#i should really look at the paper
It's so crazy and awful that I, as an American citizen of the US, have to weigh my options of "go into work and get paid" or "call off and stay home because you aren't feeling 100%" and more often then not I'll choose to go in because it could mean my job is on the line if I call off, because corporate hates its employees more than 90% of the time- wait let me rephrase, corporate LOVES money, and doesn't care about its employees, so if you're not in work bringing in profit, your not seen as useful, they dont care if you're feeling ill
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catocappuccino · 2 months
Snufkin and Snorkmaiden hanging out :]
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emkini · 2 years
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Papercraft Xie Lian because he’s baby 
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duckieduccss · 3 months
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Next up on what i wanted to eventually draw was taking the attempt at Ghidorah. At first, i wasnt sure how and also since i was doing this traditionally, that meant i had to draw each head individually each time. The good thing tho was that it seemed to get used to it pretty quickly & wasnt whole lot of a big deal. I did slightly mess up on the front viewing heads at the bottom (for practice) with maybe the consistency of design. But i should have that better fixed later on.
[Another specific reason as to why i decided on Ghidorah but ill mention it later]
I think im doing well at learning how to draw kaiju and im happy with that :D
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kyurochurro · 8 months
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saw this image on Pinterest and the pose gave me such riker vibes that I just HAD to draw it as him and troi HEHEHE
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yasmeensh · 9 months
Zelda 2 comic sneak peek
I took out my old full-length Zelda 2 comic draft and chose a segment to make a short comic out of. It's missing context from the whole grand narrative of the entire story, but I think it gets the point across.
There were a couple potentials, and I ended up choosing the scene where Link discovers that his blood is the key to awakening Ganon. It's the most well-known plot point of the game in the LOZ fandom in general, besides the Prince of Hyrule plot. Throughout the comic, Link gets attacked by various monsters during his quest. He thought Hyrule was incredibly dangerous for merchants and travelers, but found out that it was only him encountering monsters at a high rate, thus targeted (that is not discussed in this short comic). This disturbs him a lot. And this is the scene when he discovers why he's a target. It's more than the monsters seeking revenge.
At some point in the game, the player is made to travel towards south-western Hyrule and use the Hammer on dueling peaks to enter and get a magic potion. You specifically enter the peak that is originally Level 9 in Zelda 1. I found that to be very... interesting. And suspicious. Why did the developers think "Okay lets have Link go back to the traumatizing final boss place from the first game to retrieve an item :D" It's kinda epic honestly and it gave me the idea: For the full comic, I made it that Link follows rumors and travels down there in the hopes of finding the magic book containing the revive spell, which is game-changing for the rest of his journey. Being the adventurer that he is, Link takes the risk and goes there thinking the place is long-abandoned and that Ganon probably no longer exists. Except, that isn't the case. (Okay I must add, after the revelation, Link loses his adventurous spirit and gets very serious with his quest. No longer enjoys exploring, which is all this Link is about. He starts developing Big Fears. This eventually spawns Dark Link. I wish I could make the entire comic but I know I can't T-T I should probably finish up and polish the draft and post it online for whoever is interested in a deep dive, lore-intense Zelda 2 story reimagining.)
It's the first time I do a 10 page comic, so I'm going through a learning curve right now xD It's going to be experimental, but I hope you enjoy it still. Here are some WIP shots. Still a while before it's completed.
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mushie-lol · 1 month
first post here lmao uh Luigi and Dimentio
(TW blood!! Not super realistic or anything)
(also TW brainwashing/mind control?)
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also Luigi & Mr. L designs!! Wow.
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buttercupshands · 4 days
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Enjoying my walk and after stopping for basically getting a crepe in the park (not exactly, but close enough!) decided that it is time
I do 'paper figures' of characters every time and I wanted to do isat since first playing it
I only got to finish rough sketch of what the pose could be not even adjusting clothes too much and poof they finished cooking!
Also I just liked how they look with that table behind them, a really cool table
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palskippah · 10 months
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When the girls see either Mario or Peach they get very excited. If Nettarina was awake, she'd be excited too and urging Peach to hurry up. Also, imagine that 'babies!' like the one Mario says in the Mario and Luigi game with their babies selves sjsj
Also, Mario's that kind of parent that says they'll get the baby to sleep but falls asleep himself first. Peach always comes back to check on them and sees him and Nettarina (who can fall asleep anywhere) deeply asleep while Mariella's somewhere in the bed playing with his cap or babbling to herself (then she gets overtired from not sleeping and cries a lot, so Mario and Peach have to apply all the tricks to get her to fall asleep).
Also also, the socks they're using were crocheted by Peach [and she handed them as a gift to Mario on their baby shower- and she learned to crotchet just to make them clothes :'''v Anyways, I have a post for that too askjdasjd during that same baby shower, the babies get so much stuff from Peach that is unwrapped by Mario. He finds it kinda funny bc not only Peach's the expecting mom too, but she had been showing him all the stuff she has been doing for the baby shower (like showing how the little socks are turning out, or the toys she bought), and yet she wrapped everything for him to open]
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brain-rot-hour · 10 months
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Sometimes I remember how to draw
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graedari · 6 months
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AH SHIT ITS INTERNATIONAL ASEXUALITY DAY *throws this pen drawing of Daud at you*
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coquelicoq · 10 months
i am such a clown. decided to make stickers for my siblings even though i have ZERO design skills or knowledge of any programs that allow you to rotate text except for powerpoint. so i made them in powerpoint. (this took, mmmm, maybe 6-8 hours btw.) then had to find a website that would print and mail these stickers to me. no i don't want 50 stickers. i want one circle sticker and one rectangle sticker. oh that's not an option anybody wants to give me? okay then i guess i will buy 16 circle stickers (the least offered) and 50 rectangle stickers (the least offered. why not 16 also? a mystery). one of the designs is for my sibling's band, so if they like it theoretically they could use the stickers as merch or something lol. but i'm not holding my breath, on account of the aforementioned lack of design skills. i get away with a lot among my family because they're all so willing to react to my questionable creations with aww look, she Tried! but that probably doesn't work for strangers who are fans of my sibling's band. so i guess they will just have 49 extra stickers that they can idk stick to streetlight poles or something. not my problem.
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puppianqueen · 8 months
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piece (lol) for a one piece art collab i was in
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opens-up-4-nobody · 4 days
hey um not to be parasociall but how did the meeting with your advisor go???? also would it be possible for you to switch advisors/program or something so you can change your research interests if that's the issue? Im a doctoral student as well so I get how tricky that stuff can be depending on your program.... Anyway I hope things better for you xoxo
Lol, ur fine! It went alright
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origami-fleur · 5 days
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"Jardín de invierno. Hila la luna el canto de los insectos." Matsuo Basho.
With a discarded print from a one page zine little project, I recycled it as always, by making origami.
Flower at the Crossroads (Dasa Severova) instructions.
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angelfoodscake · 1 year
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he deserves some cleavage . i think
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