#i still kept thinking ‘it would be nice if this was robobot… i wish i was playing robobot…’
fifty-ten · 1 year
it’s so sad when you play a game that’s earlier in a series after playing a later entry & it’s a little worse… like it’s not the game’s fault that later titles built on and improved its mechanics.
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metamelonisle · 4 years
kriby hcs i think are cool: -marx helps kirby in star allies as for entirely self-serving reasons... at first. (but as he continues to help as a dream friend he realizes that he genuinely A. enjoys having friends for once, even if he won’t show it and thus hides it behind walls of irony and incomprehensibility and B. regrets the events of MWW because he realizes just what he threw away by stealing that wish. [even kirby doesn’t really trust them, and flat out tells him that the only reason they’re tolerating marx is because the threat of being obliterated by void termina is keeping them together]) Post-Star Allies, he’s still a chaotic gremlin with seemingly no impulse control, but is working on being a better person.  ^ Some of Marx’s more assholish behavior is him deliberately overacting because he’s aware no one really likes or trusts him so he copes by being an unpleasant jerk (he’s aware it’s wrong but doesn’t really know what do do). -sailor dee is the actual subleader of the meta-knights because captain vul is too incompetent to operate, so he’s more like a puppet leader while sailor dee runs the show when meta knight isn’t around  ^ they like to listen to doncamatic and pretend they’re daley when they drive the halberd -meta knightmare ultra is canon. the meta knights were very confused -due to the above, nova is alive! although a bit worse for wear because they lost a chunk of their power to marx when he CAME BACK (they can still grant wishes, but can’t really do much else (unless someone wishes to repair them but that might not be possible) -star dream is dead, although to this day it’s still unclear if they were the tube or the clockwork star, as they seem to be different entities entirely that fuse during robobot’s finale (i may just be having a dummy moment and tube!SD is just a smaller vessel for star!SD but they’re one in the same) ^It is unknown if Star Dream and Nova knew each other in the past, if at all. -Nova can bring people back to life if their body is still intact by taking their souls from the afterlife. This also heals any fatal injuries the recently deceased had. This was also their most frequently granted wish prior to Kirby Super Star ^They lost this ability after Marx came back to life. -Susie once wished on Nova to bring back her dad. They tried, but all they were able to obtain was a wastebasket with a basketball hoop on it. In their words, “THIS HAS LIKE, NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. ->” (This still would have happened even if they were at full power. Even if his body is still around, being kept alive on tubes and machines, even if Nova had all their power at their disposal, even if Morpho Knight helped by searching Inferno and Paradiso, even if they could search Purgatorio, it wouldn’t have mattered. It doesn’t make a difference. Haltmann’s gone.) -Nova sometimes thinks about what they would do or like to do if they were not a clockwork star, and thus kind of trapped in their job as a Shenron expy. Sometimes it’s a nice idea to ponder to pass the time. Other times... not so much. -True Arena (Ultra) is sorta canon in that marx survived milky way wishes by absorbing parts of Nova. however, instead of giving him Soul outright, it’s locked behind a NDE, like Giant Bowser or Undyne the Undying. spending too much time in the soul form will render him unconscious and powerless for an extended period of time and damage his insides. It’s powerful, but not a good thing to fall back on. Marx would rather avoid using it when necessary. -Nova has decided to hang around Popstar post Robobot, meaning it’s relatively easy to talk to them. However, you still need to activate all the dream fountains at once to get a wish. (And no wishing for more wishes! there are other rules, but they’re just there because Nova is no longer physically capable of granting certain wishes anymore) ^Because Nova is easier to access for non-wish-related purposes now, people  often visit and send them stuff from Popstar or tell them stuff about their culture and entertainment since Nova can’t visit due to being a clockwork star -Nova doesn’t sing, but they like to hum to pass the time. It sounds a little like a mix between a cat’s purr and an angel’s voice with a metallic sound to it. It’s relaxing to hear.
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