#i still can't believe he doesn't have a last name that loser
heich0e · 11 months
just saw talk of boxer au!gojo on twitter and i fear now i'm thinking about satoru—undefeated in his weight class, a sensation in the sport—gearing up for a fight against a fighter from the underground scene, ryomen sukuna, who's known to have seedy connections and to not fight fair. his opponents often end up hospitalized, or mysteriously retiring after his matches—and there are rumours that some meet even more sinister fates.
and you show up at gojo's training gym one night, long after the rest of his team has gone home and find him in the practice ring just laying on his back, his mitts tucked under his head like a pillow, asleep and totally at peace. you hesitate, not sure if you should disturb him, but eventually climb up onto the elevated platform of the ring. you slip through the ropes like you have a hundred—maybe a thousand—times before, and approach him quietly as not to wake him.
he strikes when you're within arm's reach, moving faster than you could ever hope to dodge even if you did anticipate it, and before you know it you're toppling down on top of him as he uses his body to break your fall—two strong arms cradling you to his bare chest.
"you weren't sleeping," you grumble into his neck sullenly, and you feel his chest lift with a laugh. "you tricked me."
"had to, otherwise you might've tried to run away." his hands pat down along your spine, then up over your shoulder blades, holding you tight. "couldn't risk that when you haven't been answering any of my calls."
he lets you pull away but only barely—just enough room to use his chest to push yourself up and look at him, but his hands on your hips keep you pinned in place where you straddle him. when you look down at him, at his pretty face and his bright eyes and the soft smile he always shows you, you feel like you might start crying again—just like the last time you were in this very gym a week prior. the gym whose route you could walk in your sleep, whose walls you have memorized with his name and trophies displayed proudly everywhere you look. Gojo. Gojo. Gojo. the same way the crowds at his fights chant for him and his triumph.
gojo—a name as familiar to you as it is foreign. it's his, but it's not. because the boy below you, staring up at you with that same lovesick expression you've never seen waver, will never be anything to you but satoru. means everything to you as satoru.
"it's not too late," you whisper, reaching up with a shaking hand and running your fingertips along the blush that sits high on his cheeks. "you can still call off the fight, there's still time."
satoru's expression shifts for a moment, so brief you may have missed it if you didn't know him so well. there's a flash of something behind his eyes that reads unmistakably like guilt. he dons a facade of petulance to mask it, his lip pursing in an exaggerated pout.
"i can't believe my own good luck charm doesn't think i can win against some loser," he whines, turning his face and nosing against the palm that was cupping his cheek.
it's not true. you believe in satoru unwaveringly, you know his skill and his abilities. your faith in him is, and always has been, implicit. it's his opponent you don't trust.
it's what the fight might cost him, regardless of the outcome, that terrifies you.
your eyes focus again, and you meet satoru's gaze below you. he lifts his hand, cupping yours—so much smaller in comparison—underneath as he holds your touch against his face, pressing a kiss to your palm.
it's so impossibly still in the gym with everyone else gone, but everything about it is known to you. is wholly familiar. the dim fluorescents, the smell that lingers in the air, the hum of the fans, the sound of satoru's breath.
"stop worrying, okay?" he whispers against your skin, kissing your palm again to punctuate the request. "there's no way i'm gonna lose. i'm the strongest, after all."
and there's familiarity in those words too, since he's said them to you more times than you could ever hope to keep track of.
but this time they just don't seem to reassure you the same way.
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leclerc-s · 4 months
the blue - part ten
series masterlist // previous
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ameliaholland posted new stories
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ivy is adjusting well to the travel life well. pov: you've just had a rundown by lando norris on how charles is slowly losing his mental stability. don't worry! he's fine! still mentally stable but on his last limb polite cat oscaroo strikes again! photo from this morning's travels
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tom holland okay, you guys can't be mad at me..
max verstappen thomas i swear to god- logan sargeant if this spider-bitch says harrison tagged along, we are not responsible for yuki. tom holland okay, well, i guess i'll die.
sam holland i told him not too but he said, and i quote, "he's my best friend. i can't just not bring him." lando norris YOU COULD NOT BRING HIM?
george russell he's going to get killed.
charles leclerc we won't be responsible for yuki or max.
max verstappen i can take him
zendaya there is too much testosterone here
amelia holland OH I HAVE A SOLUTION!
amelia holland added 4 people
lily muni he why?
amelia holland you try saying anything against the zendaya alexandra saint mleux valid. very valid.
george russell how did you get my girlfriend's number?
carmen mundt someone was very drunk after her show in london that he forgot i was with him
pierre gasly you fucking idiot
kika gomes said the idiot to the other idiot
pierre gasly how am i an idiot?
esteban ocon you tried to "out spider-man" tom last week when you were drunk. charles leclerc and you almost ran into oncoming traffic. daniel ricciardo if it weren't for me you'd be dead.
lily muni he why were we added?
kika gomes well that's stupid.
alexandra saint mleux your sister cried because of him?
tom holland you don't get it! he was sad and i can't say no to him! he's my best friend! i will get him to apologize to amelia.
amelia holland i'm not talking to him. i have nothing to talk to him about.
oscar piastri he's a dickhead. he's never going to apologize.
lando norris oscar jack piastri, cursing? that's a new one. someone call sky sports!
logan sargeant you're talking about the guy who grew up with mark webber. he's said worse. trust me.
oscar piastri shut up?
kika gomes fitting name. lily muni he it's what she called him in a song. i guess it stuck. zendaya he deserves it
harry holland thomas, we are having words.
sam holland and i'm calling paddy.
tuwaine oh shit just got real.
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ameliaholland vegas, baby!
tagged: oscarpiastri, landonorris, mclaren
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landonorris when will i get a post for myself? i'm the best friend?
↳ ameliaholland when you finally get a race win...
↳ landonorris i hate you
username amelia holland, certified oscar piastri simp
tomholland2013 can't believe you ditched us to hang out with oscar
↳ ameliaholland can't believe you invited apple.
↳ lilymhe she's right thomas. how could you.
↳ maxverstappen1 can't believe spider-man would betray us this way
↳ charles_leclerc traitor
↳ yukitsunoda0511 liar.
↳ tomholland2013 I GET IT!
↳ ameliaholland but do you?
↳ francesca.cgomes clearly he doesn't.
username what on earth is happening in the comments?
username i don't know but they're all upset with tom
username amelia instagram is all just pictures of oscar
↳ username she's in love! let's leave her alone!
↳ username oh don't get me wrong. i love it. it's adorable
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amelia holland max invited us out before free practice tomorrow and after the opening ceremony
tom holland I'M GAME!
zendaya sounds like fun.
sam holland count me in!
tuwaine a chance to party with the max verstappen and daniel ricciardo, count me in!
harry holland i'm in
harrison osterfield i don't think your friends like me very much
amelia holland they don't but max said to invite you anyways. something about water under the troll?
amelia holland i think he meant water under the bridge?
amelia holland pierre also said something about second string loser buying the first round of drinks.
harrison osterfield alright. i'll go
amelia holland you can leave if you feel uncomfortable at any point
harrison osterfield okay
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ameliaholland in honor of the end of the 2023 season, i give you one final photo dump.
tagged: oscarpiastri, landonorris, mclaren, tomholland2013
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oscarpiastri 🧡🧡
↳ ameliaholland 🧡🧡
username mama y papa!!
charles_leclerc this is charles leclerc erasure!
↳ alex_albon i agree this is erasure of the most important people in her life!
↳ ameliawinters as opposed to my boyfriend and brother?
↳ georgerussell63 of course!
username i need to find someone who looks at me the way oscar looks at amelia.
lilymhe not enough amelia content. 3/10.
↳ ameliaholland i'm sorry love, i'll do better next time.
yukitsunoda0511 0/10 no yuki content. every photo dump must include a picture of me.
↳ ameliaholland apologizes yuki. i'll include one next time.
harrisonosterfield where is the cat's seatbelt??
↳ oscarpiastri she said she didn't need one.
↳ harrisonosterfield you're being a very irresponsible father mr.piastri
↳ oscarpiastri i am simply listening to what my daughter wants mr.osterfield
↳ username talk about a friendship i never saw coming
username and to think we started the season with single oscar and we're ending it with oscar dating THE amelia holland!!
username ivy lives a better life than me.
username they're giving high school sweethearts.
username your honor, i love them
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taglist: @six-call @1nt3rnetgf @fernandoswarcrimes @skynel09 @arieltwvdtohamflash @Mimolovescookies @brekkers-whore @natcha888 @camdensreg @mycenterfold @woozartss @dear-fifi @tygecjjd @cataf1 @nothaqks @caipng @nataliambc @formulaal @lichterfee @prongsvault @kaa212 @anxxiousaries @julesbabey1 @julesbabey @georgeparisole @hobiismyhopeu @melissayalene @nikfigueiredo @bella-1 @nichmeddar @namgification @anniemae299 @octopussesarecool @jensonsonlybutton @ragioniera @anytimeanywherebitch-blog @trouble-sistar @hwalllllllelujah
strikethrough means i couldn't tag you
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¡leclerc-s speaks! in case you couldn't tell, i don't how to end stories, so this is my attempt at one. i definitely didn't procrastinate this because i didn't want to be finished with this story. not at all. but stick around and wait for the bonus chapters because this story isn't quite over yet.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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tagthescullion · 18 days
Do you have any headcanons about Octavian (still can't believe we got Luke's entire tragic multifaceted backstory but we never even got Octavian's last name)?
I'll admit my idea of octavian comes from those politicians who want greatness by staying traditional so:
(yes this is long)
his family is one of the oldest in CJ/NR, he's a descendant of apollo but also of a bunch of other gods
as with any other community, secret, mythological, or plain common, the second half of the 20th century brought the need to become strong and powerful which means octavian's parents, grandparents, etc did everything in their power to solidify their family's hold on NR's power
then the 21st century brought the idea of opening society to the different (speaking ideally and etc etc), of being less strict, less controlled, less severe with rules
octavian's family hated this, I mean, they were powerful bc their roots were tied to the legion from long before the gods were even in the US! who tf were these upstarts like jason grace or reyna r. arellano who had no demigod ancestors?? no parents living in the city to show them how everything was done!!
octavian himself was probably less worried about how demigodish or not these kids were but he was fond of their heritage and he was used to his name meaning something, jason's liberal and radical ideas about un-roman-ising discipline and traditions.. well, I don't think the english for "le vino por las pelotas" exists, but go translate that
and, don't get me wrong, ofc excessive nationalism (or whatever that for smaller communities is) leads to bad places, but at first, nobody thought it was so strange. the guy was proud of who he was, of his family, he was secluded from mortals from a young age, what was wrong with him defending his culture from demigods who popped up and imposed their own ways to camp's?? (we all know how hard defending one's culture can be in the US)
in canon it's implied octavian blackmails and bribes his way into power, but with figures like jason and reyna having the 'official' power, that's not quite likely, he'd have been exiled long before, so it's more likely he played a sort-of-luke but instead of offering comfort and emotional affection, he offered a symbolic place in NR's society
"my family extends an offering for lunch this weekend" from octavian means a shitload to people who want power but have no connections of their own
and octavian wasn't probably too bad as a person if one wasn't conflictive (as long as one doesn't openly speak of politics, football, and religion, conversations can remain civil)
his dislike towards jason comes in part from jason being way too chill for a traditional roman despite being the son of the king of the gods, and from jealousy. jason seems to be a nice, popular, powerful kid who was given respect for the sake of existing, not so much for his merits at first
but that dislike was his own doom bc jason had his own friends, so there was probably a sort of division between "I like this one/I like the other"
at first it was probably just a jokey thing, like "ooh losers, we won the war games this time!" but shit like that can hit the fan fast if the times get conflictive
and conflictive is an understatement, two wars in two years?? (officially, the first one lasted two years most likely, but y'know) that's putting everybody in a bad and wary mood, everybody's paranoid, everyone's tense, that can only end in massive disaster
specially bc octavian's clever and he'd have badmouthed jason to make him less powerful. with his future seeing superpower, he probably saw jason enjoying "the enemy's" company and assumed it was kronos' side rather than the greeks (tho ofc to him the greeks would also have been the enemy)
anyway, jason becoming praetor was a punch in the gut for a guy who wanted traditions to prevail, and who failed to convince people even through a whole war!
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belladonazeppole · 6 months
A Meeting with Lady Luck
Who would guess that his business trip to Las Vegas would be actually worthy. Since the woman in front of him is gorgeous; a dainty doll looking even smaller in her cocoon coat, her skin a deep bronze, her hair in a short bob with bangs but what really caught his attention was her eyes.
Amber. He never saw amber eyes before but was completaly sure that she had the most beautiful pair, they were curious similar to the ones of a cat.
"May I ask for your name, doll?"
"Lady Luck."
From the pretty lady came the deepest and smoothest voice while blowing her cigar smoke towards him, this make him froze in his spot and slowly glaring at "her" and noticing "her" face better now closer, he looks down and finally sees it.
An adam's apple.
Shit, she wasn't a doll but a jake!
"Something wrong, baby?" "She" ask him with clear amusement all over his face, after a few moments he compise hilmself since he still had his mouth wide open of the shock. "Cat got your tongue?" She said while entering to the casino, crushing her cigar under her heel and glazing at him.
He was waiting for him!!
Wait I second he would absoluty make me expend all my money in the casino and besides I not into dudes. He thought quickly, but Victor make the big mistake of looking again to Lady Luck since he just lower his coat to show Victor his delicate back while winking at him. Eh, I wasn't that straight anyways. He thought while hurriedly going to Lady Luck side and offering his arm which he gladly takes.
"So, what is your name, stud?"
Good thing that Victor was rich. Since he lost a lot of money in the casino and the bar but he took Lady Luck that night to his hotel room soo who was really the loser, right?
After that night Victor was hook, line and sink!
Even if Victor need to go back to his work in another state he make sure to send Lady Luck money, he may told him it was weird as fuck but Victor just insist that he just deserve nice things, he also make sure to at least going a full weekend to the casino.
Victor just can't get enough of him! He never meet somebody as witty, cultured and charming as Lady Luck or somebody that could drink that much is be that small or that could be a man twice his size for disrespecting some of the waitress or tried to touch him inappropriately.
The sex was amazing... even if he never told him his real name.
Not knowing his real name never stop him from still visiting Lady Luck, not just for sex of course, they just talk in his hotel room. How Luck desire in traveling to other countries and make his magic show know, he looked so passionate and sincere talking about his dreams.
Victor always felt lonely after he had to leave.
That is gonna change this night since today was the day, this night he would ask Lady Luck for a date and his real name. Victor had the flowers, his suit ironed and even brought the cigars that she fancied. No more chickening out in the nick of time. He fucking got this, he didn't care that he looked like a weirdo wandering around with a bouquet of flowers in the casino,
He had a date with destiny!
Although he wasn't particularly lucky in these moment.
Victor tried to look for him at his hostess station but he wasn't there.
Maybe he was covering for somebody as a dealer? No.
As a bartender? Neither.
In the dressing room? He doesn't think so.
Lady Luck didn't have any act scheduled today. He knew this since he bribe somebody from backstage to give Victor his schedule. But it was his last option but it was useless in the end since he wasn't there either. In fact Victor only saw that none of his things were there anymore, he just disappeared.
As if he had never been there.
"Oh darling…." Victor turns around and recognizes the person as Lady Luck's assistant, Veronica he believes, when she was doing her magic tricks as well as her dancing partner. "He just left."
"He left?" He asks her in shock at the news, ignoring the pitiful expression the woman was currently showing him. "To where?"
Maybe he could go.
"Oh…" Or not. "But he wanted me to give this to you." She quickly said as she handed him a card, an ace of diamonds, at first he thought it was a sick last joke until he flipped it over.
At least he got his name.
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dmercer91 · 1 year
ebug's sister, dm91
part one / part two /part three / part four / part five / part six /
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liked by dawson1417, lhughes_06, and 6,213 others
blakefriarr_: my brothers an ebug, episode five!
i think ni saw me in the stands before the game started, cause he didn’t ONCE look in my direction and i had to scavenge the broadcast after the game to find an image of him under duress. it’s cute that you thought i wouldn’t find a way, though, worlds sluttiest captain™️
i added a photo of jack to this one since i flat out refused to add him to mine and quinnys groupchat, so we settled on this. for those of you this may negatively affect, i promise it’s a one time thing <3
the next two are both of dawson, since 1. he got a goal!! but second and most importantly, he’s got such a pretty smile and i think it needed to be broadcasted to all of you lovely people seeing this
then we have a goalie hug! i would like to point out that in the five games i’ve seen this season, they’ve won every time i was there. i’m the good luck charm. not even maybe. i am telling you it’s me
last, cause i want to rub it in jj’s face that i have a sweet, attentive guy that he doesn’t know the name of, is a message from my boy!! (he still hasn’t asked me to be his girl, so he’s not TECHNICALLY my boy, but shhhh we’ll ignore it)
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jj.friar31: does this guy of yours know about your strange love for dawson mercer
→ blakefriarr_: i would say he's aware
lhughes_06: I RANK HIGHER THAN JACK!?!?!?
→ blakefriarr_: unfortunately you are very adoptable
→ lhughes_06: you're like eight months older than me
→ blakefriarr_: ok?
_quinnhughes: hey guy who won't be named where jj can see, if you're reading this, please ask her out before i go crazy
→ blakefriarr_: you said i could talk to you anytime :(
→ _quinnhughes: of course you can, sweetheart. that doesn't mean i wont go nuts
→ blakefriarr_: awh huggy you're willing to go nuts for me?
→ _quinnhughes: unfortunately i'm not immune to whatever it is you have going on in that head of yours
jesperbratt: i can't believe you just called nico a slut
→ blakefriarr_: believe it, bratter.
nicohischier: ... sluttiest?
→ blakefriarr_: what other word can be used to describe what it is when you flip your hair around with a bloody mouth and call people fucking pussies
→ nicohischier: i was hoping those clips would stay off your radar
→ blakefriarr_: that's impossible i see everything
adamfantilli: wasn't expecting him to be such a softy
→ lhughes_06: now what is this supposed to mean
→ blakefriarr_: rookie how did you manage it's been literally three days
→ lhughes_06: IS HE IN THE GROUPCHAT?????? BLAKE??
→ blakefriarr_: don't be so dramatic moose
→ lhughes_06: quinn?? what do you have to say for yourself?
→ _quinnhughes: she asked very nicely idk what you wanted me to do
→ blakefriarr_: 'i'm adding adam fuckface' 'cool lmao' there was no resistance and by definition i don't think i was being nice
→ _quinnhughes: why do i put up with this
→ adamfantilli: i feel so honoured you didn't even ask properly
→ blakefriarr_: whatever. love u, rookie
→ adamfantilli: love u, coach
→ lhughes_06: i'm killing you both and not in your sleep you deserve to know it was me
→ blakefriarr_: well now you can do it in our sleeps cause you just.. told us? that it would be you?
dougieham: i would like to formally apologize for my comment on your most recent post. i was out of line and i should not have spilled very highly classified of information about the groupchat. i hope my apology finds you well.
→ blakefriarr_: you're forgiven, but you're on probation
→ dougieham: quinn is that good enough
→ _quinnhughes: probably idk
dawson1417: i have a pretty smile? blushing
→ blakefriarr_: you're welcome, loser <3
→ dawson1417: that guy of yours ask you out yet?
→ blakefriarr_: he has.
→ dawson1417: yeah?
→ blakefriarr_: only to an event, though. hoping he'll man up n kiss me
→ dawson1417: best of luck, then <3
jackhughes: least favourite?? what did i do to deserve this
→ blakefriarr_: you are just incredibly underwhelming i'm sorry. be glad you got your picture in the post that is ALL i agreed to.
→ jackhughes: and quinn isn't??
→ blakefriarr_: do not diss quinn i will take your head of and put it over my fireplace
jj.friar31: ok so from what i'm compiling here i think it's either quinn or.. adam fantilli????? somehow?? when did that even happen how do you keep pulling this off
→ blakefriarr_: ok first of all if you think i would ever allow someone i'm romantically involved with to call me coach you need a lobotomy
→ blakefriarr_: second of all you are so dumb it's actually become fascinating. NEITHER OF THOSE PEOPLE LIVE IN JERSEY?? you think quinn hughes found the time in his nhl player schedule to fly down here and bring me home from work?
→ jj.friar31: oh right
→ jj.friar31: ignore me i've compiled nothing.
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You can't just leave me like that😭 I need to know razor's lore PLEASE
Ugh fiiiine since you're asking i GUESS i will talk about the oc lore 🙄🙄🙄 (silly)
So we all know the hit show lego nexo knights if you don't honestly skill issue have you been living under a rock or something lololol imagine
Well in nexo knights there's a knights school shocker i know a school of knights?? What a novel idea
It the start of the extensive oc plot that me n a few friends have been making up as we go razor n their friends are in the knights academy
However plot twist razor is a actually a MONSTER!!! can you believe that a monster in the killing monsters 101 place that's crazy
Since razor is a basilisk they can disguise themself so no one can tell they're a monster well no one but the besties
Their friendgroup are @/merloksdigitaltoes ocs cherry🐍 sage🐦 n trace🐐 and @/stellarwaffles oc talya☀️ + a surprise addition that will join later🦈 wink wink we call them the chimera pride :)
Anyways academy arc doesn't really have much plot it's just the characters getting introduced to each other n hanging out
Sage adopted trace as his friend while cherry adopted razor meanwhile cherry n trace were beefing but dw they make up all 4 of them are friends now yippee 👍talya joins the academy later in the years n joins the friendgroup cause gaydar for monsters
Apocalypse arc is based on the sadly cancelled s5 where the gang are basically trying to not die
Talya gets infected big L just don't get infected loser trace dies but then comes back then dies again skill issue n the other three are just going thru it™️
At the end of the arc razor graduates but not the rest of the friendgroup cause um have you considered being older?? Idiots 🙄
Fish arc is the MAIN main arc we think about that lore needs like 10 pages on it's own
This takes place like a year or 2 after the last arc when the group all graduated a lot of ppl are going missing in the peaceful seaside town of forgetavile n as their first group mission the gang are tasked w figuring out what's going on n fix the issue
Turns out fish ppl have been kidnapping the ppl of forgetavile 😱😱 the knights try to do something but thise fishes are smart dealing with them is no easy and oh no this glowy mean fish lady put a curse on cherry wtf
So they're all staying at forgetavile trying to stop more ppl from going missing until they deal with the fish pp also they find this weird fish twink washed up on shore? He's talking a lot of nonsense about a place called totallynotatlantis and this loser named agniss? Idk he looks gay
Maybe some day I'll post all the fish arc drawings i never posted it'll take days to post all of them lol
Last arc in the timeline is cayne/mimic arc this one involves another grouo of ocs
So remember how razor is a basilisk? Ok hear me out what if there was another basilisk n HEAR ME OUT!! What if he was EVIL
This evil basilisk is named cayne explaining the name of the arc n he was actually annoying the other oc group before the gang got intangled with the plot
The other group minus one are still in the academy so when they found this loser trying to commit identity fraud they asked the older moe experienced group to help (they will later regret this decision)
We don't have a clear story w this one it's just cayne going around committing identity fraud all over the room also sage n that fish twink are missing from that arc i bet they're kissing i hate those homosexuals
I gotta stop talking now the ops are onto me i got too mentally ill
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away-ward · 10 months
Devil's Night Incorrect Quotes: Best of the Best
Rules of the game is:
It has to make me laugh
I can't exchange or shuffle the names
that's it. feel free to save your favorites, and even let me know which ones gave you a laugh. believe it or not, this is actually a narrowed down list of my favorite incorrect quotes from a random generator.
Michael: Sorry I'm late, I was doing stuff. Banks: YOU PUSHED ME DOWN THE FUCKING STAIRS!
Emory: I am darkness. I am an power. I am your worst nightmare. I could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine. I am the night. I am fury, I am a weapon, I am- Will: A doll. Banks: A cinnamon roll. Michael: A sweetheart. Emory: Emory: ...stop it.
Will: People tell me I have a unique way of lighting up a room. Rika: It’s called arson and those people are called witnesses.
*Emory answers Rika's office phone* Michael: What happened to Rika? Emory: She died. Michael: She what? Emory: She died, but she's okay. Michael: …Can you please clarify? Rika *in the background*: Clarification is for the weak.
Michael: *sneaking in through their window* Rika: *turning in her chair and flicking the light one* You want to tell me where you've been all night? Michael: I was with Kai? Kai: *turning in his chair* Wanna try again?
Damon: So… I’ve seen you’ve been spending a lot of time with Emory recently. Will: No, Damon, it's not what it looks like, I swear. Damon: Oh really? So no reason for me to be jealous? Will: No! You’re the only one for me. Damon: Is that so? Will: I promise! Emory and I are just dating, okay? She's my partner. Damon: So there are no best-friends-feelings involved? Will: You are still my one and only best friend! She's just the love of my life, nothing more! Damon: But I’m still the platonic love of your life, right? Will: Of course bro! Damon: Bro... Emory: What the-
*During Corrupt*
Rika: *angrily presses Michael against a wall* WHERE'S THE MONEY?! Michael: ... Michael: Are we about to kiss-
Will: Seriously, all you do is bitch. Kai: I happen to bitch the perfect amount for someone in my situation
Will: I think it’s time I get my life in order. Damon, narrating: But he did not get his life in order. In fact, he got drunk last night and fought a raccoon.
Michael, texting Winter *knowing Damon's out of town*: Any plans for tonight? Winter: No. Michael: Loser.
Michael: You need a hobby. Banks: I have a hobby! Michael: Hitting Will isn't a hobby.
Damon: You are, of course, wondering why it is I have brought you here tonight. Kai: Actually, Damon, after all these years, I just sort of go with it.
Rika: What is wrong with you? Damon: Loaded question. Elaborate.
Winter: *running into the room* Rika just said she doesn't love me anymore! Damon: What?! Rika: *following her in* I did not say that. I just said that we are not driving all the way across the country just so you can punch Michael in the face.
Winter: I scare people a lot because I walk very softly and they don't hear me enter rooms. So when they turn around, I'm just kind of there and their fear fuels me.
*playing twister* Kai: Right hand red. Will: *ends up on top of Michael* Michael: You're doing this on purpose, aren't you? Kai: I stopped spinning like 15 minutes ago. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't notice.
Will: I eat cheerios because they’re heart healthy. Will: And my heart has been severely damaged, so Emory, if you’re out there—
Will: Winter... Winter: Oh no, 'Winter' in B flat. Winter: You're disappointed.
Damon: Do you guys ever have a civilized conversation that doesn't require insulting each other every time you get a chance? Emory: No. Kai: No. Damon: Didn't think so.
Will: Are you coming to bed? Emory: I can't. This is important. Will: What? Emory: Someone is wrong on the internet.
Rika: Hey, Kai, are you free on Friday? Like around eight? Kai: Yeah. Rika: And you, Banks? Banks: Umm... yes? Rika: Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date! Banks: Did she just-
Kai: Am I going to far? Emory: No, no, no. You went too far about 7 hours ago. Now you’re going to prison.
Rika, acting tough: You guys don't want to mess with me. Kai: Yeah, Rika will straight up cry in public. Don't try her. Rika: Exactly, I will straight up- Rika: Rika, tearing up: Kai, why would you say that?!
Emory: When I die I want Kai to lower me into my grave so he can let me down one last time.
*no... i'm not bitter. what would give you that impression?*
Emory, pointing to Kai and Damon: Distract them! I'll be right back! *leaves* Banks: Okay! *five minutes later* Emory: *returns and sees Kai and Damon unconscious on the ground* What did you do? I said distract them, not knock them out! Banks: There's just no pleasing you sometimes.
Damon: You need a hobby. Will: I have a hobby! Damon: Fawning over Emory isn’t a hobby.
Michael: That's not funny. Damon: I thought it was funny. Michael: You don't count. You started laughing in the middle of a funeral because you started thinking of a meme you saw on Facebook.
Kidnapper: I have one of your friends. Kai: Which one? I have seven. Kidnapper: The loud, annoying, rowdy one who never shuts up. Kai: Which one? I have seven. Will, distantly: HEY!!!
Winter: *eating a cinnamon roll* Will: Cannibalism. Winter: *confused chewing noises*
Winter: If you got arrested what would be the charges? Rika Theft. Banks: Disturbing the peace. Damon: Aggravated assault. Will: Arson. Emory: All of the above. In that order, probably.
Banks: So what’s for dinner? Rika: I can’t tell you, it’s a soup-prise! Banks: … Banks: Is it soup? Rika: I soup-pose it could be! *winks* Banks: Please, enough with the soup puns! Rika: Wow, you’re soup-per mean. Banks: STOP! *one hour later* Banks: It’s fucking tacos?!?!?!
Emory: *visiting the squad* Hello, I just came to- Emory: *sees Kai shoving Michael into the washing machine while Damon records and Will watches* Emory: *retreating* Something suddenly came up.
Will: *cocks gun* Go to Bed. This is no longer a request, This is now a Threat.
*in my head, it's a water gun and it's em that needs to go to bed*
Michael: Emory, keep an eye on Will today. He's going to say something to the wrong person and get punched. Emory: Sure, I'd love to see Will getting punched. Winter: Try again. Emory, sighing: I will try to stop Will from getting punched.
Winter: If I say yes am I joining a cult? Banks: Possibly. Winter: I’m in.
Banks: Love is weakness and an evolutionary mistake. Damon: You are literally making a Valentine’s day card for Kai. Banks, pointing her hot glue gun towards Damon: You’re on thin fucking ice
Rika: *watching the squad's shenanigans with concern* Do you feel like this has gotten out of hand? Will: I don't know. Feels normal enough for a group that's on 911's blocked callers list.
Will: You’re my best friend, I would do anything for you. Damon: I want you to eat 3 meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. Will: Absolutely not.
*The gang's thoughts on stabbing* Rika: Would never stab anyone. Will: Would stab someone in retaliation. Winter: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first. Banks: Would stab without warning. Emory: Would stab as a warning.
Banks: I don’t think the therapist is supposed to say ‘wow’ that many times during their first session with a client, but here we are.
Damon: *pretending to joke* So when are you going to go out with me? Winter: I don't know. When are you going to ask me to? *later* Emory: And you just ran away?! Damon: I didn't expect her to flirt back!
Will: I give up. I am so tired. Rika: Get the emergency supply! Michael: *carries Damon and places him in front of Will* Damon: *smiles* Will: AND I AM BACK BABY, LET’S GOOO
Will: Hey, babe, remember how I had to go to the pharmacy to pick up my ADHD meds? Emory: Yes? Will: Well, it turns out they're all out for the next five days. Emory: Fuck. Will: It's gonna be a fun week! Emory: I'm going to Winter 's house. Will: Nuh-uh. Through sickness and health, motherfucker
Will: You need to be more careful! Emory, who was dragged into Will's issue: Careful? CAREFUL?! I'LL CAREFULLY WRAP MY HANDS AROUND YOUR THROAT-
Will: You’ve got to learn to love yourself. Emory: But don't you hate yourself. Will: Yeah, but this is about you. Stay focused.
Banks: Who would you swipe right for? Kai or Rika? Damon: I would delete the app.
Kai: Guys, there’s a monster under my bed and it’s really ugly. Damon, on the bottom bunk: Honestly, fuck you.
Kai: Are we really going to let Banks keep Damon? Rika: We kept Winter.
Damon: Banks and I are so close we even share a toothbrush. Banks: We what?
Emory: I want a bf. Will: Do you mean best friend, boyfriend or bread feast? Because you’re being really vague here.
Kai: Emory... Emory: I can tell by the tone of your voice that you are disappointed. Alas, I must further disappoint you by affirming how little I give a fuck.
Kai: I have a problem. Damon: Kill it. Kai: Can you chill for like, two seconds?
Banks: Can we go to a haunted house? Damon: What’s wrong with the one we live in? Banks: Wh-what? Damon: Goodnight, Banks.
Banks: I hope no one lowkey hates me. Banks: Highkey hate me. Hate me with every fiber of your being. Banks: Go big or go home.
Will, pointing to Emory’s empty room: YOU LET THEM ESCAPE?! Damon: I WAS ON BREAK.
Michael: Dear Diary, my teen angst bullshit has a body count.
Banks: Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night Michael: It was autocorrect. Banks: Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."? Michael: Yes.
hope you had fun :)
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linagram · 8 months
[ 𝚋𝚎𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚒𝚗 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚜: 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟸 ]
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part 2 is hereeeee and this time it's what happened to eiko, asahi, yurika, riku and reina a few days before their crimes happened.
since these vds is the last thing i've planned for the period between trial 2 and trial 3, nothing too important to the plot will be posted until season 3 starts (again, not sure when it will happen). pls share your thoughts and theories if you have any <3
(Warnings: relationship dynamic between satsuki and asahi is. very messed up, topics of self-harm and suicide come up in riku's vd, mentions of toxic family dynamics in multiple vds, but honestly all of them could count)
[ Eiko's Confession ]
(typing sounds) 
Eiko: Takeru, where are you.. 
Eiko: What's going on.. 
Eiko: He wouldn't just leave me like this, right? 
Eiko: He's the type of guy who's obsessed with social media, the only reason why he could disappear like this is-
Eiko: ... 
Eiko: No. No, I don't want to think about it. 
Eiko: But.. 
Eiko: What if she found out about him? 
Eiko: ... 
Eiko: Oh, wait a second.. 
Eiko: One of his friends replied. 
Eiko: Maybe he knows something? 
Eiko: ... 
Eiko: He just.. started flirting with me. 
Eiko: *sighs* Fine, I can work with this. 
(more typing sounds) 
Eiko: Okay, I'll just play along. 
Eiko: He seems like a loser who just uses Takeru for money and attention. 
Eiko: Oh, a reply. 
Eiko: I think I can ask him about Takeru now. 
(typing sounds) 
Eiko: Come to think of it.. 
Eiko: If I had more information to work with, I would've found Takeru a long time ago. 
Eiko: But all I have is.. 
Eiko: His first name, age, list of friends, occupation, interests.. 
Eiko: I don't even know his last name.. 
Eiko: I don't even know what he looks like.. 
Eiko: And I know his occupation, but I don't know where exactly he works-
Eiko: Another reply. 
Eiko: ... 
Eiko: *sighs*
Eiko: He's so annoying.. 
Eiko: Maybe I can just try to text that other guy again. 
Eiko: Oh, he has him in his friend list too-
Eiko: ... 
(a sound of notification) 
Eiko: .. This icon looks familiar.. 
(another notification sound) 
Eiko: I swear I've seen this frog before-
Eiko: ! 
Eiko: Hold on.. 
(a clicking sound) 
Eiko: .. It's-
Eiko: It's Takeru's private account?! 
Eiko: O-okay, I'll just send this to that guy. 
(typing sounds) 
Eiko: Let's see what he has to say about this.. 
Eiko: Hm? 
Eiko: Okay, it really is his private account. 
Eiko: I wonder if he'll agree to give me the password to it.. 
Eiko: ? 
Eiko: .. Fine, sure, whatever, promise him a date or send him a pic or two. 
Eiko: ... 
Eiko: What does he mean by "Takeru wouldn't mind if I went on a date with you"? 
Eiko: ... 
Eiko: Haha.. No. No, he's just lying to me. 
Eiko: He just wants me to agree to this. He wants me to believe that Takeru doesn't love me anymore. 
Eiko: .. Still, I should ask him about it. 
(typing sounds) 
Eiko: ... 
Eiko: Are you kidding me?.. 
Eiko: "Well, uh, about that".. 
Eiko: "I doubt Takeru will ever be able to go on a date with you".. 
Eiko: .. What is wrong with him? 
(typing gets faster) 
Eiko: Don't tell me.. 
Eiko: ... 
Eiko: ... 
Eiko: .. *starts sobbing*
Eiko: No. No, this can't be true. 
Eiko: He's alive. I know he's alive. 
Eiko: How could he-
Eiko: ... 
Eiko: It wasn't her, right?.. 
Eiko: I've never told Mother about him, but.. 
Eiko: .. I had my suspicions, but.. 
Eiko: He's.. dead.. 
Eiko: Takeru is.. dead.. 
(notification sound) 
Eiko: Huh?.. 
Eiko: Another friend of his replied. 
Eiko: ... 
Eiko: "Hello, this is his private account"..
Eiko: "Here's the password. You'll find all the answers there".. 
Eiko: "I am so sorry".. 
(very fast typing sounds) 
Eiko: ... 
Eiko: ... 
Eiko: Hey.. 
Eiko: If Takeru is dead.. 
Eiko: His last post being made fifteen minutes ago doesn't make any sense.. 
Eiko: What if I scroll down.. 
Eiko: ... 
Eiko: Haha.. 
Eiko: "I am finally free"? 
Eiko: When was this post made?
Eiko: .. That's when he stopped showing up.
Eiko: ... 
Eiko: Stupid. So stupid.. 
Eiko: I really can't trust anyone in this world, huh?
[ Asahi's Confession ]
(the door opens)
Satsuki: Ah, here you are!
Asahi: ...
Satsuki: Look what I got you! This plushie is so cute, isn't it?
Asahi: ...
Satsuki: D-do you not like it?..
Satsuki: It's okay, I can get you another one-
Asahi: .. I thought we'll go to see a movie today.
Asahi: You know, the one I've told you about before.
Satsuki: .. Oh.
Satsuki: S-sorry, sweetie, I'm not feeling so good today-
Asahi: But you still went and bought me this.
Satsuki: W-well, it's not a big deal for me-
Asahi: So going to the cinema is hard, huh? Maybe you don't want to spend time with me? Maybe you hate me?
Satsuki: No, no, that's not what I meant-
Satsuki: !
(sound of a plushie being thrown on the floor)
Asahi: I don't need it.
Satsuki: So you really don't like it?..
Asahi: ...
Asahi: Fine! Yes, I hate it! It's weird, it's ugly, it looks cheap, I deserve more!
Asahi: If you can't fulfill your promise, at least buy me something that is just as good as what you've originally promised!
Satsuki: Sorry..
Asahi: I hate it. I hate this thing.
Asahi: I hate you too.
Asahi: How can you call yourself my mother when you can't even give me the love that I want and deserve?!
Satsuki: I just.. don't know what you want from me..
Asahi: .. I just want something that will leave me satisfied, I guess.
Satsuki: Like what?..
Asahi: ...
Satsuki: ...
Satsuki: Please, stop-
Asahi: ...
Satsuki: I.. I wanted a child. I really did.
Satsuki: When I first saw you, I hoped that..
Satsuki: .. You would fill the void I feel inside of me.
Satsuki: But it's hard.
Satsuki: It's too hard being a mother for me.
Asahi: .. Hey. Why are you telling me this-
Satsuki: You're right. I really am the worst mother any child could have.
Satsuki: Haha.. I really don't deserve to be a mother.
Satsuki: I can't give you the love you deserve. I'm sorry.
Satsuki: .. I will think about it. Maybe Masato really was right.
Asahi: But.. that guy didn't want me to live here..
Asahi: Hey! Hey, don't leave!
Asahi: Where the hell do you think you're going?!
Asahi: What is that supposed to mean?!
Asahi: .. Are you going to send me to an orphanage or something? After you had basically kidnapped me?!
Asahi: Answer me already!
(the door closes)
Asahi: ...
Asahi: W-what is wrong with her..
Asahi: .. What if she's just going to-
Asahi: .. No.
Asahi: No, no, no, no, no-
Asahi: She can't just.. throw me out.
Asahi: I don't wanna-
Asahi: .. *starts sobbing*
Asahi: .. I should go eat something..
[ Yurika's Confession ]
Yurika: "Finally, the classes are over."
Yurika: "Ugh, I hate this place so much.. Why should I go to university anyway?"
Yurika: "With a family like mine, I don't need education-"
Yurika: ...
Yurika: "Hey, just a reminder, now you have to work in a maid cafe and serve creeps that are ogling you all day exactly because of saying stuff like this."
Yurika: "I wish I could just quit that job, my second one is good enough-"
Yurika: "W-wait, no, no, I can't do that!"
Yurika: "I have to stay strong for Takame-san!"
Yurika: "Also.."
Yurika: "She lets me do anything I want to them, so.."
Yurika: Hehe..
???: Yurika!
Yurika: *screams*
Yurika: A-ah, it's you.. W-what do you want?
???: Oh, I was just wondering, do you want to.. you know, hang out together, maybe?
???: You've been looking not so good lately. I'm kinda worried about you.
Yurika: Oh, I see..
Yurika: "God, she's a terrible liar."
Yurika: "Someone like her can't be worried about me. She's the popular girl. She does well in class, she's hot, she has so many friends, someone like her would totally obliterate me in high school!"
Yurika: "And I say that as someone who was popular in high school!"
Yurika: "Her brother is also.. uh, okay, I guess. I mean, girls like him. Have no idea what they see in him though."
Yurika: A-anyway, sorry, I'm a bit busy. I have work, so..
???: By the way, you keep mentioning your job, but like..
???: Where do you even work?
Yurika: ".. I have to run."
Yurika: Uh.. Y-you know.. A-at a cafe..
???: Really? That makes sense actually..
???: You know, you're cute, so I imagine you being very popular with the customers.
Yurika: "Shut up."
Yurika: "Wait, did she just call me cute?"
???: So like.. Can I visit you someday-
Yurika: NO!
Yurika: Um.. I'm just.. very shy, haha..
Yurika: Like, I don't want you to see me, haha..
???: But I'm sure you look adorable in your uniform! Come on! 
Yurika: "She doesn't know the kind of uniform I have to wear.."
???: Also.. Um..
???: I've actually been looking for a job lately and I thought that being a waitress could fit me, so..
Yurika: "Oh, don't you even try."
Yurika: "Wait a minute, if someone like her starts working with us, maybe those guys will pay more attention to her than me?"
Yurika: "That would be nice.."
Yurika: "Wait, what if Takame-san starts liking her more too?!"
Yurika: "No, no, she's too loyal, she loves me too much-"
Yurika: ...
Yurika: "Who am I kidding, she would leave me right after she sees her."
Yurika: "Wait.."
Yurika: "What if she finds out.."
Yurika: O-oh, sorry, I am so sorry, I am actually so late! Gotta go!
(sounds of Yurika running away)
???: Yurika! Yurika, wait!
???: She's already gone..
???: *sighs* Well, at least now I know that she works at a cafe..
???: I just have to find out which one-
???: .. Considering her hobbies and interests and everything..
???: And how embarrassed she looked..
???: .. Yep. It has to be a maid cafe.
???: Don't we have a very popular one not so far away from here?
(sounds of Yurika running and stopping to take a breath)
Yurika: *breathing heavily* I'm so.. tired..
Yurika: I bet she's just trying to find out more about me for her blog or whatever.
Yurika: But I'm not suspicious at all! I'm just a cute little girl on the way to working a totally normal job! 
Yurika: .. Now why am I saying this out loud?
Yurika: Whatever. I am doing this for Takame-san.
Yurika: .. I owe her after all.
(sounds of Yurika opening the door)
Takame: Ah, Yuri-chan! I'm so glad you're here!
Takame: Let's work hard today, okay?
Takame: .. Same goes for tonight too~
[ Riku's Confession ]
(sounds of Riku playing the guitar that get more and more quiet)
Riku: Okay, we're done for today, everybody! Good job today~
???: Finally, I was getting hungry..
???: Hey, Riku, is it just me or does your voice sound kinda weird?
Riku: Huh?
???: Like.. It's more quiet than usual?
Riku: Hm.. Well, my throat doesn't hurt or anything.
Riku: Eh, maybe it's the acoustics.
???: Okay.. Take care of yourself. You gotta. 
???: We still have that one concert to prepare for too..
Riku: Haha, don't worry about me. I'm not going to let us down.
???: Fine, fine. I'll get going then.
Riku: Bye! I'll stay here to finish working on.. uh, something.
(sounds of everyone leaving)
Riku: ...
Riku: *starts coughing*
Riku: "Maybe drinking so much cold water before our practice was a bad idea.."
Riku: "It's fine. I'm sure it's nothing serious."
(sounds of Riku playing the guitar again)
Riku: ".. I don't want to leave yet for some reason."
Riku: "Not now."
(Riku continues to play)
(sounds of someone's footsteps)
(the door opens)
Yue: Riku-kun!~
(Riku stops playing)
Riku: A-ah.. It's you.
Yue: Ehehe~ Did today's practice go well?
Riku: .. Y-yeah.
Yue: Your voice sounds weird. Did you catch a cold?
Riku: "Again?.."
(sounds of Yue sitting down next to Riku)
Yue: Can you play something for me? Please?
Riku: .. Sure. 
(Riku starts playing the guitar again)
Yue: Nope. That's not the one.
Riku: What do you mean?
Yue: This isn't the kind of songs you like. This is not.. "you", you know?
Yue: This is just the "you" that you came up with to make others like you.
Yue: This is the song that a popular guy who's loved by everyone in the school would play.
Yue: This isn't the song that my only friend would play.
Riku: .. Fine.
Riku: .. I-I'll play it for you when we get home. I don't want to do it here.
Yue: Hm. Meanie.
Riku: I don't want others to ask me about it. Also, the practice is over anyway. I have to go home.
Yue: Let's go together then~
Riku: Fine.
Riku: Ah-
Riku: P-put this thing away! Are you insane?
Yue: Ah.. Right. We can't do this here, right?
Riku: Obviously. 
Riku: W-what are you-
Yue: .. Did you do it again this morning?
Yue: There's still some blood too.. 
Yue: Can't you at least take care of them properly?
Riku: .. I didn't have the time.
Yue: Hey, if you're going to die, you can't do it without me.
Yue: Here, I'll help.
Riku: Wh-
Riku: That's even worse!
Yue: Oh, I forgot to bring my stuff with me, so..
Riku: That doesn't mean you have to lick the blood off!
Riku: L-let's just go home already.
(sounds of Riku pulling down his sleeve)
Yue: Okay~ 
Yue: Hey, Riku-kun..
Yue: But like.. If you were to die..
Yue: How would you like to leave this world?
Riku: You ask this question every single time.
Yue: And you always give me a different answer.
Riku: ...
Riku: .. I guess I'd want it to be painful, but quick.
Yue: Oh, that's a new one!
Yue Well, let's see..
Yue: Maybe I could hit you on the head with a rock?
Yue: I'm stronger than I look! I'll make it as quick and as painful as you desire!
Riku: ...
Riku: Haha..
Riku: You're so weird..
Yue: But you still hang out with me like this.
Yue: .. When was the last time we've talked about something else and not like.. death and all that stuff?
Riku: .. Can't remember.
Riku: Like.. Didn't we talk about it even back when we were kids too?
Yue: Right, right! Remember you got really sad after your mom told you that you have to stop being selfish and that you're too jealous of Hinode?
Riku: ...
Yue: And then I was like "Hey, what do you want to do?" and you were like "I don't know, dying sounds nice"!
Yue: And this happened when you were like.. eleven? Or twelve?
Yue: Like, you were a messed up kid, if you think about it!
Yue: Or more like.. a very broken one.
Riku: .. So..
Riku: If you could kill me..
Riku: How would you do it?
Yue: Simple.
Yue: I'd do it in a way that would let us both die at the same time.
Riku: .. So if you wanted to die..
Yue: Yep. I would never die without you.
Yue: That's why I'm still here. As long as you're alive, I'll stay alive too. 
Yue: And I won't let you do anything to yourself either. We have to leave together. It's a promise.
Yue: So..
Yue: Do you want to try again?
Riku: ...
Riku: N-no, thanks. Not feeling like it today.
Yue: Oh, really? Not even doing the "death practice"?
Riku: .. What if somebody sees?
Yue: Come on, children won't come here at this time. 
Yue: And if somebody asks, we can just use the "we tripped and fell" excuse. 
Riku: Together? Like we fell at the same time?
Yue: They believe us every single time.
Riku: Sometimes I wonder if they really do believe us.
Yue: Maybe they just don't want to accept the truth. Who knows.
Riku: ".. So he's not going to die until I agree to die too.."
Riku: "This is going to be harder than I thought.."
Yue: So, are you ready?
Riku: .. Fine. You go first.
Yue: Of course. I always do. 
[ Reina's Confession ]
(sounds of someone being beaten up)
???: Ugh, she's showing no reaction at all! So boring..
???: We can kill you, you know! Don't you want to live?
???: Maybe she's already dead?
Reina: (her voice is noticeably deeper than usual) Enough. Let her go.
Reina: I thought this would be more fun.. What a disappointment.
Reina: (to the girl) Hey. Do you even want to live? Are you really okay with this?
Girl: ...
Girl: Don't know.
Reina: *sighs* Fine. 
Reina: (to her friends) Why are you still standing here like a bunch of losers? I thought I've told you to let her go.
Her friends: On it, boss!
???: At least we've got the money..
???: But seriously, her eyes were so empty. 
???: They looked kinda.. like yours, actually.
Reina: Wow, thanks for the compliment.
???: So, do you want to do anything else? Or are we done here?
Reina: .. I don't want to go home.
???: Because of your parents, right?
Reina: ...
???: Listen, I know we're supposed to be the bad guys and all, but like..
???: Neiro is worried about you.
???: Your parents suck, but that guy cares about you. Can you at least try coming home early for him?
???: Imagine if he finds out about what we do. He's not gonna like it.
Reina: !
(sounds of Reina punching the guy and him falling on the ground)
Reina: Don't even joke about it.
???: Okay, fine.. Seriously, sometimes I forget how strong you are.
???: But what if he does find out about it? What are you going to do?
Reina: ...
Reina: .. I'll run away.
Reina: How do you feel about living together?
???: What, like a couple? 
Reina: You're not a cute girl, so I'll pass.
???: Damn, okay.. But like. My apartment is a mess.
Reina: My room's a mess too. We're matching.
???: Haha, fine~ I'll think about it.
Reina: Yay..
???: So, are you gonna go home now?
Reina: .. Can we just..
Reina: Sit like this for ten more minutes? Maybe fifteen.
???: .. You know, from what you've told me, I doubt that your parents really hate you.
???: It's like, they came up with this perfect version of you in their heads and they don't like the real you, but they don't hate you.
???: They're worried about you too-
Reina: Respectfully, shut up.
???: You know that it's true. That's why you're trying to shut me up.
Reina: God, you're so annoying.
Reina: If I ever meet someone like you or even worse, I'm going to..
???: Become best friends with them.
Reina: What-
???: You won't kill them. You won't even hurt them. You'll protect them with your life if you have to.
???: I know you too well.
Reina: ...
Reina: *laughs* You're right. You're right.
Reina: .. Fine. I'll get going.
???: Do you want me to walk you home?
Reina: They'll have questions. No, thank you.
Reina: Don't want them to think you're my boyfriend or anything. Dad will kill you and Mom will kill me.
???: Okay.
???: Good job today. 
Reina: .. You too.
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sureihsan · 12 days
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" come on, you boy child, you winner and loser. come on, you miner for truth and delusion and shine ! "
basic information:
character name: yaratık "ihsan" kaplan
face claim: uraz kaygılaroğlu
mutation status: mutant (gen ii)
birthday: january 6th, 2138
sexuality: bisexual + grey/biromantic
moral alignment: chaotic evil/true neutral
occupation: "research subject" (lab rat)
work sector: sector 5
affiliation: the damned
3 positive traits: creative, energetic, idk i started writing adjectives last night and i didnt write a third one for this and im not gonna think about that rn i need to SLEEP
3 negative traits: violent, unreliable, misanthropic
biography (optional): link !
how do they feel about living in sol city? have they always lived there or did they travel from another settlement? ihsan has lived in sol city his entire life. he used to dream of leaving, traveling off to some other settlement (or, perhaps, just succumbing to whatever the elements had to throw at him while on a lone journey), but a few things prevented that from ever happening: 1) well... he was locked in a shed for a while, 2) then he wanted to make sure his sister was A-OK, 3) then he got to the point of just not caring enough to dream, 4) then the damned came along and he had a reason to stay. (it's really hard to format semi-timeline thoughts like these!) while he would still love to be elsewhere one day, he's perfectly pleased with how his life is currently working out.
do they trust the council's leadership? why or why not? he wasn't born yesterday! a bunch of humans running the city? doesn't sound very trustworthy to him! i was gonna say he trusted roger waters growing up, then i remembered this is the year 2175... dammit gray, all of my references have to be thrown out the window!
if they chose their sector and profession, why did they make that choice? if they didn't, why not? were they happy with their assignment or not? he did, indeed, choose to become a 'research subject.' he figured it would require some new... things that would need certifying, right? and he's down for that! he's also down to have his brain picked because he considers himself fucking fascinating! not the dream job (that would be somewhere in sector nine), but it's one that he does not mind!
what's one object that they always keep on their person? a pen and paper.
(mutant only section)
what is your character's ability (or abilities)? horror embodiment
are they gen i or gen ii? gen ii
what can your character do? what are their strengths? thanks for the idea dubs <3
what can't they do? what are their weaknesses? thanks for the idea dubs <3
is there anything else you'd like to specify about them? ihsan's true form has been described pretty well in that gdoc (see: basically an eldritch abomination, could never pass as a human in 10000000000+ years), but his skin suit!!!! -- he is pretty passable for a human in it, but his eyes have black sclera with white swirls (the hypnotic swirl, i believe it's called). in addition, every other tooth is silver (which could just look like a poor fashion choice) and his fingers are a bit scaled.
also. eldritch!ihsan and skinsuit!ihsan are just... so different. jekyll and hyde. skinsuit!ihsan is silly goofy insane energy, no thoughts just murder and revenge. eldritch!ihsan should go ahead and become a philosopher.
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kylejsugarman · 1 year
Hiiii Syd 😳💕💕 I must know-- from what u have talked abt it sounds like Jesse and Demi get married. When does this happen/who proposes/etc? Tell all!!
oh my god ro hiiiiii 😳🥺💕 and they do!! and maybe its just my personal feelings about weddings/marriage and feeling like the modern rituals around them are truly, genuinely Insane, but i dont feel like it'd be a very big deal for them. the decision sort of happens organically the same way their relationship shifts from platonic to romantic when they're not really looking. demi and baby move into jesse's place (it's small but cozy and demi is frankly happy to finally be out of her childhood home), and they share lots of stuff and are a unit but neither of them had really considered marriage as a part of their Path at this point (jesse kind of feels like. he's destined to have a Not Normal life with none of the normal milestones because of what's happened, demi deep down believes that she's fundamentally unloveable and that no one would willingly Commit themselves to her) until baby's about 10 and she has to fill out a form for her fifth grade graduation diploma and she asks which last name to put down. and jesse and demi just kind of look at each other like "oh. we can just Be Married and nothing has to really change. we can be 'driscoll-ayuluk' and that's not losing anything. it's hitching two imperfect lives together to make something Complete."
it's definitely a Mutual decision but u know jesse likes his little gestures and he still wants to propose, so he gets her an amethyst ring (its purple!! AND the february birth stone?? life is crazy). they have a date night and the whole time he's like "im just going to be normal about this. im just going to give it to her and be normal. we're not making a big deal about this, we're being normal" until suddenly dinner is over and they're walking along the pier while there's still a little light out and he's like "oh god i have to do it now, oh god im getting down on one knee like a loser, oh god this is my bad knee and i won't be able to get back up". he pulls out the ring and doesn't really know what to ask because like. they ARE going to get married, so he can't ask "will u marry me?" so he just panics and holds up the ring and says "it's purple". demi cracks up and gets down on her knees too so he can slip it on her finger, which makes them both a little bit emotional for reasons they can't articulate. and then she helps him stand back up.
they just have a courthouse wedding with baby and mason and his boss sheila, nothing fancy. demi finds a ring for jesse (silver, it just fits him more than gold) and they let baby be ring bearer (aka, she holds the rings and then she gives them the rings after they sign the documents). it's not a big production and doesn't change much about their relationship or their family, but if later that night after the "wedding" jesse and demi keep saying stupid stuff like "my wife won't let me come. u know, the ol' ball and chain" "i have three kids—NOT counting my husband" to each other and losing it, that's their sillay little decision
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cheolhub · 1 year
but imagine the aftermath, like you would not know how to fucking act after that and it throws you off your game and he wins the next race and !!!
you're so mad. you're so angry he got to your head that much. and he's so fucking smug about it. but of course, it can only go one way at this point, and at the end of the day you end up in his bed again bc what else are you even supposed to do?
AND HE'D BE SO MEAN ABT IT, all "can't believe you're here begging for my cock again. shouldn't you be out training? or are you just that much of a cockhungry slut?"
and it continues like that. it doesn't even matter who wins or who loses anymore, bc the outcome is the same anyways - you crying on his cock, you on your knees for him, you taking whatever he wants to give you. and you know that if this came out it could ruin your career, but you just can't stop.
(okay but spinning off of that earlier ask. what if you're in a crash, maybe it's one if the last races of the season, and he's THE FIRST ONE THERE bc holy shit he got so worried. like he always worries when someone crashes bc this shit is dangerous, but it's different now, and he doesn't quite want to think about what it means yet. (he's a little less mean the next time, not bc he's gotten soft or anything, he swears)) - ☁️
UR SUCH A FUCKING MENACE LIKE IM GONNA RIP MY HAIR OUT. it’s 1 am so that means this is going to be hot shit (the bad kind 😹) ok but seriously if i dont make sense or it reads bad, im so sorry, ive written like 4k words today and my brains fuzzy
wonwoo is so cruel. he’s so fucking cruel. he’s insulting you while fucking you stupid, rambling on and on about how you’re always crawling back into his bed like a shameless loser. about how you have no self-respect whatsoever. about how you should be out training even though you’re going to lose again. and again. and again.
and you’re just taking it because, fuck him, but he makes you feel so good. he bullies his cock into you and makes you cum countless times and it’s just too fucking good. you’re in this toxic… relationship? would you even call it that? you’re in this toxic situationship and you have no idea how to get out of it… or if you even want out of it.
and, cloudnon, you’re 100% right. it doesn’t matter who wins or loses.
if he wins, he’s fucking you as if he were some type of god with the cockiest smirk on his face. if you wanna cum, you have to beg and tell him how much of a loser you are. (woah humiliation kink popped out again my bad)
if you win, he’d be so fucking pissed. so so angry and he’s taking it out on you, immediately adjusting that cocky attitude of yours. makes you cum over and over till your just in tears babbling his name and incoherent pleas.
no matter what, he’s always going to have you begging for more bc you’re just his a pretty, cockhungry slut.
[oh my god i alrdy know that didnt make any fucking sense, BUT WAIT BC UR LIL SPIN OFF THING IS KINDA CUTE ☺️ ill start with a poorly written post-crash bed scene]
you’re fine. you’ve told him several times, but he keeps asking and it’s starting to get on your nerves. but, like, it’s also starting to freak you out a bit. he hasn’t said anything mean to you and the way he handles you is kind of… soft? something you’re not used to at all when you’re under him like this
he’s still a bit freaked out if he’s being honest. you could’ve been really hurt… and it’s morbid… but you could’ve fucking died and he doesnt think he’d be able to stand it if anything really bad happened to you.
he has no idea what he’s feeling right now. he doesn’t want to know. god forbid he have a crush on the his top competitor and god forbid you don’t feel the same way.
you grow impatient with his gentle touches bc you’re dying to have him manhandle you like he usually does, so you sigh out. “wonwoo, told you i’m fine. just a few cuts and bruises. stop worrying so much. you won’t break me.”
he looks at you nervously and your heart squeezes a bit… he’s kinda cute when he’s not being a complete dick. “you sure?”
“i’m sure.”
“i’ll be nicer today,” he mutters, “y’know, since you obviously don’t know how to ride.”
there he is.
you smirk, “oh? why don’t you show me how then?”
he smirks, voice low when he says, “it’d be my pleasure.”
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higuchisora · 2 years
Okay but like. Can we stop making our orphaned main characters grow up to be shitty parents now? Like I get that it's supposed to "add dimension" to them or whatever but at this point it's kinda tired imo. Plus it's giving really nasty vibes and connotations when you look at how common this trope is. Like am I the only one who noticed that 3 of some of the biggest shows/stories ever with, coincidentally, orphaned male main characters decided to make sequels where they end up being shitty/lackluster dads to their sons?
I get that no one's perfect, but why do they all have the same struggle that comes with the same awful connotations, especially when it doesn't even really make sense for their character/other flaws and struggles would've easily made more sense and might've even been more interesting? Like, I don't need another "Daddy Issues: The Movie", I already have my own, goddamn 🙄
It doesn't surprise me that Jhorts Khaki Rollup/the guys she worked with wrote that, whether or not they even noticed what they were implying with it. But when not only them, but Naruto and The Last Airbender both pull that shit too, in increasingly contrived ways, it's just not cool, imo.
There's some irony there, especially when considering the characters in question. All of them, at the core of their characters, come with massive insecurities and issues surrounding abandoment/craving love and family.
Let's start with Naruto. I know he and his son make up or something, but the fact that it was even an arc- plus the way they handled it- was so weird to me. Like, the original series literally had kids making fun of him for not having parents and saying shit like "well, no wonder he's dumb/rude/dirty, he doesn't have parents lol loser" and mocking him for it. It feels like they're almost proving those kids right, by making him have such a strained relationship with his son. Like they're saying "oh, of course he can't be a good dad- he's never had one." Which is beyond disgusting.
One of my friends argued that it made sense because he's now the village leader, so he's busy etc etc, but honestly? I call bullshit. Sure, being hokage was his dream. But it was his dream because he wanted to be accepted by his village, because they were treating him like shit his whole life. He just wanted to be loved. Regardless of how any decent parent should be prioritizing their child, Naruto himself, at his core, is driven by this. So to think he'd finally have a family of his own, people who love him, and he'd just ignore them in favor of work doesn't make any sense. It doesn't matter if they have a mom to watch them, Naruto would absolutely want to be part of every step of their lives.
On the other hand, with Harry, I'm more inclined to believe it, in a way. I've never read Harry Potter myself (just the movies as a kid), but people who have, told me he was actually pretty judgemental in the books. So I guess it would make sense he'd be taken aback by his son's sorting. However, he literally named him after a Slytherin. One he used to hate, by the way. It wouldn't make sense for him to be down to name his son after the guy that tormented him in school, then get mad when his son turns out to be a Slytherin. Like naming your kid after an artist, then being mad when he grows up to like art. It's just weird. He's literally deeply insecure about not having parents/a family, so I can't really imagine him not throwing as much love as he can towards his kids regardless of how they turn out.
The same goes for Aang, even more so. This guy was a fucking monk, one whose people got fucking genocide'd. Sure, you might argue that that's what would make him so preoccupied with revitalizing Airbenders and why he'd be so bummed his kids weren't airbenders, but even then I just can't see it. He's lost everyone, but he's also the same guy who lowkey gave up the avatar state for Katara, still does that dorky fucking spinning marble trick at his grown age. He'd fucking love his family with all he has, considering he's lost his other family. And, I'm going to be honest here. I just don't fucking believe Katara would just sit there and let him neglect his kids. I don't care what anyone has to say about his motives or how they feel about Katara; love or hate her, that girl would not fucking stand for that shit. She'd kick his ass six ways to Sunday and then drag him in for counseling, even if that counseling was just Sokka with a beard and mustache glued on. People seem to forget, she's not the Avatar's Wife, she's Katara, who happens to be married to Aang, who happens to be the Avatar. You saw how she was with her dad (and Sokka). That shit would not fly in her house.
It's like when they write the Asian character as a nerd with 1st gen immigrant parents who run a laundromat, or the only black character having an absent/incarcerated father. It's one thing if it happens IRL, it's another when you go out of your way to enforce stereotypes/harmful beliefs in your writing. Even if it wasn't intended, it's not excusable.
There's others, and more I'd like to say, but those are the ones I remember distinctly, and it just disappoints and pisses me off to see so many creators collectively go with the narrative that the orphan has to be a bad parent. I don't care if that's not what they meant, or that it was for "drama" or "complexity". This is an ongoing trend, especially for such a specific demographic/type of main character, and it's not only gross, but incredibly damaging, too. It doesn't need to be intentional to be harmful. I know people whose exact fear is becoming a shitty parent because they've had asbent/abusive/neglectful parents and/or a bad childhood. Hell, I'm one of them, though I don't plan on having kids. It feels like they're just feeding into that fear and perpetuating this harmful sentiment.
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noobagain · 2 months
"She's such a fucking bitch." Said the last people to run it down. Kids of dumb parents.
Lame. Parents of kids with participation trophies. This place is lame and full of losers, save your talent search for something better.
Top of the class with an ego that doesn't match, class? These people are playing name your price. You see that in the horizon? It's not peace, it's called war.
They don't have to come out with everything they are born with. See? Know your place. It doesn't matter how much money you have.
They need heros in their town because the ones that got ran down ended up being a child sex offender. They were desperate to find one. We don't need this where I come from. We're taught the basic necessities. You know what the math is? To have a hero, you need a bad guy and a victim. lol I can't believe they still sell heros to people here. Stupid. They have a bunch of gouls around here and nobody to get the work done in this state. Plenty of people to complain about others stealing jobs though but they don't even meet the minimum requirement for it. He stole my job. She stole my job. If you qualify. No wonder the businesses are dead too. But I saw a white man selling the idea of exporting jobs overseas too.
All that glitters is not gold.
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
We have some news and part of it is about Dave AKA Dan and he is a Deadman and his last name is Greco cuz he wants to take over the stocks and he is still a castle and he's down here harassing our son and people are going after him momentarily for what he was saying in Walmart he was cursing and telling people what he's doing anyone overboard and started to curse them and they said we don't accept that here and get out and it came back and they kicked him out over and over these guys change so fast they said there's something wrong with them and they're checking their vehicles and there's drugs in there all sorts of stuff and the cops came down after I'll tell you what they tell the vehicles away all day long pretty soon to be out of cars no but people are going after him to stop them they're insane and their massive assholes and they think they have everything cuz they have all the stuff that they flow like water and really they're quite dumb and we need them gone that's one thing
-we heard him saying some stuff about our son and it was very mean and we think that he should not be allowed near him and permanently so I wrote it up and a lot of people have it and several occasions and we're going to make sure it works
-we have a lot of stuff to do and we don't need the aggravation for him in his moronica kids and clones and he is a simple piece of poop he's a piece of crap okay he's a loser and he's mean and he just keeps doing this stuff and I want him arrested and charged for what he just did I want the newspaper and everything and I'll hit him up and we'll burn a piece of crap and we got to see if it's time they say I'm going to check
-there are people out there that need to go a lot of them and we keep having them go out there to figure it out and it's ridiculous we need to get rid of them before he goes out there it was a successful trip he doesn't have much money and he only bought necessities and he finally got socks I can't believe they fit he said and they're part cotton which is okay it's good for sports talk he's got discard a whole bunch of old ones these assholes will wear them to get killed wearing some cheap ass socks for no reason nobody protects them and I want them gone and they'll probably get worse for so dumb. Words I'm saying the word warts and yeah that word and we hate this s*** out of them and we can kill them with it they keep on forcing it on our son there's a few other things going on these fleets up there they're working on half of it is going to be ready momentarily and all excited little poppers and they're going to go after each other and they can't see other fleets for some reason and there's huge ones and they think it's only 700 billion or 800 billion the empire is at 1.1 trillion the pseudo empire is a 2.35 trillion foreigners are at 2 trillion and where above them all and these guys run around like they're everybody they want to attack the people and we're not going to let them and their s**** and they need to be put in their place there are examples I will give later after he comes back but boy what a ridiculous scene that kid is very frustrating and her son was ready to beat the s*** out of him and he's nodding and he's ducking and he's praying and stuff and he said isn't that the guy that shoots you in the movie in the head to his father and his father started to bother him and they're getting in fights now but wow that's horrible and he says this is what he does mentally everyday a few times physically once a week or so and it's true and he's trying to assault him and trying to hit him with his car he does it every morning and this guy needs to be stopped we have things in the way we need to get these idiots out of the way so putting a number of hits out and he says he wants stars out and he wants the shops moved and a whole bunch of things at this moron will go after including running Carrie Doyle around and we're going to start doing that she hates the s*** out of that piece of s*** and we'll start picking off assholes around her continuously and she's buried with them right now and why not and Hera wants the assignment and she'll get tortured and stuff but not that bad that's why I should get stuff so she wants to be there he says that's not why it's because he knows about this moron and the tunnels and she says they're already on me and I'm cleaning them out everyday so we're going to send reinforcements until it's up to snuff and he wants Stars down there to draw them out and to their facilities you go up the roof kill them all trying to take it over and go up to the roof kill them all trying to take it over and repeat and it's their place if they don't blow it up who cares we can do it in a few as a test this is great we're starting to see what he's saying we've got a bunch of this and we're going to put it out there I'm going to start
Thor Freya
We also have these celestials and kju and they're sending huge horns to the one out west at burning Man and it's the trumpsters they say if that thing gets out and they're threatening our son and others and he says that thing is going to get out and then I'm going to have it wreck your facilities and your areas for what you're saying and I have a blasted and burn it to the ground and just say no I said yeah so you can get to the stashes and Cassius I have rip it out it won't take but a millisecond in poor piece of s*** so we're going after the people and they're going down there and it's huge armies from the trumps and Dave AKA Dan has half the force and he wants to wipe it out and we agree if they're going down momentarily and they're going to be gone so trying to threaten him to grab it can't even get near it because they don't have the technology but we need to wipe them out the force is very big but it's really only like 0.0 09% and it's not really huge but they'll send bigger later thinking it wiped out down below cuz they don't have the tech and mostly they never do but we need to get armies down there and mess that guy up where he comes from
Thor Freya
We're going to do that too this is kind of stop these people are so bad and dumb his stuff is so stupid and the guys are p**** too you want to run into me you want to fight yet your chicken s*** so he's going to drive over the median so as I come on over you p**** and the guy wouldn't I understand something too you have a bunch of queers and he's taking advantage of you
Mac daddy
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dullsaredoomed · 5 months
DOLLHouse Mafia uses multiple faces : DULLHouse Mafia, gross hypocrisy of Pierrot
In this post, we will meet this Pierrot again.
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It is often said that psychopaths do not know human emotions.
And DULLHouse Mafia, these Zombies don't really understand what emoji means.
Chatting is simple, but has limitations to express feelings.
Many meanings can be misunderstood.
All symbols must be used properly.
When you use emoji, when asked why, you'd better answer that why you used that emoji.
When I asked what is that mean, they just ran away and secretly contacted Pierrot to distort the truth.
They hid their own rudeness. That's why they can't have any honor.
But... Why they ran away...?
Or… it could be Pierrot who did that to me.
You know, you can sign up Telegram with many fake numbers.
EVEN under-human-IQ Pierrot can too.
If that's true, it makes sense why Pierrot did everything in so hurry.
I gave them a chance to explain but they just ran away.
LOSERS are always running. That's what LOSERS do.
Like this way...
They don't know how to use facial expressions.
These crazy Zombies simply do that if they don't like it when someone "fact check"s them.
They hate ANY FACTS, because they are trash in their actual life.
They don't even apologize for it after acting very rudely.
It is obvious that their Parent Zombies didn't educated them, or their Parent Zombies are already in jail or somewhere.
Even if Humans are unpleasant, Zombies are fine.
And then they come back to completely different face.
One more thing.
You can definitely understand by looking at some crazy Zombie's bio. (I still have something to say about this Zombie more)
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The Zombie wrote in the Bio she(The zombie disclosed her name and face, so you can recognize the Zombie is a female) likes the certain country, but this Zombie leaked dozens of Chinese CCs in this April, and that of one creator.
But one thing is, the creator had set up a 'national copyright' on their CCs.
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The last line is 'People's Republic of China' and It means that the CCs are authorized by the nation. And the CC creator added this line on their post.
我的所有作品都已申请版权 (…) 不信的可以试试
What is that mean?
The creator said "I have the copyright of this product, … if you don't believe it, TRY IT".
The Zombies are illiterate, so they can be brave. Before I tell them something, they blocked me.
Ignorant barbarians are generally brave from ancient time.
And the TOP of it? the Zombie disclosed her social network ID carelessly. The social network was WECHAT, One of the famous Chinese social network service. This exhibitionist trait will ruin her own life. In the worst case scenario, the Zombie may be deported or denied entry. Or, will have some penalties. 'copyright infringement' is heavier than we think.
Generally, If you LIKE something, you should respect its right, preserve and protect.
But if the DULLHouse Zombies LIKE something, they will spoil it, steal it, and spray it indiscriminately. This will work in their real life too.
But it's... JUST ZOMBIES. Right?
We are certainly sure, that DULLHouse Zombies use different grammar against ordinary Humans.
Let's get back to Pierrot issue.
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This crazy Pierrot doesn't usually chat much, or simply do bot-like chat but he/she/they started to be excessively nice to other zombies these days.
And said like this today for example:
Pierrot : Let~me~DM~You~so~I~can~see~what~the~issue~is~♬
What the fuck has happened to Pierrot?… LOL
You should do same way to others as you did it to me.
Pierrot suddenly says in nice way and will send DM kindly…?
But NOBODY could imagine what they can in DMs.
Like any lower lives do, Pierrot only moves when He/She/(they) is(are) criticized or whipped.
That lower life makes them to rely on donation.
Be careful, if the virus spreads to that little head, they'll turn around. Their second, third or multiple faces will show up.
Like this way, this Pierrot could do rampages to his own friends, family and lover. Or this Pierrot may even kill them.
I think Pierrot can't have a family or lover, so he can run the stupid channel 24/7.
After the dirty atrocities, the-Mod-Zombies in that beggar group started pretending to be good Zombies altogether.
In normal days, they were just lying down and opening their mouths waiting for a CC drop.
Actually, they don't do chats, but THEY ARE NOW.
For example, some female-type Zombie named like Yeti-boop-boop-gulf(I will not remember their real nicknames) is being unnaturally kind now.
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Maybe this Zombie is not a female. Could be a shemale or something judging by their facial structure.
Now I see…
They are really feeling sorry to me.
When Zombies do what they usually don't, there must have been some enlightening in their tiny brains.
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were-wolverine · 10 months
my thoughts on the fnaf movie as i rewatch it
bro the security guard we see at the start of the fnaf movie is SUCH a fucking loser. like dude you are being SO loud ofc you're gonna get caught. idiot.
real talk- why didn't they have william's fake name be dave (like in the novels)? who tf is steve??
what tf did mike even do to get fired from so many jobs so quickly? i mean like there's definitely some ableism in there cuz mans is Clearly neurodivergent...
matthew lillard is such a good actor, like the expressions he has and how he talks esp when he sees mike's last name? so good, so realistic. mwah. the trailing off, looking up at him, squinting, leaning forward, the awkward non sequitur
josh hutcherson too honestly, they're both so good
mike is such a good brother like actually. he handles it all so well and never yells at abby
poor mike blames himself for smth that happens in like the thirty seconds he isn't looking at garrett bc he went to pick up someones frisbee. and he immediately noticed something was wrong and spotted him like right away. its not even close to being ur fault babe
bro aunt jane really acts as if its weird for abby... to be a kid. like drawing a lot and having imaginary friends is just smth kids do. ur the weird one.
the therapist and mike exchanging looks like "can u believe this bitch?" is so funny to me. also poor doug is Not There someone help this man. is he okay??? jane is like "my Lawyer will take you to court" and mike looks at doug like "this guy? rlly?"
tbh max didn't deserve that :( she was a good person but obviously needed the money yk? but she was good to abby and did geniunely help mike by babysitting her. and like she very clearly doesn't want to hurt abby and mike but doesn't seem to have a choice
i hope after aunt jane dies doug tells everyone that she literally paid ppl to get mike fired and probably a bunch of other illegal shit
vanessa: you've been acting suspicious since the moment i arrived mike: *stressed, sleep deprived, and wary of her bc shes a fuckin cop* oh sorry
vanessa: *literally sees mike lock the doors which are obviously unopened meaning the robbers got in another way and it's not even his fault anyway bc it happened during the day and he only works nights* *still blames mike*
bro if i saw that cupcake open its fucking eyes i would slam the door shut immediately, that guys death is on himself tbh
still upset they cut the line where max asks the freddy kid if he's okay and is like worried about a child being there.
mike: you wouldn't understand (UR RIGHT KING TELL THAT COP)
josh hutcherson is so so so pretty ojh mu dhod
god, mike, you can't just ask if they're dead (ref)
how tf do the kids know exactly what happened to garrett when its implied garrett was the first victim????
mike: *literally tells abby the animatronics might be dangerous just due to the fact that they are. giant metal contraptions. and wants to tell her some 'ground rules'* / vanessa: *completely ignores him talking about abbys fucking safety* / also vanessa: *gets mad abt abby getting hurt and blames mike, even though he literally tried to keep her safe and asked vanessa for help since she Knows stuff (like not to touch bonnie's guitar) and she ignored him*
lol vanessa definitely acts like an afton. i imagine michael would be pretty similar to her personality-wise
do u think mike has a moment of "is that my fucking career counselor?" when he first sees william's face lol
abby: "can we visit them sometime?" girly... the building is structurally unstable. parts of the ceiling literally fell down. ily but no.
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