#i should say
thebibliosphere · 4 months
I’ve talked about this with some friends, but the whole Spotify/audiobook drama legitimately makes me want to cry.
If you are unaware, earlier in the month, Spotify, who now owns FindawayVoices -- an audiobook distributor and one of the only major rivals to Audible on the creator end -- announced that their ToS would be updating.
The ToS updates were horrendous and basically allowed Spotify to make royalty-free translations of our works, as well as create derivatives, and basically just fuck us all over and feed all of our hard work into AI.
The backlash was so swift that less than 12 hours later, Spotify sent out a panicked “Sorry our wording wasn’t clear!” email with a promised update. Less than 24 hours later they issued a statement walking back the changes to the ToS, and have since been pulling a “we never said that, you misread our unclear verbiage” when in reality the verbiage was very clear (Not Spotify trying to pull a “gaslight gatekeep girl boss ✌️”), they just didn't expect to get dragged out into the metaphorical court of social media and get publicly annihilated with authors withdrawing their work from the platform and customers canceling their subscriptions left right and center.
Anyway, the walk back was acceptable enough for me to not feel the need to remove my work entirely from FindAway -- which is good because I would have lost access to the global audiobook market if I had, not to mention global library access. Which, again, is good. A significant chunk of my audiobook earnings comes from Libby, and I’d honestly be lost without that $20 every month. (we get paid quarterly but it breaks out to about $20 a month.)
What the walk back was not good enough for, was for me to trust them to keep streaming Hunger Pangs on their Spotify streaming service. Because quite frankly, I don't trust them not to pull some more ToS bullshit, and this is the part making me want to cry.
Why? Because I’m going through my royalty reports, and for the single month of December 2023 alone, Hunger Pangs was streamed so often it earned $400.
In one month.
That's more than I earn from Audible in a year.
That's more than I earn from kobo, b&n, libby, libro.fm and several author distributors combined in a year.
I’m going to scream.
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itsalleyes · 4 months
”you have to draw a bunch of things. A bunch of subjects to improve your art.”
no. Jonathan Sims portraits. (+the occasional other tma portrait or mechs portrait)
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thedrawingduke · 5 months
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Suprise! My sister got married so she took priority for the month of December. ♥️
New year, new style (?) for Fantomestein…well, different modus operandi. I am finally strong enough to admit that I shall never be a great inker. I’ve tried so hard, but I can’t fight what I am! What can I say, I’m an impressionist at heart.
@thedrawingduke on Instagram + bluesky
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osachiyo · 7 months
hey...what if reader has a threesome with nikolai and fyodor for like 5 hours...and then she is all sore and tired...but they wanna keep going....so nikolai eats her ass while she is on top of fyodor...and fyodor is thrusting the whole time because she cant move from nikolai's grip...then sigma joins the party because he heard the moans...and then he fucks her in the mouth while fyodor sucks his balls....and then dazai shows up and says NO! MY TURN! and then he joins and takes turns w nikolai to eat reader's ass....and then chuuya finds dazai but gets all flustered upon seeing reader in bliss of pleasure...and fucks off fyodor by saying he is too weak to fuck someone as good as her...so they switch places...fyodor somehow slides to eat her pussy (trust me, it's anatomically possible, don't question it)...but then, suddenly, out of nowhere, gojo shows up....and he is like OH MY GOD! and he brings geto and nanami to see the whole thing while jerking off...but gojo gets pissed...because she is his little kitten...and then he opens his domain expansion where he fucks her while they all gotta stay still and watch from the side....but then...geto is like "i could do it better" so gojo lets him join...and then a sudden puffy cloud explodes inside the domain...and yosano slices them all...takes the reader for herself....and then....she straps her for 18 hours...and then ranpo joins as a virgin..to see how to pleasure a lady and brings poe too...so they all learn together...and maybe adding some primal play into this...or some knotting..a bit of omegaverse..yk.. :) but also! once reader is about to cum...gojo steals her away and he is a vampire actually...and he marks her as his...and then he gets into a fight with bram...and they do some twilight bs...but reader is in love with akutagawa the whole time...
this is a thirst btw! not a request!! (could you do this like a lil drabble in maybe 300 words?☺️) love your work! keep it up!!
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Look, I've been avoiding the TV show theory this whole time, but after this episode? idk man it's growing on me...
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xahi · 5 months
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delectible-granite · 3 months
A friend of mine asked me to draw Stratosfear as that one Gianni Matragrano image. Why not post it?
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Maybe this could be used as a Reaction Template or something. 'LIVE STRATOSFEAR REACTION'? Haha. I don't post often since my life is getting busier and busier. Maybe I will touch up on Satilia on my next post since I've vaguely mentioned them. Also, thank you for the eight followers!
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sophsicle · 1 year
I'm sooo curious about pirate remus!! Can we get a peak? 👀
okay i don't really have a sneak for pirate remus at the moment
but what i will say
is that Remus is my Blackbeard (but he's like bb blackbeard, this is the beginning of blackbeard, blackbeard origins) (and James is my Benjamin Hornigold) i actually adore blackbeard
he was also known as the scholarly pirate
but he was very loyal to his mentor
Benjamin Hornigold
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that awkward moment when you realise you have based your entire personality on a tv series that ended over a decade ago and a non-canonical romantic relationship between the main characters (two clueless men ruling a kingdom side by side as they fall deeper and deeper in love with each other)
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6flyingosprey6 · 1 year
Fuckkkkk man I’m so fucking torn
Like on one hand, Bagheras idea makes the most sense to me. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, so it’s important that no one person has that kind of power. A council reduces the chance of corruption via federation brainwashing/manipulation. Plus, she’s very open to ideas, so it’s likely that other candidates ideas could be implemented through her. But there is the chance that the council could be rejected, and I don’t know how she would proceed from there.
But InsaneDuo man… they got me thinking. They know how the federation works. They both know it very well. But I kind of feel like electing them would be sending them off to their dooms. Cellbit has clearly had something done to him, and we don’t know what happened during those three days. He knows this and wants Forever to be president instead of him, but this makes me scared for Forever. On the other hand, they’ve got some of the best ideas out of all of the candidates. The mods, the events, I do think that with them, some old players might come back.
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narsh-potatoes · 5 months
which of your gay wizards is the attack dog and which the guard dog
if i said both for both would you be mad at me
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jadewing-realms · 9 months
media literacy is dead and as an avid student of the storytelling craft and aspiring novelist forced to endure this modern dark age I shall live out the remainder of my days in mourning
see me wandering the misty streets like a Victorian ghost veiled and dressed in black, weeping over the slaughter of literature and the death of analysis and the corrosion of critique, wailing warnings at passersby like I might save future souls from this torment
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thechildisgone · 8 months
my mom and i are watching bride of frankenstein and she asked me if it was the same director as frankenstein and it is and he was openly gay in the 30s i’m reading his wiki now what a king..
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bonefall · 1 year
I’d be REALLY wary of that idea. I know it’s not your intention but no matter how you slice it that creates a scenario where some cats are genetically superior and more civilised than others based on where they’re from, which I feel is bad even if they happen to be nice to kittypets. Really love your work but maybe consider how you’d handle that one !!
Yeah, that's exactly the reason why I tacked the big old "THIS IS NOT IN THE REWRITE" warning onto the front of it lmao.
It also creates a situation where the Clans have an actual, unfortunate REAL justification for cat eugenics, which would mix very, very badly even in situations where there is no Clan/Housecat conflict. Unless it was completely dominant and always passed on but... you see how it's already an uncomfortable idea I'd have to tack on a bunch of bandaids to.
Sometimes a thought remains just a thought exactly because you end up thinking through its implications, y'know?
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yurucamp · 2 years
Привет! это я, и я все еще учу русский язык! У меня вопрос... как твоя жизнь в России? Меня интересует русская культура
(i hope my russian is good enough, sorry for any erorrs. it is indeed me, the guy who asked about learning russian a while ago :) )
привет друг изучающий русский! я живу в казахстане и не в россии, и поэтому мои впечатления отличаются. я обожаю казахстан, люди вообще очень добрые и гостеприимные. где я живу, почти все говорят по русский, но есть пересечение культур (и казахская и тюркская и русская и корейская, т.д.), которое мне нравится, и я тоже чуть-чуть изучаю казахский язык ну я могу долго обсуждать это! и не волнуйтесь, нет никаких проблем, я сама говорю с многими ошибками, самое главное- ясность значения
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моя фотка алматы :-) как я считаю, самый красивый город в мире
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