#i still can't get dennis's face right tho
manwhoredennis · 1 year
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inspired by paddysroyco's edit on twitter <3
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spacedace · 2 years
Sorta sequel of this post (where Bruce is happy that Damian has totally and completely normal human friends). You don't have to read that one to get this one tho lol.
Slight Trigger Warning: minor description of injuries and blood, including injuries to ears and scalp. It's quick and not much detail on the injuries themselves, but I wanted to give a heads up.
Tim always thought his friend group was the most unhinged in the family.
Not anymore.
His friends at least had enough of a sense of self preservation to book it when Bruce caught them doing something they shouldn't and leveled them with A Look.
Tim's pretty sure Damian's friends call god a bitch to his face everyday and give him a wedgie in a Denny's parking at least twice a week. He's positive he saw them roast one of the League's S tier world ending threats to the point of tears last weekend. The footage was too badly corrupted to prove it, but he knows what he saw.
All of which to say, he's shouldn't be surprised when Bruce levels little Elle Nightingale and her cousin Billy Batson with his patented "You Are In So Much Trouble" BatDad Face (TM) and the little hellions just grin back at him, entirely unaffected. Shouldn't be but still is because holy fuck even Jason will still back off when Bruce levels him with that look. And these kids had the gaul to ask Bruce if they could go get ice cream after they were done here.
Bruce blinks first. It feels like an omen for the ends times.
Tim can't blame him though, you can’t look into the heart of insanity and chaos like that for too long without risking losing something in the process. Steph was right, they really are nightmare demons sent to feed on their fear and uncertainty.
Billy swipes a smear of blood away from his busted nose with the sleeve of his torn and dirty shirt. Elle's teeth are pink and red from blood - Tim isn't sure if it's better or worse that it's not her blood. Jon was bouncing between fussing over Damian - who Superboy had been mostly able to keep from joining the fight and thus probably saved a couple of lives - and casting worried looks at his two bloody friends as they stood lined up in front of Bruce. At least one of them had enough sense to be wary of that look.
Tim would say that Jon was the well behaved one of the bunch - and worryingly enough he might be - but he'd heard him yelling give em the chair at one of the two scrappers as he and Bruce came running over so he knows it's only the fact that a punch from even a baby Kryptonian would have killed a person that kept the littest Kent out of the fight rather than any idea that the fight itself was wrong. All four children look ruthlessly proud of each other.
The ones the hellions were fighting - a couple of guys Tim's age who had been stupid enough to try and bully Damian at all, let alone in front of his pack of feral raccoons - looked like they'd gone several rounds with Killer Croc before being thrown around by Bane and run over by a car. They deserved it- assholes - but they still looked rough.
One was bleeding from several bite wounds Elle had inflicted on him, earlobes a mess from where the little girl had torn his earrings out, both eyes blackened and swollen to the point he couldn't open them anymore. The other had a large red and bleeding bald spot from where Billy had ripped a good chunk of hair out, nose completely shattered- likely in retaliation for what had been done to Billy's - and elbow hanging at an odd angle. Tim's not sure which one of them had the chair - thankfully one of those fabric folding ones and not something more solid - broken over them, or which hellspawn had taken Jon's suggestion to heart, but either way he could see the twisted up remains of the item in question laying not too far away.
At least the EMTs were ushering the two weeping teens away into ambulances so they could get taken care of. Tim's pretty sure Elle and Billie would try and get a few more hits in otherwise and knowing them he doesn't doubt that at least one of the cops that had shown up on the scene would end up losing a finger or two in the process. Which normally Tim would be fine with - he has files on all of these guys and they deserve way worse than what a couple twelve year olds could do to them - but in this case he's already having a hard time convincing the officers that it's just a matter of some kids defending one of their friends from a couple of bullies.
Ugh. Some people just didn't understand children and it really showed. It was a public park, kids were gonna be kids. Just a normal childhood scrap. The real problem were the highschoolers who tried to start shit with a group of little kids.
Sure the hellions were feral and unhinged enough to be unbothered by Bruce trying to chide them about starting fights instead of getting an adult to help, but at the end of the day playground scuffles will happen and the kids were just defending themselves. Cops should be thankful that BL wasn't able to join them for the day or someone would have ended up shoved into a cooler or something.
Eh, whatever. He got them to drop the assault charges - which were ridiculous, Elle & Billie were normal twelve year olds getting into a fight, it wasn't like it was Damian with all his training and skills - and Bruce had given up on trying to be disapproving of them not reporting the attempted bullying to him instead of handling it themselves. Probably because at the end of the day he was a little proud of the little shits for defending Damian and standing up against some bullies. And really Tim was too. They might be vicious little hellspawns sent there to torment them all, but they were good kids at the end of the day and they cared about Damian enough to throw down with guys twice their size.
Tim pulled up a list of the nearest ice cream places on his phone, Bruce was totally going to cave on that front and even if he didn't Tim was willing to use his executive Big Brother privileges to get them ice cream anyway. He isn’t going to need to though. Jon had thrown his puppy dog eyes into the mix on that front and Tim knows from experience how much a kryptonian looking hopeful could get away with when it came to this family. Hell, Kon had probably taught his little brother that face for these exact kinds of situations because of how effective it was.
"I'm still going to have to tell Jazz about this." Bruce said as they shuffled off towards the restrooms to try and get everyone cleaned up, a parting shot to make up for his failure to cow them earlier.
"Please don't tell her! She’s gonna make us read articles about conflict resolution again!"
"B come on that's no fair! You said we did good not letting those assholes get away with their bullying shit!"
Huh, Tim thought with a grin. Maybe the little demons weren't as terrifyingly unstoppable as he thought.
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So, I'm on the final episode of season One and I cannot shake an idea of an AU off, that I myself would fucking love to read but will also probably never write or properly work on (probably. I do love Ron a lot and mourn the fact that there is very little fanfic about him, so I might snap):
What if the time-travel remote doesn't send Darryl back in time, but just completely malfunctions (because of whatever reason) and sends back Ron's memories to his own teenage self, just a couple years before Willys death? And yes, not Ron himself, only his memories, so Teen-Ron basically would experience an extremely intense vision of all of Dad-Rons memories including all feelings related to that, keep the memories as if his own and still keep his Teen-brain (this is to avoid age-gap ickiness).
This would not end up in a fix it. We are talking about the dndaddies here, so this would end up changing things, sure, but the idea is that Ron, having experienced all of these sudden memories, gets a fucking panic attack over several issues here:
1. The abuse. Ron realizes that yes, all of the things he saw will happen, he believes it and HE DOES NOT WANT TO EXPERIENCE THAT (AGAIN). He doesn't want to lose his dog, doesn't want to hide from his dad so that he won't be hurt, he doesn't want to hurt at all.
2. He doesn't want to kill his dad. He doesn't want to be killed either.
3. His friends (he has friends, right? In the future they are friends, so. They still are? They should be. He has friends). Where are they? He doesn't know where they are. Dang it. He needs and wants them. (What if they don't want to be his friends now? No, that. That can't be. They said they loved him)
4. This realization would come after some drastic changes, but. What if Terry Senior never dies this time and Samantha won't fall in love with him and he will never gain her and Terry Jr. as family? What if he changed too much? And even if Terry Sr. does die again, what if Samantha this time around simply will never meet him?
5. How does he...fix it all before the shit hits the fan in the forgotten realm. He's Ron, sure, but. How? He doesn't want his friends or kids in danger this time. He doesn't want to face Willy like that ever. He can't like, open a portal and stuff. He's magical, but he doesn't have magic. Fuck.
Aka, Ron now has to survive, keep Willy alive, find his friends and ensure that they are somehow prepared for the worst case scenario and manage to pop into Samantha's life again at the right time and bond with Terry Jr. And he's what? Ten? Fuck.
And he's Ron. So. That's gonna complicate things too, even tho he himself doesn't know it (We heard the Dennis episode, like. Cmon. They would not just believe him before they have a big time to bond with him and most definitely some proof. Well. Glenn would, maybe.)
U see where I'm going with this? Epic exploration of the dad's childhoods, Ron himself and pre-canon and just all in all a wacky rewrite where all the characters are still just as fucked up but stumble into a found family way earlier. Not a Fix-It, but a Remix.
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skoati · 1 year
My friends told me I need to start posting my fic ideas to Tumblr because I simply do not have enough time to write them all myself so here it goes(tho I may actually write out a proper fic if I get enough people telling me I should).
Warning for suggestive themes
Vampire AU Mint Milkshake(nyo america x england)
First scenario is that Amelia is a college student looking for a sugar daddy. She runs into Arthur who is decked out like someone stuck in Victorian Era England and she's like score!
She just thinks he's an eccentric old money type millionaire and is. Completely oblivious to the fact that he's a vampire. Like she can be smacked in the face with it but she refuses to notice. At some point he probably gets frustrated and TRIES to get her to notice but nada.
She gets disappointed when he gives her old Victorian antiques and valuables instead of the latest iPhone(womp womp) but at this point she's intrigued enough by him not to leave so easily
Arthur would put her on a "healthy" diet so he doesn't have to eat her fast food infested blood. He even tries to cook for her but since he is a vampire that doesn't eat human food anymore and probably hasn't cooked in 200 years, it turns out terrible. (She eats it anyway)
She keeps waking up all woozy and confused in random places like a Denny's parking lot after being at his place with no recollection of what happened right before. Amelia sees nothing wrong with this tho she just keeps coming back like heyyy ^u^
Arthur's the one tryna practically get rid of her but also gets attached. Maybe one week she doesn't show up for whatever reason so Arthur comes to her house like what's going on and she invites him in. She wakes up tucked in with a bruise on her neck or wrist or wherever and only realizes later that 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴. But Amelia being Amelia is not that alarmed by this.
I think the comedic potential is extraordinary. He's like why do you have so many bug traps hanging all over your house and she's like:
"Oh I think there's like, mosquitos in my room or something. I haven't seen them but I keep waking up with these weird bites on my neck! They're like super deep too. The mosquitos must be huge!" , unintentionally giving Arthur a complex about his teeth. He's muttering to himself like "my teeth are small but not 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 small"
Not sure how the situation gets resolved. I imagine she only actually sees that he's a vampire right before their first sexytimes cuz I headcanon vampires can't get a boner without fresh blood. And shes finally like ohhhh. But anywayyyy
Scenario 2: Amelia is the vampire.
Amelia and Arthur went to highschool together in the 2000's, but she disappeared senior year and everyone thought she got kidnapped. She was never found and it's still an unsolved case. It was a big deal because she was the cheer captain and one of the most popular girls in school but over the years it mostly got forgotten.
Fast forward to Arthur in his 30's waiting at a bus stop or smth being a grumpy adult coming home from work or whatever and he looks to his left and does a double take because he sees 𝘩𝘦𝘳. And she hasn't aged a day.
Amelia's like do I know u? And he's like I know 𝘺𝘰𝘶 and things go from there. He takes her home and is kind of freaking out internally. They never really talked much in highschool cuz he was a nerd(maybe he worked for the school newspaper) and just in separate cliques in general but he had a huge crush on her.
Anyways one thing leads to another and he lives out his highschool fantasies of fugging her and lets her live at his house and feed on him. I like this idea for the Schrodinger's age gap.
That's it for now. Lemme know what u guys think ^_^
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wikiangela · 2 years
911 6x06! God I'm so stressed 😳😂
spoilers ahead!
oh my god they're so cute 😍 - I'm loving their first date
Chimney set them up???! this is getting better and better 😂😂
I already love the whole flashback side of the episode and I'm even more scared about the now side 😢 I have the tissues ready lmao
I swear nothing bad better happen to Denny either, I'm already tearing up
I shouldn't have watched the promo for this episode, I'm already emotional 😂😂
Karen's job really is super cool - god she's so smart - that's hot 🔥 lol
aw is Hen about to change her mind about becoming a doctor? 😢 well, at least it'll be her choice and not a failed exam I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️
oh shit Karen was right there too 😳😳
oh my god I'm so happy Denny's fine, such a relief, I literally shed a few tears lmao
now save Karen pls 😭😭
being her back to US - I'm not ready to lose her either lmao
Karen has such an adorable smile, I love her - also, I can't stop smiling at the flashbacks, they're so cute
so they found Karen and she's alive... why do I remember her calling 911 in the promo tho 😂
the guy with his face bleeding - oh my god I can't even look 🤢 but also him warning them - there's gonna be another explosion isn't there 😩
I am so worried for literally everyone there, I can barely breathe lmao
oh shit Karen!! 😭😭💔
oh my god Chimney 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 you don't say shit like that 😂😂
she can't be fucking dead, no way, I'm not ready for that
oh thank fuck she's alive 😭 I can't handle this shit 😭
I am SOBBING I love Henren so much, oh my god 😭❤️ and Denny too, he's adorable
"I'm glad you were there to save her" .... yeah, I think she's gonna stay at the 118
yup, she threw away the papers 👌 (tho, pls burn or tear them up pls, there's personal info there lmao)
"and with the help of Google" lmao yeah, when I have my first kid (in a very, very distant future) imma need my mama to stay with me for like a month 😂😂
aww happy ending - and I'm crying 😭❤️
this was so good - the Wilson family is so fucking adorable, I love them, and they better be okay from now on 😂 I cried less than I expected but still a lot haha also, I distinctly remember Karen calling 911 in the promo but it didn't happen in the episode?? whatever, but I was just a bit confused haha I'm so glad she's okay, and I loved the flashbacks, I loved seeing their relationship develop, it was so interesting and they're just so cute, where can I find my Karen pls 😂😂😂
and the next episode is curses 😂😂 is it gonna be a jinx-kinda thing with Eddie being all skeptical again? 😂 I can't wait lol
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sholiofic · 3 years
(can't send you an ask from my sideblog) I would love something where Sam and Bucky both have nightmares, like, both noticing it with the other (Gen, if that's okay) and whatever angst and/or comfort that entails. Totally fine if the prompt wont be filled tho :) Like your writing, sending good vibes! - anxiouswhumpyescapism
Also on AO3: Mediocre Waffles
When Bucky wakes up to a muffled yell, he's halfway out of bed and reaching for the gun tucked between the bedframe and the thin hotel mattress before he grasps that the only person in the room is Sam, the only person making noise is Sam, and Sam is tangled in scratchy motel bedsheets and definitely not being attacked by HYDRA or enemy agents crashing through the neon glow of the windows or anything else.
Sam sits up and they look at each other for a minute by the hazy neon light, and then Sam muzzily grumbles, "Fuck," and gets up and goes off to the bathroom.
Bucky flops back down on the thin, scratchy pillow in the slightly too-hot bed. There's the sound of splashing water from the bathroom; the light flicks on and off. Sam comes back out and rattles around a little, and then the door leading out to the motel stairs opens and closes.
Bucky lies there for a moment or two, then sighs and rolls his legs off the bed. He is, as usual on the road, sleeping in a T-shirt and jeans in case he has to get up in a hurry. He follows Sam outside.
It's a two-story roadside motel with an upstairs balcony, stairs leading down to street level and a row of cars in the parking lot. Sam is leaning on the railing. The acrid smell of cigarette smoke hits Bucky's hindbrain like a direct punch to the memories, the way smell sometimes can.
"I didn't even know people smoked these days," he says, and Sam looks around with a faint smile.
"Only sometimes," he says, and holds out the pack of cigarettes. "Bad habit from my military days. Did they really smoke all the time in the '40s?"
"Only when we could afford 'em." Bucky takes one and holds it between his fingers rather than asking for a light. He doesn't know whether it's the serum or that entire hazy seventy-plus years of his life, but he doesn't actually want them, these days. But holding it is familiar. Comfortable.
"You should go back to bed," Sam says. "Long day tomorrow." He's just holding his cigarette, too, though smoke curls up from the tip. It's mostly unsmoked. Like an echo of a time gone by, the same way it is for Bucky.
"I know," Bucky says. He transfers the cigarette to his metal hand and rubs his eyes with his fingertips. "You okay?"
"Yeah," Sam says, and then, with a short laugh, "Not really. Didn't mean to wake you up."
"I know." Bucky runs his fingertips lightly over the splintery, badly painted wood of the railing. Somehow it's occasionally comforting, or at least satisfying, to find things that are broken and badly repaired in the future. He says in a careful tone, "Turnabout is fair play. I wake you up sometimes?"
"Sometimes," Sam says neutrally.
Bucky was actually sort of hoping the answer would be no, but he was afraid it wouldn't be. He makes a neutral, acknowledging sound.
"You're pretty quiet," Sam says.
"Mmmm." He hadn't realized the habit of not screaming was that ingrained. Well, it explained why the neighbors back in his thin-walled New York apartment hadn't complained.
"I didn't ask any questions because I figured it was your thing to talk about."
Sam glances back at the half-open door of their apartment and then he stubs out the cigarette, mostly unsmoked, on the railing. "You know what? It's gonna be dawn soon. What say we both put on some clothes—"
"I'm wearing pants," Bucky says with a judging look at Sam's boxers.
"—shut up, and find an all-night diner. I don't know about you, but I could really use a shitty 3 a.m. omelet right now."
"We're not exactly in a metropolis," Bucky says, casting a glance across the horizon of roofs and water towers before he follows Sam back into their room. "I don't know how many all-night diners there are at a freeway exit in Indiana."
"Every freeway exit has a Denny's or a Waffle House. It's a law."
It is in fact a Waffle House, and they take a corner booth and order breakfast food. Bucky rests his chin on his metal fist.
"You could actually be sleeping, you know," Sam says, sounding faintly guilty.
"Not really." He wouldn't fall back asleep after an adrenaline jolt like that, but he doesn't want Sam to feel bad about it. "You want to talk about it?" he asks after a moment.
"Fuck no. You?" Sam asks, in something that is less sympathy and more a kind of parrying response.
The waitress comes by with a warm-up on their coffee. After she's gone, Sam says, "You know, if you ever get the urge—you know, insomnia being what it is, to go out and get mediocre waffles at two in the morning—"
"You don't mind if I do? Thanks, Sam."
"I'll go with you," Sam says, glaring at him. "Asshole. Just give me a kick or something."
And Bucky doesn't say anything for a moment, because he's thinking of nights lying awake in motels like the one they just came from, staring at the slow cycling of the neon sign outside the window and waiting for dawn, trying not to wake up Sam.
Except Sam is way too perceptive not to be aware of at least some of that.
He's not used to people getting him. That, more than anything else, is what makes him draw a quick, shaking breath, and wish he had something to do with his hands. Luckily he still has the unlit cigarette from the balcony, and he just holds it, moves it between his fingers.
"No smoking in here," the waitress says, coming by, in a "what kind of idiot ARE you actually" sort of tone.
Sam laughs at the look on Bucky's face. "World's changed a little bit, huh?"
"You don't know the half of it," and before he knows it, they're swapping stories of late-night diners in Brooklyn and cheap breakfast cafés in Delacroix, and Sam is laughing and Bucky is feeling the tension in his shoulders unwind and thinks Sam might be feeling the same way.
Maybe he will wake Sam up next time, after all. He thinks Sam really wouldn't mind.
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the-coffee-story · 4 years
Coffee - Murder in Red Moon Motel
Chapter 9 - An unexpected Meeting
The door opened, letting a gust of August wind inside. A young woman with dark lipstick, a white fur coat and a burgundy dress walked into the diner. The Professor didn't really pay attention until she came up to his table and waved her hand into his face. "Hey!"
He couldn't believe his eyes at first and just stared in pure amazement at first, like a student at their first good grade after a bad few months.
"Grace?" His tone had gone up in surprise.
The woman nodded excitedly. Her blue eyes were sparkling like frozen leaves on Christmas morning. She looked so much happier than the last time.
The Professor clapped slowly. "Applause. You look fantastic, and I'm not one to throw around compliments."
"Thank you." She chuckled. "I practised in secret."
"It looks...it looks simply amazing, Grace."
She sat down at the table, her smile still so wide one could get worried the corners of her mouth might meet on the back of her head. "Ha. Anyway, what are we doing about the Denny Chung thing now?"
"I was thinking we could go to Red Moon Motel. Maybe check for security cameras, ask the staff-" He was interrupted by a couple suddenly appearing by the table like jumpscares in a cheap horror film.
"Good evening everyone, I heard you were talking about Denny Chung. Mind if we join you?" The woman didn't even await an answer and landed next to Grace. The man gave everyone an apologetic glance before sitting down next to her. When he brushed a curl behind his ear they could see that he was missing a thumb.
"Sure, go ahead," the Professor said long after it had been necessary to reply.
"Okay, hi everyone," the woman said. Her voice was deep and husky. The Professor bet on chainsmoking. "I'm Harley, this is Quentin."
"Hi, I'm Grace." Grace gave her a smile.
"You're cool, just wanted to point that out," Harley commented. She turned to the Professor. "And you are...?"
"Professor Jules Calvet, at your service."
She nodded. "Excellent, we might require said service."
Quentin cleared his throat. "What we wanted to ask is...how much do you know about Denny Chung's case?"
"Not much yet," Grace admitted. "We're planning to investigate tho, because it's fishy as hell."
"Good!" Quentin sighed in relief.
"Here's the thing," Harley explained. "We're private investigators, and Beverly Chung - that's his wife - hired us to prove her husband was murdered. Now, the problem is, she pays after seeing results. And we need the money to pay our bills in twelve days, otherwise we get evicted and shit goes down crap creek and that's not nice."
The Professor nodded. "Aha."
"You get where this is going, right?"
"Absolutely." He tilted his head. "Twelve days is quite a task."
"We're well aware," Quentin sighed.
"So..." Harley's eyes were narrowed. "How about we join forces on this case?"
The Professor drummed his fingers on the table.
"Grace, what do you think?", he asked.
She chewed her full lip. "Hmm..."
"I mean...we all want the same, am I right?", Harley tried to convince them. "We all want to prove Denny Chung was killed. Might as well work together doing it. And once we're finished we get our pay and you get...uh, honor, I guess?"
"I've lost my honor twenty years ago and I've no desire to get it back, you live better without it," the Professor said. "I have a purely scientific interest in this case."
"I don't think my honor is in a good place either," Grace admitted. "But in terms of your proposal, yep, I'm in."
A wide grin spread on Harley's face. "Excellent."
"Just a question beforehand."
Harley's eyebrows shot up. "Hm?"
"I'm trans. Do you two have any problem with that?"
Harley shrugged her shoulders. "Nope."
Quentin shook his head. "Me neither."
Grace's blue eyes widened. "You really don't mind?"
"Honey. Sweetie. Gorgeous." Harley blew her a kiss. "Kermit the fucking frog could waltz up to me and tell me he'll help me with this fucking murder and I'd be ready. I really wouldn't wanna become homeless over stupid bigotry."
"Oh. Okay." Grace bit her lip.
"Which of course doesn't mean I'm gonna be a bitch over here," Harley quickly assured her. "I just literally don't give a fuck what the hell your gender is. Heck, you could be a fridge for all I care."
Grace laughed. "Then it's sealed. Prof, what do you think?"
He nodded. "I'm in."
"Before you even say it, I'm not reducing Grace to being pretty here. She was one of the sharpest people I've ever known. You all pale in comparison to her." Harley laughed. "Don't take that personal, you're still functional adults. Mostly."
"Yeah, I'm definitely not," Gary Fox mumbled.
"Gary, you're good, have you seen me?"
"October, really, have you seen me?!"
"Nope, can't say I have, at least not lately."
"The joke's getting old, it should retire already," the Doctor said.
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oscar-piastri · 3 years
I'm also kind of done with F1, still watch the race, but decide to stop following their update because i can't stand their drama. I'm mute their instagram since right before saudi race week and god thats the best desicion ever. F2 & F3 give the right portion of drama so it's still enjoyable to follow and yes i'm more exciting to watch these 2 series rather than F1. Oh and btw prema was finished in today F3 qualy, idk whether it's just because first race, or they really struggling.
when there is f1 i dont bother watching anything besides the race and i leave tumblr during the race and for like the next 2 hours because i know it’s just chaos and negativity and i dont need that in my life.
Like you said, F2 & F3 gives us the right amount of drama which also, gets passed over very quickly so we dont have to be stuck on it for days.
Aaaah prema :( i think they’re struggling a bit but they are also facing some strong teams with drivers who showed what they were capable of last year. and VAR might be a newbie in f3 (and f2) but they are a very good team who always shows great results so im very happy to see them on pole (i got the notif and that’s all i know about quali for now zizjzkz). Now Arthur is good at overtaking and often got shit qualifying last year and i’ve seen him overtaking many cars to get points (his races in Le Castellet? Beautiful and very nice of him to overtake so many cars <33). Ollie is a rookie tho so maybe one round to adjust more? And Jak idk him very well auzjzizj.
But last year Prema was mostly strong in qualifying with Dennis while Arthur et Olli were more struggling but they stil managed to do good stuff so we’ll see!
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