#mini mean steve saga
creative-time · 1 year
A proper fair well
Well… here we are, I’m actually leaving
I just want to be clear, I love dhmis. The original series, and the pilot, will always have a special place in my heart. I’m still a fan, just not so much of a fan that I would spend like 75% of my life dedicated to a tumblr blog about it anymore.
Maybe it’s just burnout, or the fact that I was so disappointed in the tv series that it finally broke me, or the fact that I started this blog when I was 14 at the beginning of 2016.
I started running this blog when I was 14, and I’m 21 now. For nearly 7 years now. We had some good laughs, I met some people that would change my life, for better or worse. And I could have never imagined that I would gather so many people together like this.
And I really hate to sound ungrateful, but, it still kinda makes me a little sad when people say I’m the dhmis news guy, because this blog was always supposed to be more than that. It was supposed to be ALL of the dhmis fandom. All the art, all the memes, all the conversations. This blog was about you guys! The people who made this fandom even possible! The people who built it from nothing, for everyone now to enjoy. I loved sharing news, but I loved sharing your, and my, creations even more…
I guess being considered the “dhmis news guy” just kinda made me think that I was easily replaceable in the fandom, like… if one day I stopped, someone else would just fill the hole that I was in super easily and no one would really notice I was gone.
I think a lot of people forget that… I’m a person… Creative-Time IS a person… I was a person this whole time… making sure this blog didn’t turn to dust and constantly being ridiculed, mocked, or straight up harassed and sent death threats to the point were I would sometimes cry myself to sleep. But I realized that all that just wasn’t worth the energy, this wasn’t worth the energy.
There’s probably so much more I could say here… I just wouldn’t know where to start. And maybe I’m saying all this super wrong and someone is gonna look through it with a fine-tooth comb and tell everyone that I hate them and tell everyone I’m a horrible person, which perhaps I deserve.
I would like to thank all the people that have actually tried to get to know me, I’m sure you know who you are. You all made running this blog a little bit more happier for me, and I hope you all are happy too, even if we never cross paths again.
I think the only thing that could ever get me back into the fandom and this blog is if there is more dhmis that is actually good, or the pilot get released in HD in some shape or form. Other than that, I think I’m done here…
I won’t be deleting this blog, but I would request no new followers or dms unless it’s the pilot in full hd.
If anyone really wants to ask any follow up questions, please send them to the ask box on my main @cosmicxd but I would like to remind you all, I’m an adult, my friends and mutuals are adults, so if your under the age of 18 I would suggest not following my main because me and my friends are… UNHINGED and we have a whopping ZERO filters. I really don’t want to block any of you but if I know you are a minor and you follow my main anyway, I will not hesitate to block you, so just don’t. thanks I’m advance.
Now, a few things that I should wrap up in a bow.
Here’s what might be the final piece of artwork I do for TeVi and Purple Girl, I will try to make a series to put them in in the future but I want to work on another original series right now so it might not be for a while. So there are not really consider dhmis ocs anymore I guess. Just puppet ocs now
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Also, a final update for Mini Mean Steve: Finally found some model magic and Mod Podge glad to say he is finally complete! He will be my most treasured possessions
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Thank you for reading all the way through this, and for one final thing
Here a sketch of me kissing icehell Tony and Paige. (Because if im going out, I’m going out with a hell-freezing, earth-shattering BANG!!!)
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Thank you all once again, and I’ll see you on the flip side!
-Creative Time
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phdna · 3 years
Curious about your thoughts as a long time comic fan: what do you think of the whole White Wolf narrative that marvel seems to be taking with Bucky in the MCU?
I simply love him and his arc as the WS in the comics, and am unsure about making him the white wolf, even though it's very clear that his journey to becoming the Winter Soldier in the movies is quite different from the comics. Idk, what do you think?
Yeah, so. I do have Thoughts about it. I started writing about it and ended up writing you a whole novel, sorry lol
The tl;dr version would be that I don’t know that I vibe with the White Wolf thing. The longer version... is long.
Since I grew up reading about perma-dead Bucky, his Winter Soldier arc in the comics was always going to be a hard sell for me - how can you convince me that undoing decades of canon is Actually A Good Choice and not just a gimmick? Ultimately, what won me over is how careful Brubaker was to pick a theme and follow it across its many facets. We see Bucky as a child struggling with the shame and regret of feeling like he can’t live up to his father’s orders. We see Bucky as a teenager being trained to follow whatever cruel order the army gives him because it’s For The Greater Good, and at the same time, we see how desperate he is for Steve’s approval at all times and how that’s tied up in his head with respect and authority and a lot of unresolved issues with his father. Then comes the Winter Soldier, and Bucky’s entire existence becomes about following orders, even though there are some orders he can’t be made to follow. Then comes the BuckyCap days, in which he more or less feels like he has no choice but to pick up the shield, but he starts exploring his agency in small and big ways. And then he becomes the Winter Soldier again, but - crucially - this time he’s taking the name that represents him at his most powerless and he’s reclaiming it in a wonderful way because only Bucky can be the Winter Soldier - there’s no other hero I can think of who has the gruesome skills and the modus operandi of an antihero combined with the idealistic, almost naive attitude of a Golden Age hero. For me it works because it’s amazing to have Bucky figure out that his identity includes everything he’s ever been while at the same time being something he can choose by himself according to what he wants and needs from life. It really is just a very beautiful way to wrap up this entire theme.
Now, the MCU. For all the changes the MCU has made to Bucky’s character, they’ve done a decent job of keeping this theme more or less alive throughout his appearances imho, which makes me very happy! It’s less well-developed because he’s not given too much screentime, but even fans who have never picked up a comic book got the theme from the subtext in the movies - how Bucky’s story is about agency. TFatWS explored it further. But I just don’t see what the White Wolf adds to this theme? I mean, it sure is a way of having him leave the Winter Soldier mantle behind for a while before he’s ready to take it up again. But he could, y’know... be Bucky. There’s no need to come up a whole new identity to him.
The thing is, imho, that people who aren’t into comics don’t have any reaction to the White Wolf because it’s not a household name, and people who are into comics are like “Why. He has nothing in common with 616!White Wolf.” Nobody is going to hear “Bucky is the White Wolf” and go “Oh my god that is awesome I’m gonna go talk to all my friends about this right now!!!” So the MCU really needed to develop the White Wolf angle like they do whenever they introduce a new mantle to the MCU, but they never do develop it, they just seem to expect the fans to come up with a plot in their heads with almost no clues to work with. To be honest, I’m still not even 100% sure whether White Wolf is a hero name or a civilian nickname! Because titles in Wakandan culture seem to be a big deal and come with a specific duty, but Bucky is implied to have been essentially a civilian under royal care and protection, not someone who was expected to do anything in particular. I had initially guessed that was just a code name to avoid other people finding out his identity, but if it’s a code name, then Marvel sure is clinging on to it more than they’ve ever done with other code names used in the MCU. (”Natalie Rushman” doesn’t follow Natasha all over the MCU!)
Of course, if we had a movie exploring Bucky’s days as the White Wolf, or even if we got a single poignant scene specifically about what being the White Wolf actually means, then sure! That could’ve been interesting and meaningful. But almost all of the White Wolf saga happens offscreen, so imho this detail doesn’t explore anything as much as it adds a random unconnected subplot to the Bucky’s main plot. And I don’t think everything in the MCU has to be Very Important! For instance, I think these random name drops could’ve worked if they were just fanservice, you know? It’s hard because Bucky doesn’t have many mantles, but I don’t know, maybe have him be The Sargeant and people would guess that’s a reference to The Captain or whatever - at least it comes from his corner of the 616 instead of stealing a Black Panther character who has nothing in common with Bucky.
Basically, I find the whole thing to be WAY more confusing than it’s worth being. I’m sure there are fans out there who are making amazing things with this concept, but it’s just not for me. I wish Marvel had 1) developed this mini-arc better, 2) picked another name and made it just a fun easter egg or 3) not given Bucky a Wakandan title at all and just let him spend his time between HYDRA!Winter Soldier and hero!Winter Soldier as Bucky Barnes.
So. Yeah. I have many thoughts and they’re not very positive! I can’t say that it bothers me enough for me to spend much of my time feeling bad about this storyline (the way I do with other storylines I dislike), but whenever I do stop to think about it I just have a hard time understanding where this story even came from and why Marvel keeps bringing it up. I don’t think it’s even a bad idea, it’s just so random that I find it more... weird than awful, I guess. Thinking about it doesn’t make me go “THIS SUCKS, I HATE IT!!!!” just “...okay. sure. why tho.”
...now I’m thinking about it, this whole post could’ve just been “???????????” and that would’ve summed up my feelings just as well.
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heli0s-writes · 5 years
⚘ = 1k+ notes
* = 18+ only
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Slow Like Honey* - Completed series. Modern AU with a divorced Steve pining for his daughter’s teacher. ⚘
A Fine Line* - On a mission, you inhale a bit of um... pollen. ⚘
Goddess* - Steve Rogers is just a man, and you cower to no man.
About a Bruise* - After a month of adoring Steve, you sink to your knees and ask, “Will you do something for me?” ⚘ & About a Boy* -  Over a mid-morning snack, Bucky says, “You know what you’ve gotten yourself into?” ⚘
Clumsy - Serendipity, it’s the only way Steve can describe it. His ma was right: he’d always been slow.
Call it Dreaming - In which Steve loves his roommates. A lot.
forget your perfect offering* - Captain America hasn’t been home in years and it’s turned him into something a little lost, a little broken.
steve headcanons tag
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Star-Crossed* - Maybe it takes two broken people to make a whole. ⚘
Heart Like a Grave*- Following a string of mutilations across the United States, Bucky remembers a face he should have never forgotten. 
Stargazer- You have been looking at the wrong one. ⚘
Take You There*- Fuck or Die. ⚘
Summer Skin - A road trip with friends heading to new beginnings and endings. & Winter Dreams - Follow up to Summer Skin. You see him again in time for the new year.
All in the Weight (Gentle, we Fall)* - A stretched night in Wakanda with you, Bucky, and the truth.
Saga* - Bucky is in a mood. ⚘
Where The Shivers Won’t Find You* - Alpha!Reader & Omega!Bucky ⚘
bucky headcanons tag
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a (completed) collection of chaoticdumbass!Reader and exasperated!Bucky
bag of tricks masterlist ⚘
bag of tricks one-off one-shots*  ⚘
wordpeddler- Social Media AU ⚘
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Mystery of Love* - Completed series. Soulmate AU. ⚘
Foot-in-Mouth Syndrome* - Completed series. What kind of name is BUCKY? Your dog's name is BUCKEYE. Much better. ⚘
As it Was* - Completed mini-Series. Sam warned him when he arrived at the compound, returned to the timeline he ran from: It’s different now, she’s got another life now. ⚘
On the Shoulders of Giants* - The world is a heavy burden to carry.
Trinity Epoch* - Completed series. Pacific Rim AU. You want peace after losing your co-pilot, but it doesn’t exist in a time like this. Nick Fury returns you to the fold after the loss of James Barnes’ arm.
Higher Love* - Steve receives his Valentine’s Day present in a series of small heart attacks. Also known as: the time you strapped Bucky into a harness.
A History of Touch* - Steve might have a bad track record, but at least he’s got a damn good façade. Until you ruin it, because you ruin everything.
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brooklyn born masterlist* - dialogue prompts
brooklyn after dark masterlist* - smut prompts  ⚘
28 ways (to say I love you) masterlist - fluff prompts 
moonchild masterlist - stories involving the supernatural hurt/comfort.
drabbles tag
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2k challenge submission masterlist
Eat the Rich* - (Knives Out!) Ransom does not like what you’re wearing. ⚘
You’re Toxic, I’m Slipping Under* (Knives Out!) 4 out of 5 therapists would definitely not recommend how you use Ransom.
Sharks in the Water* - (The Punisher) Russo is a liar, a lover, and a loaded gun.
see you in the darkest visions* - (The Batman) It’s stupid how forbidden names can be. He’s given you his secrets—his bedroom, his body, his trust, yet the final arbitrary threshold is just a few letters. Precisely five. ⚘
the stars rearranged* (Moon Knight) Spector means ghost, and sometimes he needs a reminder that he’s not one.
retired list- i simply do not vibe with these anymore, but here you go :)
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Stress reacts to Steve Legends (Episodes 1-4)
Red Steve’s FIRST Journey Something is Watching Colle The Power of the Forest Steves Discovering Desert Steves
Reaction below cut.
So apparently, Lucas is voicing Colle?! I didn’t realize that until people mentioned it in the comments?! I think that is very cool, and we lowkey have Lucas as a pov protagonist again! I just hope that being the VA of a main character doesn’t conflict with Lucas’s schedule.
I really like Colle’s character. I mainly watch the Steve Saga, which is led by Sabre, who is very loud and energetic. So Colle being a calm and soft-spoken character is a very different experience. I like the variety in main characters having different ways of speaking.
Also, I don’t know if this was intentional, but I noticed that Colle struggled to maintain eye contact with the Red King when they were speaking. I thought that was a nice characterization detail.
I have mixed feelings with how Colle interacts with brand new Steves. In Steve Saga’s early days, we’ve seen the protagonist (Sabre), react to Steves with hostility. In Rainbow Quest’s early days, RQ!Sabre just slowly gets to know the Steves with the intention to politically maneuver his way into finding crystals and warning the Steves about the Darkness.
In Steve Legends, Colle is also approaching Steves with a very open mind, with the intent to learn. This fits his character, and when it comes to adventurer characters, I prefer open-minded characters over close-minded/judgmental ones. But unlike RQ!Sabre, Colle’s journey so far has absolutely no conflict. He’s not adventuring to solve a world-ending problem; he’s just adventuring to learn about the world.
I know conflict will eventually start, but having 4 conflict-less episodes may cause some viewers to lost interest.
I’m going on a tangent here to suggest ways that SL’s first 4 episodes can have conflict (you don’t have to read).
How can the first 4 episodes be more interesting? Make Colle a different character and make him change into that open-minded, calm character he is at the end of episode 4. Like a mini character arc.
The entire point of the first episode was to show that Colle is not like other Red Steves because he knows that he doesn’t know everything and wants to discover things. While it is great to have a humble, good-at-heart character, there are other ways to tackle this character.
What if Colle starts off as an arrogant Red Steve who thinks he is already wise enough? What if Red King forced him to go on this adventure? And when he sees the skills of the other Steves, he becomes humble and realizes that there is a lot more to learn.
What if this series really emphasizes Colle’s need to discover? That he wants to claim a discovery not only because he wants meaning in his life, but he wants some sort of validation too?
What if Colle feels insecure that he doesn’t know everything in the outside world, but relaxes and learns that it’s ok to ask questions?
I just wanted to throw alternative ideas onto the table. I don’t think these ideas are better than what canon went with, because I really do love Colle’s canon personality and wouldn’t trade him for anything else.
I’m pretty sure conflict and character arcs will start soon, but the first 4 episodes feel pretty slow to set things up.
Goggles is totally Professor Red.
That makes me wonder if any of the elite Red Steves will eventually become the iconic Red Steves from RQ. Maybe one of these elite Red Steves will become Rainbow Red or the second hero?
Personally, I think Colle will become the Great Librarian at the end of the series, but that’s only because I didn’t get far into RQ, and Great Librarian is the only wholesome ex-Red Steve that I know about.
Maybe I’m not getting invested in these 4 episodes because I never watched RQ in its entirety. If I knew more about RQ, I would probably have more fun with these 4 episodes and trying to connect them to RQ, lol.
Colle: *doesn’t get extra arrows* I won’t need it.
Boi, I’m too afraid to go outside in Minecraft without any weapon, bro. How are you so calm???
Forest Steve: *runs through the bamboo forest*
Alright, who has “characters running through a bamboo forest” on their “Steve Saga is an Anime” bingo card?
I really like Desert Steve’s skin! They look like the desert temple. I like how they have different ways of speaking too. The world building is getting really interesting.
I’m really excited to see what happens in episode 5, because they suggest that it’s gonna be a deadly monster. I wonder if they’ll show a HUGE mob, like a dragon or a phoenix :000
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ivedonestranger · 5 years
Chapters: 25/? Fandom: Teen Titans (Animated Series), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Jinx/Raven (DCU) Characters: Raven (DCU), Cyborg (Character), Robin (DCU), Beast Boy, Batman, Green Lantern, Diana (Wonder Woman), Superman (DCU), Blue Beetle (DCU), Jinx (DCU), Koriand'r (DCU), Phil Coulson, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), See-More, Dorcas "Godiva" Leigh (DCU), Jason Woodrue, Bulletman, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Zatanna Zatara, Komand'r (DCU), Stephen Strange, Karen Beecher, Kyd Wykkyd, Gizmo (DCU) Additional Tags: Multiple Crossovers, World Domination, Epic, Dark, Canon Temporary Character Death, Minor Character Death Series: Part 1 of The Midnight Saga Summary:
Though there were some in the know when it came to multiple realities, very few understood how expansive it was. Not only were their realities that changed fundamental parts of the known quantities, but there were also realities out there that were entirely different. Worse, there was something between those realities, and it wanted to get in.
All it needed was someone to open the door. She was his way in.
Robin threw himself to the right, and the powered armor portions of his suit catapulted him through a small sapling causing it to explode into tiny wooden shards. Where he was standing was a smoldering black spot from a Kaz'Kal beam weapon.
'Oh, this is getting exciting,' he thought to himself sarcastically. Since the arrival of the Midnight Empress' swarm, he and his team had been pushed back from the center, and all Dick could do was hope that the plan was still working. Right now, though, he was doing his best to keep alive and take down as many of the enemy as possible.
"I need some backup!" Gizmo's voice screeched through the tiny speaker in Robin's headpiece. The augmented reality system painted a diamond to his left about 500 meters in the fray. Robin charged through the brush dodging bolts of energy that came out of nowhere. Robin's heart beat hard at the jungle melee. It was almost impossible to make out the movement in the smoke and smoldering fires that were crisscrossed with energy bolts and gunfire. In a matter of seconds though, the boy wonder could make out the metal spider arms of Gizmo followed by the mini-rocket blasts incinerating nearby foliage.
Cyborg charged through at the same time as Kid Wykydd materialized.
"defense pattern Delta," Robin called over his speaker. Gizmo immediately lowered to their level, and they took up a circle facing outward. When Robin slipped into his spot, he activated the energy cannon built into the arm of his suit, and they began to fire.
It seemed like years as the wave upon wave of Kaz'Kal continued to charge them haphazardly. There was no way out of the fight, but so far, no one had fallen. Green fire reigned down as Starfire slammed into the ground sending a shockwave scattering the enemy. Eyes blazing with fierce power, she fired off multiple starbolts cutting through the cannon fodder of the Midnight Empress.
"What are we doing?" Kid Wykydd called from his position. "We can't stay here forever."
"We gotta fight until we can't anymore. Superman and Batman have their plan. We have to keep fighting until we're told to recall." Robin responded, trying to ignore the dropping energy meter of his weapon. How long could they hold out?
When her mind came back to her, she found herself crumpled on the floor of the Fortress' disused throne room. The dust had settled back down from their portal entry, and everything hurt. Raven pulled herself up and looked about trying to clear her vision of the pain that pulsed through her head.
She found him, Sovereign, laying on the floor trying to get up himself.
"What happened?" she barely croaked out.
"They….they hit me with something that stripped me of my power." Jason coughed his arms, shaking as he tried to push himself up. "I'm not invulnerable, Rachel, I knew there would come a time Iris would figure out something."
"What do we do? They'll storm the Fortress to get to you."
"Hold them off, Rachel," Jason said as he collapsed to the floor. "I'll regain my strength if I live long enough. Peace of this reality rests on you now."
Raven pulled herself up and felt a thrum through her chest. She looked at her hands and found they had a slight glow to them.
"I've transferred as much power I could to you, Rachel, but I don't know if it'll be enough."
The sorceress gritted her teeth and balled her fists in anger.
"It'll be enough."
"Robin, you still with us?" the voice of Green Arrow came across the speaker.
"Alive and kicking," Robin responded glad to hear a voice other than his team. It means others had survived Midnight's onslaught.
"Good. It looks like the bitches are pulling back and teleporting out. Can you regroup at the secondary location?"
"We're on our way."
Without having to say a word, The New Teen Titans destroyed the last of the cyber minions and Kaz'Kal before making their way through the forest to the staging area they had set up before the fight. When they broke through the woods and into the field, All Robin saw was destruction. Bodies were lying everywhere. Many of the enemies but there were some colorful suits and human bodies of their allies among the dead.
Triage tents had been set up, and the medics were hard at work. Robin looked at his own team. Starfire was bruised and skin bleeding in places from branches and the enemy. Cyborg's armor was stained, and he could make out the fact his systems were on back up power. Kid Wykydd did not look damaged, but Gizmos was a pile of black and blue bruises and had to use his spider arms to carry him forward.
They made their way towards the big tent when a familiar form came limping towards them from a nearby medical tent. Robin did not think it was possible, but he broke out into a grin.
"Robin!" Beast Boy said with a kid like grin. "I see you survived the bugs. Glad I never had any phobias over those. Anyone seriously hurt?"
"No," Robin said after looking at each of his team for a response. "Just scrapes and bruises."
"Well, can't help with that at the moment, we got some seriously injured people. You'll have to patch yourself up."
"Not a problem. How bad is it?"
Beast Boy's face fell, and he shook his head. "We lost a lot. Most among the non-metas but we did lose some metas to."
"I heard Doctor Strange talking. We lost Hawk girl and Black Lightning. Big Barda is critically wounded, and they don't think she'll make it through the night."
Robin gritted his teeth. So much death, heroes who had protected Earth for so long were gone.
"BB, Doctor Strange needs us to start prepping the wounded so we can move!" called a voice that rang familiar in Robin's ears. He saw the blond girl come out of the tent and freeze when she saw the Titans.
"Terra," Robin said with a frown.
"We needed all the help we could get," Beast Boy said. "She and I are working together in the Medical division, until I can heal enough to rejoin you in the field, Robin."
There was too much going on, and Richard knew he couldn't drum up old hatreds, especially when one of his own had betrayed them.
"I gotta go, Robin. I'll see ya." Beast Boy said patting the boy wonder on the shoulder.
Making is way through the rest of the shuffling soldiers and the tents, Robin finally met up with Green Arrow who looked more like a brown stain of mud and blood than his trademark green. He flashed a weary smile and motioned towards the main tent's entrance.
Robin strode in with his team camping outside, and it took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust to the dark. Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman were among the few powerful heroes that were there along with Iron Man, Agent Coulson, Captain America, and his retinue.
"My drones confirm that Midnight has withdrawn back into its fortress," Batman was saying with a low pain laced growl. He looks like he had caught the worse end of a beating. "Coulson and I got a direct hit on Sovereign so we can confirm he is down. We need to move now against Midnight Empress and her Archon Knights before they can regroup."
"What are you suggesting?" Green Arrow asked pulling some more arrows from a case in the tent and re-filling his quiver.
"All out assault on the fortress," Superman said grimly. "We cannot allow Sovereign to regain his strength, or he will rip this reality apart."
"Were risking a high casualty rate," Captain America said gritting his teeth. "I know our wizard friends can open portals and get us closer, but we'll have to cut through a lot to get in."
"It's our only chance," Tony Stark said pointing at the holographic Fortress that hovered over the overturned bucket. "As soon as Sovereign is back on his feet, he's going to hit us with everything he's got. Midnight is on the pure defensive. They didn't expect us to strike such a blow."
"When do we move?" Diana asked, folding her arms acrossed her chest.
"As soon as we can."
Raven had lifted Jason off the ground and set him on the empty throne that had seen eons of time. He coughed and could barely keep himself upright. The Midnight Empress sensed them first, the descent of Jinx and Blackfire who alighted gently into the throne room.
"What is your bidding, Mistress?" Jinx asked, stepping forward, looking curiously at the weakened form.
"Mann the defenses and prepare for a counter-attack," Raven said quickly as she stepped away from Sovereign after making sure he was comfortable.
"They aren't going to try to strike us now, are they?" the pinkette asked surprised.
"Well, it seems her god is wounded," Blackfire spat. "We're all going to pay if they come after us."
Raven snarled and spun on the Tamaranian and reached out with her hand. Blackfire was knocked backward and suspended in the air gasping and clawing at her throat.
"I do NOT need insolence from you right now, woman," Raven snarled, a deep thrum in her voice. "You are vexing me more than you are worth."
"Mistress," Jinx said calmly approaching and placing a hand gently on Raven's forearm. "We don't have time to create new Archon Knights. Blackfire is mouthy, but she serves."
Raven contemplated the thought as Blackfire kicked and gasped for breath dangling from the invisible power the Midnight Empress had cast. There was something delicious about watching her squirm, to have her life hanging so near the balance. With a huff of disgust, Raven threw her aside sending her into one of the stone pillars. Blackfire coughed and gagged trying to pull herself up from the ground.
"They will portal into the outskirts and launch a siege," Raven said returning to Sovereign's side to stand by him. "They won't be able to pierce the fortress' defenses that way. Secure the walls and let them throw themselves at us. Once they tire out, we'll destroy whatever is left."
Jinx bowed low while Blackfire turned on her heel and soared back up through the cavernous window she had come through.
"Control," Jason gasped out and then coughed.
Raven came to his side and knelt down beside him. He ran his hand through her hair and smiled at her. "You must show restraint. The power coursing through you can easily consume you. It feels good to have others lives in your hands. Avoid indulging in those fantasies."
"I will try."
"It's a fine line, my love. I know."
My Love.He had called her his love. A smile broke across her face.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15078734/chapters/49278503
FF.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12993044/25/The-Corruption-of-Rachel-Roth
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1wngdngl · 5 years
Avengers: Endgame - final thoughts
So, I saw Avengers: Endgame for the second time on July 1. And ever since then, I’ve been meaning to post my full review. You might be wondering, what took so long? Well, I had a review all ready the night I came back from the theater, but Tumblr ate it, and it took a while for me to regain the motivation to type it up again. And then I wanted to make sure it was a really good, super-detailed review, so it took even longer. End result being that it’s now two months later later, so who knows if anyone even cares anymore ;) But I’m sharing it anyway, so it doesn’t feel like a complete waste of time.
(Keep in mind this review was largely written before Spider-Man: Far From Home and the SDCC came around to muddy the waters, so nothing past Endgame is mentioned.)
I think I actually liked this movie better the second time I saw it. I enjoyed it the first time, certainly, but the first time I was so concerned about what the movie might be like, what might happen next, who would live or die, how the whole saga would be concluded, that I wasn’t fully able to be in the moment. And when you go into a movie with that attitude, and with a wishlist of things you want to see, it’s easy to feel slightly disappointed when an item doesn’t get checked off your list.
But when I saw Endgame the second time, I already knew what was going to happen, so I was able to relax more and just appreciate everything – the action, the humor, the music, the characters, everything. To quote Thor, I was able to appreciate the movie for what it was, not for what it was “supposed” to be.
One thing I especially appreciated this time was the sheer variety the movie presented, in the tone, the characters, and the settings. Both Infinity War and Endgame are long movies that feel much shorter, but they achieve that in different ways. Infinity War was near non-stop action and dramatic reversals, so you never had time to get bored. In contrast, Endgame has a lot more quiet moments and mundane interactions. It’s almost like a mini-series of half-hour episodes, each with its own tone and setting.
I really like how Endgame opens, with something as simple as Clint spending time with his family. It really cut me when he looked away for a moment and all his family disappeared. The opening emphasizes that, however long it may have been for the audience since seeing Infinity War, for the characters it’s a fresh tragedy. The “Porch” musical theme from the end of Infinity War shows up here too, linking the two movies together (it’d be amazing to watch them back-to-back sometime).
The somber mood continues with Tony out in space, desperately trying to get home. When he finally does, he’s relieved to find Pepper still alive, but that doesn’t make everything better (and of course, he hasn’t exactly forgiven Steve yet either). With the help of Nebula and Captain Marvel, a group goes to hunt down Thanos, hoping they can use the Stones themselves to bring back the Snapped. But of course, Thanos has already destroyed the Stones, and there’s no getting them back, ever.
When Thor chopped off Thanos’s head mid-sentence, it was very satisfying, but of course that didn’t actually fix anything – even Thor realizes this within five seconds. This whole section of the movie is like a delayed climax from Infinity War, and has an even greater sense of finality and failure than the dusting itself.
When I first saw the words “Five…Years…Later” appear on screen, I was really startled. That the writers would let this world and the Avengers spend five years wallowing in their failure. It probably shouldn’t be surprising that most of them stepped down from hero business in the interim. Out of everyone, I actually think Bruce handled the post-apocalypse the best, finally able to achieve self-acceptance and inner peace. On the flip side is Thor, who seems to feel the most personally responsible for the tragedy – if only he had gone for the head the first time! – and who spends every day drinking himself senseless so he doesn’t have to think about it. Tony seems content to hide out in his lake cabin with his wife and daughter, not getting involved in the problems of the larger world. Natasha buries herself in work, and Steve seems to just drift aimlessly. And Clint…His despair sends him into darkness and violence, and I wonder if his previous crimes when he was being mind-controlled made it the tiniest bit easier to fall into that darkness.
If you look at the “going after Thanos in the garden” part as a prologue, then the whole “living with failure” is the start of the first act. Everyone is just trying to make do, carry on the best way they know how. This part of the movie is very subdued, almost mundane, and mostly consists of characters exchanging dialogue, absent of action, of music, of life. But the whole of the MCU has done so much work in developing these characters that even just watching them interact is interesting. They no longer feel like actors, just people playing off each other in the most natural way. They feel like old friends, both to each other and the audience, friends who are going through a tough time.
The inciting incident, the moment things start to change, is when Ant-Man arrives. He’s the one who brings hope and humor back into the movie. He hasn’t had to live through years in this ruined world, so he still has optimism that they can fix things. You know, when he first suggested time travel, I was a bit nervous since a lot of movies don’t handle time travel very well. But the “time heist”, as it’s called, may be my favorite part of the movie.
So we move into the second act, where the Avengers split up and go after the Infinity Stones in different time periods. This section is a lot more “fun” than the previous scenes, as the characters re-visit moments from past movies, making the heist into a sort of “MCU in Review”. But these scenes aren’t just cut-and-pasted from their original movies – instead we get to look at them from different angles, see what was happening just offscreen, and see characters who wouldn’t even make their first appearance until later, like seeing the Ancient One and Brock Rumlow during the Battle in New York.
With multiple time-travel groups, the movie cuts quickly between them, so you’re never quite sure where or when you’ll get to see next. Again, the sheer number of characters in this movie is amazing – nearly everyone from Infinity War, plus time travel allows even more characters to show up. Sure, many appearances are just cameos, but the level of logistical planning that all these scenes must’ve involved just boggles the mind.
Not only does the time travel let viewers revisit parts of the MCU, it also allows the main three Avengers (Tony, Steve, and Thor) to reach some closure with their past. Tony and Thor get to have proper goodbyes with their parents; Steve’s closure has to wait until the end of the movie, but is worth the wait.
The time heist is mostly just fun at first, but slowly things start to go wrong. First Natasha dies, then Nebula is captured and replaced by her own past self, who finds a way to bring the nightmare of Thanos back into everyone’s lives. To be honest I wasn’t sure if or how he would be relevant to the movie again after being killed right at the start, so this twist really caught me off-guard. The moment Thanos’s ship opens fire and destroys the Avengers Compound is one of the most startling in the movie, jolting events right into the third act.
The final battle is very complex and would take a long time to properly break down. Seeing Thanos’s army of Leviathans, Outriders, the Black Order, and more as a single unified force – it’s almost as exciting as seeing the heroes all assembled. The moment where all the dusted heroes show up on the battlefield, to the “Portals” theme, may be the most emotionally stirring moment in the series. The power level on each side is unfathomable; and when it all ends and the bad guys fade away into dust – first the legion, and then finally, finally Thanos himself – I felt a real vindictive satisfaction that he got what he deserved, that this time it was the Avengers who had the last laugh.
I know some people were angry about how Tony Stark died, but really, what better end for a character can you ask for? He saved the whole universe, and had a grand funeral with many attendees – many of whom didn’t even like him personally, but recognized the debt they owe him. The part at the end where Happy is trying to comfort Tony’s cute daughter, who is too young to completely understand what’s going on…Priceless. In the very first Iron Man movie, Yinsen told Tony “Don’t waste your life”, and I think he’d be proud.
The first time I saw Endgame, I wasn’t sure how I felt about Steve and Thor’s endings, but on a second viewing I felt much better about them. Steve, after all his sacrifice, living the superhero life non-stop, finally got to have the life he wanted with Peggy. Thor wasn’t able to get back any of the friends or family he lost, but he finally got over his guilt and depression, and left with the Guardians to have a new adventure. I think they will all get along well ;)
[another thing that made this second viewing fun – I sat next to a family who was seeing it for the first time, and the kids were very animated in their reactions to all the big moments, action, and jokes, so that made it more special for me too. I love seeing other people react to something I already know and enjoy.]
Like I said, all of the above was written several months ago, and I haven’t yet seen Spider-Man: Far From Home and have generally not looked into any Marvel news since then. Truth is, I’m extremely nervous about the future of the MCU. I know the studio can’t rest on their laurels, and so have to keep making movies, but personally I’d be happy if the MCU was truly done with Endgame. Not that I think everything after that will be junk, but because Endgame provided such a satisfying conclusion that I’m afraid future entries will just confuse things, or reduce that sense of closure. “Stop when things are at their best,” is what I believe. Otherwise you risk undoing the specialness of the story by repeating yourself, making accidental (or deliberate) retcons, or by losing the thread of a character’s arc and treating them more as a marketable commodity than a person.
But! I have a strategy prepared – if future entries after the Infinity Saga don’t capture that same wonder, don’t spark the same interest in me, I’m prepared to view them as expensive fanfiction, and be satisfied with the perfect, complete story that Marvel already gave us :)
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biofunmy · 5 years
Samsung Galaxy Fold: Your questions, answered
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Samsung’s Galaxy Fold is here, but is it worth it? We went hands-on with Samsung’s nearly $2,000 phone to find out. USA TODAY
Samsung’s new $1,980 Galaxy Fold has been making waves over the last two weeks, not necessarily for all the right reasons.
And now the arrival of Samsung’s foldable hybrid – a cross between a thick smartphone and iPad Mini-sized tablet – has been delayed until at least next month, in the aftermath of screen damage and busted phones reported by early reviewers.
Ahead of such problems, the phone drew plenty of hype and buzz for its innovative design, not to mention its near $2,000 price. 
At Samsung’s request, we are returning our review unit Tuesday, but USA TODAY’s Ed Baig and Eli Blumenthal have been messing around with the device for the last week.
Here’s what we experienced, and what you need to know to get caught up on the news. 
The latest news 
What’s going on with the delay? 
The saga that led to the delay began after reviewers from CNBC, The Verge, Bloomberg as well as influential YouTuber Marques Brownlee, who (like USA TODAY) were among those given pre-release test units, reported screen damage that broke the Fold.
Galaxy Fold delay: Samsung delays launch of Galaxy Fold following display issues
Half-off Google Pixel: Want a Google Pixel 3 for half off? Here’s how you can get one
The display on the unit given to CNBC, for example, flickered uncontrollably causing the device to turn off and completely malfunction.
After one day of use… pic.twitter.com/VjDlJI45C9
— Steve Kovach (@stevekovach) April 17, 2019
The Verge said its unit developed “a bulge that appeared to be the result of something in between the screen and the hinge.”
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The back of the Galaxy Fold. (Photo: Eli Blumenthal, USA TODAY)
Other problems surfaced after testers peeled off what appeared to be a protective film on the screen, that was, in fact, not meant to be removed, though Samsung didn’t do a good enough job of communicating this point in its packaging handed to reviewers.
The phone comes with this protective layer/film. Samsung says you are not supposed to remove it. I removed it, not knowing you’re not supposed to (consumers won’t know either). It appeared removable in the left corner, so I took it off. I believe this contributed to the problem. pic.twitter.com/fU646D2zpY
— Mark Gurman (@markgurman) April 17, 2019
Samsung began an investigation that is still going on. 
Meanwhile, if you already pre-ordered the Fold you can cancel at any time, Samsung says. You haven’t been charged yet anyway since the phone hasn’t shipped.
Is our test phone broken? 
Our test unit, a European variant of the Fold, worked fine after a week of use. The phone still opened and  closed as it initially did, with the protective layer on the tablet screen still intact and functioning. 
Our use, thus far
Favorite feature? 
Ed Baig: Putting aside the issues some have experienced with the 7.3-inch tablet display – and frankly that’s now hard to do now, given the delay and all – it has to be the way this thing folds. That is quite a technological achievement.
I’m not even put off by the line that is sometimes visible on the screen, depending on the angle you are looking at or what background is on the display. The size is ideal for watching video or reading an eBook, and even in its open state holdable with one-hand, though true one-handed operation is reserved for when the phone is closed and when you’re relying on the outside display, to check on a text or take a selfie.
Eli Blumenthal: I still am impressed with the overall usefulness of the foldable screen. I use my phone as my main television and the ability to just open up the phone in bed and watch the NBA playoffs on a big screen without grabbing a tablet or television remote worked surprisingly well. 
Biggest gripe?
Eli: The front “phone” screen on the Fold is really bad. While 4.6-inches, the screen is very narrow, making it hard to type, watch videos with, take pictures on or just generally use beyond a few simple tasks. You can’t even use the front screen horizontally to type text messages or browse Chrome in landscape mode. 
Maps, making calls and controlling music are all fine, but this front seems to exist as just a way to get people to open the larger tablet. The good thing is that tablet experience does work so well. 
I’m going to go one step further and give a “runner up” gripe to the fingerprint sensor on the side. This didn’t work well for me when the phone was closed and was even more difficult to use when the Fold was opened. 
Also a nearly $2,000 phone that isn’t water-resistant in 2019? Hard pass. 
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The Galaxy Fold’s divider isn’t always hidden. (Photo: Eli Blumenthal, USA TODAY)
Ed: I agree on all of the above. Let me mention another: the fact that this phone doesn’t have 5G. Granted, these are the earliest days for the rollout of the next generation of mobile wireless. But if you’re going to spend nearly two-grand on a device like this, you’d want it to be 5G-ready.
Even if Samsung in a year or whatever comes out with a 5G version and an attractive trade-in option, I’m just not paying that much in the interim for a device that in some respects is half-baked. 
While I’m at it, let me also complain about the removal of your standard-sized headphone jack, though Samsung, of course, isn’t exactly alone with this complaint. (I’m looking at you Apple.) 
Eli: Both valid points, though Samsung does include a pair of its otherwise $129 Galaxy Buds in the box with the Fold. They do get points there. 
Ed: I’ll give you that, though I sometimes still prefer to use better, corded headphones.
Any surprise? 
Eli: While Samsung has plenty of work to do in fixing up the Fold’s screen problems, I have been pleasantly surprised by how polished the software is. Samsung is not known for its software prowess (see: Bixby, the company’s Siri/Alexa/Google Assistant rival) but kudos to Samsung and Google for making the phone work, for the most part, really well. Apps transitioned quickly between the two displays, games played smoothly and multi-tasking worked. 
I had some issues with certain apps playing videos simultaneously in multitasking mode (turning the tablet into a quasi-“sports bar,” if you will), but things mostly worked well. 
Ed: One positive for sure seemed to be battery life, which you’d ordinarily wonder about on a device of this size with two screens. It has a dual battery system that works in tandem. And while I didn’t conduct any formal kind of battery test, the Fold appeared to have plenty of juice even after a full day of mixed use.
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When closed the Galaxy Fold is roughly the size of two Galaxy S10 line phones. (Photo: Eli Blumenthal, USA TODAY)
  Where do you see this tech going forward? 
Ed: I think foldable designs have a world of potential and are here to stay in one manner or another. Having said that, though, “screen-gate” certainly represents a step back not only for Samsung but for the entire foldable market. 
Of course, the expectation is none of the early foldable phones would be perfect – these are, after all, version 1.0 devices that you’d expect to improve dramatically in their next iterations and beyond.
Still, there are several interesting developments in the foldable space. One device to watch is a rumored foldable Razr phone from Lenovo-owned Motorola.
More: Ready for Motorola’s Razr comeback? The new foldable phone may launch this summer
And another is Huawei’s Mate X, which turned heads recently at the MWC trade show in Barcelona. It faces two big and possibly insurmountable problems. For one thing, if you think Samsung’s phone is pricey, Huawei’s device would cost about $2,600. Then there’s the matter of whether such a phone could even be released in the States anytime soon given the political football over whether Huawei is an agent of espionage for China, something the company has strongly denied.
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The front and back of Samsung’s Galaxy Fold. (Photo: Samsung)
Eli: Agreed, though again, I’m still impressed at how far along Samsung has gotten with proving this concept. The problems make it very, very clear that the company has a lot of work to do before anyone should think about buying this device, but you can’t discount the potential for this technology to influence the future of phones and computing. 
What’s does this mean for Samsung? 
Ed: Nothing good. Remember, Samsung is a company that, within our collective memory, had to withstand another PR firestorm over the Galaxy Note 7, which had batteries that caught fire, leading to three separate recalls. It cost Samsung billions of dollars and made it a punchline.
To its credit, Samsung recovered from the Note 7 and presumably can get past this crisis as well. 
But this surely doesn’t help and how Samsung manages the eventual release of the phone will be telling.
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Samsung Galaxy Fold (Photo: Samsung)
Eli: A big save for Samsung is the fact that this phone is not yet in the hands of the public. One can only imagine what they would’ve had to deal with if the Fold was already released. 
That’s not to excuse this – the press should not be a way to test whether your product works – but from a PR standpoint, this type of crisis is a black-eye, not a knockout punch. Companies, including Samsung as you mentioned, have dealt with far worse and recovered just fine. 
If Samsung does fix the Fold I do think people will quickly forget all about this issue the same way they have with delays of other failed product launches in the past. 
Worth the price?
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Samsung’s Galaxy Fold (Photo: Eli Blumenthal, USA TODAY)
Eli: The more I use this phone, the more I’m reminded of the first iPhone in 2007. High price, limited or missing features, bulky size and questionable design decisions (remember Apple’s recessed headphone jack?). Even with all that, though, you could see the potential. 
As you’ve mentioned, this is very much a first-generation product. And as we’ve discussed, there are plenty of important issues Samsung needs to work out.
At $1,980, no one, except people who need to have the latest and greatest, should buy this phone as their main device. But like with the original iPhone, I’m still bullish on where this goes next. 
Ed: I believe in its potential too. The design is impressive and so is the underlying technology. But even if Samsung didn’t have screen problems, I’m not buying, I just can’t justify spending anywhere near this much.
Follow Ed Baig on Twitter @edbaig; Follow Eli Blumenthal @edblumenthal
Read or Share this story: https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2019/04/23/samsung-galaxy-fold-your-questions-answered/3539446002/
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BuckyNat Week Mini Bang Masterlist
I want to say a big THANK YOU to our 16 teams for this year’s mini bang! Everyone should go check out all of the fics and the artwork, which you can find here: BuckyNat Week 2017 Mini Bang.
as time goes by by  bucksnatalia and art by fontscosplay
Natasha came to in a dirty alleyway, a discarded newspaper beside her. She groaned as she pushed herself to her knees, rubbing the back of her aching neck. How long she’d been knocked out, she had no idea, but she was relieved at least to see a car driving by on the road ahead of her – an old car, but a car nonetheless. At least she hadn’t been shot back to the time of the dinosaurs or anything. 
She reached for the newspaper, scanning it for the date. 
Her eyes widened when she found it; February, 1943. “Shit,” she said under her breath.
SHIELD is once again messing with things it shouldn't be, and this time, it gets Natasha sucked back into the 1940s.   At least her cute future boyfriend is there to show her around?
Bright Lights, Big City by joerobards and art by dreaminglikeeames
After James died as Captain America, the Winter Soldier and Black Widow have been hard at work. The Zephyr Project was a secret the Red Room had buried deep within James's head, and uncovering the secrets of it wasn't going to be easy. Their recent lead has lead them straight to the Los Angeles County Art Museum. Between Breathing lights and the Rain Room, a run in with a few HYDRA agents turns out to be a little more than they had expected.
Dreaming Aloud by eustaciavye28 and art by coffee-your-teapot/loonymoons
Anxiety and grief have their place, Dr. Yelba told him when he broke down in one session. There is no shame in tears, in memories, in feeling. We must find a place to keep them, before they get overwhelming.
Bucky found his peace with Natasha, in ways he never thought he would.
How We Get There by steverogersnotebook and art by lasenbyphoenix
When Bucky needs to get from Chicago to California, Steve remembers Natasha’s dream to drive across country along Historic Route 66. He sets them up for the drive, hoping it will give Bucky the inspiration he needs to move on from the motorcycle hit and run that cost him his arm, and changed his outlook on life. If anything can, he knows that an extended road trip with Natasha who will likely drag Bucky into every tourist trap along the way, just might do the trick.
I Called Him Mine by pastismyown and art by geisterschloesser
Natasha has spent the last few decades mourning the loss of her soul mate, a man who was taken from her before she even knew who he truly was. All of that is about to change.
If Love Wants You: Everything Your Mouth Remembers by blessedharlot and art by falcon-hill
Bucky threw his gaze to the far wall. “If this…” He trailed off and shook his head vigorously. “If this fix doesn’t work, Natalia, I don’t want you here.”
“If this fix doesn’t work,” Nat explained gently, “and I’ve done the triggering…”
She stepped closer to him, close enough that Bucky could feel her body heat radiate across the bare flesh of his arm. He could feel the soft currents of her breath brushing his skin.
She continued. “Then you’re under my control, taking my commands.” Her smile curved further into something mischievous. “I’m good with that scenario,” she whispered. 
It's post-MCU Civil War, and Bucky has complicated new medical advances and relationships to navigate.
Jigsaw Falling Into Place by lostinastainedglassdaydream and art by mirandaleiggi
Loose ends are something she hates. Amidst everything, it's one thing she cannot afford.
And the fact there's multiple ends missing, means she has to take a detour to find them.
Pancakes by yeleenabelovaaa and art by erisandbtheapple
After Natasha drops Bucky off after the events on the moon (BW issue 10 by Waid...), robots attack New York and they struggle to reconnect over the rubble of their relationship.
Paris, 1956 by wikiaddicted723 and art by chichots
The Algerian War spills over the streets of Paris, and the KGB's best assets have been sent to pour fuel into the fire. Posing as the ideal married couple--young, beautiful, and nauseatingly in love--the Black Widow and the Winter Soldier must prevent the Algerian Peace Envoy from ending the conflict.
Unknown and overlooked in a foreign country, away from the ever-looming threat of their handlers, they take a moment. Resume their affair.
Reason to Hope by bucks-metal-fate and art by yawpkatsi
Over missions together, moments of training and moments of intimacy, Bucky and Natasha work to reacquaint themselves all over again, and while it’s not all smooth sailing, some moments definitely leave behind a reason for both Bucky and Natasha to hope that the life ahead of them is worth all the loss and pain of their pasts.
Remember The Time by kingaofthewoods and art by mushewhosta
What do Michael Jackson, the Lindy Hop, and two Soviet assassins in love have in common? Surprisingly a lot, actually.
A shameless romp through the years, with the King of Pop providing a soundtrack.
Then and Again by drivingdeanwinchester and art by mirandaleiggi
Starting over is often easier said than done, but everything old need not remain that way. Of course, there's no growing without the growing pains. Thin Mints and Lego bouquets make the process a little more enticing.
Therapy by iheartbuckynat and art by squidfeathersart-blog
As part of his treatment in Wakanda, Bucky undergoes psychotherapy sessions. While trying to unravel the Winter Soldier, he begins to explore a memory of a mysterious woman he knew in the late 1950s.
We're Both of Us Beneath Our Love by sierranovembr and art by pathulu
Many thought that the saga of James “Bucky” Barnes was over after his explosive exit from the dance scene five years ago. Barnes electrified the community when he became the youngest principal dancer in the history of the American Ballet Theatre at the age of 19. After a shocking injury, he walked out of ABT, turning his back on the company that had nurtured him since he was a boy and giving a series of blistering interviews condemning the company’s treatment of their dancers.
Natasha Romanov left her nest at Moscow’s Bolshoi Ballet at the start of a less controversial journey. She has floated among companies as lightly as she floats though grand jetés on the stage. Though recently she seems to have found a new home at the Royal Ballet, and at Barnes’ side.
Within The Ashes by laurelsalexis and art by karendrawsheeyay
Post-tws. Nothing makes sense with Bucky. He wonders if it'll ever make sense.
The Wolf and the Sparrow by derriere-extraordinare and art by octozoid
Some people live their whole lives without awakening the magick within them. Natasha and Bucky are not among them.
Nat has been closed off to any relationship ever since the Incident, but when she meets Bucky at her gym and he won’t leave her alone, she can’t help but give into their connection. And it changes everything.
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jaredthegreek · 7 years
Review - Secret Empire, June Part 2
Things got delayed due to the holiday and Anime Expo, but here it is the second half of June’s Secret Empire comics.  This time around it wasn’t a fun batch, but there were a couple fun stories. Overall, I really wish this wasn’t such a long event.  Not much happens issue to issue and once you get past the shock factor of this stupid concept there really isn’t much else going on.  While there is the chance that there will be a big exciting payoff for all this, I really doubt it will make up for the difficulty of sticking with this event.  However, until that time please enjoy my thoughts on several more comics in this never ending event.
Secret Empire: Brave New World 2: Three new stories come to fill in some gaps in the saga.  The first story follows Shaun as he Mary Sue’s his way into the role of the new Patriot. This character has been sulking about the event and previous stories and finally got his chance to be a hero.  I’d care far more if he felt like a real character. The second story is a comedy adventure with Bob Agent of Hydra as he battles an inhuman.  It’s a nice diversion and far better than the previous issue’s comedy story.  The final story is a follow up to the Invaders story from the previous issue.  The time a rebel attack sends Namor and his troops into chaos while the prisoners attempt to escape.  Overall this was a better issue than the previous one, but the art can be a little mixed.  The Bob story is short and the art a little bland, while the faces in the Invaders story are generally ridiculous.  Despite the flaws this was a fine issue, but this mini-series isn’t really worth reading yet.
Secret Empire #5: It’s hard to not judge a book by its cover when the art is weird and disproportionate and the credits make me want to scream out in rage.  The story jumps around all over the place and at times can be hard to follow.  Black Widow is ‘captured’ while the Underground try to get more of the fragments, and the Mutants are doing some shady things behind the scenes.  The ending comes with an attack on the Underground and a dumb reveal about the strange shadowy place that keeps popping up in the story.  The art team is made up of a large group this time around making this comic a bizarre reading experience due to the style changing every three or so pages.  The series just gets worse and worse as it continues.  The art is falling apart, the story is too convoluted for its own good and finishing an issue makes me feel like I wasted a chuck of my life.  
Amazing Spider-Man 29: Another comic that feels like it should have been released in May.  The story begins prior to the events of Secret Empire with Peter Parker giving an interview about the recent events in his series.  This is followed by the attacks starting and Spider-Man facing off with the Superior Octopus.  The writing is strong as both Otto and Peter are written with wit and humor.  The art is also great and makes the fight very intense. It’s nice to see the first showdown between Otto and Peter after everything that has happened, but tying it into Secret Empire means that things will be dragging for a bit.  This is a good issue overall, but I’m concerned about the direction of the story.
Occupy Avengers 8: This is an odd side story and sadly not really worth reading.  The story follows Hawkeye’s team as they protect famers during the Hydra occupation. This leads them into coming up with a bigger plan to strike back.  The writing is pretty weak.  This book is filled with weak banter, terrible jokes, and some stereotypical dialogue.  None of the characters are memorable and the only saving grace of this story is that it shows a different side of this war.  The art is serviceable, but nothing special.  This is a skippable story, but it isn’t necessarily a terrible story, just weak.  
USAvengers 7: This is such a fun book and this story would work whether there was an event or not.  The battle against the mind controlled Red Hulk begins and things get out of hand really quick.  To explain anything beyond that would spoil the fun surprises in this issue.  The dialogue is great, the battles are fun, and the whole experience of reading USAvengers is a treat.  The art is also great, especially when it cuts to Squirrel Girl explaining part of the story with silly stylized drawings.  This is one of the rare books that makes me happy to be reading this event.
Doctor Strange 22: Thankfully this is better than the previous Strange issue, but it still drags on with terrible jokes and bad action movie dialogue. Doctor Strange and his crew team up with Kingpin to find some new magic McGuffins to break their way out of the darkforce dome.  It takes a long time to move forward and the ending is cliché.  The art is mostly good, but the facial expressions are terrible. It is possible this will be an important story in the course of this event, but it isn’t a fun read.  If thse tie in issues are any indication of how this series normally rolls then you would be best off avoiding this series and reading some of the previous, better, Doctor Strange comic book runs.
Captain America: Steve Rogers 18: This story fills in a bit more around the Atlantis timeline of events. setting the ‘Brave New World’ story prior to this and Secret Empire #4 right at the end of this issue.  The story is almost non-existent with Namor reflecting on his actions and Steve Rogers give a long winded, but empty speech at the UN.  The art is fine except for some of the faces and tensed muscle close ups that just look silly.  This is a good tie-in story due to actually adding to the main storyline and while it is a little bland it isn’t that bad of an issue.
Mighty Captain Marvel 6: The story continues with the team trying to find a way to communicate with people back on Earth.  The rest of the issue ties into the lack of morale and supplies that are slowly plaguing the Ultimates team.  The writing is great and it makes you feel for the team as they deal with this war of attrition.  Adding to that the great art and you have a wonderful book that I can’t wait to see  this series get past this event and tell unique stories.  This is well worth the read even if you have given up on Secret Empire as a whole.
Secret Empire Underground #1: This should be the last of the one-shots, though why each of these were not placed into a single series showing different sides of the war is anyone’s guess.  Like the previous reviews of the one-shot tie-in stories I don’t let the stupid numbering influence my review.  This is the full story of the Underground going to the Savage Land which is synopsized in the 5th issue os the main series.  The writing is good and the banter is fun as the team tries to get the cosmic cube shard from the rulers of the Savage land.  The art has a more cartoonish slant to it, which works for the mostly silly adventure.  This is a humorous side story that does flesh out part of the main series making this a great read for completionists.  
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy Annual 1: Wow, that was a whole bunch of pointless.  The story follows the Guardians as they team up with Yondu to find a weapon that can break the barrier around Earth, spoiler they don’t.  While the dialogue is enjoyable, but this isn’t all that entertaining of a story because you already know how it will end since this is a tie-in book and not part of the main saga.  It feels more like a side-story from the movies than a part of the Secret Empire event. The art is fine with a cartoony style, but the action is very static.  Overall, this is a waste of time whether you are reading the New Guardians or if you are reading Secret Empire.  
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gokinjeespot · 7 years
off the rack #1149
Monday, January 30, 2017
 It's the Chinese Year of the Rooster folks and there's a cock in the White House. We are living in interesting times indeed. I am trying my best not to get riled up by the d-bag but it's difficult. The empathy I feel for others means I cannot ignore the affect the changes have on everybody. I just hope we all get through these difficult times relatively unscathed.
 I'm going to have a fun Sunday on February 5. I'll be at the Walkley Arena for the Capital Trade Show where my partner Chris and I will be flogging old comic books. Then it's Super Bowl 51 with two gun slinging quarterbacks. I am cheering for a high scoring affair.
 Civil War II: The Oath #1 - Nick Spencer (writer) Rod Reis, Raffaele Ienco, Szymon Kudranski & Dono Sanchez-Almara (art) VC's Chris Eliopoulos (letters). Didn't see that coming. While it makes sense to appoint Captain America as the new Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. (again) the surprise is that I don't think it's Steve Rogers under the mask. I don't particularly like the new political landscape that the Marvel U is headed towards but it does make for some easy enemies for the good guys to fight with. Nick put in a lot of rah, rah patriotism in this book so it was a tough slog trying to get through it but the payoff at the end is worth it.
 Kamandi Challenge #1 - Part One: Dan Didio (writer) Keith Giffen (pencils) Scott Koblish (inks) Hi-Fi (colours) Clem Robins (letters) Part Two: Dan Abnett (writer) Dale Eaglesham (art) Hi-Fi (colours) Clem Robins (letters). He's the last boy on Earth and he's going on a wild adventure to find his parents. One of Jack Kirby's creations is getting a round robin of comic book creators to excite fans like never before. Each part of the story will be done by a different team that will end with a cliffhanger that the next team must find a way to resolve. I have a nagging feeling that this stunt has been done before but I can't remember when so I'm going to tag along to see who does what. I'm not a fan of Kamandi but I want to see who all are going to be involved on the creative side.
 Loose Ends #1 - Jason Latour (writer) Chris Brunner (art) Rico Renzi (colours). The cover says that this 4-issue mini is a southern crime romance. They got that right. We're looking at a trailer dwelling war vet whose friend gets him mixed up in running drugs. You can expect that the vet and the friend get into a heap of trouble and they do. I like how Sonny and Rej each wind up where they do at the end of this first issue so you bet I'm going to keep reading. Not much romance so far but I'm sure Jason will get to that.
 Star Wars #27 - Jason Aaron (writer) Salvador Larroca (art) Edgar Delgado (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Yay Yoda. Root for him I will.
 Batgirl #7 - Hope Larson (writer) Chris Wildgoose (art) Mat Lopes (colours) Deron Bennett (letters). Part 1 of "Son of Penguin" introduces Ethan Cobblepot and I don't care if there is no reference to him anywhere else in the DCU because he's going to be a great adversary for Barbara Gordon. I like how Chris draws her older than Rafael Albuquerque did. This is going to be fun.
 Briggs Land #6 - Brian Wood (writer) Mack Chater (art) Lee Loughridge & Jeremy Colwell (colours) Nate Piekos (letters). I really like Grace Briggs. The risks that she is taking will hopefully keep her people safe. Brian has crafted a story fit for cable TV.
 Totally Awesome Hulk #15 - Greg Pak (writer) Mahmud Asrar (art) Nolan Woodward (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Greg continues to feature heroes of the Asian persuasion in this story about Amadeus hanging out with Jake Oh, Kamala Khan, Cindy Moon, Shang-Chi, and Jimmy Woo. It does play on some stereotypes but I think it's okay because they're true for these guys.
 Odyssey of the Amazons #1 - Kevin Grevioux (writer) Ryan Benjamin (pencils) Richard Friend (inks) Tony Washington & Tony Avina (colours) Saida Temofonte (letters). This 6-issue mini has a lot of women but not a wonder one in sight. Kevin features Diana's sister Amazons in a tale worthy of Homer. If you like classic sword and sorcery, you'll like this.
 Dead Inside #2 - John Arcudi (writer) Tony Fejzula (art) Andre May (colours) Joe Sabino (letters). The plot thickens like congealed blood and murder suspects start to emerge. Linda has plenty to deal with inside the prison but she's surprised when she gets home after work by a sight I did not expect to see. This mystery is crazy good.
 Inhumans vs. X-Men #3 - Charles Soule & Jeff Lemire (writer) Javier Garron (art) Andres Mossa & Jay David Ramos (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). There are three more issue to this mini but it seems to me that Charles and Jeff have already come up with a solution to the Terrigen cloud that would end the war. The mutant Forge has built a machine that can collect the Terrigen gas and compress it into a solid in this issue. Wouldn't that solve the problem of the gas killing the mutants? Works for me.
 Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6 - Joshua Williamson (writer) Howard Porter (art) Alex Sinclair (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). All is well that ends well. Both teams join forces to defeat Eclipso and Max Lord is at the mercy of Amanda Waller. Batman sees the light and gathers another team together to fight evil forces. Get ready for a new Justice League of America #1 hitting the racks on February 22. DC is sure spreading Bats pretty thin these days.
 Skybourne #3 - Frank Cho (writer & artist) Marcio Menyz (colours) Ed Dukeshire (letters). The identity of the bad guy was a nice surprise. I like Frank's comic books because they're simple stories about good versus evil that are beautifully drawn.
 Hulk #2 - Mariko Tamaki (writer) Nico Leon & Dalibor Talajic (art) Matt Milla (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Waiting for Jennifer to Hulk out is one of the things I like about the new book. She has a lot more self control than I have. The scary thing about the eventuality of her losing control is that this new Hulk will be an uncontrollable creature of rage but we'll have to wait and see what happens. Until then I'm enjoying Jen's life so far.
 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #13 - Robert Venditti (writer) V Ken Marion (pencils) Paul Neary & Dexter Vines (inks) Alex Sollazzo (colours) Dave Sharpe (letters). Now that the planet Xudar has been saved, what now? It's time for a bedtime story that's what. This is a nice interlude issue before we launch into the next story. I've been enjoying this team book now that my loyalty to the Avengers has waned. We'll see if Robert can keep me hooked with his next adventure.
 Saga #42 - Brian K. Vaughn (writer) Fiona Staples (art) Fonografiks (letters). And fade to black. No, really. It's hiatus time again but this issue didn't leaving me screaming profanities about the long wait until the next issue hits the racks. There is a new character introduced who I will be very interested to find out more about.
 Doctor Strange #16 - Jason Aaron (writer) Chris Bachalo with Cory Smith (art) Al Vey, John Livesay, Victor Olazaba, &  Tim Townsend (inks) Antonio Fabela & Java Tartaglia with Chris Bachalo (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Dormammu is finally going to get his chance to kill Doctor Strange after he has been weakened by his fight with the Empirikul. Jason does find a neat way to save Stephen however. The next bit of nastiness involves someone close to the Doc. Oboy.
 Wonder Woman #15 - Greg Rucka (writer) Liam Sharp (art) Laura Martin (colours) Jodi Wynne (letters). Part 1 of "The Truth" finds Diana in a mental hospital. How she got there has yet to be explained but I'm sure I can handle it.
 Punisher #8 - Becky Cloonan (writer) Laura Braga with Iolanda Zanfardino (art) Frank Martin (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). That little old lady toting the double barrelled shotgun from last issue is named Ethel. She looks scary but she's not what you think. The change in art took some getting used to but it isn't bad enough to make me bench this book. I do have a couple of complaints though. If you're going to call a motorcycle a Harley, don't show what looks like a BMW logo on the gas tank. Also, draw the bad guy from the chest up when Frank says that he opened up his guts, not a full body shot that clearly shows an abdomen without any wounds at all. I don't know if the art had to be rushed after Steve Dillon passed away unexpectedly but that's just shoddy editing.
 Action Comics #972 - Dan Jurgens (writer) Stephen Segovia (pencils) Art Thibert (inks) Ulises Arreola (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). Trust Dan to come up with a non-violent way to stop Lex from being executed by the bad guys. It also served to show what possible futures are in store for this new Superman. DC has managed to revive my interest in this iconic character.
 Daredevil #16 - Charles Soule (writer) Goran Sudzuka (art) Matt Milla (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). We find out why Daredevil put out a hit on himself to lure out Bullseye. There's some soul searching this issue which leads into the next storyline. I liked how Charles sets it up.
 Detective Comics #949 - James Tynion IV & Marguerite Bennett (writers) Ben Oliver & Szymon Kudranski (art) Ben Oliver, Gabe Eltaeb & Hi-Fi (colours) Marilyn Patrizio (letters). The finale of "Batwoman Begins" is a very good prelude to Batwoman's solo book which hits the racks on February 15. It looks like James and Marguerite are going to have a Raymond Reddington and Agent Keen thing going on between Kate and her dad. That's got me interested.
 Infamous Iron Man #4 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Alex Maleev (art) Matt Hollingsworth (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Brian must have a thing for mother and son stories. He did it in International Iron Man where he introduced Tony's biological mother. Now he's showing us Victor's mom. I really do believe that Doom has reformed and I hope he stays a good guy.
 Spider-Man/Deadpool: Monsters Unleashed - Joshua Corin (writer) Tigh Walker (art) Rachelle Rosenberg (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). The boys save Toronto eh.
 Thanos #3 - Jeff Lemire (writer) Mike Deodato (art) Frank Martin (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). It's the Imperial Guard of the Shi'ar versus Thanos. A perfect opportunity to give a history lesson on the life of the Mad Titan.
 Spider-Woman #15 - Dennis Hopeless (writer) Veronica Fish (art) Rachelle Rosenberg (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). Jessica subdues the new Porcupine and finds out who put the hit out on her friend Roger. Now she's gunning for the Hobgoblin but he's protected by an army of super villains. I hope little Gerry doesn't become an orphan.
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buckyfan23 · 4 years
The Alternative
I look back at Tony and Pepper's daughter. Tiny snowflakes turn into a little crown on her head. "Juliet, how did you manage to bring back Natasha and know when and where to return the stones?"
"I pay attention to everything around me, Tony." I sit up in the bed which I know is definitely not mine. My body still aches from the recent events. I pick sweet little Morgan up and get off the bed.
I place her on my hip. "Looks like we're related, sweetie. Tony, where is Steve and Bucky?"
"I think Steve left for a life with Peggy in the forties. I don't know about Bucky." My eyes full of tears threaten to fall from the news.
I wish he would of let me say goodbye before he left. At least he can finally be truly happy. "Not to be rude or anything, but I would like to go find Bucky."
"We understand. Just promise to visit us, please."
*Of course. I will, Tony. I will be back on Friday.*
I really need to stop landing in people's laps. I look up to see a set of beautiful blue orbs looking right back. I wrap my arms around my snowflake, while I press my lips to his.
"I've missed you, Bucky. I heard Steve went back to have a life with Peggy."
"Now who in the world would tell you that?" My eyes follow into the direction of the familiar voice.
"Steve? Tony said you went back in time to live with Peggy. How are you here and not looking like someone who is hundred and five years old?"
"I wouldn't be able to be happy living with Peggy. Not since I met you at least. Before you all I could do was wishing I could be with her, especially after she had died."
"How in the world did I change that?"
"The way you care about everyone around you. How you do everything you can to help Bucky with his problems from his past with Hydra."
"How are you feeling, you know, since you passed out on the battle field?"
"I feel a whole lot better, but my body is still a little weak. I guess that is normal for someone who has been in a coma for about seven years." I can't help the smile on my face as I look between my two favorite people in the world.
"Why the hell were you in a coma?"
"Remember when we last talked before the whole Titan attack. When I told you that I was a vampire. When I ran off, I think, my body shut down. I like to think it was in preparation of the fight, Bucky."
"You're a what?"
"I forgot that you weren't here for that Steve. That is what happens when you are away on a mission," I shift my body off of Bucky. "So what have you two been up to since I've been playing Sleeping Beauty?"
"I got Chinese food!"
"Hey, Sammy. Got enough for one more?"
"If Steve and Bucky are willing to share with you then hell yeah," Sam brings me in for a hug.
"We haven't really been doing much while you were sleeping." Steve's happiness fills the room once his voice rings out.
"Honestly I didn't think you were ever going to wake up, little mini Hawkeye."
"Sorry to disappoint you, Sam. You guys can't get rid of me that easily." They nod in agreement. Sam watches me eat. "What's up with the staring, Samuel?"
"Seven years of being a sleeping princess sure hasn't been kind to you."
"Yeah, I know that I'm a bit under weight. I know Tony has been trying to 'force' food down my throat while I have been unconscious."
"Well, stick with me, and I will fatten you right back up."
Laughter fills the room from Sam's joke. We continue to eat everyone's designated dinner.
"I just realized something. If I have been in a coma for seven years, doesn't that make me twenty four now?"
"Wait, that means we missed your eighteenth and twenty first birthday. We are definitely going to have to make up for lost time, little vamp."
"I am going to assume you heard the conversation we just had."
"Not really. Bucky boy over there likes to ask questions. Then I kinda put two and two together."
"I'm going to go off a limb and say that you probably watched a lot of stereotypical vampire movies. Am I right, Bucky?"
"I made him watch just about every single movie and documentary that involves vampires."
"Did you force him to watch the Twilight saga? I personally didn't like them due to the large amount of stereotypes of vampires and werewolves. I mean, last time I checked I don't sparkle in the sunlight, and it doesn't burn me."
I also need sleep as much as the next person. I age like a regular person does as far as I know. I'm not ice cold to the touch either."
"And what about the werewolf stereotype?"
"Glad you asked, Sammy. There actually wasn't a lot of misguided stereotypes for the werewolves. My body temperature isn't overly hot. It also doesn't hurt when I change forms. Honestly I don't even notice any discomfort."
Friday rolls around faster than I know it. "Wanna tag along for my visit with the Starks?"
"I'm not too sure as to how Tony would feel about that, Doll. He still hates me for killing his parents."
"He can get over it, Bucky."
"I'm serious, Juliet."
"And so am I. He can't hate you forever for what the Winter Soldier had done. I guess, I will just go alone then. I will be back in a little bit."
"Have fun."
I teleport right outside the cabin. The door opens right before I could knock.
"Hi, Happy. Tony home?"
"In the back with Morgan. How did you know my name? And who are you?"
"Sorry, I forgot we never actually met. I'm Tony's cousin."
He lets me inside. Pepper greets me from the kitchen.
"Hi, Pepper. How has everyone been?"
"We"re all fine, Juliet. I'm sure you're looking for Tony."
As if on cue Tony and sweet little Morgan make their entrance.
"Aunt Julie!" Morgan hops out of Tony's arms and dashes over to me. She makes the cute little grabby hands.
The second she is in my arms, an alarm blares in my head. *Little vamp, we really could use your help right about now. It's urgent that you get here as soon as possible.*
"Gotta go. I'm being summoned." They wave as I teleport out and transport Morgan back into Tony's arm.
"What is wrong, Sammy?"
@mahalaraewolfe @lilulo-12
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tnaog-blog · 7 years
Network Update 8/17/17
Racism is Never Appropriate
All forms of racism are never appropriate. What happened in Charlottesville, Virginia last weekend is totally unacceptable. I appreciate the words of Bishop Charles E. Blake, Presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ, who said, “The violence, hatred and white supremacy on display in Charlottesville, Virginia, must be condemned by all people of faith and goodwill. The injuries and death suffered by those supporting an end to the commemoration of the Confederacy are deeply saddening. We also regret any harm to their opponents. Our hearts go out to all who were hurt and we call for an end to the violence.”
Take a fresh look at 1 Corinthians 13 and see the priority (verses 1-3), practice (verses 4-7), and permanence (verses 8-13) of love. Love is the greatest evidence that you are a Spirit-empowered person. The fruit of a Spirit-filled life is love that is manifested through joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).
Repent of racism, meanness, unkindness, rudeness, and any form of hatred toward any person. Walk in love to everyone and Christ-like character will be developed within your life and ministry!
Love and appreciate you much!
Terry G. Bailey
CPCD Exponential Transformation Offering
Tennessee Ministry Network Ministers,
For the last several weeks, we have been promoting a special Church Planting offering that will be taking place on September 17th. You do not want to miss out on this opportunity to invest in the future of the Tennessee Ministry Network. As we join together on September 17th for our Exponential Transformation Offering, we are saying, not only do we desire to reach our own Jerusalem and the far reaches of the world, but we are partnering together to reach our Judah's and Samaria's of Tennessee. This is an exciting time in our Ministry Networkhistory, so join with me as we GIVE TO A FUTURE THAT HAS NOT BEEN WRITTEN.
God Bless, Bruce Headley Tennessee Ministry Network Church Multiplication Director
Top 10 Finishers from TN
Congratulations to all those who finished in the top 10 in their category
Tabitha Acang Worship Leading, Solo - 1st Place First Assembly of God Milan
Fusion Worship Worship Team, Large - 5th Place First Assembly of God Milan
Kate Forkel Graphic Design - 4th Place T-shirt Design - 4th Place Canvas Community Church of the Assemblies of God Manchester
Fusion: Siempre Me Sigues Human Video Ensemble, Spanish - 2nd Place First Assembly of God Milan
OSC: Circus of Grand Delights Readers Theater - 7th Place First Assembly of God of Memphis Memphis
W A K Readers Readers Theater - 7th Place First Assembly of God Lafayette
Esther Green Mini Saga - 5th Place Poetry - 7th Place First Assembly of God Milan
Fusion: Voices 3.0 Choir - 4th Place First Assembly of God Milan
Hannah Hicks Vocal Solo, Spanish Female - 8th Place Turning Point Assembly of God Murfreesboro
View All Top 10 Results
How are you handling disappointments in your life?
There are many emotions, many experiences that everyone may not have experienced, but there are certain that everyone has experienced. And disappointments are one of those. If you are alive, if you are working, if you are leading, if you are part of an organization, disappointments are just part of life. You cannot escape disappointments. Here is how you should handle disappointments.
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10 Tough pieces of advice pastors have trouble receiving
Check out this article from Thom Rainer about some tough advice that pastors have trouble receiving.
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Intercessory Prayer
Joel Schuerman’s sister, Jean, unexpectedly passed away Tuesday evening.
Stephen Kimery's mother in law, Gail Poore is still in the hospital, please pray for her total healing.
Steve & Vada Allen, Bobby & Shirley Bowen, Gene & Heather Burgess, Virginia Chapman, Don Churchwell, Loni Dobbins, Lynn Drumwright, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Pastor Noble Gammon, Winnie Grimes, Julie Headley, Bud & Sue Hudspeth, Pastor Jerry & Roxie Jochem, Kathy Kelly, Wanda Kramer, Frank & Sue Livesay, Joy Middlebrook, Pixie Moore, Janett Ogg, Wesley Payne, Rob Ratze, Tony & Sheri Ray, Margaret Ridley, Rebecca Sample, Wayne Simmons, Shirley Smith, Mike & Linda Tullos, Doak Turner, Larry & Carol Vine, and Jimmy Williams.
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talkstarwars · 7 years
Talk Star Wars Toys | Volume 5 R2-D2
Before we talk about the little fella, let's have an A to Z (nearly) of collecting speak...  A.  AFA AFA stands for Action Figure Authority. It is a company which grades Star Wars action figures. ARTICULATION When collectors speak about the articulation of an action figure, they are referring to the joints in the figure. Sometimes referred to as poa. B.  BANDAI Bandai is currently the 4th biggest toy manufacturer in the world. The company is based in Japan and is known among Star Wars action figure collectors for their S.H. Figuarts action figure line and their Meisho Movie Realization Star Wars action figure line. BATTLE PACKS Battle Pack indicates a multipack of figures. C. CINEMA SCENE Cinema Scenes were 3-packs of figures sold during the Power Of The Force 2 series in the late 90's. COO COO stands for Country Of Origin. This abbreviation comes up often for vintage Star Wars figures, which refers to the country the figure was manufactured in. D. DIORAMA A diorama is a display of figures, which usually mimics a movie specific scene. DTF DTF stands for Discover The Force, which was a sub-line exclusive to Walmart stores in 2012. E. EVOLUTION SETS Evolution 3-packs were multipacks of figures which showed an "evolution" of the character from movie to movie. F. FREEZE FRAME Freeze Frame figures refers to Star Wars figures from the Power Of The Force 2 series from the 1990's, which were packed-in together with slides. G. GLASSINE Glasslite was a Brazilian toy company which produced and distributed vintage Star Wars toys for the Brazilian market. H. HASBRO Hasbro is the toy company which bought Kenner in 1992 and produces Star Wars action figures since 1995. K. KENNER Kenner is the name of the toy company which produced Star Wars action figures between 1977 - 1985. KIT-BASHED If a figure is Kit-Bashed it simply means it uses various body parts which have been used by Hasbro before on other action figures. L. LILY LEDY Lili Ledy was a company in Mexico in the 70s and 80s which produced and distributed Star Wars toys. Most vintage Star Wars figures produced by Lily Ledy are unique and look different to their Kenner counterparts, which makes them attractive to collect. M. MECCANO Meccano was the french licensee for Kenner toys during vintage times. MINI RIGS Mini Rigs were small vehicles released by Kenner during vintage times. These small vehicles never appeared in any of the original movies. MISB MISB stands for Mint In Sealed Box. MOC MOC stands for Mint On Card. N. NIB NIB stands for New In Box. O. OTC OTC stands for the Original Trilogy Collection, which was released at the end of 2004. P. POTF2 POTF2 stands for Power Of The Force 2, which was a Star Wars toy line from 1995 until 2000. The packaging of the toys stated Power Of The Force (without the "2" on it), but collectors refered to it as POTF2 (with the number 2) in order to not confuse the toys with the previous vintage Power Of The Force line from 1985. POTJ POTJ stands for Power Of The Jedi which was a Star Wars toy line from 2000 - 2002. PALITOY Leicester based toy company that bought the Star Wars licence from Kenner to make and distribute the toys.  PROTOTYPE This is a figure that has been made by toy companies to represent the final item. Many of these were kept by ex employees of the toy companies and fetch a pretty penny on the open market.  R. REPACK The term re-pack is used if a previously released figure has been re-released again without any changes to it. REPAINT A re-paint is an action figure which has been painted differently compared to its previous incarnation. REWORK A slightly re-worked action figure means that the figure has been tweaked compared to it's previous release. ROTS ROTS stands for Revenge Of The Sith, which refers to the Star Wars toy line from 2005. S. SHELF TALKER A shelf talker refers to advertising which decorates the shelf and promotes the products on it at the same time. You'll very likely come across this term in regards to vintage Star Wars collecting. SOTE SOTE stands for Shadows Of The Empire, which was a multi-media event in 1996. Hasbro released several action figures in their SOTE toy line. STEVE SANSWEET Steve Sansweet is the previous Lucasfilm ambassador for fan relations, he owns the officially largest Star Wars memorabilia collection in the world, which is housed in the United States at Rancho Obi-Wan in Petaluma, Cal. SWS SWS is an abbreviation for the Star Wars Saga toy line, which ran from 2002 - 2004. T. TAC TAC stands for The Anniversary Collection, which refers to the 30th Anniversary Collection toy line (2006 - 2008). TLC TLC stands for The Legacy Collection, which was the name of a toy line from 2008 - 2010. TOY LINES The term toy lines refers to a specific look and feel of the packaging. In most cases the toy line is given a name, such as The Vintage Collection for example. Typically a new packaging style is introduced every few years in order to promote current media. TRI-LOGO Tri-Logo is a term which was established during the original vintage Star Wars action figure line. Kenner released Star Wars figures overseas with different languages on the packaging. U. UNPUNCHED Unpunched stands for an unbroken tab on the top of the card. The tabs are usually removed when employees hang the figures onto the store pegs. "Unpunched" indicates that the figure came very likely straight from a case. V. VINTAGE Vintage refers to the vintage Star Wars toys which were released between 1978 and 1985. If you want to add to the glossary lets us know.
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This is the final figure to come in the Early Bird package and is one of my favourites. The early bird version is every so slightly different from the mass produced one, having a darker blue sticker on its body. Again making the whole early bird kit so expensive.
Although R2 came in other versions (periscope and pop up lightsaber plus a droids version) this is the one the one most fondly remembered, just a lovely figure with his clicky head. Very basic but very playable.
Unfortunately as we will talk about in future volumes the X-wing fighter, came with a built in R2D2 so you couldn't put your figure into Lukes Star fighter to go on daring missions.
One thing that was missing from this character was a third leg. One would presume it would of been far too expensive to manufacture a working middle leg but one with the extra appendage did surface in the Droid Factory were you could build any amount of different droids. 
This is and was the droid you were looking for. Shiny and bright blue, solid dome. No frills vintage figure, just how we like it.  10/10
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Update: Future plans for this blog
tbh, “plans” is a generous term to describe my ideas for this blog.
Anyways, hello. This blog has been on hiatus and only posts RRFF announcements every week.
Now I’m making an update post to talk about this blog and stuff.
First and foremost, I am no longer going to watch Rainbow Quest, which means it will be harder for me to create content for this blog
Ok, so I have been behind on Rainbow Quest every since the beginning of Season 2. The last episode I have seen was the Time Loop episode.
And well, now I’m probably seasons behind.
And usually, when I am so behind, I get extremely discouraged to catch up on the series and don’t bother trying to binge watch it.
(This is why I never watch any TV shows that friends recommend me if said TV show has 4+ seasons, lol)
While deciding not to watch RQ anymore takes stress away from me, it also cuts me off from any new canon material. This will make it pretty difficult for me to create fanart and posts about RQ if I no longer know what’s going on. Of course, I can always figure out the canon from just listening to whatever the fandom talks about, but summaries aren’t the same as actually watching the content so it probably won’t help me with creating RQ fan-content or discussion (imo).
Secondly, I’m still busy, so I don’t know when I’ll get back to daily posts anyways.
...Yeah. Real life has been busy.
But don’t worry, ISSQ’s still got you covered with daily posts. And I try to post once a week on my RRFF side-content book, Memory’s Meme Hour
Thirdly, because I’m running out of canon material to work on, I have no idea what I should post once I take this blog out of hiatus
If I stop watching RQ, then I’ll have to stop making reaction, theory, and discussion posts on my blog.
I know I can still work on Miteposts, Reality Steve experience Earth posts, and headcanons. And some random thoughts or skits I have about SS or RQ.
And since I spent a good portion of my freetime on RRFF, I might increase the number of posts related to RRFF or writing. But I’m unsure if anyone would be interested in that.
Here’s a list of potential post ideas or big projects I’d like to work on once I have more time:
Mite Steve AU (I’ve actually been working on it more during my hiatus and I’ve made a lot of progress with its main plot! Unfortunately, most of the content I’ve made for it will only be revealed when I start working on the actual fic (if I get to that point), but I might sprinkle in some non-spoilery content on this blog.)
RQ!Mite Steve AU (now, since I’m behind on RQ, I might have to end this AU or make it an extreme AU that doesn’t follow canon at all)
Blue Straggler AU: I’ve actually been planning to write a oneshot for this AU! It would be my first attempt at writing horror, so I will have to do a lot of planning and prepwork to figure out how to write a decent horror story. I plan to make this AU even more terrifying and depressing 8)
Reverse Rewrite AU: Ok, so behind-the-scenes, I’ve actually been working on a Rainbow Quest AU where I rewrite the Reverse Steve arc to address some of the issues I have with it! Originally, I was waiting to catch up with the series so I can expand this rewrite AU and see how the changes I made would impact the future seasons of RQ. However, now that I’m permanently behind on RQ, I’m now unsure if I should finish the Rewrite AU. Can I finish this AU when I barely know what’s going on in RQ anymore? Or would anyone be ok if I still post this AU, as long as I keep the rewrites limited to the Reverse Arc and not talk about anything after that?
Posts about random Steve Saga AUs I’ve created: basically these would be mini-AUs that I can quickly describe in one post, like my Good!Memory Steve AU. These AUs will be free-to-use for anyone who wants to use these ideas.
RQ Fanart/character designs: There’s a lot of fanart ideas I have for the first and second season of RQ that I haven’t drawn yet. (ex: the basic colored Steves, my designs of Rainbow, Galaxy, Time, Elemental, and Void). I may not be able to do anything beyond season 2, but I can still provide fanart of the first two seasons.
Alright, with all of my updates out of the way, I will be going back to radio silence on this blog until the next RRFF update.
So, for the time being, I’d really appreciate it if you reply to this post telling me which post types/listed future projects you would like to see me post more about if the blog returns from hiatus!
Thank you and take care!
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aion-rsa · 7 years
15 Comics To Look Forward To In 2017
With 2016 behind us, it’s time to look ahead into the future. In the world of entertainment there is a lot of excitement in store in movies and on TV. Marvel has a lineup of epic films in development and DC is starting to really hit its stride with the upcoming “Wonder Woman” and “Justice League” films. That being said, you might be glad to know that there’s even more excitement coming within the pages of your favorite comics and graphic novels.
RELATED: Marvel Comics: The 15 Biggest Moments Of 2016
What do you have to look forward to? Well, we can tell you that change seems to be a major theme for most superhero comics in 2017, while many graphic novels and new titles seem to be focusing on horror. To give you just an sample of what to expect, we’ve put together this list of 15 comics to look forward to in the New Year.
RELATED: DC Comics: The 15 Biggest Moments Of 2016
One of the most anticipated Marvel comic of 2017 revolves around an amalgam of a sardonic duck trained in quack-fu and an immortal anti-hero mercenary. That’s right, Deadpool the Duck is coming, but is he the duck with the mouth… or the merc with the bill? “Deadpool the Duck” has Wade encounter Howard on a mission for S.H.I.E.L.D; unfortunately (or very fortunately), Deadpool turns up in the wrong place at the wrong time, causing him and Howard to merge together and begin fighting for control.
Written by the talented Stuart Moore with artwork by Jacopo Camagni (who knows how to do Deadpool justice), “Deadpool the Duck” promises oddity and hilarity in equal measure. As strange as it might seem, the two have more in common than just a satirical or nonsensical nature. It’ll be fascinating to see what they bring out of each other if they don’t end up killing one another (no doubt because Deadpool started it) within the psyche of this mercenary mallard. “Deadpool the Duck” begins January 4th.
As with any Comic Book publisher, DC Comics has multiple universes that branch from different properties. “Injustice: Gods Among Us” was a successful fighting game in 2013 (with a sequel on the way), which saw Superman snap and take over the world after accidentally killing his wife and unborn child thanks to the Joker’s diabolical meddling. It created the basis of an award-winning fighting game and a series of critically-acclaimed comics revealing the years leading up to the events in the game and those that take place thereafter.
With the series finishing earlier this year, it’s time for fans to start building their collection. “Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Two” will be released in a complete collection on the 11th of January. Published by DC, and written by Tom Taylor with artwork by the likes of Mike S. Miller and Bruno Renaldo, the series will reveal how Superman strengthened his rule over the world and what happened when the mighty Green Lantern Corps attempted to take the tyrant down.
Before George RR Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire,” before JRR Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings,” there was the epic “Beowulf,” which has been told and retold for more than a thousand years. Now, writer Santiago Garcia has united with artist David Rubin to bring you a retelling of the tale unlike any other. For those who don’t know, Beowulf began as an epic poem, written in Old English, about a hero hailing from modern day Scandinavia, who arises to save the realm from vicious monsters of incredible strength and viciousness. Against all odds, he faces and defeats Grendel, a monstrous troll-like creature, followed by his monstrous mother and finally, a mighty fire-breathing dragon.
Like the epic poem, Image Comics’ graphic novel will be split into three parts for each monster Beowulf faces. Garcia has stated that the graphic novel’s story will remain faithful to the ancient tale about heroism, honor and warfare, while at the same time offering a more modern perspective. The title will be released on the 11th of January.
January 18th promises a monstrous amount of action, starting with Marvel’s “Monsters Unleashed” series, written by Cullen Bunn with artwork from Adam Kubert, Greg Land, Salvador Larroca, Steve McNiven and Leinil Yu. Much like “Beowulf,” this series will see Marvel’s mightiest heroes take on vicious monsters from across the 616 Universe. Characters that were once in the background will be brought to the forefront and monsters that were once forgotten will now play a huge role, according to Bunn.
Brunn has also said, “It’s a story about the heroes of the Marvel Universe [waking] up one morning and out of nowhere, giant Marvel monsters start descending on the Earth and attacking in force. The super heroes have to put aside their differences, they have to mobilize extremely quickly in order to combat the monsters that are suddenly appearing all over the world.” The story will lead to multiple spin-offs and change the new Marvel Universe in a big way, though the writers have obviously been quite secretive about specifics. They have said that “Monsters Unleashed” will bring “something new and exciting that we think will be a very valuable new player in the Marvel Universe.”
Marvel has some big plans for the X-Men, plans they’ve been teasing since Fall 2016, with their mysterious teaser banner stating only “An Ending. A Beginning.” It’s the end of the war between the Inhumans and the mutants who are fighting for survival after discovering that the Terrigen Mist that creates Inhumans and is engulfing the Earth is also toxic to mutants.
However, that enigmatic tease can mean a lot of things and few details have been released. What we do know is that Spring 2017 will see the release of several X-Men titles branching from the final part of the “Inhumans vs X-Men” story arc. “ResurreXion,” from which “X-Men Gold,” and “X-Men Blue” will stem, will hopefully be a return to form for the X-Men, as well as the Inhumans, with more details being released about upcoming tie-in titles like “Iceman,” “Jean Grey,” “Cable,” “Weapon X” and “Generation X.” That all begins when “Inhumans vs X-Men” #3 is released on the 25th of January.
Darth Maul is one fan favorite that people have been curious about since the reshaping of the “Star Wars” universe. His comics-based stories preceding “The Phantom Menace” film were made non-canon, for the most part, so the upcoming comic could re-shape him for the new “Star Wars” universe. The upcoming mini-series, written by Cullen Bunn with artwork by Luke Ross, will explore Darth Maul’s past and his fall to the dark side, as well as his temptation away from it.
Bunn has said that the series would help bridge the two depictions of the character — “the warrior seen in ‘The Phantom Menace’ and the cunning strategist of ‘Star Wars: The Clone Wars’ and ‘Star Wars: Rebels.'” The mini-series will also include appearances by Darth Sidious and show us just what he’s like as a teacher. Of course, you can probably guess he’s not a very good one… at least ethically speaking! For those eager to see Darth Maul in a new light, you can look forward to “Darth Maul” #1 on February 1st.
Beginning in 2007, with the novel, “Baltimore, or, The Steadfast Tin Soldier and the Vampire,” the story of Lord Baltimore has been filled in and expanded through Dark Horse’s comic series, “Baltimore,” written by Mike Mignola, creator of Hellboy. Lord Baltimore was once a soldier whose family had been destroyed by a vampire, Haigus, whom Baltimore hunted down and killed only to find that his vengeance was still incomplete. The upcoming “Baltimore: The Red Kingdom” will see Lord Baltimore missing, while a great evil in the form of The Red King takes over the world.
The miniseries will be written by Mignola and Christopher Golden and illustrated by Peter Bergting. It’s the final series of the epic 41-issue-long vampire saga, and teases the climactic and fittingly horrific ending to it all, with Baltimore seemingly absent for the moment when real vengeance for his family, killed by a monstrous vampire, could finally be realized. This conclusion, beginning with “Baltimore: The Red Kingdom” #1, will be released on the 1st of February.
Kate Kane has become quite a popular character as the undaunted Batwoman in “Detective Comics,” which is why she’ll once again be receiving her own comic series this year, beginning with “Batwoman: Rebirth,” which will help fit her into DC’s post-New 52 universe. Fans of the character will be glad to know that she’ll finally be getting the attention she deserves.
The one-shot comic, written by Marguerite Bennett and James Tynion, illustrated by Steve Epting and Ben Oliver, will explore Batwoman’s origins and her future as she attempts to take down the syndicate spreading a new bio-weapon called Monster Venom. It’s a storyline following the events of the current “Detective Comics” story arc, in which Batwoman is tasked with leading a new group to defend Gotham City, a group consisting of Clayface (Basil Karlo), Orphan (Cassandra Cain), Red Robin (Tim Drake) and Spoiler (Stephanie Brown). The one-shot will be released on the 15th of February, followed by Batwoman’s own comic series in March.
On February 22nd from Image Comics comes a new series about Andromache of Scythia and her brave comrades, all of whom are bound by immortality and try to find their way through the 21st century. Written by Eisner Award-winning writer, Greg Rucka and illustrated by renowned artist Leandro Fernandez, “The Old Guard” will explore morality and mortality. Rucka has said, “Our main character is tired. She’s been around a really long time and it is long since passed the novelty phase.”
The protagonist, Andromache (or Andy) will narrate throughout the series and refer to her past often. It’ll explore the relationships between each character, affected by the turmoil and views of their respective ages. Two of the characters, for example, come from the First Crusade — an Italian knight and one of the Moors. Rucka has said “they keep killing each other, and then they wake up again, which resulted in them going, ‘this is pointless.'” The series looks as though it will portray immortals with a bit more realism than many films, books and comics have done in the past, which is an exciting prospect, indeed!
After his end in “Hellboy in Hell” #10, our favorite paranormal investigator, Hellboy, is set to return on March 8th in Dark Horse’s “Hellboy and the B.P.R.D 1954— Ghost Moon” #1, this time hunting ancient Chinese demons in Hong Kong’s infamous Kowloon Walled City. Mike Mignola returns to write, though he unfortunately will not be involved in the artwork. On the other hand, Brian Churilla and Dave Stewart will be illustrating the story, which is enough to turn our frown upside-down!
The writers and artists researched heavily into the period in which the story is set, with a focus on the British spy network in the Far East at the time. Brian Churilla has previously worked with Marvel Comics, writing and illustrating “The Secret History of D.B. Cooper,” which features adventures comparable to those of Hellboy’s, though perhaps on a lesser scale. That being said, his artwork is sure to bring new life to the character, as well as the historical setting in which he finds himself. And as far as we’re concerned, any new Hellboy is a good thing!
Neil Gaiman’s award-winning novel, “American Gods,” has quite a year up ahead. In April, we’ll see it adapted to television on Starz starring Ricky Whittle as Shadow Moon and Ian McShane as Mr. Wednesday. But first, on March 15th, you’ll see it adapted to comics with “American Gods: Shadow” #1, written by P. Craig Russel and of course, Neil Gaiman himself, with artwork by Scott Hampton, who’s brought life to titles like 1992’s “Batman: Night Cries,” as well as DC’s “Sandman” series (also by Gaiman).
“American Gods: Shadow” follows the titular Shadow, who has just been released from prison to find his wife dead. Alone and that much emptier, he takes a job as a bodyguard for the mysterious Mr. Wednesday, a conman who seems to know far too much about Shadow. Before he knows it, Shadow is cast into a world of dying Old Gods and the younger, more powerful New Gods. Lovers of literature and comics (or anything Sci-Fi or fantasy-related) are sure to enjoy this one.
This seems to be a great year for Deadpool fans. After you’re finished with “Deadpool the Duck” you can get your copy of Deadpool’s first ever original graphic novel, “Deadpool: Bad Blood,” written by Chris Sims, Chad Bowers and Rob Liefeld, who also does the illustration. It is set for release on March 28th. The graphic novel follows Deadpool as he tries to figure out where and how he came to make an enemy in Thumper, who keeps beating the hell out of Wade. That’s just about all Liefeld and company are willing to reveal about the character.
The writers are being very secretive about this one, not even revealing what Cable and Domino’s role will be in the story, other than the fact that they have one. If you have any doubts, remember that it’s Rob Liefeld, creator of the character (alongside Fabian Nicieza), and this is a story he’s wanted to tell for 20 years. You can rest assured that whatever story takes place in “Deadpool: Bad Blood,” it’ll be a great one… or at least something that will get people talking.
Superman and Batman are nothing short of legendary in the DC universe, so you could probably imagine that any kids either of them had would be under a lot of pressure. That’s exactly what the “Superman and Batman: Saga of the Super Sons” comic of the ’70s was about, Clark Kent Jr. and Bruce Wayne Jr. trying to make their fathers proud, that’s what strengthens their bond, so much so that they’re pretty much like brothers. Over the years, however, the DC universe has shifted and changed, and Superman and Batman both have new sons in the mainstream DC universe.
“Super-Sons” #1, written by Peter Tomasi, with artwork by Jorge Jimenez, will be released in April and follow Damien Wayne as a 13-year-old Robin and Jonathan Kent as a 10-year-old Superboy. They’re set to fight alongside each other as well as against each other, though probably not as dramatically as that sounds. Aside from the clear artistic and dramatic differences, “Super Sons” is part of the “DC: Rebirth” relaunch and will help reset the DC universe with elements from the New 52. Unlike their predecessors, these guys are being set up to last and it’s something we don’t want to miss.
Free Comic Book Day, first held in 2002, was first held because of the attention given to comic-based films. Now, we have a film-based comic to look forward to this May, when “James Cameron’s Avatar” by Dark Horse Comics is set to be released. It’s been 7 years since the film’s release. David Cameron has promised an expansion to his world through sequels, but these films seem to have been hindered by the inner workings of Hollywood, so there’s plenty of reason to get excited about this comic. The story, written by Sherri Smith and illustrated by Doug Wheatley, will expand on the characters and settings introduced years ago through Jake Sulley, and will take place during and after the events of the film.
This is just the beginning of a 10-year partnership deal, which means there’s a lot more up ahead. The world of James Cameron’s “Avatar” film is beautiful and rich, and any expansion of that world, in any form, is something to look forward to while we wait for the highly-anticipated sequels.
For fans of John Byrne’s work, you can look forward to the first ever collection of his 1994-1995 “Wonder Woman” comics. The collection contains issues #101-113, wherein Wonder Woman faces the likes of Doomsday and Sinestro, who seem to have returned from the dead. Book one follows her as she tries to figure out how and why they’ve returned while trying to survive. You’ll see her overcome the greatest foes even when the odds are stacked against her. Arguably the best part of the series was seeing Wonder Woman face the ever-evolving Doomsday, who seems to grow more monstrous with every step, forcing Diana to push past her limits, and even then… it may not be enough.
The legendary John Byrne, who has worked on “X-Men,” “Fantastic Four” and “Superman,” focused on Wonder Woman as a superhero and eventually brought Diana to divinity, exploring other characters such as Hippolyta by giving her the title of Wonder Woman while Diana was busy being the goddess of truth. As contentious as it was, his run built on the character a lot, even when it focused on other characters donning the tiara, showing us more about what distinguished Diana as Wonder Woman. Look out for it on the 30th of May.
What other comics and collections are you looking forward to in 2017? Let us know in the comments! 
The post 15 Comics To Look Forward To In 2017 appeared first on CBR.com.
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