#i shoulda used a more neon pink oh well
lovexmemonster · 1 month
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>:3c we are so back (on animal jams art system)
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RWBY TorD Arm Wrestling Tournament - First Round
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First Round Matchups: Blake v Coco, Nora v Ciel, Ruby v Ilia, Yang v Penny, Emerald v Neon, Weiss v Pyrrha, Velvet v Cinder
Weiss: Ugh. Arm wrestling? How barbaric.
Yang: Says the girl with toothpick arms.
Weiss: I have very toned and healthy arms!
Ruby: Yeah Yang, shush!
Blake: I’m with Weiss on this one, this seems to really favor those of us who have significantly more upper body strength.
Weiss: And we have to take off our underwear when we lose?! That’s even more unfair!
Yang: Shoulda lifted more.
Weiss: I have no need to “lift.” I am a person of finesse and grace.
Ruby: No offense, Weiss, but I don’t think you’re going to finesse your way out of this.
Weiss: Why?
Ruby: You’re up against Pyrrha first.
Weiss: P-Pyrrha?
Pyrrha, waving: Hello again!
Yang: Yep. She definitely lifts.
Weiss, letting her head fall forward, sighing: I guess my fate is sealed, isn’t it.
Ruby, putting a hand on her shoulder: Weiss....sometimes....you just gotta lift.
Weiss, smacking her hand away: Stop saying lift!
Weiss v Pyrrha
Weiss: How does one....arm wrestle?
Pyrrha, chuckling: It’s rather simple. I would arm wrestle with classmates all the time back in combat school. Well, until the school made me stop after I accidentally broke someone’s wrist. I still feel bad about that....
Weiss: Not helping....
Pyrrha, smiling: Sorry. Really all you do is lock hands, elbow on the table, and try to push your opponent’s arm so far that the back of their hand hits the table. You can’t lean to the side or put any of your body weight into it, just arm strength.
Weiss: Okay.
Pyrrha: Are you ready?
Weiss: Can I just forfeit?
Pyrrha: Forfeit?
Weiss: Yeah. I have no chance at beating your strength, so why even bother?
Pyrrha: Weiss...I’m—
Weiss: No no, I have accepted this, I am fine with taking off my underwear, it’s all fine. This is my life now and there’s nothing I can do about it.
Pyrrha: That’s a tad dramatic...
Weiss: I concede victory to you. *bows*
Pyrrha: Well....hurray?
Yang, whispering to Ruby: Quite a rousing start to the action.
Weiss, sighing: Okay. *reaches beneath her skirt* No one stare! *takes off her light blue panties and hands them to Pyrrha* Your trophy?
Pyrrha, chuckling nervously: Maybe don’t call it that.
Nora: Woo, go Pyrrha!
Pyrrha, smiling: I didn’t do anything.
Weiss, pushing the front of her skirt down a bit: Can I, like, go sit down now?
Pyrrha: Of course. And I’m sorry you felt you had to do that. *steps over to her and kisses her cheek* You are very gracious.
Weiss, blushing: Ohh.... *smiles* Thank you.
Advancing to the Quarterfinals: Pyrrha
Blake v Coco
Blake: Adel.
Coco: Belladonna.
Blake, extending a hand: Shall we?
Coco, locking hands: Oh, we shall.
Nora: Any bets, anyone?
Ruby: My money’s on Blake, they can swing Yang around with their ribbon when they do their Bumblebee team attack! That takes some strength.
Velvet: But Coco carries a massive Gatling gun with her everywhere. That thing is heavy.
Blake: And....GO!
Coco and Blake begin to strain against each other’s arms, but it quickly turns in Blake’s favor, until pinning Coco’s arm.
Nora: Blake wins!
Blake, sighing and putting their hands on their hips: Don’t sleep on these guns. *shrugs*
Coco, shaking her hand out: Not bad....so I guess this means I give you my underwear?
Blake: I’m afraid so. What, are they super-expensive designer panties?
Coco: How’d you know?
Blake: Wait, they are?
Coco: Why are you surprised? *undoes her belt and pushes off her pants* Did you think under this meticulously assembled outfit I would just wear generic underwear? Please. *pushes down her black panties, all while discretely pulling her shirttail in front of herself* Here.
Blake, taking Coco’s panties and studying them: These are designer. Is this....gold stitiching in the waistband??
Coco, sitting down while keeping her shirt pulled forward: Gold and copper, actually.
Blake, sighing: Wow. Okay then.
Velvet, reaching over and poking Coco’s butt: Boop!
Coco, flinching: Hey!
Velvet: Heheh ^~^
Advancing to the quarterfinals: Blake
Nora v Ciel
Ciel: Nope.
Nora: What?
Ciel: I have no chance.
Nora: Oh, c’mon, you have to at least try!
Ciel: I once saw you open an aluminum can with your bare hands because you couldn’t find a can opener. I do not want to be your next can of pears.
Nora: Hey, I would go easy on you.
Ciel: Would you?
Nora: No....
Ciel: Then I concede.
Nora: WOO I WIN! Gimme your underwear.
Ciel, blushing and sighing: Oh right, that. *reaches beneath her skirt and takes off her white panties, handing them to Nora* There.
Nora: Well that was easy.
Advancing to the quarterfinals: Nora
Ruby v Ilia
Yang: I wonder who’s gonna win this one—the girl who carries around a massive metal scythe, or the girl who carries around a glorified taser.
Ilia: I’m about to taser you, Yang. Besides, I think I’ve got a shot!
Weiss: Really?
Ilia: Shut up, toothpick arms.
Weiss: Again, my arms are—!
Ruby: Let’s just have a good, fair arm wrestling match! *offers her hand to Ilia* Ready?
Ilia, taking her hand: Heh, only if you’re ready to lose.
Ruby: Ready, and....GO!
Ilia: Ow!
Ruby: Oh.
Nora: Ruby wins!
Ruby: That was....
Ilia, on the ground, turning blue: I have been humiliated....
Ruby: I, uh....I didn’t mean to....beat you so quickly.
Ilia, sniffling: It’s fine, I deserved it. You were right, Yang, it is a glorified taser.
Yang: Well now I feel bad....
Weiss: Oh, get up you drama queen. You lost fair and square, and besides, your arm strength doesn’t even matter. You’re a perfectly capable fighter without such physical strength.
Ilia: Aww, thanks Weiss, you’re so sweet.
Weiss, stuttering: I, uhh....
Ilia, getting back to her feet: I guess I, uhm.... *pushes down her pants* I guess since you won...?
Ruby, blushing: Okay, awkward....
Ilia: Yeah, speak for yourself.... *sighs, then lowers her underwear and tosses them to Ruby* There! *quickly sits down, draping her pants across her lap to cover herself*
Ruby, catching Ilia’s gray trunks: Uhh....yay?
Advancing to the quarterfinals: Ruby
Yang v Penny
Yang, hands in the air: Okay, first off....robot girl.
Penny: Yes.
Yang: Versus....my robot arm.
Penny: It seems so. Are you concerned about fairness?
Yang: It’s not that, it’s just—
Penny: Because I can adjust my strength settings so I—
Yang: No no no! Gimme all you got!
Penny: You are certain?
Yang: Certain.
Penny: Well, okay then. *offers her hand*
Yang, taking her hand: Let’s do this!
Penny: Commencing in 3....2....1....begin!
They both begin to strain against each other.
Yang: Damn....you’re....sturdy....
Penny: Speak for yourself, Friend Yang.
Yang: You know....both my arm and you...are Atlas manufactured....so isn’t this just an even matchup?
Penny: I feared as such.
Yang, blinking: Wha....
Penny: It appears my wrist joints were not properly fastened.
Yang, with Penny’s detached hand in her own: Uhhh.... *places Penny’s hand on the table* Pinned?
Ruby: Penny, what the heck?!
Penny: I have a maintainance appointment tomorrow, don’t worry!
Yang: I win, right?
Blake: Considering you ripped her hand off, yeah, I’d say so.
Yang: Then don’t I get your....do robots wear underwear?
Penny, chuckling: Oh, silly. Of course I wear underwear.
Yang: Should that be obvious?
Penny: I suppose not.
Nora: Okay, hold up. I have been wondering about this forever. Penny, forgive me for such a weird question, but how....anatomically correct are you?
Penny: Hm? Oh, in terms of genitalia?
Ruby: That word sounds so wrong coming out of your mouth.
Nora: Yeah, like....yeah.
Penny, laughing: Friend Nora, Why would I be designed in such a way? I’m an android, I have no use for such things.
Nora: Okay, good point.
Yang: And yet you wear underwear?
Penny: It makes me feel cute.
Yang: Okay, valid.
Penny, tugging down her light green underwear from beneath her skirt, then handing it to Yang: There. Congratulations.
Yang: Thanks. And here, lemme hand this over.
Penny, taking her hand back: Yes, thank you.
Advancing to the quarterfinals: Yang
Emerald v Neon
Neon: Yeah I’m about to lose.
Emerald: Really? I’m pretty sure you’re going to beat me.
Neon: I’m pretty sure I’m not known for upper body strength.
Emerald: Well neither am I.
Yang: Girls, I think the point of the is to prove who’s more strong.
Neon: Yeah, but....c’mon, look at me. I have trouble opening ketchup bottles.
Emerald: Same!
Yang: Just go for it! One of you has to win!
Emerald, sighing: Alright, I guess. Let’s go for it.
Neon: I’m warning you, if by some miracle I do win, I will be so extra with my celebration.
Emerald: Sure, go off. *they lock hands* Ready?
Neon: Set....
Emerald: Go!
They both begin pushing against each other, grumbling and growling, but their hands won’t budge.
Yang: Woah, you two are pretty evenly matched.
Emerald: This....is so hard.....
Neon: Ehhhhhh...!
Emerald: EHHHHHH!
Neon: Nonononono!
Emerald forces Neon’s hand back far enough for it to touch the table.
Yang: Nice one, Em!
Emerald: I won?!
Emerald: Holy shit I won!
Ruby: Go Emmy!
Neon, cartoonishly crying: And I had so many dreams....dreams of victory, fame, fortune....
Emerald: Shut up and give me your underwear.
Neon: Wow. No one’s said that to me in weeks.
Emerald: Wait....who’s said that to you before?
Neon: Not important. And fine, I guess since you won and all... *sigh* Fine. *pushes down her shorts from beneath her skirt* Bet you think you’re pretty lucky getting your hands on these, huh?
Emerald, blushing: I mean, “lucky” probably isn’t the word for it.
Neon, quickly pulling her pink underwear off before covering herself with her skirt: Here. *tosses the garment to Emerald* Enjoy your prize.
Emerald: I don’t know what that means but okay.
Advancing to the quarterfinals: Emerald
Velvet v Cinder
Velvet: Uhm...you aren’t going to use your robot arm, right? That wouldn’t be fair.
Cinder: I’ll use my real arm, don’t worry. I’m still going to beat you, though.
Velvet: We’ll see. *offers her hand* Let’s go.
Cinder, taking her hand: Yes, let’s.
Velvet: Ready....and....go!
Cinder takes an immediate advantage
Velvet: Oh no....
Cinder, successfully pinning Velvet’s arm: Haha!
Velvet, pouting: *whines*
Cinder: Hey, I won fair and square. No sad bunny eyes.
Velvet: *whines some more*
Cinder, frowning: Goddamnit....
Velvet, giggling: I’m just joking with you. *sighs* And I guess I have to give you something.
Cinder, blushing: Oh yeah, that.
Velvet, taking off her shorts: But seeing as how I’ve already had to do a dare that involved much worse than this, this is nothing. *takes off her brown and black striped panties and hands them to Cinder* Congrats.
Cinder, even more blushing: Yeah, thanks....
And thus ends the First Round! Here’s the updated bracket!
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The Quarterfinals will commence soon with these matchups:
Neo v Blake,
Nora v Ruby,
Yang v Emerald, and
Pyrrha v Cinder!
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goodnightallwhites · 4 years
Snowkitty By BlackingPacking
By BlackingPacking 
Submitted: January 23, 2019 Updated: January 23, 2019 
Selina Kyle has never been a big part of the Batfamily. Nor has she ever fucked a big black cock. The two are more related than you might think. 
Contains: NTR/Cuckolding, Interracial, BBC, SPH 
Provided by Hentai Foundry. 
Chapter 1 - Selina gets Blacked 2 
Chapter 2 - Along Came a Black Spider 9 
Chapter 3 - Stephanie Brown and the Blackedcomputer 
1 - Selina gets Blacked 
Selina Kyle loved Bruce Wayne. Catwoman loved Batman. 
But she also loved money- and, while she’d never manipulate Bruce into giving her access to Wayne Enterprises for a job, she had no qualms with breaking into the place- just a quick in and out really, and, just to be extra nice, she wouldn’t steal any extra goodies for herself. 
Worst case scenario, she got found and Bruce came- she’d lose the contract, but would have the fun of playing with him, and then the thrill of escape, always a plus. 
(She also wouldn’t mind getting a little closer to Bats than she usually did, but, despite all the black he wore, he was still white down there.) 
As she disabled the motion sensors on the window of an office atop Wayne Tower and climbed onto it to cut a hole to climb in, she thought about all her experiences with men- at this point, she had pretty much accepted that big dicks were a myth, and had learned to accept the ‘motion of the ocean’ guys and a good-sized dildo when she could. She was always too busy to watch porn. Maybe she’d break into a studio one day and ask what their secrets were. 
She was in, the only lighting in the office being the moonlight making everything, from the flat screen TV to the $2,000 chair to the tall, plastic plant in the corner. Artificial but comfortable- like a dildo- 
Goddammit, you have to stop getting distracted! Head in the game, Selina- you’ve got the hardrive, all you gotta do is plug it in- wow, right way on the first try- and now for the data dump. Corporate espionage and the secrets of the rich and powerful? Child’s play. 
She waited for all that lovely compromising information to upload, lounging on the chair and, when she head the light but firm steps indicative of a muscular man approaching the door, she unzipped her costume down to her crotch, exposing her stomach and all of her cleavage to the cool air. 
When the door was opened, she was unsurprised, for a second- she thought she recognized the broad shoulders, the biceps stretching the sleeves of his shirt- but then she realized he was wearing a t-shirt- Bruce never wore t-shirts- and, what she thought she should have realized first, he was black. 
“What are you doing here?” he asked glaringly, tapping something on his wristwatch. 
She kicked the desk, pushing the chair away from it, spinning around the office, her tits jiggling, “I could ask you the same question- who the hell are you supposed to be?” once she spun the chair in front of the dest, she stood up to face him. 
“I’m the guy who keeps trash like you out of this building.” 
“Trash? Puh! Is it because of how I dress? I didn’t know it became the Victorian Age when in a tower 
this tall, Mister, ah-” she pulled out a black leather wallet- “Luke Fox.” 
“Wha- how did-” 
“Oh, the CEO’s son, I see. I’ve met your father and your company’s owner, but I don’t think we’ve ever been formally introduced,” said the Cat. She leaned on him, tits rubbing against his chest. 
“You’re right, but I think, after all you’ve done with Bruce, I know you well enough.” 
Selina encircled one of his muscular legs with her lissome one, but, truth be told, she was concerned- did Luke here know that Bruce was Batman? And did he know how much they’d fucked over the years? 
She decided not to let it get to her, “Well, sorry to say, but I don’t really have time to stay and chat,” she said, slinking back, grabbing the drive, and digging her claws into the glass. She waited for the dark young man to make a move. 
“Good, because you won’t be talking to anyone except your lawyer,” he declared. Like clockwork- it surprised Selina how much he acted like Batman. His face looked even more driven than Bruce had in his early days, when he was angrier and brasher. She’d forgotten how sexy it was. 
Still, no time for reminiscing. Selina pushed into the cracked glass, totally shattering it, letting it fall like water behind her down to the street far, far, far below. She took a step back, and Luke took a step forward. He proceeded towards her, but not before she jumped out the window, totally free. 
What she sure didn’t expect was for him to jump after her. Not only did she question what the fuck she was gonna do know, but Luke’s very sanity. 
But then she saw a package rocket out of the building, making a beeline towards Luke, then attaching to and encasing him, before the sleek metal parts tightened around his form. It turned on, blue neon aesthetic lights and glowing eyes and, most importantly, a blue bat-symbol on his chest. 
So Luke was Batwing. That explained... a bit. 
Before she could think of what to think next, he shot down toward her, caught her, and flew her to the concrete top of a nearby tower, one not half the height of Wayne Tower. 
She fell on her ass- dammit, he better not have hurt her lovely ass!- while Luke stood tall above her. 
“What did you steal?” He asked, voice robotic. 
“Maybe I’ll tell you if I can talk to the real you,” she cooed, “take off the mask,” she could feel the open air on her nipples- presumably, the fall made her tits flop out. The price of mixing fun and work- but it wasn’t like the fun would be over now. She hoped she could use Luke easily. 
He gulped audibly as the mask receded from his face, exposing his head and neck. He shifted uncomfortably. 
She giggled at him, “Well, first of all, I stole this-” between two clawed fingers, the cat held a button. The kind that belonged on expensive business pants. The kind- 
“What- dammit!” Luke realized what caused the discomfort in his pants. He turned around to fix them, opening up the bottom half of his suit to adjust himself, muttering in his deep, throaty voice, “Damn new suit.. Shoulda worn the cup..” 
“Ah, the cup?” asked Selina, hoping to get him so aroused he couldn’t catch her, “Oh c’mon, you were staring at mine, why can’t I see-” 
“No, I-” he fell forward as he felt Selina push against his leg, but in doing so showed Selina what she wanted- his cock half hard, pushing out against his grey underwear in a massive bulge. 
“Oh- oh come fucking on, you’re wearing a cup now!” 
“No- no, you don’t get it,” he said. In a move clearly done by pure hormones, he pulled it out to show her- and holy hell was it a sight. 
Darker than the rest of his milk chocolate skin and, even when at best half hard, as thick as her wrist and twice the length of her hand, it protruded from his muscular pelvis, curving down until the large, deep mauve head pointed straight at the floor, nearly touching Selina's sensitive skin. 
Selina’s sultry, deep breaths stopped cold. She reached out to touch it. In her hand, which she couldn’t wrap around it, of course, she felt his blood pump, making his width tug, his head throbbing just a bit. 
It was frightening- how was he so big? Bruce's sat snug in her hand when he was rock hard, but this was barely above flaccid, and it fit in her hand, the squishy, yet strong flesh spilling out of her hand. He was like a handful of sand, something she couldn't hold, while Bruce was just one stone. Or a pebble. Eventually, she managed to get her lithe fingers to touch all the way around it, but, as her breaths turned waveringly deep, she felt them barely brush each other, and then be pulled totally apart as he rose to hardness. 
She decided that she didn’t want to run away anymore. 
“H-how big does it get?” She stared. 
“Fourteen inches,” he gulped, more confident now. 
“Christ-” she lifted it up, letting the head brush her face, “do they even make cups this big?” was all she could ask. 
“It’s.. difficult,” he chuckled, “And the suits are a whole nother thing... this is a new one, you see. I haven’t made the necessary adjustments yet... I’m sorry, lemme just-” 
Selina grabbed his plump cock, “Oh fuck no bitch! I’m gonna get this cock- Goddamn it’s big! And why the hell don’t you have your suit fitted for this? Not that I’m complaining...” 
“No- I, I make the adjustments myself. Bruce makes the suits-” 
“Say no more,” smiled Selina, working her arm to pump his fat cock to hardness, “Goddamn, those rumors are true...” she felt a massive urge to lick at his black cock. 
“Oh, you know- about black guys’ dicks- don’t tell me you’ve never been in a locker room with any of Bruce or his, heh, little Robins?” 
“I don't think you should trust me to be honest.” 
“Well, I’ll be honest, I’ve never fucked a black guy, but if I ever had, I’d be thinking about that cock all the fuckin time.” 
“Never fucked a black guy, Miss Kyle?” 
“Not even when I was a hooker- and no need to be all formal. It’s Selina, at the very least,” she smiled widely as she smacked his meat against her snow white face. 
“Alright, Selina- I think I’m there. Wanna take what you want?” 
“Don’t ask next time. It’s hotter,” she replied, and then, just slow enough to taste every inch of the massive thing, Catwoman decided she'd go all in, and inhaled his cock, its blackness more than she had ever had before. It tasted musky and strong, pulsating on and heating her little pink tongue. 
She widened her jaw to take in his girth, his dick filling both her. She was great at the blowjob face, sucking her cheeks in, but with a black cock the limber woman felt like a chipmunk. It was heavy, too, pushing down on her poor straining lower jaw. Worst of all, she was about halfway down the actual length. She pushed on, feeling her throat expand as she swallowed his length. 
She gargled it, then pulled out, coating his big black dick in saliva, more than it looked like her cute little mouth could produce. 
Her eyes, however, told a different story. One that said she needed more of this massive dick to suck on, to lick, to drool over, to fawn over, to get all up inside all her holes. With one suck, Selina Kyle became another victim to black cock lust. She totally forgot how she felt about Bruce- emotions were a thing of the heart, and right now, her dripping pussy was the captain of her actions. 
She happily slurped him down again, ropes of spit sticking to his veiny dick every time she came off it. She sucked him like a vacuum, her ruby lips stretching across his shaft as she pulled back before going all the way back down again. Lipstick smeared on him, only to be licked back up when her tongue darted all over his cock every time she went down on him. 
Slurping, sucking, kissing and licking, Selina gave Luke the best head she ever gave, and the best he’d ever gotten. 
“How.. how close are you?” she gasped, just off his hot dick, strings of spit and precum hanging from her lips, dangling onto her creamy breasts. 
“To cumming?” he asked, “Not really.” 
Well, fuck! Selina’s usual routine (both before and after she found robbing was more fun than sex) was to make him cum with a blow job, then fuck him. But it seemed this ugy had a big dick and could last twice as long as the normal guy, 
“Change of plans,” she announced, gulping as she realized her throat felt much wider, “do you wanna take your costume off?” 
“For what?” 
“To fuck me silly, silly!” She smiled, stripping, letting her leather catsuit fall onto the roof as she crawled back to his erection, licking its tip playfully. 
“I’d like to keep it on, if that’s fine with you.” 
“Oh, God yes it is,” she licked his balls and up to his very tip, then let his dick drag between her pillowy tits, “keep me naked, all submissive and helpless, you’re so fucking hot.” 
Luke didn’t see it that way- he just didn’t want to be disarmed in case he had to fight this crazy white cat burglar bitch, but every second it seemed more like that wouldn’t happen, since she wasn’t stopping. 
She gave him a short, toying titjob, rubbing her pale breasts all over his pole, and then stood further up, rubbing his precum against her firm but smooth stomach, before finally standing up straight, his cockhead poking just under her navel. 
“Oh, take me, Batwing,” she cooed, no sign of remembering all the times she’d said Batman instead. Luke kissed her, making out deeply, slimy tongues rolling over each other. He then grabbed her by her soft asscheeks, not as impressive as her tits, but still a wonderful pair. He smacked them, pushed into the soft flesh with his strong fingers, and then cupped her sexy ass in his hands to lift her up onto his cock. 
“You feel so big,” said Selina, biting her tongue as she held onto Luke, her pussy lips rubbing on his shaft. 
“You feel so wet,” responded Luke. 
“Better to guide you in with, Lukey baby,” she said, pushing her stomach against his abs, guiding his cock up to point right at her cunt. She closed her eyes, braced herself, and sat on it. 
“Ah, fuck!” she yelled, loud enough that it made Luke hope no one was on the roof, “It is really big! I haven’t felt like this since I lost my virginity! In fucking middle school! Oh yeah, fuck me hard and deep with your big- big- oh, fuck you’re so big!” Selina turned into a chatterbox by his electrifying black cock. 
“Damn you’re tight! I thought you were a whore!” He bounced her up and down his massive dong, her sweaty, sticky legs locked tight around his waist. 
“Oh, I am! I’m a whore! A dirty, slutty, whore!” 
“Then why are you as tight as a school girl?” 
“Ah, fuck! You just wanna hear me say it! I’m a- fuck I feel it all the way in I’m sooooo full!- I’ve never been a whore for black cock before!” 
“And now?” 
“Holy- holy shit! Ah, I’m getting lightheaded... I’ve never been fucked like this before. I can’t believe I’ve never gone black..” 
He pulled her short, black hair and smacked her ass, “And now?” 
“Now- I went black! And goddamn if I’m never going back! Ahh, fuck!” the usually clever cat burglar had become totally degraded, slick with sweat and eyes wild with pleasure. She held on tight to his armor, gyrating her round, obsessed, child bearing hips on his cock. 
It pushed and throbbed and strained all inside her, stretching her insides, making them even wider than her pussy, which never stretched wider than his steady base. It was his twitching head deep in his canal that made her feel like she never had before. 
“I’m a fucking slut for black cock!” she cried, mind exploding as she felt a rush of hot, syrupy liquid in her cunt spill out and run on her legs. It took her a second to realize that this was not his cum she felt, but her own. 
The BBC whore tried to see what time it was on something, but there were no clocks near. Her screams and cry were replaced with a long, humid moan, that was only interrupted when her whole body shook with one of his thrusts. They could have been fucking for ten minutes or for half an hour. Either way, the man had stamina like she had never felt. 
He pushed her up against the wall of the stairway exit, her back scraping against rough concrete, but if any of her white hide hurt, it was her rose-red asscheeks, which had been thoroughly spanked by the dominant man. 
She screamed his name as she came again. Her pussy tightened, and he kept driving. She loved the pain. She was a white woman- a snowbunny, now. A snowkitty. She loved it. She wanted him to hurt her more. 
He then held onto her back. His gloves had retracted into his armpeices- when, Selina’s dopamine-addled mind didn’t know- and his black, rough palms felt up her back. He didn’t squeeze tight, which she would have loved, but she realized how much hotter it made her felt. 
Stupid white girl! Just let the black man pleasure you, Selina. Let his black... black... 
It felt like he was dominating her, making her more whorish than Stan or Slam Bradley or Bruce had ever done, effortlessly. She was so weak compared to this adonis. 
She was never going back to white boys. 
She felt his round, fat black balls slam up against her ass. They were hanging, the size of tangerines, and as delicious as them. Selina could swear that she felt them churn with his superior african seed, what she wanted- no, no, no, NEEDED- inside of her. 
Suddenly, as she came a third time, her lover granted her wish, and came inside of her, shooting strong, round, fluid ropes of thick goop inside her already wet pussy, drenching it. The solid weight within her ravished hole doubled as his manhood came deep inside. It felt like gallons of his potent sperm was emptied right into her womb. Shame she wasn’t anywhere near ovulating. 
She went limp, falling down, having to be caught with his strong, quick hand around her back. Her head and limbs hung, supported by his one hand and his massive dong, buried deep inside her tight cunt. 
“That was.. The best... I’ve ever had,” she panted, dropping to the ground. She looked at her raw, well-fucked cunt, staring at its strained opening. Then, cum ran out- not gray, thin white cum, but thick, creamy, virile black cum, “You’re so much better than all the other Bat boys... how are you so good...” it kept spilling out, drowning her crotch, soaking the ground. 
Luke laughed, “Secret identity- I’m black.” 
“Of course.. And Bruce had to get a chinadoll to actually have a kid with.” 
“And all the boys are pretty shy in the locker rooms too...” 
“I bet.” 
“‘Cept for Duke.” 
“God, tell me more. I’m already wet...” her hand slid down her sticky creampie. It made a shlicking sound. Selina’s eyes closed as she bit her messy lip. 
“Sure,” Luke cracked his knuckles, “ready to go again?” 
2 - Along Came a Black Spider 
Selina had to wonder if Bruce understood that he was a beta white guy, with a below-average dick and no jet pack. After all, he had given Luke Fox, the guy with the gargantuan dick that made Selina into a black-only snow bunny, the super suit with a jetpack. 
He used both on the way to Selina’s apartment, where he had agreed to drop her off after she had taken a second load of his on her face, still feeling like a spa day, his thick cum masking her pale countenance with enough fluid to fill a bucket. 
She fell naked on her balcony, her ass cheeks redder than her roses from the pounding, her knees more scraped than her old metal chairs from how deep she had sucked him, and her nipples standing erect as the table’s umbrella, the tits they adorned glazed with ropey cum, more than she could swallow- and she loved swallowing his delicious cum. 
He took the flash drive and flew away, leaving Selina, naked, and without her catsuit, to go in her apartment, totally exhausted. She had barely taken a few steps in when she collapsed on the couch, lifting her legs up in the air to expose her burning cunt as she teetered at the edge of consciousness. 
“Fuck, I need a shower.....” groaned Selina as she felt a fat dollop of syrupy cum leak from her used hole, putting her fingers up to herself to feel her creampie, letting it drip on her couch, the fluid ruining it as Luke had ruined her cunt. Hell, the whole couch may have been ruined. She was sweating so much- every inch of her skin was on fire with a pleasure years of white lovers had never given her. She closed her eyes and smiled, tongue lapping at the cream on her lips. 
She began fingering herself. She loved feeling the insides of her tight little cunny, but now it felt like she was hollow, her stretched hole feeling like an abyss around her hand, wider than three fingers. Even when she pushed her whole hand in, her sex stretched easy as a shirt, looser than she’d ever been before. It felt like it would just collapse in on itself if she removed her hand. 
Reluctantly, the wet, dripping, sweaty, cum-soaked mess got up from the couch and meandered into the bathroom, tracking her mess throughout the brightly lit, angular apartment. She passed the balcony in her bedroom there, but, to her sadness, there was no Batwing flying around. The Bat-signal was lit, but she hoped Bruce wouldn’t ever expect anything from her again, because, as good a person he was, he wasn’t a real man. And Selina needed a real man. 
She turned on the steamy water as she felt guilt and pleasure keep washing over her. It wasn’t like she’d cheated on Bruce- they weren’t together right now, and it’s not like it wasn’t seen as normal for a beautiful white lady such as her to cuckold a white guy with a big, dark lover, was it? And god, Luke felt so good, deeper inside her than she’d ever thought possible. 
She played with her clit in the hot bath, finely manipulating it, thinking if she was stereotyping. After all, she’d fucked only the one black guy, what’s to say he wasn’t an outlier? What if she couldn’t, just in 
theory, get herself all tattooed up with queens of spades and ‘black owned’ and be totally satisfied with black guys twice as big as any white ‘man’? 
Well, she could always just be with Luke. He, she knew, was good enough. He was a decade and a half younger than her- did that make her a cougar? Fuck if she cared. 
She kept playing with herself under the water, pinching and pulling at her swollen clit, thinking of the wild night she’d just had. How Luke had picked her up and their bodies sunk into each other, how he’d put her on her hands and feet as he mounted her, her from behind, how he slapped her ass as he pounded her cunt, how his thick pile of meat slapped her tits and her face before cumming all over them, emptying those full, hanging balls she only got to lick a precious few times. 
Even more disappointing than how much she licked his balls was her ass- yeah, the cheeks were as red as could be, but as she moved the finger of her other hand to the pink, tight pucker of her anus, it felt very neglected compared to her gaping pussy. She wanted a big black cock in her ass. 
As she drifted into sleep, fingers holding her clit in a fist as she put another two far up her ass, she dreamed of it. 
She woke up when her head finally dipped underwater- something the expensive in-bath seat was designed to prevent. She stole hard for that, it might as well work! 
Still, she felt comfortable- the water was still somewhat warm, so the heating worked. And judging by the dim light it was dawn. If she had any idea how long it was between encountering Luke and going to sleep, that may have meant something. 
She didn’t want to get up. She kept her face barely above the water so she could keep feeling herself. Her asshole had accommodated to her middle and index finger, and so she pushed another into the snugly held hole. Her pussy, on the other hand, had tightened around her fingers, no longer gaping or full of semen. 
Of course, she’d love it to be again- stretched open and fucked, then poured into with hot, thick sperm. And even more in her ass- god, how she needed a black man to really fill that hole, how- 
She rolled her head over, and saw something in the corner of her bathroom- no, someone. Wearing a black full-bodysuit, with orange and purple highlights, a maroon spider on his face. 
“Ah, shit,” grumbled Selina, hooping out of the bath into the cold air as a throwing knife flew past her short black hair. He pounced at her, so she grabbed the bathroom door and left him to run into it. 
“Black Spider, isn’t it?” She asked, flipping into the living room, soaking the floor again. 
He didn’t respond, simply running after her and firing a line from his gauntlet, missing Selina and catching a chair, which also missed her. 
“Oh come on!” she yelled, keeping on her feet, “I’m right, right? You’re Black Spider- Eric Needlewhatever-“ she dodged more of his swipes- “Shouldn’t you be with Waller? And even then, what 
the hell are you doing in my bathroom, pervert?!” 
“You knew the deal- turn in the drive by 6 am. It’s been an hour almost, so I was sent to check on you. You clearly haven’t bothered, I searched the place, and it’s not here, so I assumed the contract is void, and you know the boss don't accept betrayal.” 
“Ah, fuck you!” She gasped as she narrowly dodged another barbed line, whipping around her bedroom, “I can still get it!” 
“Plenty of people can- and I’m sure the boss is already hiring. You’re done-“ he swung around the line like a whip yet again, “it’s just you and me now.” 
“Can you let me get dressed first then, Eric, before I kick your ass?” 
“How cliche,” chuckled the Spider, switching to wrist-mounted blades to keep Selina on her toes, “and shouldn’t you appreciate the fact that you’re naked? Isn’t sex appeal meant as a distraction?” 
“What? You buy that bullshit? No, I show my tits off because I’m a slut-“ she slid under him to kick him in the back, knocking him down onto a armoire, knocking down a jewelry chest, “be lucky I didn’t go for the dick, asshole,” She grumbled, letting the chest hit him. 
“Oh, you would have liked that, wouldn’t you, slut?” He rolled over, still mocking her. 
“That’s-“ she paused, knowing he wasn’t the one who started that, “Okay, fuck you, I am a slut, and I was having a great time before you showed- wait,” she paused, reaching for his mask, but not taking it, “you’re black, aren’t you?” 
“Yes, and I’m a spider.” 
“No, I meant-“ 
“Bitch, I know what you meant! Yes, I am,” he pushed her hand away to take off his mask, revealing a sharp, goateed black face, “why?” 
She lowered her body, exposed and naked, on top of his well armored one, until her pussy was nearly touching his large codpiece, “I mean... I just wanted to ask-“ she put her hands on his shoulders, pinning him down, “how big is your dick?” 
“...Bitch, what?” 
“I’m serious-“ she whined, “how big? Because I fucked my first black guy last night and need to know if they’re all like that!” 
They both looked at each other, Selina in what seemed to be desperation, and Eric in confusion. 
“AHAHAHAHA,” suddenly, he laughed, “So you’re just another big black cock slut, is that right?” 
“Uh- you’ll fuck me if I say yes, right?” 
“Fuck Batman’s bitch? Any day.” 
“Then yes, I’m the biggest fucking black cock whore on earth!” She exclaimed, almost shaking on him, “oh! And I’m not his bitch- not anymore,” she smiled gleefully, putting up two pinched fingers to illustrate Batman’s little white dick. 
“Hah! You are a bad bitch, aren’t you!” 
“I’ll be your bad bitch if you really do have a big black cock!” 
“Then lemme show you,” he breathed as he pushed her ass off him. She felt her pussy dampen at the feeling of him control her, picking her up with just one big, strong hand. 
He tore off his belt and peeled off his pants, pulling the codpiece down to reveal to Selina what could only be described as an anaconda- as long, if not longer than Luke, with a fatter head and thinner shaft, actually making it look bigger, harder to take, more painful. Definitely like a snake. 
“I’m already so fucking wet,” whispered Selina. 
“I can tell-” he made her moan by feeling her wetness, holding her from behind with two fingers sloshing over her pussy while his thumb pressed right above her asshole. 
“Your hands even feel big,” she lowered her shuttering head to his ear, “I want you to do whatever you want to me, baby.” 
“Good,” he slammed her ass, spanking her. His spry, sturdy hand totally covered her alabaster cheek, rubbing it like a baker kneading dough, the strength of his black hands rippling over her velvety flesh. She kissed his dark neck, tasting sweat. It clung to her lips until she licked it off. 
He began tearing off his padded suit, Selina pawing at the edges as if to help, but she was really just enamored with his black body, his ebony tufts of hair running down his broad chest and sculpted abs, the hair of a real man. His torso and cock was totally opened, and so, like a moth to a flame, Selina dropped, ass up, and face down, kissing his muscular frame. 
Preoccupied with his musculature and musk, Selina’s hand drifted down to Eric’s legs without looking, feeling around, groping at his wide, strong legs. She kissed his stomach like it was an idol until her hand felt something new- a smooth, bulbous head, a deep peach poking out from the long, curved, black shaft. It tensed as her hand felt it, as her worshipping slowed to look over at the massive tube of meat, semi-erect and pointing down at his swollen, hanging balls. 
Selina’s hand purled around his sleek cockhead and his round ballsack. He secreted precum, the perfect lubricant for Selina’s lustful hand to hold his cockhead, at least three times bigger than any white boy she’d ever been with. As she tried to wrap her fist around his round tip, his cock tightened, hefting his balls, swelling his veins all the way down his shaft. 
She planted sloppy, smacking kisses down his abs to his crotch, where she glossed the base of his cock, which, despite its curve, was still taller than her head at its vertex. She kissed and tongued and groped his cock, feeling the fat, many veins only a black cock had, tugging at the soft, loose skin around his solid shaft. 
“You’re so fucking... fucking huge... gargantuan... BBC...” she murmured in between licks, just loud enough for him to hear. Even the thought of those words made her pussy ache. 
He smiled a pearly grin as she put her silky, drooling lips parallel to his cock, then lowered them slowly onto it, right in the middle. She held it on either side of her mouth, the shaft and it’s veins filling each hand as she sucked on it’s delicious flavor. 
She slurped on it, doing her best to drench it with spit from her small mouth, his black member dwarfing her mouth. She went all the way down it and all the way back up, like she was on a harmonica. She closed her eyes and touched herself as her lips popped off his base. When they opened, they saw that her spit, which felt like enough to fill a lake, made maybe half of his godly cock slick with spit. 
Selina whimpered at the monster before her. Luke’s was in the dark, but here, in her apartment, at daybreak, she could see the whole thing, all of its features and pulsations and dark, dark blackness against the pinks, peaches, and whites of her home. Her home was a damn mess thanks to their fight- but now she was ready to be made a damn mess thanks to their fuck, thanks to his huge, strong, black dick. 
She pumped his dick to hardness, thickening it and flattening out its big, floppy curve, replacing it with a solid pipe of black cock. It’s head still pointed down, just a bit. It sat snugly in her hand, the lightest skin on his dark chocolate member, round and smooth as an apple and slick with precum. 
She lied down perpendicular to him, elbows resting on his sinewy dark skin, and let his dick shake and bounce and finally get to full mast right in front of her blue eyes. She kissed the hole at its tip top, and pushed her tongue into to sticky hole, pulling off with a string of precrum. It broke and fell down to his pelvis. She watched it as is fell, far, far below. She jumped off skyscrapers regularly, but, with his cockhead at her nose, the cock she was staring down looked frighteningly tall. 
She put her arms on either side of his base and sat up with good posture, the domineering cock running nearly from her belly button to her forehead. She laughed nervously. 
“Bitch, you ain’t being anywhere near as much as a slut as your tight ass tells me you can,” he said, slapping her ass. His dark palm renewed the light pink handprint that covered both her cheek before he took his huge middle finger, and ran it down her asscrack, pushing at her perfect pink butthole. 
“Eep!” She jumped, body tending and hair bobbing as she felt his fingertips against her sensitive pucker. She looked down, bending to show him he tits with his powerful, huge cock in her cleavage. She beamed, well kept teeth whiter than her skin, but hopefully not to be any less defiled by his blackness, by his huge black cock. 
She closed her eyes and breathed deep, “Don’t stop touching my asshole,” she gasped through th,an enraptured smile. 
He said nothing as he kept playing with her backdoor, moving his fingers in circles around its pucker, running its pad over her, dipping his fingerprints into her lusting anus. Eventually, he matched the pace of Selina’s nervous licks to the underside of his tip, the perfect spot to lap at the juices. 
Her licks were playful, as was his fingering on her behind. Him touching her dirtiest whole made her wet, and that arousal made her more desperateShe lapped at his glans, the smooth, round bulb, the color of syrup. His pace stayed the same, but her mind was running faster and faster. She began to drool on his head and kiss it sloppily as her cunt was, his precum tasting like syrup. He stayed the same. She took a hand and shoved it between her legs, fingering herself. Not long after, his bulb was in her mouth. 
“Mmmf!” she stopped herself when his head, the size of a ripe fruit, was already in her head. Sticky spit flung from her stretched lips, sinking down the long rod of his cock. Ready to gag, she chased it down his dick, careful not to hurt him with her teeth. He may have been thinner than Luke, but she still felt it against her teeth no matter how wide she opened her mouth. Like the water of a warm shower, Selina descended down her would-be assassin’s cock. 
She began to gag at halfway, more than she could take. She pushed down, feeling her wetness increase with each throb of his cock deep down her little slutty gullet. She teared up as she struggled to even take half of his incredible black cock, and almost cried when he took his hand off her hungry asshole, and her ass altogether. She felt like she was gonna collapse when he put that hand on top of her head, and forced her even further down his black rod. 
When she nearly reached the bottom, red-faced, choking, and sputtering as his fat head pushed and pulsates deep, deep in her windpipe, he took his hand off. He moved it down to her crotch, and, to her dismay, he removed her hand from gm inside her soaking wet pussy. 
“W-why?” She pleaded, after rushing up for a gulp of air. That huge cock only a black guy could have flopped on her crestfallen face. 
“Ah calm down,” he said with his well-earned confidence- after all, who could know how to please a girl better than a man with a big black cock? 
He took her waist and hips and pulled them toward him. The pussycat looked over at him, a but he simply pushed her face back into his rock hard dick. Teasing and kneading the flesh, he pulled her hips right at him, lifted them up, and laid them in his face, wet cunny dripping onto his ruggedly handsome face. 
Hugging her waist close to his chest, he slurped and smacked on her drenched puss as she did the same to his cock. Needleham had an easier time eating her out than Selina had blowing him, but both felt similar pleasure. 
Selina began to go limp as she felt an orgasm flowing through her. If it was a white boy, his dick would fall out her slack mouth, but this black snake stayed deep in her. Eric soon noticed, and put her down- practically throwing her on the bed. 
“You’re good at sucking cock, but you need to learn to last a little longer,” he chuckled. Selina moaned 
and groaned, but couldn’t verbally respond. She just sat there as he jerked off his long, black dick to her, building it up until his huge, hanging, wrecking-ball testicles clenched, and he came. He spurted cum down her throat, and her clear wet drool became a thick, sticky, and white. 
She pulled off his cock, not that you could tell, with the slimy cum sticking to his cock and her lips, making a messy curtain between them. That was nowhere near all his cum though- most of it was down her throat, a bigger load than she had ever had before. She sucked up the slimy mess, trying to hold his whole load in. 
“You’d better not spit,” he muttered. 
She gagged and gasped, eyes tearing up with desperation. She bent over and opened her mouth, vomiting potent slime onto her floor. 
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry-“ she cried, bending over to get near to the puddle of cum, “your load was just so big! I couldn’t hold it all in!” She gasped, and stuck her tongue out to lap up the puddle, working to swallow it all. 
He walked around back to her bare ass. “It’s fine- long as you lemme go all the way,” he grinned, putting his hand on her numb butt. 
She took a breath in between her eating of her own oral cream pie, “sure! Please do- I- I won’t be able to fuck as good as usual, but I just want that inside me!” 
“All you had to say,” 
“And no condoms!” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it, bitch.” 
She gleefully closed her eyes as she pushed her tongue down onto the hot cum and stuck her butt up for him to use. 
“Pussy or ass?” 
“Mmgh- pussy! I’d die if your black cock went into my asshole-“ she kept talking about how white guys would make her ass stretch, and she wasn’t ready for Eric’s black mamba to get all up in her guts, but he tuned her out, just pushing his cockhead against her soaking wet lips, and shoved it inside her canal. 
She spat out more cum almost immediately, screaming as his strength overtook her tightness, and he shoved his fat head deeper inside her than any first thrust ever had, slamming into her uterus, causing her to explode in pleasure and pain. 
Her white pussy was tight, perfectly sized for the types of cocks she’d been fucking her whole life, and while she needed something more, this sure was a hell of a way to get it. It was stretched in every direction, pushing into places that had never been fucked before, that she never knew she wanted to be fucked. 
He pounded her so hard it felt like she may as well have been doing anal, slamming her whole body. He sent every inch of loose skin, of which there wasn’t much, shaking as much as her bouncy tits. And forget about her face, it was now totally slack and no longer trying to lick up his spilled cum. Instead the force of her whole body was being buckled and slammed, and her face was laying in the puddle, ground into the puddle. Her hair was a mess. Her pussy was on fire. 
He was rougher and gruffer than Luke was, probably due to age and the comfort of her well-heated apartment. Being a criminal, as she knew, certainly help. Being black compounded that. She could barely think, and soon he fucked her brains right out of her. Her arms gave out, and the front half of her body weight fell on her cum-covered face, legs behind her held up by his large hands on either hip. He kept her in place as he destroyed her pussy. She couldn’t see, but he was grinning like a madman, which made sense for any man who got to be with a woman like her, but she considered herself the far luckier one. 
The pounding felt beyond physical. Yeah, he was strong as hell and fucked her deep, slamming through her hole and poking her womb like she was a piece of meat, but she felt more than just that. She felt tingly throughout her body. Not a girlish, schoolgirly sort of sensual tingles, but shocks of pleasure like a hard drug throughout her body from his hard cock. Her pussy juices dripped like lava, her stretched canal coated in magma. Her body felt better than ever. 
That was when she realised what was happening- she was orgasming. Not just a powerful, climactic squirt from her pussy, but a continuous, flow of orgasms. She was cumming one time after another, so many, so hard, so fast, that it felt like her body was perpetually climaxing. 
His pounding had rubbed the sticky puddle of cum on the floor into her face, sending small globs flying into her hair, against her slack lips, even in her rolled-back eyes. She had gotten so used to her constant orgasm that she was barely even conscious, she just sat there, barely propped up against his pumping black hips. 
She was jolted awake when she felt his dick twitch uncontrollably inside her, pushing up against her walls. She leaned her head down, putting her hair on the floor, and looked between her legs. She saw his gargantuan black meat entering her and how her pussy was raining juices from the dozens of orgasms she must have had. She also saw his massive, loosely hanging balls swing less and less and begin to tighten up against the underside of his cock. 
Why his cock was twitching was finally clear- he was going to cum! His grunts became louder and his thrusts became faster. She threw her head back and moaned as she prepared for what was coming. 
He shot his load in her, just as big and thick as before, if not more so. The sheer force of his cum in her womb made her tremble, and as he pulled out, her clit went off as it felt gallons of black cum pouring out of her, enough to make another puddle on the floor and still fill her up. 
She had her biggest orgasm yet. It made her jump, pull away from Eric as she fell on the floor, rolling around in a mess of cum as she moaned- no, screamed. Her hips shook and she tried to cover her pussy with her hand, but it was buckled off, and she squirted everywhere, lifting her ass off the ground. 
“I love black cock!” Catwoman screamed as she fell onto the floor like a starfish. 
“Sure did,” muttered Eric, getting dressed again, having trouble fitting his black manhood in his pants again, “I’ll tell the boss you’re the least of our problems now that the Bat’s onto us. Good luck, you crazy little whore.” And with that, he walked out to the balcony, and left. 
Selina was left scoop up the pools of black cum, playing with the precious substance like, well, a kitten. She coated her hand in it, rubbed it all on her worn-out pussy. She massaged her belly with a glob of it, soothing her stretched insides. She made her milky white tits even whiter, lubing them up with his copious baby batter. Most of all, she filled her hands with it, and poured it down her hungry, slutty little throat. 
“I love black dick,” she breathed, not even thinking. It just came naturally. “I love black cum. I’m a blacked little slut.” 
She passed out, soon dreaming of getting stuffed by big, black cock. 
3 - Stephanie Brown and the Blackedcomputer 
Selina was in trouble honestly. It was the first time in years she’d failed a job (granted, she never took up contracts, but still!), and surely Black Spider wouldn’t be the last assassin to be sent after her. While that turned out well, she didn’t wanna gamble her life with the next one. 
Especially if the next wasn’t black. 
That’s why she was here now, at the residence of Carlton Duquesne, a generally well-liked and well-respected mob boss. The kind who would provide her the protection she needed. In more ways than one, of course, but only Selina would think of an innuendo like that when her life was on the line. 
Then again, considering Duquesne’s mob was owned and operated by the black families of Gotham’s underworld, not to mention the luxurious overworld old Carlton himself lived in, maybe plenty of women would accept protection. Those of the underworld would prefer to stay clean with the hung black thugs they fucked, while the wealthier women would use it to make sure they didn’t end up pregnant with a black guy’s baby. 
Either way, Selina would probably still use it. She wasn’t that addicted to her newfound love. Not yet, anyways. She still knew what she was doing though. Every mob in Gotham had it’s big, strong black enforcers. But she picked the one she knew had the most. And the one that was run by one. 
Selina was neither greedy nor generous, stealing more than she could possibly need, but still gave tons to charity. Mostly for animals, but still, it was charity. Mr. Duquesne, however, was not a charity case, and she didn’t intend to spend a dime on protection money to stay at his big, extravagant, and a tad tacky hotel. She did, however offer another payment that was worth more to her than it was to him. Not that she’d ever tell that. 
When she first came to him, she pleaded for protection from the newly made enemies. He initially refused- Catwoman was a big name, and a big target. Her reputation couldn’t buy her protection, but it seemed money would. Selina had a better idea. 
“Tell me, Mr. Duquesne,” she’d said. She still remembered exactly how the exchange went, that night in his penthouse office, him in a suit and turtleneck, her in her catsuit, “How much do you pay the girls who I saw running around your office earlier?” 
“My ladies ain’t a concern, kitty,” the mob boss replied, “you’re not negotiating with them.” 
“Oh, of courrrrse I’m not negotiating with them,” she purred, “I’m Catwoman, they’re just... girls, really. How could they compare?” she rubbed a gloved hand up her torso. Her palm grazed against her D-cup. 
Carlton looked her up and down. She invited him by sliding her zipper all the way down, so that the tiniest flecks of her well-trimmed womanly hair poked above the catsuit. “I just wanna place to stay, baby. To lay low.” She made a kissy face. 
“There a catch, kitty?” The black boss leaned down to look at her. She got on the floor in response, 
“Not at all. I’ll do this every week if it you’d rather that then rent. More than every week....” 
“I’ll be the judge of what’s worth it,” he said, deep gravelly voice doing things to her pussy. He lifted himself up, undoing his belt and pulling down his pants, then his underwear, down his ashy black legs, revealing his cock. 
He was enormous. The thickest cock she’s ever seen, almost as long as her arm and bulbous. He could tell by the look in her eyes that she was in love. 
“So it’s gonna be like that, huh?” 
She nodded. “I’ll be your slut once a week. More, if this thing feels as good as it looks.” 
“Good.” He wasn’t surprised by women wanting his dick at all. 
“Any limits, sir?” She asked, uncharacteristically submissive. She pulled down the top of her suit, letting her braless tits shine with all their glory. 
“Just don’t call me daddy. Shit’s weird.” 
She was a little disappointed. She loved the fantasy of a black daddy ramming her ass as she cried his title. Still, it wasn’t worth giving up an inch of this monster cock. Selina nodded yes right into his eyes as she kissed the sliding foreskin of his cock. She got it hard just with sluttly little licks and pokes of her tongue. Just like a Cat. And that was what he wanted, right? Catwoman, the dangerous, uncontrollable expert thief and outlaw, totally submitting to his massive, alpha, dominant, mob boss black cock. 
“I... don’t know if I can suck it all,” she worried, looking up at him as he unbuttoned his shirt with massive, strong arms, showing a slightly bulging belly and powerful chest. 
“I’ve had white girls take it before. Penguin’s bitches, Lark and Jay? They’ve sucked it down to the base. Do you really think you’re worse than some sluts who suck Cobblepot’s ugly cock?” 
That got to her head. Selina always had a bit of a complex, and this played right to it. She hadn’t stood down from sucking a dick since middle school, and she didn’t want to start now. Although, if there was one sort of dick she couldn’t overcome, it was the massive kind black men possessed. 
“Yes sir. Your dirty whore, at your service,” she smiled at him. 
She licked from his huge, loose balls, her tongue drawing them up until his sack was stiff and wrinkled. Her tastebuds didn’t experience any worse taste though. She put her hands on his comparatively huge ones (and she had big hands for a woman). She felt him relax, loosen up for her. Even if she wanted to hurt him, he’d overpower her. Maybe she’d try to, just to feel him rough her up. 
She kept peeling off her spandex down to the last inch, tossing it to the side. He was dressed in classy, 
expensive armani wool, unbuttoned to show his impressive physique. Selina, meanwhile, was totally naked, silky ass and tits all out for anyone to walk in to see. If they did she’d keep going. She loved being a black cock slut. 
Positioned in front of his bulbous cock, she looked up at him. He didn’t look down. It was like she didn’t even matter. It was a little upsetting, after all, Catwoman deserved more respect. But god it was hot. This monster black cock was probably so popular that the Catwoman worshipping it wasn’t any big deal to Carlton. 
Kiss after kiss, she made out with the tip of his dick, not letting an ounce of precum escape from her greedy lips. She was ready to steal all his cum, like the good little slutty thief she was. She went down on him, struggling to swallow all of the huge black rod. She choked, but knew this was where she belonged. 
Sucking his cock. 
Outside, another sight was happening. Red Robin, Tim Drake, was assigned to watch Catwoman. Her alleged dealings with Tobias Whale’s mob was cause for concern, and as such, he was tasked with the field monitoring, while Stephanie Brown was on the other end of the line. 
“She- she’s getting on her knees,” he said, watching the beginning of the scene, peering over the stone lip of the building across the way from Selina and Duquesne. 
“What?” came Stephanie, the muffled sounds of movement, “So she’s not just making a deal with Duquesne?” 
“I- um, I think she is,” her boyfriend replied. 
“Aww, I can hear you blushing. What’s wrong? You watch porn all the time, don’t you?” 
“And do stuff with you, but it’s weird to watch.” 
“Don’t kid yourself, babe. You know I don’t wanna do stuff with the little thing you’re packing. And you watch me all the time while you’re sitting in a corner or behind a screen, jerking off. Are they still talking?” She slurped down chinese takeout. Not the healthiest, but it was her cheat day. Besides, she knew black guys liked girls a little plumper than she was. 
“She’s- um- pulling his pants down. And her top off. Jesus..” 
“What? Is he huge, or are her tits that great. It’s both, isn’t it?” 
“It... it’s both.” 
“D’aww,” she mocked, “Is your little thing hard?” 
“Do you have to make fun of it all the time?” 
“Oh come on, look, I’m sorry, but it’s just too hilarious! I’m not even horny right now-” she heard Tim grumble something on the other end of the line. “What was that? Is it about me being horny? Because if I was you’d be hearing me watching those VIP Blacked.com videos you paid for me. Now look, I’ll be nicer about it, but we have to get this work done! Either keep talking or turn on the camera!” 
“Right,” Tim mumbled, pulling out the portable tripod-mounted camera and hooked it up to the Batcomputer, streaming the scene right into Stephanie’s monitor. The blonde focused it, getting the best shot possible. Tim went off to ‘monitor the perimeter’, but she barely even heard him. The pretty white girl was, as any pretty white girl, mesmerized by the fat cock of a powerful black man. 
Shouldn’t have thought about my blacked membership, thought Stephanie, only somewhat reluctantly sliding her hand down to the crotch of her purple tracksuit. Wet, she thought. She could feel it even before her fingertips touched the dampness right above her pussy. Of course I’m wet- god I’m such a slut. Not that she wanted to change that, of course. She put her feet up on the Batcomputer and spread her legs. She focused intently on the image on her screen. 
Selina Kyle- Catwoman, a villainess she’d had to put in cuffs at least once before, was looking like a fucking supermodel but with bigger tits, bobbing her face on Boss Duquesne’s massive cock. Her skin was almost as pale as Batwoman’s, and the roundness of her muscular arm and silky tits shone in the moonlight. The drops of spit flying onto them only made them shine more. 
As Catwoman drooled sloppy spittle all over this old man’s huge dick, Steph just had to zoom in the camera. Thank god for the 4k quality, she thought, dipping her shakily desperate hand under her waistband. She sunk two fingers into her pussy as she watched how Catwoman’s spit flew everywhere everytime her lips reached the base of his cock. His beefy fingers ran through her short black hair. Both women wished it was longer. Carlton was perfectly happy the way it is. All three of them could see that big hands did indeed mean big dick. 
Selina was beginning to feel something was off. She had a sort of cat sense, and right now, it told her that she was being watched. That was usually a bad thing, but right now, with her throat all stuffed with dick and lips dripping with molasses-like spit, she hoped she was being watched. 
She was proud of this. She hoped whoever was watching her get blacked the third day in a row was feeling as good as she was. Besides, if she did anything about it, that’d just mean she’d have to wait longer to cum on a big black cock. Or feel it shoot all over her tits. Or cum in her ass. Or just keep having this black monster force her tongue down and her uvula up. Any of those would make it worth it. 
So Catwoman and Spoiler, neither in their costumes or even knowing the other was aware of their presence, reached a mutual understanding. Selina would enjoy all the pleasures of sucking, fucking, cumming, and squirting on Carlton Duquesne’s deep black manhood. And Stephanie would get to spend her work time fingering her cunt to a live, real interracial scene. No actors. Every drop of hot cum and warm spit was as real as the juice on Steph’s own fingers. 
Speaking of cum, Carlton’s balls tightened further and his rod came to full attention, making Selina gag and choke. She felt like he was going to rip her throat open and her lily white jawbone apart as his whole penis swelled, charging up for a massive blast of cum. 
He shot his load down her throat. It was a massive load, fitting for a foot-long monster on one of the most powerful bosses in the city. It felt like a gallon of thick, gloopy cum forcing itself down her throat. Her eyes bugged out with tears. She had always loved that, when guys choked her, but she never knew she could really choke on a fat fucking cock until she downed this one. It felt like some shots blasted his creamy seed right into her stomach. She quickly gulped down whatever didn’t, until her stomach was churning with a massive meal. She hadn’t eaten since yesterday, as she was on the run. She was hornier than she was hungry, though. She never expected both to be satisfied at once. 
Her eyes widened again as she realized what was happening. She was cumming! 
She came right as he did. And without it even going near her favorite holes. 
That never happened. Well, it might have with the two black guys before, but she couldn’t remember those well, after they had fucked her silly. Still, it was an overwhelming orgasm, hot pussy juice squirting all over the floor, making Selina try and yell with his huge cock still jammed insider her mouth, “MM!! MMM!!!! FCKKKK!! FFFFKKKK!!!” 
This was all a very different experience. It wasn’t random, like the other two fucks she had with Batwing and Black Spider. Those were random. She didn’t expect those. This was planned, she came in here with a plan to get a big black cock fucking her, when she was safe and sober. She didn’t even talk to the guy. She’d bantered with every guy she fucked since she first became a hooker almost twenty years ago. Well, except Batman, but she tried to have him let up his ‘strong silent type’ thing. 
The point was, this was when things changed. Selina knew what she would never stop being a horny little slut for black cock. This was the next chapter of her life- the street rat Selina, the prostitute Selina, the famous criminal Selina, and now, the Blacked Selina. The wet, hot, dripping whore couldn’t be happier. 
She collapsed from her kneeling position Her bare thighs slid on the tile floor that she covered with her wet cum and she landed on her ass. His scarily big black cock emerged from her mouth still hard and ready for more. The dark brown skin of his body was pitch black on his spit-soaked dick, strands of the mess sticking to Selina’s limp, addicted lips. They curled into a smile. 
“What the fuck?!” Yelled Stephanie, kicking her legs down onto the floor. Her bottoms were only a tiny bit down, so the soft skin of her thighs muffined over the band and her blonde pubes, soaked with pussy juice, were barely visible, “You fucking suck his dick once and when he shoots his load in you, you squirt like a fucking fifteen your old all over the floor and pass out like some coke addict whore? All from a fucking BJ?! What lame shit is this? I can’t cum to this!” 
She paused her complaining to hear Tim mumble on the other end of the line, “I can hear you.” 
She sighed. “Do you want me to just mute you, or keep going? I’m trying to enjoy myself here, and I promise I’ll make it up to you when you come home. Okay?” 
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t mute, I might need your help if I find something.” 
“Yeah, I know babe. Now lemme keep watching- and save the footage, you should watch it later.” He 
didn’t respond. That was why she loved him so much. 
She stripped off her bottoms, the top of it all soaked anyways from sweat and her syrupy cunt juices. The purple leggings tossed to the side, she was free to spread her legs as far as she liked while leaning back in the chair that was far bigger than her. 
Carlton had been speaking to Selina. Before Steph started watching, he’d asked, “Did you really just cum that hard?” 
“F..fuck yeah d- uh, Carlton. I swear I don’t normally cum when just giving head.” 
“I hoped not. I thought Catwoman would be a better bed than some virgin schoolgirl.” 
“Have you- fucked virgin schoolgirls before?” Asked Selina. By pure coincidence, she thought of Stephanie Brown, miss 15 and pregnant. 
“Can’t confirm or deny,” Carl smiled, showing off one gold tooth. 
Selina got up, rubbing her smooth, shaky legs, covered in cum and gross juices that she absolutely loved, all over his expensive suit. He didn’t care. He’d just have his maids wash them. If they asked what happened, he’d fuck them too. Hell, he’d fuck them either way. Carlton Duquesne did whatever he wanted. 
She ran her hand up his sweaty, hair, bulky body. The idea of him fucking some slutty highschooler, because of some mob debt or some deal or just because she knew a good fuck when she saw one, was impossibly hot to her. By the time her long, curvy body stood all the way up, a drop of horny, hot pussy juice fell to the floor from her dripping cunt. 
“You want more?” 
“Fuck yeah. Make me your whore.” 
“I’ll make sure to get you a luxury suite if you make me cum real good.” 
“Mmmm,” she rubbed her plump white ass over the base of his cock, slinging the huge rod all around her sexy butt. Its length dwarfed her behind, its fat head easily sitting on the small of her back. “Fuck my pussy and my ass. I’ll make you cum twice- in each.” 
Carlton slapped her ass and grinned ear to ear. 
By the time it was over, his cum was all over his desk, her juice was all over his suit, and Stephanie’s squirting was all over the batcomputer. Between the three of them, Carlton’s big black cock had caused at least a dozen orgasms. And Tim hadn’t even watched the video yet. 
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edgeofmyniall · 5 years
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Part One
“Yer favorite animal?”
“Favorite movie?”
“Goonies. Hands down best ‘80’s movie there is.”
“Backstreet Boys. And Nick was my favorite before you ask.”
“Yer sucha cookie cutter, T. Really, it’s quite cute.” Niall hums. We’ve been playing this game for over an hour. Niall’s excuse was that we didn’t know each other that well so he thought that maybe this would take the pressure off of the traditional way of getting to know someone.
“I grew up listening to the Eagles and Johnny Cash. They’re just not my favorite. Don’t give me any shit, Mr. I-Only-Like-To-Date-Models.” I half-joke sticking my tongue out. Most girls he is seen with are models so it’s partially true. Niall clutches his hand to his chest where his heart should be.
“That cuts deep. Really deep.” He rolls his eyes, chuckling to himself. He readjusts his sunglasses, and smirks.
“What is it?” I quiz, most of my answers haven’t made him look like this. He’s hiding something.
“Notin’,” he says slow. It’s quiet for a few moments before he starts our game back up again.
“If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?”
“Savannah, Georgia.” I sigh like the city was the love of my life. “The history behind that place, man. You ever been?” I ask. I loved Savannah when I went a few years back. Okay, maybe more than a few years back, but it was so beautiful then. I can’t imagine what it looks like now.
“Nah, when I get to travel, I mostly havta spend it in me hotel room. Rarely do I get ta travel ���round the city,” he sighs. Like looking back on his times with One Direction were truly the greatest times of his life, but the most chaotic. “Kinda sad actually. What ‘bout yeh?”
“I went when I was a freshman in high school. We were studying the Civil War, and part of our learning was going to Savannah. It’s where Sherman marched to burn down the ports so the South couldn’t get any shipments in; I don’t know how well your American history is, but it was a big deal. But when I was there, I felt alive. Kinda funny seeing how everyone says Savannah is haunted.” I feel my face light up. That’s something I’ve never shared with anyone. If I could forget about this life in the spotlight, I would move to Savannah. In all honesty, I don’t know what’s stopping me from doing it.
Fear is what’s stopping me. The fear of the unknown. I have my circle where I know I’m safe. Even in LA, I feel safe knowing my mom is a phone call away instead of a country.
It’s nearing 8 p.m. when Niall decides he needs to start looking for a hotel to stay in. The sun had set: the oranges, pinks, and purples filled the cloudy sky right before the sun left the horizon. We’re right outside of Sacramento when Niall decides to ring Tara, his assistant, which reminds me that I’m normally bombarded with texts from Sylvia, but I guess since my schedule was free, I didn’t have anything that she needed to bother me with. Tara’s voice rolls through the car once she picks up the line.
“‘Ello Niall,” her english accent vibrates my leg where its propped against the speaker, and it startles me, which is weird since I knew Niall was calling her. Her voice sounds sweet and soothing, something that Niall would yearn for. Someone who is comforting. Someone who is not me.
“How’s yer holiday?” Niall asks, he’s smiling. The headlights of the other drivers traveling south pass over his face, giving him his very own spotlight every so often.
“‘S good. Whatcha need, love?”
Love. I’ve never understood the English and their terms of endearment. Niall isn’t the love of Tara’s life. That’s her boss. Why is she calling him love?
“Can ya book Townes and me two hotel rooms? We’re in Sacramento, and we’re tired. T was yawning earlier.”
“I was not!” I chirp, completely baffled that Niall caught my sign of sleep deprivation. I hated that I couldn’t sleep in this morning. “I was… stretching my mouth.” I felt completely embarrassed at what just came out of my mouth. Me and my word vomit.
“‘Ello Townes. How’s the trip?” she asks as if she is genuinely interested. Maybe these people aren’t so bad. Wait, Townes you’re apart of these people. Shit.
“It’s good,” I say sighing. “Tired of seeing pavement though.” Tara laughs. She knows about our trip. She knew that we would be traveling for 3 days. Fuck.
“Oi, Tara,” Niall speaks up, trying to get Tara’s attention. “Can ya make sure there’s peanut butter in Tara’s cabin? That pancake place didn’t have any.”
“Uh, yeah. You like smooth or crunchy, Townes?” Tara asks. I can hear her typing away on a computer possibly. She’s really good at her job.
“Creamy. And it doesn’t matter the brand.” I say. Is Niall really going to make sure that I get my peanut butter on my pancakes? I smile secretly, hoping he doesn’t see the grin on my face.
“Alright. I’ll get it there. And Horan,” Tara pauses for a second, “there’s only a motel available. Couple conventions are in town and there’s no hotel rooms for the night. It’s on the other side of the city though, and it’s one room.”
“Book it. Before anyone else does please. Does it have two beds at least?” Niall asks. His lips are pressed together forming a hard line on his face. He seems agitated. Maybe I’m the cause. If it wasn’t for me, we wouldn’t be in this situation.
“Done. You two are booked for tonight at the luxurious Sacramento Inn. I’ll send you the dets.”
“Thanks Tara.” Before Tara could respond, Niall hangs up with a touch of a button from the steering wheel. He huffs as he rubs his forefinger and middle finger of his left hand across his cupid’s bow. I look down at my lap. I started fidgeting with my nails- a nervous habit of mine; I feel so guilty. “Shoulda planned this out better.” For some reason I feel like this is all my fault, and it’s killing me on the inside.
Getting across Sacramento was hell. Niall was weaving in and out of the bumper-to-bumper traffic that stood still for miles within the city limits. He cut people off, having them honk their horns at us, pretty sure a guy flipped us off, but I can’t be a hundred percent sure because I refused to look. I couldn’t understand Niall when he was mumbling curse words; his accent was way too thick for anyone to understand. I hated his road rage; I had ahold of the “oh shit handle” for the entire ride through Sacramento until we pulled into the two story motel’s driveway.
The neon flashing arrow sign read “No Vacancy”. I give Niall a quick look, hoping Tara booked our room in time. The office was a small building away from the motel, but it was right next to the pool that currently was inhabited by a family of four- a mom and her three children. Niall had parked the car under the awning before he went inside to check in. With these few minutes alone, I took a deep breath. I really am here, alone, in a city that I’ve never been to, on the way to a place that’s secluded to write a song on a topic I know nothing about. I check my phone for the time and any texts that might have come in.
It was close to 10 p.m. and I had three texts from my mom.
“Hey babygirl, I checked your apartment. Everything is good.”
Another line.
“Love you.”
Another text.
“Have fun and be safe.”
I text her back thanking her and telling her that I love her as Niall opens up the car door, beaming.
“Luxury suite on the top floor. 213.” We pull into the parking lot adjacent to our room. The doors face the outside, something I’m not too comfortable with, but for one night I’ll make do. I insist on taking my own luggage up to our room, however Niall grabbed my bags and began dragging them up the metal staircase.
The room was small and stuffy, exactly what you pay for a cheap motel. Dark tan walls were met with two queen beds that were made up with a maroon quilt and white sheets. The air conditioner made a metal grinding sound as it kicked on when I stepped closer to the bathroom.
“I’m gonna take a shower.” I’m short, physically I’m tired. Mentally I’m wide awake. I’m staying in a motel room with Niall. Granted I’ve been with guys before, but why is it that everytime I look at Niall I feel a combination of throwing up and throwing myself on him. I close the off white door, locking it, before I grip the rim of the sink. I sigh before looking myself in the mirror. The dark circles under my eyes are evident and almost unbearable. I roll my neck around hoping the tension will subside, but no help came. I turn on the shower, letting the water heat up.
The hot water rolls down my body which helps relieve the tension from riding all day. I close my eyes and begin to wash my hair. The steam opens up my sinuses and I begin to sing. The white walls that make up this small bathroom bounce my voice off, so Niall can definitely hear me.
Walking out in only gym shorts and a white shirt with no bra makes my heart jump. Fuck.
I breathe deep and turn the door knob. Whatever Niall’s reaction is, I’ll accept. I know that I’m not what he’s used to, but this is me.
I open up the door and walk out.
The air conditioner kicks off, but Niall hasn’t responded.
“Niall?” I walk around the corner, and I’m standing in the hotel room alone.
Niall is nowhere to be found.
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indomitablemegnolia · 5 years
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Cold, empty, hollow feeling echoes along my nerves as I replay a memory in a continuous loop; over and over again. I never had any idea, I always disdained the ingénues in romance tales, the ones that would run panting after some said hero, I never wanted to be one, yet here I am. My mind conjures life, himself, his pitying face, and yes every time I thought of that creased brow and the laughing smile I wanted to hit it, words echoed, I wished I had just left it with the dead thudding “oh.” Yes, oh, as in my mind is screaming and all my lips can utter is oh, but never knowing exactly when to speak and when to keep my peace I smile, as they say, smile even if your soul and heart are being shredded after being ripped from your body clawed and spit on, split and slashed, yes, always smile, but that didn’t keep my lips closed.
“Oh, darling Life, of all the lies you ever told me, I love you was my favourite, was it ever true?” I surprised myself my voice was light with only a small tremor no catch or watery undertone.
His eyes remained smiling his pity losing its edge, “No”
“So, all of those promised moments, those oaths of fealty, the times you said… forever… they were what?”
“Well I have heard that sometimes forever is just a second.”
“Kiss me, please.” I had to know the truth, no matter how cold it was.
“Just one last time, then I will go.”
“You have to mean it; can you mean it?” I closed my eyes, knowing what he was going to say.
“I never have before.”
“I loved you.” I whisper, I turn my back stopping him before his lips could touch mine, and walk away, I walked away from him before he would walk away from me. The overlapping voices inside me making such a ruckus that I thought the entire world could hear it. The Pleas ‘don’t leave me’, ‘not like this’, ‘I need you’, ‘I love you and I always will’, then they all quieted as Goodbye ricocheted through me. I didn’t look back, not until I knew he had turned to leave, it was a mistake, but I watched the last of his shoulders turn as he slowly faded.
In this world of wit and worry in this universe. In this one there are few things so beautiful they arch eons after ever being seen or felt…swimming in the ocean while it rains; reading alone in an empty library; a child’s smile; the sea of stars that appear when you are miles away from neon lights of the city; the dull ache of a bar after two am with the flavour of bourbon on the tongue; lost in the wilderness on purpose or by accident; all phases of the moon; the things we do not know, nor ever will about the universe… and You… yes you Life, watching your face while you let all the pleasure flow through your body is a glorious sight. I know that you’re sometimes conscious of me observing you. It can made you hold back maybe a little, I try not to let that happen. It inhibits you from fully letting your mind follow your body, but when I was able, when all was wanting and desire and need to prolong the ecstasy washing over us, my god, you’re a sight like no other in this world. This one in the innumerable possible worlds, those other worlds in the other universes. Though as magnificent as I knew this world to be, I also knew there would be one world where we, almost, just ever so might have been lovers’ soulmates friends. In this one it simply just wasn’t meant to be, Life, himself just couldn’t come to love me.
I can’t have you, Life. You are not here, and will never visit again, this is something I know. I long for arms that aren’t there and never will be. It’s a bad habit I’m getting used to.
I kept walking mindless, finally stopping when I was in my room sorting through my closet. Life, he finally told me, he never loved me, and this was goodbye. I ran through my stages of grief, at the end; slowly coming to the conclusion that unlike a usual break up, this one is a final resounding call. Logically, what happens when Life, himself, says goodbye, time is really running out. I pulled out the dress I never had the occasion to wear, black satin empire waist beaded and beautiful. I slide it on, smoothing my hair and smearing on my best lipstick.
I deal in concrete vagaries, delicious ambiguity, my mind scattered to the four winds. I am not exactly sure why, but my thoughts and emotions were now haywire, bubbling up through the broken cracks in my soul, dampening my creativity, confusing my words and sending me on a spiral. I am collecting my thoughts, my mind and the fly away flurries of my soul to have peace for just this moment. I tamp it all deep down into my soul and keep it held tight, this new agitating pain. I know this is perhaps faulty thinking and temporary. Perhaps one day it won’t just be temporary, perhaps someday someone is going to hug me so tight all the broken pieces of my soul will fit back together. Damn you, Life, why couldn’t you love me back.
Since I was young, I have always known this: Life damages us, everyone and I’ve fallen in love with him. No one can escape that damage. But now, I am also learning this: I did by my actions amplify it. Perhaps it can be mended. Oh, if only, I had the time.
As I walked on this beautiful night, I looked at the sky and wondered how many people feel the way I do at this moment. The icy chill had left as well as that empty echo, I was not resigned but in an odd way… Content but not pleased; happy but distant nostalgic; blessed but also very cursed; found but so goddamned lost; I was alive and just breathing.
As I walked near a lacquered black door the tinkling of soul pulled at me. I walk into the sedate bar, soft tune playing from a piano from the corner, the smoky smell of centuries hanging on the aged wood and leather, the lighting low with a blue/aqua tinge to it. Sliding onto the stool I realize that I am still smiling. Oh that programming was so ingrained. I ran my hands over the warm mahogany of the bar, feeling centuries play under my fingers. I breathed in the atmosphere deep. If there were a heaven it might have one of these in it.
The bartender, in a white shirt sleeves rolled up to the elbows and a black velvet waist coat, his head shaved smooth, his skin held a healthy shine. His eyes the colour of onyx shined with an air of grace, “What’ll it be?” his voice was like honey. Thick and rich.
I thought for a single beat, “Cocktail du aviation.”
“It’s been an age since I have had a call for that one.” I watched as he built the cocktail. A chilled metal shaker filled with ice, two jiggers of gin frosty clear, a jigger of Maraschino liqueur a lightly pink colour, a dram of Lemon juice and two Jiggers of Crème de violette a vivid dark purple. He affixed the top and began to shake it to the staggering waltz of the music in the background. While shaking it for the last two bars he pulled a chilled martini glass out, tossing three cherries with stems into the glass, uncapping the shaker he slowly poured the concoction into the glass that instantly frosts over, the dark purple turning a frosty delicious spring scented nirvana. He floated three flowers on the top, setting a napkin in front of m resting the glass in the center resting a longer stemmed bloom on the outer edge.
I lifted the glass, holding it under my nose, breathing in something beautiful and fresh. “J’ai plus de souvenirs que si j’avais mille ans.” I took a drink of the memory-soaked libation; not my memories but those possible memories, the coulda-been, shoulda-beens, the possible and the improbables. I rolled the flowers around my tongue, the flavour exploding in my mind, in my mouth, opening my eyes I lick my lips taking in the quizzical look, a laugh escapes me as I let memories creep into my mind, I translated, “I carry more memories, souvenirs…”
“Than I should after a thousand years lived…” his honeyed voice finished with me. “Madam, I know what it meant, just not why you would gladly carry such much weight?”
I shrug, “I dunno, I suppose I had just kind of figured that it was just the way it is. If anyone knew the lifetimes, I lived in my days…” I sighed and took another drink, feeling alive even for a short moment it was lovely. The piano softly tinkling along in a happy dancing tune bringing yet another aspect of acceptance that I had no idea I had found. The memories played in the back of my mind, childhood and laughter; I felt the cool clay soil on my fingers and the smell of soft evergreen; I felt growth and frustration, victory, failure and triumph; I remembered the short days I had tried all aspects of life, not just learning, but acting and cooking and singing bad old cowboy songs as I mended fences alone, having to set in posts that weighed more than I did; I remembered chickens and goats and for a moment such joy. Soft tears collected in the corners of my eyes, I looked at my glass and it was frosty purple and full to the brim; I looked up and mad eye contact with the shiny onyx eyes of the bartender, he smiled in a sweet knowing way; alas apparently the bartender is getting a good tip; I took a long memory-soaked drink, the colour and flavour reminding me of soft kisses, ones I am not sure if I ever was able to collect but I felt them nonetheless; soft warmth of hands caressing; apple pie. Now that Life, himself has left me flat I know it was never him; if I ever did catch his fancy, it was maybe morbid curiosity, I suppose that even Life himself has to suffer from curiosity, but I think now, I never tried to understand; perhaps it was always Terminus; with my soul grief-blinded perhaps I wouldn’t see the edge gone from the twins face; oh, I suppose I will know soon enough, it is just a game of waiting now; I took another drink remembering sitting at a bar almost as beautiful in San Francisco, the history written on the mahogany vibrated with soul, the meal and the mediocre opera made a circuit of my mind.
Softly the piano started a deeper, soulful tinkling; instantly my soul matched, falling into an abyss, sadness eating at the edges of me; I wanted to shake my head at my own mercurial emotional state, up, down; up, down; I peered at the tiny purple flowers floating in the amethyst liquid. A low baritone began to sing, “Birds flying high,” my breathing stopped, fear froze me, blinking into the purple frosty void of my glass, I know that baritone; well, the time to hesitate is through, death smiles at us all, all a one can do is smile back; “you know how I feel,” Baritone saxophone joins in the duo of deep velvety tones is absolutely delicious, “sun in the sky, you know how I feel;” I have been evading and resisting him for so long, perhaps it is time I just smiled back; fear melting like warm butter on toast, I rocked softly to the melody, taking a long drink, tipping my head back, reveling in the flavour; “breeze drifting on by, you know how I feel.” A deliciously familiar warmth came up behind me, his soft breath caressing my ear: sighing I lean back toward him, how we fit confirming my suspicions; it had always been him, I am such a fool, a damn fool.
Oh, I love sparring with him; god, I also love when he is there to hold my wounded heart; I know now that it was never Life that came to dress my wounds, collect my casualty soul when Fate would pummeled; I know now it was always Terminus that would hold my soul tight, blaming my hurt. There was a time I counted him as my arch enemy, I discovered that there were so many things in this life worse than simply leaving it; even now as his warmth calmed that chill from my bones; warming me to the idea of this moment; I felt him sit on the stool next to me, I could smell the sweet bourbon on his breath and in his glass. I open my eyes and look up into his in the beveled mirror. His heavy-lidded green eyes spoke of past and future and promises that from him, never rang empty. He smiled the most exquisite smile, delicious enticing, wrapped in a memory, veiled by reality and tinged by my dreams.
How does one explain an unknowable without sounding unsound? That euphonious nonsound, not an abeyance of noise but nothing audibly distinguishable. That click that is felt and heard through the whole universe, that moment when our eyes met, like the switch of a train track, transporting both if us for one miraculous moment, to what might have been or is it what will be? Oh, but it was there. And then his voice, lilting, plush, tempting tintinnabulation; the result, sweet butterflies rioting through the veins; producing goose bumps, it felt as if the sound has come from just behind the ear, a warm breath caressing just behind the ear, cascading down the neck. It was the exotic feeling of an audible dark chocolate thrills the body, every collected nerve inundated with sweet richness, trailed with a dark bite. In contrast all listening feel the dangerous, opulent, decadence, something almost endemically naughty about the tone that the depth of the words as lush as they felt, were belied with their defined ordinary nature, turning to a sweet erotic rapture.
I wished I could have just to sat next to him on a bus bench, dipping our toes in the tide of time, listening to everything he could possibly say about anything; there was always something about him that drew me, as Life, as Terminus, both drew at me, perhaps the fact they were the beginning and end of my existence; although that feels like such a cop out now, but there was something about him; oh, Terminus, there was always something about you, about the tilt of your head, the softness of your touch; when I saw the sharp judging edge I now doubt that it was you; that horrible piteous look Life gave me as he snidely told me that I was never enough. Oh, Terminus, now I can luxuriate in the tone of your breath passing over that lush tongue; it was just the beautiful happening of existence that there you always were.
He chuckled, "Now, I need to know," his earnest face so endearing; "are you okay?"
I shrugged, trying to look unaffected, the low blue lighting shifted to a dark purple; "Oh, yeah, I'm fine," keeping my voice light, the piano shifted from the hopeful 'feeling good to a darker foreboding tone; I was looking anywhere, but his fantastic face, trying to understand my own mood.
He sighed, "What a load of crap," I heard him moving, I refused to look. "Come on," I jumped, startled, his voice just behind my ear, "you know it's a good thing you never really try to lie; you are really so terrible at it; how are you?" I shrug, still looking away; "you can't give me that, honey, look at me;" I complied with a roll of my eyes, "are you okay?"
I nodded and shrugged, "Yep."
"Honesty, please." I shrugged, he doubled down, "I know you were crying; the tears are still on your cheeks," he reached around to swipe my tears away, "so, I ask again, are you okay?"
I turned to stand in front of him, shoulders straight, arms crossed, plastic smile in place, "I am fine." He gave me that demanding galled look that screamed liar, "okay, yes, okay, I cried, that's done, I am good now." Feeling a little defensive.
He slowly pulling my hands into his, the piano lightened again, he pulled me into his arms leading me in a dance. His face nuzzled my cheek, he began singing again, kissing my skin lightly; he worked his way to my lips and softly kissed me, oh, so, deep; I collapsed into his arms, surrendering totally, when breath was coming in pants he pulled away for air; "I know I usually let time pass and warm you up first, but that felt right," he kissed me again deeper, it could have lasted hours or even days, it was a kiss that left my soul wanting more. "You are so delicious," his deep voice reverberated along my lips; "you are a flavour I had never tasted, now with the hint of glorious spring, oh, I have always craved this, with you so alive in my arms."
"Ironic, isn't it?" I chuckled.
"How?" He asked genuinely curious.
"This being what it is.”
"A dance?" He put his arms around me in a loose hug, keeping the dance going; Lord, I hadn't realized before how deliciously large and tall he is, especially in comparison to me; how protected, how cherished, how enveloped I felt as he held me; "Kissing you, it had been so tempting for so long, you tantalize me just by breathing, it felt so perfect, so natural..." his arms tightened, "I need to ask, I have to know, why were you crying? Please, trust me enough to tell me."
I sucked a breath in through my nose, slowly letting it out, burying my face in the pile of robe covering his chest. "Honestly, for very stupid reasons;" come on, girl, don't chicken out now... just let it flow, "mostly out of frustration, as with most of my tears; once upon a time I was a stupid girl;" I felt his exasperated sigh down my neck; "sadly its true, I realize now possibly even too late that it was always you, not Life who loved me. I had thought that it was life who came to balm my soul, dress my wounds, kiss me once or twice, pat me on the head and send me back out." I placed a chaste kiss on his lips; "I was a fool thinking you were the enemy, not my release."
He kissed the top of my head, "You are a fool, but I was even more foolish, I was the one who wanted so much to be close to you I let you believe I was what I wasn't." He kissed my forehead his apology was beautiful, "Why would you ever think that it wasn’t life, as long as I made you believe. I did mean forever, on this side sometimes forever is just a moment, but I will someday show you forever."
I sucked in a quick breath, "Well, if you spend long enough dying, enough people step away because it is too painful for them to watch, enough people caring at a distance," I ran my hand over my face, growling, "it's like they shake hands with me using salad tongs," he laughed, that rumble against my cheek was heavenly "I began believing that, they are right, that I was this depressing weight, that it is all I would ever deserve." I held him tighter, hiding my face as he
was trying to pull back and look at me. "I always knew that I wanted more; I shook it off because I thought myself greedy." I sighed, looking up at him, "Your kiss, your delicious, beautiful, your sweet kiss caused my heart to beat, your kind words, caused me to feel, and now I feel unworthy, reaching for way too much; I have been dying almost as long I have been alive, it is hard for me to believe your sincerity, as so many have feigned caring, said one right thing, pretended for a minute longer than expected, then dropped me flat, leaving me as that waste, that drain; as significant as lint or a bottle cap." I shook myself, no dummy let it flow, taking a deep breath, "I have internally hashed a few things out; I am now resolved.”
"You are resolved?"
"Yes, resolved, death smiles at us all, I am just lucky enough to be able to smile back at that big bad wolf smile." I reached up on my tip toes, barely reaching his lips; I gripped his neck loosely kissing him, just chaste brushing of lips;
“Oh, my sweet, you think that since life no longer wants you, you have to come with me.”
“Not have to, I want to go with you,
“I would love nothing more, doll, but no, now is not that time, there are still things for you to do; though, I would love to spend some hours with you. Of all the souls that I have crossed yours seems the most intriguing. I feel a sort of kinship with you that I have not felt in so long.”
"I am recalcitrant in going back to that life, but If you are sincere, I resolved to take this chance, making a different choice; I will do whatever is needed of me, but I long to live while I am alive, I long to be experienced," I sighed. “Wow, I just realized I am to the bargaining portion of grief, making a deal with a devil.”
He pulled away, not letting me hide away any longer, he looked so earnest. He pulled me to sit on his lap as he slid onto a table, he ran his hands through my honest attempt at betty boop curls that turned to gentle waves in my hair, pushing it away to reveal my face. He kissed my forehead, thrilling me to my core. "I am sincere, I had wanted that kiss since I sauntered on that dance floor and you were wearing this dress; well, no, actually I really wanted to kiss you after you bit your lip, raking that gaze of yours over me across the room, your eyes lingering; I wanted to stand right up and kiss you soundly. Honestly I want to do it again right this moment." He kissed me softly, tracing his last kiss, "Talking with you, laughing; cleaning the bruises on your face, drying your tears, it was magic." He kissed me a little deeper, just lingering lips and a tacit tongue. "So, you like my kiss?"
I shivered, rolling my eyes and giggled "How can you possibly ask such a question; Rhett Butler told Scarlet 'you should be kissed and often, by someone who knows how.' Your kisses were the ones Rhett was speaking of, though I doubted, maybe even still doubt my deserving; I loved your kisses, I want them, sweet Jesus you sure as hell know how. Yours were the sweetest honeyed nectar I have ever tasted;" I ran my hands up his chest to his shoulders, I smiled letting a single finger play with the soft curls of hair on his neck; "there are so many things I have accepted in half measures; basically my motto has been work with what you got, not what you hoped for; I never wanted a secret lover; I have had either; violent, invasive; or mediocre, half-assed, tepid kisses; You gave me a sample of what I hunger for, what I truly need, and I want more. I want true, real, full-throated, head banging, mind-blowing, unmistakable moments, no matter how long or short it lasts."
I kissed the skin at the opening of his dress shirt, making little circles with my tongue. "This affair has been unforced, organic, and amazing, like the tide; your kisses raged in me like a torrential rain; great crocodile tears of rain, wind blowing gales;" I etched my words into his skin with kisses as I spoke, "all emotion and gorgeous feeling; I felt it seethe into my heart, as if it were life itself; without knowing you, I know I have dreamt of you, your tongue dancing in my mouth; your hands pulling at my hair; hot breath on my neck."
"Oh, I like that, this 'affair'." He hummed a sweet tone, "It has been organic and natural; affair, I have been wondering what to call this if ever I have the chance to tell of it to anyone. Any new slang would cheapen this miracle; in my mind I bounced 'encounter' too alien, 'incident' sounds like a car wreck, 'happening' works, 'rendezvous' a little too suggestive; how does one describe something so transformative, so serendipitous as this. I feel as though I have discovered an elicit, delectable," he kissed me soft, "oh, so, delicious being; but affair, it's almost intimate enough, without being too revealing; oh, and yes, we will make it one to remember."
I breathed looking into his eyes, I giggled, "Oh, I didn't realize you were a romantic."
We danced and talked for a while, time never seemed to pass, our drinks were always deliciously filled, oddest of all I never became tired. I don’t even know what we talked about, I just listened to the sound of his voice and to his deep sweet laugh and the sound of him softly listening to me. His beautifully calloused hand carefully caressed mine. “I remember how seeing the shape of your mouth that first time, I kept staring until my blood turned to rain. Some things take root in the brain and just don’t let go.” He kissed me soft; “Oh, Time passes, and she smiles, and it may as well have just stopped. Come, closer now and listen my love, I warned you, Life only cares for beauty, and health and dancing and happiness. You and I will always be.”
Lamenting at a loss of something I had never known, “How do you move on?” I whispered surrounded in that moment by memory.
“You move on when your heart finally understands that there is no turning back.” he looked into my eyes and I finally saw that love I had always craved. “Do you know the most beautiful part to loving a guarded girl? When she lets you in, it’s not because she needs you. She stopped needing people a long time ago. It’s because she wants you. And that - that is the purest love of all.”
The bartender appeared topping off our drinks. The cocktail was still gloriously frosty, and his bourbon smelled heavenly on his breath “Anything else you’ll be needing Set?”
“Not at all Charon, I think we are about done here.”
I nodded, “Of course, I… Set,” I looked at the beautiful bartender nodding, “Charon, you are beautiful, and mix a hell of a drink”
“Was a pleasure Miss, this was the sweetest tour I have taken. It’s not often the boss comes on the trip.”
I laughed, “Now feel foolish calling you Terminus.”
“Oh, you used to fight me, now look you see. We were meant to be.” He took my hand pulling me from my perch on the stool. Handing me my lovely purple concoction. Wrapping his arm tightly around my shoulders, god, he was tall. “Tomorrow you will wake up in your bed, but you will feel a purpose;” I twirled me under his arm tucking me close; “but tonight is ours.”
He walked comfortably to the door I entered through, but instead of the street, it was a magnificent arte nouveau bedroom. Wooden four post bed, intricately carved, rich red velvet comforter. Dark wood floors with thick rugs.
“Magnificent,” I breathed.
“You see, all of those colours you have in your mind, I want to show them to you, watching your eyes shine.” He pulled me to him, framing my face with his hands. Smoothing my hair, his thumb resting on my lower lip. I pull it into my mouth sucking lightly. I watched feelings play across his face, each new look was my new favourite. He pulled his thumb from my lips then softly caressed my bottom lip. My hands reached for him, but he seemed a million miles away.
“Say, lady, say that you will stay.” He kissed me deeply. We slowly sank onto that deep red velvet. “Say you will stay with me, oh, I will make you smile. Lay with me.”
I rolled him to his back kissing him, “There is no place else that I want to be.”
“No more longing for the one you love; I am right in front of you.”
The next morning, I woke feeling delicious.
“Once upon a time, I was a stupid girl.”
He kissed me pulling my dress away, I felt decadent velvet kissing my back as my lover feasted on my lips.
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