#i started playing this game for jacob and it took so long to get him
cantobear · 2 years
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hissing sounds
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itscherrylipsforme · 4 months
When were you planning to tell us?: Theseus Scamander x fem!reader
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Summary: During their wedding your recently married friends can't stop asking questions about your "mysterious" husband. Little they know he is the same man who has been flirting with you during all the ceremony
Warnings: Drinking a little, I guess? But nothing else except that Jacob and Queenie being unaware of the world around them; Leta and Theseus ot being able to hide their chuckles; and Dumbledore being a funny smartass. Takes place after Dumbledore's secrets and in Au where Leta doesn't die and she wasn't enganged with Thesesus
Requested: yes
Words: Around 1130
Author rambles: This is kind of inspired in a wedding I attended a couple of years ago and the situation fitted quite well with the request
Masterlist Characters I write for
Likes and reblogs are appreciated ღ
I do not authorize any of my works to be copied, translated or plagiarized ✗
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Bright smiles, sparky eyes and some tears of pure happiness, that was a quick and accurate way to describe most weddings. Jacob’s and Queenie’s was not an exception to this. A small and intimate ceremony on the bakery, only family and friends attending, perfect for the couple union. While the bride and the groom, now wife and husband, were looking at each other with love-dove eyes, you and the rest of the guests were enjoying the sight.
“She looks beautiful today, even more that normally” You whispered to Theseus who was by your side leaning in the desserts table.
“I still believe you were prettier in your wedding” He replied a small grin playing on his lips.
“You are a charmer with words, Theseus Scamander” Your hands slowly moved to take two glasses of champagne, handing one of them to your companion.
“Only because you deserve it, darling” He took a quick sip of the pinkish beverage, which had been Queenie’s idea.
You would have scolded him for his smarmy antics if it wasn’t for your nosy friends who had been half-listening to your talk. Yeah, a small bakery was definitely not the best place to hold a private conversation. It wasn’t long until Mr and Mrs Kowalski came to your way with a mixture of curiosity and surprise.
“y/n you never told us you had been married, honey” Queenie sweet voice echoed in your ears. The realization hit you, you had been caught.
“Actually, I still am” Thesus couldn’t help but chuckle at your words.
“And who is the lucky man?” Jacob managed to speak while taking a bite from the nuptial cake “Do we know him?”
Theseus cheeks were starting to tint in a similar tone to his hair. You wondered how an auror like him, who has supposed to be calm and stern in every situation, couldn’t stop that grin from spreading on his face right now. Luckily for the two of you, Leta Lestrange, your best friend since your Hogwarts years (your guardian angel as you should call her from now on), appeared on the scene.
“What is the fuss for?” she joined the group and thanks to her endearing smile and her ability to put the focus on herself in every situation, you could enjoy a few seconds to think what would you say next. You were so relived thanks to her entry that you didn’t even get annoyed when she playfully stole your glass of champagne.
“y/n has just told us that she is married” The bride explained enthusiastically.
“Ohh…” Great, the last thing you needed right now was another person who couldn’t keep a secret to save her life. Surprisingly, she decided to play along. After all a little fun never hurt anyone “Of course she is, I was the bridesmaid”
“Leta…” You tried to interrupt her in order to finally reveal the truth.
“Wonderful!” Queenie clapped “So you can tell us more about that mysterious husband of hers”
“Yeah y/n, you never told us anything about him” Theseus took a sip of his drink and still he couldn’t hide his smirk.
Oh, he made a big mistake… Never play games with a girl who can play them better, Scamander. You should remind him that later.
“Well, he is the perfect gentleman. Sweet, chivalrous, caring…” You dreamingly looked at the celling “But also a little bossy, stubborn, touchy too. And he always overworks himself with his job to the point its annoying” Your audience was expectant to hear more about it. Theseus tried his best not to look slightly offended while Leta patted his back.
“But you love him, don’t you?” The older Scamander brother asked, his eyes shinning hopefully. One of the many things that made you fall for him since the first day.
“With every piece of my heart” Your gaze was locked in his.
That intimate moment which had somehow grown in a room full of people faded a wide the instance the door’s bell rang, announcing Tina’s and Newt’s arrival in the bakery. God knew what they had been talking about while the rest of you were enjoying the desserts.
“Guys, you will never guess what happened” Jacob said as soon as they came to his sight.
“Y/n is married!” Queenie announced as the sweet gossiper she was.
The young magizoologist’s eyes travelled back and forwards from yours and his brother’s face, clearly confused. The elder Goldstein sister just looked unaware, waiting for an explanation.
“Of course, she is” Newt finally broke the silence “I was the best man”
“You too?” Jacob said surprised “Are we the last ones to discover this?”
“I didn’t know until today either, Mr Kowalski. Although I have been having my suspicions since you two were students. You have never been good at hiding your feelings, Miss l/n”
Dumbledore laughed from the other side of the room where he was leaning on the wall absent-mindedly eating his piece of cake. A privileged position which he took advantage of to listen to the whole discussion.
“Or should I say Mrs Scamander now? Congrats anyway, thanks to your marriage Professor McGonagall owes me ten galleons now” Gasps of shock echoed between the bakery’s walls.
Your husband made himself comfortable, his hands now proudly around your waist in a gentle grip.
“Thanks Professor” he replied.
“When did you make it official if I can ask?”
“Just after he returned from the war. We wanted to keep it simple, Newt and Leta were the only guests” You softly squeezed your husbands hand.
“And when were you planning to tell us?”
“Jacob, sweetie, focus on what is important” His wife corrected him “Why didn’t you tell us?”
You two shrugged the question off. Being honest, you had never truly hidden your union, not intentionally at least. Theseus did not wear his ring on his finger, but in a necklace around his neck. Too afraid that he would lose it in a mission due to his work as an auror; so you decided to do the same. He didn’t keep the gesture of love low-key either. Always calling you pet names or protectively staying by your side. But it was true he did the same for Leta and his brother, and that kisses were always reserved for closed doors for unknown reasons. With those reasons, it was understandable that your friends hadn’t realized sooner you were in fact married. They just took you for an old friend duo. How wrong they were, but as no correction had been said before by either of you they were still ignorant of the fact.
As they say: “Actions speak louder than words” and that was exactly what your husband did. Arms tangled around your hip and lips that were leaning for a kiss which ended up in a resounding applause. In the next years you would receive endless teasing for it, but enjoying the moment you couldn’t care any less about it.
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lazyjellyfish300 · 6 months
DD pt 3 , part 1 of 2
Fem reader x Miguel O'Hara who is your Uber Driver
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This art was commissioned for this chapter by the AMAZING artist @/ ejpuki on Instagram. Please go and support the original artist!! (Link takes you to the same artwork as the one above, just the original post)
TW: Minors DNI, suggestive content, alcohol , age gap (reader 26, Miguel 34)
Synopsis- fem reader drinks too much and the bartender calls a random Uber for her which happens to be Miguel O'Hara himself. Her friends suck and ditch her. There's a lot of tension on the ride home...
This is a longer one so I broke it into two posts. Enjoy!
Pt 1 , P2 , Pt 3 2, Part 4 , Part 5
You stood in front of your standing mirror in your room, phone speakers scratching as it played your getting ready tunes. You were overstimulated and stressed out trying to choose an outfit for your first date with your hot Uber driver. You could feel yourself starting to sweat, stopping to take a deep breath and fan yourself frantically with your hand, the last thing you needed was your makeup running also. You gave yourself 3 hours to get ready specifically because it was a 50/50 chance your eyelashes would actually stick this time, or the outfits would outfit the way you envisioned. Tonight was a good eyelash night luckily, so far...
You finally settled on a short, satin, ruched wrap navy dress with spaghetti straps with a small slit that ran up your right thigh. Once you took out the rollers and had your outfit ready to go, you did a 360 in the mirror, trying to make sure your ass looked good. You sprayed some Daisy Love by Marc Jacobs on your neck and chest. You made sure you got your purse with everything you might need: chapstick, gum, lip gloss, extra lash glue, wallet, key... you froze for a moment. It was only the first date, nothing too crazy is probably going to happen...you grabbed the Daisy Love perfume and gave a spray to your ankles for good measure.
-------Alchemax, Hudson Valley, NY--------
Miguel smiled triumphantly as he ripped off the Uber sticker from his windshield. He loosened his tie and set his briefcase in the backseat. He had a breakthrough at work today. He finally got promoted from his junior position as an associate geneticist to senior geneticist and head of a new project by his boss. It included a massive pay bump which meant no more need to supplement his income with Uber trips to make sure Gabi had everything she needed. He was finally going to be making the salary he suffered through 8 years of school for.
And to top it off, he had a promising date tonight with you: the beautiful tipsy passenger of his who he couldn't stop thinking about. He took a deep sigh and started the commute south towards Brooklyn. It was a 2 hour drive. He hoped he wouldn't keep you waiting outside too long.
You stood in front of your apartment building, the wind chill causing your bare legs to break out in goosebumps. Your purple peacoat wasn't much help. Your teeth began to chatter and you tried to distract yourself by scrolling on Instagram. Reading the same 5 posts over and over, the cause of your distraction half being the nippy November air, the other half being your wracked nerves to see Miguel in person once again.
There was so much tension between you two, you wondered how you would possibly be able to handle it tonight and not be the awkwardest person alive. And to add to the nerves, this time you didn't have liquid courage to help you be more interesting and outgoing. You just hoped that he'd like you as much as you liked him.
You watched your breath come out in short little puffs as you waited, a sort of weird game you invented to distract from the agonizing temperature. Finally, Miguel's black Audi pulled up in front of you. Miguel got out of the driver's seat, car still running to get your door. The mere sight of him made you realize you might need a clean pair of panties. There he was: 6'9, those dreamy brown eyes, and his toe-curling deep ass voice as he said your name with his stupidly handsome smile. He was wearing fitted dark grey slacks, black dress shoes, with a navy button up with the sleeves rolled up halfway on his forearms. A mahogany colored belt accentuated his lean waist that you couldn't help but want to be wrapped around.
You felt your intestines do another back handspring when he put his hand gently on your waist to help you to the passenger side. You wobbled a bit like a newborn deer in your heels, suddenly being forced to move after being frozen in place waiting outside for him.
"I'm so sorry, I hope you weren't waiting long." Miguel said. He made sure you were in, then closed the door and jogged back to the driver's side. He pulled ahead to a stop sign and looked at you.
"You look beautiful tonight."
Thankful the car was dim, hiding your flushed expression, you smiled,
"Thank you, you look handsome too. And we're matching, see?"
You opened your peacoat, revealing your navy dress to match his shirt. Miguel looked over and good FUCK your thighs looked amazing. The way the dress hugged you in all the right places had him immediately envisioning what lay underneath. If your thighs and hips looked this good from the front then God knows how amazing the view of your ass must be.
We could just scrap this dinner reservation and head back to my place right now. Gabi's with her abuela and tio Gabe tonight so we could christen the surface of my new coffee table and I'll make you scream as loud as I need you to. I'll make you whatever pasta you want afterwards. It won't be as good as the Italian place we skipped out on tonight to go fuck instead, but it will be worth watching you eat it wearing one of my oversized shirts knowing I fucked you silly all night long.
Miguel played it cool. "Great minds think alike. How was your day?"
"It was okay, could have been better. Work killed me." you sighed.
"I'm sorry to hear that." Miguel said. "what do you do for work, if you don't mind my asking."
"I'm a secretary at a physician's office," you answer. "It's okay, I guess. I work with a bunch of older women and most of them are nice and we have each other's backs when it comes to some of the doctors who can be a pain to work with. But the patients can be something else. Don't get me wrong though, most of the time people are nice, especially the kids that come in and are super adorable."
Miguel smiles at this. "I can imagine people would be hard to deal with at a job like that. You like kids?"
You think for a moment. "I do, I mean, I'm not a parent or anything and have a hard time seeing myself as a parent, at least for a while though. But I do have a niece and a nephew that live in Toronto. My niece is 7 and my nephew is 3. They're so fun. I like being the fun aunt that can return them back to their parents after a bit."
Miguel chuckles. "I can understand that."
You notice his work parking pass hanging from his rear view mirror. "What's Al-chem-ix?"
"Al-chem-axe?" Miguel corrects. "It's my work."
"Oh, so you don't do just Uber?"
"No," he answers. I got promoted to a senior geneticist position finally, today actually. I was doing Uber as a side hustle because the pay alone in my old position wasn't enough to support Gabi and I. It was kind of a joke after going to school for so long, but I'm glad they're finally giving me a chance to prove myself."
A look of disbelief crosses over your face. "Umm that's kind of a big piece of information to leave out about yourself! So you're actually like a genius level scientist?"
"Genius? No. But I'm flattered by that," he laughs in his rich voice. God, that was so attractive. This man has the audacity to be tall, dark, handsome, smart and rich?!
You two pull up to a nice Italian restaurant called Michael's. As Miguel helps you out of the car he walks two paces behind on purpose. Yep, your ass looked amazing in that dress. Miguel inhaled sharply, trying to suppress his dirty thoughts.
The restaurant was busy, yet calm as the diners enjoyed hushed conversations with the sounds of cutlery clinking against porcelain dishes. It smelled amazing, like brick stone ovens and freshly baked bread. The restaurant was old-timey elegance and dimly lit as a Tony Bennett song played gently over the speakers. A tall man with a large belly and greased black hair with a gold chain and grey suit was the loudest in the room as he walked table to table, shaking hands with the patrons, clearly the owner. Yep, you knew the food was going to be good.
Miguel pulls out your chair like a gentleman. You two share some Focaccia and you giggle as you try to help Miguel clean off some olive oil that ran down his chin. You tell him some more about your older brother who lives in Toronto with his wife and two kids and your younger sister who lives in New Jersey with your mom. You tell him about your childhood and how you struggled to make friends and were often alone and how that's affected you today. You talk to him about your interests and movies you like and your ideal vacation.
He listens, smiling when you smile, and takes a sip of his ice water, not taking his eyes off yours and pausing to squeeze a lemon wedge into his glass, stirring it while nodding his head. You were even better than he thought. Your personality even when you're intoxicated is charming, but who you truly are which you're showing him tonight is someone he can see himself with. Someone who's humble and maybe a little shy, yet kind and passionate about the things they love and makes him laugh. He loves how your walls seem to come down for him when he can get you talking about something that interests you. You ordered the cacio e pepe and he ordered Chicken Carciofi. You try to resist the urge to let your eyeballs roll back in your head when you take a bite of the silky, creamy pasta. It was sublime.
"Tell me about yourself, Miguel." You smile, taking a sip of wine. Now, the wine was starting to make you a tad more talkative than before, but you were determined to not be shit faced or tipsy like last time.
The side of his mouth raises a little. He hesitated. He wasn't a fan of talking about himself. And he didn't like feeling vulnerable or opening up to people. But he felt he owed it to you since you were being so open with him tonight.
"Well..." He says softly. He sits up and leans a little closer to you across the table, resting his elbows on the wooden armrests of the chair. "I was born here, in New York. My mother's name is Conchata and my father's name is George. I have a younger brother named Gabriel who's 29 and lives in Manhattan with my mother. My parents separated a couple years ago."
"I'm sorry..." You say softly, your face softening as he tells his story.
"It's okay. When I was 26, I started dating a girl named Xina who I knew since we were kids. We...went through a lot together and I made a lot of mistakes. I was unfaithful. I'm not proud of it. But we had Gabi together. She moved upstate and found happiness with someone new. She sees Gabi a few times a month. The distance is rough but we do our best to make it work. "
You felt your heart sink when he mentioned his unfaithfulness, but tried to just listen to him without judging him too much. You couldn't help but be worried if he'd do something like that to you too.
Sensing your discomfort, he lays his hand on top of yours. Your heart skips a beat at his touch, and you notice how warm his hand is. His eyes bore into yours, searching you earnestly as though he's trying to figure out what caused the shift in your demeanor at recounting his past. "Is something I said making you uncomfortable?" His thumb begins to trace circles on the back of your hand.
"Mmm, well sort of,"you hesitate.
"Tell me, " he says calmly. "I want to give you any reassurance that I can "
"Well, you said you were unfaithful in the past with your ex? Was it...did it happen more than once and was it before or after Gabi was born?" You start cautiously.
Miguel nods. "I can understand why you're feeling that way. It happened once. And it happened before Gabi was born. We got back together when I found out she was pregnant."
He looks at you for your reaction. You nod, listening intently, but your stomach still feels in knots at the mention of other women and you can't help but feel the insecurities and green eyed monster rear its ugly head. "I guess I'm just scared of getting hurt." You admit quietly.
Miguel's eyes have an eager look in them as he takes both of your hands in his. "I know it sounds cliche, and I don't expect you to believe me right away or maybe even don't want to continue seeing me after this but, I really am not that person I once was. I learned a valuable lesson. My ex is an amazing woman and I hurt her badly. I learned that you need to communicate if you need more from your partner and not seek validation somewhere else like I did."
" Even though it didn't work out with us, I respect who she is and appreciate that she gave me Gabi. And I'm happy she's dating someone new. And anyone I'm with at this point, I wouldn't be with unless I see something in them. With you, I just felt close to you when you mentioned you had troubles with your dad when I was driving you home and...I just find you relatable and adorable. I think you're beautiful and I truly like you a lot and want to spend more time with you."
Your heart is jumping all over the place at his confession. His dark brown eyes, pools of the Earth drawing you in. This absolute Greek God of a man said he likes you and thinks you're beautiful. Who wouldn't fold at that? Fuck, this man is gonna ruin my life...
"I.. really like you too, Miguel." You're feeling a little bit more comforted at his words and appreciate the fact he's talking positively about his ex and acknowledges his part in their relationship dissolving. "I appreciate you being honest with me about the situation. Nobody's perfect and, that stuff happened a long time ago. If you learned from it and won't repeat it then..then I'd like to give this a shot. But I swear to God if you do, I'll cut your hair in your sleep," you jab light-heartedly, but are low-key serious.
Miguel's heart leaps in his stomach as well and breaks into a smile at your last sentence. He brings a hand to your face and cups it. "Understood. Thank you...you don't know how much I appreciate that." He stares into your eyes, then ever so subtly, they flicker down to your lips.
Oh God...
You feel as though an invisible magnetic force is pulling your heads together as Miguel's eyes are still locked on your lips and you can't help but stare at his too. Those kissable, full lips of his..
Then, the waiter breaks it.
"Can I get yous two anything else tonight? Dessert?"
Miguel is pulled out of the trance and gives your hand a squeeze. "Do you want something for dessert?"
"Oh umm..." You try to shake your head modestly. Miguel tilts his head.
"You sure? C'mon, I know you'd love dessert."
"The tiramisu did look really good.."
"We'll take an order of the tiramisu please." Miguel tells the waiter who gives a curt nod and speeds off to the kitchen.
You enjoy the scrumptious tiramisu and convince Miguel to take a bite as well, you burst into laughter when you see his eyes grow wide with disbelief after taking his first bite. "Damn, that's not bad at all..." He murmurs, the marscapone and cocoa powder adorning the corners of his mouth. You smile adoringly at him.
As you two leave the restaurant he wraps an arm around you and pulls you into his chest as you walk. You wrap an arm around his waist in response and look up at him. He towers over you and you feel yourself melting into him when he flashes a dazzling smile down at you. It just feels right being here with him. Already he makes you feel so safe and secure.
As you arrive back at your apartment he gets out and walks you to your door. You two share the longest embrace outside your door. Your arms wrapped around his waist and his wrapped around your shoulders with one hand cradling the back of your head as he rests his cheek on the top of your head.
"I should go..." He slowly starts to break the embrace.
"No, no please. Just a little longer." You tighten your arms around him. His hugs are amazing and his scent nearly knocks you off your feet. Is it sandalwood, vanilla, woodsy? Whatever it is, it's fucking delicious and you need a candle made out of it so you don't ever forget how divine this man smells. You also don't understand how a human can be so warm. Even at the end of November, this man is impenetrable to the cold.
Miguel chuckles and plants a kiss into your hair and keeps holding you as you wish. "you're so adorable, you know." He can't believe how trusting of him you are but knows that he has a lot at stake right now. He doesn't want to do anything to make you nervous or uncomfortable or violate your trust. Most women would never give him a chance like this given his past and current situation.
Finally, you two part. You feel your stomach drop in disappointment when he doesn't kiss your lips but rise up and nearly bubble past the surface when he presses his lips to your forehead. You go inside your apartment and screech into your pillow, kicking your feet.
Miguel takes the drive to Manhattan to pick up Gabi. He's gonna need another cold shower to get your mouth and hips off his mind again. But he couldn't help but give himself a pat on the back. He had you right where he wanted you and he couldn't help but feel giddy about where this could go with you. He's falling hard already and doesn't want to stop.
Pt 3 2
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peachhcs · 3 months
I feel like will and Sammy were one of those friends that like took naps while cuddling, or maybe at any free time they would be together, sometimes they said flirty comments to each other and still be like “we are best friends, we would never like each other”
no, no we’re just friends | the wonder years
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
1.5k words
takes place fall of will’s first dev program year (samy is a junior) this was genuinely so fun to write. i added some more plot to it, i hope that’s okay, but keep sending in requests for the wonder years i love writing their younger dynamic!
au masterlist
a weekend of no hockey games? not even traveling? those types of weekends were rare for the boys. 
they'd been on the move since the start of the season in august meaning two straight months of nonstop hockey every day, every week, every weekend. things were hectic–chaotic even—but they loved it. playing hockey everyday? it was the dream and so was finally getting to sleep in on saturday morning without worrying about waking up at ungodly hours for morning practice. 
the boys scattered themselves across the hughes family living room after a long night in ann arbor. what other way would they spend their free weekend besides driving an hour to samy's house where ellen welcomed them with open arms—secretly excited that her house was filled with people again. 
things were quiet now that the brothers were gone even though luke came back every weekend to do his laundry. 
samy excitedly showed them around the city she grew up in for most of her life with will chirping in every now and then with tidbits from the places he's visited. surprisingly, the boys were really into the museum of art by the university, especially ryan and drew. 
"no way someone painted that," ryan mumbled as their gazes stared up at the large 4 foot painting hanging off the wall. 
"i could do it better," aram shrugged earning a slap on the arm from jacob. 
"no you could not," the brunette muttered, shaking his head. 
the two began quietly bickering about who could paint better. will rolled his eyes before flicking over to briefly meet samy's gaze who lingered beside the blonde. she softly giggled at his friends' antics which resulted in a soft smile on the boy's lips. 
"i'd really like to see you guys try and paint," samy cut into their bickering as she led the way to the next painting. 
"you think we can't paint?" jacob raised his eyebrow at the girl. she only shrugged. 
"let's be real, you can't paint to save your life," ryan added with his own laughter. 
"uh, i can to. i took art classes my freshman year," jacob defensively crossed his arms. 
"ooh, so cool," ryan's mimicry voice made the group laugh. 
the banter didn't stop the entire time they were in the art museum. at least not until they made it to the natural history museum where the boys were really excited to look at dinosaurs. samy couldn't help but giggle as she watched the six boys hurry to see the t-rex up close. 
"how do you think they got it here?" gabe wondered. 
"a plane?" drew raised his eyebrow. the dark-haired boy smacked him on the arm, rolling his eyes. "smartass," gabe mumbled. 
"what's your favorite dinosaur?" will wondered over the commotion of the other guys. 
the girl's eyes slid to his, sparking some in the light while she thought about her answer. "good question. i really like rhinos. they don't have any in this museum though," she finally decided with a tiny smile. 
"didn't quinn buy you a rhino stuffed animal however many years ago?" the blonde asked. 
"he did! it was like my 7th birthday or something. i can't believe you remembered that," the youngest hughes chuckled. 
"only because i remember we sent you the nerf guns after being upset all summer that your brothers had them and you didn't," will informed making samy laugh again. 
"those were the best gift. i think we still have them in our basement somewhere, but i definitely lost all the..what do you call them? pellets?" the two shared another small laugh before the group headed to a different exhibit. 
after the museums, luke graciously met up with all of them and took them to dinner close to campus (but secretly ellen sent him money to pay for all eight of them because poor luke was a broke college student). the boys were definitely excited to see luke and they got him into a long conversation about hockey and what college was like. 
samy and will were at one at one end of the table where they immersed themselves in their own conversation again letting the others talk luke up because the two already saw him all the time. 
"happy there's no saturday practice tomorrow?" the brunette wondered, sipping on her lemonade. 
"mhm. i don't think i've really slept in since like..i moved here," will chuckled. 
"do you ever sleep in though? i'm pretty sure i always hear you awake at like eight in the morning with luke and jack at the lake house," samy raised her eyebrow which brought a flush to will's face. 
"you gotta get up early to hit the green," the boy argued referring to all the times they went golfing. 
"oh, right, right. how could i forget?" samy made a face. 
a small silence settled between them as their eyes drifted down the table where their friends excitedly talked with luke. something warmed in both of their chests seeing how well they everyone got along. samy really couldn't be more happier that will introduced her to these boys and seeing how much her brother loved them all too. will thought the exact same thing. 
the two years ahead were gonna be the best years. will knew it and so did samy. 
it was late when the group made it back to the hughes house. ellen and jim already had the air mattresses blown up meaning everyone immediately collapsed on sight after changing into pajamas. samy made herself comfortable beside will who briefly scrolled through his phone. the girl had a small cup of ice cream in her hand, quickly offering some to the blonde. 
"mm love rocky road," will hummed as he took the bite. 
"i know we have the same taste," the brunette giggled. she fished around for the remote before turning the tv on the lowest setting and flipping to some random movie playing. 
the girl stretched out, letting her eyes grow sleepy. her head dipped onto will's shoulder making the boy flush briefly before he hooked his arm around her own shoulders. this wasn't abnormal for the two, especially after the past summer. they'd become a lot more touchy with one another, always poking and prodding—so a head on the shoulder as samy fell asleep wasn't something the two thought twice about. 
not until the morning where they were in the same position except samy's head fell more onto will's chest with one of her arms spread out across his torso. the guys woke up before they did and ryan was the first one to notice the sleeping pair curled up on the couch together. 
"dude, look," the brunette nudged drew's shoulder who slowly sat himself up while rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 
"are we sure smitty doesn't like her?" drew mumbled with a tiny snicker. 
"he's gotta or something. i mean look at them!" ryan exclaimed. 
all of the guys were still in denial about will saying he didn't have feelings for samy and never has. they were literally staring at the two asleep together. gabe, aram, and jacob woke up a few minutes later hearing ryan and drew's voices. 
"why are you guys talking so damn loud?" aram grumbled. 
"look at smitty and hughesy," ryan urged his friends. the other three shifted their gazes towards the sleeping pair and they immediately understood what the fuss was about. 
"damn. if i didn't know any better.." jacob trailed off earning laughs across the group. 
"should we wake them up?" gabe asked as ryan took some pictures on his phone for later use whenever will wanted to try and deny his feelings. 
"i think your voices were loud enough.." samy's eyes fluttered open. the boys immediately quieted down, but the smirks didn't disappear on their faces. 
samy slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. will shifted against the couch, his own eyes opening up too. 
"good morning love birds," ryan sang. 
"oh this again," samy playfully rolled her eyes. 
"what do you mean this again? you guys were literally cuddling," aram pointed out and all of the guys nodded in agreement. 
"and?" the girl raised her eyebrow, gazing over at will briefly who was now fully awake. 
"and? y'all are acting like a couple!" ryan exclaimed again. 
samy and will instantly bursted into laughter which left the boys silent and confused. 
"no, no we're just friends," the brunette got out through her laughter. 
"friends don't cuddle," drew cut in. 
"yes they do. i cuddle with my friends all the time. you guys are just afraid to," samy argued, pushing herself off the couch. she looked down at will for confirmation. he saw the guys' looks, knowing exactly what they were thinking. 
"come on, we're just friends. it's nothing," the boy agreed with samy. 
"exactly, thank you. can we stop making a big deal out of it and get breakfast?" the boys looked between the two for a few more seconds before deciding to drop the subject for now, but still not believing a word either of them said. 
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mr2swap · 1 year
Dungeons and Dragons
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-Jacob! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?! - the childish and strident voice of a child made the gang of friends leave their wooden swords, their plastic shield and their "magical" scepter that was actually a broom on the floor
Among all the "kids" there was one that stood out from all the others, a 35-year-old man, shirtless, holding a large metal sword that would normally decorate the Johnsons' game room, he fell on the grass, The muscular man and Shirtless froze in terror instantly upon recognizing that shrill and annoying voice-Ups! Damn, we met-
A scrawny 8-year-old boy walked into the garden, his angry look turning to surprise as he saw the group of children staring at him in silence. -oh Fuck- those words escaped from his mouth with an adorable tone. -Hm… Hey… Dere- I mean "my" dad needs you to help him move something… from his niece.-
-Hey!… Uncle Dick, don't worry, I told my friends about the amulet, I saw you asleep on the sofa, so I thought you wouldn't mind if I took your body to play and I…- Uncle Dick He slowly approaches the children and takes the huge, hard hand of his little thief of his nephew.
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-Yeah! Come on Uncle Dick! Just let me play with my friends for 15 more minutes!...- the rejuvenated Uncle Dick sighed and placed his soft hands on his head to give himself a little massage to prevent his brain from exploding from all the anger and anger. accumulated stress in this. Little time.
-Listen Jack... you took my body without my permission, you told your friends our little secret and you left me locked in your room while I slept with a note that said "I'll give you your body back at dinner time, it would be great if you did my math homework” -How the hell do you think I feel?!-
Jack winced and a couple of tears formed on his face which was covered by a freshly cut beard, he rushed to the grass and started crying as he yelled -SORRY UNCLE Dick I JUST WANTED TO PLAY DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS WITH MY FRIENDS AND KENNY NEVER LET ME BE THE KNIGHT BECAUSE I AM THE SMALLEST OF MY FRIENDS AND ALSO I…-
Now the thunderous voice of his nephew was heard throughout the neighborhood, The Man in the body of his weak nephew looked to all sides worried that one of the neighbors would look at the muscular man throwing a tantrum -Okay, okay! Only 15 more minutes! You're not in trouble! But stop crying for the love of God!-
The tears stopped, Jack using the hideously long fingers of his new hairy hand wiped the tears from him, wiped his nose and stood up. -Thanks Uncle Dick! You're the best! - The children continued their little game while their uncle Dick supervised them, from time to time he checked his text messages so he was not having such a bad time in the skinny body of his nephew Jack.
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"I just hope Uncle Dick doesn't mind having to spend another day in my body. When he finds out that I gave my friend Clarence the magic amulet so he could take over his stepfather's body, he's sure to try to kill me. But what?" could I do in my puny body of only one meter? I guess I'll keep the amulet for now, I don't know what planes my brother had with this thing, but I have big planes for his body tomorrow.
We have big planes for tomorrow! We will drive, go to the bar and even buy our first cigarettes! Maybe if we have time we'll play Dungeons and Dragons, maybe we can both be knights now!”
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Hey! You can support me to continue creating stories, see similar stories on my patreon, you can also join my discord if you are interested in role-playing about bodyswap, possession and transformation, m2m!
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writercole · 1 year
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Summary: Public transportation comes with many potential hazards, including sharing a seat with someone you don't like.
Squares: Sat in their lap - spnfluff // Neighbors - Resa's 3k
Words: 2371
Warnings: Innuendo, Jake's cocky ass.
Credits: @ryebecca for the idea. @princessmisery666 for the beta and the squeal.
A/N: This was borne out of Bees complaining about riding with men on the subway. It didn't take long to figure out that it was a rivals to lovers. Gotta listen to the characters. It's their story after all.
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It had been the longest day of my life. Traipsing up and down floors in LouBoutain pumps killed me, I hadn’t slept the night before, and lunch was a snickers bar. So when I walked onto my train and found that there were two empty seats beneath some jackass’s manspread legs, I snapped. 
I walked right over and sat on his lap. How I didn’t chicken out halfway there confounded me.
“Excuse me, this seat is taken,” his voice rumbled in my ear. I froze immediately. I knew that voice.
“Well, Jacob, if you weren’t manspreading across three seats, I wouldn’t have to be sitting here,” I spat, not turning to meet his eyes. 
“Come on, darlin, you knew you were just looking for an excuse to ride my thigh,” he drawled. I knew I’d see a cocky smirk on his face and refused to look at him.
Instead I shut my eyes and growled, regretting several decisions that led me here.
“Oh, that was sexy. Do it again.”
My eyes snapped open and I finally met his gaze, finding exactly the expression I expected, the one he used on female clients to get them to swoon and give him anything he wanted, a smug charm that made my stomach flip. “If you’d just move your leg, I’d be out of your hair.”
I wasn’t prepared for him to bounce his leg like  I wasn’t sitting on it , like I weighed nothing. God I hate this man. 
“I am not in the mood to play games with you, Seresin,” I grumbled. “I have had a long ass day, these heels are killing me, and I haven’t had anything but a Snickers bar and a protein shake all day.”
“Then I guess you have to let me buy you dinner.” The way he winked at me made my panties dampen and skin burn. I refused to let him know that, though.
“I’ve had enough of your insufferable face at work today, thanks.”
“Insufferable, huh? I bet I could change your mind in one night.” 
I looked him up and down and leaned in close, watching the amusement and victory in his eyes as our noses brushed. “In your dreams, asshole,” I whispered, pulling back with a satisfactory smirk at his bewildered stare.
Unfortunately for me, he recovered quickly.
“You’re in my dreams often enough, sweetheart. And believe me, I have no problem changing your mind there.” 
“Does that line actually work?” My patience was wearing very thin.
“I’ll tell you,” he promised,” Over dinner.”  
“I’m not hungry,” I shrugged. Of course at that moment my stomach decided to growl and betray me.
“You have had a protein shake and a snickers bar today,” repeated Jake, “let me buy you dinner. You can even continue to throw shade at me if you want.”
“Look, Jake,” I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose, “I really just want to go home, order a large pizza and curl up in my armchair with my favorite blanket and a good book.”
“Tomorrow, then,” he suggested, his tone persistent but with a hint of what sounded like hope. The train started to slow, preparing to stop at the next station. “This is my stop, darlin. Unfortunately, I’m going to need you to get your pretty face up.”
Maybe I was more lethargic than I thought because that trace of genuine hope had me a little dazed. So much so, I almost didn’t realize this was my stop too. How had I never seen him on the train before?  
“Dinner, tomorrow,” he called over his shoulder as he joined the crowd of people gathering at the doors. 
I shuffled along behind them, running through everything that had transpired since I’d boarded the train. Somehow, my main competition at work took the same train and got off at the same stop and had an answer for everything I said. 
I was lost in my thoughts when a shove came from behind me and I was pushed into the solid mass of the person in front of me. He whipped around and I was prepared to utter a stream of apologies until…
“You could have just said something, darlin, you didn’t have to run into me.” I just wanted to slap that grin off of his face.
“I was shoved.”
“That’s one way to get my attention, though.”
“Don’t flatter yourself.”
“You’re doing enough of that for me.”
“I didn’t realize you were into degradation, Seresin,” I snorted as I made my way towards the stairs.
“I could be into a lot of things for you.”
“You have the opposite effect on me. You could drive me out of things I was into,” I chirped as I tried to get away from him.
“Oh really? And what would those things be?” It was infuriating how easily he was keeping up with me.
“Haven’t thought about it.”
“Fine, but I bet you’ve thought about me naked,” he called.
“Oh no, am I really that transparent? I want you, I need you, oh baby, oh baby,” I sassed with a roll of my eyes, something that I’d been doing quite a lot today, and sped up through a gap, leaving him behind me.
I finally reached the top of the staircase, ready to duck into the nearest shop I could find to avoid him further until I caught sight of Conner. My ex was heading my way with his arm around a beautiful, thin, perfectly proportioned blonde. Giggling. 
My eyes widened and I spun around, ready to head back into the subway, but instead found Jake cresting the top of the stairs. I grabbed his hand and pulled him close, silencing any protests when my lips met his. He hummed and his arm slid around my waist to pull me close while his other hand tangled in my hair. His tongue parted my lips expertly and he deepened the kiss, only to be interrupted by Conner calling my name. 
I gave Jake a look that screamed ‘please go with it’ as I wiped my mouth and turned. “Oh, Conner, hi,” I greeted, a little light headed. Perhaps it was the lack of sustenance, but I think it had more to do with the kiss from the man standing beside him, with a smug grin and a hand firmly on the small of my back.
“Uh, hi. You, uh, you look good,” he stuttered. His focus was on Jake by my side instead of me, instead of his date.
I guess I should have been proud. Or maybe offended?
“Who’s this, sweetheart?” Jake asked, tugging me tighter to his side.
“This is my ex-boyfriend, Conner,” I introduced, “Conner, this is Jake, my boyfriend.”
“Nice to meetcha, Conner,” Jake said, extending his hand.
Conner just looked at it and then directed his attention to me. “Moving on, huh?”
“Looks like you did the same,” I quipped, turning to the blonde. “And what’s your name?”
“Alyssa,” she squeaked as she tucked herself into Conner.
“Conner, Alyssa, it was nice meeting you both, but we’re late for our reservation,” Jake interrupted. “Come on, sweetheart.”
“Nice to see you, Con,” I shrugged as I let Jake pull me away. We walked a block before I stepped out of his grip. “Thanks for that,” I told him quietly.
“It wasn’t a problem,” dismissed Jake. “But I think you should tell me what that was about over dinner.”
I sighed heavily before responding. “Fine, but I’m buying. It’s the least I can do for assaulting you.”
“That was assaulting me?” he grinned. “Where do I sign up for you to do that again?”
I just rolled my eyes before heading towards my favorite pizza shop. He caught up quickly and we walked in silence, Jake keeping his mouth uncharacteristically shut until after our orders were placed.
“So what’s the story with Conner?” he asked quietly.
“Um, so, we dated for a year,” I started, “maybe a little longer. He kept saying things about how he couldn’t wait to move in together and how excited he was that my lease was going to be up soon and maybe we should just buy a house for when we have kids. I kept thinking I’d find feelings like his one day but it never happened. 
“Then, during the last charity gala, he proposed. Very publicly.” I paused for a drink. Jake was there at the gala. He knew what had happened from there.
“Ah, yeah. I remember that,” he chuckled. “That was you?”
“That was the talk of the office until…until Jerry flubbed that presentation.”
“Anyway, I threw myself into my work and started pushing hard for that promotion. I couldn’t think of any better way to prove I was fine except succeeding in my career.”
“And you have. So why the panic?” 
“I may or may not have insinuated that I could do better than him,” I admitted, avoiding his gaze. 
I had no idea why I was telling Jake all of this. It’s not like I knew him, it’s not like he cared. But when I looked up, I wasn’t met with derision and mocking, I was met with a softness and understanding. 
“I get it. You wanted to show him up. But why me?”
“I was honestly going to go hide in the crowd. I didn’t plan on kissing you. I didn’t even know I was doing it until you hummed.” Might as well stick with honesty.
“Oh, so it wasn’t because you decided to take me up on my offer to change your mind about me?” he teased, wagging his eyebrows at me across the table.
I laughed and shoved his arm, making him chuckle as well. It surprised me how easily conversation flowed between us. For the longest time, he’d been a bitter rival of mine and now, here he was, almost like we were friends.
This was a different side of the Jake I’d see around the office. He’d ditched his jacket and loosened his tie, even going so far as to roll up his sleeves. He talked about tv shows he watched and criticized my taste in movies with a teasing smile. 
He asked questions about me and my life and friends and for every detail he learned about me, he dished out one about himself. None of it surprised me until he said he’d spent time in the Navy.
“You joined the Navy right out of high school? Why?”
“Family tradition,” he shrugged. 
“So you joined the Navy because your family wanted you to, you’re in the business world because your dad forced you into a business degree. What do you do because you want to?”
“What do you do?”
“Promise not to make a joke?” I asked. I’d never had a good reaction when I revealed my hobbies.
“I will do my absolute best not to make a joke but if you tell me you’re a mime, all bets are off,” he laughed, his hands up in surrender.
“I write.”
“Why would I make a joke about you writing for a hobby?” he questioned.
“Because it’s dumb that I write stories when there are so many that I could just go read,” I explained, using the words that several people had used to devalue my likes and the way I spent my time.
“Who cares if there’s a bunch of stories you can go read? The ones you write are going to be in your own voice and reflect your own experiences,” he countered.
“Well, what do you do?”
“I draw,” he shrugged.
That surprised me. “You draw?”
“Yeah. I started in high school when I needed to escape from the insanity of the perfect world my father wanted. My art teacher said I had a talent but it never felt like something I wanted to do for other people. It was more…”
“Something you wanted to keep for yourself,” I supplied, nodding along with the words.
I checked my watch and saw that we had been in the pizza parlor for three hours. “I should probably get home. It’s getting kind of late.”
“Oh damn,” Jake exclaimed when he checked the time. “I’ll walk you home.”
“You don’t have to do that, Jake,” I protested, “You were at the office before me this morning. You have to be exhausted.”
“I don’t have to do anything,” he rebutted, “but I want to walk you home.”
I paid the bill and we stepped out into the night. The streets were closer to empty than they had been all day and the temperatures had dropped enough that it was almost chilly. A shiver crept up my spine and before I’d finished shivering Jake’s jacket enveloped me. I looked up at him, seeing him in a different light, both literally and figuratively.
“What?” he questioned. “Do I have sauce on my face?”
“You’ve surprised me at every turn tonight,” I admitted with a smile.
He just hummed as we walked along, his hands in his pockets and his jacket wrapped around me. 
“This is me,” I mumbled as I drew to a stop in front of my building.
“Well, at least it’s a short walk home for me,” he quipped. I furrowed my brow and he gestured across the street. “The only dark apartment on the fourth floor.”
I looked up at my building and laughed. “Same.”
Jake joined me, his deep chuckle rumbling through the space between us. “I can’t believe we live across from each other, on the same floor.”
“Seems crazy, right?” 
“Yeah, crazy. Or maybe…” he trailed off.
“Walk you to work tomorrow?” he offered.
“On one condition.”
“What’s that?”
“You don’t take up three seats with your manspreading,” I demanded, a slight smirk creeping onto my face.
“How am I going to get you back in my lap again?”
“I’m sure you’ll figure something out.”
He nodded, his expression contorting to one of ponderance. When his gaze met mine again, he smiled and stepped closer, his hand cupping my cheek before his lips met mine, softly asking permission for a real kiss. 
I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back, melting into his warmth. He smiled softly when he pulled back, caressing my cheek with his thumb.
“I should go,” he whispered.
“Or you could stay.”
“I don’t want to rush into anything. I’ll see you in a few hours.”
“Progressing from dinner to breakfast seems to be moving pretty quickly buuuuut..I’ll allow it,” I giggled. “Goodnight, Jake.”
“Night, sweetheart.”
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rowdyhughesy · 1 year
Start over - B.Brisson
“ But I promise you this, I'll always look out for you. Yeah, that's what I'll do. My heart is yours. It's you that I hold on to, Yeah, that's what I do. “
- sparks, Coldplay
Word vomit from my drafts. Enjoy
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Never take no for an answer if you believe in something. It’s an advice that Brendan lived after, that you fight for the things you believe in.
Apparently that something wasn’t your relationship. The end of sophomore year also became the end of your almost two year long relationship.
The image of him standing there with his room packed up, clothes, random things he’s collected during college and himself. Tears running down both of your cheeks as he utters the words “I’m letting you go baby. It’s for the best.” It wasn’t for the best, not according to you. It was the worst.
Las Vegas took your best friend, other half, the love of your life away from you. So for that you will always hate the city that never sleep. Which makes it even worse that your friend group decided that you should go there for a break after midterms.
You were going to the city that took everything.
It had taken a lot of nagging and negotiation from your friends to even make you consider going. A lot of pep talks from the other Wolverines and with the promise that he wasn’t going to be in the city but in another state for a game it felt safe to go. So you did.
Bags packed and a good feeling you got on the plane and watched Michigan get smaller down below. Even though you had been apprehensive about going it felt good to get out of Ann Arbor, ever since you came back to Michigan all you could think of was Brendan. That he wasn’t there anymore but what hurt the most that he wasn’t yours anymore. Truss, Holtzy and Philippe had tried their hardest to make you forget about it and it worked for the most part.
It worked until Truss along with Dylan had the bright idea to set you up on a date. The guy was cute sure and almost funny but he wasn’t Briss and everyone knew that. It had all ended with you in tears in one of the hockey houses, crying about how you just wanted Brendan back while Philippe hugged you close and Truss apologised profusely. After that fiasco they’d decided to not meddle with your dating life again.
You just weren’t aware of the fact that Jacob and Holtzy had regular contact with Brendan about you and why he had decided to end it. But that was about to change thanks to the evil masterminds you call friends.
In reality you should’ve suspected something was going on because of the fact that during the whole flight your best friend had been on her phone. Fingers tapping away on the screen focused on a conversation she clearly didn’t want you to see. Which was odd since the two of you shared everything but not wanting to step over boundaries you stayed silent. Just focusing on the movie playing on your small screen or listening to music to pass the time.
Another suspicious thing you should’ve picked up on was that only you and your best friend climbed into the Uber, the rest of the group catching another cab and that the two vehicles went in completely different directions.
The Uber stopped outside of an apartment building, it looked brand new. With a glass door that leads to the reception with fancy furniture and a chandelier hanging from the roof. It felt far more expensive than two college kids could afford. That made the alarm bells go off inside your mind. What the hell was going on?
Grabbing your friends upper arm you drag her away from the conversation she was having with the receptionist. A look asking her wtf is happening which she only responds with a you’ll thank me later before she pushes you inside the elevator, pressing one of the buttons before the door closes in your face. Mind going haywire about what’s going on you starts pacing in the small space. Only coming back to reality when the elevator lets out a ding and the doors slide open. Looking up you feel your body go frigid and eyes widening in disbelief.
The only thought going through your mind being that you’re actually going to kill your friends as your gaze meets Brendan. His posture equally as stiff as your own but his face doesn’t have the same shocked expression yours does. Before your mind can process what’s going on your hand is already pressing the buttons trying to get out of the situation. But Brendan is faster as he slips through the doors before they close, pressing the stop button making the elevator come to a halt. Trapping the both of you inside.
“Don’t say anything just listen for a second. Please.” Cheeks heating up from the anger that’s starting to flare up you let out a snort at his words. He left you and now he just expects you to listen while he talks? Has he gone crazy. The stubborn part of you almost wins the internal fight but you don’t have it in you to say anything so you just stay quiet. Brendan takes this as a sign to talk because after that the words spill out of him like a waterfall.
“I know I made a shit decision. I know I hurt both of us when I broke up with you and nothing I do or say can take that back. I’ve almost called you a hundred times since that day. I really believed that it was the right choice to make, I didn’t want to be the reason you didn’t get to where you wanted to go. I didn’t wanna hold you back from what I know you can be. I was scared me not being in Michigan would tear us apart and just ending it felt like the easy way out, spare us all the fights that could’ve happened.”
Raising your hand Brendan snaps his mouth shut, waiting for you to either slap him silly or curse him out. Neither of those things happened. Tears now freely running down your face Brendan feels his heart crack seeing how much he’s truly hurt you.
“You did a shitty thing Brendan. It was supposed to be a discussion, not something you can decide for me, for the both of us.”
“I know that now and I’m willing to fight for this. If you still want me.”
“I could never not want you Brendan. But things can’t and will never go back to how they were you do know that right?” Brendan nods his head in understanding. The hopeful glint he had in his eyes before is fading away with your words. Even if things will never go back to how they were before he is still Brendan and you’re still you, he is still the love of your life and that won’t change.
“Good now how about we start from the beginning? Hi I’m Y/N.”
“Hey Y/N I’m Brendan and I have a feeling you’re my future wife.”
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redreart · 2 years
Everything we know about Staci Pratt
Some time ago, I wrote all the stuff you can possibly know about Staci Pratt (everything that was deleted and hard to notice from the first play). But it was in another language so I decided to translate it lol.
Also, I'm really inspired by @lulu2992 posts, because I'm still obsessed with fc5 lore as well
So, let's begin. I'm going to use some materials from other people on Tumblr and I'm going to leave links to their original posts and mention them in the credits later on.
Everything we CAN find in the game
At the very beginning of the game, while still in the helicopter, Pratt jokes about our Dep and offers Hudson to drink something from a flask, maybe an alcoholic beverage. (maybe the flask is to blame for the helicopter crash, lol). And note that Pratt is the main pilot of the helicopter (because he sits on the right).
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Screenshot by @llazyneiph
Based on everything, we can conclude that Stacy is not affected by depression and probably is not a part of Eden's Gate at this point in the game. Although from another angle we can see that the flask he holds in his hands has an Eden's Gate cross on the other side, I assume Ubi were just too lazy to create another texture just for that scene.
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Screenshot by @llazyneiph
While leaving the helicopter to go follow the sheriff Pratt may say something if you stay there for too long.
Staci Pratt: Suck it up, rookie! Get your head out of your ass and get up to the church. The fuck you doing? Follow the sheriff. Jesus...
When we meet Stacy after the failed attempt to put Joe in jail, he is already serving Jacob it is not clear why the box does not work on him, although then in one cutscene Only You from the loudspeaker has an effect on him. The game does not provide an answer to this question, although hypothetically this can be associated with deleted content, which will be discussed a little bit later.
Please this this amazing post by @lulu2992 because it summarizes what I want to say here
And just a quick thing about Jacob.
In oasistrings (you can find it here text.farcry.info) Jacob call's Pratt "peaches" just once and I found no explanation except my own assumptions.
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But the most obvious reason is that Jacob uses this to break Pratt. I mean he's already in a bad state but Jacob is just pushing it further. But also It's interesting that Staci likes Peaches the cougar. She's the only animal companion that he's positive about. This part is kind of cut from the game though because Pratt usually stays in the bunker. But if you'll have him as a companion with the help of the Resistance Mod he'll def comment on the animal you're with.
Another interesting thing was noticed by @hopecountyradio. Idk myself, but it is really worth mentioning. In the very first cutscene with Jacob, someone is carrying our Dep. @hopecountyradio thinks that it is Pratt who does it.
I've made a little collage so you guys can compare the shoes.
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Just a bunch of random short facts that ARE in the game
Staci is 26 years old
He wears a wristband
He used to be or is a catholic because he knows the "Ave, Maria" prayer (you can listen to him praying here, Ave, Maria is the second one) which is most common amongst Catholics in the US (thanks @noire610 for telling me this)
Content that was deleted from the game
Let's start with the analysis of audio. Interestingly, not all of this ended up in the oasis strings.
Let's start with this interesting thing provided by @voices-of-hope-county. There are several dialogues between the peggies, Pratt and peggies, and even Jacob and peggies. All of them are united by the fact that they took place (should have happened) in the Veterans Center. Only one of them is available in oasis strings. I could not find the rest in the text file. Let's start.
Audio 1
Dialogue 1 | Audio 1:
Female peggie: Can you fucking believe that guy? Male peggie: Who? FP: The Deputy… Pratt. He was wandering around behind the cages. MP: The fuck was he doing there? FP: Who the hell knows? Jacob's probably got him off doing some shit. MP: Hahahah… He's lucky to put two words together after what Jacob did to him. FP: Seriously… Sometimes I think it's a mistake to put so much trust in this converts. You should come willing to the light, or be struck down. MP: Amen to that, sister.
Dialogue 2 | Audio 1 (can be found in oasisstrings):
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Dialogue 3 | Audio 1
Staci Pratt: Hey… I need to get in. Male Peggie: Seriously? Didn't I just let you out? SP: There's a new prisoner… I gotta go get him. For Jacob. MP: Fine… Get going. Just leave me the fuck alone.
Dialogue 4 | Audio 1 (It sounds like Pratt knows the person he's talking to well)
Male Peggie: Don't this fucking dogs ever shut up? Staci Pratt: They're called Judges. MP: They are still fucking dogs. SP: Have you ever seen them kill? Those are more than just dogs, my friend. MP: Well… They still stank like dogs. Good Lord… Huh… Anyone cleans those cages? SP: Are you volunteering? MP: Fuck no! Haha… Are you kidding? SP: Then stop complaining.
Dialogue 5 | Audio 1 (It sounds like Pratt knows the person he's talking to well)
Staci Pratt: How does it look? Male Peggie: Not good. SP: What does that mean? Do we need a new one? MP: Not sure… We might be able to get away with just replacing the belt. SP: Right… And how long will that last? MP: Well… It might buy us a couple weeks. SP: Or… It may just blow up tomorrow. And then where will we be? MP: Up shits creek without a paddle. SP: So what do we tell Jacob? MP: We'll replace the whole fucking thing. It's the only way to be sure.
They're probably repairing a car because they're discussing timing belt.
Although the last dialogue in the audio does not involve Pratt, it does include Jacob and an explanation of how the converts are treated.
Dialogue 6 | Audio 1
Jacob Seed: Anything to report? Male Peggie: Sir. Truck just pulled up n' dropped of a bunck of new prisoners. JS: Recruits. MP: What? JS: We call them recruits. Soon they'll be a part of our army… Part of the Project. You need to respect that. MP: Ye… Yes, Sir. Of course, Sir. JS: I'm going down to see how the process is going. I'll be back soon.
As we can see there was plenty of stuff that should've happened in Jacob's region.
Audio 2
Staci Pratt: It's just gonna get harder… They want an offering. A sacrifice… I'm trying… I'm trying my best. You have to know that!.. I'm sorry.
Probably was talking to our Dep.
Audio 3
Starts after the prayers somewhere around here
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Staci Pratt: The whole time I was locked in that room I just kept thinking about how I got here. You know why I became a cop? To get laid. That was it. It was a whim. And then... after awhile, I tried to convince myself that I did it for the greater good. To help people. But I can't. I know that now. Jacob taught me that... I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore... I don't even know who I am. I don't know what we're supposed to do now. Protect and serve? Out here? There's no law anymore, Rook. Look around! Someone should've been here by now. Nobody gives a shit about what's happening here. We're on our own. Survival of the fittest. Weak and the strong.
(I would love to meet these badge bunnies in Hope County ngl. Probably Adelaide eas one of them)
Also as @lulu2992 notices Pratt's name in game files is spelled Stacy.
Previous character designs
@hopecountyradio extracted a bunch of videos of Pratt's confession.
The first version is this one:
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Also in this vid Jacob has greenish eyes
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The second version is this one
Has an amazing Eden's Gate intro
And Staci looks like that:
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A general conclusion can be drawn from all three versions, incl. the one that was included in the final version of the game, even though the water is hard to see there. Stacy was electrocuted here, so when we rescue him in the Armory that's another reason why he blows the control panel.
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Thank ya'll for reading 🖤 I would love to chat about it and add info if you know something/can provide something I haven't mentioned
I used materials from @lulu2992 , @hopecountyradio , @voices-of-hope-county and text.farcry.info
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brunos-wife360 · 14 days
Slayer and S/O Find a baby/pet
Here is the other idea from @hyunjinbiased-blog, some slayers have pets and some have babies (3 have pets and 3 have babies in theirs just to make it even)
FYI: I’m currently playing the game as Ryan and he is great, I feel his voicelines are more human and how a real person would react
Anyway back to the scheduled program
“I think this apartment will do us for the night I reckon” Jacob said, his British accent coming through.
You agree with him and you two decide that if you’re gonna stay here you need to clear it out a bit as it looks like whoever lived here hadn’t cleaned it out since before the outbreak.
Jacob took the kitchen and you took the main area, you cleared of the rubbish that was lying on the table and Jacob cleaned the bench that had lots of blood on it as with the table out in the main area were you cleaned blood as well.
After a little while you two managed to get the area looking decent enough to stay in for the night and decide to sit on the couch.
Just then you heard a cry coming from the other room, which was a spare bedroom.
You and Jacob look at each other intrigued and both got up heading into the room were the noise came from.
Opening the door you look and see a crib in the corner and a walker on the other side of the room tied to a drawer. You both walk over to the crib and look in to see a baby, probably no more then a month old.
This poor child was born at the wrong time when the outbreak occurred and you look into the corner as you realise that it’s the mother that is tied to the drawer.
“Jacob…” you voice above a whisper as you point “that’s the mother”.
He give a sad smile “she protected her little one from herself.”
Jacob then picks up the baby which coos at him and looks at the name above the bed “Emma” indicating it was a girl “hello little darling”
You heart melts as Jacob immediately goes into dad mode holding the baby girl, singing and calming her down.
You stroke your finger on her tiny cheek “hey sweet girl, this is no place for you to be, and the fact you were by yourself for as long as you were, you shouldn’t be in that position”
Jacob looks at you “we should take her, she needs people to protect her and she needs parental figures in her life”
Your eyes widened “you want us..to be her parents”
Jacob smiles before cupping your cheek “yes..I always wanted a family of my own with you..why don’t we start now with this one”
The baby coo’s as if on cue as to say “yes”.
You smile “of course”
You and Dani were clearing out a house that you two had found while on your way back to Emma’s.
You guys decided to stay here for a night because you thought it was safer then walking back in the dead of night when those munchers were out there.
You and Dani had just finished cleaning the place up a bit, there wasn’t much to clean but still a bit dirty so you guys went to it.
After cleaning you were just about to finally kick back and put your feet up when you heard a crash coming from near the kitchen.
Dani,with her weapon raised ready to strike, slowly made her way to the area of noise when a small puppy made it way into your area in the living room.
You immediately bend down to pick the puppy up and pat it holding it tightly in your grasp.
Dani checks to see where the area is and is gone momentarily until she comes back.
“I think the owner was bit, I found ‘em tied up in the room, I killed ‘em don’t worry” she said.
The puppy layed its head on your shoulder, it was a golden retriever, very beautiful coloured fur and a cute little face that almost anyone could love.
Your lover smiles as she put the tiny pup in your arms “a cute lil thing aren’t ya”
The puppy barks at her an obvious sign that it likes her and you laugh “I think he likes you” .
Dani rolls her eyes “or a she”.
You notice the dogs name tag which has the name ‘Bruno’ written on it.
“Well Bruno it looks like your ours now” you smile as Dani smiles looking at the two of you.
You guys were stuck in a house that kinda reminded you of your home.
You look out the window to see if the horde that was behind you was gone.
Once you knew it was clear you and Ryan decide to clear the house to make sure it was at least suitable to stay in, even for a night or two.
You clean the kitchen while Ryan takes the living room and work your way around every part until it’s nice and clean.
You and Ryan go into one of the bedrooms to fall asleep as it was late but then you heard a cry coming from the next room which sounded like a baby
This alerted you both as you both got out of bed and crept next door to see a dead walker tied to a closet and a crib containing a baby.
You pick up the young child as you rocked it to sleep, mother instincts kicking in.
Ryan held you swaying with you as you try to help the child calm down and fell to sleep.
He looked for any clues of the baby’s name but nothing until he sees a card saying ‘congrats on a boy’.
He smiles as he he looked at you “it’s a boy, he doesn’t seem to have a name, he does look to be just a few weeks old” Ryan says as you smile.
You smile “do you want to choose a name”
Ryan begins to think until he remembers a good friend who was also stuck in this shit show with him for a little while and before he can comprehend what his gonna say he just breathes out “Michael”
You smile “then Michael it is, after Mikey” he nods and takes the baby from your arms.
“Hey baby Mikey it’s ok we are here now, we promise to protect you and love you, we will be your parents from now on” he tells the child.
You didn’t know one thing about being a parent apart from the usual but you knew you were gonna give the child endless love and support no matter what happens.
You and Carla had a been walking for…well you don’t know how long but you knew it was ages just by the way your feet hurt and with every step of the way feeling pain and aching in your body.
Carla felt the same way and she suddenly stopped and pointed to a tiny house in front of you.
“Let’s stay in there for the a bit, it’s getting dark out and there is no way we will make it back with the way our body is feeling” she said.
You very happily agree as you were ACHING and you wanted to rest so bad and you made your way into the house.
You walk in and survey the entire area, it was pretty decent, just needed a little bit of a cleanup to which you and Carla immediately started to do.
The faster you do it the faster you can rest up right?
After what seemed like ages of cleaning up and scrubbing clean every surface you finally finished up and sat on the sofa just letting your body rest.
You groan in pleasure as you finally felt all the aching leaving your body and you start to half fall asleep when Carla immediately comes into the room with something in her arms.
Closer inspection you realised it was a baby and your hands immediately flew to your face in shock and horror. You couldn’t imagine what that little one had to endure.
“I found her and I…I had to kill the father..he turned, he was tied up so I assume to make sure he wouldn’t hurt this one” she points to the baby in her arms.
You rest yourself on her shoulder as you two stare at the little form sleeping in Carla’s arms.
“We will protect you with everything we have you are part of the family now, Emma, Sam, Andrea…everyone will love and protect you, you can count on it…”
Bruno held your hand as you ran as fast as you could away from the horde that had ambushed you when you guys were looking at stuff.
You ran into the nearest building and shut the door behind you and letting them pass.
Once the coast was clear you guys decide to make this your base for the time being maybe rejuvenate as well.
You look around and see the cleaning up you have to do “it looks like we need to tidy up a bit”
Bruno nods “I couldn’t agree more” and with that you guys got to work slowly but surely cleaning up the mess that looks like has been here for a while.
You start to hum a song as you finish up your work and Bruno comes in and notices you in your own little world and sneaks up behind you wrapping his arms around you around your waist.
“Nice singing hot stuff” he says kissing your cheek.
You jump before you turn around and face him “thanks also maybe don’t give me a heart attack next time”
He chuckles “I can’t help it”
You roll your eyes and laugh as you walk into the a room that you hadn’t been in or checked as you see a walker that was tied to a bed post.
You took a deep breath before you used your sword to slice its head off before turning around walking out and hearing little bells behind you.
You turn and see a little kitten, maybe 3 weeks old, following close behind you and stops and sits when you see it.
You pick it up and it meows at you and your heart became so full with love..wait you had to show Bruno he always wanted a cat of his own.
“ Bruno” you call entering the living room and see him sitting on the couch looking at the floor.
“Yes my Lo-“ he stops once he locks eyes with the kitten in your hands and he sprints up off the couch and takes the tiny creature from you.
“KITTYYYY” Bruno shrieks “I think I love you you are cute oh my”
You giggle as he goes all heart eyes on the tiny cat and you try to take back the kitty before Bruno snatched it away from you “my kitty”.
“Ok ok, just know I’ll raise him with you” you say
“I know, I wonder what I’m gonna call you…MAYBE SAM or SAMMY” he says and you giggle.
Yep he certainly was a cat person.
Your arm was hurting from the amount of swinging of your weapon you had been doing this past day.
Now that you think about it, you don’t think you have had any rest.
“Hey Ames why don’t we seek shelter for the night and rest yeah?” You say
“Great idea, I’m dying” she says as she groans rubbing her joints.
You two make it into an apartment and block the door just in case anything was trying to get in while you were resting.
You then start to clean out the apartment top to bottom, you couldn’t live a night if it was filthy.
You hardcore cleaned benches, tables and couches as Amy took the rooms.
Once you were done you were just waiting on Amy to finish up herself.
You hear footsteps and look up from the floor and see Amy but she had a companion.
It was an older looking dog not young but not old enough. She smiles.
“I found him while I was cleaning, the owner didn’t make it and I uh…” she trailed off.
You knew what she was going to ask, she was gonna ask you if you guys could keep it. You knew she loved dogs and had some of her own in her family before the outbreak.
You had actually been thinking about telling her she could get a dog, well looks like you can now give her an answer.
“Actually, lately I have been thinking that you can have a dog” you say and her eyes widened.
“Are you serious, so can I keep him” she says with hope.
You smile and laugh a little “yes I am and yes you may”
She leaps into you and gives you the biggest hug she has ever given you.
“Thank you thank you thank you thank you” she said as she pays the floor next to her and the dog goes straight to her.
“What are you gonna do and him” you say
“He already has a name” she says
“And what is it” you ask
The end
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pajarinwrites · 9 months
The Perfect Set 01
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➳ fem!reader x Jacob
➳ wc: 4.8k
➳ TAGS: volleyball player!jacob, college!au, best friends to lovers
➳ WARNINGS: drinking?, slightly questionable comments about women's bodies (but our Jacob stops them before they get to finish the sentence :D)
➳ AN: omg wtf this took so long, and i kept pushing it back and then i realised it's scheduled for zhongqiujie/chuseok even and i wanted to write a little special for the holiday and i couldn't finish because i was editing this because i felt terrible that it took this fucking long to finish in the first place
also, sorry to lucas, i'm sure he drinks his respect women juice every morning
next | series masterlist | general masterlist
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You could make out Jacob’s focused face from your position in the stands. No matter how many times you’d seen him before a match, you’d never grow tired of the expression he wore during warm-ups. The soft, lovely Jacob you’d known for most of your life suddenly seemed to become a whole different person. The kind of focus that shadowed his eyes and the intensity in his gaze reminded you again and again why the opposing team always seemed intimidated by his mere presence.
You watched him stride across the court, shaking hands with the opponent’s captain in front of the referee. Your heart swelled with pride once more as you remembered the team meeting at the beginning of the semester, where the players voted Jacob as their captain, unanimously. His expression had been incredulous and elated at the same, so very different from the one he was wearing right now. So very different from the one he had been wearing when he came climbing through your dorm window that night, close to tears in worry about not being able to fulfil his duties as captain.
He had big shoes to fill, true, Sangyeon had been a brilliant captain and wing spiker, but Jacob was going to be brilliant in his own right, in his own way. You told him as much, while holding him close and stroking his back lightly. He nodded solemnly against the column of your neck, opting to hold you a little closer in lieu of a verbal reply.
You’d like to hug him again now, tell him ‘see, didn’t I tell you, you’d be great?’. But you have to make do with simply waving your enormous banner and cheering him and his team on as loud as you could.
They win, of course they do. They haven’t done much else since the start of the semester. Largely due to Jacob’s tireless efforts at captain, the research that goes into the best warm-up and stretching routines, the extra hours working on stamina and reviewing game plans together. You’re there for all of it, where else would you be as his best friend? And he thanks you by giving you so much of his precious time, that he always had so little of, torn between responsibilities for his friend group, team, and university work. Not that you’re any less busy.
“You played brilliantly! Mrs. Oropeza would be so proud of you!” You great him in front of the changing rooms after the game. He hasn’t even showered yet, his bangs sticking to his forehead and his jersey sticking to his torso, in ways that leave little to your imagination. But his eyes are shining with happiness and with pride, and maybe a little bit with relief. That’s your Jacob, ever the worrier.
“Thanks! I flunked the toss in the first set to Juyeon. And I lost track off the court for a bit in the last. But the boys covered for my mistakes. I should practice my jump serve again, though. Im sure I can improve in terms of power.” You smile, listening to his excited explanations, his gaze still halfway on the court. Sometimes you wish there was something in your life you could be burning for so passionately.
“You’re always so hard on yourself.” He smiles at that, a familiar refrain. You’ve done this a million times after his matches, it always goes the same.
“Someone has to keep me in check. Especially now that I’m captain.”
“You should take more time to celebrate your achievements, though.”
“That’s what I’ve got you for, isn’t it?”
As if divinely timed, Juyeon sticks his head out the locker room door. His hair is drooping wet, droplets of water running down his neck before being soaked up by the towel he’d slung over his shoulders.
“Did I hear you speaking of celebrations?”
Maybe he was just eavesdropping, you decide.
“We’re gonna celebrate making it to quarter finals tonight. At Haknyeon’s at eight, you should join!”
“They’ve got better stuff to do than party with you knuckleheads,” Jacob jokes good-naturedly, “some of us care about our degree, you know.”
“I think your degree will survive one night of letting loose.”
“I whole-heartedly agree.”
“Great! So you can make sure our captain shows up for more than half an hour for once!”
“Get a shirt on!” Jacob exclaims, pushing his team mate back into the cabin. “Half naked! That’s no way to speak with a lady!”
“And where’s the lady?” You hear Juyeon chuckle at his own joke before the locker room door falls close behind the both of them. Jacob sticks his head out for another second.
“Will you wait for me?” He asks, as if this is the first game you’ve come to watch, as if you didn’t scream cheering slogans at the top of your lungs for one and a half hours, as if you aren’t wearing his name on your face, scribbled onto your cheeks with bright red lipstick. 
“Always,” you smile.
It takes Jacob all of fifteen minutes to come back out of the locker room. At this point most of his team mates have left, most of them stopping you chat with you. Other than the new first semesters, they’ve all come to know you as a permanent fixture in the extended team. Even though you reliably decline the offer to join the management, you make it to every game and most practices. Through Jacob’s friendship, you’ve picked up all terminology for the sport, and, through your constant support in research, you’ve gotten quite a thorough understanding of the tactics behind a play. Not to mention that you’re always front row when it comes to support and cheering. Juyeon high fives you as he leaves, reminding you of your promise to drag Jacob along to the team party.
“Who said anything about a promise?”
“If you actually get him to come, then I promise to get you free drinks all night.”
“Tempting,” you muse sarcastically but Juyeon seems to miss your tone.
“Yeah, it’ll be awesome, seriously. You two have really missed out on some great parties over the years!”
“The greatest part are usually the wonderfully embarrassing stories you tell of each other afterward. Plus the blackmail video proof.”
“And this time you can be a part of them!”
You’re not sure how to reply to the earnest expression on Juyeon’s face.
“Thanks, but I’ll stick to watching the blackmail.”
He only shrugs in response before sauntering off with one of the newer recruits for the team.
You spend your time scrolling through TikTok until a soft tap on your shoulder and the waft of a familiar aftershave alert you to the presence of your best friend. You look up, smiling, and are met with a similar expression on Jacob’s face.
“How about we go to your favourite café to celebrate?” He asks.
“Shouldn’t we go to your favourite place?”
“My favourite place is wherever you are.” He replies, as if it’s the most normal thing to say. 
You exhale unattractively through your nose as you two start walking in unison.
“Save your sappy pick-up lines for your girlfriend.”
“No girlfriend, as you know.”
“Alas, so you have to waste them on me.”
“I don’t think they’re wasted on you.”
“Ugh stop, you incorrigible flirt.”
“I’m not flirting.”
“So that’s why every girl I know has a crush on you.”
“They do?” You punched his arm at the excited expression on his face.
“Don’t let it get to your head.”
“Okay, okay, sorry.” Jacob laughed, rubbing his biceps where you hit him. “But don’t tell Juyeon. He’ll get sulky.” 
“Maybe you should give him flirt lessons?”
“I should. His idea of flirting is taking his shirt off.”
“Ah so he was flirting with me today,” you grinned sarcastically, looking over to your best friend. But instead of the expected teasing, you were met with a surprisingly serious expression.
“I think so. He’s been trying to show off for a while. Why else would he invite you to the party?” You were stunned into silence while Jacob held the door to your favourite café open.
“I thought he was just using me to get you to the party.” 
“That was just his excuse. He talks about you a lot.” You were floored at this new development, and your expression must have been betraying as much because one glance send Jacob into giggles.
“What’s with the disbelief? He’s not the first member to develop a crush on you.” You’re too preoccupied with sorting through all this new information to notice the way Jacob presses his lips together right after the statement, looking very much like someone who confessed something he’d rather not have.
“Anyway. What do you want? The usual?” You ignore his question in favour of returning to the can of worms he himself just opened. “So you’re saying that there are multiple of your team mates that are interested in me, right?”
Jacob groans, “I don’t know. Not right now, I guess. Juyeon was pretty clear about his… crush.” The words seem to pain him.
“But there have been several of your team mates interested in me?” You insist. He says nothing while studying the menu. You both know he won’t choose anything other than his regular iced americano anyway, so you nudge him none so gently.
“Don’t ignore me!”
“I’m not ignoring you! I just don’t know what to tell you. I guess, yeah, several. Over the years a few of them said stuff.” Jacob doesn’t turn around to face you during your conversation, opting to instead order for the both of you. You watch the barista being a little too touchy when giving him his change. She winks at Jacob. Your best friend really can’t go anywhere without being ogled. And you couldn’t be mad if you tried, you have eyes after all. Anyone, who’s ever exchanged more than three words with Jacob Bae, can tell that his kind demeanour, sparkling eyes, and fluffy hair are the stuff movies are made of. Heather here (as the name tag on her uniform informs you), seems to agree. As you cling onto your best friend’s biceps, she gives you a scalding glare.
“What stuff?” You ask. He finally faces you when the two of you make your way over to the pick-up counter. Jacob seems thoroughly unamused by your antics.
“I don’t know, dude. Just that you’re, like, cute or whatever,”
“Who said that?”
“Okay, time to change the topic,” he smiles.
“Why? Are you scared I’ll be mad when I find out what big, ole hunks of men you’ve been gate-keeping from me? What’s up with that, by the way? Are they all spineless or did you actually tell them not to ask me out?” His silence is answer enough.
“Jacob Bae! You are the reason none of your super hot athlete friends ask me on dates? What kind of best friend are you? Since when has this been going on?”
Jacob stews more in his silence but you decide not to let him get out of this particular question. He manages to hold out until you’ve both picked up your drinks and slid into your regular booth. Still avoiding eye contact like he could contract the plague from you he mutters ‘sincehighschoolorsomething’ in such a small voice that you have to lean forward and ask him to repeat himself.
“It’s not that I’m gate-keeping them from you!” He says in lieu of repeating his words, “If anything I’m gate-keeping you! You deserve better.” You heart flutters in your chest at the compliment, given in such a frank and matter-of-fact manner. Especially with how Jacob doesn’t even seem to notice how sweet his declaration was. He simply forges ahead in his explanation.
“You should see them, some of them can’t even wash their uniforms regularly. Do you remember Mark from algebra? I swear he didn’t even shower after every practice!” Jacob whines.
“Mark?” You near shout, the warm feeling behind your ribcage vaporising in a second from the surprise, “from algebra? Are you telling me it’s because of you that I couldn’t get a boyfriend in freshman or sophomore year of high school? And when I always encouraged all the girls that told me they had a crush on you, too!”
He blushes, “but girls are girls and boys are trash.” He says with such naïveté that you can’t help but laugh, all your righteous anger dissipating.
“That’s a valid point,” you concede between fits of laughter. “And, in all honesty, if you think they’re not good enough for me, then I trust your judgement.” You wink at him, but miss the way he flushes an even brighter shade of red as you take a sip of your drink.
“Anyway, the party tonight?”
“What about it?”
“Are you coming along of your own accord or do I have to drag you?”
He frowns, “But what about our victory tradition?”
You look at his petulant pout and cock an eyebrow. As important as your tradition is to both of you, you know that it’s also a convenient excuse. There’s a short staring contest between the two of you, but it’s clear that Jacob will cave first, as usual. He rolls his eyes as if there was important information printed on the inside of his skull.
“Fine! If you wanna go that bad, I’ll come along. I know that you can’t hold your liquor.”
“Awesome! You can pick me up later, I gotta go get ready.” You blow him a kiss that he pretends to bat away. “Be on time!”
“Maybe!” You reply, knowing full well you won’t.
You let Jacob into the tiny space that is your dorm room at seven fifty-five sharp, dressed in an oversized t-shirt that might have once been his.
“Is that my t-shirt?” He asks instead of a greeting.
“Who knows,” you reply getting back to your make-shift make-up station on the ground in front of your desk. Jacob plops down on your bed.
“Watch it,” you say, throwing him a piercing gaze through the mirror, “I was gonna wear that!” He gets back up immediately, looking at the mess on your bed.
“All… one, two… six of these dresses?” He asks.
“Don’t get smart with me. Obviously not. But I haven’t picked one yet. What do you think?” He takes a closer look at the heap of clothes and is immediately transported back to the last (and only) time that he helped you get ready for a party like this. He’d already been apprehensive that night, favouring a comfortable night-in with his best friend over a crowded, rowdy place of strangers. But the way your eyes lit up with the prospect of mingling made him cave, just like today. Of course, the party turned out less than ideal. So much so that it kept you from insisting taking him to another one for the better part of your university life. He should thank his lucky stars that it lasted this long. Jacob knows he could have refused you today. He could have insisted that he still felt uncomfortable, that parties simply weren’t his cup of tea. And you would have given in, easily and with the same smile as always, happy to spend the night lounging in one of your dorm rooms. Be that as it may, he also knows he couldn’t have said no to you even if it had cost him his arm. He just wants to see you happy, he thinks. And so he takes the red dress up first, ready to play stylist for you if it’s what you want. The dress pretty, but the neckline makes him a little nervous. Jacob puts it back down to look at one of the black ones instead. It glitters softly if he turns it in the light. He tries to gauge your reaction to any of the dresses by throwing a glance into the mirror but you’re completely engrossed in drawing a straight wing with your eyeliner.
It looks good, he thinks. And the glittery makeup would probably look really nice with the dress he’s holding right now. Just to be sure, he decides to take a look at the other three, holding up a dark blue piece and another black one (just how many of these do you own?).
“What do you think?” You say, directly next to his ear, and Jacob flinches, causing his shoulder to hit you in the jaw.
“Shit! Sorry!” He says but you’re only laughing. He gets temporarily blinded by the sparkle in your eye. Maybe you should cool it a little with the glittery make-up. He stutters, “Umm…”
“You good?”
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”
“It’s fine, Jake. Nothing a little plastic surgery couldn’t fix.” You’re rubbing your chin in such exaggerated suffering that he knows you’re fine. “I just need to know which dress I should wear so that we’re not even later than we already are.”
“Who’s fault is that?” He nags.
“Well, I would’ve hurried more if you had picked a dress more quickly.”
“I did pick a dress quickly.”
“Yeah? Which one?” There’s a split second in which Jacob feels self-conscious about his choice. He’s usually so adept at pin-pointing the things you’re going to like, but the way you look at him with your hair and face all done-up makes him falter a little. The next second, he’s almost mad at himself. How ridiculous of him to fear that you would ever think of less of him for his opinion, much less disregard it.
“This one,” he says, holding up the black one.
“Oooh, sparkles!” Is your only comment. You hold it in front of your body in the mirror. But instead of agreeing with his choice you look back at him again.
“What is Juyeon’s favourite colour?” The question takes Jacob so by surprise that he doesn’t even manage to stop himself from answering, “blue.”
“Okay,” you toss the brilliant, black piece back onto your bed unceremoniously and grab the dark blue one. You stare at him with those intense eyes and Jacob can’t help the thought that, as stunning as you look now, he prefers you with no make-up on. He only notices that he’s still staring when you clear your throat.
“Could you turn around?”
“Oh shoot, yeah, sure,” he says, spinning around, glad that you won’t see how his face heats up. Maybe it’s your stupid make-up or the fact that you’re clearly getting ready with thoughts of Juyeon on your mind but Jacob is feeling like the air in the room has gotten a lot thicker. He wonders shortly whether he should tell you that he thinks you’re better than doing all this for a man, choosing your dress according to his preferences, dolling yourself up for Juyeon instead of for yourself. But when he opens his mouth to speak, you beat him to it, prompting him to turn around.
“Ok, done. What do you think?”
Jacob thinks he’ll be hard pressed to keep Juyeon, or anyone’s, eager hands off of you.
The two of you make it to the party only five minutes short of an hour late. Haknyeon is the one to open the door, letting you know where to find snacks, the beer pong table, and the drinks. He looks you up and down, making you wonder if there’s something wrong with your dress. Jacob steps closer to you, one arm on your elbow. He continues to stick close to your side, while you two get a feel for the place. There seems to be a game of truth or dare going on the floor of the living room and Jacob easily steers you away from it.
He hands you some form of alcohol in a red solo cup. You give it a sip, “ooh, it’s good.”
“Don’t let it out your sight. There’s not only team mates here, but also a bunch of people I don’t know well.” You chuckle.
“Ok, mom.”
Eventually, you loose your best friend in the crowd, in what looks suspiciously like a whisking away by his team mates. Possibly to get him to do a keg stand. You chuckle, thinking back to the first and only time you attended one of these after-match parties in your first semester with Jacob. The secret to why Jacob was so adamant about avoiding team parties was a less than stellar escapade with the beer keg in his freshman year that none of his older team mates would let him forget. Before you can try to go looking for him in a much needed rescue attempt, someone taps you on the shoulder. You spin around to be faced with Juyeon, in a leather jacket, open over a skin-tight shirt that leaves little to the imagination.
“Hey,” he greets you, “I didn’t think you’d show up.”
“You should know that I’m always down for a little get-together.”
He laughs, “this isn’t exactly the right place then.”
“Well, as long as there’s people I like around.”
Juyeon smirks, resting his forearm against the wall next to your head and leaning into you.
“Some more than others, maybe?” He whispers under his voice. You can smell the vodka-o on his breath but it doesn’t really bother you. You mirror his smirk, leaning a little more forward.
“The jury’s still out on that, but if someone were to get me a new drink, I’d definitely warm up to them.” He snatches your empty solo cup out of your hand immediately.
“I’ll be right back,” he winks, making a beeline for the kitchen. You bite your lips in anticipation of where this night might lead but your thoughts are rudely interrupted by a familiar voice, “You look silly.” Your best friend’s expression betrays another close call with the keg. His eyes, usually bright and soft, have darkened.
“What’s got you grinning like an idiot like that?”
“Oh just this and that.”
“Is ‘this and that’ roughly 1,80 tall, mildly annoying on a good day, and our best middle blocker?”
“Don’t let him hear that, it’ll get to his head.”
“Men are trash after all,” your best friend says, his face still impassionate. You bump hips with him in an effort to get him out of his funk. “But some are a little less trash,” you wink at him and he finally gives you a smile.
“I don’t really know if I should feel offended or flattered.”
Jacob keeps you company until Juyeon returns with your solo cup, filled to the brim and reeking of alcohol. You take a sip and try not to grimace from the taste. Seems like he threw every type of alcohol he could find in the kitchen into one cup and topped it off with an inch of sprite.
“Thanks,” you say anyway.
“Have you seen the pond in Haknyeon’s backyard yet? It’s the second prettiest thing tonight.” He winks and you you can’t help but giggle. Behind you, quiet enough for Juyeon not to catch it, Jacob pretends to retch. The middle blocker holds an arm out for you to take and leads you to the garden. You miss the forlorn expression on Jacob’s face.
“I think Jacob’s best friend is super cute,” one of his team mates says, making the boy in question wheel around. “What?” He asks, incredulously, before he can stop himself. Mark looks over at him from where he’s changing. “Sorry, dude,” he chuckles, rubbing his neck awkwardly.
“He’s not wrong, though,” Lucas chimes in, “at our last game she was wearing that tight t-shirt—“
“Stop… talking, please,” Jacob says, still all smiles, even though the way his team mates are talking about you makes his throat constrict. Lucas seems to either not catch his tone or choose to ignore it. “Her friend’s not bad either, huge pair of—“
“Oh my god, Lucas,” Jacob interrupts. Mark is starting to look very unhappy with where he took the conversation. Lucas just looks confused at Jacob’s reaction. “What? Are the friends of your friends also off-limits now?”
“No,” Jacob replies in between deep calming breaths, “I’d just appreciate it, if you didn’t talk about women like that in general. No matter who they are.” Lucas seems to really work through those words in his head before he shrugs his shoulders, “Ok.” Jacob is almost certain he heard Mark sigh relief.
When you meet him outside the changing room, as you always do, you have no idea about the conversations that had just happened inside the locker room. You give him a big hug, which Jacob cleverly uses to stare down Mark behind your back, who had been lingering a little too long for his liking.
“You did so well!” You say, also as always. Jacob doesn’t have it in himself to negate your gushing praises today. “Thanks,” he simply breathes, with a smile. You walk home together, another daily ritual, except today you take a detour to try out a new café you’d been talking about for ages. It’s supposed to have super cute interior and be the new hotspot in town. Whatever that’s supposed to mean. He always treasures these small moments. You’re in the final strokes of your junior year now, and time is getting increasingly scarce between both of your academic and leisurely commitments.
“You find a table, I’ll go order,” Jacob says and you agree immediately, already on the lookout for one of the lounging chairs on the deck in front of the building. He makes his way inside, immediately glad you decided to sit outside in the sun. The huge glass front of the café makes the interior feel like a hundred degrees. He walks over to the counter and is surprised to be greeted by a familiar face.
“Mrs. Oropeza, I didn’t expect to see you here!” He greets the elderly lady. She smiles warmly, the same smile she’s always smiled, ever since babysitting him when he was little. It’s been a constant fixture in his and your life to run over to her house in the neighbourhood in search of freshly baked pudín, a place to watch Sunday TV volleyball matches or a shoulder to cry on over scraped knees. Once Jacob took up volleyball in middle school, she made sure to come to all of his matches. She insisted it was not only for his sake, but also because she loved the sport.
“Well, it’s grown so quiet in the neighbourhood that I’ve been longing for a chance to get out again.”
“So you started working here?”
“Just sometimes. It’s not hard work to man the register, and I enjoy getting to talk to people.” Jacob smiled at her warm expression. He didn’t doubt that her positive presence would do the café well. “So what can I get you today, cariño?”
“I think I’ll take a latte, and one homemade lemonade for my friend.” 
“Oh, how lovely. Are you two still as inseparable as ever?”
Jacob smiles fondly at the memories of the two of you together on Mrs. Oropeza’s old, orange couch, munching on her baked goods while watching cartoons. “Yeah,” he says, smiling fondly, “we’re on our way home from one of my games.”
“Ah, I heard you were playing the Tigers today. A terrible team, in my opinion. No sportsmanship.” Jacob chuckled at her committed interest in high school volleyball teams.
“Who said that?” He laughs.
“I did,” she winks at him while ringing him up and telling the part-timer next to her his order. He hands her the cash as she inquires about the outcome of the game. “We won,” he says, his chest swelling with pride a little. He was sure that Mrs. Oropeza had heard about how infamous their opposing team was for their power and endurance.
“Of course you did. I always keep telling you the setter is the centre point of every good team. He’s the game master, without a good setter, the rest of the team has an infinitely harder team.” Jacob only nods amiably as he listens to his old neighbours often repeated chorus. “And you were always a brilliant setter,” she continues, making his cheeks burns.
“I tell all the ladies at my book club, as far as high school volleyball goes, you haven’t seen a perfect set, if you haven’t seen Jacob Bae play.” At this point, the boy in question is sure that his entire face is bright red. He waves his hand in a throw-away motion while trying to dissuade Mrs. Oropeza from uttering any more praises. He’s lucky because she seems to sense his discomfort with being the centre of attention. She let’s him go with a simple, ‘say hello to your other half for me’.
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i-didnt-do-1t · 1 year
For you asking for writing prompts I’m a sucker for any Delancey redemption shit
Thanks! This was a fun one to work on, and there will be a part 2, it was starting to get a little long haha
the Delancey’s are awful and very fun to write, it’s interesting to try and work out how to write in terms of some kind of redemption while also keeping them in character- hopefully I achieved it - enjoy :)
In contrast to what most of the Newsies seemed to believe, Oscar didn’t spend most of his time skulking around in back alleys by the distribution centre.
He just happened to be taking a short cut through one back to the house to grab a pack of smokes when he came across the small body slumped against the wall.
It was the pool of blood around the person’s head, running through the cracks in the stone, and the small stature of the figure face down on the dirt street that made him stop.
Oscar approached the body slowly, and with the tip of his boot nudged the head to the side, just enough enough so he could see the face.
“Hey Morris, c’mere a sec.”
“Jesus, first Weasel now you, can’t a guy just walk for one goddamn secon-“ he stopped short, a few feet behind Oscar, and a second later took a cautious step forward, tucking the rusted nail he’d found and had been using to dig dirt out from under his nails back in his pocket. “Ain’t that Jacob’s kid brother.”
“Yeah, I thought so.”
“Hard to tell when he’s not running his mouth.” Morris glanced to the kid, then met Oscar’s gaze again. He rolled his shoulder. “Do we give a shit?”
Oscar looked down again, and for a split second the kid’s body became someone more familiar, the dirty street their old kitchen floor, the pool of blood the one spilling between the tile cracks as it dripped from Morris’s nose.
Oscar frowned, elbowing his brother maybe a little sharply. “You want to go to prison for child murder?”
“What? No. But this weren’t us. And he ain’t dead.”
“You think any of them are gonna believe it weren’t us?”
Morris didn’t answer for second, refusing to look at him, frustration set in the harsh line of his clenched jaw. Another image of Morris, maybe age seven or eight sprawled on the ground, flashed behind Oscar’s eyelids when he blinked.
It took a second shove to the shoulder before Morris relented.
“Fine.” He said, shooting him a glare, and he nudged the kid, Les, (he was pretty sure) with his boot, waiting for some kind of reaction; satisfied when his eyelids twitched a little.
He paused for a moment and the silence was familiar to Oscar, that kind of quiet Morris went when he trying to work out if something was worth saying. Oscar didn’t interrupt, letting it settle over them till Morris got so uncomfortable he had to say whatever he was thinking. (Oscar knew this game. Had played it for years.)
“You think it was his da?”
Oscar shrugged. “Doubt it.”
Morris went quiet again. That particular quiet. Oscar watched as he stared at the kid for a few seconds and then glanced up at him before quickly averting his gaze again, tongue pushing at the inside of his cheek. “You reckon’ it was Davey?”
Oscar just raised an eyebrow.
Morris tilted his head to the side in something like a nod. “Right, course’ it wasn’t.”
“We should bring him back to ours.”
“Yeah m’sure Weasel ‘ill be thrilled.”
Oscar leaned down and grabbed the kids arm, he was light compared to the pallets of papers and easy to lift over his shoulder. He hoped that the kid wouldn’t drip blood onto his shirt but that was probably wishful thinking.
The kid’s hat lay soaking in his own blood on the street.
Oscar nodded toward it.
“You gonna help or what Morris.”
Morris’s jaw tensed again, but he grabbed the cap anyway, and shoved it in his pocket.
“If Weasel sees this it’s on your head.”
Oscar rolled his eyes, and readjusted the kid over his shoulder, “Ain’t it always.”
The flat was two minutes away, a beaten down ramshackle thing but it put a roof over their head and had two rooms which meant Weasel was in one while they got the other, and Weasel may have been a shit uncle to some degree but he mostly left them to their own devices when they weren’t in work, so they didn’t bother him either.
Les had been deposited on the bed in the corner, Oscar’s, given that Morris had adamantly refused to let the kid anywhere near his own.
“He ain’t bleeding over my stuff.”
“Like you ain’t got blood on a loada stuff. You get paid to kick the shit outta people.”
Morris threw his jacket at him. “Shut up. At least I’m paid for that.”
Maybe it was the way Oscar managed to dodge the jacket so it landed squarely on the kids chest instead that woke him up, or maybe their arguing. But regardless all at once a half-panicked, half-dazed, half-pained pair of eyes were blinking up at him.
Instead of dealing with it, he rounded on Morris. “You woke him up.”
Morris threw his hands up. “I thought you wanted ‘im awake!”
“Where am I?” Les’s voice sounded rough.
Oscar twisted his neck so harshly it cracked before he turned back around to face the kid. He looked bad, the blood from his nose had dried to a copper red colour, one that matched the dried blood on his split lips, and that really brought out the forming deep blues and blacks surrounding his left eye.
Then some spark passed through the kid’s eyes as he semi-pushed himself up onto his elbows, in fear or confusion Oscar wasn’t sure.
“The Delancey brothers.” The kid said, like he didn’t see them almost every goddamn morning.
For a second, the room was enveloped in an awkward silence, only broken by the sound of Morris’s footsteps across the creaking wooden floor, interrupted by the sound of his voice.
“Jesus fucking Christ. I’m going out for a smoke.”
He slammed the door behind him.
(Part 2 https://www.tumblr.com/i-didnt-do-1t/721242872730566656/continuation-of-the-delancey-writing-prompt-enjoy)
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lorilane33 · 1 year
FanExpo Dallas Write Up
So I went to FanExpo in Dallas yesterday 6-10-23, and it was one of the best days of my life! 🥺 I really went because I wanted to meet Jon Bernthal, and he happened to be within a car drive of me. But Gabriel Luna reminded me why I fell in love with him in the first place when he played Robbie Reyes in Agents of SHIELD, and I’m so glad I followed my gut and met him too. Oof. My heart 😩💜
Random cute guy in line with me named Jacob and I bonded over the Punisher while we were waiting in line to meet Jon. I feel like we were getting along fabulously. As we got to the table to pay for our stuff, I pulled out my photo op with Charlie and Jon to put my sticky note with my name on it. Jacob saw it and leaned into to me, telling me “I think that’s a really good photo. Not to pry or anything, but it’s really cool.” I then explained to him why I did it and he immediately turned back around to me and said, “well your parents are idiots if they can’t be proud of every part of you. And that was a brave thing to do.” 😩 you guys he was so sweet.
Jon Bernthal
I’m 100% positive Jon Bernthal is the first actor I’ve met to make my brain stop working almost completely. I was absolutely on the verge of crying to the point of me grimacing in the photo, but I walked up to him with my bi pride flag and explained to him that my parents will never be proud of this part of my life. I want to make a statement with people who are proud of me. He made sure to double check with me that it was right side up because he wanted to do it right, however we all see how well that went over because my own pride flag was upside down 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ We then turn to the camera and take it, and as he’s handing me my flag back he looks me very earnestly in the eyes and said, “well I am proud of you, sweetheart.” I swear I was fine until that very moment. He’s an intimidating man, and it was hard for me to look him in the eyes for very long. He absolutely murdered me.
I had a duo photo op with him and Charlie as well, and because I looked so not happy in the first one, and my flag was upside down, I decided to redo it with them. I walked up to Charlie and even though this was the first time I was seeing him I said, “I almost cried in my last photo so I want to fix it.” He gladly took the the corner of the flag from me, and I stood between them with Jon on my other side holding it again. Jon looked at me and smiled and said “thank you,” and Charlie gave me a very genuine smile and said, “thanks for being here,” as he handed me my flag back. It turned out so well and I’m so glad I redid it. 🥺 Charlie looks like such a goober and I love it 😂
I’m also so happy the handlers and Jon decided to let us get in line for his autos after his afternoon of photo ops at 6. They had ticketed people who were cut off when he had to leave for his panel that they had to honor first, and they originally were only going to do those and no more because everything shut down at 7. But there weren’t really that many people waiting to be in line behind them so they decided to let us in. We had a short convo and I thanked him for everything, and then he signed my photo op with him and Charlie. I walked away and that was that. I couldn’t have asked for a better interaction with him. Frank has come to mean so much to me, and I’m so happy the man portraying him is just as great. 💜
Gabriel Luna
He was so chill at his table, he was out in the line talking to the people waiting, and he took someone's FaceTime call. I had a chance to talk to him about how Nic Cage may have introduced the character of Ghost Rider to me as a kid, but his portrayal of Robbie Reyes cemented my love of Ghost Rider, and we ended up having a really good conversation about him. 🥺 then I mentioned that him in the Last of Us brought him back to me started him on a whole new discussion about that show and how hard we both think it is to like the second part of the video game 😆 we took some selfies, and during it he told me I had really great hair, but then corrected himself and said, “Oh wait. We both have really great hair.” I hugged him and said I had to go get in line for his photo op but I’d see him over there. He said "okay, and seriously your hair is great!" as I walked away.
His face lit up when he saw I was next in the line for a photo op, and when I got up to him he grabbed my left hand like we were dancing to pull my arm out so he could look at the tattoo that was there (it says ‘you are not alone, and is signed my another actor I met in 2018) 🥰 he said that’s really good advice to yourself, and then we faced the camera. I accidentally blinked when we did our first photo, so I got pulled out of the exiting line to go back and redo it. I’m honestly okay with that because as great as it was holding his hand i think it would have looked odd lol I walked back into the booth he was in and his back was to me, talking to the other people in the room. Once he realized I’d walked in he turned to me and smugly said “Oh! So you’re my blinker 😏” he was happy it was me! I immediately replied, “yeah. I swear I didn’t do it on purpose though,” and the whole room laughed 😆 so he pulled me in for another pic, and after he was done he gave me a really big hug, took my hands and looked very earnestly into my eyes when he told me “but for real, your hair is fantastic and you need to know that.” I said “you too, thank you again for everything.” We said goodbyes and I left. 🥰
I can’t say enough good things about Gabriel. Holy shit. He’s so kind and generous with his time, and cares about all of us so much!
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
quileute pack x reader - family forever
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Can I request platonic Pack x Malereader who old friend Sam’s came to visit with like his mate and kid (who they pup) - Anon💜
You hadn’t visited the pack in a long while, not since you had decided to move away with your mate in order to live a quieter life.
Sam had asked you to come visit since everything had quietened down, and after talked to your mate you decided to finally go down.
Pulling up outside, you turned to your partner and smiled at them.
“Hold on, I’ll get Sam to come out first.” You smiled.
“Of course.”
They smiled and got out the car, walking to the back to wake up the sleeping boy.
Heading inside, you stuffed your hands in your pocket as you looked around.
“Oi!” You yelled.
There was a small thud, and someone came running down the stairs.
Emily rushed around and she grinned happily at you as she saw you standing in the doorway.
Rushing over, she quickly hugged you and you laughed softly, hugging her back with a smile on your face.
Sam came around the corner and smiled at you, walking over, he pulled you in for a hug as well.
“It’s about time.” He sighed.
“I know, it’s been so long. I’m sorry, come meet Jessie and Ryan.”
Leading him out to the car, you introduced everyone, and held your hand out to Ryan who was hiding behind Jessie’s leg.
“It’s okay, come now.”
Ryan looked at you unsure before he came toddling over to you, taking your hand in his as he looked up at Sam.
Sam knelt down and offered a soft smile and held out his hand.
“I’m Sam, I’m a friend of your dads.”
“I’m Ryan.”
Ryan shook Sam’s hand, and you introduced him to Emily.
You let Ryan settle in and get used to the two you would be staying with before you decided ti introduce him to the rest of the pack.
As evening came, you took Jessie and Ryan to the party going on, you smiled as the whole pack turned to you.
They all cheered and rushed over to greet you, happily hugging your and tackling you to the ground.
That’s when they all noticed your partner and child and they all immediately turned to you in shock before looking at them.
“Hey.” Jacob waved.
“Hey.” Jessie smiled.
Ryan offered a shy wave, hiding behind Jessie once again.
You introduced everyone, and you sat Ryan on your leg as you all sat around the fire to listen to Billy tell the story of how you all became to be werewolves.
“Are you a werewolf?” Ryan whispered.
“Yeah.” You nodded.
He then turned to Jessie.
“Are you?”
“No.” They smiled.
He nodded and turned back to you again.
“Will I be one?”
“Maybe Buddy.”
He nodded and looked around, trying to figure out who was a werewolf and who wasn’t.
Deciding he couldn’t figure out it all, he wondered up to everyone and started asking them much to everyone’s amusement.
Once he was happy, he decided to encourage Seth to play a game with him, and the youngest members of the pack shuffled away to join in, so did a few others.
You couldn’t help but smile as you watched them all laugh and play and run around.
Jessie leant into your side and you wrapped your arm around their shoulder, pressing a kiss to their head.
“Maybe we should move back.” They whispered.
“It’s not safe.”
“We’ll be protected, you know that.”
You hummed and nodded your head.
You knew the pack would protect you all, and you did miss them all, so maybe you should move back and Ryan could fully learn about everything.
He could stay with his new found friends, and grow up to learn his heritage
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edgepunk · 2 months
7, 8, and 16 for the choose violence ask game!
Sorry for the late reply, but this ask got lost in my inbox till I found it again
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
I wouldn't say hate, I found a new appreciation for him, but for a while it was Garrus from the Mass Effect games. His fandom is so fucking horrible, I can't even begin to describe how awful they are. It's not just me who felt this way, but a bunch of my mutuals too. They would hijack EVERY post mentioning the other Love Interests and make it about Garrus and/or hate on the other LI. And some of the most homophobic, misogynist and racist shit were spewed by Garrus fans, i.e. they'd turn femShep into his trophy waifu, or the rampant homophobia when people shipped him with maleShepard, don't get me started on how they'd talk about Jacob and it's still happening to this day. It took me a long time to go around playing the games and distance myself from the fandom. I'm cool with him now, though.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
hmmmmhmmm I can't really think of anything atm? But the one that irks me is when Em See You fans insist that Peter NEEDS an adult/mentor even though 99.9% of his other versions are fine on their own, and prefer to work alone unless it's something big that needs a team-up. I just dislike the entire "the Avengers adopt Peter" thing. It's. so. bleh.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
lol that ties into my previous answer - the whole Peter gets infantilized bullshit. I don't see the appeal of one of the most popular superheroes who's done incredible things in various adaptations (including the Em See You) to be reduced into a bumbling useless toddler trapped in a teenager's body. It annoys me so much when people completely disregard his intellect, his adaptability and his superpowers, mainly his strength. He can lift buses for crying out loud. Like yeah it's a common thing to make fun of him, because sometimes he does act like an idiot despite being smart, but he still can do great things and finds a way to defeat his enemies by using his skills. And the whole point of Homecoming was that he shouldn't rely on others and trust in his own abilities to become his own hero. But it seems like the majority of Em See You fans decided to ignore it and still write him as this uwu baby boy. It's so grating seeing your favorite superhero being reduced into This Thing. We can discuss the Em See You's writing all night, but even in those movies didn't do that to Peter. He still did great things, and like I said, the whole point of those movies is him not relying on others, but becoming his own full-fledged hero. He is not a toddler in canon idk who started this trope but I'm gonna hunt them down for sport /j
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greenhikingboots · 10 months
Ship Game. Answer with a GIF. No repeats. 1. First Ship I thought long and hard about it, and I think my first ship must have been Mulan and Li from Disney’s Mulan. The movie came out when I was just old enough to start thinking critically about movies, noticing what I liked and didn’t like. And I realized I really, really liked Mulan and Li as individual characters, but I didn’t like that we didn’t get to see them fall in love — just the spark of something starting at the end of the movie. I think it was the first time I daydreamed about different scenarios that could have played out between them, which is basically the foundation of fanfiction, right? So…. count it!
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2. First OTP This has to be Draco and Hermione (Dramione) from Harry Potter. This is the ship that got me into reading fanfiction and actually engaging in fandom spaces. Unfinished fics still haunt my Google Docs, and I hope one day I’m going to come back to this ship and finish them. Basically, I love thinking about Draco’s possible redemption arc and I love that a relationship with Hermione helps explore and enhance it. Oh, and the angst!
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3. Current Favorite Sydney and Carmen from The Bear. It took until the end of the most recent season for the appeal to sink in, and I’d like to see more positive moments between them before romantic feelings solidify. But I think they’ve got a great foundation. Plenty of conflict, sure, but relationship experts say the frequency of conflicts and the subject matter of conflicts aren’t what indicate success in relationships. It’s all about how conflicts are repaired. And I LOVE the way they do repairs together. So vulnerable. So willing to accept responsibility and try to change. Looking forward to their development in future seasons.
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4. Shipped From the First Minute Josh and Donna from The West Wing. I watched this show way after it ended and found myself just wanting more and more of them. Like, they could have been the main characters instead of having an ensemble cast and I would have been perfectly content. Playful banter right off the bat. She keeps him in line. He’d be lost without her. They’re both smitten but dammit they work at the White House and that means they have to keep things professional. The pining! Do yourself a favor and go watch YouTube videos of just them. You won’t regret it.
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5. Wish They’d Been Endgame I’m putting Jon and Sansa (Jonsa) here so that I have a sensible spot left for other ships. I do believe they’ll be endgame in the books, if we ever get them, so this answer is for Game of Thrones specifically. We’ve all read, reblogged, and probably written a few of our own posts about how many different ways the show went sideways. I have nothing new to say here and to recap previous thoughts would take way too many paragraphs. Jon, Sansa, and the Stark legacy all deserved so much better. That’s the short of it.
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6. Wish They’d Been Canon As some other answers hint at, I typically empathize with writers’ choices even if they don’t fit my personal preference. So it was hard to think of a couple that wasn’t canon but I truly thought should have been from a cohesive narrative perspective. Maybe Caleb and Maeve from Westworld? This show went more and more off the rails with each season, so a lot more than ship dynamics would have to change to redeem it in my opinion. And I definitely wouldn’t want Caleb to have been unfaithful to his wife. But they showed us such a stronger bond between him and his daughter and between him and Maeve compared to him and his wife that, like…. maybe his wife shouldn’t have even been a character? Write her out completely, as early as possible? And then that strong partnership between Caleb and Maeve could have been something even more? Yep, that would have been better.
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7. You Like But Most of Fandom Hates Do people *hate* Jacob and Bella (Jella) from Twilight? I don’t know, but I like it 100 times more than Bella and Edward, and I think that’s probably pretty uncommon. Actually, in my college public speaking class, we had an assignment where we had to have a partner and write persuasive speeches from opposing views. And I was like, “Who wants to be my partner and have fun with this by debating Twilight ships?” I compared Jella against serious research about successful relationships and ACED IT. My instructor liked my speech so much she asked me to give it a second time to another class she taught while she recorded it. I would pay money to be able to track down a copy of that. A+ work.
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8. Don’t Even Watch But Ship Them Anyway Eddie and Chrissy (HellCheer) from Stranger Things. Opposites attract? Grumpy sunshine appearing but maybe not really? Outcast boy and popular girl? A ship name that isn’t about their names? DOOMED BY THE NARRATIVE? What’s not to love, you know? Plus, this ship’s fans make amazing art! And if I remember correctly, it loosely inspired a Jonsa AU fic I really enjoyed, lounge act.
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9. Wish They’d Had a Different Storyline Stefan and Caroline (Steroline) from the Vampire Diaries. I’ve only dabbled in this fandom, but it seems like Klaus and Caroline (Klaroline) is a much more popular ship. They had great chemistry, so I get the appeal. But the surface-level unrequited crush to reluctant mentor/mentee to genuine friends to platonic soulmates to lovers slow burn of Steroline is just chef's kiss. But then — spoiler alert — right after they get married, Stefan sacrifices himself so his brother and ex-girlfriend can be together? From a writer’s perspective, I get that ending. Full circle, brotherly love, blah blah blah. But I liked Stefan and Caroline so much more than Damon and Elena and would have rather seen the former couple get the happy ending.
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10. Favorite that was Endgame Coach Eric Taylor and his wife Tami Taylor from Friday Night Lights. Do they count? They were together the entire series and had few serious marital conflicts. So there was never any threat of being something other than endgame. But I’m picking them anyway. I love their classic bickering like an old married couple and the way they still lust for each other after so many years. And I love, love, love that the series finale ended with them making a move that was more for her career than his. Relationship goals.
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chicken-fifi · 2 months
Moth to a Flame | Jungshin (CNBLUE) Imagine
Pairing: Lee Jungshin x Reader
Requested by anon: hi 🐣 i noticed that your cnblue list is pretty empty, can i request one because im gonna see them in a concert soon? (yeay!!) it's for jungshin and an ex to lover, maybe after a dangerous mission settting? lol i know it's so detailed but i was just dreaming about something like this not too long ago. inspiration quotes: jungshin: "you're the one I've always wanted" y/n: "are you sure this time? if I'm burned again, i'll personally deliver you to the devil himself." sorry for keeping as anon im shy idk why >///<
Genre: agnst
Word Count: 1,358 words
A/n: ngl, i was vaguely inspired by spy family for this as soon as it came through (mainly because that was what i was watching when the request first cam through). i hope this one is good. especially since it's the first time i've written for him
Tunes: Crime Junkie Podcast: MURDERED: Maria Marta Garcia Belsunce Part 2
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If looks could kill, you were certain that both you and Jungshin would have killed one another within seconds of realizing you had been assigned to the same mission. Why?
Well, you can blame the fiery burn of romance mixed with the passionate endeavors to complete every single mission you’d been assigned over the years.
Yet there you were, in the middle of a busy cafe at lunch, staring at one another while you listened to the mission debrief that was being delivered in code. To any normal passerby it would’ve looked like a group of old friends catching up during a typical lunch break. The three of you knew better though. The words leaving your handlers mouth were being unconsciously filtered by your brain one after another, decoding the information, making you more infuriated by the second.
You two have been assigned a mission where you’ll need to pose as a family. We’ve already made arrangements for an orphan to be placed into your care for the duration of the mission. A child is essential in carrying out this mission effectively. That child, Marie, will be your in with your target. Get her to befriend Jacob Ford’s son, Ivan, and you’ll be in. Easy to take the old man out then.
Just when you thought the organization couldn’t get anymore reckless with their stupid mission ideas and assignments, they go and drag an innocent child into this for no good reason other than for the purpose of simplifying a mission - something you already guessed was going to hit the fan no matter which child they gave the two of you.
“Same time next month to catch up on everything?” the handler stated rather than questioning. “I can’t wait to meet the little one then. I heard through the grapevine that she’s been enrolled into one of the best institutions in the city. Shouldn’t be shocking considering you two are her parents.”
You gave a tight lipped smile at the messenger as your eye twitched. If you could shoot the messenger without any repercussions you would have the moment their mouth had opened and began spewing this madness.
“Yes…” you dragged out. “She’s quite the intellect at such a young age.”
“3pm on the corner of Welch and Grant on the 23rd of May then?” they offered.
Welch and Grant 3pm today. You’ll pick up the child then.
“Of course. We’ll all make our way here together,” Jungshin offered, an equally forced smile on his face. “Come on then Dear. We should get going if we want to make sure the house is ready for when…”
“Marie,” you finished, remembering the little girl’s name you’d decoded earlier. “For when Marie gets home this afternoon. You’re right.”
Imminent death was starting to sound like a better alternative to this little game of house you were now expected to play with your former lover. Who would die first is the question.
“Mr. and Mrs. …” the headmistress began, poking her salt and peppered head out of the office doorway. “Smith…” she eyed the two of you furrowing her brows as she took the two of you in. “Right this way. Marie is waiting in my main office.”
Two days.
This girl had been in your care for two whole days and was already fucked up by your horrible parenting skills. 
You do suppose being an orphan and having been thrown into a “family” who was clearly less than normal wasn’t helping with any part of the adjustment period. Although, neither of you had expected to get called into the academy so soon after having stated your mission under the pretenses of violence inflicted by the little girl who was sitting in the corner of the room with tear streaks on her cheeks. She didn’t even look like she was capable of hurting a spider much less another living person.
Correction. She wasn’t capable of hurting a spider. She had burst into tears when you’d demanded Jungshin kill the arachnid that had crawled out from behind the bookshelf that you’d be placing some generic photoshopped pictures on to make the apartment fit the role of a warm and lovely family home it needed to play.
You quite frankly didn’t believe that it was Marie sitting in that chair. It couldn’t be….although you had to admit two days to know a child was not enough time. It would never be enough time.
“Were there any other students involved in the altercations?” Jungshin asked as he too spared a look at the small girl, more than likely also confused by the urgent call from the academy to your landline.
“Yes, Mr. Ivan Ford,” the headmistress replied, folding her hands on the desk as she took a seat. “Mr. Ford’s father is a very high standing official in the government. Your daughter, as I explained briefly over the phone, had a physical altercation with the boy and actually broke his nose.”
You swore you wanted to puke right then and there upon hearing the name of the boy your “daughter” had punched. Jungshin clearly shared the same sentiment given the look in his eyes as he heard the words coming from the old woman in front of her. Two days in and this mission was already going straight to the gates of hell with a priority entrance ticket.
“She’ll be serving an in school suspension due to the…circumstances around the incident, as will Mr. Ford. But we do need to send her home for the rest of the day.”
You took in a deep breath, nodding in understanding as you looked at Marie, trying to meet her gaze. It was going to be an interesting evening.
Jungshin walked out of Marie’s bedroom, closing the door gently.
“She thinks we’re mad at her and are going to send her back,” he said without being prompted.
As soon as you had arrived back home, Marie had burst into tears apologizing as best as her six year old self knew how - something which had thrown you and Jungshin for a loop. Neither of you had known how to react when it first happened and she had run into her room after stuttering out that she had only punched the boy because he’d hurt her friend. While that made you feel a tad bit better, you both knew it hadn’t been the right call on her part. Jungshin had offered to take the first step to talk to her about it while you tried to clear your head.
“Is it possible for a six year old to get attached so quickly to two strangers?” you asked, sitting down on the couch after drinking a glass of water. 
“To you probably,” he murmured. “You’re easy to get attached to…”
There was no denying the sudden tension that came in the aftermath of his comment. It would be easy to say something kind and lighthearted, but somewhere within you there was a boiling rage filling you. 
“Considering it was something I once wanted and was willing to leave this life for, I’d hope I’d at least be able to do something right for her…” as of two days ago, you wanted to add.
“I wanted that too,” he whispered, barely audible to himself, much less to you.
“What was that?”
Jungshin looked from the floor, “I wanted that too. A long time ago. And I think a part of me still wants that. Still wants you. You’re the one I’ve always wanted.”
Your breath hitched at his words. This certainly wasn’t what you were expecting two days into this mission, or ever if you were being truly honest.
“Do you really mean that?” you asked. “Are you sure this time around? Because I swear to every superior being, Lee Jungshin, that if I’m burned again, I will personally send you on a one way trip to the devil himself.”
“I do?”
You heard the hesitation in his voice as he answered your question.
But that didn’t mean it couldn’t change. That you two couldn’t change. That this fake family…could one day…become a reality.
At least you hoped it could.
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