#i still like dhmis im just not into it anymore
ticken-chan · 11 months
Is there a specific reason you deleted most of your old dhmis art? You don’t have to answer if it’s a personal reason, lol (also this is just assuming you deleted it bc I can’t see any posts past like 7 years ago, I’m new to Tumblr so it might just be me)
Most of my old art that involved DHMIS made me CRINGE haha
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anothermonikan · 4 months
They need to make a physical media release of DHMIS,,,because I love DHMIS really but it's a pain to have to set up my computer to the HDMI and the E4 app to watch it because I like watching stuff on my TV but like..aughh. I have a PS3 I can play DVD's and Blu-Ray's it's so much easier!
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dhmis-autism · 2 years
keep seein ppl give duck joke heights that are literally my height bro help
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ultimateloserboy · 5 months
thinking about duck dhmis having health issues and not even knowing it. first of all, he has diabetes, which you could say is just a joke, but i dont really think so. id say it would be if yellow guy didnt bring it up again a minute later in electricity where it was confirmed. sure hes talking to a different character, but his immediate assumption when someone is acting strange is to assume their blood sugar is low. i might be stretching- but to me it implies hes been in this situation before. charged yellow guy doesnt become smarter out of nowhere, he simply understands his already existing memories better, meaning he wouldve already known what low blood sugar was and how to deal with it before his batteries getting replaced. this implies to me that yellow guy has helped duck with his low blood sugar before, though i dont think him or duck actually understands whats going on. im not a diabetes expert or anything, but i know that low blood sugar is not nice, and you feel much better after grabbing a snack. which is funny, because in the past the creators have really driven it home that duck enjoys sweets and just food in general. in the “Its Nice That” QNA back in like 2016, half of ducks answers were about snacks and foods he liked. he said he finds yogurt exciting, and that his blood type is cream, etc. again, maybe im stretching, but it makes sense for him to enjoy these foods so much, because they’d probably make him feel better even if he doesn’t understand why. he probs thinks he just really fucking likes yogurt but in reality his blood sugar is literal ass.
moving on though, in the death episode he mentions forgetting to drink water, which is the cause of his literal death. dehydration is not a nice feeling, and its canon that the puppets experience pain like we do to an extent, so how long was duck feeling miserable without noticing? when the coffin cuts his finger he doesnt react at all, saying it “doesnt hurt that much” but pain is pain even if its small. he didnt even flinch to his finger being cut off. i dont think its the pain thats small, i think his pain tolerance is just too high for his own good. he probably didnt notice the pain of dehydration, or the pains of low blood pressure, or the pain of his insides being removed. he felt it, but he just didnt register how bad it really was. when he sees yellow guy being tore up in jobs he starts freaking out, obviously understanding that it must hurt, but if he was in the same situation he would be laughing. it makes me kind of sad in a way
there’s three ways i think this can be interpreted:
1: hes so desensitized to his own pain after eternity of being ripped apart that he doesnt even register when hes in pain anymore
2: hes so determined to be big and strong (like the military) that he refuses to acknowledge his pain because its a weakness he needs to get over
or 3: a mixture of both that is so bad it causes him to literally die of his own self-neglect. and even when his body tries to shut down and rest(die), he still refuses even that.
(plus, to add on to my runt-duck post, runts often have life-long health issues if they do live past infancy. i will die on the runt-duck hill. he is just like me.)
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hm ok so for a while i was thinking that Wally, for the most part, only perceives reality as "Home", the neighborhood. that's his entire world, it's all he knows
but then i slapped myself and went wait. the Live Interview. Wally has been outside of Home, and has interacted with humans (presuming that the interview did actually happen, of course). and through Wally's interactions - or rather, attempt at interactions with Us, the QA, and the WHRP, it can be strongly assumed that he knows that there's an Elsewhere. there are places outside of Home. maybe he doesn't quite understand that there's another reality of sorts, but there's no way he's unaware that there's more than just the neighborhood out there
(and then of course there's the fact that Clown has said that humans are deeply involved (not a direct quote, im paraphrasing) in Welcome Home. maybe Wally interacted with them / regularly interacted with them. there could have been an adjustment period after he gained consciousness where humans helped him learn how to walk/talk/fine motor skills - this could be why he has such a seemingly inherent / desperate trust in Us & the WHRP & the QA... humans made him and cared for him. it's possible he could view them as a sort of higher power to trust & have faith in
& maybe he's been off-set or could go off-set. i mean, the houses' rooms were all different sets - the buildings themselves were empty husks, right? who's to say Wally wouldn't physically walk to the individual set pieces whenever he went over to someone's house (but then that leads me into speculation on how the puppets' consciousness works and how multiple copies of them could co-exist and wondering which is the - im getting off track. but there's all of that and then the two part "you're okay!" art pieces of Wally & Eddie, which are technically canon - dont quote me on that - and that's Another ramble/theory post i could go on about & have strong feelings on. Anyway!)
"but wait," i hear someone protest, "what about Barnaby? he was in the Live Interview too"
but was he? was he really? was that Barnaby, or was that a person in a suit playing the character Barnaby B. Beagle? i mean, if it was Barnaby, there had to be some memory fuckery going on that prevented him from either fully comprehending/realizing the situation, or just made him forget as soon as it was over.
and actually wait, Wally has to be aware of the reality discrepancy. because it was certainly him in the Interview as himself. He had to have understood on some level that either that wasn't really Barnaby, or that Barnaby wouldn't remember the interview.
(there's a connection in my head between all of this & how he would view an apple pie. "it isn't the same anymore. something's different". but i can't pin it down for the life of me.)
and with the Talking Telephone calls, Wally explicitly tells Us that he's not going to tell anyone who was behind the calls. i remember listening to the "original" prank call audio tests, which while were very similar to the canon in-website ones, have a few changes. one of which was Wally - in the tests - saying that the others weren't ready to meet Us yet. now in canon that tidbit has been swapped out for "You have to go too. You have work to do" but i think it's still implied through Wally's purposeful withholding-of-information that he doesn't think the others are ready to know. or he straight up doesn't want them to know
i mean, one little theory i previously had is that Wally wants them all to catch on to the nature of their reality and situation, but he doesn't want to - or Can't - tell them outright. they have to figure it out. and that can't was either something keeping him quiet, or because if they learned too soon / inorganically, their little puppet heads would pop into confetti like Red Guy's in dhmis 4
However my views have Changed and i'm pretty sure Wally is purposefully not telling anyone to maintain the illusion that everything is fine and can continue on as it always has. maybe it comes from a place of protectiveness, of love? whatever the motive i think he wants them all to keep being unaware and dare i say, Complacent while he "fixes" their situation.
which is delusional, but we all know Wally is digging his metaphorical claws into a desperate bid to keep everything the same / return it to its original state, leaving bloody scratches in something already rotted. or something like that!
all this to say i think it's interesting how it seems that he's the only one aware of humans / an outside/other world, yet he's so determined to stay in his lane. he wants connection & communication yet he doesn't want to leave or change. he wants help in keeping things the same (some could say in keeping Our reality & his separated) but in the process he's dooming everyone/everything and tearing down those walls himself
(Wally: i'm going to stay where i am, and you're gonna stay where you are, and we're gonna help each other keep me and my friends where we're meant to be. anyway i wonder what this sledgehammer does)
#this is a very disjointed ramble but when are they ever put together!#i have to start at point a to get to point 36 yk yk#trying to write down my thoughts is like trying to keep a firm grip on a lubed up ferret#SOAPED!!! SOAPED UP!!! I MEANT SOAP yk that doesnt make it any better. anyway moving on dont look at me#its. its. the more i think about wally the more i go insane#like he's got neurosis stacked on neurosis stacked on-#there is something soooo wrong with him <3#homebogging#welcome home speculation#wh speculation#i do think his heart is in the right place. i do think he's trying to achieve something he thinks is good & best for everyone#but... despite being aware of more than his friends... technically knowing more Truth than them#he's more trapped by that knowledge. he's ruled by it. and he doesn't really have the -#i dont want to say capacity bc i have to believe that he Can change. he just doesnt know how / currently doesnt want to / is too scared to#but he doesn't have the freedom the others have. bc in their ignorance they can ignore their confines#in a way they're more real than wally despite living in a fabricated world as fabricated people with fabricated lives#they're authentic in their ignorance#and ive said it before and ill say it again - wally was created as a blank slate while everyone else already had a Foundation#no matter how false their memories are they Have them. they have the tools to change and want change#they already perceive themselves as more than what they were made for. they think they're People (not humans - people) dont they?#so if they learn theyre trapped... they'll want out. meanwhile wally is already stuck bc while they have - in a way - More#the neighborhood & the show are all wally has. he knows there's outside but he doesnt have any reason to Want that outside#bc why would he want to leave home? why would he want anything to change? it's his sole purpose isnt it?#idk i just think wally would benefit from being told 'you dont need a purpose / you dont need to adhere to a purpose / you are enough as Yo#doing what You want. you can just Be'#but yk. what was i talking about again#oh yeah - wally is so so aware and yet so in the dark#he's got one half of the puzzle but they're all corner/edge pieces and he's trying to fill the inside space with Nothing#hm. i wonder if he'll end up needing the other neighbors to help finish the puzzle... who's to say who's to say!!#FUCK YOU TUMBLR I HAD MORE TO SAY. CUT OFF AGAIN AGH
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jonesy-squish · 6 months
I've finally decided to do an intro post so here we go. (:
My name is Luigi(or that's at least what I'm going by right now),you can call me Luigi,Lui,Gi,Willard,Will,Willi,Bill,Jone,Jones,Jonesy,Kirby,or you could come up with a nickname i dont mind that either ,I use He/They/It pronouns.<3
Some facts about me are:
•My favorite colors are:Black,Pastel pink,Pastel blue,and Pastel yellow
•I'm a cosplayer,I've been cosplaying since 2017 or 2018.Im currently working on making a Vox cosplay.
•My favorite music artist at the moment is Will Wood.<3
•I play a decent amount of video games.The most played game I've played is stardew valley.
•I love stuff animals.
•I always break the clips off of pens and mechanical pencils.
•I love bad movies(e.g. The velocipastor,inhumanwich,bloodsucking bastards,etc)
•My favorite animal is probably a biturong or a zebra shark
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I used to have an older account but I lost access to it when I got my new phone lol.(It was basically just a dhmis blog, @geraldsverygerrythoughts if anyone is curious,(@im-gerry was one of my old accs sideblogs))
Currently,I'm really into Spooky month and Stardew valley(mainly spooky month rn lol),but I'm always willing to talk about the following: Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel(I wish to make it ABUNTDANTLY CLEAR,that I DO NOT SUPPORT VIVZIEPOP,i do enjoy her shows ik there flaws and i desperately hope for change,the reason i still remain to watch hb and hh is because of the nostaligic memories of me and my cousins watching them when i still lived with them.I dont like VivziePop as a person,i dont support her,i and her shows are insanly flawed in many many regards.I just want to make this clear),Undertale/Deltarune,Cuphead,Dhmis,The Stanley parable,Total Drama,TADC,Unicorn Wars,Ddlc,Animal Crossing,BATIM,Death and Taxes,mha(I'm not entirely caught up lol,nor do i especially like it anymore),eddsworld,the stanely parable,Jojo's bizarre adventure,Hellsing,BNA,She-ra,Centuarworld,Villianous.(There are probably more I can't think of lmao.if you arent sure if im i to something just me.)
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Do not interact if:You are a homophobe,transphobe,aphobe rasict,pedophile,anti-furry,zoophile,ableist,zionist,an asshole,etc,etc,etc.Someone who ships problematic ships,eg:child× adult ships,incest ships,etc,etc.if you like Nazi characters
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This blog is basically just for art and random shit I think of.Eventually,instead of just posting Fandom related stuff I wanna start posting stuff about my ocs and whatnot which I will do at somepoint.<3
Other blogs: @irritated-incendiary (an Ignacio from spooky month ask/rp blog), @uneasy-itto (a spooky month oc ask blog), @dexter-the-exterminator (a dexter from spooky month ask/rp blog) , @the-prophet-of-the-universe (a spooky month oc ask/rp blog), @jamface-daily
Friends' blogs(go follow them): @blood-guts-goreeee , @father-gregors-guidance ,@alicethescenequeen @xachanimations
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evilmagician430 · 10 months
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boyfriends but awesome (and instead of a webtoon its an independent webcomic)
design notes and 3ds flipnote concept art below the cut
general notes abt their designs and what the comic would be like in my head:
>they dont have names in this version cause i think that was one of the good things they did originally. i imagine they refer to eachother as "that one" "the other guy" etc like the dhmis guys when talking about eachother.
>they are not in a defined romantic relationship with eachother because i think thats more interesting, the polyamory aspect would be kept (im not polyamorous btw so im not gonna try to write an established polycule) but its more vague in that they all kind of have a thing for eachother but also hate eachother and want to rip eachothers guts out. and theyre all roommates and bffs. if you asked them what they were the answer you would get would be "friends who are boys". they are the height of male friendship, hate, love, etc.
>instead of focusing on sexualizing them in strange ways and doing boring moe shit it would lean into the comedy aspect BUT NO MEMES OR LATE 2010S SLANG !! this was something i could not fucking stand when reading the original (if you couldnt tell by now i did used to read boyfriends. it was a regrettable time and in redesigning and overhauling them i hope to make something good out of this wasted period of my life) like even when it was current boyfriends always made memes feel.. out of place. like as soon as they said it it wasnt cool anymore. it was the unfunniest shit ever
>i wanted the characters to look less WHITE and also more distinct from eachother and also less young cause in the original its like the same twink 3 times in different haircolors and their Chad. said chad is the best character only by way of not being annoying. so yeah i'll be more specific later but none of them are white and i gave them all different eye and nose shapes and distinct physical traits and bodies etc.
>mostly i just did this cause the "nerd" and "goth" ones piss me off so bad like thats not real. thats not a nerd thats just a nondescript waify femboy with glasses. thats not a goth, thats a tiktok eboy. and i felt bad for jock being trapped in this comic. and the prep one i feel nothing towards hes the most accurate to gay preps irl because they really are that annoying. but i tried to make him a little interesting atleast. anyways
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nerd - black, brony, always aggressively corrects the others when they state an incorrect fact, really into playstation eyetoy and obscure playstation games. insanely autistic. usually pissed off if hes not indulging himself in something he likes (yaoi, games, ponies, figures, etc). i just wanted to overhaul him completely to make him almost nothing like refrainbow's nerd because nerd type characters are always the ones i tend to see myself in and are my favorites but reading the webtoon that guy just pissed me off fr.
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jock - 2nd gen chinese american, one of the things i liked in the original actually was when they sexualized the jock (probably cause hes the only one who doesnt look 14 in that comic) and his big tits. hes a very genuinely kind guy, not the brightest, has a voracious appetite, he also still bakes cause thats cute i think.
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prep - he looks different here because i was originally going to make him white but i decided to make him a light/medium skintone black guy (he just wears a blonde wig and contacts). when companies make their pride month merchandise and advertisements this is the exact person they imagine in their head who is going to buy these products. hes a million percent one of those swifties who thinks taylor swift is secretly a lesbian. trust fund kid btw obviously. his only redeeming quality is that hes good at makeup. jokes in the comic are usually made at his expense.
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goth - 1st gen latino american, specifically peruvian because i am a self serving motherfucker. hes a really big numetal fan and listens to like 2000s evil wolf amv music in addition to legitimate gothic. his face changed a little too between this and the final design. his outfit completely changed but its only because i realized everyone else was dressed for relatively warm weather so it wouldnt make sense for him to be wearing multiple layers of black. if i do cold weather outfits for them id def reuse this look for him. hes still trans but i think all of them are in my version. also they dont use labels for their sexual/rom orientation. except prep hes homosexual gay.
congratulations for reaching the end of this incomprehensible bullshit 👍 hope someone enjoys this but idrc if its just for me either
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retrodummy · 6 months
Hey guys!!! Just wanted to come out here and say that I’m probably not going to be posting dhmis related stuff for a while. I haven’t really said anything but for the past couple months my hyper fixation on it has kinda gone away. It’s still one of my big interests but it’s not so intense like it was before, and with me now more into Pretty Blood and all of that I don’t make much art of it anymore, I’ll still reblog things about it, but just not make any personal stuff. Thanks for following me for that type of content of course, but it might not be back for a while, hope y’all can understand
(Btw im still Lamp’s number one fan,,,,,that is something that will never change!!!)
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creative-time · 1 year
A proper fair well
Well… here we are, I’m actually leaving
I just want to be clear, I love dhmis. The original series, and the pilot, will always have a special place in my heart. I’m still a fan, just not so much of a fan that I would spend like 75% of my life dedicated to a tumblr blog about it anymore.
Maybe it’s just burnout, or the fact that I was so disappointed in the tv series that it finally broke me, or the fact that I started this blog when I was 14 at the beginning of 2016.
I started running this blog when I was 14, and I’m 21 now. For nearly 7 years now. We had some good laughs, I met some people that would change my life, for better or worse. And I could have never imagined that I would gather so many people together like this.
And I really hate to sound ungrateful, but, it still kinda makes me a little sad when people say I’m the dhmis news guy, because this blog was always supposed to be more than that. It was supposed to be ALL of the dhmis fandom. All the art, all the memes, all the conversations. This blog was about you guys! The people who made this fandom even possible! The people who built it from nothing, for everyone now to enjoy. I loved sharing news, but I loved sharing your, and my, creations even more…
I guess being considered the “dhmis news guy” just kinda made me think that I was easily replaceable in the fandom, like… if one day I stopped, someone else would just fill the hole that I was in super easily and no one would really notice I was gone.
I think a lot of people forget that… I’m a person… Creative-Time IS a person… I was a person this whole time… making sure this blog didn’t turn to dust and constantly being ridiculed, mocked, or straight up harassed and sent death threats to the point were I would sometimes cry myself to sleep. But I realized that all that just wasn’t worth the energy, this wasn’t worth the energy.
There’s probably so much more I could say here… I just wouldn’t know where to start. And maybe I’m saying all this super wrong and someone is gonna look through it with a fine-tooth comb and tell everyone that I hate them and tell everyone I’m a horrible person, which perhaps I deserve.
I would like to thank all the people that have actually tried to get to know me, I’m sure you know who you are. You all made running this blog a little bit more happier for me, and I hope you all are happy too, even if we never cross paths again.
I think the only thing that could ever get me back into the fandom and this blog is if there is more dhmis that is actually good, or the pilot get released in HD in some shape or form. Other than that, I think I’m done here…
I won’t be deleting this blog, but I would request no new followers or dms unless it’s the pilot in full hd.
If anyone really wants to ask any follow up questions, please send them to the ask box on my main @cosmicxd but I would like to remind you all, I’m an adult, my friends and mutuals are adults, so if your under the age of 18 I would suggest not following my main because me and my friends are… UNHINGED and we have a whopping ZERO filters. I really don’t want to block any of you but if I know you are a minor and you follow my main anyway, I will not hesitate to block you, so just don’t. thanks I’m advance.
Now, a few things that I should wrap up in a bow.
Here’s what might be the final piece of artwork I do for TeVi and Purple Girl, I will try to make a series to put them in in the future but I want to work on another original series right now so it might not be for a while. So there are not really consider dhmis ocs anymore I guess. Just puppet ocs now
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Also, a final update for Mini Mean Steve: Finally found some model magic and Mod Podge glad to say he is finally complete! He will be my most treasured possessions
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Thank you for reading all the way through this, and for one final thing
Here a sketch of me kissing icehell Tony and Paige. (Because if im going out, I’m going out with a hell-freezing, earth-shattering BANG!!!)
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Thank you all once again, and I’ll see you on the flip side!
-Creative Time
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reiningsoral · 4 months
You can talk about Stuff for hours if you'd like, I don't mind
you know sometimes i forget this is the nerd website.
anyway you've given me an excellent excuse to talk about Stuff! disclaimer tho it's past midnight and im very very fucked in the brain rn bc finals r coming up... i kinda just used this as an excuse to word vomit a bunch of unrelated feelings and infodumps into on mildly incoherent post so yeah sorry bout that
mlp theory!!
so in the first episode of the first season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Nightmare Moon is prophesized to be released/freed from her prison (the moon) by the stars. now that at first gets you thinking, "okay, but why would the stars want nightmare moon to be freed? she's evil." and you're right... kind of?
twilight's cutie mark is a sparkle, or rather, a star. see where im going? well now you're thinking "but twilight actively works against nightmare moon!" and you're right! but, i dont think the prophecy was actually about freeing nightmare moon, but about freeing Luna.
luna herself didnt ever want to cause the kind of harm that happened when she was nightmare moon, and she was essentially imprisoned in her own mind via corruption in a weird sort of venom-and-eddie-but-not-really kind of thing
twilight sparkle, the stars, frees Luna from her prison (nightmare moon) which was a state originally brought on by corruption, i think(?)
dont hug me im scared makes me very nostalgic for a multitude of reasons, but also extremely uncomfortable in a comforting way?
uh if you havent guessed im autistic (undiagnosed but whtv) and this section of my half-past-midnight, feelings-induced, whatever-ness of a post/ask answer is about how dhmis made me feel and why i guess
dhmis makes me think of jack stauber's videos. i think the connection is pretty obvious, i mean, you cant take a look at bumblebees are out and then take a look at dhmis and tell me they arent at all similar.
umm, dhmis's approach to horror is very interesting and unique to itself, its (or was, when it was first introduced) a very new style of horror. it's a psychological nightmare, but even without the even surface-level analysies of the psychological horror, it's still absolutely horrifying. it's uncomfortable, it's gross, and it's generally very unpleasant.
so like,,, why do we watch it?
or i guess, why do i watch it.
all three guys (yellow, red, duck) are trapped in this repeating nightmare of a day, with incompetent people masquerading as teachers who dont know what they're talking about. this, again, very deeply resonates with me, as the kid who had a lot of special interests which coincidentally corresponded to a lot of things we learned in school. i liked a lot of things science related, expecially since my parents are both scientists. i often like, knew more about the topics that were being taught (read: shoved down my throat, incorrectly i might add) to me. i, being the justice seeker i was, would raise my hand to correct the teacher because i needed to make sure that this clearly innocent mistake was corrected so that no one carried misinformation. which is rude, apparently, there's a reason i dont like talking about stuff anymore, thanks middleschool. that bit about yellow guy turning smart for a bit really hit, sorry.
the whole part of the first ever episode about the arranging-leaves-and-sticks-into-one's-favorite-color makes me think about that time in fifth grade. the scene is so hilariously jarring in one way, then it hits you again. "go and collect some leaves and sticks, and arrange them into your favorite colors" is a line that, at first, just makes completely no sense at all, because, how the fuck does one arrange a pretty much monochromatic pallette and arrange it to be in your favorite colors? youre given only a half a second to be confused before the three comply in a different way than the viewer didnt think was the option. they arrange the sticks to spell out thier favorite colors. and then, yeah! that makes sense, so youre satisfied. but the episode punches you in the goddamn face again, by telling yellow he's wrong because "green is not a creative color" which is both very jarring and triggering, and just, infinitely hilarious to me. so how does any of that remind me of fifth grade? it's more autistic childhood stuff, lmao:
when i was in fifth grade, i had teacher who didnt communicate her kind of already nonsensical rules in a way little autistic me could understand, and i didnt ask questions because id been trained to know that asking questions is "giving sass" or fucking, whatever the hell nt adults think it is idk. anyway, this one weekish, at some point, my more rowdy classmates had gotten out of hand using their water bottles and kept spilling water everywhere, so my teacher said that we had to keep our water bottles at her desk at all times. and i was immediately distressed for two reasons: one, it was interrupting a status-quo that had been established (i.e., keeping out water bottles by us, at our feet, every day), and two, i couldnt drink water if Ms. teacher had my bottle. and the way she said it made it extremely easy for an autistic who takes almost everything too literally to misinterpert what she was saying. everyone else got the memo apparently, but i didnt.
id go on more about this but im too tired for an emotional deep dive rn and i wasnt to make an actual post about just dhmis at some point. anyway the point ofthat section was basically i really relate to yellow guy.
the truman show!!
the truman show is a work of absolute fucking genius. i was actually introduced to it via ranboo's generation loss, which is an analogue horror series with a youtube channel with around six(?) vids and a three-part streamed-vod series which was inspired by the truman series i think.
anywaay the inherent horror but comfort in your whole entire life being carefully crafted to be entertainment for thousands upon thousands of people! untapped venting market tbh.
the way that, at the start of the movie, the show is already unraveling, his dad shows up in almost the first scene.
i think the way that the actors subtly break character throughout the show and then try to cover it up in a way that makes sense to their character so that truman doesnt realize they're not real.
but then how the subtlety of the character breaks slowly becomes less and less subtle, and it just... unravels.
um, anyway yeah theres a couple of,,, things that ive been kinda thinking about, mostly incomprehensible because yet again it's past midnight, but i needed to word vomit idk
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sevbutfandoms · 2 years
queer people
I will still be inactive here and in instagram. The DHMIS fandom was messing really much with my mental health and I still think Im not welcome here on the community ((ahem.. Im still treated really bad just for selfshiping with Colin and I feel like everybodys doing it on purpose since other DHMIS selfshippers dont get that same treatment) for a moment I didn't liked the series anymore and now Im on a little break of the series
((I mean... how I COULD have a break of my boyfriend??! I love him really much !!)
I made some doodles I really like of us so thats what I'll be posting today :] ((fuck if you hate seeing weird alien magenta kandi raver oc be shipped with your "precious computer boi uwu" please get out of my page and out of my life. I had enough dealing with people like that and It seriously harms me too.))
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transurgender · 2 years
i just finished the new DHMIS series (season?) and it's SO SO GOOD but im also. losing my mind over the fact they STILL dont have names.
(spoilers ahead)
like what do you mean theres a tv show of a clump that shares a lawyer, where every episode is a series of events of them being traumatized beyond belief packaged as a haha funny show but as it unravels bit by bit you can tell theres something deeper going on. and then one of the characters gets a new set of batteries (he runs on BATTERIES? but ALSO BLEEDS? we just glance over that though ig) that makes is so it doesn't hurt for him to fuckin think anymore, ends up finding a woman in their attic named leslie whose actually the puppet master of them all and they arent even real? and she has a fucking collection of spares of them all and THEN its implied that the guy who found her is a replacement for a son she lost?? and she gives him a book of answers but as soon as he gets back to the other two his new batteries are ripped away from him again so he forgets what the book was for and its left on a cliffhanger of them fucking shredding the book while laughing. they were so unknowingly close to the truth but now they'll never know, almost like leslie planned it all out to turn out this way, so that entire thing was just another mind fuck and theyre pretty much back at square one without even trying or knowing, and it may just be impossible for them EVER to get past square one again, like an endless loop that'll never stop and never stop and never stop and never sto
BUT ALSO their names (if you can call them names) are fucking. yellow guy, red guy and DUCK and they only ever refer to each other as "that one". What the Fuck.
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cubecast80 · 2 years
this is not a question about dhmis or doom patrol just wanted to say. your hlvrai hockey au from a while back. very cool and fun hockey is like one of the only sports i have ever enjoyed the aesthetics of 👍 i don't really care about hlvrai anymore but when i was looking through your blog to see what interests you have to ask about i saw some hlvrai (im pretty sure that's why i followed you in the first place actually, i think it was because you were making hlvrai fanart) and im like. man i wanna watch hlvrai again tbh it's such a fun series and i miss the silly science men!!!!
normally i would also say something about dhmis but i haven't watched the tv series yet sadly I've only watched the series on YouTube and one episode of the tv show
IMSO GLAD U LIKE HOCKEY AU it was really fun for me to design everything :] my passion for hlvrai has faded but it still holds a place in my heart… that’s how i got basically all my followers and current friends.. very awesome. i’ve already forgotten everything about it so a rewatch would be cool. also WATCH THE DHMIS SHOW cmon cmon finish it it’s good i promise
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readymades2002 · 2 years
tumblr sexyman is not an archetype or a type of character at all it is a phenomenon. you can’t just call any character a tumblr sexyman you can’t just fill out a checklist and WOW its a new one how fun! its not something that you make its something that happens
#originally the archetype of a tumblr sexyman was about a very specific kind of fan reaction+portrayal#of specific men i feel like. the term didn't exist but the knowledge sure did#(onceler wheatley cecil bill cipher arguably the clock from dhmis etc etc)#and it shifted over time to encompass a more general fan reaction to like. sans and komaeda (who was for all intents and purposes#a teenager and i dont like including him but he did have an impact on this kind of thing. the same could be said#about eridan who falls more solidly into the glasses+sweatervest kind of definition but i try to exclude him as well#because 1) he is thirteen and 2) he sucks)#sans had a really big impact on this image of tumblr sexyman and he's both a huge outlier and the codifier of what it means now#and its muddied the waters a lot. he still seems more like the exception rather than the rule to me#but well people did respond to him so not much i can do about that.#its really more of a description of a fan reaction than a character not that you would know from how its used now#idk its NOT that serious i do NOT want to sound like i consider myself a scholar on this#its more that just seeing how its used now in comparison to what the original image was irritates me#its like 'kin' or 'himbo' where i just do not think those words mean anything anymore and considering their original meaning#the shift has been irritating not in just an 'annoying poster' way (though it is also that) but in a#'you do not care what terms mean and it is making it much harder to communicate certain things' way. you know?#sorry i am reading an extremely irritating twitch chat so im just talking to myself about it because i dont have a life that means anything
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me every time one of my old dhmis posts gets notes
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Thoughts on the DHMIS fandom???
Not really for me anymore. Too many bad memories but good friends, but also met a lot of shitty people. Every time I try to go back and work on CC or any other project I have, it just makes me panic immensely and it lowkey hurts my heart that I can’t allow myself to continue projects I really liked or had big plans for. I know I was sort of a big creator in there but… I don’t know. Every time someone interacts with one of my old DHMIS posts, I private it. I dunno if I’ll come back but I DID make a CC teaser with some redesigns and forgot to post it so I’ll just leave you all with that and walk away.
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Consider it a goodbye if I do never come back.
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