#i should make a ship name for them but i'm lazy
theroundbartable · 5 months
(sending hugs)
what are your thoughts about aithusa? personally i love her way to much, but she rarely comes up in fandom discourse
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HEY :D Thoughts about AIthusa, huh? I have many of those. Thoughts, I mean. In my brain. They like to swim around and create a whole mess of things sometimes.
I think the reason why Aithusa doesn't come up in fandom discourse often is because there isn't very much to say. Aithusa was born, then color coded as a sign for the golden future of Camelot and was then abandoned by Merlin. Tortured by a crazy guy. Then raised by Morgana and used to create the sword that later killed Arthur. Whenever they come up in fandom discouse, it's mostly about Merlin doing his job as Dragon Lord right or wrong. But you wanted my thoughts, so I'm gonna allow my head to spin weird shit around the ungendered Dragon. (That is why I will use they/them pronouns for Aithusa.) When it comes to Aithusa's name, not the canon translation, I mean what it literally means, it's hard to find, since they used old English for the language of magic, and I think Greek for the language of the Dragon Lords (which doesn't necessarily have to apply to the Dragon names) and I haven't seen anyone make a post about it. All I get from Google translate is "Hey you" in Gaelic and that's a bit useless. Or well, this:
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The automatic language recognition in Google would let me interpret Aithusa as a gift to the world. Or Arthur, depending on your shipping interests. Or, you know, if I could make up the Old English maybe pseudo-parts of the word (the writers were very lazy in BBC Merlin, they are literally quoting Beowulf when Merlin magics the blue ball in the poisoned chalice.). Something fitting I found in my old English dictionary is agan, meaning to possess, and to own, and thus (spelled with a thorn which my keyboard doesn't have) meaning as follows. So, in my absolutely amateurish and interpretational, and way too far reaching ways, I would say Aithusa could mean: A(gan) thus (a): To own the future.
(Again, you asked for my thoughts, this is not canon and probably pointless, I just needed to go down this route first.)
In the fandom wiki, we find THESE informations on Aithusa.
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So, things we do know are very few
Aithusa is a baby
Aithusa was tortured and is therefore crippled
Aithusa cannot talk
Aithusa probably has Stockholm Syndrom because of Morgana
But you know, I think it's very interesting to know that Aithusa is the Light of the Sun, the literal sign for a Golden Future and that very sign can be hurt by a mere human. Not only does this mean that humans can kill Dragons (the Dragon lore doesn't make any sense, I swear to god) but it's also meant to be symbolism. Merlin, just like Arthur, is shown to be his own doom through Aithusa. They are hidden, tortured, kept from living their truth, abandoned by everyone who should be leading and protecting them.
With Aithusa being born it means that at that point, Merlin had already fulfilled his destiny. At this point in time, the golden age is already there and it should have been a sign for Merlin to speak up about his magic. He never did, that's why Aithusa remains mute. And just like magic itself, when harmed or in danger, Aithusa can easily be used for evil.
Apart from the symbolism and their part in Arthur's death, Aithusa doesn't contribute much to the story, I think. Yes, they console Morgana and they are like the continuation of the Dragon lineage, but that's ultimately pointless. Aithusa will be, inevitably, be the last Dragon. Which is honestly really cruel, but again, parallel to Merlin himself. That's where Aithusa's arc ends, unfortuntaley. Personally, knowing all that, I find Aithusa hard to use as the character they are in canon. With what little defines their character, you have to ultimately change everything about them to use them in fun fics and comics and stuff. That's why they end up as a little dog creature so often.
Don't get me wrong, I love Aithusa. But I love FANON Aithusa, just like I prefer fanon Sir Leon over canon Sir Leon. Because fanon Aithusa is like a domesticated chicken that Merlin keeps in his rooms or fights custody over with Morgana while Arthur is either oblivious, supportive, or being gaslit. But maybe I am overlooking a lot of things. So, if any of you like to disagree or add anything to my points, feel free to engage ^^
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pierswife · 5 months
Hey guuuuuys
As a heads up, I'm going to be converting this blog to be mostly my main/pokemon blog. I've been thinking about it for a while tbh and when it comes down to it, I've been feeling a huge disconnect from selfshipping as a whole for a while. It was nice and a great way for me to cope before I was able to get mental health care, but it's definitely more of a hobby now more than anything. Don't get me wrong, I still love my funky little gals and guys and it's fun to think about them in different scenarios! I'm still going to always lose my shit over Piers! But honestly? All of my "inserts" have basically come into their own, if that makes sense. They are not me. They may share a name with me sometimes but that's definitely an OC, that and I'm too lazy to rename the various Mandas and Jeannes across franchises cause that shit is a lot of work. And besides, literally everyone who has made a character has put some of themself into it and I know that I'm not wrong--
Now, what does this mean for me/the blog?
I'm still gonna post how I feel like posting. Things are going to be a lot less selfship focused. If anything, I'm leaning more on the side of oc x canon and oc x oc cause that's where I'm finding more enjoyment. No more fancy carrd with f/os and all that happy stuff, it's just going to be an about. No long ass dni honestly who the hell even takes the time to read them anymore (I mean, I do, but not the point I'm trying to make here). Granted my dni was never long in the first place but kgjwjdjejejjfayhs still. I'm still deciding if I'm going to go through the blogs I follow and trim things up. If I unfollow you, by no means is it anything against you and there are no hard feelings on my end. And if you'd like to unfollow me due to my focus shift, I encourage that.
Honestly over all, I haven't had a lot of energy to be publicly online in a while, anyway. It's what happens when you work full time, go to school part time, and have some mental disorders and a chronic illness that's been fucking you over since you were 2. The burnout is real lmao. I'd rather enjoy myself when I'm on tumblr than be all bleh, ya know?
I mean this when I say I did enjoy my time when I was selfship focused, but I think that part of my life is... Not quite behind me, but not a major part of my future anymore. In some aspects, it made my mental health worse, if I'm being honest, and I should have never let it get to that point. Granted that was before I was able to get diagnosed and start my mental health journey, but still. Should have stopped as soon as I felt myself not doing okay. I'm not going to dumb down or sugar coat myself anymore (granted I haven't been for a while but eh is what it is). I'm probably going to be leaving most servers I've been a part of and clean up my discord as well.
I'll still post self ship stuff here occasionally cause I mean, c'mon it's my blog I can do whatever the hell I want with it forever.
But I do think it's time to finally start finishing up this chapter. I'll forever and always be Amanda Pierswife though, you can pry this url from my cold, dead hands <3
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sp4ceboo · 11 months
Cyar'ika: Din Djarin x Reader
A/N: wrote this when i was younger but i still kinda like it so excuse the cheese (i know the text dividers are off centre ok dont come for me)
Warnings: blood, injuries, fever, angsty, i think there's swearing, massive cheesiness at the end and tooth rotting fluff
Word Count: <2500
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You've known Mando - Din, since you two were children, playing at the ankles of the other, older, Mandalorians. You two grew up together, trained with each other, told each other your names at hardly a blink of an eye, swore yourselves to the Creed on the same day. After that, you two did go your separate ways, him joining the Guild as a bounty hunter, you deciding to do the same job, except you didn't work for the Guild. Because of this, you two didn't see each other often, but that's fine because you made time for each other. Din's probably the only person you trust. And him, well, he definitely trusts you. If he didn't, you two wouldn't be friends. You're the only person he goes out of his way to meet up with for company, and nothing else.
So hopefully he won't mind that you just managed to break into his ship so you could get somewhere where the beskar won't be ripped off your body by people taking advantage of your current state. Or that despite both your hands pressed into the wound, you're bleeding all over the floor from the wound that you recieved after being a little bit too lazy on a hunt. Or that smear of gore left behind you when you dragged yourself up the cargo ramp. Or the fact that you could very well steal the child from where he's sleeping peacefully in the cot to your right.
You know he'll see the scuff marks and prints in the dust around his ship, so you aren't surprised when he climbs up the ramp with his blaster raised and ready.
'Hands up,' he says in that cool, measured voice that you love, despite the crackle of static that masks it almost fully. Your heart aches, because it reminds you that you'll never see him with his helmet off, unless he... No, he'd never. To Din, you're a friend. Nothing else.
'I - I don't think I can put my hands up,' you gasp out. 'Unless you want my guts on your floor.' 'Stars, Y/N,' he mutters, and you grin weakly under your helmet, which turns to a grimace as he scoops you up, careful not to jar your gloved hands where they're pressed against your side. 'G - guess I should h - have listened to you when we were y - ounger and you t - told me I had to be more careful,' you grit out.
'Shut up,' he mutters, setting you down carefully on his cot and moving lightning fast from crate to crate, rummaging through them, cursing under his breath, the closest to panic you've ever seen. Eventually, he growls a long string of Outer Rim expletives since all he has is a needle and thread. Your eyes droop, and somehow he must know, because he practically slaps you across the helmet, the jolt making your eyes snap back open, a whimper falling from your lips, your hands weakening as they press into your wound, keeping the blood in.
'Stay awake,' he pleads. 'I'm sorry, I don't have any - any bacta. I've got to stitch you up before I leave to get any. I'm going to have to t - take this off, okay?'
'Don't - don't let me die, Din,' you pant, and you could swear you hear a choked sob as he yanks his gloves off; his warm, steady hands start ripping away your breastplate, then your undershirt, and you can't help but notice the way his calluses scrape against the scar marred skin of your stomach. You focus on the feel of it, jaw clenched, trying to blot out the pain.
'Oh Maker,' he gulps, surveying your wound, and you don't dare look, just fix your eyes on his visor, right where you know his eyes are. He threads the needle, cursing his clumsiness, and suddenly 
Blinding pain. Throbbing through your stomach, bright shafts of agony, and you swallow your scream, hands fisting in Din's sheets. You hear yourself gasping his name, but he doesn't, won't stop, apologizing again and again as he sews you back up, and dimly, your voice begs him to distract you, and then there's that soft baritone, masked by the vocoder, yet still there, still human, and you fall silent, focusing on his voice, anything but the pain, and he's whispering things you hear but don't understand, his voice engulfing you - and then it stops. The pain reduces, and the muscles you unknowingly tensed relax.
'What?' You slur. 'I'm finished. Go to sleep, cyar'ika.'
Your brain registers the last word more than the others. Sweetheart, in Mando'a. He just - Din just called you... The rest of your brain deciphers the former part of his sentence, and your eyelids slam shut.
────── ⋆⋅✦⋅⋆ ──────
You wake up shivering. Din's crouched by the cot, one hand on the skin of your neck since he can't exactly touch your forehead. You giggle deliriously at the thought of taking off your helmet in front of him, and he cocks his head.
'Y/N?' He asks softly, and you become aware that the shirt on you is far too big and definitely smells like him. Underneath is some gauze over your stitches, and you can tell that he's already applied the bacta. 'This your shirt?' You slur, even though it's pretty obvious. Din turns his helmet away, and you feel his gaze move off you. 'I got the bacta too late,' he says, voice heavy with worry. 'You've got a fever.'
'Cold,' you mumble, and suddenly, he looks so warm, so inviting, and some weird part of your memory remembers Din's basically a furnace. You wrap your fingers around his wrist, yanking him towards you. No way he's caught by surprise, Din doesn't do surprised, so he must let you drag him closer so you can bury your face into the fabric of his cape, feeling the heat of his body radiating through the cloth. Happily, you sigh, one hand crawling over his shoulder to start undoing his breastplate.
'Y/N,' he chokes out as you chuck it over his shoulder and meld yourself into his chest, absorbing his warmth. 'Why are you calling me my name now? You called me cyar'ika before,' you whine, not really aware that you're speaking out loud. He freezes, then his hand cups the back of your neck and  pulls you close, stroking your hair. 'Go to sleep,' he soothes, but his voice shakes a little. 'But - ' 'I'll - I'll explain to you later,' he mutters, and touches his forehead to yours. 'Keldabe kiss,' you mumble, and he nods. 'Yeah. Sleep now.' He pauses. 'Cyar'ika.'
────── ⋆⋅✦⋅⋆ ──────
You stand under the shower head in the 'fresher, wishing the hot water pummeling your skin could wash away all your worries.
You didn't actually believe it was possible to avoid Din on a ship as small as the Razor Crest until... well, until you proved yourself wrong by doing exactly that. And Din was probably doing the same, so whenever you two do pass by each other, there's a thick silence that is only punctuated by the child's coos - probably of confusion, since the two bucket headed humans which he's always seen together are now doing all they can to stay away from each other.
To be honest, you're running out of excuses to escape to a room where Din isn't. You're almost healed now, fever broken a day ago, wound near gone, thanks to the bacta Din left out for you since he's definitely not going to smear it on while you two are acting like the other doesn't exist. The wound still hurts a bit, and you know it's going to be hard to take out the stitches without help, but you'll risk pretty much anything to avoid having to talk out your whiny clinginess during the fever with Din.
You know it's going to happen eventually; one of you is going to break and blurt something out, and you're determined not to be the first, because you have no idea what the outcome will be. And because you're scared - scared that if you stop acting like nothing happened, Din will reveal that he doesn't like you like you like him and the friendship, the trust that you two had built, will all crumble to nothing but memories.
So you stay silent. And you linger in the rooms where Din is not as much as possible. Reaching to the side, you switch off the water, as usual, so Din gets some hot water too, but unlike normally, you sit down in the shower with your back to the tiles, letting the steam warm you until it gets too cold to procrastinate any longer and you're forced to dry yourself off and throw on some clothes. Just before you leave, you lift up your shirt and look at the stitches - the stitches Din made - and look at them. If they stay in any longer, they're likely to get infected. You know that you can't reach them at a good angle, and you risk injuring yourself if you take them out by yourself, but it's not like you can do anything else. Dropping the shirt hem, you slip on your helmet and unlock the 'fresher door and walk slap bang into Din.
'Sorry,' you both mutter at the same time. You move to edge around him, but he doesn't budge, or refuses to budge, so you have to stand there, in front of him, waiting for him. 'Your stitches need to be removed soon,' he says. 'Yeah,' you nod. It's torture, standing there, so close together yet so far apart. 'I should take them out.'
You press your lips together, needing to get past, to run from him. Suddenly, you burst out in a frustrated barrage of words. 'Stars, are you just going to stand there all day? What do you want me to say? What do you want me to do, Mando?' He takes a step back. You haven't called him Mando in private since you told each other your names, years ago. 'Y/N?' 'Why haven't you kicked me out of your ship yet?' You snap, knowing you've gone too far but not able to help it. 'It's obvious you don't want to look at me let alone get my stitches out so why don't you just chuck me out through the hatch and let me go be miserable somewhere else?' 'I wouldn't - I don't - ' 'Yeah, sure,' you say bitterly. 'Of course you'll get my stitches out, of course you wouldn't chuck me out the hatch, of course I'm someone you want here, of course you... of course you love me like I love you.' Your voice cracks, and if he was still before during your rant, now he's frozen. A sob threatens to break from your lips, because he's not moving, he doesn't care, of course he doesn't, and you don't want to cry in front of him, so you turn away, grab the 'fresher door handle -
A hand closes around your wrist. 'Stop.'
But you don't want to see it. You don't want to see the pitying black stare of his visor, don't want him to try and break it to you gently that he doesn't want you, so you snatch your hand back and slam the door behind you, lock it. Your helmet falls with a clang to the 'fresher floor, and you swipe at the tears blurring your vision, huddling into yourself. A lump forms in your throat, and you attempt to swallow it down, holding in your sobs because you know Din will hear them, and somehow, still, you don't want him to. You know it will hurt him. And none of this is his fault, you don't want to put this on him. Surely, this is your fault. Your fault for falling for a man who doesn't love you back.
────── ⋆⋅✦⋅⋆ ──────
You don't know how much later, but you're still on the 'fresher floor, helmet off, everything unchanged but for the door; unlocked. Unlocked, because you still cling onto a small hope that he'll want you, that he'll open the door and scoop you up and... Your heart pangs, and you swipe at another tear that falls. The silence seems to swallow your sniffles which feel so pitful, so weak, and you stare balefully at the shower head, wishing that it was still you and Din, friends, and nothing more.
There's a knock on the door, and that voice sounds, forcing you to hide your face in your hands to smother another choked sob as it speaks. 'Y/N... Y/N, put on your helmet.' You don't think, you just obey his voice because you've got no life left in you, no fight. The door eases open, and he stands there. 'I - I'm not good at talking,' he starts. 'But I want you to... I... it hurts me to see you like this.' You stare at him, silent, unresponsive, hopeless now. 'Just... get to the point.' 'Y/N...' His voice cracks. 'I love you too.' He falls to his knees in front of you as you don't move so much as an inch, your tears starting again. He grabs your hand in his, and with his other, he hooks his fingers under his helmet and lifts -
Your eyes slam shut. 'No.' You gasp. 'No, Din. The - the Creed.' 'I don't care,' he growls. 'Look at me. Look at me.' You shake your head. 'Stop. Please.' 'I love you, Y/N,' he says softly. 'I love you, cyar'ika.'
Your body goes rigid, and of their own accord, your eyes open for a split second before you squeeze them shut again, but his face is engraved in your memory. Soft looking, brown curls, gentle eyes which belong wholly to Din, lips which...
He gathers you in his arms. 'I know you saw,' he whispers. 'Marry me, cyar'ika.' Your tongue speaks for you before your brain can catch up. 'Yes, Din, anything.' He kisses the beskar cheek of your helmet, and you drink in his features, those beautiful eyes, as he speaks. 'I'm sorry I didn't...' You shake your head cutting him off. 'Seriously?' You say, voice still wobbling. 'You just black mailed me. If I didn't marry you, you'd have been forced to kill me.' His laugh without the vocoder makes you melt. 'I guess I was hoping you'd say yes.'
You yank your helmet off, and his eyes have barely settled on your face before you hook an arm around his neck and pull him towards you, locking your mouth onto his. He kisses you back with the desperation of a man who needs you like he needs air, his lips soft as he tangles his hands into your hair. You pull away, glancing back at your helmet which has rolled over to rest against his.
'My cyar'ika,' he murmurs, cupping your face in his callused hands, and you turn your gaze back to him.
'My riduur.'
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mark-the-snark · 2 years
like we should all learn from the miraculous fandom, their shipnames are UNDERSTANDABLE and PRACTICAL.
We have: leosagi, katanashipping, leoichi, leochi, sliderbunny, yuinardo LIKE DAMN.
My suggestion: every version of the ship gets its own ship name.
2012 leo x yuichi - yuinardo. Easy
Rise!Miyamoto usagi x Rise! Leo - sliderbunny. We shouldn't use leosagi guys we had this intervention already and it's not working.
And lastly my favorite: Rise! Leo x Yuichi - leoichi or leochi. We don't need two, idk why we have two but one of them needs to go pronto.
Did I make this post only because i'm tired of tagging? Yes. Am i right and i should say it? Also yes.
Now tell me what you guys think cuz i think i'm very smart for this 😤 and i'm also very lazy so feel free to repost and steal this idea cuz i rlly don't wanna tag most of these every time i post these guys
Also Ooo look whats under this read more button some leoichi fanart maybe u should click this if u read this whole post as a lil prize
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now spread my wisdom.
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wsdanon · 5 months
among us au please?
hi \o/ firstly i'm going to direct you here for some backstory/information about the au
next: here is a bit of the first chapter \o/! it's 2500 words basically so reblogs are appreciated but it does cut off before a proper chapter resolution
Really, there are better things Felps could be doing with his life. But technically he’s obligated to do this, and he hasn’t found anything else to do, so, here he is. Handing over the fake ID Cellbit made for him. 
The security guard barely even scrutinises it before passing it back, and nodding him through. It’s always a gamble, though. So, he keeps walking until he’s far enough out of view that the other guards won’t really pay attention to him, and lingers until Cellbit catches up. 
“Easy.” Cellbit mutters. “I don’t even think he read our names.”
“Well, easier is better, right?” 
“So careless. It’s like they’re asking us to kill them.”
“He’s not in the line of fire.” Felps says with a shrug. “Even with all the security crackdowns, no ports have been attacked yet.”
“We should change that.” Cellbit says, far too determined for Felps’ liking.
“I dunno… you know the plan. Cucurucho won’t like it if we deviate from it.”
“Fuck him.” Cellbit hisses. “Any day now I’m going to get you your freedom, and then we can kill whoever the fuck we like.”
“Keep your voice down.”
Felps says it calmly, but he won’t deny that the slight rise in Cellbit’s volume sent a spike of fear through him. Cellbit doesn’t seem to care as much—confident that he’ll be able to break them out of whatever prison—but Felps would rather not chance it. That’s the whole reason they’re doing this, after all. He’s caught between a prison sentence from the Federation, and a prison sentence from the human government.
Ultimately, Cellbit would prefer the latter, Felps is sure. If the Federation finds out he’s travelling with Felps, they’ll probably just kill him. 
Thankfully, though, Cellbit changes the topic to something less incriminating, and Felps spends the rest of the walk through the station feeling calmer. Until they hit the body scanners. 
The ID check is always easy. Even when heavily scrutinised, Cellbit is good enough at making them that they always end up passing through with no problems. 
The body scanner is a different subject. 
It’s finicky. Relies entirely on Cellbit’s ability to successfully use sleight of hand to put in the USB with the code that’ll make Felps look human, and then take it out again. Without any guards noticing. 
One of the reasons they hit this port specifically, though, was that they haven’t been involved in any incidents. No caught aliens, and no departing ships that never arrive to their destinations. The crackdown has been intense, but people are lazy. A persistent, unconscious thought of, but it’d never happen to me. 
This station is fairly busy, too. A lot to keep an eye on, no reminder to keep an eye on it—it’s the best shot they have.
Cellbit steps on first. The holographic grid climbs up his body, and then back down. He’s waved along. He stops, and leans close to the guard—his elbow resting on the desk, hand lingering past their view. Easily, he slips the USB into the computer.
“I’m just gonna wait for my friend, is that okay?” 
Felps can’t hear him over the crowd, but they’ve gone over the plans a million times. 
The security guard nods, looking bored. Felps steps onto the platform. The scanner sweeps over him, static and nerves following it. But it’s easy enough to keep his cool while his heart is beating in his throat. He’s always been good at that, even without the amount of practice he’s been put through recently. 
He steps off the platform. Doesn’t even get the chance to worry as the computer quickly confirms him as human. The guard waves him through. Cellbit pushes himself away from the desk—USB safely retrieved, and quickly hidden back in his sleeve. 
“Easy.” Cellbit mutters again. 
“Easy is good.” Felps reminds him again.
When they first started doing this, Cellbit used to revel in all the gaps of transport security, and how easy it was to exploit them. Felps thinks, maybe, Cellbit misses the challenge a little. He doesn’t know a lot about what put Cellbit on that prisoner transport ship, but with the gleeful look in his eyes when he murders, he can take a guess. 
“Do you remember where our ship is?” Felps asks, before Cellbit goes on another rant about lax security.
“Of course I do.” 
Cellbit takes his arm, and pulls him off in a direction. Felps lets himself be led. 
It’s a smaller ship, as usual. Which means it’ll stay in port until they arrive. Felps is tempted to take a detour to eat a proper meal before they leave, but he knows they need to stake out the situation. 
The information on this ship is frighteningly scarce. Usually Cellbit can have a whole crew list pulled up, as well as general spaceship schematics. This one has nothing, though. All they managed to find was a list of potential departure stations so they could sway the choice their way. 
It’s not the kind of mission Felps is happy to take. Cellbit’s eyes had practically lit up the second he realised it wasn’t going to be easy, and had spent roughly the next forty eight hours trying to dig up any scraps of information he could. 
Felps hid all his coffee sometime around hour number thirty nine; when he was too focused on the investigation to remember how much he had in stock, and figured he had just run out. Or, that’s what Felps assumes, considering Cellbit never bothered him about the missing coffee. Either way, he eventually passed out at his desk.
The point is, even though they should be through the difficult part, Felps still feels his unease grow. 
Cellbit stops abruptly, Felps bumping into him. 
“There.” He points over to airlock number six. “That one.”
Felps cranes to try and look at the ship through the window. It doesn’t look like a model he’s familiar with, but he’s a little too far away to tell.
“Let’s go introduce ourselves then.”
They walk over, dodging through the crowd. There’s no one waiting outside the airlock yet, but Felps catches a glimpse of someone with bright pink hair carrying cargo onto the ship. 
He makes a beeline towards them. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Cellbit heading to the window facing the ship. Felps knocks quickly on the edge of the airlock to announce his presence. 
“Yeah, hold on.” 
The voice is familiar, but Felps can’t place it. Probably just the accent. 
They place down the boxes hastily, turn around—and practically jump five feet into the air.
“What the fuck?” Mike exclaims, eyes wide. “Felps? You’re alive?”
Ah. That’s why it’s familiar. 
“Oh. Yeah!” Okay, this complicates things. “Hi, Mike!”
“What are you doing here?” 
“I’m the pilot.” 
“You’re—? Ugh.” Mike swipes a hand under his glasses, and drags it back down his face, clearly annoyed. “These stupid fucking blackout documents. Well, it is good to see you, at least.”
“It’s good to see you, too.” And it is, really. Felps had grown… maybe too attached to him and Pac. “I’m here with Cellbit—he’s my co-pilot.”
“Cellbit made it out, too? Damn, soon you’ll be telling me the murders just completely stopped after we left.”
“Ah, I wouldn’t know.” Felps lies. “We took a page out of your book.”
“Good idea.”
“So, you’re working here?” Felps asks, dread curling through him. 
He managed to get Cellbit to leave them alone before, but this ship is a lot smaller. They probably won’t get that luxury this time. 
“Yeah, me and Pac. We’re the engineers.”
Not nice. Really not nice. Shit.
“Well,” Mike points a thumb behind him, “Pac’s in the engine room setting some stuff up if you want to go say hi.”
He resolutely tries to ignore the butterflies floating through his chest at the thought of seeing Pac again. He’s probably going to have to let Cellbit kill them, now is not the time.
“Thanks. I think Cellbit’s taking a look at the ship.”
“Cool, cool. I’ll see you later, then.”
“See you later.”
As they go their separate ways, Felps quickly messages Cellbit the news. Then he tries to find his way towards the engineering room. 
It’s more difficult than it should be. The ship’s layout isn’t like any he’s been on before, and there’s absolutely no maps, or directions anywhere. But finally, he stumbles into the place. The heat from the engines is overwhelming, but nice. Felps rarely feels temperatures that mimic the types of weather he grew up with. 
There’s a grate on the floor that’s pulled up, and Felps can see a blue hoodie, and black hair crouched down in the space revealed. 
“Hi!” Felps calls out over the sound of idling engines, trying not to startle him.
It doesn’t work. Pac yelps, and there’s the distinct sound of something being dropped. Then he pokes his head out from the space, and grins.
“Felps!” Pac pulls himself up so he can sit on the floor, legs still dangling over the edge. “Mike told me you were here.”
In lieu of taking off the hoodie, he’s just pushed the sleeves up to his elbows. Grease covers his arms—there’s spots of it on his face, too. He looks good. 
“Yeah! It’s good to see you again.”
“You too! Man, I’m so glad you’re alive.” Pac winces. “Sorry we didn’t take you with us. It’s just the lights went out, and we couldn’t find you, and then—uh, yeah. We, like, had to get out.”
Felps keeps his eyes carefully trained on Pac’s face, instead of letting them dip down to where his legs are. He’s not supposed to know about that.
“It’s fine.” He says with a shrug. “Me and Cellbit got out pretty much right after you, anyway.”
“That’s good.” Pac clicks his fingers. “Oh, hey, have you met Miss Government Agent yet?”
“Miss—huh?” He laughs, not worried about the fact it sounds nervous. He thinks anyone would be in this situation. “A government agent?”
“Yeah! She’s who we’re transporting. Bagi, her name is.” Pac lifts his legs out of the hole so he can stand up. He’s wearing long pants, so from Felps’ brief glance, he still has no idea what his leg looks like now—how well it managed to heal, if it did at all. “I know, I know those blackout documents are so annoying, right? But, yeah, that’s the reason—safety protocols, and all that. I don’t even know what she does in the government, it’s that top secret! I can introduce you guys, if you want?”
“Oh, sure. Thank you.” He watches Pac shift the grate back in place. “Unless you’re busy?”
“Nah, Mike’s better with all this stuff, anyway.” Pac shrugs, and wipes his hands together as if that would do anything but just smudge the grease more. “He’ll do a check over on my work, and finish up anything I missed.”
“Okay, nice.”
God, he never should’ve let Cellbit accept this mission. A government agent? Who the government is going to these lengths to protect? They’re never going to live comfortably again if they follow through with it—constantly on the run from authorities who would never leave a case as big as this alone. 
Pac grabs a rag near his toolbox, and absently attempts to clean the grease from himself.
“Also, don’t be surprised if you see a kid running around.” Pac informs him. “His name is Richarlyson, and—my god, Felps—he’s so cute.”
Felps feels the blood freeze in his veins.
“A kid? There’s a kid here?”
“Yeah, he’s mine and Mike’s actually.” Pac says, unaware of Felps’ escalating crisis. “We adopted him—totally legally, by the way—hm, maybe earlier this year?”
“Oh, how cool!”
A kid. Felps can’t kill a kid. Well, technically he hasn’t really killed anyone, but he knows that the blood on Cellbit’s hands may as well be on his, too. 
They’ve never been in a situation where a kid was on the line. Felps doesn’t know how to proceed now that there is.
He knows he’s gotten a reputation within the Federation of being brutal, but efficient. All Cellbit, really, but Cucurucho doesn't know about him. Maybe that’s why he was given this mission.  
But he hasn’t even come to terms with the fact he’ll need to let Cellbit actually kill Pac and Mike this time. And now there’s a kid. And they also need to kill a government agent, too, and there’s no way the aftermath of that is going to be pretty.
This is very quickly spiraling out of control—veering heavily away from the kind of chaos Felps enjoys with these missions.  
He needs to talk to Cellbit. Quickly. 
But, for now, he also needs information. So, he follows Pac out of the engine room, and down the confusing hallways. 
“The ship layout is very strange.” Felps comments.
“Yeah, you can thank Mike for that.” Pac says with a laugh. “He designed it.”
“Really? That’s cool.”
“We built it a couple years back. I don’t know why the government wants to use our ship, though. Surely they’ve got better ones at their disposal, right?”
“Must be to do with the whole secret thing.” Felps shrugs. “Like, if people want to attack the ship a government agent is on in the middle of space, they’re probably not going to look for something two random guys built, right?”
Not like it really worked out for them. Somehow Cucurucho still got their hands on the information.
“Ohhh, very true, very true.” Pac sends him a smile, and Felps tries not to trip over his feet at the sight of it. “You’re very smart, Felps.”
“Thanks!” He thinks he’s smiling a little too much like an idiot at the compliment, and quickly changes topics. “Wait, but if it’s your ship, why are me and Cellbit here? Surely you both can fly it.”
“Well, we can, but… I dunno. More hands on deck if there’s an emergency, maybe?” 
“Ah, true.”
“Here, let me connect to your comm—I’ll give you a map.” 
Pac stops in them in the middle of the hallway. While he’s distracted with the task, Felps takes the opportunity to drink in the sight of him—now that they’re closer and he can see all the little details more clearly. He looks mostly the same as Felps remembers, honestly. Still beautiful. If Felps had to point out what’s changed, he’d say that Pac looks less scared.
See, Felps hasn’t been able to forget the expression on Pac’s face when the lights turned out, and Cellbit tackled him to the ground. Even after all this time, he can still conjure the sound of Pac’s screams of pain, and desperate pleas for help clearly in his mind. 
Felps usually likes to let Cellbit have his fun. This was the first—and only—time he’d ever interrupted that.
It’s… nice to see Pac not so scared.
and that's what i have so far \o/! hope you guys enjoyed! unfortunately this is way too much of a multi-chaptered fic for me to work on actively right now, but maybe when i finish one of the others i'll come back to it
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hey did you hear the rumor that Rw&rb was originally a social network fanfic? Cursed if true, hilarious slander to be accused of such a thing if not
I've heard it and it feels like kind of a lazy critique of a thing that's bad under its own merits. McQuiston has been pretty vocal about their fan fic writing and the influence is very obviously there, but they've also talked a lot about how RW&RB was a coping mechanism for the shitshow of the 2016 election and subsequent disasters. while I do think it's a weird coping mechanism that probably should have stayed between them and their group chat, I don't think the fanfic accusations are particularly valuable additions to the discourse.
in the first place it just doesn't really math out for me. McQuiston was, allegedly, not just a social network writer but a social network RPF writer shipping Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield (which. lmao) and even if they were drawing something from that fic, the fact that the leads in RW&RB are, you know, a prince of England and the US president's son (who's not even white!) would mean that McQuiston was writing an AU deep that they were essentially working with OC's, in which case making it final by changing the names and other details and publishing it as original fiction is honestly just the smart thing to do.
but idk, something about it also just feels... weird and icky to me? like I think criticisms of both romance novels and fanfic can verge misogynistic really fast (not to say neither of these things should be criticized ever, but people often skip actual nuanced engagement in favor of "isn't this and whoever writes/enjoys it silly?"), and I've always felt there's a little whiff of something yucky in the implication that starting as a piece of fanfic would make a book inherently more deserving of ridicule. like, sure, it's funny that Fifty Shades started off as Twilight fanfic because it's inherently funny to see the millennial mormon romance manifesto get turned into BDSM, but Fifty Shades isn't bad because it was Twilight. it's bad because EL James is a bad writer who writes bad and upsetting sex scenes. when I read and panned Mistakes Were Made I didn't dislike it because it's (allegedly) based on fanfic for the CW's The 100, I disliked it because Meryl Wilsner is presenting an extremely morally dubious situation as romantic without exploring ANY of the repercussions that should logically be part of the story.
sorry to be the No Fun Allowed guy but I'm just not very interested in speculation as to whether or not RW&RB started out as fan fic. it's not bad because Henry might have started out as a fictionalized version of Andrew Garfield it's bad because the politics idealized by the book crawled out of a toilet.
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piglet26 · 10 months
Star Wars Rewatch: TROS
Oh, God.
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Palpatine come back and ruining Anakin Skywalker's redemption. Why? How? Cloning, okay, so this Palpatine isn't the real Palpatine?!
We get to see Supreme Leader Kylo Ren for about 4 minutes before he's immediately benched by Palpatine as co-pilot. Why? I get they didn't want Kylo Ren as the big bad, but this is just lazy writing.
Green goblin, I remember you don't last long.
R2D2, they never wash him or nothing?
Maybe the First Order should win. They take hits and keep on knocking. They take losses and recovered, quickly and well. They always seem to have intelligence from somewhere. In short, they are competent.
Poe and Finn, have a great dynamic.
Rey is finally training for everyone who had a boner for two movies about her having a rocky fight montage.
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They moment where Ren is praying over Darth Vader's mask and his mind bridges with Rey is a great reminder that these two are connected.
This film did something most franchise should never, it responded to criticism in real time.
Poe, you fucked up Han's ship. Stop attacking like she doesn't have a reason to be annoyed. Also, Rey is currently the sole Jedi in the galaxy, she should be training, not running off on every errand you have to do.
Colin Travano (whatever his name is) I wouldn't have wanted his script. Like at all. Poe and Rey do have chemistry though and you can tell they enjoy needling one another. It's just not endgame.
That Finnrey hug was awkward. It's a church hug with their butts sticking out. I'm Reylo to the core, but I have place for FinnRey in my heart. They're soulmates in a different way than Reylo is. Also, Daisy Ridley and John B are adorable and you can tell they enjoy working together.
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In a flawed film, Rose Tico being sidelined was a wise decision.
Rey, Poe, Finn, Chewie and 3PO are cute. JJ Adams did seem to love friendships developing and for the third film we needed to see all these characters together on an adventure.
Kylo Ren is forging this dumb ass mask again. Look it worked initially, character wise and so forth, but at this point?! He smashed it and moved past the need for it. The audience liked that he smashed it. We have to see his face for emotional scenes. Why is it back? Oh I know! Because JJ Adams good juvenile friend was sad his mask wasn't in the film anymore. General Hux and Kylo are magically little bottle of goodness. We got so little.
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We leave one planet for another planet but I keep forgetting what planet we're on. Title cards too much to ask?
Ren is actually pursuing Rey or The Scavenger because yes he wants her for himself. but he also wants to protect her from Palpatine. Their first force bond......... yeah. I've read the novelization so I understand it's been a minute since they've seen one another, but if I just watched the movie would I have known that? No. There is much they saying yet it's stiff and doesn't make much sense without context.
General Pryde. Why did we need him when we have General Hux?
I think Billie D Williams filmed all his scenes sitting down. He looks happy to be there but tired as hell.
Race through the desert of Pasaana. I like it. This crew does work and it feels like a fun adventure. There are cute, whitty moments between all of them and it works.
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She heals a snake - Two halves of the dyad should only have been able to heal one another, but here we are.
The Trio and Co find the evil sith ship or whatever. The Knights of Ren gotta walk while Ren is flying. Ren tries to run down Rey, again this make sense in the novelization and not at all in real life. After Rey injures his planes, he crashes and the majestic prince emerges out of the flames. Seriously?! Why the hell are you covering this guy up?!
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In a rip off of The Last Jedi we get a tug-o-war scene between the ship Chewie is on. It's not as great, but it's a good scene and we see how Rey's powers have grown. We know it's a waste of time though. They're evenly matched. It's a nice surprise when the lighting shoots out. Okay, I don't mind her being a Palpatine. I mind the retconning. I mind Palpatine magically coming back.
Rey confesses to Finn about her dream of her and Kylo Ren on the Sith Throne. Where? We would have liked to have seen this.
This is a nice FinnRey scene. Despite her display of "dark power", her killing Chewie presumably, Finn doesn't look at her any different. She's still Rey to him. He's patient and present and she describes her challenges. We still don't acknowledge Finn is force sensitive. Why isn't he training with Rey?
We are blazing through this movie. That's part of the problem we're just pushing plot points at this point. The movie needs to be more selective about slowing down and concentrating on character development. Something painfully lacking in this film. Even the Reylo scenes are about pushing the plot forward rather than pushing the characters forward.
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3PO actually has a storyline this movie. Good for him. Look secondary characters in a trilogy, you get your moments and it ain't gonna be every film.
Zorri and Babu are nice additions. I like Zorri and the fact that Ren kicking her ass actually made her like her. Women supporting women. Were Zorri and Poe a thing. What's a spice runner? A space drug dealer?
Rey's social skills lack a bit. but she's great with Droids.
Wait, Chewie and Ren were both on Ren's Destroyer and they didn't even have a scene together?! Chewie's like an uncle to Ren.
Ren, show up in your boss ass destroyer to get your girl.
Standout lines -
Poe: 3PO! Move your metal ass.
3PO: How dare you we just met.
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Finn, Poe and Chewie cowboying through the destroyer. Nice scene, doomed for failure I'm afraid.
Second Reylo forceskype is exposition. First real Reylo scene is exposition. Hey, movies gotta get it done haha but Ren literally is like here's the plot of the movie and everything you've been confused on up until this point. I will say watching the progression of the force bond that their spaces are now physically bleeding into one another. Nice touch. It's also nice to see what they each see when looking at one another through the force bond.
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General Hux is the spy. Could've gone farther with this. RIP Dawg
Another FinnRey scene where you begin to understand Rey is pissed off and darker than possibly Finn thought.
Palpatine and Ren scene. I'm so annoyed Palpatine is in this movie.
We meet a ragtime band on horses surprise their former stormtroopers. All of them. From the same company. Sure Jan.
Seeing the death star again, so odd and doesn't look a thing like the original. We see scavenger Rey again.
Reylo fights again because Rey is the denial queen and she's free to take out her aggression on Ren. He likes feral Rey. In another less PG film, they've fought and then boned, but Leia died. Also, Dark Rey.... I'm here for it. Mostly cause it looks cool.
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The film makers did the best they could with Carrie's Fisher passing. I thought they handled it with class and dignity while incorporating it into the film.
After Leia's passing and Rey healing it. Ren in his ever presented conflict nature overlooks the water when his father appears. It's poignant and character driven scene. It's beautiful scene about the enduring love of a parent. A flawed parent but a loving one nonetheless. Ben had two of those and he seems to finally understand that now.
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Poe has a good scene with Leia's body about being a leader. Something that, despite all the bravado, he finally admits he doesn't know how to do. This would've been a great scene with her alive. Part of the issue people have the sequel trilogy of the lack of respect paid for previous generations. As if they are flawed and bigoted. On screen and off screen. A scene where Finn, Poe or Rey paid respect for the accomplishments of previous generations. Their courage and their bravery. Billie D. feels like just a stand-in.
Palpatine army blows up yet another planet. yawn.
Finn is a general bestow as such by Poe. Good choice. Sanitation worker aside no one knows more about The First Order than someone who was a stormtrooper. Finn reveals Palpatine wanted Rey alive...... then why tell Ren to kill her? Because if Rey didn't go dark then Ren was the fall back or vice versa?
So far it's not a bad film, just a disappointing film. The stuff that made my blood boil is about to come.
Rey isolates herself on Acht-to, burns the ship and we see ghost Luke. Why? She saw herself on the dark throne and she's afraid of herself. This might have meant something. At one point. It just feels like a retcon at this point. She's a Palpatine but Leia and Luke didn't care? Then what the hell were you worried about Ben for? If blood and legacy means nothing.
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I'm not one of those people that need everything in a movie to make sense. It's also a space fantasy film, but damn.
Rey leads the Resistance to Exegol, she just doesn't know it. That was handy. No, really the way the movie sliced that together worked very well. Poe and Finn make a great speech about the resistance. Not as rousing as I'd like.
Exegol being the basis for the Sith religion is actually really cool. Wish we could've learned more. Empress Palpatine sounds like a boss ass name.
I hate everything about the ending of this film.
Rey once again goes into the enemy territory without a plan. The resistance doesn't really have one either except gumption.
Ben Solo is back! He's great. He's a hero. He's got great hair. He's likeable. We haven't seen him for 20 minutes, he doesn't say a word except "Ow" We have a beautiful Reylo moment where we Rey and Ben see each other through the Force Bond and she looks at Ben with such relief, joy and love that he's there with her. Ben fight like hell to get to her. This is it! Bendemption. We've waited three films for this. Then they tossed him off a cliff.
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While it's a great scene of Rey listening to the previous Jedi's and rising up. I'm so confused how the dyad coming together empowers the devil. Ben has been made completely irrelevant.
I mean, we got a Reylo Kiss! It was epic and then it was over. We were lucky to get that considering Disney started to shy away from Reylo due to all the "controversy" I just hate this so we'll move on.
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The hug was nice!
Rey Skywalker?
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And that's that
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bambi-slxt · 4 months
welcome back to bambi teaches stuff
requested by @satvisfavetoodles and @bellasturn
so you wanna make a pinned intro post but you have no idea how and no idea what to put in it - i got u.
before we start, please not that you can only have ONE pinned post on your blog, so make it count. you can also go back and edit a post after you've made it.
an introduction post can have about a million things in it, but it doesn't have to - that depends on what your blog is about (or what you want it to be about).
for instance: i write fanfiction, so my intro post has a masterlist to my other works, as well as a taglist so people can be notified when i post.
but if you're an aesthetics blog, or you're just here for the vibes, then a good thing to start with would be the basics:
preferred name: mine's bambi! hey.
age: ten billion and four. (you may be anxious to post this, so if you don't want to put your exact age, you can simply indicate whether you're a minor or not)
pronouns: mine are she/they (if you'd like)
you can also go into what music you like, what's gonna be on your blog, and if there's anyone you want to Not Interact With your blog, you should highlight those under DNI (Do Not Interact).
this can be anything from racists/bigots to people who ship Hermione Granger and Jake from Adventure Time (they exist and they scare me a lil, but are not categorically evil people - your DNI's can be a little ridiculous).
adding on to that, you can specify rules for interacting with your blog as well.
for instance, on my blog i don't allow kink-shaming of any kind, and i block liberally and with glee. your rules can be anything, don't be afraid to enforce them.
you can also organize your blog by tags.
for instance, anything i post that answers something from my inbox, i tag it with #bambi's asks. if i'm just rambling, it'll be #bambi yaps or #bambi's rambles, and if i wanted to, i would explain those in my pinned post so people can navigate my blog. (i haven't because ya girl's lazy asf)
you can also locate every tutorial i've ever made by searching my blog for #bambi educates apparently
i'd like to clarify that i'm not the fount of knowledge for all things tumblr (shocking, i know), so this isn't everything you can put on your pinned post, just a little something to get you started.
now that we've made our post, how do we pin it?
that's easy - once you're happy with your post, once you've added your cute little pictures and your cute little text fonts, you click "Post Now". then, go up to the top right corner of your now-public post and tap/click your three lil dots. your drop down menu will appear, and then you tap "Pin Post".
*epic guitar riff*
go forth, pin your posts, and fuck responsibly.
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my-mt-heart · 1 year
I obviously haven’t been very stoked about a lot of choices this first season—the opposite if I’m being honest—but when I first listened to the radio scene, it felt like a reprieve from those feelings. Norman’s performance is perfect. I could sense his urgency to get a hold of Carol, and of course once he does, his tone melts into something much softer, something we know he reserves only for her. I appreciate the long pauses he takes to study her voice. He hears something in her words that we don’t (🤨). He worries that maybe she’s not really okay.
Carol’s line “you never need to worry about me, Daryl” makes me think back to her “I love you too” in the series finale, or more specifically the weightlessness of it. Melissa said it was Carol’s way of taking care of Daryl. She wanted to make it easier for him to leave, and at first, I wondered if this time was supposed to represent more of the same. We understand why Daryl sounds excited because we have the privilege of reading his body language. Maybe when Carol hears it, she thinks he’s enjoying himself out there. Maybe she's reluctant to admit how much she misses him because she doesn't want to take him away from where he really belongs.
Here’s where I’m struggling though. Theoretically, Melissa would’ve had Norman’s footage to play off of while she recorded her side of the conversation. That's how it's typically done. We know both of them always play off each other brilliantly. We’ve seen it countless times. It’s why their chemistry works. It’s why we ship them. But in this scene, I'm not getting any of that. There’s no emotion behind the words, none of Melissa's nuances, and the more I listen to it, the more I realize it isn’t Melissa’s voice at all. It really pains me to say it, but it sounds like AI.
If that’s true, then you'll have to be patient with me while I take the time to fully process my feelings about it. After everything—booting Melissa from the show in the first place and then gaslighting her fans about it—AMC wants to use a copout loophole in Melissa's contract (what many actors have had in their contracts hence the need for a strike) to jeopardize Melissa's integrity, deny everybody what they've had to wait a long time for, Melissa, and cheapen what could've been the most impactful scene of the season? Are you fucking kidding me? That’s just lazy, manipulative, disrespectful, and infuriating.
I was really excited to analyze a new Caryl scene today. Believe it or not, I don't want to keep hating on the show. I want to enjoy my two favorite characters, but as others have said, I’m tired of bending over backwards to arrive at some—any—hopeful conclusion about Caryl’s future. It’s hard enough when the writing is as inconsistent as it has been, but now AI is involved? No one should have to exert energy on analyzing a performance that doesn't exist. It's a poor reflection of Melissa's talent and a huge disservice to Caryl's story. I'm heartbroken.
Good to see her trending though. She deserves all the love she's getting today.
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On another note, because I don't want to make a separate post about it, I also watched the scene where Daryl gets mad at Laurent. **TRIGGER WARNING*** As someone who grew up in a very "loud" household and experienced PTSD from it, I wasn't put off by the anger. I understand Daryl wants to go home, and the kid ruined what seemed like his only chance. It's the name-calling and Daryl putting his hands on Laurent that specifically crossed the line for me. The show is clearly trying to force Daryl to draw comparisons between him and his dad, but this feels like something Daryl has already worked through on the flagship show. The moment he saw Carol flinch on the farm, he knew he wanted to be different. Carol and TF helped him be different. He is different. He doesn't need to prove that to himself or anyone else anymore. Enough of the character regressions.
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asmallmoon333 · 9 months
Near for the ask game 👁️👁️ And also Lawlight ✨
Hi Grim!! :3
Near! :D
How I feel about this character: Like him, but tbh no real deep or passionate feelings. I haven't poked his brain enough to get interested. I will say I started liking him more in the A-Kira one-shot, and not only cause his long hair was awesome, but cause I wanted to know more about WHY he was like that, what he felt all those years later about the Kira Case, how his life had gone as the new 'L'.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Mello in a childhood rival-turned-enemy-turned-lover way; Light a very messed-up 'mutual substitutes' way; and Minoru Tanaka cause I think they should have at least met and picked each others' brains!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Also Mello actually, sometimes I just want them to understand each other and come to like...not a moment of peace, so much as a moment of actually talking about what their childhood at Wammys did to them and their relationship as a consequence of it.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Anime Near really was boring and I had no interest in watching him. Manga Near is more interesting, but they still needed to make him more goofy. (I saw two alternate panel translations of 'Serious Near' vs 'Goofy Near' and I loved the second one.)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Near meeting Minoru Tanaka!!! What a freaking loss of opportunity. Also, I'm a fan of the "Near wrote Mikami's Name" theory and I'd like that confirmed or denied in canon.
My OTP: I don't have one, I don't know him well enough tbh, even the ones I do ship, it's kinda with ambivalent feelings.
My cross over ship: Dont have one, sorry :3
A headcanon fact: He didn't grow his hair out cause he's too lazy to cut it or too depressed to bother, he just genuinely likes the way it looks and feels.
Lawlight! :D
When I started shipping it if I did: In December 2022 when I started writing for them! Altho tbh I'm not sure if I so much as shipped them, or if I just really liked the challenge of writing about them getting and being together.
My thoughts: Love them when they're just eternally messed with and messing with each other. I like them both individually as characters so having them together is really fun.
What makes me happy about them: Their symmetry. They just GET each other. And I love picking at their brains and poking them with a stick, and putting them in Situations together. I think their reactions are really fun.
What makes me sad about them: That in canon they were (or maybe mostly just Light, cause we never got to pick L's brain about it) too dumb to see what they'd be bored as hell without the other. That they never got the chance to actually be honest with each other before it was too late. (Altho in the anime L did try.)
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: For L, my pet peeve is the idea that his whole personality was an 'act.' I've never heard a good argument for why he'd bother. From a character standpoint, this would mean we never knew anything about him, which makes me sad. As for Light, when someone gives him too many "good" or too many "bad" traits, for whatever reason. It no longer feels like Light at some point.
Things I look for in fanfic: Mind Games :3
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I don't think they're capable of it lol, sometimes I don't even think they're capable of ending up with each other. But for the sake of it, I wanted to see more of Light and Kiyomi. and as for L, Matsuda could take care of him.
My happily ever after for them: Mind Games, but forever! :D
Who is the big spoon/little spoon: Light is usually the little spoon cause L clings like an octopus, and Light needs to breathe so he faces the other way. L becomes the little spoon if Light wakes up in the middle of the night and L's asleep but not clinging to him.
What is their favorite non-sexual activity: Dang, I can't say Mind Games again. Or arguing. Or discussing a book cause it would be to one-up each other. So I think--sharing a meal. Just the two of them quietly enjoying their food together, and even giving little bits off their plates that they think (hope) the other might enjoy. A small sign that they want the other to live, and be happy.
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rey-jake-therapist · 8 months
Elementary fandom vs other fandoms
A while ago I posted about Elementary after I watched a couple of episodes to say I didn't like it. I was just fresh out of watching the four seasons of the BBC Sherlock and it just didn't feel right, I didn't like it at all.
Finally, because I was too lazy to look for another show to watch, I kept watching and now, I'm at season 7 😅 Did my mind fundamentally change? Honestly, no. BBC Sherlock will always be superior to me, I don't care it's trendy to hate it now. I do like Elementary now, though. Sherlock and Joan (well especially Joan) have grown on me. I still think Elementary lacks originality, I find the structure of the episodes too rigid, there are way too many episodes, things in the global story I really don't like. The copaganda for example, urgh... There's a lot of screen time dedicated to the cops and how good and honest and united they are. There are some bad apples but we're really supposed to believe that they're *rare*.... And I love Marcus Bell and Captain Gregson but they're so smart you even wonder why they need Sherlock in the first place 😂 But there are things I really love too: Joan being more than a sidekick to Sherlock is one of them. She has agency, he trains her, respects her.... I must say, it's pleasant to see. Also I love seeing Sherlock being a mentor. That's what he should be, really...
Another thing this show did for me was to convince me to read the ACD canon books. I read a couple of them when I was a teen but I was more a Hector Poirot girlie - EDIT: damn autocorrect! his name's Hercule of course). I know for a fact that Elementary Sherlock is closer to the book that BBC Sherlock, and the show makes multiple references to the ACD canon but I'm unable to identify most of them, which probably influences my reaction to the show. I need to read the books and watch the show again :)
So, it's a fine detective show, a feel good show as well because the morals is always good, characters given a second chance when they mess up, bad guys punished as they should.... Johnny Lee Miller does a fine job at showing the character's complex personality, and his partnership with Lucy Liu is flawless :) They're just adorable together. They totally remind me of Mulder and Scully, but without the unbearable sexual tension, which is why I spent 6 seasons 1/2 being fine with the fact that they wouldn't end up together as a couple.
I wish I had known the fandom when the show was broadcasting, because I haven't heard of any fit of rage when Joan and Sherlock didn't become canon?? And yet lmao, at least 70% of their interactions is romance-coded. Like, if JohnLock shippers think they were baited, Sherlock and Joan shippers were baited much, much more. Seriously, there's even a declaration of LOVE. When Sherlock has to run away to London, Joan follows him there!! They're completely co-dependant, all their attempt to have romantic relationships with other people fail... At some point Joan needs to go her own way and Sherlock respect that.
They take care of each other, all the time. If one is in danger, the other becomes feral. Sherlock especially would do everything to protect Joan from getting harm, and surely so would she. There are so many moments that could be confused with jealousy/possessiveness, so many sweet speeches that probably made the shippers think, "no way this is platonic!" .
Not me, though, because I believe in platonic love, always did, and that's what Sherlock's story was always about: a strong, unbreakable bond between two people who love each other but don't need to have sex to feel or express it. I say they remind me of Mulder and Scully because in both cases, it didn't have to become a romance. I shipped Mulder and Scully, yes, but for years I was quite certain that they woud never become romantic and I was fine with that. What they had was already beautiful.
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And frankly, Joan and Sherlock's friendship higlights everything that's wrong with Sherlock and John's in the BBC show. It's a balanced relationship! they didn't have to become a romance because they're a perfect friendship, but if they did it would be ok, because it would not be toxic. Joan never beat Sherlock up, for a start. She never slaps him, they never insult each other. Sherlock is sometimes a prick to her but he always comes around because he respects her a lot. There's nothing in their interactions that makes me think, "wow, if they were a couple that would be so fucked up!", while, sorry but I had this thought about John and Sherlock a dozen of times, especially during season 4 but even before that.
So if I'm not wrong and shippers were cool with the ending, well... kudos guys.
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burnt-cookii · 8 months
Your favorite ships? Whether it be canon x canon or oc x canon or a mutuals ship, I'm interested in what's your favorite! 😎
( ; ꩜﹏꩜)՞՞ o hell, my favorite ships ?
hougg in terms of canon I've only got : WhiteOyster - cause their whole story makes my heart ache so bad ;;o;;;
PureLily - i mean... need i explain it? lol
Seamoon - Cause funny Jojo sounding name and i dont think i need to explain why either lmao
CrèmeLinzer - Its OBVIOUS that they have a thing or each other x'> idc what people think!
MAYBE Poly Ancients - the concept of them all being in a relationship together is itching the brain a bit lol
As for OCs, not gonna list my own lmao dont know if i should consider some a moot x'0 cause idk if im considered one either with my lack of social skills sksksks
Rayna's Strawberry Cream x Choco Cat - been on the brain a hot minute since the request QwQ the dynamic seems really adorable and id personally like to see more of it jsjcdh
Snowleopard's Moonflower x Clotted Cream - has my interest! Been meaning to read into it and their oc more since i saw something of it beforehand, but havent been in a reading mood until now lol
Minecraftninjerkid's Meringue x Clotted Cream - same reason, just been too lazy x'0
feeling a little basic with my canon ships, but im a very simple person :,)
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zak-dar · 2 years
Nicholas, where are you looking? You're a priest!
Milly, where are you looking? He's a priest!
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I've never mentioned it here, but Trigun is one of my most favorite anime. I don't like westerns, I don't like fiction, but somehow, it was Trigun who captured my heart and never let go again. Although Cowboy Bebop is recognized as a world classic having roughly similar genres and setting at its core, I still think Trigun is better than it. I tenderly love all the characters, and even if I hate someone as individuals (Legato and Knives), I still love them as interesting characters.
However, I can't say the same about pairings. I would never have thought that I would like the canonical couple in the anime more than the wonderful fanon with Vash and Nicholas. As I got older, I realized something: there are some works in which the relationship between two men (because I'm mainly BL fan) should remain friendly, because something romantic between them will make them not the characters I like. Brotp is also a great kind of relationship, and sometimes I just accept the fact that there are absolutely heterosexual characters. So when I see the interactions of Nicholas and Vash in the original anime, I understand that they are comrades, brothers in arms, but I don't see at least an ounce of romance, although I can perfectly understand why people ship them.
(update: I'm sorry, I was too lazy to write in English by myself, so I used translator and it made many mistakes in names, so I fixed it only few weeks latter)
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head-empty404 · 14 days
I think it's time to explain ChainedSoul cause I'm assuming most of you are confused why you're seeing posts of them randomly!
if you're too lazy to read a wall of text, then here's the TLDR:
ChainedSoul is the ship name for Al Simmons and Johnny Blaze, aka Spawn and Ghost Rider respectively and they should kiss.
now hear me out on them -
they are both men who have made deals with rulers of Hell (or a circle of Hell in Malebolgia's case), they both in turn became somewhat immortal beings that should not be messed with, and they have similar abilities.
the best part is the ANGST.
since Zarathos is bound to Johnny, he will find ways to absolutely torture Spawn during nighttime. Spawn knows he's not a good person and Zarathos will make sure of it. I just know Zarathos relishes in the fact that he's destroying someone Johnny loves, almost as much as Mephisto would maybe.
but if you don't want to think about the angst, then look no further than the FLUFF !!
the height difference is very cute because Spawn is around 6'11" and Johnny is about 5'10" normally and gains a few inches when becoming Ghost Rider at 6'2"; to put that into perspective Johnny goes up to Spawn's shoulders!
Spawn would either crouch for Johnny or just stand there and watch him struggle to kiss him, no in-between. I also feel like that Spawn would get flustered easily when flirted with since it's been so long since he's even been in a romantic relationship that he had almost forgotten what it was like.
I need all of you to note that I've written out Spawn's pursuit for Wanda; this is because I want that man to stop being miserable over his ex-wife. I didn't leave it out completely of course. I've had it to where he's stopped trying to pursue her when he saw her happy with Terry. all that Spawn cared about was Wanda's happiness, me thinks; as long she's happy then he's happy. he would still protect her family if they're in any major danger.
anyways thanks for reading and I hope you see my vision for my rarepair !!
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findafight · 1 year
byler is endgame shut the fuck up undercover mileven. dumbass bitch
I'm sorry you felt the need to come into a strangers' askbox and call them names over them saying, in a bland and inoffensive way, that they think there isn't enough time left, in the 8 to 10 episodes left of the series, to do justice to the characters and the strong platonic relationships between them to move into a romance between Mike and Will. Considering Mike, Will, and El are not the only characters in the show, that they have other friends (one of which is in a coma) and that there is an entire apocalypse happening, I don't think my opinion in that is very unfounded.
If there's a time jump and significant relationship development between them within it, I think I'll feel short-changed. Part of what makes the ship special is seeing it unfold, their friendship growing and changing, and if speculation is right and there's a two year skip, then two years is a lot of time for the audience to not see. It would feel lazy. Like saying "yeah, they worked it out, will and el talked about their relationships with mike and how it would feel for her brother to date the first boy she loved that broke her heart. It's fine :)". Cheap. Lazy. Unsatisfying. We don't see it resolved so it doesn't feel resolved.
There isn't a lot of time. Will is allowed to want and deserve a romantic relationship, but he is also allowed to want that outside of Mike Wheeler. He is also allowed to work on and strengthen their friendship before anything romantic happens, which is actually something they need. I think the three of them, along with the rest of the party, being able to balance those platonic bonds with romantic bonds is key, but with how things were left, it will be difficult and I don't think possible in the time left for that to blossom into endgame byler. I think there's the possibility of a romantic future for them, but not by the end of the series.
As for mike/el. I don't mind it. I don't care for it. I'm pretty neutral on it. I think El needs time outside of a romantic relationship to really discover herself and explore the world. I think her and Mike have major issues in their relationship that need to be mended before reconciliation can happen. They're teenagers, they make mistakes and are stupid and sometimes accidentally hurt each other. They can learn and grow. High school relationships often don't last. That's okay. They can be friends after.
I also don't consider someone calling me a mileven an insult? I'm not one, because I don't really care either way. And I think that anon should maybe take a step back from the computer if they get angry and personally offended by things like my talking about this. Take care.
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fairyqueentitana · 1 year
Let's talk about Harry Potter shall we
First of all, I would like to make it clear that I do not condone hateful language, if you disagree with me fine but you can do so respectfully this means you don't accuse me of lying or call me names. If you do I will delete your comment and block you I have no time for that.
Albus Dumbledore is both a villain and a hero.
Our lovely headmaster is a master manipulator and while he cares for the greater good of the society I don't think he cares for the greater good of individuals. We all know of his relationship with Grindelwald but the loss he suffered due to the different paths they choose to take in life. I can see the headmaster as a protector but at the same time, he fashions himself to be all-knowing while holding back critical information. The Horcruxes were vile but I'm sure if he had asked in the right places for help he would have known how to remove it from Harry.
He set the boy up to die and manipulated Harry on several occasions. I also want to ask WHY DID HE NOT GIVE BACK THE INVISIBILITY CLOAK? Honestly, I have so many questions about the reasons behind this man's decisions.
Ron Weasley in the movie is not the best friend or boyfriend.
I don't care who you ship with these two however realistically speaking these two would not work. While the book Ron is a much better friend than the movie Ron and has more lines than the movie ron. He is not the ideal friend or boyfriend to anyone he has a nasty habit of abandoning Harry the Goblet of Fire and deathly hallows two. For those of you who are ready to blame the Horcrux shut up. If it were Hermione who left y'all would be up in arms.
Ron may support Harry in his battles and occasionally in his worst times but he is quick to anger and jealousy but rather lazy and sometimes downright cruel.
When it comes to his relationship with Hermione I personally see it as wasteful or a high school love that fades after a year or two probably less. Hermione is ambitious, hardworking and quite determined she is intelligent and fierce. Ron however while he is smart (when he wants to be) lacks ambition and is lazy unless it's something he likes and he does not understand Hermione much.
They Lack shared interests other than magic and Harry the two are very different but they share a trauma bond right. Also, does anyone notice that Ron is quicker to find fault with Hermione than positive things? At least he admits she is scary but brilliant.
Molly Weasley is either too controlling or really dumb.
First of all her response to the bars on the windows and Harry barely being fed bothers me what kind of parent says that. Second of all that woman is not supportive of Fred and George at all and it irritates me. I know that they are identical twins but I have been around identical twins and can easily tell them apart these are your sons lady.
She harps and harps about a ministry job but Charlie is a dragon tamer in Romania and Bill is a curse breaker in Eygpt. The fact two of her eldest sons found their jobs far far away from her says something. THE HOWLERS yall that is cruel just because you have to does not mean you should use it. Embarrassing your kids like that is never okay.
Her lack of respect for Sirius in his own home, when it pertains to his own godson, is disgusting. She acts like she is Harry's mother and while she may be seen as a surrogate she is not his godmother or guardian. While Sirius is a fugitive he is Harry's godfather she did not have any right to treat him as she did.
Her behaviour in the goblet of fire to Hermione before Harry opened his mouth. If it was because she thought Hermione was manipulating or hurting Harry the first thing she should have done was ask Harry about the article and not treat Hermione like that. If this was about Ron and his "feelings" for Hermione then she needs to keep that to herself nobody is obligated to date and marry anyone cause they have a crush on them.
Hermione Granger is often placed on a pedestal
Hermione like every character in this show is flawed as she grows she learns but she has some bad behaviours. She puts books and education before her own individuality and in the first book is a bit of a bossy snob that slowly changes over time. She follows authority without a thought too much for anyone's liking but that also changes but ummm y'all Hermione is dangerous she kept a woman in a jar, convinced Harry and Ron to drug and hide their year mates and then pretend to be them while providing the means to do so.
She uses a spell on a student to help Ron get on the team. Her hitting Draco is a thing of legend but Hermione is definitely not a goody two shoes. What scares me about that is that she hides this side of her behind her bookworm nice girl mask. Only Harry and Ron get to see how cruel and protective Hermione could be.
Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter bother me,
Everyone loves them and that's nice but umm she could pass as his sister. She is literally Lily Evans if she liked Quidditch and was a pureblood when I picked up on the distinction I wanted to vomit. Her description and Lily's are very similar with minor changes honestly this relationship bothers me.
Draco Malfoy was a bigot and racist but he also deserved a chance that is all I am saying on the Draco front.
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