time you’d heard him laugh in a while.
“I Just… it doesn’t feel real that he’s not going to be here for things like my first cup? Our first child” he deflates and you can only run his hand soothingly
“I know baby, I’m so sorry”
“He should be here you know? I know we’ve been dealing with the negative tests and I’m so proud of you for your resilience. He was so happy for us and he won’t be here to see it when it’s finally a good result”
You couldn’t say anything, there was nothing to make that feel better.
Later that night, just before bed in the bathroom you were watching your face and looking for a towel. You pulled open the cupboards and a box fell out.
An unused pregnancy test lay at your feet. You looked at it and thought about when you’d last taken one. Deciding to just use it, the answer would be the same but a little bit of hope never hurt.
You’d used it, say it to the side and forgotten about it. Shutting off the lights and heading to bed.
Middle of the night, Milo had jumped onto the bed and woken Brock up so he decided to go to the bathroom while he was awake.
He saw it sitting there, confused he picked it up to throw it away before looking
He dropped it, completely shocked. Forgetting the reason he was originally in the bathroom he walked back out to the bed and shook you awake.
You groaned “What? If the house isn’t burning leave me alone”
He smirked “You really thought you could get away with not telling me you’re pregnant?”
Your eyes shot open “I’m what?”
He looks equally as confused “You didn’t know? Who’s test is that?”
It dawned on you then “In the bathroom? Show me!”
He went in and emerged with it, you were now sitting up and grabbed it. Tears immediately filled your eyes “Oh my god”
You gave your husband a watery smile “We’re pregnant”
Brock engulfed you in a hug, peppering kisses all over your face “I love you, I love you! We’re having a baby, our baby!”
Laying there, staring out the window for the next few hours was bliss. His hand rested on your belly until you fell asleep.
When the sun began to rise and he could hear you snoring softly, his hand still hadn’t moved.
“Thanks, Dad” he mumbled, looking out of the window and towards the sun rising above the trees.
otis duke boeser
february 11th, 2023
He was early, but right on time.
Holding Otis as the Boeser’s filed into the room you smiled at the family fawning over him “Oh my he’s beautiful y/n”
“He is, isn’t he?”
“He picked some day to be born, eh?” Brock’s brother laughs.
“Yeah, Happy Birthday Duke and Happy Birthday Otis”
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beelzmunchkin · 2 years
Valentines Day - (brothers)
A/N: pls don’t hate me, I really wanted to make a post for Valentine’s Day but Ngl it was very rushed. I hope you still like it…. Also I didn’t grammar or even spell check this, im sorry …… I was gonna write for the royals and purgatory hall (Simeon, Solomon) let me know if you think I should… hopefully not rushed
The week leading up to Valentines Day Lucifer took you to Majolish insisting on buying you a lovely outfit that would coordinate with his for the upcoming Valentine’s Day
Reserves a private area At ristorante six for a dinner for two, has three cursed blinded demons playing violins, and cellos live. They were also cursed so they couldn’t understand anything you or Lucifer said.
At dinner he pulls out the chair for you and even though he already knew what you were going to wear he compliments you.
“this color makes your eyes as ravishing as the jewels on prince Diavolos crown”
“you looks as elegant as the Devildoms most prestigious architecture. No one can ever replicate you.”
“With all the potions in all three worlds none can ever be as alluring as you are”
Feeds you dessert
After dinner, takes you to the the best rated hotel in devildom, as you walk in he hold his hands over you eyes and as he removes them you see golden flower petals that you can only recognize from diavolos personal garden shaped in a heart on the bed
He begins to gently massage your shoulder
“I saw a lot of humans like these gestures, how about you get comfortable and I run us a warm bath.”
has been avoiding you like the plague until it was February 14th
You wake up to gentle pokes on your shoulder and soft murmurs of your name
You open your eyes and see mammon there with a rose and breakfast ready for you. (Insert you favorite devildom breakfast)
During the day walks you to all your classes and has been giving you forehead kisses everytime.
The evening comes and he has the first movie you both ever watched together set in his room with all your favorite snack
Gifts you Valentine’s Day pajamas and you cuddle up to watch your movie
When the movie finishes
“hey you know I love you right? Like no amount of money can ever make me trade you.”
“If I had to choose between you and Goldie I hope you know I’d always choose you.”
“But don’t go expecting all this love hoopla everyday, this took a lot of time for this galantines day”
“You mean Valentine’s Day.” You corrected him
“Shaddup and come here darling”
Cuddles you up
Really didn’t want to participate in normie way of showing love
while you were at RAD, he spent hours coding and programming an adventure game of you two where you had to find the hidden treasure and along the way the mini games you would do, we’re all based on memories you both shared
When you came back from RAD, you went straight to his room to tell him about your day but when you knocked there was no question about who it is.
You opened the door and when you entered you see him curled up and asleep in his bathtub.
While he’s asleep you decorate his room with pictures of times you were gaming, swimming, dragging him out of his room, sleepovers and more. You cut out heart from holographic material and taped them on the sealing and the lights from Henry made it a rainbow of colors all around.
As you were hanging up the last heart you heard shifting you turn to see Levi waking up. He ears turned red, his cheeks turned red and his jaw fell in shock.
“What’s all this? Omg I remember when that happened, how long have you had these pictures. This must be so embarrassing to be seen with a worthless otaku like me”
“It’s Never embarrassing I really love hanging out with you, you’ll always be my player 1”
“I really like spending time with you even if you are a normie. Look I made a game for us. We can play anytime or if you want to play it without me you can too. I understand”
He showed you the game and the opening screen is Levi dressed as lord of shadows from TSL and you as Henry the protagonist.
The mini games were a reminiscent to the development of the relationship you and Levi shared.
As you were getting sleepy after gaming for 6 hours and went to bed Levi grabbed all the photos you had with him and saved them in his TSL novel so then it will always be somewhere safe.
He is very much hoping you want to play the game tomorrow
Being very aware of what Valentine’s Day was to most humans he was prepared. He got you a box of chocolates and roses as most books describe as the foundation of Valentine’s Day.
Of course he had to make today special, you spent the afternoon decorating safety googles for reasons he refused to disclose.
When you went out to an early dinner he pulled out your chair and spoke to you all about the history of humans celebration of Valentine’s Day. of course he was picking up on your expressions as he spoke to understand what parts you liked and disliked. He noticed how you disliked the the whole showing your significant other you loved them on this day.
He picked up on your small smiles as he told you one variation of the history how it was unjust so valentine defied authority and let lovers unite.
After dinner he took you to an area of destroyed furniture named “devils rages” he handed you your custom safety goggles and offered you weapons for the night
Hour went by of cursing the injustices of the world and as it got darker fireworks went off and you saw big heart exploding in the sky
You felt arms hug you from the side
“If I could destroy and/or rule the world with anyone it would be you”
Of course this is one of Asmos most loved holidays. But it was very different now that he had you in his life
Usually he would receive an abundance of love letters, witches, demons, and any human if they were ever around to swarm at his feet in love with him
Now that he had you in his life he didn’t want to go out and have all that attention he wanted to make this day the one day where it was just the two of you without any interruptions.
Morning began with him sharing a secluded breakfast with you. Fruits tasting like dreams on your tongue as shared them.
After breakfast you both went to get private couples massages to which soothed you straight to sleep. As you woke back up Asmo lovingly stared at you in awe
“I may be the prettiest in all realms but you definitely are quite some competition with the dreamlike hue to you features and soft lips upon you porcelain skin.”
You both return to HoL and went to his room. In there he brings out an akuzon box that was halfway open. In there you saw a pair of matching pink bracelets with hearts in them. He tied one to your wrist and you tied one onto his.
“What makes these special is that when your near me it catches you heartbeat and I can feel it in my wrist”
You feel his heart beat thumping on your wrist and it’s racing.
“ you make me lightheaded, I’ve never felt a love as genuine as yours. You Almost make me feel like I’m the one living a dream. Me the avatar of lust, isn’t that crazy”
Your heart is racing against his wrist and he smiled as he feels your heart as happy and excited as his. makes him give you the most gentle and soft hug. As if a demon shaped blanket was placed on to you.
A happy hug just between you two with no other demons and no acts from Asmo living in the love of others. Just the two of you, two hearts beating as one
Today was Valentine day but that would never stop Beelzebub from going to do his morning workout. You went to make breakfast and as you were setting up the table you felt a pair of sweaty arms lift you off the ground and spin you around
He didn’t let you finish and laid kisses all over your neck and shoulder and raced upstairs. You were left a a little dizzy but very red at the sudden affection
It was breakfast time and everyone made their way to the dining table and you hope that Beel would have noticed the heart you made in the chocolate chip pancakes for him before he engulfed his stack.
Before he sat down he gave you a heart shaped hand made card and on the inside was a picture of you two.
You didn’t get to see him until devildom history class but when you saw him he leaned his forehead against you and whispered
“Happy Valentine’s Day, I hope you’re ready for dinner tonight”
“What are we having?” You said
“You’ll see”
Later that night you see a notification pop up on you D.D.D and it was a text from Beel saying “let me be your sous chef tonight I promise I’ll be good, meet me in the kitchen”
You walk into the kitchen and there you see Beel in a chefs hat and an apron that said kiss the sous chef (definitely not written by him) he stood there head held high and a bright smile and you couldn’t help but laugh just a little. You went towards him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
You both spent your evening doing your best to make Creamed Bonnacon. Beel was only allowed one taste test as last time you were making this he ate it all before it was finished.
“You look adorable when you cook, I’m sorry I’m not the best sous chef. (Kisses you temple), I hope you had a good Valentine’s Day. Any day I get to spend with you makes me so happy and gooey, inside kind of like a malevolent lava cake. (Places his head in the crook of your neck peppering you with gentle light kisses) but sadly I could only convince Lucifer to let me cook dinner tonight because I’d be with you”
You definitely had to be the one to wake him up but this time he didn’t curse you or ignore you for disrupting his sleep.
Instead he lifted the blanket and let you in he cuddled into you and whispered “happy Valentine’s Day”
You sadly could only enjoy this moment for a short amount of time because you both had to get to RAD.
During the day you would find little heart shaped notes with drawings of you and belphie or little notes such as
“I can’t wait to snuggle you up and watch the stars later tonight”
“I got a new blanket set I would love to show you them”
“Can’t I just keep you in my dreamworld forever”
“Sometimes I wonder if I’m still dreaming when I’m with you”
You walked back with a very tired Belphie as he did his best staying awake to write you all those notes
You get back to the HoL and see Beel walking mysteriously out of the planetarium trying his best not to look suspicious.
Belphie grabbed your hand and led you to the planetarium.
As you walked in you saw a huge pillow and blanket for t instead. You crawled into the fort and inside was the song you and belphie love to stargaze with. Although you couldn’t see the stars belphie cuddled up to you and whispered sweet nothings in your ear
“You make me so happy”
“You’re the one who make me smile when I wake up”
“ You’re so imperfectly perfect for me”
“ with you I can be myself and it makes my life less dreadful”
“I love you, happy Valentine’s Day”
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livsworld-ndstyle · 7 months
save the date
save the date.
at least for me.
i have the meeting which i mentioned a couple of posts back and i’ve been scared for it. AND ITS TOMORROW!?
also why is there a big gap in between save the date and the word tomorrow?-
also i digressed a lot teehee!
second period. 8:32am. i’m so mad that it’s immediately after february / president’s day break, even though my past meeting dates, which i have memorized, have been in a similar timeframe.
this year - 2/26/24
last year - 3/1/23
the year before last - 3/21/22
but anyways i have to miss spanish class for the second year in a row!! my spanish teacher is gonna flip, im in a college level and college credit bearing spanish class and its the second highest. we’re prepping for the national spanish exam, which is a standardized spanish exam that i have taken in years past.
last year i got bronze, the year before last i got an honorable mention. this year i want silver and next year i want gold to show progressive improvement.
some other patterns i’ve noticed with my meetings is the teacher and class they choose that i should miss
10th & 11th: missed spanish, chose my math teacher to be the general education teacher.
8th & 9th: missed social studies/global, chose my english teacher to be the general education teacher.
6th & 7th: missed support class, chose my social studies teacher to be the general education teacher.
so i’m highly convinced there’s a method to the madness.
anyways now i’m going to go into depth of each of the invited teachers.
if you remember this pic:
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yes i have this picture somewhere in my favorites album, it’s easier to access that way.
also on the doc it has my real name (cuz liv is derived from olivia) but PLEASE DO NOT CALL ME OLIVIA. ty.
person #1: the chairperson/psychologist
if i get any testing done within the triennial period, like how i did my freshman year, i would get pulled out to take a variety of tests. i remember being so mad when i realized my IQ from grade 4 is the same as it was in grade 9, and i’m in the above average range for VSI.
which is insane. i used to be below average for VSI.
VSI, or Visual Spatial Index, is a subtest in the WISC-V tests for an ability to evaluate visual details and understand visual-spatial relationships to construct geometric designs from a model. (Child Psychologist AU).
the link to that article ->
also i don’t live in AUS, but this is the best definition on it.
2. my math teacher, also my favorite teacher! she recommended me to take two math classes, which is a shock even for me and also i love her so much because it’s fun to see her teach and her teaching style brings so much joy to my life and i can’t wait to see what the rest of the year has in store.
the only part i’m worried about, well, maybe two things.
general ed teachers have to take notes on me leading up to the meeting…and i don’t know what’s contained in these notes she’s written, so yeah that’s one. also, i told her that if she ever sees me distracted., she can redirect me — i guess i have never realized just how much i do get distracted until she tells me to stay on task when we do group work!
pretty much every group i’ve been in with my friends (so like clover, daniela, and meredith) we’ve been told to stop talking about other topics, and the only reason why is because im there.
clover & daniela normally work alone, together, without meredith and i and they’re super productive. they talk AND get work done.
meredith & i are the opposite. we work together any chance we get when she doesn’t pick partners and while meredith and i work we both distract each other.
the only annoying problem is, every time i get redirected from talking to meredith, we are always talking about a math problem.
when i got redirected with clover and daniela, we were distinctly talking about a different topic…!
3. my case manager/special ed teacher:
well i think she has a plethora of things to say about me. but like a plethora of GOOD things. because im a great student. i have a 92 in english and she’s the coteacher so it works out perfectly for me! :)
plus my writing is super strong, i wrote a 507-word response for english when it was supposed to be 5-7, and my other english teacher wrote this lovely comment!
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you don’t have to read the whole thing, especially if you haven’t read the great gatsby.
but my english teacher gave 7 perfect scores on this assignment so of course i’m so proud of this.
4. my guidance counselor
even though i just saw her for my junior meeting, i know she also has a plethora of good things to say, so im not worried about her input.
5. my speech teacher
worried- i have not gone to speech in a while, either because my case manager hasn’t sent me my speech schedule and because i use the period i have speech to finish any tests so my teachers don’t hunt me down in the testing room…which HAS happened.
6. also not mentioned, at least on the document, but my other general class teachers get an email the monday of and have to write like 3-6 sentences on my progress in their class.
the other 3 blurred people are my parents and i., but i don’t want information out there on my parents on tumblr.
also i accidentally blurred the location. it’s supposed to be a video conference, but i told the committee to make it in-person and now both my parents are coming so yay!
anyways this is a long post but i hope you enjoyed! i wrote this at my local hairdresser 🤗
im gonna prob post after the meeting, so like period 3 or 5 or even 9 about what went down in a new post.
thanks for reading :)
ps if you’re still there, i’m gonna make a new style where i use the quote text as a header for my posts.
bye now! :)
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h3rmitsunited · 2 years
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#joey batey - 528 posts
#geralt of rivia - 519 posts
#todd brotzman - 452 posts
#dirk gently’s holistic detective agency - 437 posts
#merlin - 395 posts
#the sandman - 390 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#oh band aids they’re pink! that’s a thing todd doesn’t seem like he’d be very into pink things he’s so punky and close and touching my face
My Top Posts in 2022:
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*trying to be normal about this* ARMS
351 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
Remember the first time watching this scene and just going
Oh no. I'm gonna be obsessed with this character aren't I?
363 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
It's so funny at the end of s1, the differences in how Blackwing approaches catching Bart, the Rowdy 3 and Dirk.
Like Dirk gets Friedkin just like howdy
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And apparently takes like two seconds to get him hoisted away given how quickly they cut back to Farah looking for him.
The Rowdy 3 had a bit more danger involved
See the full post
505 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
Wow Ben Wyatt's gonna be freaking thrilled about this one
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See the full post
649 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Thinkin bout a merlin au where sorcerers get caught and trapped a la genie in a bottle and merlin was trapped by uther years ago and arthur comes across the bottle or lamp or whatever he's caught in and merlin pops out snarky and annoyed like yeah yeah three wishes or whatever but arthur has been so conditioned to see magic as evil that he is like no I am not making any wishes get away demon spawn and like whatever is keeping them in the bottle makes them only visible to the one that summoned them so nobody else can see merlin and arthur is half convinced he's going crazy and this merlin weirdo won't leave him alone and says he can't leave until he makes these wishes but he is not listening because magic is evil and he knows making a wish will corrupt him. But then of course merlin starts seeing the potential of arthur and guiding him to like do the right thing and they start becoming reluctant friends and merlin didn't talk about the whole uther imprisoning him thing because he sort of assumed arthur knew all about that and it's a bit of a sensitive subject but then as they get closer and maybe merlin instinctively saves arthur with his magic (without being asked or using the wishes) and then he tells arthur about it and arthur is like thats horrible I want to fix this and he's like I should use my wishes for that and like wishes idk some things to help magic and Camelot and then he has one wish left and he's like im gonna wish you free but then arthur gets hurt badly enough that merlins magic can't heal it unless he wishes it and begs arthur to use his last wish to save his own life instead of using it to free merlin and arthur is like uh uh nope and pulls a tangled and frees merlin and he's like suddenly visible and arthur dies but merlin is emrys and super powerful and without the bindings he like saves arthurs life with like a magic kiss because merthur rights lol and it's great and emotional and uther is so shocked he has a heart attack and dies the end
743 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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scarletswalking · 2 years
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#cotf - 2 posts
#phlox for sure - 1 post
#geothermal heating - 1 post
#heated floors - 1 post
#im shocked - 1 post
#star trek - 1 post
Longest Tag: 63 characters
#being a doctor was always hus priority and making people better
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Mustang likes Colombo too.
1 note - Posted February 2, 2022
@cycle, I think @wilwheaton and @neil-gaiman should get 6 blue check marks because they are the the celebrities. Or like, really big check marks.
Everyone else gets to buy them, but these guys get like, official crab shaped check marks.
2 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
I literally live you so much <3
LOL Thank you! Isn't it nice when you can find someone who speaks the same language you do without saying much?
2 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
Ok this is cracking me up. I've had about 8 blazed posts on my dash of nothing more than "I love my kids" and "listen to my albums".
Twitter refugees are not understanding that using blaze does not make you viral. There is no such thing on Tumblr. People don't go viral on Tumblr through blazed posts. We color the sky, help @wereralph with whatever he's up to, and so on.
By all means, please boost Tumblrs because that's income, but don't expect anything to come from it except spite and getting blocked.
We love that you're here, but you have to play by our rules.
4 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
If you are a fan of Columbo, this is a great little video about how it is different than other detective shows and what makes it special. This is a really wonderful glimpse into the complexities of how the characters interplay.
45 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dearlyjun · 7 months
I sorry for the late reply for some reason I didn’t get a notification that you had answered my ask and I just saw it now 😩😩😩
I honestly life has been so hectic for me lately everytime i wanna come back something happens. Last Friday…got into a big argument with my parents. Hours later broke it off with my situationship? I fuckin hate that term but that’s what it was we decided him mostly that we weren’t a good fit and that we should stay friends! And everytime I texted him I would just get reminded so I decided to just get some space from him all. I just can’t get over the fact that he said “hope you find someone special and better than me” I never asked for someone better ?? Why are men like this…
Anyways that’s a little recap on my life 🫠
Ahhh I bet the professor and other student were shocked that you knew about formula 1!! But hey nothing shocking about it everyone can like whatever they want hehe!
I need to catch up on reading and writing 😩 in January I read 5 books February is almost over and i haven’t read anything! I need to catch up and even come here and read what I missed 💕💕
Hope you’ve been taking care of yourself!
Also do you have a tag list??
ang sorry I didn’t answer this even though I’ve been interacting with you lol….
yea I hate that term as well…..I’ve had my fair share of them. one of my ex ones still likes my ig stories once in a while actually lol. I hate men that talk like that. my ex bf would always actually be like afraid I’d leave him for someone better and like openly talk like that. like?? why are you with me then lol if I make you afraid. whatever hope he’s miserable.
I literally WISH I had the time to read real books…..like I have a section on myself of books that I legit haven’t read. idk sometimes school takes up too much time and then if I’m gonna choose reading or writing….im gonna choose writing. idk I just love to create!!
(also I saw your other ask about ignoring the tag list lol glad u found it)
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homophyte · 8 months
okay plants update. we are officially two weeks out from bringing stuff out of dormancy! started the first week of november, going to get them out the second week of february. unfortunately its still pretty cold here but the light increase should still help out until it defrosts. heres what were looking at:
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this is just basically how stuff is going. i went away for like 2 weeks in late december and had a family member helping with plants but there were some issues w keeping humidity and water--nothing so serious as to cause a real problem or anything very concerning but the ampullaria is doing. uhm. i dont know what its doing but it started when i was away.
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this leaf is...drunk. i guess. ive had leaves deform for low humidity before but nowhere near this much. i guess it might have been the shock of going from high to very low humidity all of a sudden making it worse when my family member had the humidifier off for a day or so to figure out how it worked but like...ive never seen this happen. its a perfectly healthy leaf so i cant really complain its just not...supposed to look like that. the basal leaves are also yellowing a lot which happened to the ventrata when it made basals and the ampullaria is making basals so im assuming its not a problem for now. speaking of, some of the basals are having the same problem:
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im gonna be honest this is so weird to me. it was not doing this before and i hasnt stopped doing it since. theyre just...curly. and a little damaged on the ends. i dont know why. im thinking its probably related similarly to the humidity while they were developing but like...maybe also the lower water than usual??? cause the basals tend to curl when they need water?? i really dont know. im not worried, again, but just...what.
so heres an update on some the plants ive been taking care of for my mom:
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we changed the desk it was on to use less space, and everything is good! been growing like gangbusters actually. and yes, those are flower spikes on the orchids! check it out!
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should be blooming soon :)
heres the last update: pitcher growth. im not expecting much cause it is the winter and no matter what i do its gonna be colder than ideal and the sun less intense. whats weird is that most of the small pitchers i have have been growing pitchers like crazy, and i cant figure out why 1) some of them arent and 2) why the large ones arent. the ampullaria i know is going to be slow, and probably wont make pitchers until the basals are more developed....but it had undeveloped pitchers and killed them off, they never finished cooking. idk why. the pitchers on moe have been slowly dying from the tip down (ie age death, normal) which is very distressing! it might have no pitchers at all left very soon! even its basals, which are at this point huge, the size of moe when i got her at least, arent pitchering at all. the worst is the small plants that arent--the gayas and ventrata basals that were separated have huge and deeply colored pitchers.....the one thats probably a bloody mary hasnt made any and is also slowly killing its remaining pitchers. the crazy thing is theyre still making huge leaves! like, leaf jump sized, very happy, just....no pitchers! idk whats up with it! if it continues when it gets warmer thats when im gonna start worrying for now...who knows???
last thing to say about pitchers is one of the moe basals that has been really suceeding is having a minor pitcher problem idk what to do with. (note the very happy and large developing pitcher!!!)
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so that grey fuzz is mold of some kind. this isnt really a big deal especially cause its on the outside of the pitcher--if it had been inside eating the decaying insects and then spread to start eating the outside of the pitcher it would be a bit of a bigger deal--ive had this happen to moe and it gets kinda gnarly, eats through the pitchers very fast. i think it only happens if the pitcher itself is already dying--the kind of fungus that would be in the pitcher eating the bugs really only eats stuff that already dead. but thats not whats going on here, so im kinda...what do i do about it??? this is a perfectly happy pitcher with a meal inside that should be nourishing the plant, that probably wont see very severe damage from the mold--but it definitely could happen. where the mold is id have to take off the whole pitcher if i did, though. heres some close ups:
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can i have opinions on this?? idc if you dont have experience i just kinda need to jump one way or the other.
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kevbob · 10 months
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Cammie's Story, as told to me by her caretaker's granddaughter. 28 February 2008
So Cammie came from Brentwood, CA… just outside of Oakley/ Antioch. My grandmother wasn't necessarily warm and fuzzy to anything, although now seeing some early pictures of her, she did have cats in her life.
Before my grandfather died (about 20yrs ago) they lived in Bethel Island and had a couple of cats, but after he passed the only thing in her life she truly cared about was her son (my father)
I say this not to be mean about my grandmother. She was strong willed and extremely independent and until her last day remained that way, with the exception of little Cammie.
About 5 years ago she mentioned a cat that came around her place.. She mentioned it since she knew I loved /did a lot of work w/cats.. When I asked her what the cats name was she said Stupid.. Full name was “Come here stupid”. Again I don't think this was to be mean to the cat but really her only way to justify caring about something in her life.. The cat never came into the house but spent most of her time out in my grandmother's back yard Cammie had also created a little hole in a bush where she hid out. My grandmother was 84 when she passed and my father was devastated. Not just the passing of his mom, but because he wasn't with her. The one thing that he did know was that cat was there.
We don't know exactly what happened but what we do know is that she was out in her back yard where she spent lots of time.. This was summertime in Brentwood and its very hot there.. It was a few days before the gardener found my grandmother who had apparently fallen and died. Next to her body was the bush and Cammie. It gave all of us a feeling of relief to know that she wasn't alone and unbelievable love for Cammie for staying with her.
Now to Cammie's story: My father knew how much this cat meant to my grandmother and called me to see what I could do to help.. As soon as my grandmother was gone Cammie was noticeably acting different.. also she had this little problem with her eye. It was missing. I went to Brentwood to see what I could do and was astonished to see this cats eye.. I work in feral cat clinics for the last 7 years and this was shocking to me .. Open wound, no eye… but pretty clean and not bothering her. My father said that she was attacked by a raccoon (im not so sure about that but she was attacked by something) but that the wound was over a year old and nobody had ever brought her to a vet.. (can't explain or understand the mentality) He figured she was an old cat and should probably just be put down but I said I would take her to the vet to get her checked out first.
So the vet in Antioch gave her shots and had her tested.. He wasn't very specific about her age, but did say aside from her eye she was fine. So I took her to my vet in El Cerrito and he was great.. The socket was extremely clean all though there was a bit of infection going on. He agreed to do the surgery to close her eye up and did an amazing job. They kept her for an extra day not because of any problems with the surgery, but just because she wasn't eating. She was at my place for the beginning of her recovery which was sad.. She had to wear a big awful collar, she was isolated in a room (away from our cats) and she wouldn't eat or drink a thing for me. Failure to thrive I have seen in kittens but never in a cat - not this way. So then it hit me .. Like my grandmother dignity was the key.. The collar had to go. I brought her back to the vet and we got her pumped up w/ fluids and started to feed her w/ a syringe.. within a day she was so much better, and soon after Juliet came and picked her up. THAT'S WHEN THE ANGELS CAME … Juliet and ICRA (Island Cat Rescue of Alameda) are heaven sent .. I cannot think of another group that would have taken this girl in, and loved her and found you!
It's so great because everybody had an angel in this story … For our family, Cammie was our angel. For me Juliet/ICRA was my angel and most importantly you are Cammie's. I am so grateful for your kindness. -------- Cammie was with me from adoption in February 2008 until she passed in April 2011. She is still missed.
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adoggirl · 1 year
🌿, 🍄, 🌲! Also 🌼, 🌳, 🌴
Uwaaaa tHANK YOU I LOVE YOU !! <22 /p
🌿 : how did you discover you were a system? or how did you become one on purpose?
hmm I had to ask ash for this cuz I have not been here long ha (pluralkit says I registered myself on February 17th lol) and she said that it happened fast like suddenly out of nowhere jay started fronting! and she was like “HUH??!” and then I went to jay and dragged him to ash and asked why he did that and shock said and I quote “she had to realize I was NOT A fucking kin, dear first spinjitzu master *face palm*” (dear first spinjitzu master usually translates into dear god because yeah the fsm is their kind of god) and the rest is history I suppose!
so yeah we know how we discovered it but honestly don't know how the system formed, everyone constantly disagrees how we formed >:P that's why we usually say “ contragenic ” “ is a system origin in which system members disagree on the exact origin ”
after all that discovering and stuff, it took ash a while to fully accept she would not be fully alone anymore but after that happened they gradually allowed others to front (by then the rest of the ninja were there + randy cunningham I think she said) and look where we are now!! Yayyy!!!
oops I might've kind of told a bit much hold on I'll ask if this is okay to share ... okay the general response was like “yeah it's ok to share”! 👍 Ok next question!!!
🍄 : do you headcanon any characters as plural? who and why?
hmmm I've never really thought about this... I think maybe Marcy from the original amphibia! because I think she split the core/darcy after being done with the whole being possessed by the core thing and that other marcy with the silly face that a lot of the fandom call marky (honestly kind of stealing from our Marcy cuz our Marcy has exactly that kind of subsys. But the roles will be different!!!) So it goes as followed :
Marcy : host, trauma holder
Darcy : anger holder, caretaker, coltenoir, heraicen
Marky : delight, pacific, paichmate, stim holder, symptom holder
Uhhhh not any other characters than her for now tbh...
🌲 : favourite system representation in media?
I honestly have probably not watched any media w systems in it tbh (if you actually mean system and not possession bc im excluding that for now)
🌼 : what species are there in your system?
Oh boyy UHHH there's humans, witches, shapeshifters/werewolves, hedgehogs cats jackal twotailed fox echidna bat lemur (all from sonic so anthro), skeletons, goat boss monsters, ponies (Pegasus, Earth, Unicorn and alicorns), Rabbids, dogs (from bluey), Lego (is that considered a species?), Etherian (as in Catra yknow human but also cat), centaurs (and the variants goattaur & deertaur), collector, demons, formerly human but now a rotting corpse, dragons, mouse rat thing (fink from ok Ko), flower, anthro fox, anthro cat, ghosts, object heads, koopas
And the rest you'll have to see on sp bc I'm not about to list EVERYTHING
🌳 : least favourite system representation in media?
Again like last time, haven't actually watched anything with systems O-O'
🌴 : do you think syskids and age regressors should share spaces or not? Why?
Honestly don't care about this but I personally would say yes they're both kids (one sometimes not but that's besides the point) and just want a space to be a kid
But like I said I do not care enough to really have arguments or whatever :P
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kccuddles · 1 year
My Days at school
My story, 2023: Part 9
If you haven't seen part 1, you may want to go and see that first but it's up to you, just if you want to catch up you should read them in order. Please don't judge me in the comments, this is just my life and I wanted to share that so if you don't like it just ignore it please, thank you!
16th of February, Thursday, 2023
So... Today the most exciting thing happened... well so far anyway... so, I saw the sexy teacher today (Mr Grierson), I didn't personally have him in class like the last 2 days but I was in study period outside and both of the study period classes were together so.. he was walking near us because he was taking the othe study class... he glanced at me a lot and I looked away and blushed like I do with all cute guys if they look at me! OMG, his eyes are so... soft and nice.. he's not very photogenic but I do have a photo of him from the newsletter because they were showing all the new staff which it was only him and a women that is a councillor. The first thing today when I saw him... he was walking out of class, I nearly jumped out of my skin, he shocked me that much my heart started to beat fast and do back flips from how excited it was! I took a couple of deep breathes and giggled with Renee, she stared at me when he came out and I turned to her and just said "I didn't even say a word!" and giggled again, then she said "I know what your thinking" with a giggle. LOL. God, I wish I could read his mind, what he thought about me.. because he sure does look at me quite a lot and I don't even talk to him, I'm pretty sure he looks at me extra... maybe he does the same with others and I'm just paranoid... not sure though! Everytime he went around the corners he took the last peek at my table then went into the class room everytime he came out which was 3 times... so im not sure if he was looking at me or.. just my table! Plus there is still no Tex from Luke... so yeahhhh... Anyway, mum also saw Sam working at the bottle shop again, he seems to really like my mum! So, sam was serving her and mum says "Hello!" In a happy tone/voice, then he turned and looked at mum, she said "I thought that you finished in this area" then he said "no, Saturday is my last day".. "I'm glad you noticed" he said with a smile! Then mum just talked about her night at work. Then he finished serving mum and said "I'm working days next door" (woolworths) then he said "aw, I won't see you again!" And mum smiled, then she looked for his name tag, didn't see one so she said "Thank you.. same is it?" Which she knows because I saw his name tag the last time at woolworths, he said "yes, what's your name?" Then she said her name, the "oh, see ya later" with a nod. Then mum said "see ya" and that was it with Sam! I can't wait to see him again.. he's not my crush yet because I hardly see him but in the future.. maybe!
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wndaswife · 2 years
Ohh I can definitely agree, January is definitely a slow moving month but I also kind of love it at the same time. It allows me to take a step back to slowly do things that I love and gives me the motivation to stay active in my self-care routines. Though it does feel like it's moving a bit faster than usual, probably because I'm anxious of turning 20 in February hhh
To be honest it kinda shocks me to think that some people think marvel movies are like that. Then again I try not to focus on their opinions too much cause it just seems like they can't enjoy a decent film or show without dissecting every little thing to criticize it negatively.
Though yeah Wind River was amazing even though I needed to take a break from serious films for a bit. I tend to really get invested in the storyline to the point where I can feel all the feelings/emotions the characters are going through and I end up just extremely emotionally drained afterwards. I don't know a better way to describing it but yeah ^^"
Out of curiosity though and a completely separate subject, have you ever watched a horror musical or is it not your thing?
- 🦐
ahhh that’s so true that it is moving pretty fast i mean it’s already been like two weeks since i last wrote anything.. 9 days since my library book became overdue… time flies even when you’re not having fun LMAO. im feeling lucky to have a late birthday i wanna do things before im 20.. meanwhile i’ve been laying on the couch for the last eight hours lord
when’s your birthday??? :D
people who take the high grounds with art are really terrible i can’t stand them
i’ve watched rocky horror picture show! i actually haven’t finished it ufhtjfnfkfn it was a really good movie tho i should pick it up again :) what are some other horror musicals??? i can’t think of any
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diaryofnicaraguan · 2 years
surprise, bitch.
it's been many years since i have been on tumblr. in true spirit of who i am, i cannot remember my old account login. she's a lost cause anyway. but it would've been fun to have gone back on the shit show i thought was cute. i'm glad to be back. blogging was an old passion of mine. when i first joined tumblr i was a junior in high school. (i've had a few accounts). a little over 10 years ago. *shocked* i'm now 30 years old. typing with a broken ring finger on my left hand, on the last day of 2022. to be honest i am not sure why i came back yet or what called me to come back. adele is currently playing in the back as i type away. it's therapy tbh. i wish in some way i could go back in time and hug myself. tell myself to not give up on my love for theatre. my love for music. my love for artistic expression. nowadays i'm swimming in regret and yearning to feel liberated. i've felt stuck. nostalgia is hitting me so hard as i maneuver through tumblr. the internet is not the same as it used to be. my thoughts are all over the place. i guess in order to be able to look back i want to point out some pros and cons of 2022.
let's start with cons: hospitalized and had to get surgery february, got shitty news about my health, my employment has been shit, external people came back into my life just to create more chaos, diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and ptsd. my marriage has had more downs than ups. gained too much weight. and i know im not as big as i use to big and im still cute-ish but having proven to myself i can lose weight and gain confidence fucked with me. my sister had a miscarriage that affected my family. my birthday sucked. i was pumped for my 30th birthday, and the whole week of my birthday just didn't feel right. *shrugs* Maybe 31 will be better?
moving on with pros: no lie i have sat here and thought hard. but i found some! even though marriage is rocky, there's been more mutual understanding & better communication. got amazing news about my health. found out i dont need surgery for my fractured finger. i became a certified, licensed technician. passed my exam with decent grades. i let go of friendships that i should never have gone back to. renewed my residency in the united states. now im good until 2032 (if i make it that far). also that shit was expensive. my mom (surprisingly) helped me pay it last time (2012). eventually i want to become a citizen...maybe. unless i go crazy and move to costa rica or puerto rico between now and 2032. the united states of america is anything but united. it's just getting shittier to live here.
overall rating of 2022: 1 out of 10. wouldn't recommend.
im usually not a fan of odd numbers but it seems to follow me. so maybe 2023 will be amazing. i plan on traveling more. chicago is my nearest escape from my hell. i miss being there with my husband. the vibes are always great there. it feels like home there. i have lived in small towns for the majority of my life. after i was accepted to columbia college chicago and shit didn't workout, i gave up that dream and settled for the small city of south bend. i fear i have outgrown my stay here. nothing but bad memories. also no privacy. a lot of people know who i am and who my husband is. im not a social butterfly. i am a couch cocoon.
i just want 2023 to be full of adventures. 2022 came and went and i feel empty. 2021 was such an exciting year. so many chicago trips. like literally at least once a month.
i'm determined to post at least once a day. it would be nice to look back at this on december 31, 2023 and laugh. i highly doubt anyone will read this but if for some odd reason someone does - i hope you all have an amazing 2023. i gotta get ready to go to my husbands bar to ring in the new year.
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tarastout · 2 years
Overheard Snippets of Conversations
"My old puppy died from eating chocolate."
"If you win, you change my poop; if I win, I get ice cream cake."
"Can people go east on me while I get the hang of this please?"
"All the guys here are recovering alcoholics, we will not sit in the bar!"
"He knows he's an alcoholic."
"Salad bowl head is testing my patience with these Arnold Palmer's, this is number 5."
"Guys, I'm out."
"John is so stinky, why is he even her?"
"She took my pizza for my customer."
"Oh my god, I can smell the smoke from here, it hit me in the face. She definitely smoked in the bathroom."
"Bark, bark, bark, bork, bork, bork, bark, bark bark."
"I missed three dollars, I'm not gonna cry about it."
"He wants them out of the group chat. They are done."
"I don't have enough money for a sandwich."
"Im calling you to let you know a bear got into your garbage again and drug it up the back creek into our yard. When are you going to come pick it up?"
"That's beerpressure."
"Its posty day, we going to see posty."
"Get two 6 packs so you don't run out."
"I'm not babysitting her if she gets too drunk, she can go right to her room."
"Can you come see the apartment Saturday at 1PM?"
"Charlie hasn't eaten in two days, I gotta take him to the vet."
" We goin to Top Golf first!"
"I'm going to fix Bridgette's shock before we leave."
"I'm so proud of you."
"You lost 9 pounds since February, that's not good."
"This is called the shit we do in the hood when we don't have an iron."
"Where should I clean first?"
"I don't want you to leave."
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pommpuriinn · 2 years
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txt on jessi’s showterview
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joohyung moments on showterview ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)
✦  jessi is really excited to meet the boys, but especially their only female member. "Oh my god please introduce yourself!" Jessi voiced startled Joohyung causing everyone to laugh. "Oh sorry I just couldn't hold it in." She chuckled while moving her hair over her shoulder.
"No it's ok-"
"Wait, wait," the boys were laughing at how jessi was collecting herself as she heard Joohyung talk. "She has a soft quiet voice huh?" Beomgyu smiled. "She does! I feel like I could fall asleep in a good way of course." Joohyung was covering her laugh with the back of her hand feeling embarrassed. "Oh thank you." She said formally. "Everyone gets shocked whenever Joohyung speaks because her voice is so light." Taehyun added and the members agreeing.
"Ok Im sorry for interrupting but please continue." Jessi fixed herself before looking at Joohyung again. "It's ok." Joohyung chuckled and turned to face the camera. "Hello I'm txt's noona Joohyung~" she smiled and waved with both hands at the camera.
"Noona?! What the fuck?" Everyone in the studio bursted out laughing. "Like you're the oldest in the group?!" Joohyung composed herself before answering, "yeah mine birthday is couple months before Yeonjun's."
"We were shocked too once we found out." Hueningkai laughed. "I remembered when we first met her I was like " oh, hello my name is Yeonjun, but you can call me oppa if you like." But she told me her birthday month is February I immediately bowed saying "I'm sorry noona I didn't know." I panicked."
"I remembered." Soobin laughed hitting Yeonjun's arm.
✦ "Ok now I'm coming towards Joohyung with the camera." Jessi was doing the segment where she showed the viewers a close up of the idols faces. "Oh my god your so pretty!" The complement caused Joohyung to blush. Jessi gasped, "your skin is so soft and you have such a small face."
"We call her quail egg because her face is so small." Beomgyu shared to Jessi. "If I don't answer when they call me they start calling me quail egg to see if I answer." Joohyung told Jessi causing her and the staff to laugh at her confession. "You make it sound like we bully you." Soobin laughed covering his mouth.
"Ok, ok let's move on," Jessi laughed. "Let's show moa your outfit since I heard you really like fashion and love dressing yourself." Jessi held Joohyung's hand to gently pull her off her chair. Jessi then covered her mouth, "yah, do you work out?" Joohyung looked at her with gently eyes, "yes."
"I feel like your acting innocent because no innocent person has such a tone tummy like that." Jessi looked back at her staff. "Do you guys see this?" The camera zoomed in on Joohyung's toned stomach she has little faint abs showing. "I actually like working out and I work out with taehyunie a lot." Out of no where Beomgyu said something that made all the members hit his arms.
"You should see her legs."
The pain caused Beomgyu to yell. "You asked for it." Yeonjun said. Joohyung just stood there laughing at Beomgyu. "Thanks for saying my legs look good beomie."
✦ After causing Jessi distressed with a little quiz game they set up for her. She wanted them to play a guessing game as well. "Ok, so Joohyung is going to take both turns in both teams just so it can be even." Jessi explained.
Being in the maknae line team went pretty quickly since they got the answers pretty quick. At their turn Joohyung stay stood up ready for the other team's turn with Jessi. Joohyung stood behind Yeonjun just hearing everyone laugh and yell. "I'm nervous now." Joohyung mumbled. "It's ok your going to do great." Yeonjun held her hand behind his back reassuring her.
She soon felt Soobin tap her shoulder. He embarrassing made cupping motions on his chest causing Joohyung to give him a shocked face. "I'm sorry!" He was turning red. "It's a fruit!" Jessi was laughing. Joohyung tapped Yeonjun's shoulder, just as she was going to do the motion she burst out laughing causing Yeonjun to look confused. Soon Joohyung did the same motion as Soobin. It immediately made Yeonjun get flustered. "Yah! Why are you getting red!" Beomgyu pointed at Yeonjun.
"Ah! I feel like I shouldn't get this right!" He looked at the staff as they were holding their stomachs from laughing so much today.
"Watermelon?" The team did a quick group hug before returning the their seats and finishing the video with a their performance for loser lover.
✦ "Let's have some last words from our  beautiful Joohyung." Jessi smiled at her. "Um, I had fun today and I wanted to thank you for making this a comfortable experience for us and I hope you can bring us back again for our next comeback." Joohyung nodded at the camera giving her last words.
"Don't worry I will for sure bring txt back and thank you for watching this is showterview!"
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<Joohyung’s outfit/makeup>
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