#tord arm wrestling tournament
littlefanficprincess · 8 months
Chapter 02: Stranger Danger
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"How long have you four been in there? There aren't holes for air in there, you poor babies" (Y/n) frowns, still petting the dark colored cat.
"Meow" The mentioned cat squeeks. ("I'm not entirely sure"). He jumps off the table and approaches the ginger, giving him a small tap on the head.
The ginger cat seem to stop freaking. He notices a mirror in the corner of the room, he stalks towards it. He places his paw on it, looking at his own reflection with adoration.
"I should head to the store to get you guys some food, you must be starving" (Y/n) remarks, grabbing her keys. She walks out of the door, locking it behind her.
The moment they hear the door close. Tord hurls out of the box, transforming mid-air. He easily lands on his feet, stretching his arms "Finally, it's been ages since I last get to transform"
He was wearing a Crimson hoodie, along with dark grey pants and a pair jet black shoes. There were two pieces of hair ontop of his head, resembling horns. Hiding behind them were two cat ears, matching the color of his hair. A long tail was poking out from between his hoodie and pants.
Edd follows suit. His attire consisted of a forrest green hoodie, moss green pants and messy dark brown hair, matching with his ears and tails. He rest on the couch of the apartment, his tail was lazily wags from side to side.
Turning his head, Tord notices that Tom was still in the box. He smirks "Why aren't you transforming, are you having trouble?"
"Ofcourse not" Tom growls "I'm just not trying to get caught, like you morons"
"Coward" Tord taunts, leaning over the box. His hands were hidden in his pockets as he focuses his eyes on the black cat.
Tom grumbles something and hops out. Once his paws hit the ground, he changes into his human-ish form. "I hate you so fucking much"
The other brunette just gives him an innocent smile. Tom rolls his eye(hole)s and strolls over to the fridge, he opens it and looks through the contents.
Edd and Tord's ear shoot up when they hear the door open. They were quick to convert back into their cat forms. They watch as the girl from before enters, holding a bag.
Tom sadly didn't hear her, due to his bad hearing. He mutters under his breath, those mutters attracting (Y/n)'s attention.
She picks up a bat that was laying near the door. She creeps towards the kitchen, holding the bat close to her.The girl spots a figure hunged over in her fridge. She raises the bat and swing it at his head, knocking him to the ground. His eyes go shut as he goes unconscious.
"Oh my god, oh my god. There is someone in my apartment, what do I do!?" (Y/n) drops the bat, and begins pacing around the apartment.
The amount of commotion takes Matt's attention. He looks away from the mirror and jumps onto the couch to see what happens "She killed Tom!"
"No, she didn't, she just knocked him out cold" Edd explains to him, not taking his green eyes off of the scene.
"Wait, I know" (Y/n) drags a chair from the dinner table, placing it in the middle of the room. She walks over to unconscious man, putting her arms under his armpits, trying to pull him up.
She takes note of the ears ontop of his head and the tail poking out of his clothes. She drags his body over to the chair, placing him on it.
The (h/c)nette grabs a garland she didn't clean up after Christmas. She uses it to tie him to the chair.
"Okay, everything chill, just a cosplayler somehow got into my home" (Y/n) picks up her dropped bat. "Nothing I can't handle.
She tenses when she hears a knock on the door "(N/n), you in there?"
"Oh, crap" (Y/n) mumbles "What is it, Yennifer?"
"It sounded like there is a wrestling tournament in there, is everything okay?"
"Yup, yup, totally. Just don't come in, please" (Y/n) begs, nervousness was latched onto her voice.
"Right, I just want to tell you that we'll get new neighbors soon, just a heads up. See ya, (N/n)" The voice dissapears as sound of footsteps becomes quieter.
(Y/n) sighs in relief.
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Since Elm missed the tournament, I dare her to arm wrestle Pyrrha. Loser has to do topless jumping jacks.
((BTW, all kinda-sorta lewd posts (such as this one and other posts to come) will be tagged “not sfw” from now on, just in case you wanna avoid them. None of them are explicit, rest assured.))
Elm: What tournament?
Ruby: We were all dared to compete in an elimination-style arm wrestling tournament where every loser had to give their underwear to the winner and Pyrrha ended up winning the whole thing.
Elm: Oh....
Harriet: Yeah, this is the weirdest sleepover ever.
Elm: So you mean I have to challenge the winner of that tournament.
Pyrrha, smiling and offering a hand shake: May the strongest woman win.
Elm, smirking and taking Pyrrha’s hand: Thanks! I plan to.
Pyrrha, chuckling: Underestimating me much?
Elm: I think I have a good enough idea of what you can do. I just don’t think it’s enough.
Everyone else: Ohhhhh.
Yang, grabbing her microphone: Welp, time to do this again. *stands up* Ladies, gentlemen, enbys of all varieties, this arm wrestling contest is for the title of arm wrestling champion of the woooooorld! *points at Elm* In this corner, we have the challenger! From the Kingdom of Atlas, “The Insurmountable” Elm Ederne!
Elm, flexing her bicep: Yeah, baby. *winks at Ilia*
Ilia: *swoons gracefully*
Yang: And in this corner, from the Kingdom of Mistral, the arm wrestling champion of. The. Wooooooorld! “The Amazon” Pyrrha Nikos!
Pyrrha: *bows*
Emerald: SIGN MY FACE!
Pyrrha: Please, please, I’ll be sure to talk to every one of my fans after I win.
Elm: Ha! Don’t get ahead of yourself, missy. *puts her arm on the table* You’ve got a tree to climb.
Pyrrha: Or rather, a tree to chop down. *takes her hand*
Ruby, Nora and Emerald: Let’s go Pyrrha!
Harriet, Neon and Penny: Let’s go Elm!
Yang: Alright, ladies, let’s have a good clean arm wrestle. Ready....set....go!
*Boom* *Shockwave*
Elm, beginning to struggle against Pyrrha: Wow, you’re....stronger than you look....
Pyrrha: That’s saying something.... *pushes her back a bit* You look pretty strong yourself.
Elm: Heh, well you’re about to feel how strong I am. *pushes back in retaliation*
Weiss, staring: M....muscles.... *faints onto Ilia*
Elm, a sweat drop running down her face: Where is all this strength coming from?
Pyrrha, gritting her teeth: It’s called....determination and will power!
Elm: That’s....*grunt* Lame. You ought to call it.... *pushes her further back* Not good enough!
Pyrrha, groaning: No...!
Everyone: *gasp*
Elm: *pins Pyrrha’s arm*
Pyrrha: Wow....
Ruby: Pyrrha no....
Nora, crying: Oh, how the mighty fall....
Emerald, sobbing on Nora’s shoulder: I’ll never get over this....
Harriet, chanting: ELM! ELM! ELM! ELM!
Elm, bowing: Thank you, thank you.
Pyrrha: So...I have to do....topless jumping jacks?
Elm: Hold on, didn’t one of you mention that the losers in the tournament had to give their underwear to the winners?
Yang: Uh....yeah, that was a thing.
Elm, pointing at Pyrrha: Sooo...?
Pyrrha, sighing: I guess it’s only proper. *takes off her shorts*
Emerald, no longer crying: I feel better all of a sudden.
Nora: Same.
Ruby: Pyrrha, you know this basically means you have to do those jumping jacks naked, right?
Pyrrha: Well, at this point, I’m not bothered. *pushes down her orange underwear* After all, I lost fair and square. *hands the underwear to Elm.
Elm, raising it like a trophy: Oh yeah! When’s the victory parade?!
Emerald, staring: I can’t even remember why I was crying....
Yang: Wait, but this also means, since Pyrrha basically won everyone else’s panties in the tournament, and Elm just defeated her....Elm legally owns everyone else’s undies now.
Elm, laughing: So that means I can seize them whenever I please?
Blake, chuckling: I’d let you seize my undies whenever you’d please.
Ilia, waking up just to raise a thumbs up: Nice one, Blake. *looks at Pyrrha* Oh. *faints again*
Yang, looking over at the former champion: Well, Pyrrha...I’m afraid you gotta do the thing.
Pyrrha: Very well. I accept the conditions of my defeat. *pulls her top off*
Yang: I should sit down for this....
Blake: Just in case you pull an Ilia or a Weiss, huh? *glances at said unconscious lesbians*
Yang: Yeah...
Pyrrha: How many do I have to do?
Yang: Let’s ask the champ.
Elm, shrugging: Just ten, I guess. You were a worthy opponent, and it’s gonna hurt, so....
Pyrrha, bowing her head: Very well. *stretches her arms* Here goes. *starts jumping jacks*
Yang, blinking: Oh gods....I just got dizzy....
Blake: It’s like the most effective form of hypnosis I’ve ever seen.
Penny, an asexual robot: I’m not certain what the appeal is.
Ciel, an asexual human, chucking and whispering to her: Is this supposed to be funny? Because I think it’s funny. Just....boing boing boing....
Penny, shoving her: Ciel!
Ciel, giggling: What?
Pyrrha: Nine, and ten. *stops and takes a breath, then holds her chest* Yeah, ow....
Blake, giggling: Need someone to kiss them better?
Pyrrha, putting her clothes back on: Blake Belladonna I swear—
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musings-from-mars · 5 years
For The Arm Wresting Tournament I believe Pyrrha is going to win not only because of her strength but because everyone else experiencing gay panic
Inducing gay panic has always been Pyrrha’s greatest strength, hasn’t it
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RWBY TorD Arm Wrestling Tournament - Championship!
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To win the whole tournament...
Nora v Pyrrha
Yang, microphone in hand: Ladies, gentlemen, enbys of all varieties, this contest is to determine the arm wrestling champion of the woooooorld!
Blake: Yang, at least wrap a blanket around your waist or something.
Yang, ignoring her own bottomlessness: On this side of the table, she hails from the Kingdom of Mistral, representing Team JNPR, “The Amazon” Pyrrha Nikos!
Pyrrha, bowing as the others applaud: Thank you, thank you.
Yang: And on the other side of the table, she hails from—
Nora: Volume 7 spoilers!
Yang: Oh right. *clears throat* Also representing Team JNPR, “The Goddess of Thunder” Nora Valkyrie!
Nora, flexing: Yeeeaaaaaah! You’re going down, Nikos! I’m about to prove that I’m the strongest member of Team JNPR!
Pyrrha, hands on her hips: Ahaha! You may swing a big hammer, but how big are the weights you swing in the gym?
Nora: I eat barbells for breakfast, along with a buttload of protein!
Pyrrha: But do you possess the endurance and resilience needed to defeat me in an arm wrestling match?
Nora: I could beat you at anything except a height competition. Now... *slams her hand on the table* Time to prove up, Invincible Girl.
Pyrrha, stepping up and offering a hand: Prove up we shall.
Nora: For the championship! *locks their hands together*
Yang: Ready...set...go! *rings a bell*
Blake: Where did you get a ring bell?
Yang: I thought it’d be appropriate.
Nora and Pyrrha’s legendary struggle begins.
Ruby, in awe: This is like witnessing two planets collide, an event so massive and spectacular on a cosmic scale.
Weiss: Wow, that was very eloquent—
Weiss: Ah...
Nora, red in the face: You...are the strongest person I’ve ever faced.
Pyrrha: Too you as well....
Nora: But....I’ve got you! *begins pushing Pyrrha’s arm back*
Ilia: Holy shit, no way!
Pyrrha, gritting her teeth: RRRRAAAGHHH! *pushes Nora’s arm back*
Yang: Woah!
Nora: AAAAAHHHH! *pushes Pyrrha’s arm back again*
Weiss, amazed: They’re just going back and forth....
Pyrrha, pushing Nora’s arm back, it almost touching the table: C’mon....
Nora, pushing back: You’ll never finish me off! *almost pins Pyrrha’s arm* Just a bit more!
Pyrrha: NO! *pushes back yet again*
Blake: This is insane!
Ruby: I know, right? Wait...where’s our popcorn?
Cinder, chomping down handfuls of popcorn, engrossed by the arm wrestling match: This is so fucking epic....
Nora and Pyrrha are at a stalemate, their hands centered as they continue to struggle against one another.
Nora: I.... *takes a breath* will not submit.
Pyrrha: You don’t need to submit.... *tightens her grip on Nora’s hand*
Nora, eyes widening: Oh no...
Pyrrha, smiling, her green eye gleaming: You need.... *pushes Nora’s arm back* more endurance!
Nora: No! No no no no!
Pyrrha, trying to shove Nora’s arm down, just one inch away: I have outlasted you!
Nora: No! *grunts* I’ll make a comeback! *groans* AAAAHHHH!
Pyrrha, getting pushed back the tiniest bit, but then, with one last heave, Pyrrha pushes Nora’s arm just enough for Nora’s knuckles to touch the table: Pinned!
Yang, pointing: It touched! Pyrrha wins!!! *rings her bell*
Pyrrha, standing to her feet and raising her arm: Champion!
Nora, falling to her knees, but smiling: Damn, she got me.
Ruby, running up to Pyrrha and hugging her: You did it Pyrrha!!!
Weiss: Ruby, cover yourself!
Pyrrha, hugging her back: And thank you for cheering me on!
Yang, patting Pyrrha’s shoulder: That was amazing.
Pyrrha, grinning: Why thank you.
Nora: Hey.
Pyrrha, turning towards her only to see her bottomless, holding out a pair of blue undies: O-oh...
Nora, shrugging and smiling: Congrats, Pyr. You earned these.
Pyrrha, chuckling and taking Nora’s panties: Thank you. And you earned this. *leans forward and kisses her*
Nora, blinking and grinning: Oh....
Pyrrha, winking: That’s my strong girl. Now... *goes over and grabs up all of the others’ panties* Behold the bounty of a champion!
Ruby, clapping: Woooo Pyrrhaaaaa!
Weiss: Can I have mine back now?!
Blake: Mine too please?
Yang: Hey, let her enjoy her trophy a bit, she worked hard for this—
Weiss: Gimme my underwear!
Blake: My butt’s cold!
Yang: You sure it isn’t...hot?
Blake: Yang not now!
Pyrrha, laughing and setting the pile on the ground: Everyone can have their underwear back.
Yang: But legally speaking, they all still belong to Pyrrha. We gotta stitch onto all of them “property of Pyrrha Nikos,” preferably across the butt.
Pyrrha: Yang no...
RWBY Truth or Dare Arm Wrestling Champion: Pyrrha Nikos!
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((Well this was certainly something, but I had fun making it! I love a good fictional tournament. Might do another one some time...
Congrats to Pyrrha, you OP goddess you. She now, legally speaking, owns everyone else’s ass.))
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RWBY TorD Arm Wrestling Tournament - Semifinals
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Semifinal matchups: Blake v Nora, Yang v Pyrrha
Blake v Nora
Yang, rubbing Blake’s shoulder’s and talking to them like their a professional boxer: Alright, Blake, you’re the underdog in this fight, but ya go out there and win! You gotta muscle up! You gotta look fear in the eye and spit in its face! You gotta take what’s yours, achieve your dreams—
Blake: Yang, I literally have no chance.
Yang: Hey, you’re buff enough to get to this point, so don’t count yourself out just yet.
Nora: Yeah, Blake, I think you’ll put up a good fight. I’m still gonna win, though.
Blake: Alright, you’re on. *offers their hand* Let’s do this.
Nora, taking Blake’s hand: Yeah!
Yang: To go to the championship match! Are you ready, Nora?!
Nora: Ready!
Yang: And are you ready, Blake?
Blake: Ah...
Yang: Then let’s get it! The crowd is going crazy!
Ruby: Woo!
Weiss: Go Blake!
Pyrrha: C’mon Nora, its gonna be all JNPR in the final!
Yang: Ready....set....go!
Nora and Blake engage in arm wrestling, and Blake is managing to hold their own.
Nora: Oh god....you’re strong....
Blake, gritting their teeth: Yeah....maybe....
Nora: But....I’m....stronger! *begins pushing Blake’s arm back*
Blake: Ahh fuck.
Nora, pinning Blake’s arm: YEEEAAAAAAH!!! *stands to her feet* VALKYRIE THE CONQUEROR!!!!
Pyrrha: Woohoo!!!
Blake, forehead on the table: Ugh.
Yang, rubbing their shoulder: It’s okay, Blake.
Blake: I have to give her my underwear, don’t I.
Nora: Gimme my prize!
Blake: Alright, alright, hold on. *stands and takes off their bottoms and underwear, handing it to Nora* There you go.
Nora, blushing: You’re....not covering yourself.
Blake: What’s the point?
Yang: Bellabooty....
Blake: How original. I won’t distract you from your match with Pyrrha, will I, Yang?
Yang: I mean....*blushes* Maybe get a blanket?
Advancing to the Championship Match: Nora
Yang v Pyrrha
Ruby, a bucket of popcorn in her lap: Oh man, this is the big one.
Weiss, stealing a popcorn: Hmm. I still think this tournament is ridiculous.
Ruby: Weiss, we’re both sitting here with no underwear on. We’re all ridiculous. Own it.
Weiss: ....what?
Yang, doing some stretches: Alright, Nikos. Ready to make history?
Pyrrha: I suppose I am. But you know what they say—no one remembers semifinal losers.
Yang: Heheh, guess you’re about to be forgotten in the annals of panty arm wrestling history.
Pyrrha: What a dishonor that would be. *glances at Yang’s robot arm* You’re not gonna—
Yang: I ain’t using the robo arm, honey. It’s gonna be muscle on muscle, baby!
Blake: Sexy.
Yang: Blake gets it.
Pyrrha, taking a deep breath and stretching her arm out: Well then, let’s do this.
Yang: Hell yes! Let the battle begin!
They lock hands and stare at each other.
Yang: I could kiss you right now.
Pyrrha: You’d get distracted and lose.
Yang: Or would you be the one distracted?
Pyrrha: I’ll tell you one thing.... *winks* You might be hot, but nothing’s hotter than winning.
Yang: Ohhhh, you’re so going down.
Ruby: Go Yang!!!
Weiss: Go Yang! And Pyrrha!!!
Ruby: C’mon, choose a side.
Weiss: I’m conflicted, okay??
Yang: Ready...
Pyrrha: Set....
Yang: Go!
They begin, with their hands not moving as they stall from equal opposite force.
Pyrrha, arm muscles rippling: You’re...definitely...my strongest opponent ever....
Yang: Right....back at you.
Pyrrha, gritting her teeth: You’re twisting my wrist....
Yang: You’re twisting mine...
Pyrrha: Anything for a little advantage.
Yang: But....it’s not working.
Ruby: Oh my gods, they’re a completely even match...
Weiss: Woah...
Yang, bowing her head forward and groaning: C’mon....!
Pyrrha, grunting: Almost....
Yang: Dammit....fuck....
Pyrrha, slowly pushing Yang’s arm back: Rrrahhhh!!!
Yang, her hand an inch from the table, her eyes change to red: Not yet! *retaliates, pushing Pyrrha’s hand back to center*
Nora: What a comeback!
Cinder, taking some of Ruby’s popcorn: Okay, now I’m invested too.
Pyrrha, sweat on her face: This has gone on for so long...
Yang: I can go all night baby....
Pyrrha: Can you, or.... *makes eye contact with Yang* Did you exhaust the last of your strength with that comeback?
Yang: Huh?
Pyrrha: Because I have a little left.
Yang: Huh??
Pyrrha: And you won’t be able to stop it!
Yang: NANI?!
Pyrrha: GRRRAAAHHH!!! *slams Yang’s arm back*
Pyrrha, standing up and clapping, hyped up from the adrenaline: Yeah, come on!!!
Yang, falling to the floor, taking deep breaths: Holy shit....
Ruby: That was so epic...
Weiss: Okay maybe I was wrong, that was amazing.
Nora: Give her your panties, Yang!
Yang: Too tired...
Nora: But you gotta!
Yang: Blake, take my panties off for me.
Blake: Yang no.
Yang: Fiiiine. *reaches down and lifts her hips off the ground, tugging her shorts and underwear off and tosses her panties in the air toward Pyrrha* There, worthy adversary. *lets her head fall back to the ground, not attempting to cover herself* Nap time, y’all. *falls asleep*
Nora, stepping up to Pyrrha with an armful of panties: You ready for a showdown, teammate?
Pyrrha, smiling and leaning forward a bit to look Nora in the eyes: You know, I’m usually a humble competitor, but for you, Nora....I can tell you right now, I’m going to beat you.
Nora: You can try. *smirks* But no one beats the queen.
Pyrrha: No one but a goddess.
Everyone else: Ooooooooooo.
Ruby: We should, like, get a stadium full of people or something for this. This is like...once in a millennium....
Weiss: But instead, this’ll happen in our dorm room, with a room full of bottomless girls, contested over a pile of panties.
Ruby: Sounds just as good to me.
Advancing to the Championship Match: Pyrrha
And there you have it, folks! The championship match is set!!
Nora Valkyrie v Pyrrha Nikos
RWBY Truth or Dare Arm Wrestling Championship Match!
Coming very soon...
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RWBY TorD Arm Wrestling Tournament - First Round
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First Round Matchups: Blake v Coco, Nora v Ciel, Ruby v Ilia, Yang v Penny, Emerald v Neon, Weiss v Pyrrha, Velvet v Cinder
Weiss: Ugh. Arm wrestling? How barbaric.
Yang: Says the girl with toothpick arms.
Weiss: I have very toned and healthy arms!
Ruby: Yeah Yang, shush!
Blake: I’m with Weiss on this one, this seems to really favor those of us who have significantly more upper body strength.
Weiss: And we have to take off our underwear when we lose?! That’s even more unfair!
Yang: Shoulda lifted more.
Weiss: I have no need to “lift.” I am a person of finesse and grace.
Ruby: No offense, Weiss, but I don’t think you’re going to finesse your way out of this.
Weiss: Why?
Ruby: You’re up against Pyrrha first.
Weiss: P-Pyrrha?
Pyrrha, waving: Hello again!
Yang: Yep. She definitely lifts.
Weiss, letting her head fall forward, sighing: I guess my fate is sealed, isn’t it.
Ruby, putting a hand on her shoulder: Weiss....sometimes....you just gotta lift.
Weiss, smacking her hand away: Stop saying lift!
Weiss v Pyrrha
Weiss: How does one....arm wrestle?
Pyrrha, chuckling: It’s rather simple. I would arm wrestle with classmates all the time back in combat school. Well, until the school made me stop after I accidentally broke someone’s wrist. I still feel bad about that....
Weiss: Not helping....
Pyrrha, smiling: Sorry. Really all you do is lock hands, elbow on the table, and try to push your opponent’s arm so far that the back of their hand hits the table. You can’t lean to the side or put any of your body weight into it, just arm strength.
Weiss: Okay.
Pyrrha: Are you ready?
Weiss: Can I just forfeit?
Pyrrha: Forfeit?
Weiss: Yeah. I have no chance at beating your strength, so why even bother?
Pyrrha: Weiss...I’m—
Weiss: No no, I have accepted this, I am fine with taking off my underwear, it’s all fine. This is my life now and there’s nothing I can do about it.
Pyrrha: That’s a tad dramatic...
Weiss: I concede victory to you. *bows*
Pyrrha: Well....hurray?
Yang, whispering to Ruby: Quite a rousing start to the action.
Weiss, sighing: Okay. *reaches beneath her skirt* No one stare! *takes off her light blue panties and hands them to Pyrrha* Your trophy?
Pyrrha, chuckling nervously: Maybe don’t call it that.
Nora: Woo, go Pyrrha!
Pyrrha, smiling: I didn’t do anything.
Weiss, pushing the front of her skirt down a bit: Can I, like, go sit down now?
Pyrrha: Of course. And I’m sorry you felt you had to do that. *steps over to her and kisses her cheek* You are very gracious.
Weiss, blushing: Ohh.... *smiles* Thank you.
Advancing to the Quarterfinals: Pyrrha
Blake v Coco
Blake: Adel.
Coco: Belladonna.
Blake, extending a hand: Shall we?
Coco, locking hands: Oh, we shall.
Nora: Any bets, anyone?
Ruby: My money’s on Blake, they can swing Yang around with their ribbon when they do their Bumblebee team attack! That takes some strength.
Velvet: But Coco carries a massive Gatling gun with her everywhere. That thing is heavy.
Blake: And....GO!
Coco and Blake begin to strain against each other’s arms, but it quickly turns in Blake’s favor, until pinning Coco’s arm.
Nora: Blake wins!
Blake, sighing and putting their hands on their hips: Don’t sleep on these guns. *shrugs*
Coco, shaking her hand out: Not bad....so I guess this means I give you my underwear?
Blake: I’m afraid so. What, are they super-expensive designer panties?
Coco: How’d you know?
Blake: Wait, they are?
Coco: Why are you surprised? *undoes her belt and pushes off her pants* Did you think under this meticulously assembled outfit I would just wear generic underwear? Please. *pushes down her black panties, all while discretely pulling her shirttail in front of herself* Here.
Blake, taking Coco’s panties and studying them: These are designer. Is this....gold stitiching in the waistband??
Coco, sitting down while keeping her shirt pulled forward: Gold and copper, actually.
Blake, sighing: Wow. Okay then.
Velvet, reaching over and poking Coco’s butt: Boop!
Coco, flinching: Hey!
Velvet: Heheh ^~^
Advancing to the quarterfinals: Blake
Nora v Ciel
Ciel: Nope.
Nora: What?
Ciel: I have no chance.
Nora: Oh, c’mon, you have to at least try!
Ciel: I once saw you open an aluminum can with your bare hands because you couldn’t find a can opener. I do not want to be your next can of pears.
Nora: Hey, I would go easy on you.
Ciel: Would you?
Nora: No....
Ciel: Then I concede.
Nora: WOO I WIN! Gimme your underwear.
Ciel, blushing and sighing: Oh right, that. *reaches beneath her skirt and takes off her white panties, handing them to Nora* There.
Nora: Well that was easy.
Advancing to the quarterfinals: Nora
Ruby v Ilia
Yang: I wonder who’s gonna win this one—the girl who carries around a massive metal scythe, or the girl who carries around a glorified taser.
Ilia: I’m about to taser you, Yang. Besides, I think I’ve got a shot!
Weiss: Really?
Ilia: Shut up, toothpick arms.
Weiss: Again, my arms are—!
Ruby: Let’s just have a good, fair arm wrestling match! *offers her hand to Ilia* Ready?
Ilia, taking her hand: Heh, only if you’re ready to lose.
Ruby: Ready, and....GO!
Ilia: Ow!
Ruby: Oh.
Nora: Ruby wins!
Ruby: That was....
Ilia, on the ground, turning blue: I have been humiliated....
Ruby: I, uh....I didn’t mean to....beat you so quickly.
Ilia, sniffling: It’s fine, I deserved it. You were right, Yang, it is a glorified taser.
Yang: Well now I feel bad....
Weiss: Oh, get up you drama queen. You lost fair and square, and besides, your arm strength doesn’t even matter. You’re a perfectly capable fighter without such physical strength.
Ilia: Aww, thanks Weiss, you’re so sweet.
Weiss, stuttering: I, uhh....
Ilia, getting back to her feet: I guess I, uhm.... *pushes down her pants* I guess since you won...?
Ruby, blushing: Okay, awkward....
Ilia: Yeah, speak for yourself.... *sighs, then lowers her underwear and tosses them to Ruby* There! *quickly sits down, draping her pants across her lap to cover herself*
Ruby, catching Ilia’s gray trunks: Uhh....yay?
Advancing to the quarterfinals: Ruby
Yang v Penny
Yang, hands in the air: Okay, first off....robot girl.
Penny: Yes.
Yang: Versus....my robot arm.
Penny: It seems so. Are you concerned about fairness?
Yang: It’s not that, it’s just—
Penny: Because I can adjust my strength settings so I—
Yang: No no no! Gimme all you got!
Penny: You are certain?
Yang: Certain.
Penny: Well, okay then. *offers her hand*
Yang, taking her hand: Let’s do this!
Penny: Commencing in 3....2....1....begin!
They both begin to strain against each other.
Yang: Damn....you’re....sturdy....
Penny: Speak for yourself, Friend Yang.
Yang: You know....both my arm and you...are Atlas manufactured....so isn’t this just an even matchup?
Penny: I feared as such.
Yang, blinking: Wha....
Penny: It appears my wrist joints were not properly fastened.
Yang, with Penny’s detached hand in her own: Uhhh.... *places Penny’s hand on the table* Pinned?
Ruby: Penny, what the heck?!
Penny: I have a maintainance appointment tomorrow, don’t worry!
Yang: I win, right?
Blake: Considering you ripped her hand off, yeah, I’d say so.
Yang: Then don’t I get your....do robots wear underwear?
Penny, chuckling: Oh, silly. Of course I wear underwear.
Yang: Should that be obvious?
Penny: I suppose not.
Nora: Okay, hold up. I have been wondering about this forever. Penny, forgive me for such a weird question, but how....anatomically correct are you?
Penny: Hm? Oh, in terms of genitalia?
Ruby: That word sounds so wrong coming out of your mouth.
Nora: Yeah, like....yeah.
Penny, laughing: Friend Nora, Why would I be designed in such a way? I’m an android, I have no use for such things.
Nora: Okay, good point.
Yang: And yet you wear underwear?
Penny: It makes me feel cute.
Yang: Okay, valid.
Penny, tugging down her light green underwear from beneath her skirt, then handing it to Yang: There. Congratulations.
Yang: Thanks. And here, lemme hand this over.
Penny, taking her hand back: Yes, thank you.
Advancing to the quarterfinals: Yang
Emerald v Neon
Neon: Yeah I’m about to lose.
Emerald: Really? I’m pretty sure you’re going to beat me.
Neon: I’m pretty sure I’m not known for upper body strength.
Emerald: Well neither am I.
Yang: Girls, I think the point of the is to prove who’s more strong.
Neon: Yeah, but....c’mon, look at me. I have trouble opening ketchup bottles.
Emerald: Same!
Yang: Just go for it! One of you has to win!
Emerald, sighing: Alright, I guess. Let’s go for it.
Neon: I’m warning you, if by some miracle I do win, I will be so extra with my celebration.
Emerald: Sure, go off. *they lock hands* Ready?
Neon: Set....
Emerald: Go!
They both begin pushing against each other, grumbling and growling, but their hands won’t budge.
Yang: Woah, you two are pretty evenly matched.
Emerald: This....is so hard.....
Neon: Ehhhhhh...!
Emerald: EHHHHHH!
Neon: Nonononono!
Emerald forces Neon’s hand back far enough for it to touch the table.
Yang: Nice one, Em!
Emerald: I won?!
Emerald: Holy shit I won!
Ruby: Go Emmy!
Neon, cartoonishly crying: And I had so many dreams....dreams of victory, fame, fortune....
Emerald: Shut up and give me your underwear.
Neon: Wow. No one’s said that to me in weeks.
Emerald: Wait....who’s said that to you before?
Neon: Not important. And fine, I guess since you won and all... *sigh* Fine. *pushes down her shorts from beneath her skirt* Bet you think you’re pretty lucky getting your hands on these, huh?
Emerald, blushing: I mean, “lucky” probably isn’t the word for it.
Neon, quickly pulling her pink underwear off before covering herself with her skirt: Here. *tosses the garment to Emerald* Enjoy your prize.
Emerald: I don’t know what that means but okay.
Advancing to the quarterfinals: Emerald
Velvet v Cinder
Velvet: Uhm...you aren’t going to use your robot arm, right? That wouldn’t be fair.
Cinder: I’ll use my real arm, don’t worry. I’m still going to beat you, though.
Velvet: We’ll see. *offers her hand* Let’s go.
Cinder, taking her hand: Yes, let’s.
Velvet: Ready....and....go!
Cinder takes an immediate advantage
Velvet: Oh no....
Cinder, successfully pinning Velvet’s arm: Haha!
Velvet, pouting: *whines*
Cinder: Hey, I won fair and square. No sad bunny eyes.
Velvet: *whines some more*
Cinder, frowning: Goddamnit....
Velvet, giggling: I’m just joking with you. *sighs* And I guess I have to give you something.
Cinder, blushing: Oh yeah, that.
Velvet, taking off her shorts: But seeing as how I’ve already had to do a dare that involved much worse than this, this is nothing. *takes off her brown and black striped panties and hands them to Cinder* Congrats.
Cinder, even more blushing: Yeah, thanks....
And thus ends the First Round! Here’s the updated bracket!
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The Quarterfinals will commence soon with these matchups:
Neo v Blake,
Nora v Ruby,
Yang v Emerald, and
Pyrrha v Cinder!
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RWBY TorD Arm Wrestling Tournament - Quarterfinals
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Quarterfinal matchups: Neo v Blake, Nora v Ruby, Yang v Emerald, Pyrrha v Cinder
Neo v Blake
Neo, offering her hand to Blake with utmost confidence: Let’s do this.
Blake: You think you can beat me?
Neo: You think you can underestimate me?
Everyone else: Ooooooo.
Blake, chuckling and taking Neo’s hand: Alright, pint size. Let’s go.
Neo: One...two...three!
Neo: Fuck.
Yang: Yeah! Nice one, Blake!
Blake: Maybe I overestimated you.
Neo, grumpy: I thought I could fake you out with my fake confidence.
Blake: Didn’t work out though, huh? *chuckles* I think I am owed something.
Neo, sighing and rolling her eyes: Fine. *undoes her belt*
Neon: Oh yes, we are ready to see the smallest butt on the planet.
Neo, winking at her, then suddenly illusioning up some waist-high curtains to surround herself: Whoops.
Neon: Oh come on!
Neo, tossing her underwear to Blake from behind her curtains: Congrats.
Blake, looking down at the brown, white and pink garment: Oh, of course.
Advancing to the semifinals: Blake
Nora v Ruby
Yang: Okay, this is one that I’m actually really intrigued by. Both of you could win this whole thing.
Nora, staring across at Ruby intensely: Oh, I do plan to win this whole thing, Rose.
Ruby: Ha! Well I think I’ll be winning this tournament, and I’m gonna be one step closer to doing so once I take your undies from you right now!
Nora: Haha! Such grandstanding will get you nowhere! Allow our strength to bring forth the resolution to this quarrel! Have at thee!
Ruby, taking her hand: En garde!
Nora: Prepare to commence!
Ruby: Our battle will be legendary!
Nora: Ready!
Ruby: Set!
Nora: GO!
The equal opposing forces of their hands fighting against each other almost produces a visible shockwave.
Ruby: AAAAAAaaaaaa wait no!
Nora, beginning to take advantage: AAAAAAAA
Ruby: Wait! Mercy! NO!
Nora, pinning Ruby’s hand: YAS!
Weiss, rubbing her temples: Brothers fucking Grimm, do you have to be so lou—
Nora: Aha! You are but another conquest of Valkyrie the Conqueror! Produce to me my spoils of war!
Ruby, resting her forehead on the table: hrmghfkrm.
Nora: Gimme!
Ruby: Ehhhhh....
Nora: Gimme the panties!!!
Nora: GIMME!
Ruby: OKAY! *suddenly stands up* But I will not forget this moment. *reaches beneath her skirt* We will face off again some day. *brings down her underwear* And I will defeat you. *hands her red undies over to Nora*
Nora, smugly taking the panties: You’re gonna have to do a lot of pushups to reach my level, baby. *holds up Ruby’s, Ilia’s and Ciel’s panties* Valkyrie the Conqueroooooor!
Ciel, blushing: Quit waving them around!
Advancing to the semifinals: Nora
Yang v Emerald
Emerald, already taking her pants off: Nope.
Yang: Aww c’mon.
Emerald: Yang, you and I both know you could easily break my arm into pieces. I will not take that chance.
Yang: I wouldn’t go that hard....uh....*blushes because bottomless Emerald*
Emerald, holding her green undies out for Yang to take, along with Neon’s: You are on a whole ‘nother level. You’re just too powerful.
Yang, sighing and accepting the garments: Thank you, gracious Emerald. *glances over toward Pyrrha and Cinder* Now I await my opponent...
Advancing to the semifinals: Yang
Pyrrha v Cinder
Cinder: Can I use my robot arm?
Pyrrha: Well, uhh....
Yang: Hey now...that wouldn’t be fair. I only used my robot arm earlier because it was robot arm versus robot.
Pyrrha: No no, it’s quite alright. I know Cinder is an honest competitor and would only ask of such an accommodation if she thought it necessary.
Cinder: Oh gods, you’re going to pin my cybernetic arm, aren’t you.
Pyrrha: Well...I will try.
Nora: Go Pyrrha!
Cinder, extending her robo arm to her, sighing: Alright, let’s do this. I won’t go easily.
Pyrrha, taking her hand: Nor shall I.
Nora: Ready, set, go!
Their hands lock up and they strain against each other, Cinder’s arm whirring in a mechanical struggle.
Cinder: Fuck fuck fuck fuck—
Pyrrha, pinning her arm: Haha!
Cinder: You used your Polarity on my arm!!!
Pyrrha, smiling innocently: But Cinder, using your robot arm was your idea. *pleasant smile*
Cinder: 😦 *distraught silence*
Yang: Oh damn....Pyrrha played you hard....
Nora: Gods that was hot, not gonna lie.
Cinder: So....I have to....
Ruby, pointing at her: Haw haw!
Cinder: Shut up!
Nora: Sorry, Cinder, but ya gotta.
Cinder, gritting her teeth: Goddamnit....
Pyrrha: It’s okay, Cinder. You shouldn’t feel embarrassed.
Cinder: Wow. You just cured my embarrassment, thanks. *sigh* Okay, I’m just going to get this over with. I’m not going to give any of you the satisfaction of seeing me embarrassed, so I’m just gonna do it! *pushes off her shorts and panties, tossing the black undies to Pyrrha along with Velvet’s* There!
Pyrrha, catching the panties, but staring at Cinder for a moment: Oh dear....
Cinder, pulling her shirt down to cover herself, but not her privates, but to cover her scars on her hip and thigh: Yeah, like I said, I’m not giving you all the satisfaction...
Pyrrha: C-Cinder....
Cinder, sitting down and still covering herself, her face turning red: Well? Move onto the next round or...whatever.
Pyrrha: You look beautiful.
Cinder, shaking her head: You’re just saying that to make me feel better.
Pyrrha: No, Cinder....you really are.
Ruby: Seriously, Cinder. You never need to hide yourself from us.
Weiss, sitting next to Cinder, placing a hand on her shoulder: We’re your friends, remember?
Cinder, sighing: Yeah, I know....thank you.
Pyrrha: Of course, Cindermon Roll.
Cinder: Ugh.
Pyrrha: Hehe~
Cinder: *sighs deeply, but maybe also smiles a little. Just a little*
Advancing to the semifinals: Pyrrha
And thus ends the Quarterfinals! Here’s the updated bracket!
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The Semifinals will commence with these matchups:
Blake v Nora
Yang v Pyrrha
(We’re ‘bout to get down to business, y’all. These’re the big showdowns!)
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Dare- arm wrestling tournament between all the ladies - loser has to give the winner their panties - last one with the panties on wins
Ooohhhhhhh my, this is gonna be a whole thing isn’t it.
I mean, is doesn’t have to be a whole thing
But you bet it’s gonna be, time for a tournament!
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Here’s some rules:
Since we have 15 people in this tourney, 1 short of an even 16-person tournament, one person is randomly given a first round bye, and that person is (Randomizer) Neo!
The winner of each match advances while the loser is eliminated and must relinquish their drawers (their own, and any which were previously won) to the victor!
This continues until we have one champion, who will own bragging rights and also a lot of underwear (which will then be returned, hopefully, depends on who wins probably).
I’ll make separate posts covering each round. The First Round is on its way soon and will feature these matchups (all Randomized):
Blake v Coco
Nora v Ciel
Ruby v Ilia
Yang v Penny
Emerald v Neon
Weiss v Pyrrha
Velvet v Cinder
Am I creating more work for myself than necessary to respond to this prompt? You bet I am! Will this tournament be ABSOLUTELY EPIC? Hell yes it will! Round 1 coming soon....
Who do you think will win?
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musings-from-mars · 5 years
Place your bets on the arm wrestling championship! My money is on Nora. She is queen of the castle after all
I mean, I don’t really have anything to bet on, since I already know who’s gonna win....👀
Who knows....
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musings-from-mars · 5 years
In the arm wrestling posts Does the champion get the victory panties of everyone she’s beaten? And do the losers have to go without underwear till the game is over?
The champion will get everyone’s undies (each loser has to surrender their own and their previously won undies)
And yes, the losers will have to deal until the tourney is over
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Modifyer: yang and or pyrrha spend the next 10 dares topless
Flip a Coin: Pyrrha
Yang: Ohhhhh shit you guys.
Weiss: It’s happening....
Pyrrha, putting a hand to her face: After all the work I put into winning that arm wrestling tournament just so I wouldn’t have to take off any.... *lightbulb* Wait, I have an idea.
Ruby: What is it?
Pyrrha, reaching up and undoing her ponytail: A perk to having long hair... *lets her hair fall over her chest* is having a built-in cover for yourself.
Nora, rubbing her chin: Honestly that’s pretty smart.
Coco: This is Pyrrha Nikos we’re talking about.
Weiss: So you’re just going to do the convenient censorship thing with you hair like they do in movies?
Pyrrha: I suppose that’s what this is. *begins to take off her top*
Weiss: Oh gods it’s happening....
Pyrrha: But I doubt this would be foolproof.
Nora: Heheh, I hope not.
Pyrrha, winking at her: Watch it. *tosses her top aside* There.
Everyone: *stares closely*
Ruby: They are...quite effectively concealed.
Ilia, smirking: Unless you look from the side a bit.
Pyrrha, putting her arms across her chest: Alright enough staring!
((Pyrrha will be topless for the next 10 TorDs!))
Buy me a Coffee at MusingsFromMars on Ko-fi!
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musings-from-mars · 5 years
Ko-fi Reopened!
So I am now getting 100% back on Ko-fi! If you enjoy what I do or just wanna make me so happy I cry, you can follow the link in my blog description!
Here are some perks if you do Buy me a Coffee, as well as some rules:
Priority RWBY Truth or Dare Prompt* - 1 Coffee. (For my ask blog @ask-rwby-multishipper) If you want to send me a prompt but the ask box is closed (as it is usually when the box reaches 50 asks and remains so until it’s below 15), you can buy me 1 Coffee, and not only can you send it to me any time regardless of the ask box’s status, but I will also write it immediately! No waiting until the ones before it are finished. If I have a Ko-fi prompt, it will be the very first one I post, like jumping to the front of the line! *Subject to the same guidelines as posted on the guidelines page on my ask blog
BIG RWBY Truth or Dare Prompt* - 2 Coffees. Like the Arm Wrestling Tournament that I just finished up that spanned four separate posts, if you want something big like that, then this is the category for that! *Subject to the same guidelines as posted on the guidelines page
One-Shot - 1 Coffee per 2,000 words. Any ship (within reason, you know what I’m talkin’ ‘bout), any characters including OCs, any AU, however you want it! The number of Coffees you buy me determines how long it will be at a minimum. Don’t make me write a novel tho, please. 10,000 word (5 Coffee) limit.
NS/FW One-Shot - 1 Coffee per 1,000 words. Sexy stuff is at more of a premium, ya know? Same as above, but please check with me before Buying me a Coffee so you can be sure that I’m comfortable with writing your prompt.
Some important rules:
If you want to send me a Ko-fi prompt for RWBY TorD or a One-Shot, send the prompt itself to my main blog’s ask box BEFORE PAYING. This is so I can confirm your TorD prompt is appropriate (not explicitly ns/fw) and in case it isn’t, I can deny it before you’ve bought me a Coffee. THIS GOES FOR ONE-SHOT PROMPTS AS WELL. NS/FW prompts go through the same channels, just with more lenient scrutiny.
I can turn down any prompt if I’m not comfortable with writing it, hence the above rule. Don’t Buy me a Coffee until I have confirmed your prompt is a-ok.
I cannot guarantee a timetable for completion. Life is hectic and sometimes I’m away for a while. Please understand if you Buy me a Coffee and I take a while to respond, it’s not because I’m just taking your money. I will respond.
If you Buy me a Coffee, I don’t really have a method to refund you if you change your mind. Payments are final.
If you are able to help in any way, I will greatly appreciate it! Thank you, all you beautiful people you!
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